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Monolithic, geometric monstrosities capable of

YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED. defeating fleets of ships, they are a force to be
Adding the Borg to your games of Star Trek: Ascendancy feared.
introduces a new threat to the Galaxy. Where other civilizations
may be open to negotiation, the Borg are single-mindedly BORG SPIRES
dedicated to assimilating every civilization they encounter into Borg Spires mark Systems under Borg control.
the Collective. The Borg are not colonists or explorers. They are Over the course of the game, Borg Spires will build
solely focused on absorbing other civilizations’ technologies. new Borg Cubes.
The Borg are not controlled by a player, but are a threat to all
the forces in the Galaxy. Adding the Borg also allows you to play BORG ASSIMILATION NODES
games with one or two players. The rules for playing with fewer Borg Assimilation Nodes are built around Spires. Built
than three players are on page 11. Nodes indicate how close the Spire is to completing a
new Borg Cube and track that Borg System’s current
Shield Modifier.
• Borg Command Console Card & Cube Card BORG TECH CARDS
• 5 Borg Cubes & 5 Borg Spires Players claim Borg Tech Cards when they defeat
• 15 Borg Assimilation Nodes & 6 Resource Nodes the Borg in combat. The more Borg technology you
• 20 Borg Exploration Cards acquire, the better you will fare against the Borg.
• 7 Borg System Discs
• 20 Borg Technology Cards BORG COMMAND CARDS
• 30 Borg Command Cards Borg Command Cards direct the Cubes’ movement
• 9 Borg Dice during the Borg’s turn and designate the type of
System each Cube targets.
The Console gives the rules for a Borg turn and tracks the Borg’s DELTA QUADRANT CONNECTION
Weapon levels. The Cube Card is when Borg Cubes engage in
There are two ways to add the Borg to your games of Star Trek:
Space and Planetary Combat.
Ascendancy. You can either discover the Borg as you explore
the Galaxy or play with a Delta Quadrant Connection from the
beginning of the game, dramatically increasing the Borg threat.
If you want to play with a Delta Quadrant
Connection, use all cards in this expansion,
including those marked with a Red Borg Symbol.
There are:
• 5 Red Command Cards
New Borg Exploration cards introduce the possibility of • 10 Red Exploration Cards
encountering Borg Cubes and discovering Borg Systems while In addition, use the Transwarp Hub System Disc. During Set Up,
Exploring new Systems. place the Transwarp Hub in the center of the board, about the
same distance from every Home System. When placed this way,
BORG SYSTEM DISCS the Transwarp Hub is a Fixed System and cannot be moved.
This Borg expansion includes seven new System Discs: four
Phenomena, two Planetary Systems and the Transwarp Hub.
First, decide if you’re playing with a Delta Quadrant Connection The Borg are not controlled by a player, but represent a threat
(see previous page) where the Borg start the game on the to all the players. If, at any point, the Borg have five Spires
table. When playing without a Delta Quadrant Connection, in play and need to place a sixth, the Borg have defeated
you do not use the Red Cards or the Transwarp Hub. Instead, the players. The Borg have conquered the Galaxy and all the
you’ll encounter the Borg through Exploration Cards or by players have lost. Civilization may survive in small pockets of
discovering a Borg Phenomenon. futile resistance, but the Borg have become too strong to stop.
Rules for play with 1 or 2 players are on page 11. To win the game, a player needs to achieve an Ascendancy,
“It’s not safe out here. It’s wondrous, with treasures to satiate Supremacy, or Vulcan Agenda Victory while holding back the
desires both subtle and gross. But it’s not for the timid.” –Q Borg threat. If there is only one player left who hasn’t been
Assimilated, they’ll need to win before they are absorbed by the
When playing with the Borg, you’ll set
up the Exploration Deck similarly to HOME SYSTEM ASSIMILATION
the System Discs. If a player’s Home System is assimilated by the Borg (even if
they no longer Control it), they have been fully absorbed into
First shuffle all the non-Borg the Collective. The Borg Collective has assimilated all their
Exploration Cards and deal out a technology and tactics. Resistance would be, at this point, futile.
number of non-Borg Exploration Cards equal to twice the
number of players. These will go on top of the Exploration Deck The player is Exterminated (see page 36 of rulebook). Remove
to start, to ensure players won’t encounter the Borg right on all the Assimilated player’s remaining Ships. For each System
