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UFOs seem to reflect poorly on their attempts to legitimize

the bastard science of Ufology. One would also need to

include in this group, those serious investigators who
Caught in a Web of Deception have experienced the phenomenon first hand. A group
of men and women who would much rather have lived
This paper was originally presented at the out their days without adding an mib encounter to their
Gulf Breeze UFO Conference, catalogue of life–experiences.
Gulf Breeze Florida, February 12, 1994 Many relegate the mib question to some dusty men-
© R. W. Boeche, 1994 All Rights Reserved tal shelf where they like to hide all of the oddball data
they would rather not have to deal with in developing
Today I intend to address the phenomenon of UFOs gen- theories regarding the UFO phenomena. This is the
erally, by addressing an often-ridiculed, little-explored, shelf where they think they can safely put all of the real-
subset of the UFO phenomenon. This area, known as ly wacky stuff.
the Men-in-Black1 or mib phenomenon contains some This “really wacky stuff” has changed over time. Once,
of the strangest and most bizarre events in the annals such things as UFO landings and sightings of UFO occu-
of UFO research. And before anyone asks, I don’t mean pants were ignored by the ‘serious’ investigators for years.
the Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones movies. And then there is the problem of the contactees3: those
What are UFOs? Some 85–95% of sightings have mun- chosen few who — beginning in the late 1940’s — were
dane explanations. Planes, birds, meteors, space junk, visited by our benevolent space brothers and encouraged
astronomical bodies, etc., observed under unusual condi- to remake society. That space brother stuff sure doesn’t
tions explain most events. Hoaxes explain a few more. But sound very scientific, does it? UFO abductions4 aren’t
what about that 5–15% of reports which defy explanation? real, are they? After all, they’re just sleep paralysis! And
Are they extraterrestrial in origin? Results of secret mili- how can we possibly consider this mib stuff? Halluci-
tary development projects? Or something else all togeth- nations, pathetic cries for attention, sure, but I mean
er. Let’s take a look and see what we find. really. . . mibs don’t seem to have much of anything to
The Men-in-Black phenomenon has been part of UFO do with the real issue — UFOs are from another planet
research since 1953. That’s when an early researcher, and are here doing terrible things to us (or really good
Albert Bender2, disbanded the International Flying Sau- things for us, depending on your point of view)! Every-
cer Bureau after having been threatened by three “men one knows that, don’t they?
in black” who allegedly explained to him the horrible I have been privileged to have many colleagues — names
secret behind the saucers. At roughly this same time, who would be known to most of you hearing this pre-
Edgar Jarrold, an Australian researcher was silenced, sentation — feel confident enough to confide in me their
as were New Zealand researchers Harold Fulton, John mib experiences. I believe that if you knew who these
Stuart, and Doreen Wilkinson, and Canadian research- individuals were, and were able to question them, they
er Laimon Mitris. Not only were these researchers visit- would deny their experiences. I wouldn’t blame them. The
ed by men ostensibly from a “secret government agency,” mib experience is something that is extremely disturb-
but they and their families suffered a barrage of polter- ing at the time it occurs, something that is very difficult
geist-like activity, which included — in at least two of the to discuss with anyone, and something that continues
cases — physical attacks by invisible entities, and even to haunt the victim for the rest of their lives.
an alleged rape. Today, I want to talk about the absolute reality of these
The mib enigma, is first and foremost, a subject about experiences. They are, most emphatically, not halluci-
which many would prefer to forget. In this group of those nations, and with the exception of a few instances, not
who would like to invoke selective amnesia, one could hoaxes. The mib event is long overdue for serious study.
include those “serious” investigators who feel embar- I want to discuss very briefly, the history of the mib phe-
rassed about these reports, and the way in which they nomena, several mib encounters of prominent investi-
gators, who will remain anonymous, and a look at how ally intelligent young woman of the peasant stock, whose
ignoring the oddball data, especially mib reports, may bedroom has been visited three nights in succession by
have diverted us from a study of the real nature of the a man dressed in black. This figure has delivered a mes-
UFO phenomena, and left us on the sidewalk, admiring sage to the girl which she is too frightened to relate.” It
the window dressing. is interesting to note that this event comes in the midst
Traditional accounts of the devil, from the folklore of of the great Welsh Christian revival of 1904–05.
many societies, have obvious connections with the Men A researcher whose name would be recognized by
in Black. Reginald Scott, in The Discourse on Witchcraft, everyone in this auditorium has been plagued at various
published in 1584, described the Devil as being repug- times by mib incidents. This man’s story begins some
nant in appearance, ugly, and with black skin. Charles 25 years ago, when, after investigating a number of inci-
Wall, in his 1902 book Devils, cites an 11th century Greek dents which included low-level UFO sightings, occupant
manuscript in which the Devil appears human-like, and sightings, and even one apparent UFO attack16 of sorts
black. The Devil also traditionally must possess some on a witness, this researcher began to receive a series of
defect when appearing as a human, much like the mib harassing telephone calls.
who walk awkwardly, or display some other obvious and Many times there would be nothing on the line. Often
usually blatant defect. a strange, metallic whistling sound, mixed with what
In The Devil in Massachusetts, historian Marion Starkey he could only describe as “electronic noise” would be
relates Cotton Mather’s experience with a poltergeist-like present. Sometimes a garbled voice speaking in an unin-
devil, the “black man”, who as Mather said was, “damna- telligible language would be heard. Sometimes threats
bly dangerous and eternally a nuisance. . . ”. Native Amer- against himself, or his family would be made by a voice
ican tradition speaks of the Trickster, a figure which has which sounded vaguely “unhuman.” Changing his tele-
close ties to descriptions of the mib, and a figure whom phone number didn’t seem to help. The telephone com-
Carl Jung described in his hierarchy of archetypes, as pos- pany could find no tap on his line, and was never able to
sessing a “compensatory relationship to the saint.” locate the perpetrator of the calls.
There are ties to the Eastern mystical tradition’s enig- His mail began to be tampered with. Letters to oth-
matic Brothers of the Shadow, whom Michael Talbot er researchers would go astray, as would letters to him
describes as “. . . cunning and evil; intent upon keeping from others. Tape recordings vanished in the mail, sam-
the student of the occult from finding out the proverbi- ples of “angel hair” (a fine filament-type substance of
al answer. The Brothers of the Shadow, like the mib, are unknown origin, said to be dispersed from UFOs as they
known for threatening students whenever they get too fly overhead) being sent to a laboratory for analysis disap-
close to [the truth].” peared en route, important letters of a non-UFO nature
A number of mysterious visitors who seem to fit the would fail to arrive, and much mail would arrive having
description of our modern-day mibs were active across obviously been opened and tampered with. He received
the United States during the great mystery airship5 wave numerous threats through the mail, and many documents
of 1896-1898. These strangers usually appeared to col- which consisted of odd hieroglyphic-like symbols with
lect some artifact left (either intentionally or accidental- no explanation.
ly) by the airship and its crew. On three different occasions, the office located in his
The Welsh airship flap of 1909, resulted in many mib- home was ransacked, files rifled, and in two instances,
like encounters, the mysterious visitors usually reported research material of significance to current cases disap-
to have been speaking in some strange, unknown lan- peared. This was made even more mysterious by virtue of
guage. An event from four years earlier, in 1905, may be the fact that his home was protected by an elaborate elec-
even more interesting. During the spring of that year, tronic security system connected directly to the police
Wales was inundated with sightings of mysterious aerial department. The alarm system was never triggered.
lights. On March 30, 1905, the Barmouth Advertiser car- This man and his family experienced many bouts of
ried this item: “In the neighborhood dwells an exception- very intense poltergeist-like activity. Objects would fly
across rooms, doors open and shut by themselves, strange quent examination of the original master tape revealed
sulphurous smells would plague them, shapes and shad- that it, too, had suffered some sort of unexplained “era-
ows would be seen fliting around corners, or in a few sure,” subsequent to the copy having been made.
instances, rushing through well-lit rooms towards some Here is an excerpt from the transcription of this
hapless person, who would usually scream, expecting interview.
some sort of physical contact, but nothing would hap-
pen. Lack of physical contact didn’t last long enough, Notes: Interview with SW, on November 18, 1992. Interview was
however. to discuss details of mib experiences which occurred after what
On six different occasions, the researcher’s wife, in the is believed to have been the first of 2 abduction episodes uncov-
presence of at least two other people, and on one occa- ered at this point in time. Date of the first abduction was 10-28-
sion, in the presence of six others, was attacked by an 89, approximately 11:00 pm, south and west of Princeton, NE.
invisible entity. The woman was slapped, clawed, bitten, Second abduction occurred from SW’s bedroom, at her home in
punched, and thrown across rooms by something that Lincoln, on 8-13-92. She is 29 years old, single, 2 years of com-
was invisible, yet possessed enough substance to raise munity college, and works as a secretary/clerk for an insurance
welts on her face, gouge her arms, and leave animal-like company in Lincoln. No prior interest or knowledge of UFOs. The
teeth marks on her breasts, back and legs. Four of these abduction events were “routine,” in that they followed the typi-
attacks were followed almost immediately by telephone cal pattern of abduction, medical examination, and return. No
calls warning the researcher to, in the words of the call- indication in testimony to this point in time (1-11-93) of “breed-
er, “leave the flying saucers alone.” ing activity.” 9
This researcher on three different occasions was
approached by a proto-typical mib type figure, described rb:     So, tell me what happened over the next couple of
as about 6’6” tall, thin and cadaverous in appearance, who weeks following this first abduction event.
made threats against the researcher. He experienced one sw:      Well, it’s like, you know I only really remembered
visit at his home, one at work, and one at a restaurant while seeing this strange light that seemed to land off on
waiting for his wife to return from the rest room. the side of the highway, you know, but something
This man, who describes his state at the time this just felt real funny about the whole thing.
occurred as one of “abject terror. . . I thought I was los- rb:    What do you mean by funny?
ing my mind, and I was afraid that my wife might be sw:    Well, I just seemed to know that more had happened
killed,” left research for an extended period of time. This out there that night than what I was able to remem-
is still an extremely painful subject for him to discuss, ber, and, uh, I was just kinda spooked by the whole
and one which his wife cannot discuss without break- thing — it just gave me the creeps thinkin’ about it,
ing into near–hysterical weeping. more than maybe it really should have.
These events are all in the past. Is mib activity still rb:    Did it disturb you a lot? I mean, were you able to go
continuing? Emphatically, yes! I am aware of a handful to work and do the things you normally do, or did it
of researchers who have, collectively, almost one hun- bother you enough that you couldn’t function?
dred current mib cases under investigation, an escala- sw:    No, I was able to be. . . I could do all the normal stuff
tion from about 30 cases some three years ago. Almost I was supposed to, it’s just when I started to think
all of them involve so-called abductees7. about it a lot, I knew somethin’ just wasn’t right.
I’d like to present an interview transcript from a cur- rb:     OK, tell me about the stranger that came to visit
rent mib case I’m investigating. The victim, a “typical” you.
abductee8, described her abduction and mib experiences sw:    Well, there was that guy that called first. . .
during this interview, and was tape recorded. I attempted rb:    That’s right, tell me about the phone call first.
to forward a copy of this tape to another researcher, and sw:      It was about two days after I’d seen the light come
he discovered that the interview had been erased, leav- down by the road, and I hadn’t really told anybody
ing nothing but a vague sort of electronic noise. Subse- much about it, I maybe mentioned it to somebody at
work, like, you know, I maybe saw this UFO kinda from the apartment building parking lot shines in
thing, but I hadn’t really told anybody about it like through my window, so it’s not like totally dark,
it was important or anything. And my. . . I picked you know. And then seeing this thing scared me
up my phone at work to make a call, and I punched even more — I didn’t know whether. . . I mean, you
onto an outside line, and then this voice says “Sha- know, was it some guy going to rape me, or some-
ron, we have a message for you.” And it sounded all thing? I tried to scream, but I couldn’t, it was like I
hollow-like, and lots of squeaky-squealy electron- couldn’t even breathe. I tried to reach over and turn
ic like noises in the background, and so I figured it on the light on my night table, and then this big
was somebody on a cellular phone, you know how black shape sort of leaned toward me, and the next
they sound sorta like a tin can sometimes? thing I remember, I woke up and it was, the black
rb:     Uh-huh. thing was gone, then I seen. . . I mean, everything
sw:    And so they says, “We have a message for you,” and was knocked off the nightstand — the lamp, and my
so I said, “May I ask who’s calling?”, and this voice glasses and a picture that’s there.
says, “We speak for the searchers who carried you.” rb:    What time was it when you woke up?
