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Lead Designers: Jeremy Crawford, James Wyatt, Keith Baker Producers: Dan Tovar, Bill Benham
Designers: Ben Petrisor, Bill Benham, Dan Dillon, James lntrocaso, Product Engineer: Cynda Callaway
Adam Lee Imaging Technicians: Sven Bolen, Carmen Cheung, Kevin Yee
Art Administrator: David Gershman
Developers: Jeremy Crawford, Dan Dillon, Mike Mearls, Christopher Prepress Specialist: Jefferson Dunlap
Perkins, Ben Petrisor
Editors: Christopher Perkins, F. Wesley !Schneider, Michele Carter, Franchise & Global Brand Strategy: Nathan Stewart
Kim Mohan, Scott Fitzgerald Gr ay Director of Licensing & Publishing: Liz Schuh
Licensing Manager: Hilary Ross
Art Director: Kate Irwin Marketing & Communications: Bart Carroll, Pelham Greene,
Graphic Designer: Trish Yochum Greg Tito, Anna Vo
Concept Art Director: Richard Whitters Brand Manager: Shelly Mazzanoble
Creative Art Director: Shauna Narciso Game Designers: Ari Levitch, Kate Welch
Art Director: Emi Tanji
Cover Illustrators: Wesley Burt, Vance Kelly Product Marketing Specialist: Chris Lindsay
Interior Illustrators: Dave Allsop, john Avon, Mark Behm, Eric
Belisle, Zoltan Boros, Colin Boyer, Christopher Burdett, Paul The following D&D books provided material and inspiration:
Scott Canavan, Sidharth Chaturvedi, Chippy, Adam Cook, Eric Baker, Keith. Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron. 2018.
Deschamps, Olga Drebas, Jason A. Engle, Caroline Gariba, Baker, Keith, Bill Slavicsek & James Wyatt. Eberron Campaign
Tomas Giorello, Brian Hagan, Leesha Hannigan, Suzanne Setting. 2004.
Helmigh, Fred Hooper, Lake Hurwitz, Miles Johnston, Andrew Baker, Keith & James Wyatt. Sham: City of Towers. 2004.
Jones, Sam Keiser, Julian Kok, Michael Komarek, Ron Lemen, Noonan, David, Frank Brunner & Rich Burlew. Explorer's Handbook.
T itus Lunter, Howard Lyon, Efflam Mercier, Lee Moyer, Ben 2005 .
Oliver, Lucio Parillo, Claudio Pozas, Steve Prescott, Vincent Slavicsek, Bill, David Noonan & Christopher Perkins. Five Nations .
Proce, Jenn Ravenna, Wayne Reynolds, Dan Scott, Craig) 2005.
Spearing, Zack Stella, Matt Stewart, Philip Straub, Matias Tapia, Wyatt, James, Keith Baker, Ari Marmel/, Robert J. Schwalb & Chris
Mark Tedin, Cory Trego-Erdner, Brian Valenzuela, Brian Valeza, Sims. Eberron Campaign Guide. 2009.
Charlie Wen, Shawn Wood, Ben Wootten, Kieran Yanner, Wyatt, James, Wolfgang Baur & Ari Marmell. The Forge of War. 2007.
James Zhang
Concept Illustrators: Richard Whitters, Shawn Wood Many thanks to the hundreds of fans who playtested this book!
Interior Cartographers: Dyson Logos, Lee Moyer
Poster Map Cartographer: Lee Moyer


The investigations of a warforged wizard, Talenta halfling, and their Its ring of fire ablaze, an airship soars over the skycrapers of the
dinosaur companion lead from the ruins of the Last War into the towering city of Sham, where creatures from all over the war-torn
depths of the Demon Wastes, in this image by Wesley Burt. world of Eberron gather. Vance Kelly brought this image to life.

6 20C7 28 7000001 EN Disclaimer: Published by the brilfiant gnomes of House Sivis, this illustrious volume ex­

poses truths you won't believe about the Last War! You might think that's enough to satisfy
ISBN: 978 -0-7869-6692-9 you, dear reader, but there's more! The book also contains dice-fueled rules for reenacting
First Printing: November 2019 thrilling events in the world of Eberron (dice not incfuded). Afso, don't forget to recharge
this book's magic with a dragonshard about once a week. If you don't, the book will turn
back into a potato.
98 7 654321

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master's Guide, all other Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards
of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is
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Printed in the USA. ©2019 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057·0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile·Boechat 31, 2800 Delemont, CH.
Represented By· Hasbro De Entree 240 ]JOJ EEAmsterdam NL
Welcome to Eberron ................................. 4 Demon Wastes..................................... 112 Adventures in Sharn ............................... 239
History of Eberron ...................................... 5 Droaam............................................. ..... 114 Crime in Sharn ........................................245
Life in Khorvaire ......................................... 6 Eldeen Reaches ................................... 115 TheBoromar Clan ..............................246
Pulp Adventure ............................................ 7 Karrnath................................................ 1 17 Daask ..................................................... 249
Nair Intrigue ................................................. 8 Lhazaar Principalities ....................... 119 House Tarkanan ..................................253
A Magical World ........................................ 10 Mror Holds ........................................... 120 The Tyrants ..........................................254
The Last War .............................................. 12 Q'barra................................................... 122 Sharn Watch.........................................256
The Draconic Prophecy ........................... 15 Shadow Marches ................................ 123 Adventure: Forgotten Relics .................260
Talenta Plains ...................................... 125
Ch. 1: Character Creation...................... 17 Ch. S: Treasures ..................................... 275
Thrane ................................................... 126
Races ............................................................ 17 Dragonshards........................................... 275
Thronehold ........................................... 128
Changelings............................................ 17 Magic Items............................................... 275
Valenar................................................... 129
Dragonborn ............................................ 19 Everyday Magic Items ...............:............ 281
Zilargo ................................................... 130
Dwarves .................................................. 19
Ch. 6: Friends and Foes .......................283
Distant Lands ........................................... 132
Elves ....... ........................... . ...................... 20
Bestiary....................... ...............................283
Aerenal ...................... .... ............. ........... 132
Gnomes ................................................... 22
Daelkyr ..................................................283
Argonnessen ......................... ............... 134
Goblinoids............................................... 24
Belashyrra .........................................286
Khyber ................................................... 135
Half-Elves....................... ......................... 26
Dyrrn .... ............................................. 288
North and South Poles ...................... 136
Halflings .................................................. 27
Dinosaurs .......................... ................... 289
Sarlona .................................................. 137
Humans ................................................... 29
Xen'drik ................................................. 138
Kalashtar ................................................ 29
Fastieth ..................................... .........289
Faiths of Khorvaire ................................. 140
Ores and Half-Ores............................... 31
Dolgaunt ................................................290
Sovereign Host .................................... 141
Shifters ...... .............................................. 33
Dolgrim ................................................. 291
Dark Six ................................................ 143
Tieflings.......................................... ......... 35
Dusk Hag ..............................................292
Church of the Silver Flame .............. 144
Warforged ............................................... 35
Homunculi ............................................293
Blood ofVol .......................................... 145
Dragonmarks.............................................. 37
Expeditious Messenger..................293
Cults of the DragonBelow ................ 145
Mark of Detection ................................. 40
Iron Defender ................................... 293
Path of Light... ...................................... 146
Mark of Finding ..................................... 41
Inspired .................................................294
Spirits of the Past ............................... 147
Mark of Handling .................................. 42
Karrnathi Undead Soldier .............. .. 295
Undying Court ....................... ......... ..... 148
Mark of Healing ..................................... 43
Lady Illmarrow ....................................296
Druids of Khorvaire ........................... 149
Mark of Hospitality ............................... 44
Living Spells ..... ...................................298
Mark of Making ..................................... 45 Ch. 3: Sham, City ofTowers ............... 151
LivingBurning Hands....................298
Mark of Passage .................................... 46 The Shape of Sharn ................................ 151
Living Cloudkill ...............................299
Mark of Scribing ................................... 47 Guide to the City ...................................... 152
Living LightningBolt......................299
Mark of Sentinel... ................................. 48 Wards of Sharn ........................................ 159
The Lord ofBlades ............................ 300
Mark of Shadow .................................... 49 Central Plateau ........................................ 165
Mordakhesh ......................................... 301
Mark of Storm........................................ 50 Dura ............................................................ 166
Mark of Warding ................................... 51 Menthis Plateau....................................... 169
Rak Tulkhesh ................................... 303
Aberrant Dragonmarks............................ 52 Northedge .................................................. 171
Sul Khatesh ..................................... 304
Background: House Agent ...................... 53 Tavick's Landing............. ......................... 172
Quori ......................................................305
Class: Artificer ........................................... 54 Above andBelow ..................................... 175
Hashalaq Quori ................................305
Alchemist ................................................ 58 Dungeons of Sharn ................................. 177
Kalaraq Quori.................................. 306
Artillerist................................................. 59 Criminal Activities .................................. 178
Tsucora Quori...................................307
Battle Smith ........................................... 60 Forces of the Law .................................... 180
Radiant Idol ......................................... 308
Artificer Infusions................................. 61
Ch. 4: Building Eberron Rakshasa, Zakya ................................ 309
Group Patrons ............................................ 64
Adventures ........................................... 183 Undying ................................................. 310
Adventurers' Guild................................ 65
Adventure Themes .................................. 183 Undying Councilor .......................... 311
Crime Syndicate .................................... 68
The Aurum ................................................ 187 Undying Soldier ............................... 311
Dragonmarked House ......................... 72
Cults of the DragonBelow .................... 188 Valenar Animals .................................. 312
Espionage Agency......................... ........ 75
Dragonmarked Houses .......................... 190 Valenar Hawk ................................... 312
Head of State .......................................... 79
Dragons...................................................... 193 Valenar Hound ................................. 312
ImmortalBeing ..................................... 82
The Dreaming Dark................................ 196 Valenar Steed ................................... 313
Inquisitive Agency................................. 85
Droaam ...................................................... 198 Warforged Colossus ........................... 314
Military Force ........................................ 88
Gatekeepers ..............................................202 Warforged Titan .................................. 315
Newspaper ......... ..................................... 92
Goblinoids (Heirs of Dhakaan) ............204 Generic NPCs .......................................... 316
Religious Order ..................................... 95
The Last War ........................................... 206 Bone Knight ......................................... 316
University ................................................ 98
Lord ofBlades .......................................... 211 Changeling............................................ 317
Ch. 2: Khorvaire Gazetteer ................. 103 The Lords of Dust ................................... 215 Kalashtar ....................................... ....... 317
Nations of Khorvaire .............................. 103 The Mournland ...................................... .. 218 Magewright .......................................... 318
Aundair..... ............... .............................. 103 Order of the Emerald Claw ...................225 Shifter .................................................... 319
Breland .................................................. 107 Planes of Existence .................................228 Tarkanan Assassin .............................320
Cyre (The Mournland) ....................... 109 Travel ..........................................................233 Warforged Soldier .............................. 320
Darguun ...................................... .......... 110

a band of heroes races to claim the Reaper's
Heart. If the agents of the Emerald Claw reach This book is a gateway to using Eberron as a setting for
it first, they'll reignite the Last War and un­ your D&D campaign. It guides players and the Dungeon
leash an army of undead. Master through the process of creating characters and
In the city of Sham, a team of spies pulls offan impos­ adventures set in this world.
sible scheme-breaking into the impenetrable vaults of This introduction presents an overview of the world:
House Kundarak. But instead of gold, they find a secret its history, its calendar, and the themes that drive it.
Chapter 1 details how to create Eberron characters.
that could shatter the fragile peace between the nations.
Aboard an airship, a wizard debates the interpretation It offers race options and a new class, the artificer, that
ofan ancient prophecy with a blood-red dragon. If the reflect the flavor of the world. It also presents group pa­
sage loses the argument, the dragon will destroy the air­ trons, a new concept that adds a shared purpose to your
ship and everyone on it. But if she wins the debate, the party of adventurers. You can use this material in Eber­
dragon will take them to distant Argonnessen, and no ron or any other D&D setting.
Chapter 2 provides an overview of the nations of
human has ever seen the land of dragons and returned!
Khorvaire (and beyond) and the religions of Eberron,
The world of Eberron has a rich history built on heroic handy details whether you're a player seeking inspira­
deeds, evolving magic, and the wounds of a long, devas­ tion for your character's backstory or a DM looking for
tating war. Action, adventure, good, evil, and a thousand an intriguing place to set an adventure.
shades of gray paint the landscape in broad strokes. An­ Chapter 3 focuses on Sham, the City of Towers.
cient mysteries await discovery so they can influence the Sham is one of the wonders of Khorvaire, and a source
world and its people. of endless adventures. This chapter presents a host of
Magic is built into the very fabric of the world. It interesting locations and activities you can explore in
pervades everyday life. It provides comforts and con­ this towering metropolis.
veniences unknown in either the modern world or any Chapter 4 provides ideas for adventures in Sham
world of medieval fantasy. Great cities where castles and beyond. It introduces sinister forces at work in the
scrape the sky prosper throughout the continent of world, along with the impact of the Last War and the
Khorvaire, and a thriving aristocracy of merchant fam­ dreadful Day of Mourning. It also includes a short ad­
ilies controls much of the world's economy thanks to venture you can use to launch your campaign in Sham.
the edge given them by the mysterious and rare drag­ Chapter 5 includes magic items and other treasures
onmarks. Its people harness magic as a tool-to build for an Eberron campaign. It also explores the vital role
cities, to sail ships through the skies, and to create both of dragonshards.
wonders and weapons. Chapter 6 presents new monsters and NPCs drawn
Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, all classes and from the world of Eberron. From mighty archfiends to
races. They travel the world, battling villains in in­ helpful homunculi, these creatures add challenges to
stants of over-the-top action. And they unearth fabulous your adventures in Eberron (or any other D&D world).
treasure, and deal with narrow escapes and ominous
mysteries that are as likely to shed light on centuries of SEVEN TH INGS TO KNOW
secrets as they are to threaten the world's safety.
What is Eberron? Here are the key things to know:
Eberron embraces swashbuckling action and pulp
adventure while adding a layer of noir intrigue. Stories 1. The Last War Has Ended-Sort Of. The Last War
don't always end well, and there isn't a perfect answer to plunged the continent of Khorvaire into civil war
every problem. The Last War turned old allies into bitter more than a century ago, shattering the Five Nations
enemies and destroyed an entire nation, leaving behind that made up the kingdom of Galifar.Just two years
terrible scars. Crime and corruption lurk in the great ago, the war ended with the signing of the Treaty of
cities of Khorvaire. Hidden dragons shape the course Thronehold and the establishment of twelve recog­
of history, and sinister fiends influence the dreams of nized nations and a tenuous peace. The conflicts, the
the unwary. Yet mortal greed and ambition might prove anger, and the pain of the long war remain, however,
more dangerous than any dragon or fiend. This dark­ and the new nations seek every advantage as they pre­
ness affords opportunities for a group of bold adventur­ pare for the next war to break out on the continent.
ers to make a difference-for better or for worse.

2. Dragonmarked Dynasties. The great dragonmarked merged with human hosts, giving them telepathic
families are the barons of industry and commerce abilities. Shifters developed from the mixing of hu­
throughout Khorvaire and beyond. Their influence mans and lycanthropes, a union that grants them lim­
transcends political boundaries, and they remained ited bestial abilities and feral instincts. The warforged
mostly neutral during the Last War. Not technically are a constructed race created during the Last War,
citizens of any nation, the matriarchs and patriarchs seeking to find its place in a post-war world.
of each house live in splendor within their enclaves 7. Dl9-D with a Twist. Every race, monster, spell, and
and emporiums located throughout Khorvaire. These magic item in the Player's Handbook, Dungeon
dynastic houses of commerce derive their power from Master's Guide, and Monster Manual has a place
dragonmarks-hereditary arcane sigils that manifest somewhere in Eberron, but it might not be the place
on certain individuals within the family, granting you expect. Eberron has a unique spot in the D&D
them limited but useful magical abilities associated multiverse, and many familiar elements of the game
with the trade guilds each family controls. play different roles in the world. In particular, mortal
3. Lands oflntrigue. The war is over, and the nations creatures are products of culture and circumstances,
of Khorvaire now try to build a new age of peace and rather than the direct influence of the gods. As a re­
prosperity. Ancient threats linger, however, and the sult, you can't assume that a gold dragon is good or a
world needs heroes to take up the cause. Nations beholder is evil; only in the case of celestials, fiends,
compete on many levels-over economic dominance, and certain other creatures whose identity and world­
political influence, territory, magical power, and view are shaped by magic (such as the curse of lycan­
more-each looking to maintain or improve its status thropy) is alignment a given.
by any means short of all-out war. Dragonmarked
houses, churches both pure and corrupt, crime lords, H I STORY OF EBERRON
monster gangs, psionic spies, arcane universities,
Every child knows the story of the Progenitor Dragons:
secret societies, sinister masterminds, dragons, and
Siberys, Eberron, and Khyber. In the dawn of time,
a multitude of organizations and factions join the
these three cosmic beings created thirteen planes of
struggle for position and power in the aftermath of
existence, each embodying a concept. Their final work
the Last War.
was the Material Plane, where all ideas would become
4. A Continent of Adventure. From the jungles of
manifest: a realm that could know war and peace, life
Q'barra to the blasted hills and valleys of the Demon
and death, order and chaos. But cruel Khyber sought
Wastes, from the skyscrapers of Sham to the dino­
ultimate dominion over this new reality. She struck Sib­
saur-filled Talenta Plains, Eberron is a world of ad­
erys without warning and tore him apart. Eberron wres­
venture. Adventures can draw heroes from one exotic
tled with Khyber and bound the traitor in her coils but
location to another across the continent of Khorvaire.
could not defeat her. So Eberron became a living prison,
The quest for the Mirror of the Seventh Moon might
a world that would forever contain Khyber's evil.
take the heroes from a hidden mountain shrine in
Almost every culture in the world shares this story as
Darguun to a ruined castle in the Shadow Marches
a myth that explains the world. Shattered Siberys be­
and finally to a dungeon deep below the Library of
came the ring of golden dragonshards wrapped around
Korranberg. Through the use of magical transporta­
the planet, said to be the source of magic. Eberron is
tion, heroes can reach a wide range of environments
the world, the source of all natural life. And Khyber is
over the course of an adventure, and thus deal with a
the Underdark and the source of aberrations and fiends,
diverse assortment of monsters and other challenges.
forever struggling against her bonds and yearning to de­
5. A World of Magic. The technology of Eberron has
stroy the world above.
developed not through the advance of science but by
Another tale shared across cultures describes one
the mastery of magic. The widespread use of magic
more conflict that occurred in the first age of the world.
pervades life in the cities and towns. Airships and
Long ago, powerful archfiends known as the Overlords
rail transport make rapid travel across the continent
and their armies of rakshasa and lesser fiends domi­
possible. A working class of minor mages, called
nated Eberron. Forces of light-some versions of the
magewrights, uses spells to provide energy and other
story say the nine gods of the Sovereign Host, others
necessities. Advances in magic item creation have led
say an alliance of dragons and celestials-eventually
to everything from self-propelled farming implements
defeated the Overlords. But these fiends couldn't be de­
to sentient, free-willed beings created in artificers'
stroyed; instead, their immortal essences were bound in
forges. With the aid of rare crystals called dragon­
Khyber. Whatever the true details of this tale, this much
shards, dragonmarks can be made more powerful, el­
is true: if the Overlords ever break their bonds, the con­
ementals can be controlled and harnessed, and magic
sequences would be catastrophic.
items can be crafted and shaped.
Over the course of millennia, numerous civilizations
6. New Races. In addition to the common player charac­
rose only to fall. Giants built mighty kingdoms on the
ter races found in the Player's Handbook, players can
continent of Xen'drik that were devastated by a war
choose to play ore or goblinoid characters in Eberron.
with the dragons of Argonnessen. The goblin empire of
Or they can choose one of four new races: change­
Dhakaan ruled Khorvaire until its reign was shattered
lings, kalashtar, shifters, am;! warforged. Changelings
by an invading army of mind flayers, beholders, and the
have minor shapechanging abilities similar to those
foul creatures that created them. Today these civiliza­
of doppelgangers. Kalashtar are planar entities
tions are known only through the remnants left behind.

TH E F I VE NATIONS With the DM's approval, you can exchange a language
granted by your race for a different language from the
In the modern age, the greatest power was the king­
Standard Languages of Eberron table. If your halfling
dom of Galifar, which covered most of the continent was raised in the Mror Holds, you might replace
of Khorvaire. The Five Nations-Aundair, Breland,
Halfling with Dwarvish to reflect that background. The
Karrnath, Thrane, and Cyre-formed the heart of the DM may change the languages assigned to a monster
kingdom. Although each has a unique cultural identity, or NPC. An ogre from Droaam likely speaks Goblin in­
they share this unified foundat�on. Families are spread stead of Giant.
across the Five Nations; the rulers of the Five Nations
descend from the Wynarns, the royal bloodline of Gal­ STA N DA R D LA N G UAG ES O F E B E R R O N
ifar. Despite their differences, an Aundairian has more
in common with a Thrane than with a Zil gnome or a Language Main Speakers Script
Lhazaar pirate. Common The Five N ations, trade Common
A century ago Galifar collapsed into civil war, and the language of Khorvaire
Five Nations became separate countries at odds with Dwarvish M ro r Holds Dwarvish
their neighbors. The Last War came to an end after Cyre Elvish Aerenal, Valenar Elvish
was destroyed in a cataclysm known as the Mourning. Giant I n habitants ofXen'd r i k Giant
The Five Nations remain divided today, sharing Khor­ Gnomish Z i l a rgo Dwarvish
vaire with the new nations established by the Treaty of Goblin Dargu u n , Droaam, Shadow Goblin
Thronehold. The remaining Five Nations remain the
M a rches, monsters of Khorvaire
largest and most powerful countries in Khorvaire.
H a lfling Talenta Plains Common
THE TREATY OF 'THRONE HOLD Riedran People of Sarlona Common
The Treaty of Thronehold officially ended the Last War.
The treaty recognized the following nations as sover­ EXOT I C LA N G UAG ES OF E B E R R O N
eign states: Aundair, Breland, Darguun, the Eldeen Language Main Speakers Script
Reaches, Karrnath, the Lhazaar Principalities, the Mror
Celestial Celestials Celestial
Holds, Q'barra, the Talenta Plains, Thrane, Valenar, and
Daelkyr Aberrations, d e n izens of Khyber Daelkyr
Zilargo. These nations abide by a common set of laws
Draconic Dragons, drago n born Draconic
and maintain diplomatic relations. The Demon Wastes
and Shadow Marches regions have no unified govern­ I n fernal Fiends I nfernal
ment. Droaam has declared itself a nation but has yet to Ore Isolated ore tribes Goblin
be recognized by the treaty nations. Primordial Elementals Primordial
Quori I n sp i red, kalashtar, q uori Quori
LIFE I N KHORVAIRE Sylvan Fey creatures Elvish

Although Eberron is a vast world with many continents

and cultures, your adventures begin in the land of Khor­ NAME S AND SURNAM E S
vaire. Here are a few details about everyday life there. The naming conventions among the people of Khorvaire
tend to follow language, rather than being linked to race.
LANGUAGE S A Brelish dwarf who doesn't speak Dwarvish might also
In Eberron, languages reflect culture and geography; a carry a name with a human origin rather than a tradi­
dwarf raised in Breland might not know Dwarvish, but tional Dwarvish name.
a halfling raised in the Mror Holds might. The historical Most citizens of Khorvaire have a given name followed
development of languages and cultures also explains by a surname. A surname associated with the Common
the scripts used to write various languages. For exam­ language is usually either a family name or related to an
ple, the Ore language is written using the Goblin script occupation or region of origin. So Sorn Fellhorn, Kara
(rather than Dwarvish, as stated in the Player's Hand­ of Windshire, and Tellan Magewright are all names you
book), because the ores of Khorvaire learned writing might find among the common folk.
from the goblins. The noble families of Galifar-along with those
Common is the language of the Five Nations and the granted land and titles by one of the sovereigns of the
language of trade in Khorvaire, known by most of its Five Nations-add the prefix ir' to their surname. The
people. Goblin was the trade language of the goblin em­ name Darro ir'Lain tells you that this individual is a
pire of Dhakaan and survives as the primary language landed noble. The Wynarns were the royal line of Gal­
in Darguun, Droaam, and the Shadow Marches. Goblin ifar, and the current rulers of Aundair, Breland, and
displaced the Ore language; the people of the Shadow Karrnath are all heirs of the Wynarn bloodline. Thus,
Marches typically speak Goblin, and Ore is an exotic Queen Aurala of Aundair is Aurala ir'Wynarn.
language (see the Exotic Languages of Eberron table). Another common prefix is d', used by any heir of a
Members of all races in Xen'drik speak Giant and use it dragonmarked house who has manifested a dragon­
as their trade language. Abyssal is the common tongue mark. So Merrix d'Cannith is a member of House Can­
of all fiends. Abyssal is sometimes called "Khyber's nith who has manifested the Mark of Making.
Speech," while Celestial is "the tongue of Siberys."

CALENDAR A number of other coins remain in circulation, such as
the double crown of Breland (2 cp) and the silver throne
In the common calendar of Khorvaire, days are 24 of Cyre (5 sp). However, all the major nations of Khor­
hours long, divided into day and night. Seven days make vaire make use of the four basic coins described above.
up a week, four weeks a month, and twelve months a
year. The months correspond to the twelve moons of
Eberron (see the Eberron Months table), and the prom­ PULP ADVENTURE
inent moon carries the name of the month in which its Eberron i s a world o f swashbuckling adventure.
orbit brings it closest to the planet. Whether you're a DM developing an adventure in the
The seven days of the week, in order, are Sul, Mo!, world or a player preparing to explore it, consider the
Zol, Wir, Zor, Far, Sar. following elements.
The common calendar of Khorvaire tracks the years
since the founding of the kingdom of Gali far, using EXOTIC LO C ATIONS
the abbreviation YK. The last king of Galifar, Jarot Lightning rails, airships, and other forms o f transporta­
ir'Wynarn, died on 1 2 Therendor 894 YK. The Day of tion facilitate travel to exotic locations. Adventures could
Mourning occurred a century later, on 20 Olarune 994 take you to the colossal ruins left behind by the giants
YK. By default, a new Eberron campaign begins on 1 of Xen'drik, the warped landscape of the Mournland, or
Zarantyr 998 YK. the dark demi planes within the underworld of Khyber.
Even if you prefer to stay in a town, you could explore
EBERRON MONTHS the mile-high towers of Sharn or the ancient goblin tun­
Month Name nels that lie beneath it.
Zarantyr (mid-winter)
2 Olarune (late winter)
3 Therendor (early spring) Eberron i s a world in need of heroes. Lingering ten­
4 Eyre (mid-spri ng) sions of war remain. From the fanatics of the Emerald
5 Dravago (late spri ng) Claw and the mad cults of the Dragon Below to the
6 N ymm (early s u m mer) flesh-warping daelkyr and ancient archfiends, Eberron
faces many threats, and few people besides the player
7 Lharvion (mid-summer)
characters are able to stop them. The gods are distant
8 Barrakas (late s u m mer)
and don't directly intervene. The Silver Flame is a divine
9 Rhaan (early autumn)
force of light, but it can act only through mortal cham­
10 Sypheros (mid-autumn) pions. The few powerful benevolent NPCs have limita­
11 Aryth (late autumn) tions: the Keeper of the Flame loses her powers if she
12 Vult (early wi nter) leaves her citadel. The Great Druid, the spiritual leader
of the Eldeen Reaches, is a tree. Most of the powerful
C U RRENCY people in the world focus on selfish goals. If an angry
dragon attacks Sharn, there's no one else to deal with
Merchants and nobles use letters of credit to handle
the problem: the fate of the city is in your hands.
large transactions, drawing on the reserves of the dwar­
Consider a dynamic backstory when developing your
ven banks of the Mror Holds. But most day-to-day trans­
character and choosing your background, whether you
actions use coins of precious metal. With the collapse of
take a background from the Player's Handbook or the
the kingdom of Galifar, each of the Five Nations began
house agent background in chapter 1 of this book. If
to mint its own currency, along with the Mror bankers.
you take the soldier background, you might have played
However, while the designs imprinted on these coins
a role in events of the last few years. What did you do
vary based on the source, each of these factions has
during the Last War? What was your greatest triumph
continued to use the same metals, weights, and denom­
or defeat? If you're a spy, are you a prized agent or did
inations set forth in the days of Galifar, maintaining a
you disavow your organization after they pushed you too
simple standard for commerce across Khorvaire.
far? Don't think of your character as a set of numbers:
The copper crown (cp) traditionally depicts the crown
even at 1st level, you're remarkable in Eberron.
of Galifar on one face. The crown is the lowest denom­
ination of coin minted under the rule of Galifar, which
spawned the saying, "In Galifar, even the beggars
have crowns." What's better than a battle on the deck of an a i rship? A
The silver sovereign (sp) bears the face of a living or battle on the deck of an a i rs h i p that's about to crash ! A
DM should look for ways to raise the stakes of an Eberron
recent ruler. An unskilled laborer can expect to earn a
scene, so players feel that every decision matters. This
sovereign for a day's work.
could be d riven by the consequences of fa i lu re: you r ac­
The gold galifar (gp) bears the image of Galifar I, the tions protect you r friends, you r house, or you r nation. It
founder of the old kingdom. could i nvolve time: the alarm's been triggered, and you
The platinum dragon (pp) bears the image of one of only have 6 rounds before security arrives. Such thi ngs can
the dragons of legend. With a value of one hundred sov­ even be i n cidental. Did you start a fight in a n alley beh i nd
ereigns, these coins are used only by the wealthiest citi­ a bar? N ow you notice the drunk ogre sleeping in the shad­
zens of Khorvaire, and the average peasant might never ows. If she wakes up, this could get ugly.
see such a coin.

To create a compelling villain, the DM and players
might develop a villain's backstory together. A DM might
ask a player: When you fought in the Last War, Halas
Martain served in your unit until he betrayed you. What
did he do, exactly? Likewise, when a pulp villain appears
to die, they can devise remarkable escapes from death.
Perhaps Halas had a ring that cast an illusion of his
death while stabilizing him or cast feather fall when he
leapt from that tower in Sham. A DM could engage the
players in determining the answer: It's Halas Martain,
all right. How do you think he survived your last encoun­
ter? This collaboration can produce a compelling story
and a sense of investment in the world.

Eberron draws inspiration from noir and hard-boiled
fiction. It's a world where stories don't always end well,
and where there isn't a perfect solution for every prob­
lem. In developing characters or stories in Eberron, con­
sider the following concepts.


Player characters are remarkable people, but they aren't
perfect. As you consider a flaw for your character, you
can add a little hard-boiled flavor by considering the
past: Did you make a tragic mistake, and if so, is it some­
thing you can ever undo? Did you hurt or betray some­
one who now seeks revenge? The Regrets table provides
a few examples of missteps that might haunt you.

dlO Regret
While you were serving i n the Last War, you were
forced to abandon an injured comrade. You don't
know if they s u rvived.
2 You p laced your faith i n a lover who betrayed you . You
don't know if you can ever trust anyone again.
3 You m u rdered a riva l . You r actions may have been
justified, but their face sti l l haunts you.
4 You made a promise to a child or a lover that you
fai led to keep.
5 You squandered you r fa m i ly's fortune and brought
shame and ruin to you r household.
6 You made a barga i n with an extraplanar entity that
you now regret.
7 You abandoned you r fa m i ly to pursue a l i fe of adven­
ture. Your village was destroyed i n the war a n d you
don't know if they su rvived.
8 You engaged in covert operations for a nation as a spy
RE MARKABLE VILLAINS or soldier. While you were serving you r country, you
Eberron i s rich i n villains, from two-bit hoods t o con­ did u nforgivable things.
tinental masterminds. It might be a long time before 9 Someone put their trust in you a n d you betrayed
you're ready to face the sinister leader behind the them for personal gain. You m ight regret it now, but
Order of the Emerald Claw in battle. But part of the you can never repair the dam age you've done.
flavor of pulp adventure includes recurring villains who 10 You volu nteered for mystical experiments. These may
closely match the heroes-rivals who advance in power
be responsible for you r class abi lities, but you m ight
as you do.
experience side effects.

A regret helps shape your personality as an element of
Not every conflict involves a fight between light and
your past that plays an ongoing role in your story. But
darkness. The vast majority of people are driven by sim­
perhaps you have a problem that needs to be resolved
ple motives: greed, fear, pride, or ambition. One person
right now. Another way to define a character's flaw is to
just wants to get some gold in their pocket. Another
roll on the Debts table.
wants to impress a paramour. A leader guiding their na­
Why would you want to take on a debt? The obligation
tion into war is motivated both by fear of their neighbors
adds depth to a character and provides a compelling,
and the sincere belief that Khorvaire would be better off
immediate motive for adventuring-you're not just out to
under their rule.
get rich; you need gold to get that bounty off your head.
Primordial forces strive to change or destroy Eberron.
It's also an opportunity to establish an element that can
But more often, characters encounter misguided patri­
be part of a character moving forward. If you're trying
ots, religious extremists, dragonmarked houses looking
to reclaim a magic item from a pawnshop, you declare
to wring a few more pieces of gold out of Khorvaire,
that your character once owned that magic item-an
spies who will do anything to protect their nations, and
heirloom, something you created, or a gift from a men­
petty criminals trying to build empires. Eberron holds a
tor-you've just temporarily lost it. If you're trying to
place for selfless heroes and truly vile villains, as well as
raise money to join a secret society, it suggests that
everyone in between.
membership in this organization may be a part of the
story later on.
Establishing a debt requires collaboration and ap­
proval by both player and DM. Work together to develop In Eberron, it's not always easy to separate the heroes
the details: Who's blackmailing you? Which secret so­ from the villains. Good people can do terrible things,
ciety are you trying to join? What's the story behind the while cruel or heartless people might serve the greater
magic item you've pawned, and what sort of item is it? good. An inquisitor might torture innocents in a quest
You can present ideas, but the DM has final approval. to root out a cult of the Dragon Below; if she's stopped,
the cult will survive and flourish. A group of ores peri­
D E BTS odically raids a human settlement because the settlers
built their village on land sacred to the ores and are
dlO Debt
disrupting wards that hold evil at bay. The heroes find a
You committed a cri m e d u ring the Last War, and now powerful magic weapon in a tomb, but the artifact is the
you're being blackmai l ed by someone who has proof. sword of an ancient hobgoblin general, whose descen­
You can justify you r actions, but the law won't care. dants want it back. The ways to resolve these problems
2 You've got a gam b l i ng proble m . If you can't repay aren't always simple.
Daask (see chapter 3) , you're goi n g to be playing tag Certain situations demand straightforward decisions.
with a cockatrice. If Emerald Claw cultists are about to detonate a necrotic
3 You own an u ncommon magic ite m , but you had to resonator that will kill half of Sham, they need to be
stopped. But in a good Eberron story, the simplest solu­
sell it to a pawn shop. If you can't reclaim it within the
tion may not be the best one.
month, they'll sell it off.
4 You were making a del ivery on behalf of the Boromar S O M ETH I NG TO LOSE
Clan (see chapter 3) and you l ost the merchandise.
In a noir story, things don't necessarily end well. But any
5 Someone knows the whereabouts of a s i b l i ng or loved
adventure carries a risk of death or failure, so what ad­
one you thought lost in the M ourning, but that i nfor­
ditional factors might be at risk for the characters? They
m ation is goi n g to cost you . should have something to lose beyond hit points, vul­
6 You have a degenerative d isease that can't be cu red nerabilities not reflected in game statistics: fear of a tar­
by m u ndane means. If you can't get a lesser restoration nished reputation, a threat to a friend or lover, a favorite
soon, you're goi n g to start showing symptoms. business destroyed or taken over. Character relation­
7 You r fam ily lost everything in the Last War. You could ships require players to invest in the story and work best
get them a stake in a new far m , inn, o r stagecoach when the DM and player collaborate to develop details
with 200 gp.
(the group patrons in chapter 1 provide a framework for
fleshing out such details).
8 You've got a price on your head. Until you settle
A DM who introduces an old buddy who served with
t h i ngs with House Tharash k , you'd better keep an eye
the player characters during the war could describe the
out for bounty h u nters. person and then ask each player to define a connection
9 You have an opportu nity to join an i nfluential secret to them. Present each player with a prompt: Player
society. B ut you've got only one month to raise the one, how did Smitty save your life? Player two, you and
membership d u es . Smitty were both in a prison camp; how did you escape?
10 R o l l again. I t ' s not your debt: it's you r lover's problem. The answers to these questions provide details to use in
Can you solve the p roblem before they have to face a campaign, and they give the players a personal invest­
the consequences? ment, which makes it more significant when the Emer­
ald Claw targets Smitty for assassination!

The Five Nations were built o n a magical foundation. To Service Cost
them, magic is a form of science, which can be studied Arcane lock (House Kundarak) 20 gp
and taught. Nevertheless, few people possess the skill Cou ri e r service (House Orien) 1 sp per m i le
required to become a wizard or an artificer, and high­ Glyph of warding ( House Kundarak) 350 gp
level magic remains rare. Resurrection and teleporta­ Illusory script (House Sivis) 15 gp
tion aren't part of everyday life,. but citizens harness Mail service (House Orien) 1 cp per m i le
lesser effects and use them for the common good. Message station ( House Sivis) 2 sp per word
Artisans called magewrights provide much of this Translation (House Sivis) 2 cp per word
magic. Compared to a wizard or an artificer, a mage­
wright's knowledge of magic is narrow: a locksmith
might master the arcane lock and knock spells to
supplement the use of physical tools; a magewright In the cities of Khorvaire, magic provides a host of
healer could cast lesser restoration and cure wounds in minor conveniences. Everbright lanterns (described in
addition to using healer's kits and the Medicine skill. A chapter 5) light the streets. A chef heats a pot of stew
magewright's casting is also slow and expensive: they with a whispered incantation, while magic amplifies
typically cast their spells as rituals. They are artisans, a town crier's voice. The various effects produced by
not adventurers, and the prosperity of the Five Nations prestidigitation-heating, cooling, cleaning, and minor
was built on their foundation. illusion-all enhance daily life in the cities.
Game statistics are given for magewrights in chapter
6, including how much it costs them to cast a spell of 1st ENTERTA I N M ENT AND FAS HION
level or higher. In chapter 2, prices are given for mage­ Theaters employ cantrips t o amplify sound and focus
wright services in the city of Sharn, but those prices can lighting. Grander performances incorporate illusions,
be used elsewhere in the world as well. creating special effects to thrill audiences, and other
spells allow actors to perform amazing stunts. Dream
D RAGONMARKED DYNASTI E S parlors focus on entirely illusory entertainment.
Powerful dynastic guilds dominate and regulate the Those with the inclination to display their wealth wear
magical economy. The dragonmarked houses include glamerweave, clothing imbued with illusion (presented
barons of industry whose influence rivals that of mon­ in chapter 5). This can involve moving images, such as a
archs. Their power derives from their dragonmarks: cloak lined with glittering stars or a gown with a pattern
magical sigils passed down through their bloodlines. of flames; the wearer might even adjust the intensity of
For example, House Jorasco dominates the medical these flames with a word. Expensive glamerweave can
trade with its Mark of Healing, while only someone with produce more elaborate effects, such as a gown that
House Lyrandar's Mark of Storms can pilot an airship. appears to be made of blooming flowers. Glamerweave
Even independent businesses are typically licensed by can also create abstract effects that slowly shift colors or
a house and conform to the standards it sets. Not every shimmer with a subtle glow.
tavern is run by House Ghallanda, but the Ghallanda
seal in the corner of an inn sign assures customers that MEDICINE
the establishment meets health and safety standards. The dragonmarked House Jorasco maintains houses of
Chapter 1 contains more details about dragonmarks healing across Khorvaire. The simplest service is the
and the dragonmarked houses, along with rules for cre­ expert application of the Medicine skill. For those with
ating dragonmarked characters. desperate need and gold to pay, most Jorasco outposts
can provide lesser restoration; the best healers can also
C OM M U N IC ATION provide greater restoration. In the finest Jorasco en­
The Courier's Guild of House Orien operates a mail ser­ claves, it's even possible to raise the dead.
vice, carrying messages and packages across Khorvaire The Healing Services table summarizes typical prices
by horse and the house's lightning rail. Sending a letter for the services provided by House Jorasco.
by mail is inexpensive; sending a package or a message
by way of a courier is more secure but more expensive. H EALI N G SERVICES
If security is particularly important, House Sivis can Service Cost
protect written messages using magic, such as the illu­
M i nor nonmagical care 3 sp per use of the Medicine skill
sory script spell, and House Kundarak can secure pack­
M ajor nonm agical care 1 gp per day
ages with the glyph of warding spell.
The gnomes of House Sivis also maintain a network
Cure wounds 25 gp per level of the spell
Lesser restoration so gp
of speaking stones (described in chapter 5) to facilitate
instantaneous communication across long distances. Remove curse 75 gp
Short messages pass from one stone to another one Greater restoration 1 50 gp
within a network of message stations. Raise dead 750 gp
The Communication and Security Services table
shows typical prices.

An excellent system of roads connects the central na­ Service Cost Speed
tions of Khorvaire. Travelers can always make their way Airship (House Lyrandar) 1 gp per mile 20 m p h
by horse or coach, which might employ draft animals Elemental galleon (House Lyrandar) 5 s p per m i l e lO mph
magebred by House Vadalis for speed or endurance. Lightning rail (House Orien) 5 sp p e r m i le 30 m p h
House Vadalis also supplies exotic mounts such as hip­ M agebred coach (House Orien) 3 sp per m i le 5 mph
pogriffs and griffons. Elemental galleons use bound air Teleportation circle (House O rien) 2, 500 gp I n stant
or water elementals to propel them.
Two main options provide long-distance travel across
land. Major cities in Khorvaire are linked by the light­
ning rail of House Orien, which allows you to avoid the After a century of war, magic plays an ever-increasing
perils-and tedium-of the roads. The lightning rail role on the battlefield. Massive magical siege staffs fill
uses bound elementals to pull a train of carriages over a the role of artillery. Semi-sentient warforged titans can
path of magical stones, between which a rail-like stream scatter squads of infantry. Arcane sappers may spread
of lightning arcs. glyphs of warding to deny a region to an enemy. Wands
If speed is an issue, you can book passage on a House and rods haven't replaced the swords or bows, but elite
Lyrandar airship, which uses a bound elemental to hold wandslingers, as military spellcasters are often known,
a ship aloft and propel it through the air. This is almost are becoming ever more common.
the fastest way to travel, but also the most expensive. The nations of Khorvaire all employed different forms
Elemental airships are a recent innovation and are rela­ of battle magic during the war. Aundair fielded the
tively rare; many cities don't yet have docking towers. greatest number of wizards, while Breland produced
For those with no time to spare and plenty of money floating fortresses and other engines of war. The nation
to spend, House Orien also has teleportation circles in of Karrnath embraced the practice of necromancy and
each of its enclaves in cities across Khorvaire. At signif­ animated hordes of undead soldiers.
icant cost, a member of the house will transport passen­ In the final decades of the war, House Cannith created
gers instantaneously from one enclave to another. the warforged: tireless soldiers formed of metal and
The Travel Services table summarizes the cost of trav­ other materials. The Treaty of Thronehold forbade the
eling by these extraordinary means. creation of new warforged and granted freedom to those
that survived the conflict. Warforged now seek places to
call home across Khorvaire, but these living weapons
struggle to find their place in a world at peace.

For hundreds of years, the continent of Khorvaire was As of 1 Zarantyr 998 YK, it's been less than four years
united under the kingdom of Galifar. This peace came to since the Mourning and less than two years since the
an end with the death of King J arot in 894 YK, just over Last War came to an end. The Last War spanned the
a century ago. Conflict over the succession spiraled into continent and lasted for over a century. Most people
outright war between the Five Nations. want to move on. But the scars of decades of war can't
The Last War was a bitter struggle that forever be erased so quickly. These are just a few of the ongoing
changed the shape of Khorvaire. It was a century effects of the Last War.
marked by shifting alliances, with years of stalemate in­
terspersed with periods of intense battles. This grueling DRAGONMARKED POWER
conflict left deep scars on the land and the people, but The dragonmarked houses remained neutral in the war
there was worse to come. On 20 Olarune 994 YK, the and made considerable profit selling their services to all
nation of Cyre was consumed in a magical cataclysm sides. War drives innovation; House Cannith developed
now known as the Mourning. The cause of the Mourn­ many new weapons during the war, including the war­
ing remains unknown; many fear it was caused by un­ forged. House Lyrandar perfected its airships in the last
bridled use of war magic. Shock and fear brought the decade of the conflict. Rumors persist of monsters or
nations to the negotiating table, and the Last War came super soldiers developed by House Vadalis or biological
to an end in 996 YK with the Treaty of Thronehold. weapons in the hands of House Jorasco.
Although many celebrated the end of the war, others The dragonmarked houses emerged from the war
remain unsatisfied with its outcome. No one won the stronger than ever, with the divided nations dependent
war. Even though people optimistically refer to it as the on their services. Before the Last War, united Galifar
Last War, most believe that it's only a matter of time imposed many restrictions on the houses. Today, no
until conflict begins anew. The mystery of the Mourn­ monarch can afford to break ties with any of the dragon­
ing is the only thing holding the warmongers at bay. If marked houses. What will happen if one of the houses
someone uncovers the secret of the Mourning-if it can goes too far in its pursuit of profit?
be proven that the Mourning can't happen again, or if
its power could be harnessed as a weapon-war could
Before the Last War, Galifar laid claim to all Khorvaire.
erupt again. Until then, the nations remain in a cold war
Several new states emerged over the course of the war.
as each makes preparations and seeks advantages in a
In some cases, this was largely a formality; Galifar
conflict that could lie ahead.

never had a strong grip on the Lhazaar Principalities or REFUGEES AND SHORTAGES
the gnome nation of Zilargo, and they held the Demon Refugees live in every major city, including tens of thou­
Wastes in name only. Other states were born in violence: sands of exiles produced by Cyre's destruction. Cyrans
the elves of Valenar and the goblins of Darguun seized are a people without a homeland, seeking shelter and
their realms by force. But Aundair yearns to reclaim the sustenance in the lands of their former enemies. Many
Eldeen Reaches, Breland keeps a wary eye on the mon­ Cyran refugees are former soldiers who were fighting in
strous kingdom of Droaam, and many mistrust the Vale­ enemy territory when the Mourning struck, or they were
nar elves. Within the Five Nations, anger remains over farmers and merchants who escaped before their nation
how the final lines were drawn; for example, Thrane re­ was consumed. Former nobles now have nothing but
tains control of the ancient Aundairian city of Thaliost, rags, and scholars or artists live in alleyways.
seized during the war. Citie.s and towns still suffer from shortages in the
aftermath of the war. Farmlands, workers, and the
PHYSICAL DAMAGE resources devoted to the war were lost. Nations are
The borders between nations demonstrate the impact of recovering, and most essential services and goods are
generations of conflict. Forests and farmlands scorched available in major cities. But there is always the possi­
by fire and magic are still recovering. Ruined cities have bility that something you want-a luxury item or a spell
yet to be reclaimed, along with shattered villages and component-simply isn't available or can be acquired
abandoned fortresses. These deserted sites now provide only through the black market.
shelter for brigands or are haunted by the restless spir­
its of those who died in anguish. TH E MOU R N I N G
This damage reached far beyond the front lines.
Magic-fueled weapons, aerial cavalry, and guerrilla The nation of Cyre was once the heart of the kingdom of
forces all struck deep within enemy territory, and the Galifar. The Last War took a heavy toll on Cyre and its
cities of Khorvaire suffered. Wherever you go, you might citizens, as the nation became a primary battleground
see the scorch marks of fireballs or wreckage from where the Five Nations crossed swords. But no one was
siege weapons. Every nation is working to repair these prepared for the disaster that struck in 994 YK.
wounds, but the damage could linger for generations. Accounts of the Mourning vary. Some say that a
As you create an Eberron character, consider your blinding light engulfed the battlefield near the Saerun
roots and the impact of the war. Was your hometown Road. Others say that dead-gray mists rose in the capital
destroyed in the war? Is your family thriving, or were its city of Metro! and spread from there. Within the space of
members scattered or slain during the conflict? one day, the nation of Cyre had been engulfed in a wall

of mist, and anything caught within the mists was horrif­ prefer not to dwell on such things? If you're religious,
ically transformed. Over a million Cyrans were killed on did the shocking tragedy of the Mourning cause you to
the day of Mourning. Those who survived were soldiers question your faith, or did it reinforce it? If you're an
fighting in enemy territory, those living on the borders artificer or a wizard, are you interested in studying its
who were able to flee from the advancing mists, and effects more closely. Might you even hope to unravel its
those few who were able to escape the interior through mysteries yourself? Do you see it solely as a tragedy, or
magical means. On 20 Olarune 994 YK, the nation of do you hope that this awesome power could somehow
Cyre ceased to exist. be harnessed?
The Mourning threw Khorvaire into a state of shock. Perhaps you were caught in the Mourning and sur­
Who could unleash such power? Was this a weapon, vived the experience, but its effects remain with you.
and if so, when would those responsible issues their de­ Consider the following aftereffects of your experience:
mands? Were the borders of the lingering walls of mist • As a barbarian, you could have been a simple peasant
stable, or could they expand at any moment? What was
caught in the Mourning. Everyone else in your com­
to be done with the Cyran refugees surging into every
munity was killed, but their spirits were bound to you.
adjacent nation? Fear of the Mourning ended the war.
Your barbarian rage represents you channeling these
But all those questions remain unanswered.
vengeful ghosts. Is there a way to lay these spirits to
Breland opened its borders to refugees, and Prince rest? Do they have unfinished business they want you
Oargev serves as de facto ruler in the area now called to resolve?
New Cyre. Despite its grand name, New Cyre is little • As a sorcerer, your magical powers could be the result
more than a vast refugee camp. Other refugees scat­ of your exposure to the Mourning. Were you physi­
tered across Khorvaire; some are treated with pity, oth­ cally transformed as well, or are your powers the only
ers with suspicion or anger. And fear of the Mourning manifestation of the Mourning? Are you comfortable
hangs like a shadow across Khorvaire. Could it happen using your abilities, or are you afraid that you might
again? Is this how the world ends? be increasing the power of the Mourning with each
spell you cast?
• As a warlock, your patron could be interested in the
A wall of dead-gray mist surrounds the remnants of
Mourning and drive you to learn more about it. Your
Cyre. Beyond the mists lies a land twisted by magic, a
patron could even be part of the Mourning-perhaps
wound that will not heal. The blasted land is strangely
a collective of spirits killed on the Day of Mourning,
transformed. In some places, the ground has fused into
or a dark and enigmatic power that might have been
jagged glass. In others, it is cracked and burned. Broken
responsible for this tragedy. If you take the latter ap­
bodies of soldiers from various sides litter the land­
proach, do you feel that by using your warlock magic
scape-soldiers whose dead bodies refuse to decom­
you are serving the Mourning? Or do you believe
pose. The Mournland is a vast open grave.
that you siphon power from it and weaken it with
In that horrific landscape, vile magical effects linger,
your actions?
and monsters mutate into even more foul and horrible
• As a member of an unusual race, you could say that
creatures. Magical effects continue to rain upon the land
you are actually a creation of the Mourning. Perhaps
as storms that never dissipate. Stories speak of living
your dragonborn was an actual dragon transformed
spells-war magic that has taken physical form, sentient
on the day of Mourning. Or maybe your tiefling is
fireballs and vile cloudkills that endlessly search for
touched by the dark power of the Mourning instead of
new victims. And angry ghosts continue to fight their
by an infernal power.
final battles.
The only thing predictable about the Mournland is WHAT CAUSED THE MOURNING?
that nothing is predictable; any sort of monster or horror A DM running an Eberron campaign can decide the
could lurk within its borders. And yet it also holds the cause of the Mourning or leave it as a mystery that will
wealth and treasures of an entire nation, along with the
never be solved. People in Eberron have many theories
secrets of House Cannith and everything else that was about the cause of the Mourning. It's up to the DM to de­
left behind. It's dangerous. It's mysterious. But it's also cide if any of them are correct:
a dungeon the size of a nation, with opportunities for
those brave enough to enter the mists. • The Mourning was the result of a century of extensive
use of war magic. If the nations continue to use this
THE MOURNING AND You magic, the Mourning will expand.
In making an Eberron character, think about the impact • The dragonmarked House Cannith made a fortune
the Mourning had on you. If you're from Cyre, did you selling magical weapons to all sides during the Last
lose all your family and friends? Are there heirlooms War. The Mourning was caused by research gone
lost in the mists that you're determined to regain, or horribly awry. The secrets can be found in a Cannith
loved ones you hope to someday see again? Do you feel research facility within the Mournland. If this knowl­
loyalty to your nation and hope to see it restored, or have edge could be recovered and refined, it could produce
you burned Cyre out of your heart? a terrifying weapon.
Even if you're not from Cyre, the Mourning may have • The Mourning was triggered by the release of an an­
had a profound impact on you. Are you afraid that the cient demon overlord trapped since the dawn of time.
Mourning could consume all of Khorvaire, or do you This mighty fiend is lurking in the Mournland and
building its power, but soon it will be ready to act.

A DM should consider whether the mystery of the the Prophecy is a map that shows many possible fu­
Mourning can be solved and what the consequences tures, along with the steps that must occur to make that
would be. Right now, fear of the Mourning holds war at future a reality. A fragment of the Prophecy might say,
bay. If it's confirmed that the Mourning is no longer a "If the Bear King is slain by a sorrowful assassin in the
threat-or if one nation manages to harness its power­ Shadow of the Mourning, the Crown will fall from his
war could begin again. nation." The "Bear King" could refer to King Boranel of
Breland, since the bear is Breland's heraldic beast. The
TH E D RAC ONIC PROPHE C Y "Shadow of the Mourning" could mean that Boranel
must be slain in the Mournland, or it could mean that
There are patterns hidden in the world. Secrets lie in
the assassination must occur on the anniversary of the
the conjunctions of the planes and moons, in strange
Mourning. This passage doesn't say that Boranel will
symbols formed by the flowing lava of a volcanic erup­
be assassinated or that the Brelish monarchy will fall; it
tion or the fissures caused by an earthquake. Carved in
suggests that if Boranel is assassinated under these con­
the walls of ancient citadels and on primeval megaliths,
ditions, then the monarchy will surely fall. But it could
knot patterns appear to have meaning that only the con­
also be fulfilled in different ways, if the terms of the
templative mind can hope to comprehend. To those who
Prophecy are interpreted differently. Other fragments of
can read them, these myriad events and signs form a
the Prophecy might cover what happens if Boranel is as­
map of possible futures, a map that can be used to shape
sassinated under other circumstances, or what happens
the course of history.
if he dies of natural causes.
Scholars call this map the Draconic Prophecy, attrib­
As an adventurer, you could be hired by a scholar
uting it to the Progenitor Dragons: Eberron, Siberys,
trying to piece together a fragment of the Prophecy
and Khyber. The Prophecy is vast and complex, its signs
and clash with a secret society along the way. Or you
scattered across the world. Few humans or even elves
could discover that your family plays a pivotal role in
have the time or resources to unravel its secrets. The
a fragment of the Prophecy. Will you embrace this or
foremost students of the Prophecy are ancient dragons,
fight your potential destiny? Will you dedicate your life
immortal fiends, and others who have devoted thou­
to interpreting the Prophecy or ignore it as just a bunch
sands of years to this work.
of mystical nonsense? And might the Prophecy hold the
What makes the Prophecy especially complex is that
answer to the Mourning itself?
it doesn't define a singular path for the future. Rather,

- 6'

H E SKYSCRAPERS OF SHARN RISE U P BEFORE YOU, Kalashtar are humanoids bound to spirits from the
the spires glimmering with magical lights. Or plane of dreams, imbued with wisdom and tele­

wind rushes through your hair as the airship pathic talent.
you're riding races toward adventure in the Ores, along with their half-ore kin, are a fierce people
jungles of Q'barra. Or you hunt Emerald Claw who have fought world-threatening evils for centuries.
agents on the lightning rail, creeping through one train Shifters draw on their distant lycanthropic heritage to
car after another. Or you chart another adventurous manifest bestial traits for short periods of time.
course on the war-torn continent of Khorvaire. What­ Warforged are artificial lifeforms built to fight in the
ever path your character takes in Eberron, consider how Last War. Created as tools of battle, they now seek a
the world affects your character. place and purpose beyond war.
Building on the book's introduction, this chapter re­
veals how you can create a character shaped by Eberron C HANGE LI NG S
and its war-filled history. The chapter offers you the fol­

Race. Choose one of the playable races detailed in this had one hundred children. Her rivals conspired against her
chapter, or pick a race from the Player's Handbook and swore to kill her children. ]es begged the Sovereignsfor
and learn here how Eberron has affected that species' help, but their only answer was the wind and rain. In the
depths of her despair, a lonely traveler took her hand. "I
Dragonmark. Decide whether your character bears
one of the mystical marks associated with the dragon­ will protectyour children if they follow my path. Let them
marked houses. wander the world. They may be shunned and feared, but
Background. Choose the house agent background
they will never be destroyed."]es agreed, and the traveler
if your character has devoted themself to serving a
gave her his cloak. When she draped it over her children,
dragonmarked house.
Artificer. You have the option of choosing the artificer their oldfaces melted away and they could be whoever they
as your character's class, becoming an unmatched wanted to be. And so it remains. Though the children are
magical inventor.
shunned by all, the gift of the Traveler protects them still.
Group Patron. Working with the other players in your
-Chance, changeling priest
group, decide which of the great powers in the world
backs your group. This decision can shape your en­
tire campaign. Changelings can shift their forms with a thought. Many
changelings use this gift as a form of artistic and emo­
RAC E S tional expression. It's also an invaluable tool for grifters,
spies, and others who wish to deceive. This leads many
Humanoids of all kinds have made their mark on the people to treat changelings with suspicion.
continent of Khorvaire. Presented in alphabetical order,
the playable races in this section have especially shaped A H I DDEN P EOPLE
the land's recent history.
Each of the races described in the Player's Handbook Wherever humans live, changelings reside also; the
has a place in Eberron. As you make a character from question is whether their presence is known.
one of these races, this section can help you understand Changelings are born to one of three paths. A few
your character's place in the world. are raised in stable communities where changelings
This section also presents other playable races that are true to their nature and deal openly with the people
have performed important roles in the world's evolution: around them. Some are orphans, raised by other races,
who find their way in the world without ever knowing
Changelings are clever shapechangers who can dis­ another like themselves. Others are part of nomadic
guise themselves as other people. changeling clans spread across the Five Nations, fam­
Goblinoids-bugbears, goblins, and hobgoblins-ruled ilies who keep their true nature hidden from the sin­
Khorvaire long ago, before the madness of the daelkyr gle-skins. Some clans maintain safe havens in major
undermined them. After serving as mercenaries in cities and communities, but most prefer to wander the
the Last War, they now seek a place in the world's unpredictable path of the god known as the Traveler.
new order.


Personas can be shared by multiple changelings; there
might be three healers in a community, but whoever is on
duty will adopt the persona of Tek, the kindly old medic.
A P E R S O N 'S A P P E A R A N C E
Personas can even be passed down through a family,
allowing a younger changeling to take advantage of con­
tacts established by the persona's previous users.

A changeling might use a different name for each mask
and persona and adopt new names as easily as they
change faces. The true name of a changeling tends to
be simple and monosyllabic; however, there are often
accents to a changeling's name that are expressed
through shapeshifting, something single-skins will
likely miss. So, two changelings might have the name
Jin, but one is]in-with-vivid-blue-eyes and one is]in­
with-golden-nails .
Changelings have a fluid relationship with gender, see­
ing it as one characteristic to change among many.
Changeling Names: Aunn, Bin, Cas, Dox, Fie, Hars, Jin,
Lam, Mas, Nix, Ot, Paik, Ruz, Sim, Toox, Vil, Yug

Your changeling character has the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score in­
creases by 2. In addition, one ability score of your choice
increases by 1 .
Age. Changelings mature slightly faster than humans
but share a similar lifespan-typically a century or less.
While a changeling can transform to conceal their age,
the effects of aging affect them similarly to humans.
Alignment. Changelings tend toward pragmatic neu­
trality, and few changelings embrace evil.
Size. Your size is Medium. To set your height and
weight randomly, start with rolling a size modifier:
Size modifier = 2d4
In creating a changeling adventurer, consider the H eight = 5 feet + l i nch + your size modifier i n i nches
character's relationships with people around them. Weight i n pounds = 1 1 5 + (2d4 x you r size modifier)
Does the character conceal their true changeling na­
ture? Do they embrace it? Do they have connections to Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Shapechanger. As an action, you can change your ap-
other changelings or are they alone and in search of
companions? pearance and your voice. You determine the specifics of
the changes, including your coloration, hair length, and
MASKS AND P E R SONAS sex. You can also adjust your height and weight, but not
so much that your size changes. You can make yourself
In their true form, changelings are pale, with colorless appear as a member of another race, though none of
eyes and silver-white hair. It is rare to see a changeling your game statistics change. You can't duplicate the ap­
in that form, for a typical changeling changes their shape pearance of a creature you've never seen, and you must
the way others might change clothes. A casual shape­ adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of
one created on the spur of the moment, with no depth or limbs that you have. Your clothing and equipment aren't
history-is called a mask. A mask can be used to express changed by this trait.
a mood or to serve a specific purpose and then might You stay in the new form until you use an action to re­
never be used again. However, many changelings develop vert to your true form or until you die.
identities that have more depth. They build an identity Changeling Instincts. You gain proficiency with two
over time, crafting a persona with a history and beliefs. of the following skills of your choice: Deception, Insight,
This focused identity helps a changeling pinpoint a par­ Intimidation, and Persuasion.
ticular skill or emotion. A changeling adventurer might Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
have personas for many situations, including negotiation, and two other languages of your choice.
investigation, and combat.


The dwarves of the Mror Holds are defined in part
by their relationship to the ancient Realm Below. In a
children of the dragon will scatter into shadow, keeping desperate effort to rediscover and reclaim the holdings
their eternal watch. of their old nation, the dwarves have recovered many
-The Draconic Prophecy, as recorded in the weapons of war created in the final days of the empire.
Some of these weapons were forged by the dwarves to
Mar'saval Scrolls
wield against the daelkyr, but others were made by the
daelkyr for the use of their minions-strange symbiotic
Tens of thousands of years ago, the dragons of Argon­ items (some of which appear in chapter 5) that use the
nessen established a garrison of dragonborn in what is life force of their hosts to power their magical abilities.
now Q'barra. These warriors were assigned to protect Some clans have banned the use of these symbiotic
the region against the influence of the Lords of Dust. weapons and any exploration of daelkyr magic, notably
Over time they drifted away from their duties, building a the prominent Clan Mroranon. Others, particularly Clan
nation in eastern Khorvaire and clashing with the gobli­ Soldorak, have embraced this magic to use against the
noids of the Dhakaani Empire. daelkyr. Defining a relationship to these discoveries
This dragonborn nation came crashing down when can be an important element of your character's back­
one of the ancient fiendish Overlords stirred, unleashing ground; you might be a Mroranon paladin or ranger
fiends and corrupting many of the dragonborn them­ dedicated to expunging any trace of daelkyr magic from
selves. Their nation in ruins, the dragonborn retreated the Realm Below, or a Soldorak warlock drawing on the
to the darkness of Q'barra. They have remained there magic of Xoriat in pursuit of your own power, as well as
ever since, guarding against corruption and fighting the glory for your clan.
evil forces of the Poison Dusk-which is sometimes de­ Another important question to consider in playing a
scribed as a cult devoted to a dragon, and sometimes as Mrorian character is why you have left the Holds. The
an army gathering in the name of a fiendish Overlord. Leaving the Mror Holds table offers some suggestions
To date the dragonborn have largely ignored the hu­ that might spark further ideas.
mans of Q'barra, and the few humans who've encoun­
tered dragonborn believe they're some exotic type of
lizardfolk. If you're a dragonborn, what has caused you
to emerge from Q'barra? Are you on a quest to help your
people or to oppose the Lords of Dust? Are you driven
by wanderlust or curiosity? Did you serve as a merce­
nary in the Last War? How might your travels tie to the
fate of your people?


from blood and bone.

-Mror Proverb

The origin of the dwarves is shrouded in mystery. Some

of their legends tell of a great migration that led the
ancient dwarves to Khorvaire from "a land of endless
ice." Many believe this refers to the arctic lands of the
Frostfell, while others claim that the first dwarves must
have come from the frozen plane of Risi a. Wherever
their roots, these migrant dwarves established a mighty
nation beneath the surface of Khorvaire.
Most dwarven legends, unconcerned with the ques­
tion of origin, dwell on the mighty artifacts and priceless
treasures crafted by ancient deep-dwelling dwarves,
and of the bloody wars they waged against the goblin
Empire of Dhakaan. Dwarves today cherish the memory
of this ancient nation, for all dwarves in Khorvaire are
descended from exiles driven from the realm below­
which was later destroyed by the daelkyr. Particularly
in the Mror Holds, many dwarves cherish the idea of re­
turning to the subterranean reaches and reestablishing
their ancient nation, restoring them to a greatness they
have all but forgotten.


LEAV I N G T H E M RO R HOLDS a result, Clan Kundarak is no longer represented on
d8 Reason for Leaving the Iron Council that rules the Mror Holds. However, it
wields an influence over the other clans that reflects its
A feu d with a rival clan has gotten out of hand, a n d
wealth and its status in the world beyond the Holds, and
i t ' s best that y o u spend a few decades away from t h e
the voice of Kundarak members arguing against the use
H o l d s w h i l e things cool down. of daelkyr magic carries significant weight.
2 You come from a large fa m i l y and there's no room for
you to s h i ne i n your hold, so you hope to make a name E LVE S
for yourself i n the wider world.
3 You r clan has arranged your marriage and you r future,
and you've decided to have a few adventures before behindyour walls of stone. When the host of Valenar thun­
you settle down. ders forth, neither will save you.
4 You're pursu i n g a vendetta with a personal rival, seek­ -Shaeras Vadallia, High King o f Valenar
ing to defeat them either in battle or in busi ness.
5 You 're searc h i n g for a legendary dwarven artifact, sto­ Tens of thousands of years ago, the elves of the distant
len centuries ago by a Karrn ish noble. continent of Xen'drik rose up against the giants who
6 You want to assemble champions who can h e l p you ex­ ruled over them. This rebellion is the defining event in
plore the ancient ruins beneath your ancestral home. elf history. As the ancient war progressed, the mage­
breeders of the giants bound magic into the elves who
7 You 've rejected your clan's attitude toward daelkyr
remained loyal to them, forming the drow-assassins
m agic, earni n g the enmity of powerfu l dwarves.
bred to prey on their other kin. Ultimately, the elves fled
8 You want to understand how the other peoples of from Xen'drik and settled the island nation of Aerenal,
Khorvai re-especial ly the gobli n s and ores-have where they split into two distinct cultures: the intro­
fought the daelkyr. spective Aereni and the warlike Tairnadal. Thus, a war
nearly forty thousand years ago established the pattern
DWARV E S OF THE FIVE NATIONS of how elves live today.
Neither the Aereni nor the Tairnadal (which include
Dwarves are spread across Khorvaire. Dwarf soldiers
the elves of Valenar) have much interest in human ac­
and engineers were part of the armies that united the
tivities, but small numbers of elves have immigrated to
Five Nations, and dwarf masons laid the foundations
Khorvaire over the centuries and have more or less inte­
of the greatest cities of Galifar. Traditionally loyal to
grated with the cultures of the Five Nations. The drow,
family and clan, dwarves who were born outside the
though, are virtually unknown on Khorvaire.
Mror Holds tend to transfer their fierce clan loyalty to
As a whole, elves are driven by tradition and respect
their new homes-and particularly to the edifices of
for the past. Where humans value innovation, elves
stonework that symbolize the permanence and stabil­
strive to master and perfect the techniques of their
ity of those places. A Brelish dwarf might feel a deep,
ancestors over the course of studies lasting centuries.
personal connection to the towers of Sharn or the great
Elf society has changed little over the last five thousand
walls of Wroat; some dwarves love the great Cathedral
years, while Khorvaire is constantly evolving. Whatever
of the Silver Flame in Thrane more than devout follow­
the origin of your elf character, consider your relation­
ers of the Silver Flame. Ultimately, the typical dwarf in
ship wit.h the past: Do you value the traditions of your
wider Khorvaire is more patriotic than the average hu­
ancestors? Or do you fear that your people are too
man of the Five Nations, and many dwarves fought for
mired in the past, and need to find a way to adapt and
their nations in the Last War, at least for a time.
move forward?
When creating a dwarf character from the Five Na­
tions, consider both your national loyalty and the role
your family plays in your life. Do you live near family?
What kind of work do your closest family members pur­ For thousands o f years, the island nation o f Aerenal
sue, and is that reflected in the background you choose? has been ruled and protected by the godlike power of
Are you close to your relatives, or have you had a falling the Undying Court, a council of undead high elves. The
out? Did you lose kin in the Last War? greatest heroes of the Aereni join the Undying Court af­
ter death, joining their heroic ancestors in immortality.
DWARVE S AND DRAGONMARKS The Aereni are isolationists who have little interest
in the world beyond their island. The Five Nations are
The Mark of Warding appears on dwarves of House
a place of chaos and war, so why would any sensible
Kundarak, which had its origins as one of the clans of
elf venture into that madness? As you make an Aereni
the Mror Holds. Kundarak dwarves live across Khor­
elf character, decide what has caused you to leave your
vaire while maintaining close ties to the Mror Holds and
island home and the protection of the Undying Court in
their loyalty to the house over any particular nation.
order to wander the world. Are you in search of a power
In addition to providing all manner of security, House
that could earn you your place in the Undying Court?
Kundarak dominates Khorvaire's banking industry. As
Have you been given a quest by one of your own death­
a dragonmarked house, it is obliged to remain neutral
less ancestors? Or are you an exile, banished from your
in the politics of all nations, including its homeland. As
homeland for some crime against your people's rulers?




Consider your character's personal and family history. archmage. Was your ancestor a famous blademaster, a
What is your family known for, and how can you prove stealthy hunter, or a war chanter? Were they chivalrous
yourself to be a master of these skills? Do you have an­ or merciless? Bold or clever? Whatever their path, it
cestors in the Undying Court, and if so, what's your re­ is your duty to follow their example. Is this something
lationship with them? Do you find it challenging to deal you proudly embrace, or do you resist it? Do you know
with the short-lived races, or are you patient with them? another elf with the same patron ancestor, and what's
your relationship to that character? Do you know an elf
Woon E LVE S : TH E TAI RNADAL whose patron ancestor was a bitter rival of yours?
Tairnadal elves dedicate themselves to the arts of Also consider why you are traveling with a group of
war. The greatest heroes of the Tairnadal's many player characters (who are presumably not also mem­
wars-against giants, dragons, and the champions of bers of your war band) instead of serving with the Tair­
Dhakaan-live on after death, becoming the patron nadal. Do you experience visions of your patron ances­
ancestors of the Tairnadal. Upon reaching adulthood, a tor driving you on a particular course? Are you pursuing
Tairnadal elf forms a bond with one of these ancestors an epic quest that mirrors your ancestor's legendary
and strives to follow in the footsteps of this ancestor, liv­ deeds? Are you seeking vengeance for the death of a
ing as the patron did. In this way, the champion comes friend or ally? Or have you turned away from your peo­
to embody their ancestor, allowing the dead to live on. ple, either by choice or because of the actions of a rival?
The Tairnadal have three distinct lines: the Draleus
Tairn, the Silaes Tairn, and the Valaes Tairn. All three
The double-bladed scimitar is the signature weapon of
lines roam the northern plains of Aerenal, having left
Valenar elves. A haft of fine wood supports a long, curv­
the forest long ago, but the Valaes Tairn now reside
ing blade on either end. Forged with techniques honed
mostly in Valenar, being the Tairnadal most often en­
over centuries, these blades are strong, sharp, and
countered in Khorvaire. Despite sharing a homeland
remarkably light. Each scimitar is a masterpiece, and
with the Aereni, the Tairnadal have distinct religious
as a result the double-bladed scimitar is an expensive
traditions, revering their patron ancestors rather than
weapon (100 gp)-few though ever have the opportunity
the Undying Court.
to purchase one. A Valenar blade in the hands of a non­
In creating a Tairnadal character, including a Valenar
elf is generally assumed to have been stolen or looted
elf, think about your patron ancestor. Most Tairnadal
from a fallen foe, and a Valenar elf might feel entitled
pursue the same class as their patron, so if your char­
to demand its return or challenge the bearer to prove
acter is a wizard, your ancestor was likely a legendary
they're worthy to wield it.


... 21
A double-bladed scimitar is a martial weapon, weigh­ When the elves fled to Aerenal, the drow remained on
ing 6 pounds and dealing 2d4 slashing damage on a hit. Xen'drik as subjects of the giants, and they were caught
It has the two-handed property and the following spe­ in the collapse of giant civilization. Today they linger
cial property: on Xen'drik and have set their own course, free of the
giants' malevolent influence.
If you attack with a double-bladed scimitar as part of
Three distinct drow cultures formed after the fall of
the Attack action on your turn, you can use a bonus
the giants. The most numerous are the Vulkoori, hunt­
action immediately after to make a melee attack with
ers dedicated to a scorpion god called Vulkoor. They
it. This attack deals ld4 slashing damage on a hit, in­
hunt giants and other dangers in their lands. Led by
stead of 2d4.
powerful druids and wizards, the Sulatar cling to tradi­
FEAT: REVENANT BLADE tions of elemental shaping that date back to the Age of
Prerequisite: Elf Giants. They live in a handful of obsidian cities across
Xen'drik, and believe that they are destined to cleanse
You are descended from a master of the double-bladed
the world in a fiery apocalypse. Finally, the Umbragen
scimitar, and some of that mastery has passed on to you.
are descended from drow who fled into the depths of
You gain the following benefits:
the earth when the giant civilization fell. They wield so­
• Increase your Dexterity or Strength score by 1, to a phisticated magic in their unceasing battles against the
maximum of 20. daelkyr and the other aberrations of the underworld.
• While you are holding a double-bladed scimitar with When creating a drow character, think about how
two hands, you gain a + 1 bonus to Armor Class. you came to Khorvaire. Are you a Vulkoori hunter who
• A double-bladed scimitar has the finesse property accompanied an expedition home to Khorvaire, now
when you wield it. seeking your way in this strange new world? Are you an
Umbragen seeking powers that can help your people in
E LVES O F THE FIVE NATIONS their endless war? Or are you a Sulatar pursuing a per­
Throughout history, elves have occasionally migrated to sonal path to glory?
live among the other peoples of Khorvaire. On rare oc­ How do you react to meeting members of other elven
casions, entire families have relocated (as House Phiar­ cultures during your journeys? You might quickly rec­
lan did, almost three thousand years ago), but more ognize that most bear little resemblance to the terrors
often wanderers and exiles have come to Khorvaire and described in your people's legends, or you might have an
made their way there. Many of the finest wizards and almost instinctive reaction of distrust. You might have
most renowned artisans in the Five Nations are high overcome your initial prejudices by the time the cam­
elves. Wood elves are found among the rangers and paign begins, or perhaps you're working to build trust
druids of the Eldeen Reaches and stalking the darkest with another elf member of your adventuring party.
alleys of Sham.
As an elf born and raised in Khorvaire, your charac­
ter has grown up among the shorter-lived races. You The Mark o f Shadow first appeared among the elves
might not be as concerned with history and tradition as of the Phiarlan line, and the house quickly turned the
the Aereni and Tairnadal; you could even live your life mark's powers of shadow and illusion into an economic
entirely in the moment, with no care for your family or dynasty. The suspicion of their kin drove them from
your legacy. Or you could be fascinated by the history Aerenal to Khorvaire, and the house splintered during
and traditions of your ancestors and try to relearn the the Last War, giving rise to House Thuranni. The two
ways your family has forgotten. houses of shadow control the business of espionage
Consider also whether you've outlived human friends throughout Khorvaire, but they also operate more legiti­
and how that might affect you. Did you know the par­ mate ventures related to art and entertainment.
ents or grandparents of another member of your party? Phiarlan blood still runs among some of the Aereni
Are you trying to repay a debt or fulfill a promise to elves, and the Mark of Shadow appears once or twice in
that long-dead friend, or are you trying to recapture each elven generation. Elves bearing this mark are al­
some spark of the friendship you felt years ago? Do you ways inducted into the elite force of the Cairdal Blades­
remember a time before the Last War? Did you fight an espionage agency in the service of Aerenal's Sibling
in the war? Kings (see chapter 2).


Long ago o n the continent o f Xen'drik, the first drow
fought beside the giants against the other elves. Tens
of thousands of years have passed, and drow and other -Zil proverb
elves remember each other only as figures in their leg­
ends. The Undying Court and the patron ancestors of The average gnome has a love of knowledge that bor­
the Tairnadal remember the drow, but they have little ders on obsession, a curiosity that admits no limits, and
occasion to teach their living descendants about these a vast collection of potentially useful information on ev­
shadows of the distant past. ery personal acquaintance. Most gnomes detest physical
violence and prefer to solve their problems with words-


whether that's a bard's eloquent persuasion, a wizard's
words of power, or a rogue's careful threat. They give
an initial impression as friendly busybodies, always
ready to lend a hand or share a story, while asking ques­
tions that tend toward the slightly-too-personal. Often,
though, a cheerful and amiable gnome is methodically
adding to a mental storehouse of knowledge that might
one day provide important leverage.

To say that every Zil gnome is a ruthless schemer would
be a hurtful exaggeration. Intrigue is the favorite pas­
time of most Zil, though. Every gnome child of Zilargo
is taught to manipulate and deceive, and by the time
they reach adulthood most have been involved in dozens
of schemes and feuds, some of which persist well into
adulthood. Even a gnome with a good heart and noble
goals-of which there are many-often still prefers to
use trickery and cunning rather than the unreliable
tools of honesty or brute force.
Most Zil gnomes belong to the forest gnome subrace.
Their natural talent for illusion aids them in trickery and
entertaining, and they often use small animals as mes­
sengers and guides.
When you're making a Zil gnome character, consider
what kinds of schemes you or your family might be
involved in. The Zil Schemes table offers some sug­
gestions, but you should feel free to elaborate on these
schemes, even to absurd extremes.

Additionally, consider your relationship to Zilargo:
dlO Scheme why you have left, and what ties do you still have to it?
Your family is work i n g on a new form of elemental Your scheme could provide a good reason for you to
bi nding, but they need a lot of Khyber d ragonshards. leave. Or you could be a sage gathering information
2 You have an anonymous contact who sends you mis­ for the Library of Korranberg or an investigator send­
sions via the sending spell. When you do as you 're ing stories of your adventures back to the Korranberg
Chronicle. Family is important to the Zil, and you could
asked, you receive handsome rewards.
be pursuing your family's interests. You could even be
3 You've i n herited a plot of land in Q'barra. If you don't
working for the mysterious Trust, the conspiracy behind
visit within a year, you'll lose the c l a i m . the Triumvirate's throne that quietly maintains order
4 Due to an u n usual twist of Tri umvirate law, you share in Zilargo. If you are working for the Trust, you could
the same name with a n u m ber of other Z i l , and you're have a specific mission, but you could also be a sleeper
a l l legally considered to be the same person. agent-gathering information and allies until you're acti­
5 You've acq u i red a spe/lshard (described in chapter 5) vated and you are put to your intended use.
that conta i n s a vast amount of text in a strange code. Zil Names. Zil society is divided into major houses,

You know the location of a wanted war cri m i na l , and

each of which is composed of multiple families. Each
gnome carries the name of a house and of a family in ad­
you 've been trying to decide whether to turn them i n or
dition to a personal name. For example, Alina Lorridan
try to get something i n exchange for your s ilence.
Lyrris and Tallian Talius Lyrris are members of differ­
7 You've been sel l i n g false treasure maps, but now ent families (Lorridan and Talius) within House Lyrris.
you've found one that m ight be real . Gnome names are long and lyrical; a Zil proverb claims
8 You've acquired a controlling stake i n a dragonshard "the sweetest song is the name of a friend." Personal
m i ne, which was abandoned long ago. But why? Ko­ and clan names are usually at least three syllables long,
bolds? Aberrations? There's only one way to fi nd out! and there is a strong tradition of alliteration.
9 Your family is facing financial ru i n , a n d they've taken
out a life insurance policy on you . I t o n ly pays out if
you die under u n usual circumstances, and they're e n ­ A s they have fo r countless generations, insatiable cu­
couraging y o u t o seek out more dangerous adventures. riosity and endless opportunity draw gnomes from
Zilargo into the wider lands of Khorvaire. Most of these
10 You're pedd ling a life-extension scheme where cl ients
dispersed gnomes find new homes and integrate easily
are petrified by a medusa and then restored later.
into local cultures. Gnomes can be found in any walk


of life, whether they be as merchants, magewrights, strife; when they weren't fighting Galifar or Zilargo, the
scholars, or scoundrels. While the gnomes of the Five tribes usually turned on one another. This came to an
Nations aren't as inherently devious as their Zil cousins, end with the Last War. House Deneith hired Ghaal'dar
they share the Zil emphasis on the importance of family. mercenaries, and this gave focus to the divided tribes.
As a gnome character from the Five Nations, you A brilliant hobgoblin, Haruuc, united the Ghaal'dar,
might have a network of connections to the community and under his leadership they seized control of what is
your grew up in, likely built on the exchange of informa­ now Darguun (see chapter 2). The aging Lhesh Haruuc
tion. Alternatively, you might seek your own path in life, remains as the ruler of Darguun, and many fear that his
avoiding the intrigues your cousins adore. death could throw the region into chaos.
As a Ghaal'dar goblinoid, you hold your place through
GNO M E S AND D RAGON MARKS cunning and strength. You may have been a former mer­
The Mark of Scribing appears among the gnomes of cenary now seeking adventure. You could be working
House Sivis. The gnomes of this house were among as an emissary for one of the Ghaal'dar tribes or even
the first of their kind to leave Zilargo and live in human Lhesh Haruuc himself. Or you could have been driven
lands. They love bureaucracy and intrigue as much as from your tribe by the actions of a rival; perhaps you're
the gnomes of their homeland, but they have carefully seeking allies to reclaim your birthright.
cultivated a reputation for impartiality and secrecy,
since their services rely on trust.
Today, House Sivis provides avenues of communica­ The Marguul bugbears threw o ff the yoke o f the
tion across Khorvaire. Translation, mediation, inter­ Ghaal'dar long ago, seizing territory in the Seawall
preting, and legal advocacy all fall within House Sivis's Mountains in the south of Darguun. They are infamous
broad purview, and they maintain the network of mes­ raiders, and while they have brokered a truce with the
sage stations that allow cross-continent communication. Ghaal'dar, anyone venturing into the Seawall Mountains
had best travel with a Marguul guide.
GOBLINOI D S As a Marguul bugbear, you are savage and proud of it.
The Marguul worship the Mockery and believe in victory
HOISTING THE HEAD BY THE FADING PLUMES OF THE by any means necessary: there is no such thing as honor
ruined helmet, still tied under the chin by a cord, Haruuc on the battlefield. It's certainly an unusual choice for a
raised it in one hand and his bloody sword in the other.
player character, but if you've taken a liking to a particu­
lar group of the small folk, you could be a powerful ally.
"Your lord is dead!" he howled in the human language.
"The battle is done! By my sword, I claim this place and TH E H E I R S OF D H AKAAN
name it Rhukaan Draa/, the crown city of Darguun, the Though the Dhakaani Empire defeated the alien
land of the people!" daelkyr, the war left seeds of corruption strewn through­
out the empire. As Dhakaan began to fall, a number
-Don Bassingthwaite, The Doom of Kings
of generals and governors gathered their forces and
retreated into shelters deep within the earth, deter­
The goblinoid species-goblins, hobgoblins, and bug­ mined to preserve their civilization until the Empire
bears-were once the dominant civilization in Khor­ could finally be restored. After thousands of years, their
vaire, with the goblinoid Empire of Dhakaan ruling the descendants have finally emerged, competing among
continent for thousands of years. It was crippled by a themselves to determine which leader deserves the im­
long conflict with the daelkyr and their aberrant armies; perial crown. Once this is settled, they will turn to the
even though the daelkyr were defeated, the seeds of conquest of Darguun and Khorvaire.
madness took root in the empire and tore it apart. Today The Dhakaani are far fewer in number than the
there are four primary goblinoid cultures in Khorvaire. Ghaal'dar; they had to carefully limit their population in
the underground vaults they've dwelled in for the past
age. However, they have held onto the martial discipline
Goblins dwell in most o f the major cities o f the Five and techniques that allowed their ancestors to dominate
Nations. When humans first came to Khorvaire, they the continent. Their weaponsmiths are superior even
enslaved many goblins and built their cities on the foun­ to the artificers of House Cannith, and they are experts
dations of Dhakaani ruins. Galifar ended the practice of in the working of adamantine and other exotic metals.
slavery, and these goblins are now citizens of the Five Anyone who presumes to look down upon goblinoids
Nations. Gifted goblins can be found in all walks of life, should be surprised by the skills of the Dhakaani.
and goblins served in the armies of the Five Nations The Heirs of Dhaka an are an agnostic society and
during the Last War. don't have clerics, paladins, or druids. Their focus is
on martial excellence, and their spiritual leaders are
TH E GH AAL' DAR bards, who tell tales of past glory. Among the Dhakaan,
The Ghaal'dar tribes arose from the remnants of the goblinoids work together. Hobgoblins are the strategists
Dhakaani Empire. Hobgoblins are the leaders of the and commanders, typically having the skills of fighters,
Ghaal'dar, enforcing their will on their goblin and bug­ bards, or rangers. Bugbears cultivate a focused battle
bear peers. The history of the Ghaal'dar is filled with rage and are typically barbarians. Goblins are largely


artisans and laborers, but exceptional goblins join the RAC IAL TRAITS
khesh'dar ("silent folk"), learning the skills of rogues,
monks, or rangers. The khesh'dar spread agents across If you're playing a goblinoid, your racial traits are deter­
the Five Nations, and one can never know when a city mined by whether you're a bugbear, goblin, or hobgoblin.
goblin might turn out to be an assassin.
As an adventurer from a Dhakaani clan, consider why
Your bugbear character has the following racial traits.
are you working with the other player characters? Are
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score in­
you a scout gathering information? Are you searching
creases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by l .
for allies to defeat a rival clan, or to support your own
Age. Bugbears reach adulthood a t age 16 and live up
unlikely bid for the Imperial throne? Are you an exile?
to 80 years.
If so, do you hope to regain your position, or have you
Alignment. Bugbears live on the fringes of society
abandoned your ties to the Dhakaani?
even in Darguun, where they value self-sufficiency and
violence. They are generally chaotic, organizing in loose
tribes under charismatic and powerful leaders.
Goblinoid names often feature drawn-out vowel sounds Size. Your size is Medium. To set your height and
(represented by doubled letters), as seen in the names of weight randomly, start with rolling a size modifier:
both their ancient empire (Dhakaan) and their newborn
country (Darguun). Goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears Size modifie r = 2dl 2
use the same names and naming conventions, despite Height = 6 feet + you r size modifier in i nches
their tribal differences. Weight in pounds = 200 + (2d6 x your size modifier)

Male Names: Aruget, Chetiin, Daavn, Dabrak, Dagii, Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Drevduul, Duulan, Fenic, Gudruun, Haluun, Haruuc, Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet
Jhazaal, Kallaad, Krakuul, Krootad, Mazaan, Munta, of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it
Nasaar, Rakari, Reksiit, Tariic, Taruuzh, Thuun, were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only
Vanii, Vanon, Wuudaraj shades of gray.
Female Names: Aaspar, Aguus, Belaluur, Denaal, Long-Limbed. When you make a melee attack on your
Draraar, Duusha, Ekhaas, Eluun, Graal, Gaduul, Ha­ turn, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal.
shak, Jheluum, Kelaal, Mulaan, Nasree, Raleen, Razu,
Rekseen, Senen, Shedroor, Tajiin, Tuneer, Valii, Wuun


Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet
determining your carrying capacity and the weight you of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it
can push, drag, or lift. were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only
Sneaky. You are proficient in the Stealth skill. shades of gray.
Surprise Attack. If you surprise a creature and hit it Martial Training. You are proficient with two martial
with an attack on your first turn in combat, the attack weapons of your choice and with light armor.
deals an extra 2d6 damage to it. You can use this trait Saving Face. Hobgoblins are careful not to show
only once per combat. weakness in front of their allies, for fear of losing status
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common among your allies. If you miss with an attack roll or
and Goblin. fail an ability check or a saving throw, you can gain a
bonus to the roll equal to the number of allies you can
GOBLIN TRAITS see within 30 feet of you (maximum bonus of +5). Once
Your goblin character has the following racial traits. you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score short or long rest.
increases by 2, and your Constitution score in­ Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
creases by 1 . and Goblin.
Age. Goblins reach adulthood a t age 8 and live up
to 60 years.
Alignment. In Eberron, goblins are usually neutral.
They tend to look out for themselves, preferably without I ' M NOT HALF ANYTHING. You HUMANS COME FROM
drawing unwanted attention from any larger, more pow­ Sarlona. Elves arefrom Aerenal. Me? I'm a true child of
erful people.
Size. Your size is Small. To set your height and weight
randomly, start with rolling a size modifier: -Nandon Tam, Khoravar activist

Size modifier = 2d4

From the Towering Woods of the Eldeen Reaches to
Height = 3 feet + 5 inches + your size modifier in inches the slums of Sham, half-elves are found across Khor­
Weight i n pounds = 35 + your size modifier
vaire. New half-elves are born in every generation from
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. pairings between humans, elves, and other half-elves,
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet with children typically clinging to a parent's culture.
of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it Over centuries, though, half-elves have developed their
were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only own communities and traditions, giving them an iden­
shades of gray. tity strengthened by the rise of House Lyrandar and
Fury ofthe Small. When you damage a creature with House Medani. Members of these communities gen­
an attack or a spell and the creature's size is larger than erally dislike the term "half-elf," instead calling them­
yours, you can cause the attack or spell to deal extra selves Khoravar, an Elvish term meaning "children of
damage to the creature. The extra damage equals your Khorvaire."
level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until The elves of Aerenal have never allowed a half-elf into
you finish a short or long rest. the Undying Court, and the Valenar elves don't consider
Nimble Escape. You can take the Disengage or Hide half-elves capable of channeling a Valenar ancestral
action as a bonus action on each of your turns. spirit. Among humans, though, half-elves don't experi­
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common ence any more prejudice or bias than members of other
and Goblin. races, and some half-elves could easily be mistaken
for human.
HOBGOBLIN TRAITS In making a half-elf character, consider whether you
Your hobgoblin character has the following racial traits. were born in a Khoravar community, or if your parents
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score in­ were members of different races. Is your half-elf identity
creases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1 . a source of pride, a simple fact of life, or something that
Age. Hobgoblins mature a t the same rate a s humans has been difficult for you?
and have lifespans similar in length to theirs.
Alignment. Hobgoblin society in Eberron is shaped by KHORAVAR
the ideal of a strict code of honor and rigid martial disci­
The culture that has developed among Khorvaire's na­
pline. Most hobgoblins are lawful, tending toward harsh
tive half-elves places a strong emphasis on hospitality
enforcement of their laws.
toward other Khoravar. They don't expect each other to
Size. Your size is Medium. To set your height and
put themselves in danger for strangers' sake, but when
weight randomly, start with rolling a size modifier:
possible, half-elves do what they can to help others with
Size modifier = 2dl 0 information, shelter, and the like. Khoravar communi­
Height = 4 feet + 8 i nches + you r size modifier i n inches ties have weekly unity dinners where local news and
Weight in pounds = 1 1 0 + (2d4 x you r size modifier) events are shared; these meals are a great chance to
hear about local events and opportunities.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


Many Khoravar espouse the idea of "the bridge HALF- E LV E S AND D RAGO N M ARKS
between," the notion that the Khoravar are called to
facilitate communication and cooperation between Two dragonmarks appear among half-elf families: the
members of different cultures or species. Khoravar who Mark of Detection is found in House Medani and the
follow this philosophy often become bards, diplomats, Mark of Storm in House Lyrandar. Both houses were es­
mediators, or translators. Others are fascinated by their tablished families among the Khoravar by the time their
distant connection to the fey and seek to build bridges dragonmarks appeared, and they remain pillars of the
between the Material Plane and the Feywild of Thela­ Khoravar's diverse culture. The Khoravar ideal of build­
nis. These Khoravar often become Greensinger druids ing bridges supports the work of both houses.
or warlocks with Archfey patrons. With the Mark of Storm, House Lyrandar operates
Khoravar speak both Common and Elvish, and among sailing ships and flying vessels, as well as bringing rain
themselves they often blend these two together. This to farmlands. House Medani uses the Mark of Detection
pidgin makes perfect sense to anyone who speaks both to offer services of personal protection.
languages, but someone who speaks only one of them
will miss some words and subtlety of meaning. H ALFLINGS
As you create a Khoravar character, you have a wide
range of options to describe your backstory. The Khora­
var Origin table can provide inspiration for it. But a howling haljling warrior charging in on a clawfoot
raptor? Most terrifying thing I've ever seen.
K H O R AVAR OR I G I N -Sir Danton ir'Lain, Brelish knight
dlO Origin
You 're the l i n c h p i n of a Khoravar com m u n ity in a ma­ The halflings of Eberron originate from eastern Khor­
jor city, hosting u n ity meals and m a i nta i n i n g connec­ vaire, and many nomadic tribes of halflings still travel
tions with every half-elf i n the city. the Talenta Plains. The appearance of dragonmarks
2 You grew up in a small town dom i n ated by humans. among the halflings spurred their slow migration across
Khorvaire, spreading their services of healing and hos­
You d id n't know any other half-elves, and you d i d you r
pitality along with the migration of the earliest humans
best t o fit i n .
across the continent. Now they are found in every part of
3 You l ived i n the Eldeen Reaches as part of a small
Khorvaire, putting their distinctive talents to use.
Khoravar com m u n ity, tryi ng to be a bridge between Lightfoot halflings are the more widespread halfling
the human fa rmers in the east and the d ruids and subrace, especially in the Talenta Plains, but stout hal­
wilder folk i n the west. flings are found within nearly every halfling community.
4 Your small Khoravar com m u n ity has only survived i n
t h e s l u m s of Sharn t h rough t h e close, fam ily-l i ke sup­ TALENTA HALFLINGS
port you show each other. The halflings who migrated across Khorvaire i n the
5 You're part of a com m u n ity in Thrane whose devotion company of humans ended up looking very human in
to the Silver Flame has led you to extend you r u n ity dress, manners, and customs. Their cousins who re­
meals to non-Khoravar. main in the Talenta Plains could hardly appear more dif­
ferent. In their homeland, halflings are nomads who ride
6 Your Khoravar comm u n ity is the crew of a Lhazaar
domesticated dinosaurs across the wide plains. Those
few Talenta halflings who journey across Khorvaire are
7 You're part of a tiny Khoravar com m u n ity in Karrnath visibly out of place, both attracting curious stares and
that's fascinated with death and the practices of your expressing plenty of curiosity of their own about the
Aere n i ancestors, transforming you r un ity meals i nto strange ways of Khorvaire's cities and towns.
grim celebrations of death . As you make a Talenta halfling character, give some
8 You ' re part of a tiny com m u n ity of Khoravar living i n thought to why your character left the open plains. Per­
an u nexpected place, such as Droaam, Darg u u n , or haps you served as a mercenary scout in the Last War,
even the Demon Wastes. Your people strive to fi nd and you've remained with the comrades you met in the
common ground with the native population.
conflict. Maybe your tribe was wiped out by a foreign
enemy, spurring you to travel the wider world in search
9 You are associated with House Lyrandar or H ouse
of information and revenge. You might be guided by the
Medani, but you're more interested i n the role the
spirits, who send you whispers and visions that lead you
house plays in su pporting Khoravar com m u nities on your adventures. You could be an official envoy of
than i n the work of its g u i lds. your tribe seeking allies in the world, or simply sent to
10 You ride with the Valenar, hoping one day to prove learn more about the lands beyond the plains.
that you are worthy of taking on a patron ancestor. Also, consider your relationship to the dinosaurs that
play a central role in the life of the Talenta halfiings.
You might flavor your spells and class features as dino­
saur-related: you could have a clawfoot companion, take
on a fastieth form, name your combat styles and maneu­
vers after dinosaur attacks, or take inspiration from a


glidewing (pteranodon) totem spirit. Or you could simply Of particular note is the halfling-run criminal enter­
wear a dinosaur mask (as many Talenta halflings do), prise of the Boromar Clan, the most powerful crime syn­
adorn yourself with claws and teeth from past dinosaur dicate in Breland. The Boromars are based in Sham,
companions, or adopt dinosaur-like mannerisms. Wher­ but their influence reaches across the nation and even
ever you travel, your connection to the dinosaurs of your to the distant city of Stormreach. If you decide to play a
home remains strong. halfling rogue, or a character with a criminal or charla­
Finally, it can be helpful to decide on a couple of be­ tan background, consider (with your DM) whether you
havioral quirks that reflect your culture. The Halfling have a connection to the Boromar Clan. You could be a
Quirks table can provide some inspiration. freelance operative who occasionally gets jobs from a
Boromar underboss. You might have a cousin in the syn­
H A L FLI N C Q U I R KS dicate, who occasionally pulls you in to criminal affairs.
d l O Quirk
Or you could even be the reluctant heir of a Boromar
leader; perhaps you've gone on the run rather than take
You are constantly amazed by thi ngs the people of the
your appointed place in the criminal empire, but your
Five N ations take for granted.
past may yet catch up with you. You could also be the
2 You pattern your behavi o r on a species of dinosaur. point of contact who has made the Boromar Clan your
3 You are extremely curious, a n d you're always search­ party's group patron, as described later in this chapter.
ing for new experiences.
4 You love to boast, and you're always tel l i n g exagger­ HALFLINGS AND D RAGONMARKS
ated stories of you r amazing adventures. Two dragonmarks appear among the halflings of
5 You wear a mask that you believe holds the spi rit of Khorvaire, the Mark of Healing in House Jorasco and
you r former d i n osaur mount. You l i ke to talk to it. House Ghallanda's Mark of Hospitality. Both marks are
6 You don't u nderstand the concept of"facts." To you,
ancient, first manifesting among the halflings about the
same time that the elves of Aerenal received their first
everyt h i n g is a story, and truth i s in how you tell it.
marks-centuries before the arrival of humans on Khor­
7 You are a nnoyed by b u i l d i ngs and tool s designed
vaire. Sometimes halflings of House Ghallanda joke that
without consideration for small people. their mark prepared them for the arrival of humans by
8 You seek vengeance for a wrong done to your people. allowing them to make their new guests comfortable in
9 You never forget an insult or injury. Khorvaire. There's actually some truth in the humor: the
10 You ascribe everything t o t h e work o f spi rits. services provided by both halfling houses helped enable
the spread of humanity across the continent.
With its powers related to food and shelter, the Mark
of Hospitality was a boon to the early halfling nomads,
Quick and charming, many halflings put their natural but now it allows House Ghallanda to run the best inns,
talents to use as bards, barristers, merchants, and pol­ hostels, and taverns in the land. Similarly, the Mark of
iticians throughout Khorvaire. Of course, these same Healing has always been a boon to both nomads and
talents prove equally useful for burglars, grifters, and settlers facing dangerous wilds, and House Jorasco still
other criminals. employs both magical and mundane healing techniques ••

to tend to the well-being of patients across Khorvaire.

DWARVES ARE STOIC . ELVES ARE WISE. GNOMES ARE Five different dragonmarks appear among humans,
reflecting their dominant status among the races of
cunning. And humans? They can't make up their mind, so
they try to be all of these things at once.
• The Mark of Making is found in House Cannith,
-Kessler, bard of Sham which has used it to become one of the most powerful
houses, creating an abundance of both magical and
The first human settlers came to Khorvaire about technological wonders.
3,000 years ago, landing in the area now known as the • The Mark of Passage aids the humans of House Orien
Lhazaar Principalities. From there, they began a slow in operating the lightning rail and trade caravans run­
but inexorable spread across the continent, disrupting ning across the continent.
the placid elven empire of Aerenal and leaving further • The Mark of Sentinel makes the bodyguards, mer­
ruined remnants of fallen Dhakaani goblin kingdoms cenaries, and Sentinel Marshals of House Deneith
in their wake. During this migration, they founded the widely respected across Khorvaire.
settlements that would grow into the Five Nations. Even • The Mark of Handling appears in House Vada­
today humans make up the majority of the population lis, which uses it to breed fine mounts and other
in these countries. Despite their relatively short lifes­ creatures.
pans-or perhaps because of them-humans are inno­ Humans also number among House Tharashk and
vative, adaptable, and aggressive, always pushing their manifest the Mark of Finding with their half-ore kin.
limits and pursuing new ideas.
Humans prove extremely diverse; a barbarian from
the Demon Wastes has little in common with a Brelish
rogue. When creating a human character, consider I AM KALASHTAR, BORN O F TWO WORLDS. OVER A
where you're from and how that's reflected in your class thousand yea rs ago, my a ncestor bound her bloodline to
and background. Chapter 2 presents an overview of
the spirit Kashtai, and I am a child of that union. Kashtai
the nations of Khorvaire and ideas for characters tied
to those lands. Aundair is a logical place of origin for a moves within me. Her memories come to me in dreams,
wizard character, but your wizard could be a down-and­ and at times her voice whispers in the silence of my mind.
out arcanist from the alleys of Sham or a Lhazaar pirate As long as at least one of my sisters is alive, Kashtai will sur­
with a knack for the mystic arts.
vive-and as long as she lives, she willfight il-Lashtavar.
If you want to jump-start your ideas for a human char­
acter's origins, you can roll on the Human Origins table. -Lakashtai, s e rva nt of the light

H U M A N OR I G I N S The kalashtar are a compound people, created from the

dlO Origin union of humanity and renegade spirits from the plane
of dreams-spirits called quori. Kalashtar are often
An i mpoverished wizard from Aundair, striving to
seen as wise, spiritual people with great compassion
prove you're as intelligent as any other Aundairian
for others. There is an unmistakable alien quality to the
2 A streetwise rogue from B reland who wants noth ing kalashtar, though, as they are haunted by the conflicts of
more than to escape the bustle of Sham forever their otherworldly spirits.
3 A displaced Cyran fighter who was engaged in war
outside Cyre at the time of the Mourning and i s now B O U N D TO SPI RITS
stranded with no home Every kalashtar has a connection t o a spirit of light, a
4 A barbarian from the Demon Wastes who repented bond shared by other members of their bloodline. Ka­
from a l ife of cruelty and hopes to atone for past evils lashtar appear human, but their spiritual connection af­
5 A kindly druid from the Eldeen Reaches who wants fects them in a variety of ways. Kalashtar have symmet­
to learn about the flora and fauna of the rest of Khor­ rical, slightly angular features, and their eyes often glow
vaire and beyond when they are focused or expressing strong emotions.
Kalashtar can't directly communicate with their quori
6 A cleric from Karrnath who aspires to learn the arts of
spirits. Rather, they might experience this relationship
necromancy-for the noblest aims, of course
as a sense of instinct and inspiration, drawing on the
7 A piratical bard from the Lhazaar Principalities who memories of the spirit when they dream. This connec­
loves sea shanties but also wants to i m m ortalize the tion grants kalashtar minor psionic abilities, as well
deeds of great heroes in song as protection from psychic attacks. All of these quori
8 A ranger trai ned to hunt the jungles of Q'barra who dream-spirits are virtuous, but some are warriors and
h arbors a grudge against d ragons others are more contemplative. Work together with the
9 A warlock from the Shadow Marches, teetering on the DM to determine the nature of your linked spirit. Typ­
ically, a kalashtar knows the name and nature of their
edge of sanity while contem plating the dael kyr
spirit, but some may know nothing of their spirit or the
10 A Thrane paladin o f the S i lver Flame who's looking fo r
source of their psychic gifts, such as an orphan kalashtar
something t o prove the truth u nderpin n i ng belief
raised among strangers.


The bond to the spirit can cause some kalashtar to HUNTED BY NIGHTMAR E S
display unusual quirks. Consider rolling or selecting a
trait from the Kalashtar Quirks table. The virtuous spirits tied to the kalashtar fled from the
dream-realm of Dal Quor to escape evil spirits that dom­
KALAS HTAR Q U I R K S inate it. The rebel quori believe that through meditation
and devotion, they can change the fundamental nature
dlO Quirk of Dal Quor, shifting the balance from darkness to light.
You try to understand the motives and feeli ngs of Most kalashtar communities focus on acts of devotion
your enemies. known as the Path of Light. But the dark powers of Dal
2 You prefe r using telepathy over speaking aloud. Quor have their own plans for Eberron. Through the
3 You feel a strong drive to protect the i nnocent. force known as the Dreaming Dark, these monsters
manipulate the folk of Khorvaire to eliminate kalashtar
You apply d ream logic to m u ndane situations.
whenever possible.
5 You d iscuss thi ngs out loud with your quori spi rit.
Many kalashtar defend themselves from the Dream­
6 You su ppress you r emotions and rely on logic. ing Dark by focusing on devotion to the Path of Light.
7 You are strongly i nfluenced by the emotions of Others, though, seek out the agents of the Dreaming
those around you. Dark and oppose their plans, or protect the innocent
8 You prefer to fi nd nonviolent solutions to problems however they can. Still other kalashtar grow up isolated,
whenever possible. knowing nothing about Dal Quor or the Dreaming Dark.
9 You are d riven by a warrior spi rit and will fight for
Such orphans might use their abilities for personal gain
or otherwise act against the virtuous instincts of their
any noble cause.
quori spirits; this can cause internal conflicts and violent
10 You are obsessed with Dreaming Dark conspiracies.
mood swings.

A kalashtar name adds a personal prefix to the name of
the quori spirit within the kalashtar. Such names have
no relation to the kalashtar's gender.
Kalashtar orphans are unlikely to know the name of
their spirit and take names from another source.
Quori Names: Ashana, Ashtai, Ishara, Hareth, Khad,
Kosh, Melk, Nari, Tana, Tari, Tash, Ulad, Vakri, Vash
Kalashtar Names: Coratash, Dalavash, Dolishara, Ha­
lakosh, Khoratari, Koratana, Lanhareth, Molavakri,
Nevitash, Sorashana, Torashtai, Valakhad, Vishara

Your kalashtar character has the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1 .
Age. Kalashtar mature and age at the same rate
as humans.
Alignment. The noble spirit tied to a kalashtar drives
it toward lawful and good behavior. Most kalashtar
combine strong self-discipline with compassion for all
beings, but some kalashtar resist the virtuous influence
of their spirit.
Size. Your size is Medium. To set your height and
weight randomly, start with rolling a size modifier:
S i ze modifie r = 2d6
Height = 5 feet + 4 i nches + you r size modifier i n inches
Weight in pounds = 1 1 0 + (ld6 x you r size modifier)
• Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Dual Mind. You have advantage on all Wisdom sav­ The Jhorash'tar ores are a perpetual threat in and
ing throws. around the Ironroot Mountains, shaped by their
Mental Discipline. You have resistance to psy­ resentment of the Mror dwarves who drove them un­
chic damage. derground. These ores are isolated from humans, so
Mind Link. You can speak telepathically to any half-ores here are rare.
creature you can see, provided the creature is within a The Shadow Marches holds the largest numbers of
number of feet of you equal to 10 times your level. You ores and the most significant population of half-ores.
don't need to share a language with the creature for it to
understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature 0 R C S OF T H E SHADOW MARC H E S
must be able to understand at least one language. The ore Gatekeepers played a crucial role in defeating
When you're using this trait to speak telepathically to the daelkyr and binding their evil in Khyber, and their
a creature, you can use your action to give that creature descendants continue to maintain the ancient seals and
the ability to speak telepathically with you for 1 hour or fight aberrations spawned by the daelkyr's corruption.
until you end this effect as an action. To use this ability, However, many ores succumbed to that same corruption
the creature must be able to see you and must be within and embraced the madness of the cults of the Dragon
this trait's range. You can give this ability to only one Below. Ores who follow both of these paths continue to
creature at a time; giving it to a creature takes it away live in the Shadow Marches, and centuries of battles be­
from another creature who has it. tween them have diminished both sides.
Severed from Dreams. Kalashtar sleep, but they
Humans settled in the Shadow Marches long ago, and
don't connect to the plane of dreams as other creatures the first half-ores helped to cement the bond between
do. Instead, their minds draw from the memories of these outsiders and the native ores. Certain Marcher
their otherworldly spirit while they sleep. As such, you clans contain humans, ores, and half-ores in roughly
are immune to spells and other magical effects that equal numbers.
require you to dream, like dream, but not to spells and When playing an ore or half-ore character from the
other magical effects that put you to sleep, like sleep. Shadow Marches, consider what circumstances brought
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common,
you into the wider world. The Leaving the Shadow
Quori, and one other language of your choice. Marches table offers some inspiration.


-Kalaash'arna, Tharashk inquisitive You 're associated with the Gatekeepers, and you're o n
a q uest t o combat a daelkyr-related t h reat beyond t h e

Thousands of years before humans came to Khorvaire, bounds o f t h e S hadow M a rches.

the land was dominated by wild ores and goblinoids of 2 House Tharash k recruited you from the M a rches to
the Dhakaani Empire. The goblin empire scattered the serve as a m e rcenary in the Last War.
ore tribes and forced them into harsh and unwanted 3 You're a simple h unter, but you 've decided to seek
lands: the swamps of the Shadow Marches, the Demon your fortu ne o r a real challenge in the world beyond
Wastes, and the depths of the Ironroot Mountains. But the M a rches.
in the Shadow Marches, the ores learned the secrets
4 Your village was destroyed by m o nsters from Droaam,
of druidic magic from the dragon Vvaraak, becoming
so you're looking fo r a new place i n the world.
the first of the Gatekeepers. With the invasion of the
alien daelkyr from Xoriat, the Gatekeepers put the 5 As a cultist of the Dragon Below, you believe that s l ay­
dragon's teaching to the test, creating magical seals i n g powerful foes is the only way to earn your passage
that bound the daelkyr in the depths of Khyber and pro­ to the paradise that lies deep within the hollow world.
tected Eberron against further incursion from the plane You've ventu red beyond the M a rches in search of
of madness. worthy enem ies.
Three prominent groups of ores have survived into the 6 You r clan works with H ouse Tharashk, and you've
present age: been recruited as a bounty h u nter or i nvestigator even
• The Ghaash'kala are servants of the Silver Flame though you're not a mem ber of the house.
(which they call Kalok Shash, the "binding flame"), 7 The leader of you r clan comm itted a great wrong
who devote their lives to battling the fiends of the De­ against another clan , which has now sworn to exter­
mon Wastes. Humans from the Carrion Tribes of the m i nate every last member of you r clan. What better
wastes sometimes hear the call of Kalok Shash and
time to see the world?
join the Ghaash'kala, leading to a significant popula­
tion of half-ores there. 8 You r work as an investigator has set you upon a trail
of mysteries that leads far beyond the M arches.


HALF - 0 RC S OF KHORVAI RE Alignment. The ores of Eberron are a passionate peo­
ple, given to powerful emotion and deep faith. They are
With the rise o f the dragonmarked House Tharashk,
generally chaotic, but can be any alignment.
ores and half-ores have spread through the Five Nations
Size. Your size is Medium. To set your height and
and beyond. In general, the people of the Five Nations weight randomly, start with rolling a size modifier:
know little about half-ores. When people imagine a half­
orc, they usually think of a Tharashk bounty hunter or Size modifie r = 2d8
dogged inquisitive, but a few ignorant sorts might still Height = 5 feet + 4 i nches + you r size modifier in i nches
hold the stereotype of a "simpleton from the swamps." Weight i n pounds = 175 + (2d6 x your size modifier)

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet
The Mark of Finding appears among half-ores of House of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it
Tharashk. Strangely, both ores and humans associated were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only
with the house cannot develop this mark. As a result, shades of gray.
dragonmarked half-ores work extensively with humans, Aggressive. As a bonus action, you can move up to
ores, and unmarked half-ores in pursuit of the house's your speed toward an enemy of your choice that you can
mission of bounty hunting, inquisitive work, and pros­ see or hear. You must end this move closer to the enemy
pecting. Across Khorvaire, anyone who wants to find than you started.
something or someone turns to House Tharashk. Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when
determining your carrying capacity and the weight you
0 RC TRAITS can push, drag, or lift.
An ore character has the following racial traits. Primal Intuition. You have proficiency in two of
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling,
increases by 2, and your Constitution score in­ Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Nature, Perception,
creases by 1 . and Survival.
Age. Ores reach adulthood at age 1 2 and live up Languages. You can speak, read, and write Com­
to 50 years . mon and Ore.


Shifters are similar t o humans in height and build but
are typically more lithe and flexible. Their facial features
him, spreading out from the core of his being. Some shifters have a bestial cast, often with large eyes, flat noses, and
manifested terrible claws, others massive fangs, still others pointed ears; most shifters also have prominent canine
astounding speed or heightened senses. Geth's giftfrom teeth. They grow fur-like hair on nearly every part of
their bodies.
his /ycanthrope ancestors was sheer toughness. Strength
The traits of the beast within affect a shifter's ap­
seeped into his bones andflooded his flesh. His skin hard­ pearance as well. A swiftstride shifter may have catlike
ened, and his hair became coarse like an animal's tough eyes and delicate build, while a beasthide shifter might
hide. A sense of invincibility spread through him. For the be a massive brute built like a bear. While a shifter's
appearance might remind an onlooker of an animal,
moment at least, he felt unstoppable!
they remain clearly identifiable as shifters even when
-Don Bassingthwaite, The Binding Stone at their most feral.

Shifters are sometimes called the weretouched, as TH E OURNEY YET TO C OM E

many believe they are the descendants of humans and Shifters have a strong presence in the Eldeen Reaches
lycanthropes. Whatever their origins, shifters have but can be found in rural areas across Khorvaire,
evolved into a unique race. They are humanoids with a where they often live among humans. While they
bestial aspect; while they can't fully change shape, they form powerful bonds to friends and kin, shifters place
can temporarily enhance their animalistic features-a great value on self-reliance and freedom. It's a shifter
state they call shifting. Each shifter walks on the knife's proverb to "always be prepared for the journey yet to
edge between the wilds and the world around them. come," and most shifters strive to be ready for change
Do they embrace their primal instincts or the path of or opportunity.
civilization? Shifters have a natural inclination toward classes with
a primal connection. A shifter barbarian draws their
THE BEAST WIT H I N rage from the beast within. A shifter ranger indulges
Early in childhood, a shifter forms a bond with a beast their urge to wander and hunt. A shifter rogue har­
within, a totemic force that shapes their body and mind. nesses their own predatory instincts. But shifters can
Some shifters believe that these spirits are indepen­ pursue any path or faith.
dent entities, and they may speak of Bear or Wolf as
ancestors or guides. Most just see the beast within as a S H I FTER NAM E S
formidable expression of their inner nature, something Shifters have no language o f their own and often live
that emerges as the shifter's personality takes shape. in blended communities. Their names typically overlap
The beast within is a pool of powerful instincts, and its with the names of other cultures in their region. Many
influence is revealed by a shifter's personality: a feline shifters prefer to keep their personal names for their
shifter may be cool and distant, driven by predatory friends and use "wandering names" with strangers.
instincts, while a shifter with a lupine spirit might be These are usually tied to a physical or personality trait.
drawn to find and protect a pack. When a shifter fully
embraces this beast within they physically transform Shifter Names: Badger, Bear, Cat, Fang, Grace, Grim,
for a short time. Moon, Rain, Red, Scar, Stripe, Swift, Talon, Wolf
A shifter's beast within is reflected by the shifter's sub­
race. Four subraces are especially common:
Your shifter character has the following traits.
Beasthide often signifies the bear or boar: stoic, stub­
Age. Shifters are quick to mature both physically and
born, and thick-skinned.
emotionally, reaching young adulthood at age 10. They
Longtooth shifters typically have lupine traits and pre­
rarely live to be more than 70 years old.
fer to run with a pack.
Alignment. Shifters tend toward neutrality, being
Swiftstride are often predatory and feline, but a swift­
more focused on survival than concepts of good and
stride could also be a cunning rat who darts through
the shadows. evil. A love of personal freedom can drive shifters to­
ward chaotic alignments.
Wildhunt shifters are born from any creature that
Size. Your size is Medium. To set your height and
tracks its prey.
weight randomly, start with rolling a size modifier:
While the beast within certainly has a physical impact
on a shifter, it has a spiritual and psychological effect, as Size modifier = 2d8
well. Two beasthide shifters share the same special abil­ H eight = 4 feet + 6 i nches + you r size modifier i n i n ches
ity, but if one has the aspect of the boar and the other is Weight i n pounds = 90 + (2d4 x you r size modifier)
more like a bear, they'll be quite different in personality. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
With any shifter, identifying the beast within is a crucial
part of understanding the character.


Stoic and solid, a beasthide shifter draws strength and
stability from the beast within. Beasthide shifters are
typically tied to the bear or the boar, but this subrace
could embody any creature known for its toughness.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score in­
creases by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1 .
Natural Athlete. You have proficiency i n the Ath­
letics skill.
W1LOHUNT Shifting Feature. Whenever you shift, you gain ld6
S H I FTER additional temporary hit points. While shifted, you have
a +1 bonus to your Armor Class.

Longtooth shifters are fierce and aggressive, but they
form deep bonds with their friends. Many longtooth shift­
ers have canine traits that become more pronounced as
they shift, but they might instead draw on tigers, hyenas,
or other predators.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score in­
creases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1 .
Fierce. You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
Shifting Feature. While shifted, you can use your
elongated fangs to make an unarmed strike as a bonus
action. If you hit with your fangs, you can deal pierc­
ing damage equal to ld6 + your Strength modifier,
instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an un­
armed strike.

Swiftstride shifters are graceful and quick. Typically
feline in nature, swiftstride shifters are often aloof and
difficult to pin down physically or socially.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score in­
creases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1 .
Graceful. You have proficiency i n the Acrobatics skill.
Shifting Feature. While shifted, your walking speed
increases by 10 feet. Additionally, you can move up to 10
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and feet as a reaction when a creature ends its turn within
dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet 5 feet of you. This reactive movement doesn't provoke
of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it opportunity attacks.
were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
Wildhunt shifters are sharp and insightful. Many are
Shifting. As a bonus action, you can assume a more
constantly alert, ever wary for possible threats. Others
bestial appearance. This transformation lasts for 1
focus on their intuition, searching within. Wildhunt
minute, until you die, or until you revert to your normal
shifters are excellent hunters, and they also tend to be­
appearance as a bonus action. When you shift, you gain
come the spiritual leaders of shifter communities.
temporary hit points equal to your level + your Constitu­
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
tion modifier (minimum of 1 temporary hit point). You
by 2, and your Dexterity increases by 1 .
also gain additional benefits that depend on your shifter
Natural Tracker. You have proficiency i n the Sur­
subrace, described below.
vival skill.
Once you shift, you can't do so again until you finish a
Shifting Feature. While shifted, you have advantage
short or long rest.
on Wisdom checks, and no creature within 30 feet of
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common.
you can make an attack roll with advantage against you,
Subrace. The beast within shapes each shifter phys­
unless you're incapacitated.
ically and mentally. The four major subraces of shifter
include: beasthide, longtooth, swiftstride, and wildhunt.
Choose a subrace for your shifter.




Warforged are formed from a blend o f organic and inor­
ganic materials. Root-like cords infused with alchemical
"what do we know of him?" fluids serve as their muscles, wrapped around a frame­
"His name is Kathrik Mel. He inspires tremendous loyalty work of steel, darkwood, or stone. Armored plates form
in the barbarians, an almost religiousfervor. " a protective outer shell and reinforce joints. Warforged
share a common facial design, with a hinged jaw and
"He's a demon?"
crystal eyes embedded beneath a reinforced brow ridge.
"I don't think so. The Ghaash'kala call him a sak'vanar­ Beyond these common elements of warforged design,
rak-it translates as something like }lend-touched.' A Karrn the precise materials and build of a warforged vary
scholar coined the word tiejling. I think he's some mixture of based on the purpose for which it was designed.
Although they were manufactured, warforged are
fiend and mortal, more like a savior than a god."
living humanoids. Resting, healing magic, and the Medi­
Thuelfrowned. "Their savior, our damnation." cine skill all provide the same benefits to warforged that
-James Wyatt, Dragon Forge they do to other humanoids.

Tieflings rarely appear in the cities and towns of Khor­

vaire, with most dwelling at the fringes of civilization. The warforged were built to serve and to fight. For most
Many tieflings are born to the Carrion Tribes, the of their existence, warforged had a clearly defined func­
barbarians who live in the Demon Wastes. Such tief­ tion and were encouraged to focus purely on that role.
lings are touched by the fiendish forces bound beneath The Treaty of Thronehold gave them freedom, but many
the Wastes, and the tribes consider them to be blessed. still struggle both to find a place in the post-war world
If you're playing such a tiefling, why have you left the and to relate to the creatures who created them.
Wastes? It could be that you were destined for some evil The typical warforged shows little emotion. Many
purpose-perhaps even serving as an avatar for an im­ warforged embrace a concrete purpose-such as
prisoned Overlord-and you are fleeing that destiny. protecting allies, completing a contract, or exploring
Other tieflings are shaped not by fiendish powers, a land-and embrace this task as they once did war.
but by the influence of the fiend-tainted planes. Such However, there are warforged who delight in exploring
tieflings might be born in manifest zones, where a plane their feelings, their freedom, and their relationships
exerts influence over a region. Planar tieflings are oddi­ with others. Most warforged have no interest in reli­
ties, often seen as strange but not necessarily evil. gion, but some embrace faith and mysticism, seeking
Finally, the Venomous Demesne-a city-state hidden higher purpose and deeper meaning.
on the far side of Droaam-is populated by tieflings. The typical warforged has a sexless body shape.
These tieflings descend from Sarlonan mages who Some warforged ignore the concept of gender entirely,
bargained with dark powers, with the Demesne's lords while others adopt a gender identity.
being powerful warlocks and wizards. The Venomous The more a warforged develops its individuality, the
Demesne has had no significant contact with the Five more likely it is to modify its body, seeking out an artifi­
Nations and few know it exists. Your character could be cer to customize the look of its face, limbs, and plating.
an envoy or exile from it, or simply an adventurer driven
by a desire to see what lies beyond your homeland. U I RKS
Warforged often display an odd personality trait or two,
WARFORGED given how new they are to the world. The Warforged
Quirks table contains example quirks.

by accident, " Lakashtai said. "The soul is what matters, not WAR FO R G E D Q U I R K S
the shape of the vessel. " d 8 Quirk
"What makes you think he has a soul?" Gerrion said. You analyze-out loud-the potential threat posed
"What makesyou thinkyou do?" by every creature you meet.
-Keith Baker, The Shattered Land 2 You often m i s read emotional cues.
3 You are fiercely protective of you r friends.
The warforged were built to fight in the Last War. While 4 You try to apply warti me discipline to every situation.
the first warforged were mindless automatons, House 5 You don't know how to filter your feelings and are
Cannith devoted vast resources to improving these steel prone to d ra matic emotional outbursts.
soldiers. An unexpected breakthrough produced sapient
6 You don't u nderstand cloth i n g beyond its util ity and
soldiers, giving rise to what some have only grudgingly
assume it denotes a person's fu nction.
accepted as a new species. Warforged are made from
wood and metal, but they can feel pain and emotion. 7 You are obsessed with you r appearance and con­
Built as weapons, they must now find a purpose beyond stantly polish and buff you rself.
war. A warforged can be a steadfast ally, a cold-hearted 8 War is the only thing that makes sense to you, and
killer, or a visionary in search of meaning. you 're always looking for a fight.


Age. A typical warforged is between two and thirty
years old. The maximum warforged lifespan remains
a mystery; so far, warforged have shown no signs of
deterioration due to age. You are immune to magical ag­
ing effects.
Alignment. Most warforged take comfort in order and
discipline, tending toward law and neutrality. But some
have absorbed the morality, or lack thereof, of the beings
with which they served.
Size. Your size is Medium. To set your height and
weight randomly, start with rolling a size modifier:
Size modifier = 2d6
Height = 5 feet + 10 i nches + your size modifier in i nches
Weight i n pounds = 270 + (4 x your size modifier)

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Constructed Resilience. You were created to have
remarkable fortitude, represented by the follow­
ing benefits:
You have advantage on saving throws against being
poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage.
• You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe.
• You are immune to disease.
• You don't need to sleep, and magic can't put
you to sleep.
WARFORGED NAM E S Sentry's Rest. When you take a long rest, you must
Most warforged were assigned numerical designations spend at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state,
for use in military service. Many of them adopted nick­ rather than sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but
names, often given to them by their comrades. As inde­ it doesn't render you unconscious, and you can see and
pendent individuals, some have chosen new names as hear as normal.
a way to express their path in life. A few take on human Integrated Protection. Your body has built-in defen­
names, often the name of a fallen friend or mentor. sive layers, which can be enhanced with armor:
Warforged Names: Anchor, Banner, Bastion, Blade, • You gain a +l bonus to Armor Class.
Blue, Bow, Cart, Church, Crunch, Crystal, Dagger, You can don only armor with which you have profi­
Dent, Five, Glaive, Hammer, Iron, Lucky, Mace, Oak, ciency. To don armor, you must incorporate it into
Onyx, Pants, Pierce, Red, Rod, Rusty, Scout, Seven, your body over the course of 1 hour, during which you
Shield, Slash, Smith, Spike, Temple, Vault, Wall remain in contact with the armor. To doff armor, you
must spend 1 hour removing it. You can rest while
WARFORGED TRAITS donning or doffing armor in this way.
• While you live, your armor can't be removed from your
Your warforged character has the following traits. A few
body against your will.
of the traits give you a choice; consider how your choice
reflects the purpose for which your character was built. Specialized Design. You gain one skill proficiency
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score in­ and one tool proficiency of your choice.
creases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
increases by 1 . and one other language of your choice.


Names and Ranks. Any heir o f the house who develops
D RAGON MARKS a dragonmark is allowed to add the d' prefix to the
A halfiing healer touches a dying man; the mark on her house name: for example, Merrix d'Cannith. Despite
forehead blazes with blue fire as his wounds close and the Korth Edicts' proscription against house mem­
vanish. A half-ore bounty hunter reaches out with the bers holding noble titles, regional leaders within
power of his mark to find his prey. A human artificer the houses are called barons. Most houses are led
touches a creation forge, and the symbol on her hand by a matriarch or patriarch, though some are led by
flares as the eldritch machine rumbles to life. Each of a council.
these people possesses a dragonmark, a symbol etched Emblems. Each dragonmarked house has an emblem,
on the skin in colors more vivid than any tattoo, magical a distinctive symbol that features on their heraldry, of­
power made flesh. ficial seals, crafted goods, and anything else that war­
A dragonmark enhances the user's ability to perform rants the house's stamp of authenticity. Each house's
certain tasks. For example, the Mark of Making guides emblem appears along with the related dragonmark
the hands of the smith, while the Mark of Shadows on the following pages.
helps its bearer avoid enemies. The power of a dragon­ The Twelve. The Twelve is an organization that facili­
mark can also manifest in more dramatic ways. The tates cooperation among the dragonmarked houses.
Mark of Storms can scatter enemies with a blast of Excoriates. Excoriates are dragonmarked heirs who
wind, while the Mark of Shadows can weave illusions. have been cut off from their houses.
You can't buy or choose to develop a dragonmark; Foundlings. Foundlings are people who have a dragon­
each mark is tied to bloodlines within specific species, mark yet have no tie to a dragonmarked house.
as sµmmarized in the Dragonmarks and Their Houses Test ofSiberys. Dragonmarks manifest around adoles­
table. A dragonmark appears on a person around ado­ cence. Each house puts its heirs through a trial called
lescence, though not every heir manifests the mark. the Test of Siberys. The specific trials vary by house,
Long ago, the families that carry the marks joined but they place the heir in circumstances where they
together to form the dragonmarked h�:mses. Over the are likely to manifest the mark, if they have it. About
course of centuries, these houses have used their gifts half of the members of a bloodline manifest the mark.
to establish powerful monopolies. For example, only Korth Edicts. The Korth Edicts prevent the houses
House Lyrandar heirs with the Mark of Storms can from owning land, holding noble titles, or maintaining
pilot airships. This control over vital services gives the military forces (with an exception for Deneith). The
houses tremendous power. edicts were established when the Five Nations were
In the past, the dragonmarked houses were held united. Today, many in the houses feel the edicts have
in check by the united kingdom of Galifar. But in the become obsolete in the wake of the Last War.
wake of the Last War, people wonder if ?ny nation has
the power to enforce its wishes on the houses. C REATING A
Dragonmarks manifest o n certain members o f a few
Every dragonmarked house has traditions and secrets. species, represented in the rules by variant race options:
Here's a few facts that apply to most of the houses:
• For humans and half-ores, a dragonmark is a variant
Enclaves. Most dragonmarked houses maintain en­ race that replaces traits associated with those races.
claves in major cities. These serve as strongholds and • For half-elves, a dragonmark is a variant race that lets
hubs for house businesses. A city may also have any you keep some half-elf traits and replace others with
number of businesses tied to the house, but these are the traits associated with your mark.
simply providing services and don't have any direct • For dwarves, elves, gnomes, and halftings, the
connection to house leadership. dragonmark replaces your subrace.

Dragon mark House Race Guild Specialties
Detection Medani H alf-elf Bodyguards, i nvestigation, risk management
Finding Tharashk H u man, half-ore Bou nty h u nting, i nvestigation, prospecting
Handling Vada I i s Human Animal tra i n i n g and breeding
Healing jorasco H alfling Healing
H o s pitality Gh allan 9 a Halfling Food, lodging, u rban information
Making Cannith Human Man ufacturing
Passage O ri en Human Land transportation
Scribing Sivis G nome Com mu n i cation , translation , verification
Sentinel Deneith H um a n Bodyguards, mercenaries
Shadow Phiarlan Elf Entertai nment, espionage
Thu ran n i Elf Entertai n ment, assassination
Storm Lyrandar Half-elf Air and sea tra n s portation
Wardi n g Kun d arak Dwarf Banki ng, storage, p risons


So, if you're making an elf character, you can choose to description includes a list of dragonmark spells that flow
take the Mark of Shadow instead of being a wood elf or from the magic of the mark. If you play a character with
a high elf. the Spellcasting or the Pact Magic class feature, your
There is another option related to dragonmarks if dragonmark spells are added to the spell list for each of
your group uses feats: the Aberrant Dragonmark feat your spellcasting classes, thereby expanding the spell
(see page 52) grants potentially dangerous magi- options available to you.
cal abilities. Aberrant dragonmarks aren't tied to the You might also consider your dragonmark the source
dragonmark houses and can be taken by a character of any or all of your spells or class features. As a cleric
of any race. with the Mark of Healing, for example, you could say
your mark is the sole source of the healing and support­
D RAG O N M A R K S A N D BAC KGROUN D S ive spells you cast, or your magic might come from a
Dragonmarks are bound to certain bloodlines, and by combination of your mark's power and your faith in the
choosing a mark, you are establishing your character's gods. As a warlock, your aberrant dragonmark might
blood connection to one of the families in the dragon­ actually be your fiendish patron, the source of all your
marked houses. It's up to you to define your relationship magic. These descriptions add flavor to your character
to the house. Were you brought up in the house? Or are but don't change your character's abilities, beyond the
you independent from it? This is best represented by dragonmark spells added to your spell list.
your background. Consider the following options: Over the centuries, the houses have developed tools
that enhance and channel the powers of a mark, and
Agent. You have a close, ongoing relationship with your these items (some appear in chapter 5) give the houses
house. The house agent background is a good choice if much of their economic power.
you are actively working for the house. Alternately, you
could take the noble background to reflect a blood tie D RAGONMARK APPEARANCE
to the leaders of the house.
A dragonmark appears o n the skin. There are twelve
Independent Scion. You were raised or trained by the
known dragonmarks, each unique in design and power.
house, but you've kept your independence. This means
A dragonmark can appear on any part of the body. One
you don't have many special privileges, but you also
half-elf could have the Mark of Detection across an eye,
don't have responsibilities. Guild artisan is a good
while another has it in the palm of the hand. Dragon­
choice to reflect basic house training, but you could
marks appear with vivid shades of blue and purple and
choose entertainer for the Mark of Shadow, sailor for
shimmer or even move slightly. When used, they grow
the Mark of Storms, soldier for the Mark of Sentinel,
warm to the touch and sometimes glow (though this
sage for the Mark of Scribing, and so on.
doesn't produce useful illumination). A dragonmark
Excoriate. When a dragonmarked heir defies their
can't be removed-even if a limb bearing a dragonmark
house, they might be cut off from their family. In the
is cut away, the mark eventually manifests on another
past, your mark would be flayed from your body. Al­
part of the bearer's body. All dragonmarks share a sim­
though this mutilation is no longer practiced, such
ilar initial appearance, but a dragonmark can grow in
exiles are still called excoriates. If you're an excoriate,
size and complexity as a character gains levels and uses
consider what you did to deserve this punishment.
it to cast more powerful magic.
Were you a criminal? A charlatan? Or perhaps a sage
While dragonmarks share the same general appear­
who engaged in forbidden research?
ance, your dragonmark could have a unique quality. Roll
Foundling. Your ancestors left the house long ago. You
on the Dragonmark Quirks table for inspiration.
have no ties to the house and may not have known you
were connected by blood before you manifested your
dragonmark. As an outlander or an urchin, you might
know nothing about the houses. As an acolyte or a d 8 Quirk
hermit, you could have put your faith ahead of worldly You r d ragon mark is u nu sually s m a l l or faint.
things, choosing not to pursue a connection with the 2 Your drago n mark is exceptionally l a rge.
houses. Whatever you decide, this is an opportunity to 3 You r d ragon mark a ppears somewhere else on you r
talk with your DM about the role you'd like the house
body whenever you fin i s h a l o n g rest.
to play in a campaign. Do you want them to be your en­
4 You r d ragon mark emits d i m l ight i n a 5-foot rad ius
emy? Would you prefer to avoid them completely? Or
do you want to work your way into a position of power for 10 m i n utes whenever you use it.
in the house, despite being an outsider? 5 Your d rago n mark tingles and changes color for a mo­
ment when you're within 1 0 feet of someone with the
TH E POW E R S OF T H E MARK same mark.
Each dragonmark grants a set o f abilities that reflect the 6 When you u se you r dragon mark, it ani mates a n d
inherent powers of the mark. Your dragonmarked race adopts the appearance o f you r dragon marked h ouse's
gives you a set of traits derived from the magic of your e mblem for 1 m i nute.
mark. If you are a spellcaster, your dragonmark also fu­ 7 You r drago nmark is an u n u su a l color.
els or channels some of your spells. Each dragonmark's 8 Your drago n m a rk changes size whenever you use it.


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and a blade, go to House Deneith. ifyou want someone

to anticipate the threat and make sureyou aren't even
in the room with whoever's holding that blade, that's
what we do.
-Baron Trelib d'Medani

The Mark of Detection is an inquisitive's dream. It

sharpens powers of observation and intuition, allow­
ing the bearer to draw connections and interpret clues
others might miss. By actively drawing on its powers,
the bearer can detect poisons and study the ener-
gies of magic.

Leader: Baron Trelib d'Medani
Headquarters: Tower of Inquisition (Wroat, Breland)
Represented by the basilisk's eye, the Warning Guild of
House Medani brokers the services of bodyguards and
inquisitives. Medani advisors specialize in risk assess­
ment and management, protecting clients from both
physical and social threats. While Medani overlaps with Deductive Intuition. When you make an Intelligence
the inquisitives of House Tharashk and the bodyguards (Investigation) or a Wisdom (Insight) check, you can roll
of House Deneith, the Warning Guild specializes in sub­ a d4 and add the number rolled to the ability check.
tle threats and complex mysteries. Baron Trelib man­ Magical Detection. You can cast the detect magic and
ages the guild's affairs from the Tower of Inquisition in detect poison and disease spells with this trait. Starting
Wroat, where the house also interrogates prisoners for at 3rd level, you can also cast the see invisibility spell
King Boranel of Breland. with it. Once you cast any of these spells with this trait,
The members of House Medani are half-elves with you can't cast that spell with it again until you finish
deep roots in Breland. Medani has little interest in the a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for
power struggles that sometimes break out between these spells, and you don't require material compo­
the other dragonmarked houses. Many Medani heirs nents for them.
are more interested in helping their communities Spells ofthe Mark. If you have the Spellcasting or
than in raw profit, and Medani heirs often work with the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of
local law enforcement or help those who can't afford Detection Spells table are added to the spell list of your
their services. spellcasting class.


MARK OF DETECTION Spell Level Spells
If your half-elf character has the Mark of Detection, l st detect evil and good, detect poison and disease
the following traits replace the half-elf's Ability 2nd detect thoughts.find traps
Score Increase and Skill Versatility traits in the Play­ 3 rd clairvoyance, nondetection
er's Handbook. 4th arcane eye, divination
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score in­ 5th legend lore
creases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice
increases by l .




the swamps. I use mine tofindfugitives in the slums ofSharn.

I'm still a hunter. I always find my mark.
-Hondar'.Aashta , Tharashk bounty hunter

The Mark of Finding sharpens the senses, guiding the

hunter to prey. Alone among the dragonmarks, the Mark
of Finding is carried by two races: humans and half­
orcs. It first appeared in the Shadow Marches, where
clan hunters used it to find their prey.

Leader: The Triumvirate (Maagrim Torm, Khandar'aas-
hta, and Daric Velderan)
Headquarters: Zarash'ak, Shadow Marches

House Tharashk traditionally licenses inquisitives and

bounty hunters. Recently the house's Finder's Guild has
expanded into dragonshard prospecting. As dragon­
shards are the lifeblood of the magical economy, the
house's talent has given them new wealth and influence.
Tharashk is the youngest of the dragonmarked houses
and hasn't embraced all the customs of the others. The
distinct clans that united to form the house remain im­
portant, and heirs of the family usually retain their family
names rather than adopting "d'Tharashk" as tradition
dictates. Each of the three major clans-the Aashta, the
Torm, and the Velderan-has a representative on the Tri­
umvirate that governs the house, and the city of Zarash'ak
in the Shadow Marches. Together, they stand as one un­
der the emblem of the dragonne (a lion-dragon hybrid).
locate object spell with it. Once you cast either spell with
this trait, you can't cast that spell with it again until you
finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for
MARK OF F I N D I NG these spells.
If your half-ore or human character has the Mark of Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common

Finding, the following traits replace the character's and Goblin.

racial traits in the Player's Handbook, aside from age, SpeJls ofthe Mark. If you have the Spellcasting or

alignment, size, and speed. the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases Finding Spells table are added to the spell list of your
by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1 . spellcasting class.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet
of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it M A R K O F FI N D I N G S PELLS
were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only Spell Level Spells
shades of gray. l st faerie fire, longstrider
Hunter's Intuition. When you make a Wisdom (Percep­
2nd locate animals or plants, locate object
tion) or Wisdom (Survival) check, you can roll a d4 and
3rd clairvoyance, speak with plants
add the number rolled to the ability check.
4th divination, locate creature
Finder's Magic. You can cast the hunter's mark spell
with this trait. Starting at 3rd level, you can also cast the 5th commune with nature



a tool. Our role is tofind the right tool
for the task and to make sure they're of
the.finest quality. Nature is our king­
dom; neverforget that we were born
to rule it.
-Dalin d'Vadalis

The Mark of Handling gives its bearer a primal

connection to beasts and the natural world, grant­
ing the power to calm and coax. This extends beyond
purely natural animals; the mark allows its bearer to
guide a hippogriff as easily as a horse.

