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(2020960941) (2020970393) (2020963843)

(2020974167) (2020964255) (2020766271)

2.0 ISSUE 3-5
6.0 REFERENCES 15-16

According to Merriam-Webster defines international relations as a branch of political

science that concerned with relations between nations and primarily with foreign policies.
International relations can be known also as international studies, international affairs or
global studies as it related to the studies of states within the world with the
interconnectedness of economics, politics, law and many more at the global level. It is about
the interactions between states at many kind and aspects such as intercultural relations,
international security, foreign policy analysis, and global governance. In addition,
international affairs give opportunities for nations to work together with one another so that
they can pool resources, share important information together in order to face global issues
that go beyond any particular country. Some advantages of this international relations are
which it advances human culture through cultural exchanges, the diplomacy and policy
development as different countries will interact each other. Furthermore, people can have the
opportunities to enhance their lives because it encourages travel related to business, tourism
and immigration where people from other countries will come for many purposes of
international relations.

Definition of actor in political science in general is any individual or political entity,

which has their own authority and power and has a will to use its power to influence political
processes. It is more related to the meaning where people that have power and can influence
the states especially in the politics as compared to an ordinary person. An international actor
can be defined as an entity with the capability of having an effect in international affairs.
International actor different with the domestic actor, who struggling for the ability to gain
power in order to influence domestic governance while these international actors are the one
who act across the state borders, actively participate in the world politics and it can impact
other actors in other countries. These actors help the countries to build the relationship with
other countries at the international level where it can widen the opportunities of the countries
to improve their economy, standards of living and many others. International actors are
multiple. It can be either individual, the social groups, organizations or even states. There are
two categories of actors, which are state actors and non-state actors.

State actors considered as the most important actors in international relations.

Generally, states can be defined as politically organized body of people at a given territory
and characterized by public authority and legal use of force and violence. There are essential
elements of state in order to be recognized as political actor which are population, territory,
government and sovereignty. States play many essential roles as an actor in international
relations where it can be able to consolidate much more money, military, and other resources
than any other actors because states have great powers. It possesses different aspects of
powers, not only the economic and social but the main power is they can influence political
process to domestic and foreign policy. The main different between state actors and non-state
actors is that it represents a government while non-state actors do not.

Non-state actors known as those organizations and individual that have power to
influence political process and who are active at the world arena, but they are not associated
with any states. Based on traditional classification, international governmental organizations
(IGOs) known as the non-state actors that created by the nation-states while the other groups
of non-state actors established by certain group of individual, businessman and other societal
forces. They are truly transnational as they have no legal bounds with the states. Examples of
other non-state actors are non-governmental organization (NGOs), multinational corporations
(MNCs), terrorist groups and many more. We will focus and explain further on terrorism as
our main discussion.

Terrorism can be defined as the use of violence against random civilian targets in
order to threaten or to create generalized prevalent fear for the purpose of achieving their
political goals (Alexander Yonah, 1976). Generally, terrorism refer to terrorist groups or non-
state actors that use terror as their main instrument to influence the public and government in
order to achieve their goals and objectives which are achieving political goals to transform
certain societies, regions and states. It can be differentiated between terrorist group and
criminal group where the goal for criminal group is to get money or assets whereby the
terrorist group aims to have many political goals at the international level. Examples that can
be seen from terrorism are hijacking, assassination, kidnapping or even attacking on
embassies as to show their protests and objectives to the international community. Terrorism
will be continuing to be occurred especially for those who are weak if the state and global
system leave some groups out of the system. In the world nowadays, no country found to
ignore of this terrorism because there are states that support terrorist groups and there are also
states that anti-terrorist by changing their foreign policy. Terrorism can have many effects to
the states and also to the world system where they can cause government to destabilize,
undermine civil society, jeopardize peace and security of countries and also threaten social
and economic development. One of example of terrorism in international relations is known
as September 9 (9/11) attacks in the United States where series of airline hijacking and
suicide attacks by militants related to Islamic group al-Qaeda which caused extensive death
and destruction which lead United States’ effort to strictly combat terrorism.