I said, “Excuse me?” And the voice says, “It would be sw:    About 2:30 — I was still awful scared, but the black
wise not to discuss your travels. It would be safest thing wasn’t there any more, and I calmed down in
if no one knew.”, and then there was like this high- about an hour or so, and tried to go back to sleep,
pitched whistle, and the line went dead. but I had to spend the rest of the night with the light
rb:    Did this mean anything to you? I mean, at this point on. I slept the next two nights I think with the bed-
all you knew was that you had seen something kind of room light on.
strange, in a place that you had no reason to drive to, rb:    Did the nightmare you had mean anything to you?
except for some kind of inexplainable urge, and that sw:    Well, it was the next day, when I started to really think
you had about an hour that somehow you couldn’t about what. . . I, like well, you know, I started to won-
account for, and a funny wound on your back that der if maybe the light I seen, and why did I drive way
had bled. out where I didn’t even know where I was going, and
sw:    No, it didn’t really mean anything at all. I think the then the, well, the little guys in my dream, and that
only reason I can remember it so clear, is that the spot on my back that bled, and stuff, I think that was
voice sounded so strange, and then all the funny when I started to thinking that maybe something I
noise and stuff in the background. didn’t understand happened that night.
rb:    What do you mean the voice sounded so strange? rb:    So after the dream, what was the next strange thing
sw:      Well, it was, like, uh, you know, like it was human to happen?
but a machine too — it was a very strange sounding sw:    Well, the next night after work, I was walking to the
voice, the. . . kind of a monotone, flat thing, and lot where I park, and when I get toward where my car
buzzy and tinny. is, I see this guy next to my car. So I figured first, he’s
rb:    What happened next? tryin’ to get into his car next to mine. But then, when
sw:    Well, it was that same night, I went to bed about 10:30 I, well when I get closer, he doesn’t look right.
or so, and I had this terrible dream about these lit- rb:    What do you mean:     he doesn’t look right?
tle things with great big heads and huge black eyes sw:      Well, he’s like, it’s . . . sort of. . . Oh, this sounds
carrying me out of my car, and toward this light. It like I’m nuts!
was really scary, and I sorta woke up with kind of a rb:      No it doesn’t at all. What was so strange about the
jerk, you know, and was so. . . I was so scared I was man?
actually crying, and then I see this big black shape sw:    Well, he was real tall and skinny, and he looked like.
standing right next to my bed. It was like I thought . . it was like, you know, he looked like he was made
it was a man, I guess, but I couldn’t really see. . . just of wax. Real pale, and you know, waxy lookin’. Like
a darker spot in the dark of my bedroom. The light maybe he was dead or somethin’.
rb:    How tall was he? sas City my whole life, so I don’t have travels to dis-
sw:    Well, my boyfriend’s six feet even, and this guy woul- cuss with nobody, so I start thinkin’ about the phone
da been 4 or 5 inches taller than him, I guess. call and my travels, and then this weird dead guy
rb:    What happened when you got to your car? talking about my travels, and somehow, it’s like a
sw:      Well, that’s when I saw the guy was, you know, he big bubble inside my head busts, and I remember the
was just there, not gettin’ into another car or any- nightmare, and getting, being carried toward that
thing, and so I just, you know, I just walked up and light, and I start to remember more about what hap-
unlocked my car and started to get in, and he was pened that night, about bein’ inside something on
lookin’ at me all the time, and I thought, ‘What a like a table thing and those big-eyed things exam-
creep this guy is!”, then when I’d got into the car, ining me, and I. . . I couldn’t. . . I just fell down on. .
and was shuttin’ the door, he says to me, “Do not . I. . . I just started to cry . . . and. . . I musta, I prob-
discuss your travels. It is not safe.” ably cried for an hour, cause I knew that somebody
rb:    What did you do? had taken me and done somethin’ to me, and I didn’t
sw:      I wasn’t sure I had heard him right so I say, “Par- even know it.
don me?”, and he says again, “Do not discuss your rb:    Well, let’s take a break for a few minutes so you can
travels. It is not safe.” Real precise sort of, but in a kind of catch your breath, and have a good cry if you
funny flat voice, like, um, you know, no emotion or want to. Just let it out, and see if you feel better.
(10 minute break)
rb:    So, this man was about six foot 4 or 5, and thin. . .
sw:    Really skinny, like if he was a girl, I’d guess he was, rb:    I’m sorry that this is so hard on you, but I really appre-
oh you know, anorexic or somethin’. ciate your willingness to go ahead and discuss these
rb:    Very skinny. How was he dressed? things. What was the next event after the encounter
sw:     He had on a dark suit, I think, it didn’t really stick in the parking lot?
out or anything in my mind. You know, a dark suit sw:    Well, the next big thing that happened was when the
and a white shirt and dark tie. The suit maybe coul- 2 dead-looking guys came to my door, but there was
da been navy or black, black I think. And a hat, like all kinds of stuff going on in between.
guys used to wear in old movies, you know? It was rb:      When did the 2 dead-looking guys come to your
black too. door?
rb:    What happened after he repeated his statement? sw:    This would have been about. . . let’s see, I think I may-
sw:    I slammed the door, and started the car and got out- be wrote it down in my check register, you know, cir-
ta there as fast as I could. I. . . well, it scared me, you cled the date, ‘cause I was makin’ out my bills when
know? He looked so weird, and I thought about the it happened. . . let me look. . . yeah, here it is, that
. . . the phone call from before, and the. . . well, it would have been on November 15, 1989.
started to make me real scared. rb:      Ok, before we get into that, tell me what the other
rb:    Was he still in the parking lot when you pulled out? stuff that happened was all about.
sw:     No, the weird thing is, I, you know, I got to the sw:    You mean between the parking lot dead guy and the
entrance to the lot, and looked in my mirror, and other two dead guys?
like, he was completely gone. There wasn’t any way rb:      Yes — what happened in between? You mentioned
he coulda gotten away from where I’d seen him in all kinds of stuff happening.
that little space of time! So I got outta there! sw:    Well, it was like. . . Stuff would go on that I couldn’t
rb:    What were you thinking after this? figure out, like, one night I went out to the store about
sw:    Well, I was, you know, I got home and was changin’ 7:30, I guess, and when I came back a little after 9:00,
my clothes, and I started thinking about the weird it was just, I mean, I know that I had shut off all of
phone call, and the thing about my travels, and then my lights in the apartment before I’d left, ‘cause it
this, I mean, I’ve never been further away than Kan- was just something I was kinda taught to do as a
kid, you know, you just didn’t leave the lights burn- back. This happened to my phone at work five or six
ing, and when I got home, every light in the place times, when I’d punch an outside line, and get this
was on! I kinda snuck in, cause I kinda thought, you noise, you know? I’d ask at work, and nobody else
know, that maybe somebody had broken in, but the would have the problem with their phones, just me.
door was locked and everything, and I’m the only Oh yeah, and there were two other times when I’d
one who has a key to the apartment. woke up at night and the black, you know, that big,
rb:      You’re sure you might not have just forgotten and black-like thing would be over me. That scared me
left them on? an awful lot. I’d have to get up, you know, and turn
sw:      No way. It’s just an automatic thing. I don’t leave a on the light to calm down, and then try to go back
light on if I’m not in the room. I guess my Dad yelled to sleep with the lights on.
at me too many times when I was a kid. rb:    Anything else you can think of?
rb:   A nd your boyfriend doesn’t have a key to your sw:     No, I can’t remember anything else, if I think of
apartment? anything, I’ll write it down, you know, and save it
sw:    I was between boyfriends when this happened. We’d for you. But that’s about it until the two dead look-
broken up about two months before, and nobody ing guys showed up at my door.
but me had keys. rb:    When was that?
rb:    OK, what other kinds of events took place? sw:    Let me look again. . . yeah, November 15, 1989
sw:      Well, three or four times. . . I mean, . . . Look, I’m rb:    And what happened then?
afraid you’re gonna think I’m nuts again, this is just sw:      Well, I was paying bills, I was, you know, I was sit-
so strange. . . I guess, you know, I’d think you were ting on the floor, working on my coffee table, about
crazy if you told me this stuff! But, three or four 8:30, with, like, you know, everything all spread out
times, I was kind. . . , you know, I was sure somebody around me, making out checks. . . I was trying to get
was staring at me. I’d be watching TV, or reading, stuff paid, ‘cause I was gonna go home to Holdrege
or you know, just sitting around listening to music, for Thanksgiving, and stay for a week, and I wanted
and I’d look up, and I’d just catch a glimpse of like to, you know, get all my December 1 bills paid, in case
somebody moving around the corner into the kitch- I got snowed in out there or something, and I was
en or down the hall, but there’d never be anybody there working, and kinda watching TV, and some-
there. Each time, there’d be this really, you know, body knocked at my door. So, I get up and go to the
kinda musty, rotten eggy smell after it would hap- door, and I. . . I mean, I guess it’s a lucky thing, ‘cause
pen. I never. . . I mean, have you ever heard of this I put the chain on the door first, and when I opened it
kinda stuff happening before? up and said “Hello,” there was the dead looking guy
rb:      Look, please don’t worry. I don’t think you’re cra- from the parking lot, or at least somebody who looked
zy, and yes I’ve heard of all of this stuff happening a lot like him, and another guy who stood behind
before. Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one this has him a ways, and looked like he almost could have
ever happened to. OK? Don’t be embarrassed to just been his brother, you know, except he was shorter.
tell me straight out what happened. OK? They both had that dead, waxy look, you know, and
sw:      OK. It’s just kinda hard to talk about some of this the tall one, he was, you know, closest to the door,
stuff, you know? said, “We want to warn you not to discuss your trav-
rb:    I know. What else happened? els with anyone. It would not be safe to do so.” And
sw:    Well sometimes I’d pick up my phone at home, you I said, “What travels are you talking about?” and he
know, to make a call, and I’d hear that same funny says, “Your travels with the searchers. It would be
squealy electronic noise like with that first phone unwise to discuss them with anyone.” And then, you
call at work, you know, and nobody would be there know, what was weird, was that I started to get like
when I’d say hello, and then I’d push the button down pictures in my mind of me being out at that spot by
a couple of times, and eventually get the dial tone Princeton, and those big eyed things from my dream
carrying me toward the light I saw land, and I, well restrials, or agents of extraterrestrials, or do we need, in
you know, I began to get really scared and started light of historical precedence to accommodate a new cat-
to cry again, and I told these guys, “Just get outta egory of intelligent beings interacting with us on earth?
here, leave me alone,” and just then, this car pulls up Creatures of super intelligence who come here, supervise
in the parking lot, and the headlights sweep across us, control us, or think they own us.”
these guys, and they get real nervous, sorta, and start
Sanderson hints, correctly I believe, that we must
lookin’ back and forth at each other, real fast, and
acknowledge a different category of being — we must
then the tall guy says once more, “Don’t discuss your
awaken to the realization that we are caught in a web of
travels with anyone. It wouldn’t be safe,” and then
deception, and that the web is closing in on us.
they kind of real jerky-like walk away, like maybe,
I’m convinced that while it is impossible to prove that
you know, some kind of wind-up walking doll that
no UFO activity could be of an extraterrestrial nature,
sorta rocks back and forth when it walks, but real
most is not.
fast and jerky-like. And then they went out of sight
There are direct links between the UFO enigma as a
from the crack in the doorway, and, well. . . I was so
whole, UFO abductions, mib activity, contactee activi-
scared by the whole thing I broke down and cried
ty, and government-sanctioned attempts at interaction
again, and locked the door and spent the night in
with what they term “non-human entities.” (See Appen-
the living room with the lights on.
dix for details on these alleged government programs.)
rb:    Have you had any more visits or phone calls since?
Department of Defense sources involved with research
sw:     No, but I’m like, you know, I’m always sorta like
along these lines have demonstrated to me conclusively
lookin’ over my shoulder, ‘cause I’m afraid they may
that this “web of deception” began to irreversibly close
show up again, and much more of that kind of stuff,
on us with the recovery of the Roswell crash material
and I don’t know if I could take it. I’m afraid I’d just
of 1947.
go crazy from it.
People are being manipulated for sinister purposes.
End of transcript excerpt. We are being watched, probed, and manipulated by
forces from outside our known physical universe. We are
mib activity continues, and in fact, seems to be increas- not alone, and we may not like it much when we find out
ing in intensity. Why is it significant, and what does it what sort of company we have.
mean to the UFO enigma as a whole? Over the past few years innumerable new accounts of
Upon close examination, it becomes apparent that lit- abduction encounters with beings from space, or, more,
erally all aspects of the UFO phenomenon have mani- accurately, from “somewhere out there,” and in some
fested throughout human history, albeit in somewhat cases accompanied by individuals apparently connect-
different and varying guises. The same can be said of, if ed with our government, have been reported.
you will, the very “dark side” of Ufology, the menacing Most have the ring of authenticity. From all over the
activities of the mib. The UFO phenomena are definite- world, men and women are stepping forward and describ-
ly culturally reflective.10 ing how they have come face-to-face with strange crea-
If one begins with the ancient accounts of humani- tures which are certainly not of this earth. Almost with-
ty’s interaction with deities, dragons, and demons, you out exception, no one who has met these beings has
will find almost exact parallels between those historical- described the experience as enjoyable. Almost without
ly recorded manifestations and what is occurring today. exception, not one person involved has actively sought
There is no difference in the phenomenon, only in the such an encounter. Those who have been “visited” have
cultural references we use to define it. expressed fear, nervousness, and a desire that the strange
In Uninvited Visitors, the noted zoologist Ivan Sander- events would end.
son asks whether: And yet, surprisingly, many of those who have come
into contact with the “visitors” also have come to the con-
“mib s are extraterrestrial, the descendants of extrater-
clusion that they are here for our benefit. They may scare they are revealing themselves to a selected few and allow-
us, but they don’t really mean to. Although feeling at first ing those few to carry their message to the masses. When
that they were in the presence of evil, many of those who we have put aside our old ways, our old superstitions,
have been visited have later decided that they felt fright- and perhaps even our old gods, they will reveal them-
ened because of their innate fears of the unknown, not selves to us more fully — and our entire civilization will
because the beings intended them any harm. take a quantum leap into the type of future we’ve always
One of the most outspoken promoters of his encounters dreamed of having.
with “whoever they are” is Whitley Strieber, the author of And so the new prophets go forward, carrying the
several books dealing with these encounters, including message that a new age is about to dawn.