Leader: Dalin d'Vadalis
Headquarters: Foalswood (near Varna, Eldeen Reaches)
Represented by the hippogriff, House Vadalis plays an
important role in daily life, offering meat, mounts, and Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
more. Vadalis isn't one of the most powerful houses, but by 2, and one other ability score of your choice in­
its barons are generally content; they're more interested creases by 1 .
in discovering new monstrosities than engaging in poli­ Wild Intuition. When you make a Wisdom (Animal
tics. The current head of the house, Dalin d'Vadalis, dis­ Handling) or Intelligence (Nature) check, you can roll a
dains the use of a title and has no aspirations to nobility d4 and add the number rolled to the ability check.
or greatness for himself or his house. Primal Connection. You can cast the animal friend­
House Vadalis breeds and trains beasts for a wide ship and speak with animals spells with this trait,
range of purposes. While the house maintains vast cat­ requiring no material component. Once you cast either
tle ranches and trains horses and hounds, the Mark of spell with this trait, you can't cast that spell with it again
Handling allows Vadalis to work with more exotic crea­ until you finish a short or long rest. Wisdom is your
tures as well. Griffons, hippogriffs, and even bulettes spellcasting ability for these spells.
can be bred and trained. Even with the Mark of Han­ The Bigger They Are. Starting at 3rd level, you can
dling, this is dangerous work; there's a lot of turnover target a beast or monstrosity when you cast animal
at the bulette ranch. But these exotic creatures aren't friendship or speak with animals, provided the creature's
enough to satisfy the most innovative members of the Intelligence score is 3 or lower.
house, leading to the practice of magebreeding. Using Spells ofthe Mark. If you have the Spellcasting or
dragonshard focus items, Vadalis has found ways to the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of
create magical creatures. Typically, this results in a su­ Handling Spells table are added to the spell list of your
perior version of a creature-an animal that is stronger, spellcasting class.
faster, and smarter. But rumors claim that Vadalis has
crafted monsters of its own. Some rumors even insist M A R K O F H A N D L I N G SPE LLS
that Vadalis is trying to magebreed better humans.
Spell Level Spells
VARIANT HUMA N : l st animalfriendship, speak with animals
2nd beast sense, calm emotions
3 rd beacon ofhope, conjure animals
If your human character has the Mark of Handling, the
4th aura oflife, dominate beast
following traits replace the human's Ability Score In­
5th awaken
crease trait in the Player's Handbook.



sheet right over here. I'd be happy to discuss it.

-Bessi d'Jorasco, Fairhaven healer

A halfling with the Mark of Healing can save a life

with a touch, restoring vitality and the will to live.
When dealing with mundane medicine, the mark
helps its bearer sense the nature of maladies, aiding
them in finding a cure. When equipped with drag­
onshard focus items, the mark can even draw the
dead back from the depths of Dolurrh.

Leader: Ulara d'Jorasco
Headquarters: Vedkyar Enclave (Vedykar, Karrnath)
The Healer's Guild provides a vital service to Khor­
vaire, and the Last War ensured there was great need
for healers. The leader of the guild, Baron Ulara d'Jo­
rasco, is much beloved in northwestern Khorvaire for
her instrumental role in combating an epidemic in that
region a decade ago, and jorasco medics served in every
nation's army during the war.
The guild runs schools that teach medicine, as well as
houses of healing that provide both mundane and mag­
ical services. If it could save a life, it's probably marked Medical Intuition. When you make a Wisdom (Med­
by the House ]orasco griffon emblem, and it will come icine) check or an ability check using an herbalism
with a cost. If you have the gold, Jorasco healers can kit, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the
remove a disease instantly with lesser restoration. If you ability check.
can't afford such a service, they will treat you with mun­ Healing Touch. You can cast the cure wounds spell
dane techniques. House Jorasco is also the source of po­ with this trait. Starting at 3rd level, you can also cast
tions of healing. While many criticize Jorasco's demands lesser restoration with it. Once you cast either spell with
for payment, the house maintains that it's not about this trait, you can't cast that spell with it again until you
greed; it's about ensuring the prosperity of the house, so finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for
they can continue to help future generations. these spells.
While the public face ofJorasco is that of the healer, Spells ofthe Mark. If you have the Spellcasting or
there are rumors that the house engaged in disturbing the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of
experiments during the Last War, working with House Healing Spells table are added to the spell list of your
Vadalis to develop biological weapons and new crea­ spellcasting class.
tures. A Jorasco heir has to decide if they want to inves­
tigate these rumors. M A R K O F H EA LI N G SPE LLS
H ALFLING SUBRAC E : Spell Level Spells
l st cure wounds, healing word
2nd lesser restoration, prayer of healing
If you're a halfling with the Mark o f Healing, you have
3rd aura of vitality, mass healing word
this subrace, with the following traits.
4th aura ofpurity, aura oflife
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score in­
creases by 1 . 5th greater restoration



me getyour drink-blackroot tal with honey, yes? And then

you have to listen to this story I've heard about the strange
things going on in the Cogs.
-Alara d'Ghallanda, halfling bartender

They may not always have gold, but a halfling with the
Mark of Hospitality is sure to be rich in friends. The
magic of the mark allows the bearer to keep a place
clean, and to heat, chill, and season food. But it also
helps the bearer connect with others.

Leader: Yoren d'Ghallanda
Headquarters: Gatherhold (Talenta Plains)
The majority of inns, taverns, and restaurants in the
Five Nations are either directly owned by House Gha­
llanda or licensed by its Hosteler's Guild. Most people
give little thought to House Ghallanda; when compared HALFLING SuBRAC E :
to the soldiers of House Deneith and the factories of
House Cannith, an alliance of innkeepers seems harm­
less and inconsequential. But Ghallanda's strength lies If you're a halfling with the Mark of Hospitality, you have
in charm and connections. A Ghallanda innkeeper hears this subrace, with the following traits.
many things-if you want to know what's really going Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score in­
on in a community, talk to the halfiing bartender. The creases by 1 .
leaders of House Ghallanda don't sell information; they Ever Hospitable. When you make a Charisma (Per­
prefer to build friendship and deal in favors. But sho�ld suasion) check or an ability check involving brewer's
a Ghallanda baron ever truly need something, they likely supplies or cook's utensils, you can roll a d4 and add the
have a favor they can call in. number rolled to the ability check.
Ghallanda has a number of "bound businesses"-fran­ Innkeeper's Magic. You know the prestidigitation can­
chises run directly by the house. The Gold Dragon Inn is trip. You can also cast the purify food and drink and un­
such a business, with Gold Dragon Inns being found in seen servant spells with this trait. Once you cast either
every major city, each serving a familiar menu and pro­ spell with this trait, you can't cast that spell with it again
viding similar services. But many Ghallanda heirs take until you finish long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting
pride in creating their own unique businesses. There are ability for these spells. .
also many independent restaurants, inns, and taverns Spells ofthe Mark. If you have the Spell casting or
licensed by House Ghallanda. The blink dog emblem is the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of
an assurance that a locale meets Ghallanda standards of Hospitality Spells table are added to the spell list of your
health and quality-but not every inn is run by a halfting. spellcasting class.
House Ghallanda's mandate extends beyond providing
creature comforts to travelers. Every one of the house's M A R K OF H O S P ITALITY SPE LLS
enclaves-which are more numerous than those of any Spell Level Spells
other dragonmarked house-is a sanctuary beyond the 1 st goodberry, sleep
legal reach of any government or dragonmarked house.
2nd aid, calm emotions
Baron Yoren and his daughter Chervina have greatly ex­
3 rd create food and water, Leomund's tiny hut
panded the house's presence even in remote areas such
as the edge of the Demon Wastes, guided by their study 4th aura ofpurity, Mordenkainen's private sanctum
of the Draconic Prophecy. 5th hallow



drive the lightning rail, but it's Cannith who builds the cars
and lays the stones it travels on. Cannith makes the ever­
bright lanterns hold the. n ight at bay. Smith, carpenter, al­
chemist-the best all carry my seal.
-Baron Merrix d'Cannith

The Mark of Making guides its bearer through any act

of creation. The bearer of the mark can mend broken
things with a touch, and always has a minor magic item
they've been working on. An artificer or a wizard will
get the most out of the mark, but anyone can find a use
for an enchanted blade.

Leaders: Cannith East, Zorlan d'Cannith; Cannith
West, Jorlanna d'Cannith; Cannith South, Mer­
rix d'Cannith
Headquarters: Cannith East, Korth Enclave (Karrnath);
Cannith West, Aundair Enclave (near Fairhaven, Aun­
dair); Cannith South, Cannith Tower (Sham, Breland)
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score in­
House Cannith dominates all forms of manufacturing, creases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice
both mystical and mundane. Gorgon-marked Cannith increases by 1 .
forgeholds use streamlined forms of production to Artisan's Intuition. When you make a n Arcana check
quickly produce common goods. Even independent or an ability check involving artisan's tools, you can roll
artisans often learn their trade at Cannith academies a d4 and add the number rolled to the ability check.
and adhere to Cannith standards. The House of Making Maker's Gift. You gain proficiency with one type of
builds the tools the other houses rely upon, and it has artisan's tools of your choice.
always been the unspoken leader of the Twelve. Spellsmith. You know the mending cantrip. You can
The Last War was a time of great opportunity for also cast the magic weapon spell with this trait. When
Cannith. Every nation wanted weapons and warforged, you do so, the spell lasts for 1 hour and doesn't require
along with mundane arms and armor. The war raised concentration. Once you cast the spell with this trait,
the house up, and then tore it down. House Cannith was you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Intelli­
based in Cyre, and the Mourning destroyed the house gence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
leadership and key facilities. Now three barons jockey SpeJJs of the Mark. If you have the Spellcasting or
to fill the leadership vacuum: the alchemist]orlanna of the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of
Fairhaven, weaponsmith Zorlan of Korth, and Merrix Making Spells table are added to the spell list of your
of Sham, innovator of warforged. It remains to be seen spellcasting class.
whether one of these leaders will unite the house, or if it
will shatter under the strain. If you're an heir of House M A R K O F M A K I N G S P E LLS
Cannith, you should decide which of these barons you
serve or if you have other ideas about the house's future.
Spell Level Spells
l st identify, Tenser's floating disk
VARIANT HUMAN: MARK OF MAKING 2nd continua/flame, magic weapon
3 rd conjure barrage, elemental weapon
If your human character has the Mark of Making, the
following traits replace the human's Ability Score In­ 4th fabricate, stone shape
crease trait in the Player's Handbook. 5th creation



matter if it's a letter, a person. or a hundred tons of steel.

Whether we have to cross mountains, rivers, or the Mourn­
/and itself, Orienfmds a way.
-Bali d'Orien, veteran courier

The Mark of Passage governs motion, allowing its

bearer to move with uncanny speed. The bearer of the
mark can even slip through space in the blink of an eye.

Leader: Kwanti d'Orien
Headquarters: Journey's Home (Passage, Aundair)
The House of Passage manages land transportation.
The lightning rail is the house's most dramatic tool, but
Orien also runs caravans and coaches across the length
of Khorvaire. Dragonshard focus items ensure that
the fastest vehicles are those driven by heirs with the
Mark of Passage, but the house also licenses unmarked
teamsters. The Courier's Guild of House Orien delivers
mail and packages and has a branch that handles more
covert and dangerous deliveries.
Orien has dominated transportation for centuries, Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score in­
but now the house is facing challenges. The Mournland creases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice
is a dramatic obstacle for ground transportation, and increases by 1 .
Baron Kwanti d'Orien has had tremendous difficulty se­ Courier's Speed. Your base walking speed increases
curing funds to rebuild the lightning rail line across the to 35 feet.
blasted landscape. Indeed, he spends most of his time Intuitive Motion. When you make a Dexterity (Acro­
away from his headquarters in Aundair, trying to raise batics) check or any ability check to operate or maintain
funds for the project while keeping an eye on house a land vehicle, you can roll a d4 and add the number
operations. He travels across western Khorvaire in his rolled to the ability check.
personal lightning rail coach, the Silver Unicorn-a ref­ Magical Passage. You can cast the misty step spell
erence to the house's unicorn emblem. once with this trait, and you regain the ability to cast it
House Orien's problems don't end with the Mourn­ when you finish a long rest. Dexterity is your spellcast­
land, though. The expanding role of Lyrandar airships ing ability for this spell.
threatens the house's business. Baron Kwanti would Spells ofthe Mark. If you have the Spellcasting or
like to be able to offer more instantaneous transporta­ the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of
tion, but long-distance teleportation is a service only the Passage Spells table are added to the spell list of your
strongest Orien dragonmarks can provide. So the house spellcasting class.
is working with House Cannith in an effort to unlock
and enhance this gift of the Mark of Passage. Orien M A R K O F PASSAG E SPELLS
heirs might be caught up in these experiments or in the Spell Level Spells
rivalry with House Lyrandar.
1 st expeditious retreat.jump
2nd misty step, pass without trace
3 rd blink, phantom steed
If your human character has the Mark of Passage, the
4th dimension door .freedom of movement
following traits replace the human's Ability Score In­
5th teleportation circle
crease trait in the Player's Handbook.



-Baron Lysse Lyrriman d'Sivis

The Mark of Scribing deals with communication-both

the written and spoken word. A gnome who bears the
mark can fee/ words as though they are living creatures,
struggling to make their meaning known. The mark
provides a range of gifts. It translates languages, but it
also allows its bearer to communicate with others at
a distance.

HousE Srvrs
Leader: Lysse Lyrriman d'Sivis
Headquarters: The Labyrinth (Korranberg, Zilargo)
Bearing the emblem of the cockatrice, the gnomes of
House Sivis facilitate communication. This is seen most
literally in speaking stones, magic items allowing a Sivis
heir to send a short message to another speaking stone.
House Sivis's message stations employs these items
as the backbone of their long-distance communication
network. The house also trains and licenses scribes, no­
taries, interpreters, cartographers, barristers, heralds,
bookbinders, and others who work with words. House
Sivis has an especially close relationship with House
Kundarak, as Kundarak letters of credit must be nota­
rized with a Sivis arcane mark.
House Sivis takes great pains to maintain the trust Scribe's Insight. You know the message cantrip. You
of its clients and holds a position of absolute neutrality can also cast comprehend languages once with this
in all disputes, whether between houses or nations. trait, and you regain the ability to cast it when you finish
Sivis gnomes are typically friendly, curious, and engag­ a short or long rest. Starting at 3rd level, you can cast
ing, but that kindly exterior might conceal a scheming the magic mouth spell with this trait, and you regain the
mind. Gnomes have a natural love of intrigue, and the ability to cast it when you finish a long rest. Intelligence
different families within the house often engage in sub­ is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
tle schemes and feuds. Doyenne Lyssa Larriman, the Spells ofthe Mark. If you have the Spellcasting or
leader of the house, takes pains to ensure that these the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of
intrigues never threaten the house or its reputation. Scribing Spells table are added to the spell list of your
spellcasting class.
If you're a gnome with the Mark of Scribing, you have M A R K OF SCR I B I N G SPE LLS
this subrace, with the following traits. Spell Level Spells
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score in­ 1 st comprehend languages, illusory script
creases by 1 . 2nd animal messenger, silence
Gifted Scribe. When you make a n Intelligence (His­
3 rd sending, tongues
tory) check or an ability check using calligrapher's sup­
4th arcane eye, confusion
plies, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the
ability check. 5th dream



from those who would do them harm. For my siblings, this is

ajob;for me, it's a calling.
-Harrie d'Deneith, Sentinel Marshal

The Mark of Sentinel warns and protects. It heightens

senses and reflexes, allowing an heir to respond to
threats with uncanny speed. It can shield its bearer
from harm. Whether on the battlefield or the ballroom,
someone who carries the Mark of Sentinel is prepared
for danger.

Leader: Breven d'Deneith
Headquarters: Sentinel Tower (Karrlakton, Karrnath)
House Deneith was born in Karrnath, and war flows in
its veins. For centuries, the Blademarks Guild of House
Deneith has governed the mercenary trade. While war­
riors with the Mark of Sentinel are among its most elite
forces, House Deneith brokers the services of a wide
range of soldiers, including Valenar war bands and the
goblins of Droaam. Beyond the battlefield, the Defend­
er's Guild provides exceptional bodyguards for those
who can afford their services. House Deneith is also Sentinel's Intuition. When you make a Wisdom (In­
renowned for its Sentinel Marshals, agents who hold sight) or Wisdom (Perception) check, you can roll a d4
the authority to pursue criminals and enforce the law and add the number rolled to the ability check.
across the length of Khorvaire. The Sentinel Marshals Guardian 's Shield. You can cast the shield spell once
hold the honor of the house in their hands. Being a Mar­ with this trait, and you regain the ability to cast it after
shal is a privilege, and it comes with high expectations. you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting abil­
Despite its might and the desire of some house mem­ ity for this spell.
bers to flex their military muscles, House Deneith has Vigilant Guardian. When a creature you can see
always maintained absolute neutrality, selling its ser­ within 5 feet of you is hit by an attack roll, you can use
vices to all sides of a conflict. Baron Breven d'Deneith your reaction to swap places with that creature, and you
shows no inclination of using the massive, chimera­ are hit by the attack instead. Once you use this trait, you
marked military forces of his house for his own ends, can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
but he's surrounded by aggressive advisors who would Spells ofthe Mark. If you have the Spellcasting or
like to see a Deneith ruling all Khorvaire. House De­ the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of
neith is also caught in an escalating rivalry with House Sentinel Spells table are added to the spell list of your
Tharashk, as it edges into the mercenary trade. spellcasting class.


If your human character has the Mark of Sentinel, the Spell Level Spells
following traits replace the human's Ability Score In­ l st compelled duel, shield offaith
crease trait in the Player's Handbook. 2nd warding bond, zone oftruth
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score in­
3rd counterspell, protection from energy
creases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1 .
4th death ward, guardian offaith
5th Bigby's hand



Sometimes that deception eases your burdens, letting you

forget your troubles for a moment. But I can also ease your
burdens by e ndingyour life.
-Lady Elara d'Thuranni, shadow dancer

The Mark of Shadow lets an elf weave illusions, crafting

magic to distract or delight. It also allows its bearer to
sculpt shadows, making it easy to avoid detection.

Leader: House Phiarlan, Elvinor Elorrenthi d'Phiarlan;
House Thuranni, Elar d'Thuranni
Headquarters: House Phiarlan, the Demesnes (var­
ious); House Thuranni, Regalport (Lhazaar Prin­
Elves have carried the Mark of Shadow for thousands of
years. The mark's bearers left Aerenal after the conflict
that wiped out the Mark of Death and established House
Phiarlan in Khorvaire. These elves are expert entertain­
ers, giving them access to all manner of places and se­ ELF SUBRAC E : MARK OF S H A D OW
crets. Known to few, there has always been an elite force If you're an elf with the Mark of Shadow, you have this
of spies and assassins within House Phiarlan. Only spe­ subrace, with the following traits.
cial clients-nobles, merchant lords, and the like-have Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score in­
access to these spies. creases by 1 .
Toward the end of the Last War, a bitter feud broke Cunning Intuition. When you make a Charisma (Per­
out between the major families of the house. Known formance) or Dexterity (Stealth) check, you can roll a d4
as the Shadow Schism, it resulted in a split withinin and add the number rolled to the ability check.
Phiarlan-and the foundation of House Thuranni. Shape Shadows. You know the minor illusion cantrip.
House Phiarlan continues to offer entertainment and Starting at 3rd level, you can cast the invisibility spell
espionage in the lands west of the Mournland, while once with this trait, and you regain the ability to cast it
Thuranni operates in the eastern lands. As a rule, when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcast­
Phiarlan elves are the better spies and Thuranni agents ing ability for these spells.
are superior assassins. Thuranni and Phiarlan main­ Spells ofthe Mark. If you have the Spellcasting or
tain a peaceful relationship, but rivalries run deep. the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of
Baron Elar d'Thuranni is said to be responsible for Shadow Spells table are added to the spell list of your
the Shadow Schism. Ruling the house from an enclave spellcasting class.
in Regalport, he is always accompanied by a shadowy
pair, rumored to be embodiments of shadow itself. The M A R K O F S H ADOW SPE LLS
displacer beast serves as the young house's emblem.
Spell Level Spells
The lands of House Phiarlan, known as the De­
l st disguise self, silent image
mesnes, are the foremost centers of the arts in the Five
Nations, each focusing on a specific artistic tradition: 2nd darkness, pass without trace
the written word, movement arts, music, material arts, 3 rd clairvoyance, major image
and the arts of illusion, puppetry, oratory, and acting. 4th greater invisibility, hallucinatory terrain
Baron Elvinor Elorrenthi leads the house from the last 5th mislead
of those, the Demesne of Shadow, which is located in
Sharn. The hydra serves as House Phiarlan's emblem.


----- /


blessings promised to our people: dominion over the air, do­

minion over the water, fortune for rrry fa miry, and fortune
for rrry future.
-From the Oath of Lyrandar

Wind and water welcome the half-elves who carry the

Mark of Storm, and some learn to call on the power of
the storm itself.

Leader: Esravash d'Lyrandar
Headquarters: Stormhome (Aundair)
House Lyrandar has long ruled the seas. Their
kraken-marked galleons harness air and water elemen­ Spells ofthe Mark. If you have the Spellcasting or
tals and are faster than any mundane vessel. Control of the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of
sea and river trade gave Lyrandar considerable power. Storm Spells table are added to the spell list of your
Now they reach out to the skies. Merely a decade old, spellcasting class.
Lyrandar airships have undermined the lightning rail's
domination of overland travel. M A R K O F STO R M SPELLS
House Lyrandar also controls the air in a literal way. Spell Level Spells
The Raincallers' Guild can use the Mark of Storms to 1 st feather fall, fog cloud
control the weather for its clients.
2nd gust of wind, levitate
For many of the house's members, the house is more
3 rd sleet storm, wind wall
than a family or business-its private island enclave,
Stormhome, is the closest thing they have to a home­ 4th conjure minor elemental, control water
land. Baron Esravash is ambitious and often steers the 5th conjure elemental
house to act in what he sees as the interests of all half­
elves. Lyrandar heirs help the Valenar elves run their GUST
young kingdom, and some believe that Valenar could Transmutation cantrip
become a true homeland for the Khoravar. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
If your half-elf character has the Mark of Storm, the fol­ Duration: Instantaneous
lowing traits replace the half-elf's Ability Score Increase
You seize the air and compel it to create one of the fol­
and Skill Versatility traits in the Player's Handbook.
lowing effects at a point you can see within range:
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score in­
creases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1 . • One Medium or smaller creature that you choose
Windwright's Intuition. When you make a Dexterity must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be
(Acrobatics) check or any ability check involving naviga­ pushed up to 5 feet away from you.
tor's tools, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled • You create a small blast of air capable of moving one
to the ability check. object that is neither held nor carried and that weighs
Storm's Boon. You have resistance to lightning damage. no more than 5 pounds. This object is pushed up to 10
Headwinds. You know the gust cantrip. Starting at feet away from you. It isn't pushed with enough force
3rd level, you can cast the gust of wind spell once with to cause damage.
this trait, and you regain the ability to cast it when you • You create a harmless sensory effect using air, such as
finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability causing leaves to rustle, wind to slam shutters closed,
for these spells. or your clothing to billow impressively in a breeze.



Theyforge the locks that secure royaljewels. And I learned to

pick those locks when I was barely out of the crib.
-Cutter, burgl ar and Kundarak excoriate

The Mark of Warding helps its bearers protect things of

value. Using the mark, a dwarf can weave wards with
mystic force. It also provides its bearer with an intuitive
understanding of locks used to protect and seal.

Leader: Morrikan d'Kundarak
Headquarters: Korunda Gate (Mror Holds)
If you want to keep something safe-jewels, secrets,
prisoners-Kundarak is there to help. The Defenders
Guild of House Kundarak trains locksmiths, secu-
rity specialists, and more. It maintains the prison of
Dreadhold, along with a number of smaller prisons. As K u N D A R A K VAULT
useful as these services are, it's the Banking Guild that
truly defines the house. Kundarak's lands in the Mror
Holds include deep veins of precious metals, which
the dwarves used to establish the banking industry of
Khorvaire. Anyone who makes a living from coin-from Warder's Intuition. When you make an Intelligence
bankers to goldsmiths-likely learned their skills at (Investigation) check or an ability check using thieves'
House Kundarak. The security of banks bearing the tools, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the
Kundarak manticore emblem is legendary. The house ability check.
also provides a special service to those who can afford Wards and Seals. You can cast the alarm and mage
it: a system of extradimensional vaults, allowing a client armor spells with this trait. Starting at 3rd level, you can
to store their goods in one location and retrieve them at also cast the arcane lock spell with it. Once you cast any
any other Kundarak enclave. of these spells with this trait, you can't cast that spell
House Kundarak has a close alliance with House with it again until you finish a long rest. Intelligence is
Sivis. Like the House of Scribing, Kundarak has worked your spellcasting ability for these spells, and you don't
to earn the trust of its clients and to establish a reputa­ need material components for them when you cast them
tion for unshakable integrity. The house has no love of with this trait.
renegade dwarves using their marks to turn a profit, and Spells ofthe Mark. If you have the Spellcasting or
such rogues strive to avoid the eye of Kundarak. the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of
As the dwarves of the Mror Holds have come into Warding Spells table are added to the spell list of your
increasing conflict with the daelkyr, Lord Morrikan spellcasting class.
d'Kundarak has instructed house heirs to establish con­
nections with the Gatekeeper druids. The druids have M A R K O F WA R D I N G SPELLS
much in common with the house, being the creators of
Spell Level Spells
the wards that protect Eberron from the daelkyr.
1 st alarm, armor ofAgathys
DWARF SUBRAC E : MARK OF WARDING 2nd arcane lock, knock
3 rd glyph of warding, magic circle
If you're a dwarf with the Mark of Warding, you have
this subrace, with the following traits. 4th Leomund's secret chest,
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score in­ Mordenkainen's faithful hound
creases by 1 . 5th antilife shell



the power to destroy.

-Rotting Bal, Tarkanan enforcer

The twelve dragonmarks are predictable, and their pow­

ers are generally constructive. But there is another kind
of dragonmark, which is dangerous to both the bearer
and the people around them. Aberrant marks often ap­
pear when people from different dragonmarked families
produce a child, and for this reason such unions are
forbidden by the Twelve. But aberrant dragonmarks can
appear on members of any race, at any age, regardless
of bloodline. No two aberrant dragonmarks are exactly
alike-even if they grant the same power, they might
manifest in different ways.
It usually takes time for a character to learn to control
an aberrant mark, and in time, people might be hurt by
it. This factor has led to the general superstition that
people with aberrant dragonmarks are dangerous.
Aberrant marks are feared for another reason, too.
Long ago, aberrant marks were more common and
some held great powers. Aberrant leader Halas Tar­
kanan could devastate cities with powerful earthquakes.
The Lady of the Plague wielded disease and com­
manded hordes of vermin. The dragonmarked houses
united in an inquisition called the War of the Mark.
Some say this was a persecution of innocents, but most
feared the aberrants and stood by as the houses hunted
them down. Following the War of the Mark, aberrant
dragonmarks were few in number and relatively weak.
But since the Mourning, aberrant marks have been ap­
pearing in greater numbers. •


Prerequisite: No other dragonmark d8 Flaw
You r mark is a source of constant physical pai n .
You have manifested an aberrant dragonmark. Deter­
mine its appearance and the flaw associated with it. You 2 You r mark whispers to you . Its meaning can be u n clear.
gain the following benefits: 3 When you're stressed, the mark hisses audibly.

Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a max­ 4 The skin arou nd the mark is burned, scaly, or withered .
imum of 20. 5 Animals are u neasy arou nd you .
• You learn a cantrip of your choice from the sorcerer 6 You have a mood swi ng any time you use your mark.
spell list. In addition, choose a 1st-level spell from the 7 You r looks change sl ightly whenever you u se the mark.
sorcerer spell list. You learn that spell and can cast it 8 You have horrific n ightmares after you use you r mark.
through your mark. Once you cast it, you must finish a
short or long rest before you can cast it again through
the mark. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for
At the DM's option, a character who has the Aberrant
these spells.
Dragonmark feat has a chance of manifesting greater
• When you cast the 1st-level spell through your mark,
power. Upon reaching 10th level, such a character has a
you can expend one of your Hit Dice and roll it. If you
10 percent chance of gaining an epic boon from among
roll an even number, you gain a number of temporary
the options in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.
hit points equal to the number rolled. If you roll an odd
If the character fails to gain a boon, they have a 10 per­
number, one random creature within 30 feet of you
cent chance the next time they gain a level.
(not including you) takes force damage equal to the
If the character gains a boon, the DM chooses it or
number rolled. If no other creatures are in range, you
determines it randomly. The character also permanently
take the damage.
loses one of their Hit Dice, and their hit point maximum
You also develop a random from the Aberrant is reduced by an amount equal to a roll of that die plus
Dragonmark Flaws table. their Constitution modifier (minimum reduction of 1).
This reduction can't be reversed by any means.


them when you interact with a house business. The de­
gree to which such acquaintances are willing to help you
The house agent background is the perfect background depends on your current standing in your house.
option for a character tied to a dragonmarked house.
HousE AGENT House agents are diverse. Consider the house you serve
and the work you do when choosing characteristics.
You have sworn fealty to a dragonmarked house. If you
have a dragonmark, you're likely a member of one of the
house's influential families; otherwise you're an outsider
who hopes to make your fortune through the house. d6 Personality Trait
Your main task is to serve as the eyes of your house, I 'm always looking to i mprove efficiency.
but you could be called on at any time to act as its hand. 2 I love to share trivia about my house's b u s i ness.
Such missions can be perilous but lucrative. 3 I never forget an i nsult against me or my house.
Skill Proficiencies:Investigation, Persuasion 4 I'm enthusiastic about everything my house does.
Tool Proficiency: Two proficiencies from the House 5 I represent my house and take pride in my looks.
Tool Proficiencies table 6 I 'm critical of monarchies and l i mits on the houses.
Equipment: A set of fine clothes, house signet ring,
identification papers, and a purse containing 20 gp
Your House Proficiencies Common Good. My house serves a vital function,
Can n ith Alchemist's supplies and tinker's tools and its prosperity will help everyone. (Good)
Deneith One gam i ng set and veh icles (land) 2 Tradition. I uphold trad itions of my house and bring
G ha l l a nda Brewer's supplies and cook's utensils honor to my family. (Lawfu l )
jorasco Alchemist's supplies and herbalism kit 3 Innovation. Abandon old traditions and fin d better
Kundarak Th ieves' tools and t i n ker's tools ways to do thi ngs. (Chaotic)
Lyrandar Navigator's tools and vehicles (air and sea) 4 Power. I want to ensure the prosperity of my house
Medani Disguise kit and thieves' tools and wield its power myself. (Evil)
O ri en One gaming set and vehicles (land) S Discovery. I want to learn a l l I can, both for my
Phiarl a n Disguise kit and one musica l instrument house and for my own curiosity. (Any)
Sivis Calligrapher's tools and forgery kit 6 Comfort. I want to ensure that me and m i ne enjoy
Tharash k One gaming set and thieves' tools the best things in l i fe. (Any)
Thura n n i One m usical i n strument and poisoner's kit
Vada I i s Herbalism kit and veh icles (land) BO N DS
d6 Bond
My house is my fa m i ly. I wou l d do anyth i n g for it.
You always gather information for your house, but when
a baron give you a specific mission, what sort of work do 2 I love someone from another house, but the rela­
you do? The House Agent Role table gives possibilities. tionship is forbidden.
3 Someone I love was k i lled by a rival faction within
H o u S E AG E N T ROLE my house, and I wil l have revenge.
d8 Role 4 I don't care about the house as a whole, but I wou l d
Acq u isition d o anyt h i n g for my old mentor.
2 I n vestigation S My house must evolve, a n d I 'l l lead the evolution.
3 Research & Development 6 I 'm determined to i m p ress the leaders of my house,
4 Secu rity and to become a leader myself.
s I ntimidation
6 Exploration FLAWS
7 N egotiation d6 Flaw
8 Covert Operations I'm fixated on fol lowing official protocols.
2 I 'm obsessed with conspiracy theories and worried
FEATURE: HOUSE CONNECTIONS about secret societies and hidden demons.
As an agent of your house, you can always get food and 3 My house and blood line m a ke me the best!
lodging for yourself and your friends at a house enclave. 4 My secret could get me expelled from my house.
When the house assigns you a mission, it will usually
s My religious beliefs aren't widespread i n my house.
provide you with the necessary supplies and transporta­
tion. Beyond this, you have many old friends, mentors, 6 I 'm working for a h idden faction i n my house that
and rivals in your house, and you may encounter one of gives me secret assignments.


You can make an artificer quickly by following these
Masters of unlocking magic in everyday objects, ar­ suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in Intel­
tificers are supreme inventors. They see magic as a ligence, followed by Constitution or Dexterity. Second,
complex system waiting to be decoded and controlled. choose the guild artisan background.
Artificers use tools to channel arcane power, crafting
magical objects. To cast a spell, an artificer could use al­ OPTIONAL RULE: MULTICLASSING
chemist's supplies to create a potent elixir, calligrapher's If your group uses the optional rule on multiclassing in
supplies to inscribe a sigil of power on an ally's armor, the Player's Handbook, here's what you need to know if
or tinker's tools to craft a temporary charm. The magic you choose artificer as one of your classes.
of artificers is tied to their tools and their talents. Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character,
you must have at least an Intelligence score of 1 3 to take
ARCANE S C I EN C E a level in this class, or to take a level in another class if
you are already an artificer.
I n the world o f Eberron, arcane magic has been har­
Proficiencies Gained. If artificer isn't your initial
nessed as a form of science and deployed throughout
class, here are the proficiencies you gain when you take
society. Artificers reflect this development. Their knowl­
your first level as an artificer: light armor, medium ar­
edge of magical devices, and their ability to infuse mun­
mor, shields, thieves' tools, tinker's tools.
dane items with magic, allows Eberron's most miracu­
Spell Slots. Add half your levels (rounded up) in
lous projects to continue.
the artificer class to the appropriate levels from other
During the Last War, artificers were marshaled on a
classes to determine your available spell slots.
massive scale. Many lives were saved because of the in­
ventions of brave artificers, but countless lives were also
lost because of the mass destruction unleashed by their C LA S S FEATURE S
creations. As an artificer, you gain the following class features.


Hit Dice:ld8 per artificer level
Nothing excites a n artificer quite like uncovering a new
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
metal or discovering a source of elemental energy. In
Hit Points at Higher Levels: ld8 (or 5) + your Constitu-
artificer circles, new inventions and strange discoveries
tion modifier per artificer level after 1st
create the most excitement. Artificers who wish to make
their mark must innovate, creating something fresh, PROFICIENCIES
rather than iterating on familiar designs. Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
This drive for novelty pushes artificers to become ad­
Weapons: Simple weapons
venturers. Eberron's main travel routes and populated
Tools: Thieves' tools, tinker's tools, one type of artisan's
regions have long since been explored. Thus, artificers
tools of your choice
seek the frontiers of civilization in hopes of making the
next great discovery in arcane research. Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Investigation,
C REATING AN ARTIF I C E R Medicine, Nature, Perception, Sleight of Hand
When creating a n artificer, think about your character's EQUIPMENT
relationship with the artisan who taught them their You start with the following equipment, in addition to
craft. Does the character have a rival? Talk to your DM the equipment granted by your background:
about the role played by artificers in the campaign and
the sort of organizations you might have ties to. • any two simple weapons of your choice
• a light crossbow and 20 bolts
• your choice of studded leather armor or scale mail
• thieves' tools and a dungeoneer's pack
Eberron is the world most associated with artificers, yet
the class can be found throughout the D&D m u ltiverse. If you forgo this starting equipment, as well as the
In the Forgotten Realms, for example, the island of Lantan items offered by your background, you start with 5d4 x
i s home to m a ny artificers, and i n the world of Dragon­ 10 gp to buy your equipment.
lance, tinker gnomes are often members of this class. The
strange technologies in the Barrier Peaks of the World of OPTIONAL RULE: FIREARM PROFICIENCY
G reyhawk have inspired some fo l k to wal k the path of the The secrets of creating and operating gunpowder weap­
artificer, and in Mystara, various nations employ artificers
ons have been discovered in various corners of the D&D
to keep airs h i ps and other wondrous devices operational.
multiverse. If your Dungeon Master uses the rules on
In the City of Sigil, artificers share discoveries from
throughout the cosmos, and one in particular-the gnome firearms in chapter 9 of the Dungeon Master's Guide
i nventor Vi-has ru n a m ultiverse-span n i ng busi ness from and your artificer has been exposed to the operation of
there s ince leaving the world of her birth, Eberron. I n the such weapons, your artificer is proficient with them.
world-city Ravnica, the lzzet League tra i n s n u m erous artifi­
cers, the destructiveness of whom is u n paralleled in other
worlds-except, perhaps, by the tinker gnomes of Krynn.


Proficiency Infusions Infused Cantrips -Spell Slots per Spell Level-
Level Bonus Features Known Items Known 1 st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
l st +2 Magical Tin kering, Spellcasting 2 2
2nd +2 I nfuse Item 4 2 2 2
3 rd +2 Artificer Specialist, 4 2 2 3
The Right Tool for the job
4th +2 Ability Score I m provement 4 2 2 3
5th +3 Artificer Specialist feature 4 2 2 4 2
6th +3 Tool Expertise 6 3 2 4 2
7th +3 Flash of Genius 6 3 2 4 3
8th +3 Abi l ity Score I m provement 6 3 2 4 3
9th +4 Artificer Specialist feature 6 3 2 4 3 2
1 0th +4 M agic Item Adept 8 4 3 4 3 2
1 1 th +4 Spell-Storing Item 8 4 3 4 3 3
1 2th +4 Abil ity Score I m provement 8 4 3 4 3 3
1 3th +5 8 4 3 4 3 3
1 4th +5 M agic Item Savant 10 5 4 4 3 3
1 5th +5 Artificer Specialist feature 10 5 4 4 3 3 2
1 6th +5 Abi l ity Score I m provement 10 5 4 4 3 3 2
1 7th +6 10 5 4 4 3 3 3
1 8th +6 Magic Item Master 12 6 4 4 3 3 3 l
1 9th +6 Abil ity Score I mprovement 12 6 4 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Soul of Artifice 12 6 4 4 3 3 3 2

At 1st level, you learn how to invest a spark of magic You have studied the workings of magic and how to
into mundane objects. To use this ability, you must have channel it through objects. As a result, you have gained
tinker's tools or other artisan's tools in hand. You then the ability to cast spells. To observers, you don't appear
touch a Tiny nonmagical object as an action and give it to be casting spells in a conventional way; you look as if
one of the following magical properties of your choice: you're producing wonders using mundane items or out­
landish inventions.
The object sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and
dim light for an additional 5 feet. TOOLS REQUIRED
• Whenever tapped by a creature, the object emits a re­
You produce your artificer spell effects through your
corded message that can be heard up to 10 feet away.
tools. You must have a spellcasting focus-specifically
You utter the message when you bestow this property
thieves' tools or some kind of artisan's tool-in hand
on the object, and the recording can be no more than
when you cast any spell with this Spellcasting feature.
6 seconds long.
You must be proficient with the tool to use it in this way.
• The object continuously emits your choice of an odor
See chapter 5, "Equipment," in the Player's Handbook
or a nonverbal sound (wind, waves, chirping, or the
for descriptions of these tools.
like). The chosen phenomenon is perceivable up to 10
After you gain the Infuse Item feature at 2nd level, you
feet away.
can also use any item bearing one of your infusions as a
• A static visual effect appears on one of the object's sur­
spellcasting focus.
faces. This effect can be a picture, up to 25 words of
text, lines and shapes, or a mixture of these elements, CANTRIPS (0 -LEVEL SPELLS)
as you like. At 1st level, you know two cantrips of your choice from
The chosen property lasts indefinitely. As an action, the artificer spell list. At higher levels, you learn addi­
you can touch the object and end the property early. tional artificer cantrips of your choice, as shown in the
You can bestow magic on multiple objects, touching Cantrips Known column of the Artificer table.
one object each time you use this feature, though a When you gain a level in this class, you can replace
single object can only bear one property at a time. The one of the artificer cantr_ips you know with another can­
maximum number of objects you can affect with this trip from the artificer spell list.
feature at one time is equal to your Intelligence modifier
(minimum of one object). If you try to exceed your max­ PREPARING AND CASTING SPELLS
imum, the oldest property immediately ends, and then The Artificer table shows how many spell slots you have
the new property applies. to cast your artificer spells. To cast one of your artificer
spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a slot of


As an artificer, you use tools when you cast you r spells. Here's the list of spells you consult when you learn an
When describing your s pellcasting, think about how you 're artificer spell. The list is organized by spell level, not
u s i n g a tool to perform the spell effect. If you cast cure character level. If a spell can be cast as a ritual, the rit­
wounds u s i n g alchemist's supplies, you could be quickly ual tag appears after the spell's name.
producing a salve. If you cast it using t i n ker's tools, you
These spells are from the Player's Handbook. If a
might have a m i niature mecha nical spider that binds
wou nds. When you cast poison spray, you could fling foul
spell's name is followed by an asterisk, the spell is in­
chemicals or use a wand that spits venom . The effect of stead from Xanathar's Guide to Everything.
the spell is the same as for a spellcaster of any other class,
but your method of spel lcasting i s special. C AN T R I PS (o LEVEL) invisibility
The same principle appl ies when you prepare your acid splash lesser restoration
spells. As a n artificer, you don't study a spellbook or pray create bonfire* levitate
to prepare you r spells. Instead, you work with you r tools dancing lights magic mouth (ritual)
and create the specia lized items you ' l l use to produce
fire bolt magic weapon
your effects. If you replace cure wounds with heat metal,
you m ight be altering the device you use to heal-perhaps frostbite'' protectionfrom poison
modifying a tool so that it channels heat i n stead of heal­ guidance pyrotechnics*
ing energy. light rope trick
Such detai l s don't l i m it you in any way or provide you mage hand see invisibility
with any benefit beyond the spell's effects. You don't have
magic stone* skywrite"' (ritual)
to j u stify how you're using tools to cast a spell. But de­
scribing you r spellcasting creatively is a fu n way to d isti n­ mending spider climb
guish yourselffrom other spellcasters. message web
poison spray
prestidigitation 3 R D LEVEL
the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell
slots when you finish a long rest. ray offrost blink
You prepare the list of artificer spells that are avail­ resistance catnap"'
able for you to cast, choosing from the artificer spell shocking grasp create food and water
list. When you do so, choose a number of artificer spells spare the dying dispel magic
equal to your Intelligence modifier + half your artificer thorn whip elemental weapon
level, rounded down (minimum of one spell). The spells thunderclap'' flame arrows"'
must be of a level for which you have spell slots. fly
For example, if you are a 5th-level artificer, you have l S T LEVEL glyph of warding
four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With an In­ absorb elements"' haste
telligence of 14, your list of prepared spells can include alarm (ritual) protection from energy
four spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. If you
catapult'' revivify
prepare the 1st-level spell cure wounds, you can cast
cure wounds tiny servant''
it using a 1st-level or a 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell
doesn't remove it from your list of prepared spells. detect magic (ritual) water breathing (ritual)
You can change your list of prepared spells when you disguise self water walk (ritual)
finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of artificer spells expeditious retreat
faerie fire 4T H LEVEL
requires time spent tinkering with your spellcasting fo­
cuses: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on false life arcane eye
your list. feather fall elemental bane"'
grease fabricate
SPELLCASTING ABILITY freedom ofmovement
identify (ritual)
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your artificer Leomund's secret chest
spells; your understanding of the theory behind magic Mordenkainen's faithful hound
allows you to wield these spells with superior skill. You longstrider
purify food and drink Mordenkainen's
use your Intelligence whenever an artificer spell refers
sanctuary private sanctum
to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your
snare"' Otiluke's resilient sphere
Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC
for an artificer spell you cast and when making an at­ stone shape
2 N D LEVEL stoneskin
tack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + you r proficiency bonus + you r alter self S T H LEVEL
I ntel l i gence modifier animate objects
arcane lock
Spell attack modifier = you r proficiency bonus + you r blur Bigby's hand
I ntel l i gence modifier continualflame creation
darkvision greater restoration
RITUAL CASTING enhance ability skill empowerment"'
You can cast an artificer spell as a ritual if that spell has enlarge/reduce transmute rock"'
the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared. heat metal wall ofstone


At 2nd level, you gain the ability t o imbue mundane
items with certain magical infusions. The magic items
you create with this feature are effectively prototypes of
permanent items.

When you gain this feature, pick four artificer infusions
to learn, choosing from the "Artificer Infusions" section
at the end of the class's description. You learn additional
infusions of your choice when you reach certain levels in
this class, as shown in the Infusions Known column of
the Artificer table.
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can re­
place one of the artificer infusions you learned with
a new one.

Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch a non­
magical object and imbue it with one of your artificer in­
fusions, turning it into a magic item. An infusion works li O M U N C U L U S
on only certain kinds of objects, as specified in the infu­ SERVANT
sion's description. If the item requires attunement, you
can attune yourself to it the instant you infuse the item.
If you decide to attune to the item later, you must do so
using the normal process for attunement (see "Attune­
ment" in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide).
Your infusion remains in an item indefinitely, but
when you die, the infusion vanishes after a number of ABILITY S C ORE I M PROV E M E N T
days have passed equal to your Intelligence modifier When you reach 4th, 8th, 1 2th, 16th, and 19th level, you
(minimum of 1 day). The infusion also vanishes if you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or
give up your knowledge of the infusion for another one. you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1 .
You can infuse more than one nonmagical object at As normal, you can't increase a n ability score above 20
the end of a long rest; the maximum number of objects using this feature.
appears in the Infused Items column of the Artificer ta­
ble. You must touch each of the objects, and each of your TO OL EXPERTI S E
infusions can be in only one object at a time. Moreover,
no object can bear more than one of your infusions at a Starting at 6th level, your proficiency bonus i s doubled
time. If you try to exceed your maximum number of in­ for any ability check you make that uses your proficiency
fusions, the oldest infusion immediately ends, and then with a tool.
the new infusion applies.
ART I F I C E R S PE C I AL I ST Starting at 7th level, you gain the ability t o come u p with
At 3rd level, you choose the type of specialist you are: solutions under pressure. When you or another creature
Alchemist, Artillerist, or Battle Smith, each of which is you can see within 30 feet of you makes an ability check
detailed at the end of the class's description. Your choice or a saving throw, you can use your reaction to add your
grants you features at 5th level and again at 9th and Intelligence modifier to the roll.
1 5th level. You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You re­
THE R I GHT TO OL FOR THE OB gain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

At 3rd level, you learn how t o produce exactly the tool MAGIC ITE M ADEPT
you need: with tinker's tools in hand, you can magically
create one set of artisan's tools in an unoccupied space When you reach 10th level, you achieve a profound un­
within 5 feet of you. This creation requires 1 hour of derstanding of how to use and make magic items:
uninterrupted work, which can coincide with a short • You can attune to up to four magic items at once.
or long rest. Though the product of magic, the tools • If you craft a magic item with a rarity of common or
are nonmagical, and they vanish when you use this fea­ uncommon, it takes you a quarter of the normal time,
ture again. and it costs you half as much of the usual gold.


At 1 1th level, you learn how to store a spell i n an object. Artificer Level Spell
Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch one sim­ 3 rd healing word, ray ofsickness
ple or martial weapon or one item that you can use as a 5th flaming sphere, Me/f's acid arrow
spellcasting focus, and you store a spell in it, choosing 9th gaseous form, mass healing word
a 1st- or 2nd-level spell from the artificer spell list that
1 3th blight, death ward
requires 1 action to cast (you needn't have it prepared).
1 7th cloudkill, raise dead
While holding the object, a cre�ture can take an action
to produce the spell's effect from it, using your spellcast­
ing ability modifier. If the spell requires concentration, EXPERIMENTAL ELIXIR
the creature must concentrate. The spell stays in the ob­ Beginning at 3rd level, whenever you finish a long rest,
ject until it's been used a number of times equal to twice you can magically produce an experimental elixir in an
your Intelligence modifier (minimum of twice) or until empty flask you touch. Roll on the Experimental Elixir
you use this feature again to store a spell in an object. table for the elixir's effect, which is triggered when
someone drinks the elixir. As an action, a creature
M AGIC ITEM SAVANT can drink the elixir or administer it to an incapaci­
tated creature.
At 14th level, your skill with magic items deepens more: Creating an experimental elixir requires you to have
You can attune to up to five magic items at once. alchemist supplies on your person, and any elixir you
You ignore all class, race, spell, and level require­ create with this feature lasts until it is drunk or until the
ments on attuning to or using a magic item. end of your next long rest.
When you reach certain levels in this class, you can
M AGIC ITE M MASTER make more elixirs at the end of a long rest: two at 6th
Starting at 18th level, you can attune to u p t o six magic level and three at 15th level. Roll for each elixir's effect
items at once. separately. Each elixir requires its own flask.
You can create additional experimental elixirs by ex­
S OU L OF ARTI F I C E pending a spell slot of 1st level or higher for each one.
When you do so, you use your action to create the elixir
At 20th level, you develop a mystical connection to your in an empty flask you touch, and you choose the elixir's
magic items, which you can draw on for protection: effect from the Experimental Elixir table.
You gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws per magic
item you are currently attuned to. EXPE R I M E N TA L E L IX I R
• If you're reduced to 0 hit points but not killed out­ d6 Effect
right, you can use your reaction to end one of your
Healing. The drinke r regai n s a n u m ber of hit points
artificer infusions, causing you to drop to 1 hit point
equal to 2d4 + you r I ntell igence modifier.
instead of 0.
2 Swiftness. The drinker's walking speed increases by 1 0
feet for l hour.
ARTIFIC E R SPEC IALI STS 3 Resilience. The drinker gai n s a +l bonus to AC for 1 0
Artificers pursue many disciplines. Here are specialist
m i nutes.
options you can choose from at 3rd level.
4 Boldness. The d ri n ker can rol l a d4 and add the n u m ­
ALC H E M I ST ber rolled to every attack roll a n d saving throw they
m a ke for the next m i n ute.
An Alchemist is an expert at combining reagents to pro­
5 Flight. The dri nker gains a flying speed of 1 0 feet for 1 0
duce mystical effects. Alchemists use their creations to
m in utes.
give life and to leech it away. Alchemy is the oldest of ar­
tificer traditions, and its versatility has long been valued 6 Transformation. The drin ker's body is transformed as if
during times of war and peace. by the alter self spe l l . The drinker determi nes the trans­
formation caused by the spell, the effects of which last
TOOL PROFICIENCY for 10 m in utes.
When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain
proficiency with alchemist's supplies. If you already have ALCHEMICAL SAVANT
this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type At 5th level, you develop masterful command of magical
of artisan's tools of your choice. chemicals, enhancing the healing and damage you cre­
ate through them. Whenever you cast a spell using your
ALCHEMIST SPELLS alchemist's supplies as the spellcasting focus, you gain
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells pre­ a bonus to one roll of the spell. That roll must restore hit
pared after you reach particular levels in this class, as points or be a damage roll that deals acid, fire, necrotic,
shown in the Alchemist Spells table. These spells count or poison damage, and the bonus equals your Intelli­
as artificer spells for you, but they don't count against gence modifier (minimum of +1).
the number of artificer spells you prepare.


Starting at 9th level, you can incorporate restorative re­ At 3rd level, you learn how to create a magical cannon.
agents into some of your works: Using woodcarver's tools or smith's tools, you can take
• Whenever a creature drinks an experimental elixir an action to magically create a Small or Tiny eldritch
you created, the creature gains temporary hit points cannon in an unoccupied space on a horizontal surface
equal to 2d6 + your Intelligence modifier (minimum of within 5 feet of you. A Small eldritch cannon occupies
1 temporary hit point). its space, and a Tiny one can be held in one hand.
• You can cast lesser restoration without expending a Once you create a cannon, you can't do so again until
spell slot and without preparing the spell, provided you finish a long rest or until you expend a spell slot of
you use alchemist's supplies as the spellcasting focus. 1st level or higher. You can have only one cannon at a
You can do so a number of times equal to your Intelli­ time and can't create one while your cannon is present.
gence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all The cannon is a magical object. Regardless of size,
expended uses when you finish a long rest. the cannon has an AC of 18 and a number of hit points
equal to five times your artificer level. It is immune to
CHEMICAL MASTERY poison damage, psychic damage, and all conditions. If
By 1 5th level, you have been exposed to so many chem­ it is forced to make an ability check or a saving throw,
icals that they pose little risk to you, and you can use treat all its ability scores as 10 (+O). If the mending spell
them to quickly end certain ailments: is cast on it, it regains 2d6 hit points. It disappears if it is
• You gain resistance to acid damage and poison dam­ reduced to 0 hit points or after 1 hour. You can dismiss
age, and you are immune to the poisoned condition. it early as an action.
• You can cast greater restoration and heal without ex­ When you create the cannon, you determine its ap­
pending a spell slot, without preparing the spell, and pearance and whether it has legs. You also decide which
without material components, provided you use al­ type it is, choosing from the options on the Eldritch Can­
chemist's supplies as the spellcasting focus. Once you nons table. On each of your turns, you can take a bonus
cast either spell with this feature, you can't cast that action to cause the cannon to activate if you are within
spell with it again until you finish a long rest. 60 feet of it. As part of the same bonus action, you can
direct the cannon to walk or climb up to 15 feet to an
ARTILLERIST unoccupied space, provided it has legs.

An Artillerist specializes in using magic to hurl energy, ELD R ITCH CA N N O N S

projectiles, and explosions on a battlefield. This destruc­
tive power was valued by all the armies of the Last War. Cannon Activation
Now that the war is over, some members of this spe­ Flamethrower The can non exhales fire in an adjacent 1 5 -
cialization have sought to build a more peaceful world foot cone that you designate. Each creature
by using their powers to fight the resurgence of strife in i n that area m u st make a Dexterity saving
Khorvaire. The gnome artificer Vi, an unlikely yet key throw against you r spell save DC, taking
member of House Cannith's warforged project, has been 2d8 fire damage on a failed save or half as
especially vocal about making things right: "It's about much damage on a successful one. The fire
time we fixed things instead of blowing them all to hell." ign ites any flammable objects in the area

TOOL PROFICIENCY that aren't being worn or carried.

When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain Force Bal lista M a ke a ranged spell attack, origin ating
proficiency with woodcarver's tools. If you already have from the cannon, at one creature o r object
this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type within 1 20 feet of it. On a h it, the target
of artisan's tools of your choice. takes 2d8 force damage, and if the target
is a creature, it is pushed up to 5 feet away
ARTILLERIST SPELLS from the cannon.
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells pre­
Protector The cannon emits a burst of positive en­
pared after you reach particular levels in this class, as
ergy that grants itself and each creature of
shown in the Artillerist Spells table. These spells count
as artificer spells for you, but they don't count against you r choice with i n 1 0 feet of it a n u mber of
the number of artificer spells you prepare. temporary hit poi nts equal to l d 8 + you r
I ntelligence modifier ( m i n i m u m o f +l ) .
Artificer Level Spell ARCANE FIREARM
3 rd shield, thunderwave At 5th level, you know how to turn a wand, staff, or rod
5th scorching ray, shatter into an arcane firearm, a conduit for your destructive
spells. When you finish a long rest, you can use wood­
9th fireball, wind wall
carver's tools to carve special sigils into a wand, staff,
1 3th ice storm, wall offire or rod and thereby turn it into your arcane firearm. The
1 7th cone ofcold, wall offorce sigils disappear from the object if you later carve them
on a different item. The sigils otherwise last indefinitely.


• •• •• • •
. ..




You can use your arcane firearm as a spellcasting BATTLE SM ITH

focus for your artificer spells. When you cast an artificer
spell through the firearm, roll a d8, and you gain a bo­ Armies require protection, and someone has to put
nus to one of the spell's damage rolls equal to the num­ things back together if defenses fail. A combination
ber rolled. of protector and medic, a Battle Smith is an expert at
defending others and repairing both material and per­
EXPLOSIVE CANNON sonnel. To aid in their work, Battle Smiths are usually
Starting at 9th level, every eldritch cannon you create is accompanied by a steel defender, a protective compan­
more destructive: ion of their own creation. Many soldiers tell stories of
nearly dying before being saved by a Battle Smith and a
• The cannon's damage rolls all increase by ld8.
steel defender.
• As an action, you can command the cannon to deto­
Battle Smiths played a key role in House Cannith's
nate if you are within 60 feet of it. Doing so destroys
work on battle constructs and the original warforged,
the cannon and forces each creature within 20 feet of
and after the Last War, these artificers led efforts to aid
it to make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell
those who were injured in the war's horrific battles.
save DC, taking 3d8 force damage on a failed save or
half as much damage on a successful one. TOOL PROFICIENCY
When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain
proficiency with smith's tools. If you already have this
Starting at 1 5th level, you're a master at forming
proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of
well-defended emplacements using Eldritch Cannon:
artisan's tools of your choice.
• You and your allies have half cover while within 10
feet of a cannon you create with Eldritch Cannon, as a BATTLE SMITH SPELLS
result of a shimmering field of magical protection that Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells
the cannon emits. prepared after you reach particular levels in this class,
• You can now have two cannons at the same time. You as shown in the Battle Smith Spells table. These spells
can create two with the same action (but not the same count as artificer spells for you, but they don't count
spell slot), and you can activate both of them with the against the number of artificer spells you prepare.
same bonus action. You determine whether the can­
nons are identical to each other or different. You can't
create a third cannon while you have two.


Artificer Level Spell STEEL DEFENDER
Medium construct, neutral
3rd heroism, shield
5th branding smite, warding bond Armor Class 1 5 (natural armor)
9th aura of vitality, conjure barrage Hit Points equal the steel defender's Constitution modifier +
your I ntelligence modifier + five times your level in this class
1 3th aura ofpurity. fire shield Speed 40 ft.
1 7th banishing smite, mass cure wounds
BATTLE READY 1 4 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 4 (-4) 1 0 (+O) 6 (-2)
When you reach 3rd level, your combat training and
your experiments with magic have paid off in two ways:
Saving Throws Dex +3, Con +4
Skills Athletics +4, Perception +4
You gain proficiency with martial weapons. Damage Immunities poison
When you attack with a magic weapon, you can use Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisoned
your Intelligence modifier, instead of Strength or Dex­ Senses d a rkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 1 4
terity modifier, for the attack and damage rolls. Languages understands the languages y o u speak

STEE L DEFENDER Might ofthe Master. The following num bers i ncrease by 1 when
By 3rd level, your tinkering has borne you a faithful you r proficiency bonus i ncreases by 1 : the defender's s k i l l and
companion, a steel defender. It is friendly to you and saving throw bonuses (above), the bonuses to hit and damage
your companions, and it obeys your commands. See of its rend attack, and the n u m ber of hit poi nts restored by its
this creature's game statistics in the steel defender stat Repair action (below).
block. You determine the creature's appearance and
Vigilant. The defender can 't be s u rprised.
whether it has two legs or four; your choice has no effect
on its game statistics. ACTI O N S (REQ U I R E S YO U R BON U S ACT I O N)
In combat, the steel defender shares your initiative
Force-Empowered Rend. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to h it, reach
count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It
5 ft., one target you can see. Hit: l d8 + 2 force damage.
can move and use its reaction on its own, but the only
action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you Repair (3/Day). The magical mechanisms inside the defender
take a bonus action on your turn to command it to take restore 2d8 + 2 hit poi nts to itself or to one construct or object
one of the actions in its stat block or the Dash, Disen­ within 5 feet of it.
gage, Help, Hide, or Search action.
If the mending spell is cast on it, it regains 2d6 hit R EACT I O N
points. If it has died within the last hour, you can use De.fleet Attack. The defender i mposes disadvantage o n the
your smith's tools as an action to revive it, provided you attack rol l of one creature it can see that is within 5 feet of
are within 5 feet of it and you expend a spell slot of 1st it, provided the attack rol l is against a creature other than
level or higher. The steel defender returns to life after 1 the defender.
minute with all its hit points restored.
At the end of a long rest, you can create a new steel IMPROVED DEFENDER
defender if you have your smith's tools with you. If you
At 1 5th level, your Arcane jolt and steel defender be­
already have a steel defender from this feature, the first
come more powerful:
one immediately perishes.
• The extra damage and the healing of your Arcane jolt
EXTRA ATTACK both increase to 4d6.
Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, rather than • Your steel defender gains a +2 bonus to Armor Class.
once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. • Whenever your steel defender uses its Deflect Attack,
the attacker takes force damage equal to 1d4 + your
ARCANE JOLT Intelligence modifier.
At 9th level, you learn new ways to channel arcane en­
ergy to harm or heal. When either you hit a target with a
magic weapon attack or your steel defender hits a target,
you can channel magical energy through the strike to Artificers have invented numerous magical infusions,
create one of the following effects: extraordinary processes that rapidly create magic items.
To many, artificers seem like wonderworkers, accom­
• The target takes an extra 2d6 force damage. plishing in hours what others need weeks to complete.
Choose one creature or object you can see within 30 The description of each of the following infusions
feet of the target. Healing energy flows into the chosen details the type of item that can receive it, along with
recipient, restoring 2d6 hit points to it. whether the resulting magic item requires attunement.
You can use this energy a number of times equal to Some infusions specify a minimum artificer level.
your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), but you You can't learn such an infusion until you are at least
can do so no more than once on a turn. You regain all that level.
expended uses when you finish a long rest. Unless an infusion's description says otherwise, you
can't learn an infusion more than once.


BOOTS OF THE WINDING PATH a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet.
Prerequisite: 6th-level artificer The wielder can extinguish the light as a bonus action.
Item: A pair of boots (requires attunement) The weapon has 4 charges. As a reaction immediately
after being hit by an attack, the wielder can expend 1
While wearing these boots, a creature can teleport up
charge and cause the attacker to be blinded until the
to 1 5 feet as a bonus action to an unoccupied space the
end of the attacker's next turn, unless the attacker suc­
creature can see. The creature must have occupied that
ceeds on a Constitution saving throw against your spell
space at some point during the current turn.
save DC. The weapon regains ld4 expended charges
ENHANCED ARCANE Focus daily at dawn.
Item: A rod, staff, or wand (requires attunement)
While holding this item, a creature gains a +1 bonus to Item: A simple or martial weapon with the ammunition
spell attack rolls. In addition, the creature ignores half property (requires attunement)
cover when making a spell attack.
This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and
The bonus increases to +2 when you reach 10th level
damage rolls made with it when it's used to make a
in this class.
ranged attack, and it ignores the loading property if
Item: A suit of armor or a shield If you load no ammunition in the weapon, it produces
its own, automatically creating one piece of magic am­
A creature gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class while wear­ munition when you make a ranged attack with it. The
ing (armor) or wielding (shield) the infused item. ammunition created by the weapon vanishes the instant
The bonus increases to +2 when you reach 10th level after it hits or misses a target.
in this class.


Item: A simple or martial weapon Tiny construct, neutral
This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and Armor Class 1 3 (natural armor)
damage rolls made with it. Hit Points equal the homunculus's Constitution modifier + you r
The bonus increases to +2 when you reach 10th level I ntelligence modifier + y o u r level i n this class
in this class. Speed 20 ft., fly 30 ft.
Prerequisite: 6th-level artificer 4 (-3) 15 (+2) 1 2 (+l ) 1 0 (+O) 1 0 (+O) 7 (-2)
Item: A gem worth at least 100 gp or a dragonshard
Saving Throws Dex +4
You learn intricate methods for magically creating a
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +4
special homunculus that serves you. The item you infuse Damage Immunities poison
serves as the creature's heart, around which the crea­ Condition Immunities exha u stion, poisoned
ture's body instantly forms. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
You determine the homunculus's appearance. Some Languages u nderstands the languages you speak
artificers prefer mechanical-looking birds, whereas
some like winged vials or miniature, animate cauldrons.
Evasion. If the homunculus is s u bjected to an effect that al lows
The homunculus is friendly to you and your compan­
it to m a ke a Dexterity saving th row to take only half damage,
ions, and it obeys your commands. See this creature's it i n stead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving th row,
game statistics in the Homunculus Servant stat block. and only half damage if it fails. It can't u se this trait if it's i n ­
In combat, the homunculus shares your initiative capacitated.
count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It
can move and use its reaction on its own, but the only Might ofthe Master. The fo l l owing n u m bers i ncrease by 1 when
action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you you r proficiency bonus increases by l: the homunc u l us's s k i l l
take a bonus action on your turn to command it to take and saving th row bon uses (above) and t h e bonuses t o hit a n d
damage of i t s attack (below).
the action in its stat block or the Dash, Disengage, Help,
Hide, or Search action. ACT I O N S (REQ U I R E S YO U R B O N U S ACT I O N}
The homunculus regains 2d6 hit points if the mending
spell is cast on it. If it dies, it vanishes, leaving its heart Force Strike. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to h it, range 30 ft. , one
target you can see. Hit: 1 d4 + 2 force damage.
in its space.


Prerequisite: 6th-level artificer Channel Magic. The homunculus delivers a spell you cast that
Item: A simple or martial weapon (requires attunement) has a range of touch. The homunculus m ust be within 1 20
feet of you .
This magic weapon grants a + 1 bonus to attack and
damage rolls made with it. While holding it, the wielder
can take a bonus action to cause it to shed bright light in


REPLICATE MAGIC ITEM Magic Item Attunement
Using this infusion, you replicate a particular magic
Medallion of thoughts Yes <;.
item. You can learn this infusion multiple times; each
Periapt ofwound closure Yes
time you do so, choose a magic item that you can make
with it, picking from the Replicable Items tables below. Pipes of the sewers Yes
A table's title tells you the level you must be in the class Quiver of Ehlonna No
to choose an item from the table. Ring ofjumping Yes
In the tables, an item's entry tells you whether the item Ring of mind shielding Yes
requires attunement. See the item's description in the Slippers ofspider climbing Yes
Dungeon Master's Guide for more information about it,
Ventilating lung (detai led in chapter 5) Yes
including the type of object required for its making.
If you have Xanathar's Guide to Everything, you can Winged boots Yes
choose from among the common magic items in that
book when you pick a magic item you can replicate with R E PL I CABLE ITE M S (14T H - LEVEL ART I F I CER)
this infusion. Magic Item Attunement
Amulet ofhealth Yes
Arcane propulsion arm (detai led in chapter 5) Yes
Magic Item Attunement Belt of hill giant strength Yes
Alchemyjug No
Boots of levitation Yes
Armblade (detai led in chapter 5) Yes
Boots ofspeed Yes
Bag of holding No
Bracers ofdefense Yes
Cap of water breathing No
Cloak of the bat Yes
Goggles ofnight No
Dimensional shackles No
Prosthetic limb (detai led in chapter 5) Yes Gem ofseeing Yes
Rope ofclimbing No Horn ofblasting No
Sending stones No Ring offree action Yes
Wand ofmagic detection No Ring ofprotection Yes
Wand ofsecrets No Ring ofthe ram Yes


Magic Item Attunement Prerequisite: 6th-level artificer
Boots ofelvenkind No Item: A shield (requires attunement)
Cloak ofe/venkind Yes A creature gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class while wield­
Cloak ofthe manta ray No ing this shield.
Eyes ofcharming Yes The shield has 4 charges. While holding it, the wielder
can use a reaction immediately after being hit by a me­
Gloves of thievery No
lee attack to expend 1 of the shield's charges and push
Lantern of revealing No
the attacker up to 15 feet away. The shield regains ld4
Pipes of haunting No expended charges daily at dawn.
Ring of water walking No
Wand sheath (detai led i n chapter 5) Yes RESISTANT ARMOR
Prerequisite: 6th-level artificer
Item: A suit ofarmor (requires attunement)
While wearing this armor, a creature has resistance to
Magic Item Attunement
one of the following damage types, which you choose
Boots ofstriding and springing Yes when you infuse the item: acid, cold, fire, force, light­
Boots ofthe winter/ands Yes ning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder.
Bracers ofarchery Yes
Brooch ofshielding Yes RETURNING WEAPON
Item: A simple or martial weapon with the thrown
Cloak ofprotection Yes
Eyes ofthe eagle Yes
Gauntlets ofogre power This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack
and damage rolls made with it, and it returns to the
Gloves of missile snaring Yes
wielder's hand immediately after it is used to make a
Gloves ofswimming and climbing Yes ranged attack.
Hat ofdisguise Yes
Headband ofintellect Yes
Helm oftelepathy Yes


It might help to think of the patrons in this section in
terms of three broad categories of autonomy:
When creating characters for an Eberron campaign, With a highly directive patron, you are an employee of
consider choosing a patron for your adventuring party. an organization, and the organization often tells you
This section describes general categories of patrons and what to do. Crime syndicates, dragonmarked houses,
also examples of each kind of patron from across Khor­ espionage agencies, military forces, and newspapers
vaire. Work as a team with your DM to select a group are typically highly directive.
patron. As an alternative, your �haracters could form With a highly autonomous patron, you are more like a
your own organization that might one day stand among freelancer. Your patron might offer you assignments
the great powers of the world. or reward you for achieving certain objectives, but it
Mighty dragonmarked houses, small home-town doesn't dictate your activities. Adventurers' guilds,
newspapers, national rulers, powerful immortals, and heads of state, immortal beings, inquisitive agencies,
various other organizations and individuals hold the religious orders, and universities are typically highly
reins of power in Khorvaire. They bind the fabric of autonomous.
society together, and they are responsible for much of In a player-directed organization, you don't have a
the change that occurs in the world-often by means patron because your adventuring party is in charge.
of agents that include parties of adventurers. An ad­ You're the boss; you tell others what to do, and you're
venturing group that has a powerful backer as a patron responsible to no one for your own activities. A crim­
has a clear place in the world, access to additional re­ inal syndicate, inquisitive agency, military force, or
sources, and a reason to work together in pursuit of a newspaper can be a player-directed organization.
common cause.
How PAT RONS WORK Every group patron offers your party a number o f bene­
Each type o f patron in this section includes the follow­ fits for your service. These benefits range from standard
ing information: business arrangements, like a salary and access to staff
• An example of the general type of patron, including in­ facilities, to more extraordinary boons, like audiences
formation about its organization, headquarters, allies, with powerful figures or exceptions from certain laws.
and enemies Specific benefits are presented in more detail in the ben­
• Suggestions for various roles that characters in your efits section of each group patron.
party might take on, including classes, backgrounds, Beyond the benefits described in each group patron's
and skills that are useful for filling that role description, patrons can also grant additional favors. If
• Possibilities regarding your patron's background your party is in good standing with your patron-prov­
and your characters' roles in it, including the kinds ing yourselves reliable agents who fulfill the group's
of adventures and missions you might undertake on goals-your patron might grant requests for additional
its behalf favors. A favor might take a variety of forms appropriate
• Benefits your group gets from your patron, which to the patron's area of influence or expertise, such as
might include compensation, equipment, privileges, small loans, specialized equipment, or access to people
and proficiencies and places you wouldn't otherwise have. Patrons who
• A list of potential contacts who can serve as your per­ you regularly find yourself in conflict with aren't likely
sonal connection to your patron to grant you favors, unless doing so directly furthers
their goals.
AS SIGN M E NTS In any case, the DM shouldn't feel limited to providing
only the benefits noted in each group patron's descrip­
Patrons are more than a resource for your group to tion. Patrons give a party access to solutions and sup­
draw on, they are also a responsibility. Some patrons port they wouldn't have otherwise, and a patron might
might be eager to support your group, while others use their varied resources to guide their agents or pre­
might prove more demanding. pare them for greater adventures.
Your group's patron might occasionally come to you
and give you an assignment. This can be an easy way to B E I NG YOU R OWN PATRON
get into an adventure. Of course, it's up to you how you
respond to your patron's demands, and interesting sto­ For certain kinds of organizations, you can either join
ries can emerge if you decide to refuse an assignment. an existing group or found your own. For some players,
Even a patron that isn't heavy-handed can significantly the idea of running a crime syndicate, inquisitive agency,
motivate your group. Maybe you'll seek adventures mercenary company, or newspaper is much more excit­
based on what pleases your patron and so earn a re­ ing than working for someone else. Founding your own
ward. A university, for example, might not send you on a organization offers a greater degree of autonomy, though
particular mission, but you might decide to follow leads potentially at the cost of support and reliable work.
to an ancient artifact hoping the university might reward The information in this section applies whether you
you for bringing it back. You have the freedom to chart join an organization or found your own. When you're the
your own destiny, while still letting the patron shape the boss, some of the benefits of belonging to an organiza­
nature of your group and the adventures you undertake. tion become expenses you have to worry about; when
you run your own mercenary company, for example, you


need to stock your own armory rather than drawing on The Clifftop guild has a reputation as a collection of
an existing organization's stockpile. The organization helpful and good-hearted adventurers. Members who
brings in income, but you'll have to spend some of it to tarnish the guild's reputation can no longer take advan­
keep the organization running. tage of the guild's benefits.
When you run your own organization, you can use the Guildhall. The Clifftop Adventurers' Guild head­
Running a Business downtime activity (see chapter 6 of quarters is the physical and social center of its district,
the Dungeon Master's Guide) to reflect your organiza­ a massive stone edifice built with the riches acquired
tion's ongoing activities. More than one character can over a lifetime of adventuring. Part quiet library, part
take part in this activity at a time. When rolling to de­ comfortable inn, part active gymnasium, and part rowdy
termine the business's performance, add the total days tavern, the guildhall contains practically every facility
spent by all the characters to the roll to determine the adventurers could need to train, study, and socialize.
business's success (still observing the maximum of 30). The neighborhood around it caters to adventurers' other
If the business earns a profit, multiply that profit by 4 + needs with its variety of shops and services.
the number of characters who took part in this down­ Membership. Most of the members of the Clifftop
time activity. Adventurers' Guild have a modest amount of experience
as successful adventurers. Nearly everyone can boast of
PATRON S I N EBE RRON a successful delve into the old ruins beneath Sham or
an expedition to the Talenta Plains. The guild's leader, a
Here are the most likely types of patrons for an adven­
dwarf named Sumara "Summer" Korranor, is a descen­
turing group in Eberron. Presented in alphabetical or­
dant of its founder and a fixture around the guildhall.
der, the patrons each include an example.
Allies. Relationships with most of the guild's allies are
based on business and built on upstanding reputations.
PATRO N S Ultimately, though, the guild is a loose affiliation of
Type of Patron Example groups, and organizations that have a good relationship
Adventurers' G u i ld Clifftop Adventurers' G u i ld with one of those groups might not transfer their good
Crime Syn d icate Boromar Clan will to another. The following groups do brisk business
Drago n marked H ouse Any d ragon marked house with members of the Clifftop Adventurers' Guild:
Espionage Agency Ki ng's Dark Lanterns Affiliated guilds. Beyond Sham, the guild has estab­
H ead of State Prince Oargev of N ew Cyre lished good relations with adventuring guilds across
I m m ortal Being Sora Kel l Khorvaire, many of which have reciprocal agree­
ments: their members can use the Clifftop facilities
I nqu isitive Agency F i nders G u i ld
when they are in Sham, and Clifftop guild members
M i l itary Force Redcloak Battalion
can make use of their facilities as well. Lists of these
N ewspaper The Korranberg Chronicle other guilds are kept in the Sham guildhall.
Religious Order Tem plars of the Silver Flame Clifftop businesses. The guild is a prominent feature in
U niversity Morgrave U niversity its neighborhood, and much of the area is dedicated
to meeting guild's needs. Some businesses there offer
ADVE NTU R E R S ' GUI L D small (5 percent) discounts to guild members, and all
businesses are eager to avoid angering members of
Your group has ties t o a network o f professional adven­ the guild lest they lose the business of other members.
turers. These experts share contacts, resources, and House Sivis. A Speakers' Guild enclave in Clifftop spe­
leads on all manner of unusual and often dangerous cializes in translating texts from Xen'drik. It also pro­
work. Joining such a guild makes an ideal choice if you vides legal services for adventurers in trouble.
want to keep your entanglements with a patron to a min­ House Tharashk. The Tharashk enclave in Clifftop
imum, as an adventurers' guild doesn't direct your activ­ provides the services of guides with extensive experi­
ities or reward you for completing adventures. ence exploring Xend'rik, and it is careful to retain only
With a few exceptions, adventurers' guilds are local in guides who receive positive referrals from guild mem­
scope, since their primary benefits center on a guildhall. bers. House Tharashk also uses the guild as a means
They might point you to adventures halfway across the to hire adventurers to serve as bodyguards on their
world, but the general assumption is that you'll always own prospecting expeditions.
come home to your guildhall, sooner or later.
Enemies. Individual adventuring groups readily
CLIFFTOP ADVENTURERS' GUILD make lasting enemies, and occasionally that animosity
Sham's Clifftop neighborhood, located in the upper part extends to the guild as a whole-as is the case with the
of the Dura district, has long served as a crossroads following organizations:
for adventurers and soldiers of fortune. A dwarf named Deathsgate Explorers' Club. A fierce rivalry simmers
Shekkal Korranor established the Clifftop Adventur­ between the Clifftop guild and Sham's other local
ers' Guild 150 years ago, intending it as a place where adventurers' guild. Sometimes the rivalry can be de­
explorers and wanderers could find support and good scribed as almost friendly, but the Deathsgate guild
company. Shekkal died in the Last War, but the guild occasionally escalates it with vandalism of the Clifftop
remains-a social club for adventurers and a one-stop guildhall or even physical (but usually nonlethal) at­
marketplace for anyone seeking capable champions. tacks on guild members in dark alleys.


Storage. The guild will store items for its members. The
Clifftop guild has an account with House Kundarak

S �(LAlM � banks that allow its members to store valuables in se­

cure vaults. Some guilds have access to items such as
a bag of holding or a safe that opens into a similar ex­

tradimensional space. In the worst case, an item can
be hidden in a guildhall's basement for a time.

Membership in an adventurers' guild doesn't affect the
composition of your party in any way, though it may

provide added reasons for why a party features a diverse
array of characters with varied fields of expertise.


Watch Commander Lian Halamar, in charge of the
Typically, an adventuring group has no particular con­
large and prestigious Daggerwatch Garrison in Sham's
tact within the larger guild. There's a local leader or
Dura quarter, has long been suspected of ties to the
infamous Boromar Clan. Though these suspicions are
bookkeeper who collects dues, but otherwise you might
often dismissed as simple prejudice in the assumption interact with a variety of different members of the guild
that any halfling in Sharn must be associated with the in different contexts-when looking for a contract, gath­
crime syndicate, the Voice ofBreland, in cooperation with ering referrals, staying in the guildhall, and so on. The
civic-minded members of the Clifftop Adventurers' Guild Contact table provides inspiration for contacts you
Guid, have uncovered stunning evidence confirming this might encounter during any given encounter with your
connection. The Clifftop guild denies claims that these adventurer's guild.
accusations embody the latest fracas in the long-running
tensions between the Daggerwatch Garrison and the
city's various groups of heroes for hire.
dlO Contact
The charismatic leader of the guild, who doesn't
Sham Watch. Clifftop is protected of the Daggerwatch actua l ly do very much except i n s p i re and encou rage
Garrison and Watch Commander Lian Halamar. Hala­ mem bers
mar has no love for adventurers and is happy to catch 2 A retired adventurer who works h a rd to connect
guild members on the wrong side of the law. mem ber groups with employment opportu nities that
GUILD BENEFITS match their skills
As members of an adventurers' guild, your group gains 3 A petty rival who conti nually tries to claim jobs, boun­
the following benefits: ties, and rewards before you can
4 A bitter enemy who n u rtures a grudge over some past
Accommodations. Guild members can stay at the guild­
hall. The room is comparable to one you'd find in a wrong (real or i magined) and does everythi n g possi­
comfortable inn, but at a modest price (5 sp per day). ble to u ndermine you
Dues. These benefits require the annual contribution of 5 A naive adventurer who admires you and tries to emu­
13 gp paid to the Clifftop Adventurers' Guild. These late you in every way
dues fund the guild's services and activities. (Other 6 A hardened adventurer who thinks a moral com pass
guilds typically charge dues somewhere between 10 is akin to a pair of m anacles
and 15 gp per year.)
7 An injured retired adventurer who can't q u ite let go of
Information. An adventurers' guild headquarters
the adventuring life and experiences it vicariously by
makes a good place to learn about topics relevant to
spending time in the guildhall
adventurers' interests. If you need to find someone
who's knowledgeable about the Mournland, for ex­ 8 A grouchy em ployee who keeps the g u i l d h a l l clean
ample, the Clifftop guild's headquarters in Sham is a and cares fo r its guests while q u ietly complaining
good place to look. about how adventurers should "grow up," get a " real
Referrals. The guild can recommend hired services job," and contribute to society
to its members, drawing on other guild members' 9 A kindly mentor who loves to tell stories of past ex­
experiences to provide honest, reliable, and skillful ploits in front of the guildhall fi replace
hirelings. 10 A sad, older adventurer w h o tells cautionary tales i n
the vain hope that younger members avoid making
the same m istakes




Among its various services, the Clifftop Adventurers' 5 Cryptic Mystery. The job is linked to the concerns of
Guild offers a launchpad for all manner of adventures. immortals (see "Immortal Being").
Potential employers bring all manner of work to the
6 Investigation. An assignment involves finding some·
guildhall, posting messages or seeking out those with
thing or solving a mystery (see "Inquisitive Agency").
specific fields of expertise. Guild members also relate
7 Military Action. Your party is invited to serve as a mili·
news about opportunities via word of mouth. Such jobs
might resemble those assigned by any other patron. tary unit (see "Military Force").

Without a patron directing your assignments, your 8 Gathering News. You're called on to act as freelance
group is free to pursue its own goals, whether you're reporters (see "Newspaper").
seeking wealth, struggling against evil, pursuing a per­ 9 Religious Work. The job involves the work of faith (see
sonal vendetta, or simply reacting to disastrous events "Religious Order").
around you. The Guild Adventures table refers to the de­
10 Field Research. The job involves research or relic-hunt·
scriptions of other patrons in this section; your DM can
ing (see "University").
use the adventure ideas in those descriptions to flesh
out job opportunities available through your guild.
In any of these cases, the potential employer might
represent an established organization (a crime syndi­
cate or university, for example) or might be independent
dlO Adventures
like your party. In the latter case, there's always the
Crime. You have to break the law to administer justice possibility that you could end up competing with an or­
or thwart a criminal act (see "Crime Syndicate"). ganization-running up against a crime syndicate while
2 Dragonmarked Affairs. The job involves some dragon· pursuing a criminal job, perhaps, or competing with uni­

marked house concern (see "Dragonmarked House"). versity researchers to plunder a ruin. This competition
might turn into a rivalry, or it could evolve into employ­
3 Espionage. Someone requires some spying or sabotage
ment, with the crime syndicate or university recognizing
(see "Espionage Agency").
your talent and becoming your patron.
4 Statecraft. You're involved in national or international
affairs (see "Head of State").


OTHER ADVENTURERS' GUILDS throughout the city, and it has a considerable interest
Few guilds besides the Clifftop guild are widely known, in the shipping trade. A Boromar heir sits on the city
but the following organizations have carved out reputa­ council of Sharn, and the current head of the clan is a
tions for themselves: member of the Gold Concord of the Aurum (described in
chapter 4).
Deathsgate Explorers' Club. Named for the lower-class
As much as some members of the Sharn Council and
district in Sharn where it maintains its guildhall, the
the Watch would like to see the Boromars disbanded,
Deathsgate Explorers' Club is. a rough-and-tumble
the syndicate is unlikely to collapse any time soon.
guild made up largely of Last War veterans. Deaths­
Membership. The core membership of the Boromar
gaters rarely undertake adventures from altruistic
Clan-comprising about one in six of its members-is an
motives, demanding prompt payment or other recipro­
extended family of halflings descended from immigrants
cal arrangements. They have a fierce rivalry with the
who came to Sharn from the Talenta Plains. Another
Clifftop Adventurers' Guild.
third of the members are unrelated halflings, and the
Wayfinder Foundation. Founded by a renowned hunter
rest belong to other species. The syndicate employs a
and explorer, Lord Bornman ir'Dayne, the Wayfinder
wide variety of bookkeepers and administrators as well
Foundation is an exclusive adventurers' guild that
as burglars, con artists, smugglers, and other criminals.
welcomes only experienced and renowned members.
When a situation calls for physical violence, the Boro­
Dayne suffers from a wasting curse that prevents him
mars usually hire freelancers-members of the Sharn
from undertaking further adventures of his own, so he
Guard or agents of House Tarkanan. The Boromar
has put his considerable fortune to use in sponsoring
family proper has a team of personal bodyguards called
great expeditions. The Wayfinder Foundation has an
the Clawfoots, who are mostly fierce halfling warriors
unusually wide reach for an adventurers' guild, with
recently relocated from the Talenta Plains. They primar­
guildhalls found across Khorvaire as well as in the
ily defend Boromar holdings and headquarters in the
city of Stormreach, in Xen'drik. Its headquarters, and
halfling district of Little Plains.
the residence of its wealthy patron, is in Fairhaven.
Allies. The Boromar Clan has a reputation for omni­
potence that makes even the forces of law and order in
Sharn hesitant to cross it. It's far safer to be an ally of
Your group is a team of crooks that's part of an orga­ the syndicate, or at least to stay out of its way, than it
nized crime syndicate. You're more talented and have is to be its enemy-and it's more lucrative to boot. The
a wider range of skills than most thugs and burglars, following groups count themselves among the Boromar
so your crew might be entrusted with more important Clan's closest allies:
tasks than simply roughing up local merchants or break­
Housejorasco. The head of the Boromar Clan, Saidan
ing into empty apartments. If you're anything like a typi­
Boromar, is married to an unmarked heir of House
cal adventuring party, you bring a combination of power­
Jorasco, Mala Boromar d'Jorasco. This marriage has
ful magic, physical might, and a broad selection of skills
created important ties between the Boromars and the
to your work, making you well suited to missions like
halfling healers of Sharn. Members of the Boromar
grand heists, high-profile assassinations, and epic cons.
family can secure healing for free, and other members
Crime syndicates thrived during the Last War. The
of the syndicate receive a 10 percent discount atJo­
war left many people desperate, driving them into lives
rasco houses of healing.
of crime. The war also demanded huge numbers of
Sharn Council. Of the seventeen members of Sharn's
able-bodied soldiers, which reduced the ranks of law
city council, four have close ties to the Boromar
enforcement across Khorvaire. As a result, most settle­
Clan-including one, Ilyra Boromar, who reports di­
ments have some organized criminal element, ranging
rectly to the head of the syndicate. These four vote as
from small local thieves' guilds to international organi­
a bloc to ensure that the council doesn't take direct ac­
zations with dozens of interconnected branches.
tion against the Boromars, while enough of the other
BOROMAR CLAN council members fear the syndicate that they tend to
The Boromar Clan is the most powerful criminal orga­ carry the vote. A member of the Boromar Clan can
nization in the city of Sharn. From its humble start as call in a favor to secure an audience with one of these
a gang of smugglers and thieves, the Boromars have councilors, though such does not guarantee aid.
Sharn Watch. The Boromars have been bribing cap­
risen to become one of the most influential forces in the
city. They have a stranglehold on the smuggling trade tains of the Sharn Watch for generations. What's
and own the majority of the gambling halls in the city, more, if the Boromar Clan collapsed, the underworld
while most of the fences and thieves in Sharn either would erupt in anarchy as dozens of petty crime lords
work directly for the them or pay tribute in exchange for fought for territory and position. As a result, a member
independence. The Boromars control a vast network of of the Boromars can call in a favor to get minor crimi­
extortion, blackmail, and graft that extends throughout nal charges dismissed.
the city, and their influence reaches far beyond the crim­ Enemies. Despite the Boromar Clan's position of
inal underworld. The early Boromar patriarchs invested strength in Sharn, it has many foes, and their unrelent­
wisely over the centuries, and today the Boromars are ing assaults have put the syndicate in what might b � its
one of the Sixty, the elite tier of Sharn's aristocracy. most precarious position ever. Currently, the followmg
The Boromar Clan owns warehouses, taverns, and inns groups pose the greatest threats to Boromar interests:


Daask. The monstrous criminal guild called Daask, a
pawn of the leaders of Droaam, has started launching THE --

SMA�W � WQU �S�l�\f(


violent raids against Boromar holdings over the last

two years. A mobile organization using guerrilla tac­
tics, Daask has managed to circumvent Boromar se­

curity and avoid serious reprisals for a range of violent
thefts and sabotages. Agents of Daask go out of their
way to harm up-and-coming Boromar agents.

Sharn Council. Despite four friends on the city council,
the Boromar Clan has several enemies as well. At
least three councilors oppose the Boromars because

of genuine concern for their constituents; two more
oppose the syndicate because they're part of rival
organizations (the Aurum and the Tyrants). Because
of their influence, the council has so far refused to
The annual Tain Gala, as everyone knows, brings the
devote any resources to combating the rise of Daask, wealthiest and most prominent citizens of Sham together
hoping the monstrous guild will bring down the Boro­ in a grand display of opulence and power. But last night,
mars. Individual members of the Boromar Clan can it also provided a shocking display of violence, as Saidan
be sure that these councilors will oppose any petition Boromar-head of the Boromar family, which is allegedly
they might bring to the council. tied to all manner of criminal activities throughout the
city-was confronted by a would-be assassin (whose
PATRON BENEFITS name will not be made public until her next of kin have
With a crime syndicate as your group's patron, you gain been identified and notified) . Boromar and his wife, Mala
the following benefits: Boromar d'Jorasco, escaped unharmed thanks to the
timely intervention of their bodyguard, a recent immi­
Assignments. The Boromar Clan doesn't pay you, but it grant from the Talenta Plains whose fascinating culture
might assign you to particular tasks. Sometimes these and fierce demeanor were both in plain view last night. A
are tasks someone has hired the syndicate to perform Boromar spokesperson identified the bodyguard as Halak
(such as an assassination), in which case the syndicate Boromar, head of the Clawfoots-the Boromar family's
passes 85 percent of the fee on to your group. Other personal guard, named for the dinosaurs ridden by half­
times, your aim is to enrich the syndicate (such as by lings in the Talenta Plains.
pulling off a heist), in which case you have the priv­
ilege of keeping 85 percent of what you steal. Other
syndicates might take more or less than a 15 percent BUILD YOUR GROUP
share, at the DM's discretion. Naturally, a large portion of the Boromar Clan's mem­
Contraband. You have access to your syndicate's "busi­ bers come from a criminal background. There's no rea­
ness" of dealing with contraband, such as poisons or son characters with other backgrounds can't be part of
narcotics. You don't receive a discount on these goods, the syndicate, though. The Boromars recruit ex-soldiers
but you can always find someplace to purchase them. as muscle, trained sages for research, sailors to crew
Fences. Members or associates of your syndicate are smuggling vessels, and charlatans and urchins for their
skilled at disposing of stolen goods, and you have unique talents. Consider some or all of these roles for
access to this service as well. Fences are useful for characters in your party:
selling not just illicit goods but also expensive items Bruiser. Sometimes subtlety means breaking just one
such as works of art and even magic items. In the case of a snitch's kneecaps. The Bruiser uses force and the
of magic items, this allows you to delegate the work of threat of force to make sure that the crime syndicate
finding a buyer (a downtime activity described in the gets what it wants. Strength is a natural prerequisite
Dungeon Master's Guide and Xanathar's Guide to Ev­ for the role, but Charisma can also be useful, espe­
erything) to the fence. The drawback is that you don't cially when combined with proficiency in Intimidation
get to choose whether to accept the offer you might to reinforce the danger inherent in the Bruiser's pres­
receive-the fence makes that call for you. ence. Plenty of Bruisers have a criminal past, but for­
Immunity. As a member of the Boromar Clan, you are
mer soldiers are often recruited into this role as well.
protected from other members of the clan. No one in Fighters and rogues make natural Bruisers.
your syndicate targets you for their own criminal op­ Burglar. Agile and nimble, the Burglar relies on Dexter­
erations. (Of course, the same is expected of you.) On ity and proficiency in skills such as Acrobatics, Sleight
the other hand, if you have rivals within the clan, they of Hand, and Stealth to get in to a target location, take
might find other ways to interfere with your activities. valuables, and get out \\'.ithout being noticed. Some
Syndicate-Owned Businesses. The Boromar Clan
Burglars specialize in certain types of theft, such as
owns several businesses, primarily as fronts for laun­ housebreaking or picking pockets. Besides characters
dering money. When you buy from one of these busi­ with the criminal background, young urchins often
nesses, you get a 5 percent discount. The DM decides find a place in criminal syndicates by filling this role.
what goods and services are available. Rogues are natural Burglars, but anyone else with the
right combination of skills and abilities can do the job.


Mastermind. Somebody has to be the brains of any INFAMY
criminal operation-that's where the Mastermind Even among the notorious Boromar Clan, your group
comes in. A high Intelligence benefits this character, has a distinct identity and a reputation. What's the event
as does proficiency in skills such as Insight and Inves­ or unique trait that makes your crew stand out? Consult
tigation. Masterminds often come from backgrounds the Group Infamy table for suggestions on how your
such as acolyte, noble, or sage, that give them a broad group might stand out within the larger syndicate.
range of knowledge to support their schemes. Bards,
rogues, and wizards are often"drawn to this role. G R O U P I N FA M Y
Safecracker. The "breaking" part of "breaking and en­
d6 Notorious Element
tering" is the Safecracker's job. A typical Safecracker
might have proficiency with thieves' tools, as well as Tattoos. Each member of your group has a distinct tat­
the Dexterity required to use them expertly. Intelli­ too that inspires fea r in others. When possible, you use
gence can be important for figuring out complicated the symbol as a calling card to mark your work.
locks and secret doors. Many Safecrackers also boast 2 Outfit. Whether it is a leather duster with a gro u p sym­
a high Strength for those cases where lockpicks fail. bol or a d isti nctive hand kerchief tucked i n your pocket,
Safecrackers often come from criminal backgrounds, you r gang has a signature accessory.
but characters with experience using other tools and 3 Infamy. Your group is l i n ked to an infamous crime, one
devices, including guild artisans and even sailors, also that rem a i n s the talk of the town.
fall naturally into this role. Artificer or rogue makes a
4 Idols. A certain type of person finds criminals a l l u ri ng,
natural class choice for the Safecracker.
and your band has acq u i red a gro u p of such hang­
Talker. From con artists to fences, anyone who relies
on interpersonal skills and a network of contacts falls ers-o n . They're not criminals themselves, just outsid­
into the role of the Talker. Charisma proves useful for ers who admire you for your brutality, c u n ning, or flair.
this role, along with proficiencies in skills such as De­ S Legitimate. The Boromar Clan has a legitimate front,
ception, Intimidation, and Persuasion. The charlatan though everyone knows the truth behind it. You're part
background is perfect for Talkers, but criminals, ur­ of that facade of legitimacy, but you have a reputation
chins, and others can fill the role with the right skills. for getting away with (l iteral) m u rder.
Bards are a natural fit for the job as well. 6 Legends. You have an a i r of mystery, and people whis­
per that you com mand strange powers. True or not,
Your work as syndicate members involves more than this reputation keeps people out of you r way.
simple street swindles or pickpocketing. A team with
your skills comes together for greater purposes-more RIVAL OUTFIT
dangerous risks and far more splendid rewards. As a Some criminals believe you can't do a job without be­
group, consider the options on the Syndicate Crimes ta­ traying your partners. Perhaps you have your own share
ble and work with your DM to decide what kinds of work of adversaries you've angered. The Group Rivals table
you do for the Boromar Clan. presents a host of groups and individuals who might­
legitimately or otherwise-hold a grudge against you.
d6 Crime G R O U P R IVALS
Acquisitions and Retrieval. Your job is to acq u i re assets d6 Rival
for the syndicate. You m ight steal important docu­ The Law. Someone in the Sharn Watch has vowed to
ments or clear out a location for use as a hideout. put you in prison or die tryi ng.

2 Heists. You plan and execute elaborate robberies that 2 Gang War. Some mem bers of a rival synd icate (such as
req u i re the s k i l l s of everyone on you r team . Daask, House Tarkanan, or the Tyrants} hate you , prob­

3 Gang Warfare. Your prim ary job is to ensure that no ably for good reason .

other crime syndicate (such as Daask or House Tar­ 3 The Press. You r group's adventures make for great
kanan) gai ns a significant foothold i n you r territory. head lines. You r every move is reported in the broad­

4 Internal Affairs. You r tas k is to keep all the corrupt, sheets and you r steps are dogged by journal ists.

headstrong, and avaricious mem bers of you r syndicate 4 Infighting. Another gro u p within the Boromar Clan i s
i n line with the goals and rules of the group. jealous of y o u r success or a ngry about a past wrong.

S Assassination. You r work i nvolves k i l l i ng prominent They do everyt h i n g they can to undercut you .

people-the sort who have n u m erous bodyguards and 5 Vigilante. A citizen you wronged has sworn vengeance.
elaborate security systems to c i rcu mvent. Aro u n d any corner, you m ight find yourself facing a vig­

6 Topple the Powerful. Your syndicate m ight be criminal i lante or a posse of angry citizens out for you r blood.

and you r methods il lega l , but you r goals are righteous. 6 The Bosses. The ha/fl i n g family i n control of the syndi­
You help people who are powerless to defend them­ cate has its eye on you , taking pains to keep you i n line
selves against exploitation by the rich a n d powerfu l . and make s u re you stay loya l .


Everyone has a well-defined place in the Boromar Clan The city of Sharn is unusual in that it is home to no less
hierarchy. You report to a contact who oversees your than four powerful syndicates, which somehow have not
work, giving you assignments, and collecting the syndi­ yet managed to wipe each other out. The Boromar Clan
cate's cut. This person might be a criminal mastermind is one crime syndicate, while the others include the fol­
who plans all your exploits, or they could leave the plan­ lowing groups:
ning to your group. In any case, the Syndicate Contact
Daask. Daask is an aggressive criminal organization
table can help you define the personality of this contact.
with cells across Khorvaire. Led by monstrous immi­
grants from Droaam-gnolls, harpies, medusas, mino­
SY N D I C ATE CO N TACT taurs, ogres, trolls, and others-the group is ultimately
d8 Contact under the command of Sora Katra, one of the rulers of
A su rrogate parent who views you as challenging but Droaam. Physical violence is its specialty, but Daask
beloved children also dabbles in illegal drugs.
2 A no-nonsense boss who treats the syndicate's work as House Tarkanan. House Tarkanan is known as a small

j ust another business

order of highly skilled assassins and thieves in Sharn.
Less well known is the fact that this guild consists
3 A hardened cri m i nal with no mercy, no patience, and primarily of criminals who bear aberrant dragon­
no moral compass
marks-hence its choice of namesake, as Lord Halas
4 A former urc h i n , now fa bulously wealthy, who wants to Tarkanan united the bearers of these marks during
see everyone in the syndicate find the same success the ancient War of the Mark.
5 The boss at a gambling den or s i m i l a r house of vice The Tyrants. The Tyrants are a mysterious group of
who enjoys the busi ness j ust a l ittle too much shapeshifters who traffic in all manner of information.
6 A kind-hearted crook who's gratefu l to finally be able to They sell secrets, blackmail powerful people, and
delegate the d irty work on the streets to you forge everything from identification papers to coins
and works of art.
7 A m iserable cynic who only cares about how much
money you bring i n to the syndicate
8 A former law enforcement officer who is fu l l of cheerful
tips for avoiding the law


House Services. When you require the services pro­
vided by your patron house, you can secure them at

l �'lAN lO a discounted rate (10 percent off the normal charge).

You might also be able to trade in a favor to get ex­
traordinary services or a larger discount.

Independence. Each member of your group is issued
papers that identifies you as agents of your patron
house. Because the dragonmarked houses are bound

to political neutrality by the terms of the ancient Korth
Edicts, these papers guarantee you the right to travel
freely across national borders on the business of your
patron house. (If you assert that you are on the busi­
Imagine it: a long-lasting state of euphoria, a feeling
ness of the house, even if you aren't, border agents are
of power and energy, a measurable impact on certain
magical powers, and the risk of addiction and deadly
unlikely to challenge you.)
overdose with every use. That's the thrill of the drug
called dragon's blood, which currently enjoys skyrock­
eting popularity in Sham. Every day the death toll from Dragonmarked houses employ adventurers who suit
this mysterious substance rises among "blood addicts. " their needs. The roles characters play in a group with a
And n o wonder, a s it's produced i n Droaam and sold i n dragonmarked house patron often have more to do with
drams o r "veins" b y the monstrous thugs o f Daask, who their relationship to the house than with the specific
surely seek nothing less than to destroy the prosperity of roles in the party. Consider some or all of these roles for
Sham but targeting its most precious resource: its sober, your characters:
hardworking people. Remember friends, "Stay on the
wagon. Say NO to dragon! " Adventurer. Some characters are associated with your
patron house because of their connection to its ruling
family or its businesses. The Adventurer, though, is
Running Your Own. Rather than join a n existing hired by the house for more traditional adventuring
syndicate, you can start your own. You need to establish skills-usually capabilities that the house's other
your own headquarters and direct the activities of the agents lack. The Adventurer might have a wide range
3d6 criminals who work for you. By claiming a 15 per­ of abilities, particular to whatever needs the House
cent share of their take, you can rely on an income that has at the time. Many with peculiar skills or highly
will sustain you at a modest lifestyle, plus an additional specific fields of expertise find themselves in the em­
ld6 gp in profit per week. You can access contraband ploy of dragonmarked houses or house members with
and fences as described earlier in this section, but you eccentric interests and deep pockets.
don't get a discount at syndicate-owned businesses un­ Guilder. Every dragonmarked house is more than a sin­
less you acquire some businesses of your own. You can gle family. Each house encompasses at least one guild
also use the Running a Business downtime activity to that operates just like a traditional craft or trade guild,
direct the activities of your syndicate. and hundreds of people associate with these guilds
while having no other relationship to the houses that
D RAGON MARKED HOUSE oversee them. The Guilder is among these, perhaps
Your group works for one of the most influential or­ being a skilled physician or cleric in Housejorasco's
ganizations in Khorvaire: the dragonmarked houses. Healers Guild, for example, or an inquisitive associ­
Whether or not any member of your group carries a ated with House Tharashk's Finders Guild. The Guil­
dragonmark or is even related to one of the houses by der might have the guild artisan background or some
blood, you act on behalf of a house to advance its inter­ other set of skills suited to the specialties of your pa­
ests. You might function openly as representatives of the tron house's guilds.
Heir. The Heir is a member of your dragonmarked
house, wearing its badge and exerting its authority, or
you could be covert or unacknowledged agents. house patron, related by blood and carrying the house
The thirteen dragonmarked houses are described in name. This character most likely chooses the race that
detail earlier in this chapter. matches the bloodline of the house. The Heir can be
dragonmarked (with the appropriate marked subrace
PATRON BENEFITS or racial variant) or unmarked. The house agent back­
With a dragonmarked house as your group's patron, you ground (described in this chapter) proves particularly
gain the following benefits: appropriate for this character.

Compensation. Your patron house pays you for the HOUSE MISSIONS
work you do on its behalf. On average, the house pays Your group and your DM should decide together which
each member of your group an amount equal to 10 house employs you. The nature of the missions you un­
gp x the average level of your characters per day you dertake depends in part on the house or guild you work
spend on the mission. for, but there are general categories of work that every
house needs agents to perform on its behalf. The House


Missions table provides suggestions for which house HOUSE STATUS
might employ you along with multiple possibilities for Politics within a dragonmarked house can be vicious.
adventures that overlap with their interests. For the Perhaps your the house leadership's favorite scion. Per­
more general kind of work you might carry out on behalf haps you've been exiled from your house for misdeeds­
of any dragonmarked house, consult the General House your own or another's. In any case, use the Group Sta­
Missions table. tus table to determine your party's standing within the
d8 Mission G R O U P STAT U S
Establish a safe location for a house enclave in a hos­ d4 Status
tile environ ment. Favored. You have access to the leadership of the
2 Find the wreckage of a crashed veh icle (airship, l ight­ house, owing to your record of faithfu l service.
ning rai l car, sailing ship, or other) carrying house 2 Reliable. You are reliable contributors to the house,
property. and can cou nt on it fo r help in d ifficult situations.
3 Retrieve assets from a house enclave in the 3 Oddballs. You don't q u ite fit in, and tend to d raw
Mourn land. strange assign ments or those that other operatives
4 Protect a leader of you r house from an antici pated pass up.
assassi nation attempt. 4 Outcast. You have made some m i stakes in the recent
5 Enforce you r house's territory by preventing a rival past, and you r status in the house is tenuous at best.
from stealing its b u siness.
6 Find a trove of d ragonshards for your patron house D RAGONMARKED HOUSE CONTACTS
to use. Your primary contact within your patron house is an­
7 Recruit a renowned sage to join the house's team of other house agent-perhaps a dragonmarked heir, an­
other family member, or a guild leader. Some contacts
are devoted to the house and its interests, while others
8 Persuade a hostile tribe to agree to a trade agreement
might use your group to pursue a personal agenda. Con­
with your patron house.
sult the House Contacts table to determine what sort of
arbiter oversees your party.

dl2 House Mission l Mission 2 Mission 3
l Cannith Escort a valuable shipment of Track down rare materials Advance the cause of one branch
goods of the fa m i ly at the expense of the
other two
2 Deneith Act as bodyguards for a p ro m i nent Serve as mercenaries in a l i ngering Enforce the law across national
or wealthy person border confl ict borders as Sentinel M arshals
3 G h a l landa Establish useful diplomatic Acq u i re rare i ngred ients or recipes Defend a Golden D ragon Inn that
contacts is under attack
4 J o rasco Provide healing for a caravan Seek out the sou rce of a Find a cure for an exotic curse
or m i litary unit on a dangerous mysterious new il lness afflicting a wealthy patient
m ission
5 Kundarak Safeguard something valuable u ntil Recover something stolen from Find an abandoned vau lt in the
it i s locked in a vau lt you r house M ou rnland
6 Lyrandar H unt down pirates in the Lhazaar Salvage a prototype a i rship lost in Accompany a new airship on its
Sea the M ournland fi rst voyage
7 M edani Protect a powerful figure from Track down the source of ru mors Find the v i l l a i n behind a series of
kidnapping or assassination pointing to an i m m i nent t h reat apparently u n re lated cri mes
8 Ori en Carry a sensitive message to its Retrieve an i mportant package I nvestigate a problem on a
desti nation stolen from another courier l i ghtning rail line
9 Phiarlan and Sneak into a secret area to serve as Steal plans for a powerful new Carry out an assassi nation
Thuranni the target of a scrying spell weapon
10 Sivis M ed iate a tense negotiation Assu re that two parties keep to the B reak a code used d u ring the Last
terms of their agreement War
11 Tharash k Track down fugitives Locate a supply of d ragonshards Find the bandits who have been
preying on house prospectors
12 Vadalis Capture wild animals and tame Prevent magebred specimens from Handle the animals d rawing
them upsetti ng a delicate ecosystem a massive caravan across the


The Twelve facilitates communication and coopera­
THE KORRA NBERG tion among the dragonmarked houses. As part of the

<CM �ON � <C ll agreements that ended the War of the Mark, the houses
agreed to create an institute for the application of mag­
ic-a foundation that would study dragonmarks, along

with more traditional forms of magic. Over the centu­
ries, the Twelve has been responsible for many magical
advances, including the airships operated by House Ly­

randar and the message stations of House Sivis
As an arm of the dragonmarked houses, the Twelve
attempted to remain neutral during the Last War, but
many of its wizards and artificers had national loyalties
Reports emerged this week of bitter disputes within the
that were stronger than their ties to the institute. Now
Twelve, the arcane institution that supposedly embodies
the spirit of cooperation among the houses. According
that the Twelve has resumed normal operations, it seeks
to a source that wished to remain anonymous, a special to replace its lost members and make sure that each
meeting of the Committee of Twelve was called last house is represented.
week to address accusations that researchers connected While the Twelve provides a way for your group to
to House Kundarak had been diverting funds from the work for multiple dragonmarked houses, its goals and
institute's budget to fund their own private projects, benefits are similar to those of an individual house. Con­
then concealing the results of those projects from their sider using the following details as a template if there's a
colleagues. Kundarak's representative, according to our particular dragonmarked house you wish to serve.
source, denied the accusations, saying that the research­
Patronage. As a patron, the Twelve is functionally
ers are operating within their allotted budget and keep­
similar to a dragonmarked house. Rather than advanc­
ing their results secret only temporarily, as a matter of
ing one house's interests, though, the Twelve seeks to
house security.
This matter is far from resolved, as the council meet­ advance magical developments that have practical value
ing devolved into shouted arguments before disbanding. to society as well as potential for profit. All the houses
Representatives of House Medani and House Tharashk contribute to the operating budget of the institute, and in
were particularly vocal in denouncing Kundarak, leaving theory they all benefit from the results of its research.
this reporter to wonder whether a schism within the As agents of the Twelve, you might undertake mis­
Council of Twelve might be imminent-and what that sions intended to help one house at a time or all of them
might mean for peaceful relations among the dragon­ at once, typically with a focus on magical research or
marked houses themselves.
problem-solving. Members of your group might have dif­
ferent status within their houses, but within the Twelve
you're held as equals. The Twelve pay you (see "Patron
H O U S E CO N TACTS Benefits"), and as their agents, you receive a 5 percent
d8 Contact discount on services from all the dragonmarked houses
A lesser guild functionary who is cowed by you r group (rather than a 10 percent discount from one house).
Leadership. The Committee of Twelve oversees the
(especially if it incl udes a dragon marked character)
institute. It currently has fifteen members, though its
and apologetic about giving you assignments
membership is a matter of significant disagreement
2 The stern and demanding parent of one (or more) of within the council. There are of course only twelve drag­
the characters in your gro u p onmarks, but the Mark of Shadow is represented by two
3 The lovingly i n d ulgent parent of a character in your different houses, and House Cannith is currently frag­
gro u p mented into three branches, each of which has claimed
4 The s m u gly superior d ragon marked sibling of an u n ­ a seat on the council.
marked membe r of the family i n you r group The Twelve is headquartered in a many-spired keep
that floats in the air above the city of Korth in Karrnath.
5 The money-minded busi ness manager of a guild withi n
Most researchers funded by the Twelve operate within
y o u r patron house
this structure, but the institute occasionally pays grants
6 A retired adventurer with in the fam i ly who wou l d rather to researchers whose promising work can't easily (or
join you on you r adventures than assign them to you safely) be relocated inside the keep.
7 The proud leader of a regional branch of the d ragon­ Allies. With a long record of providing benefit to so­
ma rked fa m ily ciety at large, the Twelve is widely respected. Some of
8 The patriarch or matriarch of the patron house their closest allies include the following groups:
Dragonmarked Houses. Above all, the Twelve has
THE TWELVE the almost universal support of the dragonmarked
Rather than working for one single house, your group houses, which provide the funding to support its con­
could work for an organization that serves them all: the tinued operation. One of the few things that all the
Twelve. This is a good option if you want to be involved houses agree on is that the Twelve should be allowed
in the intrigue among the dragonmarked houses while to do its work in peace. Agents of the Twelve can count
playing characters who come from different houses. on at least a minimal level of assistance from the
houses in case of dire need.


King Kaius. Not every nation shares the same goodwill
toward the Twelve, but the institutes's location above
the city of Korth makes its relationship with Karrnath
particularly important. The kings of Karrnath have
regularly sought council from the Twelve, and Kaius
has not abandoned this practice. Agents of Karrnath's
government are inclined to trust agents of the Twelve
and side with them in times of trouble.
Manifest Institute. In the city of Sharn, the Twelve
sponsors the research of a number of scholars who
make a study of the manifest zone that links the city to
the plane of Syrania. Loosely organized as the Man­
ifest Institute, these researchers include representa­
tives from House Cannith, House Lyrandar, House
Orien, and others, as well as those who work directly
for the Twelve. The institute evaluates ways that the
manifest zone might improve life in Sharn, seeks a
deeper understanding of manifest zones in general,
and plans contingencies in the event that the manifest
zone ever evaporates.
Enemies. Most enemies of the Twelve are individuals
with grudges against the institute, which often stem
from hurt feelings over being excluded from it. Those
noted here number among the Twelve's fiercest foes:
Arcane Congress. Established by King Galifar I ex­
pressly to serve as a political answer to the Twelve,
the Arcane Congress competes with the Twelve over
resources and students. Some would argue that the
ongoing rivalry encourages both institutions toward
more and better arcane discoveries, but the animosity
sometimes escalates to sabotage and researchers tak­
ing excessive risks.
Mordain the Fleshweaver. Not many personal grudges
jeopardize the Twelve, but when a powerful wizard
feels slighted, the impact can be significant. The elf
wizard Mordain was banished from the Twelve more
than two centuries ago because of his disturbing
experiments related to the magic of the daelkyr. He
dwells in Droaam now, focused on his research and
plotting revenge. His reach isn't long, but agents of the
Twelve avoid Droaam if at all possible.

Secret agents, spies, undercover operatives-your group
is part of an organization engaged in espionage. Most
such agencies are attached to governments or dragon­
marked houses, gathering information on the activities
and plans of rival nations, houses, and businesses.
Naturally, your affiliation with an espionage agency is
a secret; you can't advertise that connection, and if you
get in trouble with law enforcement forces (especially in
foreign nations), your home nation will disavow you and
deny any knowledge of your activities.
It's said the Last War was fought as much by spies as
by armies. Espionage agencies in every nation sought
secrets to bring military supremacy to their own lands
and provide dominance over their neighbors. In the
years since the end of the war, a clandestine struggle
among these agencies (which the Korranberg Chronicle
dubbed the Shadow War) has continued unabated, just
outside of the public eye.

KING'S DARK LANTERNS Some Dark Lanterns might think themselves superior
The King's Dark Lanterns is the intelligence division to members of the other branches, but even so they
of the King's Citadel, an organization sworn to defend recognize other Citadel agents as players on the same
Breland from its enemies and dispense justice in the team. When your group needs a little extra help, the
name of King Boranel. As the secret servants of the other branches of the Citadel are there for you.
crown, members of the organization are granted the Enemies. Rare is the espionage agency that is loved.
authority to conduct intelligence operations on foreign Even within Breland, the populace views the Dark Lan­
soil, execute covert missions aqoss the globe, and pre­ terns with suspicion, and powerful people outside the
vent national secrets from falling into the hands of rival royal family harbor resentment at the influence of the
intelligence agencies. The Dark Lanterns also have an Citadel. Many people and institutions outside Breland
unwritten license to eliminate any creature that threat­ view the Dark Lanterns as a hostile force. As a result,
ens their nation, its sovereign, or its citizens. the following groups account for just a few enemies of
Headquarters. The King's Citadel is based in Bre­ the Dark Lanterns:
land's capital city of Wroat, under the command of
the king's brother, Lord Kor ir'Wynarn. A changeling Brelish Populists. As much as King Boranel is loved
named Captain Vron serves as the leader of the Dark in his country, many Brelish voices argue that the era
Lanterns, with four subordinate knights marshal lead­ of monarchy is at an end, and the throne of Breland
ing branch offices across Breland, in Sharn, Starilaskur, should be replaced by a government democratically
and Xandrar. A much smaller branch office keeps an elected by the citizenry. When these forces grow rest­
eye on Brelish interests in the city of Stormreach, in less enough to plot and riot, the Citadel-and often the
Xen'drik. Small, temporary field offices are sometimes Dark Lanterns-work to bring them to heel. As a re­
established to coordinate missions outside Breland; sult, those who question the authority of the king are
these offices double as safe houses for agents in trouble, the most likely Brelish citizens to mistrust the Dark
and they are designed to be wiped clean at a moment's Lanterns or view them with open hostility. According
notice if discovered by local authorities.
The Sharn office of the King's Citadel is in Andith
Tower in the Ambassador Towers district. Though a
knight marshal commands the office, most of the King's
Citadel members in Sharn are Dark Lanterns, and thus
under the authority of a scheming and ruthless gnome
named Talleon Haliar Tonan.
Agents. The King's Dark Lanterns includes more
than 500 agents operating within Breland's borders and
roughly one-fifth that number stationed abroad. They of­
ten work in teams, and also work closely with the other
divisions of the Citadel. Sometimes they recruit local
talent, often under false pretenses, to help them accom­
plish their missions in foreign lands.
Allies. By their nature, espionage agencies must be
cautious in choosing their allies, and the King's Dark
Lanterns is no exception. Its most trustworthy allies in­
clude the following facets of the Brelish government:
King Boranel. The King's Dark Lanterns, as one would
expect, serve the king of Breland, and he is their
greatest advocate and ally. The king views loyalty
as mutual: as long as an agent's loyalty is irre­
proachable, Boranel is willing to exercise his
considerable power on that agent's behalf.
The King's Citadel. The Citadel has three
branches besides the Dark Lanterns. The
King's Swords are elite special combat
forces. The King's Shields protect
the king and his closest family
members and associates. The
King's Wands provide magical
support to the other branches
of the Citadel as well as
other Brelish forces.


to rumor some of those people even hold high posi­ BUILD YOU R GROUP
tions in the Brelish government. Espionage agents are typically both highly trained and
Foreign Nations. Every nation knows the King's Dark tightly specialized. The type of missions you undertake
Lanterns serves as an espionage force and do their can shape your group's composition; you might be a
best to track the movements of Dark Lantern agents team of hunters or investigators, focused on tracking
within their borders. Foreign governments treat Dark people down or gathering information. More likely,
Lantern agents with care to avoid sparking an inter­ you're a diverse team with a range of skills that allow
national incident, but they are quick to arrest Dark you undertake a variety of different missions on your pa­
Lantern agents suspected of wrongdoing. tron's behalf. Consider some or all of these roles for the
New Cyre. One of the world's largest concentrations characters in your party:
of Cyran refugees settled in eastern Breland under
Chameleon. A master of disguise, sleight of hand, and
the leadership of Oargev ir'Wynarn, the last prince of
deception, the Chameleon can perform the work of
Cyre. Many voices among the Cyrans, possibly includ­
the Investigator or a Confiscator right under a target's
ing Oargev himself, call for the establishment of an in­
nose-or provide cover to agents with different special­
dependent nation in what is now Brelish territory, but
ties as they do their jobs. A high Charisma, proficiency
Boranel is determined to hold on to every acre of his
with the disguise kit (or access to spells that cloak or
land. The Dark Lanterns actively infiltrate the Cyran
disguise one's appearance), and proficiency with skills
refugee community, rooting out those who would act
such as Deception, Performance, and Sleight of Hand
against the king.
all greatly benefit the Chameleon. Bards and rogues,
PATRON BENEFITS as well as characters with the charlatan, entertainer,
You gain the following benefits when your group's pa­ or urchin background, often excel in this role.
tron is an espionage agency: Confiscator. Sometimes an espionage agency needs
something stolen-a document that incriminates a
Assignments. Your agency might assign you specific public figure to a prototype war machine. The Confis­
tasks at any time, at the DM's discretion. You have cator has the key skills for such jobs. A good Dexterity
wide latitude regarding how you carry out a task, and score proves helpful in undertaking such tasks, es­
your assignments can sometimes be very broad and pecially if it's enhanced with proficiency with thieves'
require considerable time to complete. tools and the Sleight of Hand and Stealth skills. Con­
Expense Account. You have access to an account main­
fiscators are often rogues, and many have a history of
tained at the banks of House Kundarak. You can use stealing for profit rather than national interest.
this account to pay your daily living expenses, as well Hunter. The Hunter stalks humanoid prey, for purposes
as for purchasing anything you need for completing of assassination, abduction, or gathering information.
your missions-equipment, transportation, bribes, and A combination of combat prowess with stealth and
so on. Your normal spending limit is 100 gp per month interaction skills makes for well-prepared Hunters.
for each member of your group. If you exceed that, Rangers and rogues prove particularly adept at this
your agency asks you to account for the month's ex­ role, as might anyone with proficiency in the Investiga­
penses, and they might require you to pay back the ex­ tion, Perception and Stealth skills. A high Charisma
cess if you can't justify it (at the DM's discretion). You and proficiency in Deception, Intimidation, and Per­
can't carry over an unused amount from one month suasion skills can also be useful. Hunters often come
to the next, and your access to this account can be cut from backgrounds such as outlander or urchin.
off at any time if you abuse it or fall out of the agency's Investigator. The Investigator is the archetypal spy, a
good graces. The agency is aware of every time you ac­ master of deductive reasoning and suave interaction.
cess the account and where you are when you do so. Naturally, Investigation can be a crucial skill, which
Identification. Your agency provides you with identifi­
many characters in this role combine with magical
cation papers establishing your true identity, and you means of scrying to learn about their enemies and
also have ready access to false papers and matching objectives. Bards and wizards make natural Investiga­
travel documents showing different identities, when tors, especially if they can acquire one or more skills
you need them for a mission. (Any time you enter a from among Deception, Perception, Persuasion, and
foreign nation, it is a good idea for you to do so under Stealth. Investigators come from backgrounds as var­
a false identity.) ied as charlatans, nobles, sages, and urchins.
Powerful Friends. An espionage agency, by nature,
Operator. An Operator leads or organizes a team of
has a long reach and a lot of power to make things agents in the field. Like a military officer, the Operator
happen behind the scenes. You can call in a favor issues orders and bears responsibility for the agents
for a wide range of benefits: A legal case against you on the team. High Charisma and Intelligence scores
might be suddenly dropped. A rival might disappear. help make the Operator a strong leader, especially in
A much-needed magic item might be delivered to you. conjunction with skill proficiencies such as Persua­
These favors can provide significant short-term ben­ sion and Investigation. The wide array of skills used
efit, but they can also come with equally significant by other agents are also valuable to the Operator, who
long-term repercussions-which might lead to entirely might end up stepping into a different role when the
new missions. need arises. The Operator is often a bard and might
come from a soldier or noble background (being ac­
customed to leadership in one form or another).


Most likely, your espionage work will eventually put you
in possession of secrets others don't want you to know.
When the time comes, consult the Secrets table to
determine what clandestine knowledge your group pos­

sesses, and how it might make life complicated for you.


KARRN. SPY d6 Secret

Blackmail Material. You have evidence of a career-end­

i n g secret concerni n g a n i m portant figure.
2 Hidden Agenda. You are party to a conspi racy that
seeks to infl u ence events to better suit your desires.
In a courthouse surrounded by agents of the King's Cit­ 3 Careful Balance. You have damning information on
adel and thronged by reporters, judge Haliss ir'Cronn you r patron agency, but it has carefully collected
took her seat for the first session in what some are call­ equally damaging secrets on a l l of you.
ing the "trial of the century."
Barath Drinn, a Karrn who has been living in Wroat
4 Conspiracy. A local organ ization, such as a guild, gov­
since the end of the Last War, stands accused of stealing ernment, or d ragon marked house, is engaged in d irty
state secrets, sabotage, and one count of murder­ deeds, and you have i n side i n formation on them.
though an anonymous source suggests that he is guilty 5 Deep Cover. You know the secret identity of a seem­
of many more killings. i ngly i n n ocent but powerful person who wou l d rather
A spokesperson for the King's Citadel vehemently de­
remain anonymous.
nied reports that Drinn is employed by the Citadel.
6 Empty Threats. Rumors say you collect damaging se­
crets on anyone, and people tread carefully arou nd you
Saboteur. The Saboteur interferes with the functioning as a res u lt. The truth i s that your reputation i s over­
of enemy assets. More than a reckless bomber, they blown, so you have you r own secret to keep safe.
combine a willingness to destroy with a knack for in­
filtration. Proficiency with thieves' tools and in skills MEMORABLE MISSION
such as Deception, Investigation, and Stealth often
You engaged in a mission that still overshadows your
serve the work of sabotage. The Saboteur benefits
work. Was it the perfect operation, or do you still carry
from an understanding of craft and magic items, mak­
scars from a mission gone horribly wrong? Consult the
ing artificers particularly skilled in this role. Guild ar­
Memorable Mission table to determine the details of
tisans might also disguise tools of destruction as mun­
your career-defining exploit.
dane objects or works of art. Many Saboteurs come
from backgrounds such as charlatans or soldiers.
Espionage activities can be classified in three broad Betrayal. A former associate turned agai nst you . You
categories: counterintelligence, covert action, and in­ escaped, and want revenge.
telligence gathering. Your party might focus on one of 2 Left in the Cold. Things went wrong, and you had to
those areas, or perhaps you're the team that handles sit­
make the terrible decision to abandon an al ly. They
uations that other teams bungle. As a group, work with
m ight be dead, or they m ight be looking for reven ge.
your DM and consult the Espionage Missions table to
decide what kinds of missions you might undertake. 3 The Perfect Operation. You r actions made headli nes
across Khorvai re, shaping h istory for the next decade.
E S P I O N AG E M I S S I O N S N obody knows you were i nvolved, and sometimes you
wish you could have a l ittle credit for you r work.
d 6 Mission
Information Gathering. If i nformation is out there, you 4 The Standoff. You met your match during a tense
operation. N either side got everyth i n g they wanted.
can find it and hand it over to you r patron.
You hate to admit it, but the team you went u p against
2 Counterintelligence. You r work focuses on finding, op­
proved you r match. Maybe you ' l l cross paths again.
posing, and e l i m i n ating enemy i ntel l i gence agents.
3 Misinformation. You are experts at creating false sto­ ESPIONAGE AGENCY CONTACTS
ries and bogus i n formation to fo i l enemy spies.
Your assignments come from a superior in the agency
4 Covert Elimination. When you disappear someone you who typically works at a desk rather than in the field­
leave behind no evidence. compiling intelligence into reports for their superiors
5 Disruption. You excel at i n filtration and wreaking havoc and coordinating the activities of multiple groups. Use
via blackmai l , misinformation, and s u bversion . the Agency Contacts table to determine the character
6 Sabotage. You s l i p into places, lay the seeds for their of your superior, which can shape the kinds of missions
destruction, and escape without detection. you undertake and the degree of support you receive.


d8 Contact Your group serves a national ruler. You're not simply
A condescending career desk agent who views you as a member of a military organization or an espionage
expendable tools agency (both of which are different patrons described in
2 A bitter former field agent, now confi ned to a field of­ this section); you have the ear of a sovereign and you are
fice, who envies you r work expected to help them attain their goals at all costs.
3 A kindly bureau ch ief who views you as a truly special
team with inval uable skills The disaster of the Mourning wiped out much of the
4 A crotchety middle-manager on the cusp of reti rement population of Cyre, but those living near the western
who constantly bemoans the state of today's agents border had time to cross into the Brelish countryside
compared to those in the "good old days" ahead of the strange wall of gray mist that now shrouds
5 A hotheaded former soldier who wou ld prefer a return the Mournland. King Boranel of Breland took pity on the
to open warfare i n stead of this so-called "Shadow refugees and established camps for them, camps which
War" have now grown into the town of New Cyre.
The mayor of New Cyre is Prince Oargev ir'Wynarn,
6 A battle-scarred field agent who would do al most any­
the last son of Cyre's ruling family. He was serving as an
thing to prevent a return to the horrors of the Last War
ambassador to Breland at the time of the Mourning, and
7 A bored but effective manager who refu ses to be im­ Cyran refugees across Khorvaire now look to him for
pressed by anythi n g you do or shocked by anything leadership as a sort of king in exile. He hopes to one day
that h a ppens to you gather all of Cyre's displaced children to a rebuilt Cyre.
8 A mysterious voice on the other end of a speaking stone Prince Oargev is obsessed with the Mourning. He is
desperate to discover the truth behind the destruction of
OTHER ESPIONAGE AGENCIES his country. He regularly seeks information from those
Every nation has some form of espionage agency, and who venture into the Mournland, and he funds expedi­
two of the dragonmarked houses (House Phiarlan and tions into the remains of his once-proud nation, hoping
House Thuranni) include specialized espionage forces to discover some clue as to the cause of Cyre's demise.
as part of their businesses. Besides the King's Dark Allies. Prince Oargev has a gift for diplomacy (and a
Lanterns, some of Khorvaire's more prominent espio­ number of talented ambassadors in his employ), which
nage agencies include the following groups: has enabled a widespread campaign of outreach to
Cyran refugees across Khorvaire. He has a great deal
Argentum. The Argentum is a ministry within the
of popular sympathy, as well as allies in every nation,
Church of the Silver Flame. Originally dedicated to
including the following groups and individuals:
the acquisition, study, and redistribution of magic
items and artifacts, it was repurposed during the Last King Boranel. The ruler of Breland did a great kind­
War to serve as Thrane's espionage agency. ness to the people of Cyre by establishing the refugee
Royal Eyes. Aundair is renowned for its wizards, and camps that have grown into New Cyre. Oargev has not
the Royal Eyes of Aundair excel at spellcraft and div­ forgotten that kindness, and he would prefer not to
ination-almost every agent of the Royal Eyes has an jeopardize his friendship with Boranel by seizing land
arcane advantage. Agents spy on other nations, pursue from Breland. However, rumors persist that Oargev
notorious criminals, and engage in a host of other plans to secede, and the King's Dark Lanterns fre­
wand-and-dagger missions for the crown. quently send agents into New Cyre to keep an eye on
Serpentine Table. The Serpentine Table is the espio­ anti-Brelish sentiment. Oargev wisely views Boranel
nage arm of House Phiarlan. Few people outside the as an ally, but knows Breland could be a threat.
house even know of its existence, and hardly any of its Q'barra. Aside from New Cyre, the largest population of
lower-level operatives realize the full implication of Cyran refugees resides in Q'barra. Oargev has invited
their service. They simply collect and pass along infor­ these displaced Cyrans to join him in New Cyre, but
mation, never knowing how it is used. most of them have started putting down new roots in
The Trust. Zilargo's secret police, the Trust maintains the jungle land. If Cyre could be reclaimed from the
order in the service of the Triumvirate. This web of Mournland, many of them would probably return; in
spies and ruthless assassins are known for their op­ the meantime, they are a friendly force in the east,
erations in Zilargo, but few realize that the Trust is willing to offer shelter and aid to agents of Prince
also active in nations across Khorvaire. The gnomes Oargev who find themselves among the settlements
believe knowledge is the greatest weapon of all, and of Q'barra.
Trust agents endlessly search for secrets that could Refugees. Cyrans live across Khorvaire in the wake of
prove useful to their nation. the Last War. Oargev does significant work in reach­
ing out to his displaced subjects, and the majority of
them sympathize with his goals and aid his agents.


Enemies. Bitter Cyran avengers who punish those Expenses. In addition to your salary, your patron re­
they believe responsible for the Mourning have cast imburses you for extraordinary expenses incurred
shadows on Prince Oargev's reputation. As a result, the as part of your work. You are required to account
following groups consider Prince Oargev their foe: for your expenses and might be called on to explain
The Five Nations. Aundairians, Karrns, and Thranes any extraordinary expenditures, but routine travel,
ordinary equipment, and most services don't draw a
are generally unsympathetic to the plight of displaced
second glance.
Cyrans. Many of them bitterly bear the scars of the
Immunity. As long as you remain in the head of state's
war, their resentments reinforced by the deeds of
good graces, you are nearly immune to prosecution
violent Cyran extremists. Even the Brelish, for all
under the laws of your home country. Committing
their practiced indifference, become guarded when
serious crimes-especially if they are unrelated or
confronted by Cyrans, who represent a burden foisted
unnecessary for the work you've been assigned-is a
upon them by their leaders. They tend to treat Cyran
good way to fall out of your patron's good graces, how­
refugees as second-class citizens and vagabonds.
ever. When you are carrying out your orders within
Among non-Cyran communities, agents of Prince
your nation's borders, though, you have a great deal
Oargev can't rely on aid from any of Cyre's for-
of leeway in how you choose to do that, and the law
mer enemies.
isn't an obstacle. (However, note that agents of Prince
The Lord of Blades. In the depths of the Mourn-
Oargev can't necessarily expect the same clemency in
land, the closest thing to a sovereign is the Lord of
Breland outside of New Cyre.)
Blades-a heavily enhanced warforged who seeks ven­
Salary. Your employment for a head of state brings you
geance against those who created his people to serve
an income of 1 gp per day, or enough to maintain a
as weapons. He is hostile to adventurers who enter
modest lifestyle. At the DM's discretion, your salary
the Mournland on missions of plunder, and the idea
might increase or decrease depending on which par­
of Prince Oargev reclaiming the Mournland fills him
ticular head of state you work for, the nature of your
with fury. He shows Oargev's agents no mercy.
work, and the length of your employment.
With a head of state as your group's patron, you gain the
A head of state like Prince Oargev requires a variety of
following benefits:
adventurers to do the range of tasks they require. De­
Assignments. Your work is performed at the direction pending on the kinds of work you do, your party might
of your patron. That means you are usually under include some or all of these roles:
assignment and not entirely free to choose your own
Civil Servant. The vast majority of work performed
course. Depending on the ruler and the task, these as­
on behalf of a head of state has very little to do with
signments can be directive or more hands-off, as you
deadly adventure: it's about prosecuting and judging
pursue long-term goals.
criminals in the courts of law, hearing the petitions
and complaints of citizens, collecting taxes, and in­
terminable amounts of paperwork. Once in a while,
though, a faithful Civil Servant gets forcefully pulled

� �(LA� � from this work and thrust into life-or-death situations,

with or without help from more hardened adventur­
ers. The knowledge and experience of a Civil Servant


can often be useful, with some developing skills as
clerics, rogues, wizards, or other classes. Such char­
acters often come from the sage background and have

PLOTS BAN D IT proficiency in skills that reflect their studies, such as

Arcana, History, Nature, and Religion.
Diplomat. Negotiating treaties, de-escalating conflicts,

BARO NY and issuing ultimatums are tasks that fall within the
purview of the Diplomat, who typically puts their high
Charisma to work in the service of the state. These
Prince Oargev, the exiled Cyran royal who governs the characters often come from a noble background and
town of New Cyre by the sufferance of King Boranel, is bring proficiency in skills such as Intimidation and
planning a brazen act of secession, hoping to transform Persuasion to their work. Bards are natural fits in this
all of eastern Breland into a new Cyran realm, sources role, as are paladins-as long as they aren't asked to
say. According to a group of adventurers recently em­ do things that violate the tenets of their oaths.
ployed by Oargev, the prince sent them into the Mourn­ Marshal. Combat is the specialty of the Marshal, who
land to recover weapons of war so they could be wielded
focuses on enforcing the law of the land and bring-
against the Brelish military during the secession. How
ing fugitives to justice. Fighters and paladins make
will King Boranel respond to this treachery? Will the na­
tions come to the defense of the displaced prince? Will
natural Marshals, many being former soldiers who
Oargev's scheming result in all of eastern Breland being continue fighting the Last War in different venues.
swathed in the same gray mist that consumed Cyre? They often have reasonable Intelligence scores or pro­
ficiency in Investigation.


Warden. The Warden's focus isn't so much on the peo­
ple of the nation, but on the land encompassed within
its borders, both cultivated and wild. Sometimes that
extends to protecting the border from incursions, but
more often a Warden contend with monstrosities and
wild beasts that threaten the populace, magical cor­
ruption that harms the land, and disasters jeopardiz­
ing the nation as a whole. Wardens are often rangers
or druids, with proficiency in Nature and Perception.
They might come from backgrounds as outlanders or
hermits, making them more comfortable in the wilds
than in cities or royal courts.

