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Law Vocabulary

The Translation of Popular Legal Terms in English and Indonesian:

 Mahkamah Agung = Supreme Court
 Ketua Pengadilan = Chairman Court / Chief Court
 Wakil Ketua Pengadilan = Vice Chairman Court / Vice Chief Court
 Hakim = Judge
 Juru Sita = Bailiff
 Panitera Pengganti = Surrogating Clerk
 Pengacara / Penasehat Hukum = A Lawyer/ Advocate
 PTUN = A Civil Court
 Kedudukan Hukum = Legal Standing
 Uji Materil = Judicial Review
 Constitutional Review = Uji Undang-Undang Dasar
 Peninjauan Kembali/ PK = Judicial Review
 An Appeal = Banding
 Putusan (Hakim) = Verdict, Judgement
 Peradilan = Trial
 Batal demi Hukum = Null and Void
 Draf / Rancangan Undang-Undang (RUU) = A Bill
 Diskriminasi Positif = Affirmative Actions
 Threshold = Ambang batas
 Access to Justice = Sama rata sama rasa
 Undang-undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia = Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia
 Undang-undang = Act, Law
 Peraturan Pemerintah = Government Ordinance/ Regulation
 Keputusan Presiden = Presidential Decree
 Keputusan Menteri =Ministerial Decree
 Surat Edaran = Circular Letter
 Nota Dinas = Internal Memo (Memorandum)
 Amandemen = Amendment
 Pasal = Article / Paragraph
 Ayat = Section / Subsection
 Lembaran Negara = State Gazette, Statute Book
 Atas nama = PP (Per Procurationem = Bahasa Latin)/ On behalf of
 Plh. (pelaksana harian) = acting / on duty
 Plt. (pelaksana tugas) = Ad interim / Caretaker/ Acting official
 AD/ART = Memorandum of Association/ Articles of Association
 “…dinyatakan dicabut dan tidak berlaku.” = “…are revoked and ceased…”
 “…sampai batas waktu yang tidak ditentukan.” = “…until further notice.”
 Diundangkan = promulgated
 “Peraturan ini berlaku mulai…” = “This regulation comes into effect…”
 Supremasi Hukum = Rule of Law
 Penegakan Hukum = Law Enforcement
 Peraturan Perundangan = Legislation
 Menyerang integritas dan impartialitas pengadilan = Scandalising the
 Menghalangi jalannya penyelenggaraan peradilan = Obstructing Justice
 Perbuatan-perbuatan penghinaan terhadap pengadilan dilakukan dengan
cara pemberitahuan/publikasi = Sub-Judice Rule
 Sidang Senat / Dengar Pendapat = Senate Hearing/ Hearing

 Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) = Income Tax/ Payroll Tax
 Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) = Value Added Tax (VAT)/ GST = Good &
Service Tax
 PNBP = Non-Tax Income/ Revenue
 Hukum Pidana = Penal Law / Criminal Law
 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP) = Criminal Code
 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP) = Criminal Code
 Tersangka = A Suspect
 Terdakwa = Charged
 Minor offences = Tipiring (Tindak Pidana Ringan)
 Perbuatan tercela/ penghinaan/Pertentangan hukum = Contempt of court
 Justice Collaborator = Saksi pelaku yang bekerja sama
 District Attorney = Jaksa Wilayah
 Jaksa Agung = Attorney General
 Jaksa = Prosecutor / Attorney
 Pelapor Tindak Pidana / Perdata = Whistle blower
 Pembuktian Terbalik = Shifting burden of proof
 Hukuman Mati = A Death Sentence / Death Penalty
 Hukuman Seumur Hidup = A Life Sentence / Life Imprisonment
 Pidana Kurungan = Detention, Custody
 Pidana Penjara = Imprisonment
 Praperadilan = Pretrial
 Berlaku surut = Retroactive
 Orang yg menutupi kasus kejahatan = an accomplice
 Putusan Bebas (Hakim) =Acquittal
 Bebas bersyarat = Parole
 BAP = Investigation & Interrogation Report
 Praduga Tak Bersalah = Presumption of Innocence
 Bebas Bersyarat = Parole
 Bebas dengan Jaminan / Jaminan / Tebusan = On Bail
 Berperilaku tercela dan tidak pantas di Pengadilan = Misbehaving in Court
 Tidak mentaati perintah-perintah pengadilan = Disobeying Court Orders
 Pengembalian aset tindak pidana = Stolen Asset Recovery
 Hukum Perdata = Civil Law
 Gugatan = Lawsuit/ Claim
 Jawaban =
 Tergugat / Terdakwa = A Defendant
 Penggugat = A Claimant / Plaintiff
 NPWP = Tax Registration Number
 Akta Pendirian = Deed Establishment
 Akta Lahir = Birth Certificate
 Akta Perkawinan = Marriage Certificate
 Akta Tanah = Land Title Deed
 PPAT (Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah) = Land Deed Official
 HGB (Hak Guna Bangunan) = Building Rights Title
 SHM (Sertifikat Hak Milik) = Freehold Title
 HGU (Hak Guna Usaha) = Cultivation Rights Title
 Eksekusi/Tindakan Pengosongan Rumah/Gedung = Eviction
 Surat Kuasa = Power of Attorney (pelimpahan wewenang seseorang
kepada orang lain)
 Surat Kuasa Penuh = Full Powers (pelimpahan wewenang negara kepada
pejabat negara dalam melakukan perjanjian internasional)

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