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Bashir Gugjoo
Amar Pal   Editors

Stem Cell in
Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Veterinary
Mudasir Bashir Gugjoo  •  Amar Pal

Mesenchymal Stem Cell

in Veterinary Sciences
Mudasir Bashir Gugjoo Amar Pal
Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex Division of Surgery
FVSc & AH, SKUAST-Kashmir Indian Veterinary Research Institute
Jammu and Kashmir, India Izatnagar, India

ISBN 978-981-15-6036-1    ISBN 978-981-15-6037-8 (eBook)

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Tissues and/or organs are constituted by building blocks, the cells. These cells are
either undifferentiated stem cells or differentiated tissue-specific cells. The minis-
cule number of available undifferentiated stem cells act as a reserve to maintain
normal cell turn-over and thereby, tissue homeostasis. The differentiated cells per-
form the tissue-specific function. For a substantial and effective cellular therapy, the
cells have to be sufficient in quantity and compatible with the recipient immune
system, besides expressing as per the tissue requirements. The differentiated cells
taken from the particular tissue source often are limited in number, have little or no
proliferation potential and elicit the immune response in the recipient upon alloge-
neic or xenogeneic transplantation. Contrarily, the stem cells especially mesenchy-
mal stem cells (MSCs) can be harvested from almost all the body tissue sources
including the foetal membranes and have good proliferation and trans-­differentiation
potential. MSCs tend to have little tendency to elicit an immune response in the
recipient even upon allogeneic or xenogeneic applications. These cells have mini-
mal teratogenic and ethical issues normally associated with the pluripotent stem
cells. However, MSCs unlike that of pluripotent stem cells tend to have limited
proliferation potential.
The advancement of stem cell biology is increasing by each passing day and has
found its way into the clinical applications under regenerative medicine, a branch of
tissue engineering. Due to the limited understanding in the cellular characteristics,
ipso facto MSCs therapeutic applications currently come under the advanced ther-
apy medicinal products (ATMPs). The role of microenvironment in cellular fate
remains to be understood. Such an understanding shall aid in their definitive utiliza-
tion in regenerative medicine.
There are many books that discuss stem cells and their features and have invari-
ably focused on their applications in humans. However, the book on stem cells
especially mesenchymal stem cells and their applications in veterinary species is
very much lacking. The pressing need for a book that provides a comprehensive
introduction to the field and summarizes its recent progress in veterinary sciences
has given rise to this book. This current work discusses the mesenchymal stem cell
features and their applications in veterinary species. The book starts with introduc-
tion to the stem cells. In the introductory chapters, the stem cell properties and types
are discussed followed by the details of the mesenchymal stem cell sources, isola-
tion, culturing and characterization, and preservation. This is followed by a chapter

vi Preface

on the effect of different cues on mesenchymal stem cells properties. Thereafter, the
species-specific mesenchymal stem cell features including the complexities in their
characteristics, besides, their potential applications have been discussed. Finally,
the book is concluded with the summary and future research avenues of MSCs.
We thank all the contributors for their hard work and valuable contributions.

Jammu and Kashmir, India Mudasir Bashir Gugjoo

Izatnagar, India  Amar Pal

With all the humility I thank almighty “Allah” the most Beneficent, the most
Merciful, who blessed me with limitless strength and favourable circumstances, to
face and pass through all odds successfully at this juncture.
I feel a great sense of elation and fulfilment to submit this tiny drop of work in
the ocean of human knowledge to benefit the differently abled creatures surround-
ing and helping us in many ways. The completion of this work would not have been
possible without the help and support of many people.
I would like to appreciate the contribution of all those teachers from childhood
till now who played an important role in my life to reach this place without which
the realization of the present work into practice would have been a dream. Apart
from the teaching faculty, schools/institutes that I attended like Miranda Public
High School, Srinagar, SP Higher Secondary School, Srinagar, SKUAST-Jammu
and Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, during the course have been the
ocean that taught me to swim in all the spheres of life and reach to the stage. A spe-
cial thanks go to all the stem cell scientists who burn themselves and provide the
literature that makes the material in the book.
I am highly thankful to Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB),
Government of India that provided the financial support and infused zeal in me to
conduct the stem cell research and come out with this piece. I really feel elated to
convey my gratitude to the SKUAST-Kashmir under which I am currently working.
This institute has provided me the platform to express my potential to the best of my
capacities. The faculty members of the institute have provided great company
through the journey.
Literary skills grope in the dark when it comes to express what I owe to my fam-
ily. These mean achievements to which I lay claim today have all precipitated from
the sincere prayers and silent sacrifices of my Pappa and Mummy. The blessings,
love, guidance and affection provided by my sister and brother-in-law deserve a
special mention. I admit myself being incapable to pay regards in words to the affec-
tion, blessings, encouragement and dedication of my wife that made many difficult
tasks easier for me. In recent times, the happiest moment and encouragement of my
life has probably been my daughter.
I am highly thankful to Dr Bhavik Sawhney, Editor-Biomedicine, Springer
Nature for his guidance and timely help in giving final shape to this book. I admit
the affections and encouragement provided to me by my extended family. This list

viii Acknowledgement

is obviously incomplete but allows me to submit that the omissions are inadvertent
and I once again record my deep-felt gratitude to all those associated with me in this
Finally, I supplicate to Allah (SWT), the One who listens and responds to sup-
plications, “Oh Allah, guide me to the right path, the path of those on whom You
have bestowed Your favors, not of those who have incurred Your wrath, nor of those
who have gone astray and let not me die except in the state of pure submission to
You alone”. Aameen.
About the Book

During the last few years, a large volume of information has been generated on stem
cell types, their biological nature, in vitro and in vivo behaviour and potential appli-
cation in research and therapy. This book makes a systematic collection of the sci-
entific information scattered in the literature on different aspects of stem cell
research. The focus of the book is on mesenchymal stem cells as they have been
investigated most extensively for therapeutic application in animals. The contents of
the book have been designed to include all the relevant information about the mes-
enchymal stem cells of animal origin. The initial chapter covers the historical aspect
and chronology of developments in the field of stem cell research. The details about
the basic properties and nature of the stem cells are provided. A comprehensive
account of the materials and methods used for isolation of mesenchymal stem cells
from different sources, culture expansion, characterization and long-term storage
has been given in the subsequent chapters. The book also provides a logical appraisal
of the mechanisms involved in therapeutic efficacy, immunomodulation and anti-­
inflammatory properties of mesenchymal stem cells. The book also highlights
knowledge about the interaction between the stem cells and their environment and
factors responsible for the maintenance of stemness. A chapter in the book has been
dedicated to genetic engineering relevant to stem cell research for their better
exploitation for research and therapy in animals. The major section of the book is
devoted to the recount of the research efforts and their outcomes towards the poten-
tial application of mesenchymal stem cells in regenerative research and therapy in
important species of domestic and pet animals including sheep, goat, cattle, buffalo,
cat, dog and horse. The book also presents an abridgement of challenges and future
prospects of stem cell research and application in medicine in general and veteri-
nary sciences in particular.


1 Introduction to Stem Cells������������������������������������������������������������������������   1

M. B. Gugjoo
2 Mesenchymal Stem Cell and Its Properties��������������������������������������������  13
M. B. Gugjoo, Amar Pal, and G. T. Sharma
3 Mesenchymal Stem Cell Isolation, Culture, Characterization
and Cryopreservation��������������������������������������������������������������������������������  27
M. B. Gugjoo, Amar Pal, V. Chandra, and G. T. Sharma
4 Mesenchymal Stem Cell Immuno-­Modulatory
and/Anti-Inflammatory Properties����������������������������������������������������������  47
M. B. Gugjoo and Amar Pal
5 Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation Properties and Available
Microenvironment��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  67
M. B. Gugjoo and Amar Pal
6 Mesenchymal Stem Cell Genetic Engineering and Regenerative
Medicine������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  89
M. B. Gugjoo, E. Rasool, and Amar Pal
7 Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential
Applications������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  99
M. B. Gugjoo and Amar Pal
8 Goat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential
Applications������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 153
M. B. Gugjoo, Amar Pal, M. R. Fazili, R. A. Shah, M. S. Mir, and
G. T. Sharma
9 Cattle/Buffalo Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and
Potential Applications�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 181
M. B. Gugjoo, Amar Pal, M. R. Fazili, R. A. Shah, and G. T. Sharma
10 Cat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Characteristics and
Potential Applications�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 197
M. B. Gugjoo and Amar Pal

xii Contents

11 Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and

Potential Applications�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 213
M. B. Gugjoo, Amar Pal, and G. T. Sharma
12 Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential
Applications������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 283
M. B. Gugjoo, Amar Pal, D. M. Makhdoomi, and G. T. Sharma
13 Future of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Research������������������������������������������ 333
M. B. Gugjoo and Amar Pal
Editors and Contributors

About the Editors

Mudasir  Bashir  Gugjoo  is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary

Sciences & Animal Husbandry, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences
& Technology, Kashmir, India. He has received his PhD in mesenchymal stem cell
translational studies from the Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar. He
has received various awards including the Best Faculty Teacher Award. His lab
focuses on the isolation and characterisation of mesenchymal stem cells and their
therapeutic applications, currently being funded by Science and Engineering
Research Board (SERB), Government of India. He has published more than 60
papers in various reputed peer-reviewed national and international journals, authored
or co-authored a number of book chapters and is a newspaper columnist. His work
has been cited in various standard books on Veterinary Medicine, Radiology and
Tissue Engineering, and in numerous international research papers. He is a member
of various scientific societies and serves on the editorial boards of several journals.
He is also a referee for a number of peer-reviewed journals including the Journal of
Cellular Physiology, Cellular Reprogramming and Biomedicine and
Pharmacotherapy, among others.

Amar Pal  is currently working as a Principal Scientist & Head of the Division of

Surgery at Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, India. He is also in-­
charge of the Referral Veterinary Polyclinic and the Anatomy Section at the Indian
Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, India. He has done pioneering research
work in the areas of veterinary anaesthesia, pain management, urolithiasis, ortho-
paedic surgery, and stem cell biology and therapy in animals. He has developed
and registered the designs of six orthopaedic devices for animals and eight veteri-
nary mobile apps. His work has been cited in standard works on veterinary sur-
gery, anaesthesia and pharmacology, and in countless international research
papers. He has received several awards, including the Chancellor’s Gold Medal,
Vice-­Chancellor’s Gold Medal, and Best Teacher Award. He is a fellow of the
National Academy of Veterinary Sciences, Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery
and Indian Society for Advancement of Canine Practice. Dr Amarpal has pub-
lished more than 360 research and clinical papers in respected national and

xiv Editors and Contributors

international journals and more than 380 abstracts in seminar and conference pro-
ceedings. He has also authored two books and contributed several book chapters.
Dr Amarpal is Editor-in-Chief of the Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery and
Associate Editor of the Indian Journal of Canine Practice, and is a referee for
numerous international journals.


V. Chandra  Division of Physiology and Climatology, Indian Veterinary Research

Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
M.R. Fazili  Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex, FVSc and AH, SKUAST-K,
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Mudasir Bashir Gugjoo  Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex, FVSc & AH,
SKUAST-Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, India
D.M. Makhdoomi  Division of Surgery and Radiology, FVSc and AH, SKUAST-K,
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
M.S. Mir  Directorate of Extension Education, SKUAST-K, Srinagar, Jammu and
Kashmir, India
Amar  Pal  Division of Surgery, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar,
Uttar Pradesh, India
E.  Rasool  Division of Surgery and Radiology, FVSc and AH, SKUAST-K,
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
R.A.  Shah  Division of Animal Biotechnology, FVSc and AH, SKUAST-K,
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
G.T. Sharma  Division of Physiology and Climatology, Indian Veterinary Research
Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India

ALCAM Activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule

ATMPs Advanced therapy medicinal products
bFGF Bovine fibroblast growth factor
CD Cluster of differentiation
ConA Concanavalin A
COX2 Cyclooxygenase 2
DAZL Deleted in azoospermia like
DCs Dendritic cells
DMSO Dimethyl sulfoxide
EGF Epidermal growth factor
ESCs Embryonic stem cells
FASL Fas ligand
FBS Foetal bovine serum
FGF-2 Fibroblast growth factor-2
Fox Forkhead box protein
HGF Hepatocyte growth factor
HMOX1 Heme oxygenase-1
ICAM-1 Intracellular adhesion molecule-1
IDO Indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase
IFNG Interferon, gamma
IFNγ Interferon gamma
IGF-1 Insulin growth factor-1
IL Interleukin
IL1F10 Interleukin 1, family member 10
IL6 Interleukin 6
IL-6R Interleukin-6 receptor
INFAC Interferon alpha C (INF-alpha C)
INFB1 Interferon, beta 1
iNOS Inducible nitric oxide synthase
iPSCs Induced pluripotent stem cells
JSP.1 Major histocompatibility complex class I
LFA-3 Lymphocyte functional antigen-3
LPS Lipopolysaccharide
LTBR Lymphotoxin beta receptor

xvi Abbreviations

MAPK Mitogen-activated protein kinase

MHC-II (DSB) Major histocompatibility complex class II (DS beta antigen)
NK Natural killer cells
PDGF Platelet-derived growth factor
PDL1 Programmed death ligand-1
PDX-1 Pancreatic and duodenal homeobox-1
PMA Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate
PrPc PRion protein cellular
PTGES Prostaglandin E synthase
PTGES1 Prostaglandin E synthase 1
RNA Ribonucleic acid
STC-1 Stanniocalcin 1
TGF-α Transforming growth factor-α
TGFβ1 Transforming growth factor beta 1
TLRs Toll-like receptors
TNF Tumour necrosis factor
TNFα Tumour necrosis factor alpha
TRKA Tropomyosin receptor kinase A
TSG Tumour suppressor gene
VCAM Vascular cell adhesion molecule-1
VEGF Vascular endothelial growth factor
Introduction to Stem Cells
M. B. Gugjoo


The stem cell concept is as old as the understanding of the origin of life. The
concept of origin of life has developed from initial ‘spontaneous generation’ to
the current concept of development through ‘zygote formation’. Understanding
the concept of the development of life has paved way for the ‘stem cell’ concept.
There are various types of stem cells that develop right from early phase of life
to the adult life though with variable potentialities. An overview of the develop-
ment of stem cell concept has been attempted in the current chapter.

1.1 Introduction

The first and foremost attempt to solve mystery around the origin of life and of
human development may be attributed to Aristotle (384–322 BC) (Arey 1974). His
observation made him to believe that embryonic development occurs in the uterus
and that the mother’s menstrual blood is the basis, supporting then previous hypoth-
esis of ‘spontaneous generation’. Until 1800, the concept behind development of an
individual was of a pre-formed individual who exists in the egg or sperm, known as
homunculus. The homunculus (egg), however, requires an activation to form an
individual, which occurs through sperm. The sperm, thus, stimulates homunculus in
the uterus that ultimately leads to the formation of an individual. Leydig later in
1855 hypothesized that life originates from an already existing life, omne vivum
ex vivo. This hypothesis was extended by Rudolf Virchow with a view that all new
cells develop from existing cells, omnis cellula e cellula (Oberling 1944). Later on

M. B. Gugjoo (*)
Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex, FVSc & AH, SKUAST-Kashmir,
Jammu and Kashmir, India

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to 1
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
M. B. Gugjoo, A. Pal (eds.), Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Veterinary Sciences,
2 M. B. Gugjoo

the concept of fertilization was developed, wherein an egg after fusion with the
sperm leads to the formation of zygote (Needham 1959). The zygote forms the
actual basis of life as it gives rise to all the cells required together to make an indi-
vidual (totipotency) (Sell 2004a, b). Thus, the existence of cell, now popularly
known as ‘stem cell’, carries the potential to develop into the complete individual.

1.2 Overview of the Historical Chart of the Stem Cells

The term ‘stamzelle or stem cell’ was initially used by a German biologist Ernest
Haeckel in 1868 for a fertilized egg that develops into a complete organism (Reimer
1868). The term was also used for the single-celled organism that is considered as
an ancestor to all the living organisms. The stem cell research actually started with
the process of learning the basis of development and regeneration. In 1930, nuclear
transplantation was first carried out in Amoeba (Comandon and deFonbrune 1930).
In 1950s Briggs and King applied the same technique to replace nucleus of a frog’s
egg with other cell (Briggs and King 1952). Gurdon later cloned a frog from an egg
and the nucleus of small intestine (Gurdon 1974). The experiments confirmed that
the developmental changes that occur are through the environmental factors rather
than the permanent changes to the genetic code and in the present case factors were
present in oocyte of the frog (Bio-Rad Lab Inc.n.d.). This somatic cell nuclear trans-
fer (SCNT) technique, however, proved to be comparably harder in mammals, and
for long time the mammalian cells were considered to be far specialized and, thus,
cannot be reverted to totipotent state. But as the research in the field advanced, the
findings were proved to be wrong and different mammalian clones were developed.
The most noted one was in the form of Dolly, developed by fusion of mammary
gland epithelial cell with the enucleated oocyte (Wilmut et al. 1997), besides, the
others (Forsberg et  al. 2002; Gao et  al. 2003; Walker et  al. 2002). However, the
frequency of successful transplants appears to be very less, <1–2% (Sell 2004a, b),
giving rise to the question, why? Thus, not all adult cells are capable to give rise to
successful transplants and the cell that give rise could actually be the ‘stem cell’ or
‘tissue progenitor cell’ (Van der Kooy and Weiss 2000). In 1945 the initial experi-
mental basis of the stem cell was recognized (Owen 1945). Since then stem cell
properties are being discussed (Lajtha et al. 1964; Lajtha 1967) with in vivo stem
cell governing factors yet to be fully comprehended. The historical aspect of various
stem cell types is briefed below.

1.2.1 Haematopoietic Stem Cell

The blood stem cell concept was first introduced in Berlin Haematological Society
by Russian academician Alexander Maximow on 1 June 1909. He delivered a theo-
retical lecture that all the blood cells come from same ancestral cell and, thus, intro-
duced the concept of multipotent nature of blood stem cell (Kalra and Tomar 2014).
The stem cell search in blood had begun after the bombings in Hiroshima and
1  Introduction to Stem Cells 3

Nagasaki in 1945 when radiation exposure led to the haematopoietic failure in resi-
dents. It was found that the shielding of the spleen with lead (Jacobson et al. 1950)
and transplantation of bone marrow or spleen cells (Lorenz et al. 1951; Jacobson
et al. 1951) prevent such a failure. However, it was confirmed later in 1963 when
Ernest McCulloch and James Till (Canadian scientists) carried out experiments on
mice bone marrow. It was demonstrated that various blood cells originate from a
specific class of cells bearing self-renewal and differentiation properties (Till et al.
1964; Till and McCulloch 1961). Even before actual laboratory confirmation of
blood stem cell, the human bone marrow transplant was first attempted by E. Donnall
Thomas in 1957 that later fetched him Nobel prize in 1990. The first successful
transplant of bone marrow, however, was conducted by Robert A. Good in 1968. He
transplanted bone marrow of a sibling to an immune-deficient child who later devel-
oped into a healthy adult (Thomson et al. 1998a, b). Since then the blood transfusion
has become a common procedure in case of leukaemia patients.

1.2.2 Embryonic Stem Cell

The embryonic stem cell understanding has started with the development of sponta-
neous testicular tumour in a terato-carcinoma study. In 1970s, it was observed that
such spontaneous tumours, composed of differentiated cell types and undifferenti-
ated stem cell, may be produced following ectopic grafting of these tumour cells in
the adults (Solter et al. 1970; Stevens 1970; Stevens 1983; Papaioannou and Rossant
1983). Those undifferentiated stem cells (embryonal carcinoma cells) were corre-
lated to the pluripotent stem cells of an early embryo. This paved the way to harvest
stem cells directly from embryos. It was in 1981 when independent researchers,
Marlin Evans and Kaufmann of University of Cambridge and Garl Martin of
University of California, could successfully derive embryonic stem cells (ESCs)
from mouse blastocysts (Evans and Kaufman 1981). Trophoectoderm, however,
was demonstrated to harbour stem cells with limited differentiation potential called
trophoblast stem cells (Tanaka et  al. 1998). ESCs could grow on a feeder layer
formed by mitotically inactivated mouse embryonic fibroblast cells. Later on ESCs
were also derived from primates (Thomson et  al. 1995, 1996). All these studies
along with the research conducted on culturing human in  vitro fertilized (IVF)
embryos (Gardner et al. 1998) paved the way for successful cultivation and mainte-
nance of ESCs into an undifferentiated state (Thomson et al. 1998a, b). It was dem-
onstrated that feeder cell layer for mouse ESCs could be employed for human
counterparts, but variability in biochemical pathways and humoral factors exist. In
the same year, cultured human ESCs were differentiated into different tissues, viz.
gut epithelium, cartilage, bone, muscle, neurons, etc. (Thomson et  al. 1998a, b;
Shamblott et al. 1998). Considering these factors ESC line maintenance and ability
to trans-differentiate has led to the tremendous research in the field especially in
relation to the development and repair of damaged or lost tissue (Donovan and
Gearhart 2001). Attempts to create ESCs from veterinary species like cattle, sheep,
dog and others too started immediately afterwards (Telugu et al. 2010). Due to the
4 M. B. Gugjoo

limited availability, associated ethical issues, especially in humans and a tendency

to give rise to teratoma, ESCs currently have limited in vivo applications (Gugjoo
and Amarpal 2018; Gugjoo et al. 2019).

1.2.3 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell

Recently developed transgenic techniques have opened ways to reprogram an adult

tissue cell to pluripotency. An adult tissue cell is reprogrammed by insertion of the
pluripotency induction genes like Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and cMyc. These dedifferenti-
ated cells are known as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) (Pittenger et al. 1999;
Cavaleri and Scholer 2003; Chambers and Smith 2004; Takahashi and Yamanaka
2006). The work was seen with such an extensive potential that the scientists John
B.  Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka were awarded 2012 Nobel Prize in medicine.
Initially, the work was conducted in lab animals like mice, but now the cells have
also been harvested in various animal species like goat (Song et al. 2013; Sandmaier
et al. 2015; Chen et al. 2017), sheep (Li et al. 2011; Liu et al. 2012; Sartori et al.
2012; German et al. 2015), cattle (Zhao et al. 2017), dog (Nishimura et al. 2013;
Baird et al. 2015) and equine (Nagy et al. 2011; Khodadadi et al. 2012; Breton et al.
2013; Whitworth et al. 2014). The current success rate in harvesting the dedifferen-
tiated cell population is very limited. These cells like ESCs too have tendency to
give rise to teratoma and, thus, fail to make a definitive way into the in vivo applica-
tions (Gugjoo et al. 2018a, b, 2019).

1.2.4 Mesenchymal Stem Cell

The presence of mesenchymal stem cells within the bone marrow may be docu-
mented from the work of Goujon (1869). An osteogenic potential of bone marrow
was demonstrated after its heterotopic transplantation. The results were confirmed in
the transplantation experiments by Biakow (1870). Later on the osteogenesis was
shown to be due to the whole bone marrow and not by the chemo-attractants (Danis
1960). These experiments were also conducted by other researchers who demon-
strated the same results and found that bone and cartilage formation does occur
(Tavassoli and Crosby 1968; Friedenstein et  al. 1966; Bruder and Caplan 1990).
Friedenstein and co-workers observed that the heterotopic bone formation post-­bone
marrow cells transplantation was associated with minor subpopulation of such cells
that can be differentiated from haematopoietic cells based on their specific features,
viz. plastic adherence and fibroblast-like appearance. The fibroblast-like appearance
indicated their origin from the stromal compartment of the bone marrow. The same
authors also observed that seeding of bone marrow cell suspension had resulted in
the establishment of discrete colonies. These colonies being initiated by single cell
are known as colony-forming unit fibroblastic (CFU–Fs) (Friedenstein et al. 1970).
The concept of stem cells in bone marrow was formally presented by Owen in
1978 (Owen 1978). It was hypothesized that bone marrow harbours a lineage that is
1  Introduction to Stem Cells 5

analogous to haematopoietic lineage (Till and McCulloch 1980). The in vivo exper-
imental transplantation of such cells had resulted in the formation of numerous
skeletal tissues, viz. bone and cartilage. The cells were named as osteogenic stem
cell (Friedenstein et  al. 1987) or bone marrow stromal stem cell (Owen and
Friedenstein 1988). The non-haematopoetic stem cell hypothesis though well-­
established previously, its importance, however, was felt in 1999 when similar work
was published by a commercial company, Osiris Therapeutics Inc. (Pittenger
et al. 1999).
The term ‘mesenchymal stem cell’ has been coined by Caplan who showed that
these cell types carry the potential to differentiate into other phenotypes including
adipogenic, tenogenic, ligamentous, dermal or others (Caplan 1991, 1994). The term
‘mesenchymal stem cell’ although widely used has restricted acceptability (Sipp
et al. 2018) and shall henceforth be called by that name in this chapter. The stem cell
has ‘stemness’ characteristics depicted by ‘self-renewal and differentiation’ proper-
ties. Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) most often undergoes culture-­dependent senes-
cence (Wagner et al. 2009), which also diminishes its ability to differentiate (Bonab
et al. 2006; Lo Surdo et al. 2013). It is also unclear whether ectopically placed MSCs
can actually differentiate in vivo or not. The stem cell label is, thus, questionable with
respect to MSCs (Bianco 2014). As such these cells are also termed as stromal stem
cells (Owen and Friedenstein 1988), mesenchymal progenitor cells (Dennis et  al.
1999), skeletal stem cells (Bianco and Gehron 2000), multipotent adult progenitor
cells and mesodermal progenitor cells (Jiang et  al. 2002). In 2006, International
Society for Cellular Therapy that gave specific guidelines for characterization of
these cells recommended the name to be given as ‘Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal
Cells’ (Dominici et al. 2006). The latest work of Caplan, however, recommends these
cells to be named as “Medicinal Signaling Cells” based on their ability to modulate
host systems. It may, thus, be pointed out that more emphasis on the mechanism of
their therapeutic effects may be laid (Caplan 2017).
A huge literature has been piled on MSCs including their properties, isolation pro-
tocols and their applications in diverse ailments both under preclinical experimental
studies and in the clinical trials. In veterinary science, MSCs have been harvested
from numerous adult tissue sources and foetal membranes (Gugjoo and Amarpal
2018; Gugjoo et al. 2018a, 2019). Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have also been
harvested from iPSCs (Chow et al. 2017; Xu et al. 2019). Currently, there are wide
variations in their tri-lineage differentiation potential, especially in relation to a
marked reduction in their chondrogenic and adipogenic lineages as compared to the
bone marrow-derived (BM) MSCs (Xu et al. 2019). MSCs in veterinary sciences
like human are characterized as per the criteria laid down by International Society
for Cellular Therapy (ISCT) (Dominici et al. 2006). The early mesenchymal stem
cell in vivo applications had employed non-specific cell fractions. A heterogeneous
cell fraction containing tissue cells, leukocytes, endothelial cells, fibroblasts and a
small subset of self-renewing multipotent cells had been utilized (Tiwary et  al.
2014). However in recent time culture-expanded MSC preparations are being
increasingly studied containing good number of MSCs. Further, advancement like
specific cell selection methods need to be studied to make roadways to a more
6 M. B. Gugjoo

purified cell preparation (Devireddy et al. 2017). The cells are even being cryopre-
served for their future applications (Gugjoo and Amarpal 2018; Gugjoo et al. 2018a,
2019). Among various veterinary species, MSC clinical studies have been con-
ducted mainly in dog, cat and horse (Quimby and Borjesson 2018; Gugjoo et al.
2019a, b). In horse, the therapeutic applications of stem cells have mainly been
aimed at the issues of musculoskeletal system. An initial attempt was made to repair
the superficial digital flexor tendon (Smith et al. 2003). In sheep and goat MSCs,
in  vivo experimental evaluations have been conducted mostly as human transla-
tional studies (Gugjoo and Amarpal 2018; Gugjoo et al. 2020). Cattle and buffalo
MSCs have been evaluated in experimental studies mainly to address reproductive
problems (Gugjoo et al. 2018b). It may be noted that all MSC studies have so far
failed to provide any conclusive results.

1.2.5 Cancer Stem Cell

The cancer stem cell (CSC) concept was initially given by Cohnheim and Durante
about one-and-a-half century back. The proliferation and differentiation potential of
CSC was demonstrated to be comparable to that of the embryonic tissues and can-
cers. Thus, a concept was proposed that embryonic cells present in adults upon
stimulation may lead to cancer. More curiosity in this concept was developed with
the work of Furth and co-workers (Furth et al. 1937). It was demonstrated that acute
myeloid leukaemia (AML) develops in a mouse after transplantation of single
undifferentiated leukaemia cell (Furth et al. 1937; Al-Hajj et al. 2003). After a long
gap of three decades, in vitro studies supported AML cells’ ability to self-renew,
proliferate and generate new tumours (Sell 2004a, b). Initially, such studies were
performed on tumours in liquid (blood) phase. The first evidence of these stem cells
in solid tumours came in 2003 and was reported from breast cancer (Al-Hajj et al.
2003). Thereafter, CSC concept was validated in a wide variety of solid tumours
including lung cancer (Kim et al. 2005), melanoma (Fang et al. 2005), prostate can-
cer (Collins et al. 2005), brain cancer (Piccirillo et al. 2006), colon cancer (O’Brien
et al. 2006) and ovarian cancer (Szotek et al. 2006). The oncogenic therapy on the
basis of CSC concept is also currently being researched extensively (Gugjoo et al.
2015; Atashzar et al. 2020).

1.3 Conclusion

The stem cell concept dates back to the origin of life. The concept of development
of life has changed from initial ‘spontaneous generation’ to the current concept of
development through ‘zygote formation’. Understanding the development of life
has itself given rise to stem cell concept. Various stem cell types including MSCs
have been identified with variable differentiation potential. Overall stem cell con-
cept is still in its infancy, and there are lot of intricacies involved. Among these cell
types, mostly MSCs are being evaluated in clinical trials. The stem cell research
1  Introduction to Stem Cells 7

though is being conducted at a very rapid pace; however, the understanding is yet to
reach to the level that can harvest the fruitful results.

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Mesenchymal Stem Cell and Its
Properties 2
M. B. Gugjoo, Amar Pal, and G. T. Sharma


Stem cell (SC) concept is one of the important research areas seen to bring new
vistas in the biological science and/or medicine. Various stem cell types have
been identified including mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). MSCs are present in
almost all the body parts of an individual and carry the specialized stemness
property, in addition to the immuno-modulation, plasticity and homing. These
cells are studied for their therapeutic applications due to lack of any ethical issue
together  with a limited ability to develop tumour. However, there is dearth of
understanding in their basic specialized physiological properties and as such
definitive clinical applications are restricted. The current chapter details various
stem cell types and discusses the characteristic properties of the stem cells with
special focus on MSCs.

2.1 Introduction

The stem cell (SC) concept is one of the most thrilling scientific research areas in
twenty-first century. Stem cell research is seen and hoped to bring new dawn in the
field of biology and medicine. An individual in their lifespan undergoes through

M. B. Gugjoo
Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex, FVSc & AH, SKUAST-Kashmir,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
A. Pal
Division of Surgery, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, UP, India
G. T. Sharma (*)
Division of Physiology & Climatology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Izatnagar, UP, India

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to 13
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
M. B. Gugjoo, A. Pal (eds.), Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Veterinary Sciences,
14 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

various developmental stages each characterized by the availability of particular

stem cell type. During embryonic stage, stem cells give rise to the complete indi-
vidual and in post-natal life the cells serve a sort of an internal repair system to
maintain homeostasis (Gugjoo and Amarpal 2018; Gugjoo et al. 2019). The inner
cell mass of trophoblast during embryogenesis carries embryonic stem cells (ESCs)
that give rise to the whole individual (pluripotency). Adult tissue stem cells, present
in almost all the body tissues, have restricted differentiation potential (multipotent)
(Fick et al. 2012; Ayala-Cuellar et al. 2018). The adult tissue stem cells like mesen-
chymal stem cells (MSCs) maintain tissue homeostasis through tissue cell and
matrix turn-over (Gugjoo et al. 2018a, b, 2019). It may be inferred that developmen-
tal progression of an individual brings in reduced differentiation potential of the
stem cells.

2.2 What Is Stem Cell?

Stem cell (SC) is an unspecialized cell carried by a multi-cellular organism that is

able to produce an identical copy of itself through the process of ‘self-renewal’ and
a more specialized cell through the process of differentiation (Till et al. 1964; Till
and McCulloch 1961; Ab Kadir et  al. 2012). Thus, the two main properties that
contribute stemness feature to the stem cell are the ‘self-renewal’ and the

2.3 Stem Cell Types

Stem cells are classified in many ways but most commonly based upon the degree
of differentiation and source of isolation.

2.3.1 Based on the Degree of Differentiation

Totipotent Cell  The cell differentiates into any cell type of the body including the
foetal membrane like zygote up to morula stage of the embryogenesis.

Pluripotent Cell  The cell differentiates into all the cell types of the body barring
foetal membranes like embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem
cells (iPSCs).

Multipotent Cell  The cell gives rise to limited cell types of the body, e.g. mesen-
chymal stem cells (MSCs).
2  Mesenchymal Stem Cell and Its Properties 15

2.3.2 Based on the Source

Embryonic Stem Cell  The cell is derived from an embryo and may be totipotent
(cells up to the morula stage of embryogenesis) or pluripotent (inner cell mass of the
blastocyst of embryo).

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell  The cell is developed by reprogramming of the

adult somatic cell through “forced” expression of pluripotency-specific genes.

Adult Stem Cell  It is an unspecialized cell present in all the tissues/organs of the
body for internal repair or replacement of damaged cells. The self-renewal and the
differentiation capacity are restricted in these cells as compared to pluripotent cells.

2.4 Mesenchymal Stem Cell

Among various stem cell types, MSCs currently form an important constituent of
the regenerative medicine. This can be attributed to their diverse and numerous
accessible sources, and the simplicity of isolation procedures with better success
rates. These cells have minimal teratogenicity usually seen with the pluripotent
stem cells and bear limited ethical issues commonly associated with human ESCs
(Zuk et al. 2001; Cardoso et al. 2017). Additional features like ability to immuno-
modulate and provide anti-inflammatory response, thereby regeneration of tissue
without scar formation, make it more suitable for regenerative medicine (Zuk et al.
2001; Stewart and Stewart 2011; Gugjoo et al. 2019). However, MSCs in contrary
to ESCs have limited culture lifespan, and after certain culture passages these cells
become senescent (Caplan 2012). Even upon in vivo implantation, MSCs (autolo-
gous/allogeneic) survive only for certain period (ranging from few hours to as long
as 90 days) but not indefinitely (Guest et al. 2010; McDuffee et al. 2012). This ques-
tions their self-renewal property (Lopez and Jarazo 2015). In order to extend their
lifespan, vector viruses like simian virus 40 (SV40-T) and human papillomavirus
have been used to extend their culture lifespan (Klingelhutz et  al. 1994). The
SV40-T retrovirus may immortalize dog adipose tissue-derived MSCs (Ayala-­
Cuellar et  al. 2018) by reducing the growth inhibition on retinoblastoma protein
(pRb) and tumour protein (p53) (DeCaprio et al. 1988; Pipas 2009). These are pre-
liminary studies that need further extensive research in the area to confirm their
clinical safety and efficacy.

2.4.1 Characteristic Features of MSCs Stemness
The prime stemness property, represented by self-renewal and differentiation, of
MSCs is poorly understood and has even been questioned. Only few genes support
16 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

MSCs stemness markers. There have to be deep insights into its molecular basis
especially through the main transcription factors. So far, not a single key transcrip-
tion factor to MSCs has been determined unlike pluripotent genes like Oct4, Nanog
and Sox2 being attributed to the embryonic stem cells. Several highly expressed
genes including nine transcription factors in undifferentiated MSCs have been
detected after comparing undifferentiated and tri-lineage-differentiated MSCs.
However, individual knockdown of such genes could only partially decrease the cell
proliferation or their differentiation (Kubo et al. 2009). Several reasons that may be
underlined to such poor understanding are as follows:

1. The cellular heterogeneity with respect to the species, age, sources, culture con-
ditions and number of culture passages (Mareddy et  al. 2010; Menicanin
et al. 2010).
2. MSCs have finite culture lifespan characterized by ageing and senescence after
certain passages. MSCs exhibit morphological abnormalities, attenuated expres-
sion of specific surface markers, reduced differentiation potential and prolifera-
tion arrest (Baxter et al. 2004; Wagner et al. 2008; Liu et al. 2013).
3. Poor understanding of microenvironment/niche that controls MSCs features.
There is need to study the environmental effects. Among various niche cues stud-
ied include hypoxia (Drela et al. 2014; Hu et al. 2014; Fotia et al. 2015), avail-
able extra-cellular matrix (ECM) (Xiong et al. 2015; Wong et al. 2017), scaffolds
(Cesarz and Tamama 2016; Obara et al. 2016), mechanical factors and/ humoral/
growth factors (Terraciano et al. 2007; Bottagisio et al. 2015; Hu et al. 2015).
Such cues, however, have been studied in isolation while in vivo microenviron-
ment/niche presents an intricate system.

Self-Renewal and Differentiation
The self-renewal property keeps the stem cell pool intact, which makes it possible
to repair the damaged cells or to replace the non-functioning cells throughout an
individual’s life (Fig. 2.1). This feature of stem cell differentiates it from progenitor
cell as the latter cell although able to differentiate but is unable to self-renew. Stem
cell self-renewal occurs through either symmetric or asymmetric divisions. Through
symmetric divisions, the parent cell is able to produce identical copies, that is,
daughter cell copies entire genome including the epigenetic changes. In asymmetric
divisions, two variable cells are produced either through divisional asymmetry or
environmental asymmetry (Wilson and Trumpp 2006; He et al. 2009). In divisional
asymmetry, cell fate determinants get reorganized prior to division and after divi-
sion two cells are produced, one identical and other non-identical to the parent cell.
In environmental asymmetry, the cell gets exposed to multiple signals from the local
environment (micro-environment), which initially leads to symmetric division pro-
ducing identical copies. One of the daughter stem cell then undergoes asymmetric
cell division generating non-identical cells to perform tissue-specific function
(Spradling et al. 2001; Ohlstein et al. 2004). This process is known as differentiation
and is governed by available micro-environment. The growth factors and cytokines
like IGF-1, TGF-β1, BMP-1, etc. may facilitate stem cell proliferation or inhibition
2  Mesenchymal Stem Cell and Its Properties 17

Fig. 2.1  Diagrammatic representation of development of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), their
self-renewal, differentiation, and mobilization and homing properties

depending upon the tissue specific requirements (Fuchs et  al. 2004; Potten et  al.
2009; Spees et  al. 2016). The microenvironment/niche tends to play an essential
role in maintaining the stem cell self-renewal property. The cells lose their self-­
renewal potential upon loss of the niche (Xie and Spradling 2000; Mackenzie and
Flake 2001; Li and Neaves 2006; Lilly et al. 2011).
The self-renewal potential varies among stem cell types. In culture environment,
embryonic stem cells are able to self-renew almost indefinitely while MSCs self-­
renew only for few generations. The mechanism behind this wonderful property is
still ambiguous though some information has been gained in recent times. One of
the mechanisms reported is of telomerase, an enzyme required to maintain DNA
regions at the chromosomal ends, telomeres, by preventing accumulation of DNA
damage due to replication (Greenwood and Lansdorp 2003). It has been seen that
telomerase absence decreases self-renewal capacity of haematopoietic stem cells
(HSCs) while forced expression is insufficient to transplant such cells indefinitely
(Allsopp et al. 2003a, b). The cells that are able to express elements of different
signalling pathways like Wnt/ fzd/beta-catenin, sonic, Hedgehog, etc. usually
undergo self-renewal divisions (Watt and Hogan 2000; Willert et al. 2003). Besides,
over-expression of several proteins like homeobox 4 genes (Hoxb4) and Cdx4
(Kyba et  al. 2002; Wang et  al. 2005) may also favour self-renewal divisions. All
these signalling pathways maintain pleuripotency of the cells and may not be appli-
cable to unipotent or oligopotent cells.
18 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

2.4.2 Plasticity

Differentiation capability of stem cell type varies. Embryonic stem cell is able to
give rise to all the cell types of the three germinal layers while adult stem cells usu-
ally have restricted potential. Recent studies have shown an extended differentiation
potential of adult stem cells. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) differentiation poten-
tial earlier restricted to osteogenic, chondrogenic and adipogenic lineages (Gugjoo
et al. 2015) has now been demonstrated to extend to other lineages like myocyte-/
cardiomyocyte-like cells (Orlic et al. 2001; Ferrari et al. 1998; Vieira et al. 2010;
Wang et al. 2018), neural-like cells (Oh et al. 2011; Ryu et al. 2012; Yan et al. 2015;
Kriston-Pál et al. 2017; Li et al. 2017; Zhang et al. 2019) and germ cell-like cells
(Ghasemzadeh-Hasankolaei et al. 2014, 2015), among others. This phenomenon is
known as trans-differentiation. As such the stem cell fate is not fixed rather change-
able or plastic (plasticity) in nature depending upon the available local microenvi-
ronment (Pelagalli et al. 2018). Anti-Inflammatory and Immuno-Modulation

MSCs are considered as immune privileged or immune evasive cells, with an ability
to immuno-modulate and provide anti-inflammatory activities (Caplan and Dennis
2006; Kang et  al. 2008; Lee et  al. 2011; Kim et  al. 2010; Carrade et  al. 2012;
Prockop and Oh 2012). These cells avoid allogeneic reaction as they are hypo-­
immunogenic and often lack major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-II and co-­
stimulatory molecule expression, although variably. These cells prevent T-cell
responses through the modulation of dendritic cells and disruption of natural killer
(NK) cells (Wang et al. 2009). The cells may additionally modulate the function of
CD8+ and CD4+ T-cells (Di Nicola et al. 2002). The cells interact with CD4 and
CD8 lymphocytes and upon pro-inflammatory mediator’s activation secrete factors
that lead to down-regulation of the inflammation (Singer and Caplan 2011). MSCs
hampering of T-cell activation and proliferation may also be induced by decreasing
the expression of activation markers like CD25, CD38 and CD69 (Le Blanc et al.
2003; Groh et al. 2005). This property of MSCs makes their allogeneic application
quite possible (Berner et  al. 2013; Gugjoo et  al. 2017, 2020). Considering the
importance of these properties in regenerative medicine, a separate chapter on the
immuno-modulatory and/anti-inflammatory properties of mesenchymal stem cells
has been discussed later in the book. Stem Cell Migration and Homing

MSCs have characteristic migratory and homing property (Mackenzie and Flake
2001). A significant amount of literature is available that tries to address the mecha-
nism of stem cell migration and homing; properties that explain the basis of stem
cell activity at sites beyond their site of implantation or  original location. MSCs
ability to migrate and home to the target site may be facilitated by humoral factors
in addition to the involved unknown mechanisms (Kodeet al. 2009; Guest et  al.
2010; McDuffee et al. 2012).
2  Mesenchymal Stem Cell and Its Properties 19

Mobilization of MSCs is activated by down-regulation of their adhesion mole-

cules through the release of cytokines and/or chemokines (Liu et al. 2009). There
are various factors relevant to MSCs mobilization including matrix metalloprotein-
ase protein (MMP)-9 and stromal cell-derived factor (SDF)-1α/chemokine (C-X-C
motif) ligand (CXCL12) and its receptor CXCR4 (Hristov and Weber 2009). MSCs
overexpression of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) may induce their massive
mobilization via SDF-1α signalling (Haider et  al. 2008). In addition to SDF-1α,
MSCs may release high mobility group box-1 (HMGB-1) extracellularly after their
activation through inflammatory cytokine or by cell necrosis. This protein acts as a
chemo-attractant for MSCs (Palumbo and Bianchi 2004; Chavakis et al. 2007). The
injury-/ischemia-induced activation of fibroblasts cause an increased migration
velocity and invasion of MSCs. Two important components like basic fibroblast
growth factor (bFGF) and epithelial neutrophil-activating peptide-78 (ENA-78 or
CXCL5) seem to be mainly involved in such activities (Nedeau et al. 2008). Surface
receptors like chemokine receptors (CCR1, CCR4, CCR7, CCR9, CXCR5, CXCR6
and CCR10) expressed on human BM-MSCs may be involved in their migration
(Wynn et al. 2004; Sordi et al. 2005; Von Luttichau et al. 2005).
MSCs homing to the target tissue sites follow cascade of events. This includes
MSCs rolling into the blood vessels, endothelial cell surface adhesion, trans-­
endothelial migration, extravasation and ultimately their migration through the tis-
sue matrix to the injured target area (Zhuge et al. 2010). Stem cells express numerous
surface receptors and cell adhesion molecules, similar to that of leucocytes, that
aide in migration and homing of the cells (Luster et al. 2005; Ley et al. 2007). The
receptors include integrins, selectins, cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) and chemo-
kine receptors. P-selectin, a cell adhesion molecule, is considered to be involved in
MSCs rolling that slows their motion and allows them to adhere to endothelium
(Ruster et al. 2006). Various other adhesion molecules that mediate MSC–endothe-
lial cell interaction involve integrins such as α1 down to α5 and β1 up to β4 and
CAMs such as VCAM-1 to ICAM-3, ALCAM and CD105 (Minguell et al. 2001;
Krampera et  al. 2006). These adhesion molecules and their counter-ligands are
expressed on MSCs and/or endothelial cells. CD44 may act as a homing molecule
for BM-MSCs as it traffics them to the bone through marrow vasculature supported
E-selectin interaction (Sackstein et al. 2008). Equine MSCs (eMSCs) homing may
be achieved through their expression of the stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1)
and its receptor C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4 (CXCR4) (Angelone et al. 2017).
Additionally, adhesion molecules like Galectin-1 and Galectin-3 might play an
important role in equine MSCs homing to the inflamed and injured tissues (Reesink
et al. 2017).The role of hypoxia in stem cell homing demands thorough investiga-
tion as hypoxia activates peripheral blood mononuclear cells to turn to the MSCs
(Hopper et al. 2015).
All these studies demonstrate active inflammation to be prime factor involved in
directing MSCs migration and homing, but such properties against chronic lesions
that are devoid of inflammation currently remain questioned.
20 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

2.5 Significance of Stem Cell Research

Tissue-specific cells continuously undergo the process of wear and tear and ulti-
mately die. The cells if not replaced may lead to malfunctioning of the tissue system
and finally death. Such damaged cells are, thus, being replaced by an internal repair
system formed by the stem cells. However, in extensive cases an intrinsic system
fails to maintain such homeostasis. In an organ failure case (kidney, heart failure),
donors are required who are hardly available that too at right time. Besides, some
highly specialized tissues like nervous tissue have very limited internal repair sys-
tem, which demands the medical support for damage repair. Currently, stem cells
are seen to carry the potential to fill this gap in medical field. Further, stem cell dif-
ferentiation if controlled can be used to produce specific tissue/organs. Such tissue/
organs can be used as disease models to study the course of disease and the thera-
peutic options.

2.6 Conclusion

MSCs are important stem cell types that are considered to provide therapeutic
effects in regenerative medicine through self-renewal, differentiation, immuno-­
modulation, migration and homing. However, there are various queries that need to
be addressed before stem cell application can be made successful.

2.6.1 Answers Required

1 . How do stem cells proliferate without differentiation while non-stem cells do not?
2. What are the in vivo factors and how do they regulate stem cell self-renewal,
proliferation and differentiation?
3. Why pluripotent stem cells are almost immortalized while adult stem cells like
MSCs have limited lifespan?
4. How immuno-modulation, anti-inflammatory and homing properties of MSCs
can be controlled?

The answers if discovered may pave the way for the following potential uses of
stem cells:

1. Repair tissue/organ that is extensively damaged either by direct transplantation

or through tissue engineering.
2. Stimulation of the intrinsic stem cell pool of an individual for effective repair.
3. Development of tissue/organ models for disease course study and their

4. Regulation of the developmental course of an individual.
5. Study inherited diseases like birth defects, Parkinson’s disease, etc.
6. Understand cancer biology and, thus, control measures.
2  Mesenchymal Stem Cell and Its Properties 21

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Mesenchymal Stem Cell Isolation,
Culture, Characterization 3
and Cryopreservation

M. B. Gugjoo, Amar Pal, V. Chandra, and G. T. Sharma


The characteristic features of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have made them
an important subject of the regenerative medicine. These cells are being har-
vested, isolated and characterized from numerous adult body tissues/organs, in
addition to the foetal membranes. The cells in donor tissues are present in a very
limited and variable concentrations making it imperative to culture expand them
for effective utilization. The variations in tissue types and/in culture techniques
of the cells make it difficult to understand their features and clinical applications.
For ready to use application, the cells are being banked, mostly through cryo-
preservation. The details of isolation, culture and characterization, in addition to
cryopreservation, of MSCs are detailed in this topic.

3.1 Introduction

Initially, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were identified by Friedenstein and co-­
workers from bone marrow. The typical fibroblast-like morphology and ability to
adhere to the plastic were basis of their characterization (Friedenstein et al. 1976;

M. B. Gugjoo (*)
Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex, FVSc & AH, SKUAST-Kashmir,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
A. Pal
Division of Surgery, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, UP, India
V. Chandra · G. T. Sharma
Division of Physiology & Climatology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Izatnagar, UP, India

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to 27
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
M. B. Gugjoo, A. Pal (eds.), Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Veterinary Sciences,
28 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

Phinney and Sensebe 2013). Subsequently, it had been shown that these cells are
present in almost all the adult tissues of the body, in addition to the foetal mem-
branes (Gugjoo and Amarpal 2018; Gugjoo et al. 2019). These cells represent very
small population in a particular tissue and are mixed with other cell types. In bone
marrow less than 0.1% of the mononuclear cells are MSCs and such a concentration
decreases with ageing (Caplan 2007). The therapeutic applications of MSCs require
much higher doses (Gugjoo et al. 2020a, b), making it imperative to harvest and
culture expand them. The culture expansion of MSCs may change their phenotype
making their regulations necessary. Bone marrow mononuclear cells and stromal
vascular fraction that are minimally manipulated and applied directly are being used
unrestrictedly (Gugjoo et al. 2018; Gugjoo et al. 2020a, b).
For development of any therapeutic agent comprehensive standardized proce-
dures are mandatory in good manufacturing practices (GMPs). Likewise MSCs
must be harvested, isolated, culture expanded and characterized as per the GMP
norms for their successful utilization (Gugjoo et al. 2015; Akram et al. 2017). The
techniques employed for MSCs processing, however, involve variable procedures.
MSCs harvested from liquid source like bone marrow/peripheral blood are cultured
from mononuclear cell (MNC) fraction being separated by density gradient method
(Gugjoo et al. 2015). In contrast, MSCs harvested from solid tissue like adipose tis-
sue or cord matrix, among others are harvested from stromal vascular fraction
(SVF) or MNC fraction. MNC fraction conforms to the mixture of red blood cells,
granulocytes, platelets and myeloid immature precursors, in addition to the MSCs
obtained from peripheral blood or bone marrow. SVF refers to the nucleated cell
fraction of heterogeneous mixture of endothelial, muscle, fibroblastic and mast
cells, and pericytes, pre-adipocytes  and MSCs (Mamidi et  al. 2012; Salehinejad
et  al. 2012; Otsuru et  al. 2013). The main difference in the procedure to harvest
MSCs from these tissue types is that the solid tissues require an extra step of enzy-
matic digestion while such a step is not required for liquid sources (Fig. 3.1). For
MSCs clinical applications, GMPs and good clinical practices (GCPs) must be
ensured during the whole procedure of cell harvesting, isolation, culturing proce-
dures and therapeutics (Gugjoo et al. 2019). Fortunately, GMP-compliant media and
chemicals are available to process and culture expand MSCs (Bieback et al. 2008).

3.2 MSCs from Liquid Sources (Bone Marrow)

MSCs may be harvested from liquid sources by various methods involving classical
and density gradient method. Density gradient solutions utilized are percoll (silica
particle colloidal solution, density of 1.084–1.088) and ficoll (polysaccharide solu-
tion; density of 1.077) (Kadiyala et  al. 1997; Smith et  al. 2003; Hegewald et  al.
2004; Vidal et al. 2006; Pacini et al. 2007; Wilke et al. 2007; Colleoni et al. 2009;
Gugjoo et al. 2015). After bone marrow centrifugation, the supernatant is aspirated
and pellet obtained therefrom is washed with phosphate buffer solution (PBS), fol-
lowed by addition of growth medium in culture flask or plate. In case of density
gradient methods, MNC fraction is obtained from bone marrow after addition of
3  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Isolation, Culture, Characterization and Cryopreservation 29

Fig. 3.1  Mesenchymal stem cell isolation protocols and their culture expansion

density gradient solutions and centrifugation. Classical method utilizes MSCs

intrinsic property of plastic adherence (plastic culture dishes) without any separa-
tion of the MNCs (Fortier et al. 1998; Arnhold et al. 2007). MNCs seeding densities
are regarded as the most critical parameter for expanding MSCs (Bieback et  al.
2008). Equine BM-MSCs’ better yield had been achieved at MNCs implantation
concentration of 4 × 105 to 1 × 106 (Zahedi et al. 2018). Most of the studies currently
follow the protocol of density gradient centrifugation (Bieback et al. 2008).

3.3 MSCs from Solid Tissues (Adipose Tissue)

MSCs from solid tissues are usually derived either by explant culture or enzymatic
protocol. Explant culture method is one of the earliest protocol, in which well rinsed
and mechanically split tissue (<few millimetres tissue pieces have better gas and
nutrient diffusion towards the cells) is directly placed into the culture flask contain-
ing the growth medium (Atala 2002). The smaller fraction of MSCs comes out from
these smaller tissue pieces and adheres to the culture dish surface. The residual tis-
sue pieces are washed off after the visible attachment of the cells. In enzymatic
protocol, an extra step of adding the enzymatic solution like collagenase to degrade
the extracellular matrix (ECM) is performed and the assembly is kept in shaking
30 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

incubator for proper digestion. The resultant SVF or MNC fraction obtained after
centrifugation is transferred to culture dishes containing growth media (detailed
below). The culture flasks/plates are maintained at 37  °C incubation temperature
with 5% carbon dioxide and under humid conditions. The cells are harvested after
attaining 70–80% confluency in flasks (Gugjoo et al. 2015).
There is a dearth of extensive literature comparing the isolation protocols.
However, few studies have compared different density gradient media, and classi-
cal/explants methods to the enzymatic protocol. In an equine study, bone marrow
MSCs (BM-MSCs) isolated by various density gradient solutions had shown match-
ing differentiation potential, but yield and properties like self-renewal were more
desirable in MSCs isolated by percoll solution (Bourzac et al. 2010). Comparison of
the enzymatic method to the explant method had shown that the latter method pro-
vided little heterogeneous cell population that exhibited higher proliferation rates
and better viability (Salehinejad et al. 2012; Hilkens et al. 2013; Yoon et al. 2013).
The explant methods keep tissue pieces intact and their extracellular matrix un-­
dissociated and thus, the cells might remain shielded from proteolytic action and
mechanical stress (Hynes 2009; Hendijani 2017). The release of the cytokines and
growth factors from the local tissue may additionally provide cell growth promoters
(Hynes 2009; Jing et al. 2011; Shah et al. 2013). However, the explant method is
more cumbersome. In enzymatic methods, type of enzyme and its concentration
play an important role in cell yield and their viability (Can and Karahuseyinoglu
2007; Mitchell et al. 2003; Wang et al. 2004). Dissociation of extracellular matrix
(ECM) tends to give lower cell yield (Karahuseyinoglu et  al. 2007; Seshareddy
et al. 2008) and also increases time of cell adherence (Han et al. 2013). To improve
the cell yield to about 70%  or more, a combination of enzymatic method and
mechanical dissociation can be performed (Tong et al. 2011).

3.4 Growth Medium

Contrary to embryonic stem cells (ESCs), the cell feeder layer remains dispensable
in MSCs culture. MSCs are plated directly into the plastic culture dishes/flasks sup-
plemented with growth media. This is due to their characteristic property of plastic
adherence. MSCs expand and proliferate in growth medium in the culture flasks.
Growth medium includes basal medium, foetal bovine serum (FBS) and antibiotics
and/antimycotics. The commonly used  basal  culture media for MSCs culture is
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) and/or alpha minimal essential
medium (Sampaio et al. 2015). Other media like TCM199/DMEM (1:1) (Colleoni
et al. 2005), Aminomax-II complete medium (da Silva et al. 2016) and Mesencult
medium (Hepsibha et al. 2011) have also been used. One of the studies had demon-
strated that mesencult medium had favoured better growth and proliferation of buf-
falo adipose tissue derived MSCs (AD-MSCs) as compared to the DMEM.  The
results however, were obvious only at passage 1 as cells at passage 3 had better
colony formation even in DMEM (Hepsibha et al. 2011). In general, the cells are
allowed to attach for 4–8 days depending upon the culture ingredients, cell density
3  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Isolation, Culture, Characterization and Cryopreservation 31

and species involved. Most of the cells in MNC or SVF fraction that lack plastic
adherence properties (including haematopoietic cells) are removed after decanting
the initial culture medium. After achieving 70–80% confluency in about 10–14 days,
the cells are detached by various enzymes like trypsin, trypsin-ethylene diamine
tetra acetic acid (EDTA), collagenase I or accutase (Fortier et  al. 1998; Arnhold
et al. 2007; Li et al. 2015a) and passaged for further proliferation. The buffalo amni-
otic membrane MSCs (bufAm-MSCs) extracted with the combined use of trypsin-­
EDTA and collagenase I had been reported to prove better than trypsin-EDTA alone
(Deng et  al. 2018). Between accutase and trypsin, immediate viability of human
neural stem cells (NSCs) after trypsin disassociation had been lower as compared to
that with accutase; however, subsequent apoptosis of NSCs caused by trypsin was
demonstrated to be lower than that caused by accutase (Li et al. 2015a).

3.5 Foetal Bovine Serum (FBS) and Its Alternatives

FBS is one of the commonly used supplementation medium to culture MSCs (Vidal
et  al. 2008; Toupadakis et  al. 2010; Gugjoo et  al. 2015). FBS has been used at
changeable concentration between 5 and 25%. Buffalo BM-MSCs had shown better
growth at 15% FBS (Gade et al. 2013) and for cattle AD-MSCs and BM-MSCs 10%
FBS concentration had been sufficient (Lu et al. 2014a, b). Although 20% FBS had
also been used with good results (de Moraes et al. 2016; Deng et al. 2018). Goat-
and equine-MSCs derived from adipose tissue, bone marrow and liver had acceler-
ated cell confluency at higher FBS concentration (20%) than at its lower concentration
(10%) (Heidari et al. 2013; Spaas et al. 2013; Martins et al. 2017). FBS furnishes
nutrients, hormones/growth factors and cell adhesion plasma proteins for cellular
growth and proliferation (Seo et al. 2013). GMP-compliant FBS is available and is
being used to produce clinical-grade MSCs (Li et al. 2015a). However, there are
associated limitations like potential threat of disease transmission, and xenogeneic
protein induced change in cell behaviour and non-uniform cell preparations. FBS
tends to hamper effective clinical applications of MSCs due to the potential immu-
nogenic reactions that can arise from internalized FBS proteins (McIntosh
et al. 2009).
To overcome these problems, FBS alternatives for culturing MSCs are being
studied extensively. Among various FBS alternatives, autologous serum, allogeneic
serum and platelet lysate (Del Bue et  al. 2008; Toupadakis et  al. 2010; Schwarz
et al. 2012; Bieback 2013) and commercially available serum substitutes (Schwarz
et al. 2012) have been evaluated. Overall, these alternatives have failed to provide
consistent MSCs adhesion, morphology, growth patterns (Seo et  al. 2013; Eydt
et al. 2016; Schubert et al. 2018), proliferation rate (Toupadakis et al. 2010; Schwarz
et al. 2012; Glynn et al. 2013) and immune-modulatory properties (Russell et al.
2015; Clark et al. 2016; Enciso et al. 2018) in animals. However, autologous serum
had supported the replacement of foetal calf serum (FCS) to culture ovine
BM-MSCs. The morphology, stem cell markers, osteogenic differentiation and pro-
tein expression of ovine BM-MSCs supplemented with autologous serum had been
32 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

comparable to that obtained with FBS supplementation (Weigand et  al. 2017).
Similarly, a dog study had shown that plasma rich in growth factors was able to
improve adipose tissue MSCs (AD-MSCs) survival and had promoted their prolif-
eration, migration but had induced their differentiation (Mellado-López et al. 2017).
Serum-free media had failed to maintain equine MSCs consistency in morphol-
ogy and immunophenotype (Schubert et al. 2018). Contrarily, a study had demon-
strated that bovine umbilical cord MSCs (UC-MSCs) can be cultured in serum-free
medium for longer periods. The normal karyotype cells had good proliferation with
an ability to differentiate into neuron-like cells, in addition to tri-lineages up to pas-
sage 60 (Cardoso et  al. 2012). In absence of the serum, application of various
growth/ humoral factors like bovine fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), epidermal
growth factor (EGF), platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), fibroblast growth fac-
tor-­2 (FGF-2), insulin growth factor − 1 (IGF-1) and most significantly transform-
ing growth factor-α (TGF-α) had supported MSCs proliferation especially of ovine
and bovine sources (Mccarty et al. 2009; Lu et al. 2014a, b). Combined use of these
growth factors may also affect MSCs proliferation, migration and invasion.
Combined use of PDGF/TGF-β and PDGF/IGF-I had promoted proliferation; EGF/
bFGF and EGF/bFGF/PDGF had promoted migration and EGF/bFGF/TGF-β had
promoted BM-MSCs invasion (Somers et al. 2012). These growth factors however,
tend to favour MSCs differentiation. However, further studies for better understand-
ing in FBS alternatives are desired.

3.6 Modifications in Conventional MSCs Culture Protocol

The conventional culture expansion of MSCs follows static mechanism. This sys-
tem is labour intensive, bears low reproducibility, poses contamination problem and
above all is less economical for large-scale expansion. In order to make MSCs pro-
duction economical and reduce chances of contamination various modifications are
being tried. Among various modified techniques, the application of static magnetic
field has proven to be useful to some extent. Application of static magnetic field to
equine adipose tissue MSCs (eAD-MSCs) had accelerated their population dou-
bling potential with high colony-forming potential. An enhanced secretory potential
of growth factor rich microvesicles with no compromise on morphology was also
demonstrated (Marędziak et al. 2015; Iacono et al. 2017).