Sometimes there's a fine line between the missions
assigned by a head of state and those of an espionage
agency or a military force, but your team's central fo­
cus is politics. As a group, consult the Cyran Affairs
table and work with your DM to decide what kinds of
adventures you undertake on behalf of Prince Oargev.
The Heads of State table at the end of the section offers
additional options for leaders who might make appeal­
ing patrons.

d 6 Mission
Convince nations to recognize Oa rgev as a sovereign
2 Work diplomatically to secu re land for a Cyran nation
P R I N C E 0 1\ R G E V t R' WV N ll R N
3 Track down agents and infiltrators from other nations
who are acting against N ew Cyre's interests
4 Venture into the Mourn land to salvage Cyran treasures H EAD OF STATE CONTACTS
Often, your connection to your patron is quite direct­ •
5 Aid Cyran refugees in Breland and elsewhere
the head of state summons you, grants you an audience,
6 M a ke i ncrim i nating or e m barrassi n g evidence about
and gives you an assignment or hears your report.
the prince q u ietly disappear Heads of state are busy people, though, and if your
business isn't pressing, you might be handled by a func­
OFFICIAL STATUS tionary of the court. The State Contacts table provides
Heads of state employ a variety of agents. Some are offi­ several options for what functionaries your group might
cially recognized, but others are expected to operate on work with when the head of state is indisposed.
the borders of legality. Consult the State Status table to
determine the nature of your group's work STATE CONTACTS
d8 Contact
A disapproving courtier who finds you r extrajudicial
d6 Status work h ighly d istasteful
1 -3 Official. You hold an official position and are recog­
2 A fawn i n g sycophant who figures you are the best path
nized as attached to your patron. You can expect the
to the head of state's good graces
head of state's support, but you must also ensure
3 A wide-eyed b u reaucrat who d reams of l iving a life as
your actions avoid staining you r patron's reputation.
exciting and dangerous as you rs
4-5 Shadow. You can expect no official, public recognition
4 A scheming relative of the head of state who sees you
of you r work, but the head of state you work for does
as a path toward seizing power
acknowledge you in private and provide help.
5 A bored chancellor who is constantly i rritated at the
6 Double. You r al legiance l ies with an official or govern­
amount of money you spend
ment other than the one you overtly serve. You may
6 A grumpy ex·adventure r who was "promoted" from
receive support from the head of state you openly an­
doing you r job to supervising you
swer fol low, as well as the official you secretly report
to, but must rem a i n on constant guard against having
7 A worried parental figure who is s u re that every mis­
sion will be you r last
you r true loyalties revealed.
8 The ghost of the previous head of state


OTHER HEADS OF STATE adamantine claws can ftense whole armies before any
The head of almost any nation described in chapter 2 soldier can land a blow on her plated hide. Tales of Sora
could be your patron. For some nations and regions, it's Kell claim she is the first night hag, born from Khyber in
impossible to speak of a "head of state," but you might the first age of the world alongside the ancient raksha­
enjoy the patronage of a powerful clan leader or other sas. Some even claim that her daughters-the hags who
prominent figure-perhaps working to make that person rule Droaam-are either direct agents of her will or have
a viable head of state in the long run. trapped her and pursue their own goals.
The Heads of State table offers suggestions for the One fact is indisputable: Sora Kell is an immortal be­
kind of work you might do for other national leaders in ing who employs mortals to do her bidding. In exchange,
Khorvaire, if Prince Oargev isn't your patron. she trades lore from her boundless stores of magic
items, racks of scrolls, libraries of ancient spells, maps
H EADS O F STATE of forgotten ruins, and tomes unveiling the mysteries of
the multiverse, which she has secreted away in caches
d20 Patron and Missions
across the planes.
As representatives of the Sibling Kings of Aerenal,
Appearances. Unlike some other immortal patrons,
secure trade pacts with the nations of Khorvaire. Sora Kell's physical form has not been seen on Eberron
2-3 As agents of Queen Aura/a, help her build Aun­ for over a century. Perhaps she has set a task before
dai r's strength i n preparation for the next war, her daughters and watches events unfold. Maybe she is
without alerting other nations to her ambitions. trapped upon another plane of existence or is devising
4-5 Assist the B relish crown in dealing with matters magic that could shake the foundations of existence.
beyond the capabil ities of local law enforcement. In any case, she appears in the dreams of her agents,
or occasionally uses magical means to communicate,
6 As em issaries of Darg u u n 's Lhesh H aruuc, work
sometimes directly, other times through sinister omens.
to build respect for Dargu u n as a nation.
Allies. As a creature of legend, Sora Kell can hardly
7 As agents of the Daughters of Sora Kell, keep be said to have allies, except for a handful of other leg­
the powerfu l Droaamite warlords i n l i ne and ends like the following groups:
strengthen s upport for your fledging nation.
Daughters of Sora Kell. Sora Kell's three daughters­
8-9 Patrol the fo rests of the Eldeen Reaches on guard
the gifted oracle Sora Teraza, the cunning trickster
against th reats, particularly those coming from Sora Katra, and the vicious monster Sora Maenya­
the Demon Wastes to the west. rule the nation of Droaam, either to facilitate their
1 0 -1 1 Crack down on the Order o ft h e Emerald Claw's own scheming or at their mother's command. Adven­
activities i n Karrnath. turers who enjoy the patronage of Sora Kell can im­
12 Strengthen the ties between the Lhazaar princes pose on her daughters for aid if they should ever find
while ensuring you r prince comes out on top. themselves in or near Droaam. They can also count
on the aid of Daask, a criminal gang in Sham, which
13 O n behalf o f a dwarf clan, search fo r artifacts i n
is controlled by Sora Katra.
t h e underground rea l m s below t h e M ror H olds.
Lords of Dust. Ancient fiends number among Sora
14 Clear land fo r a new settlement i n Q'barra, driving
Kell's allies-not the least of which are her daughters'
out the monsters that haunt the j u ngle location. three long-forgotten fathers. It isn't for Sora Kell's
15 U nite several ha/fl i n g tribes of the Talenta Plains pawns to know which of the powerful villains are
under the banner of a si ngle leader. friendly to Sora Kell, but she occasionally sends ad­
1 6-1 7 Com bat forces of corruption within the Church of venturers to lend aid to rakshasas-often lesser fiends
the Si lver Flame, both in Thrane and abroad. working to free the ancient overlords. Wise adventur­
18 Gain glory for Valenar by lead ing raids and bat­ ers carefully weigh the rewards of working with such
fiends against the costs-to themselves and the world.
tling th reats from the Mourn/and.
1 9-20 On behalf of one mem ber ofZilargo's Tri u mvi­ Enemies. Like most immortal beings, Sora Kell has
rate, collect i nformation that could be used as many enemies, though the mortal ones barely merit her
leverage aga i n st the other two. attention. For the most part, only beings like those that
follow dare oppose Sora Kell:

I M MORTAL BEING The Dreaming Dark. In Sora Kell's estimation, the

greatest threat to her are the quori of Dal Quor, and
A greater will than a mere mortal organization or nation
their minions, the Dreaming Dark. Fortunately for the
drives your group. It is an ancient power of immortal
adventurers that serve Sora Kell, few mortals register
majesty, and its purposes are cosmic and inscrutable.
as worthy foes in the alien minds of the quori.
Lords of Dust. Sora Kell has allies among the Lords
of Dust, but she also has bitter rivals. Like the quori,
A mysterious figure who appears in lofty myths and
these fiends rarely pay much attention to Sora Kell's
children's fables, Sora Kell extends her reach across the
mortal minions, but they aren't above harming mortal
world and through the myriad planes, claiming mysti­
adventurers just to spite her.
cal knowledge by force and cunning. A mighty wizard
with magic worthy of epic tales, she is a monster whose


The patronage of an immortal being is a relationship
built on favors, not on employment or service. Your
group does favors for your patron, and you can ask fa­
vors in return. These favors are the benefits you gain for
having an immortal being as your group's patron, and
they might include any of the following boons:
Contacts. Your group is almost certainly not the only
one sponsored by your patron. Plans that span the
world and the course of millennia require many
agents to complete. If necessary, your patron can put
you in contact with their other agents, who might
be in a position to help you through status, influ­
ence, or magic.
Information. The most precious reward most immor­
tals can give is a tidbit of their ages-spanning knowl­
edge. Immortal beings often know secrets hidden
from most mortals-including glimpses of possible
futures. They don't usually share secrets freely, but
they might reward your group for the completion of a
mission with a hint, a puzzle, or a morsel of informa­
tion that sets you off in pursuit of more.
Magic. Immortal beings often have access to vast stores
of magic, including their own spells and secret caches
of magic items. They are mindful of the value of this
magic, and grant spells and items as rewards appro­
priate to the favor and the power of the adventurers.


No common thread unites adventurers with an immor­
tal patron, except perhaps uncommon openness to the
mysterious and unknown. You haven't been chosen be­
cause of your capabilities; they might have been chosen
to fulfill the words of a prophecy, because they were
born at auspicious times and places, or because they
happened to be in a particular place at a certain time.
Individual characters in your group might have different
relationships with your patron, though; consider some
or all of these roles for your characters:
Agent. The Agent doesn't receive direct communica­
tions from an immortal patron, but puts faith in the
dreams and inspiration of others, following such
omens with an eager heart. This character is under no
illusions of having a special role to play in the immor­
tal's grand plans, but is ready to make sure those with
such roles play them. This is often a character with no
magical ability or sometimes from a scholarly back­
ground, such as a sage or hermit-perhaps someone Visionary. At least one character in the party should
familiar with lore about the immortal but not directly have a particular connection to your immortal pa­
inspired by it. Agents typically have proficiency in tron. The Visionary might hear the patron's voice in
skills such as Arcana, History, and Religion. dreams, see waking visions that convey the immor­
Innocent. Some characters have no intention of be­ tal's will, or interpret signs in accordance with proph­
coming adventurers and desire no connection to the ecy. Different backgrounds might suggest different
machinations of the immortals, but they get caught stories for a Visionary: An acolyte might have had a
up in schemes and prophecies anyway. The Innocent revelatory experience that paved the way for the im­
might have been identified as a key part of a prophecy, mortal's communications. A hermit might have been
or made what seemed like an innocent bargain with plagued by disturbing dreams from youth. A sage
a harmless old hermit, or found an artifact with mys­ might have made a lifetime study of the Draconic
terious powers. The folk hero background is ideal for Prophecy. These characters are often clerics, druids,
the Innocent, combining humble origins with a sense warlocks, or wizards, and typically proficient in skills
of destiny. Any class or proficiencies are suited for such as Arcana and Religion.
this role.


Though it is not a sentient force that c a n control or reward d B Mission
you r party, the Draconic Prophecy can be s i m i l a r to an I m­ While in the tower of Morda in the Fleshweaver, spill
mortal Being patron. The Prophecy can act as a guide for blood on the stai rs between the third and fou rth floors.
adventurers who seek to fulfill it-or to steer its ful fi l l ment
2 As you pursue a Cult of the Dragon Below into the cav­
in a particular d i rection. You stand among the heroes of
the present age; s u rely you have a role to play in the un­ erns of Khyber, retrieve one (and only one) of a specific
folding prophecy. variety of m u s h room from a cave where twelve crystals
I n order for the Draconic Prophecy to work as a patron, glow.
one or more of the characters needs to have access to 3 Ensure that the villain you are pursuing dies by fal l i n g
words from the Prophecy. You r group m ight adventure to
from a great height, not b y a n y other means.
seek out places where the Prophecy is written: mou ntain­
sides and cavern walls, ancient text and cru m bling ruins, 4 Remove the obstacles that p revent a retired adventurer
or the patterns of moons, stars, and the Ring of Siberys from marryi ng the nobleman she loves, so that their
(best interpreted at an observatory) . A dragon marked char­ child can grow up to carry out a nother part of your
acter might gain insight into the Prophecy from the marks patron's plan.
on thei r skin. Alternatively, a character m i ght hear words
from the Prophecy in d reams or visions, or s u rfacing from 5 Plant a magical seed in a remote location to ensure it
some deeply bu ried memory of a traumatic event. grows into a m ighty tree and bears fruit that will give
G iven access to the words of the Prophecy, it's up to power to future heroes.
the characters to decide what they mean. The Prophecy 6 Defeat a d ragon-blooded sorcerer who is doing the
is notoriously difficult to interpret, and a given passage
bidding of the Chamber-and wreaking havoc in Dar­
might be fu lfi lled in different ways (or, possibly, in m u ltiple
ways over the course of centuries) . For example, take a guun in the process.
prophetic s n i p pet l i ke the one mentioned in the book's 7 Destroy an eld ritch machine, created by a rogue
introduction: " I f the Bear King is slain by a sorrowful as­ Cannith artificer, that is drawing on the energy of an
sassin in the Shadow of the Mourni ng, the Crown will fa l l i mprisoned rakshasa-and that will, u nknown to the
from h i s nation." This might m e a n that if King Boranel of
inventor, lead to the rakshasa's release.
B reland is killed in the M ournland, the kingdom of B reland
wil l be dissolved, and if d i ssolving the monarchy i s the 8 Protect a kalashtar monk who is being targeted by
characters' goal, they can try to bri n g about those circum­ Dreaming Dark assassins as she studies a path that
stances. On the other hand, it could mean that if an awak­ m ight eventually prevent the q uori from projecti n g
ened bear in the Eldeen Reaches declares h i m self king of
themselves into t h e M aterial Plane.
the forest, and if the bear is ki lled on the anniversary of the
Mourn i ng, the tallest tree in the domain he claimed (the
Crown of his nation) will fall. If that is the characters' goal, IMMORTAL CONTACTS
for whatever reason, they might try to bring those circu m­ Immortal beings sometimes use mortal intermediaries
stances about. to contact their agents, but most of them possess magic
The currency of favors that defines most patronage re­ powerful enough to communicate with you directly, even
lations h i ps is tricky when your group's patron is a series over impossible distances. Consult the Immortal Com­
of vague oracu lar verses rather than a person. However, munication table to determine what mysterious method
bringing about the fu lfill ment of the Prophecy in a certai n your patron uses to direct your party.
way often h a s i m m ed iate or long-term benefits that are
equivalent to the favors another patron m ight grant you r
group. Top p l i n g t h e Crown in the Bear King's domain
m ight give you access to a spell i nscribed in the ancient d l O Means of Contact
tree's rings, for exam ple. 1 A party member speaks to you r patron in d reams.
2 A ghostly projection of you r patron appears before you
SERVING AN I MMORTAL to deliver messages.
The tasks you perform for your immortal patron can be Random people are suddenly seized by you r patron's
mysterious, even trivial seeming, but they always have wi l l and, glassy-eyed, del iver messages to you.
implications within the immortal's larger plans. Often
4 You have a sending stone connected to one in you r
it's hard to tell what those implications might be-and
patron's possession.
stumbling upon hints of an immortal's broader agenda
might prove frightening. Your tasks could involve ful­ 5 You are adept at interpreting you r patron's messages
filling prophecies in deliberate ways, preventing proph­ from the movement of smoke in the a i r.
esied events from coming to pass, or even engaging in 6 A secretive cabal of other mortal agents s u m mons you
seemingly random actions that further designs invisible to meetings in various locations.
to mortal eyes. Immortal beings might send you on all 7 Certain animals speaks to you in your patron's voice.
manner of adventures, such as those shown on the Im­ 8 Your patron teleports you to their p resence, expresses
mortal Missions table. their will, then returns you to where you were.
9 Su pernatu ral messengers deliver your patron's
10 You r patron u nexpectedly appears i n person.



CM �ON � CLl
Your party works for an agency offering investigative
services, or you might run your own firm as a group.
Inquisitives put their keen minds and dogged determi­
nation to use unraveling mysteries. Inquisitive agencies

E LD E E N FRACAS run the gamut from private investigators to networks of

detectives supported by dragonmarked houses.


Across Khorvaire, the inquisitives of House Tharashk

have a reputation for discretion and cunning. Members
of that house operate the Finders Guild, a loose collec­
tion of independent inquisitive agendes. Dragonmarked
heirs of House Tharashk own and operate some of these
"In the darkest night of the Dragon Below, storm and agencies, but each employs unmarked inquisitives as
dragon are reunited, and they break together upon the
well, leaving the heirs free to take on the most difficult
legions of the Blasphemer." According to Thausil Ken­
cases. A connection with the Finders Guild is viewed
nar, a noted scholar at the Library of Korranberg, these
as a mark of high quality, a guarantee that a particular
words, translated from an ancient prophecy, foretell the
course of recent events in the Eldeen Reaches, where an agency numbers among the best in the business.
upstart warlord led a barbarian army from the Demon In the city of Sharn alone, four inquisitives with the
Wastes on a mission of plunder. Mark of Finding lead agencies in different parts of the
For all your news needs, be they ageless riddles or city: Kurt Karr'Aashta's Investigations in the neigh­
breaking modern developments, keep reading the borhood of Deathsgate, Information Acquisition in
Korranberg Chronicle! Underlook, Thuranne Velderan's Investigative Services
in Warden Towers, and Globe Information Agency in
Dragon Towers. Your party might be associated with
OTHER IMMORTAL BEINGS any of these groups, or you might operate your own affil­
Various immortal beings exert their will upon the peo­ iated agency. In any case, your connection to the Finders
ple and nations of Eberron. Many are villainous forces Guild means you have a sterling reputation to uphold.
that adventurers might find themselves resisting, such AJlies. While the Finders' Guild's greatest strength
as the fiends of the Lords of Dust or the Quori and the is its internal connections, it lacks many strong allies
Dreaming Dark. Even those without evil motives are beyond House Tharashk's holdings. That said, the fol­
often inscrutable-the agendas of immortal beings span­ lowing groups have had numerous interactions with the
ning millennia. What role you might play in an immor­ guild and generally view inquisitives in a positive light:
tal's schemes and what sorts of deeds you'll be called on Droaam. Since the rise of the Daughters of Sora Kell in
to perform varies from patron to patron. Consider the Droaam, members of House Tharashk have served as
following options when determining what immortal pa­ intermediaries between the realm of monsters and the
tron your party might serve: east, bartering the services of monstrous mercenaries
Flamewind. A gynosphinx with oracular powers came across Khorvaire. The house takes great pride in hav­
back to Morgrave University with a Xen'drik expedi­ ing forced mainstream Khorvaire to recognize that
tion two years ago, and took up residence there. In ores and half-ores are worthy of the same courtesies
addition to her first-hand knowledge of Xen'drik, she and opportunities as races long established in society,
is one of the few nondragons to have made extensive and house members are now using their status to do
study of the Draconic Prophecy. She sometimes the same for various other races from Droaam. As a
sends adventurers on missions by uttering a cryptic result, members of the Finders' Guild can expect at
prophecy. "It is time for the Globe of Seven Lights to least a modicum of respect while traveling in Droaam
be brought out of Xen'drik," she might say. She never Gatekeepers. House Tharashk and the druidic sect of
explains her proclamations, and never provides infor­ the Gatekeepers share common origins in the Shadow
mation on mundane affairs. Marches, and the druids remain friendly with the
Faerie Court. Somewhere deep in the western forest of house and its Finders' Guild. In the Marches, the guild
the Eldeen Reaches lies the Twilight Demesne, where often helps the druids locate stray aberrations and
powerful archfey hold court over an ongoing revelry. open portals between planes of existence. For their
It often appears as if nothing more than mischief and part, the Gatekeepers offer the support of their magic
caprice governs the actions of the archfey, but they to aid guild members in whatever ways they can.
have ancient interests in the mortal world-as well as Enemies. The work of inquisitives naturally creates
extensive rivalries among themselves. enemies, mostly on a local scale: con artists, gangs, and
Undying Court. The honored, undead ancestors of Ae­
others who have had their unsavory deeds uncovered.
renal rule the elven nation and shape their people's Such groups are inclined to hold grudges against the
destiny. These undead-known as deathless-despise guild as a whole. The guild's enemies on a larger scale
evil undead, nurture an ancient grudge against drag­ are few, but include the following groups.
ons, and pursue the fulfillment of ancient prophecies.


and others who make use of House Tharashk's tal-
ent for finding. Thus, an affiliated agency might find

AU N �A� R �AN SCRO ll helpful allies not only in cities throughout the Five
Nations, but even in remote corners of the wilderness
where trackers and prospectors ply their trade. At the

DM's discretion, your contacts might direct you to new
cases, offer you leads in the case you're working on,
put you in touch with their own network of contacts,

or show up suddenly to pull you out of the fire. You
can call in a favor from your agency to draw on the
resources of any of your contacts. At the start of the

S E RVES CO LD campaign, roll twice on the Contacts table to choose

two contacts. You will certainly acquire new contacts
in the course of your adventures, who might or might

J USTI CE not fit the descriptions of contacts on this table.

In yet another embarrassing blow to the Fairhaven dl2 Contact
Watch, renowned inquisitive "Feather" Fallester has
apparently solved yet another case she randomly pulled A friendly law-enforcement officer sends clients you r
from the watch's files of unsolved mysteries. The way a n d gives you inside i nformation about t h e work­
case-the theft of a bej eweled statuette on display in the i ngs of the watch.
University of Wynarn Museum of Antiquities-baffled 2 A satisfied former client with a m i nor position i n local
watch officers seven years ago, but in a matter of five
government can pull strings for you .
days, Fallester managed to pin the crime on a changeling
thief called Spaut, who has confessed. 3 A lieutenant in a crime gang knows the u nderworld
and will help you so long as you don't interfere in that
gang's affa i rs .
Daask. The Finders Guild has a difficult relationship 4 A bitter, more experienced i n q uisitive spends a lot of
with the criminal organization called Daask. On the
time tel l i n g you who you cou l d have talked to ten years
one hand, Daask is a violent criminal gang whose
ago-if that person hadn't d ied-but stil l knows a lot
members are often targeted by Finders Guild inquisi­
about the city's inner workings.
tives. On the other hand, Daask is a gang of monsters,
many of whom actually left Droaam under the aus­ S The owner of a tavern or other business that attracts
pices of House Tharashk. Finders Guild inquisitives clientele from the seedy parts of society has an ear to
who pry too deeply into Daask business often feel the ground and often feeds you leads to more work.
pressure to back away coming from higher in House 6 A wealthy former client can get you i nto h i gh-society
Tharashk. Those who ignore that pressure tend to end parties and put you in touch with other rich people.
up the targets of Daask assassins. 7 A nosy journal ist always wants to write stories about
House Deneith. For centuries, House Deneith cornered
you r cases, but also helps lead you to new work and
the market on mercenary forces in Khorvaire. It was
key contacts.
an unpleasant surprise for them when House Tha­
rashk entered the mercenary market in the later days 8 A local priest appreciates the work you do and provides
of the war, bringing monsters from Droaam to bolster you with m i nor magical assistance.
Five Nations armies. House Deneith still resents 9 A tough-as- n a i l s street u rchin wi l l carry messages for
House Tharashk for this, and the animosity between you, lead you anywhere in the city, and sq ueeze into
the houses only increases when Finders' Guild inquis­ tight spaces fo r a meager reward.
itives stick their noses into Sentinel Marshal business. 10 A broodi n g warforged c a n con nect you to a n extensive
network of fo rmer sold iers .
11 A kalashtar seer might be a frau d , b u t a l s o occasionally
With an inquisitive agency as your group's patron, you
gain the following benefits: provides you with valuable leads.
12 A curious changel i n g always seem s to show u p when
Compensation. Yoti can collect fees from your clients
you least expect it.
when you undertake investigations on their behalf.
You can set those fees, and clients will often pay
higher fees as your reputation and prestige increase. BUILD YOUR GROUP
A fee of 5 sp to 10 sp per inquisitive per day, plus ex­ A wide variety of talents can be useful in the work of an
penses incurred as part of the investigation, is a rea­ inquisitive, leading the Finders' Guild to employ special­
sonable starting rate. ists with diverse skill sets. Many inquisitives come from
Contacts. Through the Finders' Guild, each associated
backgrounds such as criminal, sage, soldier, or urchin,
inquisitive agency can benefit from the knowledge regardless of the role they play in a group. Consider
and experience of not only other inquisitives, but also some or all of these roles for characters in your party:
bounty hunters, explorers, dragonshard prospectors,


Client. When a routine investigation goes sideways, d6 Investigation
sometimes innocents get unwillingly caught in the ac­
tion. The common artisan who hired the party to find
3 Justice for All. The powerful often escape j u stice d u e
t o t h e i r wealth and infl u ence. Their victim s someti mes
her missing partner might find herself and her hired
inquisitives on the run when things take a deadly turn. turn to you , hoping you ' l l help set things right.
Such a Client is often a nonplayer character whose 4 Help Law Enforcement. The city watch m ust obey the
connection with the party is dissolved at the end of an rules to bring criminals to justice. When the rules need
adventure, but sometimes a Client develops a taste for to be bent or broken , they turn to you for help.
excitement and becomes a fixture in the campaign. A 5 Uncover Secrets. You put you r i n q uisitive skills to use
perfectly ordinary background such as guild artisan or inqu i ri n g i nto others' mysterious backgrounds.
folk hero often work well with this character, who oth­
6 Private Security. You provide services for a specific
erwise needs no specific proficiencies or capabilities.
organization. Perhaps you travel o.n a i rs h i ps to provide
Consultant. Sometimes skilled individuals end up
security or work i n a casino to catch cheaters.
working alongside inquisitives for a time. Such Con­
sultants might work for a newspaper, study an esoteric
field, or write crime fiction for a living. This character SIGNATURE CASE
is usually similar to an Investigator, but typically has Inquisitives occupy a significant place in the popular
an unusual background or expert knowledge. The imagination, both in their real-life exploits (as reported
relationship between a Consultant and the rest of the in the newspapers) and in many fictionalized accounts.
party can be a source of drama-or comedy. As romanticized heroes of many tales, they shed the
Interrogator. The Interrogator specializes in interaction light of truth into the shadows to uncover secret mis­
with suspects, witnesses, or others who need per­ deeds. Equally romanticized as self-serving muckrak­
suasion to reveal what they know. A high Charisma ers, they often use questionable methods to bring to
combined with proficiency in both Persuasion and In­ light secrets that might have better remained hidden,
timidation prove helpful in this role. Bards, paladins, causing untold harm in the process.
and sorcerers have both the requisite talents and the
ability to supplement their interrogations with magic.
Investigator. Investigators piece evidence into a co­
herent whole that explains a mystery. This character
combines a high Intelligence score with proficiency
in skills such as Investigation, Perception, and some­
times Medicine. The Investigator might also use divi­
nation and other forms of magic to supplement those
skills, making wizards a natural fit for this role.
Tough. An inquisitive's work is inherently dangerous, so
it's often important for their group to include someone
who can physically intervene when situations devolve
into combat. The Tough's role might include fighting
criminal thugs, kicking in doors, and even roughing
up suspects, all of which suggests a high Strength
score and combat ability. The Intimidation skill can
also helpfully supplement the Tough's work.


Much of the work done by inquisitives is relatively mun­
dane: collecting evidence of marital infidelity, investigat­
ing insurance fraud, or finding runaways. Sometimes
these relatively innocent investigations can lead into the
shadowy underbelly of society and become more dan­
gerous, but most adventurers prefer the more dangerous
kinds of inquisitive work. Your group might specialize
in one particular kind of work, or it might take whatever
cases come its way. Roll or pick from the Investigative
Expertise table to determine your agency's specialty.


d 6 Investigation
Find People. You seek people who are lost, i n h i d ing, on
the run, or victi m s of fo u l play.
2 Find Items. Whether it's a stolen painting or a fa mily
heirloom, you excel at fi n d i n g lost items.
Whether true or false, stories like these tend to cling OTHER INQUISITIVE AGENCIES
to inquisitive agencies and color their reputations. What Beyond the Finders' Guild, the following inquisitive or­
big story is associated with your agency (and possibly ganizations solve mysteries across Khorvaire:
your party)? Are the stories accurate, or do they reflect
King's Citadel. Part spy, part inquisitive, and part
only one side of a complicated situation? Roll on the Sig­
soldier, the agents of the King's Citadel serve crown
nature Case table or choose a case that cemented your
and country as the ultimate agency for dispensing the
king's justice in Breland. Local watches and constabu­
laries can call on its agents when a crime or situation
poses a threat that spreads beyond their jurisdiction.
d6 Case Sentinel Marshals. The Sentinel Marshals are a mul­
Case of the Century. You u n covered key evidence i n a tinational force administered by House Deneith and
sensational case. You made head lines, but some par­ authorized to enforce the law across Khorvaire. As
ties i nvolved carry grudges against you. the only force that can cross borders in pursuit of fugi­
2 The Set Up. You u n covered evidence of a h igh-profile tives, they are well trained to track renegades.
Sharn Watch. Like most local police forces of any size,
figure's m i sdeeds. At trial , that evidence was deemed
the Sharn Watch includes inquisitives devoted to solv­
false, but by then the accused's career was ruined.
ing crimes and tracking down the perpetrators.
3 Scandal. You r work uncovered a deeply e m barrassing Warning Guild. Affiliated with but largely independent
scandal that ended a powerfu l politician's career. from House Medani, the Warning Guild provides cer­
4 Underdog Champion. You brought justice to a sym­ tification and contract employment for bodyguards,
pathetic victim, proving you rself a champion of those inquisitives, and sentries across Khorvaire. The guild
overlooked by society. emphasizes the use of logic, perception, and deduction
5 Genius. You resolved a case that baffled others, a n d to assemble fragments of evidence into a recognizable
now y o u a r e celebrated f o r y o u r bri l l i ance. whole. Its inquisitives are often called upon to solve
Bungler. You bu ngled a case, badly. The guilty party mysteries that baffle local law enforcement.
walked free, and everyone blames you. Running Your Own. Rather than join an existing in-
quisitive agency, you can start your own. You need to es­
CLIENTELE tablish your own office. You can collect the same fees as
Inquisitives tend to acquire a reputation for working if you worked for another agency, and you have access
with a certain type of person. Some are known for to the same range of contacts. You can also use the Run­
discretion, attracting wealthy clients who trust them to ning a Business downtime activity to direct the activities
keep a secret. Others are known to have a soft spot for of your agency, as described at the start of this section.
a sad story, drawing the type of client who has plenty of
troubles but little money. Roll on or choose an option MILITA RY FORC E
from the Clientele table to determine who tends to show Your group serves as a team of soldiers in a larger mil­
up at your office with a case. itary force, one dedicated to combat missions or other
dangerous tasks. You could be a team of mercenaries,
C L I E NTELE a special forces unit, or an ordinary squad of infantry.
d6 Clientele Perhaps you protect a nation's people from monsters,
Wealthy Socialites. Your discretion and low-key ap­
or even continue to fight the Last War in the shadows.
There is plenty of work for military forces at the edges of
proach to cases m ake you the perfect team to handle
civilization, such as protecting the Eldeen Reaches from
cases best keep out of the p u b l i c eye.
the dangers of the Demon Marches or skirmishing with
2 Underdogs. Whether deserved or not, you have a repu­ Droaam at the borders of Breland.
tation for doing the right thing even if it comes without
a reasonable fee. Anyone pitted against the rich and REDCLOAK BATTALION
powerful knows to come to you for j u stice. The soldiers of the Redcloak Battalion number among
3 Magnet for Trouble. Maybe you trust people too easily the deadliest warriors in Breland. When a situation calls
or it's just bad l u ck, but every client who walks i nto you r
for extreme military force, law enforcers turn to the
Redcloak Battalion. This elite unit fought at the forefront
office h a s some double deal, h idden agenda, or scam
of the Last War, and Brelish bards still sing of the ex­
they're r u n n i ng.
ploits of Khandan the Hammer and Meira the Huntress.
4 Desperate. You have a reputation for taking on clients At the end of the war, the battalion was split up and its
who can't afford your services. Every h a rd-luck case units assigned to cities and strongholds across Breland.
ends u p at your door, whether you want them or not. As an elite group of special forces, the Redcloaks don't
5 Warforged. I n a world where the rights of warforged are include inexperienced adventurers in their ranks. Con­
not always certai n, you take up their cause. sidering that, there are two ways to use the Redcloak
6 Criminals. When a criminal has been wronged but Battalion as a group patron.
doesn't want to be brought to j u stice they come to you ,
First, the Redcloaks do sometimes take inexperienced
adventurers under their wings. Existing Redcloaks
trusti ng (rightly or wrongly) that you won't turn them i n .
proved themselves on the battlefields of the Last War;


if the group is to continue, the Redcloaks of the future PATRON BENEFITS
have to learn the soldier's trade in different battles. To With a military force as your group's patron, you gain
such ends, senior members of the battalion send your the following benefits:
party on missions across Khorvaire to provide you with
Accommodations. You can always find a place to stay
combat experience as well as to further Redcloak goals.
and meals on a base or fort connected to your military
Alternatively, your DM might decide to start the cam­
force. Your accommodations are appropriate to your
paign with your characters at a higher level and already
rank and station, but never luxurious.
established as members of the Redcloaks (see "Starting
Armory. You can purchase nonmagical weapons and
at Higher Level" in chapter 1 of the Dungeon Master's
armor at a 20 percent discount at a facility associated
Guide). In this case, you might also begin with magic
with your military force. This might also be a location
items and other gear reflecting your status in the orga­
where you can buy magic items, at the DM's discre­
nization. The standard-issue uniform for the Redcloaks
tion, but you receive no discount.
is a hooded crimson cloak of protection bearing two
Chain of Command. You are part of a rigid chain of
badges: the seal of the Brelish crown on the left shoul­
command. In addition to providing you with orders,
der and a snarling displacer beast surrounded by the
this structure reduces your responsibility for your
words, "First in battle, last to fall"-the Redcloak insig­
own actions. If you land in trouble in your own nation,
nia and motto-on the right.
you answer to your officers, not local law enforcement.
Allies. As part of Breland's military forces, the Red­
Orders. You undertake your missions at the direction
cloaks can count on the support of the crown, the King's
of a commanding officer. Your absolute obedience is
Citadel, and the larger Brelish army, largely summa­
expected. These missions are often explicit, leading
rized as the following parties:
you into the path of adventure. In some cases, though,
King Boranel. The king of Breland is a cautious advo­ you might be trusted with more open-ended tasks that
cate of the Redcloaks. He values their contributions afford you more leeway in interpreting orders.
but fears their power, which is why he divided the bat­ Salary. Each member of your group is paid a regular
talion after the end of the war. Still, he rewards loyalty salary. The amount varies depending on your orga­
among the Redcloaks by showing loyalty to them in nization and your position within it, but at minimum
return. Again and again, he has proven himself willing you enjoy a modest lifestyle. You might receive a small
to exercise his power on behalf of a loyal Redcloak. salary (as little as 1 sp per day) but also receive food
Other Redcloaks. The first place any Redcloak turns and housing on a military base. Or you could receive 1
for help is another Redcloak. No one else is as reliable gp per day but rely on that money for room and board.
and competent, while being unerringly faithful to the With higher rank comes commensurately higher pay.
Brelish king and the battalion. Every Redcloak read­ As an officer, you can maintain a comfortable lifestyle.
ily provides aid to other members, with no questions
asked and no favor expected in return.
Enemies. As veterans of the Last War, many
Redcloaks carry strong grudges against other na­
tions. They tend to believe that the Treaty of Throne­
hold is merely an intermission in the ongoing conflict,
and soon enough King Boranel will take his proper
place on the throne of a reunited Galifar. Many of
these grudges are personal based on an individ­
ual soldier's experience in the war, but some of
them run both ways. Among the Redcloaks, ten­
sions still run hot regarding their former rivals,
particularly those from the following nations:
Darguun. The hobgoblins of Darguun fought
alongside Brelish forces at the Battle of Cairn
Hill, but the cordial relations between the two
nations frayed immediately after. The Redcloaks
skirmished with hobgoblins who were leading Thrane
civilians in chains back to Darguun. Few Darguuls
remember the skirmish itself, but the "wicked red­
cloaked Brelish" have an established place in the gob­
linoids' collective memory-and many Redcloaks do
remember the event bitterly.
Thrane. In the waning years of the Last War, the Red­
cloaks played a major role in the devastating Battle
of Cairn Hill between Brelish and Thrane forces.
Thanks to heavy losses on both sides, veterans
of that battle tend to nurse bitter grudges against
their enemies.


Soldier. Soldiers make up the core of most military
groups, whether they're general infantry, magical ar­

Ll �Gll tillery, or elite special forces. These characters come

from all classes and backgrounds-for some, their
background before joining the military is more import­

ant than their current role. No particular set of talents
is common to all soldiers, but military units often
strive to avoid duplication of skills.

Warforged. Literally made for war, most warforged
characters have spent the years since the end of the
Last War trying to find a new way of life. For some

S LAU G HTE R! warforged, the answer is to continue fighting the war

one way or another, often as part of an organized mili­
tary unit. This experience, as a people created to fulfill
Venturing unusually far from their accustomed territory a role and now seemingly locked into a destructive
in the eastern jungles, a band of enormous lizardfolk­ destiny, is just a part of life for many warforged.
described by local experts as members of the Blackscale
Tribe-broke through the fortifications at Adderport MILITARY MISSIONS
and killed thirteen residents before retreating back into The work involved in serving as a military unit is
the j ungles. Khalar d'Tharashk has announced a plan to wide-ranging. Your missions potentially run the risk of
track the perpetrators and exact retribution under the shattering the fragile peace established by the Treaty
sponsorship of King Sebastes. of Thronehold and plunging all of Khorvaire back into
war. Alternatively, you might consider running your
campaign during the Last War, so your group's missions
BUILD YOU R GROUP influence the war effort and don't risk violating the
A military unit, like most adventuring parties, incorpo­ treaty. As a group, consider the options on the Military
rates a range of useful skills while covering each mem­ Missions table and work with your DM to decide how
ber's weaknesses with another's strengths. Thus, char­ the work you do fits into the larger picture of war and
acters of any class can find a home in such a unit, and a peace in Khorvaire.
diversity of different skills and backgrounds benefits the
group as a whole. Consider some or all of these roles for M I LITA RY M I S S I O N S
characters in your party:
d6 Missions
Commander. Every band of infantry has its leader, Strike Force. You are trained to make q uick, strategic,
even if that person isn't a officer. The Commander devastating attacks against enemy assets.
earns that position through some combination of
2 Special Forces. You're tra i ned in covert operations, s i m i ­
high Charisma and Intelligence-the ability to inspire
l a r t o t h e work o f spies b u t with more focus on combat.
and the capacity to plan. Proficiency in skills such as
Persuasion and History can be helpful as well. The 3 Defensive Operations. Your focus is on protecting you r
Commander might be a career soldier (with that back­ a ll ies from attackers, monsters, o r deadl ier enemies.
ground) or someone from a noble background placed 4 Reconnaissance. Your m issions involve keeping track of
in command by virtue of birth. A Commander might enemy troops and s u rveying potential battlefields.
be a fighter, bard, cleric, paladin, or even wizard-as 5 Peacekeeping. Your paradoxical tas k is to maintain the
magic proves valuable in military engagements. fragile peace of the Treaty ofThronehold by mainta i n i ng
Medic. Keeping soldiers alive is essential to military
a m i l itary presence in turbu lent areas.
success, and that's the Medic's job. In an elite unit of
adventurers, the Medic is often a cleric or has another
6 Warforged Affairs. You are responsible for h u nting down
berserk warforged, worki n g in the gray spaces between
class with healing ability, but these characters are
also often proficient in the Medicine skill or use of a national order and a people seeking their destiny.
herbalism kit. A Medic can be a soldier who demon­
strated aptitude in healing and got moved into this DEFINING MISSION
position, or a character from a different background You were there at a crucial moment that turned the tide
(such as acolyte, sage, or even hermit) who decided to of the Last War. Choose or roll an option on the Defin­
put medical expertise to military use. ing Mission table to determine what that moment was.
Scout. Trained in navigating the wilderness and laying
ambushes for enemy soldiers, the Scout melds the DEFI N I N G M I S S I O N
combat skill of a fighter with the skills of a ranger or d 6 Mission
rogue. High Dexterity and Wisdom scores, combined Heroic Stand. You knew if you took one step back from
with proficiency in the Nature, Perception, Stealth,
the line, a l l would be lost. When rel ief arrived days
and Survival skills, support this character's core ca­
later, you had not budged.
pabilities. Scouts are often recruited from people who
are more familiar with the wilds than with city streets, 2 Telling Blow. The enemy general never knew what h it
including folk heroes, hermits, and outlanders. them. You sti l l carry their personal flag as a trophy.


d6 Mission d8 Officer
3 Dawn Raid. You traveled h u n d reds of m i les around en­ 3 A grim officer who expects the Last War to reignite at
emy l i nes to reach you r target. I n a s ingle day, months any moment and i ntends to be ready
of enemy preparation went up i n flames. 4 A cheerful officer with a dark sense of h u mor who mer­
4 Break the Line. During a key battle, you were part of a rily sends you into grave dange r
heroic push to break the enemy line. 5 A kindly officer who is hesitant to send you into danger
5 Liberator. You were at the fo refront of a daring assault and constantly rem i nd s you to be careful
to l iberate a captured citadel or town. 6 A bitter officer who carries deep grudges against you r
6 Sharp Eye. The e nemy's secret attack wou l d've been nation's enemies i n the Last War and leaps at any
devastating. Luckily, you spotted it in time. chance to deal them any blow
7 An optim istic officer who believes that a new era of
NEMESIS peace is j ust over the horizon, as soon as these few
During the Last War, you had a run-in with a particu­ last m i l itary tasks are complete
larly dangerous foe, one who still haunts your night­ 8 A devout officer who believes that you r success or fa i l­
mares. One day you'll have your revenge. Consult the
u re l ies entirely in divine hands and you're ultimately
Nemesis table to determine the identity of your foe.
j u st along for the ride

d 6 Nemesis Every nation in Khorvaire has its military forces. In
Necromancer. You lost a lot of friends in battle, but addition to the Redcloak Battalion, the following groups
what made it worse was watching that cackling wizard number among the forces most likely to make use of a
raise them as zombies and turn them agai nst you . team of adventurers:
2 Camp Commandant. As prisoners of war, you were Blademarks Guild. House Deneith manages mercenary
captured and su bjected to brutal conditions in a pris­ activities across Khorvaire through its Blademarks
oner camp. The com mandant delighted in your pain. Guild, with house members serving as officers, train­
3 Inept Commander. You r friends wou l d sti l l be a live if ers, and strategists. The rank-and-file soldiers of the
one i n competent officer with political power and i nflu­ guild are largely human mercenaries but also includes
ential a l lies hadn't sent you on a d i sastrous mission. significant numbers of hobgoblins from Darguun,
elves from Valenar, and Cyran soldiers who no longer
4 Colossus. You were among those who su rvived a n
have a nation to fight for.
encounter with a warforged colossus. Cyre or House
Maruk Ghaash'kala. Among the ore tribes of the
Cannith-whoever was res ponsible for such a night­
Demon Wastes, the Maruk tribe inhabits the deadly
mare-deserves whatever evil fate comes their way. Labyrinth that lies between the wastes and the Eldeen
5 Mercenaries. A band of traitorous mercenaries who Reaches. In its sacred dedication to containing the
switched sides, turning the battle again st you. threat of the Lords of Dust, it draws significant num­
6 Champion. One mighty hero fought on the enemy side, bers of ore barbarians from the Shadow Marches, hu­
wield i n g powerfu l magic a n d cruel strategies against man scouts from the Eldeen Reaches, and even youths
the ran k-and-file soldiers on you r side. from the Carrion Tribes that live deeper in the wastes.
Q'barra. The frontier nation of Q'barra has significant

MILITARY CONTACTS need for military forces to protect its communities

from the lizardfolk, warbands from Valenar, Lhazaar
Your group's primary contact within your hierarchy is
marauders, and other dangers of the jungle.
generally your superior officer-the person who gives
Valenar. The elves of Valenar have no interest in peace,
you orders and is responsible for your success or failure.
The Commanding Officer table offers suggestions for but they participated in the talks that led to the Treaty
the personality and goals of that officer. of Thronehold to gauge the measure of their enemies
and gain acceptance in the human courts. Today,
CO M M A N D I N G O F F I C E R Valenar forces continue to raid the Talenta Plains and
Q'barra on a regular basis, in stark defiance of the
d 8 Officer Treaty of Thronehold. A Valenar warband is unlikely
An a ngry officer who yells every order, reprimands you to contain members of races other than elves and per­
for even the smal lest m istake, and ful l y expects you to haps half-elves, but such a band could make an inter­
fail at every m ission you u ndertake esting military party.
2 A battle-scarred officer who experienced terrible hor­
rors d u ring the Last War and is barely capable of giving
you orders through a haze of i ntoxication


Running Your Own. Rather than join an existing A large staff of editors-mostly but not exclusively
force, you might choose to form your own mercenary comprised of Zil gnomes-works out of the newspaper's
outfit. You can assemble a unit of 3d10 soldiers housed various offices. They are organized into an extensive
in a headquarters with an armory, barracks, and pri­ hierarchy from senior to junior editors. The top tier of
vate quarters for you and any other officers. Your group senior editors is responsible for broad categories of sto­
earns 3d20 gp per month, plus enough money to main­ ries, such as crime or international affairs. Lower tiers
tain your headquarters. You might be able to acquire take on increasingly specific subsets of that category,
weapons and armor through an arms dealer at a 20 down to the junior editor responsible for the crime beat
percent discount, at the DM's discretion. You give the or­ in Sham's Lower Dura district.
ders to those beneath you and take orders from no one, Even the most senior editors, though, are responsible
but that means that you are ultimately responsible for to the top tier of the Chronicle's management, including
the activities of everyone in your outfit. its publisher and its secretive board of owners.
You can use the Running a Business downtime ac­ Allies. The Korranberg Chronicle is widely known
tivity to direct the activities of your unit and potentially and respected as a source of balanced news coverage.
increase your earnings, as described at the start of As such, it has friends in many places, including some
this section. in positions of power. Some of the Chronicle's closest
allies come from the following groups:
House Orien. House Orien distributes the Chronicle
Your group comprises a team o f ace reporters working along its mail and lightning rail runs across Khor­
for a chronicle-one of the many newspapers that pro­ vaire, helping the newspaper reach a huge audience.
vide news and entertainment for readers across Khor­ Employees of the Chronicle can travel on lightning rail
vaire. You might be under contract to provide the paper coaches at a discounted rate of 8 sp/day (instead of the
with tales of your exploits as you search out adventure. usual 1 gp/day).
Or you might be investigative reporters dedicated to House Sivis. The newspaper also cooperates closely
shining the light of truth into the darkness of criminal, with House Sivis to facilitate communication between
political, and religious corruption. You might have an the main office and the field offices, as well as be­
unflinching commitment to the truth, or be more inter­ tween reporters and their editors. The house bills the
ested in selling papers-or you might be in conflict with Chronicle directly for communications using speaking
the chronicle's management over priorities. stones or sending spells directed to the newspaper's
The simplest chronicles appear as scrolls nailed to main office.
public message boards containing the pertinent news Zilargo. The gnome nation of Zilargo is generally
of the week. More ambitious chronicles-including the friendly to the newspaper. The senior editors, pub­
Aundairian Scroll, the Breland Ledger, and the Sham lisher, and owners of the Chronicle are influential peo­
Inquisitive-are presented as folded broadsheets nested ple in the city of Korranberg and Zilargo as a whole.
together to form simple books. In extreme circumstances Zilargo officials might be
persuaded to advocate for the newspaper's employees.
Enemies. The Korranberg Chronicle is dedicated to
By far Khorvaire's best known and most widely read
newspaper is the Korranberg Chronicle. Thanks to its learning and reporting the truth, and such an attitude
unflinching and mostly unbiased coverage of the Last is always certain to arouse the ire of those who would
War, combined with a distribution deal with House rather keep their secrets hidden. The following rep­
resents just a fraction of the enemies the newspaper has
Orien, the Korranberg Chronicle enjoys a loyal and avid
readership throughout central Khorvaire. The Chronicle made over the years:
is released three times a week (on Mol, Wir, and Far), The Boromar Clan. The dominant crime syndicate
and each edition features some mixture of news from in Sham is still stinging from an expose published
around Khorvaire, stories of adventurers and exciting ten years ago that resulted in the arrest of many of
expeditions, business solicitations, royal proclamations, the clan's leaders and gave other gangs a foothold in
and almanac information. the city. Members of the Boromar Clan go to great
Offices. The Chronicle's main offices are located in lengths-even murder-to sabotage Chronicle report­
Korranberg. The paper also maintains field offices in the ers who pry into their secrets.
Five Nations, the Mror Holds, and Zilargo. Each field Karrnath. King Kaius nurses a grudge against the
office shares space with a House Sivis message station, newspaper stemming from its coverage of the peace
giving reporters at the office the ready ability to commu­ process at the end of the war, blaming them for sev­
nicate with the home office (at discounted rates). eral setbacks along the way to the eventual signing
Employees. The Chronicle sends reporters across of the Treaty of Thronehold. Chronicle reporters op­
Khorvaire. Most of them live in Korranberg or near erating in Karrnath often face harassment and find
one of the field offices, but correspondents might be bureaucracy impeding their every effort.
stationed in more remote regions for long periods of House Thuranni. The snoops and spies of the Chroni­
time, and the paper frequently publishes stories written cle have pried one time too many into House Thuran­
by freelancers from across the world. Your adventuring ni's private affairs. No member or agent of the house
party most likely falls into that last category, at least at will cooperate with Chronicle reporters under any
the start of your career. circumstances.


With a newspaper as your group's patron, you gain the Newspapers employ a wide range of adventurers to
following benefits: bring news back to the home office. Consider some or all
of these roles for the characters in your party:
Compensation. Assuming that you regularly provide
the newspaper with stories it can print, each member Civilian. Some groups include members whose skills
of your group earns 1 gp per day, or enough to sustain are great for reporting but less useful on adventures.
a modest lifestyle. This could be the designated writer, a political car­
Expenses. In addition to your salary, your group can be toonist, or a chronicler who records the party's adven­
reimbursed for expenses related to your work. The tures. This might be a challenging role for a player
newspaper covers the cost of travel when it's required character to fill, but an NPC could provide services to
for your stories, food when you perform an interview the party, making them worth keeping around.
over a meal, communication costs using courier ser­ Face. Typically gifted with a high Charisma score and
vices or message stations, and similar work-related skilled in a combination of Persuasion, Intimidation,
expenses. If your expenses are excessive, your patron and Insight, the Face takes the lead in conducting
might refuse to repay them. interviews or talking the group's way past obstacles. A
Equipment. Your group can request access to equip­ character with access to enchantment magic (such as
ment owned by the newspaper, such as a printing a bard or sorcerer) can supplement natural Charisma
press. With permission, you can use this equipment with magical persuasion. A character with the char­
for your private purposes, within reason. latan background, proficiency in Deception, or profi­
Press Access. Each member of your group is issued ciency with a Disguise kit might also fill this role.
identification papers from the nation where the news­ Muscle. Sometimes sources need a bit of physical ca­
paper is based. These papers establish your identity joling to share their stories. The Muscle has a knack
and identify you as a member of the press, which for getting people to talk. Alternatively, when those in
commands a certain amount of respect. You can often power lock away the truth, the Muscle physically wres­
secure an audience with those you want to talk to. Of tles it free. Any character who's proficient with armor
course, this isn't a guarantee of safety-if you discover and martial weapons (such as a fighter) makes a fine
a damaging truth, some people will do whatever it choice for this role. Characters in this role are often
takes to make sure it never sees print. former soldiers or more-or-less reformed criminals.


J O U R N A LI S T I C Focus
dl 0 Reporting
� �(LAN D Investigation. Your job is to u n cover the secrets that
governments, drago n m a rked houses, and other pow­
erful people don't want the p u b l i c to know.

KO R RAN B E RG 2 Muckraking. You look for scandalous and titil lating se­
crets that famous people wou l d rather h ide.

3 Local News. You care about the local com m u n ity and
report on local events and governm e nt.
4 International Affairs. You report on the activities of na­
tional govern ments and their relationships.
Crime. You work with police and i n q u isitives-or do
some inqu i sitive work yourselves-to report on crim­
Who really pulls the strings behind the ostensibly un­
inal activity.
biased news coverage of the Korranberg Chronicle? The
Chronicle's publisher, a wily Zil gnome named Cassia Lor­ 6 Cultural Reporting. You write about arts, fashion, and
ridan Claddik, is the most public face of its leadership, similar events and trends.
and her connection to Korranberg's ruling Council of 7 Science and Magic. You r job is to i nvestigate scientific
Nine is well known. But she is not the ultimate author­ and magical advances and explain them in jargon-free
ity determining what gets printed and what does not.
language anyone can understand.
No, that honor goes to the shadowy board of the Chroni­
cle's owners. 8 Personal Interest. You seek out stories of personal tri­
Voice reporters have uncovered the names and posi­ umph over adversity, such as how people are reb u i l d ­
tions of several members of this board, and the results ing and working together i n t h e wake o f the Last War.
are nothing less than shocking. The Trust-the shadowy
9 Travel. You travel extensively and write about the best
secret police who maintain order in Zilargo-is well
represented on this board, raising questions about the
way for others to enjoy such jou rneys.
extent to which the Chronicle is a propaganda engine for 10 Adventure Logs. Your j o b is t o entertain the public
Zilargo. Worse still, several of the wealthiest and most with exciting stories about you r l i fe as an adventu rer.
influential members of the board are associated with the
Aurum, a shadowy cabal whose primary interest seems
to be increasing its members' wealth and influence.
Whose interest, then, does the Chronicle serve?
Is there one story that hangs over your group's head,
All the more reason, loyal readers, to rely on the Voice for good or ill? Maybe it sets a high bar you might never
ofBreland for unbiased news you can use. reach again, or ensures you'll never write a story of a
different kind. Consult the Famous Story table to deter­
mine what reporting has most colored your career.
Networker. The Networker knows exactly who can get
the party what they need. This character makes exten­ FAM O U S STORY
sive use of contacts and friends to facilitate the party's d6 Famous Story
work. A character with the criminal background likely
Fear Monger. You spiced up a story by stretching a
has underworld contacts, while an urchin could be
few facts, i n stigating a wave of misi nformation that
familiar with the ins and outs of the city. Interper­
plagues public d isco u rse to this day.
sonal connections are typically more important than
any particular skills or abilities for this character, al­ 2 Hit Piece. You have revealed secrets that many famous
though many Networkers have high Charisma scores. people wanted kept u nder wraps. You try to keep a low
Snoop. A Snoop pries into secrets and pieces together profile when dealing with the rich and powerfu l .
the clues behind a sensational story. High Intelligence 3 Unheeded Warning. You 've been tracking a sign ificant
and proficiency in Investigation often aids the core story and have published d a m n i ng articles. U n fo rtu­
work of the Snoop, and knowledge of Arcana, History, nately, those who keep the truth h idden work to m ake
or Religion can be helpful for background research. even your most ironclad proof look shaky.
Divination magic can also prove useful (perhaps in the
4 Scandal. You reported on a massive scandal that com­
hands of a wizard or a cleric), while a character with
pletely u pended the local political scene.
the sage background might have a knack for research.
5 Buried Headline. You al most broke a story, but then
TYPES OF REPORTING received a threat or bribe so significant that you put it
Decide as a group, in consultation with your DM, what o n ice.
kind of reporting you do for the newspaper. It's possible 6 Double Cross. You thought you had the scoop of a l ife­
that different members of your group have different spe­ time, but you were fed false i nfo rmation and publ ished
cialties, or that only some members actually write sto­ a story that was pure fi ction.
ries while the rest aid the reporters. Choose an option
or roll on the Journalistic Focus table to determine what
sort of reporting you specialize in.


Your reporting changes lives-you like to think for the
better. Sometimes, though, your work has drawn some
fairly pointed criticism and earned you an enemy. Refer­
ence the Story Aftermath table to determine the reper­
(M �ON � (l(
cussions of one of your most impactful stories.


d6 Aftermath
Business. You r reporting put a serious dent in a busi­ Treaty of Thronehold signed. Galifar is no more.

ness, and that organ ization refuses to deal with you .

2 Dragonmarked House. One of the dragonmarked
houses has sworn revenge against you . You avoid show­
Besides the well-respected Korranberg Chronicle, other
ing your face in their facilities.
newspapers in Khorvaire can be grouped into a few dif­
3 Criminal. You exposed a criminal conspi racy. Most i n ­ ferent categories:
volved were arrested, b u t a few crooks rema i n free.
Local Rags. Small papers such as the Vathirond]our­
4 Politician. You ended a politician's career, and they've
nal, the Vedykar Sentinel, and the Write ofPassage
sworn to return the favor.
are limited in circulation to their own home city, and
5 Rival Newspaper. You got the scoop of a l i fetime by their coverage is similarly limited in perspective.
stea l i n g it from another newspaper. N ow that paper Mainstream Media. The Breland Ledger, the Sham
tries to u nderm i n e you at every turn. Inquisitive, the Aundairian Scroll, and papers like
6 Innocent Victim. You rashly publ i shed the name of a them present generally balanced coverage of world
person you i n correctly thought was con nected to a events. They are usually a little slanted in favor of their
scandal, ruining their life. home nations.
Propaganda. Some newspapers, such as the Voice of

NEWSPAPER CONTACTS Breland and similar papers in other nations, print

Usually, your primary contact-the person who gives fiercely partisan news that seems designed to fan the
you assignments for the newspaper-is an editor of flames of resentment that linger after the Last War.
some kind, who takes the stories you write and makes Running Your Own. Rather than work for an existing
them suitable for the printed page. Depending on the outlet, you can run your own newspaper. You own a
editor, you might not even recognize the stories when small office and a printing press, and keep 2d4 employ­
they're printed, and your editor's personality and goals ees to manage daily tasks and keep the paper going to
can have a tremendous impact on your work for the press. You gain the benefit of press access as described
paper. Consult the Newspaper Contact table to learn earlier. Additionally, you can use the Running a Busi­
about the editor or other newspaper figure you're re­ ness downtime activity to direct the activities of your pa­
sponsible to. per in hopes of increasing your earnings, as described
at the start of this section.
d8 Primary Contact R E LIGIOUS O R D E R
A tough-as- n a i l s senior editor who holds you to high Your group acts i n the service of one of Khorvaire's
standards but rewards you well when you reach them most prominent or obscure religious institutions. Per­
2 A wealthy newspaper owner who demands the paper haps you're a team of devotees pursuing a cause for your
faith, or maybe you're a bunch of cynics taking advan­
use you r work even though the editor doesn't want to
tage of a wealthy congregation. You could be on a mis­
3 An ambitious j unior editor who hopes that you r work
sion to retrieve sacred relics lost in ancient ruins, holy
will help them rise through the ranks objects from war-ravaged temples, or treasures to fill the
4 A senior reporter obsessed with their own su pposed ly church's coffers. Your faith might drive you to hunt evil
gro u n d b reaking work, making you run down the day­ monsters or stave off interplanar invasions, to protect
to-day stories they don't consider "real journalism." and defend the powerless from oppression and exploita­
5 An editor who is more i nterested in keeping powerful tion, or to spread the teachings of your religion in a land
friends happy than in reporting the truth that's hostile to it. Or you could serve a corrupt hierar­
6 An editor who thinks the way to make reporters do
chy by making its enemies quietly disappear-though
even the most cynical mercenaries might become true
their best work is by making them compete with each
believers when confronted with the miraculous.
other, setting you r gro u p u p against a team of rivals
The patronage of a religious order isn't simply a
7 An editor who suffered horrors during the Last War matter of each member of your group belonging to the
and is desperate for signs of hope same faith. An actual organization-with its own re­
8 A cynical editor who seeks the corruption a n d down sources, goals, and leaders-sponsors and directs your
side i n every story adventures.


The Church of the Silver Flame includes three orders With a religious order as your group's patron, you gain
of clergy: ministers who tend congregations, friars who the following benefits:
spread the faith, and templars who fight evil in the flesh.
Divine Service. In times of need, your group can appeal
Your group has been ordained as templars and sent into
to the priests of your faith for magical aid. A cleric or
war against the forces of evil.
druid of your faith who is of sufficiently high level will
As templars of the Silver Flame, you have distinctive
cast any spell of up to 5th level on your group's behalf,
silver tabards to wear over your other clothing or armor.
without charge. The priest even provides any costly
You also have the privilege of using a knightly honorific
material components needed for the spell, so long as
before your name (typically "sir" or "lady"), and you are
you can demonstrate your need and are in good stand­
immediately recognized as a knight, an agent of the
ing with the church.
church, and effectively a lesser member of Thrane's
Equipment. Each member of your party has a holy
aristocracy. This status guarantees the good will of
symbol or druidic focus, even if it isn't needed for
members of the church and citizens of Thrane, but
spellcasting. Each of you also has a book containing
carries less weight and might even provoke animosity
prayers, rites, and scriptures of your faith.
outside Thrane.
Proficiencies. Each member of your party gains pro­
Hierarchy. The order of the Templars of the Silver
ficiency in the Religion skill, if the character doesn't
Flame is represented on the Council of Cardinals that
already have it.
serves as the governing body of Thrane and the church.
Seven commanders govern the knights of the order un­ BUILD YOU R GROUP
der the Grand Master's leadership: one for each of the Religious orders attract people from all walks of life.
Five Nations of old, one for foreign lands, and one for It can be fun to play against type-to make a devout
the seas. Their assistants carry the title of marshal, but character with the criminal or charlatan background,
no real division of rank exists beneath them. for example. Regardless of your origins, consider the
Knights templar are free to wander the world in pur­ following roles for the characters in your party:
suit of the order's aims. When leaving the jurisdiction
of one commander and entering that of another, it is a Fixer. The Fixer might work for a religious order for
knight's responsibility to promptly report to the com­ entirely non-religious reasons. This character does
mander of the new area, in case that commander has the order's dirty work and clears away its problems.
a pressing need for a knight to perform a mission. The It's entirely possible for an entire party to be made
commanders try to keep each other informed about up of Fixers, but rogues and fighters are especially
where knights are operating and what they are doing, well suited to this kind of work. Characters with the
but this system works better in some places-and be­ criminal background excel at putting their skills and
tween some commanders-than others. contacts to use on the church's behalf.
Prophet. The Prophet is a visionary with a more-or­
Allies. The other two orders of the Church of the
Silver Flame's clergy-ministers and friars-staunchly less direct connection to the divine. This character
support the knights templar. Even when there is rivalry might be the driving force behind the group's quests,
among the leaders of these orders and other officials steering them according to divine will. Proficiency in
of the church, the rank and file members support each skills such as Insight and Religion can help reflect this
other regardless of order. You can count on these clergy character's divine connection. The Prophet is often a
to help you secure spellcasting services, and to offer you cleric or druid, but could also be an NPC with no real
other material aid within reason. adventuring skills, who needs the group's protection.
Enemies. Since the order of knights templar is sworn Scholar. The Scholar brings academic knowledge to

to exterminate supernatural evil, such creatures are bear in the religious order's work, often in the form
always hostile when they recognize a knight templar. of proficiency in History and Religion. This character
The following groups and creatures viciously oppose the might be an expert on ancient ruins or know all the
templars of the Silver Flame: weaknesses of the demons they are hunting. Charac­
ters with access to divination magic (including clerics
Fiends and Undead. Unnatural beings loathe templars, with the Knowledge domains as well as wizards)
as they represent everything these foul creatures might excel at this role. Many Scholars come from the
despise-light, life, hope, and good. These menaces sage background. Unlike the Prophet and Zealot, the
sometimes go to great lengths to trap and destroy tem­ Scholar isn't necessarily devout, just knowledgeable.
plars, and fiends take particular pleasure in corrupt­ Teacher. Those in this role spread the teachings of the
ing the faithful to evil. faith. This isn't usually an effort to win converts­
Lycanthropes. All types and alignments of lycan­ though it can be, especially in the case of the Church
thropes have a particular hatred for the Church of the of the Silver Flame-but rather the task of encour­
Silver Flame, thanks to the crusade that nearly exter­ aging people to live according to the highest ideals
minated their kind over a century ago. Shifters are of faith. Proficiency in skills such as Persuasion (or
uncomfortable with the templars for the same reason. sometimes Intimidation) and Religion can be useful
The Order of the Emerald Claw. Tied as it is to the for this character. Many clerics fill this role, but devout
Blood of Vol and the worship of the undead, the Order bards can also be effective Teachers. Some Teachers
of the Emerald Claw opposes the Church of the Silver bring skills from the entertainer background into the
Flame and its agents in the world. service of their faith.


Zealot. Dedicated to smiting the foes of the faith, the d6 Reputation
Zealot focuses on combat above all. Clerics, druids,
and paladins make iconic Zealots, but any character
5 Reformers. You bring a m uch-needed breath of fres h
a i r i nto t h e ran ks o f you r faith. If only more people of
can play this role; there are barbarians whose fury is
fueled by their devotion, and rangers sworn to track fa ith would act as you do!
down the enemies of the faith. The soldier and folk 6 Anathema. For right or wrong, you r behavior and be­
hero backgrounds are well suited to such champions l iefs are viewed as unacceptable, and the hierarchy of
of the faith. you r faith actively opposes you r work.


What is the nature of your work for the religious order?
Your primary contact within the religious order is usu­
As a group, consult the Religious Service table and work
ally some kind of priest-not necessarily a cleric or
with your DM to decide what role you play-which likely
druid, but someone who holds a priestly office and a po­
shapes the kind of adventures you undertake.
sition of some authority in the hierarchy of the organiza­
tion. This person might direct you and your adventures
RELI G I O U S SERVICE according to their interpretation of divine will, or they
d6 Service might trust the gods to lead you to do what needs to be
Smite Evil. You battle evi l in you r order's name. done. Of course, some priests (as well as lay functionar­
2 Fight for Freedom. You protect the downtrodden from ies) are more interested in their own agendas than any
the forces of oppression. supposed divine will. Consult the Order Contact table to
determine your liaison within the religious order.
3 Retrieval. You r group seeks sacred relics and holy arti­
facts on behalfof you r churc h .
4 Root Out Corruption. You are charged with finding cor­
ruption withi n the hierarchy of you r own faith.
S Exhortation. You work with the faithful at a grassroots
level to get them to uphold their high ideals.
6 Dirty Work. As the rad ical zealots of your order, you s i n

so t h e other mem bers o f t h e order don't have to.

Some religious orders are viewed with suspicion by the
priestly hierarchies of their faiths; others are viewed
as champions who act as the gods' hands in the world.
Within a religious order, some members are highly
respected while others are seen as dangerous for one
reason or another. What is your relationship to the hier­
archy you're a part of? Is your entire order held in par­
ticularly high or low esteem? Or does your adventuring
party stand out from the larger order for some reason?
Is your behavior in line with the expectations of your
religion, or is it unorthodox in some way? Reference the
Order Reputation table to determine how you're viewed
by your larger religious institution.

d 6 Reputation
Faithful Few. You are seen as righteous crusaders, up­
holding the h ighest i deals of your faith and doing the
gods' work i n the world. Your deeds and methods are
rarely, if ever, questioned.
2 Respectable. You r behavior and beliefs are in line with
the hierarchy's expectations. As long as you stay in
l ine, no one gives you trouble.
3 Troublemakers. You attract unwanted attention to your
order or h ierarchy from outside, so you are under a
great deal of pressure to keep a low profile.
4 Rebels. You flout the dictates of your hierarchy-even
if it's for just reasons. Your superiors constantly try to
rei n you in.


THE VOICE OF In addition to the Templars of the Silver Flame, several

lM �AN l
other groups might sponsor your party, such as the fol­
lowing organizations:
The Deathguard. This elite order of elven priests

SI LVE R F LAM E'S and warriors from Aerenal

evil undead.
is sworn to destroy all

The Devout of the Celestial Crown. One of many litur­

CRISIS OF. FAITH ! gical councils that serve a mostly administrative role
for the priests of the Sovereign Host, the Devout man­
age a large portion of the city of Sham.
The Templars of the Silver Flame are supposed to repre­ The Gatekeepers. This ancient druid sect seeks to de­
sent the Church and the nation in pursuit of the highest fend nature against aberrations, fiends, and undead.
ideals of the faith, as they crusade against the forces of
evil across Khorvaire. But are they fulfilling that high UN IVERSITY
calling? Or are they just as mired in politics as the Brelish
bureaucracy? An institution of higher education sponsors your group.
High Cardinal Baerdren ir'Davik, who also holds the You might be researchers, bodyguards for scholars, or
rank of grand master of the templars, appears to be an glorified treasure hunters searching for ancient arti­
exemplary templar, utterly dedicated to the mission of facts. The university might regularly employ you or you
the order. Yet it is widely known that he chafes at the might have a contact at the university who pays you any
political and bureaucratic responsibilities that his posi­ time you bring back something useful from your adven­
tion on the Council of Cardinals demands of him. This
tures. You could be a team of academics, or you could be
reporter has learned that Sir Baerdren would readily
employed to provide some (physical and magical) mus­
surrender his position, were it not for his distrust of his
cle that the university otherwise lacks.
seneschal, Ofejjaia of Korth.
Lady Ofejjaia, it seems, has other issues on her per­
sonal agenda besides advancing the cause of the knights
templar, and one wonders if those issues are tied to her At the heart of Sham's Morgrave University is a sharp
Karrnathi origin. Though her wisdom and sound judg­ dichotomy: On the one hand, it is known as a nexus for
ment are not in dispute, it seems that Sir Baerdren fears scholars wishing to study Xen'drik, thanks in large part
that she would drive the order into obsolescence or even to Sham's proximity to the secret continent. Its col­
banishment if she were in charge. lections of artifacts and scholarly works about ancient
Does Lady Ofejjaia hold her lofty position because of Xen'drik and the Dhakaan Empire are unparalleled.
her loyalty, her piety, and her qualifications? Or is she In many ways, it lives up to the shining vision of its
there simply so that Sir Baerdren can keep his eye on
founder, Lord Lareth ir'Morgrave, to be "a beacon of
her and ensure that she doesn't sabotage the templars
knowledge shining from the tallest towers of the city."
from within?
On the other hand, the university's reputation is
tainted by allegations of smuggling, treasure hunting,
and profiteering. Many priceless relics recovered from
Xen'drik or Dhakaani ruins have disappeared from the
d8 Contact university vaults and found their way to the black market
A cloistered priest with little worldly experience who or into the hands of the Aurum. It's an open secret that
doesn't really understand what you do but seem s to some scholars, professors, and even students at the
approve of it anyway university have ties to smugglers and thieves. All these
2 A cynical priest who thinks nothing you do makes any allegations, too, have ties to the university's founding:
difference i n the grand scheme of thi ngs Lord Morgrave himself is said to have made his fortune
selling Dhakaani artifacts on the black market, and
3 A zealous priest who is constantly u rging you to do
some have claimed that the true purpose of the uni­
more a n d do it better
versity was to help him build his fortune through such
4 An am bitious priest who views you as a ticket to ad­ questionable means.
vancement i n the h ierarchy Allies. The academic world is relatively small, and
5 A retired adventurer who would rather do you r work people at any one university tend to have connections
than d i rect you i n it at others. You might parlay such relationships into as­
6 A pious priest who sees the hands of the d ivine in ev­ sistance from academies and institutions, such as the
ery event, even the actions of unbelievers following organizations:
7 A devout lay person who envies the magic and power Flamewind. The sphinx Flamewind (described in the
your group wields "Immortal Being" section) isn't officially affiliated
8 A practical fu nctionary who tries to keep you r work iso­ with the university, but she lives there and spends
lated from the knowledge and i n fl u e nce of the priests much of her time in its libraries and museums. As a
scholar of the Draconic Prophecy, Flamewind often
poses strange questions and sends adventurers on
obscure missions.


Library of Korranberg. The Library of Korranberg it. You can call in a favor to delegate the work of re­
boasts the greatest collection of learning in Khorvaire. searching lore (a downtime activity described in the
Its prestige means that people associated with it often Player's Handbook or Xanathar's Guide to Everything)
look down on their colleagues at Morgrave University, to a colleague, contact, or research assistant. You're
but they still celebrate the two institutions' common responsible for covering all expenses occurred as part
purpose of pursuing knowledge. If Morgrave's own li­ of this research, and the DM determines the success,
braries are insufficient for the task at hand, your group failure, or other possible results.
can probably find help in Korranberg. Resources. Most universities have extensive libraries
The Twelve. For many scholars of magical studies, the and museums, which you have access to. You can call
idea of pursuing their research under the auspices of in a favor to gain access to resources that are gener­
the Twelve is a cherished dream. Some faculty mem­ ally not on exhibit-dangerous relics or possibly magic
bers at Morgrave have had the opportunity to do just items, spellbooks, and the like. Additionally, the fac­
that, and many others have nurtured connections to ulty of your university might make it possible for you
the Twelve in an attempt to secure that honor. Those to consult with experts in various fields-so long as
connections can give your group access to powerful you can coax them away from their work.
magic and the other resources of the Twelve. Training. Because you're associated with the university,
Wayfinder Foundation. Morgrave maintains extensive you receive a discount on any education you wish to
connections with the Wayfinder Foundation-an exclu­ pursue. When you undergo training as a downtime
sive guild for adventurers, which funds expeditions to activity (as described in the Player's Handbook or
distant locales. Should your group needs a grant or re­ Xanathar's Guide to Everything), you pay only one-half
sources from the Wayfinders, a letter of recommenda­ the normal cost, assuming that what you are studying
tion from someone at Morgrave carries some weight. is something the university teaches. Training in lan­
guages, musical instruments, and other tools might
Enemies. Morgrave University has few true enemies
also be available, at the DM's discretion. In addition,
but many rivals. Despite the friendly ties among aca­
you can gain proficiency in the Arcana, History, Na­
demic institutions, Morgrave occupies the low end of
ture, or Religion skills by this method, as if you were
the prestige scale among academic bodies, so its faculty
learning a language. A character can only learn one of
tends to look for opportunities to steal glory from its aca­
these skills in this way.
demic peers. Beyond rivalries with allied organizations,
Morgrave openly competes with the following group: BUILD YOUR GROUP
University ofWynarn. Foremost among Morgrave's A group sponsored by a university might look very much
rivals is Aundair's University of Wynarn, whose ad­ like any other adventuring party, with a range of diverse
ministrators have been known to refer to Morgrave as skills and capabilities. The only significant distinction
an "institute of learning, relic hunting, and grave rob­ lies between characters who are scholars and those who
bing." The University of Wynarn is ancient-the first are more traditional adventurers. Consider some or all
university established in the Five Nations-and more of these roles for characters in your party:
prestigious than Morgrave. It sponsors many of the
Field Researcher. The academic in your group might
same kind of expeditions and can boast many great
also be a character with plenty of training and expe­
discoveries, yet, somehow, Morgrave is more famous,
rience in the dangerous life of an adventurer. Some­
and that stings many among the university's staff.
times called tomb raiders or grave robbers, such
PATRON BENEFITS characters know that groundbreaking work requires
firsthand experience with the creatures, cultures,
With a university as your group's patron, you gain the
forces, and histories being investigated, and the best
following benefits:
way to get that is in the field. This role is similar to the
Compensation. The university pays for the work you Scholar, but the Field Researcher is armed with com­
do on its behalf. The nature of your employment in­ bat-oriented spells that supplement the knowledge-fo­
fluences how you are paid. On average, the university cused capabilities of the Scholar, preparing them to
pays each member of your group 1 gp per day, or face those who guard the world's greatest secrets.
enough to sustain a modest lifestyle. Or you might be Financier. Whether they're hunting for grants or seek­
paid a bounty for each ancient artifact you bring back ing donations from wealthy philanthropists, the Finan­
from your adventures and give to the university. cier seeks the funds to pay for academic expeditions.
Documentation. Each member of your group has Such characters might know their ways around ball­
identification papers that include your affiliation with rooms, boardrooms, and seedy taverns, willing to do
the university, which carries some clout in academic whats necessary to get what they need. Those in this
circles. The university also secures documentation, role often exude Charisma and might be adept with
letters of introduction, and traveling papers for you if the Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion skills.
your work requires them. Finally, if your adventures Bards and rogues make natural academic Financiers,
take you to Xen'drik, the university secures the neces­ as do those with the charlatan and noble backgrounds.
sary letters of marque issued by the king of Breland, Research Assistant. Whether their seeking to graduate,
which grant you permission to explore the ruins there. get published, or make their academic mark, the Re­
Research. Research might be part of your group's job, search Assistant's fate is likely tied up in the success
but your patron has abundant resources to facilitate of another scholar or a specific project. Alternatively,


the Research Assistant might just be along for the
ride, helping a professor merely to pass a course. Re­
gardless, such characters might come from any class
or background and could have skills gathered from
experiences far outside the academic sphere. While
there are certainly legitimate Research Assistants
who honestly pursue their studies, this role might suit
characters without academic interests.
Scholar. Likely possessing a high Intelligence score
and a focus on learning and research, the Scholar in
your party might represent the academic emphasis of
the university. This character is often a noncombatant,
a professor or student the rest of the party protects.
Alternatively, they might live a dual life, shedding
their academic persona as soon as they're off campus
grounds. The Scholar might also be a nonplayer char­
acter, or the role could be filled by a player character
whose spells and training don't include combat. A
wizard whose spellbook is filled with utility-focused
spells makes a fine Scholar, as might some clerics and
monks. In any case, the sage background is an obvi­
ous choice for the Scholar, with acolyte and hermit
also providing fine alternatives. Proficiency in skills

such as Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, and
Religion often proves useful for this character.

Decide as a group, in consultation with your DM, what
kind of work your group does for the university. Consult
the Scholarly Missions table to determine what sort of
adventures you undertake.

d6 Mission
Adventurous Archeology. Your focus i s on fi n d i n g an­
cient artifacts and bringing back what you can.
2 Arcane Research. You r team focuses on acq u i r i n g
magical knowledge that can only be fou nd outside
the u niversity walls.
3 Investigative Ecology. None can say how many a maz­
ing creatures make their homes in the world's wildest
reaches, but you're dedicated to finding out.
4 Historical Research. You r team 's work involves learn­
ing more about Eberron's long h i story.
5 Radical Engineering. The birth of a new race was n 't
the peak of magical and mechanical engi neering, it
was just the begi n n i ng of new scientific fields you
now explore.
6 Exploration. Khorvaire is a vast continent, a n d areas
beyond the heartland of the Five N ations are poorly
charted. Your focus is on u nderstanding the wilder
places of the world, as wel l as d i stant cultures.

Academics live and die by their reputation. Some stand
as embodiments of their fields of expertise, others
might be considered con artists who stigmatize whole
academic fields. Roll on or choose an option from the
Scholarly Standing table to determine what other peo­
ple think about your research.

THE --
d6 Standing
SM��w � WQU �S�l�\f(

Revolutionary. You r work has upended scholarly con­

sensus and reshaped the way other academics t h i n k
about you r fi e l d . Each n e w discovery you make is re­

ceived with acclaim.
Respected. You r work is considered noteworthy, PRO FITS TRU M P
though not revolutionary. Scholars in you r field fol low
you r writing and efforts with interest.
3 Anonymous. Try as you m i ght, you can't earn positive
or n egative attention. Even worse, after you've p u b ­
l ished you r fi n d i ngs, more prom i nent scholars have B LACK MARKET
made similar statements to much acclaim.
4 Misguided. Your theories chal lenge scholarly consen­
sus and are d iscounted. A p romi nent scholar argues
against you r conclusions, and their voice carries the In response to last week's exclusive report detailing a
day ... for now. scheme to remove precious antiquities from storage at
5 Fringe. You work on the edges of your field, advocat· Morgrave University and sell them on the black market,
Master Larrian ir'Morgrave has issued a statement full of
i n g bizarre theories that chal lenge scholarly consen­
the usual platitudes and empty promises we have grown
sus and seem patently outrageous, even scandalous. accustomed to hearing from the Office of the University
6 Fraud. For right or wrong, many in the academic com­ Master. In it, ir'Morgrave vows to put an end to the crim­
m u n ity believe you have invented at least some of inal activities occurring within the university and bolster
you r " fi ndings" to earn attention. the school's academic reputation. As regular readers of
this paper know, he makes such promises frequently, but
we have yet to see him take any substantive action to
UNIVERSITY CONTACTS back up his promises.
With a university as your patron, you are part of a
sprawling bureaucracy-maybe deep in the tangles of it
or, more likely, lingering at the edges. Wherever you sit OTHER UNIVERSITIES
in the network of colleges, administrators, and faculty, Numerous universities exist across Khorvaire. Mor­
a single person serves as your primary point of contact, grave University is the one most often connected to ad­
someone who has a significant impact on the nature of venturous exploits, but the following institutes number
your relationship with the university. Reference the Uni­ among Khorvaire's other prominent academic bodies:
versity Contact table to help determine who manages
Arcanix. Housed in elegant towers that float above
the relationship between you and the university.
southern Aundair, Arcanix is a place of arcane learn­
U N I V E R S ITY CO NTACT ing, where the next generation of spellcasters studies
the intricacies of magic. The mentors at Arcanix com­
d8 Contact prise the Arcane Congress, a council of spellcasters
An overworked department head who does n 't q u ite who explore the limits of the arcane arts under a man­
know what to make of you but gives you work to keep date instituted by King Galifar I .
you busy Rekkenmark. The Military Academy o f Rekkenmark
2 A career bureaucrat who i n s i sts you file paperwork i n has trained Galifar officers for hundreds of years and
m u ltiple offices i n order t o get anyth ing done continues to excel as the premier combat training
3 A j u n ior professor who might be more interested i n facility in all of Khorvaire. Nobles from every nation
used to send their children to Rekkenmark for at least
s e l l i n g plundered artifacts t h a n in actual research
part of their education, but the Last War put an end to
4 A department secretary who thinks you're a great deal
that practice. Now that the war is over, the academy
more interesting than any of the regular facu lty hopes to welcome students from other nations once
5 An erudite dean who believes you have tremendous again, but so far only a handful of students from out­
potential and u rges you on to greater endeavors side Galifar have come to Rekkenmark.
6 An energetic l i b rarian or museum curator who ad­ Library of Korranberg. Zilargo's Library of Korran­
d resses every q uestion, assignment, or acq u isition berg is the greatest repository of general knowledge
with d i sproportionate enth usiasm in Khorvaire. More than just a library, it hosts eight
7 A tired senior professor whose only joy i n academia is
attached colleges dedicated to different fields of study,
drawing gentry from across Khorvaire who come to
seei ng what you bring back from you r adventures
study there. In addition to serving as a resource for
8 An eager researcher who wants to come with you on
scholars and explorers, the library often funds expedi­
every adventure because second-hand reports are al­ tions to study ancient cultures or unexplored lands.
ways i ncomplete and u nsatisfying



Galijar spanned most of Khorvaire. Of course,

we never tamed the lands beyond the Graywall
Capital: Fairhaven
Hallmarks: Cheese, education, fashion, grains,
Mountains or the jungles of the east. Nevertheless, wine, wizardry
it was impressive, this kingdom of humanity's. Fertile farmlands surround the grand cities of Aundair.
Now I look at the map of Khorvaire with a touch of de­ The floating towers of Arcanix are the finest institute
for mystical study in Khorvaire, and magic is deeply
spair. Galijar lies shattered, the Five Nations irreparab/y
ingrained in Aundairian culture. The nation produces
divided. So many new realms claim sovereignty-kingdoms more magewrights and wandslingers than any other in
of elves and goblins, and what of this nation of monsters Khorvaire.
called Droaam? Can it last, or will another warfracture us From the nobles lounging in the towers of Fairhaven
to the common folk working the vast vineyards of Blue­
further? Should I dwell on such things when the Mourning
vine, Aundairians value wit and wisdom. Aundairians
might simp/y consume us all? Gods, how Ifear the future. prefer finesse to brute force and appreciate cunning
-Lyrian Das, Morgrave historian wordplay and fine fashions. The Sovereign Host is the
dominant faith of Aundair, with a particular devotion to
Most player characters begin their adventures on the Aureon. However, the Silver Flame also maintains a de­
continent of Khorvaire, as shown on the poster map voted following-some might say overzealous.
included with this book and on map 2.1 (page 104). Al­ Although Aundair is a small nation, its arcane supe­
though humans make up the majority of the population riority allowed it retain its dominion during the Last
in the nations of Khorvaire, the continent is home to a War. The people of Aundair know that knowledge is
wide range of peoples and cultures. Once largely unified power, and they take pride in their nation's magical ad­
under the Kingdom of Galifar, today Khorvaire is split vancements. To ensure her nation's prosperity and dom­
into many nations-some old, others newly born from inance, Queen Aurala ir'Wynarn instituted the Arcane
the crucible of war. This chapter provides an overview of Initiative, an aggressive series of programs intended to
Khorvaire, a glimpse of the world that lies beyond it, and forward the development of mystical infrastructure and
the predominant faiths of Eberron. battle magic.

KHORVAIRE • Arcanix is the most prestigious academy of magic in
The following sections focus on what you need to know Khorvaire. Most of its sages specialize in ritual magic
to create characters and NPCs from Khorvaire. For and abstract theory, and don't have the full powers
general information about the Kingdom of Galifar, the of wizards.
Five Nations that arose from the kingdom's ashes, and • Magic permeates many aspects of Aundairian life­
the Treaty of Thronehold that helps keeps the peace more so than other nations. A cleansing stone (see
between the nations of Khorvaire, see the introduction chapter 5) graces every village, and you might encoun­
of this book. ter animated farming equipment in the fields. The
An excellent system of roads connects the central na­ Knights Arcane are an elite unit of eldritch knights,
tions of Khorvaire, and travelers can always make their and the spies of the Royal Eyes of Aundair specialize
way by horse or coach. Major cities are linked by the in divination magic.
lightning rail of House Orien, which allows one to avoid • Some Aundairian nobles are bound by arcane pacts
the perils-and tedium-of the roads. If speed is an is­ handed down through generations. Only remarkable
sue, one can book passage on a House Lyrandar airship. heirs-such as player characters-develop into war­
This is the fastest way to travel, but also the most ex­ locks. Most such lines have an Archfey patron.
pensive. This book's introduction has more information
about these and other travel options. AUNDA I R I A N C HA RACTERS �������

Regardless of your Intelligence score, as an Aundairian

you're sure you're the smartest person in the room. Con­
sider the following characteristics for your Aundairian:


Arcane Talent. If you're not going to play a magic-using Khorvaire. As a noble, entertainer, or sage, you might
class, consider creating a high elf or a human with the have your roots in the City of Lights.
Magic Initiate feat. Whether you favor damage-dealing
cantrips or more utilitarian ones, every Aundairian PASSAGE
should know a little magic. Located on the shores of Lake Gali far, the city of
Magic Beats Mundane. Why use your hand when you Passage is the heart of the dragonmarked House Orien.
could use mage hand? Why strain your muscles tug­ Resources include production and maintenance facili­
ging on a bowstring when you could use a wand? ties for the lightning rail and the Orien caravans. If you
Show Some Style. Don't settle for common clothes and have the Mark of Passage, odds are good you've spent
a squalid meal when you could wear glamerweave time here.
(see chapter 5) and drink the finest wine. If you're a
fighter, focus on finesse instead of crude strength. And
never miss an opportunity for a clever quip. This island city is the seat of House Lyrandar, and
Queen Aurala allows the house a free rein in govern­
CITIES AND SITES ing the isle. It is the finest resort and vacation spot in
Khorvaire. Spies, charlatans, sailors, and house agents
Aundair intersperses pastoral farmlands between all have a place in Stormhome. Even though the island
densely populated cities. escaped the devastation wrought during the Last War, it
remains a hotbed for clandestine activities.
Lyrandar wizards use magic to continuously alter
This farming village on Lake Galifar provides food for
Stormhome's weather, turning the otherwise bleak and
the nearby floating towers of wizardry that serve as
storm-blasted location into a temperate island getaway.
home to Aundair's Arcane Congress-a cutting-edge
research facility and the finest school of magic in Khor­
vaire. The members of the congress oversee the magical
research conducted in these towers, advise Aundair's Aundair and Thrane were bitter rivals during the Last
queen on all things magical, and confer with colleagues War. Thrane seized the ancient city of Thaliost during
visiting from other nations. the war and holds it to this day. Most of the people of
Apprentices come from all over Khorvaire to train at Aundair remain furious about the occupation of Thali­
Arcanix. If you're a wizard, sage, or artificer, you might ost, but the city has become a haven for Aundairians
have learned your craft here. who revere the Silver Flame.
The Eldeen Reaches seceded from Aundair halfway
FAIRHAVEN through the Last War. The western farmers rebelled
The capital of Aundair is one of the most beautiful over high taxes and neglect, allying with the druids of
cities in Eberron. Stunning displays of magical light the Towering Wood. Aundair was forced to accept the
and other arcane wonders enhance the exquisite archi­ sovereignty of the Reaches under the terms of the Treaty
tecture. This is the seat of the University of Wynarn, a of Thronehold, but many Aundairians view it as a rene­
prestigious institution that draws students from across gade nation.


Extensive use of magic has repaired most of the dam­
age to the cities of Aundair, but the countryside remains
scarred by the war, especially along the border with Capital: Wroat
Thrane. The Crying Fields are a region of farmlands Hallmarks: Espionage, industry, metalwork, organized
permanently scarred by magic and haunted by restless crime, subterfuge
spirits. Aundairians claim their nation is stronger than In the wake of the Last War, Breland is one of the most
ever, but some worry about the long-term impact of the powerful nations in Khorvaire. Possessing a large popu­
loss of the Eldeen farmlands and the Crying Fields. lation and abundant resources, Breland leads the conti­
Now, Aundairians debate over differing views of their nent in industry.
nation's future. Some believe the first focus should be The Brelish are known for their pragmatism and in­
reuniting Aundair and the Eldeen Reaches, whether dependence. They lack the discipline of Karrns and the
through diplomacy or force. Others consider Thaliost faith of the Thranes, but they excel at finding innovative
to be the pressing issue. And still others support Queen solutions to problems. The Brelish also have a talent
Aurala's claim to the throne of Galifar. When creating for intrigue and subterfuge. The King's Dark Lanterns
an Aundairian, consider whether you have ties to any of is one of the finest intelligence agencies in Khorvaire,
the affected regions and if this influences your opinion rivaled only by House Phiarlan and the Trust of Zilargo.
of Thran es or druids. The dark side of these aptitudes is a strong streak of
cynicism, which allows crime and corruption to flourish
in Brelish cities and temples. The Sovereign Host is the
dominant religion of Breland, but in general the Brelish
aren't as devout as citizens of other nations.

CM �ON ICl( King Boranel ir'Wynarn rules Breland in conjunction

with an elected parliament. Boranel is a popular leader
celebrated for his exploits during the Last War, but his

WIZARD WAR children have yet to prove themselves, and a growing

movement advocates for abandoning royal rule when
Boranel passes.


Sham is the largest city i n Khorvaire. Almost a nation
in its own right, the City of Towers is a hub for com­
Before the war, the Arcane Congress served all Galifar. merce and intrigue. Chapter 3 provides more informa­
The most promising students from across Khorvaire tion on Sham.
came to study at Arcanix, and students from Khorvaire, • The Boromar Clan is the oldest and most powerful
Cyre, and Aundair worked together to win honor in the criminal organization in Breland. The Boromar
Trials of the Ninefold Path. Known to students simply halfling leadership maintains ties to the Talenta
as the Nine, this contest pits students of the eight tra­ Plains. Other notable criminal organizations include
ditions against one another in a series of arcane chal­ the monsters of Daask and House Tarkanan, an
lenges, along with a ninth bracket for those who have
alliance of assassins and thieves with aberrant drag­
yet to select a tradition. Teamwork, independence, mem­
orization, innovation-the Nine challenges competitors onmarks (see chapter 4 for more about these crime
on many levels, and the finest wizards of Galifar were syndicates).
invariably champions of the Nine. Breland's major cities are highly cosmopolitan. Due
Thanks to the Treaty of Thronehold, students of all na­ to its proximity to Droaam, Breland's cities include
tions once again study side by side in the towers of Arca­ more monsters-ogres, ores, goblins, and even sa­
nix. But no treaty or ritual can easily dispel the tensions huagin, harpies, and gargoyles-than elsewhere in the
of a century ofwar. Over the last year we've reported on Five Nations.
a number of hate crimes in the towers fueled by national­
ist passions. Optimistic teachers hope that the Nine will BRELISH C HARACTERS
showcase the diversity that has evolved over the course
of the past century-highlighting Karrnathi advances in A s you develop a Brelish character o r NPC, consider the
necromancy and evocation, Cyran illusions, and more. following qualities:
But privately, professors fear that the competitive aspect
Slightly Shady. Many Brelish have a loose relationship
of the Nine will inflame nationalist tension. Some even
believe that the lives of foreign students could be endan­ with the law. Even if you're a hero, you might have
gered should they defeat Aundairian champions. questionable connections or friends in low places.
Only time will tell if the Nine can bring us together as Backgrounds such as criminal, spy, or charlatan can
it once did, or if it will drive us further apart. reflect this tendency, regardless of your class. You
could also be a folk hero who challenges the laws to
protect the innocent, or an entertainer who plays in
every dive in Sham.
Innovative and Independent. Find your own path in the
world; don't simply follow established traditions. As


10 7
a cleric, you might challenge your church and follow ilarly, if you have ties to the King's Dark Lanterns, you
your own divine revelations. As a wizard, you could know where to find some of Breland's worst criminals.
search for new techniques or attempt to unravel for­
gotten secrets. NEW CYRE
Practical. Whether it's about fashion, food, or conver­ What began as a refugee camp has evolved into a strug­
sation, the Brelish tend to be pragmatic. Why spend gling town hosting thousands of Cyran refugees. Prince
a fortune on a fancy meal when a simple one will do? Oargev holds court in New Cyre, considering himself a
You use whatever tool gets the job done, and you don't king in exile. Though resources are scarce, New Cyre
see a need for unnecessary flair. remains a symbol of hope for many refugees. It's also a
last stop for those determined to explore the Mournland.
Beyond the magnificence o f Sham, Breland hosts a vast The City of Towers is described in chapter 3. Law and
spectrum of other wonders. chaos dance on a knife's edge here, one never truly gain­
ing advantage over the other.
The floating fortress of Breland, Argonth is one of the VATHIROND
marvels of the Last War. The product of House Cannith Throughout the Last War, this town was beset by armies
ingenuity and Brelish industrial might, Argonth is the from Thrane, Cyre, and Karrnath. Vathirond's residents
largest engine of war ever built. This moving city is still hold grudges against these close foreign neighbors.
home to thousands of soldiers. Currently Argonth pa­ However, their attention of late has been focused on the
trols the edge of the Mournland, but if tensions rise with Mournland. Nameless horrors have begun to slip into
Droaam or Darguun, the fortress can be deployed to Breland from the east at an alarming rate, and Brelish
reinforce a threatened border. soldiers and adventurers stationed in Vathirond are usu­
As a Brelish soldier or spy, you might have served ally the first to contend with these threats.
aboard Argonth for a time before some incident led you
to become an adventurer. WROAT
Built on both sides of the Howling River at a point
BLACK PIT where the river widens, the ancestral seat of the rulers
A massive chasm in the Blackcap Mountains, the Black of Breland seduces visitors with its tree-lined avenues,
Pit is over a mile across and descends beyond the lim­ elegant drawbridges, cleanliness, and laid-back atmo­
its of sight. It's said to be an entrance to the abyss of sphere. Perched on a rocky island in the middle of the
Khyber, and foul creatures live among the caves that river, surrounded by military docks and barracks, is
honeycomb its walls. A nearby village-also called Black Brokenblade Castle, the king's stern fortress.
Pit-provides a haven for deserters and other criminals In contrast to its welcoming countenance, Wroat casts
as well as a thriving black market. dark shadows, and much goes on quietly behind closed
If you have shady friends, you've likely heard of Black doors. The absence of beggars and riffraff in the streets
Pit's reputation as a place to quietly "disappear." Sim- might also raise suspicion that Wroat is putting on ap-
-- THE--
Capital: Metrol (destroyed)

SM/4�� � �Q� � S �l�V� Previous Hallmarks: Art, artifice, jewelry, music, ora-
tory, philosophy
Current Hallmarks: Destruction, ruins

WINTE R PALACE Destroyed at the end of the Last War, Cyre now exists
only in the hearts of the refugees scattered across

Before the war, Cyre was the seat of the kings and
queens of Galifar. The wealth of the kingdom flowed
through Cyre, and it was a nexus for commerce and
Although untouched by a century of war, the Winter
culture. By tradition, Cyre's Princess Mishann had the
Palace suffered an attack from an unexpected quarter: the
rightful claim to the throne of Galifar. Cyrans take pride
people of Breland. The so-called Swords of Liberty have
taken credit for a daring raid that left the east wing of the that they alone were in the right in the Last War, but
palace in flames. No members of the Brelish royal family they unquestionably lost more to the war than any other
were in attendance during the attack. nation. As a Cyran, you stand on the moral high ground,
The Swords of Liberty call for the violent overthrow but that may offer little comfort.
of the Wynarn monarchy, demanding that all power be Cyrans like to say that their culture represented the
invested in the Brelish parliament. Their manifesto draws best that Galifar had to offer, which is to say a little bit of
on the speeches of Lord Ruken ir'Clarn, but Lord Ruken everything. Cyrans value diversity and versatility, both
has condemned their action. "No victory is possible when in talents and thought. Cyre couldn't match Karrnath in
Brelish fight Brelish," he said in Wroat. "But I hope King
martial discipline or Aundair in the arcane arts, but the
Boranel can see that the time for change is upon us and
flexibility of its forces reflected the nation's ideals.
help us navigate a peaceful transition of power before any
more innocents are hurt." Although the Sovereign Host was the dominant faith
of Cyre, the Silver Flame had a significant following.
Many survivors question their faith in the wake of the
pearances. The King's Dark Lanterns are ever vigilant Mourning, but some believe that their anguish at the
here, and newcomers who aim to misbehave tend to dis­ loss of their homeland is a divine trial, prompting them
appear quickly and without so much as a whisper. to cling to their faith more than ever.
Queen Dannel ir'Wynarn was in Metro! on the Day
AFTERMATH OF THE LAST WAR of Mourning and is presumed dead. Her son, Prince
Oargev ir'Wynarn, holds court in New Cyre, a massive
For Breland, the Last War was an ever-shifting tangle
refugee camp set up in Breland. Some refugees support
of enemies and alliances. Breland fought Aundair, Cyre,
Oargev and the dream of a restored Cyre, while others
Karrnath, and Thrane at various points of the war, as
prefer to focus on the future instead of trying to reclaim
well as clashing with Darguun and Droaam. These con­
the past. As a Cyran, you should decide whether you
flicts caused many Brelish to embrace a cynical view of
hold tight to your national identity, or instead consider
the world, a sense that no one can be fully trusted and
yourself to be an expatriate without a nation.
that people need to look out for themselves. As a Brelish
character, you could have an axe to grind against any I NTERESTING THINGS ABOUT CYRE
of the other nations. This is balanced against a strong
belief in humanoid rights and dignity, convictions that (THE MOURNLAND)

motivated the Brelish to shelter more Cyran refugees • Cyre was the ancestral seat of the dragonmarked
than any other nation. House Cannith, the house of Making. The house main­
The major cities of Breland host significant popula­ tained arcane workshops across Cyre. Who knows
tions of refugees, both Cyrans and Brelish from villages what treasures wait in Cannith vaults for those who
lost in the war. This has increased the overall level of brave the dangers of the Mournland?
poverty and desperation and contributed to an increase • While not as flamboyant as Aundairians, Cyran
in crime. The southern cities-including Wroat and fashions involved bright colors and glamerweave
Sham-suffered relatively little damage in the war, but (see chapter 5). Some Cyrans have made a point of
northern Breland was hard hit. The city of Vathirond continuing this custom. Others wear clothing cut in
is still repairing the damage from Thrane attacks, and the Cyran style, but entirely in black; this has become
many northern villages are either recovering or have known as Mourning wear.
simply been abandoned. • Stories say communities of warforged live in the
Despite these struggles, the Brelish maintain a pos­ Mournland, including the insurgent called the Lord
itive view of their future. The heart of Breland is as of Blades.
strong as it ever was, and the citizens believe that had
the war continued, Breland would have triumphed. CYRAN C HARACTERS
When creating a character from Cyre, consider the fol­
lowing questions:


What Have You Lost? Did you lose wealth or sta- but Cyre is gone. The lands not destroyed in the Mourn­
tus? Did you have family or loved ones killed in the ing were lost decades earlier to Darguun and Valenar.
Mourning? Did you lose something you could one day Cyrans who survived the war must now carve out a new
recover from the Mournland-arcane research, an destiny in the lands of their enemies or in foreign na­
heirloom artifact, or a precious family relic? Consider tions beyond what was once the Kingdom of Galifar.
the impact the disaster has on your background. As a In creating a Cyran character, first determine how you
Cyran noble or soldier, your estates have been lost and survived the Mourning. Were you outside Cyre when it
your army scattered, but you &till have the respect of occurred, or did you somehow escape the destruction?
your comrades or peers. Where did you take shelter? Breland has taken in refu­
What Do You Hold Onto? Do you have a trinket that gees and created refugee camps. Thrane also accepted
embodies Cyre for you? Is your wand or weapon an refugees but has worked to disperse and integrate them
heirloom of your family? As an entertainer or guild ar­ into the general population. Are you grateful or bitter?
tisan, do you preserve a particular Cyran tradition? Do you have family or friends in refugee camps, or are
What Drives You? Are you determined to solve the mys­ you a lone survivor? Other Cyrans sought opportunities
tery of the Mourning? Do you want to help other ref­ on the frontiers, settling in the jungles of Q'barra or
ugees, or are you concerned only with your personal seeking a new life in the distant land of Xen'drik.
survival? Is there something you want to recover from Many Cyran survivors are soldiers, veterans stationed
the Mournland, or would you prefer to never set foot in on the front lines when the Mourning occurred. If mul­
Cyre again? Do you hold a grudge against the nations tiple members of your party are Cyrans, you might have
that fought against Cyre in the war, or are you solely served together during the Last War. Because Cyrans
concerned with the future? are so widely dispersed, you can encounter former com­
rades or friends anywhere in Khorvaire.
CITIES AND SITES Since Cyrans lost their lands, the distinctions be­
Cyre was devastated by the Mourning. Its ruins have tween peasant and aristocrat have become moot. Even
become grim reminders of the folly of war. Unknown with a criminal background, you might have been a
threats both magical and monstrous haunt the Mourn­ viscount in Cyre; your background reflects your cur­
land. For more about the Mournland as it stands now, rent standing and the resources you can call upon in
see chapter 4. the present.

Once the seat of House Cannith, this was a place of Capital: Rhukaan Draa!
wonders-a city where "magic comes to life." Marvels Hallmarks: Dungeons, goblinoid mercenaries, ruins
of the city included the Clockwork Menagerie, showcas­
ing the golems and homunculi made by generations of Goblins and their kin have always been part of Khor­
artificers; production facilities that housed three cre­ vaire. Their ancient empire spread across the lands now
ation forges (see chapter 5), and the miraculous Steel held by other nations, and goblin foundations still stand
Gardens, an early breakthrough that paved the way for underneath many human cities. This empire collapsed
the living warforged. If you're an artificer or have ties to into savagery, and when humans arrived from Sarlona,
House Cannith, you might have roots in Eston. they drove the goblins from their ancestral lands. Thus,
goblins have long been a disenfranchised people, liv-
METROL ing in the shadows of newer nations or in wild lands
Once the capital of Galifar, Metro! was known as the shunned by humans.
Rising City, for many of its buildings stood atop soar­ The land now called Darguun was once part of Cyre.
ing columns of rock that dared to scrape the heavens. The hobgoblin clans known as the Ghaal'dar were based
The Cathedral of the Sovereign Host was the center in the Seawall Mountains, but during the war, the de­
for followers of that faith. The Vault served as the mint mand for mercenaries drew an ever-increasing number
and treasury of Galifar, containing cultural treasures of goblins out of the mountains to fight for Cyre and Bre­
deemed too valuable to be displayed; salvagers dream land. Late in the war, a brilliant hobgoblin named Lhesh
of finding this "golden palace." Floating gardens orbited Haruuc Sharaat'kor recognized that the goblins had be­
the towering Royal Vermishard. Now lost, the beauty of come the dominant military power in the region. Uniting
Metro! lives only in Cyran memory. the Ghaal'dar under his banner, Haruuc seized the terri­
tory he was supposed to protect. The Five Nations were
SEASIDE unprepared, and Breland quickly negotiated an alliance
A coastal town in southern Cyre, Seaside was a pop­ with Haruuc to secure the border. Cyre fought the gob­
ular vacation spot even during the war. While not as lins until the Day of Mourning, but the majority of dele­
celebrated a destination as Stormhome in Aundair, gates involved in forging the Treaty of Thronehold chose
the memory of Seaside has become an iconic image of to recognize the new nation of Darguun to ensure peace.
peace and tranquility for the people of Cyre. Darguun is a young and volatile nation, ruled by Lhesh
Haruuc Sharaat'kor. Haruuc remains a brilliant strat­
AFTERMATH OF THE LAST WAR egist and tactician, but many wonder whether he can
No nation won the Last War, but Cyre unquestionably maintain the web of alliances that hold the Ghaal'dar to­
lost it. Other nations are recovering from the conflict, gether, and whether he and his people will be content to


abide by the terms of the treaty. Other goblins still hid­ DARGUUL CHARACTERS
den in the mountains-the enigmatic Heirs of Dhakaan
(see chapter 4)-could pose a threat both to the goblins Darguun i s a logical point o f origin for goblin, hobgoblin,
and the rest of Khorvaire. or bugbear characters. When creating a Ghaal'dar char­
Traditionally, the Ghaal'dar worshiped a form of the acter from Darguun, consider the following:
Dark Six. House Deneith introduced the Sovereign Constant Struggle. Among the Ghaal'dar, you must
Host to the region, and some goblins have embraced constantly prove your strength and skill to gain and
this faith, especially the gods Doi Dorn, Doi Arrah, hold the respect of your kin. Ghaal'dar rarely kill in a
and Balinor. casual battle; you might fight to prove a point but kill
only when you must.
INTERESTING THINGS Loyal to Your Clan. Challenge your peers as you like
ABOUT DARGUUN in times of peace, but when blades unsheathe for
war, you stand by your clan-or those allies you have
• House Deneith has a strong presence in Darguun. No bonded with-until death. This loyalty doesn't extend
one will employ goblin armies in the wake of Haruuc's to warriors of other Ghaal'dar clans.
betrayal, but security forces value smaller units of gob­ Muut and Atcha. Your ancestors once forged an empire
linoid mercenaries for their ferocity and skills. even greater than Galifar. Perhaps you believe that
• Darguun is a frontier nation. Although recognized by your people can reclaim this lost glory. The Dhakaani
the Treaty of Thronehold, it doesn't abide by the com­ were renowned for their martial skill and their disci­
mon laws of the treaty nations. Law enforcement is pline. Muut roughly translates to "duty"-your duty to
unpredictable, and acts considered criminal in other your empire, your clan, and your commander. Muut
nations are part of life in Darguun. is expected; if you have no muut, you have no place in
• A number of bugbear-dominated clans known as battle. Atcha corresponds to "honor," especially your
the Marguul inhabit southern Darguun. Some of the personal honor gained by virtuous deeds that tran­
Marguul refuse to acknowledge the authority of the scend the expectations of muut.
Ghaal'dar hobgoblins; these clans are especially dan­
gerous and violent. C ITIES AND SITES
Lhesh Haruuc united the Ghaal'dar clans and seized
control of Darguun nearly three decades ago. If you Thirty years ago, this region was part o f Cyre. The gob­
are a non-goblin from this land, you may have been lins converted towns and villages and raised new set­
born in captivity. Were you forced into bondage, or tlements, but many ruins and abandoned farms remain.
did you adopt Darguul customs and earn a place in The region is also peppered with dungeons dating back
their society? to the ancient goblin empire; these can be found in the
vast Torlaac Moor or beneath the Khraal rainforest.




This fortress enclave of House Deneith serves as a
staging area for goblin mercenaries who wish to work Capital: None
for the house. It provides a stable and secure haven for Hallmarks: Fiends, pestilence
travelers passing through the region, provided you're on Rivers of lava cut across plains of black sand and vol­
good terms with House Deneith. canic glass. The only vegetation consists of blood-red
moss and a thick layer of shimmering slime. Ajagged
GORGONHORN rock formation might be a piece of an ancient wall, if you
This fortified village lies close to the Mournland. Once it stretch your imagination.
maintained the front line against Cyre. Now, the hobgob­ Tens of thousands of years ago, fiends ruled Khor­
lins stationed here protect their people from the horrors vaire. The Demon Wastes held the seat of power for
that crawl out of the warped realm. If you're a goblin some of the mightiest archfiends, home to cities of
soldier, you might have served in Gorgonhorn. It's also a rakshasas and demons. Most of these foul entities per­
base for the scavengers and salvagers who venture into ished or fled long ago, but a few still linger in this place
the Mournland. even as new ones crawl up from the depths of Khyber.
A handful of primordial ruins sustained by dark magic
LYRENTON dot the bleak landscape-ruins that may still be home to
Once a thriving Cyran town, Lyrenton is a ruin on fiends and their treasures.
the very edge of the Mournland. It's shunned by the The Stone Cage, Shadowcrags, and Icehorn Moun­
Ghaal'dar, who believe it to be cursed. At night, a terri­ tains separate the Demon Wastes from the Eldeen
ble wailing that echoes among the ruins can be heard Reaches. A series of canyons known as the Labyrinth
for miles across the plains. further separate the Demon Wastes from the rest of
Khorvaire. Due to ancient warding magic, any creature
that wishes to leave must do so through the Labyrinth.
The largest city in Darguun serves as the seat of Lhesh
These passes are guarded by the Ghaash'kala, tribes of
Haruuc Sharaat'kor. As the hub for trade, travel, and
ores sworn to contain the evils of the Wastes. Beyond
diplomacy, it also a provides a haven for fugitives and
the Labyrinth, the mortal inhabitants of the Demon
smugglers. Lhesh Haruuc dwells in a fortress known as
Wastes include a brutal people known as the Carrion
Khaar Mbar'ost, the Red House.
Tribes. Each tribe is devoted to an archfiend, and they
WYVERNSKULL engage in endless battles against the Ghaash'kala and
If you're a Ghaal'dar sailor or guild artisan, this small the other Carrion Tribes.
city-Darguun's primary seaport-could be your home. If you're creating a character from the Demon Wastes,
The goblinoids who live here are a sociable, rowdy Jot you're likely associated with either the Ghaash'kala or
who are also, by and large, friendly toward strangers. one of the Carrion Tribes.


Darguun was born in the Last War, and the scars of its DEMON WASTES
birth are still raw. Most of the Cyran population fled the • A variety of fiends inhabit the Wastes, including devils,
goblin uprising, and those who remained were killed rakshasas, and demons. These creatures are spawned
or enslaved. As a result, many burnt-out farms and by Khyber, not the Outer Planes.
abandoned villages have stood empty for decades. The The Demon Wastes are riddled with portals to abyssal
broken paths of the lightning rail make travel into the in­ demiplanes, unearthly realms populated by fiends and
terior difficult, and only the largest cities offer the basic other horrors. These inner realms include vast and
services common elsewhere in the treaty nations. twisted forests, living oceans, realms of rusted iron,
Any significant settlement is likely the domain of a and stranger places.
single Ghaal'dar clan. While these clans give their fealty
to Lhesh Haruuc, every clan lord holds absolute power GHAASH'KALA C HARACTERS
in their town. Some clans are friendly to outsiders and The Ghaash'kala are primarily ores, but their numbers
welcome commerce. Others despise non-goblins. Lhesh include a few half-ores and members of other races.
Haruuc has abolished slavery in Rhukaan Draa!, but They devote their lives to guarding the Labyrinth and
some of clan lords continue this practice. containing the evils of the Wastes. When creating a
Overall, Darguun is a nation that is still finding its Ghaash'kala character, consider the following:
identity-a kingdom that seeks to be more than a seized
territory. The goblins carry the legacy of a mighty em­ The Binding Flame. The Ghaash'kala worship Kalok
pire and stand in the shadow of the nations around Shash, the "Binding Flame." Fundamentally the same
them. Haruuc wants to draw out the best in his people, religion as the Silver Flame, Kalok Shash is a harsh
to harness their strengths and achieve their potential. faith that requires all able-bodied folk to fight in the
The rest of Khorvaire waits to see if the Ghaal'dar have endless war against the forces of darkness.
the will to remain a nation, and if Darguun can survive Sacred Champions. As a Ghaash'kala, you are a cham­
when Haruuc passes away. pion of the Binding Flame. A paladin sworn to the
Oath of Vengeance, a barbarian on the Path of the


Zealot (found in Xanathar's Guide to Everything), and
a cleric of the Light or War domain all represent a log­
ical path for a Ghaash'kala character. Outlander and
hermit are appropriate backgrounds, reflecting your
harsh upbringing or religious devotion.

The Carrion Tribes descend from explorers and refu­
gees twisted by the evil in this realm. Explorers usually
encounter these savage folk as enemies, but occasion­
ally a hero emerges from the shadows. When creating
a character from the Carrion Tribes, consider the
Sworn to an Overlord. Your tribe is devoted to an arch­
fiend. This can serve as the roots of a warlock's pact
or the inspiration for a barbarian's rage. Are you still
loyal to your dark lord, or did you break free from its
influence? Either way, work with the DM to develop
the details of your overlord.
Child of a Savage Land. You were born into a lawless
realm where violence was the only constant. How
have you adapted to life on the other side of the Laby­
rinth? Are you superstitious, refusing to adapt to this
new world, or are you doing your best to learn the
ways of this strange realm?
Why Did You Leave? You began your life as a servant
of darkness. Have you embraced the light? Are you
fighting the servants of your former master? Or are
you a pawn in a conflict between overlords? You might
serve an evil force, but the cultists you fight serve even
darker powers.


Settlements are few and far between i n the Demon
Wastes. The Carrion Tribes are semi-nomadic, assem­
bling camps in the crumbling ruins of long-forgotten
cities built by demons in the first days of the world.

Legends say that a single city of fiends remains intact.
Stories describe Ashtakala as a city of basalt and brass,
filled with rakshasas and demons. If it exists, it is
shielded by powerful wards. Who knows what ancient
artifacts and treasures it might contain?

House Tharashk established this tiny port at the end
of the Last War. The house hopes to gain access to the
dragonshard deposits buried in the Wastes. To date, it
has survived the Carrion Tribes and the malefic horrors
of the Wastes, but few believe it will last.

Known at various times as Greenholt, Newholt, or
Kymar's Folly, this outpost has served as an Aundair­
ian settlement, a Thrane hermitage, and an outpost
of House Lyrandar. It's fallen three times, and no one
knows exactly how. Each time, its inhabitants have
vanished in a single night, leaving all their possessions
behind. Today it's known as Desolate, and it awaits the
next band of settlers willing to stake their claim.
DROAAM What Are Your Ambitions? Citizens of Droaam are
proud of their nation. You know that the rest of Khor­
Capital: The Great Crag vaire considers you a monster. Do you intend to prove
Hallmarks: Byeshk ore, monstrous mercenaries that you and your kind are capable of deeds humanity
Droaam is a nation of monsters ruled by the Daughters can't imagine? Or are you driven solely by your per­
of Sora Kell. Each of these three hags is a legend in her sonal desires, or the goals of your family or warlord?
own right, the subjects of tales used to frighten children. How Does Your Background Shape You? The diverse
Eleven years ago, they seized the lands west of the Gray­ creatures of Droaam could include a kobold city-savvy
wall Mountains and founded the nation of Droaam. rogue urchin, an ore outlander barbarian with little
Although Breland laid claim to these barren lands, knowledge of the outside world, or a tiefling warlock
Galifar had never tamed this wild region. Gnolls, ores, sage versed in Arcana and History.
and goblins commonly sought haven here, as well as
ogres, trolls, harpies, minotaurs, medusas, tieflings, CITIES AND SITES
changelings, lycanthropes, and other races unwelcome I n the past, particular creatures dominated the commu­
in civilized lands. In the past, these creatures fought one nities of Droaam. The harpy flights lived in mountain
another more often than they raided human settlements. peaks, while the medusas remained isolated in the cita­
Under the leadership of the Daughters of Sora Kell, they del of Cazhaak Draa!. Under the rule of the Daughters of
have new purpose. The Daughters use an army of ogres Sora Kell, the Droaamites are creating cities where all
and war trolls to maintain order. manner of creatures live and work together.
To date, the other nations of Khorvaire have refused
to recognize Droaam, and the region was not acknowl­ GRAYWALL
edged in the Treaty of Thronehold. Most people believe Known as the Gateway to Droaam, this city sits on the
that the monstrous nation can't last-that even the border to Breland. Though dominated by monsters
Daughters can't hold the disparate alliance together­ and ruled by a mind flayer, Graywall is both a center
but Droaam is currently thriving and stronger than ever. for trade and a haven for deserters and fugitives. The
Droaam works closely with House Tharashk, selling dragonmarked houses maintain outposts in Graywall,
the services of monstrous soldiers and laborers and and House Tharashk governs the Calabas, the foreign
byeshk ore, a form of metal with magical properties. quarter inhabited by humans and other people from
Beyond that, it's a still-expanding frontier nation. The elsewhere in Khorvaire.
cities of Graywall and Great Crag grow larger and more
organized every day, and the rest of Khorvaire is uneasy THE GREAT CRAG
with the potential power of a fully realized Droaam. Built atop ancient goblin ruins, the Crag is the seat of
The monsters that inhabit Droaam retain their racial the Daughters of Sora Kell. Few outsiders have seen
subcultures. Most worship the Dark Six, but other reli­ this thriving city of monsters. Of the dragonmarked
gious traditions flourish as well. houses, only House Tharashk has a presence in the city.


This hidden city i s ruled by families o f tiefling warlocks
ABOUT DROAAM who wield powerful magic and craft dark wonders. If
• Droaam uses the supernatural abilities of its citizens you're playing a tiefling or a warlock, you could have ties
as tools, just as other nations of Khorvaire use magic. to the Venomous Demesne.
The Daughters of Sora Kell keep their people fed with
troll sausage and use harpy's song to quell brawls. AFTERMATH OF THE LAST WAR
When dealing with monsters in Droaam, consider the Droaam is barely a decade old. The treaty nations refuse
practical applications of their abilities. to acknowledge its sovereignty; according to the terms
• When the Church of the Silver Flame purged lycan­ of the Treaty of Thronehold, it's a rebellious territory
thropy from the Five Nations, a number of lycan­ of Breland. As a renegade nation, it is a haven for war
thropes escaped into the region that later become criminals and deserters, as well as brigands and mages
Droaam. The Dark Pack alliance of lycanthropes, pursuing forbidden paths of magic. The monsters of
worgs, and other supernatural predators hunts south­ Droaam have no particular love for these bandits and
ern Droaam. fugitives, and outlanders have to watch their step.
Tensions remain high on the border with Breland, re­
DROAAMITE CHARACTERS sulting in constant skirmishes and raids. Deeper within
Minotaurs, ores, gnolls, tieflings, changelings, and other the nation, the Daughters of Sora Kell build their power.
monstrous species all have a place in Droaam. Consider Graywall and the Great Crag are constantly expanding,
these questions when making a Droaamite character: with goblins and ogres laboring through the night. War­
lords drill their troops, forcing all manner of monsters
What Makes You Different? The people of Droaam
to work together. A predatory aspect permeates life in
aren't just humans with horns or green skin. Think
Droaam but also a sense of excitement, the belief that
about the unique aspects of your people and what
the Daughters will lead Droaam to greatness. For centu­
makes you different from humanity, both physically
ries the people of Droaam have hidden in the shadows;
and culturally.
now they stand in the light, and they are proud.


a nomadic existence. The Wardens of the Wood uphold
THE KORRANBERG order and settle disputes, and the Great Druid Oal­

CM �ON �CL( ian-an awakened greatpine-is the spiritual leader of

the Reaches.


• The Towering Wood is vast and untamed. The
Wardens of the Wood seek to protect travelers, but
swathes of forest remain entirely untouched by human

TRAI L TO TERROR or shifter. Such areas could hold giant beasts never
seen in the outside world, or relics from a previous
age-artifacts or ruins created by demons or the terri­
We're all going to die. That thought echoed through my
fying daelkyr.
mind as the wagon carried us toward the Great Crag. • The fey have a strong presence in the Towering Wood.
The diplomats around me intended to speak with the Even outside the fey stronghold of the Twilight De­
Daughters of Sora Kell. All I could think about was the mesne, manifest zones tied to Thelanis (see chapter 4)
stories my grandmother used to tell me. Sora Maenya can allow passage between worlds. The Eldeen Reaches
crush a giant with her bare hands. She can eat the whole creature are a logical origin for a character with ties to the fey.
and still be hungry. If you're bad, she'll come in the night and • Druidic magic is a vital tool in the Eldeen Reaches.
carry you away. She'll make a lantern of your skull and torment Residents use animal messengers to carry commu­
you until the end of time. And she's the least frightening
nications between villages, and beasts perform vital
member of the Daughters of Sora Kell!
services. Goodberry wine takes the place of House
When I could set aside my sheer terror, I was learning
a great deal about this strange nation. The Daughters in­ Vadalis healing. Communities include awakened ani­
vested power in warlords, each of whom rules a territory mals and plants as members.
in their name. It's sort of like Karmath, except each of
the warlords of Droaam is a horrifying monster. We were ELDEEN CHARACTERS
traveling through the territory of the Prince of Bones, When creating a n Eldeen character o r NPC, consider
an ancient troll said to be too evil to die. We'd already
the following:
passed through the domain of Queen Sheska the me­
dusa, where even the trees are turning to stone. Harpies. Farm or Forest? Did you grow up on one of the farms of
Gargoyles. There's even a king of the kobolds. Our car­ the eastern Reaches, or did you spend your childhood
avan was being protected by gnolls. Not protected from in the Towering Wood? Are you comfortable in build­
gnolls, protected by gnolls. I thought things couldn't get ings, or do you prefer the open air? As a child of the
any stranger. I couldn't have been more wrong . . . . forest, you might take the outlander background, or
perhaps you became a folk hero by defending farmers
from bandits and beasts.
ELDEEN REACHES Natural Magic. Druidic traditions play an important
Capital: Greenheart
role in Eldeen society. If you're a druid or ranger, are
Hallmarks: Agriculture, animal husbandry, you a stoic Warden of the Wood or a grim Child of
druidic magic Winter? Even if you're not a spellcaster, the Magic Ini­
tiate feat can provide you with a few spells to reflect a
A stretch of fertile farmlands borders a vast, untamed basic initiation into the druidic mysteries.
forest. Farmers tend the fields, while tribes of shifters A Land with No Lords. The Reachers are fiercely inde­
and circles of druids and rangers roam through the pendent. They broke with Aundair, and they bow to
woods. These are the Eldeen Reaches. no monarch. The folk of the Reaches value talent over
Druids and shifters dwelled in the Towering Wood titles. The Eldeen people respect the guidance of the
for thousands of years, but the eastern farmlands of the druids, but they all work together to solve their prob­
Reaches were part of Aundair until the Last War. The lems; no one gives orders to a Reacher.
lords of Aundair focused their resources on the war ef­
fort, ignoring banditry and other problems faced by the
farmers of the east. The Wardens of the Wood-largest
of the druid sects-came to the aid of these farmers.
Fifty years ago, the people of eastern Aundair seceded
and formed the Eldeen Reaches. The Treaty of Throne­
hold recognized the Reaches as a nation, but its citizens
fear Aundair will try to reclaim the region.
Druidic magic is central to life in the Eldeen Reaches.
Its people seek to live in harmony with the natural
world, and each community has a druidic advisor
who helps with planning and planting. The Towering
Wood is also home to tribes of shifters, who maintain


C ITIES AND SITES wander within may stumble upon the City of Rose and
Thorn, the domain of a powerful archfey called the King
Most people o f the Eldeen Reaches live i n villages and of Summer. If you're playing a character with ties to the
on farms. Some folk in the Towering Wood make their fey, the Twilight Demesne could be your home.
homes in the vast trees, while others are wanderers.
THE GLOAMING The largest city in the Reaches serves as the gateway
This region of the Towering Wood has strong ties to the for commerce with the world beyond. Reacher mer­
sinister Plane of Mahar (see chapter 4). It's charged with chants come from far and wide to sell their goods in the
negative energy, and undead and other malevolent crea­ markets of Varna. All the dragonmarked houses have
tures lurk in its shadows. outposts in Varna, but as the ancestral seat of House
Vadalis it houses their largest enclave.
The grove of the Archdruid Oalian, the awakened great­
pine, is a place of great primal power. The Wardens
of the Wood are based around Greenheart, but all the The farmers of the eastern Eldeen seceded from Aun­
druid circles of the Eldeen Reaches send emissaries dair during the Last War, and tensions between the two
to Greenheart when they have important matters nations remain high. Most Reachers believe it's only a
to discuss. matter of time until Aundair tries to reclaim the region,
and every village has a militia ready to serve.
THE TwILIGHT DEMESNE The people of the Reaches value hospitality and re­
Located within the Towering Wood, the Twilight De­ gard all people as equals, but the fear of Aundairian
mesne has close ties to the Faerie Court of Thelanis aggression can cause Reachers to treat foreigners with
(see chapter 4). Fey abound in this forest, and those who suspicion or hostility.


CM �ON �Cll
Capital: Korth
Hallmarks: Ale, dairy, glass, livestock, lumber, martial
discipline, paper, textiles, undead
In a nation of storms and long winters, the grim and
stoic Karrns are accustomed to enduring hardship with­
out complaint.
First and foremost, Karrnath is known for its military
tradition. Strength, strategy, and discipline are the core OF TH E
values of Karrnath. Karrnath's soldiers might be the
finest in Khorvaire, but they lack the magical support
of Aundair or Thrane, which evened the odds during VAM PI RE KING
the Last War. Nonetheless, Karrns are proud of their
martial history, and most are convinced that they would Kaius ir'Wynarn III emerged from the shadows like a
have eventually won the Last War. villain in one of Kessler's plays. His guardians kept him
Karrnath suffered a series of severe food shortages hidden during his youth while his aunt Moranna served
and plagues early in the Last War. As a result, the king as the regent of Karrnath. So it was a surprise to many
when he burst forth to claim his crown and his power,
embraced the Blood of Vol as the national religion. The
all the more so because of his uncanny resemblance
priests of this faith bolstered Karrnath's forces with un­ to Kaius I, the ruler who plunged Karrnath into the
dead. The current king, Kaius ir'Wynarn III, broke ties Last War and instituted the brutal system of laws that
with the Blood of Vol and has stopped creating new un­ bears his name.
dead, but Karrnath still has a significant number of skel­ Given the circumstances of Kaius Ill's ascension, it's
etons and zombies in service. Many Karrns still believe hardly surprising that the new king would face chal­
in the Blood of Vol and approve of the use of undead, but lenges from the proud warlords of Karrnath. Some ques­
just as many feel that this practice disgraces Karrnath's tioned his lineage and his ability to command. But the
proud military history and that the necromancers might most unusual challenge came from the warlord Drago
have been responsible for the famines and plagues. Thul: was Kaius III actually alive? Kaius I had elevated
the Blood of Vol in Karrnath and instituted the use of
undead as weapons of war. Drago Thul asserted that
INTERESTING THI NGS Kaius III was actually Kaius I, a vampiric monster "seek­
ABOUT KARRNATH ing to drain the lifeblood of Karrnath itself." This was a
serious accusation; the undead have no rights under the
Rekkenmark Academy is the premier military insti­ Code of Galifar and cannot inherit titles or lands. Thul's
tute in Khorvaire; prior to the Last War, all of Galifar's challenge spread like wildfire, only to be crushed when
officers trained at Rekkenmark. Kaius III met the warlords under the midday sun and cut
The Sovereign Host has regained its place as the his palm to show his freely flowing blood.
dominant religion of Karrnath, but the Blood of Vol This should have been the end of it, but the tale of the
retains a strong following. Communities that practice Vampire King has proven surprisingly resilient. Some say
the faith still use skeletons and zombies as guards that the king developed special enchantments to avoid
or laborers. the effects of sunlight; others say that he has relies on
• The laws of Karrnath are harsher than those in other changeling impersonators to take his place in the day­
light. As for Drago Thul, he refused to stand down when
treaty nations, approaching a state of martial law.
Kaius III pushed for peace and the Treaty of Thronehold.
He fled to the city of Stormreach in Xen'drik with a
KARRNATHI C HARACTERS small band of followers, and he continues to rally sup­
Karrns are somber folk and disapprove o f extravagance port against "the monster that sits on our throne."
or excessive shows of emotion. As you develop a Karr­
nathi character or NPC, consider the following:
undead? Are you a follower of the Blood of Vol who
Military Service. Karrns have a strong tradition of considers the undead to be a practical tool? Do you
military service, making soldier or sailor appropriate have a relative or friend currently serving? Or do you
backgrounds for any character. Criminals and char­ despise the Blood of Vol and the use of necromancy?
latans have a difficult time evading the harsh laws of
Karrnath. The Martial Adept feat can give a character CITIES AND SITES
a strong sense of military experience.
Martial Tradition. Karrnathi tradition emphasizes Sturdy walls surround Karrnathi communities, and
teamwork, focus, and force, and melee warriors even the smallest village maintains a capable militia.
prefer heavy armor and weapons. Fighters favor the ATUR
Champion and Battle Master martial archetypes, and
Known as the City of Night, Atur is the stronghold of the
Karrnathi wizards choose the School of Evocation or
Blood of Vol in Karrnath. During the war, this was the
Necromancy as their arcane tradition.
center for the production of undead, and massive cata­
T he Dead. Undead soldiers have served in Karrnath's
combs below the city hold legions of Karrnath's undead
armies for decades. How do you feel about the
soldiers in case they are needed again.


Fortresses such as this one dot the hilltops of Karrnath, This massive forest has close ties to the Plane of
watching for signs of enemy encroachment even since Mabar. Monsters sometimes slip out of the Nightwood
the Last War has ended. Fort Bones' garrison consists to threaten the surrounding regions. Criminals and
primarily of Karrnathi undead soldiers. No lights glow fugitives who flee into the Nightwood find the dangers
here, as these undead rely on darkvision to see. within deadlier than any Karrnathi executioner.


The turbulent Cyre River separates this city from the
Karrnath has always been a martial nation, and its
deathly Mournland. Karrlakton is the birthplace of kings
people remain vigilant. Early in the war, King Kaius
(both Karrn the Conqueror and Galifar I were born
I instituted the Code of Kaius, a strict set of laws and
here) and is the center of power for House Deneith. The
limits. Karrnath weathered a number of famines during
house's headquarters, Sentinel Tower, dominates the
the war, and this privation led to an ongoing program of
city's skyline. A stern edifice of angular stone, Sentinel
rationing to ensure that the nation is prepared for what­
Tower radiates martial authority and is one of the most
ever lies ahead. The war is over, but the Code of Kaius
heavily defended fortresses in Khorvaire. Surrounding
and the rationing remains in place; the people of Karr­
the tower are training grounds, barracks, and smithies
nath willingly endure ongoing hardship to ensure that
to accommodate all of House Deneith's needs. Sentinel
their future is secure. The populace frowns on excess of
Tower serves as the headquarters of the famed Sentinel
any sort, accepts limits on luxury items, and approves of
Marshals, though most of them are abroad.
swift and harsh punishments for crime.
KORTH King Kaius III was one of the architects of the Treaty
The capital of Karrnath is a city-fortress on the edge of of Thronehold and remains committed to peace. How­
the Nightwood and the seat of King Kaius III. Its walls ever, many of the nation's warlords believe that Karr­
and towers bristle with the weapons of war, and military nath would have won the Last War and that Kaius de­
marches through the city help bolster the spirits of the nied the Karrnathi people their rightful destiny. Should
Karrns as well as intimidate foreign diplomats. The these warlords gain sufficient support, they could push
forges of Korth produce some of the finest armor and for a military coup.
weapons in Khorvaire. A second destabilizing factor is the tension between
the followers of the Blood of Vol and the Karrnathi tra­
ditionalists. The Seekers assert that the Blood of Vol
saved Karrnath and point to the power of its undead
troops. The traditionalists claim that the dark magic
of the Seekers caused famines and plagues, crippling
Karrnath and forcing it to rely on the undead. The Blood
of Vol could back an uprising in Karrnath, or those who
wish to drive out the Seekers could trigger a civil war.
LHAZAAR PRINCIPALITIE S Big Dreams. Whatever their circumstances, the people
of the principalities always look to the future. What do
Capital: Regalport you want? To find a forgotten treasure hoard? To com­
Hallmarks: Fish, mercenaries, merchants, mand your own ship? To take your place as a prince?
pirates, ships Think big and chase your dreams.
This loose confederacy of pirate lords, merchant
princes, and sea barons holds the northeastern coast­ CITIES AND SITES
- - -------

line of Khorvaire and the many mist-shrouded islands Among the myriad ports and pirate redoubts of the
scattered across it. Recognized as a single allied nation Lhazaar Principalities are ancient ruins from forgotten
under the Treaty of Thronehold, the principalities are civilizations that predate even the Dhakaani Empire, as
more of a loose alliance. Each island domain has its well as tombs built by wealthy pirates and sea lords to
own values, goals, and feuds with other domains. house their treasures and earthly remains.
The Lhazaar are the finest sailors in Khorvaire. During Presented below are a handful of the most widely
the Last War, they served all nations as privateers and known-if hard to find-places in the principalities.
engaged in piracy on the side. When the war ended, they
returned to the merchant trade, but pirates still hunt on D READHOLD
the open seas. This island prison is said to be inescapable. Maintained
The Lhazaar value their independence. Here, anyone by House Kundarak, Dreadhold houses a host of infa­
can rise to captain a ship or even seize a principality. mous criminals and political prisoners. Its vaults also
Leadership is earned, not given. Nevertheless, High hold some of the greatest treasures of House Kundarak.
Prince Ryger ir'Wynarn of Regalport seeks to forge the
principalities into a unified force. He has the finest fleet, PORT VERGE
and his efforts ensured that the principalities gained rec­ Port Verge is the royal port of the Direshark Princi­
ognition at Thronehold, after which he awarded himself pality. Prince Kolberkon yearns to expand Verge and
the title of High Prince. So far, the other princes have overshadow Regalport, and he is always looking for
rejected his proposals for a stronger union. capable adventurers and allies. The Blood of Vol has a
Some principalities are devoted to the Blood of Vol strong presence in Port Verge, and Kolberkon recently
and a few favor the Sovereign Host. Beyond these, the allowed House Lyrandar to establish an enclave there.
Lhazaar show little enthusiasm for religion, though But Kolberkon's thirst for glory may lead him to fool­
many curse the Devourer when a storm comes. ish bargains.


The seat of the High Prince Ryger and the Seadragon
LHAZAAR PRINCIPALITIES Principality, Regalport is the grandest city in the princi­
Rulership of the principalities is so fluid that it's possi­ palities. The patriarch of House Thuranni resides in Re­
ble for someone to start the day as a sailor and end it galport, and House Ghallanda has a significant outpost
as a prince. A campaign could easily be based around here. The Pirate Exchange is the largest market east of
a party of adventurers gaining a principality. the Ironroot Mountains.
The Wind Whisperer principality includes a number
of half-elves with the Mark of Storm-foundlings with TRE BAZ SINARA
no tie to House Lyrandar. The Wind Whisperers want It's said that the legendary pirate queen Lhazaar made
to obtain airships by any means necessary. her home on Trebaz Sinara, and that this island holds
• The Lhazaar Principalities have the largest change­ the treasures and tombs of generations of sea lords.
ling population in Khorvaire. Many of them con­ However, the island hasn't been seen in over five hun­
gregate in the Gray Tide, a domain founded by dred years. Many Lhazaar sailors have devoted their
changelings. lives to finding the legendary lost isle.


A s you develop a Lhazaar character o r NPC, consider During the Last War, the Lhazaar served as privateers
the following: and pirates. Outsiders wonder if the principalities can
adapt to peace, or if their thirst for gold and adventure
Seafarers and Swashbucklers. Most Lhazaar spend
will lead their subjects to ruin.
more time at sea than they do on land. Sailor is an
Most of the princes are content with their domains,
appropriate background for any Lhazaar, but you can
but ambitious rulers such as Prince Ryger of Regalport
ask your DM if you can switch a tool proficiency for ve­
and Prince Kolberkon of Port Verge could shatter the
hicles (water) proficiency. Lhazaar are flamboyant peo­
status quo. Kolberkon seeks to expand his personal
ple with little concern for the law, so charlatan, enter­
power, while Ryger wants to forge a stronger unified
tainer, and folk hero are all appropriate backgrounds.
nation. Both pursue dangerous alliances in their cam­
Local Customs. Each principality has its own martial
paigns. In addition to agreements with the dragon­
traditions, fashions, and slang. Think about how your
marked houses, rumors abound of bargains with drag­
choices reflect your principality and work with your
ons, fiends, and the distant Empire of Riedra. Will the
DM to develop one that fits your character.
dreams of these princes lead to a new war?


Capital: Krona Peak
Ha11marks: Banking, dwarves, metalwork, mining (pre-
cious and non-precious metals)
When humanity first came to Khorvaire, they found
the dwarven clans of the Mror Holds locked in endless
feuds. This division kept the clans from uniting against
the new arrivals, and the dwarves were forced to swear
fealty to Karrnath and Galifar. Over the centuries, they
turned their energies to harnessing the astonishing
natural resources of their mountain home. The dwarves
were then reborn as merchant lords.
In the early days of the Last War, Mror miners made
an astonishing discovery: the ruins of an ancient dwar­
ven empire, vast halls deep within the Ironroot Moun­
tains. Explorers uncovered mines still brimming with
jewels and precious ores and vaults filled with riches
and powerful artifacts. The Mror restored these ancient
fortresses and worked to reclaim the secrets of their
ancestors. Seeing the untapped potential of the Realm
Below and the broken Kingdom of Galifar, the clan lords
joined together to form the Iron Council and to declare
the independence and sovereignty of the Mror Holds.
One question remained: What had become of the an­
cient dwarves? The answer soon became apparent. As
the Mror delved deeper into the Realm Below, they woke
an ancient evil: Dyrrn the Corruptor, a daelkyr lord of
madness. Hordes of aberrations and derro rose from the
depths to challenge the explorers. For decades, the Mror
lords have been fighting a battle in the depths, strug­
gling to drive the darkness from their ancestral halls.
Many dwarves revile anything to do with the daelkyr.
Others believe that the daelkyr can grant the Mror
dwarves the power to overcome any enemy. Some clans
have taken up symbionts and living weapons recovered
from the depths, and cabals of warlocks draw on the
power of the Plane of Xoriat (see chapter 4).
The Mror Holds consist of a loose confederation.
Twelve noble clans each govern a hold and have a
representative on the Iron Council, which resolves dis­
putes and issues affecting the entire nation. Each hold
includes a number of lesser clans, who owe fealty to the
noble line. Those who occupy land above have the right
to claim the halls that lie below if they can.
The Sovereign Host is the dominant faith of the Mror
Holds. Kol Korran is the most beloved of the Sover­
eigns, but the dwarves also revere Boldrei, Doi Dorn,
Olladra, and Onatar.


• The Mror Holds contain deep reserves o f gold, silver,
and other rare and precious metals, along with iron
and other ores. The Mror dwarves are skilled miners
and artisans.
• A clan of ores called the Jhorash'tar live among the
Ironroot Mountains. The Jhorash'tar have been slowly
crowded into the least hospitable regions of the moun­
tains. A few dwarven clans seek to incorporate the
Jhorash'tar into Mror society, but others wish to drive
them out once and for all.
• The dwarves have recovered artifacts and arcane se­
crets from the Realm Below. Dwarf artificers are still THE VOICE OF
working to master the techniques of their ancestors,
while warlocks strive to harness the powers of the
daelkyr. Mror communities are shaped by the artifacts
OC�� � N/4JM
they possess or by their interactions with the daelkyr.
A Mror lord might serve guests from a bottomless
cauldron of wine, while another studies strangers
using a crown of eyes, claiming that this living artifact
reveals all evil intent. B I RTH PLACE O F
A s you develop a Mror character o r NPC, consider the
It's been exactly seventy years since the Iron Council
Clan Focus. The dwarf clan is the heart of Mror culture. declared the Mror Holds' independence from Karrnath.
Is your clan known for mercantile power or martial King Kaius II was newly seated on the steel throne and
skill? Are you a noble-even if you're a few steps re­ lacked the resolve to bring the dwarf lords to heel. Now
moved from true power? Or are you a guild artisan or we see the harvest we have sown, and it is horrifying.
soldier? Most Mror have embraced modern martial Without the firm hand of Karrnath to keep them on
techniques, but a few minor clans still cling to barbar­ a righteous path, the Mror dwarves have embraced
ian traditions of the past. What caused you to leave foul powers.
your hold? Are you serving your clan and honing your Witness Lord Malus Soldorak, seen in Korth this week
for trade negotiations. His breastplate was forged from
skills, or have you been exiled from your homeland?
chitin and muscle, and it seemed to pulse with its own
T he Realm Below. How has the Realm Below affected heartbeat. A guard present at the event said that Soldor­
your family and your character? Do you oppose the ak's axe moaned when the blade came close to him, as if
foul forces that infest your ancestral halls, or do you the weapon hungered for human blood.
see them as a source of power? You might be a pal­ This is what springs from our mercy and forbearance.
adin sworn to oppose the horrors that dwell in the Who knows what horrors the dwarves are crafting-or
deep, or you could be a warlock who's forged a pact breeding-in their mountain halls? We cannot stand
with a Great Old One patron, one of the dark powers by and let this vileness continue. For the good of our
in the depths. nation, we call on all true Karrns to demand that Regent
Pride in Possessions. From the wealthiest clan lord
Moranna unleash our full might on the Mror Holds and
cleanse this horror!
to the humblest miner, the Mror take great pride in
their possessions. Quality is more important than
appearance, and you are interested in the history of
the items you carry. If you find a magic weapon, you SOLANGAP
want to know the battles it has seen and the warriors The holdfast of Clan Soldorak, Solangap boasts vast
who have wielded it before you. This is especially true gold mines and the largest mint and treasury in Khor­
of the relics recovered from the Realm Below. Who vaire. Clan Soldorak has recovered many daelkyr
forged the blade you carry? Do you bear a trinket from tools and weapons from the Realm Below. Solan lords
a forgotten age? proudly wear symbionts and make no effort to hide their
warlock pacts.
The Mror Holds spread across the Ironroot Mountains. Four hundred years ago, the dwarves of Clan Noldrun
Most Mror communities are at least partially subterra­ vanished. All expeditions that delved into Noldrunhold
nean, extending down into the mountains. The Realm ended in disaster, and the region was declared to be
Below is deep beneath the surface, and not every town cursed and shunned. At the time, the dwarves believed
has a passage to it. that the Jhorash'tar ores were responsible, but now it
seems more likely that the Noldrun opened a path to the
KRONA PEAK Realm Below. What malevolent powers have claimed
Located in the dwarven realm of Mroranonhold, Krona the halls of Noldrunhold?
Peak serves as the seat of the Iron Council and thus is
the Mror Holds' equivalent of a capital. This center of THE REALM BELOW
commerce provides a major connection to the western No one knows the extent or depth of the ancient dwar­
nations. Kol Korran's Throne, Khorvaire's largest tem­ ven empire deep beneath the Ironroot Mountains. Great
ple to the Sovereign Lord of World and Wealth, domi­ wealth and arcane secrets remain hidden in these halls,
nates the cityscape. along with endless hordes of aberrations. As a Mror ad­
venturer, you could help your family reclaim lands from
the Realm Below, or you could lead your allies into the
deep in search of wealth and glory.


