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Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9

A. Multiple Choice Questions:

1) Which of the following technique can be used to allow only date value in cell?
(a) Data formatting
(b) Data sorting
(c) Data filtering
(d) Data validation

2) Which of the following options when selected deletes all data validation?
(a) Delete formatting
(b) Delete all
(c) Delete formula
(d) Delete me

3) We can replace multiple occurrences of a word using which of the following

facilities of Calc?
(a) Find and replace
(b) By replace only
(c) By copy command
(d) By preview command

4) What is the name of mechanism to arrange the data in a particular order?

(a) Sorting
(b) Searching
(c) Filtering
(d) Validating

5) What is the name of mechanism to filter out unnecessary data?

(a) Sorting
(b) Searching
(c) Filtering
(d) Validating

6) Which of the following type of package does Calc refer to?

(a) Spreadsheet
(b) Double sheet
(c) Multi-sheet
(d) Cannot determine

7) Which of the following is an extension of a worksheet created in Calc?
(a) .ods
(b) .odd
(c) .xls
(d) .obj

8) How can one calculate the total of values entered in a worksheet column of?
(a) By manual entry
(b) By auto-sum
(c) By formula
(d) By sum function

Ans. We can calculate the total of values by all the methods given above (a, b,
c, d)

9) If we move a cell containing a formula having reference to another cell in the

worksheet what will happen to the cell numbers used in the formula?
(a) The cell row and columns are changed at destination.
(b) The cell row change at destination.
(c) The cell columns are changed at destination.
(d) No change will occur.

10) What is the correct way to enter a function in Calc?

(a) Directly typing function name in a cell
(b) Using function wizard or selecting from toolbar
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Depends on the function

11) A function should start with ______.

(a) ‘=’ sign
(b) alphabets
c) numbers
(d) All of the these

12) Which of the following option is used to print a chart?

(a) Insert → Chart
(b) File → View
(c) File → Print
(d) View → Chart

13) How many axes does charts in Calc have?

(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Two or three
(d) Four

14) The chart preview can be seen in________________.

(a) Page preview
(b) Chart preview
(c) Export chart
(d) All of these

B. Fill in the blanks

1) The column immediately next to column “Z” is AA.
2) The default extension of a workbook created using a LibreOffice Calc
spreadsheet is .ods.
3) The spreadsheet feature used to continue the series is called as Fill Handle.
4) The formula “=MIN(C1:C5)” stored in cell C6 when copied to cell D6 changes
to =MIN(D1:D5).
5) The formula in cell A2 is =B2+C3. On copying this formula to cell C2, C2 will
change to =D2 + E3.
6) The cell address of the cell formed by the intersection of the ninth column and
the eighth row will be I8.
7) $A1$B2 is an example of mixed referencing in spreadsheet software.
8) Numbers entered into a cell are automatically right aligned.
9) If A1:A5 contain the numbers 16, 10, 3, 25 and 6 then = Average(A1:A5;60)
will display 20.
10) In relative referencing, the reference changes rows and columns automatically
when it is copied to a new cell.

C. State whether the following statements are True or False

1) A cell is a combination of row and column. (False)
2) A spreadsheet is also called as worksheet. (True)
3) There are ‘n’ number of sheets in a spreadsheet. (False)
4) In a spreadsheet, we can change the column width and row height. (True)
5) $A1$B2 is an example of mixed referencing. (True)

D. Solve the following in a spreadsheet

1) Cell A1 contains the number 10 and B1 contains 5. What will be the contents of
cell C1, if the formula =A1+B1*2^3 is entered in cell C1?
Ans. 50

2) The contents of Cell A1, B1, C1 and D1 are 5, –25, 30 and –35, respectively.
What will be the value displayed in cell E1 which contains the formula
Ans. -35

3) Cell D5 contains the formula =$B$5+C5 and this formula is copied to cell E5,
what will be the copied formula in cell E5?
Ans. =$B$5+D5

4) Cell D5 contains the formula =$B5 + C5 and this formula is copied to cell E5,
what will be the copied formula in cell E5?
Ans. =$B5 + D5

5) Cell D5 contains the formula =$B5 + C$5 and this formula is copied to cell E6,
what will be the copied formula in cell E6?
Ans. =$B5 + D$5

E. Short answer questions (50 words)

Q1. What do you call the document created in a spreadsheet application?
Ans. The document created in a spreadsheet application is called Workbook.

Q2. What are the steps to create a new spreadsheet?

Ans. New Spreadsheet can be created in following ways :
Method 1 :
1. Click on File.
2. Click on New.
3. Click on Spreadsheet.
4. New spreadsheet will open
Method 2 :
Press Ctrl + N to open new spreadsheet.

Q3. What is the difference between spreadsheet, worksheet and sheet?

Ans. Spreadsheet is a computer application which helps in :
1. Tabulation of data
2. Simple mathematical calculations
3. Complex calculations using formula and functions
4. Arranging data in ascending and descending order (sorting)
5. Filtering the required data
6. Check the validity of data
Worksheet : A Worksheet or sheet is a single page in Spreadsheet Application.
Each sheet can have many individual cells arranged in rows and columns. The
sheet tab shows its default name as Sheet1, Sheet2 etc.

