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December 16, 2021

The Honorable Muriel Bowser

Mayor, District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC, 20004

Mayor Bowser—

We write to demand the immediate termination of Kathleen Landerkin as Deputy Warden of

Operations at the Central Treatment Facility (CTF). Deputy Warden Landerkin has demonstrated
a consistent pattern of disrespect for Members of Congress and fellow corrections staff, in
addition to displaying a public animus toward anyone who supports President Donald J. Trump.
Following a thorough investigation of her social media statements, actions, and endorsements,
we are convinced that Landerkin lacks the objectivity and professionalism required of a law
enforcement officer charged with overseeing inmates detained in connection with the events of
January 6, 2021.1

During a recent visit to the DC jail, Members of Congress were exposed to a two-tier justice
system in which the January 6 defendants were treated categorically different from the remainder
of the prison population.2 January 6 defendants reported being subjected to months of solitary
confinement, verbal abuse (e.g., called “white supremacists”), harassment, beatings from guards,
denial of basic medical care, religious services, communion, nutritious diet, and access to
attorneys. They cannot participate in the educational programs offered to other inmates,
including testing for a GED, obtaining a workplace license, or making progress on an
undergraduate degree. While most of these inmates have no prior criminal history and have yet
to be convicted of any crime, Landerkin is allowing them to be treated as subhuman.

Since Landerkin is charged with overseeing these inmates, we find their treatment over the better
part of a year to be sufficient cause for change in supervision. The role of Deputy Warden should
be filled by a person who exhibits objectivity and neutrality toward those they are tasked with

Instead, Landerkin is perpetuating a two-tier incarceration system where Caucasian pre-trial

detainees are given “Nation of Islam” reading materials telling them they are evil because of the
color of their skin and that America is a terrible country that perpetuates a racial caste system.

Meanwhile, other inmates—many of whom have already been convicted—have access to book
clubs, moot court, and hours of television.

If her actions toward the January 6 inmates were not enough, her words speak volumes.
Landerkin has endorsed numerous statements which are blatantly anti-American and
reprehensible: among others, equating Christians to the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), stating that Ashli
Babbitt was responsible for being shot on January 6, labeling the President a “f**king
Republican hypocritical piece of shit” and “a pig,” abolishing the electoral college, and
advocating that Speaker Pelosi punish Republican Members of Congress for objecting to the
certification of electoral ballots by not seating them as duly-elected Representatives. 3

These examples are merely a drop in the ocean of statements which Landerkin has publicly
supported over the last seven years. They reveal the unhinged personality of a left-wing
ideologue who despises our system of government and those who serve in it, especially Members
of Congress and the former President of the United States.

We remain thoroughly convinced that Landerkin cannot treat the January 6 detainees—non-
convicted defendants awaiting trial—with any level of respect given her public comments and
past treatment of Members of Congress visiting the jail.

Furthermore, Landerkin’s administration of the facility’s staff is itself an issue. She is currently
being sued for enabling and fostering a toxic environment of harassment and discrimination
inside the jail. According to a lawsuit filed by the ACLU, Landerkin has been accused of causing
mental anguish, personal distress, indignity, embarrassment, pain, and suffering. 4

We have yet to receive a reply from your office regarding the November 4 letter demanding
Landerkin’s termination. 5 While it is certainly your prerogative to appoint officials to serve in
the District of Columbia’s Department of Corrections, we retain the right—and constitutional
prerogative—to voice our opposition to an official who has shown such contempt for those she
disagrees with politically.

As Members of Congress charged with the administration of the District of Columbia, we

strongly implore you to remove Landerkin from this critical position. Her biased comments over
the better part of the last decade would evoke serious concerns from the American people, who
are watching the treatment of inmates—inmates who are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Since the U.S. Marshals Service has already determined that the DC jail is not hospitable for the
large majority of its inhabitants 6 and your office has already conceded the need for reform in the
recent memorandum of understanding (MOU),7 it would be unfortunate if your office were

forced to defend the unhinged political commentary of a woman sworn to uphold justice to those
who have yet to be determined guilty by a jury of their peers.

We await your response in writing at your earliest convenience.


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Rep. Louie Gohmert

Member of Congress (GA-14) Member of Congress (TX-01)

Rep. Matt Gaetz Rep. Paul Gosar, D.D.S.

Member of Congress (FL-01) Member of Congress (AZ-04)

Rep. Bob Good Rep. Andy Harris, M.D.

Member of Congress (VA-05) Member of Congress (MD-01)

Rep. Ralph Norman Rep. Mary Miller

Member of Congress (SC-05) Member of Congress (IL-15)

Rep. Barry Moore Rep. Tom Tiffany

Member of Congress (AL-02) Member of Congress (WI-07)
Rep. Andy Biggs Rep. Lauren Boebert
Member of Congress (AZ-05) Member of Congress (CO-03)

Rep. Scott Perry Rep. Michael Cloud

Member of Congress (PA-10) Member of Congress (TX-27)

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