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Jennifer Preschern

Skill Areas: Articulation, Language, and Literacy

Age Level: 4 through 9
Grades: Pre-K through 4th

Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

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LinguiSystems, Inc. copy.
3100 4th Avenue Printed in the U.S.A.
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E-mail: [email protected] ISBN 10: 0-7606-0517-3
800-776-4332 Web: ISBN 13: 978-0-7606-0517-2
About the Author
Jennifer Presche r n, M.A., CCC-SLP, is a speech-language
pathologist working for an elementary school on the north
shore of Chicago. She has master’s degrees from Northwestern
University in speech-language pathology and in learning
disabilities. Jennifer enjoys exploring the connection
between spoken and written language and helping children
become aware of their potential.

To my parents, Clare and Max, and my brother, Tim, for their tireless love, encouragement,
and positive attitudes. Also dedicated to my husband, Richard, who makes me want to
be a better woman.

Cover Design by Mike Paustian

Edited by Barb Truman
Page Layout by Jamie Bellagamba
Illustrations by Margaret Warner

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 2 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................... 5

Family Letters ................................................................................ 9

Articulation Hierarchy and Home Practice Ideas .................... 14

/s/ Stories and Activities

Singing Sam ........................................................................................ 15
Articulation Cards .......................................................................... 24
Sight Words Worksheet .................................................................. 25
Picture Searches ............................................................................ 26
Writing Activity .............................................................................. 29
Barrier Game ................................................................................ 30
The Missing School Supplies .............................................................. 32
Articulation Cards .......................................................................... 43
Sight Words Worksheet .................................................................. 44
Picture Searches ............................................................................ 45
Writing Activity .............................................................................. 48
Barrier Game ................................................................................ 49
Going to the Beach .............................................................................. 51
Articulation Cards .......................................................................... 61
Sight Words Worksheet .................................................................. 62
Picture Searches ............................................................................ 63
Writing Activity .............................................................................. 66
Barrier Game ................................................................................ 67

/r/ Stories and Activities

Running Rick ...................................................................................... 69
Articulation Cards .......................................................................... 79
Sight Words Worksheet .................................................................. 80
Picture Searches ............................................................................ 81
Writing Activity .............................................................................. 84
Barrier Game ................................................................................ 85
Reading Is Fun! .................................................................................. 87
Articulation Cards .......................................................................... 96
Sight Words Worksheet .................................................................. 97
Picture Searches ............................................................................ 98
Writing Activity .............................................................................. 101
Barrier Game ................................................................................ 102
The Many Colors of Shoes .................................................................. 104
Articulation Cards .......................................................................... 112
Sight Words Worksheet .................................................................. 113
Picture Searches ............................................................................ 114
Writing Activity .............................................................................. 117
Barrier Game ................................................................................ 118
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 3 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Table of Contents, continued
/l/ Stories and Activities
Lisa Likes to Play ................................................................................ 120
Articulation Cards .......................................................................... 129
Sight Words Worksheet .................................................................. 130
Picture Searches ............................................................................ 131
Writing Activity .............................................................................. 134
Barrier Game ................................................................................ 135
Mrs. Little ............................................................................................ 137
Articulation Cards .......................................................................... 146
Sight Words Worksheet .................................................................. 147
Picture Searches ............................................................................ 148
Writing Activity .............................................................................. 151
Barrier Game ................................................................................ 152
Where Do You Live? ............................................................................ 154
Articulation Cards .......................................................................... 164
Sight Words Worksheet .................................................................. 165
Picture Searches ............................................................................ 166
Writing Activity .............................................................................. 169
Barrier Game ................................................................................ 170

Sample Tracking Form—Productions ........................................ 172

Tracking Form—Productions ...................................................... 173
Sample Tracking Form—Percentages ...................................... 174
Tracking Form—Percentages ...................................................... 175

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 4 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

It is well known that children with early speech-language impairments may also have difficulty
learning to read. As speech-language pathologists (SLPs) accept more responsibility for literacy
development, the question arises, “How can I work on reading and writing without discontinuing
other speech-language goals?” Just for Kids: Articulation Stories was created to help.

Just for Kids: Articulation Stories consists of nine thematic units containing stories and activities
suitable for beginning readers. The lessons that follow each story can be reproduced and used as
part of therapy or as homework. Family letters, pages 9-13, will help parents and caregivers
understand and complete home practice. Each unit contains:

z a story loaded with the target phoneme in all positions

z a set of 10 reproducible picture cards for drill or games
z a worksheet to reinforce the sight words in the story
z picture search worksheets that focus on the target phoneme in each word position
(initial, medial, final)
z a worksheet to extend the story into a written activity
z a barrier game for carryover

Articulation Therapy
The stories and activities were designed to provide practice for three of the most commonly
misarticulated sounds: /s/, /r/, and /l/ in all word positions (initial, medial, final). You can focus
work on one position per session by finding these target words in the stories or by using the
picture search activities included in each unit. Suggested target words are listed at the bottom
of the story and picture search pages. (You might challenge your students to find additional
words for extra practice.) The tracking forms on pages 173 and 175 can be used to measure
growth in each position. Examples of how to fill out these forms are on pages 172 and 174.

Literacy Work
The stories included in Just for Kids: Articulation Stories can help you provide intervention for the
/s/, /r/, and /l/ sounds while simultaneously developing early reading skills, including sounding
out phonetically regular words, memorizing common non-phonetic words, and using context to
predict text. During speech-language therapy sessions, these stories can be treated as part of a
guided reading lesson. First, you can do a “picture walk” through the story. Take time to describe
the pictures in the story, predict the words in the text, and identify uncommon words. Then read
the text with the student while encouraging the student to use strategies for any difficult word:
sound it out, look for a phonetic pattern, and use the pictures. After each attempt, ask the student
if the new guess makes sense.

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 5 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Introduction, continued

These stories were developed with the early reader in mind. The majority of the words in the
texts are high-frequency words from children’s books. These words can be called “sight words”
as children should recognize them instantly. Some of these sight words are phonetically regular
(i.e., easy to sound out) and some are not. The rest of the words in the texts contain the target
phonemes and can be predicted from the pictures.

Each unit also contains a writing activity that requires the student to use the target sound. Young
students can orally dictate a story to practice carryover, write one or two sentences to answer the
prompt, and/or draw a picture and describe it, using the target sound. Older students can write
short essays and then read the essays to work on carryover.