their galactic doorstep. they Control, remove their Control Node and place a Number
of Warp Tokens on the System equal to the number of Resource
Next, shuffle the Borg Exploration Cards you’re using with the Nodes on the System, marking the System as a level 1, 2, 3 or 4
remaining Exploration Cards, then place the small stack of Independent Civilization.
separated non-Borg cards on the top of the deck. Place the
Borg Console Card and Cube cards somewhere on the table These Systems are can be Invaded or taken via Hegemony by
where everyone can see them. Place the shuffled Borg Tech and the remaining players, or Assimilated by the Borg.
Command Decks nearby.
Some Borg Exploration Cards move the nearest Borg Cube to A player whose Home System is assimilated by the Borg (or who
the System being explored. If there are Borg Cubes in play, but has simply been Exterminated by their rivals) has become one
their locations are not Connected to this System, move the one with the Collective. They will now contribute their knowledge
that is physically nearest to the System being explored. and expertise to the Collective for the rest of the game.
BORG SYSTEM DISCS Immediately the first player is Assimilated, they take over the
Most of the new Borg System Discs are Phenomena. Make rest of the Borg turn (see Assimilated Players on the next page).
sure to separate these along with the other Phenomena when When other players are Assimilated, they wait for the next
creating the System Disc stack. Game Round to take their turns.
If playing with a Delta Quadrant Connection, place the Each Assimilated player receives a different random Turn Order
Transwarp Hub in the center of the board, otherwise shuffle it card and will take a full Borg turn when it is their go. With
into the System Disc stack in the same way as a Phenomenon. multiple Assimilated players, the Borg will be taking multiple
Players do not draw Exploration Cards when they discover turns every Game Round.
the Transwarp Hub or a Transwarp Conduit. Despite being Assimilated players are no longer players in the normal sense,
Connected to each other, they are Floating Systems when so rules that refer to “the player opposite”, or the “player to your
placed. right” ignore Assimilated players.
When playing with the Borg, the Borg (or all Assimilated What drives the Borg is mysterious. Borg Cubes
players) receive a Turn Order Card, like other factions. The Borg may sometimes hold position, pass by one
never bid on turn order and always receive a random Turn System in favor of a different target or return to
Order Card, after any Connected players have bid. Always give a Borg Spire to expedite Assimilation.
the Borg a Turn Order Card, even if there are no Borg currently The Borg use a Command deck to determine
in play. When it is the Borg’s Turn, they follow the same what each Borg Cube does during the Borg
sequence of Actions as a player: a Build Phase, followed by a turn.
Command Phase.
After the Borg Build Phase, Activate each
Cube. When Activated, each Cube does the following:
BORG BUILD PHASE First, the Cube engages any eligible player Ships in
The Borg don’t use tokens to build as players do. They place new Space Combat.
Borg Nodes around Spires and may generate new Borg Cubes.
Second, draw a Borg Command Card and have the
TRANSWARP HUB Cube Execute the Command.
If the Borg Transwarp Hub System Disc is in play and does not Third, Begin Assimilation of a Developed System, if
already have a Cube on it, roll to see if it creates a new Cube. possible.
Resolve the Activation of each Cube fully before
BORG SYSTEMS moving on to the next Cube. After completing a
Each Borg System (a System with a Borg Spire) will take an Action Cube’s Actions, place a Borg Token on the Cube,
during the Borg Build Phase, depending on the state of the Spire: to track which Cubes have Activated. Once
If there are already 5 Cubes in play, no new Cubes are built. If all the Cubes have completed their action
Borg Activation
there is already a Borg Cube in orbit of a Borg System ready to sequence, the Borg turn is over.
launch a Cube, leave the Cube on top of the Spire until the next
Some Borg Command Cards will direct you to move multiple
Cubes. In this case, move all the Cubes, whether or not they
have Activated this turn, then complete the actions of the
Cube which drew the card. Only the Cube that drew the
Borg Command Card receives a Borg Token as a result of this
movement. If the other Cubes had not yet Activated, they will
still Activate later in the Borg turn.