3.6.1 Stirred Suspension Bioreactor

An alternative to the conventional system is the stirred suspension bioreactor for

culture expansion of MSCs (Fig. 3.1), though it remains to be used extensively in
veterinary practice. It can compensate the limitations normally associated with the
conventional techniques. The cell population of clinical grade with effective num-
bers can be produced in shorter time at less input cost (Roberts et al. 2019). Among
various factors selection of microcarrier (MC) is critical. Microcarrier (MC) acts as
3  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Isolation, Culture, Characterization and Cryopreservation 33

attachment surface for cellular growth. Commercially manufactured microcarriers

for MSCs expansion are either porous or non-porous types with variable materials
(Schop et al. 2010; Goh and Reuveny 2013; Petry et al. 2016; Rafiq et al. 2016).
Various features of MC like composition, porosity, topography and surface charge
determine cell attachment. MCs may also be cell line specific (Martin et al. 2011).
Thus, selection of microcarrier is an important factor for appropriate cell expansion
(Rafiq et al. 2014).
In stirred suspension bioreactor process, various phases involving inoculation,
expansion and harvesting phases are being accomplished to achieve cultured MSCs.
The first 24 h are of inoculation phase. The main aim remains to achieve maximum
possible cellular attachment to the microcarriers (Balint et al. 2015). Among various
factors, cell to microcarrier (MC) ratios remain important. The appropriate ratio of
initial cell to microcarrier density is determined by microcarrier surface area.
Usually low initial cell to MC density provides greater cell yield (Sun et al. 2010;
Li et al. 2015).
The second expansion phase continues till the desired MC cell density is obtained
and is affected by culture medium composition and frequency of medium change.
Replacement medium removes undesirable growth inhibitors and renews exhausted
nutrients. For equine cord blood MSCs (CB-MSCs), growth medium consisting of
DMEM, along with FBS (30%), L-glutamine (1%) and antibiotics (1%) has been
used (Koch et  al. 2007). However, lower FBS concentrations may also be used.
Apart from these factors, rate of agitation needs to be set right. The appropriate
agitation rate is determined by the geometry of bioreactor and its impeller, viscosity
and density of media, type of cell line and MC type. Lower agitation rate favours
cell-MC aggregate formation (Jossen et al. 2016). The higher agitation rates develop
higher shear in the bioreactors favouring cells to detach from MCs (Yuan et  al.
2014; Takahashi et al. 2016).
In the harvesting stage, the cells are detached from the MCs by enzymatic action
involving trypsin. The cells are then filtered to obtain MSCs suspension. Trypsin
(porcine origin) however, is usually replaced by bacteria derived recombinant sub-
stitute, TrypLE. The enzyme activity is usually maintained for 5–15 min, though
exposures up to 1 h have also been made (Roberts et al. 2019).
In an equine study, cord blood derived MSCs in stirred suspension bioreactors
could achieve very large cell densities of about 75,000 per sq. cm which corre-
sponds to 40 × 106 cells in 100 ml bioreactor. The harvesting cell efficiency had
remained 80% approximately and the cells had shown comparable surface marker
expression and differentiation potential to that of the conventional culture system
(Roberts et al. 2019).

3.7 MSCs Characterization

Characterization of MSCs is mandatory to confirm their presence. These cells are

characterized on the recommendations of the International Society for Cellular
Therapy (ISCT). MSCs are plastic adherent cells that express specific surface
34 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

markers, lack haematopoietic marker expression and are able to show tri-lineage
(adipogenic, chondrogenic and osteogenic) differentiation. MSCs population must
express ≥95% of the CD73 (5’-Nucleotidase), CD90 (Thy1) and CD105 (Endoglin)
as measured by flow cytometry. There should be ≤2% of the CD11b (Integrin-α) or
CD14, CD19, CD34, CD45, CD79α and HLA Class II. Multipotent tri-lineage dif-
ferentiation potential is confirmed by staining these in  vitro differentiated cells
(Dominici et al. 2006).
These cells from various animal species generally meet the norm of plastic
adherence and multipotency (Guest et al. 2008; Ranera et al. 2011; De Schauwer
et al. 2012) but consensus on surface marker expression is debatable (Kato et al.
2004; Knippenberg et al. 2005; Kang et al. 2008; Vieira et al. 2010; Lyahyai et al.
2012; Corradetti et al. 2013; Caminal et al. 2014; Mediano et al. 2015; Khan et al.
2016; De Cesaris et al. 2017; Ghaneialvar et al. 2018). In some species like rabbit
markers including CD90 have been demonstrated to be transcribed by MSCs but
their protein translation has failed (Kovac et  al. 2017). Variable surface marker
expression of MSCs from various sources may be explained by donor tissue differ-
ences, variability in enzyme harvesting methods and specific reactivity of antibod-
ies used (Ranera et al. 2011; De Schauwer et al. 2012; Colleoni et al. 2009; Radcliffe
et  al. 2010). The cell detaching agents like trypsin and accutase may vitiate cell
surface receptors (Ranera et al. 2011; De Schauwer et al. 2012). All antibodies are
not reactive to interspecies molecules (Radcliffe et  al. 2010). MSCs dynamic
immune-phenotype may additionally promulgate such differences (Huss et al. 2000;
Mosna et al. 2010; Strioga et al. 2012). The differences in surface markers expres-
sion especially of CD44 and CD90 may impact MSCs ability to migrate (Cabezas
et al. 2018). Recent mice study had demonstrated that MSCs chromatin accessibil-
ity signatures and gene expression programs may be useful modes to provide
insights into tissue specific cell differences, though chromatin signature molecules
had been more accurate. This demands extensive MSCs epigenome analysis studies
to characterize them on the basis of tissue source (Ho et al. 2018).
In order to avoid such donor tissue specific cell characteristics, a uniform source
like induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) or embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are being
evaluated. MSCs from these sources, although in preliminary studies, demand exten-
sive studies so as to harvest sufficient and phenotypically stable cell number so as to
utilize them clinically (Chan et al. 2018; Gugjoo et al. 2018; Steens and Klein 2018).
Apart from basic characterization protocol, MSCs must be viable, free of microbes
and/or endotoxin and pyrogen and finally dose titrated to conform to the standards of
good-manufacturing and clinical practices (GMPs and GCPs) (Bieback et al. 2008).

3.8 Storage of MSCs

MSCs have the potential to be utilized as allogeneic therapy and as such may be
stored for future use and for distant transport. Excipient medium (like PBS) can be
retained along with the cells while ancillary medium (like bone marrow aspirate,
plasma, serum and cryogenic medium) must be removed prior to the in  vivo
3  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Isolation, Culture, Characterization and Cryopreservation 35

implantation of the cells. For shorter duration (9–12 h) storage, ancillary biological

media have no observable benefit over the excipient in maintaining MSCs viability
(Bronzini et al. 2012). Ancillary biological media had been demonstrated to keep
cells equally viable for about 24 h that had decreased to 25–78% by 72 h. Cryogenic
medium had maintained cell viability better than the biological fluids (Garvican
et al. 2016). Cryogenic storage of MSCs in different cryogenic media like serum,
dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), FBS and media had comparable and satisfactory
post-thaw cell viability (80–90%) and growth evaluated  for shorter duration
(Mitchell et al. 2015; Garvican et al. 2016).

3.8.1 Cryopreservation of MSCs Cryopreservation
Cryopreservation of cells is achieved either by fast or slow freezing rate. During this
process, various steps are ensured to avoid cell dehydration and damage. During fast
cell freezing rate solute and electrolyte imbalances can do the damage while during
slow freezing process intra- and extracellular ice crystal formation can have adverse
effects on the cell viability (Mazur 1977). During these processes, incorporation of
cryoprotectant is an important step. To prevent cell damage during such a delicate
process cryoprotectant is being added to reduce overall freezing point of the system.
The combined mixture of the cells, medium and the cryoprotectant makes a eutectic
system that has lower freezing temperature as compared to the individual compo-
nents. It is important to note that freeze-thaw method directly affects cell viability.
One of the studies had reported an unacceptable post-thaw viability of cells and
might have been due to the faulty thaw process (Espina et al. 2016).
Another way of cryopreservation that involves an extremely rapid (>−1000 °C/s)
cooling process known as vitrification has also been used for cell preservation
(Fowler and Toner 2005). In this process, the cells and potentially cytotoxic concen-
tration of cryoprotectant are immersed in open storage vessels. However, require-
ment of higher concentration of cryoprotectant, continuous maintenance of cells at
cryogenic temperature and need of open containers (that act as a potential source of
contamination) makes vitrification least opted technique for MSCs cryopreserva-
tion (Taylor et al. 2004; Fowler and Toner 2005). Why to Cryopreserve MSCs

• MSCs, unlike that of embryonic stem cells, cannot be cultured indefinitely as they
undergo senescence after certain culture passages. At temperature below –120 °C,
most of the metabolic processes are at stasis and thus, cells can be preserved for
long (Colosimo et al. 2013; Ji et al. 2016; Tian et al. 2016).
• MSCs are very limited in number under natural sources and thus, in vitro expan-
sion remains a pre-requisite process. Such an expansion takes a minimum of
2 weeks and thus a delay in autologous therapy is imminent and can be sufficed
by preserved autologous/  allogeneic MSCs (Gugjoo et  al. 2016; Perez-Silos
et al. 2016).
36 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

• MSCs concentration and characteristics vary with the source and are affected by
the feeding, age and health status of the donor (Han et al. 2010; Pillai et al. 2016).
Allogeneic therapy can avoid such variations and assure uniform applications in
clinical cases and/or trials. Besides, the studies can effectively be studied and
compared for the results.
• MSCs viability during long distance can be safeguarded in cryopreservation state. Cryoprotectant
MSCs cryopreservation is done in cryogenic media containing cryoprotectant that
prevents cell damage during freezing and thawing (Fuller 2004; Thirumala et  al.
2010). Variable concentration of cryoprotectant has been used. The concentration of
cryoprotectant varied among species and sources, in addition to the freezing tech-
nique used (Fuller 2004; Thirumala et al. 2005). Cryoprotectants are of two types
including cell membrane permeable and impermeable (Fuller 2004), with highly
permeable cryoprotectants tend to be more toxic (Gao and Critser 2000). To prevent
such a toxicity permeable cryoprotectants like DMSO, ethylene glycol, etc. are
combined with less permeable ones like hydroxyethyl starch (HES), dextran and
polyethylene glycol (Gao and Critser 2000; Fuller 2004). In veterinary practice
cryoprotectants like DMSO and FBS are most commonly used (Martinello et  al.
2010; Marx et al. 2015). The ancillary cryoprotectants like DMSO exhibit carcino-
genic properties (Quimby et al. 2013). The xenogeneic proteins in FBS may alter
cellular behaviour (Duan and Lopez 2016)  and need to be removed before cell

Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO)

It is one of the most commonly used cryoprotectant in veterinary practice that works
by stabilizing the cell proteins and equilibrating intracellular and extracellular elec-
trolytes. Hydrophobic interactions between DMSO and proteins and/cell membrane
phospholipids stabilize cellular proteins (Anchordoguy et  al. 1991). Electrolyte
equilibration occurs by displacing the intracellular fluids (Liu et al. 2010). In addi-
tion, DMSO forms high energy bonds with the water molecules that prevent ice
crystal formation (Weng et  al. 2011). Despite such features, DMSO can lead to
potential chemical and osmotic shock to the MSCs (Scheinkonig et al. 2004; Liu
et  al. 2010). DMSO concentration has a significant effect on cell survival. An
increase in DMSO concentration from 5% to 20% in the freezing medium tends to
decrease cell survivability and enhance apoptotic gene expression in pig BM-MSCs
(Ock and Rho 2011). Hydrophobic interactions that stabilize the cell membrane
proteins may also lead to their denaturation and deactivation (Fahy et  al. 1990).
DMSO has been associated with the side effects like neurotoxicity and can lead to
hypotension and anaphylactic shock upon intravenous injection along with the cells
(Junior et al. 2008). Such side effects can be waived off by washing the cells, though
that may result in lower colony-forming units (CFU) potential of the cells (Fry et al.
2015). Furthermore, DMSO complete removal is a complex and time-consuming
process (Thirumala et al. 2009), demanding its alternatives.
3  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Isolation, Culture, Characterization and Cryopreservation 37

Foetal Bovine Serum (FBS)

FBS apart from its utility as an important ingredient of culture medium, it acts as
cryoprotectant. It protects the cell proteins and stabilizes the osmotic pressure. FBS
provides nutrients and humoral/growth factors for cell proliferation. The post-thaw
viability of the MSCs may increase with an increase in FBS concentration. Buffalo
amniotic fluid MSCs (bufAF-MSCs) post-thaw viability had been demonstrated to
improve from 28 to 85% with an increase in serum concentration (Yadav et  al.
2011). Even the post-cryopreserved ovine amniotic-MSCs had failed to show any
deleterious effect on their cartilage healing potential as the healing results were
comparable to that of fresh amniotic-MSCs (Garcia et al. 2015).
FBS has issues of variable composition and can pose xenogeneic and/zoonotic
threats, in addition to the ethical issues (Jochems et  al. 2002; Liu et  al. 2010;
Verdanova et  al. 2014). Even FBS may affect surface markers expression as an
increased CD44 expression was demonstrated in dog cryopreserved AD-MSCs as
compared to fresh ones (Duan and Lopez 2016). Considering all these impediments,
FBS alternatives are being studied. Recently serum-free cryopreservation medium
in human MSCs has been demonstrated to give similar or superior post-­
cryopreservation outcomes as compared to FBS-containing media (Freimark et al.
2011; Verdanova et  al. 2014). However, such FBS alternatives are desired to be
tested in animals given that such alternatives have failed to give satisfactory culture
characteristics of animal MSCs (Schwarz et al. 2012; Seo et al. 2013; Russell et al.
2015; Clark et al. 2016; Enciso et al. 2018; Schubert et al. 2018).
For shorter duration (24–72 h) cryopreservation of MSCs during transit storage,
allogeneic and/ autologous serum may replace FBS.  Cryopreserved horse MSCs
stored in allogeneic and/autologous serum had shown unaltered post-thaw growth
and morphology (Mitchell et al. 2015). Conditioned medium may further support
growth and viability of the cryopreserved equine umbilical cord MSCs (eUC-­
MSCs) (Rhodes et  al. 2004; Maia et  al. 2017). In veterinary species, MSCs are
cryopreserved using cryoprotectant and/serum in the same way as are followed in
human MSCs cryopreservation (Martinello et al. 2010; Ock and Rho 2011; Duan
and Lopez 2016). The cells in our lab are cooled to about –80 °C in 1 °C cooler
(containing isopropyl alcohol). The cells in 1 °C cooler are initially kept in –20 °C
for few hours and transferred to –80 °C for over a night. Later the cells are trans-
ferred to the liquid nitrogen (Martinello et al. 2011). The cells are revitalized by
thawing and then rinsed prior to culture or implantation (Gao and Critser 2000).

3.8.2 MSCs Characteristics After Cryopreservation

Post-cryopreservation viability of dog MSCs (dMSCs), equine MSCs (eMSCs),

bovine MSCs (bMSCs), buffalo MSCs (bufMSCs) and sheep MSCs (sMSCs) had
been demonstrated to remain about 60–70%, 64.0 ± 6.0%, 86.5%, 80% and >70%,
respectively without any adverse effect upon their characteristics (Vidal et al. 2006;
Laura et al. 2008; Martinello et al. 2011; de Moraes et al. 2016; Campos et al. 2017;
Okamura et al. 2017; Korovina et al. 2019). One of the studies had an unacceptable
38 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

post-thaw cellular viability at –20 and –80  °C, citing importance of freeze-thaw
method (Espina et al. 2016).
The cryopreserved MSCs viability remains same irrespective of their sources
(Knippenberg et al. 2005). Goat foetal adnexa derived MSCs had revived success-
fully upon thawing. The revived cells could express surface antigens and pluripo-
tency markers and had shown tri-lineage differentiation (Somal et al. 2017). The
population doubling time (PDT) too had remained the same (Somal et  al. 2016,
2017) as had also been reported for ovine BM-MSCs (Rhodes et al. 2004). Storage
of dog MSCs for a year had not affected fibroblast-like morphology, alkaline phos-
phatase (AP) activity, surface marker expression and tri-lineage differentiation
potential. The cryopreserved cells however, had reduced proliferation ratio and
telomerase activity in comparison to the fresh cells (Martinello et al. 2011).
Apart from the cells, cryopreservation of tissue engineered (TE) constructs may
provide an off-the-shelf TE constructs. In one such study cryopreserved tissue engi-
neered scaffold and goat BM-MSCs (gBM-MSCs) had good viability (Costa et al.
2012). Although other factors like scaffold design and structural properties might be
affected by cryopreservation and should be studied in detail.

3.9 Conclusion

Culture expansion of MSCs is imperative for their effective utilization. The isola-
tion of MNCs from liquid tissues can be achieved with conventional or density
gradient separation methods while SVF from solid tissues can be separated either
by direct explant method or by prior enzymatic digestion. MNCs and/SVF cells are
culture expanded in growth media containing basal culture medium, FBS and
antibiotic-­antimycotic solution being kept under standard culture conditions. FBS
poses various impediments for clinical applications and as such its alternatives are
being studied. The plastic adhered cells are harvested by enzymatic digestion and
characterized as per ISCT recommendations. The cells that are plastic adherent
express specific surface markers while lacking haematopoietic markers and are able
to differentiate into at least tri-lineages are termed as MSCs. For large-scale and
cost-effective production of MSCs, stirred suspension bioreactor process is being
tried and seems useful. The culture expanded cells are stored for longer period to be
utilized as ready to use supply. The cells are preserved in cryopreservation media
under liquid nitrogen.

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Mesenchymal Stem Cell Immuno-­
Modulatory and/Anti-Inflammatory 4

M. B. Gugjoo and Amar Pal


Among various attributed features of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), immuno-­

compromise/immuno-evasive, and immuno-modulation and/anti-inflammatory
properties have an important role to play in the therapeutics. The immuno-­
compromised feature makes them suitable for allogeneic and/xenogeneic applica-
tion while immuno-modulation and/ anti-inflammatory properties facilitate the
healing process. Immuno-compromised feature is attributed to their minimal ability
to express MHC-II and co-stimulatory molecules. The immune regulation may be
achieved through their direct contact to immune cells and/by paracrine effect.
Currently, a very limited control can be exerted on these features of MSCs. An
extensive available literature has demonstrated these properties of MSCs, although
some studies have reported otherwise. The current chapter deliberates on the
immuno-modulatory and/anti-inflammatory features of MSCs in veterinary species.


ConA Concanavalin A
COX2 Cyclooxygenase 2
FASL Fas ligand
HGF Hepatocyte growth factor
HMOX1 Heme oxygenase 1

M. B. Gugjoo (*)
Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex, FVSc & AH, SKUAST-Kashmir,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
A. Pal
Division of Surgery, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, UP, India

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to 47
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
M. B. Gugjoo, A. Pal (eds.), Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Veterinary Sciences,
48 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

IDOn Indole-amine 2,3 dioxygenase

IL6 Interleukin 6
INFAC Interferon alpha C (INF-alpha C)
INFB1 Interferon, beta 1, INFG: Interferon gamma
iNOS Inducible nitric oxide synthase
LPS Lipopolysaccharide
LTBR Lymphotoxin beta receptor (TNF superfamily member 3)
PDL1 Programmed death ligand 1
PMA Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate
PTGES Prostaglandin E synthase
RNA Ribonucleic acid
STC-1 Stanniocalcin 1
TGFβ1 Transforming growth factor beta 1
TNF Tumour necrosis factor
TNFα Tumour necrosis factor
TSG Tumour suppressor gene
VEGF Vascular endothelial growth factor

4.1 Introduction

MSCs arise from pericytes upon an injury/assault to a particular tissue. Activated

MSCs prove doubly rewarding: they provide immuno-regulation on the blood vas-
culature end (preventing aggressive immune response and establishment of chronic
autoimmune reaction) and on injured/damaged tissue side MSCs secrete trophic
factors to help regenerate tissue (Caplan and Dennis 2006; Caplan 2012; Prockop
and Oh 2012). These characteristic features of MSCs make them potential candi-
dates for therapeutics. The trend of utilizing MSCs in medical and/veterinary thera-
peutics is increasing by each passing day and even appears prospective (Gugjoo and
Amarpal 2018; Gugjoo et al. 2019).
MSCs may bring therapeutic effects either through differentiation into particular
lineage, rescuing injured/dyeing cell via cell fusion or through secretome (Rehman
et al. 2004). Current notion favours their therapeutic role mainly through the release
of secretory factors. MSCs secretome contains pro-healing proteins/peptides, hor-
mones, RNA and other chemicals. Such secretome is being mediated through extra-
cellular vesicles like micro-vesicles and exosomes. Even organelle transfer is being
ensued and may be mediated through tunnelling nanotubes (Spees et  al. 2016;
Phinney and Pittenger 2017; Gugjoo et al. 2018a, b). Based on these features MSCs
conditioned medium (contains metabolites, growth factors and extracellular matrix
proteins) is considered as potential therapeutic option (Bhang et al. 2014; Joseph
et  al. 2020). These factors show immune-modulation, prevent cell apoptosis and
through chemotactic agents bring other pro-healing cells or factors to the area of
injury (Koch et al. 2008; Fortier et al. 2010; Owens et al. 2016)
4  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Immuno-Modulatory and/Anti-Inflammatory Properties 49

4.1.1 Restricted Therapeutic Applications of MSCs

MSCs definitive therapeutic applications are currently marred by limited compre-

hension in their cellular processes. Lack of infinite self-renewal properties under
culture conditions, variability in properties with respect to donor tissue source, age
and health condition and above all the control of gene expression by the available
environment make their applications dubious. An in-depth understanding in stem-
ness marker genes with a well control over their molecular mechanisms can make
their definitive therapeutic applications a reality (Zheng 2018). Recent mice study
could demonstrate that transcriptome and chromatin markers direct MSCs charac-
teristics on the basis of their source (Ho et al. 2018). This demands extensive work
over the epigenomic features that govern MSCs characteristics including their fate.
Apart from the limited understanding in the cellular features in vitro culture stud-
ies and in vivo experimental studies too have constraints. In vitro studies have fre-
quently incorporated diverse culture ingredients like other cells, matrices and
humoral or growth factors without any conclusion. In vivo studies conducted lack
appropriate control groups, animal size and evaluation period (Park et  al. 2012;
Spencer et al. 2012; de Bakker et al. 2013; Saulnier et al. 2016; Kresic et al. 2017;
Gugjoo et al. 2019). In veterinary practice, literature has frequently relied on study
designs that have failed to conduct studies as evidence based medicine. Most studies
lack blinded randomized control trials and the sample size has been too little to
draw any definitive conclusion(s). It may be attributed to the machination and eco-
nomical limitations leading to faulty/compromised study design (de Bakker et al.
2013; Gugjoo et al. 2019). The duration of studies has to be appropriate as per the
study design and condition involved (Gugjoo et al. 2019). Additionally, MSC doses
have been supplemented with other biological materials like bone marrow (BM)
supernatant, autologous serum, platelet-rich plasma, and/or scaffolds and growth
factors adding further misery to the understanding (Clegg and Pinchbeck 2011; De
Schauwer et al. 2013; Gugjoo et al. 2017; Gugjoo et al. 2020a, b).

4.2 Immuno-Modulation and/Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Initially, autologous MSC applications were preferred but their immuno-­

compromised/ immuno-evasive nature has shifted the preference towards their allo-
geneic applications (Berner et al. 2015; Gugjoo et al. 2017). Allogeneic MSCs may
be harvested at large scale with similar culture conditions. This makes their ready-­
to-­use cell therapy quite possible as against their autologous therapy that has a lag
period of 14–21 days for isolation and culture expansion. Most of the in vivo MSCs
allogeneic studies have supported their safety and useful applicability (McDonald
et al. 2015; Zorzi et al. 2015).
An extensive literature exists that support human and animal MSCs immuno-­
modulatory and anti-inflammatory activities. Various animal studies described in
the current manuscript are of dog (Kang et al. 2008; Kim et al. 2010; Lee et al. 2011;
Russell et al. 2016; Bearden et al. 2017; Chow et al. 2017; Wheat et al. 2017; Yang
50 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

et al. 2018; Taguchi et al. 2019; Kafarnik et al. 2020), horse (Carrade and Borjesson
2011; Deuse et al. 2011; Peroni and Borjesson 2011; Carrade et al. 2012; Carrade
et  al. 2014; Colbath et  al. 2017; Cassano et  al. 2018; Cortés-Araya et  al. 2018;
Lepage et al. 2019; Longhini et al. 2019), sheep (Mrugala et al. 2008), chickens
(Khatri et al. 2009), pig (Poncelet et al. 2007; Cho et al. 2008), rabbit (Liu et al.
2006; Moreno et al. 2010), goats (Somal et al. 2016), cattle (Cardoso et al. 2012;
Jacca et al. 2014; Cardoso et al. 2017; de Moraes et al. 2017; Lara et al. 2017) and
cat (Mumaw et al. 2015; Zajic et al. 2016; Chae et al. 2017; Clark et al. 2017; Parys
et al. 2017). In general, MSCs immuno-modulation and/or anti-inflammatory activi-
ties occur through their interaction with immune cells. These activities are mediated
through secretome or through cell-cell contact. MSCs lack direct cytotoxic or
humoral defence activities unlike that of the immune cells. These cells fail to secrete
granzymes or perforins, lack antibody production ability and are devoid of phago-
cytic activity (Tso et al. 2010).

4.2.1 MSCs Are Immuno-Privileged

Autologous and allogeneic MSCs are non-immunogenic and xenogeneic MSCs

lack leukocyte proliferation in the absence of activation (Mrugala et  al. 2008:
Carrade and Borjesson 2011). The cells lack expression of major histocompatibility
complex II (MHC-II), although variably and weakly express MHC-I (Krampera
et al. 2006a, b; Carrade et al. 2012; De Schauwer et al. 2011; Schnabel et al. 2013;
Berglund and Schnabel 2017; Cardoso et al. 2017; Merlo et al. 2019). Additionally,
majority of the classical co-stimulatory molecules on MSCs have remained unex-
pressed (Fig. 4.1) (Tse et al. 2003; Carrade et al. 2012). The pro-inflammatory fac-
tors (IL2, IL6R, INFAC, INFB1, INFG, TNF and LTBR) too had remained
downregulated in bovine Wharton’s jelly MSCs (bWJ-MSCs) (Cardoso et al. 2017).
Apart from the single in  vivo parenteral implantation (Carrade et  al. 2011), the
repeated intra-articular or intradermal implantation of allogeneic equine MSCs too
had failed to develop any hypersensitivity reaction (Ardanaz et al. 2016).

4.2.2 MSCs Immuno-Modulation

An initial study that had demonstrated immune-modulatory properties of MSCs was

conducted by Bartholomew and colleagues in 2002. It was shown that MSCs sup-
pressed mixed lymphocyte response and also prevented rejection of allograft in a
baboon skin model (Bartholomew et al. 2002). Afterwards an extensive work in the
field has been conducted piling up the huge literature on such properties (Fig. 4.1).
MSCs are now  known to bear anti-inflammatory properties, modulate immune
response (Kang et al. 2008; Kim et al. 2010; Lee et al. 2011; Carrade and Borjesson
2011) and stimulate angiogenesis (Wu et al. 2007; El-Menoufy et al. 2010). These
actions are undertaken when MSCs interact with immune cells. The inhibition may
occur either by MSCs contact with immune cells and/or by their  secretome. In
4  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Immuno-Modulatory and/Anti-Inflammatory Properties 51

Fig. 4.1  MSCs immuno-compromised and/ or immuno-modulatory properties. MSCs increased

immuno-modulation potential in presence of inflammatory environment

humans, contact based immune-modulation may be mediated through toll-like

receptors (TLRs), intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM) and vascular cell
adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) present on the surface of MSC (Tomchuck et al.
2008; DelaRosa and Lombardo 2010; Akiyama et  al. 2012). In canine transwell
assays, wherein cells are separated physically from lymphocytes, certain soluble
factors had been released that had brought about the inhibition of immune response
(Kang et al. 2008; Lee et al. 2011). The former way of immuno-suppression how-
ever seems to be stronger than later (Di Nicola et al. 2002).
MSCs express various receptors and/factors that tend to decrease inflammation
and free radical damage. Equine MSCs had inhibited adverse reactions of reactive
oxygen species (ROS) (through STC-1), pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1 (through
TSG-6) and inhibited matrix metallo-proteinases and brought anti-inflammatory
actions (through IL1-Ra) (Angelone et  al. 2017). Even unstimulated feline
AD-MSCs had expressed various immune-modulatory genes like IDO1, COX2,
PTGES1, PTGES2, PTGES3, HGF, TGFβ1, IL6, PDL1 and HMOX1 barring IL-10
(Parys et al. 2017).
In a recent advancement, MSCs are considered to secrete extracellular vesicles
(exosomes) that carry modulatory paracrine actions (Katsuda et al. 2013; Yu et al.
2014), with some demonstrating immune-suppressive properties (Kordelas et  al.
2014). MSCs derived exosomes are generated from plasma membrane lipid raft
microdomains and after secretion accumulate in the culture medium (Tan et  al.
2013; Perrini et al. 2016). Microvesicles secreted from equine MSCs had reduced
apoptosis rate of equine endometrial cells, replenished their proliferation and pre-
vented inflammation through inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines (Perrini
52 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

et  al. 2016). MSCs microvesicle production varies with respect to their source.
Among various equine foetal adnexal sources, Wharton’s jelly derived MSCs
(WJ-MSCs) had copious micro-vesicles as compared to the other adnexal sources
(Iacono et al. 2017).

4.2.3 Role of Inflammatory Environment

The pro-inflammatory mediators especially interferon-ƴ (IFNγ), tumour necrosis

factor-α (TNFα) and interleukin 2 (IL2) available in inflammatory environment tend
to variably stimulate the immuno-modulatory action of MSCs (Liu et  al. 2006;
Poncelet et al. 2007; Russell et al. 2016). Co-culture of feline adipose tissue-MSCs
(AD-MSCs) with peripheral blood derived mononuclear cells and macrophages had
significantly reduced pro-inflammatory cytokine production (Chae et  al. 2017).
MSCs challenge against the prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) had rearranged its transcrip-
tome profile. The obvious effect was downregulated immune response, and an
enhanced cell proliferation and vasculogenesis. Such a challenge had additionally
downregulated transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) and Wnt-β-catenin signalling
pathways (Lara et  al. 2017). Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) activated bovine
endometrium-­MSCs (End-MSCs) secretome analysis had revealed presence of anti-­
inflammatory and antibacterial proteins. These proteins had led to protective anti-­
oxidant activity and were related to tissue remodelling and angiogenesis (de Moraes
et al. 2017).
MSCs mediated immuno-modulation occur either constitutively and/or after
activation with inflammatory mediators. The secretome includes TGF-β1 and PGE2
(Liu et al. 2006; Poncelet et al. 2007; Kang et al. 2008; Berman et al. 2010; Lee
et al. 2011; Carrade et al. 2012; Chow et al. 2017), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)
(Kang et  al. 2008; Lee et  al. 2011; Carrade et  al. 2012) and indoleamine
2,3-­dioxygenase (IDO) (Kang et al. 2008), nitric oxide (NO) (Khatri et al. 2009;
Carrade et  al. 2012), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) (Berman et  al.
2010; Lee et al. 2011), and interleukin-68 (IL-68) (Berman et al. 2010; Kang et al.
2008; Carrade et  al. 2012; Bearden et  al. 2017). The production of such factors,
however, varies with species and tissue types though the functional basis of such
differences are currently unknown (Carrade and Borjesson 2011).
The cell lines of various sources (adipose tissue-MSCs, Bone marrow-MSCs,
Umbilical cord-MSCs, umbilical cord tissue-MSCs) may follow overlapping or
varying pathways to exhibit immuno-modulatory effects. The source however, may
not affect their comprehensive immune-modulatory effects under a particular
inflammatory environment (Cassano et al. 2018). Dog bone marrow-MSCs (dBM-­
MSCs) and adipose tissue-MSCs (dAD-MSCs) (Russell et  al. 2016; Chow et  al.
2017) and horses cord blood MSCs (eCB-MSCs) and cord tissue-MSCs (eCT-­
MSCs) (Lepage et al. 2019) had shown comparable immuno-modulation, although
variable pathways may be ensued (Fig. 4.2).
Apart from an immune-modulatory role, activated MSCs may restrict viral/bac-
terial growth. The antibacterial potential (against Escherichia coli) of conditioned
4  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Immuno-Modulatory and/Anti-Inflammatory Properties 53

Fig. 4.2  MSCs immuno-modulation mechanism through paracrine secretion. : reduction

media of equine Endometrium-MSCs (eEnd-MSCs) and AD-MSCs had been more

pronounced as compared to that of equine BM-MSCs. Lipocalin-2 (antimicrobial
agent) was highly expressed in eEnd-MSCs in comparison to the eAD-MSCs and
eBM-MSCs. Contrarily, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) had enhanced its comparable
production in these three source-MSCs (Cortés-Araya et al. 2018). Likewise dog
MSCs had shown antibacterial effects upon interaction with host innate immune
response and applied antibiotics (Johnson et al. 2017). IFN-γ activation of bovine
End-MSCs had induced replication restriction in bovine herpes virus-1, depicting
their antiviral activity. The followed pathway might have been other than the indole-
amine 2,3 dioxygenase (IDO-1) (Cardoso et al. 2012). Various factors secreted after
MSCs activation are detailed below: Transforming Growth Factor-β1 (TGF-β1)

MSCs TGF-β1 production varies with respect to species and tissue type. Activated
lymphocytes had failed to stimulate MSCs expression of TGF-β1 in dog BM-MSCs,
horse BM-MSCs, AD-MSCs and cord tissue-MSCs (eCT-MSCs), and pig
BM-MSCs (Poncelet et al. 2007; Lee et al. 2011; Carrade et al. 2012). Dog BM-MSC
had failed to show improved production of TGF-β1 after exposure to activated
54 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

lymphocytes (Lee et  al. 2011) and even if produced levels were insufficient to
inhibit lymphocyte proliferation. Contrarily, dog AD-MSC, and feline AD-MSCs
and rabbit BM-MSCs had shown increased TGF-β1 production after exposure to
lymphocytes (Kang et  al. 2008) and IFN-γ pre-treatment (Liu et  al. 2006; Kang
et al. 2008; Clark et al. 2017), respectively. TGF-β1 production of feline AD-MSCs
had also increased after stimulation with TNFα while combined stimulation (INFγ
and TNFα) of feline AD-MSCs had resulted in decreased TGF-β1 production (Parys
et al. 2017). Prostaglandin E2 and Indoleamine 2,3 Dioxygenase (IDO)

Dog MSCs (BM- and AD-), feline AD-MSCs secrete PGE2 (Kang et al. 2008; Lee
et al. 2011; Chow et al. 2017; Clark et al. 2017; Parys et al. 2017; Taguchi et al.
2019) and IDO (Kang et al. 2008; Clark et al. 2017; Parys et al. 2017; Taguchi
et al. 2019) and horse MSCs (AD-, BM-, CT- and CB-) secrete PGE2 (Carrade
et  al. 2012). The functional role of such factors has been shown to inhibit the
lymphocyte proliferation as blocking of such factors restores the lymphocyte
proliferation. Nitrous Oxide (NO)

Secretory factors like NO show variation with respect to the tissue source. Horse
BM-MSCs and CB-MSCs (hemic sources) produce NO while CT-MSCs and
AD-MSCs (solid tissues) do not (Carrade et al. 2012). This is considered to be
important with respect to the angiogenesis but not immune-modulatory function.
Anecdotal evidence had shown increased healing time of equine tendon upon
injection of solid tissue derived MSCs as compared to CB-MSCs, and may be
attributed to the increased angiogenesis with CB-MSCs (Carrade and
Borjesson 2011).
Apart from above factors, INFγ had been demonstrated to upregulate various
other factors of human and feline AD-MSCs including programmed death ligand
(PDL-1), interleukin 6 (IL-6), cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) and hepatocyte growth
factor (HGF) (Clark et al. 2017; Parys et al. 2017). TNF-α stimulation of these cells
had led to the increased expression of IL-6, prostaglandin E synthase 1 (PTGES1)
and COX2 (Parys et al. 2017).

4.3 Contrasting Reports

Some of the recent studies have been unsuccessful to demonstrate immuno-­

privileged character of MSCs (Nauta et al. 2006; Gugjoo et al. 2018a, b; Gugjoo
et  al. 2020a, b). Various studies could demonstrate MSCs receptor expression.
These receptors have the ability to commune with T-cells. Among notable ones are
MHC-I, integrins and other adhesion molecules that have their analogue ligands on
T-cells. These analogues are cell adhesion molecules: VCAM, intercellular adhe-
sion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (CD166;
4  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Immuno-Modulatory and/Anti-Inflammatory Properties 55

ALCAM) and lymphocyte functional antigen-3 (LFA-3; CD58) (Chamberlain et al.

2007). Bovine End-MSCs had expressed IFN-γ receptors 1 and 2 without their
ligand whose production was stimulated with an exposure to the exogenous IFNγ
(Jacca et al. 2014). MSCs additionally bear intracellular proteins and inflammatory
mediator (INFγ) that may induce them to express MHC-II alloantigen (Le Blanc
et al. 2003; Klyushnenkova et al. 2005; Le Blanc and Ringdén 2007; Cassano et al.
2018; Gale et  al. 2019). Further, few recent studies have demonstrated that allo-
MSC antibodies may generate against the allogeneic MSCs (Pezzanite et al. 2015;
Owens et al. 2016). Even MHC mismatched MSCs had been able to activate com-
plement dependent cytotoxicity (Owens et al. 2016).
Apart from ex vivo studies, in vivo equine studies that had implanted alloge-
neic equine BM-MSCs/umbilical cord blood MSCs (eUCB-MSCs) either once or
multiple times intra-articularly had reported an undesirable clinical response
(Joswig et al. 2017; Bertoni et al. 2019). Comparing cell induced synovial effu-
sions, equine BM-MSCs injected joints had more significant effusions as com-
pared to equine UCB-MSCs injected ones. The inflammatory signs developed
have been more evident with fewer doses of cells (ten million) as compared to
higher cell doses (20 million) (Bertoni et al. 2019). Thus, it is important to note
that allogeneic MSCs implantation might incite some adverse reactions rather
than useful outcomes (Berglund and Schnabel 2017). However, such undesirable
responses may also have resulted from foetal bovine serum (FBS) particles being
internalized by the cultured MSCs. Modification of cell culture conditions for
48-hour duration may help to deplete FBS particles (Joswig et al. 2017). MSCs
adaptation to autologous serum-­supplementation may be an effective way to
maintain cell viability and prevent any adverse immunological reactions (Haque
et al. 2015).

4.4 Effect of MSCs on Body’s Immune System

MSCs in general exhibit properties of immunomodulation and is achieved by secret-

ing certain factors that inhibit immune cells proliferation and/or their secretory fac-
tors (Fig. 4.2). Below are given the interactions of MSCs and immune cells.

4.4.1 Innate Immunity and MSCs

This type of immunity plays a pivotal role in elimination of pathogens by adaptive

immune responses (Yamane and Paul 2013). MSCs interaction with innate immune
cells like dendritic cells (DCs), natural killer (NK) cells, neutrophils and macro-
phages inhibits inflammatory processes and promotes regeneration (Le Blanc and
Mougiakakos 2012). Inhibition of peripheral blood mononuclear cells may be vari-
able with respect to the  MSCs from various sources (Cardoso et  al. 2012). Goat
WJ-MSCs had higher inhibitory potential over peripheral blood mononuclear cells
in comparison to the amniotic sac MSCs (AS-MSCs). Former cells achieved it
56 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

through indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) while later cell type had activated
inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) (Somal et al. 2016). The effect of MSCs on
different immune cells is detailed below: Myeloid Dendritic Cells (MDCs)

MSCs immunosuppressive effects on dendritic cells (DCs) may be achieved through
restriction of their maturation (differentiation from monocyte) (Jiang et al. 2005;
Wheat et al. 2017), surface protein expression like MHC-II, CD86, CD83, CD40
and CD1-α, capability to motivate lymphocytes (Gao et al. 2017), inhibiting their
migration potential (Chiesa et al. 2011; Consentius et al. 2015) and by depressing
their pro-inflammatory capacity (Aggarwal and Pittenger 2005). The maturation
inhibition potential of MSCs increases in presence of inflammatory mediators like
IFNγ and TNF-α (Wheat et al. 2017). The restricted DCs maturation may occur by
PGE2 (Yañez et al. 2010). The decreased lymphocyte motivation of DCs occurs by
downregulating IFNγ and TNF-α expression and accelerating release of IL10 (Gao
et al. 2017). These responses may be mediated through Notch pathway that relies on
IFNγ-secretase (Xu et al. 2017). Natural Killer (NK) Cells

NK cells produce pro-inflammatory cytokines and carry cytolytic activity (Moretta
2002). MSCs tend to inhibit NK cell effects through secretory factors and/or direct
cell interactions. MSCs secretome inhibiting NK cells are PGE2, TGF-β and sHLA-
­G (Sotiropoulou et al. 2006). MSCs suppress activated NK cell receptor expression
being mediated by IDO and PGE2 (Cui et al. 2016). The direct cell-cell interaction
may be achieved through MSCs Toll-like receptor-(TLR-) 4 (Michelo et al. 2016).
These immune-suppressive effects of human occur in presence of high MSC:NK
cell ratios (Sotiropoulou et al. 2006). Contrary to these findings, MSCs may be dis-
solved in presence of enough activating receptors on NK cells (Götherström et al.
2011). Thus, MSCs concentration and its surrounding environment has an impor-
tant role to determine their immuno-modulatory properties. Neutrophils
MSCs cultured with neutrophils tend to decrease their reactive oxygen species
(ROS) potential. The inhibition potential of MSCs varies with respect to the source
of cell. Feline BM-MSCs had quite significantly inhibited neutrophilic ROS poten-
tial in comparison to the feline AD-MSCs (Mumaw et al. 2015). Macrophages
Macrophages based upon the available environment are polarized into two types:
M1 possesses antimicrobial activity while M2 alleviates inflammation and expe-
dites tissue repair. The anti-inflammatory activity and repair process of M2 may be
ensured by secretion of IL10 and VEGF and IGF trophic factors (Mosser and
Edwards 2008). MSCs induce production of M2 macrophages from M1. M2
increases the phagocytic activity and secretion of interleukin 10 and decreases
inflammatory cytokines (Zhang et  al. 2010; Selleri et  al. 2016). Further, MSCs
4  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Immuno-Modulatory and/Anti-Inflammatory Properties 57

decrease immune disorders and hasten tissue regeneration by enhancing macro-

phage concentration locally (Liu et al. 2015; Chaturvedi et al. 2014).

4.4.2 Adaptive Immunity and MSCs

T and B lymphocytes are mainly involved in adaptive immune responses. T lym-

phocytes comprise CD4 T helper and CD8 T cytotoxic lymphocytes. These cells
show antigen specific immune response and have immunological memory (Yamane
and Paul 2013). B lymphocytes act by producing specific antibodies (De Silva and
Klein 2015). Dog AD-MSC had decreased lymphocyte production of TNF-α while
increasing their IFNγ production (Kang et al. 2008). Horse MSCs (AD-, BM-, CB-
and CT-) had decreased TNFα and IFNγ production of lymphocytes (Peroni and
Borjesson 2011). Pig BM-MSCs had decreased IFNγ and IL2 production of lym-
phocytes (Liu et al. 2004). Feline AD-MSCs lymphocyte inhibition tends to remain
unaffected with donor age (Zajic et  al. 2016). Below are the details of MSCs
immune-modulation role against adaptive immunity. T Cells
MSCs are considered to repress T-cell proliferation either through cell based or
nonspecific mitogenic stimuli (Di Nicola et  al. 2002). The action is mediated
through secretome being responsible for effective T-cell suppression and apoptosis
(Ren et al. 2008; Ren et al. 2010). The secretome involved in proliferation inhibition
include PGE2, IDO, NO and TGF-β (Gao et al. 2016). The cells may prevent T-cell
activation and proliferation by decreasing the expression of activation markers like
CD25, CD38 and CD69 (Le Blanc et  al. 2003; Groh et  al. 2005). Furthermore,
MSCs may promote apoptosis of activated T-cells via the Fas/Fas ligand pathway
(Akiyama et al. 2012). Allogeneic and autologous cells may comparably suppress
proliferation and IFN-γ production of T-cells (Colbath et al. 2017).
Despite all these reports, it is worth mentioning here that MSCs immunosuppres-
sive potential may not be activated every time. Such a response is affected and
determined by the inflammatory mediators and their strength (Renner et al. 2009).
Besides, MSCs activities to inhibit T-cell proliferation may not be sufficient in pres-
ence of pathogen associated molecules. Toll-like receptors (TLR3 and TLR4) which
damage Notch signalling may help in T-cells recuperation (Rashedi et  al. 2017).
Blocking activity of human BM-MSC produced TGF-β1 had failed to decrease
T-regulatory cell production (English et al. 2009). B Cells
MSCs suppress B cell proliferation, activation, differentiation, chemokine receptor
expression either through cell-cell contact and/ or secretome (IDO) (Augello et al.
2005; O’Connor et al. 2006). However, MSCs ability to suppress B cell antibody
production is dependent upon inflammatory stimulation strength, and MSCs:B cell
ratio (Krampera et al. 2006a, b; Bernardo et al. 2009).
58 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

4.5 Conclusion(s)

Mesenchymal stem cells are immune-compromised/ immuno-evasive cells that

achieve local immune-modulation and/anti-inflammatory role through secretion of
paracrine factors and/or by cell-cell contact. The cells harvested from various
sources may achieve comparable immune-modulatory role through different path-
ways. The cells act upon both the innate and acquired immunity without actually
undertaking cytotoxic or humoral defence activities. The cells however, have failed
to fully immune-suppress the in  vivo immune responses and even some of the
in vitro studies too have been unsuccessful to get the desired immuno-modulation.
Thus, the mechanisms behind their immune-modulation and/anti-inflammatory
action need further insights for their definitive clinical applications.

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Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation
Properties and Available 5

M. B. Gugjoo and Amar Pal


Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have characteristic properties, the expression of

which is being determined by the available microenvironment/niche. Extensive
ex vivo studies have been conducted, aimed at understanding the effects of various
niche based signals on MSCs. Numerous microenvironment cues studied include
the cell, chemical and mechanical, and of the topography. The available conducted
studies have mostly focused on limited and isolated cues. An ex vivo system is less
extensive with more controllability. In contrast, in vivo system exposes them to an
uncontrolled environment of numerous simultaneous cues. The ex vivo results of
MSCs therefore may not be recapitulated under in vivo environment unless many
simaltaneous cues aping in  vivo environment are studied. The current chapter
focuses on the MSCs fate under various cues in ex vivo system.

5.1 Introduction

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) due to their characteristic features are considered
to have an all-in-one solution for diverse ailments (Gugjoo and Amarpal 2018;
Gugjoo et al. 2019a). The characteristics of MSCs are believed to be controlled by
the available microenvironment/or niche. The “microenvironment or niche” com-
prises cells, various chemical/mechanical and topographical cues. Such an

M. B. Gugjoo (*)
Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex, FVSc & AH, SKUAST-Kashmir,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
A. Pal
Division of Surgery, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, UP, India

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to 67
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
M. B. Gugjoo, A. Pal (eds.), Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Veterinary Sciences,
68 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

environment serves as source of cues that determine the cell migration and homing,
local proliferation, secretome, and ultimately their fate towards particular lineage
(Place et al. 2009). Understanding the mechanisms involved in MSCs fate based on
these signals or cues becomes imperative for their fruitful applications. To confirm
proof of principle, in vitro studies are initially being conducted which allows a wide
range of permutations and combinations without any kind of involved risk. Such a
system, however, has limitations of being less extensive and is more controlled. In
vivo system in contrast presents an uncontrolled system subjected to numerous
simultaneous cues from various quarters (Hwang et al. 2011).
The scientific field that studies such cell–microenvironment/niche interactions is
tissue engineering. The tissue engineering (TE) concept has been introduced by
Professor Robert Nerem in 1988 and was defined as “the application of life sciences
and engineering to develop a basic understanding of the functional and structural
relationships of natural and pathologic mammalian tissues and the development of
bio-substitutes that can be utilized to restore, maintain, or improve tissues damaged
or lost by various disease conditions” (Meyer et al. 2009; Lanza et al. 2011). To
utilize tissue engineering and stem cells to the service of medicine, William
Haseltine in 1999 has coined the term regenerative medicine (Atala and Lanza
2001). It is a translational research branch of tissue engineering and molecular biol-
ogy and is aimed to develop technologies/therapeutics that can remove/provide
relief in sufferings of diseased/malfunctional/non-functional tissues/organs (Gregor
et al. 2017; Gugjoo et al. 2019a).
TE employs various ingredients like cells, signaling factors, and the bio-­
fabricated scaffold to develop the tissue graft (Gugjoo et al. 2018). In vivo implanta-
tion exposes cells to the unfavorable environment. To prevent such adverse effects
and keep the cells viable and effective for a prolonged period, the biocompatible
scaffold is being incorporated. To promote the cell specific expression various sig-
naling factors and scaffolds play an important role. The role played by these critical
factors in relation to the MSCs characteristics is of utmost importance for latter’s
effective clinical applications. The current chapter provides an overview of the
ex vivo effects of such cues on the MSCs activities including their differentiation
(Fig. 5.1).

5.2  ffect of In Vitro Culture Environment on MSCs Viability

and Activity

MSCs availability in donor tissues is very limited and as such their culture expan-
sion becomes imperative. These cells are cultured in a specific medium being
renewed after certain intervals. An extensive culturing exhausts the culture ingredi-
ents and needs to be replenished. Accumulation of higher lactate and ammonia con-
centration affects goat BM-MSCs growth and proliferation under in vitro conditions.
To prevent the adverse effects of these accumulated noxious ingredients, the culture
medium is being replaced after some intervals. Prolonged proliferation of goat
MSCs had been maintained by replacing about 30% of medium after every 3 days.
5  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation Properties and Available Microenvironment 69

Fig. 5.1  Pictorial representation of role of different in vitro cues in determining MSCs fate

This helps to dilute noxious metabolites (ammonia), provides energy metabolites,

and increases surface area to the cells (Schop et al. 2008). As such it becomes neces-
sary to offer safe in vivo heaven to the implanted cells.
To aid MSCs proliferation autologous cellular therapy products like stromal vas-
cular fraction (SVF), bone marrow (BM)- and cord blood (CB)-mononuclear cells
(MNCs), and platelet lysate (PL) have been added to the culture systems. These
products have promoted equine MSCs (eMSCs) proliferation, migration, and inter-
leukin secretion, although variably. The proliferation and chemotaxis of eMSCs had
been demonstrated to be promoted by all these products. The effect of stromal vas-
cular fraction (SVF) had been more pronounced. Equine BM-MNCs in the presence
of SVF had more potential of chemo-invasion. Equine BM-MSCs (eBM-MSCs)
under the influence of CB-MNCs had secreted interleukin 6 (IL-6), transforming
growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) while such effects were
not demonstrated with SVF and PL (Kol et al. 2012). These findings may be cited
as the prime reasons to supplement MSCs with autologous therapy products for
in vivo applications. It is worth mentioning here that MSCs cultured under ex vivo
system may undergo significant alterations in their phenotype and plasticity
(Colosimo et al. 2013) and result in undesirable effects. Due to the associated risk
factors, innovative MSCs have been put under the list of “Advanced Therapy
Medicinal Products (ATMPs)” by European Medicines Agency (Gugjoo et al. 2019a).
MSCs may release various secretory factors and differentiate or express genes of
particular lineages based on the availability of microenvironment/niche cues. The
70 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

paracrine secretion of MSCs especially in relation to the immune-modulation and/

or anti-inflammatory properties has been evaluated in a separate chapter. This chap-
ter focuses on the MSCs in vitro differentiation potential with respect to the avail-
able environment and is summarized in Fig. 5.1. Animal MSCs have been studied in
detail for their tri-lineage differentiation with respect to the growth factors, scaf-
folds, tissue specific cells, mechanical cues, and other miscellaneous factors. The
extended differentiation potential of animal MSCs has also been evaluated, although
not extensively. The mechanisms involved in such trans-differentiation of MSCs are
not fully understood as the cells from different sources undergo variable differentia-
tion pathways towards particular cell lineage.

5.3 Tri-Lineage Differentiation of MSCs

5.3.1 Chondrogenesis of MSCs

MSCs chondrogenesis has generally been studied under pellet or micromass sys-
tem, although 3D culture system is now increasingly being studied. MSCs in pellet
culture system had undergone spontaneous chondrogenesis without the addition of
any chondrogenic factor. At the center of bovine BM-MSCs pellet, cartilage specific
matrix (collagen type II) had accumulated with its progressive increase as culturing
continued (Bosnakovski et al. 2004). To achieve desired and specific cartilaginous
matrix formation, chondrogenic factors like growth factors, scaffolds, cells, or
mechanical factors are being evaluated (Gugjoo et al. 2019b, c, d). There are various
types of commercially available chondrogenic differentiation media that contains
basic ingredients required for chondrogenesis. Growth Factors and MSCs Chondrogenesis

Culture addition of growth factors like TGF-β1, bone morphogenetic protein 2
(BMP-2), and BMP-7 promote MSCs chondrogenesis (Bosnakovski et  al. 2005;
Park et  al. 2005; Jäger et  al. 2006; Knippenberg et  al. 2006; Zeiter et  al. 2009;
Kalaszczynska et al. 2013; Bottagisio et al. 2015; Hu et al. 2015a, b; Goldman and
Barabino 2016; Desancé et al. 2018). Cattle BM-MSCs (cBM-MSCs) had expressed
chondrogenic genes upon culture exposure to transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-­
β1) (10 ng/mL) (Zeiter et al. 2009) or TGF-β3 (1, 10, and 100 ng/mL) (Goldman
and Barabino 2016) after 14 days. TGF-β had increased aggrecan expression but the
collagen II expression had remained lower than the non-treated cells (Park et  al.
2005). Bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) has variably supported MSCs chon-
drogenesis. BMP-2 had promoted chondro-specific MSCs expression when loaded
into the alginate beads. Its concentration, however, provided a ceiling effect on
MSCs chondrogeneic potential. At 50 ng/mL BMP-2 concentration a plateau phase
of MSCs chondrogenesis was developed (Park et al. 2005). Contrarily, one of the
studies had demonstrated that BMP-2 (50 ng/mL) had no effect on MSCs (Zeiter
et al. 2009), while other studies had shown that culture addition of BMP-2 (1, 10,
and 100  ng/mL) yielded osteogenic lineage rather than the chondrogenic
5  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation Properties and Available Microenvironment 71

(Knippenberg et  al. 2006; Zhang and Jiang 2006; Goldman and Barabino 2016).
This shows that combined utilization of growth factor (BMP-2) and scaffold (algi-
nate beads) may promote MSCs chondrogenesis, while BMP-2 alone may favor
their osteogenesis, though further studies are desired. The role of BMP-7 in MSCs
differentiation is again controversial. BMP-7 may promote chondrogenic
(Knippenberg et al. 2006), osteogenic (Elkhenany et al. 2016) differentiation of goat
adipose tissue derived MSCs (gAD-MSCs) and adipogenic differentiation of human
BM-MSCs (Katja et al. 2007). gAD-MSCs short (15 min) incubation under BMP-7
(10 ng/mL) had been sufficient to induce their chondrogenic differentiation while
long term incubation had no additional effect on such differentiation (Knippenberg
et al. 2006). Thus, MSCs may or may not undergo chondrogenesis under the influ-
ence of these above mentioned humoral factors. It is worth mentioning here that
biologic activities of these recombinant growth factors are much lower than their
analogues being synthesized endogenously and as such ectopic incorporation of
these factors may be required in higher concentrations under in  vivo conditions
(Wang et al. 2010; Gugjoo et al. 2017; Gugjoo et al. 2020). Scaffolds and MSCs Chondrogenesis

MSCs supplementation with specific matrices predisposes them towards specific
lineage. Equine and bovine MSCs chondrogenic potential enhances in the presence
of natural and synthetic joint and cartilage ingredients like synovial fluid, collagen
type II, I, hyaluronic acid hydrogel, polyethylene glycol hydrogels, alginate hydro-
gel microcapsules, and chondroitin sulfate (Hegewald et al. 2004; Varghese et al.
2008; Hwang et al. 2011; Toh et al. 2012; Toh et al. 2013; Yin et al. 2016; Gugjoo
et al. 2016; Santos et al. 2018). The proteoglycan expression in the presence of these
tissue matrices had remained quite lower as compared to that stimulated by TGF-β1
(Hegewald et al. 2004). However, addition of TGF-β1 had further promoted such a
differentiation potential of bovine MSCs (Bosnakovski et al. 2006). The hypertro-
phic chondrocyte formation, usually seen under in  vivo MSCs studies, had been
prevented by the addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG) to the chondroitin sulfate
(Varghese et al. 2008). Similarly, incorporation of collagen type I in sheep BM-MSCs
2D-cultures (5–10 × 106/cm3 collagen type I) and 3D cultures (50 × 106/cm3 colla-
gen I) had improved their potential to synthesize hyaline cartilage (Bornes et  al.
2016). In dog study, pentosan polysulfate (PPS) in micromass culture had signifi-
cantly enhanced dog MSCs (dMSCs) chondrogenesis. This was unlike the polysul-
fated glycosaminoglycans (PSGAG) that had inhibited dMSCs chondrogenesis
while promoting their fibrocartilage-like phenotype. In alginate culture, MSCs dif-
ferentiation potential had remained unaffected with these scaffolds (PPS and
PSGAG) (Bwalya et al. 2017). Thus, culture technique in addition to the scaffold
influences MSCs chondrogenesis.
The scaffold matrix is composed of intricate design with its nature and composi-
tion determining the spatial distribution and secretory action of the cells (Prins et al.
2016). As such impact of scaffold matrix design (comprising fiber alignment and
number of layers) on MSCs secretory properties must be evaluated. Cattle bone
marrow MSCs (cBM-MSCs) had been grown on a single layer scaffold
72 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

(poly(ε-­caprolactone)) for 3–6 weeks. Cell/scaffold assembly bearing fiber align-

ment of 0° had better stiffness as compared to that of 90° aligned scaffold fibers.
These results were further pronounced in multilayer 0° aligned fiber scaffold/cell
assembly. The specific components like collagen concentration and cell infiltration
however may remain neutral with respect to scaffold fiber alignment. Collagen
deposition of MSCs although unenhanced with scaffold design but had followed the
fiber alignment (Fisher et al. 2015). Cross-linking of hydrogel scaffolds like hyal-
uronic acid and tyramine (HA-Ty) conjugate tends to have a considerable impact on
MSCs localization, condensation, matrix biosynthesis, and on their fate (Vickers
et al. 2010; Toh et al. 2012). Cross-linking of cartilage specific scaffolds (collagen
type II and glycosaminoglycan) that had allowed cell mediated contraction had pro-
moted goat BM-MSCs chondrogenic expression. Further increase in such cross-
linking had resulted in decreased cell mediated contraction and thereby inhibited
their chondrogenic expression (Vickers et al. 2010). Various Combined Factors and MSCs Chondrogenesis

Mechanical factor like hydraulic pressure may not have any observable effect on
cattle MSCs (cMSCs) differentiation (Zeiter et al. 2009). Contrarily hydrodynamic
pressure had differentiated them towards musculoskeletal lineage (chondrogenic
and/or osteogenic lineages) (Goldman and Barabino 2016). Even the adverse effects
of inflammatory mediator (interleukin 1β) on cMSCs chondrogenesis had been pre-
vented by combined action of electromagnetism and transforming growth factor β3
(TGF-β3) (Ongaro et al. 2012). The shear stress may prone MSCs to undergo hyper-
trophic pathway under insufficient TGF-β3 concentration (Goldman and Barabino
2016). Mechanical compression on hydrogel embedded goat BM-MSCs carrying
TGF-β1 had upregulated their chondrogenic expression. However, in the absence of
TGF-β1 mechanical compression had inhibited such a differentiation. It may be
inferred that growth factor induced MSCs chondrogenesis may be hastened in the
presence of mechanical compression (Terraciano et  al. 2007). Chondrogenic dif-
ferentiation of cattle bone marrow MSCs (cBM-MSCs) through mechanical loading
may occur by rapid chromatin condensation that remains coincident with the fibro-
chondrogenic marker upregulation. This has been observed with the blockade of
histone methyltransferase EZH2, a promoter of chromatin condensation and gene
silencing (Heo et al. 2015). Chondrocytes and MSCs Chondrogenesis

Resident chondrocytes too favor MSCs chondrogenic differentiation. Fresh chon-
drocytes undergo superior chondrogenesis than cultured MSCs. There expression of
chondrogenic matrices like aggrecan and collagen II remains high. Chondrocyte
secretion of aggrecan and collagen II had been two and 30 fold higher as compared
to the alginate loaded MSCs in the presence of BMP-2 (Park et  al. 2005). Even
agarose gel (4% w/v) laden cattle BM-MSCs (cBM-MSCs) had secreted mechani-
cally inferior cartilage matrix as compared to that of chondrocytes. cBM-MSCs
laden hydrogel constructs had secreted matrices like glycosaminoglycan (GAG)
and its equilibrium modulus had attained plateau with the passage of time, inferring
5  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation Properties and Available Microenvironment 73

that delayed differentiation may not be the reason behind their diminished chondro-
genic capacity (Mauck et al. 2006). Despite these properties of chondrocytes, their
culture expansion deleteriously affects their chondrogenic potential. Culture
expanded chondrocytes had secreted mechanically inferior (more Col I and less Col
II) matrices that lacked integration with native tissue. Contrarily, cBM-MSCs had
secreted cartilage specific matrices of superior mechanical properties (Rackwitz
et al. 2014). MSCs chondrogenic potential may be further promoted in the presence
of chondrocytes. Co-culture of cBM-MSCs and fibrochondrocytes had favored lat-
ter’s chondrogenic expression. The cBM-MSCs:fibrochondrocytes ratio in co-­
culture, however, may affect MSCs differentiation. In monoculture a significant
GAG content was produced in a cell ratio of 100:0, while highest secretory activity
had been demonstrated at equal cellular concentrations (50:50). Such a combined
co-culture chondrogenesis may also prevent hypertrophic chondrocyte formation
(type X collagen) (McCorry et  al. 2016). Similarly, infrapatellar fat pad derived
gMSCs in the presence of chondrocytes had shown improved secretion of cartilage
specific matrices (Arora et al. 2017). In vitro mono and co-cultures too had sup-
ported these results (McCorry and Bonassar 2017). It may be inferred that MSCs
chondrogenesis improves in the presence of chondrocytes and as such results may
be more encouraging in less damaged cartilage than extensively damaging one. To
enhance MSCs in  vitro chondrogenic matrices synthesis, co-culture may be an
effective option (McCorry and Bonassar 2017). Hypoxia and MSCs Chondrogenesis

Sustained hypoxia tends to enhance MSCs chondrogenesis (Zscharnack et al. 2009;
Bornes et al. 2015). cBM-MSCs laden in collagen/hyaluronic acid scaffold incu-
bated under hypoxic conditions had expressed significantly superior chondrogenic
matrices in comparison to those cultured under normoxia. The enhanced expression
of collagen X in the presence of hypoxia however needs to be checked (Bornes et al.
2015). Hypoxia may enhance sheep BM-MSCs population doubling (Bornes et al.
2015) but might induce sheep MSCs apoptosis (Zhao et al. 2014). Such an adverse
effect may be reduced by culture incorporation of proto-oncogenic serine/threonine
kinase, Pim-1 (Zhao et  al. 2014). Acid ceramidase incorporation to the culture
medium had led to the two fold increase in equine and feline MSCs growth. On
addition to the chondrogenic media, the chondrogenic potential of these cells had
increased and was synergistic with TGF-β1 (Simonaro et al. 2013). Miscellaneous Factors Affecting MSCs Chondrogenesis

Growth factor- and scaffold-induced MSCs chondrogenesis may also be affected by
the donor age and source location. cBM-MSCs harvested from different age donors
had variable chondrogenic potential. MSCs from immature donors had greater
chondrogenic expression in the presence of TGF-β3 and hyaluronic acid hydrogels
as compared to the mature MSCs (Erickson et al. 2011). MSCs from the same tissue
source but at different locations of an individual may or may not have comparable
in vitro chondrogenic potential. Intra-articular fat pad derived MSCs had been dem-
onstrated to exhibit superior chondrogenic expression potential in comparison to the
74 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

non-articular AD-MSCs (Stewart 2011). Synovial fluid and synovial membrane

MSCs of osteoarthritic and osteochondritis dissecans horses and healthy tissues
tend to show comparable phenotypic and multipotency potentials. However, the
chondrogenic differentiation potential of MSCs from healthy joints had been better
(Fulber et al. 2016). Breed wise variation also ensues as chondrogenic differentia-
tion potential of BM-MSCs from Labrador retriever and Hovawart dog breed had
been superior to that from Border collie and German shepherd breeds (Bertolo et al.
2015). Thus, allogeneic sources may show variable results.
In general, MSCs chondrogenesis may be promoted through Sox9 expression.
Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoform 2 (PDK2) is possibly upregulating Sox9
gene from upregulated Sox6 (Wang et al. 2017). Enhanced Sox9 expression tends to
repress chondrocyte hypertrophy possibly through inhibition of Runx2 (Zhou et al.
2006), Wnt (Topol et al. 2009), Col10a1, and VEGFA (Hattori et al. 2010; Leung
et al. 2011) pathways.

