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College of Industrial Technology



A Proposed Project Development Study

Presented to Faculty of the
Alangilan Campus
Alangilan, Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of


Aba, Annamina Q.
Domanais, Renz Patrick F.
Duno, Vernon A.
Resma, John Robby R.

May 2022
College of Industrial Technology



SCALDING PROCESSING MACHINE” prepared and submitted by Aba,
Annamina Q., Domanais, Renz Patrick F., Duno, Vernon A., Resma, John Robby R.
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Industrial
Technology, major in Electronics Technology, has been examined and
recommended for acceptance and approval for Pre Oral Examination.



Approved by the committee on Pre Oral Examination with the grade of






Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the course requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of the Industrial Technology Major in Electrical Technology.

Date________ ELISA D. GUTIEREZ, DT

Dean,College of Industrial Technology
College of Industrial Technology

Chapter I


This chapter covers the introduction, background of the study, objectives,

significance of the study, and scope and limitations. The conceptual framework of

the project and the definition of terms are also shown in this chapter.

1.1 Introduction

Bamboos are members of the grass family Gramineae or Poaceae. It can be

distinguished by woody, hollow culms, complex rhizome and branch systems, petiolate

leaf blades, and prominent sheathing organs. Furthermore, all members have similar

anatomical features in their leaf blades, which distinguishes bamboos from grasses.

Bamboo have been used for a variety of purposes for centuries. It is use in the

Philippines for construction, furniture and handicraft production, food, musical

instruments, farm and fishing implements, pulp and paper, cooking and heating fuel, and

so on. In May 2010, the Office of the President of the Republic issued Executive Order

879, establishing the Philippine Bamboo Industry Development Council (PBIDC), which

mandates the use of 20% bamboo for reforestation, 25% for the desk requirements of all

public elementary and high schools in the country, strengthening of the bamboo industry,

and intensification of research on bamboo production and utilization.

Bamboo shoots are regarded as one of the most beneficial health foods due to

their high protein, carbohydrate, vitamin, fiber, and mineral content, as well as their low

fat content. Despite the fact that bamboo shoots have numerous health benefits, they are
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primarily consumed in Southeast Asian and East Asian countries. Because of their strong

pungent odor and bitter acidic taste, bamboo shoots are not widely accepted as a popular

vegetable crop (Merah, O, 2014).

Bamboo sprout have immense potential of being used as important health food as

they contain high proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, many important minerals, and

vitamins. Freshly collected bamboo shoots have good amount of thiamine, niacin,

vitamin A, vitamin B6, and vitamin E. Furthermore, bamboo shoot-based diets are high

in dietary fibers and phytosterols, as well as low in cholesterol, making them a popular

natural health food.

Based on the conventional method of processing bamboo sprout from peeling to

scalding, the researchers integrated electronics components and proposed a design and

simulation for processing bamboo sprout scalding. To be able to have technology and

innovation consolidation, the researchers proposed a machine that will help to make more

convenient for peeling, shredding, washing, as well as scalding. The design of the

machine will control using Programmable Logic Controller.

1.2 Background of the Study

As technology grows, more innovation and components integration customized

and integrate to form a new machine that will help to less man power. In electronics field,

there are many components that can used to develop a certain process that will be

benefited to human being as substitute for manual method or process.

The researchers utilized Programmable Logic Controller in the control system

design to make it convenient for controlling and monitoring process. It will help for the
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entrepreneurs which sell scalding bamboo sprout, as well as for maintaining proper

hygienic process and precise scalding method of bamboo sprout. By integration of

electronic control and monitoring devices, the precise process for the design will be meet.

Safe procedure will also considered for the process operation because human intervention

will be less in different steps from peeling to scalding.

The researchers sought a suitable beneficiary for the proposed design on the

farmers of Sitio Paco 1, Talumpok West, Batangas City. It will help farmers of the said

location for integrating technology in producing scald bamboo sprout. It can less human

intervention on process with express and accurate procedure for processing bamboo

sprout. It can also produce higher volume with fast process rather than traditional manual


1.3 Objectives of the Study

 The main purpose of this study was to present a proposal for the Design and

Simulation of Bamboo Sprout Scalding Processing Machine.

Specifically, this study aimed to achieve the following:

1.3.1 To determine the design in the development of Bamboo Sprout Scalding

Processing Machine, considering the following: Material Specification Technical specification

1.3.2 To integrate Programmable Logic Control in the design considering the

following; monitoring device

College of Industrial Technology shredding motor rpm sensor temperature controller level sensor controlling device peeling, shredding, and washing motor shredding motor scalding motor and heater

1.3.3 To present the design using software through 3D Modeling, fluidsim and

Matlab simulink in consideration of peeling and shredding motor torque and rpm temperature PID control set point ladder diagram circuit simulation

1.4 Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This part tackles the ideas and knowledge as to how the study has been designed

and developed according to its scope and delimitation.

