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Membership Application

& Renewals 2017

Documentation / Education and events /

Guidelines and best practice / Regulation and lobbying
The LMA Mission Member Benefits

The Loan Market Association Use of an extensive library of Participation in the LMA’s Education
recommended form documentation and Events Programme, including
(LMA) has as its key for both the primary and secondary conferences, seminars, documentation
objective improving liquidity, syndicated loan markets, and specific training, webinars and more intensive
efficiency and transparency documentation for use in real estate courses, such as the industry
in the primary and secondary finance, commodity finance, the respected LMA Certificate Course and
developing markets, in particular Syndicated Loans Course for Lawyers.
syndicated loan markets Africa, and private placements.
in Europe, the Middle East Education is a core focus for the LMA as
LMA documentation is produced after it strives to foster a greater understanding
and Africa (EMEA). Through extensive consultation with leading loan of documentation, legal issues and
its work on documentation, practitioners and law firms so as to regulation across jurisdictions and product
education, regulation and represent an agreed common view of groupings. Through its membership,
market practice, the LMA documentation structures. Standardisation committees and documentation initiatives,
of the ‘boilerplate’ areas of the documents the LMA has relationships with the key
seeks to promote the allows lenders and borrowers to focus on players in the market, guaranteeing its
syndicated loan as one the more important commercial aspects speakers are leading experts in their field.
of the key debt products of individual transactions. The widespread
Apart from monthly evening seminars and
available to borrowers use of LMA documents throughout the
regular documentation training days in the
EMEA region has facilitated the increase
across the region. in efficiency of primary and secondary
UK, the LMA manages a busy international
schedule of events and actively visits
As the authoritative voice of the syndicated loan business, reduced documentation
financial centres across the EMEA region
loan market in EMEA, the LMA works risk, aided members in the effective
to offer ongoing education for its members.
with lenders, law firms, borrowers and management of their loan portfolios,
The LMA also runs a highly successful
regulators to educate the market about and helped to attract new investors to
Webinar Programme, which gives
the benefits of the syndicated loan the market.
members around the world easy access
product, and to remove barriers to entry The LMA’s prime documentation to training on a range of LMA documents
for new participants. activities include: and other relevant topics.
Since the establishment of the LMA in 1) continually reviewing existing With the majority of events and all
1996, the Association’s membership documents to ensure they are aligned with webinars and e-learning being free of
has grown steadily and now, as the LMA current legal and regulatory requirements, charge to members, the LMA’s Education
celebrates its 20th anniversary, it stands as well as market practice; 2) publication and Events Programme represents a very
at a record 640 organisations from 61 of guidance notes on pertinent issues; significant benefit to members.
countries. Membership comprises and 3) the introduction of new documents
commercial and investment banks, Access to members’ only area
where these are deemed to be
institutional investors, law firms, service of the LMA website and dedicated
providers and rating agencies. microsites for real estate finance,
developing markets and loan
operations, provides a wealth of
valuable information to market
Content available to members includes
the following: LMA recommended form
documentation and market guidelines;
the latest legal and regulatory news and
regulatory submissions by the LMA; LMA
newsletters, books and guides; market
statistics and reports provided by a range
of data providers; presentations from UK
and overseas conferences; and access to
training on demand.

organisations are currently members
of the LMA
countries within the LMA’s membership
LMA Initiatives

