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Basic Cadet Training


Civil Air Patrol

United States Air Force Auxiliary

Name: _______________________________
T-Flight Workbook

This workbook has been designed as part of your academic curriculum here during Basic
Cadet Training. This book will not be collected by your Training Instructor or corrected and
returned to you. Instead it is a tool for you to use to gain knowledge about many of the
important topics and skills we will cover these two months.

Hopefully you will find all of the information in this workbook to be useful. In many sections
portions of the CAP regulations or manuals have been reproduced. Do not mistake these for
the regulations themselves. If you have a question – look it up! Do not rely on this document
as your sole source of information or as an authoritative word on matters pertaining to the
administration of CAP. Regulations are available from the CAP National Headquarters web
page at then click on “MEMBERS” where a drop-down menu will show,
then click on “Forms and Publications”.

Your Training Instructors (TI’s) will help you complete the book throughout the cycle. Strive to
make every answer correct. To do this you must read the information within. Do not take the
easy route and simply wait for your TI’s to give you the answers. While possible, it is not the
route of a cadet with integrity, discipline, or honesty. Strive for these things as that is part of
being and succeeding at encampment.

Lastly, much of this information will appear on the Leadership test and Final Examination.
These examinations are the basis graduation. Discipline yourself and demand excellence and
you will succeed.

T-Flight Workbook

Section One – The History of CAP

Pearl Harbor propelled the United States into World War II, but many
Americans saw the AXIS threat long before Dec. 7, 1941. Among
them were nearly 150,000 men and women involved in aviation.

As early as 1938, they began to argue for the creation of an

organization to harness their aviation resources to aid the nation in
the event America entered the conflict. Their efforts, led by writer-
aviator Gill Robb Wilson and supported by Gen. Henry "Hap" Arnold,
resulted in the creation of the Civil Air Patrol on Dec. 1, 1941 - one week before Pearl Harbor.

First organized under the Office of Civilian Defense, headed by former New York Mayor
Fiorello LaGuardia, Civil Air Patrol members became the "Minutemen" of World War II,
volunteering their time, resources, and talents to defend the nation's borders and fill the gaps
as men and resources were being mobilized to fight abroad.

The War Department, especially the Army Air Forces, recognized the important roles
performed by CAP. In April 1943, CAP was reassigned from the Office of Civilian Defense to
the War Department and placed under the jurisdiction of the Army Air Forces.

These Flying Minutemen, all volunteers, performed

valiantly during the war. They performed many
missions including coastal patrol to search for enemy
submarines, search and rescue missions throughout
the United States, cargo and courier flights to transfer
critical materials and personnel, and even towing
targets so Army Air Corps personnel could practice
air-to-air gunnery techniques - a very risky mission
with new gunners.

In all, these volunteers amassed a stunning record - flying more than half-a-million hours,
sinking two enemy submarines, and saving hundreds of crash victims. A thankful nation
recognized the vital role CAP played during the war and understood the organization could
continue to provide invaluable help to both local and national agencies.

On July 1, 1946, President Harry Truman signed Public Law 476

that incorporated CAP as a benevolent, nonprofit organization.
And on May 26, 1948, Congress passed Public Law 557 that
permanently established CAP as the Auxiliary of the new U.S. Air
Force. This law also gave the Secretary of the Air Force the
authority to provide financial and material assistance to the

T-Flight Workbook
Section One Review Questions

1. Civil Air Patrol was formed one week before ____________________________ that was a
major factor in the United States entering into World War II.
2. The Civil Air Patrol has served under a number of different agencies. Circle the agencies
that CAP has been a part of:
• The US Navy • The US Army
• The Department of Transportation • The US Air Force
• The Office of Civil Defense • The Army Air Forces
3. Since CAP was founded in 1941, what anniversary did it celebrate in 1991? _________
4.  True  False: Public Law 476 made CAP the official auxiliary of the United States
Air Force?
5. Place an “x” next to the missions you could have performed had you been one of CAP’s
“flying minutemen” during World War II.
‰ Target Towing
‰ Search and Rescue
‰ Submarine patrols and bombing
‰ Courier services
‰ Material transport
‰ Air Combat Patrols
6. President Harry S. Truman is famous for making the decision to drop nuclear bombs on the
Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. To CAP members he is also famous because:
7. There were two people who were very involved in starting Civil Air Patrol. One served as
CAP's first National Commander and was named _________________________. The
other was a writer who has now had the Level V Senior Training Award named after him.
He was ______________________________.