The Mror Holds declared independence during the Last Capital: Newthrone
War. Many nations depend on the resource of the Holds, Hallmarks: Eberron dragonshards, rare herbs
and the Treaty of Thronehold affirmed its sovereignty.
Q'barra is a young nation on the edge of Khorvaire, an
To the casual observer, the Mror dwarves' star ap­
untamed frontier filled with danger and opportunity.
pears to be rising. Their mines seem to offer limitless
During the golden age of Galifar, few humans bothered
resources. Mror artificers make amazing strides as
to cross the Endworld Mountains to explore the vast
they study the relics of their ancestors. The dwarves are
jungle beyond. When the Last War broke out, a fleet of
proud of their ancient past and optimistic about the fu­
settlers came to Q'barra in search of a new home far
ture. Most Mror are generous and courageous, eager to
from the war. As this settlement expanded, the settlers
show off their wealth and accomplishments.
discovered massive deposits of Eberron dragonshards
Those who dig deeper realize that this prosperity is
(see chapter 5). Over the past decade, a wave of pros­
built on an unstable foundation. The Last War may be
pectors, wandslingers, refugees, and fortune-seekers
over, but the war against the daelkyr has barely begun.
have descended on Q'barra, along with brigands, de­
The clan lords hold their reclaimed halls in the Realm
serters from the war, and all manner of criminals and
Below, but no one knows the full extent of the power of
the daelkyr. A renewed assault could come at any time,
To their surprise, Q'barra was already home to a num­
whether it's a force of monsters boiling up from below or
ber of ancient civilizations humans know nothing about:
a creeping madness that infects the weak-willed.
the lizardfolk of the Cold Sun Federation, the dragon­
The dwarves are also divided by their attitude toward
born of Ka'rhashan, and the confederacy of the Poison
the aberrations. Some of the clans-notably Soldorak­
Dusk lizardfolk. Most settlers refer to them collectively
embrace symbionts and other daelkyr gifts; some even
as "scales." King Sebastes ir'Kesslan of Newthrone has
experiment with flesh-warping techniques and create
established a treaty with the Cold Sun Federation, but
their own monsters. Others-notably Clan Mroranon­
communication has been difficult and prospectors rarely
avoid contact with the aberrations. Such dwarves trea­
abide by the terms of the treaty.
sure the relics of their ancestors but despise those who
use symbionts or form pacts with the darkness.
Long ago, the dwarves engaged in vicious feuds that
kept them from uniting as a nation. This new divide ABOUT Q'BARRA
could reignite those rivalries, leading to a civil war on • Q'barra is one of the richest sources of Eberron drag­
the surface even as evil gains strength in the depths. onshards in Khorvaire, drawing waves of settlers and
prospectors to this young and growing nation on the Q'barra. Myriad people from all over Khorvaire mingle
edge of civilization. here in crowded streets. Soldiers pay little heed to the
• Certain ruins in Q'barra appear connected to the Age rampant crime in these streets, viewing it instead as
of Demons. The settlers know little of the history of part of life in the port city.
this region, but the Poison Dusk lizardfolk have ties to
fiendish powers. WYRMWATCH
• House Tharashk has a strong presence in Q'barra. A thriving prospecting town in Hope, Wyrmwatch was
Tharashk is the primary buyer of Eberron drag­ established by Cyran refugees. Although far smaller
onshards and also runs large-scale mining opera­ than New Cyre in Breland, its people are proud of what
tions here. they have built. The independent community is led by
Elder Nevillom, a veteran and evangelist of the Silver
Q' BARRAN C HARACTERS Flame. Nevillom's courage and passionate sermons help
sustain the people of Wyrmwatch in difficult times.
Q'barra tempts explorers from the west with the pros­
pects of wealth and new lands to conquer-mostly hu­
mans but including members of all races found in Khor­
vaire. Settlers, dragonborn, and lizardfolk characters The influx of Cyran refugees promises to reshape
who originate here should consider the following: Q'barra. Most of the settlers are peaceful people search­
ing for a homes and opportunities, but some among
Settlers. Q'barra is an excellent place to explore the
them chose Q'barra over refugee camps because they
traditional archetypes of the classic Western. As a
refused to accept charity from former enemies. These
paladin, you could be a lone sheriff seeking to protect
"Mourners" rob and kill settlers from the nations that
your newly formed mining village. Your cleric could be
fought against Cyre. Hope also has its share of brigands
the town preacher. As a sorcerer or bard with a crim­
and criminals, bandits who prey on House Tharashk
inal background, you could be a dashing wandslinger
convoys and settlers alike.
looking for trouble and gold.
The relationship between the settlers and the natives
Renegades and Regrets. Q'barra promises a land of
is another source of tension. Although King Sebastes
opportunity and a place where you can leave your
forged a treaty with the Cold Sun Federation, the pros­
past behind. Are you a deserter? Were you convicted
pectors of Hope regularly violate this treaty. The Poison
of a crime you didn't commit? Are you fleeing from a
Dusk lizardfolk are hostile to both the settlers and the
broken heart? Q'barra has also drawn Cyran refugees
Cold Sun Federation. Conflicts between settlers and
and newly freed warforged, both seeking a home in
scales have escalated over the last four years, and many
the wild east.
fear that worse is yet to come.
Lizardfolk. The lizardfolk's primitive culture blends
druidic traditions with the beliefs of the Silver Flame.
You might have been sent to study the softskins-to SHADOW MARCHES
learn about them and potentially serve as an envoy for Capital: Zarash'ak (unofficial)
your people. Alternatively, you could be following a Hallmarks: Eberron dragonshards, herbs
spiritual vision. When most people think of the Shadow Marches, they
Dragonborn. The dragonborn live amid the remnants imagine a fetid backwater where illiterate humans
of ancient glory. They have a proud martial tradition, mingle with ores and other foul creatures, practicing
and a number of dragonborn venture west in search of strange rites by the light of the moons. While flawed,
worthy challenges. If you follow this path, you might this vision isn't entirely inaccurate. The Shadow
have served as a mercenary in the Last War. Marches are a desolate land of swamps and moors. The
homeland of the ores, the Marches were scarred in the
C ITIES AND SITES ancient conflict with the daelkyr. The fiends left twisted
Q'barra i s split into three main regions. New Galifar is creatures and aberrations in the swamps, and sowed
the original colony; it has a feudal structure and holds seeds of madness that linger to this day. There are in­
to the laws of the Treaty of Thronehold. To the north, deed moonlit rituals in the Marches: some to honor the
Hope is a collection of small mining towns. In Hope, the daelkyr, others to maintain the wards that keep them
law goes only as far as the people willing to enforce it. trapped in Khyber.
Beyond these human regions lie the unexplored lands of Humans came to the Marches long ago, refugees
the scales. fleeing a war in the distant land of Sarlona. Over time
the two cultures merged, forming the Marches as they
HAKA'TORVHAK exist today.
Explorers tell stories of a city hidden deep in the jungles The Marches had little contact with the Kingdom of
of Q'barra-a wondrous citadel of obsidian and brass. Galifar or the east until a few hundred years ago, when
According to these tales, the city is filled with treasure a House Sivis expedition made two discoveries: the re­
and guarded by a dragon fused with an ancient demon. gion contained valuable dragonshards, and a number of
clans had manifested the Dragonmark of Finding. This
led to the foundation of House Tharashk, as these clans
The capital of New Galifar and the seat of King
joined together to master the economic potential of their
Sebastes, Newthrone is the largest city and port in
mark and leverage their mineral wealth.


The Shadow Marches aren't a nation. No one voice hunter-gatherers, they don't work metals; they make
speaks for the clans and tribes, and most of the tribes their tools from stone, hide, wood, and bone. If your
have no interest in dealing with outsiders. House Tha­ character is from one of the Marcher tribes, you might
rashk is the largest faction in the region, and their city of be the first of your people to leave the swamps. Why
Zarash'ak is the center for commerce. have you left your people, and how are you adapting to
House Tharashk is the main point of contact between this new world?
the Shadow Marches and the outside world. Tharashk
aside, the region remains a collection of tribes and cult­ CITIES AND SITES
ists following their ancient traditions in the shadows of The clans o f the Shadow Marches primarily live i n small
the swamps. towns and villages, their huts raised above the swamps
on stilts. The Shadow Marches contain many manifest
I NTERESTING THINGS ABOUT THE zones tied to Xoriat and Kythri (see chapter 4 for de­
SHADOW MARCHES scriptions of both), the planes of madness and chaos.
• The untamed Shadow Marches are filled with mys­ Time moves strangely in places in the deep swamps,
teries. Relics of the daelkyr rest undisturbed in the which twists mundane beasts and plants into strange
depths of the swamps, along with foul monsters and shapes. Daelkyr ruins linger in these areas, remnants of
druidic shrines. the ancient war against the goblins and ores that once
The Marches are the birthplace of the druidic tradi­ dominated Khorvaire.
tion of the Gatekeepers. Long ago, this sect defeated
the vile daelkyr; today, its last champions continue to
The Shadow Marches hold deposits of Eberron dragon­
protect Eberron from aberrations and other extrapla­
shards, the source of House Tharashk's wealth. These
nar threats.
fields aren't as rich as those in Q'barra, but there's gold
• Even in defeat, the daelkyr sowed seeds of madness in
to be made by those willing to hunt for shards in the
the Marches. Followers of the Cults of the Dragon Be­
dangerous swamps.
low remain scattered across the region. Some of these
cults work with mind flayers and other aberrations. VVARAAK'S CAVE
Others have no evil intent but are driven by dangerous The green dragon Vvaraak i s said t o have taught the
delusions. secrets of druidic magic to the first Gatekeepers thou­
sands of years ago. Though Vvaraak is long dead, ru­
MARCHER C HARACTERS mors say that her hidden lair holds secrets tied to the
A s you develop a Marcher character or NPC, consider Draconic Prophecy and the mysteries of druidic magic.
the following:
T he Mark of Finding. An alliance of Marcher clans
Because overland travel through Droaam or the Eldeen
formed House Tharashk, but not all those who car­
Reaches can be extremely dangerous, most people who
ried the mark chose to join this house. As a half-ore
need to do business in the Marches travel by ship to the
with the Mark of Finding, you could be a child of the
port city of Zarash'ak. Built on stilts and known for its
Marches with a strong tie to the house, or you could
cuisine and music, Zarash'ak offers the rare exports of
be a scion of a small tribe of hunters, proud of your in­
the land without the difficulty of navigating the swamps.
dependence and suspicious of the houses. Your ties to
House Tharashk oversees the City of Stilts, but Marcher
the Marches might be distant because you were born
clans and tribes come here to sell crafts and other goods
to a family that left years ago. Do you want to redis­
or to celebrate religious rituals.
cover your ancestral roots?
Madness and Mysticism. Most Marchers have a mysti­ AFTERMATH OF THE LAST WAR
cal view of the world, beliefs shaped by the traditions
of the Gatekeepers and the madness of the daelkyr. The Shadow Marches aren't a nation, and the region
Marchers typically feel that the people of the treaty wasn't recognized by the Treaty of Thronehold. Most
nations are blinded by their civilized ways. You have Marchers have little interest in the outside world.
heard the truth in the voices of croaking frogs and Marcher tribes don't know the names or number of the
seen it in the shadows shifting on the water. Whether nations beyond the swamps, let alone that they were
you're loyal to the Gatekeepers, the Sovereign Host, or at war. However, as House Tharashk gains power and
the Dragon Below, superstitions inform your path. influence in the world beyond the swamps, it has in­
Clan or Tribe? The people of the Shadow Marches are creased its presence in its homeland. The house has
split into two distinct cultures. The clans blend the tra­ expanded Zarash'ak dramatically over the last decade
ditions of human and ore, building towns and working and is working on transforming other towns into cities.
with steel. If you were raised in one of the clans, the This has caused tension with a number of tribes. And
ways of civilization aren't that strange to you; you've House Tharashk's mining operations and its urban
seen the city of Zarash'ak and worked with House expansion always run the risk of disrupting Gatekeeper
Tharashk. By contrast, the Marcher tribes main- seals and unleashing ancient evils bound beneath
tain traditions that predate humanity. As nomadic the Marches.


The Talentan reverence for spirits derives from the
TALENTA PLAINS fact that a variety of spirits haunt the Plains. The re­
Capital: Gatherhold gion contains an unusual number of manifest zones
Hallmarks: Dinosaurs, halflings, livestock tied to Dolurrh and Thelanis (see chapter 4 for de­
The halflings of the Talenta Plains have no cities and no scriptions of both). Ghosts are more likely to linger
industrialized magic, but they do have dinosaurs. The in such places, and minor fey are scattered across
halflings domesticated the dinosaurs of the plains and the Plains.
use these creatures as mounts, livestock, and beasts • Stories tell of ancient ruins that date back to the first
of burden. A sacred bond exists between a hunter and age of the world and of a vast graveyard holding the
mount, and few people are prepared to face a raging hal­ bones of dragons.
fling barbarian riding a furious clawfoot raptor.
Talenta religion reveres spirits, both departed ances­ TALENTAN CHARACTERS
tors and natural spirits. Each tribe has a lath-a chief­ S e e chapter 1 for quirks and other features relevant to
tain who guides the tribe-and shamans who consult halfling characters from the Talenta Plains. Also con­
the spirits and choose the paths of migration. sider the following:
In the past, the tribes stood alone, but during the Last
Wild Warriors and Tricksters. You were born in the
War, many halflings came together under Lathon Hal­
wild, and your wits and your weapons helped you
pum to defend their land. Halpum won recognition for
survive. Talenta warriors are often barbarians or rang­
the Plains as one of the Thronehold nations, though it's
ers, relying on speed and skill. Outlander is a logical
still unclear what this means beyond increasing passage
background, but you could easily be a folk hero, enter­
between the Plains and the outside world.
tainer, or charlatan. You could even be an urchin who
I NTERESTING THINGS ABOUT THE was stranded in a great city and adapted to life there.
Surrounded by Spirits. Fey, fiends, and the ghosts of
TALENTA PLAINS ancestors, these are all part of the spirit world, and
House Ghallanda and House jorasco both originated they're all around you. Do you believe that the spirits
in the Talenta Plains. The dragonmarked bloodlines guide your actions? Do you show respect to the spirits
appear throughout the tribes, though you can play a of a location? Talentan shamans tend to be druids of
dragonmarked halfling from the Plains who doesn't the Circle of the Moon or the Circle of the Shepherd
work for the houses. (from Xanathar's Guide to Everything), often assum­
ing the form of dinosaurs. You could also reflect a
strong bond to spirits by playing a warlock with an
Archfey patron, a cleric with the Nature domain, a pal­
adin sworn to the Oath of the Ancients, or a barbarian
on the Path of the Totem Warrior or Path of the Ances­
tral Guardian (from Xanathar's Guide to Everything).

Hermit and outlander are natural backgrounds, but
you could be an acolyte or a sage who consults spirits
instead of books. Warriors and shamans both wear Capital: Flamekeep
masks to present a particular face to the spirit world. Hallmarks: Divine magic, fine crafts, fruit, livestock,
Dinosaurs. Talenta halflings have a close bond to their the Silver Flame, textiles, wool
dinosaur companions. If you don't begin the campaign The modern Church of the Silver Flame was founded in
with a dinosaur mount or companion, you might ac­ Thrane, and most of the people of the nation follow this
quire one over the course of your adventures. You can faith. During the Last War, the people of Thrane chose
also consider whether a fallen dinosaur is part of your to set aside the rule of the monarchy and to embrace
backstory; perhaps you lost your faithful mount in the the leadership of the church. For the last seventy years,
Last War, but you believe its spirit is still with you. Thrane has been a theocracy. The head of the state is
1 1-year-oldjaela Daran, the divinely selected Keeper of
CITIES AND SITES the Flame. ]aela depends on the Council of Cardinals to
The Talenta Plains have been described a s a n ocean of perform the practical work of running the nation.
grasslands. The nomadic halfiings have little interest The primary purpose of the Silver Flame is to defend
in building towns; most shelter in the Talenta Plains is the innocent from supernatural evil. The church has
temporary. Halfiings shun the ruins scattered across the always had a militant aspect, with battalions of templars
Plains, believing them to be haunted by fiends. and peasant militias prepared to face undead, lycan­
thropes, or other monstrous threats. But compassion
GATHERHOLD and charity are core values of the church, and the tem­
All the halfiing tribes come to Gatherhold to trade, hold plars are tasked to defend all innocents. Even during the
councils, and settle disputes. House Ghallanda main­ Last War, if a fiendish threat arose in a Brelish village,
tains the town, but Gatherhold belongs to the people, Thrane templars would ally with the locals to bring an
not the houses. Other dragonmarked houses offer their end to the threat. Not all Thranes rise to this ideal. Zeal­
services here as well. The town is on the shore of Lake ous Thranes believe the church is destined to reunite
Cyre, and once people came by boat through Cyre; now Galifar under the Silver Flame, and corrupt priests are
the Mourning has cut off that passage. interested only in power and wealth.
Not all priests are clerics, and the typical templar is a
THE WANDERING INN mundane warrior. However, due to the deep faith of its
This caravan maintained by members of House Gha­ people, Thrane produces more clerics and paladins than
llanda is a traveling fair, providing entertainment and any other nation in Khorvaire.
shelter to any fortunate enough to cross its path. When
times are dark and travelers are weary, one can always
hope that the Wandering Inn is just beyond the horizon.
-- THE --
The halfling tribes joined together to defend themselves SM�� n 1 nQU I SlllW�
from outsiders, and the Talenta Plains were recognized


as a nation under the Treaty of Thronehold. Now that
the war is over, most of the tribes have returned to their
hunting grounds and ancient traditions. They united to
defend their way of life, and now they wish to enjoy it.
But the halflings don't yet know if it's possible to
return to the previous ways. More foreigners visit
the Plains than at any time in the past. Settlers and
merchants cross the Plains as they make their way to F LA M E !
Q'barra, and they clash with Q'barran bandits. The Vale­
nar elves ride through the Plains in search of adventure. Growing up on the streets of the Callestan district in
Monsters emerge from the Mournland. Dragonmarked Sham, I learned not to put my faith in anything I couldn't
see or hold. I think that's why my editor sent me to
houses seek to expand their role at Gatherhold and to
Flamekeep to cover the Ascension; surely I'd see clearly,
explore the untapped resources of the Plains. with eyes untouched by faith. I thought so, too. But then
The halflings have no interest in change, but it might I found myself in the Chamber of Tira's Sacrifice, a pillar
be inevitable. Lathon Halpum believes that if the tribes of silver fire marking the spot where one woman gave
can work together, they could become a nation of na­ her life to protect countless innocents. I saw people from
tions, but others aggressively oppose such a path. Holy all nations joined together in song, celebrating both that
Uldra is a powerful shaman and the leader of her own ancient sacrifice and the end of our current war. And
tribe. She urges halfiing warriors to join together for a looking into the innocent eyes of the child priestess, I
single purpose: to drive all outsiders from the Plains truly heard the words of that song for the first time: a call
for all of us to be better than we are, to protect those in
and to maintain the ancient traditions. The halflings
need, to remember that we are all one people in the light
must decide whether the tribes will choose the path of
of the Silver Flame.
peace or return to war.



INTERESTING THINGS could take the acolyte background to reflect a strong

connection to the church or the soldier background
ABOUT THRANE based on service with the templars.
• Faith is part of daily life in Thrane, and divine adepts Church or Crown? Do you support the theocracy, or
provide important services. Magic is also common would you like to see power restored to the throne?
in Thrane. Everbright lanterns light the streets while Many people of faith believe that miring the church in
magewrights and wizards practice their trades, politics distracts it and invites corruption.
though there are fewer of them than in other nations. Dealing with Darkness. The Shadow in the Flame can
• Every town has a militia ready to deal with super­ tempt even the most virtuous soul. How do you react
natural threats, and people stand together to fight when you encounter corruption and greed? Are you a
darkness. Champions of the light find support and compassionate person who seeks to lead people to the
hospitality, but any character who dabbles with dark light, or a zealot determined to crush all darkness?
forces-necromancers, warlocks, and the like-finds
Thrane a dangerous, unwelcoming place. CITIES AND SITES
The feudal system of nobility remains in place, but The Church o f the Silver Flame i s a militant faith, and
ultimate authority rests in the hands of the church. Thrane communities are built around fortified churches
Queen Diani ir'Wynarn is the "blood regent," serving designed to serve as fortresses in times of trouble.
as a symbolic advisor to the Keeper of the Flame. A Larger towns maintain sturdy walls patrolled by skilled
small fraction of the population would like to see the archers. A Flamic architectural style appears through­
traditional monarchy restored to power. out the region. Buildings incorporate light and soaring
spaces, and icons of the Silver Flame and images of the
THRANE CHARACTERS martyr Tira Miron appear throughout the nation.
A s you develop a Thrane character, consider the follow­
ing details: FLAMEKEEP
The spiritual heart and capital of Thrane, Flamekeep is
T he Impact of Faith. If you want to reflect a close bond
a massive fortress city. The Keeper of the Flame dwells
to the Silver Flame, you could gain a few divine spells
in the great Cathedral of the Silver Flame, which holds
by taking the Magic Initiate feat. Archery is a devo­
the pillar of fire born when Tira Miron sacrificed herself
tional practice of the Silver Flame, so as a martial
to bind the demon Bel Shalor. The cathedral is the seat
Thrane you might focus on archery-related combat
of the Council of Cardinals and the primary garrison
styles or take the Sharpshooter feat. Any Thrane


of the templar order. Flamekeep is also home to Thal­
ingard, the ancestral palace of the rulers of Thrane and
current residence of Queen Diani ir'Wynarn. Capital: Throneport
Hallmarks: Entertainers, international intrigue, spies
SHADUKAR After forging a united kingdom, Galifar I realized early
Shadukar is a grim reminder of the cost of the war. on that the crown could not rule from one of the existing
Once known as the Jewe! of the Sound, this coastal realms. To do so would be to put one of the Five Nations
city was destroyed in a bitter siege against Karrnathi above the others, and that would lead to breaks and frac­
forces. The city has yet to be reclaimed, and it's said to tures that would eventually destroy the kingdom. Thus,
be haunted both by Thrane ghosts and by undead forces he established his seat of power on an island in Scions
left behind by the Karrns. Sound. There he built the great castle of Thronehold.
After Jarot's death and the rejection of the line of suc­
cession that led to the Last War, the island and castle
An ancient Aundairian city seized during the Last
were largely abandoned. A special detachment of House
War, Thaliost was ceded to Thrane under the Treaty
Deneith guards, the Throne Wardens, remained in
of Thronehold. Many of its people bitterly oppose the
place to protect the castle, but all government functions
Thrane occupation, but it's also become a haven for
ceased with the collapse of the Kingdom of Galifar.
Aundairian followers of the extremist Pure Flame sect;
Throneport, a town in the shadow of the castle, be­
violence often breaks out between these two factions.
came a place for dissidents, criminals, spies, and merce­
naries, and the once safe port turned into a rough-and­
AFTERMATH OF THE LAST WAR tumble town without allegiance to any single nation.
The war is over, but deep rifts remain between Thrane
and its neighbors. Aundairian war magic created a INTERE STING THINGS
blasted wasteland between the two nations. To the east,
the conflict with Karrnath left farms and cities such as
Shadukar devastated and abandoned, home only to the • Representatives (and spies) of the Five Nations gather
lingering undead left behind after the Karrnathi retreat. in the town of Throneport, where it's impossible to tell
For most, these grim reminders of war strengthen friend from foe and alliances shift daily.
Thrane resolve. The common people are united by their • Although Cyre no longer has a peacekeeping force on
faith and sure of the righteousness of their cause. The the island, many Cyrans find work here as spies and
Silver Flame urges people to stand together in the face agents for other nations.
of evil, and across the nation, villagers work together to
repair the damage inflicted during the war. People in THRONEHOLD C HARACTERS
a Thrane village regularly cooperate to raise a barn or A s you develop a character o r N P C from Thronehold,
practice archery in the fields. consider the following:
The Silver Flame urges its followers to feel compas­
Cold Warriors. Thronehold is a gladiatorial arena for
sion for all people, which often proves a more difficult
challenge. Thrane has never forgiven Karrnath for its diplomats and spies, a dangerous playground for
bored nobles, and a haven for treacherous double
use of undead soldiers, and many Thranes are quick
to imagine all Karrns as agents of darkness. Likewise, agents. Characters with the charlatan, spy, noble, or
Thranes have bitter memories of the conflict with Aun­ criminal background might all test their skills here.
dair, and Aundairian wizards or eldritch knights receive
a cold reception.
For most Thranes, the war strengthened their faith
and drew them together. However, some question the
validity of theocratic rule. Such doubt can be found
even among the most devout followers of the faith; such
people fear that the merging of temporal and spiritual
authority distracts the church from its proper mission.
If these doubts spread, a serious faction might seek
to restore Queen Diani to power.
Thaliost is another open wound. The Coun­
cil of Cardinals is determined to hold onto
this prize, but it is a bitter point of conten­
tion with Aundair and a constant source
of tension and violence. In creating a
Thrane character, consider how you
feel about Thaliost. Would you like to
see it returned to Aundair, or do you
support Thrane's rule?


Play It Again. If diplomats and spies have one thing in I NTERESTING THINGS
common, it's a weakness for pleasant distractions.
When not playing their games of deceit, they seek out ABOUT VALENAR
the best entertainment and companionship the island • The dragonmarked House Lyrandar helped the Vale­
has to offer. Characters with the entertainer back­ nar elves build the infrastructure of their kingdom.
ground can make many untrustworthy friends here. The half-elves have no homeland, but House Lyrandar
hopes to make Valenar a haven for its people.
AFTERMATH OF THE LAST WAR • The ancestors of the elves fought goblins for control
By 975 YK, Throneport had grown into a small city in of this region many thousands of years ago. Relics of
which all of the nations and dragonmarked houses had that struggle are still scattered across Valenar and the
at least a small presence, turning it into a hotbed of in­ Blade Desert: ruins, haunted fortresses, and battle­
ternational intrigue. The Treaty of Thronehold further fields that have slipped out of alignment with time.
solidified Throneport as a multinational capital under • Valenar warbands include druids and rangers, and
the control of small peacekeeping forces from Aundair, druidic magic bolsters the military arsenal of the
Breland, Karrnath, and Thrane, with House Deneith elves. Walls of thorns surround elven fortresses, and
Throne Wardens in place to make sure the terms of beasts fight alongside the elves. Valenar horses are
the treaty are honored. Today, the small city is neutral known for being as fearless and stubborn as the elves
ground, but the castle and its grounds remain off limits who ride them.
and under the watchful protection of the wardens.
VALENAR See chapter 1 for additional information about creating
Valenar elves. When creating a Valenar character or
Capital: Taer Valaestas
NPC, consider the following:
Hallmarks: Elves, horses, mercenaries
Martial Role. Valenar was forged in war. As an elf, con­
In the midst of the Last War, an army of Tairnadal war­
sider your role in a warband. Are you a simple soldier,
rior elves from Aerenal seized this region from Cyre,
an acolyte devoted to the elven ancestors, or a sage
invoking a claim to the land from long before humanity's
familiar with your Valenar history? As a half-elf, you
arrival on the continent. The elves of Valenar devote
might be an entertainer, a sailor, or a guild artisan
themselves to the arts of war. Their cavalry has no equal
working to support the elf army, or you might be a
in Khorvaire, and they combine a talent for magic with
charlatan seeking opportunities. As a human from
stealth and swordplay. Cyre employed the Valenar as
Valenar, you could be an urchin born in Taer Valaes­
mercenaries until the elves betrayed Cyre and took a
tas, or a folk hero fighting for the common people.
corner of the nation for themselves. These lands es­
Dreams. Have you left Valenar behind, or are your as­
caped the destruction visited upon the rest of Cyre. After
pirations tied to the new kingdom? As a half-elf with
the Mourning, no one wanted to challenge the Valenar's
Valenar blood, do you want to be recognized as a true
claim to the land they had taken; in the interests of
Valenar-granted a bond to a patron ancestor and a
peace, the Treaty of Thronehold recognized the new elf
chance at immortality-or are you more interested
kingdom of Valenar.
in building a homeland for your people? As a human
Valenar elves spend little time at rest, operating in
whose land the elves reclaimed, do you want to work
small units called warbands. Those who aren't pa­
with the elves or do you want to drive them out-and if
trolling the kingdom travel abroad seeking adventure.
so, who do you want to replace them?
Half-elves handle the civic administration. Some of
Animal Companions. Feytouched beasts play an
these are the children of Valenar elves, but most are im­
important role in Valenar society. The Valenar are
migrants who've come from elsewhere in Khorvaire in
known for their steeds, but a wide range of Valenar
search of opportunity. Cyran humans still occupying the
beasts bond with non-elves. As a starting character,
region fall below them in rank. Once citizens of Cyre,
you might not have established a connection to a Vale­
now they're citizens of Valenar. Little has changed for
nar beast. If you return to Valenar later in your adven­
the commoners, most of whom don't care who wears
turing career, perhaps you will find your bondmate.
the crown.
The harsh sands of the Blade Desert cover northern
Valenar and serve as a natural barrier between this land
and the rest of Khorvaire. Beyond the desert, Valenar Most o f the communities o f Valenar consist o f farming
transitions from rolling steppes to fertile plains. The villages, with fortress towers scattered across the plains
desert can be deadly, but the Valenar elves pose the as military outposts.
greatest risk for adventurers. The elves won't interfere
with peaceful caravans, but a well-armed group of trav­ MOONSHADOW
elers invites challenges. A peaceful Khoravar village built on the Old Road,
Moonshadow is a young community, built by immigrants
who hope that Valenar can become a home for their peo­
ple. Though small, Moonshadow has drawn half-elves
from across Khorvaire, and a surprising number of
gifted scholars and artisans thrive in the village.


The second largest city in Valenar, Pylas Maradal is
a port on the southern coast. House Lyrandar has in­
vested in the city and built shipyards and a large house
enclave. The port sees traffic from Q'barra, Sarlona, and
Aerenal. When the region was part of Cyre, this city was
known as Southport, a haven for smugglers and pirates.

High King Shaeras Vadallia maintains his seat in Taer
Valaestas. Located in the center of the kingdom, the
city is built for war and surrounded by a living wall of
bronzewood thorns. In addition to the royal palace,
outposts of most dragonmarked houses, and a market
where foreigners sell their wares, Taer Valaestas hosts
the primary temple of the Keepers of the Past and a vast
arena used for horse training, races, and other displays
of equestrian skill.


There's a popular saying in Taer Valaestas: "The
shadow of war hangs long over Valenar." War defines
Valenar culture. The Treaty of Thronehold recognized
Valenar as a sovereign nation, but the elves are already
pushing the limits of the treaty. Some venture into the
Mournland or the untamed jungles of Q'barra, and Vale­
nar warbands have launched raids into Darguun and
Karrnath. High King Shaeras Vadallia has promised to
rein in his warriors, but many believe that the elves will
continue their provocation. Their main interest is con­
flict with a worthy foe-and they might want Darguun or
Karrnath to declare war.
Because of this, the nation remains on a war footing.
Villages find it challenging to produce the supplies re­
quired to maintain the elf army. Still, the Valenar are
rarely cruel overlords. As long as a village can meet its
quotas, the elves leave it alone, though villages that fall
below expectations are more likely to receive assistance
from druidic advisors than punishment.

Capital: Trolanport
Hallmarks: Alchemy, education, elemental binding,
entertainment, gnomes, precious stones
At first glance, the homeland of the gnomes appears
to be a paradise. City streets are bright and clean, the
universities and libraries are the finest in Khorvaire,
everyone seems happy and helpful, and crime is all but
unheard of. But Zil society teems with layers of intrigue
and blackmail invisible to human eyes. The Trust,
a ruthless secret police force, eliminates any threat
to society.
Zilargo isn't a tyranny. Each major city has a demo­
cratically elected ruling council and a seat on the Tri­
umvirate that governs the nation; the Trust reports to
the Triumvirate. The Zil gnomes built this system, and
they are quite happy with it. Their streets are safe, and
as long as you play by the rules of the game, the Trust
ignores you. Outsiders find this casual acceptance of
preemptive assassination to be terrifying, but the Zil
genuinely trust the Trust.
Zil gnomes live within a web of intrigues. The Trust agent, the agency recruits characters of every class
condones their actions, as long as they break no laws and background. Your class abilities reflect special­
and don't threaten the state or the status quo. A gnome ized training and granted abilities-the magical equiv­
charlatan can connive to steal a jewel mine from an­ alent of spy gadgets!
other gnome-as long as the charlatan accomplishes the
deed through cunning, negotiation, or deception rather C ITIES AND SITES
than violence or outright theft, and as long as the mine The gnomes o f Zilargo place a high value o n appear­
stays in Zil hands. The same applies to adventurers ances. They design beauty into their architecture,
planning schemes in Zilargo. Violence draws attention featuring delicate carvings, elaborate railings and bal­
and deadly consequences from the Trust, but intrigue is conies, and lavish gardens. Every community contains
perfectly acceptable. murals and statues scattered throughout. Most fixtures
The Trust is a network of spies and assassins. Most and buildings are designed for those of small stature,
agents of the Trust simply pass information through but buildings constructed for taller folk also exist. The
dead drops; some estimate that a third of the nation Zil have a talent for illusion and for binding elementals,
works for the Trust in this capacity. When the Trust and they incorporate both of these forms of magic into
identifies a threat, it acts preemptively. Trust agents everyday life.
prefer to solve a problem without violence-by sharing a
piece of information or a whispered warning sent via a KORRANBERG
mes sage spell. But the Trust won't hesitate to eliminate Nestled against the base of the Seawall Mountains, Kor­
a threat, whether with poison, spell, or blade. Typically, ranberg is the oldest city in Zilargo. Many aristocrats of
a target never sees the agent of their demise. other nations come to study in the famous library and
the gnome colleges of Korranberg. The ancestral cita­
INTERESTING THINGS del of House Sivis is located here, as well as a host of
temples including the Codex Vault, Khorvaire's largest
shrine to Aureon.
• Most consider the Library of Korranberg the finest
repository of knowledge in Khorvaire. ThURIMBAR
The Korranberg Chronicle is the leading source of This port city draws musicians and artists from across
news in Khorvaire. Gnome chroniclers travel across Khorvaire. It addition to its legendary clubs and schools
Khorvaire in search of stories. of music, Thurimbar is on the cutting edge of arcane
• The major cities of Zilargo maintain temples and sound-the use of illusion magic to generate music. En­
shrines dedicated to every religion. Most Zil explore a tertainers flock to Thurimbar to share their music and
few faiths before settling on one; others practice mul­ immerse themselves in its rich musical culture.
tiple religions.
ZIL CHARACTERS With its crisscrossing canals and flooded streets, the
A s you develop a Zil character, consider the follow­ capital of Zilargo serves as the center of the gnome ship­
ing factors: building industry and a nexus for trade. Scores of ships
make port here daily. Among the many beautiful things
Family Ties. In a nation shaped by intrigue, you need
the city is known for are its spectacular coastal thun­
someone you can rely on. For the Zil, that's family.
derstorms. Crowds gather on balconies and verandas to
Unless you're an orphan, discuss your family with
watch these awesome displays.
your DM. What's their business? Who's your favorite
The Tower of the Triumvirate rises over the central
relative? Are you currently involved in any family
portion of the city. House Kundarak, House Sivis, and
schemes? Family members might call on you for help
House Cannith maintain outposts in the city, and the
over the course of your adventurers, but they can also
other dragonmarked houses station agents here as well.
be a resource for you.
Knowledge and Power. The Zil prize knowledge above ZOLANBERG
all else. Sage is a suitable background for any Zil; Hidden high in the Seawall Mountains, Zolanberg lies
charlatan and spy are also appropriate, reflecting at the heart of a network of jewel mines. These mines
their love of intrigue. Classes that specialize in melee face attacks by kobolds living in the mountains, as well
combat are rare among the Zil. The soldiers of Zilargo as goblin raiders from Darguun. Gnomes and dwarves
include rogues, bards, wizards, and artificers. inhabit the city. House Kundarak maintains a great vault
T he Trust. In creating a Zil character, consider whether here while House Tharashk has completed construction
you have any ties to the Trust. A vast number of of a large hall for the Prospectors Guild.
gnomes serve as the eyes and ears of the Trust, re­
porting interesting information to a Trust handler. AFTERMATH OF THE LAST WAR
As an active agent, you could receive missions tied to
your current adventures. If you and your companions Walking the streets of Korranberg, one might never
are fighting the Emerald Claw, you might have a sec­ know that the war occurred. Zilargo avoided most of
ondary assignment to eliminate a specific Claw agent the violence of the Last War, and cosmetic magic and
or acquire a particular object from their base. While illusions were employed to repair the few cities that
the spy background is a logical choice for a Trust suffered damage. Many Zil prefer to ignore the war


completely, referring to it as "that unpleasantness to
the north." Nonetheless, Zilargo was a staunch ally of
Breland during the war, providing the nation with ships, I n Aerenal, you might ...
intelligence, and elemental weaponry. This aid left the • Consult an elven archmage who's been dead for
nation with enemies. The Order of the Emerald Claw twenty thousand years.
has launched attacks on Zil communities, and certain Battle sinister forces that have crawled into Eberron
cells of Breland's Swords of Liberty accuse the Zil of from a realm of eternal night.
manipulating Breland. The Trust has contained these Learn secrets of magic unknown in Khorvaire.
attacks, but it always anticipates more trouble ahead.
The massive island of Aerenal is the ancient kingdom
The jewel miners of eastern Zilargo often clash with
of the elves. Its jungles provide strange and valuable
the goblins of Darguun and the kobolds that live in Sea­
lumbers: soarwood used for the hulls of airships, tough
wall Mountains. These skirmishes could expand into
bronzewood, and trees that remain alive after be-
wider conflicts.
ing felled.
Overall, however, little has changed in Zilargo be­
The island's proximity to the planes of Irian and
cause the Trust keeps the nation on a steady path. Ad­
Mahar (both described in chapter 4) allows the lines
venturers who travel through Zilargo would be wise to
between life and death to become blurred. Danger-
avoid causing trouble or drawing the Trust's attention.
ous, dark forces creep in from the plane known as the

D I STANT LAN D S Endless Night, but that planar resonance also enables
the elves to perform feats of necromancy unmatched
This section of the gazetteer provides a glimpse of the elsewhere in Eberron. Among the Aereni elves, the
wonder and adventure found in the lands beyond Khor­ honored dead walk among the living. Heroes who died
vaire's horizon. Use these entries to inspire adventures in glorious battle return to serve the Sibling Kings. And
that take place in these distant lands, and to introduce in the depths of Shae Mordai, the deathless lords of the
trinkets or relics from foreign realms into Khorvaire. Undying Court study the shifting balance of the planes
and the path of the Draconic Prophecy.

M11P 2 . 2 : l s L ll N D S OF A E R E N ll L
Necromancy is a pillar of Aereni society, distinct from marked houses have outposts here, and it includes vast
the sinister power most adventurers encounter. Positive markets, warehouses, and lumber yards.
energy sustains the deathless undead of Aerenal-both
the light of Irian and the devotion freely given by their SHAE CAIRDAL
descendants. The elves of Aerenal despise necromancy This city is the capital of Aerenal, the seat of the Sibling
that draws on the negative energy of Ma bar, and agents Kings, and the center for commerce and diplomacy be­
of the Undying Court embrace their mandate to seek out tween the elven families, who otherwise remain isolated
and destroy vampires, liches, and other such undead. in their .own city-states. Foreigners are encouraged to
Aereni civilization is over twenty thousand years old. conduct business in Pylas Talaear.
Secure in their island sanctuary, the elves watched na­
tions of goblins and humans rise and fall. The Aereni SHAE MORDA!
possess secrets and powers the rest of Khorvaire has This ancient citadel houses the Undying Court, the
yet to discover, but they are more interested in perfect­ deathless ancestors who shape the destiny of Aerenal. It
ing their ancient traditions than in innovation and dis­ is built atop a rift to the Plane of Irian and suffused with
covery. An Aereni wizard might spend a decade refining positive energy. Almost no commerce takes place here.
the pronunciation of a single spell's incantation. For This center for arcane study also serves as a memorial
now, humanity can't match the power of the elves. If that to all the heroes of the elves, both the deathless and
balance changes, will Aerenal take action? those lost in the distant past. The Citadel of the Court
is said to be far larger than it appears and to hold the
NOTABLE LOCATIONS greatest treasures of the elves.

Aerenal taunts visitors with its ancient secrets and THE NORTH
trackless jungles. The northern steppes of Aerenal are the domain of
the Tairnadal, the warrior elves who seized control of
PYLAS TALAEAR Valenar. Although much of their population now resides
The gateway to Aerenal, this port city is the primary in Valenar, many Tairnadal noncombatants-children,
point of contact between Aerenal and the outside world. artisans, and the druids who raise their remarkable
In this city driven by commerce, almost all the dragon-
beasts-remain in Aerenal.


properties of steel; an Aereni cleric might wear a
-- THE -- bronzewood breastplate, while a paladin of the Undying

SM/4�� � �Q� �S �l�W( Court could wear a suit of elaborated engraved bronze­
wood plate armor. Bronzewood leaves are remarkably
tough, and the Aereni craft "leaf weave" armor function­

ally equivalent to leather, studded leather, or chain mail.
Bronzewood can also be crafted into weapons, and Aer­
eni warriors use spears or swords made from a single

WALKING D EAD piece of bronzewood.

The port city of Pylas Talaear is a place of wonders. Stand d8 Trinket
on the steps of the Grand Temple and look down upon A bronzewood ring inscri bed with the E lvish word for
the High Street and you'll see fountains of light cast- " hope"
ing shadows across buildings that have stood for over
2 A dried flower; if it's placed in water, it blooms
ten thousand years. Brilliant motes dance through the
air-spectral messengers carrying words across the city. 3 An ebony locket; when it's opened, an elven voice
But the most remarkable feature of Pylas Talaear is the whispers "Always"
dead. If you know anything about Aerenal, you've surely 4 A tiny skull carved from dark wood
heard of the Undying Court, the deathless cabinet that
5 A finger bone i nscribed with an u nknown sigil
guides the nation. Only the grandest members of society
win elevation to the Undying Court, but there are many 6 An ivory fl ute which produces no sound
forms of preservation. Go to the Dalaen Forge and you'll 7 A s m a l l journal made from preserved l eaves
see the ghost of Old Dalaen advising his descendants as 8 A book of poetry written by undead elves
they work wood and steel. Visit the Eidolon Tavern and
you'll see poltergeists mixing drinks, and you can get
advice from a spectral bartender with thousands of years ARGONNE SSEN
of wisdom to share. Visit Maer Crossing at midnight and
I n Argonnessen, you could ...
you'll see the spirit of Lady Jhaelian dance with a grace
unmatched by any living elf. • Clash with tribes of dragon-worshiping barbarians.
Wondrous as it is, as a human visitor, I found it more • Explore an ancient city of dragons.
than a little unnerving. There's no escaping the past in • Discover mighty artifacts and long-lost spells.
Aerenal; it lingers all around you, whispering advice or
warning you to avoid transgression. You never know Argonnessen is home to the oldest civilization on Eber­
when you'll feel the tingle of spectral fingers against your ron. The dragons wield ancient magic, and they have
skin or hear the whisper of an elf who's older than hu­ shielded their homeland against divination and telepor­
man civilization. There are many wonders in Aerenal . . . tation. Tribes of barbarians roam the Seren Islands and
just don't get buried in the past. the coastlines of Argonnessen; these include members
of almost every humanoid race, perhaps collected by
dragons in ages past. The Seren barbarians worship the
AERENA�S INFLUENC E I N dragons and protect the coasts from invaders. To date,
no one from Khorvaire has ventured into the interior of
KHORVAIRE the continent and returned to speak of it.
In Khorvaire, you might ... No one knows how many dragons live in Argonnes­
• Team up with an agent of the Undying Court to bring sen, but stories tell of vast cavern complexes filled with
down a powerful vampire. the treasures of fallen civilizations, of prisons holding
• Be summoned by a deathless sage who needs your bound demons, of cities made from adamantine.
help to fulfill an ancient prophecy. To those of Khorvaire, Argonnessen is a mystery
• Bargain with a merchant offering rare magic items. space on the map. Only the most powerful characters
might visit Argonnessen and return to tell the tale.
Few Aereni elves are interested in the world beyond
their island. The Aereni see Khorvaire as a primitive ARGONNESSEN'S I NFLUENCE I N
backwater, and humans as dangerously impulsive. Aer­
eni who travel to Khorvaire have a concrete purpose for KHORVAIRE
the journey, which could drive an adventure. In Khorvaire, you might ...
The magewrights and artificers of Aerenal are more
• Prevent a villain from acquiring a powerful artifact
advanced than those of Khorvaire. Aereni artisans
smuggled out of Argonnessen.
fashion rods, staffs, and wands, and other rare or even
• Encounter a dragonborn barbarian born on the Seren
legendary items may come from Aerenal. However, the
islands, who shares tales of mighty wyrms.
nation is less industrialized than Khorvaire. Legend­
• Battle a dragon who guards a hidden vault.
ary items aren't mass produced; some are personally
crafted by members of the Undying Court. Some say the mysterious dragons of Argonnessen
Aereni goods make use of exotic plants and woods. hide in plain sight, that shapechanged dragons scat­
Bronzewood has the density and even some of the tered across Khorvaire pull the strings of civilization.


1 34
According to some stories, the dragons seek to protect filled with oozes and slimes. After traveling what seems
the younger races from vile fiends. In other tales, the to be a few miles, you might emerge from a different tun­
dragons see the people of Khorvaire as fodder for nel in Xen'drik, half a world away from where you began.
arcane experiments. A dragon could be encountered The Mror Holds demonstrate this mystery. Over the
as an ally or as a cruel enemy who casually crushes past century, the dwarves discovered a vast subterra­
humanoids. nean kingdom within the Ironroot Mountains. Most
The magic of Argonnessen is far more powerful than of these halls rest in the natural layers of Khyber. The
the forces wielded by the wizards of Khorvaire. Many halls connect to one another in logical cartographic or­
of the greatest artifacts in history were made in Argon­ der. But as the ancient dwarves dug deeper, they opened
nessen. Dragons are infused with magic, and their cre­ passages into the unnatural realms and unleashed the
ations are made from the bones and scales of their kind. hordes of the daelkyr Dyrrn the Corruptor. Passages
to Dyrrn's realm also exist in the Shadow Marches, on
TR I N K ETS F R O M A R G O N N ES S E N the opposite side of Khorvaire. The Corruptor's domain
d l O Trinket doesn't necessarily stretch across the entire world; the
portals to the worlds within defy natural law.
A pierced d ragon scale on a cord
These connections impact the world in a number of
2 A statuette of a dragon carved from black bone ways. Dark forces can rise anywhere in the world, burst­
3 A d ragon's tooth, engraved with an u nknown sigil ing out of a previously unknown portal to Khyber. This
4 A child's doll of a d ragon, woven from leather cords fact dictates the primary mission of the Church of the
5 A dagger carved from a dragon's talon Silver Flame: to stand ready to defend the innocent from
6 A brass disk bearing the sil houette of a black dragon such unnatural threats. Because the demiplanes con­
7 A small egg-shaped piece of pol ished bone
nect to the world at random, you never know what you
might find when you venture into the depths. A newly
8 A bone fragment with brass i n laid ru nes
opened chasm in the sewers could be an entirely mun­
9 A leather pouch fi lled with tiny draconic teeth dane hole in the ground, or it could be a passage to the
10 A single large seed that's warm t o t h e touch Abyssal Forests of Khar.
The many layers of Khyber share similarity only in
KHYBER their strangeness and deadliness. Eberron is the natural
world; Khyber is the source of fiends and monstrosities
I n Khyber, you could ... and the domain of the alien daelkyr. Some cults of the
• Fight mind flayers and armies of hideous aberrations. Dragon Below believe that paradise awaits them in the
• Discover a wondrous realm lit by an inner sun. Vale of the Inner Sun, but such cultists also consider
• Prevent a fiendish overlord from escaping its an- gibbering mouthers and mind flayers to be creatures of
cient prison. beauty. Wondrous treasures might wait in the worlds
below amid hordes of demons and aberrations.
The common creation myth contends that when the Pro­
genitor Dragons fought, Eberron trapped Khyber in her
coils and became the world, imprisoning her evil sib­
ling in a living prison. Bound within the world, Khyber I n Khorvaire, you might ...
spawns demons and monsters to plague the children of Find a way to close a passage to Khyber before a
Eberron. This might be myth and metaphor, but it's also horde of horrors emerges from it.
a description of fact: there are worlds within the world, • Battle a mind flayer that has established a cult in
realms inhabited by aberrations, fiends, and all manner the sewers.
of monsters. • Stop the spread of a deadly drug or strange disease
Any time someone descends below the surface of the flowing from a well tied to Khyber.
world, they enter Khyber. But the underworld takes two
very different forms. First is the natural realm, networks Khyber is an ever-present threat. Any deep passage
of tunnels and caverns formed from stone and soil. could connect to a realm of fiends or spew out an army
These passages are dark and dangerous, but they're ex­ of aberrations. Despite the magnitude of this threat,
actly what you expect to find in an underground realm. portals to Khyber are very rare, and they are stable
Such passages might be home to carrion crawlers, giant once found. If you dig a hole in the ground, the odds
beetles, or clans of kobolds. But ultimately these mun­ that you'll eventually reach the Vale of the Inner Sun
dane caverns follow the laws of nature. are infinitesimal. And if a portal to Khyber existed in
There's another aspect to Khyber: go deep enough and the sewers of Fairhaven, odds are good that it would al­
you find a seemingly endless array of demiplanes, each ready have been discovered. The risk arises when you're
stranger than the last. When descending into a chasm, exploring passages where no one has gone before.
you could find a labyrinth inhabited by demons or dis­ The sewers of Fairhaven might be safe today, but if an
cover a realm consisting of the guts of a colossal living earthquake opens a new shaft or a group of cultists digs
creature. Anything is possible in Khyber, and these deeper, a previously unknown passage to Khyber could
"worlds within" are home to all manner of terrors. be uncovered. Wherever a passage to Khyber appears,
The demiplanes of Khyber are not concretely tied to monsters and dark powers can rise up to threaten the
the world above. You could discover a passage in Bre­ world above.
land that leads into a disturbing subterranean swamp


13 5
Cults of the Dragon Below often have ties to Khyber. It's also common knowledge that Everice is the home
Some serve aberrations or fight alongside dolgrims and of frost giants who escaped the destruction of Xen'drik.
dolgaunts (see chapter 6). Others can unintentionally Now they hone their arctic magic and plot vengeance.
threaten a community by releasing something from the However, a clan of white dragons battle the giants to
underworld: an unnatural disease, a malevolent demon, keep them from growing too powerful. Woe betide the
or a strange and addictive drug. In dealing with such a people of Khorvaire if dragon and giant ever set aside
cult, the question is not only how to stop their current their ancient vendetta and join forces!
machinations, but how to seal the passage or prevent it The Frostfell is thought to be the original homeland of
from posing an ongoing threat. the dwarves, and some believe that an ancient nation of
Treasures from Khyber can take many forms. The dwarves still thrives under the ice. Others say that the
daelkyr create living tools, including symbionts (see Frostfell was once a verdant realm until the dwarves
chapter 5), but any magic item could be presented as an uncovered the prison of an archfiend, which buried their
organic creation: a living cloak of the mountebank that nation under endless ice. These scholars warn against
teleports its wearer through the plane of madness; a disturbing this overlord, lest a new age of ice be un­
dagger of venom made from chitin and muscle, similar leashed across the entire world.
to a scorpion's barb; a crystal ball made by the daelkyr Mystery shrouds the poles of Eberron. A few expe­
Belashyrra that looks like a giant eye, casting visions of ditions have ventured to the Frostfell, but no one from
distant places directly into the wielder's mind. Items re­ Khorvaire has set foot in Everice in living memory and
covered from fiendish demiplanes might be constructed returned to speak of it.
from standard materials but have a sinister aspect or
appearance, such as a sword oflife stealing from the THE FRO STFELL's AND EVERICE's
Abyssal Forest of Khar made of jagged, blackened steel. INFLUENCE IN KHORVAIRE
Shadows trail the blade, and it issues a hungry moan
any time it draws blood. I n Khorvaire, you might ...
Clash with a cabal of winter warlocks serving a sinis­
TR I N K ETS F R O M K H Y B E R ter power stirring in Everice.
d l O Trinket • Encounter a group of frost giants or Frostfell dwarves
establishing a foothold in Khorvaire.
A pressed flower with vivid green petals; when you
Discover a journal from a Frostfell expedition that re­
smell it, you hear eerie music
veals a horrifying threat.
2 A tiny ball of putty; if you set it down, it begins to
slowly crawl around The people of Khorvaire have no commerce with the
arctic regions and no certainty about what lives there. If
3 A perpetually warm d isk of dark iron
a threat comes from Everice, it might take time for peo­
4 A small journal with leathery pages; any words you
ple to identify its origin.
write i n it slowly disappear With this in mind, relics from Everice or the Frostfell
5 A four-sided die carved with strange markings could take any form. Are these treasures created by gi­
6 A cameo with the sil houette of an u n known species ants, fey, or dwarves? Are they carved from eternal ice,
7 A preserved finger with p urple flesh and four joi nts or are they forged from dwarven steel? If the civilization
8 A perfectly preserved eye; if you set it down, it rotates of the dwarves truly began in the Frostfell, did it fall
to fol low your movement
into ruin, or are there progenitor dwarves who possess
spells and weapons beyond anything known in Khor­
9 A small box; when opened, you alone hear screa m i ng
vaire? And how would these ancient dwarf lords react to
10 A preserved i nsect; you've never seen another l i ke i t their Mror descendants?


At the world's poles-Everice to the south and the Frost­ d8 Trinket
fell to the north-you might ... A small prism carved from ice that doesn't melt

• Discover an ancient civilization hidden be- 2 A rusted i ron coin, depicting a dwarf lord and the
neath the ice. worlds " Five Rex U ndra"
• Search for the survivors of a lost expedition. 3 A pair of eight-sided d i ce carved from ice that doesn't
• Find the source of a mysterious mystical signal. melt
It's common knowledge that Everice is the domain of 4 A swatch of s ilvery fur that's cold to the touch, possibly
the Queen of Winter, an archfey who commands a host from a wi nter wolf
of winter wolves and knights carved from living ice. The 5 A snowball; it doesn't melt and can't be compressed
queen lives in a glacial palace, and those who overcome i nto ice
her guards and the deadly weather to earn her favor can 6 A tiny wh ite d ragon sculpted from ice that doesn't melt
gain powerful boons. 7 A key carved from ice that doesn't melt
8 A si ngle scale from a white d ragon




In Sarlona, you could ... Like Khorvaire, Sarlona primarily occupies the north­
ern hemisphere of Eberron, and it has all the climatic
• Infiltrate an empire ruled by psychic overlords. and topographic variety one would expect given its im­
• Defend an ancient mountain monastery. mensity. A few places in Sarlona known to Khorvairians
• Disable a monolith used to control the dreams are described below.
of a city.
Tens of thousands of years ago, the vast continent of DAR JIN
Sarlona was the cradle of human civilization. Three This port city is the only legal point of entry for foreign­
thousand years ago, the first human colonists left, set­ ers who wish to enter the Empire of Riedra. All travelers
ting in motion events shaping modern-day Khorvaire. remain confined in the foreign quarter. Merchants from
Sarlona was once home to over a dozen distinct king­ across Khorvaire trade for exotic Riedran goods, while
doms, but wars devastated the continent. From this envoys from many nations negotiate with the emissaries
chaos, a band of saviors rose up to forge a new world. of the Inspired. To enter Riedra proper, travelers must
Guided by celestial spirits and endowed with vast obtain a transit visa from the Iron Gate, the office of for­
psionic powers, these champions became known as the eign relations. The office grants few such visas; visitors
Inspired. Today, the Inspired have united the broken na­ must make a compelling case for entry or find a secret
tions into a single realm: the Empire of Riedra. Outsid­ way to evade the watchful eyes of the Iron Gate.
ers aren't welcome in Riedra, and little is known of the
nation. Merchants tell stories of massive monoliths that KASSHTA KEEP
control the dreams of the people, and of secret police All but one of the monasteries of Adar lie concealed be­
who use psionics to root out dissidents. hind a blend of psychic and arcane techniques. Kasshta
A single nation stands against the might of Riedra: Keep refuses to hide from outsiders or the Inspired. It is
the mountain refuge of Adar, homeland of the kalashtar the de facto capital of Adar and the abode of the Keeper
(see chapter 1). The Adarans Jack the numbers to chal­ of the Word, who guides the kalashtar people. High in
lenge Riedra, yet they hold their fortress monasteries the mountains, the monastery is reached by winches
against endless waves of Riedran assaults. The Adarans and lifts. Its inhabitants include wizards, monks, and
possess remarkable psychic and martial disciplines. mystics; if you want to play a monk from an exotic land,
you could have learned your art in Kasshta Keep.


0HR KALUUN Although outsiders aren't welcome in Riedra, the em­
Riedra built its empire o n the foundation o f a dozen pire is a powerful nation and a valuable trading partner.
shattered nations. Scholars consider the loss of these Riedra offered assistance to multiple nations during
nations to be a tragedy ... except for Ohr Kaluun. The the Last War. Karrnath relied on Riedran aid to survive
lords of this ancient kingdom were driven by deep para­ a wave of terrible famines, and Aundair also received
noia and an all-consuming thirst for power. The sages support from Riedra. King Sebastes of Q'barra has used
of Ohr Kaluun studied the darkest paths of magic and Riedran troops to maintain order in Newthrone.
bargained with fiends and other foul creatures. They Riedrans rarely appear on the streets of Khorvaire,
warped their bodies through mystical rituals and pacts, but Inspired ambassadors attend every court. Although
creating the first changelings, skulks, and tiefling blood­ the Inspired present themselves as generous and kind, a
lines. Ohr Kaluun was ultimately consumed by the feuds darker force followed them across the sea. The Dream­
of its paranoid mage-lords and the crusading legions of ing Dark is an enigmatic order of monks, assassins,
its neighbors. Today, it is a shunned region, haunted and warlocks, and mystics. Their ultimate agenda remains
cursed. Dark secrets and great treasures remain in the unknown, but they hunt the kalashtar and some believe
vast war labyrinths of Ohr Kaluun, but fiends, wards, they can control people by manipulating their dreams.
and far deadlier threats linger in this fallen kingdom. While most people dismiss the Dreaming Dark as a fool­
ish story, you might uncover the truth behind the tales.
SARLON�S INFLUENCE I N Both the Inspired of Riedra and the kalashtar of Adar
possess psychic powers, and treasures from Sarlona
KHORVAIRE reflect this. A set of Sarlonan sending stones might take
I n Khorvaire, you might ... the form of crystals that allow telepathic communica­
• Struggle to expose the schemes of an order of psychic tion. The rod ofrulership, ring ofmind shielding, ring of
telekinesis, potion of mind reading, and the medallion of
thoughts could represent psychic items from Sarlona.
Steal a memory crystal from an Inspired ambassador.
In addition to psychic treasures, Sarlona is a source of
Help an Adaran envoy deliver a vital message to a ka­
lashtar elder. a number of exotic plants and medicines. Dreamlily (de­
scribed in chapter 4) is a useful Sarlonan narcotic, but
over the course of the past few decades it has become a
-- THE -- common recreational drug.

SMl4�n � nou � s �T�W[ EXC L U S I VE

d8 Trinket
A polished crystal s phere; when you cl utch it i n you r

fi s t , a telepathic voice recites a story in you r m i nd
A teardrop pendant made from pol ished shell; when
you hold it, you see the i mage of a young Riedran man

TH E BASALT A six-sided crystal d ie; when you rol l it, you fee l a
surge of emotion for six seconds


4 A sealed vial fi l led with faintly l u m i nescent blue m ist
5 A crystal disk engraved with a labyri nthine pattern
6 A leather-bound collection of kalashtar poetry cal led
When I first spoke to the Morgrave board, I hid the de­ Shards of the Light
tails I share with you now. I did this not from malice, 7 A sphere of polished crystal; when you hold it in you r
nor even from fear that I would be ridiculed, but rather
p a l m , y o u feel that it knows y o u and understands you
because I could not bear to revisit the horrors I had seen
beneath the merciless Menechtarun sands. I force myself 8 A cup and ball toy; when you successfully catch the
to revisit them now only in the hopes that in so doing, I ball in the cup, you feel a momentary surge of joy
can prevent any fools from following in our footsteps and
sharing the fate of my fallen friends.
We'd made camp in the upper floor of the tower, for XEN 'DRIK
thousands of years of shifting sand had left that as the I n Xen'drik, you could ...
easiest point of entry. We were surrounded by cyclopean
bones, and I found myself facing the empty gaze of a • Seek to destroy an ancient mystical weapon before it
skull taller than I was. Melanora questioned how these falls into the hands of villains.
grim remnants could linger for so long, but I dismissed it • Battle savage giants in the ruins of their ancient cities.
as the remarkable effect of the exceptionally dry climate. • Match wits with cunning drow in the depths of a pri-
If only I had given more thought to this matter, Melanora mordial jungle.
might still be with us today. Instead she lies lost beneath
the basalt towers, trapped in hideous service to the an­ Any follower of the Sovereign Host knows this story
cient powers that dwell in the darkness. about Xen'drik. In the dawn of time, the Sovereigns
For the full text of Professor Talbridge's terrifying account, pick bound the fiendish overlords and freed the world from
up the latest issue of the Sham Inquisitive/ chaos. The mighty giants had fought alongside the


MAP 2.3: C O N T I N E N T OF X E N ' O R I K

Sovereigns, and in gratitude Aureon granted them do­ This story bears at least some truth. The elves were
minion over the continent of Xen'drik. Aureon taught once slaves of the ancient giants, and the dragons did
giants the secrets of wizardry, and they grew powerful. eradicate the civilizations of Xen'drik. Great magic has
The giants built towers that touched the sky and seem­ warped the land. The environments of Xen'drik are ex­
ingly endless cities. treme and unpredictable, and travelers might find a gla­
The mightiest among the giants was the titan Cul'sir. cial expanse in the midst of a vast desert. Tens of thou­
His power was so great that he pulled the thirteenth sands of years have passed, yet no civilization has risen
moon from the sky and crushed it in a fit of anger. The to the heights of the fallen giants; some believe that
giants ruled many lesser races, and eventually the elves Aureon's and Boldrei's curses ensure that any city that
rose up against them. Cul'sir unleashed plagues upon grows too large collapses into madness. The Traveler's
the rebellious elves. He made assassins of elven shad­ Curse twists space, and explorers might follow the same
ows and turned them back against their owners. Still path twice only to end up in entirely different locations.
the rebels persisted. In his anger, Cul'sir prepared to Xen'drik is a continent that defies control. Expeditions
pull down the rest of the moons to hurl them at his ene­ have unearthed artifacts of immense power, as well as
mies, even though he'd destroy the world in doing it. But fields of Siberys dragonshards (see chapter 5), but once
the giants had gone too far, and Aureon set the dragons you leave a site, you might never find it again.
of Argonnessen upon them. The dragons destroyed the Giants still roam Xen'drik, but these creatures have
vast cities and leveled the towers. Cul'sir was slain and never regained the glory of their ancestors. Tribes of
his people scattered. drow-said to be the shadow-assassins created by the
The Sovereigns and Six each laid a curse upon the Emperor Cul'sir-linger in the darkness. These repre­
land. Aureon decreed that the creatures of Xen'drik sent just a few of the threats in this vast land.
would have no knowledge of law, and Boldrei pro­
claimed that no city would stand. The Traveler distorted NOTABLE LOCATIONS
the land so that no path followed twice. The Devourer Many ports dot the coast of Xen'drik. In addition to the
unleashed fire and storm. And so Xen'drik remains a treasures of the giants, Xen'drik is a source of Siberys
land of mystery, a realm that cannot be mapped, a place dragonshards and other exotic resources. Scholars and
that holds secrets that could shatter the world. merchants come to Xen'drik on business, smugglers


1 39
seek to make extra gold, and pirates prey on everyone.
Ports come and go, falling prey to monsters or natural
disasters. But two harbors have stood the test of time.
Dar Qat. The Inspired lords of Riedra are just as
interested in the resources of Xen'drik as the people of Religion plays an important role in Eberron. The gods
Khorvaire. Dar Qat is a Riedran port, a fortress built don't manifest physically, but people of faith believe that
from glittering crysteel (grown crystal as strong as steel) divine forces shape everyday life. Shared beliefs unite
and dwarfed by a nearby monolith believed to serve as communities and can provide hope in difficult times.
a psychic anchor for the city. Outsiders are rarely wel­ Most Khorvairians acknowledge the pantheon of
come within the walls of Dar Qat. the Sovereign Host and its malign shadow, the Dark
Stormreach. Once a haven for pirates and smugglers, Six. The Sovereign Host was the dominant faith of the
Stormreach has become a thriving port that serves Kingdom of Galifar and holds sway over most of Khor­
as the passage to the Xen'drik interior. All the dragon­ vaire-except for Thrane, which favors the Church of the
marked houses have outposts in the city, and it is home Silver Flame. Other religions connect specific cultures
to refugees, renegades, criminals, and others who have or communities; the kalashtar observe the Path of Light,
no place on the other continents. The city is ruled by the and the Undying Court guides the elves of Aerenal.
council of Storm Lords, who hold absolute power. As Religion is especially important for a paladin, cleric,
Stormreach is built on the foundations of an ancient gi­ or druid, yet any character can have faith in a higher
ant city, ruins abound around and below the city. Some power. Following a religion is a way to give your charac­
fear that if the city continues to expand, the growth will ter a deeper connection to the world and a bond to other
trigger an ancient curse. But for now, Stormreach is a members of the community. The Foundation of Faith
prosperous community and a gateway to adventure. table can provide ideas for the source of your beliefs.
Conversely, a lack of faith can also be a meaningful
XEN'DRIK'S I NFLUENCE IN part of your story. If you don't believe in any divine
power, what caused such doubt? The Rejection of Faith
KHORVAIRE table offers ideas that can help shape your story.
I n Khorvaire, you might ...
• Befriend a drow making their way in the new world. FO U N DAT I O N O F FA I T H
• Stop the Emerald Claw from using a giant artifact to d 6 Foundation
destroy a city. You were raised in the faith. You r religion is an i m port­
• Aid a scholar in deciphering a book of prophecy found a nt part of your family and com m u nity.
in the heart of Xen'drik and brought to Stormreach.
2 Someone you care about-a mentor, a friend, or a
The tremendous diversity of the people of Xen'drik lover-i ntroduced you to the fa ith.
means that no single trait defines objects and artifacts 3 You were raised i n a different rel igion but became
from this land. The primitive drow make armor compa­ d rawn to the ideals and beliefs of you r cu rrent faith.
rable to studded leather using the chitin of giant scor­
4 You never took your faith seriously. Then you made a
pions. Rumors abound of more advanced drow civiliza­
vow d u ring the Last War, pledging you r devotion if a
tions in the layers of Khyber that lie beneath Xen'drik.
The elves lived and fought in Xen'drik before the exodus disaster was averted ... and it was.
that took them to Aerenal, and elven artifacts remain 5 You're devoted to your religion, but you've never been
scattered across the region. And the grandest treasures formally ed ucated i n its ways. You fol low your own
include the work of the giants-which can often be diffi­ personal interpretation.
cult to use because of their size. The spellbook of a giant 6 You had a transcendental experience and believe you
wizard might hold priceless secrets, but the bulky tome have a d ivine pu rpose to fu l fi l l .
can be quite awkward for smaller folk.

d8 Trinket d 6 Rejection
You believe that the magic of clerics and paladins
A punched ticket for a voyage from Sharn to
doesn't come from deities, but from the caster's i n ner
Storm reach
power or belief.
2 A scorpion's barb engraved with a si ngle Elvish letter
2 You come from an agnostic com m u n ity and give little
3 A copper coin so big you could use it as a d i nner plate
thought to spiritual matters.
4 An i mage of an elf warrior engraved on a giant's tooth
3 You were once deeply devout, but a tragedy during the
5 A single page from a giant wizard's spell book, bearing
Last War caused you to question you r faith.
an incomplete spell
4 A personal loss or betrayal shook you r faith.
6 A scrap of parchment, part of a map of Stormreach
5 You were spiritually scarred by an encou nter with a
7 A small book titled Feersome Beests ofZendrik
fiend or aberration.
8 A scri mshaw carving of a sahuagin
6 You've created your own personal rel i gion and bel ieve
that all the established faiths are flawed.


The Sovereign Host i s wondrously diverse. Variations
SOVEREIGN HOST and subsects of the faith thrive, and temples are only
• The Sovereigns are with us at all times. Onatar stands loosely aligned. In a small community, a skilled smith
at every forge, and Doi Dorn is with you whenever might double as the priest because people believe he's
blades are drawn. close to Onatar. A midwife might symbolically speak for
• The Sovereigns shape the world. They offer us guid­ Arawai and Boldrei. Typically, the faithful are united by
ance and strength, but we must learn to listen. their shared beliefs; no central authority seeks to en­
• Honor every Sovereign in their place and time. If you force a singular creed.
hear one voice clearly, embrace their path. As a Vassal-a follower of the Sovereign Host-you
• As a follower of the Sovereign Host, you believe that might feel connection to a particular Sovereign, but still
the hand of the Sovereigns can be seen in all things. show reverence to each. Your background can influence
What others take to be intuition or instinct, you see your particular interpretation of the Sovereigns-the
as the voice of the Sovereigns offering guidance. You Talenta halflings consider the Sovereigns part of a pan­
don't need absolute proof; the fact of a bountiful har­ theon of spirits, while some Karrns honor only the Sov­
vest is evidence of Arawai's benevolence. ereigns of war-but any character can be a Vassal.
The pantheon of the Sovereign Host embodies all that
is good in the world. The people of Khorvaire have fol­ SOVEREIGNS
lowed the Sovereigns for thousands of years, and every­ These common names and attributes describe the nine
one knows the names of the Sovereigns and the Dark Sovereigns as they are worshiped in Khorvaire:
Six. Even people who aren't devout might still swear by
the Sovereigns or offer a prayer in a moment of crisis.

The Sovereign Host Province Suggested Cleric Domains Common Symbol
Arawai Life, love Life, Nature Sheaf of wheat tied with green ribbon or
bronze d ragon
Aureon Knowledge, law Knowledge, Order'' Open tome or blue d ragon
Bali nor Beasts, the hunt N ature, War Pair of antlers or green dragon
Bold rei Commu nity, home Life Fire in a stone hearth or copper d ragon
Doi Arrah H onor, sunlight Light, War Rising s u n or red dragon
Doi Dorn Strength at arms War Longsword crossed over a shield or s i lver
d ragon
Kol Korran Trade, travel Trickery N i n e-sided gol d coi n or wh ite d ragon
Olladra Good fortu ne Life, Trickery Domino or black d ragon
Onatar Artifice, the forge Forge,*'' Knowledge Crossed hammer and tongs or brass dragon

The Dark Six Province Suggested Cleric Domains Common Symbol

The Devourer N ature's wrath Tempest B u n d le of five sharpened bones or dragon
The Fury Passion, revenge War Wi nged wyrm with woman's head and arms
The Keeper Death , greed Death D ragonshard i n the shape of a fang or
The M ockery Betrayal , bloodshed Trickery, War Five blood-spattered blades or flayed d ragon
The Shadow Ambition, dark magic Knowledge Obsidian tower
The Traveler Change, chaos Forge/"' Knowledge, Trickery Four crossed , rune· inscribed bones

Other Faiths Province Suggested Cleric Domains Common Symbol

The S i lver Flame Good, protection Life, Light, War Flame d rawn on si lver or molded from si lver
The B lood of Vol I m mortal ity Death, Life Red teardrop gem
Cults of the Dragon Madness Trickery Varies
The Path of Light Light, self-improvement Life, Light Bril liant crystal
The Spirits of the Past Elven ancestors N ature, War Varies
The Undying Court Elven ancestors G rave,'h', Knowledge, Life Golden mask

The suggested cleric domains are from the Player's Handbook, u nless fol lowed by a n asterisk:
*Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica
**Xanathar's Guide to Everything



T H E B Lo o D O F V o L THE U N D Y I N G C O U R T


Arawai is the Sovereign of Life and Love. She is the SYMBOL

patron of fertility and of the benevolent aspects of na­
ture, bringing good harvest and gentle rain. The Octagram is the symbol of the Host as a whole. A
Aureon is the Sovereign of Law and Lore. He is consid­ Sovereign priest either carries a metal Octagram holy
ered the first wizard, who shared the secrets of wiz­ symbol or holds a staff tipped with the icon. Priests
ardry with the world. dedicated to a particular god also display their deity's
Balinor is the Sovereign of Horn and Hunt. He guides symbol, and Vassals carry tokens with the symbols of
both the beast and the hunter, and he is the patron the Sovereigns whose favor they seek. There are eight
of those who walk on the edge of civilization and the points in the symbol for eight Sovereigns; the ninth Sov­
natural world. ereign (Aureon) is represented by the Octagram itself.
Boldrei is the Sovereign of Hall and Hearth. She guides
and protects communities and families, inspiring peo­
ple to work together for the common good. Formal prayers to the Sovereigns usually involve song.
Doi Arrah is the sun that drives away the darkness. Specific songs invoke each Sovereign and seek their
She stands for wisdom in war and for those who fight favor, appreciate the blessings received, and recognize
with honor, pursue justice, and make sacrifices for the the presence of a Sovereign. Celebrants sing the songs
greater good. of Boldrei and Aureon at weddings, and soldiers sing
Doi Dorn is the Sovereign of Strength and Steel. He is Doi Dorn's marching songs on the move and Doi Arrah's
the patron of the common soldier, and he guides the hymns on the dawn before a battle.
hands of anyone who holds a weapon. He embodies
courage, strength, and martial skill. TEM PLES
Kol Korran is the Sovereign of World and Wealth. He Sovereign shrines arise where people feel the deities
guards travelers and guides traders. Although the are close, such as a library for Aureon or a smithy for
Trickery domain is suggested for his clerics, Kol Onatar. The rites of Boldrei or Arawai typically occur in
Korran guides fair negotiation; those driven solely by the wild, and a tavern could serve as a shrine to Olladra.
greed prefer the Keeper of the Dark Six. The shrines can take any form, but they prominently dis­
Olladra is the Sovereign of Feast and Fortune. She is play the symbol of the particular Sovereign.
the giver of joy and the granter of luck, patron to enter­ Temple of the Sovereign Host are made of stone and
tainers, gamblers, and anyone who takes a chance. have eight doors. The walls depict images of the Sov­
Onatar is the Sovereign of Fire and Forge. He guides ereigns, with the icon of Aureon over the altar and the
both mundane smiths and artificers, inspiring anyone Octagram engraved on the floor.
who performs an act of creation.



The Dark Six are the shadows o f the Sovereign Host.

These dark gods shape the world and are present at all lM �A N l
times, speaking to those willing to hear them. Where

the Sovereigns govern positive forces, the Dark Six are
the source of fears. Arawai and Balinor reflect the posi­
tive aspects of nature. The devastating storm, the earth­
quake, the wildfire? These are the work of the Devourer.
The Dark Six and the Sovereign Host are opposite
sides of the same coin. If you believe in one, you ac­
knowledge the existence of the other. The only question The Vassals of the Sovereign Host have long condemned
is whether you fear the Six or revere them. Those who the Dark Six as forces of evil. Yet correspondents at the
choose to follow these sinister deities embrace dark­ Voice of Thrane have uncovered a shocking phenomenon:
ness. A barbarian may thank the Fury for the gift of long-standing cults that worship members of the Dark
rage. An assassin walks the path of the Mockery, while a Six alongside the Sovereign Host.
warlock's pact may be a gift of the Shadow. Most of you know of the Restful Watch, the priests
The Dark Six inspire worship in different ways among who tend Vassal cemeteries. What you may not know
diverse cultures. Temples to the Dark Six appear in is that the priests of the Watch honor both Aureon and
Droaam, along with wild revels driven by the Fury. The the Keeper! They say that the Keeper snatches the souls
of heroes so they can be preserved from Dolurrh and re­
Dark Six aren't worshiped openly elsewhere in Khor­
turned when they are needed once more.
vaire; the gods' shrines are hidden, and it's more com­ Worse still is the Three Faces of War, a cult that wor­
mon to find a cult devoted to a single member of the Six ships the Sovereigns of War-including the Mockery,
than a temple dedicated to the entire pantheon. whom they call Doi Azur. Followers of this foul faith say
that the battlefield holds a place for all of these gods, ex­
T:aE Srx plicitly embracing a deity they acknowledge as the patron
of treachery and terror! This cult apparently began in the
These common names and attributes describe the Dark
Karrnathi military but spread across the Five Nations
Six as they are known in Khorvaire:
during the Last War. So next time you're talking to a
The Devourer governs the destructive power of nature, Brelish soldier, remember that they might be a devotee of
both pure elemental force and savagery in beasts. the Mockery!
T he Keeper snatches souls before they can reach
Dolurrh and hoards them along with his vast wealth. chooses a unique symbol based on the nature of their
Those driven by greed call him their patron, and his god. Followers of the Devourer might carry a shark's
priests often act as criminal fixers. tooth or a piece of wood scorched in a wildfire. A Keeper
The Fury governs both passion and revenge, rage and cult might use the nine-sided coin of Kol Korran with
despair. She offers revenge to those who have been the face disfigured. A particular sect uses these symbols
wronged, but her vengeance often leads to suffering. consistently, if not obviously.
T he Mockery is the patron of treachery and of ter­
ror in battle. He guides those who seek victory RITES
through guile, both warriors and assassins. He was
once the brother of Doi Dorn and Doi Arrah, but The Dark Six are a mirror o f the Sovereign Host and
he was stripped of his skin and his name after be­ their worship uses similar rituals, including formal ritu­
traying them. als conducted in song.
T he Shadow is the dark side of knowledge and ambi­ Each of the Six has their own rites. Followers of
tion. It's said to be Aureon's shadow, given malign the Fury engage in wild revels. Cults of the Devourer
life when Aureon mastered magic. The Shadow is gather around enormous bonfires. Cults of the Mock­
the maker of monsters and the keeper of forbidden ery conduct ritual combats or gather to torture cap­
secrets, and it offers malevolent spells to warlocks tured enemies.
and wizards.
The Traveler asserts that chaos drives evolution and
that change makes us stronger. The Traveler is a Temples and shrines of the Dark Six hide behind dis­
trickster and the giver of dangerous gifts. Some ar­ guises. A cult of the Mockery might gather in a slaugh­
tificers worship the Traveler, seeing it as the lord of terhouse, while a shrine to the Shadow remains con­
innovation, but the gifts of the Traveler always have cealed in the deep stacks of a library. Dedicated temples
unexpected consequences. are built from dark stone, with six doors and the Hexa­
gram engraved in the fl�or.
The Hexagram represents the entire pantheon o f the
Dark Six. The Deities of Eberron table lists the common
symbols of the individual gods. However, since the Six
aren't worshiped openly in most of Khorvaire, each sect


CHURCH OF THE The church's templars stand ready to protect the inno­
cent from supernatural threats, battling undead, fiends,
SILVER FLAME and aberrations. Friars and ministers fight evil by do­
ing good, performing acts of compassion and charity
• The Silver Flame i s force o f light that holds fiends at
across Khorvaire. In contrast to the Sovereign Host, the
bay. Those who seek to defend the innocent from evil
church maintains a defined structure and creed. Arch­
can draw on the power of the Flame.
bishops monitor regions; cardinals lead the church; and
• Every mortal soul can find the light. Inspire and guide
the ultimate authority is the Keeper of the Flame, who
others to virtuous behavior; force is a last resort.
maintains the font in Flamekeep and communes with
• Listen to the Voice of the Flame; beware the deceiving
Tira Miron.
whispers of the Shadow in the Flame.
The Last War had a serious impact on the church.
Every Thrane child knows the story of Tira Miron. Leaders still respected the Keeper's authority over spiri­
Centuries ago, one of the ancient and powerful demons tual matters, but the war wasn't about good or evil. Tem­
chained within the world broke free from its bonds, un­ plars of all nations still joined together to fight demons,
leashing terrible suffering on the people of Thrane. The but if no supernatural threat was present, they fought
nation would have been destroyed if not for Tira Miron. for their own nations. This division allowed cracks to
This paladin was called by the Silver Flame and battled form in the foundation. In Breland, some priests fell
the mighty fiend. When it became clear that the overlord prey to greed or forged ties to criminal organizations.
couldn't be destroyed, Tira gave her life, combining In Aundair, a zealous faction known as the Pure Flame
her spirit with the light of the Silver Flame to bind the advocates using violence rather than compassion as
demon once more. Now Tira serves as the Voice of the the primary tool for rooting out evil. And in Thrane, the
Flame, helping others find the light. Anyone who seeks church has become the ruling body. While still driven
to protect the innocent and battle evil can draw on the by Tira's principles of redemption and sacrifice, the
power of the Silver Flame to aid them, but they must intrusion of politics means that some come to the faith
beware of the Shadow in the Flame, the demon that still seeking power rather than purely to do good.
lingers and yearns to trick good people into evil. In creating a follower of the Silver Flame, decide
A pillar of argent fire marks the point of Tira's sacri­ whether you are bound to the church or simply inspired
fice, the center of the modern church. This pillar, located by its principles. As a paladin, are you part of the tem­
in Flamekeep, is a manifestation of the Silver Flame, plar order, or were you a farmer called to action by the
not the source of its power. Voice of the Silver Flame?
The Silver Flame is centered in Thrane, but it has a
strong presence in Breland and Aundair, and followers
THE KORRANBERG across Khorvaire. Members of the Pure Flame sect treat
some species-notably shifters and changelings-with

CM �ON �Cl( suspicion, but the faith holds that people of all races
should stand together.

NO FAITH IN The faith's symbol is a stylized flame inlaid with silver.

A silver arrowhead etched with the symbol serves as a
common token, worn as a necklace.

The Silver Flame has no need of prayers or offerings;
instead, services focus on the parishioners, encouraging
The nation of Thrane shocked the world in 993 YK when virtuous behavior. Church hierarchy is strictly observed,
it appointed a six-year-old child as Keeper of the Silver and only ordained priests can perform services.
Flame, the supreme leadership position of the Church. Archery is a devotional practice of the Silver Flame,
Now eleven years old, Jaela Daran continues to astound used both as a means of meditation and a martial art.
all who encounter her. She possesses poise and wisdom
Communities devoted to the Flame engage in archery
beyond her years, and she displays the blend of courage
and compassion that is the cornerstone of the faith. training, and villages have militias of peasant archers.
As Keeper of the Flame, she wields tremendous divine
power; she has summoned angels to her side and resur­ TEM PLES
rected Cardinal Halidor after his assassination. Fortresses o f the Silver Flame are designed to serve as
But some claim that these stories are fabrications templar garrisons and to provide sanctuary against su­
and that Jaela is merely a figurehead for High Cardinal
pernatural threats. Churches feature enormous arches
Krozen. The reclusive Krozen is a brilliant strategist and
and open spaces. The sanctuary of a Flamic church has
ruthless leader. Many believe that Krozen was behind the
death of Keeper Tagor in 992 YK, suggesting that he sup­ a mosaic floor with a flame burning at its center.
ported the child Keeper to solidify his own influence. Is The seat of the religion is the Grand Cathedral in
Krozen the true power behind the Flame? Flamekeep. Built around the site of Tira's sacrifice, this
fortified temple is the size of a small city.


. .
. . .• ,

Everyone has a spark of divinity. Find that
power within.
� �(LAN �
• Death is the end, Dolurrh is oblivion, and if the gods
exist, they are cruel. Stand with those you care for; all
we have is this life and each other. CORPS E CLE R I C
What just god would allow death and suffering? The
Blood of Vol teaches that we all have the potential to
become divine beings-and that death is a curse, de­
signed to kill you before you can unlock the divinity
within you. Last month, the Emerald Claw took credit for the ghoul
outbreak in Wroat. This terrorist organization has a new
The Blood of Vol is a grim faith, founded by Erandis
and unusual critic: Hask Malevanor, an "abactor" of the
d'Vol, an elf from Aerenal. It asserts that death is obliv­
Blood of Vol and high priest of the Crimson Monastery,
ion, that the universe is uncaring, and that if the Sover­ a temple in the city of Atur in Karrnath. Something else
eigns exist, they are cruel. Its followers study the secrets you should know about Abactor Malevanor: he's been
of blood and life, and because they believe that death is dead for over fifty years! This putrid priest says that
the end, they see nothing wrong with using the bodies there's nothing unholy about his condition, swearing
of the fallen to serve the living. Seekers of the Divinity that his people revere all life. Despite the fact that the
Within (as the faithful call themselves) are glad to be terrorists included priests from his church, Malevanor
reanimated after death; at least they can do some good. insists that his parishioners despise the Emerald Claw
Because of this association with necromancy, many and harbor no hostility toward Breland.
While we'd like to take the abactor at his word, our
believe the Blood of Vol embraces death and its follow­
research shows that Malevanor was personally involved
ers want to become undead. Both ideas are false. The in the program that produced the infamous Karrnathi
Blood of Vol sees death as the ultimate evil. Seekers undead soldiers. After decades of driving the Karrnathi
don't want to become undead; they want to become war effort, this foul creature expects us to believe that he
divine beings. The faith teaches that divinity is tied to has nothing to do with the necromantic attacks on our
blood and soul, and the undead can never fully harness people? Here at the Voice of Breland, we think something
that power. The mummies and vampires of the Blood of about this smells rotten, and it's not just the mummy.
Vol have sacrificed their chance at divinity to guide the
living. They're martyrs, not something to envy.
In addition to a general revulsion toward the undead, TEMPLES
the public opinion of the Blood of Vol is colored by the A shrine devoted t o the Blood o f Vol requires only a n al­
actions of the Order of the Emerald Claw. This extrem­ tar and a means for collecting ritually spilled blood.
ist sect serves a lich known as the Queen of Death, and Temples of the Blood of Vol are fortified structures,
it employs necromantic magic in acts of terror. However, built to serve as sanctuaries. In contrast to the Silver
most Seekers don't support the Emerald Claw. Flame, such temples are stark and functional. Temples
The Blood of Vol has its strongest following in Karr­ include vaults or catacombs, designed to hold undead or
nath and the Lhazaar Principalities. For a time, it was to store corpses.
the national religion of Karrnath. Though fallen from
favor, the faith is still practiced openly in that nation.
The power o f a cleric o f the Blood o f Vol comes from • A paradise exists within the world, a vale bathed in
within them. As such, every cleric chooses a unique the light of the Inner Sun. Earn your passage with the
holy symbol-an object that resonates with them. More blood of worthy foes.
generally, the faith is represented by a tear-shaped red • Our existence is a chrysalis state, preparing us for
gemstone or shard of glass. Priests of the Blood of Vol transcendent immortality within the bowels of the gib­
wear robes of red and black. bering mouther.
• The Lord of Eyes sees all secrets. Its gaze elevates
RITES the worthy and slays the unbeliever. Drive doubt from
The services o f the Blood o f Vol focus o n drawing the your heart, and you will see reality through new eyes.
faithful together as a community and encouraging peo­ The Cults of the Dragon Below are wildly diverse. The
ple to find power within themselves. The most import­ tenets above describe the beliefs of three different
ant ritual of the faith is the Sacrament of Blood. After a cults. Warlocks draw power from demon overlords, and
sermon, each member of the congregation sheds a small daelkyr cultists serve mind flayers and beholders. Oth­
amount of blood into a basin. This is a symbol of unity, ers embrace deep convictions that others see as mad­
and a message that members of the community would ness. Outsiders use the term "Cult of the Dragon Below"
shed their blood to defend one another. In some temples, as a blanket term to describe these disparate beliefs,
this blood is donated to vampire champions of the faith. but the cultists don't use this name or see themselves as
part of a greater whole.


14 5
( M �ON � (l( Cult rituals are intense and often violent, includ-
ing blood sacrifice and ritual combat. Many cultists
consume unnatural substances, seeking a closer

communion to aberrations. They perform rituals in
Undercommon, though most cultists don't have a full
understanding of the language.

Cults meet underground, whether i n caverns o r sewers.
The people of Fairhaven were shocked by the revelation Rural cults seek out places twisted by the powers of the
of bizarre cult activity in the center of one of that city's plane of Xoriat (described in chapter 4) or Khyber.
most trusted institutions. Acting on a tip from the Royal
Eyes of Aundair, elite forces raided a House Vadalis
facility and discovered a nightmare. Captain Allis says PATH OF LIGHT
that her soldiers discovered a beating heart that filled an • We live i n a n age o f darkness. We must find the path
entire room, pumping blood through veins in the walls that leads to the light.
of the building. According to Allis, the staff claimed to • Act with compassion and courage. Each noble act is a
be "creating the heart of Galifar," apparently believing step on the path.
that if completed, this monstrosity could reunite the
• Hone your body and your mind. You are the tool you
shattered kingdom.
When pressed to comment, Patriarch Dalin d'Vadalis will use to change reality.
denied any connections to this cult. "These are difficult Practiced by many kalashtar, the Path of Light seeks
times for all of us. I assure you that House Vadalis will to change reality by first bringing change within, using
conduct a full investigation of this incident and work to meditation to focus the mind and athletic discipline to
regain the trust of the good people of Fairhaven." improve the body. The next step brings light into the
world, using courage and compassion to banish the
Cults of the Dragon Below are based on madness or darkness in the people around you. Mediate disputes.
power. A cult that seeks power chooses to serve a dark Extinguish hatred by guiding people out of darkness.
force because of the gifts they receive from it. A cabal of Inspire people to be better than they are. Even the
scholars might serve the demon overlord Sul Khatesh smallest change is a victory, yet lightbringers-the fol­
in exchange for secrets of magic. In the Mror Holds, lowers of this path-hope that this is merely a step on a
dwarf clans bargain with Dyrrn the Corrupter to gain greater journey.
symbionts and sinister gifts. The Shadow Marches con­ The Path of Light teaches that this age is dominated
tain cults devoted to the daelkyr Belashyrra and Kyrzin. by il-Lashtavar, "the great darkness that dreams." This
Membership in such a cult is voluntary, and spellcasters force poisons the world and promotes darkness. But all
are more likely to be warlocks or wizards than clerics; things change. If enough light can enter the world, it will
their power comes from bargaining, not from faith. lead to a tidal shift: the age of il-Lashtavar will end and
Cults driven by madness have a warped view of re­ usher in the time of il-Yannah, the great light.
ality. A cultist might believe aberrations are a higher Some followers of this faith believe that meditation
form of life and that the daelkyr will elevate mortals. alone is sufficient to change the path of the world, that
Other cultists may not recognize the true nature of the merely contemplating the light is sufficient to bring
beings they serve. A cult of Rak Tulkhesh might truly about the change. Most believe that it is necessary to
believe their lord will bring peace to the world, even if take action, but that darkness must fought with light.
that peace must begin with bloody war. Joining such Violence is never the answer, and the only way to defeat
a cult isn't a choice, it's something you fall into due to evil is to redeem it. Lightbringers seek to inspire those
madness. New cults can spring up anywhere, as seeds who live in fear and enlighten those whose evil is driven
of madness take root and spread. by ignorance. The faith has followed this path for over
Cults of the Dragon Below often appear as antago­ a thousand years, but now a splinter sect advocates
nists. However, your character could be a member of a greater action. These shadow watchers believe that evil
relatively benign cult. You might have been raised in a must be fought, that sources of darkness that poison
cult but broke free from its influence. If your character communities can and should be ruthlessly eliminated.
was or is part of a cult, work with your DM to develop The Path of Light is taught to the kalashtar by the
the details of your sect. spirits bound to their bloodlines. It is widespread in the
nation of Adar in distant Sarlona, but in Khorvaire, it is
SYMBOL largely unknown outside kalashtar communities. The
shadow watchers champion a sect born in Khorvaire,
Many cultists carry pieces of volcanic glass or small
and the elders of Adar have condemned its methods.
Khyber dragonshards (see chapter 5), but the cults have
If you follow the Path of Light, you must choose your
no unified symbol. Individual cults develop a symbol
side. As a lightbringer, you seek to spread hope and
based on their fiendish patron or mad visions. Eyes, ten­
goodwill. As a shadow watcher, you hunt down and elim­
tacles, and broken weapons are all common themes.
inate sources of darkness. Which path will you follow?



The symbol o f the Path o f Light i s a shard o f brilliant

crystal, carried or worn as an amulet. This crystal may � �'LAN D
be used as a holy symbol; if it's worn as a necklace, the

priest must place one hand on it to use it as a focus. The
formal garb of a priest includes a headdress with curv­
ing horns and points made from a Sarlonan shell-like
material called sentira.

Physical and mental discipline are important virtues of
the Path of Light. Martial arts and guided meditation be­
come a form of devotion and prayer. A kalashtar priest
conducts services telepathically, using shrines designed Many of the people of Khorvaire have never met a ka­
to amplify psychic abilities and allowing them to share lashtar. Some say these people are in contact with celes­
thoughts and images directly with the congregation. To tial spirits; here at the Voice of Breland, we say they're a
rare type of lunatic we've imported from Sarlona. So it
an outsider, a service can appear silent and tranquil de­
was a special treat for tourists when one of the spiritual
spite being an ecstatic experience for the faithful. leaders of the kalashtar of Sharn made an unexpected ap­
pearance in the grand plaza of Hope's Peak. The enlight­
TEM PLES ened Havakhad-that's what he calls himself-issued
The nation o f Adar i n Sarlona i s home to vast fortress a warning that "darkness was gathering" and that "a
monasteries devoted to the Path of Light. In Khorvaire, terrible time lies just ahead." He beseeched the assem­
bled crowds to show kindness to neighbor and stranger
a mere handful of shrines appear in cities with large
alike, and not to let "fear cause strife in the hard days to
kalashtar communities. These shrines are calm and come." Apparently Havakhad hasn't heard the news that
peaceful, the air scented with Sarlonan incense. The we're winning the war. But if the world does end tomor­
chambers are open, providing space for martial arts. row, you read it here first!
Labyrinthine patterns engraved on the floors serve as
an aid to meditation, while the walls hold crystals that
focus and amplify the psychic abilities of the priests. you follow the path, the more guidance they provide,
helping you create new legends.
The folk of Khorvaire see your people as mercenar­
SPIRITS OF THE PAST ies and conquerors. But you don't care about gold or
• We are the spiritual anchors of the greatest champi­ personal glory. All you want is to let your ancestors
ons of our people. Through our faith, we keep their live again, and that means you need to perform deeds
spirits from being lost to oblivion. worthy of champions. That drives you now: seeking out
• You have been chosen by a hero. Live your life as they adventures that will add to the legends of your patron.
lived theirs, letting their instincts guide you. You and your DM should develop the identity of your
• Treasure our past and the stories of our people. You ancestor. How did they fight? What were some of their
are the vessel through which new legends will arise. legendary deeds? Did they have a distinctive weapon
As a Tairnadal elf of Valenar, you were raised on the leg­ or favor a particular kind of magic? Equally important
ends of your people, on tales of champions who battled is your relationship with the ancestor. Are you proud of
mighty dragons and armies of giants. When you came your ancestor and excited to live as they did, or is your
of age, the Keepers of the Past read the signs to deter­ duty a burden?
mine which of these ancestors chose you to be their Since the rise of Valenar, half-elves and even some
vessel. Since that day, it has been your duty to emulate humans have sought to be inducted into the faith. But so
your patron ancestor. If you're a wizard, you've studied far the Keepers of the Past have declared that only elves
the spells created by your ancestor. If you're a warrior, can be revenants. Beyond the blood connection to the
you've practiced their specific martial techniques. When ancestor, an elf communes with their ancestor during
you trance, you relive their greatest battles. But these trance, and half-elves can't enter this state. The Keep­
studies are just preparation. Now it's your sacred duty ers say it can't be done, but perhaps you'll be the one to
to be a revenant of your ancestor: to live your life as they prove them wrong.
did and allow the champion to walk the world again
through you. (This title of revenant carried by Speakers SYMBOL
of the Past is not to be confused with the undead reve­ The primary symbol o f the faith i s the zaelshin, a n amu­
nants described in the Mon ster Manual.) let that bears the seal of your patron ancestor and worn
The bond between ancestor and living elf is holy. Your either as a brooch or embedded in the forehead of a
ancestor doesn't speak to you or control your actions. helmet. A devotee of the faith typically wears a veil-the
But as a Tairnadal, you believe that they are with you­ zaelta, or "spirit mask"-over their lower face while in
that your instincts and your reflexes are the ancestor battle or performing rituals, so an opponent sees the
moving through you, telling you what to do. The closer zaelshin rather than the living elf.


14 7

The zaelshin is the symbol of the faith, but the holy The elves of Aerenal refuse to let their greatest souls be
symbol used by a cleric is an object associated with their lost to the oblivion that is Dolurrh. The wisest and most
personal ancestor. accomplished elves are preserved after death, becoming
members of the Undying Court. The devotion of the
RITES living elves sustains the Undying Court, and the Court
Services revolve around the stories o f the ancestors, generates a well of mystic energy that empowers their
commemorating their glorious deeds, as well as ritual clerics. As an Aereni cleric, your spells aren't personally
exercises and trance meditation. While resting, an elf granted to you by a specific Undying Councilor. Your
spends four hours in trance. The faithful spend this time powers flow from the Court itself, allowing you to serve
in communion with their ancestor, experiencing their its will and to protect your people.
memories and contemplating their deeds. Of all the religions of Eberron, the Undying Court is
most grounded in the world. The Court stands in the
TEMPLES city of Shae Mordai, and as an Aerenal elf, you could
seek an audience with one of your deathless ancestors.
The nomadic Tairnadal elves don't raise permanent tem­ As a devotee of the Undying Court, you recognize it as
ples. A Keeper of the Past marks a circle on the ground the power that sustains your civilization and as an as­
with their blade, and the space within becomes sancti­ sembly of your greatest sages and leaders. Should you
fied for the service. accomplish great achievements in your life, you can as­
pire to join the Court.
UNDYING C OURT As a cleric or paladin of the Undying Court, you have
• Our greatest champions and sages will never be lost a concrete relationship with your deity. In creating your
to us. Their wisdom guides us, and their power pro­ character, consider why you've traveled so far from
tects us all. home. Are you on a specific mission? Are you serving
• Honor our past. Respect our traditions. Perfect the Court as a whole, or are you acting as an agent of a
your skills and you may earn your place among the specific councilor-perhaps your own ancestor? The Un­
Deathless. dying Court despises undead creatures that prey on the
• Destroy those foul creatures that channel the power of living, so if you don't have a concrete mission, you can
Mahar, for they consume the essence of our world. always hunt down undead and evil necromancers.


-- THE --
The symbol o f the Undying Court is a golden mask with
luminous eyes, worn over the face while a priest is car­
rying out their duties. Devotees wear a smaller mask as
SMA�n � nou � S �l�W�
a brooch or amulet.

The most sacred rite o f the Undying Court i s trance
communion. While in trance, an Aereni elf engages in
meditation that connects them to the gestalt conscious­
ness of the Court. This experience affirms the place of
the individual as part of the greater whole.
Since trance communion is a personal experience,
the role of the priest is to provide spiritual and practical
The alliance of rebel farmers in western Aundair has
guidance to their congregation. A masked priest serves
declared an alliance with the Great Druid Oalian of the
as the face of the Court, and any elf can approach them Towering Wood, asserting that the farmlands that border
seeking an ease to their burdens. these woods are now part of the Eldeen Reaches. The
Great Druid is a figure of legend, a powerful mystic who
TEMPLES serves as the spiritual leader of a diverse range of druids
I n Aerenal, the temples o f the Undying Court are step spread across the region. Another interesting fact about
Oalian? He's a tree! Some say he's a child of Eberron her­
pyramids built from stone. In Khorvaire, shrines to the
self, while others assert that he's the spirit of an ancient
Court use imported Aereni densewood, a particularly druid trapped in tree form. Whatever the truth, the Great
tough lumber that grows only on the island. Regardless Druid Oalian appears as a massive greatpine in a grove
of form, the walls are engraved with stories about the called Greenheart, deep in the Towering Wood.
Undying Councilors that serve as the particular patrons
of the temple, usually those related to the local priests.
DRUIDS OF KHORVAIRE The Children o f Winter believe that death and decay are
• We, the Ashbound, are the champions of the natural vital aspects of the natural cycle of life. They believe that
world. We defend it from anything and anyone who if the cycle falls out of balance, it will trigger a devastat­
threatens it. ing cataclysm as the world resets this balance. They bat­
• We, the Children of Winter, preserve the natural cycle tle undead, but they also engage in actions that cull the
of life and death. Disease and decay cull the weak and weak. Extremists have been known to spread plagues in
strengthen the whole. We must destroy undead and cities. The Children of Winter are particularly interested
ensure that the cycle continues. in unraveling the mystery of the Mourning, as some of
• We, the Gatekeepers, protect the natural world from them believe it is a sign of the apocalypse they fear.
the forces that come from outside it, from those be­
ings that slither in from the darkness beyond. GATEKEEPERS
We, the Greensingers, celebrate the magic in the nat­ The Gatekeepers are one o f the oldest sects, primarily
ural world, as well as the fey that embody that magic. found among the ores of the Shadow Marches. They act
We serve as ambassadors between the fey and mor­ to protect Eberron from aberrations and other unnatural
tals, protecting each from the other. creatures and seek to prevent extraplanar incursions
• We, the Wardens of the Wood, protect all the children and attacks. The Gatekeepers maintain ancient seals
of Eberron, from the beasts of the wild to the people that hold long-forgotten evils at bay.
of the cities. We preserve the balance between nature
and civilization and help each understand the other. GREENSINGERS
All druids look after the natural world, but they act in The Greensingers are devoted to the fey, and serve as
different ways. Five well-established paths define most mediators between the fey and mortals. The ranks of
of Khorvaire's druids. In creating a druid character, the Greensingers include bards as well as warlocks with
consider whether you have ties to one of these tradi­ Archfey patrons; a druid or ranger might also serve a
tions, and what led you to leave your order. Are you on specific archfey.
a mission? Are you exploring the world? Have you been
banished, with good reason or otherwise? WARDENS OF THE Woon
ASHBOUND The Wardens of the Wood believe that civilization has
a place in the world. As a warden, you help others un­
The Ashbound defend the natural world from anything derstand nature, ensuring that they don't cause uninten­
that threatens it. Some Ashbound consider civilization tional harm or stumble into danger. Wardens serve as
to be a threat and strike at any settlement that en­ militia and mediators in the Eldeen Reaches. This is the
croaches on the wild. Others focus their wrath on the largest of the druidic sects and the most recognized.
dragonmarked houses or seek to free bound elementals.


1 49
VE BEEN HERE A WEEK, AND IT ' S STILL HARD Sham stands above the Dagger River and its eastern

not to feel overwhelmed by the city. The towers tributary, the Hilt. It's an important port for anyone deal­
ing with Aerenal, Xen'drik, or Sarlona. Mountains line
rise up until they disappear into the clouds. Lights
the shores of the Dagger, and Sham can't spread out. So
gleam in a thousand windows. Slrycoaches work instead it has grown ever upward.
their way through the maze of bridges connecting the tow­ The city is primarily made up of these quarters:
ers, and up above I can see the burning ring of an elemen­ • Central Plateau
tal airship. • Dura
Menthis Plateau
Distracted by the sights in the slry, I nearry walk into a
• Northedge
warforged as it brushes past me. It's my first time seeing • Tavick's Landing
one, but then there are so many things I've never seen in
At the hub of each of these quarters is a cluster of
this place. Over there, a tattooed elf haggles with a masked enormous core towers. A web of bridges and platforms
ha I.fling, arguing about the price of lizard meat. Beyond connects many of these vast spires, and smaller turrets
sprout from the edges of the core towers. The district of
them, a gargoyle watchesfrom a high perch. I gather my
Skyway floats above the highest towers, while the tun­
senses and keep moving. nels of the Cogs stretch out below the lower city.
It's not until I reach the lift that I realize the warforged In between those extremes, each of the quarters is
stole rrry purse. divided into an upper ward, a middle ward, and a lower
ward. Each ward is made up of a number of districts, so
-A newcomer to the big city
that the location of a place in Sham can be expressed
with a combination of a ward name and a district name.
All the major themes of Eberron are manifest in the More information about each of the wards and the dis­
great city of Sham. It's a place of magic, with sky­ tricts in them appears later in this chapter.
coaches circling mile-high towers and mystic forges toil­
ing endlessly in the bowels. It's a place of adventure and AFTERMATH OF WAR
intrigue. A fallen angel is gathering minions in the ruins
Far from the front lines, Sham never fell under siege
below the city. A gang war is gaining strength in Calles­
during the Last War. Regardless, the war's impacts af­
tan. The corpse of a murdered aristocrat has just been
fected the city's citizens and continue to even today.
discovered in a floating mansion. A Cannith artificer is
experimenting with a planar gateway-and something is PHYSICAL DAMAGE
about to go terribly wrong. All of these adventures and a
Although Sham was never subjected to a sustained
hundred more are waiting in the City of Towers.
assault, it didn't avoid damage. On many occasions,
This chapter details the city for players and DMs alike.
commandos and saboteurs launched significant attacks
The DM can find additional information about the city in
inside Sham. The most infamous of these was the
chapter 4.
Aundairian attack that brought down the floating Glass
Tower, devastating the district now known as Fallen. In
THE SHAPE OF SHARN any of the lower or middle wards, you might encounter
Sham i s the largest city i n Khorvaire, with a population evidence of the conflict in the form of a shattered bridge,
of half a million people. Humans make up about a third a building collapsed by an arcane explosion, or an area
of that number, and dwarves are a sixth of it; the rest is some say is haunted because of the large number of peo­
a blend of every race found across Khorvaire. Halflings, ple killed there during the war.
elves, and gnomes all have a significant presence in the
city, but even kalashtar and changelings have communi­ PSYCHOLOGICAL SCARS
ties in Sham. Beyond the permanent population, tens of There are places in the city that house people who suf­
thousands of people pass through Sham every day. Ref­ fered because of the actions of other nations. For exam­
ugees from the war still find their way to the city, along ple, many of the residents of Dura hold all Aundairians
with tourists, spies, merchants, and folk hoping to find responsible for the destruction of Fallen. In another
their fortune in the grandest city in Eberron. district, folk could hate the Karrns for an undead attack
that occurred during the war, and a different group


could blame Thrane for the siege of Vathirond. These You live up high, you can touch the sky. In the middleyou
kinds of sentiments can shape the feelings of an entire can still see the sun. Down on the inside low, all we have is
district, but in the city as a whole there are far more
gloom and the constant drip, water and worse descending
people who have personal burdens to carry than those
who feel resentment toward particular nations. For from the city above us.
instance, on an individual level, most members of the -A street urchin describing Sharn
Sharn Watch might not care about a gnoll being seen in
a neighborhood, but a guard who fought on the Droaam Sharn is the most cosmopolitan city on the continent.
front during the war might be out for revenge. War­ Describing all the activities and offerings in the city
forged are sometimes also the targets of this sort of prej­ could fill an entire book. Here's a summary of what you
udice; a person whose friends were killed by warforged need to know to appreciate the city to the fullest.
soldiers might resent all such creatures.

Because the ink is barely dry on the Treaty of Throne­ As befits the City of Towers, Sharn i s also a city of
hold and relationships between the signatories are bridges and balconies. These thoroughfares and out­
still being normalized, Sharn doesn't currently benefit croppings can be extremely narrow or comfortably wide.
from a lot of commerce with other nations. Problems Although most of them are bounded by walls or railings,
could arise from a short supply of any imported goods, there's always a chance that during your time in Sharn,
whether this manifests as inflated prices, the need for you or someone you know will go over the edge. So, how
rationing, or certain items being simply unavailable. The do residents cope with this risk?
factors of supply and demand also play into smuggling Those who can afford it usually carry a feather to-
and the black market; some desirable goods might be ken as insurance. No token? Don't panic! Because of
available only through the Boromar Clan. the maze of bridges and spans connecting the towers,
there's an excellent chance that you won't fall more
REFUGEES AND VICTIMS than a hundred feet before impacting on a lower bridge.
Cyran refugees have filled the district of High Walls in Though this alone might seem like small comfort, it's
Lower Tavick's Landing beyond capacity, and Sharn is also true that the major bridges in the upper and middle
also home to a significant number of refugees from else­ wards are enchanted with feather fall effects that trigger
where in Breland-people whose homes and villages automatically, keeping you from crushing an innocent
were destroyed during the war, and who have come to passerby in your descent.
Sharn in search of new lives. The city also has its share Many different outcomes could follow a lengthy fall.
of other people harmed during the war, soldiers and ci­ The Falling in Sharn table presents a few possibilities.
vilians with severe physical or psychological injuries. All
these folk are most likely to be found in the lower wards. FA L LI N G I N S H A R N
They aren't just poor; they're suffering-and they might d8 Result
seek vengeance against those they blame for their pain.
You fal l h u n d reds of feet before stri king the ground at
the base of the towers.
GUIDE TO THE CITY 2 You fal l 3d6 x 10 feet before stri king a bridge. A major
WHEN YOU LIVE ON THE INSIDE LOW, YOU NEVER SEE bridge i n a n upper or a m i d d le ward will h ave a feather
the sun. People hear "towers, " they think ofgraceful little fall enchantment; otherwise, it's going to be a hard
l a n d ing.
spires, the sort of thingyou see poking up in the corner of
3 You fal l 2d4 x 10 feet and land in a passing skycoach,
your lord's keep. We've got those, and lots of 'em. But the
possibly i njuring a passenger.
foundation of the city is the core towers. The walls of these You fa l l 4d4 x 5 feet and strike an outcroppi ng, flag­
towers are so thickyou could fit your lord's castle in one. pole, or projecting statue. If you survive, you're still
You've gotyour outside districts where you get the open precariously perched on the edge of a tower or bridge.
air, built on the bridges and platforms that connect the 5 You fal l past a hippogriff- m a ke a successful DC 1 5
core towers together. You 've got the little turrets, built Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to catch its leg!
6 A gargoyle or giant owl catches you-then threatens
on the core tower walls and the bridges between. You 've
to d rop you if it doesn't get a reward.
got thefolk in the middle, who live and work in the walls
7 You can fly! Actual ly, a nearby wizard or artificer casts
themselves. And then you 've got those of us on the in­ featherfall to save you , but for a moment it felt l i ke
side, our districts entirely contained in the hollow well you can fly. And now the spel lcaster wants payment.
of a great tower. Whenyou look up in Callestan,you see 8 You strike a small a i r elemental that was d rawn to the
twinkling lights, to be sure. But those aren't stars, and that city. Doing this cush ions your fall, but now you're on

isn't the sky. You 're looking up through a mile of bridges top of an air elemental.

and platforms crossing the well, looking up at the districts



1 52
-- THE --

SMA�n � nou �S�l�W�

Just this week a Brelish woman in Middle Central was
squashed to death when a drunk Cyran man fell on
her from the upper wards. He survived. A good Brelish
woman, a veteran of the Last War, cushioned his fall!
This incident isn't the first of its kind. Last month a
clumsy warforged crushed two innocent halfling lovers.
Before that, a shifter thief fell from a tower, injuring an
unsuspecting griffon. I propose a new law: No traveling
the middle or upper wards without a feather token. These
affordable trinkets are all that stand between our safety
and death caused by some rat who would rather spend
gold on drink.


Need to get a message to someone? I f you're not in a
hurry, the Orien post has boxes throughout the city;
you can mail a letter for 1 cp. Hiring a courier generally
costs between 5 cp and 5 gp, depending on the size of
the package and where you need it delivered. You can
find Sivis message stations in almost every upper and
middle ward, and if you absolutely have to contact some­
one instantly, the Sivis enclave in the Dragon Towers
district (Middle Central) can perform a sending spell
for 200 gp.
House Tharashk has brought an innovation to mes­
sage delivery in Sharn: the use of gargoyles. Tharashk
has several of these creatures in its employ, and these
flying couriers are a quick way to get a message across
the city. If you spot a gargoyle without a burden, you
can flag it down, and it costs 5 gp to deliver a letter or a
small package.

Magewrights and adepts can b e found i n every district
of Sharn, selling their services. Standard prices are
summarized on the Magewright Casting Fees table.

Spell Level Price
1 st 25 gp
2nd so gp
3rd 1 00 gp

These costs can vary depending on the spell and the

spellcaster, and they don't include the price of expensive
components. People who can cast higher-level spells are
rare, typically found only in the dragonmarked houses
or the wizard circles; the cost and availability of such
services varies based on the caster.
L I FESTYLE A N D STA N DA R D S OF L I V I N G The Panaceum has an altar that can be used to per­
I n Sharn, a s i n any large com m u nity, d i fferent segments form raise dead, but this service isn't without its risks.
of the population occupy different places in the economic Sometimes the wrong spirit returns to a body, or ma­
spectrum. The terms that D&D uses to quantify lifestyle levolent ghosts or wraiths might escape from the neth­
expenses-wretched, squalid, poor, modest, comfortable, erworld along with the person being raised. Before the
wealthy, and aristocratic (see " Expenses" i n chapter 5 of healers take gold to perform a resurrection, a jorasco
the Player's Handbook)-are also used in this chapter as
adept will first cast augury. If this divination indicates
an indicator of what it costs for someone to live in a given
looming disaster, the adept will reject the request.
area, and also of the costs of goods and services there.
For i nstance, a restaurant that i s said to serve food
A few divine spellcasters in Sharn can raise the dead,
of comfortable qual ity is one where a patron who lives notably the high priest of the Undying Court in Shae
a comfortable lifestyle (or better) can afford a nyth ing Lias. These devout clerics rarely sell their services,
on the menu. however, and the high priest would need a compelling
reason to help someone who has different beliefs.


Morgrave University, though not the most respectable There's always a celebration happening or about to hap­
institution of higher learning in Khorvaire, has an ex­ pen in Sharn, whether it's a parade in a single district or
tensive library that boasts definitive collections of lore a festival that ranges across the entire city. Here are a
in certain fields, particularly arcana, dungeoneering, few special occasions to put on your calendar.
geography, and history. Characters seeking knowledge
in any of these fields or others ought to be able to find re­ THE TAI N GALA (FIRST FAR OF EACH MONTH)
sources in the library to aid their search. The university The ir'Tains are the richest and most powerful family in
is an excellent source of sages who hire their services Sharn. Each month, Lady Celyria ir'Tain holds a ball at
out on a short- or long-term basis. Even those who pro­ her Skyway mansion. The guest list defines the current
fess to be sages but have no connection to the university social order of the city; those families who hold perma­
tend to cluster around Morgrave, with their homes and nent invitations, known as the Sixty, are the de facto roy­
businesses almost all located in the University, Den'iyas, alty of Sharn. Celyria does invite unusual guests and at­
and Ivy Towers districts of Upper Menthis. tractions each month, and an up-and-coming entertainer
Another important site for certain kinds of research is or a renowned folk hero might catch her notice.
the City Archive, in the Highest Towers district of Upper
Central. The archive contains exhaustive historical doc­ CRYSTALFALL (9 0LARUNE)
uments of Sharn; birth, death, and marriage records; During the Last War, saboteurs caused a floating tower
and copies of legal documents such as identification to fall into Lower Dura. This devastation can still be
papers and letters of marque issued in the city. Access seen today in the district now known as Fallen. On 9
to these records, however, is more restricted than to the Olarune, people gather to remember those who were
contents of the Morgrave library. lost that day. Many of them carry on a tradition of craft­
Those who want to further their research through ing elaborate ice sculptures and throwing them into the
some hands-on experience might find undiscovered lore Dagger River.
in the lowest regions of Sharn, where sewers and tun­
nels snake through ancient ruins. Similarly, the crypts THE DAY OF MOURNING (20 0LARUNE)
of the City of the Dead might hold some relevant histori­ The nation of Cyre was destroyed in 994 YK on this
cal information. date, known as the Day of Mourning. Although that
event had an impact on everyone in Khorvaire, this day
SHOPPING CENTERS of remembrance is especially significant to Cyran sur­
vivors. It is a time when Cyrans come together to recall
Sharn contains a number of major shopping districts.
their lost kingdom. Some tell stories or sing traditional
The Tradefair district in Middle Central focuses on
songs, ensuring that their culture isn't forgotten. Other
top-quality goods-everything you'll need to maintain a
survivors still seethe with anger at the enemies who
wealthy or aristocratic lifestyle. North Market in Lower
brought Cyre down, and thus far the holiday has been
Northedge has a fine selection of common goods. Al­
marked by a brief upturn in violence.
most anything can be found in the Bazaar of Middle
Dura, as long as you're not concerned about the origin of SUN'S BLESSING (15 THERENDOR)
secondhand goods. Tavick's Market in Middle Tavick's The festival of Doi Arrah is a day of peace and a time
Landing is a center for produce and other goods brought when enemies are urged to find a peaceful resolution to
in from the farms and artisan workshops outside Sharn. their conflicts. It's one of the safest days in the city for
visitors and residents alike.
House Jorasco operates houses of healing throughout AUREON'S CROWN (26 DRAVAGO)
the city, largely in the middle and upper wards. The Elders share their knowledge with the young during
Panaceum in Dragon Towers (Middle Central) is the this celebration. Morgrave University holds its graduate
primary Jorasco enclave. The houses' services use the services on this day, and a day-long schedule of public
prices in this book's introduction. lectures is presented at the Great Hall of Aureon in Up­
per Menthis.


1 54

SMA�n � nou � S �l�W�

The festival of Doi Dorn is noted across the city with
prizefights, wrestling matches, archery contests, and
other tests of strength and skill. This activity culminates

with a grand contest of champions in the Cornerstone
district in Middle Tavick's Landing.

This event is an aerial race that takes place around
Dura Quarter.

THE HUNT (4 BARRAKAS) Banners are flying across Dura today, and the streets are
In honor of the Sovereign Balinor, a fierce beast is full of color. Walk through Oldkeep wearing brown and
brought to the city and released on this day into an iso­ red, and you'll be invited to raise a glass to the Griffon; if
lated section of Old Sham. Anyone can participate in the you're dressed in white and gold, the colors of the Hip­
Hunt by making a donation of 5 gp; the hunter (or group) pogriff, you'd best be prepared to defend yourself.
who brings down the beast wins a purse of 500 gp and If you're new to Sharn, you might think our city's gone
the blessing of Balinor. The motif of the Hunt can vary; mad. And in some ways it has, but it's a madness that
reaches its peak every summer with the Race of Eight
in some years, multiple beasts are released, and the
Winds. Long ago, King Galifar used Dura as a proving
hunter who catches the most of them is the victor. In any ground for aerial calvary. What's more important, quick­
case, it often turns out that the other competitors are a ness or strength? Our modern race is a test of speed and
greater threat to hunters than the beasts they stalk. skill through a course that weaves around and through
the spires of Dura. There are eight competitors, and
FATHEN'S FALL (25 BARRAKAS) each of these brave jockeys rides a different flying crea­
This celebration commemorates a priest of the Silver ture-except for the gargoyle Carralag, who relies on his
Flame who was martyred while exposing lycanthropes own wings!
in Sharn. The day's activities often cause tension with Speed is important, but merely surviving the race can
the shifter community. be a challenge. The spilling of blood isn't prohibited,
but the only weapon a rider can carry is a light sporting
BOLDREI'S FEAST (9 RHAAN) crossbow; the steeds can use their talons and beaks,
Gatherings across the city mark this celebration of which is what makes the Griffon such a fierce contender.
community. The wealthy compete to throw the grandest Poison, magic, or anything else that would directly in­
terfere with beast or rider is strictly forbidden-though
parties, and the most generous among them will be re­
over the years we've certainly seen imaginative attempts
membered throughout the year for their largesse. to stretch the rules!
Dura is divided into eight regions for the race, each of
THE ASCENSION (1 SYPHEROS) which is represented by a different creature. If you're go­
The sacrifice of Tira Miron, who gave her life to serve ing to spend time in Dura, it's best that you know your
as the Voice of the Silver Flame, is honored on this day. mounts! The beasts of Upper Dura are the fastest in
The holiday is marked by services at all Silver Flame the race, and overall have the best record. The reigning
churches and shrines, and the faithful are encouraged champion is the Pegasus of Highwater, whose supporters
to find some way to help their communities. wear white and silver. The Hippogriff is tied to Over­
look and Daggerwatch in Upper Dura, and its colors
WILDNIGHT (18-19 SYPHEROS) are white and gold. Detractors often say that the Sharn
Supposedly the Fury, the god of Passion and Revenge, Watch favors the Hippogriff and that House Vadalis
reaches the height of her power on this night. Emotions helps the Pegasus, but the referees always insist that the
race is fair.
run high, and impulse control runs low. Shy and super­
The beasts of Middle Dura are versatile. The Eagle
stitious folk stay indoors, while others see it as a time to represents Broken Arch and Stormhold in Middle Dura,
cast aside inhibitions. The streets fill with revelry that and its supporters wear brown and gold. The clever Owl
lasts well into the night. flies for Rattlestone and the Bazaar, and its colors are
brown and gray. The Hawk represents Tumbledown and
THRONEHOLD (11 ARYTH) Underlook in Middle Dura, and wearing its blend of tan
This observance marks the day that the Treaty of and brown can usually get you a good price at an inn.
Thronehold was signed, officially ending the Last War. The beasts of Lower Dura are more infamous than re­
This year (998 YK) is only the second time the event has liable. The Griffon flies for Precarious and Oldkeep, and
been commemorated, and the Lord Mayor of Sharn has its colors are brown and red. It has never won the race,
promised a truly epic festival. but there's gold to be made betting on which opponent
it will bring down. The Glidewing represents Gate of
LONG SHADOWS (26-28 VULT) Gold and The Stores, and'its supporters wear green and
It's said that the power of the Shadow, the sinister de­ gray; many believe that the Boromar Clan pays for the
upkeep of the mount and its rider. Malleon's Gate used
ity of the Dark Six, is at its height during these three
to be represented by the Bat, but twelve years ago they
nights. Careful people spend this time indoors with exchanged that mascot for the Gargoyle, whose colors
friends, but those who relish the darkness might decide are black and gray. The current Gargoyle is a stone-faced
to take to the streets to prey on the weak and foolish. fellow named Carralag, and his supporters are quite pas­
sionate about their winged champion.

SPORTS AND GAMES of the players have been turned to stone, at which point
the survivor is awarded all the stakes (except for a share
As befits a metropolis that boasts people o f all cultures, set aside for the organizers). A medusa handler moni­
Sham hosts a wide variety of sports and athletic events. tors the competition to ensure that rules are followed.
The Race of Eight Winds occurs once a year. Other Contestants carry no arms or armor, and no magic or
events take place on a daily, weekly, or monthly sched­ supernatural abilities may be used. Additionally, no one
ule. For instance, shifters hold informal hrazhak compe­ is allowed to attack the cockatrice. The challenge lies
titions every night in Lower Nor.thedge. The ogres of the in outlasting the other contestants and luring them or
Cogs are fond of tugs-of-war, arm wrestling, and sim­ pushing them into the path of the cockatrice. The bat­
ilarly simple tests of strength. People who want to bet tleground might be barren or littered with rubble and
on sports can usually find a gambler willing to set odds cover; it might be lit, or it could be be pitch black.
in the Firelight district in Lower Menthis, Callestan in Six stones matches are staged by the criminal organi­
Lower Dura, Cornerstone in Middle Tavick's Landing, zation Daask (see the "Criminal Activities" section later
or Hareth's Folly in Middle Dura. Three exotic sports in this chapter). The sport is illegal, but the games go on
practiced in the city are described below. because the matches are confined to Lower Dura and
the Cogs and well hidden from the eyes of the Watch.
A match usually occurs only once every few months.
Two teams of seven shifters play hrazhak on a field
Sometimes participants voluntarily enter the compe­
with a goal at each end. Each team starts out carrying a
tition, but most are debtors who have been offered a
wooden idol. To score, a team must steal its opponent's
chance to pay off their loans by winning the match.
idol and place both idols in its own goal. Obstacles such
Daask takes bets on the outcome, and usually earns a
as trees, streams, and piles of rubble can be present on
tidy sum as its share of the proceeds.
a hrazhak field, requiring the competitors to make full
use of their jumping and climbing abilities. Idols can be
thrown or carried, and there are no limits on contact
between participants, although only natural weapons Sham has many people in positions of power: beadles,
are allowed. Typically, a low-level druid or adept is on ministers, bailiffs, and all manner of minor functionar­
hand to provide healing if needed-but any competitor ies and officials. But ultimate power rests in the hands
who receives aid is removed from play for the remainder of the City Council. That body has seventeen members:
of the match. Competitors aren't allowed to use spells or one for each ward in the city, plus representatives from
similar abilities. Skyway and the Cogs. Each ward has its own process
The only formal hrazhak arena in Sham is located in for selecting a councilor, and there are no legal restric­
the Stone Trees, part of the Cornerstone district, where tions on who can govern; if you build up a strong base of
the matches serve as both a spectator sport and a rea­ support in a ward, you could hold the position yourself!
son for gambling. Shifters created temporary hrazhak The members of the City Council are quite diverse.
fields in the slums and warehouse districts of the city Some are crooked, others are idealists, and one of them
from time to time, and shifter youths often play im­ appears to be an owl. All of them are well known in their
promptu games in the parks. home wards, and any of them could have use for a team
of adventurers. The Sham Councilors table describes
SKYBLADES a few of the city leaders you might bump into in Upper
Common jousting is popular enough throughout Bre­ Central or at the Tain Gala. If your character has the no­
land, but in Sham, the sport has taken to the air. In a ble background, you might already know one of them.
formal skyblades match, the goal is to knock an oppos­
ing rider from the saddle-attacks against mounts are S H A R N CO U N C I LORS
forbidden, along with the use of magic or other super­ d12 Councilor
natural abilities. Formal matches take place in one of
Sorik Sensos (human) represents M iddle Central. An
Sharn's two aerial arenas, in Cornerstone and Hareth's
elder statesman and a brilliant orator, he is rumored
Folly. Skyblades jousters typically ride hippogriffs and
carry blunted lances that deal nonlethal damage. to be i nvolved in a web of bribery and graft.
Informal matches, which don't always use the same 2 Sava Kharisa (human) is the outspoken cou ncilor
rules, occur from time to time in Lower and Middle from Lower Central. Si nce taking her seat, she has
Dura, Tavick's Landing, and Menthis Plateau. An infor­ fo ught to i m p rove cond itions for the lower classes of
mal match might be played out across an entire district, Sharn, and she has made many enem ies on the coun·
with competitors weaving between towers and around cil and beyond .
bridges. The rules for an informal match are set before 3 Thurik Davandi (gnome) represents Upper M enthis.
the start, establishing (among other things) whether He is known to have ties to Zilargo and the Boromar
magic can be used and mounts can be targeted.
Clan, a n d reportedly loves intrigues a n d blackmail.
SIX STONES 4 Savia Potellas (hu man) has her hand in the entertai n ­
A Droaam tradition brought to Sham by immigrants, m e n t i n d u stry o f Lower M enthis. She hopes t o red uce
six stones is a game for seven competitors, who each the influence of organ ized crime in her d i strict, but
pay a base stake. The seven are then sealed in a large it's a dangerous game.
chamber with a cockatrice. The match ends when six


in one of the Pavilion's nine towers. Pilgrims often come
dl2 Councilor
to visit one of three particular sites. The Korranath in
5 Maza Thadian (elf) represents U pper N orthedge. A Upper Central features Khorvaire's largest temple of
venerable elf and owner of one of the fi nest restau­ Kol Korran. The Great Hall of Aureon in Upper Men­
rants i n Sharn, she fights to maintain trad ition but this draws scholars and worshipers alike. The Pool of
defi nitely puts the needs of the wealthy ahead of the Onatar's Tears in the Blackbones district of the Cogs is
poor. said to impart a blessing to any smith who bathes their
6 Shassa Tarr (shifter), from Lower N orthedge, rep­ hands in its waters.
resents the i nterests of the merchants and sh ifters of The Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame, Sham's
her ward. S h e is a cunning d iplomat a n d devoted to largest temple to the Silver Flame, is located in Upper
her constituents.
Central. Archierophant Ythana Morr is frequently ac­
cused of corruption and nepotism, but there are smaller
7 Bestan ir'Tonn (halfl ing) has represented U pper Ta­
places of worship around the city devoted to the true
vick's Landing for thirty years, and largely views h i s
principles of the faith. The hermit Gaia watches over the
ward as a separate city with i n t h e city. H e has a rep­ City of the Dead from Warden Tower. Coldflame Keep in
utation for stirri ng up confl ict and setting the other Middle Northedge was once a mighty garrison; its glory
cou ncilors against one another. has faded, but Flamebearer Mazin Tana still strives to
8 Kilk (changeli ng) represents the merchants of Lower protect his community. The priestess Faela maintains
Tavick's Lan d i ng. Whispered rumors suggest that a small shrine in the shadows of Fallen, doing what she
the changeling has ties to the mysterious Tyrants. can to help the wretched people of that forsaken district.
Some i nsist that Kilk is actually a n i dentity shared by a Finally, the Shrine of Fathen the Martyr is a sacred
group of changelings.
site in North Market, often visited by templars passing
through the city.
9 Hruitt (owl) is a giant owl who can assume h u m a n
Even some lesser known religions are represented
fo r m . A former aerial racer, he's a clever negotiator
in Sharn. The Graystone district in Middle Tavick's
who fights for the good of the Bazaar and M id die Landing is a haven for followers of the Blood of Vol.
Dura, often opposing the Boromar Clan and its a l l ies. The Gates of Passage in Upper Northedge is a temple
10 llyra Boromar (halfl i n g) is the cou ncilor for Lower of the Undying Court. The Overlook district of Upper
Dura , but it's com mon knowledge that her true al le­ Dura holds the Shrine of il-Yannah, dedicated to the
giance i s to her fa m i ly and its cri m i na l empire. The Path of Light.
cu rrent ongoing conflict with Daask has weakened her
fa m i ly and her position.
11 Evix ir'Marasha (human) represents Skyway. Lady Guilds and similar associations abound in Sharn. Their
M arasha owns the Celestial Vista restaurant, along headquarters are places where people can find the com­
with several other val u able businesses. She's a n elo­ pany of fellow professionals, or perhaps enlist the assis­
tance of an organization.
q uent speaker who su pports many radical positions,
All the guilds associated with the dragonmarked
including abolishing the monarchy after the death of
houses are well represented in Sharn; most have
King Boranel and recognizing Sharn as a n i ndepen­
guildhalls in the Dragon Towers district of Middle
dent provi nce. Central. Aside from those groups, the city features a
12 Nolan Toranak (dwarf), t h e councilor for t h e Cogs, number of less populous associations, such as those de­
is largely seen as a tool of the ind ustrial ists who own scribed below.
the foundries there. Mem bers of his fa mily were kil led
by warforged d u ri n g the Last War, and Tora nak har­ ADVENTURER'S GUILDS
bors a bitter grudge aga i n st House Cannith and the Sharn is a magnet for those who seek adventure and
opportunity. Forgotten treasures are hidden in the ruins
warforged. H e has tried to have warforged reclassified
below the towers, and expeditions leave for Xen'drik
as property, and seeks to suppress warforged activ­
every day. At any moment, dozens of sages, spies, and
ists in the Cogs.
nobles around the city are searching for capable agents
to help with their schemes and investigations. If you and
TEMPLES AND SHRINES your friends are searching for adventure, you've come to
Every major religion has outposts in Sharn. A number the right place, and you don't have to do it alone. Sharn
of sacred sites draw pilgrims to the city from across is home to two organizations that provide adventur-
Breland and Khorvaire. Priests don't usually sell their ers with opportunities for work and camaraderie: the
services; temples are places for worship and spiri­ Clifftop Adventurer's Guild and the Deathsgate Guild.
tual guidance. Membership Benefits. Those who are accepted into
The Sovereign Host is the dominant religion of Bre­ either adventurer's guild must pay dues of 12 gp each
land, represented by shrines and small temples through­ year. The primary benefit of belonging to a guild is ac­
out the city. The Pavilion of the Host in Middle Central cess to work, since the guildmaster can connect parties
is the heart of the faith, and most priests of the Host live of adventurers with patrons and jobs suited to their tal­
ents. Beyond that, there are a few additional benefits:


• You can store items at the guildhall free of charge. • Circle members are often willing to do minor favors
• You can book lodging at the guildhall for 5 sp per for other members-gathering information, embar­
night. The accommodations are modest, but the guild rassing a minor noble, causing a distraction. There's
provides stronger security for lodgers and their pos­ no cost for such a service, but anyone who helps you
sessions than you'd find at an inn. will expect you to provide similar assistance when
• An adventurer's guild is an excellent source of infor­ they need it.
mation. By studying records and working with other
The first and oldest outpost of the Circle of Song is the
guild members, you can gain·advantage on any skill
Golden Horn in the University district of Upper Menthis;
check to research a subject in which the guild has ex­
a few bards are almost always in residence and willing
pertise or experience.
to share news and stories. Other, less elaborate outposts
A strong rivalry exists between the Deathsgate Guild are maintained in Sham, and over the centuries the
and the Clifftop Adventurer's Guild. You might have circle has established outposts in most major cities and
trouble with members of the opposing guild, whether in many smaller communities across Khorvaire. These
the form of drunken boasting in a tavern or a rival stir­ sites are usually taverns or inns that have hidden areas
ring up trouble in the midst of a mission. accessible only to members of the circle.
The Clifftop Adventurer's Guild. Located in the Bards are expected to set aside personal rivalries
Clifftop district of Upper Dura, this organization has a while in a circle outpost, and any kind of combat or vio­
sterling reputation as a source of reliable explorers and lence is prohibited. Violating this rule results in immedi­
champions. Clifftop adventurers are known for their ate expulsion from the circle, at the least.
courage and integrity, and guildmaster Summer Kor­
ranor holds members to a high standard of virtuous be­ ARCANE ORDERS
havior. As a Clifftop adventurer, you're expected to keep Its mighty towers and floating spires mark Sham as a
your word, to stand by your comrades, to uphold the law, symbol of mystic power and achievement. Soon after
and never to intentionally endanger innocents with your the founding of the city, the greatest wizards of Breland
actions. Many of the local businesses cater to adventur­ chose it to be the seat of their arcane order. Its goal
ers, and if you're a member of the guild, you can expect was to celebrate excellence in the mystic arts, bringing
a warm welcome in the taverns of Clifftop. together the greatest practitioners of magic in a society
The Deathsgate Guild. Adventurers who are willing that rivals Arcanix and the institutions of Aundair.
to take on any job and to do whatever it takes to triumph A schism split the original society, but today both
might find themselves suited for membership in the of the branches of the original organization, the Eso­
Deathsgate Guild. Named for its proximity to the City teric Order of Aureon and the Guild of Starlight and
of the Dead, the district of Deathsgate prides itself on Shadows, are recognized and respected throughout
being a haven for those who challenge death on a daily Breland. Each one has lesser halls in every major city in
basis. The guild's founder, Kassh "Blackaxe" Droranath, the nation.
doesn't care how his members do their jobs, as long as Membership Benefits. Someone accepted into an ar­
they don't fail. cane order must pay 1 ,000 gp to join, with ongoing dues
of 250 gp each year thereafter. With this payment comes
THE CIRCLE OF SONG many benefits, including the following:
A bard is a versatile individual, equally skilled at en­
• You can stay at the order's hall in any major city
tertainment and espionage. These talents are perfectly
and enjoy the amenities of a wealthy lifestyle free
matched to the city of Sham, which is both the cultural
of charge.
heart of Breland and a nexus for intrigue and diplomacy.
• For as long as you have access to the order's hall, the
Bards have much to gain from the company of other
cost of crafting a magic item at the site is reduced by
bards, as they exchange news, stories, and songs. For
10 percent.
this purpose, long ago a group of the finest bards in
• While in the hall, you have advantage on Intelligence
Sham founded the Circle of Song, an alliance of enter­
(Arcana) checks, as well as any ability checks involv­
tainers and adventurers.
ing arcane research.
The Circle of Song is an informal organization, open
• Membership in an arcane order grants prestige within
to any bard who knows its customs and who can find
Breland. Though this status provides no tangible
an outpost. It has no membership dues; you're expected
benefit, it proves that you are a gifted mage and stand
to make a donation if you make significant use of the
above any mere magewright or dabbler.
group's resources. Membership provides the follow-
ing benefits: The Esoteric Order ofAureon. Members of the
larger of the two societies, the Esoteric Order of Aureon,
• You can always find food and lodging at a circle out­
take a vow to use their talents to preserve and advance
post, though you might be expected to entertain the civilization and to operate within the confines of the law.
patrons in exchange. If times are tough, your food and The Esoteric Order helped Galifar I maintain the rule of
lodging might be a step lower than the usual quality of
law, and many of its members served Breland during the
the inn, but at least it's free.
Last War. Although its members aren't prohibited from
• You have advantage on ability checks made to per­ studying any form of magic, the specialties of the order
form research or gather information while in a circle are abjuration, divination, and evocation magic. Wizards
outpost, provided you have an opportunity to peruse and artificers are almost always welcome in the guild.
archives and talk with other members.


