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Nama: Faiz Ilham Mumtaz


Twilight is one of a movie of four vampire-themed fantasy romance series, directed
by Catherine Hardwicke and written by Melissa Rosenberg and Stephenie Meyer. the
main characters are Bella (human) and Edwerd (vampire). The movie is based on
Stephenie Meyer’s novel, Twilight (2005) and this film is the begining of four other
films in Twilight Saga series.

The story begins when Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart), moves from Phoenix, Arizona, to
Forks, Washington. Bella lives with her father, Charlie,
On his first day coming to Forks, his father's old friend, Billy, comes with his son, Jacob,
. Both Billy and his father are werewolves. Then, on her first day at Forks High School,
Bella's world gradually changes when she meets Edward Cullen,
When they first met, Edward was cold and hostile towards Bella. Then, he disappeared
for days. Upon his return, Edward apologizes for his behavior and gets to know Bella.

, and after Edward uses his bare hands to shield Bella from a speeding van, she sets
out to discover his secrets. The problem becomes complicated when Edward refuses
to answer Bella’s question, until she comes to Jacob Black (werewolf) to get
information about her curiosity about the cullens and why they do not comes to La
Push reservation.

After got some explanation and googling, finally Bella knows the truth that Edward and
his family are vampires and they become a lovers. Edward then open up about his
family’s unconventional coven. Despite their insatiable urge to drink human blood,
Edward and his family are "vegetarians," surviving on animal blood.
Just as Bella is getting to know Edward's vampire family, another coven appears in
Forks. They are only interested in human blood. The coven leader James and his
partner, Victoria, hunt Bella of Forks. They managed to eat it before the Cullens
Unfortunately, Edward and his family arrived late. Edward tries to suck poison from
Bella's blood, saving her from becoming a vampire. Edward takes Bella to a nearby
hospital and after being discharged from the hospital, Bella and Edward return to
Forks for her junior prom. While dancing under the stars, Bella told Edward that she
wanted to become a vampire and join her coven, but she refused.

Unlike the novel, the screenwriter of Twilight (Melissa Rosenberg) condenses the
story  so that the events take place over the span of roughly three months, rather
than the five months based on the novel, It makes sense that this change had to be
made because of the durations. Next, the cullens, wolf packs, and Bella's human
friends receive no deeper characterization than the novel. But, that’s all paid by a
good cinematography and the soundtracks, although Action has never really been a
focal point of twilight, this film is still recommended for those who like romantic
tragic story.

Overall, twilight is a simple and nice movie. Because its focuses on the interaction
and developing characters, more than its plot. But, it’s not recommended for a
teenager under 13, because there are some implicit mature scenes. In my opinion
this movie is an enjoyable watch with classic romance plot and good soundtrack from

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