Documentation Regulation and Lobbying Activity Education and Training

Loan documentation remains one History tells us that regulatory The LMA’s Events Programme
of the LMA’s core functions and, in changes often have unintended continues to expand, with an increased
2016, the LMA expanded its suite of consequences, and the LMA has, number of international events, UK
documentation with the publication of: and will continue to have, a vital role training days, conferences, courses
(1) revised leveraged documentation to in mitigating any possible negative and webinars planned for 2017.
include (amongst other things) an impact on the loan product, whether
In response to the LMA’s wider focus
optional incremental facility; (2) a new that be generally, or in relation to
in recent years, the programme now
security agreement and contractually specific market sectors such as
covers real estate finance and developing
subordinated intercreditor agreement leveraged and real estate finance.
markets, notably Africa, with a range of
designed for use on REF transactions;
Whilst significant progress has been events available to members in the year
(3) a new German law and German
made by the LMA in reducing the impact ahead. The LMA is also running events in
language facility agreement and term
of regulation on the loan product, more European centres than ever before,
sheet for use in REF multi-property
undoubtedly, changes in the regulatory namely, in 2017, Amsterdam, Brussels,
transactions; (4) a new insurance
and fiscal landscape will continue to Dublin, Frankfurt, Madrid, Milan, Munich,
broker letter for use in REF transactions;
provide major challenges for the LMA Paris, Stockholm, Vienna and Zurich.
and (5) a new facility agreement
during 2017 and beyond. Basel III and
governed by Zimbabwean law. The LMA has also added to its range
the related EU Capital Requirements
of courses, with the introduction of a
In addition, as part of its ongoing review of Directive and Regulation are already
Loan Documentation Certificate Course,
existing documents, the LMA has updated making an impact on the lending
which gives professionals a more in-depth
its German, French, and South African law environment, and it is equally the case
understanding of the LMA primary
investment grade templates; included an that legislation being introduced across
standard documentation, as well as a
option providing for free transferability by the globe, particularly in the US, has
REF Certificate Course aimed at junior
lenders by pre-approved entities within its had direct or indirect consequences for
loan market professionals working in
leveraged documentation; and issued a the EMEA market, whilst in Europe Brexit
the REF market. In addition, following the
revised form of Bail-in clause to reflect and proposals around a Capital Markets
successful introduction two years ago of
Article 55 BRRD. It has also published Union will offer further challenges and
an annual Loan Operations Conference,
general updates to its suite of facility opportunities. Furthermore, regulation
the LMA has now launched an E-Learning
agreements to reflect legal and market targeting lenders such as non-banks,
Programme aimed primarily at operations
issues such as changes in the accounting and specific parts of the market, including
professionals and newcomers to the
treatment of leases (IFRS 16), the new UK real estate and trade finance, will also
syndicated loan market, providing an
Persons with Significant Control (“PSC”) need to be monitored carefully for any
overview of the loan market and an
regime and the new ICE LIBOR submission possible negative effects.
introduction to loan documentation
methodology. Finally, the LMA has also
The LMA will also continue to track and key operational processes.
issued commentary on the increasing
changes in accounting principles that will
number of factors that impact on the loan Lastly, the LMA will continue to roll-out
have a material impact on the product,
markets, for example, notes on the its very successful webinar programme
and other issues, such as sanctions and
documentary implications of Brexit and providing overviews of LMA documents
tax regulations, will be equally demanding
updates to its ICE LIBOR and EURIBOR and key legal issues.
of LMA resources.
re-fixing policies note.
Looking ahead to 2017, the LMA is planning
to begin work on production of an ECA
buyer credit facility agreement, as well
as an intercreditor agreement for use
alongside combined unitranche and bank
lending transactions and a confidentiality
agreement governed by South African law.
Work will continue in respect of a fronted
underwriting agreement and mezzanine
facility drafting guide for leveraged finance
transactions (the latter to be replicated for LMA Loan Documentation Certificate Course 2016 LMA Webinar homepage
the REF market in due course). The LMA

also intends to publish amendments to its
developing markets and private placement
documents. Finally, looking to Africa, the
LMA will complete the update of its suite
of local law African documents in line with have attended the LMA’s Education & Events
recent changes to law and market practice. Programme in the last 3 years
Subscriptions Membership
Categories and
Throughout 2017 the LMA will be Full
celebrating its 20th anniversary.
£12,500 pa + VAT (if applicable*)
Since its inception, the range of
services the Association provides to Full members have:
its members has grown exponentially, – Eligibility for Board membership
particularly in relation to the library – Voting rights at the AGM
of documents available and its – The option to nominate an Alternate
educational offering. Representative
– Higher allocation of places at the
Despite the LMA’s increasing workload, LMA Developing Markets Conference 2016
annual Syndicated Loans Conference
subscription levels for 2017 will remain
in London
Criteria for membership as well as access to all LMA information,
There are two types of membership: resources, events and webinars, and the
Full and Associate. Full members must opportunity to apply to join appropriate
be financial institutions and are likely committees.
to be loan arrangers, traders and other
active participants in the loan market.
Associate members are likely to be law
firms, rating agencies, accountancy LMA Real Estate Finance Conference 2016 With UK office – Legal Firm
firms, smaller financial institutions and £8,600 pa + VAT (if applicable*)
other professionals with an interest in
With UK office – Other
the market.
£7,700 pa + VAT (if applicable*)
Associate Membership is divided into
Without UK office
four categories:
£6,000 pa
Associate with UK office – Legal Firm;
Associate with UK office – Other; The above three categories of Associate
Associate without UK office; and membership can access all LMA
Associate – African Single Jurisdiction. LMA Loan Operations Conference 2016 documentation and guidelines, education
and training events, webinars, legal
This last category is aimed at those
and regulatory updates and LMA
organisations located in a single African
submissions, various newsletters, and
jurisdiction which only want access to
may apply to join appropriate committees.
the LMA’s suite of local law African
Associate – African Single Jurisdiction
Membership is not open to individuals. £2,000 pa
All members must appoint a Nominated
This category of Associate membership
Representative who will act as the main
can access all local law African
contact with the LMA for receiving LMA Investment Grade Documentation Training 2016
documentation, all African based training
important notifications and is expected
events, and selected LMA notes,
to forward such communications to
guidelines and webinars.
the relevant parties within the member
*Please note, UK VAT will apply to institutions
Subscription fees where the Nominated Representative is
located in the UK.
Membership runs from 1 January to
31 December of each year, and the full
year’s subscription fee must be paid
LMA South African Syndicated Loans Conference 2016
whenever an institution joins.