Terrorist is one of the five categories of political actor in international relations.

International issue occurs due to misapprehension between the states. One of the
misapprehensions is the terrorism issue which cannot be dissolve till today. One of the
infamous terrorist group is Abu Sayyaf Group. Abu Sayyaf group were active as the terrorist
group in Philippine.


Abu Sayyaf was first found in the early 1990s as a Filipino Muslim know as
Moro which is a terrorist group. Abu Sayyaf group represented the radicalization of
the Filipino Muslim separatist movement. Abu Sayyaf Group exist from the Moro
National Liberation Front (MNLF) and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). Moro
National Liberation Front (MNLF) and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) started
a war of secession against the Philippine government. Moro National Liberation Front
(MNLF) and their splinter group which is Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)
subsequently rose and fell. Slowly over time, defection, ideological disputes caused
rebel group to break into smaller armed group.

The Abu Sayyaf group was firstly led by Abdurajak Abubakar Janjalani in
1989 following by the other leader, which is Khadaffy janjalani, Radullan Sahiron,
Isnilon Hapilon, Mahmur Japuri, Hajan Sawadjaan and Abu ‘Abdillah al-Muhajir. It
was estimating the member of Abu Sayyaf Group to be as few as 500 members in the
mid-1990s. Abdurajak Abubakar Janjalani was motivated to establish Abu Sayyaf
Group because he purposed to seek justice and freedom for Moro Muslim minority in
the Southern Philippines. The Abu Sayyaf Group was following the Wahhabi doctrine
of Sunni Islam. The main objective of the establishment of Abu Sayyaf Group was to
create a free country that adopt Islamic Sharia laws as the basis of moral authority
from the laws of the state. Abu Sayyaf want to create free country that people will be
obeyed to Islamic Sharia laws. After their leader Abdurajak Abubakar Janjalani dead,
The Abu Sayyaf Group was divided into different factions where their activities were
further coloured by robbery and kidnapping rather that political struggle. The group
are involved more and more in criminal activities seemed that the group to be
motivated by the desire for money than by ideology.


The Abu Sayyaf Group was located at Southern Philippines and being
recognized as terrorist group that seek for free country to adopt Islamic Syaria law.
The first incident that widely known by the public about Abu Sayyaf Group existence
is their first bombing attack in Zomboanga City, Southern Philippines. The bombing
attack has destroyed the M / V Doulas ship, a Christian missionary ship that stop in
the port of Zamboanga City. The incident took place in August 1991 which is killed 2
evangelical Americans. The Abu Sayyaf Group gain their recognition by turning
violence, bombing activities kidnapping and other criminal activities that focus on
Christian and foreigners. After the following bombing attack, they also assassinate the
prominent Christian missionary in Mindanao (1992) and Abu Sayyaf group also
launch the raid of the Christian Town in Zamboanga del sur.

The attacked in 1991 until 1992 were support by Al-Qaeda with funding and
training. The Abu Sayyaf Group was supporting Osama bin Laden’s brother-in-law,
Mohammad Jamal Khalifa. Mohammad Jamal Khalifa is a wealthy Saudi
businessman and he help Abu Sayyaf Group by provide early funding to them.
Mohammad Jamal Khalifa funding through money laundering. Al-Qaeda keep
provide training for Abu Sayyaf Group until 1994. There were involve in bombing
attack and criminal activity until 1995. They relationship between Al-Qaeda and Abu
Sayyaf Group weakened because of Yousef, aa instruction of bomb assembly training
arrested by Pakistan. Moreover, Philippines has discovered their connection and block
their communication by blocked Khalifa from entry. The leader has been killed in
1998 and the Abu Sayyaf has changed their leader and focus on criminal activities
such as kidnapping in order to support their financial group.