5.3.2 Osteogenesis of MSCs

MSCs osteogenic lineage differentiation may occur in the presence of relevant cues
eliciting from available environment. In vitro MSCs osteogenic studies have uti-
lized commercially available medium (containing growth factors). However, vari-
ous other factors, either alone or in combination, including matrices or growth
factors or cells, in addition to mechanical forces also direct such differentiation. It
may be emphasized that β-glycerolphosphate appears to be unsuitable phosphate
ion source for sheep adipose tissue MSCs (sAD-MSCs) and sBM-MSCs. These
cells had failed to show alkaline phosphatase activity (Kalaszczynska et al. 2013).
Human MSCs although do show such activity and thus, MSCs mineralization status
may sometimes be misleading. Growth Factors and MSCs Osteogenesis

Growth factors like dexamethasone, ascorbic-acid-2-phosphate, monosodium phos-
phate, β-glycerolphosphate, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin-D3 (1,25(OH)2), basic fibro-
blast growth factor (bFGF), BMP-2, BMP-7 and osteogenic growth peptide (OGP)
favor MSCs osteogenesis (Knippenberg et al. 2006; Jäger et al. 2006; Zhang and
Jiang 2006; Tjabringa et al. 2008; Zhu et al. 2008; Huang et al. 2013; Kalaszczynska
et al. 2013; Randau et al. 2013; Bottagisio et al. 2015; Hu et al. 2015b; Elkhenany
et al. 2016). As mentioned above the growth factors like BMP-2 and BMP-7 may
have variable effects on MSCs differentiation especially in relation to source. Goat
BM-MSCs (gBM-MSCs) osteogenesis may potentially be mediated through p38
mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway and in the goat AD-MSCs
p44/42 MAPK pathway might be involved (Elkhenany et al. 2016). OGP may favor
cBM-MSCs osteogenic differentiation through endogenous nitric oxide synthases
(eNOS) (Zhu et  al. 2008). gAD-MSCs osteogenesis under the influence of
1,25-­dihydroxyvitamin-D3 may be mediated through polyamine metabolism
(Tjabringa et al. 2008). Thus, specific growth factors may promote MSCs osteogen-
esis and the involved mechanism may vary.
5  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation Properties and Available Microenvironment 75 Scaffold and MSCs Osteogenesis

Osteogenic differentiation potential of goat, sheep and dog BM-MSCs and horse
AD-MSCs had been demonstrated to enhance in the presence of various scaffolds
like chitosan, chitosan and poly ε-caprolactone, demineralized bone matrix,
hydroxyapatite and hyaluronic acid, methacrylate-endcapped caprolactone, nano-­
bioactive glass ceramic coated PLLA, oxidized graphene and porous tantalum,
silica-­coated bioactive ceramic, starch and poly-caprolactone, zinc silicate mineral
(Fischer et al. 2004; Nair et al. 2009a, b, Ivirico et al. 2009; García Cruz et al. 2010;
Hwang et  al. 2011; Pereira-Junior et  al. 2013; Rodrigues et  al. 2014; Elkhenany
et al. 2015; Lee et al. 2015a, b; Fang et al. 2017; Bwalya et al. 2017; Das et al. 2017;
Jo et al. 2017; Mahdavia et al. 2017; Trindade et al. 2017; Bageshlooyafshar et al.
2019; Wei et al. 2019).
sBM-MSCs had differentiated into osteoblasts and chondrocytes when placed
on porous calcium polyphosphate along with tri-iodothyronine (T3). The assem-
bly had led to the formation of cartilaginous structure at the top and osteogenic
tissue at bottom near osteo-conductive calcium polyphosphate (Lee et al. 2015a,
b). The cells may remain aligned or scattered depending upon the scaffold type.
gMSCs cultured on tricalcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite had undergone
osteogenic differentiation; however, the cellular interconnection and alignment
were maintained in former scaffold and scattered in the latter (Prins et al. 2016).
Scaffold or implant biodegradability needs special emphasis as degraded products
tend to alter local pH and thereby MSCs viability (Liu 2011; Johnson et al. 2012).
Completely demineralized bone matrix may act as more favorable osteogenic
agent for MSCs as compared to partial or intact bone matrix (Jo et  al. 2017).
Comparing hydroxyapatite and silica-coated bioactive ceramic scaffolds gBM-
MSCs osteogenic potential was more enhanced under the latter scaffold (Nair
et al. 2009a, b). Scaffold matrices like bovine teeth hydroxyapatite had been dem-
onstrated to be biocompatible to cBM-­MSCs with the ability to improve MSCs
osteogenesis. The scaffold concentration, however, had affected the cell viability
being better at 10% than at 50% and 100% (Setiawatie et al. 2017). Even cross-
linked natural biological scaffolds like small intestine submucosa and goat acel-
lular lung scaffold had favored gBM-MSCs osteogenesis (Li et al. 2006; Gupta
et al. 2017).
Scaffold synthesis technique and composition have direct effect on scaffold
design that in turn affects MSCs growth and differentiation. Freeze gelation and
particle leaching out prepared chitosan had supported gBM-MSCs osteogenic dif-
ferentiation (García Cruz et  al. 2010). Scaffold hydrophilicity too affects MSCs
differentiation. Higher hydration content (50%) had decreased osteogenic activity
of gBM-MSCs as depicted by their compromised alkaline phosphatase activity
(Ivirico et al. 2009). Dog BM-MSCs (dBM-MSCs) on nanomaterial based thin film
scaffolds of carbon nanotubes (CNT), chitosan, and poly ε-caprolactone had shown
slow proliferation but without decrease in overall number. Although initially cells
had shown slow proliferation on CNT but that had improved as the time progressed.
This depicted adaptation of dBM-MSCs (Das et al. 2017).
76 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal Miscellaneous Factors and MSCs Osteogenesis

Mechanical factors may have direct effect upon MSCs differentiation (Versari et al.
2007). Pulsatile fluid flow and extracorporeal shock wave therapy had favored
gMSCs osteogenic differentiation (Knippenberg et al. 2005; Tan et al. 2017). This
might probably have been through adenosine release regulation and A2B receptor
activation (Tan et al. 2017). Thus, the cells may show better clinical response in the
case of a specific mechanical force.
Some of the ailments and aging may also affect MSCs osteogenic potential.
BM-MSCs in an osteoporotic goat had shown restricted osteogenesis and had been
compensated with the addition of beta tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) (Cao et  al.
2012). Platelet plasma although promotes gBM-MSCs proliferation but may inhibit
their osteogenesis (Cheng et al. 2007). An age related reduction in the proliferation
(40% reduction) and osteogenic potential of dBM-MSCs had been demonstrated
(Volk et al. 2012).

5.3.3 Adipogenesis of MSCs

Adipogenesis is achieved with commercial adipogenic differentiation media prepa-

rations. The culture ingredients that favor MSCs adipogenesis include indometha-
cine, insulin, 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, dexamethasone (Jäger et  al. 2006;
Martinello et al. 2011; Oh et al. 2011; Kalaszczynska et al. 2013; Bottagisio et al.
2015; Hu et al. 2015a, b). One of the studies had been unsuccessful to obtain opti-
mal cBM-MSCs adipogenesis but could be achieved with the addition of insulin
(Lee et  al. 2015a, b). These differentiated cells express peroxisome proliferator-­
activated receptor gamma (PPAR-γ, preadipocytic commitment) and lipoprotein
lipase (LPL) genes in the early adipogenic differentiation stage (Jiang et al. 2002;
Martinello et al. 2011; Oh et al. 2011).
Various conventional chemicals/drugs have been demonstrated to affect
MSCs adipogenesis. Among notable ones are telmisartan (antihypertensive
drug), capsaicin, and epigallocatechin gallate. The former drug had promoted
cBM-MSCs (Ramirez-Espinosa et  al. 2015), while latter two components had
inhibited such a differentiation (Jeong et  al. 2014; Jeong et  al. 2015). The
decreased adipogenic expression may occur by decreased expression of PPAR-ƴ,
cytosine-cytosine-­ adenosine-­adenosine thymidine/enhancer binding protein
alpha, fatty acid binding protein-4, and stearoyl CoA desaturase (Jeong et  al.
2014; Jeong et al. 2015). In clinical endometritis adipogenesis of cMSCs may
also reduce (Lara et al. 2017).

5.4 Extended Differentiation Potential of MSCs

MSCs in addition to tri-lineage differentiation show extended differentiation poten-

tial as depicted by their ability to express pluripotency markers.
5  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation Properties and Available Microenvironment 77

5.4.1 Neural Cell like Differentiation

MSCs neural cell like trans-differentiation has been achieved by various factors,
although the actual differentiation is questioned. Cattle umbilical cord MSCs (cUC-­
MSCs) had differentiated into the neural like cells under low glucose Dulbecco’s
modified Eagle’s medium (L-DMEM), fetal bovine serum (FBS), and basal eagle
medium (BME) (Xiong et al. 2014). Neural induction medium for dog AD-MSCs
included FBS, dimethyl sulfoxide, butylated hydroxyanisole, hydrocortisone, insu-
lin, 3-isobutyl-1-metylxanthine, and adenosine 3′5- cyclic monophosphate sodium
salt monohydrate (Oh et al. 2011). Likewise, other specific medium had promoted
neurogenesis in cattle Wharton’s jelly (cWJ-MSCs). Neural differentiation was
characterized by their ability to express neuronal/glial markers like neurofilament
200 (N200), neuronal microtubule associated protein 2 (MAP2), neurotrophin 3
(NT3), Tau, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) (Cardoso et al. 2012). Neural like
cell trans-differentiation of gAD-MSCs had also been achieved with BIX-01294, a
specific inhibitor of methlytransferase G9a. gAD-MSCs trans-differentiation
achieved with methlytransferase inhibitor relies on Nanog regulatory network
(Wang et al. 2018). The neural cell like differentiation of bufAm-MSCs had been
promoted by glycogen synthase kinase 3 inhibitor (kenpaullone) (Deng et al. 2018).
The neurogenic markers are variably expressed at different time intervals. Nestin
and Map-2 expression mostly occurs  at 24  hr. culture period while tropomyosin
receptor kinase A (TRKA) and PRion Protein Cellular (PrPc) expression is seen at
144  hrs (Dueñas et  al. 2014). Therefore, at different time intervals MSCs neural
expression profile is variable making it important to study their differentiation as per
the developmental phase of an individual.

5.4.2 Differentiation into Islet Like Cells

Bovine umbilical cord MSCs (cUC-MSCs) differentiate into the islet like cells upon
supplementation with media like H-DMEM, HGF, mercaptoethanol, and niacinamide.
The trans-differentiation had been demonstrated through pancreatic and duodenal
homeobox 1 (PDX-1) and insulin secretion (Xiong et al. 2014). Similarly, a culture
medium containing nicotinamide, extendin-4, glucose, and poly-D-lysine had pro-
moted cattle placental MSCs islet like cell differentiation. The differentiated cells had
exhibited special characteristics including zinc ion staining, secretion of insulin, gluca-
gon, paired box protein (Pax-4), Pax-6, homeobox protein Nkx6.1 and Forkhead box
protein (Fox) (Peng et al. 2017). During MSCs islet-like cell differentiation, glucose
promotes growth of pancreatic β-cells through phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway
(Wu et al. 1997). During islet like cells trans-differentiation of MSCs poly-D-lysine
acts an important ingredient. It provides an intercellular connection and support, water
retention, compression resistance, cell migration, cell physiology, and finally cell dif-
ferentiation (Peng et al. 2017). These in vitro studies need to be translated under in vivo
applications to evaluate actual feasibility and utility.
78 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

5.4.3 Differentiation into Hepatocyte like Cells

cUC-MSCs tend to differentiate into the hepatocyte like cells upon culturing in
L-DMEM, FBS, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), fibroblast growth factor 4
(FGF-4), dexamethasone, and ITS (Xiong et al. 2014). FGF-4 acts as an important
growth and development factor for hepatocytes, while HGF increases their mitosis
and resists their apoptosis (Jiang et al. 2002). cBM-MSCs upon culture supplemen-
tation with α-fetoprotein, albumin, α1-antitrypsin, connexin 32, tyrosine amino-
transferase, and cytochrome P450 had differentiated to hepatogenic lineage. MSCs
hepatogenesis was characterized on the basis of their significant increase in the
expression of genes like cytochrome P34A4 (CYP3A4), ALB, α1-AT, CNX32, and
TAT. CYP3A4 mRNA expression was higher as early as day 7 up to day 28 (Scott
and Halpert 2005; Dueñas et al. 2014). α1AT and TAT, late markers of the hepato-
cyte lineage, play the role of tyrosine degradation and inhibit proteases (Rehman
et al. 2004; Jedicke et al. 2014). CNX32 accounts for majority of liver connexin
proteins (90%) (Nakashima et al. 2004) whose expression occurs at the later stage
of differentiation. It points out that MSCs must be exposed to hepatogenic factors
for longer time to trigger them towards the hepatic line.

5.4.4 Differentiation into Myocyte like Cells

Myogenic differentiation of bovine fetal BM-MSCs has been achieved with various
protocols like incorporation of 5-Aza-2′-deoxycytidine (5-Aza), myoblast-secreted
factor Galectin-1 (Gal-1), and/or myoblast culture medium SkGM-2 BulletKit (Oh
et al. 2011; Okamura et al. 2017). Variable concentration of 5-Aza has bearing on
cell viability. Higher concentration (100 μM) may increase cellular differentiation
but may be more toxic to cells. It had been concluded that cBM-MSCs were myo-
genically differentiated to some extent (Okamura et al. 2017). Similarly, bezafibrate
had promoted myogenesis of cBM-MSCs (Ramirez-Espinosa et al. 2015). Muscle
derived cells (MDCs) had differentiated gBM-MSCs through their fusion producing
myotubes (Kulesza et al. 2016). Sheep fetal derived BM-MSCs supplemented with
reversine and 5-azacytidine had differentiated into cardiomyocyte like cells (Soltani
et al. 2016). Arterial matrix supplementation to culture had directed sheep AD-MSCs
differentiation towards endothelial like cells (Zhang et al. 2016).

5.4.5 Differentiation into Germ Cell like Cells

In vitro cultured sheep MSCs and bovine MSCs under the influence of TGF-β1,
BMP-4, BMP8b, and retinoic acid transdifferentiate into the germ cells
(Ghasemzadeh-Hasankolaei et  al. 2014; Ghasemzadeh-Hasankolaei et  al. 2015).
Dog adipose tissue and ovarian derived MSCs were transdifferentiated into primor-
dial germ cell like cells and male germ cell like cells under the influence of insulin,
epidermal growth factor (EGF), glial derived nerve factor (GDNF), basic fibroblast
growth factor (bFGF), and BMP-4 (Wei et al. 2016; Trindade et al. 2017).
5  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation Properties and Available Microenvironment 79

TGF-β1 supplementation had differentiated sheep BM-MSC to spermatogonia

stem cell like cells and spermatogonia-like cells. These cells were differentiated to
primordial germ cell like cells through BMP-4 and BMP-8 supplementation
(Ghasemzadeh-Hasankolaei et al. 2014). Zinc supplementation had changed gene
expression of sheep BM-MSCs approximating germinal cell genes but had failed to
promote germinal cell like trans-differentiation (Ghasemzadeh-Hasankolaei et  al.
2012). Under the influence of above mentioned factors cBM-MSCs had expressed
higher levels of pluripotency markers and deleted in azoospermia-like (Dazl) but
failed to transcribe mRNA of germinal cell genes like Vasa, Fragilis, Stella male
germinal cell genes (Stra8 and Piwil2). TGF-β1 and BMP-4 had transiently
increased expression of Nanog and Dazl, while retinoic acid had effectively pro-
moted Dazl expression. Such expression pattern had signified early germ cell like
differentiation of cBM-MSCs (Cortez et  al. 2018). gBM-MSCs had been trans-­
differentiated into the germ cell-like cells exhibited by expression of both early as
well as late stage germ cell markers. Even limited number of differentiated cells had
a potential to enter meiosis (Zhang et al. 2019). Dazl gene ectopic expression in
gBM-MSCs had improved their ability to transdifferentiate to the putative germ
cells as compared to the effect of retinoic acid which in turn had better effect than
BMP-4 (Yan et al. 2015).
Apart from ectopic expression of germ cell like cells, follicular fluid may also
favor MSCs germinal cell trans-differentiation. Higher concentration (20%) of fol-
licular fluid had been able to promote gUC-MSCs differentiation towards oocyte
like cells (Qiu et al. 2012). However, these transdifferentiated cells actual identity
and utility can be evaluated under in vivo studies.
Goat mammary fat pad adipose stem cells had been transdifferentiated towards epi-
thelial lineage with an initial cocktail of insulin, hydrocortisone, and epidermal
growth factor and subsequently with keratinocyte growth factor (Reza et al. 2014).
All these studies are promising but in infancy and need extensive studies before any
conclusion can be drawn.

5.5 Conclusion(s)

MSCs characteristic features are controlled by the available microenvironment/

niche. An extensive work on MSCs differentiation has been undertaken. These
cells may undergo differentiation towards particular lineage based on the avail-
able cues in the form of available matrix, cells, humoral/growth factors, and
mechanical factors. Most of the studies in available literature have mainly focused
on individual cues, while in vivo cues are diverse and can act simultaneously lead-
ing to diverse results. Variable mechanisms have been demonstrated in differen-
tiation of MSCs and have varied even on the basis of cell source. It is important to
understand MSCs differentiation with respect to the developmental stages.
Commonly used antihypertensive drugs may have effect on adipogenicity of
MSCs. Effect of these drugs on the possible obesity in such individuals may be
evaluated. A little evidence on hepatocyte, islet like cell, neural and germinal dif-
ferentiation could be seen though preliminary studies support such cell type
80 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

differentiations of MSCs. Thus, further studies are desired to be conducted in

order to understand the particular lineage differentiation. Besides, multiple facto-
rial studies may be conducted to understand combined effect of these factors on
MSCs expression.

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M. B. Gugjoo, E. Rasool, and Amar Pal


Characteristic properties of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) make them a suit-

able candidate in regenerative medicine. There are various associated limitations
in MSCs in vivo applications like their short survival and limited expression of
particular genes. Genetic engineering of MSCs may be employed to address such
issues. Various genetic engineering methods have been incorporated although
without any established standard technique. Genetically engineered MSCs are
being studied in various kinds of ailments of different tissues with variably
promising results. The current chapter focusses on the MSC genetic engineering
in relation to the regenerative medicine.

6.1 Introduction

Regenerative medicine aims to etch away the concerns related to diseased/non-­

functional and/or mal-functional tissues/organs. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)
are frequently studied for their therapeutic applications attributed to their character-
istic properties and lack of any ethical and teratogenic concerns (Gugjoo et  al.

M. B. Gugjoo (*)
Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex, FVSc & AH, SKUAST-Kashmir,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
E. Rasool
Division of Surgery & Radiology, FVSc & AH, SKUAST-K,
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
A. Pal
Division of Surgery, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, UP, India

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to 89
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
M. B. Gugjoo, A. Pal (eds.), Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Veterinary Sciences,
90 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

2018). MSCs supposedly work via trophic effects through plethora of compounds,
immune-modulatory/anti-inflammatory and/or by cell replacement activities. Their
trophic action and differentiation is, however, determined by the available microen-
vironment upon which a limited control can be exerted (Gugjoo et al. 2019, 2020).
MSCs show poor in vivo survival and weak host tissue engraftment especially after
local implantation (Wagner and Ho 2007). To realize MSCs full therapeutic poten-
tial and tailor them to the specific diseases, the cells are being genetically engi-
neered (Bersenev and Levine 2012, Gage 2012; Roís et al. 2012; Lu et al. 2013; Yan
et al. 2015). This avenue has generated much interest among researchers, and the
initial reports demonstrated are also promising (Kode et al. 2009; Griffin et al. 2010;
Hang et al. 2012).
Genetic engineering/genetic modification/genetic manipulation involves a set of
technologies to alter genetic makeup of cells. It is aimed to deliver proteins to neigh-
bouring cells, kill cancer cells, reduce immune rejection, secrete regulatory and
pro-healing factors and increase survival of engrafted cells. In genetic engineering,
a specific gene cassette is formed to be loaded into a carrier/vehicle (vector). Vectors
are the carriers to deliver gene cassette (containing transgene) to the cells (Phillips
and Tang 2008; Li et al. 2017; Zhang et al. 2019). These include viruses like retro-
viruses (Boura et al. 2014), DNA plasmids (Marquez-Curtis et al. 2013; Watkins
et al. 2014), mRNA (Rejman et al. 2010), miRNA (Meng et al. 2015) and siRNA
(Roís et al. 2012), constructs of minimalistic, immunologically defined gene expres-
sion (MIDGE) (Mok et al. 2012; Mählmann et al. 2015) and transposons construct
like the Sleeping Beauty System (Martin et  al. 2014). Viral vector transduction
directly transduces cells while non-viral transfection requires specific methods like
lipofection or electroporation to cross the cell membrane (Papanikolaou et al. 2011).
Viral vectors may be genome integrating like lentivirus and adeno-associated
virus or non-integrating like adeno and Sendai virus vectors. The integrating viral
vectors tend to wield transgene for longer period, while non-integrating vectors
express the gene of interest transiently. The genome-integrating viral vectors though
may have long-lasting effects but tend to compromise the safety concerns, espe-
cially in relation to the insertional mutagenesis and associated potential malignancy
(Hacein-Bey-Abina et al. 2003a, b). Inside the cells, the transgene may overexpress
unphysiologically (constitutive synthesis) or can express within the physiological
limits (controlled by a gene switch). The constitutive transgene expression leads to
constant unphysiological oversynthesis of specific proteins. This down-regulates
receptors and renders gene expression ineffective. Gene switch transgene expres-
sion can be well controlled. The cell responds to the physiological stimulus like
oxygen level, concentration of hormones, drugs or chemical agents (Phillips and
Tang 2008; Nowakowski et al. 2013). These techniques have their pros and cons and
need to be fully weighed before any in vivo application.
MSCs are also being virally transduced but due to the above-mentioned con-
cerns, a safer approach is desired. MSCs characteristic properties including the one
of homing make them a suitable non-viral vector candidate. Add-on genetic engi-
neering if well controlled and understood can make MSCs application a game
changer in regenerative medicine. The genetically engineered MSCs currently
6  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Genetic Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 91

remain to be approved for clinical trials (Nowakowski et al. 2015). The main aim
currently remains to develop genetic engineering technique that does not change
basic stem cell properties, induce cytotoxicity and should be rescuable after in vivo
transplantation (Papanikolaou et  al. 2011). The current chapter focuses on the
genetically engineered MSCs of veterinary species and their utility in regenerative

6.2 Genetic Engineering of MSCs (GE-MSCs)

Non-viral transfected MSCs in comparison to the viral transduced ones may offer a
plausibly safe option in regenerative medicine. The current gene transfection effi-
ciency of MSCs is not at par to that of the MSCs viral vector transduction. One of
the reasons that might affect their efficiency is transfection technique. Transfection
of cattle bone marrow MSCs (cBM-MSCs) by the electroporation had yielded bet-
ter (58%) gene transfer efficiency (Colleoni et al. 2005) in comparison to the lipo-
fection (15%) (Díaz et al. 2015) demanding further incites.
GE-MSCs should be ensured to maintain their basic properties (Pinel and Pluhar
2012). MSCs in comparison to other stem cell types have limited culture lifespan.
The cell proliferation may cause telomere shortening, and as such the extended
culture passaging might lead to genetic changes. In order to improve MSCs sur-
vival, genetic engineering has been tried. Sheep bone marrow MSCs (sBM-MSCs)
transfected with telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) gene had been cultured up
to 40 passages. These cells had normal karyotype rate of 88.24% with unaffected
differentiation properties (Zhu et al. 2017). Thus, further MSC studies may be con-
ducted to determine the reasons behind their limited self-renewal properties and
finally the possible addressal.
Furthermore, it is imperative to confirm MSCs properties remain unaffected with
genetic engineering. In a mongrel dog study, VEGF165-transfected BM-MSCs have
been demonstrated to express the surface markers as per International Society of
Cellular Therapy (ISCT) (Hang et al. 2012). A comparison had been made through
the characterization of dog AD-MSCs (dAD-MSCs) and SV40-T retrovirus-­
transfected dAD-MSCs (tdAD-MSCs). Both these cell lines had characteristic
properties as laid down by ISCT. tdAD-MSCs though had higher colony forming
potential; pluripotency markers (Sox2 and Nanog) were expressed in both cell lines
with stable karyotype. In conclusion, tdAD-MSCs and dAD-MSCs had comparable
characteristics (Ayala-Cuellar et al. 2019).

6.3 GE-MSCs as Therapeutics

In veterinary science, the genetically engineered MSC studies are very limited.
However, the available literature favours their utilization under in vivo conditions.
Below are described some of the in vivo GE-MSCs studies conducted in animals.
92 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

6.3.1 GE-MSCs in Germ Cell Differentiation

There is a growing need to produce elite germplasm in productive animals. Sheep

and cattle MSCs have been demonstrated to transdifferentiate into germ cell-like
cells (Ghasemzadeh-Hasankolaei et al. 2012, 2014, 2015; Cortez et al. 2018). To
boost that potential, genetically engineered MSCs may prove useful. In two goat
studies, only a small fraction of Stra8, Boule- and Dazl-transfected BM-MSCs had
transdifferentiated to putative germ cells. These differentiated cells could express
primordial germ cell-specific genes and premeiotic genes. The cells that co-­
overexpressed all the three genes (Stra8, Boule and Dazl) were more close to germ
cell-like cells (Li et al. 2017; Zhang et al. 2019). This demands further in vitro stud-
ies followed by in vivo experimental studies to determine their clinical utility.

6.3.2 GE-MSCs and Mastitis Control

Stem cell therapy has a significant potential to regenerate the udder tissues (Sharma
et al. 2017; Gugjoo et al. 2019). Mammary stem cells are currently difficult to har-
vest and as replacement MSCs can be utilized. One of the studies had created bovine
lactoferricin (LFcinB) transgene to confirm feasibility of creating genetically engi-
neered cattle or buffalo MSCs. These modified cells had variable expression of the
LFcinB, an antibacterial peptide (Sharma et al. 2017). Such LFcinB-cloned MSCs
may be injected into the mammary gland for their higher antibacterial properties
especially against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli (Sharma et al. 2017).

6.3.3 GE-MSCs and Bone Healing

Genetically engineered MSCs may be employed to enhance the bone healing.

Among various factors, MSCs transfection with BMP-2 has been comparably com-
mon. Human BMP-2-transfected goat BM-MSCs had been demonstrated to express
and secrete higher concentration of rhBMP-2 as compared to simple BM-MSCs.
Goat tibial bone defects treated with calcined bone and hBMP-2-transduced
BM-MSCs had complete healing in 5 out of 8 animals. Contrarily, tibial defects
treated with scaffold and simple BM-MSCs had slight to almost nil healing. The
callus formed in engineered cell-implanted tibial bones had significantly better bio-
mechanical strength as compared to the simple cell-treated bone defects (Dai et al.
2005). In goat femoral head osteonecrosis model, the BMP-2- or β-gal-modified
BM-MSCs along with β-tri-calcium phosphate (β-TCP) have been evaluated.
Comparing these two cell engineering options, femoral bone density and surface
was much improved with BMP-2-transfected cells at 3-month period. The regener-
ated bone mechanical testing had demonstrated significantly higher compression
strength and Young’s modulus in the BMP-2 group approaching to that of normal
bone (Tang et al. 2007). In dog left radial oligotrophic non-union fracture, BMP-7-­
transfected dog AD-MSC sheets had led to the early bone healing (9 weeks) (Song
6  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Genetic Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 93

et al. 2017). Thus, the combined use of genetic and tissue engineering may provide
an innovative way to treat bone defects/fractures. Although these studies have dem-
onstrated improved bone healing results, however, the dose titration of these factors
is required. An excess bone formation leading to tumour formation may arise in
case higher dose of BMPs is dissipated by these transfected cells (Pinel and Pluhar
2012). Similarly, transplantation of VEGF-transduced autologous BM-MSCs in
experimentally induced dog osteonecrotic femoral head had led to better healing in
comparison to the simple BM-MSCs (Hang et al. 2012).

6.3.4 GM-MSCs in Cartilage and Tendon Repair

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) plays a crucial role in MSCs proliferation

and differentiation, while Nell-1 specifically target cells that are committed to
osteochondral lineage. TGF-β up-regulates chondrogenic gene expression through
enhanced expression of the Sox9. Under in vitro study, TGF-β1-transduced human
synovial-derived MSCs (hSD-MSCs) had undergone effective chondrogenesis as
revealed by increased chondrogenic marker gene expression and glycosaminogly-
can secretion (Kim et  al. 2014). In vitro studies have demonstrated that TGF-β1
transduction of MSCs together with scaffolds like calcium alginate gel creates the
chondrogenic micro-environment. This had been confirmed in an in  vitro study
wherein BM-MSCs had enhanced type II collagen synthesis ability (Zhu et  al.
2013). Nell-1-transfected BM-MSCs in the presence of poly-lactic-polyglycolic
acid (PLGA) scaffold too had hastened repair of goat mandibular condyle defect. At
sixth week fibrocartilage formation while at 24th week complete repair of articular
cartilage along with the subchondral bone had been demonstrated. In contrast, sim-
ple BM-MSCs/PLGA implants had repaired defects with fibrocartilage at 24 weeks.
Overall both the cell lines had improved bone healing as compared to PLGA or
empty defects (Zhu et al. 2011).
Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) is considered to have stimulating effect on
collagen synthesis (Hansen et  al. 2013). As such, IGF-1-transfected MSCs may
prove useful. In an equine study, IGF-1-transfected BM-MSCs had shown to have
significantly higher IGF-1 secretion in comparison to the normal BM-MSCs.
Implantation of BM-MSCs and IGF-1-induced BM-MSCs in an equine superficial
flexor tendinitis had improved healing of the tendon at 8 weeks. The differences in
healing however were statistically non-significant between the cell-treated animals
(Schnabel et al. 2009).

6.3.5 GM-MSCs in Neural Differentiation and Repair

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) serves as a neurotransmitter modulator

and has a crucial role in survival and growth of neurons. It also takes part in neuronal
plasticity essentially required in learning and memory (Bathina and Das 2015).
HO-1-MSCs reduce inflammation, which favours BDNF-induced neuro-­regeneration
94 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

(Araujo et al. 2012). In peripheral nerve regeneration experimental study, the BDNF-
transfected AD-MSCs were engaged in nerve regeneration. The cells had differenti-
ated into various cell types including Schwann cells and had encouraged functional
recovery of the rat sciatic nerve (Tseng and Hsu 2014). Adipose-derived mesenchy-
mal stem cells (AD-MSCs) transfected with BDNF and heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1)
were utilized had led to a significant improvement in hind limb functions of spinal
cord-injured dogs. Co-transfection of AD-MSCs had been more effective. An
increase in clinical evaluation scores and a robust increase in neuronal regeneration
were demonstrated. Thus, MSCs transfection with multiple factors may be more
effective in promoting the healing of spinal cord injury (SCI) (Khan et al. 2018).

6.3.6 GM-MSCs in Cardiac Ailments

Stem cell therapy in myocardial infarction offers an exciting research area. The cur-
rent issues like stem cell retention and their efficacy in the heart remains to be
solved. MSCs genetic modification has been achieved with various factors like
glucagon-­like peptide-1 (GLP-1), and VEGF and hypoxia-inducible factor 1-α
(HIF1-α) are considered to favour better cardiac repair and function. Glucagon-like
peptide-1 (GLP-1) is an incretin hormone with cardio-protective properties (Wright
et  al. 2012), VEGF improves angiogenesis (Locatelli et  al. 2015) and hypoxia-­
inducible factor 1-α is considered to mediate overexpression of erythropoietin, vas-
cular endothelial growth factor, angiopoietin-1 and inducible nitrous oxide synthase
(Hnatiuk et al. 2016).
Transfection of human BM-MSC with GLP-1 has been demonstrated as benefi-
cial adjunct in pig myocardial infarction model. GLP-1-transfected human MSCs
encapsulated in alginate (bead-GLP-1 MSC) after coronary artery injection had led
to the better-left ventricular function and a decrease in infarct area as compared to
control. The GLP-1-transfected cell-treated infarcts had reduced inflammation and
apoptotic cells together with an increased collagen deposition and fewer myofibro-
blasts (Wright et al. 2012). In sheep acute myocardial infarction (AMI) model, vas-
cular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-transfected MSCs had been demonstrated
as useful. An increased angiogenesis together with decreased infarct size and
improved left ventricular (LV) function was demonstrated with intracardiac implan-
tation of these cells (Locatelli et al. 2015). Similarly, HIF1-α-transfected allogeneic
BM-MSCs as compared to the simple BM-MSCs had led to significant reduction of
infarct size in a sheep acute myocardial infarction (AMI) model. BM-MSCs too had
decreased infarct size although lower than transfected cells but better than the con-
trol (Hnatiuk et al. 2016).

6.3.7 GE-MSCs in Skin Wounds

In skin wounds the main concern remains to improve angiogenesis along with the
collagen deposition. Although skin healing is good, but in some cases it takes longer
6  Mesenchymal Stem Cell Genetic Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 95

time especially in diabetes or at the joint areas. VEGF-modified human umbilical

cord-derived MSCs (VEGF-UC-MSCs) along with acellular dermal matrix scaf-
folds evaluated in pig skin wounds had effectively promoted vascularization of the
graft and led to an improved quality of wound healing (Han et al. 2014).
Apart from these studies, numerous other animal studies like corneal regenera-
tion, specific diseases among others may be conducted to evaluate beneficial effects
of engineered cells. The preliminary studies involving angiopoietin-1 (Piao et al.
2010) and ACE2 (He et al. 2014) among others also have been conducted in human.
These studies are preliminary, case uncontrolled and without any uniformity to be
able to draw any conclusion.

6.4 Conclusion

MSCs are being either transduced virally or transfected by non-viral methods.

Either of the methods have their prospects and constraints. Currently, the genetic
engineering of MSCs is under experimental phase, and the standardization of these
techniques needs further understanding. The genetically engineered MSCs have
been studied under in vitro conditions with reasonably better results. Their in vivo
applications also have appear promising although variably. Further studies that are
aimed at their safe and effective genetic engineering need to be conducted. The
engineered cells should then be evaluated under in vivo conditions for their actual
safety, utility and efficacy.

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Zhang YL, Li PZ, Pang J, Wan YJ, Zhang GM, Fan YX, Wang ZY, Tao NH (2019) Induction of
goat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into putative male germ cells using mRNA for
STRA8. BOULE and DAZLCytotechnol 71(2):563–572
Zhu S, Zhang B, Man C, Ma Y, Hu J (2011) NELL like molecule-1 modified bone marrow mesen-
chymal stem cells/poly-lactic-co-glycolic acid composite improves repair of large osteochon-
dral defects in mandibular condyle. Osteoarthr Cart 19:743–750
Zhu S, Zhang T, Sun C, Yu A, Qi B, Cheng H (2013) Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells com-
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cartilage in three-dimensional conditions. Exp Ther Med 5(1):95–101
Zhu X, Liu Z, Deng W, Zhang Z, Liu Y, Wei L, Zhang Y, Zhou L, Wang Y (2017) Derivation and
characterization of sheep bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells induced with telomer-
ase reverse transcriptase. Saudi J Biolog Sci 24:519–525
Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic
Research and Potential Applications 7
M. B. Gugjoo and Amar Pal


Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) act as reservoir of repair system in an adult tis-
sue. These cells are available in almost all the tissues. The cells have been har-
vested and isolated from numerous tissue sources. Due to their miniscule number
in tissues culture expansion followed by characterization becomes imperative.
Sheep MSCs (sMSCs) too have been obtained from numerous sources including
foetal membranes. These cells have been evaluated in various human transla-
tional models and have variably proven to be useful. Such studies additionally
form basis of the MSCs therapeutic applications in veterinary practice. The pres-
ent chapter throws light on various aspects of sheep mesenchymal stem cells
including their potential therapeutic applications.

7.1 Introduction

Veterinary and human medicine is intricately dependant and linked to each other,
forming important constituents of “One Health” initiative (Gugjoo et  al. 2018).
Various ailments among the animals and human have similar pathophysiology and
established therapeutics in one species can form basis of its applications in other
(Gugjoo et al. 2018). Sheep acts as a suitable model animal for various ailments of
epithelium, cardiovascular, skeletal and neurological systems for human (DiVincenti

M. B. Gugjoo
Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex, FVSc & AH, SKUAST-Kashmir,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
A. Pal (*)
Division of Surgery, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, UP, India

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to 99
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
M. B. Gugjoo, A. Pal (eds.), Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Veterinary Sciences,
100 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

et al. 2014; Pelagalli et al. 2018). Sheep being neurologically less developed than
carnivores and equines has an edge in the particular area. Sheep body features like
long bone size and its macrostructure structure are approximate to that of human
(Anderson et al. 1999; Van Der Donk et al. 2001). Due to their comparable bone
biomechanics, biochemistry and histology sheep bone fracture healing turn over
markers may be adopted for human (Sousa et al. 2015). Sheep have sufficient super-
ficial space on their backs that may be utilized to study MSCs regeneration potential
in experimental lesions (Chevrier et al. 2009; Music et al. 2018; Yr et al. 2018). The
current chapter details sheep mesenchymal stem cell (sMSCs) characteristics and
their potential therapeutic applications.

7.2 MSCs Characterization

sMSCs are characterized as per the recommendations of International Society for

Cellular Therapy (ISCT) (Dominici et al. 2006). Plastic adherent sMSCs show sur-
face marker(s) expression, although variably and differentiate into adipogenic,
chondrogenic and osteogenic lineages (Table 7.1) (Colosimo et al. 2013; Liu et al.
2014 Tian et al. 2016).
Sheep bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (sBM-MSCs) grow as mor-
phologically large adherent cells and exhibit a fibroblastic morphology. sBM-MSCs
are bigger (diameter: 18.1 ± 3.3 μm volume: 3.4 ± 1.7pl) than the mononuclear cells
(diameter: 8.6 ± 1.0 μm in volume: 0.34 ± 0.12pl) (Caminal et al. 2017). Cell mor-
phology under transmission electron microscopy (TEM) had appeared as cuboidal
electron-lucent and spindle shaped electron-dense cells similar to human MSCs.
The surface marker expression especially CD90 was comparable in these cell types.
The characterization of glycoprotein secretory system in these cells demonstrates
their potential secretory properties (Desantis et al. 2015).

7.3 sMSCs Number and Proliferation

Different tissue sources have variable sMSCs population and proliferation potential.
These cells become senescent after certain passages. Among various sources, sheep
peripheral blood harboured lowest number of MSCs (sPB-MSCs) and had shown
lower ability to proliferate (Lyahyai et al. 2012). MSCs from various sources may
have different proliferation properties. Comparative studies have demonstrated that
sBM-MSCs had higher proliferation potential as compared to cotyledon derived
MSCs (Cot-MSCs) (Ribitsch et  al. 2017) and sheep adipose tissue MSCs (sAD-­
MSCs) (Heidari et al. 2013). Apart from source based differences, culture expan-
sion may also affect their proliferation. In initial passages, sheep dermis derived
MSCs (sD-MSCs) in comparison to sBM-MSCs may show lower proliferation
potential but that becomes higher with extended passaging (Jahroomishirazi et al.
2014). Likewise sheep liver-MSCs had shorter population doubling time as com-
pared to sAD-MSCs (Heidari et al. 2013). Further incites in this regard are required
to confirm the reason behind such variabilities.
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 101

Table 7.1  Sheep mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) sources and their characteristics (Gugjoo and
Amarpal 2018)
Positive markers Negative markers Differentiation characteristics References
Adipose tissue MSCs (AD-MSCs)
CD29, CD44 – – Grzesiak et al.
CD90, CD105, HLA-DR, Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Zorzi et al.
CD73, CD29 CD45,CD34, osteogenic (2015)
CD44, CD90 CD31, CD45 Vahedi et al.
CD44 CD31, CD45 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Feng et al.
osteogenic (2018)
Amniotic fluid MSCs (am-MSCs)
CD13, CD29, CD44, CD45 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Tian et al.
CD90, CD106, osteogenic (2016)
CD44, CD58, CD14, CD31, – Shaw et al.
CD166 CD45 (2011)
Amnion MSCs (A-MSCs)
CD29, CD44, CD31 Adipogenic, osteogenic Klein et al.
CD105, CD90 (2011)
CD166 antigen at CD14, CD31, – Colosimo et al.
low levels and CD29 CD45, CD49f (2013)
and CD58
intermediate levels
Bone marrow MSCs (BM-MSCs)
CD44, CD105, CD45, CD34 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Mrugala et al.
Vimentin osteogenic (2008)
CD29, CD44, CD14, CD31, Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Mccarty et al.
CD166 CD45 osteogenic (2009)
CD9, CD44, CD45 – Rentsch et al.
CD54,CD73, CD90, (2010)
CD105, CD166
CD44 CD34 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Czernik et al.
osteogenic (2013)
CD44, CD90 (low CD45, HLA-DR Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Caminal et al.
expression) osteogenic (2014)
CD44, CD58, HLAI, CD31, CD34, – Desantis et al.
CD90 CD45, HLA-DR (2015)
CD29, CD36, CD73, CD45 and CD34 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Mediano et al.
CD90, CD166, (variable osteogenic, neuronal like cells (2015a, b)
CD29 expression) (downregulation)
CD44, CD90, CD45,CD73 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Caminal et al.
CD140a, CD105 and osteogenic (2017)
CD146 CD34, CD45 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Hindle et al.
osteogenic (2016)

102 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

Table 7.1 (continued)
Positive markers Negative markers Differentiation characteristics References
CD73 (96.9 ± 5.9), Negative (CD117 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Khan et al.
CD90 (99.6% ± 0.3), (0.1%60.1) or low osteogenic (2016)
(99.16 ± 1.5), (10.5% ± 16.0);
CD271 (97.762.0) CD31
and MHCI (94.0% (14.6% ± 4.2) and
67.2) CD45
(39.4% ± 31.8)
CD90 – Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Landa-Solis
osteogenic et al. (2016)
CD44, CD90, – Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Vivas et al.
CD140a, CD105 and osteogenic (2018)
Cotyledonary MSCs
CD29, CD33 and CD31, CD45 Adipogenic (weak), Ribitsch et al.
CD166 chondrogenic, osteogenic (2017)
Dermal MSCs (D-MSCs)
𝛽-integrin, CD71, – Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Cui et al. (2014)
CD44 and CD73 osteogenic, neurogenic
CD271 CD45 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Jahroomishirazi
osteogenic et al. (2014)
Endometrium MSCs (end-MSCs)
CD271 CD49f Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Letouzey et al.
osteogenic, smooth muscle (2015)
Kidney MSCs (K-MSCs)
Oct-4, VIM, CD44, CD34 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Ji et al. (2016)
FN1, CD73, CD44 hepatocellular
and PAX2
Lung MSCs (L-MSCs)
Oct4, Nanog, CD29, CD34, CD45 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Ma et al. (2017)
CD44, CD71, CD73 osteogenic, hepatocyte
and CD90
Periodontal ligament MSCs (Pl-MSCs)
CD106, CD44, – – Gronthos et al.
CD166, CBFA-1, (2006)
collagen-I, bone
Peripheral blood MSCs (PB-MSCs)
CD29, CD73, CD90 CD45, and CD34 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Lyahyai et al.
and CD105 (low (variable osteogenic, neurogenic (2012)
expression) expression)
CD29, CD36, CD73, CD45 and CD34 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Mediano et al.
CD90, CD166, (variable osteogenic, neuronal like cells (2015a, b)
CD105 expression) (downregulation)
Stro-1, CD90, CD34, CD45 Adipogenic, Chondrogenic, Hopper et al.
CD106, CD105, Osteogenic, (2015)
CD146, CD166,
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 103

Table 7.1 (continued)
Positive markers Negative markers Differentiation characteristics References
Synovial MSCs (Sy-MSCs)
CD73, CD90, – Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Burk et al.
CD105 osteogenic (2017)
Umbilical cord MSCs (UC-MSCs)
CD44 CD38, CD45, – Fadel et al.
CD41/61. (2011)
CD29, CD44, CD73, CD34 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Chen et al.
CD90 osteogenic (2018)
Placental MSCs (Pl-MSCs)
CD29, CD44, CD73, CD31, CD45 Early stage Adipogenic, Brown et al.
CD90, CD105, Sox2 gestation chondrogenic, (2016)
CD29, CD44, CD73, CD31, CD45, Late stage osteogenic
CD90, CD105 Sox2 gestation
AD-MSCs adipose tissue MSCs, Am-MSCs amniotic fluid MSCs, A-MSCs amnion MSCs,
BM-MSCs bone marrow MSCs, D-MSCs dermal MSCs, End-MSCs endometrium MSCs, K-MSCs
Kidney MSCs, L-MSCs lung MSCs, Pl-MSCs periodontal ligament MSCs, PB-MSCs peripheral
blood MSCs, Sy-MSCs synovial MSCs, UC-MSCs umbilical cord MSCs, Pl-MSCs placental MSCs

sMSCs proliferation potential decreases with extended passaging (Colosimo

et al. 2013; Ji et al. 2016; Tian et al. 2016). sAD-MSCs and umbilical cord derived
MSCs (sUC-MSCs) had normally proliferated up to passage 6 (Vahedi et al. 2016)
and passage 10 (Chen et al. 2018), respectively, and became senescent afterwards.
This depicts variability in proliferation abilities of the sMSCs at different passages,
though various other factors like culture conditions and donor tissue type may also
affect these properties.
sMSCs karyotypic features may remain unaffected in >90% of the cells up to as
high as 20 passages (Ji et al. 2016; Tian et al. 2016). The cells (sD-MSCs) harvested
from young ones (1 month old) may show even more extended passaging (48 pas-
sages) with normal karyotype (Cui et al. 2014). Among various reasons of limited
self-renewal property, telomere length shortening with cell proliferation appears to
be important. This has been confirmed in telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT)
transfected sBM-MSCs. These transfected cells could be cultured up to 40 passages
with normal karyotype rate of 88.24% (Zhu et al. 2017).

7.4 Tissue Source and Marker Expression

sMSCs express various surface markers and lack haematopoietic markers. Variability
in surface markers of the sMSCs with respect to the tissue source has been demon-
strated (Table 7.1). The variability in marker expression is attributed to the lack of
species specific antibodies, besides differences in the type of tissue sources and
harvesting methods (Gugjoo et al. 2020a, b). Additionally, sMSCs have also been
demonstrated to express various pluripotency markers like Oct4, Nanog and Stro-1
(Hopper et al. 2015; Brown et al. 2016; Ji et al. 2016; Ma et al. 2017).
104 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

7.5 Source and Differentiation Potential

sMSCs exhibit variability in their differentiation potential on the basis of their tissue
source. The musculoskeletal differentiation potential of sCot-MSCs and sBM-­
MSCs had been akin but sBM-MSCs adipogenic potential was more pronounced
(Ribitsch et al. 2017). Foetal MSCs usually show low PPARγ pathway and as such
may be less demanding for adipogenic activity (Ragni et al. 2013). Among various
musculoskeletal tissues, sheep synovial fluid derived MSCs (sSy-MSCs) had shown
higher chondrogenic expression in comparison to sBM-MSCs (Burk et al. 2017).
However, MSCs from adipose tissue, bone marrow and liver-MSCs had comparable
differentiation activity (Heidari et  al. 2013). Such variabilities in differentiation
potential of MSCs with respect to source need further investigation especially on
molecular basis. This may help to better utilize MSCs for therapeutic applications.

7.6 Miscellaneous Factors Affecting MSCs Characteristics

Scrapie infected sheep carry MSCs with normal tri-lineage differentiation ability.
However, their proliferation and neurocyte like cell differentiation may be reduced
(Mediano et al. 2015a, b) and as such may offer limited therapeutic benefits in neu-
ral ailments. The cellular characteristics of MSCs may also be influenced by the
factors like feeding standard, age of the animal and disease status of the animal.
Low feeding status of ewe may affect their foetal MSCs characteristics (Pillai et al.
2016). Ageing may or may not decrease MSCs proliferation and clonogenic poten-
tial (Rhodes et al. 2004; Han et al. 2010). In sheep unlike dog, breed variation had
non-significant effect on BM-MSCs proliferation (Rhodes et al. 2004).

7.7 Potential Therapeutic Applications

MSCs in sheep have been implanted through various routes including parenteral
considering their homing property (Gugjoo and Amarpal 2019). MSCs secretory
properties and differentiation in particular tissue is being determined by the avail-
able local milieu. The cells (including of xenogenic and/or allogeneic sources) have
been well tolerated under in vivo conditions. In a pre-immune sheep foetus, xeno-
genic MSCs (human source) had differentiated into hepatic cells upon intrahepatic/
intraperitoneal implantation (Chamberlain et al. 2007) or secreted insulin upon pan-
creatic transplantation (Ersek et al. 2011). Xenogeneic MSCs too had been demon-
strated to have tissue specific trans-differentiation even in immuno-potent sheep
(Liechty et al. 2000; Mackenzie and Flake 2001; Shaw et al. 2011). Likewise, allo-
geneic applications of these sMSCs had been demonstrated to be safe (Berner et al.
2013; Dooley et  al. 2015; McDonald et  al. 2015; Zorzi et  al. 2015). Apart from
being immuno-compromised, the cells have been demonstrated to have immune-­
modulatory properties (Dooley et al. 2015). Considering such immuno-­compromised
and immuno-modulatory properties, allogeneic MSCs are increasingly being stud-
ied to make ready-to-use therapy possible.
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 105

sMSCs have been mainly studied in experimental human translational models

without any direct sheep clinical trial (Gugjoo and Amarpal 2018). This poses an
impediment in their definitive therapeutic applications in veterinary practice, in
general and in sheep clinical practice, in particular. For in vivo identification, sMSCs
may be labelled with superparamagnetic iron oxide (SIPO), though its concentra-
tion must be standardized (Scharf et al. 2015).

7.7.1 Wound Healing

In foetal tissues wound healing occurs through regeneration and in adults by repair
(Klein et al. 2011). Sheep has been chosen as wound model as it has sufficient space
on back and limited neurological development in comparison to the canine and
equine (Martinello et al. 2018). In utero implanted xenogeneic or autologous MSCs
have been demonstrated to home to the site of foetal wounds. The implanted cells
have been able to expedite wound healing by increasing the secretion of extracel-
lular matrix (Table 7.2) (Mackenzie and Flake 2001; Klein et al. 2011). Apart from
foetal wounds, adult sheep wounds too tend to heal faster with allogeneic PB-MSCs.
The wound had closed within 15 days and might have been due to the cell induced
inflammation inhibition and enhanced re-epithelialization, neo-vascularization and
contraction. These treated wounds had significantly higher expression of hair-kera-
tine (hKER) and collagen type I (Col1α1) being observed from day 15 up to day 42
(Martinello et al. 2018). It may be concluded that MSCs application are quite prom-
ising for wound management. Further studies are desired to confirm the posology of
the MSCs applications.

7.7.2 Osteochondral Defects

An extensive literature on MSCs osteochondral studies exist. The results have been
mostly favourable and without any serious adverse effect as detailed in Table 7.3. A
single study however had failed to demonstrate any obvious improvement with
MSCs as compared to the control (Delling et al. 2015a).
MSCs intra-articular implantation remains safe (Caminal et al. 2014; Abdulmula
et al. 2017). Intra-articularly implanted cells remain viable and attached to the joint
structures (Delling et al. 2015b; Feng et al. 2018; Markides et al. 2019). The avail-
able inflammatory environment however, may reduce their chondrogenic potential,
although without affecting their phenotype (Ando et al. 2012). MSCs possible path-
way of neo-cartilage formation may be ensued via endochondral ossification pro-
cess (Lydon et al. 2019). MSCs tend to undergo hypertrophic chondrocyte formation
and may lead to osteogenesis (Gugjoo et al. 2018).
Intravenous implantation of BM-MSCs had been able to reduce lameness, joint
pain and swelling in a sheep mono-arthritis model. The experimental joints had less
cartilage erosions, limited inflammatory cells and were supplemented with activated
stromal cells and angiogenesis (Abdalmula et al. 2017). In chronic induced osteoar-
thritis models, improved parameters (histological and/micro-CT scores) of healed
Table 7.2  In vivo preclinical experimental mesenchymal stem cell studies on cutaneous wounds

Number of size/study Biomaterial Cell dose/
Model type animals period used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
In utero 29 animals 13 months Xenogeneic 5–20 × 106 Polymerase chain PCR confirmed cellular engraftment Mackenzie
tracking of (human) early reaction (PCR), to one or more tissues. Relatively and Flake
cells to MSCs gestation immuno-­ large engraftment was seen in (2001)
wounds or (65 days histochemistry and wounded areas. Cells persisted in
developing gestation); in situ hybridization foetal tissue up to a year
organs 1 × 108 cells/
kg (mid-­
85 days
Full Six wounds 15 and Allogeneic 1 × 106 Clinical, At 15 days post-lesion, the wounds Martinello
thickness (three wounds 42 days PB-MSCs, (injected in histopathological, treated with MSCs showed a higher et al.
square treated with hyaluronic wound and molecular degree of wound closure, a higher (2018)
wound conventional acid margins), analysis percentage of re-epithelialization,
(4 × 4 cm, topical cream or 1 × 106 proliferation, neo-vascularization and
six wounds) gel, fourth with (loaded with increased contraction in comparison
cold ionized hyaluronic to a control group. Later, the wounds
plasma, fifth acid and treated with MSCs had more mature
with PBS and implanted at and denser cutaneous adnexa as
sixth with wound compared to the control group with
MSCs) centre) absence of inflammation and
expression of CD3+ and CD20+.
Moreover, the mRNA expression of
hair-keratine (hKER) and collagen I
was observed in the MSCs treated
group 15 days
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal
Table 7.3  In vivo chondrogenic preclinical experimental mesenchymal stem cell studies in sheep
Model defect size/
Model type Number of animals study period Biomaterial used Cell dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Medial 28 (n = 16, cell + 8 mm (diameter) and Autologous 3 × 107 Macroscopic observation, Experimental animal Guo et al.
femoral β-TCP; n = 8 in 4 mm BM-MSCs + beta- histological, immuno-­ defects were (2004)
condyle β-TCP only and (depth)/24 weeks tricalcium phosphate histochemical, biochemical resurfaced with
defect n = 4 in control) (β-TCP) analysis hyaline-like tissue.
An ideal interface
formed between the
engineered cartilage,
adjacent normal
cartilage and the
underlying bone
Osteonecrosis 8 animals (n = 4 in 10 ml of absolute Sheep BM-MSCs 1 × 106 (each Light microscopy Better bone Feitosa et al.
of femoral control group; n = 2 ethanol induced (transfected) and cell type) regeneration in cell (2010)
head each in sheep MSC human dental stem treated group
group and human cells animals
MSC group treated
after 8 weeks of
induced necrosis)
Chronic 10 animals (n = 40 7 mm/6 months Autologous 4 × 105 MSCs Histopathology Group I had Zscharnack
model of defects; group I: BM-MSCs /collagen mixed with significantly better et al. (2010)
medial chondrogenically I hydrogel constructs collagen I histologic scores
femoral differentiated MSC/ with morphologic
condyles hydrogel constructs; characteristics of
osteochondral group II: hyaline cartilage
lesions Undifferentiated such as
ovine MSC/hydrogel columnarization and
constructs; group III: presence of collagen
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

Cell-free hydrogel; type II as compared

group IV: control) to others. However,
each group showed
variability in results
Table 7.3 (continued)

Model defect size/

Model type Number of animals study period Biomaterial used Cell dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Chronic 16 animals (n = 6 6 weeks Chondrogenically 10 × 106 per Gross, histological and Retardation of Al Faqeh
model of animals in treatment differentiated MSCs joint clinical observation osteoarthritis in cell et al. (2012)
anterior group; group I: or undifferentiated treated groups.
cruciate pre-­differentiated MSCs Non-significant
ligament MSCs and group II: difference in group I
excision undifferentiated and II except for
MSCs) and n = 4 macroscopic
(control group) observations of
meniscus repair.
Severe osteoarthritis
in control
Chronic 10 (n = 20 defects; 60 mm defect BM-MSCs 1,1 × 107 Radiography, MRI, Regeneration of Caminal
model full 10 studied at size/6 month or (6 month period ultrasound, macroscopic articular cartilage et al. (2014)
thickness 6 months period 12 months animals) or and histological analyses and meniscus was
medial while other 10 at 1.2 × 107 case-dependent but
femoro-­tibial 12 months period) (12 month period statistically
condyles and one of the limbs animals) significant
meniscal tear remained control improvement was
found in specific
macroscopic and
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal
Medial 9 (n = 18 defects) 7 mm defect BM-MSCs alone or 3.3 × 106 Biomechanical testing, Better macroscopic Caminal
femoro-­tibial size/4 months and seeded on ± 0.4 × 106 cells macroscopic and scores at 4 months in et al.
condyle 12 months co-polymeric histological analyses cell treated as (2014a)
defect poly-­ compared to
lactide:Polyglycolic 12 months evaluation
acid scaffolds either period. Non-
scores at 12 months
between cell treated
and cell-free groups
Chronic 18 (n = 6 animals in 8 weeks Autologous 10 x 106 after Macroscopically and Significantly higher Song et al.
anterior each group) group I: BM-MSCs 12 weeks of histologically, and cartilage (2014)
cruciate BM-MSCs; group II: model creation glycosaminoglycan (GAG) regeneration and
ligament Bone marrow contents, gene expression lower proteoglycan
transection and mononuclear cells; levels (collagen II, loss in group I than
medial group III: Control Aggrecan and matrix group II. Comparable
meniscectomy metalloproteinase-13), inhibition of PGE2,
tumour necrosis factor-α TNF-α and TGF-β
(TNF-α) and transforming levels in synovial
growth factor beta fluid and promotion
of higher levels of
aggrecan and col II
in two cell treated
Downregulation of
MMP-13 also
comparable. Both the
cell treated groups
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

had significantly
better cartilage than
Table 7.3 (continued)

Model defect size/

Model type Number of animals study period Biomaterial used Cell dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Full thickness 12 animals (n = 3 in 7 × 5 mm/8 weeks BM-MSCs and 2 × 106 cells Gross and histopathology Significant difference Garcia et al.
lateral femoral each group): group I amniotic membrane and amniotic in healing between (2015)
condyle defect (amniotic membrane); membrane treatment and control
group II groups. Non-
(cryopreserved significant
amniotic membrane differences between
previously cultivated treatment groups.
with BM-MSCs); The samples of
Group III groups II, III and IV
(cryopreserved reported a ICRS
amniotic membrane grade II (similar to
alone); group IV healthy cartilage).
(control) The mean value of
O’Driscoll scale in
the control group
(3.3) was
significantly lower as
compared to the
treatment groups
(group II: 10.7; G III:
8; G IV: 11.3).
differences were
found between the
experimental groups
Partial 15 animals (n = 30 10 mm/6 months Xenogenic AD-MSCs 1 × 106 along Microscopic and Significantly higher Zorzi et al.
thickness knees (group I: and collagen/chitosan with scaffold macroscopic analysis histological scores in (2015)
medial femoral Scaffold plus cell; scaffold cell treated group as
condyle defect group II; scaffold compared to others
only; group III
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal
Unilateral 20 (group I: n = 6 12 weeks BM-MSCs + scaffold 6 × 106 seeded Macroscopy, histology, BM concentrate Desando
medial animals, (Hyaff®–11) and BM on scaffold immuno-histochemistry better inhibited et al. (2016)
meniscectomy BM-MSCs + scaffold; concentrate + scaffold and micro-computed inflammation in
group II: n = 6 animals (Hyaff®–11) tomography cartilage, meniscus
BM and synovium. It also
concentrate + scaffold; improved cartilage
group III: n = 4 healing. Subchondral
animals scaffold bone thickness
treated group IV: n = 4 decreased in both the
animals, control) cell treated groups
Meniscal 30 animals (three 5 mm × 3 mm/13 weeks BM-MSCs collagen I 1x106/cm2 Macroscopy and Statistically Whitehouse
cartilage tear groups with n = 10 and 6 months scaffold histopathology significant et al. (2017)
model animals in each group). improvement in cell
Group I: Scaffold treated as compared
laden MSCs; group II: to control at
Scaffold only and 13 weeks. But no
group III: Suturing difference at
only 6 months period
Anterior 24 (n = 6 in each 14 weeks after Allogeneic AD-MSCs 5 × 107 (high Magnetic resonance AD-MSCs + Feng et al.
cruciate group) group I: treatment and hyaluronic acid dose) at imaging (MRI), hyaluronic acid (2018)
ligament Control; group II: HA; 3 weeks and macroscopy, micro- could efficiently
resection and group III: Low dose (1 × 107 cells computed tomography and block osteoarthritis
medial AD-MSCs + HA; (low dose) at cartilage-specific staining progression and
meniscectomy group IV: High dose 6 weeks promoted cartilage
MSCs + hyaluronic regeneration
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
112 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

tissue had been observed with the implantation of BM-MSCs (Caminal et al. 2014)
and AD-MSCs (Feng et  al. 2018). The variable concentrations of AD-MSCs
implanted along with hyaluronic acid at 3 and 6 weeks post injury were viable for
more than 2 months and had restricted osteoarthritis progression (Feng et al. 2018).
Even xenogenic AD-MSCs (human) along with scaffold (chitosan/collagen) had
significantly improved ICRS-I score in a femoral condyle partial thickness defect as
compared to the scaffold treated and control (Zorzi et al. 2015).
The hyaline tissue formation has not been reported in all the studies and indi-
vidual cases with some demonstrating chondroid metaplasia. The integration of
healed tissue to native cartilage too had been the problem (Caminal et al. 2014). It
may thus, be concluded that MSCs may repair the osteochondral injuries but does
not guarantee the same (Gugjoo et al. 2020a, b).
One of the sheep osteoarthritis model studies had failed to yield improved results
at 12 weeks post autologous MSCs implantation (Delling et al. 2015a). This may
have been due to the weak joint injury failing to induce obvious osteoarthritic
changes or else due to the less concentration of implanted cells (Feng et al. 2018). Comparative osteochondral Studies

The ex vivo studies have demonstrated higher chondrogenic gene expression of
BM-MSCs cultured under hypoxia (chondrogenically primed) as compared to the
normoxia cultured BM-MSCs (Bornes et al. 2017). These chondrogenically primed
MSCs however, have failed to yield any significant improvement in tissue healing
as compared to non-primed cells (Al Faqeh et al. 2012; Bornes et al. 2017). The
cryopreservation does not seem to have any adverse effect on MSCs. Amniotic-­
MSCs as fresh and cryopreserved cells had shown comparable healing in a sheep
full thickness lateral femoral condyle defect model (Garcia et al. 2015).
Cultured BM-MSCs and AD-MSCs tend to have an edge over bone marrow
mononuclear cells (MNCs) or stromal vascular fraction (SVF), respectively.
Implantation of both the former cultured cell types had shown improved cartilage
regeneration together with little loss of proteoglycan in a sheep osteoarthritis model
(Song et al. 2014; Lv et al. 2018) in comparison to the non-cultured cell mix. The
mononuclear cells though still had some positive impact on healing as compared to
control. The inflammatory mediators were inhibited in synovial fluid (Song et al.
2014). Since MNCs and SVF contain little concentration of MSCs, comparably
little beneficial effects with these cell types may be expected. Contrarily, bone mar-
row concentrate (BMC) along with hyaluronan had shown greater repair ability in
comparison to the BM-MSCs/hyaluronan. However, both cells types had reduced
inflammation and thus, may be effective to prevent fibrosis and hypertrophy
(Desando et al. 2016). Scaffolds as such may play an important role in stem cell
There is need to conduct studies that incorporate similar source, passage cells at
uniform concentrations. The studies have to be case controlled with an extended
study period. Furthermore, role of incorporated scaffolds need to be considered.
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 113

Comparative studies against the established surgical techniques like microfracture

must also be made to evaluate feasibility and efficacy of MSC therapy.