T-Flight Workbook

Section Two – The Organization of CAP

The Civil Air Patrol is a civilian organization
but, as the civilian Auxiliary of the U.S. Air
Force, it comes as no surprise that it is
organized along military lines. CAP is
organized into eight geographic regions.
These regions are subdivided by the states
falling within their boundaries and each
state has a CAP wing. Additionally, the
District of Columbia and Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico have CAP wings.

These 52 wings are then subdivided into

groups, squadrons, and flights depending
on their size. There are more than 1,700
CAP units, half of which are composite squadrons or squadrons that have both senior and
cadet members.

The highest governing body of CAP is the Board of Governors; chaired by an elected member
of the Board. It is made up of 4 USAF appointed members, 4 CAP
appointed members and 3 selected from any Federal agency, private
corporation, or non-profit organization that have an interest in aviation or
CAP. Two of the CAP members shall be the National Commander and
his deputy commander. The National Commander position is held by a
CAP Major General elected by the members.

One of the 4 appointed USAF members is the Senior Air Force Advisor.
The advisor's position is held by an active-duty Air Force Colonel who, in addition to serving as
the Senior Air Force Adviser, is responsible for all active duty and DoD civilian employees who
provide liaison oversight and advice to the CAP organization. In this capacity, the Senior Air
Force advisor is also the CAP-USAF Commander.

Sound confusing? It's really not. When Congress

enacted Public Law 557 in 1948, they determined
that active-duty Air Force personnel should be
assigned to provide advice and assistance to the
organization. Hence, Headquarters CAP-USAF was

In addition to the Air Force staff at CAP's National Headquarters, CAP Liaison regions have a
small staff headed by a commander and a staff of six other officers, NCOs and DoD civilians
who perform aerospace education and training, logistics, and administration and operations

T-Flight Workbook
The members of the CAP-USAF unit fall under the command of Air University. Air University is
the Air Force organization responsible for operating many of the schools such as Air War
College and Squadron Officers School. Air University in turn reports to the commander of the
Air Education and Training Command (AETC).

Each of the 52 wings also has a liaison noncommissioned officer and some also have a liaison
officer - both who are retired U.S. Air Force members.

Within each Wing are the individual units that are the lifeblood of CAP. There are three types
of CAP units: Cadet, Composite, and Senior squadrons. Each type of squadron serves a
special purpose in furthering the CAP mission.

Cadet squadrons are comprised mainly of cadets and of seniors who are motivated by working
with cadets. The squadron typically focuses on cadet training and cadet advancement. The
senior members tend to advance their training on their own and by their own design.

Senior squadrons are the opposite of cadet "As the active force draws down, the Air Force will
squadrons in that they are comprised entirely engage in increased burden-sharing with its Guard,
of seniors. Cadets may not belong to a senior Reserve and Auxiliary (CAP) components. It is
squadron. Senior squadrons tend to focus on critical that U.S. Air Force installation and unit
furthering the expertise of their members and commanders provide priority support to CAP--which
on advancement through the Senior Training in turn enhances CAP mission readiness and a
Program. payback in increased mission support to the Air
Force by its civilian Auxiliary."
A Composite squadron combines the two Mr. Bryan Sharratt
previous types of squadrons into one. In this Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force
type of unit, cadets and senior operate their
training programs side by side. They also assist each other in accomplishing the missions of
CAP. In a Composite unit the Deputy Commander for Cadets (CDC) tends to oversee the
cadet training program, while the Deputy Commander for Seniors (CDS) oversees the senior

Beneath the squadron level is the CAP Flight. A unit that is in

“flight status” can only remain that way for a short period of
time before the unit must either meet “squadron status” or be
deactivated. Frequently new CAP units start out as a flight
beneath an established CAP unit. Occasionally squadrons
lose so many members, and don’t recruit new ones, that they
fall below the minimum number of members and are forced to
become a flight. When this happens, the unit must recruit
enough new members to regain their squadron status or the unit may be deactivated in
accordance with CAP regulations.

T-Flight Workbook
Section Two Review Questions

1. There are three types of units in CAP:

¾ S___________________
¾ C___________________
¾ C___________________
2. The Board of Governors is made up of the ________ Air Force Members, ______ CAP
Members and ______ others.
3. The Commander of CAP-USAF is also the ______________________________.
4. The Headquarters of CAP is located at Maxwell AFB, Alabama. This base is also home
to Air University, which falls under the direction of what Major Command (MAJCOM)?
5. Why is it important to keep recruiting new members and to retain current ones if you
want your unit to stay a squadron?
6. There are 52 CAP Wings. Each state has a wing and where do the other two come
from? _________________________________________________________________
8. Identify all the Wings in your Region:

In ___________________ Region, there are _______ Wings and they are:

T-Flight Workbook

Section Three – The Missions of CAP

If you’ll remember from the CAP history lesson, CAP was chartered by Congress after World
War II under Public Law 476 to perform missions “solely of a benevolent character.”

