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The Illuminati is either called a “conspiracy theory” or a

“conspiracy fact,” depending on who you talk to. Those familiar with
the Illuminati secret society may tell you that it is a criminal and
diabolical network of some of the world’s most wealthy, educated,
and elite bankers, businessmen, and politicians, who work behind
the scenes to gain and maintain high levels of power, enormous
wealth, and wield control over the world. The list of claims that come
along with this monstrous conspiracy are vast, and range from the
Illuminati being an elite good-old-boy network looking out for their
own interests (often at the expense of others and in unscrupulous
ways), to claims that they are actually alien beings from another
galaxy who masquerade as humans, drink people’s blood to survive,
and are working to prepare planet earth for the arrival of the
Antichrist who will rule the New World Order as a god, offering those
who worship him “eternal life” through transhumanist technology
merging man with machine.
In this book I will help you get to the core of the conspiracy by
providing you with some of the original evidence proving the
existence and activities of this infamous group, dating back to the
late 1700s in the state of Bavaria, Germany, and as more and more
evidence is piled up, we will slowly move into the present day,
proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the Illuminati is still fully
operational, and many of the “conspiracy theories” are actually true.
This analysis is a supplement for my previous book, The
Illuminati: Facts & Fiction and will continue to investigate and
examine the many allegations and conspiracy theories associated
with the Illuminati. Since the subject matter is so vast, this second
volume was required to continue my analysis of the wide-ranging
claims and evidence connected to the “Illuminati conspiracy.” I am
dedicated to separating the facts from the fiction, since buried within
the mountain of “conspiracy theories” circulated on this subject, there
is a considerable amount of irrefutable evidence that there is indeed
a powerful “Illuminati” secret society that is operating today in
America and around the world.
There is also a large amount of wild speculation, half-truths, and
out-right lies about what the Illuminati is doing, who is involved with
them, and what evidence is available. Some people dismiss the idea
that there is a “conspiracy” at all, and do not even believe such a
thing exists, because when an educated and rational person comes
across some of the more outrageous (and clearly false) allegations
stemming from the Illuminati conspiracy, they just shake their head in
disbelief and get the impression that all the allegations and
“conspiracy theories” must be false as well; thinking such claims
must have come from equally mentally deranged people who purport
some of the more far-fetched and fabricated information as
“evidence” and “proof.”
In this book I will present to you a rational approach to the idea
of an “Illuminati conspiracy” and I will discuss the historical evidence
of the original, admittedly real, Bavarian Illuminati and the roots of
this secret society that has spawned countless tales of its power and
reach. I will also cover many of the affiliated secret societies that
were not examined in my previous book and will continue to
investigate various people who claim to be actual former members.
We will also look at some political elite insiders and see what they
have to say about the Illuminati and the idea that a secret society of
powerful men is posing a danger to the world and to our freedoms.
Skeptics of an Illuminati conspiracy will be very surprised to learn the
names of some prominent people throughout history who have made
startling statements clearly revealing their conviction that the
Illuminati is real and poses a danger to us all.
I don’t like to use the word “conspiracy” because it has a
negative connotation that this material is just a “conspiracy theory,”
when in fact, I do very little theorizing at all. The terms “conspiracy
theory” and “conspiracy theorist” have become a pejorative, which
means they have a negative connotation and are used to insult
people and shut down the discussion, similar to someone screaming
“racist” at someone in attempts to bypass critical thinking and cause
a knee jerk reaction to paint them as such, when in reality they
simply have an opposing political ideology on a particular issue.
Much to some people’s surprise, many “conspiracies” are actually
real, and the dictionary definition of a conspiracy is simply, “an
agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other
wrongful act.” People are actually charged with “conspiracy” in
criminal courts every day for simply “conspiring” or planning to
commit a crime.
Conspiracies happen on a small scale such as when two people
conspire to rob a bank, and on a large scale when the leadership of
a powerful country fabricates a reason to go to war. Conspiracies are
a fact of life. When researchers such as myself point out real, solid,
irrefutable evidence that reveals a conspiracy, we are often attacked
as “crazy tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists,” because the term
causes people to immediately dismiss the claims as a paranoid
delusion imagined by someone on the Internet who lives in their
mother’s basement. The reality is that actual conspiracy theorists
can be found in high positions of power and conspiracy theories are
put forth by well-educated people. Let’s not forget that Hillary Clinton
publicly claimed that a “vast right wing conspiracy” was fabricating
allegations that President Bill Clinton had sexual relations with intern
Monica Lewinski.1 Hillary Clinton was being a conspiracy theorist,
when in reality her husband Bill was having sexual relations with the
intern, and there was no conspiracy trying to bring him down—it was
only people reporting on the facts.
The Bush administration put forth a conspiracy theory that Iraq
had weapons of mass destruction and were planning to use them on
America and our allies, strong-arming the public into invading the
country based on this conspiracy theory which was later proven to
be 100% false.2 Not only was it false, but to be more accurate, it was
actually a lie concocted to justify the invasion and war. As everyone
now knows, there were no weapons of mass destruction at all, and
Americans had been duped into going to war based on a conspiracy
theory constructed by the US government.
Until the twenty-first century, most Americans had never heard
of the Illuminati. Dan Brown’s novel Angels & Demons introduced
millions of people to the group in 2003 (although his version was far
from the truth and more like a purposeful disinformation campaign).
And with the rise of the information age and social media, YouTube
videos a click away, and countless websites popping up dedicated to
the subject, more and more people became interested in this
mysterious subject.
The 2004 presidential election in America brought John Kerry
and George W. Bush together to face off for the presidency, both of
whom are members of the Skull & Bones secret society
headquartered at Yale University, which added fuel to this growing
fire. I say that they are members, not were members, because Skull
& Bones is not just a fraternity like they would have you believe, but
is instead a post-graduate organization that gives its members
access to one of the most powerful social networks in the world. This
is how two Skull & Bones members were able to secure the
nominations for both the Republican and Democrat party in the same
election, so no matter which one of them won (George W. Bush or
John Kerry), it would be a victory for Skull & Bones.
It was around this same time that “9/11 conspiracy theories”
were growing, and the cover story for the War in Iraq continued to fall
apart. The official story of the September 11th attacks and the
expanding “war on terror” just wasn’t adding up. For the first several
years after the World Trade Center was destroyed, so-called “9/11
conspiracy theories” were contained to the Internet, but around 2005
and 2006 they boiled over into the mainstream and found many high-
profile supporters whose comments about 9/11 being an “inside job”
couldn’t be ignored by the mainstream media.3
When people interested in investigating the massive
inconsistencies in the official story tried piecing together what really
happened that day, it inevitably took many “down the rabbit hole” to
discover the various secret societies that all led back to the
Illuminati. 9/11 would lead to Skull & Bones, which would lead to the
Bilderberg Group, which would lead to the Bohemian Grove, which
would lead to the Illuminati and a whole can of worms that raised
many more questions about what the shadowy elite of our world are
doing behind the scenes was opened.
When one quiets their mind from the buzz of pop culture and
mainstream media and steps back from their self-absorbed lifestyle
and looks deeper into world events and the power structure directing
society, they begin to see the world very differently. Once someone
begins to understand that there is more than meets the eye in our
world, and they discover the different branches of elite ruling class
networks that all converge under one umbrella, their life is often
never the same. People describe it as their awakening to what’s
really happening in the world or “going down the rabbit hole,” or
having their eyes finally opened.
If one truly wishes to learn about the history of the world, and
about the driving force behind major world events, the economy, and
even our very culture, then one must look into the Illuminati. At one
point in history, in the late 1700s, when the Illuminati was first
exposed, most people knew about them and the dangers they posed
but as time went on and generations have passed, most people had
forgotten about them. Sports entertainment and celebrity news had
come to dominate most people’s minds and many had fallen asleep
at the wheel thinking everything was just fine.
Just as many people used to doubt and deny that the Italian
Mafia even existed, the same is true of the modern Illuminati.
Ancient secret societies are admitted by mainstream historians to
have existed and were not just social clubs for men looking to keep
themselves entertained after work. They had a powerful function,
even back then. Manly P. Hall, a very well respected secret society
insider, explains, “The esoteric organizations of ancient times were
for the most part religious and philosophical. In the medieval world
they were philosophical and political. In the modern world, political
and social.”4
He goes on to say plainly, “It is beyond question that the secret
societies of all ages have exercised a considerable degree of
political influence,” and that “a second purpose for secret societies
was to create a mechanism for the perpetuation from generation to
generation of policies, principles, or systems of learning, confined to
a limited group of selected and initiated persons.”5
For years, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover denied that the La Cosa
Nostra or Italian Mafia even existed. Some believe the mob was
actually blackmailing Hoover with compromising photos of him and
his boyfriend Clyde Tolson, but for whatever reason, even the head
of the FBI publicly denied there was any such thing as an organized
criminal business network that had police, judges, lawyers, and other
public officials on their payroll. All the denials changed in 1957 after
a major mafia meeting on a farm in Apalachin, New York (about 200
miles northwest of New York City) was discovered, now known as
the Apalachin Meeting.
The property was owned by gangster Joseph Barbara and the
suspicious gathering of fancy cars and men in suits got the attention
of a state trooper. Police surrounded the property and ended up
detaining fifty-eight men, and for the first time there was indisputable
evidence that the Italian Mafia did, in fact, exist. Many of the men
were suspected or wanted criminals who claimed they were just
meeting for a weekend barbecue. Of course police had a decent
idea of what was really going on and the Mafia began to be
unmasked. Some of the men tried to flee into the nearby woods, but
most were apprehended. “Don Vito” Genovese, the leader of the
Genovese crime family, had organized the meeting to delegate
various gambling, loansharking, and drug trafficking operations.
More shocking revelations were to come a few years later in
1963 when a mobster named Joe Valachi, who worked for Lucky
Luciano and the Genovese Crime Family for 30 years, testified
before the McClellan Congressional Committee on Organized Crime
and revealed in detail many of the Mafia’s operations. Valachi had
hoped his testimony would help him avoid a death sentence for
murder. His testimony shocked most people who could have never
imagined how far-reaching the Mafia was, and how they regularly
paid police and judges to look the other way. Joe Valachi’s
congressional testimony also introduced the world to the term La
Cosa Nostra.
Many people wonder if the Illuminati Mafia actually call
themselves “the Illuminati.” I highly doubt it, although perhaps
occasionally in jest. The Italian Mafia referred to themselves as La
Cosa Nostra, which means “this thing of ours,” or “our thing,” so the
Italian Mafia literally had no name. They didn’t call each other up and
say “hey we’re having a Mafia meeting tonight, why don’t you stop
by?” No. They just said, “we have to do our thing” and they knew
what each other meant. While you will learn, the Illuminati did at one
time call themselves “the Illuminati,” they have most likely
abandoned this term long ago, and have expanded into various front
groups to further their aims, and—like the Italian Mafia—speak in a
language that is understood by each other, but doesn’t betray its true
meaning to outsiders.
Many scholars, reporters, and government officials say that
conspiracies “never work” because “it’s too difficult to keep a secret”
and point to events like Watergate to justify their claims, but it’s
foolish to believe that every major conspiracy which is attempted is
botched, or that word of it would leak out somehow. It’s preposterous
to assume that every group of conspirators are so foolish that they
haven’t planned plausible deniability for their actions to convolute
any investigation to the point of confusion if any suspicion is aroused
or if any outsiders were to take a closer look into their activities.
The Manhattan Project (the atomic bomb program) began in
1939 and was kept secret for six years until the world witnessed the
mushroom cloud rising up from what was the Japanese city of
Hiroshima in 1945. The project cost $2 billion dollars (adjusted for
inflation, that’s $26 billion in 2014 dollars) and 130,000 people
worked on it in several different states,6 making it the largest project
in American history, but it was still completed in secret. Lieutenant
Leslie Groves of the Army Corps of Engineers who directed the
project would later reveal in his book Now It Can Be Told: The True
Story of the Manhattan Project, that, “compartmentalization of
knowledge, to me, was the very heart of security. My rule was simple
and not capable of misinterpretation—each man should know
everything he needed to know and do his job and nothing else.”7
By giving different groups of scientists and engineers separate
tasks and fabricating cover stories for what they were actually
working on, those in the know were able to pull off their plan without
any outsiders seeing the big picture. President Harry Truman, who
was the Vice President under FDR, only became aware of the
program after President Roosevelt’s death in April of 1945, when
Truman was then sworn in as his replacement—that’s how well kept
the secret was! Not even the vice president knew of this enormous
and expensive life-altering plan! Four months after Truman was
sworn in as president and let in on the secret, the bomb was
dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and
then three days later, the second one destroyed Nagasaki.
While enormous secrets can be kept by the political elite, they
also sometimes leak out. The political elite often become arrogant
because of their power and think they can get away with anything.
How else could you explain John Edwards running for president in
2008, when he knew he had a newborn illegitimate child from an
affair with his campaign’s photographer while his wife Elizabeth was
dying of cancer? The Illuminati see themselves as the Gods of
Mount Olympus, as literally having evolved into gods thanks to their
occult knowledge, which often leads to arrogance and carelessness,
causing some of their secrets to be revealed.
How did this “Illuminati” start, and how did they operate in the
past, and more importantly, what are they doing right now? In short,
the “priest class”—or what is considered to be the ancient Illuminati
—dates back thousands of years to ancient Egypt and Greece,
where Man’s unfolding intellect was kept hidden from the general
public and reserved for “the elect” or the “sages” in what were called
Mystery Schools. These fraternities taught the various sciences and
philosophies to the intellectual elite who benefitted tremendously
from this knowledge. Many believe that at one time in the ancient
past, the Mystery Schools had the best of intentions but were
hijacked and taken over by selfish and wicked men who used their
superior intellect, not to help mankind, but to take advantage of
people, morphing the once noble fraternities into a Gnostic mafia of
sorts, keeping the majority of humans in the dark about the true
nature of reality.
33rd degree Freemason Manly P. Hall claims, “With the decline
of virtue, which has preceded the destruction of every nation of
history, the Mysteries became perverted. Sorcery took the place of
the divine magic.”8 There is a belief in esoteric circles that God or
Gods, or extra-terrestrials, or even Satan, gave an ancient human
(or small group of humans) some kind of secret knowledge, allowing
him (or them) the ability to activate incredible powers latent in the
mind, enabling them to become the first priests and kings. Many
occultists believe this power can be traced back to the Atlanteans,
the supposed demigods, who—according to the theory—are
believed to have literally inhabited the Lost City of Atlantis.
These ideas, fraternities, and philosophies will be examined
throughout this book. We’ll look into dozens of interconnecting
esoteric circles from the ancient Mystery Schools of the Eleusians
and Dionysians to the Gnostics, the Knights Templar, Jesuits,
Freemasons, Skull & Bones, Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Grove, the
Federal Reserve, and many lesser-known, but critically important,
pieces of the puzzle as well.
What are the facts and what is fiction? How did it all start? What
is the evidence for the Illuminati’s existence? What are their goals?
Are they in communication with alien beings from another galaxy that
secretly work with them and guide them in their evil ways? Are they
themselves alien beings disguised as humans? You are about to find
out as you dive head first Inside the Illuminati.
Early Evidence

When we talk about the Bavarian Illuminati, we’re talking about

the group that a man named Adam Weishaupt founded in Bavaria, a
southern state in Germany, back in 1776. Specifically he founded it
on May 1st 1776, which is called May Day or Walpurgis Night, a date
celebrating an old meeting of witches and sorcerers. May Day is also
a major Communist holiday that celebrates the “workers of the
world.” Almost 200 years after Adam Weishaupt ceremoniously
founded the Illuminati on this day, Anton LaVey ritualistically shaved
his head and founded the Church of Satan on May 1st 1966 as his
way of celebrating this occult holiday.9
The Bavarian Illuminati was basically a reorganization and
modernization of the corrupted ancient Mystery Schools. Weishaupt
was a lawyer like so many corrupt politicians today, and in 1772
when he was twenty-four-years-old, he became a law professor at
Ingolstadt University in Bavaria, Germany. A few years later he
became the dean of the law department and began formulating his
plan to launch the Illuminati.
He received his inspiration for forming his secret society from
both the Rosicrucian manifestos and from the Jesuits (the zealous
elite Catholic Society of Jesus founded in 1540). The Rosicrucian
manifestos were books that first appeared in 1614 in Germany, and
described an “invisible brotherhood” dedicated to the pursuit of
knowledge and Hermetic and alchemical magic. No such secret
society actually existed, but the Rosicrucian manifestos planted the
seeds for such a thing in men’s minds, which was the author’s
purpose (although not the tyrannical kind of organization that Adam
Weishaupt conceived).
Weishaupt used his position at the university to begin recruiting
students and others to join him in his quest to overthrow the ruling
monarchs of his day and install a global communist system with him
and his inner circle of associates as the new rulers. Originally he
called his group the Perfectabilists, meaning they aimed to “perfect”
man by facilitating his “evolution,” but the name Perfectabilists was
quickly changed to the Illuminati to fit in with the “enlightenment”
theme of the era, since Illuminati is Latin for “the enlightened ones.”
While he was growing increasingly successful at expanding his
network and influence, it was only a matter of time before his secrets
began to slowly leak out.
Original Writings Found

It’s indisputable that original copies of Adam Weishaupt’s

writings were discovered and published for all to read. This is fully
admitted in mainstream history books and encyclopedias, although
few people care to take the time and actually look. Today, well over
one hundred original documents are kept at the State Museum in
Ingolstadt, Germany, where they are on public display.
Founder, Adam Weishaupt, wrote under the pseudonym
“Spartacus” and all other members used pseudonyms as well,
although many were identified after their letters were found and
some defectors came forward. In 1784, eight years after the
Illuminati were formed, a defector named Joseph Utzchneider gave a
bunch of documents to Duchess Dowager Maria Anna, warning her
of the organization and their goals of overthrowing the government
and destroying religion. The Duchess, who was the sister-in-law of
the Duke, handed them over to her brother-in-law Duke Karl
Theodore, the leader of Bavaria.
A seemingly farfetched tale regarding the discovery of more
original writings involves a story about how an Illuminati member
was struck by lightning and killed, and when his body was examined
the coroner discovered some documents that had been stuffed in a
hidden pocket sewn into his clothes. Adam Weishaupt fled Bavaria in
1785 and headed to a neighboring province when he saw the writing
on the wall that authorities were closing in on him. He and his friend
Jakob Lanz were riding on horseback on their way to Regensburg
when Lanz was struck by lightning and killed.10
While this story is so bizarre, it’s understandable for people to
dismiss it as a myth, but multiple historical sources report that this is
exactly what happened.11 But regardless, a treasure trove of
documents were also discovered by other means as well.
On October 11th 1786 police searched the home of Xavier von
Zwack, located in the city of Landshut (45 miles from Ingolstadt),
where they found over two hundred letters including membership
lists, symbols, carvings used to fake various wax seals used by
princes, nobles, clergymen, and merchants; instructions on
counterfeiting, committing suicide, recipes for poison, an abortion
tea, invisible ink, and instructions for building an explosive strongbox
that would blow up and destroy everything inside if it was opened by
someone who didn’t know how to disarm it. One paper listed a
method for filling a room full of a deadly gas in case they wanted to
kill someone without getting their hands dirty.12 These documents
were soon published by the government in a report titled Some
Original Works of the Order of the Illuminati [Einige Originalschriften
Des Illuminaten Ordens in German].
The following year in 1787 police searched the castle of Baron
de Bassus and discovered more papers which were then published
as a Supplement of Further Original Works.13 The next year in 1788
Johann Faber published The Genuine Illuminati [Der ächte Illuminati]
which revealed the rituals for the Preparation, Novitiate Degree,
Minerval Degree, the Minor and Major Illuminati Degrees.
In 1789 a French journalist named Jean-Pierre-Louis de Luchet
published a book titled Essay on the Sect of the Illuminists [Essai sur
la Secte des Illuminés] which denounced the Illuminati and said they
controlled Masonic lodges throughout Europe.
In 1794 Illuminati whistleblower Ludwig Adolf Christian von
Grolmann published The Latest Work Of Spartacus and Philo
(Weishaupt’s and Baron von Knigge’s code names) [Die Neuesten
Arbeiten Des Spartacus Und Philo], exposing the secrets of the
Illuminati Dirigens degree (Scottish Knight degree) which appointed
men to run Masonic lodges so they could recruit new members from
within Freemasonry.
In 1797 a French Jesuit priest named Abbe Barruel published a
series of books on the French Revolution because he believed it was
the result of the Illuminati, saying, “The third conspiracy, which I am
now about to investigate, is that of the atheistical Illuminati, which at
my outfit I denominated the conspiracy of the Sophisters of Impiety
and anarchy against every religion natural or revealed, not only
against kings, but against every government, against all civil society,
even against all property whatsoever.”14
Barruel pondered, as others still do today, as to whether
Weishaupt was the mastermind behind the conspiracy, or whether he
was working with or for someone else. “It is not known, and it would
be difficult to discover, whether Weishaupt ever had a master, or
whether he is himself the great original of those monstrous doctrines
on which he founded his school,” he wrote.15
A man named John Robison, a science professor (called natural
philosophy back then), living in Scotland published a lengthy book
about the Illuminati in 1798 titled Proofs of a Conspiracy, which was
one of the first books written in English about the organization.
Before writing his book, he was actually asked to join them, but after
looking into the group he realized he didn’t want to have anything to
do with them and then decided to write his book hoping to expose
them. In Proofs of a Conspiracy, he also included English
translations of many of the confiscated Illuminati papers.
Robison wrote that, “A collection of original papers and
correspondence was found by searching the house of one Zwack (a
member) in 1786. The following year a much larger collection was
found at the house of Baron Bassus; and since that time Baron
Knigge, the most active member next to Weishaupt, published an
account of some of the higher degrees, which had been formed by
He warned, “An association has been formed for the express
purpose of rooting out all the religious establishments and
overturning all the existing governments of Europe. I have seen this
association exerting itself zealously and systematically, till it has
become almost irresistible.” He continued, “I have seen that this
association still exists, still works in secret, and that not only several
appearances among ourselves show that its emissaries are
endeavoring to propagate their detestable doctrines among us, but
that the association has Lodges in Britain corresponding with the
mother Lodge at Munich ever since 1784.”17
Original 5 Members

Adam Weishaupt (codename: Spartacus)

Andreas Sutor (Erasmus Rotero-damus)
Bauhof or Baubof (Agathon)
Franz Anton von Massenhause (Ajax)
Max Elder von Merz (Tiberius)
Primary Goals

The original top five goals of the Illuminati were: 1) Abolish the
Monarchy and replace all governments. 2) Abolish private property
and inheritance. 3) Abolish patriotism along with people’s national
identity and national pride. 4) Abolish the family, marriage, morality,
and then have the government raise and indoctrinate the children. 5)
Abolish all religion. These are basically the same goals that would be
outlined around seventy years later in the Communist Manifesto
(1848) and make up the foundation of communism since Weishaupt
no doubt inspired Karl Marx. More on this later.
More modern goals include a universal one world digital
currency; a Big Brother Orwellian surveillance state; the elimination
of the second Amendment and ending citizens’ gun ownership
(leaving only police and military to be armed); implementing an all-
powerful nanny state socialist government; all leading up to the
unveiling of a “messiah” who will claim to be God and offer people
eternal life here on earth, saying he has “restored mankind” to our
“pre-fallen” state so we can live forever through the use of cybernetic
Transhuman technology on the new “Heaven on earth” he has
Deposition for the Court

In 1785 three former members, Joseph Utzschneider, George

Grunberger, and Johann Cosandey wrote out a joint deposition for
the court where they provided information about some of the
Illuminati’s goals and philosophies that men in the first few degrees
were taught. First of all, “The Illuminee who wishes to rise to the
highest degree must be free from all religion; for a religionist (as they
call every man who has any religion) will never be admitted to the
highest degrees.”19
The second principle revealed to the initiates was that the ends
justify the means. “The welfare of the Order will be a justification for
calumnies [defamatory statements], poisonings, assassinations,
perjuries, treasons, rebellions—in short, for all that the prejudices of
men lead them to call crimes. One must be more submissive to the
Superiors of the Illuminati, than to the sovereigns or magistrates who
govern the people; and he that gives the preference to sovereigns or
governors of the people is useless to us. Honor, life, and fortune, all
are to be sacrificed to the Superiors. The governors of nations are
despots when they are not directed by us. They can have no
authority over us, who are free men.”20
What they called the Patet Exitus, or the “doctrine of suicide,”
was also taught as an honorable way anyone who was caught could
escape prosecution and prevent themselves from revealing the
Order’s secrets.
Thirdly, the deposition revealed, “The Superiors of the Illuminati
are to be looked upon as the most perfect and the most enlightened
of men; no doubts are to be entertained even of their infallibility.”21
“It is in these moral and political principles that the Illuminati are
educated in the lower degrees; and it is according to the manner in
which they imbibe [assimilate] them and show their devotion to the
Order, or are able to second its views, that they are earlier or later
admitted to the higher degrees.”22
“In consequence of our acquaintance with this doctrine of the
Illuminati, with their conduct, their manners, and their incitements to
treason, and being fully convinced of the dangers of the Sect, we the
Aulic Counsellor Utzschneider and the Priest Dillis left the Order. The
Professor Grünberger, the Priest Cosandey, Renner, and Zaupfer,
did the same a week after.”
Their testimony continues, “It [the Illuminati] spread through
almost every province under the cloak of Freemasonry; because it
sows division and discord between parents and their children,
between Princes and their subjects, and among the most sincere
friends; because on all important occasions it would install partiality
on the seats of justice and in the councils, as it always prefers the
welfare of the Order to that of the state, and the interests of its
adepts to those of the profane.”23
“Experience had convinced us, that they would soon succeed in
perverting all the Bavarian youth. The leading feature in the
generality of their adepts were irreligion, depravity of morals,
disobedience to their Prince and to their parents, and the neglect of
all useful studies. We saw that the fatal consequence of Illuminism
would be, to create a general distrust between the prince and his
subjects, the father and his children, the minister and his secretaries,
and between the different tribunals and councils.”24
“We abandoned, one after the other, this Sect [the Illuminati],
which under different names, as we have been informed by several
of our former Brethren, has already spread itself in Italy, and
particularly at Venice, in Austria, in Holland, in Saxony, on the Rhine,
particularly at Frankfort, and even as far as America. The Illuminati
meddle as much as possible in state affairs, and excite troubles
wherever their Order can be benefited by them.”25
“After we had retired from the Order, the Illuminati calumniated
us on all sides in the most infamous manner. Their cabal made us
fail in every request we presented; succeeding in rendering us
hateful and odious to our superiors, they even carried their
calumnies [defamatory statements] so far as to pretend that one of
us had committed murder.”26
Original Illuminati Structure

The Nursery (Entry Level)

Preparatory Literary Essay

Novitiate (Novice)
Minerval (Brethren of Minerva, Academy of
Illuminatus Minor

Symbolic Freemasonry
Fellow Craft
Scots Major Illuminatus
Scots Illuminatus Dirigens (Directory)

The Mysteries (Higher Level)

Presbyter, Priest
Prince or Regent

Rex or King
The 1st Edict Against the Illuminati

An edict is an act of law issued by a monarchy, (much like an

executive order issued by a president today) and on June 22, 1784,
Duke Karl Theodore, the Elector of Bavaria [the ruler of the state],
issued the first edict against the Illuminati after his sister-in-law
Duchess Dowagar Maria Anna was given some documents by an
early defector named Joseph Utzschneider, and then passed them
onto the Duke.27
The edict reads, in part, “Whereas all communities, societies
and associations without approval from a public authority and the
confirmation of the Monarch are illegal, prohibited by law, suspect
and dangerous things in [and] of themselves. His Electoral Highness
[the Duke] has decided not to tolerate them in his State, whatever
their designation and interior constitutions, ordering categorically…
one and all subjects to withdraw from any association or secret
assembly of this kind…those societies [have] drawn the attention of
the public and awakened its fears…”28
The 2nd Edict Against the Illuminati

The following year in 1785, Duke Karl Theodore issued a

second edict, which was much more threatening and specifically
named the Illuminati and Freemasonry as the perpetrators of a
conspiracy against the government. In this edict the Duke also
announced that if anyone were to come forward and reveal who was
involved or specifically which masonic lodges had been infiltrated
and were being used in this conspiracy—that informant could remain
anonymous and even keep half the money that was confiscated as a
result of their confession. The other half [of the money], the edict
said, would be given to the poor.
It reads in part, “We [the government]…have been deeply
affected and displeased to learn that the various Lodges of so-called
Freemasons and Illuminati, who are still in our States, have taken so
little heed of our General Prohibition issued on June 22nd of last year
against all fraternal societies clandestine and unapproved, as to not
only continue to hold meetings in secret, but to raise funds, and to
recruit new members, seeking to further increase the already large
numbers of adepts.”29
It continues, “We had deemed this society, very much
degenerated and of primitive institution, too suspect, both as regards
to religious concerns and from a social and political point of view, so
that we could no longer tolerate it in our States…we command that
all authorities must execute our orders exactly and secretly inform us
of any disobedience. We declare that all money and any funds
collected illegally [by the lodges] shall be confiscated [and] half will
be given to the poor, while the other half will go to the denunciator
[informant], even if he is a member of one of those societies, with a
promise to keep his name confidential.”30
The edict concludes, “We hope that each of our subjects value
enough of our favor and his own honor and happiness so that
everywhere we can count on due obedience to our orders and be
excused from having to take more severe measures.”31
The 3rd Edict Against the Illuminati

On August 16, 1787, not long after the castle of Baron de

Bassus was searched, where more papers were discovered, the
third edict against the Illuminati was issued by the Duke of Bavaria
saying the penalty would be death for any Illuminati members
discovered meeting or recruiting anyone to join them. “Any so
charged and found guilty are to be deprived of their lives by the
sword; while those thus recruited are to have their goods confiscated
and themselves to be condemned to perpetual banishment from the
territories of the Duke. Under the same penalties of confiscation and
banishment, the members of the order, no matter under what name
or circumstances, regular or irregular, they should gather, are
forbidden to assemble as lodges.”32
“As more time passes it is further realized how harmful and
dangerous the Order of the Illuminati will be for the State and religion
if allowed to flourish here and beyond. It is impossible to predict the
deplorable effects that would result for posterity if we stand back, if
not handled very seriously while there is still time to forcefully
eradicate a disease which is far more daunting than the plague
“…for the recruiter he is to be deprived of life by the sword, and
for the recruited he will be sentenced to have his property
confiscated and banished for life from all States of His Electoral
Highness, with a promise of never being allowed to return. Under the
same penalties of forfeiture and expulsion, the prohibited Lodges of
the Illuminati, under whatever name they may hide and carefully
present themselves, in all places, must be subject to rigorous
surveillance. Those in lodge attire will be held and treated as if they
had attended meetings in secret, in suspect places such as hotels or
particular houses, and we will not allow the futile excuse usually
given—an honest society of good friends—especially when those
present have already been suspected of impiety and Illuminism.”34
The 4th Edict Against the Illuminati

Most mainstream sources (including the often inaccurate and

completely unreliable Wikipedia) claim that shortly after the third
edict was issued in 1787, the Illuminati were completely irradiated
and weren’t much of a concern after that. The problem is—the Duke
of Bavaria actually issued a fourth edict a few years later in 1790
saying that the Illuminati was not only still active but were continuing
to recruit new members!
On November 15, 1790, the following announcement against the
Illuminati was issued by the Duke, saying, “The Elector has learned,
partly by the spontaneous confession of some members, party by
sound intelligence, that despite the Edicts of July 14, 1784 and
August 16th 1785 (and in the same month in 1787), the Illuminati still
hold, albeit in smaller numbers, secret meetings through the
Electorate, but especially in Munich and the surrounding area; they
continue to attract young men to the cause and have maintained a
correspondence with [secret] societies and with members in other
It goes on, “They continue to attack the State and especially
religion, either verbally or through pamphlets…Every speech, every
printed book or manuscript against religion and the state must be
reported to the authorities or the Elector [Duke] himself, as well as
any secret meetings. Those who have remained silent on these
issues, having indeed been proven to have possessed information,
will be severely punished. The denunciator, even if he was an
accessory to the crime, will receive a cash reward along with the
other, and his identity will be kept confidential.”36
The fourth edict clearly warns, “Any member who has assisted
in a secret meeting, has recruited new members or corresponded
with [secret] societies or brothers in other countries, will be
mercilessly punished by death. Any civil servant or [those in the]
military, any holder of a beneficial office, a parish priest, etc., must
swear that he has not and will never form a part of the sect or they’ll
be convicted of perjury and shall be punished accordingly.”37
Taking Over the Government

One of the original Illuminati defectors named Joseph von

Utzschneider, who gave a deposition to the court about the Illuminati
plans, warned that they planned to “introduce a worldwide moral
regime which would be under their control in every country. This
council would decide on all matters concerning pardons,
appointments and promotions, as well as rejections…This would
give it the unlimited right to pronounce final judgment over the
honesty and usefulness of an individual.”38
The confiscated correspondence between members confirms
this allegation. One of the letters reads, “The Order must possess
the power of life and death in consequence of our oath; and with
propriety, for the same reason, and by the same right, that any
government in the world possesses it—for the Order comes in their
place, making them unnecessary. When things cannot be otherwise,
and ruin would ensue if the association did not employ this mean,
the Order must, as well as public rulers, employ it for the good of
mankind; therefore for its own preservation.”39
Many letters clearly revealed their intent to deceive people in
order to “insure their happiness.”40 Weishaupt’s megalomaniacal
goals of world domination become clear with such statements as,
“the Order will, for its own sake, and therefore certainly, place every
man in that situation in which he can be most effective. The pupils
are convinced that the Order will rule the world. Every member
therefore becomes a ruler.”41
“The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it
never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by
another name, and another occupation.”42 This has effectively
happened with private organizations like the Council on Foreign
Relations, the Bilderberg Group, and the Federal Reserve—basically
taking over the key power centers in society. It must be pointed out
that the Founding Fathers of America wrote down their grievances
with the Monarch in the Declaration of Independence and 56 men
signed their names to it and sent it off to the king of England. They
didn’t hide their intentions or deceive people hoping to further their
aims. They were open and honest about their beliefs, tactics, and
goals—unlike Weishaupt and the Illuminati—who used deception
and fraud as a standard practice.
Similarly, when theologian Martin Luther opposed the tyrannical
control of the Catholic Church over 250 years before Weishaupt, he
wrote down his grievances and nailed them on the front door of his
local church in 1517. He didn’t lie or deceive anyone about his hopes
of breaking the Catholic Church’s stranglehold on society, but fellow
German, Adam Weishaupt, was power-hungry himself, and instead
of wanting to free society from the tyranny of the Jesuits and the
Catholic Church, he wanted to be the tyrant himself.
Inducting New Members

Various venues were used for recruiting new members. Once

someone expressed interest to a current member about his desire to
overthrow the monarch, that person was “carefully observed in
silence,” and if, after consideration by the council, “the Novice” as
they were called, were thought to be a possible asset, he would be
appointed a mentor and invited to a conference.43
One correspondence between members reads, “I shall therefore
press the cultivation of science, especially such sciences as may
have an influence on our reception in the world; and may serve to
remove obstacles out of the way…Only those who are assuredly
proper subjects shall be picked out from among the inferior classes
for the higher mysteries…And in particular, every person shall be
made a spy on another and on all around him.”44
Once given initial approval by the council, the Novice would be
shown “certain portions” of the goals and rules of the Order and was
instructed to give a weekly account in writing of his progress in
carrying out his directives. At this point he was not allowed to take
physical possession of any material and had to read it in the
Mentor’s house just to make sure they wouldn’t turn it over to
authorities, giving them concrete evidence of the conspiracy.45
High level member Baron Von Knigge would later admit, “As a
rule, under the veil of secrecy, dangerous plans and harmful
teachings can be accepted just as well as noble intentions and
profound knowledge; because not all members themselves are
informed of such depraved intentions, which sometimes tend to lie
hidden beneath the beautiful facade…because for the most part,
unknown superiors lie in ambush and it is unworthy of an intelligence
man to work according to a plan, which he does not fully see.”46
Another original correspondence brags, “Nothing can escape
our sight; by these means we shall readily discover who are
contented, and receive with relish the peculiar state-doctrines and
religious opinions that are laid before them; and, at last, the
trustworthy alone will be admitted to a participation of the whole
maxims and political constitution of the Order…In a council
composed of such members we shall labor at the creation of means
to drive by degrees the enemies of reason and of humanity out of the
world, and to establish a peculiar morality and religion fitted for the
great society of mankind.”47
In perhaps the most sinister initiation to the higher levels, a
prospect was told they had to show their loyalty to the Illuminati by
killing someone who betrayed the Order. The candidate was taken
before a man bound and gagged who was said to have betrayed
their oaths and then handed a knife and blindfolded before being
positioned in front of the supposed traitor who they were then
ordered to stab. Once the prospect stabbed the “person” in front of
them, the blindfold was removed to reveal that the “traitor” had been
swapped with a sheep, and the entire charade was a test of their
If the candidate refused to carry out the “murder” of the
supposed “traitor,” then they were told they passed the test anyway
but were then never allowed to proceed to a higher level and never
trusted with any deeper secrets because they had shown they
wouldn’t kill for the Order.
Contingency Plans if Discovered

A lot of people claim that because some Illuminati members

were discovered and many of their writings published, that they
simply gave up and ceased to exist from that point on, but common
sense, the Duke of Bavaria’s 4th Edict, and the Illuminati’s own
writings suggests otherwise. Weishaupt wrote, “By this plan we shall
direct all mankind. In this manner, and by the simplest means, we
shall set all in motion and in flames. The occupations must be so
allotted and contrived, that we may, in secret, influence all political
transactions…I have considered everything, and so prepared it, that
if the Order should this day go to ruin, I shall in a year re-establish it
more brilliant than ever.”49
“There must not be a single purpose that ever comes in sight
that is ambiguous, and that may betray our aims against religion and
the State. One must speak sometimes one way and sometimes
another, but so as never to contradict ourselves, and so that, with
respect to our true way of thinking, we may be impenetrable.”50
“This can be done in no other way but by secret associations,
which will by degrees, and in silence, possess themselves of the
government of the States, and make use of those means for this
Shortly after the Illuminati were discovered, and believed by
many to have been destroyed, Joseph Willard, President of Harvard
University, warned, “There is sufficient evidence that a number of
societies of the Illuminati have been established in this land of
Gospel light and civil liberty, which were first organized from the
grand society, in France. They are doubtless secretly striving to
undermine all our ancient institutions, civil and sacred. These
societies are closely leagued with those of the same Order in
Europe; they have all the same object in view. The enemies of all
order are seeking our ruin. Should infidelity generally prevail, our
independence would fall of course. Our republican government
would be annihilated.”52
Willard was just one of many Americans, including George
Washington, who believed the Illuminati survived the intended purge
and continued to work under the cover of Freemasonry and other
The Eradication of Christianity

Unlike theologian Martin Luther who famously nailed his ninety-

five grievances on the door of the Castle Church of Wittenberg,
Germany in 1517, thus starting the Protestant Reformation with the
hopes of ending the Catholic Church’s hold on power and their
corrupt un-Christian practices and perversion of Jesus’ message—
Adam Weishaupt didn’t appreciate Christianity at all, and instead
wanted it completely destroyed. Despite his strong differences with
the Church, Martin Luther still respected Jesus and his teachings
and simply wanted to reform the Church, but Weishaupt wanted the
Church and Christianity entirely eradicated.
John Robison wrote, “It surely needs little argument now to
prove that the Order of Illuminati had for its immediate object the
abolishing of Christianity (at least this was the intention of the
Founder) with the sole view of overturning the civil government, by
introducing universal dissoluteness and profligacy [reckless]
manners, and then getting the assistance of the corrupted subjects
to oversee the throne. The whole conduct in the preparation and
instruction of the Presbyter and Regens [degrees] is directed to this
Another letter written by Baron von Knigge said, “I have been at
unwearied pains to remove the fears of some who imagine that our
Superiors want to abolish Christianity; but by and by their prejudices
will wear off, and they will be more at their ease.” He goes on to write
that he made sure not to let them know that “our General
[Weishaupt] holds all Religion to be a lie, and uses even Deism, only
to lead men by the nose.”54
Weishaupt explains, “But I assure you this is no small affair; a
new religion, and a new state-government, which so happily explain
one and all of these symbols, and combines them in one degree, you
may think that this is my chief work; but I have three other degrees,
all different, for my class of higher mysteries; in comparison with
which this is but child’s play.”55
Weishaupt even boasts, “Who would imagine that I was to be
the founder of a new religion,”56 and continues, “We must, first
gradually explain away all our preparatory pious frauds. And when
persons of discernment find fault, we must desire them to consider
the end of all our labor…Second, we must unfold, from history and
other writings, the origin and fabrication of all religious lies; and then,
third; we give a critical history of the Order.”57
The plan to destroy Christianity can clearly be seen today with
the liberal media and the gay mafia pushing homosexuality in
everyone’s face and then accusing Christians of “hate speech” and
“bigotry” if they simply disagree with gay marriage or homosexual
couples adopting children. There is clearly a double standard in the
mainstream media in terms of what is considered “hate speech”
because when popular musicians or liberal political commentators
spew hateful anti-Christian rhetoric on a continuous basis, such
vicious attacks are touted as “justifiable payback” for the Inquisition
hundreds of years ago. Imagine if major media figures were to make
the same vicious statements about Jews as they do Christians. Their
careers would be over before the end of the day and they would be
forever branded an “anti-Semite” and never work again.
A popular reverend named Jedediah Morse preached a series of
sermons between 1798 and 1799 in New England where he warned
about the Illuminati’s assault on Christianity in Boston and the
surrounding area, saying, “Practically all of the civil and
ecclesiastical establishments of Europe have already been shaken
to their foundations by this terrible organization; the French
Revolution itself is doubtless to be traced to its machinations; the
successes of the French armies are to be explained on the same
ground. The Jacobins are nothing more nor less than the open
manifestation of the hidden system of the Illuminati. The Order has
its branches established and its emissaries at work in America. The
affiliated Jacobin Societies in America have doubtless had as the
object of their establishment the propagation of the principles of the
illuminated mother club in France...I hold it a duty, my brethren,
which I owe to God, to the cause of religion, to my country and to
you, at this time, to declare to you, thus honestly and faithfully, these
truths. My only aim is to awaken you and myself a due attention, at
this alarming period, to our dearest interests. As a faithful watchman
I would give you warning of your present danger.”58
Regardless of your personal religious beliefs, you must admit
that Christians have been (and continue to be) the primary
opposition to the Illuminati and the New World Order, (not to mention
the coming Mark of the Beast), and are the final obstacle standing
between the Illuminati and their remaining goals. Christians have
long warned about the “satanic conspiracy” being perpetuated by the
Illuminati and have been on the front lines of the culture war being
waged by Hollywood, which aims to destroy what little morality
remains in society.
Using Feminism to Breakdown Families

Since one of the Illuminati’s original goals was to break up the

traditional family unit so children would be raised and indoctrinated
by the government, they planned on manipulating women through
what would later be known as feminism, encouraging them to rebel
against their duties of domestic management and motherhood.
“There is no way of influencing men so powerfully as by means
of the women,” the original writings read. “These should therefore be
our chief study; we should insinuate ourselves into their good
opinion, give them hints of emancipation from the tyranny of public
opinion, and of standing up for themselves; it will be an immense
relief to their enslaved minds to be freed from any one bond of
restraint, and it will fire them the more, and cause them to work for
us with zeal, without knowing that they do so; for they will only be
indulging their own desire of personal admiration.”59
What this means is they planned on transforming women into
self-centered, narcissistic, pleasure seeking sluts, and promote this
behavior under the banner of “freedom,” so instead of raising their
children and keeping their families in balance, they would have the
government raise their kids while turning against their husbands and
disrupt the family unit in hopes of redirecting people’s loyalty and
love to the State instead of each other.
In more modern times this same method has been applied to
promote the feminist movement in the 1970s through the creation of
Ms. Magazine and the push to demonize stay-at-home moms. Kim
Kardashian and other skilless skanks are promoted as role models
even though they have no real value, and are worthless and
talentless false idols advertised by the mainstream media as modern
day royalty. The hypocrisy of feminism is astounding. For example,
feminists who cry about sexism and the “culturally programed gender
roles” only want to give up the roles society expects of them, while
still demanding men to continue following theirs.
Women who whine about “equal rights” still expect men to
always pay for dates and buy them expensive gifts. Women who
don’t feel it’s their duty to know how to cook still feel men should fix
things around the house and diagnose their car problems. And of
course, feminist women who proclaim they want to end the gender
roles still expect their man to cough up thousands of dollars on a
diamond engagement ring when the courtship is on the road to
marriage. Feminism is a one-way hypocritical double standard street
that not only targets men, but also other women who resist giving in
to this cultural Marxism.
Mothers who choose to be stay-at-home moms and raise their
own children or who enjoy cooking for their family are labeled
“victims” of a “male-dominated ideology.” Feminism pressures
women to turn their children over to daycare centers and trade in
working around the home for being stuck in a cubicle sitting in front
of a computer all day. Feminism has led to an entire generation
being raised in single parent homes with many mothers turning to
government assistance, costing the taxpayers countless dollars—not
to mention tens of millions of children growing up without the
guidance and supervision of two parents.
Adam Weishaupt himself was an unfaithful husband who
actually impregnated his wife’s sister, which he revealed in one of his
correspondences. In hopes of killing the baby to hide his adulterous
behavior he gave his sister-in-law an “abortion tea,” and it appears
from his letter about the issue that he also repeatedly punched his
mistress in the stomach hoping to abort the child.
“I am now in the most embarrassing situation; it robs me of all
rest, and makes me unfit for everything. I am in danger of losing at
once my honor and my reputation, by which I have long had such
influence. What think you—my sister-in-law is with child,” he wrote.
He continues, “We have tried every method in our power to
destroy the child; and I hope she is determined on everything—even
d –– [believed to mean death]. But alas! Euriphon is, I fear, too timid.
Alas! poor woman, thou art now under the disciplina arcani [the
Discipline of the Secret] and I see no other expedient [convenient yet
immoral way].”60
Using Schools to Indoctrinate the Youth