7.7.3 Bone Defects

Bone tissue engineering is increasing by each passing day to ensure early and better
healing (Chandran et al. 2017). MSCs due to their characteristic properties are being
made subject. Most of the sheep preclinical experimental bone model studies have
shown better and early bone healing upon MSCs implantation as enlisted in table
(Table 7.4). One of the sheep study had shown early osteogenic synthesis with scaf-
fold laden sMSCs, implanted subcutaneously (Boos et al. 2014). Apart from culture
expanded MSCs, bone marrow mononuclear cells (contains MSCs) along with
sheep bone mineral too have favoured improved sinus augmentation at 8 and
16 weeks in comparison to the autogenous graft (Gutwald et al. 2010).
MSCs bone healing potential has been evaluated in different sheep bone models.
Among various bones studied are metatarsal-, tibial- mandible- and cranial-critical
bone defects. Mostly autologous or allogeneic BM-MSCs have been evaluated in
these studies. BM-MSCs along with coral granules (Viateau et al. 2007; Manassero
et  al. 2013), cortical allograft (Fernandes et  al. 2014), polycaprolactone and
hydroxyapatite (Berner et al. 2015), serum scaffold (Gallego et al. 2015) and cal-
cium alginate (Shang et al. 2001) have been implanted to evaluate healing potential
in critical size bone defects. The implantation of scaffold laden cells had led to an
improved early bone healing with better structural and morphological features
(Fernandes et al. 2014; Gallego et al. 2015). The healed tissue had better quality and
approximated to normal bone tissue (Gallego et al. 2015). The healed tissue strength
could commensurate with clinical standards (Berner et al. 2015). In all these cell
and scaffold treated defects healing was much improved as compared to those of
scaffold treated. Incorporation of growth factor like rhBMP-2 to BM-MSCs and/
autologous serum loaded on to the scaffold and implanted subcutaneously had led
to subcutaneous ossification (Boos et al. 2014).
Cell immunogenicity may or may not affect healing potential of MSCs.
Autologous and allogeneic MSCs had shown comparable tibial bone healing
(Berner et al. 2013) while xenogeneic BM-MSCs had failed to improve sheep tibial
bone healing (Niemeyer et  al. 2010). Mononuclear cells (MNCs) may show
improved healing over raw bone marrow concentrate (Ardjomandi et  al. 2015).
MSCs may also be effective to repair osteoporotic bone (Chandran et  al. 2017).
MSCs along with the tricalcium phosphate scaffold or graft may also be used to
promote interbody spinal fusion and spinal arthrodesis (Table 7.4).
Combination of MSCs and other implants/scaffolds like TiAl6V4 constructs
with a calcium–phosphate coating (Garcıa-Gareta et  al. 2015) and polyetherke-
toneketone (Adamzyk et al. 2016) had failed to enhance healing in a sheep trabecu-
lar bone and calvarial defects, respectively. The scaffolds although had favoured in
vitro cell adhesion, growth and osteogenic differentiation of MSCs (Adamzyk et al.
Table 7.4  In vivo preclinical experimental osteogenic mesenchymal stem cell studies in sheep

Model defect
Model type Number of animals period Biomaterial used Cell dose/assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Tibial defects 4 animals (cell-loaded 2-month Autologous 0.5–1.0 × 108 in Indentation assay In cell-loaded implants, Kon et al.
implants, n = 2; BM-MSCs, fibrinogen bone formation occurred (2000)
cell-free HAC cylinders, hydroxyapatite both within the internal
n = 2) ceramic (HAC) macropore space and
around the HAC cylinder
while in control cell-free
implants, bone formation
was limited mostly to the
outer surface and was not
observed in most of the
inner pores. As tested in
an indentation assay, the
stiffness of the complex
HAC-bone material was
found to be higher in
cell-loaded implants as
compared to controls

Cranial bone 8 animals with 16 6 weeks and Autologous – Gross, histological New bone tissues were Shang et al.
defect defects (MSCs and 18 weeks post BM-MSCs and and computerized observed with MSCs/ (2001)
(parietal calcium alginate, n = 8; repair calcium alginate tomography (CT) scan scaffold as early as
bone, 20 mm calcium alginate, n = 4; 6 weeks post-repairing
in diameter, control unrepaired, but not in control groups.
bilateral) n = 4) The engineered bone
tissue became more
mature at 18 weeks
post-repairing. CT scan
revealed an almost
complete repair of the
defect of MSCs/scaffold
at 18 weeks
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal
Left 21 animals (group I: 6 months Autologous 138 ± 22 (coral Radiology, histology Non-significant Viateau et al.
metatarsal Empty, n = 5; group II: BM-MSCs pieces), and CT differences in newly (2007)
bone defect Coral scaffold, n = 4; 8.28 ± 1.32 × 106 formed bone in defects
(25 mm) group III: Coral (BM-MScs) were seen in coral/MSCs
stabilized scaffold/MSCs, n = 6; and autograft groups.
with plate autogenous cortico- Significant differences in
and PMMA cancellous graft, n = 6) radiological scores in
space being MSCs/coral and autograft
replaced after groups were seen (21%
6 weeks and 100%, respectively)

Postero- 24 (autograft (AG), 6 months Bone marrow – Micro-CT, manual 33% and 25% of the Gupta et al.
lateral n = 6; cell enriched (selective cell palpation and MSCs and AG groups (2007)
lumbar tricalcium phosphate retention technology), histology had fused vertebrae while
fusion (TCP), n = 6; TCP tricalcium phosphate bone marrow/TCP had
alone, n = 6; TCP/10 ml 8% and TCP alone had
bone marrow, n = 6) 0% fusion
Critical sized 45 animals (n = 15 in 20–24 weeks Autologous 70–100 × 106 Micro-radiography, Radiography revealed Giannoni
tibial defect each group) autologous BM-MSCs, silicon histology and vascular best healing in cell/ et al. (2008)
(stabilized by bone chips of iliac crest stabilized tricalcium density scaffold treated group.
internal graft; ceramic scaffold phosphate Histology showed better
locking only; ceramic vascular density in cell/
compression scaffold + cells scaffold group. Partial
plate and bone deposition occurred
external at periphery of bone
skeletal stumps (scaffold group)
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
Table 7.4 (continued)

Model defect
size/study Cell dose/
Model type Number of animals period Biomaterial used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Anterior 18 animals (gelfoam 3 months Allogeneic MSCs, 1 × 106 Radiology and New bone formation in Goldschlager
cervical sponge, n = 6; Gelfoam sponge, histology gelfoam sponge only and et al. (2010)
discectomy MSCs + gelfoam, n = 6; pentosan polysulphate MSCs/gelfoam group
(C3-C4 and gelfoam sponge + (PPS) was observed in 9/12,
C4-C5) MSCs + pentosan 11/12 animals,
polysulphate, n = 6) respectively. In group
additionally implanted
with PPS had
significantly higher
cartilaginous tissue
within the interbody
cages as compared to
other groups. Only
1/12 in the PPS group
had new bone formation
Critical sized 21 animals (treated 3 months Human BM-MSCs 2 × 107 (oBM- Radiology and Radiology and histology Niemeyer
tibial bone with mineralized (n = 2 each and oBM-MSCs and MSCs or human histology revealed significantly et al. (2010)
defect (3 cm, collagen, n = 7; human group) and mineralized collagen BM-MSCs) better bone formation
stabilized by MSCs, n = 7 and ovine 6 months scaffold (matrices) upon oBM-MSCs seeded
plate) MSCs, n = 7) (n = 5) on matrices implantation
compared to matrices and
human BM-MSCs
seeded matrices
implantation. However,
human BM-MSCs did
not evoke any local or
systemic reaction
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal
Critical size 24 animals (control 9 months BM-MSCs 225 × 106 Radiology, CT, The cell treated group Field et al.
tibial scaffold only, n = 12; biomechanical, had significantly higher (2011)
segmental cell + scaffold) histology callus formation and rate
defect (3cmm of bone apposition in the
length and defect
8 mm
(stabilized by
Cervical 30 animals (autograft 3 months Allogeneic BM-MSCs  5 × 106 and CT, functional 9/12 of the cell/scaffold Goldschlager
interbody (AG) implantation, + hydroxyapatite/ 10 × 106 radiography, treated animals had et al. (2011)
fusion n = 6; hydroxyapatite/ tricalcium phosphate histomorphological, continuous bony bridging
(C3-C4) tricalcium phosphate (HA/TCP) biomechanical while AG had 1/6 and
(HA/TCP), n = 6; HA/ analysis HA/TCP had 2/6. New
TCP + 5million cells, bone density was 121%
n = 6; HA/TCP + ten higher in cell groups
million cells, n = 6; compared to HA/TCP
control unoperated and 128% as compared
sham, n = 6) to AG groups. Functional
radiography revealed
significantly reduced
macromotion between
Critical sized 24 animals (6 in 12 weeks BM-MSCs + scaffold 35 × 106 Radiology, No significant differences Berner et al.
tibial allogeneic MSCs (polycaprolactone +  micro-computed in bone formation in (2013)
segmental treated + scaffold; 6 in β-tricalcium phosphate) tomography allogeneic and
bone defect autologous cell (micro-CT), autologous groups but
treated + scaffold; 6 biomechanical testing, better bone formation
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

scaffold only; 6 histology than scaffold treated.

autologous graft However, biomechanical
testing failed to show any
differences in bone
formation in cell loaded
and scaffold loaded

Table 7.4 (continued)

Model defect
size/study Cell dose/
Model type Number of animals period Biomaterial used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Metatarsal 10 animals (scaffold, 6 months BM-MSCs + acropora 7.5 ± 1.2 × 106 Micro-CT and Two-fold increase in Manassero
bone defect n = 4; MSCs on coral scaffold histology bone formation with et al. (2013)
(25 mm) scaffold, n = 5) cell + scaffold
supported by transplantation as
3.5 mm compared to scaffold
dynamic only at 6 months
Radial and 7 animals (n = 2 tibial 3 and BM-MSCs, PRP and 30–50 × 106 Clinical evaluation, At 6 months significant Casanas
tibial nerve nerve and n = 2 radial 6 months scaffold (neurolacRX (repair of nerve neuro-physiological myelinated nerve fibres et al. (2014)
section- nerves: Treated with biodegradable after 3 weeks) study, morphology and increased conduction
resection scaffold + PRP; n = 4 scaffold) study in MSCs treated with or
(1 cm) tibial nerve and n = 2 without PRP
radial nerves; control
n = 1 tibial nerve and
n = 3 radial nerves:
Scaffold + pooled
human serum)
Postero- 34 animals (lumbar 6 months Osteo-induced 50 × 106 Clinical observation, Lumbar fusion rates were Cuenca-
lateral fusions: Treated with BM-MSCs, scaffolds, radiography, CT, higher for auto and Lopez et al.
lumbar autograft n = 17 on right mineral scaffold and histology, allograft (70%) than (2014)
fusion half and allograft on left hybrid scaffold histomorphometry mineral scaffold (22%)
(L4–L5) half n = 17; and hybrid scaffold
hydroxyapatite n = 17 (35%) based on histology
on left half; and CT. Quantity of bone
hydroxyapatite + cells formation is also higher
(hybrid scaffold) on in autograft and allograft.
right half n = 17) Hybrid scaffold had
higher but statistically
insignificant differences
from hydroxyapatite
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

scaffold based on
Midshaft 8 animals (n = 4 18 weeks Autologous 6 × 107 Radiography, CT and More conspicuous Fernandes
critical sized control; n = 4 treatment BM-MSCs on histology healing and union et al. (2014)
tibial bone group) allogeneic graft between host bone and
defect allograft in cell treated
group. Complete
remodelling at 18 weeks
in cell treated groups.
Histologically marrow
cavity re-established,
intertrabecular spaces
filled with adipose
Femoral 12 animals (right femur 8 and 16 week BM-MSCs derived 2 × 106 loaded on Radiography, Bone defect was Li et al.
defect treated with scaffold osteoblasts + β-TCP β-TCP histology successfully repaired at (2014)
(10 mm plus cells; left femur 16 week. Sufficient
diameter and with scaffold) volume of bone tissue
3 cm deep) volume formed in cell
groups compared to
scaffold only
Postero- 6 animals (group I: 12 weeks BM-MSCs, 5–6 × 107 Radiography, manual TCP/HA achieved Shamsul
lateral spinal Cell-seeded hydroxyapatite (HA), palpation, histology, superior lumbar et al. (2014)
fusion hydroxyapatite; at L-L2; tricalcium scanning electron inter-transverse fusion
(three-level group II: Cell-seeded phosphate (TCP) microscopy compared to HA but
bilateral HA/tricalcium autograft had best fusion
postero- phosphate at L2–L3;
lateral autograft at L5–L6)
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

Table 7.4 (continued)

Model defect
size/study Cell dose/
Model type Number of animals period Biomaterial used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Sinus 16 animals (ficoll 8 and BM-MSCs, bone – Histological and The approach of using Ardjomandi
augmentation density isolated MSCs, 16 weeks marrow aspirate, histomorphometrical, BBM and MSCs in et al. (2015)
n = 8; bone marrow bovine bone mineral CT combination with fibrin
aspirate, n = 8) adhesive was sufficient
for new bone formation
as the FICOLL
experiment indicated.
However, due to
significantly lower cell
numbers isolated using
the BMAC in sheep, less
new bone was formed in
the test arm
Critical sized 24 animals 12 months Allogeneic 100 × 106 cells Biomechanical testing Improved bone Berner et al.
tibial defect (polycaprolactone- BM-MSCs, PCL/HA and micro-CT, regeneration in cell/ (2015)
(3 cm, plate hydroxyapatite scaffold (4 weeks after defect histology and scaffold group
stabilized) (PCL/HA), n = 8; PCL/ surgery) immune- comparable to autograft
HA + 100x106, n = 8; histochemistry, group
autologous bone defect, scanning electron
n = 6) microscopy
Segmental 15 animals (n = 5 12 and Autologous 25–30 × 106 Computed and Complete bone healing in Gallego
mandibular control, serum scaffold; 32 weeks BM-MSCs and micro-CT treatment group was et al. (2015)
bone defect n = 10 treatment: cell + autologous serum observed at 12 and
scaffold) scaffold 32 weeks but only at
32 week in control
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal
Lumbar 36 animals [n = 8 16 weeks Allogeneic 2.5 × 106; Plain radiography, CT, No adverse reaction to Wheeler
interbody cortico-cancellous BM-MSCs, scaffold 6.25 × 106; histopathology, cell implantation. The et al. (2016)
spine fusion autograft; n = 8 in (hydroxyapatite, 12.5 × 106 histomorphometric cell/scaffold implantation
lower concentration tricalcium phosphate and biomechanical achieved similar or better
(2.5 × 106) cell group; and type I collagen) competency fusion as that of autograft
n = 8 in medium after 16 weeks
cell concentration
(6.25 × 106) group;
n = 8 in higher
cell concentration
(12.5 × 106) group]
Tibial (2 10 (n = 8 defects 2 and Autologous 2 × 106 seeded on Macroscopy, Tibial bone is Lovati et al.
holes each in per animals, group I: 4 months osteodifferentiated scaffold radiography, characterized by limited (2016)
right and left) Scaffold without cells; BM-MSCs +  micro-CT and repair capability as
and femoral group II: Scaffold hydroxyapatite histology compared to femur in
defects (2 seeded with cells in which cell implantation
holes each in static conditions; group is not crucial. Dynamic
right and left) III: Scaffold seeded cell-loaded implants
(8 mm with cells in dynamic performed better
diameter and conditions; group IV: compared to groups I and
4 mm deep) Control empty defects) II

7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
Table 7.4 (continued)

Model defect
size/study Cell dose/
Model type Number of animals period Biomaterial used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Osteoporotic 8 animals 10 months AD-MSCs, strontium – Histological, cSrHA along with MSCs Chandran
bone model hydroxyapatite histomorphometry, enhanced osteogenic et al. (2017)
(ovariectomy (SrHA) micro-CT and ability with mature
induced, elemental analysis lamellar bone formation
12 mm × 4 mm as compared to bare HA,
defect size) SrHA and tissue
engineered HA implanted
Histomorphometry data
substantiated improved
osteogenesis on par with
material resorption, as
cSrHA implanted group
exhibited highest
regeneration ratio.
Density histograms from
micro-CT further
signified the enhanced
osteointegrative ability of
cSrHA implants. The
therapeutic potential of
cSrHA in osteoporotic
bone healing and
proposes the use of
allogeneic AD-MSCs for
fabricating “off the shelf
tissue engineered
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 123

2016). Thus, ex vivo cell compatible tissue engineered constructs may not necessar-
ily prove useful under in vivo environment.

7.7.4 Tendon Defects

The tendons and ligaments have limited ability to self-heal due to low cell concen-
tration and associated low matrix turnover. For proper functioning, the healed tissue
should be free of adhesions (Gugjoo et al. 2018a). Healing potential of stem cells
has been studied in various types of sheep tendon models. An improved healing but
variably has been demonstrated (Table 7.5).
MSCs from bone marrow (Crovace et al. 2008; Lacitignola et al. 2014), amniotic
fluid (Colosimo et al. 2013), and peripheral blood (Martinello et al. 2013) has been
demonstrated to improve tendon healing in sheep collagenase-induced Achilles and
digital flexor tendinitis, respectively. Tissue remodelling and improved structural
organization was observed in healed tendons (Martinello et al. 2013). Even mono-
nuclear cells (MNCs) too had improved tendon healing (Crovace et  al. 2008).
BM-MSCs implanted locally were demonstrated to survive up to 6  weeks and
engraft efficiently (Colosimo et al. 2013; Lacitignola et al. 2014). MSCs and MNCs
had shown comparable fibre and extracellular matrix restoration in treated tendons
(Table  7.5). However, the CD34 positive cells were highly appreciable in the
BM-MNCs treated cases (Crovace et al. 2008). Similarly, PB-MSCs implantation in
sheep digital flexor tendon (DFT) model had improved the healing of tendon.
MSCs from amnion (Am-MSCs) together with scaffold had improved diaphrag-
matic tendon repair. The repaired tendon tissues had better functional and mechani-
cal parameters in comparison to the tendons treated with acellular grafts (Fuchs
et  al. 2004; Turner et  al. 2011). Implantation of MSCs along with demineralised
bone matrix in a sheep tendon-bone defect model also had promoted healing. Tissue
repaired with MSCs laden on allogeneic graft had better mechanical and histologi-
cal properties as compared to that of the xenogeneic graft assembly (Thangarajah
et al. 2016).

7.7.5 Cardiac Ailments

Sheep outperform other species as cardiovascular model animal (DiVincenti et al.

2014). Among various implantation routes, intracoronary implantation of alloge-
neic BM-MSCs had been demonstrated to be safe with marked efficacy in sheep
model of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) (Table 7.6) (Zhao et al. 2012; Houtgraaf
et  al. 2013). 3-D echo guided intramyocardially delivered BM-MSCs also offer
safety with better results (Cheng et al. 2013). Intra-myocardial BM-MSCs delivery
in MI however, may attain therapeutic threshold. The higher cell concentration may
not always be useful rather might further damage the area (Dixon et  al. 2009;
Hamamoto et al. 2009).
Table 7.5  In vivo preclinical experimental tenogenic mesenchymal stem cell studies in sheep

defect size/ Cell dose/
Model type Number of animals study period Biomaterial used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Tendinitis of 30 (n = 6 each 8 weeks BM-MSCs, 1.1 × 106 ± 1.4 × 105 Histomorphology, BM-MSCs and Crovace
the Achilles group: BM-MSCs; after BM-MNCs and (MSCs); immuno-­ BM-MNCs showed et al. (2008)
tendon BM-MNCs; fibrin; treatment fibrin glue after 101 × 106 ± 26 × 106 histochemistry of similar restoration of
(collagenase-­ saline; sham 2 weeks of (MNCs) collagen type I, III, the architecture of
induced) control) induced cartilage fibres and extra
tendinitis Oligomeric matrix cellular matrix
protein (COMP) (ECM), with a high
and CD34 positive expression of
cells expression collagen type I and
COMP and a very
low expression of
collagen type III in
treated tendons. The
presence of CD34
positive cells was
appreciable in the
BMMNC group
while few cBMSC
showed this cluster
of differentiation,
not expressed in
tendons treated with
fibrin or saline
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal
Deep digital 18 animals (groups 30 and Autologous PRP Clinical, Significant Martinello
flexor tendons 1 and 4 received 120 days PB-MSCs, PRP, (882 ± 199 × 103/ ultrasonographic, differences were et al. (2013)
lesions injections of 1 ml of hyaluronic acid ml); MSCs histology, found between
(bilateral) PRP into the (only left limb (10 × 106) immuno- treated groups and
tendon; groups 2 lesions treated histochemical their corresponding
and 5 1 ml of while expression controls (placebo)
PRP + autologous contralateral limb regarding tendon
MSCs; groups 3 and served as control) morphology and
6 received extracellular matrix
autologous (ECM) composition.
PB-MSCs in 1 ml of However, our results
hyaluronic acid) indicate that the
combined use of
PRP and MSCs did
not produce an
additive or
response and
highlighted the
predominant effect
of MSCs on tendon
healing, enhanced
tissue remodelling
and improved
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

Table 7.5 (continued)

defect size/ Cell dose/
Model type Number of animals study period Biomaterial used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Tendinitis of 9 animals 3, 4 and Allogeneic 6 × 107 after Evaluation for BM-MSCs into Lacitignola
the Achilles (BM-MSCs/fibrin 6 weeks BM-MSC 2 weeks morphology, tendon lesions had et al. (2014)
tendon glue, n = 9; fibrin (transfected with collagen I positive effects on
(collagenase- glue, n = 9) red fluorescent deposition and the injured tendons.
induced, protein), fibrin presence of The BM-MSCs
bilateral) glue CD34 + cells survived at three,
four and 6 weeks
after treatment.
These cells enhanced
quality healing of
tendons as compared
to the controls,
where no labelled
cells were detected.
Interestingly, we
demonstrated high
expression of
CD34+ cells in
tendons that had
been treated with
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal
Tendon defect 10 animals 6, 9 and BM-MNCs – Force plate Allograft was Thangarajah
model of (cells + Xenogenic 12 weeks analysis, CT, associated with et al. (2016)
retraction demineralised bone histology significantly higher
matrix, n = 5; weight bearing as
cells + allogeneic compared to
demineralised bone xenograft. Greater
matrix, n = 5) remodelling of
demineralised bone
matrix into tendon
like tissue at defect
area and more direct
type of enthesis
characterized by
significantly more
fibrocartilage. No
failure of tendon-
bone healing was
noted in either group
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
Table 7.5 (continued)

defect size/ Cell dose/
Model type Number of animals study period Biomaterial used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Lesion of 50 (group 1: 1 day, and Magnetic 5 × 106 MRI, histology Cell treated limbs Khan et al.
lateral branch Sacrificed at 1 day 1–2, 4 12 iron-oxide and flow indicated cellular (2018)
of the ovine (n = 2), treated with and nanoparticles cytometry distribution
deep digital MION-labelled 24 weeks labelled throughout the
flexor tendon MSCs. Group 2: autologous tendon synovial
(lateral Sacrificed BM-MSCs sheath but restricted
border) 1–2 weeks (n = 4), (implanted to the synovial
three sheep treated 2 weeks after tissues, with no
with MION-labelled lesion) MSCs detected in
MSCs and one the tendon or
sheep with surgical lesion. The
PBS. Group 3: lesion was
4 weeks (n = 12), associated with
six sheep treated negligible morbidity
with non-labelled with minimal
MSCs and six sheep inflammation
with PBS. Group 4: post-surgery.
12 weeks (n = 16), Evaluation of both
eight sheep treated cell treated and
with non-labelled control lesions
MSCs and eight showed no evidence
sheep with of healing of the
PBS. Group 5: lesion at 4, 12 and
24 weeks (n = 16), 24 weeks on gross
eight sheep treated and histological
with non-labelled examination
MSCs and eight
sheep with PBS)
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal
Table 7.6  In vivo preclinical mesenchymal stem cell studies on cardiac/arterial models in sheep
Number of Model defect Cell dose/
Model type animals size/study period Biomaterial used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Foetal cardiac 21 animals Analysis done at GFP transducted – Immuno-­ Cells were detected in 20/21 foetal Airey et al.
development 115–131 days of MSCs from histochemistry hearts. At least 10 areas of cell (2004)
(intraperitoneal gestation (appx human BM, engraftment were reported. Human
implantation of 50–55 days later) foetal brain and areas represented 43.2% areas of
MSCs into sheep liver the total Purkinje fibre areas. No
foetus at difference in engraftment could be
55–62 days of observed based on cell type.
gestation) ~0.01% cardiomyocytes were from
human origin in sheep foetal heart.
In conclusion, stem cells take part
in development of heart
Myocardial 47 animals (group 8 weeks Stro-3 positive 25 × 106; Echocardiography, End diastolic volume increased in Dixon et al.
infarction I: 25 million cells, cells derived 75 × 106; histology, collagen all groups but in group I and II, it (2009)
(coronary n = 7; group II: 75 from BM 225 × 106; content and MMPs was attenuated. ICTP, an index of
ligation) Million cells, 450 × 106 level of collagen degradation was more in
n = 7; group III: (injected at myocardium group I. Matrix metalloproteinases
225 Million cells, border zone (MMPs) were higher in group I as
n = 10; group IV: after 1 h) compared to other groups
450 Million cells, including group V
n = 8; group V:
Free media group)
Transmural 46 animals (group 4 and 8 weeks Stro-3 positive 25 × 106; Echocardiography, No evidence of myocardial Hamamoto
myocardial I: 25 million cells, cells derived 75 × 106; CD31 and α smooth regeneration. Low dose cell groups et al. (2009)
infarction n = 7; group II: 75 from BM 225 × 106; muscle actin had better ejection fraction and
(coronary Million cells, 450 × 106 immune- CD31 and α smooth muscle actin
ligation) n = 7; group III: (injected at histochemistry immune-­histochemistry showed
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

225 million cells, border zone increased vascular density at

n = 10; group IV: after 1 h) border zone
450 Million cells,
n = 8; group V:
Free media group)

Table 7.6 (continued)

Number of Model defect Cell dose/

Model type animals size/study period Biomaterial used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Myocardial 10 animals (MSCs 12 weeks Allogeneic 2 × 108 (six Histology, Remodelling and contractile strain Zhao et al.
infarction (MI) treated, n = 5; MI BM-MSCs injections each determination of alteration was reduced in cell (2012)
only, n = 5) containing apoptosis, Western treated cases. Cardiomyocyte
3.33 × 107) blot, determination hypertrophy was significantly
of SERCA2a attenuated with normalization of
activity and calcium hypertrophy of related signalling
uptake proteins like phosphatidylinositol
3-kinase-α (PI3K- α), PI3K-γ,
extracellular signal-related kinase
(ERK), phosphorylated ERK as
compared to control. Imbalance of
calcium handling proteins was
prevented by MSCs. Upregulation
of pro-apoptotic protein BCL-2
was normalized, apoptosis of
cardiomyocyte was reduced and
there was less fibrosis
Chronic 39 animals 8 weeks after Allogeneic 25 × 106; Histological, Highest cell dose lead to Cheng et al.
myocardial injury (n = 10: 25 × 106; study design MSCs 75 × 106; echocardiography incremental increase in ejection (2013)
(anterior wall n = 9: 75 × 106; 225 × 106 fraction and wall thickening in
myocardial n = 10: 225 × 106; infarct and border zones as
infarction) n = 10 non- compared to control. Highest
conditioned density of arteriole density in
control media) infarct and border zone in highest
cell treated as compared to control
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal
Acute myocardial 68 [(34 died and 4 8 weeks Mesenchymal 12.5 × 106; Invasive Global left ventricular ejection Houtgraaf
infarction died at 8 weeks); precursor cells 25 × 106; haemodynamics, fraction as measured by et al. (2013)
placebo (10 37.5 × 106 echocardiography pressure–volume loop analysis
animals); 12.5 (7 deteriorated in controls to
animals); 25 (7 40.7 ± 2.6% after 8 weeks. In
animals); 37.5 (6 contrast, MPC treatment improved
animals) million cardiac function to 52.8 ± 0.7%.
cells] Echocardiography revealed
significant improvement of both
global and regional cardiac
functions. Infarct size decreased by
40% in treated sheep, whereas
infarct and border zone thickness
were enhanced. Left ventricular
adverse remodelling was abrogated
by MPC therapy, resulting in a
marked reduction of left
ventricular volumes. Blood vessel
density increased by >50% in the
infarct and border areas.
Compensatory cardiomyocyte
hypertrophy was reduced in border
and remote segments, accompanied
by reduced collagen deposition and
apoptosis. No microinfarctions in
remote myocardial segments or
histological abnormalities in
unrelated organs were found
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
Table 7.6 (continued)

Number of Model defect Cell dose/

Model type animals size/study period Biomaterial used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Acute myocardial 32 animals (n = 8 1 month VEGF 2 × 107 Magnetic 31% decrease in infarct size post Locatelli
infarction each in transfected transfected resonance, treatment. Myocardial salvage et al. (2015)
(anteroapical) MSCs treated; BM-MSCs echocardiography occurred mostly at
MSCs treated and (1 week after subendocardium level. Ejection
PBS injected; defect) fraction recovered to baseline
VEGF treated value. All these effects were
groups) predominantly observed in
transfected MSCs treated animals
Acute myocardial 10 animals (n = 5: 1 month Human MSCs 1 × 106 cells Echocardiography Cell treated animals had significant Dayan et al.
infarction MSCs; n = 5: PBS per kg body and perfusion improvement in myocardial (2016)
(diagonal branch) control) weight scintigraphy perfusion compared with baseline
measurements. No change in
ventricular dimensions in either
Acute myocardial 18 animals 2 months Allogeneic 2 × 107 Cardiac magnetic Infarct volume decreased and Hnatiuk
infarction (control, PBS human (BM-MSCs); resonance, increased ejection fraction with et al. (2016)
(anterior apical n = 6; transfected hypoxia- 2x107 echocardiography, transfected BM-MSCs compared
infarct) BM-MSCs, n = 6; inducible factor (transfected histology to BM-MSCs was seen on cardiac
BM-MSCs, n = 6) 1-α transfected BM-MSCs) magnetic resonance and
BM-MSCs, echocardiography. Histology
simple showed improved angio/
BM-MSCs arteriogenesis in transfected cell
group. In control neither parameter
Acute myocardial 18 animals (MSCs 2 months BM-MSCs and 27 × 106 Echocardiography, Cell treated groups showed Rabbani
infarction treated group, endothelial cells (MSCs); electron significant improvement in ejection et al. (2017)
n = 6; endothelial 27 × 106 (ECs) microscopy and fraction as compared to control.
cell (ECs) treated, immune- Vascular density also improved
n = 6; control, histochemistry with cardiomyocytes in variable
n = 6) stages of development
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal
Pulmonary artery 7 animals 2 and 6 weeks Autologous 2 × 105 MSCs Histology and One week after implantation, Mendelson
patching (1–2 weeks, n = 4; MSCs and and 2 × 106 immune- seeded patches had surface et al. (2007)
4–6 weeks, n = 3) endothelial EPCs per histochemistry thrombus formation and
progenitor cells square macrophage infiltration. Seeded
(EPCs) seeded centimetre. patches implanted for 2 weeks
onto poly-4- showed granulation tissue, early
hydroxybutyrate pannus formation, macrophages,
(P4HB)-coated foreign body giant cells around
polyglycolic acid disintegrating polymer and early
(PGA) nonwoven angiogenesis (microvessel
biodegradable formation). After 4 weeks in vivo,
mesh scaffolds seeded patches contained
(10 × 20 mm) glycosaminoglycans, collagen and
coverage of the luminal surface by
host artery-derived pannus
containing α-SMA-positive cells
and laminated elastin; polymer
scaffold degradation was almost
complete with replacement by
fibrous tissue containing viable
Carotid artery 7 animals (n = 4, 2 and 5 months BM-MSCs SMCs Histology, Tissue engineered blood vessels Zhao et al.
resection treated with cells/ differentiated (2 × 107) in immuno- (TEBVs) were patent, anti- (2010)
(40 mm) scaffold and each smooth muscle collagen gel histochemistry, thrombotic and stable up to
2 animals like cells (SMCs) and ECs electron 5 months. TEBVs had smooth
evaluated at and endothelial (1 × 107) microscopy muscle, endothelium and collagen
2 month and cells (ECs) implanted on and elastin at both the time points
5 month; control, decellularized (2 and 5 months). Non-seeded
n = 3) scaffold grafts occluded within 2 weeks
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

Table 7.6 (continued)

Number of Model defect Cell dose/

Model type animals size/study period Biomaterial used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Surgical resection 24 animals (n=6 24 weeks (each Human 104 Graft explanation, PVA/dx grafts could maintain Alexandre
of carotid artery animals, groups animal sacrificed WJ-MSCs along Doppler studies, similar or higher patency rate, et al. (2014)
(5 cm) implanted either at 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 with polyvinyl histopathology, systolic/diastolic laminar blood
with PVA/dx and 24 weeks) alcohol and immune- flow velocities comparable to
along with MSCs dextran (PVA/dx; histochemistry, PTFE grafts. CD12 and α-actin
or with cells and 90/10 v/v) scanning electron staining presented similar results in
anticoagulant or microscopy, digital PVA/dx/MSCs and PTFE groups.
PTFE graftsRx) image analysis Fibrosis layer was lower and
endothelial cells were only
detected at graft artery transitions
near the MSCs implantation sites
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 135

The infusion rate may also affect the results. In normal heart, 1.25 million cells
per minute had appeared safer as compared to the 2.5 million cells that had led to
the myocardial necrosis. In an infarcted myocardium, MSCs at the rate of 01 million
cells/min had led to sluggish coronary flow after 25 million cell implantation while
the cell implantation at 0.5 million cells had led to sluggish flow after 40 million
dose (Houtgraaf et al. 2013).
Intraperitoneal implantation of xenogeneic MSCs from BM, foetal liver at
55–62 days of gestation had engrafted into heart and exhibited properties of various
cardiac cells (Airey et al. 2004). These xenogenic MSCs too had enhanced myocar-
dial perfusion although without any significant effect on ejection fraction (Dayan
et al. 2016). To evaluate long term effects of MSCs extended studies are desired.
Bone marrow implantation may not be feasible option to treat myocardial infarction
(Bel et al. 2003).
Even transfection of MSCs with some specific factors may improve their healing
potential. Among notable options are hypoxia-inducible factor 1-α (HIF1-α) and
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). BMSCs transfected with these factors
had significantly reduced infarct size in a sheep acute myocardial infarction (AMI)
model. Improved results might have been due to enhanced angio−/arteriogenesis
through cell paracrine secretion (Locatelli et al. 2015; Hnatiuk et al. 2016).
Apart from myocardial repair, MSCs have been evaluated in skeletal and blood
vessel repair. MSCs had significantly improved rotator muscle cuff repair irrespec-
tive of their source. Experimental muscles had increased contraction force, vascu-
larity, and increased myocyte concentration over adipocytes (Coleman et al. 2011).
For blood vessel repair, MSCs have been employed along with tissue engineered
scaffold patches (Mendelson et al. 2007; Zhao et al. 2010). The cell-seeded scaffold
patches implanted in sheep pulmonary artery had remodelled to a layered and viable
tissue. The tissue had been well integrated into the native arterial wall. The key
remodelling processes included are intimal overgrowth at the luminal surface (pan-
nus formation; neointima) and granulation tissue formation, and fibrosis with for-
eign body reaction (Mendelson et al. 2007). MSCs laden tissue engineered blood
vessels (TEBVs) had also been implanted in case of carotid artery resection model.
The constructs were patent, anti-thrombotic and stable up to 5 months. TEBVs had
smooth muscle, endothelium and collagen and elastin up to 5 months. Non-seeded
grafts contrarily were occluded within 2 weeks (Zhao et al. 2010).

7.7.6 Nervous System

MSCs may trans-differentiate into neuron-like and/glial-like cells, in addition to

PAX3 expressing progenitor cells (Chen et  al. 2001; Ceccarelli et  al. 2015). The
differentiated cell functionality remains controversial (Przyborski et al. 2008). Due
to these properties MSCs have been evaluated in various nerve ailments as detailed
in Table 7.7. Additionally MSCs carry potential to be evaluated for scrapie and post
hypoxia sequelae of brain (Mediano et al. 2015a, b; Ophelders et al. 2016).
Table 7.7  In vivo preclinical experimental studies of mesenchymal stem cell studies on neurological ailments in sheep

Number of defect size/ Biomaterial Cell dose/
Model type animals study period used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Radial and tibial 7 animals 3 and BM-MSCs, 30–50 × 106 Histological, At 3 months period Casañas
nerve resection (MSCs +  6 months repairmen with immuno-­ results were not good. At et al. (2014)
(1 cm) scaffolds) Neurolac™ histochemistry and 6 months results showed
biocamera Morphometry significantly myelined
scaffold nerve fibres with
increased conduction as
compared to control in
both radial and tibial
In utero repair of 4 animals (1 case 145 days Placenta 5 × 105 Histology and Increased preservation of Brown et al.
Myelomeningocele treated with term of derived MSCs (early motor assessment spinal cord architecture (2016)
(at 75 days of derived placental pregnancy in collagen gel gestation and large neurons in early
pregnancy) MSCs + foetal at delivery MSCs); gestation MSCs treated
membrane (FM) time 1 × 106 compared to others. The
patch; other (term animal treated with early
with early gestation gestation MSCs was
gestation MSCs) capable of normal
placental ambulation. Limited
MSCs + FM distal motor function in
patch; others
1 case with FM
only; 1 case
with skin closure
Myelomeningocele 12 animals (cell At term Human 5 × 105 Motor functional, Significant and clinically Wang et al.
(created at 75 day of treated, n = 6; (145 days) placental MSCs histological and relevant improvement of (2015)
pregnancy) control, n = 6) immune-­ motor function with
histochemical increased preservation of
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

analysis large neurons with spinal

Foetal 21 animals 25 days Placental Sheep Locomotor Foetal viability of 71% Kabagambe
Myelomeningocele MSCs + rating (SLR) scale (5/8) in group treated et al. (2017)
(created midgestational- porcine small and histology of with cells while only
76–81 days) intestinal spinal cord 17% (1/6) in matrix
derived treated group. SLR and
extracellular large neuron density was
matrix higher in cell treated
animals. The cross
sectional areas of spinal
cord and grey matter
were equally preserved.
Cell treated animals
improve hind limb motor
function in lambs
Global hypoxia-­ 24 animals 7 days Human 4 × 107 Electrophysiological Improved brain function Ophelders
ischemic injury in (sham UCO, BM-MSCs (2 × 107 parameters and by reducing number and et al. (2016)
preterm foetus n = 6; sham derived intrauterine histology of brain duration of seizures and
(umbilical cord UCO and cell extracellular injection by preserving
occlusion, UCO) derived vesicle vesicles twice; one baroreceptor reflex
treatment, n = 6; 1 h after sensitivity. Cerebral
UCO treated UCO and inflammation remained
with saline, other 4 days unaffected
n = 6; UCO with later)
cell derived
treatment, n = 6)
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

Table 7.7 (continued)

Number of defect size/ Biomaterial Cell dose/
Model type animals study period used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Intervertebral disc 8 animals 6, 9 and Allogeneic 1 × 106 Radiography, MRI, Significant improvement Freeman
degeneration (IVD) (MSCs into 12 months BM-MSCs biochemical and in disc height index and et al. (2016)
(Postero-lateral nucleosus 6 months after histology disc height in both cell
annulotomy at 3 pulposus; MSCs defect creation treatment groups at
levels: L3/L4, L4/L5, into annulus 6 months. Mean
L5/L6) fibrosus and Pfirrmann and
phosphate saline histopathological grade
control) improved in cell treated
animals. Spontaneous
repair of antero-lateral
annular lesion in cell
treated groups
Intervertebral disc 45 animals 3 and Allogeneic 1 × 107 Histology and gene MSC treatment prevented Dowdell
degeneration (control n = 10; 6 months BM-MSCs expression increased adipose and et al. (2017)
(antero-lateral early treatment connective tissue
annulus fibrosus group at formation, normally forms
lesion; 20 mm wide 4 weeks after after damage. MSCs
6 mm deep: Lesion at lesion creation, treatment did not prevent
L1–L2, L3–L4 and n = 24; late slow-to-fast muscle fibre
L5–L6) treatment group formation. Alteration in
at 12 weeks, gene expression of
n = 12) pro-­inflammatory
cytokines within the
muscle. Increased
interleukin-1 expression
was reduced by early
MSCs treatment. TNF and
TGF-β1 expression was
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

increased at 6 months
Lumbar disc 18 animals 6 months Pentosan 5 × 105 3 T MRI, standard Both the MSCs- and Daly et al.
herniation (repair by (pMSCs, n = 6; polysulphate-­ radiography, pMSCs-groups exhibited (2018)
microdiscectomy) MSCs, n = 6; primed morphologically, significantly less
control, n = 6) mesenchymal histologically, reduction in disc height
progenitor cells biochemically for and lower Pfirrmann
(pMSCs) and their proteoglycans grades as compared to the
MSCs (PGs), collagen and control, but morphologic
DNA content scores for the pMPC-­
injected discs were
significantly lower. The
PG content of the annulus
Fibrosus injury site
region 1 of pMSCs discs
was significantly higher
than MSCs and injury
control AF1. At the AF1
and contralateral AF2
regions, the DNA content
of pMSCs discs was
significantly lower than
injured control discs and
MSCs-injected discs.
Histologic and
birefringent microscopy
revealed increased
structural organization
and reduced degeneration
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

in pMSC discs as
compared to the MSCs
and controls
140 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

sBM-MSCs may steadily improve radial and tibial nerve repair. Initially up to
3  months poor nerve regeneration and conduction upon MSCs implantation had
been demonstrated. However, later at 6 months period myelinated nerve fibres had
generated both proximally and distally. Further, nerve action potential had also
improved (Casañas et al. 2014).
Amniotic fluid MSCs (AF-MSCs) may improve motor functions and increase
large neuron preservation in spinal cord (Wang et  al. 2015). The early gestation
AF-MSCs in comparison to late stage gestation had better ability to preserve spinal
cord architecture and large neurons in myelomeningocele (MMC). Lambs that
received early gestation cells had normal ambulation while only limited distal motor
function was demonstrated in animals that received late gestation MSCs (Brown
et al. 2016). This questions if MSCs are able to maintain their neural specific prop-
erties with developmental advancement.
MSCs may offer therapeutics in intervertebral disc degeneration (Shamsul et al.
2014). Sheep intervertebral disc disease model treated with BM-MSCs had quantifi-
able improvement at 6 months period. Annulus fibrosis implantation may be better
than nucleus pulposus transplantation (Freeman et al. 2016). Their disc regeneration
potential may be promoted through pentosan polysulphate priming (Daly et al. 2018).
MSCs application in neurological ailments is in infancy and extensive research
studies are desired for any conclusion.

7.7.7 Respiratory and Urinary Systems

Sheep has been used as an animal model for human respiratory ailments. Acute
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in these animals has been created through
endotoxaemia. BM-MSCs or lung derived MSCs in combination with other support
system had better managed the ARDS. The inflammation along with oedema had
subsided post cell implantation (Ingenito et  al. 2012; Asmussen et  al. 2014;
Kocyildirim et al. 2017) (Table 7.8).
MSCs have also been studied in acute renal injuries. The cells had ability to
engraft although without any observable beneficial effect (Behr et al. 2007, 2009)
(Table 7.8).

7.7.8 Reproductive System

As MSCs are able to trans-differentiate into germinal cells, these may be utilized for
in vivo applications. One available study had demonstrated that transdifferentiated
cells carry ability to home to seminiferous tubules of ram testis. Even these cells had
formed colonies at the area (Ghasemzadeh-Hasankolaei et  al. 2015) (Table  7.9).
Initially, it is mandatory to develop differentiation media cocktail that ensures the
typical germ cells properties of transdifferentiated cells. This may be followed by in
vivo studies of these differentiated cells.
Table 7.8  In vivo preclinical experimental mesenchymal stem cell studies on respiratory and renal affections
defect size/ Cell dose/ Evaluation
Model type Number of animals study period Biomaterial used assembly criteria Overall result References
Emphysema 10 animals (control 4 weeks Autologous lung 5–10 × 106 Clinical Cells were well tolerated, Ingenito
scaffold treated n = 5; MSCs + scaffold toxicity, tissue increased perfusion and et al. (2012)
cell treated n = 5) (1% mass (CT), tissue mass as compared
fibrinogen + 20 μg/ lung to control. Histology
ml physiology, confirmed cell retention,
fibronectin + 20 μg/ scintigraphy, increased cellularity and
ml poly-L-lysine) histology extracellular matrix in
cell treated animals
Acute 19 animals (control, 24 h Human BM-MSCs 5 × 106/kg Post-mortem Cells were well tolerated. Asmussen
respiratory PlasmaLyte A, n = 8; (low dose); lung wet-to-­ PaO2/FiO2 ratio was et al. (2014)
distress low dose MSCs, n = 7; 10 × 106/kg dry weight significantly improved in
syndrome high dose MSCs, n = 4) (high dose) ratio, cell treated groups
(ARDS, broncho-­ compared to control.
bacterial alveolar Median lung water
pneumonia) lavage, serum content was significantly
biochemical lower in high cell treated
parameters group than control
Acute 11 animals (control, – BM-MSCs 40 × 106 Blood gas Better histopathologic Kocyildirim
respiratory n = 5; extracorporeal results, changes with less et al. (2017)
distress membrane oxygenation radiography, inflammation in combined
syndrome (ECMO), n = 3; MSCs + histopathology cell and ECMO treated
(Escherichia ECMO, n = 3) group
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

coli exdotoxin
Table 7.8 (continued)

defect size/ Cell dose/ Evaluation
Model type Number of animals study period Biomaterial used assembly criteria Overall result References
Renal ischaemic 24 animals [sham group 3–5 weeks Autologous MSCs 80 × 106 Identification Renal (tubules and Behr et al.
reperfusion (balloon catheterization of engrafted glomeruli) engraftment of (2007)
injury performed but no cell, immune-­ MSCs. MSCs expressed
(percutaneous ischaemic reperfusion phenotype tubular epithelial cell
transluminal injury (IRI), n = 3; control analysis markers and podocyte
placement of group (IRI induced phenotype. Significant
balloon catheter without any cell treatment, increase in engraftment of
in renal artery) n = 3); cell treated but no MSCs was seen when
IRI induced, n = 3; IRI injected immediately than
induced and cells injected at later period
1 h. later, n = 5; IRI
infused and cells infused
2 weeks afterwards. This
group divided into two,
one evaluated at 3 week,
n = 5 and other at 5 week,
n = 5]
Renal ischaemic Sham group; control 7 days BM-MSCs 50 × 106 Immuno-­ Transplanted cells were Behr et al.
reperfusion injected culture medium; phenotypic found in glomeruli but not (2009)
injury (bilateral) cell treated group analysis, renal tubules. Cell did not
(balloon function, express glomerular cell
catheter) histology and markers (podocin and von
urine analysis Willebrand factor).
Functional evaluated
revealed no beneficial
effects of implanted cells.
MSCs failed to repair renal
parenchyma and failed to
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

modulate cell death and

proliferation or cytokine
Table 7.9  In vivo preclinical experimental models of different types in sheep
defect size/ Biomaterial Cell dose/
Model type Number of animals study period used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Intraperitoneal 7 animals 2 weeks Autologous 1 × 105 to PCR, western Liver, heart, placenta, Shaw et al.
implantation of amniotic fluid 1.8 × 107 blotting, umbilical cord, (2011)
MSCs (76 days) MSCs cytofluorometry, adrenal gland and
immunofluorescence muscle
Transverse 10 animals (2 wounds 7–14 days GFP 3.22– Histomorphologic, Covered wounds Klien et al.
subtotal ear in each animal covered prior to term transfected 4.32 × 109 collagen and carry significantly (2011)
resection at and uncovered) autologous (implanted hyaluronan content lower healing rate
123.4 ± 2.3 days amniotic-­ in compared to
(intact cartilage MSCs amniotic non-covered.
left to heal by cavity) Significantly lower
second intention) elastin levels in
non-covered wounds.
difference in
hyaluronic acid
levels in wound types
In vivo testicular 4 animals (n = 2 2 months In vitro MSCs 15– Histological study TGF-β transformed Ghasamzadeh-­
homing and animals in each derived 20 × 106 group exhibited Hasankolaei
colony formation treatment group; 3 of germ-like cell highest efficiency of et al. (2015)
of in vitro MSCs the 4 testis were treated through 14 day homing and colony
derived with treated cells and treatment of formation followed
germ-like cells one non-injected retinoic acid; by 21 day treatment
7  Sheep Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

control; 2 testis of lamb 21 day of retinoic acid.

also as control. One treatment of 14 day treatment of
testis treated with retinoic acid; retinoic acid
undifferentiated MSCs transforming exhibited lowest
and other with only growth homing and colony
medium factor-β formation
144 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

7.8 Conclusion(s)

sMSCs isolation and characterization process is similar to that of other species.

sMSCs characteristics are source dependant and are also affected by donor age and
health status. A good amount of literature on sMSCs human translational studies on
bone, skin, osteochondral and cardiovascular system could be observed. These cells
had offered promising therapeutic effects although further extensive studies are
desired for their actual utility. Additionally, inadequate MSCs studies on reproduc-
tive, nervous, respiratory and urinary system models have  failed to provide any

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Goat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic
Research and Potential Applications 8
M. B. Gugjoo, Amar Pal, M. R. Fazili, R. A. Shah, M. S. Mir,
and G. T. Sharma


Innumerable goat MSC studies focussing on their culture properties in relation to

their therapeutic properties have been conducted. The direct translation of ex vivo
results into the in  vivo application, however, remains distant. Goat MSCs
(gMSCs) have been studied from various tissue sources, and their therapeutic
evaluation in experimental models has been conducted mostly in relation to
humans. Most of these experimental studies have favoured their applications.
The current chapter details gMSCs sources, their characterization, and potential
therapeutic applications.

M. B. Gugjoo (*) · M. R. Fazili

Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex, FVSc & AH, SKUAST-Kashmir,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
A. Pal
Division of Surgery, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, UP, India
R. A. Shah
Division of Animal Biotechnology, FVSc & AH, SKUAST-K,
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
M. S. Mir
Directorate of Extension Education, SKUAST-K, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
e-mail: [email protected]
G. T. Sharma
Division of Physiology & Climatology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Izatnagar, UP, India

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to 153
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
M. B. Gugjoo, A. Pal (eds.), Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Veterinary Sciences,
154 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

8.1 Introduction

There exists a considerable body of literature that has focussed on goat mesenchy-
mal stem cells (gMSCs) properties to be translated to their therapeutic applications.
An understanding of the basic cellular physiological properties, although currently
very limited, may pave the way for their applications in veterinary medicine.
Utilization of goat as translational animal model and application of gMSCs in these
models has been aimed to provide further incites on stem cell applications in human
medicine. The current chapter focuses on the gMSCs culture characteristics and
their in vivo applications.

8.2 In Vitro Studies

8.2.1 Sources of gMSCs

In comparison to other species, gMSCs have been harvested from a limited number
of tissue/organs. gMSCs from adult tissue organs and foetal membranes are enlisted
in Table 8.1.

8.2.2 Characterization of gMSCs

gMSCs are characterized as per the standard criteria given for human and as fol-
lowed by other species. gMSCs attach to the plastic surfaces and appear spindle-­
shaped fibroblasts. Short or long spindle size at various passages may be seen as has
been reported for goat umbilical cord MSCs (gUC-MSCs). These cells may self-­
renew and grow as colonies for certain passages (Martins et al. 2017). The surface
marker expression in general follows pattern as per standard recommendations
(Table 8.1). However, weak expression of markers like CD90, CD166, and CD105
has also been reported in few studies (Knippenberg et al. 2005; Ghaneialvar et al.
2018). In addition to the surface markers, gMSCs express pluripotency markers
(Table 8.1) and have been demonstrated to show plasticity and undergo extended
differentiation into putative germ cells and myocyte-like cells (Tripathi et  al.
2010;Li et al. 2017; Zhang et al. 2019).

8.2.3 Donor Tissue Source and gMSCs

Donor tissue determines the gMSCs initial concentration and the ability to prolif-
erate and differentiate. Additionally, available culture environment too affects
gMSCs characteristics. Bone tissue (ilium bone) in comparison to bone marrow
may provide a higher yield (Akram et al. 2017). The presence of the periosteal
layer (inner cambium) in bone chip may have led to the higher cell yield. gMSCs
tend to proliferate for certain passages (p  20) beyond which these become
8  Goat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 155

Table 8.1  Mesenchymal stem cell sources and characterization in goats

Positive markers markers Differentiation potential References
Adipose tissue MSCs (AD-MSCs)
CD166 (30%), CD105 (35%) – Osteoblasts Knippenberg et al.
CD166 (30%), CD105 (35%) – Osteoblasts Knippenberg et al.
CD44, CD106, Vimentin CD34, Adipogenic Wang et al. (2018)
Amniotic fluid MSCs (Am-MSCs)
CD-73, CD-90 and CD-105, CD34 Adipogenic, Pratheesh et al.
Oct-4, Nanog, Sox-2, SSEA-1, chondrogenic, and (2013)
SSEA-4 osteogenic
CD73, CD90 and CD105 CD34 Adipogenic, Somal et al.
Pluripotency markers (Oct4, chondrogenic, and (2016, 2017)
Sox2, Nanog, KLF, cMyc, osteogenic
Amniotic sac MSCs (AS-MSCs)
CD73, CD90 and CD105 CD34 Adipogenic, Somal et al.
Pluripotency markers (Oct4, chondrogenic, and (2016, 2017)
Sox2, Nanog, KLF, cMyc, osteogenic
Bone marrow MSCs (BM-MSCs)
SH4, CD44 CD34, Adipogenic, Murphy et al.
CD14 chondrogenic, and (2003)
CD44, CD29, CD90, CD166, CD45 Adipogenic, osteogenic Zhang et al.
OCT4, Nanog (2006)
Oct-3/4, PCNA, Ck-Pan, – – da Silva Filho
vimentin and Nanog et al. (2014)
CD44 CD45 Adipogenic, Kwong et al.
chondrogenic, and (2014)
CD29, CD90 CD34, Adipogenic, Elkhenany et al.
CD45 chondrogenic, and (2015)
CD90, CD105 and CD73, CD45 Adipogenic, Mohamad-Fauzi
OCT4 chondrogenic, and et al. (2015)
CD105, CD90 CD34, Adipogenic, Murphy et al.
CD45 chondrogenic, and (2003)
– – Adipogenic, Burdzinska et al.
chondrogenic, and (2017)
CD73, CD105, Stro-1 CD34 Adipogenic, Pratheesh et al.
chondrogenic, and (2017)
156 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

Table 8.1 (continued)
Positive markers markers Differentiation potential References
CD29, CD44 CD34 – Xu et al. (2017)
CD44 and CD166, CD105, CD34, – Ghaneialvar et al.
CD90 (weak expression) CD45 (2018)
Cord blood MSCs (CB-MSCs)
CD73, CD90 and CD105 CD34 Adipogenic, Somal et al.
Pluripotency markers (Oct4, chondrogenic, and (2016, 2017)
Sox2, Nanog, KLF, cMyc, osteogenic
Deciduous teeth MSCs (Dt-MSCs)
CD29, CD146 – Osteogenic Zhao et al. (2017)
Endometrium MSCs (End-MSCs)
– – Adipogenic, Tamadon et al.
chondrogenic, and (2017)
Skeletal muscle MSCs (S-MSCs)
– – Osteocytes, adipocytes, Tripathi et al.
and myogenic (2010)
Umbilical cord MSCs (UC-MSCs)
CD73, Thy-1, CD105 CD34 Adipogenic, osteogenic Kumar et al.
CD90, CD105, CD44 CD34 Adipogenic, Martins et al.
chondrogenic, and (2017)
CD90, CD105 CD34, Adipogenic,
CD44 chondrogenic, and
Wharton’s jelly MSCs (WJ-MSCs)
CD-73, STRO-1, CD-105 CD34 Adipogenic, Pratheesh et al.
chondrogenic, and (2014)
CD73, CD90 and CD105 CD34 Adipogenic, Somal et al.
Pluripotency markers (Oct4, chondrogenic, and (2016, 2017)
Sox2, Nanog, KLF, cMyc, osteogenic
AD-MSCs adipose-derived MSCs, AF-MSCs amniotic fluid-derived MSCs, AS-MSCs amniotic
sac-derived MSCs, BM-MSCs bone marrow-derived MSCs, CB-MSCs cord blood-derived MSCs,
Dt-MSCs deciduous teeth-derived MSCs, End-MSCs endometrium-derived MSCs, Skeletal
M-MSCs skeletal muscle-derived MSCs, UC-MSCs umbilical cord-derived MSCs, WJ-MSCs
Wharton’s jelly-derived MSCs

senescent. With each passage, the population doubling time (PDT) tends to
increase (Mohamad-Fauziet al. 2015). Average PDT of gUC-MSCs had increased
from 33.49 h at passage 5 to 34.91 h at passage 12 (Qiuet al. 2012). gMSCs pro-
liferation differences with tissue source also occur. The mean PDT of goat bone
marrow (gBM)-, amniotic fluid (gAF)-, and Wharton’s jelly (gWJ)-derived MSCs
8  Goat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 157

had been 24.94 ± 2.67 h (Eslaminejad et al. 2009); 33.1 h (Pratheesh et al. 2013);
36.06 ± 1.2 h (Pratheesh et al. 2014), respectively, at specific passage. MSCs have
also been harvested from goat foetal adnexa. The cells from particular adnexal
tissues (gWJ-MSCs and goat cord blood-derived MSCs) tend to show faster pro-
liferation as compared to others (gAF-MSCs and amniotic sac-derived MSCs)
(Somal et al. 2016). Additionally, gWJ-MSCs had significantly higher expression
of some of the surface and pluripotency markers as compared to MSCs from other
sources. The expression of few pluripotency markers (Klf and cMyc), however,
had remained comparable between gWJ-MSCs and goat amniotic fluid MSCs
(gAF-MSCs) (Somal et al. 2017).
Self-renewal and differentiation properties of MSCs may be regulated by epigen-
etic modifications. MSCs derived from adipose tissues, bone marrow, and muscle
may not carry identical promoter methylation profiles (Sorensen et al. 2010). The
culture condition sensitivity of gMSCs might change their methylation pattern.
Goat adipose tissue MSCs (gAD-MSCs) tend to undergo higher epigenetic changes
as compared to goat bone marrow (BM)-MSCs (Wang et al. 2017). Likewise gAD-­
MSCs may have superior adipogenic but weaker osteogenic differentiation potential
as compared to musculoskeletal sources like gBM-MSCs (Mohamad-Fauzi et  al.
2015). The upregulation of osteogenic pathways in these cells had been variable;
wap38 MAPK is upregulated in gBM-MSCs while p44/42 MAPK in gAD-MSCs
(Elkhenany et al. 2016). gBM-MSCs tend to undergo low whole genome methyla-
tion as compared to fibroblasts as bone marrow requires cells that have high prolif-
eration ability (Schopet al. 2009).

