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“Twitter, Inc. in 2018: Too Little Too Late?”

Isidoro Carrillo Llamas

Management and business strategy

Table of contents
1. What does a PESTEL analysis suggest for the macro-environmental impact on the
social media industry? Which of the macro-environmental factors appear to have the
greatest potential impact on Twitter? Why? ........................................................................ 3
2. Identify the driving forces in the social media industry? What appears to be the
impact of these ..................................................................................................................... 4
3. Prepare a SWOT analysis for Twitter. What does the SWOT suggest for Twitter’s
future? .................................................................................................................................. 6
4. Using the data in Case Exhibits 1 & 2, what is your assessment of Twitter’s financial
position? Based on your analysis, what financial performance can reasonably be expected
in the near-term future for Twitter? Support your answer. .................................................. 7
5. From the data provided in the case (Exhibits 1, 2, 6 & 7), how does Twitter’s
performance stack up with Facebook and Snap? Is there a clear winner based on your
analysis? ............................................................................................................................... 8
6. Final debriefing about case n.13 (“Twitter, Inc. in 2018: Too Little Too Late?”) ............ 8
1. What does a PESTEL analysis suggest for the macro-
environmental impact on the social media industry? Which of
the macro-environmental factors appear to have the greatest
potential impact on Twitter? Why?


1. Political
At the political level, there are not a lot of main factors that can have an impact on twitter, but
the main risk and possible threat to twitter is its worldwide presence and that it has to adapt to
each and every different political environment.

2. Economic
The economic macro-environment is positive it’s a new emerging sector in full growth but its not
easy to be able to adapt to this growth. Other companies like Facebook are growing at a much
faster speed than twitter and this has an impact on the company’s development.

3. Social
Social and cultural differences around the world have an impact on the company’s
communication strategy. Education level, the way of doing things, attitudes play a significant role
in the impact of twitter and it’s penetration in a new market level.

4. Technological
There are a lot of emerging social medias that are possible substitutes to what twitter is offering
to the public, this endangers its correct development because it’s a very competitive market and a
market that evolves very fast.
But at the same time the technological trend gives more and more potential users of twitter every
At the same time this fast evolution the market does not give enough time to adapt and perform
correctly at the same pace as the worldwide technological advance.

5. Environmental
The environment can be an important factor when we think about the social responsibility of a
company if they want to enter a new market, they have to be aware of the social responsibility’s
exigences of the new market and environmental rules.

6. Legal
The anti-trust law could play in favor of twitter development because it’s preventing Facebook
and google from monopolizing the market.
These social medias open up opportunities for bullying and the discrimination law includes
obligations that social medias have to follow. These are all new adaptations twitter has to be
aware of and take action to prevent legal problems.
There are also lots of rules about data protection that have to be followed.

Finally, comment on the recent incident of the President of the United States of America,
Donald Trump with our case company, Twitter. He even threatened to sign a new executive
order regulating the wide discretion of social networks. The order would end the legal shield that
protects social networks from multi-million dollar lawsuits.

The special protection against legal action enjoyed by large social networks such as Facebook,
Twitter or Google could come to an end. At least that is the intention of U.S. President Donald
Trump, who signed the executive order Thursday.

Exactly one year ago, the president accused the main social networks of having a "progressive
bias" and warned about a legal change. Over the past few weeks, he has again shown his
intentions to undertake a legislative change that seems to have been rushed after Twitter showed
warning messages on several of your tweets.

The executive order targets section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. A law that gives
immunity to websites that select and moderate content created by third parties, as is the case with
major social networks.


The macro environmental factors that appear to have the greatest potential impact on twitter are,
Economic, technological and legal environments. These 3 have already had a direct impact on
twitters development.

The macro-economic environment is going against twitter, the other social media platforms have
been more profitable than twitter, that hasn’t been profitable at all until recently.

The technological environment is also a very challenging factor for the right development of
twitter because it’s a fast changing and exigent environment. This environment is very difficult to
keep up with, but it may be the most important part of this sector

The legal environment is one that they have to keep an eye on all the time and is linked with the
political macro-environment. There are a lot of laws that are changing because this is a very
recent subject. Companies like Facebook have already had problems with the law because of the
misuse of private information for example.