Tyrants throughout history have known that if they are to

effectively maintain their power they must indoctrinate the youth with
their brand of propaganda to ensure as the children come of age,
they will blindly support the leader and his ideologies. Adolf Hitler
used the Nazi Youth program to brainwash children beginning at a
young age; the Taliban in Afghanistan banned girls from going to
school at all to keep them ignorant; and North Korea’s strict control
of their education system are just a few examples of this in our
modern era.
“We must win the common people in every corner,” the original
Illuminati writings read. “This will be obtained chiefly by means of the
schools, and by open, hearty behavior, show, condescension,
popularity, and toleration of their prejudices, which we shall at leisure
root out and dispel.”61
The indoctrination of students by the public school system is
clear today with programs like Common Core and the promotion of
the Big Government nanny state and the gay lifestyle while
demonizing the second Amendment right to bear arms and belief in
God. Being a Christian in public schools is not only frowned upon,
but out right ridiculed, and favorably mentioning the word “God” or
“Jesus” has basically been banned.62
Charlotte Iserbyt who was the head of policy at the Department
of Education during the Reagan administration discovered how tax-
exempt foundations were shaping the American education system to
eliminate critical thinking and innovation by turning students into
zombies who only regurgitate what they’re told. She published her
findings in her book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.
Iserbyt and others assert that Skull & Bones runs the Department of
Education, which dictates what is taught to the kids. Skull & Bones
also controls the American Historical Association which dictates the
“official” version of American history by carefully crafting an often
one-sided and biased view of what really happened.
While the vast majority of students who attend public schools
are primarily concerned with the latest teen idol, their favorite
professional sports teams, or simply getting drunk and high, children
of the elite are taught team building, networking skills, and other
tools to prepare them to rapidly advance up the social hierarchy
once they enter the “real world.”
Philips Exeter Academy is just one example of a private
boarding school which was set up for the children of the elite to
prepare them for life in the upper class. The Illuminati has largely
funded this school and used it to educate their children and prepare
them for their duties later in life. In 1930 Edward Harkness (a
member of Skull & Bones’ sister organization Wolf’s Head) donated
$5.8 million dollars to the school under the condition that their
method of teaching students would change to what he called the
Aristotelian method of antiquity.63 Harkness was the second largest
shareholder in Rockefeller’s Standard Oil in the early 1900s and was
in John D. Rockefeller’s inner circle.
The Rockefeller family has been one of the most powerful
Illuminati families for generations and the “Aristotelean method of
antiquity” that Edward Harkness paid to implement at Philips Exeter
Academy was based on the ideology of the Greek philosopher
Aristotle (a student of Plato) who believed that most people were too
stupid to govern themselves, and that society should be structured in
a way that “philosopher kings” should rule and decide what was best
for the people.
Controlling the Media

Weishaupt knew the power of information, and back in his time

there was obviously no television, radios or Internet, but there were
books, libraries, and reading clubs, and he knew how important it
was to control them if he wanted to manage what information
reached the minds of the public. In one correspondence he wrote,
“By establishing reading societies, and subscription libraries, and
taking these under our direction, and supplying them through our
labors, we may turn the public mind which way we will.”64 [Which
way we will, meaning the direction they desired.]
He goes on to write, “In like manner we must try to obtain an
influence in the military academies (this may be of mighty
consequence); the printing-houses, booksellers shops, chapters, and
in short in all offices which have any effect, either in forming, or in
managing, or even in directing the mind of man.”65
Another letter written by a different member identified as Cato
[real name Xaver von Zwack] points out, “We get all the literary
journals. We take care, by well-timed pieces [articles], to make the
citizens and the Princes a little more noticed for certain little slips.”66
What this means is they planned to use the newspapers to attack
their enemies. “A little more noticed for certain little slips” means to
highlight and reinforce anything officials have said or done that can
be used against them.
Author Terry Melanson explains in his excellent book,
Pefectibilists, that, “Without having to ascend a series of initiations
and meaningless rituals—such as those of Freemasonry and
Rosicrucianism—like-minded individuals could gather in reading
societies, form an intellectual social circle, and discuss the literature
of the Enlightenment and the politics of the day. Those who directed
these societies had control of the material being read and discussed.
It became a perfect vehicle to instill radical or subversive views.”67
Today, much of the American mainstream media and other
outlets in countries around the world are under the control of the
government. In some countries the State-controlled television is
clearly evident, but in places like America such control is done more
covertly, leading many to believe that it is a “free and independent”
press. In 1975 a congressional investigation discovered the CIA had
virtually every editor from the major news outlets in their pocket.68
The Church Hearings, as they were called, uncovered the
government was spending a billion dollars a year (in 2014 dollars) to
secretly pay editors and reporters to work as gatekeepers and
propagandists for the establishment.69 The program was dubbed
Operation Mockingbird.
Of course, after it was exposed, the CIA claimed to have ended
their media manipulation, which is a laughable lie. Even the former
President of CBS, Sig Mickeson, admitted that CIA continued to
maintain relationships with top media figures, “…but because of all
the revelations of the period of the 1970s, it seems to me a reporter
has to be a lot more circumspect when doing it now or he runs the
risk of at least being looked at with considerable disfavor by the
public. I think you’ve got to be much more careful about it.”70 In more
recent times, the Operation Mockingbird program has been adapted
to social media as well.
President Obama appointed a Harvard Law professor named
Cass Sunstein to a cabinet level position in order to set up countless
fake social media accounts and “troll” the comments section of news
articles, YouTube videos, and Facebook pages in attempts to
discredit news stories the White House thought were damaging to
the establishment.71 One of Edward Snowden’s leaks revealed that
the NSA took things even further by having paid trolls harass and
defame people online who the establishment thought were causing
too much trouble for the government’s well-controlled narrative in
attempts to erode their credibility and fan base.72
The NSA also developed technology to spoof e-mails, SMS
messages, inflate or deflate the view count on YouTube videos,
adjust the ranking of websites, manipulate the outcome of online
polls, or simply shut down someone’s social media presence all
together for phony “terms of service” violations.73
For decades both the Pentagon and the CIA have had entire
divisions dedicated to working with Hollywood in order to literally
help produce major television shows and movies. When studios want
access to expensive military equipment like aircraft and tanks or
actual Army bases, they approach these government television and
film liaisons and if the storyline is seen as portraying a current war or
a particular military branch or government agency in a favorable
light, then the projects are approved and producers are given access
to consultants, equipment, uniforms, military bases, and even given
active duty servicemen and women to work as extras.
As Fortune magazine once pointed out in article titled
Hollywood’s Military Complex, “Even in an age of special effects, it’s
exponentially cheaper to film on actual military ships with real military
advisers…The fulcrum of Hollywood’s unlikely partnership is Phil
Strub, a former film school student and Navy videographer, now the
entertainment liaison at the Department of Defense.”74 Strub is just
one of several such men who work full-time with the television and
film studios on behalf of the government.
In the 1990s the CIA assigned Chase Brandon to be their liaison
to Hollywood in order to establish a mutually beneficial relationship
between the entertainment industry and the CIA.75 These
government entertainment liaisons maintain script approval and have
been known to make dramatic changes to screenplays before they
are approved in order to achieve the government’s propaganda
goals. The Recruit (2003), The Sum of All Fears (2002), Argo (2012),
Lone Survivor (2013), and many, many other popular films and
television shows have all been produced with the consent, oversight,
and input of the CIA or the Pentagon.76
Infiltration of Freemasonry

Illuminati frontman Adam Weishaupt loved the idea of using

existing secret societies to help grow his organization, saying,
“Nothing can bring this about but hidden societies. Hidden schools of
wisdom are the means which will one day free men from their bonds.
These have in all ages been the archives of nature, and of the rights
of men; and by them shall human nature be raised from her fallen
One of the primary vehicles used to conceal and further their
agenda was (and still is) Freemasonry. Already an established occult
organization in his time, Weishaupt had goals of using the fraternity
for his own means, and in July 1782 he infiltrated Freemasonry and
introduced what he called Illuminated Freemasonry.78 Using the
existing structure of Freemasonry he created factions which were
dedicated to his cause and with their ruthlessness and obsession,
his supporters quickly took control of the highest levels within lodges
across Europe.
In his own words Weishaupt explains the importance of using
this pre-existing fraternity as the ideal cover, saying, “None is fitter
than the three lower degrees of Freemasonry; the public is
accustomed to it, expect little from it, and therefore takes little notice
of it.”79 “I declare and I challenge all mankind to contradict my
declaration, that no man can give any account of the order of
Freemasonry, of its origin, of its history, of its object, nor any
explanation of its mysteries and symbols, which does not leave the
mind in total uncertainty on all these points. Every man is entitled
therefore, to give any explanation of the symbols and a system of the
doctrine that he can render palatable.”80
Knowing the power of claiming to have possession of a great
secret, he knew how men could be manipulated into doing his
bidding, hoping to have the great secret someday revealed to them.
“Of all the means I know to lead men, the most effectual is a
concealed mystery. The hankering of the mind is irresistible; and if
once a man has taken it into his head that there is a mystery in a
thing, it is impossible to get it out, either by argument or experience.
And then, we can so change notions by merely changing a word.”81
A certificate from an Illuminati infiltrated Freemason lodge in
Munich contains a pyramid with the sun over the capstone and the
seal on the certificate shows the Owl of Minerva, a symbol of wisdom
to the Illuminati, and the mascot of the Bohemian Grove.82
One of the most popular books on the definitions of
Freemasonry’s symbols also confirms that Weishaupt successfully
infiltrated the fraternity and introduced his plot to the inner circle. The
Lexicon of Freemasonry was first published in 1845 by Albert G.
Mackey, a 33rd degree Freemason, who was one of the most
prominent scholars on the subject of Freemasonry in his day. The
book contains an alphabetized list of most Masonic symbols
accompanied by a detailed explanation of their esoteric meaning.
In the entry on the Illuminati, Mackey admits, “Weishaupt was a
radical in politics, and an infidel in religion; and he organized this
association, not more for purposes of aggrandizing himself, than
overturning Christianity and the institutions of society. With the view
of carrying his objects more completely into effect, he united himself
with a lodge of Freemasons in Munich, and attempted to graft his
system of Illuminism upon the stock of Freemasonry…Many
Freemasons, misled by the construction of his first degrees, were
enticed into the order.”83
Popular 20th century occult writer Alice Bailey, who claimed her
books were dictated to her by a supernatural entity, wrote that,
“There is no dissociation between the One Universal Church, the
sacred inner Lodge of all true Masons, and the innermost circles of
the esoteric societies…It must not be forgotten that only those souls
who are on the Probationary Path or the Path of Discipleship will
form the nucleus of the coming new world religion.”84
The role of Freemasonry in the Illuminati will be expanded on
later in this book, along with a history of this fascinating fraternity and
their transformation from a stonemason trade union to the spiritual
secret society it is today.
Connections to Yale’s Skull & Bones

Skull & Bones, the secret society at Yale University, is often said
to be simply a fraternity, but it’s far from it. It is actually not only a
secret society, but its what’s called a senior society, meaning
students aren’t full-fledged members until their senior year. It was the
first senior society at the university and the first secret society as
well. Students don’t just pledge to join hoping to get chosen like they
do at fraternities—instead they are recruited if they are seen as
possible valuable servants.
Skull & Bones members are responsible for creating the CIA,
the Federal Reserve, the Department of Education, the American
Historical Society, and various media monopolies. Skull & Bones
doesn’t just have identical symbols, ideologies and goals in common
with the Illuminati, there are some other very specific pieces of
evidence that show a direct link between the two groups.
William Huntington Russell, one of the two founders of Skull &
Bones, was studying abroad in Germany just before he returned to
America and founded the organization in 1832 using the same
symbols, riddles, initiation practices, and having essentially the same
goals as the Bavarian Illuminati.
Of course the very emblem of Skull & Bones or the “Brotherhood
of Death,” as they are often called, is a sinister skull and cross
bones, identical to the Death’s Dead (totenkopf) pin that Nazis
operating the death camps wore during World War II. The skull and
cross bones (Jolly Rodger) emblem was also used by the Knights
Templar, and was the symbol of pirates due to its intimidating look
and was meant to convey that they hold the power over life and
death. Many Freemasons have a human skull (real or a replica) on
their desk in their office or in the “chamber of reflection” in the Lodge.
In 1876 a group of Yale students broke into the Skull & Bones
headquarters to investigate this shady organization and then
published a detailed newsletter titled The Fall of Skull and Bones
about what they discovered inside. The burglars called themselves
“File & Claw,” partly to mock Skull & Bones, but also because they
used a file and crow bar to remove several security bars that
covered the boarded up windows in the group’s headquarters, a
building that looks like, and is called, “the Tomb.” One of the more
interesting things they found once inside was a framed card on the
wall that read, “From the German Chapter, Presented by Patriarch
D.C. Gilman of D. 50.”
I’ll point out again that founder William Huntington Russell was
in Germany, the hotbed of Illuminati revolutionaries, and the File &
Claw intruders reported an open burial vault inside that contained
four human skulls and a plaque written in German reading, “Wer war
der Thor, wer Weiser, Bettler oder Kaiser? Ob Arm, ob Reich, im
Tode gleich,” which in English says, “Who was the fool, who was the
wise man, beggar or king? Whether poor or rich, all is the same in
death.” This is extremely interesting when you learn this same
cryptic riddle is virtually identical to the one given at the initiation
ritual of the Bavarian Illuminati.
In his 1798 book Proofs of a Conspiracy, one of the first books
to contain English translation of the confiscated Illuminati writings,
John Robison describes the initiation ceremony into the “Regent
Degree” of Illuminism, in which the initiate would be placed in front of
a skeleton that had a crown and a sword at its feet, and the men
were asked whether it was the skeleton of a king, nobleman, or a
beggar. No matter their answer, the lodge president would explain,
“The character of being a man is the only one that is of
This means they don’t believe in an afterlife or a divine judgment
by God and is used to instill a Social Darwinistic might is right world
view. More on this philosophy and the history of Skull & Bones later.
What Ever Happened to Adam Weishaupt?

Adam Weishaupt’s fate is often forgotten in the wake of the

Illuminati since the man himself was overshadowed by the
monstrous conspiracy he gave birth to. In 1785 he was fired from his
job at Ingolstadt University where he was the head of the law
department.86 At this time authorities didn’t know he was involved
with the Illuminati (let alone the leader and founder) but soon the
Bavarian government began to learn about the Illuminati and tighten
the noose in their quest to eliminate them, so Weishaupt later fled
Bavaria dressed as a craftsman to avoid detection since authorities
were now on the lookout for him. He was given exile in Gotha (a city
in the German state of Thuringia, located just north of Bavaria) which
was under control of Illuminati sympathizer Duke Ernest II. There he
worked as a legal advisor for the Duke’s court until he died in 1830
at the age of 82.
After Weishaupt fled Bavaria to avoid capture, a book printer
named J.J.C. Bode would take the lead as the head of the Illuminati,
and used his printing shop to continue to spread Enlightenment
philosophies throughout Europe. Bode traveled from Germany to
France and imported the Illuminati into French masonic lodges which
later became instrumental in the French Revolution. After J.J.C.
Bode, the leader was Karl Leonard Reinhold, a Freemason who
believed Moses incorporated secrets from the Egyptian priesthood
into the fraternity.
After Weishaupt’s first wife died, he married her sister (the one
who he impregnated while his wife was still alive and tried to kill the
baby). He and his new wife had their first son Wilhelm the following
year in 1784, who died at the age of eighteen in 1802.
Adam himself died when he was eighty-two and was survived by
his second wife, Anna Maria, and six children, two daughters
(Nanette and Charlotte), and his four sons Ernst, Karl, Eduard, and
Alfred, who all went on to serve as officers in the military.
French Revolution Connections

There are still whispers that the French Revolution was the work
of the Illuminati, specifically the work of “Illuminated Masonic lodges”
that were infected with Adam Weishaupt’s revolutionary goals. While
many historians argue that the French Revolution was the result of a
random and organic uprising of the French people against the
oppressive Monarchy, others saw the strings being pulled from
behind the scenes by the Illuminati.
While head of the Illuminati, J.J.C. Bode took two trips to Paris
not long before the French Revolution, where he introduced the
Illuminati to French Freemason lodges under the new name of the
Philadelphes. Revolutionary and radical Enlightenment ideologies
grew under the cover of various French Masonic lodges, reading
societies, and Jacobin clubs, all of which were influential in
organizing the French Revolution.
Bode wrote in his journal on June 30, 1787 that he met with
French Freemason Charles-Pierre-Paul, marquis de Langes
Savalette who would soon be involved with the revolution, and on
July 3rd he made an entry about meeting with French Revolution
National Assembly member Francois-Antoine Lemoyne
Daubermesnil to specifically discuss the Illuminati! 87

Historian Charles Porset of the National Scientific Research

Center in France confirmed that Bode’s journal was authentic,
saying, “the Journal has now been published by a German scholar,
Hermann Schuttler, and it confirms in all respects the idea put
forward by Rossberg of collusion between the Illuminati and the
Philadelphes. Moreover, a ‘secret lodge is then created’—the Lodge
of the Philadelphes…The unedited correspondences found in the
Kloss archives housed in the Library of Grand Orient of the
Netherlands, between Bode, von Busch and the Landgrave of
Hesse-Darmstadt, which I’ve published, prove it. ‘We agreed,’ wrote
Bode, ‘that for France, we would adopt the name Philadelphes
instead of Illuminati.’”88
Another clear piece of evidence linking masonic lodges to the
French Revolution is a letter from Duke Philip of Orleans that was
sent out to all French Masonic lodges which reads, “all the Lodges
are summoned to confederate together, to unite their efforts to
maintain the revolution; to gain over it, in all parts, friends, partisans,
and protectors; to propagate the flame, to vivify the spirit, to excite
zeal and ardor for it, in every state, and by every means in their
In 1791 a book titled The Veil Withdrawn was published which
was one of the first books to connect Freemasonry to the French
Revolution. In 1792 a booklet titled The Tomb of Jacues Molay was
released by Cadet de Gassicourt that linked the revolution to the
Knights Templar. A few years later in 1803 a German man named
Johann Starck published Triumph of Philosophy where he too
claimed the Illuminati used Masonic lodges as a cover for organizing
the French Revolution.
The Thirteen Bloodlines Theory

People sometimes refer to the “Illuminati bloodlines” or the “top

thirteen bloodlines of the Illuminati” as the ruling elite within the
pyramid of power that controls our world. A dozen or two names are
thrown around and said to be Illuminati families who interbreed with
each other to retain their wealth and power among the small group of
ruling elite. The most common alleged thirteen bloodlines are: Astor,
Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Rockefeller,
Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn, and the Merovingian bloodline.
One of the more popular promoters of this theory is Fritz
Springmeier, who in 1999 published Bloodlines of the Illuminati,
where he wrote, “The goal of this book is to lay out the historical
facts about these elite bloodlines…once one understands these
bloodlines, wars between kings no longer appear as wars between
elite factions, but often can be recognized as contrived wars created
to control the masses of both sides by their greedy Machiavellian
Springmeier continues, “The Illuminati themselves decided to
elevate 13 bloodlines. The number 13 is extremely important
magically, and these 13 occult tribes mock the 13 tribes of Israel
(remember the 13th tribe, the Tribe of Joseph was split into Ephraim
& Manasseh). This does not mean that only 13 Illuminati bloodlines
are powerful. There are other families that have risen to prominence.
Further, worldwide there are other families of great oligarchical
power who have allied themselves to the Illuminati in the political and
economic realms without having to intermarry into the Illuminati.”91
While Fritz’s book appears on the surface to be an impressive
analysis of the supposed thirteen bloodlines, it is clear that he
bought into several known hoaxes and reprinted them as fact, such
as the widely debunked claims of John Todd, a man who in the
1970s claimed to be an Illuminati “defector” belonging to one of the
“Illuminati bloodlines.”92 Springmeier also claims that the Illuminati
have been operating a space station on Mars, which he says they
began colonizing in the late 1990s.93
A much more credible researcher, Antony Sutton, who was
given a Skull & Bones membership list in the early 1980s by the
daughter of a member, has a much more accurate and rational
approach. In his excellent analysis, America’s Secret Establishment,
Sutton has stated that twenty to thirty families have dominated the
Skull & Bones society since its creation in 1832 and his book
provides a scholarly overview of their activities.
The thirteen bloodlines theory is essentially a more modern
version of the ancient “divine right of kings” theory, which was
perpetuated for thousands of years, claiming that God ordained
families of monarchs and kings to rule. In many cases, as with
Egyptian Pharaohs, the Caesars of Rome, and the Chinese
Dynasties, kings believed (or at least claimed to believe) that they
themselves were Gods or literal descendants of the Gods, which in
turn, they thought, gave them the divine right to rule. This is not just
an ancient idea. The Nazi’s actually believed that white people were
the descendants from the (supposed) God-like inhabitants of the
Lost City of Atlantis.
Adolf Hitler and his inner circle of Nazi officers, including
Heinrich Himmler, Rudolph Hess, and Joseph Georbels, literally
believed that white people (the Aryan race, as they liked to call them)
were descendants of Gods that once inhabited the Earth, who
supposedly lived in the City of Atlantis. The Nazis thought the myth
of the “Lost City” was literal history and when the city allegedly sunk
into the sea, according to their beliefs, several of the demigods fled
to the Himalayas of Tibet where they were said to have started the
Nordic and Aryan races.
According to Nazi philosophy, the Jews, claiming to be “God’s
chosen people,” were preventing the Aryans from their “divine right”
to rule the earth, and race-mixing was weakening the magical power
of the Aryan race. Hitler was largely inspired by Helena Blavatsky’s
1888 book, The Secret Doctrine, which claims that Satan helped free
Man in the Garden of Eden, thus allowing humans to “evolve” into
gods ourselves. “Satan will now be shown, in the teaching of the
Secret Doctrine, allegorized as Good, and Sacrifice, a God of
Wisdom,” the book reads.94 “Blessed and sanctified is the name of
the Angel of Havas—Satan,” Blavatsky wrote.95
Mainstream historians focus on the racial aspects of the Nazis
quest for power, but often ignore the root of their ideology which was
a twisted occult doctrine and literally based on Satanism and the
belief that they had divine blood in their veins and were descendants
of gods. A German secret society called the Thule Society gave birth
to the Nazi party and operated much like the Skull & Bones society
does in America, working to groom the country’s future leaders. The
Thule Society’s logo was a swastika with a dagger in front of it.
The “most royal candidate” theory is the belief that every
presidential election in the United States has been won by the
candidate with the most royal blood, thus having the closest ties to
the kingship bloodline of Europe.96 Proponents of the theory claim
that every U.S. president since George Washington can have their
bloodline traced back to European royals, and say at least thirty-
three presidents are descendants of Alfred the Great and
But this begs the question of why a small group of families
would consider themselves to have “royal blood.” What exactly does
“royal blood” mean? Well, it means that they believe they are direct
descendants of the Gods. People who subscribe to this theory often
point to a passage in the Book of Genesis in the Bible as evidence.
Genesis 6:1-2 reads, “And it came to pass, when men began to
multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto
them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were
fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.” Genesis 6:4
continues, “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also
after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men,
and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which
were of old, men of renown.”
Some Christians and Biblical scholars believe that the “Sons of
God” which came and took the daughters of men and had children
with them, were an alien race called the Annunaki. Some versions of
the Bible clearly say that the Sons of God were “supernatural beings”
and clearly refers to some kind of alien creatures who came to earth
and mated with human females, creating some kind of alien/human
hybrid called the Nephilim.
Some believe that God caused the great flood hoping to destroy
these Nephilim creatures and then have Noah, his sons and their
wives, later repopulate the earth after they emerged safely from the
Ark. According to some beliefs, those supposed hybrid creatures
survived and went on to become the first kings and queens, and later
evolved into what we refer to as the Illuminati today.
The myth that Jesus Christ secretly had a child with Mary
Magdalene was brought into the mainstream through Dan Brown’s
2003 book The Da Vinci Code, which was inspired by the widely
debunked Holy Blood, Holy Grail (1982). Dan Brown’s novel was
made into a film in 2006 starring Tom Hanks, which carried the idea
to a much larger audience who wholeheartedly believed the hoax of
the “Jesus bloodline.”
According to the myth, the Knights Templar and Freemasons are
the guardians of the Holy Grail, which according to this theory, the
Grail refers to the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, thus
the “Holy Grail” is the divine bloodline whose supposed members
have to live in secret to protect themselves from being killed by the
Catholic Church, which allegedly will do anything to prevent this
“secret truth” from being known, because it would undermine their
This Jesus bloodline myth may very well be unveiled at some
point in time as “evidence” of the Illuminati’s supposed “divine right
to rule” by claiming they are the literal descendants of Jesus. It may
very well culminate with the appearance of the antichrist who will
claim to be the long awaited messiah of the world and cite his
alleged genetic connection to Jesus as evidence that he is the return
of Christ.
When looking into the supposed “bloodlines of the Illuminati” you
will often come across people talking about “the Reptilians” who
believe the Illuminati are literally a group of “shape shifting
extraterrestrials” or demonic inter-dimensional entities masquerading
as humans in order to work towards enslaving the human race. The
“Reptilian” theory is widely ridiculed, although a sizable portion of the
population has no doubt that famous politicians and celebrities are
“impostors,” only pretending to be human.98 Many of the Reptilian
claims are something straight out of the X-Files, the popular
paranormal thriller from the 1990s, and are virtually identical to the
plot of a 1980s mini series titled V (for visitors).
A British conspiracy theorist named David Icke is largely
responsible for spreading this theory, and claims these “Reptillian
Illuminati” have to drink human blood, “because they are drinking the
person’s life-force and because they need it to exist in this dimension
in a human form.”99 More recently Icke seems to have distanced
himself from “Reptlillians” and began focusing on the Archons, which
refer to supernatural agents of the evil Gnostic creator God, the
Demiurge. Icke is also a big proponent that these “Reptillian
Illuminati” families have interbred with each other throughout history
to maintain their unique bloodline and hide their secret from
In ancient times it was fairly easy to control who would marry
whom, and keep royal families breeding with other royal families.
Most people marry others in the same socioeconomic level because
they run in the same circles, attend the same prestigious
universities, and grow up in the same wealthy neighborhoods. While
the ancient alien/nephilim bloodline theory is interesting on its
surface, there is little to no evidence that people from these
supposed royal or divine/alien/reptillian families have any significant
difference in their DNA from “regular” people, or “commoners” as we
are called. In more modern times the regulation of who marries
whom through arranged marriages has become nearly impossible to
control, so if this theory were true, then the “alien” DNA would be so
widely spread that we would be seeing it pop up in medical reports
around the world.
One likely reason for a small number of families rising to power
in the ancient past is that they just so happened to be living on fertile
land, allowing them to have healthy and strong offspring due to an
abundance of food and easily accessible water. As they say in real
estate—location, location, location. These issues are explored in
detail in the Pulitzer Prize winning book Guns, Germs, and Steel:
The Fates of Human Societies (1997), written by Jared Diamond. His
research presents the case that a variety of environmental factors,
not any genetic or intellectual superiority, has been the reason
certain cultures have dominated most others around the world.
I certainly wouldn’t rule out the possibility that some kind of
extraterrestrial (or demonic) race is secretly working with the
Illuminati leadership and directing them in their affairs, but the
subject of aliens is beyond the scope of this book and in most cases
the “evidence” of such beings is impossible to verify (at least at this
point) or limited to interpretations of ancient art or “video evidence” of
unidentified flying objects—most of which are top secret
experimental aircraft or hoaxes. Aliens (or demons) working with the
Illuminati is one thing—a handful of families interbreeding with each
other to keep their “alien family tree” a secret amongst themselves is
something totally different.
Affiliated Secret Societies

Secret societies entered popular culture in the 21st century,

thanks in part to Dan Brown’s novels and Hollywood films like The
Skulls (2000) and National Treasure (2004). As the 2004 United
States presidential election approached, it was reported in
mainstream news that both George W. Bush and his opponent John
Kerry were members of Skull & Bones, the now somewhat well-
known secret society based at Yale University. The correct
terminology is actually that they “are” members, not that they “were”
members, since it’s a lifetime membership starting their senior year
of college.
While many people have now heard of Skull & Bones, most
falsely believe it’s just an elite fraternity for rich kids, but Skull &
Bones differs from a fraternity in several key ways. First of all,
nobody “pledges to join” the club hoping to get accepted. Instead
they recruit people who are seen as worthy to be members. The club
doesn’t do any charity work, which is common with most fraternities,
and their entire focus is geared for members’ postgraduate life which
is why someone doesn’t become an official member until their senior
year, as opposed to rushing a fraternity freshman year like most
other college clubs.
While there are countless secret societies on college campuses
around the world, Skull & Bones is in a league of their own in terms
of their power and influence. While they are perhaps one of the more
well-known secret societies (thanks to the Internet), there are
certainly other powerful (and dangerous) ones that are lesser known.
There are secret societies of businessmen, politicians, and
media moguls, (like the Bilderberg Group and the Allen & Company
Sun Valley Conference); there is a secret society of scientists (the
Jasons); there’s even a secret society of secretaries (the Seraphic
Society), who cater to men in other secret societies. Few people
know that there is a secret society of women modeled after the
Bohemian Grove who call themselves the Belizean Grove. Many of
these mysterious groups have overlapping members, and at the
higher levels work in concert with each other in one giant
compartmentalized pyramid-shaped power structure. In this chapter
I’ll take you back to the beginning, thousands of years ago, and we’ll
slowly move forward in time tracking the evolution of this invisible
Mystery Schools

The first secret societies were called the Mystery Schools, which
meant they taught the Ancient Mysteries of life and death. The word
“mystic” means one who studied the mysteries, and ancient
inquisitive men formed groups or “schools” to study and ponder life’s
biggest questions. Certain supposed answers were discovered or
myths developed which aimed to help man make sense of his
existence here on this planet.
Some see the secret occult knowledge stemming from these
Mystery Schools not as evil, but as a tool that can be used for either
good or evil, similar to “the Force” in Star Wars. Just as men gather
into associations based on common interests like car meets, model
airplane clubs and countless other kinds of clubs, men in ancient
times who found they had a common interesting pondering the
mysteries of life found themselves coming together in these Mystery
Various Mystery Schools popped up in the ancient world,
claiming to, or seeking to, discover the powerful secrets of life, and
looking to get in harmony with the divine in order to fully receive the
blessings the Universe offers or explain the human condition. While
these groups appear to have at one time had the best intensions,
many believe they were eventually corrupted and taken over by
sinister men who turned the once noble schools into a mafia of
madmen who used their superior intellect and social networks to
enslave society. Illuminati insider Manly P. Hall explains, "The
masses, deprived of their birthright of understanding and groveling in
ignorance, eventually became the abject slaves of the spiritual
impostors. Superstition universally prevailed and the black magicians
completely dominated national affairs, with the result that humanity
still suffers from the sophistries [fallacious arguments, especially with
the intention of deceiving] of the priestcrafts of Atlantis and
The esoteric tradition, as it is sometimes called, appears to have
begun in Mesopotamia, the oldest human civilization and the first to
develop a written language. From there it can be traced to ancient
Egypt and the Isis cults (3100 B.C.) and then over to Greece in the
Eleusinian Mysteries (1500 BC) involving the Demeter and
Persephone cults. During this time the Dionysian Mysteries were
practiced in ancient Greece and Rome and included the use of
intoxicants and other trance-inducing techniques in attempts to come
into a greater understanding of the Mysteries. The Dionysian
mysteries were based on Dionysus, one of the Twelve Olympians in
Greek mythology, who was the God of wine and ecstasy.
If you keep following the chain, you progress to the
Pythagoreans (5 B.C.) and onto other Greek mystery cults like
Mithrasim (100 A.D.), then to the Gnostics (1-300 A.D.), to the
Knights Templar (1118) and on to the Cathars in the 13th Century,
and then to the Jesuits (founded in 1540), continuing to the
Rosicrucians (1614), then to Freemasonry (1717) and continuing to
the Illuminati (1776); and if you keep moving ahead—when you get
to more modern times you’ll see organizations like Skull & Bones
(1832), Bohemian Grove (1872), the Federal Reserve Bank (1913),
the Council on Foreign Relations (1921), the Bilderberg Group
(1954), and so on.
While you may be familiar with some of these major Illuminati
organizations, each piece of the puzzle contains countless details
and when meticulously assembled, creates a mosaic that reveals a
clear and common theme. They are all hierarchical fraternities who
use various rituals and pageants to instill in their members that they
are a special elite group of masters who know “the truth” that will
enable them to become gods among men. In order to preserve their
secrets to a select few, initiates often swear blood oaths to never
reveal their knowledge to outsiders or those in the lower levels of the
The Knights Templar

At this point in time, many people have heard about the Knights
Templar and may be familiar with a little bit of the story surrounding
them and the accusations levied against them by the Catholic
Church, but few people have taken an extended look into the
organization and their activities. While most people believe the
accusations of devil worshiping and blasphemous rituals were
fabricated by the Catholic Church as an excuse to seize the
Templar’s wealth and put them out of commission, you may be very
surprised to discover who admits the accusations were actually true.
The Knights Templar name basically means they were the
knights of Solomon’s Temple, and were a group of (supposed)
Christian knights who volunteered to protect Jerusalem from the
Muslims who were trying to seize the land. The Templars were
founded in 1118 in France by a man named Hugues de Payens who
recruited around nine others, mostly members of his own family, who
then offered to protect pilgrims traveling from the coast of the
Mediterranean to the Holy Land.
While they were supposedly dedicated “warrior monks” who
wanted to supposedly protect the Holy Land, it appears the founders
had an ulterior motive, and while the majority of the growing Templar
organization may have been wholly dedicated to protecting the Holy
Land, the inner circle were busy secretly excavating the site of
Solomon’s Temple for treasure and rare artifacts.
Among the most damning allegations made against the
Templars was that their inner circle performed satanic homosexual
rituals involving a demonic idol called Baphomet. While most people
believe these allegations were fabricated by the Catholic Church to
demonize the Templars, others have a different view. Eliphas Levi, a
popular occultist in the 19th century, explains, “Did the Templars
really adore Baphomet? Did they offer a shameful salutation to the
buttocks of the goat of Mendes? What was actually this secret and
potent association which imperiled Church and State, and was thus
destroyed unheard? Judge nothing lightly; they are guilty of a great
crime; they have exposed to profane eyes the sanctuary of antique
initiation. They have gathered again and have shared the fruits of the
tree of knowledge, so they might become masters of the world.”101
He continues to say, “Yes, in our profane conviction, the Grand
Masters of the Order of the Templars worshipped the Baphomet, and
caused it to be worshipped by their initiates.”102 In the infamous
Satanic Bible, published in 1966 by Anton LaVey (real name Howard
Levy), Baphomet is listed as the demon the Knights Templar
worshiped.103 So even the Church of Satan’s founder accepts the
allegations made against the Templars as true.
Manly P. Hall, a 33rd degree mason best known for his revealing
book The Secret Teachings of All Ages, wrote, “The famous
hermaphroditic Goat of Mendes was a composite creature
formulated to symbolize this astral light. It is identical with Baphomet,
the mystic pantheos of those disciples of ceremonial magic, the
Templars, who probably obtained it from the Arabians.”104
So, according to Hall and others, it is believed the Templars not
only found physical treasure like gold and silver in their executions,
but also informational treasure as well, in the form of ancient scrolls
where they learned their strange secret doctrine.
Researchers Knight and Lomus, who are certainly not
considered “conspiracy theorists,” explained that according to their
findings, “Hence it follows that the mysteries of the craft are in reality
the mysteries of religion. The Knights were, however, careful not to
entrust this important secret to any whose fidelity and discretion had
not been fully proved. They therefore invented different degrees to
test their candidates, and gave them only symbolical secrets without
explanation, to prevent treachery and solely to enable them to make
themselves known to each other. For this purpose it was resolved to
use different signs, words and tokens in each degree, by which they
would be secured against the Saracens, cowans or intruders.”105
In The History of Magic (published in 1860), Eliphas Levi
reveals, “The Templars had two doctrines; one was concealed and
reserved to the leaders, being that of Johannism [Gnosticism]; the
other was public, being Roman Catholic doctrine. They deceived in
this manner the enemies that they hoped to supplant. The
Johannism of the adepts was the Kabalah of the Gnostics, but it
degenerated speedily into a mystic pantheism carried even to
idolatry of Nature and hatred of all revealed dogma…They went
even so far as to recognize the pantheistic symbolism of the grand
masters of Black Magic, and the better to isolate themselves from
obedience to a religion by which they were condemned before, they
rendered divine honors to the monstrous idol Baphomet.”106
Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince also confirm the secret doctrine
accusations in their book The Templar Revelation, writing, “It is likely
that the majority of the Knights Templar were no more than simple
Christian solders they appeared to be, but the inner circle was
different. The inner circle of the Templars appears to have existed in
order to further active research into esoteric and religious matters.
Perhaps one of the reasons for their secrecy was the fact that they
dealt with the arcane aspects of the Jewish and Islamic worlds. They
sought, literally, the secrets of the universe wherever they suspected
they might be found, and in the course of their geographic and
intellectual wanderings came to tolerate—perhaps even to embrace
—some very unorthodox beliefs.”107
These “unorthodox beliefs” appear to have involved what’s
called sex magic (often spelled sex magick with a “k” on the end),
which is the practice of incorporating various sex acts into secret
rituals in the belief that the sexual energy produced is transformed
into spiritual power, allegedly enabling participants to activate
dormant supernatural abilities. Theodore Reuss [co-founder of the
Ordo Templi Orientis] revealed that sex magic was the greatest
secret of occult fraternities, saying, “Our order possesses the key
which opens up all Masonic and Hermetic secrets, namely, the
teachings of sexual magic, and this teaching explains, without
exception, all the secrets of Freemasonry and all systems of
religion.”108 He also said that sex magic was the big secret of the
Knights Templar.109
In his companion book to The Secret Teachings of All Ages,
titled Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, Manly P. Hall again reveals
some amazing occult secrets that few people have discovered about
the Templars. He wrote, “It was not the physical power of the
Templars, but the knowledge which they had brought with them from
the East, that the church feared. The Templars had discovered part
of the great Arcanum; they had become wise in those mysteries
which had been celebrated in Mecca thousands of years before the
advent of Mohammed; they had read a few pages from the dread
book of the Anthropos, and for this knowledge they were doomed to
Eliphas Levi writes in agreement, “It was the memory of this
scientific and religious absolute, of this doctrine summarized in a
word, of this word alternately lost and recovered, which was
transmitted to the elect of all antique initiations…it was this same
memory handed on to secret associations of Rosicrucians, Illuminati
and Freemasons which gave a meaning to their strange rites, to their
less or more conventional signs, and a justification above all to their
devotion in common, as well as a clue to their power.”111
This “occult power” wasn’t the only thing that led to their
downfall. The Templars, with the help of other secrets they likely
learned from the rare scrolls they acquired, ultimately became
wealthy bankers who issued loans, not only to people, but to
governments and monarchs. The Catholic Church wouldn’t allow
people to charge interest on money they lent to someone else
because it was considered a sin (called usury), but the church
looked the other way when the Templars did it, likely because they
needed their protective services in the Holy Land.
Through lending money with interest, the Templars had
exploited one of the most powerful and mysterious concepts in the
world today. The same tactic is used by the Illuminati banking cartel
through their front groups like the Federal Reserve, the World Bank,
and the International Monetary Fund. More on the magic of making
money and collecting interest on loans later.
The Jesuits

Fast forward a few hundred years and we can see the Catholic
Church following the same pattern of the Templars hoarding
knowledge, power, and wealth, so insiders can live like kings by
taking advantage of the ignorant masses. Ignatius of Loyola founded
the Society of Jesus (aka the Jesuits) in 1540, whose members are
also known as the “Pope’s Marines” because of their militant support
of the Catholic Church. The Jesuits were founded to fight against the
Protestant Reformation with hopes of keeping the Catholic Church in
power by any means necessary. While supposedly being a Christian
group, the Jesuits’ activities have been anything but.
Some believe that Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt was
covertly working for the Jesuits, but his correspondences reveal he
deeply despised the Jesuits, although he did adopt their “ends
justifies the means” tactics in hopes of replacing them with his own
similar kind of tyranny.
A document titled The Secret Instructions of the Jesuits, was
published in the early 1600s, allegedly written by a general in the
society, and revealed the supposed tactics and “ends justifies the
means” code of the Jesuits. The Church claims the documents are a
forgery designed to defame the Jesuits, of course, but when one
becomes aware of the ruthless and criminal activities Church
insiders have engaged in to gain and maintain their power, it doesn’t
really matter if they’re a forgery or not, because the tactics of the
Jesuits and the Vatican have become widely known.
The Catholic Church’s crimes are legendary, from imprisoning
Galileo for (correctly) declaring the earth revolved around the sun, to
the Spanish Inquisition where officials tortured and killed anyone
who dared disagree with them. And everyone is familiar with their
institutional pedophile problem and the generations of cover-ups
they have engaged in to protect the perpetrators.
These actions continue to give Christians a bad name with most
anti-Christian bigots apparently unaware (or willfully ignoring) the
millions of non-Catholic Christians (like Protestants, Lutherans,
Methodists, Baptists, non-denominational groups, etc.) which were
(and still are) appalled by the actions of the Catholic Church who, for
centuries, held a monopoly on Christianity, albeit their twisted and
un-Biblical brand of it.
Jesuits were responsible for the 1605 Gunpowder Plot in
England, which was an assassination attempt where the
perpetrators, including Guy Fawkes, tried to blow up the House of
Parliament to kill King James and the Protestant aristocracy. Every
November 5th, bonfires and fireworks are used to commemorate the
failure of the plot, an event that has come to be known as Guy
Fawkes Night.
Vatican City in Rome is not just a city, but a completely
sovereign country owned and operated by the Catholic Church that
was established in 1929 by the Lateran treaty. It is only 110 acres
and has a population under a thousand people and has over $8
billion dollars in assets.112 The Pope, of course, is the head, and is
protected by his own personal army, the Swiss Guard.
The Popes, Bishops and Priests of the Catholic Church are
basically the same as the Pharisees who Jesus denounced over
2000 years ago for their hypocrisy and pride due to their spiritual
knowledge. One needs to look no further than the Inquisition or the
massive institutional cover-up of countless pedophile priests to see
the Catholic Church is corrupt to the core. The Catholic Church also
diverts and perverts the teachings of Jesus in numerous ways, such
as having people confess their sins to a priest instead of to God
himself, as well as having sold indulgences, which, if you don’t know,
means that people used to pay money to the church and in return a
priest would forgive that person’s sins and tell them they could then
get into Heaven. Some indulgences were even sold for sins people
would commit in the future. Such a practice was clearly a shameful
abuse of power and completely contradictory to the teachings of
The Catholic Church basically took the freeing messages of
Jesus and packaged them up and then sold them to the public, when
Jesus had intended them to be accessible to all for free. This is the
same thing the Jewish Pharisees did with Judaism causing Jesus to
publicly denounce them. It is for these reasons and more that the
Vatican, and specifically the Pope is looked at with suspicion
regarding the New World Order and is believed by some to one day
be the false prophet spoken about in the Bible.
According to Biblical prophecy, the counterfeit Christ (the
Antichrist) will be a political figure and the leader of the world, who
will be accompanied by the false prophet, a global religious leader
that will (wrongfully) confirm to the world that the messiah has
arrived when the Antichrist announces he is God. Since the Catholic
Church is trying to reinstate itself as the only Christian authority in
the world, many see the Pope as a prime candidate for this false
In 2007 Pope Benedict proclaimed that the Catholic Church was
the only place that can offer salvation and held the only key to
Heaven.113 He didn’t mean Christianity is the only path to salvation,
which is a primary tenant of the faith. He meant specifically that the
Catholic Church was the only way to God and that all other Christian
denominations were basically leading people astray and were not
“true” churches.114
This is the same Pope who, when he was still a Cardinal (then
named Cardinal Ratzinger), was in charge of covering up the
extensive pedophile priest network which has been operating within
(or perhaps in charge of) the Catholic Church for generations.115 A
69-page document typed in Latin and taken from the Vatican’s
Secret Archives bearing the seal of Pope John XXIII, was sent to
every Bishop in the world in 1962 and contained detailed instructions
and policies regarding keeping allegations of sexual abuse a secret.
The title of the documents in Latin, Crimine solicitationies,
translates to “Instruction on proceeding in cases of solicitation” and
was basically identical to an earlier set of instructions issued in
1922.116 The documents were confirmed authentic by the Roman
Catholic Church in England and Wales.117
Bishops were instructed to deal with child abuse allegations “in
the most secretive way” and were reminded of their commitment to
“perpetual silence” for what the documents called the “secret of the
Holy Office.”118 They go on to say, “The oath of keeping the secret
must be given in these cases also by the accusers or those
denouncing the priest and the witnesses.”119 Anyone who speaks of
the “secret of the Holy Office” or who admits publicly that any victims
have come forward were threatened with excommunication.
All complaints about sexual abuse were stored in the Secret
Archives of the Vatican. Daniel Shea, a lawyer for abused children
said, “It proves there was an international conspiracy by the Church
to hush up sexual abuse issues. It is a devious attempt to conceal
criminal conduct and is a blueprint for deception and
Another attorney for abused children, Richard Scorer, said, “We
always suspected that the Catholic Church systematically covered
up abuse and tried to silence victims. This document appears to
prove it. Threatening excommunication to anybody who speaks out
shows the lengths the most senior figures in the Vatican were
prepared to go to prevent the information getting out to the public
This leads to the dark road of what is called sex magic, which is
the most sinister secret of Satanism and is covered in the chapter
titled Spiritual Beliefs. The leader of the Jesuits is officially called the
“Superior General,” often nicknamed the “Black Pope,” and is
believed by many to be the actual leader of the Catholic Church who
wields his power from behind the scenes.
The Rosicrucians

The Rosicrucians are an interesting secret society-type of group,

because the “group” started off as a hoax, really, which then inspired
people to actually form such a group (or factions) based on the
teachings of the mysterious Rosicrucian Manifestos, the first of
which was published in Germany in 1614. Two other manifestos later
appeared, one the following year in 1615, and another the year after
that, said to have come from a secret brotherhood that made up an
Invisible College which was preparing to reveal themselves to the
There are various theories as to who the author or authors of
these mysterious books were. Many believe they were written by
Johann Valentin Andrea, a German Lutheran theologian who was
allegedly hoping they would help break the Catholic Church’s
stranglehold on power.
Whoever wrote the manifestos chose to release them under the
pseudonym Christian Rosencreutz as a symbol for the work because
the name translates to Rosy Cross—a rose having been an
alchemical symbol of heavenly perfection and paradise. The first
manifesto tells a story of how “Christian Rosencreutz” went on a
journey to the Middle East to study the occult and the ancient
mysteries. The books are said to contain hidden meanings and
esoteric knowledge which could only be revealed to a select few.
In the texts, “Christian Rosencreutz” wrote about a future utopia
where people of different religions would all worship the same God in
their own style while having tolerance for all other views. Of course,
the Catholic Church condemned the manifestos and anyone who
supported them.
The books also forecasted a coming age of enlightenment
resulting from the revelation of ancient Hermetic secrets. Some
believe surviving Knights Templars were behind the mysterious
manifestos, and some also credit Rosicrucianism for changing stone
mason guilds into the philosophical Freemasonry we are familiar with
Rosicrucian researcher Christopher McIntosh wrote, “It has
often been suggested that the Hiramic legend in Masonry might be
linked with the legend of Christian Rosenkreuz and his tomb…It is
not impossible, therefore, that an impulse of a Rosicrucian nature
(using the word “Rosicrucian” in its widest sense) was responsible
for the transformation of operative into speculative Masonry.”122 The
transformation from “operative” masonry to “speculative masonry”
means changing from a mere stone mason trade union to the
philosophical and spiritual form of Freemasonry that exists today.
The 18th degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry is called the Knight of
the Rose-Croix (Rose Cross), clearly showing a connection between
the two groups.
The Mormon Church, or the Church of Latter Day Saints, as
they prefer to be called, contains several parallels with
Rosicrucianism. First, both stem from books said to have been
“discovered” or mysteriously appeared, which cleverly mix occult
myths and rituals with Christian philosophy. Mormonism founder
Joseph Smith Jr. most likely knew of the Christian Rosencreutz
legend (which was two hundred years old in his time) when he
concocted his tale of “finding” a supposed ancient text himself. Since
Joseph Smith was a Freemason, he certainly would have been
familiar with the Legend of Enoch, which claims that the true name of
God was carved into a golden delta (triangle), and hidden before the
great flood so that it would be preserved (and discovered) by a future
These myths of ancient “lost and found” divine texts speaking of
past cultures and mystical secrets were the inspiration for The Book
of Mormon which Joseph Smith claimed to have “found” written on a
stack of Golden Plates in the 1820s, which of course aren’t in a
museum somewhere because he said an angel took them back to
heaven for safe keeping! Smith was a Freemason who mixed
Masonic mythology with Christianity to create Mormonism which he
claimed “restored” the lost secrets from the ancient past with his
“discovery” (fabrication) of the Book of Mormon, again, which he
magically “translated” from “Golden Plates” that are nowhere to be
The name “R. C. Christian” appeared in 1980 surrounding the
creation of an enormous and mysterious occult monument in the
small town of Elberton, Georgia—a structure known as the Georgia
Guidestones. The name was chosen as a pseudonym by the
individual who designed and paid for this bizarre monument. “R.C.
Christian,” obviously standing for Rose Cross Christian, and the
Brotherhood of the Rose Cross, which was a popular calling card of
early Rosicrucians. The Georgia Guidestones monument stands
nineteen feet tall and displays ten different commandments in eight
different languages as the New World Order’s ten commandments.
The first of which is to maintain the human population under 500
million people. The monument is said to be the “Guidestones to an
age of reason” and has several astrological markings in the design,
including a hole in line with the North Star.
It wasn’t just Mormonism founder Joseph Smith and the man
behind the Georgia Guidestones who received inspiration from the
Rosicrucians, but also the early founders of Freemasonry and even
the father of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt. Many Rosicrucians in
his time actually denounced Weishaupt and the Illuminati for taking
what they considered to be a noble concept of an enlightened
brotherhood, and turned it into a mechanism to exercise his own
tyrannical goals.