Other Speech-L
Language Goals
In addition to meeting literacy and articulation goals, these stories can complement a speech-
language caseload in other ways. The stories can be used as part of a phonemic awareness
program. For instance, you can use the stories and activities to teach initial sound awareness.
Since each story is loaded with a target phoneme, you can read a story to an entire class and
have the students search for the target phoneme in the words and pictures. Then you or the
classroom teacher can have each child design a picture using the barrier activity materials.
Each child can cut, paste, and color the picture and take it home to share with family.

The stories can also be used to work on grammar and basic concepts. For example, in “The
Many Colors of Shoes,” personal pronouns are stressed (e.g., he, she, it, her, ours) and “Lisa
Likes to Play” contains a number of prepositions (e.g., in, with, under). By reading the stories
and completing the worksheets, these language skills will be reinforced.

The barrier activity materials can also be used to teach a number of receptive and expressive
language goals. For example, you can use the barrier materials from “Singing Sam” to teach
following directions and/or sequencing skills. You can take turns with the student to give
directions on how to dress Sam using the materials and in what order.

With a little creativity, these materials can be used in many ways. Some suggested lesson plans
are included on pages 7 and 8.

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 6 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Introduction, continued

Lesson Plans
The following are suggested lesson plans for four 30-minute sessions using materials provided in
this book. You will need to make copies of the cards and barrier game sheets in each unit.

Lesson 1:

(5 minutes) Introduce the story. Look for pictures with the target sound. Describe what is
happening in each picture. Predict what might happen next. Look for uncommon
or difficult words and identify their meanings.

(10 minutes) Read the story with the child. Encourage the child to use reading strategies to
identify new words.

(5 minutes) Drill the target phoneme with the articulation cards provided following the story.

(5 minutes) Begin a homework sheet. Send the sheet home for continued practice.

Lesson 2:

(5 minutes) Check the speech homework and review what the child remembers from the story.

(5 minutes) Review any words the child struggled to decode during the previous lesson.

(10 minutes) Drill the target words from the story.

(5 minutes) Re-read the story together (or let the child read it aloud).

(5 minutes) Begin a homework activity sheet and send it home for continued practice.

Lesson 3:

(5 minutes) Check the speech homework.

(5 minutes) Re-read the story with the child (or let the child read it aloud).

(15 minutes) Using two copies of the articulation cards, play a game such as “Memory” or
“Go Fish.”

(5 minutes) Begin a homework activity sheet for the child to complete at home and/or send
home a copy of the story for the child to read at home.

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 7 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Introduction, continued

Lesson 4:

(5 minutes) Check and review the speech homework.

(5 minutes) Let the child read the story aloud to you.

(20 minutes) Using two copies of the barrier activity, name all the pictures. Point out the target
sound in the pictures. Next place a visual barrier between you and the student. As
the student completes his picture, have him describe what he is doing (e.g., “Place
the shirt with the seven on Sam. Then put on the pants.”). Remind the student
to focus on correct production of target sounds. Then take down the barrier and
compare your pictures. If you follow his description, and his description is accurate,
your pictures will be identical.

I hope the addition of Just for Kids: Articulation Stories to your professional library provides you with
a valuable and fun resource that will allow you to effectively address your clients’ expanding needs.


Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 8 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Family Letter #1

Dear _______________________,

As part of my articulation therapy program, I will be sending home activities for

you to work on with your child. Articulation therapy begins with saying target
sounds in isolation (no words). As your child improves, we will work on sounds
within words, then in sentences, and finally in conversation.

The level I will ask you to practice at home will always be one step easier than
what we are working on in therapy. During home practice, please only practice at
the level I have indicated. For instance, if the “word level” is indicated, do not try
to correct the target sound(s) in your child’s conversation. This will inevitably
lead to frustration for both you and/or your child. I’ve attached a sheet with some
tips for each level. Please call me with any questions.


_________________________________ ______________________
Speech-Language Pathologist Date

Note: The tip sheet for parents (Articulation Hierarchy and Home Practice Ideas)
can be found on page 14.

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 9 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Family Letter #2

Dear _________________________,

In speech class, your child is practicing the sound _____. For home practice,
please use the attached cards to play “Go Fish” with your child. Here is a
suggestion of how to play:

1. Go through the deck and name each picture.

2. Shuffle the deck.

3. Give each player four cards. Put the rest of the cards facedown in a pile.

4. Take turns asking the other player for a card that matches one of yours. If the
other player has the card, he/she gives it to you. Place the match beside you
on the table. If not, take a card from the facedown pile. Then it’s the other
person’s turn. At the end of the game (when someone runs out of cards), the
person with the most matches wins.

While you play, please have your child practice the _____ sound as follows:

‰ Say the word on each card when a match is made.

‰ Make a sentence about each picture when a match is made.

‰ _____________________________________________.


_________________________________ ______________________
Speech-Language Pathologist Date

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 10 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Family Letter #3

Dear _________________________,

In speech class, your child and I have been reading the attached story. For home
practice, please let your child read this story with you. When your child is finished,
have him/her do the following:

‰ Find the _____ words and pictures and say them.

‰ Find the _____ words and pictures and make up one sentence about
each one.

‰ Talk about the story with you. Please listen for the _____ sound in
your child’s speech. Talk about how your child did and practice any
missed words.


_________________________________ ______________________
Speech-Language Pathologist Date

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 11 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Family Letter #4

Dear _________________________,

In speech class, your child and I have been reading the story ___________________
__________________________________. For homework, have your child complete
the attached writing assignment about this story. After your child is finished,
he/she can practice articulation as follows:

‰ Find the _____ words in the story and in the pictures. Practice saying
these words.

‰ Find the _____ words in the story and in the pictures. Make up
sentences using each of these words or read the sentences that
contain these words. After each sentence, comment on how your
child did and practice any missed words.

‰ Talk about the story or read the entire story. Please listen for the
_____ sound in your child’s speech. Comment on how your child
does and practice any missed words.


_________________________________ ______________________
Speech-Language Pathologist Date

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 12 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Family Letter #5

Dear _________________________,

In speech class, your child and I have been working on the sound _____ at the
conversation level. Attached is a fun activity for you to do at home that will target
the _____ sound in your child’s conversation.

The goal of the activity is for you and your child to create two identical pictures by
only using words and not by looking. Before you practice, place a visual barrier,
such as an upright folder or book, between you and your child. Take turns
describing and listening. The describer makes his/her picture and then describes
it to the listener to recreate while saying the _____ sound correctly. Then take
down the barrier and compare your pictures.