8.2.4 Reproductive Cyclicity and gMSCs

Reproductive cyclicity too may affect MSCs proliferation. Anestral and cyclic
endometrium-derived MSCs (End-MSCs) at passage 4 had 40.6 h and 53 h PDT,
respectively (Tamadon et  al. 2017). MSCs proliferation in anestrus may be pro-
moted by the available higher concentration of growth factors like basic fibroblast
growth factor (bFGF) and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) in endometrial
tissue (Tamada et al. 2000; Tamadon et al. 2017).

8.2.5 Effect of Donor Age and Health Status on gMSCs

Donor age and type of ailment may also affect MSCs characteristics. MSCs har-
vested from an osteoporotic goat tend to proliferate slowly and show reduced osteo-
genic potential. Such a reduced differentiation potential may be enhanced through
specific scaffold (β-TCP) incorporation (Cao et al. 2012). Ageing tends to decrease
MSCs proliferation and differentiation potential. A single gMSCs study, however,
had failed to demonstrate decrease in such properties with ageing (Vertenten
et al. 2009).
158 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

8.3 Potential In Vivo Applications

Goat has been utilized as the translational model animal for human. As such gMSCs
have been evaluated in various models of different conditions of bone and cartilage,
among others for their therapeutic effects (Gugjoo et al. 2020). To avoid animal suf-
ferings, substitutes like organ culture system are being developed. One of the stud-
ies had shown comparable results in organ culture system and in vivo conditions
with respect to the gAD-MSCs spatial and temporal behaviour (Peeters et al. 2015).
The current chapter, however, focuses on the in  vivo  therapeutic applications
of gMSCs.
MSCs local implantation makes them available to the tissue directly in sufficient
concentrations, while distant sources like intravenous routes may be required in
large quantities for effective utilization. Additionally, intravenous application of
gMSCs may activate disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) cascade and
lead to hypercoagulable state, but the condition is transient (Liao et al. 2017). This
may be due to the MSCs ability to express pro-coagulant factors, which increases as
the cells are culture expanded (Tatsumi et al. 2013; Liao et al. 2017) and can be
controlled by heparin therapy (Liao et al. 2017). The potential therapeutic applica-
tions of gMSCs are discussed below.

8.3.1 Cutaneous Wounds

Cutaneous healing encompasses complex system of organized biological and

molecular events. These events may sometime become disorganized or fail to occur
as seen in diabetes or chronic infections (Wu et al. 2007). Extensive tissue damages
too fail to heal or may show delayed healing. This compromises the quality of life
and also decreases production of the animal. MSCs tend to resolve and enhance the
injured tissue healing (Phinney and Prockop 2007). gWJ-MSCs on local implanta-
tion tend to be viable up to day 12 and might promote epithelialization by as early
as day 7. MSCs tend to promote and improve healing through their anti-­inflammatory
activities and secrete paracrine factors that promote granulation tissue formation
with minimal to nil scar tissue formation (Table 8.2) (Azari et al. 2008,2011). MSCs
applications in delayed/non-union wound may be conducted to confirm their utility
in such obstinate cases.

8.3.2 Osteochondral Defects

Goat knee cartilage thickness (0.7–1.5 mm) approximates human knee (2.2–2.5 mm)

cartilage, and as such it is being utilized as translational model animal for MSCs
chondrogenic studies (Frisbie et al. 2006). Even antiangiogenesis factor-transfected
MSCs have been studied for their therapeutic effects in avascular tissues including
hyaline cartilage (Table 8.3) (Sun et al. 2009). The transfected MSCs were equally
viable and had comparable chondrogenic potential to that of non-transfected gMSCs
(Jeng et al. 2010).
Table 8.2  In vivo preclinical experimental mesenchymal stem cell studies on cutaneous wounds in goat
Number of Study Biomaterial Cell dose/
Model type animals period used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Bilateral 5 (right wound 5 weeks WJ-MSCs 9 × 106 Morphometric evaluation, % wound contraction, Azari et al.
cutaneous treated with immunohistochemical epithelialization, and wound healing (2008)
wound on MSCs; left staining (α-smooth muscle were significantly higher in
thoracic wound control) actin) cell-treated wounds as compared to
cavity control
(3 × 3 cm)
Cutaneous 4 (4 wounds, 2 7, WJ-MSCs 3 × 106 Histology Transplanted cells were alive in Azari et al.
wound, 3 cm on each side of 12 days wounds at day 12. At day 7 (2011)
linear thoracic cavity, re-epithelialization was complete in
full-thickness left wound cell-treated wounds while incomplete
skin incision treated with in control. Less inflammation and
MSCs; right thinner granulation tissue with
wounds with minimum scar tissue formation in
PBS) cell-treated group
8  Goat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
Table 8.3  In vivo chondrogenic preclinical experimental mesenchymal stem cell studies in goat

Model defect
Model type Number of animals size/study period Biomaterial used Cell dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Full-thickness 32 (menisci repaired 4 months Autologous 20 × 106 Gross, tensile strength, Statistically Port et al.
meniscal with two vertical BM-MSCs, and histology non-significant (1996)
repair sutures, n = 8; fibrin clot differences in
(0.75 mm) 0.5 mL exogenous healing between
fibrin clot, n = 8; suture repaired and
fibrin fibrin clot repaired
clot + BM-MSCs, groups. Addition of
n = 8; left untreated, MSCs did not
n = 8) enhance menisci
Chronic 24 (6 animals cell 12 and 26 weeks BM-MSCs + 10 × 106 Histochemistry Marked Murphy
model of treated/hyaluronan hyaluronan loaded in regeneration of the et al.
excision of and 3 animals control hyaluronan medial meniscus. (2003)
the medial for 12 weeks Degeneration of the
meniscus and evaluation; 9 animals articular cartilage,
resection of cell treated/ osteophytic
the anterior hyaluronan and 6 remodelling, and
cruciate animals for 26 weeks subchondral
ligament evaluation) sclerosis were
reduced in
cell-treated group
compared to control
at 12 weeks.
However, later the
cell treated and
control had severe
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Mandibular 50 (12 in each group) 3 mm NELL-1 3 × 106 cell Macroscopic, Group I showed Zhu et al.
condyle (group I: NELL-1-­ diameter × 5 mm transfect seeded on histology, and rapid and vigorous (2011)
osteochondral modified BM-MSCs/ depth/6 weeks autologous PLGA immunohistochemistry, healing leading to
defect model PLGA, group II: and 24 weeks BM-MSCs and scaffold micro-CT fibrocartilage
BM-MSCs/PLGA; poly-lactic-co-­ formation at
group III: PLGA polyglycolic acid 6 weeks. At
alone; group IV: scaffold 24 weeks, complete
control) repair of native
articular cartilage
and subchondral
bone at 24 weeks. In
group II: Repaired
completely filled the
defect with
fibrocartilage at
24 weeks, but the
cartilage was less
group I. In groups
III and IV, the
defects were poorly
repaired, and no
cartilage in the
group IV or only
small portion of
cartilage in the
8  Goat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

group III was

Table 8.3 (continued)

Model defect
Model type Number of animals size/study period Biomaterial used Cell dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Full-thickness 8 (16 knees) 5 mm/6 months Chondron 10% Macroscopic and Combination of Bekkers
chondral defect chondron and cell (chondrocytes in chondron/90% microscopic scoring, BM-MSCs and et al.
in medial treatment vs. own matrix) and BM-MSC biochemical analysis,chondrons leads to (2013)
femoral microfracture BM-MSCs combination and histological and significantly better
condyles at a immunohistochemical microscopic,
concentration analyses macroscopic, and
of 1 × 106 biochemical cartilage
cells/mL regeneration
compared to
Osteochondral 8 (group I: Scaffold 5 mm × 3 mm/1 Stromal vascular 5 × 106 (SVF) Macroscopy, Cell-treated groups Jurgens
defects created seeded with cultured month and fraction (SVF), and 5 × 105 immunohistochemistry, had more extensive et al.
in medial AD-MSCs; group II: 4 months AD-MSCs along (AD-MSCs) biomechanical analysis, collagen type II, (2013)
condyles and Scaffold seeded with with collagen seeded on micro-CT analysis, and hyaline-like cartilage,
trochlear SVF cells; group III: type I/III scaffold biochemistry and higher elastic
grooves Acellular scaffold) scaffold moduli, and their
content in the
cartilaginous layer
that approached
native tissue values.
In control, lesser
regenerative effect
was seen. No
difference in healing
was seen between
SVF-treated and
M. B. Gugjoo et al.

Chronic 18 (36 defects) group 5 mm/6 months BM-MSCs 1 × 107 cells Hyaline-like tissue
Macroscopic, histology, Nam et al.
full-thickness I: Bone marrow after biochemical assays with higher (2013)
chondral defect stimulation and 2 weeks (glycosaminoglycans), glycosaminoglycans
in medial BM-MSCs; group II: after bone and gene expressions and chondrogenic
femoral Bone marrow marrow (aggrecan, collagen IIgene expression in
condyles stimulation; group stimulation and Sox9) group I compared to
III: Control for three group II that had
consecutive fibrocartilage.
weeks Lowest healing in
Osteochondral n-12 (TEO cultured 12 and 24 weeks Autologous – Histology and Reparative effects Pei et al.
defect in double-chambered BM-MSCs, immunohistochemistry, of TEO cultured in (2014)
(bilateral, 6 mm bioreactor without β-TCP gross morphology bioreactor were
diameter and mechanical better than control,
12 mm depth) stimulation of and mechanical
stirring, n = 4; stimulation could
stimulation of further improve the
stirring, n = 4; no effects
TEO implantation,
control, n = 4)
8  Goat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
Table 8.3 (continued)

Model defect
Model type Number of animals size/study period Biomaterial used Cell dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Full-thickness 6 (microfracture and 6.5 mm Human 1 × 106 cells Analysis of No significant Zhang
femoral cell/scaffold groups) diameter/6 and WJ-MSCs seeded on inflammatory response, differences between et al.
condyle 9 months seeded in an ACECM magnetic resonance the two groups in (2018)
cartilage acellular imaging, gross immuno-
defects cartilage morphology, histology, inflammatory
extracellular immunohistochemical parameters. MRI
matrix and immunofluorescent demonstrated
(ACECM)- staining, biomechanical higher-quality
oriented scaffold testing, and biochemical cartilage and
quantitative analyses complete
subchondral bone at
defect sites in the
cell-treated group at
9 months.
cartilage, cartilage
lacuna, and collagen
type II levels were
higher in cell-
treated group
compared to the
microfracture, while
the cell-treated
group exhibited a
higher elasticity
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
8  Goat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 165

Various sources like bone marrow- (Murphy et  al. 2003; Bekkers et  al. 2013;
Nam et al. 2013), adipose tissue- (Jurgens et al. 2013), and Wharton’s Jelly- (Zhang
et al. 2018) derived MSCs have been evaluated in osteochondral defect models. The
cells along with various scaffolds like hyaluronan, collagen I/III, natural cartilage
ingredients, and poly lactic co-glycolic acid (PLGA) have been implanted to pre-
vent loss of cells through adverse effects of local environment. An overall
­improvement in osteochondral defect healing have been demonstrated to occur with
MSCs and scaffold implantations (Table 8.3). The improved healing has been char-
acterized by enhanced secretion of cartilage-specific matrices like collagen type II
and glycosaminoglycan. The regenerated hyaline-like cartilage had biomechanical
factors almost comparable to native tissue (Jurgens et al. 2013). These cells tend to
retard degeneration of the articular cartilage and prevent osteophyte formation and
sclerosis of subchondral bone (Murphy et al. 2003). Even mechanical stimulation of
these cells seeded in scaffolds may further enhance their repair potential (Pei
et al. 2014).
The femoral condyle defect-healing potential of MSCs (BM-MSCs or xenogenic
WJ-MSCs) seeded over cartilage extracellular matrix may be better than commonly
used surgical techniques (microfracture and bone marrow stimulation). The healing
had been evaluated utilizing International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) and
O’Driscoll scores, in addition to the expression profile of cartilage-specific genes
(Bekkers et al. 2013; Nam et al. 2013; Zhang et al. 2018). However, no differences
in inflammatory response at the defect site had been demonstrated among the cel-
lular implantation- and surgical techniques-treated animals (Zhang et al. 2018). One
of the studies had failed to demonstrate any significant improvement in meniscal
repair with gBM-MSCs and fibrin clot (Port et al. 1996).
Transfected MSCs may further enhance osteochondral defect healing (Zhu et al.
2011; Wei et  al. 2019). Among various factors, transfection of gBM-MSCs by
NELL-like molecule-1 (Nell-1) seeded on poly lactic co-glycolic acid (PLGA) had
repaired goat mandibular condyle defects by fibrocartilage at 6  weeks and by
24 weeks with native articular cartilage. Simple BM-MSCs and PLGA assembly
had repaired the defect by fibrocartilage even at 24 weeks (Zhu et al. 2011). Nell-1
is a novel growth factor that specifically target cells committed to osteochondral
lineage. Further studies in the area are desired.

8.3.3 Bone Defects

Bone tissue engineering is carried out extensively in humans (Costa-Pinto et  al.
2011). Goat is increasingly being used as human orthopaedic research animal model
(Proffen et al. 2012). Goat and human long bones have approximate size and mac-
rostructure, in addition to the biomechanics and biochemistry (Anderson et al. 1999;
Van Der Donk et al. 2001; Sousa et al. 2015). Furthermore, goat osteoporosis effec-
tively mimics human condition (Cao et al. 2012).
Various goat bone defect models have been created to study MSCs therapeutic
potential (Table  8.4). Variable critical size defects have been created that varied
Table 8.4  In vivo preclinical experimental mesenchymal stem cell studies on osteogenesis in goat

Model defect
Model type Number of animals period Biomaterial used Cell dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Tibial bone defects 26 (BCB + transfected 8 and Biphasic calcined 2 × 108 Histology, 5/8 defects were completely Dai et al.
(2.6 cm) cells, n = 9; β-gal- 26 weeks bone(BCB), biomechanical healed, while 3/8 had partial (2005)
transfected cells + BCB, BMP-2-­transfected examination healed in BCB + transfected
n = 6; BCB + simple BM-MSCs, simple cell-treated group. In other
cells, n = 8, BCB, BM-MSCs experimental groups, slight or no
n = 3) healing was reported
Cranial suture 10 (MSCs, n = 5; PBS, 4 weeks MSCs 5 × 109 SEM and histology The new bone formation at the Shen et al.
distraction n = 5) edge of suture was superior in (2006)
(coronal) (0.4 mm/ cell-treated group than control
day for 8 days)
Bilateral early stage 23 (right and left 16 weeks Bone 1 × 107 Radiography, bone The femoral heads in BMP-2- Tang et al.
osteonecrosis of femoral defect-­treated morphogenetic mineral density, transfected cell-­treated group had (2007)
femoral head BMP-2- and protein-2 histology, and normal density and surface, while
(ligation of lateral β-gal-transfected cells, (BMP-2)- or biomechanical testing those in β-gal-treated cell group
medial circumflex respectively, n = 20; β-galactosidase had low density and irregular
arteries and control, n = 3) (β-gal)-transfected surface. Histologically, lamellar
delivery of liquid BM-MSCs, bone was formed in BMP-2
nitrogen to femoral β-tricalcium cell-treated group, while in β-gal
head, 6-mm defect phosphate (β-TCP) cell-treated group residual fibrous
filled with tissue was formed. The new bone
biomaterials) formed in BMP-2 group had
significantly higher bone as
compared to β-gal. The maximum
compressive strength and Young’s
modulus of repaired tissue in
BMP-2 treated cell group were
similar to normal bone and
significantly higher as compared
to β-gal cell-treated group. In
non-treated group, femoral heads
collapsed at 16 weeks
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Segmental femoral 6 (HASi, n = 4; 4 months BM-MSCs, 1 × 105/ Radiography, Good osteointegration and Nair et al.
defect (2 cm, nail tissue-engineered HASi, triphasic cm2 of micro-CT, histology, osteoconduction were observed in (2009)
stabilized) n = 2) ceramic-coated HASi histomorphometry, TE HASi and HASi. Tissue-
hydroxyapatite scanning electron engineered HASi showed better
(HASi) microscopy, and  and faster performance evident by
inductive couple lamellar bone organization of
plasma spectrometry newly formed bone with the
degradation of material. In HASi
only group, immature interwoven
bony bridges still intermingled
with scattered small remnants of
Bilateral segmental 6 (β-TCP seeded 24 weeks Autologous 2 × 106/ Radiography, histology Significant osteogenic capacity of Wang
tibial defect BM-MSCs cultured in BM-MSCs mL and micro-CT experimental group compared to et al.
(30 mm) dynamic perfusion control. Segmental bone defect (2010)
reactor implanted in left repair by dynamic perfusion
tibia; β-TCP seeded reactor culture MSCs outweigh
BM-MSCs cultured static mode
static implanted in right
Tibial unicortical 8 (4 defects in each 2, 4, 8, and BM-MSCs, β-TCP, – Radiography, Cell survival and proliferation in Vertenten
defect (6 mm) (four tibia; PLA, PLA + cell; 12 weeks methacrylate-­ histology, polymer-substituted bone et al.
defects per tibia) PLA + cells + β-TCP; endcapped histomorphology, and defects was demonstrated. The (2009)
control) poly(D,L-lactide-­ immunohistochemistry incorporation of β-TCP was
Co-έ-caprolactone) associated with less expansion and
growth of MSCs
Non-critical-­sized 8 (autologous 2 and Autologous 4 × 105 Clinical, radiology, Faster bone repair in defects filled Lippens
unicortical tibial BM-MSCs, Pluronic® 4 weeks, 6 BM-MSCs, cultured and histology with hydrogel plus cultiSpher-S et al.
defect model F127 hydrogel; tubular and 8 weeks Pluronic® F127 on carriers in comparison to control. (2010)
8  Goat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

(bilateral, 4 holes, sintered hydroxyapatite) hydrogel, tubular carriers No new bone formation was
6 mm) sintered originating from hydroxyapatite
hydroxyapatite carriers. However, the hydrogels
stimulated the natural repair

Table 8.4 (continued)

Model defect
Model type Number of animals period Biomaterial used Cell dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Segmental tibial 32 (nHACP/CF + cells, 8 weeks Autologous 2 × 106 Radiography, Cell along with scaffold and Liu et al.
defect (25 mm) n = 8; autograft, n = 8; BM-MSCs, histology, and autograft groups had defect (2010)
nHACP/CF, n = 8; nano-­ biomechanics repaired by 8 weeks
control, n = 8) hydroxyapatite/
(L-lactic acid),
PLLA/chitin fibres
Medial femoral 16 (sham, n = 6; β-TCP 16 weeks Autologous – Radiography, CT, MSCs/ β-TCP treated animals had Cao et al.
condyle defect of treated, n = 10; after defect BM-MSCs micro-CT and successful repair of bone defects (2012)
osteoporotic defect BM-MSCs/β-TCP, creation (oestrogen deficient histomorphometry
(oestrogen n = 16) donor), β-TCP
deficiency induced,
0.8-cm diameter
and 8-mm deep
cylindrical defects)
Maxillary sinus 9 (cells/CPC, n = 6; 3 months BM-MSCs, calcium 2 × 107 Micro-CT, histology Group treated with cells/CPC Zou et al.
augmentation CPC alone, n = 6; phosphate and histomorphometry promoted early bone formation (2012)
(bilateral) autogenous graft, n = 6) cement(CPC) and mineralization and maximally
maintain volume and height of
augmented maxillary sinus as
compared to other groups.
Osteointegration was significantly
higher in cells/CPC treated group
as compared to others
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Critical sized femur 12 (right defects treated 8 and Bone marrow – Radiography, CT and Volume of new bone formed in Li et al.
defects (bilateral, with SAP/DBM/BMA, 16 weeks aspirate (BMA), 3D image processing SAP/DBM/BMA assembly (2015)
20 mm) n = 12; left with DBM/ nano-scale techniques implanted bone defects was
BMA, n = 12) self-assembly significantly higher as compared
peptide (SAP) to DBM/MSCs
demineralized bone
matrix (DBM)
Iliac crest defect (4 10 (one defect received 3–12 weeks Allogeneic 2 × 106 Histomorphometry, Fluorochrome incorporation Loozen
defects bilaterally) either autologous bone BM-MSCs, fluorescent evaluated at 3, 6 and 9 weeks and et al.
graft or was left empty bicalcium microscopy, histomorphometry at 12 weeks (2015)
(n = 5). In the other 3 phosphate (BCP) immunohistochemistry after implantation revealed clear
locations, the differences between the groups,
experimental groups with pBMP-2 combined with
(n = 10) were tested: (1) MSCs being the most effective.
biphasic calcium The BMP-2 was demonstrated in a
phosphate (BCP) variety of bone-residing cells
control, (2) BCP with through immunohistochemistry.
alginate, pBMP-2 and Further analysis indicated that
allogeneic MSCs and multinucleated giant cells might
(3) BCP with alginate have an important role in
and pBMP-2 transgene expression. The model
appeared robust, showed no
neighbouring effects and
demonstrated effectivity of
combined cell and gene therapy
Distraction 12 (MSCs, n = 6; 30 days BM-MSCs 1.5 × 106 Energy dispersive An increased calcification and El Hadidi
osteogenesis control, n = 6) (two X-ray, scanning significant trabecular bone size et al.
(mandibular) injections electron microscopy and limited osteoid formation in (2016)
8  Goat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

at day 10 (SEM) and histology cell-treated group as compared to

and day control
20 after
Table 8.4 (continued)

Model defect
Model type Number of animals period Biomaterial used Cell dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Maxillary sinus 18 (n = 6 each group); 3 months Deciduous teeth Computed tomography At 3 months, SGDs-CPC Zhao et al.
floor elevation group A (SGDs-CPC MSCs (DT-MSCs), (CT), histology, and compound had promoted bone (2017)
compound), group B calcium phosphate histomorphometric formation and mineralization. The
(CPC alone), and group cement (CPC) analysis areas of new bone formation in
C (autogenous bone elevated sinuses were DT-MSCs/
obtained from an iliac CPC group, which was
crest) significantly higher than the
CPC-alone group or in the
autogenous bone group.
Immunohistochemical staining
revealed that GFP and OCN were
both expressed in the new bone
tissue, which suggested that the
implanted DT-MSCs might have
contributed to new bone formation
on the elevated sinus floor.
DT-MSCs can promote new bone
formation and maturation in the
goat maxillary sinus, and the
tissue-engineered bone composite
of SGDs and CPC might be a
potential substitute for existing
maxillary sinus floor elevation
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
8  Goat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 171

among studies even on the same bone type. Critical size defect for ilium had been
17 mm (Anderson et al. 1999), femoral defect 20 mm (Li et al. 2015), and tibial
defects 25 mm (Liu et al. 2010) and 30 mm (Wang et al. 2010). Various bone tissue-­
engineered constructs along with MSCs have been employed in goats for critical
size defects of mandible, femur, and tibia (Table 8.4). Mostly BM-MSCs have been
utilized along with various kinds of scaffolds (Table 8.4). The cellular scaffolds had
led to the early and improved bone repair both in quality and quantity as compared
to the acellular scaffolds. The lamellar bone organization and its osteo-integration
in the cell-treated defects had been better than those treated without cells. In vitro
cell-scaffold compatibility does not guarantee in vivo regenerative effects (Vertenten
et al. 2009). Thus, it is important to confirm in vivo applicability of MSCs and/or
gBM-MSCs genetic engineering with human bone morphogenetic protein
(hBMP) gene (Tang et al. 2007; Loozen et al. 2015) and beta-galactosidase (gal)-
gene (Tang et al. 2007) have been demonstrated to further promote healing of bone.
The healed bone tissue formed had higher volume with better mechanical strength
as compared to that with normal MSCs. BMP-2 transduced gBM-MSCs, however,
may be more pro-healing as compared to BM-MSCs transfected with beta-galacto-
sidase (Tang et al. 2007). Bone remains under stress that may determine the healing
outcome. On that principle, dynamically cultured MSCs and/scaffolds and distrac-
tion osteogenesis had favoured bone healing (Shen et  al. 2006; Cao et  al. 2012;
Gardel et al. 2013).
Bone tissue-engineered cellular scaffolds have favoured early and better bone
regeneration. To achieve evidence-based medicine and for definitive applications of
these constructs, more uniform and extensive studies are desired.

8.3.4 Intervertebral Disc Disease

Goats carry larger size of lumbar intervertebral discs (~5 mm disc height) and have
disc mechanical properties and biochemical composition resembling to that of
human. This makes goats more suitable animal model for human (Table  8.5)
(Beckstein et  al. 2008). Goat preliminary ex  vivo studies on MSCs and/scaffold
have shown favourable role in intervertebral disc diseases (Gullbrand et al. 2017).
Few in vivo studies conducted have been pro to the utilization of MSCs along with
scaffolds. The healing may be observed as early as 3 weeks of time (Xu et al. 2017).
Among various factors, basement membrane molecules too determine nucleus
pulposus chondrogenesis and cartilage regeneration (Toh et al. 2013).

8.3.5 Periodontal Tissue

The cellular grafting of periodontal defects may further promote periodontal tissue
regeneration against the normal grafting. Among various tissue-regenerated struc-
tures are cementum, bone, and periodontal ligament (Table 8.5) (Marei et al. 2009).
The preliminary reports demand in-depth studies for any definitive outcome.
Table 8.5  In vivo preclinical experimental mesenchymal stem cell studies on different conditions in goat

Study Cell dose/

Model type Number of animals period Biomaterial used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Annulus fibrosus n = 6 (30 discs in 3, 6 and BM-MSCs, – HE and mason Repaired annulus fibrosus Xu et al.
defect (30 discs, each group) Sham 12 weeks platelet-rich trichrome staining, in cell-treated group had (2017)
T1-L5, 1 × 1 cm) group, injury group, plasma, gelatine Alcian blue periodic cell density and
and treatment group sponge acid Schiff and morphology of cells closer
collagen II staining to sham group.
Chondrocytes participated
in repair process and
collagen II progressively
Canine tooth n = 5 (control: Poly 10 days Autologous 9.4 × 106 Radiography, Experimental side showed Marei et al.
extraction (DL-Lactide-co-­ and BM-MSCs, poly per histology, periodontal-like tissue with (2009)
(bilateral, glycolide), n = 5; 1 month (DL-Lactide-co-­ scaffold histophotometric, and newly formed bone at
titanium fixture) treatment: glycolide) scanning electron 10 days and 1 month.
BM-MSCs, poly microscopy Control showed connective
(DL-Lactide-co-­ tissue regeneration at
glycolide) 10 days but not at 1 month
Bronchopleural 9 (BM-MSCs, 28 day BM-MSCs, 2 × 106/ Histopathology, CT, Bronchopleural closure Petrella
fistula (upper n = 4; bronchoscopic mL (5 mL and MRI occurred by extraluminal et al.
tracheal bronchoscopic fibrin fibrin glue injected) fibroblast proliferation and (2014)
lobectomy) glue, n = 5) collagenous matrix
development in cell-treated
group. In the other group,
the fistula was still present.
Even 40% (2/5) animals
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
8  Goat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 173

8.3.6 Cardiovascular System

Goat has also been used to study the effect of MSCs in cardiovascular affections
relevant to the humans. Autologous gBM-MSCs and/or scaffold in coronary artery
ligation model has been evaluated. The assembly could prevent left ventricular
chamber dilatation and had improved myocardial perfusion and contraction (Liao
et al. 2006). It is a preliminary study that demands further evaluation.

8.3.7 Bronchopleural Fistula

Lung cancer remains one of the leading causes of death (Wakelee et al. 2007). Surgical
resection in limited lung disease is preferable option but tends to develop broncho-
pleural fistula (BPF) causing higher mortality (Sonobe et  al. 2000). In an induced
bronchopleural fistula, implantation of the gBM-MSCs had led to the healing of fis-
tula in about a month (Table 8.5) (Petrella et al. 2014), demanding further studies.

8.3.8 Reproduction

Nuclear Transfer (NT) technology is used to develop clones. The current efficiency
remains low, and one of the important limiting factors is the nucleus of donor cell
type (Kwong et al. 2014). gMSCs as donor karyoplast appear promising to improve
such efficiency as these cells can be passaged for extended periods (Ren et al. 2014).
Ex vivo studies have demonstrated gBM-MSCs as donor karyoplast to produce
cloned caprine embryos. These cells had better developed up to the hatched blasto-
cyst stage than that with ear fibroblasts. Compared to somatic cells, better prolifera-
tion rate, growth capacity, transfection efficiency and convergence, and cleavage
had been demonstrated with MSCs (Kwong et al. 2014; Ren et al. 2014). Contrarily,
one of the studies had failed to show any difference in fusion and cleavage rates
between gBM-MSCs and somatic cells (Kwong et al. 2014).
Apart from the NT, MSCs have been evaluated for their effect on the growth and
activation of pre-antral follicles. A significant reduction in the percentage of mor-
phologically normal follicles cultured along with BM-MSCs had been demonstrated
as compared to the fresh control. However, a significantly higher rate of morpho-
logically normal pre-antral follicles had been reported when cultured in BM-MSCs
as compared to those cultured normally. The follicular diameter, however, had
remained comparable in all the follicles irrespective of the culture conditions. In
conclusion, BM-MSCs had no influence on follicular or oocyte development but
had promoted survival of pre-antral follicles (Arrivabene Neves et al. 2019).

8.3.9 Mastitis

Stem cells have been harnessed from mammary gland and as such are considered as
potential targets to improve milk production (Martignani et al. 2009; Capuco et al.
174 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

2012; Martignani et al. 2014). MSCs due to their characteristic features have poten-
tial to regenerate mammary tissue. A single MSCs study on goat chronic mastitis
had demonstrated their potential to reduce fibrosis and in maintaining normal tissue
architecture and ability to secrete milk (Costa et al. 2019).

8.3.10 Urinary System

Goats may act as a model for stress urinary incontinence disorder of human
(Burdzinska et al. 2017) and as such applicability of gMSCs in such ailments may
be evaluated.

8.4 Conclusions

gMSCs have been harvested from various sources including foetal membranes.
MSCs characteristic properties like proliferation and differentiation potential have
been evaluated in relation to tissue sources. The cells have been characterized as per
the  standard protocols. Bone marrow, adipose tissue, and foetal adnexa-derived
MSCs have been mainly evaluated under experimental studies. A wide array of
gMSCs research mainly focussed on human translational studies has been con-
ducted. Preliminary therapeutic literature on gMSCs has variably favoured their
in vivo applications. Different biomaterials like cellularized scaffolds and geneti-
cally engineered cells together with growth factors have also been evaluated.
Currently, the studies remain inconclusive.

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Cattle/Buffalo Mesenchymal Stem Cell
Basic Research and Potential 9

M. B. Gugjoo, Amar Pal, M. R. Fazili, R. A. Shah,

and G. T. Sharma


Cattle/buffalo has an important position in the economics of the livestock indus-

try, worldwide. These animals are main contributors of the meat and milk, and
any relevant ailment like reproductive inefficiency and mastitis ipso facto pose a
major challenge to the veterinarian. To address these health issues and other rel-
evant conditions, stem cells especially mesenchymal stem cells are being evalu-
ated. MSCs in large ruminants have been harvested from various tissue including
fetal membranes and are well characterized. Slim assimilation of knowledge in
their basic physiological properties limits their definitive applications. MSCs
applications in large ruminants have mostly been evaluated for production-­
related traits. In this chapter potential applications of cattle and buffalo MSCs, in
addition to their characteristics, have been discussed.

M. B. Gugjoo (*) · M. R. Fazili

Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex, FVSc & AH, SKUAST-Kashmir,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
A. Pal
Division of Surgery, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, UP, India
R. A. Shah
Division of Animal Biotechnology, FVSc & AH, SKUAST-K,
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
G. T. Sharma
Division of Physiology and Climatology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Izatnagar, UP, India

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to 181
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
M. B. Gugjoo, A. Pal (eds.), Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Veterinary Sciences,
182 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

9.1 Introduction

Among various domestic animals, cattle/buffalo has a crucial position in the eco-
nomics of the livestock industry, worldwide. These animals mainly contribute
through meat and milk production, in addition to hides and other biological materi-
als (Jean and Anderson 2014; Aghamohammadi et  al. 2018; Das et  al. 2018).
Medical conditions like endometritis, mastitis, lameness, fracture, and others can
badly affect their production and reproductive efficiency (Izquierdo et  al. 2017).
With the biotechnological advancement, cattle- or buffalo-MSCs (c-/buf-­MSCs) are
being studied for improved production, reproduction, and/or genetic improvement
(Shibiru et al. 2017). Additionally, bovines can offer suitable translational experi-
mental animal model for human medicine (Bosnakovski et al. 2004). c-/buf-MSCs
potential applications are being evaluated mostly in relation to reproduction and/ or
production. The current chapter throws light on the c-/buf-MSCs characteristics and
their potential applications.

9.2 c/buf-MSCs Sources and Their Characterization

Various sources have been utilized to harvest c-/buf-MSCs. These cells are being
evaluated and characterized as per the standard criteria laid down for humans.
Cattle- and buffalo-MSCs characterization markers including differentiation poten-
tial have been detailed in Tables 9.1 and 9.2, respectively  (Gugjoo et  al. 2018).
Plastic adherent c-/buf-MSCs exhibit fibroblastic morphology. All these studies
have not demonstrated all the laid down characterization principles (Donofrio et al.
2008). Even some of the studies have failed to report typical surface marker expres-
sion of these MSCs as shown in Table 9.1. In addition to the trilineage, the cells
have been studied for their extended differentiation potential including germ cell-,
hepatocyte-, islet cell-, myocyte-, and neurocyte-like cells (Cardoso et al. 2012a; Lu
et al. 2014a, b, c; Xiong et al. 2014; Peng et al. 2017; Deng et al. 2018).

9.2.1 c-/buf-MSCs Morphology

Plastic adherent c-/buf-MSCs show variable morphologies. These cells may exhibit
variable morphologies in early passages followed by mostly fibroblastic in extended
passages as has been reported for cattle amniotic fluid MSCs (cAF-MSCs). The
early passage morphology includes fibroblastic, and flat and circular type (Corradetti
et al. 2013) or fusiform (Yang et al. 2016). These fibroblasts tend to show higher
mean population doubling potential and are better able to migrate and home to dis-
tant tissues. The higher migration potential and homing was confirmed by their
ability to show greater CD44 expression (Rossi et al. 2014). Buffalo amniotic mem-
brane MSCs (bufAm-MSCs) too had shown mixed cell morphologies in early pas-
sages, which had changed to mostly fibroblastic subsequently (Dev et al. 2012). The
time of cell plastic adherence may also determine their ability to appear fibroblasts.
9  Cattle/Buffalo Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 183

Table 9.1  Cattle mesenchymal stem cell sources and their characterization
Positive markers Negative markers Differentiation References
Adipose tissue MSCs (AD-MSCs)
Vimentin, CD49d, CD34 Adipogenic Ren et al.
CD13 (2010)
β-Integrin, CD44, – Adipogenic, osteogenic Lu et al.
and CD73 (2014c)
CD29, CD73, CD34, CD45 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, da Silva et al.
CD90, CD105 osteogenic (2016a)
CD70, CD90 CD34, CD45 Adipogenic Cebo (2017)
CD29, CD44, CD34, MHC-II Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Queiroz et al.
Vimentin osteogenic (n.d.)
CD73, Oct4 and CD34 – Cahuascanco
Nanog et al. (2019)
Amniotic fluid MSCs (AF-MSCs)
CD29, CD44, CD14, CD34, CD45, Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Corradetti et al.
CD73, CD166, CD90, MHC-II neurogenic (2013)
MHC-I, Oct-4,
CD44, CD73, CD34, CD45 Adipogenic, osteogenic, Gao et al.
CD166, Oct-4 neurogenic (2014)
CD90, CD105, CD14, CD73, CD34, Adipogenic, osteogenic, Rossi et al.
CD34 Oct-4, Sox2, chondrogenic (2014)
CD29, CD73, CD34, CD44, CD45 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, da Silva et al.
CD90, CD105 osteogenic (2016a)
β-Integrin, CD44, CD34, CD45 Adipogenic, osteogenic, Chang et al.
CD73, CD166, chondrogenic (2018)
Amniotic membrane MSCs (Am-MSCs)
CD29, CD44, CD14, CD34, CD45, Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Corradetti et al.
CD73, CD105, MHC-II neurogenic (2013)
CD166, MHC-I,
Oct-4, C-Myc
Nanog, Oct-4, Sox-2 – Osteogenic Mann et al.
CD44, Nanog, Oct-4 MHC-II Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Campos et al.
osteogenic (2017)
Bone marrow MSCs (BM-MSCs)
CD29, CD44, and CD14, CD31, CD34, Adipogenic, osteogenic, Kato et al.
CD166 CD45, CD90, CD105, neuroectodermal (2004)
CD140a, and CD117
CD73, CD90, CD34, CD45 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Cortes et al.
CD105 osteogenic (2013)
CD29, CD73, Oct-4, CD34, CD45 Hepatogenic, neurogenic Dueñas et al.
Nanog (2014)
184 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

Table 9.1 (continued)
Positive markers Negative markers Differentiation References
CD29, CD44, CD73 CD31, CD34, CD45 Osteoblasts, adipocytes, Lu et al.
hepatic, and islet-like cells (2014a)
CD29, CD90, CD45 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Lee et al.
CD44, CD105, osteogenic (2015)
Oct-4, Sox2 Nanog
CD73, Oct4 and CD34 – Cahuascanco
Nanog et al. (2019)
Dermal MSCs (D-MSCs)
CD29, CD44, CD34, CD106, CD166, Adipogenic, osteogenic, Sun et al.
CD73, CD90 Oct-4 neurogenic (2014)
Endometrium MSCs (End-MSCs)
CD44, CD117, Nanog Chondrogenic, osteogenic Cabezas et al.
STAT-3, Oct-4, (2014)
CD44, CD29, CD34 (low Adipogenic, osteogenic de Moraes
Vimentin expression), MHC-II et al. (2016)
OCT4, SOX2, NANOG Adipogenic, osteogenic, Lara et al.
CD44, c-KIT chondrogenic (2017a, b)
Liver MSCs (Li-MSCs)
CD29, CD44, CD34, CD45, Adipogenic, osteogenic, Lu et al.
CD73, CD90, BLA-DR chondrogenic (2014b)
CD106, CD166
Lung MSCs (L-MSCs)
CD29, CD44, CD34, CD45, Osteogenic, neural lineages Hu et al. (2015)
CD73, CD166 BOLA-DRα
Placental MSCs (Pl-MSCs)
CD166, CD73, CD45 Islet like cells (insulin, Peng et al.
β-integrin, Oct-4 glucagon, pax-4, Nkx6.1, (2017)
pax-6, Fox)
Tendon MSCs (T-MSCs)
CD44, Tenascin, Collagen II Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Yang et al.
Collagen I, Collagen osteogenic (2016)
Umbilical cord MSCs (UC-MSCs)
Oct-4, CD73 – Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Raoufi et al.
osteogenic (2011)
CD29, CD44, CD34, CD45, Adipogenic, osteogenic, Xiong et al.
CD73, CD90, BLA-DR hepatocyte-, Islet cell-, (2014)
CD166 neurocyte-like cells,
CD44, Nanog, Oct-4 MHC-II Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Campos et al.
osteogenic (2017)
Wharton’s jelly MSCs (WJ-MSCs)
CD29, CD73, CD34, CD45 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Cardoso et al.
CD90, CD105, osteogenic, neural-like (2012b)
POUF51, ITSN1 cells
9  Cattle/Buffalo Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 185

Table 9.1 (continued)
Positive markers Negative markers Differentiation References
CD105, CD29, – Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Cardoso et al.
CD73, CD90 osteogenic, astrocyte (2017)
CD29, CD73, CD34, CD44, CD45 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, da Silva et al.
CD90, CD105 osteogenic (2016a)
Yolk sac MSCs (YS-MSCs)
CD90, CD105, and CD45, CD44, and Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Mançanares
CD79 CD79 osteogenic et al. (2015)

Table 9.2  Buffalo mesenchymal stem cell sources and their characterization
Positive markers markers Differentiation References
Adipose tissue MSCs
Oct-4, CD44 – Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Hepsibha
osteogenic et al. (2011)
CD105, CD90, CD73 CD34, Adipogenic, osteogenic, Sampaio
CD45, chondrogenic et al. (2015)
Amniotic membrane MSCs
Oct-4, Sox-2, Nanog – Neurogenic Dev et al.
CD29, CD44, CD105, OCT4, CD34 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Ghosh et al.
SOX2, NANOG, TERT osteogenic (2015)
CD29, CD44, Nanog, Oct-4, CD34 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Sadeesh
Sox-2 osteogenic et al. (2016)
CD44, CD90, CD105, CD73, CD34, Adipogenic, osteogenic, Deng et al.
CD29, CD166, OCT4, SOX2, CD45 chondrogenic, and neural (2018)
NANOG, REX-1, SSEA-1, lineages (FABP4, Ost, ACAN,
SSEA-4 and TRA-1-81, COL2A1, Nestin, and β
Cytokeratin 18 (epithelial) III-tubulin)
Bone marrow MSCs
CD73, CD90, CD105, Nanog, CD31, Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Gade et al.
Oct-4, STRO-1, Sox2 CD34 osteogenic (2013)
Umbilical cord MSCs
OCT4, NANOG and SOX2 – Adipogenic, osteogenic Singh et al.
Wharton’s jelly MSCs
CD-73, CD-105 and CD-90, CD34 Adipogenic, chondrogenic, Sreekumar
Stro-1, Oct-4, Nanog, Sox-2 osteogenic et al. (2014)
AD-MSCs adipose tissue MSCs, BM-MSCs bone marrow MSCs, d-MSCs dermis MSCs, Am-MSCs
amniotic membrane MSCs, UC-MSCs umbilical cord MSCs, WJ-MSCs Wharton’s jelly MSCs
186 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

Earlier the cells attach to  plastic, earlier the fibroblastic cells appear as hasd
been demonstrated for early gestation-derived bufAm-MSCs (Deng et al. 2018)

9.2.2 Culture Characteristics

Cattle and buffalo MSCs tend to have similar culture characteristics. Only differ-
ence may remain in their ability to survive for longer periods. Buffalo adipose tissue
(AD)-MSCs had been proliferated for more passages in comparison to cattle (cAD)-
MSCs, yielding higher cell concentration in the former sources (Sampaio et  al.
2015). Such differences may arise with respect to tissue sources, their physiological
state, and age of donor.

9.2.3 Extended Passaging and MSCs Proliferation

MSCs in general fail to survive indefinitely. Their colony-forming unit (CFU)

potential along the path of extended passaging decreases (Lu et  al. 2014a, b, c).
MSCs may show differences in the proliferation potential and self-renewal proper-
ties based on the sources. Cattle bone marrow MSCs (cBM-MSCs) had shown CFU
potential as 63.6 ± 7.57% at passage 3, 59.0 ± 4.38% at passage 9, 32.6 ± 3.88% at
passage 15, and 19.5 ± 3.27% at passage 25 (Lu et al. 2014a, b, c). Likewise, popu-
lation doubling time (PDT) of bufAm-MSCs had remained 43.9 ± 20 h. at passage
3, 45.9 ± 30 h. at passage 6, 46.7 ± 30 h. at passage 9, and 60.0 ± 50 h, at passage
20 (Deng et al. 2018). However, cattle bone marrow MSCs (cBM-MSCs) popula-
tion doubling had been maintained up to passage 7 (Cortes et al. 2013).
MSCs proliferation potential and viability may be maintained up to as low as
passage 10 (Corradetti et  al. 2013) to the maximum of passage 60 (Cardoso
et  al. 2012b). Cattle tendon-derived MSCs (cT-MSCs), dermal MSCs (cDer-
MSCs), and lung MSCs (cL-MSCs) had been maintained up to passages 42, 19,
and 25 and afterward these cells had undergone senescence (Sun et al. 2014; Hu
et  al. 2015; Yang et  al. 2016). Morphologically senescent cells appear vacuo-
lated and show karyopyknosis while growth kinetics show much reduced or no
growth at all.
Comparison of cAF-MSCs and cAm-MSCs had shown higher proliferation
capacity of former cell lines up to the passage 10. Thereafter both cell lines had
reduced viability (Corradetti et al. 2013). Another study on cAF-MSCs however,
had been able to successfully culture them up to passage 34 (Gao et  al. 2014).
Similarly, cattle Wharton’s jelly (cWJ)-MSCs and cattle bone marrow (cBM)-
MSCs had comparable proliferation up to passage 10 after which both the cell
lines had become senescent (Cortes et al. 2013; Xiong et al. 2014). Thus, MSCs
proliferation is mainly affected by tissue source and culture environment. To keep
the record of cellular activity, evaluation of karyotypic features is desired (Colleoni
et al. 2005).
9  Cattle/Buffalo Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 187

9.2.4 Culture Modification and MSCs Characteristics

MSCs may also be cultured in serum-free media. cWJ-MSCs cultured in serum-free

media had remained viable and had stable karyotype up to passage 60. Under 3-D
culture system, cMSCs may undergo morphological changes and tend to differenti-
ate (Cardoso et al. 2012a, b). These systems offer uniform culture environment and
thus can potentially give rise to a uniform batch of cells. However, further studies
are required to standardize these culture techniques.

9.2.5 Gestational Phase and cMSCs Proliferation

cAF-MSCs had shown differential proliferation potential as per the gestational

phase being higher in first trimester in comparison to other stages (Rossi et  al.
2014). Estral cyclity had non-significant effect on cattle endometrium (cEnd)-MSCs
as the cells at different stages had almost comparable cellular properties up to pas-
sage 3 (de Moraes et al. 2016). The late luteal phase MSCs, however, may be more
amenable to mesodermal lineages (Cabezas et al. 2014).

9.2.6 Effect of Age and Health Status on MSCs

MSCs proliferation potential tends to decrease with age. cBM-MSCs from young
donor had demonstrated vigorous proliferation in comparison to the adult source
(Jiwu et  al. 2008). Health status also affects the MSCs culture characteristics as
infections like endometritis had reduced proliferation potential of cEnd-MSCs
(Lara et al. 2017a, b), while tumor growth (adenomyotic uterus) had enhanced their
pluripotency expression profile (Nanog and Oct-4) (Łupicka et al. 2015).

9.3 Potential Applications of c-/buf-MSCs

c-/buf-MSCs are seen as potential candidates to improve production and reduce

clinical problems in animals. Therapeutic applications of MSCs in large ruminants
have lagged far behind as compared to equine or pet animals. It is due to the lack of
interest in high-end therapeutics for such species as these animals are mainly reared
for economic benefits. In vivo research is preferably conducted in lab animals and
in advanced stage large animals are employed. The large animals being ontogeni-
cally closer to humans are considered to provide better translational models for
them. Considering the importance of large ruminants in relation to production pur-
pose, currently MSCs applications ipso facto have been prioritized in the
field (Gugjoo et al. 2018). However, the potential goes beyond as these animals have
clinical relevance to veterinary and human medicine. It, therefore, becomes impera-
tive to carry out therapeutic studies on c-/buf-MSCs. Below are described the poten-
tial applications of c-/buf-MSCs.
188 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

9.3.1 Reproductive System MSCs as Donor in Nuclear Transfer Technique

Nuclear transfer technique (NTT) is aimed at improving the reproductive efficiency
though the current success rate is very low (0–5%). Donor cell plays a key role in
the success. In comparison to fibroblasts, MSCs as donor cell have shown better
fusion rate but little success in cleavage rate. The overall blastocyst formation effi-
ciency has remained good (da Silva et al. 2016b; Nazari et al. 2016; Sadeesh et al.
2016). MSCs fusion rate may vary with the donor tissue source as cAF-MSCs had
shown better fusion rate almost 30–35% higher than the cAD-MSCs (85.89% vs.
50.06%). However, fusion rate of MSCs from different sources had remained higher
than fibroblasts (44.85%). In contrast the cleavage rate had been better for fibro-
blasts, and an overall comparable percent of calves had been born (da Silva et al.
2016a, b).
Apart from MSCs source, oocyte quality too plays an important role in the suc-
cess of nuclear transfer (NT). cBM-MSCs form only 7% blastocysts to preserved
oocyte and 39% blastocysts to fresh oocytes (Kato et al. 2004), showing that recipi-
ent oocyte too has bearing on development of blastocysts. The cleavage rate of
bufAm-MSCs had been lower than that of in vitro fertilized (IVF) embryos, though
comparable percent of blastocysts were formed (Sadeesh et al. 2016).
Cell size may affect fusion rate as better fusion rate with larger cAF-MSCs/cWJ-­
MSCs had been demonstrated in comparison to smaller cAD-MSCs/ fibroblasts.
The larger size of cell favors better contact with the zona pellucida and/or cell mem-
brane of oocyte (da Silva et al. 2016a, b). However, larger-sized cAF-MSCs may
lead to large offspring syndrome (larger-sized offspring). This larger-sized offspring
may not survive long due to dystocia and/or fetal abnormalities that tend to develop
with limited available space in dam uterus (da Silva et al. 2016a, b). Furthermore,
short survival of offspring may also develop due to the epigenetically dysregulated
expression of imprinted genes (Farin et al. 2006; Opiela et al. 2017).
Contrary to these reports, cBM-MSCs had failed to show any significant differ-
ence in the developmental rates at any stage in comparison to the fibroblasts
(Colleoni et  al. 2005). Thus, further studies are desired to evaluate the possible
options to improve the success rate of the fusion and cleavage with the MSCs. MSCs as Supplementation Medium

MSCs may provide secretory factors that can replace granulosa cells. Granulosa
cells supplement embryo culture media for their growth. cAD-MSCs (103/104 cells/
mL) supplementation to in vitro fertilized embryos had led to their better blastocyst
formation rates. The higher cell concentration (104 cells/mL) and their conditioned
medium were more effective than lower (103 cells/mL) ones (Miranda et al. 2016). MSCs and Genital Affections

The cells may be effective in male/female genital affections due to their trophic
actions including immunomodulatory actions. Amniotic fluid MSCs injection into
9  Cattle/Buffalo Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 189

the ovary had induced estrus in bilateral ovarian dystrophic cattle. Fifty percent of
animals (4 out of 8 animals) had come into heat. Out of those four animals, 50% (2
out of 4 animals) had ovulated, formed corpus luteum (CL), and attained pregnancy.
It could be inferred that cAF-MSCs injection may bring animals into heat and sub-
sequently CL formation can occur but may also be affected by other factors (Chang
et  al. 2018). Endometritis reduce cEnd-MSCs proliferation potential (Lara et  al.
2017a, b), and as such extrinsic implantation of MSCs may be effective way to con-
trol endometritis due to their immunomodulatory or anti-inflammatory properties.
The cellular implantation may be made through per vaginal route where cells may
migrate and home to endometrium as has been demonstrated in horse (Mambelli
et al. 2013; Falomo et al. 2015).
MSCs may be utilized to improve and/ or maintain elite bull germplasm. In vitro
cMSCs differentiated into germ cell-like cells may be implanted into the testicles. It
has been demonstrated that ram testis had supported germ cell-like cells growth and
survival. The cells had even migrated and homed to the basement membrane of
seminiferous tubules. These cells had formed spermatogonia-like cell colonies sim-
ilar to testicular native spermatogonia (Ghasemzadeh-Hasankolaei et al. 2015). In
lieu cBM-MSCs trans-differentiated to germ cell-like cells may be evaluated for
their utility.

9.3.2 Oxidative Stress

In livestock sector, elite animals are preferred for their higher production potential,
which creates an environment of stress (Jóźwik et al. 2012). Stress makes these tis-
sue cells more amenable to early aging. MSCs exhibit dynamic antioxidant action
through endogenous production of hemeoxygenase-1 (HO-1) and glutathione and
restricting cellular production of reactive oxygen species (Vanella et al. 2012; Calió
et al. 2014; Ayatollahi et al. 2014). These features also attribute to MSCs tolerance
toward the oxidative stress (Brandl et al. 2011). Due to these features, MSCs may
prevent telomere shortening in cells preventing their senescence (Estrada et al. 2013).

9.3.3 Bovine Mastitis

Mastitis that causes decrease in milk production has lot more associated problems
as it makes human health amenable to diseases through bad quality milk and through
antibiotic resistance. Currently, no ideal treatment is available to combat this prob-
lem in productive cattle. Mammary stem cells are being isolated and characterized
from mammary gland of bovines in addition to other species (Shackleton et  al.
2006; Martignani et al. 2009; Martignani et al. 2014). Isolation of different stem cell
types from mammary gland is currently under process (Thomas et al. 2011; Rauner
and Barash 2012; Martignani et al. 2014).
MSCs can prove useful in two ways: on one way the cells may secrete specific pro-
teins and on other way their antimicrobial effects may prevent mastitis. Co-culture of
190 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

mammary epithelial cells and cUC-MSCs had enhanced quantity of β-casein and κ
casein, in addition to the expression of other proteins in mammary epithelial cells. The
possible pathway followed in the mammary epithelial cells might have been JAK/
STAT as IGF-1 had inhibited their expression profile (Zhao et al. 2017).
Fetal cBM-MSCs and cAD-MSCs conditioned medium carries antibacterial
activity. The conditioned medium had decreased about 30% of the growth of
Staphylococcus aureus under in  vitro conditions (Cahuascanco et  al. 2019).
Transfection of c-/buf-MSCs with bovine lactoferricin (LFcinB) gene may endow
them with the properties to express antibacterial peptide LfcinB (Sharma et  al.
2017). Such LFcinB-cloned MSCs if injected into the mammary gland may prove
fruitful through their higher antibacterial properties especially against Staphylococcus
aureus and Escherichia coli (Sharma et al. 2017). Thus, extensive studies are desired
to confirm the feasibility and efficacy of using these transfected MSCs in clinical

9.3.4 Cultured Meat Production

Due to growing human population demands and impediments to animal-rearing

(greenhouse gases emission) and slaughter policies (ethics), lab-grown meat is
being aimed. Cultured meat like burger and meat balls have been produced in 2013
and 2016, respectively (Post 2012; Arshad et al. 2017). The main focus remains to
produce cost-effective meat that has acceptable taste and appearance. MSCs that
can trans-differentiate into muscle cell-like cells and adipocytes may be cultured on
edible scaffold (Post 2012; Bhat et  al. 2015; Arshad et  al. 2017) and, thus, need
further studies.

9.3.5 Wound Healing

Cattle/ buffalo teat fistula and fibrosis have huge economic impact through loss
of milk and potential to develop mastitis. MSCs applications in such conditions
are desired. In our own unpublished study, allogeneic MSCs applications in
post-­surgical repair of teat fistula promote early healing of wounds. Thus,
MSCs applications appear promising in such cases. The possible beneficial
effects may be through MSCs differentiation into various types of epithelial
cells (Wu et al. 2007; Borena et al. 2009) and/or through vasculogenesis (Borena
et al. 2009).

9.3.6 B
 ovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
and Nerve Injuries

BM-MSCs/ peripheral blood (PB)-MSCs neurogenic potential is affected in scrapie

(Mediano et al. 2015), although marrow infectivity in BSE remains undiagnosed on
9  Cattle/Buffalo Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 191

the spleen, lymph nodes and brain assays (Sohn et al. 2009). Thus, there is need to
confirm if the said potential is also reduced in BSE and whether these cells can be
used to treat infected animals.
Stem cells may trans-differentiate into the neural cell-like cells or secrete trophic
factors (Hokari et  al. 2008; Saito et  al. 2008; Cardoso et  al. 2012a; Xiong et  al.
2014), though the direct neuronal differentiation is questionable (Hokari et al. 2008;
Wu et  al. 2003; Dobkin et  al. 2006). Commonly affected peripheral nerves like
radial, obturator, and sciatic nerves make large ruminants lame and/or recumbent.
Thus, MSCs studies may be undertaken to evaluate their therapeutic potential in
these peripheral nerve injuries.

9.3.7 Degenerative Joint Diseases (DJD) and Laminitis

MSCs are extensively studied for their therapeutic effects in osteoarthritis. Cattle
chronic osteoarthritis (OA) or degenerative joint disease (DJD) tends to cause male
infertility (impotentia coeundi) in bulls (Heinola et al. 2013; Wolfe 2018). MSCs
may be effective in OA; however, currently the therapy has not been able to provide
desired results and may be due to the inhibitory effects of locally available inflam-
matory mediators. The inflammatory environment tends to enhance expression of
adhesion molecule preventing cell migration and decrease their secretion of matrix
(Zayed et al. 2016; Reesink et al. 2017).
Cattle and horse laminitis carry almost similar pathogenesis (Nilsson 1982) and
as MSCs have been demonstrated to be play effective role in equine acute laminitis
(Dryden et al. 2013; Morrison et al. 2014), studies in cattle may also be undertaken.

9.3.8 Miscellaneous Conditions

c-/buf-MSCs potentially trans-differentiate into myocyte-, osteocyte-, tenocyte-,

hepatocyte-, and islet cell-like cells and as such may be employed to treat associated
ailments. Additionally, MSCs may also be evaluated for their antiviral effect
(Cardoso et al. 2012a, b).

9.4 Conclusions

Cattle and buffalo MSCs have been harvested from numerous sources and are well
characterized. MSCs properties may vary with respect to the source and may be
affected with respect to the age and health status. Literature on cattle/ buffalo MSCs
applications mainly focuses on their production and reproduction-related traits. The
results of these studies however are currently inconclusive. MSCs potential applica-
tions go beyond these reproductive and/ production-related traits and may be stud-
ied in such areas as well.
192 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

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Cat Mesenchymal Stem Cell
Characteristics and Potential 10

M. B. Gugjoo and Amar Pal


Cat mesenchymal stem cells (fMSCs) have been culture expanded and character-
ized from various tissue sources, though mainly from adipose tissues. The cells
have been evaluated for their therapeutic effects in various experimental models
and clinical trials relevant to veterinary and human practice. The studies have
potentially favored MSCs applications; however, limited available studies cur-
rently fail to provide any conclusive result(s). The current chapter discusses
fMSCs characteristics and their potential applications.

10.1 Introduction

Cat is increasingly being kept as a companion animal, and as such their clinical
practice is increasing by each passing day. Regenerative medicine involving MSCs
is gradually being employed in feline practice. Cat and human genome are highly
linked, and as such cat MSCs experimental/clinical studies may provide proof of
therapeutics for human medicine (Munoz et al. 2012), in addition to the therapeutics
in veterinary practice.

M. B. Gugjoo (*)
Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex, FVSc & AH, SKUAST-Kashmir,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
A. Pal
Division of Surgery, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, UP, India

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to 197
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
M. B. Gugjoo, A. Pal (eds.), Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Veterinary Sciences,
198 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

10.2 fMSCs In Vitro Characteristics

An initial report on feline mesenchymal stem cells was reported by Martin and co-­
workers in 2002 that had isolated and characterized the cells from bone marrow
(Martin et al. 2002). Since then many reports have been published on their isolation
and culture expansion. The cells have been isolated from various although limited
tissue types as detailed in Table 10.1. Most of the studies have focused on the adi-
pose tissue derived MSCs. Cat MSCs (fMSCs) are being characterized based on the
standard criteria laid down by the International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT).
fMSCs are plastic adherent with spindle-shaped fibroblast-like appearance (Quimby
et al. 2011; Arzi et al. 2015; Sato et al. 2016; Quimby and Borjesson 2018). These
cells variably express various surface markers and lack hematopoietic markers.
Among various sources, some of the studies had shown MSCs expression of the
hematopoietic (CD34) and other markers like MHC-II, while others had reported
MSCs failure to express CD90 (Iacono et al. 2012; Mumaw et al. 2015; Vidane et al.
2016). The cells show trilineage differentiation (adipogenic, chondrogenic, and
osteogenic lineages) (Table 10.1).
The cells have been culture expanded in growth medium containing the fetal
bovine serum (FBS). A study that utilized combination of FBS (10%) and autolo-
gous plasma had shown similar fPB-MSCs characteristics as that of cells being
cultured under FBS. Currently, studies on FBS alternatives to culture expand fMSCs
is lacking. fMSCs tend to undergo early senescence with extensive passaging. Cat
peripheral blood (fPB)-MSCs had steadily expanded up to 5–6 passages, but almost
all the cells had stopped proliferation at passages 7–9. Among 15 cultures, only 01
culture had proliferated up to passage 10. The cellular proliferation, however, had
remained unaffected by age, sex, and breed (Sato et al. 2016). The population dou-
bling levels of cat adipose tissue (fAD)-MSCs demonstrated at different passages
were 2.08  ±  0.02 (P1), 3.95  ±  0.07 (P2), 5.88  ±  0.15 (P3), 7.14  ±  0.15 (P4),
8.00 ± 0.16 (P5), and 8.78 ± 0.19 (P6). From P6 onward, minimal increase in dou-
bling levels had occurred. As such the population doubling time had significantly
increased to an average of 95.7 h. at P4 and 141.3 h. at P5 from 62.1 h. at P3 (Kim
et al. 2017). Similarly, another study had shown that fAD-MSCs population dou-
bling time at passage 5 had increased significantly. The decreased expression of
pluripotency markers and of surface markers was also seen after extended culture,
significantly at P5. The musculoskeletal (especially osteogenic and chondrogenic)
differentiation potential too had reduced with progressive culturing in these cells
(Lee et al. 2018). fAD-MSCs at P2 had been characterized by their normal meta-
phase and karyotype (Villatoro et al. 2018).
To improve cellular proliferation and self-renewal, culture modifications are
being worked out. Culture addition of recombinant acid ceramidase (rAC) had
improved growth of cat bone marrow (fBM)-MSCs by twofold at 1  week. Even
addition of rAC to chondrogenic medium had improved cellular chondrogenic
potential, synergistic with TGF-β1 (Simonaro et al. 2013). rAC might have reduced
the cell stress that arises with the harvesting procedure and during their ex  vivo
expansion. The possible beneficial effect of the rAC treatment in chondrogenic
10  Cat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Characteristics and Potential Applications 199

Table 10.1  Cat mesenchymal stem cell sources and characterization

Positive markers Negative markers Differentiation References
Adipose tissue MSCs (AD-MSCs)
CD44, CD90, CD105 CD4, MHC-II (low Adipogenic, Webb et al.
expression) chondrogenic, and (2011)
CD44, CD90 CD4, MHC-II Adipogenic, Quimby et al.
chondrogenic, and (2013)
CD44, CD90, CD105 CD14, CD34, CD45 Adipogenic, Kono et al.
chondrogenic, (2014)
osteogenic, and
CD105, CD44, CD90 CD18, MHC-II – Arzi et al.
CD90, CD105, CD146, CD73, CD14, Adipogenic, Gómez et al.
Oct-4, Nanog, Sox-2, and CD45, CD271, chondrogenic, (2015)
Klf4 HLA-DR, Sox-2 osteogenic, and
CD29, CD44, CD73, CD90, MHCII, CD79α, Adipogenic, Mumaw et al.
CD105, CD45 CD34 chondrogenic, and (2015)
CD90, CD105, CD44 MHC-II Adipogenic, Parys et al.
chondrogenic, and (2016)
CD29, CD44, CD90, CD14, CD34, Adipogenic, Kim et al.
CD105, CD166, and CD45, CD73, Sox2 chondrogenic, and (2017)
MHC-I, Oct3/4, Nanog, and osteogenic
CD29, CD44, CD73, CD90, CD34, CD45, Adipogenic, Villatoro
MHC-I, Stro-1 MHC-II chondrogenic, and et al. (2018)
CD44, CD90, CD105 MHC-II Adipogenic,
chondrogenic, and
Amniotic membrane MSCs (Am-MSCs)
CD90, CD44, CD105 CD34, CD14, Adipogenic, Iacono et al.
CD45, CD73 chondrogenic, and (2012)
CD73, CD90 CD34, CD45, CD79 Adipogenic, Vidane et al.
chondrogenic, and (2014)
CD73 and CD90, CD105 CD30, CD45 – Cardoso et al.
(low expression), OCT4, (2016)
CD73 (89.5%) and CD90 CD45 – Vidane et al.
(91.9%), CD79 (29.1%), (2016)
CD34 (47%),
200 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

Table 10.1 (continued)
Positive markers Negative markers Differentiation References
Bone marrow MSCs (BM-MSCs)
CD44, CD90, CD105 CD4, MHC-II Adipogenic, Quimby et al.
chondrogenic, and (2011)
CD44, CD90, CD105 CD4, MHC-II (low Adipogenic, Webb et al.
expression) chondrogenic, and (2011)
CD29, CD44, CD105, CD14, CD34, Adipogenic, osteogenic, Munoz et al.
Stro-1 CD45, MHC-II and neurogenic (2012)
CD29, CD44, CD105, CD45 CD73, CD90, Adipogenic, Mumaw et al.
(30%), MHC-II (39%) CD79α, and CD34, chondrogenic, and (2015)
Peripheral blood MSCs (PB-MSCs)
CD44, CD90 CD4, MHC-II Adipogenic, Sato et al.
chondrogenic, and (2016)
AD-MSCs adipose tissue MSCs, Am-MSCs amniotic membrane MSCs, BM-MSCs bone marrow
MSCs, PB-MSCs peripheral blood MSCs

differentiation process may occur through better TGF-β pathway signaling, in addi-
tion to the effects of sphingolipid changes on chondrogenic differentiation. Further,
stress induced with serum-free chondro-differentiation of MSCs may also be con-
trolled (Simonaro et al. 2013).
The cells isolated from various tissues and at variable locations may have vari-
able culture characteristics. fBM-MSCs and fAD-MSCs had similar surface mark-
ers expression, but fAD-MSCs had proliferated significantly faster as compared to
BM-MSCs. Thus, fBM-MSC and fAD-MSC were phenotypically similar, but
higher intrinsic proliferation rate had made fAD-MSC culture proliferation easier
(Webb et al. 2011). In relation to variable donor tissue locations, abdominal fAD-­
MSCs harbored higher percentage of cells expressing positive surface markers
(CD90 and CD105) than those of subcutaneous fAD-MSCs. Although comparable
pluripotency marker (Oct-4 and Klf4) expression had been reported, except for
Nanog that had been highly expressed in subcutaneous fAD-MSCs. The cells had
shown an equivalent in vitro multilineage differentiation including the neuron-like
cells (Gómez et al. 2015).

