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Assessment of Credit Risk Management in Micro Finance Institutions: A Case

of Adama Town MFIs, Ethiopia

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Tesfaye Kefale Torban

Arsi University


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Assessment of Credit Risk Management in Micro Finance
Institutions: A Case of Adama Town MFIs, Ethiopia

Tesfaye Kefale Torban

PhD scholar Dept. Business Management, college of Business and Economics, Bule Hora
University, Ethiopia
Email: [email protected]

Abstract: This study is to assess the credit risk management of MFIs exist in Adama town,
Ethiopia.Sound credit risk management is a crucial for a financial institutions stability and continuing
profitability, while declining credit quality, the most frequent cause of poor financial performance
and condition. Micro finance provides financial support to the unbanked units of the society. Since
microfinance is a system that allocates small credits to poor persons in order for them to provide
income and start their own small businesses, it has the ability to lessen poverty as well as encourage
entrepreneurship, social and economic development for poor people.In any financial institution,
the biggest risks in microfinance is loaning money and not getting it back. The study adopted a
descriptive survey design. The population of study consisted of serviceprovision sectors in
Adamatown MFIs.The study utilized both quantitative and qualitative technic of data analysis. The
study involves that customer’sevaluation; credit risk control and collection principle had effect on
credit risk management of MFIs in Adama town credit and saving institutions. The study recommends
that MFIs should improve their collection policy by adapting a more stringent policy to a
lenient policy for effective debt recovery.
Keywords: credit risk management, Microfinance, Microfinance institutions, Microfinance policy

Introduction comprehensive range of financial services, such

Micro finance is main concern in current time to as savings and protection options (Premchander
the unbanked house hold over the world. 2009). Microfinance is a providing of financial
Microfinance institution is a method that provides services like reserves, credit, protection, payment,
lesser loans to third world people in order to etc. in a very lesser amount mostly to the poor
generate revenue and start their own small people (Dasgupta, 2001).
enterprises, it has the capacity to reduce poor as It is generally accepted that lack in credit risk
well as encourage Enterprises, community and administration and management guideline by
financial development in poor social groups financial establishments have supported overall
especially in rapid developing countries similar to the financial decline around the world (Fraser
to Ethiopia. MFI are Established to small scale &Simkins, 2010). As result to this emergency,
monetarily services to the low-income people orders including credit risk management are
who farm, unemployed, operate min-business, presently being given more imperativeness,
who have no access to financial services of mostly in monetary related areas (Horne, 2007)
modern banks(perways A.,and P.krishna like banks and other financial institutions. MFIs
M.,2017). function in an environment where customers are
In addition to issuing loans, MFIs also deal a without credit histories or unavoidably expected