Often said to be just a men’s club of old guys who want to get
away from their wives much like the Moose Lodge or Knights of
Columbus—Freemasonry is quite a bit different from most men’s
clubs and is actually often included when talking about the grand
“Illuminati conspiracy.” What most people don’t know, and what high
level masons have openly admitted, is that there is a secret society
within this secret society.
Manly P. Hall, considered one of Freemasonry’s greatest
philosophers, openly admitted that, “Freemasonry is a fraternity
within a fraternity—an outer organization concealing an inner
brotherhood of the elect…the visible society is a splendid
camaraderie of ‘free and accepted’ men enjoined to devote
themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and
humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret most august
[respected and impressive] fraternity whose members are dedicated
to the service of a mysterious arcanum arcanorum [secret of
You’ll sometimes hear people say that their grandfather was a
“master mason” and dismiss any talk of a “conspiracy” because all
grandpa did was engage in cheesy rituals and attend boring
meetings. A “master mason” sounds quite impressive if you don’t
know much about masonry. George Washington was a master
mason and a considerable number of the Founding Fathers of
America were masons, so they can’t be that bad, right? Out of the
fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence, eight of them
were confirmed to be Freemasons and at least sixteen U.S.
presidents have also been masons, including James Madison,
James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, James Polk, Theodore Roosevelt,
William Howard Taft, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Lyndon
B. Johnson, and Gerald Ford.
While sounding like an impressive title, a master mason is only
the 3rd level (or degree) of a 33 level hierarchy. The first degree is
called entered apprentice, the second is fellow craft, and the third is
a master mason; but there are thirty-three degrees in the Scottish
Rite. A rite is “a formal or ceremonial act or procedure prescribed or
customary in religious or other solemn use.”124
The Scottish Rite is the most popular brand of Masonry and
within the higher levels each degree is given a mysterious sounding
name like Secret Master (4th Degree), Knight of the Rose-Croix (18th
degree) and Grand Pontiff (19th degree). In the 32nd degree (the
second highest level), the initiate is called a Sublime Knight
Commander of the Royal Secret or Master of the Royal Secret.
The “Scottish Rite” actually started in France and was based on
legends that originated from Scotland that were told by Scotts who
fled to France in the late 1700s when the British Isles were having
problems. Regardless of where the name originated, Scottish Rite
Freemasonry is the most popular esoteric hierarchy of the fraternity.
The 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite is the highest level and is
awarded by invitation only. Each of the degrees represents the
different vertebrate in the human spine and symbolize the member’s
ascent in their quest for Enlightenment within the fraternity. On top of
the 33rd vertebrate of the spine sits the skull, which holds the brain,
so the 33rd degree signifies that the initiate has become fully
enlightened with the secret gnosis (knowledge) of the ancient
Freemasonry evolved out of stone masonry, whose ancient
tradesmen used a series of secret handshakes and code words to
identify each other and their level of skill. Over time, various
philosophies started arising out of those trade unions and used
popular stone mason tools as symbols to represented various
aspects of their philosophy. As their theology grew, the stonemasons
morphed from what was called operative masonry (meaning men
who worked with stones) to speculative masonry, which refers to the
philosophical and spiritual Freemasons today.
While the operative (or stone masons) built cathedrals out of
stone, the speculative (or Freemasons) built their intellect. The term
“Freemason” likely comes from freestone masonry. Freestone is a
softer stone used for cathedral faces that is intricately carved by
higher skilled masons and is used as a metaphor to describe the
development of a man’s character and abilities. Some say that “free”
means they are free from ignorance or free from the chains of
darkness that once enslaved them.
Evidence indicates that the Knights Templar either assimilated
with Freemasonry or directly created it. Most American’s came to
hear about Freemasonry as a result of Dan Brown’s 2003 novel The
Da Vinci Code, and then in the following few years the History
Channel, Discovery, National Geographic and other networks
produced shows looking into this fascinating group. The 2004 film
National Treasure starring Nicholas Cage capitalized on the hype,
and portrayed them as the secret guardians of America.
It officially came into its modern form in 1717 with the creation of
the Grand Lodge of England and has been shrouded in mystery ever
since. Much of the controversy surrounding Masonry stems from
allegations that the higher-level members worship satan and that
they deceive lower level members about its purpose. “Anti-Masons”
don’t just come up with these allegations out of thin air though; they
often point to Masonic texts written by highly revered Masons as
their evidence.
The “Bible of Freemasonry,” a book titled Morals and Dogma,
written by Albert Pike in 1871 explains Masonic philosophy and is
read primarily only by dedicated Freemasons. Part of this
philosophy, Pike explains, is, “Masonry, like all the Religions, all the
Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals [emphasis in
original] its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the
Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its
symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal
the Truth, which it [the Mason] calls Light, from them, and to draw
them away from it.”125
He reaffirms this deception later in the book, saying, ”The Blue
Degrees are but the court or portico (porch) of the Temple. Part of
the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally
misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall
understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine that he
understands them…their true explication [explanation and
understanding] is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry
[those of the 32nd and 33rd Degrees].”126
Pike even makes several statements appearing to support the
Devil, saying, “Satan is not a black god, but negation of God ... this is
not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may
represent evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will. They
[Freemasons] represent this Force...under the mythological and
horned form of the God Pan; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat,
brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Light-bearer.”127
Later in the book he wrote, “Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange
and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the
Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its
splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt
it not!”128
I have personally spoken with a 32nd degree Mason who is a
friend of a friend, and at first he dodged my insinuations that he
worshiped Lucifer, but I pressed him and he started praising Lucifer
and criticizing Christians saying they were morbid for worshiping a
dead man hanging on a cross, and that they were judgmental and
intolerant of other religions.
Satanist Aleister Crowley seems to agree that there is some
great mystical secret held by the inner circle when he said, “Although
I was admitted to the thirty-third and last degree of Freemasonry so
long ago as 1900, it was not until the summer of 1912 that my
suspicion was confirmed. I speak of my belief that behind the
frivolities and convivialities of our greatest institution [Freemasonry]
lay in truth a secret.”129
In his book autobiography The Confessions of Aleister Crowley,
he wrote, “…for Freemasonry asserts that every man is himself the
living, slain and re-arisen Christ in his own person. It is true that not
one mason in ten thousand in England is aware of this fact; but he
has only to remember his ‘raising’ to realize the fundamental truth of
the statement.”130
Albert Pike was a lawyer who became a Confederate General in
the Army, fighting against the northern colonies during the Civil War
trying to ensure slavery was kept in place. He is believed to have
been the leader of the Knights of the Golden Circle, a secret society
of Confederates that included notorious outlaw Jesse James and
John Wilkes Booth, the man who assassinated President Lincoln.
The Lincoln assassination was not the action of a lone gunman, but
was part of a larger plot hatched by the Knights of the Golden Circle
with hopes of securing a victory for the south. John Wilkes Booth
and other Knights of the Golden Circle planned to assassinate the
vice president and the secretary of state that same night, thus
eliminating three of the top officials in the United States government,
hoping that would ensure the Confederates could take over.
Aside from being a key member of the KGC, it is rumored that
Albert Pike founded the KKK as well, which isn’t far-fetched at all,
considering it’s obvious he was a racist who saw black people as
slaves. When African Americans first wanted to become part of the
Masonic fraternity, Pike wrote, “I took my obligations to white men,
not to Negroes. When I have to accept Negroes as brothers or leave
Masonry, I shall leave it.”131
Pike owned the Daily Appeal, a newspaper in Tennessee, where
on April 16, 1868 he published an editorial saying, “The
disenfranchised people of the South...can find no protection for
property, liberty or life, except in secret association...We would unite
every white man in the South, who is opposed to negro suffrage [the
right to vote], into one great Order of Southern Brotherhood, with an
organization complete, active, vigorous, in which a few should
execute the concentrated will of all, and whose very existence
should be concealed from all but its members.”132
A larger than life statue of Albert Pike stands in Judiciary Square
in Washington D.C. alongside Abraham Lincoln, and Pike’s body is
kept in a tomb inside the Masonic headquarters in Washington D.C.,
a building called the House of the Temple, which is the home of the
“Supreme Council” of Freemasonry.
Theosophist teacher and occult writer Alice Bailey, who claimed
her books were dictated to her telepathically by an entity she called
the Master of Wisdom, wrote that, “The Masonic Movement when it
can be divorced from politics and social ends and from its present
paralyzing condition of inertia, will meet the need of those who can,
and should wield power. It is the custodian of the law; it is the home
of the Mysteries and the seat of initiation. It holds its symbolism the
ritual of Deity, and the way of salvation is pictorially preserved in its
work. The methods of Deity are demonstrated in its temples, and
under the All-seeing Eye the work can go forward. It is a far more
occult organization than can be realized, and is intended to be the
training school for the coming advanced occultists. In its ceremonials
lies hid the wielding of the forces connected with the growth and life
of the kingdoms of nature and the unfoldment of the divine aspects
in man.”133
Many Muslims are against Freemasonry partly because one of
Freemasonry’s ultimate goals is to rebuild the Temple of Solomon on
its original site in Jerusalem, where the Al-Aqsa Mosque currently
stands. This spot is claimed by both Muslims and Jews as their
religion’s holy place, and a primary aim of both Palestinians and
Jews is to once and for all claim this spot as their own.
Muslims are also critical of Freemasonry’s secretive nature.
Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a prominent Muslim scholar at the Islamic
Institute of Toronto, explains, “As far as I know, Freemasonry is a
secret organization whose beliefs and practices are totally kept
confidential except from those who are initiated into it. They have
levels of secrets which are not divulged to those who are at lower
levels. A Muslim should never fall prey or give allegiance to
something which cannot be scrutinized by the firm criteria of the
Quran and the Sunnah. Whoever joins Freemasonry is like a person
who writes a blank check; by doing so he agrees to give allegiance
blindly to an authority to comply with their wishes no matter what
they are.”134
In 1998 a law was enacted in Britain ordering police, judges, and
other government employees in the UK to reveal whether they were
Freemasons after it was believed a Masonic Mafia was operating
within the government.135 Ten years later the law was reversed but
the controversy continued. A secret Metropolitan Police report
written in 2002 and leaked to the press in 2014 reveals that an
internal investigation by Scotland Yard, the police agency of London,
discovered that an organized criminal network of Freemasons largely
controlled the police department.136 The investigation, called
Operation Tiberius, found that the Metropolitan Police were infested
with corrupt Freemasons who used their position within the
department to engage in organized crime, destroy evidence, and
recruit other corrupt officers.137
While Freemasonry is primarily a men’s organization, there is a
woman’s branch called the Eastern Star, whose logo is literally an
upside down pentagram. There is even a branch for young girls
called Job’s Daughters (or Rainbow Girls) and one for boys called
the DeMolays—named after Jacques de Molay, the last Grand
Master of the Knights Templar. President Bill Clinton was a DeMolay
as a child, which many believe served as a prep school to groom him
to later take his place as an Illuminati insider.
As noted earlier, it’s important to highlight that in 1782 Adam
Weishaupt successfully infiltrated Freemasonry at the Congress of
Wilhelmsbad, Germany, which was the largest, most important
Masonic gathering of the eighteenth century.138 There he assigned
men to oversee the implementation of “Illuminated Masonry” and
recruit new supporters from Masonic lodges throughout Europe who
would work on behalf of the Illuminati.
Skull & Bones Society

Even if you’re familiar with Skull & Bones and some of the
allegations about them (many of which are true, by the way), the
deeper you look into this group, the more apparent it becomes that
they are anything but an ordinary college fraternity. Since it has
already been touched upon earlier in this book, I won’t repeat most
of what has already been covered, but I will add a few more pieces
to the puzzle that most people are not familiar with so you can get a
more complete picture of them.
Skull & Bones was the FIRST secret society at Yale and the first
senior society—meaning someone doesn’t become a member until
their senior year at Yale. There were fraternities at Yale, but Skull &
Bones started a new chapter in the school’s history in 1832 when
they created the first secret society, soon to be followed by Scroll &
Key and then later Wolf’s Head, which are the top three senior (and
secret) societies. The three clubs even hold regular “inter-council
meetings” several times a year to coordinate their activities.
Each year fifteen new members are recruited (or “tapped,” as
they say) to join. They are chosen during the last few weeks of the
semester their Junior year in order to prepare them to replace the
outgoing seniors who lead them through the elaborate and satanic
initiation ceremony where they are given a new name (Long Devil,
Machiavelli, Baal, Beelzebub are just a few examples).139 During
part of the initiation, they lay in a coffin and give a detailed history of
their sexual experiences up to that point in a ritual called Connubial
Members consider the world “their realm” and call outsiders
“Barbarians.” Once initiated the men (and now some women) are
considered “bonesmen” or Knights of Eulogia, which is Greek for
“Knights of the Blessing.” They even hold a special Skull & Bones
wedding ceremony when one of their members gets married to
initiate the new wife into the “Bones Family.” Behind every corrupt
man, there’s usually a woman willing to look the other way. They
also own a 40-acre island located on the St. Lawrence River in
Alexandria Bay, called Dear Island, which is used as a private
vacation spot for “bonesmen” and their families.
After the summer, when the new school year begins, and the
new initiates are then seniors, they meet every Thursday and
Sunday night for a fancy dinner (often steak and lobster) that is
followed up with what are called “sessions” which include various
lectures and debates. It is believed that they eat using Adolf Hitler’s
silverware that a “bonesmen” somehow obtained. Skull & Bones has
its own collection of books in its library located in the Tomb
[headquarters] to help new members learn the ways of the world.
There is even a “Bones Bible” and other black books kept in the
clubhouse library. They operate as a 5013c organization under the
Russell Trust Association (or RTA Incorporated) and their 2012
filings with the IRS (which must be available for “public review” if you
know just where to look and how to get them) shows they spent
$469,000 dollars that year on “personal development” for their
No alcohol is allowed inside the Skull & Bones Tomb clubhouse,
that’s how serious they are. This is not a party. Taking over the world
is serious business. Another difference between Skull & Bones and
ordinary fraternities is that frats usually do community service and
help with local fundraisers, but this strange group only looks out for
themselves. In fact, the men (and now women) who are recruited
into Skull & Bones are never engineers or mathematicians, because
these careers hold little power compared to those in business,
banking, media, politics, and law, which are the dominant careers of
the members.
By now I’m sure you’re familiar that the most famous member is
President George W. Bush, but what most people don’t know is that
his family has a long history with the group. Aside from his father
George Herbert Walker Bush being a member, Prescott Bush,
George W.’s grandfather was a member, as well as his uncles
Jonathan Bush, John Walker, and his other uncle George Herbert
Walker III. So was his great-uncle George Herbert Walker Junior,
and his cousin Ray Walker.141
After George W. Bush became president in January 2001, he
appointed several of his fellow bonesmen to various high level
positions within the government. For example, he nominated William
H. Donaldson (Bones 1953) as chairman of the Securities and
Exchange Commission; Edward McNally (Bones 1979) was given a
position in the Department of Homeland Security.142 Robert D.
McCallum was appointed to Assistant Attorney General; Roy Austin
was made the ambassadorship to Trinidad and Tobago; Victor Ashe
was given a spot on the board of directors of Fannie Mae (the
Federal National Mortgage Association), America’s biggest home
mortgage financier, and so on.143
The list of Skull & Bones members who have risen to the
pinnacles of power is long. Co-founder Alfonzo Taft became the
head of the Department of War, which was the name of the
Department of Defense until the government changed the name in
true Orwellian double-speak fashion. Alfonzo Taft’s son, William Taft
became President of the United States. Pierre Jay was the first
chairman of the New York Federal Reserve Bank; Winston Lord
became chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. Percy
Rockefeller was on the board of Brown Brothers Harriman &
Company, which was had its assets seized in 1942 under the
Trading with the Enemy Act after it was discovered the firm was
helping fund Adolf Hitler.144 John Kerry, who ran for president
against George W. Bush in the 2004 election, later became
Secretary of State under President Obama.
The list of key power players in government just goes on and on.
Raymond Price (1951) was a speechwriter for Presidents Nixon,
Ford, and Bush. Christopher Taylor Buckley (1975) was the chief
speechwriter for George H. W. Bush when he was the Vice
President. Austan Goolsbee (1991) became President Barack
Obama’s chief economic advisor, etc., etc. It’s interesting to also
point out that the father of American football, Walter Camp, was a
boneseman. Football, as you may know, serves as a modern day
bread and circus distraction for the majority of Americans,
channeling their energy and aggression into watching a bunch of
men chasing after a ball instead of paying attention to important
social issues. This is all part of the plan because it keeps most
people out of the way so the elite can carry out their agenda.
Skull & Bones members created the American Historical
Association, the American Psychological Association, the American
Chemical Society; and the American Economic Association. The
atomic bomb was basically a Skull & Bones project involving William
Averell Harriman, Governor of New York (class of 1913), Henry
Stimson, Secretary of War (class of 1888), Robert Lovett, Secretary
of Defense (class of 1918), McGeorge Bundy, U.S. Intelligence
Officer (class of 1940) and George L. Harrison, advisor to the
Secretary of War and President of the New York Federal Reserve
Bank (class of 1909).
I guess it shouldn’t be surprising that an organization whose
symbols and themes revolve around death would ultimately be
responsible for creating the most deadly weapon in the history of
mankind. The group’s obsession with death is extremely disturbing
and all the death symbolism is meant to serve as a continuous
reminder of their own mortality, and since they don’t believe in an
afterlife, they are urged to become gods on earth during their short
time here by any means necessary.
We often think of the society “ruling the world” in terms of
politicians and business, but they have also dominated the faculty of
Yale University as well. Some reports claim that four out of five
faculty members between 1865 and 1916 were bonesmen.145 In
1873, a student newspaper called The Iconoclast, published an
article denouncing Skull & Bones control of Yale. “Out of every class
Skull and Bones takes its men...They have obtained control of Yale.
It’s business is performed by them. Money paid to the college must
pass into their hands, and be subject to their will....It is Yale College
against Skull and Bones!”146
Aside from being accused of dominating the faculty at Yale and
power positions in politics and business, they are often accused of
worshiping Satan and conducting extraordinary disturbing rituals.
The group’s favorite number, 322, possibly holds a secret satanic
meaning. Many people believe the number 322 is a reference to the
Book of Genesis chapter 3 verse 22 which talks about Adam and
Eve eating the Forbidden Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good
and Evil and employing this number is seen as a reference to the
Luciferian doctrine or the satanic secret.
In 2001, a reporter named Ron Rosenbaum from the New York
Observer used a night vision camera to videotape the initiation ritual
from the ledge of an adjacent building that overlooked the courtyard
of the Skull & Bones clubhouse. The footage shows initiates kneeling
down and kissing a skull, and then appearing to take a knife and slit
the throat of a naked woman who was being held down by other
People were also heard chanting a strange mantra, “The
hangman equals death, the Devil equals death, death equals death!”
The hangman likely refers to Jesus hanging on the cross and the
mantra appears to convey the same meaning as the riddle of the
four human skulls when they are asked which one is the wise man,
the beggar, the king, and the fool. The answer given is that it doesn’t
matter to them because “all is the same in death.”
Rosenbaum was not sure what to make of this behavior and
asked, “Is that the secret they’ve been covering up ever since the
society was founded in 1832, the offshoot of a German secret
society: devil worship? A fulfillment of the paranoid fantasies of the
fundamentalist right, who believe the Eastern establishment is a front
for satanic conspiracy.”148
Scroll and Key Society

The Scroll & Key society is a another secret society at Yale

University, created in 1842, ten years after Skull & Bones, and was
the second secret society at the school composed of seniors. Just
like Skull & Bones, Scroll & Key recruits fifteen new students at the
end of their junior year who they see as having the potential and
willingness to further the organization’s goals. Scroll & Key is
considered one of the “Big Three” senior societies at Yale—the other
two being, of course, Skull & Bones, along with Wolf’s Head.
Fareed Zakaria, a CNN commentator on foreign affairs, was
initiated as a member of Scroll & Key when he attended the
university in 1986. Fareed went onto to attend Bilderberg meetings
(in 1993 and 2009), and became a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations as well. He didn’t just join the CFR, he actually
was the managing editor of their publication Foreign Affairs which
serves up their political propaganda on a platter for the members.
Fareed once argued that the Constitution is outdated and should
be “fixed” to remove the Second Amendment in order to “modernize
the Constitution for the 21st Century.”149
Other notable members include Ari Shapiro (class of 2000) who
became the White House Correspondent for National Public Radio
(NPR); James Stillman Rockefeller (class of 1924) who was the
President and Chairman of the First National City Bank of New York;
Cornelius Vanderbilt III of the wealthy Vanderbilt dynasty (class of
1895); and Huntington D. Sheldon (class of 1925) worked for the CIA
as the Director of the Office of Current Intelligence.
The Scroll & Key society operate under the legal entity called
the Kingsley Trust Association which creates a shield of privacy to
protect them from people searching for information using the name
“Scroll & Key” and according to their 2012 IRS filings, which must be
made available for public inspection, they have over $9 million
dollars in assets and spent $650,000 dollars that year.150
Wolfs Head

Wolf’s Head is the third of the “Big Three” senior secret societies
at Yale and was founded in 1884, partly to counter the dominance of
Skull & Bones over student affairs. They too recruit fifteen new
upcoming seniors for membership and are now part of the larger
network consisting of Skull & Bones and Scroll & Key.
The club’s logo is a wolf’s head on an inverted Egyptian
hieroglyph called an ankh, which is often called the Egyptian Cross
and said to symbolize “the key of life.” Wolf’s Head built its own
Egyptian themed “tomb” headquarters in 1924 thanks to a donation
from one of their members, Edward Harkness, who went on to
become John D. Rockefeller’s right hand man. Harkness himself was
listed by Forbes magazine as the 6th richest man in the world during
his life.
The club holds meetings every Thursday and Sunday night
where the men (and since 1992 some women) prepare themselves
for life after college, when their real work begins.
One of their most well-known members was Erastus Corning,
who went on to become the Mayor of Albany, New York for more
than 40 years! Another prominent members was Paul Moore Jr. who
later became a bishop of the New York Episcopal Church and one of
the best known clergy. After his death his daughter revealed that
Moore was bisexual and had a history of homosexual affairs.151 She
detailed her father’s double life in her book The Bishop’s Daughter: A
Memoir. While the Bush crime family has been active in Skull &
Bones for generations, they also have a hand in Wolf’s Head.
President George H. W. Bush’s younger brother William Henry
Trotter “Bucky” Bush (born July 14, 1938) was inducted in 1960.
The business name of Wolf’s Head is the Phelps Association,
and according to their 2013 IRS filings, which must be made public
since they are registered as a 501c3 tax exempt foundation, the
organization holds over $6 million dollars in assets and spent over
$373,000 dollars on their members that year alone.152 Wolf’s Head
members were responsible for the formation of the Yale Political
Union which is the center for politically minded students at the

Communism is most often promoted as a political philosophy to

allegedly help the average worker (proletariat) fight against the
“oppressive” business owners (bourgeoisie), but it’s actually a
conspiracy controlled by the elite who have used Communism as a
mechanism to encourage the creation of an all-powerful super state
that they themselves are in control of.
As Gary Allen puts it, author of None Dare Call it Conspiracy,
“Communism is not a movement of the downtrodden masses but is a
movement created, manipulated and used by power-seeking
billionaires in order to gain control over the world…first by
establishing socialist governments in the various nations and then
consolidating them all through a ‘Great Merger,’ into an all-powerful
world, socialist super-state probably under the auspices of the
United Nations.”153
The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and his often
overlooked coauthor Frederich Engles, was first published in 1848,
and is widely believed to have sparked the Communist Revolution in
Russia in 1917 and spreading to other countries such as North
Korea in 1948, China in 1949, and a few years later moving to Cuba
in 1953—but what most people overlook is that Karl Marx was really
just a secretary who wrote the book outlining the Communist
philosophy for a secret society called the Communist League.
The manifesto itself reads, “The Communist League (formerly
called the League of Just Men)…which could of course only be a
secret one…commissioned the undersigned [Karl Marx and Friedrich
Engels], at the Congress held in London in November 1847, to draw
up for publication a detailed theoretical and practical program of the
Party. Such was the origin of the following Manifesto, the manuscript
of which traveled to London to be printed, a few weeks before the
February Revolution.”154
The California Senate Investigating Committee on Education in
1953 stated, “So-called modern Communism is apparently the same
hypocritical and deadly world conspiracy to destroy civilization that
was founded by the secret order of the Illuminati in Bavaria on May
1, 1776, and that raised its hoary head in our colonies here at critical
periods before the adoption of our Federal Constitution.”155
The report goes on to say, “The recognition of May 1, 1776, as
the founding date of this world revolution conspiracy is not difficult to
understand, when it is realized that May Day is frequently
celebrated, even in recent times, by rioting and bloodshed on a
world-wide scale.”156
“It was not until 1847 or 1848, that the Communist conspirators,
who had theretofore operated in secret, came out in the open with
the Manifesto of the Communist Party, by Karl Marx and Friedrich
Engels, boldly proclaiming against practically everything upon which
civilization is based—God, religion, the family, individual liberty, and
so forth—the concluding paragraph of the manifesto reading:
‘Communists scorn to hide their views and aims. They openly
declare that their purpose can only be achieved by the forcible
overthrow of the whole extant social order. Let the ruling classes
tremble at the prospect of a Communist revolution. Proletarians have
nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.’”157
“In issuing this manifesto the Communist conspirators evidently
believe the time had arrived when, with the aid of ignorant victims, a
world-wide take-over could be accomplished; but there were not
enough ignorant victims then, and the expected coup failed.”158
“The Communist conspirators thereupon conceived the plan, for
the future, of supplementing the long-established secret conspiracy,
in existence since May 1, 1776, with an unremitting publish
campaign for victims among the ignorant of all nations. And, in an
attempt to hide from view the underlying hypocritical conspiracy
existing since May 1, 1776, it was decided that, in such public
campaign, the manifesto of 1848 should be heralded as the founding
date of communism, and Karl Marx falsely proclaimed as its
New Age guru Benjamin Crème, who is looking forward to the
arrival of the Antichrist, thinking he will turn earth into a heavenly
paradise, admitted, “Marx was indeed a member of the Hierarchy, of
a certain degree. Looking at the effect of his work over the years—
that could only have been the work of a disciple of some degree, an
initiate of some level—first to have the vision, and secondly to have
the capacity to embody that vision so that the work could spread.”160
While Christians are often said to have killed the most number of
people in the name of God, the reality is that Communists have been
responsible for the greatest genocides in the world, killing in the
name of the State (their government), in countries like China and
North Korea. Over 30 million were killed in the Chinese Communist
Revolution lead by Mao Zedong, and Joseph Stalin killed over 3
million in Russia in the name of Communism.161 Massive numbers
have also been killed in Vietnam and North Korea by Communist
revolutionaries. Belief in any God other than the government is
forbidden, because it reduces people’s allegiance to the State. The
government is God in Communist countries.
At the heart of Communism is an enormous all-powerful
government that controls every aspect of people’s lives—from the
schools, to their jobs, to healthcare and banking; with a small group
of elite bureaucrats living lives of luxury at the express of the working
class. This is, of course, one of the primary goals of the Illuminati,
who are promoting the idea as a utopian paradise.
Bohemian Grove

Because the Bohemian Grove has become fairly well-known in

terms of the Illuminati conspiracy, many people may think they know
all about it, but in most cases their knowledge is limited to only a few
basic facts. Because of its extraordinarily bizarre rituals and elite
membership list causing widespread rumors, most people who have
done a brief investigation into the Illuminati are probably familiar with
the basics of the Bohemian Grove, but for those who wish to scratch
beyond the surface of this subject, there is certainly a lot to be
As you may have heard, it’s a 2700 acre privately owned
redwood forest in Northern California located about an hour north of
San Francisco in a small town named Monte Rio and serves as a
vacation spot for elite men every summer in mid-July, where around
1000 of the world’s most powerful men gather for a “men’s retreat”
inside the Grove which is kicked off by the infamous Cremation of
Care ritual, the human sacrifice-depicting ceremony, where a life-
size effigy of a person is burned on an altar at the base of a 40-foot
tall demon-looking statue. It’s sort of the Camp David of California
(with some Satanism mixed in) and was created back in 1872.
The term Bohemian refers to people who live non-traditional
lifestyles and people who are adventurers, or vagabonds. The club’s
annual mid-summer encampment is called the “greatest men’s party
on earth” by members, who include many former presidents, military
leaders, famous journalists, and top businessmen.
The Bohemian Grove’s mascot (and logo) is the Owl of Minerva,
the same symbol that Adam Weishaupt used as his emblem.162
Within the original Illuminati there was a level in the hierarchy called
the Minerals and the owl symbolizes wisdom because it can “see in
the dark” which is analogous to being enlightened.
Out of curiosity, in the past, occasionally a reporter would try to
sneak inside the now highly guarded compound, and some have
been successful, yet little has been reported in major publications.
Membership lists and program guides have sometimes been stolen
and published by employees, and in the 1980s a group called the
Bohemian Grove Action Network dedicated themselves to doing just
The “patron saint” of the Bohemian Grove is Saint John of
Nepomuk and a large statue of him stands inside the grounds with
him holding his index finger over his mouth, signifying secrecy and
reminding members to keep their mouths shut. A patron saint is
someone who embodies a group’s philosophies or goals. John of
Nepomuk received the confessionals of the queen of Bohemia in the
1300s and when pressured by the king to reveal her confessions
after he suspected her of cheating on him, Saint John refused and
was killed by the king. Paralleling Robert De Niro’s gangster gospel
in Goodfellas that you “never rat on your friends, and always keep
your mouth shut,” the Illuminati cherish the power of secrecy and
remind all Bohos (the name members are often referred to) of this
with the statue of John of Nepomuk standing prominently in their
A presidential advisor to Presidents Ford, Nixon, Regan, and
Clinton, named David Gergen, who also worked as a CNN
contributor, was confronted on camera by Alex Jones from on the streets of New York during the 2004 Republican
National Convention when Jones stuck a microphone in his face and
asked if he’d ever seen the Cremation of Care ritual.
Gergen, looking visibly uncomfortable, responded, “Frankly I
don’t think that’s something I need to talk to you about.”163 When
Jones asked him again about the ritual, Gergen snapped, “That’s
none of your damn business!” and walked away.164 The clip can be
seen on YouTube.
One of their popular sayings is that “weaving spiders come not
here,” which is said to mean that the Grove is not a place for
conducting business or working, hence “weaving,” but this
explanation is just a cover story for the saying’s true meaning. It
actually means “don’t dare challenge the members,” (or really, the
“Gods,” as they see themselves) and comes from the ancient story in
Greek mythology of Arachne, a woman weaver who disrespected
Athena, the Goddess of weaving, by failing to acknowledge that the
woman’s skills came from the Goddess and not from her own power.
Athena then turned her into a spider as punishment, dooming her
and her descendants to weave webs forever, since out of her own
ignorance she thought she was better than the “Gods.”
The club is divided into about 124 different camps inside the
grounds, each one having anywhere from a dozen to 125 men. Each
individual camp has its own sleeping quarters, kitchen and bar, and
each one has a captain who is responsible for managing their
territory.165 Each camp has a different name and tends to contain
members who work in the same field. For example, the Hill Billies
camp is comprised of mainly men in big business, bankers,
politicians, and media moguls from Texas. The sign for Hill Billies’
camp, which the Bush family belongs to, consists of a cloven hoofed
horned Devil figure.
The Mandalay camp is made of mainly political figures such as
former presidents and defense contractors. Owls Nest is another
elite camp of former presidents, high ranking military personnel and
defense contractors. Other camp names include the Lost Angels
(banking and media), Stowaway (Rockefeller family members and
other big oil men), and Hillside (military men including Joint Chiefs of
Staff members), just to name a few. No seated president ever
attends because his schedule and location is so closely monitored
that his visitation would bring too much unwanted attention to the
club, but once they are out of office (and before they are even
elected) many are fixtures at the encampment.
Sociologist Peter Phillips, who earned his Ph. D. by writing his
doctoral dissertation on the Grove in 1994, wrote, “Sharing a camp
together at the Grove gives Bohemian directors of major U.S. policy
councils ample opportunity to discuss current affairs and socio-
economic policy issues. Watching and listening to reactions to
Lakeside Chats by various other Bohemians also gives policy
directors an opportunity to evaluate policy concerns from the broad
sampling of the American corporate business community encamped
at the Grove. In this sense, the Grove serves as an informal
evaluatory feedback process to the top socio-economic domestic
and foreign policy councils in the United States.”166
The midsummer encampment, as their annual gathering is
called, lasts for two weeks from mid-July to the end of the month,
with some members and guests coming for a weekend, and others
staying for several days or even an entire week or longer. Every
afternoon during the two weeks a “Lakeside Chat” is given at
12:30pm, just after lunch, where a political insider or industry leader
gives a 30-minute talk on his area of expertise.
It has been rumored that Alan Greenspan was chosen to be
nominated as Chairman of the Federal Reserve after a meeting in
the Grove, and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s successful bid for governor
of California was allegedly given the green light by insiders at the
Grove as well. There’s even a famous picture taken in 1967 showing
Ronald Reagan (then Governor of California) and Richard Nixon,
who would be elected president the following year, sitting next to
each other, where they are said to have been coordinating their
political careers.167
Despite claiming the Grove is just a vacation spot and no work is
conducted during the encampment, the Manhattan Project (the plan
for the atomic bomb) was actually hatched inside the club.168 Aside
from the atomic bomb being born in the Bohemian Grove, the United
Nations was hatched from the club as well.169 Peter Phillips reveals,
“One of the foremost political events in which the Bohemian political
network played a significant role was the United Nations Conference
of International Organization (UNCIO), April 25th to June 26, 1945,
in San Francisco. This was the original formation meeting for the
United Nations, with delegates from fifty nations. Receptions for
UNCIO delegates and key dignitaries were held at the Bohemian
Club on May 17, May 29, June 4, and June 5. Towards the end of
the U.N. conference the Club invited all delegates to a program at
the Grove.”170
The club has limited number of rare yearbooks that are
occasionally printed for members, called the Annals of the Bohemian
Grove, that contain photos of attendees dressed in drag, along with
pictures of the Cremation of Care ritual so men can reminisce about
their time there. I have been able to obtain several copies of these
books since every once in a while they’ll find their way into the public
after older members die and their book collections are sold at estate
sales or donated to charity. In one Annal there is a photo of George
Bush Senior and George W. Bush standing at the podium giving a
Lakeside talk in 1995 where Bush Senior reportedly told the
audience that his son would make a great president one day.171
The first book dedicated to exposing the Bohemian Grove was
published in 1974 titled The Bohemian Grove and other Retreats,
written by William Domhoff, a sociologist and professor who taught
at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
The preface to his book explains that upper-class retreats are of
a major sociological relevance, because “they increase the social
cohesiveness of America’s rulers and provide private settings in
which business and political problems can be discussed informally
and off the record.”172
The book continues on page one saying, “You are one of fifteen
hundred men gathered together from all over the country for the
annual encampment of the rich and famous at the Bohemian Grove.
And you are about to take part in a strange ceremony that has
marked every Bohemian Grove gathering since 1880.”173 He goes
on to include a transcript and detailed description of the Cremation of
Care, which was a historic revelation, especially considering this was
back in the 1970s before the Information Age.
Twenty-five years later, in the year 2000, Alex Jones from
Infowars would sneak inside and capture the first ever video footage
of the ritual. While it’s one thing to read about the ceremony, actually
seeing it leaves you with your head shaking and confirms many of
the supposed “rumors” are true. Jones’ footage is authentic, and
after his infiltration they beefed up security and began using thermal
imaging scanners and K-9 police tracker dogs to identify anyone
lurking around the grounds who doesn’t belong there.
The most disturbing allegations about the Bohemian Grove don’t
just lurk in the dark depths of the Internet, but actually come largely
from a former U.S. Senator named John DeCamp. The allegations
are so horrific and graphic, I don’t even like to talk about them
because they involve claims of sadistic child abuse, human sacrifice,
and snuff films, said to have occurred there in the 1980s. If you are
interested in learning about John DeCamp’s allegations, you can
check out his book The Franklin Cover-up, but I warn you, it is
extremely disturbing and you may wish you had never heard of
Belizean Grove

When talking about secret societies or the Illuminati, most

people often think of a group of men, since they have been the
dominant sex throughout history, but powerful female secret
societies, although rare, do exist. The Belizean Grove is a group of
around 100 influential women from politics, media, and high ranking
women in the military, that was created as a female version of the
Bohemian Grove! It was founded on Super Bowl Weekend in 2001
by Susan Stautberg while her husband and most men were
preoccupied with football, since she obviously had something else in
The Belizean Grove, while inspired by the Bohemian Grove, is
named after the country of Belize in Central America where the
women meet every year for three days of private off-the-record talks,
which is said to be “a balance of fun, substantive programs and
bonding.”174 It certainly is strange that some of the world’s most
powerful women would fly down to Central America for a weekend
when they could simply meet locally at one of their lavish private
residences. Perhaps this is so they can go out to the bars without the
risk of being recognized by the locals so they can engage in
extramarital affairs with younger men willing to bed a cougar. Since
such behavior would run them the risk of getting caught or
recognized if they did it in a major American city, perhaps the long
distance ladies night was designed to facilitate such activities.
While high level female executives from major banks, public
relations firms, and even the U.S. Military, all belong to the Belezian
Grove, perhaps the group’s most famous member is Supreme Court
Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who was nominated by Barack Obama to
sit as a justice on the court. During the vetting process it was
uncovered that she was a member of this strange girls group,
causing her to resign since the American Bar Association forbids a
judge to be a member of any organization that “discriminates”
against anyone based on sex, race, religion or national origin.
If it had not been for Republicans digging for dirt on Sonia
Sotomayer hoping to derail her appointment to the Supreme Court,
we likely would still be unaware of the Belizean Grove’s existence.
Founder Susan Stautberg was not happy about the new publicity,
and said, “we like to be under the radar screen.”
The group says they are “a constellation of influential women
who are key decision makers in the profit, nonprofit and social
sectors; who build long-term, mutually beneficial relationships in
order to both take charge of their own destinies and help others to do
the same.”
One member, Mary Pearl, dean of New York’s Stony Brook
University, said, “It’s hard if you’re someone who’s a type ‘A’
personality, who’s achieved a lot and who may be in the public eye—
it’s hard to make friends, so it’s just a mutually supportive wonderful
experience. We get together just for socializing and also just for
intelligent conversation.”175
In order to join, a member must recommend a woman to the
Belizean Grove “advisory board” that then decide whether or not to
admit them to the club. A few known members are Army General
Ann E. Dunwoody, former Goldman Sachs executive Ann Kaplan,
and General Services Administration Director Lurita Doan.
Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg is a likely
member as well.
A New York Times article written in 2011 said, “Belizean Grove
has connected the top women in technology to the top women in
finance, to the top women in media, to the top women in law, to the
top women in retail, and so on.”176 It is currently unknown if the
group conducts any bizarre rituals like their male counterpart at the
Bohemian Grove, and at the time of this writing little else is known
about the Belizean Grove.
Seraphic Society

Would you believe there’s a secret society of elite secretaries?

