2011 Voters Guide: Lehigh County

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ELECTION 2011 Lehigh County
PENNSYLVANIA PAULA A. PATRICK Job Description RESPONSE: I believe Pennsylvania resi-
Ward 34 Div. 34, Philadelphia The Commonwealth Court is one of Penn- dents should continue to have the right to
Copyright 2011 LWVPA-CEF www.judgepaulapatrick.com sylvania’s two statewide intermediate select appellate court judges. There is no
The League of Women Voters publishes this D.O.B.: 1968 appellate courts. This court, which was assurance that an appointive process will
information neither to endorse nor to reject EDUCATION: 1993, Thurgood Marshall established in 1968, is unlike any other not include the kind of political negotiation
the views of any candidate quoted and does School of Law, J.D. 1990, Bennett College, state court in the nation. Its jurisdiction and dealing most Pennsylvanians oppose. I
not assume responsibility for the content of B.A.—Political Science Magna Cum Laude. generally is limited to legal matters in- have full confidence in the Pennsylvania
a candidate’s reply. OCCUPATION: Judge of the Court of volving state and local government and voters to carefully consider each candi-
Common Pleas—Philadelphia County. regulatory agencies. Litigation typically date’s qualifications and make the best
Candidates were asked: Because of QUALIFICATIONS: Common Pleas Court focuses on such subjects as banking, insur- judgment. Pennsylvania need not replace
some public concern about the amount of Judge, 7 1/2 years; Trial lawyer 10 years; ance and utility regulation and laws affect- elections with back-room deals, but rather
money being spent on statewide judicial former adjunct faculty at LaSalle Univer- ing taxation, land use, elections, labor rigorously enforce a strong code of ethics
elections, would you support an amend- sity; former instructor at the Gerry practices and workers compensation. and conduct.
ment to the Pennsylvania Constitution Spence’s Trail Lawyers College; 2009 Commonwealth Court also acts as a court
changing the method of selecting state- Woman of the Year Award by Coalition of of original jurisdiction, or a trial court, when Democrat
wide judges to a merit selection process? Hope Inner-City Empowerment; 2009 lawsuits are filed by or against the Com-
Why or why not? Partner of Peace Award, 2002 Preserve monwealth. The Commonwealth Court is Vote for one
the Heritage Award Commitment to Com- made up of nine judges who serve 10-year
munity Service. terms. The president judge is chosen by his KATHRYN BOOCKVAR
JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR RESPONSE: No, I would not support it. I or her colleagues for a five-year term. The Doylestown Twp.
COURT believe in a democracy—government by court generally decides cases in three- D.O.B.: 1968
the people and for the people. All Pennsyl- judge panels and sits in Philadelphia, Har- www.boockvar.com
Job Description vanians should have the right to vote for risburg and Pittsburgh. EDUCATION: 1993 American University,
The Superior Court is one of Pennsylvania’s any public official, especially judges. If Term: 10 years Washington College of Law, J.D.; 1990 Uni-
two statewide intermediate appellate there is a “merit-selection” process for versity of Pennsylvania, B.A.; 1996 Lancas-
Salary: $178,914 ter Mediation Center.
courts. This court, which was established choosing judges, who decides on the
in 1895, reviews most of the civil and crimi- judges selected? It would only be a select OCCUPATION: Attorney.
nal cases that are appealed from the group of politically connected individuals QUALIFICATIONS: Advancement Project,
Courts of Common Pleas in the Common- with very little interest in diversity or fair- Senior Attorney, 3 years; Boockvar & Yeag-
Vote for one
wealth’s 67 counties. The Superior Court ness. er, Partner, 11 years; Legal Services Attorney,
consists of 15 judges who serve 10-year 3 years; Only Democratic Commonwealth
terms. The president judge of Superior Court candidate recommended by the
Ward 34, Div. 34, Philadelphia
Court is elected to a five-year term by his Pennsylvania Bar Association; Rising Star—
Vote for one www.judgepanepinto.com
or her colleagues. A huge volume of ap- Super Lawyer.
D.O.B.: 1949
peals flow to Superior Court from the trial RESPONSE: Having spent the last three
DAVID N. WECHT EDUCATION: 1971, Villanova University,
courts. Generally, appeals are heard by years working for the voters of Pennsylva-
Indiana Township, Pittsburgh B.A.; 1979 Villanova University, M.A.; 1976
panels of three judges sitting in Philadel- nia, I believe voters deserve a say in who
www.wecht2011.com Widener University, J.D.
phia, Harrisburg or Pittsburgh. The court represents them in every branch of govern-
D.O.B.: 1962 OCCUPATION: Judge.
often is the final arbiter of legal disputes. ment, including the judiciary. I support
EDUCATION: 1984, Yale B.A.; 1987 Yale J.D. QUALIFICATIONS: Received the highest
Although the Supreme Court may grant a campaign finance reform, including limits
Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa. Na- recommendation from the Pennsylvania
petition for review of a Superior Court and greater disclosure. I would also like to
tional Merit Scholar. Notes Editor, Yale Law Bar Association. Served for 20 years as a
decision, most such petitions are denied see a better system for educating the
Journal. Law Clerk, 1987-88, U.S. Court of judge handling all major complex litigation
and the ruling of the Superior Court public about candidates, the courts, and
Appeals, D.C. Circuit. cases (jury and non-jury) as well as crimi-
stands. why these courts matter in peoples’ lives,
OCCUPATION: Common Pleas Judge. nal and family court matters.
Term: 10 years and will affect the lives of their children and
QUALIFICATIONS: Judge since February RESPONSE: Merit selection limits the
Salary: $178,914 grandchildren.
2003 (former Administrative Judge, Family involvement of the people to choose their

Division). “Highly Recommended” by Penn- judges. The present system gives everyone
sylvania and Allegheny County Bar Asso- the chance to participate. This process has
ciations. Endorsed by Pennsylvania Demo- problems but I believe candidates should
Vote for one www.ernsbergerforjudge.com
cratic Party, Allegheny and Philadelphia be able to run without raising money. They
D.O.B.: 1951
Labor Councils, FOP Lodge 91, Professional should do so on their own and with the
VIC STABILE EDUCATION: 1973, University of Pitts-
Firefighters Local 1. Register of Wills, Alle- support of the media and a public debate
Middlesex Carlisle burgh, B.A. cum laude; 1976, Duquesne
gheny County 1998-2003. to spread the message to voters who
www.stabileforjudge.com University School of Law, J.D.
RESPONSE: Reasonable people disagree. would then be more informed about the
D.O.B.:1957 OCCUPATION: Lawyer.
On the one hand, appointment of judges candidates.
EDUCATION: 1979, SUNY Stonybrook, B.A.; QUALIFICATIONS: I am a practicing at-
would eliminate problems posed by cam- torney in workers’ compensation, con-
1982, Dickinson School of Law, J.D. paign fundraising, especially large corpo- ANNE COVEY
OCCUPATION: Attorney. sumer, election and zoning law. (34 years). I
rate contributions now permitted by the Upper Makefield Twp. New Hope
QUALIFICATIONS: Almost 30 years trial have won landmark cases for injured work-
U.S. Supreme Court. On the other hand, www.coveyforjudge.com
ers and consumers. I was Commissioner,

and appellate experience; Appellate Judi- our Constitution should not lightly be D.O.B.: 1959
cial Clerk; Deputy Attorney General; Part- Pittsburgh City Planning, 4 years.
amended, particularly where amendment EDUCATION: 1981, University of Delaware,
ner, Dilworth Paxson LLP; Recommended RESPONSE: I would not support merit
would disenfranchise Pennsylvanians. B.A. with Departmental Honors; 1984,
by PA Bar Assn. based upon “solid” appel- selection because elections involve the
Those who would alter our Constitution Widener University School of Law, J.D. Cum
late experience and “strong intellect.” public and also educate the aspiring judge.
carry a heavy burden. While I am not yet Laude.
RESPONSE: Yes, if a true merit selection When I ran for the Commonwealth Court in
persuaded, I have an open mind and be- OCCUPATION: Attorney, Law Firm Found-
process would provide fair opportunity for 2009, I learned about Marcellus Shale in
lieve the issue merits candid and thought- er.
well qualified people to be considered for Clinton County, public safety issues in
ful discussion. QUALIFICATIONS: Extensive Common-
judicial office. At present, neither election Philadelphia, and concerns about bias in
wealth Court experience. Clerked for Presi-
nor merit selection is a panacea for select- the Courts across the state. The participa-
dent Judge Craig. First woman Pennsylva-
ing judges. JUDGE OF THE nia Labor Relations Board Member. Prac-
tory and educational value of the electoral
process outweighs the public concern
COMMONWEALTH COURT tice labor and employment law. Written
about the money being spent on Judicial
extensively, including book The Workplace
Law Advisor.

Only candidates in contested races were asked to provide information.

2 SYMBOLS: // indicates where a candidate’s response was cut because it exceeded the word limit.
Lehigh County ELECTION 2011
COURT OF COMMON PLEAS trials and hearings in Lehigh, Northampton the courtroom; Instructor Allentown Police tax increases, and exercise vigorous over-
and other counties throughout Eastern Academy and Bar Association. sight to cut spending.
Candidates were asked: Because of Pennsylvania. RESPONSE: I would support an amend-
some public concern about the amount of RESPONSE: Representative democracy ment to the PA Constitution to select NORMA A. CUSICK
money being spent on statewide judicial can only survive if the people are given the judges by merit. Currently the public does Salisbury Township
elections, would you support an amend- right to vote for those who govern them. not know the judicial candidate unless the www.normaacusick.com
ment to the PA Constitution changing the The Pennsylvania Constitution should not candidate spends money for TV ads and D.O.B.: 1944
method of selecting statewide judges to a be changed to deny the public an opportu- sends out mailers to all of the voters. In a EDUCATION: BA DeSales 1987; MA Kutz-
merit selection process? Why or why not? nity to freely and directly elect State wide statewide race, candidates from larger town 1990; Paralegal LCCC 2008.
Term: 10 years Judges. Here, in the 21st Century, candi- urban areas like Philadelphia or Pittsburgh OCCUPATION: Office Manager, Legal
dates can better communicate with voters have an advantage over qualified candi- Coordinator Medical Practice.
Republican/Democratic and put forth their qualifications to them dates from smaller areas. QUALIFICATIONS: Salisbury Township:
in more ways than ever before. This right Commissioner (5 years); Planning Com-
Vote for one
should not be taken from the people. COUNTY COMMISSIONER mission (2 years); School Board (8 years).
Lehigh County Authority (1 year). Boards of
DOUGLAS G. REICHLEY AT-LARGE Directors: Allentown Public Library, Penn-
MELISSA PAVLACK Alburtis sylvania Shakespeare Festival, Lehigh
North Whitehall Township Candidates were asked: What do you
www.ReichleyforJudge.com view as the major issue in this campaign County Sports Fields, Child Advocacy
www.pavlackforjudge.com D.O.B.: 1961 Center.
D.O.B.: 1964 and how will you address it?
EDUCATION: B.A. Lafayette College Term: 4 years RESPONSE: Major issue: Ensuring cost
EDUCATION: Graduated Parkland High (1983); J.D. Dickinson School of Law (1986). effective and fiscally responsible govern-
School 1982; Muhlenberg College 1986; OCCUPATION: Attorney/State Repre- ment by maintaining functions and pro-
Widener University School of Law 1989. Republican
sentative. grams that serve residents and not wast-
OCCUPATION: Attorney and partner in QUALIFICATIONS: Lehigh County Deputy Vote for not more than 4 ing taxpayers’ dollars. I have been a fiscally
Pavlack Law Offices, P.C. District Attorney, 1989-2000; Philadelphia conservative watchdog closely scrutinizing
QUALIFICATIONS: 22 years of experience; District Attorney’s Office 2000-01; Private every item on each budget submitted
2008-2009 Voted Readers Choice Best practice: 1987-1989 and 2001-2003; 2009- during my five years as Salisbury Township
South Whitehall Township
Attorney; Developed the Attorney Assist- present Platt Law Offices; PA State Repre- Commissioner. I will take this approach of
ance Program for the Lehigh County Do- sentative 2002-present; PA Sentencing cost effective governance as Lehigh
D.O.B.: 1961
mestic Relations Section; Served as Ar- Commission 2007-present. County Commissioner. I will work to control
EDUCATION: Palisades High School, Kint-
bitrator; Divorce Review Officer (7 years). RESPONSE: I do not support a change in county spending and achieve appropriate
nersville, PA, 1979; Pennsylvania State
RESPONSE: I feel that there should not be our State Constitution to provide for merit reductions in the costs of County govern-
University, B.A. Liberal Arts-Journalism,
an amendment to the PA Constitution. It is selection of statewide judges. Stretching ment.
far too important for the people to make back to the founding of our nation, judges OCCUPATION: Host and Writer for
the selection by voting, as they are the wanted to be viewed as “public servants.” BRAD OSBORNE
ones who will be impacted the most by the By being separately elected, judges could South Whitehall Township
QUALIFICATIONS: Decades of work in
decisions of the judges. Perhaps the demonstrate their independence from the www.electbrad.com
private-sector and with nonprofit organi-
amendment could be more geared toward other branches of government. To ensure D.O.B.: 1955
zations. President of Shoemaker Elemen-
placing a cap on the amount of spending public integrity, we should require posting EDUCATION: Allentown Central Catholic;
tary School PTO (1 yr.); Founder & Chair-
put forth for the election campaign instead within 72 hours on the Department of B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of
man of Friends of the Embassy Theatre (2
of changes to a merit selection process. State’s website of any contribution re- Virginia.
Yrs.); Chairman & Volunteer for The Abuse
ceived by any judicial candidate. Network (helping victims of rape and do- OCCUPATION: Plant Manager, GEO Spe-
DANIEL K. McCARTHY mestic violence) (2 Yrs.); Pennsylvania cialty Chemicals.
Allentown ADRA RENEE SMITH State Republican Committeeperson QUALIFICATIONS: SWT Commissioner,
www.DanMcCarthyforJudge.com Lower Macungie Township (Elected 2009). 2005-present, current president; SWT
D.O.B.: 1948 www.reneesmithforjudge.com RESPONSE: Lehigh County outspent its Board of Authority, 2003-2005; L C Gen-
EDUCATION: 1974 University of Houston D.O.B.: 1958 revenue for years, drained reserves, then eral Purpose Authority; LV Engineering