While you are playing, listen for your child’s _____ sound. After each turn, practice
any words that he/she missed.


_________________________________ ______________________
Speech-Language Pathologist Date

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 13 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Articulation Hierarchy and Home Practice Ideas

1. Sound in Isolation Level

In speech class, we will practice producing the target sound by itself (e.g., sssss).

At home you can heighten your child’s awareness of the target sound during a structured
period every day. Read the speech story or another favorite story to your child and lengthen/
accentuate every target sound. Have your child identify words in your speech that have the
target sound. Do not expect your child to practice throughout the day as this would be
frustrating for both of you. Instead, create a special “speech time” during the day when
you and your child can practice.

2. Word Level
In therapy, I will ask your child to produce target words with varying levels of help. At first I
will have your child say the words after me and show him/her how to make the sound. As
time progresses, I will provide models less frequently. Eventually, I will expect your child to
say words that contain his/her sound independently. Some ideas for home practice follow:

‰ Practice saying the speech words for 5 minutes every day.

‰ Draw pictures of the target words and/or find pictures in magazines and newspapers.
‰ Read books with your child and have him/her find words with the target sound. After
you find the words, have your child pronounce these words.

3. Sentence Level
In speech, I will ask your child to say and then make up sentences with words that contain
his/her target sound while providing varying levels of help, much like the word level. At first,
I may ask your child to repeat short phrases in which only one word changes. As your child
improves, I will ask him/her to say longer sentences. Eventually, I will have your child create
his/her own sentences. Some ideas for home practice follow:

‰ Make up silly sentences or rhymes with the target words.

‰ Read books with your child and ask your child questions that require a response using
a word with the target sound.
‰ Listen to familiar songs with your child. Find words in the songs with the target
sound. Have your child practice saying lines from the song with the target sound.

4. Conversation Level
In speech, I will be structuring activities in a way that allows your child to say the target sound
many times during a structured conversation.

At home, do not expect 100% accuracy all the time. Also, please do not make your child
repeat a word until the sound is perfect. This can be very frustrating for you and your child.
Instead, brainstorm a list of words with your child that contain the target sound. Then tell
your child, “Let’s talk about your day. Let’s see how many of these words you can use.”

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 14 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Singing Sam

/s/ words: Sam, sing, sun, glasses, notes, socks, shorts, stripes, scooter, slide, swing, snake

Singing Sam—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 15 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sam likes to sing.
/s/ words: Sam, sing, soap, sun, sink, glasses, faucet, notes, socks, shorts,
stripes, snake, stars

Singing Sam—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 16 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sam sings to his mom.
/s/ words: Sam, sing, salt, soup, sandwich, glasses, notes, socks, shorts, dress, lettuce,
stripes, scarf, stove, spoons, spider, snake

Singing Sam—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 17 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sam sings to his dad.
/s/ words: Sam, sing, sandwich, sun, sidewalk, sunglasses, mustache, bathing suit,
glasses, muscles, outside, notes, shorts, socks, grass, house, stripes

Singing Sam—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 18 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sam sings to his sister.
/s/ words: Sam, sing, soccer ball, seven, soup, sidewalk, glasses, braces, sister, notes,
grass, cleats, socks, shorts, stripes, stop sign, scooter, scarf, smile, store

Singing Sam—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 19 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sam sings to his cat.
/s/ words: Sam, sing, sailboat, sandwich, glasses, socks, shorts, notes, fireplace, vase,
tulips, mouse, lettuce, sleep, snake, stripes

Singing Sam—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 20 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sam sings to his dog.
/s/ words: Sam, sing, glasses, biscuit, outside, notes, grass, fence, doghouse, shorts,
socks, spots, slide, swings, stripes

Singing Sam—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 21 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sam sings to his fish.
/s/ words: Sam, sing, sofa, scissors, kissing, glasses, baseball, basketball, notes, socks,
shorts, stripes, skis

Singing Sam—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 22 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sam sings himself to sleep.
/s/ words: Sam, sing, dinosaurs, glasses, poster, books, notes, stuffed dinosaur, desk,

Singing Sam—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 23 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Articulation Cards

Cut apart these cards and use them for drill or games.


soup soccer soap

glasses baseball basketball

grass mouse fireplace

Singing Sam—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 24 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Sight Words Name ______________________________

Complete these sentences. Use the words in the Word Bank to fill in the blanks.

1. This is Sam.

2. This is ____________ dog. Word Bank


3. Sam sings ____________ his dog. to

4. This is ____________ mom.

5. Sam sings ____________ his mom.

6. This is ____________ dad.

7. Sam sings ____________ his dad.

Family: After your child completes this worksheet, practice saying /s/ in:
ˆ words—Practice these words: Sam, sing, ________________.
ˆ sentences—Read the sentences above.
ˆ conversation—Talk about things Sam does in the story.
Singing Sam—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 25 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an /s/ sound in the beginning of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the /s/ sound in:

ˆ words—Name each /s/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each /s/ picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture. What is Sam’s sister using as her goal?
Answer: salt, soup, soccer, sink, Sam, sandwich, seven, sister, scarf, spots, snake, spoon

Singing Sam—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 26 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an /s/ sound in the middle of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the /s/ sound in:

ˆ words—Say each /s/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each /s/ picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture. Where do you think Sam’s dad is going?
Answer: kissing, glasses, baseball, muscles, desk, basketball

Singing Sam—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 27 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an /s/ sound at the end of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the /s/ sound in:

ˆ words—Say each /s/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each /s/ picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture. What do you think is happening?
Answer: shorts, dress, doghouse, mouse, tulips, grass, house, fence, spots

Singing Sam—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 28 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Writing Activity Name ______________________________

In the story, “Singing Sam,” Sam likes to sing all day long. What do you like to
do all day long?

Think of things you do that have an /s/ sound. Here are some ideas to get you
started: study, sports, dance.

ˆ Draw a picture of something you like to do.

ˆ Write about it.



Singing Sam—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 29 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Barrier Game Name ______________________________

Use this page with the pictures on page 31.

Singing Sam—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 30 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Barrier Game, continued Name ______________________________

Cut out these pictures and use them to dress Sam on page 30.