I’m not kidding. Known as the Seraphic Society, this strange group
was founded in 1940 in New York to supply, “leaders in industry, and
social, civic, philanthropic, professional and other important
enterprises” with trustworthy secretaries.”177 The most powerful
CEOs in America get their secretaries from the Seraphic Society,
which is named after the Seraphim, the highest order of angels in
Heaven, because the society considers their secretaries angels who
protect Gods.
David Rockefeller, Steve Forbes, CEOs from Meryl Lynch,
Goldman Sachs, Chase Manhattan Bank, Sony, and many other
Fortune 500 companies all use the Seraphic Society to provide them
with “trustworthy” secretaries. A Fortune magazine article in 2009
even admitted that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the
Council on Foreign Relations use this “secretarial Skull and Bones”
When journalist John Glassie of the New York Times was
working on an article about the group in 1998, he was told by the
Saraphic president at the time, who asked not to be identified, that
“We’re very quiet, very low-key,” and “It’s very touchy.”179
One “Angel” who was willing to speak with the reporter on the
condition of anonymity told him, “Some people would love to be
members but they just don’t fit the qualifications, and that’s what
keeps this organization so special…You can’t just say you want to
With many high-powered CEOs of international banks being
essentially organized crime bosses, they can’t just hire any secretary
to deal with their shady affairs. The Seraphic Society can provide
them with women they know will not have any second thoughts or
misgivings about the kind of work their boss is involved in, and who
will be compensated very well for their cooperation. The saying goes
that behind every great man is a great woman, and the same is true
that behind every corrupt man, is a woman who’s willing to look the
other way.
Secretaries for rich and powerful, or “administrative assistants,”
as they are often called, don’t just deal with their boss’s work
schedule, but are also closely intertwined with their personal lives as
well. Personal assistants often get to know the intimate details of
their boss’s lives and are trusted to manage what are called P & C’s
or personal and confidentials, which may range from doing their
personal shopping, to even arranging the delivery of drugs or
The Ordo Templi Orientis

Ordo Templi Orientis (Latin for Order of the Temple of the East
or Order of Oriental Templars, often abbreviated to O.T.O.) is a
secret society (or “fraternal order” as they say) founded between
1895 and 1906 in Germany or Austria (their exact original is
unverified) whose spiritual teachings are based on the philosophy of
Aleister Crowley and uses his Book of the Law as it’s Bible. The
O.T.O. was inspired by Freemasonry and its founders concocted
nine different levels (or degrees) for initiates that each supposedly
reveal new spiritual teachings. These degrees were later expanded
to thirteen.
Aleister Crowley claimed a demon who possessed his wife while
they were in Egypt dictated his Book of the Law to him in 1904,
commanding him to obey the entity’s ruthless social darwinistic rules
such as, “Compassion is the vice of kings: stamp down the wretched
and the weak: this is the law of the strong, this is our law and the joy
of the world.”181 The demon, whose words Crowley wrote down in
what would later be published as The Book of the Law, also
commands readers to “Worship me with fire & blood; worship me
with swords and with spears, is the command…let blood flow to my
name. Trample down the Heathen; be upon them, o warrior, I will
give you of their flesh to eat! Sacrifice cattle, little and big, after a
It continues, “Damn them who pity! Kill and torture; spare not; be
upon them! The best blood is of the moon, monthly, then the fresh
blood of a child.”183 The demonic entity voicing its instructions finally
said, “I am in a secret fourfold word, the blasphemy against all gods
of men. Curse them! Curse them! Curse them! With my Hawk’s head
I peck at the eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross.”184
While anyone can pick up a copy of Crowley’s book and read his
teachings which make up the core of the O.T.O., many believe the
organization’s best kept secrets are only communicated orally, and
involve what is called sex magic (often spelled sex magick, with a “k”
on the end), which is the belief that through certain sexual practices,
one can reach a level of enlightenment that is unattainable by any
other means.
“Dr. Israel Regardie [Crowley’s personal secretary] believed that
certain sex magick techniques could be used by advanced students
to incarnate ‘spiritual’ energies on the physical place, as well as
making important shifts in the orientation of the Psyche and the
Universe. In other words, if these methods were used properly,
couples could bring into the world ‘divine’ forces in the children they
generated, who could influence the future of the race.”185
“The realization that man’s emotional, physical and sexual
energies are food for the ‘gods’ can create great personal turmoil at
first, however when one begins to joyously participate in the spiritual
feeding frenzy, one is ‘elevated perpendicularly to infinity.’”186
Crowley revealed in his autobiography that, “the O.T.O. is in
possession of one supreme secret. The whole of its system at the
time when I became an initiate of the Sanctuary of the Gnosis was
directed towards communicating to its members, by progressively
plain hints, this all-important instruction. I personally believe that if
this secret, which is a scientific secret, were perfectly understood, as
it is not even by me after more than twelve years’ [of] almost
constant study and experiment, there would be nothing which the
human imagination can conceive that could not be realized in
practice…I make these remarks with absolute confidence, for even
the insignificant approaches that I have been able to make towards
the sanctuaries of this secret have shown me that the relations
between phenomena are infinitely more complex than the wildest
philosophers have ever imagined, and that the old proverb ‘where
there’s a will there’s a way’ needs no caveat.”187
What he’s talking about is his belief that through various sexual
practices, heterosexual and homosexual, he believed one could
“super charge” in a sense, his ability to “manifest” things into his life
that he wanted. Crowley was a bisexual, heroin addict, who ate
human feces and reportedly had sex with animals in his quest for
enlightenment, yet he is still seen as an idol by rebellious teenagers
and many mainstream musicians have paid homage to him.
The fact that the Ordo Templi Orientis bases its teachings on
such a perverted and wicked man casts a dark cloud of suspicion
over the entire organization. Little is known about the membership
and current activities of the OTO but many suspect their secret sex
magic rituals have attracted some very powerful men from
Hollywood’s elite. Others believe that high level Illuminati members
engage in homosexual Enochian sex magic rituals inside the
Bohemian Grove every summer in attempts to activate latent
metaphysical power allegedly hidden deep inside the brain.
Jekyll Island Meeting

The infamous Federal Reserve, the privately owned banking

cartel that is in control of America’s currency and financial system,
was born out of a secret meeting held by a handful of banking elite
on a secluded island off the coast of Georgia in 1910. Under the
cover story of going on a hunting trip, a small group of men met on
Jekyll Island for a week and a half to draft what would later be
passed into law through a clever and sneaky tactic of voting on their
plan on December 23rd 1913, the eve of Christmas Eve, while
almost every congressman was at home with their families for
Christmas, thus slipping the Federal Reserve Act into law.
While the Federal Reserve sounds like a department of the
United States government, it is actually a conglomerate of privately
owned banks who dictate America’s monetary policy, and as the
saying goes, “those with the gold make the rules.” Just as the elite
Illuminati have secretly maneuvered themselves to control both
major political parties in the American government, along with the
world’s resources, infrastructure, and media though their business
monopolies; of course they planned (and successfully accomplished)
to take over the financial system as well, and are now in charge of
printing the money.
The Jekyll Island meeting included executives from the major
banks, such as Rockefeller family associate Frank A. Vanderlip, who
was president of the National City Bank of New York; Henry Davison
of J.P. Morgan Company; Charles D. Norton, president of the First
National Bank of New York; Paul Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb, & Co; and
Colonel Edward House, one of the founding members of the Council
on Foreign Relations. The plan they put together would then be
presented to Senator Nelson Aldrich, whose daughter was married
to John D. Rockefeller Jr., who then presented it to Congress where
it became known as the Aldrich Plan.
Paul Warburg later admitted, “The matter of a uniform discount
rate [interest rate] was discussed and settled at Jekyll Island.”188
Frank Vanderlip, who worked for the Rockefellers and attended the
Jekyll Island meeting, would later admit in his autobiography that,
“Discovery, we knew, simply must not happen, or else all our time
and effort would be wasted. If it were to be exposed publicly that our
particular group had gotten together and written a banking bill, that
bill would have no chance whatever of passage by Congress.”189
Congressman Ron Paul wrote in his book End the Fed, “A
secret meeting was convened at the coastal Georgia resort called
the Jekyll Island Club, co-owned by J. P. Morgan himself. The press
said it was a duck-hunting expedition. Those who attended took
elaborate steps to preserve their secrecy, but history recorded
precisely who was there: John D. Rockefeller’s man in the senate,
Nelson Aldrich, Morgan senior partner Henry Davison, German
émigré and central banking advocate Paul Warburg, National City
Bank vice president Frank Vanderlip, and NMC staffer A. Piatt
Andrew, who was also Assistant Secretary of the Treasury to
President Taft.”190
William Greider, author of the New York Times bestseller
Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country,
mostly dismisses what he calls “conspiracy-minded” accusations, but
does admit that, “their suspicions were poetically accurate—the
bankers met secretly because they knew that any proposal identified
as Wall Street’s bill would be doomed in the Democratic House of
Those who own the banking system have a tremendous amount
of power in their hands because those who control the issuance of
currency have the ability to create money out of nothing, declare it’s
legal tender, and then loan it out to people (or the government) and
then collect interest on the money they lend out. It’s the perfect scam
because instead of earning their money by building something,
delivering packages, raising livestock, or any number of other ways
people earn a living, the banksters have cleverly positioned
themselves into the place where they take in a massive amount of
money for basically doing nothing other than acting as the self-
proclaimed sole authority on money itself. Once you can wrap your
mind around what it means to “create money out of nothing and loan
it out at interest,” you can realize just how monumental their scam is.
The President of the Bank of England and the second richest
man in Britain in the 1920s, Sir Josiah Stamp, is reported to have
revealed that, “The modern banking system manufactures money
out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of
sleight of hand that was every invented. Banking was conceived in
inequity and born in sin…Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from
them but leave them the power to create money, and with a flick of a
pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again…Take this
great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will
disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live
in….But if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay
the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create
money and control credit.”192
In 1816 Thomas Jefferson wrote to his longtime friend John
Taylor thanking him for sending copy of his book An Inquiry into the
Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States (1814).
Jefferson concluded his letter saying, “And I sincerely believe, with
you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing
armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by
posterity [future generations], under the name of funding, is but
swindling futurity [the future] on a large scale.”193
Abraham Lincoln reported believed that instead of private banks
having this power, “The government should create, issue and
circulate all the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending
power of the government and the buying power of consumers.....The
privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme
prerogative of Government, but it is the Government’s greatest
creative opportunity.”194
He goes on to say, “By the adoption of these principles, the
long-felt want for a uniform medium will be satisfied. The taxpayers
will be saved immense sums of interest, discounts and exchanges.
The financing of all public enterprises, the maintenance of stable
government and ordered progress, and the conduct of the Treasury
will become matters of practical administration. The people can and
will be furnished with a currency as safe as their own government.
Money will cease to be the master and become the servant of
The Federal Reserve Bank is working with other central banks
around the world to incrementally introduce regional currencies in
different areas of the world by merging several currencies into one.
Taking America off the gold standard in 1972, and continuing to run
up the national debt is the bankers plan to inflate the United States
Dollar to the point of worthlessness, forcing it to be replaced with a
new regional currency or even bypassing that step and moving right
to a global currency. The saying goes that the love of money is the
root of all evil, and that root leads directly to the Federal Reserve
banksters and the global financial mafia.
World-renowned economist John Maynard Keynes (whose
philosophies are known as Keynesian economics) wrote in his book
The Economic Consequences of the Peace, that, “Lenin is said to
have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was
to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation,
governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important
part of wealth of their citizens. There is no subtler, no surer means of
overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the
currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic
law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one
man in a million is able to diagnose.”195
In the Bible it is written in John 2:15 that Jesus not only
denounced the money changers at the Temple, but he actually
tipped over their tables and used a whip to chase them away. “So he
made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both
sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and
overturned their tables.”
In the 2000 years since then, the corrupt money changers and
tax collectors have only grown more powerful through their sneaky
tactics, and have continued to systematically turn most people into
peasants or debt slaves. “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the
borrower is servant to the lender,” reads Proverbs 22:7.
The Zodiac Club

J.P. Morgan Jr., the infamous Illuminati money master (and one
of the men instrumental in the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank
which was conceived during the secret meeting on Jekyll Island),
was also a major figure in another financial secret society called the
Zodiac Club.196 Not much is known about this intimate secret
society, but a few details were uncovered in the archives of the
Morgan library in New York.197
What is known about the Zodiac Club is that it was created in
1868 and is made up of twelve men, no more and no less, who each
represent one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac and meet about a
half dozen times every year for dinner to discuss their financial
interests and cultural issues.
Their dinners are black tie events that are held in New York City
on the last Saturday of every month between November and May at
homes of the members. Dinner is provided by a fancy catering
service and unlike the enormous undertaking to organize the
Bilderberg Group meeting or the annual Bohemian Grove retreat; the
Zodiac Club’s small gathering has largely stayed under the radar and
has received little press attention.
One interesting factoid reported is that during prohibition, when
alcohol was illegal to produce or consume, the Zodiac Club
continued to enjoy drinking by either brewing their own alcohol or
using their connections to obtain it. Of course, when do the elite ever
follow the law anyway?
A member usually only leaves the club when they die or resign
due to old age or health problems. Once someone steps down then
a replacement is chosen only after they are unanimously approved
by rest of the current group.
What little information that’s known about the Zodiac Club was
only discovered in 2013 after a reporter for The Gathamist, a blog
focusing on events and culture in New York City, took a tour of the
Morgan Library where she noticed a strange arrangement of
astrological signs painted on the ceiling. After asking about them, the
curator admitted that he thought it was some kind of “Morgan Code”
and then searched the library for any books or documents containing
the word “Zodiac.”198 It was only then that the Zodiac Club’s minutes
and several menus from some of their past dinners were discovered.
“I made an appointment to see the material myself. Expecting to
find handwritten notes, I was instead handed a striking seafoam
green book with an intricate monogram embossed in gold,” wrote art
historian Danielle Oteri on The Gathamist blog.199
Oteri’s article explains, “The volumes were richly illustrated with
photographs of the members and the special menus from their
dinners. Only a hundred copies were printed (by Charles Scribner &
Sons, the letters designed by Tiffany & Co.) and they were
distributed among Zodiac Club members and their heirs for a sum of
$4,800 (the equivalent of around $100,000 today). The two volumes
cover the club from its genesis in 1868 up until 1928.”200
Of the few who have heard of the Zodiac Club, some believe
that J.P. Morgan founded it, but apparently it was created by Edward
Elmer Potter, a Major General for the Union Army during the Civil
War. A book titled America’s Secret Aristocracy was published in
1987 by historian Stephen Birmingham that discussed the group and
even mentioned the names of several men who he reported as being
members, including real estate mogul Robert G. Goelet, who’s
related to Astors and Vanderbilts; Robert S. Pirie, who was president
of Rothschild Inc.; and Pittsburgh steel magnet Howard Phipps Jr.
were among those identified.
Other than this little known book, and Danielle Oteri’s article in
The Gathamist, virtually nothing has been printed about this intimate
group of the Eastern Establishment.
Council on Foreign Relations

While not exactly a secret society, the Council on Foreign

Relations is a society with secrets, and while sounding like an
ordinary committee in Congress, the CFR is actually a private
organization whose foreign policy recommendations are practically
marching orders for the many elite politicians who belong to it. The
“council” was founded in 1921 in Manhattan by Colonel Edward
Mandell House, who was Woodrow Wilson’s chief advisor, along with
Paul Warburg, who was at the Jekyll Island meeting held to create
the Federal Reserve Bank, Elihu Root, who was the Secretary of
War under both President McKinley and Roosevelt, and a handful of
other insiders who then received funding for their venture from the
Rockefeller family.
The Council on Foreign Relations was a major force behind the
push to launch the War in Iraq which was based on the fraud (a
conspiracy theory really) that Saddam Hussein was close to building
nuclear weapons so he could supposedly attack the United States
and our allies—claims that the world would come to learn were
completely false.
At a press conference celebrating their newly opened
Washington D.C. office, Hillary Clinton said, “I am delighted to be
here in these new headquarters. I have been often to, I guess, the
‘mother ship’ in New York City, but it’s good to have an outpost of the
Council right here down the street from the State Department. We
get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won’t have as
far to go to be told what we should be doing."201
Aside from most high-powered politicians being members of the
council, many mainstream journalists are members as well, and use
their positions to promote the agenda of the CFR. Antony Sutton,
author of America’s Secret Establishment points out, “Most CFR
members are not involved in a conspiracy and have no knowledge of
any conspiracy…however, there is a group within the Council of
Foreign Relations which belongs to a secret society, sworn to
secrecy, and which more or less controls the CFR. CFR meetings
are used for their own purposes, ie., to push out their own ideas, to
weigh up people who might be useful, to use meetings as a forum for
The CFR has been the driving force and inspiration behind
much of America’s foreign policy and operates as a consensus
building and lobbying firm to persuade politicians to carry out their
directives. The prominent politicians and journalists then pass the
propaganda they are fed into the mainstream.
Richard Haas, who has been the president of the CFR for over
ten years, appeared on Bill Maher’s HBO show Real Time in 2010 to
promote his book, War of Necessity, War of Choice, and as soon as
the interview began Maher started off by joking, “OK, as we
discussed last time, you are the president of the Council on Foreign
Relations, which secretly controls the world I believe.”203 Haas sat
there grinning ear to ear and nodded his head in agreement as the
audience laughed.
Robert Pastor, who was once the Chairman of the Council on
Foreign Relations, wrote a book in 2001 titled Toward a North
American Community, where he said, “In the long term, the amero is
in the best interests of all three countries,”204 referring to the United
States, Canada, and Mexico, which the Illuminati want to merge into
a regional union modeled after the European Union that they plan to
call the American Union. The “amero” he mentioned is the proposed
new regional currency the Illuminati would like the North American
Union to Implement.
The Illuminati’s ultimate plan regarding currency is to first
establish regional unions and currencies around the world and then
merge all of them into one unified global currency (potentially called
the Phoenix) which will be a digital electronic currency. Once
physical currency like cash and coins have been eliminated or made
nearly impossible to use, the unified electronic currency will be the
global standard controlled by the World Bank and its affiliates.
This is the fulfillment of the mysterious “Mark of the Beast”
prophecy written about over 2000 years ago in the Bible’s Book of
Revelation, which warned “And he causeth all, both small and great,
rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or
in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that
had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his
name...and his number is Six hundred & sixty-six.” (Revelation
As I’m sure you are aware, cash is slowly being phased out and
even using it is now seen as suspicious because it can’t be easily
traced, and keeps one’s purchasing history private. The
“convenience” of a cashless society is one of the top goals of the
Illuminati, and the Council on Foreign Relations is one of the front
groups working to make that happen.
The Jasons

We think of most secret societies as political or spiritual

associations, but one founded in 1960 is comprised of elite
scientists. They are called The Jasons, a name that refers to Jason
and the Argonauts from Greek mythology who ventured out to obtain
the “golden fleece” (a piece of fabric woven from golden hair) which
is symbolic of authority and kingship.
The Jasons, or sometimes referred to as JASON, is a small
group of 30 to 60 of the world’s top physicists, biologists,
mathematicians, and computer scientists who advise the U.S.
Government in their area of expertise. These men are from
academia and private business who do not work directly for the
government, but instead serve as advisors who are reportedly paid
$850 a day from a budget of $3.5 million a year.205 Many members
are university professors who work a full time job during the school
year, but in the summer months spend their time working on
classified projects for the Department of Defense, the Department of
Energy, and other government agencies.
The Jasons were responsible for a 1982 report that served as
the foundation for the growing barrage of global warming
propaganda titled The Long Term Impact of Atmospheric Carbon
Dioxide on Climate. They are believed to have been involved with
various missile defense programs (Star Wars or HAARP), and gave
their analysis contemplating America’s possible use of tactical
nuclear weapons against the Vietcong during the Vietnam war.206
The JASONS are technically a 501C3 tax exempt nonprofit
organization run through the MITRE Corporation in McLean, Virginia,
and were only discovered when the Pentagon Papers were
published by Daniel Elsberg in 1971 after Elsberg, a military analyst
working for the RAND Corporation, photocopied seven thousand
pages of government documents and leaked them to the press after
discovering the extent that the Johnson administration lied to
Congress and the public about the Vietnam War. Very little has been
reported on them, and at the time I’m writing this there is currently
only one book published dedicated to the group—The Jasons: The
Secret History of Science’s Postwar Elite (2006) by Ann Finkbeiner.
When researching her book, Finkbeiner reached out to
members asking for interviews, including the director, who
responded with an e-mail saying, “Frankly, we could not identify an
up-side for our organization, but could identify potential downsides to
such a book.”207
The reason they are paid as part time contractors and kept
outside the bureaucracy of the Department of Defense is because
the government feels if they were actual full time employees, their
advice would be biased because they would have a vested interest
in pushing for certain programs or for advising against others. After
all, what government employee is going to actually report to their
boss that their own job is unnecessary?
Ann Finkbeiner explains in her book, “A government wanting
scientists’ advice on, say the feasibility of a particular system of
missile defense could ask scientists who are nearest—that is, who
are in the defense industry or on the Defense Department’s various
advisory committees. But those scientists like the national lab
scientists, would have something political or financial to gain or lose
and might hedge their advice accordingly. Disinterested advice
comes best from independent scientists, like those on PSAC, outside
the government and outside industry—that is from scientists
employed in academia whose livelihoods will not depend on the
advice they give.”208
The original JASONS were former Manhattan Project physicists
who just so happened to hold a major meeting in the Bohemian
Grove! Peter Philips, who earned his Ph.D. in sociology after writing
his dissertation on the Bohemian Grove, had this to say about the
subject: “The atom bomb made this particular meeting at the Grove
world famous, but it was not an isolated case of business and
government planning through Bohemian club facilities. This was but
one in a long series of historical business-related activities done in
the context of a Bohemian corporate family network. The Club takes
pride in this event, and members often tell new guests this story
while at the Grove.”209
“[Ernest] Lawrence’s use of the Grove’s river clubhouse for a
Manhattan Project planning meeting in September of 1942 is well
documented.”210 Lawrence would later join the board of directors of
Monsanto and worked as a consultant to General Electric.211 The
JASONS continue to receive funding from the Department of
Defense through DARPA [the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency] as well as money from other agencies who sometimes
attempt to hide the paper trail through various means.
DARPA is responsible for building neural interface systems they
plan to wire directly into people’s brains, and they’re behind a whole
list of some of the creepiest high tech Orwellian cybernetic devices
you could imagine.
The Bilderberg Group

Every Spring since 1954 a group of around one hundred of the

world’s most powerful politicians, businessmen, bankers, media
executives, and international royalty have been holding a secret
three-day long meeting in an evacuated hotel that’s surrounded by
armed guards. Once inside the members and invited guests engage
in intense off-the-record talks about the top issues facing the world.
It’s called the Bilderberg Group, or the Bilderberg meeting, named
after the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeck, Holland, the site of their first
gathering organized by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.
Attendees agree not to discuss publicly who was in attendance or
what specifically was discussed, and most of them have denied any
knowledge of the Bilderberg Group at all.
For over sixty years there has been an almost complete
blackout in the mainstream media about the meetings, yielding to the
Bilderberg Group’s wishes that they keep them out of the press. For
decades, news of the infamous Bilderberg Group spread in Patriot
circles, in underground newsletters and websites, until the advent of
YouTube and social media finally forced some major mainstream
media outlets to admit that Bilderberg is real and some very powerful
people attend. Here’s a brief history of how the meetings were first
discovered and how news of the group began to spread.
In 1957 a Pulitzer Prize winning columnist named Westbrook
Pegler who wrote for Scripps Howard News Service, the Chicago
Tribune, and other papers, published the first article on the
Bilderberg Group—although he did not know their name at the time
—his report marked the beginning of the unraveling of one of the
most interesting conspiracies of all time.
In his 1957 article, Westbrook Pegler wrote, “Something very
mysterious is going on when a strange assortment of 67 self-
qualified, polyglot designers and arbiters of the economic and
political fate of our western world go into a secret huddle on an
island of Brunswick, GA and not a word gets into the popular press
beyond a little routine AP story. These gumshoe super state
architects and monetary schemers were drawn from all NATO
countries. The fact of this weird conclave as spooky as any midnight
meeting of the Klux in a piney wood, was bound to get known to the
world eventually.”212
He continues to explain how he first learned of this meeting,
saying, “I got my first word of it from a reader who happened onto St.
Simon Island, Brunswick, [Georgia] on her way to West Palm Beach.
She wrote that the hotel on St. Simon was almost deserted, but that
when she commented on this, the clerk said the place had been
alive with mysterious characters a few days earlier and with Secret
Service and FBI too.”
While not yet having the group’s name, Westbrook did connect
them with the same gang who met on Jekyll Island to formulate the
plans for the Federal Reserve. He said, “Senator Aldrich of Rhode
Island, called this one into being. He was the father of Winthrop
Aldrich. There have been many excited versions of that ancient hoe-
down on Jekyll Island, but relatively few have ever heard of it at all.”
After Westbrook Pegler began criticizing executives of the
powerful Hearst Corporation that owned and controlled almost 30
different newspapers in America, he was fired. Hearst newspapers
literally created “yellow journalism” which refers to sensationalistic
headlines and careless reporting with a disregard for the facts in
order to sell more newspapers.
A man named Willis Carto read Westbrook Pegler’s article and it
motivated him to begin investigating and tracking the Bilderberg
Group himself. In June of 1958 Willis Carto founded Liberty Lobby
that published a newsletter titled Liberty Lowdown that included
articles exposing the Bilderberg Group. He would later begin
publishing a newspaper called The Spotlight.
Over two decades later, Jim Tucker learned of this elusive group
from Carto and would become the world’s foremost expert on them.
Tucker explained, “Had it not been for Willis A. Carto, who hired me
as editor of The Spotlight and then put me on the tack of Bilderberg,
I would probably-almost assuredly-never heard of the word
‘Bilderberg.’ Having had the opportunity, through Carto’s good offices
as founder of Liberty Lobby, publisher of The Spotlight, to begin what
ultimately proved to be a generation of world-wide Bilderberg-
hunting, I was able to bring news about Bilderberg to literally millions
of folks who would like myself have otherwise remained in the dark
about these globalist schemers.”213
Tucker tracked the Bilderberg Group from 1975 until his death in
2013 at the age of 78. His book, titled Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary
contains decades of information about where the Bilderbergers met,
who was in attendance and what was discussed. Tucker had
somehow gained the support of an insider who would leak
information to him every year about the location and date of the
meeting, as well as attendee lists and other information.
It’s foolish to claim there hasn’t been a secret arrangement
between the Bilderberg Group and the American mainstream media
to keep them out of the press. When over 100 of the world’s most
influential politicians, media owners, banking executives, and
business elite fly half way around the world to meet for three days in
a closed down five star hotel that’s surrounded by armed guards,
you can’t say it’s not newsworthy. And you certainly can’t say it’s not
interesting. For years, if anyone called into any of the major talk
shows like Rush Limbauh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and others,
and told the call screener they wanted to ask about the Bilderberg
Group, the call would never be put through. “We’re not taking calls
on that right now, sorry. Click.” If the person calling gave the call
screener a bogus question and happened to be put on air and then
asked about the Bilderbergers, they would be ridiculed and the call
would be dropped immediately (something that’s happened to me
many times).
After decades of news blackouts, more recently because social
media has helped expose Bilderberg, some outlets have reluctantly
(and briefly) mentioned the event in attempts to avoid looking like
they were covering it up.
In 1991 an Arkansas newspaper published an article reporting
that Bill Clinton was attending the Bilderberg meeting. This of course
was before people were using the Internet to spread news and at a
time when one local newspaper’s report would rarely be seen by
anyone outside its limited circulation area. The article stated, “Private
sponsors picked up the tab for Gov. Bill Clinton’s recent trips to
Germany and the Soviet Union—a journey he made without staff
aids, spokesman said Thursday. Mike Gauldin, the governor’s
spokesman, said the Bilderberg Conference paid for Clinton’s trip to
Germany and a Washington DC philanthropist paid for the Soviet
Union visit.”214
In the 1970s a Democratic U.S. representative from Louisiana
named John R. Rarick caught wind of the meetings and became
suspicious and wanted to know if taxpayers were paying for
American officials to attend the secret meeting. Rarick typed up a
ten-page statement and actually entered it into the official
Congressional Record. “Mr. Speaker, on several occasions during
recent months, I called the attention of our colleagues to activities of
the Bilderbergers—an elite international group comprised of high
government officials, international financiers, businessmen, and
opinion-makers…” the statement begins.
“This exclusive international aristocracy holds highly secret
meetings annually or more often in various countries. The limited
information available about what transpires at these meetings
reveals that they discuss matters of vital importance which affect the
lives of all citizens. Presidential Advisor Henry Kissinger, who made
a secret visit to Peking from July 9 to July 11, 1971, and arranged for
a presidential visit to Red China, was reported to be in attendance at
the most recent Bilderberg meeting held in Woodstock, Vermont,
April 23 to April 25, 1971. The two points reportedly discussed at the
Woodstock meeting were, ‘the contribution of business in dealing
with current problems of social instability’ and ‘the possibility of a
change of the American role in the world and its consequences.’”
“Following these secret discussions, which are certainly not in
keeping with the Western political tradition of ‘open covenants
openly arrived at,’ the participants returned to their respective
countries with the general public left uninformed, notwithstanding the
attendance of some news media representatives, of any of the
recommendations and plans agreed upon as a result of the
discussions—or for that matter even the occurrence of the meeting
President Dwight D. Eisenhower, best known for warning the
world about the Military Industrial Complex in his 1961 farewell
address, wrote a memo to his assistant in 1955 about that year’s
Bilderberg meeting which took place in Barbizon, France. While
Eisenhower didn’t mention them by name, it’s pretty obvious who
he’s talking about in the memo when he says, “I understand next
week Prince Bernhard is having a meeting at Barbizon, continuing
his exploration looking toward improving European and American
relations. If personally you can fit such a trip into your schedule, I
suggest you find the money and go to France.”216
I have been able to obtain several recent years of Bilderberg’s
IRS filings since they are registered as a 501c3 “charitable
foundation,” certain financial information must be made available for
public inspection, if you know where to look.217 I discovered they
operate under the business entity “American Friends of Bilderberg”
and the documents show that in 2008 they received $645,000 in
contributions to fund their annual meeting, with money coming from
Goldman Sachs ($25,000), Microsoft ($75,000), Henry Kissinger
($20,000), David Rockefeller ($50,000) and others. The 2009 returns
show the Washington Post newspaper donated $25,000.218
Under the “Summary of Direct Charitable Activities,” the forms
list the organization’s goals as “Organizing & sponsoring
conferences which study & discuss significant problems of the
western alliance [and] collaborating on the Bilderberg meetings held
in Europe & North America.”
The expenses on the 2008 and 2012 documents are listed as
approximately $900,000 per year, which covers renting out the entire
hotel for three days, paying the private security forces and
compensating local police for the extra man-hours, and for paying
the travel expenses of members and attendees.
The documents list James Johnson as the treasurer, who is also
the chairman of Perseus LLC, a merchant bank and private equity
fund management company based in Washington D.C. with offices in
New York and an associated advisory firm in Munich, Germany.
Perseus is a leading figure in Greek Mythology and is the one who
beheaded Medusa.
Johnson was once the Chairman of the Executive Committee at
Fannie Mae; and before that he was a managing director at Lehman
Brothers. He’s also on the Board of Directors for Goldman Sachs
and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
I have personally been to the offices of Perseus in Washington
D.C. seeking a comment on the documents, and as soon as I
mentioned “Bilderberg,” James Johnson’s secretary said they have
no comment and slammed the door. The person listed on the forms
as the accountant is Robert T. Foldes of Leon D. Alpern & Company
and when I called them, the secretary confirmed they handle the
taxes for American Friends of Bilderberg but declined to give me any
further information.
Documents leaked from the 1955 Bilderberg meeting show they
were planning the European Union and a central currency back in
the 1950s, decades before the EU was formed and their new Euro
currency introduced. The documents are marked “Personal and
strictly confidential,” and “Not for publication either in whole or in
part.” Two years later, in 1957, the European Union started to take
shape with the creation of the European Economic Community
(EEC), which merged the markets of six European countries: France,
Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. This
later grew into the European Union in 1993 containing 28 nation
states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and
the United Kingdom.
Most of their plan has been accomplished, and while they will
continue to play themselves off as just an ordinary business
conference, the decades of denials and media blackouts prove the
Bilderberg Group has been deceptive from their inception and the
inside sources who have leaked their plans over the years prove the
power they wield. Most often, what’s talked about or agreed upon
inside Bilderberg soon mysteriously finds its way into becoming law.
It clearly appears that wars, economic booms and busts, and
controversial new legislation are often traced back to this small
group of around 100 men.
While politicians love to point the finger at their rivals and place
all the country’s ills on the opposing party, most politicians (at least
at the time I’m writing this) haven’t even uttered the word Bilderberg.
Congressman Ron Paul, one of the rare honest politicians, was once
asked about the Bilderberg Group by a fan at a book signing who
videotaped the interaction and posted it on YouTube. “Did you hear
about that recent Bilderberg Group meeting in Chantilly, Virginia?”
the person asked. Ron Paul responded, “Yeah, recently there was
one and there were some reports on it—I didn’t read a whole lot
about it but they certainly were there.”219
The cameraman then asked what he thought they were doing
there, and Paul responded, “Well, they probably get together and
talk about how they’re going to control the banking systems of the
world and natural resources—and we get together and talk about
how we’re going to get our freedom back. So we have our own
things to talk about too.”
Ron Paul didn’t play dumb and didn’t ridicule the man’s question
—instead he answered it quite frankly, which is surprising for a
politician, particularly when it comes to talking about the Bilderberg
Group. Ron Paul was (and still may be, depending on what happens
after this book is published) the only politician (at the time) to have
ever even uttered the word “Bilderberg.”
When Hillary Clinton was campaigning for president hoping to
secure the election in 2008, someone asked her about the
Bilderberg Group at an event in New Hampshire and posted the
video on YouTube. “What’s going on at the Bilderberg meeting and
what are you guys talking about up there?” She cackled, “Ha ha ha, I
have no idea what you’re talking about.” The man responded, “Why
are they such top secret meetings?” To which she answered (looking
like a kid with their hand caught in the cookie jar), “Sir, I have no idea
what you’re talking about.”220
She has no idea what he’s talking about? How could one of the
most powerful and politically connected women in the world possibly
not know about them? It’s ridiculous to claim that she isn’t intimately
aware of the Bilderberg Group and obviously she was playing dumb
to uphold their secrecy policy. Hilary wrote her college thesis on Saul
Alinsky, the leftist extremist who dedicated his book Rules for
Radicals to Lucifer, and adored his subversive tactics to further the
Big Government agenda.
Because of social media and independent blogs and YouTube
channels gaining so much popularity in the early 2000’s, Bilderberg’s
secrecy has been blown, and they, (along with their accessories to
the cover-up in the mainstream media) have been forced to break
their silence on the group and finally, beginning in around the year
2012, some mainstream outlets began to briefly touch on the
meeting to try to give the impression they weren’t obviously blacking
them out in a desperate attempt to maintain their fading facade of
Almost every article or brief TV news segment mentions how
“conspiracy theorists” think the group is up to no good, while
glossing over the fact that for over a half century they conveniently
ignored the meetings or how the top radio hosts like Sean Hannity,
Glenn Beck and others actually ridiculed any caller who even
brought it up.
When hosting his popular show on the Fox News Channel,
Glenn Beck once claimed that talking about the Bilderberg Group
was going down a “tin foil hat road,” and said he didn’t care about
the Bilderberg Group, and then compared them to a toy company.
“The Bilderbergers had their meeting, I don’t really know much about
these people, and I don’t really care. I know probably more about the
Build a Bear people in the malls, and I know those people are
brainwashing our kids with teddy bears. I don’t know what kind of
secret meetings they have to get our kids into the bear industry, but I
don’t like it. If the Bilderberg’s are half as evil as the teddy bear
people, look out.”221
Beck then went on to say that those inside the Bilderberg
meeting were probably talking about how to help the world.
Spiritual Beliefs

It is often said that the Illuminati are “satanic” or Luciferian,

which seems unbelievable to someone new to this material because
it’s so far outside of most people’s realm of understanding that such
claims are often met with skepticism, disbelief, or outright ridicule.
But when one takes a closer look and understands just what
Satanism and Luciferianism is, such claims not only seem
reasonable, but they are undeniable. First we must look at the story
of Adam and Eve to begin to understand this.
While Christians, Jews, and many others believe that the first
humans disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden by following the
advice of Satan, the Illuminati (and every occult association,
fraternity, or secret society) believes that Satan actually saved Adam
and Eve from enslavement to God, who they say was holding back
Mankind’s true potential and keeping Adam and Eve imprisoned in
Many religions have an esoteric and an exoteric doctrine, one
interpretation for the masses, and another doctrine with deeper or
different interpretations for the scholars or religious insiders, often
called “adepts” or “the elect.” In Judaism this “second” doctrine is
called the Midrash, which goes “beyond” the “simple” and “legal”
interpretations of the Torah (the Old Testament) and gives an
“expanded view” of the Bible’s stories.
Remember that Albert Pike said, “Masonry, like all the Religions,
all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals [emphasis in
original] its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the
Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its
symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal
the Truth, which it [the Mason] calls Light, from them, and to draw
them away from it.”222
In his book, The Wisdom of the Knowing Ones, Manly P. Hall
explains, “all of these religions had been divided into two sections,
one of which was for the public and the other essentially an esoteric
or mystical tradition for a few who were willing to consecrate their
lives through a process of internal enlightenment. For the many there
was obedience to the forms and letters of religious law. For the few
there was an insight into the deeper meanings of these things by
means of which orthodoxies were transformed into great spiritual
Lucifer and Satan

The biggest secret of the Illuminati is that they believe Satan is

good, because in their view he is the “superior God,” and this secret
has endowed them with tremendous power. Helena Blavatsky in her
1888 book The Secret Doctrine, explains, “Thus Lucifer—the spirit of
Intellectual Enlightenment and Freedom of Thought—is
metaphorically the guiding beacon, which helps man to find his way
through the rocks and sand banks of Life, for Lucifer is the Logos in
his highest.”224
She continues, “Lucifer is divine and terrestrial light, the ‘Holy
Ghost’ and ‘Satan,’ at one and the same time, visible space being
truly filled with differentiated breath invisibly; and the Astral Light, the
manifested efforts of two who are one, guided and attracted by
ourselves, is the karma of humanity, both a personal and impersonal
entity…The Fall was the result of man’s knowledge, for his ‘eyes
were opened.’ Indeed, he was taught wisdom and the hidden
knowledge by the ‘Fallen Angel’…And now it stand proven that
Satan, or the Red Fiery Dragon, the “lord of Phosphorus” (brimstone
was a theological improvement), and Lucifer, or ‘Light-Bearer,’ is in
us: it is our Mind—our tempter and Redeemer, our intelligent
liberator and Savior from pure animalism…Without this quickening
spirit, or human Mind or soul, there would be no difference between
man and beast.”225
Satanist Aleister Crowley said, “This serpent, Satan, is not the
enemy of Man, be He who made Gods of our race, knowing Good
and Evil; He bade ‘Know Thyself’ and taught initiation. He is ‘the
Devil’ of the book of Thoth, and His emblem is Baphomet, and
Androgyne who is the hieroglyph of arcane perfection.”226
The Secret Doctrine states, “For no one, not even the greatest
living adept, would be permitted to, or could—even if he would—give
out promiscuously, to a mocking, unbelieving world, that which has
been so effectually concealed from it for long aeons and ages.”227
Such views can also be considered Gnosticism, which is a
philosophical belief that a lower level evil god called the Demiurge
created humans as slaves and in order to be free from the
enslavement they must be given the secret knowledge (gnosis) from
a higher level God (Satan). Manly P. Hall explains, “Gnostics never
looked to salvation from sin (original or other), but rather they
desired release from unconsciousness and incomprehension,
whereby they meant primarily ignorance of spiritual realities.
Salvation, (or liberation) is a potential present in every man and
woman, and it is not vicarious but individual. The great Messengers
of the Light come to stimulate this potential and they do not by their
death but by their lives.”228
Those who believe they have discovered this “secret to life”
often keep it contained within occult fraternities, hoping to keep the
vast majority of people ignorant of their supposed “truth” so they can
keep others from becoming “enlightened” so they can more easily
take advantage of them. This sort of spiritual supremacism often
leads to Social Darwinism, which is the philosophy of the survival of
the fittest. These people have no concern for their fellow man, but
are narcissistic, megalomaniacs who view themselves as Gods as a
result of Satan’s secret. This superiority complex is conveyed by the
“do what thou wilt” philosophy that Aleister Crowley and Church of
Satan founder Anton LaVey preached, which means “do whatever
you want” because you are your own God.
In his authorized biography The Secret Life of a Satanist, it was
revealed that Anton LaVey wasn’t concerned if Satanism inspired
people to commit mass murder. It reads, “Anton LaVey maintains
that he isn’t really concerned about accusations of people killing
other people in the name of Satan. He swears that each time he
reads of a new killing spree, his only reaction is, ‘What, 22 people?
Is that all?...There will undoubtedly be more Satanically-motivated
murders and crimes in the sense that The Satanic Bible tells you
‘You don’t have to take any more shit.’”229
LaVey also admired a homosexual serial killer from the early
1900s named Carl Panzram, who killed at least twenty-two people,
and who claimed to have raped one thousand men. “The only way I
would like to ‘help’ the great majority of people is the same way Carl
Panzram ‘reformed’ people who tried to reform him. It would be most
merciful to help them by relieving them of the life they seem to hate
so much. People should be happy I’m not a humanitarian—or I’d
probably be the most diabolical mass murderer the world has ever
known,” LaVey said.230
Richard Ramirez, the “Night Stalker” serial killer from Los
Angeles, and Charles Manson were both interested in Satanism.
Ramirez famously drew a satanic pentagram on the palm of his hand
during his trial and would shout “Hail Satan!” to television cameras
and reporters.
Because Satanists do not believe in an afterlife or an all-
knowing, all-powerful God, they are not concerned with any kind of
divine retribution for their actions, and are thus motivated even more
to ruthlessly take advantage of others since they believe in the
“survival of the fittest” and that “might is right” and that they
themselves are Gods.
This “royal secret” of Satanism will likely one day soon be
revealed to the world after having been practiced in secret for
thousands of years. The Illuminati and the counterfeit (anti)Christ will
likely openly reveal Satanism as the new World Religion and claim it
had to be kept a secret all these years until the New World Order
was complete. Anyone who denounces this antichrist or the new
World Religion will be targeted for termination and will be blamed for
trying to stop the completion of “heaven on earth.”
Double Speak

The Illuminati often use “double speak” to conceal their real

agenda and present powerful propaganda to the masses who often
blindly accept it as the truth without a second thought. The general
public have been so dumbed down, they will believe anything their
favorite political party tells them and are easily mislead by language
and rhetoric that is meant to disguise the speaker’s true intentions.
For example, the Department of Defense is really the Department of
War, and that’s what it used to be called until the government
changed its name in 1949.
The Patriot Act, the bill signed into law shortly after the
September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001, was
actually an assault on the Bill of Rights and anything but patriotic, but
the term Patriot Act was designed to make the new laws sound as
American as the Fourth of July. President Bush declared a “War on
Terror” when really it was a “War of Terror.” President Obama said
that raising the debt ceiling wouldn’t increase our country’s debt,
when that’s clearly exactly what it does, but because the masses
have become zombies who react to keywords or neuro linguistic
programming language patterns, most people accept statements
from presidents as truth without thinking twice.
In some of my viral YouTube videos I’ve asked people to sign
petitions supporting legislation that nobody in their right mind would
even consider agreeing to, but because I prefaced the question with
“would you support Obama…” countless people signed the fake
petitions because their blind support for the president caused them
to shut off their brain and not even listen to what I was actually
asking them to support.
The Hegelian Dialectic

Because the elite Illuminati are social Darwinist Satanists, they

often employ what’s called the Hegelian Dialectic, which allows them
to roll out their diabolical plans with little opposition. What this entails
is creating a problem on purpose through covert means so the
government can then present their solution, which is a plan they had
waiting in the wings but were unable to implement without the proper
crisis which was needed to justify their desired actions.
The Hegelian Dialectic consists of a thesis, an antithesis, and a
synthesis, or a problem, a reaction, and a solution. This is the basic
structure of a false flag operation which is a military strategy where a
government commits a terrorist act while making it appear as if it
came from their political enemy—or they allow a terrorist attack to
occur when they could have easily stopped it—because the success
of the event serves as a pretext (a reason) to carry out actions that
previously would have been widely unacceptable by the public, but
after the attack occurs, much of the public actually demands that a
reaction occur, all the while unaware that behind the scenes the
entire operation was planned to get that exact support which was
lacking before the attack occurred.
Just three days after the 9/11 attacks, the co-chair of the Council
on Foreign Relations stated, “There is a chance for the President of
the United States to use the disaster to carry out what his father—a
phrase his father used I think only once, and it hasn’t been used
since— and that is a New World Order.”231
This attack was precisely the “New Pearl Harbor” event
discussed in the Project for the New American Century think tank’s
own Rebuilding America’s Defenses report published in September
of 2000. From this Illuminati front group came the very plan
explaining their need for a “catalyzing event—a new Pearl Harbor”232
which would be used to set the stage for America to carry out the
Illuminati’s agenda by invading the Middle East to complete the New
World Order.
In 1962, a false flag attack plan was drawn up by top U.S.
military officials who wanted to commit various acts of terror in
Washington D.C. and in Miami that would be made to appear as if
Cuba had done them, in order to generate public support for an
invasion of Cuba. Operation Northwoods, as it was called, plainly
stated, “We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in
the Miami area, in other Florida cities, and even in Washington…The
terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven
in the United States…Hijacking attempts against civil aircraft surface
craft should appear to continue as harassing measures condoned by
the government of Cuba.”
When confronted with such damning evidence, most people
immediately dismiss it as a “conspiracy theory” but the Operation
Northwoods documents have been declassified and are 100%
authentic. The plan was even reported on ABC News in 2001 on
their website where the article reads, “In the early 1960s, America’s
top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people
and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support
for a war against Cuba.”233
For people still skeptical about the September 11th inside job, all
they need to do is read the Northwoods documents and understand
that plans like this have actually been put on paper, and approved by
the Joint Chiefs of Staff (the heads of all U.S. military branches).
Similar attacks have been carried out in the past by governments
throughout history such as Operation Gladio throughout Europe, the
Gleiwitz incident and the Reichstag fire in Germany, the Gulf of
Tonkin incident in Vietnam, and others.
Henry Kissinger has been intimately involved with nearly every
major organization or front group that is behind the push for a New
World Order and was originally named the Chairman of the 9/11
Commission by President Bush, which was set up to (pretend to)
investigate the terrorist attacks on September 11th 2001. Kissinger
resigned from the commission after family members of 9/11 victims
discovered his business ties with the Bin Ladens.234 In an interview
on CNBC in February 2009, Kissinger was asked about the
problems the Obama administration was facing regarding the
ongoing “War on Terror” and the economic meltdown, where he
responded that Obama, “can give new impetus to American foreign
policy partly because the reception of him is so extraordinary around
the world. His task will be to develop an overall strategy for America
in this period when, really, a New World Order can be created. It’s a
great opportunity, it isn’t just a crisis.”
President Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emanual made a
startling statement after the economic crash of 2008, when he said,
“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that
it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”235
Since we’re talking about power-mad megalomaniac Satanists
here, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that these men would
orchestrate terror attacks in order to gain more power and further
their political agendas. And it’s certainly not a surprise that most of
these men have ties to occult cabals like Skull & Bones,
Freemasonry, or the Bohemian Grove—all of which are incubators
for corruption and keepers of the great “secret of secrets.”
Sex Magic

As I mentioned in a previous section of this book, sex magic

(sometimes stylized sex magick with a “k” on the end) is the belief
that through secret sexual intercourse rituals one can achieve
altered states of consciousness which activate dormant
metaphysical powers locked inside the mind, supposedly enabling
the practitioners to harness God-like manifestation abilities in what
has been described as a conscious, living lucid dream. As strange
as this idea may be, it isn’t necessarily a crime for two consenting
adults to engage in bizarre sex acts, but unfortunately there are
some very disgusting and horrific types of sex magic that are beyond
evil, and I caution you—what you are about to read is extremely
In parts of Africa many men believe if they rape an albino
woman it will give them magical power.236 “There is a belief that if
you have [sexual] relations with a girl with albinism, you will cure
AIDS. So there are many girls with albinism who are being raped in
[Africa] because of this belief,” warned Peter Ash, founder of human
rights group Under The Same Sun.237
The London Telegraph reported in 2001 that some South African
men rape babies believing it is a ‘cure’ for AIDS.238 More than
67,000 cases of rape and sexual assault against children were
reported in the year 2000 in South Africa alone.239
In 2013 the singer of a popular heavy metal band in the United
Kingdom called Lost Prophets was sentenced to thirty-five years in
prison for thirteen child sex offenses including sexually abusing
babies in black magic rituals.240 Several women were also sent to
prison for willingly giving him their small children so he could use
them for this exact purpose.
The singer, Ian Watkins, was apparently a fan of Aleister
Crowley, as many musicians are—who wrote in his book Magick: In
Theory and Practice that people can obtain satanic power by
murdering children. In the chapter on blood sacrifices Crowley wrote,
“For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that
victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of
perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and
suitable victim.”241
In 2014 it was revealed that a group of Aleister Crowley fans
were abusing children in an England suburb by doing Satanic sex
rituals.242 A woman named Jacqueline Marling even turned her
daughter over to the cult and forced her to participate in sex magic
rituals beginning when she was just seven years old.243
Such insane and evil sex magic practices aren’t just contained
to primitive tribes in Africa or twisted rock stars or Aleister Crowley
fans. It appears to be one of the deepest and darkest secrets of the
Illuminati as well. Apparently in some sects within the Illuminati,
initiates believe this kind of child abuse can “super charge” their
“metaphysical powers” enabling them to conjure into their life
whatever they wish, in a perverted version of the “Law of Attraction,”
the philosophy popularized by the DVD The Secret in 2006.
In the 1990s a Republican Nebraska State Senator named John
DeCamp published a book titled The Franklin Cover-Up where he
alleged children were taken into the Bohemian Grove and
ritualistically raped and murdered in black magic rituals at the hands
of some of the members in the 1980s.244 DeCamp, who was an
attorney, said he personally interviewed several children from
orphanages who allegedly identified the Bohemian Grove as the
location of this supposed abuse.245
Former CIA director Bill Colby is said to have warned DeCamp
that he was looking into something so dark he should walk away and
“Get as far away from this thing as you can. Forget you ever saw it
or know it, heard it or anything else.”246 Colby later died in what was
called a canoeing accident, but many suspect he was murdered
because of the strange circumstances surrounding his death and his
conversations with DeCamp about sex magic. There were no
witnesses to his death and he drown after mysteriously going
canoeing by himself.
In 1989 the Washington Times printed a front-page headline
reading, “Homosexual Prostitution Inquiry Ensnares VIPs with
Reagan and Bush,” after it was discovered that a high-powered
lobbyist named Craig Spence was operating a pedophile prostitution
ring in the Washington D.C. area that catered to elite clients.247
Spence turned up dead a few months after the article was published
from an alleged suicide. Whispers of elite pedophile rings have
alleged for decades that high-powered politicians and businessmen
engage in child abuse for fun or part of secret society rituals. This
same dark cloud has hung over the heads of Catholic priests for
many decades.
A major star at the BBC in England [the British Broadcasting
Corporation] named Jimmy Savile reportedly abused hundreds of
children, some as young as two-years-old, and even had sex with
dead bodies, according the Washington Post and other mainstream
media outlets.248 Such news leads many to believe this kind of
activity is part of an organized network of powerful perpetrators, not
just separate incidences.
It’s unknown how common these kinds of sex magic rituals are
within the Illuminati or other Aleister Crowley-inspired groups, and
when one tries to understand why anyone would even consider
doing such a thing it challenges the mind to come up with an answer.
These perpetrators obviously aren’t just sick psychopaths living in an
abandoned cabin in the woods. These are successful men (and
possibly women) who are addicted to power and wealth and fuel
their ego with all of the finest pleasures of this world, often becoming
so jaded and desensitized they are eventually unable to find
excitement or pleasure in anything normal.
Since these acts of sexual abuse are the worst thing anyone
could possibly do to another human being, these acts of ultimate evil
are believed to cause some kind of hormones to be released into the
blood which give the perpetrators a kind of satanic adrenaline rush
that magnifies their supposed ability to alter reality metaphysically by
their thoughts, thus being the most potent “supernatural steroid” in
the world. There is no doubt why sex magic is considered the
deepest and darkest secret of the Illuminati, and any human being
with a soul can agree that sex offenders of all kinds must be
eradicated from the earth.