If a Borg Cube draws the Assimilation Expedited card, it does
not move as a result of this card, but can still move as a result of
other Borg Command Cards.


When there is more than one Borg Cube in play, players take
turns choosing a Cube to Activate, in Turn Order.

Each Assimilated player draws a number of Command Cards
Each Borg Cube begins its actions by Initiating a Space Battle
equal to the number of Cubes in play. On their Borg Turn, the
with all player ships that are in its Sector or in adjacent Sectors.
Assimilated player chooses the order in which to activate each
It engages them all simultaneously, even Ships from multiple
Cube (rather than the other players). When taking each Cube’s
players. In a Combat with multiple players, all players must
actions, the Assimilated player may choose which of their
direct their attacks against the Borg.
drawn Commands to Execute with which Cube.
At the start of this Borg
BORG TELEMETRY NODE Cube’s Actions, it will
If a player uses the Borg Telemetry Node card during an engage both the Klingon
Assimilated player’s turn, they must discard the Borg Command Fleet and the Federation
Card they are attempting to Execute and draw a replacement. Ships in a Space Battle.
They must then choose a new Command for that Cube.

If the Borg take an extra turn due to the Command Resurgence
card, the Assimilated players (if any) take turns at selecting a
Cube to Activate.


Once all of the Borg Command Cards have been drawn, shuffle For example, a Borg Cube is poised to Assimilate Risa, which is
the discarded cards to create a new Borg Command Deck. defended by 3 Federation Ships. Right next to the Cube, in an
adjacent Sector, is a Fleet of 5 Klingon Ships. When the Borg
Cube’s actions begin, it will Initiate a Space Battle, attacking both
the Federation and Klingon players. Both players are defending
against the Cube.


The Borg have a number of Special Rules they follow in Combat:


Players always have First Strike against Borg Cubes, in the first
round of Combat, in Space Battle and Planetary Assimilation.
This is true regardless of who Initiates the attack.


Borg Cubes start every Space Battle with 9 Attack Dice. As the
Borg take damage, they lose Attack Dice. When it’s the Borg’s
turn to Attack, they roll all their remaining Attack Dice — but
not dice that have been taken away as damage.

Borg Cubes fight until they win or are destroyed. They will not
Retreat from Combat.

The Borg are able to adapt quickly to enemy weapons. Other The Borg’s Hit Roll depends on how many Spires they have
civilizations are constantly searching for new ways to damage in play, as shown on the Borg Command Console. If there are
the Borg, coming up with innovative techniques to which the Assimilated players, they allocate Hits from the Borg. Otherwise,
Borg haven’t adapted. the player taking the Hits allocates them to their own Ships. If
At the start of each Space Battle, the Borg Cube has a Shield there are multiple Defenders facing the Borg, they take turns
Modifier of 0. allocating Hits in player Turn Order until all Hits have been
At the end of each round of Combat, the Cube’s Shield Modifier
increases by 1: place a Borg Node on the Borg Cube Card to ADVANCED WEAPONRY
track their current Shield Modifier, up to a maximum of 4. If, Borg Weapons ignore all Shields, unless you have Tech or an
after Taking Casualties, the Borg Shields are such that a player’s Advancement that specifically works against the Borg.
Ships only hit on a 7 or higher, that player must Retreat.
For their first Attack, the Borg Roll their 5 Attack
Dice, currently needing 4s or higher to Hit. The
Borg roll 3 Hits, one of which is a Borg Symbol,
which allows them to Regenerate one die.

The Borg are Slow and Methodical, so the Federation

has First Strike. They have upgraded their Weapons
to 4+. In the first round of the Space Battle, the
Borg’s Shield modifier is 0, so the Federation ‘s Hit
Roll is 4. They roll six Attacks and Score 4 Hits.

