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Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank before the number.
____1. The amount needed to the price cost.
A. Purchase cost B. mark-up C. total cost D. selling price
____2. What price at which a product or service is sold?
A. Total cost B. purchase cost C. mark-up D. selling price
____3. This is the total cost of food production.
A. Production cost B. total cost C. purchase cost D. selling price
____4. What should be done to your hair while cooking?
A. Tie B. cut C. shave D. shampoo
____5. PPE means:
A. Personal Protective Equipment C. Post Protective Equipment
B. Personal Privacy Equipment D. Private Protective Equipment
____6. This is to be used in tasting food.
A. Ladle B. spading fork C. fork D. spoon
____7. Which of the following is the formula for completing the peso mark –up?
A. Peso mark-up ÷ selling price C. peso mark -up – selling price
B. Peso mark-up x selling price D. purchase price ÷ selling price
____8. What will be the formula in computing for the percentage of mark-up?
A. Peso mark-up ÷ selling price x 100 C. selling price X 100
B. Selling price ÷ peso mark- up x 100 D. peso mark-up
____9. Which of the following is NOT an importance of health and safety procedure?
A. Provide possible changes in the workplace C. Reduce workplace stress
B. Use mechanical assistance D. Uses of tools appropriately
___10. All 0f the following are common kitchen sanitation practices EXCEPT;
A. Using spoon in tasting food C. washing of hands thoroughly
B. Washing the kitchen tools properly D. Removing waste from the trash bin weekly
___11.The Grade 7 Class prepared Suman with the following expenses: 1 kilo malagkit – P 80.00, coconut – 30.00. They
produced 50 pcs. of Suman, if they will sell these, how much is the price of one piece of Suman?
A. 2.00 B. 2:50 C. 2.75 D. 3:00
___12. The selling price of one ballpen is 10.00 and cost or purchase price is 8:00. What will be the percentage of mark-up based
on the cost price?
A. 15% B. 20% C. 25% D. 30%
___13. Enrique is a waiter in a restaurant. One of his co-worker has a cold. What must he should wear so that he will not be
contaminated with it?
A. Face shield B. face mask C. nose mask D. mask
___14. While preparing foods in the kitchen, Minda spilled oil on the floor, what might happen if she will not clean it at once?
A. Fire occurs B. car accident C. illness occur D. slips, falls, trips occur
___15. Please refer to statement on # 11. Is the price of Suman gaining?
A. Yes B. no C. maybe D. no answer
___16.What will happen if you not follow the kitchen safety awareness?
A. Has a good environment C. avoid accident
B. People will become ignorant D. family will be protected
___17. Which of the following statement is correct?
A. Computing the cost of production leads you to a higher profit.
B. Cost of production determines the cost of the product produced.
C. Purchase cost is needed in computing the selling price
D. Always compute your profit.
___18. Which should not be done on the kitchen?
A. Wear apron C. Tie hair during cooking
B. Keep potholders anywhere D. Use wooden block drawer when storing knives
___19. If you deduct the selling price from cost price, you can produce:
A. Yield B. mark-up C. mark down D. total cost
___20. How do you know if you are practicing the safety practices in the kitchen?
A. Keeping your finger nails long
B. Keeping your tools and equipment dirty
C. Accessories like wrist watch, ring and bracelet should be remove before working.
D. Taking a bath twice a week

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