One of the ultimate goals of the Illuminati is to become Gods

themselves in what they believe is the final stage of their evolution or
“transcendence.” This branch of science is called Transhumanism—
meaning supporters hope to transition from a human into a totally
new species or transcend into a “God.”249 This isn’t just a lofty
science fiction pipe dream of a few megalomaniacs with God
complexes, this is a very real plan being pursued by some very
wealthy and powerful people. Billionaire Peter Thiel, the cofounder of
PayPal and early investor in Facebook, believes scientists will soon
“cure death” enabling him and other billionaires to live forever. “You
can accept [death], you can deny it or you can fight it. I think our
society is dominated by people who are into denial or acceptance,
and I prefer to fight it.”250
The most popular “guru” of Transhumanism (sometimes
symbolized as H+) is Google engineer Ray Kurzweil who believes by
the year 2045 he and other elite will achieve immortality through
cybernetic enhancements that transform them into literal
supercomputing cyborgs who are physically wired into the Internet at
all times—or even replacing their biological brains and bodies
entirely with “more efficient” silicone computers and mechanical
bodies in order to “transcend.” Kurzweil predicts, “As you go out to
the 2040s, now the bulk of our thinking is out in the cloud. The
biological portion of our brain didn’t go away but the nonbiological
portion will be much more powerful. And it will be uploaded
automatically the way we back up everything now that’s digital.”251
In 2013 Google created Calico, a life extension and anti-aging
biotech company to help them pursue Kurzweil’s dream of beating
death, and many other companies are pouring billions of dollars into
transhumanist technology and working non-stop hoping to soon
unlock immortality.
Transhumanist philosopher Zoltan Istvan, who believes that
teaching children about the Bible should be banned and that the
government should regulate who is allowed to have children, writes,
“The transhumanist age—where radical science and technology will
revolutionize the human being and experience—will eventually bring
us indefinite lifespans, cyborgization, cloning, and even ectogenesis,
where people use artificial wombs outside of their bodies to raise
fetuses…Breeding controls and measures make more sense when
you consider that some leading life extensionist scientists believe we
will conquer human mortality in the next 20 years.”252
These “breeding controls” also seem to align with the Georgia
Guidestones, the 19-foot-tall granite monument calling for a world
population reduction down to 500 million people in order to preserve
the earth’s natural resources. The idea is, if the life extension
technology will extend people’s lives by hundreds of years or more,
the elite feel they need to save the planet’s resources for
themselves, because as CNN founder Ted Turner says, “There’s too
many people…too many people are using too much stuff, if there
were less people, they’d be using less stuff.”253
The mysterious man behind the strange structure made a
reference to transhumanism in a little known book he published
shortly after the stones were erected in 1980. “We suggest that
scholars throughout the world begin now to establish new bases
upon which later generations can develop a totally new universal
language for men and machines. It will be adapted to our speech
mechanism and to the language faculties and patterns impressed in
our nervous systems. Its spoken and printed forms will be capable of
accurate interchange by electromechanical means,” wrote R.C.
Christian, an admitted pseudonym.254
On the inside cover of the book, titled Common Sense
Renewed, it says the first two printings were sent to several
thousand political leaders and “shapers of public opinion” around the
world. Aside from admitting he represented the unnamed group
responsible for the creation of the Georgia Guidestones, the author
says part of their purpose is that, “The hearts of our human family
must be touched and warmed to welcome a global rule by
May I remind you that several of the “guides,” or
commandments as many people call them, aside from reducing to
human population down to 500 million (which is more than a 90%
reduction from 2014 levels) suggest creating a global government, a
global universal language, and the last of the ten “guides,” engraved
in eight different languages on the faces of the stones, warns people
to not be a “cancer on the earth.”
The elite’s insane dreams of becoming God get even more
horrifying the closer you look into them. Richard Seed, a leading
geneticist and Transhumanist promoter, said, “God made man in his
own image. God intended for man to become one with God. We are
going to become one with God. We are going to have almost as
much knowledge and almost as much power as God. Cloning and
the reprogramming of DNA is the first serious step in becoming one
with God.”256
Regarding the resistance to such plans, he ominously
responded, “We are going to become Gods, period. If you don’t like
it, get off. You don’t have to contribute, you don’t have to participate,
but if you are going to interfere with me becoming a God, you’re
going to have trouble. There’ll be warfare.”257
Illuminati Transhumanists believe what Satan told Adam and
Eve in the Garden of Eden will soon come to pass—that they will
become all-knowing, all-powerful, immortal Gods who will rule planet
earth forever and ever. This New Age philosophy falls in line with
their Social Darwinist “survival of the fittest” mentally, and while
history is filled with a long list of men who have believed they
themselves were Gods—from the ancient pharaohs in Ancient Egypt
to Adolf Hitler—today the elite, and much of the general public,
anxiously await the Singularity and believe they will soon achieve
their Luciferian transition into a God, just as Satan promised
mankind so long ago.

A picture is worth a thousand words, as the cliché goes,

because pictures contain so much information someone could speak
for hours trying to describe every detail but still couldn’t convey
everything one encapsulated. Symbols reach deep into the psyche
and the soul, and consciously and unconsciously convey meanings
and evoke emotional responses. We live in a world full of symbols. A
red light at an intersection means stop; a wedding ring symbolizes a
man and woman’s commitment to each other. The American flag
represents the values, principles, and hard work that built America.
The true power of symbols comes from their ability to evoke certain
thoughts and feelings.
A souvenir you bought on a trip reminds you of all the fun you
had there and just the sight of the object stimulates memories and
feelings about the trip. A framed photo of your favorite car hanging
on the wall in your office subconsciously reminds you of the freedom
you feel on the weekends driving down a country road, briefly
leaving your worries behind. Family photos invoke feelings of joy and
fond memories just from glancing at them for a moment as they sit
on our desk or hang on our refrigerator.
While we can all agree and articulate what many symbols mean,
what makes them so mysterious is that the same symbol may have
completely different meanings to different people. Let us now decode
some popular Illuminati symbols and uncover their occult “hidden”
meanings and see why they are used and what they mean to
insiders. Most of these symbols themselves aren’t “evil” in and of
themselves, they’ve just been adopted by groups or people who are
evil, so various symbols have taken on a negative connotation. The
swastika was a popular Hindu symbol of health and well-being
before the Nazis incorporated it as the logo of the Nazi party, and so
now we have a negative association to what was originally a positive
symbol. The symbol itself is certainly not evil, but we have come to
associate it with evil, when in reality it was hijacked and perverted,
so for most people its meaning has been tainted from what it
originally meant to convey.
The Sun

To the ancient Mystery Schools in the past, as well as numerous

modern mystical or enlightenment groups, (including the Illuminati),
the sun is their primary symbol and is often incorporated into their
logos and artwork. The sun represents power and light. The word
Illuminati means enlightened ones, and the word enlighten contains
the word light, which comes from the sun. Someone is said to be
bright if they are intelligent and are also called brilliant, which, if you
look that word up in the dictionary, you will also find that it means
“shining brightly.”
The sun rises and brings life to the world by chasing away the
cold and scary darkness of the night. It is an awesome, enormous,
and mysterious power that affects all life on planet earth. We tell time
based on the sun, it affects the seasons, and it even has an
immense effect on our psyche and our health. The 28th degree in
Freemasonry is called the Knight of the Sun, and is just one example
of how Masons pay homage to this massive star at the center of our
solar system.
The Pyramid

The pyramid represents the social hierarchy of society,

symbolically depicting a small enlightened few at the top, and the
masses of ignorant “worker bees” on the bottom. A sun on top of a
pyramid symbolically represents the small number of Illuminati
“enlightened leaders” at the top of the social hierarchy ruling over the
masses of ignorant slaves below who make up the base of the
The Dictionary of Symbols explains, “The base is square and
represents the earth. The apex is the starting-point and the finishing-
point of all things—the mystic ‘center.’ Joining the apex to the base
are the triangular-shaped faces of the pyramid, symbolizing fire,
divine revelation and the threefold principle of creation. In
consequence the pyramid is seen as a symbol expressing the whole
of the work of creation in its three essential aspects.”258
The ancient Egyptian pyramids, built over four thousand years
ago, are still one of the seven wonders of the world and have been
an endless source of mystery still to this day. While mainstream
historians believe the pyramids were built as tombs for the
Pharaohs, the belief in the Illuminati is that they were actually
temples where the Mystery Schools taught their secrets.
33rd degree Freemason Manly P. Hall explains, “The Great
Pyramid was not a lighthouse, an observatory, or a tomb, but the first
temple of the Mysteries, the first structure erected as a repository for
those secret truths which are the certain foundation of all the arts
and sciences…Through the mystic passageways and chambers of
the Great Pyramid passed the illumined of antiquity. They entered its
portals as men; they came forth as gods. It was the place of the
‘second birth,’ the womb of the Mysteries, and wisdom dwelt in it as
God dwells in the hearts of men.”259
As I’m sure you are aware, a pyramid with an all-seeing eye can
be found on the back of the one-dollar bill, which many people
believe is basically a stamp of ownership by the Illuminati. The man
who designed this Great Seal was a Freemason named Charles
Thomson, confirming many peoples’ suspicions that a hidden hand
strategically placed the symbol on the currency as a secret sign of
their power.
The phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum (Latin for New Order for the
Ages) has appeared on the bottom of the pyramid on the back of the
one dollar bill since 1935. At the opening of the 110th Congress on
January 4th 2007, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi made a
cryptic reference to the Great Seal, announcing, “Our Founders
envisioned a new America driven by optimism, opportunity, and
courage. So confident were they in the new America they were
advancing, they put on the Great Seal of the United States, ‘Novus
ordo seclorum’—a new order for the ages…This vision has
sustained us for more than 200 years, and it accounts for what is
best in our great nation: liberty, opportunity, and justice. Now it is our
responsibility to carry forth that vision of a new America.”
The All-Seeing Eye

The symbol of one eye, often with rays of light emanating from
it, represents God’s omniscient power and dates back to ancient
Egypt where it represented the sun God Horus who could see all. It’s
sometimes called the Eye of Providence, and as you know, sits on
top of the pyramid on the back of the one dollar bill. This all-seeing
eye symbol also represents Big Brother and the Orwellian power of
the intelligence agencies watching what everyone does, what they
buy, and cataloging their online activities.
Not only are there all-seeing eyes watching people in shopping
malls and walking down the streets of major cities, but most people
have willingly installed an all-seeing eye in their living rooms—and
even their bedrooms—and with the click of a few keys these eyes
can be activated by crafty hackers or government agencies. Of
course I’m talking about webcams that are built into tablets, laptops,
and televisions, not to mention, perhaps even more disturbing,
listening to people as well through the microphones that accompany
Check out my previous book, Big Brother: The Orwellian
Nightmare Come True to learn about actual high-tech spy gadgets,
mind-reading machines, government projects, and emerging artificial
intelligence systems that seem as if they came right out of George
Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four and how our own world is
unfortunately eerily paralleling the dystopia in his classic book.
While much of this has become fairly well known by now, one
interesting point few people ponder is that the all-seeing eye—aside
from representing the Illuminati—may actually become a symbol of
the Antichrist himself. One Bible prophecy about the Antichrist is that
an attempt will be made on his life that will take out or damage one
of his eyes.260 Since the symbol often represents a “God,” it’s
possible that the coming counterfeit Christ may literally embody this
symbol as a tactic to convince the masses that he himself is God. In
Islam, Muslims have a prophecy almost identical saying that the
Antichrist, who they call the Dejjal, will be symbolized by one eye.
Snakes and Serpents

The symbol of the serpent is perhaps best known as the

creature in the Garden of Eden who tempted Adam and Eve into
disobeying God by eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and
Evil. The very word snake has negative connotations, meaning
someone is a liar or deceptive. While the typical connotation of a
snake is negative, and the Biblical story of Adam and Eve depicts
Satan as the enemy of God and mankind, the occult interpretation is
quite different. Occultists and Satanists praise the serpent and
believe it brought wisdom to Mankind, enabling humans to become
Again we look to the revelations of 33rd degree Freemason
Manly P. Hall who explains, “The serpent is true to the principle of
wisdom, for it tempts man to the knowledge of himself. Therefore the
knowledge of self resulted from man’s disobedience to the
Demiurges, Jehovah [God].”261 Hall continues, saying “The serpent
is the symbol and prototype of the Universal savior, who redeems
the worlds by giving creation the knowledge of itself and the
realization of good and evil.”262
The Secret Doctrine says, “The Serpent of Eternity and all
Knowledge, that Manasic spirit [the rational faculty of the mind],
which made him learn the secret of creation on the Kriyasaktic, and
of procreation on the earthly planes—led him as naturally to discover
his way to immortality, notwithstanding the jealously of the Gods.”263
The evil scumbag Aleister Crowley had this to say: “This
serpent, Satan, is not the enemy of Man, [because it is he] who
made Gods of our race, knowing Good and Evil.”264
Like Satanists and occultists, Freemasons adore the serpent as
a savior and worship its wisdom. Here is a quote from Albert Pike’s
Morals and Dogma about the serpent, reading, “It is the body of the
Holy Spirit, the Universal Agent, the Serpent devouring its own
Complicating the meaning of the serpent symbol are several
cryptic statements in the Bible, the first of which is when Jesus
advised people to be as wise as serpents yet as gentle as doves in
Mathew 10:16. This statement seems to acknowledge that serpents
contain wisdom or represent a power that may be used for either
good or evil. Another interesting and hard to reconcile story about
serpents is when Moses made a brazen (brass) serpent and
attached it to the top of his staff in order to heal the Israelites who
had been bitten by snakes in the desert. The American Medical
Association’s logo is a snake coiled around on a staff and the same
symbol is often found on ambulances as a symbol of health and
healing. When someone reaches the 25th degree of Freemasonry,
they are called a Knight of the Brazen Serpent.
One of the reasons serpents have come to symbolize wisdom
and enlightenment is because their eyes are always open since they
don’t have any eyelids. Snakes are very unique creatures because
they have no legs yet move around shooting across the ground like a
bolt of lightning. To early Man, they may have seemed magical
because they can appear out of nowhere and then disappear into the
grass or into the earth itself. The shedding of their skin has come to
symbolize a rebirth or immortality, possibly because primitive man
thought that snakes were immortal and would give birth to a new
self, when a snake “died” it would rise again leaving behind its old
“carcass” in the form of its shed skin and continue to live on.
It’s possible that the serpent does not necessarily represent evil
in and of itself, but may represent a force that may be used for either
good or evil.
The Phoenix

A phoenix is a large mythical bird that symbolizes cyclical

renewal, immortality, or resurrection. The creature is depicted similar
to an eagle and is often associated with the sun, and many myths
talk about the phoenix dying, decomposing, and then rising again out
of its own ashes. Some believe that many of the eagle symbols we
see today are actually secretly symbols of a phoenix, including the
double-headed “eagle” that is a symbol of the 33rd degree of
The eagle that has come to be a popular symbol of America,
and found on the back of the one dollar bill, is also believed by some
to occultly signify a phoenix. The Secret Teachings of All Ages states
that “The hand of the mysteries controlled in the establishment of the
new government for the signature of the mysteries may still be seen
on the Great Seal of the United states of America. Careful analysis
of the seal discloses a mass of occult and masonic symbols chief
among them, the so-called American Eagle...only the student of
symbolism can see through the subterfuge and realize that the
American eagle upon the Great Seal is but a conventionalized
The book, published in 1928, also states that, “Not only were
many of the founders of the United States government Masons, but
they received aid from a secret and august body existing in Europe
which helped them to establish this country for a peculiar and
particular purpose known only to the initiated few. The Great Seal is
the signature of this exalted body—unseen and for the most part
unknown—and the unfinished pyramid upon its reverse side is a
teeterboard setting forth symbolically the task to the accomplishment
of which the United States Government was dedicated from the day
of its in conception.”267
The phoenix has been proposed to be the name of the new
unified global currency that international banksters have long
awaited. The cover of the January 1988 edition of The Economist
magazine read “Are you ready for a world currency” and contained
an article that explained, “Thirty years from now, Americans,
Japanese, Europeans, and people in many other rich countries, and
some relatively poor ones will probably be paying for their shopping
with the same currency. Prices will be quoted not in dollars, yen or
D-marks but in, let’s say, the phoenix. The phoenix will be favored by
companies and shoppers because it will be more convenient than
today’s national currencies.”268
The metaphor of “rising from the ashes like a phoenix” refers to
a rebirth, or something being killed or destroyed in order to give birth
to something new, and so by killing off the U.S. Dollar and other
currencies around the world through inflation, the banksters are
symbolically giving birth to their new currency, which many plan to
call the “phoenix.”
The Owl

When discussing Illuminati symbolism, the owl is most known for

its connections to the Bohemian Grove, the Illuminati’s summer
retreat in northern California. Esoterically, the owl represents wisdom
because it sees in the dark, and the Owl of Athena was chosen by
Adam Weishaupt as one of the symbols of the Bavarian Illuminati.
Early civilizations saw the owl as mysterious because it is only seen
at night since they are nocturnal animals.
The Dictionary of Symbols explains, “In the Egyptian system of
hieroglyphs, the owl symbolizes death, night, cold and passivity. It
also pertains to the realm of the dead sun, that is, it is of the sun
which has set below the horizon and which is crossing the lake or
sea of darkness.”269
A tiny owl can also be found hidden on the one dollar bill,
perched on the upper left corner of the frame that surrounds the “1”
located in the upper right hand corner of the bill. Many people see an
owl designed into the street layout of Washington D.C., right on top
of the U.S. Capitol building when viewing the location from
overheard or looking at it on a map.
Pictures of owls are often seen in classrooms standing on a
small stack of books in order to symbolize knowledge. The National
Press Club’s logo also contains an owl standing on a book. Owls are
also seen as guardians and often owl statues are put on the top of
buildings to scare away other birds.
The Skull and Crossbones

The skull and crossbones symbol has a sinister look to it, which
is why it has been used by nefarious groups for centuries—from
pirates and biker gangs, to the Nazis. It represents death, or the
power over life and death, which is why it appeals to megalomaniacs
and psychopaths. The Nazi SS officers in charge of concentration
camps where over six million people were exterminated wore a skull
and crossbones symbol on their uniforms, the same emblem used by
the Skull & Bones secret society as their logo. The Nazis called it the
Totenkopf (German for skull or dead man’s head) and it was a
blatant statement of their intention and purpose. Hitler personally
handed out a Death’s Head ring to elite SS soldiers.
The Knights Templar incorporated the symbol into their lives
because they were dedicated to fight to the death and vowed never
to be taken alive as a prisoner. Many Freemasons have a human
skull (or a replica) sitting on their desk to remind them of their own
mortality and that their life is quickly ticking away. It is meant to urge
them to work towards the achievement of their goals before it’s too
As you may recall from earlier, both the Bavarian Illuminati and
Skull & Bones society at Yale use the object in their induction
ceremony with their four different skulls and the question about
which one is the fool, the wise man, the beggar or the king. The
answer to this induction riddle, “Whether poor or rich, all’s the same
in death,” is meant to reinforce their mortality to them and remind
them that the clock of life is ticking so they had better do all they can
to become kings here in this life because when you’re dead—to
them—nothing matters. The riddle is obviously meant to convey that
they don’t believe in an afterlife or a final judgment from God.

Baphomet is an occult idol that is depicted as an androgynous

man with female breasts that has the head of a goat. The torch of
Prometheus is often sticking out of its head and intertwining serpents
are rising from its crotch. It’s a mysterious and hideous looking figure
that dates back to the 1300s when the inner circle of Knights
Templar allegedly incorporated it into their rituals and secret doctrine.
An early depiction of the figure comes from an 1854 book titled
Transcendental Magic that was written by a French occultist Eliphas
Levi.270 Accompanying his illustration, Eliphas Levi wrote,
“According to some, the Baphomet was a monstrous head, but
according to others, a demon in the form of a goat. A sculptured
coffer [chest] was disinterred [dug up] recently in the ruins of an old
Commandery of the Temple, and antiquaries observed upon it a
Baphometic figure, corresponding by its attributes to the goat of
Mendes and the androgyne of Khunrath.”271
Many Satanists have proudly incorporated the Baphomet figure
into their symbols and rituals. Aleister Crowley wrote that the serpent
or the “devil’s emblem” was Baphomet, who he also called the
“hieroglyph of arcane perfection.”272
One version of the figure is the Church of Satan’s logo, which is
printed on the cover of The Satanic Bible. While many people claim
that the Catholic Church fabricated the claims that the Knights
Templar were using it in secret rituals as an excuse to arrest them
and confiscate their wealth during the Inquisition, most Satanists and
occults hold the belief that the Catholic Church’s claims were
actually true.273
Again, Eliphas Levi boldly proclaimed in his book
Transcendental Magic, “Yes, in our profane conviction, the Grand
Masters of the Order of the Templars worshipped the Baphomet, and
caused it to be worshipped by their initiates.”274
The Pentagram

An upside down pentagram drawn inside of a circle is one of the

most obvious and familiar satanic symbols that is used by occult
organizations, rebellious teenagers, and rock stars today. It is a
lower level occult symbol often used to represent dark powers or
sinister forces. Because it’s so widely known, it’s never really used
by high-level occultist or the Illuminati, who instead use much less
familiar symbols like pyramids, all-seeing eyes, owls, black and white
checkerboards, and other, less polarizing images.
A pentagram differs from an ordinary five-pointed star in a few
ways. First, a pentagram is drawn using five straight lines making up
the points and also forming a pentagon in the center. The Satanic
pentagram is drawn upside down, and often encompassed by a
circle. The reason Satanists use it is because Christians originally
used the five points of a (right-side up) pentagram (called the
pentalpha) to symbolize the five wounds of Jesus (the two spikes
through his hands, two through his feet, and the spear that pierced
his side). Satanists like to pervert things and flip Christian symbols
upside down or backwards to signify their opposing views and
beliefs, and this is how their use of upside down pentagrams came
into being.
The Dictionary of Symbols entry on the star reads, “As far back
as in the days of Egyptian hieroglyphics a star pointing upwards
signified ‘rising upwards towards the point of origin’ and formed part
of such words as ‘to bring up,’ ‘to educate,’ and ‘the teacher.’ The
inverted five-pointed star is a symbol of the infernal and used in
black magic.”275
In Freemasonry, the pentagram is called the Blazing Star and
represents the sun, Lucifer, carnal knowledge and power. To
Wiccans and Pagans, the five points of the star represent air, fire,
water, Earth, and spirit. The female branch of Freemasonry, called
Eastern Star, actually uses an upside down pentagram as their
Square and Compass

A square (the tool used by carpenters to lay out a right angle or

a “square” angle) overlaid on top of a compass (the tool used for
drawing circles and arches—not the navigation tool for identifying
direction) is a popular symbol in Freemasonry and is often seen with
the letter G in the center. The square and compass signify the
alchemical doctrine of “as above, so below” or the joining of heaven
and earth by forming two opposite facing pyramids with one pointing
up and the other one pointing downward. The letter G in the center
stands for God or Gnosis [the Greek word for knowledge.] It is also
often said to stand for the “Great Architect of the Universe,” a term
many masons use to refer to God.
The Statue of Liberty

If you asked the average American what the Statue of Liberty

represented, they’ll probably tell you it has to do with “America,”
“freedom,” or “democracy.” Some may know that it was given to
America by the French, but few know its very design and creation
was orchestrated by Freemasons, the secret society, not the
government of France, who then gave it to America as a “gift” and
placed it in New York Harbor.
Frederic Bartholdi, the designer of the Statue of Liberty, was, of
course, a Freemason, and very familiar with occult and Illuminati
symbolism and philosophies. In fact, the three major figures involved
with the Statue—Frederic Bartholdi, who designed the statue itself;
Gustave Eiffel, who designed the inner support structure; and
Richard Hunt, who designed the pedestal—were all Freemasons.
Bartholdi’s original plan for a giant statue of this type was
actually that it be placed in a harbor in Egypt. After his proposal was
turned down by the Egyptian government, he changed his design a
little bit and approached America to see if he could erect his newly
designed statue in the United States. The point is, he originally
wanted to build a bizarre “God-like” statue and have it stand
somewhere other than America. Bartholdi’s first choice for his
mystical statue was Egypt, not the United States.
The original name of the statue was “Liberty Enlightening the
World,” not the “Statue of Liberty.” Again, the word Enlightening fits
in with the Illuminati theme—Enlightening, enlightenment, light, the
sun, intelligence, bright, brilliance, Lucifer. You get the picture by
A near mirror image of the Statue of Liberty stands in France,
also on an island, in the Seine River in Paris, that was set up in
1889, just three years after the one in America was completed. If it’s
an “American” symbol then why is there an almost identical one in
France? There are actually hundreds of nearly identical “Statue of
Liberty” figures all around the world, including Leicester, England;
Lviv, Ukraine; Carinthia, Austria; Cenicero, Spain; Arraba in Israel,
and many, many other places.
The Statue of Liberty is essentially a modern version of the
Colossus of Rhodes, which was a 100-foot-tall statue depicting the
Greek sun god Helios (Helios being Greek for sun) that once stood
in ancient Greece. The Colossus was created in the 3rd century B.C.
and depicted Helios (the Sun God) holding a torch high in one hand
and stood on the island of Rhodes facing the water. “This gigantic
gilded figure, with its crown of solar rays and its upraised torch,
signified occultly the glorious Sun Man of the Mysteries, the
Universal Savior,” says The Secret Teachings of All Ages.276
There is a poem printed on a plaque that sits prominently near
the base of the Statue of Liberty titled The New Colossus, clearly
signaling that it was modeled after the Greek sun god. There was a
Masonic cornerstone ceremony conducted when construction began,
and a Masonic plaque was placed on the site as well. The statue
also symbolizes a composite of a variety of ancient goddesses who
represent the feminine principle.
The torch that the Statue of Liberty is holding represents the
torch of Prometheus, who occultly signifies Lucifer. The Greek
mythological story of Prometheus is the same allegory of stealing fire
(i.e. knowledge) from God or the Gods, and giving it to humans, thus
angering God.
Here is Manly P. Hall again, one of Freemasonry’s greatest
philosophers, explaining in Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, that,
“Man wandered hopelessly in the gloom of mortality, living and dying
without light or understanding in his servitude to the Demiurgus [the
creator God] and his host of spirits. At last the spirit of rebellion
entered the creation in the form of Lucifer, who in the guise of a
serpent tempted man to revolt against the mandates of Jehovah (the
Demiurgus). In Greece this character was known as Prometheus,
who brought from the gods the impregnating flame that would
release the life latent in this multitude of germlike potentialities.”277
The seven horn-looking spikes coming out of the Statue of
Liberty’s head represent rays of the sun, and symbolically represents
the spirit radiating from the mind as knowledge or “enlightenment.”
There are seven of them because the rays represent the seven
liberal arts and sciences, thus comprising an essential knowledge
base. The statue is also holding a book, obviously, symbolic of
knowledge and information—again fitting in with the theme of
knowledge and enlightenment, because knowledge is power, and
that is what the Illuminati has.
Rockefeller Center’s Prometheus

Rockefeller Center in New York City is a huge 22-acre complex

made up of nineteen different buildings and the home of Bank of
America, NBC, General Electric and other major international
Illuminati-controlled corporations. Standing prominently within the
property is a huge gold colored statue of Prometheus holding a ball
of fire in one hand as he flies through the air. The mythological
Greek story of Prometheus stealing fire from the Gods and giving it
to mankind despite the punishment he will face is seen by occultists
as identical to the story of Lucifer giving mankind the knowledge of
good and evil that God had forbid us to have.
So essentially this statue that stands outside of Rockefeller
Center is a tribute to Lucifer, which goes unnoticed by the average
person not familiar with Illuminati symbolism. Most people are
probably not even familiar with the Prometheus myth, or have long
since forgotten about it since studying Greek mythology in high
school and simply think the statue is just another random piece of art
with little to no significance.
Helena Blavatsky explains in her classic occult work, The Secret
Doctrine, that, “The allegory of Prometheus, who steals the divine
fire as to allow men to proceed consciously on the path of spiritual
evolution, thus transforming the most perfect of animals on Earth into
a potential god, and making him free to take the kingdom of heaven
by violence. Hence also, the curse pronounced by Zeus against
Prometheus, and by Jehovah [God] against his ‘rebellious son,’
So as you can see, it’s not just me making the connection
between Prometheus and Lucifer—It’s occultist insiders themselves,
and of course it’s no coincidence this stands on a Rockefeller
property, a family with generational ties to the Illuminati
The Washington Monument

The Washington Monument, which is located directly west of the

United States Capitol building in Washington DC, standing
approximately 555 feet high, dominates the sky throughout the city
and can be seen from miles around, especially at night with the red
light shining from the top looking like the evil Eye of Sauron in the
Lord of the Rings movies. The monument is an Egyptian obelisk with
a pyramid capstone on the top and was completed in 1884.
The structure is one of the most important symbols in America to
the Illuminati, although most people are clearly unaware of it having
any hidden meaning. Occultists see the monument as an enormous
phallic symbol—a big penis—representing masculine energy and
dominance. One would expect the “Washington” Monument to be a
statue of George Washington himself, much like the Lincoln
Memorial houses a huge statue of Abraham Lincoln, but instead it’s
a giant erect penis of the Egyptian god Baal. Of course, it too was
designed and built by Freemasons, who even had a ceremony to lay
the cornerstone when construction began.
Fritz Springmeier, author of Bloodlines of the Illuminati, wrote,
“Every morning when the United States President wakes up he can
look out the window, see the Masonic obelisk and be reminded of
who controls America. If the president has any training in the
Mystery Religion of Egypt, he will also know what body part is
symbolically erected in the Washington Memorial.”279 Springmeier
goes so far as to say, “If the U.S. were ever to return to serving God,
that monument would be a good one to destroy. God asked the
Israelites not just simply to avoid worshiping such abominations, He
asked His people to destroy them, for their very creation was an
Cleopatra’s Needle

While the Washington Monument may be the most well-known

Egyptian obelisk in America, it isn’t the only one. Another one stands
in Central Park in New York City—called Cleopatra’s Needle, and
this one is actually an authentic Egyptian obelisk that dates back to
around 1500 B.C. and was transported to New York in 1881.
Similar “Cleopatra’s Needles” actually stand in London and
Paris, signifying the Illuminati’s rule in those countries as well. Not
surprising, there is also one in Vatican City as well. The one in New
York’s Central Park stands 70-feet tall and weighs 220 tons. Why
and how it was brought to America all the way from Egypt is an
interesting story.
For some reason Henry G. Stebbins, who was the
Commissioner of the Department of Public Parks in New York in the
1880s, announced he was looking for help financing a plan to bring
the statue to America. William H. Vanderbilt, who was one of the
wealthiest men in the world, was asked to help make it happen and
donated over $100,000 (over $2 million in 2014 dollars) to help.
Interestingly, the shipping costs for the one sent to London were paid
for by Dr. Erasmus Wilson, a Freemason.
Once the obelisk arrived in America, thousands of Freemasons
took part in a parade as it was rolled up Fifth Avenue from 14th
Street to 82nd Street. When it was erected at its final destination in
the park, the Grand Master of Masons in New York performed a
cornerstone laying ritual as a celebration. When it first arrived in New
York in 1881, Cleopatra’s Needle was covered with clearly visible
hieroglyphics about the sun god Horus, but most of the carvings
have since been warn away from acid rain. While they survived 3000
years in Egypt, it seems the ancient relic was no match for the
pollution of New York City.
Movies and Music

For hundreds of years, knowledge of the Illuminati and their

symbols was largely contained within the Mystery Schools that
taught the esoteric tradition. Outsiders didn’t even think twice about
most occult symbols because they were seen as ordinary art and
few people paid much attention to them. But with the birth of the
information age, things started to change. In the 1990s and early
2000s, a growing number of websites and forums were dedicated to
investigating secret societies, and began to expose these once little
known issues to a larger number of people.
For decades, those interested in such material were considered
a fringe minority of patriots and “conspiracy theorists,” but with the
emergence of social media becoming a standard feature in most
people’s lives, and with video sharing websites like YouTube
changing the nature of media and information exchange, an
interesting phenomenon began to occur early in the twenty-first
century. Illuminati and occult symbolism spilled over from what was
once primarily the topic of fringe websites, and “computer geeks” on
Internet forums, to became part of pop culture finding its way into
various mainstream music videos and blockbuster movies.
While a sizable portion of the population has become familiar
with the use of Illuminati symbolism in rap videos and supposed
“Illuminati hand signs” being flashed by celebrities, most people who
pay attention to this aspect of the symbolism barely have a basic
understanding of the history of the symbols or their meanings. Many
people who have heard the oftentimes farfetched claims about
“Illuminati celebrities” have dismissed the existence of the Illuminati
all together as a conspiracy theory or believe it’s simply a secret
society in Hollywood that top celebrities are part of.
Checkout my previous book Illuminati in the Music Industry to
read about this fascinating history since it is a very lengthy analysis
in and of itself. While there certainly have been countless allegations
made against a variety of celebrities like Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Lady
Gaga, Kanye West and others, when you take a critical analysis of
celebrity as a whole and the power their music and personas have
over the culture, it becomes very clear that music is not always “just
As the Illuminati prepare to announce the “royal secret,” as they
call it, by declaring that Satan is the King of the Earth and the “savior
of mankind,” hoping to finally overthrow the “inferior” and “evil”
Creator God to complete the New World Order “utopia,” celebrities
have recently played a major part in paving the path to the
The vast majority of the public literally worship celebrities who
function as modern day Gods that shape our cultural attitudes and
beliefs since their every action is mimicked, and every opinion they
voice is seen as profound.
The general public is growing to see the Illuminati—not as a
threat to their freedoms or a corrupt mafia of politicians, bankers and
businessmen—but as a “cool” group of powerful men they wish they
could be a part of. The moral decay and erosion of the work ethic
have resulted in the average person willing to do almost anything for
just a taste of the Illuminati’s “success.” Pop culture has begun
portraying the Illuminati as holding the secret to success or a secret
society of the rich and famous.
Occasionally films have portrayed the Illuminati or an affiliated
group as the antagonist in a plot to convey a warning to the
audience, and some celebrities have publicly denounced them as
the shadowy puppet masters pulling the strings in global affairs, but
the overwhelming majority of mainstream media content and
celebrity idols paint the Illuminati as holding the master key to
success and as a result countless people would practically kill their
own mother to join them in order to have a bigger piece of the pie.
Insiders’ Hints

If you want to truly understand what the Illuminati is, what they
are doing, what they are planning, and what they believe, there’s no
better place to go than to elite insiders themselves who can’t always
keep their mouths shut, and occasionally can’t help but brag about
their “great work.” While there’s a long list of people who claim to be
Illuminati defectors that speak about their alleged activities while
supposedly being a “member of the Illuminati,” most of these people
are hoaxers and fraudsters with no credibility who are just trying to
make a few bucks from selling books, or just looking for attention,
and many of them have been easily debunked.
Of course if you do an Internet search for “the Illuminati,” you’ll
find countless websites making claims about what they are, what
they do, who’s supposedly involved, etc. There’s even a Wikipedia
page giving a few details about them, although it’s largely incomplete
and inaccurate. While it’s not difficult at all to find Illuminati
conspiracy theories online, what is difficult; however, is finding
accurate and reliable information that is properly sourced and
verified, and this is my primary goal with this book.
While everyone seems to have an opinion about the Illuminati
these days, most people think “research” consists of watching a few
YouTube videos or glancing over a Wikipedia article. There are,
however, some very well connected and powerful men who have
either dropped hints about the Illuminati and their secret agenda, or
those who have gotten close enough to the power structure to see
for themselves that a powerful secret society does exist and has
tremendous influence over the world.
David Rockefeller

The Rockefeller family is often mentioned as one of the families

that has been involved with the Illuminati for generations and have
accumulated a vast amount of wealth and influence because of this.
The Rockefeller family made most of their money in oil and banking,
and using their wealth they have wrapped their tentacles around
some of the most infamous groups and conspiracies connected to
the Illuminati.
For example, Rockefeller money was instrumental in the early
growth of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral
Commission, and the Bilderberg Group. They were a major funder of
Eugenics and the CIA’s MK-ULTRA mind control experiments at over
30 American Universities, hospitals, and government facilities. The
Rockefellers bought seventeen acres of land for the United Nations
headquarters to be built in Manhattan; and even financed the
development of facial recognition systems through their Rockefeller
University that recruited and funded a man named Joseph Atick in
the early 1990s who was given use of the Computational
Neuroscience Laboratory where he developed his facial recognition
In his 2002 book, Memoirs, Illuminati kingpin David Rockefeller
arrogantly admitted, “For more than a century ideological extremists
at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-
publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the
Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield
over American political and economic institutions. Some even
believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the interests of
the United States, characterizing my family and me as
“internationalists” and conspiring with others around the world to
build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one
world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of
In a 1980 PBS documentary titled The World of David
Rockefeller, host Bill Moyer said that “David Rockefeller is the most
conspicuous representative today of the ruling class, a multinational
fraternity of men who shape the global economy and manage the
flow of its capital. Rockefeller was born to it, and he has made the
most of it. But what some critics see as a vast international
conspiracy, he considers a circumstance of life and just another
day’s work... In the world of David Rockefeller it’s hard to tell where
business ends and politics begins.”282
Carroll Quigley

In 1966 an Establishment insider and mentor of President Bill

Clinton published a book for fellow Establishment insiders titled
Tragedy & Hope to help them understand how the Illuminati empire
works. Carroll Quigley, a professor at Georgetown University, knew
that most of the public doesn’t read books or newspapers and are
more interested in sports entertainment and celebrity news than
business or politics.
Quigley openly revealed, “There does exist, and has existed for
a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to
some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists
act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table
Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any
other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this
network because I have studied it for twenty years and was
permitted for two years, in the early 1960’s, to examine its papers
and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and
have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its
instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few
of its policies (notably to its belief that England was an Atlantic rather
than a European Power and must be allied, or even federated, with
the United States and must remain isolated from Europe), but in
general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain
unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be
He described how the financial elite created front groups to
influence governments around the world, writing, “…in New York it
was known as the Council on Foreign Relations, and was a front for
J. P. Morgan and Company in association with the very small
American Round Table Group. The American organizers were
dominated by the large number of Morgan ‘experts’… The Round
Table for years (until 1961) was edited from the back door of
Chatham House grounds in Ormond Yard, and its telephone came
through the Chatham House switchboard.”284
Quigley also explained how it was to the elite’s advantage to
have only two political parties for people to choose from. The reason
being, “The two parties should be almost identical, so that the
American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without
leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.”285
Regarding the Federal Reserve and the financial takeover of
governments by private banks he said, “The powers of financial
capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world
system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the
political system of each country and the economy of the world as a
whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the
central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements
arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the
systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel,
Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s
central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each
central bank...sought to dominate its government by its ability to
control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to
influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to
influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in
the business world.”286
Basically in his lengthy and dry book, Tragedy & Hope, he
quietly confirmed what many “conspiracy theorists” had been saying
for decades, but unlike most outsiders, he was in a position learn
directly from the perpetrators.
Cecil Rhodes

The most notorious diamond monopoly man in history, and the

person behind the elite Rhodes Scholarships, which awards young
men and women who the Establishment feel will be willing and
useful servants with a free ride to Oxford University and basically an
invitation to the Illuminati, was a man named Cecil Rhodes, who
didn’t just talk about his plans to further the Invisible Empire, he
actually wrote in his will that after he died his fortune would go to
finance this.
Rhodes is the man behind the DeBeers diamond cartel who
became extremely wealthy by monopolizing diamond mines in Africa
and then launching a brilliant propaganda campaign with the help of
Edward Bernays designed to brainwash women around the world
into thinking that when a man proposes marriage he must do so with
a diamond ring.
Rhodes, who died in 1902, wrote in his will that his fortune was
to be used, “To and for the establishment, promotion and
development of a Secret Society, the true aim and object whereof
shall be for the extension of British rule throughout the world, the
perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom, and of
colonization by British subjects of all lands where the means of
livelihood are attainable by energy, labor and enterprise, and
especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of
Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the Islands of
Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the Islands of the
Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the
Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate
recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the
British Empire, the inauguration of a system of Colonial
representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld
together the disjointed members of the Empire and, finally, the
foundation of so great a Power as to render wars impossible, and
promote the best interests of humanity.”287
To help carry out his plan, certain money from his estate is
designated to what’s called the Rhodes Scholarship, which is a
student fund that awards carefully chosen individuals who don’t
necessarily come from wealthy families but who are seen as likely
assets of the Illuminati with a free ride post graduate education at
England’s Oxford University, where they are groomed to later
become pawns of the global elite. President Bill Clinton was awarded
a Rhodes Scholarship to bring him into the fold, as was the liberal
lesbian Rachel Maddow of MSNBC who uses her national
mainstream media platform to promote bigger government and the
radical liberal agenda on a continual basis.
Edward Bernays