Abu Sayyaf Group has launched their first international attack by kidnapping
21 people from Malaysia resort in 2000. In 2001, Philippines and US government has
work together under the Operation Enduring Freedom to fight the Abu Sayyaf Group.
Abu Sayyaf HQ was attack by Armed Forces of the Philippines with US Government
support. The Abu Sayyaf leader, Abu Sabaya get killed in June 2002. Following in
December 2003, they also captured the leader of the second faction which is
Commander Robot. The Abu Sayyaf Group has become far from their original
ideology of Islam and become radical group without clear political motive and keep
committed crime without no purpose.
The Abu Sayyaf Group keep doing the criminal activities such as bombing,
kidnappings and so on. There are many criminal activities such as Abu Sayyaf
firebombs a ferry in Manila Bay killing 116 people in 2004, kill 14 Filipino in 2007,
abducts Australian ex-soldier in 2011 and was free with ransom of nearly $100,000 is
paid in 2013, and many more criminal activities followed by the years. The Abu
Sayyaf was mostly involved in kidnappings and bombings until now. In 2019, the
member of Abu Sayyaf was estimate 424 members. The latest incident occurs in
Philippines due to Abu Sayyaf Group is they killing 12 soldier and wounding of over
a dozen more in recent fighting in Sulu Patikul town in 20 April 2020. The terrorism
issue still happening now until they change the conditions of the Muslim populace,
injustice, inequality and poverty or not it will continue to exist and create more
terrorism and rebellion.


The international relations theory that suitable for the terrorism that happen in
Philippine is realism. The Abu Sayyaf group want to establish a free country with
people adopt to Islamic Sharia law and it is opposite to what Philippine government
do. The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) signed a landmark peace of
agreement with Philippines in 1996 which make Moro National Liberation Front
(MNLF) and become the ruling government in southern Mindanao. Moro National
Liberation Front (MNLF) become more into political government. Over time,
defection, ideological disputes caused rebel group to break into smaller armed group.
Abu Sayyaf was established and lead by Abdurajik Abubakar Janjalani because of not
agree with MNLF and the Philippines government. The Abu Sayyaf group seek a free
country that adopt from Islamic Shara law from the government. Despite of Abu
Sayyaf objective, they are being recognized as terrorist. Abu Sayyaf is a part of
Philippines, but their ideology makes the government recognized them as terrorist.
The Abu Sayyaf Group only want to bring the own ideology that are not true by
killing the foreigner in order to create free country.



Human rights can be described as the rights of individuals to live as a human

being. Human rights are universal values and legal protections that safeguard persons
and groups from acts and omissions, mainly by State authorities, which interfere with
fundamental liberties, rights, and human dignity. The broad scope of human rights
encompasses many aspects such as civil, political, social rights and others. (Jawad,
2015). In other words, human rights are essential to all human beings in any states,
countries and even human rights, freedom and liberties had its own provision in the

Terrorism has an actual and direct impact on human rights (Human Rights,
Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism, 2008). The impacts of terrorism on the right to life,
physical integrity and freedom are extensive, thereby inhibiting people from enjoying
their human rights. Terrorism, which typically uses violence, particularly against the
civilian population, is also undeniably a significant violation of human rights. It
contradicts all provisions of international human rights law and other laws, as it
deprives peoples enjoy their basic rights such as the right to life. Therefore, an
overview of the consequences of terrorism reveals that terrorist attacks have led to a
vast number of deaths that threaten victims' rights to life.

Based on the issue of terrorism by Abu Sayyaf Group in the Philippines, the
violation of human rights happened where the Abu Sayyaf Group has been involved
primarily in kidnapping activities from 2007 onwards, often making threats to behead
hostages unless a ransom is paid (Mapping Militant Organizations." Abu Sayyaf
Group", 2018). The most of kidnapping victims are Filipinos, but the Abu Sayyaf
Group also targets foreigners in the southern Philippines, including tourist and visitors
in resorts and foreign workers (Mapping Militant Organizations. "Abu Sayyaf
Group", 2018). The kidnapping attempts of the Abu Sayyaf Group itself tend to be
profit-driven rather than politically motivated, while the ransoms fund weapons and
other materials and supplies. Generally, kidnapping is regarded as an unlawful
violation of individual rights and is a violation of human rights. If kidnapping is
committed for ransom, it is opposed to international humanitarian law.

