Sample Solicitation Letter To All Employees

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Sample Solicitation Letter to All Employees

Dear <Employee>,

<Organization> is committed to giving back to our community. We do this in many ways, and today I’m
asking you to do this by making a pledge to United Way of Washtenaw County, specifically to the
Community Impact Fund. (If there is a match or incentive share here)

Why? We partner with United Way because they do what no one agency can do alone. They fight
poverty by investing in programs that produce lasting solutions. Here is a snapshot of the work they did
just last year:

 901 Individuals remained stably housed 12 months after intervention

 6,569 Individuals received physical, mental or dental health care
 13,313 Individuals of low-income accessed nutritious food including proteins and fresh produce
 2,129 Seniors of low-income were connected to services to avert future crises

Thanks to the generosity of our team members, last year (Company Name raised $x) and as the numbers
show, our community is better because of our efforts.

There is always more work ahead. I completed my pledge to United Way, it only took a few minutes.
Please take the time to complete your pledge today so United Way can continue the work they do so


<CEO Name>
Sample Mid-campaign Donation Reminder

Dear <employee>,

In less than five minutes you can fight poverty in our community and make the future brighter for
children, adults and families by completing your pledge to United Way of Washtenaw County,
specifically to the Community Impact Fund. (If there is a match or incentive share here)

It’s rarely just one thing that a person or family is struggling with, which is why United Way’s mission to
CONNECT people, resources and organization TOGETHER is so important. The Community Impact Fund
provides a safety-net of support in Washtenaw County, and with 14% of residents living in poverty,
these services are accessed by thousands each year.

Complete your pledge now, it takes less than five minutes and our community will be stronger and
better because of you.

Thank you,


Our campaign will wrap up on <Date>.

Sample Mid-campaign Donation Reminder to Prior Donors

Dear <employee>,

Last year, you pledged to United Way of Washtenaw County and people’s lives were better because of
you – THANK YOU. Please continue to fight poverty in our community and complete your pledge to
United Way of Washtenaw County, specifically to the Community Impact Fund. (If there is a match or
incentive share here)

As a donor, you may be familiar with the fact that it’s rarely just one thing that a person or family is
struggling with, which is why United Way’s mission to CONNECT people, resources and organization
TOGETHER is so important. The Community Impact Fund provides a safety-net of support in
Washtenaw County. With 14% of Washtenaw County residents living in poverty and an additional 23%
struggling to meet their basic needs, these services are accessed by thousands each year.

Complete your pledge now, it takes less than five minutes and our community will be stronger and
better because of you.

Thank you,


Our campaign will wrap up on <Date>.

Sample Letter to Prospective Leadership Givers

Dear <Prospective Leader>,

When you make a Leadership gift to United Way to fight poverty, you make a statement about the
importance of giving back. Join me in making a leadership gift, a contribution of $1,000 or more, to
United Way and our community this year. (If there is a match or incentive share here)

United Way of Washtenaw County, specifically the Community Impact Fund, supports safety-net
services that help thousands of Washtenaw County residents meet their basic needs and help to change
the startling statistics below:

 Only 22% of economically-disadvantaged 8th graders are proficient at grade-level math.

 Isolated seniors have much higher rates of chronic disease  - 52% of seniors in Washtenaw
County live alone with limited outside support. 
 In Washtenaw County a person earning minimum wage ($8.50 p/hour) would need to work 92
hours in a week to afford a modest 2 bedroom apartment
 36.8% of Ypsilanti High School and 29.6% of Lincoln High School students do not graduate
 14% of Washtenaw County live in poverty, another 25% struggle to make ends meet

In appreciation, United Way is pleased to invite all Leadership givers to their Annual Leadership
Reception. This is a great opportunity to meet and spend time with other local like-minded leaders and

Please consider a Leadership gift to strengthen our commitment to making a difference in the
communities in which we live and work and help raise the bar on philanthropy within our organization.

Thank you,

<CEO’s Name (or other company leader)>


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