Communion, and Transformation. The visits which Strieber Are the visitors monsters, or benevolent friends, or
and others have described with these weird beings who’ve uninterested observers? Is it right to think that any crea-
come to them in the middle of the night are very similar. ture coming from space is going to be a hideous mon-
Because these visitors are often accompanied by strange ster? Of course not.
lights in the sky, most have made the assumption that Is it right to expect that any being that comes from space
these beings must have come to earth from outer space. has a halo and a harp hanging in the closet back home?
The victims of these visits always feel helpless and uneasy No. Since when has technological superiority implied
in their presence, and angry because they feel violated. moral and spiritual superiority? Let me illustrate.
The creatures never ask permission to conduct their One of my favorite television shows was Rod Serling’s
experiments on their victims. In fact, they almost never The Twilight Zone. In one particularly memorable episode,
come in the light of day, but almost always in the dark- aliens land, and present mankind with a book, entitled
ness, leaving their victims frightened, depressed, suffer- ‘How to Serve Mankind.” The aliens inform the recipients
ing from nightmares, and fearing for the safety of their that they will have to translate the balance of the book,
spouses and children. as a teaching tool to help them understand the wonder-
Wouldn’t it all be worth it though, if a civilization mil- ful things which they are going to tell us.
lions of years ahead of us technologically were coming Assuming that this book will solve all of humanity’s
to visit us? And, so the reasoning goes, because they are problems, linguists and cryptographers work feverishly to
so advanced in matters of science and technology, they translate it. Meanwhile, the aliens have invited thousands
also must be far ahead of us in matters of the heart and of people to travel back to their planet with them.
soul. Not only wise, they’re also loving and kind, even As people are flocking on board the spacecraft, a sec-
though their loving kindness may seem cruel and harsh retary runs to catch her scientist-boss who is climbing
to us in our primitive state. And because of the advanced the ramp into the ship. She screams to stop, and he asks
nature of their personal and ethical evolution, we could what the problem might be.
be sure that everything they say is the absolute truth. The secretary replies that they have finished the trans-
There would be no need to question a single thing they lation, and discovered that “How to Serve Mankind” is
tell us. Wouldn’t it be worth it? Wouldn’t it be nice if they actually a cookbook.
are already here and ready to give us the answers to all Why don’t the visitors help us with our problems of
of our problems? hunger, war, cancer, AIDS, racial strife, and all the rest?
Whitley Strieber and many others believe they are. Many say it is because we are not yet ready to receive their
After all, they’ve talked to them. They’ve seen evidence help. We are not advanced enough, and whatever these
of their power and wisdom. They say these beings want wise, all-knowing beings would impart to us would be
to help us deal with our fears so we can move on to “new used for evil instead of for good.
realities.” In the mid-1970s, a man and woman calling themselves
They want to share their deepest secrets with us, but The Two, or Bo and Peep traveled the country, recruiting
they can’t confront us all at once because, among other members to join them and their group of believers who
excuses, the shock would be too much for us. Instead, would soon be transported to another planet, free from
all of the troubles of earth, where they would go to live If these beings want to give us a helping hand, why
in peace and harmony for the next several million years. don’t they step out into the broad daylight and let us know
As they traveled from city to city, they were able to recruit who they are and why they’re here? There’s something
several dozen followers, who literally gave away every- suspicious about any saviour who sneaks into town under
thing they owned to follow this pair. Reports of the Two cover of darkness.
continued to surface from time to time, but the group So, are these events real, are they hoaxes, or are they
eventually faded into obscurity. How were they able to the product of overactive imaginations? Are they cut out
convince people to abandon their lives and property and of the whole cloth of mythology and fantasy?
follow them toward this extraterrestrial paradise? That No, not at all. There are hoaxes, there are deluded indi-
was nothing. viduals who make fantastic claims to gain attention, but
In 1997, people were stunned to read about a group remember — the presence of the counterfeit does not deny
called Heaven’s Gate, the name of a UFO cult led by The the existence of the authentic.
Two, Marshall Applewhite (Bo) and Bonnie Nettles11, How should we approach this problem? The solution is
(Peep). Coinciding with the appearance of Comet Hale- to be open-minded about such experiences without being
Bopp in 1997, Applewhite convinced 38 followers to com- flat–out gullible: to be discerning and critical without
mit suicide so that their souls could take a ride on a space- being too cynical — and that’s a pretty hard line to walk.
ship that they believed was hiding behind the comet. Most people lean in one direction or another. Warren
Thirty-nine people were found dead in a rented mansion Wiersbe, the distinguished theologian has said, “A real-
in the upscale San Diego community of Rancho Santa ist is an idealist who has gone through the fire and been
Fe, California on March 26, 1997. purified. A skeptic is an idealist who has gone through
You see, just like this poor group of misguided souls, the fire and been burned.” I am a realist.
we think we’re in need of someone to “save us” in a physi- The British poet Steve Turner very eloquently describes
cal sense, but that’s not the real problem on our planet. the muddled state we have gotten ourselves into in his
But our real difficulties lie in matters of the spirit. We 1983 poem titled “Creed.”
want to know that there is more to life than just getting
We believe in
out of bed in the morning and going to work. We want
to know for sure that love and life can truly last forev-
We believe everything is OK
er. We would give anything if someone wiser than we
as long as you don’t hurt anyone,
are could tell us for certain that there is a spiritual real-
to the best of your definition of hurt,
ity and a spiritual truth to the universe. Is it any won-
and to the best of your knowledge.
der then, that in a world so often touched by sorrow and
pain, the Two found people ready to believe in them and We believe in sex before during
their paradise? and after marriage.
Strieber says in Transformation, “Maybe the visitors are We believe in the therapy of sin.
gods, maybe they created us.” Strieber and other propo- We believe that adultery is fun.
nents of the idea of these creatures being “benevolent We believe that sodomy’s OK.
alien interventionists” urge us to open ourselves up to
We believe that taboo’s are taboo.
the reality that the visitors are here for our good, and
to try to understand who they are and what they may We believe that everything’s getting better
mean to us. despite evidence to the contrary.
But is it our reluctance that holds us back from under-
The evidence must be investigated.
standing these visitors? We’re not running and hiding.
You can prove anything with evidence.
We’re here, living in the open. We’re not sneaking into
people’s homes in the middle of the night. We don’t stay We believe that there’s something in
hidden within the shadows. horoscopes, ufos and bent spoons;
Jesus was a good man just like History will alter.
Buddha, Mohammed and ourselves.
We believe that there is no absolute truth
He was a good moral teacher
excepting the truth that
although we think
there is no absolute truth.
His good morals were bad.
We believe in the rejection of creeds,
We believe that all religions
and the flowering of individual thought.
are basically the same,
at least the one that we read was. A fitting postscript to this is Turner’s piece called
They all believe in love “Chance.”
and goodness.
If chance be
They only differ on matters of
the Father of all flesh,
creation sin heaven hell God and salvation.
disaster is his rainbow in the sky,
We believe that after death comes and when you hear
The Nothing state of emergency
because when you ask the dead what happens sniper kills ten
they say Nothing. troops on rampage
mobs go looting
If death is not the end,
bomb blasts school
if the dead have lied,
it is but the sound of man
then it’s compulsory heaven for all
worshiping his maker.
excepting perhaps Hitler, Stalin,
I have confronted my listeners many times in the past con-
and Genghis Khan.
cerning the importance of evaluating all of our research in
We believe in Masters and Johnson. terms of absolute truth. Let us not forget that something
What’s selected is average. is not true simply because you or I say it is. There is abso-
What’s average is normal. lute truth. Our belief or lack of belief in that absolute truth
What’s normal is good. does not in the least affect its standing as absolute truth.
It is true because it is true. Truth is non-contradictory.
We believe in total disarmament.
2 +2 =4, not 5. That is truth. It is provable. One simply
We believe there are direct links b
can’t say, well that may be true for you, but it certainly
etween warfare and bloodshed.
isn’t true for me. That kind of argument is just as ridicu-
Americans should beat their guns into tractors
lous in philosophy, or theology, or metaphysics as it is in
and the Russians would be sure to follow.
mathematics. Truth is truth. We can choose to accept it
We believe that man is essentially good. or reject it, but our decision won’t make it any less true.
It’s only his behavior that Truth is something we acknowledge, it is not something
lets him down. we create.
This is the fault of society. There are those who put on flowing robes and claim
Society is the fault of conditions. to be ambassadors from the Planet Lanulos or even from
Conditions are the fault of society. Venus. There are others who speak in affected voices and
tell us they are the spokesmen for spirits tens of thou-
We believe that each man
sands of years old. Phonies and frauds are everywhere.
must find the truth
Then there are those, and I have worked directly with
that is right for him.
many, who have suffered undeniable spiritual and psy-
Reality will adapt accordingly.
chological trauma during encounters with these “others”
The universe will readjust.
and have begun to look within to understand what has rious visitors. Bender specifically asked his visitors sev-
happened to them. Somewhere along the way many of eral of his deepest questions.
them were transformed from seekers to apostles. There
Q. Was there life after death?
is something compelling about those who have suffered
A: Not that they knew of.
through experiences that have left them in emotional
tatters, trying to sew the pieces of their lives together
Q: Was there a God?
A: No, at least not as we conceive of Him.
A man named Paul experienced a traumatic encoun-
ter of this nature, when he was given a special revela-
Q: Who was Jesus Christ?
tion of the real source of absolute truth, and became
A: A good man who tried to bring justice and
the most ardent and powerful spokesman his “visitor”,
kindness into the world, but who had paid
Jesus Christ, ever had. This is the “old truth” our visi-
with his life. The resurrection was just a sto-
tors warn us against.
ry created by his followers.
Whitley Strieber and others have also had their Damas-
cus Road experience, and now it seems they won’t be sat- Bender has stated that after hearing their answers to
isfied until we have all heard this “new” truth. And not these questions, he was convinced he couldn’t believe
only heard, but believed. anything they had told him.
What about this new truth which Strieber and so many There is one major difference between Al Bender’s
others hold to? How does it differ from the old truth? And goblins and the new group of strange visitors who have
an even more important question: Which do we believe become a part of so many lives. Where Bender’s “friends”
when the “new” truth conflicts with the “old” one? told him they did not believe in life after death, the new
And make no mistake about that. They are in direct visitors have told many, such as Whitley Strieber, that they
conflict. are quite sure it exists. They have had much to say about
I have made my position clear in the past — the source the existence of the soul apart from the physical body,
of absolute truth is logically, historically, archaeological- and have given instructions in the art of “soul travel.”
ly, philosophically, and cosmologically provable as Jesus But where both sets of visitors agree, and where both
Christ. If time allowed, I would be happy to offer those part company with the truth, is that neither accepts the
proofs to you for your consideration. Unfortunately, we God of the Bible as Lord nor Jesus Christ as His Son.
don’t have that luxury, so let me state simply the most We cannot believe Jesus and the visitors because their
basic law of logic — the Law of Non-contradiction. Some- claims contradict one another. There is no way to recon-
thing cannot be, and not be, at the same time and in the cile the two. If Jesus is who He claimed to be, the visitors
same relationship. That would be a contradiction, and cannot be who they claim to be. Perhaps they realize that
all contradictions are logically indefensible. the only way to increase their influence in this world is
There is an absolute truth — Jesus Christ — and thus to try to diminish the influence of Christ.
every conflicting claim must be false. It is an either/or Through the efforts of well-orchestrated UFO-relat-
situation — either it is true, or it is false. You may choose ed “propaganda” efforts, people today are easily con-
not to believe the truth claims of Christianity, but they vinced that they don’t need God because they have “the
are exquisitely logical. visitors.” But is it a fair exchange — dropping the hand
So the heart of the problem is that we are pitting two of a loving, self-sacrificing God to take hold of the hand
truth claims — old and new, if you will — against one of an insect-like creature that won’t make a move out-
another. side the cover of darkness?
As I mentioned earlier, the Men in Black enigma began In his book Guardians of the Universe, Ronald Story states,
in earnest with Albert Bender and his experiences in 1953. “It can be said, with certainty, that a psychological ‘con-
One little-explored facet of Bender’s experience deals with ditioning process’ is taking place, which is either direct-
a number of questions he was allowed to ask his myste- ly or indirectly related to the UFO phenomenon.”
