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Submitted by: Payangdo, Jerabell C.

Submitted to: Ma'am Bantic, Caresse Danae M.

Date: 10-07-21

A lovable mother named Dee dee and a daughter who loves his mother named Gypsy they are living together at one house.
An image of a happy family even Gypsy has a cancer and other sickness cause that she cannot walk. They are fighting in the
crisis of their family the reason many people touch on their story so they like to help Gypsy in fighting in cancer. They give a
financial support for treatment of Gypsy after he survives in cancer she need to under medication for follow checkup. Help
are unstoppable entering in life of Dee dee and Gypsy they are financially stable, they have a own house, they have a car and
free transportation for the treatment of Gypsy to other place. In the posted picture and video they are so happy; there is no
doubt action that they are doing especially Dee dee. When Gypsy is getting grow she begin to curious of everything, she want
to do things that other people doing like having a love life. Gypsy had a best friend who she get in touch for advice and
comfort, Gypsy had a perfect mother that really love her but why she felt alone base in the movie. Gypsy is a kind of cancer
survivor who is very strong, happy and seems in her face that she had no sick.

Their life goes good it seem they don't have a problem and Gypsy go treatment her treatment is also unstoppable but people
believe in them and they keep sending help. But in that pure love we saw there is a big secret and that touchable family story
there is devil desire. Time comes tragedy come inside the house of this family. One post of Gypsy is so crappy catch the
attention of their neighbor house, neighbor thought Gypsy's account was hack but no. They get inside the house but no people
around, in the next day they found Dee dee death body in the bed and Gypsy is no long to be found. Investigation goes on and
they want to find Gypsy by the crappy post give led where Gypsy is located. They found her at the house of her boyfriend
Nick. They interrogate the two couple wherein they found out they are the suspect of the death of Dee dee the mother of
Gypsy. That is the time they found out also that Gypsy is walking and she is not disable.

Many question in mind of the peolpe about why Gypsy killed her mother and why she can walk, people get suspicious on
the help they give. They more investigate in the case of Gypsy that they found out that she had no cancer and other sickness
they found out that Dee dee using her daughter to get financially support to the people she is abusing her daughter for too
long. Gypsy and with her boyfriend are at the jail suffering their sentence.


A mother abuses her daughter by using it to get financial support to other. She pretend to have a serious sickness by uses
the body of her daughter she giving any kind of medicines to take and seems she destroying it. It looks like she sale the body
of her daughter in exchange of money. The peoples who help them are victim also they were scammed by Dee dee. The
people thought they are helping but their help are not use wise to the people really need a help but to a scammer.
Why abuse was transpired is because of a desire of flesh, because they want easy money, they want to survive by not
working much. Other reason why abuse was transpired is other people abuse other even they are blood related is they don’t
care if they destroy other just for them is satisfy their want.

In the case of Gypsy is she kills her mother because she can’t long what her mother doing to her. She was suffocated of
being control because she shared to her friend that her mother doesn’t want to allow to have social media account so she keep
it secret having one. She is no longer to stay it, she want to do things and be free so she can’t hold on so she killed her mother
who disagree of what she want it. She kill her mother because that is she know ways to be free, I cannot blame Gypsy for
killing her mother but the way to set her life be free is not good for me. Killing your own mother just to be with your lover is
a big sin to God. God use your parents to be born in this world but if your parents the one to ruin your life ask help. I believe
Gypsy know that she can walk but I think her mother control her and I believe that she know there is something not good that
her mother doing. Then if she know then it is better for her to ask help through her friend because they have a contact. But
because Gypsy is kid she doesn’t know what is wrong or right.

I feel disappointed because in the first they are happy family you see a lovable mother to her disable daughter. She taker
care she takes in a happy place, people helping them and they will not get problem when it comes to financial they are so
blessed but in the back of an angel face there is devil. I can’t believe that Gypsy can kill or let her boyfriend to kill her own
mother but I believe she did that so be free and to stop what her mother doing.

In the movie I define myself in time of my adolescence I don’t obey my parents to do what I want, to be set free that there
is no one controlling me. It will compare what Gypsy did to her mother for her to do what she want and be free she kill her
mother. In my story I don’t have kind set of mind like that I was afraid to loss my parents until get older I realize does
mistaken to be correct I following the bright future for my parents be happy.

Dee dee is wrong she ruining the life of her own daughter she might think she is doing great things for the good future of
her daughter. It seems money cover her eye to do that insane thing better than working hard to give, to fulfill the needs of her
family. Gypsy kills her mother because she wants to be set free and be with her boyfriend. We people want freedom to do
things but for good and fruitful doings to contribute well in your community and family. She set her life free to her mother in
a wrong way but she removes her freedom to be with the community. All our act contribute good or bad for you not to get
wrong pastor say ask the guidance of God and let him the one to make a decision for you. His decision is good, pleasing and
perfect because he knows and he controls everything.

Gypsy and her boyfriend was accuse for killing the mother of Gypsy they are guilty as confession of Nick in interrogation
they are send to prison case of murder sentence 20 years of imprisonment. Gypsy don’t have a cancer and she can walk it
seems her mother use her to scam people.

To prevent this kind of abuse as one of this generation I will not allow that to happen in my family I will change this
generation, I will be the root. For me I will sit down and pray to God for the healing and protection of my land in this kind of
sinful act because God is a God who can hear and see what is happening and control things.

This world really needs God the reason why this abuse happen is because people allow evil to work in them. If people know
God and his law then they will be shame to do sin things. As a Believer to prevent this abuses and crimes need to share the
words of God for them to know because even you will say to the people don’t do that but if they don’t have fear to anything
even there is a law existing then they will do it.

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