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Module 3-Society and You

Teachers are arguably the
most important members of
our society. They give
children purpose, set them up
for success as citizens of our
world, and inspire in them a
drive to do well and succeed
in life. The children of today
are the leaders of tomorrow,
and teachers are that critical
point that makes a child
ready for their future.
Today a teacher has become
a mentor who should guide students through the thorns of education. A teacher plays a
key role in the society's growth, as they help to shape the mindset of the nation. In other
words, there is personal responsibility on every teacher, as they play significant role in
the students’ life and education.

By the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
1. recognize the community perception on the role of teachers in the
community, beliefs and attitudes about teachers and teaching;
2. discuss why are teachers important in society

A study on pre-service Elementary Teacher Training was conducted by Rosita L
Navarro, et al in 1904. (Navarro, Rosita et al. Study of Pre-Service Elementary Teacher
Training (SPETTJune, 1004.)
The responses were from 1,460 respondents in 12 regions of the country. The
community respondents' group consisted mostly of parents (26%), non-government
organizations (24%), principals and assistant principals (23%), representatives from the
business and industry sectors ( 21%) and School Superintendents (6%).
Here are the research findings on:
Community Perception on the Role of Teachers in the Community
Teachers are perceived to be:
1. very important in a community.
2. respected in a community:
3. help in the community to some extent.

Community Perception on Beliefs and Attitudes about Teachers and Teaching

The community respondents strongly agreed that teachers:
1. help develop the moral character of children.
2. are second parents.
3. are assets to the community:

The community respondents agreed with 12 beliefs and attitudes, as follows:

1. The most intelligent child should be encouraged to enter the teaching
2. Teacher sets moral standard of the community
3. Teachers make good parents.
4. Men should be encouraged to enter the teaching profession.
5. The teaching profession is one of the lowest paid.
6. Teachers should be paragons of virtue.
7. Children obey and respect their teachers.
8. Teachers play an active role in disciplining children
9. Praising boosts a child's self-confidence.
10. A teacher is a child's model.
11. Child's interest in studies depends upon his/her teachers.
12. Parents entrust children's welfare to teachers.
The community respondents were doubtful regarding this item: "Female teachers
generally become old maids."
They disagreed with this item: "Teachers may inflict physical punishment on children."
Learning Task # 1:
Answer the following questions based on how you perceived the result of the given
study above:

1. Which research finding is most interesting to you? Why?

2. With which finding(s) do you agree? Disagree? Elaborate on your answer(s).
3. Based on the research findings given above, what roles are expected of you, the
teacher, in society?
4. What message can you get on how you are going to spend your period of
pre-service education?

Why Teachers Are Important in Society

Reasons Why Teachers Matter

Children carry what they are taught at a young age throughout the rest of their
lives. They will use what they have learned to influence society. Everyone knows that
today's youth will become tomorrow's leaders, and teachers have access to educate the
youth in their most impressionable years --- whether that is in teaching preschool,
teaching extracurriculars, sports or traditional classes.
Teachers have the ability to shape leaders of the future in the best way for
society to build positive and inspired future generations and therefore design society,
both on a local and global scale. In reality, teachers have the most important job in the
world. Those who have an impact on the children of society have the power to change
lives. Not just for those children themselves, but for the lives of all.

How Teachers Bring Change in a Student's Life

Great teachers have the ability to change lives for the better.
● Teachers can act as a support system that is lacking elsewhere in students' lives.
They can be a role model and an inspiration to go further and to dream bigger.
They hold students accountable for their successes and failures and good
teachers won't let their talented students get away with not living up to their full
● Teachers of all walks of life and subjects have the ability to shape opinions and
help form ideas about society, life and personal goals. Teachers can also expand
students' limits and push their creativity
● Teaching is a tough job, but it is one where you can make the most impact in
another person's life. If you're thinking of becoming a teacher, here are even
more reasons why you should invest in a teaching career.
Role Models
Teachers are the ultimate role models for students. The fact that students come
into contact with many different types of teachers in their academic career means that
more likely than not, there will be a teacher that speaks to them.
The teacher-student connection is invaluable for some students, who may
otherwise not have that stability. Teachers will stay positive for their students even when
things can seem grim. A great teacher always has compassion for their students,
understanding of their students' personal lives, and appreciation for their academic
goals and achievements. Teachers are role models for children to be positive, always try
harder, and reach for the stars.
They provide the Power of Education
Knowledge and education are the basis for all things that can be accomplished in
life. Teachers provide the power of education to today's youth, thereby giving them the
possibility for a better future,
Teachers simplify the complex, and make abstract concepts accessible to
students. Teachers also expose children to ideas and topics that they might otherwise
not have come into contact with. They can expand on interests and push their students
to do better.
Teachers don't accept failure, and therefore, students are more likely to succeed.
Teachers know when to push students, when to give a gentle nudge in the right
direction, and when to let students figure it out on their own. But they won't let a student
give up.
Teachers provide guidance to students of all types. Teachers are able to see
each child's strengths and weaknesses and can provide assistance and guidance to
either get them up to speed or push them higher.
They will help to reveal student's best skills and teach valuable life skills as well,
such as communication, compassion, presentation, organization, following directions,
and more.
They are also a source of inspiration and motivation. Teachers inspire students to
do well, and motivate them to work hard and keep their academic goals on track
One of the most important parts of teaching is having dedication. Teachers not
only listen, but also coach and mentor their students. They are able to help shape
academic goals and are dedicated to getting their students to achieve them. Teachers
have patience for their students and are understanding when a concept isn't taking.
Teachers do what they do because they want to help others. They are not
teaching for recognition or a paycheck but because they have a passion for youth and
education. Teachers typically believe in the power of education and the importance of
providing children with good role models and are teaching because of that belief. They
are dedicated to the cause.
Finally, teachers' dedication is shown by their round-the-clock work habits.
Teachers don't stop working when the school bell rings. They are grading papers,
making lessons, and communicating with parents after school and on weekends. Most
teachers arrive earlier than school starts to set up their day and provide extra
assistance to struggling students.
It is often believed that a student’s interest in education has much to do with a
teacher. A good teacher shows the students what they can do and what they need to
learn to do what they cannot do at the moment. Teaching should be gradual, letting the
students see their progress in achieving higher and higher levels.