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Review, Vol -XII, Issue - I, Jan - June. 2019, PP 42-53 42
Assessment of Credit Risk Management in Micro Finance Institutions: A Case of Adama Town MFIs, Ethiopia
borrowing behaviors ( Vincent et al 2014) Microfinance program and purposes in Ethiopia
creation it more necessary to deal with credit risk are to make presented and nearby financial
management. services to a enormous number of actively
The Ethiopian Microfinance institutions are productive Ethiopian communities which use to
relatively early compared to the sector in the rest have no access to official financial services that
of the world. The mean age of Micro finance might empower them to support of the country’s
institutions in Ethiopia is not more than 15 years. economic growth. Microfinance is related to a
The rapid economic changes and industry has collection of financial service improvements
changed the risk evidence. So, several MFIs seem under the term microfinance, according to
to continue to need growth without more microfinance it is micro savings, cash transfer
consideration to risk. Numerous Micro finance and micro protection (Islam, Mohd. Najmul,
institutions look to neglect even the simple credit 2013).
risk management which helped MFIs realize high The backgrounds of microfinance were the
growth rates factually (Fernando, 2008). Grameen Bank of Bangladesh. They were the first
About 80% of Ethiopians live under the to face the data problem by building a loaning
insufficiency line with less than two dollars a day institution using the information base of a public.
(WHO report, 2013). To conciliation these two The bank begun in the mid-1980s by Prof.
contradicting issues i.e. financing low-income Mohammed Yunus, lends to very poor family, and
people who farm, unemployed, operate min- loans to groups of debtors rather than individual
business, the agrarian as well as the poor and the within the group. Microfinance institutions
risk involved there, microfinance institutions frequently represent a first chance for the local
must apply several approach of controlling and community to participate in financial systems and
managing the risk in the field as well as on an to advantage from access to business and capital
additional services provided throughMFI. The (Amina Ahmed et. Al, 2015).
main questions that arises is, how they can MFIs can implement more than standard bankers
manage to keep their non-performing credits rates in some community contexts for two different
so low, if microfinance is about facilitating causes. First, society knows one another. Second,
financial services to poor families with no a main source of market failure in credit markets
warranty, most of them functioning in the informal is that a bank cannot apply financial approvals
sector, were the risk of just taking the money and against poor peopling who evasion on a loan,
running is very high.So the study identifies the since by meaning they are poor. Individuals
gap as well as assesses the credit risk management within the group may be in a place to enact
of MFIs which are found in Ethiopia so that a powerful non-financial permissions at low cost.
widespread understanding of the current With this mechanism micro finance institutions
situations of those institutions as well as making have high payment rates (Amina Ahmed
different conclusions can be possible.,2015).
Litiruter Review Overview of Microfinance Institutions in
Micro finance institutionsis a kind of financial Ethiopia
The ideas of MFI in Ethiopia is a recent era and
organization that provides financial benefits to
known by rapid growing by (Ebisa Denbie,
the low-income peoples, unemployed or group
2013). The development of lending institutions
of individuals who have no access to financial
in Ethiopia in collaboration with Ethiopia
benefits of commercial banks. It is a modern tool
Ministry of trade has providing loan to Micro and
that is used almost everywhere to reduce poverty,
small enterprises (Kareat, 2007, cited by Gishom,
created awareness and empower poor people that
results in sustainable development (Perways A.,
and P. Krishna M., 2017). Once the Ethiopian government proclamation no.

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Review, Vol -XII, Issue - I, Jan - June. 2019, PP 42-53 43
Assessment of Credit Risk Management in Micro Finance Institutions: A Case of Adama Town MFIs, Ethiopia
40/1996 of MFI was allotted, this show the way necessary to mention that a great part of the
for establishment of MFIs to provide financial borrowers from MFIs are involved in a business
benefits to the societies who suffered lack of and agricultural activities. Financing this
financial accessibility from the formal banks, agricultural of activities is risker than financing
several MFIs have lawfully been registered and trade or industry, because of the inherent risk in
proceedingproviding service of microfinance like agriculture. Risk is defined generally as the
other countries and they can organize savings potential for events or ongoing trends to cause
once they got registered and legally authorized future losses or declines in future income of an
to supervise the actions MFIs by the NBE MFI or deviate from the novel social mission of
(Wolday Amha, 2000). an MFI (Ferri 2013).
As Getaneh (2005), in Ethiopia MFI spread Credit Risk Management of Financial
through urban and rural areas to give deposit, Institution
removal and accept a draft to the community and
It is broadly identified that lack in credit risk
to manage the microfinance commercial funds
management policies by monetary establishments
which are allowed by low. The Ethiopian deposit-
have helped altogether to the financial recession
taking MFIs provide different financial services
around the world (Fraser &Simkins, 2010) As
such as; reserves, microinsurance, advance,
outcome to this emergency, orders including
payment, and return such as collecting duties,
credit risk management are now a day being given
allowance payment, and another related service
more imperativeness, particularly in financial
charge. Accordingly, a progressive change has
related areas (Horne, 2007) like lending
been seen in Ethiopian MFIs from microcredit
institutions and other financial institutions. Micro
to microfinance and finally to financial inclusion
finance institutions operate in society where
(Wolday and Anteneh, 2015).
customers are without credit back ground or
The aimof MFIs is to collect credits and share necessarily predictable borrowing behaviors
credit to the farmers and people engaged in (Vincent making it more insight to
activities similar actions as well as micro and deal with credit risk management.
small enterprises rural and urban entrepreneurs.
According to Basel (1999a) supported that
Meaning of Credit risk convenient credit risk management requires
Tony & Bart (2009) mentioned that Credit risk is establishing an appropriate credit risk
the loss that a borrower defaults and does not environment where board of directors approves
principle its obligation to service debt. credit policy and strategy and senior management
Nikolaidou&Vogiazas (2014) define credit risk implements these; operating under sound credit
management as the arrangement of coordinated granting step by establishing well defined credit
tasks and activities for controlling and guiding granting criteria; maintaining an appropriate
risks confronted by an organization through the credit management of credit portfolio; control and
incorporation of key risk management strategies inspection process and ensuring adequate
and processes in relation to the organizations measurement over the risk
objective. Credit risk management in the bank institutions
Risk is at the core of any finance sector. It is involves the step of identification of risk issues,
part of the financial mediator. This creates that assessment of losses by using borrowers
Risk Management to be at the half in any financial financials and useful models, control the activities
institution. Since the MFIs had been increasing of defined risk matters, and implementation of
in the previous decade, the importance of risk control and measures by known management to
management has been in advance more and more minimize or reduce the unneeded consequences
importance for a good management. It is of losses; and the process is implemented within