Furthermore, another impact on human rights is where ISIL and al-Qaida

raised their targets for civilian deaths, such as strikes on public places in order to instil

terror alongside their philosophies in the community (U.S. Department of State,
2015). Forced marriages, domestic servitude, physical and sexual abuse also have
been committed which led to violate fundamental human rights (Kamara, 2017).
Other than that, discriminatory policies had been introduced by ISIL which the
policies discriminate against individuals based on their religious belief and gender.
For example, in ISIL controlled areas, girls were barred from attending schools and
even not allowed to access healthcare.

Therefore, every States or countries are obliged in order to protect and secure
the human rights of individuals and community from all threats and danger as well as
to protect them from acts of terrorism by taking effective action on this matter. The
non - compliance by state agencies to basic human rights in the fight against terrorism
has led to the rise of dissatisfied groups in society. This has greatly eroded public
support, which is important for the success of anti-terrorism efforts.


The economy is one of the important sectors in every country to develop the
country and its society. Economic growth indicates an increase in real GDP which
generally implies an increase in national revenue, domestic production, and total
expenditure. Economic growth may lead to an improvement in living conditions and
better use of goods & services. Terrorism creates massive economic burdens on
societies and leads not only in short term but also in long-term effects on the national
economy. Economic literature and research have been widely involved in defining
and estimating these economic effects of terrorism.

There are two categories encompassed in economic impacts by terrorism

which are direct impact and indirect impact. Direct impact means it needs an
immediate solution which it comprises the immediate recovery of a terrorist attack
causing physical damage, loss of life and others (Polat & Uslu, 2013). Indirect
impacts, on the other hand, include an attack on subsequent losses, such as disruption
of the economic activities, diversion of foreign direct investment, higher security
costs and higher compensation costs (Polat & Uslu, 2013). In other words, the indirect
impact is the consequence of an interdependent economic system in which acts of
terrorism damage economic structures that were not directly targeted by the terrorist.
The area that had been attacked by the terrorist must be affected by the destruction of

property and funds are needed to rebuild the buildings and property as well as repair
the damage of infrastructure.

Based on the issue regarding the bombing incidents on "SuperFerry14" in

Manila Bay in the Philippines by Abu Sayyaf Group, the loss of tangible assets
comprising of the ship is pegged at 70 million PH pesos (Fabe, 2013). Despite the
estimated daily revenue of 10 million pesos to every trip, the shipping firm sustained
losses of approximately 1 billion pesos because the ship had been deemed
unseaworthy (Fabe, 2013). In terms of the effect on the 234 shipping crew members
who have lost their jobs, the opportunity cost is the monthly salaries of the shipping
workers, which is estimated at about 5 million pesos a month (Fabe, 2013). In short,
the losses incurred by the shipping company due to the bombing by Abu Sayyaf
Group has affected the economic development where the unemployment rate also

Moreover, an overview of the consequences of terrorism reveals that terrorist

attacks have led to drop the growth of economic. For illustration, the global cost of
terrorism is estimated at USD 52.9 billion in 2014 and the highest since 2001. (Global
Terrorism Index, 2014). This reflects a tenfold rise on the figure in 2000 and a 20
billion dollar increase on the previous year. According to the Global Terrorism Index
(2014), terrorism has cost Iraq 159 billion dollars in 2005, which constitutes 32% of
the country's GDP in 2004. Plus, in 2010, terrorism led to foreign direct investment
flows to fall to 6.1 billion in Nigeria (Global Terrorism Index, 2014). Additionally,
among the 10 countries most affected by terrorism, GDP growth rates have dropped
between 0.51 per cent to 0.8 per cent.