Sorcerers must prove their grasp of arcane theory to
earn a place, and warlocks are rarely accepted as mem­
bers. The hall of the Esoteric Order of Aureon is in the Sham i s a vertical city, and elevation i s a n indicator of
district of Clifftop in Upper Dura. status and wealth. Each quarter is roughly divided into
The Guild ofStarlight and Shadows. Breland's other three levels, and the combination of quarter and level
arcane order encourages independence and innovation, defines a ward. Thus, wards have names such as Lower
qualities that contribute to a mutually uncomfortable Dura, Upper Central, and Middle Menthis.
relationship between the Guild of Starlight and Shad­ Upper wards are the domain of the rich and powerful.
ows and the Sham Watch. The schools of conjuration, Here you'll find the finest goods and the most expensive
enchantment, and illusion are favored by this group. services. Only those who maintain a wealthy or aris­
Warlocks, especially those of the Archfey, are generally tocratic lifestyle can easily afford the prices for meals
welcome. Members of the Esoteric Order look down and lodging, and adventurers who maintain a squalid or
on Starlight wizards, and in turn the guild members wretched lifestyle might be treated with disdain (suffer­
often mock the wizards of the Esoteric Order and play ing disadvantage on Charisma checks).
pranks on them. The Guild of Starlight and Shadows Violence is rare in any of the upper wards, and the
has its hall in the Deathsgate district in Middle Tav­ Sham Watch actively patrols these areas. Although
ick's Landing. the guards here might be corrupt just as in a middle or
The Closed Circle. There is one dark stain in the lower ward, they're already being well paid by powerful
shared history of the arcane orders. Three hundred nobles and criminal organizations, and they work effi­
years ago, a third order arose in Sham-a sinister cabal ciently in the service of these forces.
called the Closed Circle. This order specialized in trans­ Middle wards are home to the middle classes. Here
mutation and necromancy and dabbled in the forbidden you'll find bustling markets and taverns, along with a
lore of the daelkyr and the Dragon Below. It's said that wide range of entertainment and housing. Most goods
the members of the Closed Circle went mad and sought and services are affordable by those of a modest or
to summon terrible things; whatever the truth, the guild comfortable lifestyle, with a few higher-priced options
was wiped out more than two hundred years ago by the tucked away. The Sham Watch has a presence, but not
combined action of the Church of the Silver Flame, the as strong as in the upper wards.
Esoteric Order, and the Guild of Starlight and Shadows. Lower wards house the hard-working laborers, along
Hidden workshops of the Closed Circle might still be with the destitute and the desperate, including refugees
found in Sham, where vengeful liches or other wizards who lost everything in the war and orphans who never
of the Circle practice their dark arts in hiding. had anything to begin with. Services priced for a modest
The City of Towers
lifestyle can be found, but overall the lower wards are a bridge from Lower Menthis to Lower Central, then
home to those who have no better than a poor lifestyle; ascending two levels) and can take 90 minutes or longer.
a visitor who displays signs of a wealthy or aristocratic Not all the quarters are linked to one another by
lifestyle might attract unwanted attention. The watch bridges. The connections that do exist include these:
pays little attention to the lower districts, making them a • Central Plateau has bridges that lead to Northedge
haven for criminals and gangs. and Menthis.
These are stereotypes that don't apply to all wards. • Dura is connected to Tavick's Landing and Menthis.
Dura is a particularly poor quarter, meaning that Upper
• Tavick's Landing is connected to Dura, Menthis, and
Dura is effectively a middle ward in economic terms; Northedge.
similarly, because Central Plateau is a hub of wealth
Menthis is connected to Tavick's Landing, Dura,
and power, Lower Central is effectively a middle ward. and Central.
Each ward is further subdivided into districts, which
• Northedge is connected to Central and
are neighborhoods defined by an economic role, a sep­ Tavick's Landing.
arate culture, or both. For example, Lower Northedge
includes the districts of Stoneyard, Longstairs, and Traveling from district to district involves the use of
North Market. It's generally true that the combination of bridges and ramps, along with magic lifts-vast floating
a district's ward and quarter will give you a broad idea disks that slowly ascend and descend along threads of
of what to expect there. A district in Upper Central will mystical energy. Lifts are mainly used to move cargo
typically be well kept and swarming with guards, while and can be up to 30 feet in diameter. Most lifts have rails
a district in Lower Dura will be squalid and dangerous. but aren't fully enclosed; if combatants fight on a lift,
someone falling or being pushed off the edge is always a
GETTING AROUN D possibility.
For a speedier journey through the streets, House
Sham is an enormous city, and traveling on foot from
Orien manages a system of carriages for hire. Taking
one side of the city to the other can be time-consuming.
an Orien carriage cuts travel time in half and costs 2 cp
Here are some travel-time guidelines:
per ward traveled. Flight is, of course, the fastest way
• It takes at least 30 minutes to cross a ward. to get around in Sham, cutting travel time down to one­
• If you're traveling between wards, add 30 minutes for sixth of the walking pace (5 minutes per ward). It's also
each ward you pass through. more expensive, at 2 sp per ward. The most common
• Dura and Tavick's Landing are especially large; dou­ form of aerial transport is the skycoach, but many flying
ble the time it takes to move through one of them. mounts, including hippogriffs, griffons, pteranodons,
For instance, traveling from Lower Menthis to Upper and giant owls, can be found for hire around the city.
Central involves passing through three wards (taking


District Description Location
H ighest Towers The seat of city government, this district is also where airships arrive and depart. U pper Central
Korranath N amed for the great temple of Kol Korran that l ies at its center, this district is dedicated to U pper Central
wealth and fi nance. Moneychangers, banks, and grand vaults are found here, i n addition to
the estates of powerfu l merchants.
Plat i n u m Catering to Sham's el ite, this district provides a wide range of shops and services of wealthy U pper Central
H eights to aristocratic qual ity.
Skysedge Park Home to three sprawling rooftop parks, this d istrict provides a touch of wi lderness in the U pper Central
heart of the city. A small com m u n ity of immigrants from the Eldeen Reaches maintains these
groves and gardens.
Ambassador This district contains the embassies to the Thronehold nations, along with Aerenal and M iddle Central
Towers R iedra. It's also the seat of the Citadel and home to the B relish Museum of Fine Art.
Dragon Towers This is the primary place to do business with representatives of the dragon marked houses. M iddle Central
All the houses have outposts here, and Sivis, Tharashk, jorasco, and Cannith have their pri­
mary enclaves i n Dragon Towers.
Sovereign A d istrict fi l led with a vast assortment of temples and s h rines. It is home to the two most i m - M iddle Central
Towers portant temples in Sharn: the Pavilion of the Host and the Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame.
Sword Point This garrison d istrict houses the forces that police and defend Central Plateau, including the M iddle Central
Sharn Watch and a detachment of the royal army.
Tradefa i r A merchant district offe ring legal goods and services of modest to comfortable q u a lity. M iddle Central
Boldrei's Hearth A haven for travelers, t h i s d istrict contains reliable inns ranging from modest to comfortable Lower Central
q u a l ity.
O l l ad ra's Kitchen N either the best nor worst S harn has to offer, O l l ad ra's Kitchen is home to a wide n u m ber of Lower Central
taverns and restaurants of modest to comfortable q u a l ity.


District Description Location
Clifftop This district caters to adventurers, with a wide array of businesses ai med at explorers and U pper D u ra
fortune hunters. It is the home base of the Cl ifftop Adventurer's G u i ld .
Daggerwatch Daggerwatch holds garrisons for both t h e Sharn Watch a n d t h e Brelish army, along with b u s i - U pper Dura
ness and residences for those who su pport the garrisons.
H igh hold A district b u i lt by dwarves for dwarves, H ighhold has strong M ror i nfluences i n its architec- U pper Dura
tu re. It's a good p lace to find M ror goods and is home to talented s m iths and brewers.
H ighwater The finest residential d istrict in D u ra and the seat of House Vadalis, H ighwater is largely Upper Dura
comfortable in q u a l ity with a few wealthy estates.
H ope's Peak A relatively new temple district, with shrines and churches that have relocated from Fallen in U pper Dura
Lower Dura. Hope's Peak i ncludes several monasteries and a sacred grove.
Overlook Overlook is noteworthy for its kalashtar com m u n ity, which maintains a com m u n ity center, a U pper Dura
shrine devoted to the Path of Light, and a few restaurants serving Sarlonan cuisine.
The Bazaar The largest commercial d istrict i n Sharn, an excel lent place to buy or sell used-and possibly M iddle D u ra
Broken Arch Once a proud residential district, Broken Arch has fallen into disrepair. Its housing is poor to Middle D u ra
modest in qual ity, though the shells of wealthy manors can still be seen.
H areth's Folly A j u mble of architectural styles, Hareth's Folly i s a place to gamble and enjoy modest food Middle D u ra
and drink. The Hollow Tower is a center for aerial sports, and Hareth's Folly is where the
Race of Eight Winds begins and ends.
Rattlestone Rattlestone is a tenement district. Its people have l ittle but their pride, but there's a strong Middle D ura
camaraderie between them.
Stormhold A comfortable residential district, Stormhold is home to the few powerful fam i l ies that have M iddle D ura
remained in D ura. It's in better condition than most of M iddle D ura, and Deneith mercenar-
ies protect the streets.
Tum bledown A poor residential d i strict, Tumbledown has experienced recent incursions from Daask. M iddle Dura
U nderlook The center of S harn's nightlife before M enthis Plateau was built, U nderlook is a collection of M iddle D u ra
poor taverns and inns.
Callestan Home to an assortment of squalid and poor businesses, Cal lestan i s a nexus for criminal ac- Lower D u ra
tivity and known as a stronghold of the Boromar Clan.
Fallen Sham's oldest temple district, Fallen was abandoned after a floating tower crashed into the Lower D u ra
district during the Last War. Now it's a collection of wretched ruins.
Gate of Gold A squalid s l u m , providing miserable housing fo r desperate people. Lower D u ra
M a l leon's G ate A poor district origi nally inhabited by goblins, M al leon's Gate has become a haven for mon­ Lower D u ra
strous i m m igrants from Droaam and Darguun, along with mem bers of Daask.
Old keep Another poor s l u m , largely home to dockworkers from Precarious. Lower D ura
Precarious The skydocks of Precarious pass goods between the towers and the port on the Dagger River Lower D ura
below. The district is fi l led with warehouses, along with a handful of poor taverns. A small
com m u n ity of Sarlonans l ives here.
The Stores A warehouse district with a large halfl i ng population, with ties to the Boromar Clan. Lower Dura


District Description Location
Den'iyas Founded by gnome i m m i grants from Zilargo, Den'iyas is a haven for those i nterested in Zil U pper M enthis
culture. It's home to many sages and artisans, and a hotbed of schemes and intrigue.
Ivy Towers This residential district includes comfortable homes and modest apartments. M any of the U pper M enthis
students and facu lty of Morgrave U niversity live i n Ivy Towers.
Seventh Tower A shopping district, with restaurants and goods of comfortable to wealthy q u a l ity. Seventh U pper M enthis
Tower is especially noteworthy for Little Xen'drik, a collection of galleries whose owners buy
and sell goods from Xen'drik.
University This district is domi nated by Morgrave U n iversity. It's also a nexus for sophisticated enter­ U pper M enthis
tainment, including the Art Tem ple, the G rand Stage, and the G reat H a l l of Aureon.


District Description Location
Cassan Bridge A m ercantile district with goods of modest to comfortable qual ity. Home to a significant M iddle M enthis
n u m ber of i m m i grants from the Shadow Marches, Cassan Bridge i s the place to visit fo r ex-
otic M a rcher herbs and cuisine.
Everbright This district is a sou rce of magical goods and services. Exotic components, magewrights fo r M iddle M enthis
h i re, common or uncommon magic items-al l of these and more can be found here.
Little Plains Founded by Talenta halfli ngs, this district i ncludes a central cam pground for visiting halfling M iddle M enthis
nomads. The permanent residents are mostly halfl ings as wel l. Talentan foods and crafts can
be found here, along with displays of traditional s k i l l s and pastimes.
Smoky Towers Safer than the lower wards and less expensive than U pper M enth is, Smoky Towers has plenty M iddle M enthis
of entertai n ment options. The Classic Theater is its most popular venue, but Smoky Towers
offers a wide variety of more exotic fare. D i n ner theater, changeling bu rlesque, and other
diversions can be found i n Smoky Towers. Thovanic Hall has begun performing works from
Dargu u n and Droaam featuring monstrous performers. Smoky Towers has also become a
haven for Cyran refugees wealthy enough to avoid H igh Wal l s .
Warden Towers This district i s the primary garrison of the Sharn Watch i n M enthis. It's home to a com m u n ity M iddle M enthis
of Lhazaar i m m igrants, and the Broken Anchor is a tavern catering to Lhazaar travelers.
Downstairs The Downstairs district i s primarily known for food and d r i n k. Though most of its taverns Lower M enthis
and i n ns are only modest i n qual ity, the Fou r Sails serves some of the fi nest seafood in
Sharn . The recent success of the Diamond Theater has also drawn travelers to the district.
Firel ight This d istrict is a destination for those who seek i l l icit forms of entertai n ment. Many forms of Lower M enth is
il legal gam b l i ng and paid companionship can be found i n F i re light. It's also the most com-
mon location of the Burning Ring.
Torchfire A district with a notorious reputation, celebrated for cheap enterta i nment and infamous for Lower M enthis
its dangerous alleys. Its theaters special ize in m u sical comedy and lowbrow entertainment,
and there are lots of opportun ities fo r hopeful amateurs to get on a stage i n Torchfire.


District Description Location
Crystal B ridge A peaceful residential d istrict with many wealthy and a ristocratic estates. U pper
N orthedge
Oak Towers A residential d istrict where housing ranges from comfortable to aristocratic. Construction i n U pper
Oak Towers uses materials and styles drawn from Aerenal, and the d istrict is home to many N o rthedge
of Sharn's established elf and half-elf fami l ies.
Shae Lias This district is a bastion for the culture and trad itions of the elves of Aerenal. I t incl udes a va­ U pper
riety of businesses specializing in Aereni goods, as well as a temple of the Undying Court. N orth edge
H igh Hope A center for wors h i p fo r the people of N orthedge, H igh Hope i ncludes tem ples of the Si lver M iddle
Flame and the Sovereign Host, along with many smaller shrines. It lacks the grandeur of Sov­ N orthedge
ereign Towers in Central Plateau, but has an atmosphere of solemn devotion.
Holdfast Holdfast i s the heart of Sharn's native dwarf population. The ancestors of the Holdfast M iddle
dwarves helped build Sharn, and many of its people are stonemasons, architects, and N o rthedge
s m iths. Holdfast dwarves are proud of their Sharn roots and have l ittle i nterest in M ror cus­
toms o r traditions.
Longstai rs The popu lation of this peaceful residential d istrict is mostly made u p of dwarves, humans, Lower
and half-elves. N eighbors here generally stand together to deal with any trouble. N orthedge
N orth M arket The open market in this region largely deals i n s i m ple, locally produced goods . Due to the Lower
sign ificant s hifter popu lation i n Lower Northedge, N orth M a r ket offers goods and services N orthedge
a i med at sh ifters (grooming services, claw care, and so forth) as well as those reflecting an
E ldeen i nfluence.
Stoneyard This residential district i s home to the majority of Sharn's shifters, including both recent i m - Lower
m igrants from the Eldeen Reaches and long-establ ished local famil ies. The district i ncludes N orthedge
a makesh ift h razhak court and a shrine devoted to the Wardens of the Wood. Conditions are
poor to modest.


District Description Location
Copper Arch This d istrict is built around the Deneith garrison that polices the upper ward. It contai n s Upp er Tavick's
s h o p s and services catering t o t h e wealthy el ite. Landing
Ocean View This residential d istrict i s home to some of the most infl uential citizens of Sharn. It has a mix Upper Tavick's
of wealthy mansions and aristocratic estates. Land i ng
Silvergate This shopping d istrict is patronized by those with gold to spare. All m a n ner of fine jewelry U pper Tavick's
and expensive cloth ing can be found here, along with aristocratic food and lodging. Landing
Su n rise This d i strict provides housing fo r the shopkeepers and servants who keep U pper Tavick's U pper Tavick's
Landing ru n n i ng. Housing is la rgely modest i n q u a l ity, with a few comfortable towers. Lan d i n g
Twelve Pillars This is the civic heart of U pper Tavick's Landing. The twelve pillars it's named for s u rrou n d a U pper Tavick's
cou rthouse, the Tower of Law, where visitors can get l i censes to carry weapons in the ward. Landing
Cornerstone A haven for travelers, Cornerstone has a range of comfortable inns and taverns. It's built Middle Tavick's
around the vast Cornerstone arena and is a center of activity for many major sporting events. Landing
Deathsgate N amed for the nearby City of the Dead, this d istrict houses the Deathsgate G u i l d and busi­ M iddle Tavick's
nesses that cater to adventurers. House Deneith recruits mercenaries at its outpost here. Landing
G raywall This d istrict was fou nded long ago by Karrnathi i m m i grants, and its people are proud of their Middle Tavick's
heritage. It is a haven for any Karrnath i travelers passi n g through Sharn. Ru mors say there's a Landing
tem ple devoted to the Blood ofVol in G raywa l l , but i f that's the case, it's kept hidden.
Tavick's M arket This d istrict specializes in produce and other goods brought in by the farmers from the s u r- M i d d le Tavick's
rou nding countryside. Landing
Black Arch This district is fi l led with checkpoints and enchanted gates. These portals are generally open, Lower Tavick's
but i n times of trou ble, Black Arch can become an im passable fortress. The Sharn Watch Land i ng
maintains the local garrison. H ouse Orien and House Sivis both mai ntain outposts here, en­
suring that messages can be swiftly delivered th rough the city and beyond.
Cogsgate This warehouse district is the gateway to the Cogs, and shipments of ore and other goods Lower Tavick's
regularly pass through here. House Kundarak has high-security storage facilities for rent, a n d Landing
a House Deneith outpost h i res out B lademark mercenaries fo r venturing below.
Dragoneyes Dragoneyes tends to the needs of weary travelers, providing a wide range of lodging, food, Lower Tavick's
and entertai nment for tourists. It's also the home of most of Sharn's changeling population, Lan d i n g
and m a n y changelings u s e t h e i r gifts t o entertai n and amuse travelers. S o m e s a y that i t ' s the
home of the Tyrants criminal guild, but if so, that place is well hidden.
H igh Walls This district was converted into an i nternment center d u ri n g the Last War. Si nce the end of Lower Tavick's
the war, it has been transformed i nto a refugee camp. Most of the residents are Cyrans who Landing
fled the Mourning, but High Wal l s also incl udes Brel ish citizens who lost their homes i n the
war. It's a crowded and dangerous place, but it allows residents to maintain a s q ualid l ifestyle
at no cost. Cu rrently the gates are open, but the Sharn Watch could seal them at any time.
Terminus This district is based around Terminus Station, where the lightning rai l enters a n d leaves Lower Tavick's
Sharn. M ost local busi nesses serve the station or travelers . Landing
Wroann's G ate Travelers w h o arrive on t h e m a i n road enter Sharn through Wroann's G ate, passi ng below a Lower Tavick's
huge statue of the legendary Queen Wroaan. Many of the d ragonmarked houses m a i ntain Land ing
shops here so travelers can send messages , h i re bodyguards, or make use of other services.


District Description Location
Skyway Skyway is a district that floats above Central Plateau and M enthis, built atop an island of so- Above the city
l id ified clouds. The richest people i n Sharn live here.
Cliffside Boats bri ng cargo and passengers to the dock at Cliffside, on the edge of the Dagger River. O n the banks of
From there, enormous lifts carry people up to Precarious. This dangerous d istrict contains the Dagger River
an assortment of taverns, shabby inns, and warehouses.
Ash black The fi rst fou nd ries of Sharn were built here. The district is devoted to i n du stry, and the envi- The Cogs
ron ment here is sweltering and claustrophobic.
Blackbones Blackbones is newer than Ash black, and it shows. The district's corridors are wider and bet- The Cogs
ter l it. The fou n d ries are well maintained, and the d istrict has a few th rivi n g businesses. M ost
of the warforged that reside i n Sharn work i n Blackbones.


-- THE --

SMl4�n � no� �S�l�W�

If you've read more than two issues of the Sham Inquis­ The ir'Tain fortune is tied to the City of Towers.
itive, you've seen at least two stories about the ir'Tain Tain gold funded the construction of many of the tow­
family. King Boranel might rule Breland, and the Lord ers of Sham, and the family owns vast sections of the
Mayor might be our highest appointed official, but the city. You've likely heard of the Sixty Families of Sharn,
ir'Tains are the true royalty of our city. What citizen of considered the guiding lights of the city. Most assume
Sham doesn't have an opinion about the fate of Lord that these luminaries are ancient and established,
Dalian ir'Tain, lost at sea a decade ago? Many are sure their status tied to a royal decree. In fact, when the
that he's a prisoner of the sahuagin, which would ex­ Tains built their mansion on Skyway, they ordered the
plain why Lady Celyria has been funding expeditions architects to design a banquet hall that would seat
into the sahuagin realms. Another camp maintains sixty families and their servants. The original Sixty
that Lord Dalian staged his death so he could embrace Families were those that received standing invitations
a swashbuckling life as a pirate king. If the truth ever to the first Tain Gala. Though the list has remained
comes out, you can be sure you'll read about it here! generally stable through the years, just last year Ce­
Matriarch Lady Celyria ir'Tain is the queen of high lyria expelled the ir'Moros family and gave their place
society in Sharn. Her activities and those of the ir'Tain to Saiden Boromar-a surprising advancement for a
children account for just as much newsprint as their family that began as Cliffside hooligans.
father used to. Dalian's eldest son, Dalas ir'Tain, Anyone who strives to rise in Sham society must
shocked society last week when he publicly denounced earn the favor of the Sixty. Similarly, those who seek
the Brelish monarchy. The dalliances of younger sib­ to explore and adventure in the wake of the Last War
lings Cyra and Dara! sell more issues of the Inquisitive can surely find patrons among these elite. And from
whenever such are reported, and the wedding of mid­ our desks, we will be watching to see which families
dle sister Cariana ir'Tain and Mayne Jhaelian of Aere­ will be next to rise and fall.
nal will surely be the biggest social event of 998 YK.


The power and wealth of Sham are concentrated in This part of the city is a center for intrigue. The district
Central Plateau. Whether you're looking to deal with of Ambassador Towers contains embassies and consul­
powerful merchants, city councilors, dragonmarked ates from the Thronehold Nations, as well as Aerenal
barons, or the ambassadors of other nations, Central and Sarlona. Ambassador Towers is also home to the
Plateau is the place where big deals are made. King's Citadel, the headquarters of Brelish intelligence.
Across the ward, the district of Dragon Towers holds the
UPPER CENTRAL primary enclaves of the dragonmarked houses.
The Sovereign Towers district has the grandest tem­
Gold and power flow down from Upper Central. The
ples in Sham. The Pavilion of the Host is a complex
district of Highest Towers is the seat of government,
of nine towers devoted to the Sovereign Host, and the
where city hall and the municipal archives are located.
Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame is the seat of the reli­
The Korranath is the name of both the central financial
gion. Although these temples are the locations of grand
district and the grand temple of Kol Korran that dom­
ceremonies and celebrations, many of the most devout
inates it. This district also houses the Kundarak Bank
priests serve in the city's smaller shrines.
of Sham and the Vaults, House Kundarak's ostensibly
impenetrable storage facility.
Some of Sham's wealthiest citizens live in the Mithra!
Tower district, and Platinum Heights is the most expen­ This district is peaceful and largely residential; it's the
sive market district in Sham. It has fewer shops than safest and most pleasant of the lower wards. Goods and
the Bazaar of Dura, but if you're looking for top-quality services are largely priced for those with a comfortable
goods or services, there's no finer-or more expensive­ lifestyle, and the Sham Watch is plentiful and well paid.
source to be found. The district of Boldrei's Hearth has many reasonably
If you maintain no better than a poor lifestyle, many priced inns (most run by House Ghallanda), and 01-
people in Upper Central will assume you're a servant or ladra's Kitchen has a wide assortment of taverns and
vagrant; this could cause you to have disadvantage on restaurants. Myshan Gardens is a residential district
Charisma checks involving residents. that caters to affluent artists, while Vailia Towers has a
large community of half-elves.


Location Description District
Aurora G a l l ery The most prestigious auction house in Sharn, Aurora deals in magic items, exotic Plati n u m Heights,
finds from Xen'drik, and other wonders. U pper Central
City Archive This enormous edifice holds the historical and legal records of Sharn and the sur­ H i ghest Towers,
rounding regions. U pper Central
Council H a l l The seat of city government and the site of City Council meeti ngs. The cou ncil meets H ighest Towers,
weekly, and visitors can watch from the gallery. U pper Central
G ray Dragon I n n This inn provides aristocratic and wealthy lodgi ng for those who can afford it. Plati num Towers,
U pper Central
T h e Korranath The temple of Kol Korran is an ostentatious display of wealth and a popular tourist at­ Korranath, U pper
traction, si nce many bel ieve praying at the Korranath ensures success in busi ness. Central
K undara k Bank of This is the largest bank in S h a rn and the center of House Kundara k urban operations Korranath, U pper
Sham i n the city. Central
Lyrandar Tower All airship travel to and from Sharn passes through the docking spires of Lyrandar H ighest Towers,
Tower, the house's primary enclave i n Sharn. U pper Central
Sann id's One of S harn's most celebrated restaurants, Sannid's serves B relish cuisine of wealthy Plati num Towers,
q u a l ity and has a legendary wine cellar. U pper Central
The Vaults Located below the Kundarak Bank, the Vau lts are Kundarak's heavi ly guarded storage Korranath, U pper
facil ity. Central
Wayfinder The guildhall for this legendary association of explorers. Korranath Upp er
Foundation Central
Brelish M useum of The museu m displays work prod u ced by B relish artists and relics recovered from Am bassador Tow­
Fine Art Xen'dri k. ers, M id die Central
Cathed ral of the The central tem ple of the Church of the S i lver Flame serves both as a tem plar garrison Sovereign Towers,
Cleansing Flame and the site of grand rituals and celebrations. Middle Central
The Citadel The headq u a rters of the King's Citadel, B reland's elite m ilitary and intelligence service. A m bassador Tow-
The Citadel is also a high-security prison holding Sham's most dangerous criminals. ers, M iddle Central
The Panaceu m T h e largest House Jorasco enclave in Sharn provides h igh-priced healing services t o a l l Dragon Towers,
who can pay for them. M iddle Central
Pavilion of the Host The center for worship of the Sovereign Host is a grand open tower s u rrou nded by Sovereign Towers,
nine temples, each dedicated to one of the Sovereigns. M iddle Central


PLATEAU Sharn began where Dura stands, but the city has left it
Looking for work or amusement in this quarter? Some behind in many ways. Many nowadays consider the old­
of the things you can do here include: est quarter of Sharn to be a blight on the City of Towers.
The place is full of cracked and crumbling stonework,
Attend an auction. The Aurora Gallery in Platinum abandoned lift shafts, and everbright lanterns that have
Heights is the finest auction house in Sharn and spe­ burned out and never been restored. Dura is riddled
cializes in auctions of exotic magic items and relics with poverty and crime; it's easily the most dangerous
from Xen'drik. You never know what's going to be section of the city. But it also holds opportunities you
available-or who will be bidding against you. can't find anywhere else. If you're looking for smuggled
Plan a heist. Perhaps your goals depend on recovering goods or a place to lie low, head to Dura.
an item a villain has hidden in the vaults of Korranath.
Can you penetrate the most secure facility in Sharn? UPPER DURA
Go tojail. The King's Citadel in Ambassador Towers is
also Sham's high-security prison. This ward is full of activity. Its people are prospering,
Worship. The primary temples of the Sovereign Host but there's an edge of desperation about them; many
and the Silver Flame are located in Middle Central, folk are on the lookout for opportunities to better them­
along with a host of shrines to specific sovereigns selves. Upper Dura has the general properties of a
and lesser faiths. Take part in a festival or drop in for middle ward, with most goods and services priced for a
some spiritual guidance! modest or comfortable lifestyle. The merchants and ar­
Engage in espionage. Whether you work for your nation tisans are accustomed to dealing with unusual individu­
or get entangled in the schemes of the dragonmarked als, and adventurers receive a warm welcome here.
ho u! es, Middle Central is home to a lot of powerful Clifftop is a home away from home for explorers and
people who have a use for capable agents. mercenaries. Daggerwatch is a fortress district, contain­
ing garrisons for the Sharn Watch and the Brelish army.


The Gold & White is a Daggerwatch tavern that caters BAZAAR M E R C H A N TS
to Brelish soldiers; those who hold a Brelish military dlO Merchant
rank will receive a warm welcome, while those who
served other nations would be wise to take their busi­
Secondhand Strings. A m ust-stop shop for the bard on
ness elsewhere. a budget, with a variety of gently used instruments.
In the dwarven district of Highhold, a center of activ­ 2 Korryn's Quill. A reliable source for cartographers, cal­
ity is Morragin's, which serves the strongest spirits in l igraphers, and scribes of all stripes.
Sham, but it's no mere tavern; often patronized by Mror 3 Seven Leagues. Owned by the cobbler Boots, this
merchants and Kundarak agents, it maintains the high­ small sta l l has a remarkable selection of footwear.
est of standards (with prices to match). 4 Borran's Blades. Borran is one of the few halfl i ng
The Highwater district is home to the wealthiest in­ s m iths in Sharn. He special izes in kn ives and daggers.
habitants of Dura and is the site of Pegasus Spire, the
5 Hearty Scales. A sta l l serving gril led l izard meat and
enclave of House VadaI is. The temple district of Hope's
other Talentan del icacies.
Peak features the Citadel of Light, a grand temple of
Doi Arrah and a bastion for the virtuous. The Overlook 6 Roll and Conquer. One ofSharn's only game stores. It
district is home to Sham's kalashtar community and does most of its business in cards and dice.
includes the only temple of the Path of Light in Breland. 7 The Old Apothecary. Selling suppl ies for herbalists and
alchem ists, this claims to be Bazaar's oldest shop.
MIDDLE DURA 8 Illumination. This shop sells lam ps, l anterns, candles,
Middle Dura caters to the working class. Its taverns are and torches. Some are magical.
modestly priced, but there's gold among the dross. 9 The Magewright's Miscellany. This l ittle shop deals in
The Bazaar of Dura is the largest commercial dis­ s pell components. The clerks love to d iscuss magic.
trict in Sham. In addition to the dozens of permanent 10 Sundry's Shop. A gnome named Sundry runs a pawn
shops and smithies, the streets of the bazaar are an ev­
shop fi l led with all manner of trinkets.
er-changing tapestry of stalls and tents. It's said that you
can find anything here, if you're not too worried about
Elsewhere in Middle Dura, the district of Hareth's
where it came from and if you're prepared to contend
Folly is a bizarre blend of architectural styles. One of the
with the cutpurses that prey on the crowds.
primary attractions is the Hollow Tower, an enormous
A small selection of merchants that regularly do busi­
arena that features aerial jousting and racing. The King
ness at the bazaar is given on the Bazaar Merchants
table; roll a dlO, or choose a location of interest.

Location Description District
The Citadel of the A temple devoted to Doi Arrah , noteworthy for the three blessed griffons that reside H ope's Peak,
Sun there. Upper Dura
The Clifftop An i nstitution that provides adventu rers with camaraderie and p rofitable work. Clifftop, U pper
Adventurer's G u i ld Dura
The Drunken Dragon A tavern frequented by members of the Clifftop Adventurer's G u ild. The food is modest, Clifftop, Upper
but it has the widest selection of exotic alcohol in S harn. D u ra
The Esoteric Order The guildhall ofone of Sham's most prestigious arcane orders. A reliable source for ar­ Clifftop, U pper
of Aureon cane spellcasting services. Dura
The Gold & Wh ite This tavern offers fare of comfortable q u a lity at modest prices. It caters to mem bers of Daggerwatch,
the Sharn Watch and B relish veterans, but others will receive a cold welcome. Upper D u ra
M oraggan's A posh tavern specializing in strong M ror spirits. Food and drink are wealthy in quality H i ghhold, U pper
and cost. Dura
The Mystic M arket A collection of shops specializing in different categories of magic items. M ost merchan- Clifftop, U pper
dise is common or u ncommon, but rare items are occasionally avai lable. Dura
Pegasus S p i re The seat of H ouse Vadal i s in Sharn is one of the few enclaves where pegasi are raised and H ighwater,
trained. N ative to Syran ia, these celestial beasts can become stranded in Sham; Vadalis Upper D u ra
heirs care for them and match them with virtuous compan ions.
G hallanda H a l l This proud G hallanda enclave contin ues to operate a m id the fading squalor of M i ddle U nderlook,
Dura, and has become a tou rist attraction. It offers a range of services, with food and Middle D u ra
lodging of poor to comfortable quality.
The Hol low Tower A vertically oriented arena used for aerial jousting and other unusual sporting events. Hareth's Folly,
M iddle D u ra
The King of Fire A comfortable tavern and gamb l i n g hall, known as one ofthe safest places to bet on the H areth's Fol ly,
Race of Eight Winds and the events at the Hol low Tower. M iddle Dura
The Anvil This fading Ghallanda inn struggles to maintain its poor to modest quality. It's known to Callestan, Lower
be u nder the protection of the Boromar Clan, which makes it one of the safest establish­ D u ra
ments i n Lower Dura.
The Broken M i rror A curious tavern owned by a fam i ly of changeli ngs, the Broken M i rror changes its appear­ Callestan, Lower
ance and theme every week. It's rumored to be connected to the Tyrants. Dura
The Silvermist A remnant of Cal lestan's glory days, this place is a shadow of the grand establ i s h ment Callestan, Lower
Theater it once was. The current owners are known fo r staging bizarre events at the S ilvermist. D u ra
Since the Sham Watch stays out of Callestan, anyth ing can happen here.

of Fire is a grand tavern that hosts a broad range of gam­ tions or by virtue of having nothing worth stealing, but
bling and bookmaking activities, legal and otherwise. adventurers ought to tread lightly here, especially those
Many people make their homes in Middle Dura, who display the trappings of a wealthy lifestyle.
even if their jobs take them elsewhere. Rattlestone and There was a time when Lower Dura was the heart
Tumbledown are mostly poor tenements. Stormhold of Sharn, and remnants of this glory remain. The Sil­
contains crumbling manors still occupied by some of vermist Theater in Callestan was built to entertain no­
Sharn's oldest families, while many that have prospered bles. The ward boasted manors, temples, and a garrison
have moved on to more prestigious districts. for the watch. But all of these edifices were abandoned
long ago, and now most are home to nothing but squat­
LOWER DURA ters and vermin.
The aptly named Precarious district i n Lower Dura The district of Callestan is a nexus of sorts, where all
leans out over the edge of the cliffs, and the Sky­ the major criminal powers of Sharn have a stake. Those
docks-a system using gigantic arcane cranes and levi­ groups are described in more detail later in this chapter.
tation-carry material up from Cliffside and the docks. The district of Fallen is a haunted ruin; this temple
Precarious is also filled with warehouses that hold district was abandoned after it was struck by a falling
these goods. Because Precarious plays an important tower. It's covered in more detail later in this chapter.
role in the economy of the city, it's the only district in Malleon's Gate is home to the goblins of Sharn, along
Lower Dura where the Sharn Watch maintains a signifi­ with other monstrous immigrants from Droaam and
cant presence. Darguun. The district can be an especially dangerous
The rest of Lower Dura, in stark contrast, has been place for halflings or anyone tied to the Boromar Clan.
left to.rot. Ignored by the Watch, it is the domain of O!dkeep and Gate of Gold are wretched tenement
gangs'"and crime lords. The inhabitants of the ward are districts. A significant halfling community lives in the
often protected from violence by their criminal connec- district known as The Stores, which is also a stronghold
for the Boromar Clan.
Dura is a quarter of extremes, from the nearly idyllic at­ The hub of Sharn's entertainment industry and home
mosphere of Upper Dura, down to the danger of Lower to Breland's largest university, Menthis Plateau is· one
Dura. Among its attractions and diversions are these: of the most diverse quarters in Sharn. Whether you're
Gamble. Legal gambling is heavily taxed in the city and looking for classical theater, a fine bookstore, or an ille­
limited in its scope. Dura is the place to find a wide gal fighting ring, Menthis has something to offer.
range of shadier and more profitable games.
G o shopping. The Bazaar o f Middle Dura i s a n ex­ UPPER MENTHIS
cellent source for exotic goods, legal or otherwise. Elegant and civilized, Upper Menthis is home to four of
Clifftop, in Upper Dura, caters to adventurers and has the finest theaters in Breland: the cutting-edge Art Tem­
a reasonable selection of magical goods. ple, the colorful Khavish Theater, the traditional Grand
Bend the law. Looking for a fence or need to hire an Stage, and the open-air Stargazer Theater, as well as
assassin? Lower Dura is the nexus for criminal activi­ the Kavarrah Concert Hall.
ties in Sharn. The shops in Upper Menthis deal mainly in fine food,
Talk about the race. The inhabitants of Dura are de­ fashion, and exotic goods. For instance, in the Seventh
voted to the Race of Eight Winds and are always will­ Tower district, Window on Yesterday, Echoes of the
ing to discuss the latest news. Past, the Mekdall Gallery, and Cloud Antiquities all
Suffer a terrible accident. The Sharn Watch ignores buy and sell interesting antiques and trinkets from dis­
much of Lower Dura. Stories circulate continuously tant lands.
about dragonmarked houses and mad wizards con­ The district of Den'iyas is a gnome neighborhood
ducting dangerous experiments in Lower Dura with­ that provides a glimpse into the culture of Zilargo. Da­
out interference from the law. vandi Fine Tailoring is the source of some of the finest
glamerweave clothing in Khorvaire, and the district also


District Description Location
Art Temple This theater is renowned for its avant-garde tech niq ues and su bjects. U n iversity, U pper
M enthis
Davandi Fine I n addition to being the city cou ncilor representing U pper M enthis, the gnome Thurik Den'iyas, Upper
Tailoring Davandi is an accompl ished tailor and magewright who produces the fi nest glamerweave M enthis
cloth ing available in Sharn .
Dezina M useum Attached t o M o rgrave U n iversity, t h i s building displays t h e relics recovered on t h e u n iver­ U niversity, U pper
of Anti q u ities sity's many expeditions. M enthis
Golden Horn This wealthy inn includes a l i brary, a few large meeting rooms, and a small concert h a l l . U niversity, U pper
Performing a t t h e Horn is an excellent opportu nity for aspi ring bards. M enthis
G rand Stage This stage hosts grand performances of the beloved c lassics of Galifar, along with more U niversity, U pper
modern works that follow classical traditions. M enthis
G reat H a l l of Sham's largest temple to the Sovereign Aureon, the G reat Hall celebrates knowledge and University, U pper
Aureon learning. The clergy are sages and savants in a wide variety of fields. M enthis
Khavish Theater Established by and for gnomes, the Khavish has ample seating fo r small creatu res, and its Den'iyas, Upper
shows m a ke extensive use of i llusions. M enthis
Little Xen'd rik This area of small shops deals in antiqu ities and relics recovered from Xen'd rik and the ru­ Seventh Tower,
ins below Sharn. Cloud Antiqu ities special izes in giant artifacts, while the M ekdall Gal lery U pper M enth is
deals in ancient elven and d row goods. Windows on Yesterday looks for items with h i stori­
cal significance, and Echoes of the Past deals i n magic items with practical uses.
Sharn Opera Performances at the Sharn Opera are one of the most highbrow forms of entertai nment in U n iversity, U pper
House the city. M enthis
Stargazer Theater This open-air theater focuses on popular entertai nment with fa m i ly appea l . U n iversity, U pper
M enthis
Classic Theater A small and inexpensive theater, the Classic performs o n l y works written before t h e start Smoky Towers,
of the Last War. M iddle M enthis
The B urning Ring The Ring offers blood sport and gladiatorial com bat. These dangerous matches a ren't Lower M enthis
sanctioned by law, and the Burning R i ng constantly changes locations to avoid the Sharn
Watch. It's always last seen somewhere in Lower M enthis.
Diamond Theater A cheap theater once known for bawdy h u mor, the Diamond has gai ned fame due to its Downstairs,
playwright in residence and has produced several plays about the i m pact of the Last War. Lower M enthis
Ten Torches The cheapest ticket in Sham's theater scene, Ten Torches alternates between lowbrow Torchfire, Lower
comedy and bizarre shows that no respectable theater would stage. M enthis


hosts a number of businesses that specialize in alchemy, S H OWS I N M E N T H I S
illusion, or divination. Visitors should be aware that in­
d8 Event
trigue is the primary pastime in Den'iyas, and that hap­
less adventures can easily find themselves pulled into Tira's Tears. A speculative d rama about the founder of
intricate schemes or feuds. the Church of the Si lver Flame. (Grand Stage, U pper
Upper Menthis also contains the University district, Menthis)
home to Breland's finest institutions of learning. More 2 Facade. A comedy of errors about a family of change­
information about this district can be found in chapter 1. lings, i nvolving a tangled web of m istaken identities.
(Art Temple, U pper Menth is)
MIDDLE MENTHIS 3 Five Lives. A bitter reflection on the tragedy of the
Middle Menthis boasts the most diverse population of Last War, as seen t h rough the eyes of five soldiers.
any ward in Sham. The Little Plains district is the desti­ Written by up-and-coming playwright Luca Syara.
nation for halfling immigrants from the Talenta Plains. (Diamond Theater, Lower M e nthis)
Cassan Bridge has a significant population of ores and 4 Califar Triumphant. A beloved history based on the
half-ores from the Shadow Marches. Immigrants from
legendary king and the conflict that established the
the Lhazaar Principalities have settled in the Warden
Kingdom of Galifar. (Classic Theater, M iddle Menthis)
Towers district, which is primarily a garrison for the
Sham Watch. The district of Smoky Towers had a sig­ 5 The Late Count. A comic opera by the bard Kessler,
nificant Cyran community even before the Last War; revolving around a Karrnathi count who i s resurrected
now, this area has become a haven for Cyrans wealthy as a zombie. (Sharn Opera House, U pper M enth is)
enough to escape the refugee camps of High Walls. 6 The Carnival of Shadows. H ouse Phiarlan's traveling
One of the most prominent attractions In Smoky Tow­ circus, a mes merizi ng blend of illusions, physical arts,
ers is the Classic Theater. The place lives up to its name and exotic beasts. The traveling troupe always visits
by staging only traditional works written before the start Smoky Towers (Middle M enthis).
of the Last War. Although the Grand Stage in the Uni­ 7 The Brelish Symphony Orchestra. A performance of
versity district also performs more recent works echo­
some of the fi nest works of Seventh Century Brel ish
ing the classical style, the Classic has a stated policy of
com posers. (Kavarrah Concert H a l l , Upper Menth is)
not even considering new works.
The Everbright district might be of particular interest 8 Reflection. A one-person show performed by the
to adventurers. A wide assortment of magewrights ply changeling Adi, exploring the mu ltitudes that exist
their trade here, and the shops have a good selection within us a l l . (Ten Torches, Lower M enth is)
of magic items (of common and uncommon rarity). The
people of Middle Menthis are law-abiding folk; visitors THINGS To D o IN MENTHIS
looking for spellcasters to help with illegal activities or
who want to sell stolen artifacts will likely have better
luck in Lower Dura. Any list of attractions that tries to summarize what
Menthis Plateau has to offer, even without considering
LOWER MENTHIS all the performance events, is doomed to be incomplete.
Of the countless possibilities, some of the most popular
Providing cheap entertainment for the masses, Lower
reasons to come here are the following:
Menthis is crowded. The Firelight district is filled with
sketchy taverns and theaters ranging from the innocent Consult a sage. Morgrave University might not be the
to the risque, as well as gambling halls, brothels, and finest institute of learning in Khorvaire, but it's the
spontaneous performances in the streets. best Sham has to offer. Whether you want to conduct
Lower Menthis is also home to the Burning Ring, a your own research in the library or find a specialist in
fight club where spectators bet on amateur gladiators. goblin history, Morgrave likely has what you need.
Technically illegal, the Burning Ring moves around Go into show business. Menthis has a wide range of
the ward. Competitors are armed but unarmored; performance venues, from the Grand Stage to the
matches continue until a contestant yields, but fatalities many taverns of Lower Menthis. In addition to enjoy­
do happen. ing the entertainment, you could try to find work-ei­
ther showcasing your artistic talents on stage or dis­
WHAT'S ON THE BILL? playing another sort of prowess in the Burning Ring.
People come from across Breland to experience the Join an expedition. Scholars at Morgrave often spon­
Menthis art scene. All manner of entertainment can be sor expeditions to Xen'drik and into the ruins below
found in this quarter, from bawdy Lower Menthis events Sham. Cyran nobles in Smoky Towers sometimes
to the traditional works of the Classic Theater in Middle hire brave souls to venture into the Mournland to re­
Menthis. The Shows in Menthis table provides a sam­ claim lost treasures.
pling of the many performances staged in Menthis. See other cultures. Den'iyas brings a touch of Zilargo
to Sham. You might find a clawfoot raptor running
down the streets in Little Plains, or a Gatekeeper
druid casting bones on Cassan Bridge.


Shae Lias is arguably the most remarkable district of
NORTHEDGE Upper Northedge. Its population is largely composed of
The Northedge residential area is the quietest quarter elves, and it is a bastion of Aereni culture and traditions.
of Sham. At first glance there's little to attract adventur­ The heart of Shae Lias is the Gates of Passage, a grand
ous sorts, unless someone is interested in purchasing structure that is both the Aereni embassy and a temple
top-quality real estate. At the same time, you never to the Undying Court. The priests of the Undying Court
know when this charming and innocuous area could be don't share this information with outsiders, but many
the site of a nefarious cult or a devilish plot. residents believe that an actual member of the Court­
an ancient undead elf possessing vast knowledge and
UPPER NORTHEDGE divine power-resides in the temple.
Upper Northedge is the perfect place for the noble who Other points of interest in Shae Lias include the Oaks,
can afford a manor in the clouds but wants to avoid the one of the finest restaurants in Sham, which serves
bustle of Upper Central. The districts of Crystal Bridge food of the highest quality (and priced accordingly).
and Oak Towers are filled with spire-topped manors and The Veil of Flesh specializes in Aereni body art, in the
grand estates. A host of rooftop parks and gardens pro­ form of both traditional tattoos and temporary illusions
vide lovely spaces to sit and reflect. woven directly into the skin. The business known as
Nightshade might be the most unusual watering hole
in Sham, doubling as apothecary and tavern; the house
specialty is beverages tainted with weak poisons, de­
-- THE --
signed to take the imbiber to the very edge of death.

SM�� n � no� � S �J�W� MIDDLE N ORTHEDGE

This ward caters to the middle class of Sham, offering

ENIG MA OF TH E a wide range of comfortable housing. Dwarves make up

most of the population, with the highest concentration
in the district of Holdfast. In contrast to the residents of

D IAMOND VO I CE Highhold in Upper Dura, the dwarves of Holdfast have

deep roots in Sham and feel no strong connection to the
Mror Holds or its traditions.
I challenge anyone to leave a performance of The Broken High Hope is a temple district; although the city's
Sword with dry eyes. I believe that even a warforged most impressive churches and shrines are located
would be moved to tears by this unflinching look at the in Upper Central, it's commonly known that if you're
spiritual cost of war. It's brutal, painful, and true-which looking for a truly devoted priest, you should go to High
is why it was all the more shocking when it first opened Hope. The most notable feature of the district is Daca's
at the Diamond Theater. The Downstairs district of
Watch. Twelve feet high, this pillar is thought to have
Lower Menthis is mainly known for its bawdy enter­
tainment and base comedy, not cutting-edge political once held a statue or monument. Over a century ago,
commentary. Thus, we critics assumed that this dra­ a gnome named Daca climbed atop the pedastal. She
matic work was a singular event, until a new play titled has remained there ever since, and shouts advice to
Fallen Angels exceeded our every expectation. Month after anyone who passes by. Although Daca doesn't claim to
month in recent times, the Diamond has struck us to the be a priest, the people of the community say that she's
quick with emotional works about the Last War and the blessed by the god Boldrei and speaks with the Sover­
psychic wounds we're still struggling with. eign's voice. True or not, Daca's advice has proven to be
Who is the playwright of the Diamond Theater re­ remarkably sound, and she and her pillar have become a
sponsible for these stirring stories? Her name is Luca tourist attraction.
Syara, but beyond that, she's an enigma. There's no such
person on the rolls of the bardic colleges of Breland,
and House Phiarlan and House Thuranni claim to know LOWER NoRTHEDGE
nothing about her. Syara shuns the spotlight and refuses Although it's poverty-stricken, Lower Northedge is a
all interviews. While her works are being debated and significant step up from the slums of Lower Dura. The
celebrated in classrooms and taverns, the artist spends people of Lower Northedge don't look for trouble, and
her days in the dingy back rooms of the Diamond The­ they don't like it coming to their doorstep. North Mar­
ater. This seclusion has led to a number of fanciful ru­
ket is one of the largest markets in Sham, though in
mors. Some say Syara fought in the Last War and that
she was in Metro! on the Day of Mourning. A wilder ru­ contrast to the Bazaar of Dura it mostly offers simple,
mor maintains that she is an exile from the Faerie Court everyday goods.
of Thelanis, an archfey bound to human form. Lower Northedge has a significant shifter population.
While we wait for answers to this mystery, we encour­ The Rat's Nest is a tavern that caters to shifters, and the
age you to sample Syara's latest work. Five Lives is a gut­ Bear's Rest is an inn run by a family of shifters. Tooth
wrenching tragedy that forces us to look at our darkest & Nail is an apothecary specializing in the care of fangs
hours, and to consider the suffering of our enemies and and claws. Particularly in the districts of North Market
the common threads that unite us all. If you're looking and Stoneyard, shifter children play hrazhak in the
to forget your troubles, by all means, go see Facade or The streets; this flamboyant sport involves making dramatic
Late Count. But if you want to take in a performance that
leaps and scaling walls.
might make you a better person, do whatever it takes to
get tickets to Five Lives.


The Shrine of Fathen the Martyr is an infamous spot high priest of the Gates of Passage is capable of rais­
in North Market. It is dedicated to a crusading priest of ing the dead.
the Silver Flame who uncovered a group of wererats in Find a patron. Many eccentric nobles make their homes
the early days of Sham. Fathen was torn apart by the in Upper Northedge. A patron of the arts could take
wererats he had exposed, and in his honor the Church an interest in the career of a bard or an entertainer.
of the Silver Flame raised the shrine on this site. It's A collector might keep capable adventurers on re­
said that any lycanthrope that enters the shrine will be tainer with the understanding that they'll deliver any
forced into its true form. Pilgrim,s devoted to the Sil­ Dhakaani artifacts they come across in their travels.
ver Flame come from across Khorvaire to pray at the You never know what benefits a patron will provide; at
shrine, but the local shifter population has no love for the very least, having a patron can provide you with an
the pilgrims or the church. introduction to high society.


Northedge is the most peaceful quarter i n Sham. It does Everyone who comes to Sham, whether by land or air,
have a few taverns and temples, but if you're looking for passes through Tavick's Landing. The quarter took on
excitement or a wide selection of goods and services, a martial aspect during the Last War, and the tense
you'll want to go elsewhere. Even so, Northedge boasts atmosphere can still be felt today. On the positive side,
some notable special attractions: Watch Commander Iyanna ir'Talan has gone to great
Settle down. If you're looking for a place to live in efforts to purge corruption in the local garrisons of the
Sham, Lower Northedge residences are of reason­ Sham Watch; as a result, this is one of the few districts
able quality and price and offer more security than where the Watch is both helpful and competent. On the
Lower Dura. downside, visitors from any nation that fought against
Die in style. The elves of Shae Lias are experts in Breland during the war might be greeted with suspicion
funerary customs and embalming. In addition, the or hostility.


Location Description District
Gates of Passage Built from Aereni densewood, this spire serves both as the e m bassy of Aerenal and Shae Lias, U pper
a temple of the U ndying Court. Aereni citizens who die i n S harn are interred i n the N orthedge
temple crypts u ntil their remains can be transported to Aerenal.
N ightshade An apothecary dealing in exotic herbs and salves, N ightshade is also a tavern s pe- Shae Lias, Upper
cializing in l ightly poisoned beverages. N o rthedge
The Oaks A legendary restaurant that serves Aereni and Brel ish cuisine. The quality is un- Shae Lias, U pper
matched, as are the aristocratic prices. Head chef M aza Thadian has maintained N orthedge
the Oaks for over three hundred years, but after her recent appoi ntment as city
cou ncilor for U pper N orthedge she is often occupied with other matters.
The Silver Bough This establish ment deals in arms crafted i n the Aereni trad ition. This merchand ise Shae Lias, U pper
incl udes magic items, but woodshaper Tanar M endyrian takes time to produce his N orthedge
wonders, and only a l i m ited selection is available at any given time.
The Winding Root A marketplace and gallery that showcases the work of elven artisans, including Shae Lias, U pper
sculptures, texti les, and fine clothi ng. N orthedge
The Veil of Flesh This studio deals in Aereni body art and alteration, such a s tattoos and cosmetic Shae Lias, U pper
transmutation. N orthedge
Coldflame Keep A garrison temple of the Si lver Flame, this place once housed a h u nd red temp la rs H igh Hope, M iddle
ded icated to protecting Sharn from su pernatural threats. It has largely been aban­ N orthedge
doned; only a dozen devoted templars and adepts remain in residence.
Daca's Watch A dwarf named Daca has been sitting on a pillar in N orthedge for over a century, H igh Hope, M iddle
offering advice and encouragement. Though she doesn't claim to be a priest, many N orth edge
believe that Daca is blessed and guided by Boldrei.
The Bear's Rest A modest inn maintai ned by a beasthide sh ifter named Leara, who usually gives a N orth Market, Lower
d iscount to traveling sh ifters. The decor featu res various exotic h ides. N orthedge
Fathen's S h rine This marker in North Market commemorates a miracle that exposed a network of N orth Market, Lower
wererats in Sharn, along with the p riest of the Silver Flame who died while fighting N orthedge
them. Pilgrims devoted to the Si lver Flame often visit the s h rine.
The Horse and Though not as colorful as the Bear's Rest, this large inn is maintained by House N orth M arket, Lower
Hearth G hallanda and offers rooms of modest and comfortable quality. N orthedge
The Rat's Nest A modest tavern catering to the sh ifters of Lower N o rthedge, the Rat's N est is a N orth M arket, Lower
haven for gossip and serves food and drink in the Eldeen style. N o rthedge


UPPER TAVIC K'S LANDING You need a license to carry a weapon in Upper Tav­
ick's Landing. It costs only 5 gp, but you have to plead
This ward i s effectively a self-contained city catering to your case to a clerk. Any Blademark or member of the
the nobles that live there. It has fine housing, skilled ser­ watch can demand to see your license and might con­
vices, a luxurious mercantile district, and even an entire fiscate unauthorized weapons. You also need a license
district-Sunrise-designed for the servants of the no­ to cast spells in the ward. It costs 10 gp, and you must
bles. The services and lodging in Sunrise accommodate specify the spells you intend to cast. A fine can be levied
those with poor or modest lifestyles, as opposed to the for any unauthorized use of magic. To get licenses for
higher-priced goods found elsewhere in the ward. weapons or spellcasting, you'll have to go to the court­
For those willing to put up with its restrictive laws, house in the Twelve Pillars district.
Upper Tavick's Landing has many fine features. Another law requires inhabitants to dress "in a man­
Wyredd's Spirits is the best source for wine in Sharn. ner that upholds the solemn dignity of this proud ward."
The shop Crystals of Denion buys and sells rare magic Blademarks and officers of the watch can choose how
items, though it only has a handful of such items at any they interpret this. Typically, armor is considered in­
given time. Transmutation is a renowned beauty salon appropriate unless you're tied to House Deneith or the
providing both mundane and arcane services. House Sharn Watch, or you've served with the Brelish military.
Deneith maintains a fortified garrison and training facil­ Anyone in contempt of this law is escorted out.
ity in the Copper Arch district. Any sort of unruly behavior-fighting, shouting in the
streets, and the like-brings a fine of up to 5 gp and tem­
porary expulsion from the ward.
During the war, fears of attacks by foreign agents re­
sulted in the establishment of a number of laws here
that affect visitors, including adventurers, to this day.
The soldiers of House Deneith have full authority Unlike the upper ward, Middle Tavick's Landing wel­
to act as agents of the Sharn Watch in Upper Tavick's comes travelers and tourists. The ward features a host
Landing, and staff of Deneith's elite Blademark merce­ of lively taverns and excellent inns. The Cornerstone is
naries maintain checkpoints at the district's edges. a huge arena that hosts events ranging from circuses to

lio u s E J O R ASCO's
li o u s e O F liEAL I N G IN
M I D D L E TAv 1 cK's L A N D I N G


aerial jousting. The Deathsgate district caters to adven­ aggression and a place where followers of the Blood of
turers, much as the Clifftop district of Upper Dura does. Vol can practice their faith.
Like Clifftop, the district has an adventurer's guild­ Tavick's Market is one of Sharn's major market dis­
though the Deathsgate Guild has a dark reputation, and tricts; located directly above the Terminus lightning rail
its members often pick fights with Clifftop adventurers. station, it's filled with stands selling produce and goods
(See the "Adventurer's Guilds" section for more informa­ brought in by local farmers.
tion.) House Jorasco has a large house of healing in the
ward, and House Deneith maintains a recruiting station LOWER TAVICK'S LANDING
for would-be mercenaries. Two land routes t o Sharn both end at Lower Tavick's
The Graystone district has deep roots in Karrnathi Landing. The Orien lightning rail deposits passengers
culture that predate the Last War; Slogar's and the in the district of Terminus, while those who travel to
Bloody Mug are places where homesick Karrns can Sharn on the Old Road arrive at Wroann's Gate. Getting
enjoy blood sausage and Nightwood ale. The district is a to the better parts of Sharn from here means passing
haven for Karrnathi soldiers who want to avoid Brelish through Black Arch, a heavily fortified garrison district


Location Description District
Crystals of Den ion This gallery deals in rare and expensive magic items. The selection is l i m ited, Silvergate, U pper
and Den ion looks for items that are both beautifu l and powerfu l. Tavick's Landing
The Three Towers A fortress enclave of H ouse Deneith. One tower i s a garrison for the Blademark Copper Arch, U pper
mercenary forces that police U pper Tavick's Land i ng. The second is dedicated to Tavick's Land ing
house busi ness and training. The t h i rd i s a private mansion for Deneith heirs.
Transmutation A beauty salon that employs both magical and m undane cosmetic techniques. Copper Arch, U pper
Tavick's Land ing
Wyredd's Spirits Wyredd deals in fine wines and exotic spirits. Wyredd's has the fi nest selection Copper Arc h , U pper
i n Sham, but his prices are h igh. Tavick's Land ing
The Bloody M u g A comfortable tavern catering to Sham's Karrnathi i m m igrants. Travelers from G raywall, M iddle
Karrnath always receive a warm welcome and a tankard of nightwood ale in ex­ Tavick's Landing
change for stories from the old cou ntry.
The Cornerstone A massive arena that hosts a wide array of sportin g events. These include jousts Cornerstone, M iddle
and races, both on foot and through the air. The Stone Trees is an offshoot of Tavick's Landing
the Cornerstone that serves as the playing fi eld for h razhak competitions.
The Deathsgate G ui l d A society where adventurers can hone their skills and seek profitable work. The Deathsgate, M iddle
Deathsgate G uild has a sinister reputation, earned because its mem bers will do Tavick's Landing
anyth ing in pursuit of success.
T h e G u i l d o f Starlight The guildhall of one of Sham's most prestigious arca ne orders. A reliable source Deathsgate, M iddle
and Shadows for arcane spel lcasting services. Tavick's Land ing
M aynard's Menagerie This Vadal i s storefront deals in exotic pets and a n i m a l companions, along with Deathsgate, M iddle
barding and other useful gear. Tavick's Land ing
Red blade's A comfortable tavern catering to the adventu rers of the Deathsgate G u ild. Red­ Deathsgate, M iddle
blade i s rumored to have a side business sel l i ng poison and venoms. Tavick's Land ing
Slogar's This modest restaurant serves trad itional Karrnathi c u isine. The ambience i s a G raywal l , M iddle
bit gloomy, but the prices are reasonable, and the food is very fi l l i ng. Tavick's Landing
Tooth and N a i l A comfortable tavern devoted to the sport of hrazhak. M ost of the clientele are Cornerstone, M iddle
shifters, but anyone willing to talk h razhak will find friends here. Tavick's Landing
Chance A legendary gambling hall. In addition to standard games, it's said that the host Dragoneyes, Lower
can cover a wide range of u n usual wagers. Tavick's Landing
Ter m i n u s Station An enclave of H ouse Orien, this site contains the lightning rai l station. The ad­ Terminus, Lower
min istrators coordinate the many Orien caravans that come and go from Sham. Tavick's Landing
Many of the other dragon marked houses have small outposts i n or around Ter­
m i n u s Station, allowing travelers to i m mediately access the services of H o u se
Sivis, House Deneith, and others.
Velvet's Staffed by changelings, this comfortable inn special izes in fu lfilling fantasies; Dragoneyes, Lower
both the staff and the rooms can be adapted to fit any scenario. Though some Tavick's Land ing
clients have romance in m i n d , others come to Velvet's to relive triu m ph s , to pre­
pare for debates or trials, or for help in developing a new identity.


1 74
designed to repel enemies and withstand a full siege.
The ward offers a variety of services catering to travel­
ers; the Dragoneyes district is a maze of taverns, inns, The five main quarters of Sharn make up the bulk of the
brothels, and gambling halls. Dragoneyes is also note­ city. But a few additional districts lie above and below
worthy for being the site of one of the few changeling the metropolis proper, including wondrous sites and
communities in Breland. dangerous places that most folk prefer to avoid.
House Orien has a strong presence in Lower Tavick's
Landing, and Orien heirs, laborers, and teamsters can SKYWAY
be found in many of the districts. House Lyrandar and A number of floating towers drift above the upper wards
House Deneith are also well represented, with their of Sharn, but these are dwarfed by Skyway, an entire
representatives arranging matters of trade, transport, district suspended above and between Central Plateau
and security. and Menthis Plateau. Built on an island of solidified
These days, Lower Tavick's Landing is best known cloud, Skyway holds the mansions of the wealthiest
for High Walls, a former residential district converted people in Khorvaire-nobles whose feet never touch the
into a home for refugees from the Last War. High Walls ground. It's a realm of wonders, filled with the finest
is filled past capacity, mostly by Cyrans who were dis­ examples of luxury and extravagance that gold can buy
placed by the Mourning. The gates are open at present, and magic can produce. For instance, Cloudpool Park is
but High Walls is designed to serve as a fortress formed from sculpted cloudstuff, with window panels of
prison if the need arises, and the Sham Watch ice that provide a view of the city below.
keeps an eye out for any signs of unrest. Skyway is home to lavish estates. Prior to the Last
War, noble families from across the Five Nations main­
THINGS TO Do IN TAVICK's tained mansions here. Though some of these places
LANDING remain in the hands of their original owners, others
were seized by the crown during the Last War and sold
A s a metropolitan district filled with immigrants, mer­
chants, and travelers from across Khorvaire and beyond
it, Tavick's Landing offers a host of opportunities to
enjoy food and entertainment from distant lands. Or you THE VOICE OF

m �'lAN �
might find yourself here for one of a few specific rea­
sons, such as:
Take a chance. The Dragoneyes district is filled with
ways to lose your wages, both in established gambling
halls and on street corners. If you you're looking for
something a little more exotic, see if you can find
Chance. This is the name both of a secret, roaming
gambling den and of the changeling who runs it. In
addition to offering all manner of mundane games and
bets, Chance is said to be able to arrange and cover In the wake of the Mourning, our king welcomed the
nearly any sort of wager or duel. Are you ready to survivors of that tragedy into our cities. In Sham, High
gamble with a fiend? Would you wager a year of your Walls alone holds more Cyran refugees than Karrnath
life for a moment of good fortune when you need it the has allowed across its borders. If you read the Sham In­
most? If any of the rumors are true, these are exam­ quisitive or the Korranberg Chronicle, you've heard the end­
ples of what's possible at Chance. less litany of how difficult life is, tales of overcrowding,
Find refuge. Though most of the refugees in High Walls starvation, and disease. Although we at the Voice ofBre­
land sympathize with all who suffer, we refuse to ignore
come from Cyre, the district is a haven for anyone
the deadly threat in our midst. The maj ority of Cyrans
displaced in the war, including Brelish. The place is who survived the Mourning did so because they were
overcrowded, however, and resources are stretched beyond the borders of their nation. And why is that? Be­
thin. Tensions are high, and feuds and power strug­ cause they were soldiers.
gles among the refugees take place regularly. If you're The Sham Inquisitive talks about starving children and
from Cyre, you might be able to find a cot in High ailing peasants, but it doesn't mention the Cyran spe­
Walls, especially if you already have friends or family cial forces and elite war mages who now reside in High
living there. Walls. As Brelish, we all want to show compassion to
Bond over blood. The Graystone district in Middle the truly innocent, but let us never forget that these
Tavick's Landing is one of the few places in Breland people were once our enemy and could be again. And
let us also remember that the cause of the Mourning
where the Blood of Vol religion is practiced openly.
remains a mystery. Was it divine punishment for Cyran
Residents are circumspect about their activities, and
sins that have yet to be washed clean? Or could it have
undead servants are largely kept off the streets. But if been a premature activation of an arcane weapon-and
you're a follower of the faith, it's a place where you can if so, could Cyran artificers already be working on an im­
participate in the Sacrament of the Blood or consult proved version in the heart of our greatest city?
with a priest. It's also the best place to find a skilled Remain alert, people of Breland! Don't let the current
necromancer, or to hear rumors about the latest plight of these unfortunates blind you to the danger!
schemes of the Order of the Emerald Claw.


17 5
to wealthy citizens of Breland. The resulting influx of
residents has brought more diversity to the district, with
dragonmarked heirs and even wealthy criminals living
alongside the nobility. The grandest estate in Skyway is
Tain Manor, home of the ir'Tain family and the monthly
Tain Gala (see "Holidays" earlier in this chapter).
This district offers the highest-priced services in the
city. The Dragon's Hoard is a Ghallanda resort, where
travelers can enjoy the utmost in luxury if they can af­
ford the most expensive amenities. The Celestial Vista
and the Cloud Dragon are wondrous restaurants. The
Azure Gateway is a new hotel and restaurant that has
replaced a Ghallanda establishment. The owner has
remained anonymous, and this touch of mystery has
piqued interest in the place.
If you're interested in mingling with nobles or celeb­
rities, or if you want to pull off a heist that targets the
richest people in Sham, Skyway is the place to do that.
No bridges or lifts connect Skyway to the rest of the
city, so the usual way to reach the floating district is by
taking a skycoach or hiring a flying mount.

Cliffside encompasses the docks and waterfront of
Sham, running along the edge of the Dagger River and
up the cliff above it. Massive lifts levitate goods up to the
skydocks in the district of Precarious. The area's rough
and poor, filled with sailors and dockworkers. Many of
these boisterous folk love the life in Cliffside; as a com­
mon saying goes, "Better a tankard of ale in Cliffside
than a barrel of Central wine."
Plenty of legitimate services can be found here-ships
need supplies and repairs, goods need to be stored,
captains need to hire crew, and sailors need a dry bed to
sleep in once in a while-but other businesses meet dif­
ferent kinds of demands. These services include bordel­
los, taverns, gaming dens, and shadier entertainments
for sailors to spend their off duty hours and wages on.
Even though the Sham Watch has a token presence
here, Cliffside remains one of the most crime-ridden
districts in the city. This situation is exacerbated by the
presence of sahuagin, who sell their services as guides
to help ships traveling to Xen'drik. In fact, the sahuagin
rarely initiate violence, but there have been clashes be­
tween them and aggressive, drunken sailors.

THE C oos
--- -----

The Cogs lie deep beneath Sharn, below the sewers

and Old Sham (described later in this chapter). Streams
of Fernian lava flow through this area, and over the
centuries, House Cannith has helped Breland establish
vast foundries that tap this mystic resource. Ashblack
and Blackbones are industrial districts, largely inhab­
ited by warforged laborers and miserable workers of
other races. It is said that House Cannith maintains a
forgehold in the Ashblack district, and that this is where
Baron Merrix d'Cannith conducts his experiments.
The Sham Watch maintains a presence in the Cogs,
and overseers from House Cannith are stationed here
to keep things in order. Beyond these industrial dis­
tricts lies the deeper tunnels of Khyber's Gate, a tene­
ment district.
Location Deascription District
The Azure Gateway This l uxu rious hotel and restau rant recently replaced an old Ghallanda i n n . The m e n u is a Skyway
"Galifar fusion," com b i n i n g styles from across the Five Nations.
The Celestial Vista This legendary restau rant is owned by Skyway's city councilor, Lady Evix i r ' M arasha. The S kyway
floor is studded with crystal windows, allowing d iners to look down i nto the city below.
The food isn't incredible, b ut tou rist crowds keep the Vista fi l led with customers.
The Cloud Dragon This restau rant serves traditional Brelish cuisine, and it does so exceptionally well. It's Skyway
rarely as crowded as the other venues in Skyway, but locals know its value.
The Dragon's Hoard This resort, maintained by House Ghallanda, offers every l uxury for those who can afford Skyway
its h igh prices.
Tain Manor Sham's social l i fe revolves aro u n d the i r'Tain fam ily. The monthly Tai n Gala i s the hottest Skyway
ticket i n town, and it's held at the family estate in S kyway.
M ud Caves This shantytown sits on the edge of Cliffside, where generations of destitute people have Cl iffside
carved out homes i n the cliff walls. It's a wretched existence, but most of the i n habitants
have no other options. It also makes an excellent h i d i n g place for fugitives.
Sham's Welcome Also known as the docks of Cliffside, this area is rough and d i rty. Its taverns freq uently Cli ffs ide
host brawls, while the i n ns offer travelers a wide variety of ways to be cheated or robbed.
S h i p's Towers Drifting alongside the Cl iffside docks is a collection of rafts, ships, and houseboats lashed Cliffside
together to form a floating community.
Keldoran Forge Though most of the fo u ndries in the Cogs are devoted to large-scale ind ustry, the dwarf Ash black
Antos Keldoran maintains a small forge and produces bespoke arms and armor.
The Pool of Onatar's A small temple in the Blackbones district holds a pool said to be blessed by the god O na- Blackbones
Tears tar. Smiths come from across Khorvaire to d i p their tools in the pool.
The Red Hammer The Red Hammer i s Sham's only i n n maintained by and for warforged. I t offers those who B lackbones
work in the Cogs opportunities to socialize, along with repair and cosmetic services.

Blackbones has a number of remarkable locations. Few people reside in this area. Among its major fea­
For example, the Pool of Onatar's Tears is sacred to the tures are Aureon's Holt, a temple of the Restful Watch,
Sovereign of the Forge. The current caretaker is a war­ where Sovereign priests conduct funerals and serve
forged priest named Smith, who believes that Onatar as the caretakers of the tombs. Warden Tower is an
has plans for the warforged, and that the warforged and outpost of the Church of the Silver Flame, staffed by a
creatures of flesh are meant to live together. single hermit tasked to watch for supernatural threats.
Most of the citizens of Sharn have never been to the Though the City of the Dead is largely peaceful, sto­
Cogs. The area does house the bulk of the city's war­ ries circulate about dark powers lurking there. Some
forged population, and if you're looking for a particular parents warn their children of the Lich-Priest Gath, who
warforged, it's the best place to start. Industrial espio­ steals disobedient children and forces them to work in
nage and labor struggles can add drama to adventures his kingdom of the dead, polishing the bones of his skel­
in the great foundries, not to mention the possibility of etal subjects.
artificers with secret forges hidden in the Cogs.
DUNGEONS OF SHARN Sharn was built o n the foundations o f a n older city,
Sharn boasts countless opportunities for adventurers. which was itself built atop goblin ruins. This old city was
You can get caught up in espionage in Upper Central or destroyed by dark magic, courtesy of the elemental pow­
drawn into a crime war in Lower Dura. Aside from the ers of the infamous Halas Tarkanan and his consort, the
intrigues and politics of the city, Sharn has a wide range Lady of the Plague. It is said that vile powers still linger
of cursed ruins, haunted slums, shunned catacombs, in these ruins, and for this reason King Galifar I had all
and other dangerous places. Wise folk avoid these ar­ the passages to this undercity sealed with gates of metal
eas, but those whose hunger for adventure outweighs and magic. These portals remain sealed today, and it's
their good sense might do the opposite. illegal to tamper with them. But it's generally assumed
that many treasures are hidden in the ruins of Old
THE C ITY OF THE DEAD Sharn, along with untold secrets of the past.
No one knows exactly; what lurks in Old Sharn. The
Look t o the cliffs to the north o f Sharn, and you'll see
ruins could contain ghosts or other undead, the vengeful
a collection of crypts embedded into the cliff face. This
spirits of the aberrant-marked people who took refuge
is the City of the Dead, the final resting place of the
in the fallen city. In olden times, the Lady of the Plague
wealthiest citizens of Sharn. Common folk are cremated
had power over vermin and disease, and a fanciful
after death, but members of the Sixty Families and oth­
tale says that even today the undercity is inhabited by
ers with sufficient wealth have their remains interred in
swarms of sentient rats and beetles.
the tombs and tunnels of this necropolis.



• ' .

Only the most desperate people live here, and the

-- THE -- forces of the law won't come near it. As a result, the


district has a lot of space available for any cult or secret
society that needs a lair. The followers of a radiant idol,
the Cult of the Dragon Below, or any other cabal could
lay claim to a shattered church in Fallen.


Beyond the Cogs lies Khyber's Gate, a maze of tunnels
You'll hear warning bells toll tomorrow morning. You'll
see packs of people with their faces hidden by plague and tenements carved into the stone. The Sharn Watch
masks or strips of cloth. Jorasco healers will roam the has no presence here, and the closest thing to an au­
streets offering free examinations and blessings. If you're thority is the criminal organization known as Daask; if
new to Sharn, have no fear! This isn't the outbreak of you're seeking the leaders of this group, this is where
disease it appears to be; it's how Sharn observes the La­ you'll find them. Many of the inhabitants of the Gate are
dy's Day, commemorating a tragic incident in our past. goblins and immigrants from Droaam, but it's also home
Today, aberrant dragonmarks are rare. But there was to fugitives, war criminals, and other unsavory types.
a time long ago when they were far more common. An Khyber's Gate is part of the ruins of a goblin city that
army of aberrant heirs made their home here in the was abandoned thousands of years ago. No one knows
early days of Sharn, led by Halas Tarkanan-known
how deep it goes. The monstrous inhabitants of the dis­
as the Earthshaker-and the Lady of the Plague, who
had power over vermin and disease. When the dragon­ trict have no love for treasure hunters or adventurers,
marked houses laid siege to the city and their defeat and it's a dangerous place to explore.
became inevitable, the two unleashed their full might. Shamukaar is the most successful tavern in Khyber's
Tarkanan's power reduced the early towers to rub- Gate. The place is a safe haven for all within it, regard­
ble, and the Lady of the Plague called forth a horde of less of species or politics; once you make it through the
disease-infested vermin. door, you can breathe easy.
For centuries afterward, the region was shunned.
When our modern city was built, the cursed ruins were THE SEWERS
sealed away. But one never knows when the darkness
could rise up again. On the Lady's Day, we remember The upper wards o f Sham use a network of chutes to
the tragedy that once befell Sharn, and we prepare for funnel garbage down into the sewers. Refuse and filth is
the possibility that it could happen again. channeled into cavernous midden chambers, where it is
left to rot or be devoured by the vermin and oozes that
inhabit the sewers. Smaller tunnels channel wastewater
FALLEN into purification centers, where magewrights use magic
to cleanse the water. A special unit of the Sharn Watch
The Fallen district in Lower Dura was once known as
protects the purification chambers. Beyond these small,
Godsgate. When the first towers were raised, Godsgate
vital areas, the sewers are lawless.
was the temple district. It had shrines and statues ded­
Though the sewers were never intended to support a
icated to the Sovereigns, a proud church of the Silver
population, over the centuries a subculture has evolved
Flame, even a monument to the Undying Court. But
in this region. A few tribes of people-mostly goblins,
as Sharn grew and prospered, religious services were
along with a few shifters, dwarves, and feral halfiings­
moved to grander temples in the upper wards. Gods­
live in the sewers, rummaging through the midden
gate became a tenement district, and the shrines and
heaps and selling their goods in the lower city. These
monuments were forgotten and left to decay. The final
sewer clans constantly battle over territory, as control
blow to this once-proud district came early in the Last
of one or more midden chamber can be critical to sur­
War. A team of Aundairian saboteurs brought down one
vival. The sewer clans can pose a threat to adventurers,
of Sham's floating towers, and the falling spire struck
but they can also be valuable allies; there are no better
Godsgate. Buildings collapsed, and hundreds died. Un­
guides to the sewers and what lies beneath them than
tended corpses led to infection and disease. The City
one of the folk who live there.
Council had no interest in sinking gold into Lower Dura
to restore the area, and the district was abandoned.
Today, the district known as Fallen is strewn with the CRIMINAL ACTIVITIE S
rubble of the fallen tower, mingled with shattered build­ Under the laws of Sharn, crime takes many forms. Any
ings and broken statues. Those who venture into Fallen sort of theft is illegal, including "malicious theft of iden­
must deal with the Ravers, feral savages that lurk in the tity"-the use of shapeshifting abilities or illusion magic
shadows. There's no question that the Ravers exist, but to impersonate someone with the intent to cause harm.
their true nature remains a subject of debate. A common Assault, murder, and fraud will all land you in hot water.
hypothesis is that they're the descendants of the origi­ Other activities walk the edge of legality. Gambling and
nal inhabitants of the district, who were possessed and prostitution are legal in Sham, but these industries are
driven mad by the ghosts of those who died when the heavily taxed and regulated. Likewise, smuggled goods
tower fell. Others claim that House Vadalis has been try­ include illegal merchandise such as drugs and mystical
ing to magebreed super-soldiers, and the Ravers are the explosives, but also heavily taxed goods, such as the
result of failed experiments. drug known as dreamlily (described in chapter 4).


Although crime occurs throughout Sham, it is most DAASK
apparent in Lower Dura and the Cogs. The Sham
Watch has a minimal presence in these wards, which Founded by monstrous immigrants from Droaam, the
are the easiest places to sell stolen goods or to hire criminal organization known as Daask has been build­
an assassin. Of course, they're also good places to get ing its power for a decade and has recently begun an ag­
robbed or caught up in a street brawl. gressive campaign of expansion. Daask engages mainly
Sharn is home to a large number of minor gangs and in violent crime, including armed robbery, assault,
independent criminals. Even so, most criminal activities arson, and murder. As its reputation has grown, it has
in the city come under the purview of one of four crim­ added extortion to this list.
inal organizations: the Boromar Clan, Daask, House If you have a contact in Daask, you might know some­
Tarkanan, and the Tyrants. Even independents usually one on the Daask Contacts table.
have an arrangement with one of these power groups. If
your character has the criminal background, work with 0AA S K CO NTACTS
the DM to determine which of these organizations you're d6 Contact
connected to (the DM has more information about these Whyhyr (gnoll), a talented tracker, loves a good hunt
groups in chapter 4). and finding people who don't want to be found.
2 Ralscar Shal (goblin) is a fence and information broker,
THE BOROMAR CLAN who is h appy to be paid in gol d or secrets.
The Boromar Clan began as a family of halfiing immi­ 3 Kar Bloodhorn (minotaur) is an enforcer who leads
grants from the Talenta Plains. Today the Boromars are
raiding parties in Callestan. Kai is rough and loud but
one of Sham's most influential families; there's a Boro­
wel l l i ked in the organization.
mar on the City Council. Also, the Boromars have close
4 Ash (kobold) is a sorcerer with talent in fire magic,
ties by marriage to the local branch of House Jorasco,
and clan members can be seen at every Skyway gala. who specializes in arson and assault.
The Boromar Clan specializes in gambling, theft, and 5 Cask (changeling), an artificer and alchemist, supplies
smuggling. In addition, it governs a wide network of Daask with d rugs and explosives and l ikes devising
lesser gangs and crime lords across the city. In the past, new concoctions and finding people to test them on.
the clan's reputation was sufficiently strong to prevent 6 Teller (hu man) is one of the few h u mans with a posi­
any challenges. Over the last decade, however, the Boro­ tion of infl uence i n Daask. A grifter, Teller serves as
mars have been fending off a serious challenge from a spy in the u pper levels of the city where monsters
Daask. Those monsters have been aggressively target­
aren't able to move around freely.
ing Boromar agents and holdings, and the feud between
the two forces grows more heated all the time.
Having a connection to the Boromar Clan makes you HOUSE TARKANAN
part of the established power in Sharn. It's an organiza­ House Tarkanan is an elite force of mercenary thieves
tion that values tradition and prefers to avoid violence. and assassins. The criminal talents of the Tarkanans
As an associate of the clan, you'll be expected to respect are enhanced by another trait they share: every member
the hierarchy and follow the rules, and you might be tar­ of the house possesses an aberrant dragonmark. Thus,
geted by Daaskjust as if you were a Boromar yourself. every Tarkanan has an unpredictable magical gift-and
If you have a contact in the Boromar Clan, you might all of them are united by the fear and prejudice that
know someone on the Boromar Contacts table. most aberrant heirs elicit from other people.
If you have a contact in House Tarkanan, you might
B o R O M A R CO N TACTS know someone on the Tarkanan Contacts table.
d6 Contact
Sundry (gnome) is a fence who runs a pawn shop in TAR K A N A N CO N TACTS
the Bazaar of D u ra and has ties to many s mugglers, d6 Contact
sailors, and b urglars. Rotting Bal ( h u man) is a n assassin, an expert in un­
2 Canon (halfling) is a pickpocket who works across armed com bat, and a founding m e m ber of the house.
Sharn and is at home throughout the lower districts. 2 Fileon (halfl i ng) is a healer with a deadly touch, who
3 The Rake (dwarf) runs a handful of gambling dens and evaluates and trains potential recruits.
sets odds on the sporting events ofSharn. 3 Nightshade (gnome) is an assassin and a lchem ist spe­
4 Myri Olar (halfli ng) is a b u rglar and social ite, fa m i l i a r cializing i n exotic poisons, who's always interested i n
with many o f t h e mansions o f the u pper districts. acq u i ring new toxins or unusual herbs.
5 Hass Faldren (half-elf) is a s m u ggler and the captain 4 Whisper (elf) is a thief whose aberrant d ragonmark ab­
of the elemental sloop Ice Storm. H ass i s also wel l con­ sorbs sound. Whisper appreciates fine thi ngs and has
nected on the docks and in the warehouse d istricts. a vast collection of unusual trin kets.
6 Cala Boromar (halfl i ng) is a lawyer by trade but with 5 Zae (halfl i n g) can infl uence ver m i n and see through
specialties in blackma i l and i ntimidation. Ca la loves rats' eyes-an ability often used to spy on people.
engaging in the art of negotiation and is always inter­ 6 Mala Shol (half-elf) is an expert pickpocket and a mas­
ested in acq u i ring secrets. ter of disguise, with a talent for i l l usion.


The Tyrants are forgers and grifters, specialists in de­ In Precarious, a dwarf tries to smuggle a portable hole
ception and the acquisition of information. Most of the filled with treasures pillaged from Xen'drik past the
members are changelings, who use their shapeshifting guards of the Sham Watch.
abilities to fool marks and acquire secrets. There are In Clifftop, a patrol of guards calls on two dueling
magewrights among the Tyrants who can permanently barbarians to throw down their weapons; the fierce war­
alter your appearance. So, the Tyrants can steal some­ riors just snarl and rush at each other once more.
one's identity, but they can also provide a fugitive with In the court of Upper Central, a magistrate orders the
a new life. Justiciar of Aureon to blind the prisoner in preparation
If you have a contact in the Tyrants, you might know for his sentence of perpetual darkness.
someone on the Tyrants Contacts table. The law is a force to be reckoned with in Sham. Even
in places where the watch is notoriously ineffective,
TYR A NTS CO NTACTS those who would break the law still need to be wary of
d4 Contact zealous guards resistant to bribes or threats.
Korryn (elf) mai ntains Korryn's Q u i l l , a shop i n the Ba­
zaar of D u ra that sells supplies for artists and scribes.
I n addition to being a remarkable call igrapher, Korryn The Sham Watch i s responsible fo r enforcing the laws
is an expert forger. of the city. The sentinels of the watch patrol the streets
of Sham, to all outward appearances vigilant for signs
2 Gray (changel ing) is a bartender at the Crooked M i rror
of unrest. In truth, the Sham Watch is riddled with cor­
in Cal lestan and i s an information broker, with access
ruption, from the commanding officers down to the low­
to a wide array of rumors.
liest patrollers. Dedicated guards who truly want to pro­
3 Chaela Tas (half-elf) is a grifter with dozens of plots tect the innocent do exist. But bribery nonetheless runs
afoot at any given time. Though this identity i s the face rampant, and the watch has a way of failing to show up
they wear with you , they m a i ntain many d ifferent per­ somewhere at the same time that Daask or the Boromar
sonas tied to their schemes. Clan is perpetrating some misdeed. The DM can find
4 Weave (changeling) is a body artist who runs a salon in more information on the watch in chapter 4.
the Dragoneyes d istrict.

C A N N O N S , S P I ES O N A M E M B E R O F T H E
THE KING'S CITADEL a strong rivalry between the Redcloaks and the King's
Swords of the Citadel, who generally have less military
The members of the King's Citadel are the direct agents experience even though they enjoy far greater authority
of the Brelish Crown. As such, the King's Citadel stands and prestige.
above the Sharn Watch. Its members have the authority As veterans and heroes of the Last War, many of the
to take control of any investigation and to command the Redcloaks are unfriendly toward travelers from other
service of any guard or sentinel. Typically the Citadel nations. As far as the Redcloaks are concerned, the
leaves the daily chores of law enforcement (including Treaty of Thronehold is merely an intermission, and
the conflicts between the criminal organizations of the soon King Boranel will come to his senses and finish
lower towers) in the hands of the Sharn Watch. The the job that Wroann ir'Wynarn began.
Citadel is concerned with forces that threaten the entire
city, or even the kingdom. Foreign spies, mad necroman­ CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS
cers, and ancient fiends-these are the foes of the King's
Citadel, rather than pickpockets and burglars. Officers of the watch can levy fines on the spot when
Of course, many of these greater threats might be be­ they catch culprits, which is the typical way that minor
yond the capabilities of the typical Citadel agents. Much crimes are dealt with. For a serious offense, the perpe­
as the Blackened Book does, the Citadel keeps a close trator is taken to a garrison and held until a trial can be
eye on unusual and talented individuals, and a party of arranged. A criminal who is considered to be a serious
adventurers might be called upon to assist the Citadel in flight risk will be taken to the most secure facility in
a dangerous mission. Sharn-the King's Citadel headquarters.
Unlike the Sharn Watch, the Citadel doesn't ask for Typically, a prisoner's case comes to the attention
help: it demands it. The knights of the Citadel are the of a local magistrate within ld4 days. The magistrate
representatives of the King of Breland, and any Brelish reviews the facts of the case and asks the victim to
citizen who refuses to help them is committing an act of confirm or deny their role in the crime while under the
treason. The Citadel isn't required to provide compen­ influence of a zone of truth spell. The magistrate will
sation for the services it demands, but an adventurer then propose a punishment to the accused; if the offer is
who wins the respect of the Citadel can certainly benefit refused, the case goes to trial.
from the relationship. Punishment for convicted criminals varies, but long­
The Citadel is made up of these four divisions: term imprisonment is quite rare. Prisoners who deemed
to be too dangerous to be allowed to roam free are more
T he King's Dark Lanterns gather intelligence and en­ likely to be executed than imprisoned. Typically, a long
gage in covert operations. prison sentence is used only for criminals who can't be
T he King's Shields protect the royal family and its clos­ allowed to go free, but whose deaths would have nega­
est associates. tive diplomatic repercussions.
T he King's Swords are elite soldiers used in the most Fines are the typical form of punishment. The amount
dangerous military operations. of a fine is generally based on the nature of the crime,
T he King's Wands are wizards and sorcerers, serving but a magistrate has the right to increase a fine to en­
the crown in all arcane matters. sure that it is an effective punishment. For example,
The headquarters of the Citadel is in the Ambassador a fine of 10 gp is crippling to a commoner but can be
Towers district of Middle Central, in Andith Tower. That inconsequential to an adventurer or a member of the
structure also serves as the city jail. Aurum, and in such cases it will be increased. Also, the
court can confiscate possessions in lieu of receiving
THE REDCLOAK BATTALION payments in gold; you might not care about having to
pay a fine of 100 gp, but having your grandfather's magic
The soldiers of the Redcloak Battalion are among the
sword confiscated instead might sting. If a criminal
deadliest warriors in Sharn. When a situation calls for
can't afford to pay a fine, the sentence might be changed
extreme military force, both the Sharn Watch and the
to hard labor-or, in the case of adventurers, performing
King's Citadel turn to the Redcloak Battalion. This elite
special services on behalf of the city or the Crown.
unit fought in the forefront of the Last War, and the
Other kinds of punishment include branding (gener­
bards in Menthis today sing of the exploits of Khandan
ally in a visible location, warning others of your criminal
the Hammer and Meira the Huntress. At the end of the
actions), exile, or several magical measures: an ongoing
war, the battalion was split up, and one unit was as­
curse, a period of induced blindness, and so on. A repeat
signed to Sharn. Its headquarters is located in the Dag­
offender might be declared an outlaw, which status is
gerwatch district of Upper Dura.
often indicated by a brand. An outlaw is stripped of the
Many of the members of the Redcloak Battalion resent
protection of the law, and anyone can take any action
being relegated to mere law enforcement, and there is
against them without fear of legal retribution.



ET YOUR OWN EBERRON ADVENTURES UP AND is shaped by modern ideas and aesthetics, and that is

running using the inspiration in this chap­ set apart from the rest of the D&D multiverse by a magi­
ter. Eberron is filled with political intrigue, cal barrier.
extraplanar threats, magical mysteries, and This section is an introduction to those themes, de­
back-alley detective work-all in the context signed to help you tell stories that fit well in Eberron. It
of a world emerging from the turmoil of war. explores techniques for making compelling recurring
The tables and advice in this chapter expand on the villains, and for keeping the action moving over the
material in chapter 3 of the Dungeon Ma ster's Guide. course of an adventure. It discusses how to use the Last
Think of this chapter as an extensive library of ideas­ War as a theme and a setting for adventures, and details
villainous schemes, interesting locations, adventure the Mournland as an adventure location. It goes on to
hooks, encounters, and more-to help you flesh out an describe adventures and encounters that can occur in
adventure you create for your Eberron campaign. transit-on airships, on lightning rails, and at resting
This chapter begins with a look at three key themes spots along the way. Finally, this section discusses the
that pervade many Eberron adventures: recurring role that creatures typically defined as "monsters" play
villains, action, and intrigue. Following that overview in Khorvaire, and explores Eberron's cosmology.
is an in-depth look at various organizations and other
elements you can use to drive the adventures you create. RECURRING VILLAINS ������

Such elements include maps of locations that can serve

The most effective villains are the ones that return, over
as thrilling set pieces; information on the planes of
and over, to plague their heroic nemeses. When the he­
existence, elemental-powered airships, and the lightning
roes foil the schemes of an evil mastermind, the clever
rail; and an introductory adventure set in Sharn.
villain escapes to fight another day. A well-developed
Specific monsters and nonplayer characters (NPCs)
recurring villain can put a face to the sinister conspir­
mentioned in this chapter can be found either in the
acies that lurk in the darkness and thus strengthen the
Mon ster Manual or in chapter 6 of this book. When a
players' sense of immersion in the world.
creature's name appears in bold type, that's a visual cue
You can make a recurring villain in your campaign
pointing you to the creature's stat block in the Mon ster
more intriguing by introducing moral ambiguity into the
Manual or in chapter 6. If the stat block appears in chap­
villain's background, possibly through references to the
ter 6, the text tells you so.
individual's experiences during the Last War.


A group of adventurers leaves the dark, rainy city, put­ The first task in crafting a good recurring villain is
ting its mean streets behind them. They board a flame­ ensuring that the villain survives a first encounter with
ringed airship for a journey across the continent, but the adventurers in order to come back and plague them
they're attacked by wyvern-riding bandits on the way again. What follows are some tactics to make sure that
and must fight for their lives as the airship hurtles to­ even the most resourceful characters can't dispose of
ward the ground! your villain at the first possible opportunity.
After surviving the crash through a combination of Have Lackeys Do the Work. A villain can easily post­
quick thinking and heroic effort, they find themselves pone that first face-to-face confrontation with the ad­
stranded in the gray mists of the Mournland, facing the venturers by having lackeys soften the party up, all the
dangers of a war-ravaged land as they try to find their while making sure that the adventurers know whom
way back to their original destination. The greatest hor­ they work for-thus enhancing the villain's reputation.
rors they are about to face might be the ones that lurk in Use All Available Resources. A smart villain, espe­
the depths of their own hearts. cially one with access to magic, can put a lot of obsta­
As discussed in the introduction to this book, pulp cles in the way of an adventuring party. Mechanical
adventure and noir intrigue are two major themes that and magical traps, wards against divination, and pro­
interlace in Eberron. Weaving these themes together, tective magic items are just a few of the security mea­
or exploring either one in isolation, can give Eberron sures available to a resourceful villain. Keep in mind
stories a unique feel. Adventures that take advantage that reports from surviving lackeys-and news about
of those themes help to reinforce a sense of place, the adventurers from other sources-can give the vil­
immersing the players (and you) in a world that is still lain enough information about the party's capabilities
reeling from the effects of a hundred years of war, that to prepare appropriate countermeasures.


Organizations as Villains. Rather than use an individ­
ual as a recurring villain, you could think in terms of
the organization the villain belongs to or represents.
For example, low-level adventurers might fight low­
level agents of the Order of the Emerald Claw and

grow to loathe the sight of their claw-shaped symbol
and green cloaks. As they attain higher levels, the
characters will face increasingly more powerful mem­

bers of the order.

Moral ambiguity is a feature of the noir genre that can
It was too good to be true.
add richness and complexity to an Eberron adventure.
A year ago, the nefarious Alais ir'Rannan was pre­
sumed dead when she fell from an airship into the mid­ In a world where a red dragon isn't necessarily evil (and
dle of Lake Galifar. Her scheme to bring the towers of a bronze one isn't necessarily good), it's impossible
Arcanix to the ground likewise seemed ended. to know who you can trust, and even the actions of a
But yesterday, according to eyewitness reports, ir'Ran­ so-called villain might not fit neatly into clear-cut defini­
nan was seen in the common room of Passage's own tions of good and evil. Even adventure villains are more
King's Star Inn, talking with two other unsavory-looking often driven by human motives than by cosmic concepts
characters who could not be identified. of good and evil. People sometimes do evil things for
goo d reasons.
Exercise some caution when exploring these noir
Have an Escape Plan. Secret passages, spells of invis­ themes in the stories you develop. It can be fun for some
ibility or teleportation, flying mounts, and throngs of people to wrestle with moral quandaries in adventures,
minions can help a villain escape when a confronta­ but it doesn't work for all play groups. In particular, if
tion with the adventurers goes badly. Any villain likely there's no good solution to the quandary-if the charac­
has at least one fallback plan. ters have no choice but to follow a course of action they
Take Hostages. Most adventurers wouldn't be willing to abhor-some players might end up unhappy.
attack the villain if they fear that the villains' lackeys The Morally Ambiguous Villains table offers some
are about to slaughter innocent captives the moment twists you can add to the villains in this chapter, giv­
they draw their swords. ing them more or less good reasons to perform their
Returning from Death. Of course, death is not a final evil deeds.
fate for player characters, and it doesn't need to be for
villains either. After the adventurers kill their nemesis, M O RA L LY A M B I G UO U S VI L L A I N S
they might next encounter the villain raised from the
d4 Villain
dead or as an undead. It's conceivable that dying could
make a villain more powerful and more angry at the The villain is targeting people with aberrant d ragon­
meddling adventurers. Alternatively, the characters marks i n the desperate hope of preventing another
might assume a villain is dead-after falling over a wa­ War of the M ark.
terfall, being trapped in a burning building, or getting 2 The villain is suffering under a terrible cu rse, and their
swallowed by a purple worm-only to discover later increasingly serious cri mes are an effort to fight off
that the villain survived and is hungry for revenge. the curse.
3 The villain is rising to power through entirely legal
means, winning popu lar su pport (through generous
Adventurers get more powerful over time, so if a villain
is going to remain a relevant threat, the villain needs to campaign promises) and working within the system.
get more powerful as well. There are three ways you can 4 The villain's schemes are di rected at preventing the
approach this issue: release of a demonic overlord.

Mechanical Improvement. Use the guidelines in chap­

ter 9 of the Dungeon Master's Guide to add class levels THE VILLAIN You KNOW
or Hit Dice to the villain and improve its challenge rat­ Not every villain is a mastermind who schemes in the
ing to make it relevant to the higher-level characters. shadows or a world-destroying horror. Sometimes the
NPC Stat Blocks. Some of the stat blocks in the Mon­ most significant villain is someone the characters see
ster Manual can reflect the same character at different every day-someone who moves around society in plain
stages of advancement. For example, the adventurers sight but keeps their evil deeds well hidden. The law en­
might confront a villain who uses the stat block of a forcers and adventurers who are trying to bring the vil­
mage (9th-level wizard) and then returns later as an lain to justice are thwarted at every turn, unable to find
archmage (18th-level wizard). You could also use stat proof of the villain's crimes. If the players come to loathe
blocks in other sources to add to the sequence, so the the villain, everything is going according to plan.
characters could even meet this aspiring villain as an Use the Villain You Know table to add some depth
apprentice wizard and later as an evoker (both in Vo­ and detail to the actions and motivations of a villain who
/o's Guide to Monsters). plagues the characters on a regular basis.


VI L L A I N Yo u K N OW VI L LA I N Yo u D o N 'T U N D E RSTA N D
d6 Villain d6 Driving Force
A con artist takes advantage of people who fal l for l The Chamber (see page 1 93)
their scams, but leaves behind no proof of any crime. 2 The Cu lts of the Dragon Below (see page 1 88)
2 A cowardly politician fleeces the poor of their last few 3 The Daughters of Sora Kell (see page 1 99)
coins without tech nically doing anything wrong. 4 The Drea m i ng Dark (see page 1 96)
3 A righteous zealot is conti nually poking i nto the char­ 5 The Lords of D u st (see page 215)
acters' business, judging their actions and methods 6 The Order of the Emerald Claw (see page 225)
while doing even worse things i n the shadows.
4 A powerful figure in a d ragon marked house is using ACTION !
the house's resou rces for criminal deeds, but there's . . . .

Adventures in the pulp tradition tend to start with a

no tra i l of evidence leading back to the villain.
bang and proceed at a breakneck pace, reaching a cli­ •
5 A crime lord has the local authorities on the payroll, max in pulse-pounding encounters aboard high-speed
so no official action will ever be taken to stop their
criminal activities.
6 A villainous mastermind cooperates with local law
enforcement to track down and e l i m i nate rival villains,
without ever givi ng the authorities a peek into their
own evi l deeds.


In contrast to a villain who is a part of the characters'
everyday life, an otherworldly villain isn't only anony­
mous but also fundamentally mysterious. It's not just a
question of who the villain is, but also of what the villain
is, and what extraordinary measures might be required
to put a stop to their villainy. Even after the adventurers
discover that their long-term nemesis is one of the In­
spired, for example, they still need to learn the secrets
of the Inspired and their quori masters in order to figure
out how to deal with this threat.
Sometimes the mystery is enough to make such a
villain compelling, with curiosity driving the adventur­
ers to delve ever deeper into their foe's secrets. When
the time is right, you can turn a mysterious villain into
an unnervingly familiar villain-as a quori spirit takes
delight in speaking through the mouths of multiple dif­
ferent Inspired hosts, taunting the adventurers for their
inability to reach the spirit itself. Then resentment com­
bines with curiosity to drive the adventurers to further
exploration. When characters dig deeply into the myster­
ies of the world, your campaign benefits as they become
more immersed in and attached to the setting.
Ultimate Evil. Some mysterious villains wield enough
power to threaten the entire world through colossal
strength, mastery of magic, dizzying intellect, or
overwhelming charisma (or often some combination
of these factors). These villains typically lurk in the
shadows, pulling the strings of minions and partners
while rarely making an appearance themselves.
These villains are especially hard to get rid of, even
if they are banished or imprisoned-their magic and
their network of servants ensure that their reach ex­
tends far beyond their physical presence.
Driving Forces. Most villains in this category are
numbered among the driving forces described later
in this chapter. You can use the Villain You Don't
Understand table to choose one of these forces, then
consult the adventure seeds and villain ideas in the
appropriate section.
vehicles and grand melees in dramatic locations. Action INTRIGUE
doesn't have to mean combat, but ensuring that the
world is in constant motion around the player characters Stories in the noir tradition tend to start slowly and
is a good way to keep their interest high. build gradually as the mystery gets deeper and more
convoluted, until the situation erupts in a climactic con­
KICKING OFF THE ACTION frontation. In contrast to the pulse-pounding action of a
When you begin an adventure with a bang, you catch the pulp adventure, noir typically relies on intrigue-in ev­
characters up in the action right away, grabbing their ery sense of the word-to keep the protagonists engaged
interest and sending them off on a wild ride. The Story as they move deeper into the story.
Kickoff table offers some action-packed ways to get
things moving.
Putting a mystery in front of the characters at the very
STORY K I C K O F F start of the adventure sets the tone for what's ahead and
draws them in to the story. The Story Opening table of­
d6 Event fers some ways to draw the characters into the mystery.
On a q u iet n ight, the tavern door b u rsts open and a
group of soldiers calls for one of the party mem bers STO RY O P E N I N G
by name. d6 Event
2 An explosion rocks a market, send ing thi ngs flying. The party receives a detailed read ing from a street
3 A veh icle crashes near the party: people are h u rt fortu ne-teller that lays out the start of the adventure.
and need help, and whatever caused the crash is sti ll 2 A cou rier escorts the party to an elemental airs h i p,
around somewhere. where a wealthy patron outlines their m ission.
4 Two groups of people start fighting each other, blood 3 At an extravagant costu m e bal l , a masked guest asks
is drawn, and bystanders a re getting h u rt. for the party's help.
5 Chanting words of the D raconic Prophecy, a d ragon 4 In a seedy section of town, the d isgu ised heir of a
a ppears and starts causing mayhem. dragonma rked house approaches the characters with
6 A tavern patron suddenly leaps up and attacks one of an offer.
the adventu rers, scratching and biting in blind fury. 5 A homunculus delivers an anonymous letter that
contains an offer of employment, but no clue to the
KEEPING THE ACTION GOING a uthor's identity.
"When in doubt, have a man come through a door with
6 A professor from M o rgrave U niversity reaches out to
a gun in his hand." Author Raymond Chandler offered
one of the party members, a former student, to ask
this advice to writers of hard-boiled fiction, but the ad­
vice applies just as well to an action-driven adventure. an i m portant favor.
Whenever the pace of the story lags, a new injection of
excitement keeps things moving. 'THE PLOT 'THICKENS
A new arrival on the scene might be an integral part of A key point in most intrigue adventures is a significant
the plot or an independent event. The New Development plot twist. As you plan the trail of clues, events, and
table presents some ideas. interactions, consider a point where you can shake
things up with a twist like the ones shown on The Plot
N EW D E V E LO P M E N T Thickens table.
d8 Event
One or more m i nions of the adventure's pri mary vil­
d8 Plot Twist
lain arrive to put a stop to the party's medd ling.
The apparent victim in the situation is actually the
2 Someone else with the same goal as the party shows
up to get them out of the way.
2 A su pposedly val uable object is actually worthless (or
3 Someone is out for revenge against the party for a
vice versa).
past wrong (perhaps something that happened in a
3 A valuable object doesn't belong to the person who
previous adventure).
claims to own it.
4 Someone has a violent argument with an N PC in the
4 What's actually precious is not a work of art but
same room as the adventurers.
a map or other information hidden on it (inside a
5 Someone wants a s pecial item carried by one of the
statue, behind a painting in the frame, and so on).
5 Someone is in love with one of the party members, or
6 A jealous person thinks one of the adventu rers i s
with the villain.
meddling with t h e person's romantic partner.
6 Someone is a relative of one of the party m e m bers.
7 A person in love with the villain tries to stop the party
from interfering with the villai n's business.
7 A friend or former ally is working with the villain.
8 The i nitial plot is a distraction from the actual plot.
8 A monster bu rsts in looking for food.



tion and loss. It also created opportunities that never

THE AURUM existed under the united Galifar. Many of the members
On the surface, the Aurum appears to be an exclusive of the Aurum gained influence by bankrolling one or
society for the richest and most influential people of more war efforts, or by stepping in to maintain the infra­
Khorvaire. Merchants, priests, military officers, and structure while the government directed its attention to
other luminaries gather for grand galas and salons. Be­ military matters. The Aurum also includes a number of
neath this gilded veneer, the members of the Aurum use powerful military officers and warlords. Some despise
their shared wealth and power to pursue their selfish the nobles that drove them to war; others are furious
goals, and a secret cabal at the heart of this fraternity that the war ended without a decisive victory. Either
dreams of global domination. way, these can provide the Shadow Cabinet with unex­
The Aurum is divided into four suborders called pected military power.
Concords-copper, silver, gold, and platinum, in order Now, amid the war's cooling ashes, the Aurum's
of ascendance. Higher rank provides a member with power is fragmented. On several occasions, investments
improved access to the resources of the Aurum and and gambles that paid dividends in money and power to
a greater voice in society meetings. The Aurum isn't one Concordian sapped the fortune of another, because
a secret society, and its meeting halls can be found in each was unknowingly working against the other's inter­
most major cities. Many powerful people openly wear ests. Huge collections of art, historical artifacts, and pre­
the eight rings-one on each finger, with the metal cious tomes were destroyed or lost during the war, and
indicating the rank of the wearer-that label them as the Aurum's leaders salivate at the thought of recovering
Aurum members. The Aurum frequently engages in acts some of those riches.
of philanthropy, and thus some members might be cele­
brated by their local communities. AURUM NPC s
When members gather, they discuss shared interests,
Aurum Concordians are defined by their wealth and
especially in history and archaeology. Aurum members
power. When you create an Aurum NPC, consider the
often take an interest in a particular civilization or era
source of that person's wealth and how it is expressed.
of history; one Concordian collects relics of the Cul'sir
The dwarf Antus ir'Soldorak is chancellor of the Plat­
giants of Xen'drik, while another pursues artifacts of
inum Concord and founder of the Shadow Cabinet.
the dragons of Argonnessen. One of the most common
He owns vast gold and silver mines in the Mror Holds
ways in which adventurers cross paths with the Aurum
and mints his own currency, and he travels in a gilded
is through these collectors. Members of the Aurum
airship. Loyal Daison is a Karrnathi slumlord who has
often fund expeditions to exotic lands or newly discov­
made a fortune providing low-rent (and low-quality)
ered ruins, interested in expanding their private hoards.
housing for refugees. He lost his hand in an industrial
Occasionally a Concordian tries to acquire prized relics
accident and had it replaced with a golden prosthetic.
through less honorable means; adventurers could be
Members of the Aurum become villains if their quest
employed to acquire an exotic prize from a rival through
for greater influence, personal power, and wealth vic­
any means necessary, legal or otherwise.
timizes the innocent. Whether villains or allies, all Con­
All of these activities are entirely legitimate. The
cordians wield significant political influence. They have
Aurum is a society for wealthy scholars and philanthro­
access to minions and resources in the higher levels of
pists. But there is a secret order that ranks higher than
society. They prefer to pursue schemes of coercion and
the Platinum Concord-an inner circle known as the
conspiracy, putting their money and influence to work,
Shadow Cabinet. The members of this cabal are nobles
than resort to blatant violence in any form.
but not kings; they are powerful industrialists, but not
dragonmarked barons. They are determined to become
the true rulers of Khorvaire, whether by binding the
current barons and monarchs to their will or by tearing d4 NPC
down the current systems and creating something new. An aging dwarf-a retired general and an Aurum Con­
In stories driven by action, the Aurum can fund expe­ cordian-collects unusual constructs, hoping to find
ditions to exotic lands and use magical doomsday de­ a way to transfer his m i n d into a s u perior body.
vices to hold cities for ransom. In adventures driven by 2 An Au rum Concord ian is renowned for having the
intrigue, the Aurum provides an opportunity to explore
fi n est arcane li brary in Khorvaire. Adventurers might
the lure of gold, and how far the characters might go in
help them collect more tome, but when a n u m ber of
the service of an amoral patron.
prominent wizards are m u rdered and their research
THE AURUM AND THE WAR goes m issi ng, is the Concordian to blame?
3 A mem ber of the Gold Concord is on the run from the
The Last War gave birth to the Shadow Cabinet. The
Au rum after learning a terri ble secret.
war ignited the passions of Concordians who blamed '
the monarchs of the Five Nations for the vast devasta- 4 An i m prisoned Con cordian mobilizes a network of
Ii J
contacts and well-placed Aurum m e m bers in order to
secure their own release.


It's easy to introduce the Aurum to the characters early
in a campaign. Its members are public figures, some­
times eccentric but not necessarily evil. A Concordian The Cults of the Dragon Below are made up of people fa­
could hire the adventurers to solve a mystery or to ac­ natically devoted to the daelkyr or the fiendish overlords
quire a harmless curio. A Concordian could be tied to (both described in chapter 6). Though some choose
the party's group patron (see ch.apter 1)-the owner of this path, most are drawn to it by strange visions and
the newspaper, a major donor to the university, or the corrupting madness. Like weeds breaking through the
power behind a criminal syndicate. foundation of Khorvaire, Cults of the Dragon Below can
Alternatively, an Aurum Concordian can be a be­ spring up anywhere, at any time.
hind-the-scenes villain: low-level adventurers could Unlike other organizations with global reach, the
clash with the Concordian's hired goons as they pur­ cults have no organizing structure or principle. They
sue the same treasure, or the adventurers could be are an infection inflicted on the world without reason.
trying to solve a mystery the thugs are covering up. As "Cult of the Dragon Below" is a term that outsiders
the campaign progresses, the characters might face use to describe any sect devoted to the daelkyr or the
higher-ranking members of the Aurum, or recurring overlords. Each cult pursues its own mad schemes, tied
mercenaries who are increasing in power and status at to its dark patron. Even cults associated with the same
the same rate they are. master might not recognize one another as allies. You
Whether they interact with the Aurum as ally or en­ can roll on the Cult of the Dragon Below table to get a
emy, at some point the adventurers might well realize quick description of a cult, or you can create something
that the Concordians aren't just greedy plutocrats, but entirely new. Whatever purpose cultists find or create
participants in an international conspiracy. The Aurum's for themselves from their twisted devotions, they pursue
arc in the campaign might climax with the characters it with fanaticism. Even the most urbane and cultured
learning of the Shadow Cabinet and thwarting one of its cult leaders are unwavering in their convictions, entirely
grand schemes. sure that their beliefs are good, true, and just.


The Aurum Missions table suggests a variety o f assign­ d8 Cult
ments that adventurers might be asked to undertake on A cult of Belashyrra m u rders in nocents and steals
behalf of the Aurum or one of its members, whether or their eyes, magically preservi ng the image of the last
not they're aware of their patron's affiliation. thing the eyes beheld. The cultists collect the eyes in
a deep vau lt, while new eyes grow in strange places
AU R U M M I S S I O N S on their own bodies.
d6 Mission 2 A cult of Dyrrn the Corrupter seeks to transcend h u ­
Retrieve a jou rnal from a s h i p that sailed to Xen'drik man ity by bonding w i t h aberrations a n d symbionts.
and never returned. 3 A cult of Kyrzin, the daelkyr Prince of Slime, keeps a
2 Locate the grave of a certain dragonmarked scion, gibbering mouther in the basement and feeds their
and retrieve the signet buried with them. elders to this creature, believing their voices can sti l l
3 M ake friends with a scholar at the local u niversity and be heard i n t h e whispers o ft h e beast.
learn their vices. 4 A cult of Rak Tu l khesh believes that this life is only a
4 Recover a trove of art, artifacts, or recorded stepping stone, and m e m bers earn a path to paradise
knowledge that was thought lost in a battle d u ring the by spilling blood and spreading strife.
Last War. S A cult of Belashyrra serves a beholder messiah, be­
S Capture an officer from a rival nation's army, or con­ lieving that only the eye tyrant has the vision to lead
vince the officer to defect, to gai n access to their spe­ them to a golden age.
cialized knowledge. 6 A cult of Dyrrn led by a m i nd flayer kidnaps people
6 Sabotage the negotiations between a dragonmarked with dragonmarks, seeking to decipher the marks and
house and the local government on a plan that will transfer them to others.
undermine the Aurum's status. 7 An arcane think tank has become a cult of S u l
Khatesh; t h e members believe they c a n h e a l t h e dam­
age of the M ourning, but the eldritch machine they
are b u i lding will surely cause more horror.
8 A cult of Rak Tul khesh has sprung up among a local
m i l itia. Its members are convinced that refugees from
the war are secretly i n h u m a n monsters, and m u st be


The war and its aftermath created a fertile breeding Cults of the Dragon Below make versatile villains in a
ground for the Cults of the Dragon Below. In this time campaign. They can be introduced as a threat early on,
of uncertainty and fear, it's easy for people to gravitate in the form of low-level cultists and small, disorganized
toward a group that provides a sense of purpose or a cells. As the campaign moves through the tiers of play,
promise of security. This mindset is intensified by the stronger aberrations and fiends become viable antago­
spread of refugees in the wake of the Mourning, and by nists, as well as more powerful cult leaders who serve
the lingering animosity that continues to divide people. the daelkyr, the Lords of Dust, or other dark entities.
In the Mror Holds, the conflict with Dyrrn the Corruptor The cults can also serve different styles of play. One
has begun to leave its mark, with new cults appearing would be perfect for a slowly unfolding investigation that
throughout the nation. In general, the chaos of the war starts out seemingly mundane, but slowly delves deeper
has left behind ample areas of shadow in which new into otherworldly influences and dark magic. Allies
cults can form and thrive. become suspect, and perhaps even erstwhile enemies
become necessary bedfellows.
CULTS OF THE Alternatively, a cult can burst explosively onto the
DRAGON BELOW NPCs scene with a spray of gore and a horde of shrieking
dolgaunts. Such an incident leaves no doubt about the
Some Cults of the Dragon Below are bizarre yet harm­ cultists' evil nature, making them the obvious villains of
less, but most of them are dangerous and destructive the story.
forces that prey on innocents and vulnerable people.
Some cultists are aware of the true nature of the be­ CULT ADVENTURES
ings they serve, but many are delusional; cultists might
perceive their mind flayer master as a wise and gen­ The Cult Adventure Hooks table offers suggestions for
tle priest. story opportunities involving the cults.

d8 N PC d8 Adventure Hook
A monstrous a berration (such as a beholder, a mind Chi ldren throughout town begin reciting the same
n u rsery rhyme, adding increasi ngly d isturbing de­
flayer, or a gibbering mouther) lairs beneath a popular
scriptions as the verses progress. No one knows
inn, from where it twists the thoughts and dreams of
where they learned the rhyme.
those sleeping above.
2 The headmaster of an exc l usive magic academy i s ac·
2 Shadows around the old asyl u m take on a deep, inky
cast, and thi ngs move j ust outside the light. Then the
tually a cult leader who is indoctri nating the students
whispered laughs begi n.
into a cult of Sul Khatesh.
3 A seem ingly healthy noble dies of heart fai l ure
3 A wizard found mad scrawlings hidden i n a li brary
brought on by extreme terror, but with no clear
book, used the writing to make contact with a dael kyr,
source. The noble recently had an exq u isite portrait
and began creating aberration servants.
painted. Every other person portrayed by the same
4 A mind flayer serving Dyrrn dominates a magistrate
artist has also died i n a s i m i l a r fashion.
and takes control of the city watch using intel lect
4 In a remote village, the local herbalist is condem ned
for practicing dark magic against the villagers. They
5 An assassin mixes m i nd-altering poisons laced with
swear their in nocence to the characters and beg to be
the whispers of a dark entity.
exonerated before their sched u led execution.
6 A dragonmarked heir whose fortunes were rui ned i n
5 M agic items begin exhibiting strange side effects,
t h e Last War fo u n d s a c u l t withi n t h e i r house.
causing m i nor warping of their users' flesh, or fraying
7 The local thieves' guild turns from m u ndane orga­
their users' sanity.
nized crime activities to bizarre m u rders and acts of
6 Strange bou nty hu nters sta l k the characters, seem­
ingly aware of all their secrets and loved ones. Odd
8 A respected noble behaves more erratically as time
l u m ps writhe beneath the h u nters' cloaks.
goes on, treating their servants and fam ily with ran­
7 A crazed hermit wanders into town and comm its
dom and escalating cruelty.
suicide in a grisly fashion. All the food in the village
spoils instantly, and aberrant creatures attack every
m idnight thereafte r.
8 Several caravans have gone missing over the course
of months. The authorities hire mercenary help after
an aberration attacks while wearing the signet ring of
a m issing caravan master.


Arcane workshops have many features in common,
No other group exerts as much influence over the Five from workbenches and tools to diagrams etched into
Nations as the combined membership of the dragon­ the floors and walls. Although most workshops are
marked houses. Each dragonmarked house is part noble controlled by House Cannith, that house is not the only
family and part business cartel, involved in businesses group of artificers who build and operate such locations.
ranging from hospitality to espionage-for-hire. Zil gnomes who bind elementals and Mror dwarves who
The reach of the houses is so yxtensive that they have forge powerful weapons and armor must have spaces
interests in every facet of life in the civilized lands of devoted to that work. The wizards of Arcanix in Aundair
Khorvaire and beyond. Those interests often bring them who create magic items and test new spells build spe­
into conflict with local rulers and national governments. cialized workshops for those purposes.
Unified Galifar had the strength and influence to impose
its will on the collected dragonmarked houses, but in ARCANE WORKSHOP ADVENTURES
the wake of the war it remains to be seen if any single Characters might find their way to an arcane workshop
nation has the resources to challenge them. for a variety of reasons. Some possibilities are outlined
Although most houses have distinct spheres of inter­ in the Arcane Workshop Adventures table.
est, their concerns overlap just enough to cause friction.
House Orien's control of transportation and shipping is ARCA N E WO R K S H O P ADV E N T U R E S
threatened by the growing reach of House Lyrandar's
d l 2 Adventure Goal
airships. House Tharashk's arrangement with Droaam
Steal a pattern for creating a magic item, before the
threatens House Deneith's monopoly on providing mer­
cenary services. House Cannith lost its leadership in the workshop's artificers fi n ish making the item.
Mourning, and rival barons are fighting for control of 2 Petition the ranking artificer for access to the work­
the house. shop's specialized l ibrary.
An organization called the Twelve seeks to medi- 3 Use the workshop to create a crucial magic ite m .
ate disputes and encourage cooperation between the 4 Locate a stolen construct that h a s been modified for
houses. Adventurers could be caught up in the rivalries use as a servant in the workshop.
and schemes of the houses, or they could work with the
5 Storm the workshop before the artificers com plete a
Twelve in an effort to resolve these feuds.
doomsday weapon.
THE HOUSES I N THE WAR 6 I nvestigate the workshop for signs of the i llegal
creation of warforged.
The dragonmarked houses generally thrived during
7 Defend the workshop agai nst an i nvasion while the
the Last War. Each house's unique talents were easily
adapted to the war effort. Ostensibly neutral in the con­ artificers try to repair a magic ite m .
flict, the houses made huge profits by selling services 8 Bring an u n known artifact to the workshop so the
and material to every nation involved in the war. For all artificers can identify it.
the houses, ultimately, the war years were a time of vig­ 9 Convince the owners of the workshop to give up one
orous growth and increased influence. of their su bordinates, who is wanted for crimes in
In some ways, though, the dragonmarked houses another nation.
did feel the brunt of the conflict. House Cannith, for in­
10 Escort a newly discovered bearer of the M ark of M ak­
stance, suffered great setbacks near the end of the war.
ing to the closest Cannith workshop.
Many of its foundries and factories were destroyed, and
the Treaty of Thronehold forced the house to dismantle 11 Seek assistance from t h e workshop's masters to
the creation forges that produced the warforged. Worst determine why a young artificer's magic is producing
of all for the house, the destruction of Cyre left Cannith u n predictable, often dangerous results.
without a clear leader, resulting in the house being frag­ 12 Request assistance from the artificers in recovering
mented into three semi-independent branches. crucial memories from a destroyed construct or
In another major development, House Thuranni broke warforged.
away from House Phiarlan during the war, in part be­
cause of the conflicts of interest that arose within an
espionage organization that was being called on to serve
multiple sides in a complex conflict. The reach and influence of the dragonmarked houses
means that they can play many roles in a campaign.
ARCANE WORKSHOP Dragonmarked heirs can be valuable patrons.
Map 4.1 depicts a n arcane workshop, o f a sort com­
monly constructed by the fabricators of House Cannith.
These facilities are well stocked with raw materials,
artisans' tools, and magical reagents. Most of them have
small libraries containing works related to the work­
shop's signature creations.


· · · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · ·
. .

I : View
: Cabinets
: , 'I_
· - -

� I
.. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . -· i
- - - -

r-------=:-=--i o I

1 square = 5 feet

Main Floor

M A P 4 . 1 : A R C A N E WORKSHOP


Dragonmarked villains usually covet magical knowl­ strained expansion. This self-interest can be a defining
edge, wealth, or influence, and their methods are appro­ feature of some or all of the houses, or you can focus on
priate to the marks they bear. Dragonmarked agents can factions within certain houses, with idealistic leaders
range from lowly spies bearing the Mark of Shadow hid­ seeking to direct the house along a more responsible
den within a circus troupe, to a dragonmarked warlord path while barons are driven by greed alone.
of House Deneith who has decided to establish their As a prominent part of society, the dragonmarked
own fiefdom. Examples of NPCs from dragonmarked houses strive to maintain the appearance of respect­
houses appear in the Dragonmarked NPCs table. ability and propriety. Thus, even when a house is utterly
corrupted, any agents who are caught in their evil deeds
D R A G O N M A R K E D N PCs are quickly and convincingly disavowed, preserving the
dl2 N PC house's image and reputation. If the plays a significant,
recurring role as a villain in your campaign, the charac­
A renegade from House Cannith arms a group of ban­
ters' eventual task will be to prove that these so-called
d its with fearsome elemental-bound weapons to prey
"rogue agents" have actually been taking orders from
on caravans as well as facil ities belonging to other the top of the house's leadership.
2 A gang from the League of the Bitter Blade in House DRAGONMARKED HOUSE
Deneith squeezes tribute from local towns i n ex­ ADVENTURE HOOKS
change for " p rotection."
The Dragonmarked House Adventure Hooks table pres­
3 An heir of House Ghallanda poisons members of
ents a few ways to pull characters into tales concerning
other d ragonmarked houses who stay in non-Ghal­ the houses.
landa inns, d iscrediting rival businesses while attack­
ing the houses. DRAGO N M A R K E D H O U S E A DV E N T U R E H O O K S
4 D u ring a plague, a House Jorasco healer chooses d l 2 Adventure Hook
which victi m s to cure and which to let d ie-and
A Hou se Cannith artificer h i res adventurers to steal
worse, which ones l ive to spread the plague to the
secrets from a forge associated with a rival branch of
house's enemies.
the house.
5 A H ouse Ku ndarak thief from the Warding G u i ld
2 House Deneith is recruiting adventurers to oppose a
breaks into non-Ku ndarak vau lts and banks to dis­
sudden rise in bandit or monster activity in a nearby
credit them.
6 A House Lyrandar airs h i p captain uses the vessel to
3 A hostel run by House Ghallanda has gained a rep­
terrorize the countryside.
utation for being h a u nted, and the disturbances are
7 A rogue heir of House M edani starts selling secrets, growing more dangerous.
effectively establishing a new espionage guild within
4 People healed at a local Jorasco enclave s uddenly
the house.
manifest strange a b i l ities they never could before­
8 A disgraced caravan leader turns to banditry, hoping
and soon thereafter, a strange cu rse as wel l .
to win back House Orien's favor by disru pting non­
5 The Kundarak B a n k needs brave adventurers t o test
Orien trade along a busy route.
their new wards by trying to break i nto their vault.
9 Two elf assassins, one from House Ph iarlan and the
6 A Lyrandar sky captai n lost much of their crew in a
other from H ouse Thuranni, are each working to d is­
recent attack by flying monsters, and hires hands to
credit or slay the other while spyi ng on local nobility.
defend the ship on its return voyage.
10 A n heir o f H ouse Sivis starts blackm a i l i ng people
7 A M edani bodyguard is kil led defending their charge
based on the content of intercepted messages.
from assassins, but manages to force the attackers to
11 A bou nty hu nter of House Thara s h k h unts one of the d rop a clue to the identity of their employer.
characters or an associate of theirs.
8 The characters are h i red to protect a crucial shipment
12 A rogue heir o f House Vadalis i s breed ing monstrous
aboard an Orien l ightn ing rai l .
animals and setting them loose in the countryside.
9 At a carnival run by House Phiarlan, customers begin
acting strangely. They all hum the same song, which
D RAGONMARKED HOUSE spreads l i ke a virus as more people hear it.
CAMPAIGN THEMES 10 A Sivis translator has gone missing after being h i red
The dragonmarked houses provide a n opportunity for to decipher a trove of scro l l s thought destroyed
your campaign to explore the role of magic in society d u ring the Last War.
and the power of industry in the postwar world. If the 11 A H ouse Tharaskh m i ne col lapses, and time is run­
adventurers are allied with a dragonmarked house, you ning out fo r the trapped m i ners.
can concentrate on the house's positive aspects and its 12 House Vadalis needs help recovering a herd o f mage­
work in moving Khorvaire beyond the feudalism of Gali­ bred horses stolen from a local ranch.
far. At the same time, the houses also represent a way to
explore the consequences of corporate greed and unre-


in century-spanning games of cat-and-mouse with their
DRAGONS fiendish counterparts. In general, the Chamber seeks to
The dragons of Eberron are much more than mere maintain the status quo and opposes demons, so agents
monsters; adventurers will rarely barge into a dragon's of the Chamber can often be useful allies or patrons.
lair in search of its treasure horde. Dragons in the world But ultimately humanoids are just pawns in the dragons'
are either aloof and unapproachable, or they are curious eyes, and they readily sacrifice any of those pawns to
and manipulative, pulling strings behind the scenes or ensure the sanctity of the Prophecy and the defeat of the
trying to influence the world in arcane ways. Lords of Dust.
Most dragons live on the mystery-shrouded continent
of Argonnessen and avoid contact with those they see as THE CHAMBER AND THE WAR
lesser creatures. They are obsessed with the Draconic The lives of humanoids and the welfare of their nations
Prophecy, which is a map of possible futures rather mean little to the ancient dragons. A member of the
than a clear-cut prediction. Its paths are revealed in the Chamber who is friendly now might turn out to be little
motion of planes and moons, in the actions of the drag­ more than a war criminal, responsible for horrible atroc­
onmarked houses, and in dozens of other more subtle ities while directing critical events of the war to ensure
manifestations. Most dragons that are active in Khor­ that a skirmish or an untimely assassination didn't de­
vaire are part of a cabal known as the Chamber. rail some crucial stanza of the Prophecy. An even more
A dragon in Khorvaire that isn't part of the Chamber disturbing prospect is that the Mourning might have
could be an exile driven from Argonnessen for some been orchestrated by the Chamber, either as part of its
crime or a scholar pursuing independent research. struggle against the Lords of Dust or even directly in
Some orphaned dragons grow up in Khorvaire without response to the dictates of the Prophecy.
contact with Argonnessen, and some dragons have Whatever the truth, the Last War's impact on the
been twisted by the daelkyr or corrupted by fiends; any Chamber was small in the grand scheme of things.
of these could be an antagonist if the adventure you're Planar observatories were damaged here and there,
crafting calls for a cruel dragon. humanoid servants died in droves, and the clash of
The dragons of Eberron aren't restricted in align­ armies derailed short-term plans. But even the effects of
ment-good red dragons and evil gold dragons are a hundred years of war are minor in the context of plans
equally common. Most dragons tend toward neutrality. that span continents and millennia.
Even those with good alignments often don't consider
the impact of their actions on lesser beings; if a Cham­ PLANAR OBSERVATORY
ber dragon must destroy a human village to foil the A planar observatory is a structure at the heart of the
plans of a demon, it will do so without hesitation. Chamber's efforts to divine the meaning of the draconic
Prophecy. The observatory consists of great chambers
THE C HAMBER of crystal and metal, lined with huge orreries that track
Conspiracy theorists insist that a network o f dragons and align with the planes and the Ring of Siberys.
is hidden in Khorvaire, and these mighty creatures use
powerful magic and humanoid agents to work their will PLANAR OBSERVATORY FEATURES
across the continent and beyond. These claims are usu­ Map 4.2 shows what a planar observatory might look
ally dismissed as madness, but they are in fact correct. like. These immense locations are constructed by and
The Chamber is a cabal of dragons that have monitored for dragons. The orreries that surround the central
Khorvaire for thousands of years, treating humanoids space track the courses of the planes as they shift to­
as pawns in an ancient game. ward and away from Eberron. All about the observatory
First and foremost, the dragons of the Chamber are are enormous dragonshards of all three kinds (Eberron,
observers, gathering information about new aspects Khyber, and Siberys).
of the Prophecy and sharing it with their elders in Ar­ Each observatory must be built in a location that is
gonnessen. They are also charged with stopping any balanced between Siberys and Khyber; finding such a
creature that seeks to use the Prophecy for its own ends. site might take years of careful study and surveying, and
This responsibility sets them against the Lords of Dust, these places are typically remote. Several are located
who must manipulate the Prophecy in order to release in Argonnessen; those in Khorvaire are usually found
their fiendish overlords. It also leads them to recruit in mountain ranges and hidden forest clearings. Many
or eliminate any humanoid who learns too much about have crystal roofs, or domes that open with the aid of
the Prophecy. great mechanisms to allow an unobstructed view of
The Chamber is loosely organized. Each dragon mon­ the night sky, since the movements of Eberron's moons
itors its own small corner of the world and maintains a are thought to correspond to the shifting relationships
network of humanoid agents. Although the mission of among the planes.
the Chamber is one of observation, individual dragons
often have their own agendas. Some seek to manip­ PLANAR OBSERVATORY ADVENTURES
ulate the Prophecy personally, directing the future The characters might find their way to a planar obser­
along a particular path. Others conduct experiments vatory as unwitting minions of a Chamber observer, as
on dragonmarked humanoids, trying to understand the a destination in their struggles against servants of the
connection between these creatures and the Prophecy. Lords of Dust, or even accidentally. The Planar Obser­
Still others are obsessed with the Lords of Dust engage vatory Adventures table presents some possibilities.


19 3
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19 4
d8 Adventure Goal I n a campaign featuring the Chamber, the adventurers
A d isguised dragon requests assistance repairing a might initially carry out simple tasks on behalf of a dis­
damaged orrery within the observatory. guised dragon or secret Chamber agent, not necessarily
2 One of the character's contacts is secretly the servant doing anything shady or villainous, but maneuvering
of a Cham ber dragon observer. When the contact pieces into position so they can play their designated
goes m issing, their notes point toward a h idden parts. As the campaign unfolds, the dragons of the
Chamber might reveal that the adventurers have their
" l ibrary" in the mountains.
own part to play-in particular, perhaps, any member of
3 The planar observatory m ight offer a way to prevent
the party who bears a dragonmark. The Chamber be­
or at least predict what seems to be an epidemic of gins interfering in the characters' activities, for good and
destructive man ifest zones. for ill, and the Lords of Dust might also get involved. Un­
4 An observatory has been taken over by demonic cu lt­ fortunately for the adventurers, the dragons are not nec­
ists, and the characters m ust reclaim the facil ity or essarily any more concerned for their well-being than
destroy it before the cult makes use of it. the Lords of Dust are, and the characters might have to
5 A d ragon marked character has recu rring nightmares consort or cooperate with demons in order to escape the
that lead them to the observatory. clutches of the dragons.
Throughout the campaign, the goals of the Chamber
6 A th ief or assassin has been using a derelict obser­
might not be readily apparent. Locations such as the
vatory as a h ideout, occasionally selling bits of the
planar observatory described here might be able to give
observatory's d ragonshards and equi pment.
the adventurers some insight into the substance of the
7 A scholar h i res the characters to assist with studying Prophecy they have become tangled up in, and seers
and restoring a red iscovered observatory. and sages might be able to offer further insight into the
8 Several observatories across the region will prod uce different ways that the demons and the dragons could
a powerfu l effect if each is brought into a specific, be interpreting those words. Ultimately, the adventurers
sim u ltaneous a l ign ment. might be in the position of having to choose between
an outcome that is bad for them but good for the world
C HAMBER NPCs in the long term, or a short-term triumph that carries
The dragons o f the Chamber typically use magic to dis­ tremendous risk for the world in the distant (or not too
guise their true nature and move unseen among human­ distant) future.
oids. Although their goals of acquiring knowledge and Another possibility is that the adventurers are openly
opposing the Lords of Dust can make the dragons suit­ working with the Chamber to gather information on the
able as allies, their devotion to their long-term interests Prophecy and fight the Lords of Dust. In this case, the
can blind them to the short-term impact of their actions. Chamber could act as a group patron; see the "Immortal
Being" section of chapter 1 .
d6 N PC
The Chamber Missions table suggests several ways that
A wizard agent of the Cham ber seeks to e l i m i nate all
adventurers might (knowingly or unknowingly) be asked
the people they worked with in the past to cover their
to advance the Chamber's agenda, while the Chamber
tracks and preserve the Chamber's secrecy. Adventures table offers a few more ways in which the
2 The Prophecy req u i res the eventual destruction of activities of the Chamber could lead to an adventure.
a h u manoid city. A d isgu ised silver dragon, cunning
and su btle, works to destab i lize the city and bring CHAMBER M ISSIONS
about its ruin. d6 M ission
3 A local librarian is a d isgu ised gold dragon in the Gather pristine d ragonshard s to expand or repair an
service of the Cham ber, who provides useful leads to observatory.
send the characters down paths vital to the Prophecy. 2 Seek out a gro u p of people who m ust be e l i m i nated
4 A d ragon becomes convinced that the dragon marked in order to bring about the ful fi ll ment of a stanza of
houses are corrupting the Prophecy. It m ight specif­ Prophecy.
ically target d ragonmarked heirs, or start a popular 3 Discover who killed another m i nion of the characters'
movement that seeks to destroy the houses. d ragon patron.
5 A royal advisor or p ro m i nent noble, secretly a servant 4 Defend a Chamber safe house against a rival d raconic
of the Chamber, guides the leader in a d i rection vital attack.
to the Prophecy but disastrous to the region.
5 Steal a local sage's research to prevent them from dis­
6 A d isgu ised d ragon is convinced that an adventurer covering the Cham ber's activities.
has a critical role to play in the Prophecy, but an agent 6 Recreate an ancient ritual that will bring a new piece
of the Lords of Dust i s determined to d rive them
of the Prophecy to l i ght.
down a different path.


1 95
THE D REAMING DARK this group, which wants to destabilize all of them. Many
of the intense battles near the end of the war might
In the spaces between sleeping and waking, nightmares have been avoided, if not for Dreaming Dark agents fan­
wait with grasping c::laws. The quori spirits that rule Dal ning the flames of fear and hate-often by invading the
Quor spent a thousand years seizing control of the con­ dreams of soldiers and rulers alike.
tinent of Sarlona. Now they have turned their many eyes The feelings of mistrust and festering animosity
toward Khorvaire. The ultimate goal of the Dreaming between the nations that linger after the Treaty of
Dark is to control all the nations. of the world. The plane Thronehold provide the Dreaming Dark with countless
of Dal Quor goes through cycles of light and darkness, points of possible infection. Refugees, expatriates, and
and the current age is coming to an end. The nightmare other displaced people provide the perfect vehicle for
spirits that rule the plane believe that by seizing control the Dreaming Dark to spread its influence across Khor­
of mortal civilization-by forcing all the people of Eber­ vaire, carrying its corruption into new populations.
ron to dream the dreams they devise-they can maintain
this current age of darkness indefinitely. So the fiends of THE ROLE OF DREAMS
the Dreaming Dark aren't merely hungry for power; they
All dreams occur i n the plane o f Dal Quor. When
are fighting for survival.
mortals sleep, their minds touch the plane and shape
The quori can't manifest physically in Eberron, but
a shard of it. Normally, a dream is shaped by the
they have other options. They can possess willing hu­
memories and emotions of the dreamer. But the dream
manoids, creating agents known as the Inspired (see
spell and similar effects (such as a night hag's Night­
chapter 6). They can also manipulate the dreams of
mare Haunting) can influence a dream from the outside,
mortals. The Dreaming Dark can trick a priest by send­
to a specific and often sinister purpose. The quori are
ing dreams that appear to be divine visions, or inspire a
masters of using the dream spell as a weapon to terror­
soldier to rebel against their lord.
ize their foes.
The greatest weapon of the Dreaming Dark is its
It's possible for an entire adventure to take place in
ability to infiltrate other organizations. Anyone could
a dream. The trick with a dream adventure is ensuring
become an Inspired vessel, or be prompted into tak-
that it feels meaningful, even consequential, and not just
ing foolish action by a dream. Its agents are scattered
a waste of time. One of four basic approaches can help
across the world and have no obvious connection to one
you do that:
another, until they reveal their true nature and purpose.
A real monster inhabits a character's dreams and
THE DREAMING DARK I N THE WAR poses a real threat to that character's mind or body.
The chaos that reigned during the Last War enabled the The goal of the adventure is to defeat that monster.
agents of the Dreaming Dark to move and act with abso­ • A dreaming character is incapable of waking com­
lute freedom throughout Khorvaire. Any direct conflict munication-they might be comatose or possessed.
among Eberron's humanoid populations is a boon to The goal of the adventure is to communicate with the
dreamer and free them from whatever is preventing
them from communicating.
• A villain has implanted some kind of psychic lock in a
If you plan t o u s e t h e Dreaming Dark as a major villain
character's mind, which prevents them from accessing
i n you r campaign, it can be helpfu l to establish the role
of dreams early on. If dreams feel l i ke a regular part of some knowledge or capability. The goal of the adven­
the story, it will be less obvious when the Drea m i ng Dark ture is to remove the psychic lock, which might take
starts manipulating the characters' d reams. For example, the form of a complex trap or maze in the dream.
you m ight establish a pattern of picking one adventurer • The actual objective of the adventure lies in Dal Quor.
and discussing their d reams each time the group takes The first goal is to find a way to break out of the mun­
a long rest. Consider these ideas for the basic seed dane dreamscape and enter the wider plane.
of a dream :
The second challenge in crafting a dream adventure is
Revisit recent events. T h i s can b e a useful opportunity how to bring all the characters in a party together in the
to call attention to a detail the characters overlooked. same dream, which might or might not belong to one of
Clearly, this character's subconscious registered the de­ them. Consider these possibilities:
tail as i m portant!
Involve a current villain. This can help build the players' • One of the characters is dreaming, and the others
hatred for an elusive recu rring villain! appear in the dream as memories and impressions in
Foreshadow the future. This could si m ply reflect a char­ the dreamer's mind.
acter's fears, but it might also convey a warning from a • Some exotic magic-a kalashtar ritual or an eldritch
celestial or other su pernatural creature. machine, perhaps-allows the characters to share a
Explore the character's past. G ive the player an opportu­ dream or to enter someone else's dream. This magic
n ity to add depth to one element of the character's story. could also allow a character who ordinarily can't
Reflect anxiety. An anxious character might d ream about dream (such as an elf, a warforged, or a kalashtar) to
showing u p i n a d ungeon with no armor or at school enter the dreamscape as well.
with no clothes. N arratively, these dreams can provide a • Agents of the Dreaming Dark use their magic to bring
moment of comic relief or heighten the players own con­ the dreams of the characters together so they can in­
cern about what's h appening in the game. fluence or target the whole party at once.