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Assessment of Credit Risk Management in Micro Finance Institutions: A Case of Adama Town MFIs, Ethiopia

the production and the strategic structure of the • To identify the challenge that faced by MFIs
financial institutions (Basel, 2000; Rechard et al., in Adama town credit risk management.
2009, Tafri et al., 2011).
• To find out the strategies to manage credit
Credit management, or moreexactly credit risk risk in micro finance institutions.
management, refers to the arrangements,
Research Questions
procedures and controls, which a company has
in place to ensure the efficient collection of • What are credit risks management practices
customer payments thereby minimizing the risk that are most commonly faced by MFIs in
of non-payment (Mokogi, 2003). Adama town?
According toGreuning & Bratanovic, (2003).The • What are the challenges faced by MFIs to
real credit risk management (CRM) requires manage credit risk in Adama town?
building an suitable credit risk (CR) atmosphere; • What are the strategies used by MFIs in
working under a healthy credit lending process; Adama town to manage credit risks?
maintaining an appropriate credit administration
that need the controlling processand the sufficient Research Methedology
monitoring over loan risk. This research describe how the study has been
Nieman et al (2009) opinion that long term carried out, what the activities to be done in
consist financial performance is character to non- the research design.
financial factors like internal function, workers Research Design
satisfaction as well as brand and customer loyalty. Based on the statements of the problem and the
This opinion is shared by Ittner et al (1998) who objective of the study the researcher usedthat the
expires that the investment in intangible assets, descriptive type of research. The research
that is, customer satisfaction, is not approach used in the study is quantitative and
accommodated in the accounting data. qualitative data would be to address the
The same suggestion applies to the risk of an objectives. Therefore, the researcher utilizes
institution that is challenges to understand if survey research methods. Generally, Primary data
attention is alone directed at the financial systems. collected throughquestions and interview
distributed to respondents that consists Branch
Through the combination of non-financial
Managers and operation managers working on
evidence, the challenges associated with the
loan processing and also LoanOfficers.
manipulation of financial statements are reduced.
Secondary data was collected from different
By following a systematic approach and through
secondary sources.
taking into considered both financial and non-
financial information related to the institution, Method of Data Collection
anbetter understanding of MFI risks can be Primary data were gathered through both
achieved (CGAP, 2003). questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire
includesclose-ended questions, and distributed to
Aim and Objective of Study
respondents involving branch managers,
The many objectives of this study are to assess operation managers and credit officers working
of credit risk management in micro Finance on loan processing were targeted for the data
Institutions: in case of Adama town micro Finance collection where all the issues on the
Institutions. questionnaire were properly addressed.
Specific Objectives The close ended questions are used to test the
• To assess credit risk management practices rating of various features and this helped in
of Adama town MFIs. reducing the number of related responses in order
to get more varied responses.