School of Law–JD; 1970 University of Texas EDUCATION: Easton High School 1976; jacked taxes by double-digits in 2011. In Council – Past Chair; LV Chapter American
at El Paso–BA; 1966 William Allen High Moravian College 1980; Ohio Northern Law October 2010, the incumbent Republican Institute Chemical Engineers – Past Chair;
School. 1984. chairman voted with four Democrats, Board of Directors – Allentown Rescue
OCCUPATION: Attorney at Law. OCCUPATION: Chief Deputy District At- enabling the 16-percent tax increase. With Mission.
QUALIFICATIONS: Full-time practice of torney. Vic Mazziotti, Lisa Scheller, David Najarian RESPONSE: Protecting taxpayers while
law for 36 years with Civil, Family and Crim- QUALIFICATIONS: District Attorney’s and other commissioners, I’ll require the delivering essential services and making
inal law experience; presented cases be- Office 25 years; prosecuted over 10,000 Executive to present more budget options, government live within its means. And
fore the PA Supreme Court, PA Superior cases, tried over 100 trials. 25,000 hours in and put the checkbook online. I’ll reject any while many talk about this, I’ve done it. I’m
Court, U.S. District Court along with many


Voter information
ABSENTEE VOTING WRITE-IN VOTING you were eligible to vote, your ballot will be ONLINE VOTERS GUIDE
If you are unable to go to the polls in person, you Information for write-in voting will be available at counted. You will be given instructions on how to The Voters Guide and other useful information for
may vote by absentee ballot. The deadline to apply the polling place. determine if your vote was counted. voters can be found on the League of Women
for an absentee ballot is 4 p.m. on Tuesday, May ELECTION DAY PROBLEMS IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW Voters of Pennsylvania home page: www.palwv.org.
10. The deadline for the ballot to be received by If your right to vote is challenged at the polls on VOTERS CERTIFICATION NOTE
the Voter Registration Office is 5 p.m. on Friday, Election Day and the problem cannot be resolved If you are a new voter or if you are voting at a As of the publication date of this guide, the slate
May 13. To apply by mail, each absentee voter at the polling place, the judge of elections at the polling place for the first time, then you must of candidates listed below is accurate based upon
must complete the form and mail it to the County polling place should telephone the county Board of bring your voter ID card or a photo ID such as a the Pennsylvania Department of State’s Bureau of
Voter Registration Office. You will receive an Elections. The problem could be resolved by phone driver’s license, student ID or some other form of Elections unofficial ballot.
absentee ballot for your polling place. Allow at if your name appears on the county records. If it Federal or State government issued ID. Some INFORMATION
least 10 days for all steps to be completed, unless does not and you want to try to resolve the forms of non-photo ID are also acceptable such as Northampton County
you apply in person. Any disabled voter having problem, then you can go in person to the county a firearm permit, current utility bill, bank 610-252-1339
questions regarding the accessibility of a polling Board of Elections where a judge from the Court of statement, paycheck, or government check. If you Lehigh County
place should consult the county Board of Common Pleas will be on duty to resolve election do not have any acceptable ID then you must be 610-432-1456
Elections. problems. Alternatively you can ask for and vote allowed to vote by provisional ballot. Or visit www.lwvlv.org
by provisional ballot. If it is later determined that 3
ELECTION 2011 Lehigh County
a local official who has never raised proper- date for State Representative 2008; 5. COUNTY CONTROLLER MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT JUDGE
ty taxes and a business professional who Candidate for Lehigh County Commis-
controls costs every day. As Commissioner, sioner District 5-2009. Term: 4 years Candidates were asked: Because of
I’ll push for intensive budget reviews to find RESPONSE: I believe it is time for elected some public concern about the amount
savings and long-range planning to set government officials to put the needs of Republican of money being spent on statewide judi-
priorities. I’ll fight for zero-based budgeting those they represent first and not the cial elections, would you support an
that requires every department to justify special interests of local party leaders or Vote for one amendment to the PA Constitution
every program, every year. significant campaign financiers. It is time changing the method of selecting state-
for county government to recognize that GLENN ECKHART wide judges to a merit selection process?
VIC MAZZIOTTI the days of wasteful program spending
Democrat Why or why not?
Allentown and out of control government wage and
www.mylehighcounty.org benefits growth are coming to an end. Term: 6 years
D.O.B.: 1946 Government must focus on core services Vote for one
EDUCATION: BS in Accounting - Ship- and stop funding programs that should be
pensburg University, Masters in Public supported by the private sector.
Administration (MPA) - Roosevelt Univer- Allentown Wards 12, 16, 19
OCCUPATION: Small Business Consult- South Whitehall Township Term: 4 years Republican/Democrat
ant. D.O.B.: 1956
QUALIFICATIONS: Served as the Chief EDUCATION: M.S. in Industrial Manage- Republican (cross-filed)
Fiscal Officer (CFO) for Northampton ment from the Georgia Institute of Tech- Vote for one
County - 2006 to 2011; 25 years experience nology, 1979. Vote for one
in the private sector; Served as the Finance OCCUPATION: Executive Vice President, JOSEPH P. MAHER
Director of Charlottesville, VA. Finance and Administration, Chief Finan- JIM MARTIN D.O.B.: 1951
RESPONSE: This is a difficult time for cial Officer New World Aviation. EDUCATION: University of Pennsylvania,
QUALIFICATIONS: Over 30 years of expe- Democrat
many County residents. They have lost B.A. 1973; Dickinson School of Law, Penn
jobs, had their pay frozen or hours of work rience in finance and budgeting in the Vote for one State University, J.D. 1976.
reduced. But, last year, Lehigh County private sector and three years of experi- OCCUPATION: Self-employed attorney.
raised our taxes by 16%! Republicans hold ence as Lehigh County Commissioner. EDWARD F. KOREN QUALIFICATIONS: Attorney for 34+
a majority of the seats on the County RESPONSE: The spending covered by years. Practice includes representing
Commissioners. But, one Republican, Dean county tax dollars is growing faster than
Browning, voted with four Democrat County property tax revenue. This struc- SHERIFF clients in civil, criminal & family law mat-
ters in all courts in Pennsylvania.
County Commissioners to cause the 16% tural imbalance within the County’s bud- Term: 4 years RESPONSE: YES, I believe that all judicial
tax increase. The team of Ott, Mazziotti, get must be addressed in order to avoid a
future tax increase. Since most of our real Republican offices in Pennsylvania should be filled by
Scheller and Najarian will end Republican
estate tax dollars go to cover wages and merit selection. It also makes logical
benefits for County employees, I plan to Vote for one sense that as a part of this merit selection
LISA SCHELLER work to make sure that they are compen- process that the office of magisterial
sated at a level consistent with the tax- ANDY ROMAN district judge like all other judicial offices
www.votelisascheller.org payers who pay the bills for the County. should be limited to persons who are
D.O.B.: 1959 attorneys. The person holding any judicial
EDUCATION: B.A. Math – University of DAVID C. NAJARIAN Vote for one office should be the most qualified person
Colorado; M.S. Manufacturing Systems Lynn Township not the person who has spent the most
Engineering – Lehigh University. http://mylehighcounty.org RONALD W. ROSSI money.
OCCUPATION: President & CEO, Silber- D.O.B.: 1963
line. EDUCATION: Widener University School
QUALIFICATIONS: President & CEO Sil- of Law, JD, 2000; DeSales University, MBA,
EDUCATION: L.E. Dieruff High School;

berline, 14 years successful leadership of 1996; DeSales University, BS-CS 1989.

Term: 4 years DeSales University, B.A Degree Criminal
international family business; Athena OCCUPATION: Attorney, Law Offices of
David C. Najarian. Justice; Dept. of Justice FBI National
Award 1999; Cedar Crest Trustee, 6 years; Academy; Northwestern University
QUALIFICATIONS: Lynn Township Su- Republican
Aluminum Association Executive Board; School Police Staff and Command.
Past Treasurer of the Jewish Day School; pervisor, 2006 to Present; Assistant Solici-
tor, Upper Saucon Township, 2008-2010; Vote for one OCCUPATION: Magisterial District Judge,
Courageous, Committed, Outspoken.
Assistant Solicitor, Borough of Catasau- District 31-1-04.
RESPONSE: Dean Browning’s (R Chair of No candidates
qua, 2008-2010; Assistant Solicitor, Wash- QUALIFICATIONS: As a Magisterial Dis-
the Commissioners) vote with the Demo-
ington Township Zoning Hearing Board, trict Judge I preside over civil cases up to
crats in October 2010 secured a 16% tax Democrat
increase, which I view as unnecessary. As 2008. $12,000, summary trials for minor criminal
Commissioner, I will oppose raising taxes RESPONSE: After another double-digit Vote for one and traffic violations, and hearings for
and will work to roll back the increase. New tax increase, Lehigh County clearly needs felony and misdemeanor court cases. I
spending will be restrained. I will also in- fiscal responsibility and transparency. I am ANDREA NAUGLE advise the accused of their rights during a

crease financial transparency by publishing one of the only candidates that actually preliminary arraignment and set their bail.
the county checkbook and having dis- reduced taxes. In Lynn Township, we re- I issue Emergency Protection From Abuse
closures on no-bid contracts, contribu- duced property taxes by 24%, yet again CORONER Orders (PFAs) to victims. During my 30
tions to officials, etc. I stand for fiscal re- ended the year with a surplus. Lynn Town- year police career ending as Assistant
Term: 4 years
sponsibility and taxpayer accountability. ship’s open records policy, which I helped Chief, I helped develop training for police
draft, provides more transparency then officers’ response to domestic violence
even the State law requires. I will bring real Republican
MIKE WELSH incidents. I teach Constitutional Law at
Allentown fiscal responsibility and meaningful trans- the Allentown Police Academy.
parency to Lehigh County. Vote for one
http://friendsofmikewelsh.com RESPONSE: The election of statewide
D.O.B.: 1962 No candidates judges should remain with the voters of
EDUCATION: B.A. Business Management Democrat
Pennsylvania. It is important to allow the
DeSales University 1985. Democrat
Vote for not more than 4 voters to determine who represents
OCCUPATION: Independent Insurance them, including those in the judicial
Agent. Vote for one
GEOFFREY S. BRACE branch of government.
QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Self Employed Inde-
pendent Insurance Agent; 2. Board Presi- DENNIS L. PEARSON SCOTT M. GRIM
dent, Liberty Bell Shrine Museum; 3. Mem- GLORIA HAMM DISTRICT 31-1-05
ber, West Park Civic Association; 4. Candi- TIMOTHY S. WAITKUS Allentown Wards 14, 15. Catasauqua Bor-
4 ough and Hanover Township
Lehigh County ELECTION 2011
Republican/Democrat and control the selection of our Judges. Township Slatington Borough, Heidelberg, Lynn and
Our Judges should be Judges of the peo- Washington Townships
(cross-filed) ple and for the people, and not the results Republican/Democrat
Vote for one of partisan political paybacks. Republican/Democrat
MICHAEL D. D’AMORE DISTRICT 31-1-06 Vote for one (cross-filed)
Allentown Vote for one
D.O.B.: 1969 Bethlehem Wards 10, 11, 12, 13 LINDA J. MINGER
EDUCATION: Ph.D. in Political Science - Salisbury Twp. ANGELIQUE PAPAY
Univ. of Massachusetts-Amherst (2009), Republican/Democrat D.O.B.: 1954 Slatington
M.A. Univ. of Vermont (1998), B.A. Moravi- EDUCATION: Salisbury High School, 1972; Facebook: “Angelique-Papay-for-Magis-
an College (1992), Dieruff H.S. (1987). (cross-filed) LCCC, 1974; additional studies at Kutz- terial-District-Judge”
OCCUPATION: Assistant Professor. Vote for one town University and DeSales University. D.O.B.: 1982
QUALIFICATIONS: Earned doctorate in OCCUPATION: Salisbury Township Treas- EDUCATION: Northern Lehigh - 2000;
Political Science with a specialty in Public JUSTIN R. SERFASS urer. B.A. Double Major- Political Science &
Law, graduate study in judicial decision www.serfassforjudge.com QUALIFICATIONS: Township Treasurer, Communication from East Stroudsburg
making, taught Constitutional Law, Presi- D.O.B.: 1988 26 years; Community youth and athletic University- 2004; J.D. from Penn State,
dent of Allentown City Council. EDUCATION: Graduate, Bangor High program coach (SYA) and leader (Girl Dickinson School of Law
RESPONSE: I believe that state-level School, High Honors; B.A. Moravian Col- Scouts); Salisbury Athletic Booster Club OCCUPATION: Current Occupation: Re-
appellate judges should be chosen by a lege, Sociology Pre-Law, German, Honors; Treasurer; Bethlehem Catholic Booster search Intern @ Lehigh University working
merit process. However, I firmly believe Certification for MDJ minor Judiciary Club Secretary; Served my Church in with adults with autism - conducting
that judges at the magisterial level should Education Board, 2010. many capacities, one being a council research on teaching, transitioning, and
remain elected by their neighbors. Magis- OCCUPATION: none provided. member; Awarded the Jack Pressman job coaching.
terial judges must be knowledgeable of QUALIFICATIONS: Internship, Court of Memorial Award for service to my com- QUALIFICATIONS: Northern Lehigh
prevailing community concerns and con- Common Pleas; Top MDJ first time test munity/// School Board -2004, Law School Gradu-
sider the impact their decisions have on score; various scholastic achievement RESPONSE: Yes, I would support this ate. Native of district.
the immediate neighborhood. The best and leadership awards in college and measure. Because of the potential lon- RESPONSE: Yes, judges should be chosen
way to ensure the administration of jus- community; Republican Committee, 1 gevity of the decisions of the statewide based on merit. Education and experi-
tice with respect to community interests year. Appellate Courts we must ensure that ence pertaining to the law and the legal
is to continue the practice of electing RESPONSE: Merit selection would defeat these decisions are made in the most system should be the top priority for
magisterial district judges. the purpose of allowing Pennsylvania impartial way possible. The best way to judges. Being legally correct, and having
WENDY G. BRANTLEY citizens’ right to be heard through an accomplish this goal is to remove money the integrity to carry out the law, is more
Allentown election. Any person who meets the re- from the process. However, I feel that important than popularity or the amount
D.O.B.: 1959 quirements set forth by the State Consti- Common Pleas and Magisterial District of money a candidate has for campaign-
EDUCATION: Graduated Dieruff High tution for a judicial office can appear on Judges should remain elected. These are ing.
School, 1977; Attended Florida A&M Uni- the ballot which is how public offices are the people’s courts; the voters are the VINCENT A. STAHL
versity and East Stroudsburg University. meant to be filled. Merit appointments best way to select these jurists. No response
OCCUPATION: I am a full time Deputy would equate to partisan control of an MICHAEL J. POCHRON
Coroner and Part time Police officer for office meant to be impartial. Currently, Salisbury Twp. ROD R. BECK
Catasauqua Police Department. the amount of money spent cannot ulti- D.O.B.: 1955 D.O.B.: 1952
QUALIFICATIONS: Allentown Police mately determine a judicial candidate’s EDUCATION: Graduated Salisbury High EDUCATION: Successfully completed the
officer of 17 years; handling search war- outcome. School 1973; B.S. East Stroudsburg Univer- Certification course and attended yearly
rants, solving landlord tenant disputes Democrat sity 1977. continuing education courses as mandat-
and community concerns. Award for OCCUPATION: Acting Chief of Police ed for Magisterial District Judges.
service to Community by Human Rela- Vote for one DeSales University. OCCUPATION: Magisterial District Judge


tions Commission, Lehigh County Kiwanis QUALIFICATIONS: Salisbury Township serving Lynn, Heidelberg and Washington
and Neighborhood Watch. WAYNE MAURA Police Officer, 29 years. Completed Mag- Townships and the Borough of Slatington.
RESPONSE: No. Even though the people FaceBook: Re-Elect Wayne Maura District isterial District Judge certification course. QUALIFICATIONS: For the past 6 years, I
pick a Representative in the beginning, Judge RESPONSE: I would support a constitu- have performed the duties of this office
the final vote and say are taken away from D.O.B.: 1954 tional amendment that would make with the dignity, respect, fairness and
the voters. Let the Governor put a cap on EDUCATION: Supreme Court of Com- qualifications the determining factor in impartiality this office requires, I believe
how much should be spent, let the people monwealth of Pennsylvania Minor Judici- selecting judges and remove the influence my even temperament and ability to listen
vote. ary Education Board–Certified 1999. of campaign contributions. I would sup- intently to the facts makes me an excel-
CHRISTOPHER W. GITTINGER OCCUPATION: Magisterial District Judge. port an amendment where the public lent candidate for this position.
Allentown QUALIFICATIONS: Completing six years would vote in non-partisan retention RESPONSE: No comment.