The main focus of this research is the “Design and Simulation of Bamboo Sprout

Scalding Processing Machine”. The machine is designed for peeling, cutting, washing

and scalding bamboo sprout or bamboo shoot. For the design and simulation, solid works

were used to develop systems from beginning to end together with matlab simulink. The

machine was designed for peeling, cutting, washing and scalding bamboo sprout or

bamboo shoot. The machine can be applied to a small scale of operation for bamboo

sprout processing.
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Input system consist of 12v dc motor with 20 rpm to peel the bamboo sprout one

by one. In shredding section, the 300 watts speed motor used for the driving for blades

with adjustable rotation. In washing section, linear actuator pull and push the shredded

bamboo bin and rotates the bin with 12v dc motor to wash the shredded bamboo.

Motorized ball valve used to drain the water from washing. 12vdc heating coil used as

heating element to scald the bamboo sprout.

For the process, peeling process considered as the main section in the design by

which the bamboo sprout automatically peel using gear motor that consist of holder to

rotates the sprout on the hole of blade. After the sprout peel, shredding process is the nest

section by which slicing blade attached on the covered bin. After shredding, the process

of washing is the next stages by which the sliced sprout wash using rotational bin. After

washing, scalding will be the last stage. The heating element boils water into 100 degree

celcius in 3 minutes.

For the output, the Design and Simulation of Bamboo Sprout Scalding Processing

Machine will be simulated using 3d modeling, fluidsim, and matlab simulink to attain the

specific parameters for the design presentation needed on the objectives of the study.

1.5 Importance of the Study

This study on the design and development of Bamboo Sprout Scalding Processing

Machine will be beneficial to the following:

To Bamboo Sprout farmers, this study will assist them in producing their

products in a more efficient and hassle-free manner. It would also make them more

productive than if they did it manually.

College of Industrial Technology

To Batangas State University, the study will serve as an additional technology

and source of information necessary for learning and enhancing the knowledge in the

area of the study.

To the Bachelor of Industrial Technology students, this study will assist them

in gaining knowledge that will enable them to be more successful and innovative in their

associated tasks.

To the Researchers, this study will aid them in improving their knowledge,

skills, and talents in the field of Industrial Technology, allowing them to become more

inventive and competitive.

To Future Researchers, this study will serve as an additional source of

information for further studies. This study will give them certain knowledge in terms of

using Bamboo Sprout Scalding Processing Machine and also serve as future reference in

concluding the similar study.

College of Industrial Technology

1.6 Definition of Terms

For the clarification and deeper understanding of the study, the terms

are conceptually and operationally defined.

Bamboo Sprout. Are a popular ingredient in many Asian dishes, whether

boiled or canned, and have a crisp texture and mild, earthy flavor (Lord,2021). In

the study, it serves as the raw materials need to process in the machine.

Control. Ability to monitor and adjust a process in order to achieve a

desired result (King, 2016). In the study, it serves as the fine tuning method of the

process status and set point.

DC Motor. A type of rotary electric motor that converts direct current

electrical energy into mechanical energy (Krishnan, 2017). In the design of the

study, it serves as the driver for peeling, washing, and scalding section.

Electronics. A branch of physics and electrical engineering concerned with

the emission, behavior, and effects of electrons using electronic devices (Denton,

T, 2017). In this study, it serves as the general expertise focus on the design of

electronics components and its connection.

FluidSim. A powerful application for creating, simulating, and studying

digital, electro-hydraulic, electro-pneumatic, and electronic circuits (Kim, 2017).

In this study, it will be used to simulate ladder diagram.

Input Devices. Is a piece of hardware that sends data and control signals to
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an information processing system, such as a computer or information appliance

(Sherr, 2012). It serves as the triggering device that send signals either analog or

digital to the controller to manipulate output device.

Ladder Diagram. Are sophisticated schematics that are commonly used to

record logic structures for industrial controls (Antonsen, 2021). In the study, it

serves as the process control simulation diagram to interpret and present electronic

devices and control devices.

Matlab Simulink. Bridges the gap between requirements and system

architecture and detailed component design, implementation, and testing

(Eshkavilov, 2019). In this study, it serves as the simulation software used to

present temperature control using PID in scalding section.

Monitoring. A way of observing the certain process in the behaviour of the

machine (King, 2016). In the study, it is the way of knowing the desired

temperature of scalding and motor rpm for shredding process.

Peeling. Process of removing outer parts of fruits or vegetables (Knox,

2018). It serves as the first stage by which bamboo sprout peel before entering

shredded section.

Scalding. A type of thermal burn caused by heated fluids such as boiling

water or steam (Magoon, 2017). It is the process of boiling shred bamboo sprout.
College of Industrial Technology



This chapter presents the related literature and studies gathered by the researchers.

It also contains the synthesis of the study.