The Dream Adventures table puts these principles to­ DREAMING DARK
gether and suggests hooks into this kind of adventure.
D R E A M A DV E N T U R E S Long ago, the Dreaming Dark caused a long period of
d 4 Adventure Goal strife on the continent of Sarlona, fostering suspicion,
Break a psychic lock that is preventing a House Thu­
rebellion, fear, prejudice, and greed among and within
the various nations that held power at the time. While
ran ni spy from remem bering what they learned about
chaos reigned, the quori also carefully nurtured the
a sinister Dream i ng Dark plot.
human bloodlines that would become the Inspired,
2 Escape into Dal Quor to find an artifact that can be perfectly suited to serve as hosts for quori spirits. Then,
brought back to the M aterial Plane when the charac­ when the destruction of the old kingdoms was complete,
ters awaken. a group of bold champions-Inspired vessels of the
3 Rescue a character who is s uffering from debilitating Dreaming Dark-formed a new nation from the ashes
rec u rring n ightmares by defeating the q uori inhabit­ of the old. Having conquered Sarlona by means of such
ing the character's m i nd . manipulation, the Dreaming Dark has turned its sights
4 Stop the construction of an eldritch machine in Dal to Khorvaire-which is already a continent in turmoil.
With the conquest of the entire continent in mind,
Quor that will give the quori physical access to the
the Dreaming Dark has three objectives in Khorvaire.
M aterial Plane aga i n .
The first is to cause chaos and strife whenever possible,
turning allies against one another and spreading fear.
DYING IN DREAMS The second is to promote their chosen champions. A
Death in dreams is less severe than in reality, but it's champion could be a nation, a mercenary company, a
not without consequence. Of course, characters who are dragonmarked house, or a religion-whatever it is, it will
mere figments of a dreamer's imagination are simply have been thoroughly subverted by the Dreaming Dark.
removed from the dream. But a character dies while ac­ Finally, the Dreaming Dark relentlessly pursues the ka­
tually dreaming, the character receives no benefit from lashtar and takes every opportunity to bring down these
the rest and takes 3d6 psychic damage. enemies. The kalashtar are descended from rebel quori
If you want to establish more severe consequences, that defied the Dreaming Dark and want to push Dal
you can. A dreamer killed by a quori could be trapped in Quor into an age of light.
Dal Quor while the quori possesses their body, forcing Given those objectives, the Dreaming Dark can drive
their allies to try to rescue them from their nightmares. events on a small scale, by setting bandits in motion or
triggering local feuds, or the adventurers might uncover
DREAMING DARK NPCs evidence of plans that could reignite the Last War or
Agents o f the Dreaming Dark are insidious villains that bring an entire nation or religion under the sway of the
can appear anywhere, in almost any context. They re­ Dreaming Dark.
ceive orders from a cabal of powerful quori. The leader
of the organization, known as the Devourer of Dreams, DREAMING DARK
communes with the nightmare spirit of Dal Quor itself. ADVENTURE HOOKS
The Dark's chief agent in Eberron is a kalaraq quori
(see chapter 6) named Tirashana, who has planted mind The Dreaming Dark Adventure Hooks table offers some
seeds-mental copies of herself-across Khorvaire. ideas for strange occurrences and nightmarish events
The Dreaming Dark has Inspired agents and kalaraq that can touch off stories involving the Dreaming Dark.
quori mind seeds (see chapter 6) scattered across Khor­
vaire, hidden within the membership of dragonmarked D R EA M I N G DAR K ADV E N T U R E H O O K S
houses, noble families, and other driving forces. Be­ d4 Adventure Hook
cause Dreaming Dark agents can communicate and co­ The h igh priest of a temple falls i nto a deep sleep
ordinate with one another in dreams, they never have to from which nothing can awaken them.
risk losing their cover to receive assignments or trans­
2 The characters notice a pattern after defeating sev­
mit information.
eral foes: each enemy exhibited a particular q ui rk of
speech or gesture. They now recognize that q u irk i n
an a l l y or mentor.
d4 N PC
3 A mad wizard encoded the remedy to a destructive
A servant in a manor house overhears everything the
spell i n their own d reams. The characters m ust enter
visiting nobles whisper about in their private rooms.
the dreamscape and recover the remedy.
2 The captai n of a successful mercenary company sud­
4 A war criminal i m p risoned d u ring the Last War
denly changes the kinds of contracts they'll accept.
reaches out, claiming to have evidence of their
3 A local druid searches out monsters in the wilderness
i nnocence and warning that a destructive force is
and drives them i nto m u rderous rampages.
infl uencing the government.
4 A charismatic Cyran stirs up anger and discontent
among the frightened refugees.


1 97
treaty nations, a realm where they are the outsiders and
the monsters are at home. Adventurers might have to

� �(LAN D pursue a fugitive or a war criminal into Droaam, or go

there in search of unusual services or information found
only in the land of monsters.


Droaam i s home t o a vast array o f creatures. Many of

WESTERN REACH ES these races maintain isolated enclaves: the medusa

city of Cazhaak Draa!, the harpy flights of the Byeshk
Mountains, the scattered minotaur clans, the mysteri­
In a shocking move, King Boranel has ordered that all ous changeling city known as Lost. But other creatures
Brelish citizens who live west of the Graywall Mountains have long been commingled. The ogres, ores, trolls, hill
must leave their homes and return to the eastern lands, giants, goblins, and kobolds of Droaam have never had
or else forfeit their claim to the king's protection. In distinct cultures; they have always been blended. Al­
the face of a few withered hags and a ragtag "army" of though enclaves made up of a single kind of creature do
filthy ogres and mangy gnolls, King Boranel's legendary exist, most communities contain a mix of creatures.
courage has apparently faltered. We can only assume he In bygone days, many of these groups of creatures
means to yield to Cyre next.
lived in transient communities, ruled by the most pow­
erful among them and constantly in conflict with neigh­
boring forces. When the Daughters of Sora Kell rose to
DROAAM power, they used force and persuasion to bring an end
to this violence. They recognized the most powerful
Once, Droaam was a wild frontier that marked the edge existing warlords as rulers of their domains, and they
of civilized Khorvaire. Today, it is home to one of the appointed lieutenants-including oni and other powerful
strangest nations on the continent. In the streets of the and intelligent creatures-to govern other regions.
Great Crag, ogres and minotaurs rub shoulders with Within Droaam, any creature that commands the
gnolls and goblins. Gargoyles and wyverns circle in the loyalty of a band and has successfully claimed and held
sky, while harpies call work crews to the quarries with territory can call itself a warlord, but only a small num­
their songs. Under the rule of the enigmatic Daugh­ ber of such leaders wield significant power. A few of the
ters of Sora Kell, this land grows stronger with each most notable warlords and factions are described below.
passing year.
Thanks to the guidance of the hags, the diverse inhab­ Cairngorm. A remarkably intelligent gargoyle, Cairn-
itants of Droaam are learning to work together and find­ gorm is the lord of Grimstone Keep. He leads the
ing ways to use their supernatural gifts to help build and largest host of gargoyles in Droaam, and Grimstone is
sustain society. A medusa might use its petrifying gaze also home to ores and other creatures.
to preserve the life of an injured ally until medical atten­ The Dark Pack. An alliance of lycanthropes, worgs,
tion can be obtained. Harpies in the taverns of Droaam and other bestial creatures is led by an elf werewolf
use their hypnotic songs to entertain rather than to named Zaeurl. The Dark Pack bears a deep hatred for
harm. When you bring creatures from Droaam into the followers of the Silver Flame.
campaign, consider how different monsters can work Gorodan Ashford. A fire giant exiled from Xen'drik has
together in unusual ways and how their special abilities earned the loyalty of a powerful force of ogres and hill
could be used outside combat. giants. Gorodan knows a great deal about Xen'drik
Droaam offers a way to introduce monsters into any and could prove a valuable resource to adventurers.
adventure, and for characters to encounter these mon­ Harpy Flights. The harpies have long dwelled in the
sters in untraditional ways. Droaam demonstrates that Byeshk Mountains. Several flights across the nation­
even monstrous creatures want the same things that including the Stormsinger, Last Dirge, and Rotwing­
members of other races do, more or less. have pledged themselves to the Daughters of Sora
Droaamish monsters of a civilized bent could appear Kell. Other flights remain in isolation in the moun­
anywhere in Khorvaire. House Tharashk brokers the tains. The largest of these is the Wind Howlers, whose
services of Droaamish monsters across the continent. leader, Callain of the Bloody Word, despises the hags.
Some of these monsters can appear in traditionally Kethelrax the Cunning. The kobold lord Kethelrax
aggressive roles, as mercenary soldiers, a crime lord's has laid claim to Shaarat Kol in the south of Droaam
bodyguards, or assassins in the shadows of Sharn. But and leads host of kobolds and goblins-creatures that
Tharashk also provides less violent services. Ogre la­ have been traditionally enslaved and oppressed by the
borers put their strength to practical use in many of the larger and more powerful inhabitants of the region.
continent's cities. Gargoyle couriers are in high demand. Though his epithet, "the Cunning," is used mockingly
Though monstrous workers of these sorts are still rare by other warlords, Kethelrax has the favor of Sora Ka­
in many nations, their numbers are growing. tra and has proven to be clever in his own right. The
Conversely, a visit to Droaam gives adventurers a kobolds are thrilled to have their own territory and
chance to explore a land untethered by the laws of the are fiercely loyal to the Daughters, but many yearn for
revenge against their former masters.


19 8
Rhesh Turakbar. The minotaur warlord Rhesh Turak­ The middle tower consists of two crumbling floors
bar has united the small clans of his people into a with arrow slits, accessed by spiral staircases from the
deadly force. His fortress is on the eastern edge of ground level. The upper level of the tower has been se­
Droaam, and he often leads raiding parties into Bre­ verely damaged, with only old wooden planks and a rick­
land in the name of his fiendish patron, the Horned ety ladder allowing movement between the two floors.
Prince-also known as Rak Tulkhesh (see chapter 6). The top level of the fort overhangs the tower. Large
Sheshka, the Queen of Stone. The medusas have long portions of the floor are missing, making certain areas
held the ancient citadel of Cazhaak Draal. Though difficult to reach. Arrow slits on the perimeter of this
they are not numerous, their deadly gaze and trained level made it instrumental to the fort's defense, and the
basilisk pets make the medusas a force to be reckoned large rooms here were used for arms storage and mus­
with. Medusa priests of the Dark Six are spiritual tering troops for battle.
leaders in many Droaamish communities. Queen
Sheshka is a skilled warrior and general. She has RUINED DHAKAANI FORT ADVENTURES
been loyal to the Daughters, but she is devoted to her The Ruined Fort Adventures table offers some ideas for
people and will always do what's best for them. drawing a party to the location.
Tzaryan Rrac. A cunning oni with a large force of ogres
and ores at his disposal, Tzaryan Rrac was quick to R U I N E D FO RT ADV E N T U R E S
embrace the arrival of the hags, but he also yearns d6 Adventure Goal
for greater power. Rrac is a skilled alchemist and a Gnolls lairing in the fort have been attacking caravans
scholar of arcane lore.
and travelers near the Darguun border. But the gnolls
Venom Lords. A group of tieflings called the Venom
are mercenaries. Who are they working for?
Lords leads a community of warlocks, some of whom
are also tieflings. Their domain, called the Venomous 2 The ruins are said to hold a powerful magic item that
Demesne, is hidden away in the desolate marshes was used by the ancient Dhakaani gob l i ns against the
south of Blackwater Lake, shrouded by powerful daelkyr.
magic. Warlord Bal Molesh is a strong ally of the 3 The party is h i red to recruit several h i l l giants for
Daughters, and some of his tiefling kin can be found a build ing project in western B reland. Step one is
in the service of Daask. making sure the giants lairing i n the fort don't kill
Xor'chylic. A mind flayer serves as the governor of the party; step two i s persuading them to work for
Graywall. It's said that the Daughters found Xor'chylic humans.
in Khyber, and received his loyalty in exchange for a
4 The characters m ust rescue prisoners being held by
pledge that the hags would give him an opportunity
the monsters in the ruins.
for vengeance against one of the daelkyr.
Znir Pact. The gnolls of Droaam, once servants of Rak 5 A group of B relish h u m ans determi ned to "take
Tulkhesh, broke ties with the demons long ago and Brelish lands back from the monsters" have settled
swore an oath of loyalty to the pack above all else. and started rebui l d i ng the rui ned fort. The party i s
Since standing together and being bound by this asked t o help t h e m defend t h e fort-or t o protect
Znir Pact, the gnolls have never been subjugated by them as they flee back to Breland, pursued by angry
any other force, and have never sought to conquer. Droaamites.
Instead, they sell their services as hunters and sol­ 6 A Brelish noble h i res the party to retrieve a family
diers, serving all warlords. The gnolls are trusted
heirloom lost i n the fort's ruins.
across Droaam.


Ruined forts of ancient Dhakaani design are common Sora Kell i s a n ancient night hag with exceptional pow­
in Droaam, and in many cases the structures have been ers. She is said to have dealt with dragons and demons
remodeled into homes or refitted for defense. They also in the first age of the world, and to have tricked the
make ideal lairs for less intelligent monsters, places Sovereigns themselves. Even though she is immortal,
where they can bring their next meals along with any­ there have been no new legends of her deeds since the
thing those poor souls happened to be carrying. advent of Galifar, but that's when her daughters rose to
infamy. All three of the Daughters of Sora Kell possess
RUINED D HAKAANI FORT FEATURES powers far beyond what's usual for their kind. They are
Map 4.3 shows an ancient Dhakaani fort built into a cliff creatures of legend, beings who have defeated many of
face. It consists of four tiers in varying states of ruin. the greatest heroes of Galifar.
The cellar, including a cistern and storage areas, is Sora Katra is the voice of the Daughters. Charismatic
accessed by way of secret trap doors in the floor above. and clever, she is an accomplished illusionist and shape­
The ground floor features a statue of a great hobgoblin shifter who rarely wears the same face twice. Stories
hero of old in a large enclosed courtyard, and a cluster say that she weaves curses on her loom, and that she
of unidentifiable statues in one back corner. The outer­ loves to match wits with heroes and champions. She
most area of the ground floor is the most severely dam­ speaks for Droaam, and is always interested in intrigues
aged part of the fort. and plots.


Upper Fortress

Tower Level 2

Tower Level 1

Upper Fortress

Tower Level 1

MAP 4.3: R U I N E D 0 H A K A A N I FORT


Sora Maenya is the commander of Droaam's armies. with unerring precision and reveal enemy plans before
It's said that she can crush a giant with her bare hands, they are carried out. Can the adventurers find a way
then eat the whole thing and still be hungry. She binds to deal with Sora Teraza and end this threat before
the souls of her victims to their skulls, which she keeps the armies of Droaam and agents of Daask make
in her lair. Though many stories depict her as merely a their move?
brute, she is a clever strategist and a master of intimida­ A middle-of-the-road view is that the Daughters are
tion and terror. motivated solely by Sora Teraza's visions. They have no
Sora Teraza is a mystery. Though blind, or perhaps interest in gaining power or in maintaining their king­
because of her blindness, she possesses vast powers dom; they are fulfilling their role in a story that is still
of divination. She is the most gifted oracle of the age, unfolding, and once it's resolved, they will abandon their
but her answers are often cryptic, even when dealing thrones and return to their hidden haunts. Can Droaam
with her sisters; she might give vital advice even to her survive without the Daughters, or will the nation dis­
enemies. There is little that can be hidden from Sora solve into chaos?
Teraza, but the question is always whether she'll share Whatever path you choose should also be reflected
what she knows. in the nature of the criminal organization Daask, de­
scribed later in this chapter. Those monsters are agents
THE DAUGHTERS AND THE WAR of Sora Katra; how do their actions support her agenda?
Droaam emerged as a nation in the final decade of the Are they seizing power on behalf of Droaam, or are they
Last War. King Boranel of Breland brokered an uneasy pursuing a more mysterious agenda?
truce with Droaam, but the other nations of Khorvaire As described in chapter 1, Sora Kell herself could be a
have refused to recognize the Daughters' sovereignty. group patron for a party of adventurers. In this case, the
Most leaders believe Droaam will soon collapse into characters' relationship with the sisters is complicated.
chaos, or that Breland will gather its strength and crush Do the Daughters consider the adventurers to be allies,
the Daughters. Others think that either of those assump­ or are they bitter rivals? Does Sora Kell support the na­
tions gravely underestimates the abilities of the Daugh­ tion of Droaam, or are the Daughters defying the wishes
ters and their subjects. of their mother?
In the aftermath of the war, the fighting forces of
Droaam have become a significant resource for other D ROAAM ADVENTURE HOOKS
nations of Khorvaire. Gnolls, minotaurs, ogres, and
Any adventure that takes place i n Droaam o r involves
other creatures have proven to be capable mercenar­
creatures that hail from that nation gives the players
ies and laborers, and the Daughters have worked with
and their characters a chance to deal with monsters that
House Tharashk to make these resources available to
don't always behave monstrously. The Droaam Adven­
the rest of Khorvaire. This exchange both puts gold into
ture Hooks table presents a variety of story links involv­
the Daughters' coffers, and spreads their eyes and ears
ing Droaam, the Daughters of Sora Kell, or both.
throughout the wider world.


When involving the Daughters o f Sora Kell in your cam­ d6 Adventure Hook
paign, the first question you need to answer is; what are A medusa sends a uthorities a broken stone fi nger
their goals for Droaam? bearing a distinctive signet ring, and invites emissar­
One possibility is that the Daughters believe in their ies to bring gold, a magic ite m , or some other ransom
nation-that it is important to them to unite the mon­
for the petrified individual's release.
sters of Droaam and to give their charges a voice in the
2 A House Lyrandar airship has gone down just beyond
world. In this case, the Daughters can be ultimately sym­
pathetic figures. They are fighting against the fears and the G raywal l M o u ntains. The characters m ust move
prejudices of the people of the Five Nations, and also immediately to rescue any survivors and sec u re a se­
the selfish ambitions of many of their own power-hungry cret message the s h i p was carrying.
warlords. Once the adventurers learn that the Daugh­ 3 Sora Teraza appears i n a character's d reams every few
ters truly want peace and prosperity, they could become nights, u rging the character to explore a particu lar
envoys of the Daughters in the Five Nations or help to ruin.
fight their enemies in Droaam. A character of a mon­ 4 The characters m u s t entreat the Daughters of Sora
strous race could even become a warlord of Droaam.
Kell for knowledge of how to remove a seem i ngly
Even if the adventurers don't work directly with the
u n b reakable cu rse.
Daughters, they could have need of their assistance;
Sora Teraza might hold the answer to a vital mystery, 5 The characters must p u rchase or steal a dael kyr tome
or the adventurers might need an artifact hidden in the or artifact from the tower of M orda i n the Fleshweaver,
vaults of the Great Crag. a powerfu l wizard banished from the Twelve who now
If you'd rather use the Daughters as straightforward makes his home in western Droa a m .
villains, they could be driven by a thirst for power or a 6 An ogre warlord is accused of destroying a vi llage j ust
desire to end humanity's dominance over Khorvaire. outside the borders of Droaam. The characters m ust
Sora Teraza's visions enable them to target enemies b ring the warlord to justice or work with the ogre to
find the real c u lprit.


GATEKEEPERS can be carried and stolen. It's said that one of the seals
is a druidic bloodline, and it will last until the last mem­
The Gatekeepers are a druidic sect dedicated to protect­ ber of the line is slain.
ing the natural world from unnatural forces. They battle The most common form of Gatekeeper seal is a great
aberrations and guard against extraplanar invasions stone slab set into the ground or a cavern wall. It is
and the release of ancient evils. carved with mystical symbols that hedge out the influ­
The Gatekeepers maintain the oldest druidic tradi­ ence of Xoriat and maintain the barrier. The map de­
tion on Khorvaire. Over fifteen thousand years ago, the picts one such seal, along with the druidic trappings and
green dragon Vvaraak came to the Shadow Marches dwellings surrounding it.
and gathered a following from among the ores of the
region. In her studies of the Prophecy, Vvaraak had GATEKEEPER SEAL FEATURES
foreseen a great threat that could be stopped only by Map 4.4 shows what a Gatekeeper seal might look like.
the younger races. So she taught the ores the secret A seal is a protected site, usually attended at all times
language of the natural world and showed them how by Gatekeepers who live at or near the seal. The one
to work with stone and soil, and how to read the future depicted in the map lies on the edge of a swamp, but it
in the movement of the Ring of Siberys. She charged could be located in any kind of terrain. A circle of stand­
her students to remain ever vigilant against the threat ing stones serves to focus the magic of the area toward
that was to come, and to protect nature from those that the seal itself, and the stones also serve as a place of
would corrupt it. worship for the druids' devotions and ceremonies.
Thousands of years later, the daelkyr (see chapter 6)
opened gates from the plane of Xoriat and unleashed GATEKEEPER SEAL ADVENTURES
hordes of mind flayers, beholders, and other foul crea­ The location of a Gatekeeper seal might be the site of
tures into the world. The conflict that followed destroyed an adventure's climax, or the characters might need to
the goblin empire of Dhakaan, and the daelkyr's inva­ find one in order to consult with the guardians there.
sion left scars across Khorvaire. Ultimately, Vvaraak's The Gatekeeper Seal Adventures table presents some
students sealed the gates and imprisoned the daelkyr possibilities.
in Khyber. Even after this triumph, the ores couldn't be
sure if they had turned back the threat Vvaraak had fore­ G AT E K E E P E R S EA L ADVE N T U R E S
seen, or if a greater danger lay ahead. So, in addition to d4 Adventure Coal
guarding the seals that bind the daelkyr and keep Xoriat
Deliver a specially treated Khyber dragonshard to the
at bay, the Gatekeepers remained vigilant against the
Gatekeepers to repair a widening crack in the seal.
possibility of worse to come.
In the millennia since that struggle ended, the Gate­ 2 Petition the keepers of a seal for information on an
keepers have shared Vvaraak's wisdom and druidic aberration that has been terrorizing the cou ntryside.
magic with humans, shifters, and others who came 3 Assist the Gatekeepers in an annual ritual that will re­
to Khorvaire. New interpretations of Vvaraak's teach­ energize the seal and keep it shut fo r another year.
ings gave birth to new druid sects: the Wardens of the 4 Escort a new Gatekeeper guardian safely to the seal
Wood, the Greensingers, and the Ashbound. Today, the after its previous guardians were corrupted.
Gatekeepers are one of the smaller sects, and many of
the sites of their long-ago battles have been abandoned
and forgotten. But some Gatekeepers still remain in the
Shadow Marches and the Eldeen Reaches, continuing Gatekeepers are sworn to protect the world, and thus
their vigil to this day. are more likely to be encountered as allies than as ene­
mies. It's always possible, though, for even noble Gate­
THE GATEKEEPERS I N THE WAR keepers to fall prey to madness and corruption, thus
becoming the very evils they are sworn to fight.
The Last War had only minimal impact on the Gate­
keepers, and vice versa. The druids' primary concern
was to prevent military activity from disrupting the seals
they guarded. Occasionally the Gatekeepers attacked d4 N PC
groups of scouts or military patrols, driving them away The spirit of a long-dead Gatekeeper l ives on in the
to ensure that battles didn't erupt in their vicinity. Some­ body of an ancient toad. It speaks in a deep, croaking
times the Gatekeepers failed in those efforts, and Xori­ voice.
at's corruption spread over some remote regions while 2 A half-ore Gatekeeper works in H o u se Tharashk
the war raged around them.
as an investigator, searching for signs of planar
A h u m a n Gatekeeper is on a pi lgrimage, carrying a n
The seals forged by the Gatekeepers have a variety of
a m u let that serves as a s e a l on a jou rney t o a n u m ber
purposes and forms. Some are tied to specific daelkyr,
of sacred sites to restore its power.
keeping those individuals bound in Khyber and strip­
ping them of some of their powers. Others ward against 4 An old ore ranger is m u rdering people in Sharn,
aberrations in general, or suppress the influence of the clai m i ng that they've been corrupted by the dael kyr.
plane of Xoriat. Some seals are amulets, objects that



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The Gatekeepers are the remnants o f a n ancient order.
Once they saved the world. Now they are all but forgot­ (HEIRS OF DHAKAAN)
ten, and the world needs saving again. The surviving War drums are sounding in the depths beneath Dar­
Gatekeepers might not have the strength to win the fight guun. Bugbear champions hone their adamantine
alone, and that's where adventurers come in. Gatekeep­ greatswords, and hobgoblin dirge singers call the le­
ers can serve as patrons or advisors, providing crucial gions to battle. The warriors of Dhakaan are preparing
information or setting the adventurers on the proper to reclaim their stolen lands, and the nations of Khor­
path. They can also come to the rescue of adventurers vaire have no idea what's coming.
who are close to being overwhelmed by mind flayers or During the struggle with the daelkyr, some Dhakaani
dolgaunts. leaders saw the madness spreading among their people
At certain points in a campaign, the Gatekeepers and knew it would destroy their civilization. They led
might seem to be villains. The druids' mission to protect their forces into deep subterranean chambers and sev­
their seals and to oppose the rise of aberrations is of ered all contact with the outside world. In recent years
the utmost importance. Anyone who threatens a seal these ancient clans-who call themselves the Kech
or assists the machinations of the daelkyr, no matter Dhakaan ("bearers of [the traditions of] Dhakaan")­
how unwittingly, risks making relentless enemies in the have finally returned to the surface.
Gatekeepers. A simple shift in circumstances, such as The Dhakaani are utterly devoted to war, matched
the death of a noble that causes ownership of a trackless only by the Valenar elves in their devotion to the martial
parcel of land to change hands, could bring the charac­ arts. Their weaponsmiths and armorers know tech­
ters into sudden conflict with the Gatekeepers. niques that even the artificers of House Cannith cannot
duplicate. Throughout the Last War, no nation faced any
GATEKEEPER ADVENTURE HOOKS other force that had the skill and resources of the resur­
gent Dhakaani.
Gatekeepers can be at the center of any number of po­
But there is one obstacle to their rise: the Heirs of
tential stories. The Gatekeeper Adventure Hooks table
Dhakaan have no emperor. The goblinoids are divided
offers some options.
into clans, and each clan, or kech, believes its leader has
the right to control all the others. And so the champions
of Dhakaan continuously compete with each other to
d 8 Adventure Hook prove their right to rule. The Kech Sharaat (Bladebear­
While pursuing ru mors of lycanthrope activity, the ers) believe that leadership is best achieved through
characters d iscover a good-aligned werebear that i s force of arms. The Kech Volaar (Wordbearers) believe
working with t h e Gatekeepers t o stop an incursion that knowledge is the greater weapon, and they seek to
from Khyber. recover artifacts and weapons that were lost when the
2 A Gatekeeper seal in the form of a stone tablet falls empire fell. These and several less influential clans are
competing for overall leadership, while the spies and as­
into the characters' hands. They must return the seal
sassins of the Khesh'dar (Silent Folk) remain neutral in
to the Gatekeepers before its magic fades.
the struggle, gathering information on the modern world
3 A logging operation is moving close to the area pro­ and serving every clan.
tected by a seal, and the party must convince the At the moment, the Heirs of Dhakaan are maintaining
loggers to relocate before their work touches off a a low profile. They fight most of their battles under­
conflict with the Gatekeepers. ground, and occasionally dispatch small squads to carry
4 Working with an agent of the Cham ber, the G atekeep­ out missions on the surface. Humans usually don't know
ers a re convinced the actions of the characters will enough about goblins to tell the difference between the
bring a daelkyr one step closer to freedom. Dhakaani and the people of Darguun. The truth of the
matter is gradually spreading within Darguun, but no
5 The characters d iscover evidence suggesting that the
one yet realizes the power of the force that lies beneath
rituals performed by the local Gatekeepers are weak­
their nation.
ening their seal, not empowering it.
6 Pilgrims trave l i ng through a forest draw the attention THE HEIRS AND THE WAR
of Gatekeepers, who think they are spies sent to sabo­
The Last War caused the Heirs of Dhakaan to finally
tage the nearby seal.
stir and emerge from their deep vaults. They recognize
7 One of the kidnapped victims who was rescued from that humanity has been weakened by its self-inflicted
a marauding band of aberrations turns out to be a wounds. The rise of Darguun and the proliferation
Gatekeeper i n itiate. of that nation's Ghaal'dar mercenaries enables the
8 The adventurers are sent to the M ror Holds to investi­ Dhakaani to move around Khorvaire without drawing
gate the activity of Dyrrn the Corruptor and u n cover a undue attention. And the Mourning, ultimately, demon­
daelkyr cult among the dwarves. strated that the races of the Five Nations could not
be trusted with ruling Khorvaire. It was time for the
Dhakaani to return and subjugate the other races to
their firm hand once again.


20 4
The Heirs of Dhakaan are devoted to war, with an they will usually spare the lives of their opponents, but
unmatched focus on sheer martial skill. Their weap­ against all other adversaries-including other gobli­
onry and artillery are of the highest quality, and they noids-they are ruthless.
place their trust in strength of arms, not on magic. The
Dhakaani don't worship gods, and no clerics or paladins G O B L I N O I D N PCs
are among them. The Kech Volaar have picked up some d8 NPC
of the elven traditions of wizardry, and all clans have
A hobgoblin bard o f t h e Kech Volaar leads an elite
bards known as duur'kala (dirge singers), but in general
team of d ungeon delvers to recover Dhakaani arti­
the Dhakaani don't rely on magic on the battlefield.
facts from ancient ru i n s .
D HAKAANI FORT 2 A remarkably intelligent gob l i n studying at Arcanix
or Morgrave is actually a Khesh'dar spy identifying
All across Darguun, the Heirs of Dhakaan are reclaim­
ing surviving remnants of their fallen empire, and they tomes of arcane knowledge worth steal ing.
even cautiously range out into surrounding nations. You 3 A Dhakaani strike fo rce assau lts a museum or a
can use Map 4.3: Ruined Dhakaani Fort as the basis for noble's private holdi ngs, reclaiming gob l i n artifacts
a fort that has been reclaimed by the Heirs, which would "pillaged " from ruins. These relics could be part of
be in better repair and guarded by competent troops. an eld ritch machine, or could s i m ply have i m portant
ceremonial value.
4 A gobl i n s py stirs up trouble among the city gob l i n s i n
The Dhakaani Fort Adventures table describes some
a major city, u s i n g tales o f their former glory to i ncite
tasks that could bring characters to such a place.
them to violence.
D HA K A A N I FO RT ADVE N T U R E S 5 A strin g of mysterious bombings are actual ly the work
of Dhakaani sappers testing the strength of modern
d l O Adventure Goal
Steal an ancient magic weapon from the fort's
6 A Dhakaani strike force attacks a Deneith outpost
b u ilt atop a goblin ruin. Are the goblins just angry
2 Bring a treaty proposal to the fort, in hopes of having
a bout the desecration, or is something h idden be­
it conveyed to the leader of the occu pyi ng kech.
neath the outpost?
3 Gather intell igence about the force occupying the fort
7 A bugbear of the Kech Sharaat, to test the mettle of
in preparation for a raid.
the adventu rers, engages them in a series of guerrilla
4 Rescue prospectors who were taken prisoner and
attacks as they are traveling through the wilderness.
held i n the fort's d u ngeons.
8 A hobgoblin warlock seeks to harness the power of
5 Steal the fort com mander's notes on troop move­
the daelkyr or the fiendish overlords to win the impe­
ments in the surro u n d i n g areas.
rial crown for her kech.
6 Lead a strike fo rce against the fort to drive out or de­
stroy the occupying D hakaani.
7 Rush to support a small squad besiegi ng the fort
before Dhakaani rei n fo rcements arrive and b reak the The Heirs o f Dhakaan are a substantial military
threat. The goblins can clash with adventurers while
they are exploring ancient ruins, or they can launch
8 Assassi nate or kidnap the advisor to the fort's
strikes against outposts or vaults the adventurers are
com mander.
guarding. Whatever the Dhakaani do, it should be part
9 Work with the occupying commander to discover the of a mission objective. Is the goal to strengthen their
spy from another kech in their ranks. kech? Gather information about the enemy? Recover
10 B reak a siege b y Darguun gobl i noids that has trapped Dhakaani relics?
the characters' Dhakaani allies withi n the fort. Initially the Dhakaani should be mysterious: remark­
ably skilled goblins that fight to the death or disappear
GoBLINOID NPC s into the shadows. The characters might logically as­
sume that they are Darguul mercenaries. Over time, the
Characters who approach the Heirs of Dhakaan expect­ adventurers should learn more about them and realize
ing a ragtag band of goblinoids are in for a rude awaken­ that they are the advance force of a great army.
ing. The Heirs of Dhakaan are well equipped and fight The Heirs of Dhakaan can remain an enigmatic
with precision and efficiency, coordinating their efforts foe, encountered only when they attack. But a group
to eliminate spellcasters and other obvious threats. of adventurers could come to earn the respect of their
Dhakaani squads are utterly devoted to their kech Dhakaani foes and learn more about the enemy. Per­
leaders and their empire. All are bound by the principles haps a group of adventurers chooses to respect the
of muut and atcha (honor and duty), but they believe Dhakaani's claim to an artifact, surrendering it willingly.
that humans and their kin don't deserve to be treated If they do so, they could find out more about the goblins
with honor. All the goblinoid races work together among and the struggle for leadership among the clans. Of all
the Dhakaani, and all are convinced of the superiority the goblins, the Kech Volaar are the most interested in
of their culture. When forced to fight other Dhakaani,


understanding the people of Khorvaire; if there's any
chance to negotiate a peace with Dhakaan, it would be
with this clan. Khorvaire is still rising from the ashes of the Last War.
As far as the goblins are concerned, humans stole The consequences of a century of conflict can't be offset
their lands, pillaged their tombs, and enslaved their with a single treaty. The Last War didn't end because
descendants. The Dhakaani aren't evil, but they believe people resolved their differences, and it didn't end with
humanity to be brutal and cruel, people without muut or a victor. It ended when the Mourning destroyed Cyre,
atcha. Faced with an adventurer wielding a magic sword because people were afraid that the war itself was the
taken from a Dhakaani ruin, the Heirs of Dhakaan are cause of that cataclysm, and that continuing the strug­
rightfully angry and violent in their response to this gle could doom them all. Many are sick of the endless
tomb robber. conflict and embrace the peace. But just as many yearn
to finish what their ancestors started, and others see po­
H EIRS OF DHAKAAN tential profit for themselves in war. Some leaders focus
on healing the lingering wounds of the conflict, while
ADVENTURE HOOKS others work to ensure that their people will have an
The Heirs of Dhakaan Adventure Hooks table of­ edge when fighting begins anew.
fers some options for kicking off stories that involve The Last War is one of the primary themes of Eber­
the Dhakaani. ron. When developing an adventure in Khorvaire,
consider how the lingering impact of the war could
H E I R S O F 0 H A K A A N ADVE N T U R E H OO K S affect the story. Some element of the war could drive
d l 2 Adventure Hook the entire adventure; the heroes could be tasked with
recovering a relic lost in the war, or capturing a fugitive
A scout patrol has gone missing near the border of
war criminal. But it can also be a background note that
Darguu n .
simply adds flavor to a story. If the adventure features a
2 A m i n i n g tunnel has collapsed, revealing a network group of bandits, perhaps they're deserters, which can
of caverns leading i nto Khyber. The Heirs of D hakaan be all the more interesting if they once served in the
are waiting in the darkness and decide to strike fi rst. army of the same nation as one of the player characters.
3 A squad of gob l i n s attempts to steal back spo i l s of This section looks at the different ways that the Last
a recent adventure, cursing the characters for being War can influence an adventure.
grave robbers.
4 A lone hobgoblin warrior stands at the gates of a PERSONAL I M PACT
town, intent on d u eling the m ercenary capta i n who As players develop characters in an Eberron campaign,
slew their brother. The warrior has a l ready kil led ten you can work with them to determine the role that the
soldiers that tried to remove them. war played in their background. Here are a few topics
5 Race against a D hakaani force to recover an ancient for conversation:
artifact from a r u i n . Military Service. Did the character fight in the war? If
6 Defend a series of temples against Dhakaani raiders so, which nation did they serve and what role did they
ta rgeting these " houses of false gods." fill? If more than one of the characters fought in the
war, did they serve together (or as allies) or fight on
7 Explorers d iscover a fragment of an ancient Dhakaani
opposing sides? Military service can be the basis of a
song that seems to tel l of the true heir of Dhakaan .
strong connection for two or more characters.
The complete lyrics might settle the question of
Civilian Life. If the character is from one of the Five Na­
succession. tions and didn't fight in the war, how and why did they
8 The Dhakaani begin kidnapping warforged so that remain on the sidelines? Did they oppose the war? Did
their artificers can learn how to make their own con­ they do something to avoid conscription, or was there
struct soldiers. a reason they were considered unsuitable for service?
9 I n a sacked h u m a n settlement, a battle between two Personal Loss. What did the characters lose during the
opposing forces of gob l i noids breaks out. Which side war? Did members of their family die, and if so, how?
was the cause of the destruction? Was the village they grew up in destroyed, and if so,
who was responsible? If the characters are from Cyre,
10 The Kech Sharaat send e missaries to a nearby city
they have lost their nation. Do they have any loved
with a sim ple message: abandon the town wit h i n one
ones left? Did they spend time in a refugee camp or in
week, or die. the outpost of New Cyre in Breland? Do they support
11 Goblin scouts have been spotted fa r from Dargu u n , Prince Oargev as the leader of Cyre, or do they have
moving with uncharacteristic coord ination a n d other ideas for the nation's future?
For example, when an Aundairan player character
12 A representative of the Kech Volaar approaches the meets a group of Eldeen druids, it's an opportunity to
characters to request their help i n confronting their exploit the bad blood between Aundair and the Eldeen
rivals to maintain the balance of power among the Reaches and to determine if this interaction has any
D hakaan i . personal relevance to the character. If a player character
has the soldier background, you can introduce an NPC


as a former comrade and work out the details with the these sources of tension could play a role in a charac­
player on the spot. The Personal Impact table provides ter's back story, the plot of an adventure, or the reactions
ideas for plot hooks that could directly involve a player of an NPC. Although the nations are afraid to return to
character in a scenario. all-out war, any of these feuds could escalate.


Forty years ago, the farmers o f western Aundair joined
d6 Impact
with the druids of the Towering Woods in seceding from
A former comrade- in-arms asks a player character for the kingdom and founding the Eldeen Reaches. Most
help. Aundairians consider this an unforgivable act of treason
2 One of the adventurers is from a place destroyed committed at a time of national weakness. The Reach­
during the war; refugees from that location ask for ers say their actions were precipitated by the neglect
their help. and corruption of the Aundairian nobles. Now that the
3 One of the characters served with the villain during war is over, many Aundairians believe Queen Aurala
the war, and the v i l l a i n betrayed them or their nation. should reclaim the Eldeen Reaches, whether through
diplomacy or force.
4 The villain was the cruel commander of a camp where
one of the characters was held as a prisoner of war. BRELAND AND D ROAAM
5 One of the adventurers made a promise to a com rade Monstrous raiders from the western wilderness have
during the war, and achieving the goal of the adven­ plagued Breland for centuries. A decade ago, the
ture w i l l ful fi l l that prom ise. Daughters of Sora Kell united the scattered warlords
6 The adventure revolves arou nd someth i n g one of the of the region under the flag of Droaam. Furious clashes
characters saw during the war: a powerful weapon, an erupted between Breland and Droaam, centering on
un usual battlefield, or a u n i q u e warforged. the fortress of Orcbone .and Brelish settlers in the west.
Breland led the opposition to recognizing Droaam as a
nation under the Treaty of Thronehold, and some Brel­
BITTER GRIEVANCES ish believe King Boranel should take dramatic action to
Alliances shifted during the war, and almost every na­ end this threat.
tion has grievances with every other one. Some of these
postwar feuds rage more fiercely than others. One of


20 7
CYRE AND THE WORLD Though the Valenar regularly raid their neighbors,
Cyrans maintain that they alone were in the right during these attacks rarely target civilians. The elves aren't
the Last War, which began when the other nations interested in wealth or territory; they are looking for
refused to acknowledge the Cyran queen's rightful challenging battles. They might attack military outposts,
claim to the throne of Galifar. Proud until the end, Cyre patrols, adventurers, or other brigands-any force that
clashed with all the other nations. Now Cyre is de­ seems like it could put up a good fight.
stroyed, and Cyran refugees everywhere are dependent
on the kindness of their former �nemies. But many of EVERYDAY I M PACT
those people believe that Cyre deserves no mercy, and There's no place in Khorvaire that escaped the Last War
that the refugees should be treated as enemy combat­ unscathed. Even villages that were never attacked lost
ants rather than offered charity and compassion. their children to conscription or suffered from short­
ages. Some towns far from the front lines suffered dam­
KARRNATH AND THRANE age from long-distance magic weapons or terror attacks.
The enmity between these two nations runs far deeper Any time you are setting a scene, you could add some
and longer than what was wrought by the Last War. element that speaks to the ongoing impact of the Last
Thrane is the bastion of the Church of the Silver Flame, War. The Everyday Impact table offers some suggestions
while Karrnath resorted to necromancy in the course of for these elements.
the war. Thranes accuse Karrns of being morally bank­
rupt; Karrns say that the Thranes are arrogant and na­ EVE RY DAY I M PACT
ive. This long-standing rivalry led to intense conflict in
the early days of the war, and it only grew worse. When d6 Impact
Thrane became a theocracy, Karrns seized on this act A s u pply shortage is causing tension in the com m u ­
as proof that the nation had abandoned the traditions nity. T h i s shortage could be of a basic commodity
of Galifar. When Karrnath integrated undead into its (such as bread) , a luxury item (such as wi ne) , or an
armies, Thrane swore it would never be at peace with i m portant service.
those who would use such foul magic. Both nations have 2 Demonstrators in the streets are p rotesting against
accepted the terms of the Treaty of Thronehold, and the refugees or warforged, u rging a return to war, com­
Karrnathi king has forsworn the creation of new undead
plaining about shortages or neglect, or d rawing atten­
soldiers, but the treaty has done nothing to ease the en­
tion to the needs of veterans, refugees, or others.
mity between the two.
3 A d isabled veteran shares war stories whi l e begging
TuALIOST for copper.
The ancient city of Thaliost was once part of Aundair, 4 A crowd has gathered around two people engaged i n
and it has many proud ties to the history of that nation. a heated d iscussion about t h e war.
It was seized by Thrane during the Last War, and the 5 A street vendor is sel ling unusual souvenirs from the
Treaty of Thronehold ratified its occupation of the war-pieces of a warforged titan, shards of an a i rs h i p,
place. Thrane placed an Aundairian archbishop, Solgar
and other cu riosities.
Dariznu, in charge of the city, and it has become a haven
6 A memorial has been raised to commemorate mem­
for Aundairian followers of the Silver Flame. But many
of its citizens consider themselves to be Aundairians, bers of the com m u n ity lost i n the war.
and many prominent citizens of Aundair are putting
great pressure on Queen Aurala to retake the city. The THE C OLD WAR
tension has been exacerbated by Archbishop Dariznu, No one knows what caused the Mourning, and the fear
who has taken brutal action to suppress Aundairian op­ of repeating this cataclysm-not the Treaty of Throne­
position to Thrane's occupation of the city. hold-is what keeps potential combatants at bay. No one
is happy with the outcome of the war, but no one dares
to continue fighting, since all believe that renewed full­
The elves of Valenar have broken the terms of the Treaty
scale conflict could result in utter destruction. That said,
of Thronehold on several occasions. They regularly
the general belief is that the mystery of the Mourning
antagonize their neighbors, raiding and provoking ev­
will eventually be solved. Either someone will learn how
eryone in reach of their war bands; some independent
to control the power that caused the Mournland, or the
war bands have even crossed the Talenta Plains to raid
precise cause will be determined and people will be able
across the borders of Karrnath and Q'barra. High King
to tell if it still poses a threat.
Vadallia insists that these are the actions of individual
Many people truly hope that the Last War will live up
soldiers, but he refuses to take action against the perpe­
to its name forever. But others prepare for more war
trators. Some scholars believe Vadallia and the Valenar
even as they pursue peace. First and foremost, every
are trying to provoke a full-scale conflict-by the stric­
nation wants to unravel the mystery of the Mourning; a
tures of their religion they don't want to be conquerors,
nation that could learn how to use this power would be
but they want a powerful enemy to attack their nation. If
unstoppable. Other forces are searching for weapons or
this hypothesis is true, they might continue to escalate
forgotten powers that could turn the tide if another war
their activity until Karrnath or another powerful nation
breaks out. Adventurers could find themselves racing
is forced to react.
through ruins in Xen'drik, trying to destroy a weapon of


the ancient giants before the Emerald Claw can claim it Is the villain infamous for their crimes, or yet to be
for Karrnath and Lady Illmarrow. exposed for what they did? Do they believe that their
The characters can stumble into a web of intrigue crimes were justified? Is the criminal protected by
without seeing the sticky strands. Perhaps a patron powerful people in their nation, or reviled by the people
hires the adventurers to transport what seems to be an they served?
ordinary backpack full of goods, and they don't realize
that it has a secret magical compartment until enemy GRIM INSPIRATION
spies come looking for whatever is inside it. Or a dying Something the villain saw or experienced during the
spy presses an amulet into the hand of one of the ad­ war made a lasting impression that still drives them
venturers, saying, "The fate of Breland depends on you today. Perhaps their family was killed in a senseless
getting this to Boranel. Don't trust anyone!" Assuming attack, and everything they are doing is motivated by a
the adventurers care about the fate of Breland, they're desire to avenge this loss. Maybe they think that they
pressed into an urgent adventure that has implications were betrayed by their own nation. Perhaps they were
they might not see or understand. caught in the Mourning, and even though they somehow
survived it, what they lived through drove them insane.
In your campaign, you might want to take a look back at A former comrade-in-arms can be a useful hook to draw
the war as it unfolds. Setting an adventure during the adventurers into a story-or a compelling villain. Which
Last War puts the characters in a tumultuous time of one of the characters served alongside the villain? Were
political intrigue, tenuous alliances, and brutal conflicts. they equals, or was one of higher rank? Did the villain
Consider these ways to make the Last War a present abandon or betray the adventurer, or was it the adven­
reality in your campaign: turer who betrayed the villain? This option can be espe­
• The players create new characters who live during a cially interesting for a warforged villain; while searching
specific phase of the war. These characters could be for their own identity following the war, they have em­
figures of legend whose great deeds are known to the braced a dark path. If you use this motif, it's important
present-day characters, or they could be unknowns to develop the story in conjunction with the players
caught up in events much larger than themselves. In whose characters are connected to the villain-either
either case, the adventure they undertake can set the establishing crucial details ahead of time, or developing
stage for events in the "present day" of your campaign. them together by way of a flashback.
• You might run an introductory session or flashback
set during the waning years of the war, bringing the WAR-TORN SURVIVOR
characters' backgrounds to life. Maybe the charac­ At first meeting, the villain of an adventure might seem
ters are all part of the same unit in the war, or they to be a person of honor, or at the least a hardscrabble
might be enemies forced to cooperate when disaster survivor doing what they think is right after surviving
strikes. Are the characters participants in a memora­ the war. The villain might have experienced some of the
ble battle? Do they take actions they'll later regret? Do same things in the war that the characters did, making
they make a bitter enemy who comes back to haunt it easy for the characters to understand the villain's
them years later, when the campaign continues in the point of view-or at least to harbor a sliver of doubt that
present day? makes them think twice before rushing to condemn the
• A magical phenomenon might send the characters villain. The War-Torn Villains table suggests twists you
back in time, putting them in the middle of the can add to villains mentioned elsewhere in this chapter
conflict. Are they transported there to learn some­ to give them and their schemes a tie to the Last War.
thing? To alter the course of history? Or are they
just stranded in a twisted time stream? How will WAR-TO R N VI L L A I N S
they escape the horrors of the war and get back to d6 Villain
their own time? The v i l l a i n doesn't know (or refuses to believe) that
the war has ended.
VILLAINS OF THE LAST WAR 2 The villain experienced horrors d u ring the war and
Just as adventurers are shaped by their experiences in targets the people they believe to be responsible.
the Last War, villains often carry the physical and men­
3 The villain is using the skills they learned during the
tal scars of the conflict. When developing the details of a
war to target war profiteers or national leaders.
villain's background, consider the following options.
4 The villain is a former m i litary commander who com­
WAR C RI MINAL mands soldiers who served u nder them i n the war.
What horrific actions did the villain take during the S The villain is an ex-soldier with a grudge against citi­
Last War? Did they massacre civilians? Betray their zens of a former enemy nation.
comrades or their nation? A brilliant artificer might 6 The villain wants the power to restart, and "properly"
have designed arcane weapons that violated the rules finish, the war.
of engagement. A Karrnathi bone knight (see chapter
6) could have overseen a camp where prisoners of war
were used as subjects in necromantic experiments.


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Fortress Cellars
& Dungeons

MAP 4.5: FO R T I F I ED O U T P O S T


Military outposts across Khorvaire serve a variety Stalking the Mournland like a spectral juggernaut, the
of purposes during and after the war: rest stops for Lord of Blades has emerged from the turmoil of the
platoons on the move, garrisons for inactive troops, Last War as a symbol that calls to all the warforged of
armories where weapons are stored, staging points for Khorvaire. Regardless of what they have become, the
scouts and rangers who keep an eye on nearby enemy warforged were created to fight and die on the orders
movements, and defensive fortifications meant to protect of their creators. Some warforged accept their history
passes, bridges, or other key strategic locations. In an for what it is and look toward the future, but others hold
adventure, virtually anything can happen in or around it. a grudge because of how they were exploited by their
creators. Those warforged make up the followers of the
This outpost, as shown on map 4.5, is a simple building The Lord of Blades preaches of an apocalyptic future
holding barracks, officers' quarters, and storage areas in which the warforged will destroy or enslave the na­
encased within multiple rings of fortification. A nor­ tions of flesh and blood. "We were made as weapons,"
mal approach to the inner compound involves passing the Lord of Blades has declared over and over. "Let us
through one of two gate houses (protected by arrow be weapons! Let the nations of the land reap what they
slits and murder holes), crossing an open courtyard have sown!"
(with more arrow slits and defenders on the rooftop Today, warforged roam the Mournland in service to
above), passing through another small gate area, and the Lord of Blades, patrolling the devastated terrain
traversing the training yard before finally reaching the and salvaging resources from the ashes of Cyre. Most
lone entrance. of these dissidents despise creatures of flesh, and any
An enormous magic weapon akin to a ballista is meeting with outsiders usually ends in blood being
mounted atop the outpost and supported by a massive spilled. Other disciples of the Lord of Blades launch
stone column. Depending on the outpost, this weapon attacks on targets across Khorvaire: destroying Can­
might launch ballista bolts with tremendous force nith workshops, killing nobles known for their abuse of
and speed, expel surges of lightning, hurl fireballs, or warforged, and seizing shipments of weapons or arcane
otherwise send devastating munitions at approach­ research to further deplete their enemy.
ing enemies. To the flesh-and-blood citizens of Khorvaire, the Lord
A basement area is dedicated to storage, including of Blades is a figure of terror and pain. But the war­
holding cells to contain prisoners of war while they wait forged under his sway (and some objective observers of
to be transported to dedicated prison camps. other races) believe that his rage is fueled by the injus­
tice heaped upon the warforged after their creation. The
warforged were treated as disposable soldiers, almost
The Fortified Outpost Adventures table provides some
slaves, during the war, and the postwar arguments over
possibilities for adventures set in such a location.
what rights the warforged should be granted-as if fun­
damental rights were meant to be bestowed or withheld
by political authorities-gave the warforged themselves
d8 Adventure Premise no voice, as if they were still the property of their cre­
The Order of the Emerald Claw has seized the outpost ators. The Lord of Blades' call to action is appealing to
and i s raising a legion of u n dead soldiers. many warforged because it is grounded in legitimate
2 The outpost is said to be hau nted by the vengeful grievances, even if the proposed action is abhorrent.
spirit of a former com mander who was slain by their
Compared to the total number of warforged created
and deployed in combat during the Last War, the follow­
own troops.
ers of the Lord of Blades are not especially numerous.
3 A tunnel beneath the outpost leads to a sealed portal His existence and message are well-known in the coun­
to Xoriat. tries bordering the Mournland (especially Breland), but
4 The outpost borders the Mournland, where m utant less familiar in the rest of Khorvaire. Hoping to swell
monstrosities emerge from the m ists. the ranks of his followers, the Lord of Blades has agents
5 When a force of aberrations arises from Khyber, this spreading his apocalyptic message in every city with sig­
a bandoned outpost is the adventurers' only chance to nificant warforged populations.
stop their advance.
6 The outpost is in a critical location, but it was dam­
aged d u ring the war. It needs to be protected while it The Lord of Blades didn't appear in the world until after
is being restored. the Day of Mourning. Only he knows what his identity
7 The outpost is located on a manifest zone l in ked to
was before then, but many suppositions have been put
forth. Some scholars say that he was originally a war­
Thelanis. It has been seized by a g roup of fey, and the
forged named Bulwark, the personal bodyguard of King
locals want it reclaimed.
Boranel of Breland. Others believe that he was the last
8 The outpost was b u i lt on the foundations of an an­ warforged to emerge from the creation forges at Eston,
cient goblin fortress, and treasures are rumored to lie completed in the last moments before the Mourning.
buried beneath it.


Perhaps the most outlandish idea is that the Lord of for the warforged who maintain it. Other ossuaries exist
Blades is not a true warforged at all. The first warforged in a variety of locations. The basic functions of these
were created by an artificer named Aaren d'Cannith, places remain the same, regardless of the original pur­
who became furious when the house used his invention pose of the structure. The Lord of Blades' warforged
to create weapons of war. Based on that knowledge, troops defend these sites with their lives.
some believe Aaren transferred his consciousness into
a warforged body so that he could personally seek ven­ WARFORGED O ssuARY ADVENTURES
geance for the wrongs done to his children. The Warforged Ossuary Adventures table offers some
In the years following the war, the Lord of Blades is reasons why characters might seek out such a place.
a force to be reckoned with. The warforged are some
of the few beings able to thrive in the desolation of the WAR FO R G E D 0SSUARY ADV E N T U R E S
Mournland, so the followers of the Lord of Blades are d6 Adventure Goal
building a nation of their own amid the devastation. Rescue an artificer who i s being forced to graft war­
They search out and scour sites that were devastated in
forged com ponents onto the Lord of Blades' warriors.
the Mourning to gather lost weapons and magic, all part
2 Locate a docent (see chapter 5) carried by a warforged
of their preparations for full-scale war against the crea­
wizard who has joi ned up with the Lord of B lades.
tures of flesh.
3 Capture a warforged artificer thought to be an advisor
WARFORGED 0 SSUARY to the Lord of Blades, who i s touring a series of ossu ­
aries and inspecti ng t h e remains.
A warforged ossuary is a former temple, crypt, or
warehouse deep in the Mournland that now houses the 4 Steal a House Cann ith spell book and workshop log
remains of slain warforged. It is a place of honor and re­ from before the Day of Mou rning that i s being held in
flection for the Lord of Blades and his followers. the ossua ry's vault.
5 Extract a warforged spy from within the Lord of
WARFORGED 0SSUARY FEATURES Blades' followers who is close to being d iscovered.
The ossuary depicted in map 4.6 was once a temple,
6 Retrieve a Cannith schema su pposedly held within the �
which has been refitted into a resting place for the Lord
ossuary that tells of a process for transferring a war­ �
of Blades' followers. Equal parts crypt, monument,

forged consciousness from one body to another. �

vault, and workshop, the ossuary serves many functions 0


1 square 5 feet

View Downstairs

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I -Buttresses
I .



M A P 4 . G : WARFORGED O s s u A R Y


The Lord of Blades i s a charismatic leader seeking to

JM �AN ( incite the warforged to violence and thereby to take ven­

geance against their former oppressors. Although low­
level characters might not be prepared to face the Lord

DO TH EY KNOW of Blades himself, they can easily encounter a squad of

his followers anywhere on Khorvaire.
While the Lord of Blades and his minions can be a

TH E WAR IS OVER? straightforward foe, it's also possible to add more depth
to the conflict. Perhaps a squad of warforged attacks a
foundry in Sham. After repelling the attack, the adven­
Against all logic and reason, people in Breland continue turers realize that the owners are mistreating the war­
to argue that the warforged-creations of House forged who work the forges. What do they do?
Cannith, lest we forget-are living people with souls, Another way to explore the facets of this issue is to
deserving of the same rights as the rest of us. And yet, introduce a warforged supporter of the Lord of Blades
while p h ilosop h ical debates rage and street protests who doesn't engage in violence personally, such as a
grow heated, warforged who inhabit the dead land
bard who moves among the warforged of a major city
of Cyre continue to fight as if the war had not ended,
launching raids out of the "dead-gray mist" to the neigh­ while speaking about the many abuses leveled against
boring lands-including, of course, Thrane. Proclaiming warforged. Especially if one of them is a warforged, how
allegiance to something called the "Lord of Blades," would the characters react to this individual?
these warforged don't seem to recognize the people The Lord of Blades can serve as a long-term op­
of Thrane as living people with souls, so it's hard to ponent, as he continue to escalate his attacks over
appreciate why we should treat them that way. the course of the campaign. While he builds up his
stronghold in the Mournland, he is also gathering the
components to construct eldritch machines and other
LORD OF BLADES NPCs weapons. What would happen if the Lord of Blades were
to discover the power that caused the Mourning and un­
The Lord o f Blades highlights the issues surrounding
leashed that power across Khorvaire?
the creation of the warforged. He and his followers are
ready antagonists, employing deadly methods in pursuit LORD OF BLADE S
of their aims, but their ire isn't born from evil. The Lord
of Blades' greatest desire is to ensure that his people ADVENTURE HOOKS
have a future, but his methods are colored by his anger The Lord o f Blades Adventure Hooks table sets out
at the injustices the warforged have suffered, and in some reasons how the characters could come in contact
some cases are still being subjected to. Examples of vil­ with the Lord of Blades.
lains linked to the Lord of Blades appear in the Lord of
Blades NPCs table. LOR D O F B L A D E S ADV E N T U R E H O O K S
d 6 Adventure Hook
A newly awakened docent (see chapter 5) tells its new
d6 N PC owner that the Lord of Blades is the only hope for
A House Can n ith apprentice warforged becomes ob­ averting a coming catastrophe.
sessed with the Lord of Blades' message, disrupting
2 A m i l itary officer h i res the characters to retrace the
house operations i n the hope of beco m i ng a warrior steps of a lost scouting party i nto the Mourn land and
in the M ou rn land. rescue the commander, who i s the officer's son.
2 A warforged druid devises d iseases and poisons that 3 Warforged go m issing over the course of several
have no effect on warforged, and starts to un leash weeks; then one resu rfaces, badly damaged and
them on the general populace. raving about the Lord of Blades.
3 A warforged ranger relentlessly h u nts creatures of 4 Characters strike out into a ruin held by the Lord of
flesh in the wilderness near the Mournland. Blades and recover a lost relic that has resu rfaced i n
4 A warforged assassin poses as a simple workshop the possession o f warforged soldiers.
assistant while exterminating those who s peak out 5 A warforged accused of m u rdering several mem bers
against the rights of the warforged. of their mercenary com pany claims to have no mem­
5 A mad artificer i s trying to reactivate a destroyed war­ ory of the n ight i n q uestion.
forged colossus. 6 The characters are met by a warforged who del ivers a
6 A band of warforged attacks a lightning rai l , i ntent o n written s u m mons from the Lord of Blades h i mself.
stealing something in one of t h e cargo carriages.


2 14
THE LORDS OF DUST Map 4.7 what a demon ruin might look like. A demon
Evil entities spawned at the dawn of time still haunt ruin is an echo of grandeur swathed in flame and rav­
Eberron. The cities raised by those ancient overlords aged by time. Despite the rich appointments and impec­
are now only ashes, but the Lords of Dust still dream of cable construction evident even in the broken remains
restoring their primordial dominion. These fiends bide of the building, the place carries the unmistakable air of
their time in an inconceivably long game, sparring with anguish and torment.
the dragons of Argonnessen as they manipulate events
in order to fulfill the words of the Draconic Prophecy in DEMON Rum ADVENTURES
a way that will bring them victory. The Demon Ruin Adventures table offers some reasons
Though the Lords of Dust are mighty enough on their why characters might risk death in the Demon Wastes.
own, they serve greater masters known as the overlords
(see chapter 6). Unfathomably powerful fiends, the over­ D E M O N R U I N ADV E N T U R E S
lords were bound at the end of the Age of Demons by the
d4 Adventure Goal
power of the Silver Flame, and an overlord can be re­
leased from this binding only if doing so can be made to M ake a desperate request for aid from a Lord of Dust
fulfill the Draconic Prophecy. Every fiend spawned from who is, by all accounts, an enemy of the characters'
Khyber owes fealty to one of these overlords. adversary.
In many ways the Lords of Dust are a reflection of the 2 Escort an in nocent who is prophesied to destroy the
Chamber. Each group is trying to steer the fulfillment Lord of Dust to the ruin, and there confront the fiend.
of the Prophecy to serve its own ends. The goal of the 3 Carry an artifact to the river of black lava that runs
Lords of Dust is to release the overlords from their through the demon ruin, which is the only place
bindings and loose them upon Eberron in a new age of
where the item can be truly destroyed.
darkness. Despite this unified goal, the Lords of Dust
operate as an alliance of like-minded cabals rather than
4 Gather obsidian shards from the ruin as components
a single monolithic organization. Each cabal serves its for a rare spell.
particular overlord above all others, and the conditions
that release one overlord could actually contradict those LORDS OF DusT NPC s -----

that would free another. Most of the Lords of Dust are rakshasas, but any sort of
Accomplished shapeshifters, the Lords of Dust have fiend-devil, demon, or otherwise-could be part of this
agents spread across Khorvaire. Some might wonder organization. Such fiends are spawned in Khyber and
why, with all their talents, they haven't tried to conquer aren't actually from the Outer Planes. These fiends gen­
the world already. The reason is that they have no in­ erally work through a wide network of duped pawns and
terest in ruling this world; they want to return it to the indebted servitors.
state of unnatural glory that existed before. Their only Each overlord has a chief servant, and these leaders
interest in humanoids races is in directing them and meet in the ruins of Ashtakala in the Demon Wastes.
their affairs down the paths necessary to release their Chapter 6 contains statistics for the overlord Rak Tulk­
overlords; aside from that, dealing with mortals is a te­ hesh and his speaker, Mordakhesh the Shadowsword.
dious chore. The overlord Sul Khatesh is served by the rakshasa
Hektula, also known as the First Scribe. Durastoran the
THE LORDS OF DUST AND THE WAR Wyrmbreaker is the speaker of Bel Shalor, the overlord
The Lords of Dust took part in the events of the Last said to be bound in Flamekeep.
War whenever they saw opportunities to further their The Lords of Dust NPCs table describes some possi­
dark version of the Prophecy. It remains difficult to ble antagonists who might cross paths with adventurers.
identify what events might have been manipulated by
one of these fiends, because their schemes take so long LO R D S OF D U ST N PCs
to play out. Far in the future, it might become apparent d6 N PC
that a seeming victory for the forces of good, or a battle
A virtuous palad in is h unting and destroying those
averted that spared hundreds from death was ultimately
who m ight one day thwart the Lords of Dust.
the first step in an overlord's release. (For instance, a
soldier who was otherwise fated to die in the battle that 2 A possessed lord or lady spreads corruption through­
was avoided goes on to tempt a good-hearted priest into out the noble house.
becoming corrupted.) 3 A wizard who sought to accelerate their own power
In the years since the Thronehold Accords, the Lords by making a dark bargain m u st now pay the price de­
of Dust continue on as they ever have, advancing one manded by their sinister patron.
small step at a time. 4 A powerfu l demon has corrupted the local ruler in the
name of its overlord.
DEMON RUI N 5 A succubus or incubus tempts a mercenary warlord to
The Lords of Dust maintain a variety of safe houses and engage in greater and greater battles.
sanctums across Eberron, but their most tightly bound
6 One of the characters' most trusted al lies or servants
locations are the ruins left behind from the Age of De­
turns out to be a rakshasa in disguise.
mons, scattered across the Demon Wastes.


Great Hall

, I
I I I I 1 square 5 feet


The Lords o f Dust have two basic goals. The first is to T h e Lords o f Dust Adventure Hooks table pres­
encourage activities that strengthen the influence of ents some ways to get the characters into a fiendish
their overlords. Rak Tulkhesh embodies war and con­ adventure.
flict, and his minions are always eager to cause strife.
The servants of Sul Khatesh entice cruel and selfish LORDS O F O U ST ADV E N T U R E H O O K S
people to become warlocks, drawing mystical powers d6 Adventure Hook
from their mistress. These activities won't release an
A retainer who d ied recently shows up again, as if
overlord, but they help to sustain it.
nothing happened and with no memory of having
To release an overlord, the Lords of Dust must ensure
that the Prophecy unfolds along a specific path. Often, "died," or of the events i mmediately precedi n g their
following this path requires specific mortals to do spe­ supposed demise.
cific deeds. For example, one shred of the Prophecy 2 Agents of the Chamber show u p intent on m u rdering
could stipulate that King Boranel has to be killed by the characters, because their recent actions have
one of the characters. The Lords of Dust could easily u nwittingly been at the behest of a Lord of D ust and
kill Boranel themselves, but that wouldn't be sufficient have twisted a portion of the Prophecy.
to bring about the desired end; somehow, they'll have to 3 A trusted mentor changes their tune abruptly and be­
trick the adventurer into doing it.
gins sending the characters on u nusual tasks.
Because the Lords of Dust so often work through
pawns and minions, it might take a while for adventur­
4 Everyone the characters used to deal with in town

ers to realize that an apparently unconnected series of suddenly acts as if they've never seen the characters
encounters early in a campaign are actually all part of before.
the complex schemes of the Lords of Dust. These fiends 5 I ncreasi ngly vicious fiends attack the camp every few
are so devious that it is often impossible to discern a nights.
pattern to their actions until their plans have come to 6 Agents of a Lord of Dust apologetically kidnap a char­
fruition and the connections have finally been made acter's loved one, politely req uesti ng that the charac­
clear. (You could retroactively decide that what you in­ ter perform a series of favors to secure the hostage's
tended as unconnected encounters were all part of the release.
plan from the beginning!)
clear that the border had stabilized. Over the last four
THE MOURNLAND years, people have ventured into the mist for many rea­
Once, Cyre shone more brightly than any o f its sibling sons. Some sought to plunder the abandoned treasures
nations in the kingdom of Galifar. It was the center of of the richest nation in Galifar. Others hoped to find lost
the kingdom's wealth, a monument to its artistic and ar­ loved ones, or some explanation for the disaster. Few of
cane achievements, and the site of great centers of learn­ these explorers have returned, and those survivors all
ing where preeminent masters of magic, architecture, tell tales of a land twisted in unpredictable and inexpli­
and artifice taught at the forefront of their craft. It was cable ways.
also the home of House Cannith and its massive found­
ries: some of them built on mountains or in mountains, MOURNLAND ENVIRONMENT
some gracefully spanning canyons, and others erected
The arcane energies that caused the Day of Mourning
in vast labyrinths deep underground.
and that linger in the remains of Cyre are mysterious
Today, this region is a festering wound across Khor­
and unpredictable, so they can be the cause of any
vaire. A wall of mist surrounds a land twisted into
bizarre magical effect you want to bring to bear in
strange and terrible shapes. Cyre was once called the
your game.
Jewel of Galifar. Now it is the Mournland.
Maps of Cyre from before the Day of Mourning are of
limited use nowadays. The land beyond the gray mist
THE MOURNING has been twisted and warped, and distances seem to
No one knows the reason for what happened on 20 expand and shrink even as one treks across the wastes.
Olarune 994 YK. Though it had been battered, Cyre As a result, any Wisdom (Survival) check or any check
stood defiant; Cyran soldiers had recently driven deep using navigator's tools made to negotiate the Mournland
into Karrnathi territory and were holding their lines is made with disadvantage.
against the combined forces of Breland and Thrane. As if the difficulties of navigation weren't bad enough,
And then it all came to an end. explorers must bring their own provisions into the
Some say that the dead-gray mist began in Metro!, Mournland, unless they want to risk the danger of in­
initially flowing out of the royal palaces of Vermishard. gesting tainted food and water.
Others swear that the disaster began in the Cannith
stronghold of Making. All that is known is that the mist TERRAIN FEATURES
swiftly spread across the kingdom, transforming the The Day of Mourning redefined the geography of Cyre.
lands and creatures caught within it. Over a million The cataclysm raised land, swallowed lakes, and moved
people died in the Mourning, including nearly all of the whole cities. In some areas, the earth has been torn and
inhabitants of central Cyre. The mist slowed its advance gouged as if by some colossal beast. In others, it has be­
as it spread, and some of those in the borderlands heard come iridescent glass or semiliquid sludge. Trees in one
of the disaster in time to flee. Others survived because place turned to crystalline onyx; the flowers in another
they were already beyond the borders of Cyre; the mist place begin eerily buzzing when touched by a breeze.
stopped mere feet away from the camps of Cyran sol­ Nothing in the Mournland is as it was; the entire land is
diers holding sections of the Brelish front. And though a scar left by the catastrophe of the Mourning.
the vast majority of people caught in the Mourning died, Mist Wa/J. The borders of the Mournland are defined
thousands did survive. Most have no clear memory of by a wall of thick, gray mist that rises thousands of feet
the event, and there's no explanation for why they were into the air and forms a canopy that hides the ruined
spared. The superstitious say that these people are realm even from above.
cursed, that anyone touched by the Mourning is now The area covered by the mist is a shadowy, muffled re­
an agent of darkness. (See the book's introduction for gion devoid of life, sunlight, and sound. The wall of mist
further details on how the Mourning might have affected ranges in thickness from a few hundred feet to as much
characters.) as five miles. Travelers who linger in the mist suffer a
In the days immediately following the Mourning, growing sense of claustrophobia and despair. It's easy
many assumed that the mist would continue to spread. to get lost in the impenetrable fog, and some travelers
Intense panic slowly turned to curiosity as it became

have wandered in circles, unable to find their way either
through the mist or back outside it, until their food or THE KORRANBERG

<CM �ON � <Cll

water ran out or they blundered into the path of some
mutated terror. The DC for Wisdom (Survival) checks
to avoid getting lost in the mists is 15. (See "Becoming
Lost" in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.)
Patches of mist and less oppressive fog dot the inte­
rior of the Mournland, but the worst effects of the mist CATACLYSM
are confined to the border region.
Glowing Chasm. The northern part of the Mournland
is dominated by a great crack in the ground that emits a
cold purple light. This supernatural glow emanates from A magical catastrophe of unknown origin engulfed the
deep within the Glowing Chasm, so far beneath the sur­ nation of Cyre yesterday, bringing a century of war to an
face that its source hasn't been identified. The mutated explosive climax. Surely when the children of King Jarot
monsters that roam the Mournland seem drawn to this began their squabbles over succession a hundred years
location, and those that spend any significant time near ago, they could not have foreseen the horror that would
the Glowing Chasm mutate further, becoming more engulf the home of Queen Mishann. Our reporters are
twisted and misshapen than before. still sifting through accounts of what has happened,
Crimson Water. Before the Mourning, a spring in the
but it is clear at this point that beautiful Cyre, the jewel
of Galifar's vast holdings, has disappeared behind a
eastern part of Cyre fed the Rushing River as it traced
churning cloud of dead-gray mist.
a short but fertile path south to Kraken Bay. The bed
of the Rushing River is now as dry and barren as the
rest of the Mournland, and the location of the spring
is marked by the Crimson Water, a stagnant lake of CREATURES OF THE MOURNLAND
blood-colored liquid. Many creatures were slain outright by the Mourning.
The shores of the Crimson Water are littered with Others were mutated as the land was transformed.
the remains of animals and travelers that have strayed Sometimes the result was an entirely new life form; any
into the Mournland and sought to slake their thirst with previously unseen monster could appear as a spawn of
a drink from the lake. At the lake bottom is the ruined the Mourning. Other creatures retained a semblance of
town of Eastwood Springs, which once served as a re­ their original physiology while taking on some sort of al­
sort for the leisure classes of Cyre. As yet, no one has teration. The Monstrous Mutations table has options for
been brave or foolish enough to search for lost treasures altering existing monsters to reflect this phenomenon.
in the depths of the Crimson Water. Most warforged were unaffected by the Mourning, and
Unusual Locations. At places smaller in scale than the race as a whole seems immune to many of the lin­
the major features described above, explorers in the gering effects that plague the Mournland. As such, the
Mournland might encounter any kind of terrain feature warforged who follow the Lord of Blades constitute the
with bizarre magical properties. The Unusual Locations closest thing to a humanoid society that can be found in
table offers some ideas. the Mournland. Similarly, golems and other constructs
were largely unaffected by the Mourning.
U N U S UA L LOCATI O N S The Mourning had no effect on existing undead, and a
large number of new undead came into being when the
d6 Location
cataclysm occurred. Various spirits (such as ghosts and
A pool of glowi ng water sits in the middle of a ruined
specters) linger near the places where they died, and the
and abandoned village. Anyone who looks into the corpses that litter an abandoned battlefield might rise
water sees brief reflections of the long-dead villagers up to continue fighting whenever a living creature comes
going about their lives i n harmony and joy. near. Some of these entities are similar to undead that
2 I n the middle of the wreckage of a carnival stands a might be encountered outside the Mournland, but others
perfectly preserved carousel. If the carousel is ridden, have alterations that are tied to the unusual manner of
the characters doing so see visions of Cyre as it was their deaths. You can use the Monstrous Mutations table
before the Last War. (page 220) to generate some details. Many of the muta­
tions on this table might increase a creature's challenge
3 All the trees and plants in a forest have been turned
rating by 1 or 2. Use the guidelines in chapter 9 of the
to objects of glossy wh ite stone with b lood-red flecks.
Dungeon Master's Guide to determine whether its chal­
4 The battlefield before the characters conta i n s no bod­
lenge rating should increase and by how much, or you
ies, only the clothing and weapons of thousands of can simply increase it by 1 or 2 as you see fit.
missing soldiers. Many Mournland creatures have mutations that are
5 The broken bod ies of soldiers lie scattered across a purely cosmetic and don1t change their stat blocks. For
battlefield, refusing to deco m pose. example, one might have eyes that look like gemstones
6 The characters find a fallen warforged colossus or might display glowing patterns on its skin or fur.
(described later in this section).


d6 Mutation d8 Effect
The creature has grown to an unusual size. You can H ea l i n g spells are i m peded here. Any spell that re·
either set its new size and alter its statistics using the stores hit points does so as if it were cast at a level
guidelines in the Dungeon Master's Guide, or apply one lower than the spell slot expended. A spell cast
the enlarge effect of the enlarge/reduce spell to it. using a 1 st-level slot restores no hit points.
2 The creature has developed m agical camouflage. It 2 A character who casts a spell m ust make a Constitu­
gains proficiency i n the Stealth skill, and it has the tion saving th row against the character's own spell
Chameleon Skin trait: it has advantage on Dexterity save DC. On a failed save, the character takes psychic
(Stealth) checks made to hide. damage equal to the spe l l 's level and gai ns one level
3 The creature's body has been infused with one kind of exhaustion.
of energy: acid, cold, fi re, or lightning (your choice, or 3 Any Medium humanoid that d ies in the area reani·
determine randomly). Its melee attacks deal an extra mates as a zombie at the start of its next turn. The
l d 6 damage of that type, and it has the Elemental zombie i s under the D M 's control.
Body trait: a creature that touches it or hits it with a 4 The area is affected by a silence spell.
melee attack while withi n 5 feet of it takes 5 ( l d l O) 5 Each creature that enters the area is affected by an
d a mage of that type. You can adjust these damage enlarge/reduce spell , with an equal chance fo r each ef­
n u mbers to suit the creature's chal lenge rating. fect. The effect lasts until the creature leaves the area.
4 The creature has the M agic Resistance trait: it has 6 The p u l l of gravity is lessened. Creatures can j u m p
advantage on saving th rows against spells and other twice t h e normal distance i n a n y d i rection, a n d every·
magical effects. thing effectively weighs half its actual weight.
5 The creature has a supernatural ability to heal its 7 All creatures are l inked to every other creature in the
wounds. I t has the Regeneration trait: it regains hit area as if by the telepathy spell.
points at the start of its turn equal to the max i m u m 8 A creature that casts a spell of l st level or h i gher i n
v a l u e of one of i t s H it Dice. l f it takes a c i d or fire t h e area rolls on t h e W i l d M agic Su rge table in chap­
damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of the ter 3 of the Player's Handbook.
creature's next turn. (A particu lar creature m ight be
susceptible to different damage types.) The creature SITE S AND RUINS
d ies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and
O f all the bizarre and horrific spectacles o f the Mourn­
doesn 't regenerate.
land, perhaps the greatest tragedy is represented by
6 The creature has two heads. If it has a bite attack, it the ruins of the once-glittering cities of Cyre. Some
can use M ultiattack as an action to make two bite have been reduced to rubble, while others are eerily
attacks. (If it already has M ulti attack, it adds a bite preserved, devoid of life but otherwise unharmed. In
attack to its attack routine.) It also gains the Two some of them, treasures left behind by the former inhab­
Heads trait: it has advantage on Wisdom (Percep· itants await discovery, and many people across Khor­
tion) checks and on saving throws against being vaire are eager to get their hands on such spoils for a
b l i nded, charmed, deafened, frightened, stu nned, and wide variety of reasons.
knocked u nconscious.
Cyre was the site o f incessant battles during the Last
MAGICAL E FFECTS War, from the first extended campaign-the siege of
The catastrophe of the Mourning altered more than the Eston in 895 YK-to the running battle on the Saerun
landscape and living creatures. The devastation caused Road that was cut short when the Mourning occurred.
localized alterations in the way magic functions. In Battlefields across the Mournland, both ancient and
some places, magic barely functions, or certain magical recent, stand like open graves as evidence of the horrors
functions are warped. In other places, spells persist past of the war. In some places, armies that were fighting on
the instant of their casting and start behaving as if they the Day of Mourning became stone statues anchored in
were independent, living creatures. position. Others were crystallized or reduced to ash.
A common misunderstanding about the Mournland is On the Field of Ruins-around the Saerun Road in the
that healing spells refuse to work. The fact is that heal­ southwest part of the Mournland, where allied forces
ing spells are impeded within the dead-gray mist, and of Thrane and Breland battled an outnumbered Cyran
occasionally in other areas, making it harder for some­ army on the Day of Mourning-the fallen soldiers are
one to cast them effectively. Because so few expeditions preserved just as they fell, with no sign of rot or decay.
make it far past the mist, the inability to heal is widely Thousands upon thousands of corpses lie scattered
assumed to be a property of the Mournland as a whole. across the field, facedown in the dirt or staring lifelessly
The Environmental Effects table provides suggestions at the gray sky. Even seasoned bands of treasure hunt­
for weird magic that might pervade a small or large area ers are loath to enter the Field of Ruins.
of the Mournland. Effects might shift from day to day or
even hour to hour.


House Cannith was born in Eston, and the house's la­ Many people believe that the city of Making was at the
bors transformed the city into a place of wonders. Clock­ epicenter of whatever caused the Mourning. The cata­
work birds perched and sang in silvery trees covered in clysm reshaped the terrain around the city, creating the
steel bark. Skycoaches carried smiths and magewrights great highland formation known as the Glass Plateau.
from forge to forge, and an iridescent dome protected The Glass Plateau is mostly smooth and flat, though
the city from storms and harsh winds. On the proving jagged spikes and spires jut up from the ground in
grounds of the Cannith creation forges, cadres of new­ seemingly random places. The central portion of the
born warforged learned the combat skills that would highland plain is obsidian, and bursts of fiery light can
prepare them for active duty. sometimes be seen in its dark depths. Toward the edges
Eston began as a successful mining settlement, of the plateau, the glass becomes lighter in color and
extracting iron and rare ores from the nearby hills. more transparent, appearing almost pale white along
Drawing on these resources, the Cannith artificers in the jagged cliffs at the edge. Nothing grows on the plain
Eston spent decades researching all sorts of artificial of glass, and few creatures haunt its jagged peaks and
creatures, which eventually gave rise to the warforged. flat expanse.
Because of these wonders, Eston is an irresistible at­ The ruins of Making still peek through the obsidian
traction for treasure hunters hoping to access the vaults flats of the Glass Plateau. Those who believe that the
of House Cannith. Reports suggest, however, that it has Mourning started here also expect that Making is where
become a strange and deadly place. It's said that the city the mystery of its origin will be unraveled. A secret
is overrun by living spells. In addition to the remnants of Cannith facility is supposed to lie in the city's subterra­
damaging spells (see "Living Spells" in chapter 6), there nean depths.
are stranger phenomena: living continual flames that
crawl along the streets, cling to lampposts, and flee from M ETROL
strangers, and living scrying spells that shift and shim­ This city was once the capital of Cyre. Now it lies empty,
mer, displaying distant scenes on their amorphous skin. seemingly waiting along the Cyre River for its people to
Eston was renowned for its clockwork menagerie and return. Parts of Metro! have been shattered, their build­
its steel gardens, a showcase that chronicles House ings crushed and tumbled by whatever force destroyed
Cannith's centuries of work developing constructs and the nation. Other portions of the city escaped with
homunculi. These creatures have been twisted by the superficial damage; aside from the absence of people
Mourning and have become deadly monsters. Stories and the shroud of mist that hangs over the area, it looks
tell of an enormous gorgon golem, of razor-winged much as it did before Cyre fell. The days in Metro! are
swarms of silver songbirds, and many other equally quiet, but the nights bring a cacophony of chaos and
strange things. violence to the streets-at night, misshapen monsters
emerge from their lairs to prowl and wail as they hunt
each other for food.


Few people have reason to spend time anywhere near d6 Adventure Hook
the Mournland. Among the exceptions are those who A Gatekeeper druid wants a rock sample from the
seek to plunder the riches of lost Cyre, such as Ikar's G lass Plateau .
Salvage (described below). These treasure hunters are 2 A magewright from House Cannith wants the party to
also the kind of people who make interesting villains, escort h i m to a warforged colossus (see page 223).
teaming up with adventurers one day and betraying The magewright wants to retrieve the docent network
them the next. from the colossus before an u nscru pulous House
In addition to these salvagers, the Lord of Blades
Phiarlan operative does so.
(described in more detail earlier in this chapter and
in chapter 6) is a major force in the Mournland. The
3 On her deathbed, the visionary artist who designed
Mournland Villains table suggests other possible evil the l ightning rail station at M etrol reveals that she hid
schemes and influences that might arise in connection a treasure map withi n a l a m p in her old office.
with the Mournland. 4 A wealthy eccentric asks the party to go i nto the
Mournland and retrieve h i s most prized possession
M O U R N LA N D VI L L A I N S (a letter from a lover, a mechanical caterpil lar, or any­
d 6 Villain thing else you devise) from his mansion.
The Lord of B lades maintains a detention center 5 A young Cyran paladin is morose because she was
where experiments are performed on adventurers and away from Cyre on a m ission when the Day of M ourn­
scavengers that his forces capture i n the Mournland. ing occurred and never got to say goodbye to her fam­
2 The leader of a cult devoted to Belashyrra, the Lord of i ly. She longs to retrieve her father's sword.
Eyes, uses daelkyr-made tentacles to tear out the eyes 6 An elderly kn ight i s strapping on his armor one last
of victims and attaches them to mem bers of the c u lt. time so he can ride i nto the M ou rn land and die on
3 A powerful m em ber of H ouse Cannith hopes to find the battlefield where his com panions perished and
something i n the Mournland that will guarantee the "where I should have been ."
ascendancy of her branch of the house.
4 A Karrnathi bone knight (see chapter 6) wants to raise ENCOUNTERS AND TRINKETS
The Mournland is a dangerous place full of bizarre,
u p a n u ndead army from the corpses i n the Mourn­
inexplicable, and often localized magical effects-liter­
ally anything can happen in this place. The Mournland
5 A rakshasa works to free a fiendish overlord trapped Encounters table and the Mournland Trinkets table offer
in a whirlwind of stone and sand somewhere i n the just a glimpse of the weirdness that adventurers might
Mournland. come across in their travels into the ruins of Cyre.
6 A servant of the Lords of Dust maintains an extensive
collection of severed heads and continues to draw on M O U R N LA N D E N CO U N T E R S
the knowledge i n their brains. d6 Encounter
The party meets fl ickering i mages of their future
ADVENTURES AND ENCOUNTERS selves who are trying desperately to com m u n icate,
In contrast t o the salvagers and treasure hunters who but their message is garbled.
undertake most of the expeditions to the Mournland, 2 The party encounters a revenant who was m u rdered
some individuals enter the churning mist with good by H ouse Cannith assassins after s he learned too
intentions in mind. Most of these adventurers are dis­ much about the house's secret research. The char­
placed Cyrans or are hired by such people, ranging from acters can appease her by pro m i s i ng to help her get
common folk hoping to retrieve family heirlooms to revenge.
servants of Prince Oargev, who hopes to recover the lost
3 A tiny kitten mews from inside a hollow log. Within
regalia of the Cyran crown.
a few hours after being freed , it grows i nto a n adult
Two of the dragonmarked houses, Orien and Cannith,
also have vested interests in investigating the Mourn­ displacer beast.
land's ruins and often hire adventurers to pursue those 4 The apparition of a parent searches for their lost
interests. House Orien wants to restore the lightning child. As soon as the two are reu n ited, parent and
rail line that crosses the Mournland, which would re­ spi rit child both vanish.
connect the western and eastern halves of Khorvaire. 5 The m ist congeals i nto the form of a long-lost love
House Cannith wants to recover trade secrets, exper­ of one of the adventurers. The m ist apparition (use
imental artifacts, and magic items from the creation the ghost stat block) wants the character to stay here
forges, foundries, and secret laboratories it lost on the
Day of Mourning.
6 The characters come across the skull of a buried
The Mournland Adventure Hooks table includes a
range of potential opportunities that could lead a group warforged colossus.
of adventurers into the Mournland.


M O U R N LA N D TR I N K ETS The project succeeded beyond Cyre's wildest dreams.
When the original warforged colossus took its first
dlO Trinket
thunderous footsteps, it was met with a reaction of equal
The favorite childhood toy of one of the adventurers,
parts awe and horror-and it was almost immediately
floating i n midair sent north toward Metro!, where armies from Karrnath
2 A tin wh istle that makes beautiful colors and patterns were menacing the Cyran capital.
magically appear when it's played
3 A toy l ightning rail car OPERATING A C OLOSSUS
A warforged colossus is part warforged and part vehicle.
4 A glass eye
It stands between 200 and 300 feet tall. For optimal per­
S A si lver lapel pin of a finely detai led gorgon's head
formance, a colossus required an active crew including
with ruby eyes
a captain with the Mark of Making, a weapons officer
6 A monocle that can be used as a telescope with the Mark of Storm, and a helmsman with the Mark
7 A six-inch-tal l mechanical m a rmoset in need of m i nor of Passage. When absolutely necessary, though, the
repairs colossus could direct itself but at diminished power. A
8 A small medal lion made of si lver, depicting a tower colossus also carried a sizable contingent of elite troops,
with an eye at the top of it and other smaller eyes em­ who could ride in safety within the colossus while it
bedded in the sides crushed through enemy lines or smashed through a
wall, then pour out through hatches once the colossus
9 A cloak pin made of i ron in the shape of two ham mers
was in position.
joined by a semicircular haft
Docent Network. Controlling a construct of such size
10 A wooden di nosaur toy that h a s movable legs proved to be a great challenge for the Cannith artificers.
The solution entailed creating a large number of docent
WARFORGED C OLOSSUS nodes and joining them together in a single network
Mere weeks before the Day o f Mourning, House Cannith distributed throughout the body of the colossus. Docent
unleashed its mightiest creations: the warforged colossi. nodes are modeled after the ancient docents found
Hundreds of feet tall, these gargantuan warriors thun­ in Xen'drik (described in chapter 5), and though they
dered across Cyre, crushing everything in their path lack the full sentience or functionality of a true docent,
and leaving ruin in their wake. Meant to end the war collectively they can guide and control a colossus. The
decisively, these arcane war machines could pulverize network converged at one place, where the captain
soldiers beneath their feet and incinerate entire legions could stand and control the colossus's every movement
with beams of red light radiating from their mouths. But through the use of a mithral helmet with hundreds
as the colossi were beginning to turn to the lands out­ of semi-organic tendril-wires attached. By way of the
side Cyre, the Mourning came, and the colossi perished. central master docent-a true docent recovered from
Now their remains lie, like mountains, in the Mourn­ Xen'drik-the whole network fed information back to
land, filled with secrets and waiting to be explored. the operator. Several smaller "hubs" of the network
gave other operators access to the relevant parts of that
H ISTORY OF THE COLOSSI information and enabled them to control parts of the co­
House Cannith spent much of the war working on var­ lossus as well. The techniques and tools used to create
ious kinds of constructs that could serve as soldiers, docent nodes were lost in the Mourning. The various
siege engines, or other weapons of war. Their earliest ef­ branches of House Cannith are sending adventurers
forts, which lumbered onto Cyran battlefields in the late into the Mournland in hopes of salvaging some or all of
930s YK, were barely more than golems with limited the network inside a fallen colossus.
sentience, difficult to command in the field. The war­ Colossus Power Core. The power source of a colos­
forged titans were developed over the next twenty years, sus is a Khyber dragonshard of unusually large size, cut
and the modern warforged-often perceived as the pin­ into a specific pattern that allows the dragonshard to
nacle of Cannith engineering-first saw battle in 965. contain raw magical energy without exploding. A single
Successful as the warforged were, though, House power core is about the size of a wine barrel, hooked up
Cannith never lost interest in building a better titan. to an elaborate harness that distributes power through­
Cyre didn't lose its desire for deadly weapons that out the colossus.
could give it an edge over its enemies, and tremendous Weapons ofMass Destruction. Warforged colossi
amounts of gold flowed from Cyre's coffers into the were physically powerful, but their principal weaponry
vaults of House Cannith as research and development involved the use of bound elementals. Some expelled
continued, working toward a new kind of warforged that blasts of elemental fire from their hands or mouths;
would bring an end to the war once and for all, and es­ others wielded adamantine swords they could wreathe
tablish Cyre's martial supremacy for centuries to come. in flame. Some colossi also used bound elementals for
With Cyre's immense wealth fueling its effort, House defense: manifesting shields of elemental rock, blasting
Cannith called upon the ingenuity of its best artificers out elemental air to deflect ranged attacks, and so on.
and magewrights. Construction began on enormous The captain of the colossus could control all this weap­
new creation foundries, hundreds of feet tall, carved onry through the docent network, but for optimal perfor­
into the sides of mountains or secretly nestled within mance the captain relied on a weapons officer with the
remote canyons. Mark of Storm to employ this elemental weaponry.


1 square = 5 feet
Head Mouth
Level Level
(Control Platform) (Weapon System)

(Meeting & Ballista)

(Side View)

Leg Chest
(Side View) (Barracks)

1 (Power Cores)

(Leg Access)

MAP 4 . 8 : FA\.. \.. E N WARFORGED C o1.. o s s u s


When adventurers discover a colossus, it might be in
any state. Some have fallen or collapsed and become EMERALD CLAW
overgrown with vegetation to the point where one could What arose as an order of militant knights within the
be mistaken for a small hill. One was engulfed when the nation of Karrnath fell into disgrace and became a
rock under its feet turned to liquid and swallowed it up, shattered remnant. The Order of the Emerald Claw now
encasing it in a stone prison when the rock hardened. operates as a collection of cells of fanatical warriors,
Some are buried-except for the head, perhaps, or a necromancers, and spies. On the surface, its members
hand, which serves as a clear indicator that something seem to be driven by Karrnathi patriotism, and they
lies underneath. purport to be adherents of the Blood of Vol. The most
Adventurers might even stumble upon a reality the cursory investigation reveals that claim to be a facade.
world isn't ready to face: an operational colossus (see The truth behind the Emerald Claw is that they serve
the stat block in chapter 6). the lich Lady Illmarrow, and in her name they carry out
acts of destruction, murder, and necromantic terrorism.
They have been linked to the theft of powerful items
Map 4.8 shows a fallen colossus. The mostly hollow
imbued with necromancy magic, and they often employ
interior of a colossus is large enough for the crew and
vicious undead minions that make even other Karrns
soldiers to travel in safety. The area features tunnels,
uncomfortable. Most worshipers of the Blood of Vol are
ladders, hallways and crawlways, control rooms, storage
quick to point out that they don't accept the order's claim
rooms, arbalest turrets, and observation decks. With
to membership in their faith, and those true worshipers
comfort a low priority, only minimal crew quarters are
vehemently reject the Emerald Claw's violent fanaticism.
provided, and the inside has no kitchen or dining areas.
Normal operating procedure called for the crew to exit
the colossus at night and camp outside it.
A colossus usually has multiple hatches to allow en­ During the Last War, Karrnath was forced to embrace
trance and egress: on the legs, on the back, in the chest, the practice of necromancy to bolster the ranks of its
in the mouth or on the back of the head, and so on. But army. At the same time, a number of chivalric orders
entering the remains of a warforged colossus is not a were founded by devoted worshipers of the Blood of Vol.
task to be taken lightly, since the Mournland can have These groups included necromancers and bone knights
bizarre effects on the colossus's docent network, power that were trained to raise and command the undead
core, and weaponry, as well as its mind. troops used during the war. The Order of the Emerald
Elemental Life. Even though a colossus has fallen, Claw was one of the most infamous of these groups, re­
its docent nodes and elemental defenses might still be nowned for its fighting skills but often sanctioned for its
active. The dragonshards that once bound the elemental brutal treatment of enemy soldiers. The Emerald Claw
that powered the colossus's main weapon might have were also accused of slaughtering civilians so they could
been broken, allowing the elemental to escape from be raised as skeletons or zombies-behavior that was
its bondage and roam the body of the colossus, which strictly forbidden by the Karrnath commanders.
has become its lair. Or perhaps it has come under the When King Kaius III came to power near the end of
control of the master docent and now does its twisted the war, he turned against the Blood of Vol. The orders
will, defending the interior of the colossus and giving were disbanded, and many members of the Emerald
voice and form to the docent's otherwise disembodied Claw were condemned as war criminals. While the
intelligence. other orders complied with the king's edict, many
A Deadly Dungeon. House Cannith's artisans lined knights of the Emerald Claw refused to surrender. The
the interior of each colossus with magic wards and traps order fragmented as its original members scattered, but
in case enemy soldiers breached its defenses. As long as a number of those rebellious knights started their own
the primary operator remained connected to the master cells, rallying all who wanted to see Karrnath achieve
docent and in control, the traps were inactive, but if the its rightful glory. The order experienced a surge in mem­
operator gave an alert (or simply left their station, or bership following the Treaty of Thronehold because
died), the master docent would send a signal through many Karrns thought that Kaius III had betrayed their
the network to seal the doors, activate the arcane wards, nation by embracing peace.
and arm the traps in any area that was under attack. Six years ago, shortly after Kaius's accession, a figure
A Grisly Tomb. Most colossi are tombs, filled with the known as Lady Illmarrow emerged as the leader of the
bodies of the crews that perished in the cataclysm. But Order of the Emerald Claw. Few of her followers know
the Mourning affected everything in bizarre ways, so a anything about her, other than her great skill as a nec­
venture inside a colossus is often terrifying. A horrific romancer; many members of the Order refer to her as
monster might have made its lair in a colossus's interior Queen of the Dead. Some members of the order believe
in the years since the Mourning. The master docent in she will ultimately raise Karrnath above all other na­
another one might speak through the brass horns that tions. Others simply trust that she will grant them per­
the crews used to communicate, growing increasingly sonal power. They believe that she is poised to become a
incoherent and/or sinister. The crew of a colossus might god of death, and that when she ascends to divinity, they
be undead-zombies lumbering through the colossus's will be granted immortality or at least the eternal life
interior, or spirits doomed to haunt it until they can find of undeath.
blessed release.


Map 4.9 shows a library vault maintained by the Order At low levels, adventurers can clash with Emerald Claw
of the Emerald Claw. The order collects dark materials skeletons and zombies. As the characters grow more
and forbidden magic and holds them for safekeeping in capable, the threats escalate. They might have to protect
these heavily defended locations. Each vault also func­ a village from a necromancer who is sucking the life out
tions as a chapter house or a sanctuary for a local cell. of the land, or race through a dungeon to acquire a nec­
romantic relic before the Claw can claim it. The Emer­
LIBRARY VAULT FEATURES ald Claw is ideally suited to pulp action; it's a force that
Library vaults can be found in a variety of locations. is blatant in its villainy and has hordes of evil minions
Some of them are crypts or dungeons secreted away to do its bidding. Defeating the schemes of the Emerald
underground, while others are hidden in plain sight Claw should always feel like the right thing to do.
inside a home or a business. Whatever its specific loca­ Although many members of the Emerald Claw believe
tion, a vault is always equipped with defensive features, that they are fighting for Karrnath, they are truly serving
some of which remain active even after the outer door the lich Lady Illmarrow (see chapter 6). The greatest
is breached. necromancer of the age, she seeks to unlock the secrets
of her inactive dragonmark, the Mark of Death. If she
LIBRARY VAULT ADVENTURES succeeds, she could come to possess unimaginable
The Library Vault Adventures table outlines some possi­ power. This makes her a formidable villain to drive the
bilities for adventure involving one of these locations. action of an entire campaign.


d6 Adventure Goal The Emerald Claw Adventure Hooks table offers some
Destroy a scroll containing an i ncantation that a llows options to kick off adventures featuring the Emerald
even non-spellcasters to animate the dead. Claw that take place outside their sanctuaries.
2 Steal the journal of a powerfu l necromancer that's
being held i n the vault's collection. E M E RALD CLAW ADV E N T U R E H O O K S
3 Trade a powerfu l dark magic weapon in return fo r the d8 N PC
rescue of i m portant hostages taken by the order. What at first appears to be a renegade group of
4 Steal a suit of armor that conta i n s the soul of a hero Aundairian sold iers turn out to be undead u n d e r the
slain during the Last War. order's control.
5 Search the col lection for i nformation on the Queen of 2 The order strikes at a small keep, demanding the
the Dead, or " Lady I l l marrow," as she is known. inhabitants s u rrender a particular vol u m e from their
6 Infiltrate the vault to get close to a new Emerald Claw l i b rary.
recru it, then convince them to come to their senses 3 Investigating strange lights and sounds emanati ng
and return to their fam ily. from a crypt i n the dead of n ight reveals the Emerald
Claw experimenting on the corpses with i n .
ORDER OF THE 4 T h e Emerald Claw violates graves near a small village,
EMERALD CLAW NPCs ani mating the corpses i nto u ndead laborers to help
build a n eldritch machine.
Given the undeniable nature of the order, villains asso­
5 The Emerald Claw claims a village's town hall for its
ciated with the Emerald Claw present an opportunity to
provide characters with adversaries that are memorably own use, and any who come near are attacked. The
evil, and that revel in their villainy. sounds of torture ring out from within the b u i l d i ng.
6 I nvestigati ng disappearances among an elf commu­
E M E RA L D CLAW N PCs nity reveals that the Order of the Emerald Claw has
d6 N PC been attem pting to i n scribe something l i ke a d ragon­
Though mortal, this fanatical warrior d r i n ks the blood mark in their skin, then reani mating the fa i led experi­
of those he slays in battle. ments as zombies.

2 A cleric tries to convince her enemies to embrace the 7 While searching for a magic item in Dhakaani ruins
order, promising eternal life through u n death. across southern Khorvaire, the characters d iscover
that Emerald Claw agents are looking for the same
3 A noble with sym pathies toward the order h ides a
thing and seem to have access to i nformation the ad­
cell's l i brary vault within the grounds of their estate.
ventu rers lack.
4 A suave vampire would rather charm its enemies than
crush them in battle.
8 A large force of Emerald Claw knights offers the char­
acters a choice: join the order, or submit themselves
5 An artificer is obsessed with infusing necromantic
to death and an eternity of servitude from beyond the
curses i nto their construct creations.
6 A changeling necromancer often poses as a vam p i re
or a m u m my, even though it's sti l l alive.


1 square = 5 feet

. .

I I •

.. .




( ·'

CoS1110lo9� of Iberron

Planes of Existence

No other planets have been discovered within Eber­

PLANE S OF EXISTENCE ron's Material Plane. The underworld of Khyber, how­
Eberron is part of the Great Wheel of the multiverse, as ever, contains a host of demiplanes, tiny pockets of
described in the Player's Handbook and the Dungeon altered reality. As such, venturing beneath the surface
Ma ster's Guide. At the same time, it is fundamentally of Eberron can lead you to a network of caverns and
apart from the rest of the Great Wheel, sealed off passages, and if you find the right passage, it can take
from the other planes even while it's encircled by its you to fantastic and deadly places inhabited by fiends,
own wheeling cosmology. Eberron's unique station in aberrations, and other children of Khyber.
the multiverse is an important aspect of the world: its
planes have profound and shifting influences on the PLANES OF EBERRON
Material Plane, and it is sheltered from the influences
The Material Plane is enfolded by thirteen planes of
and machinations of gods and other powers elsewhere
existence. Many of these have aspects of both Outer
on the Great Wheel.
Planes and Inner Planes. All of them overlap with Eber­
The planet of Eberron is the heart of its own Material
ron in some way, and they influence and are influenced
Plane. It is surrounded by the Ring of Siberys. Beyond
by the Material Plane. The intensity of this influence
this band of dragonshards, thirteen moons orbit the
waxes and wanes; scholars often depict the planes as
world. To date, no creature from Eberron has explored
orbiting Eberron-sometimes coming close, other times
the moons, and none can say whether they are lifeless
far away-though this manner of expression is merely
rocks or thriving worlds. Some sages believe that the
a metaphor for their shifting influence. When another
moons are connected to the planes, or that they might
plane's influence on the Material Plane is especially
even be physical extensions of the planes, but the truth
strong, the plane is said to be coterminous. When its
of these assertions remains unknown.
influence is weak, a plane is remote. The state of a plane


can be important for performing epic rituals, creating of shaped by the memories and experiences of dreamers.
eldritch machines, or interacting with extraplanar enti­ The dark core at the heart of the plane is shaped by the
ties. Whether or not a plane is remote or coterminous at nightmare force known as the Dreaming Dark. The
a given time depends entirely on the needs of your story. primary inhabitants of Dal Quor are the quori, enig­
matic master manipulators that can inhabit the dreams
MANIFEST ZON E S of others.
A t certain places in the Material Plane, the barriers Tens of thousands of years ago, the quori fought a
between worlds are thin, and some characteristics of bitter war with the giants of Xen'drik. The giants ended
another plane can bleed through into the material world. the war by severing the connection between Dal Quor
These places are called manifest zones, and the nature and Eberron and disrupting the cycle of the planes. As a
of each one is strongly shaped by the plane it connects result, Dal Quor is always remote in relation to the Ma­
to. The city of Sham is located in a manifest zone linked terial Plane, and no manifest zones are tied to Dal Quor.
to Syrania that keeps its towers reaching toward the sky The only way to reach Dal Quor from the Material Plane
and aids flight. Ghosts might linger in a manifest zone is through the psychic projection of dreaming, and the
associated with Dolurrh, while a manifest zone tied quori are forced to possess mortal hosts to work their
to Lamannia might have wild vegetation and enhance will on Eberron.
druidic magic. A manifest zone might include a portal
that allows free passage from either plane to the other. DOLURRH , THE REALM OF THE D EAD
The descriptions of other planes in this section offer When a mortal soul dies, it is drawn to Dolurrh, a place
some other possible effects. Most manifest zones have defined by despair and apathy. Over time, memories
reliable, persistent effects. Some have only weak con­ are leached out of these trapped spirits until only husks
nections to their planes, and their properties influence remain. Although this seems a bleak fate, most religions
the world only when the plane is coterminous. maintain that Dolurrh isn't the end of a soul's journey;
it is a gateway to whatever lies beyond. They assert that
TOUR OF THE PLANES what appears to be dissolution is the natural process
Each of the thirteen planes i n Eberron's cosmology is of the soul moving to a higher plane of existence that
briefly described below, both in general terms as well as mortals can never realize: joining with the Sovereigns,
by the effects that occur or appear on the Material Plane merging with the Silver Flame, or simply rejoining the
in manifest zones linked to that plane. cycle of life in a new form. That claim notwithstanding,
Dolurrh is a gloomy plane filled with the lingering traces
Daanvi embodies absolute order, along with the ideals
of law and discipline and their impact on civilization. 00LU R R H M A N I F E S T ZO N E FEAT U R E S
The perfectly ordered, immaculate districts of the plane d4 Feature
represent different aspects of law: precisely maintained Bod ies b u ried here reani mate in l d 4 days, possessed
fields, legalistic tribunals, and hordes of modrons com­ by restless spirits. These spi rits m ight be malevolent
piling archives of every rule or regulation ever created.
or benign.
Some districts are governed by a justice system based
2 Any necromancy spell of 1 st level or h igher cast
in goodness, where laws help to maintain harmony. In
more oppressive locations, harsh laws are imposed on within the zone i s treated as if it were cast at a level
the suffering populace by tyrannical devils. one h igher than the spell slot that was expended.
3 Spells and abil ities that raise the dead have a SO per­
DAA N V I M A N I F E S T ZO N E FEATU R E S cent chance to bring back l d 4 angry spirits as well .
d4 Feature These m ight b e banshees, ghosts, shadows, specters,
People who l ive i n the manifest zone are inclined to wraiths, or other incorporeal u n dead .
fol low d u l y enacted regulations without q uestion, re­ 4 In order to cast a spell of 1 st level or h igher in the
gardless of moral implications. zone, the caster must succeed on a Constitution
2 Creatures can't tel l deliberate l ies while in the area. check with a DC equal to 10 + the level of the spell.
3 Flora and fauna are preternaturally orderly and ho­ On a fai led check, the spell is not cast and its spell
mogeneous. Trees here grow i n neat rows without slot is not expended, but the action is lost.
needing to be tended, rocks are situated in geometric
patterns, and identical cattle graze in u nison.
This plane encompasses both the raw elemental power
4 A contingent of modrons is method ically deconstruct­
of fire and its versatility: flame used as a weapon, as a
ing and reorgan izing the zone, heedless of their effect
force that holds darkness at bay, or as a destroyer and
on the other inhabitants. .
a force for change. Femia is home to all manner of fire
elementals and to celestials and fiends that embrace the
DAL QuoR, THE REGION OF DREAMS same ideals. Efreeti pashas and fiendish satraps rule
Mortal creatures come into contact with Dal Quor when city-islands of obsidian that drift atop seas of magma,
they dream (except for elves, kalashtar, and warforged, their minions producing metalcraft of surpassing beauty
which don't dream). The outer fringes of the plane are and quality.


2 29
d4 Feature d4 Feature
Spells that deal fi re damage are em powered here. The earth here is highly changeable and u nstable. A
Such a spell of l st level or h igher cast within the creature that succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom (Nature)
zone deals fi re damage as if it were cast at a level one check as an action can alter a 20-by-20-foot square of
h igher than the spell slot that was expended. terrai n in some way. For example, they might choose
2 Weapons and armor with u n usual a b i l ities can be to t u rn the earth to m u d , cause stony spikes to erupt
forged here, though their enchantments are not from the soi l , or warp local plant life. Failing the check
always stable. causes random, u n controlled effects.
3 The area is dotted with pools of molten earth and 2 Fabulous formations of precariously balancing rocks
fissures of scalding water, from which mephits and dot these badlands. They randomly collapse, only to
elementals emerge with regularity. slowly reassemble over the course of days.
4 M otes of continual flame are spontaneously generated 3 Packs of slaadi erupt from inside a local cave net­
in this region, typically attached to some vegetation works at random i ntervals, terrorizing travelers.
or m i nerals from the area. These flames persist even 4 Any spell that deals acid, cold , fi re, force, l ightning,
if they are removed from the region. or thunder damage cast within the zone i nstead deals
one of those damage types determi ned at random.
Irian is the plane of light and hope, the wellspring of LAMANNIA, THE TWI LIGHT FOREST
positive energy which is the foundation of light, life, and Though it is referred to as a forest, Lamannia contains
love. The regions of Irian reflect the idea of beginnings every possible natural environment. It is home to great
and of resurgent life: fertile lands untouched by any tool, beasts, lycanthropes, and other beings that reflect the
glittering crystal forests, and thriving homesteads and power of nature. The splendor of nature in this place is
communities. Angels dwell in a grand city reflecting the intoxicating to druids. Animals born here are paragons
first days of a glorious empire. The sun never sets here. of their species, infused with primal power that put even
Positive energy flows into Eberron from Irian, and the finest specimens of House Vadalis to shame.
the denizens of Irian believe that the simple fact of their
existence helps the mortals of the Material Plane. The LAM A N N IA M A N I F E S T ZO N E FEAT U R E S
celestials of Irian are also those most likely to respond d4 Feature
to planar ally and similar spells.
Spel l s that summon elementals are empowered here.

I R I A N M A N I F E S T ZO N E FEAT U R E S Such a spell of 1 st level or h igher cast within the zone

is treated as if it were cast at a level one higher than
d4 Feature
the s pell slot that was expended.
The waters of a s pring hold curative powers-curing
2 The forces of nature work to tear down anyth ing b u i lt
d i sease, heal ing wounds, even restoring lost senses.
within the zone. Weather, vegetation, and a rapid rate
2 Clusters of radiant crystals s prout from the earth. A
of decay com bine to q u ickly destroy structu res b u i lt i n
s pell of l st level or h igher cast within 30 feet of these
t h e region and overgrow t h e ru i n s .
crystal s , if it restores hit poi nts or deals radiant dam­
3 The zone is dominated by towering trees and thick
age, i s treated as if it were cast at a level one h i gher
undergrowth . Animals come from the su rrou nding
than the spell slot that was expended.
area to l ive i n the zone, where they grow larger and
3 A maple tree with trans l u cent, violet-h ued bark and
stronger than usual for their s pecies.
s h i m mering leaves grows i n the heart of a swamp.
4 What appears to be a circle of stones is in truth a
Creatures that l ive near it age very slowly.
gro u p of s l u m bering earth elementals that came from
4 U ndead within the zone have disadvantage on attack
Lamannia d u ri n g its most recent coterm inous period.
rol l s , abil ity checks, and saving throws.


KYTHRI, THE CHURNING CHAOS Mabar is the darkness that promises to swallow even
The plane of chaos and change, Kythri is a realm in con­ the brightest day, the hungry shadow that yearns to
stant flux. The elements collide in fantastic explosions consume light and life. It is the plane of entropy, hunger,
of unbridled power, motes of earth careen erratically and loss, slowly sucking the life from the multiverse. It
through space as gravity constantly shifts, and a riot of is the source of negative energy in Eberron. Most un­
colors blazes through the ever-shifting sky. Still, stoic dead are animated by the power of Mahar, and the life
githzerai monks exert their will over the elements, they drain from mortals flows into the Endless Night.
crafting monasteries on islands of earth amid the chaos. Mahar is made up of many fragments, each one rep­
Several varieties of slaadi dwell here as well, exulting in resenting a different vision of desolation. The fiends of
the endless turmoil. Mahar scheme to steal fragments of other planes and
draw them down into their eternal darkness, creating a
jumble of broken worlds in varying states of decay.


d4 Feature d4 Feature
U ndead a n i m ated here have 2 extra hit points per Hit B l ades crafted here have a reputation for being es­
Die and make savi ng th rows against being tu rned or pecially fine and sharp. When a creature i n the zone
frightened with advantage. scores a critical hit with an attack that deals piercing
2 Vegetation here is sour and stunted, a n i mals are still­ or slashing d amage, the attack deals one additional
born or deformed, and a malaise hangs in the air. die of d amage.
3 On n ights d u ri n g the month of Sypheros, when the 2 Blood spilled here never washes away. Any Charisma
Shadow M oon is dominant i n the sky, horrific mon­ checks made i n the zone to avoid hostil ity are made
sters stalk the area, prompting residents to leave of­ with d isadvantage; Charisma checks made to encour­
ferings outside their doors to ward off the evi l . age violence are always successfu l .
4 T h e radius of a n y light sou rce i n t h e zone is halved , 3 Storms o f whirl i ng blades c u t t h e s k y d u ring times
and saving th rows against necromancy spells are of com bat, randomly attacking the participants. The
made with d isadvantage in the zone. effect is the same as that of the cloud ofdaggers spell,
but the area and the damage m ight both i ncrease.
RISIA, THE PLAIN OF !CE 4 Devils, demons, and angels duel in the remains of a
The counterpoint to Femia, Risia embodies winter's rui ned fortress that serves as a portal to Shavarath.
chill and the stoic constancy of the glacier. Across Ri­
sia's icy expanse, blizzards ceaselessly howl over floes SYRANIA, THE AZURE SKY
of thick, blue ice, and frost giants carve great fortresses Crystal spires float in a perfect blue sky. Farms and
from glaciated mountains. Unprotected visitors perish serene communities stretch across clouds. Syrania is
quickly, but those who adapt to the cold or protect them­ the plane of peace and all that flourishes in times of
selves from it can plumb the plane's frigid depths for peace. This includes commerce; the Immeasurable
ancient secrets. Market of Syrania draws merchants and travelers from
across reality.
R I S I A M A N I FEST ZO N E FEAT U R E S Syrania is home to a host of angels that devote their
d4 Feature immortal lives to serene contemplation. Each angel
Spells that deal cold damage are em powered here. seeks to achieve mastery of one pure concept, such as
Such a spell of 1 st level or h igher cast within the zone holding all the knowledge on a subject or ceaselessly
abiding by the tenets of a virtue. An angel of dreams isn't
deals cold damage as if it were cast at a level one
a quori, but it understands dreams, it can explain and
h i gher than the spell slot that was expended.
interpret them, and it can shape them if it chooses. Like­
2 Veins of cobalt-blue ice run through a glacier in the
wise, an angel of war isn't constantly embroiled in battle
a rea. If extracted, this ice maintains its temperature as the celestials of Shavarath are; instead, it seeks per­
and doesn't melt. An object carved from it can fu nc­ fection in the art and theories of war. Angels of Syrania
tion as a spel lcasting focus for spells dea l i n g with can be useful sources of information for adventurers,
water or ice. and sometimes travel to Eberron to observe mortals.
3 Abom inable yetis lair in a network of bitterly col d ,
frost-rimed caves i n the mountains. SYRAN IA M A N I FEST ZO N E FEAT U R E S
4 Any spell that deals fire damage deals j ust half the d4 Feature
normal da mage. This zone suppresses all aggressive thought. Any
creature that wants to make an attack or cast a dam­
SHAVARATH, THE BATTLEGROUND aging spell m u st succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving
Shavarath i s the plane o f war, ravaged by a conflict that th row or it doesn't make the attack or cast the spell,
will never end. Since the dawn of time, armies of fiends but loses its action.
and celestials have fought one another in Shavarath,
2 Those with great will and fortitude who ascend
their eternal battles a microcosm of the struggle be­
a mountain peak in this area can try to bend the
tween good and evil that rages across all of reality. New
weather fo r m i les arou nd to their wi l l , as if they had
arrivals are subject to forced conscription when encoun­
tered (whether by angel, demon, or devil), if they aren't cast the control weather spell.
summarily dispatched. Amid the constant strife, wind­ 3 I n this su n-dappled field, children-as well as
storms of blades scour the landscape, capable of cutting free-spi rited, c h i l d l i ke folk-find themselves able to
the unprepared to ribbons. For all its danger, Shavarath fly for 1 hour.
holds weapons of legend and a wealth of knowledge on 4 A village is built into the side of a cliff face here. Wind­
the art of war. m i l ls protrud i n g from the cliff col lect energy from the
power of the wind, which is used to operate elevators
throughout the com m u n ity.


Thelanis is the home of the fey and a realm where narra­
I t i s theoretically possible to travel between Eberron
tive and metaphor shape the nature of reality. Its many
and other worlds in the multiverse by means of the Deep
dominions are governed by the archfey, and the deni­
Ethereal or various spells designed for planar travel, but
zens of each realm reflect the nature and the story of
the cosmology of Eberron is specifically designed to pre­
their lord. For instance, the realm of the Prince of Frost
vent such travel, to keep the world hidden away from the
is trapped in endless winter, and pale eladrin lead packs
meddling of gods, celestials, and fiends from beyond.
of winter wolves in their hunts. If's not the same envi­
The three progenitor wyrms worked together to form
ronment as on Risia, because the prince's realm isn't
Eberron and its planes as a new cosmic system in the
an embodiment of the idea of cold-rather, it's a domain
depths of the Ethereal Plane. They recreated the elves,
frozen by its prince's broken heart. If the prince's story
ores, dragons, and other races found throughout the
were changed, the realm would change with it.
multiverse and placed them in their new world, but al­
Time and space are both malleable in the Faerie
lowed them to develop beyond the reach of Gruumsh,
Court, and a mortal who wanders into Thelanis might
Corellon, Lolth, and other influences for good and ill.
never return-or might leave after a few days to discover
In your campaign, you might decide that the barrier
that weeks, months, or years have passed back home.
formed by the Ring of Siberys is intact, and contact
between Eberron and the worlds and planes beyond its
cosmology is impossible. This is the default assumption
d4 Feature of this book. On the other hand, you might want to incor­
Fey trees whose wood is i mbued with m agical proper­ porate elements from other realms. Perhaps you want
ties grow here, along with a copse of guardian treants to use a published adventure that involves Tiamat or the
and awakened flora. forces of the Abyss meddling in the affairs of the world.
2 A circle of mushrooms serves as a portal to Thelanis In such a case, it could be that the protection offered by
the Ring of Siberys has begun to fail. You might link the
when the proper offering is p laced i n its center.
weakening of Siberys to the Mourning-perhaps what­
3 An eladrin com m u ne that holds powerfu l esoteric
ever magical catastrophe caused the Mourning also
knowledge is nestled in the depths of a forest inhab­ disrupted the Ring of Siberys, or perhaps a disruption of
ited by large n u mbers of pixies. the Ring of Siberys actually caused the Mourning!
4 The magic of the fey runs deep here. Saving th rows If contact between Eberron and the wider multiverse
against enchantment and illusion spells are made is recent and limited, consider the implications for ev­
with d isadvantage. eryone involved. In the Great Wheel, Asmodeus is an
ancient threat, with well-established cults, lines of tief­
XORIAT, THE REALM OF MADNESS lings, and a long history of meddling that sages might
Xoriat's bizarre geometry and unspeakable inhabitants uncover in dusty old tomes hidden in remote libraries.
seem like the product of an insane person's nightmare. But if Asmodeus has only just discovered Eberron and
In this utterly alien environment, beings whose appear­ begun to influence it for the first time, there is no lore
ance can shatter a person's sanity live in cities crafted about him to be discovered on Eberron. He has no
from gargantuan, fleshy tumors. Seas of protoplasm, in power base and needs to recruit new followers. Unusual
a shade of purple that hurts the eyes, lap against shores alliances might form against him, as celestials and
of chitin. Some can look upon Xoriat and see it as a fiends join forces to expel this hostile outsider.
place of revelations, but most mortals who come too
close to Xoriat fall prey to madness. Xoriat is the source GOD S , CELE STIALS , AND FIENDS
of many aberrations, including the terrifying daelkyr. The people of Eberron believe their gods are omnipres­
ent-not bound to a single coherent form, but present in
XO R I AT M A N I F E S T ZO N E FEAT U R ES all places. If you revere the Silver Flame, its power is al­
d4 Feature ways with you. The Sovereign Onatar guides the hand of
Reality is frayed here. Casting any spell of 1 st level or
every smith who knows how to listen for his voice, and
Doi Arrah and Doi Dorn are active on every battlefield,
h igher triggers a roll on the Wild M agic S u rge table in
guiding every soldier. This outlook means that religion
chapter 3 of the Player's Handbook.
is driven by faith, as opposed to the concrete actions of
2 A character must make a DC 14 Charisma saving deities. The faithful believe that their triumphs reflect
throw at the end ofeach hour spent in this place. On the assistance of a divine influence. They don't expect a
a failed save, the character is afflicted with a random god to physically show up and solve their problems.
form of short-term madness (see chapter 8 of the Fiends and celestials certainly do have physical form,
Dungeon Master's Guide). however. Fortunately for the folk of the Material Plane,
3 Residents of a settlement here d isplay bizarre m uta­ these extraplanar creatures are deeply invested in their
tions and unsettling behavior. Visitors who stay too own affairs and have little interest in Eberron. Demons
long develop odd characteristics as wel l .
and angels battle one another in Shavarath, but they've
been doing this since before humanity existed, and they
4 A cavern here is a cancerous tumor that issues forth
dare not leave their posts to fool around elsewhere. Ex­
a berrations to prey upon the world, and it is growing.
ceptions do exist, such as the daelkyr and the Dreaming


Dark, but by and large these natives of other planes are
exclusively concerned with where they live. As such,
player characters are more likely to encounter celestials Thanks to the industrious innovation o f multiple dragon­
and fiends that are native to Eberron, spawned by Khy­ marked houses and workshops full of magewrights, the
ber or Siberys, rather than extraplanar entities. people of Khorvaire can cross the continent in a week
or less using magical means. The lightning rail and
COUATLS vessels powered by bound elementals and operated by
Couatls are a celestial race born from Siberys at the the dragonmarked houses, can carry passengers as far
dawn of time. Along with the dragons, they battled the in an hour as a horse can walk in a day. This section dis­
fiendish overlords of Khorvaire and Sarlona. Ultimately, cusses issues related to travel in an Eberron campaign
the couatls sacrificed most of their number and com­ and presents the Gold Dragon Inns, a chain of hotels
bined their souls to form a prison to hold the overlords. that offer consistent accommodation for travelers any­
Scholars have theorized that their combined souls even­ where in Khorvaire.
tually became the force that is worshiped by the Church As described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's
of the Silver Flame. The church is ambivalent on the Guide, it's up to you whether you gloss over travel in
topic, preaching that regardless of how the Flame was your campaign or narrate it in more detail. If the point
first kindled, there is a place within the Flame for all is to get the characters to their destination so they can
noble souls. get the adventure underway, it's fine to assume that their
The few couatls that remain on Eberron are devoted journey (whether it's by lightning rail, airship, or more
servants of the light. They are most often found guard­ mundane means) passes without incident. After all,
ing the prison of the ancient fiendish overlords, and in­ the people of Khorvaire make such trips every day, and
dividuals sometimes act directly to aid adventurers who most of them reach their destinations safely.
fight the forces of darkness. The alternative is to make the journey an important
part of the adventure. Travel can play a crucial role in a
FIENDS story, and when it does, you should give it as much time
The mightiest of the fiends born from Khyber are crea­ at the game table as it needs.
tures of immense power known as the overlords. Doz­
ens of overlords were imprisoned by the Silver Flame ELEMENTAL VE SSELS
at the dawn of time; two of them, Rak Tulkhesh and
Long ago, gnome artificers and specialists from House
Sul Khatesh, are detailed in chapter 6. Another-Bel
Cannith discovered and developed a means of magical
Shalor, the Shadow in the Flame-is bound within the
travel. The heart of the process is a set of techniques
Silver Flame itself in the great cathedral in Flamekeep
for binding elementals that uses Khyber dragonshards.
in Thrane. You can adapt other evil gods or archfiends
This closely guarded procedure requires delicate engi­
for an Eberron campaign (assuming you don't want
neering, arcane skill, and rare materials from around
Eberron to be connected to the wider multiverse) by
the world, and different workshops employ varying
recasting them as overlords. For example, Tiamat could
esoteric techniques. Building a new vehicle can occupy
be an overlord embodying the pride and potential for
a workshop for months while magical energy is pains­
evil within dragons, Lolth could be an overlord who
takingly inlaid into the vessel's hull. Such work is a
preys on the elves, and Asmodeus the insidious maker
complicated task requiring the labor of many; it is not
of profane bargains.
something that can be undertaken by a lone wizard for
Any fiend-whether devil, demon, yugoloth, or some­
any amount of compensation.
thing else-could be spawned by Khyber if it suits your
The construction of elemental vessels requires the use
story. Such fiends might be bound to an overlord, or they
of two kinds of dragonshards. A Khyber dragonshard
might be independent incarnations of evil unleashed on
of the largest size and finest quality is required to bind
the world. Two other races of fiends, though, play im­
the elemental to the vessel, and a Siberys dragonshard
portant roles in its history.
is needed to craft the vehicle's helm. Production of new
Night Hags. Night hags have been around since the
vessels grinds to a halt without a steady supply of both
Age of Demons, when they often served as ambassadors
kinds of dragonshards, and a workshop with an order
and carried messages between the fiends and the drag­
to fill will pay a handsome fee to adventurers who can
ons. Today, they remain impartial mediators, and ad­
find them.
venturers who are about to deal with outsiders or other
planes of existence might want to seek the advice of a ELEMENTAL MATRIX
night hag-although one can be quite difficult to find. Every elemental vessel is imbued with an invisible,
Rakshasas. As the primary agents of the fiendish
arcane matrix. This magical essence extends from the
overlords, rakshasas once dominated Khorvaire and containment chamber at the core of the vehicle to the
Sarlona. When the overlords were defeated in the first binding struts, then through the rest of the vehicle's
age of the world by the combined might of the dragons hull. When a Khyber dragonshard holding a bound
and the couatls, the rakshasas largely disappeared into elemental is placed in the containment chamber, the ma­
Khyber as well. The Lords of Dust are made up largely trix comes alive. The unsuppressed elemental emerges
of rakshasas, scheming in the shadows-many trying to from the shard and flows along the matrix in the way
free their imprisoned overlords, others looking for a way that blood moves through the arteries and veins of a
to claim their masters' power for their own. living creature.


23 3
The binding struts force the elemental into a ring they remain rare, because the soarwood required for
shape and give every elemental vessel its distinctive their construction is exceedingly scarce and tightly
appearance. From there, the elemental continues to flow controlled.
along the matrix through the hull, appearing as jagged, Soarwood is a form of buoyant timber found only on
snaking lines of living energy that pulse and shift. These the island of Aerenal, and the elves who live there limit
conduits of elemental energy take on an appearance their annual harvest of the precious wood. As a result,
associated with the type of elemental bound into the ves­ production of new airships proceeds at a snail's pace,
sel. A fire elemental, for example, sends tendrils of flame unable to satisfy the fervent demand for new vessels.
along the hull of its ship. The discovery of a new supply of soarwood could liter­
At the command of the vehicle's dragonmarked pilot, ally change the world, and even convincing the elves of
the bound elemental can be suppressed, causing its Aerenal to part with more of it would be an achievement
essence to flow back into the containment chamber and worth a handsome reward from House Lyrandar.
the matrix to disappear from view. A vehicle whose ele­
mental is suppressed ceases to be propelled. How IT WORKS
A standard airship (at least as far as standards have
CONTROLLING THE ELEMENTAL been defined for this relatively new creation) looks simi­
Piloting an elemental vessel requires effective commu­ lar to an oceangoing ship but is rigged with control fins
nication between the pilot and the bound elemental. and rudders rather than sails. An air or fire elemental is
The elemental controls the vehicle's movement, and bound into a ring around the hull, which is suspended
everything from basic propulsion to delicate maneu­ on four struts jutting outward. Most airships are outfit­
vering is dependent on the ability of the pilot to control ted with the finest amenities, including many decorative
the elemental. If the elemental is uncontrolled and not flourishes and creature comforts.
suppressed, the vehicle moves according to the elemen­ Operation. A dragonmarked heir of House Lyrandar
tal's whim until a pilot asserts control again. must pilot a Lyrandar airship, channeling the power of
A dragonmarked heir at the helm of a vessel can com­ the Mark of Storm through the wheel of wind and water
mand the elemental easily. Without such a pilot, it's very that controls the vessel. The helm is typically situated
difficult to control the vessel. A character who is touch­ near the rear of the ship, inside the shelter of a wheel­
ing either the Khyber dragonshard where the bound ele­ house. Controlling the vessel (without the benefit of
mental is housed or the magic item at the vessel's helm something like the conductor stones that dictate a light­
can try to communicate with the elemental, but with no ning rail route) requires constant attention, so at least
guarantee of success. two pilots typically travel on every journey.
A character can make a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion Only a dragonmark heir with the Mark of Storm can
or Intimidation) check to persuade the elemental to co­ use the wheel and command the bound elemental.
operate or demand its obedience. On a successful check, House Lyrandar pilots train for months to gain a deep
the elemental obeys the character for 1 minute. understanding of the ship's powers and limitations.
The dominate monster spell can also enable a charac­ Because of this training, a skilled pilot can execute acro­
ter without a dragonmark to control an elemental vessel, batic maneuvers in the sky.
even wresting control away from a dragonmarked pilot. Airships can move in all three dimensions, with or
The charm monster spell (found in Xanathar's Guide to without the aid of the wind. Unlike most flying crea­
Everything) also makes the elemental compliant to the tures, they don't rely on wings for lift thanks to their
caster's wishes, but the elemental remains obedient to soarwood hulls. They are able to fly equally well on their
the commands of a dragonmarked pilot at the helm. sides or even upside down (notwithstanding the risks
that such maneuvers present to passengers and crew).
FREEING THE ELEMENTAL Airships cannot actually land, because the struts that
Shattering the Khyber dragonshard that binds it can hold the elemental ring in place protrude 10 feet from
free an elemental, preventing the vehicle from moving. the bottom of the vessel. Thus, passengers and cargo
On most elemental vessels, the shard is sealed in a are lifted in elevators and loaded at towers in major
protective metal chest with 10 (3d6) hit points, usually cities. Each ship carries rope ladders for use at smaller
made of iron (AC 19) but sometimes of mithral (AC 21) stations, in open terrain, or in cases of dire emergency.
or adamantine (AC 23). The chest is often guarded with A typical airship can reach a speed of 20 miles per
a glyph of warding and housed in a room behind locked hour in clear skies carrying up to 30 tons of cargo.
and possibly trapped doors. The shard itself has AC 17 Airships are most often employed by explorers and by
and 10 (3d6) hit points. wealthy travelers who demand luxury-clients who
have a need to move quickly to places that might not be
LYRANDAR AIRSHIP served by the lightning rail.
The airship i s the most advanced elemental-powered Suppression. Although the elemental bound to the
vehicle on Eberron, the pride of House Lyrandar and the airship is essential for propulsion, the vessel's soar­
forerunner of the magical advances that many hope will wood hull provides its lighter-than-air buoyancy. When
become commonplace in the aftermath of the Last War. the elemental is suppressed, the ship remains aloft but
The first airships emerged from the Cannith and Zilargo can't move. The pilot always suppresses the elemental
workshops and appeared in House Lyrandar's service before docking, then uses ropes to maneuver the vessel
just eight years ago (in 990 YK). For now, though, into position.


LYRANDAR GALLEONS per hour. The elemental appears as a ring of lightning
encircling the crew cart while the train is in motion. A
A House Lyrandar galleon, also called an elemental bound air elemental can move a train of up to ten carts
galleon, resembles a Lyrandar airship except that it has without obvious strain, and most trains are configured
a water elemental ring that propels it across oceans and accordingly.
seas instead of through the air. This vessel has a speed The other carts that make up the train have various
of 10 miles per hour but otherwise is similar to a Lyran­ purposes. A typical train has a crew cart at each end,
dar airship. with two cargo carts, four passenger carts, and two
lounge carts in between. Doors at both ends of each cart
0RIEN LIGHTN I NG RAIL enable crew and passengers to walk from one to the
The wondrous lightning rail system once linked the next, even while the train is in motion. Both crew carts
far reaches of the Kingdom of Galifar, prior to the Last are identical, except that the bound elemental in one is
War. Now the system is divided, split into eastern and suppressed. On the return trip, the roles of the carts and
western circuits. Reestablishing the conductor stone the states of their elementals are reversed.
paths across Scions Sound and the Mournland is often Specialized carts of other sorts vary in configuration
discussed in the halls of power in the Five Nations, but depending on their purpose and the degree of luxury
formidable challenges are involved. afforded to them. Some have solid sides and roofs, while
others are covered only with canvas.
How IT WORKS Map 4.10 shows the different carts that comprise most
A lightning rail train is made up of an elemental vessel lightning rail trains.
linked to a series of connected carts, all of which float Operation. The vessel's pilot, a House Orien dragon­
about 5 feet off the ground. Each cart, similar in form marked heir, stands at the helm, high atop the crew cart,
to a large wagon with no wheels, has a conductor stone beneath the elemental binding struts. The pilot controls
embedded in its underside. A corresponding set of con­ the elemental and communicates with it during the trip,
ductor stones laid out in a line on the ground interacts watching the path ahead through broad windows that
with the stones in the carts to form a rail for the train to encircle the helm platform.
follow. Lightning arcs between the two sets of stones,
accounting for the system's name.
The elemental vessel at the front of the train, called
a crew cart, holds a bound air elemental that propels
the train along its route at a speed of about 30 miles




Dark Grid = 5 feet Light Grid = 2.5 feet

I- I-

-_:_,I �
I -

I- I-
-_:_,I �-

I -
I -

1 I

Helm Galley Car Standard Car Steerage Car

I -

- - -

- - - - - -

I -
1 I - -


f l_ l _ l _ I
1_ 1 _ 1_ 1
- - -

1 I - -

1 I - -

1 I - -

1 I
First-Class Car Dining Car Sleeper Car Cargo Car



M YSTE R I O U S PASS E N G E R S dlOO Passenger
dlOO Passenger 53-54 A si lver d ragon i n h u man form observes the i nter-
01-02 A human merchant of obvious means seems to be actions of the cl ientele, paying close attention to
deliberately d rawing attention, loudly calling out any dragon marked characters.
their name and the time of day. 55-56 A House Cann ith t i n ker examines the structure of
03-04 Two shifters d ri n king and spoiling for a fight. the vehicle closely, l ooking concerned and asking
05-06 A warforged q u i etly reads a book cal led The Ma- questions about possible escape proce d u res.
chine Manifesto. 57-58 A one-eyed human (actually an I nspired agent of
07-08 A half-elf sits down, says , " Beware-the wolf howls the D rea m i ng Dark) watches everyone carefu lly.
at midn ight," and leaves without fu rther com ment. 59-60 A disheveled human magewright offers meager
09-10 A gnome watches everyone carefu l ly, writing down magical skills in return fo r food or spare coins.
observations i n a tiny orange book. 61-62 A warforged l ea n i n g on a wooden staff carries on a
1 1 -1 2 A one-armed B relish veteran verbally assaults any conversation with the docent attached to its chest.
warforged he sees, blaming them for his i nj u ry. 63-64 A human pickpocket circulates among the passen-
13-14 A well-dressed h u m a n sits awkwardly next to the gers, looking for another victim .
wal l , seemi ngly tryi ng t o avoid touching or being 65-66 A human from Aundair obsessively checks and re-
touched by anyone else. checks their trave l i ng papers.
1 5-1 6 A cloaked figure moves slowly past, pausing briefl y 67-68 An artificer t i n kers with a new i nvention.
upon catching sight of the party. 69-70 An attractive h alf-elf makes advances toward a
1 7-1 8 An acolyte of the Si lver Flame preaches loudly in an n u m ber of other passengers.
attempt to convert an essentially captive audience. 7 1 -72 An apprentice wizard draws arcane symbols on the
1 9-20 A destitute bard plays the harp with med iocre skill wi ndow, glaring at anyone who i nterrupts.
while asking fo r donations. 73-74 A dwarf with a bandaged wound checks it re-
21-22 A deaf couple comm u n icate with each othe r by peatedly, occasionally pouring whiskey o n it and
sign language, but suddenly stop when they notice winci ng.
they are being watched. 75-76 A you ng, red-haired h u m a n fl i rtatiously tries to get
23-24 A frail h u m a n with a small strongbox shackled to other passengers to buy d ri n ks.
one of her wrists i s i n the company of two heavily 77-78 An Aerenal elf sits silently, trying to ignore the
armed half-ore bodyguards. stares of other passengers.
25-26 T h ree hobgoblin mercenaries from H ouse Deneith 79-80 A d i sheveled old h u man loudly proclaims that the
d iscuss their plans in their native tongue. end of the world is nigh, accord i n g to the dragons.
27-28 A harried dwarf tries to keep th ree c h i l d ren cor- 81 -82 A h u m a n child is a pparently traveling with no par-
railed, but the oldest one keeps sneaking away. ent or guardian.
29-30 A bored changeling practices d up licating the faces 83-84 A nervous gob l i n holds trave l i n g papers out to any-
of the guests. N ot all of them are a mused. one passing by, as if expecting to be challenged at
3 1 -32 A sh ifter glowers i n a corner booth, looking angry any moment.
at the world. 85-86 Four kalashtar monks med itate, burning i ncense
33-34 A warforged bard uses its body as a percussion and chanting q u i etly.
i nstru ment to entertain the patrons. 87-88 A rogue tries to swi ndle other passengers by using
35-36 A dog with no apparent owner wanders around. marked cards.
37-38 Two Karrnathi sold iers seem extremely nervous 89-90 A House Tharashk inquisitive examines the floor of
a n d speak to no one. the vessel very carefully, offering no explanation.
39-40 A halfl i ng leads a tiny pet d i nosaur on a leash, tug- 9 1 -92 A gro u p of u n remarkable farmers are transporting
ging at it whenever it tries to exa m i n e something. a strange device that bears Draconic runes.
41 -42 A half-ore sits with a small potted plant, whisper- 93-94 A cleric of the Sovereign Host seems a n n oyed and
ing to it i n Ore. is rude to several pious passengers who ask for
43-44 A well-dressed dwarf wearing eight copper rings blessings.
paces restlessly. 95-96 An older human reads the Korranberg Chronicle,
45-46 A halfl i ng from H ouse G h allanda offers food and loudly proclaiming outrage at every story.
d r i n k to all passengers except elves or half-elves. 97-98 Roll agai n; the travelers are one or more change-
47-48 An elf bard from House Phiarlan whispers conspir- lings appearing to be whatever the secon d roll
atorially with a member of the vehicle's crew. ind icates.
49-50 A kalashtar is tryin g too hard to pass a s human, 99-00 Roll twice more; the two travelers indicated are
conspicuously and awkwardly using h u man slang. about to come to a very obvious conflict of some
5 1 -52 A youn g half-elf in adventuring garb weeps openly. kind (verbal or physical) .