This implies that CAP is not allowed to perform combat operations. Had this charter been
adopted before WW II, then CAP would not have been allowed to participate in armed
reconnaissance missions against German submarines. However, the Congressional Charter
allows CAP to participate in the other types of missions which it started in WW II, like search
and rescue, disaster relief, flight training, and the cadet program.

Today, CAP is still carrying out the basic missions assigned to it by Congress in 1946, and
also responds to new missions for which CAP is ideally suited. To get an idea of exactly what
CAP does and how it seeks to perform those missions, let’s take a look at CAP’s Vision and
Mission Statements. A vision statement declares what an organization wishes to accomplish.
CAP wishes to build the best force of volunteers to accomplish essential missions for America.
As a member of CAP, you need to know what CAP seeks to do. A mission statement spells out
those goals. It defines the objectives that need to be accomplished to carry out those goals.
You can see CAP’s mission statement in the frame to the right. As you can see (though in
different words), it spells out CAP’s three primary missions which are Aerospace Education,
Emergency Services, and the Cadet Program.

Missions of Civil Air Patrol

Aerospace Education
Aerospace education represents CAP’s effort to educate America about the uses and
benefits of the transportation, communications and military capabilities of the air and space.
The two components in aerospace education are the internal program, which deals with
members of CAP, and the external program, which deals with the American public in general.
This program focuses on teachers and students in elementary and junior high schools.

Cadet Program
The cadet program offers young people enrolled in the sixth grade and beyond a chance to
develop their leadership skills through interest in aviation. Cadets progress at their own pace
through a 15-step program including Aerospace Education, Leadership, Physical Fitness, and
Moral Leadership.
Cadets can also participate in a wide variety of activities such as encampments, orientation
flights, and national and international activities. You will learn more about cadet programs later
in this course; this has just been a quick overview of what the cadet program is.

Emergency Services
Emergency services encompasses the search and rescue function which CAP began during
WW II. But, today it encompasses many more activities designed around public service. CAP’s
record in emergency services is impressive. Their air and ground teams perform over 85
percent of inland search and rescue missions for the US Air Force, saving over 100 lives each

T-Flight Workbook
During disasters and other times of need, CAP volunteers provide a variety of services to
agencies such as the Red Cross, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA), and the Coast Guard. These services range from air and
ground transportation of supplies and personnel, assistance in evacuation and damage
surveying, and establishing communications links through the use of its extensive
communications network.

CAP also provides a variety of other missions to support the US Air Force and to support the
curtailing of illegal drug transport into the United States. While CAP has no law enforcement
capability, it does aerial surveying, passenger transport, and communications support missions
for agencies such as the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the US Customs
Service. CAP also participates in the USAF Drug Demand Reduction Program. CAP units
located near Air Force bases participate in programs designed to educate Air Force and local
families about the danger of drugs and presents itself as an attractive alternative to drug and
gang activity.

Of all these missions, CAP cadets can take part in all except counterdrug operations.

T-Flight Workbook

Section Four – The CAP Cadet Program

The CAP Cadet Program accepts young men and women who meet certain eligibility
requirements. As a cadet, you participate in a program based on a military model that has
been derived from CAP’s status as the Air Force’s official auxiliary. Through dedication and
achievement you can promote and gain more responsibility and duties as you progress
through the Cadet Program.

To join, a young person must be:
• 12 years old
• Be under 18 years old (you may remain a cadet until 21 though)
• A U.S. citizen or an alien admitted for permanent residence
• of good moral character
• have a satisfactory academic record
• be approved by the unit Membership Committee

New members apply on a CAPF 15, which must be signed by the applicant, his/her parents,
and the Unit Commander (or designee).

Program Management
Effective 01 April 03, a new directive was issued by National Headquarters that changes how
the Cadet Program is managed, and that regulation is CAPR 52-16. This regulation instructs
CAP commanders on how to carry out the cadet program. As a cadet you should become
familiar with this regulation and its requirements. The revised program has 16 achievements
divided up into four phases. Achievements 1-8 are named after historic aviators, while
achievements 9-16 are named after different staff positions. Between the upper phases there
are also “milestone” awards that recognize the effort and dedication it takes to get to those

To earn a promotion each cadet must do the following for each promotion except the first:
• Pass an Aerospace Education test (currently at 70%, 80% open book)
• Pass a Leadership test (currently at 70%, 80% open book)
• Attend at least 50% of the Moral Leadership sessions during the promotion period
• Pass the Cadet Physical Fitness Test (CPFT)
• Recite the Cadet Oath
• Participate actively in the unit
• Wait at least 60 days between promotions