10.2.1 MSCs from Infected Donor

fAD-MSCs can contract latent Feline Foamy Virus (FFV, retrovirus) infection that
induces formation of syncytial cell and subsequent apoptosis in them. FFV in cul-
tured cells had led to their morphologic and proliferative alterations. FFV-infected
fAD-MSC lines cultured in growth media had formed multinucleated giant cells
and had topped proliferation at passages 3–5. Incorporation of antiviral tenofovir
10  Cat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Characteristics and Potential Applications 201

(reverse transcriptase inhibitor) at 5 or 10  mM had prevented such alterations in

morphology and the proliferative capacity of FFV-infected fAD-MSCs. The effect
on differentiation potential, however, remains to be evaluated (Arzi et al. 2015).

10.3 MSCs Applications

MSCs culture expansion is aimed to achieve enough concentration for their in vivo
applications. MSCs have been applied either through intravenous and intraperito-
neal or through local routes. All these routes have been found to be safe and without
any potential adverse effects. For better concentration of MSCs in cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF), intraventricular route of implantation was demonstrated to be superior
as compared to the subdural and brain parenchyma route (Glage et al. 2011). The
mild reactions in the form of local lymph node swelling and transient lethargy and
inactivity had been encountered (Webb and Webb 2015; Trzil et  al. 2016; Parys
et al. 2016). The intravenous applications of MSCs have usually been followed by
coagulation cascade being prevented by heparin. Below are the in  vivo fMSCs
experimental (Table 10.2) and clinical (Table 10.3) studies.

10.3.1 Chronic Enteropathy

Feline chronic enteropathy especially idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

requires lifelong medication including immunosuppressive and chemotherapeutic
drugs. IBD compromises gastrointestinal (GI) mucosal immunity and tolerance to
intestinal antigens (Janeczko et al. 2008; Trepanier 2009). MSCs due to their immu-
nomodulatory features are considered to play the therapeutic role.
In a feline chronic enteropathy of 02  months study, two intravenous doses of
allogeneic AD-MSCs had improved the clinical symptoms based on owners report.
Five out of seven cases (in blinded study) had significant improvement in clinical
signs, while those in placebo (normal saline) treated cases had no improvement and/
or symptoms worsened with time. Owner (aware about the treatment) had mixed
response. One had reported marked improvement in condition; other conveyed no
change while third case follow-up report had been unavailable (Webb and Webb
2015). Thus, further studies are desired to actually confirm MSCs efficacy in these

10.3.2 Chronic Kidney Disease

Kidney ailments are one of the common clinical conditions with life-threatening
potential in domestic cats (Lawson et al. 2015). Currently, an effective and specific
treatment to restore the affected kidney to normalcy is unavailable (Vidane
et al. 2016).
Table 10.2  In vivo preclinical experimental mesenchymal stem cell studies in cats

Number of Biomaterial Cell dose/

Model type animals Study period used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Chronic allergic 9 (MSCs, n = 5; 8 months and Allogeneic, 1.44 × 107 Bronchoalveolar No differences between treatment Trzil et al.
asthma (Bermuda placebo PBS, 12 months AD-MSCs MSCs/ lavage fluid cytology, groups or over time with respect (2014)
grass allergen n = 4) infusion pulmonary mechanics to airway eosinophilia or AHR
induced) (bimonthly and clinical scoring to have been seen. Significantly
intravenous assess airway lower lung attenuation and
injected 6 hyper-­responsiveness bronchial wall thickening scores
doses) AHR; and thoracic were noted in CT images of
computed MSC-treated animals compared to
tomography (CT) placebo-treated cats at month 8 of
the study, although the effect was
not sustained at month 12. No
differences were noted between
groups in the immunologic assays
Allergic asthma 15 (MSCs 9 months after Allogeneic 2 × 106, Airway eosinophilia, At early points (days 12, 26, 47, Trzil et al.
(Bermuda grass treated, 5; treatment AD-MSCs 4 × 106, pulmonary 108, and 133), airway eosinophil (2016)
allergen induced) placebo-­treated 4.7 × 106, mechanics, thoracic percentage was not affected by
4; healthy cat, 1 × 107 and computed MSC administration. By month
6) 1 × 107 in tomography, and 9, eosinophil percentages in all
each cat (at 0, several immunologic MSC-treated cats decreased to
14, 28, 98, assays normal reference intervals.
130 days) Diminished airway hyper-­
responsiveness was noted in all
MSC-treated compared with
placebo-treated cats at day 133.
Lung attenuation and bronchial
wall thickening scores were
significantly reduced in
MSC-treated vs. untreated
asthmatic cats, consistent with
decreased airway remodeling at
month 9
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal
Ischemic kidney 18 (AD-MSCs, 6 days Allogeneic 4 × 106 Serum creatinine and Time, but not treatment, had a Rosselli et al.
injury (IKI) n = 5; AD-MSCs, (intravenous blood urea nitrogen significant effect on renal (2016)
BM-MSCs, BM-MSCs, after 1 h of concentrations were function. No difference was
n = 5, fibroblasts injury measured. Urine-­ noted in % of cats with IRIS
fibroblasts, per animal in AKI. Significantly fewer mitotic
specific gravity, urine
n = 5; each group) protein to urine figures were observed in
reference, creatinine ratio, andischemic kidneys that received
n = 3) glomerular filtrationbone marrow-derived MSCs vs.
rate. International fibroblasts. No differences in
smooth muscle actin staining
Renal Interest Society
(IRIS) Grade were noted. This study did not
support the use of allogeneic
MSCs in AKI in the regimen
described here. Type of renal
injury, MSC dose, allogeneicity,
duration, and route or timing of
administration could influence
the efficacy of MSCs
Cardiomyopathy 22 (cardiac stem 66 days after Autologous 1 × 106 Echocardiography, Fractional shortening Taghavi et al.
(L-isoproterenol cells + atrial induction of cardiac stem (CSCs), invasive significantly improved with both (2015)
induced for biopsy, n = 7; cardiomyopathy cells (CSCs), 1 × 106 hemodynamics, and CSC and MSC as compared to
10 days) atrial biopsy + MSCs (MSCs); immunohistochemistry shams. MSC was superior to
sham, n = 5; intracoronary CSC in improving left ventricle
bone marrow + injected end-diastolic (LVED) volume
BM-MSCs, and ejection fraction. LVED
n = 4; bone pressure was less in MSC as
marrow compared to CSC and sham. LV
10  Cat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Characteristics and Potential Applications

aspiration + BrdU + myocytes were higher in

sham, n = 6) MSC than CSC and sham. CSC
and MSC therapies improve
cardiac function and attenuate
pathological remodeling.
However, MSC appear to confer
additional benefit
Table 10.3  In vivo clinical mesenchymal stem cell studies in cats

Number of Study Biomaterial

Clinical case animals period used Cell dose/assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Chronic 14: 7 treated 2 weeks Allogeneic 2 × 106/kg b wt (two Clinical evaluation Owners of 5/7 fMSC-treated cats Webb and
enteropathy with and AD-MSCs doses repeated after based on questionnaire reported significant improvement or Webb
allogeneic 2 months 2 weeks) complete resolution of clinical signs, (2015)
MSCs while the owner of the remaining two
(blinded cats reported modest but persistent
study); 4 improvement. Owners of placebo-
placebo; 3 treated cats reported no change or
treated with worsening of clinical signs. Of the
allogeneic owners not blinded to the treatment, one
MSCs reported marked improvement, one
(nonblind reported no change, and one was lost to
study) follow-up
Chronic kidney 6 (control 7 and Autologous Unilateral intrarenal Minimum database and Intrarenal injection did not induce Quimby
disease (CKD) healthy, 30 days AD-MSCs, injection glomerular filtration rate immediate or long-term adverse effects. et al.
n = 2; CKD, BM-MSCs (GFR) via nuclear Two cats with CKD that received aMSC (2011)
n = 4) scintigraphy were experienced modest improvement in
determined pre- GFR and a mild decrease in serum
injection, at 7 days and creatinine concentration
at 30 days post-injection
Chronic kidney 16 (pilot 0, 2, 4, 6, Allogeneic 2 × 106 Serum biochemistry, Administration of cryopreserved aMSCs Quimby
disease (CKD) study 1: 6; and AD-MSCs (cryopreserved cells), complete blood count, was associated with significant adverse et al.
pilot study 2: 8 weeks 4 × 106 urinalysis, urine protein, effects and no discernible clinically (2013)
5; pilot study (cryopreserved cells), glomerular filtration relevant improvement in renal functional
3: 5) 4 × 106 rate, and urinary parameters. Administration of aMSCs
(cryopreserved cytokine concentrations cultured from cryopreserved adipose
adipose tissue) was not associated with adverse effects
but was also not associated with
improvement in renal functional
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal
Chronic kidney 8 MSCs 0 and Allogeneic 2 × 106 per kg b wt Complete blood counts, Six cats received three doses of Quimby
disease (CKD) treated, 8 weeks AD-MSCs (3 doses at 2, 4, and chemistry and urinalysis allogeneic MSC culture expanded from et al.
(randomized, n = 6; 6 weeks) were performed at cryopreserved adipose without adverse (2016)
placebo-­ placebo weeks 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8. effects. No significant change in serum
controlled) control, Glomerular filtration creatinine, blood urea nitrogen,
n = 2) rate (GFR) via nuclear potassium, phosphorus, GFR by nuclear
scintigraphy and urine scintigraphy, UPC, or packed cell
protein:creatinine ratio volume was seen in cats treated with
(UPC) MSCs. While administration of MSC
culture expanded from cryopreserved
adipose was not associated with adverse
effects, significant improvement in renal
function was not observed immediately
after administration. Long-term
follow-up is necessary to determine
whether MSC administration affects
disease progression in cats with CKD
Chronic kidney 10 (1healthy 60 days Allogeneic 2 × 106 (CKD cats Ultrasonography and lab CDK cats treated with MSCs registered Vidane
disease (CKD) cat, after initial amniotic two doses 21 days analysis a significant improvement of renal et al.
intrarenal injection membrane apart), healthy cat function (decrease in serum creatinine (2016)
infusion of MSCs (5 × 105 bilateral and urine protein concentrations and
cells; 9 CKD intrarenal infusion) increase in urine-specific gravity). The
cats kidney architecture and morphology did
intravenous not change following the treatment. The
infused cells) feline AMSCs have a renoprotective
effect and improve renal function in cats
with naturally occurring CKD,
stabilizing the clinical condition and
disease progression
10  Cat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Characteristics and Potential Applications
Table 10.3 (continued)

Number of Study Biomaterial

Clinical case animals period used Cell dose/assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Feline chronic 9 cats 6 and Autologous 20 × 106 (2 doses Histology and 7/9 cats completed the study. Five cats Arzi et al.
gingivostomatitis 24 weeks AD-MSCs 30 days apart, immunohistochemistry, responded to treatment by either complete (2016)
intravenous) blood immune cell clinical remission (n = 3) or substantial
subsets, serum protein, clinical improvement (n = 2). Two cats
and cytokine levels were nonresponders. Cats that responded
to treatment also exhibited systemic
immunomodulation demonstrated by
decreased numbers of circulating CD8+ T
cells, a normalization of the CD4/CD8
ratio, decreased neutrophil counts, and
interferon-g and interleukin (IL)-1β
concentration, and a temporary increase
in serum IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α
concentration. No clinical recurrence has
occurred following complete clinical
remission (follow-up of 6–24 months)
Feline 5 1, 3, 6, Allogeneic 2 × 106 (2 doses Ocular surface integrity, Clinical signs showed a significant Villatoro
eosinophilic and AD-MSCs 2 months apart cytology, PCR, and change during the follow-up with et al.
keratitis (FEK) 11 months subconjunctivally) biochemistry resolution of the corneal and conjunctiva (2018)
(unilateral) lesions, and there were no signs of
regression or worsening
L1-L5 1 3 months Autologous 7 × 108 Clinical evaluation Seven days after surgery and cell Penha
compressive BM-MSCs, transplantation, the examination revealed et al.
fracture (treated collagen I gel, a progressive recovery of the panniculus (2012)
by and reflexes and of the responses to superficial
hemilaminectomy) physiotherapy and deep pain stimuli despite the low
proprioceptive and hyperreflexic ataxic
hind limbs. Physiotherapy protocols were
applied for clinical rehabilitation after
surgery. The cat’s first steps, 3-min
weight-bearing, and intestine and urinary
bladder partial reestablishment were
M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

observed 75 days post-surgery

10  Cat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Characteristics and Potential Applications 207

In an ischemic kidney injury model, comparative efficacy of allogeneic

AD-MSCs vs. BM-MSCs vs. fibroblasts had shown that restoration in renal func-
tion occurs only with time in either case and as such MSCs application in isch-
emic kidney injury was not supported. It can be inferred that further studies that
consider all the criteria like renal injury type, cell dose and source, and route or
timing of administration should be considered in order to draw any conclusion
(Rosselli et al. 2016).
In a clinical chronic kidney disease (CKD) study, intravenous infusion of
amniotic membrane MSCs had shown improved clinical condition although
without any change in the kidney architecture. The intrarenal implantation of
MSCs in CKD cats had failed to yield desired result at 1 month post-injection
(Quimby et al. 2011). Intra-renal infusion of the cells may be associated with the
anesthetic requirement and has associated stress response in a healthy cat. The
intravenous injection of MSCs for CKD may be preferable route (Vidane et al.
2016). In another CKD clinical study, intravenous implantation of MSCs had
failed to improve the clinical signs. Administration of cryopreserved cells, how-
ever, had elicited the adverse reaction, while cells harvested from cryopreserved
adipose tissue were devoid of such adverse reactions in the cases (Quimby et al.
2013). Same authors in another study had demonstrated no immediate improve-
ment with allogeneic MSCs. However, it was concluded that improvement that
may occur later in the follow-up requiring long duration studies (Quimby
et al. 2016).

10.3.3 Cat Asthma

Feline asthma exhibits airway eosinophilia, airway hyper-responsiveness (AHR)

and finally remodeling (Norris Reinero et al. 2004). Current therapeutics in such
cases involves glucocorticoids and bronchodilators, but these drugs fail to provide
consistent results (Murdoch and Lloyd 2010; Freishtat et al. 2010; Cocayne et al.
2011; Durrani et al. 2011). To control such ailment and provide relief to the patients,
advanced therapeutic is desired.
In an induced chronic asthma model (Bermuda grass allergen) of cat, allogeneic
AD-MSCs and placebo-treated cases had similar AHR and eosinophilia. At
8 months, lung attenuation and bronchial wall thickening were significantly lowered
in MSC-treated animals in comparison to placebo-treated cats. The effect, however,
was not sustained at month 12 (Trzil et al. 2014). In another similar model, asth-
matic cats injected with multiple doses of allogeneic AD-MSCs had shown an
improvement in clinical response (lowered lung attenuation bronchial wall thicken-
ing). The improvement was not demonstrated earlier (up to 133 days), but later on
at 9 months much improved clinical response had been demonstrated. It was con-
cluded that MSCs tend to show delayed effect and as such delayed response may be
observed (Trzil et  al. 2016). However, to confirm sustenance of these improved
results further investigations are required.
208 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

10.3.4 Chronic Gingivostomatitis

Feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS) is an idiopathic, oral inflammatory disease

that affects 0.7%–10% of cat population (Arzi et  al. 2010; Alpsoy et  al. 2015;
Jennings et al. 2015). It is generally treated by extraction of all the teeth. Even about
30% of cats do not respond to full mouth extraction demanding continuous medica-
tion (Jennings et al. 2015). Thus, MSCs due to their immunomodulatory and/anti-­
inflammatory role are being evaluated for FCGS.
In a feline chronic gingivostomatitis study, intravenous implantation of two
doses of MSCs had improved the clinical symptoms in more than 50% (5 out of 7)
of the cases. Among responders some had shown clinical remission (3/5), while oth-
ers (2/5) had significant clinical improvement. In responsive cases the systemic
immunomodulation was seen (Arzi et al. 2016).

10.3.5 Feline Eosinophilic Keratitis (FEK)

In FEK cornea undergoes superficial vascularization, yellow-white plaques, stromal

infiltration, and edema (Allgoewer et al. 2001). The etiological agent is currently
unknown, but disease appears to be immune mediated (Maggs 2008) and as such
anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressants are being prescribed for its control (Dean
and Meunier 2013). Since these compromise body’s immunity and lead to the other
ailments (Villatoro et al. 2015), other treatment options are being evaluated. Topical
cyclosporine to some extent appears useful but leads to corneal irritation and che-
mosis (Allgoewer et  al. 2001). MSCs due to their immunomodulation and/anti-­
inflammatory properties appear suitable therapeutic option.
In a clinical feline eosinophilic keratitis (FEK) study, two doses of allogeneic
MSCs applied subconjunctivally had led to the significant improvement in its symp-
toms. The clinical signs like corneal and conjunctiva lesions were resolved without
any sign of regression or worsening (Villatoro et al. 2018).

10.3.6 Neurological Ailments

fMSCs have been demonstrated to increase the tyrosine hydroxylase expression of

PC12 cell line being used for neurological studies (Jin et al. 2007). This could pos-
sibly be through MSCs secreted nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived nerve
factor (BDNF) in combination with dopamine produced by PC12 cells (Zhou et al.
1994; Li et al. 1997; Zhou et al. 1998). Red fluorescent protein (RFP)-transfected
cat umbilical cord blood (UCB)-MSCs under neurogenic differentiation medium
were differentiated into neuron-like cells. Immunocytochemistry had demonstrated
that differentiated cells were β III-tubulin-positive (6.85%), neurofilament light
(NF-L)-positive (3.37%), and neurofilament medium (NF-M)-positive (7.04%) (Jin
et al. 2008). Thus, UCB-MSCs can act as an alternative source.
10  Cat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Characteristics and Potential Applications 209

In a cat lumbar compressive fracture (surgically rectified by hemilaminectomy),

implantation of MSCs along with physiotherapy had improved the clinical symp-
toms. The initial observable positive responses were demonstrated at day 7 with the
return of panniculus reflex. After 75 days, a partial improvement in weight bearing
along with intestine and urinary bladder tone was recorded (Penha et  al. 2012).
These positive results demand further extensive investigations of MSCs application
in such conditions (Table10.2).

10.3.7 Cardiomyopathy

In cats, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is common. In an isoproterenol induced

hypertrophic model, intracoronary injection of cardiac stem cells (CSCs) and
BM-MSCs had improved fractional shortening in comparison to sham. MSCs had
led to superior improvement in left ventricle end-diastolic volume and ejection frac-
tion as compared to CSCs (Taghavi et al. 2015). Such a preliminary study shows
promising results with the use of MSCs though further extensive studies are desired
for any conclusion.

10.4 Conclusions

fMSCs have been harvested from various sources mainly from adipose tissues. The
cells have been culture expanded and characterized as per the ISCT.  The cells
exhibit limited self-renewal properties in currently available media as their viability
decreases and become more senescent at early culture passages (p6). fAD-MSCs
are more prone to FFV that leads to their morphologic and proliferative alterations.
The cellular applications have been made in various experimental models and or
clinical conditions. The results of these studies have variably been pro-therapeutic.
In case of kidney failure, however, little to no success with fMSCs has been demon-
strated. These studies are very limited with lack of sufficient data to be considered
sufficient for any conclusion(s).

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Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic
Research and Potential Applications 11
M. B. Gugjoo, Amar Pal, and G. T. Sharma


Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) being available in numerous adult tissues and
foetal membranes have been harvested from almost all these sources in dog. Due
to the presence of miniscule number of MSCs in these tissues, culture expansion
followed by their characterization becomes imperative. These characterized cells
have been made subject in preclinical experimental and clinical settings in dogs.
The studies have variably but undeniably supported their therapeutic effects,
although currently inconclusive. Number of dog clinical ailments compeer to
that of human. Therapeutic benefits of dMSCs in these ailments may provide
proof-of-therapeutic principle for human medicine. The current chapter details
dMSCs culture characteristics and potential applications.

11.1 Introduction

The population of pets like dog is increasing in the world. These pets are considered
as family members and owners spent many dollars to keep them healthy. Dog, Canis
familiaris, suffers from numerous ailments that lack standard treatment. Many of

M. B. Gugjoo (*)
Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex, FVSc & AH, SKUAST-Kashmir,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
A. Pal
Division of Surgery, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, UP, India
G. T. Sharma
Division of Physiology and Climatology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Izatnagar, UP, India

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to 213
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
M. B. Gugjoo, A. Pal (eds.), Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Veterinary Sciences,
214 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

their ailments have patho-physiological resemblance to that of human ailments,

involving genetic basis  as well (Starkey et  al. 2005). This makes dog a suitable
model animal for human. Dog offers many advantages including similarity in lifes-
pan. This allows long-term studies on the safety and efficacy of therapeutic agents
(Baird et al. 2015). To address issues of these enigmatic ailments and/or to promote
early healing, regenerative medicine involving stem cell therapy is currently being
studied. Among various types of stem cells, MSCs mainly contribute to the thera-
peutics in dog.

11.2 In Vitro Studies

11.2.1 Sources of Dog MSCs

A diverse set of tissues have been evaluated for stem cell reserve in dogs. This
includes adult issues and the foetal membranes (Table 11.1) (Gugjoo et al. 2019a).
These cells have also been harvested from induced pluripotent stem cells (Chow
et al. 2017). The current tissue harvesting procedures are invasive; efforts are being
made to develop advanced harvesting procedures that reduce animal sufferings. For
muscle tissue harvesting, minimally invasive technique of microbiopsy (leads to
insignificant muscle damage) had been demonstrated as reasonably safe way to har-
vest MSCs (Ceusters et al. 2017). Foetal membrane tissues are limited in dogs as
pets undergo elective castration in juvenile age (Sultana et  al. 2018). dMSCs in
compensation, may be harvested from ovaries and/or uterus of spayed animals
(Sultana et al. 2018).

11.2.2 Cellular Variability with Respect to Sources  Cell Concentration

The tissues harbour dMSCs in limited and variable concentrations. The cell yield per
gram of tissue varies. At day 16 of culture, the highest cell yield had been obtained
from periosteum (19.4 × 106) followed in descending order by muscle (3.37 × 106),
adipose tissue (2.33 × 106) and bone marrow (1.45 × 106) (Kisiel et al. 2012). dMSCs
tend to lose their self-renewal potential after certain passages. With extended passag-
ing, these cells had shown reduced proliferation potential and appeared senescent.
dMSCs had been demonstrated to maintain their consistent population doubling time
(PDT) up to 20 passages, though other factors like cell source and culture environ-
ment may also affect such properties (Spencer et al. 2012; Kresic et al. 2017). One of
the studies had evaluated MSCs from various sources and it was demonstrated that
highest cell proliferation in all these sources was at passage 3. Among these tissue
sources, average PDT was lowest for adipose tissue MSCs (15 h) followed in ascend-
ing order by placenta-MSCs (21.2 h), bone marrow MSCs (26.2 h) and umbilical cord
MSCs (41.9 h) (Zhan et al. 2019). Early passage dMSCs may therefore be clinically
more useful than those obtained after extended passaging.
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 215

Table 11.1  Dog Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) sources and their characterization
Positive markers Negative markers Differentiation References
Adipose MSCs (AD-MSCs)
CD44, CD90, CD14 and CD45 Osteogenic Kang et al.
MHC-I, CD34 (2008)
OCT4, NANOG, Not available Osteogenic, Neupane et al.
SOX2 Chondrogenic and (2008)
limited Adipogenic
CD44, CD90, CD14, CD34, CD45 Osteogenic, Ryu et al.
CD105 Adipogenic, (2009)
CD44, CD29, CD14, CD34, CD45, CD117, Osteogenic, Vieira et al.
CD90 CD13, CD105, CD73 Adipogenic, (2010)
CD90, CD44, CD34, CD45 Osteogenic, Martinello
CD140a, CD117 Adipogenic, myogenic et al. (2011)
CD29, CD44, thy CD31, CD34, CD73, CD105 Osteogenic, Oh et al.
1.1 Adipogenic, (2011)
myogenic, neurogenic
OCT4, NANOG, – Osteogenic, Guercio et al.
SOX2 Adipogenic, (2012)
CD44, CD90 CD34, CD45, CD146 Osteogenic, Kisiel et al.
SOX2, OCT4, Adipogenic (2012)
CD29, CD44, CD CD34, CD45, SSEA-3, Osteogenic, Takemitsu
90, SSEA-1 (low), SSEA-4, TRA-1-60 and Adipogenic et al. (2012)
OCT3/4, SOX2, TRA-1-81
CD44, CD73, CD14, CD34, CD45 Neurogenic Ryu et al.
CD90, CD105 (2012)
CD29, CD90 and CD34, CD45 and MHC-II Osteogenic, Villatoro et al.
STRO-1 Adipogenic, (2015)
CD90, CD44, CD34, CD45 Primordial germ Wei et al.
CD166, Oct4, Sox2 cell-like cells and male (2016)
germ cells
CD 90, CD 105 CD 14, CD 45 Osteogenic, Blecker et al.
Adipogenic, (2017)
CD9, CD44, CD90, CD34, CD45 and STRO-1 Osteogenic, Bearden et al.
and CD105, Adipogenic, (2017)
NANOG, OCT4, Chondrogenic
and SOX2
216 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

Table 11.1 (continued)
Positive markers Negative markers Differentiation References
CD44, CD90 CD34, CD45 Osteogenic, Kriston-Pál
Adipogenic, et al. (2017)
CD90, CD44, CD34, CD45 Osteogenic, Trindade et al.
NANOG, TERT, Chondrogenic, (2017)
SOX2, OCT4 Adipogenic,
neurogenic, endoderm,
primordial germ cells
CD90, CD44, Sox2 CD45 Osteogenic, Ayala-Cuellar
and Nanog Chondrogenic et al. (2019)
CD73, CD90, CD45, CD14, HLA-DR and Osteogenic, Bçrziòð et al.
CD44 CD34. Chondrogenic, (2018)
CD90, OCT4, CD34, CD45, MCH-II – Enciso et al.
SOX9, RUNX2, (2018)
CD90, CD44 CD45, CD11b Osteogenic, Sasaki et al.
Chondrogenic, (2018)
CD44, CD90 CD 34 and CD45 Osteogenic, Shah et al.
Chondrogenic (2018)
CD29, CD44, CD11/18, CD34, CD45, Osteogenic, Villatoro et al.
CD73, CD90 and MHC-II Adipogenic, (2018)
STRO-1 Chondrogenic
Amniotic fluid MSCs
Oct-4, CD44, CD34, CD45 Osteogenic, Uranio et al.
DLA-DRA1 and Chondrogenic, (2011)
DLA-79 Adipogenic,
Amniotic membrane MSCs
CD90, CD105 CD3, CD11c, CD28, CD38, Osteogenic, Park et al.
CD62L, CD34, CD45, Chondrogenic, (2012a)
CD41a Adipogenic,
Oct-4, CD44, CD34, CD45 Osteogenic, Uranio et al.
CD184 and CD29 Chondrogenic, (2011)
Bone marrow MSCs
CD90, MHC-I CD34, CD45, MHC-II Neurogenic Kamishina
et al. (2006)
CD105, CD90 CD45, CD34 Osteogenic, Csaki et al.
Chondrogenic, (2007)
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 217

Table 11.1 (continued)
Positive markers Negative markers Differentiation References
CD10, CD13, CD3, CD14, CD34, CD45 – Lee et al.
CD29, CD44, (2011b)
CD73/SH-3, CD90/
Thy-1 and CD106/
CD 44 and CD 90 CD34 Osteogenic Tharasanit
Chondrogenic, et al. (2011)
CD44, STRO-1 CD34, CD45 Chondrogenic Hodgkiss-­
Geere et al.
CD44, CD90. CD34, CD45, CD146 Osteogenic, Kisiel et al.
SOX2, OCT4, Adipogenic (2012)
CD44, CD73, CD14, CD34, CD45 Neurogenic Ryu et al.
CD90, CD105 (2012)
CD29, CD44, CD CD34, CD45, SSEA-3, Osteogenic, Takemitsu
90, OCT3/4, SOX2, SSEA-4, TRA-1-60, Adipogenic et al. (2012)
CD44, CD105 CD34, CD45 – Kazemi et al.
CD29, CD44, CD45 and CD11b Osteogenic, Matsuda et al.
CD90 Adipogenic (2017)
CD90, OCT4, CD34, CD45, MCH-II – Enciso et al.
SOX9, RUNX2, (2018)
CD 166, CD 29, CD45 and CD 34 Osteogenic, Li et al.
CD 90, CD 105 and Chondrogenic (2018)
CD 44
CD90, CD44 CD45, CD11b Osteogenic, Sasaki et al.
Chondrogenic, (2018)
CD9, CD44, CD90, CD34, CD45 and STRO-1 Osteogenic, Bearden et al.
and CD105, Adipogenic, (2017)
NANOG, OCT4, Chondrogenic
and SOX2
Corneal MSCs
CD90, CD73, CD34 Osteogenic, Kafarnik et al.
CD105, N-cadherin, Chondrogenic, (2020)
Pax6 Adipogenic
Dental pulp MSCs
CD90, CD44, – Osteogenic, Khorsand
CD146, SSEA-4 Chondrogenic, et al. (2013)
(low) Adipogenic
218 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

Table 11.1 (continued)
Positive markers Negative markers Differentiation References
Endometrium MSCs
CD44, CD29, CD45, CD34, CD31 (low to Osteogenic, De Cesaris
CD90, CD13, nil) Chondrogenic, et al. (2017)
CD133, CD73, Adipogenic
CD105, Oct4
Limbal epithelium MSCs
CD90, CD44, CD45, CD11b\c Osteogenic, Sancak et al.
CD49 Chondrogenic, (2014)
Muscle MSCs
CD44, CD90, CD34, CD45 Osteogenic, Kisiel et al.
SOX2, OCT4, Adipogenic (2012)
Olfactory epithelium MSCs
CD73, CD90, CD34, CD45, CD79 Osteogenic, Pinheiro et al.
CD105 Chondrogenic, (2016)
Omental MSCs
CD90, CD44 CD45, CD11b Osteogenic, Bahamondes
Chondrogenic, et al. (2017)
Ovarian MSCs
CD90, CD44, CD34, CD45 Osteogenic, Trindade et al.
NANOG, TERT, Chondrogenic, (2017)
SOX2, OCT4 Adipogenic,
neurogenic, endoderm,
primordial germ cells
Periodontal ligament MSCs
– – Adipogenic, Sedigh et al.
Osteogenic (2010)
Periosteal MSCs
CD44, CD90, CD34, CD45 Osteogenic, Kisiel et al.
SOX2, OCT4, Adipogenic (2012)
Synovial membrane MSCs
CD9, CD44, CD90, CD34, CD45 and STRO-1 Osteogenic, Bearden et al.
and CD105, Adipogenic, (2017)
NANOG, OCT4, Chondrogenic
and SOX2.
CD90, CD44 CD45, CD11b Osteogenic, Sasaki et al.
Chondrogenic, (2018)
Peripheral blood MSCs
CD34(low) CD34 Osteocalcin Huss et al.
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 219

Table 11.1 (continued)
Positive markers Negative markers Differentiation References
Placental MSCs
CD90, CD29, CD45, CD34 and MHC-II, Osteogenic, Saulnier et al.
CD44, CD105, NANOG, OCT4 Chondrogenic, (2016)
CD73, SOX2 (low) Adipogenic
CD44, CD29, MHC-II, CD45, CD34 Osteogenic, Cabon et al.
CD90 Adipogenic, (2019)
Umbilical cord MSCs
CD29, CD33, CD4, CD8a, CD10, CD14, Osteogenic, Seo et al.
CD44, CD105, CD20, CD24, CD31, CD34, Chondrogenic, (2009)
CD184, Oct4 CD38, CD41a, CD45, neurogenic
CD49b, CD41/61, CD62p,
CD73, CD90, CD133,
Umbilical cord tissue MSCs
CD44, CD54, CD4, CD8A, CD25, CD33, Chondrogenic Lee et al.
CD61, CD80, CD34 and CD117 (2013)
CD90, CD105,
Flk1, HMGA2,
Sox2, Nanog,
Oct-4, CD44, CD34, CD45 Osteogenic, Uranio et al.
CD184 and CD29 Chondrogenic, (2011)
Umbilical cord vein MSCs
CD44, CD29, CD14, CD34, CD45, CD117 Osteogenic, Zucconi et al.
CD90 Adipogenic, (2010)
CD44, CD73, CD14, CD34, CD45 Neurogenic Ryu et al.
CD90, CD105 (2012)
Wharton’s jelly MSCs
CD90, CD105 CD3, CD11c, CD28, CD38, Osteogenic, Seo et al.
CD62L, CD34, CD45,CD41a Chondrogenic, (2012)
CD44, CD73, CD14, CD34, CD45 Neurogenic Ryu et al.
CD90, CD105 (2012)
AD Adipose tissue, AF Amniotic fluid, AM Amniotic membrane, BM Bone marrow, DP Dental
pulp, End Endometrium, LE Limbal epithelium, Li liver, MSC Mesenchymal stem cell, Mu Muscle,
OE Olfactory epithelium, Om Omentum, Ov Ovary, PL Periodontal ligament, Pe Periosteum, PB
Peripheral blood, Pl Placenta, Sy synovium, UCB Umbilical cord blood, UCT Umbilical cord tis-
sue, UCV Umbilical cord vein, WJ Wharton’s jelly

11.2.3 Characterization of dMSCs

The characterization criteria followed in dMSCs is similar to that of human includ-

ing plastic adherence, surface marker expression and differentiation potential
(Dominici et al. 2006). dMSCs show plastic adherence and appear morphologically
as spindle-shaped fibroblasts, although morphologies resembling slender and/
220 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

elongated to cuboidal shapes too have been demonstrated (Huss et al. 2000; Csaki
et al. 2007; de Bakker et al. 2013).  Expression Profile of dMSCs

dMSCs in general express various surface markers as per the laid down criteria
except for few surface markers as detailed in Table 11.1. dMSCs show plasticity and
variably express pluripotency markers depending upon their tissue source as enlisted
in Table 11.1. dBM-MSCs and dAD-MSCs had comparable expression of Oct2/4
and Sox2 although Nanog expression was 2.5 times higher in the latter as compared
to the former cells (Takemitsu et al. 2012). Such an expression remains comparable
in foetal adnexa MSCs at various stages of gestation (Uranio et al. 2014). One study
on placental MSCs, however, had failed to demonstrate expression profile of some
of the pluripotency markers like Oct3/4 and Nanog (Saulnier et al. 2016). The basis
of these differences needs to be understood as it may have bearing on in vivo thera-
peutic results.  dMSCs Differentiation Potential

dMSCs undergo recommended tri-lineage differentiation involving osteogenic,
adipogenic and chondrogenic. In two studies MSCs adipogenic differentiation
had failed to occur (Neupane et al. 2008; Seo et al. 2009) but was effectuated in
presence of rabbit serum (Neupane et al. 2008). Since dMSCs express pluripo-
tency markers, extended differentiation potential into neural cell-, myocyte-, kera-
tinocyte-, endothelial cell- and primordial germ cell-like cells too has been
established (Table 11.1).

11.2.4 Comparative Source Based dMSC Characteristics

dMSCs from various sources show variable characteristics. Dog endometrium-

(dEnd-) MSCs had been demonstrated to have lower replicative potential as com-
pared to dAD-MSCs (De Cesaris et al. 2017). Surface marker expression may not
be similar in all the cases. Among various surface markers consistent expression of
CD13 and CD105 has been demonstrated from different tissue sources. Other
important surface marker (CD73) has also been consistently expressed barring a
single study (Vieira et  al. 2010). A study on dog peripheral blood MSCs (dPB-­
MSCs) had reported partial expression of haematopoietic markers (CD34) and
could be attributed to their dynamic shift in blood (Huss et al. 2000). Overall expres-
sion of dMSCs derived from bone marrow, synovium and adipose tissue had been
comparable except for CD105 expression that was more in adipose tissue (AD-)
MSCs and synovial (Sy-) MSCs.
Osteogenesis had been significantly higher in Sy-MSCs and BM-MSCs while
pellet size in chondrogenic medium was significantly more in AD-MSCs and
Sy-MSCs (Bearden et  al. 2017). Other study had shown higher chondrogenic
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 221

potential of dSy-MSCs than dBM-MSCs and MSCs derived from  inguinal and
infrapatellar fat pad (Sasaki et  al. 2018). Between dBM-MSCs and dLi-MSCs,
chondrogenic potential had been higher in former while liver specific genes were
better expressed in the latter (Malagola et al. 2016). Among various sources like
adipose tissue, bone marrow, umbilical cord and Wharton’s Jelly, dAD-MSCs had
higher potential to proliferate. Vascular endothelial growth factor expression
(VEGF) had been higher in dBM-MSCs. At early phase dAD-MSCs and dog umbil-
ical cord blood- (dUCB-) MSCs had greater ability of osteogenesis, however, com-
parable osteogenesis was demonstrated in all these cell lines (Kang et  al. 2012).
From all these studies it can be inferred that tissue source plays an important role in
MSCs proliferation and differentiation properties. Musculoskeletal tissue (synovium
and bone marrow) derived MSCs may be preferable for musculoskeletal tissue
Location of the particular tissue may also affect MSCs properties. Omentum and
subcutaneous adipose tissue derived AD-MSCs had comparable trophic, vasculo-
genic and immuno-modulatory properties. Omentum, however, had significantly
higher cell yield as compared to others (Bahamondes et  al. 2017). dMSCs from
subcutaneous fat had shown multipotent differentiation up to passage 8 while such
a potential of MSCs from visceral (periovaric) fat had been only up to passage 4.
The former cell type additionally had higher osteogenic expression (Yaneselli et al.
2018). Among various BM-MSCs sources ilium derived cells had been most prolif-
erative (Volk et al. 2012). Mandible MSCs may carry higher cell proliferation in
comparison to the femur (Bugueño et al. 2017). However, considering factors like
collection technique and cell characteristics, humerus had been considered to
be better source (Laura et al. 2008).

11.2.5 Effect of Donor Age on dMSCs

Ageing may reduce dMSCs proliferation and differentiation potential. MSCs from
aged dog bone marrow had a significant (40%) reduction in proliferation potential,
in addition to the osteogenic potential as compared to young ones (Volk et al. 2012).
Other similar study had demonstrated young donor AD-MSCs carried higher popu-
lation doubling potential as compared to those of aged dog MSCs. These cells had
also expressed higher surface and pluripotency markers (Lee et  al. 2017). Other
study though had reported comparable osteogenic gene and fibroblast growth fac-
tor-­10 expression in young and aged dMSCs but tumour necrosis factor and inter-
feron gamma expression had increased in aged dAD-MSCs (Taguchi et al. 2019).
Thus, available environment may affect dMSCs expression potential.

11.2.6 Effect of Drugs

dMSCs may be affected by steroids (Marycz et al. 2014; Guo et al. 2015; Jo et al.
2017) and vitamin C (Guo et  al. 2015). Low dose steroids may improve dMSCs
222 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

activity while higher doses might be cytotoxic (Marycz et al. 2014). Vitamin C may
also improve dMSCs proliferation (Guo et al. 2015).

11.2.7 Breed Variability and MSCs

Dog breeds may vary in their genetics and are expected to show some cellular dif-
ferences including of MSCs. Most of the breeds including German shepherd,
Labrador, Golden retriever, Border collie and Malinois had comparable initial
BM-MSCs population except one (Hovawart) that had much lower cell population.
MSCs from these breeds (German shepherd, Labrador, Golden retriever and Border
collie), however, had undergone early senescence. The cellular differentiation
potential in these breeds may also vary (Bertolo et al. 2015).

11.3 In Vivo Potential Therapeutic Applications

MSCs are increasingly being utilized in dog clinical practice. dMSCs have been
studied in various types of musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal tissues (Tables
11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.8, 11.9, 11.10, 11.12, and 11.13) (Gugjoo et al.
2019a). The in  vivo studies have largely supported dMSCs therapeutic potential
(Hall et al. 2010; Sousa et al. 2011; Kim et al. 2011; Cuervo et al. 2014; Muir et al.,
2016). Many of these studies have failed to report any major adverse effect (Cuervo
et  al. 2014; Bçrziòð et  al. 2018; Villatoro et  al. 2018) while some have reported
adverse reactions like self-controllable localized inflammation and pulmonary
parenchymal oedema and haemorrhage (Mokbel et al. 2011; Park et al. 2012a, b;
Kang and Park 2014).
In vivo MSCs viability remains important for their effectiveness. MSCs in vivo
implantation exposes them to noxious environment. As such the scaffold seeded
cells are being implanted. dAD-MSCs encapsulated in alginate beads had improved
retention and the cells were viable up to 7  days (Koh et  al. 2017). The studies
described in this chapter range from preclinical experimental models to the clinical
trials. The clinical studies described are mostly uncontrolled and have been con-
ducted as case report, case series and/or comparative studies.

11.3.1 Musculoskeletal Tissues  Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthrosis (OA) affects larger dog population (20%) (Johnston, 1997).
Currently, no successful clinical treatment is available (Gugjoo et al. 2016; Gugjoo
et al. 2017; Li et al. 2018; Gugjoo et al. 2019b). As such stem cell applications in
dog are being evaluated under experimental settings (Table 11.2) and in also clinical
trials (Table 11.3).
Table 11.2  In vivo chondrogenic preclinical experimental mesenchymal stem cell studies in dogs
Model defect
Number of size/Study Cell
Model type animals period Biomaterial used dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Partial 32 (8 3 mm diameter Autologous 1.4– Morphological, Recovery was significant Mokbel
thickness control; 12 and 1 mm BM-MSCs 1.6 × 106 histological and both clinically and et al.
chondral group II; 12 depth/8 weeks fluorescence analysis histologically in the two (2011)
defects of group III) cell treated groups (group
lateral femoral II and III) as compared to
condyle the control (group I). In
the meantime, group II
showed better results at
8 weeks than group
III. Homing was
confirmed by the
incorporation of injected
GFP-labelled MSCs
within the newly formed
Osteochondral Group I: 4.2 mm Chondrogenically-­ – Gross morphology and Statistically significant Yang et al.
defects of Cell + diameter and induced BMSCs by histological, improvement in gross and (2011)
medial femoral scaffold; 6 mm and scaffold biochemical, histology and cartilage
condyles group II: depth/3 months biomechanical and stiffness in cell/scaffold
Control and 6 months micro-CT analyses treated animals as
compared to control.
Comparable micro-CT
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

analysis of the
subchondral bone in two
groups. Better results in
later period than at early
Table 11.2 (continued)

Model defect
Number of size/Study Cell
Model type animals period Biomaterial used dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Osteonecrosis 24 (54 hip 2 mm diameter VEGF 165 2 × 107 Radiography, single-­ Better results in group I as Hang et al.
of the femoral joints) group and 2 mm transgenic bone photon emission, compared to group II and (2012)
head I: Transgenic width/12 weeks marrow computed tomography, group III. A regular
BM-MSCs; mesenchymal stem histopathology, arrangement of trabeculae
group II: cells or simple histomorphometric and obvious bone
BM-MSCs BM-MSCs analysis and regeneration with
group III: immunofluorescent significantly increased
Control staining for von capillaries in group I
Willebrand factor animals
Osteochondral 12 (24 6 mm diameter Autologous 1 × 106 Macroscopic and Group I had statistically Kazemi
defects (defects) and depth of BM-MSCs + histopathology significant improvement et al.
group I: Cell 5 mm/4– platelet rich fibrin in gross and histological (2017)
+ PRF 24 weeks (PRF) parameters as compared
treated; to control at 16 weeks.
group II: Compared to cell treated
Control group gross parameters
were deteriorated with
time in control group
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Chondral 24 (48 4 mm/28 weeks BM-MSCs + 1 × 107 Macroscopy, magnetic Group I had regenerated Li et al.
defects of stifle defects) hyaluronic acid resonance imaging more cartilage-like tissue (2018)
joint group I: Cell (HA) (MRI), histopathology, than did HA alone or
+ HA immunohistochemistry saline. Macroscopic
treated; for type II collagen evaluation and
group II histological assessment
hyaluronic score were significantly
acid; group improved in cartilage
III: Control defects of group I as
compared to those in the
other groups. MRI
demonstrated cartilage-­
like signal at defect sites,
and the surface of
cartilage was relatively
smooth. No obvious
defect was found and
cartilage-like tissue with
the same thickness of the
surrounding normal tissue
was formed in group I. for
group II, cartilage-like
signal was also observed,
but the thicknesses of
tissue at the defect sites
were thinner than those at
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

normal. For group III, no

cartilage-like signal was
Table 11.3  In vivo chondrogenic clinical mesenchymal stem cell studies in dogs

Number of
Clinical condition/ animals Study Evaluation
ailment included period Study type Cell source Cell dose criteria Overall result References
Chronic 21 90 days Case series Autologous 5 × 106 (20 Orthopaedic Statistically significant Black et al.
osteoarthritis of (randomized, AD-MSCs dogs) and examination improvement in scores (2007)
Coxo-femoral joint double 4.5 × 106 (1 scores, for lameness and the
blinded, dog) lameness and compiled scores for
placebo-­ composite lameness, pain and range
controlled scores and size of motion as compared
trial) effect to control dogs
Chronic 14 180 days Case series Autologous 3–5 × 106 Orthopaedic Statistically significant Black et al.
osteoarthritis of (randomized, AD-MSCs examination improvement in (2008)
humeroradial joint double score and size lameness, pain on
blinded, effect manipulation, range of
non-placebo-­ motion and functional
controlled disability in cell treated
trial) animals
Chronic 4 30 days Case series Autologous 3–5 × 106 Clinical tests Improvement with time Guercio
osteoarthritis of (uncontrolled AD-MSCs (laden in like trot pain on as per owner although et al. (2012)
humeroradial joint study) platelet rich palpation and without any statistical
plasma or functional testing
hyaluronic improvement in
acid) disability
Chronic arthritis of 8 180 Autologous 15 × 106 Force platform Significant improvement Vilar et al.
the hip joint AD-MSCs analysis in clinical parameters in (2013)
cell treated cases
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Hip osteoarthritis 39 180 days Randomized Autologous 30 × 106 Visual analog MSCs and PRGF Cuervo et al.
(autologous comparative AD-MSCs scale (VAS), implantation was safe (2014)
AD-MSCs clinical trial and PRGF bioearth scale and effective in the
vs PRGF) assessment, functional analysis at 1,
range of motion 3 and 6 months; provide
(ROM), a significant
radiography improvement, reducing
dog’s pain, and
improving physical
function. With respect to
basal levels for every
parameter in patients
with hip OA, MSCs
showed better results at
6 months
Hip dysplasia 9 (group I: 30 days Comparative Allogeneic 0.2–0.8 × 106 Physical and Positive results were Marx et al.
SVF, n = 4; study AD-MSCs at orthopaedic more clearly seen in the (2014)
group II: acupoints or examinations SVF-treated group. All
AD-MSCs; stromal dogs had shown
n = 5) vascular improvement in range of
fraction motion, lameness at trot
(SVF) and pain on
manipulation of the
joints, except for one
ASC-treated patient.
These results had shown
that autologous SVF or
allogeneic ASCs can be
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

safely used in acupoint

injection for treating hip
dysplasia in dogs and
represent an important
therapeutic alternative
for this type of


Table 11.3 (continued)

Number of
Clinical condition/ animals Study Evaluation
ailment included period Study type Cell source Cell dose criteria Overall result References
Chronic arthritis of 15 (group I: 180 days Case control Autologous 15 × 106 X-ray and Mean values of PVF and Vilar et al.
the hip joint MSCs (blinded AD-MSCs platform gait VI were significantly (2014)
treated, control study) analysis: Mean improved within the first
n = 10; values of peak 3 months cell post-
sound dogs, vertical force treatment in the OA
n = 5) (PVF) and group, increasing 9%
vertical impulse and 2.5% body weight,
(VI) respectively, at day 30.
After this, the effect
seems to decrease
reaching initial values
Osteoarthritis of hip, 82 (bilateral 60 days Case series Allogeneic 12 × 106 Owner Success in the primary Harman
elbow, stifle, and or joints: study AD-MSCs (cryopreserved client-specific outcome was variable. et al. (2016)
shoulder joints Treated, (prospective, with 85.1% outcome CSOM was statistically
n = 35; randomized, viability) measurement improved in the treated
placebo masked and (CSOM) and dogs compared to the
control, placebo-­ secondary placebo dogs. The
n = 32) and controlled) measures veterinary pain on
(single included manipulation score and
joint: veterinary pain the veterinary global
Treated: on score were both
n = 8; manipulation, statistically improved in
placebo veterinary treated dogs as
control, global score, compared to placebo
n = 7) and owner
global score
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Elbow dysplasia and 30 dogs (39 1 year Case series Allogeneic 12 × 106 ± Owner and A highly significant Kriston-Pál
elbow osteoarthritis elbow (uncontrolled AD-MSCs + 3.2 × 106cells veterinarian improvement was et al. (2017)
joints) study) hyaluronic examination, achieved after cell
acid (0.5%) arthroscopy implantation without any
and medication as
histopathology demonstrated by the
degree of lameness
during the follow-up
period. Control
arthroscopy of 1
transplanted dog
indicated that the
cartilage had
regenerated. Histological
analysis of the cartilage
biopsy confirmed that
the regenerated cartilage
was of hyaline type
Hip, knee, 10 patients 30–90 days/4 Case reports Autologous 3 × 107 Physical Functional outcomes for Dražilov
radiocarpal (n = 5 years (5 AD-MSCs examination all analysed et al. (2018)
intercarpal, elbow evaluated animals) and assessment characteristics improved
and ulnar for 90 days for lameness, significantly at the end
osteoarthritis and n = 5 pain on of this evaluation
for manipulation, compared with the
1–4 years) range of motion baseline. Long-lasting
of the joint and positive effects on two
functional out of five analysed
disability characteristics
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

Table 11.3 (continued)

Number of
Clinical condition/ animals Study Evaluation
ailment included period Study type Cell source Cell dose criteria Overall result References
Degenerative 203 10 weeks Controlled Allogeneic 128 received a Quality of life Ninety percent of young Shah et al.
arthritis (divided clinical study AD-MSCs single dose of score (QoL), dogs (<9 years) had (2018)
into groups intra-articular lameness and shown excellent
as per age, injection in the pain score improvement in pain and
weight) affected joint. mobility and were able
65 dogs to run and resume
received a normal activity. Sixty
single percent of older dogs
intravenous showed good
injection, and improvement. However,
10 dogs 12% of dogs did not
received both exhibit any change in
IA and IV symptoms; one dog
injections showed worsening of the
Osteoarthritis (hip, 22 6 months Non- Allogeneic 10 × 106 Clinical Veterinary clinical Cabon et al.
knee, elbow and and 2 years randomized, MSCs (repeated evaluation, flow evaluation showed a (2019)
tarsal joints) open and injection after Cytometric significant and durable
monocentric 6 months in 8 Crossmatch clinical improvement (up
study dogs or 11 analysis of to 6 months) following
joints) Humoral MSC administration.
response Eight dogs (11 joints)
against cellular were re-injected
product 6 months apart,
sustaining clinical
benefits up to 1 year.
Owner’s global
satisfaction reached 75%
at 2 years post-treatment
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Elbow osteoarthritis 6 6 weeks Case control Xenogeneic 1 × 106 cells Orthopaedic There was no significant Daems et al.
chondrogenic examination, difference in the (2019)
induced synovial fluid orthopaedic examination
PB-MSCs examination, parameters, the
(equine radiography radiographic
source) examination, synovial
fluid sampling and
pressure plate analysis
between placebo and
MSC treatment. A single
administration of MSCs
proved to be a
well-tolerated treatment,
which reduced lameness
and pain according to
the owner’s evaluations
as compared to a placebo
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
232 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

In these studies a single dose of dMSCs has been injected locally into joints
except for a study that had implanted cells more than once (Cabon et al. 2019).
One study had utilized acupoint as site of implantation (Marx et al. 2014). Either
only cells have been utilized (Marx et al. 2014; Vilar et al. 2014) or along with
platelet rich plasma/fibrin (Vilar et al. 2013; Kazemi et al. 2017), biphasic scaf-
fold (Yang et al. 2011) or hyaluronic acid (Guercio et al. 2012; Kriston-Pál et al.
2017; Li et al. 2018). Even chondrogenically differentiated (Yang et al. 2011) or
vascular endothelial growth factor transduced dMSCs have also been evaluated
(Hang et al. 2012). In general, these studies have variably supported therapeutic
applications of dMSCs.
Variable evaluation parameters have been undertaken in these studies. Variable
follow-up period ranging from as low as 1 month (Guercio et al. 2012; Marx et al.
2014) to a maximum period of 5 years (Yoon et al. 2012) had been conducted.
Therapeutic evaluation of dMSCs has been made on the basis of clinical evalua-
tion parameters like Pain scales, and MRI, CT scan and histological examination.
Quantitative Force Platform Gait Analysis tends to have greater accuracy and con-
cordance for assessment of AO lameness as compared to pain assessment scales
(Vilar et al. 2014). Improvement on the basis of clinical parameters, arthroscopic
evaluation and histology has been demonstrated (Kriston-Pál et  al. 2017). The
histological scores of healed tissues in MSCs-treated groups were higher as com-
pared to control but complete hyaline tissue was lacking. The healed tissues had
been mixed fibrocartilage and/hyaline lacking complete integration to the native
cartilage (Yang et al. 2011; Kazemi et al. 2017). Some of the studies, however,
had failed to demonstrate significant improvement (Daems et al. 2019) and even
some failed to demonstrate long-lasting improvement with MSCs applications
(Vilar et al. 2014).
Several comparative studies have also been conducted. dAD-MSCs had been
compared to platelet rich growth factors (PRGF) (Cuervo et al. 2014), stromal vas-
cular fraction (SVF) (Marx et al. 2014), in addition to the VEGF transgenic dBM-­
MSCs against simple BM-MSCs. MSCs though had provided better outcome as
compared to PRGF but not in comparison to SVF. SVF also contain growth factors
and as such might have improved osteochondral defect healing (Kazemi et al. 2017).
VEGF transgenic dBM-MSCs had better osteochondral healing potential as com-
pared to simple MSCs (Hang et al. 2012). There is need for studies that compares
dMSCs to the currently available surgical techniques.  Osteogenic Defects

Bone usually heal fast but may sometimes be hampered, resulting in delayed union
and/non-union. Varied conditions like infection, extensive damage, old age, tumours
and/or osteoporosis impair bone healing. Dog fracture non-union rate remains at
3.4% of the total bone fractures (Millis and Jackson, 2003).
MSCs have been studied in various dog preclinical experimental models
(Table 11.4) and in clinical cases (Table 11.5). MSCs have been implanted along
with various scaffolds like β-TCP (Arinzeh et  al. 2003), β-TCP/poly
Table 11.4  In vivo Preclinical experimental osteogenic mesenchymal stem cell studies
Number of Model defect Biomaterial Evaluation
Model type animals size/study period Study type used Cell dose criteria Overall result References
Critical 15 21 mm Comparative Autologous – Histology and Atrophic non-union occurred in Bruder
size defect (n = 6 in length/4–16 experimental BM-MSCs + morphometry, untreated defects. Only a small et al.
of femora cell treated weeks study (treatment porous ceramic radiography amount of trabecular bone (1998)
and n = 6 group Vs porous cylinder formed at the cut ends of the
ceramic ceramic containing cortex of the host bone in this
treated and cylinder treated hydroxyapatite group. In contrast, radiographic
3 in group Vs (65%) and union was established rapidly at
control) control) beta-tricalcium the interface between the host
phosphate bone and the implants in cell
ceramic (35%) loaded. Histological and
morphometric analyses
demonstrated that both woven
and lamellar bone had filled the
pores of the implants that had
been loaded with mesenchymal
stem cells. The amount of bone
was significantly greater than
the pores of the implants that
had not been loaded with cells.
The collar of bone remodelled
during the sixteen-week period
of study, resulting in a size and
shape that were comparable
with those of the segment of
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

bone that had been resected.