In the early 1970s, a group, which in many ways was a But there is a major flaw in his assessment of the sit-
forerunner to Dr. Steven Greer’s’ CSETI12 program was uation. A non-personal, non-caring energy doesn’t take
begun on an informal basis by a group of graduate stu- on human form and invade people’s homes in the middle
dents at the University of Indiana. Having laid out a plan of the night. Neither does it drive an unmarked car — or
to initiate contact with UFOs, they began a series of sky any kind of car for that matter.
watches. After establishing rudimentary contact with Suppose we were to send astronauts to some distant
nocturnal lights on several occasions, in much the same planet and they were to discover intelligent life there.
way as Greer seeks to do today, they began to undergo a Would we make our presence known to those inhabit-
series of bizarre events. ants by playing weird tricks on them and sneaking into
Members began to experience rapping sounds, hol- their homes?
low, disembodied voices, furious pounding on the walls, Of course not. We would determine what the proper
physical attacks by unseen entities. Team members began channels were, and in as non-threatening a way as pos-
to notice they were followed by dark-colored automo- sible, announce that we had come for a visit.
biles wherever they went. Some experienced awakening If our astronauts went instead to the citizens of that
in the night to find strange “dark clothed” men standing world on a covert, one-to-one basis and recruited indi-
in their apartments; radios and TVs switched on when viduals to welcome and support them in their mission,
nobody was close to them; locked doors sprang open. the lawful government (and the rest of the citizens of
One of the members reported being “teleported” from that planet) would have good reason to wonder about our
his bedroom to the middle of a wooded area on the out- intentions and worry about what we were up to. That, it
skirts of the city. seems, is what’s happening here on earth. Recruits are
They all eventually decided to abandon their experi- being sought one at a time, sometimes in totally unorth-
ments. One of the men invested heavily in weapons, and odox ways, but successfully just the same.
The true shepherd goes through the main gate instead
joined a neo-pagan group that offered animal sacrifices
of jumping over the fence. The real homeowner walks
to Odin. One became a Christian, one committed sui-
through the front door instead of climbing through the
cide, and the remaining two dropped out of college a
window. And the man who wants to tell us the truth — even
month before they would have graduated, and spent the
if he comes from another planet — broadcasts it open-
next several years drifting around the country.
ly instead of whispering it into the ears of helpless cap-
These young men had stumbled into a deception that
tives in the middle of the night.
was both frightening and uncontrollable. They looked
Ruth Montgomery’s13 book Aliens Among Us, relates the
for escape in various ways — two by running away, one
story of Peggy Otis, who had a close encounter with a
by getting deeply involved in the occult, one by ending
UFO, and during the experience was in telepathic com-
his life, and one by turning to the God of the Bible.
munication with one of the occupants. As is often the
Who were the men who showed up uninvited in their
case following a UFO encounter, Peggy Otis soon became
apartments in the middle of the night, and who followed immersed in the occult. She began to channel messag-
them in the dark, unmarked cars? What was the purpose es stating that she and her husband should leave Den-
of the intrusion? Do the visitors really want to help us? If ver because the climate was unhealthy, and move to Cal-
so, why go about it by frightening people half to death? ifornia. She now conducts weekly classes in which she
It seems a strange way to bring enlightenment. and her students attempt to “raise the vibrations of the
In the years following the events, the originator of world.”
the group finally concluded that they had tapped into Here is just one of many situations which confirm evi-
some sort of “energy” that has always been present on dence from researchers such as Jacque Vallee, Dr. Ber-
earth. He claimed that there wasn’t anything alien or thold Schwarz, John Keel, Ivan Sanderson, Allen Hynek,
particularly sinister about it, It was just a force — like and others who suggest in the strongest terms that the
the one George Lucas got so much mileage from in his world of UFOs and the psychic or occult are inextrica-
Star Wars trilogy. bly intertwined.
Montgomery, along with many of the current abduct- According to many of the visitors’ proponents, we can
ees, feels that we are especially in need of the aliens’ pres- all communicate with our astral superiors. We are told
ence because the earth is about to undergo a tremendous that these communications can come to those who will
cataclysm in which millions — perhaps billions — of us practice meditation and whose minds are open to them.
will be killed. The scenario has been presented variously In other words, if you allow your mind to become as qui-
as one of nuclear war, accumulation of toxic waste, new et as possible, if you empty if of all thought and reach out
diseases, famines, or in Montgomery’s case, her infor- to the visitors, they will answer.
mants have told her the earth is going to shift on its axis And it’s true. There are voices whispering in the wind.
right around the turn of the century. There are beings who would like nothing better than for
Thelma Terrell, better known to her followers as Tuel- us to be open to their message. But because they rarely
la (the name given to her by her space friends who evi- tell the truth about anything, it’s extremely unlikely that
dently thought it sounded cooler than Thelma), has pub- we’re really hearing from Commander Ashtar, Androm-
lished several booklets containing messages given to her eda Rex, or any of the other Space Brothers.
by Commander Ashtar, also warning of impending doom Let me give just two examples of the literally thou-
from a planetary shift. Andromeda Rex, another space sands of failed prophecies, bogus inventions, and oth-
being who speaks through Tuella has explained how their er cosmic drivel passed on to countless people who have
rescue ships will be able to levitate the chosen of man- embraced the visitor’s message. Jacques Vallee describes
kind onto their ships to save them. a meeting with a woman he calls Helen who had encoun-
Sources of mine involved at the highest levels of tered a UFO. Vallee checked out her story and was con-
research and development of non-lethal weapons sys- vinced she was telling the truth.
tems within the Department of Defense claim contact After the encounter, Helen became obsessed with
with and receipt of messages from what they term non- building a type of motor, the instructions for which were
human entities. What is the content of these messages? given to her by the UFO occupants. Nothing mattered to
Essentially the same as that received by others — man- her except building a working model of that motor, and
kind is innately divine, but hasn’t realized it yet, but they’ll thereby revolutionizing earth’s technology.
be glad to awaken the divine within us if we’ll just follow There was only one problem. The motor can’t work.
them. And yes, the planet’s in trouble, but just believe in It’s based on a “perpetual motion” theory that has been
us, and we’ll save you. put forth many times throughout the years, usually by
Among those channeling, the various spirit guides some con man trying to get a hefty investment for his
heartily approve of the messages from space beings with invention.
names like Ashtar, Andromeda Rex, Lord Kuthumi, OX- Howard Menger, another contactee, devoted much of
HO, and Monka, but also make it clear that Jesus wants to his time and energy developing a “free-energy” motor
channel messages to us from his galactic command cen- designed by beings from space. But, once again, the inven-
ter near the planet Venus, to which he returned after his tion that would revolutionize life on earth was absolute-
rude treatment here among all of us unwashed, unwak- ly worthless.
ened deities-to-be. Is it possible these “guardians of the planet” are actu-
Again, it becomes obvious that we cannot have it both ally cruel practical jokers instead? Did they titter and clap
ways. If Jesus Christ is who He says He is, the only begot- their hands over their mouths while they watched Peggy
ten Son of the Creator of us all, these space beings are not Otis and her friends attempt to “raise the vibrations of
who they claim to be. Otherwise they would acknowl- the world?” Were they convulsed with laughter as they
edge the Lordship of Christ. Ruth Montgomery is hear- watched Helen spend every waking hour trying to build a
ing from someone. Tuella is hearing from someone. The motor that never had the slightest chance of working? Did
government researchers are hearing from someone. And they break into guffaws when Howard Menger went on
if they aren’t hearing from spiritual beings of goodness television to explain how his “free-energy motor” would
and light, just who are they hearing from? work? Are they beside themselves with hysterical laughter
when they give Tuella another one of their lengthy mes- unethical garbage that reeks of standard cult recruitment
sages and ask her to get it published so we can all be techniques. My appeals to more caution have infuriated
warned of the earth’s impending doom? They must have some abduction researchers, who have made up the story
yucked it up like crazy when they told Whitley Strieber that “Vallee rejects all abduction cases.” Nothing could be
he was going to die on an upcoming plane trip, and he further from the truth. Not only do I accept these cases, but
landed safely. I believe their evidence is much too important to be treat-
In the 1950s, many UFO contactees were told that the ed in the superficial way evidenced in the work of many
Space Brothers would reveal the truth about flying sau- “abductionists.”
cers within a few years. It didn’t happen. The TWO prom-
On the extraterrestrial origin of UFOs, the ETH (extra-
ised to take their followers with them to a faraway para-
terrestrial hypothesis) my position is clear, too. If the
dise. That didn’t happen either. Helen and Howard spent
witnesses are telling the truth about the behavior of the
countless hours working on motors that space beings
phenomenon, then it could be from anywhere at anytime.
said would revolutionize the earth’s technology. Both
This naturally includes other planets in outer space, and I
were worthless. Whitley Strieber wasn’t killed on that
have not rejected this hypothesis; I only think it is insuf-
plane trip.
ficient. And there are many other hypotheses — far more
How do most people who are deeply involved in this
promising in my opinion — that have not been seriously
field respond to these failed promises and predictions?
They push them another 10 or 15 or 25 years into the future.
We have mountains of data which now contradicts
In other words, “When is a lie not a lie?” When it’s told
the first-level ETH (extraterrestrial hypothesis) to which
by someone who claims to be from outer space.
most of American ufology is still clinging. It is time to
Why do I believe the messages of the prophets record-
open our minds to other possibilities.
ed in the Bible carry so much more weight? Because God
Are we being toyed with by extraterrestrials? Are there
established performance standards for His prophets. God
sinister entities somewhere out there waiting to gain
entrance into our minds and hearts and souls through
Deut. 18:20-22: “But a prophet who presumes to speak any means possible? And if so, why? Are we pawns in
in my name anything I have not commanded him to say, a cosmic chess game between the forces of light and
or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, must darkness?
be put to death.” You may say to yourselves, “How can we The visitors tell us they are here to help us find our-
know when a message has not been spoken by the LORD?” selves in the light of eternity. Time and again, the Bible
If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does warns us about forces that would like nothing better than
not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD to deceive us and take us down the road to destruction.
has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuous- After all, Paul, who as we mentioned had his own encoun-
ly. Do not be afraid of him.” ter with The One True Visitor, warned that “. . . Satan
himself masquerades as an angel of light.”
How many who are currently proclaiming prophecies
My friend, the late J. Allen Hynek15, once said. . .
from Ashtar and his buddies would like to work under
the same conditions? Any takers? I doubt it. “I have the impression that the UFOs are announcing a
I believe the extraterrestrial hypothesis14 is too simplis- change that is coming soon in our scientific paradigms. I
tic, and my contacts with Department of Defense research- am very much afraid that UFOs are related to certain psy-
ers tends to substantiate that opinion. I agree with Jacques chic phenomena.
Vallee, when in response to a review of his book Confron- Certainly the phenomena has psychic aspects. I don’t
tations, he made the following statements regarding both talk about them very much because to a general audience,
abductions and the extraterrestrial hypothesis. the words ‘psychic’ and “occult” have bad overtones. They
say, “Aw, it’s all crazy.” But the fact is that there are psychic
“I have stated (and will continue to state) that much of
things. For instance, UFOs seem to materialize and dema-
what passes for abduction research today is unscientific,
terialize. There are people who have had UFO experiences
who’ve claimed to have developed psychic ability. There 1940’s and 50s, the visitors used to say they came from
have been reported cases of healings and of injuries in close Venus or Saturn or the back side of the Moon, and now
encounters and there have been reported cases of precogni- they say they’re from Zeta Reticuli — but they’re just giv-
tion, where people had foreknowledge or forewarning that ing us information that we can understand.”
they were going to see something. Some came true, most If they really come from Zeta Reticuli, or Wolf 24, or
did not. There has been a radical change of philosophy of some other star system, why haven’t they told their con-
person’s lives. Now you see, those are rather tricky things tactees that right from the beginning?
to talk about openly, but it’s there. Many people feel that Are they lying because they know we wouldn’t like it
it might be a conditioning process.” very much if we knew who they really were and where they
How interesting. Somebody wants us to change our views really came from? And there is an even more important
about reality, science, religion, God, and the nature of question to ask: Are they lying to us because they are play-
life beyond the grave. ing a cosmic game of follow-the-leader? Perhaps they want
Ruth Montgomery believes “our space friends are now to be like the Pied Piper, leading us who-knows-where,
ready for us to know that they are here.” and they know we wouldn’t follow them even one step
Not only ready, in fact, but anxious. It seems unlike- if we knew who they were really working for and where
ly, however, that they are anxious to take off their masks they really want to take us.
and let us know who they really are. Listen carefully, and see if you catch the sleight-of-
The “visitors”, the “Space Brothers”, the “greys”, or hand here, near the beginning of human history.
whatever we decide to call them, seem disinclined to tell Genesis 2: 15: The LORD God took the man and put him in
the truth about their origins — or anything else for that the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the
matter. Yet thousands of people go on listening to them, LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from
hanging on to every word as if it were coming from God any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree
Himself. of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it
And that most definitely isn’t so.
you will surely die.”