T-Flight Workbook

Phase One – The Learning Phase

The first phase of the Cadet Program focuses heavily on learning about being a CAP cadet.
New cadets learn about followership, drill, uniform wear, and the beginnings of aviation. You
receive most of your Phase One instruction during BTC. There are four
grades associated with this phase:
• New member = Cadet Airman Basic (C/AB)
• Complete Achievement One = Cadet Airman (C/Amn)
• Complete Achievement Two = Cadet Airman First Class (C/A1C)
• Complete Achievement Three = Cadet Senior Airman (C/SrA)
At the completion of Achievement Three, the cadet receives a certificate signifying their
completion of Phase One and their passage into the CAP Cadet NCO Corps.

Phase Two – The Leadership Phase

During this phase, cadets begin to exercise their leadership abilities by becoming Non-
Commissioned Officers (NCO’s). As a NCO, the cadet must become a “participant-leader” and
work with both his/her commanders and followers to accomplish the mission. It is the NCO
that executes the plans and vision of the higher echelon officers. There are five
grades associated with this phase:
• Complete Achievement Four = Cadet Staff Sergeant (C/SSgt)
• Complete Achievement Five = Cadet Technical Sergeant (C/TSgt)
• Complete Achievement Six = Cadet Master Sergeant (C/MSgt)
• Complete Achievement Seven = Cadet Senior Master Sergeant (C/SMSgt)
• Complete Achievement Eight = Cadet Chief Master Sergeant (C/CMSgt)
To leave this phase a cadet must pass a 100-question Aerospace/Leadership examination.
Passing this difficult test will earn you the prestigious General Billy Mitchell Award and
subsequent promotion to Cadet Second Lieutenant.

Phase Three – The Command Phase

Having left the ranks of the Cadet NCO Corps you have now entered the realm of the CAP
Cadet Officer Corps. Expectations are beginning to grow even higher as your professionalism
and demeanor are constantly under review. Only a select percentage of
dedicated cadets reach this level. As a Phase Three cadet you will begin to
conduct long range planning for your unit and you will be responsible for more
and more personnel. There are two grades in this phase:
• Complete the Mitchell Award = Cadet Second Lieutenant (C/2d Lt)
• Complete Achievement 10 = Cadet First Lieutenant (C/1t Lt)
Another milestone award, the Amelia Earhart Award, marks the end of this phase. To earn this
award you must pass another 100 question Aerospace/Leadership test. Passage of the test
allows you to be promoted to Cadet Captain.

Phase Four – The Executive Phase

As you enter Phase Four you have made a subtle, yet distinct progression. During the
previous phase you were a “junior officer” and as you enter Phase Four you begin to lose that
label. As a Phase Four cadet you are expected to plan and have vision of
where your unit is going. You no longer execute the specific details, that is

T-Flight Workbook
what staff members do, instead you make long range plans and direct your unit towards
strategic goals. There are two grades in this phase:
• Complete the Earhart Award = Cadet Captain (C/Capt)
• Complete Achievement 14 = Cadet Major (C/Maj)
At the end of this phase you have officially completed the CAP Cadet Program upon earning
the Ira C Eaker Award. To earn this award, you must have completed all 16 achievements and
have attended National Cadet Officer School, a Region Cadet Leadership School, or
completed ECI Course 13.
• Complete the Eaker Award = Cadet Lieutenant Colonel (C/Lt Col)

The Final Destination – The Spaatz Award

For a select few cadets, there will be one more major award in their CAP cadet careers. This
award has been named for General Carl A Spaatz, the first Chief of Staff
of the USAF. The Spaatz award comprises four tests:
♦ A 60 question Aerospace test
♦ A 60 question Leadership test
♦ An essay written on an ethics topic
♦ You may only attempt to pass all four tests three C/Col James McCloud receives Spaatz #1376 from USAF
Chief of Staff, General Michael Ryan and CAP National
times. Commander, BGen James Bobick

Because of the “three test limit,” many cadets attempt the Spaatz
but few achieve it. According to The Spaatz Association’s website ( there
have been only 1,400 Spaatz awards earned in the past 25 years.

Other Cadet Opportunities

The CAP Cadet Program offers you a wealth of opportunities and experiences that shouldn’t
be missed. These opportunities include special activities, flight training, and scholarships.