2. Identify the driving forces in the social media industry? What

appears to be the impact of these
To understand the dynamics of the social media industry, what they are, what they represent and
what you can expect from them, you have to understand the five major forces shaping industry
trends in the coming years. These are: me-driven, peer-driven, trust-driven, time-driven and
cause-driven. Understanding and applying these five forces well can be a key point in
implementing an effective social media strategy:

Social networks are communities in which people share information and experiences, a site where
they share and find people who share their interests; They interact with friends... This
environment makes it difficult to insert ads that are not welcome and that do not contribute
anything to the community.


Social networks are only understood as a system of interaction with peers. If all our friends left a
social network, nobody would stay in it, the community is not understood without these peer
relationships. The average number of friends in social networks is increasing every year, we have
more and more friends in social networks. And this goes hand in hand with the number of
minutes we spend per day on these networks, which is also increasing. That's why finding people
with great influence over your peer circle can be crucial for an ad to work, not always the one
with the most friends but the one with the most interaction with them.

If we don't manage to find good influencers the campaign can have a very bad viral reaction and
be seen as an invasion of this community.

One of the main problems that a social network can face is that the privacy it offers is affected.
In a community where people share data about their private lives, if you don't feel safe you can
affect your level of trust with this social network. Now users decide who can see all their data and
who can only see some, so their privacy is highly valued. If users feel safe on a social network,
they will be willing to interact more and share more data about their private life, their preferences
or their opinions about products.
Earning this trust can lead to much cheaper customer acquisition and even people defending
your brand by getting even more word of mouth.
Ways to achieve this may be to allow users to give both positive and negative feedback on your
brand and to try to solve the problems that customers express.

Breaking into the community requires that you demonstrate how your offer strengthens the
interactions with those within the community. Competing for time and attention means that
relevance is now the most important part. Users need a return on the investment of the time they
spend on the web in the same way that marketers need ROI on their marketing dollars.
They want to find more accurate information faster and more easily. Offers that do not measure
up won’t break through the clutter.

It is the viral nature of social networks and, perhaps more importantly, the visibility among social
networks for the cause itself that have increased donations. Social networks have changed the
paradigm from charity‐to‐person to, now, person‐to‐charity. Getting the community interested in
you begins by showing interest in what the community cares about and sometimes that can be
charitable causes. But the interest from the advertisers needs to be genuine and credible for this
skeptical community.
3. Prepare a SWOT analysis for Twitter. What does the SWOT
suggest for Twitter’s future?

Strengths Weaknesses

1. Large audience, users are now past 330 1. Low retention rate, only 40%.
2. Low Revenue & Profits and no solid
2. Strong brand image globally. It has faced revenue model. Much lower as compared to
less image issues as compared to Facebook. Facebook.

3. Early entre in social media business (2006)3. High operational expenses. The reason that
the brand has been unable to create high level
4. Innovation and technology. has always profits.
remained upon technological innovation for
better customer experience. Still focus on 4. Online harassment. Hatred and harassment
continue improving. are two of the most serious problems of the
social media.
5. Effective integration with other platforms
5. No new innovative features
6. Marketers’ platform of choice

7. Real-time in nature with huge reach.

Opportunities Threats

1. Targeting new user groups to grow its user 1. Competitive threat. Because the world of
base. social media has grown highly competitive.

2. Customers service offering for 2. Regulatory threat:

organizations to become a communication Regulatory pressure on the social media
tool in a structured way. networks is growing higher day by day, like
the Donald Trump executive order.
3. Integration with other platforms.
3. Fake accounts and hacking incidents, it
4. Diversification and continuous takes the value of the company.
improvement in user experience. Investing
more in research and innovation will help 4. Reducing attraction of social media. The
Twitter grow its popularity and user base. Facebook data scandal resulted in loss of trust
and reduced attraction of social media.
5. Search engine business. For the kind of
data and information Twitter already has. 5. Innovative upcoming social media
companies. Not only the actual competitors.
6. Research and innovation. Keep investing
more and more in research and innovation
will help Twitter grow its popularity and user
4. Using the data in Case Exhibits 1 & 2, what is your assessment of
Twitter’s financial position? Based on your analysis, what
financial performance can reasonably be expected in the near-
term future for Twitter? Support your answer.

We can see that twitter’s cost have been growing from 2013 until 2016, this has had a negative
impact on twitter’s financial position. But in the last quarter of 2017 Twitter has reduced their
cost and had their first profitable outcome since the beginning. We can also see that twitter is
trying to cut expenses in intangible assets, like R&D and sales and Marketing which represent
more or less 50% of the intangible assets. Due to this expense cutting strategy they are covering
their costs.