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Review, Vol -XII, Issue - I, Jan - June. 2019, PP 42-53 45
Assessment of Credit Risk Management in Micro Finance Institutions: A Case of Adama Town MFIs, Ethiopia
Semi structured interview refers to the use of Sampling Techniques
already prepared questions during the study According to the data collected from MFIs
Interview schedule were held based on the pre- managers of the four micro finance institutions
defined schedule. Until arrangedto any interview used as respondents.Therefore, the Judgmental
session, respondents were made to get sufficient sampling technic was used to gather data because
information on the purpose of the session as well these methods help the researcher to obtainactual
as privacymaterials. The interview meetings were information from each and every employee.
held with 4 MFIs managers and the analysis of
The following table indicates the judgmental used
the interview was made based on the
by the researcher from each institution of
information obtained from these branch
Managers, operation managers and loan officers.

Table 3.1 Sample and Sampling Technique

List of sample Branch Mangers Operation Loan officers total Sampling
branch managers technique
Wasasa 1 1 20 22
VFCSI 1 1 21 23 Judgmental
DECSI 1 1 18 20
OCSCO 1 1 23 25
Total 4 1 78 90
Source: Sample taken institutions .Descriptive statisticswere used to
Data Analysis analysis the findings of the study. The study was
Data were gathered using questioner and targeted a population size of 90 respondents from
interview approach. Data analyses were carried which 84 filled in and returned the
out using simple mathematical such as frequency, questionnaires making a response rate of
average, percentile to present as well organized 92.22%. This response rate was useful to conduct
and useful methods. research to make conclusions for the study.
V.Data Analysis, Results and Discussion 5.1 Credit risk management practices
This part discusses the interpretation and In this section of the chapter management
presentation of the findings obtained from the practices issues such as Adoption of credits risk,
field surveyon the assessment of credit number of loan clients per loan offices, client
riskmanagement on the Microfinance Institutions appraisal extent were using tables and
in the case of Adama town credit and saving interpretations and analysis were done
Table 4.1 Adoption of Credit risk Management Practices
Has your MFIs adopted Credit Frequency Percentage
risk Management practices
Yes 76 90.48
No 8 9.52
Total 84 100

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Review, Vol -XII, Issue - I, Jan - June. 2019, PP 42-53 46
Assessment of Credit Risk Management in Micro Finance Institutions: A Case of Adama Town MFIs, Ethiopia
Source: Output from Survey Data, 2019 organizations had implemented Credit risk
The data in Table 4.1shownto regulate the Management practices, where as 9.52 %
organizations that had approved Creditrisk indicated that their administrations had not, this
Management practices. From the findings implies that a significant number of institutions
90.48% of the respondents specified that their had.

Table 4.2: Number of loan clients per loan officer ratio of the respective MFIs
How many customers per loan Frequency Percentage
officer ratio does your
organization have?
< 500 customers 6 7.14
b/n 500 to 1000 Customers 58 69.05
b/n1000 to 2000 customers 18 21.43
>2000 customers 2 2.38
Total 84 100

Source: Output from Survey Data, 2019 participants indicated that their organization had
With concernsto decide the number of customers b/n 1000 to 2000 customers whereas 2.38% of
the organization had, from the findings 7.14 % the respondents indicated that their organization
of the respondents shown that their organization > 2000 customers this implies that one of the
had been less than 500 customers 69.05% of the reason for default loan is size of the customers
respondents indicated that their organization had so majority of the organizations featured in this
b/n500 to 1000 Customers 21.43% of the study had b/n 500 to 1000 customers.