DAMAGING BORG CUBES After the first round of Combat, the

Each time a Hit is Scored against a Borg Cube, place 1 die on Federation no longer has First Strike.
the Borg Cube Card, to track how much damage the Cube has The Borg’s Shield Modifier increases to 1.
sustained. Dice on the Cube Card aren’t used to roll Attacks.

Having taken four Hits,

four Borg dice are
placed on the Cube Card,
leaving the Borg 5 Dice
for their next Attack.
This round, Attacks are made
simultaneously. The Federation
will need 5 or 6 to Hit. The Borg
continue to Hit on 4 or higher,
The Borg are rolling six dice
this round of Combat.

Any Borg Attack rolls of 6 (shown as the Borg Symbol) both
After engaging any Player Ships, draw a
Score a Hit and regenerate one damage, if the player’s Hits do
Borg Command Card for the Cube. Many
not destroy the Cube. After Scoring Hits, for each 6 the Borg
of the Command Cards are movement
rolled when attacking, take a die off the Cube Card and add it
cards. Some Command Cards will have
back to their pool of Attack Dice for the following round. A Borg
other directions.
Cube never has more than 9 Attack Dice.


Borg Movement Cards will have both a
Borg do not make a Tactical Maneuver move after winning a
Target System and a Warp Range. Borg
Space Battle. A damaged Cube which wins a Battle will start the
Cubes travel at Warp, however, Borg
next Battle with a full 9 Attack Dice.
Transwarp technology allows them to
DESTROYING A BORG CUBE move through Phenomena that would otherwise prohibit Warp
When a Borg Cube has sustained 9 damage and all its dice are movement.
placed on the Cube Card, the Cube has been destroyed. All When a Move Card is drawn, move the Borg Cube towards the
players who had Ships in the Space Battle then draw a Borg Target System, as shown on the card. The Cube moves at Warp,
Tech Card. up to the number of Warp Tokens pictured on the card.
Note: The Borg only Regenerate on Attack rolls of 6 if the Cube Note: Some cards may cause a Cube to move past or away from
is not destroyed by the player’s Hits. the orbit of a Developed System.


Borg Tech Cards represent a variety of
different data and technology that may be
gained by defeating the Borg. Borg Tech
Cards give players new ways to combat the
Borg and defenses against them.
With the above Borg Command, the Cube moves
Players draw a Borg Tech Card when they at Warp 2 towards the nearest Starbase,
destroy a Cube or Reclaim a Borg System. through the nearby Developed System.
Many Borg Tech Cards have a Research

cost of zero and are placed directly in the If there two or more Systems that could be the Target System,
NODE player’s Advancement Area. move the Cube toward the one that can be reached by the
Exhaust this card route with fewer Sectors (even if that route has more Space
during the Borg Some Borg Tech cards have a Research cost
Turn to discard Lanes). If that is also a tie, move the Cube towards the System
and are placed in the player’s Project Area
a drawn Borg
controlled by the player with the lower turn order.
Command card and
draw a different
until they have been finished or the player
Command Card. discards them to make room to Research Like players’ Ships, Borg Cubes may not move through players’
other Advancements. Ships. If a Cube’s movement would take it past a Ship, it will
halt in the Adjacent Sector instead. If the Ship is at a Transwarp
Many Borg Tech Cards require a player to
Conduit, the Cube will move to the Transwarp Conduit and halt.
discard the card to use the ability. When discarding a Borg Tech
Card, place it on the bottom of the Borg Tech Deck.