Therefore, policy makers should take immediate action to reduce the

detrimental effects of terrorism on economic growth in the affected area and states. In
order to encourage new industry or company establishments, the government should
strengthen more and improve the incentives for affected areas and states. Since
terrorism has a negative effect on new businesses, security and financial support must
be improved especially in the areas that are potential can attack by terrorist.


Terrorism is a major threat for a nation security as it could lead to an unstable

and chaos environment in a country and the vulnerability of the citizens life could be
in a danger. The reason why these terrorisms happen is because of the security of one
country is weak and can be easily get through by the terrorist itself which can be a
cons for the country to protect the life of the people in the nation. In the issue
highlighted before which is Abu Sayyaf, we can relate that the Philippines
government security and protection to their nation is lacking as these movement by
the group of Abu Sayyaf is a threaten to the country itself. This can be seen as the
action they made lead to a very serious crime and violent to the lives of those innocent
people. The government and the higher power of the positions should take a
precautionary measure in tighten up the security policies in order to prevent this kind
of threat and how to control them when it happens as it could affect their country
standard in the eyes of other country in terms of many factors which can leads to
consequences of many edges in the country. In these points, we will enhance
ourselves with an open eyes on what are consequences or implication that we would
learn from the terrorism impact on nations security along with the real life accident
that had happened in the past.

Terrorism is a real threat and serious menace for a country to deal with as it
could occur a negative and bad image in the global views along with the reputation of
one country as it is a consequential issues that one nation could deal with it. On the
account of the terrorist this could be a favourable positions for them to make it happen
and give a big impact to the whole global to scared or urged them to have a
speculation about this one action they do to give a warning for the global itself as they
do not play with this kind of act. Terrorist organizations are committing acts of
violence that are resulting in increasingly larger numbers of casualties as the matter of
fact in these era and advances technology these terrorist can breakthrough our national
security devices and defence if they have a technological experts along with the
enormous resources of weapon to make it happen as long they have their funds and
money to deal with these kind of act, [ CITATION Abd151 \l 17417 ].

In addition, the nation’s security can easily be broken if one nation does not
have a proper and strict security policies. By the meaning of those words is where one
country should have a very strong policies security to avoid threats from the terrorism
as it could only arise conflict and chaos in the country and among the community too
as they would have blame the government and point fingers to the responsible person
because they could secure the citizen protection carefully and lead to the fright of the
people to be outside their house. According to Badrah a huge point of view by the

global the devastation incidents that occurs by these terrorism are focused and a major
issue that lead to a questionable thinking why it does not end and when it is going to
finish. The matters is when the terrorism incidents incurred it would go widely on
global to spread awareness and for the other nation to prepare the possibility it could
happen in their country as it involves lives of the innocent people. For instance to
make it more clear and understandable we can look through the Christchurch mosque
shootings where these news shocked and give a big impact in the Muslims community
along with others religion as they are innocent lives that has been sacrifice because of
these act by the terrorist, [ CITATION Eve20 \l 17417 ].


In today era of life lots of people has an open perception and wide eyes into
something that happen in everyday life. Terrorism and the fear it generates has bring
the worldwide concern as it is the matter of a life of the people and protection of the
nation itself. Understanding the diversity of Islam’s gives those of who are not
Muslim a valuable tool to facilitate our dealings with Muslims and is therefore much
too important for us to ignore or deny, [ CITATION Dav02 \l 17417 ]. In general, people
with no exposure of Islam knowledge will be considering Muslims as a terrorist as
they are always interrelated in the case of Abu Sayyaf where the movement by the
Jihadist militant Islamist organization with international terrorist connections and
pirate group that carried out bombings, kidnappings, assassinations and extortion. In
order to advance their personal and institutional interests Abu Sayyaf’ and the
Islamist threat it evokes have been and are being exploited by power holders in
the zone, [ CITATION Edu10 \l 17417 ]. The perception of other religion about Muslims
when Abu Sayyaf incidents occur is the impression that give impact to the whole
community of Muslim where they become racist towards Islam religion in some
situations such as in workplace, in the country with less Muslim’s people, when a
woman wearing a hijab and even when Muslims pray in public or so be called