D.O.B.: 1959 as Magisterial District Judge. Have been re elections. This way people would still have
EDUCATION: B.A. Tufts University, 1981; certified each of the last six years. Han- the right to choose who makes the deci- DISCTRICT 31-3-02
J.D. Dickinson School of Law, 1984. dling current caseload of approximately sions that affect their lives. This way Alburtis Borough, Lower Macungie, Upper
OCCUPATION: Attorney. 5,000 cases annually. Lifelong resident of judges would be accountable for their Macungie and Weisenberg Townships
QUALIFICATIONS: Attorney since 1984 my District. I know the values and con- decisions. Voters could still express their
with 27 years courtroom experience. cerns of West Bethlehem residents. will through judicial retention elections. Republican/Democrat
Honored to represent thousands of cli- RESPONSE: Assuming there is this public
ents: police officers, firefighters, Allen- concern as the question states, I would be DISTRICT 31-2-03 (cross-filed)
town and other municipalities, landlords – willing to look at the process of merit Emmaus and Macungie Boroughs, Upper Vote for one
big and small, tenants, teachers, doctors, selection. Obviously, many details of that Milford Township
husbands, wives and children, insurance process would have to be clarified. The MICHAEL FAULKNER
companies, non-profits and neighbors political nature of running for office is in Republican/Democrat Lower Macungie Twp.
just like you. direct conflict with the prohibition of any D.O.B.: 1968
RESPONSE: No. “Merit selection” is often political activity except for the year in (cross-filed) EDUCATION: Louis E. Dieruff 1986; B.S.
a misnomer. The difference is not how which we seek office. It appears to be Vote for one Criminal Justice, Shippensburg University
much money is spent, but where and how getting more partisan and therefore likely 1990; Allentown Police Academy, May
that money is spent. Our strict campaign to get more costly. DONNA R. BUTLER 1991; Pa. State Certification for Magisterial
finance reporting laws protect us and the District Judge, March 2010.
integrity of the electoral process. We DISTRICT 31-1-08 OCCUPATION: Sergeant, Allentown Po-
should retain the right to participate in DISTRICT 31-3-01 lice Department Vice & Intelligence Unit. 5
Fountain Hill Borough and Salisbury
ELECTION 2011 Lehigh County
QUALIFICATIONS: Allentown Police Dept judges statewide in the same manner Planning Commission, 2 years. Member, Term: 4 years
1991-present. Pa State Certified to per- that the Federal Judges are seated. This Allentown Blight Commission. Member,
form Duties of a Magisterial District does not give the people any voice in Mayor’s 2009 Blue Ribbon financial recov- Republican
Judge. Testified and presented evidence judiciary./// ery committee.
in thousands of court cases. 2008 Police RESPONSE: Apply cutting edge ideas Vote for one
officer of the year, Allentown PD. Over that work in other cities around the coun-
eleven hundred Criminal arrests. Four try. Improve Allentown’s visual appeal and No candidates
bravery, 7 merit commendations, Allen- CITIES infrastructure. Unify city’s ethnic groups,
town Police Dept. One (1) Commendation working with representative neighbor- Democrat
County of Lehigh. // hood groups. Promote Allentown’s ap-
RESPONSE: I would support an amend- CITY OF ALLENTOWN peal/potential to outside businesses/ Vote for one
ment to the Pa. constitution to change investors. Roll back recent 40% increase
the method of electing judges in state- Candidates were asked: What do you in city’s local income tax, to 1%. Thorough KAIJA L. FARBER
wide races. I believe it is hard for the aver- view as the major issue in this campaign review of city’s budget, staffing & payroll.
age person to sort though the informa- and how will you address it? Faster deadlines and fairer bidding on all CITY COUNCIL
tion presented by the candidates without city construction contracts. Elimination of
any first hand knowledge of the candi- CITY COUNCIL all drug gangs. Merge cities of Allentown Term: 4 years
date. I believe that local judicial races and Bethlehem.
should be kept in the hands of local Term: 4 years Republican
RONALD CLEVER Republican D.O.B.: 1944 Vote for not more than three
Lower Macungie Twp. EDUCATION: Muhlenberg, B.A.; Kutz-
www.CleverForJudge.com Vote for not more than three town, M.A. AL BERNOTAS
D.O.B.: 1958 OCCUPATION: Muhlenberg College, No response
EDUCATION: Dieruff H.S., 1976. Muhlen- STEVEN RAMOS Program Coordinator. Allentown Council-
berg College (Phi Beta Kappa, Honors in ERIC WEISS woman. TOM CARROLL
American Studies & Political Science, BOB TOTH QUALIFICATIONS: Vice-President, Data- www.carrollforcouncil.webs.com
1980). Duke University Law School (with Sys Technologies; Spanish/ESOL teacher, D.O.B.: 1962
Honors, 1983). Annual lawyer and con- Democrat Salisbury; Allentown School Board Direc- EDUCATION: 1980 – LaQuintas HS; 1984
stable training. tor/Co-chair education committee; Re- – Penn State, BA; 1988 – Catholic Univer-
OCCUPATION: Lawyer and Constable. Vote for not more than three cipient: Medal of Freedom, Central Catho- sity of America, Juris Doctorate.
QUALIFICATIONS: Lawyer, 27 years. lic High School; Raoul Wallenberg Inter- OCCUPATION: Attorney.
Constable, 13 years. Member, Public Safe- PETER G. SCHWEYER faith Award, Muhlenberg College; Service QUALIFICATIONS: Self employed for 16
ty Commission and EPSD Task Force www.peterschweyer.com above Self Award, Allentown Rotary; years; served the citizens of Montgomery
(former). Court-Appointed Arbitrator, 26 D.O.B.: 1978 Athena Award, Chamber of Commerce; and Northampton counties as a prose-
years. EDUCATION: Education: Pennsylvania Humanitarian Award, B’nai Brith. cutor for 6 years; served as president and
RESPONSE: Your local Magisterial Dis- State University, B.A. Political Science, RESPONSE: I recognize the importance legal counsel of a national fraternity.
trict Judge serves your local neighbor- 2000; CCHS Graduate; 1996. of a welcoming tax and regulatory envi- RESPONSE: Bethlehem has over $300
hood. Our neighborhood is 5 townships/ OCCUPATION: Chief of Staff, Rep. Jenni- ronment to attracting and maintaining million of debt. The deficit for the last
boroughs. Local citizens have the right to fer Mann; Vice Pres, City Council. businesses. Strong businesses are the three years is over $12 million. At the same
exercise their democratic rights, and elect QUALIFICATIONS: Born and raised in lifeline of a community. Crime and the time there is a lot of waste. The Mayor
their local Magisterial District Judge. It’s Allentown; Chairman LANTA Board of fear of crime are impediments to busi- and Department heads continue to drive
different for statewide judges: it’s difficult Directors; Elected Vice President of Coun- ness activities and quality of life. Balanc- city cars at the taxpayers expense as an
to learn about statewide judge candi- cil; Chairman of Blighted Property Review ing the budget and identifying novel ways example. They promised a tax cut when
dates. We should amend our Pennsylvania

Board; Former Leg Asst for Rep. Samuel- to deliver property tax relief are important the casino was brought in. Spending must
Constitution to require that judges must son and Sen. Boscola. towards achieving fiscal responsibility. To be cut and taxes lowered. Essential city
be lawyers, and then use “merit selection” RESPONSE: We must focus on protect- maintain the residential base and busi- services will not be cut, only waste and
for STATEWIDE judges. However, let’s use ing and strengthening our neighborhoods nesses, improve the educational level of unnecessary spending.
“voters’ election” on the LOCAL level. by fighting slumlords, promoting home- our work force through support of
KATHLEEN PALMER ownership and combating all types of schools. ANTONIO A. SIMAO
Alburtis crime. I wrote Allentown’s groundbreaking www.simaoforcouncil.com
D.O.B.: 1960 law that forces landlords to evict tenants CYNTHIA Y. MOTA Bethlehem
EDUCATION: Emmaus High School Grad- who are convicted of a drug offense. I No response D.O.B.: 1976
uate - 1978; Penn State Paralegal Program authored Allentown’s comprehensive EDUCATION: Freedom High School –
– 1993. anti-graffiti law, which is now one of the CITY CONTROLLER 1995; Bethlehem Vo-Tech, Northampton
OCCUPATION: Executive Secretary – toughest in the state. I will work with our Community College, Bloomsburg Univer-
Lehigh County Public Defenders Office. neighborhood groups, police department Term: 4 years sity.

QUALIFICATIONS: Alburtis Borough and appropriate city agencies to target OCCUPATION: Client Advocate – Aetna
Council, Vice President (6 years); 28 years our worst slumlords and combat blight. Republican Insurance Co.
of legal experience, civil, criminal, land- QUALIFICATIONS: General Manager for
lord/tenant, municipal, traffic, Federal; FRANK CONCANNON Vote for one small businesses, former Marine, Inspec-
Impact Panel Project for Juvenile Offend- No response tor of Elections, Judge of Elections, Board
ers; Handled thousands of matters before LOUIS J. HERSHMAN member of South Bethlehem Historical
the Magisterial District Judges of Lehigh, JOHN INGRAM Society.
Northampton, Carbon, and Berks coun- www.ingramforcitycouncil.com Democrat RESPONSE: The residents of Bethlehem
ties. D.O.B.: 1949 are on the brink when it comes to fi-
RESPONSE: No I would not support an EDUCATION: BA, Geography, Penn State, Vote for one nances. I feel that $350 million worth of
amendment to the PA Constitution for 1971; BA, Political Science, Penn State, 1971; debt, higher taxes, and a complete lack of
the merit selection process. If they were Master of City & Regional Planning, Rut- MARY ELLEN KOVAL oversight of the Administration is in-
to change the process of judicial elections gers, 1975. excuseable. Small business, not govern-
it would take away to voting right of the OCCUPATION: President, Ingram Real ment is the backbone of our community.
people. The people elect the judges to the CITY OF BETHLEHEM
Estate Group – Commercial real estate Economic growth can be achieved by
bench based on their moral and ethical valuation, consulting, management & lowering taxes on property and busi-
standards. If the Constitution were to be investments. nesses so money which is saved can be
6 changed we would simply be seating TREASURER
QUALIFICATIONS: Member, Allentown invested back into the community and job
Lehigh County ELECTION 2011
creation. ough for many years is a need for a fire No candidates railtrail that help the value of life to be its
station. I intend to keep working toward highest, so we can be proud to live in Co-
CHARLES J. TOMMOR that goal with the best interest of the Democrat play.
No response taxpayers in mind. I will continue to in-
vestigate and evaluate opportunities to Vote for not more than four EMMAUS
Democrat increase revenue and hold back expendi-
tures in the borough. With vision we can DAVID SCOTT ROYER
Vote for not more than three make a proactive plan to grow our bor- D.O.B.: 1961 COUNCIL
ough and replace revenue we have lost on EDUCATION: Whitehall-Coplay High
J. WILLIAM REYNOLDS properties acquired by the airport. School, 1979. Term: 4 years
D.O.B.: 1979 (current) – 4 yrs.; Ironton Rail Trail Com-
EDUCATION: Catasauqua High School, mission (alternative member ) – 4 yrs. Vote for not more than four
BOROUGHS 1997; University of the Arts, BFA, 2002; RESPONSE: Continue to serve and plan
Scott-White Real Estate Institute, 2004; for the future needs of the Borough’s NATHAN BROWN
Candidates were asked: What do you Cedar Crest College. residents. Repaving/Reconstruction of LEE ANN GILBERT
view as the major issue in this campaign OCCUPATION: Full-time mom; Ballet streets and Upgrades to Public Properties GIOVANNI LANDI
and how will you address it? Teacher; Jewelry Consultant; Real-Estate and Recreational Areas.
Investor. Democrat
Borough Councilwoman in 2007; Chair- D.O.B.: 1962 Vote for not more than four
woman, Recreation Committee, 4 years; EDUCATION: Graduate, Northampton
COUNCIL General Government, Public Utilities, High School, 1980. JOHN DONCHES
Public Works, George Taylor House, and J4 OCCUPATION: Self employed, Mann’s BRIAN HOLTZHAFER
Term: 4 years Committees. Auto Service LLC – 28 yrs.
RESPONSE: We have two major issues: QUALIFICATIONS: Councilman, Borough FOUNTAIN HILL
Republican (1) the need to provide proper housing of of Coplay – 38 months; Council President
updated emergency service equipment. – 27 months; Member of Consistory Trin-
Vote for not more than four This will ensure that our borough resi- ity UCC, – 10 yrs.; President of Consistory MAYOR
dents have the emergency services when Trinity UCC, – 5 yrs.
PEG McCORMACK they need it most. I am actively working to RESPONSE: Coplay is a great small com- Term: 2 years
CATHY MOYER address this urgent need. (2) The revital- munity. My focus will be to continue en-
ization of businesses and economic de- hancing the quality of life within the Bor- Republican
Democrat velopment within the Borough. As Coun- ough.
cilwoman, with vision to our future, I am Vote for one
Vote for not more than four working to stimulate new business devel- BILL LEINER JR.
opment and keep the vital businesses we No response CAROLEE GIFFORD
CATASAUQUA No response EDUCATION: Graduate of Whitehall High Vote for one
School(1995) B.S. Business Adminstration
GLENN SCHLEGEL from Centenary College (2000). JOSE ROSADO
COUNCIL No response OCCUPATION: Legislative Aide for State D.O.B.: 1963