2.1 Conceptual Literature

In recent years, the general applications of bamboo have spanned both

engineering and non-engineering fields. This chapter provides an in-depth examination of

some traditional and non-traditional uses of bamboo to demonstrate that it is a

multipurpose plant. For many centuries, the construction industry has primarily benefited

from the use of bamboo. However, in recent years, other industries such as textile, pulp

and paper, medical, arts and design, aerospace, and food and beverage have begun to

research and utilize all aspects of the bamboo plant. Its widespread use has resulted in

numerous research opportunities and projects that are thoroughly researching all

properties and extractive useful and applicable to newly emerging fields such as

nanotechnology According to the review, all parts of the bamboo plant can be harnessed

and used. The economic importance of this plant to the majority of developing countries

in Africa, Asia, and South America will grow in the coming years (Akinlabi, 2017).

Bamboo shoots have enormous potential for use as. These are important health

foods because they are high in protein and amino acids, carbohydrates, a variety of

essential minerals, and vitamins Bamboo shoots that have been freshly collected have a

good amount of Thiamine, niacin, vitamin A, vitamin B6, and vitamin E are all essential
College of Industrial Technology

nutrients. Furthermore, bamboo shoot-based diets are high in dietary fibers and

phytosterols, as well as low in cholesterol, making them a popular natural health food.

Tyrosine, arginine, histidine, and leucine are the most common amino acids found in

bamboo shoots. Tyrosine facilitates biochemical metabolism in our bodies because it is a

major constituent of adrenals, which are precursors for adrenaline, which is required for

active body metabolic activities. It is also used. The thyroid and pituitary glands, which

are involved in the production and regulation of hormones in the human body, play an

important role in their function. The presence of high fibre and phytosterols in bamboo

shoot lowers blood fat and cholesterol levels. Dietary fiber has a variety of health

benefits, including the control of blood pressure, hypertension, and obesity, as well as the

protection of our bodies from coronary diseases and potential carcinogens (Nongdam, P).

These shoots' health benefits are obvious because, as a source of potassium, they

help maintain a normal heart rate and blood pressure. Additionally, eating these sprouts

will provide you with phosphorus, zinc, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, and iron. A balanced

complex of essential amino acids has a beneficial effect on the human body and is found

in bamboo shoots: Arginine improves heart function, transports nitric oxide throughout

the body, and normalizes nervous system function. Valine stimulates metabolic processes

in muscles, raises blood sugar levels, and regulates nitric oxide levels in the body.

Histidine protects against allergic reactions and prevents allergic reactions and speeds up

the body's regeneration processes. Isoleucine and leucine improve muscle fiber condition,

increase tone, and speed up metabolic processes. Lysine promotes bone regeneration, acts

as an antiviral, and stimulates collagen production. Methionine helps to prevent the

College of Industrial Technology

development of atherosclerosis, accelerates hair growth, improves hair quality, and

reduces edema (swelling of the body). Threonine stimulates the production of glycine and

serine, cleanses the liver of toxins, and helps all organic systems and organs function

properly. Tryptophan helps to prevent the onset of insomnia, depression, and

nervousness. The calorie content of the young plants is 27 kcal per 100 g, which includes:

Proteins: 2.6 g Fat: 0.3 g Carbohydrates: 5.2 g Dietary fibre: 2.2 g Ash: up to 0.9 g

Water: 91 g The amount of mono- and disaccharides (sugars) depends on the growing

conditions and ranges from 3 g per 100 g (Chu, 2021).

Food is processed for a variety of reasons. Since the dawn of time, Grain has been

dried after harvest to extend its shelf life. Initially, Food was processed primarily to

improve digestibility, palatability, and shelf life. to ensure a steady supply Pickles,

murabbas, and papads for example. These examples of preserved products made from

specific vegetables, fruits, herbs, and grains. With the passage of time, transportation and

communication have improved. As well as increased industrialization, consumer needs

have become more diverse, and there is now an increase in demand for 'fresh' foods

'Organic' foods, 'healthier and safer' foods, and foods with a long shelf life. Many

consumers expect higher-quality foods with nutrient retention having specific functional

properties as well as taste/texture/consistency, while remaining shelf-stable and

convenient to package, store, and transport. This has resulted in served as a catalyst for

scientists to develop methods and techniques to combat process foods in such a way that

the food products meet the specifications as well as consumer demands. We all eat ready-

made foods. These include biscuits, bread, pickles/papads, and ready-to-eat curries, meal
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items, snacks, and so on. A variety of processes and technologies are used to produce

such foods. Simple traditional methods are still used by some, while newer processes and

technologies are used to mass-produce processed foods.

It is common practice in the food and beverage industry to temporarily increase

labor and mobile equipment supplies during seasonal volume and demand peaks. Even in

today's environment, this works well for small to medium-sized businesses, but it's not

ideal for larger teams. This is primarily due to technological advancements, particularly

in the automation sector. Adding more labor and machines can help increase volume, but

it comes at a significant cost, which could be reduced with the right process and system

updates. Adopting advanced automation systems, robotics, and processes that can be

controlled by machinery or software is, as one might expect, the solution.

These systems, believe it or not, can be designed to work alongside and improve

the performance of existing laborers and teams. Indeed, automation is sweeping many

industries, and it's past time for food and beverage companies to jump on board.