Singing Sam—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 31 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
The Missing
School Supplies

/s/ words: sign, scissors, pencil, eraser, missing, grass, kites, spider, school, stapler, slide,
swings, sky, spots, school supplies, string

The Missing School Supplies—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 32 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Spotty, the spider, lost all of her
school supplies.
/s/ words: sad, classroom, face, spots, Spotty, spider, school supplies, stand, desk, lost

The Missing School Supplies—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 33 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Spotty asks Mouse, “May I use your
/s/ words: sandals, scissors, bracelet, whiskers, Mouse, purse, necklace, dress, spots,
Spotty, spider, straps, asks

The Missing School Supplies—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 34 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Mouse says, “Yes.”
/s/ words: says, scissors, bracelet, whiskers, necklace, purse, Mouse, yes, dress, spots,
Spotty, strap

The Missing School Supplies—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 35 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Spotty asks Squirrel, “May I use your
/s/ words: scissors, pencil, shoelaces, whiskers, pants, spots, Spotty, spider, Squirrel, asks

The Missing School Supplies—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 36 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Squirrel says, “Yes.”
/s/ words: says, scissors, pencil, whiskers, yes, spots, Spotty, spider, Squirrel

The Missing School Supplies—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 37 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Spotty asks Octopus, “May I use your
/s/ words: scissors, pencil, eraser, Octopus, spots, Spotty, spider, scarf, stripes, basketball,
desk, asks

The Missing School Supplies—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 38 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Octopus says, “Yes.”
/s/ words: says, scissors, pencil, eraser, yes, Octopus, spots, Spotty, spider, scarf, stripes,

The Missing School Supplies—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 39 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Spotty asks Seal, “May I use your
/s/ words: scissors, Seal, suit, eraser, pencil, whiskers, thermos, cactus, spots, Spotty,
spider, stapler, desk, asks

The Missing School Supplies—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 40 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Seal says, “Yes.”
/s/ words: Seal, suit, says, scissors, eraser, pencil, whiskers, yes, stapler, spots,
Spotty, spider

The Missing School Supplies—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 41 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Spotty does her work.
/s/ words: circles, scissors, pencil, eraser, spots, Spotty, spider, stapler, desk, squares

The Missing School Supplies—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 42 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Articulation Cards

Cut apart these cards and use them for drill or games.


circle suit eraser

pencil bracelet necklace

Octopus purse Mouse

The Missing School Supplies—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 43 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Sight Words Name ______________________________

Complete these sentences. Use the words in the Word Bank to fill in the blanks.

1. Spotty ____________, “Hello!”

Word Bank
2. These are ____________ scissors.

3. ____________ I use your scissors?

4. Where are ____________ scissors?

5. Spotty ____________, “Thanks!”

6. The teacher ____________, “Do your work.”

Family: After your child completes this worksheet, practice saying /s/ in:
ˆ words—Practice these words: spider, scissors, ________________.
ˆ sentences—Read the sentences above.
ˆ conversation—Talk about things Spotty does in the story.

The Missing School Supplies—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 44 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an /s/ sound in the beginning of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the /s/ sound in:

ˆ words—Say each /s/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each /s/ picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture. Where do you think Seal and Spotty are going?
Answer: sidewalk, sandals, suit, Seal, sunglasses, spider, spots, Spotty, stapler

The Missing School Supplies—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 45 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an /s/ sound in the middle of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the /s/ sound in:

ˆ words—Say each /s/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each /s/ picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture. How do you think Spotty lost her school supplies?
Answer: baseball, pencil, eraser, bracelet, basketball, whiskers

The Missing School Supplies—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 46 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an /s/ sound at the end of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the /s/ sound in:

ˆ words—Say each /s/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each /s/ picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture.
Answer: Mouse, purse, thermos, necklace, happy face, dress, spots, straps

The Missing School Supplies—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 47 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Writing Activity Name ______________________________

In the story, “The Missing School Supplies,” Spotty asks her friends if she can use
their school supplies. Her friends are all animals with an /s/ sound in their names.

Think of people you know who have an /s/ sound in their names.

ˆ Draw a picture of one of these people.

ˆ Write about this person.



The Missing School Supplies—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 48 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Barrier Game Name ______________________________

Use this page with the pictures on page 50.

The Missing School Supplies—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 49 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Barrier Game, continued Name ______________________________

Cut out the animals and put them on the playground on page 49.

The Missing School Supplies—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 50 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Going to the Beach

/s/ words: sand, sun, sand castle, starfish, sky

Going to the Beach—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 51 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Max and Sarah go to the beach.
/s/ words: Sarah, sign, side, city, sandals, sunglasses, bicycle, dice, Max, shorts, bus,
dress, steps, straps, stripes, skyline

Going to the Beach—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 52 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Max sees a sailboat.
/s/ words: sailboat, sail, seal, sees, sunglasses, dinosaur, Max, scarf, stripes

Going to the Beach—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 53 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sarah sees a surfer.
/s/ words: Sarah, sees, surfer, surfboard, sandals, sunglasses, dress, snake, snail,
stripes, straps

Going to the Beach—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 54 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Max sees a snail.
/s/ words: sun, sees, sand, sunglasses, Max, snail

Going to the Beach—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 55 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sarah sees a restaurant.
/s/ words: Sarah, sees, sign, sandals, sidewalk, restaurant, cactus, dress, stripes, straps

Going to the Beach—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 56 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sarah and Max eat soup.
/s/ words: Sarah, soup, salt, sunglasses, restaurant, cactus, Max, spoon, stripes

Going to the Beach—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 57 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
They eat salad.
/s/ words: Sarah, salad, dressing, sunglasses, Max, lettuce, cactus, stripes

Going to the Beach—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 58 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
They eat sandwiches.
/s/ words: Sarah, Sally, sandwich, sunglasses, ice, Max, waitress, straw, stripes

Going to the Beach—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 59 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sarah and Max sit in the sun.
/s/ words: Sarah, sit, sun, setting, sand, seagulls, sand castle, sunglasses, dinosaur, six,
Max, swimsuits, sunscreen, starfish, stripes, straw

Going to the Beach—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 60 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Articulation Cards

Cut apart these cards and use them for drill or games.


surfer sandal bathing suit

sand castle bicycle dress

cactus ice lettuce

Going to the Beach—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 61 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Sight Words Name ______________________________

Complete these sentences. Use the words in the Word Bank to fill in the blanks.

1. Max and Sarah go to ____________ beach.

Word Bank
2. ____________ see a sailboat.

