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The city of Mayfield, Kentucky, was one of the communities hit hardest by the tragic tornado outbreak.

Red Cross Aids Communities Devastated by Deadly Tornadoes

The American Red Cross is working tirelessly to help much needed support to these communities that are
people in the wake of the deadly and destructive unrecognizable now.”
tornadoes that tore through parts of the South and
Midwest over the weekend. Red Cross Aids Survivors
Red Cross volunteers and employees are working around
‘Everything Is Just Gone’ the clock to deliver sorely needed relief. On Sunday night,
More than 30 tornadoes ripped across the region Friday the Red Cross and our partners provided safe refuge to
night in one of the most devastating tornado outbreaks in nearly 300 people in Arkansas, Kentucky and Tennessee.
U.S. history.
This relief means everything to people like Sharon Wilson, of
Sadly, dozens of people lost their lives — with over 60 Bowling Green, Kentucky, who’s staying in a Red Cross-
killed in Kentucky alone. More families may receive managed shelter. A tornado left her home of 17 years in
tragic news as search-and-rescue operations shambles. “When I got out, I saw how it had ruined my home,”
continue. Sharon said. “The walls of my bedroom had collapsed, the
roof was damaged and rain was pouring in. My front door was
As of Monday, the situation on the ground remained gone and my living room was now an outdoor space.”
dire. Debris and personal belongings overflowed into
the streets, and roads in hard-hit areas were In addition to shelter, we’re providing nourishing food,
impassable. comfort kits and health services. Trained Red Cross
workers are also offering emotional support to residents
“Right now, the need is very great,” said Steve Cunanan, coping with these life-changing tornadoes.
regional executive of the Kentucky Red Cross. “I’ve seen
firsthand that there has been so much devastation. Our work is only beginning. Thousands are counting on us
People lost loved ones, their homes, everything is just for help and hope. We can be there for them in this
gone for them. We’re moving as quickly as we can to get heartbreaking time thanks to compassionate donors like you.

How You Can Help

Help people affected by tornadoes in the South and Midwest. Your donation enables the Red Cross to prepare for,
respond to and help people recover from these disasters. Please contact your relationship manager to learn more. To
donate by check, write “Southern and Midwest Tornadoes” in the memo line, and mail it to your local Red Cross chapter
or to the American Red Cross, P.O. Box 37839, Boone, IA 50037-0839.

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