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Business 101 Pack

Getting started with MyCaptain

The SDSN recognised MyCaptain as one of the Top 50
Youth Led solutions in the World for working towards
the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Students Impacted

“Get ready for a Happy Learning.”

The Ultimate Business 101 :
Get 8+ Business Courses at just Rs 10,000 4999/-

Advertising & Marketing Entrepreneurship Digital Marketing

Finance & Stock Market SEO Business Analytics

Business Communication Event Management

What’s in store:

Overview of the LIVE Courses in Business 101 Pack


1) Understand why Startups Exist and Brainstorm on an idea for your startup.

2) Discover your personality and understand your role in your startup!

3) Apply the Lean Canvas Model to your Startup.

4) Come up with your Business Model and Build the first version of your
product or service.

5) Start Marketing your Startup.

6) Understand how and When to raise Funding from Investors.

Advertising and Marketing

1) Introduction to various Kinds of Marketing, Marketing strategy, Marketing

Mix and Social Marketing.

2) Decoding consumer behaviour.

3) Understanding Brand identity and Personality.

4) Developing copywriting skills and Creating an advertising campaign.

5) How an advertising agency works?.

6) Integrated Marketing Communication - Social Media Marketing.

Digital Marketing

1) Wireframe and run your first Facebook and Instagram Ads.

2) Importance of Content Writing and SEO.

3) Writing Brand introduction emails.

4) How to run an Email Drip Campaign.

5) Scriptwriting for your YouTube Ad.

6) Career Prospects and Opportunities in Digital Marketing.

Finance & Stock

1) Evolution of money and the Stock Market.

2) Understanding Financial Statements, Finance atios and Analysis.

3) The Why, What and How of Investments.

: 8 (
4) Case Study Decoding the 200 Stock market crash The Subprime Crisis).

5) Analysing isks and eturns.

6) Practice investing with a Stock Market Simulator.

What’s in store :

Overview of the LIVE Courses in Business 101 Pack

Business Analytics

1) Introduction to Data Analytics.

2) Breaking down complex data.

3) Working with Spreadsheets.

4) Learning Various functions in Excel.

5) Cracking Effective visualization with Excel.

Business Communication

1) Learn Business Communication secrets.

2) Build Communication Strategies.

3) Write your first report.

4) Master Leadership Tactics.

5) Learn the art of Time and Stress Management.

6) Manage Teams and Projects.

Event Management

1) Curate your first-ever event.

2) Build your team.

3) Learn how to crack sponsorship deals.

4) Get started with Artist management.

5) Learn to organize an event like TEDx.

6) Get ready to start your own event management company.


1) Get started with SEO.

2) Create your Website.

3) Do your own Keyword Research.

4) Implement SEO for your blog/website.

5) Learn Google Analytics.

6) Build your career in SEO as an SEO specialist, Content writer, and more!

4 weeks of building portfolio
worthy projects :

Entrepreneurship Advertising & Marketing

Get your B-Plan Build your first

ready and launch creative Ad Campaign
your Start-Up

Finance & Stock Market Digital Marketing

Trade, Trade and Run Facebook and

more real time Google Ads,
stock trading targeting anyone!

4 weeks of building portfolio
worthy projects :

Business Analytics Business Communication

Analyse complex data
Build Communication
and effective Strategies and write
visualization with your first report

Event Management SEO

Create your own
Conduct your first website and implement
event like TEDx keywords to your blog
and website.

They came, They saw and They Conquered!

Our very own success stories :

Deepak Anandita

Our mentee,

Our mentee,
Anandita interned at

Deepak has worked under J Walter Thompson, under

several firms as an intern. He account planning department.
completed his marketing Working with an ad agency
internship at ITC ltd and at gave her some very clear and
Hindustan CocaCola important insights into the
Beverages Pvt LTD. world of advertising!

They came, They saw and They Conquered!

Our very own success stories :

Saumavo Harsh Patel

Our mentee, Soumavo has Harsh began his journey of

come a long way in his journey the entrepreneurship using
and has co-founded his own Artificial Intelligence, he is
Finance Company, Anoc building ITS for Smart
Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Through Cities.He’s looking forward
his company, he provides and hoping for the product to
training to people interested be out in the market, in the
in Finance.
next 2-3 years.

The sorcerers of Business - Our Captains


Zeeshan Mohammed
Sameer Ramesh
Shashank Shekhar

Co-founder, CEO, The Climber Co-founder, CPO, The Climber Founder of Stoned Santa

d d
A vertising an Marketing

Bhavana Rajgopalan
Ruhan Naqash
Apurwa Shrivastava

Account Manager at The Minimalist Co-founder, CMO at The Climber Brand Strategist,

The Logical Indian

Finance & Stock

Sanchit Pahwa
Anaga Sriram
Soumavo Bhattachar a
Associate Solution Adviser,
Finance Manager,

Founder of

Deloitte Prime Venture Partners ANYONE CAN TRADING

The sorcerers of Business - Our Captains

Digital Marketing

Siddhant Keshari
Kritika Rai
Nishi Patel

Co-founder at TheWav Associate - Paid Media,

Digital Media Specialist

Publicis Media

Business Communication Business Analytics

Pawan Rochwani
Dhara Pabari
Jaidev Deshpande

Data Scientist at Gramener

Founder of the 'Platform For Artists' Soft Skills Trainer

Event Management E

Abhisht Abhivyakti Pathak

Murtaza Rangwala

Consultant at
Co-founder at Social Chutney

CRED & Founder of GuruKonnect

Work it till you make it :

Free Classes in Business by India’s
best and Brightest Minds

Poornima Sharma
Vir Das
Karan Singh

Partner Marketing Manager,

Indian Comedian
CEO of

APAC and Actor

Get the secrets of the industry and understand the ifs and

hows! From CEOs to Content Creators to Entrepreneurs to

Marketers. Interact, Learn and Evolve.

Industry experts approved and ratified:

Courses powered by

Get certified in Business Courses

@ Rs 4999/-

Certificate of Completion :

On completing 65% of the

course, unlock the Certificate of

Certificate of Competency :

On successful completion of 85%

of the course along with all the
projects, unlock the Certificate of

Letter of Recommendation :

Upon the successful completion of the course as per the

guidelines and receiving the Certificate of Competency, you are
eligible to get a Letter of Recommendation from your Captain.


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