Table 4.3: Extent to which Adama MFI use client appraisal in Credit risk Management

To what extent does the MFI use Frequency Percentage

client review in Credit risk Management?
Very great level 16 19.05
Great level 29 34.52
Moderate level 39 46.43
Total 84 100

Source: Output from Survey Data, 2019

According to the data demonstrated in Table 4.3 respondents shown to a very great extent
to determine the level to which MFIs used whereas 46.43 % of the respondents shown
client assessment in Credit risk Management, to a moderate extent, this implies that most
from the findings 19.05% of the respondents MFIs used client assessment in Credit risk
indicated to a great extent, 34.52% of the Management to a great extent.

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Assessment of Credit Risk Management in Micro Finance Institutions: A Case of Adama Town MFIs, Ethiopia
Table 4.4: Level of agreement on client appraisal in MFI

Items Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree % % % disagree
1. Client assessmentis aviable strategy 39.29 58.33 0 2.38 0
for credit risk management.
2. The MFI has capable personnel for 38.1 40.48 0 13.1 8.33
carrying out client assessment.
3. Client assessment considers the 45.24 51.19 0 3.57 0
character of the customers seeking
credit facilities.
4. Aspects of collateral are considered 35.71 50 0 7.14 7.14
while assessing clients.
5. Failure to assess customers 44.05 55.95 0 0 0
ability to repay results in
credit defaults

Source: Output from Survey Data, 2019 96.43% majority response agreement on
As seen from the table 4.4 items 1 to 5 character assessment of Customers as akey for
consideration. Item 4, confirmations that 85.71%
respondents were asked to show that their level
of agreement \disagreement on the significanceof therespondent’s agreed on considering physical
collateral while customers’ assessment as akey
of the practice listed as Scales: 5=Strongly Agree,
4=Agree, 3=Neutral, 2=Disagree and 1= Stronglyfor MFIs. Overall ,the respondentsdecided up on
Disagree. Accordingly, majority of the the key importance of considering the 5 Cs i.e.
respondents agreed on the significance of the capacity , character ,collateral ,condition and
items listed as far as clear assessment is competence of personnel while
concerned specifically speaking respondents customersassessment .
Challenges faced by MFIs in CRM
presented their agreements on failure to assess
customer repayment capacity result in default.In this section of the chapter challenges faced by
Likewise item 1 indicates that 98% of the MFIs in credit risk management issues such as
respondents agreed on the fact that Adama micro finance Institutions use credit risk
clientassessment as acredit risk management control in credit management were using tables
strategy.Still item 2, indicates that, 78.5% of the
and interpretations and analysis were done
respondents agreed on the importance of accordingly.Challenges consists reduce the
competent personnel as a key to carry out resource base for further lending, weaken staff
clients’assessment.Item 3, also shows that morale, and affect the borrower’s confidence.
Table 4.5: level to which Adama MFI use credit risk control in Credit Management
To what level does the MFI use credit risk control Frequency Percentage
in Credit Management?
Very great level 10 11.91
Great level 52 61.90
Moderate level 22 26.19
TATOL 84 100

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Review, Vol -XII, Issue - I, Jan - June. 2019, PP 42-53 48
Assessment of Credit Risk Management in Micro Finance Institutions: A Case of Adama Town MFIs, Ethiopia
Source: Output from Survey Data, 2019 % of the respondents shown to a excessive
The study shows to determine the extent to which level where as 26.19% of the respondents
Adama MFI used credit risk control in Credit responses to a moderate level, this implies
Management, from the outcome 11.91% of the that AdamaMFI used credit risk control in
respondents indicated to a very great level, 61.90 Credit Management to a great level.
Table 4.6: Level of agreement on credit risk control in Adama MFI

Items Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree % % % disagree
Imposing credit amount limits is a 41.67 53.57 1.19 3.57 0
viable strategy in credit risk management
The use of credit instructions on regular 39.29 55.95 2.38 2.38 0
basis improves credit risk management.
Flexible settlement periods increase 46.43 47.62 2.38 3.57 0
loan repayment
Penalty for late payment enhances 45.24 53.57 1.19 0 0
customers promise to loan settlement
The use of beneficiary credit application
forms improves checking and credit 47.62 52.38 0 0 0
management as well
Credit teams involvement in 53.57 46.43 0 0 0
making decisions regarding credits are
essential in reducing credit risk
Interest rates charged affect 51.19 47.62 1.19 0 0
performance of loans in the MFI