Representative Joseph Brennan. Fresh- EDUCATION: B.A. Sociology/Criminal
Term: 4 years COOPERSBURG man boys basketball coach Freedom High Justice Administration, East Stroudsburg
School. University, 1986; M.Ed. Counseling, Lehigh
Republican QUALIFICATIONS: On the board of direc- University ,1992; Principal Certification,
COUNCIL tors for Coplay Recreation And Welfare Indiana University of PA, 1995.
Vote for not more than four Association. Legislative Aide for State OCCUPATION: Director of Community &
Term: 4 years Representative Joesph Brennan. Student Services / Principal Allentown
ROBERT ZAKOS JR. RESPONSE: With the changing economy, School District.
DAVID MOLONY Republican I feel it is more important than ever to QUALIFICATIONS: 1) B.A. Sociology/
EUGENE H. SCHLEGEL work together with neighboring munici- Criminal Justice Administration; 2) 15


BRIAN K. McKITTRICK Vote for not more than four palities on joint matters that could bene- years administrative experience – Re-
fit the town and its people. Another issue I sponsibilities include: Supervision/Evalu-
Democrat No candidates feel to address is the needs and concerns ation, Professional Development, Sched-
of seniors, such as working to secure uling, Budget, Accountability; 3) Commit-
Vote for not more than four Democrat senior housing in Coplay. tees Include: Bethlehem Police Depart-
ment - Community Policing Task Force . //
BRIAN BARTHOLOMEW Vote for not more than four MICHAEL T. HERTZOG RESPONSE: The primary responsibilities
No response D.O.B.: 1969 are to oversee the police department,
No candidates EDUCATION: Liberty High School, 1987. ensure public safety and to promote and
TAMMY L. CAMERON OCCUPATION: Heavy Equipment Opera- support a professional police depart-
D.O.B.: 1965 COPLAY tor, Local 542. ment. This includes supporting initiatives
EDUCATION: B.S. Business Adminis- QUALIFICATIONS: Reside in Coplay for that promote good relationships between
tration/Marketing Marywood Univer- the past 15 yrs.; interest in my town; serve law enforcement and residents such as
sity,1989; B.S. Human Resource Mgmt COUNCIL on the Zoning Board. community policing and block watch
Muhlenberg College, 2000. RESPONSE: I have lived in Coplay for groups. Fountain Hill is a family oriented
OCCUPATION: K-Factor Analyst – Petro. Term: 4 years about 15 yrs. I would like to keep the qual- community. It is important to promote
QUALIFICATIONS: Life long Catasauqua ity of life at its best by continuing to pro- public safety and a healthy community. I
resident. Vice-President Borough Council Republican vide for our seniors, adults, and children believe my qualifications and experiences
2008 - present. by utilizing the resources available to us. make me most qualified to serve as May-
RESPONSE: One major issue in our bor- Vote for not more than four Our parks, ballfields, pool, library and or. 7
ELECTION 2011 Lehigh County
FRANCIS J. FERENCIN JR. GUY RAMSEY AS-EET, 1988. zations and work has given me the tools
D.O.B.: 1941 OCCUPATION: Physical Design Engineer, to better use local tax money. “WE THE
EDUCATION: attended Bethlehem Cath- SLATINGTON LSI, 1988; Heidelberg Township Supervi- PEOPLE” face financial challenges that
olic H.S.; Veteran, US Army – 6 yrs. (1961- sor, 2006. will be satisfied by cutting unnecessary
1967), Honorable Discharge. QUALIFICATIONS: Vice Chairman, Hei- spending. We cannot rely on shrinking
OCCUPATION: Retired Steelworker. COUNCIL delberg Supervisors, 5yrs; Member/Chair- Government grant money.
QUALIFICATIONS: Served 12 yrs. for man, Heidelberg Planning Commission,
Borough of Fountain Hill; 8 yrs. on Borough Term: 4 years 5yrs; Lifelong resident of Lynn/Heidel- LOWER MACUNGIE
Council; 4 yrs. as Mayor – 1994-1998; berg, with a sincere love of the rural, farm-
Plaque for 12 yrs. of Dedicated Service to Republican ing based community we all enjoy.
the Borough. RESPONSE: Agricultural Zoning remains COMMISSIONER
RESPONSE: “Taxes and Curb Spending.” Vote for not more than four the hot issue in Heidelberg. AG ZONING
Urge my Council people to curb spending has proven to be our most effective tool in Term: 4 years
and live within our means. Upgrade the GWYNETH A. NEFF limiting the loss of our highly productive
Police Dept. and continue to put the Bor- GALEN FREED agricultural land. I support our AG ZON- Republican
ough people’s Safety and Well Being all DAVID R. SCHNAARS ING, and will work to ensure that our rural
the time at heart. Times are getting scary BOB STEETS way of life is not lost to uncontrolled de- Vote for two
and we must tighten our belts. Try to get velopment. Our future generations should
back to our motto “It’s a thrill to live in the Democrat be able to enjoy the wonderful experience JIM LANCSEK
Hill.” I served the Borough for 12 years, was of living in an area where the majority of DOUGLAS H. BROWN
Mayor for 4 of those years. Yes, I can be of Vote for not more than four land is used for farming.
service again. Democrat
DANIEL L. SELL Vote for one
Republican D.O.B.: 1923 LOWER MILFORD
EDUCATION: Hamburg Area High School,
Vote for not more than three TOWNSHIPS V.M.D. University of Pennsylvania Veteri-
nary School. SUPERVISOR
No candidates Candidates were asked: What do you OCCUPATION: Retired Veterinarian.
view as the major issue in this campaign QUALIFICATIONS: 20 year School Board Term: 6 years
Democrat and how will you address it? member, current member Environmental
Advisory Committee, member and leader Republican
Vote for not more than three HANOVER in many organizations dealing with pro-
fessional, social and environmental is- Vote for one
NORMAN E. BLATT JR. sues. Veterinary School Faculty before
FRED P. CAPUANO COUNCIL opening own practice. Federal Veterinary THEODORE ZAPACH
DOUGLAS D. TROTTER JR. Food Inspector for 12 years. D.O.B.: 1938
Term: 4 years RESPONSE: This campaign is about EDUCATION: Graduate, Southern Lehigh
COUNCIL protecting what we treasure and enjoy H.S., 1956.
Republican while cautiously and cooperatively mov- OCCUPATION: Truck Driver.
Term: 2 years ing forward. Important are water quality, QUALIFICATIONS: Served on Lower

Vote for not more than two open space, and farmland preservation. I Milford Planning Commission approxi-
Republican commit to making tough creative choices. mately 5 yrs.; I have run for office in prior
No candidates Focus on: encouraging local businesses years and have attended and spoken
Vote for one and guided development, limiting sprawl. often at public meetings.
Democrat We must look to the future: promote RESPONSE: Public services are the issue
ED STECH conservation, recycling, and more aggres- in Lower Milford. Balance the budget to
Vote for not more than two sive use of alternative energy. As we vote, support the Police Force. Contribute more
Democrat we must remember there are generations money to the Fire Co. and provide more
WILLIAM J. KOVACS SR. yet unborn who need our vote too. funding to the Limeport Stadium. Cut the
Vote for one ELEANORE N. HAYDEN funding for defense of the quarry chal-
CARL C. BREININGER lenge which I believe is a loss in challenge.
No candidates HEIDELBERG D.O.B.: 1944
EDUCATION: Northwestern High School, DONNA WRIGHT

MACUNGIE 1962. D.O.B.: 1961

QUALIFICATIONS: President NWHS agement accredited courses, township
COUNCIL Term: 6 years Booster Club, President NYAA, VP Ger- continuing education through PSATS.
mansville Fire Co., Township Auditor, OCCUPATION: Supervisor Chair, LVPC
Term: 4 years Republican Township Referendum Committee, member representing Lehigh Co.
Church Youth Group Advisor, Chairperson QUALIFICATIONS: Serving the Township
Republican Vote for one Board of Directors, Heidelberg Game since 1999 in variety of capacities; Su-
Assn., President UAW Local 677 (14 yrs.), pervisor (5 yrs), Planning Commission (5
Vote for not more than three DONALD TREXLER President Mack Truck Council (10yrs.), yrs) Township Fall Festival (9 yrs), R&O
No response President Pennsylvania Community Ac- Board (5yrs), Zoning Hearing Board (5
GREGORY A. HUTCHINSON tion Program. yrs). LVPC member (2yrs).
DEBRA A. COPE Facebook: “ElectSteveBachman” PLE”. Doing the right thing for all people is of spending and keeping a workable bud-
D.O.B.: 1965 paramount. Having always lived in this get that complies with responsible Emer-
Democrat EDUCATION: Graduate, Northwestern rural community, I want to preserve this gency Services, improvement to infra-
HS 1983; Graduate, Fort McClellan Military heritage for generations to come. My structure as well as Government Man-
8 Vote for not more than three Police Academy, 1984; Graduate, LCCC, financial experience in numerous organi- dates. As Supervisor I will continue to be
Lehigh County ELECTION 2011
vigilant managing rising costs while re- LOWHILL and sound financial management – free- Supervisor for twelve years which affords
sponding to resident needs including ly! me with the invaluable experience to be
successfully continuing road/bridge re- effective. I have helped to build parks and
pairs, keeping residents safe with Police SUPERVISOR BRUCE STETTLER walking trails for children and adults.
and Ambulance coverage, supporting the D.O.B.: 1942
Fire Department and upholding our rural Term: 6 years EDUCATION: Graduated ALLENTOWN TERRY A. SCHAFFER
Heritage and lifestyle through thoughtful HIGH SCHOOL 1959; Attended PENN No response
and sustainable Planning. Republican STATE EXTENSION 1959-1961.
Democrat Vote for one rental building.
QUALIFICATIONS: Resident of North
Vote for one RICHARD B. HUGHES Whitehall since 1989. Worked in North COMMISSIONER 1ST WARD
Whitehall since 1959 as carpenter, builder,
No candidates Democrat and developer. Was President of NKI Term: 4 years
Builders, Schnecksville from 1977 to 1994.
SUPERVISOR Vote for one Have been serving on the NW Planning Republican
Commission since 1992. I am fiscally con-
Term: 2 years No candidates servative. Vote for one
RESPONSE: I don’t see any major issues.
Republican LYNN Most residents are happy with the quality No candidates
of life in North Whitehall Township. I sup-
Vote for one port hiring a township manager, and Democrat
SUPERVISOR electing non-working supervisors. Open
JEFF TAPLER space is important, as well as recreational Vote for one
www.TLM2011.com Term: 6 years facilities. I support voluntary farmland
D.O.B.: 1961 preservation, only as far as funding is ROBERT MARTUCCI
EDUCATION: Emmaus High School, 1980; Republican available. The State needs incentive and a
Allentown Police Academy, 1984; Temple push to improve and update the roads COMMISSIONER 3RD WARD
University – on-going classes. Vote for one that they are responsible for.
OCCUPATION: Business Owner, Emer- Term: 4 years
gency coordinator (Local EMC). JUSTIN N. SMITH STEVE PANY
QUALIFICATIONS: Public Emergency D.O.B.: 1957 Republican
Services for 27 yrs. – started my own Democrat EDUCATION: Graduate Parkland High
business; Police Officer; Emergency Local School 1975; BSCE Lehigh University 1979; Vote for one
Manager Fire Dept.; EMS Service – Dis- Vote for one MSCE Lehigh University 1982.
patcher. OCCUPATION: Civil Engineer. DEBRA BRINTON
RESPONSE: Where are emergency serv- SCOTT FEINOUR QUALIFICATIONS: Civil Engineer with 32
ices going? Public roads not being main- years experience including Land Devel- Democrat
tained during bad weather. Schools can’t NORTH WHITEHALL opment, Zoning Appeals, Building Design,
operate and residents have a hard time Permitting and Construction Observation Vote for one
leaving for and getting home from work. and a life long township resident familiar
Issue with TST monies being spent SUPERVISOR with all aspects of the community. COMMISSIONER 5TH WARD
($1,533,010). Limeport Sewage System RESPONSE: The 50% tax increase for
legal fees (581,364) all since 2005-to Jan. Term: 6 years 2011 is troubling. Development is stagnant Term: 4 years
2011. Present Supervisors violating Sun- and small business in the community can


shine Laws. Republican not expand due to costly permitting re- Republican
quirements and fees. The continued pur-
MIKE SNOVITCH Vote for one chasing land to be used for parks, cost Vote for one
D.O.B.: 1946 overruns on municipal projects, and long
EDUCATION: Bachelor Degree in School CHRISTOPHER E. MOAKLEY term debt liabilities are significantly erod- JOANNE C. ACKERMAN
of Engineering from Penn State; Masters www.voteformoakley.com ing the township’s financial base. I sup- D.O.B.: 1946
Degree in School of Engineering from D.O.B.: 1956 port spending for essential services, and EDUCATION: 1964 Graduated from Wil-
Lehigh University; Graduate of Columbia EDUCATION: Bachelors in Business Ad- infrastructure maintenance only and liam Allen High School. Certified from
University Executive Program; Attended ministration from Kutztown University; becoming more fiscally responsible and ECPI Computer School in Whitehall, PA.
Penn State Financial Knowledge for Ex- HR Management from Cornell University; “permit friendly.” OCCUPATION: Retired from Specialty