<;? 3 7
The placement of conductor stone lines dictates where Individual stations do have distinct touches that reflect
a lightning rail train can travel, but the pilot still must local features. For example, the station in Gatherhold, in
make operational decisions as the coach moves from the Talenta Plains, is decorated with traditional halfling
one city to the next. The pilot controls the vessel's speed motifs and offers specialized stables for travelers leav­
based on conditions around the train. When conductor ing their dinosaurs behind. On a larger scale, the station
stone lines split, as they do at various hubs along the at Passage, which is the seat of power for House Orien,
way, the pilot selects the intended route and directs the is a multistoried structure designed as a monument to
elemental down the correct line the majesty and storied history of the house.
The crew of a train includes handful of chief stew­
ards overseeing a number of lesser stewards who are MYSTERIOUS PASSENGERS
charged with seeing to the needs of passengers and Lightning rails and airships are good places to encoun­
keeping cargo secured. ter a broad sample of Khorvaire's diverse population.
You can use the Mysterious Passengers table (page
241) to bring curious characters in contact with an
Lightning rail stations, where passengers and cargo can
adventuring party on any kind of journey. Each of these
be disembarked or loaded, are located in or just outside
characters might spark an entire new adventure, or
villages, towns, and cities along the conductor stone
might be little more than a momentary diversion. Deter­
paths. There are no stations in the expanses between
mine details about these travelers are, and the stories
these settlements, and House Orien rules prohibit light­
behind them, as you see fit.
ning rail pilots from stopping anywhere but at a station.
Stations throughout Khorvaire have a similar look
and feel, to ensure that each one lives up to the high
expectations of House Orien's patrons. White and gold Travelers and explorers making their way across Khor­
everbright lanterns continually illuminate each station. vaire, especially in out-of-the-way areas, often find them­
When a train pulls into the station, loading ramps are selves in need of a safe place to spend the night. Thanks
moved into position beside each cargo cart, and stairs to the efforts of House Ghallanda, there's no better
by each passenger cart. The cargo is unloaded from one place to take a rest than at one of the hundreds of Gold
side of the train and the passengers from the other. Dragon Inns that the house operates.
Every city, most towns, and even some villages have a
Gold Dragon Inn, and a large city might boast several. ADVENTURES IN SHARN
Every major road through the countryside has Gold Chapter 3 describes the city o f Sharn i n detail; the
Dragon Inns along much of its length, spaced roughly a following sections focus on the adventures that can hap­
day's travel apart. Sometimes an inn is the nucleus of a pen there. These adventures can unfold among the tall­
small community whose industry is focused on provid­ est towers of Skyway, in the deepest depths of the Cogs,
ing for the needs of travelers. A few Gold Dragon Inns or anywhere in between. At the end of this chapter is an
are found in locations that offer no other comforts for introductory adventure, "Forgotten Relics," set in Sharn.
the weary traveler-for example, high in a pass through Sharn can be a grim place that makes good people
the Byeshk Mountains, deep in the Karrnwood, or be­ bad and bad people worse. In its mean streets, gritty
neath the surface of the Mror Holds. detectives contend with corrupt law officers while try­
ing to foil the efforts of merciless gangs and monstrous
INN FEATURES AND AMENITIES thugs. In the highest towers, wealthy barons from the
Every Gold Dragon Inn provides a standard menu of dragonmarked houses make shady deals with crime
reliable services at reasonable rates. Prices are fixed bosses, each of them making profits by exploiting both
(equal to those given in chapter 5 of the Player's Hand­ the ordinary folk and the well-heeled upper crust alike.
book), and the quality of services is reliably modest, with Corruption can be found among the ranks of govern­
some comfortable upgrades available. Every inn uses ment, the watch, the temples, and large businesses. This
one of a small number of possible floor plans, and every atmosphere makes Sharn a perfect location for adven­
inn's restaurant offers the same menu. tures inspired by the noir genre.
The size and number of guest rooms can vary from Sharn can also be a place of unrelenting action, rang­
inn to inn: a small roadside inn has four rooms and a ing from soarsleds speeding between the towertops to
moderately sized common room, while a thriving inn in confrontations in the dungeon depths far beneath the
a large city has forty rooms, a restaurant, and a sepa­ city's lowest tier. Fallen angels, sinister shapeshifters,
rate common room, with two stages for entertainment. and monstrous mercenaries do battle with heroes from
Because the inns are owned by House Ghallanda, the all walks of life, while unscrupulous collectors and
buildings all include accommodations for halfiing-sized smugglers carry on a brisk trade in artifacts brought
guests as well as taller folk. back from the cyclopean ruins of Xen'drik. All these
Because travelers often carry valuables with them, factors make Sharn an equally ideal location for adven­
each inn has a heavy strongbox secured with an arcane tures inspired by pulp action.
lock spell. To make a traveler's stay more enjoyable, You can use the Life in the City table to generate ideas
perhaps even memorable, House Ghallanda has ar­ for adventures set in Sharn.
ranged with House Thuranni and House Phiarlan to
employ guild-licensed entertainers at almost every Gold LI F E I N TH E CITY
Dragon Inn.
d6 Adventure Seed
To populate an inn with some distinctive individ­
uals, you can use the Mysterious Passengers ta­ A homicidal changeling has ki lled two m e m bers of
ble (page 237). different dragon marked houses, and doesn't plan to
stop u ntil one heir from each of the d ragonmarked
INN ATTRACTIONS houses is dead.
The Inn Attractions table offers some ideas for unique 2 A jeweled statuette has fallen i nto the hands of H ouse
twists on an inn's character or atmosphere. Tarkanan, and a powerful m e m ber of the Au rum will
stop at nothing to obtain it. The statuette's real worth
l ies in the secret plans h idden inside it.
d6 Attraction 3 A Karrnathi u ndead soldier troubled by sporadic
The bartender is a changel ing who is always m i m ick­ memories of his former life is trying to locate his
ing the patrons for a laugh . wife and fam ily, who have fled Karrnath and now live
2 The i n n keeper is 7 feet tall, clai m i ng to have grown 2 somewhere i n the lower districts of Sharn.
feet after venturing i nto the m ist of the Mournland. 4 A shifter shopkeeper in Lower N orthedge is being ha­
3 Rumor has it that the i n n keeper here is a gold dragon rassed by ruffians who believe that she and her fam i ly
cloaked in a hu manoid gu ise. are lycanthropes.
4 This inn is haunted by a ghost who loves to sit by the 5 A dragonmarked baron is fou n d dead in her Upper
fi replace and tell stories-but it has been accused of Central mansion, seem ingly a victim of some sort of
more sinister activities once the fi re b u rns down to ritual slaying. Outside help is needed to solve this
em bers and the guests a re in their beds. delicate matter.
5 The i n n has a blink dog that wanders around with her 6 A radiant idol (see chapter 6) has formed a cult that
five p u ps, all of them eager for attention and treats. attracts professors and staff of Morgrave U n iversity,
6 This i n n offers "the true Talenta experience"-the promising them knowledge beyond imagining in ex-
halfl ing family that runs it keeps pet d i nosaurs. change for their worsh i p.


If you're creating a campaign based i n Sham, it's a dl2 Location
good idea to establish a location that serves as a home The D r u n ken Dragon (Cl ifftop, Upper D u ra) is a
base for the adventurers. You can use the Home Base tavern freq uented by members of the Clifftop Ad­
table as a source of inspiration, or you can develop a venturer's G uild. It has a wide selection of spirits,
unique location. and its walls are covered with adventuring troph ies.
Work with the players to develop the connections that The owner, a middle-aged halfli n g named Hascal
each character has to the site. If the location is a tavern,
d'G hallanda, i s a former adventurer who lost a n eye
for instance, a bard character might perform there two
and a leg i n Xen'drik; he always has a story to share.
nights a week. A fighter could be a regular who has a
2 The Anvil (Callestan, Lower D ura) was one of the
drink named after them. A ranger could be the unde­
feated champion of the local darts league. If the players first G h a l landa h a l ls i n Sharn. Its glory days are long
enj oy this creative exercise, you could also allow each past, but the you n g i n n keeper, Eranna d'Ghallanda, is
player to add a physical detail to the place or to describe determ ined to keep it al ive. The Anvil is frequented by
one of the location's NP Cs-the stuffed gorgon head m e m bers of the Boromar Clan and is a good choice if
over the hearth, another regular among the customers, one of the player characters has ties to this group.
and so on. This is a way to make this location truly feel 3 The Dezina M useum of Antiqu ities (University, U pper
like home, and to give each player a personal investment M enthis) i s attached to the l i b rary of Morgrave U n i­
in it. This location becomes an automatic starting point versity. The museum has a remarkable collection of
for adventures, the place where the adventurers will
rel ics, but it's always looking for more. The curator i s
meet with patrons and conduct business.
an elf n a m e d Emeron Sennared. H e might be a per­
The Home Base table can also be useful to determine
the venue if a patron wants to set up a meeting at a neu­ sonal friend or former teacher of one of the adventur-
tral location. ers, or s i m ply one who i n d u lges their enth usiasm for
antiquities and exotic locations.
THE STREETS OF SHARN 4 Coldflame Keep (High H ope, M id d l e N orthedge) is a
The Street Events tables starting o n page 2 4 1 are garrison c h u rch ded icated to the S i lver Flame. Once
filled with random events the characters can witness it s u pported a troop of templars, but it was largely
while they wander around Sham. You can expand on an abandoned d u ring the war and now maintains a m i n i ­
entry to make it the start of an encounter or adventure, mal staff. T h e priest, M a z i n Tana, is a faithfu l servant
though not every event needs to draw the characters into of the S ilver Flame and will provide modest food and
a longer story. Each table is meant to be used on a differ­ lodging to adventu rers who are trying to m a ke the city
ent level of Sham: the lower wards, middle wards, upper a better place.
wards, and Skyway. You can choose results from the
5 The Red H a m mer ( Blackbones, the Cogs) caters to
tables, or randomly determine what happens, and you
warforged. It is run by two warforged, the envoy B l u e
can modify results as you please, tailoring the details
a n d a j uggernaut n a m e d Crucible. Although this p lace
of an event to be a better fit for a particular district. The
events on the tables are phrased so they can be read is a haven for warforged, other h u manoids are al­
aloud or summarized to players. lowed inside iftheir warforged all ies vouch fo r them.
6 A Gold Dragon I n n (described earlier in this chapter)
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? operated by House Ghallanda and located in al most
After the adventurers witness an event on the streets any part of Sham.
of Sham, what happens next depends largely on what
7 The d i strict of Fallen (Lower D u ra) was a bandoned
they do. Maybe they avert their eyes and keep walking,
after a floating tower fel l on it. The adventurers m ight
as many residents of Sham have trained themselves to
have taken over an old temple or tavern o n the edge
do. Maybe they rush to get involved, or poke around del­
icately to learn more. An event like one of these doesn't of the d i strict.
have to be the start of an adventure, but it can be-par­ 8 An abandoned bell tower, which coul d be anywhere i n
ticularly if it really catches your players' imagination. the city. The spells that d rove t h e massive mechanism
When the players decide to learn more, it's up to you fai led long ago.
to figure out what they can discover. Ask yourself these 9 An abandoned l i brary, damaged d u ring the war or
questions: thought to be cursed or haunted.
How did the people involved in this event get to this 10 A s huttered tavern, w h i c h is a fa i l e d business t i e d to
place? What were they doing earlier today? Where the fa m i ly of one of the adventurers.
were they going when this event happened? 11 I f one o f the adventurers i s a noble, the characters'
• Why isn't anyone else getting involved? What is com­ base of operations is i n the basement of the fam i ly
plicating this situation?
estate or a tower apartment owned (but not currently
• What do the people involved hope is going to happen
used) by a dotty old a u nt.
next? What are they afraid might happen next? How
are the circumstances changed because the charac­ 12 A ramshackle skycoach tethered t o a condemned
ters have witnessed the event? tower on the edge of the city.


dlOO Event 51 -52 Cries of alarm fill the street as a wooden crate
01 -02 A m i notau r holding a large piece of wood that from somewhere a bove crashes down into the
could serve as a maul approaches you and politely lower city.
asks if you have any copper to spare. 53-56 A splash of u n identified, putrid liquid falls from
03-04 Down a nearby alleyway, a dwarf punches a gob l i n a bove, soak i n g you .
i n t h e stomach, t h e n walks away laugh i ng. 57-60 The generally u n pleasant smell of the lower wards
05-08 A thin h u m a n c h i ld has been followi ng you , b u t i s pierced b y the scent o f someth i n g del icious be-
never gets too close. She keeps coughing, and you i n g baked nearby.
can see red marks on her neck that m ight be an 61 -62 A gnome sits at a table with a sign attached to it
aberrant dragon mark. that reads, "I say Breland would have won the Last
09-1 0 A h u m a n priest of Boldrei wheels a cart of bread War. Change my m i nd."
loaves through the city, giving food to the home- 63-64 Two changelings sit on a bench in front of a tav-
less. ern , sharing a flask. They take turns changing
11-15 A gobl i n pushing a cart o f r usty weapons and their forms i nto the people who enter and exit the
broken clay pots calls out, " Real a rtifacts of an- b u i ld ing.
cient D ha kaan for sale! Recovered from the ru ins 65-66 A h u m a n woman shouts at a group of Cyran ref-
below!" ugees, "Go home! Stop taking our jobs. Let the
1 6-1 8 A man d ressed i n the l ivery of House Vada I is M o u rnland have you ! "
descends a tower w a l l mounted on t h e back of a 67-68 A group of students from M orgrave U niversity
giant spider. He shouts, " N eed a ride? N o faster moves t h rough the street, asking for d i rections to
way to get to the middle and upper wards! Reason- Dragoneyes.
able rates!" 69-72 You turn down a n empty street. A door suddenly
1 9-22 An ogre eating several rats on a skewer spits out a materializes on a nearby building that previously
rodent skull at you r feet. showed no entrances.
23-26 A playful stray mastiff wags its tail as it ap- 73-74 Faded graffiti on a wall reads, " N eed someone
preaches, d rops a very large egg at your feet, and kn ifed? Tarkanan's got you covered!"
looks u p expectantly. 75-76 A crowd gathers around a kobold playing a pan
27-30 A small, jovial crowd gathers a round a gob l i n and flute and leadi n g a group of rats in a merry dance.
a kobold that are getting ready to have a n arm 77-80 Four ores j a b at an och re jelly with long staffs, try-
wrestling match. A dwarf calls for the crowd to i n g to herd the ooze into the sewers.
place their bets. 81 -82 Several Cyran refugees a re gathered i n a c i rcle,
31 -34 Th ree harpies fly through the streets singing a singing a haunting song.
jolly drinking song. Each carries a bucket around 83-84 An old gob l i n offers to pierce your ears or nose for
her neck, and passersby occasionally d rop coins 5 copper crowns. She claims, " I t will be painless. I
in one. know magic!"
35-38 A human woman and a warforged with a s i lvered 85-86 A figure i n red robes preaches, "The Last War was
body are walking down the street together. They're not the last! As long as the monarchy rules in Bre-
too well d ressed for this district, and are looking land, another war is i nevitable. Rise u p! "
a round as if lost. 87-90 A m e m ber of the Sharn Watch looks u ncom-
39-42 A Khoravar half-elf in the robes of a n oracle ap- fo rtable as she wanders the street. It's clear she
preaches and promises to give you the answer to doesn't come down here often.
all of life's problems fo r 42 copper crowns. 91 -92 Two h u m a n s run i nto a n alley, drawing daggers as
43-44 A h u m a n and a n elf kiss passionately in a n alley they go.
near you r path. They notice you and q uickly move 93-94 Two d r u n ken h u mans exit a tavern singing a Karr-
apart. nathi battle hymn. Another h u m a n shouts at them
45-46 Three shifter children run by you, yel l i n g and chas- to "shut u p or get shut u p." The d r u n ken pair
ing each other with wooden swords. They duck s ings louder i n response.
into a boarded - u p b u i ld i ng. 95-96 Two children reeking of sewage a rgue over who
47-48 " Stop her! She stole my necklace!" a priest of the gets to wear a s h i ny helmet that sits o n the
Sovereign H ost cries, pointing to a grimy halfling ground between them.
clutching a silver chain and climbing u p the side 97-00 You fi n d a pamphlet on the gro u n d advertising the
of a tower. S ilvermist Theater. Someone has scrawled on it,
49-50 A young woman u s i n g a crutch and m issing a leg "The real party i s in the basement."
approaches, asking if you can spare any coin to
help a Brel ish veteran of the Last War.


2 41
dlOO Event 52-54 Four warforged work together to operate an enor-
01 -03 A group of adventurers approaches, telling you to mous tarrasq ue puppet as p u bl i city for a new play
move along and stop trying to steal their busi ness. at the Art Tem ple.
(If the characters belong to the Deathsgate G u i ld 55-57 A horrified crowd is gathered around a burning ef-
or the Clifftop Adventurer's G u i l d , these coul d be figy of King Boranel. No one claims responsi b i lity
mem bers of the rival gui J d .) for the act.
04-06 O utside a House Ku ndarak bank, a human noble 58-60 A h u man noble i s berating a warforged servant for
scream s at a d ragonmarked dwarf, "What do you losing her i nvitation to the next Tain Gala.
mean it's lost?" 61-63 A you n g noble proposes to h i s boyfriend i n a
07-09 A priest of Kol Korran preaches to a crowd, saying, beautifu l garden on a tower balcony. Nearby, a
"The best way to invest in yourself is to invest in changeling looks on i n tears.
you r gods." 64-66 You wal k down a path l i ned with trees on which
1 0-1 2 An elf rid ing a pegasus with bulging saddlebags are growi ng candy-coated apples.
asks you for d i rections to the Aurora Gallery. 67-70 Three children sparring with wooden swords play
1 3-1 5 Two drunk dwarves pass a bottle of spirits back dangerously close to the edge of a bridge.
and forth and sing a bawdy song. Passersby are 71-73 A kalashtar on the street approaches you , saying,
mortified. " I can help you tal k with the dead. I s there anyone
1 6-1 8 Two kalashtar play d ragonchess at an outdoor ta- you miss?"
ble. They move pieces without touching them. 74-76 An artist offers to d raw caricatu res of everyone in
1 9-21 A halfling chef stands in a large skycoach that is you r group at the same time by using several mag-
equi pped with a stove, oven, and washbasin. Sev- ically a n imated q u ills.
eral spectral hands prepare and p late food as the 77-80 You approach a fresco painted on the ground that
chef serves a party of s m i l i n g customers. depicts King Boranel i r'Wynarn. As you get closer,
22-25 A harpy decked out in colorfu l ribbons flies over- the fresco speaks, del ivering an i nspiring line
head, calling, "Get the best deals on adventuring taken from one of the ki ng's speeches.
gear at Old Claggin's i n Clifftop." 81 -82 A d ragonborn standing near several soarsleds
26-29 Some M orgrave students fol low their dwarf offers you a tou r of u pper Sham's most i m pressive
professor onto a lift as she says, " Next stop: the mansions.
Cogs! " 83-84 Two nobles, one Aundairian and one B relish, heat-
30-32 An out-of-breath gnome carrying bagpipes asks edly debate which of their cou ntries woul d have
you for d i rections to Kavarrah Concert Hall. won the war had it been fought to a conclusion.
33-35 A flustered gnome carries a stack of papers taller 85-86 A gilded warforged plays a sad song on a tru m pet,
than he is-unaware of the plume of smoke com- honoring those who fel l d u ring the Last War.
ing from inside a scroll case s l u n g on h i s back. 87-88 A group of well-outfitted adventu rers snicker and
36-38 You wal k by a shirtless elf tattooed from head to whisper to each other as you pass.
waist with i mages of d ragons battling each other. 89-90 You turn a corner and notice a s h i fter who i m me-
39-40 A groomed hobgobl i n wearing a jeweled vest diately puts her hands in her pockets and starts
approaches you and says, "Ah ! Adventurers. Any whistli ng, obviously trying to act i nconspicuous.
i nterest in securing some D hakaani relics for me?" 91 -92 A pseudodragon fl ies out of a nearby bush. As
41-42 Someone has painted, "The crown dies with the playful creatu re l icks your faces, you notice it
Boranel!" across the gates of a noble's mansion. wears a collar engraved with the letter M .
A member o f the Sham Watch i s talking t o the 93-94 You walk past a placid pond in a small park filled
household staff. with colorful fish. An attendant removes dead fish
43-44 A magewright offers to s h i ne you r shoes i n stantly from the water with a net.
with magic for 2 gold gal ifars, saying, "You can't 95-96 You come near a mansion, and an illusion of an
be seen with those d i rty things u p here." old man d ressed i n noble fi nery appears. "Get off
45-46 A human wearing the livery of House Vadalis my lawn!" the figure gripes.
struggles to carry a 3-foot-tall speckled blue egg 97-98 An elf child with a faerie d ragon on a leash walks
down the street. toward you and asks if you'd l ike to touch the
47-48 An aasimar oracle approaches and promises to exotic pet.
give you the answer to a l l the problems that ever 99-00 You find a small brass key on the ground that
existed for 42 gold galifars. glows blue whenever it i s touched.
49-51 A sh ifter with flowers in her hair and a wand in her
hand offers to magically gild any item of clothing
you wear for 20 gold galifars.


1 square 5 feet

M A P 4 . 1 '·. S H A R N Ii E I GHTS


. 2 43
dl2 Event Adventures in Sham heights are perfect for pulp action
A few gargoyles perch on a mansion's walls. They're
scenes. Narrow bridges, moving platforms, and great
heights come together in a public place that's a perfect
see m i ngly there for secu rity, but they offer l ively com ­
location for swashbuckling battles, tense hostage nego­
mentary about everyone w h o passes by.
tiations, and over-the-top heists. The Sham Heights Ad­
2 A noble with auburn hair held in a si lver diadem holds ventures table offers reasons why your characters might
a darkwood staff encrusted .with dragonshard s , and need to visit such a location. In addition, the characters
taps it i m patiently while waiti ng for a skycoach. could meet with a Boromar Clan or House Tarkanan
3 You pass by a hope wel l . Su pposed ly, any coi ns you patron in Sharn heights.
throw i n the well are gathered and transported down
to help the troubled people of the lower wards. S H A R N H E I G HTS ADV E NTU R ES
4 " M ake way! M ake way!" A boy clears a path for a jew­ d4 Adventure Goal
el-encru sted warforged wearing a lavish fu r cloak. Pose as House Tarkanan operatives to capture a
5 You come upon a fountai n of cold fi re. I n the center, wanted cri m i nal with an aberrant d ragon mark. The
a brass d ragon spits brilliant flames i n to the a i r, and criminal is waiting o n a bridge for his House Tarkan a n
they spill down and out i nto the surroun d i ng pool. escort t o arrive.
6 A team of handlers from House Vadalis wa l k along­ 2 Obtain a satchel of evidence obtained by a gob l i n who
side a small gelatinous cube. "We're tryi ng it out, see­ has infi ltrated Daask. The gob l i n , who i s working with
i ng i f it can help keep things clean," they say. the Boromar Clan or the Sharn Watch to take down
7 A magewright offers to use a sim ple charm to polish key Daask operatives, is waiting on a bridge.
the coi ns i n you r pu rse for j ust 3 copper crowns. 3 B reak i nto a b u i lding connected to Sharn heights to
"We wou l d n 't want anyone here to get grime on their steal something valuable.
gloves from handling those filthy coi ns of yours from 4 Stop a crooked Sharn Watch official who is trying to
the lower wards." reach a skycoach and flee the city to escape arrest.
8 A tou r group pauses to marvel at a mansion.
9 A large statue com memorates Lord Dalian ir'Tain, a NA RCOTICS IN S H A R N
noble philanth ropist lost at sea at the end of the Last From the owners o f i ncense-clouded dens to fast-talking
War. He holds a spyglass in one hand and a miniature street dealers, many entrepreneu rs-legitimate and oth­
d ragon turtle i n the other. erwise-make a profitable business sel l i n g narcotics i n
Sharn. The fol lowing drugs are j u st two o f the most notori­
10 A warforged with roses twined aro u n d h e r l i m bs of­
ous su bstances available in the City of Towers and beyond.
fers to sell you a bouquet for five s i lver sovereigns. Dragon's Blood. I ntroduced i nto Sharn by Daask, d rag·
11 I t starts to d rizzle. A wel l-dressed half-elf glares at the on's blood is a potent and h ighly addictive sti m ulant. I n
sky and snaps his fi n gers. The rain i m m ed iately stops. addition to inducing eu phoria, i t can enhance spellcasting
12 A member of the Sharn Watch stops you. "Can I help ability or even temporarily i m bu e a user with the ability to
cast sorcerer spell s . The d rug's effects are potentially dan­
you ? Are you s u re you're i n the right ward?"
gerous and always u npredictable. This i s n 't something a
player character should want to use; adventurers are more
SHARN HEIGHTS l i kely to i nterfere with Daask smugglers or deal with an
addict who accidentally casts a.fireball i n a crowded street.
Sharn heights are intersections of bridges and platforms
The specific effects of dragon's blood are up to you , but
in Sham that make the perfect place for a meeting, you can take inspiration from the Wild M agic Su rge table
theft, or assassination. The crisscrossing paths of Sham i n the Player's Handbook.
heights allow criminals to come and go in different Dreamlily. A psychoactive l i q u id that smells and tastes
directions, looking like normal passersby as they trade l i ke you r favorite beverage, essence of d reamlily is a
information, cut purses, or throw people to their dooms. Sarlonan opiate. Fi rst im ported to help manage pain
during the Last War, it's now the most com monly abused
SHARN H EIGHTS FEATURES substance in Sharn. Though d ream l i ly isn't illegal if used
Map 4.1 1 shows a typical Sham location that contains for medicinal pu rposes, it's heavily taxed, and thus most
intersections of bridges and platforms. Each bridge dream lily i s smuggled i n and sold on the black market.
is 20 feet higher (on average) than the one immedi­ Drea m l i ly dens can be found across the lower wards. Con­
suming d reaml ily causes d isorienting euphoria and brings
ately below it.
about remarkable resistance to pain. A creature u nder the
The bridges are connected to businesses and resi­ effects of d ream lily is poisoned for 1 hour. While poisoned
dences. The residences are usually locked, while most in this way, the creature is i m mune to fear, and the fi rst
shops lock up at night. The taverns and gambling dens time it d rops to 0 hit points without bei ng killed outright,
are open for business all day and well into the night. it d rops to 1 h it point instead. A dose of d ream lily costs
One of the bridges connects to a skycoach parking around 1 gp, or up to ten times that if purchased through
station, which houses several of those vehicles. Other legal channels. There are many varieties of the d rug, how­
bridges lead to an elevator, garden overlooks, and ever, and the d u ration or the price m ight vary accord i ngly.
staircases that take pedestrians farther up and down
into the city.


2 44
Gang Description
Crime is part of everyday life in Sharn, and just as in
The Broken M irror Khoravar half-elves who often target
any other city, sometimes such acts are carried out by
people who have no ties to organized crime. An upstand­ elves with acts of violence, frequently
ing citizen could be driven to murder by passion. A ref­ d isfiguring their victims
ugee could become a cutpurse out of desperation. The The B rokenbridge Brelish veterans who antagonize Cyrans
rowdy Brelish veterans who call themselves the Broken­ Brawlers and former soldiers from other nations
bridge Brawlers don't think of themselves as criminals, The Eyes Collection of odd i ndividuals who paint
and they have no connection to any larger organization. symbolic eyes on their cloth ing and
Any professional criminal in Sharn, however, is likely armor and claim to see things others
to be affiliated with one of four organizations. The Boro­
cannot (in fact, they are a cult dedicated
mar Clan is the most entrenched and widespread of the
to the daelkyr Belashyrra and serve a
four, and has dominated the business of crime in Sharn
hidden beholder)
for centuries. The group called Daask is on the rise,
directly challenging the Boromars. The Tyrants and The Five Faces Changeling pickpockets who work
House Tarkanan are smaller organizations with more M id d l e M enth i s
specialized areas of operation. These groups are sum­ The G re m lins G nomes and h al fl i ngs who specialize i n
marized in the Criminal Organizations of Sharn table i l lusion magic
and described in the later sections that follow. The Little Fingers Child pickpockets active i n M iddle D u ra
Each of these organizations has a core of operatives (their leaders are adult halfl i ngs loosely
and enterprises under the direct control of its leaders. all ied with the Boromar Clan)
But each also has a network of secondary relationships.
The Mourners Cyran veterans who present themselves
For example, the Little Fingers are a group of pick­
as a vigilante m il itia that protects Cyran
pockets and cutpurses that work in the Bazaar of
Middle Dura. They aren't directly tied to the Boromar refugees, but some say they're just p u r­
family. But the master of the gang pays a tithe to the suing selfish i nterests
Boromars, and if the Boromars send word to them that M u ut B ugbears in Lower D u ra who have been
certain targets are to be avoided, the Little Fingers "protecting" M a l leon's Gate for decades
do so. In return, the Boromars ensure that the Sharn (recently they've a ligned with Daask, but
Watch in Middle Dura largely leaves the Fingers alone. their focus is their home d istrict)
So although the Boromar Clan itself has a few hundred The Qu iet Folk Goblins who l ive in the sewers below Ta­
members, it has interaction with thousands of criminals
vick's Landing and avoid violence, using
throughout the city.
stealth and knowledge of the sewers to
Chapter 3 provides an overview of the four major
pull off their thievery
criminal organizations and a body of information about
them that's more or less common knowledge in Sharn. The Red j ackals Pri marily sh ifters and half-ores who l ive
This section explores the roles that each one could play in the sewers below M enthis and clash
in a Sharn-based campaign. with anyone who i nvades their territory
Although the powerful organizations in Sharn have
a hand in most criminal activity, sometimes you might
want an adventure to involve a smaller gang. The Street
Gangs table presents a number of lesser criminal
groups adventurers could tangle with.

Organization Description
The Boromar Clan I nfl uential cri minal synd icate founded
by Talenta halfl i ngs, with blood ties to
H ouse jorasco
Daask Violent monsters and thugs loyal to
Droaam and answerable to Sora Katra
House Tarkanan Enemies of the dragon marked houses
dedicated to protecting and training
ind ividuals with aberrant d ragonmarks
The Tyrants Evil - m i nded changel i ngs i nterested in
gathering secrets and using them for all
sorts of nefarious pu rposes


clan operates with a degree of impunity because its op­
eratives adhere to an unspoken rule: whenever possible,
criminal acts against individuals should target tourists
C L AWFOOT D I N O S A U R and travelers. Boromar pickpockets don't prey on the
people they see every day. Instead, they seek out the
many strangers who move around the city all the time.
The Watch officer who turns a blind eye to a pickpocket
thus feels justified, since it's not the citizens of Sham
that are victimized.
Boromar's longstanding status at the head of Sham's
criminal enterprises has recently come under challenge.
After nearly a decade of slow growth, the Droaamish
mob known as Daask has recently started targeting
Boromar holdings. The halfling clan hasn't faced such
a serious threat before, and it's scrambling to figure out
how to deal with Daask's guerrilla tactics.

The Boromar Clan has a hand in all types of crime in
Sharn. Most Boromar leaders despise unnecessary
violence, but the clan has a host of enforcers and a hand­
ful of capable assassins. The clan's web of extortion is
so thoroughly woven into society that many residents
simply consider it another form of tax. Boromar spe­
cializes in three fields of activity: gambling, smuggling,
and thievery.
Gambling isn't illegal in Sham, but all legal games are
taxed by the Brelish crown and are required to follow
regulations that spoil the experience for many. Boro­
mar's operations are cheaper to participate in and offer
the lure of greater profits.
Smuggling has become an increasingly important
business since the Last War disrupted many traditional
lines of trade. The clan's primary import is the narcotic
called dreamlily. But the Boromars traffic in a wide
THE BOROMAR CLAN range of goods, from arcane and alchemical weapons to
The most powerful criminal organization i n Sham foreign luxury items that have been made scarce by em­
started as a family of halfling immigrants from the Tal­ bargoes and sanctions. Under Boranel's law, it's forbid­
enta Plains. Operating out of its headquarters and key den to sell Aundairian wine in Breland, so if you want
holdings in the Little Plains district of Middle Menthis, the good stuff, you'll need to work with the Boromars.
the Boromar Clan controls gambling, smuggling, and Boromar-sanctioned acts of thievery include the ac­
theft in Sham. Most of the city's burglars, pickpockets, tivities of the ubiquitous pickpockets that can be found
and fences either work for or pay tithes to the organiza­ across the city as well as the well-planned jobs of profes­
tion. The Boromar Clan's network of extortion, bribery, sional burglars. As mentioned earlier, Boromar thieves
and blackmail extends from Lower Dura to Skyway. focus their attention on visitors to Sham, thus avoiding
The Boromars' influence extends beyond criminal friction with local law enforcement. When appropriate,
enterprises into many legitimate circles of power. Ilyra stolen goods are transported out of the city by the fences
Boromar sits on the city council, and a number of and porters that drive the clan's smuggling operations.
other councilors are close allies of the clan. The family
has ties by marriage to House Jorasco. A Boromar at­ BoROMAR CLAN NPCs
tends every Skyway party. The family owns tenements The Boromar Clan employs people o f all races, but most
throughout Sham and invests in shipping, storing both of the organization and nearly all of its inner circle are
legal goods and contraband in many of the warehouses made up of halflings. Some of the organization's most
in Precarious and Cogsgate. In many districts, local offi­ important people are these:
cials and Sham Watch officers have been taking bribes
from the Boromars for generations. • Saidan Boromar is the current patriarch of the family.
The criminal nature of the Boromar Clan is an open He grew up in Lower Dura and worked as a thief and
secret, and in some districts the Boromars are seen as assassin there before taking over the organization.
hometown heroes. They are immigrants who've made • Mala Boromar d'Jorasco is an heir of House Jorasco
good, common people who've risen to rival the barons and the Boromar family matriarch. Her position in
and kings. They give the people what they want, whether the family ensures that important members of the
it's untaxed gambling, cheap spirits, or dreamlily. The Boromar Clan receive Jorasco healing services at no


cost to them; Saidan reimbursesjorasco from the meeting room, and a second secret area used to store
clan's treasury. illegal contraband or captives. Occupants of both offices
• Councilor Ilyra Boromar is the eldest daughter of can see into these attached areas by way of magic one­
Mala and Saidan and a member of the city council. way mirrors.
The Boromars' enemies on the council have grown
bolder in the face of increased Daask attacks against SHADY NIGHTCLUB ADVENTURES
the clan, and some of Ilyra's influence has eroded The Shady Nightclub Adventures table offers reasons for
as a result. the characters to enter one of these dangerous places. If
• Halak Boromar is the family's chief enforcer. A recent the characters have a Boromar patron, that NPC could
immigrant from the Talenta Plains, Halak leads the use a shady nightclub as a base of operations.
Clawfoots, the Boromars' personal guard, and is an
accomplished warrior. S H A DY N I G HTC L U B ADV E N T U R E S
Ilsa Boromar is the family's leader in Callestan. She is d6 Adventure Goal
ruthless in protecting her family's interests. Get accepted i nto a private h igh-stakes card game,
• Castar, a gnome, is the lone non-halfling in the Boro­
and try to win the grand prize.
mars' inner circle. He serves as Saidan's chief advisor
and the organization's intelligence expert. The fam­
2 Find out which Sharn Watch captain has a private
ily looks to Castar to come up with a plan to defeat meeting with a Boromar fence, and steal whatever the
Daask, but so far none of his ideas have worked. captai n is buying.
3 Track down a missing noble hu nted by assassins.
SHADY NIGHTCLUB 4 Steal a h idden stash of d ream l i ly.
The Boromars control gambling dens and nightclubs 5 Broker a deal with the Boromars on behalf of a city
throughout Sham. The finer establishments are places councilor who's too scared to face the family i n
for the Boromar Clan to wine, dine, bribe, and extort the person.
city's powerful elite. At the other end of the spectrum, 6 Find evidence that cou ld be used to blackmail a
the run-down gambling halls and dreamlily dens in the member of a d ragonmarked house.
poorer districts are places where those in the employ of
the Boromars plan heists, store smuggled goods, hide
bodies and wanted criminals, interrogate Daask spies,
make good on threats, and unwind. With few exceptions, Boromar villains shun violence
These places are public and expertly run by the city's and would prefer to bribe, deceive, or manipulate the
most powerful criminals, so an openly violent approach characters rather than send a squad of goons to attack
to problem-solving in such a spot is likely to end in them. That said, any of these villains and their minions
tragedy for the characters. When combat does occur in will respond in kind if they are attacked or threatened.
one of these nightclubs, it's usually because the instiga­ Examples of Boromar Clan villains appear on the
tors have brought enough strength of arms to take on Boromar Clan Villains table.
the Boromars.
d6 Villain
The nightclub shown on map 4.12 could be tied to the
A halfl i ng d ream l i l y dealer (an excoriate of House
Boromar Clan, or it could be any Sham nightclub you
need it to be. Made to accommodate customers from Ghallanda) smooth-talks new customers i nto sam­
halflings to ogres, the club's double doorways are 10 feet pling her wares. I f pressed, she can call i n favors from
wide, and its ceilings are 15 feet tall. Hooks, shelves, a number of dangerous clients.
handrails, and furniture are provided at three different 2 A j udge known as "the Turnkey" always rules in favor
levels and sizes. of Boromar Clan m e m bers.
The nightclub has three entrances. Two are connected 3 A halfling pickpocket using alter self to pose as a
to the outside: a main entrance guarded by a bouncer child of another race plants contraband on people the
and a back door that is locked from inside. Another
Boromars are tryi ng to frame.
locked entrance is connected to a stair that leads up and
4 A Boromar rogue has kid napped the child of a
down to other levels in the nightclub's tower.
The club's main entrance opens into an entry vesti­ strongly anti- Boromar city cou ncilor.
bule. The attached cloakroom has a hidden door that 5 A kalashtar psychic serves the clan by detecting
leads to a secret room where criminal meetings and ille­ thoughts that suggest possibil ities for blackmail.
gal activities take place. What stray thought m ight they pick u p from an
The casino floor in the nightclub has tables running adventurer?
games of chance, a bar, and a raised stage. Bathrooms, 6 A Boromar s m uggler is bringing u nstable explosives
a kitchen, and private rooms for high-roller games (and or an especia lly addictive form of d ream l i ly i nto
more criminal meetings and illegal activities) are acces­
Sharn, and innocents are being h u rt.
sible from the casino floor.
Boromar's security and management offices are
connected by a hallway to the casino floor, the secret


1 square = 5 feet
0 ° 0 0 0

o O 0

S Office & Counting Room -

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: :

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:o : :t)(i'.

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Downstairs :o

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:o . ..:.
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Room • •

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oO =-


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0 Bar
oo o

0 0 00
po 0 0

o ··, .

MAP 4 . 1 2 : N I G H T C L U B


The true power of the Boromar Clan lies i n its institu­ Formed by monstrous immigrants from Droaam, Daask
tions: watch officers who have been allied to the clan has been building its power in the Khyber's Gate and
for generations, judges who are blackmailed into com­ Malleon's Gate districts of Sham for the last decade. It
pliance, and officials who receive lucrative bribes in ex­ is most infamous for its monstrous enforcers, but the or­
change for their cooperation. Adventurers who oppose ganization also draws members from the destitute pop­
the Boromars might discover that people they think of ulace of Sham-largely goblins and shifters, but also hu­
as friends and allies are in the pocket of the clan. The mans, dwarves, and any other humanoid who feels that
Boromars are villains in the noir tradition, and adven­ the current system has failed them. Daask makes its
turers determined to tangle with them will be drawn money through acts of violence, from mugging to armed
down into the mud. robbery to outright pillaging. The group has diversified
The Boromar Clan could serve as a group patron for in recent years, building an extortion racket-threaten­
a party of adventurers, as described in chapter 1 . The ing violence if tribute isn't paid-and entering into the
Boromar Clan Assignments table provides goals for drug trade, selling both dreamlily and a mysterious sub­
adventurers who are working with the clan, and the stance called dragon's blood.
"Crime Syndicate" section of chapter 1 includes addi­ From the outside, Daask appears to be interested
tional ideas. solely in fomenting violence and chaos. The monstrous
nature of its members reinforces this impression; most
B O R O M A R CLAN ASS I G N M E N TS people consider the members of Daask to be savage
d6 Assignment beasts. The truth is more complicated. The Droaamites
Find evidence of an affa i r between two mem bers of who make up the core of Daask aren't merely criminals;
different d ragon ma rked houses. they are elite soldiers of Droaam working for Sora Ka­
tra, and part of an operation that is taking root in larger
2 Collect from a fence who is late with a payment.
cities across Khorvaire. The seemingly random attacks
3 Steal the bank records of a city councilor.
by Daask are part of a larger plan that, if it succeeds,
4 Convince a Sharn Watch captai n to aggressively root will eventually give Sora Katra a foothold in the heart of
out Daask operatives. Khorvaire.
5 Retrieve a package of d reamlily that has gone astray. Over the last two years, the Daask cell in Sham
6 D iscover the location of a Daask safe house. has been waging a slowly escalating war against the
holdings of the Boromar Clan. The Boromars were sur­
BOROMAR CLAN ADVENTURE HOOKS prised by the violence of these attacks and have suffered
significant losses. Daask prefers guerrilla tactics, using
The Boromar Clan Adventure Hooks table presents only as many combatants as necessary to get a job done,
ideas for additional adventures themed around the never staying in one place too long, and quickly retreat­
Boromar Clan. ing back to their turf. Though the Boromars still control
much of criminal activity in the middle and upper parts
80RO M A R CLAN A DV E NTU R E H O O K S of Sham, Daask is gaining ground in the lower level of
d 4 Adventure Hook the city and controls crime in the Cogs.
Daask forces capt u re Boromar family m e m bers who
are visiting Sharn from the Talenta Plains. The Boro­
mars offer a reward for the safe return of their fa m i ly Violence and intimidation are Daask's most used
and a larger reward for the kidnappers' heads, leading tools. Rather than using bribery, Daask manipulates
to gang violence i n the streets. the Sham Watch through displays of force and brutal
reprisals against officers who dare to stand in the way.
2 A beloved Sharn Watch captai n who openly spoke out
Coupled with the fact that Daask primarily targets busi­
against the Boromar Clan d i s appears. The Boromars
nesses with ties to the Boromars, this means that many
claim they had noth i n g to do with it, but some Sharn
of the Watch officers of the lower wards will step aside
Watch mem bers use the i ncident as a n excuse to go and allow a Daask raid to run its course.
after the organization. As Daask has seized territory from the Boromar Clan,
3 A changeling stole a smuggled artifact of great value it has also begun taking over a few of the clan's tradi­
from the Boromar Clan. Boromar enforcers shake tional businesses. In addition to dreamlily, Daask sells a
down people all over S harn to fi n d it, and clan leaders highly addictive drug called dragon's blood.
consider goi n g to war with the Tyrants. Daask has another, perhaps surprising area of oper­
4 The Boromars stage a festival in Cal lestan for ation: religion. The organization has brought priests of
the Dark Six to Sham and has restored a ruined temple
Saidan's birthday. All of the fam i ly's al lies will be
to the Dark Six in Khyber's Gate. Followers of the Dark
there, creating opportu n ities for espionage and
Six have few other opportunities to practice their faith,
assassi nation .
and providing this new facility for them has made many
allies for Daask across the city.


The Cog hub shown in map 4.13 could be a Daask loca­
Daask's lower ranks are made up of goblinoids, humans,
tion, or it could be any Sharn underworld location you
shifters, and other humanoids recruited from the pop­
need it to be. Several crafted and natural labyrinthine
ulation of Sharn. The Droaamish soldiers that make
passages no more than 10 feet wide lead to the main
up the core of the organization include changelings,
chamber. Many of these passages connect with stairs,
gnolls, harpies, ogres, minotaurs, medusas, trolls, and
ladders, and wells that lead higher or lower in the Cogs,
other monstrous beings. Basilis.ks, cockatrices, death
in addition to small chambers that could be ambush
dogs, displacer beasts, and similar monsters are kept
points, temporary quarters for criminals or squatters, or
by Daask, though these creatures are usually used only
places to lay a trap or place an alarm trigger.
within the Cogs.
These passages converge into a single large chamber
Some of Daask's most important members are these
that can hold a large group for meetings and serve as
a temporary safe house or a place to stash contraband.
• Sora Katra is the ultimate leader of Daask, but as one When criminals occupy the area, at least one guard is
of the Daughters of Sora Kell, she remains in Droaam. always on duty, and typically there is one guard at every
The hag stays in contact with all of her main subor­ entrance to the chamber.
dinates by magic and keeps a detailed ledger of the Smaller rooms with heavy iron doors adjoin the larg­
group's activities. est chamber. These rooms can serve as holding cells for
• Cavallah is a disciplined female oni and the current captives, vaults for valuables, or hiding spots.
leader of the Daask cell in Sharn. She is the mas­
termind of the organization's machinations against COG HUB ADVENTURES
the Boromar Clan, a scholar obsessed with studying The Cog Hub Adventures table offers reasons why your
Sharn's manifest zone, and a devoted servant of Sora characters might need to visit such a location. In addi­
Katra. The oni wears a hag eye (see "Hags" in the tion, the characters could meet with a Daask patron in
Monster Manual) that enables Sora Katra to both see a Cog hub.
and hear what occurs in her presence.
• Barash, a male medusa, is Cavallah's right hand. He Coe H u s ADV E NTU R E S
is a specialist in diplomacy and intimidation whom dlO Adventure Goal
Cavallah trusts to monitor the members of Daask and
Obtai n samples of d ragon's blood h idden in the Cog
maintain morale.
h u b.
Ash is a female human priest of the Shadow. As the
most powerful and beloved of Daask's priests, she 2 Infi ltrate a Daask meeting to d iscover the next Boro­
runs the Temple of the Six. Some worry that Ash mar Clan holding they plan to target.
plans to challenge Cavallah for leadership, which 3 Captu re a Daask worg and replace it with a worg loyal
could cause a rift in the organization's membership. to the Boromar Clan.
• The gnoll Keshta commands a small unit of elite gnoll 4 Sniff out a traitor among Daask lieutenants.
commandos. Disciplined and ruthless, these soldiers 5 Escape the Cog h u b after being captured by Daask
are often called upon to carry out retaliatory strikes forces.
against those who defy Daask.
6 Kick out sq uatters to get the Cog h u b ready to serve
Zaeran, an elf werewolf, is a recent arrival to Sharn.
as a Daask safe house.
He's one of the sons of the Droaamish warlord Zaeurl.
Zaeran has come to the city with a small group of wer­ 7 Assault Daask mem bers meeting i n the Cog h u b to
erats and werewolves, and has an agenda known only d isrupt the organ ization .
to himself and Sora Katra. 8 Defend a Daask Cog h u b from a Boromar Clan attack.
9 Rescue an i n j u red Daask soldier h id den inside a Cog
COG HUB h u b that has been taken over by the Boromar Clan.
Daask members congregate in safe houses that are hard 10 Place a lethal trap i n a Cog h u b, t o b e triggered the
to find and easy to defend or escape from. The most next time Daask forces enter the place.
popular gathering location is a Cog hub. The dark, twist­
ing halls of these underworld hot spots are familiar to DAASK VILLAINS
Daask members and confusing to their enemies. A Cog
hub's tight passages have plenty of choke points, forcing I f Daask villains want something, they take it, and they
one-on-one confrontations in which Daask's powerful destroy anything that gets in their way. Though some
monsters often have the advantage. Daask also uses members of the organization are brutes, many are more
Cog hubs to stash bodies, drugs, or prisoners. cunning than they appear. Often what seems to be ran­
Trying to find a Daask hub in the Cogs is an adventure dom violence might be motivated by something other
in itself. Most members are understandably tight-lipped than greed and cruelty.
about the location of their meeting and hiding places. Examples of Daask villains appear on the Daask Vil­
Once the characters know a hub's location, they still lains table.
must navigate the mazelike Cogs to find the place.


1 square 5 feet

The Hub


i5 MAP 4 . 1 3 : CoG li u e


2 51
OAA S K VI LLA I N S spies, soldiers, and saboteurs using their criminal activ­
d 6 Villain ities as a cover for their true agenda. What is Sora Katra
rea1ly trying to accomplish in Sham? This question ties
Several harpies travel to the upper wards and u se
to how you decide to use the Daughters of Sora Ke11, de­
their luring songs to make rich people fall to their scribed earlier in this chapter. Do the Daughters simply
deaths. The harpies pick the corpses for val uables. want to ravage their enemies? Or, guided by the oracular
2 A pack of gnolls rampages through the lower wards, visions of Sora Teraza, are they actually working toward
k i l l i n g any halfl ings they come across. The gnolls take some greater good? For instance, Daask agents could
the halfli ngs' ears as trophies. break into the vaults and workshops of dragonmarked
3 A shifter priest of the Devourer wants to crash Skyway houses and discover secret projects forbidden by the
by perform i ng a ritual to create a cataclysmic storm. Treaty of Thronehold. They could clash with spies of for­
eign powers in Sham, or pursue ancient artifacts in the
Sacrifices to the Devourer fuels the ritua l .
ruins below the city to keep them out of others' hands.
4 A changeling agent of Daask seeks to frame the
Dreamlily is relatively safe; dragon's blood is not. Its
Tyrants for attacks on the Boromar Clan, driving a effects are intentionally unpredictable, and you can take
wedge between the two organ izations. this idea wherever you like. Could drinking dragon's
5 A wererat priest of the M ockery starts a cult in Lower blood cause someone to develop a dragonmark? Could
D u ra, teaching its followers the arts of assassination. it turn addicts into crazed, draconic creatures? Is Daask
6 A gargoyle sharpshooter conti nually finds new van­ simply selling it to make money, or is the drug's intro­
tage points i n the u pper wards from where it can as­ duction part of a grander plan? Neither the Boromar
sassi nate targets i n the middle and lower wards. Clan or the dragonmarked houses have been able to
learn anything important about dragon's blood.
Daask can also serve as a group patron for a party
DAASK CAMPAIGN THEMES of adventurers, as described in chapter 1. The Daask
O n the surface, Daask appear to b e nothing more com­ Assignments table provides objectives for adventurers
plicated than a gang of violent monsters wreaking havoc working with the organization, and the discussion of
in the worst parts of the city. If you want, this can be crime syndicates in chapter 1 includes additional ideas
the only role they play in a campaign: a ready source of for parties with a crime syndicate patron.
sudden violence. Low-level characters might work with
the Sham Watch or the Boromar Clan to curtail Daask 0AAS K ASS I G N M E NTS
muggings and raid dreamlily houses. This crusade d6 Assignment
against Daask will escalate as the adventurers become
Convince several new businesses in the lower wards
more powerful; Daask will unleash ever more power-
to pay protection fees to Daask.
ful monsters, and its forces might start targeting the
adventurer's allies and loved ones. Those attacks won't 2 Cause as much death and destruction as possible i n ­
end until the adventurers delve deep into the Cogs and s i d e a Boromar-owned establish ment.
defeat Cava11ah herself. 3 Guard a priest of the Dark Six as he preaches the
Another option is to delve deeper into the motives of word of the M ockery o n the street.
Daask, to explore the idea that these monsters aren't as 4 Assassinate a member of the Boromar Clan.
savage as they appear. The elite members of Daask are
5 Convince a d ragon marked noble to offer the house's
services to Daask for free.
6 M u g someone to steal a magic item i n their
-- THE -- possession.

S M� � � � �o� �s�r�v� DAASK ADVENTURE HOOKS

The Daask Adventure Hooks table presents ideas for

additional adventures themed around Daask.


D EC E PTI O N d4 Adventure Hook

Daask harpies raid a Skyway mansion and tear the
place apart looking for a Boromar Clan mem ber.
Monsters are infiltrating our city! Though the Sham
2 People who take dragon's blood begin turning to
Watch acts as though Daask is a problem only for
Malleon's Gate, and not a threat to law-abiding citizens, stone, and no one can figure out why.
there is clear cunning in the criminal cabal's actions. 3 Cavallah annou nces a contest within the organization,
Their recent attacks have targeted properties throughout promising a valuable magic item to whichever Daask
the lower wards, all owned by a certain halfling family, soldier kills the most m e m bers of the Boromar Clan.
as if Daask were attempting a violent takeover of Sham's
4 Ash challenges Cavallah for control of Daask, creating
underworld. Once these monsters control the city's
crime, what will they do next? a schism that erupts i nto a violent gang war.


Thora Tarkanan among her compatriots, she has es­
HOUSE TARKANAN tablished herself as Thora Tavin among the wealthy
Long ago, the dragonmarked houses sought to extermi­ elite of Sham and has cultivated relationships with
nate the bearers of aberrant dragonmarks (described many influential people.
in chapter 1). Today, those who carry aberrant dragon­ • Rotting Bal is one of Thora's most trusted lieutenants.
marks are still treated with fear and suspicion. During A male elf, Bal was part of the original squad of aber­
the Last War, the King's Dark Lanterns of Breland rant commandos. He's an exceptional martial artist
trained a team of covert operatives who all bore aber­ whose skills are enhanced by his mark.
rant marks. Considered expendable, this group was • Zae is a female halfiing who has the power to speak to
sent on one suicide mission after another. After half its and control vermin. Though she's no warrior, her gift
members died in the field, the survivors turned on their helps the house gather information.
masters. Six years ago, they fled to Sham and founded
House Tarkanan. The group takes its name from Lord HOUSE TARKANAN VILLAINS
Halas Tarkanan, who fought the dragonmarked houses Some House Tarkanan villains are obsessed with bring­
long ago and used his aberrant dragonmark to destroy ing down the dragonmarked houses. Others are willing
Old Sham. to take innocent lives if doing so means saving one per­
The smallest of the four criminal organizations de­ son with an aberrant mark. Sample villains appear on
scribed here, House Tarkanan has no interest in claim­ the House Tarkanan Villains table.
ing territory or dominating the criminal underworld.
The house takes neither side in the war between the H O U S E TA R K A N A N VI LLAI N S
Boromar Clan and Daask, and it will not assassinate
high-ranking members of either organization. In other d4 Villain
matters, it sells its services to all who have the gold to A member of H ouse Tarka nan m u rders members of
pay for them. House Tarkanan's top priority is using its d ragon marked houses, reducing her victim s to smol­
wealth to protect, train, and care for people who have dering piles of ash.
aberrant marks. The leaders of the house are pragma­ 2 D riven mad by his aberrant d ragon m ark, a dwarf be­
tists and soldiers, and they train their recruits to be war­ comes obsessed with destroying Sharn i n the same
riors and thieves. manner that Halas Tarkanan col lapsed Old Sharn.
Despite its name, House Tarkanan is not a drag­
3 A House Tarka nan half-elf kidnaps c h i l d re n with
onmarked house; it has taken the name to mock its
aberrant marks, believi ng the organization i s better
enemies, and it doesn't have the recognition, power, or
resources of a dragonmarked house. In fact, many mem­ s u ited to bring up the c h i l d ren than their parents.
bers of House Tarkanan hate the dragonmarked houses 4 A House Tarkanan mage starts d ri n ki n g the blood of
for being prejudiced against their kind and fear that they d ragonmarked nobles, believing it will i ncrease the
will instigate a second purge of aberrant marks. Others strength of his aberrant mark.
are more idealistic, and see the growing power of the
houses as a threat to all of the nations of Khorvaire. HOUSE TARKANAN
House Tarkanan provides two basic services t o clients: As assassins for hire, the members of House Tarkanan
theft and murder. Fees for jobs are based on the task's can appear in a campaign as agents of other enemies of
complexity and riskiness; a simple cutpurse contract the adventurers. But they can also play a central role in
costs far less than the assassination of a Sham Watch a campaign.
captain in Skyway. To use House Tarkanan as a recurring villain, you can
What differentiates the assassins of House Tarkanan stress its ruthlessness and emphasize its hatred of the
from those of House Phiarlan and Thuranni is their ac­ dragonmarked houses. If any of the adventurers have
cessibility. The dragonmarked houses sell their services ties to one of the houses, this confrontation could begin
only to a select list of wealthy and powerful clients, and with a number of small attacks against the adventurer
they can pursue contracts anywhere in Khorvaire. Con­ or their friends. Over time, these actions could escalate.
versely, anyone with enough gold can hire House Tar­ In addition, you could build a story around Thora Tar­
kanan's assassins, but they take jobs only within Sham. kanan's quest to discover the secrets of aberrant drag­
onmarks. Long ago, Halas Tarkanan and the Lady of the
HOUSE TARKANAN NPC s Plague possessed marks so powerful that they could
destroy cities. Can Thora find a way to amplify her own
Because House Tarkanan helps all those who have ab­ power in the ruins of Old Sham?
errant dragonmarks, the organization has allies across If one or more of the adventurers has an aberrant
a wide range of society, from beggars to nobles. Some of dragonmark, House Tarkanan can also serve as a group
the organization's most important people are these: patron for a party of adventurers, as described in chap­
• Thora, a female human, has the ability to sense mysti­ ter l. The House Tarkanan Assignments table provides
cal energies-a gift that enables her to identify others hooks for adventurers who are working with the organi­
with aberrant marks. She founded the organization zation, and the discussion of crime syndicates in chapter
and serves as its leader. While she uses the name 1 includes additional ideas.


d4 Assignment N o criminal guild i n Sharn i s more shrouded i n mystery
Steal a satchel fu l l of research on the War of the M ark, than the Tyrants. This organization of changelings deals
carried by a wizard who works at M o rgrave University. in secrets and lies, selling forgeries, running long cons,
2 Kill a Karrnathi warlord who is visiting Sharn, and and treating identities as a commodity. The Tyrants
make it look l i ke an accident. have spies throughout the city, even in places where
3 Kill a target before she signs her last will and testa­ they have no current plans or contracts. The organiza­
ment to assign her property to a new heir.
tion gathers as many secrets as possible, then sells that
information to the highest bidder, uses it for blackmail,
4 Rescue a d reaml i ly dealer with an a berrant mark who
or stores it for a time when it becomes useful.
has been captured by the Sharn Watch.
The Tyrants have been operating in Sharn for over
three hundred years from a base of operations in the
HOUSE TARKANAN Dragoneyes district, in Lower Tavick's Landing. They
ADVENTURE HOOKS have agents spread across the city. A beggar, a bar­
tender, or a courtier could actually be a persona crafted
The House Tarkanan Adventure Hooks table presents by a Tyrant changeling. The Tyrants have a long-stand­
ideas for adventures themed around House Tarkanan.
ing truce with the Boromar Clan and don't take a side in
the halfling family's conflict with Daask.
H ouse Tarkanan d i sturbed the dead d u ring an expe­ The Tyrants are master grifters, conducting a host of
d ition to Old Sharn, causing u ndead to terrorize the short and long cons throughout the city. Much like the
city above. Boromar Clan, they have a general live-and-let-live rela­
2 House Tarkanan declares war on the dragon marked tionship with the Sharn Watch. As long as the Tyrants
houses in Sharn and begins k i l l i ng nobles in the focus their crimes on foreigners and tourists-and
streets. M any of the houses' busi nesses in the city are donate generously to the local Watch-the officers will
shut down as fear spreads.
look the other way. In addition to pursuing their own
schemes for gold, Tyrant charlatans offer a host of ser­
3 A victim who was kil led by a House Tarkanan assassin
vices to their clients; they can help to frame innocents
retu rns as an u ndead that tries to kill anyone who
for crimes, or make it possible for a criminal to seem to
bears an aberrant mark. be in two places at once, providing an ironclad alibi.
4 House Tarkanan steals a key that can d isable a ticking The finest forgers in the city are in the ranks of the
time bomb created by an artificer. Tyrants, capable of duplicating anything from identifi­
cation papers to works of art. Magewrights among the
Tyrants have the ability to permanently alter someone's
THE VOICE OF appearance.

� �(LAN �
First and foremost, the Tyrants deal in information.
They hoard secrets, and for the right price they can be
persuaded to share what they know. Occasionally a Ty­
rant approaches someone with an offer of information in

ASSASSI NS O N exchange for gold.

TH E LOOS E ! Members of the Tyrants have a loose definition of iden­
tity. The majority of the members are changelings. They
often maintain multiple identities, and a particular
It is common knowledge that those with aberrant marks identity might be shared among a group of changelings.
can't be trusted. It's not their fault; they're touched by A captain in the Sharn Watch who is actually an agent
Khyber, and the Dragon Below twists their minds. All of the Tyrants might be portrayed by a member of the
aberrants will eventually become killers. And though I Tyrants' inner circle in the morning, when he has to in­
can see the appeal in using these creatures as weapons
teract with a wide range of people. But when he goes off­
against our enemies, how could we bring such vipers
into our midst? duty in the evening and keeping up the identity is an eas­
According to a high-ranking source in the King's Cit­ ier task, the role might be taken over by a young recruit.
adel, this secret operation predictably ended in disaster. The following individuals are some of the Tyrant's
After a few missions, the strike force slew their handlers most important identities:
and deserted, disappearing into the criminal underworld.
• Ek, often called Tyrant One, guides the inner circle of
They could be anywhere. There can be no clearer sign
that it's time to bring down the monarchy and institute changelings that leads the organization.
a government that is chosen by and answerable to the • Kilk is the city councilor for Lower Tavick's Landing
common people! and is a fictional persona created by the Tyrants,
played by a variety of changelings at different times.


2 54
• The Spider is a changeling information broker who The Tyrants could also have a long-term sinister
owns a cosmetics store called Honest Faces in the agenda-something they've been working on for gen­
Dragoneyes district. This location is a common desti­ erations, which is only coming to fruition now. Do they
nation for people who want to purchase secrets from want to replace the entire city council of Sham, or are
the Tyrants. Though the Spider often sells secrets for their aspirations even higher than that? In a campaign
gold, sometimes it will trade its knowledge only for that examines this idea, the Tyrants might impersonate
services or other secrets. the patrons and allies of the adventurers, thereby trick­
ing them into carrying out questionable tasks.
TYRANTS VILLAINS The Tyrants can also serve as a group patron for a
The Tyrants are a covert force. They operate i n the shad­ party of adventurers, as described in chapter 1, espe­
ows, trade identities, and like to manipulate their ene­ cially if the party includes one or more changelings. The
mies into fighting each other. Tyrant villains rarely show Tyrants Assignments table provides hooks for adventur­
their true faces. Examples of Tyrants villains appear on ers working with the organization, and the discussion of
the Tyrants Villains table. crime syndicates in chapter 1 includes additional ideas.


d6 Villain d6 Assignment
A changel i n g rogue infi ltrates adventuring parties to K i l l an i m portant figure without leaving evidence
steal their magic items. behind so a m e m ber of the Tyrants can replace the
2 target.
A cabal of changelings shares an identity as a Sharn
Watch captai n . They use the disguise to free cri m i nals 2 Steal a formal badge of office or u n iform for a mem­
from prison. ber of the Tyrants to use as part of an assumed

3 identity.
A changel i n g assassin m u rders mem bers of the Boro­
mar Clan, Daask, and House Tarkanan, then takes on 3 Act as bodyguards fo r a member of the Tyrants who is
the identities of its victims. pretending to be an i mportant figure.

4 A changeling bard gathers i ncri m i n ating i nformation 4 Assume new identities to i n filtrate the Sharn Watch
about mem bers of the King's Dark Lanterns, then and steal criminal records.
blackmails them. 5 U se incri m i nating i nformation to blackmail a mem ber
5 A Brelish changeling veteran of the Last War of the city cou ncil.
was distrusted by fellow sold iers because of the 6 Find evidence that can be used to b lackmail a mem­
shapechanger's heritage. The veteran now exposes ber of a dragon marked house.
those soldiers' darkest secrets to their friends,
fam i lies, and employers. TYRANTS ADVENTURE HOOKS
6 A changel i n g mage masquerades as a priest of the The Tyrants Adventure Hooks table presents ideas for
S ilver Flame and uses spells to send the rel igion's additional adventures themed around the Tyrants.
fa ithful "signs" from Tira M i ron that encourage them
to spy, steal, and kill for the Tyrants. TYR A N TS ADV E N T U R E H O O K S
d6 Adventure Hook
TYRANTS CAMPAIGN THEMES A friendly N PC d ies in combat. The corpse reveals its
The primary theme of the Tyrants is mystery. I n dealing true form to be that of a changeli ng.
with the Tyrants, there is always a question of what is 2 A l ist of Tyrants agents and their identities exists
real and what the true objective actually is. With the Ty­ somewhere i n Sharn. Every legitimate and crim i n a l
rants, anything could be a long con, and both allies and organization i n the c i t y competes t o find it.
enemies may not be who they appear to be. 3 The Shorn Inquisitive publishes an anonymous article
The Tyrants have three objectives: acquiring gold, accusing several members of the Sharn Watch, the
gathering secrets, and protecting the changelings of city council, and the dragonmarked houses of being
Sham. In working the Tyrants into a campaign, the first
changeling members of the Tyrants. The accused indi­
question is which of these objectives will take prece­
viduals vehemently deny the claims.
dence. Are they primarily grifters, trying to squeeze as
much profit as possible out of the situation? Are they 4 A shamed Brelish general of the Last War goes on a
mainly working to gather secrets, and to use those se­ k i l l i ng spree against changelings, claiming the Tyrants
crets to manipulate others? Or are they most concerned ru i ned his life by exposing his extramarital affair.
with helping other changelings, who are often with the 5 A Sharn Watch captain being b lackmailed by the Ty­
objects of fear and suspicion? rants has had enough. He publicly exposes h i s incrim­
The Tyrants offer an easy way to provide adventurers i nating secrets, then offers a reward for i nformation
with information. The Spider can be a strong ally for concerning the organ ization.
adventurers, and you can always arrange for an agent of
6 Roll on another organ ization's Adventure H ooks ta­
the Tyrants to step out of the shadows with and offer to
ble; the Tyrants are secretly i nvolved in the situation.
sell a secret.


2 55
SHARN .WATCH all else, and most of those are willing to risk their lives
to save an innocent bystander from a rampaging Daask
A common viewpoint among the citizens of Sham is troll. But most members of the Watch are pragmatists
that in the upper wards, the Sham Watch works for the who put the needs of their clients uppermost, the needs
wealthy; in the middle wards, it works for the Boromar of the citizenry second, and generally don't take action
Clan; and in the lower wards, it doesn't work at all. against locals.
This assessment is close enough to the truth. There's The upshot of all this is that the Watch's response to
an important undercurrent in the situation, however. a crime can vary significantly depending on the nature
Although most officers of the Watch take bribes, that of the crime and where it's committed. As a rule, when
doesn't mean all of them don't care about their city and a crime is committed in Skyway, any of the upper or
won't try to keep their communities safe; they do so be­ middle wards, Lower Central, Lower Tavick's Landing,
cause they see their benefactors as being an important or Precarious, members of the Watch arrive to intervene
part of the continued health of their community. For and investigate as soon as possible. In Cliffside, Lower
instance, those officers who take gold from the Boro­ Menthis, and Lower Northedge, the few Watch members
mar Clan believe that the Boromars help keep the city in these locations address crimes in order of priority. In
running and give the people what they want. But if some Lower Dura and the Cogs, the Watch's reponse is typi­
strangers in town break the law, they're just troublemak­ cally very slow.
ers who deserve to be run in.
As another example, the guards of the Dura Bazaar SHARN WATC H D IVISIONS
have an understanding with the gang of pickpockets
The discussion above primarily concerns the rank and
known as the Little Fingers. As long as the thieves
file of the Sham Watch, the guards who walk the streets
target only tourists and foreigners, the Watch will dis­
day in and day out and the officers who supervise them.
miss any charges brought against them. Why should
The Watch also includes a few special divisions that
an officer of the Sham Watch care if some Aundarian
could cross the paths of the adventurers.
with more gold than sense gets robbed? But if the Lit­
The Blackened Book is an elite core of abjurers and
tle Fingers pick on a local, they're asking for trouble.
diviners, charged with investigating and containing
The relationship works both ways; the pickpockets are
magical threats. These wizards are highly dedicated
privy to things the Watch officers aren't, and they often
to their work and their city, and generally don't take
warn the Watch about suspicious people or activities
bribes. It's up to the higher-ups, however, to decide what
they witness.
missions to assign to the Blackened Book; if there's a
Watch officers do exist who are entirely crooked and
case that a noble doesn't want investigated, it proba-
care nothing for the law. At the other extreme, some
bly won't be.
officers are entirely honorable and place the law above


The Guardians of the Gate came into being during
the Last War to monitor the activities of foreign nation­ -- THE --

SMA� n � nou �S�l�W�

als and immigrants. Their duties have expanded since
the surge of refugees into Sharn following the Mourn­
ing, and the Guardians of the Gate closely supervise the
district of High Walls. The Guardians are chosen from
among the best soldiers of the Watch and are devoted to
their city. Many of them, however, place the safety of the
city ahead of strict adherence to the law, and complaints
are raised against them from time to time for unneces­
sary violence against refugees. WATCH FU L
T he Redcloak Battalion is an exceptional unit of sol­
diers that is called upon if a situation calls for extreme
military force. The Redcloaks are heroes of the Last
War, and now that the fighting is over most of them don't
appreciate being used as local police. The Redcloaks
Brelish folk often forget that the Guardians of the Gate
have a civilian branch that handles administrative issues
are absolutely faithful to Breland: they are willing to lay
and special customs investigations. Tethyn Olar has led
down their lives in the service of their nation. Trying that arm of the Sharn Watch for more than a decade.
to bribe a Redcloak is a good way to lose a hand. Like Many immigrants owe their safe and comfortable lives
the Blackened Book, however, the Redcloaks are elite in our city to this man, but claims have surfaced re­
troops that act only when they're mustered by a captain cently charging him with corruption, saying that he took
of the Watch; typically, they won't be asked to respond money from immigrants in exchange for a faster path
to a situation if it's not in the interests of the Boromar into Sharn. Olar has refuted those claims with this state­
Clan. The Redcloak Battalion is described in more de­ ment: "Look at the lower wards to see the vast number
tail in chapter 3. of poor immigrants the Gate allows to enter in the city.
Those with wealth tend to be more responsible and
quicker to put their paperwork together, but none with
SHARN WATC H NPCs �������- worthy cause to be here are barred."
The Sharn Watch includes people from all walks of life:
veterans of the Last War, retired adventurers, lifelong
residents of the city, and immigrants who have become extortion across Menthis Plateau; she looks after
Brelish citizens. You can select from or roll on the those who pay their dues. Her mother was driven
Sharn Watch Races and Sharn Watch Personalities from House Phiarlan when she developed an aberrant
tables to generate a Watch NPC. There is a 75 percent dragonmark. Because of that treatment, Silaena har­
chance the NPC is taking bribes from the Boromar Clan bors deep resentment for the dragonmarked houses
or another wealthy patron. This doesn't necessarily and will occasionally take actions to inconvenience
mean that the officer is willing to take a bribe from one them. Thora Tavin of House Tarkanan is working to
of the adventurers. strengthen her relationship with Commander Caza!.
Some of the Sharn Watch's most important people are • Commander Iyanna ir'Talan is a female human who
as follows: commands the Black Arch garrison in Lower Tav­
ick's Landing. The daughter of the Lord Commander,
• Lord Commander Iyan ir'Talan is a male human Iyanna is idealistic and honorable. She fights for the
in charge of the Sharn Watch. As long as the city's good of the common people. If the adventurers need
wealthy elite are content to keep Iyan in power, he an honest ally in the Watch, Iyanna is perhaps their
does little more than maintain the status quo. best hope. Despite her father's best efforts to keep her
• Commander Lian Halamar is a male halfiing who from getting entangled in the criminal underworld,
leads the garrison in the Daggerwatch district in her actions have won her no friends among Sham's
Upper Dura. The Boromar Clan bribes Lian to make crime lords, and her life could be in danger despite
sure the Watch is away from the scene during their her parentage.
criminal activities. The Boromars are pressuring Lian • Lady Warden Maira ir'Talan, a distant relative of the
to crack down on Daask, but he has no desire to put Lord Commander, leads the Blackened Book. A gifted
his officers in danger unnecessarily. diviner, Maira is a highly effective leader. What none
Commander Belew Yorgan is a male dwarf who know is that she's also an agent of the Dreaming
leads the Sword Point garrison in Middle Central. Dark. Five years ago, a kalaraq quori (see chapter
He does his best to serve the interests of the nobles 6) named Tirashana implanted a mind seed in her
and wealthy patrons in the Central Plateau, and as a thoughts. Maira continues to do her job while conceal­
result these wards are among the safest in Sharn. But ing any evidence of the Dreaming Dark's schemes.
Yorgan's loyalties are first and foremost to his purse, • Captain Daja Brei is a female human who commands
and the troops under his command serve whoever's the Guardians of the Gate. Daja firmly believes that
paying the most. the Guardians are all that stands between order
• Commander Silaena Caza! is a female elf who runs and chaos in Sharn, and she acts with unbridled
the Warden Towers garrison in Middle Menthis. Over force if she believes a group or an individual threat­
a century of service, she has woven a net of graft and ens the city.


2 57
• Captain Khandan Doi is a male dwarf who leads The Watch Station Adventures table offers reasons
the Redcloak Battalion. Khandan is a local legend why the characters might need to visit (or break into)
who served in the Brelish army throughout the Last such a location.
War; he was knighted by the last king of Galifar and
swore an oath to the first queen of Breland. He enjoys WAT C H STAT I O N ADV E N T U R E S
drinking and gambling. He takes discipline seriously, d6 Adventure Goal
though, and expects his soldiers to show complete loy­
Destroy evidence of a crime that's being stored in a
alty to their country and its king. Because of his expe­
Watch station, or plant evidence in a Watch station to
riences in the war, he has a deep dislike for Thranes
and followers of the Silver Flame, but he rarely lets frame someone for a crime.
these feelings interfere with his duties. 2 Learn which members of a station's crew are on the
payroll of a criminal organization.
S H A R N WAT C H RACE S 3 Ensure the station's Watch officers are i n d i s posed
d20 Race d20 Race during an u pcom i n g cri me spree.
Changeling 1 2-1 3 H alfli ng 4 Help defend a Watch station from a siege.
2-4 Dwarf 1 4-1 6 H uman 5 Free someone bei ng held at a Watch station.
5-6 Elf 17 Kalashtar 6 Steal u n iforms from a Watch station.
7 G nome 18 Shifter
8-9 H alf-elf 1 9-20 Warforged SHARN WATC H VILLAINS
1 0-1 1 Half-ore Corrupt or extremist members o f the Sharn Watch are
villains of a special sort: legitimate authority figures
S H A R N WATC H P E R S O N A L ITI E S who have access to the city's law-enforcement re­
sources. The protections these villains enjoy often call
d l O Personality for drastic measures to stop them, which the characters
Disgruntled veteran of the Last War who has seen might be labeled as criminals themselves and might
everyt h i n g have to go underground to avoid arrest or harassment.
2 Lifelong Sharn resident who loves d iscussing ru mors Examples of Sham Watch villains appear on the Sham
and debati ng the city's best haunts Watch Villains table.
3 Layabout who tries to do as l ittle work as possible
Eternal opti mist who encou rages victi m s of cri me to
have hope and look on the bright side d6 Villain
5 I nvestigator who loves to get to the bottom of a A dwarf arrests random halfl i ngs on the streets in the
mystery lower wards and allows Daask agents to i nterrogate
6 Rookie with no experience i n faci ng danger who is a and torture them.
b u n d le of nerves 2 A B relish veteran of the Last War a rrests and m u rders
7 Brawny meathead who bel ieves a l l problems can be i n nocent Cyran refugees , claiming each time that the
solved with force victim tried to attack h i m .
8 G reedy opportu nist who's always angling for a bribe 3 A changeling i nvestigator works for the Tyrants a n d
9 U ptight perfectionist who appears to do everyth i n g pins u nsolved crimes on other S h a r n Watch m e m bers
b y t h e book who i nterfere with the Tyrants' busi ness.
10 U nfriendly interrogator who assumes everyone spills 4 A half-elf works her way through the ranks of the
their secrets to the Tyrants. Sharn Watch by assassi nating her superiors but m a k­
ing it look l i ke they died in the l i ne of duty.
WATC H STATION 5 An elf in the lower wards comes to the aid of only
those who pay a monthly protection fee.
Sharn Watch stations are located throughout the city.
6 A Blackened Book mage confiscates magic items
The largest are the garrison posts like Daggerwatch and
from others to auction off to cri m i nals.
Sword Point; smaller stations in various places are used
to hold criminals, dispatch patrols, and take care of day­
A typical Sharn Watch station has two well-guarded If you want t o make the Sharn Watch a significant part
entrances. One is connected to a main vestibule, where of the campaign, you can develop a story for a particu­
an officer in a security room with a magically reinforced lar commander. Lian Halamar is the primary agent of
window signs visitors in and confiscates their spell com­ the Boromar Clan, and if the adventurers are fighting
ponents, spellcasting focuses, and weapons. The other the Clan, any interaction with the Watch can ultimately
entrance is a large barred and warded door that leads to come to Lian's attention, with his corruption slowly be­
the garage, which holds skycoaches and soarsleds. Both coming more and more evident. If the characters oppose
of these areas are connected to the station's bullpen by House Tarkanan, it could be Commander Caza! who
way of locked and warded doors. keeps interfering with their investigations and placing


obstacles in their way. Can the adventurers find a way to
remove their rival from power?
Another option is to focus a story on Commander
Iyanna and her efforts to purge corruption from the
Watch. A chance encounter could bring the two to­
gether; perhaps the adventurers are on the scene when
Iyanna is targeted by assassins. Iyanna could call on the
adventurers to investigate corruption and to deal with of­
ficers who are breaking their oaths. How deep are they
willing to go?
If the adventurers do form an alliance with a Watch
officer, you can use the Sham Watch Assignments table
to create adventure hooks for parties and side quests for
individual characters-cases their ally doesn't trust the
Watch regulars to handle fairly.


d8 Assignment
Solve a m u rder that occurred in S kyway.
2 Find a drea m l i ly den and arrest the place's owner and
its supplier.
3 Protect an a m bassador from Sarlona who is joining a
Morgrave U n iversity expedition to the Cogs.
4 M o n itor the Lyrandar Tower airship dock for a specific
criminal reportedly trying to leave the city.
5 Apprehend a war cri m i nal rumored to be arriving in
Sharn by l ightn ing rai l , and deliver the cri m inal to the
nearest Watch station.
6 Take a visiting dignitary on a tou r of the city and keep
them happy.
7 Venture into the bowels of the city to find a wanted
terrorist who has kidnapped a magewright and stolen
the parts needed to b u i ld an explosive device.
8 Handle a prisoner exchange-one captu red criminal
for one captured Sharn Watch officer.


The Sham Watch Adventure Hooks table presents
ideas for additional adventures themed around the
Sham Watch.


d4 Adventure Hook
The Sharn Watch cracks down on Daask, which leads
to violent confrontations i n the city's lower wards.
2 The Sharn I nq u i s itive publishes an article claiming
that changelings of the Tyrants have stolen the iden­
tities of many Watch officers, leading to citywide dis­
trust of the organization.
3 After a Thrane i m m igrant opens a sealed entrance to
Old S ham's ruins, the G uard i a ns of the G ate do not
a llow anyone in or out ofSharn u ntil the i m migrant is
fou n d and the entrance i s resealed.
4 Agents of the B lackened Book find scrying sensors in
S harn Watch stations throughout the city.
The Monster Manual contains statistics for many of the
creatures found in this adventure. When a creature's
"Forgotten Relics" is a short adventure for a party of name appears in bold type, that's a visual cue pointing
four to six 1st-level characters, who advance to 2nd level you to the creature's stat block in the Monster Manual.
by the adventure's conclusion. It is set in Sham and If the stat block appears elsewhere, the adventure's text
serves as an introduction to the city. A balance of char­ tells you so.
acter classes is helpful, since the adventurers will face a
variety of challenges. ADVENTURE SUMMARY
The adventure begins one evening in Upper Central
STORY OVERVIEW Plateau, where the characters meet Sergeant Germaine
Niho Koi, a n imposing oni and Daask sub-boss in Vilroy, who hires them to meet with a warforged named
Sham, ordered a half-ogre lieutenant named Garra to Coal, hear her out, and bring her back to Vilroy for fur­
assemble a team and search the ruins of Old Sham for ther questioning. Coal has already been told to wait for
arcane relics at the behest of someone much higher the characters at the Cog Carnival, a warforged bar in
up in the organization. With a lot of ground to cover the High Walls district of Lower's Tavick's Landing.
beneath the City of Towers, Garra kidnapped Caden After talking to Coal and learning her employer was
d'Orien, the only son of Alden d'Orien, forcing Alden to Alden d'Orien, the characters are confronted by Daask
use his position in his dragonmarked house to recruit forces sent to kill Coal. If they survive the fight, the char­
out-of-work warforged-people no one would miss-to acters can meet with Alden in the Mithra! Tower district
scour Old Sham's ruins. Alden branded the work as a Upper Central Plateau. The scion stays tight-lipped,
"secret research-gathering mission" for his house, paid but Vishtai, Alden's kalashtar bodyguard, telepathically
the warforged workers for their silence, and signed gives the characters directions to the Old Sham ruin
them to binding contracts. where Caden d'Orien is imprisoned.
It took several weeks of dangerous exploring and a If Caden is rescued and returned to his father, Alden
few deaths, but eventually the warforged workers found shares what he knows of Daask's operation and tells the
a library of arcane texts and schemas buried in the characters where to find Garra. The half-ogre knows
ruins. These items were moved to a Daask safe house the characters are coming for her. She tries to flee on a
in Tavick's Landing near the Terminus Lightning Rail lightning rail while drawing them into a trap. If the char­
station. The organization plans to smuggle the relics out acters chase down the half-ogre, she attempts to make
Breland to Droaam with Alden's help. a deal to keep her freedom, which they can either refuse
Coal, a destitute warforged hired by Alden, witnessed or accept, setting the stage for further adventures.
her good friend Razor die, executed in the ruins of Old
Sham as an example to the other workers. Coal made
an appointment to talk to Sergeant Germaine Vilroy of Before the adventure begins, inform each character
the Sham Watch, to report the shady operation, Razor's that they are an acquaintance of Sergeant Germaine
murder, and the kidnapping of the House Orien scion, Vilroy of the Sham Watch, a Brelish veteran of the Last
Caden. Thanks to crooked members of the Sham Watch War. Ask each character to come up with a friendly
in Daask's pocket, Garra found out about the appoint­ connection to Germaine, or have them choose or roll on
ment and dispatched killers to prevent Coal from ratting the Germaine Connections table. If a rolled connection
out the operation. doesn't make sense with the character's background,
Germaine is also crooked, but she is on the payroll of simply roll for a new connection or choose one that
the Boromar Clan crime syndicate, whose members are seems appropriate.
enemies of Daask. Not wanting to put the Sham Watch
or herself between two criminal organizations at war, G E R M A I N E CO N N ECTI O N S
Germaine called in a few old contacts to meet with Coal d6 Connection
and find out what's going on.
You served alongside Germaine d uring the Last War.
2 You have been friends with Germaine since at least
RUNNING THE ADVENTURE one of you was a child.
This adventure requires the fifth edition D&D rulebooks 3 Germaine saved you r l i fe.
(Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and
4 You saved Germai ne's life.
Monster Manual). You should read the entire adventure
before attempting to run it. If you'd prefer to play, you
5 You had several friendly conversations with G ermaine
shouldn't read any farther. d u ring a long airship or l ightn ing rail journey.
6 Germaine helpej_ you
_ while you were living i n or visit­
ing Sham.
Text that appears i n a box l i ke t h i s is meant to be read
aloud or paraph rased for the p layers when their charac·
ters fi rst arrive at a location or u nder a specific circu m ­
stance, as described i n t h e text.


2 60
Once the players are ready to begin, read or paraphrase
the following boxed text to them:
SMA�� � �QU � S �l�W�
An orange glow covers the top of Lyrandar Tower as the
sun sinks i n the sky. Above, the great a i rships of House
Lyrandar float l i ke leviathans su rrounded by b r i l liant
rings of elemental energy. Below, bridges crisscross at all
levels of the city, connecti ng S harn's great towers. The M E RCY O F
sounds of crying c h i l d ren, barking vendors, cursing sky­
coach d rivers, and braying h i p pogriffs rise u p to become
a u n ique d i n that can o n l y be heard in the City of Towers.
Each of you carries a letter from your acq uai ntan ce It seems the Sham Watch is outsourcing more and more
Sergeant Germaine V i l roy of the Sharn Watch that reads,
of their jobs to contractors, also known as adventurers,
also known as mercenaries, which is what these blood­
" I 'm calling on you fo r a job. I can't write the detai l s , but soaked hirelings are. While many of these second-rate
it pays well and req u ires you r skills. M eet me at the air­ thugs act like they have the absolute authority of the
s h i p dock on top of Lyrandar Tower. Come armed." Sham Watch, know your rights! These sellswords can
get away with atrocities, including murder, but only
if such crimes are committed in the pursuit of their
Have the players introduce their characters to each contracts. Should one of these ruffians steal from or
other, if they aren't already acquainted. Ask characters harm you or your loved ones for no reason other than
their barbaric attitudes, report them to the Watch and
who aren't from Sham how they arrived, perhaps on an
this publication immediately. The Sham Watch is bound
airship (likely paid for by Germaine whose Kundarak ac­ by law to arrest these hooligans when they show their
count is flush with Boromar gold) or a lightning rail. For criminal natures.
characters who are Sham natives, provide a brief de­
scription of various districts that fit the characters' back­
grounds if needed using the information in chapter 3. Germaine gives the characters the following
This is also a good time for characters to make per­ information:
sonal connections that might link them, such as having
Germaine has an appointment to meet with a war­
the same birthplace, fighting for the same side in the
forged named Coal, who claims to have knowledge
Last War, or having common backgrounds or interests.
of a crime being committed in Old Sham. Germaine
Once the characters' relationships to one another have
wants the party to meet with Coal first and see if what
been established, read or paraphrase the following
she says adds up. Germaine is worried that, with her
boxed text to the players:
status as a Watch sergeant, her presence will call un­
due attention and endanger Coal.
As da rkness descends on the city, you see windows l ight • Germaine can give the characters 25 gp each now and
u p the towers arou nd you from bottom to top. A cool another 50 gp each if they bring in Coal.
• If the characters consent to meet with Coal, Germaine
wind whisks between you, drowning out the other noises
provides the location of the Cog Carnival, a bar in
of the city. A nea rby l ift rises, carrying a h u m a n i n her
High Walls frequented by warforged, and the ap­
m id-th irties with close cropped black hair and a glowi ng pointed meeting time.
pipe i n her mouth. Germaine gives a wry s m i l e as she • Germaine also provides a Sham Watch writ of en­
nods to you a l l , sayi ng, "Th a n ks for com i ng." forcement. The writ authorizes the bearers to conduct
official duties of the Watch under Sergeant Vilroy's au­
thority. City workers and other members of the Watch
Sergeant Germaine Vilroy (neutral female Brelish respect the writ, sometimes grudgingly, as long as the
human veteran) greets the characters then gets down characters don't engage in flagrantly illegal activity.
to business.
Germaine tries to play up her concern for Coal as her
reason for hiring the characters, but a character who
ROLEPLAYING SERGEANT VILROY succeeds on a Wisdom (Insight) check contested by the
Germaine is gruff and doesn't like wasting time. She Germaine's Charisma (Deception) check can sense that
gives the characters the information she has and tries she's holding something back. A character who talks to
to send them on their way before they can ask questions Germaine privately and succeeds on a DC 13 Charisma
about her involvement in the case. The sooner the char­ (Persuasion) check gets her to reveal that she some­
acters solve her problem, the sooner she can get back to times takes money from the Boromar Clan to look into
collecting extra money from the Boromar Clan for doing crimes, and the family is interested in Coal's informa­
nothing other than ignoring their crimes. tion (though Germaine also points out that the charac­
ters really are Coal's best shot at surviving this ordeal,


what with Coal being caught between the two largest Smelt, a lawful good warforged soldier (see chapter 6),
criminal syndicates in the city). is the owner of the Cog Carnival. She wanted to create
If the characters have no place to stay in Sharn, Ger­ a safe place where warforged could gather and social­
maine puts them up at Ghallanda Hall in Middle Dura ize in this district. She can't afford the city's expensive
for the duration of their investigation. gambling license, so she made the Cog Carnival a place
where warforged can play games for free.
Sham's neighborhood o f High Walls i n Lower Tavick's The warforged patrons of the Cog Carnival do not freely
Landing is a district mostly enclosed by walls. All of the give information about their own to outsiders. If asked
bridges from other districts to High Walls have massive, about Coal, most of them remain tight-lipped. A charac­
magically warded gates that can be sealed at a mo­ ter who provides a bribe of 1 gp or succeeds on a DC 1 3
ment's notice. Each gate incorporates a fortified Sharn Charisma (Persuasion) check convinces one o f the pa­
Watch station. The neighborhood is home to refugees of trons to point out who Coal is: a black, one-armed metal
the Last War, mainly the displaced peoples of Cyre. warforged sitting alone near the bar.
When the characters arrive in the district, read or Coal, a neutral good warforged soldier (see chapter
paraphrase the following boxed text to the players: 6), is missing her right arm. If the characters approach
her without identifying that they work for Sergeant
The stench of body odor, garbage, and tobacco mix to­ Vilroy, Coal immediately notifies the bartender, Smelt,
that she's being bothered by the party. If things start to
gether in the streets. H igh walls cut this d istrict's cru m ­
get tense, Coal gets spooked and bugs out; move on to
b ling, vandal ized b u i l d i ngs o ff from t h e rest o f Sharn, "Catching Coal," below.
though towers rise over the wal l s l i ke i mposing sentries.
M any people stand idly on street corners, eying you sus­ CHATTING WITH C OAL
piciously and keepi n g to themselves. If the characters mention Sergeant Vilroy a s they meet
Coal, she stays calm but still asks why Vilroy didn't
come herself. Vilroy's explanation to the party about
It is a simple matter to find the Cog Carnival, and just attracting attention soothes Coal, as does the party ex­
about any resident can give directions. It's the only war­ plaining they are Vilroy's trusted confidants.
forged bar in the neighborhood. Once Coal is calmed, she hurriedly explains the kid­
napping of a child from House Orien, the murder of
THE C O G CARNIVAL her friend Razor, and Daask's hunt for artifacts in Old
The Cog Carnival is a dilapidated warforged dive bar. Sham. Just as Coal is finishing her exposition, a bolt of
The bar has a crumbling stone outside marred with fire explodes inches from Coal's head, causing bedlam
graffiti that says things like, "Forged Are Scrap!" and in the Cog Carnival. Coal runs for her life, shouting that
"Leave, Metalheads!" Ingot, a neutral warforged soldier the party set her up. The chase is on!
(see chapter 6) with a carved chunk of wood replacing a
severed foot, collects a cover fee from creatures that en­ CATCHI NG C OAL ----

ter the room. Warforged can enter the building for free, Coal sprints 60 feet away from the characters into High
but other humanoids must pay 5 cp each. Wall's streets, intent on escape. The warforged has no
When the characters enter the Cog Carnival, read or particular destination in mind. She simply wants to get
paraphrase the following boxed text to the players: away from the characters, whom she believes set her up
to be assassinated. This chase takes place in the "the­
Smoky, low fla mes i n a fi replace barely i l l u m i n ate the ater of the mind," and there is no map for it.
If Coal runs away and the characters pursue her, use
cracked stone walls a n d fi lthy floor of this establishment.
the chase rules and Urban Chase Complications table
The single-room space i s crowded with warforged with
in chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master's Guide to resolve
severed digits or l i mbs, scars, b u rn s , and other wou nds. the scene. The chase ends when the characters catch up
Other warforged i n the area are gathered aro u n d tra­ to Coal or after three rounds, when a Daask hit squad
d itional d ice, card, dart, and board games as well as intercepts Coal as she runs through an alley.
carnival competitions such as throwing metal rings
onto posts, tossing a ball at a tower of weighted i ron If they fail to catch up to Coal before the Daask hit squad
cups hard enough to make them fall dow n , and striking attacks, the characters hear the warforged scream for
a homemade machine hard enough with a hammer to help in a nearby alley. If the characters rush to help her,
m a ke it ring a bell. they find the warforged unconscious on the ground,
but stable, surrounded by the Daask criminals. If the
A small bar i n the corner serves cheap ale. Behind this
characters resolve the chase by catching up to Coal, the
bar, a warforged bartender shouts jeers at patrons los­
Daask criminals attack as soon as the chase ends, and
ing gam es. the warforged aids the characters in battle.
The Daask force consists of Hound, a chaotic evil
female shifter (see chapter 6), leading three cranky


kobolds and one kobold acolyte. Each Daask criminal Mithra! Tower district of Upper Central Plateau. If the
fights until reduced to half its hit points then flees. If the characters consult with Sergeant Vilroy, she suggests
characters capture one of the criminals, a successful that they confront Alden d'Orien, but cautions them to
DC 13 Charisma (Intimidation) check compels the cap­ be diplomatic.
tive to reveal the following information:
The group works for Daask, a criminal organization. MITHRAL TOWER
The criminals were told to kill Coal via a letter sent by Mithra! Tower is Sham's most desirable downtown
a Daask lieutenant named Garra. The letter has since residential district in Upper Central Plateau and is oc­
been destroyed. cupied by some of the city's wealthiest citizens. When
The criminals have no other useful information to the characters enter this district, read or paraphrase the
share with the characters. They don't know Garra is following boxed text to the players:
a half-ogre, and they don't know how to contact her. A
character who succeeds on a DC 13 Intelligence (His­ M a n y of the gra nd homes in M ithra I Tower are true to
tory) check knows Daask's members are mostly immi­
the d i strict's name, boasting m ithral fi l igree. The Sharn
grants from Droaam and some of the local population
from the Cogs and lower wards of Sham. Watch seems to be everywhere in this neighborhood fu l l
of busy scions c l i m bing i nto skycoaches, hosting o p u ­
ROLEPLAYING COAL lent parties, and showing o fft h e i r latest purchases a t all
After the Daask attack, Coal realizes she mistook the
hours of the day.
characters for assassins and apologizes. The warforged
U nicorn Estate has a gran d u nicorn statue and
is soft-spoken and mild-mannered. If the characters ask
her about Razor, she gets sad and offers the following u n i corn-shaped topiaries adorning the yard beyond
information: a n open, wrought-i ron gate. Flanking this gate a re two
• Razor served with Coal in the Cyran military during guards in H ouse Orien l ivery. Each wears a beautiful
the Last War, during which Coal lost her right arm. helm shaped l i ke the head of a u n icorn.
• Razor and Coal had trouble finding work in Sham, The magn ificent marble home is clearly owned by one
due to the fact that many businesses are reluctant to of the city's wealthiest d ragon marked fam i l ies. Seated on
hire warforged foreigners. The pair became desperate
a patio couch a re two figures engaged i n q u iet conversa­
for money.
A month ago, Razor told Coal she had a job working tion: a haggard man in his late thirties and a n attentive
on a long-term secret mission for Alden d'Orien, the kalashtar who holds a rose-colored crystal i n his hands.
scion of a dragonmarked house. Warforged from other Two more guard s d ressed l i ke the ones at the gates
parts of the city were also recruited to help in the stand nearby.
task. The job required physical labor, so Coal's injury
prevented her from being able to do the job. Razor
planned to save money then buy Coal a new arm so The gates of Unicorn Estate are open, allowing the
she could work with her. characters walk onto the property after first presenting
• Razor would often come back from work sullen or themselves to the guards and stating their business.
wounded but never opened up about the job until A detect magic spell reveals that the grounds of the es­
shortly before she died. Razor confessed that the job tate radiate auras of abjuration and illusion magic. Any
was more dangerous than it seemed when she was re­ humanoid that takes a long rest in the estate can attune
cruited. Razor was planning to quit before she died. to the property as if they were attuning to a magic item
(see "Attunement" in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's
After providing the characters with this information,
Guide). A creature attuned to Unicorn Estate can't be
Coal encourages the characters to question Alden
affected by enchantment spells of 3rd level or lower
d'Orien. The warforged then leaves Sham, believing she
while it is on the property unless it wishes to be. When
is no longer safe in the city.
a creature not attuned to the estate enters the property,
DEAD C OAL the illusion of a unicorn appears wherever the creature
I f Coal dies at the hands of Daask forces, the characters is and brays loudly, announcing its presence. Four hu­
can still salvage the mission by bringing Coal's corpse man guards provide security at the estate, with two at
to Sergeant Vilroy, who calls in a favor and gets a mem­ the front gate and two following Alden.
ber of the Blackened Book to cast a speak with dead Alden d'Orien (neutral male Brelish human noble)
spell on Coal's corpse. and his assistant, Vishtai (chaotic good male kalashtar;
see chapter 6), are talking about official house business.
D EVELOPMENT Vishtai records notes in a spellshard (see chapter 5).
When the pair notices the characters, Alden calls them
While many o f the House Orien members live i n the
over and asks their business.
house's enclave in Terminus, the more powerful mem­
bers of the dragonmarked family live in the upper wards
of the city. If the characters ask around, they learn Alden
d'Orien has a residence called Unicorn Estate in the


ROLEPLAYING ALDEN sign hangs above a nearby button which opens the lift's
doors. When the doors open, read or paraphrase the fol­
Alden, normally charming and inviting, is exhausted, lowing boxed text to the players:
guilty, and worried about his son Caden. He has not yet
informed his wife, Iyana, that their son has been kid­
napped. Alden and Iyana are separated, and Iyana lives The double doors on the e nclosed l i ft car open to reveal
in distant Fairhaven with her sister. the i n side of a 1 5 -foot cube made of ston e with etchings
Alden is terse with the characters and wants them to of u n icorn patterns covering its walls. A magic orb in the
leave him alone. The moment they bring up Daask, the
cei l i n g i l l u m inates the l ift. Two young adu lts-a s h ifter
Sham Watch, or Coal, he becomes agitated, placing his
hands over his face and emits a strangled scream. Use and a wel l - d ressed h u m a n-ta l k nose to nose, crad l i n g
the following to guide the party's interaction with Alden: each other's faces i n a corner o f the e levator, absorbed

Alden badly wants to rescue his son but is terrified of

l fu lly i n each other and taking no notice of you.
taking action and seeing Caden harmed.
• Caden was abducted almost a month ago. Alden Luna (chaotic neutral female shifter; see chapter 6)
tucked him in one night, he was gone the following and Vonnie ir'Cardwan (neutral female Brelish human
morning with a message in his place. noble) are having a secret date on the lift. This is where
• A hulking half-ogre met with Alden in the following they first met, so it's a frequent rendezvous. They are
days, explaining she needed expendable labor and bemused by the interruption and politely ask the party to
easy transit of said labor and goods. As long as he leave, pointing out the lift is broken and growing more
complied, Caden would be returned unharmed when insistent and annoyed if the characters don't comply.
her business was done. Any character who succeeds on a DC 1 2 Charisma (Di­
• If Alden backed out of the deal, the half-ogre said she plomacy or Intimidation) check convinces the couple to
would visit horrors on Caden that would make the leave the lift. If a character fails the Intimidation check
Mockery sick. or removes the secret panel (see "Medusa Panel" below),
• Alden breaks down sobbing after relaying this infor­ Vonnie gets upset and plainly states she is summoning
mation and staggers inside. the Watch and stalks away with Luna. Two minutes
later, Vonnie returns with three city Watch guards and
ROLEPLAYING VISHTAI accuses them of harassing her, vandalizing the lift, or
Vishtai i s Alden's confidant and knows all about the situ­ both. The guards arrest the party if the lift appears tam­
ation with Daask. He hates bullies and pushes for Alden pered with. Presenting Vilroy's writ and explaining the
to try to rescue his son rather than to keep giving in to situation causes the guards to back off. Hostile action
Daask's demands. After the characters speak to Alden, toward the young lovers or the guards results the guards
Vishtai telepathically relays this message to them before attempting to subdue the party.
hurrying to follow Alden inside:
Upon entering the lift, the characters notice that the
"I have no d o u bt that Caden will die, regardless of Al­ head of a medusa engraved amid all the unicorn heads
den's actions. Please, save Caden a n d return h i m to h i s hides the seams of a secret panel. A tool or weapon can
father. H o u s e O r i e n wou ld owe y o u a great debt, a n d be used to pry open the panel, behind which are several
y o u see h o w broken the man is. There i s a n enclosed lift wires connecting the lift car to a small Eberron dragon­
shard. Each wire is connected to an individual pin-sized
five build i ngs north of this estate. Look for the med usa
hole in the dragonshard. A character who is proficient
inside. M a ke s u re you're alone, as this lift will take you in Arcana knows the dragonshard and wires control
down to the d i g site a n d , hopefu l ly, Caden." the movement of the lift. A character who makes a suc­
cessful DC 1 3 Intelligence (Investigation or Arcana)
check finds a loose wire among those attached to the
If the party wishes to speak further, Vishtai will hur­
dragonshard and a hole in the dragonshard with no wire
riedly offer the following bits of information:
attached. A character who attaches the loose wire to the
• The kidnapper asked for warforged laborers, prefera­ dragonshard causes the lift to descend into the ruins of
bly immigrants. These laborers are digging for some­ Old Sham. While that wire is attached to the crystal, the
thing in a sparsely inhabited area of Old Sham. lift cannot be called anywhere else in the city.
• The lift the characters must use has been modified in
some way to reach Old Sham. BUGBEAR GOING DOWN
• If the characters rescue Caden, Vishtai is certain that If the characters can't find the hidden panel or figure out
he and Alden can help them track down the kidnapper. how to get the lift to Old Sham, eventually the lift goes
down, called to the tavern district of Olladra's Kitchen
ENCLOSED LIFT in Lower Central by Orgon, a male bugbear working
for Daask. Orgon wants to go down to Old Sham's
If the characters follow Vishtai's directions, they find a
ruins to help guard the relic excavation site. If Luna and
lift with an enclosed car that Daask uses to reach the
Vonnie are on the lift when Orgon enters, they leave
ruins of Old Sham. Anyone wishing to use the lift must
open a hidden panel and hot-wire it. An "out of order"


When Orgon enters the lift, he demands the char­ If the party does not intervene, the warforged laborers
acters get out of the car. If the characters don't leave, simply sit until release by Garra or another member
Organ attacks them. Organ fights until reduced to 10 hit of Daask. If the party frees them, the warforged scat-
points then surrenders. A successful DC 12 Charisma ter to other parts of the Cogs, grateful for the rescue.
(Intimidation) check gets Orgon to admit to being a They might assist the party in a future adventure if you
member of Daask and gets him to show the characters so choose.
how to bring the lift down to the ruins of Old Sham.
SAVING CADEN Caden d'Orien (noncombatant) is kept manacled hand
and foot in a filthy, 1 5-foot-square shed on the side of
I f the characters rescue Caden d'Orien, his father can the excavation pit opposite the lift. When the characters
point the characters toward the boy's kidnapper, Garra. peer inside the shed, read or paraphrase the following
This section details the Daask excavation site in Old
boxed text to the players:
Sham where Caden and several warforged laborers are
being held.
The wooden shed contai n s a small c h i ld covered in dust,
DAASK EXCAVATION SITE -- ------- wearing the once-fine, now-ru i ned l ivery of a House
When the characters take the lift down to the Daask Orien. The boy sobs, s h r u n ken i nto one corner, h i s face
excavation site, read or paraphrase the following boxed slack. Sta le b read, smelly water, a pile of rags, a n d a
text to the players:
chamber pot round out the accom modations.

The lift seems to descend forever into the belly of Sharn.

Caden's manacles, originally designed to bind goblins,
Several m i nutes pass as and the l i ft rattles and shakes,
are sturdy but old. A character who makes a successful
as if passi n g i nto some pl ace it was not meant to go. This DC 15 Dexterity check with thieves' tools picks the man­
r u m b l i n g builds to a violent peak then the lift stops, and acles' lock, and a character who succeeds on a DC 17
its doors open. Strength (Athletics) check breaks the manacles loose.
By the l ift's interior l i ght, you can see i nto a vast, u n l it A character who succeeds on a DC 1 1 Intelligence (In­
vestigation) check finds the manacles' lock is smeared
cavern strewn with broken stonework from ancient b u i l d ·
with oil of taggit. Any character that attempts to pick
i n gs as fa r as y o u can s e e i n every d i rection. T h e a i r is the lock without gloves is exposed to the poison and
stale, and fi l led with dust and the scent of decay. These must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
are the ruins of the cities atop which Sharn is b u i lt . become poisoned for 24 hours. The poisoned creature is
Ahead o f you yawns a fifty-foot-diameter, ten -foot-deep unconscious. It wakes up if it takes damage.
Roleplaying Caden. Caden is nearly catatonic from
pit that seems to have been i ntentionally d ug. You hear
his ordeal. If freed, the six-year-old simply sits and
the soft sobs of a young c h i ld coming from a wooden
stares in to the middle distance. Any character trained
shed on the far side to the pit. in Medicine knows that the boy needs proper food and
water, rest, and his father. Using any sort of healing
magic on the boy rouses him almost immediately. A suc­
The cavern is irregular in shape and hundreds of feet
cessful DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion) check gets him to
in diameter. Its uneven ceiling ranges in height from 1 5
open up about his experience. A character who spends
to 3 0 feet. Due t o the rubble, the ground around the pit
an hour consoling Caden and giving him something to
counts as difficult terrain.
eat and drink brings him around, no check required. If
Four Daask goblins guard this area and rely on dark­
either of these methods succeed, Caden tells the charac­
vision to see. They hide in the pit when the characters
ters he was kidnapped by a big, mean lady named Garra
arrive then leap out to attack. A successful Wisdom
and imprisoned here by her goblin friends.
(Perception) check contested by the goblins' Dexterity
(Stealth) check notices the goblins. Otherwise the gob­ TREASURE
lins surprise the characters. The goblins fight until one Each goblin carries ld6 gp and ld6 sp in a pouch. One
remains who flees into Old Sham's ruins. If a goblin is goblin (determined randomly) also wears a cheap neck­
captured, a successful DC 12 Charisma (Intimidation) lace that consists of a banded agate (10 gp) tied to a
check gets the goblin to reveal that it works for Daask loop of rope.
and that it was told by a half-ogre named Garra to guard
this area. The goblins don't know where Garra is. OPTIONAL ENC OUNTER :
The excavation pit that the warforged dug for Daask has When the characters decide to leave the Daask excava­
also become the workers' holding area. A warforged tion site and return to the City of Towers, Old Sham's
corpse lies at the bottom of the pit, its head struck from ruins reveal one final surprise. The ghost of a gnome
its shoulders. Eleven other warforged in various states inquisitive who died when the old city collapsed during
of disrepair sit chained together on the pit floor. Climb­ the War of the Mark rises from the rubble and looks
ing the walls of the pit doesn't require an ability check.


quizzically at the party. This encounter is optional; Alden thanks the characters and tells them everything
its purpose is to provide a fun way to give some back­ he knows, which is all the information contained in the
ground on the city. first three paragraphs of the "Story Overview" (page
The ghost's name is Pfingston Nezzelech, and he's 260). In addition, he gives the characters the address
been dead for over 500 years. This encounter can take of a Terminus apartment in Lower Tavick's Landing
as long as you'd like. Consider mentioning some of the that Garra uses as a safe house and a place to store the
different wards of the city you'd like the party to know. books and schemas found in Old Sham's ruins.
Pfingston's dress, mannerisms, and lack of contempo­ When the characters have all the information they
rary knowledge mark him as belonging to a bygone era. need from Alden to find Garra, the Orien heir offers
He is cursed to walk this section of ruins, investigating them a sum of 50 gp to leave his name and House Orien
a jewel heist that, by now, can't be solved. Pfingston is out of their report to the Sham Watch. Alden is deeply
eager to question the party about their whereabouts on ashamed of being manipulated in this way and doesn't
the night of the heist and if they have any leads. If one want to tarnish his reputation or his house. A charac­
or more party members opts to spend an hour listening ter who succeeds on a DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation
to Pfingston's theories and following him in his search or Persuasion) check gets Alden to raise this amount
of this ruined area, they witness Pfingston finding his to 100 gp. If the characters report Alden's actions to
skeleton tucked in a rubble-strewn corner. Upon finding the Sham Watch, he manages to bury the scandal on
his bones, Pfingston looks amazedly about at the party his own, and the characters become his enemies (see
before fading away. Anyone who assisted him gains ad­ "Conclusion," page 273). If the characters conclude
vantage on Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investi­ their business with Alden on friendly terms, he offers
gation) skill checks for the next 24 hours. his residence as a place where they can rest and grab a
bite to eat before moving on.
I f the characters return Caden d'Orien safely to his
As a gesture of goodwill and thanks, Vishtai offers each
father at Unicorn Estate, Alden is overjoyed. Still, he is
character a unicorn-shaped feather token (see chapter 5)
saddened by the deaths of the warforged that he hired
inset with the sigil of House Orien.
to work for Daask, but he doesn't regret the actions that
kept his son alive.


takes them to area Tl of Terminus. Unknown to Jas,
SKYC OACH RIDE Garra has also arranged for a Daask strike team to at­
While the characters were off rescuing Caden d'Orien, tack the skycoach en route.
Garra captured and interrogated Sergeant Vilroy and Any character who suspects that "Vilroy" is hiding
learned about the characters' meddling. In this section, something can make a Wisdom (Insight) check con­
Garra orders a changeling namedJas to adopt Sergeant tested by the changeling's Charisma (Deception) check.
Vilroy's appearance and lead the characters into a trap. A character who wins the contest detects slight differ­
ences in the sergeant's facial expressions, suggesting
NEED A LIFT? that she's not the same person the party interacted with
Jas (neutral evil changeling; see chapter 6) approaches previously. Jas doesn't have details of any prior conver­
the characters in the guise of Sergeant Vilroy sometime sations the party had with the real Sergeant Vilroy and
after they leave Mithra! Tower. Read or paraphrase the flubs any sustained questioning.
following boxed text to the players when this occurs: If the characters realize they're not dealing with the
real Sergeant Vilroy and confront the changeling, Jas
leaps out of the skycoach, uses a feather token (see
As you cross a bridge that views the city from a d izzying chapter 5) to land safely, and flees into the crowded city.
height, you hear a fam i l iar voice from above. " N eed a Each character has one turn to act before the unpiloted
l ift?" asks Sergeant Vilroy as she descends toward you i n skycoach crashes. A character proficient with air vehi­
a skycoach . cles who makes a successful DC 1 2 Intelligence check
as an action gains control of the skycoach and stops it
from falling. If the coach crashes, the characters are
"Vilroy" urges the characters to board the skycoach and thrown from it as it hurdles down. Use the Falling in
share what they have learned thus far. If the characters Sham table in chapter 3 to determine what happens to
mention Garra's safe house, the changeling tells them characters who fall. The party has three rounds to catch
there's no time to waste and suggests the skycoach is Jas before the changeling adopts a new guise.
the fastest means of getting there. If the characters If the characters capture Jas, the changeling reveals
ask the sergeant how she found them, the changeling that Garra is leaving Sham on a lightning rail bound for
replies, "I work for the Sham Watch. Knowing things is Wroat. The changeling doesn't know about Garra's trap
my job!" If the characters accept the ride, the skycoach and simply has instructions to deliver the characters.


DAASK GNOLLS Everbright lanterns (see chapter 5) hanging from the
ceilings and walls illuminate interior areas.
As the characters travel to Terminus either on foot or Buildings in Terminus have openable glass windows
by skycoach, they are accosted by a Daask strike team large enough that a Medium or smaller creature can fit
consisting of five gnolls. Garra has sent the gnolls to through one without a problem, while a Large creature
kill the characters if possible, or at least soften them up can squeeze through. These windows have AC 13, 4 hit
before they arrive at her Terminus safe house. You can points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
describe them to the players as follows: The windows can be locked from the inside. A character
that succeeds on a DC 15 Dexterity check with thieves'
tools unlocks a window from the outside.
Zipping between the towers of S h a m a n d converging on
If a creature makes a Strength (Athletics) check to
your location are five creatures rid i n g d isks of crackl i n g shove another creature against a window (see "Shoving
green energy. E a c h creature i s a l a n k y h u manoid covered a Creature" in chapter 9 of the Player's Handbook) and
in fu r, with the head of a hyena. They cackle maniacal ly, succeeds on the check by 5 or more, the window's glass
nock arrows, and take aim at you with their longbows. is destroyed and the shoved creature falls through the
window's opening (see "Falling" below).

Each gnoll rides a magical, 3-foot-diameter disk that BYSTANDERS

can support up to 250 pounds. A creature on a disk can Terminus has busy streets, and most of the visitors
use its bonus action to move the disk up to 60 feet in any and residents flee at the first sign of trouble. However,
direction-fast enough to keep pace with the skycoaches some bystanders might assist the party in their fight
of Sham. A disk otherwise hovers in place. These disks with Daask. Kraz, described below, is one example of a
were created using a spell similar to Tenser's floating helpful bystander.
disk that was cast by a Daask wizard who does not ap­ Kraz is a gnoll porter who has endured several run­
pear in this adventure. The spell ends in 30 minutes, ins with Daask criminals in the past and bears them no
after which the disks disappear. love. At the time of your choosing, Kraz rushes a mem­
The gnolls initially keep their distance, peppering the ber of Daask and knocks the affected creature prone.
characters with arrows. The gnolls become frustrated Consider having Kraz intervene in area T14.
and close to melee range if the characters take advan­
tage of cover and the gnolls' ranged attacks prove inef­ FALLING
fective. Once three gnolls are disposed of, the remainder Use the Falling in Sham table in chapter 3 when a crea­
flee on their disks or on foot. ture falls through a window or off the top of a bridge or
structure in the higher levels of Terminus and doesn't
have a way to land safely (such as the feather fall spell).
Terminus in Lower Tavick's Landing is named for SHARN WATC H GUARDS ��������-

Terminus Station, a massive House Orien enclave that

The Sham Watch has a modest presence in Terminus.
serves as the endpoint for the Orien lightning rail. Map
Its guards defend wealthy visitors and the holdings of
4.14 shows a cross-section and floor plan of the station.
House Orien. If combat breaks out in the streets or if a
The Terminus district is right near Wroann's Gate, most
bystander calls for the Sham Watch, roll a d20 on initia­
travelers' entry point into Sham. It bustles with crowds,
tive count 0 during each round the disturbance occurs.
pickpockets, con artists, and other criminals looking to
On a result of 18 or higher, ld4 Sham Watch guards
take advantage of the city's visitors.
arrive and attempt to arrest anyone involved in a crime.
Garra has an apartment in Terminus where she left a
trap for the characters. The half-ogre took the books and
schemas recovered in Old Sham's ruins and boarded a
lightning rail bound for Wroat that's about to leave Ter­ Several members o f Daask are stationed in Terminus,
minus Station. ready to attack the characters to give Garra a chance to
get away. Unless noted otherwise, members of Daask
TERMINUS FEATURES attack the characters, fighting until reduced to half hit
points then fleeing. If any member of Daask is captured,
The buildings i n Terminus are made o f stone. Their
a character who makes a successful DC 12 Charisma
walls require a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
(Intimidation) check gets the Daask member to reveal
check to climb without equipment. The interior areas of
that Garra is leaving Sham on a lightning rail bound
buildings are built to accommodate creatures of various
for Wroat.
sizes and have 15-foot-high ceilings and doorways.
A building's doors are made of wood. Each door has CHANGELING TREACHERY
AC 15, 27 hit points, and immunity to poison and psy­ If the characters are traveling withJas (see "Skycoach
chic damage. If a door is locked, its lock can be picked Ride" earlier in the adventure), the changeling attempts
with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check with thieves' to lead them into the trap laid in Garra's safe house
tools, and the door can be forced open with a successful (area T4b). The changeling attacks the characters the
DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check. first time they battle other members of Daask.


1 square = 5 feet



I �

MAP 4.14: TER M I N U S


WHERE'S TERMINUS STATION? • Martisha has a half-ogre neighbor who lives in the
other apartment on this floor.
At some point during their exploration o f Terminus, the • The half-ogre never bothered Martisha but does have
characters learn that Garra has boarded a lightning loud guests from time to time, including many mon­
rail getting ready to leave Sharn if they don't know this strous immigrants from Droaam, coming and going at
already. If the characters ask any bystanders, they learn all hours.
the location of the lift (area TIO) that leads to Termi­ • Martisha saw the half-ogre leave the apartment min­
nus Station. utes before the characters arrived.

AREAS OF TERMINUS T4b. Garra 's Living Area. When the characters enter
this area, read or paraphrase the following boxed text to
The following encounter locations are keyed to map the players:
4. 14. This map does not depict the entire district of Ter­
minus, but it shows the most likely places the characters
explore in this adventure. Cabi nets hang on the north wall of this l a rge roo m , which
is hazy with the smell of tobacco. N ear the east wal l
stands an overstuffed couch. An rectangular table tu rned
on its side blocks a closed door on the south wall.
A large platform at the top of a tower i s crowded with a
d iverse crew of h u m a noids. A pro m i nent dock j uts out __/
Four kenku cutpurses working for Daask hide in two
from the tower, overlooking the crowded bridges and
groups of two: one group behind the couch, the other
streets below. An u n occupied skycoach with a d ragon­ behind the table. A character with a passive Wisdom
shaped prow is chained to the south platform. (Perception) score of 13 or higher is not surprised by the
kenku, which prefer to attack from behind the furniture.
When using the couch and table for protection, a crea­
A crowd of 2d8 commoners and ld4 nobles is gathered ture gains half cover. The cabinets are empty.
on the platform waiting to hire skycoaches. T4c. Garra 's Bedroom. When the characters enter
The docked skycoach belongs to an off-duty profes­ this area, read the following boxed text to the players:
sional driver named Belga Twillo. The chain anchoring
the skycoach to the dock has AC 19, 10 hit points, and
immunity to poison and psychic damage. A character A frantic gnoll is picking up papers from the floor to
who makes a successful DC 17 Dexterity check with th row i nto a b u rn i n g brazier at the center of the room.
thieves' tools picks the chain's lock. A bystander who Beyond the brazier, Sergeant V i l roy is bound at the hands
catches a character trying to steal the skycoach shouts
and feet with rope, lying bloodied a n d u nconscious on a
for the Sharn Watch (see "Sharn Watch Personali­
large mattress.
ties," page 258).

Nur, a Daask gnoll, is burning Garra's documents as or­
This 10-foot-wide outdoor spiral staircase wraps around
dered by the half-ogre. Of the documents that remain on
a tower containing several taverns and shops that sell
the floor, two are of interest. One is a receipt for a light­
souvenirs and gifts for the city's visitors to bring home
ning rail ticket, indicating the time, date, and journey of
to loved ones. The stair leads from the skycoach plat­
Garra's lightning rail trip to Wroat. The other document
form (area Tl) to the roof of the tenement tower.
contains a list of the names and addresses of the war­
T3. TENEMENT TOWER STAIRS forged hired to work in the ruins of Old Sharn. You can
This interior staircase connects the tenement tower roof add other documents that could act as story hooks for
to areas T4, TS, and T6. future adventures.
Sergeant Germaine Vilroy (neutral female Brelish
T4. ToP-LEVEL APARTMENTs human veteran) is restrained and unconscious and
The doors to both apartments on this level are locked. currently has 5 hit points remaining. After getting the
T4a. Martisha's Apartment. Martisha Kullandra information she needed from Germaine, Garra knocked
(neutral female Brelish human magewright; see chapter her out using oil of taggit (see "Caden d'Orien" earlier in
6) lives in this modestly furnished studio apartment. If this adventure). A character can remove the ropes bind­
the characters break into the 80-year-old's apartment, ing the sergeant as an action. If the characters wake up
Martisha flees, fighting for her life if she must. If the Germaine, she tells the characters to continue pursuing
characters knock on her door, Martisha shouts to them Garra and that she can get help for herself.
through the door to go away.
A character who succeeds on DC 1 2 Charisma (Per­
suasion) check convinces Martisha to talk to the charac­ The lower-level apartments have similar layouts to the
ters. If asked about Garra, Martisha gives the characters ones in area T4 but house different creatures. The door
the following information: to every apartment is locked. If you need occupants for
an apartment, use the Apartment Occupants table to
generate them. There is a 10 percent chance that an


occupant knows what Martisha Kullandra knows about Corrin Delmaco is a male lightfoot halfling who works
Garra (see area T4a). for the Boromar Clan. The halfiing tried to infiltrate
Daask and was captured. He is being held in the hideout
APART M E N T OCCU PA N TS while Daask agents torture him for information.
dl2 Occupants Corrin is a lawful evil spy with the following changes:
1-6 No c urrent occ u pa nts He is Small, has a hit point maximum of 21 (6d6), and
7-9 A fa m ily of l d4 commoners has 10 hit points remaining.
He has the following racial traits: He can move
10 A shifter (see chapter 6 )
through the space of a Medium or larger creature. He
11 A warforged soldier (see chapter 6) has advantage on saving throws against being fright­
12 A changeling (see chapter 6) ened. He speaks Common, Halfling, and thieves' cant.

T6. SKYBRIDGE Corrin claims to have no idea why Daask abducted

him and begs for the characters to free him. A character
This stone skybridge connects the tenement building
who succeeds on a Wisdom (Insight) check contested by
to the building containing the lift. A Daask harpy and a
Corrin's Charisma (Deception) check knows the halfling
group of ld4 commoners loiter on the bridge when the
is lying. If pressed, Corrin admits his connection to the
characters arrive. The commoners pose no threat, but
Boromar Clan, and tells the characters it would be mean
the harpy attacks the characters on sight, using her Lur­
a lot to the powerful halfling family if they freed him.
ing Song to bring them to her if they flee.
A character can untie Corrin from the chair as an ac­
T7. GRAFFITI HALL tion. Corrin then flees the scene and tells the Boromars
of his rescuers, which could lead to more adventures
(see "Conclusion" at the end of this chapter).

This stone hall is covered i n graffiti. Crude paintings and
p h rases such as "TYRANTS R U L E ! " and "CYRANS GO TlO. TERMINUS STATION LIFT
This lift connects Terminus Station with the higher lev­
H O M E!" adorn the walls and cei li ng.
els of the Terminus district.

A hidden door with a peephole in this hall connects to Tll. BODEGA

a Daask hideout (area T8). A character with a passive
Wisdom (Perception) score of 15 or higher notices the A s m a l l bell above the door ri ngs as you enter this store.
peephole and the outline of the door.
Its many shelves are packed with bottled drinks, pack­
A Daask shifter operative in area T8 watches the hall
through the peephole. If the shifter notices the charac­ aged food that is ready to eat, souvenirs, and newspa­
ters, the creatures in area T8 open the door and attack. pers. A kenku wea ring spectacles and sta n d i ng behind a
cou nter says, " B uy somet h i n g, will ya ? " in a n old wom­
T8 . DAASK HIDEOUT an's voice.

This room reeks of urine and body odor. The floor is cov­
This store sells is run by Gurty, an elderly kenku. If the
ered in em pty l i q u o r bottles, food waste, and old copies characters ask Gurty about Garra, the kenku mimics
of the Sharn Inquisitive. the half-ogre's voice, saying, "My coach is leaving soon.
Hurry it up, or I'll pluck ya, stupid bird."

Two Daask operatives, a chaotic neutral shifter named T l 2 . TICKET BOOTH

Bartram (see chapter 6) and his worg companion are A commoner in the livery of House Orien works in
stationed here. Bartram and the worg are surly and this area, selling tickets through a small opening in a
never shy away from a fight. That said, they will happily glass window to people on the platform. The door to the
leave the party alone if handed a bribe of 10 gp or more. booth is locked from the inside. Money collected from
ticket sales is placed in a small slot in a magic floor safe
that can only be opened by a dwarf bearing the Mark
of Warding.

A groan i n g halfl i ng is tied to a wood chair i n the center
of this roo m , his s h i rt stained with blood and sweat, and
The bathroom contains six stalls, each with a toilet,
h i s head covered i n a canvas bag. and a 3-foot-high pillar at the center of the room with a
cleansing stone (see chapter 5) embedded in its top.



' ,
Tl4. STATION PLATFORM this conductor sends word throughout the train to the
other conductors to keep an eye on the character.
If the characters move outside the coach, they must ei­
The sound of l ightn ing rail trains stopping and starting ther move along the roof or cling to the sides of the train
el sewhere i n Ter m i n u s Station echoes throughout the cars to find Garra.
platform. A crowd of people is gathered near a l ightning Walking on Rooftops. A creature moving across the

rai l train crackling with arcs of blue energy. "If you ' re train car roofs must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity (Ac­
robatics) check to keep its balance. A creature that fails
headed to Wroat, you'll have to catch the next one!" c ries
this check by 4 or less slips and falls prone on the roof.
a conductor in the l ivery of House O rien as the train be·
A creature that fails this check by 5 or more falls off the
gins moving out of the station. train and takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.
Climbing the Sides. A creature climbing along the
sides of the cars must succeed on a DC 10 Strength
A crowd of 2d10 commoners and 2d4 nobles gathers
(Athletics) check to hang on. A creature that fails this
on the platform along with six hostile human bandits
check almost loses its grip and makes no progress. A
who belong to Daask. The bandits are here to cover Gar­
creature that fails this check by 5 or more falls off the
ra's escape and attack characters who try to board the
train and takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.
departing train.
To catch Garra, the characters need to board the light­ CONFRONTING GARRA
ning rail train leaving the station. The coach has ten
cars: a helm car (at the front), a first-class car, a galley When the characters peer into the foremost cabin of the
car, a dining car, two standard cars, two sleeper cars, a first-class car, read or paraphrase the following:
steerage car, and a cargo car (at the rear).
The characters have 30 seconds (5 rounds) to catch An eight-foot-ta l l m u scular woman with a tusked , pro­
the coach before it leaves Terminus Station. A character
truding j aw l o u n ges o n a couch in a l uxury passenger
can jump onto a lightning rail car by making a success­
ful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. A character who car. She reads the Sham Inquisitive and keeps a battleaxe
fails this check takes 3 (ld6) bludgeoning damage and with i n arm's reach. A wooden chest rests by her feet, and
falls prone on the platform. At the start of round six, the a table l i ned with fi n e foods and bottles of spirits stands
coach moves 20 feet per round for three rounds before close by.
accelerating to top speed.
Left at the Station. If none of the characters board
the lightning rail train, Garra gets away with the books Garra paid for the privilege of a private car. She is a cha­
and schemas found in Old Sham's ruins. A more likely otic evil half-ogre with Intelligence and Wisdom scores
scenario is that one or more characters are left behind of 14 (+2). Her passive Wisdom (Perception) score is 1 2 .
as the others board the train. In this case, keep the ini­ Rot, a chaotic evil male sprite that works fo r Daask, is
tiative order and alternate between the characters stuck also in the car and invisible when the characters enter.
on the platform with the Daask bandits and the charac­ The sprite is Garra's servant-a gift from Niho Koi. If
ters exploring the train. The characters who remain at the characters attack Garra, Rot shoots at them with his
the station can seek out an adventurous skycoach driver bow; if Garra falls, the sprite flees. Rot's mind has been
and bribe them to fly after the train before making a DC warped by Niho Koi's magic, and he can't provide any
13 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to leap onto the roof of a useful information to the characters if captured.
train car safely. Characters who fail the check take fall If Garra feels outnumbered, she smashes the closest
prone on the roof of the car and take bludgeoning dam­ window and climbs onto the roof, where she can more
age based on the distance fallen (ld6 per 10 feet). easily shove enemies off the train.

LIGHTNING RAIL TO WROAT Garra has no remorse when it comes to her crimes and
After making it onto the lightning rail train, the charac­ can always rationalize her behavior. When she notices
ters must explore it to find Garra. the characters, Garra puts up her hands to indicate she
means them no harm. She is impressed that the charac­
EXPLORING THE COACH ters managed to catch up with her. The half-ogre offers
Each car has a human conductor (commoner) wearing a 100 gp bribe to the group for the characters to tell the
the livery of House Orien. When a character enters a Sham Watch she escaped and have that be the end of
car, the conductor asks to see the character's ticket. If it. If the characters express interest in joining Daask,
the character doesn't have a ticket, the conductor de­ she chuckles asks why they'd do such a thing, and if
mands the character pay 15 gp (the price of the ticket she's satisfied with the answer, obliges. Garra pays new
plus a modest fine) or face armed guards who attempt recruits 100 gp each, promises there is more reward to
to arrest the character at the next stop. A character who come, and says the characters' first task is to help her
makes a successful DC 14 Charisma (Intimidation or transport the chest to Droaam from Wroat. If the char­
Persuasion) check convinces the conductor to stand acters refuse, Garra attacks. Garra is willing to die for
down without the character paying. If the character can't Daask and fights accordingly.
pay and fails to convince the conductor to stand down,


Garra doesn't know what is in books or schemas, as There are several other possibilities for future adven­
these items are written in a coded magical language. tures, depending on how this story played out:
She only knows that Niho Koi desires the items. • If the characters killed Garra, they are paid their re­
Garra holds the key to her chest, which weighs 50 ward of 50 gp each, and members of the Sham Watch
pounds. A character who makes a successful DC 1 3 continue to contract the characters for work.
Dexterity check with thieves' tools picks the lock, and a • If the characters agreed to work for Garra, they be­
character who makes a successful DC 15 Strength (Ath­ come members of Daask. If the characters killed
letics) check forces the chest open. The chest contains Garra, they become enemies of Daask.
Garra's treasure (see below), thirteen books, and three If the characters returned Caden d'Orien to his father,
paper schemas in scroll tubes. Each book and schema is Alden might ask the characters for help with other
written in a magically coded language that can't be read tasks, or he might see them as his enemies if they re­
by the comprehend languages spell. Finding a way to ported him to the Sham Watch.
read these documents is another adventure. • If the characters freed Corrin Delmaco (see area T9
of Terminus) or if they killed Garra, the Boromar Clan
sees them as potential allies. If the characters ally
In addition to the books and schemas, the chest con­
with Daask, the Boromar Clan sees them as enemies.
tains gem of brightness with 32 charges, a feather token
• The characters' heroics catch the attention of a House
(see chapter 5), and 600 gp.
Lyrandar airship captain seeking a crew for a danger­
ous expedition to some far-flung corner of Khorvaire,
STOP THE C OAC H ! or perhaps even as far away as Xen'drik or Argonnes­
I f the characters kill Garra in noisy combat, the light­ sen. See chapter 2 for possible adventure locations.
ning rail coach stops, and a House Orien conductor
(commoner) checks on the disturbance. If the charac­
ters explain that they are working with the Sham Watch
to catch a murderer and present their writ, the conduc­
tor has the coach halted at the next stop, with guards
waiting to verify the characters' claims.

I f the characters fail to stop Garra, she gets away and
brings the books and schemas to Niho Koi in Droaam.
The information contained in these documents is up to
you, but it might be dangerous information the Daugh­
ters of Sora Kell could weaponize. The characters could
face the rising threat of Droaam in future adventures.
See the "Droaam" section earlier in this chapter for
more adventure ideas.
life of Khorvaire. Common magic items
are widespread, and the crystals known The world of Eberron thrums with the power of magic.
as dragonshards serve as the fuel of the Artificers, magewrights, wizards, and other spellcast­
magical economy and are used in items that ers produce an abundance of magic items, particularly
amplify the powers of dragonmarks. those with the common rarity.


Dragonshards aren't magic items themselves but are This section presents a selection of magic items in al­
crystals imbued with magical energy. They play a vital phabetical order. See the Dungeon Master's Guide for
role in the creation of magic items and the performance the rules on using magic items.
of certain rituals in Eberron. Dragonshards come in Some of the magic items in this chapter are symbiotic
three varieties, each found in a different environment. objects created by the daelkyr. While not fully sentient,
Eberron dragonshards are found in shallow soil these symbiotic items are partially organic. Attuning to
and often encased in geode-like stone shells. Eberron such an item reflects physically bonding with it. While
dragonshards can be found almost anywhere, but the these objects aren't evil, some people might be dis­
most significant deposits have been discovered in jungle turbed upon seeing your living armor or tentacle whip!
environments, notably Q'barra and Xen'drik. In their
raw form, Eberron dragonshards are rosy crystals with
crimson swirls fl.owing in their depths and are typically
refined into a glowing powder. This dragonshard dust
can be used to fuel almost any act of magic. When cast­
ing a spell, you can use Eberron dragonshard dust in
place of any spell component that has a cost, unless the
DM says otherwise (the dust's market value is the same
as the replaced component). Eberron dragonshard dust
is used in the creation of some magic items, and many
powerful tools-such as the lightning rail and elemental
airships-require an ongoing expenditure of Eberron
dragonshards to maintain their enchantments.
Khyber dragonshards are found deep in the earth,
often near layers of magma. These crystals typically
grow on cavern walls, and superstition says they flour­
ish in areas with significant fiendish activity. Khyber
dragonshards are deep blue or dark violet, laced with
gleaming veins. Khyber dragonshards have an affinity
for binding magics. Elemental binding-which is behind
airships, the lightning rail, and elemental galleons­
requires a Khyber dragonshard to hold the elemental.
Khyber shards are used for phylacteries, planar binding,
and other effects that trap or manipulate spirits. Khyber
dragonshards can also be used for necromantic rites.
Siberys dragonshards fall from the Ring of Siberys,
the ring of crystals that encircles the world. While rare
in Khorvaire, there are significant Siberys dragonshard
fields in the continent of Xen'drik, and this is a potential
source of great wealth for explorers. Siberys dragon­
shards are amber in color, with swirling golden veins
gleaming within. These dragonshards are used in the
crafting of magic items that require dragonmarks for
attunement. Larger ones may be required for eldritch
machines or the creation of legendary items or artifacts.

2 75
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a Wondrous item, common
creature missing a hand or an arm) A cleansing stone is a sphere 1 foot in diameter, en­
This prosthetic appendage was developed by artificers graved with mystic sigils. When touching the stone,
of House Cannith. To attune to this item, you must at­ you can use an action to activate it and remove dirt and
tach it to your arm at the wrist, elbow, or shoulder, at grime from your garments and your person.
which point the prosthetic magically forms a copy of the Such stones are often embedded in pedestals in public
appendage it's replacing. squares in Aundair or in high-end Ghallanda inns.
While attached, the prosthetic provides these benefits:
• The prosthetic is a fully capable part of your body.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a war­
• You can take an action to remove the prosthetic, and it
removes itself if your attunement to it ends. It can't be
removed against your will. A docent is a small metal sphere, about 2 inches across,
• The prosthetic is a magic melee weapon with which studded with dragonshards. To attune to a docent, you
you're proficient. It deals ld8 force damage on a hit must embed the item somewhere on your body, such as
and has the thrown property, with a normal range of your chest or your eye socket.
20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. When thrown, the Sentience. A docent is a sentient item of any align­

prosthetic detaches and flies at the target of the attack, ment with an Intelligence of 16, a Wisdom of 14, and
then immediately returns to you and reattaches. a Charisma of 14. It perceives the world through your
senses. It communicates telepathically with you and can
ARM BLADE speak, read, and understand any language it knows (see
Weapon (any one-handed melee weapon), common (re­ "Random Properties" below).
quires attunement by a warforged) Life Support. Whenever you end your turn with 0 hit
points, the docent can make a Wisdom (Medicine) check
An armblade is a magic weapon that attaches to your
with a +6 bonus. If this check succeeds, the docent sta­
arm, becoming inseparable from you as long as you're
bilizes you.
attuned to it. To attune to this item, you must hold it
Random Properties. A docent has the following
against your forearm for the entire attunement period.
As a bonus action, you can retract the armblade into
your forearm or extend it from there. While it is ex­ Languages. The docent knows Common, Giant, and
tended, you can use the weapon as if you were holding ld4 additional languages chosen by the DM. If a
it, and you can't use that hand for other purposes. docent knows fewer than six languages, it can learn
a new language after it hears or reads the language
BELASHYRRA'S BEHOLDER C ROWN through your senses.
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) Skills. The docent has a +7 bonus to one of the follow­
This symbiotic crown is carved from dark purple and ing skills (roll a d4): (1) Arcana, (2) History, (3) Investi­
mauve stone, with ten points like stalks set with gem­ gation, or (4) Nature.
stones resembling the eyestalks of a beholder. To attune Spells. The docent knows one of the following spells
to this item, you must wear it on your head for the entire and can cast it at will, requiring no components (roll
attunement period, during which the crown's hidden a d6): (1-2) detect evil and good or (3-6) detect magic.
tendrils burrow into your scalp to bond with your skull. The docent decides when to cast the spell.
While wearing the crown, you can see normally in Personality. A docent is designed to advise and assist
darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance the warforged it's attached to. One of the simple func­
of 1 20 feet. tions of a docent is to serve as a translator. The docent's
Spe/Js. The crown has 10 charges. While wearing it, properties are under its control, and if you have a bad re­
you can use an action to expend some of its charges to lationship with your docent, it might refuse to assist you.
cast one of the following spells from it (spell save DC
16): charm person (1 charge), disintegrate (6 charges), DYRRN'S TENTACLE WHI P
fear (3 charges), finger ofdeath (7 charges), flesh to Weapon (whip), very rare (requires attunement)
stone (6 charges), hold person (2 charges), ray of enfee­
This long, whip-like strand of tough muscle bears a
blement (2 charges), sleep (1 charge), slow (3 charges),
sharp stinger at one end. To attune to this symbiotic
telekinesis (5 charges). weapon, you wrap the whip around your wrist for the
The crown regains ld6 + 3 expended charges entire attunement period, during which time the whip
daily at dawn. painfully embeds its tendrils into your arm.
Symbiotic Nature. The crown can't be removed from
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily with this magic whip, but attack rolls made against aber­
end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell rations with this weapon have disadvantage. A creature
that ends a curse, your attunement to the crown ends, hit by this weapon takes an extra ld6 psychic damage.
and it detaches from you. When you roll a 20 on the d20 for an attack roll with
The daelkyr Belashyrra made these crowns. While on this weapon, the target is stunned until the end of its
the same plane of existence as the crown, Belashyrra next turn.
can see through its eyestalks.