Source: Output from Survey Data, 2019 Item 3, also indicates that 94 % of the respondents
From the above table , item 1 to 5 respondents agreed on predicable repayment periods improve
were asked to show their level of agreement loan repayment as a key for consideration in
\disagreement on the status of the practice listed credit risk control.
as strongly agree =5 , Agree=4,Neutral=3, Finally, Item 4, Punishment for late
Disagree =2 and Strongly Disagree =1. Therefore, paymentsenhances customer’s commitment to
overall then majority of the respondents agreed loan repayment. Item 5,customers’ credit
on the usefulness of the items listed as far as credit application forms increasesmonitoring and credit
risk control is concerned. The respondents management. Item 6 Credit teams involvement
indicatetheir agreements on the procedure to use in making decisions and Item 7 Interest rates
credit risk control in Credit risk Management. charged on performance of loans indicates that
likewise Item 1 and 2, shows that 95 % of the the respondents greatly agreed on considering
respondents agreed on the fact that Imposing loan credit risk control as a key factor for MFIs.
size limits is a viable strategy in credit risk Generally, the generalrespondents agreed up on
management and the importance of credit checks the key importance of considering Credit risk
on regular basisimproves credit risk management Management is risk control methods.
as a key to Cary out credit risk control.

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Review, Vol -XII, Issue - I, Jan - June. 2019, PP 42-53 49
Assessment of Credit Risk Management in Micro Finance Institutions: A Case of Adama Town MFIs, Ethiopia
Strategies to manage credit risk management with MFI use collection policy in credit risk
In this section of the chapter strategies to manage management were analyzed using tables and
credit risk management issues such as extent to interpretations and analysis were done

Table 4.6: Extent to which MFI use collection policy in Credit risk Management

To Extent doesthe MFI use collection Frequency Percentage

policy in Credit risk Management
Very great level 28 33.33
Great level 52 61.91
Moderate level 4 4.76
Total 84 100

Source: Output from Survey Data, 2019 the respondents shown to a very great level
The study shown to conclude the extent to whereas 4.76 % of the respondents shown to
which MFI use collection policy in Credit amoderate extent, this implies that MFI use
risk Management, from the findings 61.91% of Strategies to manage credit risk management
the respondents shown to a great level, 33.33%of through collection policy in Credit risk
Table 4.7: Level of agreement on collection policy of MFI
Items Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
agree % % % disagree
1. Accessible collection policies have 42.86 57.14 0 0 0
assisted towards effective credit
risk management.
2. Preparation of policies has been a 50 44.05 2.38 3.57 0
challenge in credit risk management.
3. Implementation of guarantee policies 55.95 44.05 0 0 0
provides chances for credit recovery
in case of loan defaults
4. Staff encouragements are effective 46.43 51.19 0 2.38 0
in improving recovery of criminal loans.
5. Regular evaluationshave been done on 46.43 53.57 0 0 0
collection policies to increase state
of credit risk management.
6. A strict policy is more effective 50 48.81 0 1.19 0
in debt recovery than a lenient policy
Source: Output from Survey Data, 2019 importance of the practice listed as strongly
The study indicates to found the level at agree =5, Agree=4, Neutral=3, Disagree =2 and
which respondents settled or disagreed on the Strongly Disagree =1. with the above items