In 1928 Edward Bernays, the man considered to be the father of

public relations, revealed in his book Propaganda that, “Those who
manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible
government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are
governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas
suggested, largely by men we have never heard almost every
act of our lives whether in the sphere of politics or business in our
social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the
relatively small number of persons who understand the mental
processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the
wires that control the public mind, who harness old social forces and
contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.”288
He went on to admit, “Whatever of social importance is done
today, whether in politics, finance, manufacture, agriculture, charity,
education, or other fields, must be done with the help of propaganda.
Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.”289
Bernays also stated plainly that, “The invisible government tends
to be concentrated in the hands of the few because of the expense
of manipulating the social machinery which controls the opinions and
habits of the masses.”290
The Department of Defense (previously called the Department
of War) actually hired Bernays to help influence public opinion to
support America’s involvement in World War I. The tobacco industry
also paid him to use his methods to encourage women to smoke
cigarettes since at the time it was seen as unattractive.291 Bernays is
also the person all men can thank for having to cough up thousands
of dollars for a diamond ring when we propose marriage since that
tradition was started as a clever marketing ploy he crafted for the
DeBeers diamond monopoly.
Woodrow Wilson

The 28th President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, was

the man responsible for signing the Federal Reserve Act into law
and handing America’s banking system over to the money
manipulating mafia in 1913. Wilson later admitted, “Since I entered
politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately.
Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of
commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of something. They know
that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so
watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better
not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of
After he was out of office, Woodrow Wilson allegedly voiced
regret for cooperating with the banking cartel’s plan for the Federal
Reserve Banking system, reportedly saying, “I am a most unhappy
man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is
now controlled by its system of credit. We are no longer a
government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction
and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and
duress of a small group of dominant men.”293
John F. Kennedy

When speaking to the American Newspaper Publishers

Association in 1961, President Kennedy actually condemned secret
societies, saying, “The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and
open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically
opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret
He continued, “We decided long ago that the dangers of
excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far
outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it…For we are
opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy
that relies primarily on covered means for expanding its sphere of
influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of
elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night
instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast
human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit highly
efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence,
economic, scientific and political operations, its preparations
concealed, not published, its mistakes are buried not headlined, it’s
dissenters are silenced not praised, no expenditure is questioned, no
rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”
Kennedy issued an interesting Executive Order (number 11110)
in 1963 that many interpret as directing the Secretary of the Treasury
to start once again issuing silver certificates (which looked similar to
dollar bills) that would be redeemable for their face value in silver
coins or bullion, in what many saw as an attempt to remove power
from the Federal Reserve Bank and give it back to the Treasury
Silver certificates [called United States Notes] were originally put
in circulation in 1878 by the Treasury department and used as
money, but Federal Reserve Notes (commonly known as U.S.
dollars) replaced them after the creation of the Federal Reserve
banking system in 1913.
Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110 was soon reversed by
President Lyndon B. Johnson after he was sworn in as JFK’s
replacement after his assassination. Many people cite Kennedy’s
supposed opposition to the Federal Reserve cartel as a major factor
in the reason he was assassinated, believing the CIA orchestrated
the event and blamed “patsy” Lee Harvey Oswald. Others believe
Kennedy planned to pull out of the Vietnam War, in opposition to
secret Establishment, which was another motive for wanting him
A Gallup poll was published in 2013 as the 50th anniversary of
his death approached showed that 61% of Americans believed
someone other than Lee Harvey Oswald was involved in the
assassination.295 The poll notes that at one time 81% of Americans
thought there was more than one person involved in the shooting,
despite the official story of Oswald acting alone, and the “JFK
conspiracy” is one of the most popular conspiracy theories in history.
President Dwight Eisenhower

President Dwight Eisenhower, who was a five-star general

during World War II, gave his Farewell Address to the Nation on
January 17, 1961 where he popularized the term “Military Industrial
Complex” after he warned about the dangers of weapon
manufacturers influencing the government to go to war primarily for
“This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a
large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total
influence—economic, political, even spiritual—is felt in every city,
every statehouse, every office of the federal government. We
recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not
fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and
livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.”296
One part of the speech that still resonates today is when he
said, “In the councils of government, we must guard against the
acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by
the military–industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise
of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the
weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic
processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and
knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge
industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful
methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper
This Military Industrial Complex can be seen functioning today
when major defense companies receive no-bid contracts handed to
them by their politician friends to hire ex-soldiers as private security
guards in war torn countries, or when the Bilderberg Group meeting
includes CEOs from private defense companies who meet with
current U.S. military heads to come to a consensus about a current
or future military action.
President George Bush Senior

Two hours after bombing in Iraq and Kuwait began in 1991

(Operation Desert Storm) kicking off the first Gulf War, President
Bush addressed the nation from the Oval Office explaining his goal,
saying, “We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves
and for future generations a New World Order, a world where the
rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations.
When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at
this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can
use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the
U.N.’s founders.”297
A few weeks later at his State of the Union Address in 1991,
President Bush was talking about America’s military action in the
Gulf when he doubled down, saying, “What is at stake is more than
one small country, it is a big idea—a New World Order.”298
Before becoming Ronald Reagan’s vice president, and then
president himself after that, George Bush Senior was the head of the
Central Intelligence Agency in the late 1970s, not to mention a
member of Skull & Bones and the Bohemian Grove, where he and
his son George W. Bush were photographed giving a Lakeside talk
in 1995 where Bush Senior reportedly told the audience his son
would make a fine president one day.299
President George W. Bush

Shortly after the September 11th terrorist attacks on the World

Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001, sparking the never-ending
“War on Terror,” President George W. Bush addressed the growing
“conspiracy theories” from people thinking the U.S. government was
behind the attacks—or at the bare minimum—allowed them to
happen on purpose as a pretext to launch the pre-planned wars in
the Middle East. While speaking at a United Nations conference
Bush announced, “Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy
theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th; malicious lies
that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves,
away from the guilty.”300
The fact that the president even addressed the “conspiracy
theories” shows just how far they were spreading, and what would
come to be known as the 9/11 Truth Movement started making
headlines in the years to come and gained a sizable number of
supporters who were suspicious of the “official story” of 9/11.301
A leaked memo from a 2003 meeting between President Bush
and British Prime Minister Tony Blair later revealed that Bush once
proposed luring Saddam Hussein into the War on Terror by flying an
unmanned drone disguised as a United Nations airplane into Iraqi
airspace hoping it would get shot down so the United States could
then use the event as a justification for expanding the War on Terror
into Iraq.302 As we all know, he later did invade Iraq after fabricating
“evidence” claiming Saddam Hussein was working with Al Qaeda to
soon nuke the United States. Many people still weren’t convinced
there was any proof of this, but the administration’s mantra was, “We
don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.”
In 2004 when Bush was campaigning for reelection he appeared
on NBC’s Meet the Press where host Tim Russert surprisingly asked
him about being a Bonesman. “You were both in Skull & Bones, the
secret society,” Russert stated, referring to both Bush and his
Democrat opponent John Kerry.
“It’s so secret we can’t talk about it,” Bush responded.
“What does that mean for America? The conspiracy theorists
are going to go wild,” Russert pressed.
“I’m sure they are. I don’t know. I haven’t seen the web pages
yet.” (Laughs)303
Of course, George W. Bush was not the mastermind behind the
9/11 attacks or the War on Terror, but rather a willing servant and
asset of the Illuminati whose strings were being pulled by the powers
that be from behind the scenes. Having sworn allegiance to Skull &
Bones and being part of a Bones family, he undoubtedly felt
obligated to carry out the Order’s directives.
Vice President Dick Cheney

When giving a speech at a Council on Foreign Relations

meeting in 2002, Vice President Dick Cheney cracked an inside joke
about his affiliation with the organization, saying, “I want to thank you
all for the warm welcome today. I see a lot of old friends in the room.
And it’s good to be back at the Council on Foreign Relations. As
Pete mentioned, I’ve been a member for a long time, and was
actually a director for some period of time. I never mentioned that
when I was campaigning for reelection back home in Wyoming
(laughter) but it stood me in good stead. I value very much my
experience, exposure to the tremendous people involved and the
involvement and the ideas and the debates on the great policy
issues of the day.”304
The reason everyone laughed when he said he never mentioned
he was a member when he was campaigning is because they all
know the sinister reputation their group has. Anyone unfamiliar with
the history and activities of the CFR would have no idea why
everyone laughed, but those “in the know” surely “got” what he said.
A Pulitzer Prize winning journalist for The New Yorker named
Seymour Hersh reported that his sources revealed to him that
Cheney once proposed creating a false flag “Gulf of Tonkin” type of
scenario in the Middle East to expand the War on Terror into Iran by
having some U.S. Navy SEALS attack American ships in the Straits
of Hormuz in order to make it appear as if Iranian PT boats had done
it.305 Cheney is seen by many as one of the evil Neocon architects
behind the 9/11 attacks and the ensuing War on Terror. Of course, he
publicly advocated torture and refused to testify under oath at the
9/11 Commission hearings.306
Smedley Butler

A United States Marine Corps Major General, the highest rank

at that time, came forward in 1934 revealing a conspiracy that was
organized by Wall Street bankers who wanted to overthrow
President Roosevelt and replace him with a fascist dictator to serve
the will of the financial elite. A congressional committee named the
McCormick Dickstein Committee was formed to investigate General
Butler’s allegations.
Butler testified that a Wall Street insider named Gerald P.
MacGuire approached him on behalf of a secret organization hoping
he would lead a coup against the United States government that was
to be backed by three million dollars (over 35 million in 2014 dollars)
coming from the Wall Street elite. The conspiracy was dubbed the
Business Plot.
While no one was indicted, the congressional committee
concluded that some of Butler’s claims were true, and that such a
plan was discussed and contemplated, but the committee
questioned whether an actual coup by the group was actually an
immediate threat or just some wild scheme the bankers had
fanaticized about.
The Congressional committee’s final report stated, “In the last
few weeks of the committee’s official life it received evidence
showing that certain persons had made an attempt to establish a
fascist organization in this country...There is no question that these
attempts were discussed, were planned, and might have been
placed in execution when and if the financial backers deemed it
Butler would later go on to write his famous book War is a
Racket that denounced most major wars and military actions as
money-making schemes hatched by corrupt politicians intertwined
with the weapons industry.
Zbigniew Brzezinski

The national security adviser for President Jimmy Carter,

founding member of the Trilateral Commission, and protégé of David
Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski has made some startling
admissions about the secret establishment. Brzezinski was in charge
of covertly funding Osama Bin Laden and the Mujahedeen army in
Afghanistan in the 1980s so they could fight off the Soviet Union who
were trying to move into that area. This radical group of Muslims who
America funded with several billion dollars, coordinated by
Brzezinski, would later morph into Al Qaeda.
Back in 1970 he published a book called Between Two Ages:
America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, where he wrote, “The
technocratic era involves the gradual appearance of a more
controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite,
unrestrained by traditional values...The capacity to assert social and
political control over the individual will vastly increase. It will soon be
possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen
and to maintain up-to-date, complete files, containing even most
personal information about the health or personal behavior of the
citizen in addition to more customary data. These files will be subject
to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”308
In his 1997 book, The Grand Chessboard, he lamented, “…as
America becomes an increasingly multicultural society, it may find it
more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except
in the circumstances of a truly massive and widely perceived direct
external threat.”309
He seems to suggest a false flag attack as a pretext to carry out
his plans, saying, “The public supported America’s engagement in
World War II largely because of the shock effect of the Japanese
attack on Pearl Harbor.”310
In a speech which can be seen on You Tube, he openly
admitted, “I am deeply troubled that a very vague emotionally stated
semi-theologically defined diagnosis of the central global menace is
obscuring our national ability to comprehend the historically
unprecedented challenge which is being posed in our time by a
massive global political awakening and thus is obstructing our ability
to deal effectively with the global political turmoil that this awakening
is generating.”311
At a Council on Foreign Relations meeting in Montreal, Canada,
Brzezinski again lamented to his fellow elitists that a “global political
awakening,” was occurring and that the world had become more
difficult to manage because it was “lacking internal unity with many
of its members in bilateral antagonisms” and that “For the first time in
all of human history mankind is politically awakened—that’s a total
new reality—it has not been so for most of human history…[and the]
“politically awakened masses makes it a much more difficult context
for any major power, including, currently, the leading world power,
the United States.”312
John Hylan

A former mayor of New York City made a detailed

denouncement against “the interests” in 1922, in a speech that is
often incorrectly attributed to President Theodore Roosevelt. John
Hylan, who was major from 1918 to 1925, revealed, “The real
menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a
giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation.
To depart from mere generalizations, let me say that at the head of
this octopus are the Rockefeller–Standard Oil interests and a small
group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as the
international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international
bankers virtually run the United States government for their own
selfish purposes.”313
He continued, “They practically control both parties, write
political platforms, make cats paws of party leaders, use the leading
men of private organizations, and resort to every device to place in
nomination for high public office only such candidates as will be
amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business.”314
“These international bankers and Rockefeller–Standard Oil
interests control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in
this country. They use the columns of these papers to club into
submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the
bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible
government. It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and]
seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts,
newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.”315
Winston Churchill

One of the most well-known prime ministers of England,

Winston Churchill, once made a statement warning about what he
called a “world conspiracy” and even named Illuminati founder Adam
Weishaupt as the perpetrator.
“From the days of ‘Sparticus’ Adam Weishaupt, Karl Marx,
Trotski, Belacoon, Rosa Luxenberg and Ema Goldman, this world
conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a
definite recognizable role in the French Revolution. It has been the
mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century.
And now at last, this band of extraordinary personalities from the
under-world of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped
the Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the
undisputed masters of that enormous empire.”316
The Rothschilds

The patriarch of the Rothschild international banking dynasty

was Mayer Amschel Rothschild, whose family fortune would become
the largest fortune in the history of the world in the 1760s. He is seen
as the “founding father of international finance,” and Forbes
magazine listed him as one of the “Twenty Most Influential
Businessmen of All Time.”317 Mayer arranged marriages for his five
sons so they married their first or second cousins in order to keep his
massive wealth within the family. He also assigned each of his sons
to different countries to each run those regions’ economy.
A quote often attributed to Mayer Rothschild, although
unverified, alleges that he once stated, “Let me issue and control a
nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” Whether he
actually said this or not is uncertain, but what is certain, however, is
that one of his sons, Nathan, made an almost identical statement
that has been confirmed by the well-respected historian Niall
Ferguson, whose book The House of Rothschild reports that in 1815
Nathan stated, “I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of
England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man
who controls the British money supply controls the British Empire,
and I control the British money supply.”318
Nathan multiplied the family fortune many fold partly due to his
advanced knowledge of the British victory at the Battle of Waterloo
over the French in 1815, which enabled him to rake in a fortune on
the London Stock Exchange. A Rothschild courier was able to get
word of Duke Wellington’s victory over Napoleon’s French Army to
Nathan hours before anyone else in London learned of the outcome
which gave him an enormous advantage over other investors whose
financial future largely hinged on the outcome of this event.
Rothschild also allegedly put out the false rumor that Duke
Wellington and the British had lost, thus enabling him to further
capitalize on the market since he knew the opposite was true.
The Rothschild family downplays the significance of this event
and the amount of money they made from it, but historians do agree
that a courier did in fact reach Rothschild informing him about the
outcome of the battle before anyone else.319 Sometimes people are
accused of “anti-Semitism” for pointing out the Rothschild influence
in the world of international banking, a claim that is often thrown at
people who are critical of someone who happens to be Jewish.
Heir Nathaniel Rothschild lost a libel lawsuit he filed against
London’s Daily Mail after the paper claimed he was the billionaire
“puppet master” behind convincing the European Union Trade
Commissioner Lord Mandelson to lift some trade barriers involving
importing aluminum from Russia.320 So in a sense, by losing the libel
suite, the court confirmed that he was indeed a “puppet master”
pulling the strings of back-room big business and political dealings.
Many people point the finger at the Rothschild family as being
one of the primary sources of the Illuminati’s finances, and the family
helped fund the initial Jewish occupation of Israel and have been a
major financial supporter of Zionism.
James Paul Warburg

James Paul Warburg (August 18, 1896 – June 3, 1969) was the
son of Paul Warburg, the “father” of the Federal Reserve Bank, and
the man who organized the secret Jekyll Island meeting to formulate
their plan. The apple didn’t fall too far from the tree in this case,
because his son James went on to become the financial adviser for
President Roosevelt, and a member of the Council on Foreign
Relations—of which he was a founding member. At an appearance
before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations he once
flatly stated, “We shall have world government, whether or not we
like it. The question is only whether world government will be
achieved by consent or by conquest.”321
Henry Kissinger

One of the most infamous political figures in American history is

Henry Kissinger, a man who is seen by many as a treacherous war
criminal for helping the CIA organize various covert operations
designed to overthrow democratically elected leaders in several
countries (Chili, and Argentina, for example) in order to install a
leader who was more in tune with American foreign policy.322 Award
winning journalist Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, the guys who
blew open the Watergate scandal, revealed that Kissinger once
referred to our military men and women as “dumb, stupid animals” to
be used as pawns for America’s foreign policy.323
Kissinger once remarked that power was the greatest
aphrodisiac. Back in 2001 President George W. Bush chose him to
be the Chairman of the 9/11 Commission to investigate the
September 11th attacks, but shortly after it was revealed he was
Bush’s choice outraged victims’ family members who had learned of
his financial ties to the Bin Laden family forced the commission to
drop him. His sole purpose as head commissioner would have been,
of course, to prevent the truth about what really happened from
seeing the light of day. The 9/11 attacks are seen by many as
another false flag attack, or an incident that was purposefully allowed
to happen in order to spark the endless War on Terror and justify the
reduction of American liberties.
David Rothkopf, the managing director of Kissinger and
Associates, an international advising firm founded by the infamous
Henry Kissinger, wrote a very interesting book in 2009 titled
Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making,
where he openly discussed the ruling elite and the various
organizations that largely influence the political and economic
landscape of the world. While not revealing any earth-shattering
insider secrets, his book serves to confirm many of the allegations
made against the ruling elite by so called “conspiracy theorists.”
Rothkopf wrote that, “A global elite has emerged over the past
several decades that has vastly more power than any other group on
the planet. Each of the members of the superclass has the ability to
regularly influence the lives of millions of people in multiple countries
worldwide. Each actively exercises this power, and they often amplify
it through the development of relationships with others in this
He goes on to say, “That such a group exists is indisputable.
Heads of state, CEOs of the world’s largest companies, media
barons, billionaires who are actively involved in their investments,
technology, entrepreneur, oil potentates, hedge fund managers,
private equity investors, top military commanders, a select few
religious leaders, a handful of renowned writers, scientists, and
artists, even terrorist leaders and master criminals, meet the above
criteria for membership.”325
He proposes that this ruling elite, or “superclass” as he calls
them, consists of roughly 6,000 people.326 The Occupy Wall Street
protesters often spoke out against what they called the “1%” who
they saw as being the ruling elite, but this equates to approximately
70 million people. (1% of the earth’s 7 billion people is 70 million.) Of
course Occupy’s assessment of who is the problem is wildly
inaccurate. Using Rothkopf’s figure, it wouldn’t be the 1%, but more
like the .0001%. In reality, it’s probably more like the .00001% which
is around 700 people who are the Illuminati or their associates.
Another interesting admission is when Rothkopf says, “From
behind the scenes, it was clear that these individuals influenced
everything from the way currencies were priced worldwide to which
political candidates would have sufficient funding for their
presidential campaigns.”327
Perhaps Rothkopf started to grow a conscience after being so
close to the superclass and seeing exactly what they’re doing to the
planet. He even admitted that in the post-9/11 era and with the War
on Terror being waged to fight al Qaeda, that much of the information
coming from the government was basically fear mongering to
achieve a political goal. “While the United states was in a real
struggle with Communist Russia, the assertion that Communists
were everywhere and intent on undermining the United States was
vastly exaggerated in much the same way that the terror threat is
exaggerated today.”328
He even said the Bilderberger Group meetings reveal the
“informal mechanisms of power” that shape the world329 and was
well aware of the allegations made about the Bohemian Grove,
writing, “Critics on the left worry about political conspiracy and global
policies plotted at the Grove, while critics on the right cite stories of
homosexual rituals, devil worship, and child sacrifice.”330
President Richard Nixon

In his memoirs, published in 1978, President Richard Nixon

wrote, “If I were to choose the speech that gave me the most
pleasure and satisfaction in my political career, it would be my
Lakeside Speech at the Bohemian Grove in July 1967. Because this
speech traditionally was off the record it received no publicity at the
time. But in many important ways it marked the first milestone on my
road to the presidency.”331
The University of California, Berkeley, located on the San
Francisco Bay, has a photograph in their archives of Nixon sitting at
a table with Ronald Reagan inside the Bohemian Grove during this
same visit. The two were said to have sat down to “work a political
deal wherein Reagan was to run only if Nixon faltered.”332
While Nixon publicly praised the Bohemian Grove to the small
group of politically minded people who would read his memoirs,
privately he had something quite different to say. In one of the now
publicly available Watergate tapes released by the National
Archives, Nixon can clearly be heard expressing disgust for the
Grove when speaking in the Oval Office with his Chief of Statt H. R.
Haldeman and aid John D. Ehrlichman. “The Bohemian Grove—
which I attend, from time to time—it is the most faggy goddamned
thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd. I can’t
shake hands with anybody from San Francisco.”333
The Bohemian Grove yearbooks show members dressed in
drag and rumors of homosexual activities by members have
persisted for decades.
George Washington

President George Washington acknowledged the Illuminati’s

presence in America in his personal correspondence in one
particular letter dated October 24th 1798, that’s been preserved at
the Library of Congress. This was thirteen years after the Illuminati
was discovered and eleven years after they were banned and
allegedly stamped out according to “sources” like Wikipedia.
Washington acknowledged, “It was not my intention to doubt
that the Doctrines of the Illuminati and principles of Jacobinism had
not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly
satisfied of this fact than I am.”334
In the letter George Washington clarifies that he did not believe
that Freemasonry as a whole was involved in the conspiracy, but that
certain individuals within certain lodges did in fact have these aims. If
you look up the letter on the Library of Congress website, it can be
difficult to read his handwriting, but it is accompanied by an official
Part of the letter reads, “The idea that I meant to convey, was,
that I did not believe that the Lodges of Freemasons in this country
had, as Societies, endeavored to propagate the diabolical tenets of
the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible
of separation). That individuals of them may have done it, or that the
founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies
in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a
separation of the people from their government in view, is too evident
to be questioned.”
So there you have it—George Washington was concerned that
the “doctrines of the Illuminati” had spread to the United States and
were using certain Masonic lodges to “separate people from their
government.” In fact, it was “too evident to be questioned,” he said.
Dick Morris

One of President Bill Clinton’s former advisors, Dick Morris,

made a startling admission on the Fox News Channel in 2009 when
talking to Sean Hannity about the New World Order and a global
Morris began: “There is a big thing that’s going to happen in
London at this G-20, and they’re hiding it, they’re camouflaging it,
they’re not talking about it. The coordination of international
regulation. What they are going to do is to put our Fed and our SEC
under the control, in effect, of the IMF.”335
Hannity: “Oh, come on. You believe they’ll do this?”
Morris: “That’s what was in the draft agenda. They call it
‘coordination of regulation.’ What it really is, is putting the American
economy under international regulation. And those people who have
been yelling, ‘oh the U.N. is going to take over—global
Hannity: “Conspiracy theorists.”
Morris: “Conspiracy theorists…they’ve been crazy, but now…
they’re right! It’s happening!”
Hannity: When Geithner said he would be open to the idea of a
Global Currency last year, those conspiracy people had said and
suggested that for years. You're not wrong.”
Morris: “What they always do at these conferences is they have
the center show here, and the side show they don’t want you to pay
attention to. The center show is the size of the stimulus package, but
the real show is international regulation of the financial institutions
which is going to happen under the IMF control.
A few years earlier Morris had revealed why, despite being a
personal friend of the Clintons and working as Bill’s advisor, he cut
all ties with them, saying, “I finally parted company with Hillary
Clinton when I saw how she was using private detectives to
investigate the women who were linked to her husband to cow
[intimidate] the women into silence so that he could get elected
Cass Sunstien

President Obama appointed a Harvard law professor named

Cass Sunstein to head up the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs which is an executive office of the president responsible for
issuing policies regarding information technology, privacy, and
information regulation. Sunstien’s Orwellian philosophy of how the
government should handle information technology was detailed in a
white paper published in 2008 titled Conspiracy Theories, where he
argued that the government should ban “conspiracy theories” or
“impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who
disseminate such theories.”337
He took things further than the typical political rhetoric by
actually proposing that government trolls inundate the comment
sections on “conspiracy” websites, videos, and social media
accounts with outlandish comments in order to derail the discussion
and introduce issues into the conversation in hopes of tarnishing the
image of such websites, videos, or social media pages.338 He even
suggested government operatives should attend meetings and
events organized by “conspiracy theorists” saying, “We suggest a
distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who
supply conspiracy theories…whereby government agents or their
allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or
anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of believers
by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate
within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive
Aside from going after “conspiracy theorists” (translation:
prominent independent media outlets who have successfully
bypassed the editorial control of the mainstream media), Sunstein
also set his sights on the Second Amendment and with a straight
face lied to a group of students at the University of Chicago Law
School saying that “The Supreme Court has never suggested that
the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to have
Of course his claim about the Second Amendment couldn’t be
further from the truth, because its sole purpose is to authorize
individual citizens to have guns. In his lecture he went on to predict
that in the future the Second Amendment would be repealed and the
right of citizens to own guns would be eliminated.
In 2014 Sunstein published a book titled Conspiracy Theories
and Other Dangerous Ideas, where he warned that conspiracy
theorists were dangerous anti-government terrorists. Of course what
he means by “conspiracy theorists” are people who report on the real
reasons for the War in Iraq, or who think the September 11th attacks
were a false flag, and anyone who sees the Bilderberg Group as
Edward Snowden

In June of 2013, word spread like wild fire around the world that
a former NSA contractor with a high level security clearance had
stolen thousands of classified documents detailing the technical
capabilities of the National Security Agency. 30-year-old Edward
Snowden fled the country to avoid imprisonment and was giving
asylum in Russia, and the cache of classified documents he
obtained revealed the shocking details of how powerful Big Brother
had become.
As the Illuminati have been setting up an all-powerful global
government, they have also been focused on building an Orwellian
society where all citizens are tracked, traced, and databased. While
many people reasonably assumed such a system was being built,
Snowden’s leaks provided irrefutable proof that Big Brother had
been born and was more powerful than most people had ever
The Snowden leaks also proved that the NSA was not just
illegally conducting mass surveillance of Americans (and virtually
everyone around the world) without warrants, and clearly violating
the Fourth Amendment—but they also proved the government’s
protocols extended far beyond ordinary eavesdropping.
Laptop computers were routinely intercepted from UPS during
shipment after being purchased from online retailers like Amazon
and then fitted with special hardware, including micro cellular
modems so their hard drives could be accessed even if the
computers weren’t connected to WiFi or an Ethernet cable. (This
operation is called INTERDICTION.)341 We also learned that the
government has the ability to manipulate online polls on websites
(UNDERPASS); they restrict YouTube videos from going viral or
have them removed for phony “terms of service violations”
(SILVERLORD); or, if they want, make certain videos receive
massive views to make it appear as if they’ve gone viral
They’ve intercepted millions of webcam feeds and scanned the
people chatting over them with facial recognition systems to identify
them (OPTIC NERVE);343 they collect naked and compromising
photos of people so they can be blackmailed or publicly humiliated
by releasing them (LOVEINT);344 and they even have the ability to
record and store every single phone call in the entire world. Not just
the record of who called who and when, but the actual audio of all
calls (MYSTIC).345 They can also spoof anyone’s email address and
send emails under any identity (CHANGELING), not to mention
spoof any phone number. This is just a sample of their capabilities,
and of course this is all done under the umbrella of “National
This technology allows the government to have “turn key
tyranny” power and with the flip of a switch they can target anyone,
anywhere in the world. Not only can they physically locate you and
bug you through cell phones or webcams in the area, but the NSA
operatives can find out everything about a target, from your most
intimate communications sent though text messages or emails, to
obtaining personal photos, to uncovering health problems, shopping
habits, eating habits, political views, friends, family, acquaintances,
personal finances, gun ownership, etc., etc.
This power is so incredible that no man can resist abusing it,
and in the final phase of the New World Order, the Illuminati and
their inner circle of government agents will come down on dissenters
with a digital iron fist and make them disappear down the memory
hole like something right out of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-
Orwell ominously wrote, “The telescreen received and
transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above
the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it; moreover,
so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal
plate commanded, he could be seen as well as heard. There was of
course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any
given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police
plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even
conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. but at any rate
they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You have to
live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption
that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness,
every movement scrutinized.”346
Checkout my previous book Big Brother: The Orwellian
Nightmare Come True if you’d like to read my analysis of Orwell’s
novel and how it eerily parallels our world today. Orwell didn’t just
accurately forecast the invasive Big Brother surveillance system, but
also ominously warned about our current dumbed down and
heartless society; endless wars perpetuated to justify reducing civil
liberties; and the erosion of the language and the breakdown of
families and relationships in order to shift people’s obedience and
reliance to the State.
“Ex-Illuminati Members”

Similar to government whistleblowers or career criminals turned

into informants who reveal the closely kept secrets of their
organization, a handful of people have come forward over the years
claiming to have been involved with the Illuminati in one way or
another, and offer up what they claim to be insider information about
the activities and goals of the network. Most of these people are
complete frauds and are simply con artists trying to sell books and
lectures, or just enjoying the attention from the conspiracy
community since many people believe their stories—hook, line, and
In my previous book, The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction, there is a
detailed analysis of John Todd and William Schnoebelen, who are
two of the most popular men who have made such claims, but there
are also others whose stories have spread far and wide on the
Internet like urban legends, so in this book we’ll take a close look
and determine whether or not there is any legitimacy to them.
So far none of the alleged “defectors” have offered up any kind
of evidence to back up their claims, but instead have only told tales
based on the publicly known information about the history, beliefs,
and activities of the Illuminati. None of the “former members” have
ever revealed any new information that wasn’t already published in
literature widely available in the conspiracy culture. But if you read
through some of the comments on any of the YouTube videos
featuring their claims, you will see that a very sizable percentage of
the audience wholeheartedly believes these individuals and see
them as heroic whistle blowers who “escaped” their dark past and
are now on a mission to “expose” the Illuminati.
For an astute student dedicated to the truth and who doesn’t
approach these people’s stories with confirmation bias—and if one
has diligently done their own research—the inaccuracies and
fabrications stick out like sore thumbs. For those who are new to
investigating the Illuminati, or to those who are quite gullible, these
“former Illuminati members” only serve to confirm their greatest
fears. Most of these “defectors” are simply gifted storytellers
presenting publicly known information from a first-person perspective
as if they themselves actually witnessed it or participated in it. Some
of these people are perhaps mentally ill and may actually believe
what they are saying, but the evidence proves one after the other to
be fake.
Let’s take a close look at some of these individuals’ stories so
we can prevent them and future hoaxers from deceiving people who
are trying to find answers and accurate information regarding the
Illuminati and the New World Order.
Doc Marquis

Joseph “Doc” Marquis (born on October 26th 1956) is allegedly

a former U.S. Army medic which is how he says he got his nickname
“Doc,” and is one of several self-proclaimed “former Illuminati
members” who says he was born into an Illuminati family but now is
dedicated to “exposing” them.
“Doc,” who claims to have been raised as a seventh generation
witch, says when he was three-years-old his family brought him to a
special ceremony and dedicated him to Lucifer in a satanic
baptism.347 For the next ten years, he says, he was in the “outer
court” of the Illuminati which he described as a satanic seminary
school where he supposedly learned about the philosophies and
secret symbols, and what he claims are the “eight nights of human
sacrifice” that Illuminati members allegedly celebrate.
According to his story, when he was thirteen-years-old he was
“fully initiated as a member of the Illuminati”348 after signing his
name in his own blood in a book made of lamb skin which he called
the Book of the Dead, which just so happens to be the name of an
ancient Egyptian scroll containing information on how to navigate
through the afterlife in order to enter into Heaven.
Four years later, when he was seventeen, “Doc” says he
underwent another initiation ceremony and became what he called a
Master Witch, or a High Druid Priest, which granted him “automatic
authority over a region of the United States” where he was in charge
of over 1000 other Illuminati members.349 This, all before he even
graduated high school! His superiors, he says, then ordered him to
join the United States Army in order to help the Illuminati infiltrate the
armed forces. Within two weeks of being stationed at Fort Lewis in
Washington he says he had twenty people recruited for the Illuminati,
and just a couple months later says he had more than a hundred
more!350 In reality, the actual Illuminati most likely consists of no
more than a few hundred men, but when “Doc” Marquis was just
seventeen-years-old, he says he was “in charge” of over 1000 of
During an online lecture produced by Prophecy Club, he says he
practiced human sacrifices eight times a year and had “constant
communication with Demons.”351 Marquis claims to have personally
witnessed dozens of human sacrifices before he “got out,” but no law
enforcement agency has ever expressed any interest in him and
have never considered him to be a suspect or a witness to any
murders whatsoever. Trash television, on the other hand, gave him a
platform to spread his nonsense in the late 1980s. He was once a
guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show where he was talking about all
these supposed murders and said, “The thing is, we didn’t body bag
these people afterwards. We’d just take them [and], throw them in
the woods, on the side of the road on a highway. Somebody’s going
to find them.”352 Of course, no one ever has because these “victims”
don’t exist.
The “eight nights of human sacrifice” that Marquis claims to
have celebrated was concocted from the eight festivals that Pagans
celebrate (or Sabbats as Wiccans call them) which are
commemorated throughout the year on solstices, equinoxes, and the
four mid-points in between—none of which involve human sacrifices.
I’m certainly not saying that Satanists don’t commit human sacrifices
still to this day, because such occurrences have been well
documented,353 but the closest Marquis has come to one was
watching a horror movie.
Local authorities would have taken him into custody for
questioning if there was even a shred of evidence to back up his
claims and no one involved with such crimes would dare speak
about them out of fear of being arrested. Obviously in the 1980s,
before the Internet, the average person could not easily confirm or
disprove most claims made about the Illuminati and the occult, and
very few people knew much about the subject at all. This is what led
to the “satanic panic” in the 1980s when stories like Marquis’ were
spread through tabloids and trash TV talk shows causing people who
didn’t know any better to think Satanists were abusing children and
sacrificing people in communities across the country.
“Doc” says that in between committing his evil deeds, he was
repeatedly asked by Christians if he wanted to go to church or if he
knew Jesus, and for whatever reason—despite being a “high level
Illuminati master,” he decided to go to church on Easter Sunday in
1979, where he realized he was a “sold out slave of Satan,” became
a Christian, and “left the Illuminati.”354
In one of his video lectures titled Arrival of the Antichrist he can
be seen giving the usual history lesson about Adam Weishaupt and
the formation of the Bavarian Illuminati, their structure and goals,
and shows the all-seeing eye on the back of the one dollar bill while
telling the audience to pull out their wallets to look at the dollar
themselves as if this was some major revelation.355 The eye on the
back of the one dollar bill has become so elementary and Illuminati
101 that most middle school students are now aware of it, but back
in the 1980s and 90s when Marquis began giving his lectures, things
were quite different.
After his discussion on the one dollar bill symbology, he goes on
to cover the well-known quotes from Pike’s book, Morals and
Dogma, and then shows the interesting designs in the street layout
of Washington D.C. and then complains about the government, the
dumbing down of America, the Constitution, the demonization of
Christians, etc., etc… Of course he concludes that the Illuminati is
going to declare martial law and is setting up a New World Order for
the reception of the antichrist.
When conducting my research into the Illuminati and coming
across Doc Marquis’ claims of being a former Illuminati member, I
painfully listened to his lectures online, which, like nearly every other
self-proclaimed “former Illuminati member” didn’t reveal a single
shred of information that wasn’t already widely known. Not only that,
but many of his claims are clearly ridiculous to anyone who has
basic knowledge about the Illuminati conspiracy.
For example, he says that they place a $10,000 bounty on
anyone’s head who tries to leave.356 After he “left the Illuminati” he
says they tried and failed to kill him at least six times!357 The
Illuminati can assassinate world leaders and other heads of state,
but they’ve failed over twenty times to kill this guy? Absurd.
Of course there are no police reports or news stories about any
of these alleged murder attempts against him and since the Illuminati
is the most powerful secret society in the world, they would have no
problem killing anyone, especially no-name loser like “Doc” Marquis.
He sells a DVD called Frontmen of the Illuminati which consists
of nothing more than a poorly produced home video of him sitting at
a table showing different photos of symbols and people while talking
about the Illuminati. The information on a website selling his DVDs
reads, “Doc Marquis is a former Satanist who was trained in the
Illuminati Plan before he came out of the coven to become a
Christian. In 1992, Doc was hired by the Boston Police Department
to train their homicide detectives how to spot evidence in a crime
scene that the perpetrator was a practicing occultist. Doc also has
appeared on the following TV shows: Oprah Winfrey; Geraldo
Rivera; Hard Copy; and Inside Edition. He is the author of numerous
books, video tapes and audio cassette series and has appeared as
an expert witness in a number of documentaries.”
His claim of having worked with the Boston Police department
has not been verified and to think that this man would be hired to
“train” homicide detectives is laughable, particularly after having
claimed to have murdered a bunch of people in satanic rituals! I
guess the police just decided to forgive him of all those supposed
Marquis has also claimed to have degrees in sociology, and
history, and once claimed he would soon be getting his doctorate in
psychiatry from Baptist Christian University in Shreveport, Louisiana,
but it was later revealed he wasn’t even attending the school. He
then said the school would be accepting a book he was writing on
the occult as his doctoral dissertation!
Marquis wrote several books (as does every supposed
“Illuminati defector”) hoping to make a few bucks off the conspiracy
community. Marquis and other “Christians” who claim to be “former
Illuminati” members like Bill Schnoebelen and John Todd—while
being complete phonies—may, in their own mind, actually believe
that they are helping people learn about the Illuminati conspiracy.
There is, after all, a massive conspiracy, and these individuals do
actually expose some of it, but their fabricated pasts and long lists of
lies about being personally involved with the Illuminati—when they
clearly don’t even have some of their basic facts straight—shows
that men like Doc Marquis are not only frauds, but quite pathetic and
shameful as well.
Leo Zagami

Another man claiming to be an Illuminati defector who went on

to give interviews and lectures about the nefarious plans he learned
while supposedly “inside” the secret society is Leo Zagami (born in
Rome on March 5th 1970). While other alleged defectors claim to
have become born again Christians after “leaving the Illuminati” and
say that Jesus helped them realize they were on the wrong path and
found support from Christian audiences, Leo Zagami instead has
taken the New Age angle. He insists the Illuminati hold “the truth” but
are a corrupt group of enlightened ones who have hijacked the
Mystery School teachings so he decided to leave the Illuminati in
order to preach their secret philosophy to the masses.
To help spread the “enlightening truth” kept suppressed by the
Illuminati, Leo Zagami claims to have started a new “religion” called
Matrixism that’s based on the popular Matrix movies! He says he
started this new “religion” in 2004 to commemorate the 100th
anniversary of the “deliverance” of Aleister Crowley’s Book of the
Law, the short blood thirsty book Crowley claimed was dictated to
him by a demon while he was visiting Egypt in 1904. Yes, Zagami is
a fan of dirt bag Aleister Crowley, whose philosophies he considers
“the truth.”
His website described his new “religion” as, literally having been
inspired by the Matrix movies, but insists it was “conceived by an
anonymous group in the summer of 2004 [and] has attracted over
16,000 adherents.”358
The explanation goes on to say, “The Matrix trilogy, along with
related mass media products such as video games, is generally
considered to be the ‘sacred text’ of the movement.”359 He literally
says The Matrix movies and video games are “sacred texts” of his
“religion.” He also says the “faith” can be traced back to a book
called The Promulgation of Universal Peace, published in 1922 that
consist of a series of speeches given by Abdu’l-Baha, the founder of
the Bahá'í Faith. All of this information, he says, comes from his
knowledge of being an “Illuminati Grand Master” himself.
Zagami’s website claims that he is, “a high-ranking Illuminati
Grand Master, who gained considerable attention in the conspiracy
research community between 2006 and 2008 as a defector and
whistle-blower.”360 He once went by the name Khaled Saifullah Khan
after having supposedly converted to Islam, but later changed his
name back to Leo. He claims that his goal is to now organize “the
Knights Templars of the Apocalypse” to fight the Illuminati, and says
this “group” has recruited 12,000 troops from the U.S. Military, CIA,
FBI, etc., who are going to stop the “Dark Illuminati plans.”361
In Leo’s mind, the main enemies of humanity are: The Jesuits,
which he calls “the head of the serpent”; Zionists, who he says are
“the economic arms of the Vatican New World Order”; the United
Nations which is “a corrupt organization in the hands of the Jesuits
and their Zionist allies dedicated to enslave mankind”; and “all
religious fundamentalist because organized religion in all shapes and
forms is a legal mafia manipulated by the Vatican and Jerusalem in
the hands of corrupt individuals who work for the elite families and
their intelligence services to keep our race in ignorance and
superstition in the end of times.”
Despite Leo’s strange and rambling history and his new
“religion” that he created based on The Matrix movies, and his
claiming to still be involved with the “good” Illuminati and the “Knights
Templars of the Apocalypse” and other undercover “Illuminati
Resistance” members in the CIA, FBI, military, and police; and
despite revealing no new information about the workings of the
Illuminati—some completely gullible fools actually believe that he
actually was, or still is involved with the secret society.
Leo Zigami’s claims never gained anywhere close to the traction
of other supposed “defectors” before him such as John Todd or Bill
Schnoebelen, because he’s not a gifted storyteller like some other
hoaxers. And we were well into the information age by the time Leo
decided to step on the scene (in 2006), whereas John Todd started
his talks in the 1970s, and Bill Schnoebelen in the early 1990s
before the Internet was fully utilized by most people who can now
quickly fact check claims online. Even with this resource at people’s
fingertips, however, a shocking number of people still believe the
stories from “ex-members” like “Doc” Marquis, Leo Zagami, John
Todd, and others.
Many people enjoy conspiracy entertainment or
conspiratainment as I call it, and have little to no concern about
actual facts or the truth. They simply love the sometimes cleverly
concocted tales by people who are inspired by actual events or
conspiracies and then manufacture a sometimes entertaining
conspiracy mythology based on grains of truth. It’s sort of like a good
science fiction story that’s based in part on actual technology and
then extrapolates into a fantasy designed to entertain the audience.
Supriem Rockefeller

A man calling himself “Supriem Rockefeller” and claiming to be

a member of the famous Rockefeller family created a bit of a stir on
the Internet in 2010 after announcing that the Rockefellers were
launching a plan to fund the building of the Third Temple in
Jerusalem, in what was called the “Temple Now Project.” The Third
Temple refers to the rebuilding (again) of Solomon’s Temple in Israel,
which was originally destroyed in 586 BC by the Babylonians, and
later rebuilt only to be destroyed again by the Romans in 70 AD.
Christians believe that when the temple is rebuilt for the third time, it
will signify the fulfillment of one of the final prophecies concerning
the rise of the Antichrist and the return of Jesus.
Currently, a Muslim mosque called the Dome of the Rock stands
on the ruins of the temple, and the only way Solomon’s Temple can
be rebuilt on that spot is if Israel destroys the mosque and occupies
that part of the land. This is why the “Rockefeller” announcement of
supposed plans to build the Third Temple caught so many people’s
A few official sounding websites published a press release about
the “Supriem Rockefeller” plan without attempting to verify his
identity or the supposed plan’s legitimacy. With sites like and MarketWatch having the press released
posted, that was all the evidence many conspiracy blogs needed to
run with the story that one of the final Biblical prophecies was about
to be fulfilled thanks to the Rockefellers.362
None of this was true, however, and “Supriem Rockefeller” didn’t
exist. The man behind the hoax was identified as a high school
dropout named Kris from Louisiana, who was born in 1975. While
living with his mother he worked as a cashier at a fast food
restaurant and tried to make money by gambling and selling
ringtones on various websites.
After he was fired from his job for allegedly stealing, the thirty-
four-year-old then started going by “Supriem Rockefeller” online and
saying he was the secret son of David Rockefeller Jr. “Supriem”
posted online about how he was authorized to finalize the New
World Order and “revealed” that the Rockefeller family had
descended from the Annunaki, the supposed ancient race of aliens,
who are believed by some to be responsible for the creation of
It appears his “Temple Now Project” hoax was an attempt to
receive donations from people who wanted to support the plan,
hoping to fulfill Bible prophecy. One press release claimed he would
be “raising funds to go towards building the Third Temple in
Jerusalem in strict coordinance with The Temple Institute, Rabbi
Hiam Richman and The Palestinian National Interest Committee
(PNIC),” and his mission was to “build the Temple and to create a
One Israel-Palestine state.”
What made this hoax believable for some, aside from the
Christian prophecy of the Third Temple, was the very real Jewish
plan to one day accomplish this very task. Ever since 1987 a non-
profit Jewish group called the Temple Institute has been working to
do just this. In fact, in 2008 they announced they had the High
Priest’s garments already made along with dozens of other items
they plan on using in “sacred rituals” once it is rebuilt. Of course the
Temple Institute had nothing to do with “Supreium Rockefeller,” but
he cleverly included their name in his press release to add an aura of
credibility to his claims, since they are a real group working to
accomplish this very goal.
This hoax didn’t last too long and his Facebook page was soon
deleted, but many Jews and Christians continue to await the actual
rebuilding of the Temple, an event that will be seen by Christians as
one of the Bible’s final prophecies being fulfilled because in this
Temple it is believed the Antichrist will announce himself to be “God”
and order the people of earth to worship him as such.
In the 1970s, 80s and 90s, Illuminati phonies were able to pull
off their scams with a remarkable amount of success, and while the
Internet can put an end to most of these scams rather quickly today,
countless people are simply lost in the sea of information available
on the web and continue to spread Illuminati hoaxes far and wide,
believing every word. These are the same kinds of people who
believe that every time a famous celebrity dies from a drug
overdose, car accident, or health problem—they think they were
actually “murdered” by the Illuminati or faked their own death. If you
search YouTube for keywords like “Paul Walker Illuminati Sacrifice,”
“Michael Jackson Murdered by Illuminati,” or “Tupac killed by
Illuminati,” you will find literally hundreds of videos with millions of
views and countless comments from people who are 100%
convinced the Illuminati is behind every celebrity death.
The “Supriem Rockefeller” Third Temple hoax is not the first time
that someone has posed as a member of the famous Rockefeller
family. A man who called himself Clark Rockefeller (real name
Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter) was sentenced to 27 years in prison for
murdering his landlord’s son which put an immediate end to his
elaborate scam.363 Gerhartsreiter even fooled his own wife into
thinking he was a Rockefeller for years by taking extreme measures
to hide his real identity. To accomplish this he had his wife file her
income taxes as an individual instead of jointly as most married
couples do, so his real name wouldn’t have to be on the couple’s tax
returns, which she most likely would have noticed.364 He even
forged their marriage license to avoid having her see his actual
Another man calling himself Christian Rockefeller (real name
Christopher Rocancourt) actually swindled tens of millions of dollars
from rich people in New York in the 1990s through fake investment
scams after they thought he could increase their wealth because
they believed he was a Rockefeller.366