On the perception of Islam by others this give a big impact for Muslims in a
country that has a minor population of Muslims as they could have been in a situation
where they are not being respected and biased by the other people there, in advance
the racist people itself. This could have been a fright for the Muslim people as they
are being judge and discriminate because of the religion they upholds, for instance
those who are a woman or a kid that is weak to protect themselves if they facing those
kind of situation. This can be seen in The New Arab websites as a group of Malaysian
tourists were arrested for praying inside a Uighur mosque in China's north-western
province of Xinjiang without a 'license', World of Buzz revealed on Thursday.
Moreover, these kind of incident give a frightening experience for them when
traveling to Xinjiang as their right to pray at the mosque has been denied and these is
a sad events that heart of Muslims would felt if it happens to them.

The terrorism itself in term of perception of Muslims by others can give

advantageous to the terrorist itself as they holds the image of Islam but in a different
views and religions belief objectives as they use and upholds it in a wrong way. This
matter can bring standard of Islam looked down by other religion as Islam is a way of
life revealed to mankind with the intention of presenting a peaceful life through
infinite compassion and mercy of God manifest on earth. In advance, Islam advocates
numerous non-violent and peace building values and expects Muslims to live by
them. Hence, Islam does not teach Muslims to kill innocent people in the name of a
political agenda as Muslims are urged to live in harmony and peace with all fellow
humans no matter how bad they are. The indiscriminate killing of innocents is
repugnant to Islam, whether it is called “terrorism” or “war against terrorism”,
[ CITATION Abd151 \l 17417 ].

After World War II, every country in the world are aware of the national security as to
ensure their country is free from any threats especially terrorism. Most of the countries on the
earth affected by the World War II due to losing lots of sources and the development done in
a country ruined by the World War II. Ever since then, countries in the world avoid from
having any war and solve any dispute occur through the diplomatic agreement. As for
Malaysia, since it been colonized by British, the issue of terrorism is a massive issue to the
country especially the threats of Islamic state-linked militants and communist insurgency.
Therefore, Malaysia has done a lot of progress to tackle the threats from possess the people in
the country. Till now, Malaysia still keep on track collaborating with other countries to
circumvent terrorism issues.

Malaysia used to be in a precarious situation when the communist threat occurs in the
country during British colonization. However, the first prime minister of Malaysia and his
colleagues proves to Britain government that Malaysia is a stable country after Malaysia
successfully ceased the communist threat from influence the people in the country. Malaysia
works with Britain government in eliminating the communist threat through Briggs Plan and
Sir Harold Templer initiative (Thompson, E.M.,1952). Briggs plan strategy is to move the
people near the jungle to a new village. This is because the government wants to avoid the
communist from reaching the people and give a bad influence towards the people. The
squatters move to a new village forming a new community and given land for them to work
on. In addition, the squatters were move as the authority wanted to close down the area near
the jungle and label as black area. Therefore, communists would not dare to make any
movement. Furthermore, Britain also offer people a sum of money if they successfully
captured the communists and communists that give in will not be sentence to death or faced
heavy sentence. Hence, more communists give in and communists issue in Malaya decline.

Britain also initiated to reorganize the Malayan police force in order to strengthen the
security of the country. To add, Britain plan to invite more Malayan in the police force as to
give independence to Malaya as promised. Hence, more Malayan recruited especially Malay,
Chinese, India and native of the country (Thompson, E.M.,1952). The Malayan recruited by
the Britain were trained well as to combat the terrorism issue in Malaysia, thus Britain form
the Malayan Federation Army as to recruit more people to help in the battle between Britain
and Communist armies. Due to the initiative done by the Britain and efforts put by the
Malayan, the communists retreat from giving influence on Malaya.