They have made up one story after another about where
they’re from, why they’re here, and what’s going to hap- Now watch closely . . .
pen in the future. Although thousands of people believe
Gen. 3:1-5 “Now the serpent was more crafty than any of
every word that purports to come from outer space, I
the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the
personally would have a difficult time buying a used car
woman, “Did God really say, `You must not eat from any
from Ashtar and his buddies.
tree in the garden’?” The woman said to the serpent, “We
As far as I know, the only reason for lying is to con-
may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say,
ceal the truth. A person who lies wants to hide some-
`You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle
thing that might be unpleasant — either for you, for him,
of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
of for both of you. People tell lies every day, some more
“You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For
than others. But there’s almost always a reason behind
the deception. God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened,
For instance, if you were to admire a tie I happened to and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
be wearing, and asked me where I purchased it, would I That was the first deception, the first occasion when
lie and tell you Sears when I’d actually gotten it at Pen- the Word of God was given a slight twist to make it more
ney’s? If I told such a lie, would I do so without some kind palatable to us human beings. The serpent lied because,
of reason? Perhaps I don’t want you to get a tie like mine. for reasons of his own, he wanted to see mankind fall
Perhaps I don’t want you to know how much I paid for it. into disgrace.
But regardless of the reason for the lie, there is a motiva- We would do well to remember that serpents come in
tion to conceal the truth which has caused me to lie. many forms, and they are still twisting eternal truths
It doesn’t make much sense to think, “Well, during the to suit their purposes. They give us new “holy books” to
supplement or replace the Bible. They tell us that Jesus ican public, it is somewhat nonsensical to believe that
was a great Teacher, but that His death on the cross had the government would conduct planned testing of chem-
no deeper meaning than that a good and innocent man ical-biological weapons systems on the north-forty of
was killed by an angry mob. And, like the serpent from the old Jones place.
Genesis, they tell us we are gods. We can make a few assertions, and some logical spec-
Why are they lying to us like this? ulations regarding a connection between animal mutila-
It’s not likely that they are doing it out of love and tions and human abductions. Those responsible for these
respect for humankind. There is a war going on in our acts must have the ability to interact with real physical
universe, a to-the-death battle between the forces of good matter the same as you and I. The mutilators and abduc-
and evil. All is not peace and harmony in the cosmos. tors may be doing the bidding of someone who remains
There are bad guys out there — and they’re doing their behind the scenes, unseen and undetectable. And there
best to convince us they are really the good guys. may be some force involved that allows them to do their
The war isn’t over land, or ideology, or our genetic work without detection, but that is speculation. It is also
material. It’s being fought for the souls of men. speculation that the cattle mutilations and the abductions
We will go to the victors. have something to do with the glowing objects seen fly-
Consider: beginning in the early 1970s, the Unit- ing through the skies around the time and places where
ed States, as well as a number of other countries have many of these events have taken place. Most victims are
been plagued by waves of animal mutilations. Having pretty quick to say they believe there was a connection.
been blamed on normal predation, government testing It seems as if somebody is sending a message to the
of chemical and biological weapons, Satanic and occult United States, and indeed to the rest of the world, a mes-
groups, and extraterrestrials, the mutilations are an sage that says, “We can come and go as we like. We can
intriguing mystery. In 1975, a 1500 pound female buf- do whatever we like. And there’s not the least thing you
falo was mutilated at Colorado’s Cheyenne Mountain can do to stop us.”
Zoo. El Paso County Coroner Dr. Raoul W. Urich said, Jacques Vallee spent years researching the UFO enig-
“The cutting was done neatly, cleanly, obviously with a ma, and came to a simple conclusion: The UFOs are real.
very sharp cutting instrument. The dissection was of the He readily admits he has no idea what they are, or where
type that would eliminate any type of predator.” He add- they come from, but they are out there. While originally
ed, “It was better than I could do if I were trying. It was convinced that if real, UFOs would undoubtedly have an
really an expert job.” interplanetary origin, his continuing research made him
Later that same year, 1975, Colorado Governor Rich- begin to doubt this assumption. In his book Messengers of
ard Lamm stated that the mutilations “represented one Deception, he wrote, “I had become aware of some pretty
of the greatest outrages in the history of the western cat- shady business behind the apparently harmless antics of
tle industry..” and added that it was “no longer possible the contactee groups. Now I wanted to focus my attention
to blame predators for the mutilations.” on the problem at hand: the question of who was doing
That was certainly true. It takes a giant leap of logic all this and what their designs on us might be.”
to blame the classic mutilation wounds on coyotes and Over the years, Vallee had talked to many UFO cultists
crows. Suffice it to say that the mutilation question is far who believed that they alone held the key to changing this
from settled. As a theologian who specifically studies world into what it was meant to be, and they were ready
occult and cultic religious groups, I can assure you that to do what they could to usher in the “New Age.”
while ritual killing and mutilation of animals occurs, no They were, in short, interested in taking control of the
such group can be held responsible for what are known planet. They talked about a unified, one-world government
as “classic mutilations.” No group of this type has the that would put an end to centuries of wars and rumors
money, manpower, or equipment to accomplish it. of wars. A new economic system would be established in
With access to thousands of acres of grazing land, which money would be eliminated and all people every-
and all the tax dollars that can be drawn from the Amer- where would share equally in the planet’s wealth.
All political parties and such ”outmoded” ways of police by multiple witnesses in that area, at the approx-
choosing leaders as holding elections would be elimi- imate time of the young man’s death. Two South Ameri-
nated for the sake of worldwide unity. (Apparently aliens can men were found dead on a hillside in the late 1960’s,
are better qualified than we are to say who our leaders their faces covered by crude lead masks, after they had
should be.) gone to “meet with the saucer occupants.”
A new worldwide religion would be ushered in, reveal- There are dozens of documented cases of physical
ing the real nature of the universe and sweeping away injuries from contact with UFOs. There are many so-far
all the false notions we have about eternal truth. This unproven stories of human mutilations. The question of
would mean the destruction of all current world reli- human mutilations is one which is difficult to address,
gions, including, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, recognizing the reluctance of law enforcement officials
and of course, Christianity. to comment or cooperate with investigators. But it seems
The UFO cultists and contact groups are still small in almost certain they have occurred.
number, and seemingly politically insignificant. They can The visitors wow us with their wisdom and love. Then
talk all they want about bringing in a new world order, they show us they can get away with murder if they want
but they can’t do it with an army of only a few thousand. to. They want us to stand in awe of them, to welcome them
But that army is growing. On the periphery are thousands with open arms, but apparently it serves their purposes
hearing the message being spread by the UFO groups. to have us fear them too, at least a little bit.
They are being conditioned to think, feel, and react in Jacques Vallee admits that his own conclusions about
new ways. UFOs have set him at odds with his colleagues. But he is
Those on the periphery may not be sure that aliens confident of his conclusions:
exist, but they haven’t ruled it out. And if a landing of
“I don’t think we should expect salvation from the sky. I
an alien spacecraft shows up on the eleven o’clock news
think we have a very real UFO problem. I have also come
some night, they won’t be terribly surprised, nor per-
to believe that it is being manipulated for political ends.
haps terribly upset.
And the data suggest that the manipulators may be human
It’s not as if human beings were being mutilated in
beings with a plan for social control. Such plans have been
the same way as cattle and other animals. Whoever was
made before, and have succeeded. History shows that hav-
responsible at least made a distinction between the mur-
ing a cosmic mythology as part of such a plan is not always
der of a human and the slaughter of an animal.
necessary. But it certainly helps.
As long as the animals weren’t tortured, was it really
“Let me summarize my conclusions thus far. UFOs are
so terrible? After all, cows and steers are killed in slaugh-
real. They are an application of psychotronic technology;
terhouses every day.
that is, they are physical devices used to affect human con-
And yet they’ve left a sinister message: “Look what
sciousness. They may not be from outer space; they may,
we’ve been able to get away with. And if we can get away
in fact, be terrestrially-based manipulating devices. Their
with this, just think what else we might be able to do.
purpose may be to achieve social changes on this planet.
In regards to the so-called “alien abductions,” we
Their methods are those of deception: systematic manipula-
know that apparently thousands of persons are taken
tion of witnesses and contactees; covert use of various sects
against their will, many sexually tortured, subjected to
and cult control of the channels through which the alleged
painful physical “examinations”, and left with traumat-
“space messages:” can make an impact on the public.”
ic psychological damage. In several instances, deaths
have been connected at least tenuously with UFO and Vallee goes on to give six social consequences of belief
mib activity. in UFOs, consequences which I believe are becoming
In 1967, in a rural area near Cherry Hill, New Jersey, more self-evident with each passing year.
a young man’s body was discovered by a roadside. Two
1. Belief in UFOs will widen the gap between the public and sci-
subsequent autopsies revealed no discernible cause of
entific institutions.
death, but UFOs had been observed and reported to the
As we discard old scientific realities, new ones will take party, and its foundations in the occult, and ultra-nation-
their place, even if these new “realities” are nothing alism as defined by the occultic schutsz staffel, the SS.
more than lies, fables, and superstitions, promoted by This organization at its core was dedicated to breeding,
the manipulators. on actual “farms” the Übermensch, the superman of Hit-
ler’s twisted dreams, while at the same time the ovens of
2. The contactee propaganda undermines the image of human
Dachau and Bergen-Belsen and Auschwitz burned away
beings as masters of their own destiny.
the Üntermensch, the underman, the human detritus that
Christians believe that our lives are in God’s Sovereign
stood between Hitler and his goal of Aryan superiority.
hands, as is the existence of the entire universe. However,
This was the unifying force behind Hitler’s terrible
it is one thing to depend on a gracious, merciful God who
rise to power. He gave people something transcendent
has revealed himself to humans openly throughout his-
to believe in. People want and need to believe some-
tory, and something else to depend on visitors who won’t
thing, and once we make up our minds about what to
tell us who they are or why they’re here. Contactees put
believe — whether it regards religion, politics, or any oth-
absolute faith in something they know absolutely noth-
er area of life — it takes a lot more than a few facts to con-
ing about. And doing so is absolutely dangerous.
vince us we’re wrong.
3. Increased attention given to UFO activity promotes the con- There are plenty of facts to prove that the UFO reli-
cept of political unification of this planet. gions are wrong, but those facts aren’t enough to dis-
Here again, a primary question is whether the forces at suade true believers.
work here have the ultimate benefit of mankind in mind Please understand me. I am not saying that anyone
or if they’re preparing to control our society — whether who has seen a UFO is a cultist, nor am I implying that
that control is psychological, intellectual, political, or abduction victims or unwilling contactees who have had
spiritual. Writing of silent contactees, those who have an experience with these “visitors” have turned their backs
had UFO experiences and have no conscious recall, or on God, or will do so.
who have suppressed the memories of the events because Not at all. These experiences occur to people from all
of their traumatic nature, John Keel says, walks of life, as Budd Hopkins points out in his book
“We have no way of knowing how many human beings
throughout the world may have been processed in this man- “Abductees are not “believers” in some religion of outer space,
ner, as they would have absolutely no memory of undergo- they are not seeking publicity or other rewards, and they
ing the experience; and so we have no way of determining are at heart, confused and frightened by their experiences,
who among us has strange and sinister “programs” lying which they regard more as a profoundly unsettling problem
dormant in the dark corners of his mind. Suppose the plan in their lives than as any kind of advantage. These abduct-
is to process millions of people and then at some future date ees are neither paranoid nor suffering from delusions of
trigger all of those minds at one time.” grandeur; they are honest people who have suffered trau-
matic experiences they do not understand.”
Would we have a world brought together in peace and
harmony, or one forced together through fear and Abductees are victims, and should in no sense be neces-
violence? sarily considered members of the new UFO religions, but
nonetheless, these religions have most definitely grown
4. Contactee organizations may become the basis of a new “high
up around them.
demand” religion.
People always have had and always will have a spiritual 5. Irrational motivations based on groundless faith are spread-
nature. We hunger after eternal truths. One of the best ing hand in hand with the belief in extraterrestrial in-
ways to use this innate human need for an ulterior pur- tervention.
pose is to invent a new religion and draw people’s alle- Biblical faith, while ultimately a gift from God, rests on a
giance to it. Witness Hitler’s development of the Nazi logical foundation: Scripture, the Word of God (His spe-
cial revelation), and science, God’s general and natural Aliens told Strieber that he was their chosen one, as
revelation, and is proven in God’s outworking in the life he relates in Communion. The idea of his being a cho-
of the believer. Faith in the Space Brothers is based pri- sen one struck him as absolutely ridiculous, — some sort
marily on the desire to believe that they are who they say of joke. When he let his captors know he didn’t believe
they are, and will do what they say they will do. A track them, they seemed indignant — as if they couldn’t believe
record which we have seen is dismal indeed. he wouldn’t believe them. Perhaps the visitors have dis-
covered a simple truth about the human species — that
6. Contactee philosophies often include belief in higher races and
in totalitarian systems that would eliminate democracy. a little bit of flattery will go a long, long, way.
One UFO contactee group leader was told that democ- Strieber recognizes that these alien creatures seem to
racy was obsolete. Another was told that those humans be “orchestrating our awareness of them very careful-
alleged to be “hybrids” are far superior to those with only ly.” He also recognizes that they seem to be trying for a
earthly blood flowing in their veins. “degree of influence or even control over us.”