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Review, Vol -XII, Issue - I, Jan - June. 2019, PP 42-53 50
Assessment of Credit Risk Management in Micro Finance Institutions: A Case of Adama Town MFIs, Ethiopia
relating to collection policy of MFI. From finally that the use of credit follow up on regular
the findings majority of the responses strongly basis enhances credit risk management.
agreed that Enforcement of guarantee policies The study had shown that Adama town MFIs uses
,Available collection policies, Regular reviews collection policy in Credit risk Management to a
on collection policies and using astringent policy great extent. Design of collection policies have
than a compassionate policy have assisted MFIs been a challenge in credit management ,
collection policy towards effective credit risk enforcement of promise policies provides
management. chances for loan recovery in case of loan risk,
Moreover Item 2 also indicates that 94 % of the Staff incentives are effective in improving
respondents agreed on Design of collection recovery of delinquent loans, a stringent policy
policies have been a challenge in credit risk is more operative in debt recovery than a lenient
management settlement as collection policies for policy, regular checking have been done on
the institution and also Item 4 also shows that collection policies to improve state of credit
97 % of the respondents agreed on Staff management, and finally that available collection
incentives are effective in enhancing recovery policies have supported towards effective credit
of delinquent loans this also a key indicator on management.
collection policy of MFI. Generally speaking The Challenges of AdamatownsMFI, to reduce
from the respondents finding agreed that well credit losses are proper customers screenings,
prepared collection policy is a key factor for designed clear policy and also strong follow up
managing credit risk. of customers especially after loan disbursed and
Summaries of major Findings also follow some ways to check up the level of
credit risk.
Summary Conclusion
The study had shown that Adamatown MFIs uses
Micro finance provides financial support to those
client assessment in Credit Management to a great
persons in the society who are unable to get
extent. Further it established that client
supportfrom bank. Most of these loans are small
assessment is a practical strategy for credit,
in size and distributed to poor people in order
Aspects of collateral are considered while
for them to create income and start their own
evaluating customers, failure to assess customer’s
businesses. It has the capacity to lessen poverty
capacity to repay results in credit defaults, client
as well as promote entrepreneurship, community
assessmentconsiders the character of the
and financial development in poor people,
customers seeking credit facilities and that
However at the same time microfinance
Adamatown MFIs have competent personnel for
selections are exposed to several kinds of risks
carrying out client evaluation.
due to their inherent characteristic particularly
The study recognizedthat Adama townMFI use
credit risk.
credit risk control in Credit Management to a
The study indicated that an increase in client
great extent. The study further indicated that
assessment would lead to increase in credit risk
interest rates charged affects performance of
management of MFIs this indicate client
loans in the Adamatown MFIs, Credit team
assessment improves credit risk management of
involvement in making decisions concerning
MFIs of Adama town. An increase in credit risk
loans are essential in reducing credit loss, the use
control would lead to improves in credit risk
of credit checks on regular basis improve credit
management of Adama town MFIs , which
management, Penalty for late payment support
shows that as credit risk control increase that
customers commitment to loan repayment, the use
enhanced credit risk Management and a increase
of customer credit application forms improves
in collection policy would lead to increase in
controlling and loan management, flexible
credit risk management this is an indication
repayment periods improve loan repayment and
that there was a smooth relation between credit

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Assessment of Credit Risk Management in Micro Finance Institutions: A Case of Adama Town MFIs, Ethiopia
risk management of Adama town MFIs and Ethiopia and on the reasons for loan risk in
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Client appraisal, credit risk control and perspective.
collection policy significantly influence credit References
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credits are matched with ability to refund, credit Bank. Retrieved
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measures taken to minimize the same. MFIs
should also improve periodic credit risk control • Fraser, J., Simkins, B.J. (2010), Enterprise
of their loan collection to increase the loan Risk Management: todays Leading Research
performance. This can be achieved by hiring and Best Practices for Tomorrow s Executive.
qualified debt collectors and competent Hoboken, New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
It is recommended that MFIs needs to invest on • Dr. Perways Alam and P. Krishna Moorthy
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lawyers so as to increase litigation of nonpayers in Somali regional state in Ethiopia
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It is suggests that management would organize
• Dasgupta, R. (2001), „„An informal journey
regular modifications in areas like credit through self-help groups , Indian Journal of
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analysis. This would sharpen the knowledge and 370-86.
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• Premchander, Smita. (2009). multiple
quality of credit evaluations.
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The study also comments that there is need
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