Q4. What is the default name of the worksheet? How can it be renamed?
Ans. Default name of Worksheet is Sheet1. It can be renamed as follows
1. Right click on Sheet tab.
2. Select Rename option from context menu.
3. Type the name and click OK.
1. Select Rename option from Sheet menu.
2. Type the name and click OK.
Q5. Write the steps to insert and delete the worksheet in Calc.
Ans. Steps to insert worksheet are :
1. Select Insert Sheet option from sheet menu.
2. Specify the position(Before or After current sheet) and number of sheets
in Insert sheet dialog box.
3. Click OK
Steps to delete the worksheet are :
1. Right Click on a sheet tab which you want to delete.
2. Select Delete Sheet option from the context menu.
3. Click Yes on Confirmation box.
1. Click on a sheet tab which you want to delete.
2. Select Delete Sheet option from the Sheet menu
3. Click Yes on Confirmation box.

Q6. What is an active cell? How to delete the contents of an active cell?
Ans. The currently selected cell is called an active cell. To delete the contents
of an active cell, press delete button from the keyboard.

Q7. What is relative and absolute cell address in the spreadsheet?

Ans. A Cell address which changes when we copy it from one cell and paste it
on another cell is called relative cell address. for example =B2
A Cell address which does not changes when we copy it from one cell and
paste it on another cell is called absolute cell address. for example =$B$2

Q8. Explain any two operations performed on data in a spreadsheet.

Ans. Any two operations performed on data in a spreadsheet are :
a) Addition : LibreOffice Calc uses plus(+) Operator for addition of two or
more than two numbers. for example =B1+C1.
b) Subtraction : LibreOffice Calc uses minus(-) Operator for subtraction of
two numbers. for example =B1 – C1.

Q9. How do formulae work in a spreadsheet?
Ans. Any expressions that begins with an equals ‘=’ is treated as formula. In
the expression, the ‘=’ followed by values, cell address and functions are called
as formula. for example = A1 + B1 adds the values of cell A1 and B1

Q10. Can you include more than one mathematical operators in a formula?
Ans. Yes we can include more than one mathematical operators in a formula
for example = (A1 + B1) – C1

Q11. How to make visible the desired toolbar in a spreadsheet?

Ans. Steps to make visible the desired toolbar in a spreadsheet are :
1. Select Toolbar option from the view menu.
2. Click on the desired toolbar from the list of toolbars.

Q12. Give the syntax and example of any three mathematical functions in

Ans. Following are the three mathematical functions.

Syntax Example

=SUM(3, 6, 5)
SUM SUM(Number1,Number2,…..)
Result : 14


Result : 8
POWER POWER(Base, Exponent)
=POWER(3, 2)

Result : 9


Result : 4

Result : 5

Q13. Give the syntax and example of any three statistical functions in spreadsheet
Ans. Following are the three statistical functions in spreadsheet :
Syntax Example

=AVERAGE(3, 6, 9)
It returns the average of the number Result : 6
entered as argument

=MAX(3, 56, 45)
It returns the largest of the number
Result : 56
entered as argument

=MIN(13, 56, 45)
It returns the smallest of the number
Result : 13
entered as argument

=COUNT(3, 56, 45)
COUNT It returns how many numbers are
given/passed Result : 3
as argument.

Q14. Explain the advantages of drawing a chart in Calc.

Ans. Advantages of drawing a chart in Calc are :

1. It summarizes large data into graphical form.
2. It gives better understanding of trends or comparison to audience.
3. It easily compares two or more data values.

Q15. Write the steps to insert a chart in Calc.

Ans. Steps to insert a chart in Calc are :
1. Select the range of data.
2. Click on Insert menu → Chart
3. Select the type of chart.
4. Click Finish

Q16. Explain in one line each the various types of charts.

Ans. Various types of charts are

Type Purpose

Comparing classes of data items in group. This

type shows a
Column Chart bar chart with vertical bars. The height of each bar
proportional to its value

Comparing classes of data items in group. This

type shows a
Bar Chart bar chart with horizontal bars. The length of each
bar is
proportional to its value

A line chart shows values as points on the y axis.

Line Chart The x axis
shows categories.

A pie chart shows values as circular sectors of the

total circle.
Pie Chart
The length of the arc, or the area of each sector, is
proportional to its value.

An XY chart is based on one data series. Each

XY Scatter Chart value pair (x|y) is
shown as a point in a coordinate system.

Q17. Name and explain any five components of a chart in a spreadsheet package.
Ans. Components of a chart in a spreadsheet are : (Write any five)
1. Chart Area of the Chart
2. Plot Area of the Chart
3. Data Points that are plotted in the chart
4. Horizontal and Vertical Axis in the chart
5. Legend of the chart
6. Chart and Axis Title used in the chart
7. Data Label for identifying details of data point in the chart

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