Special Activities – Each year different echelons offer a wide range of special activities.
• Wing - Encampment, NCOS, Volleyball Competition, Color Guard Competition, Ski
Trip, and Solo Encampment are some of the activities offered at the Wing level.
• Region – Region Cadet Leadership School, Cadet Conference, Region Conference
• National – These activities tend to be during the summer and are typically structured
to familiarize cadets with the USAF.
⇒ Air Force Space Command
Familiarization Course ⇒ National Blue Beret
⇒ Air Force Pararescue Jumper ⇒ Hawk Mountain Ranger School
Orientation Course ⇒ National Flight Academies
⇒ Air Education and Training ⇒ National Glider Academies
Command Familiarization Course ⇒ Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
⇒ National Cadet Officer School University Orientation Course
⇒ National Non-Commissioned ⇒ Jacksonville University/Comair
Officer School Academy Airline Training Track
⇒ National Ground Search and ⇒ National Cadet Competition
Rescue School ⇒ International Air Cadet Exchange

T-Flight Workbook
Flight Training – Training towards a Private Pilot’s license is available to all CAP cadets that
meet FAA qualifications. Cadets typically must pay for their flight time, but that cost is at a
huge discount over commercial instruction schools. Solo Encampment is a good way to get
started on your flying qualifications.

Scholarships - Money for college and flight training is available through CAP scholarships.
Specific qualifications and the different opportunities are outlined in CAPR 52-16.

T-Flight Workbook

T-Flight Workbook

Section Four Review Questions

1. The Cadet Program has ___ phases and ____ achievements. To move from one
achievement to the next you must wait _____ days.
2. Name the four major milestone awards:_______________________________________
3. Cadets who are between the grades of C/SSgt and C/CMSgt are considered NCO's.
What does NCO stand for and what do they do?________________________________
4. You must either attend National Cadet Officer School, a Region Cadet Leadership School,
or complete ECI Course 13 to earn what award and associated grade? ______________
5. When you turn 21 years old what must you do?_________________________________
6. ( )True or ( )False: You must be an officer to attend National Special Activities.
7. Pick the Special Activity that sends you to a foreign country with other CAP cadets and
CAP chaperones.
‰ National Blue Beret
‰ Pararescue Jumper Orientation Course
‰ International Air Cadet Exchange
‰ National Cadet Competition
8. Circle the regulation that directs the CAP Cadet Program.
CAPM 39-1 CAPR 50-15 CAPP 151 CAPR 52-16 CAPM 50-16
9. Write in the four major milestone awards and their corresponding grades:
Gen B____________________________________ C/___________
A________________________________________ C/___________
Gen I_____________________________________ C/___________
Gen C____________________________________ C/___________
10. Write down why you joined the CAP Cadet Program. Keep this book and in a few years
revisit this section and see if your motivations are the same, similar, or totally different.
You may be surprised!

T-Flight Workbook

Section Five - Uniforms

Civil Air Patrol cadets are expected and required to wear the prescribed uniform whenever
engaged in CAP activities. However, there are many other youth groups out there who wear
uniforms too. Boy Scouts, marching bands, cheerleaders, and sports teams all wear
distinctive uniform to set them apart from other groups and to create a unity of appearance.
So what is so special about the uniform that CAP cadets wear? The "specialness" comes from
being able to wear an authorized version of the uniform that is worn by the United States Air

Being able to wear the Air Force uniform is a privilege extended to us, but it is not a right. For
that reason you must always wear the uniform with pride, discipline, and in compliance with all
rules and regulations. CAPM 39-1, the CAP Uniform Manual, and its Wing supplements set
the standard for uniform wear in CAP. In the following section we will touch on some basic
uniform wear issues. You must realize that properly wearing your uniform is one of the most
basic and required responsibilities you have as a cadet. Until you can demonstrate mastery of
this task, your commanders will be very hesitant to give you any additional duties,
responsibilities, or grade!

Grooming Standards
CAPM 39-1 outlines very specific standards that detail how
your hair must look and how long it may be. Males must be
clean-shaven except for a mustache and females must
wear cosmetics that present a conservative appearance.

The Basic Service Uniform

The service uniform is worn when directed by your
Commander. Typically there are worn during formal
functions, non-strenuous activities, and other times when a
dressy appearance is important. The basic minimum
service uniform is:
™ Short-sleeve, light blue shirt (males) or blouse
™ Dark blue trousers (female/male) or skirt (female)
™ Blue belt/silver buckle (n/a for skirts or pants without
belt loops)
™ Blue flight cap (gender appropriate)
™ Black shoes and socks (females with pants or males)
or nylons (nude, black, or suntan shade)
™ Insignia, CAP nameplate, shoulder patch, collar/lapel
insignia, embroidered epaulet sleeve and flight cap emblem

The Basic Utility Uniform

The utility uniform, or battle dress uniform (BDU's), is worn when you are doing work,
strenuous activities, or other times as directed by your Commander. The basic BDU uniform:
™ BDU blouse (with sleeves rolled or unrolled as specified by your Cadet Commander)