ecutives Program; Professional Engineer. MBA in Management from DeSales Uni- Pharmaceutical Sales.
OCCUPATION: Executive Director of a versity. Earned SPHR (Senior Professional Democrat QUALIFICATIONS: 15 months Salisbury
Washington D.C. based shipper organiza- in Human Resources) Designation. Township 5th Ward Commissioner. Presi-
tion. OCCUPATION: Human Resource Profes- Vote for one dent of Celebration of Life. This organiza-
QUALIFICATIONS: Currently Township sional. tion gave financial assistance to cancer
Supervisor; Planning Commission Mem- QUALIFICATIONS: As a leader I will VOL- TERRY STOUDT patients. Past President of Cedar Luther-
ber 25 years and Chairman for 15 years. UNTEER my time and talent to make D.O.B.: 1938 an Church Council.
RESPONSE: Continue fiscal respon- North Whitehall Township a first class EDUCATION: Graduate, Slatington High RESPONSE: The major issues in this
sibility without the need to raise taxes and place to live. School, 1956; Philadelphia School of Bar- campaign is going to be developing a
maintain the rural character of the town- RESPONSE: I wish to restore sound fiscal ber, 1957. comprehensive plan that would insure
ship. This will be done by enforcing strict management to North Whitehall for all OCCUPATION: Part-time Barber. protection of South Mountain Water
budget controls and using resources residents, not a chosen few. We choose QUALIFICATIONS: Township Supervisor, Shed. Review the budget with the goal of
efficiently without any duplication. not to tolerate self-serving government 12 years; Awards from PSCACS. preventing tax increase. Maintaining the
any longer. Our supervisor’s first order of RESPONSE: It is my intention to run for integrity of existing neighborhoods and
Democrat business was to vote themselves posi- Township Supervisor as a working Su- insure that the people of the township
tions as employees of the township, at full pervisor. I believe in order to manage and have a public voice on decisions that
Vote for one salaries and benefits, while borrowing conduct Township business affairs prop- affect their lives.
over $6,000,000 for capital projects with erly, it is essential to work there. Conse-
No candidates a variable rate loan whose interest rate quently, this would eliminate the position MATTHEW SICKONIC
can only go up. I offer fiscal responsibility of a manager. I was previously Township D.O.B.: not provided 9
ELECTION 2011 Lehigh County
EDUCATION: Allentown Central Catholic specialty in forensic (investigative) ac- DAVID BOND ding Chair IEEE 802.18 and IEEE 802.22;
2004. B.S. in Public Administration, Minor counting. Also own alarm/security com- www.VoteForBond.com Member IEEE 802 Executive Committee;
in Criminal Justice from Kutztown Univer- pany. D.O.B.: 1964 Member, US Delegation to the World
sity. QUALIFICATIONS: SWT Zoning Hearing EDUCATION: Mississippi State University Radiocommunications Conference 2003;
OCCUPATION: District Aide for State Board for 6+ years, CPA expert in fi- 1986, B.B.A. Marketing. Named to the 2005 Scientific American
Representative Marcia Hahn. nances, expert in crime prevention and OCCUPATION: Bon-Ton Stores, Divisional 50 as a Policy Leader.
QUALIFICATIONS: A degree in Public fire protection. Vice President of Transportation. Cetronia RESPONSE: The sole legitimate purpose
Administration that included classes such RESPONSE: As Commissioner, and with Ambulance & Northwestern Ambulance of government is to protect our rights. I
as, Public Administration, Planning and 29 years fo CPA experience, I will insure a Emergency Medical Technician. am a big believer in freedom, individual
Decision Making, Public Policy Making, balanced budget that redirects and allo- QUALIFICATIONS: My community in- rights, personal responsibility and ac-
and Public Budgeting and Fiscal Manage- cates tax dollars to our police and fire volvement and business experience has countability. Upper Milford Township
ment. departments and away from areas of past prepared me for Commissioner. My expe- needs to be returned to a “leave the peo-
RESPONSE: The biggest issue is past waste and overspending. Our police and rience in logistics, human resources, ple alone in peace” mentality. It’s time to
reliance on reserve funds. I understand fire departments will be fully staffed and budgets, and operations are skills that will put property rights, freedom, common
that there is going to be times in which a trained with the latest and best crime benefit our community. sense, and financial responsibility back
dip into the reserve fund is needed. But prevention and fire protection equipment RESPONSE: The residents and busi- into township government and SERVE the
what happens when the reserves dry up? necessary to protect and keep our com- nesses of South Whitehall deserve Com- people rather than RULE them, and that’s
I plan to keep Salisbury Township fiscally munity safe. More info at: www.glenn- missioners who are engaged in the proc- what I intend to do if elected.
discipline by using our resources on ne- blockcpa.com ess. They want to be able have their Com-
cessities, while keeping a watchful, con- missioners listen to their issues and repre- JOHN ZGURA
servative eye on the townships reserve BRIAN HITE sent them fairly and in a responsible D.O.B.: 1969
funds. www.brianhite.com manner. I believe strongly in team re- EDUCATION: Emmaus High School 1987.
D.O.B.: 1970 lationships and in collaborative thinking OCCUPATION: Vice President: Zgura’s
Democrat EDUCATION: Graduate of Parkland when solving problems. These skills, cou- Concrete Services Inc.
School District, 1988; Business Logistics pled with my desire to listen and learn QUALIFICATIONS: Township Resident
Vote for one Management Certification, Penn State from our residents, will benefit us in mak- for 42 Years / Vice President of Zgura’s
University, 2004. ing the right decisions on the Board of Concrete Services Inc.
No candidates OCCUPATION: Heavy Truck Technician; Commissioners. RESPONSE: A balanced budget is the
Business Logistics. most important issue of today in balanc-
SOUTH WHITEHALL QUALIFICATIONS: South Whitehall Democrat ing the budget you have to work it as a
Township Planning Commission Member, business. If the money is not there, it is
1 year; South Whitehall Environmental Vote for not more than three not there, you have to cut some items to
COMMISSIONER Advisory Council Member, 3 years; Crime make the budget work, you don’t spend
Watch Member, 2 years; Born and Raised No candidates money you don’t have or raise taxes to
Term: 4 years in South Whitehall, 3rd Generation Resi- take the easy way out. Spend what you
dent. UPPER MACUNGIE can afford and only spend what you have
Republican RESPONSE: South Whitehall has not had budgeted.
a tax increase in 23 years, I am committed
Vote for not more than three to ensuring that pattern of financial re- SUPERVISOR Democrat
sponsibility continues while also main-
R. A. RODRIGUEZ taining all provided services and improv- Term: 6 years Vote for one
D.O.B.: not provided. ing financial oversight through honesty,
EDUCATION: BS in EE from Penn State; accountability and transparency. I pledge Republican STEVEN ACKERMAN
MS in Metallurgical Engineering from to make sure that the Township Fire Com- http://sites.google.com./site/steveacker-

Lehigh. panies and Police always have the best Vote for one man4supervisor/
OCCUPATION: Retired Senior Engineer equipment, training and support possible. D.O.B.: 1966
from Computer Manufacturing Group at I will work to improve communication, KATHY RADER EDUCATION: graduate Emmaus High
Lucent Technologies. information and problem solving involving School, 1984; Project Management Acad-
QUALIFICATIONS: 16 years Township residents and businesses with Township Democrat emy, National Center for Construction
Commissioner; 12 years Planning Com- concerns. Education & Research (Clemson Univer-
mission Chair; President Citizens Advisory Vote for one sity), 2008.
Council to the Parkland School Board; DALE DAUBERT OCCUPATION: Public Works Coordinator.
President, Treasurer, and Member of D.O.B.: 1930 JOSEPH J. CORCORAN QUALIFICATIONS: Township Supervisor,
Council at Nativity Lutheran Church. EDUCATION: Graduate, South Whitehall 5 years (Chairman 3-1/2 years); Township
RESPONSE: The principal short term H. S., U.S. Army Veteran – 2nd Armored UPPER MILFORD Zoning/Codes Enforcement Officer, 2
issue facing the township is implementing Division. years; Township Building Official/Inspec-
the Comprehensive Plan developed in OCCUPATION: Retired Lehigh County SUPERVISOR tor, 2 years; Township Public Works Coor-

2009. The important issues are the lack Administrator. Term: 6 years dinator, 1-1/2 years.
of infrastructure to support development: QUALIFICATIONS: Township Commis- RESPONSE: The negative affect the slow
water, sewers, and roads. The principal sioner, 22 yrs.; Parkland School Director, 18 Republican economy is having on the municipal bud-
long term issue facing SWT is maintaining yrs.; Lehigh County Administrator, 21 yrs. get. Declining earned income tax rev-
the quality of life in a community that is RESPONSE: The major issue remains the Vote for one enues & State funding cutbacks are key
changing from rural to suburban. This same as 22 years ago. When I sought my factors. Revenues decreased, while popu-
requires managing the activities of devel- first term…. and that is to provide and CARL R. STEVENSON lation, demand for services, & State man-
opers to limit their impact upon residents improve municipal services to our citi- www.vote4carl.org dated services increased. I will continue to
and upon the tax rates. zenry without increasing taxes. I do be- D.O.B.: 1950 strive to find the means within our budget
lieve that I have been a substantial force EDUCATION: Toronto HS, 1967; College of to maintain current basic levels of service
GLENN BLOCK in making this a reality, and if re-elected, Steubenville, 1967-1969. and administer State/Federally mandat-
www.glennblockcpa.com my mission to our citizenry will not OCCUPATION: Electronics Engineering ed programs. This will be achieved
D.O.B.: 1957 change. I will make every effort to keep Consultant/Farmer. through inter-municipal cooperation &
EDUCATION: Graduate Parkland High our township the envy of the area. QUALIFICATIONS: Senior Manager resource sharing, and developing a grant
School 1975; B.S. in Business Adminis- (Standards and Regulatory Affairs); Lu- application program for identifying &
tration American University, Washington, HEIDI A. McMAHON cent Microelectronics/Agere Systems. applying for available grants. //
D.C. 1979. No response Member, Board of Governors of the IEEE
10 OCCUPATION: CPA for 29 years with a Standards Association 2005-2007; Foun-
Lehigh County ELECTION 2011
GEORGE DEVAULT con Township 2006-2014; Environmental WEISENBERG OCCUPATION: Business Management.
D.O.B.: 1951 Advisory Council, Upper Saucon Township QUALIFICATIONS: I have been instru-
EDUCATION: R.B. Hayes High School, 2007 -2008; Zoning Hearing Board, Upper mental in managing the family owned
1969. Ohio University, photojournalism. Saucon Township 2003-2006; Member SUPERVISOR amusement concession business for
OCCUPATION: Farmer, writer, editor. Lehigh Valley Hospital, Board of Associ- almost 30 years. Additionally, I worked for
QUALIFICATIONS: Editor, Rodale, 24 ates, 2004-2007; Member Board of Direc- Term: 6 years the Commonwealth of PA (LCB) in White-
years; President-Executive Director Seed tors, Emmaus Main Street Program, Em- hall in the early 90’s. Later, I was hired by
Savers Exchange, 2 years; Volunteer Fire- maus, Pa. 2006; Member Emmaus Main Republican Reithoffer Shows, Inc., one of the largest
fighter, 29 years (two as Vera Cruz Fire Street Program, Emmaus, Pa. 2004- Outdoor Amusement companies on the
Chief); Board Member, Lehigh County 2006. Vote for one east coast,///
Farmland Preservation Board, 2 years; RESPONSE: I think for the foreseeable RESPONSE: The biggest issue in White-
President, Emmaus Farmers’ Market, 2 future balancing the budget is going to be LINDA GEHRINGER GORGAS hall is, and will continue to be, jobs and
years. top priority. I believe that the current economic development. We are among
RESPONSE: Restore open, responsive administration has done a fantastic job of Democrat the fastest growing communities in the
township government. Work with -- not setting a new direction for the township - state; we must seek to promote small
against -- township residents, especially and I want to make sure that the mo- Vote for one business growth through tax incentives
small business owners, by stressing posi- mentum keeps going. We need to contin- and development of Whitehall’s “golden
tive dialogue, fiscal responsibility, sound ue to manage development and increase No candidates strip”, in order to foster growth. I pledge
ethics and community involvement in funding for open space projects or even not to raise property taxes, create new
decisions that affect us all. Stress public land preservation, however, we cannot WHITEHALL taxes on outdoor additions, or force re-
safety and security, starting with a critical lessen the need to provide basic munici- evaluation of property values. Raising
assessment of our roads and bridges. pal services to our residents and we will local taxes will hurt our recovering com-
Improve communications between town- have to do all this with less money than MAYOR munity and do irreparable harm to our
ship administration and citizens. Control ever before. fixed-income reliant senior citizens.
costs by improving efficiency, not raising Term: 4 years
taxes. Seek to preserve open space and Democrat COMMISSIONER
historic sites, while advocating for youth Republican
activities. Vote for not more than two Term: 4 years
Vote for one
UPPER SAUCON No candidates Republican
No candidates
WASHINGTON Vote for not more than four
No candidates
Term: 6 years SUPERVISOR Vote for one
Republican Term: 6 years EDWARD D. HOZZA JR.
www.edhozzaformayor.com Vote for not more than four
Vote for not more than two Republican D.O.B.: 1962
EDUCATION: 1984 DeSales University DENNIS HOWER
DENNIS BENNER Vote for one (Allentown College) B.A. Business Man- D.O.B.: 1968
D.O.B.: 1949 agement, Minor in Marketing. EDUCATION: Graduate Whitehall High
EDUCATION: Graduate Lehigh Univer- DONALD C. YESIK OCCUPATION: Mayor of Whitehall Town- School; Bachelors Degree, Human Re-
sity-1976- BA Government; Graduate No response ship. sources Management, Muhlenberg Col-
Thomas Cooley Law School-1980- Juris QUALIFICATIONS: Full time Mayor last lege.


Doctorate. ROY O. DENGLER four years, member of Whitehall Chamber OCCUPATION: Business Agent.
OCCUPATION: Lawyer/Businessman. D.O.B.: 1933 of Commerce, member of Lehigh Valley QUALIFICATIONS: Board Member
QUALIFICATIONS: Past Board of su- EDUCATION: Northern Lehigh School Planning Commission and Transportation United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley,
pervisors Lower Saucon Township. Past District, 1952. Sub-Committee, Executive Board mem- Board Member Big Brothers Big Sister of
Board of directors Cooley Law school, OCCUPATION: Supervisor – Washington ber of PA State Mayors Association, the Lehigh Valley.
Board member Artsquest foundation, Township. Member PA League of Cities and Munici- RESPONSE: I am an advocate for open
Board member numerous business en- QUALIFICATIONS: Township Supervisor palities, member of Whitehall Historical and transparent government who will
tities. – 30 years. Society and chosen 2010 Lehigh Valley work for all residents of Whitehall Town-
RESPONSE: The major issue is runaway RESPONSE: On a broad scale, the eco- Chamber of Commerce Mayor of the Year. ship. A commissioner’s fiduciary respon-
spending. With Lehigh county pursuing a nomic downturn and its impact on our RESPONSE: Economic Redevelopment in sibility requires finding ways to cut waste-