Automation and AI are already disrupting industries such as automotive, construction,

and healthcare. There are so many involved processes, workers, and touchpoints along

the food and beverage supply chain that it can be difficult to not only keep track of food,

but also monitor its quality. As you are aware, quality is extremely important in the

industry. You don't want faulty or contaminated foods on the market because they can be

harmful. Food must always be traceable and safe, which is difficult to ensure in a system

with so many moving parts.

Automation, on the other hand, has the potential to completely transform this.
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Defects and issues can be detected much earlier in the supply chain with the right

systems. You can reduce the total number of problematic goods entering the market by

detecting problems during packaging or processing. Even better, you can accurately

identify when and where the problems are occurring and correct the problem for

improved performance in the future. If something in your supply chain is to blame,

automation can help you narrow it down.

There was a time when packaging machines did not have PLCs. As a result, more

workers were required in the packaging section to complete the tasks on time. However,

the product quality was abysmal. Each task, on the other hand, was performed by a

different machine. For example, the filling machine could only do filling. Time and

money were both wasted in this manner. The operators must perform the checks

manually. They must weigh the food items before hand-sealing them for distribution. As

a result of all of these issues and difficulties, the manufacturers incorporated a PLC

control system into the packaging machinery. It also influenced the machinery multi


PLC control systems are currently used in food packaging machinery. It has a

variety of features and highlights that make it ideal for use. It enables the best

coordination of various automation systems to produce better results. The use of a PLC

Control System in food packaging machinery improves food quality. It boosts

agricultural productivity. The machinery is now multi-purpose thanks to the use of a

PLC. It can not only seal but also serve as an automatic beverage filling machine, bottling

machine, and packaging machine.

College of Industrial Technology

The PLC is the machine's brain. The food material enters the hopper and is

transported to the filling section by the DC motor. The DC motor can be managed by the

PLC control system. This system weighs the materials and then transports them to the

display unit. The programmable logic controller also efficiently manages the display and

packaging unit. Finally, food producers receive high-quality product in the best


Digital inputs are binary inputs (0 or 1) used by the PLC. Binary inputs are

voltages that range from 5V to 230V depending on the type of card used. In layman's

terms, any pushbutton, switch, or sensor generates digital inputs to a PLC. Digital inputs

are used to determine whether a device is turned on or off. For a 24Vdc input module,

0Vdc is the OFF state (Binary 0), and 24Vdc is the ON state (Binary 1).

PLC digital outputs are binary outputs (0 or 1) It is a field-processed control

output from the PLC. It is used to turn any piece of field equipment ON or OFF.

DO functions similarly to a relay contact in that when the preprogrammed

conditions are met, the contacts close. DO can be used to control solenoid valves,

relays, indicating lamps, or any other device.

Analog input is a continuous field input to the PLC. Is not a constant

voltage signal, unlike digital signals. It varies according to the field conditions.

The most commonly used analogue signals are 4-20mA and 0-10Vdc. The input

signal can range between 4-20mA and 0-10Vdc depending on the field conditions.

For example, if you use a pressure transmitter with a range of 0-10 Bar to monitor
College of Industrial Technology

the pressure of water flowing through a pipe, the transmitter will output a signal

between 0 and 10V proportional to the pressure in the pipe.

Analogue output is a continuous signal sent from the PLC to the field

devices. For example, if you have a variable frequency drive and want to provide

it with a speed reference signal, you can use analogue output. Otherwise, if you are

measuring the pressure with analogue input as described above and want to

display it on an analogue meter, you can use a PLC's analogue output.

Fruits and vegetables are industrially processed in a variety of ways.

Peeling and bleaching are examples of pre treatments. The most appropriate

treatment is determined by the raw material and the attributes required for the

finished product These Processes are important because they affect yield (and vice

versa). as a result, the quantity of discarded portion) and quality (product

appearance, color, texture, and nutritional value) manufactured.

Pretreatments used in fruit and vegetable processing. Peeling vegetables is

very important in terms of nutrition. Aspects of nutrition and economy, purpose of

peeling is not only removing the peel, but also minimizing the losses associated

with it tissue and nutritive value. Peeling is used to remove the peel when it is not

edible, or even when it is edible, but its presence is undesirable in the final

product. The fruits are covered by a layer called peel, skin, cuticle, or pericarp

composed of cells that constitute a polymer matrix with intracuticular waxes

College of Industrial Technology

wrapped in a polymeric skeleton. Fruit peel is the outer skin or covering of fruits;

it has several layers, physiological functions and serves as a barrier against water

loss, nutrient leaching, mechanical damage, and invasion are all potential problems

due to pathogens.

The peeling methods are generally classified into mechanical abrasion,

chemical, thermal and enzymatic. When compared to chemical peeling,

mechanical peeling of fruits and vegetables is the most common method.As well

as thermal methods An understanding of the peeling process is required for the

best results mechanical peeler design and performance.