The list of people who have come forward claiming to be former

members of the Illuminati are mainly men, but in 2006 a woman
calling herself “Svali” popped up on the Internet claiming to come
from an Illuminati family in Germany who then relocated to America
when she was very young. “Svali” said when she was a kid she was
told that she was “special” and that the Illuminati had big plans for
her. At 12-years-old she underwent her “initiation” at the Vatican, as
she claimed all the leadership in the Illuminati do, and by the time
she was twenty-two, she was the youngest person in the “Illuminati
leadership council” in Southern California.
“Svali” said that secret Illuminati meetings were held three times
a week in Escondido, California, which is a lower income area inland
where no wealthy or powerful members of the Illuminati would ever
go, let alone choose to live. I have personally lived near this area for
over 15 years and have friends who have lived in Escondido and I’ve
seen the city with my own eyes many times. It’s primarily a Mexican
ghetto and would be the last place in the world the Illuminati would
ever think about going.
The security for these “Illuminati” meetings, she said, was a
“spy” who had climbed up into a tree with a walkie talkie to spot
unwanted visitors and would then radio ahead to the group so they
could “leave within five minutes.” I guess the group would just run off
into the woods if the person in the tree saw anyone unexpected
rolling up to the house! You’d think the Illuminati’s security detail
would be a bit more sophisticated than someone climbing into a tree
with a walkie talkie! Her claims get dumber by the second the more
she tells her story.
The source of the information coming from Svali appears to lead
back to a man named Greg Szymanski who wrote (or may continue
to write) for a little known website called, one of
countless amateur websites that contains posts about the Illuminati,
the Jesuits, and other conspiracy issues. “Svali” allegedly reached
out and contacted him with her claims, so he then interviewed her in
January of 2006 on his virtually unknown Internet radio show. Audio
of the interview can found on YouTube if you can force yourself to
listen to more than 30 seconds of her incoherent rambling.
In the interview she said her adult co-conspirators would, “get up
in the middle of the night to attend meetings,” and while the adults
were doing their thing, the kids were “learning how to march and
shoot guns and were being trained in martial arts.” She claims her
initiation at the Vatican included a child sacrifice and throughout the
interview she was very scatterbrained and had a hard time
explaining her story, which isn’t even remotely convincing. Greg the
interviewer ate it up though, and seemed to believe every word she
was saying, as did a measurable number of people on the Internet
who happened to come across her story.
When she was allegedly hanging out with the Illuminati, she
claimed to be a “head programmer” involved in mind control
programs but never offered up any details about what her supposed
responsibilities were and couldn’t even articulate the basic concepts
or history of mind control.
Svali isn’t even a clever hoaxer like some others before her, and
appears to be a mentally deranged person just looking for someone
to pay attention to her. It’s also possible that Greg Szymanski, the
man who first interviewed her, actually crafted the Svali hoax himself
by working with a female friend to concoct the entire story so he
could be the person to have the “exclusive” interview and forever be
linked to her as the person who first “broke her story.”
His website is just one of countless virtually unknown sites in the
sea of conspiracy theories online so it makes no sense why a
“former Illuminati member” would reach out to him since there are a
large number of fairly prominent conspiracy websites that cover such
topics. She did try selling an e-book titled Breaking the Chain:
Breaking Free of Cult Programming, but it’s not even listed in any of
the major e-book stores and seems like a failed attempt to try to
make a few bucks by selling a PDF file from a website.
I can attest to the fact that I have received multiple e-mails from
different people making extremely bizarre claims such as being
stalked or harassed by cults and the rambling and incoherent nature
of their emails clearly show that they are from mentally disturbed and
insane people sounding very much like this woman.
Actual Illuminati members are educated, intelligent, and well-
spoken people. They are very persuasive and convincing—none of
which can be attributed to Svali, whose stories are so convoluted
they’re hard to follow as she jumps from thought to thought. How did
she eventually “escape” the clutches of the Illuminati? Well, she said
she left the organization because she started to realize, “what I was
doing was wrong.” Now that she is a “former member” she is a born
again Christian and has repented of the activities she claims to have
participated in. Today, the woman says she’s a “diabetic educator”
living in Texas with her husband and two children.
The bio on the website of the man responsible for conducting
the interview reads, “Greg is first and foremost a satirist, a writer and
a reporter,” so he was likely just playing a role and trying to have fun
with conspiracy theories by producing a new Internet urban legend of
conspiracy theory fiction about the “woman who left the Illuminati.”
Brice Taylor

A woman calling herself Brice Taylor (a pseudonym) published a

book in 1999 titled Thanks For The Memories: The Truth Has Set Me
Free! The Memoirs of Bob Hope’s and Henry Kissinger’s Mind-
Controlled Slave where she details what she says is her account of
being a CIA mind control victim who was used as a sex slave by the
David Icke, a popular conspiracy writer best known for his
theories that the Illuminati are an alien race of shape-shifting
reptilians, is listed as an endorsement on’s listing of
the book, as well as Ted Gunderson, a former FBI Agent from Los
Angeles who said, the book “confirms facts furnished by many other
With endorsements by such heavy hitters in the conspiracy
world as David Icke and Ted Gunderson, many people are inclined to
believe her claims, but upon even a brief analysis of the book, the
woman’s story quickly goes from being hard to believe, to being
completely ludicrous and impossible by any stretch of the
The first wobbly leg of this story comes when we learn Brice
Taylor is just a pseudonym and the authors’ real name is Susan
Lynne Eckhart Ford who admits that from a young age she suffered
from multiple personality disorder. “But as I began to heal and
remember more of my hidden past, I realized that ritual abuse was
merely the mind control trauma base my ritually abused,
programmed pedophile father, Calvin Charles Eckhart, and others
used to condition me for participation in the still active top secret
Project Monarch, the Central Intelligence Agency’s white slavery
operation that is related to MKULTRA and its numerous sub-
projects,” she writes.367
“The result of many years of trauma, intentionally inflicted on me
by my father and others to create within me multiple personalities,
was that I was transformed into a programmed, totally robotical slave
that could not remember to think or tell what happened to me, due to
the mind control and sophisticated programming I was under. I was
used frequently in child and adolescent prostitution and pornography.
By my pre-teen years, I had many personalities specifically
programmed to be the perfect sex slave—a ‘presidential mode’ with
government mind files and a photographic memory equipped to
deliver (most often through sexual encounters) messages, some
cryptic, to top government officials, entertainers, and other world
She writes that when her memories started coming back to her
at the age of thirty-five she, “began having vivid, detailed memories
of being used both as a sex slave and human mind file computer to
some of our nation’s highest level government officials in and out of
the White House.”369 She then goes on to list Presidents John F.
Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George
Bush, Jimmy Carter, as well as Henry Kissinger, Nelson Rockefeller,
Bob Hope (the popular entertainer), and many others as men she
says all abused her.
Taylor says that while meditating she began to remember things
all the way back to when she was four months old! (Not four years
old, four months old.) She says her father worked as a welder who
owned a welding shop in Los Angeles, but was somehow also
secretly working for the CIA as a mind control programmer. “My
father began the rigorous training and intentional torture required to
shatter my base personality with the goal of creating many separate
individual personalities for training and use by others as I grew
Her mom too, she says, was under mind control and “was
listening to music she was told to listen to in order to keep her
memory of our actual life locked deeply within her subconscious
mind, while the programmed reality of herself and our ‘perfect happy
family’ was kept alive through programmed phrases in the music.”371
Most of the book consists of lengthy and rambling tales of
alleged abuse by such a long list of people, both famous, and
ordinary people in her community, that it reads like a parody of a
poorly written horror story. The people involved in the conspiracy
include her ballet teacher, her doctor, her dentist, her choir teacher,
her next door neighbor, the people at her local church (who she says
all had tunnels under their homes connecting them to each other and
also leading to the church); the owners of the local bowling alley
were also in on it, and of course the Freemason Shriners, and even
the owners of a local gas station! They were all sacrificing children
and shooting snuff films or involved with the “CIA’s mind control
program” she says.372
The list of her alleged abusers and human-sacrificing CIA
Satanists she was involved with just goes on and on. Prince Philip,
Prince Charles, and even Sylvester Stallone are on her seemingly
endless list of abusers. Sylvester Stallone, she claims, directed
several bestiality films where she says she had sex with dolphins
and other sea creatures! Other celebrities such as Jane Fonda and
Barbara Streisand were also under mind control she says, and Elton
John was aware of such things and tried to help the victims with the
lyrics in his music.
Aside from listing half the people in her community as being “in
on it,” and a dozen presidents and celebrities, she also names some
very odd places where she says everyone sexually abused her or
“programmed” her with mind control. One of these supposed places
was Disneyland where she says her father introduced her to Walt
Disney himself when she was five-years-old, who then made her
look into a View-Master box containing dead cats and dead people.
“Brice Taylor” said she would also meet Henry Kissinger there at
Disneyland where he would “program” her using CIA mind control
techniques. One of these “programming sessions,” she said, needed
to be done in front of a carrousel for some unknown reason. “I also
continued to be taken to Disneyland for base programming for my
new government mind file system,” she wrote.373 Who would have
thought the CIA was using Disneyland as a secret mind control
center? Like I said, her book reads like a bad parody of a horror
story written by a teenager.
She goes on to claim she was also taken to various McDonald’s
around the country and “programmed there too.” And of course she
says she was also taken inside the National Archives, the State
Department, NASA, the Pentagon, the Federal Reserve, the World
Health Organization, and other military bases around the country—
and insists she was “programmed” at every one. Why her handlers
would need to take her to the Federal Reserve Bank to “program”
her using mind control techniques isn’t said, and these claims are
clearly ridiculous and the result of another over-active imagination of
a clearly insane person, or by a horrible storyteller fabricating such
tales hoping to sell a ton of books to the conspiracy community.
She wrote that she was even told that in a few years she would
be killed and her services wouldn’t be needed any longer. Why
would her handlers inform her that they would kill her at some point
in the future? Wouldn’t they keep this to themselves and lead her
on? After all, if she knew she was going to be killed soon, wouldn’t
this give her even more reason to betray them and escape before
this happened? The more of Brice Taylor’s story you read, the more
absurd it gets, well beyond the point of nonsense.
The book is self-published because I’m sure that not even a
small fringe conspiracy publisher would invest their money in such a
worthless piece of garbage filled with fictional delusions. Near the
end of the book , as expected, she starts talking about the elite’s
plan for a New World Order. Then there is a “suggested reading” list
which includes the staple books of New World Order and Illuminati
literature such as None Dare Call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen
(published in 1972), Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley (published
in 1966), as well as books by conspiracy authors like David Icke,
Texe Marrs, Fritz Springmeier, and other titles about mind control,
the CIA, and brainwashing.
The question remains…why would this woman make up all
these horrific things that she says happened to her? What would
compel a woman to write such a book? I speculate that the only
truthful part of the book is that perhaps she was sexually abused as
a child, but not by any of the political figures or celebrities she
mentioned, but at the hands of a relative or perhaps even her own
father. She may feel justified and achieve some degree of healing by
venting her anger and betrayal in a fictionalized book where she has
projected that the perpetrators of her abuse are men in high
positions of power within society. It’s also likely that she wrote the
book purely as “conspiracy fiction” hoping to pass it off as factual to
the often gullible conspiracy community.
The reason some people believe her claims is because there
are grains of truth (albeit tiny miniscule grains) since the CIA did do
horrific mind control experiments in their MK Ultra program, and they
did drug, hypnotize, and torture people in those experiments trying to
create mind controlled slaves. In 1994 the US government awarded
77 people $100,000 each in financial compensation for
experimenting on them,374 but Brice Taylor (whose real name is
possibly Sue Ford) never even went to court over her allegations and
was not one of the recipients.
A few years before Brice Taylor’s book was published, another
woman named Cathy O’Brien released a book titled The
Transformation of America where she had claimed to be a test
subject for the CIA’s MK Ultra program, and a “sex slave” of the
Illuminati’s top politicians. O’Brien even claims to have been taken
inside Bohemian Grove. It’s most likely Brice Taylor was inspired by
Cathy O’Brien’s book and hoped she could cash in by making similar
claims. While Brice Taylor is clearly a fraud, Cathy O’Brien’s claims
are a bit more believable (but also possibly fabricated), and are
analyzed in detail in my previous book The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction
if you are interested in reading about them.
“Jess LaVey”

A man calling himself “Jess LaVey” saying he was the son of

Anton LaVey, the infamous founder of the Church of Satan and the
author of The Satanic Bible, threw his hat into the conspiracy
entertainment ring around the year 2000 and got himself a small
amount of attention on a few Internet radio shows who eagerly took
the bait and gave him a platform to spread his nonsense.
“Jess LaVey” not only claimed to have been the son of Anton
LaVey (whose real name was Howard Levey by the way), but also
said he climbed the ranks of Satanism all the way up to the
Illuminati. In one interview “Jess” claims, “I never could forget the
counsel of thirteen, they were very wicked looking men. When I
reached the age of twelve, my father told me I had to go before
them…They warned me of what could happen to me if I did not do
as they suggested. George H.W. Bush Senior was one of these men.
I stood before them and told them I was not going to follow their
ways and I was not going to take my dad’s place, and that there was
nothing they could do to me….I told them I believe in a higher power
and that higher power said in His Word that no harm can come to
After he refused this “invitation” to the Illuminati, he says they
castrated him as his punishment. He also talked about the Kimball-
Cherokee Castle in Sedalia, Colorado, a 1450s style castle built in
the 1950s on a 3,100-acre ranch in Colorado where, he claimed the
Illuminati meet every year to do human sacrifices. “Satanists come
together and do unspeakable things…To think that Bush and his
whole family is a part of this kind of thing is hard for some people to
believe. The whole Bush family is Satanists…I have met Bush Jr.
once when he came to a ritual at the castle once with his father….He
is a very cold man for Satan. Like a lethal weapon.”376
Other “insider” satanic “leaders” have come forward over the
years, mainly in the 1980s and 90s such as Mike Warnke and
Stephen Dollins, trying to use their supposed “satanic credentials” to
boost their new career as Christian evangelists, but most were never
involved in any organized cults or groups and wildly exaggerated the
supposed activities they claimed to have participated in.377
In 2002 John W. Morehead of the Watchman Fellowship, a
group that monitors the activities of cults, was given a copy of what
“Jess LaVey” claimed to be his social security card which was clearly
fake and when the number was run for a background check it was
proven to be invalid.
“Sadly, many have claimed to be LaVey’s child in order to gain
financial support from churches and to give credibility to their
ministries allegedly addressing Satanism and the occult,” Morehead
told Charisma Magazine in 2002.378
Anton LeVay, Aleister Crowley, Helena Blavatsky, Manly P. Hall,
and other real occult insiders have revealed plenty of details to see
exactly what is going on in various Satanic groups and secret
societies, but conspiracy con men seem to keep coming up with the
idea that they can make some money by claiming to have been an
“insider” who is offering a “first-hand account” of what they have
allegedly seen and done.
The interviews “Jess LaVey” did can be found on YouTube and
after listening to one for about five seconds, any sane adult should
obviously be able to tell he is making up his story pretty much as he
goes along and doesn’t even have the faintest hint of legitimacy.
Anton LaVey (again whose real name was Howard Levey) had two
daughters and only one son; a boy named Satan Xerxes who was
born in 1993.
George Green

A supposed former investment banker named George Green

claims to have once sat in on secret Illuminati meetings where men
were making “god-like decisions as to who lives and who dies” and
contemplated “dropping neutron bombs” on major American cities to
reduce the population in accordance with the Georgia Guidestones.
“I actually sat in on the meetings. I was in the game big time. In fact,
I was making such a mess, they decided rather than kill me, which
they could, they invited me in to the inner group and asked me to be
the finance chairman, and at that point, I probably would have been
secretary of the treasury or whatever they wanted to do with me.”379
The financial chairman of the Illuminati, huh? This I gotta hear about!
In his interview, which can be seen on YouTube, Green talks
about the World War Three looming in the Middle East, a coming
one world currency, FEMA concentration camps, the coming
economic collapse of America, the planned extermination of the
majority of the world’s population to save the earth’s natural
resources for the elite, and rattles off a list of well-known plans of the
Illuminati. Green doesn’t reveal an ounce of new information
whatsoever and like many others, just talks about the same old
widely available claims while presenting them from the perspective
of a supposed insider who says he literally sat in on the meetings. Of
course he too is trying to sell a book titled Chaos in America, which
never gained much traction.
If George Green actually did attend any of the Illuminati
meetings, he would be able to at least reveal some previously
unknown details about their plans, but instead he just recycles the
same old material that has been floating around the Internet and
patriot circles for many years. An interesting phenomenon in the
information age is that if you claim to have some kind of Illuminati
“scoop” and throw the video online, people are going to find it and
people will believe it.
Aside from the typical Illuminati talking points about the Georgia
Guidestones, FEMA camps and the collapse of America, George
Green goes straight into crazy town and says the Illuminati have
been making “synthetic people.” He’s not talking about secret cloning
programs, which most likely exist—he claims that most presidents
have been “replaced” by these synthetic clones! That’s right. He
says our major world leaders are all grown in an Illuminati lab and
are just pretending to be real people.
To “prove” this is happening he points to the movie Boys from
Brazil, a 1978 film about Nazi scientists creating clones of Hitler to
rebuild the Third Reich. This cloning technology, he says, was given
to us by the “greys” (aliens), and he says he knows this because
while working in the Air Force he claimed to have “top secret”
clearance which gave him access to some dead Nordic-type aliens
called the Pleiadians who came to earth from the Pleiades star
While aliens may actually be directing the Illuminati, and top
secret human cloning programs most likely do exist, George Green’s
presentation is so poorly executed and unconvincing, it reeks of a
hoax from the very moment he opens his mouth. And again, he
hasn’t provided a single piece of new “evidence” that wasn’t already
widely known by most conspiracy researchers.
Not to mention nobody has been able to verify any part of his
supposed background as an “investment banker” or having any kind
of “top secret” security clearance in the military. But then again,
we’re living in a world where countless people believe Tupac faked
his death which just goes to show that some people will believe just
about anything, no matter how crazy it is, despite zero evidence, and
defying all logic and common sense.
Kevin Trudeau

Kevin Trudeau is a man that almost everyone in America has

seen on TV (whether they know his name or not) over the course of
twenty years pitching various products on infomercials such as
health supplements, anti-aging cream, and methods to get “free
money.” He is an extraordinary salesman who could sell ice to
Eskimos, as the cliché goes, and has been labeled the “infomercial
king” due to the massive hours of airtime and the large number of
different products he has pitched over the years.380
As a follow up to his bestselling book Natural Cures ‘They’ Don’t
Want You to Know About (2005), he published More Natural ‘Cures’
Revealed (2006) where he claimed to have been a member of a
powerful secret society, hinting it was the Illuminati—and through his
supposed membership in this society, he learned how the world
really worked, including how drug companies were suppressing
natural cures for diseases in order to allow them to sell more drugs
instead of helping people to be cured.
Trudeau alleges that because of his drive for wealth and his
knowledge of the human mind, he was approached by members of
“the Brotherhood” secret society and recruited by them to join.
Trudeau wrote, “As a member of this secret society I have sat in
private meetings with heads of state from countries around the
world. I have attended secret international business meetings where
business leaders, politicians, and media moguls coerce together to
create the new world order with global control over individual people
Sounds a lot like the Bilderberg Group, doesn’t it? During an
interview on the Alex Jones Show in 2009, a very convincing
Trudeau discussed his knowledge of the Bohemian Grove and other
secret societies, and stated that he had friends who attended the
Bilderberg meeting that year in Greece and that he had personally
“sat in on meetings” where the elite talked about reducing the world’s
population by killing off “the dumb people.”382 Later in the interview
he mentioned “what we talked about at Bilderberg” prompting Jones
to interrupt him for clarification asking, “Did I hear you correctly, were
you at Bilderberg?” to which Trudeau answered, “Yeah, I was in
Greece, because I have friends who were there…All I can say is that
I was in the area, and many of the people that were there and who
are members are in fact people I converse with on a regular
basis.”383 Of course Trudeau’s name has never appeared on a
Bilderberg attendee list and all this was building up to his latest
money making scheme, the Global Information Network, which I’ll
get into in a few moments.
A member of this “elite Brotherhood,” Trudeau says he worked
covertly for the wealthiest families on earth and during his alleged
involvement, he says he made hundreds of millions of dollars and
lived a life many could only dream of. “Members of this society
includes politicians, captains of industry, news journalists, celebrities,
musicians, writers, scientists, law enforcement officials, movie stars,
and more,” he says.384
In his book More Natural ‘Cures’ Revealed, he goes on to write
that after he became a member of this “elite secret society,” he
discovered they had two groups, and that one was evil, and the other
good, and both were using the organization’s advanced knowledge
and power to influence the world. “I was on the dark side doing evil;
now I have repented, changed my ways, and turned my life around…
Now I am going against the masters that I once served. I am telling
people the truth about Big Pharma, the food industry, the oil industry,
governments, and the media.”385
Trudeau has an extremely checkered past, including a
conviction for fraud and larceny which resulted in him serving two
years in prison in the 1990s.386 He was also banned by the Federal
Trade Commission from selling products like health supplements and
beauty creams on TV and fined $37 million dollars for making false
claims in infomercials about his book The Weight-Loss Cure ‘They’
Don’t Want You To Know About.387 He found a major loophole
however, and continued selling books and audio recordings because
these items weren’t seen as “products,” but were considered
information, thus protected by the First Amendment right to free
In More Natural ‘Cures’ Revealed, he claimed that his prison
sentence in the 1990s wasn’t really because he was a criminal, but
instead, “The society needed me to go to prison for a very specific
mission.”388 So what he means apparently, is that this all-powerful
“Brotherhood” wanted him to commit credit card fraud and larceny
because they “needed” him to go to prison for a “mission.” He goes
on to write that during his sentence he spend most of his time not in
a prison cell, but hanging out at the Officer’s Club at Edwards Air
Force base eating “the finest food in the club,” all because he was a
member of this Illuminati-type secret society!389
As if Trudeau’s claims weren’t already hard enough to believe,
they get much, much stranger. He also wrote, “I have been to Area
51 in Nevada. This is where much of our technology has been
developed. Area 51 houses most extraterrestrial artifacts, including a
working spacecraft and dead alien bodies. I have seen these things
with my own eyes.”390 He actually says he has been inside Area 51
and saw the aliens with his own eyes! I guess they have a family and
friends night and even give tours to infomercial pitchmen!
Trudeau keeps his discussion on his alleged involvement with
the Brotherhood and aliens brief in his More Natural ‘Cures’
Revealed book, but states that unless he is the victim of an
“unforeseen accident,” he will discuss this “secret society” in detail in
a future book he planned to write.
At the end of 2009, Trudeau launched a new infomercial for an
audio series titled Your Wish is Your Command where he claimed to
teach magical methods of the “law of attraction” found in The Secret,
the popular DVD produced by Rhonda Byrne, released a few years
earlier which discusses mystical ideas about how your own thoughts
and beliefs can metaphysically alter your physical reality.
The new infomercial was designed to look like an ordinary talk
show with Trudeau as the guest and can be viewed in its entirety on
YouTube. He starts of by saying that when he was 15-years-old, he
was exposed to “the Brotherhood” secret society which he says took
him in and taught him how to use The Secret and enabled him to
make millions of dollars before his eighteenth birthday. In high
school, he was actually voted most likely to succeed when he
graduated in the class of 1981 from Saint Mary’s High School in
Lynn, Massachusetts.
Instead of simply regurgitating The Secret’s “law of attraction”
philosophy, Trudeau cleverly mixed secret societies in with his sales
pitch, since he likely knew a growing segment of the population were
highly interested in researching them.
In the infomercial he says, “Quite frankly, these are the same
techniques that members of Skull & Bones have learned from Yale
University; the Bilderberg Group—some people may be familiar with
some of these organizations—the power elite. When you get to the
highest level in Freemasonry, the 33rd degree level of Freemasonry
—these are secrets of these various associations and societies on
how to—we call it manipulating energy—it’s really just how to beam
the frequency in your brain of what you want so it will come into your
He went on to say that all the popular self-help books, such as
Napoleon Hill’s classic, Think and Grow Rich, and Norman Vincent
Peale’s Power of Positive Thinking, were missing the “key
ingredient” which makes these mystical ideas work, and only his
audio program would reveal them. During part of his sales pitch he
even says, “If a guy is watching this right now and doesn’t get the
Your Wish is Your Command program, they’ll always be a loser.”
The host asks him why the wealthy people in the past didn’t
want others to know this information (a scripted and preplanned
question, of course) to which he answered, “When you’re in Skull &
Bones, the secret society, or the highest levels of Freemasonry, or
the Bilderberg Group or the Trilateral Commission or the Council on
Foreign Relations, or the Brotherhood—like I was a member of—
you’re basically a part of a group that believes ‘we want to keep this
information to ourselves, we don’t want competition.’”
He later claims he left “the Brotherhood” in 1999 because he
didn’t believe that the information should be kept from everyone else
and tells the audience that if they “call today” they’ll get his 14 CD
program at 70% off the “regular price” of $1,000. “I would just really
encourage people to take advantage of this secret knowledge on
how to have, be, or do whatever they want.” He also says he has
received death threats from “the Brotherhood” for revealing these
“secrets,” but apparently they have enough power to rule the world
but couldn’t successfully assassinate a TV pitchman!
Trudeau then started offering people a membership to “a very
elite society” which he called the Global Information Network, a
supposed network of former Illuminati members, Skull & Bones
members, Bilderberg Group insiders, 33rd degree Freemasons,
Bohemian Grove members, etc., who all left those organizations to
start GIN with him to help reveal their insider secrets to the world!
Trudeau’s Global Information Network is not to be confused with
Global Information Network, Ltd., a non-profit news agency started in
1986 in New York City which specializes in news from Africa.
While Trudeau is an extraordinary salesman, he is a terrible
teacher and a pathetic motivational speaker. As part of my research
on Trudeau I have actually listened to all 14 CDs, approximately one
hour each, as I sat painfully waiting for something of any value to be
said, but there was nothing. For most of the 14 hours I was
extremely bored and had to force myself to keep listening, and
occasionally I sat in awe at Trudeau’s marvelous ability to sound like
he was about to reveal something of incredible importance but never
actually getting to the point. Through the entire program he just kept
regurgitating a wide variety of popular analogies that have been
used by self-help gurus for decades.
The website, described his
organization as being, “conceived by a group of individuals from
around the world who are the highest ranking members of several
private societies, associations, clubs, and groups whose
membership has been exclusive to the privileged elite class of the
world,”392 including supposed members from just about every
Illuminati connected secret society and organization you can think of.
The website originally actually listed the Illuminati, Bohemian Grove,
the Bilderberg Group, Skull & Bones, Freemasons, the Council on
Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and more, saying that
members from all these groups had defected and were now part of
the Global Information Network’s secret council.
The website went on to claim that, “For the first time in human
history, the highest ranking members of these secret societies have
encouraged the formation of a new, private, member only group that
allows people who do not qualify to become members of the above
listed societies to join together and be exposed to the same secrets
revealed and taught to members of those societies and clubs.”393
The site went on to say that a New World Order is forming that
“is designed to increase the gap between the wealthy and the
average working man” and that “GIN does not agree with this
movement” and they believe “EVERY person has the right to know
the secrets of creating the life they want and enjoying freedom,
pursuing happiness, and achieving all their dreams and desires.”
“Members” of GIN apparently got several CDs and books
shipped to them each month to further their education on the “law of
attraction” and other Illuminati secrets. What did you have to do to
“join” this secret society of Illuminati defectors who were ready to
reveal their insider secrets to the world? All you had to do was pay
$1000.00 down and $150 a month, each and every month after that!
Once you were a “member” you could get a $200 commission for
every one of your friends you suckered into signing up as well. Each
new member was given an affiliate code that was used as a “secret
invitation” to the Global Information Network, which they gave out to
others who they hoped would then sign up, earning them $200
When I first began investigating GIN, there was a section on
their website to “join” their “society” that asked for the “invitation
affiliate code,” so I simply typed in Kevin as the code which was
accepted because I was then taken to the payment page asking for
my credit card number to pay the $1,000 initiation fee, which of
course I didn’t pay. I also tried Trudeau as the affiliate code, and it
worked as well. GIN was so “exclusive” that I guessed two of their
secret passwords in two seconds!
Buying “Illuminati secrets” didn’t end there though. After paying
a $1000.00 down payment and a $150 each month, new “members”
were only given access to the first of twelve different levels within the
“society.” To rise to the next level and learn more “Illuminati secrets”
to success, each person had to pay more and more money with
payments exceeding $10,000.00 dollars!
When I first began looking into the website, there was a section
for a description and “member benefits” for each level but all the
details, including the costs, were marked “classified information,”
except for the $1,000 initiation fee to join the first level.
The site claimed, “Members must qualify for each membership
level by meeting specific requirements and being approved by the
Global Information Network membership acceptance committee.
Each higher membership level in GIN gives the member additional
classified benefits, substantial cash bonuses, and other financial and
monetary rewards.”394 I had a sneaking suspicion that in order to
“qualify” for the next level, all you needed to do was pay a large
amount of money without your credit card being declined.
The site said that the “requirements” for the next level would be
revealed in the previous level, but insisted that although the
“benefits” were “classified and confidential,” they, “may include cash
bonuses of over 1 million dollars, all-expense paid exotic vacations,
one-on-one mentoring with high level GIN members, monthly
residual payments of over $100,000, luxury automobiles, private jets,
and more.”395
A YouTube video advertising the Global Information Network
had the following description, “For the first time in the history of
mankind, the Illuminati is opening their doors to qualified people.”
This video was created by someone who signed up as an affiliate
and was trying to lure people to join so they could get their $200
commission through the website’s affiliate program designed to pull
in new “members.” As absurd as this all sounds, as P.T. Barnum
said, there’s a sucker born every minute.
The GIN website boasted, “Affiliates could potentially earn
hundreds of thousands of dollars in commissions,” but included a
disclaimer saying, “Individual results will vary. There are no
guarantees that you will make any sales or make any money as an
If this didn’t sound like a good enough reason to pay the $1,000
initiation fee, they claimed that, “members could be given hundreds
of thousands of dollars in surprise bonuses” as they qualify for
various levels within the GIN membership organization and could
get, “All expense paid trips to exotic locations around the world,
luxury automobiles, private jet trips, and more,” a claim which was
immediately followed by another disclaimer saying, “Legally we are
required to say that there are no guarantees that you will earn
money as an affiliate or a member of the Global Information
And if this still didn’t sound good enough to get someone to join,
they insisted, “This is just the tip of the iceberg. Surprising as it
seems, the majority of member benefits are not discussed here. The
most significant members benefits are confidential and only revealed
to members.”
The site claimed that members would have access to, “experts,
the powerful and affluent, celebrities, professional athletes, authors,
scientists, politicians, successful business people, doctors and
medical experts, leaders in various fields, plus many others.”
Basically, Trudeau was trying to sell a ridiculously expensive
membership [$1,000 down—later reduced to $500—and $150 a
month] to join his own “secret society” that he made to appear was
comprised of former Illuminati members. Trudeau carefully crafted an
image of being an insider affiliated with groups like the Illuminati who
was “leaking” the secrets to the average Joe who also dreams of
being rich and powerful or who wanted to be a part of the Illuminati
He even advertised a special pay-per-view video “seminar” mid-
2012 where he claimed he would reveal the secrets of December
21st 2012, which, you may recall, was supposedly the date that the
Mayan Calendar indicated would be the end of the world. In a video
posted on his YouTube channel promoting his pay-per-view
“special,” Trudeau said, “There is something coming, significant,
December 21st 2012...We now have the data. I now have the data
authenticated. I now have the data verified through multiple sources.
Something significant that you need to know is going to happen on
December 21st 2012.”396
He went on to say, “I’m going to be revealing in a two hour
webinar, exactly what is going to happen December 21st 2012. This
is information you and your family need to know. It is information that
you categorically 100% need to know. You need to know this. It is
vital.” Gullible fools thought he got this “data” from his Freemasonry,
Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove buddies who supposedly made up the
“GIN Council.”
Trudeau is, in my opinion, an extraordinary liar and con artist
and has fabricated his alleged connections with the Illuminati and the
Bilderberg Group just like so many others, but added his own
ingenious twist by creating his own “secret society” and selling
“memberships” to suckers who thought they were going to get rich
quick. If only Trudeau would have moved to Hollywood decades ago,
he could have perhaps earned hundreds of millions of dollars as an
Oscar winning actor and may have avoided his many legal troubles.
I’m sure that some of the information in Trudeau’s Natural
‘Cures’ books, and “getting out of debt books,” is legitimate and
useful, and perhaps has helped a fair number of people get healthier
and manage their finances better. But the extraordinary claims of
seeing alien bodies in the Area 51 hanger, and being recruited for an
elite secret society when he was 15-years-old and having to go to
prison for a mission to help them are truly ridiculous.
And anyone who was dumb enough to buy into his $1,000 (or
later reduced to $500) “initiation” fee to join his “elite society” which
he claimed had members of the Illuminati and Bohemian Grove as a
part of it, then those people are truly gullible fools who were blinded
by their own desperate hopes of becoming rich without having to
work hard.
Trudeau’s claims of being affiliated with an elite secret society
and his carefully crafted Global Information Network scheme clearly,
in my opinion, shows him to be concerned more with fooling gullible
people out of large amounts of money than helping anyone get cured
from any disease.
While he may discuss various useful home remedies in his
“Natural Cures” books, and tout them as ‘cures’ for diseases, many
health professionals have expressed concerned that people with real
illnesses may have taken his advice while abandoning traditional
medical treatment for what may be very serious diseases. The fact
that Trudeau has been a pitchman for a wide variety of products,
almost all of which play off people’s basic desires to be healthy, look
beautiful, or to get out of debt, shows that he has a knack for
presenting supposed easy solutions to difficult problems.
Finally, I should point out that in his More Natural ‘Cures’
Revealed book where he first claims he was a member of an elite
secret society and offers cures for all kinds of diseases, on the page
immediately following the Table of Contents, is a disclaimer with a
paragraph reading in part, “This book is considered by some a work
of fiction, yet inspired by a true story. The truth is sprinkled in to
spice things up. On occasion, names, dates, and events have been
changed or made up for fun.” It goes on to say the book is, “for
entertainment purposes only.”397 How clever of Trudeau for including
this legal disclaimer which hardly anyone even noticed, which
attempts to protect him from the legal ramifications of the claims he
is making. Since when is a book containing “cures” for diseases
“entertainment?” It’s shameful.
So basically if you believe Trudeau’s wild tales of attending
Bilderberg meetings and being connected to the Illuminati, may I
remind you that in his own words he admits that it is all for
“entertainment purposes only.”
After I posted several videos on YouTube exposing Kevin
Trudeau beginning in 2009, some of his supporters posted angry
comments on the video and on my Facebook page saying things
like, “Maybe you're the one working with the Illuminati to try and
discredit him for leaving them in the first place and exposing the
Another of the countless crazy comments by the gullible GIN
members said, “Kevin Trudeau and his friends have dossiers of the
crimes of the Illuminati all over the world and if anything happens to
the GIN council it will be released to every news agency.”
In March of 2014, Trudeau was sentenced to ten years in prison
for violating his court order not to make deceptive claims on
infomercials.398 Court documents revealed that his Global
Information Network took in over $100 million dollars in just a few
years,399 all the while Trudeau claimed to be broke and didn’t pay a
single penny towards his $37 million dollar fine the Federal Trade
Commission levied against him.400 One court document states,
“Trudeau denies having any personal property other than $2000
worth of clothing, but spent more than $15,000 in one trip to a high-
end men’s clothier in Zurich [Switzerland] only months before he filed
the ‘sworn’ statement.401
In court it was revealed that GIN technically listed in his wife’s
name, a Ukrainian girl, twenty-three years younger than him (who
some speculate was possibly a “mail order bride”) as the named
officer and director.402 During court proceedings she “took the fifth”
when asked how she met Trudeau.403 Court documents reveal
Trudeau was accused of hiding assets in a variety of ways including
a convoluted ownership structure of various companies, off-shore
trusts, and even using casino chips.404
A major key to Trudeau’s book sales were his infomercials
which appealed to a sizable segment of society who weren’t very
tech savvy, like many baby boomers and senior citizens—many of
whom were facing declining health and desperate to try something
hoping for a cure for their ailments. If, instead of ordering his books
using the 1-800 number from the infomercial, they would have
looked up the books on, then they would have seen
many of the reviews were one star, and many of them ripping
Trudeau for his outlandish claims and criminal past.
It is for these many reasons that, in my opinion, Kevin Trudeau
is the biggest Illuminati hoaxer in history and is virtually unmatched
by anyone in his ability to deceive people and put a fresh new spin
on the ancient art of selling snake oil. At his sentencing, Trudeau told
the judge—who called him deceitful to the core, “If I ever write a
book again, if I ever do another infomercial again, I promise no
embellishment, no puffery and absolutely no lies.”405 And if you
believe that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you!
Mark Cleminson

Mark Cleminson is a Seventh-day Adventist Christian who says

he was born into an Illuminati family and at the age of twelve was
able to bend spoons, move objects, and even levitate himself
through telekinesis! Cleminson claims to be a descendent of Pope
Clement, and says he once worked for IBM allegedly making
“hundreds of thousands of dollars a year” but left that job in 2001 for
whatever reason to apparently “expose” the Illuminati. His parents
attended a Roman Catholic Church as a cover for their occult
“Illuminism” he says, and his father and grandfather were
supposedly raised by Jesuits in the “Himalayan Mystery Schools.”
A few of his interviews can be found on YouTube where he
duped a couple small Christian groups into talking with him. In the
videos he looks presentable, wearing a suit and tie, appearing to be
in his mid-forties, although his delivery is extremely dry and boring
and consists of the typical “my life was threatened when I left”
claims. First of all, the Illuminati doesn’t “attempt” to kill someone. If
they want you dead, there’s any number of ways to do it, from the
CIA’s frozen poison dart guns, to swabbing poison on the door
handle of your car that will be absorbed into the skin and cause an
undetectable heart attack, to walking next to a target and spraying
them with hydrogen cyanide (HCN) or cyanogen chloride (ClCN) gas
or other poison that will induce a timely death and be attributed to a
heart attack, stroke, or other natural causes.
Cleminson says that shortly after “leaving the Illuminati” he was
at a secluded property his family owned in upstate New York when
“twenty or so” men in “full regalia masonic gear” gathered at the
property next door in order to “intimidate him” and “threaten him for
leaving.” He says as he walked over to confront the men, who he
said he recognized as his former associates, all of a sudden the
Egyptian god of the underworld Anubis appeared to him standing
twenty feet tall in the woods. “You can have my body, but you can’t
have my soul,” he says he told the demon, which caused it to vanish.
His story lacks details and is so vague and unconvincing it
appears at times that he’s making it up off the top of his head as he’s
telling it. But, like agent Fox Mulder in the popular 1990s TV series
The X-Files, so many people “want to believe” that they turn off their
critical thinking and absorb every word he and other “former
Illuminati members” say because it reinforces their current world
view and makes them feel as if they are special for discovering these
“little known truths.”
Regarding his supposed ability to “bend spoons,” with his
“telekinesis” Illuminati power, this is one of the oldest parlor tricks in
the book which is accomplished by using one pre-bent spoon and a
second spoon handle that’s been cut off from a different spoon by
removing the head, and then by holding both pieces in one’s hand
and making it look like they’re only holding one spoon, magicians
make it appear as if the spoon is bending.
Cleminson may have dabbled in New Age philosophy and
witchcraft on a personal level, unaffiliated with any organization, and
then later found interest in Christianity, but his claims of coming out
of an “Illuminati family” trained by the Jesuits and “Himalayan
Mystery Schools” is preposterous and purely an attempt to tap into
the anti-Illuminati sentiment by portraying himself as another
supposed insider who is revealing their plot. Of course in the hand
full of interviews gullible suckers conducted with him, he never once
revealed a single detail that wasn’t already widely known in
conspiracy circles, and what little information he did offer up
consisted of little more than claiming “the Rothschild’s control the
banking industry.”
Maybe he did work at IBM, and was possibly fired for any
number of reasons—in my opinion, probably for incompetence—but
as far as having any affiliation whatsoever with the Illuminati, or
having anything more than a basic understanding of them, Mark
Cleminson completely misses the mark.
In August of 2014 I received an e-mail from someone who said
they graduated high school with Cleminson twenty-five years earlier
and was in the same circle of “jock friends” growing up. This person,
whose name I won’t mention, happened to see my YouTube video
about Cleminson and reached out to me to let me know what a “liar
and a fraud” he was, but that’s pretty obvious to anyone with any
common sense.