20 yrs
at the forefront of the market
LMA Syndicated Loans Conference 2016
Loan Market Association
A company limited by guarantee (no 3284544)

Membership Application/Renewal: 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2017

Membership category (please tick one) Payment details (please tick one)
Full £12,500 + VAT (if applicable) We will pay by    cheque     bank transfer
Associate with UK office – Legal Firm £8,600 + VAT (if applicable) Contact details of Nominated Representative
Associate with UK office – Other £7,700 + VAT (if applicable)
Address (If different from main address)
Associate without UK office £6,000
Institutions are only eligible for this rate of Associate membership if they do not have an office in the UK.

Associate – African Single Jurisdiction £2,000 Telephone (Please include country and area code)
This category of membership is open to institutions located in a single African jurisdiction only.
Fax (Please include country and area code)
Institution details
Email address
Alternate Representative (NB Full members only)
Main address
Address (If different from main address)
Main switchboard telephone
Website address
Telephone (Please include country and area code)
Business area (please tick one)
Fax (Please include country and area code)
Bank     Institutional Investor     Law Firm     Other (please specify)
Email address
Please return this application form, together with a cheque for the appropriate amount, to:
We hereby apply to become a member of the Association for 2017
Amelia Handley, Loan Market Association, 10 Upper Bank Street, London E14 5JJ
By submitting this application to become a member of the Loan Market Association (the ‘LMA’), we agree and consent
for the purpose of our membership of the LMA (if accepted) to be subject to and to abide by the memorandum and articles If you prefer to pay by bank transfer, the LMA’s bank details are as follows:
of association and bye-laws of the LMA from time to time being in force. We also agree and consent for the purpose of the
Companies Act 2006 to receiving membership information by way of electronic communication to the above noted HSBC Bank, Bishopsgate Branch, Sort Code 40-02-31, A/C No. 11226894
email address, to receiving membership information published by the LMA via the LMA website at IBAN: GB42MIDL40023111226894, BIC: MIDLGB2106G
(or such other website address as shall be communicated to us by the LMA) and to receiving electronic notification
of any such publications, again to the above noted email address. We understand that we will need a browser run by
Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome or Safari to view information on the LMA website. Cheques should be made payable to LOAN MARKET ASSOCIATION.
All payments should be made in £Sterling and NET OF ALL CHARGES.
For and on behalf of the applicant If an acknowledgement is not received within 30 days, please contact the
LMA on +44 (0)20 7006 6007.
Applicants are advised that the Loan Market Association is a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales and that,
pursuant to clause 7 of its memorandum of association, every member undertakes that in the event of the winding up of the
Loan Market Association while they are a member, or within one year of cessation of their membership, they will be liable
to contribute to the assets of the Loan Market Association an amount not exceeding £1.
LMA contact
T: +44 (0)20 7006 6007
F: +44 (0)20 7006 3423
[email protected]

Achievements over the last 12 months

Production of new LMA Guides: Comparison Launch of a revised form of Bail-in Clause
of Private Placement Debt Products, and and associated Users Guide reflecting BRRD
Dealing with Requests for Amendments Article 55
New edition of LMA Guides: Insolvency Engaging with Regulators and Legislators in
in the Loan Market, and Schuldschein the UK and Europe on Brexit
Product Guide
Active lobbying in respect of building a Capital
Launch of new German law Term Sheet for Markets Union and an EU framework for
use in REF transactions simple, transparent and standardised (STS)
Launch of German law and German language securitisations
euro currency term facility agreement for use Dialogues with the European Commission,
in REF multi-property transactions Prudential Regulation Authority and Financial
Production of new Insurance Broker Letter Conduct Authority regarding BRRD Article 55
and Security Agreement for use in REF Continued expansion of the LMA’s Education
transactions & Events Programme with more webinars,
Publication of Administrative Details Form to international events, UK training days, courses
provide a standard format for communicating and conferences being held each year
key administrative details Webinar programme has now been watched
Revised Leveraged documentation to include by over 12,000 people
an optional incremental facility
Launch of new E-Learning Programme
Amendments to German and French law for operations teams and newcomers to
Investment Grade documentation the market
Addition of Zimbabwean law option to the Launch of new book: 20 Years in the
Sub-Saharan Africa Facility Agreement Loan Market

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© 2016 Loan Market Association. All rights

reserved. Printed in the United Kingdom.

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