T-Flight Workbook
™ BDU pants
™ Black boots
™ BDU cover
™ Blue belt/black buckle
™ Black T-shirt
™ Insignia, CAP tape, nametape, wing patch, reverse American flag, unit patch

The T-Flight Uniform

The T-Flight Uniform is the first uniform you will wear in CAP. It will be worn until week four
when you will receive the BDU uniform. The Basic BTC Uniform:
™ Black T-Shirt
™ Blue Jeans
™ Sneakers or other sturdy shoes

Wearing of the uniform

When you wear your uniform you must wear it with pride and properly at all times. You may
wear your CAP uniform when conducting CAP duties, attending meetings, flying in orientation
flights, or as directed by your unit commander. You may wear your uniform for up to one hour
after a meeting or activity ends. You may also wear any jacket over any uniform at a squadron
meeting if it is cold outside.

You must not wear your uniform if you are doing any of the following:
• Attend meetings of a group that the U.S. Attorney General has designated as
totalitarian, Fascists, Communists, or subversive.
• Participate in any organization that supports denying other people their
Constitutional rights by force or violence
• Participate in any group that seeks to alter the Constitution of the United States
through unconstitutional means.
• Participating in any rallies, marches, speeches, or other activities not approved by
the Air Force. Your presence in the Air Force uniform may lead other to believe that
the Air Force supports the cause you are participating in.
• When in private employment or commercial interest where someone may construe
your presence as the Air Force supporting your employer or business.
• When engaged in private employment
• Conduct any actions that may discredit upon the Air Force

Insignia, accouterments, and placement

The CAP Uniform manual specifically tells you where the different items go on your uniform.
None of the placements are unusually difficult or troublesome, they simply take a little time and
care when putting the items on to get them correct. If you are wearing insignia incorrectly you
are out of uniform. By the time you are ready to become a NCO, your officers should no
longer have to correct these types of items.

The following placements are for the short-sleeve

service uniform:

T-Flight Workbook
Collar Insignia - Worn one inch from the front edge of the collar and centered. CAP Cutouts
must be shiny. Grade insignia is worn on the right and the left.

Nameplates – One the male uniform, the blue CAP nameplate is placed so it rests on top of,
but not over, the right breast pocket. For females, the nameplate Blouse: (pointed-collar)
centered on right side even with or up to 1 1/2 inches higher or lower than the first exposed
button; (rounded collar) center on right side 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches below bottom of the tab,
parallel with ground.

Ribbons – For males, the ribbons are placed on the left side and resting along the top of the
left breast pocket. For females with the pointed collar blouse, ribbons are centered on left side
even with or up to 1 1/2 inches higher or lower than the first exposed button. With the rounded
collar blouse, the ribbons are centered on left side 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches below bottom of the
tab, parallel with ground.

Belt, Buckle & Gig Line – For all males, and for females with belt loops, the belt is mandatory.
Silver tip end of the belt extends beyond the buckle facing the wearer’s left; no blue fabric
shows. Woven cotton web or elastic, solid or woven, belt with matching silver-color metal tip
and buckle (oxidized silver or chrome-like finish).

Gig Line refers to the line that is formed by the button fly portion of your shirt, your buckle, and
the fly portion of your pants. This “line” should be straight down your shirt, across the buckle,
and down the pants fly. The line must cross the buckle where the slight indentation is on the
left side of the buckle.

Headgear – Your flight cap must fit on your head correctly. Males may not
have any hair showing out of the front, while females may. The airman hat
device is placed 1.5” in from the front and centered.

Shoulder Patch – Your Wing patch is worn on the left

shoulder. It is to be centered off of the epaulet (not the
back seam!) and ¾” below the shoulder seam at the
center. Creases are required on your wing patch but never the American
flag patch.

T-Flight Workbook

Pants/Trousers/Slacks/Skirts – Your pants must fit correctly and be the proper length. When
you wear your pants there must only be one “break” in the leg before your pants meet the top
portion of your shoe. For skirts, the skirt must fall between the top of the kneecap and the
bottom of the kneecap.

Shoes – Your shoes must be all black and must be plain. They should be polished to a high
shine. Some units allow their cadets to purchase pre-polished shoes, called patent leather,
while others restrict that to only officers. You must wear black socks.