3. They ____________ a surfer.

4. ____________ eat soup.

5. They sit in ____________ sun.

6. They ____________ a snail.

Family: After your child completes this worksheet, practice saying /s/ in:
ˆ words—Practice these words: see, soup, sun, ________________.
ˆ sentences—Read the sentences above.
ˆ conversation—Discuss the things you can see at the beach.

Going to the Beach—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 62 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an /s/ sound in the beginning of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the /s/ sound in:

ˆ words—Say each /s/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each /s/ picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture.
Answer: sailboat, surfer, sun, seagull, seal, Sarah, surfboard, sunglasses, scarf, snake, sky, stripes

Going to the Beach—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 63 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an /s/ sound in the middle of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the /s/ sound in:

ˆ words—Say each /s/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each /s/ picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture. What are Max and Sarah making?
Answer: whistle, bathing suit, dinosaur, bicycle, sand castle

Going to the Beach—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 64 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an /s/ sound at the end of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the /s/ sound in:

ˆ words—Say each /s/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each /s/ picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture. What is the waitress going to do with the lettuce?
Answer: cactus, ice, lettuce, waitress, horse, glass, fence

Going to the Beach—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 65 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Writing Activity Name ______________________________

In the story, “Going to the Beach,” Sarah and Max see many things that have an
/s/ sound.

Think of things you see at _____________________________ that have an /s/ sound.

ˆ Draw a picture of them.

ˆ Write about one of them.



Going to the Beach—/s/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 66 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Barrier Game Name ______________________________

Use this page with the pictures on page 68.

Going to the Beach—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 67 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/s/ Barrier Game, continued Name ______________________________

Cut out these pictures and put them on the scene on page 67.

Going to the Beach—/s/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 68 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Running Rick

/r/ words: run, Rick, roses, rake, shirt, shorts, star, tree

Running Rick—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 69 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Rick runs very fast.
/r/ words: Rick, run, very, shirt, shorts, car, pear, star

Running Rick—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 70 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Rick runs to the door.
/r/ words: Rick, run, classroom, first, shirt, shorts, star, door, pear, teacher, grade, angry

Running Rick—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 71 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Rick runs into the classroom.
/r/ words: Rick, run, room, row, write, classroom, first, shirt, shorts, star, pear, teacher,
angry, grade

Running Rick—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 72 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Rick runs to his locker.
/r/ words: Rick, run, locker, shirt, shorts, star, pear, four, three, trip

Running Rick—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 73 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Rick runs to art class.
/r/ words: Rick, run, art, parrot, butterfly, shirt, shorts, star, pear, paper, picture, drop,

Running Rick—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 74 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Rick runs to recess.
/r/ words: Rick, run, recess, jump rope, four square, monkey bars, shirt, shorts,

Running Rick—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 75 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Rick runs to the water fountain.
/r/ words: Rick, run, girl, shirt, shorts, water fountain

Running Rick—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 76 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Rick runs to the library.
/r/ words: Rick, run, Ron, doorway, principal, library, library card

Running Rick—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 77 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Rick needs to rest.
/r/ words: Rick, rest, snoring, shirt, shorts, jump rope, pear, chair

Running Rick—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 78 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Articulation Cards

Cut apart these cards and use them for drill or games.


recess writing classroom

art jump rope water fountain

door locker car

Running Rick—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 79 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Sight Words Name ______________________________

Complete these sentences. Use the words in the Word Bank to fill in the blanks.

1. Rick likes to ____________.

2. Rick runs very ____________. Word Bank


3. Rick ____________ to his classroom. runs


4. Rick likes to ____________ to his locker. fast

5. Rick ____________ to art class.

6. Rick is ____________ tired.

Family: After your child completes this worksheet, practice saying /r/ in:
ˆ words—Practice these words: Rick, run, classroom, locker, art, tired, ________________.
ˆ sentences—Read the sentences above.
ˆ conversation—Talk about where Rick runs. What would happen if you ran to these places?

Running Rick—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 80 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an /r/ sound in the beginning of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the /r/ sound in:

ˆ words—Say each /r/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each /r/ picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture. Where do you think Rick is going?
Answer: Rick, rake, rose, rabbit, radio, radish, rainbow

Running Rick—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 81 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an /r/ sound in the middle of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the /r/ sound in:

ˆ words—Say each /r/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each /r/ picture.
ˆ conversation—What is happening in the picture?
Answer: jump rope, parrot, art, purse, butterfly, girl

Running Rick—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 82 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an /r/ sound at the end of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the /r/ sound in:

ˆ words—Say each /r/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each /r/ picture.
ˆ conversation—What is happening in the picture?
Answer: four, pear, locker, teacher, door

Running Rick—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 83 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Writing Activity Name ______________________________

In the story, “Running Rick,” Rick likes to run.

Think of something you like to do that has an /r/ sound. Here are some ideas to
get you started: read, write, soccer, draw.

ˆ Draw a picture of it.

ˆ Write about it.



Running Rick—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 84 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Barrier Game Name ______________________________

Use this page with the pictures on page 86.

Running Rick—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 85 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Barrier Game, continued Name ______________________________

Cut out these rooms and put them on page 85 to make Rick’s school.

Running Rick—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 86 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Reading Is Fun!

/r/ words: read, ribbon, girl, carrot, hair, monster, cover

Reading Is Fun!—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 87 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
She likes to read.
/r/ words: read, rabbit, ribbon, girl, wearing, hair, cover

Reading Is Fun!—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 88 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
He likes to read.
/r/ words: read, skateboarding, cover, car, pear

Reading Is Fun!—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 89 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
She likes to read.
/r/ words: read, rose, girl, bird, flower, hair, cover, hamburger, tree, three

Reading Is Fun!—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 90 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
They like to read.
/r/ words: read, rocket, girl, butterfly, airplane, cover, flower, four, teddy bear, braces

Reading Is Fun!—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 91 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
They like to read too.
/r/ words: read, rice, girl, pyramid, carrot, yogurt, four, pear, candy bar, hamburger, bread

Reading Is Fun!—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 92 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
It likes to eat books.
/r/ words: rip, hairy, monster, cover, more

Reading Is Fun!—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 93 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ words: run, rabbit, scared, hairy, monster, cover

Reading Is Fun!—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 94 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ words: reading, rabbit, hairy, monster

Reading Is Fun!—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 95 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Articulation Cards

Cut apart these cards and use them for drill or games.


rocket rabbit three

bird carrot four

monster hamburger pear

Reading Is Fun!—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 96 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Sight Words Name ______________________________

Complete these sentences. Use the words in the Word Bank to fill in the blanks.

