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Code on Wages, 2019

V. V. Giri National Labour Institute, Noida

Amalgamation of 4
Existings Acts

The Code on Wages seeks to – regulate

wages & bonus payments in all
employments – where any industry, trade,
business, or manufacturing is carried out.

Code has 9 Chapters, 67 Sections & 26

definitions of constantly used terms

Intend to promote equity & labour welfare

and sustainability of enterprises, thereby
catalyzing economic growth and creation
of employment opportunities
Code on Wages: Key Reform Measures
Code on Wages: Some Important Definitions
Any place where any industry, trade,
business, manufacture or occupation is
01 Establishments carried on and include Government

Any person (except an apprentice)

employed in any industry to do any manual,
01 Workers unskilled, skilled, technical, operational,
clerical or supervisory work for hire or

Any person employed on wages by an

establishment to do any skilled, semi-skilled
Employee or unskilled, manual, operational,
supervisory, managerial, administrative,
technical or clerical work for hire or reward
Code on Wages: Some Important Definitions
Employer - means a person who employs, whether directly or through any person, or
on his behalf or on behalf of any person, one or more employees in his establishment

Authority/Manger/MD having
ultimate control of any other
Occupier/Manager of a
factory under Factory Act,

Government at all levels –

Legal representative of a
Central, State & Local Employer deceased employer
Code on Wages: Some Important Definitions
Wages – means all remuneration whether by way of salaries, allowances or
otherwise, if the terms of employment, were fulfilled, be payable to a person
employed in respect of his employment


Doesn’t Include
a) Bonus; b) PF contribution; c)
a) Basic Pay Conveyance allowance; d) House rent
b) Dearness allowance allowance; e) Overtime allowance; f)
c) Retaining Allowance Any commission; g) Gratuity; h)
Retrenchment Compensation
Code on Wages: Some Important Definitions


In relation to an establishment carried on under

authority of Central Government – railways,
mines, oil field, major ports, air transport, In relation to any other
telecommunication, banking & insurance establishment, the State
company or a corporation or other authority Government
established by a Central Act or
CPSUs/Autonomous bodies – the Central Govt.
Wage code 2019: Key Reform Measures

● Extended legal coverage of both floor wage and minimum rates of wages
to all employees numbering about 224.7 million (or 48 per cent of the total
468.8 million workforce) as per PLFS 2018-19
○ Will benefit additionally 76.4 million wage earners
○ New beneficiaries will be primarily vulnerable groups within the labour market –
rural, women, illiterate & below middle level of education, causal workers, ST &
OBCs, agricultural and construction labourers, and workers in tiny and micro

Wage code 2019: Key Reform Measures
● Introduced the concept of statutory ‘wage
floor’ to be fixed on the basis of minimum
living standard of a worker by central
government in consultation with state
governments & CAB on wages ;
● Floor wage can be a single floor for the entire
country or different floor wages for different
geographical areas &
● Minimum rate of wages to be fixed by central
and state governments shall be either equal
to or above the ‘wage floor’ & can’t be
reduced to the level of floor, if such wages
are already higher. 9
Wage code 2019: Key Reform Measures

● Once the initial ‘floor wage’ is set and subsequently minimum wages are set
above the floor– average wage levels are expected to go up ensuring that
economic growth translates into less poverty and inequality – under
assumption of full implementation (Belser & Rani, 2011);
○ Will bring down level of wage inequality by 10% points – from 0.499 to 0.398 (Gini
○ Gender wage gap will be compressed by – 6% points among regular & 18% points
among casual workers
○ Will reduce the probability of low paid worker being poor by 8% to 9 % with low
fiscal cost

Wage code 2019
Key Reform Measures
● Outlines an uniform statutory criteria for initial setting and subsequent
revision of minimum wage rates ordinarily in every five years – ensure wage
fixation on time as per fixed norms devoid of any arbitrariness as witnessed
● Provides for timely adjustment of minimum wages with respect to inflation in
every six months – 1st April and 1st October – to protect real wages of the
● Simplified and rationalized the existing complex minimum wage structure –
○ Reduce the number of minimum wage rates in India from the existing 1,915 rates across
states) to a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 12 rates per state ;
○ through increased awareness of fewer minimum wage rates - expected to improve
enforcement, compliance and effective application of minimum wage system in the
Wage code 2019: Key Reform Measures