Callus did not develop around
the cortex of the host bone or
around the defect in any of the
specimens in the other two

Table 11.4 (continued)

Number of Model defect Biomaterial Evaluation

Model type animals size/study period Study type used Cell dose criteria Overall result References
Critical 12 21 mm Comparative Allogeneic – Histology and Defects treated with allogeneic Arinzeh
size defect length/16 weeks experimental MSCs + radiography mesenchymal stem cell et al.
of femoral study beta-tricalcium implants showed no adverse (2003)
diaphysis (allogeneic phosphate host response. Histologically,
MSCs + no lymphocytic infiltration
beta-tricalcium occurred and no antibodies
phosphate vs against allogeneic cells were
autologous detected. Histologically, by
MSCs vs eight weeks, a callus spanned
control) the length of the defect, and
lamellar bone filled the pores
of the implant at the host
bone-implant interface.
Fluorescently labelled
allogeneic cells were also
detected. At sixteen weeks,
new bone had formed
throughout the implant. These
results were consistent with
those seen in implants loaded
with autologous cells. Implants
loaded with allogeneic or
autologous stem cells had
significantly greater amounts
of bone within the available
pore space than did cell-free
implants at 16 weeks
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Radial 6 (n = 3 in 1.5 cm/12 weeks Experimental Allogeneic 1 × 106 Radiography, Radiographically, continuity Jang et al.
critical treatment study UCB-MSCs + histology between implant and host bone (2008)
size defect group and (allogeneic beta-tricalcium was evident at only one of six
n = 3 in UCB-MSCs + phosphate interfaces in control by 12 weeks,
control) beta-tricalcium covered with but in three of six interfaces in
phosphate Vs β-TCP/poly cell treated group. Radiolucency
control) L-lactide-co-ε- was found only near the bone end
caprolactone in control group at 12 weeks after
composite implantation, but in the entire
supported with graft in cell treated group.
compression Histologically, bone formation
plate was observed around beta-TCP in
longitudinal sections of implant in
both groups. Histomorphometric
analysis revealed significantly
increased new bone formation in
cell treated group at 12 weeks
after implantation.
Critical 9 (18 2.5 cm/12 weeks Comparative BM-MSCs + 560 μg/107 Radiography, Enhanced bone formation, with Itoi et al.
size ulnar forelimb study (groups of rBMP (E. coli) cells, micro-CT, improved bone mineral density (2016)
bone defects) different 560 μg/105 histological and reduced non-uniformity of
defect BM-MSC cells, the regenerated bone in cell and
concentration + 560 μg/0 BMP treated group. Higher cell
rBMP cells, and growth factor concentration
concentration) 140 μg/107, in general improved healing.
140 μg/105, Micro-CT confirmed bone
140 μg/0 mineral density was improved in
the groups that received cells
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

(107 or 105) along with the

560 μg of rBMP. The non-
uniformity of the bone mineral
density was improved in animals
that received 560 μg rBMP with
107 and 105 cells and 140 μg/107

Table 11.5  In vivo clinical osteogenic mesenchymal stem cell studies

animals Study Evaluation
Clinical case included period Study type Cell source Cell dose Route criteria Overall result References
Radial 1 90 days Case report Autologous 3.2 × 107 Local Radiography The composition Lee et al.
fracture with AD-MSCs + implantation + and lameness scaffold of HA (2009a)
sclerotic hydroxyapatite compression containing ADSCs had
ends and chitosan plate induced new bone
Radial 1 8 weeks Case report Umbilical cord 1 × 107 Local Radiography Fracture healing was Jang et al.
non-union MSCs + repeated implantation identified by 6 weeks (2008)
fracture cortical after after cell injection.
allograft 1 month Increased opacity
between radius and
allograft bone, and a
decreased radiolucent
gap was checked. With
time, the radiolucent
site gradually
decreased and the
radiolucent fracture
line disappeared
Oligotrophic 1 dog 9 weeks Case report Bone 1 × 104 Local Lameness Completely healed Song et al.
non-union morphogenetic cells/cm2 implantation + and fracture (2017)
left radial protein-7 locking plate radiography
fracture AD-MSC
Tibial 9 15, 30, Double-blind MSCs 1.5 × 106 Local Radiography, Cell treated group had dos Santos
tuberosity (control, 60 and experimental application image significant ossification et al.
osteotomy n = 5; cell 120 days study analysis mean 36.45% greater (2018)
treated, software than the control at
M. B. Gugjoo et al.

n = 4) 30 days
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 237

L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone (Jang et al. 2008), coral scaffold (Cui et al. 2017) and
porous ceramic cylinder (Bruder et al. 1998). All these studies have demonstrated
improved bone density with uniform growth of regenerated tissue upon dMSCs
implantation. Concentration of the cells and of the growth factor (rBMP) used too
may have effect on bone healing (Itoi et  al. 2016). Contrary to ex  vivo reports,
dMSCs from varied sources had provided comparable in vivo osteogenesis (Kang
et al. 2012).
Apart from experimental studies, clinical application of MSCs too has supported
their role in enhancement of healing. BMP-7 transgenic dAD-MSC sheets implanted
in a clinical oligotrophic non-union radial fracture and autologous AD-MSCs in
combination with hydroxyapatite and chitosan implanted in a radial fracture with
sclerotic ends had complete healing in about 9  weeks (Song et  al. 2017) and
12  weeks (Lee et  al. 2009a), respectively. All these studies have utilized MSCs
along with variable scaffolds and/growth factors. There is need to perform compara-
tive uniform studies incorporating various scaffolds and growth factors. Besides,
these studies have to be compared against the current surgical treatment options for
their feasibility and effectiveness.  Periodontal Defects

Periodontitis has limited outcome with currently available regenerative therapies
(guided tissue regeneration and enamel matrix derivatives). These techniques are
associated with poor clinical predictability (Esposito et  al. 2009). To address the
issue, stem cell application for periodontal regeneration is currently being evaluated
(Table 11.6).
In experimental studies, dMSCs have improved periodontal defect repair,
although variably. The in  vivo implanted cells had migrated to these structures
and showed differentiation into osteoblast- and fibroblast-like cells (Akizuki et al.
2005; Wei et al. 2010), and odontoblast-like cells (Shi and Gronthos, 2003). MSCs
from various sources have been utilized (Table 11.6). dMSCs from alveolar peri-
osteum, bone marrow and periodontal ligament (PDL) had variably improved
healing. PDL-­MSCs had led to the significant periodontal regeneration in com-
parison to the other cell types. The healed tissue with PDL-MSC implantation
included well-oriented PDL fibres, regenerated nerve, cementum and alveolar
bone (Tsumanuma et  al. 2011). To improve cell survival and effectivity, MSCs
along with scaffold matrices and osteo-inductive material had successfully regen-
erated the tissue in furcation defects (Takewaki et  al. 2017). Further, cryopre-
served MSCs had comparable periodontal healing potential to that of fresh MSCs
(Li et al. 2009).
These model studies evaluated MSCs in variable classes of furcation defects.
MSCs concentration, passage number, concentrations and sources has been variable
in these studies. Addition of scaffolds and growth factors too makes these studies
Table 11.6  In vivo preclinical experimental mesenchymal studies on periodontal regeneration

Number of Model defect size/ Biomaterial Evaluation

Model type animals study period Study type used Cell dose criteria Overall result References
Periodontal Five dogs (26 5 mm × 5 mm Comparative Freshly 5 × 106 Histological Both freshly isolated Li et al.
fenestration teeth) (apical to the experimental isolated and and and cryopreserved (2009)
defects cemento-enamel study (fresh cryopreserved histomorpho­ BMSC
junction)/8 weeks BM-MSCs Vs BM-MSCs metric transplantations
cryopreserved seeded on parameters induced significantly
BM-MSCs) collagen better periodontal
scaffold regeneration with
newly formed
cementum, alveolar
bone and periodontal
ligament as compared
to collagen scaffold
applied cases.
Class II 7 (control 6 months Experimental Autologous Histometric PDL cells had Suaid et al.
furcation group: study (cell periodontal parameters, significantly promoted (2011)
defects Coronally treated Vs ligament scanning periodontal
positioned control) derived MSCs electron regeneration. Cell
flap, microscopy group presented a
bioabsorbable (SEM) superior length of new
membranes: cementum, a greater
GTR, sponge extension of
group: Carrier periodontal
+ GTR, cell regeneration and a
group: Carrier larger area of new
+ PDL cells + bone as compared to
GTR sponge, GTR and
control group,
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
One-wall 4 5 mm in depth, Comparative Autologous 3–5 × 104 Histological Significant Tsumanuma
intrabony 5 mm mesio-distal study cells in cell sheets and periodontal et al. (2011)
defect width/8 weeks (PDL-MSCs concerned histometric regeneration
Vs alveolar groups parameters (Cementum and
periosteum well-oriented PDL
MSCs (AP) fibres) in the
Vs PDL-MSCs group
BM-MSCs) than others. Nerve
regeneration and
alveolar bone
formation are also
better in PDL-MSC
Class II 3 5 mm (apico-­ Comparative Autologous 1 × 107 Histomorpho­ Periodontal Simsek
furcation occlusal direction) experimental BM-MSCs + metric analysis regeneration with et al. (2012)
defects and 2 mm study PRP and complete filling of
(buccolingual (BM-MSCs + histological class II furcation
direction)/8 weeks PRP Vs PRP analysis defects with
Vs control) cementum, alveolar
bone and periodontal
ligament all cases
healed equally.
Class III 7 5.0 mm in the Comparative Autologous 3 × 105 Histomorpho­ PDL cells with sponge Suaid et al.
furcation apico-occlusal study periodontal metrically had significantly (2012)
defects direction/3 months (PDL-MSCs ligament promoted periodontal
+ sponge derived MSCs regeneration
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

carrier vs + carrier
sponge sponge
treated vs
Table 11.6 (continued)

Number of Model defect size/ Biomaterial Evaluation

Model type animals study period Study type used Cell dose criteria Overall result References
3-walled 10 (one side 3 mm Experimental Autologous 2 × 107 Histologically Cementum Khorsand
periodontal treated and buccolingually, study (cell dental pulp and regeneration and et al. (2013)
defects in other side 5 mm apico-­ treated Vs MSCs and histomorpho­ periodontal ligament
first lower untreated) coronally, and control) bio-Oss metrically regeneration
premolar 8 mm granules after significantly higher in
teeth mesiodistally 4 weeks treated group than
created control
defect/8 weeks
Class III 8 5 mm (height from Comparative Autologous 1.5 × 107 Histologic, Periodontal tissue Tobita et al.
periodontal the top of the experimental AD-MSCs and immuno-­ with the correct (2013)
tissue dental root study (cell + PRP histologic architecture including
defects bifurcation to the PRP vs PRP and alveolar bone,
reduced alveolar Vs non radiography cementum-like
crest in the class treated structures and
III defect) groups) periodontal ligament-­
/2 months like structures
regenerated in cell and
PRP treated cases
Premolar 7 (24 right Height from the Experimental Autologous 7 × 104 cell Micro- Successful periodontal Takewaki
class III and left cement-enamel study (cell BM-MSCs sheet computed tissue regeneration et al. (2017)
furcation premolar junction to the treated Vs and osteogenic tomography, with BM-MSCs as
defect defects) reduced alveolar control) induced histological compared to control.
crest was BM-MSCs analysis and Rapid alveolar bone
4 mm/12 weeks morphometric formation with
analysis osteogenic
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 241  Ligaments/Tendon/Muscle Injuries

Rupture of cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) causes hind limb lameness in dog
(Johnson et al. 1994). Currently, no specific and effective treatment is available and
as such MSCs are being evaluated (Table 11.7). Intra-articularly implanted dBM-­
MSCs tend to engraft CCL (Linon et al. 2014). An overall improvement, although
variably has been demonstrated with MSCs (Canapp Jr. et  al. 2016; Muir et  al.
2016). A retrospective study had reported an improvement with AD-MSCs and
BM-MSCs along with platelet rich plasma on partial cranial cruciate ligament rup-
ture. Available arthroscopic findings had represented fully healed CCL (marked
neo-vascularization and a normal fibre pattern) in the disrupted areas in most of the
cases (Canapp Jr. et al. 2016). Further, MSCs implanted in a tibial plateau levelling
osteotomy (TPLO) treated CCL had significantly improved bone healing at 1 month
period in comparison to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) treated
ones. However, the improvement could not be maintained for long as non-­significant
differences in clinical parameters at later periods (up to 3 months) had been demon-
strated (Taroni et al. 2017). Further extensive studies of longer follow-up periods
are therefore desired.
MSCs may impart clinical healing either by fibroblastic differentiation or by the
release of trophic factors (Yoon et al. 2012). MSCs like AD-MSCs may modulate
tendon inflammation by increasing M2 macrophages, inhibiting inflammation
(prostaglandin reductase 1). The cells may introduce progenitor cell, reduce mono-
nuclear cell infiltration to the damaged site and increase pro-tenogenic proteins
(periostin). Incorporation of recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-12
(rBMP-12) may further potentiate these effects possibly through induction of more
activated M2 macrophages (Gelberman et al. 2017).
Athletic dogs undergo frequent muscle injuries (Lee et al. 2012). Muscle lack
innate ability to regenerate. As MSCs tend to differentiate into myocyte like cells
under ex vivo studies they have prospect to repair muscles under in vivo system.
MSCs implanted into the incised infraspinatus tendon tend to align between its
collagen fibres. These aligned cells may express higher tenomodulin, MMP13
and collagen type I in the composite (Omae et al. 2009). In dog clinical cases,
these cells have promoted muscle repair and prevented fibrosis. The treated ani-
mals were able to work being characterized by improved functional gait and lack
of lameness (Brown et  al. 2012; Case et  al. 2013; Gibson et  al. 2017).
Ultrasonographic examination, however, had demonstrated lack of proper
arrangement of gastrocnemius muscle fibres (Case et al., 2013). Muscle derived
MSCs may also improve muscular dystrophy. The implanted cells in immune-
suppressed dogs had led to the gradual improvement of dystrophied muscles
(Lorant et al. 2018).  Myocardial Diseases

Dilated cardiomyopathy is one of the commonly seen cardiac ailments in dogs.
AD-MSCs application in occult-dilated cardiomyopathy cases had been safe but
without any observable clinical  benefits (Pogue et  al. 2013). Further studies are
Table 11.7  In vivo clinical mesenchymal stem cell studies on tendon/ligament/muscle injuries

Number of
animals Study
Clinical case included period Study type Cell source Cell dose Route Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Chronic Chagas 5 6 months Case series Autologous 100 × 106 Right and left Electrocardiography Significant Sousa et al.
cardiomyopathy BM-MSC coronary artery and improvement in (2011)
implantation echocardiography cardiac function
(peak velocity of
aortic flow) after
cell implantation
Semitendinosus 2 19 weeks Case report Autologous 3.7 × 106 Local Ultrasonography, AD-MSCs Brown
myopathy (case 1) AD-MSCs implantation muscle biopsy, therapy enhanced et al.
and visual assessment of muscle healing (2012)
22 weeks dog’s improvement and prevented
(case 2) in affected tasks and fibrosis in these
surgeon assessments clinical cases,
similar to the
reported literature
in laboratory
animals. The
dogs returned to
their previous
training and
occupations with
a functional gait
and no lameness.
Grade IV 1 5 years Case report Autologous 1 × 106 + Local Lameness and Normal walking Yoon et al.
patellar AD-MSC hyaluronic acid implantation radiography and reduced (2012)
luxation, osteophytes and
arthritis osteochondral
lesions had been
reported after cell
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Gastrocnemius 1 631 days Case report Autologous >20 × 106 Local Serial orthopaedic Lameness Case et al.
tendon injury BM-MSC (cryopreservation) implantation examinations, subjectively (2013)
ultrasonography resolved and peak
and long-term vertical force
force-plate gait increased from
analysis 43% to 92% of
the contralateral
pelvic limb.
examinations had
improved but
restoration of
normal linear
fibre pattern of
the gastrocnemius
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
Table 11.7 (continued)

Number of
animals Study
Clinical case included period Study type Cell source Cell dose Route Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Partial cranial 36 (n = 19 for 90 days Retrospective Bone 2–4 mL Local joint Objective gait Promising Canapp Jr.
cruciate BMC + PRP) comparative marrow (BMC + PRP) implantation analysis, diagnostic healing potential et al.
ligament tear and (n = 17 for study concentrate and 1–2 mL arthroscopy, and of these (2016)
treated with AD-PCs + PRP) + PRP vs (AD-PCs + PRP) validated treatments was
TPLO AD-MSCs + functional demonstrated.
PRP questionnaire Arthroscopic
findings of 13
cases out of 36
cases at 90 days
interval were
available. Nine
dogs had fully
healed CCL
represented by
and a normal
fibre pattern in
the disrupted
areas. Out of
other four cases,
one had improved
healing and was
subjected to
another injection
while rest three
underwent tibial
plateau levelling
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Cranial 12 8 weeks Case series Autologous 2 × 106 and Intravenous Radiography, No adverse Muir et al.
cruciate (case BM-MSCs 5 × 106 and local arthroscopy, serum events. With (2016)
ligament controlled intra-articular and synovial lower circulating
rupture clinical study) cytokines and CD8+ T
C-reactive protein lymphocytes after
cell treatment
were detected.
Serum C-reactive
protein (CRP)
was decreased at
4 weeks and
serum CXCL8
was increased at
8 weeks.
Synovial CRP in
the complete CR
stifle was
decreased at
8 weeks.
Synovial IFNγ
was also lower in
both stifles after
cell injection.
Systemic and
injection of
BM-MSCs in
dogs with partial
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

CR suppresses
systemic and
stifle joint
including CRP
Table 11.7 (continued)

Number of
animals Study
Clinical case included period Study type Cell source Cell dose Route Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Semitendinosus 9 dogs (11 cases) Short-term Uncontrolled AD-MSCs – Local Ultrasonography, At short-term Gibson
myopathy (6 months) retrospective implantation visual assessment follow-up et al.
and comparative score (VAS), ultrasound and (2017)
long-term clinical trial gait analysis
(1 year) showed a mean
follow-up reduction in the
lesion size and
reduction in the
visual assessment
score (VAS). At
follow-up, in 8
cases had a
normal gait and
in 3 cases the
dogs had an
improved gait as
compared with
examination. All
8 dogs had
returned to active
police work.
Cranial 14 (9 MSCs and 180 days Comparative Allogeneic 10 × 106 Local Clinical score and Better healing in Taroni
cruciate 5 NSAIDs) study foetal implantation gait and bone MSC treated et al.
ligament (blinded) adnexa healing animal at 1 month (2017)
rupture MSCs with comparable
gait and clinical
score at 6 months
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Muscular 16 (group 5 and Case series Allogeneic 6.3 × 107 to Intrafemoral Immunohisto­ Persistent clinical Lorant
dystrophy received cells 9 months muscle 1.2 × 108 per kg injections chemistry, improvement of et al.
with transient derived histomorphometry, the GRMDMU/ (2018)
immunosup­ MSCs + mononuclear cell tr-IS dogs was
pression immunosup­ proliferation, observed.
(GRMDMU/ pression western blotting GRMDMU/no-IS
tr-IS), n = 4; dogs exhibited no
group received benefit.
cells without Histologically,
immunosup­ only 9-month-old
pression GRMDMU/tr-IS
(GRMDMU/ dogs showed an
no-IS), n = 4; increased muscle
group received no regenerative
cells without activity. A mixed
immunosup­ cell reaction with
pression, n = 3; the host
group received no peripheral blood
cells with mononucleated
transient cells (PBMCs)
immunosup­ and
pression, n = 5) corresponding
donor cells
undetectable to
weak lymphocyte
proliferation in
dogs compared
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

with a significant
proliferation in
248 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

desired involving genetically modified cells to confirm their role in cardiac ail-
ments, if any (Lu et al. 2013).
Dog has been used as myocardial ischemic model animal for human though the
condition has little relevance in dog clinical practice. An increased vascularity and
cardiac functional improvement (Memon et al. 2005; Silva et al. 2005; Bartunek
et al. 2007; Perin et al. 2008) has been reported with MSCs implantation. As stem
cells have self-renewal and multipotent differentiation properties, infarcted myocar-
dium may have been repaired (Linke et al. 2005).

11.3.2 Non-Musculoskeletal Tissues  Wounds/Ulcers
Numerous MSCs studies are being conducted to evaluate the healing potential of
MSCs in wound and ulcer. In dog MSCs have been employed in management of
wounds (Tables 11.8 and 11.9), and ulcers (Table 11.8). Even dAD-MSCs may suf-
fice as canine dermal papillae substitutes (Bae et al. 2015). Local implantation of
the MSCs like BM-MSCs appears more effective in induced oral ulcers as com-
pared to the systemic implantation (Aly et al. 2014).
An extensive study on full thickness wound model had shown that implantation
of allogeneic BM-MSCs of various concentrations (1 × 104, 1 × 105, 1 × 106 and
1 × 107) had led to wound epithelial regeneration by day 7. Although, collagen was
higher in healed wounds implanted with highest cell concentration but was statisti-
cally insignificant. Further, pro-healing factor like bovine fibroblast growth factor
(bFGF) was highly expressed while inflammatory mediators like IL-2 and INF-γ
were decreased at day 7 in comparison to control confirming their anti-­inflammatory
and anti-fibrotic role in skin wounds (Kim et al. 2013). MSCs extracellular vesicles
(microvesicles) may also improve healing of wounds in dogs (El-Tookhy et  al.
2017). In chronic clinical cases previously unresponsive to conventional therapy,
MSCs had promoted healing (Madhu et al. 2014; Zubin et al. 2015). In our own
experience allogeneic BM-MSCs had improved and led to faster healing of an
extensive wound in a dog (Madhu et al. 2014).
MSCs tend to decrease inflammation (Yang et al. 2018), suppress collagenous
matrix degradation (Jeon et al. 2010), favour angiogenesis (Kim et al. 2012) and
accelerate epithelialization of wound (Rodriguez-Menocal et al. 2015).  Vocal Fold Injury

Vocal fold injury demands scar free healing for effective functioning (Rousseau
et al. 2003). dMSCs and/conditioned medium had improved healing of vocal fold
and laryngotracheal stenosis (Kanemaru et al. 2003; Lee et al. 2006; Ohno et al.
2011; Hu et  al. 2014; Iravani et  al. 2017)  (Table 11.8). MSCs anti-inflammatory
activity might prevent pseudomembrane formation and may also promote rational
arrangement of the extracellular matrix proteins in the lamina propria (Kumai
et al. 2010).
Table 11.8  In vivo preclinical experimental mesenchymal stem cell studies on wound/oral ulcer healing
Number defect
of size/study Biomaterial Evaluation
Model type animals period Study type used Cell dose criteria Overall result References
Oral ulcers 18 (3 0 day to Experimental BM-MSCs 1 × 107 (low Clinical Groups I and II had shown El-Menoufy
(formosol groups 15 days study (cell dose) and evaluation clinical improvement in their et al. (2010)
induced) with treated Vs 2 × 107 (wound wounds within 7 days
n = 6) control) (high dose) assessment following administration of
group I; parameter scoring MSCs, and the wounds
high tool) and showed a steady overall
dose; polymerase chain decrease in wound size. After
group II reaction for 15 days, there was no
low collagen gene statistically significant
dose difference among the three
and groups. Groups II and III had
group shown better healing by
III: histopathologic examination
Control of oral tissue biopsies at
2 weeks as compared to the
control group. An increased
expression of both collagen
and VEGF genes in MSCs-
treated ulcers as compared to
controls was demonstrated.
Expression of VEGF was
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

significantly higher in case of

the group I as compared to
group II
Table 11.8 (continued)

Number defect
of size/study Biomaterial Evaluation
Model type animals period Study type used Cell dose criteria Overall result References
Full thickness 10 (24 7 days Experimental Allogeneic 1 × 104, Histopathology, Wound epithelial regeneration Kim et al.
skin wound wounds) study BM-MSCs 1 × 105, immunohisto­ was seen with epithelial gap (2013)
1 × 106 and chemistry and significantly smaller in cell
1 × 107 cells PCR treated groups as compared to
/300 μL of untreated. Compared to control
PBS. 200 μL significantly higher
(wound bed proliferating cell nuclear
and 100 μL antigen (PCNA), angiogenesis
in wound and collagen synthesis was
edges) seen in cell treated groups.
Although, collagen was higher
in 1x107 cell treated groups but
was statistically non-
significant. Bovine fibroblast
growth factor (bFGF) was
higher and IL-2 and INF-γ
were lower at day 7
Induced Oral 18 (6 in 15 days Comparative BM-MSCs 2 × 107 Clinical and The treatment resulted in Aly et al.
ulcers each experimental histopathological dramatic wound edge (2014)
group) study activation and resurfacing of
(intravenous oral mucosa wound. Local
Vs local application hastens such
implantation healing compared to systemic
Vs control) application
Laryngotracheal 7 6 weeks Experimental BM-MSCs 2 x 106 and Histology Prominent healing effect of Iravani et al.
stenosis study (cell/ conditioned the cells or conditioned media (2017)
conditioned media in wounds though statistically
M. B. Gugjoo et al.

media treated insignificant was reported

Vs control)
Table 11.9  In vivo clinical mesenchymal stem cell studies on wound healing
Number of
animals Study Study Evaluation
Clinical case included period type Cell source Cell dose Route criteria Overall result References
Large skin 1 480 day Case AD-MSCs + 2 × 106 Local spraying Clinical Successful Zubin et al.
wound report PRP evaluation healing of (2015)
Large skin 1 50 days Case Allogeneic 5 × 106 Local Clinical Uneventful Madhu et al.
wound report BM-MSCs implantation on evaluation wound healing (2014)
post caudal wound margins
epigastric axial
pattern flap
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
252 M. B. Gugjoo et al.  Immune-Mediated and/Anti-Inflammatory Effects

MSCs immuno-modulatory and anti-inflammatory properties makes them a suitable
candidate to address immune-mediated disorders like inflammatory bowel disease
(IBD), anal furunculosis or keratoconjunctivitis (Table  11.10) (Kang et  al. 2008;
Stevenson et al. 2012; Pérez-Merino et al. 2015a).  Anal Furunculosis/Fistula

Anal furunculosis, an immune-mediated disorder tends to progress to perianal
fistulas, commonly seen in middle aged German shepherd dogs (Day, 1993).
Clinically, condition relapses frequently and thus, demands lifelong medication.
The condition is akin to human anal condition known as Crohn’s disease (Ferrer
et al. 2016).
An open label trial had demonstrated significant improvement in the condition
with local injection of single dose of human embryonic stem cell derived MSCs
(hESC-MSCs) after 3 months. Animals had been free of fistulae by 3 months and
required less than half of the dose of the cyclosporine. However, the condition had
recurred in few cases after 6 months (Ferrer et al. 2016). Further studies are thus,
desired that can incorporate multiple doses and be performed for longer periods to
confirm utility of MSCs in anal fistula.  Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBS)

Allogeneic AD-MSCs had reduced the clinical symptoms in IBS (Pérez-Merino
et al. 2015b). The intestinal tissues had better histology (Pérez-Merino et al. 2015a)
(Table 11.10). Thus, further extensive studies are desired.  Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (KCS) and Corneal Ulcer

It is an immune-mediated disease of dog resembling to that of human (Barabino and
Dana 2004; Abelson et al. 2009). Currently, KCS requires lifelong treatment (Lemp,
2008). Few clinical studies conducted on dog KCS had shown significantly improved
results with the application of allogeneic AD-MSCs. Even immune-suppressants
were not required in the treated cases (Villatoro et al. 2015; Bittencourt et al. 2016).
These studies had shown improved results with variable dose of cells and had been
conducted for a maximum of 12  months. Thus, uniform studies need to be con-
ducted for a longer duration.
A single case of recurrent corneal ulcer in a diabetic poodle dog treated by topi-
cal application of two doses of allogeneic AD-MSCs had improved clinical param-
eters. The fluorescein test had been negative by day 69 (Arantes-Tsuzuki et  al.
2019). The patho-physiological basis of the recurrent corneal ulcer, however,
requires to be understood.
Table 11.10  In vivo clinical mesenchymal stem cell studies on allergic/ auto-immune diseases
of animals Study Evaluation
Clinical case included period Study type Cell source Cell dose Route criteria Overall Result References
Atopic dermatitis 5 90 days Case series Autologous 1.3 × 106/ Intravenous Canine atopic Non-significant Hall et al.
(pilot AD-MSCs kg b. wt. dermatitis reduction in (2010)
study) extent and clinical signs
severity score
and visual
pruritis score
Atopic dermatitis 26 (22 6 months Controlled Allogeneic 1.5 × 106/kg Intravenous Clinical signs, Pruritus and Villatoro
(for at least animals clinical AD-MSCs b. wt haematological CADESI-04 et al.
12 months) completed case series and scores decreased (2018)
study) biochemistry significantly after
profiles, and 1 week or month
AD severity of treatment,
(canine atopic respectively, and
dermatitis remained stable
extent and for 6 months.
severity index, Owner’s global
version 4 assessment score
(CADESI-04)), was 2.15 ± 1.15
visual analogue for all the animals
scale in the study
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
Table 11.10 (continued)

of animals Study Evaluation
Clinical case included period Study type Cell source Cell dose Route criteria Overall Result References
Inflammatory 11 42 Case series Allogeneic 2 × 106/kg b. Intravascular Clinical Significantly Pérez-­
bowel disease (Unblinded, AD-MSCs wt inflammatory decreased CIBDAI Merino
non- bowel disease and CCECAI but et al.
comparator activity index no effect on CRP (2015a, b)
study) (CIBDAI) and
canine chronic
activity index
and C-reactive
protein (CRP)
Keratoconjunctivitis 15 (24 12 months Case series Allogeneic 1 × 106 Lacrimal Schirmer tear Statistically Bittencourt
sicca eyes) AD-MSCs glands test, ocular significant et al.
(dorsal and surface improvement in (2016)
third evaluation Schirmer tear test
eyelid) from 28 days
Keratoconjunctivitis 12 (24 9 months Case series Allogeneic 5 × 106 & Around Schirmer tear Statistically Bittencourt
sicca eyes) AD-MSCs 3 × 106 lacrimal test, ocular significant et al.
glands and surface improvement in (2016)
third eyelid evaluation Schirmer tear test
and ocular surface
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Recurrent corneal 1 69 days Case report Allogeneic 3 × 106 Topical Clinical Improved clinical Arantes-
ulcer after first AD-MSCs (two doses application testing parameters like Tsuzuki
treatment at 48 days blepharospasm, et al.
later) conjunctival (2019)
ocular discharge,
corneal opacity,
and pain. The
fluorescein test
was negative by
day 69
Perianal fistula 6 6 months Case series Human Commercial Local Clinical Completely healed Ferrer
embryonic preparation implantation evaluation fistula at 3 months et al.
stem cell while 2 cases had (2016)
derived relapse at
MSCs + 6 months
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
256 M. B. Gugjoo et al.  Atopic Dermatitis

One of the initial MSCs application  study on dog allergic atopic dermatitis had
failed to provide satisfactory results (Hall et al. 2010). However, a recent study had
demonstrated improvement in clinical symptoms with MSCs as early as 1  week
after treatment (Villatoro et al. 2018). Thus, further studies may be conducted to
standardize the process.  Nervous System

Nervous tissue regeneration is currently not possible and as such MSCs are being
evaluated for the purpose. To achieve therapeutic concentration of these cells in a
brain, it is important to locate the suitable route of implantation. In case of meningo-­
encephalomyelitis of unknown origin (MUO), the stem cells implanted either by
intrathecal and intra-arterial route had shorter time of reaction to therapy as com-
pared to those receiving through intrathecal and intravenous route (Zeira et  al.
2015). Another brain study had shown that intra-cerebro-ventricular implantation
of xenogeneic UC-MSCs (human) in dogs had distributed to various brain struc-
tures. These cells had even enhanced sub-ventricular zone neural stem cell (Park
et al. 2016).
In dogs spinal cord injury (SCI) is common and may occur due to spinal fractures
and or disc degeneration (Fluehmann et al. 2006). The disease resembles to that of
the human condition (Sarmento et al. 2014). As no successful therapy is available
stem cells are being evaluated (Granger et al. 2012; Roszek et al. 2016).
Stem cells characteristic properties make them potential candidates to heal ner-
vous tissues (Roszek et al. 2016). MSCs in various dog preclinical SCI models cre-
ated mostly by balloon catheter have been evaluated (Table  11.11). In addition,
MSCs regenerative potential has also been evaluated in peripheral nerve injury
models (Ding et al. 2010) and disc disease models (Hiyama et al. 2008; Lee et al.
2009b). These cells have mostly been implanted after a week’s period (Lee et al.
2011a; Park et  al. 2012a, b). Apart from experimental studies, dMSCs have also
been evaluated in clinical spinal cord injuries and meningo-encephalomyelitis of
unknown origin (MUO) enlisted in Table 11.12.
MSCs from various sources like umbilical cord (UC), UCB (Lim et al. 2007; Lee
et al. 2011b; Park et al. 2011; Besalti et al. 2015), WJ (Ryu et al. 2012), BM (Penha
et al. 2014; Bhat et al. 2019) or AD (Park et al. 2012b) have been evaluated in SCI
models. MSCs from autologous, allogeneic or xenogeneic sources have been
implanted. Evaluation has been made on the basis of clinical scores, histology and/
or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In general, MSCs have improved repair of
injured spinal cord. In our own clinical study spinal cord injured dogs (n = 44), two
doses of allogeneic BM-MSCs implanted in dogs at 2 weeks interval had signifi-
cantly improved hind limb reflexes and Olby scores in comparison to those man-
aged by the conventional treatment (Bhat et al. 2019).
dMSCs harvested from different tissues tend to show variable spinal cord repair
potential. Umbilical cord blood MSCs (UCB-MSCs) had proven better results as
Table 11.11  In vivo preclinical experimental mesenchymal stem cell studies on spinal cord and associated tissues
Number of Model defect
Model type animals size/study period Study type Biomaterial used Cell dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Spinal cord injury 25 (5 per Durotomy at Comparative Allogeneic 1 × 106 The Olby score, Significant Lim et al.
group) L4/8 weeks experimental study umbilical cord magnetic resonance improvement in the (2007)
(recombinant blood imaging, nerve conduction
methionyl human (UCB)-MSCs somatosensory-­ velocity. Distinct
granulocyte evoked potentials and structural consistency
colony-stimulating histopathological of the nerve cell bodies
factor + UCB-MSCs examinations noted in the lesion of
Vs UCB-MSCs Vs the spinal cord of the
saline treatment Vs UCB-MSC and UCBG
control) groups.
Spinal cord injury 10 (7 cell 5 studied till end Experimental study Human umbilical 1 × 106 or Behavioural Remyelination of Lee et al.
transplanted (between L2 and (cell treated vs no cord derived MSCs 2 × 106 assessment, peripheral-type myelin (2011a)
L3)/3 months to treatment) MRI. Histology and sheaths
1 year immunohistochemistry
Spinal cord injury 12 (4 per Injury created at Comparative Neural 1 × 107 Behavioural The combination of Park et al.
group) L1/8 weeks experimental study differentiated assessment, Matrigel NMSC 2012b)
(neural differentiated AD-MSCs and Histopathologic and produced beneficial
AD-MSC + Matrigel Matrigel immunofluorescence effects in dogs with
Vs Matrigel Vs assessment, western regard to functional
control) blot recovery following SCI
through enhancement
of anti-inflammation,
neuronal extension and
neuronal regeneration
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

Table 11.11 (continued)

Number of Model defect

Model type animals size/study period Study type Biomaterial used Cell dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Spinal cord injury 20 (control, 8 weeks Experimental study BM-MSCs, 1 × 105 Histopathological, MSC groups showed Ryu et al.
(hemilaminectomy, Matrigel AD-MSCs, cells/μL immunofluorescence, significant (2012)
L4) (treated 7 days loaded, n = 4; WJ-MSCs, (total 60 μL quantitative analysis improvements
after injury) Matrigel + UC-MSCs, at cranial, of inflammatory in locomotion. This
BM-MSCs, Matrigel epicentre cytokines and recovery was
n = 4; and caudal surviving nerves accompanied by
Matrigel + lesions increased numbers of
AD-MSCs, after surviving neuron and
n = 4; 1 week of neurofilament-­positive
Matrigel + injury1 fibres in the lesion site.
WJ-MSCs, Compared to the
n = 4; control, the lesion sizes
Matrigel + were smaller, and fewer
UC-MSCs, microglia and reactive
n = 4) astrocytes were found
in the spinal cord
epicentre of all MSC
groups. Although there
were no significant
differences in functional
recovery among the
MSCs groups, UCB
derived MSCs (UCSCs)
induced more nerve
regeneration and
activity (P < 0.05).
Transplanted MSCs
survived for 8 weeks
and reduced IL-6 and
COX-2 levels, which
may have promoted
neuronal regeneration in
M. B. Gugjoo et al.

the spinal cord.

Acute spinal cord 16 Hemilaminectomy Comparative study Methylprednisolone 1 × 107 (3 Revised Tarlov scale, At 7 days post- Kim et al.
injury (L1) (control, MPSS, sodium succinate doses markers for oxidative treatment, hindlimb (2015)
AD-MSCs, and (MPSS), AD-MSCs intravenous) metabolism movement had
AD-MSCs + MPSS.) (3-nitrotyrosine, improved in the
4-hydroxynonenal, AD-MSCs and
and protein carbonyl) AD-MSCs + MPSS
and inflammation groups. Hematoxylin
(cyclooxygenase-2, and eosin staining
interleukin-6, and revealed fewer
tumour necrosis haemorrhages and
factor-α) lesser microglial
infiltration in the
AD-MSCs group.
Levels of
3-nitrotyrosine were
decreased in the MPSS
and AD-MSCs + MPSS
4-hydroxynenonal and
levels were decreased
in all treatment groups;
and interleukin-6,
tumour necrosis
factor-α, and
transducer and activator
transcription 3 levels
were decreased in the
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

AD-MSCs and
Table 11.11 (continued)

Number of Model defect

Model type animals size/study period Study type Biomaterial used Cell dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Acute spinal cord 8 8 weeks Comparative AD-MSCs 1 × 107 Histopathology, In AD- MSC-HO-1 Lee et al.
injury experimental study (haemoxygenase-1 immune- group basso, Beattie, (2017c)
(AD-MSCs- overexpression) or fluorescence, and Bresnahan (BBB) score
Haemoxygenase-1 vs GFP AD-MSCs western blot analyses
significantly improved
GFPAD-MSCs) at 7 weeks significantly
higher motor recovery
in the AD-MSC-HO-1
group and reduction of
fibrotic changes as
compared to
Intervertebral disc 18 Nucleotomy Experimental study (cell Autologous 1 × 106 Radiological, MRI, Regeneration of Hiyama
disease (L3/4, L4/5, and treated group Vs control) BM-MSCs macroscopy, histology, degenerated discs with et al.
L5/6)/12 weeks immunohisto­ expression of FasL (2008)
chemistry, RT-PCR gene in cell treated
(FasL) group
Spontaneous 20 (MSCs + 10 months Prospective clinical Autologous 3 × 106 MRI In vivo injection was Steffen
degenerative microcarrier, study BM-MSCs, collagen cells/250 mg successful in all dogs, et al.
lumbosacral IVD n = 11; MSCs microcarrier on collagen without any visible (2018)
(L7-S1; + TGF-β1 + leakage, and clinical
decompressive microcarrier, functioning was
surgery treated) n = 6; restored back to
microcarrier normality. Pfirrmann
only, n = 3) grade remained
identical in all dogs, and
formation of Schmorl’s
nodes was detected in
45% of dogs. This side
effect was reduced by
halving the injection
volume, which was then
observed only in 11%
M. B. Gugjoo et al.

of dogs
Sciatic nerve 20 (negative 9 months Human umbilical cord 1 × 106, Local Electrophysiological, The LOCC and Cui et al.
resection (a 35 mm control, MSCs longitudinally implantation electron microscopy, hUC-MSCs (2017)
long) LOCC, oriented collagen histological analysis synergistically
hUC-MSC in conduit (LOCC) promoted regeneration
combination and improved the
with LOCC functional recovery in a
(LOCC/ dog model of sciatic
hUC-MSC), nerve injury
and autograft
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
Table 11.12  In vivo clinical mesenchymal stem cell studies on various neurological affections

Number of
animals Study Evaluation
Clinical case included period Study type Cell source Cell dose Route criteria Overall result References
Chronic spinal cord injury 23 (10 6 months Case series Autologous 1.4 × 106–5.6 Subarachnoid TSCIS system Improvement Nishida
BM-MSCs to (uncontrolled, BM-MSCs × 106 space (involves in locomotor function et al. (2011)
and 13 35 months non-blinded implantation evaluation of without nociception in 6
control) clinical study) between L5 and each pelvic cell treated dogs
L6 limb separately
and has 3
positioning and
Spinal cord injury 1 180 days Case report Autologous 20 × 106 & 4.16 Local post at T12 Neurological Functional recovery William
bone marrow × 106 BMMNCs left examination, demonstrated with cell et al. (2011)
mononuclear + hemilaminectomy Olby scores implantation
cells thermoreversible and intravenous
(BMMNCs) gelatin polymer implantation
Acute spinal cord injury 85 (34 6 months Case series Autologous 5 × 106 cells Intralesional Gait analysis, Recipients of olfactory Granger
randomized (controlled, olfactory somatosensory- mucosal stem cell et al. (2012)
subjects out randomized mucosal stem evoked potential, transplants gained
of which 23 double-­ cells Transcranial significantly better
cell treated blinded trial) magnetic forehand coordination than
and 11 no motor-evoked those dogs that did not
cell potentials, received cells. Intraspinal
treatment) Urodynamics olfactory mucosal cell
transplantation improves
communication across the
damaged region of the
injured spinal cord
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Spinal cord compression 4 18 months Case reports Autologous 1 × 106 + collagen Local lesion Clinically, Post MSCs implantation, Penha et al.
due to herniated (uncontrolled BM-MSCs gelfoam scaffold implantation radiographically, a progressive recovery of (2014)
intervertebral disks (T12 to clinical study) post-surgical and by nuclear the panniculus reflex and
L5 vertebrae) decompression magnetic diminished superficial
resonance and deep pain response,
imaging (MRI) although there were still
low proprioceptive
reflexes in addition to a
hyperreflexia in the
ataxic hind limb
movement responses was
demonstrated at day 10.
Each dog demonstrated
an improvement in these
gains over time.
Conscious reflex
recovery occurred
simultaneously with
moderate improvement
in intestine and urinary
bladder functions in two
of the four dogs. By the
18th month of clinical
monitoring, a remarkable
clinical amelioration
accompanied by
improved movement, in
three of the four dogs
was reported. However,
no clinical gain was
associated with
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

alterations in magnetic
resonance imaging.

Table 11.12 (continued)

Number of
animals Study Evaluation
Clinical case included period Study type Cell source Cell dose Route criteria Overall result References
Chronic spinal cord injury 7 90 days Case series Allogeneic 1 × 106 Intralesional and MRI and Olby All dogs improved Sarmento
(uncontrolled BM-MSCs caudal to lesion scale locomotor and sensory et al. (2014)
pilot study) implantation function, tail tone was
observed in seven dogs,
pain reflexes and
defecation return were
observed in five dogs.
Paraplegia 13 12 months Case series Autologous 5.0 × 106 (2 doses Percutaneous Texas spinal Improvement in gait, Besalti
(uncontrolled neurogenically- after 21 days of transplantation cord injury scale nociception, et al. (2015)
clinical study) induced interval post (TSCIS), proprioception, SEP and
BM-MSCs hemilaminectomy/ somatosensory- MEP results (2 cases),
laminectomy evoked only gait score
potentials (SEP) improvement (6 cases)
and motor- and no improvement was
evoked recorded in (5 cases)
Chronic spinal injury/IVDD 6 16 weeks Case series Allogeneic 1 × 107 Intralesional Functional Only single dog regained Escalhão
(pilot clinical AD-MSCs implantation evaluation of ability to walk et al. (2017)
test) Locomotor
Meningo-encephalomyelitis 8 2 years Clinical series Autologous 2 × 106, 4 × 106 Intrathecal (IT)/ MRI, All the dogs had Zeira et al.
of unknown origin (MUO) BM-MSC (3 dogs) and right Intracarotid neurological presented early (2015)
2 × 106, 0.5 × 106 (IC) & intrathecal examination improvement in their
(4 dogs) and intravenous and general and neurological
histopathology conditions, with
particular effect on
cervical pain. The group
of dogs treated by IT+IA
administration showed a
shorter time of reaction
to therapy compared to
the group treated by
M. B. Gugjoo et al.

IT+IC administration
Canine distemper 8 (n = each 15 days Case series Foetal olfactory 1.0 × 106 /kg b. Intravenous RT-PCR and MSC therapy resulted in Pinheiro
group; group (double-blind epithelium wt. laboratory no significant et al. (2016)
I: Cell + randomized stem cells investigations improvement when
standard trial) administered during the
medicine; acute phase of canine
group II: distemper disease, and a
Standard prevalence of animals
medicine) with high mortality rate
was found in both groups
due to the severity of
Canine distemper 4 1 year Case series AD-MSCs 1.0 × 107 (3 Intravenous Neurological During the first year after Pinheiro
doses at monthly examination cellular therapy, the et al. (2019)
interval) animals did not
demonstrate significant
changes in their
locomotive abilities.
However, the intense
(grade V) myoclonus in
three animals was
reduced to a moderate
(grade IV) level. At
1 year after the
mesenchymal stem cell
infusions, three animals
regained functional
ambulation (grade I), and
all four dogs started to
move independently
(grades I and II). In two
animals, the myoclonic
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

severity had become mild

(grade III)
266 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

compared to BM−/AD-/WJ-MSCs. Among these cells BM-MSCs had lowest sur-

vival number (Ryu et al. 2012). Allogeneic or autologous BM-MSCs had improved
the pelvic limb function scores in dogs. Olby scores, however, were higher in autol-
ogous cell implanted cases as compared to the allogeneic implanted ones (Jung
et  al. 2009). MSCs have mostly been implanted through local intrathecal route.
Besides, MSCs percutaneous transplantation has also been made. Human UCB-­
MSCs applied through that route also had improved healing of the injured spinal
cord (Lee et al. 2009b). dMSCs had been implanted at early (12 h), delayed (1 week)
or late (2 weeks). The better results had been shown to occur by implanting the cells
at a delay of 1 week. Peak inflammation at early injury period may hamper MSCs
activity while more delayed cell implantation (2  weeks) may encounter already
developed glial cell reaction (Park et al. 2011).
To further improve their effectiveness, various unorthodox options like MSCs
genetic engineering, in vitro differentiated MSCs or their conditioned medium are
being evaluated. In SCI, haemoxygenase-1 transfected dAD-MSCs had led to supe-
rior functional recovery as compared to the simple dAD-MSCs (Lee et al. 2017a).
The haemoxygenase-1 has anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory action, immune-­
modulation and might improve local microcirculation (Zhang et al. 2014). Combined
local implantation and intravenous injection of brain derived nerve factor (BDNF)
transfected MSCs had led to the significant functional recovery with improved his-
tological features in SCI cases as compared to ones that received transfected dAD-­
MSCs locally (Lee et  al. 2016). Contrarily, one of the studies had failed to
demonstrate additive effects of BMP-2 and TGF-β1 on dBM-MSCs healing of
nucleus pulposus (Bach et al. 2017). MSCs conditioned medium may also improve
SCI repair (Al Delfi et al. 2016).
MSCs have also been demonstrated to improve peripheral nerve injury. MSCs
loaded on chitosan/poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA)-based neural scaffold had
led to the significant sciatic nerve regeneration and functional recovery in 50 mm
sciatic nerve defect model. The healing had been comparable to that with nerve
auto-grafting (Ding et al. 2010).
Disc regeneration is one of the important challenges. Degenerated disc repair
may be improved with MSCs, although concentration has a role to play. One million
cells had given better repair as compared to 0.1 million and ten million cells
(Serigano et al. 2010). MSCs neural differentiation is currently questionable (Wu
et  al. 2003) but due to their trophic action nerve protection and repair may be
enhanced (Ohta et al. 2004; Hokari et al. 2008; Saito et al. 2008; Park et al. 2011;
Park et al. 2012a, b; Chung et al. 2013; Lim et al. 2017; Long et al. 2018).

11.3.3 Miscellaneous Studies

Miniscule number of MSCs studies related to various other ailments like diabetes
(Zhu et al. 2011; Gautam et al. 2016), liver fibrosis (Matsuda et al. 2017) and acute
kidney injury (Lee et al. 2017b) have also been undertaken as enlisted in Table 11.13.
In a dog hepatocutaneous syndrome, multiple intrahepatic implantations of
Table 11.13  Miscellaneous in vivo mesenchymal stem cell studies in dog
Number of Model defect Biomaterial
Model type animals size/study period Study type used Cell dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Diabetic model 30 dogs 16 weeks Comparative Autologous 2.53106 / Analysis of C peptide, Group 1 had insulin Zhu et al.
(alloxan and (6 in each experimental BM-MSCs mL (total immunohistochemistry secretion through (2011)
streptozotocin group) study (group retrovirus volume and implanted cells;
induced) 1: MSCs carrying 20 mL immunocytochemistry, animals also
transfected insulin and injected glucose tolerance test, responded to glucose
with EGFP gene measurement of blood challenge however
retrovirus glucose, insulin β-cells were
carrying detection undetectable as no C
insulin and peptide secretion was
EGFP gene) recorded. Rest of the
Vs group 2: groups had no control
MSCs on glucose challenge.
transfected Glucose level was
with statistically controlled
retrovirus in group 1 compared
carrying to group 4
EGFP gene
Vs group 3:
without virus
infection) Vs
group 4:
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

group 5:
Normal dogs)
Table 11.13 (continued)

Number of Model defect Biomaterial

Model type animals size/study period Study type used Cell dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Dilated 15 2 months A pilot study Stromal- Retrograde Electrocardiograms Echocardiographic Pogue
cardiomyopathy derived coronary (ECG), measurements of left et al.
factor-1 venous echocardiograms and ventricular size and (2013)
transduced delivery Holter monitoring function had shown
AD-MSCs continued progression
of disease. Stem cell
therapy in dogs with
cardiomyopathy does
not appear to offer
as compared to
recently published
survival data in
similarly affected
Doberman dogs
Acute kidney 14 (3 in Bilateral renal Experimental UCB-MSCs 1 × 106 Renal function and Improved renal Lee et al.
disease MSCs corticomedullary/7 study (cell histology tubular function and (2017c)
group, 8 in weeks junction treated) Vs moderate tubular
phosphate induction of AKI phosphate necrosis in cell
buffer buffer saline treated group
saline Vs normal compared to PBS
treated dogs group
group and
3 normal
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Canine liver 16 4 weeks Experimental Autologous 4 x 105/kg CE-CT IMAGING, BM-MSCs improved Matsuda
fibrosis (CCl4) (BM-MSCs study (cell BM-MSCs liver biopsy, liver fibrosis without et al.
injected, treated) Vs histology, adverse effects. (2017)
n = 8; control histomorphometry, COL1A2, COL3,
control, DNA microarray TIMP-1, EDNRA
n = 8) analysis, PCR and EDNRB
expression levels
were significantly
lower in the BMSC
group compared with
the control group.
albumin, and
antithrombin 3 levels
improved in the
BMSC group
11  Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
270 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

allogeneic AD-MSCs had been made along with other managemental practices. An
improvement in the clinical signs like hair regrowth and resolution of skin lesions
was demonstrated. The dog, however, had died 32 months after diagnosis. The nec-
ropsy had revealed liver fibrosis and superficial necrolytic dermatitis (Nam et al.
2017). MSCs may also act drug (paclitaxel) carriers and can be used to target
tumours like glioma and glioblastoma (Bonomi et al. 2017). Combined application
of MSCs, recombinant human BMP-2 and cisplatin may prove useful in canine
osteosarcoma (Rici et  al. 2018). However, MSCs soluble factors may promote
tumour cell proliferation and invasion (Teshima et al. 2018) and thus, studies are
desired to confirm their safety, feasibility and actual utility.

11.4 Conclusion(S)

Numerous dog tissue sources harbour MSCs although concentration and properties
may be variable. The cellular features also vary with age and health status of the
donor. dMSCs have been evaluated for their therapeutic benefits on musculoskeletal
and non-musculoskeletal tissue ailments. MSCs studies in dog tend to provide
proof-of-therapeutic potential in human medicine. Due to the lack of understanding
in their basic cellular properties, an initial step should be deliberated upon these
properties. Further, case controlled uniform clinical trials need to be conducted to
provide evidence based medicine for clinical conditions. Several issues like MSCs
source, cell concentration, mode of delivery, cell survival on transplantation and
frequency of stem cells need further deliberation and standardization.

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Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic
Research and Potential Applications 12
M. B. Gugjoo, Amar Pal, D. M. Makhdoomi,
and G. T. Sharma


Regenerative medicine incorporating stem cells is being extensively studied to

develop therapeutics for various incurable diseases. Mesenchymal stem cells
(MSCs) due to their special features and easy isolation procedures are
mostly being employed for therapeutic applications. These cells with or without
other biomaterials have been studied under in vivo experimental and clinical tri-
als of horse. MSCs therapeutic potential is seen to transgress their conventionally
restricted healing potential for musculoskeletal system. The results of equine
studies potentially  can be construed for human medicine. The current chapter
highlights horse MSCs sources, properties, and potential therapeutic applications.

M. B. Gugjoo (*)
Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex, FVSc & AH, SKUAST-Kashmir,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
A. Pal
Division of Surgery, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, UP, India
D. M. Makhdoomi
Division of Surgery and Radiology, FVSc & AH, SKUAST-K,
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
G. T. Sharma
Division of Physiology and Climatology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Izatnagar, UP, India

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to 283
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
M. B. Gugjoo, A. Pal (eds.), Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Veterinary Sciences,
284 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

12.1 Introduction

Equine industry is one of the biggest industries be it in the form of racing, polo, or
for recreational and transportation purposes. In racehorses, musculoskeletal disor-
ders reduce their performance and even destroy their carrier (Perkins et al. 2005).
Among soft tissue ailments, skin wounds, eye affections, and reproductive disorders
pose a significant problem to clinicians. Various horse and human developmental
and autoimmune ailments have comparable pathophysiology (Gershwin 2007).
Horse and human cartilage thickness and physiological features approximate to
each other (Aigner et al. 2010). The cartilage defects associated with intense physi-
cal activity too resemble (Desancé et al. 2018). Thus, horse can make an excellent
model animal to provide proof-of-therapeutic principle of mesenchymal stem cells
(MSCs) in human medicine (McIlwraith et  al. 2011; De Schauwer et  al. 2013;
Gugjoo et al. 2019b). Tissue engineering employing MSCs is being studied exten-
sively. MSCs meager population in adult tissues/organs makes their culture expan-
sion necessary for effective utilization. Innumerable in vitro studies have piled upon
equine MSCs (eMSCs). These studies have been conducted on their culture charac-
teristics, characterization, and their therapeutic properties. The in vivo studies have
supported the therapeutic potentials of MSCs, although variably (Carrade et  al.
2011a, b; Spaas et al. 2012; Burk et al. 2013) with mechanism(s) behind the healing
largely being unrevealed. The current chapter deliberates on the eMSCs ex  vivo
properties and their potential therapeutic applications.

12.2 In Vitro Studies

12.2.1 Mesenchymal Stem Cell Sources, Culturing,

and Characterization

Horse MSCs (eMSCs) have diverse sources ranging from adult tissues to fetal mem-
branes as detailed in Table12.1. Donor tissues usually harbor small fraction of
MSCs and are isolated along with the other cell types including progenitor cells
(Chong et al. 2011). The characterization of eMSCs has been made as per the stan-
dard protocol of the International Society for Cell Therapy (ISCT) (Dominici et al.
2006). eMSCs and human MSCs tend to have comparable marker expression and
differentiation potential (Hillmann et al. 2016). eMSCs invariably follow the plastic
adherence and are multipotent (Guest et al. 2008; Ranera et al. 2011; De Schauwer
et  al. 2012). Their surface marker expression, however, remains controversial as
these cells variably express different surface markers and lack expression of certain
markers. This discrepancy in marker expression has mainly been observed in rela-
tion to the tissue source as shown in Table12.1. eMSCs also express pluripotency
markers like Oct4, Sox-2, and Nanog and show extended differentiation like neural
cell-like cells, myogenic cell-like cells, tenocyte-like cells, and hepatocyte-like cells
(Violini et al. 2009; Coli et al. 2011; Gomiero et al. 2016; Pennington et al. 2016;
Cabezas et al. 2018).
12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 285

Table 12.1  Horse mesenchymal stem cell sources and their characterization
Positive markers Negative markers Differentiation References
Adipose tissue MSCs (AD-MSCs)
CD29, CD44, CD105, CD45 Osteogenic and Marycz et al.
CD90 (limited adipogenic (2012)
CD29, CD44, and CD90 MHC-II, CD34 Adipogenic, Alipour et al.
chondrogenic, and (2015)
CD29, CD44, CD105 – Adipogenic, Xie et al.
(87%) chondrogenic, and (2013)
CD73, CD90, CD105 Adipogenic, González-­
chondrogenic, and Fernández
osteogenic et al. (2016)
CD105, CD90, CD49, CD43, CD73 Adipogenic, Pall et al.
CD44 chondrogenic, and (2016)
CD90, CD105, CD44, CD45,CD34, CD31, – Angelone
CD73, CD13, CD133, SDF-1 receptor CXCR4 et al. (2017)
CD44, CD90, CD105 CD45 Adipogenic, Nawrocka
chondrogenic, and et al. (2017)
CD29, CD44, CD90, CD34, CD45, and Chondrogenic and Bundgaard
CD105, CD166 CD79a osteogenic et al. (2018)
CD29, CD44, CD90, MHC-II, CD45, OCT4, Adipogenic, Cabezas et al.
CD-105, MHC-I Sox2 chondrogenic, and (2018)
CD90, CD105, Oct4 Osteogenic Elashry et al.
Amniotic membrane MSCs (am-MSCs)
CD90, CD73, CD34, MHC-I, MHC-II, Adipogenic, Iacono et al.
Oct4 (weak), IL-6, IL-β1, CD45, Sox2, Nanog, chondrogenic, and (2017)
IL-8 (weak) INF-γ, TNF-α, IL-4 osteogenic
CD29, CD44, CD106, CD34, MHC-II Adipogenic, Perrini et al.
CD105 chondrogenic, (2016)
osteogenic, and
Bone marrow MSCs (BM-MSCs)
CD29, CD44, CD172a CD34, CD45 – Fortier et al.
CD29, CD44, CD105 – Adipogenic, Xie et al.
(64%) chondrogenic, and (2013)
CD11a/18, CD34, CD44, Adipogenic, Lombana et al.
CD90 chondrogenic, and (2015)
286 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

Table 12.1 (continued)
Positive markers Negative markers Differentiation References
CD90, CD29 MHC-II, CD44, Adipogenic, Mitchell et al.
CD45RB chondrogenic, and (2015)
CD90, CD105, CD44, CD34, CD45 Adipogenic, Barrachina
CD73 chondrogenic, and et al. (2016)
CD90, CD44, CD29 MHC-II, CD86 – Clark et al.
CD73, CD90, CD105 Adipogenic, González-­
chondrogenic, and Fernández
osteogenic et al. (2016)
CD44, CD29, CD90, CD34, MHC-II, CD105 Adipogenic, Branly et al.
CD73 (at p3 and p4 only), (P4) chondrogenic, and (2017)
CD105 (at P3 25% osteogenic
CD29, CD44, CD90, CD34, CD105, Adipogenic, Zahedi et al.
MHC-I, Sox2 MHC-II, Nanog, Oct4, chondrogenic, and (2018)
SSEA-1, −3,-4 osteogenic
CD29, CD44, CD90, CD34, CD45, and Chondrogenic and Bundgaard
CD105, CD166 CD79a osteogenic et al. (2018)
CD29, CD90 CD34, CD45, CD14, Adipogenic, Korchunjit
CD73, and CD105, chondrogenic, et al. (2019)
CD79a, DRB, NANOG, osteogenic, and
and SOX2 tenogenic
CD44, CD90, MHC-I, CD11a/CD18, MHC-II Chondrogenic and Schrock et al.
CD105 (33.9%) osteogenic (2018)
CD29, CD44, CD90, CD45 and CD79a Chondrogenic Gale et al.
CD105, and MHCI, (2019)
Dental pulp MSCs (DP-MSCs)
CD11a/CD18, CD44, CD34, CD45 Adipogenic, Ishikawa et al.
CD90, CD105, MHC-I, chondrogenic, and (2017)
MHC-II osteogenic
Dermal MSCs
CD90, CD105 (48%), CD34, CD45, CD79α, – Michler et al.
CD29, CD44 CD14, MHC-II, CD73 (2018)
Endometrium MSCs (end-MSCs)
CD29, CD44, CD105, CD34, CD45, MHC-II Adipogenic, Rink et al.
CD90, Pericyte (NG2, chondrogenic, (2017)
CD146) osteogenic, and
smooth muscle
CD29, CD44, CD90, MHC-II, CD45, OCT4, Adipogenic, Cabezas et al.
CD-105, MHC-I Sox2 chondrogenic, and (2018)
12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 287

Table 12.1 (continued)
Positive markers Negative markers Differentiation References
Gingiva MSCs
CD90, CD105, Vimentin CD31 Adipogenic, Mensing et al.
chondrogenic, and (2011)
Hoof MSCs (H-MSCs)
CD44, CD29, CD105, – Adipogenic, Yang and
Oct4, Sox2, keratin osteogenic, and Lopez (2019)
(K)14, K15, K19 neurogenic
Peripheral blood MSCs (PB-MSCs)
CD90, CD105 (40.5%), CD34, CD45, MHC-II Adipogenic, Ishikawa et al.
CD44, MHC-1 (60.2%), chondrogenic, and (2017)
CD11a/CD18 (42.1%) osteogenic
Periodontal ligament (PL-MSCs)
CD90, CD105, Vimentin CD31 Adipogenic, Mensing et al.
chondrogenic, and (2011)
CD44, CD29, MHC-II Beerts et al.
Synovial fluid MSCs (SF-MSCs)
CD45, CD105, CD90, – – Prado et al.
CD34, CD117, CD133, (2015)
TRAI-1-81, VEGF,
LY6A, OCT3/4, Nanog
CD90, CD44, PCNA, – Adipogenic, Fülber et al.
Vimentin, PGP-9.5, chondrogenic (weak), (2016)
lysozyme and osteogenic
Synovial membrane MSCs (Sy-MSCs)
CD90, CD44, PCNA, Adipogenic, Fülber et al.
Vimentin, PGP-9.5, chondrogenic (weak), (2016)
lysozyme and osteogenic
CD44 and CD90, MHC-I, CD34, CD45. Chondrogenic, Yamasaki
CD11a/18, CD105, osteogenic, and et al. (2018)
MHC-II (weak), Sox2 tenogenic
Umbilical cord MSCs (UC-MSCs)
CD44, CD90 (weak) MHC-II, CD34, Oct4 Osteogenic and Maia et al.
adipogenic (2017)
Wharton’s jelly MSCs (WJ-MSCs)
CD90, CD73, CD34, MHC-I, MHC-II, Adipogenic, Iacono et al.
Oct4, IL-6, IL-β1, IL-8 CD45, Sox2, Nanog, chondrogenic, and (2016)
INF-γ, TNF-α, IL-4 osteogenic
AD-MSCs adipose tissue MSCs, Am-MSCs amniotic membrane MSCs, BM-MSCs bone marrow
MSCs, DP-MSCs dental pulp MSCs, End-MSCs endometrium MSCs, H-MSCs hoof MSCs,
PB-MSCs peripheral blood MSCs, PL-MSCs periodontal ligament, SF-MSCs synovial fluid MSCs,
Sy-MSCs synovial membrane MSCs, UC-MSCs umbilical cord MSCs, WJ-MSCs Wharton’s
jelly MSCs
288 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

12.2.2 Tissue Source and MSCs Features

Peripheral blood (PB) contains the lowest concentration of eMSCs (ePB-MSCs),

and as such the success rate to harvest these cells from such a tissue is lower. ePB-­
MSCs harvesting rate too varies and had been demonstrated to range from as low as
33% (Koerner et al. 2006), 44% (Martinello et al. 2010) and to the maximum of
66% (Carvalho et al. 2013b). Their differentiation potential too had been limited in
comparison to horse bone marrow-derived MSCs (eBM-MSCs) (Koerner et  al.
2006). The initial cell concentration of stromal vascular fraction (SVF) and/or
mononuclear cell fraction (MNC) plays an important role to achieve better MSCs
yield. Horse adipose tissue (eAD)-stromal vascular fraction (SVF) had ranged from
1.47 × 106 cells to 2.71 × 106 cells per gram of tissue (Nixon et al. 2008; Tuemmers
et al. 2012) while adult horse bone marrow had yielded 6.4 ± 3.4 × 106 nucleated
cells (MNCs) per ml of aspirate (Hildebrand et  al. 2002; Baghavan et  al. 2009).
MSCs yield from horse bone marrow (BM) remains lower than the adipose tissue
(AD) (Toupadakis et al. 2010; Stewart and Stewart 2011).
Proliferation potential of eMSCs varies with tissue source. Bone marrow (BM)-
derived and adipose tissue (AD)-derived MSCs tend to show higher proliferation in
comparison to umbilical cord (UC)-derived MSCs (Barberini et al. 2014). MSCs
harvested from a particular tissue system may be more tenable in relevant ailments.
eBM-MSCs tend to show superior musculoskeletal tissue differentiation ability as
compared to eAD-MSCs (Noel et al. 2008; Vidal et al. 2008; Frisbie et al. 2009;
Toupadakis et al. 2010; Branly et al. 2017). Even among similar tissue/organ sys-
tem, MSCs differentiation potential may vary. Synovial (Sy)-MSCs and BM-MSCs
had comparable chondrogenic potential, but the latter cell type had better osteo-
genic potential (Gale et  al. 2019). For musculoskeletal ailments, eBM-MSCs in
comparison to eAD-MSCs may give better response. Altered sensitivity of eAD-­
MSCs to osteogenic growth factors like transforming growth factor (TGF-β) and
bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) may predispose them to reduced chondrogenic
differentiation. Such a reduction in chondrogenesis may be potentiated with BMP-6
(Estes et al. 2006; Hennig et al. 2007). eMSCs from a particular tissue but from
varied locations (ilium vs. sternum) may not show any observable difference
(Lombana et al. 2015).