1. ____________ read one book.

2. ____________ reads two books. Word Bank


3. ____________ reads three books. she


4. ____________ read four books. they


5. ____________ read five books. I

6. ____________ eats the books.

7. ____________ all run!

Family: After your child completes this worksheet, practice saying /r/ in:
ˆ words—Practice these words: read, three, four, ________________.
ˆ sentences—Read the sentences above.
ˆ conversation—How many books can you read? Name some books with the /r/ sound in the titles.

Reading Is Fun!—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 97 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an /r/ sound in the beginning of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the /r/ sound in:

ˆ words—Say each /r/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each /r/ picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture.
Answer: ribbon, rocket, rice, rabbit, rose, Little Red Riding Hood

Reading Is Fun!—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 98 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an /r/ sound in the middle of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the /r/ sound in:

ˆ words—Say each /r/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each /r/ picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture. What are some healthy foods you like that have an /r/
Answer: carrot, bird, airplane, butterfly, food pyramid, girl

Reading Is Fun!—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 99 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an /r/ sound at the end of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the /r/ sound in:

ˆ words—Say each /r/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each /r/ picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture. What will the monster eat for lunch today?
Answer: car, monster, hamburger, four, bear, dollar, counter

Reading Is Fun!—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 100 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Writing Activity Name ______________________________

In the story, “Reading Is Fun!” the children read about things that have an /r/
sound. What books do you know that have an /r/ sound in the title? Here are
some ideas to get you started: Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks and the Three
Bears, Cinderella.

ˆ Draw one of the book covers.

ˆ Write about the book.



Reading Is Fun!—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 101 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Barrier Game Name ______________________________

Use this page with the pictures on page 103. Give each book a title and tell
what the book is about.

Reading Is Fun!—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 102 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Barrier Game, continued Name ______________________________

Cut out these pictures and use them to decorate the books on page 102.

Reading Is Fun!—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 103 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
The Many Colors
of Shoes

/r/ words: horseshoes, soccer shoe, color, pair, stripes
Note to teacher: Have your students color the shoes in this story to match the text. You might want to
color the shoes ahead of time for your younger students.

The Many Colors of Shoes—/r/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 104 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
We wear shoes.
/r/ words: horse, wear, teacher, doctor, soccer player, flower, stripes

The Many Colors of Shoes—/r/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 105 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Our shoes are orange.
/r/ words: ribbon, circus, large, orange, our, are, flower, star, hair, tiger, stripes

The Many Colors of Shoes—/r/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 106 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Her shoes are red.
/r/ words: red, write, rectangle, circle, wearing, her, are, teacher, poster, sweater, chair,
square, star, triangle

The Many Colors of Shoes—/r/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 107 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
His shoes are brown.
/r/ words: wearing, around, are, doctor, brown

The Many Colors of Shoes—/r/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 108 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Their shoes are green.
/r/ words: jersey, zero, soccer player/ball, their, are, number, four, three, green, stripes

The Many Colors of Shoes—/r/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 109 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Its shoes are gray.
/r/ words: rock, rose, horse, horseshoe, flower, are, gray

The Many Colors of Shoes—/r/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 110 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
My shoes are __________.
/r/ words: large, shirt, shorts, are

The Many Colors of Shoes—/r/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 111 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Articulation Cards

Cut apart these cards and use them for drill or games.


red orange purple

circle square gray

green triangle brown

The Many Colors of Shoes—/r/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 112 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Sight Words Name ______________________________

Complete these sentences. Use the words in the Word Bank to fill in the blanks.
You will also need red, orange, green, brown, and gray crayons.

1. ____________ shoes are orange.

Word Bank

2. ____________ shoes are red. its


3. ____________ shoes are brown.


4. ____________ shoes are green.

5. ____________ shoes are gray.

6. My shoes are ____________.

Family: After your child completes this worksheet, practice saying /r/ in:
ˆ words—Practice these words: our, her, their, red, orange, ________________.
ˆ sentences—Read the sentences above.
ˆ conversation—What color shoes do your family members wear? Describe the shoes.

The Many Colors of Shoes—/r/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 113 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an /r/ sound in the beginning of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the /r/ sound in:

ˆ words—Say each /r/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each /r/ picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture.
Answer: rock, ribbon, rose, ring, rake

The Many Colors of Shoes—/r/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 114 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an /r/ sound in the middle of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the /r/ sound in:

ˆ words—Say each /r/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each /r/ picture.
ˆ conversation—What is happening in the picture?
Answer: circle, horse, carrot, butterfly, airplane, circus tent

The Many Colors of Shoes—/r/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 115 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an /r/ sound at the end of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the /r/ sound in:

ˆ words—Say each /r/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each /r/ picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture. What is the teacher doing?
Answer: star, flower, four, square, feather, poster

The Many Colors of Shoes—/r/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 116 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Writing Activity Name ______________________________

In the story, “The Many Colors of Shoes,” the colors all have an /r/ sound.

Think of other people and things you see in your school that have an /r/ sound.
Here are some ideas to get you started: teacher, principal, ruler, calendar, rug.

ˆ Draw one of things you see in your school that have an /r/ sound.

ˆ Write about one of them.



The Many Colors of Shoes—/r/
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 117 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Barrier Game Name ______________________________

Use this page with the pictures on page 119.

The Many Colors of Shoes—/r/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 118 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/r/ Barrier Game, continued Name ______________________________

Color and cut out these shapes. Use them to decorate the shoes on page 118.

Color these red.

Color these purple.

Color these _____________.