As a bonus action, you can sheathe the whip by caus­ and can immediately use the goggles to cast locate
ing it to retract into your arm, or draw the whip out of creature to find that creature. This property can't be
your arm again. used again until the next dawn.
Symbiotic Nature. The whip can't be removed from
you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily GLAMERWEAVE
end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell Wondrous item, common or uncommon
that ends a curse, your attunement to the whip ends, Glamerweave is clothing imbued with harmless illusory
and it detaches from you. magic. While wearing the common version of these
clothes, you can use a bonus action to create a moving
EARWORM illusory pattern within the cloth.
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Uncommon glamerweave can have the pattern rise
To attune to this symbiont, you must hold it against the from the cloth. For example, a glamerweave gown might
skin behind your ear for the entire attunement period, be wreathed in harmless, illusory flames, while a glam­
whereupon it burrows into your head and bonds to your erweave hat might have illusory butterflies fluttering
skull. While the earworm is inside you, you can speak, around it.
read, and write Deep Speech. When you make a Charisma (Performance) or Cha­
Spells. The earworm has 4 charges. You can cast risma (Persuasion) check while wearing the uncommon
the following spells from it, expending the necessary version of glamerweave, you can roll a d4 and add the
number of charges (spell save DC 15): detect thoughts number rolled to the check. Once you use this property,
(2 charges) or dissonant whispers (1 charge). Each time it can't be used again until the next dawn.
you use the earworm to cast the detect thoughts spell, it
sends the information gleaned to the nearest daelkyr, or IMBUED Woon Focus
to the next nearest earworm until it reaches a daelkyr. Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)
The earworm regains ld4 expended charges An imbued wood focus is a rod, staff, or wand cut from
daily at dawn. a tree infused with extraplanar energy. If you're a spell­
Symbiotic Nature. The earworm can't be removed caster, you can use this orb as a spellcasting focus.
from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't volun­ When you cast a damage-dealing spell using this item
tarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a as your spellcasting focus, you gain a +1 bonus to one
spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the earworm damage roll of the spell, provided the damage is of the
ends, and it exits your body. type associated with the item's wood. The types of wood
and their associated damage types are listed in the Im­
EVERBRIGHT LANTERN bued Wood Focus table.
Wondrous item, common
This bullseye lantern contains an Eberron dragonshard I M B U E D Woo o Focu s
that sheds light comparable to that produced by a con­ Wood Damage Type
tinual flame spell. An everbright lantern sheds light in a
Fern ian Ash Fire
120-foot cone; the closest 60 feet is bright light, and the
l rian Rosewood Radiant
farthest 60 feet is dim light.
Kythrian Manchineel Acid or poison
FEATHER TOKEN Lamannian Oak Lightn ing or thunder
Wondrous item, common M abaran Ebony N ecrotic
This small metal disk is inscribed with the image of a Risian Pine Cold
feather. When you fall at least 20 feet while the token Shavarran Birch Force
is on your person, you descend 60 feet per round and Xorian Wenge Psychic
take no damage from falling. The token's magic is ex­
pended after you land, whereupon the disk becomes KEYCHARM
nonmagical. Wondrous item, common (requires attunement by a
creature with the Mark of Warding)
This small stylized key plays a vital role in the work of
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a
House Kundarak. If you cast the alarm, arcane lock, or
creature with the Mark ofFinding)
glyph of warding spell, you can tie the effect to the key­
The lenses of these garish goggles are carved from Si­ charm so that whoever holds it receives the notification
berys dragonshards. While wearing these lenses, you from the alarm spell, bypasses the lock of the arcane
gain the following benefits: Jock spell, or avoids triggering the glyph placed by the
When you make a Wisdom (Insight) check, you can glyph of warding spell. In addition, the holder (who
roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the check. needn't be attuned to the item) can take an action to end
As an action, you can use the goggles to examine an any one spell tied to it, provided the holder knows the
object to identify the aura of the last creature that command word you set for ending the tied spells. The
touched it. Make a Wisdom (Insight) check against a keycharm can have up to three tied spells at one time.
DC of 1 3 + the number of days since the last contact
occurred. On a success, you learn the creature's type

KYRZIN'S OOZE While attuned to these gloves, you gain one of the
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) following proficiencies (your choice when you attune to
the gloves):
This opalescent, symbiotic goo comes sealed in a jar
and slowly shifts and moves, as if endlessly exploring • Sleight of Hand
the jar's interior. To attune to this item, you must first • Thieves' tools
drink the contents of the jar, unlocking the following • One kind of artisan's tools of your choice
properties. • One kind of musical instrument of your choice
Resistant. While attuned to Kyrzin's ooze, you have
When you make an ability check using the chosen pro­
resistance to poison and acid damage, and you're im­ ficiency, you add double your proficiency bonus to the
mune to the poisoned condition. check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Amorphous. As an action, you can speak a command
Symbiotic Nature. The gloves can't be removed from
word and cause your body to assume the amorphous you while you're attuned to them, and you can't volun­
qualities of an ooze. For the next minute, you (along tarily end your attunement to them. If you're targeted by
with any equipment you're wearing or carrying) can a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the gloves
move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without ends, and they can be removed.
squeezing. Once you use this property, it can't be used
again until the next dawn. ORB OF SHIELDING
Acid Breath. As an action, you can exhale acid in a Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)
30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line
An orb ofshielding is a polished, spherical chunk of
must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 36
crystal or stone aligned to one of the planes of existence.
(8d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much dam­
If you're a spellcaster, you can use this orb as a spell­
age on a successful one. Once you use this property, it
casting focus.
can't be used again until the next dawn.
If you're holding the orb when you take damage of the
Symbiotic Nature. The ooze can't be removed from
type associated with the orb's material, you can use your
you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily
reaction to reduce the damage by ld4 (to a minimum of
end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell
0). The materials and their associated damage types are
that ends a curse, your attunement to the ooze ends, as
listed in the Orb of Shielding table.
it seeps out of you.
If you die while the ooze is inside you, it bursts out
and engulfs you, turning your corpse into a black pud­
ding allied with the daelkyr (see the Monster Manual for Planar Material Damage Type
the black pudding's stat block). Fernian basalt Fire
I rian q uartz Radiant
LIVING ARMOR Kythrian skarn Acid and poison
Armor (any), very rare (requires attunement) Laman nian fl int Lightning and thu nder
This hideous armor is formed from black chitin, beneath Mabaran obsidian Necrotic
which veins pulse and red sinews glisten. To attune Risian shale Cold
to this item, you must wear it for the entire attune- Shavarran chert Force
ment period, during which tendrils on the inside bur­
Xorian marble Psychic
row into you.
While wearing this armor, you have a +l bonus to
Armor Class, and you have resistance to the following
Wondrous item, common (requires attunement by a
damage types: necrotic, poison, and psychic.
creature missing some or all ofa limb)
Symbiotic Nature. The armor can't be removed from
you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily This artificial limb replaces a hand, arm, foot, leg, or
end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell similar appendage that was lost or removed. While the
that ends a curse, your attunement to the armor ends, prosthetic is attached and attuned to you, it functions
and it detaches from you. identically to the body part it is replacing. You can de­
The armor requires fresh blood be fed to it. Immedi­ tach or reattach it as an action, and it can't be removed
ately after you finish any long rest, you must either feed by anyone else.
half of your remaining Hit Dice to the armor (round up) If you have multiple prosthetic limbs, they count as a
or take 1 level of exhaustion. single magic item with regard to the number of magic
items you can attune to.
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) SCRIBE'S PEN
Wondrous item, common (requires attunement by a
These symbiotic gloves-made of thin chitin and
creature with the Mark of Scribing)
sinew-pulse with a life of their own. To attune to them,
you must wear them for the entire attunement period, You can use this pen to write on any surface. You decide
during which the gloves bond with your skin. whether the writing is visible or invisible, but the writing
is always visible to a person with the Mark of Scribing.

Any creature with the Mark of Scribing can use an ac­ SPELLSHARD
tion to touch the invisible writing, making it visible to all. Wondrous item, common
If you use the pen to write on a creature that isn't a
This polished Eberron dragonshard fits in the hand and
construct, the writing fades after 7 days.
stores information similar to a book. The shard can
SHIFTWEAVE hold the equivalent of one book that's no more than 320
Wondrous item, common pages long. A shard can be created blank or already
filled with information. When the shard is created, the
When a suit of shiftweave is created, up to five different creator can set a passphrase that must be spoken to ac­
outfits can be embedded into the cloth. While wearing cess the information stored within.
the clothing, you can speak its command word as a bo­ While holding the shard, you can use an action to
nus action to transform your outfit into your choice of open your mind to the shard, seeing its content in your
one of the other designs contained within it. Regardless mind. On subsequent rounds, reading the text or scrib­
of its appearance, the outfit can't be anything but cloth­ ing new text on blank "pages" in the shard requires
ing. Although it can duplicate the look of other magical concentration (as if concentrating on a spell) and takes
clothing, it doesn't gain their magical properties. the same amount of time it takes you to read and write
normally. Thinking of a particular phrase or topic draws
you to the first section in the shard that addresses it.
Wondrous item, very rare
A wizard can use a spellshard as a spellbook, with
The key to long-distance, virtually instantaneous com­ the usual cost in gold and time to "scribe" a spell into
munication across Khorvaire is House Sivis's network the shard.
of message stations. Each station contains at least one
speaking stone, which is carved from a Siberys dragon­ VENTILATING LUNGS
shard and inscribed with arcane symbols that uniquely Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
identify it. If you're a gnome with the Mark of Scribing, These metallic nodules were created in response to the
you can touch the stone and use an action to cast the poisonous gases used on the battlefields of the Last War.
sending spell from it. The target is any other speaking When you attune to these lungs, they replace the lungs
stone whose location or unique sequence of symbols in your chest, which disappear. The lungs allow you to
you know. A creature within 5 feet of the stone hears the breathe normally, even in an antimagic field, and their
message as if they were the target. breathing function can't be suppressed by magic.
In a Sivis message station, a gnome is always on duty Outside an antimagic field or any other effect that
by the speaking stone, listening for messages that might suppresses magic, these lungs allow you to breathe
come in and transcribing them for delivery to their in­ normally in any environment (including a vacuum), and
tended recipients. you have advantage on saving throws against harm-
ful gases such as those created by a cloudkill spell,
a stinking cloud spell, inhaled poisons, and gaseous

breath weapons .
As an action, you can use these lungs to exhale a gust
of wind, as if you had cast the gust of wind spell (spell
save DC 1 5) with no components. This property of the
lungs can't be used again until the next dawn.
If your attunement to the lungs ends, your original
lungs reappear.

Wondrous item, common (requires attunement by a war­
A wand sheath clamps onto your arm and imparts the
following benefits:
The wand sheath can't be removed from you while
you're attuned to it.
• You can insert a wand into the sheath as an action.
The sheath can hold only one wand at a time .
• You can retract or extend a wand from the sheath as a
bonus action. While the wand is extended, you can use
it as if you were holding it, but your hand remains free.
If a sheathed wand requires attunement, you must
attune to the wand before you can use it. However, the
wand sheath and the attached wand count as a single
magic item with regard to the number of magic items
you can attune to. If you remove the wand from the
sheath, your attunement to the wand ends.

2 79
Wondrous item, uncommon
When mounted at the helm of an elemental galleon or
airship, this wheel allows a creature that possesses the
Mark of Storm to telepathically control the elemental
bound inside the vessel.
If a wheel of wind and water is mounted on a mun­
dane sailing ship, a creature with the Mark of Storm
who is using the wheel can create an area of ideal
conditions around the vessel, increasing its speed by 5
miles per hour.

I n a Cannith enclave, a team of artificers maintain a
creation forge that produces warforged. In the Shadow
Marches, druids guard the seals that hold the daelkyr
at bay. In the sewers below Sham, a mad necromancer
puts the final touches on a device that will turn the
city's residents into undead. Such contraptions are
categorized as eldritch machines-magical devices of
immense power that are too large to be moved easily. El­
dritch machines are marvels of magic and engineering
that require special components and conditions to func­
tion. For example, a particular eldritch machine might
function only in a manifest zone where two or more
planes are coterminous.
Ultimately, eldritch machines are plot devices that can
represent the culmination of a villain's master plan or a
last defense against evil.

A creation forge is a spherical chamber that contains a
floating obelisk. This obelisk creates warforged souls
and places them in newly constructed warforged bodies.
Only dragonmarked members of House Cannith can
create and maintain such devices, and though the Treaty
of Thronehold mandated the destruction of all creation
forges in Khorvaire after the Last War, at least one cre­
ation forge is rumored to exist in the bowels of Sham.

A dimensional seal is a massive stone slab covered with
a complex pattern of runes and sigils. The seal projects
an invisible field in a 2-mile radius. This field blocks
all forms of conjuration magic and any other effect that
involves teleportation or planar travel. Dimensional
seals are usually found in the Eldeen Reaches and the
Shadow Marches-reminders of the conflict between
the Gatekeepers and the daelkyr. The techniques used
to create these seals have been long lost. It's said that as
a whole, the dimensional seals keep the daelkyr bound
in Khyber and prevent Xoriat from becoming cotermi­
nous with Eberron. If enough of these seals are de­
stroyed, there could be dire consequences for the world.
This dread device draws on the power of Mabar, in­
Normally, a magic item i n Eberron i s created using the
fusing the dead with the malign energy of the Endless
crafting rules in the Dungeon Master's Guide or Xana­
Night. While it is active, any humanoid that dies within
thar's Guide to Everything. But if you have a dragon­
2 miles of the resonator reanimates 1 minute later as a
shard, you can more easily create a common magic item.
zombie (see the Monster Manual for its stat block) under
To create such an item with a dragonshard, a charac­
the control of the creature controlling the device.
ter must have proficiency in the tools used to create a
MASTER'S CALL nonmagical version of the item or proficiency in the Ar­
While this looks like a scrap heap assembled from cana skill. For example, a potion ofhealing can be cre­
shattered constructs, this eldritch machine possesses ated by a character who has proficiency with the herbal­
great power. A creature in control of it can sense the ism kit. A spellcaster can scribe a spell scroll of a spell
presence and location of all warforged within 10 miles they know if they have proficiency in the Arcana skill,
of the device and can, as an action, send a telepathic and they must provide all material components required
message to them laced with enchantment magic. Such a for the spell. A cantrip scribed onto a scroll works as if
message can be sent no more than once every 24 hours. the caster were 1 st level.
A warforged who receives the message is compelled The Creating Common Magic Items table states how
to follow one command contained within it, unless the much time and money you must spend to craft a com­
warforged succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw. mon magic item with a dragonshard, which is expended
The affected warforged breaks free of the command in the creation process. The hours of creation can be
after 24 hours. spread over multiple days, which needn't be consecutive.


This device emanates an antimagic field (same effects as Common Magic Item Time Cost
the antimagic field spell) in a radius of 1 to 3 miles. The Spell scroll (cantrip) 8 hours 15 gp
field can be activated or deactivated as an action with a Potion ofhealing 8 h o u rs 25 gp
touch by its controller.
Any other com m o n magic item 32 hou rs* 50 gp''
The form that the device takes depends on the nature
of its creator. The Ashbound druids despise unnatural ;,H alved for a consumable item l ike a potion or scroll
magic, so a spell sink created by them might be a living
artifact, such as a twisted tree that consumes the magi­ C RAFTING C OMPLICATIONS
cal energy around it. Conversely, a spell sink created by If the D M i s using the crafting rules i n Xanathar's Guide
a mad artificer might be a massive vessel composed of to Everything for items that aren't common, the creation
dragonshards and exotic metals. process can involve complications. Assume there's a 10
A variant device called the spell siphon not only neu­ percent chance of a complication arising for every five
tralizes magic but also absorbs all magical energy in the workweeks (25 days) spent on crafting the item. Xana­
area, storing that power for a cataclysmic effect. thar's Guide to Everything presents a number of possi­
ble complications, or you can use the Eberron Crafting
STORM S PIRE Complications table.
This eldritch machine can only be controlled by crea­
tures that bear the Mark of Storm. Storm spires allow E B E R R O N CRAFTI N G CO M P L I CATI O N S
House Lyrandar to influence the weather, which can be
a boon for the local population or a curse if a Lyrandar d 6 Complication
baron chooses to demand payment for ideal weather. House Cann ith or another dragon marked house takes
an i nterest in your work. Do they view you as a threat,
EVERYDAY MAGIC ITEMS or are they impressed by you r techniques?
2 A mishap creates a tem porary manifest zone (see
Thanks to dragonshards, common magic items-includ­
ing the ones in Xanathar's Guide to Everything-are "The Planes of Existence" in chapter 4 for i nformation
readily available in Khorvaire. on manifest zones).
3 You need to acq u i re an additional rare component to
BUYING A C OMMON MAGIC ITEM complete you r work. Time for adventure!
I n Eberron, common magic items can b e found for sale 4 The sh ifting balance of the planes interferes with your
in most communities. The DM determines the stock that work; you m ust wait for the cu rrent planar alignment
is available, or the DM has the shoppers make a group to change. This delays you r work by 2d6 days.
Intelligence (Investigation) check to find a shop or ped­ 5 Your efforts d raw the attention of the Au r u m , the
dler that has the desired item in stock. The DC for this Chamber, the Emerald Claw, or the Lords of D ust.
check is 10 in a city, 15 in a town, and 20 in a village. If
6 Your item becomes sentient (see chapter 7 of the
the check fails, at least 24 hours must pass before look­
Dungeon Master's Guide for rules on sentient items).
ing for the same item in that community.
The DM sets the price of a common magic item or de­
termines it randomly: 2d4 x 10 gp, or half as much for a
consumable item such as a potion or scroll.



from the Last War, rumors spread of the
alien daelkyr, the Emerald Claw, the Lord of
The following pages feature stat blocks for various crea­
Blades, and other threats growing in power tures of Eberron, arranged in alphabetical order. For
across the world. This chapter provides stat guidance on how to use a creature's stat block, consult
blocks for many of the creatures that can play a role in the introduction of the Monster Manual.
an Eberron campaign, including enemies that might
overrun a town, powerful entities threatening all Khor­
vaire, and NPCs that can serve as either friends or foes.
The chapter's monsters appear first in a bestiary. The daelkyr are the lords o f madness and the emissar­
They're followed by a collection of generic NPCs-vari­ ies of Xoriat, who invaded Eberron with a host of mind
ous people who can populate your Eberron adventures. flayers, beholders, and other foul aberrations. Wherever
Remember that few intelligent creatures in Eberron they walked, the daelkyr reshaped the world in their
are inherently evil. Even dragons, which on other worlds image, sowing madness and creating monsters. They
are associated with certain alignments, choose their fused goblins together to create the gibbering dolgrims
own paths. The adventure ideas and encounter tables in and crafted the blind dolgaunts from hobgoblin stock.
chapter 4 offer abundant examples of monsters behav­ The goblinoid champions of Dhakaan fought fiercely.
ing in ways that aren't traditionally monstrous. But in the end, it was the ore Gatekeeper druids who
closed the portals to Xoriat and drove the daelkyr into
STAT BLOCKS BY C REATURE TYPE Khyber. The Gatekeepers crafted seals to hold both the
power of Xoriat and the daelkyr at bay, and as long as
Here are the creatures in this chapter sorted by
those seals remain intact, the lords of madness can't
creature type.
rise from the depths. Today, those seals are thousands
of years old and the Gatekeepers are all but forgotten.
Mind flayers scheme in the sewers of Sham, and cultists
Belashyrra Dusk hag
beseech beholder priests for the blessings of Belashy­
Doi gaunt Valenar hawk
rra, the Lord of Eyes. And in the shadows of Khyber, the
Doi grim Valenar hound daelkyr are waiting.
Dyrrn Valenar steed
Hashalaq q uori TH E S i x DA E L K Y R
Kalaraq quori Six daelkyr a r e known on Eberron through their cu lts and
Tsucora quori M o rdakhesh
legends: Belashyrra and Dyrrn, who are detailed in this
Rak Tul khesh chapter, and the four described below. Other daelkyr s u rely
BEAST S u l Khatesh l u rk i n the depths of Khyber.
Clawfoot Zakya rakshasa Avassh. The Twister of Roots devotes its attentions to
Fastieth plants. Avassh is said to be the sou rce of sham bling
H U MA N O I D mounds and myconids, but any u n natural and deadly veg­
CELESTIAL Bone kn ight etation might be its work.
Kyrzin. The cults of the Prince of Slime are based i n the
Radiant idol Change l i ng
Shadow M a rches and are i nfamous for cultivating gibber­
I n sp i red ing beasts. Kyrzin creates sentient s l i mes that can enter
Kalashtar h u manoid bodies. I n some tales, these creatures control
Expeditious messenger their hosts, while in others, they are parasites that burn
Lord of B l ades
I ron defender their way out of the body when it's time to strike.
M agewright
Living burning hands Orlassk. The M aster of Stone is said to have created
Living cloudkill bas i l isks, medusas, gorgons, cockatrices, and other mon­
Tarkanan assassi n strosities and aberrations with the power of petrification.
Living l ightn i n g bolt
Warforged soldier Orlassk's citadel i s carved i nto the body of a gargantuan
Warforged colossus gargoyle that roams the chasms of Khyber.
Warforged titan U N DEAD Valaara. The Crawling Queen works its will on i nsects,
Karrnathi u n dead soldier arac h n ids, and other verm i n . Swarms with malign sen­
Lady l l l marrow tience, worms that consume victi m s from within, cu ltists
that slowly become i nsects-all of these del ight Valaara.
U ndying councilor
Undying soldier


Held Loosely in Space. The daelkyr have lairs within CHA RACTE R S W I T H TI ES TO T H E DA E L K Y R
Khyber, but these are no mere caverns. Each daelkyr's Player characters m ight manifest connections t o the
domain is a demiplane reflecting the twisted vision of its daelkyr in many ways. The G reat Old One warlock patron
master. These realms are connected to the surface by is an excellent m atch to Belashyrra or Dyrrn, but other
tunnels and chasms, but they defy conventional geogra­ classes can j u st as easi ly reflect a connection to this dark­
phy. Passages to Belashyrra's domain can be found in ness. For example, a barbarian's rage might be seen as a
the Shadow Marches, but tunnels also connect its realm form of daelkyr-induced mad ness, or a sorcerer's Sorcer­
ous Origin could be the result of a daelkyr experiment.
to Xen'drik. Adventurers can potentially cross great dis­
When a character has a tie to a dael kyr, consider whether
tances quickly by passing through a daelkyr's domain. that tie was chosen or thrust u po n them. Is the character
Unfathomable Evil. The daelkyr are utterly alien, a cultist who embraces their dark path, believing that a
and their physical forms can't be fully perceived by world transformed by the daelkyr will be a better place? O r
mortals. Viewers perceive the same general impression is t h e character a victim of t h e dael kyr, consumed b y the
of a daelkyr, but the details vary in ways that can't be fear of what they might become?
controlled. For example, Belashyrra might appear as a The touch of the daelkyr might be purely mental, or it
female humanoid surrounded by floating eyes to some might be accompan ied by a physical transformation. A
viewers, while other viewers see a haggard male elf. barbarian touched by Belashyrra might serve as an eye of
the All-Seer but remain physically u nchanged, even as a
barbarian tied to Dyrrn takes on a berrant features while
SPAWN OF THE DAELKYR raging. When a warlock character gai n s the Devil's Sight
Most of the aberrations on Eberron are the creations of invocation, they might l iterally gain the fiery red eyes
the daelkyr. The daelkyr are masters of flesh-shaping, of a devil.
and they altered existing life forms-often beyond rec­ ... ....

ognition-to create soldiers for their wars against the DOPPELGANGERS

peoples of Khorvaire. The daelkyr Dyrrn the Corruptor enhanced the latent
When a character faces a creature twisted by the psychic abilities of changelings to develop doppelgang­
daelkyr-an aberration or another creature bearing a ers, while implanting a desire to cause chaos in the com­
daelkyr's corruption-consider rolling on the Daelkyr munities around them.-even when there's no benefit in
Modifications table to add strange cosmetic details to it for the doppelganger. Some doppelgangers, driven by
the creature. visions from the daelkyr, can be found working with the
Cults of the Dragon Below or fighting alongside aberra­
DAE LK Y R M O D I F I C AT I O N S tions in Khyber. Others operate alone.
d l 0 Modification
l The creature is fused with another creature or o bject. LYCANTHROPES
Many people believe that shifters are descended from
2 The creature has additional eyes, or its existing eyes
lycanthropes, but shifter druids often assert the op­
are replaced with the eyes of a different creature.
posite-that the abilities of the shifters are a gift from
3 The creature produces eerie music i n stead of s peech. Eberron or Lamannia, but the gift was corrupted by the
4 The creature's skin has an u n usual texture or color. daelkyr to create the curse of lycanthropy.
5 The creature's hair is replaced by spines or tentacles. Whatever the origin of lycanthropy, in the ninth cen­
6 The creature's Aesh is transparent. tury YK, the power of the curse surged dramatically,
7 The creature has extra l i m bs. and all lycanthropes were drawn toward evil. The
8 The creature is biolumi nescent.
Church of the Silver Flame engaged in a long crusade to
defend civilization from this brutal scourge, eventually
9 The creature has an additional head.
all but eradicating lycanthropy from the Five Nations.
10 The creature sheds its s k i n every 6 0 days. The lycanthropes that survived hid in dark places, deep
within the woods of the Eldeen Reaches and Droaam.
BEHOLDERS The common people of Khorvaire still see lycan­
Beholders served as the living artillery of the daelkyr thropes as a dire threat. Most folks don't understand
forces, shattering hobgoblin armies with their deadly that good-aligned lycanthropes exist.
eye rays. When the Gatekeepers drove back and impris­
oned the daelkyr, most of the beholders were driven into MIND FLAYERS
Khyber along with their creators. The illithids of Eberron are the creations of the daelkyr
Today, beholders are solitary, egocentric creatures. Dyrrn the Corruptor. Most mind flayers on Eberron
Some have remained among the daelkyr and dolgaunts dwell in Khyber with their daelkyr masters, command­
(presented later in this chapter), while others have ing cities of dolgaunts and dolgrims. A few can be found
accumulated their own followings among the Cults of on the surface, working with the Cults of the Dragon
the Dragon Below. A few have abandoned the path of Below or pursuing their own enigmatic goals. The mind
aggression in favor of solitary philosophy and reflection. flayers often seem to pursue reopening the gates to Xo­
A beholder philosopher might manipulate events in a hu­ riat with more urgency than the daelkyr themselves do.
manoid city not to gain power or wealth, but to stimulate The immortal daelkyr can afford to wait for another ten
and then study a particular social or economic situation. thousand years; the illithids aren't so patient.


Belashyrra is the Lord of Eyes, also known to its cultists
as the All-Seer or the Glorious Eye. Stories told of Be­
lashyrra in the Shadow Marches whisper that the Lord
of Eyes can see every evil deed a person commits, and
that those touched by this daelkyr suffer terrible halluci­
nations that inevitably drive them to violence or death.
Dreadful Visions. The madness of Belashyrra is tied
to sight: images that can't be unseen, horrific hallucina­
tions, the fear of blindness and of being watched-or re­
alizing that something else is using your eyes. Belashy­
rra can force its victims to question whether what they
perceive is real, or can fill their world with such terrors
that they willingly blind themselves to escape.
Belashyrra sees mortals as raw materials to be ex­
ploited or insects to be exterminated. However, the Lord
of Eyes has been known to take an interest in specific
mortals. Belashyrra's warlocks serve as its envoys in the
world and are often directed to seek out creatures and
sites that the daelkyr wishes to see through their eyes.
Belashyrra 's Cults. The Lord of Eyes has followers
across Khorvaire, and its cults are typically driven by
mad visions. Devoted cultists can grow eyes in unusual
locations, and might have darkvision or other supernat­
ural abilities when they view the world through those
eyes. Beholderkin often advise or lead Belashyrra's
cults, and cultists typically treat these aberrations as
divine beings.

Belashyrra makes its lair in the Citadel of Lidless Eyes within reach. If there are no creatures within reach,
deep in Khyber, a site that appears to have been molded the charmed creature can act normally for that turn. A
from molten stone, chitin, and flesh. Across its warped charmed creature can repeat the saving throw at the
and liquid expanses, thousands of eyes of every size and end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on
shape peer into the endless darkness. Beholders, dol­ a success.
grims, and stranger aberrations dwell within the halls Belashyrra taps into the eyesight of creatures in its
of the citadel, which is one of the few places where such lair and alters their perception. Each creature of
creatures are willing to live side by side. Belashyrra's choice in the lair must make a DC 22
Some beholderkin serve Belashyrra as guards and Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the affected crea­
agents, while others spend their lives in deep medita­ ture perceives objects and creatures a short distance
tion, pursuing inner visions known only to the Lord of from their actual locations, imposing disadvantage on
Eyes. It's rumored that anyone who sits on the citadel's the creature's attack rolls against those targets. An
throne can see through the eyes of any sentient creature affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the
on Eberron or in Khyber. If encountered in its lair, Be­ end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on
lashyrra has a challenge rating of 23 (50,000 XP). a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful
Lair Actions. While within the Citadel of Lidless
or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to this
Eyes, Belashyrra can invoke the ambient magic to take lair action for the next 24 hours.
lair actions. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative Regional Effects. Belashyrra's lair is known to touch
ties), Belashyrra can take a lair action to cause one of remote areas of the Shadow Marches and caverns
the following effects; it can't use the same effect two below Xen'drik. A region containing a passage to Belas­
rounds in a row: hyrra's lair is warped by its magic, which creates one or
• An eye opens on a solid surface within 60 feet of Be­ more of the following effects:
lashyrra. One random eye ray of Belashyrra's shoots • Creatures within 1 mile of the passage sometimes feel
from that eye at a target of Belashyrra's choice that it as if they're being watched.
can see. The eye then closes and disappears. Beasts that live within 5 miles of the passage undergo
• Belashyrra creates a wave of madness. Each creature magical transmutation", growing eyes or eyestalks that
it can see within its lair must succeed on a DC 22 Wis­ Belashyrra can see through.
dom saving throw or be charmed for 1 minute. While A humanoid who spends at least 1 hour within 1 mile
charmed in this way, a creature must use its action of the passage must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom
at the start of its turn before moving to make a melee saving throw or descend into a type of madness (see
attack against another creature of Belashyrra's choice "Madness of Belashyrra" below). A creature that


succeeds on this saving throw can't be affected by this M A D N ESS OF B E LA S H Y R R A
regional effect again for 24 hours.
d6 Flaw (lasts until cured)
If Belashyrra dies, these effects fade over the course of "I constantly see shapes moving in the shadows."
ldlO days. 2 "I perceive certain types of people-vocations or en-
MADNESS OF BELASHYRR.A'. tire societies-as hideous monsters."
If a creature goes mad in Belashyrra's lair or while 3 "Someone is watching everything I do."
it can see the daelkyr, it gains a form of indefinite 4 "When I close my eyes, I see my past misdeeds."
madness. Roll on the Madness of Belashyrra table to 5 " I don't trust my sight. I have no idea what's real and
determine the nature of this madness, which takes the what's a hallucination."
form of a character flaw that lasts until cured. Chapter 6 "Something watches the world through my eyes. To
8 of the Dungeon Master's Guide has more information
thwart them, I keep my eyes closed or covered ."
on madness.

Eye Ray. Belashyrra shoots one of the fol lowin g magical eye
BELASHYRRA rays of its choice, targeting one creature it can see within 1 20
Medium aberration, chaotic evil
feet of it:
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) 7. Psyche-Reconstruction Ray. The target must make a D C 22
Hit Points 304 (32d8 + 1 60) Wisdom saving th row, taking 49 (9dl 0) psychic damage on
Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) a fai led save, o r half as m uch damage on a successful o ne.
If this damage reduces a creature to 0 h it points, it d ies and
STR DEX CON I NT WIS CHA transforms into a spectator (see its entry i n the Monster
24 (+7) 21 (+ 5) 20 {+5) 25 {+7) 22 (+6) 23 (+6) Manual) under Belashyrra's control and acts i m mediately
after Belashyrra i n the i nitiative order. The target can't be re­
Saving Throws I nt +14, Wis +1 3 , Cha +1 3 tu rned to its original form by any means short of a wish spe l l .
Skills Arcana +1 4, Perception +1 3 2 . Domination Ray. T h e target m u st succeed on a DC 22 Wis­
Damage Resistances poison, psychic dom saving throw o r be charmed by Belashyrra for l min­
Condition Immunities b l i nded, charmed, exhaustion , ute o r u ntil the target takes damage. Belashyrra can issue
frightened, poisoned, prone telepathic commands to the charmed creature (no action
Senses truesight 1 20 ft., passive perception 23 req u i red), which it does its best to obey.
Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 1 20 ft. 3. Mind-Weakening Ray. The target m ust succeed on a DC 22
Challenge 22 (41,000 XP) I ntelligence saving throw or take 36 (8d8) psychic damage
and be unable to cast spells or activate magic items for l
m i n ute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of
Alien Mind. If a creature tries to read Belashyrra's thoughts or each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
deals psychic damage to it, that creature m u st succeed on a 4. B linding Ray. The target and each creature withi n 10 feet of it
DC 22 I ntel l igence savi ng th row or be stu nned for l m i n ute. must succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving th row o r take
The stu nned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of 19 (3d 1 2) radiant damage and be bli nded for 1 m i n ute. Until
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. this blind ness ends, Belyshyrra can see through the bl inded
creature's eyes. The bl i nded creature can repeat the saving
Eye Thief Belashyrra can see through the eyes of a l l creatures
throw at the end o f each of its turns, ending the effect on
with i n 1 20 feet of it. It can use its Eye Ray through any creature
itself on a success.
with i n 1 20 feet of it, as though it were in that creature's space.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Belashyrra fails a saving LEG E N DARY ACT I O N S

th row, it can choose to succeed i nstead. Belashyrra can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the op­
tions below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a
Magic Resistance. Belashyrra has advantage on saving throws
time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Belashyrra
agai nst spells and other magical effects.
regai n s spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Regeneration. Belashyrra regains 20 hit points at the start of
Claw. Belashyrra makes one claw attack.
its turn. If it takes radiant damage, this trait doesn't fu nction at Implant Fear (Costs 2 Actions). Belashyrra targets a creature it
the start of its next turn. Belashyrra dies only if it starts its turn can see within 60 feet of it. The target m ust succeed on a DC
with 0 h it points and doesn't regenerate. 22 Wisdom saving th row or take 22 {4d1 0) psychic damage
and i m med iately use its reaction, if avai lable, to move as far
Teleport. As a bonus action, Belashyrra can teleport u p to 30
as its speed a l l ows away from Belashyrra.
feet to an unoccupied space it can see.
Rend Reality (Costs 3 Actions). Belashyrra rips at the bonds
of reality i n its i m mediate area. Each creature within 1 0 feet
of Belashyrra m ust succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving
Multiattack. Belashyrra makes two attacks with its claws and throw o r take 1 9 (3d 1 2) fo rce d a mage and gain one level of
uses its Eye Ray once. exhaustion.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 4 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target.
Hit: 17 (3d6 + 7) slashing damage.


DYRRN Dyrrn most often appears as a tall humanoid male
with pale skin, clad in a heavy cassock of interwoven
Dyrrn i s known t o its followers a s the Corruptor, the black leather that slithers unsettlingly around the
Stealer of Thoughts, the Slithering Lord, and the Foul daelkyr's form. Dyrrn can extend tentacles from its
Labyrinth. In the lore of the Gatekeepers, it is said that body, using them to extract the brains of others.
Dyrrn plants thoughts in the weak minded-the seeds
of terrible ideas that fester and grow. Those who are DYRRN's LAIR
particularly brilliant often draw the attention of the Foul Dyrrn makes its lair in the Palace of Sinew, a horrid site
Labyrinth, which hungers to consume unique minds. shaped from the leftover flesh and bones of the daelkyr's
Twisting Flesh and Thought. The mind flayers of sculpting. The walls of the palace undulate as air flows
Eberron know Dyrrn as the Overmind, and it serves as through them, as if the space were breathing.
the cornerstone of their collective consciousness. Of all Lair Actions. While within the Palace of Sinew,
the daelkyr, the Corruptor is the most adept at twisting Dyrrn can invoke the ambient magic to take lair actions.
minds and bodies to create monsters. It was Dyrrn who On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Dyrrn can
turned goblinoid prisoners into the first dolgaunts and take a lair action to cause one of the following effects; it
dolgrims, creating the legions that would savage the can't use the same effect two rounds in a row:
nations of Khorvaire. Dyrrn is also a prolific creator of
symbionts-treasures that tempt people to bind alien en­ Dyrrn uses its Corruption action.
tities to their flesh. • A 30-foot-square area of ground within 1 2 0 feet of
Dyrrn's Cults. Dyrrn's lair touches the Eldeen
Dyrrn sprouts tentacles until initiative count 20 on the
Reaches, and the druids of the Towering Wood are al­ next round. Any creature that starts or ends its turn
ways watching for Dyrrn's influence. At the start of the in the area must succeed on a DC 23 Strength saving
Last War, the dwarves of the Mror Holds discovered throw or be restrained. A creature can escape the ten­
passages to the daelkyr's realm below their halls, and tacles with a successful DC 23 Strength (Athletics) or
Dyrrn's cults have spread from there. Dexterity (Acrobatics) 'check as an action.
Mind flayers often work with Dyrrn's cults, many of • Each creature of Dyrrn's choice that it can see within
which are obsessed with evolution-through the use of 120 feet of it must succeed on a DC 23 Wisdom saving
symbionts or by becoming an aberration. Those who throw or take 26 (4dl2) psychic damage. Unless the
worship the Stealer of Thoughts believe that Dyrrn will target has immunity to psychic damage, its Intelli­
consume all sentient beings, except for its servants. gence score is reduced by ld4 each time it fails the


saving throw for this lair action. The target dies if its MADNE S S OF DYRRN
Intelligence score is reduced to 0. The reduction lasts If a creature goes mad in Dyrrn's lair or while it can see
until the target finishes a short or long rest. the daelkyr, it gains a form of indefinite madness. Roll
Re§ional Effects. A region containing a passage to on the Madness of Dyrrn table to determine the nature
Dyrrn's lair is warped in one or more of these ways: of this madness, which takes the form of a character
flaw that lasts until cured. Chapter 8 of the Dungeon
• Plants and animals raised within 2 mile of the pas­ Master's Guide has more information on madness.
sage have twisted, aberrant forms. Use the Daelkyr
Modifications table for inspiration. M A D N ESS O F DY R R N
• Creatures within 1 mile of the passage frequently feel
as if something is crawling under their skin. d6 Flaw (lasts until cured)
• If a humanoid spends at least 1 hour within 1 mile of "There's an i l l ithid parasite living in my bra i n ! "
the passage, that creature must succeed on a DC 22 2 " I can feel myself evolving into an aberration."
Wisdom saving throw or descend into a type of mad­ 3 "Aberrations are the o n ly natural things."
ness (see "Madness of Dyrrn" below). A creature that 4 "A part of me has become a conscious entity."
succeeds on this saving throw can't be affected by this
5 " M y opponents m ust bow down to a m i n d flayer!"
regional effect again for 24 hours.
6 " Dyrrn and the m i n d flayers s i m ply want to u n ite
If Dyrrn dies, these effects fade away after ldlO days. all sentient creatures in collective consciousness.
And I receive messages from the group m i n d ! "

DYRRN Tentacle Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 5 t o h it, reach 1 0 ft.,

one target. Hit: 24 (3d l 0 + 8) slashing damage. If the target
Medium aberration, chaotic evil
is a M e d i u m or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC
23), p u l led i nto an u noccupied s pace withi n 5 feet of Dyrrn,
Armor Class 21 (natural armor)
Hit Points 325 (3ld8 + 1 86) and m u st succeed on a DC 23 I ntel ligence saving th row or be
Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) stunned u ntil this grapple ends. Dyrrn can't u se the same ten­
tacle whip on another target until this grapple ends. Dyrrn has
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA two tentacle whips.
26 (+8) 21 (+5) 22 (+6) 26 (+8) 2 3 (+6) 24 (+7) Corruption. Dyrrn targets one creature it can see within 60 feet
of it. The target m ust succeed on a DC 23 Constitution saving
Saving Throws I nt +1 5 , Wis +1 3 , Cha +14 th row or take 22 (4d6 + 8) necrotic damage and become cor­
Skills Arcana +1 5 , H i story +1 5, I nsight +1 3 , Perception +1 3 rupted for l m i nute.
Damage Resistances poison, psychic A corru pted creature's flesh twists in alien ways. The creature
Condition Immunities bli nded, charmed, exhaustion,
has disadvantage on attack rolls, its speed is reduced by half,
frightened , poisoned, prone
and if it tries to cast a spell , it m ust fi rst succeed on a DC 1 5 I n ­
Senses truesight 1 20 ft., passive perception 23
tel ligence check o r t h e spell fai l s a n d is wasted. T h e corru pted
Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 1 20 ft.
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Alien Mind. If a creature tries to read Dyrrn's thoughts o r deals Extract Brain. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
psychic damage to it, that creature m ust s ucceed on a DC incapacitated creature grappled by Dyrrn. Hit: 55 ( l Od l O) pierc­
23 I ntelligence savi ng throw or be stunned for l m i nute. The i n g damage. If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points,
stunned creature can repeat the savi ng throw at the end of each Dyrrn kills the target by extracting and devouring its bra i n .
of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). I f Dyrrn fai l s a savi ng throw, it Dyrrn can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
can choose to succeed i n stead. below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
Magic Resistance. Dyrrn has advantage on saving th rows and only at the end of another creature's turn. Dyrrn regai n s
against spells and other magical effects. spent legendary actions a t t h e start of i t s turn.

Regeneration. Dyrrn regains 20 h it points at the start of its Tentacle Whip. Dyrrn makes one attack with its Tentacle Whip.
turn. If Dyrrn takes radiant damage, this trait doesn't fu nction Spawn Aberration (Costs 2 Actions). Dyrrn regurgitates an in-
tellect devourer (see its entry in the Monster Manual) i n an
at the start of its next turn. Dyrrn dies only if it starts its turn
u noccu pied space within 5 feet of it. The intellect devo u rer i s
with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate.
u nder Dyrrn's control and acts immediately after Dyrrn in the
Teleport. As a bonus action, Dyrrn can teleport up to 30 feet to i n itiative order.
an u noccupied space it can see. Mind Blast (Costs 3 Actions). Dyrrn magically emits psychic
energy i n a 60-foot cone. Each creature i n that area m ust
ACTI O N S succeed on a DC 23 I ntel l igence saving throw o r take 30 (5d8
+ 8) psych ic damage and be stu nned for l m i n ute. A creature
Multiattack. Dyrrn makes one Tentacle Whip attack and u ses
can repeat the savi ng throw at the end of each of its turns,
its Corruption once. Dyrrn can replace its Tentacle Whip attack
ending the effect on itself on a success.
with Extract Brain if it has a creature gra ppled.



Dinosaurs are widespread on Eberron, particularly
in Q'barra, the Talenta Plains, Xen'drik, and Argon­
nessen. Smaller dinosaurs are the rule in Q'barra
and the Talenta Plains, including varieties commonly
used by Talenta halflings as mounts.

Clawfoot dinosaurs are two-legged saurians with sharp
teeth and toe claws that resemble deadly sickles. They
are imposing creatures, about the size of a tall human,
and are fierce enough to take down even larger prey.
In the wild, an untrained clawfoot can easily hold its
own in combat, but they are even fiercer when hunting
in packs. Their instinct for pack structure has made
these dinosaurs a traditional war mount for the hal­
flings of the Talenta Plains, with clawfoots quickly and
eagerly responding to training and control.
Fastieth are human-sized, two-legged saurians with
CLAWFOOT large eyes, brightly colored and patterned scales, and
Medium beast, unaligned strong legs. They are the most common mounts of the
halflings of the Talenta Plains, bred for speed. Although
Armor Class 1 3
too small to bear larger riders, a fastieth can carry a hal­
Hit Points 1 9 (3d8 + 6)
Speed 40 ft. fling with light gear easily and at a good pace. Fastieths
are typically stubborn creatures, so specimens with an
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA even temperament are prized among the Talenta tribes.
1 2 (+1) 1 6 (+3) 14 (+2) 4 (-3) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) Being herbivores, fastieths prefer to flee rather than
fight. However, even though not trained for battle, they
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +S can deliver a vicious bite if pressed.
Senses passive Perception 1 3
Languages -
Challenge 1 (200 XP) FASTIETH
Medium beast, unaligned
Pack Tactics. The clawfoot has advantage on an attack rol l
Armor Class 1 4
against a creature if a t least o n e o ft h e clawfoot's a l l ies is with in
Hit Points 9 (2d8)
S feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
Speed SO ft.
Pounce. If the clawfoot moves at least 20 feet straight toward
a creature and then h its it with a claw attack on the same turn, STR DEX CON I NT WIS CHA
that target m ust succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or 1 2 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+O) 4 (-3) 1 1 (+O) 4 (-3)
be knocked prone. I f the target is prone, the clawfoot can make
one bite attack agai nst it as a bonus action. Senses passive Perception 1 0
Languages -
ACT I O N S Challenge 1 /4 (SO XP)
Multiattack. The clawfoot makes two attacks: one with its bite
and one with its claws. Quickness (Recharge 5-6). The fastieth can take the Dodge ac­
tion as a bonus action.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to h it, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 ( l d 8 + 3) piercing damage. ACT I O N S
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to h it, reach 5 ft., one target. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: + 6 t o h it, reach S ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (ld8 + 3) slashing damage. Hit: 8 (ld8 + 4) piercing damage.


Medium aberration, lawful evil

Armor Class 1 6 (Unarmored Defe nse)

Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
Speed 40 ft.


14 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+l) 1 3 (+1) 14 (+2) 1 1 (+O)

Skills Acrobatics +6, Perception +4, Stealth +6

Condition Immunities b l i nded
Senses blindsight 1 20 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
passive Perception 14
Languages Deep Speech, G o b l i n
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Evasion. If the dolgaunt is s ubjected to an effect that allows it

to make a Dexterity saving th row to take only half damage, the
DOLGAUNT dolgaunt i nstead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving
throw, and only half damage if it fails. It can't use this trait if it's
Dolgaunts are emaciated hobgoblins with disease-hued
flesh. Their eye sockets gape open and empty above
a mouth with a wormlike tongue. Writhing cilia cover Unarmored Defense. While the dolgaunt is wearing no a rmor
their bodies, with longer tendrils around their heads and and wielding no shield, its AC i ncludes its Wisdom modifier.
two wiry tentacles protruding from their bare shoulders.
A dolgaunt is blind but can perceive its surroundings ACTI O N S
through the sensitive cilia that cover its skin. It can also Multiattack. The dolgaunt m a kes two tentacle attacks and two
absorb life through its tentacles, allowing it to drain the u narmed strikes. Up to two tentacle attacks can be replaced by
vitality out of any creature it touches. Vital ity D ra i n .
Warped by Chaos. When the daelkyr emerged from
Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 t o hit, reach 1 5 ft., one
Xoriat to conquer Khorvaire, they captured and trans­
target. Hit: 7 (ld6 + 4) bludgeoning damage. The target i s grap·
formed that land's indigenous creatures to create armies pied (escape DC 1 2) i f it is a Large or smaller creature. U ntil
of hideous warriors. Dyrrn the Corruptor shaped dol­ this grapple ends, the dolgaunt can't use the same tentacle on
gaunts from hobgoblin stock, turning them into intelli­ another target. The dolgaunt has two tentacles.
gent, cold, and efficient killers.
When the daelkyr were defeated, the dolgaunts de­ Unarmed Strike. Me/ee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
scended into the depths of Khyber with their masters. one target. Hit: 6 ( l d4 + 4) bl udgeoning damage.
There, they study in cavernous monasteries, forging Vitality Drain. One creature grappled by a tentacle of the
their bodies into Jiving weapons dedicated to the mis­ dolgaunt m ust make a DC 11 Constitution saving th row. On a
sions given them by those masters. Dolgaunts are often failed save, the target takes 9 (2d8) necrotic damage, and the
found commanding squads of dolgrims, and can also be dolgaunt regai n s a n u mber of hit poi nts equal to half the ne­
found working with the Cults of the Dragon Below-par­ crotic damage taken.
ticularly those devoted to Dyrrn the Corruptor.


. .


Small aberration, chaotic evil

Armor Class 1 5 (natural armor, shield)

Hit Points 13 (3d6 + 3)
Speed 30 ft.


1 5 (+2) 14 (+2) 1 2 (+l) 8 (-1 ) 10 (+O) 8 (-1 )

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 1 0

Languages Deep Speech, Goblin
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Dolgrims are squat, deformed things. Warped by the Dual Consciousness. The dolgrim has advantage o n saving
daelkyr, a dolgrim is essentially two goblins crushed throws against being blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened,
stunned, and knocked u n conscious.
into one creature, their misshapen body boasting four
arms and a pair of twisted mouths that gibber and
slather at the front of a headless torso. The two mouths
of a dolgrim sometimes carry on demented conversa­ Multiattack. The dolgrim makes three attacks.
tions with one another. However, a dolgrim has only a Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
single personality-sadistic, bloodthirsty, and brutally target. Hit: 6 ( l d 8 + 2) pierci ng damage.
dedicated to serving itself.
Small numbers of these creatures sometimes make Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to h it, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft. , one target. Hit: 5 ( l d 6 + 2) pierci ng damage, or
their way to the surface, often under the command of
6 ( l d 8 + 2) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a
dolgaunts, and undertaking missions advancing the
melee attack.
inscrutable schemes of their malevolent masters. But
great hordes of dolgrims remain clustered in Khyber Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to h it, range 30/ 1 20
with the daelkyr, dreaming of the day when they will be ft., one target.
Hit: 5 ( l d 6 + 2) piercing d amage.
released into Eberron to feast and destroy.


Medium fey, neutral evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 82 (l 5d8 + 1 5 )
Speed 3 0 ft.


11 (+O) 14 (+2) 12 (+l) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 1 8 (+4)

Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +6

Skills Deception +7, I nsight +6, Perception +6
DusK HAG Condition Immunities bli nded, charmed, frightened
Dusk hags resemble gnarled crones with shriveled or­ Senses b l i ndsight 60 ft. , passive Perception 1 6
ange skin, tangled gray hair, and eyes that burn like hot Languages Com m o n , G iant, I nfernal
coals. They see visions of the future in their dreams, and Challenge 6 (2, 300 XP)
their dark magic allows them to influence the dreams
of others, sending messages or inflicting nightmares Innate Spel/casting. The hag's spellcasting abil ity is Charisma
with a touch. Tales talk of ambitious wizards, frantic (spell save DC 1 5) . She can i n nately cast the following spells,
monarchs, and desperate heroes undertaking quests req uiring no material components:
or making bargains with a dusk hag in exchange for its
prophecies and visions of the future. But the information At will: detect magic, disguise self
3/day each: dream, hypnotic pattern, sleep (9d8)
gained from a dusk hag often has a way of causing more
l/day each: legend lore, scrying
pain than joy. Like all hags, dusk hags enjoy causing
strife to those who bargain with them, and find ways to Magic Resistance. The hag has advantage on saving th rows
twist and turn promises to their own advantage. The against spells and other magical effects.
Dusk Hag Prophecies table provides examples of the
sort of dreams dusk hags might share with unsuspect­
ing sleepers. Multiattack. The hag makes two N ightmare Touch attacks.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

D U S K HAG PRO P H E C I E S Hit: 5 ( l d 6 + 2) slashing damage.
d l O Prophecy
Nightmare Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +7 to h it, reach 5 ft.,
"A red hat approaches with i l l i ntent. Be wary." one creature. Hit: 1 8 (4d6 + 4) psychic damage. I f the target is
2 "A s h i p comes on a sea of bones, but treasure waits u nconscious, it takes an extra 1 0 (3d6) psychic damage and is
beh ind a s ilver s k u l l ." cu rsed until the hag dies or the curse is removed. The cu rsed
3 "Three days, three deaths, three eyes, three breaths." creature's hit point maxi m u m decreases by 5 ( l d l O) whenever
it finishes a long rest.
4 " Doom falls on the peacock and the sparrow a l i ke.
Best be a raven." R E ACT I O N S
5 "A white hand on a black field holds the golden key." Dream Eater. When a n u nconscious creature the hag can see
6 "Beware the black horse." withi n 30 feet of her regains consciousness, the hag can force
7 "The fish is you r friend." the creature to make a DC 15 Wisdom saving th row. Un less
8 "The stairs downward lead to that which you seek." the save succeeds, the creature takes 11 (2d l 0) psychic dam­
age, and the hag regains hit poi nts equal to the amount of
9 " Look for two crossed swords. There you r goal l ies."
damage taken.
10 " I f you see two crows, turn back. Beyond is death."



A homunculus i s a construct servant created fo r certain
tasks. Artificers and wizards are responsible for most of
the homunculi in existence.
Each kind of homunculus has a body constructed from
different kinds of materials, including clay, iron, and
bits of hair and feathers. The process that creates a ho­
munculus sees those materials mixed with the creator's
blood and animated through an extended magical ritual.
Constructed Nature. A homunculus doesn't require
air, food, drink, or sleep.


An expeditious messenger is a speedy flier, designed to
quickly carry messages for its creator. Their speedy and
efficient attitude makes expeditious messengers quite
chatty, and they natter on as fast as they move.
These messengers come in a variety of forms,
often looking like mechanical birds or sprites.

A n iron defender fights fo r its creator. They come in
many shapes and are often crafted in the form of ani­ IRON DEFENDER
mals. More creative artificers craft iron defenders in the Medium construct, neutral
shape of hybrid animals or other fantastical creatures.
Armor Class 17 (natu ral armor)
Hit Points 30 (4d8 + 1 2)
Tiny construct, neutral
Armor Class 1 3 1 6 (+3) 14 (+2) 1 6 (+3) 8 (-1 ) 11 (+l) 7 (-2 )
Hit Points 7 (2d4 + 2)
Speed 25 ft., fly 60 ft. Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4
Damage Immunities poison
STR DEX CON I NT WIS CHA Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
6 (-2) 1 6 (+3) 13 (+l ) 8 (-1 ) 12 (+l ) 7 (-2) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 1 3
Languages understands the languages of its creator but can't
Skills Acrobatics +5, Stealth +5 speak
Damage Immunities poison Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 1 1 Keen Senses. The defender has advantage on Wisdom (Percep­
Languages one langu age spoken b y its creator
tion) checks.
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Telepathic Bond. While the defender is on the same plane of ex­
istence as its master, it can magically convey what it senses to
Flyby. The messenger doesn't provoke opportunity attacks
its master, and the two can com m u nicate telepathically.
when it flies out of an enemy's reach.

Telepathic Bond. While the messenger is on the same plane of ACT I O N S

existence as its master, it can magically convey what it senses Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: + 5 to h it, reach 5 ft., one target.
to its master, and the two can com m u n icate telepathical ly. Hit: 6 ( l d 6 + 3) piercing damage. If the target is a creature,
it m ust succeed on a DC 13 Strength savi ng th row or take an
ACT I O N S extra 3 ( l d 6) piercing damage and be grappled (escape DC 1 3) .
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: + 5 to h it, reach 5 ft., one target. The defender can have only o n e creature grappled i n this way
Hit: 5 ( l d4 + 3) piercing damage. at a t i me.


2 93
The rulers o f distant Sarlona are known a s the Inspired.
These noble families are said to be bound to celestial
spirits that guide and empower them, but the truth is far
darker. The Inspired are the mortal hosts of the night­
mare spirits of Dal Quor, and they carry out the foul
agenda of the Dreaming Dark. .
Any humanoid who can dream can volunteer to serve
as a quori vessel. But the Inspired of Sarlona are hu­
mans bred to be such vessels. They have no choice in
this destiny, since they can't resist quori possession.
Physically, Inspired resemble the kalashtar, possessing
an almost supernatural beauty.
Most of the people of the Five Nations have heard
of the Inspired lords in Riedra-never realizing that
Inspired are spread throughout Khorvaire as well.
Beggars and generals, mayors and merchants might
all be secret servants of the Dreaming Dark. Such In­
spired have to willingly accept quori possession, but the
Dreaming Dark has long experience in weaving dreams
that can convince mortals to surrender their bodies.

T h e I n spired are vessels for q uori spi rits, allowing the
q uori to manifest a portion of their power while the vessel
is possessed. An I nspired can gain benefits depending on
the type of quori possessing it. The quori also gai n s access
to the l nspired's knowledge and featu res.
Suggestion (3/Day). The I nspired can cast the sugges­
tion spell (spell save DC 1 3) , req u i ring no material
All Around Vision. The I nspired can't be su rprised.
Arcane Eye (3/Day). The I nspired can cast the arcane eye
spell, requ i ring no material components.
Ts u c o R A
Fear (1/Day). The I n spired can cast the fear spell (spell
save DC 1 3) , req uiring no material components.

Innate Spel/casting (Psionics). The l n s p i red's spellcasting abil­

INSPIRED ity is I ntel ligence (spel l save DC 1 3) . It can innately cast the
Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil
following spells, req u i ring no material components:
Armor Class 12 ( 1 5 with mage armor) At will: mage hand, vicious mockery (see "Actions" below)
Hit Points 40 (9d8) l/day each: charm person, dissonant whispers, hex, hold person,
Speed 30 ft. mage armor


1 1 (+O) 14 (+2) 10 (+O) 1 6 (+3) 10 (+O) 16 (+3)
Multiattack. The I n s p i red makes two crysteel dagger attacks. It
can replace one attack with vicious mockery.
Saving Throws I nt +5, Wis +2
Skills Deception +7, Insight +2, Persuasion +7 Crysteel Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Damage Resistances psychic one target. Hit: 4 ( l d4 + 2) piercing damage plus 1 0 (3d6)
Condition Immunities c harmed, frightened force damage.
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Quori Vicious Mockery (Cantrip). The I nspired u n leashes a stri ng of
Challenge 2 (450 XP) i nsults laced with subtle enchantments at one creature it can
see wit h i n 60 feet of it. If the target can hear the Inspired, the
target m ust succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving th row or take
Dual Mind. The I nspired has advantage on Wisdom sav­ 2 (l d4) psychic damage and have d isadvantage on the next at­
ing th rows. tack rol l it m a kes before the end of its next turn.


2 94
• •

Undead soldiers form the elite core of the army of Karr­
nath. Fearless and tireless, they are a terrifying sight on
the battlefield. With the end of the Last War, most Kar­
rnathi undead have been sealed in vaults below the city
of Atur. However, the Karrnathi army keeps numerous
undead in its service, while others have been comman­
deered by the malevolent Order of the Emerald Claw.
The Odakyr Rites. The nation of Karrnath has a
proud martial heritage, and its soldiers are unmatched
in discipline. But in the early years of the Last War,
Karrnath was crippled by famine and plague. In desper­
ation, King Kaius I embraced the Blood of Vol, whose
priests bolstered the armies of Karrnath with undead.
Initially, those skeletons and zombies required con­
stant control and served as cannon fodder. Over de­
cades, a high priest named Malevanor worked with the
necromancers of the Blood of Vol to develop the Odakyr
Rites, which grant Karrnathi undead the ability to make
tactical decisions and operate without direct guidance.
The Odakyr Rites work only when performed on the
remains of a soldier slain in battle, and only in manifest
zones tied to the plane of Mabar. The most significant
such zones in Karrnath exist in the cities of Atur and
Odakyr (now called Fort Bones). The number of Karr­
nathi undead soldiers steadily increased over the course
of the war, with the losses of Karrnath's living troops
offset by the recovery and raising of their remains.
Malevanor claimed that Karrnathi undead are ani­ compassion. Undead soldiers kill any opposing forces­
mated and granted intelligence by the patriotic spirit of including civilians among those forces-unless given
Karrnath. However, many Karrns fear that the undead explicit instructions to the contrary.
are vessels for a darker power-and that Lady Illmarrow A few exceptional Karrnathi undead retain their indi­
or someone else will turn the undead against the living. viduality and the memories of their former lives. Such
Intelligent and Inhuman. Karrnathi undead bear undead are often found as champions of the Blood of Vol
little resemblance to the people they were in life. These or agents of the Order of the Emerald Claw.
undead are content to stand motionless and silent for Undead Nature. A Karrnathi undead soldier doesn't
days. They show no emotion, and certainly no mercy or require air, food, drink, or sleep.

Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the soldier to 0 hit

KARRNATHI UNDEAD SOLDIER points, it must make a Constitution savi ng throw with a DC
Medium undead, lawful evil
of 5 + the damage taken, u n less the damage i s radiant or
from a critical hit. On a success, the soldier drops to 1 hit
Armor Class 1 7 (half plate)
Hit Points 52 (7d8 + 2 1 ) point i nstead.
Speed 30 ft .
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Multiattack. The soldier attacks three times with one of
1 6 (+3) 1 4 (+2) 1 6 (+3) 1 2 (+l ) 13 (+l ) 5 (-3) its weapons.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar­

Skills Athletics +5, Perception +3
get. Hit: 7 (ld8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 ( l d l O + 3) slashing
Damage Resistances cold, poison
damage if used with two hands.
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 1 3 Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 1 50/600 ft.,
Languages Common one target. Hit: 6 ( l d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Pack Tactics. The soldier has advantage on an attack rol l Parry. The soldier adds 3 to its AC against one melee attack
against a creature if a t least o n e o ft h e soldier's a l l ies is within that wou l d hit it. To do so, the soldier must see the attacker
5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't i ncapacitated. and be wielding a melee weapon.


The line of Vol had long been rivals of the Undying
LADY lLLMARROW Court, and many whisper even today that the attack on
Lady Illmarrow is a legend-an ancient lich said to dwell House Vol was nothing more than an excuse to elimi­
in a castle of bone and ice in the coldest regions of the nate a political rival. But others believe that what the
Lhazaar Principalities. Some stories say that she is Undying Court truly feared was a path shown in the
served by a legion of undead and that she maintains a Draconic Prophecy-that a child born of dragon and elf
court of vampires and ghosts in her palace of ice. Other could become a godlike avatar of death.
tales claim that when anyone dies in Lhazaar, Illmarrow 11/marrow Rises. Even as dragons and elves fought
chooses whether to take their soul before it passes on to to destroy the line of Vol, a child was born to the house:
the Keeper and Dolurrh. Erandis. A scion of elf and dragon, Erandis bore a Mark
But Lady Illmarrow is no folk tale. She is the greatest of Death unlike any other. In time, it might have been
necromancer in Eberron, and after centuries of silence, her gateway to immortality and unrivaled power, but she
she is setting ancient plots into motion at last. She is was hunted down and killed long before she could mas­
the power behind the Order of the Emerald Claw, but ter the mark's magic. Her mother, Minara Vol, escaped
her motives for founding the order are buried in her with her daughter's body to the icy reaches of Farinen,
past. Lady Illmarrow has no interest in ruling the living. far from the conflict. There, Minara unleashed all her
Rather, she seeks to become Queen of the Dead. necromantic power to raise Erandis as a lich.
The Mark ofDeath. Illmarrow is a fiefdom on the isle As an undead being, Erandis lost the use of her drag­
of Farlnen-home to a community of elves exiled from onmark. Thus, when the diviners of Aerenal asked if
Aerenal, who have practiced necromancy for centuries. the line of Vol had been exterminated and the Mark
But Lady Illmarrow's roots extend far beyond her is­ of Death destroyed, they received a vision affirming
land domain. that the bloodline of Vol was no more. To the world,
Long ago, it was revealed that the elven line of Vol-a the last survivor of that bloodline is known as Lady
house that practiced the art of necromancy and bore Illmarrow. But in truth, she is Erandis Vol, heir to the
the Dragonmark of Death-was engaged in secret blood Mark of Death.
rites with a clan of dragons. The discovery of this pact Trapped in Undeath. When Minara restored Erandis
triggered an unprecedented alliance between the Sib­ as a lich, she hid her daughter's phylactery, weaving
ling Kings of Aerenal and the dragons of Argonnessen. enchantments into it that cause Erandis to be reborn in
The Sibling Kings proclaimed that House Vol would be a random safe haven after she is destroyed. Thus, even
exterminated to the last member, and the Mark of Death Erandis herself doesn't know the location or form of her
would be eliminated from the world. phylactery.


Restoring the Mark. Though she takes great pleasure
in fighting the dragons and elves who destroyed her
The Blood of Vol and Lady I l l marrow are both legacies of
ancestors, Lady Illmarrow has a more important goal: the l i ne of Vol, but they aren't one and the same. As far as
restoring her dragonmark and unlocking godlike pow­ the world knows, the l i ne of Vol was exterminated. Follow­
ers. The agents of the Emerald Claw who serve her fight ers of the Blood of Vol who have heard of Lady l l lmarrow
either for the good of Karrnath or for personal gain, believe that she's a cham pion of their faith, but they don't
but Illmarrow cares for nothing except increasing her wors h i p or serve her. And the powers of priests of the
necromantic knowledge and finding a way to restore her Blood ofVol don't come from Lady l l l marrow.
lost mark.


Medium undead, neutral evil Chill Touch (Cantrip). Ranged Spell Attack: + 1 5 to h it, range 1 20
ft., one creature. Hit: 1 8 (4d8) necrotic damage, and the target
Armor Class 1 9 (natural armor) can't regain h it poi nts until the start of I l l marrow's next turn.
Hit Points 1 99 (2l d 8 + 105) If the target i s u ndead, it also has d isadvantage on attack rol l s
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. against l l l marrow u n t i l the e n d o f h e r next turn.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Paralyzing Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
1 6 (+3) 1 6 (+3) 20 (+5) 27 (+8) 21 (+5) 24 (+7) one creature. Hit: 13 (3d6 + 3) slashing damage plus 1 0 (3d6)
cold damage, and the target m ust succeed on a DC 20 Consti­
Saving Throws Con +1 2, Int +1 5 , Wis +1 2 tution saving throw or be paralyzed for l m i nute. The target
Skills Arcana +15, H istory +1 5, Insight +1 2, Perception +1 2 can repeat the savi ng throw at the end of each of its turns, end­
Damage Resistances cold, lightn i n g ing the effect on itself on a success.
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison; bludgeo n i ng, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical attacks Poison Breath (Recharge 5-6). I l l marrow exhales poisonous gas
Condition Immunities bli nded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, in a 30-foot cone. Each creature i n that area m ust make a DC
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stu nned 20 Constitution saving th row. On a fai led save, a creature takes
Senses truesight 1 20 ft., passive perception 22 3 5 ( 1 0d6) poison damage and i s poisoned for l m i n ute. While
Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish poisoned i n this way, the creature can't regain hit points. On a
Challenge 22 (41 ,000 XP) successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and
isn't poisoned.
A h u manoid reduced to 0 hit points by this damage dies and
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). I f l l lma rrow fails a savi ng throw, rises at the start of I l l marrow's next turn as a zom bie (see its
she can choose to succeed i n stead. entry i n the Monster Manual). The zombie acts i m mediately
Magic Resistance. I l l marrow has advantage on saving th rows after l l l marrow i n the i n itiative count and is permanently u nder
against spells and other magical effects. her com mand, fo llowing her verbal orders.

Rejuvenation. I l l marrow's body turns to dust when she drops L EG E N DA RY ACT I O N S

to 0 hit points, and her equi pment is left behind. She gains
I l l marrow can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the op­
a new body after l d l O days, rega i n i ng a l l her hit points and
tions below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
becoming active aga i n . The new body appears within two hun­
a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Ill marrow
dred m i les of the location at which she was destroyed.
regai n s spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Spellcasting. l ll marrow is a 20th-level spel lcaster. Her Cantrip. Ill marrow casts a cantrip.
spellcasting abil ity i s I ntell igence (spell save DC 23, +1 5 to Paralyzing Claw. l l lmarrow uses her Paralyzing Claw.
hit with spell attacks). I l l marrow has the fol lowing wizard Frightening Presence (Costs 2 Actions). I l l marrow targets up
spells prepared: to three creatures she can see with i n 30 feet of her. Each
Cantrips (at will): chill touch (see "Actions" below) , .fire bolt, target must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving th row or be
mage hand, prestidigitation, ray offrost frightened for l m i nute. A frightened target can repeat the
l st level (4 slots) : magic missile, shield, sleep savi ng throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
2nd level (3 slots) : blur, detect thoughts, mirror image on itself on a success. I f a target's saving throw is successful
3 rd level (3 slots): animate dead, counterspell,fireball, jly, or the effect ends for it, the target is i m m u ne to I II marrow's
lightning bolt Frightening Presence for the next 24 hours.
4th level (3 slots) : blight, confusion, polymorph Poison Breath (Costs 3 Actions). l l lmarrow recharges her Poi­
5th level (3 slots): cloudkill, cone ofcold, hold monster, scrying son B reath and uses it.
6th level (2 slots): chain lightning, circle ofdeath, create undead
7th level (2 slots): finger of death,forcecage, prismatic spray
8th level (l s lot): incendiary cloud, maze
9th level (l slot): power word kill, time stop


O f all the anomalies that emerged from the magical
cataclysm that created the Mournland, the appearance
of living spells might be the most mysterious. In some
unknown fashion, the magical energy unleashed during
the Last War caused spell effects to take on sentience. A
living spell appears much like a normal spell effect, ex­
cept that its magical energy endures indefinitely.
Living spells haunt the Mournland and other areas
blasted by the Last War, somehow subsisting on am­
bient magical energy as they writhe and across the
landscape. Though they have no need for sustenance,
they attack any creatures they come into contact with,
lashing out indiscriminately with their corrupted magic.
Constructed Nature. A living spell doesn't require air,
food, drink, or sleep.


Living spells come i n many varieties; t h e stat blocks
here are three examples. Living spells most often LIVING BURNING HANDS
Medium construct, unaligned
manifest from evocation and conjuration spells. To
make a living spell from a different spell, choose a
Armor Class 1 5 (natural armor)
damage-dealing evocation or conjuration spell from the
Hit Points 1 5 (2d8 + 6)
wizard spell list of up to 5th level. Then consult the Liv­ Speed 25 ft., fly 25 ft. (hover)
ing Spell Customization table to see which stat block to
customize, based on the chosen spell's level. STR DEX CON I NT WIS CHA
1 0 (+0) 1 2 (+l) 16 (+3) 3 (- 4) 6 (-2) 6 (-2)
Spell Level Stat Block to Customize Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
nonmagical attacks
1 -2 Living burning hands
Damage Immunities fire
3-4 Living l ightn ing bolt Condition Immunities bli nded, charmed, deafened, exha u stion,
5 Livi ng cloud k i l l frightened, grappled, poisoned, prone
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
Now make the following changes to that stat block: Languages -
Challenge l (200 XP)
Damage Immunity. Replace the living spell's damage
immunity with immunity to the type (or types) of dam­
age dealt by the chosen spell. Amorphous. The living spel l can move through a space as nar­
row as l inch wide without sq ueezing.
Magical Strike. Replace the damage that Magical
Strike deals with one type of damage dealt by the Magic Resistance. The living spell has advantage on saving
chosen spell. th rows against spells and other magical effects.
Spell Mimicry. Replace the effect of Spell Mimicry with
the effect of the chosen spell. If that spell requires a ACTI O N S
saving throw, use spell save DC from the replaced Magical Strike. Melee Spell Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one
spell, and if the spell involves an attack roll, use the target. Hit: 6 ( l d 6 + 3) fi re damage.
attack bonus from the living spell's Magical Strike.
Spell Mimicry (Recharge 5-6). The l iving spell un leashes a thin
For example, if you turn fireball (a 3rd-level spell) into sheet of flames in a 1 5 -foot cone. Each creature i n that area
a living spell, customize the living lightning bolt. The must make a DC 1 3 Dexterity saving th row, taking 10 (3d6)
living fireball has immunity to fire damage, instead of fire damage on a fai led save, or half as much damage on a suc­
lightning damage; deals fire damage with its Magical cessful one.
Strike; and replicates fireball with Spell Mimicry.


Large construct, unaligned

Armor Class 1 5 (natu ral armor)

Hit Points 73 (7d l 0 + 35)
LIVING LIGHTNING BOLT Speed 2 5 ft., fly 25 ft. (hover)
Large construct, unaligned
Armor Class 1 5 (natural armor) 10 (+O) 1 5 (+2) 14 (+2) 3 (-4) 1 1 (+O) 6 (-2)
Hit Points 57 (6dl 0 + 24)
Speed 25 ft., fly 25 ft. (hover) Damage Resistances bludgeoni ng, piercing, and slashing from
nonmagical attacks
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Damage Immunities poison
10 (+O) 1 5 (+2) 1 8 (+4) 3 (-4) 1 0 (+O) 6 (-2) Condition Immunities bli nded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion ,
frightened, grappled, poisoned, prone
Damage Resistances b l udgeon i ng, pierci ng, and slashi n g from Senses darkvision 60 ft. , passive Perception 10
nonmagical attacks Languages -
Damage Immunities l ightn ing Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
Condition Immunities b l i nded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion,
frightened, grappled, poisoned, prone Amorphous. The l iving spell can move through a space as nar­
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 row as 1 i nch wide without squeezing.
Languages -
Challenge 5 (l ,800 XP) Magic Resistance. The living spell has advantage on savi ng
th rows against spells and other magical effects.
Amorphous. The l iving spell can move through a space as nar­
row as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Multiattack. The l iving spell makes two M agical Strike attacks.
Magic Resistance. The l iving spell has advantage on savi ng
th rows against spells and other magical effects. Magical Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to h it, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 22 (5d6 + 5) poison damage.
Spell Mimicry (Recharge 5-6). The l iving spell creates a
Multiattack. The living spell makes two M agical Strike attacks. 40-foot-diameter sphere of fog wit h i n 60 feet of it (the fog
spreads around corners). When a creature enters the fog for the
Magical Strike. Melee Spell Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
fi rst time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a DC
target. Hit: 21 (5d6 + 4) l ightning damage.
16 Constitution savi ng th row, taking 22 (5d8) poison damage
Spell Mimicry (Recharge 5-6). The living spell u n leashes a on a failed save, or half as m uch damage on a successful one.
stroke of l ightning in a line 1 00 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each The fog moves 10 feet away from the living spell at the start
creature in the line must make a DC 15 Dexterity savi ng throw, of each of its turns, rol ling along the ground and through open­
taking 28 (8d6) l ightn ing damage on a fai led save, or half as i ngs. The fog lasts for 1 0 m i n utes or u ntil the living spel l's con­
much damage on a successful one. centration ends (as if concentrating on a spell).


2 99
The Lord of Blades is a warforged warlord who has bro­
ken all ties with his former masters. He has established
a nation for his people deep in the Mournland, centered
in a great fortress where warforged from all over Khor­
vaire can come and feel a sense of belonging. No one
knows what the Lord of Blades plans for his followers,
but many fear that he intends to build a legion of war­
forged zealots, primed to march from the Mournland to
unleash destruction on their former masters.
Some tales assert that the Lord of Blades led the
warforged armies of Cyre in the Last War. Others cast
him as a newer warforged, perhaps the last to come out
of the Cannith creation forges before the Thronehold
Accords led to their dismantling. One story claims the
Lord of Blades caused the destruction of Cyre and
warns that he plans to repeat the Day of Mourning in
each of the remaining Five Nations. Whatever the truth,
he has become a beacon for warforged everywhere.
Warforged Nature. The Lord of Blades doesn't re­
quire air, food, drink, or sleep.

2nd level (3 slots) : blur, heat metal, scorching ray, see invisibility
3 rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, fly, haste
Medium humanoid (warforged), lawful evil
4th level (3 slots): freedom of movement, Mordenkainen's
faithful hound
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) 5th level (2 slots): animate objects, wall offorce
Hit Points 1 95 (23d8 + 92)
Speed 40 ft. Warforged Resilience. The Lord of B lades has advantage on
savi ng th rows against being poisoned, is i m m une to d isease,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA and magic can't put him to sleep.
20 (+S) 15 (+2) 1 8 (+4) 1 9 (+4) 17 (+3) 1 8 (+4)
Saving Throws Str +1 1 , Con +10, I nt +1 0, Wis +9 Multiattack. The Lord of B lades makes three attacks: two with
Skills Arcana +1 0, Ath letics +1 1 , H istory +1 0, Perception +9 his adamantine sixblade and one with his bladed wings.
Damage Resistances necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion , frightened Adamantine Sixblade. Melee Weapon Attack: + 11 to hit, reach
Senses passive Perception 1 9 10 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3dl0 + 5) slashing damage plus 7
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish (2d6) force damage.
Challenge 1 8 (20,000 XP)
Bladed Wings. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: + 11 to h it,
reach S ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ( l d 6 + 5) slash­
Adamantine Plating. Any critical hit against the Lord of Blades ing damage.
becomes a normal hit.
Fire Bolt (Cantrip). Ranged Spell Attack: +1 0 to h it, range 1 20
Bladed Armor. A creature that grapples the Lord of Blades or ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4dl0) fi re damage.
is grappled by him takes 13 (3d8) slashing d amage. A creature
takes 13 (3d8) slashing damage if it starts its turn grappling or LEG E N DA RY ACT I O N S
being grappled by the Lord of Blades. The Lord of B lades can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
Charge. If the Lord of Blades moves at least 1 0 feet straight the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
toward a target and then h its it with his adamantine sixblade used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn.
on the same turn, the target takes an extra 11 (2dl 0) slashing The Lord of Blades regains spent legendary actions at the start
d amage. If the target i s a creature, it m ust succeed on a DC of his turn .
1 9 Strength saving throw or be pushed u p to 1 0 feet away and Attack. The Lord of B lades makes one weapon attack.
knocked prone. Cantrip. The Lord of Blades casts one of his cantrips.
Spellcasting. The Lord of B lades is a 20th- level spellcaster.
Cast a Spell (Costs 2 Actions). The Lord of Blades casts a
spell of 2nd level or lower from h i s spell list that takes 1 ac­
H i s spellcasti ng ability is I ntel l i gence (spel l save DC 1 8,
tion to cast.
+1 0 to hit with spell attacks). He has the fol lowi ng artificer
Blade Dash (Costs 3 Actions). The Lord of Blades moves up to
spells prepared:
his speed without provoking opportun ity attacks, then makes
Cantrips (at w i l l ) : .fi re bolt (see "Actions" below), mage hand, one attack with his adamantine sixblade. H e can make one
mending, prestidigitation bladed wings attack against each creature he moves past.
1 st level (4 slots): expeditious retreat, sanctuary, thunderwave


Medium.fiend, lawful evil

Armor Class 18 (plate)

Hit Points 170 (20d8 + 80)
Speed 40 ft.


20 (+5) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 20 (+5)

Saving Throws Str +10, Con +9, Wis +8, Cha + 10

Skills Athletics +10, Insight +8, Perception +8, Persuasion +10
Damage Vulnerabilities piercing from magic weapons wielded
by good creatures
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 18
Languages Common, Infernal
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)

Innate Spellcasting Mordakhesh's spellcasting ability is Cha­

risma (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). Mor­
dakhesh can innately cast the following spells, requiring no
material components:

At will: chromatic orb (see "Actions" below), detect thoughts,

disguise self
1/day each: banishing smite, destructive wave, fly, mass sugges-
tion, staggering smite, suggestion, true seeing

Limited Magic Immunity. Mordakhesh can't be affected or

detected by spells of 6th level or lower unless he wishes to be.
Mordakhesh has advantage on saving throws against all other
spells and magical effects.

Multiattack. Mordakhesh makes three greatsword attacks.

Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., MORDAKHESH

one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage plus 5 (ldlO) In the age when fiends and dragons waged war across
force damage. Eberron, rakshasas served the fiendish lords as strate­
gists and generals. A rakshasa named Mordakhesh rose
Chromatic Orb. Ranged Spell Attack: +10 to hit, range 120 ft.,
up through the ranks to become one of the greatest com­
one creature. Hit: 13 (3d8) damage of a type chosen by Morda­
manders of his age, and a dragon-slaying specialist. For
khesh: acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder.
this, he earned the nickname Shadowsword, along with
LEGENDARY ACTIONS a legendary reputation for leaving death in his wake.
Mordakhesh serves as the prakhutu or "speaker" of
Mordakhesh can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
his imprisoned master, Rak Tulkhesh, and he seeks to
options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
free his lord by bathing the world in blood. Like a spider
at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Morda­
khesh regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn. with multiple webs, he has agents and pawns (which he
calls his "claws") established in armies across Khor­
Attack. Mordakhesh makes one weapon attack or casts vaire. The most significant of those is the barbarian
chromatic orb.
horde he amasses in the Demon Wastes-warriors who
Chromatic Resistance. Modakhesh gains resistance to one
threaten to sweep into .Aundair on a tide of blood.
damage type of his choice-acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison,
Many of the horrors of the Last War were instigated­
or thunder-until the start of his next turn.
Warlord's Command (Costs 2 Actions). Mordakhesh targets up or at least encouraged-by Mordakhesh's operatives, and
to two allies that he can see within 30 feet of him. If a target his claws are known to have perpetrated some of the
can see and hear him, the target can make one weapon attack most brutal massacres of that conflict. No one knows
as a reaction and gains advantage on the attack roll. how far the Shadowsword's reach extends, or which
commanders in the armies of Khorvaire serve him.


In the first days of the world, the children of Khyber rose Called the Rage o f War, Rak Tulkhesh i s the incarnation
from the darkness to reign over Eberron. The greatest of impulses that drives many mortals to battle. Fear,
among them were the overlords, who held dominion greed, hatred-these are seeds that the Rage of War
over a world of fear, war, and death until the children of sows in the hopes of producing a bloody harvest.
Eberron and Siberys rose up against them. Armies of Rak Tulkhesh typically takes the form of a vaguely
dragons fought against the fiends of Khyber. And though draconic creature twisted by demonic rage. Covered
the overlords couldn't be destroyed, the couatl sacrificed in iron spikes protruding from his bleeding flesh, this
their lives to build a prison of celestial light: a silver overlord looms fifteen feet high at the shoulders, and his
flame that bound the overlords in Khyber once more. wings span over forty feet. While in combat, Rak Tulk­
These bonds have held for countless generations, but hesh roars in rage as new weapons are spawned from
the overlords still yearn to break free and reclaim the his body, called forth by the Rage of War to slaughter all
world above. who dare stand before him.
As long as the overlords are bound by the Silver Khyber Shards. Rak Tulkhesh's soul is divided
Flame, they can't physically manifest in the world. But among a group of Khyber shards spread through the un­
each overlord embodies a particular aspect of evil, derworld and is confined to those shards by the light of
which grows in strength as their servants-the fiends the Silver Flame. While shattered and bound, the Rage
known as the Lords of Dust-scheme to unleash their of War can't bring his full power to bear on the world.
ancient masters. The overlords gain strength when mor­ But he can influence events in the vicinity of any of his
tals embrace the dark paths laid down for them. And as shards, drawing power from acts of violence.
they grow stronger, they gain more influence. The Last War was a boon that allowed Rak Tulkhesh
Some thirty overlords are bound in Khyber. Two are to darken the hearts of soldiers and civilians alike,
described here: Rak Tulkhesh and Sul Khatesh, both of whose actions then weakened the overlord's bonds to
whom remain imprisoned and can't take physical form. give him even greater sway over the regions surround­
The stat blocks provided here reflect the powers they ing his shards. The violence seen in Thaliost and other
would wield if they were ever unleashed upon the world. occupied cities, the hatred against warforged and Cyran
Immortal Nature. An overlord doesn't require air, refugees, the calls for a return to war-all these things
food, drink or sleep. It also can't die permanently. Upon bear the mark of Rak Tulkhesh's malign influence.
its death, it reforms elsewhere in the multiverse and be­ Minions ofRak Tulkhesh. Any organization that
comes active again at a time set by the DM. fosters hatred unwittingly serves Rak Tulkhesh, and
countless soldiers in the Five Nations are devoted to

the Rage of War. Many of the Carrion Tribes of the De­ forces they are dealing with, or recognize the danger
mon Wastes likewise serve Rak Tulkhesh and yearn to inherent in her gifts.
carry his bloody banner into the soft lands of the south. The Queen ofShadows. An entity of shadow, Sul
The minotaurs of Droaam revere Rak Tulkhesh as the Khatesh can assume any form. Her favored shape is
Horned Prince. But the most powerful of the overlord's a twelve-foot-tall humanoid figure draped in a flow­
follower's is the rakshasa Mordakhesh the Shadow­ ing, hooded robe formed of swirling mist and cling­
sword-Rak Tulkhesh's exarch among the Lords of ing shadow.
Dust, who commands a host of fiends exerting the over­ Minions. Most of Sul Khatesh's followers are wizards
lord's will across Khorvaire. and warlocks, and she is one of the primary patrons for
warlocks in Khorvaire. Covens devoted to the Queen of
SUL KHATESH Shadows use dark magic and fear to dominate whole
communities, while isolated warlocks make pacts with
Sul Khatesh i s known a s the Keeper o f Secrets and the
Sul Khatesh to pursue power and revenge. By sharing
Queen of Shadows. She embodies the fears and super­
her power in this way, the overlord perpetuates the im­
stitions surrounding magic, from malevolent warlocks
age of the evil warlock, inciting fear that strengthens the
to mad wizards, from deadly curses to magical power
Keeper of Secrets even more.
that draws those who wield it deeper into darkness.
Sul Khatesh's chief agent among the Lords of Dust
Sul Khatesh is subtler than the Rage of War. She em­
is the rakshasa Hektula, who serves as the librarian in
powers warlocks and whispers secrets into the minds of
the demonic citadel of Ashtakala. Known as the First
wizards and artificers, helping them master spells and
Scribe, Hektula presides over an immense trove of ar­
create relics they could never shape on their own. But
cane knowledge and artifacts.
few of those inspired by Sul Khatesh understand what


Huge fiend, neutral evil Multiattack_ Rak Tulkhesh m a kes four weapon attacks.

Armor Class 23 (natural armor; 25 versus ranged attacks) Spawned Melee Weapon. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 7 to h it,
Hit Points 478 (33d12 + 264) reach 10 ft. , one target. Hit: 28 (3dl 2 + 9) force damage.
Speed 40 ft., clim b 40 ft., fly 80 ft. Spawned Ranged Weapon. Ranged Weapon Attack: +1 2 to h it ,
range 1 50/600 ft . , one target. Hit: 1 7 (3d8 + 4 ) force damage.
29 (+9) 1 9 (+4) 27 (+8) 21 (+5) 22 (+6) 26 (+8) Change Shape. Rak Tu l khesh magically polymorphs i nto a hu­
m a n oid, beast, or giant that has a challenge rating no h igher
Saving Throws Str +17, Con +1 6, Wis +14, Cha +1 6 than h i s own, or back i nto his true form. H e reverts to his true
Skills Athletics +17, I ntimidation +1 6, Perception +14 form if he dies. Any equipment he is wearing or carrying is ab­
Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning sorbed or borne by the new form (his choice).
Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and In a new form, Rak Tu l khesh retains his al ignment, hit points,
slashing from nonmagical attacks Hit Dice, abi lity to speak, proficiencies, Legendary Resistance,
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, and I ntel l igence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as this
paralyzed, poisoned, stunned action. His statistics and capabi lities are otherwise replaced by
Senses truesight 1 20 ft., passive Perception 24 those of the new form, except any class features or legendary
Languages all, telepathy 1 20 ft. actions of that form.
Challenge 28 ( 1 20,000 XP)
Deadly Critical. Rak Tu l khesh scores a critical hit on a roll of 1 9 Rak Tu l khesh can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
or 2 0 a n d rolls the d a m age d ice three times , i nstead of twice. the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn.
Innate Spe/lcasting. Rak Tu l khesh's spellcasti ng a b i l ity is Cha­
Rak Tu l khesh regains spent legendary actions at the start
risma (spell save D C 24). H e can i nnately cast the fol lowing
of his turn.
spells, req uiring no material components:
Attack. Rak Tul khesh makes one weapon attack.
At will: detect thoughts, dispel m agic, spirit guardians
l/day each: banishing smite, blinding smite, staggering smite
End Magic (Costs 2 Actions). Rak Tu l khesh casts dispel magic.
Provoke Rage (Costs 3 Actions). Each creature within 60 feet of
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Rak Tu l khesh fails a savi ng Rak Tu l khesh m ust succeed on a DC 24 Wisdom saving th row
th row, he can choose to succeed i n stead. or use its reaction to make a melee weapon attack against
a random creature with in reach. If no creatures are with i n
Magic Resistance- Rak Tu l khesh has advantage on saving reach, it m akes a ranged weapon attack agai n st a random
throws against spells and other magical effects. creature within range, throwing its weapon if necessary. This
Whirlwind of Weapons_ A magical a u ra of wea pons sur­ attack is made with advantage and gains a +4 bon us to the
rou n d s Rak Tu l khesh in a 1 0 foot rad ius. At the start of each damage roll.
of his turns, any other creature in the aura takes 14 (4d6)
force damage.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Sul Khatesh fails a savi ng
th row, she can choose to succeed instead.

Magic Resistance_ Sul Khatesh has advantage on saving th rows

against spel ls and other magical effects.

Master of Magic. Sul Khatesh has advantage on Constitution

saving throws to m a i ntain concentration.

Multiattack. S u l Khatesh makes fou r attacks with Arcane Blast.

Arcane Blast. Ranged Spell Attack: +1 8 to h it, range 1 20 ft., one

target. Hit: 15 ( 1 d l 0 + 1 0) force damage.

Magic Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

target. Hit: 36 (5d l 2 + 4) force damage.

Arcane Cataclysm (Recharges after a Long Rest). Sul Khatesh

conjures orbs of magical energy that p l u m met to the ground
at three different poi nts she can see within 1 mile of her. Each
creatu re in a 40-foot-rad i u s sphere centered on each point
m ust m a ke a DC 26 Dexterity saving th row, taking 71 ( l l d l 2)
force damage on a fa i led save or half as much damage on a
successful one. A creature in the area of more than one arcane
b u rst is affected only once. The area of each arcane burst then
acts as an antimagicfield for 1 hour. Sul Khatesh and spells she
casts are u naffected by these fields.

Change Shape. S u l Khatesh magically polymorphs into a hu­

manoid , beast, or giant that has a challenge rating no h igher
than her own , or back into her true form. She reverts to her true
form if she d ies. Any equ i pment she is wearing o r carrying is
Large fiend, lawful evil absorbed or borne by the new form (Sul Khatesh's choice) .
In a new form, Sul Khatesh retains her alignment, hit points,
Armor Class 22 (natural armor) H it Dice, ability to s peak, proficiencies, Legendary Resistance,
Hit Points 475 (50dl 0 + 200) and I ntel ligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as this
Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) action. Her statistics and capabil ities are otherwise repl aced by
those of the new form, except any class features or legendary
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA actions of that form.
18 (+4) 21 (+5) 19 (+4) 30 (+10) 22 (+6) 25 (+7)
Saving Throws Con +12, Int +18, Wis +14, Cha +1 5 S u l Khatesh can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
Skills Arcana +1 8 , H istory +1 8, I nsight +1 4, Religion +1 8
the options below. Only one legendary action option can
Damage Resistances cold, fi re, lightning
be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's
Damage Immunities poison; bludgeo n ing, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks turn. Sul Khatesh regains spent legendary actions at the start
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, of her turn.
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Attack. Sul Khatesh makes two attacks with her Arcane Blast or
Senses truesight 1 20 ft., passive Perception 1 6 one attack with her m agic staff.
Languages a l l , telepathy 1 50 ft. Consume Magic (Costs 2 Actions). S u l Khatesh targets a crea­
Challenge 28 (1 20,000 XP) ture within 1 20 feet of her who is concentrating on a spell.
The target m ust succeed on a DC 26 Constitution saving
Innate Spellcasting. Sul Khatesh's s pellcasting abil ity is I ntel­ throw or its concentration is broken on the spe l l , and Sul
Khatesh gai ns 5 temporary hit points per level of that spell.
ligence (spell save DC 26, +1 8 to hit with spell attacks). She
can in nately cast the fol lowing spells, req u i ring no material
Maddening Secrets (Costs 3 Actions). Sul Khatesh whispers an
arcane secret into the mind of a creature she can see within
60 feet of her. The target m ust succeed on a DC 26 Wisdom
At will: wunterspell, detect magic, detect thoughts, dispel magic, saving th row or expend one of its spell slots of 3rd level
eyebite, fireball, lightning bolt, shield or lower and deal 26 (4d l 2) force damage to each creature
3/day each: chain lightning, create undead, dream, hold monster, within 30 feet of it. A creature that fails the saving throw but
mass suggestion, scrying can't expend a spel l slot is i nstead stu nned u ntil the end of
1 /day each: foresight, gate, power word kill, teleport its next turn.


Medium aberration, lawful evil

Armor Class 1 7 (natural armor)

Hit Points 99 ( l 8d8 + 1 8)
Speed 40 ft.


1 2 (+l) 14 (+2) 1 3 (+l) 1 8 (+4) 1 6 (+3) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Wis +7, Cha +8

Skills Arcana +1 2, H i story +1 2 , I nsight +1 1 , Persuasion +8
Damage Resistances psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 1 3
Languages Com mon, Quori
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The q uori's s pel lcasting abil ity is

I ntel ligence (spell save D C 1 6) . I t can innately cast the fo llowing
spells, requiring no components:

At will: charm person

3/day each: detect thoughts, disguise self, suggestion QUO RI
l/day: dominate person, dream Dal Quor is the plane of dreams and is currently dom­
inated by a dark power known as il-Lashtavar, or the
Dreaming Dark. 11-Lashtavar is served by a host of aber­
Multiattack. The q uori uses its M ind Thrust twice. rations that are the embodiments of dreams and night­
Idyllic Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +8 to h it, reach 5 ft., one tar­
mares-the quori. Because it is difficult for anything to
get. Hit: 9 (l dl 0 + 4) force damage. If the target is a creature, it physically travel to or from Dal Quor, quori in Eberron
m ust succeed on a DC 1 6 Wisdom saving th row or fal l prone in are typically encountered while possessing a host body.
a fit of laughter. The Inspired are the most common type of willing host
for the quori and are described earlier in this chapter.
Mind Thrust. The quori targets a creature it can see within 60
feet of it. The target m u st m a ke a DC 1 6 Wisdom saving th row, HASHALAQ UORI
taking 1 8 (4d8) psychic d amage on a fa i led save, or half as
much damage on a successful one. Hashalaq quori are loremasters and judges, and are
commonly known as dreamstealers. In their natural
Possession (Recharge 6). One hu manoid that the q uori can see form, hashalaqs are composed of hundreds of translu­
within 5 feet of it must succeed on a DC 16 Charisma saving cent tendrils. They can compress and configure these
throw or be possessed by the q uori; the q uori then d isappears, tendrils to form a wide range of simple shapes. A point
and the target is incapacitated and loses control of its body. The
of blue light suspended within its tendrils serves as the
q uori now controls the body but doesn't deprive the target of
hashalaq's sensory organ, which can be moved around
awareness. The quori can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or
to suit the creature's current shape.
other effect, and it retains its align ment, I ntel l igence, Wisdom,
The Power ofPleasure. Hashalaq quori have stud­
Charisma, and i m m unity to being charmed and frightened. It
ied their mortal prey for centuries. Inhabiting human
otherwise uses the possessed target's statistics, but doesn't gain
access to the target's knowledge, class features, or proficiencies. bodies as Inspired has granted the hashalaq a deep
The possession lasts u ntil the body d rops to 0 h it points, the understanding of the hedonistic urges of humanity. As
quori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori is forced out by an a result, they have developed numerous ways to control
effect l i ke the dispel evil and good spell. When the possession humanoids through pleasure-even as they have devel­
ends, the quori reappears in an u noccu pied space with i n 5 feet oped a taste for such things themselves.
of the body. The target is i m m une to this q uori's Possession for The Learned ofDal Quor. Hashalaq quori are the
24 hours after succeeding on the saving throw or after the pos­ loremasters of Dal Quor. Even those hashalaqs who
session ends. don't make use of Inspired vessels dedicate themselves
to studying Eberron aml the planes, and they are among
R E ACTI O N S the few quori castes whose members understand the
Empathic Feedback. When the q uori takes damage from a crea­ ways of magic. In Dal Quor, the hashalaq quori are typ­
ture it can see within 60 feet of it, the quori can force that crea­ ically found as advisors to the kalaraq. They also serve
ture to succeed on a DC 16 I ntelligence saving throw or take 1 1 as judges, policing the quori and ensuring that the rival­
(2dl 0) psychic damage. ries of the tsucora never threaten the greater plans of
the Dreaming Dark.


The most powerful quori are the kalaraqs, also known
as eyebinders-entities formed of pure shadow that is
outlined by a nimbus of energy. A host of disembodied
eyes whirl around a kalaraq, each reflecting a conscious­
ness the creature has consumed.
Kalaraq quori guide the quori race, and the Devourer
of Dreams-the personal emissary of the Dreaming
Dark-is of this order. Although the kalaraqs never fight
one another overtly, each has its own agenda, and each
hopes to someday seize the throne of the Devourer of
Dreams. Because of this internal conflict, it is unusual
for a kalaraq to leave Dal Quor to inhabit a mortal vessel
and become one of the Inspired.

to 0 h it poi nts from this attack d ies and has its soul imprisoned
in one of the q uori's eyes. The target can't be revived by any
means short of a wish spell u ntil the quori is destroyed.
Armor Class 1 8 (natural armor) Mind Seed (1/Day). The quori touches one humanoid, which
Hit Points 1 61 (19d8 + 76) m u st succeed o n a D C 21 Intelligence saving throw or be
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) cursed. The curse lasts until it's removed by a remove curse or
greater restoration spell.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA The cu rsed target suffers l level of exhaustion every 24
1 2 (+1) 21 (+5) 1 8 (+4) 23 (+6) 24 (+7) 2 5 (+7) hours, and fi n ishing a long rest doesn't reduce its exhaustion.
If the cu rsed target reaches exhaustion level 6 , it doesn't d ie; it
Saving Throws I nt +1 2, Wis +1 3, Cha +1 3 i n stead becomes a thrall under the q uori's control, and all its
Skills Deception +1 3, Perception +1 3, Persuasion +1 3 exhaustion is removed. Only the wish spell can free the thrall
Damage Resistances cold, necrotic, poison, psychic; from this control.
bludgeoning, p iercing, and slash i n g from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, exhaustion, Swarm of Eyes (Recharge 6). The quori creates a swarm of spec­
frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained tra l eyes that fi ll s a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on a point
Senses truesight 1 20 ft., passive Perception 23 it can see within 60 feet of it. Each creature in that area m ust
Languages all, telepathy 1 20 ft. make a DC 21 Wisdom saving th row. On a fai l u re, a creature
Challenge 19 (22,000 XP) takes 45 (1 0d8) psychic da mage, and it is blinded fo r l m i n ­
ute. On a success, a creature takes half as m uch damage a n d
All-Around Vision. The q uori can't be su rprised while it isn't isn't blinded. A bli nded creature c a n repeat the savi ng th row
incapacitated. at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on
a success.
Incorporeal Movement. The quori can move through other
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 Possession (Recharge 6). One h u manoid that the q uori can see
( l dl O) force dam age i f it ends its turn inside an object. with i n 5 feet of it m ust succeed o n a DC 21 Charisma saving
th row or be possessed by the quori; the q uori then disappears,
Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The q uori's spellcasting ability is and the target is incapacitated and loses control of its body.
Charisma (spell save DC 21 , +1 3 to hit with spell attacks). It can The quori now controls the body but doesn't deprive the target
i n n ately cast the following spell s , req uiring no components: of awareness. The q uori can't be targeted by any attack, spell,
At will: arcane eye or other effect, and it retains its al ignment, I ntelligence, Wis·
3/day each: clairvoyance, confusion, dream, eyebite dom, Charisma, and i mmunity to being charmed a n d fright­
ened. It otherwise uses the possessed target's statistics, but
Magic Resistance. The quori has advantage on saving throws doesn't gain access to the target's knowledge, class features,
against spells and other magical effects. or proficiencies.
The possession lasts u ntil the body d rops to 0 hit points, the
q uori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori is forced out by an
Multiattack. The quori makes two Soul B i n d i n g attacks. Alter­ effect l i ke the dispel evil and good spe l l . When the possession
natively, it can make four attacks with Arcane B last. ends, the quori reappears i n an u noccupied space with in 5 feet
of the body. The ta rget is i m m u n e to this quori's Possession
Arcane Blast. Ranged Spell Attack: +1 3 to h it, range 1 20 ft., one
for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving th row or after the
target. Hit: 1 2 (l d l 0 + 7) force damage.
possession ends.
Soul Binding. Melee Spell Attack: + 13 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one
target. Hit: 29 (4dl 0 + 7) necrotic damage. A creature reduced




I __

Tsucora quori are nightmarish creatures. Their head­

less torsos are covered with eyes and twitching limbs,
including two massive arms that end in powerful pin­
cers, and a serpentine tail tipped with a vicious stinger.
They are cruel and calculating, enjoying the power they
wield over others as they concoct elaborate schemes to
advance their own positions and discredit their rivals.
Relentless Schemers. Constantly jockeying for posi­
tion, each tsucora hopes to be reincarnated as a more
powerful servant of the Dreaming Dark. As such, their
plans are as often focused on the ruination of competi­
tors as they are on the furthering of il-Lashtavar's plans.
When they aren't serving in the cities of their nightmare
realm, they hunt the dreaming spirits of mortals.
Fearmongers. Their ability to manipulate the fears of
mortals sees tsucoras often sent to Eberron as Inspired.
Nothing keeps humanoid chattel in line like fear, and
the tsucoras are the masters of manipulating the un­
certainty of mobs and high-ranking officials alike. The
effectiveness of tsucora Inspired keeps the members of
this order in the good graces of the kalaraq quori.

(escape DC 1 4) if it is a Large or smaller creature. The q uori has

TSUCORA QUORI two pi ncers, each of which can grapple one target.
Medium aberration, lawful evil
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to h it, reach 5 ft. , one target.
Armor Class 1 6 (natural armor) Hit: 13 (4d4 + 3) slashing damage.
Hit Points 68 (8d8 + 32)
Speed 40 ft. Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to h it, reach 1 0 ft., one crea­
ture. Hit: 8 ( l d l O + 3) pierci ng damage p l u s 1 0 (3dl 0) psychic
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA damage, and the target m ust s ucceed on a D C 14 Wisdom
1 7 (+3) 14(+2) (+4)
18 14 (+2) 1 4 (+2) 1 6 (+3) saving th row or be frightened of the q uori for 1 m i nute. The tar­
get can repeat the savi ng throw at the end of each of its turns,
Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +6 ending the effect on itself on a success.
Skills I nsight +5, Perception +5
Possession (Recharge 6). One humanoid that the quori can see
Damage Resistances psychic
with in 5 feet of it m ust succeed on a D C 14 Charisma saving
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 1 5 th row or be possessed by the q uori; the quori then d i sappears,
Languages Common, Quori and the target i s i ncapacitated and loses control of its body.
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) The q uori now controls the body but does n ' t d eprive the target
of awareness. The q uori can't be targeted by any attack, spell ,
or other effect, a n d i t retai n s its alignment, I ntel l i gence, Wis­
Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The q uori's spellcasting ability is dom, Charisma, and i m m u n ity to being charmed and fright­
Charisma (spell save DC 14). It can innately cast the fo llowing ened. It otherwise uses the possessed target's statistics, but
spells, req u i ring no com ponents: doesn't gain access to the target's knowledge, class featu res,
At w i l l : charm person or proficiencies.
l/day: fear The possession lasts until the body d rops to 0 hit points, the
q uori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori i s forced out by an
ACT I O N S effect l i ke the dispel evil and good spell. When the possession
ends, the q uori reappears in a n unoccu pied space within 5 feet
Multiattack. The quori makes three attacks: one pi ncer attack,
of the body. The target is i m mune to this q uori's Possession
one attack with its claws, and one sti nger attack.
for 24 hours after succeed i n g on the saving throw or after the
Pincer. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to h i t, reach 5 ft., one target. possession ends.
Hit: 8 ( l d l O + 3) bludgeoning damage. The target is grappled


Large celestial, lawful evil

Armor Class 1 8 (natural armor)

Hit Points 1 42 (l 5dl 0 + 60)
Speed 40 ft.


23 (+6) 18 (+4) 19 (+4) 1 7 (+3) 20 (+5) 21 (+5)

Saving Throws Wis +9, Cha +9

Skills Deception +9, I nsight +9, Perception +9, Persuasion +9
Damage Resistances radiant; bl udgeon ing, piercing, and
slash i ng from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion , frightened
Senses darkvision 1 20 ft., passive Perception 1 9
Languages a l l , telepathy 1 20 ft.
Challenge 1 1 (7,200 XP)

Aura ofFalse Divinity. A creature that starts its turn wi th i n

30 feet of the radiant idol m ust make a DC 1 7 Wisdom saving
throw, provided the radiant idol isn't incapacitated. On a failed
save, the creature is charmed by the rad iant idol. A creature
charmed in this way can repeat the saving th row at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Once
it succeeds on the saving th row, a creature is i m m u n e to this
radiant idol's Aura of False Divin ity for 24 hours.

Innate Spellcasting. The radiant idol's spellcasting ability is

RADIANT IDOL Charisma (spell save DC 1 7) . The radiant idol can innately cast
A radiant idol was an angel that was banished from the the fol lowing spells, req u i ri n g no material components:
celestial realm of Syrania and cast down to the Material At will: charm person, cure wounds, disguise self, thaumaturgy
Plane. One sin led to their fall: the desire to be wor­ l /day each: commune, dominate person, insect plague, mass sug-
shiped by mortals. Now in the mortal realm, most radi­ gestion, raise dead
ant idols gather cults of devoted followers. Magic Resistance. The radiant idol has advantage on savi ng
Fallen Angels. The insatiable hunger to be adored throws against spells and other magical effects.
can transform a fallen angel, physically and mentally.
In its true form, a radiant idol appears to be a warped ACT I O N S
angel. It might have bloody stumps in place of its wings, Multiattack. The rad iant idol makes two melee attacks.
or its wings could be weighted down with chains repre­
senting its pride. A radiant idol uses disguise self to hide Flail. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 0 to h it, reach 5 ft., one target.
its corruption, presenting an image of celestial glory. Hit: 10 ( l d 8 + 6) bludgeon ing damage plus 18 (4d8) rad i­
The Weight ofCorruption. When a radiant idol ant damage.
achieves a sizable following through silvered words and Radiant Strike (1/Day). The radiant idol chooses a point on the
demonstrations of power, its facade begins to crack, ground it can see within 60 feet of it. A 30-foot-rad i u s , 40-foot­
and a downward spiral ensues. As the radiant idol sinks high cyl i nder of bright l ight appears there u ntil the start of the
deeper into the realm of material power, it begins twist­ rad iant idol's next turn. Each creature i n the cyl inder when it
ing its followers, leading them ever deeper into ominous appears or that ends its turn there m ust make a DC 17 Consti­
ritualism, hedonistic folly, and fanatical doom. tution saving throw, taking 3 6 (8d8) radiant damage on a fa i led
Immortal Nature. A radiant idol doesn't require food, save, or half as much damage on a successful one. \)

drink, or sleep. �


Millions o f years before the rise o f the humanoid races,
the rakshasas of Eberron ruled a civilization that
spanned Khorvaire. Masters of combat, the rakshasas
of Eberron wield their weapons with demonic fury, rush­
ing into battle seeking vengeance against those who
bound their fiendish masters.
Rakshasas are described in the Monster Manual. A
martial variant-the zakya rakshasa-is presented here.

Zakya rakshasas are the bloodthirsty foot soldiers of
the rakshasa horde. They are driven to free their fiend­
ish rulers, seeking vengeance against the dragons and
those who revere the couatls. Unlike other rakshasas
with their luxurious robes and fineries, zakya rakshasas
are almost always clad in battle gear: well-worn scale
mail, a razor-sharp longsword, and a heavy shield bear­
ing the emblem of their demonic master.

Limited Magic Immunity. The rakshasa can't be affected o r

ZAKYA RAKSHASA detected b y s p e l l s o f 1 st level or lower u n less it wishes t o be.
Medium fiend, lawful e�il
It has advantage on saving th rows against all other spells and
magical effects.
Armor Class 18 (scale mail, shield)
Hit Points 59 (7d8 + 28) Magic Weapons. The rakshasa's weapon attacks are magical.
Speed 30 ft.
Martial Prowess (1/Turn). When the rakshasa h its a creature
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA with a me lee weapon attack, the attack deals an extra 11 (2dl 0)
1 8 (+4) 1 4 (+2) 1 8 (+4) 1 2 (+1 ) 13 (+1) 11 (+O) damage of the weapon's type, and the creature must make a
DC 1 5 Strength savi ng th row. On a fa i l u re, the rakshasa can
Skills Athletics +7, Perception +4 push the creature u p to 10 feet away from it, knock the creature
Damage Vulnerabilities piercing from magic weapons wielded prone, or make the creature d rop one item it is holding of the
by good creatures rakshasa's choice.
Damage Resistances bludgeon ing, piercing, and slashing from
nonmagical attacks ACT I O N S
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Multiattack. The rakshasa makes three melee weapon attacks.
Languages Common, I nfernal Alternatively, it can make two ranged attacks with its javelins.
Challenge 5 ( 1 , 800 XP)
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to h it, reach 5 ft. , one tar­
get. Hit: 8 (ld8 + 4) slashing damage, or 9 ( l d l O + 4) slas h i n g
Innate Spellcasting. The rakshasa's i nnate spell castin g a b i l ity is
damage i f used with two hands.
Charisma (spell save DC 1 1 ) . The rakshasa can i n n ately cast the
fol lowing spells, req uiring no material components: javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to h it, reach 5 ft. or
range 30/ 1 20 ft. , one target. Hit: 7 (ld6 + 4) pierci ng damage.
At will: detect thoughts, disguise self
1/day: shield


The undying are undead creatures sustained by positive
energy or the devotion of mortal 'beings. Where strong
negative emotions can trap a spirit as a ghost or wraith,
the undying are spirits who linger because they are
cherished and who in turn seek to protect and guide the
people of their community.
Though it's possible for undying to appear anywhere,
it is rare for them to manifest naturally. The only place
where they are found in significant numbers is the is­
land of Aerenal, a land whose close ties to the plane of
Irian suffuse it with positive energy. The elves of Aere­
nal spent thousands of years working to develop rituals
that tap into this energy, allowing them to preserve their
greatest citizens as undying.
The Face ofDeath. The light of Irian sustains the
spirit, but it doesn't preserve the physical body. The
undying appear as desiccated corpses, their flesh with­
ering away over centuries. At the same time, the spirit of
the undying surrounds the body-an aura of light form­
ing a spectral shadow of the soul. The light shed by an
undying doesn't generate heat, but it provides a sense of
warmth and comfort.
The most powerful of the undying can separate their
spirits from their physical forms, existing as beings of
pure light. This state is the ultimate goal of the elves
of Aerenal, and such beings are known as ascendant
Bound by Love and Light. Undying are sustained by
positive energy, whether found in manifest zones tied
to Irian-such as in Shae Mordai, the Aereni City of the
Dead-or freely given by the devotion of mortal beings.
The worship of the Undying Court is what sustains the
undying of Aerenal, but devotion is a finite resource. As UNDYING SOLDIER
such, each elf that becomes an undying must earn their
afterlife. If an undying elf leaves Aerenal, they require a
community of elves or another source of positive energy
to sustain them. Failing this, their light fades and they
eventually die. UNDYING C OUNCILOR
The Undying Court. The honored undead of Aerenal
are united in the Undying Court. Based in the city of Undying councilors guide and protect the people o f Aer­
Shae Mordai, the members of the Undying Court spend enal. They are the most powerful members of the Undy­
their time meditating, engaging in research, or continu­ ing Court who still maintain their physical forms. While
ing to perfect the arts they practiced in life. They serve many undying councilors spend their days advising the
as guides and advisors to the living, and members of the living, some devote years projecting their consciousness
noble lines of Aerenal can exercise the rite of counsel to into the Astral Plane, seeking new knowledge to share
consult with ancestors in Shae Mordai. with their people. Still, not all minds are capable of
The greatest members of the Undying Court are the assimilating immortality, and undying councilors some­
ascendant councilors. These beings of pure light are times buckle under the strain and go mad.
focused on contemplating the mysteries of life and the
planes, and can work together to wield godlike power
that allows them to shield Aerenal from almost any Undying soldiers make u p the army o f Aerenal's City of
threat. However, the ascendant councilors can exercise the Dead. They guard the temples of the Undying Court
power beyond Aerenal only by acting through devoted and the mansions of the noble lines of Aerenal, and
mortals-paladins and clerics of the Undying Court. Aereni ambassadors are often accompanied by undead
Undead Nature. An undying doesn't require air, food, bodyguards. Undying soldiers wear heirloom armor and
drink, or sleep. wield ornate weaponry.


4th level (3 slots) : banishment, divination, guardian offaith
UNDYING COUNCILOR 5th level (2 slots): dispel evil and good, flame strike (see "Ac­
Medium undead, neutral good
tions" below) , scrying
6th level (1 s lot) : forbiddance, planar ally
Armor Class 1 7 (natural armor) 7th level (1 slot): plane shift
Hit Points 1 04 (1 6d8 + 32)
Speed 30 ft. ACT I O N S
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Multiattack. The cou ncilor makes two Rad iant Touch attacks.
1 6 (+3) 10 (+O) 14 (+2) 1 7 (+3) 21 (+5) 1 6 (+3) Radiant Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +9 to h it, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5 ) radiant da mage.
Saving Throws Con +6, I nt +7, Wis +9
Skills Arcana +7, H i story +1 1 , I nsight +9, Perception +9, Healing Touch (3/Day). The cou ncilor touches another crea­
Religion +7 ture. The target magically regai ns 18 (3d8 + 5) hit points and is
Damage Vulnerabilities necrotic freed from one cu rse affl icti ng it (councilor's choice).
Damage Immunities poison, radiant
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, Flame Strike (5th-Level Spell; Requires a Spell Slot). The cou n ­
paralyzed, poisoned c i l o r chooses a point it c a n see wit h i n 6 0 feet o f i t . Each crea­
Senses darkvision 1 20 ft. , passive perception 1 9 ture in a 1 0-foot- rad ius, 40-foot-h igh cylinder centered on that
Languages Common, Elvish point must make a DC 1 7 Dexterity saving th row. A creature
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) takes 14 (4d6) fi re damage and 14 (4d6) rad iant damage on
a fai led save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If
the cou ncilor casts this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or
Aura of Radiance. The councilor magically sheds bright light
higher, the fire damage or the radiant damage (its choice) in­
i n a 1 5-foot rad ius and dim light for an additional 15 feet. The
creases by l d 6 for each slot level above 5th.
councilor can extinguish or restore this l ight as a bonus action.
I f the bright light overlaps with an area of darkness created by L EG E N DARY ACT I O N S
a spell of 3 rd level or lower, the spell that created that darkness
The cou ncilor can take 2 legendary actions, choosi ng from
i s dispelled.
the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
Magic Resistance. The cou ncilor has advantage on savi ng used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn.
th rows agai nst spells and other magical effects. The cou ncilor regai n s spent legendary actions at the start
of her turn.
Spellcasting. The cou ncilor is a 1 3th-level spellcaster. Its spell­
casting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 1 7, +9 to hit with spell Touch. The councilor makes one attack with its Radiant Touch.
attacks). It has the following cleric spells prepared: Shimmering Aura (Costs 2 Actions). The cou ncilor channels
positive energy i nto its Aura of Rad iance. U ntil the end of the
Cantrips (at w i l l ) : guidance, mending, sacredflame, spare the cou nci lor's next turn, it sheds bright light in a 30-foot rad i u s
dying, thaumaturgy and d i m l ight for an additional 30 feet. A n y creature that
1 st level (4 slots): bless, command, create or destroy water starts its turn i n the bright light m ust succeed on a DC 1 7
2nd level (3 slots): augury, calm emotions, hold person Constitution saving th row o r be blinded until the end of the
3 rd level (3 slots): daylight, dispel magic, spirit guardians councilor's next turn.

UNDYING SOLDIER Languages Com mon, Elvish

Medium undead, neutral good
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Armor Class 1 7 (breastplate, s hield) Illumination. The sold ier magically sheds bright light i n a 1 0-
Hit Points 26 (4d8 + 8) foot rad i u s and d i m light for an additional 1 0 feet. The soldier
Speed 30 ft. can exti nguish or restore this light as a bonus action.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Turn Resistance. The soldier has advantage on savin g throws
1 6 (+3) 12 (+l ) 14 (+2) 11 (+O) 1 3 (+l ) 1 4 (+2) against any effect that turns u ndead.

Skills Athletics +5, H istory +4, Perception +3, Religion +4 ACT I O N S

Damage Vulnerabilities necrotic Multiattack. The soldier ma kes two spear attacks.
Damage Resistances radiant; b l u d geoning, piercing, and .
slash ing from nonmagical attacks not made with s ilvered Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to h it, reach 5 ft. or
weapons range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ( l d 6 + 3) piercing damage
Damage Immunities poison or 7 ( l d 8 + 3) piercing damage if used with two hands to make
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned a me/ee attack, plus 9 (2d8) radiant d a mage if the target is a
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 1 3 fiend or u ndead.


The elves of Valenar say that when their ancestors
fought the giants of Xen'drik, elf druids took the forms
of animals on the battlefield. The cruel and mighty Em­
peror Cul'sir of the giants laid a curse upon the druids
and trapped them in the forms of animals. Just as the
ancestors of the Valenar guide their warriors in battle,
the spirits of these druids can awaken power in an ani­
mal to create a companion worthy of a champion.
Valenar animals are awakened to advanced intelli­
gence and power by the touch of an ancestral spirit.
Traditionally, Valenar animals choose Valenar elves as
companions, reflecting a bond between the ancestors
of elf and animal. To be chosen by a Valenar animal is a
great honor, and any such elf is treated with respect and
reverence. Still, on the rare occasions when a Valenar
animal chooses an adventurer of a different ancestry as
a companion, it is universally accepted.
The Valenar animals presented here-hawk, hound,
and steed-are but examples, for the ancestral spirits
can take on many animal forms.
Mediumfey, neutral
Tinyfey, neutral Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 1 9 (3d8 + 6)
Armor Class 1 4 Speed 40 ft.
Hit Points 1 0 (4d4)
Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
1 7 (+3) 1 5 (+2) 14 (+2) 1 0 (+O) 1 5 (+2) 11 (+O)
8 (-1 ) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 9 (-1 ) 1 6 (+3) 1 1 (+O) Skills Perception +4
Senses passive Perception 1 4
Skills Perception +5 Languages u nderstands Com mon, Elvish, and Sylvan but can't
Senses passive Perception 1 5 speak
Languages understands Common, Elvish, and Sylvan but can't Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Bonding. The hound can magically bond with one creature it
can see, immediately after spending at least l hour observing
Bonding. The hawk can magically bond with one creature it can that creature while within 30 feet of it. The bond lasts until the
see, im med iately after spending at least 1 hour observing that hound bonds with a different creature or until the bonded crea·
creature while with i n 30 feet of it. The bond lasts until the hawk tu re d ies. While bonded, the hound and the bonded creature
bonds with a different creature or until the bonded creature can com m u n i cate telepathically with each other at a d istance of
dies. While bonded, the hawk and the bonded creature can up to 1 00 feet.
com m u n i cate telepathica l ly with each other at a distance of up
Keen Hearing and Smell. The hound has advantage on Wisdom
to 1 00 feet.
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing o r smell.
Keen Sight. The hawk has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight. ACT I O N S
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: + 5 to h it, reach 5 ft. , one target.
ACT I O N S Hit: 6 ( l d 6 + 3) piercing damage. If the target is a creature,
Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: + 6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. it m u st succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be
Hit: 6 ( l d4 + 4) slashing damage. knocked prone.


Each Valenar animal can be customized with an ances­
tral gift, a supernatural trait granted by its ancestral
spirit. Choose a trait or roll on the Ancestral Traits table
for each Valenar animal.
A N C E S T R A L TRAITS Large fey, neutral

d8 Trait Armor Class 1 3

Bestow Luck (1/Day). As a bonus action, the animal Hit Points 22 (3dl0 + 6)
chooses one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. Speed 60 ft.
The next ability check, attack rol l , or saving throw
the target makes in the next hour has advantage.
14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+O) 15 (+2) 11 (+O)
2 Burst ofSpeed (Recharge 6). The animal can take the
Dash action as a bonus action. Skills Perception +4
3 Camouflage. The a n i mal has advantage on Dexterity Senses passive Perception 1 4
(Stealth) checks it makes while outdoors. Languages u nderstands Common, Elvish, and Sylvan but can't
4 Lie Detector. The animal knows when a creature Challenge 1/2 ( 1 00 XP)
within 15 feet of it tells a l ie.
5 Fey Ancestry. The animal has advantage on savi ng
Bonding. The steed can magically bond with one creature it
th rows against being charmed or frightened , and
can see, i m med iately after spending at least 1 hour observing
magic can't put it to sleep. that creatu re while within 30 feet of it. The bond lasts until the
6 Fey Step (1/Day). The a n i mal, along with anything it steed bonds with a different creature or until the bonded crea­
is wearing or carrying, teleports u p to 30 feet to an ture d ies. While bonded, the steed and the bonded creature can
u noccupied space it can see. com m u n icate telepath ically with each other at a d i stance of u p
t o 100 feet.
7 Quickness (Recharge 6). The animal can take the
Dodge action as a bonus action. ACT I O N S
8 Shrouded Step. The animal can't be tracked except
Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: + 5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
by magical means, and it leaves behind no tracks or Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) blud geon ing damage.
other traces of its passage.


"Hanamar" (Colossus WX-42) stands at the bottom of
WARFORGED C OLOSSUS Kraken Bay, near the coast of Va!enar, buried up to its
I n the final days o f the Last War, House Cannith un­ knees in sand and flooded, but it is otherwise intact.
leashed its mightiest creations: the warforged colossi. "Karrnslayer" (Colossus WX-31) lost its legs but
These enormous mechanical warriors thundered across crawls through the Mournland, using its arms to
Cyre, crushing everything in their paths and leaving drag its great bulk across the ground. It is always
ruin behind them. Meant to end the war decisively, the prone and can't use its Stomp action, but makes three
colossi pulverized hundreds of �oldiers beneath their extra turret attacks when it takes the Multiattack ac­
feet and incinerated whole legions with beams of fiery tion option.
light that shot from their mouths. This rampage was cut • "Landro" (Colossus WX-33) is partially phased into a
short on the Day of Mourning. The arcane cataclysm mountainside on the border of Cyre and Breland, but
that engulfed Cyre destroyed most of the warforged co­ still explorable and potentially salvageable.
lossi, causing them to collapse into lifeless heaps. • "Norr" (Colossus WX-5) is slumped amid the ruins of
Colossal Survivors. Some warforged colossi survived Metro!, the former capital of Cyre.
the Day of Mourning more or less intact and are thought • "Tymber" (Colossus WX-12) squats in the Crawling
to only be in stasis, waiting to be awakened. Cannith Swamp, in the northwest corner of the Shadow
artificers are eager to track them down and determine Marches. How it got there, no one knows.
whether they can be awakened or, at the very least,
Hollow Structure. Although it can operate without a
salvaged for docents and other magic items. Here are
crew, a warforged colossus is built to carry wizards, ar­
locations where operational warforged colossi are ru­
tificers, magewrights, and elite troops. For this reason,
mored to dwell:
these constructs are largely hollow on the inside, with
• "Arkus" (Colossus WX-11) lies prone at the bottom of tunnels, ladders, storage areas, and observation decks .
the Glowing Chasm in the northern part of the Mourn­ A colossus might be filled with monsters and secrets,
land, with one of its arms torn off. in addition to the corpses of those who died inside it.
• "Artorok" (Colossus WX-73) sits at the bottom of Lake In chapter 4, map 4.8 illustrates an inactive warforged
Cyre amid the scaffolding of a sunken House Cannith colossus, and the text that accompanies it explains how
workshop, flooded but otherwise intact. the colossus might serve as an adventure location.


Gargantuan construct, unaligned Multiattack. The colossus makes three attacks-one with its
slam and two with its eld ritch tu rrets-and then uses Stomp.
Armor Class 23 (natural armor)
Hit Points 41 0 (20d20 + 200) Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: + 1 8 to h it, reach 20 ft., one target.
Speed 60 ft. Hit: 29 (3d l 2 + 1 0) bludgeon ing damage, and the coloss us can
push the ta rget up to 20 feet away from it.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Eldritch Turret. Ranged Spell Attack: +18 to h it, range 300 ft.,
30 (+10) 11 (+O) 30 (+1 0) 3 (-4) 11 (+O) 8 (-1)
one target. Hit: 1 8 (4d8) force damage, and ifthe target i s a
creature, it is knocked prone.
Saving Throws I nt +4, Wis +8, Cha +7
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison; bl udgeoni ng, piercing, Stomp. The colossus stomps one of its feet at a point on the
and slashing from nonmagical attacks ground within 20 feet of it. Any creature i n a 20-foot-radius,
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, 20-foot-high cylinder centered on this point must succeed on
i ncapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned a DC 26 Dexterity saving th row or take 33 (6d l 0) bludgeoning
Senses truesight 1 50 ft., passive perception 1 0 damage and fal l prone. U ntil the colossus uses its Stomp again
Languages understands Common b u t can't speak o r moves, the creature is restrai ned. While restrained i n this
Challenge 25 (75,000 XP) way, the creature (or another creature within 5 feet of it) can
use its action to make a DC 26 Strength check. On a success,
Immutable Form. The colossus is i m m une to any spell or effect the creature relocates to an u noccu pied space of its choice
that wou ld alter its form. with in 5 feet of the colossus and is no longer restrai ned.
Structures, as well as nonmagical objects that are neither be­
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the colossus fai l s a saving ing worn nor carried, take the same amo u nt of damage if they
th row, it can choose to succeed i nstead. are in the cyli nder (no save).
Magic Resistance. The colossus has advantage on saving Incinerating Beam (Recharge 5-6). The colossus fi res a beam
th rows against spells and other magical effects. of l ight in a 1 50-foot l i ne that i s 1 0 feet wide. Each creature
Siege Monster. The colossus deals double damage to objects in the l i ne m ust make a DC 26 Dexterity saving th row, taking
and structures. 60 (l l d l O) rad iant damage on a fai led save, o r half as m uch
damage on a successful one. A creature reduced to 0 hit points
Towering Terror. Any enemy outside the colossus that starts its by this beam is disi ntegrated, leaving behind anything it was
turn within 30 feet of it m u st succeed on a DC 26 Wisdom sav· wearing or carrying.
ing throw or be frightened until the start of the enemy's next
turn. If the enemy's saving throw is successfu l , it is i m m u ne to
this colossus's Towering Terror for the next 24 hours.

Warforged titans are hulking constructs built to wreak
paths of destruction through enemy armies. Some of
the most feared combatants of the Last War, warforged
titans are barely sentient, with just enough intelligence
to follow commands.
Legacy ofGiants. In the Age of Giants, giant artifi­
cers built mindless war golems to aid them in their war
against the quori. Millennia later, some of these golems
were unearthed by adventurers searching for the se­
crets of that age, then turned over to artificers working
for the dragonmarked houses during the Last War.
House Cannith studied these designs, and in the course
of uncovering the secrets of the golems and the giant ar­
tificers who made them, House Cannith created the first
warforged titans.

Huge construct, lawful neutral

Armor Class 20 (natural armor)

Hit Points 1 2 5 ( 1 0 d l 2 + 60)
Speed 40 ft.


23 (+6) 8 (-1 ) 22 (+6) 3 (-4) 11 (+O)

Damage Immunities poison, psychic

Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages u nderstands the languages of its creator but can't
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Platforms. The warforged titan has two platforms b u i lt i nto

its chassis. One M e d i u m or smaller creature can ride on each
platform without squeezing. To m a ke a melee attack against a
target within 5 feet of the warforged, they must use spears or
weapons with reach and the target m ust be Large or larger.

Siege Monster. The warforged titan deals double damage to

objects and structures.

Multiattack. The warforged titan makes one axehand attack
and one ham merfist attack.

Axehand. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to h it, reach 10 ft., one tar­

get. Hit: 1 9 (3d8 + 6) slashing damage, plus 1 1 (2d l 0) slashing
damage if the target is prone.

Hammer.fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to h it , reach 10 ft. , one

target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) b l udgeoning damage. If the target i s a
creature, it must succeed on a DC 1 7 Strength saving throw or
be knocked prone.

Sweeping Axe (Recharge 6). The warforged titan makes a sweep

� with its axehand, and each creature within 10 feet of it must
6 make a DC 1 7 Dexterity saving th row. A creature takes 1 9 (3d8

�w + 6) slashing damage on a failed save, or half as m u ch damage

z on a successful one.

. . •·· �
Wherever you go in Eberron, you're likely to meet one . . .
or more of the folk detailed in this section. Presented in
alphabetical order, these generic NPCs are ready for you
to customize with personality traits and the like.

Bone knights are the champions of the Order of the Em­
erald Claw. Clad in distinctive bonecraft armor-heavy
armor adorned with the bones of fallen enemies-these
fearsome warriors command squads of undead soldiers
as they pursue the sinister goals of Lady Illmarrow.
Karrnathi Patriots. Early in the Last War, Karrnath
turned to the necromancers of the Blood of Vol to bol­
ster the nation's army with undead forces. The skeletons
and zombies created by the necromancers were mind­
less creatures that required guidance. The first bone
knights were appointed to provide this control.
Devoted paladins of the Blood of Vol were fused into
suits of bonecraft armor, whose magic focused their di­
vine gifts, allowing them to command units of mindless
undead. Bonecraft armor can't be removed without kill­
ing the knight who wears it, and when donning it, each
bone knight understood that their former life was over.
The Fall ofthe Emerald Claw. During the Last War,
many bone knights took service with the Order of the
Emerald Claw, helping that name strike fear into the en­
emies of Karmath. In the last decade, King Kaius III of
Karrnath has done much to ensure a peaceful end to the
Last War. Under the terms of the Treaty of Thronehold,
Kaius sealed most of Karrnath's undead in deep vaults,
and the Order of the Emerald Claw was disbanded. A
few bone knights remained in service to the crown, but
most were cast aside-still bound to their bonecraft ar­
mor and still convinced of Karrnathi supremacy. These
bone knights felt that Kaius had betrayed both them and
their nation, leading their once-proud order to find a
new purpose in the service of Lady Illmarrow.

dies or u ntil the kn ight releases it as a bonus action. The knight

BONE KNIGHT can command u p to twelve u ndead at a time this way.
Medium humanoid (any race), any non-good alignment
Master of the Pallid Banner. While with in 60 feet of the knight,
Armor Class 20 (bonecraft armor) any undead ally of the knight has advantage on saving throws
Hit Points 84 (l 3d8 + 26) against any effect that turns u ndead .
Speed 30 ft.
Spellcasting. The kn ight is an 8th-level spellcaster. Its spellcast­
STR DEX CON I NT WIS CHA ing abil ity i s Charisma (spel l save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell
1 8 (+4) 1 3 (+l) 14 (+2) 1 2 (+l) 14 (+2) 1 6 (+3) attacks). It has the fo l lowi ng palad in spells prepared:

1 st level (4 slots) : command, compelled duel, hellish rebuke,

Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +6 wrathful smite
Skills Ath letics +7, Deception +6, I ntimidation +6 2nd level (3 slots) : branding smite, crown of madness, darkness,
Damage Resistances necrotic, poison find steed, magic weapon
Senses passive Perception 1 2
Languages any one language (usually Common) ACTI O N S
Challenge 5 ( 1 , 800 XP)
Multiattack. The knight attacks twice with one of its weapons.

Commander of Bones. As a bonus action, the knight can target Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
one skeleton or zom bie it can see within 30 feet of it. The tar­ target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
get m ust make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On a fai led save, Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to h it, range 1 50/600 ft. ,
the target must obey the knight's commands until the knight o n e target. Hit: 5 ( l d8 + 1 ) piercing damage.


Changelings are a humanoid race of shapechangers
who conceal their true identities behind false faces.
Their gifts of mimicry allow them to appear as members
of any humanoid culture, playing the part of a dwarf one
day and a dragonborn the next. Although changelings
can adopt any guise, most rely on a few established per­
sonas, each with a developed history and a network of
friends and acquaintances.

The kalashtar have bonded with good-aligned quori
spirits, which communicate with their hosts through
dreams and visions. Descended from monks who of­
fered their bodies as sanctuaries to those quori escaping
the evil of Dal Quor, the kalashtar now fight to herald in
a new age of light and balance.
Medium humanoid (changeling, shapechanger), any alignment

Armor Class 1 3 (leather armor)

Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4)
Speed 30 ft.


8 (-1 ) 1 5 (+2) 1 2 (+l) 14 (+2) 10 (+O) 1 6 (+3) Medium humanoid (kalashtar), any alignment

Skills Acrobatics +4, Deception +5, I nsight +2, Perception +2, Armor Class 1 2
Persuasion +5 Hit Points 1 6 (3d8 + 3 )
Senses passive Perception 1 2 Speed 3 0 ft.
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Halfli ng, thieves' cant
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
1 2 (+l) 1 4 (+2) 1 2 (+l) 1 3 (+l) 15 (+2) 1 5 (+2)

Change Appearance. The changel ing can use its action to Skills Acrobatics +4, I nsight +4, Persuasion +6
polymorph i nto a M e d i u m h u manoid it has seen, or back i nto Damage Resistances psychic
its true form. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same i n Senses passive Perception 12
each form. A n y eq u i pment it is wearing or carrying i s n ' t trans­ Languages Com m o n , telepathy 20 ft.
formed. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Challenge 1 /4 (50 XP)
Dual Mind. The kalashtar has advantage on Wisdom sav­
Multiattack. The changeling makes two attacks with its dagger. ing th rows.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to h it, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft. , one target. Hit: 4 ( l d4 + 2) piercing damage. ACT I O N S
Dagger. Melee o r Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
Unsettling Visage (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). Each
range 20/60 ft. , one target. Hit: 4 ( l d4 + 2) piercing da mage.
creature with i n 30 feet of the changeling must succeed on a DC
13 Wisdom saving th row or be frightened fo r l m i n ute. A crea­ Mind Thrust. The kalashtar targets a creature it can see with i n
t u re can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, 30 feet o f it. T h e target must s ucceed on a DC 1 2 Wisdom sav­
ending the effect on itself on a success. i n g throw or take 11 (2dl 0) psychic damage.


In Khorvaire, magic is part of everyday life. A chef might
use prestidigitation to heat and season food, while a
blacksmith uses mending to perform minor repairs and
guidance to help inspire their work. Those who work mi­
nor magic into their labors are called magewrights.
Far more limited in magical power than a typical
spellcaster, a magewright is dedicated to learning a
handful of spells, and magewrights cast their non-can­
trip spells as rituals-even spells that can't normally
be cast in this way. Most magewright rituals take 10
minutes to perform, but certain complex rituals can
take up to 1 hour. However long the ritual takes, it re­
quires extra material components, usually in the form of

The magewright stat block provides the baseline statis­
tics for a magewright. You then add to that baseline by
choosing a specialty from the Magewright Specialties
table, or roll for one. The specialty determines addi­
tional spells the magewright knows, including ones that
can be cast only as rituals. The specialty also gives the
magewright more proficiencies.

d8 Specialty Spells Proficiencies Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Artisan Guidance, mending One type of
artisan's tools Armor Class 1 1
Hit Points 9 (2d8)
2 Entertainer Minor illusion, thau- Performance (+3)
Speed 30 ft.
maturgy. Ritual o n ly:
disguise self. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
3 Healer Resistance, spare the Medicine (+4), 1 1 (+0) 13 (+l) 10 (+O) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)
dying. R itual o n ly: herbalism kit
detect poison and dis-
Skills Arcana +4
Senses passive Perception 1 2
ease, lesser restoration Languages Common plus any two languages
(1 hour) . Challenge 0 (0 XP)
4 Lamp- Light. Ritual on ly: con­ Tinker's tools
l ighter tinualflame (1 hour) . Spellcasting. The magewright's spellcast i n g ability is I ntel li­
5 Locksm ith Mending. Ritual only: Thieves' tools, gence (spell save DC 1 2) . To cast one of its rituals, the mage­
arcane lock (1 hour) , tinker's tools wright must provide additional material components whose
knock. value i n gold pieces is 20 times the spell's level. These com­
6 Mediator Guidance. Ritual o n ly: I n s ight (+4) , ponents are consumed when the ritua l is fi n ished. The mage­
wright knows the fol lowing spells:
comprehend languages, Persuasion (+3)
zone oftruth. At will: mage hand, prestidigitation
7 Medium Minor illusion. Ritual Deception (+3), Rituals: knock

only: speak with dead. Rel igion (+4) ACT I O N S

8 Oracle Guidance. Ritual only: H istory (+4),
Dagger. Melee o r Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. o r
augury, divination (1 Religion (+4) range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 ( l d4 + 1 ) piercing damage.
hour) .


Shifters are tied t o primal spirits, which most o f them
refer to as the beast within. They are lithe of form and
have bestial features: large eyes, flat noses, pointed
ears, and light fur over much of their bodies. When a
shifter fully embraces the beast within by "shifting,"
these features become even more pronounced.

Medium humanoid (shifter), any alignment

Armor Class 14 (leather armor) TARKANAN ASSASSIN

Hit Points 1 9 (3d8 + 6) Tarkanan assassins are the elite killers, spies, and
Speed 30 ft.
thieves who work for House Tarkanan, a criminal orga­
DEX CON INT WIS CHA nization specializing in theft and assassination. In addi­
1 2 (+l) 1 6 (+3) 14 (+2) 1 1 (+O) 15 (+2) 1 0 (+O) tion to their deadly skill, a Tarkanan assassin possesses
an aberrant dragonmark-a twisted sigil that provides
Skills Acrobatics +5, I nsight +4, N ature +2, Perception +4 them with magical power. House Tarkanan actively
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 seeks and recruits people with aberrant dragonmarks.
Languages Common
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) WARFORGED SOLDIER
Warforged soldiers are humanoids formed from wood
Shifting (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). As a bonus and steel, then magically imbued with life and sentience.
action, the shifter takes on a more bestial form fo r l m i n ute The warforged were created to fight in the Last War, and
or until it dies. The sh ifter gains 5 temporary hit points. It can in the aftermath of that conflict, they struggle to under­
make a bite attack when it activates this trait and also as a bo­ stand their place in the world.
nus action o n each of its turns while i n its bestial form. Most warforged soldiers still serve their former mas­
ters, often guarding dragonmarked houses or merchant
caravans. Many warforged find it difficult to separate
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: + 5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one themselves from the soldiers they were made to be,
target. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) piercing damage. seeking work as bouncers, bailiffs, and bodyguards.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to h it, reach 5 ft., one creature. Others put their tireless strength to work as laborers,
Hit: 5 (ld4 + 3) piercing damage. committed to the reconstruction of the towns and cities
they defended or destroyed in the war.


The power granted by an aberrant d ragon mark is un pre­
dictable. When ru n n i ng a Tarkanan assassin, you can
rol l on the Aberrant Dragonmark I n nate Spells table to
determine the spel ls gained from that N PC's aberrant
mark, replacing the spells in the stat block's I n nate Spell­
casting trait.

d6 At Will l /Day
1 Fire bolt (2d l 0) Burning hands (3d6)
2 Shocking grasp (2d8) Chromatic orb (4d8)
3 Poison spray (2dl 2) Ray ofsickness (3d8)
4 Friends Charm person (two creatures)
5 Minor illusion Thunderwave (2d8)
6 Dancing lights Sleep (7d8)

Medium humanoid (any race), any non-good alignment

Armor Class 1 5 (studded leather)

Hit Points 45 ( 7d 8 + 1 4)
Speed 30 ft.


1 2 (+l) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 1 0 (+O) 14 (+2) 11 (+O)
Medium humanoid (warforged), any alignment
Skills Athletics +3, Deception +2, Perception +4, Sleight of Armor Class 1 6 (natural armor, shield)
Hand +5, Stealth +5
Hit Points 30 (4d8 + 1 2)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 1 4
Speed 30 ft.
Languages Com mon, thieves' cant
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
1 6 (+3) 12 (+l ) 1 6 (+3) 10 (+O) 14 (+2) 11 (+O)
Innate Spellcasting. The assass i n ' s spel lcasti ng ability i s Con­
stitution (+4 to h it with spell attacks). It can i n nately cast the Skills Ath letics +5, Perception +4, S u rvival +4
fol lowing spells, req u i ring no material components: Damage Resistances poison
Senses passive Perception 1 4
At will : .fi re bolt (see "Actions" below) Languages Common
l /day: chromatic orb (see "Actions" below) Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Unstable Mark. When the assassi n casts an i n nate spell, each
creature within 10 feet of the assassi n m ust make a DC 12 Con­
Warforged Resilience. The warforged has advantage on saving
stitution savi ng throw, taking 4 (l d8) force damage on a fai led
th rows against bei ng poisoned and is i m m u n e to disease.
save, or half as much damage o n a successful one.
Magic can't put it to sleep.
Multiattack. The assassi n makes two shortsword attacks.
Multiattack. The warforged makes two armblade attacks.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Armblade. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one tar­
target. Hit: 6 ( l d 6 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poi­
get. Hit: 6 ( l d 6 + 3) slash i n g damage.
son damage.
javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
Fire Bolt (Cantrip). Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to h it, range 1 20 ft. ,
range 30/ 1 20 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1 d6 + 3) piercing damage.
o n e target. Hit: 1 1 (2dl 0) fi re damage. A flammable object hit
by this spell ignites if it isn't being worn or carried. R E ACT I O N S
Chromatic Orb (1/Day). Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to h it, range 90 Protection. When a n attacker the warforged can see makes a n
ft., one creature. Hit: 18 (4d8) damage of a type chosen by the attack rol l against a creature within 5 feet of the warforged, the
assassin: acid, cold, fi re, l ightn i ng, poison , or thunder. warforged can i m pose disadvantage on the attack rol l .



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