The financial performance that can be reasonably expected in the near term-future is that twitter
is going to keep cutting expenses so that they earn enough profit to reinvest in a profitable way in
advertising and R&D. The main goal is to have a profitable company with positive results.
And if we look at the real investment of twitter from the 4th quarter of 2017 until the last quarter
of 2019 we can see that that is what actually happened.

Twitter’s financial report of Q4 2019:

On the exhibit 2 we can see that twitter’s total assets were $7,41 millions in the last quarter of
2017 and so they went down to $7,02 millions and then they raised their expenses to $8,54
millions in the last quarter of 2019.

5. From the data provided in the case (Exhibits 1, 2, 6 & 7), how
does Twitter’s performance stack up with Facebook and Snap? Is
there a clear winner based on your analysis?

Comparative table of Twitter’s, Facebook’s and Snapchat’s revenues, totals costs, assets and
liabilities (in billions of $)

Revenues Total costs Assets Liabilities

Twitter 2,443 2,404 7,4 2,36
Facebook 40,6 20,4 84,5 10,18
Snapchat 0,825 4,3 3,42 0,429

We can see in the exhibit 6 that Facebook has a revenue of $40,6 Billions and costs up to $20,4
billions which is way more than twitter who has a revenue of $2,4 Billions and costs up to $2,4
Billions but twitter is better positioned than snapchat who has a revenue of $825 millions and
costs up to $4,3 billions as we can see in the exhibit 7.

There is an obvious winner here and it is Facebook they have the best cost/revenues ratio as well
as assets/liabilities ratio.

6. Final debriefing about case n.13 (“Twitter, Inc. in 2018: Too Little
Too Late?”)
Analyzed by Isidoro Carrillo Llamas

Scientific articles/papers
State at least n.1 scientific article/paper you selected to support your analysis and

N. Title Author Journal Year, Link

1. Q4 and Fiscal Twitter Q4 2019
Year 2019 ancials/2019/q4/Q4-2019-Shareholder-
Letter to Letter.pdf
2. THE FIVE Karen L. November
FORCES OF Webster 2008 Forces-of-Social-Networking.pdf

Describe the company’s strategic profile and its industry

Twitter is a young company that is in the growing phase of the cycle of the company’s life, it has
had a rough start but it’s now beginning to be profitable. Twitter strategy is to cut expenses to
become more profitable on long run.
This industry is growing worldwide and evolving very fast, this is a challenge for all companies of
the sector. It is also a high risk and an industry with a lot of legal barriers. There are 5 driving
forces that are leading the path of this industry’s future.

Your action recommendations

Write your recommendations and be critical not descriptive.
Twitter’s top executive team should try to keep the same level expenses a few years so that they
can use the profit to invest in important points like R&D and sales and marketing. By increasing
investment in these two points Twitter will attract investors and could make agreements with
other companies. Twitter has to focus on growing its numbers, on a financial and user point.

It’s also very important for twitter to keep an eye on the legal environment because privacy is a
very important matter and a secure platform gives a good and strong image that will attract more
users to the platform.

Twitter has to give more importance to the 5 main driving forces of social media as they play a
crucial role in the development of the platform. Helping people to communicate and to express
themselves is this platforms goal. The trends that are given more importance in this platform are
trust, time and cause. Twitter has to work on these 3 driving points to become a more attractive,
safe and useful platform because of the growing concern of privacy issues
To be able to work on these 3 forces they have to invest in R&D and stay in tune with the legal

This is a growing sector and it has a lot of business opportunities to expand and work on, but it
also has threats that are constantly attacking twitter like the growth of direct and indirect
competitors in the market. This means that twitter has to use the opportunities to overcome the
threats by working on developing the right market expansions, but always remaining within the
regulatory challenges related to data security and privacy.

Optional section: additional sources (company disclosures, web pages, video etc)

N. Title Author Journal Year, Link

1. Crafting & Arthur
Executing Thompson 22th
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and Cases Strickland
2. Quarterly Twittter
results of information/quarterly-results/default.aspx
3. Trump CBC 28 may.
signs NEWS 2020 Sx5Q
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checked his
4. Trump will REUTER MAY 28,
sign an S 2020 trump-executive-order/trump-will-sign-an-
executive executive-order-on-social-media-companies-
order on white-house-spokeswoman-idUSKBN2333BT
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