There have always been two schools of thought con- In C.S. Lewis’ masterful work The Screwtape Letters, the
cerning UFOs and related phenomena: (1) It’s all non- experienced demon Uncle Screwtape had some good
sense; (2) We are being visited by beings from outer space. advice for the apprentice demon named Wormwood. He
Jacques Vallee has come to the conclusion that neither explains the ways that human beings may be manipu-
statement is true. It’s not nonsense. And we are not being lated by demons.
visited by beings from outer space. Someone just wants 1. Get them to think too much about demons.
us to think this is the case. Vallee says: 2. Get them to completely ignore demonic
“If the Manipulators do exist, I certainly salute their involvement in the world.
tenacity, but I am curious about their goals. Anybody clever 3. Get them to believe in a neutral force that is nei-
enough to exploit the public’s expectation of UFO landings, ther good nor evil.
or even to simulate an invasion from outer space, would Regarding that third point, Uncle Screwtape said,
presumably realize that human institutions are highly vul-
nerable to changes in our images of ourselves. It is not only “If once we can produce our perfect work — the Materialist
the individual contactee who is manipulated, but the glob- Magician, the man, not using, but veritably worshipping
al image in humanity’s collective psyche. One would like to what he vaguely calls ‘Forces’ while denying the existence
know more, then, about the image of humanity such Manip- of ‘spirits’ — then the end of the war will be in sight.”
ulators harbor in their own minds — and in their hearts.
Assuming, of course, that they do have hearts. Let’s see if Uncle Screwtape’s advice is working. In
There is another system. It is sending us messengers of acknowledging the negative nature of some of these visi-
deception. They are not necessarily coming from nearby tors, Strieber discusses the importance of negative expe-
stars. In terms of the effect on us, it doesn’t matter where riences. We all need them because they cause us to grow
they come from. I even suspect that “where” and “when” stronger, wiser, develop compassion for others, and so
have no meaning here. How could we be alone? The black on. If all we had was one positive experience piled on top
box of science has stopped ticking. People look up toward of another, none of us would ever become anything oth-
the stars in eager expectation. er than shallow, self-important, spoiled brats.
Receiving a visit from outer space sounds almost as com- Strieber’s right about that, of course. Christians have
fortable as having a God. Yet we shouldn’t rejoice too soon. the same sort of idea. In the Bible, the book of James
Perhaps we will get the visitors we deserve.” reminds us that we should rejoice when we have trials
So why would anyone trust beings who sneak into because those trials have come to make us more like
houses in the middle of the night, and who won’t tell Christ. But that’s a long way from saying that anyone who
us who they are, why they’re here, or where they’ve real- attempts to harm us is really trying to help us because he
ly come from? knows his attempts to harm us will make us stronger.
But, follow Strieber’s reasoning to its logical conclu- techniques to call them into one’s life and make use of what
sion and we come to believe in a universe where there is they have to offer. I have described gross versions of such
no such thing as good and evil, only a force used to bring techniques, such as developing real questions and being
about personal growth. willing to be taken on a journey through one’s fears. The
It would be wonderful to believe in a universe where most effective technique seems to be simply to open one-
there is no such thing as out-and-out evil, but practi- self, asking for what one needs the most without placing
cal experience, not to mention the Word of God, tells any conditions at all on what that might be.”
us otherwise.
As one of my research contacts phrased it when dis-
There is a great temptation to believe in such a super-
cussing this open invitation to extra-dimensional forc-
natural force. It’s just there — a neutral, and yet incred-
es to invade our psyches,
ibly powerful fountain of energy just waiting for us to
tap into it. That is the idea behind “the force” in the Star “We don’t know where the line is drawn between dabbling
Wars trilogy. That was fine, because Star Wars was only a and demonism, or between curiosity and commitment, nor
movie, but the idea of an impersonal, supernatural force do we know how and when that line is crossed. It may be
is not the reality behind our universe. that the question of “how much” has less to do with it than
Good exists, and so does evil. There is spiritual war- we think. I would suggest that the neural and mental pat-
fare in heavenly places, and no matter how much we want tern set up by psychic involvement provides an interface
it, it’s impossible to be neutral. There’s no such thing as with other forms of consciousness, which are extradimen-
a spiritual Switzerland — a place that refuses to align sional and demonic in nature. If that is the case, then psy-
itself with either of the warring parties. chic dabbling is a little like entering the cage of a man-eat-
As Uncle Screwtape told Wormwood, if you can get ing tiger. You may or may not be eaten, depending on how
them to believe in a neutral force that is neither good hungry the tiger is. The significant point is that once you
nor evil, you have gained control over them. enter the cage, the initiative passes to the tiger.”
In considering contact with the “visitors”, we should
Something is going on out there. Something real. It is
also recognize the similarity between contact with
not a dream or a hallucination. We are not alone in this
similar entities who spoke through spiritualist medi-
universe, nor are we alone on this planet.
ums through the years. Vallee and Keel cite extensive-
Strange beings pilot glowing, silver disks through
ly the very, very close parallels between the contents of
our skies. They come into our houses in the middle of
the messages received from both sources. The spiritual-
the night and wreak havoc with our minds. They take
ist and contactee landscapes are strewn with the wreck-
humans aboard their craft to be painfully, pointlessly
age of men and women who thought they were in touch
“examined”, and often times sexually molested. And,
with kindly spirit guides, departed loved ones, or benev-
finally, they try to change our perceptions about life — in
olent space brothers, only to find the whole thing was a
both the physical and spiritual sense.
screen for vicious supernatural forces, which eventual-
Sometimes we forget that acknowledging the truth
ly ruined their lives.
means much more than just superficial mental assent.
We have visitors, alright. Someone is standing at the
After all, if one claims to believe in God, and yet that belief
door of our world and knocking. Knocking very loudly,
makes no visible impact on one’s life, then you are still,
in fact. And all of our experiences, viewed objectively,
for all intents and purposes, a practical atheist.
reveal that he’s not the sort of person to whom we want
There is a compelling force to the truth. It needs to be
to open the door.
lived, not just agreed with. There is great security in the
Strieber, in Transformation, eventually comes to the
truth, but we can’t sit on the fence about it. The truth will
point of complete trust in the visitors. In one of his most
not allow us that luxury. If something is true, then one
terrifying statements, he writes:
can and should abandon oneself to it with great confi-
“What is interesting to me now is how to develop effective dence.
Where the truth is concerned, there are really only two less speculation put forward to explain these strange
choices: either something is true or it isn’t. Jesus Christ events. The explanations which everyone wants to hear
is the Son of God as He claimed to be, or He is not. But, because they seem exciting and mysterious.
we can’t have it both ways, or live as though both things But I cannot in good conscience do that. I can and will
were true at the same time. We must choose to abandon make myself available to anyone who seriously desires
ourselves to one or the other. counsel on these matters. I will do all I can to help guide
You must choose. Either stake your confidence on anyone who is seriously looking for answers to these mys-
the false, conflicting claims made by our whisperers in teries. I can and will explain the truth in Christ that does
darkness, or accept the truth as Christ presented it in make us truly free. After all, even if the visitors do turn
Himself. Don’t hesitate — don’t vacillate. Cast your vote out to be extraterrestrials from another planet, who tru-
and cast it now, or you may no longer possess the ability ly deserves your worship — them, or the God who creat-
to choose. The door to the tiger cage may swing closed ed the entire universe?
behind you. Do I have all of the answers? No! But I know Who
Our visitors come to us not with a flutter of angels’ does, and I know His willingness to share them. I am
wings, or the leathery flap of a demon’s pinions but with compelled by a spirit of love and concern for all of those
Uncle Screwtape’s neutral whir of the engines of an inter- involved, abduction victim, contactee, and researchers
stellar spacecraft. alike, to point us back to the real meaning of the state-
I heard an interesting radio interview some time ago. ment, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make
On this particular program, the host was interviewing you free.”
two alleged abductees. The discussion concerned the In the conclusion of Transformation, Whitley Strieber
importance of the truth about these mysteries being writes that through the visitors, “We will discover truths
revealed. about ourselves, truths that will change each of us — and
In support of this, one of the speakers encouraged the all of us — forever. We will pierce the fog that has for so
government to release whatever information they may many long years obscured our vision. At last, we will
have on these fabulous visitors. She used a verse of Scrip- see.”
ture which seemed appropriate. All the others were in There are many reasons to believe, however, that the
agreement with its validity. The quotation? “You will know visitors will not help us dispel the fog, but lead us deep-
the truth and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32) The er into it, until we are hopelessly lost.
speaker? Jesus Christ, who shortly after this declared, “I As Jesus Himself said, “If a blind man leads a a blind
am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to man, both will fall into a pit.”
the Father except through me.” (John 14:6).
Somehow I don’t believe that was the truth they
were talking about. Let me state here, without apolo-
gy, so that there is no doubt in anyone’s mind, that I am
a Christian.
Am I a Christian because it is an easy thing to be?
No. Am I a Christian because it is a popular thing to be?
No. Am I a Christian because I have stepped blindly by
faith into the culturally accepted dogma of our time?
Again, no.
No, I accept Christianity because it is THE TRUTH.
The easiest thing which I could do would be to do no
more than to tell you only what you want to hear. I could
regale you with spooky stories based on over 1500 cases
of mib activity in my files. I could expound on the end-
APPENDIX Vienna to sign SALT II. Carter began to display bizarre
behavior on his return to Washington; cancelling a
The following is a copy of my notes concerning information given major speech on energy policy, and suddenly leaving
to me in late 1991 and early 1992, by two scientists who claim to Camp David, where he invited a number of experts for
be working in weapons research and development for the Depart- consultation, then suddenly took off for visits with a PA
ment of Defense. machinist, and a retired Marine in West Virginia.
I am not in a position to comment on the truthfulness or accuracy In both instances, intelligence specialists with a knowl-
of the information. The two men who have spoken to me do, edge of Soviet psychotronics speculated that both Presi-
in fact, exist; are who they claim to be; and for all intents and dents may have undergone “psychic tampering.”
purposes seem to be who and what they claim. The very nature
1960  —  Kruschev delivers a speech in which he states: “We
of the claims makes verification difficult, if not impossible.
have a new weapon just within the portfolio of our sci-
I was told that their willingness to divulge this information was entists, so to speak, which is so powerful, that, if unre-
the result of a moral dilemma: these two individuals, both Chris- strainedly used, it could wipe out all life on earth.”
tians, became alarmed at the uses to which their research was
1975  —  Leonid Brezhnev refers to a novel weapons system,
being placed under the direction of their (unnamed) superiors.
“more terrible than anything the world has known.”
They described the devlopment of an obsessive effort to contact
and attempt to control what they referred to as “non-human intel- 1978  —  Col. Tom Bearden, referring to information which
ligences” (NHI), or “non-human entities” (NHE) and to harness would eventually become “The Excalibur Briefing” stated
these NHI for military and intelligence uses. that Brezhnev and Kruschev were referring to “extinguish-
ing electrical currents flowing in circuits by means of
The efforts had progressed well past attempts at practical applica-
virtual — state electron — negation patterns modulated
tions of David Bohm’s theories, and had grown to encompass the
in electromagnetic carriers.” The upshot of this being
use of, according to their statements, “satanic rituals / ritual magic
that “nervous systems can be disabled to varying degrees,
along the lines of that espoused by Aleister Crowley, including
including total disablement resulting in death.”
human sacrifices.”
At the same time, intelligence sources believe that the
These gentlemen stated their concerns that, even when they were
Soviets had begun experiments with psychotronic phe-
apparently able to harness or channel these forces or abilities for
nomena ranging from black magic to “hyperspatial nucle-
“good” uses, the force would “turn,” and ultimately all of those
ar howitzers,” weapons capable of exploding a single
subjects involved suffered varying degrees of negative effects from
nuclear device, then, by paranormal means, duplicating
contact with these forces. They are convinced that what is being
the blast in any number of other locations.
tapped into in all instances is evil, and that this research should
cease. During a speech given by Brezhnev at the Chkaliov air-
craft factory in Tashkent, a scaffolding which Brezhnev
Contact has continued on a limited basis, with no new informa-
was standing near suddenly collapsed, sending him to
tion of significance forthcoming.
the ground.
Reports indicated that Brezhnev had suffered a stroke,
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND that he was critically ill in a coma for some days, and that
he was unable to speak for several weeks. U.S. intelligence
1972  —  President Nixon, on his visit to the USSR com-
assets in the USSR reported that the scaffolding collapse
plained of “unusual feelings.” His physician, and oth-
was an assassination attempt which had been achieved
ers in the party also displayed inappropriate behavior,
including unaccountable weeping.