Sectors may not contain more than one Cube. If a Cube’s If a Cube is not connected via Space Lanes to its Target or there
movement would have it end in the same Sector as another isn’t a Target of the type it is seeking, it will move to the nearest
Cube, stop in the Sector before the one occupied by the System (unless it is already in a System) and then place a new
other Cube. After the moving Cube’s actions are complete, Space Lane, pointed as directly towards the Home System of
place a Borg Token on it to indicate that it has Activated, then the player with the lowest turn order as possible. If Floating
activate the other Cube, even if it has already gone this turn. Systems can be swung to Connect the new Space Lane to an
Do not place a Borg Token on the second Cube. If it has not yet existing System so that the Cube Connects to its Target, do so.
Activated, it will still Activate as normal later in the Borg turn. Otherwise, place a new System at the end of the new Space
“The Borg value efficiency, not redundancy.” - Seven of Nine lane.
When the Borg place a new System, they stop moving and
TRANSWARP HUB TRAVEL explore it. Reveal an Exploration Card. If the Borg discover a
The Transwarp Hub System Disc is Connected to both Civilization, develop the System, as normal. Borg ignore Ally,
Transwarp Conduit System Discs. Players and the Borg may Crisis and Discovery cards. Place Remains in Play cards on the
Warp from the Hub to either Conduit, or vice versa, as if they System.
were Connected via a Space Lane. The Borg travel via the Hub,
If the Cube is not connected to its Target System and can not
if that is the shortest route to their Target System. The Conduits
place a new Space Lane and System for any reason, the Cube
are not Connected to each other.
moves along a randomly-chosen Space Lane to the next System
Note: The Borg are much more likely to place new Systems
when the Transwarp Hub begins the game on the table.

The Cube is not Connected to its Target System and

the Floating System it occupies can’t be connected
to reach it. The Borg Cube places a new System,
oriented towards Romulus, Player 1’s Home System.

When counting the number of Sectors between Systems to

determine which is closer, count the Transwarp Hub as being
one Sector from each Transwarp Conduit. However, they are
not Adjacent Sectors and players cannot Attack from one to the
other. Instead, they move to the opponent’s Transwarp Hub or
Conduit and Attack from there.

After resolving its Command, a Borg Cube will attempt to Borg Systems can be Invaded to eradicate the Borg presence.
Assimilate any Developed System the Cube Occupies. This Any player, including the Federation, may try to Reclaim a Borg
counts as a Planetary Invasion. The Borg are not trying to wrest System. To successfully Reclaim a Borg System, they must roll
control of the System, they are trying to peel apart the world, enough Hits to result in a Total Annihilation or Successful
stripping it of all technology. There will be no survivors. Invasion (Hits equal to or greater than the number of
When a Borg Cube Invades, it starts with 9 Attack Dice, just as Structures on the Borg System). Spires, Nodes and Cubes atop
it does in a Space Battle. The System being Assimilated rolls a Spires all count as Nodes. For details on Planetary Invasions, see
die for each of its Nodes, as in a standard Planetary Invasion. page 30 of the main rulebook.
However, the Borg aren’t interested in capturing nodes intact:
Hits the Borg Score always destroy Nodes. If the Borg are being
controlled by an Assimilated player, they decide which Nodes
are destroyed. Otherwise, the player who Controls the System
decides which Nodes are destroyed.
If the Borg destroy all the Nodes on a System, place a Borg
Spire on the System; this is now a Borg System. The System will
gradually be absorbed and its resources mined to expand the
Borg Collective. A Fleet of six Federation Ships attempts
to Reclaim a Borg System. The Borg System
During future Borg Building Phases, a Borg Assimilation Node has 3 Nodes, so the Borg roll 3 dice.
will be added to the System. Once three Borg Nodes have been
built, the System is fully assimilated and a new Borg Cube will
Unlike Combat with a Cube, players do not have First Strike
be constructed.
when attacking a Borg System.
ASSIMILATING STARBASES The Borg are able to shrug off collateral damage: if you roll
Starbases are the pinnacle of technological sophistication, fewer hits than there are Structures on the Planet, the attack
full of exactly the sort of technology the Borg are seeking. has no effect and no Nodes are destroyed. If you have fewer
If a System has a Starbase, it rolls an additional die to resist Ships than there are Borg Structures, you won’t be able to
Assimilation, the same as for a Space Battle. The Starbase Reclaim the Borg System.
counts as an additional Node and must be destroyed for the With either successful result, the System has been Reclaimed:
Assimilation to succeed. If the Borg Assimilate a System with a remove all the Borg Structures. Do not place a player Control
Starbase, remove the Starbase from the game and add a Borg Node on the System. The System has been too heavily damaged
Node to every Borg Spire in play. by the Borg; it must be colonized anew. The player to Reclaim
the System draws a Borg Tech Card.
The Borg are not interested in negotiation. Vulcan Ambassadors BORG PLANETARY SHIELDS
have no effect on a Borg Assimilation attempt. If the Borg Systems have a Shield Modifier equal to the number of
Assimilation succeeds, the Ambassador is destroyed. green Borg Assimilation Nodes on the System. As in Borg Space
Battles, add a Borg Node to the System after each round of
Combat, increasing the Borg’s Shields and bringing the System
closer to building a new Cube.
Borg Systems may never have more than 3 Nodes. If they have 3
Assimilation Nodes in their Build Phase, the System will create a
new Cube.
Once a player is connected to any Borg Cube or System, After you have played a few games against the
that player has made First Contact and may start Borg and emerged victorious, add some of these
bidding for turn order. optional rules, for an extra challenge. You may use
any (or all) of these rules in combination with each
Cubes block movement, just as player Ships do. other to make the Borg even more menacing.