After independence, Malaysia build its diplomatic relation with other countries and
also join into few international organizations such as United Nation (UN) and Association of
Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) and few more. Malaysia join in a few approaches with the
international organization through the diplomatic agreement such as treaties, blueprints, and
few programmes. ASEAN joined venture with United States to strengthen the people through
training in order to win the battle with the terrorists. The two parties work together in
launching the Southeast Asia Regional Workshop on Countering Online Violent Extremist
Narratives under the programme of Southeast Asia Regional Centre for Counter
Terrorism(SEARCCT) to conquer the messages spread widely in the world with extremism
content ( U.S Embassy with SEARCCT, 2014). Indirectly, as a member of ASEAN, Malaysia
enjoy the benefit of the international relation between the country and this international
organization. Through ASEAN, Malaysia implied the ASEAN Convention on Counter
Terrorism (ACCT) programme with other members of ASEAN (The Asian Region, 2018).
ACCT indicates the members to share knowledge and help each other in strengthening their
military and security over the country and the region. In addition, the members of ASEAN
also share their information and decided not to help any party that give fund or facilitate the
terrorist groups such as Abu Sayyaf group, ISIS, and Al-Qaeda.

Malaysia itself has also launched few strategies which still use till today. One of the
programme launches is the Counter Messaging Centre which joint in with ASEAN and under
jurisdiction of Royal Malaysia Police (RMP) (Malaysia Terrorism Report, n.d.). The
programme is to coincide the information upon Islam and the spread saying that Islam as a
violent religion globally. The Islamic terrorist group such as the Daesh and the Islamic state-
linked militant (ISIS) give harm to other Islamic region by influencing the people to join
them fight over the people that against Islam, hence took radical action and indicate that the
action done is through the motivation of Islam. The information spread is absurd; therefore,
government take action to spread the real picture of Islam and held various initiatives to
combat the false ideology of Islam from escalating in the country. Malaysia Communications
and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) collaborate with Department of Islamic Development
in Malaysia (JAKIM) to expanse the information of Islam religion to people through social
media (Jakim and MCMC monitor social media, 2019). This help people to have a better
understanding on Islam and to gain knowledge on Islam religion. In addition, the MCMC also
monitor the information spread throughout the media to ensure the false information will not
widely spread in the country. False information will be banned from getting through the
social media and website and therefore, will not reach a person’s mind.

Terrorism is a major issue that needs to be studied in depth to ensure the issue can be
curb effectively and efficiently. All the international actors need to work in hand on this
momentous issue as it will affect political, economic, security, and social relations.
Appreciation should be given for the efforts made by international actors in curbing the issue
of terrorism. Various initiatives have been taken since the colonial era until now through
Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs). This clearly shows that all the international actors
must hang it there to counter this vital issue. Terrorism is a prolonged issue. The list of
initiatives goes on but never come to an end. Terrorism, on the other hand, thrives in an
oppressive environment, where regional conflicts and foreign occupation flourish. This
happen as the group of terrorist has a strong financial resources and people keep joining the
group secretly. Astro Awani (2018) contends that Malaysian police and other enforcement
agencies have thwarted 19 terrorist plans in the country between 2013 and 2017. Not just
that, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines form alliance to defeat Abu Sayyaf. However,
this issue keeps arising worldwide such as the incident of bloodshed involving terrorists in
Lahad Datu terrorism between Malaysia and the Philippines, and the entry of Abu Sayyaf
members using fake documents in plans to disrupt the 2017 sea sports closing ceremony
(Rahman,2017). Hence, it is this question that should be the starting point and the method
that can rein this issue completely. This is because prevention through education and
recovery through deradicalization can be mobilized by the government or know as a state.
After all, enforcement and detention actions are not the only way to eradicate this ideology
and movement.

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