Other items – There are many little things that you must pay attention to when
hen in uniform. The
sign of a disciplined cadet is one who pays attention to even the most minor of details. Here
are some common errors that you will want to avoid:
• Earrings: Only females may wear earrings and only one in each ear. It must be a
small hoop or post and must be gold or silver in color.
• Rings: Jewelry is permitted but must be conservative and no more than three at any
• Hair devices: Females who put their hair up may do so. However the berets, bands,
etc. that are used must match the color of your hair. Large ribbons, clips, scrunchis,
etc. are forbidden.
• Hair color: Your hair color must complement your skin tone in a conservative
fashion. No blue, green, pink, purple, etc hair color.

Your uniform is a reflection of you. Be proud of it and treat it well. Iron it and wash it
frequently. Your BDU uniform is important too. Iron pockets and collars so they appear crisp.
Check CAPM 39-1 for the proper placement of patches before putting them on to prevent
doubling the work. Above all you must understand that your uniform tells the world what kind
of cadet you are and how much discipline you have. You only get one chance to make that
first impression.

T-Flight Workbook
Section Five Review Questions
1. What CAP manual prescribes the rules of wearing CAP uniforms? ______________
2. For each of the following measurements, put the corresponding uniform item next to it:
• ½” from shoulder seam and centered: Wing Patch (example)
• 1” up, parallel with front edge of collar, and centered:______________________
• 1 ½” inches in and centered:__________________
• Falls between the top and bottom of kneecap:_____________________
• No more than 3” bulk for females:________________________
• Rests upon the top of the left breast pocket:______________________
3. If Cadet Sarah Smith has blond hair and puts it up when in uniform, which of the following
rubber band colors should she use?
Blue Green Purple Yellow White Blond Brown
4. Cadet Willis likes to wear his uniform a lot. Over the past two weeks you’ve seen him all
over town in it. The following is a list of places you’ve seen him while in his uniform. Place
an “x” next to the places that he shouldn’t have been wearing it:
‰ You stopped at McDonald’s and saw him working the fry machine in BDU’s
‰ You went with your grandfather to the local VFW post and saw him there making a
presentation about CAP in his blues
‰ You stopped at Denny’s about 30 minutes after the meeting and saw him there with his
parents in his blues.
‰ You went to a rally for your Squadron Commander, Maj John Puhlie, who is also
running for city mayor, and saw Willis handing out CAP brochures and “elect Puhlie he’s
no stoolie” buttons in his BDU’s.
5. What color socks do you wear in blues if you are a male cadet or a female cadet with
6. Why is it important to wear a proper uniform?____________________________________
7. The Air Force lets CAP members wear their uniform. This makes wearing the uniform a
________________________ and not a _______________.
8. Cadets wear b_______ nameplates while seniors wear g_________ nameplates.

T-Flight Workbook

Section Six – Customs, Courtesies, and Drill

Besides wearing your uniform, mastering drill and mastering customs and courtesies are other
important responsibilities of the Phase I and II cadet. The CAP Cadet Program works from the
military heritage given to us by our Air Force partners. From this heritage we develop and
share military customs and courtesies. The Cadet Program uses military drill as one of its
primary instructional tools to teach leadership. In drill you begin from the basic and move to
the advanced. You also move from the simplest of followers, as an element leader, and can
move to the most complex of commanders, directing the actions of an entire Wing during a

Drill Terms
To know what to do, you must first have a common frame of reference to work from. Many of
these terms should be familiar to you, but some will be new. These terms have been taken
directly from AFMAN 36-2203, which CAP uses as its Drill & Ceremonies Manual. Not all the
terms have been taken, but the ones you must be familiar with have. Study them carefully and
commit them to memory.

Alignment. Dress or cover. Element. The basic formation; that is, the
Cadence. The uniform step and rhythm in smallest drill unit comprised of at least 3, but
marching; that is, the number of steps usually 8 to 12 individuals, one of whom is
marched per minute. designated the element leader.
Center. The middle point of a formation. On File. A single column of persons placed one
an odd-numbered front, the center is the behind the other.
center person or element. On an even- Flight. At least two, but not more than four,
numbered front, the center is the right center elements.
person or element Formation. An arrangement of units.
Cover. Individuals aligning themselves directly Front. The space occupied by a unit,
behind the person to their immediate front measured from flank to flank. The front of an
while maintaining proper distance. individual is considered to be 22 inches.
Depth. The total space from front to rear of Guide. The airman designated to regulate
any formation. An individual’s depth is the direction and rate of march.
considered to be 12 inches. In Column. The arrangement of units side by
Distance. The space from front to rear side with guide and element leaders to the
between units. The distance between head.
individuals in formation is 40 inches as In Line. The arrangement of units one behind
measured from their chests to the backs of the other with the guide and element leader
individuals directly in front of them. Flight to the extreme right flank.
commanders, guides, and others whose Interval. The space between individuals
positions in formation are 40 inches from a placed side by side. A normal interval is an
rank are themselves considered a rank. arm's length. A close interval is 4 inches.
Double Time. The rate of marching at 180 Inverted Column. The arrangement of units
steps (30 inches in length) per minute. side by side with guide and element leaders
Dress. Alignment of elements side by side or to the rear.
in line maintaining proper interval.