Following a summer of recuperation, Brezhnev was begin-
1979  —  President Carter visits Soviet embassy while in
ning a major speech televised live throughout the USSR,
when it became obvious that his spoken words did not The ink is now enfolded into the glycerine — you can no
match the prepared text handed out earlier. longer see it, but you know it’s there. Where is it? It is no
longer in any single position. It is spread out, nowhere
Following 7 minutes of confusion, Brezhnev’s national
and everywhere.
security advisor moved to the podium and shoved a pile
of papers in front of him. Brezhnev began again, mut- In extensive research, here and abroad, there is much
tering, “It wasn’t my fault.” How could the speeches have evidence to suggest that everything that exists today, or
been switched and Brezhnev not been aware of it for 7 ever did exist, is similarly enfolded in an invisible medium.
minutes? We become aware of things only when they are unfolded
In 1967, three years after Brezhnev came to power, Yuri out of the invisible medium into our reality.
Andropov, future successor of Brezhnev was put in charge Now, if you reverse the direction of the cylinders, the
of the KGB, and pushed for research into psychotronic thread of ink begins to reappear, much as if a film of the
devices by such institutes as The Laboratory of Bio — In- enfolding process were being run backward.
formation, and the Institute of Control Problems, who
were rumored to have developed “psychic energy accu- One could enfold any number of ink droplets into the
mulators,” and other mind control devices.. medium, and by turning the cylinder backward, very rap-
idly, they would suddenly appear, as if out of nowhere.
One leading American researcher stated that a division
exists in the field of paranormal research between “black” This is the mechanism of how we become aware of the
and “white” projects, but maintains that there are no reality of our world. Enfolding and unenfolding the ink
“good” paranormal research efforts because “the occult drops in the glycerine is comparable to enfolding and
is inherently evil”. There is a growing awareness that this unenfolding an object backward and forward through time
type of research is very dangerous, not only in a physi- and space. Everything exists everywhere at once, enfolded
cal sense, but, “in a spiritual sense as well.” “Whatever into an invisible, seemingly timeless medium.
doesn’t come from God is evil, and Satan can counterfeit Any object you could imagine may not be visible to you
many of God’s miraculous actions.”
right now, but nevertheless, a portion of it exists with you,
Research is being done on teleportation, healing, extract- invisibly enfolded, just as the ink drop existed invisibly
ing information from the brains of dead subjects, remote enfolded throughout the glycerine.
viewing, developing computers with the ability to interpret
When you throw a pebble into a pond, the ripples expand
and record the waveforms of thoughts, enabling them
from the point the pebble strikes the water, hit the edge
to be recorded and or transmitted.
of the pond, create more ripples that move back toward
Several projects have been designed to study “nega- the center of the pool, and all these ripples run into
tive healing”, the psychic infliction of pain, injury, and each other and the points at which they cross are called
death. interferences.
PROPOSED MECHANISM If you could suddenly freeze the pond, the points at which
OF PARANORMAL EVENTS, the ripples interfered with each other would provide infor-
BASED ON THE RESEARCH OF DAVID BOHM mation about the weight, shape, and movement of the
Take 2 glass cylinders, one smaller than the other, place pebble that caused them. Theoretically, you would have
the smaller inside the larger, and fill the space between enough information to actually create a 3–dimensional
with glycerine, a colorless, thick, viscous fluid. representation of the pebble.

Introduce a drop of ink into the glycerine, and revolve This is exactly the principle behind the hologram. Every
the outer cylinder. As you do, the ink will stretch into point in a hologram contains the entire picture, just as in
a thread, growing longer, thinner, and fainter, until it our first example, every point in the glycerine contained
completely disappears. ink. What this means, to go back to our other analogy, is
that to form a picture of the pebble we don’t have to have know what is happening remotely. And by interfering with
all the points where the ripples interfered with each other, the Fourier components of objects, whether inanimate,
we need only some of them, perhaps only one of them. or living cells, they can heal, induce illness, or influence
electronic components, or the roll of dice. Their minds
Highly complex wave patterns can be reduced to a col-
are tuned to the universal hologram — they have access
lection of simple waves that can be represented numeri-
to all the Fourier components.
cally. These numbers are called Fourier components, and
the transformation of those waves into these numerical All human brains perform Fourier analysis, and some
components is called a Fourier transform. can access the Fourier transforms to achieve paranormal
feats. These feats, performed by humans, are unreliable
Using this process, we can search the enfolding medi-
and unquantifiable. However, a psychotronic device could
um of space and time for the Fourier components of any
perform these functions better than humans, much as a
object, forward or backward through time. Everything
computer performs mathematical functions better than
that has ever existed in the universe has produced last-
humans. In addition to being able to see and predict, to
ing interference patterns in the sea of radiation created
perform these passive functions, the device would also
at the instant God said, “Let there be light.”
be able to exert an effect upon both animate and inani-
Holography and Fourier transforms are simply a way of mate objects.
separating an image from its object, then viewing the
Psychokinetic capability appears to follow an inverse-
image at a distance. Your mind actually does this every
square law — that is, the degree of motion which can
time you remember something. You see the image in your
be caused, decreases as the square of the mass of the
mind, though the object itself is somewhere else, distant
affected body.
in time and space.
What is being attempted is to electronically recognize
There is quite probably more than one medium. Each
frequency interference patterns in space, screen them for
is itself enfolded within another, a regressing series
the desired Fourier components, transform the compo-
of enfolding media. The controlling agent behind this
nents into viewable holographic images, and then sharpen
enfoldment process is a Person, the Creator, transcendent,
these images with holographic image deblurring.
and existing prior to His creation.
In this way, you can see anything you want, particularly
The world is composed, in one sense, of interference pat-
with laser assistance. The psychotronic device operates
terns — of frequencies. Just as the frequency of music over
by performing Fourier transforms on background radia-
the radio can be disrupted by a static-inducing appliance
tion. This is achieved by analysis of laser radiation. Light
in the next room, the frequency of things in this world
from an airborne excimer laser can easily penetrate cloud
can be interfered with by disruptive static frequencies. If
cover and seawater, for instance. Large areas of ocean,
any object is characterized by, that is, it is the product of,
to a depth of several thousand feet could be scanned; by
certain frequencies, certain Fourier components, then it
analyzing the laser return from molecules ejected by a
will be altered if those frequencies are altered.
submarine, for instance, one could tell how many and
The human brain itself constantly performs Fourier what type of missiles are aboard, how many men in the
analysis on all the interference patterns in the enfolding crew, etc.
medium. The universe itself is a hologram, and the brain
Laser radiation can be used to observe electrons moving
is part of that hologram. The brain contains all of space
in silicon chips. The psychotronic device could divert
and time, just as each fragment of a hologram contains
those electrons. It has the potential capability to defeat
the entire picture. If you had full access to the content of
any computer, every electronic or mechanical device,
your brain, you’d be able to see everything.
using nothing more than the natural radiation present
This is how the paranormal works. That’s how psychics everywhere in the universe — electromagnetic radiation.
These Fourier components can be stored like any other chromatic amplification of incoming electromagnetic
numerical data. After capturing the interference patterns, waves in the kilohertz region by more than a millionfold.
the entire “imaging process” is computerized, so saving Not only the incoming waves are amplified, but if the
and transmitting the data would be routine. liquid-crystal rotation levels are modulated by bioelec-
trical-potential fluctuations induced by the brain, the
Enfoldment Technology — produces research on the
outgoing field will carry this modulation information.
use of various waves to influence physical health and
A second person, or device, capable of perceiving and
demodulating this kilohertz wave modulated informa-
The human brain operates as a receptor for portions of the tion, can then “read” the first person’s mind. Some lower
electromagnetic spectrum. EM energy, when modulated, frequency neutrinos can stimulate the deexcitation of
can act as a stimulus at some point in the sensory systems. biophysical rotationally excited molecules in the rain.
This provides a physiological basis for the degradation of Neutrinos can be responsible for the release of coded
behavior and for emotional and physical changes. thought waves. Since neutrinos can travel unimpeded
through the earth or other barriers, this is consistent
The degree to which brain stimulation can be limited to a
with the independence of psychotronic effects to distance
discrete locus is a complex function of the wavelength of
and to magnetic shielding.
the energy, the scattering that occurs as the energy passes
through tissue layers, and the nature of the antenna. Regarding macroscopic influences, experimental evidence
indicates that will-influenced events actually do occur, for
Air ions and electro-aerosols have been demonstrated to
example, when tumbling dice are influenced to come to
have physiological and behavior consequences. Effects
rest in a desired position. By psychotronically influenc-
have been demonstrated on emotions, reaction times,
ing the atomic nuclei in the die, a person can generate
flicker fusion frequency, blood pressure, sedimentation
gravitational forces of the magnitude of about 15% of
rate, serum protein, and metabolism. Charged particles
the earth’s gravitation.
penetrating the alveolar wall are transferred to blood cells
and act on the central nervous system by stimulating the According to some quantum-mechanical theorists, all
pulmonary nerves. matter is indeterminate and dispersed, and actual real-
ity must be described by a wave function with an infinite
The effect of photon waves, sound waves, and other oscil-
set of sine states extending over all of space and time.
latory disturbances of free space, such as neutrinos and
David Bohm believes that matter must be described by
gravitons are also under investigation.
a multistate wave function. The quantum wave is a wave
Fourier transforms are produced because everything of knowledge and information.
produces an interference pattern that is either an ampli-
This information is not arranged in terms of position
fied signal or a scattered wave pattern containing infor-
and time, as we have come to perceive it, but rather as
mation that was present in the brainwave oscillations,
frequency and amplitude information, and the human
or, in the case of the inanimate, in the object itself. The
consciousness essentially performs Fourier transforms
atmospheric carrier wave spreads the interference pat-
on this so as to order that information into the more
tern over the surface of the earth, and certain people
familiar form. Consciousness may, by this mechanism,
or devices can perform Fourier transforms to pick off
access any portion of space and time to acquire informa-
the interference patterns and reconstruct the originals.
tion. Further, since it is known that a particle with wave
The Fourier components of entire scenes — buildings,
properties is not located in a strictly determined place,
landscapes, individuals, etc., are directly decodable by
but can be all over the entire universe, or at different
the receiver.
points, simultaneously, a generalization from micro-
The human organism is a liquid-crystal-like assembly cosm to macrocosm makes possible the appearance of
of biomolecules, and is capable of coherent and mono- a macro–object anywhere in the universe.
Each object present as a standing wave in a specific loca- effects, including inappropriate behavior, neurasthenia,
tion in space and time is all present at all points in space psychasthenia, and hallucinations and hysteria were
and time. (Example: The paper on which this is being noted.
written exists everywhere and at all times simultane-
There have been demonstrations of the psychotronic
ously. It was present last year in the Zeta Reticuli system,
manipulation of consciousness, and correlations shown
except that there was less of it there then, than there is
with systematic EEG recordings. Tests have included send-
here now.) Information regarding physical objects can ing to the percipient the anxiety associated with suffoca-
be enfolded and carried in electromagnetic waves, by tion, and the sensation of a blow to the head.
electron beams, neutrinos, gravitons, quantum-matter
waves, and numerous other forms of movement. After transmitting negative emotions to the human sub-
ject, the white blood cell count decreased by 1600. Such a
Planck’s equation states that frequency and energy are psychotronically imposed shift in white cell count could
the same thing. Since we know from Einstein that energy be used to alter human health. Control and manipula-
& matter are convertible, it follows that frequency can tion of physical health, as well as human consciousness,
be matter. So, from frequency interference patterns thoughts, emotions, and will, has been achieved.
we should be able to manifest the physical objects that
produced these patterns. This is the principle on which During such “negative healing”, field pulsations were
psychotronic devices function. The function of the psy- noted that were synchronous with the subject’s respiration
chotronic device is to bring out, by appropriate focusing, rate, heartbeat, and brain alpha rhythm pattern. Effects
the wave structure of a distant object, which is latently on human subjects have included pain, paralysis, burns,
present in any particular point in space. Likewise, human and other tissue damage, and acute coronary thrombosis.
psychological processes have wave characteristics, and While electrical fields have been measured successfully
the mental images and thoughts of all people are present between healers and subjects, knowing these field poten-
in every point in space and time. tials has not yet led to the duplication of human — induced
beneficial effects by means of mechanically — generated
Recording and manifesting images as standing waves fields. Consequently, more success has been achieved
that have been ejected outside the brain and externalized in the area of negative healing than with the positive
is another accomplishment of this device. type.
The wave functions of quantum mechanics represent To a significant degree, we are dealing with the super-
real matter waves that permeate all space and time. It natural, and positive supernatural entities are superior
requires only the will of a capable person or a suitably to the negative. Satan, being an “evil angel” has far less
designed device to perform an operation on these waves power than God.
that would permit the perception of any scene in space
A psychotronic device is virtually impossible to defend
and time. It is through Fourier analysis of these waves
against, and its effects, including changes in brain wave
that objects and events distant is space and/or time can
characteristics, disturbance of equilibrium, and dizzi-
be captured and visualized.
ness, can result in personality changes and/or physical
Researchers are now working on means to interface discomfort that, employed broadly against troops, would
thought and behavior directly through a transducer alter combat effectiveness, and when employed selectively
attached to the head and read directly by a computer. against military and political leaders would reduce the
The computer can monitor, modify, and control behavior ability to command and govern. Such a device, capable
without the subject’s awareness. of negatively affecting healthy tissue as well as disrupt-
ing fundamental brain rhythms, heart control, and bio-
Research has established that the most effective psy- logical clock mechanisms, would pose a severe threat to
chotronic subjects are highly temperamental and emo- enemy command, military, intelligence, embassy, and
tionally open females in the 16 — 21 age grouping. Side other security functions.
