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Oxford Office: Bedford Office:

47-49 Cowley Road Oxford 19 Grove Pl Bedford

OX4 1HP MK40 3JJ
Our Ref: NW/ t: 01865 246 991 t: 01234 363 211
e: [email protected] w: DX: 154786
VAT Registration No: 264 5678 68
Private & Confidential
Luis Lee
[email protected]

16th November 2021

Dear Mr Lee,

Re: Your Attendance at Abingdon Police Station – Closing Letter

Crime Reference No: CRME21024933

Thank you for instructing SMQ Legal Services LLP to deal with your matter at Abingdon Police
Station on 14th November 2021 when you were represented by Mark Howe, a Police Station
Representative at this firm.

Terms and Conditions of Business

As a firm, and individually, we strive for the highest standards of client care and it is important that
one of the first things we do is to set out our understanding of the basis on which we will act for you.
This engagement letter is designed to do that in conjunction with the enclosed Terms and Conditions
of Business. The letter is long, but it covers those important issues which we are required to bring to
your attention. Your continuing instructions will amount to acceptance of the terms set out,
nevertheless, we would be grateful if you would sign and return the enclosed duplicate of the
Terms to confirm your acceptance formally.

Responsibility for your case

My name is Richard Demczak and I am a solicitor advocate in the firm. I will carry out most, if not
all, of the work on your case and will be assisted by Kunle Adeiji, Police Station Coordinator. As
Head of Department, I ultimately responsible for all work conducted in the Department. There may
be occasions when I am not immediately available and, in these circumstances, please contact the
Office who will be familiar with your case and able to assist you.

Your Instructions and Objectives

You attended in relation to one allegation of:

- Harassment involving putting people in fear of violence contrary to Protection of the
Harassment Act 1997

It is alleged that you blamed your sister for your mother’s arrest and harassed her by threatening
phone calls and turned up to her place of study. You allegedly threatened to beat her up.

At our recent meeting at the police station, your instructions were that your sister has been telling
people you beat her up which is false. You further instructed that you did go to your sister’s place of
education and asked for her to come out in the register reception. They asked for your Identification
which you provided.

On the basis of your instructions, you were advised to make a fully commented interview and to
answer all police questions in order to put forward your version of events, deny the allegations
made against you and to avoid adverse inferences being drawn against you at Court, should this
matter proceed to trial.

We advised you that at this stage the police have several options:

· You may be charged with the offence if the police believe they have enough evidence to do
so, and then either bailed to attend Court or remanded in custody to be produced before the
Court the next day;
· You may be released under investigation, in which case the police may re-arrest you as
part of that investigation;
· The Police may decide they do not have sufficient evidence to proceed and take no further


In relation to the above matter, we are pleased to confirm that the police have decided to take no
further action against you at this time. Whilst we must advise you that, should any further evidence
come to light then it is open for the police to make further enquiries, this does not happen often.

Closing Your File

We are now therefore treating this matter as at an end and will be duly closing your file. The
instructions which you have given us in relation to this matter have now been concluded.

We are not holding any money which belongs to you and in respect of which we have to account to

We shall claim our professional fees from the Legal Aid Agency in the usual way in due course.


Should you have any outstanding property at the police station, please contact the property
department on 101, quoting your custody number in order to arrange for the retrieval of your


If there are any documents on your file that you would like returned, please let us know within the
next 14 days. At this time, we will formally close your file and archive it for six years.

Please note that if you or any third parties require the retrieval of some or all of your case papers
after this time, we will charge a fee for such retrieval of £30.00. If we retrieve papers or documents
from storage in relation to continuing or new instructions to act in connection with your affairs, we will
not normally charge for such retrieval.

Quality of Service

We strive to continuously improve our services to our clients and we trust that this matter has been
concluded to your satisfaction. We have enclosed a Client Feedback Questionnaire and we would
be grateful if you could complete it and return it to us. Please be assured that the survey is
completely confidential and, unless you complete your details at the end, we will not know who has
taken part.

May we thank you once more for your instructions and remind you that, should you ever need the
service of a solicitor again, we would be glad to assist.

Yours sincerely,
SMQ Legal Services LLP


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