county wide property reassessment tax operating budget is a major concern. Whitehall Township that will provide sus- ful spending from our budget, helping to
burdens will likely increase. Cost contain- Adopting and continuing sound Fiscal tainable jobs and promote land reuse. On create reserves to use when the township
ment starts at the local level. Government Policy is a top priority. On a more localized April 28, 2011 we held our first Economic loses revenue due to an economic down-
exists to serve it’s people, not burden front, our Township has just started to Summit meeting with members of the turn. Creating reserves would reduce the
them with excessive costs. Existing gov- embrace “non-working” Supervisors. We Board of Commissioners, the School need for dramatic tax increases like the
ernment policy needs to change and if feel this is a great way to save money Board, the Whitehall Chamber and the one we are experiencing this year.
elected, I will work to change wasteful while also offering a job opportunity to a Industrial and Commercial Development
policy. younger member of our community. It will Authority to have experts present the KENNETH S. SNYDER
also enable us to keep politics out of the public options available to attract new D.O.B.: not provided.
BRUCE F. CARSTENSEN workplace and allow us to be the Legisla- businesses. As a Township we need to EDUCATION: Nesquehoning High School.
No response tive body of the Township, as the position stop relying on retail and diversify and OCCUPATION: Property Management.
intends. seek Health Care, High Tech, manufactur- QUALIFICATIONS: 20 years Township
PATRICK M. LEONARD ing and upstart firms to locate in White- Planning Commission, 10 years, Chairman;
www.patrickmleonard.org Democrat hall Township. // 14 years Township Commissioner, 4 years,
D.O.B.: 1966 Chairman; 45 years Whitehall Chamber of
EDUCATION: not provided. Vote for one MARY ELLEN DADDONA Commerce, President, 9 years; Lifetime
OCCUPATION: not provided. www.DaddonaforWhitehall.com Achievement Award, PA Association
QUALIFICATIONS: Open Space Study No candidates D.O.B.: 1951 Private School Administrators.
Committee, Upper Saucon Township 2010 EDUCATION: Graduate, West Hazleton RESPONSE: Don’t raise taxes. I did not
-2011; Planning Commission, Upper Sau- High School, 1969. vote for a tax increase in 14 years. Keep 11
ELECTION 2011 Lehigh County
expenses down. SCOTT ARMSTRONG give UNITED POSITIVE RESULTS. is the $28 million short fall due to Governor
D.O.B.: 1957 Corbett’s budget cuts. Before any staff
EDUCATION: Graduate, Plum Borough Republican positions are eliminated, our School Board
No response High School, 1975; Graduate, Ivy School of Vote for not more than five must go over the entire ASD budget, line
Professional Art, 1977. item by line item. My business experience
CLAIR D. HUNSBERGER OCCUPATION: Landscaper. No candidates has proved that there is waste in every
D.O.B.: 1931 QUALIFICATIONS: Volunteer for after large organization and due diligence de-
school program for Raub Middle School Democrat mands we eliminate that waste before we
EDUCATION: Northampton School Dis-
trict; Community Service Courses, Penn students (6 years); Past president, current Vote for not more than five consider reducing dedicated and capable
board member of West Park Civic Associa- staff positions.
State University.
tion (1994-present); West Park Neigh-
borhood Historic Designation committee (1 JOANNE JACKSON
QUALIFICATIONS: Whitehall Township Facebook: “CeCe Gerlach”
year); Awarded Community Spirit Award D.O.B.: 1946
Commissioner, 16 years; Traffic Impact D.O.B.: 1986
Recipient by The Morning Call’s (1999); EDUCATION: Dieruff H.S., 1964; Blooms-
Advisory Committee, 10 years; Planning EDUCATION: Cedar Crest College-Ele-
Allentown’s Rental Inspection Initiative burg University, 1969; Lehigh University,
Commission, 10 years; Director, Whitehall mentary Education, 2008.
Committee, Member (1 year); PTA mem- 1980; Moravian College, 1990; Attended
Chamber of Commerce, 10 years; Presi- OCCUPATION: Substitute Teacher-Allen-
ber, Union Terrace Elementary, Raub Mid- Wilkes University, Columbia University,
dent of the Whitehall Democratic Club, 20 town School District.
dle School (8 years). Georgetown University, Gratz University.
years. QUALIFICATIONS: Substitute Teacher-
RESPONSE: Our School board’s “see no OCCUPATION: Special Education Teacher
Allentown School District ; Outreach Direc-
RESPONSE: I have lived in Whitehall for evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” approach to for 42 years.
tor- Allentown Boys and Girls Club; Out-
56 years with my late wife Louise and our Allentown’s correlated increases in poverty QUALIFICATIONS: Prior School Board
reach Worker- Caring Place Youth Devel-
children. As an active and lifetime mem- rates and school enrollments has resulted Member – 4 yr. term; Secretary – Women’s
opment Center; Mentor-I operate a Col-
ber of many local organizations and recre- in its failure to advocate the district’s inter- Democratic Club; Past Treasurer of Allen-
lege Preparatory group for students in
ational programs I am able to keep in ests at city planning/zoning meetings. New town City Democratic Committee; Com-
4th-8th grades living in the Cumberland
touch with the needs of my community high density housing in high crime areas mittee Woman of 13-2; Member – Who’s
Gardens public housing project.
and neighbors. I was involved with the and rezoning of non residential properties Who in American Colleges and Universities.
RESPONSE: I would like to increase the
passing of the registering sex offender to residential should be a major concern to RESPONSE: I view the major issue in this
involvement of ordinary citizens in the
ordinance and now I am actively pursuing the district. Higher enrollments necessi- campaign as critical since it affects the
district. We must practice open communi-
tate tax increases. The board hasn’t ad- future of our city. The major issue is the
ordinances for abandoned vehicles and cation with all stakeholders. I would like to
dressed this, I will. district’s budget crisis. How does one
noise levels. Together we can keep White- hold public “listening” sessions so that
residents have the opportunity to voice efficiently distribute funds that will still
hall a great place to live. MICHELLE JARROUJ WEAVER guarantee graduating work force ready
their concerns to the school board. We
www.vote4michellejarroujweaver.com should welcome community members into students – future Allentonians. As a cur-
PHILIP GINDER D.O.B.: 1981 rently employed teacher, I feel that my
D.O.B.: 1951 schools by providing opportunities for
EDUCATION: Northwestern Lehigh High residents to volunteer in classrooms. This expertise in the area of curriculum, budget,
EDUCATION: One room school house to School, 1999; LCCC Associates 2004; Penn and teacher stamina allows me to priori-
4 year college. Bachelor of Science De- is especially important at the secondary
State Bachelors 2006; Currently working level where students are in need of men- tize effective spending and implementa-
gree. toward Masters degree at The Interna- tion of programs that will enhance stu-
OCCUPATION: Self employed Mechan- tional Institute for Restorative Practices. dents’ performance while recognizing the
ical Contractor for 35 years. OCCUPATION: Child/adolescent counsel- importance of our front line workers///
QUALIFICATIONS: Currently serving 3rd or and Intake Coordinator for a truancy
D.O.B.: 1967
term as Commissioner; 6 years on Plan- aversion program.
QUALIFICATIONS: Education, 10+ years
ning Commission; 10 years traffic impact West Chester University.
committee; currently Vice President, working with children and adolescents.
OCCUPATION: Educator: Muhlenberg
Board of Commissioners; Honorably dis- RESPONSE: The main issues are educa-
charged combat veteran; father, home- tion, budget, safety and accountability.
College; Event Coordinator: Lehigh Valley AT-LARGE
Collegiate Career Expo.
Law makers need to make sure our hard

owner and taxpayer. QUALIFICATIONS: School Director, 4 City of Bethlehem; Bethlehem and Hano-
RESPONSE: Keeping Whitehall a safe earned tax dollars are spent in a way that ver Townships; Freemansburg and Foun-
years; Parent leader in ASD Schools, 12
directly benefit our children’s education tain Hill Boroughs
place to live and raise a family. Keep only years; Experienced with state education
and ensures their safety. Our teachers,
necessary taxes by constant review of reform through PAGE1 and Middle School Term: 4 years
parents and children need to be held ac-
spending needs. Peace of mind for resi- Reform initiatives; Parent of two ASD stu-
countable for their role in education. I will
dents by prevention and prosecution of dents. Republican/Democrat
help all of these parts to work together in
crime. Provide for recreational needs of all RESPONSE: Striving to provide all stu-
unison to secure a bright future for the
residents. Maintain streets and infrastruc- dents with a high quality, career preparato- (cross-filed)
children of the city of Allentown.
ture. Set a good example “No petty poli- ry education in a safe environment that Vote for not more than three
tics”. I will put the resident’s needs first supports the excellent teachers in ASD is
ROBERT E. SMITH JR. the primary focus. I support creating a
and preserve the standard of service our D.O.B.: 1961 MICHELE T. CANN
residents have come to expect. positive learning atmosphere for teachers Hanover Township
EDUCATION: NYU - Political Science; and students that will enable more stu-
Middlesex County College – Liberal Arts. D.O.B.: 1962

dents to graduate with a concrete plan for EDUCATION: B.S. in Finance, Villanova
SCHOOL DISTRICTS OCCUPATION: Mentor / Activity Coor- the future and the high school education University, 1984; J.D. University of Penn-
dinator. to support their successful transition. I
QUALIFICATIONS: Allentown School sylvania Law School, 1987.
make tough decisions balancing the needs OCCUPATION: Homemaker.
Board – 7 years; LCTI JOC Board, member 7
SCHOOL DIRECTORS years, co-chair finance, co-chair athletic
of tax payers with those of the ASD. QUALIFICATIONS: BASD School Board
committee, vice-chair of re-creation com- Director since July 2007; Licensed Penn-
Candidates were asked: What do you KENNETH GHORM sylvania Attorney; Practiced Commercial
view as the major issue in this campaign mittee, vice-chair of legislative rep.
D.O.B.: 1968 Finance Law for 8 years.
and how will you address it? RESPONSE: We must improve the moral
EDUCATION: B.S. University of Phoenix, RESPONSE: The major issue facing the
of our teachers and principals to give stu-
2007. school district is developing a plan that
dents the confidence and support to get
ALLENTOWN AREA off corrective action. I will continue to work
OCCUPATION: eBusiness Manager – JSP continues excellent, well-rounded educa-
International, 14 years. tion for all students on a sustainable bud-
toward goals that produce well rounded
City of Allentown QUALIFICATIONS: ASD Safety Task Force, get. The major issue in this campaign has
students that reach high achievement
Term: 4 years Parent Co-Chairman – 3 years; L.E.Dieruff thus become whether to accomplish this
levels to graduate; instill appreciation for
Instrumental Music Club, President – 4 by raising revenue or cutting programs. I
the arts, music and theatre. We must ALL
Republican/Democrat years; Staff/Parish Relations Committee of take a balanced approach, advocating a
do more with LESS resources, be partners
Quakertown UMC, Chairman – 2 years. small tax increase in order to preserve
in our future course of action, taxpayers,
(cross-filed) RESPONSE: There are many significant programs, including co-curriculars, that
teachers, students. Working together will
12 Vote for not more than five issues but the major issue in this campaign prepare students to be competitive as
Lehigh County ELECTION 2011
they enter higher education and careers. Democrat 2 yrs; Home and School Association mem- EDUCATION: Bristol Boro Jr/Sr High
ber, 2 yrs; Treasurer Home and School School, 1988; Bucks County Community
RANDY TOMAN Vote for not more than three Association 2 yrs; Mother of 2 children, College, 2 courses 1988.
Bethlehem high honor roll students in the Catasauqua OCCUPATION: 1) Homemaker; 2) Mis-
D.O.B.: 1940 SUDANTHA VIDANAGE School District. sionary.
EDUCATION: Graduated Allentown High Bethlehem RESPONSE: Fiscal Responsibility. I will QUALIFICATIONS: Have been a Catasau-
School 1958; March 5th 2011 attended all D.O.B.: 1950 push to limit spending to only essential qua resident and taxpayer for 19 years;
day seminar “School Board Candidates EDUCATION: HS, Thurstan College Co- areas. “Don’t spend what we don’t have”. I Have raised three children (two still of
Workshop,” hosted by the EPLC and the lombo, 1968 Sri Lanka; BS, Metallurgy & would like to see funds spent in areas school age); Directed children’s choirs for
Pennsylvania School Board Association Materials Science, Columbia U, NY 1976; where it will directly benefit the students approx. 10 years; Have volunteered at
(PSBA) MS, Metallurgy & Materials Science, Co- and their education. I will push for honest church/school with children for years.
OCCUPATION: Retired. lumbia U, NY 1978; MBA Finance, Lehigh U, open communication amongst the board RESPONSE: I see more than one major
QUALIFICATIONS: Self employed, Com- Bethlehem, PA 1988. members, administration, and with the issue here. First, I would like to address
mercial Construction industry for 40 yrs.; OCCUPATION: Adjunct Professor, Gwyn- community. Decisions will be made with fiscal responsibility. Money should be
President of Construction Specification edd Mercy College, Gwynedd Valley PA. integrity, not with ulterior motives. spent wisely and we can not spend more
Institute, Central Pa. (1965); President QUALIFICATIONS: Member of the Bethle- than we have. Second, decisions need to
Allentown carpenters Union Local #368 hem Democratic party – committee mem- DUANE D. DEITRICH be made with common sense and with the
(1969). ber. North Catasauqua welfare of the children in mind. Third, I feel
RESPONSE: Over reaching tax and spend RESPONSE: The major issue is the reduc- D.O.B.: 1968 there needs to be more accountability to
attitude; It is one thing to have out of con- tion of students needs and the teaching EDUCATION: Graduated Lakota High the tax payers and available information
trol spending and another for the people staff. I feel that with my background in School, Kansas, OH, 1987; BBA University of for them prior to votes being placed.
elected to the school board to understand education and professional education my Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, 1991; Currently en-
they have that attitude. It takes people of participation in the school board will be an rolled in the MBA program at DeSales MARY ALICE HARTRANFT
character, wisdom and convictions to do active role. I will try to get involved in the University, Center Valley, PA. No response
strategic planning to set policy with writ- decision making process in the school OCCUPATION: Project Director – National
ten goals and objectives as well as acting administration. I will not “RUBBER STAMP’ Customer Relations with Dun & Brad- ROBERT LEVINE
upon and evaluating results all the time. I the decisions, will make an honest effort to street. No response
would implement these strategies to ad- fully analyze the work done by other QUALIFICATIONS: Father of two boys in
dress the issues. sources. I will also try to use the resources the district since 1998. Active with the Boy PATRICIA J. SNYDER
available in the valley to help guide us Scouts of America since 2003. No response
BASILIO BONILLA JR. through difficult times. RESPONSE: I believe one of the major
Bethlehem issues is maintaining a high level of educa- CAROL A. CUNNINGHAM
www.bonilla4schoolboard.com/ REGION 2 tion for our children while facing budgetary
D.O.B.: 1951
D.O.B.: 1990 challenges from the state. As a school
EDUCATION: Clearview Elementary Term: 4 years director, it will be my job to make sure the EDUCATION: Catasauqua High School
School; Nitschmann Middle School; Liberty board makes smart financial choices bal- Graduate, 1969; B. S. Kutztown University,
High School (Graduated 2008). Republican ancing education and extra curricular 1973.
OCCUPATION: Student at Moravian Col- activities. OCCUPATION: Math Instructional Sup-
lege (Pre-Law with a minor in political Vote for one port Teacher - Grades 3 – 6.
science) DAWN M. BERRIGAN QUALIFICATIONS: School Director - 8
QUALIFICATIONS: Interned for U.S Sena- SAM M. MELE Catasauqua years; Public School Educator - 28 years;
tor Bob Casey Jr; Interned for Sen. Lisa Facebook: “Berrigan Naelle Reingruber” Graduate of The Education Policy and
Democrat Leadership Center.
Boscola; Volunteered over 2,000 Hours to D.O.B.: 1961
the BASD; numerous academic, athletic, Vote for one EDUCATION: 1979 Graduate of Pocono RESPONSE: School districts across Penn-
and community awards. Mountain High School, 1983 Graduate of sylvania will be facing budgetary shortfalls
RESPONSE: It is my belief that one of the MICHELE T. CANN Teen Challenge Bible Institute, 3 year col- due to Governor Corbett’s proposed cuts
major issues facing our district today is lege for training to do drug and alcohol to public education. Because of my experi-


balancing our budget, but also not in- rehabilitation and counseling. ence as a school director and an educator, I
creasing class sized or taxes. It is a difficult REGION 3 OCCUPATION: mom / school bus driver. will able to make informed decisions re-
task, however, I belief by working with the QUALIFICATIONS: Served 4 years on the garding staffing and programming while
Term: 4 years keeping the best interests of students in
Martin Tower Tiff we can help balance out CASD school board, 2003-2007, various
some of the debt so we wont have to cut school committees prior, (steering, middle mind. Additionally, these adjustments
so many teachers and raIse citizens taxes. Republican/Democrat school volunteer co ordinator and revital- must be at a minimal cost to our tax-
If elected to the school board it will be my ization committee). Thomas Paine Charter payers.
main goal to be a voice of the students and (cross-filed) school board 2009-2010 Coached youth Term: 2 years
remain finically responsible. Vote for one soccer, taught sunday school and have
chaired or been a part of several other Republican/Democrat
KENNETH BARRETO EUGENE C. McKEON committees in my community and county.