Even skeptics and debunkers have to admit that oftentimes no

matter how “crazy” many so-called “conspiracy theories” sound,
there are often undeniable truths at their foundation. It’s a full time
job to separate the facts from the fiction when talking about
conspiracy theories or the Illuminati since there is so much
disinformation, misinformation, half-truths and hoaxes out there. I
hope this book has helped you in your quest for the truth and shown
you solid, verifiable information and helped you see through much of
the B.S. that’s floating around out there.
For over ten years I’ve been tirelessly researching this material
and carefully assembling the pieces of the puzzle to create an
accurate picture of this monumental mystery. Even the most
adamant “debunkers” have to admit that at the core of this massive
conspiracy are many disturbing truths that cannot be ignored.
A writer for the New York Times who aimed to “debunk”
Illuminati conspiracies in his 1983 book Architects of Fear, had to
admit, “Elitism has always been the dark side of illuminism; the
revolutionary vanguard that seizes control because it knows what’s
good for the people, the philosopher-king who knows the truth, the
technocrat who knows how to run societies and wars—all try to
hoard the light at the top of the pyramid. Reason, which can be used
to rescue man from churches and kings, can also be used to enslave
him with dogmas of its own. Knowledge is power that can be
Elitists and Big Government New World Order promoters want
people to believe that rights come from the government, instead of
from God. The United States Declaration of Independence says “All
men are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights,”
which means our rights can’t be taken away, and are permanent
from the moment we are born. No society can vote to eliminate them
—no government can charge you money in exchange for granting
them—they are inherent, irrevocable, and unchangeable. The State
(the government) is God in the New World Order, and that’s why
most bureaucrats and the mainstream media portray presidents as
modern day Pharaohs who they want you to believe are the only
God you need. The Illuminati want the government to be the ultimate
authority, not God. They want your loyalty to be to them, not to your
family, community, or religious dogma. The law is considered the
Gospel. The government is your protector, provider, and teacher. It
knows what’s best for you.
Because of the 24-hour cable news and satellite networks, the
Internet, and social media—many people are inclined to think that
we are able to quickly resolve all the world’s problems since we are
instantly informed about them, but this information age seems to be
a double edged sword. On one level, this technology informs us
about major events or problems, but at the same time, it usually
prevents people from taking action to actually resolve them. The
term narcotizing dysfunction refers to the theory that because of
modern media, when people are informed about a particular issue
they substitute taking action to resolve it, for simply knowing about
Most people feel that by posting information about a particular
issue on social media that they have “done something” to help by
“getting the word out” but this “slactivism” as it has been called, often
has little to no actual effect. People can post all day long about
earthquake victims needing help, but if nobody gets off their
computer or puts away their mobile device to actually do anything to
help them, then all of their talk is futile.
This is similar to the bystander effect which explains the
phenomena where almost everybody assumes that someone else is
taking action to resolve a problem, resulting in nobody taking action
because everyone thinks someone else will do it or is already
working on it.408
Terrible tragedies like airline disasters, terrorist attacks, or other
high profile crimes get constant news coverage for a short news
cycle often lasting no more than a few days and then the next big
scandal or tragedy is put on the front pages and runs its brief cycle,
and then that too disappears from people’s minds as they are
occupied by the next “top story” and the cycle endlessly repeats
itself, with people’s focus quickly jumping from one tragedy to the
next with the vast majority of people never actually doing anything
about it. This endless barrage of sensationalist stories keeps most
people in a virtual hypnotic trance, preventing them from ever
looking beyond the tip of the iceberg in terms of what’s really going
on in the world.
Cultural Marxism creates an invisible pressure that prevents
most people from breaking away from the crowd and keeps almost
everyone following the herd and subscribing to the norms of society
and afraid to question the deeply engrained patterns of their peers.
Since esoteric information is hard to contain these days, and bits
and pieces of it occasionally leak out, sometimes the mainstream
media has to do some damage control to prevent the masses from
waking up to the magnitude of the reality we are experiencing.
Sometimes scholars and college professors are rolled out by
mainstream media in an attempt to discredit “conspiracy theories”
and hoping to keep people from peeking behind the curtain.
One such “debunker” named Michael Burkun wrote a book titled,
A Culture of Conspiracy, where he ridicules “conspiracy theories”
that he says almost always include “ridiculous” claims such as the
[supposed] “systematic subversion of republican institutions by a
federal government utilizing emergency powers; the gradual
subordination of the United States to a world government operating
through the United Nations; the creation of sinister new military and
paramilitary forces, including governmental mobilization of urban
youth gangs; the permanent stationing of foreign troops on U.S. soil;
the widespread use of black helicopters to transport the tyranny’s
operatives; the confiscation of privately owned guns; the
incarceration of so-called patriots in concentration camps run by
FEMA; the implantation of microchips and other advanced
technology for surveillance and mind control; the replacement of
Christianity with a New Age world religion; and, finally, the
manipulation of the entire apparatus by a hidden hierarchy of
conspirators operating through secret societies.”409
He actually lists these events as “ridiculous conspiracy theories”
when a brief examination of current events reveals that they’re
basically all obviously true. Burkun also tries to associate
“conspiracy theorists” with “anti-government right-wing extremists”
like Timothy McVeigh.410
Another popular “debunker” is Daniel Pipes, who just so
happens to be a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and
the founder of Campus Watch, an organization that some say was
set up to harass scholars who are critical of Israel.411 Pipes, who is
the author of Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and
Where It Comes From, says “I have yet to see a clandestine effort by
these so-called secret societies to gain power and to harm other
people, or to fulfill their own ambitions to gain power.”412 In his book,
there isn’t a single mention of the Bilderberg Group or Bohemian
Grove, not a single word, not even once.
Pipes even ridicules people for being concerned about
implantable microchips saying that some people fear one day, “tiny
microchips will be inserted into American’s buttocks to keep track of
each person’s whereabouts and activities.”413 He actually said
conspiracy theorists are worried about the government implanting
tracking devices in their butts! I guess he never heard of the Verichip
or other implantable RFIDs or bioelectric tattoos, or wearable WiFi
enabled devices or NFCs that are growing in popularity. Implantable
and wearable tracking devices are very real, but Pipes attempt to
trivialize the legitimate concerns about such technology is clearly
Furthermore, Pipes states that only conservatives and
Republicans are conspiracy theorists and says Democrats and
liberals are all simply too smart for such nonsense. Pipes writes,
“With uncommon exceptions, the conspiracy theorists on the Right
consist of skinheads, neo-Nazis, and other yahoos who express
vicious ideas about Jews and batty ones about secret societies.
Most of them suffer from a lack of qualifications; many have little
education and work at menial occupations…In all earnestness, right-
wing authors cite as sources the National Enquirer, a grocery store
tabloid, and other publications with no pretentions to accuracy.”414
Regarding liberals and Democrats, however, Pipes claims, “The
Left offers densely reasoned economic analysis and presents an
idealistic vision. The one presents a face contorted with malice; the
second offers a smile and a hope.”415
Pipes also tries to paint “rightwing” conspiracy theorists as
mostly anti-Semites. He quotes a supposed “study” on the American
Militia movement, saying “leaders are careful to talk about
‘international bankers’ or the ‘Federal Reserve’ or the ‘Trilateral
Commission’ or ‘eastern elites.’ But these are code phrases,
carefully picked by the leadership to pull people into their movement
without greeting them with overt anti-Semitism and that militias even
if they call it something else and never mention Jews, they are
referring to Jews.”416
He even says that the Illuminati is good! “The Order of the
Illuminati represented his [Adam Weishaupt’s] effort to build a just
community within a corrupt society and to modernize Germany
through the discipline of a secret society.”417
In a History Channel special titled Secret Societies, Pipes
concludes, “Basically all the conspiracy theories about secret
societies wanting to take over the world are wrong.”418
Many people who criticize “conspiracy theorists” claim that we
all have a “confirmation bias” which is the tendency for people to
favor information that supports their current worldview or hypothesis
—which in many cases is an accurate assessment of conspiracy
theorists, but this certainly isn’t the case for me. For several years
after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, I fully believed the
official account of what happened and I believed the conspiracy
theory about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction that they
were prepared to use against us at any moment. It was only when
faced with growing evidence to the contrary that the American
government’s lies started to slowly unravel, allowing me to see
things differently.
Since searching for the truth is difficult and painful, not to
mention time consuming, most people never even start out on the
journey. Instead they turn their mind, body, and soul over to the
mesmerizing mainstream media, or to celebrity news or sports
entertainment, so I congratulate you on your determination to be
different and for taking the road less traveled. I hope I’ve been able
to provide you some of the answers that you’ve been seeking,
because I too have a burning desire to know the truth and we are on
the same path.
In this book we’ve covered a variety of evidence, ranging from
the original writings of the Illuminati, to how they were discovered,
what their plans are, and tracking them to their Skull & Bones,
Bohemian Grove and the Bilderberg Group offspring. We’ve seen
some little-known insider revelations, looked into their philosophies,
symbols, and more—which when carefully assembled form an
undeniable picture proving the Illuminati is still alive.
I wish you well on your journey wherever it may take you from
this point forward. If you found this book valuable in your quest
please review it on or whatever e-book store you got it
from to help support my work, and I encourage you to check out
some of my other books which I’m sure you will find interesting as
well. I doubt you’ll ever look at the world the same way now that
you’ve peeked behind the curtain and seen Inside the Illuminati.
Further Reading

The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction

Secret societies have both fascinated and frightened people for

hundreds of years. Often the infamous Illuminati is mentioned as the
core of conspiracies which span the globe. The Illuminati is actually
a historical secret society which had goals of revolutions and world
domination dating back to the 1770s.
Since then, rumors and conspiracy theories involving the
Illuminati continue to spread, sometimes finding their way into
popular novels like Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons and Hollywood
movies like Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. Some men have even come
forward claiming to be former members, offering details of what they
allege are the inner workings of the organization. When you sift
through all of the information available on the subject, you may be
surprised that the truth is stranger than fiction.
In The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction, conspiracy and occult expert
Mark Dice separates history from Hollywood and shows why tales of
the secret society won't die.
The New World Order: Facts & Fiction

What is the New World Order? Proponents say that it’s an

anticipated new era of global cooperation between diverse nations
and cultures aimed at ushering in a utopia providing all the earth's
citizens with everything they need.
Detractors claim it’s the systematic take-over by secret
societies, quasi-government entities and corporations who are
covertly organizing a global socialist all-powerful government which
aims to regulate every aspect of citizens lives, rendering them a
perpetual working-class while the elite leadership lives in luxury.
Conspiracy theory expert Mark Dice looks at the evidence,
claims, and conspiracy theories as he takes you down the rabbit hole
to The New World Order.
Illuminati in the Music Industry

Famous pop stars and rappers from Jay-Z and Rick Ross to
Rihanna and Christina Aguilera are believed by many to be a part of
the infamous Illuminati secret society. These stars allegedly use
Illuminati and satanic symbolism in their music videos and on their
clothes that goes unnoticed by those not “in the know.”
Since these stars appear in our livings rooms on family friendly
mainstream shows like Good Morning America, Ellen, and dozens of
others—and are loved by virtually all the kids—they couldn’t possibly
have anything to do with the infamous Illuminati or anything
“satanic,” could they? Some famous musicians have even publicly
denounced the Illuminati in interviews or songs.
Illuminati in the Music Industry takes a close look at some of
today’s hottest stars and decodes the secret symbols, song lyrics,
and separates the facts from the fiction in this fascinating topic. You
may never see your favorite musicians the same way ever again.
Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True

In Big Brother, Mark Dice details actual high-tech spy gadgets,

mind-reading machines, government projects, and emerging artificial
intelligence systems that seem as if they came right out of George
Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Orwell’s famous book was first published in 1949, and tells the
story of a nightmarish future where citizens have lost all privacy and
are continuously monitored by the omniscient Big Brother
surveillance system which keeps them obedient to a totalitarian
The novel is eerily prophetic as many of the fictional systems of
surveillance described have now become a reality. Mark Dice shows
you the scary documentation that Big Brother is watching you, and is
more powerful than you could imagine.
The Resistance Manifesto

The Resistance Manifesto by Mark Dice contains 450 pages of

extensively researched and documented information drawing from
declassified documents, mainstream news articles, religious texts,
and personal interviews. A dark web of evil is exposed like never
before, making Bible Prophecy and the New World Order crystal
Learn the most powerful information about the Illuminati, plans
for the rise of the Antichrist, the institutions, people, and powers
involved, and how you can fight them.
About the Author

Mark Dice is a media analyst, author, and political activist who,

in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our
celebrity obsessed culture and the role the mainstream media and
elite secret societies play in shaping our lives.
Mark’s YouTube channel has received over 85 million views and
his viral videos have been mentioned on ABC’s The View, the Fox
News Channel, CNN, the Drudge Report, TMZ, the New York Daily
News, the New York Post, and other media outlets around the world.
He has been featured on various television shows including the
History Channel’s Decoded and America’s Book of Secrets,
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, Secret Societies of
Hollywood on E! Channel, America Declassified on the Travel
Channel, and is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM, The Alex
Jones Show, and more.
Mark Dice is the author of several popular books on secret
societies and conspiracies, including The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction,
Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True, The New World
Order, Facts & Fiction, The Resistance Manifesto, Illuminati in the
Music Industry, and Inside the Illuminati, which are all available in
paperback on or e-book on Kindle, iBooks, Nook or
Google Play.
While much of Mark’s work confirms the existence and
continued operation of the Illuminati today, he is also dedicated to
debunking conspiracy theories and hoaxes and separating the facts
from the fiction; hence the “Facts & Fiction” subtitle for several of his
While having respect for all authentic religions and belief
systems, Mark Dice is a Christian and holds a bachelors degree in
communication from California State University. He lives in San
Diego, California.
He enjoys causing trouble for the New World Order, exposing
corrupt scumbag politicians, and pointing out Big Brother’s prying
eyes. The term “fighting the New World Order” is used by Mark to
describe some of his activities, and refers to his and others’
resistance and opposition (The Resistance) to the overall system of
political corruption, illegal wars, elite secret societies, mainstream
media, Big Brother and privacy issues; as well as various economic
and social issues. This Resistance involves self-improvement, self-
sufficiency, personal responsibility and spiritual growth.
Connect with Mark on:
Copyright Info

Inside The Illuminati

© 2014 by Mark Dice
All Rights Reserved
Published by The Resistance Manifesto
San Diego, CA

No part of the text within this book may be reproduced or transmitted

in any form and by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information
storage retrieval system, without the written permission of the author.


E-book ISBN: 978-0-9887268-5-7

1 Washington Post “First Lady Launches Counterattack” by David Maraniss (January 28,

2 CBS News “White House Admits WMD Error” by Lauren Johnston (July 9th 2003)

3 New York Times “500 Conspiracy Buffs Meet to Seek the Truth of 9/11” by Feuer, Alan
(June 5, 2006)

4 Hall, Manly P. - The Secret Destiny of America page 53-54

5 Hall, Manly P. - The Secret Destiny of America page 54


7 Groves, Lesley - Now it Can Be Told: The Story of the Manhattan Project (1962) page 140

8 Hall, Manly P. – The Secret Teachings of All Ages page 40

9 Baddeley, Gavin - Lucifer Rising page 71

10 July 20th, 1785


12 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 79

13 Full name: Thomas Maria Baron de Bassus

14 Barruel, Abbe – Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism Volume III page v

15 Barruel, Abbe – Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism Volume III page 5
16 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 76

17 Robison, John - Proofs of a Conspiracy page 7.

18 See my previous book, The New World Order: Facts & Fiction

19 Barruel, Abbe -Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism page 685

20 Ibid

21 Barruel, Abbe - Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism page 687

22 Ibid.

23 Ibid

24 Ibid.

25 Barruel, Abbe - Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism page 687-688

26 Barruel, Abbe - Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism page 688

27 Stauffer, Vernon - New England and the Bavarian Illuminati page 176

28 Rene, Le Forestier - Les Illuminés de Bavière et la franc-maçonnerie allemande page

453 [Paris: 1914], Arche reprint, 2001. (Quote translated in English in Perfectabilists: The
18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati by Terry Melanson page 27)

29 Rene, Le Forestier - Les Illuminés de Bavière et la franc-maçonnerie allemande page

468-469 [Paris: 1914], Arche reprint, 2001. (Translated in English in Perfectabilists: The
18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati by Terry Melanson page 29)
30 Rene, Le Forestier - Les Illuminés de Bavière et la franc-maçonnerie allemande page
468-469 [Paris: 1914], Arche reprint, 2001. (Translated to English in Perfectabilists: The
18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati by Terry Melanson page 29)

31 Rene, Le Forestier - Les Illuminés de Bavière et la franc-maçonnerie allemande page

468-469 [Paris: 1914], Arche reprint, 2001. (Translated to English in Perfectabilists: The
18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati by Terry Melanson page 29)

32 Rene, Le Forestier - Les Illuminés de Bavière et la franc-maçonnerie allemande page

507-508 [Paris: 1914], Arche reprint, 2001. (Translated to English in Perfectabilists: The
18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati by Terry Melanson page 40)

33 Rene, Le Forestier - Les Illuminés de Bavière et la franc-maçonnerie allemande page

507-508 [Paris: 1914], Arche reprint, 2001,pp 507-508. (Translated to English in
Perfectabilists: The 18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati by Terry Melanson page

34 Rene, Le Forestier - Les Illuminés de Bavière et la franc-maçonnerie allemande page

507-508 [Paris: 1914], Arche reprint, 2001 pp 507-508. (Translated to English in
Perfectabilists: The 18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati by Terry Melanson page

35 Rene, Le Forestier - Les Illuminés de Bavière et la franc-maçonnerie allemande page

614-615 [Paris: 1914], Arche reprint, 2001. (Translated to English in Perfectabilists: The
18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati by Terry Melanson page 56)

36 Rene, Le Forestier - Les Illuminés de Bavière et la franc-maçonnerie allemande page

614-615 [Paris: 1914], Arche reprint, 2001. (Translated to English in Perfectabilists: The
18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati by Terry Melanson page 56)

37 Rene, Le Forestier - Les Illuminés de Bavière et la franc-maçonnerie allemande page

614-615 [Paris: 1914], Arche reprint, 2001. (Translated to English in Perfectabilists: The
18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati by Terry Melanson page 56)

38 Koselleck, Reinhart - Critique and Crisis: Enlightenment and the Pathogenesis of

Modern Society Cambridge, Mass MIT Press (1988) page 92-32

39 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 124-125

40 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 134

41 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 123

42 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 112

43 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 66

44 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 77

45 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 67

46 Quoted in Steven Luckert, Jesuits, Freemasons, Illuminati and Jacobins: Conspiracy

theories, secret societies and politics in late eighteenth-century Germany, Ph.D dissertation,
State University of New York at Binghamton, pages 285-286.

47 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 77

48 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy page 224

49 Robison, John - Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 84

50 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 85

51 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 106

52 A Sermon Preached in Lancaster … on the Anniversary of Our National Independence

… Before the Washington Benevolent Societies of Lancaster and Guildhall (Windsor,
Vermont: Thomas M. Pomroy, 1812), pp. 14–15 (July 4, 1812)

53 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 124

54 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 124

55 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 85

56 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 86

57 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 89

58 Morse, Jedediah, A Sermon Exhibiting the Present Dangers, and Consequent Duties of
the Citizens of the United States of America Delivered in Charlestown, 1799

59 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 111

60 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 94

61 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 111

62 Fox News “School: We Have a Right To Ban God” by Todd Starnes (July 11th 2014)


64 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 112

65 Ibid.

66 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 113

67 Melanson, Terry - Perfectibilists: The 18th Century Bavarian Illuminati page 60

68 Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Government Operations With Respect to
Intelligence Activities. April 1976. pp. 191–201
69 Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Government Operations With Respect to
Intelligence Activities. April 1976. pp. 191–201

70 YouTube “CIA Admits Using News To Manipulate the USA” (1975)

71 Sunstein, Cass R & Vermeule, Adrian “Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures” 17
Journal of Political Philshophy 202 (2008) page 22

72 “New Snowden Doc Reveals How GCHQ/NSA Use The Internet To
'Manipulate, Deceive And Destroy Reputations’ by Mike Masnick (February 25th 2014)

73 The Guardian “GCHQ has tools to manipulate online information, leaked documents
show” by James Ball (July 14th 2014)

74 Fortune Magazine “Hollywood’s Military Complex” by Soo Youn (December 19, 2013)

75 The Guardian "Hollywood reporter: The caring, sharing CIA: Central Intelligence gets a
makeover” by John Patterson (October 5th 2001)

76 Cinema Review Magazine "The Recruit: About the Production” (2003)

77 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 91

78 Ridley, Jasper – The Freemasons p. 181

79 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p.112

80 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 63

81 Robison, John – Proofs of a Conspiracy p. 129

82 Lodge of Saint Theodore vom guten Rat in Munich from 1780

83 Macky, Albert – The Lexicon of Freemasonry page 201

84 Bailey, Alice - Externalization of the Hierarchy page 513

85 Robison, John - Proofs of a Conspiracy page 110


87 Schüttler, Hermann - Die Mitglieder des Illuminatenordens [Members of the Illuminati

1776–1787/93. Ars Una, München 1991

88 Melanson, Terry - The Perfectabilists: The 18th Century Bavarian Order of Illuminati
page 72

89 Barruel, Abbe - Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism page 780

90 Springmeier, Fritz – Bloodlines of the Illuminati page 1

91 Springmeier, Fritz – Bloodlines of the Illuminati page 1

92 See my previous book, The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction to read my complete analysis of
John Todd.

93 Lecture The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines produced by Prophecy Club, available on


94 Blavatsky, H.P. - The Secret Doctrine v. II p. 237)

95 Blavatsky, H.P. - The Secret Doctrine v. II p. 235)

96 New York Times “Chronicle” by Nadine Brozan (October 28th 1996)

97 The Daily Mail “Is ruling in the genes? All presidents bar one are directly descended from
a medieval English king” (August 4th 2012)

98 The Wire “12 Million Americans Believe Lizard People Run Our Country” by Philip Bump
(April 2nd 2013)

99 Icke, David - The Biggest Secret page 295

100 Hall, Manly P. - The Secret Teachings of All Ages page 316

101 Levi, Eliphas – Transcendental Magic p. 7-8

102 Levi, Eliphas – Transcendental Magic p. 307

103 LaVey, Anton - The Satanic Bible page 136

104 Hall, Manly P. – The Secret Teachings of All Ages p. 316

105 Night & Lomas – The Book of Hiram p. 434

106 Levi, Eliphas – History of Magic p. 211

107 Picknett & Prince - The Templar Revelation page 106

108 King, Francis - The Magical World of Aleister Crowley page 78

109 Picknett & Prince - Templar Revelation page 176

110 Hall, Manly P. - Lectures on Ancient Philosophy page 439

111 Levi, Eliphas - History of Magic page 31-32

112 NBC News “Inside the Vatican: The $8 billion global institution where nuns answer the
phones” (Feb 14, 2013)

113 Associated Press “Pope affirms Catholicism as only way to salvation” By Nicole
Winfield (July 11, 2007)

114 NBC News “Pope: Other denominations not true churches” (July 10, 2007) .

115 BBC Documentary“Sex Crimes and the Vatican” (October 2006)

116 Thomas Doyle, The 1922 instruction and the 1962 instruction “Crimen sollicitationis”
promulgated by the Vatican

117 The Guardian “Vatican told bishops to cover up sex abuse: expulsion threat in secret
documents” by Antony Barnett (August 17, 2003)

118 Crimine solicitations documents “Instruction on proceeding in cases of solicitation” page

3 paragraph 11.

119 Crimine solicitations documents “Instruction on proceeding in cases of solicitation” page

4paragraph 13

120 The Guardian “Vatican told bishops to cover up sex abuse: expulsion threat in secret
documents” by Antony Barnett (August 17, 2003)

121 Ibid.

122 McIntosh, Christopher – The Rosicrucians p. 43

123 Hall, Manly P. - Lectures on Ancient Philosophy page 433


125 Pike, Albert - Morals and Dogma p. 104-105

126 Pike, Albert - Morals and Dogma page 819

127 Pike, Albert - Morals and Dogma page 102

128 Pike, Albert - Morals and Dogma p. 321

129 Grant, Kenneth – Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God page 174

130 Crowley, Aleister - Confessions of Aleister Crowley page 669

131 William H. Upton - Negro Masonry, New York: AMS Press, 1975

132 Brown, Walter Lee - A Life of Albert Pike page 439-440

133 Bailey, Alice - Externalization of the Hierarchy page 511


135 The Independent “Anger at 'cloak of secrecy' for Freemason judges” (November 10th

136 The Independent “Revealed: How gangs used the Freemasons to corrupt police”
(January 13th 2014)

137 Ibid.

138 Macky, Albert - The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Entry on Illuminati of Bavaria

139 Robbins, Alexandria - Secrets of the Tomb page 127

140 IRS Form 990 RTA Incorporated OMB no 1545-0047 line 18

141 Robbins, Alexandria - Secrets of the Tomb page 164

142 Yale Daily News “Yalie joins Homeland Security” By Michelle Rosenthal (January 29,

143 Robbins, Alexandria - Secrets of the Tomb pages 181-182

144 The Guardian “How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power” by Ben Aris and
Duncan Campbell (September 25, 2004)

145 Robbins, Alexandria - Secrets of the Tomb pp. 48, 50, 127

146 The Iconoclast (1873)

147 New York Observer “At Skull and Bones, Bush’s Secret Club Initiates Ream Gore” by
Ron Rosenbaum (April 23rd 2001)

148 Ibid.

149 CNN “Fareed Zakaria GPS: Is it Time To Correct the Constitution?” (June 20th 2011)

150 IRS Form 990 2012 EIN: 06-0706508 Kingsley Trust Association, Line 18: Total
Expenses and Line 22: Net Assets

151 The New Yorker “The Bishop’s Daughter” by Honor Moore (March 3, 2008 Issue)

152 IRS Form 990 2012 EIN: 06-6069051 Phelps Association, Line 18: Total Expenses and
Line 20: Net Assets

153 Allan, Gary – None Dare Call It Conspiracy page 35

154 The Communist Manifesto - Preface to the German Edition of 1872

155 Eleventh Report Senate Investigating Committee On Education published by the
Senate of California page 169

156 Eleventh Report Senate Investigating Committee On Education published by the

Senate of California page 170

157 Eleventh Report Senate Investigating Committee On Education published by the

Senate of California page 170

158 Eleventh Report Senate Investigating Committee On Education published by the

Senate of California page 170

159 Ibid.

160 Crème, Benjamin – The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom p.

161Stephen G. Wheatcroft, "Victims of Stalinism and the Soviet Secret Police: The
Comparability and Reliability of the Archival Data. Not the Last Word", Source: Europe-Asia
Studies, Vol. 51, No. 2 (Mar. 1999), pp. 315–345

162 Barruel, Abbe- Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism page 582

163 Jones, Alex - The Order of Death (2005)

164 Ibid.

165 Phillips, Peter - A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian Club.
A Doctoral Dissertation (1994) Page 67

166 Phillips, Peter - A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian Club.
A Doctoral Dissertation (1994) page 127
167 Phillips, Peter - A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian Club.
A Doctoral Dissertation (1994) page 95

168 Phillips, Peter - A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian Club.
A Doctoral Dissertation (1994) page 92

169 Phillips, Peter - A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian Club.
A Doctoral Dissertation (1994) page 93

170 Phillips, Peter - A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian Club.
A Doctoral Dissertation (1994) page 111

171 Rothkopf, David - Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making
page 284

172 Domhoff, William - The Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats: A Study in Ruing-Class
Cohesiveness Preface

173 Domhoff, William - The Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats: A Study in Ruing-Class
Cohesiveness Page 1

174 New York Times “Sotomayor Defends Ties to Association” by Savage, Charlie and
Kirkpatrick, David D (June 15th 2009)

175 Politico “Sonia Sotomayor found friends in elite group” by Keneth Vogel (June 4th 2009)

176 The New York Times “A Club for the Women Atop the Ladder” by Pamela Rychman
(April 2, 2011)

177 New York Times “Status is ... for C.E.O.'s; Having a Networked Secretary” by John
Glassie (November 15th 1998)

178 Fortune Magazine “Corner Office Confidential” by Jennifer Reingold (August 31st 2009)
179 New York Times “Status is ... for C.E.O.'s; Having a Networked Secretary” by John
Glassie (November 15th 1998)

180 New York Times “Status is ... for C.E.O.'s; Having a Networked Secretary” By John
Glassie (November 15, 1998)

181 Crowley, Aleister – The Book of The Law page 31

182 Crowley, Aleister – The Book of The Law page 40

183 Crowley, Aleister – The Book of The Law page 41

184 Crowley, Aleister – The Book of The Law page 47

185 Crowley, Duquette, & Hyatt - Enochian Sex Magick page 116

186 Crowley, Duquette, & Hyatt - Enockian Sex Magick page 117

187 Crowley, Aleister - Confessions of Aleister Crowley page 702

188 Stephenson, Nathaniel Wright - Nelson W. Aldrich: A Leader in American Politics

(1930) page 485

189 Vanderlip, James - From Farmboy to Financier, autobiography (1935)

190 Paul, Ron – End the Fed page 22

191 Greider, William - Secrets of the Temple page 276

192 Reportedly from a speech at the University of Texas in the 1920s but the source of this
quote is unverified.
193 Memoirs, Correspondence, and Private Papers of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 4, Thomas
Jefferson Randolph, ed., 1829, pp. 285-288.

194 McGeer, Gerald Grattan - The Conquest of Poverty Chapter 5 - Lincoln, Practical
Economist page 186 (Gardenvale, Quebec: Garden City Press 1935)

195 Keynes, John Maynard - The Economic Consequence of the Peace page 235-236

196 No relation to the Zodiac Club music venue in Oxford, England

197J. P. Morgan Jr Papers “Archives of The Pierpont Morgan Library” New York 401 The
Zodiac Club Dinners 1913–41

198 The Gathamist “Inside The Zodiac Club: NYC's 145 Year Old Secret Dinner Society” by
Danielle Oteri (May 16, 2013)

199 Ibid.

200 Ibid.

201 YouTube “Hillary Clinton addresses the Council on Foreign Relations, admits CFR runs
the government”

202 Sutton, Antony – America’s Secret Establishment p. 3-4

203 HBO “Realtime with Bill Maher” - Richard Hass Interview (April 29th 2010)

204 Pastor, Robert - Toward a North American Community: Lessons from the Old World for
the New page 115

205 Finkbeiner, Ann - The Jasons: The Secret History of Science's Postwar Elite (2006)
page (xxiv)

206 The Nautilus Institute “Tactical Nuclear Weapons in 1966”

207 Finkbeiner, Ann - The Jasons: The Secret History of Science's Postwar Elite (2006)
page xxvi.

208 Finkbeiner, Ann - The Jasons: The Secret History of Science's Postwar Elite (2006)
page 33

209 Phillips, Peter - A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian Club.
A Doctoral Dissertation (1994) page 93

210 Phillips, Peter - A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian Club.
A Doctoral Dissertation (1994) page 92

211 Phillips, Peter - A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian Club.
A Doctoral Dissertation (1994) page 91

212 Tucker, Jim – Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary page 231

213 Tucker, Jim – Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary page 218

214 “Governor’s Visits abroad Paid with Private Money” by Rachel O’neal and Larry Rhodes

215 John R. Rarick, Congressional Record, 92nd Congress, 1st Session, Wednesday,
Volume 117, No. 133, 15 September 1971, pp. E9615-E9624

216 Eisenhower memo from March 11th 1955

217 2008 IRS Form 990-PF OMD No 1545-0052

218 2009 IRS Form 990-PF OMD No 1545-0052

219 YouTube: “Ron Paul talks about the Bilderberg Group” (posted August 16th 2008)
220 YouTube: “Did Hillary Clinton Attend the 2006 Bilderberg Conference?”

221 Fox News Channel “Glenn Beck Program” (June 2010)

222 Pike, Albert - Morals and Dogma p. 104-105

223 Hall, Manly P. - The Wisdom of the Knowing Ones page 127-128

224 Blavatsky, H.P. - The Secret Doctrine v. II p. 162

225 Blavatsky, H.P. - The Secret Doctrine v. II page 513

226 Crowley, Aleister - Magick: In Theory and Practice p. 193

227 Blavatsky, Helena - The Secret Doctrine v. I page xvii

228 Hall, Manly P. - The Wisdom of the Knowing Ones page 19

229 Barton, Blanche - The Authorized Biography of Anton LaVey page 218-219

230 Barton, Blanche – The Authorized Biography of Anton LaVey page 133

231 C-Span - September 14th 2001

232 The Project for the New American Century “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” page 51

233 ABC News “US Military wanted to provoke war with Cuba” by David Ruppe (5-01-2001)

234 CNN “Kissinger Resigns as Head of 9/11 Commission” (December 13, 2002)

235 Wall Street Journal “In Crisis, Opportunity for Obama” by Gerald Seib (November 21
236 Reuters “Albinos in Tanzania murdered or raped as AIDS ‘cure’ by Fumbuka
Ng’Wanakilala (May 5th 2011)

237 Ibid.

238 Telegraph “South African men rape babies as 'cure' for Aids” by Jane Flanagan
(November 11th 2001)

239 Ibid.

240 BBC “Lostprophets' Ian Watkins sentenced to 35 years over child sex offences”

241 Crowley, Aleister - Magick: In Theory and Practice page 95

242 Daily Mail “House of horrors: Daughter tells how she was forced to sleep with 1,800
men by the time she was 18 as part of Satanic sex cult” by Jennifer Smith (September 21,

243 Ibid

244 DeCamp, John - The Franklin Cover-Up page 326-327

245 DeCamp, John - The Franklin Cover-Up page 326-327

246 The Alex Jones Show - Alex Jones Interviews John DeCamp, Author of The Franklin
Cover-up (July 21, 2004)

247 Washington Times “Homosexual Prostitution Inquiry Ensnares VIPs with Reagan,
Bush” by Paul Rodriguez and George Archibald (June 29th 1989)

248 Washington Post “How BBC star Jimmy Savile got away with allegedly abusing 500
children and sex with dead bodies” by Terrence McCoy (June 27th 2014)
249 Daily Mail “Are we evolving into a NEW type of human? 'Different' species will have
evolved by 2050, scientist claims” by Ellie Zolfagharifard (September 11th 2014)

250 Telegraph “Peter Thiel: the billionaire tech entrepreneur on a mission to cheat death” by
Mick Brown (September 19th 2014)

251 The Wall Street Journal “Will Google's Ray Kurzweil Live Forever?” by Holman W.
Jenkins Jr. (April 12th 2013)

252 Wired “It’s Time To Consider Restricting Human Breeding” by Zoltan Istvan (August
14th 2014)

253 PBS “Charlie Rose” - Guest Ted Turner (April 1st 2008)

254 Christian, Robert – Common Sense Renewed p. 14-15

255 Christian, Robert – Common Sense Renewed page 6

256 National Public Radio NPR (July 1st 1998)

257 TechnoCalyps - Part II - Preparing for the Singularity (2008) Documentary by Frank

258 Cirlot, J.E - Dictionary of symbols page 255.

259 Hall, Manly P. - Secret Teachings of All Ages page 118

260 Zechariah 11:17

261 Hall, Manly P. - The Secret Teachings of All Ages p. 272

262 Hall, Manly P – The Secret Teachings of All Ages p. Ixxxviii

263 Blavatsky, H.P. – The Secret Doctrine v. II p. 283

264 Crowley, Aleister - Magick: In Theory and Practice p. 193

265 Pike, Albert – Morals and Dogma p. 734

266 Hall, Manly P. - The Secret Teachings of All Ages p. 282

267 Hall, Manly P. - The Secret Teachings of All Ages p. 283

268 The Economist “Get Ready for the Phoenix” (01/9/88) Vol. 306, pp 9-10

269 Cirlot, J.E.– Dictionary of Symbol 235-236

270 Levi, Eliphas - Transcendental Magic

271 Levi, Eliphas - Transcendental Magic page 316

272 Crowley, Aleister – Magick: In Theory and Practice page 193

273 Levi, Eliphas - Transcendental Magic p. 7-8

274 Levi, Eliphas – Transcendental Magic p. 307

275 Cerlot, J. E - The Dictionary of Symbols page 295

276 Hall, Manly P. – The Secret Teachings of All Ages p. 189

277 Hall, Manly P. - Lectures on Ancient Philosophy page 163

278 Blavatsky, H.P. – The Secret Doctrine v. II p. 244

279 Springmeier, Fritz – Bloodlines of the Illuminati page 191

280 Ibid

281 Rockefeller, David - Memoirs page 405.

282 PBS The World of David Rockefeller (1980) hosted by Bill Moyers

283 Quigley, Carroll – Tragedy and Hope page 950

284 Quigley, Carroll – Tragedy and Hope pages 951-952

285 Quigley, Carroll – Tragedy and Hope pages 1247-1248

286 Quigley, Carroll – Tragedy and Hope page 324

287 Rotberg, Robert - The Founder: Cecil Rhodes and the Pursuit of Power (1988) page

288 Bernays, Edward – Propaganda page 37-38

289 Bernays, Edward – Propaganda page 47-48

290 Bernays, Edward – Propaganda page 63

291 New York Times - “Group of Girls Puff at Cigarettes as a Gesture of Freedom” (April 1st

292 Wilson, Woodrow -The New Freedom, Chapter I: The Old Order Changeth

293 This quote is disputed and various sources purporting to be its origin are debated.
294 President Kennedy’s address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association
(April 27th 1961)

295 Gallup “Majority in U.S. Still Believe JFK Killed in a Conspiracy” by Art Swift (November
15, 2013)

296 President Dwight Eisenhower’s Farewell Address to the Nation (January 17, 1961)

297The New York Times “NYT transcript of Bush speech from the Oval office January 16,
1991” (January 17, 1991)

298 George H. W. Bush State of the Union Speech (January 29th 1991)

299 Rothkopf, David - Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making
page 284

300 White House Press Release “President Bush Speaks to United Nations” (11/10/2001)

301 The Washington Post “The Disbelievers” by Michael Powell (September 8th 2006)

302 The Independent “Bush plotted to lure Saddam into war with fake UN plane” By Andy
McSmith (February 3rd 2006)

303 NBC “Meet the Press” (2/08/2004)

304 “Launch of the Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies with
Vice President Dick Cheney” (February 15th 2002)

305 Think Progress “To Provoke War, Cheney Considered Proposal To Dress Up Navy
Seals As Iranians And Shoot At Them” by Faiz Shakir (July 31, 2008)

306 New York Times “Bush-Cheney 9/11 Interview Won't Be Formally Recorded” by
Elizabeth Bumiller and Philip Shenon (April 28 2004)
307 74th Congress House of Representatives Report, pursuant to House Resolution No.
198, 73d Congress, February 15, 1935. Quoted in: George Seldes, 1000 Americans (1947),
pp. 290–292. See also Schmidt, p. 245

308 Brzenzinski, Zbigniew - Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era
(1970 Viking Press)

309 Brzenzinski, Zbigniew The Grand Chessboard page 211

310 Brzenzinski, Zbigniew - The Grand Chessboard page 25

311 YouTube: Zbigniew Brzenzinzki Deeply Troubled

312 YouTube: CFR Meeting - Zbigniew Brzenzski Fears Global Awakening

313 New York Times “Hylan Adds Pinchot to Presidency List; Foresees a Revolt”
(December 10, 1922)

314 Ibid

315 Ibid

316 The London Press (1922)

317 Forbes “The Twenty Most Influential Business Men of All Time” by Michael Noel (7-29-

318 Ferguson, Niall - The House of Rothschild (vol. 2) : The World's Banker: 1849-1999
Diane Publishing Co. (1999)

319 Ferguson, Niall - The House of Rothschild (vol.1): Money’s Prophets, 1798-1848
Penguin Publishing (1999)
320 The Independent “Rothschild loses libel case, and reveals secret world of money and
politics” (April 29th 2014)

321 Senate Report (Senate Foreign Relations Committee) (February 17th 1950). Revision
of the United Nations Charter: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on
Foreign Relations, Eighty-First Congress. United States Government Printing Office. p. 494.

322 “Why the law wants a word with Kissinger” by Christopher Hitchens (April
30th 2002)

323 Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein The Final Days second Touchstone paperback edition
(1994) Chapter 14, pp. 194-195

324 Rothkopf, David - Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making
Preface page xiv

325 Rothkopf, David - Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making
Preface page xiv

326 Rothkopf, David - Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making
Preface page xiv

327 Rothkopf, David- Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making
Preface page xviii

328 Rothkopf, David - Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making
page 257

329 Rothkopf, David- Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making
Page 265

330 Rothkopf, David- Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making
Page 283

331 Nixon, Richard - Memoirs (1978)

332 Phillips, Peter - A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian Club.
A Doctoral Dissertation (1994) page 95 citing Domhoff 1974 p.42

333 President Richard M. Nixon on the Watergate tapes in 1971 conversation with John D.
Ehrlichman, and H. R. Haldeman made public in 1999 by the National Archives

334 The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745-1799.
John C. Fitzpatrick, Editor. Mount Vernon, October 24, 1798.

335 Fox News Channel “Hannity” (March 30th 2009)

336 Hillary: The Movie (2008) produced by Citizens United

337 Sunstein, Cass R. “Conspiracy Theories” Harvard University - Harvard Law School
(January 15, 2008) page 14

338 Sunstein, Cass R. & Vermeule, Adrian “Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures,” 17
Journal of Political Philosophy 202 (2008)

339 Sunstein, Cass R. & Vermeule, Adrian “Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures,” 17
Journal of Political Philosophy 202 (2008) page 15

340 YouTube “Cass Sunstein Predicts Repealing Right To Bear Arms”

341 USA Today “NSA Intercepts Computer Deliveries” by Raphael Satter, Associated Press
(December 29, 2013)

342 TechDirt “Latest Snowden Revelations Suggest GCHQ Is Just Like 4Chan Trolls, But
With More Firepower” by Mike Masnick (July 14th 2014)

343 TIME Magazine “U.K. Spy Agency Stored Millions of Webcam Images” by Denver
Nicks (February 27th 2014)

344 ABC News “LoveINT: Given Immense Powers, NSA Employees Super Cyber-Stalked
Their Crushes” by Lee Ferran (September 27th 2013)
345 Washington Times “NSA program MYSTIC culls 100 percent of phone records from
foreign country” by Douglas Ernst (March 18th 2014)

346 Orwell, George — Nineteen Eighty-Four page 2

347 Prophecy Club: The Arrival of the Antichrist presentation by Doc Marquis (YouTube
video at 1:52 mark)

348 Prophecy Club: The Arrival of the Antichrist presentation by Doc Marquis (YouTube
video at 2:46 mark)

349 Prophecy Club: The Arrival of the Antichrist presentation by Doc Marquis (YouTube
4:13 mark in video)

350 Prophecy Club: The Arrival of the Antichrist presentation by Doc Marquis (YouTube
5:33 mark in video)

351 Prophecy Club: The Arrival of the Antichrist presentation by Doc Marquis (YouTube
6:21 mark in video)

352 The Oprah Winfrey Show (June 24th 1987) WLS-TV Transcript #W203

353 Daily Mail “Sickening smile of teen accused of kidnapping, raping and murdering 15-
year-old girl in 'satanic ritual’” by Michael Zennie (February 11th 2014)

354 Prophecy Club: America’s Occult Holidays, presentation by Doc Marquis

355 Prophecy Club: The Arrival of the Antichrist presentation by Doc Marquis (YouTube)

356 The Oprah Winfrey Show (June 24th 1987) WLS-TV Transcript #W203

357 The Oprah Winfrey Show (June 24th 1987) WLS-TV Transcript #W203


360 Ibid.


362 World Net Daily “Will Rockefeller build 3rd Temple?

Internet abuzz with report of biblical proportions” (02/03/2010)

363 ABC News “Fresh Details on Mystery Man Clark Rockefeller as Trial Opens” by Michele
McPhee (May 26th 2009)

364 Boston Globe “‘Rockefeller’ Seeks Dismissal of False Name Charge” (March 13th

365 Vanity Fair “The Man in the Rockefeller Suit” (January 2009)

366 CBS 60 Minutes “The Counterfeit Rockefeller” (April 18th 2003)

367 Taylor, Brice - Thanks for the Memories page 1

368 Taylor, Brice - Thanks for the Memories page 1

369 Taylor, Brice - Thanks for the Memories page 2

370 Taylor, Brice - Thanks for the Memories page 4

371 Taylor, Brice - Thanks for the Memories page 6

372 Taylor, Brice - Thanks for the Memories page 9

373 Taylor, Brice - Thanks for the Memories page 30

374 “Woman sues Ottawa over CIA brainwashing at Montreal hospital”
(January 11, 2007)

375 YouTube: Interview with “Jess LaVey”

376 Ibid.

377 Cornerstone Magazine Issue 98 “Selling Satan” (1992)

378 Charisma Magazine “Alleged son of Anton LaVey fails to prove identity” (7/31/2002)

379 YouTube “This is how they plan to KILL us - Elite Insider George Green”

380 ABC News “Infomercial King Kevin Trudeau Loses On $38 Million Appeal” by Alan
Farnham (December 20th 2011)

381 Trudeau, Kevin - More Natural ‘Cures’ Revealed (2006) page 11

382 The Alex Jones Show (May 26, 2009) Guest Kevin Trudeau

383 Ibid.

384 Trudeau, Kevin - More Natural ‘Cures’ Revealed (2006) page 13

385 Trudeau, Kevin - More Natural ‘Cures’ Revealed (2006) page 13

386 ABC News “Infomercial King Kevin Trudeau Ordered to Jail” by James Hill (September
18th 2013)
387 “Judge Orders Kevin Trudeau to Pay More Than $37 Million for False Claims
About Weight-Loss Book” (January 15, 2009)

388 Trudeau, Kevin - More Natural ‘Cures’ Revealed (2006) page 12

389 Trudeau, Kevin - More Natural ‘Cures’ Revealed (2006) page 12

390 Trudeau, Kevin - More Natural ‘Cures’ Revealed (2006) page 11

391 Your Wish is Your Command Infomercial with “host” Skip Linderman on “A Closer Look”
(11:52 mark of interview)

392 Original explanation from

393 Ibid.

394 Ibid

395 Ibid.

396 “Kevin Trudeau reveals 2012 Mayan Calendar TEOTWAWKI, Planet X”

(posted April 2nd 2012 on Official Kevin Trudeau YouTube Channel)

397 Trudeau, Kevin - More Natural ‘Cures’ Revealed (2006) page vii

398 USA Today “TV Pitchman Kevin Trudeau Gets 10-Year Sentence” (March 18th 2014)

399 KSHB Kansas City “As infomercial king Kevin Trudeau heads to jail, his secret global
club faces uncertain future” by Ryan Kath (October 17, 2013)

400 Chicago Tribune “TV pitchman Kevin Trudeau Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison” by
Jason Meisner (March 17th 2014)
401 Trudeau Civil Case Document 713 07-15-13 (DX25 at 6; FTCX 90 at 103)

402Case: 1:03-cv-03904 Document #: 481-1 Filed: 07/13/12 Page 8 of 22 PageID #:6777

403 Case: 1:03-cv-03904 Document #: 713 Filed: 07/15/13 Page 3 of 35 PageID #:11594
(FTCX 14, Babenko Dep. 96:16-97:3, 100:3-24.)

404Case: 1:03-cv-03904 Document #: 481-1 Filed: 07/13/12 Page 14 of 22 PageID #:6783

405 Chicago Tribune “TV pitchman Kevin Trudeau sentenced to 10 years in prison” by
Jason Meisner (March 17th 2014)

406 Johnson, George – Architects of Fear Page 222

407 The term was first identified in the article Mass Communication, Popular Taste and
Organized Social Action, by Paul F. Lazarsfeld, and Robert K. Merton.

408 Psychology Today “What Is the Bystander Effect?”

409 Barkun, Michael - A Culture of Conspiracy page 39-40

410 Barkun, Michael - A Culture of Conspiracy Preface page ix

411 San Francisco Chronicle “Professors Want Own Names Put on Middle East Blacklist by
Tanya Schevitz (September 8th 2002)

412 History Channel “History’s Mysteries: Secret Societies” (2001)

413 Pipes, Daniel - Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where it Comes
From page 8

414 Pipes, Daniel - Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where it Comes
From page 159.
415 Pipes, Daniel - Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where it Comes
From page 161-162

416 Pipes, Daniel - Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where it Comes
From page 142

417 Pipes, Daniel - Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where it Comes
From page 62

418 History Channel “History’s Mysteries: Secret Societies” (2001)

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