Not only a teacher needs to deliver the information, but they also need to help
students see their future prospects. Teachers should encourage students. Learners
should feel free to open discussions and present their points of view. In the long run, a
teacher needs to inform students about different possibilities open to them at college.
Learners often do not know what is best for them.

The teacher’s role in students’ life is also defined as psychological. A teacher is

also an educator and psychologist who has to read children’s emotions. A teacher
should help students overcome their fears. Teachers shape learners’ minds and the way
they see the world. A good teacher can inspire, while a bad one can kill the inspiration.
For this reason, the role of a teacher is even more significant than we can imagine.

Teachers Play a Great Role in the Economic Development of the

Education is a fundamental aspect in the development of a country. If the youth
of a society is educated, a future is born. Teachers provide the education that improves
quality of life, therefore bringing so much to both individuals and society as a whole.
Teachers increase productivity and creativity of students and therefore, of future
workers. When students are pushed to be creative and productive, they are more likely
to be entrepreneurial and make technological advances, ultimately leading to economic
development of a country.

The Most Important Characteristics of a Great Teacher

The following attributes make the difference between a good teacher and a truly great
teacher who becomes an inspiration to their students
1. Compassion: Compassion is important not only when dealing with the students but
also other teachers, other school staff, and parents,
2. Passion for Learning and Children: Teaching can be incredibly stressful, so great
teachers must have a deep passion to keep them going every day.
3. Understanding: Teachers need a deep understanding of where their students are
coming from their backgrounds, their struggles, and their abilities.
4. Patience: Patience is key. This is very true of teaching, and not just patience with the
students! Teachers also need patience in dealing with the school system, bureaucracy,
and parents as well.
5. Ability to Be a Role Model: Teachers must come into work every day knowing
their students will soak up their actions like sponges. They must show how to be a good
person not just by telling, but also by being.
6. Communication Across Generations and Cultures: Teachers need to be able to
effectively communicate with students from multiple cultures and generations, as well as
teaching staff and superiors with various backgrounds and from other generations
7. Willingness to put in the Effort: If a teacher doesn't care or doesn't make the effort,
their students won't either. If a teacher shows students that they do truly care, they'll do
the same.

What a Modern Teacher Should Be Like

As it has been already said, a modern teacher is a mentor. This should be a

person with a vision and determination to dedicate themselves to educating the future
generation. It is not enough to deliver information, as all information now can be found
online. The main teacher’s job is to show how to use this information and why to use it.
Below is the list of main qualities a modern teacher should have.

● A great teacher should be determined to their goal. The goal is to assure that
students get the education and understand why they need it. A teacher without a
passion cannot succeed, as only passion can sparkle the interest in student’s
● Adapted to change. Nowadays everything is changing in seconds. For this
reason, teaching methods are becoming old and need to be revised. A great
teacher should constantly adapt to change in a society and particularly adapt to
the way young learners perceive the world.
● Self-development. A modern teacher cannot allow themselves to stop learning.
If you want to keep up with development of the world, and if you want to be a
great teacher, you should never stop learning.
● Open to feedback. Teachers should be open to comments on their methods and
strategy. This can help them to see the weaknesses and avoid them in future.


Why are teachers important? Teachers truly are the backbone of society. They
are role models to children, offer guidance and dedication and give young people the
power of education. Because of teachers, countries are able to further develop socially
and economically. Next time you or your community achieve something great, take a
moment to think of and be grateful for the teachers who made it possible.

Answer the following and upload this in the classroom; and save your copy for your

Synapse Strengtheners

Having learned your various roles in society, what competencies do you

need to acquire now in order to perform your future roles effectively.


Performance Task: Write your realizations about teaching, is it worth pursuing?

Bilbao, Purita P., Ed.D., The Teaching Profession. Lorimar Publishing Inc.. 2006.

Useful quote:

“What are we in this world for if not to

make this world more bearable
for each other?”
-Source unknown

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