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Kelompok 2

1. Arya Dinata 2021111018

2. Surya Pratama R.S 2021111024
3. Rovika Ristiana 2021111026
4. Desi Pitriani 2021111029
5. Poppi Pebrina 2021111033

Dosen Pengampuh:
Etty Pratiwi, M.Pd


TAHUN 2021/2022

A. Definition of Previewing

Previewing is a speed reading activity. This activity allows the

reader to put the text in context. This activity also helps to assess the level
of difficulty of a reading text, and how deep the background knowledge is
on the topic being discussed. So, this is the analogy. If you are about to
start a journey, and you already have a map then you can plan your trip.
You will also have an idea of what you will encounter during the trip.
Such is the benefit of previewing. Because you skim first, it will
make it easier for you when doing reading activities. Previewing also gives
you the experience that you can extract the essence of information from a
reading text without having to read it word for word. This previewing
activity also provides the ability to become one of the basic capitals to
increase the level of reading speed and also to be further used in
When you gather information about a book by examining it's
cover, you are previewing. The aim of previewing is to help you to predict
or make some "educated guesess" about what's in the books. That is what
you do when you preview.
Now, let's try to do previewing with read the following passage.

Example 1:
“The first time you try it, ask someone to help you. You may fall if no one
holds you up. It is a good idea to start on the sidewalk. The street may be
dangerous. After you start, do not stop. Try to go faster. That will help you
to stay up. Remember, even little children can do this. And once you learn
how, you will never forget.”

What is the passage about?

Can you answer?
If not, let’s take a look at the following this picture.

Can you guess?

If you answer is learning to ride a bicycle, then you are right.

Picture help you understand. Before you read, always look at the
pictures (if there are any). You can learn a lot about a passage if you head
just a few imfortant sentences. This is the reason for previewing.

Steps to consider when previewing:

1. Read the title,

2. See pictures if any,
3. Read a few sentences in the first paragraph,
4. Read the first sentence of another sentence,
5. Read the last sentence of the last paragraph,
6. Pay attention to the names, dates and numbers.
Example 2:
A Busy Student
Tomiko is happy to be a student in New York. She is studying English at
Columbia University. She plans to finish her English course in June. Then
she will work on his master’s degree in at New York University.
Tomiko likes many beautiful buildings in New York. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
She also likes the people in New York.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Best of all, Tomiko loves the theaters in New York. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.Tomiko is far from her home in
Japan. But she is very busy and happy in New York.

Now try to answer the following questions without looking back at

the text you just read?

1. This passage is about ….

a) an American student in New York
b) a Japanese student in New York
c) a Japanese student in Japan
d) a Japanese man studying in New York
2. Tomiko is ….
a) Unhappy
b) lonely
c) happy
d) not busy
3. She goes to play in ….
a) large theaters
b) small theaters
c) New York
d) all of the above
4. Tomiko has ……………………..
a) few interest
b) few friends
c) many interests
d) nothing to do

Well, Now Read the Complete Reading Text!

Tomiko is happy to be a student in New York. She is studying English at
Columbia University. She plans to finish her English course in June. Then she
will work on his master’s degree in at New York University.
Tomiko likes many beautiful buildings in New York. In fact, she plans to
become an architect. Then she can build great buildings too.
She also likes the people in New York. There are many different kinds of people.
They speak many languages. Tomiko has made new friends from other countries.
Best of all, Tomiko loves the theaters in New York. She goes to plays
almost every week. Some times the place are in the theaters on Broadway.
Sometimes, the place are in small theaters in other parts of the city.
Tomiko is far from her home in Japan. But she is not sad. She goes to
classes every day. She visits her friends. She goes to see new places. And she
attends many plays. She is very busy and happy in New York.

How many questions did you answer correctly even though you didn't read
the whole thing? You can know a lot about a text even if you only read a few
important sentences in the text.
B. Definition of Predicting

Predicting is a reading skill in which the reader has awareness and

vigilance of the thought process that occurs when we draw an "inference".
Some of the learning activities here will show how to find indications of
evidence for the inferences made. When you make a prediction, you are
predicting what will occur. You will be a good reader, if you make
As you read, guess what will happen next. When you read a story,
it doesn’t hurt you also guess what will happen next. You will
psychologically anticipate by making predictions. You can using
ilustrations or pictures to help make predictions.

Use pictures to make predictions. You will be faced with several

pictures, and several story titles. And you have to predict which title will
follow the following pictures.

1. 2.

Now try to predict what is the right title to describe what is in the

1. Woman in Science
2. The Violin in Symphonhy Orchestra

Predicting can be done by looking at non-verbal markers, such as

pictures, graphs, etc. However, the use of verbal discourse markers can
also be used to make predictions on a text

The purposes of previewing and Predicting include:

1. To get some ideas on what to read,

2. To get information faster,
3. Follow the author's ideas well.
References :

Rukmini, Nini. "Improving Reading Comprehension Of The Grade Eight Students

By Applying Previewing And Predicting Technique." e-Journal of ELTS
(English Language Teaching Society) 2.4.

Riyanto, Agus. "Previewing and Predicting."



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