Bethlehem RESPONSE: We live in tough economic (cross-filed)
www.kennethbarreto.com CATASAUQUA AREA times, it’s important for government en- Vote for one
D.O.B.: 1984 tities to be sensitive to the people who pay
Catasauqua Borough and Hanover Town-
EDUCATION: A.A. Central Texas College, the bills. It’s my intent to watch the money, CAROL McCARTHY
ship, Lehigh County and North Catasauqua
2007; Colorado Technical University, 2011. and do the best for our students. Some of No response
Borough, Northampton County
OCCUPATION: Corrections Officer. our board members running for a third
QUALIFICATIONS: U.S. Veteran- Served Term: 4 years term have forgotten they represent the DUANE D. DEITRICH
my country for a total of 4 years, deployed Republican/Democrat community. Instead they represent the see above
two times in support of operation Iraqi school administration that doesn’t de-
freedom. I have the will and desire to do all I (cross-filed) serve a rubber stamp, none do. It’s time for DAWN M. BERRIGAN
can for the students and the community. Vote for not more than five some new faces and fresh ideas. see above
RESPONSE: I view the student’s educa-
tion and taxes as my main concern. I be- CAROL McCARTHY
lieve that the students can receive a qual-
No response
ity education without having to continu- D.O.B.: 1971 Alburtis, Emmaus and Macungie Boroughs
ously increase property tax. I believe this EDUCATION: Graduate C.B.West High CHRISTINE E. NAEGEL and Lower Macungie and Upper Milford
can be done by eliminate wasteful spend- School, Doylestown PA 1990. Catasauqua Townships
ing in an attempt for the school district to OCCUPATION: Market Development Facebook: “Berrigan Naegel and Reingrub- Term: 4 years
operate more efficiently while it conduct’s Manager, Sara Lee Fresh Bakery. er”
it day to day functions. QUALIFICATIONS: Volunteer teacher aid D.O.B.: 1970 13
ELECTION 2011 Lehigh County
Republican/Democrat get. Due to legal constraints, the school 2007. happen!
board only controls a small percentage of OCCUPATION: Chief Librarian, Rodale Inc.
(cross-filed) the budget. We need to identify specific, QUALIFICATIONS: No response. NORTHERN LEHIGH
Vote for not more than five problematic mandates and then encour- RESPONSE: I believe the major issue in
age citizens to petition lawmakers for the campaign is how to provide a first-rate Slatington Borough and Washington Town-
SAMUEL RHODES reform. In the meantime, however, our education while reigning in spending, ship, Lehigh County; and Walnutport Bor-
No response community must work together, consider reigning in taxes and reigning in borrowing. ough, Northampton County
all solutions, and ensure our children don’t I will work to direct resources specifically Term: 4 years
CHARLES H. BALLARD suffer, but instead continue to receive a toward education and away from non-
top-notch education! education overhead spending and admin- Republican/Democrat
Upper Milford
D.O.B.: 1946 istrative costs. I will support transparency
of information so that parents, students (cross-filed)
Macungie and taxpayers are aware of how the bal- Vote for not more than five
University of Michigan. MS Electrical Engi-
neering & Computer Science-University of www.facebook.com/pages/Waldemar- ance of budget and education will be ac- EDWARD E. HARTMAN
California, Berkeley. Vinovskis/155547604507104 complished. RAYMOND J. FOLLWEILER JR.
OCCUPATION: Retired Professional Engi- D.O.B.: 1963 DONNA M. KULP
Omaha, NE 1982; B.A. University of Ne- Lower Macungie Twp.
QUALIFICATIONS: 16 years service on the Term: 2 years
braska-Lincoln, 1987; M.Div. Concordia www.ken4eastpenn.com
East Penn School Board; Graduate, PPL
Seminary-St. Louis, 1992. D.O.B.: 1966
Leadership Academy. Republican/Democrat
OCCUPATION: Pastor. EDUCATION: M.S. and Ph.D., Electric Engi-
RESPONSE: Economic conditions are
QUALIFICATIONS: Lehigh Valley Commu- neering, Stanford University, 1989 / 1995; (cross-filed)
straining all levels of government. Doing
nity Broadcaster’s Association; The Lu- B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Vote for one
more with less and dealing with unfunded
theran Haven, Oviedo, FL; EPSD: Act 1 Tax Southern California, Valedictorian, 1988.
mandates from state and federal legisla-
Study Commission, Steering Committee OCCUPATION: Engineering Manager, NATALIE J. GREEN
tors are serious problems in this environ-
2008-2014 Strategic Plan, EHS; Middle- CyOptics, Breinigsville.
ment. The economic environment is also
QUALIFICATIONS: Father, Daughter in
encouraging more attacks on public edu- States Accreditation Steering Committee,
District; 13 years Management Experience;
cation, like voucher proposals, that have no Take Back Our Children Task Force, Super-
intendent’s Parents’ Advisory Committee, Future Leaders Program, Lucent/Agere; Heidelberg, Lowhill, Lynn and Weisenberg
educational value but high ideological
Coordinated School Health Committee. Supervisory and Financial Management Townships
appeal. My vision is that we need to main-
RESPONSE: The major issue facing school Training, 1996-present; EPLC School Board Term: 4 years
tain a high quality of public education, and
boards today is the economy. Schools are Candidate Workshop.
be conscientious stewards of the public
being challenged to focus on student RESPONSE: In the current economic Republican/Democrat
money being spent.
achievement and improve test scores with climate, our responsibility is to provide
far fewer resources. The School District high-quality schools without placing undo (cross-filed)
needs to seriously evaluate what serves burden on taxpayers. All spending should Vote for not more than five
Lower Macungie Twp.
the core educational mission of our be evaluated by how it furthers the dis-
D.O.B.: 1972
schools and look for reductions and effi- trict’s mission to provide a well-rounded DONALD LINK
EDUCATION: Graduate - Monmouth Col-
ciencies wherever possible. We simply education, one that includes challenging Lowhill Twp.
lege, BA, 1994.
cannot continue to raise local taxes. We academics, music, art, and athletics. Good D.O.B.: 1961
OCCUPATION: Specialty Oncology Con-
need to run a tight ship while maintaining schools are made possible by responsible EDUCATION: High School: Bishop Carroll
sultant – ProStrakan, Inc.
our legacy of high achievement in educa- fiscal policy and benefit the entire commu- High School Ebensburg, PA Graduated
QUALIFICATIONS: President, LMYA, 2 1/2
tion. nity through higher property values and 1979; BA Degree: Penn State University
years. Member LMT 20/20 Vision Commit-
the economic opportunity that stems State College, PA Graduated 1983.
tee, Alternate Member LMT Zoning Hear-
JULIAN STOLZ from an educated workforce. OCCUPATION: Sales.
ing Board.
Emmaus QUALIFICATIONS: Northwestern Lehigh
RESPONSE: Taxes are the issue. They Republican
D.O.B.: 1987 School Board Member 8.5 years; Current
always seem to be the issue. No one wants

EDUCATION: 2006 Graduate of Emmaus Secretary of Northwestern Lehigh School

higher taxes. Some candidates will prom- Vote for not more than five
High School. Attended Lehigh Carbon Board; President Northwestern Recreation
ise to not raise taxes, no matter what has
Community College and DeSales Univer- PHILIP GARRETT RHOADS Commission.
to be cut from the District Budget. I am not
sity. No response RESPONSE: The largest issue facing our
saying, I want higher taxes, however, if
OCCUPATION: Executive Director of School district will be how we fund educa-
lower taxes means compromising the
Pennsylvanians for Right to Work. Democrat tion today and in the future. School Dis-
education offered to the students of the
QUALIFICATIONS: 4 years East Penn tricts, like any business, have been forced
East Penn School District, then I would Vote for not more than five
School Director (07–present); 2 years to look for solutions to maintain quality
come down on the side of better educa-
Republican County Committeeman (05– services with less revenue. State and Fed-
tion. I believe in Quality Education with
07); Co-founder Lehigh Valley Project 9-12 JOHN F. BELIN eral unfunded or underfunded mandates
Fiscal Responsibility.
TEA Party Group (2009); Former Intern for Emmaus place a financial burden on our schools.
State Senator Rob Wonderling. D.O.B.: 1964 Moving forward successfully will take the
SCOTT AQUILA EDUCATION: Penn State University, Penn-
RESPONSE: Maintaining East Penn’s high combined efforts of all stakeholders in-
No response

quality of education while working with sylvania School of Technology, Graphic cluding students, taxpayers, teachers,
parents and taxpayers in a transparent Arts, 1982-1984. administrators and School Boards as well
JENNIFER GILBERT OCCUPATION: Chemical Technologist as our Legislators.
Lower Macungie Twp. fashion is my top priority. The district
check register must be posted on our web (Pharmaceutical Industry).
D.O.B.: 1975 QUALIFICATIONS: Former Brandywine
page, board meetings should be webcast, STEVEN G. HADDAD
EDUCATION: Graduate Crystal Lake Cen- Heights School Director. Served on Teacher
and all contracts should be made available No response
tral High School (Crystal Lake, IL), 1993; Contract Negotiations Committee, Budget
B.A. Grove City College (Grove City, PA), to the public for 30 days prior to a vote.
With cuts in funding from Harrisburg we and Finance, High School Renovations GREG SANDERS
1997. Committee. 1993-1995.
must do more with less and more commu- Weisenberg Twp.
OCCUPATION: homemaker. RESPONSE: Budget Cuts. We have big
nity input will help greatly. www.nwlvote.com
QUALIFICATIONS: Degree in English/ problems in East Penn School District. We D.O.B.: 1966
Secondary Education; extensive volunteer must not only depend on Government and
LYNN DONCHES EDUCATION: William Allen High School,
in EPSD, 7 years; Shoemaker Elementary School Board to solve these issues. We
Emmaus 1984; B.S. Marketing, Bloomsburg Univer-
PTO president, 1 year; Asst. Girl Scout have to think creativity, learn new ways to
D.O.B.: 1954 sity, 1988.
Leader, 4 years; various other community educate, enhance the classroom educa-
EDUCATION: Graduate Ligonier High OCCUPATION: Owner of Aqua-Duck Wa-
volunteer positions, 7 years. tion. Think of new ideas to make education
School, 1972; A.A. Library Science Penn- ter Transport.
RESPONSE: The current economic cli- work, combining classes while maintaining
sylvania College of Technology, 1974, Cer- QUALIFICATIONS: Parent, taxpayer and
mate and recent state budget cuts seem the highest standard of education, without
tificate in Competitive Intelligence, SLA, business owner. I have been attending
14 to lead all education discussions to, bud- burdening the taxpayers. Let’s make it school board meetings for the last 14
Lehigh County ELECTION 2011
months to learn more and understand the School of Systems Programming – Certifi- eral level continue to mandate broad brush budgetary constraints and creating a “lis-
important issues facing our district. cate – 1975; INSCO School of Systems programs requiring successful school tening environment” are integral compo-
RESPONSE: Our schools will be facing Analysis – Certificate – 1978; Associate boards to cut valuable programs to fund nents that I have addressed as an educa-
many new challenges as the business Degree in Information Technology – LCCC meaningless mandates. I will continue to tor, manager, and researcher throughout
model of education continues to change. – 1994; Dale Carnegie Class Graduate – address this with legislators while manag- my academic career. Asking the right ques-
We need to strengthen and enhance our 2004. ing district finances effectively. tions and using appropriate problem solv-
academic programs to ensure our stu- OCCUPATION: Lead Analyst/Programmer ing techniques have always been critical
dents will be able to thrive in their chosen on Oracle Financial Applications at UGI PHILLIP TOLL approaches in dealing with these major
career paths and compete in a global Utilities, Inc. Weisenberg Twp. issues.
marketplace. I will seek ideas and input QUALIFICATIONS: Assistant Vice Presi- www.nwlvote.com
from stakeholders and will advocate to dent/Project Manager – Meridian Bancorp, D.O.B.: 1943 Democrat
provide timely information and proactive Inc. - 2 years; Dale Carnegie Team Recog- EDUCATION: Rutgers-BS Accounting 1973.
communications. Collective support and nition Award; President and Vice President OCCUPATION: Retired. Vote for not more than five
understanding are important aspects to LCCC Alumni Association – 5 years. QUALIFICATIONS: Forty two years of No candidates
help students succeed. RESPONSE: Fiscal responsibility, account- working in healthcare, insurance and bank-
ability, transparency and PSSA math test ing industries. I have been in management
Term: 2 years
SALLY L. SCHOFFSTALL scores. These are key issues that I have positions within internal audit, real estate
Lowhill Twp. observed over the last year from attending management and information systems. As Republican/Democrat
D.O.B.: 1956 school board meetings. I intend to work a department manager, I had oversight for
EDUCATION: Oberlin College, BA with with other board members to bring about operating budgets ranging up to $50 plus Vote for one
honors in Economics; double major in policy changes that will make information construction budgets up to $60M.
English; Phi Beta Kappa The Cornell Law available to the community so they can see RESPONSE: There are two main issues to MICHAEL S. MARICH
School. what their tax dollars are being spent on. I face. One is identifying the causes of low Lynn Twp.
OCCUPATION: Attorney. want to get to the root cause of the consis- PSSA test scores. Two, is the budgetary D.O.B.: 1960
QUALIFICATIONS: Current school board tently poor math PSSA test scores. Once issues. Using my audit background I will EDUCATION: Liberty HS, LCCC, Villanova
member, 20 years; Practicing attorney, 29 the root cause is identified then we can ask questions from various parties to iden- – Master Certificate Project Management.
years; Business owner in District, 15 years; collectively put in place a process to im- tify problems or weaknesses in the system. OCCUPATION: Sr Project Manager.
Parent of 2 District graduates (Duke/UT- prove the test scores./// Once the issues are known, recommenda- QUALIFICATIONS: School Board – 6
Austin PhD candidate; U of Delaware, tions can be made. One area to focus on is months; Parent of 3 NW K-12 students;
Soph.); Wife of Lutheran minister, 25 years. LEROY SORENSEN how healthcare providers are selected. If Community Service – 20 years; Coaching
RESPONSE: Keep District’s positive focus Weisenberg Twp. we can drive this high cost down, the tax- Baseball/Soccer – NYAA; Assistant
on our mission to educate public school www.nwlvote.com payer and the district will benefit. Coach/Treasurer–Youth Wrestling; Score
children in face of very challenging eco- D.O.B.: 1958 Keeper/Statistician - HS Wrestling Team;
nomic times and governor who chooses to EDUCATION: Graduate Southern Lehigh; JOSEPH J. REITER Treasurer - HS Wrestling/Soccer Boosters.
withhold financial support from public LCTI carpentry. Weisenberg Twp. RESPONSE: 2011/2012 Budget. Closing a
school system. As a Board member, I serve OCCUPATION: Residential contractor – www.nwlvote.com $2M budget deficit while maintaining
as an educational leader in our Northwest- New homes, additions, renovations, de- D.O.B.: 1948 programs will take creative planning – our
ern community. I listen respectfully to all signs. EDUCATION: Grad. Parkland Highschool children deserve it. Doing this while mini-
input from stakeholders (students, par- QUALIFICATIONS: Required to be respon- 1966; Electronics Training Center (Lincoln mizing/not increasing taxes will be a tough
ents, taxpayers, teachers) then make sible as a child by my parents. Worked on a Tech) 1968 Assoc. Degree. challenge but one that we must strive for –
decisions based on my experience. I do not farm through Junior and Senior high OCCUPATION: Branch manager Ransome our community needs it. Doable – abso-
micro-manage our District; rather, I estab- school. Believe in Christian values. Being a CAT. lutely but it will take support/help from
lish sound, consistent policy. committed husband and father. Success- QUALIFICATIONS: Weisenberg Zoning every community member. Our School
fully nurturing customer and employee Hearing Board, chairman over 10 years; District has seen many successes over the
DAWN ANDERSON relationships. Serve on O.A.C’s at L.C.T.I. Diesel and Heavy years and as a School Board Director I need
Weisenberg Twp. RESPONSE: Continuing down a path that Equipt; Awarded National Technical Honor to insure that these successes continue.
D.O.B.: 1960 is not responsible to the students, resi- Society at CCTI Berk Career O.A.C.; C.A.T.