The system employs a knife based on the mechanism used for peeling or

abrasive, rollers, milling cutters, and rotary cutters. Rotary cutters are the most

adaptable of all, even on different slanted surfaces. Among the current peeling

techniques, mechanical peeling has the potential to increase customer satisfaction.

Because of its advantages, mechanical peeling has become so popular. They were

well-liked because they produced fresh peeled fruit. Many factors were considered

in the design of the cutting machine, including the physical and mechanical

properties of the building materials. The cutting machine's blade is usually

expected to be sharp enough to cut easily. Furthermore, the materials used to build

the machine must not contaminate the vegetables or corrode when in contact with

water. As a result, stainless steel materials were used to make components. Other
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factors considered in the machine's design included the potato's cutting resistance,

moisture content, and thickness of the slice, speed of cut, maximum power

requirement, power source, and contamination.

The major operations required for vegetable processing are washing and cutting.

Traditional techniques are used to carry out these unit operations. The traditional

technique's output has been found to be low and wastes time due to the drudgery of the

process. Shredding (slicing, cutting, or dicing) vegetables with a kitchen knife exposes

the user to the risk of knife cut. Washing fresh vegetables, on the other hand, can reduce

the overall risk of microbial food safety hazards. This is an important step because the

majority of microbial contamination occurs on the surface of vegetables or fruits. Human

pathogens and microbes contamination and spread Contamination and spread of human

pathogens and microbes to a greater portion of vegetables occur if they are not removed,

controlled, or inactivated. It is recommended that fruits and vegetables be cleaned after

harvesting to improve product appearance and edibility, as well as to remove harmful

microorganisms that can shorten the product's life. Similarly, vegetables must be pre

washed to remove surface dirt and pesticide residues. Mechanical cleaning systems have

been identified as an effective method of removing mites and other surface arthropods

from fruits, and this method can also be used on vegetables.

Scalding is a method of blanching foods in hot water that consists of three stages:

preheating, blanching, and cooling. Blanching is commonly used as a pre-heat treatment

prior to drying, freezing, or canning. Blanching is usually done on fruits and vegetables

to remove the peel, change the texture, and inactivate enzymes. Blanching, on the other
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hand, easily causes tissue cell damage, protein denaturation, and color loss as a result of

the heat treatment. A low temperature condition is generally used to mitigate the quality

problem in order to avoid the side effects of blanching. A low temperature condition, on

the other hand, results in a longer process time than a high temperature condition,

resulting in lower productivity in the food industry. Hot steam has been identified as an

effective heat source for the blanching process, particularly in mass production systems.

A gear motor, also known as a gear reduction motor, is a device that combines a

speed reducer and an electric motor. Professional manufacturers integrate and assemble

the gearbox and electric motor to create a ready-to-sell set. A gear motor is a device used

for connecting, transmitting, reducing speed, and increasing torque. AC/DC gear motors

have advantages such as low energy consumption, superior performance, small size,

compact structure, dependability and durability, and so on.

A gear motor, also known as a gear reduction motor, is an electronic device that

combines a speed reducer and an electric motor. To create a ready-to-sell set,

professional manufacturers integrate and assemble the gearbox and electric motor. A gear

motor is a device that connects, transmits, reduces speed, and increases torque. Low

energy consumption, superior performance, small size, compact structure, dependability

and durability are just a few of the benefits of AC/DC gear motors.

On the motor output end, a speed reduction gearbox is mounted. AC gear motors

and DC gear motors are two types of geared motors that are distinguished by their

working power. The term "AC gear motor" refers to a motor that uses an alternating

current (AC) power source, such as 110 volts, 120 volts, 220 volts, or 240 volts. DC gear
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motors are powered by direct current (DC), which can be 12V, 24V, or 48V. The gear

reduction motor is made up of a regular motor and a speed reduction gearbox. The speed

reduction gearbox's function is to provide lower speed and higher torque. Furthermore,

different gearbox reduction ratios can provide different speeds and torques. The lower the

speed and the higher the torque, the higher the gear ratio. When there is an AC gear

motor, the speed is 30 rpm when the gear ratio is 50:1, 60 rpm when the gear ratio is

25:1, and 100 rpm when the gear ratio is 15:1.

Heating elements contain an electric current that flows through the coil, ribbon, or

wire and causes it to become extremely hot. The element converts the electrical energy

that passes through it into heat, which radiates in all directions. Heating coils are used in

appliances and industrial equipment to convert electrical current into heat energy.

Heating coils are made from metal alloys, which are a combination of two or more


Temperature sensors are devices that use electrical signals to measure temperature

readings. The sensor is made of two metals that generate electrical voltage or resistance

when it detects a temperature change. The temperature sensor is essential in maintaining

a specific temperature within any piece of equipment used to make anything from

medicine to beer. The accuracy and responsiveness of the temperature and temperature

control are critical to ensuring the end product is perfect when producing this type of

content. In industrial applications, temperature is the most commonly used physical

measurement type. Accurate measurements are essential to the success of these

processes. Temperature sensors are used in a variety of non-obvious applications.