The Many Colors of Shoes—/r/

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 119 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Lisa Likes to Play

/l/ words: Lisa, like, lion, legs, smiling, apple, play, glasses

Lisa Likes to Play—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 120 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Lisa likes to play in the car.
/l/ words: Lisa, like, lion, lips, lipstick, cell phone, smiling, doll, play, Kleenex, glasses

Lisa Likes to Play—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 121 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Lisa likes to play on the slide.
/l/ words: Lisa, like, ladder, laughing, smiling, in-line skates, apple, slide, play, glasses

Lisa Likes to Play—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 122 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Lisa likes to play in the line.
/l/ words: Lisa, like, line, ball, apple, play, glasses, cloud

Lisa Likes to Play—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 123 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Lisa likes to play by her locker.
/l/ words: Lisa, like, locker, lion, eleven, smiling, balloon, ball, play, glasses

Lisa Likes to Play—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 124 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Lisa likes to play in her class.
/l/ words: Lisa, like, listen, calendar, smile, play, class, clapping, glasses

Lisa Likes to Play—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 125 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Lisa likes to play at the library.
/l/ words: Lisa, like, library, lion, librarian, telephone, tulips, Principal Lee, flag, play, globe

Lisa Likes to Play—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 126 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Lisa likes to play under the table.
/l/ words: Lisa, like, ladder, pencils, table, apple, play, blocks, glasses

Lisa Likes to Play—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 127 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Lisa likes to play all day!
/l/ words: Lisa, lion, pencils, in-line skates, balloon, all, doll, ball, apple, play, blocks,
flag, glasses

Lisa Likes to Play—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 128 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Articulation Cards

Cut apart these cards and use them for drill or games.


library locker lips

in-line skates calendar table

doll apple pencil

Lisa Likes to Play—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 129 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Sight Words Name ______________________________

Complete these sentences. Use the words in the Word Bank to fill in the blanks.

1. Lisa is ____________ the slide.

Word Bank
2. Lisa is ____________ the line. in


3. Lisa is ____________ her desk. on


4. Lisa is ____________ the library. at

5. Lisa is ____________ her locker.

6. Lisa is ____________ the table.

Family: After your child completes this worksheet, practice saying / l/ in:
ˆ words—Practice these words: line, library, locker, table, ________________.
ˆ sentences—Read the sentences above.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the places Lisa goes. Can you think of other places she can go that
have an /l/ sound?

Lisa Likes to Play—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 130 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an / l / sound in the beginning of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the / l / sound in:

ˆ words—Say each / l/ picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each / l/ picture.
ˆ conversation—What is happening in the picture?
Answer: lion, leg, ladder, library, Lisa, librarian

Lisa Likes to Play—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 131 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an / l / sound in the middle of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the / l / sound in:

ˆ words—Say each / l / picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each / l / picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture.
Answer: in-line skates, elephant, balloon, calendar, hallway, cell phone (telephone)

Lisa Likes to Play—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 132 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an / l / sound at the end of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the / l / sound in:

ˆ words—Say each / l / picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each / l / picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture. What do you think the principal and Lisa are talking about?
Answer: ball, table, principal, apple, snail

Lisa Likes to Play—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 133 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Writing Activity Name ______________________________

In the story, “Lisa Likes to Play,” Lisa plays with things that have an / l / sound.

Think of toys that have an / l / sound. Here are some ideas to get you started:
doll, in-line skates, blocks.

ˆ Draw a picture of ___________ of these toys.


ˆ Write about one of these toys.



Lisa Likes to Play—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 134 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Barrier Game Name ______________________________

Use this page with the pictures on page 136.

Lisa Likes to Play—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 135 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Barrier Game, continued Name ______________________________

Cut out these pictures. Help Lisa put them away in the closet on page 135.

Lisa Likes to Play—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 136 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Mrs. Little

/l/ words: lady, lips, long, Mrs. Little, eyelashes

Mrs. Little—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 137 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Mrs. Little is a lady who lives by Luke.
/l/ words: lady, live, ladder, Luke, letter, Mrs. Little, tulips, mailbox, bracelet

Mrs. Little—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 138 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Mrs. Little says, “Look up there.”
/l/ words: Luke, lady, look, Mrs. Little, bracelet, balloons, clouds

Mrs. Little—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 139 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Mrs. Little says, “Look down there.”
/l/ words: lady, Luke, look, lifeguard, Mrs. Little, sunglasses, towel, pool, cloud

Mrs. Little—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 140 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Mrs. Little says, “Look over there.”
/l/ words: lady, Luke, look, lettuce, lemons, Mrs. Little, bracelet, apples, jelly

Mrs. Little—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 141 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Mrs. Little says, “Look in there.”
/l/ words: lady, Luke, look, sale, snail, crawling, Mrs. Little, glasses, clothes, gloves

Mrs. Little—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 142 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Mrs. Little says, “Look out there.”
/l/ words: lady, Luke, look, lamp, Mrs. Little, bracelet, jelly beans, table, clothes, clothespins

Mrs. Little—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 143 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Luke looks out there.
/l/ words: Luke, look, lamp, table

Mrs. Little—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 144 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Luke sees the world.
/l/ words: Luke, owl, world, tulips, balloons, apples, cloud

Mrs. Little—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 145 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Articulation Cards

Cut apart these cards and use them for drill or games.


lettuce lemon ladder

balloon jelly jelly bean

eyelashes towel pool

Mrs. Little—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 146 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Sight Words Name ______________________________

Complete these sentences. Use the words in the Word Bank to fill in the blanks.

1. The boy looks ____________.

2. The balloon is ____________ the sky. Word Bank


3. The boy looks ____________. down


4. The girl is ____________ the pool. in

5. The boy looks ____________ the window.

6. The gloves are ____________ the window.

7. The balloon is ____________ the apple tree.

Family: After your child completes this worksheet, practice saying / l/ in:
ˆ words—Practice these words: look, balloon, girl, apple, ________________.
ˆ sentences—Read the sentences above.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the things you see around the room. Are there things with an / l/
sound? Where are they?
Mrs. Little—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 147 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an / l / sound in the beginning of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the / l / sound in:

ˆ words—Say each / l / picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each / l / picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture.
Answer: lifeguard, lettuce, lemons, lobsters, lawnmower

Mrs. Little—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 148 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an / l / sound in the middle of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the / l / sound in:

ˆ words—Say each / l / picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each / l / picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture.
Answer: bracelet, tulips, balloons, in-line skates, envelope, mailbox

Mrs. Little—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 149 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an / l / sound at the end of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the / l / sound in:

ˆ words—Say each / l / picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each / l / picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture.
Answer: pool, towel, apple, owl, ball, snail, girl

Mrs. Little—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 150 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Writing Activity Name ______________________________

In the story, “Mrs. Little,” the lady shows the boy things with an / l / sound.

Think of things you see at ____________ that have an / l / sound.

ˆ Draw a picture of one of these things.

ˆ Write about one of them.



Mrs. Little—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 151 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Barrier Game Name ______________________________

Use this page with the pictures on page 153.