12.2.3 Donor Health Status and MSCs Properties

Individual health status affects cell viability and as such may affect clinical results.
AD-MSCs harvested from metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance disease) horses
may be more senescent with an insubstantial differentiation potential. Oxidative
stress that promotes accumulation of toxic compounds in the mitochondria might
lead to the cell senescence. Autophagic switch to counter oxidative stress might
decrease MSCs differentiation potential (Marycz et al. 2016a, b). In vitro applica-
tion of Spirulina platensis had restored senescent eAD-MSCs morphology and
functionality and could have been possible through the reduction in oxidative stress
12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 289

(Nawrocka et al. 2017). eSy-MSCs harvested from osteoarthritic/osteochondrosis

and healthy tissue tend to show comparable phenotype and differentiation potential
except for chondrogenesis, being better in healthy tissue-derived MSCs (Fülber
et al. 2016). In clinical settings, the problem can be countered with the implantation
of higher cell doses (Frisbie and Smith 2010)

12.2.4 Effect of Aspiration and Implantation on MSCs

Cell aspiration/implantation technique affects the cell viability. The compromise in

cell viability may be more during aspiration than during the injection. The aspira-
tion creates more negative pressure leading to cell stress, and as such forcible aspi-
ration of MSCs should be prevented (Williams et  al. 2016; Lang et  al. 2017).
Injection of cells through wide bore needles (19-gauge) had not affected eMSCs
viability, while those injected through small bore (23-gauge) had become apoptotic.
The current recommended needle size of 21-gauge needle balances the cell viability
and needle-induced damage at the site of injection (Garvican et al. 2016). However,
the consensus on these findings is lacking (Williams et al. 2016). The material of
transport/storage container, plastic, or glass had nonsignificant effect on the cell
viability (Espina et al. 2016).

12.2.5 Effect of Drugs/Anesthetics on MSCs

Anesthetics and/drugs affect MSCs viability based on their class (Edmonds et al.
2016; Schrock et al. 2018). Romifidine and mepivacaine had nonsignificant effect,
while detomidine and butorphanol had significantly reduced MSCs viability.
Xylazine had also decreased MSCs viability but insignificantly. Commonly used
steroids like methylprednisolone and triamcinolone may compromise eBM-MSCs
viability (Edmonds et al. 2016). Therapeutic concentrations of antibiotics like ami-
noglycosides (gentamicin and amikacin) had deleteriously affected eBM-MSCs,
while hyaluronic acid had proven beneficial for their proliferation (Bohannon
et al. 2013).

12.3 Clinical Applications of eMSCs

Stem cell therapy in horse medicine mostly remains in experimental phase due to
lack of the literature incorporating uniform case controlled studies (Imamura and
Tanaka 2009; Clegg and Pinchbeck 2011; Volk and Theoret 2013; Dehghan et al.
2015; Ojeh et al. 2015). In horses, the therapeutic applications of stem cells had
been mainly aimed to address the issues of musculoskeletal system and first of its
kind had been conducted on superficial digital flexor tendonitis (Smith et al. 2003).
As the potential goes beyond, MSCs potential applications are now being evaluated
290 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

in nonmusculoskeletal tissues as well (Gugjoo et al. 2019a). Below are given the

details of the in vivo studies conducted in horse.

12.3.1 Wound Repair

Horse wounds are predisposed to issues like proud flesh and/infections. The current
standard therapeutic options heal only about 24% of wounds by primary healing
(Wilmink et al. 2002). The limited availability of donor skin and more failures in
“graft take” under grafting makes it a least opted therapeutic solution (Theoret
2009). Potential applications of stem cells in wound healing had come to the fore
when a higher number of the cells exhibiting similar phenotype to that of BM-MSCs
were observed in blood of burn patients (Mansilla et  al. 2006; Fox et  al. 2008).
Since then stem cell therapies are being evaluated.
Ex vivo horse study had demonstrated that encapsulated MSCs and their condi-
tioned media might promote the repair of skin wounds. The repair could occur
through equine dermal fibroblast mobilization and increased pro-wound healing
gene expression (Bussche et al. 2015). In vivo implanted eBM-MSCs tend to remain
well oriented and integrated under the epithelium of repaired soft palate (Carstanjen
et al. 2006). The locally injected allogeneic equine umbilical cord blood (eUCB)-
MSCs had improved wound healing of hind limb wounds. The cell-injected wounds
had exhibited better tissue regeneration with little inflammatory cells. The expres-
sion of healing factors (transforming growth factor-β1 and cyclooxygenase 2) was
significantly higher in cell-treated wounds as compared to the control. MSCs heal-
ing potential was unaffected by their culture technique (normoxia vs. hypoxia)
(Table12.2) (Textor et al. 2017).
In clinical studies (foal deep sore wounds and decubital ulcers), local implanta-
tion of allogeneic amnion-derived MSCs (Am-MSCs) along with carboxymethyl-
cellulose (Iacono et  al. 2016) or platelet-rich plasma (Table12.3) (Iacono et  al.
2012) had led to earlier and improved wound healing as compared to wounds treated
without the cells. The cells had been implanted multiple times and along with the
other biomaterials (Iacono et al. 2016). The combined application (involving local
and parenteral injection) of PB-MSCs had improved wound healing of 4 chronic
dermal wounds of adult horse metatarsals. Granulation tissue had formed signifi-
cantly much earlier, while scar formation was delayed in comparison to the control
(Spaas et  al. 2013). Thus, MSCs may be employed to repair equine wounds.
Improved healing upon the MSCs transplantation might arise through regeneration
of epidermal cells and/increased angiogenesis (Krause et al. 2001; Wu et al. 2007;
Borena et al. 2009). However, all these studies have mostly been uncontrolled, and
as such evidence-based studies involving large significant numbers of cases are
Table 12.2  In vivo preclinical experimental mesenchymal stem cell studies on cutaneous wounds in horse
size/ Cell
study Biomaterial dose/ Evaluation
Model type Number of animals period used assembly criteria Overall result References
Bilateral distal 6 horses (each wound in 6 weeks Umbilical 15– Histology, Cell treated irrespective of prior Textor
forelimb full horse treated with cord blood 20 × 106 thermography, preconditioning improved et al.
thickness wounds hypoxic- and normoxia-­ MSCs per gene expression, histological scoring and wound (2017)
(3 wounds; each preconditioned cells. wound and wound area. No significant advantage of
2.5 × 2.5 cm2 Other wounds were surface area hypoxic conditioning. An
spaced at 2.5 cm treated with above cell improved transforming growth
vertically aligned) types laden in autologous factor beta and cyclooxygenase-2
fibrin gel. Control with gene expression at 1 week.
one saline and other Histology showed wounds
fibrin gel-treated wounds treated with MSCs more of
pro-healing than
12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
Table 12.3  In vivo clinical mesenchymal stem cell studies on cutaneous wounds/eye affection in horse

Number of Study Cell dose/ Evaluation

Clinical case animals type Study period Biomaterial used assembly criteria Overall result References
Soft palate 1 Case 14 days BM-MSCs 10 × 106 Macroscopy, The cells were Carstanjen
defect report histochemistry organized in a et al.
manner similar to (2006)
that in native soft
palate tissue,
indicating successful
Decubital 1 (multiple Case 7 months Amniotic fluid-derived Ulcers were Wound area MSCs along with Iacono
ulcers (septic sores) report MSCs, platelet-rich treated for measurement platelet-rich plasma et al.
neonatal foal) plasma (PRP) 15 days with (PRP) gel improve (2012)
mesenchymal decubital ulcers
stem cells earlier and
(MSCs) plus effectively compared
PRP, PRP gel to those implanted
alone, or aloe with PRP or aloe
gel. 5 × 106 vera gel only. At
MSCs 7 months, an ulcer
(applied twice treated with aloe gel
a week for 4 was still not
consecutive completely healed
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Chronic 4 Case 4 weeks and PB-MSCs 5 × 105 Wound-­ MSCs injected Spaas
dermal report 8 weeks (local), healing locally as well as et al.
wounds of Uncontrolled 1.25 × 105 parameters parenterally in 4 (2013)
metatarsals study (intravenous) (granulation wounds showed
(unresponsive tissue, crust positive visual and
to formation, and clinical outcome.
conventional scar Granulation tissue
therapies) formation) was formed within
4 weeks of the cell
significantly earlier
compared to the
control. The scar
formation, however,
was delayed by more
than 2 months as
compared to the
12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
Table 12.3 (continued)

Number of Study Cell dose/ Evaluation

Clinical case animals type Study period Biomaterial used assembly criteria Overall result References
Deep sore 7 (9 Case Case Carboxymethylcellulose-­ 5 × 105 cells/ Wound area Cell seeded scaffold Iacono
wounds spontaneous report controlled seeded heterologous cm2 (applied measurement implantation led to et al.
pressure (criteria for amnion-derived MSCs twice a week faster dermal wound (2016)
sores on the selection of for 4 healing as compared
carpus (4), cases: consecutive to control (applied
fetlock (2), Assessing times) commercial
and hock (3) classification preparation of
of 5 of skin formosulfathiazole)
hospitalized wounds,
foals classification
of the
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Corneal 4 (corneal Case 6 months PB-MSCs Ophthalmic Clinical After cell treatment, Marfe
ulcers and ulcers) and reports artery and examination, animals were active et al.
retinal 1 (bilateral locally ultrasound and able to jump. (2012)
detachment retinal PB-MSCs improved
detachment) the optic nerve
function and visual
acuity in the left eye
after 2 months. The
animal could even
jump and cross
barriers after
6 months. However,
no substantial
improvement was
seen in the right eye
12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
296 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

12.3.2 Keratitis and Other Ophthalmic Conditions

Laterally placed large eyes make horse conducive to their injuries (Wada et al. 2010;
Clode and Matthews 2011). Corneal wounds, especially of ulcerative keratitis,
account 68.5% (Andrew and Willis 2005) to 90.5% (Wada et al. 2010) of the ocular
problems, among which infectious keratitis accounts for 35–39% of all the cases
(Strubbe et al. 2000; Olivier et al. 2003). To address these issues, a study had dem-
onstrated that a significant corneal epithelial restoration and reduction of inflamma-
tory condition occur with conjunctival and/ophthalmic artery injection of PB-MSCs
(Table12.3) (Spaas et al. 2011; Marfe et al. 2012).
Even in an old (2 months) case of equine bilateral retinal detachment, improve-
ment in nerve function and visual acuity had been demonstrated in left eye with
intravenous injection of PB-MSCs. However, right eye had inconsiderable improve-
ment (Marfe et al. 2012). The variable pathophysiology involved and/or insufficient
cellular concentration achieved in the right eye could have been the reasons for
unfavorable results in right eye. Thus, more extensive studies are desired as per the
pathophysiology with MSCs dose titration.

12.3.3 Tendon/Ligament Injuries

Tendonitis tends to lead to equine lameness (Barreira et al. 2008). This condition is
managed by rest and rehabilitation, although recurrent tendonitis in 43% cases has
been reported (Dyson 1997; Violini et  al. 2009). Lack of basic understanding of
tendon cell characteristics and their precursors in tendon healing currently chal-
lenges effective tendon healing (Bi et al. 2007). To gain insights and provide early
healing of tendon, MSCs are being evaluated.
Numerous MSCs studies (experimental or clinical) on tendon or ligament inju-
ries have been conducted as enlisted in Table 12.4 and 12.5. The models have been
created either surgically (Geburek et al. 2017) or by enzymatic action (Nixon et al.
2008; Carvalho et al. 2013a). Apart from experimental models, MSCs therapeutic
applications have also been evaluated in clinical tendinopathies and/desmitis (Renzi
et al. 2013; Van Loon et al. 2014; Beerts et al. 2017). Most of the studies have evalu-
ated BM-MSCs and AD-MSCs with two studies demonstrating umbilical cord
(UC)-MSCs (Van Loon et al. 2014) and PB-MSCs (Beerts et al. 2017). The cells
have been injected intralesionally after some delay. Some studies have additionally
incorporated scaffolds like platelet-rich plasma (Renzi et al. 2013), serum (Pacini
et al. 2007; Geburek et al. 2017), fibrinogen (Crovace et al. 2010), and plasma lysate
(Del Bue et al. 2008). Growth factors like insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) have
also been added (Smith et  al. 2003; Schnabel et  al. 2009). In all these studies, a
single dose of the variable cell concentration has been made barring two studies that
had injected the cells twice (Van Loon et al. 2014; Vandenberghe et al. 2015).
Most of the studies have shown positive role of MSCs in tendon healing. One of
the studies, however, had failed to demonstrate significant therapeutic effects of the
MSCs (Caniglia et  al. 2012). BM-MSCs suspended in fibrinogen (Crovace et  al.
Table 12.4  In vivo preclinical experimental stem cell studies on tendinitis in horse
Number of defect size/ Biomaterial Cell dose/
Model type animals study period used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Superficial 8 (4 cell 6 weeks AD-nucleated 13.83 ± 3.41 × 106 Biochemical and Ultrasonography revealed no Nixon
digital flexor treated and cell fraction cells (3 doses at molecular and difference in rate or quality of et al.
tendinitis 4 control) 40–53 h range) ultrasonography were repair between groups. (2008)
(collagenase-­ performed Histologic evaluation revealed a
induced) significant improvement in
tendon fiber architecture;
reductions in vascularity;
inflammatory cell infiltrate;
collagen type III formation; and
improvements in tendon fiber
density and alignment in
ADNC-treated tendons. Repair
sites did not differ in DNA,
proteoglycan, or total collagen
content. Gene expression of
collagen type I and type III in
treated and control tendons was
similar. Gene expression of
COMP was significantly
increased in ADNC-injected
12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
Table 12.4 (continued)

Number of defect size/ Biomaterial Cell dose/

Model type animals study period used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Superficial 12 (6 8 weeks BM-MSCs, 10 × 106 (local Histological and Expression of collagen types I Schnabel
digital flexor BM-MSCs; IGF-I gene implantation) immunohistochemical and III, IGF-I, cartilage et al.
tendinitis 6 IGF-I enhanced scores, ultrasound oligomeric matrix protein (2009)
gene BM-MSCs (COMP), matrix
enhanced metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3),
BM-MSCs) matrix metalloproteinase-13
(MMP-13), and aggrecanase-1
(ADAMTS-4) was similar in
MSC and control tendons. Both
MSC and AdIGF-MSC injection
resulted in significantly improved
tendon histological scores
Superficial 6 (4 18 weeks BM-MSCs; 5.5 × 106 Histological and In cBMSC- and BMMNCS-­treated Crovace
digital flexor animals: after BM-MNCs cBMSCs or immunohistochemical tendons, a high expression of et al.
tendinitis All four treatment 1.2 × 108 scores cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (2010)
limbs; 2 BMMNCs (COMP) and type I collagen, but
animals: 3 (average) low levels of type III collagen were
limbs) intralesionally revealed by immunohistochemistry,
with a normal longitudinally
oriented fiber pattern. Placebo-
treated tendons expressed very low
quantities of COMP and type I
collagen but large numbers of
randomly oriented type III collagen
fibers. Both cBMSC and
BMMNCS grafts resulted in a
qualitatively similar healing
improvement of tendon
extracellular matrix, in terms of the
M. B. Gugjoo et al.

type I/III collagen ratio, fiber

orientation, and COMP expression
Superficial 8 (4 60, 150 days AD-MSCs 10 × 106 (30 days Histological and No differences occurred between Carvalho
digital flexor animals after collagenase immunohistochemical the groups regarding the clinical et al.
tendinitis biopsy at injection) scores, clinical and and ultrasonographic analyses; (2011)
(collagenase- 60 days; 4 ultrasonographic however, histopathological
induced) animals features evaluation revealed a significant
biopsy at improvement in tendon fiber
150 days) organization and diminished
inflammatory infiltrate, whereas
immunohistochemical analysis
showed increased expression of
type I collagen in the treated group
as compared with controls. The
cellular therapy model implanted
in this experiment promoted
increased perivascular
inflammatory infiltrate, fibroblastic
density, neovascularization, and
qualitative healing improvement of
tendon extracellular matrix, in
terms of fiber orientation and type
I/III collagen ratio; moreover, it
was considered to be a safe and
viable process
Superficial 6 horses (2 12 weeks Autologous 10 × 106 Mass average MAD and CFI in addition to the Caniglia
digital flexor wounds in after cell BM-MSCs (ultrasound diameter (MAD), bimodal distribution of collagen et al.
(SDFT) each). One implantation guidance) collagen fibril index fibril size were significantly (2012)
treated with (CFI), area-dependent lower in treated and control
12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

MSCs and diameter (ADD) injured animals as compared to

the other the normal and control limbs

Table 12.4 (continued)

Number of defect size/ Biomaterial Cell dose/
Model type animals study period used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Bilateral 9 horses 22 weeks AD-MSCs 1 × 107 injected Ultrasonography and Color Doppler signal at 2 weeks Conze
forelimb (2 in each intralesionally histology was significantly more extensive. et al.
superficial horse) after 2 weeks Histology showed significantly (2014)
digital flexor more neovascularization after
tendons 22 weeks
Bilateral 9 horses 24 weeks AD-MSCs in Ultrasound-guided Ultrasonography, Statistically nonsignificant Geburek
forelimb (2 in each inactivated 10 × 106 cells clinical, biochemical, differences in two treated groups. et al.
superficial horse) serum and were injected and biomechanical Mature collagen crosslink (2017)
digital flexor inactivated intrialesionally evaluation hydroxylysylpyridinoline was
tendons serum only comparable to normal tendon
(SDFT) collagen in AD-MSCs treated
group, while it was lower in the
other group. Stress at failure and
modulus of elasticity in
AD-MSCs group were
significantly lower than the
mature normal tendon
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Table 12.5  In vivo clinical mesenchymal stem cell studies on tendinitis in horse
Number of Biomaterial Cell dose/ Evaluation
Clinical case animals Study period used assembly criteria Overall result References
Superficial 26 (11 cell Uncontrolled Autologous 9.5 × 106 Ultrasound and Nine MSC-treated animals Pacini et al.
digital flexor treated; 15 study BM-MSCs ability to return recovered from their clinical (2007)
tendinitis control) to race conditions had an excellent
ultrasound image of tendons after
a period ranging from 3 to
6 months and returned to racing
with good or even optimal results
in the previous category of
competition in 9–12 months
without any reinjuring event. All
of them are still active more than
2 years from diagnosis. One of the
2 remaining horses received less
than 1 × 106 of MSCs, and its
tendon did not heal, relapsing after
rehabilitation; the other was lost to
follow-up. Small number of MSCs
may be sufficient to repair
damaged tendons without the use
of scaffold support. Ultrasound
scanning showed that fibers were
correctly oriented in cell-treated
tendons. Further, no ectopic bone
deposition occurred
12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

Table 12.5 (continued)

Number of Biomaterial Cell dose/ Evaluation

Clinical case animals Study period used assembly criteria Overall result References
Tendinitis 16 15–240 days Allogeneic Local Ultrasonography 14 out of 16 treated horses Del Bue et al.
(case AD-MSCs + intralesional recovered and went back to activity. (2008)
controlled platelet-rich injection (cell Two did not recover, one among
study) plasma concentration them was affected by chronic
not given) tendonitis previously treated with
different therapies (infiltrations,
blisters, etc.), while the other horse,
after 8 weeks and a satisfactory
recovery, went back to activity too
early and the lesion recurred
Tendinitis 33 (18 8–15 months Autologous 2 × 106 cells in Clinical Gradual healing was observed on Renzi et al.
(among 23 BM-MSCs BM-MSCs PRP per cm2 of evaluation and ultrasonography, and at 24 weeks (2013)
animals, 14 treated; 13 lesion ultrasonography the tendon was anatomically
had frontal pin firing restored. 13/18 in cell-treated
right and 9 treated) group returned to race
frontal left competitions, while none among
limb affected); pin fired horses
(among 9, 5
frontal right
and 4 frontal
left limb
cases. 1 case
had bilateral
SL lesion).
Lesion of
15–30% of
tendon surface
M. B. Gugjoo et al.

was included
Superficial 12 (6 6 months BM-MSCs, 1 × 107 Morphology, Cell-treated tendons had Smith et al.
digital flexor animals cell growth autologous biomechanical, significantly lower structural (2013)
tendon treated; 6 factors, BM-MSCs ultrasonography, stiffness although there is no
control) natural suspended in histology significant difference in calculated
mechanical 2 mL of marrow modulus of elasticity. Lower
stimulus supernatant (improved) histological scoring of
organization and crimp pattern,
lower cellularity, DNA content,
vascularity, water content, GAG
content, and MMP-13 activity
were seen in cell-treated tendons
Tendinitis of 52 animals 6 months Umbilical 2–10 × 106 Clinical and 40/52 (77%) animals returned to Van Loon
superficial (young: cord (single dose) ultrasonography the normal activity. 20/23 SDFT et al. (2014)
flexor tendons 5–9 years; blood-­ 20 × 106 (double cases had positive result. 15/22
(SDFT) and medium derived dose in 5 horses cases of SL had positive result. 4/6
deep digital aged: MSCs at 4–36 weeks). DDFT and ICL had positive result.
flexor tendon 10–14 years; 4/5 double-­ Control cases (SDFT: 1/3; SL:
(DDFT), and >15 years) treated animals 2/3) reached to normal or higher
desmitis of were from SL performance levels after 6 months
superficial group or more following proper
ligament (SL) rehabilitation programme. No
and inferior significant difference in results
check with respect to the age was
ligament recorded
(ICL) (first
time injured)
12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

Table 12.5 (continued)

Number of Biomaterial Cell dose/ Evaluation

Clinical case animals Study period used assembly criteria Overall result References
Proximal 01 (case 1 year Allogeneic 0.5 × 106 cells American From 4 weeks after treatment, the Vandenberghe
suspensory report) tenogenically tenogenically Association of lameness reduced to an AAEP et al. (2015)
ligament induced differentiated; Equine grade 1/5 and a clear filling of the
injury (treated peripheral second dose at Practitioners lesion could be noticed on
for 4 months blood- 12 weeks after (AAEP) scale ultrasound. At 4 weeks after the
by NSAIDs derived the first injection and second injection, the horse trotted
and PRP; MSCs allogeneic ultrasonography, sound under all circumstances
AAEP scale tenogenically radiographic with a close to total fiber
2/5) induced examination, alignment. The horse went back to
MSCs + PRP computed previous performance level at
tomography 32 weeks after the first
regenerative therapy and is
currently still doing so (i.e.,
20 weeks later or 1 year after the
first stem cell treatment)
Superficial SL (n = 68); 24 months Allogeneic Cryopreserved Clinical, After 12th month, 83.8% of SDFT Beerts et al.
ligament and SDFT tenogenically 2–3 × 106 (at lameness, and and 79.2 of SL returned to (2017)
superficial (n = 36) induced least 50% ultrasonographic previous performance level. At
digital flexor peripheral viability) in evaluation 24th month, 82.4% and 85.7% of
tendon lesions blood MSCs 1 mL PRP SL and SDFT cases returned to
previous performance level,
respectively. Cell therapy
significantly lowered reinjury rate
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 305

2010), autologous serum (Pacini et  al. 2007), and plasma lysate (Del Bue et  al.
2008; Renzi et  al. 2013; Vandenberghe et  al. 2015) had improved tendon repair
especially in relation to the functional recovery.
The intralesional injected MSCs had remained viable, distributed, and integrated
within the injured tissue. The cell numbers had decreased with the time, and small
numbers had been identified in the peripheral blood up to 24 h and in the contralat-
eral tendon lesions up to 24 weeks (Burk et al. 2016). Even up to 34 days, the cells
had been located in the injected lesions (Guest et  al. 2008). AD-MSCs tend to
decrease inflammation markedly and improve alignment of collagen fibrils and ten-
don fibers (Nixon et al. 2008). The cell concentration, however, appears to have a
role to play. One million cells had been insufficient for effective tendon healing
(Smith 2008; Caniglia et al. 2012), while higher cell concentrations like ten million
(Smith et al. 2009) and 20 million (Van Loon et al. 2014) had significantly improved
tissue matrix approximating to the normal tendon tissue.
Delayed implantation (day 30) of AD-MSCs in superficial digital flexor tendon-
itis too had improved healing as better histological and immunohistochemical
scores were demonstrated. However, an insignificant difference in sonographic and
clinical signs had been demonstrated between the cell-treated or nontreated cases
(Carvalho et al. 2011). Combined application of BM-MSCs and IGF-1 had improved
healing of the superficial digital flexor tendonitis. Tendons treated with cells and
IGF-1 were histologically better in comparison to those treated with BM-MSCs
only. The cell-­treated tendons had better histological scores as compared to the con-
trol (Schnabel et al. 2009).
Even clinical improvement with the application of MSCs together with the rou-
tine managemental procedures has been demonstrated. The clinical studies on liga-
ment and tendon injuries had demonstrated that AD-MSCs and BM-MSCs had
improved most of the cases (85%) and these animals had returned back to competi-
tion (Ferris et al. 2009; Leppanen et al. 2009). Animals of diverse age, gender, and
breed had similar outcome (Ferris et al. 2009). Single case report of superficial digi-
tal flexor tendonitis locally treated with BM-MSCs and growth factors along with
natural stimulus had improved tendon healing. The stimulus might have triggered
MSCs differentiation into tendon fibroblasts (Smith et al. 2003). Apart from growth
factors, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) scaffold laden allogeneic AD-MSCs (Del Bue
et al. 2008) or PB-MSCs (Beerts et al. 2017) had improved tendonitis and tendon/
ligament injuries, respectively. Most of these animals had returned back to the
normal activity. Combined application of allogeneic PB-MSCs and platelet-rich
plasma (PRP) had moderately improved suspensory ligament (SL) and superficial
digital flexor tendon (SDFT) sonographic features at 6-week period that had fur-
ther improved at 24 months. The reinjury rate has markedly reduced in these cell-
treated cases (18%) in comparison to conventionally treated horses (44%) (Beerts
et al. 2017). Similar biomaterial combination used at 4 weeks after diagnosis and
repeated at 32-week period in a proximal suspensory ligament desmitis had com-
pletely restored its fiber alignment being observed under ultrasonography. These
animals had improved performance almost similar to the initial levels
(Vandenberghe et al. 2015). An equine tendonitis study had failed to demonstrate
306 M. B. Gugjoo et al.

significant results with AD-MSCs in comparison to the autologous inactivated

serum. However, better histopathological observations were observed in the
AD-MSC-treated tendons than control (Geburek et al. 2017).
One of the studies had failed to observe improved effects of MSCs on tendonitis
and might have been due to the delayed cell implantation (1 month) (Caniglia et al.
2012). Cell induced pro-healing effects may be affected by inflammation at early
stage, while limited results at delayed implantation might occur due to the devel-
oped fibrous tissue (Dahlgren 2009; Carvalho et al. 2011; Carvalho et al. 2013a).
Further, the evaluation criteria and period of evaluation may also affect the results
(Caniglia et al. 2012).
These studies favor MSCs application in tendon/ligament injuries, although vari-
ably. The evaluation criteria followed must be streamlined and the studies that
incorporate various biomaterials must be compared with standard to come to the
conclusion. Cells of uniform batches with respect to source, concentration, and pas-
sage must be applied through standard routes for effective comparison. Advanced
techniques may also be applied to demonstrate cellular fate (Geburek et al. 2016).
The proper follow-up of the studies and for extended period may be made.

12.3.4 Cartilage Injury

Cartilage healing is a challenge as it has limited intrinsic regenerative potential

(Kinner et  al. 2005; Kang et  al. 2008; Campos et  al. 2012). The healing usually
occurs with mechanically inferior fibrous tissue that shows nonintegration to the
native tissue (Campos et al. 2012; Gugjoo et al. 2017).
The stem cell osteochondral defect healing has been studied for various joints but
mostly in the stifle joint both in preclinical experimental (Table12.6) and in clinical
(Table12.7) cases. The critical defect size has been variable. Various MSCs sources
like bone marrow, adipose tissue, peripheral blood, and synovium have been evalu-
ated for osteochondral healing though the former two sources have been subject of
most of the studies. The cell concentrations implanted in these studies have been
variable ranging from five million to 20 million. Apart from simple MSCs, the
chondrogenically differentiated allogeneic MSCs have also been evaluated (Broeckx
et al. 2019). As MSCs fail to adhere or stick to the osteochondral defects, scaffolds
like collagen repair patch (González-Fernández et  al. 2016), allogeneic plasma
(Broeckx et  al. 2019), allogeneic PRP (Broeckx et  al. 2014), fibrin glue (Raheja
et al. 2011), and hyaluronan (McIIwraith et al. 2011) have been incorporated. The
healing or clinical improvement in these studies has been evaluated by variable
parameters including clinical examination, radiography, computed tomography
(CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), arthroscopy or biomechanical test-
ing, and histochemical examination. Most of the osteoarthritis studies have failed to
demonstrate effective cartilage repair (Wilke et  al. 2007; Frisbie et  al. 2009;
McIIwraith et al. 2011), but beneficial effect of pain reduction has been observed
(Ferris et al. 2009; González-Fernández et al. 2016).
12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 307

Combined application of BM-MSCs and hyaluronic acid or autologous platelet

enhanced fibrin scaffolds (APEF) had been made (McIIwraith et al. 2011; Goodrich
et  al. 2016). In both these studies, clinical improvement had failed to occur at
12 months. Slight improvement with respect to gross morphology and arthroscopy
had been reported at 12-month period (McIIwraith et al. 2011). The cobblestone-­
like appearance of healed tissue bearing fair to good integration at 3 months was
demonstrated. However with time the tissue had degraded (Goodrich et al. 2016).
Thus, extended studies are desired to see the course of disease.
In one of the comparative study, an equine meniscal tear model treated with
MSCs of two sources (BM-MSCs or AD-MSCs) laden in collagen repair patch had
demonstrated that cells of different sources have comparable healing effect. The
defects were repaired by fibrocartilage in cell-treated animals, while in control
group repair was either partial or nil (González-Fernández et  al. 2016). Another
comparative study had demonstrated higher pro-healing effects of BM-MSCs on
osteoarthritis as compared to uncultured stromal vascular fraction (SVF). Joints
treated with SVF had unwanted increase in tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) con-
centration in synovial fluid (Frisbie et al. 2009). The combined treatment involving
bone marrow aspirate implantation and microfracture too had favored cartilage
regeneration in comparison to the microfracture technique alone. Microfracture
enhances bone marrow mononuclear cell fraction availability for cartilage healing
but may not have been sufficient (Fortier et al. 2010). One of the studies had com-
pared autologous BM-MSCs treatment to the arthroscopy in joint affections. Out of
total cases (n = 33) treated with intra-articular cell (15,020 million) implantation,
43% reached to previous level of work, 33% reached to work, and 24% had failed
to work. In three cases, transient joint flare had been observed within 24 h of cell
treatment. Joints treated with arthroscopy had significantly lower recovery rate
(60–63%) (Ferris et al. 2014).
Inflammatory environment tends to reduce cell therapeutic effects. MSCs express
higher adhesion molecules and have decreased migration potential under inflamma-
tion (Barrachina et  al. 2016; Reesink et  al. 2017). Additionally, these cells show
reduced potential to secrete cartilage-specific matrices in the presence of pro-­
inflammatory cytokines (Taylor et al. 2007; Zayed et al. 2016) although such prop-
erties of MSCs may also be affected by tissue source (Zayed et  al. 2016). Thus,
efforts to reduce inflammation in the joints before application of MSCs should be
made (Ferris et al. 2014). Currently, the local MSCs implantation is made at 20 mil-
lion along with the scaffold (hyaluronan; González-Fernández et al. 2016).

12.3.5 Bone Injury

Bone heals naturally with healed tissue approximating to natural native tissue
(Taylor et al. 2007). The healing of a fractured bone in horse is challenging due to
its uncontrolled movement. In case of extensive fractures or tumors, the ability to
heal becomes even more challenging. To improve healing in such conditions, tissue
Table 12.6  In vivo chondrogenic preclinical experimental mesenchymal stem cell studies in horse

Number of Model defect Biomaterial

Model type animals size/study period used Cell dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Chronic full 6 (12 defects) 15 mm/1 month MSCs loaded MSCs/ Histology, Arthroscopic scores in Wilke et al.
thickness group I: and 8 months into fibrinogen histochemistry, group I were (2007)
cartilage Autogenous self-­ mixture collagen type I and significantly improved
defects in fibrin vehicle polymerizing containing type II, at the day 30. Biopsy
femoro-­patellar containing autogenous 12 × 106 MSC/ immunohistochemistry, showed MSC-­
articulations MSCs; group fibrin vehicle mL collagen type II in situ implanted defects
II: hybridization, and contained increased
Autogenous matrix biochemical fibrous tissue with
fibrin alone in assays several defects
control joints containing
predominantly type II
collagen. At 8 months,
there was no
significant difference
between stem
cell-treated and control
Middle carpal 24 (8 each 15 mm/70 days AD-MSCs 16.3 × 106 Clinical outcome, Nonsignificant Frisbie et al.
joint group) group and (AD-MSCs) and macroscopy, differences in healing (2009)
osteochondral I: AD-MSCs; BM-MSCs 10.5 × 106 histopathology, improvement with cell
defect group II: (BM-MSCs) articular cartilage treatment were seen
BM-MSC; matrix evaluation compared to control
group III: except improvement in
Control PGE2 levels
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Full thickness 10 (20 defects 10 mm/6 months MSCs and 20 × 106MSCs + Radiography, Nonsignificant McIIwraith
femoral in stifle joint) and 12 months hyaluronan 22 mg arthroscopy, magnetic evidence of any et al. (2011)
condyle defects group I: hyaluronan resonance imaging and clinically significant
followed by BM-MSCs gross, histologic, improvement in the
microfracture and histomorphometric, joints with BM-MSCs.
microfracture; immunohistochemical, Arthroscopic and gross
group II: and biochemical evaluation confirmed a
Microfracture examinations significant increase in
repair tissue firmness
and a trend for better
overall repair tissue
quality (cumulative
score of all
arthroscopic and gross
grading criteria) in
analysis showed
significantly greater
levels of aggrecan in
repair tissue treated
with BM-MSC
injection. There were
no other significant
treatment effects
12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

Table 12.6 (continued)

Number of Model defect Biomaterial

Model type animals size/study period used Cell dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Chronic 4 (8 defects) 10 mm/ months AD-MSCs 1.35 × 107 Macroscopic, The use of MSC in the Yamada
chondral group I; histopathological, and treatment of chondral et al. (2013)
defects in the MSCs; group histochemical defects minimized
medial femoral II: Control evaluations joint inflammation, as
trochlea confirmed by synovial
fluid analysis. The
treatment resulted in
an improved repair
tissue, verified by
examination and
histochemical and
Chondral 12 (24 defects) 15-mm defect in BM-MSCs 12 × 106 Arthroscopy, Addition of BM-MSCs Goodrich
defect model group I: lateral trochlear along with histological to APEF did not et al. (2016)
BM-MSCs + ridge/3 months autologous examination, magnetic enhance cartilage
APEF; group and 12 months platelet resonance imaging repair and stimulated
II: APEF enhanced (MRI), micro- bone formation in
fibrin computed tomography some cartilage defects
scaffolds (micro-CT), and
(APEF) biomechanical testing
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Osteochondral 3 (right-side 9 weeks Synovium- 5 × 106 (each in CT and histology Radiolucent volumes Yamasaki
defect implanted derived right defect and of defects calculated et al. (2018)
(bilateral distal with cells; left MSCs radiocarpal by analysis of
radius, without cells) joint) postmortem CT
6 mm × 5 mm) images were decreased
in implanted sites
compared with control
sites in all horses. The
average scores for
ICRS gross and
grading scales in
implanted sites were
equal to or higher than
those of the controls.
These results suggest
that allogeneic
implantation and
subsequent autologous
injection of SM-MSCs
might not obstruct
subchondral bone
formation in defects
12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
Table 12.6 (continued)

Number of Model defect Biomaterial

Model type animals size/study period used Cell dose Evaluation criteria Overall result References
Stifle injury/ 39 (33 had 24 months Autologous 15–20 × 106 American Association 43% of horses returned Ferris et al.
femorotibial reports BM-MSCs + of Equine Practitioners to previous level of (2014)
lesions available) 20 mg of HA (AAEP) lameness work, 33% returned to
(meniscal, score, graded severity work, and 24% failed
cartilage, or of lesion to return to work. In
ligamentous; horses with meniscal
case damage (n¼24), a
controlled) higher percentage in
the current study
(75%) returned to
some level of work
compared to those in
previous reports
(60–63%) that were
treated with
arthroscopy alone,
which resulted in a
statistically significant
difference between
studies (P¼0.038).
Joint flare post-
injection was reported
in 3 horses (9.0%);
however, no long-term
effects were noted
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Table 12.7  In vivo chondrogenic clinical mesenchymal stem cell studies in horse
Clinical Number of Evaluation
condition/ailment animals Study period Biomaterial used Cell dose criteria Overall result References
Bilateral Single case 4 months Autologous 1 × 107 Arthroscopic At 4 months marked Raheja et al.
articular and BM-MSCs + implanted at examination cartilage surface smoothing (2011)
cartilage fissure 15 months fibrin glue 90 days, and and reduction in the
defects of the 3 months, and performance cartilage defect depth.
medial femoral 13 months records Further, moderate
condyles and period improvement in the cranial
concurrent cruciate ligament was
cranial cruciate observed. After 15 months
ligament injury of the initial MSC
treatment, the horse
returned to racing and had
comparable race earning to
that of preinjury records
Chronic Single case 4, 8, and Peripheral 2.5 × 106 American Clinical improvement Spaas et al.
degenerative 12 weeks blood-derived Association of observed and pressure plate (2012)
joint disease of and 1 year MSCs Equine analysis showed load rate
pastern joint period Practitioners (LR) symmetry ratio
(AAEP), increased considerably in
radiography both gaits, indicating an
and pressure increased speed of loading
plate analysis at the walk as well as at the
trot. A clear improvement in
peak vertical force (PVF)
and vertical impulse (VI)
12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications

symmetry ratios was evident

at the trot, indicating an
increased symmetry of the
weight-­bearing function of
the forelimbs

Table 12.7 (continued)

Clinical Number of Evaluation

condition/ailment animals Study period Biomaterial used Cell dose criteria Overall result References
Degenerative 20 (group I: 6 and Peripheral blood 6.7 × 10 MSCs/ American Group 4 animals generated Broeckx
joint disease of PRP; group II: 12 weeks MSCs, cm2 cells Association of the highest evolution scores, et al. (2014)
fetlock MSCs; group III: and 6 and platelet-rich chondrogenically Equine although it had statistically
MSCs and PRP; 12 months plasma (PRP) induced + Practitioners insignificant difference
or group IV: 200 × 106 (AAEP) against group 4 in the early
Chondrogenic-­ platelets or late evolution score
induced MSCs
and PRP)
Bilateral 6 (3 treated with 12 months BM-MSCs and 0.5 × 106 cells Macroscopic At 12 months after González-­
meniscus defect BM-MSCs; 3 AD-MSCs + assessment of treatment, cell-treated Fernández
(10 mm in treated with collagen repair meniscal defects were regenerated et al. (2016)
length and 6 mm AD-MSCs) patch repair, with fibrocartilaginous
in depth) histochemical tissue, whereas untreated
analysis defects were partially
repaired or not repaired
Osteochondral 10 (cell and 30, 60, and Allogeneic 1 × 107 Physical MSC treatment group had Korchunjit
fragment- surgery treated, 90 days BM-MSCs examination, an improved physical et al. (2019)
induced n = 5; surgery osteophyte examination score, better
osteoarthritis treated only, formation, racing performance, lesser
n = 5) racing osteophyte formation, and
performance, mononuclear cells in
and synovial synovial fluid than the
fluid analysis conventional treatment
Early stage 75 (50 in treated 3, 6, and Chondrogenically 2 × 106 AAEP score Lameness scores Broeckx
fetlock and 25 in 18 weeks induced cells + ∼85 × 106 system (P < 0.001), flexion test et al. (2019)
degenerative control) and 1 year allogeneic platelets responses (P < 0.034), and
joint disease MSCs + joint effusion scores
allogeneic plasma (P < 0.001)
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 315

engineering employing MSCs may be evaluated. In case of horse, very limited

MSCs osteogenic studies, however, could be located.
An experimental study had been aimed to enhance the arthrodesis of pastern
joint by utilizing tissue engineered construct (stabilized by locking compression
plate). The engineered construct composed of BM-MSCs and scaffold and growth
factor had enhanced bone formation and resulted in arthrodesis (Table12.8) (Seo
et al. 2014). In metacarpal ostectomy model, periosteum MSCs committed to osteo-
progenitor cells along with fibrin glue, however, had failed to show improved radio-
graphic and histological features in comparison to the fibrin glue alone (McDuffee
et  al. 2012). This questions the role of osteoprogenitor cells in bone healing,
although other reasons including limited osteoprogenitor cell concentration and
scaffold type involved may also affect the outcome. A single horse clinical case
report had demonstrated improved hoof regeneration with AD-MSCs after 3 weeks
and complete fracture healing at 3  months (Table12.9) (Marycz et  al. 2012).
However, detailed in vivo osteogenic studies of eMSCs are currently unavailable.

12.3.6 Immune-Mediated, Inflammatory, and Ischemic Diseases

A lot of literature focusing on MSCs immunomodulation is available. These studies

have demonstrated cellular ability to control immune reactions. MSCs have pre-
vented such reactions under in vitro and/or in vivo experimental studies (Augello
et al. 2005; Einstein et al. 2007; Sordi and Piemonti 2011). MSCs applications in
equine recurrent uveitis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and endotoxemia
that are immune-mediated and/inflammatory diseases may also be evaluated. Such
studies can additionally form basis of therapeutics in human medicine as the condi-
tion in two species shares pathophysiology (Deeg et al. 2002; Liang et al. 2010; Sun
et al. 2009; Shi et al. 2012). MSCs inhibit proliferation of B cell and memory CD8+
T cell while T regulatory cell proliferation is promoted (Peroni and Borjesson 2011;
Im et al. 2014; Cortinovis et al. 2015).

12.3.7 Laminitis

Laminitis is an ischemic clinical condition in horse usually exhibiting loss of p63

positive epidermal stem cells (Carter et al. 2011). Application of MSCs in clinical
laminitis has been demonstrated to provide add-on benefits to the traditional man-
agemental care (Table12.10). Route of MSCs application seems to play an impor-
tant role. Intravenous injection of allogeneic BM-MSCs had shown better results as
compared to their epidermal injection (Sole et al. 2012). The intra-arterial infusion
had resulted in retention of MSCs in the distal limb, with a symmetrical and homo-
geneous distribution. Contrarily, intravenous regional limb perfusion (IVRLP) had
resulted in an asymmetrical and heterogeneous distribution within the hoof. The
IVRLP performed on standing, sedated horses had resulted in lower and more

Table 12.8  In vivo preclinical experimental mesenchymal stem cell studies on osteogenesis in horse
Number of Model defect Cell dose/
Model type animals size/study period Biomaterial used assembly Evaluation criteria Overall result References
4th 10 (20 metacarpal, 1 cm/12 weeks Periosteum-­ 20 × 106 Radiography and MSCs along with fibrin McDuffee
metacarpal 10 control, and 10 derived histology glue-treated animals failed et al.
ostectomy experimental) osteoprogenitor to show improved (2012)
cells (osteogenic radiographic and
lineage histological features in
differentiated) comparison to the fibrin
glue alone
Pastern joint 6 (12; 6 control Locking BM-MSC, 1 × 107 Radiography, An improved bone Seo et al.
arthrodesis and 6 compression gelatin/β-­- histology, formation and subsequent (2014)
experimental) plate stabilization tricalcium computed arthrodesis in comparison
phosphate and tomography to the use of locking
BMP-2 compression plate
application had occurred
Splint bones 6 animals (group 1 cm/16 weeks BM-MSCs, Autologous Radiography, CT, Group A had statistically Tsuzuki
defect (4 A: BM-MSCs + BMP-2, and BM-MSCs and histology significant radiographic et al.
defects each BMP-2 in sponge; gelatin and and histological scores (2014)
in second group B: β-tricalcium BMP-2 in compared to control, while
metacarpal BM-MSCs in phosphate gelatine CT scores were
and sponge; group C: sponges sponge statistically significant than
metatarsal BMP-2 in sponge; other groups
bone of right group D: Saline)
limbs and
metatarsal in
left limbs)
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
Table 12.9  In vivo clinical mesenchymal stem cell studies on osteogenesis in horse
Number of Evaluation
Clinical condition/ailment animals Study period Biomaterial used Cell dose criteria Overall result References
Phalanx digitalis distalis 1 12 weeks Orthopedic screw 6 × 106 in Clinical After 3 months, Marycz et al.
fracture after surgery wrapped with plasma plasma evaluation and hoof was (2012)
protein adhesive/ protein radiography significantly
MSCs biofilm adhesive regenerated with
biofilm bone completely
12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications
Table 12.10  In vivo mesenchymal stem cell applications in horse laminitis

condition/ Study Biomaterial Evaluation
ailment Number of animals period used Cell dose criteria Overall result References
Chronic 12 14 months Allogeneic 20–25 × 106 – 10/12 horses (83%) responded Morrison
laminitis UC-MSCs (3–4 well. However, long-term et al. (2014)
treatments) success rates still need to be
(retrograde determined. The first
venous digital “successful” case is only
perfusion) 14 months out from initial
Chronic 30 (onset of laminitis 4 months Allogeneic 20–30 × 106 (4 Radiographically Of the 30 cases, 21 patients Dryden et al.
laminitis < 30 days [10 cases], UC-MSCs or treatments at (70%) had a successful outcome. (2013)
30–60 days [4 cases], BM-MSCs monthly In the cases receiving stem cells
60–90 days [2 cases], interval) <30 days after the onset of
and > 90 days [14 (retrograde laminitis, the success rate was
cases]) venous digital 100%. The success rate in the
perfusion, using cases receiving stem cells
the palmar/ >90 days after the onset of
plantar digital laminitis was only 50%.
vein) Statistical analysis is pending
Chronic 9 1 year Allogeneic 15 × 106 in Clinical Progressive amelioration of Angelone
laminitis AD-MSCs 15 mL PRP observations and vascularization of foot. An et al. (2017)
(III, IV (first dose) (implanted venography improvement in structure and
grade) and thrice at function of hoof. At 1 year, 7/9
autologous 1 month horses were in activity with 2
AD-MSCs interval) developing recurrent laminitis.
(two doses) After 1 year, only two animals
could be seen in activity and rest
either deceased due to colic or
were euthanized (recurrent
laminitis cases). Two cases were
M. B. Gugjoo et al.

not observed after 1 year

12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 319

variable retention of MSCs and poor distribution within the hoof. Coronary band
injection had failed to show any migration of MSCs within the hoof (Spriet
et al. 2013).
MSCs may prove beneficial within 30 days of third phalanx displacement after
which lamellar wedge develops (Dryden et  al. 2013; Morrison et  al. 2014). Post
lamellar wedge development, little observable improvement with MSCs has been
reported. Autologous or allogeneic MSCs from adipose tissue and umbilical cord
have been used. These cells have been injected more than once along with other
biomaterials like platelet-rich plasma. An overall improvement in the hoof anatomy
(based on quality and shape) and laminitic foot weight bearing and mobility had
been demonstrated (Angelone et al. 2017).

12.3.8 Neurological Problems

Neuron is a highly differentiated cell with almost no regenerative power. Stem cells
though are present in the nervous tissue, but their role is yet to be understood.
Various studies including that of horse have variably supported neural or mesenchy-
mal stem cell differentiation into the neuron-like cell (Hoynowski et  al. 2007;
Jamnig and Lepperdinger 2012; Villagrán et  al. 2016). Endogenous neural stem
cells (NSCs) tend to generate scar tissue that limits further injury but may hamper
neurological activity (Stenudd et al. 2015; Watanabe et al. 2015). Currently, stem
cell pro-healing effects may be due to their ability to secrete trophic factors (Sadan
et al. 2009). In vivo preliminary MSCs studies in other species appear promising as
improved clinical parameters have been demonstrated post-spinal cord injury (Ra
et al. 2011; Bhat et al. 2019). In case of horse, commonly encountered affections are
of spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and laryngeal hemiplegia. However, the relevant
studies remain to be conducted. One study utilizing BM-MSCs as therapeutic for
transected portion of peripheral nerve had failed to demonstrate any observable
improvement (Table 12.11) (Villagrán et al. 2016). An extensive research in the field
is desired to conclude MSCs role, if any in the nerve regeneration. Apart from
peripheral nerve injuries, MSCs role in neurological disorders like equine myeloen-
cephalopathy and equine motor neuron diseases may also be evaluated.

12.3.9 Reproductive Disorders

MSCs role has been evaluated in horse endometriosis (Mambelli et  al. 2013;
Corradetti et al. 2014; Falomo et al. 2015; Rink et al. 2018). MSCs in utero implan-
tation has been made like that of artificial insemination. MSCs derived from amnion
(AM-MSCs) or endometrium (End-MSCs) may potentially replenish endometrium
in pregnancy failure (Corradetti et  al. 2014; Falomo et  al. 2015). Intrauterine-­
implanted cells had failed to migrate to healthy endometrium while these cells had
migrated endometriosed glandular and periglandular tissues (Mambelli et al. 2013;

Table 12.11  In vivo preclinical mesenchymal stem cell study on nerve regeneration in horse
Model defect
Number of size/study Evaluation
Model type animals period Biomaterial used Cell dose/assembly criteria Overall result References
Excision of lateral 3 horses 45 days Allogeneic 10 × 106 Clinical and No evidence of Villagrán et al.
and medial stumps (bilateral BM-MSCs histological nerve (2016)
of ramus incision) examination regeneration at
communicans 45 days. No
difference in
histology of
treated and
control animals
M. B. Gugjoo et al.
12  Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basic Research and Potential Applications 321

Rink et al. 2018). These cells had shown immunomodulation (Falomo et al. 2015)
and decreased inflammation (Rink et al. 2018) in endometritis.
MSCs may also play role to improve fertility by enhancing the follicular growth.
MSCs tend to increase follicular number in ovary, although with an insignificant
effect on dynamism (Grady et al. 2016).

12.3.10  Miscellaneous Conditions

MSCs may also be evaluated in inflammatory lung disease like recurrent airway
obstruction (heaves). Stem cells tend to proliferate pulmonary vessel cells, decrease
apoptotic cell number, and inhibit pulmonary vessel muscularization (Lee et  al.
2015). MSCs have been trans-differentiated to other cell types like hepatocyte-like
cells and myocyte-like cells (Reed and Johnson 2008; Lin et al. 2015; Pennington
et al. 2016), but their in vivo therapeutic applications remain to be evaluated.

12.4 Conclusion(S)

Stem cells hold a great potential to act as an all-in-one therapeutic option for diverse
ailments. MSCs generally follow principles of ISCT but may show differences in
cell surface marker expression with respect to their sources. eMSCs from bone mar-
row, adipose tissue, or fetal tissues have mainly been evaluated for therapeutics.
Numerous horse stem cell studies have demonstrated favorable results though with-
out any definitive conclusion(s). MSCs from various tissue sources, together with
variable routes, concentration, and biomaterials have been utilized in these studies.
The conducted studies are uncontrolled, lacking sufficient sample size. Thus, exten-
sive case controlled blinded studies involving uniform cell source, concentration,
and biomaterials are desired in order to arrive at any conclusion.

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Future of Mesenchymal Stem Cell
Research 13
M. B. Gugjoo and Amar Pal


Mesenchymal stem cells due to their characteristic features are considered to

provide a single stop solution to diverse problems. The cells have been harvested
from almost all the adult body tissues and fetal membranes. These tissues harbor
cells in differential concentration and with variable properties. The main impedi-
ment in their direct clinical applications is the weak understanding of their basic
physiological properties. The cells have been studied in various in vivo experi-
mental models and in clinical trials of dog, horse, and cat. Most of these studies
are non-uniform and lack case control and as such no conclusive understanding
has been achieved. The current chapter details MSCs current status and their
future prospectus in veterinary sciences.

13.1 Introduction

Stem cell application remains one of the most researched and sought-in options for
therapeutics. Among all the stem cell types, currently mesenchymal stem cells
(MSCs) mainly contribute to the preclinical and clinical studies. The cell per se is
considered to provide therapeutics in diverse clinical ailments. The cell has innu-
merable sources, easy harvesting/ isolation, and established characterization proce-
dures. The cell also has minimal teratogenic effects and lack ethical issue as is

M. B. Gugjoo (*)
Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex, FVSc & AH, SKUAST-Kashmir,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
A. Pal
Division of Surgery, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, UP, India

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to 333
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
M. B. Gugjoo, A. Pal (eds.), Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Veterinary Sciences,
334 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

usually associated with the pluripotent stem cell, especially in humans. There are
various features attributed to the cell some of which are well established and char-
acterized while others remain to be studied and confirmed. Below are the details of
MSCs features, their applications, and associated complicacies.

13.2 In Vitro MSCs Characteristics

Stem cells are characterized by the atypical stemness properties of self-renewal and
differentiation properties. The self-renewal property however, is currently ques-
tioned. These cells have finite culture life as evidenced by decreased population
doubling potential and morphological changes that ensue with extended culturing.
This culture life span also varies with the species type with feline MSCs relatively
bearing limited culture life span. Some of the studies although have shown that
MSCs are able to maintain their pool through the “self-renewal” and “differentiate”
into more advanced and lineage specific cell type. The viral vectors, however, may
be used to induce immortality. However, there is dearth in understanding of  the
basic mechanism(s) behind these properties. MSCs have been isolated from almost
all the tissue types including the fetal membranes. Among, MSCs derived from
bone marrow, adipose tissue and fetal membranes have been studied extensively.
The cells are usually being cultured along with the fetal bovine serum (FBS). Due
to the associated limitations of disease transmission, changed cell behavior due to
xenogeneic proteins and variability in preparations, its alternatives are being stud-
ied. Alternatives like allogeneic platelet lysate, autologous/allogeneic serum, or
commercially available serum substitute have provided little success to culture
MSCs in veterinary species, unlike that of human MSCs.
There is lack of a single definition or availability of a specific quantitative assay
to identify MSCs in mixed cell population. Animal source MSCs like humans are
being characterized based upon the recommendations of the International Society
for Cellular Therapy (ISCT). The cells that are plastic adherent, express some sur-
face markers and lack hematopoietic markers (CD105+, CD90+, CD70+, MHC-I+;
CD34-, CD45-, MHC-II-), and are able to differentiate into at least three lineages
(adipogenic, chondrogenic, and osteogenic) are characterized as MSCs. Although,
the cells are plastic adherent and show tri-lineage differentiation but discrepancies
have been demonstrated in their surface marker expression and need to be evalu-
ated. MSCs are considered to be multipotent but recent studies have demonstrated
their extended differentiation potential. The cellular plasticity goes beyond as the
cells also express the pluripotency markers like Oct4, Sox-2, and Nanog, and also tend
to differentiate into germinal cell-like cells, neurocyte-like cells, myocyte-like cells,
and hepatocyte-like cells, among others. Thus, the cellular mechanisms behind such
properties are required to be elucidated. Apart from these properties, these cells are
able to “migrate” and “home” into the distant tissues, and bring about “anti-inflamma-
tory and/ immuno-modulatory” actions. There are numerous studies that have demon-
strated their immune-modulatory and migration/homing properties but consensus
13  Future of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Research 335

lacks among the studies upon the mechanisms involved. Thus, further studies are
desired aimed at the mechanisms involved in these properties.
MSCs concentration varies in tissue sources; peripheral blood harbors minimal
cell concentration, and adipose tissue harbors better cell concentration than the bone
marrow. The cell from the particular source but at different locations may or may
not have comparable culture characteristics. Even the mechanisms involved in their
differentiation may also vary with tissue source. Age of the donor also affects their
properties especially population doubling and differentiation properties. The popu-
lation doubling and differentiation potential of MSCs decrease with aging of donor.
The donor health status also has bearing on cellular characteristics. Diseases like
equine metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance disease in equines) and feline foamy
virus affect MSCs properties that become senescent and carry limited differentia-
tion potential. Prion disease in sheep and osteoarthritis in horse though do not affect
MSCs growth but may decrease their neurogenic and chondrogenic potential,
respectively. Even the reproductive cyclicity may also affect properties of the endo-
metrium derived MSCs. It becomes imperative to elucidate the mechanisms behind
such discrepancies for their effective utilization.
MSCs aspiration and injection method also affect their viability. The vigorous
aspiration appears more damaging than that of the injection. Even needle bore size
affects the MSCs viability. The large bore needle tends to have limited adverse
effect on cell viability as compared to the small bore needles. The type of storage
container whether glass or plastic although has no obvious effect on cell viability.
The storage type affects MSCs viability with cryopreservation better able to pre-
serve cell viability for longer time as compared to the biological fluids. For transit
storage of shorter duration (8–12 hrs) phosphate buffer saline appears useful clini-
cally as cells do not show any adverse effect of residual proteins of foreign materials
like FBS or dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). Sedatives (detomidine and butorphanol),
antibiotics (aminoglycosides), and steroids (methylprednisolone and triamcinolone)
at therapeutic concentrations tend to deleteriously affect MSCs viability.
Environmental factors involving different scaffolds, growth factors, and cell type
into the culture environment affect MSCs proliferation and determine their fate.
Apart from these factors mechanics also have bearing on their proliferation and dif-
ferentiation. Currently, the effect of these factors has been studied under isolated
experiments. The results under in vivo environment may be altogether variable as
the in vivo conditions have simultaneous effect on various factors. Thus, ex vivo
systems should ape the environment available under in vivo conditions.

13.3 In Vivo MSCs Characteristics

The ultimate aim of harvesting and culture expansion of MSCs is to utilize them in
research and under clinical settings. MSCs under preclinical studies and clinical
trials have variably improved the outcome without any major adverse effect except
few minor reactions. There are various mechanism attributed to their therapeutic
applications. The undesirable reactions reported including limited inflammation
336 M. B. Gugjoo and A. Pal

and pulmonary parenchymal edema and hemorrhage are self-limiting. Such effects
however, may be controlled by proper care and applications of the anticoagulants
like heparin may be required in disseminated intravascular coagulation. Currently,
MSCs are considered to provide therapeutic benefits mainly through their paracrine
secretion, although their in vivo survival and subsequent differentiation if achieved
may provide enhanced and effective results. Immuno-compromised and/ or immuno-­
modulatory properties have made their allogeneic and or xenogeneic applications
possible. Mostly no observable immune reactions to the allogeneic/ xenogeneic
cells have been reported, barring few studies and thus, further studies for their safety
are desired before cells are utilized in clinical settings.
The cells have been evaluated in both musculoskeletal as well as non-­
musculoskeletal tissues for their therapeutic effects. However, MSCs application
mostly remains under experimental phase. The limited understanding of their basic
physiological properties, poorly understood cellular interactions with respect to the
microenvironment restricts their definitive clinical applications. Further, variable
culture conditions make understanding more complicated. The combined use of
cells and other biomaterials like scaffolds and growth factor makes understanding
even more complex.
In case of musculoskeletal system, MSCs have been studied both in preclinical
experimental models (sheep, goat, dog, cat, horse, and cattle) as well as in clinical
trials (dog, cat, and horse). MSCs irrespective of the source (allogeneic or autolo-
gous) have been utilized without any fatality. Applications of MSCs in musculoskel-
etal affections like osteoarthritis, bone fractures, muscle damage, cardiac infarctions,
periodontal defects, ligaments and tendon injuries have been studied with an overall
positive response.
In case of osteoarthritis, the cells may show improvement with respect to the pain
relief. However, no obvious and actual hyaline cartilage seems to develop that inte-
grates to the native hyaline tissue. Inflammation induced MSC’s increased expres-
sion of adhesion molecules together with their decreased production of
glycosaminoglycans may be one of the reasons for their insignificant positive results.
To compensate these lacunas MSCs may be genetically engineered.
Bone regenerative medicine may be required in case of extensive damages that
otherwise has good healing potential. In case of extensive bone fractures, or other
relevant problems like delayed/non-union, regenerative medicine may be employed
involving MSCs and other biomaterials. In general MSCs, along with other factors
like scaffolds and growth/humoral factors promotes bone healing in shorter time
interval. However, the cellular posology, scaffold type, and growth factors incorpo-
rated remain to be standardized.
Muscle damage/injury is a problem as post-injury muscles are repaired by fibrous
tissue. The preliminary reports on the application of MSCs in these ailments favor
their application but intricacies in definitive therapy for the management of such
ailments is yet to be elucidated.
In case of ligament/tendon injuries, MSCs especially in equines have been fruit-
ful as represented by ability of animals to return to the normal activity. However, the
13  Future of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Research 337

sole MSCs application may not be the reason behind but along with the other stan-
dard managemental practices.
Cardiac ailments like infarction is extensively studied area in the stem cell
research. The preclinical experimental studies conducted on sheep/goat favor MSCs
application. A lot more needs to be studied to confirm their feasibility, safety, and
beneficial effect on cardiac infarctions. However, no beneficial effect on dilatation
cardiomyopathy has been demonstrated in a dog study.
In relation to the neurological system, preliminary reports show MSCs beneficial
effects to some extent. But the cells under in vivo conditions have not been reported
to actually differentiate into the neurons and the possible beneficial effect may be
through the release of trophic factors. Currently, the study area is in its infancy.
Apart from the musculoskeletal tissues, the cells have been utilized in non-­
musculoskeletal tissues like dermal wounds, vocal fold injuries, kerato-­conjunctivitis
sicca (KCS), anal fistula, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), chronic kidney disease
(CKD), asthma, feline eosinophilic keratitis (FEK). MSCs in general promote heal-
ing in dermal wounds, vocal fold injuries, and anal fistula. However, some of the
reports show recurrence in cases like anal fistula which need to be studied. In case
of KCS, asthma, FEK, CKD, and IBD in dogs and cats, improved results have vari-
ably been reported following the MSCs application. Apart from these conditions,
studies on MSCs have also been started to evaluate effect on diabetes, liver affec-
tions, tumors, etc.
Available in vivo literature in veterinary science has frequently relied on study
designs that do not incorporate blinded randomized control trials to act as evidence
based medicine. The experimental power of these studies also suffers due to the
limited sample size enhancing inter-animal variability. Furthermore, these studies
lack sufficient follow-up period to determine long term effects.

13.4 Conclusion(S)

MSCs are adult stem cells being harvested from almost all the body tissues includ-
ing fetal membranes. These cells lack any specific marker and are characterized on
the basis of certain characteristic features being recommended by ISCT. The cell
lines from different sources have shown variations in relation to the surface markers
and differentiation properties. The cells from aged and unhealthy donors tend to be
less effective. These variations need further incites for their effective utilization.
The cells are being cultured and cryopreserved in FBS that may pose adverse reac-
tions and as such FBS alternatives are being evaluated. MSCs therapeutic effects are
being evaluated in various models and even in clinical trials in dog, cat, and horse.
However, further extensive studies aimed at their actual involved mechanisms need
to be recognized. The current lack of blinded randomized control trials and insuffi-
cient sample size make their application even more complicated. The studies should
be aimed at the MSCs posology that can help to determine their dose, route, and
frequency of application.

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