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Melting chocolate, operating a blast furnace, piloting a hot air balloon, freezing

substances in a lab, driving a car, and firing a kiln are all examples of tasks.

2.2 Related Studies

Several literature on the field of Electronics Technology were cautiously

studied and considered as the foundation to the design and simulation of the study.

In 2013, Bitang develop the study entitled bamboo shoot peeling machine.

The study only focused on the design of bamboo shoot peeling machine. It focused on the

determination of the design requirements and the consideration of the material used. Raw

materials used was coming from Banay Banay 1 st, San Jose Batangas. The sized of the

bamboo shoot that can peel on the machine was 7-15 inches long with diameter of 2-4

inches. The blades are disassembled for easily to maintain. How ever, the study did not

cover the determination of the size of the peeled bamboo shoot. The study was limited

only to peeling. Cutting and slicing are not included.

A thesis entitled Portable Fruits and Vegetable shredder was design and

developed by Clause In 2019. This study aimed to design and develop a

Portable Fruits and Vegetable Shredder to lessen the problems of households in

designing and cutting their ingredients while cooking. This study would like to

design and develop a Portable Fruits and Vegetable Shredder that could help the

people in doing cooking activities such as mothers and chefs to acquire freshly cut

and shred ingredients used in cooking. As part of the mechanical technology

industry, the researchers would like to use their knowledge on how to come up
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with machine and device that would eventually help the lives of the local

community in relation to cooking. The project development study will be able to

fabricate the machine. The machine is considered to be feasible since all the

materials needed to fabricate the machine are locally available and has lower cost

because it can be ordered directly from the suppliers. The Portable Fruits and

Vegetable Shredder has locally available materials where the researchers are able

to acquire the fabrication of the machine. The shredder has the capacity of

shredding 12 cucumber, 20 apples, and 8 carrots for every minute including the

time it was plunged inside the feed tube until it comes out from the dispenser and

tray. It is safe to use since it is covered with stainless steel house, heavy base for

support and handle and lock. The machine is very low cost and all materials are

available in the market and can be acquired for cheaper price when it is fabricated

by bulk. The operation manual is helpful to the users when they utilized the

machine in shredding process. The machine can be used for shredding other kind

of fruits that has been tested such as pineapple, and coconut. It is recommended

that the disc and bowl may be enlarge to increase the capacity of the shredding

machine. More kind of disc may be fabricated so that other shapes may be

produced for fruits and vegetable shredder. The operational manual must be read

carefully and followed so that the user will be able to efficiently use the portable

fruits and vegetable shredder. Future study may be done in food processing and
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shredding operation for other foods with automation using PLC and MCU


Vegetable Shredder Machine was developed in 2018 by Cabral This

project development study mainly focused on assembly and fabrication of the

structural components and selected materials. The machine used gear motor for

shredding and is limited for local production, operation, repair, and maintenance.

It can be used only for small scale of vegetable and fruits in rural area. The fruits

and vegetable which needed to cut are manually place by the user. Packaging

system is not included in the process.

Mercado design and develop a thesis entitled Design and Development

of Squid Slicing and Cleaning Machine in 2015. The study’s main thrust was to

design and develop a squid slicing and cleaning machine. It covered the design of

the machine taking into consideration the dimensions, material specifications, and

system components. Also included was the machine’s fabrication, counting every

detail and parameter needed for such process. Preliminary testing was done to

establish the machine’s optimum conveyor speed, minimum water flow rate, feed

slicing and cleaning capacity, and operating time for conveying the feed capacity

and mantle cleaning. It was found out that the conveyor’s optimum speed was

17.45 fpm and the minimum water flow rate required for the operation was

8L/min. The feed capacity was determined at 10 pieces of squid per operation. The
College of Industrial Technology

operating time to convey the feed capacity was 60.3 sec and 99.167 sec for mantle

cleaning. Performance testing was done to verify the machine’s arms slicing and

cleaning efficiency, mantle slicing efficiency and cleaning rate, and power and

water consumption. The arms slicing and cleaning efficiencies were 83.333%.

Moreover, the mantle slicing efficiency and cleaning rate were 82.147% and

47.395 rings per minute, respectively. The power consumption had an average

value of 0.908 kWh, whereas the water consumption was at 21.262 L per

operation. The machine was found to be economically viable. The cost savings per

operation of 100 kg squid was PhP 37.691. The rate of return was 3.722 and the

payback period was 3.694 years. The slicing efficiency is directly proportional to

the speed set on the machine. The faster the machine operates, the better slicing

process can be made. Also, the cleaning capacity of the machine decreases as the

number of squid increases.