dents, and future parents that want a advisory committe Penn College (Wil- REPUBLICAN
EDUCATION: AFCENT International H.S.,
the Netherlands, 1978; B.A. Coppin State quality public education. There’s a $16,000 liamsport).
RESPONSE: Quality Education at an af- Vote for one
College, 1983; M.B.A. Marketing, City Uni- yearly per student cost that is increasing
versity, 2000. and declining test scores. Some adminis- fordable price. Stop waste full spending – CHRISTOPHER FORD
OCCUPATION: Home maker. trators and school board members tip toe more public Input, Transparency Reward No response
QUALIFICATIONS: Allentown Christian around what I believe is not working. It good Teachers.
School Board, 2003–2004); Northwestern takes emotional maturity to correct dis- Democrat
Lehigh Middle School PTO Secretary appointing issues. The solution - elect REPUBLICAN
(2010–2011); Poll worker, 2004-2008; Morrison, Reiter, Sanders, Sorensen, Toll. Vote for one
Inspector of Elections, 2008–present; Vote for not more than five
Women’s Ministry Leader 5 yrs+; Girl Scout WILLARD DELLICKER No candidates


Volunteer – 7 yrs+. Lynn Twp. BARBARA A. MOYER
RESPONSE: Public education is funded by D.O.B.: 1945 Weisenberg Twp. PARKLAND
taxpayers and with funds being decreased EDUCATION: BS Mechanical Engineering, D.O.B.: 1942
EDUCATION: Graduate Northwestern North Whitehall, South Whitehall and
by the state, the major issue becomes, Penn State 1973.
Lehigh, 1960; BSN Cedar Crest College, Upper Macungie Townships, and part of
how do we provide a quality education OCCUPATION: Retired engineer, manager;
1980; MSN in Practice of Teaching, Villa- Allentown 17th Ward, 4th District and 18th
program on limited resources? I will ad- Air Products, Lehigh Career & Technical
nova University, 1985; EdD in Foundations Ward, 2nd District
dress this issue by diligently reviewing all Institute; Retired Colonel, PA Air National
available information, budgets, proposals Guard and US Navy pilot. of Education, Lehigh University, 1996. Term: 4 years
and laws to establish a plan and budget QUALIFICATIONS: Planned and managed OCCUPATION: Retired Assistant Profes-
sor for BSN/MSN Program, DeSales Uni- Republican/Democrat
that will focus on quality education, dis- public and private sector budgets and
trict goals and limit tax increases. I will also operations. Lynn Township Planning Com- versity; Teacher, Practitioner, Researcher
for Education Department, LVHHN. (cross-filed)
encourage community input, fundraising mission. Proven leader in business, military
QUALIFICATIONS: Educator > 30 years; Vote for not more than five
and utilize volunteers to minimize ex- and public school environments.
penses. RESPONSE: A major issue is the loss of Co-Author: Nursing Education: Teaching
local control through unfunded mandates Methods That Work; Nicholas Education DAVID M. KENNEDY
that undermine the successful manage- Excellence Award. LISA ADAMS
ment of financial resources needed to RESPONSE: A major issue is to create a ROY JEF REYBURN
Weisenberg Twp.
deliver curriculum that meets the needs of learning environment that encourages ROBERTA MARCUS
our students. In attempting to fix failing improvement in outcomes expectations ROBERT BOLD
D.O.B.: 1948
EDUCATION: Sheffield HS – 1966; INSCO schools, legislators on the state and fed- and assessments that meet or even ex-
ceed state requirements. Addressing the 15
ELECTION 2011 Lehigh County
SALISBURY and consolidating positions; (3) empower- a School Director at Southern Lehigh. My QUALIFICATIONS: Nominated to Board in
ing teachers to focus on students not test three grown daughters and my grand- 2003; Re-elected to Board in 2007; Elected
Salisbury Township scores; and (4) reducing wasteful spend- daughter went to Southern Lehigh. by Board to serve as Treasurer 3x since
Term: 4 years ing like $60,000.00 laser engravers for RESPONSE: We have a very fine school 2008; Chairman of the Board Finance &
fourth-graders. I fought for each of these system. We also are living in a very difficult Personnel Committee since 2008; Board
Republican/Democrat goals in my first term while voting against financ ial climate. The task for Board mem- Executive Committee Member since 2008;
(cross-filed) every tax increase. bers, everywhere, is to maintain their suc- Extensive experience as a finance & per-
Vote for not more than five cessful educational program with little or sonnel professional.
WILLIAM LYCETT no additional funding. RESPONSE: Due to unprecedented fi-
RUSSELL GIORDANO Upper Saucon Twp. nancial issues for us all, continuing to pro-
THOMAS F. MANTZ D.O.B.: 1966 WHITEHALL/COPLAY vide best in class education to our stu-
SAMUEL DeFRANK EDUCATION: Peters Township High dents will be a challenge far beyond what
FRANK. R. FRANKENFIELD School 1984, McMurray, PA; B.S. Manage- Coplay Borough and Whitehall Township we have ever faced. I plan to continue to
ment, Pennsylvania State University 1988. Term: 4 years work with my community and legislators
OCCUPATION: Owner, WRL Training & using my professional talent, education
SOUTHERN LEHIGH Consulting. Republican/Democrat and experience to help guide our district
Coopersburg Borough; Lower Milford and QUALIFICATIONS: 23 years of experience though this difficult time to give the chil-
Upper Saucon Townships in the business supporting adult learners in (cross-filed) dren of our community the best we can so
Term: 4 years the field of sales. I have served on a local Vote for not more than five they are prepared for their future lives.
township committee and church board in
Republican/Democrat addition to being involved in the communi- RONALD A. HELMAN TINA JO KOREN
ty coaching athletics. My wife and I have Coplay Whitehall Twp.
(cross-filed) four children in the Southern Lehigh school D.O.B.: 1963 D.O.B.: 1961
Vote for not more than five district and have a vested interested in the EDUCATION: Whitehall High School, 1981. EDUCATION: Graduate Whitehall High
education and outcomes being produced. OCCUPATION: Carpenters Local 600, School; Graduate Lehigh Carbon Commu-
JIM GRABUSKY RESPONSE: Providing for the education Bethlehem, PA. Zoning Officer and Building nity College, Business Management De-
Upper Saucon Twp. needs of our children with limited funds is Code Official. gree.
D.O.B.: 1969 the challenge faced by many school dis- QUALIFICATIONS: Married 18 yrs, with OCCUPATION: Pennsylvania State Police
EDUCATION: Pennsylvania Principal Certi- tricts. I plan to “listen” to the community three sons. A resident of Coplay for 17 Troop N Hazleton Troop Administrative
fication: Educational Leadership, Penn and review alternatives that provide a years. Appointed Coplay Zoning Officer Manager.
State University, 2010; Masters of Science, quality education with available resources and Building Code Official for 12 years. QUALIFICATIONS: Whitehall- School
Environmental Pollution Control, Penn that prepares our children for life after RESPONSE: The Community work I per- Board Director last eight years. In my em-
State, 2000; Bachelors of Science, Earth graduation. The pension issue should be form exposes me to a variety of situations. ployment, I manage all human resource
and Space Science, Bloomsburg University, addressed in responsible way with limited I have learned to listen and address prob- functions including the Troop budget,
1992. impact of the vision of the school district. lems with a common sense approach. health benefits, employment and retire-
OCCUPATION: Teacher – Catasauqua Listening to the parents is my key to suc- Taxes rise each year; more unfunded man- ment processing, payroll, etc.
Area School District. cess! dates are added, leaving a financial burden RESPONSE: The Budget crisis: how we
QUALIFICATIONS: Principal Certification. on all especially the elderly. We need to do can continue to improve the quality of
State PSSA committee membership. JAMES C. LINDSAY JR. the best we can do for the majority. The education with less money. Safer Schools
Southern Lehigh 2011 State Champion No response resources we have, we need to realize at all – continue to ensure students in the dis-
Coach - Odyssey of the Mind. Inquiry and levels, that the well of tax money does run trict are taught in a safe learning environ-
Standard based science. Represented JOHN QUIGLEY dry. ment even though state does not provide
Pennsylvania for the multi-state Delaware No response any assistance to help defray the cost.
Estuary Program. Watershed Grant coor- JOYCE WHEELER Cyber and Charter Schools – they must be
dination. /// CORINNE A. ORTS GUNKLE Whitehall Twp. financially independent. These schools
RESPONSE: Our community is blessed Upper Saucon Twp. D.O.B.: not provided should not receive public school money to
with an outstanding educational system. D.O.B.: 1967 EDUCATION: Upper Perkiomen High operate. Continue to ensure only students

The challenge facing the district is how to EDUCATION: B.S. Electrical Engineering - School; Temple University School of Nurs- living in Whitehall- are Whitehall- students.
continue outstanding education in an Cornell University, 1988; M.S. Electrical ing, R.N.
environment of decreasing funding. I hope Engineering – Carnegie Mellon University, OCCUPATION: Homemaker. OWEN W. EBERHART JR.
to bring valuable educational experience 1990. QUALIFICATIONS: School Director, 15 yrs.; Whitehall Twp.
and creative ideas on how to increase OCCUPATION: Homemaker. Township Commissioner, 4 yrs. D.O.B.: 1940
funding and get more accomplished with- QUALIFICATIONS: Electrical engineer, 10 RESPONSE: The major issue in this cam- EDUCATION: Graduate, Whitehall High
out stressing the tax base. I bring a willing- years; Engineering manager, 8 years; paign is the underfunding of school dis- School, 1959.
ness to serve the community from multiple School Director, 3.5 years; Board President, tricts by the state. To address this year’s OCCUPATION: Retired. Part-time school
perspectives: a parent, home owner and Vice-president, Treasurer, 1 year; Member financial shortfall, our district will need to bus driver.
educational profession who was raised in of budget/finance, policy, facilities, educa- make difficult decisions. We will look at all QUALIFICATIONS: 18 years on Whitehall-
the Lehigh Valley. tion committees; Member of strategic areas to economize without diminishing Coplay School Board.
plan, high school task forces. the excellent education we provide our RESPONSE: In Harrisburg. It is going to be
JEFFREY DIMMIG RESPONSE: Addressing the economic students. We will also be taking our budget tough the next several years. Forcing the

Upper Saucon Twp. challenges facing our school district is the on a “Road Show” to inform residents of school districts to bear the cost of covering
D.O.B.: 1973 major issue of this campaign. The strength our financial situation and ask them to the money the State has covered before. If
EDUCATION: Quakertown High School of our district lies in the strong support of voice their support for public education. the School District has to freeze the sala-
1991; B.S. Economics - U.S. Naval Academy our community, the dedicated work of our ries of teachers, all salaries have to be
1996, J.D. Temple Law School 2003. administrative and teaching staff, and the PATTY GAUGLER frozen. I do not favor freezing any salaries
OCCUPATION: Deputy District Attorney – commitment of our students and parents. No response or raising the taxes or cutting personal.
Lehigh County. In addressing the economic challenges, we
QUALIFICATIONS: SLSD School Director need to bring all parties to the table and all ARTHUR F. TASCHLER JR.
4 years (never voted for a tax increase); will need to contribute to its resolution. Whitehall Twp.
U.S. Marine Corps Officer (Major) 1996- Together we can solve this challenge. D.O.B.: 1960
2006; Supervisor of Juvenile Division - EDUCATION: Graduate: Central Catholic
Lehigh County District Attorney’s Office. WILLIAM MIRACLE HS – 1978, LCCC – ’82 / AAS in Accounting;
RESPONSE: We must reverse the explod- Coopersburg Moravian College – ’84 / BA in Accounting;
ing growth of the budget. We can achieve D.O.B.: 1946 Central Atlantic Advanced School of Bank-
this by (1) limiting annual salary increases EDUCATION: BA, Temple University, 1972. ing & Finance @ Bucknell University – ’85.
and requiring a greater sharing of health OCCUPATION: Drywall Contractor. OCCUPATION: COO & Treasurer of TuWay
costs; (2) freezing administrators’ salaries QUALIFICATIONS: This is my 16th year as Communications.

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