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[G.R. No. 48754. November 26, 1941.

EMILIO V. REYES, Protestant-Appellant, v. APOLONIO R. DIAZ, Protestee-Appellee.

Doctrine: Jurisdiction over the issue is conferred or determined by the pleadings of the parties.


Both parties agree that if the due filing of the protestant's certificate of candidacy is proven,... the trial court
has jurisdiction, but that if such fact is not proven the trial court has no jurisdiction except to dismiss the
case. There is, therefore, no question between the parties as to what the jurisdiction of the trial court is
according to law in either case. The real... question between them is one of fact whether or not the
protestant's certificate of candidacy has been duly filed. And not until this fact is proved can the question of
jurisdiction be determined. Neither is the second question one of jurisdiction within the purview of the
legal... provisions above quoted. Whether certain ballots are or are not pertinent to the issue raised in the
pleadings, is merely a question of relevancy of evidence. It may be true that the court by an erroneous ruling
on such question may encroach upon issues completely foreign to... those defined in the pleadings, but in
such case the question of jurisdiction that may arise would not be one of jurisdiction over the subject-matter
but of jurisdiction over the issue. In order that a court may validly try and decide a case, it must have
jurisdiction over the... subject-matter and jurisdiction over the persons of the parties. (Banco Espafiol Filipino
vs. Palanca, 37 Phil. 921; Perkins vs. Dizon, 40 Off. Gaz. No. 7, 3d Sup. p. 216.) But in some instances it is said
that the court should also have jurisdiction... over the issue (15 C. J. 734; Hutts vs. Martin, 134 Ind. 587, 33
N.E. 676), meaning thereby that the issue being tried and decided by the court be within the issues raised in
the pleadings.


Whether or not the trial court has authority to pass upon the validity of the ballots adjudicated to the
protestant which have not been challenged by the protestee in his counter-protest.


Jurisdiction over the subject-matter is the power to hear and determine cases of the general class to which
the proceedings in question belong and is conferred by the sovereign authority which organizes the court and
defines its powers. But this kind of jurisdiction should be distinguished from jurisdiction over the subject-
matter, the latter being conferred by law and the former by the pleadings.

Jurisdiction over the issue, unlike jurisdiction over the subject-matter, may be conferred by consent either
express or implied of the parties.

Although an issue is not duly pleaded it may validly be tried and decided if no timely objection is made
thereto by the parties. This cannot be done when jurisdiction over the subject-matter is involved. In truth,
jurisdiction over the issue is an expression of a principle that is involved in jurisdiction over the persons of the
parties. Where, for instance, an issue is not duly pleaded in the complaint, the defendant cannot be said to
have been served with process as to that issue.

At any rate, whether or not the court has jurisdiction over a specific issue is a question that requires nothing
except an examination of the pleadings, and this function is without such importance as to call for the
intervention of this Court.

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