In 2014, a thesis entitled Design and Development of Root Crop Cleaning

Machine by Abando The main thrust of the study is to design and develop a

root crop cleaning machine for mass production taking into account the locally

available materials, the machine’s specifications, and the system components. The

project study involved design and fabrication of the machine, and preliminary

testing and performance testing. Among the parameters evaluated during the

preliminary testing were working capacity, operating time, operating speed,

College of Industrial Technology

operating pressure and amount of water used. The performance testing was

conducted using the data and information gathered from the preliminary testing of

different root crops. The performance of the machine was evaluated through the

highest cleaning rate and high cleaning efficiency of radish, sweet potato and

potato. After the final performance testing, with three trials, the average cleaning

rate for 10 kilograms of radish was 8.814 kg/min; and for 7 kilograms of sweet

potato and potato average cleaning rates were 1.16 kg/min and 1.45 kg/min. The

average cleaning efficiency of the machine obtained for 10 kilograms of radish

was 90.93 percent and for 7 kilograms of sweet potato and potato, 80.81 percent

and 82.86 percent.

2.3 Synthesis

The information and theories provided in previous studies allowed for a close

examination of the differences and similarities with the previous one, which was

especially important during the design stage of the current study. The mentioned

literature and related studies provided critical knowledge that was required for the study

to take place.

Based on the study developed by Bitang, it is similar to the proposed study

by integration of peeling process. Both study used cutting blade for the peeling design.

The study of bitang was designed as a bin with rotating shafting and blade, and

peel the bamboo shoot by hitting galvanized spike blade. The proposed study utilized
College of Industrial Technology

stainless steel blade in the design. The process of peeling is different by holding bamboo

shoot without limitation on its sized and it is based on the maximum age of bamboo shoot

which can be good to cook. Integration of plc on the study of Bitang was not included as

well as slicing or shredding. But the present study integrate plc system with shredding

process after peeling.

The study of Claus is similar to the present study. Both study focused on

shredding. Both study used ac motor to produced movement on shredding section. But

the study of Claus mainly focused on the small fruits and vegetable to shred. Th

shredding blade is made of stainless and knife type while the present study improvised

cutting blade the capacity of maximum bamboo sprout. Peeling is integrate while the

study of Clause is only focused on shredding. The control system is mechanically

controlled while the present study used plc system.

The study of Cabral et al is similar to the present study. Bot study used gear motor

with speed control to set the rpm of the shredder process. But both studies were different

on the operation. The study of Cabral has no peeling section and putting of vegetables or

fruits inside the shredder is manually make. While the present study has peeling process

by which the shredded section automatically received the input raw materials to shred.

The study of Mercado is similar to the proposed study in terms of process of

washing. This thesis consist of gear motor also which serves as the driver for the shaft in

horizontal position. The squid will enter on the process by means of conveyor. The

present study consist of vertical bin and rotates by means of gear motor also but it has no
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conveyor transfer system. This study controlled only by relay system but the proposed

study run by the means of PLC.

The study of Abando is similar to the proposed study by integration of micro

controller system with time based operation on cleaning of vegetables. But the proposed

study consist of dual process in washing section which combined by scalding process.

Irrespective to the resemblances of the presented related studies, the

researchers proposed to design and simulate a Bamboo Sprout Processing

Machine. Among the related studies, the proposed study consist of four stages

process which are peeling, shredding, washing, and scalding. The design of the

study is based on the individual process that the researchers combined together to

make a processing machine. The design of the peeler is vertical with spring type

blade in order to adjust based on the sizes of bamboo shoot which is not included

on the related studies presented. The scalding process consist of motion by which

the bin moves up and down and rotates the shafting to clean the bamboo sprout.

The design of scalding process combined in a washing section.

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This chapter presents the methods and procedures that were used in the design

and simulation of the study. This also includes the Conceptual Framework, Technical

Design and Procedure, Equipment/Facilities/Programs, Data Collection and Treatment,

Budget Requirements, Expected Output and Gantt chart.

3.1 Conceptual Framework

The study designed of bamboo sprout scalding processing machine, the researcher

conceptualized and used the IPO model. Based on the theories and concepts, the

proponents formulated the conceptual framework of the study.


1. Data collection
Knowledge requirements 2. Conceptualizing
 Systemcomponents 3. Planning
of Bamboo sprouts 4. Design consideration Design and
processing machine  Dimension
 Electronics circuits  Material selection
 PLC  Technical
Simulation of
Software requirements  3d modeling Bamboo Sprout
 3d
5. Simulation
 Fluidsim Scalding
6. Design presentation
 Matlab simulink
 Peeling and shredder
motor rpm and Processing
 Temperature pid Machine
control set point
 Ladder diagram
circuit simulation

Figure 3.1.Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

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In Figure 1, the conceptual paradigm of the study is presented which consists of

the input, the process, and the output. It shows a visual demonstration on how planned

systems work. It will help the readers get a descriptive thought on how the process of

Bamboo Sprout Scalding Processing Machine moves from one step to another.

3.2 Technical Design and Procedure

For the process consideration, the study will follow the steps by step procedure

which are data collection, conceptualizing, planning, and design consideration which

considered the dimensions, material specifications, technical specifications, and 3d

modeling. Regarding to the design presentation, the researchers considered the peeling

and shredder motor torque and rpm, temperature PID control setpoint, and ladder diagram

control circuit simulation

3.2.1 Data Collection

The first step before the study will start to conceptualized is to gathered data

related to the importance, nutrients, as well as health benefits of bamboo sprout. The

target beneficiary also gathered by surveying the area specifically the residence which

will be benefited.