● Extends the definition of employer by classifying contractor as employer;

● Provides clear and uniform definition of ‘wages’ and ‘remuneration’
● Restricts in-kind payments to a maximum of fifteen percent of total wages
● Overtime compensation twice the normal wage extended to all employees (not just
for workers) – written consent must before subjecting employees to overtime.

Wage code 2019: Key Reform Measures
● Universalised timely payment of wages to all employees All employees shall be paid wages by the
& in all establishments irrespective of wage ceiling – employer as per time limit fixed for each
significant development in terms of wage protection of all wage period
employees and enable them to receive their wages on time;
● Promotes digitization in wage payments – through bank
Wage Time Limit for payment of
account & electronic mode
Period wages
● Every employer shall issue wage slips to the employees
Daily basis at the end of the shift
● In case of removal or dismissal; or retrenchment or
resigination, or became unemployed due to closure, wages
shall be paid within two working days ; Weekly on the last working day of the
basis week
● Puts responsibility of payment of all dues & burden of
proof on the employer in case of claims relating to non- Fortnightly before the end of the second
payment of dues basis day after the end of the
● Limitation period for filing claim before authority increased
to 3 years as against 6 month to 2 years Monthly before the expiry of the
basis seventh day of the succeeding
● Fast track claim adjudication process month 13
Payment of Wages

● There shall be no deductions from the wages of the employee, except those as
are authorised under this Code
● Permissible deductions under the Code – an employee’s wages may be
deducted on certain grounds including: (i) fines, (ii) absence from duty, (iii)
accommodation given by the employer, (iv) recovery of advances/loans given to
the employee, (v) income tax or other statutory levy among others.
● Total amount of deductions shall not exceed 50% of employee’s total wage in
any wage period.
● If the deductions exceeds 50%, the excess amount may be recovered
Wage code 2019
Key Reform Measures: Promotes Gender Equality
In matters related to wages, recruitment of employees and
conditions of work by the same employer in respect of same
work or work of similar nature done by any employees.

Work of similar nature is defined as work for which the skill,

effort, experience, and responsibility required are the same
Prohibition of
when performed under similar working conditions
Gender based
employees in Dispute as to whether a work is of same or similar nature shall
establishments be decided by such authority as may be notified by
appropriate Government.
Wage code 2019: Key Reform Measures
● Incentivizes businesses by reducing compliance burden and transaction
costs –
○ Amalgamation and rationalisation exercise – reduced number of sections
to 69 from existing 111 sections in four wage related regulations.
○ Uniform & common definition of frequently used terms – ‘wages’, ‘workers’,
‘employees’, ‘employers’, ‘establishments’, ‘appropriate government’.
○ Reduced the number of authorities, tripartite boards, and will be
implemented only through 1 rule instead of 8 different rules that exist at
○ Hassle free compliance – options for filing and maintenance of registers,
returns and forms electronically and prescribes one template for these
registers, returns and forms instead of multiple ones at present 16
Wage code 2019: Key Reform Measures
● Brings cultural changes in the inspection system to reduce
corruption & arbitrariness and infuse transparency –
○ Inspector-cum-facilitator will not only inspect & impose fines but also will
provide information and advice to employers;
○ Introduced web-based inspection scheme, calling information under code
electronically for inspection and conferment of jurisdiction to inspector cum
facilitator based on randomized selection of inspection.
○ Mandates inspector cum facilitator to provide prior opportunity to
employer to rectify and comply with provisions of code by way of written
directions before initiating prosecution. If the employer complies, code
prohibits initiation of prosecution proceedings against employer. This
provision is meant to help employers who are committing any offence under
code for first time and not applicable for repeat offence. 17
Determination of Bonus
• All employees whose wages do not exceed a specific monthly amount,
notified by the central or state government and who has put in at least 30
days of work in an accounting year will be entitled to an annual bonus.
• Annual minimum Bonus will be at least: (i) 8.33% of his wages, or (ii) Rs
100, whichever is higher irrespective of allocable surplus.