Borg Cubes are not affected by Hazardous Systems; do ATTACK:: COMMAND:: ATTACK
not roll to see if they take damage. Each Borg Cube engages player Ships before and after
Systems with a Borg Spire do not count as “Developed executing a Command Card. A Borg Cube which is Executing
Systems” or “Home Systems” when determining where the “Command::Aggression” card ignores the Borg’s Slow &
to move a Borg Cube. Methodical rule.
If a Spire is full, with 3 Nodes, and there are already 5 3 SPIRES & YOU’RE OUT
Cubes in play, leave the Assimilation Nodes in place. If the Borg have 3 Spires on the table and need to place a
Once a Borg Cube is destroyed, it will then be available fourth, all players have lost.
to place on the Spire in a future Borg Build Phase.
The Borg Tech Deck is not an “Advancement Deck,” IT TAKES A FLEET
although each drawn Card is played as an Advancement. Only Fleets block Borg Cubes’ movement. Individual Ships no
Advancements that allow you to draw from a rival’s longer block Borg Cubes moving.
Advancement Deck do not allow drawing of Borg Tech
Use the Red Borg Command and Exploration cards, but shuffle
Advancements that apply to “Rival Ships” or “Rival”
the Transwarp Hub in with the other System Discs, instead of
also apply to the Borg. Advancements, such as Cult
placing it on the table during Set Up.
of Kahless or Sirillium Warheads, that automatically
destroy a rival Ship do 1 damage to Cubes for each
Ship destroyed. Advancements, such as Cloaked Orbital
When setting up the Exploration Deck, deal out a number of
Mines, that cause a rival to roll a die for each of their
non-Borg Exploration Cards equal to three time the number
Ships cause the Borg to roll once for a Borg Cube.
of players (rather than twice the number) to go on top of the
Ferengi gain Production by having Ships In Orbit around
Exploration Deck. This gives players more time to explore
Borg Systems — where there is profit, there are Ferengi.
before encountering the Borg.
Klingons still may not retreat in Battles versus the Borg.
However, the Klingon’s Starting Advancement allows MYSTERY TURN ORDER
them to always hit on 6s, so they always have a chance When using the Mystery Turn Order Advanced Rule, if there
to defeat the Borg. are no Assimilated players, the first player (with the lowest turn
Klingons get a bonus Culture Token for defeating a Borg order) draws the random Turn Order Card for the Borg. They
Cube. Klingon Marauder Fleets take a single Production may keep the Borg Turn Order Card secret until the Borg turn.
for destroying a Borg Cube.
If you Attack the Borg on your turn, other players When using the Humble Beginnings Advanced Rule,
can not join in the attack. If you want to mount a discovering the Borg to early can lead to a short game. Double
coordinated defense against the Borg, players need to the number of non-Borg Exploration Cards at the top of the
get their Ships and Fleets in place and wait for the Borg Exploration Deck and shuffle the Transwarp Hub into the
to initiate the attack. bottom half of the System Disc stack.
Some Advancements are not particularly useful in a 1 or 2
Adding the Borg to your games of Star Trek: Ascendancy allows
Player Game. Use the Focused Research rule in the Advanced
you to play with 1 or 2 players. There are a few different rules
Rules section of the rulebook to avoid these.
when playing with fewer than 3 players.