INFORMATION GIVEN, BUT NOT why not assassinate Sadaam Hussein psychically, for
Shown 3 series of photos, 4 photos per series, purport- Possibly another way to try and hide experimentation
ing to show individuals being killed during psychotro- with alien technology? ( if that is a true scenario).
nic weapons experiments. 1. Male, white, 25 — 30 yrs.,
Could this possibly be the first chink in the coverup of
allegedly death by remotely induced cardiac arrest. 2.
the true story: that the entire UFO question, including
Female, white, 20 — 25 yr., allegedly death by remotely
abductions, alleged alien/government and alien/human
transmitting and creating head trauma equivalent to
interaction and all the rest, while apparently true, are
crushing of right anterior portion of the skull. 3. Male,
ultimately a spiritual deception of some kind?
white, 30 — 40 yrs., allegedly death by remotely controlled
Setting was laboratory environment, alleged victims were
wired for EKG, seated in reclining chair, somewhat similar
to dentist’s chair.
In effort to establish contact with non-human entities,
every avenue is being explored. Satanic rituals involving
human sacrifice have been peformed. Much study is/has
been given to writings of Crowley.
Bentwaters experiment was the projection of an actual,
physical three-dimensional object, which could and did
interact with its environment, but was created(?) con-
trolled by individuals involved in this research.
No project names given because sources were too con-
cerned leak would be traced back to them.

Presentation seemed very much “scripted” as if they were
presenting material memorized from master script.
Presentation was deliberately slow enough to allow me
to take notes almost verbatim, except for portions when
I was told to cease writing.
Disinformation probability seems very high — why shift
emphasis on Bentwaters to psychotronic warfare? It seems
like a bizarre cover story to use for an actual event which
is, in itself, so bizarre. Why talk to me? What can I do to
rectify situation?
Portions of eyewitness testimony would be easily explained
by this theory, but is the type of work they are describing
even possible? If these techniques are well-developed,
Endnotes 4. The abduction phenomenon is an umbrella term
used to describe a number of hypotheses, claims or asser-
1. The term Men in Black (mibs), in popular culture, is tions stating that non-human creatures kidnap individu-
used in UFO conspiracy theories to describe men dressed als — sometimes called “abductees” — usually for med-
in black suits, sometimes with glowing eyes or other mon- ical testing or for sexual reproduction procedures. Many
strous features, claiming to be government agents who such encounters are described as terrifying or humiliat-
attempt to harass or threaten UFO witnesses into silence. ing, but others describe them as transformative or even
“All mib are not necessarily garbed in dark suits”, writes pleasant. Reports of the abduction phenomenon have
American researcher Jerome Clark. “The term is a generic been made from around the world, but have perhaps seen
one, used to refer to any unusual, threatening or strange- most mainstream attention in the United States.
ly behaved individual whose appearance on the scene can
be linked in some fashion with a UFO sighting.” 5. The Mystery Airships were unidentified flying objects
The phenomenon was initially and most frequently reported in newspapers in western states of the US, start-
reported in the 1950s and 1960s; it is contemporaneous ing in 1896 and continuing into 1897. The reported ships
with many other conspiracy theories. were usually said to be a type of dirigible, and were usu-
Some versions of the Men in Black conspiracy theory ally differentiated from gliders or hot air balloons. The
lead some to believe that the Men in Black’s odd manner- first wave of airship tales were largely confined to North
isms and dress are due to the fact that they are aliens or America, but later “flaps” included similar reports from
alien-human hybrids, and that their job is to eliminate around the world, as late as the eve of World War I.
physical evidence of alien involvement on earth. Oth- While the range and variety of reported sightings is
ers believe that they are actual government agents who many ways analogous to twentieth century flying saucer
intentionally dress and act ridiculously, in an attempt to flaps, most, though not all reports assumed the crafts to
get UFO witnesses to discredit themselves if they ever be airships of human invention. Some speculated that
report such an encounter. the airships had extraterrestrial origins, an early example
of the extraterrestrial hypothesis; most airships, howev-
2. The “International Flying Saucer Bureau” was a
er, were attributed to (or suspected to be made by) earth-
small UFO organization founded in 1952, at Bridgeport
ly inventors.
in Connecticut, USA directed by Albert K. Bender, who
In one account from Texas, three men reported an
was determined to uncover the truth about the flying sau-
encounter with an airship and with “five peculiarly dressed
cer phenomenon. The association edited a small mag-
men” who reported that they were descendant from the
azine publication known as the “Space Review” which
lost tribes of Israel; they had learned English from the 1553
contained news about UFOs. It was a very small organi-
North Pole expedition led by early British Arctic explor-
zation with only a small membership and the publication
er, Hugh Willoughby.
circulated amongst hundreds rather than thousands, but
It is suggested that most of these “Airships” were hoax-
its members and readers valued the publication a lot. It
es perpetrated by (or on) newspaper writers. Though such
also presented the idea that flying saucers were space-
craft of extraterrestrial origin. pranks and tall tales would be considered quite unprofes-
sional if perpetrated by today’s news writers, they were
3. Contactees are persons who claim to be in regular not uncommon in the late 1800’s.
contact with extraterrestrials. Contactees have typical- Early citations of the extraterrestrial hypothesis, all
ly reported that they were given messages of profound from 1897, include the Washington Times, which speculat-
wisdom by aliens, and that they were compelled to share ed that the airships were “a reconnoitering party from
these messages. As a cultural phenomenon, Contactees Mars”; and the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, which suggested
perhaps had their greatest notoriety from the late 1940s of the airships, “these may be visitors from Mars, fearful,
to the late 1950s, but individuals make similar claims to at the last, of invading the planet they have been seek-
the present day. ing.” (Jacobs, 29) In 1909, a letter printed in the Otago Dai-
ly Times (New Zealand) suggested that the mystery air- ver disc-shaped craft swooped down on his vehicle in
ship sightings then being reported in that country were broad daylight.
due to Martian “atomic-powered spaceships.”
At least two airship tales were taken as at least possi- 7. The majority of victims of kidnapping by non-human
bly genuine by generations of later ufologists: creatures — called “abductees” — usually for medical test-
An account by Alexander Hamilton of Leroy, Kansas ing or for sexual reproduction procedures describe their
supposedly occurred about April 19, 1897, and was pub- experiences as terrifying or humiliating.
lished in the Yates Center Farmer’s Advocate of April 23. While it is virtually impossible to prove that the phe-
Hamilton, his son, and a tenant witnessed an airship nomenon literally occurs as reported, there is little doubt
hovering over his cattle pen. Upon closer examination, that many apparently stable and sincere persons report
the witnesses realized that a red “cable” from the airship alien abductions they believe are utterly genuine. As
had lassoed a heifer, but had also become entangled in the reported in the Harvard University Gazette in 1992, Dr. John
pen’s fence. After trying unsuccessfully to free the heif- Edward Mack investigated over 60 claimed abductees,
er, Hamilton cut lose a portion of the fence, then “stood and “spent countless therapeutic hours with these indi-
in amazement to see the ship, cow and all rise slowly and viduals only to find that what struck him was the ‘ordi-
sail off.” Some have suggested this was the earliest report nariness’ of the population, including a restaurant own-
of cattle mutilation (In 1982, however, UFO research- er, several secretaries, a prison guard, college students,
er Jerome Clark debunked this story, and confirmed via a university administrator, and several homemakers ...
interviews and Hamilton’s own affidavit that the story ‘The majority of abductees do not appear to be deluded,
was a successful attempt to win a Liar’s Club competi- confabulating, lying, self-dramatizing, or suffering from
tion to create the most outlandish tall tale). a clear mental illness,’ he maintained.’ He has encoun-
An account from Aurora, Texas (as related in the Dal- tered only one person who showed psychotic features.
las Morning News) reported that an airship had smashed
into a windmill— later determined to be a “sump pump” 8. As folklorist Dr. Thomas E. Bullard has noted (UFO
— belonging to a Judge Proctor, then crashed. The occu- Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, 1987), most abduc-
pant was dead and mangled, but the story reported that tion accounts feature the following events. They gen-
presumed pilot was clearly “not an inhabitant of this erally follow the sequence noted below, though not all
world.” abductions feature all the events:
Strange “hieroglyphic” figures were seen on the wreck- 1. Capture (Abductees taken from room/area and
age, which resembled “a mixture of aluminum and sil- find themselves in the “ship”)
ver ... it must have weighed several tons.””(ibid.) (In the 2. Examination (a seeming medical or physiolog-
20th Century, unusual metallic material recovered from ical exam)
the presumed crash site was shown to contain a percent- 3. Conference (“Aliens” speak with abductees)
age of aluminum and iron admixed.) The story ended by 4. Tour (Not always described but some abductees
noting that the pilot was given a “Christian burial” in the claim to be shown the ship)
town cemetery. In 1973, MUFON investigators discov- 5. Loss of Time (Many abductees suffer from peri-
ered the alleged stone marker used in this burial. Their ods of time removed from their memory, often
metal detectors indicated a quantity of foreign material coming back to them later)
might remain buried there. However, they were not per- 6. Return (Returned, sometimes with environmen-
mitted to exhume, and when they returned several years tal changes)
later, the headstone — and whatever metallic material 7. Theophany (a profound mystical experience, a
had lay beneath it — was gone. feeling of oneness with God or the universe)
8. Aftermath (Sickness, new phobias, ridicule,
6. The man in question, along with his wife and etc.)
another couple, was run off a state highway when a sil-
Such alleged abductions are often closely connected to chic in the tradition of Jeane Dixon and Edgar Cayce.
UFO reports, and are sometimes supposedly conducted She was a protégé of Arthur Ford who claimed he (like
by so-called Greys: Short, grey-skinned humanoids with Cayce) could access the Akashic Records (or database)
large, pear-shaped heads and enormous dark eyes. of the Universe.
Montgomery initially believed her mission on Earth
9. Budd Hopkins — a painter and sculptor by profes- was to educate the public on her belief in life after death,
sion — and Dr. David Jacobs, a professor of history atTem- which is common among spiritualists. However, she also
ple University, and later, Dr. John Mack, professor of psy- studied reincarnation and came to believe that mental and
chiatry at Harvard University presented alien abduction physical illnesses often have their origins in past lives.
as a genuine phenomenon through their research efforts Her many books (which she says were channelled via
in the 1970s through the 1990s. automatic writing from her spirit guides) popularised spir-
Jacobs and Hopkins argued that alien abduction was itualist notions in public the consciousness in the 1980s
far more common than earlier suspected; they estimate and 1990s, and paved the way for what is now known as
that tens of thousands (or more) North Americans had New Age religion. Montgomery is particularly noted for
been taken by unexplained beings. her popularization of walk-in theory whereby a person’s
Furthermore, Jacobs and Hopkins argued that there soul can depart a hurt or anguished body and be replaced
was an elaborate scheme underway, that the aliens were with a new soul to take over the body.
attempting a program to create human–alien hybrids, In her books, Montgomery revealed that in a past incar-
though the motives for this scheme were unknown. There nation she had been alive during the time of Christ and
were anecdotal reports of phantom pregnancy related to known as Lazarus’ sister Mary.
UFO encounters at least as early as the 1960s, but Budd
Hopkins and especially David M. Jacobs were instrumental 14. The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) is the
in popularising the idea of widespread, systematic inter- hypothesis that UFOs are best explained as being phys-
breeding efforts on the part of the alien intruders. ical spacecraft visiting Earth, piloted by creatures from
other planets.
10. The manifestations which occur, while strange
and remarkable, seem to reflect the culture and tech- 15. Josef Allen Hynek (May 1, 1910 - April 27, 1986)
nology of the times. Elves and fairies in the middle was a U.S. astronomer , professor (Ohio State Univeristy,
ages, airships in the 1890s, spacecraft in the 1950s. Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Northwestern
University), and ufologist.
11. Bonnie Nettles had died of cancer in 1985, 12 years He is probably best remembered for his UFO research:
before the cult’s mass suicide in 1997. Hynek acted as scientific advisor to three consecutive
UFO studies undertaken by the U.S. Air Force: Project
12. Steven M. Greer is an emergency physician, and Sign (1947-1949), Project Grudge (1949-1952), and finally,
as founder and director of CSETI (Center for the Study Project Blue Book (1952 to 1969); for decades afterwards,
of Extraterrestrial Intelligence), has led research teams he conducted his own independent UFO reseach.
throughout the world investigating the existence of ETI On April 27, 1986, Hynek died of a malignant brain
and claims to have successfully established preliminary tumor at Memorial Hospital in Scottsdale, Arizona.
contact and communication with extraterrestrial space-
craft at close range on several occasions using flashlights
and meditation. He says that a spiritual level of conscious-
ness is required to make the inter-dimensional contact
with extraterrestrials.
13. Ruth Shick Montgomery (1912 - June 10, 2001) was
an American journalist and self-described Christian psy-

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