T-Flight Workbook
Inverted Line. The arrangement of units one Rank. A single line of persons placed side by
behind the other with the guide and element side.
leaders to the extreme left flank. Slow Time. The rate of marching at 60 steps
Mark Time. Marching in place at a rate of 100 per minute (used in funeral ceremonies).
to 120 steps per minute. Step. The distance measured from heel to
Pace. A step of 24 inches. This is the length of heel between the feet of an individual
a full step in quick time. marching.
Quick Time. The rate of marching at 100 to Unit. Any portion of a given formation.
120 steps (12 or 24 inches in length) per

In teaching drill, symbols are often used to indicate the position of

certain persons and units. The following are drill symbols you
should know:

Customs & Courtesies

In both the civilian world and the military world we have customs
and courtesies. Customs are those things we do because the
group we belong to obligates us to. Courtesies are those things
we do because we are disciplined, civil persons who believe in
being courteous and polite. The following are some of the more
common military customs and courtesies we follow in CAP.

Saluting – Saluting comes to us from the Middle Ages when

knights would raise their visors with their right hand as a sign of
friendship or peace. From that display has evolved today’s salute, which is a sign of respect
amongst military personnel. As a Basic in BTC or cadet airman or NCO in the squadron, you
are required to salute:
9 All CAP Cadet and Senior officers 9 The President of the United States
9 All officers of the United States military 9 The U.S. Flag
9 All officers of nations friendly to the United 9 Vehicles that indicate the grade of the
States person inside the vehicle (watch for
9 All recipients of the Congressional Medal of flags or license plates)
You salute any of the above when you are seven paces in front of the person/flag/car and hold
the salute until it is returned or until seven paces beyond the person/flag/car. All salutes
should be accompanied by a greeting of some sort (“Good morning, ma’am or Good evening,
sir”). You do not salute indoors unless formally reporting. You do salute outdoors unless:
• you are carrying articles in both
• part of a formation
• in a non-saluting area
• part of a work detail
• at a public gathering such as a
sporting event.

T-Flight Workbook

Addressing with titles – As a Basic you are expected to address everyone by their proper titles,
fellow cadets and seniors alike. For fellow cadets you should use their grade or general grade
category such as Airmen, Sergeant, etc. For cadet and senior officers you must use either
their grade or sir/ma’am as appropriate to their gender. For example you would address
Captain Schreibstein as either “Captain Schreibstein” or “sir”. These titles should end every
statement you make when talking with an officer or staff member. Higher-ranking officers may
address you by your name, your grade, or “Basic.”

In the presence of officers –

Hallways & Stairways – Whenever you are in a hallway or stairway and an officer
walks towards you, popular to popular belief, you do not stop. Simply make room, walk by and
give the greeting of the day.

Rooms – When an officer enters a room, the first person to see the officer must call the
room to attention. The exceptions to this rule are as follows:
• If another officer, of higher grade, is already present in the room
• If there is a class or official meeting going on in the room
• If the occupants of the room are conducting an official work detail

Other times – Anytime that an officer steps in front of you, you should come to
attention. This applies to formations and other times around the squadron. If you are walking
outside you do not come to a stop or come to attention, instead you salute and say a proper

Headgear – Whenever you are outside you must have a hat on your head. In blues this will be
your flight cap, and in BDU’s it will be your BDU cap. When you are in a vehicle you wear or
do not wear your hat depending on what the senior ranking person is doing. The exception to
the headgear rule is that we do not wear headgear on the flight line. While in the hanger for
squadron formations and drill, headgear is also required.

T-Flight Workbook
Section Six Review Questions

1. Identify the proper number of steps per minute for:

• Quick Time:
• Slow Time:
• Double Time
2. Why do we drill in the CAP Cadet Program?

3. If you are in the flight, and your element leaders are to your left what formation are you in?

4. There is a Major, two C/A1C’s, and a C/MSgt in a room. C/Lt Col McTie walks into the
room. Do you call the room to attention? Why or why not?

5. We always salute the President because he is also the C__________-___-__________.

6. If you approach an Air Force CMSgt, who is a 20-year veteran, do you salute her? Why or
why not?

7. What always accompanies a salute when not in formation?

8. When talking, calling, emailing, or writing to a superior officer – what do you always use
when addressing him/her?

9. Being courteous and following military customs shows you have what?

10. If you are outside the barracks you must have what on your head?


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