3.2.2 Conceptualizing

The researchers conduct a brainstorming session to gather team ideas for the

development of the project concept. The ideas were presented to their adviser and

approved based on concepts and experience gained from sources such as electronic

books. At this point, the researchers went to online libraries to find a reliable source and
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information for the development of the project's layout for its design to be performed.

3.2.3 Planning

At this stage, the researchers provide corrective measures and identify the

strengths and weaknesses of the studies. Particularly noteworthy are the scope and

delimitation. This stage also considered the validation of environmental conditions in

terms of issues and current scenarios in order to build this study.

3.2.4 Design Consideration

The project's design was primarily based on the preferences expressed in surveys

and observations for the back yard farm and commercial farm. A detailed schematic

diagram was provided to demonstrate the unit's design. The importance, sustainability,

resources, and technical aspects of the proposed study were all taken into account. The

project's design will be validated using Solid Works simulation software. This stage also

includes the unit's loop diagram and block diagram. This stage also includes the study's

block diagram and process flow chart. Dimensions

Considering the dimensions, the design of the machine will develop using autocad

and 3d modeling. The front view, top view, side view, as well as exploded view will be

considered and presented. All measurements will be in meter. Material Selection

The material selection will be used comparative analysis to evaluate the locally

available materials in the market.

College of Industrial Technology Technical Specification

The technical specification will be presented to know the capacity of the machine.

In terms of peeling, shredding, washing, and scalding capacity will also presented. 3d modeling

The design will be presented by 3d modeling to show the dimensions and

exploded parts by process.

3.2.5 Simulation

For the presentation using simulation, fluid sim will be integrate to show

the control system, matlab simulink will also used to simulate the PID controller.

3.2.6 Design Presentation

The design will be presented using 3d modeling with control system ladder

diagram presentation. Control setpoint for the PID will shown in graphical

presentation with bock model. The main consideration are Peeling and shredder

motor rpm and torque, Temperature pid control set point, and Ladder diagram

circuit simulation.

3.3 Equipment/Facilities/Programs

Laptop with 8gb ram will be used to simulate Matlab Simulink. The Festo fluid

sim application will used for ladder diagram presentation, solid works and animation also

considered for the presentation

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3.4 Budget Requirements

The budget requirements will be provide after selecting the appropriate materials

used based on the comparative analysis which will be done on chapter 4.

3.5 Expected Output

This section shows the design of the Bamboo Sprout Scalding Processing


Figure 3.2 Peeling Section

This figure 3.2 shows the design of the peeling section. The blade consist of

spring which needed to have an adjustable position based on the bamboo sprout size. It is

made up of stainless steel and operates with dc gear motor.

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Figure 3.3 Proposed Design

This figure 3.3 shows the proposed design of the Bamboo Sprout Scalding

processing machine.

Figure 3.4 Proposed Dimension

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This figure 3.4 shows the proposed dimension of the Bamboo sprout

scalding processing machine. The height of the machine is 0.54m and the width is


Figure 3.5 Main Parts of the Machine

Figure 3.5 shows the main parts of the machine. Electronics parts will be

installed on inside the panels and shows the pcb design and connection on the

provided circuit diagram.

College of Industrial Technology

3.5.1 Block Diagram

Block diagram presents the step by steps process to be performed in the

design of the machine.

Figure 3.6 Block Diagram

The main starting point of the process is loading of Bamboo sprout. After loading

the bamboo sprout, it will be peeled on the peeling section. The next process is shredding,

and after shredding, washing process will be performed to wash the sliced bamboo

sprout. The last process is the scalding.

College of Industrial Technology

3.5.2 Closed Loop Diagram

Figure 3.7 Closed Loop Diagram

This figure 3.7 shows the closed loop diagram of the machine. It consist of

process, sensing device, controller, as well as final control element.

3.6 Gantt Chart

Time Allotment or Gant Chart of Activities

To be able to formulate and organize the process of the simulation of the

design, the researchers used Gantt chart. Table 3.1 shows that the researchers

completed the project including all the documentation within the given time and

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Table 3.1 Gantt Chart of Activities

2021 2022

Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

As shown in table 3.1, the time allotted provided for the accomplishment of

the study. On the month of August to September, Conceptualizing is the primary

steps to attain the goals of the researchers. Planning was the next steps which done

on the month of September to October. Designing and presenting the

measurements including views of the study done on the month of October to

November. Software simulation together with the validation of the design was

done from December to March. Modification and Simulation finished on the

month of April to May.

College of Industrial Technology


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College of Industrial Technology

Unpublished Materials

Bitang, K., Dela Peňa, L., Nario, A.,(2013), “Development of a bamboo shoot
peeling machine”, Batangas State University, Thesis

Cabral, K., Capile, J., Lapaz, P.,(2018), “Vegetable Shredder Machine”, Batangas
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