Mrs. Little—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 152 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Barrier Game, continued Name ______________________________

Cut out these pictures and put them in Mrs. Little’s yard on page 152.

Mrs. Little—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 153 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Where Do You Live?

/l/ words: live, tulips, sidewalk, clouds

Where Do You Live?—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 154 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Where does the lion live?
/l/ words: lion, live, long, tail

Where Do You Live?—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 155 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
The lion lives in the grassland.
/l/ words: lion, live, grassland, elephant, alligator

Where Do You Live?—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 156 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Where does the ladybug live?
/l/ words: ladybug, live, legs, smile

Where Do You Live?—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 157 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
The ladybug lives on a leaf.
/l/ words: ladybug, live, large, leaf, tulip, caterpillar, smile, fly

Where Do You Live?—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 158 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Where does the owl live?
/l/ words: live, owl

Where Do You Live?—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 159 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
The owl lives on a limb.
/l/ words: live, limb, owl, squirrel

Where Do You Live?—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 160 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Where does a whale live?
/l/ words: live, bubbles, whale

Where Do You Live?—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 161 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
A whale lives in the ocean.
/l/ words: live, lobster, bubbles, whale, clam

Where Do You Live?—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 162 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Where do you live?
/l/ words: live, smiling, sandals, girl

Where Do You Live?—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 163 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Articulation Cards

Cut apart these cards and use them for drill or games.


ladybug leaf lobster

elephant tulip alligator

grassland owl whale

Where Do You Live?—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 164 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Sight Words Name ______________________________

Complete these sentences. Use the words in the Word Bank to fill in the blanks.

1. ____________ does the lion live?

2. The lion lives ____________ the grassland.

Word Bank
3. Where ____________ the owl live?

4. The owl ____________ on a limb. live

5. Where does the ladybug ____________?

6. The ladybug ____________ on a leaf.

7. Where ____________ the whale live?

8. The whale lives ____________ the water.

9. Where do you ____________?

10. I live _____ _____________________.

(Fill in your own word here.)

Family: After your child completes this worksheet, practice saying / l/ in:
ˆ words—Practice these words: lion, live, leaf, owl, ________________.
ˆ sentences—Read the sentences above.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the places where these animals live. What kinds of things can you
see in these places? Can you think of things that have an / l / sound?
Where Do You Live?—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 165 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an / l / sound in the beginning of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the / l / sound in:

ˆ words—Say each / l / picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each / l / picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture. What are the animals doing?
Answer: lion, ladybug, leaf, lobster, leopard

Where Do You Live?—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 166 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an / l / sound in the middle of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the / l / sound in:

ˆ words—Say each / l / picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each / l / picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture. What other zoo animals have an / l / sound?

Answer: tulips, elephant, alligator, caterpillar, balloon, smiling

Where Do You Live?—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 167 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Picture Search Name ______________________________

Find at least five things that have an / l / sound at the end of the word.
Circle them.

Family: Please practice the / l / sound in:

ˆ words—Say each / l / picture ______ times.
ˆ sentences—Make up ______ sentences about each / l / picture.
ˆ conversation—Talk about the picture. Have you ever been to a water show?
Answer: whale, tail, ball, squirrel, owl

Where Do You Live?—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 168 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Writing Activity Name ______________________________

In the story, “Where Do You Live?”, the animals live in places with an / l / sound.

Think of places that have an / l / sound. Here are some ideas to get you started:
lake, bowling alley, pool, library.

ˆ Draw a picture of one of these places.

ˆ Write about it.



Where Do You Live?—/ l /
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 169 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Barrier Game Name ______________________________

Use this page with page 171.

Where Do You Live?—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 170 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
/l/ Barrier Game, continued

Cut out the animals and put them in their

homes on page 170.

Where Do You Live?—/ l /

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 171 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sample Tracking Form—Productions
Molly Smith
Name ______________________________ October 8
Date _______________ /s/
Target Phoneme _______

Circle the appropriate position and level. Use the key to record accuracy of productions and any
cueing and models provided.

+ correct
IM immediate model
– incorrect
DM delayed model
° tactile cueing
NM no model
3 visual cueing

Position Level Production

initial word IM + + + + + + + + + + 10/10

medial phrase
DM + – + + – + – + + + 7/10
final sentence
blends conversation NM not attempted

initial word IM +3 – +3 +3 +3 – +3 +3 +3 – 7/10—needs

visual cueing
medial phrase
DM not attempted
final sentence
blends conversation NM not attempted

initial word IM +3 +3 +3 – +3 +3 +3 – +3 +3 visual cueing
medial phrase
DM not attempted
final sentence
blends conversation NM not attempted

initial word IM +°3 +°3 –3 +°3 +°3 +°3 8/10—needs visual

–3 +°3 +°3 +°3 and tactile cueing
medial phrase
DM not attempted
final sentence
blends conversation NM not attempted

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 172 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Tracking Form—Productions
Name ______________________________ Date _______________ Target Phoneme _______

Circle the appropriate position and level. Use the key to record accuracy of productions and any
cueing and models provided.

+ correct
IM immediate model
– incorrect
DM delayed model
° tactile cueing
NM no model
3 visual cueing

Position Level Production

initial word IM
medial phrase
final sentence
blends conversation NM

initial word IM
medial phrase
final sentence
blends conversation NM

initial word IM
medial phrase
final sentence
blends conversation NM

initial word IM
medial phrase
final sentence
blends conversation NM

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 173 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sample Tracking Form—Percentages
Molly Smith
Name ______________________________ /s/
Target Phoneme _______

Plot correct percentages of production by word position. (Dashed lines indicate change of model
and/or cueing provided.)

Initial 50
Date 10/8 10/10 10/15 10/17 10/19 10/24 10/26 10/28 10/30 11/4
Level word word word word word word phrase phrase phrase phrase


Medial 50
Date 10/8 10/10 10/15 10/17 10/19 10/24 10/26 10/28 10/30 11/4
Level word word word word word word word word word word


Final 50
Date 10/8 10/10 10/15 10/17 10/19 10/24 10/26 10/28 10/30 11/4
Level word word word word word word word word word word
Cueing IM°3 IM°3 IM3 IM3 IM3 IM3 IM IM DM NM

Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 174 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Tracking Form—Percentages
Name ______________________________ Target Phoneme _______

Plot correct percentages of production by word position.




Medial 50


Final 50
Just For Kids: Articulation Stories 175 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

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