• In addition, employer will distribute a part of the gross profits amongst the
employees. This will be distributed in proportion to the annual wages of
an employee.
• An employee can receive a maximum bonus of 20% of his annual wages
in an accounting year.
Responsibility for payment of dues & burden of proof

● Every employer shall be responsible to pay all dues under the code
to every employee;
○ Where employer fails to make such payment – company, firm, proprietor, owner
of the establishment shall be responsible to pay.

● Where a claim has been filed on account of non-payment or less

payment of wages or bonus or for making deductions not
authorized from the wages of an employee:
○ Burden to prove that the said dues have been paid shall be on the employer.
Record, Return & Notices
● Every employer of an establishment shall maintain a register – persons
employed, muster roll, wages and other details as prescribed;

● Every employer shall display a notice on the notice board – at a prominent place
containing abstract of Code, category-wise wage rates, wage period, day or date
and time of payment of wages, & name & address of Inspector-cum-Facilitator;

● Every employer shall issue wage slips to the employees; and

● Above provisions shall not apply in respect of employer to the extent he employs not more than
five persons for agriculture or domestic purpose - but if demanded must provide reasonable
proof of the payment of wages.
The Inspector Cum Facilitator
● Appropriate Government to appoint Inspector-cum- Facilitators who shall be
deemed as a public servant for the purpose of –
○ advice to employers and workers relating to compliance with provisions of this Code;
○ inspect the establishments assigned.
● Appropriate Government may lay down an inspection scheme –
○ which may also provide for generation of a web-based inspection &
○ calling of information relating to inspection under this Code electronically.
● Appropriate Government may by notification confer such jurisdiction of
randomised selection of inspection for purposes of this Code to Inspector-
Offences & Penalties: Cognizance of Offences
● No court shall take cognizance of any offence punishable under this
Code except on a compliant made by –

○ Authority/official of appropriate Government or

○ by an employee or
○ a registered Trade Union or
○ an Inspector-cum-Facilitator.
● No court inferior to that of a Metropolitan Magistrate or Judicial
Magistrate of the first class shall try the offences under this Code
Offences & Penalties: Power of Officers to Impose Penalty

● For imposing penalty appropriate Government to appoint

officer not below the rank of Under Secretary –
○ for holding enquiry and to summon & enforce attendance of any person
acquainted with the case to give evidence or to produce any document, and
○ if, on such enquiry, he is satisfied that the person has committed any offence,
he may impose such penalty as he thinks fit.
Wage code 2019: Key Reform Measures
● Standardized penalty provisions, introduced the concept of ‘graded penalty’ and
has enhanced penalty provisions especially fine amount manifold – act as
strong deterrent & expected to improve compliance and effective application
S No. Type of Offence Amount of Penalty on employer

1. First offence: Pays to any employee less Punishable with fine which may extend to fifty thousand
than the amount due under the this Code rupees
2 Repeat offence: similar to 1 above within Punishable with imprisonment for a term which may
five years from the date of the commission extend to three months or with fine which may extend to
of the first or subsequent offence one lakh rupees, or both;
3 First offence: Contravenes any other Punishable with fine which may extend to twenty
provision of this Code or any rule made or thousand rupees;
order made or issued thereunder
4. Repeat offence: similar to 3 above within Punishable with imprisonment for a term which may
five years from the date of the commission extend to one month or with fine which may extend to
of the first or subsequent offence forty thousand rupees, or both.
5 Offences of non-maintenance or improper Punishable with fine which may extend to ten thousand
maintenance of records in the establishment rupees
Integrated approach to strengthen wage policy

Source: Economic Survey, 2018/19, Chapter 11

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