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The first edition of Frostgrave had an amazing five-year run which included the
release of eight supplements. One of the goals in creating this second edition was
to ensure that those supplements remained useful. To that end, I have summarized
all the supplements below, noting any major effects that this new edition has
upon them. I have not attempted to be exhaustive, and players will likely find
small references here and there that don’t quite match the new edition. In most
cases these can simply be ignored, though a few might require some minor
There are two main areas where the new rules affect the older supplements.
The first is treasure. In the original version of the game, three treasure tokens
were placed on the table per player, instead of the one central treasure and the
two treasure tokens per player. In scenarios where the exact placement of
treasure is given, just place them as directed and play without a central treasure.
For scenarios where no specific placement is identified, go ahead and use the
new rules.
The other core issue that must be addressed is that the original rules did not
have the division of soldiers into standard and specialist. As the supplements
include several new soldier options, these soldiers need to be categorised. The
table on page 199 lists all the soldier types found in the supplements (plus a
couple of creatures that can, under the right circumstances, also become
permanent members of warbands), identifies the book in which they are found,
and notes whether they are standard or specialist.

Supplemental Soldier Table
Soldier Book Standard or Specialist
Assassin Forgotten Pacts Standard
Bard Thaw of the Lich Lord Standard
Captain The Frostgrave Folio Specialist
Collegium Porter The Maze of Malcor Specialist
Crow Master Thaw of the Lich Lord Standard
Demon Hunter Forgotten Pacts Specialist
Demonic Servant Forgotten Pacts Standard
Javelineer Thaw of the Lich Lord Standard
Monk Forgotten Pacts Specialist
Mystic Warrior Forgotten Pacts Specialist
Pack Mule Thaw of the Lich Lord Standard
Rangifer Thaw of the Lich Lord Standard
Trap Expert Into the Breeding Pits Standard
Tunnel Fighter Into the Breeding Pits Standard
Werewolf Rulebook Specialist

Finally, there are a couple of amendments to magic items. One or two magic
items found in the supplements no longer have a relevance, due to changes to
the rules or to how specific spells work. If a player finds one of these items, they
may either re-roll to generate a different treasure or keep it to sell! Speaking of
selling magic items, in instances where an item isn’t given a specific sale price,
calculate it as 40% of the purchase price.

Below are summaries of the contents of each supplement, along with notes on
what changes, if any, are required to adapt those contents for use with the second
edition rules. The supplements are listed in order of release although, as each
stands alone, there is absolutely no reason to play through them in any order
other than what the players find appealing or interesting!

T haw of the Lich Lord

The original Frostgrave mega-campaign. This book includes ten scenarios that tell
the story of the rise of an ancient evil and its attempts to conquer the Frozen
City. The wizards may be trying to stop it or just trying to grab what they can
amidst the chaos. Either way, they are going to have a hard fight on their hands.
The book also contains four new soldiers, three new spells, and a host of new
treasures and monsters.

No major changes are necessary.

Into the Breeding Pits

This supplement takes the action of Frostgrave underground, giving rules for
dungeon crawling, traps, and secret passages. It also includes rules for Beastcrafters
– a type of wizard that specializes in manipulating animals. Finally, it contains
five new scenarios, two new soldiers, and lots of new treasures and monsters,
including the first appearance of the gnolls.

Ignore the ‘rules clarification’ listed under the Tunnel Fighter as it is no longer

Forgotten Pacts
This book focuses on demons and includes a host of rules for making them
unique and more powerful. It also includes expanded rules for summoning
demons and making pacts with demonic entities. The supplement also contains
a couple of new spells, five new soldiers, eight new scenarios (broken up into
mini-campaigns), more treasure, and more monsters.

Note that the spell ‘Control Demon’ was called ‘Bind Demon’ in the first edition
rules, and the two terms should be considered interchangeable.
There is also a small mistake in that grimoires for the two new spells introduced
in this book were not included on the treasure list. A player can either start with
these spells or purchase the grimoires in the normal fashion.

T he Frostgrave Folio
This is the supplement that most players suggest picking up first, if you are
looking to add more to your games of Frostgrave. It is actually a collection of five
mini-supplements that were originally released digitally. Notably, this volume
includes rules for captains – soldiers that gain experience and can learn new
‘tricks of the trade’. It also includes a three-scenario campaign design to be
played solo or co-operatively, which is great for introducing new players to the
game. There are lots of other fun bits and pieces in it as well, such as new base

The rules for potions presented here have been folded into the main rules.

Ulterior Motives
This supplement is actually a deck of oversized cards. Before a game, each player
draws a card to identify a special mission or side-quest that they are attempting
to accomplish during the game. Many of these are kept secret from your
opponent and only revealed at the moment that you are about to claim your

Ignore the rules for placing treasure tokens given in the box and use the ones
found in this rulebook instead.

T he Maze of Malcor
This book details the five lost schools of magic known as the Pentangle. These
schools aren’t designed to be used by players to create new wizards, but the 30
new spells they offer provide loads of options for scrolls. The book also includes
a twelve-scenario campaign set in the ruins of a great collegium of magic. It is
probably the toughest and most dangerous of all the campaigns and better-suited
to higher-level wizards.

Except for the rules for creating experienced wizards, which can still be used,
the rules updates have been folded into the main rules.

T he Wizards’ Conclave
This supplement contains fifteen varied scenarios, including mini-campaigns,
cooperative missions, solo games, etc. What makes it special is that each scenario
is written by a different person, including some of the biggest names in the
wargaming world!

Some of the scenarios might need a little tweaking, but nothing major.

Perilous Dark
This book focuses on playing Frostgrave either solo or cooperatively, offering
advice on and new rules for constructing your own scenarios and campaigns. It
also includes a ten-scenario solo or cooperative campaign to get you started.

No major changes are necessary.


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