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Indian Contract Act , 1872

( Act No 9 of 1872 including XI Chapters 266 Sections )

Preamble :- Whereas it is expedient Date of enactment :- 25th April, 1872

to define amend certain Date of enforcement :- 1st September, 1872
parts of law relating to contract. Draft by :- Lord Romilly
( Second Law Commission (1863-1866)
Extent :- Whole of India
General Principles of Contract – I

Preliminary Chapter 1:- Chapter 2 :- Chapter 3 :- Chapter 4 :- Chapter 5 :- Chapter 6 :-

of the of contracts of contingent of the Quasi Contract of the
Short Title ( Sec.1) communication voidable contracts (Sec. performance of consequences of
acceptance and contracts, and 31-36) contracts ( Sec. Breach of
Definition ( Sec. 2 ) Revocation of void agreement 37-67) Contract (Sec.
Proposals ( Sec. (Sec. 10-30) 73-75)

Contract which By whom Time and Place for Performance of Appropriation of Contracts which
must be performed contracts must be performance (Sec. reciprocal promises Payments (Sec 59- need not be
(Sec. 37-39) performed (Sec. 46-50) (Sec. 51-58) 61)) performed (Sec.
40-45) 62-67)
Set of Rules
Meaning of Law :- Law means a “set of rules” which governs our behaviors and relating in a civilized society.
Law of Contract creates jus in personem and not in jus in rem.
Prior of this English Law of Contract was followed in India.
The Indian Contract Act consists of the following
Two Parts

General Principle of Contract (Sec. 1 to 75 ) :- Specific Contract ( Sec.124-238) :- These specific

These principles apply to all kinds of contracts contracts are indemnity , Guarantee , Bailment , Pledge
irrespective of their nature. and Agency.

Definitions :-
1- According to Pollock :- “ Every agreement and promise enforceable at law is a contract.”
2- According to Salmond :- “ A contract is an agreement creating and defining obligation between the
3- According to Sec. 2(h) of contract Act, 1872 An agreement enforceable by law is a contract.”
A General Preliminary 1-2 General
Chapter 1 3-9 Proposal, Acceptance and Revocation
Chapter 2 10-30 General Rules about Contract
Chapter 3 31-36 Contingent Contract
Chapter 4 37-67 Of the performance of contract
Chapter 5 68-72 Quasi – Contract
Chapter 6 73-75 Contractual Remedies
B Specific Chapter 8 124-147 Contract Of Indemnity and Guarantee
Chapter 9 148-181 Contract of Bailment and Pledge
Chapter 10 182-238 Agency

Sources of Mercantile (Contract) Law in India

English mercantile Indian States Law Judicial Decisions Customs and Usages
Essentials of a Valid Contract
All agreements are contracts , if they are made-:-
1- Proper offer and proper acceptance with intention of create legal relationship
Case :- Balfour V Balfour (1919) 2 K.B. 571
2- Lawful consideration:- Price paid by the one party for the promise of the other. Technical word
meaning QUID – PRO – QUO i.e., something in return .
Case :- Durga Prasad V Baldev (1880) 3 All. 221
3- Capacity :- (Sec.11)
4- Free consent :- Consent means agreed upon something in the same sense i.e. there should be consensus
– ad – idem. A consent is said to be free when it is not caused by coercion , undue influence , fraud ,
misrepresentation or mistake.
Case :- Ammiraju V Seshmma (1917) 41 Madras 33
5- Lawful object :-
6- Possibility of persormance :-
7- The terms of the agreements are certain or are capable of being made certain (Sec.29)
8- Not declared void :-
The agreement should be such that it should be capable or being enforced by law.
Certain agreements have been expressly declared illegal or void by the law.
9- Necessary Legal Formalities :-
A contract may be oral or in writing.
If legal formalities are not carried out then the contract is not enforceable by law.
Ex:- A promise to pay a time barred debt must be in writing.
''All contracts are Agreements, but all Agreement are not Contracts.''
Proposal + Acceptance = Promise ( Sec. 2 (c)
(Sec 2(a) (Sec.2(b)

Consideration (Sec. 2 (d)

Agreement (Sec. 2 (e)

In enforceable by law If not enforceable by law

All essential of a valid contract are available Any essential of a valid contract is not available

Contract ( Sec. 2(h) :- void agreement

(Sec. 2 (g)

Void Contract Voidable Contract

Sec. 2 (J) (Sec.2 (I)
Deference between Contract and Agreement :-
1 Section Sec 2 (h) Sec 2 (e)
2 Definition A contract is an agreement `Every promise or every set of promises forming
enforceable by law consideration for each other is an agreement
3 Enforceability Every contract is Every promise is not enforceable
4 Inter relationship A contract includes an An agreement doesn’t include a contract
5 Scope The scope of contract is Its scope is relatively wider, as it includes both
limited, as it includes only social agreement and commercial agreements.
commercial agreements
6 Validity Only legal agreement are An agreement may be both legal and illegal.
called contracts
7 Legal Obligation Every contract contains a It is not necessary for every agreement to have
legal obligation legal obligation.
Conclusion:- Thus we see that an agreement may be or may not be enforceable by law, and so all
agreement are not contract. Only those agreements are contract which are enforceable by law.
Hence, we can conclude “ All contracts are agreement, but all agreements are not contracts.”

Compiled by
Dr. Vikas Kumar
Assistant Professor
ILS, CCSU campus, Meerut
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