With 1 or 2 players, use the Delta With the Borg added to the Galaxy, players need to adapt their
Quadrant Connection rules on page strategies to counter the Borg threat. It’s recommended to have
2. The Red Symbol cards provide a couple games experience without the Borg before including
the extra challenge to the players. them in your games.
This is especially true in a single
player game, when the Borg are the EXPLORING THE GALAXY
challenge to completing the game. When you first set out from your Home System, you know
you’re not going to encounter the Borg or Phenomena
TRANSWARP HUB PLACEMENT immediately. While the Exploration cards you draw may be
The closer you place the dangerous crises, you’ll at least be able to Colonize the first two
Transwarp Hub to players’ Home Systems you discover.
Systems, the sooner the Borg will When threatened by the Borg, it’s important to make the
make contact. most of your first couple Systems. If you strike out too soon
Placing it approximately 18” and encounter the Borg before you’ve developed a couple of
away from players’ Home System Colonies, you’ll find yourself unprepared to hold back the Borg.
is a good starting point.
The Transwarp Hub rule on the FIGHTING THE BORG
Borg Console has a chance of The Borg’s weapons and shields are among the most advanced
creating a new Borg Cube on known to the Alpha Quadrant. Because the Borg’s shields
each Borg Turn, when the Transwarp Hub is in play. improve after each Round of Combat, every battle against
a Borg Cube is a race to destroy the Cube before it becomes
Remove any Crisis cards that refer to a rival player from the Borg Systems are easier to destroy than Cubes, but come with
Exploration Deck in a 1 Player game. added risk. Because the Borg add a Borg Node to the System
after every round of Combat, if you don’t Reclaim the System
VICTORY IN A 1 PLAYER GAME quickly, that System is going to create a new Cube soon. It is
In a single player game, the victory condition remains the same: vital that a player brings enough strength to defeat the Borg
achieve 5 Ascendancy before being assimilated by the Borg. System in the first round or two of combat!
To increase the challenge, try moving the Transwarp Hub Disc
closer to your Home System at the start of the game. KEEPING CONTROL
Once the Borg are discovered, all the players need to consider
VICTORY IN A 2 PLAYER GAME the Borg in their strategies. Letting the Borg assimilate one
In a 2 Player game, the first player to achieve 5 Ascendancy of your rivals may not always be the right choice - sometimes
wins. If one player is assimilated by the Borg, they use the rules defending your rivals against the Borg may ultimately be better
for Assimilated players, as in larger games. It’s now their goal to for your civilization.
Assimilate the remaining player.

The Borg receive a random Turn Order card.
On the Borg turn, if the Transwarp Hub is in play, roll to
see if it generates a new Borg Cube. Then:
For each Borg Spire:
Place a Borg Node, if there is an open space OR
Place a Borg Cube on Spire if the Nodes are Full OR
Launch the Cube atop the Spire and remove that
Spire’s Nodes.


For each Cube:
Attack Player Ships
Draw a Command Card and execute the Command
Attempt to Assimilate a Developed System, if possible.



Sean Sweigart John Kovaleski John Van Citters, Marian Cordry,
Aaron Dill Yasmin Elachi, Veronica Hart,
PRODUCERS Brian Lady, Keith Lowenadler,
GRAPHIC DESIGN Peter Simunovich Ben Stern
Katie Dillon John-Paul Brisigotti Special thanks to all the Battlefront
3D DESIGN staff who provided feedback
Charles Woods
Peter Przekop

James Abele, Jason Buyaki, Doug Epperson, Justin Evans, Patrick Gribble, Mark Honeycutt, Sally Honeycutt, Alexander Kaps,
Leonard Landrey, Stuart Lapwood, Jeff Lindsay, Greg Lockton, Stephanie Machado Reggeti, Gary Neumann, Richard Roe, Phil Petry,
Juan Rodriguez Vega, Gabriel Rosauro, Rob Sadler, Rob Seabrook, Benjamin Torell, Dean Webb, Lizzie Willick, William Yowell

TM & © 2017 CBS Studios Inc. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are
trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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