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Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section

Academic Session 2021-2022

Middle School

Ref No. PISJES/MS/ST/ 21-51

Date: 21st November, 2021
Y8 Mid-Year Exam (Review) Outline 2021-2022
Unit 1: Going Underground Grammar:
Unit 2: Law and Order Figurative language, Literary Devices,
Unit 3: The Red-Headed League Punctuations, Tenses, Conditionals and Modals,
Unit 4: Time Verb Choices, Contextual Clues, facts and
Reading Comprehension: *Other grammar concepts covered in the units will
Paper1 and Paper2 will have Non-Fiction also be included.
and Fiction comprehension texts
respectively and all the texts will be *All the related topics/ activities and tasks covered in
the course book/ workbook and additional worksheets
devised according to the CAIE Pattern.
will be a part of the exam.

Writing Skills:
Narrative Writing/ Story Writing, Formal Reference Book(s):
Book Review, Drama Scene, Summary/ Cambridge Lower Secondary English Learner's Book
Note taking, Character Sketch / and workbook 9
Comparing Characters, Report Writing,
Poems, Travel Writing/ Descriptive

*All the above-mentioned genres including:

Sonnets and Detective Stories may also be
part of the comprehension texts to analyze the

Ch 1: Number and Calculation (Ex-1.1-1.3)

Ch 2: Expressions and Formulae (Ex-2.1-2.6)
Ch 3: Decimals, Percentages and Rounding (Ex-3.1-3.4)
Ch 4: Equations and Inequalities (Ex-4.1-4.3)
Ch 5: Angles (Ex-5.1-5.5)
Ch 6: Statistical Investigations (Ex-6.1-6.2)

Ch 7: Shapes and Measurements (Ex-7.1-7.3)

Ch 8: Fractions (Ex-8.1-8.5)
Ch 9: Sequences and Functions (Ex-9.1-9.2)

Reference Book(s):
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics Book 9 by Lynn Byrd, Greg Byrd and Chris Pearce

Tel: +966 1 26738670 |Fax: +966 1 26745654 | Website:| Social Media: /pisjesofficial1
Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section
Academic Session 2021-2022
Middle School

Unit 1: Photosynthesis & Carbon Cycle • Unit 5: Reactivity

1.1: Photosynthesis • 5.1: Reactivity & Displacement Reactions
1.2: More about Photosynthesis • 5.2: Using Reactivity Series & Displacement
1.3: The Carbon Cycle Reactions
1.4: Climate Change • 5.3: Salts
• 5.4: Other Ways of Making Salts
Unit 2: Properties & Materials • 5.5: Rearranging Atoms
2.1: Atomic Structure & Periodic Table
2.2: Trends in Group within the Periodic Table Unit 8: Rates of Reaction

2.3: Why Elements React to form Compounds 8.1: Measuring the Rate of Reaction
2.4: Simple & Giant Structures 8.2: Surface Area & Rate of Reaction
8.3: Temperature & the Rate of Reaction
Unit 3: Forces & Energy 8.4: Concentration & the Rate of Reaction
3.1: Density
3.2: Heat & Temperature Reference Book(s):
3.3: Conservation of Energy 1. Cambridge Lower Secondary Science Learner’s Book 9;
3.4: Moving from Hot to Cold 2nd Edition by Jones, Freeman & Smith
3.5: Ways of Transferring Thermal Energy 2. Cambridge Lower Secondary Science Workbook 9; 2nd
3.6: Cooling by Evaporation Edition by Jones, Freeman & Smith
3. Board Notes
Chap 3: War of Independence 1857 Unit 2: Climate of Pakistan
Social Studies

Chap 4: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Unit 3: Water Resources

Chap 5: Languages of Pakistan Unit 4: Forest

Reference Book(s):
History of Pakistan- Nigel Kelly
The Environment of Pakistan by Huma Naz Sethi

Unit 9.1: Drilling Down: How the Processor Processes

Unit 9.4: Networking: Not just a way of Meeting New People
Unit 9.3: HTML, CSS, JavaScript: Web-Pro Games
Unit 9.6: MS Access

Reference Book(s):
International Computing for Lower Secondary Student's Book Stage 9

)Unseen( ‫ترہمج‬،‫اکمہمل‬،‫طخ‬،‫روپرٹ‬، ‫ومضمن‬
‫ی ٹ‬

5 ، 4 ، 3، 2،1‫شربمن‬: ‫احمورات‬
)Unseen( ‫الخہصاورمیہفت‬،‫ولکژریپارگاف‬،‫ولمجںیکدبتیلی‬

Tel: +966 1 26738670 |Fax: +966 1 26745654 | Website:| Social Media: /pisjesofficial1
Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section
Academic Session 2021-2022
Middle School

‫وجڑںی۔‬،‫رحوفِیجہتاوراُنیکآدیھااکشل۔ رحوفوتڑںی‬
Level 1

‫ترہمجاگنری‬،‫)دنہوسںاوراافلظیکوصرتںیم‬1-10(‫یتنگ‬،‫عمج‬/‫ وادح‬،‫ؤمن‬/‫ ذمرک‬: Seen

‫ ی ر‬: Unseen

‫دوس ییایلیہسےکیامطخھکلرکاُےساےنپوھچےٹاھبیئیکاسرگلہرپدموعرکںی‬: ‫طخ‬،"‫ومضمن"افصیئیکاتیمہ‬،‫وموصف‬/‫تفص‬،‫وعفمل‬/‫افلع‬/‫لعف‬

Level 2

Paper 1 Paper 2
Compulsory question will be given from Compulsory question will be given from
Chapter 1 only Chapter 5 only
Ch 1: Major themes of the Holy Quran
o Surah Fatihah (1) Ch 5: Major Teachings in the Hadith of the Prophet
o Surah Al-Baqarah (2:255) (SAW)
o Surah Al-Kawthar (108) o Hadith 1 till 5
o Surah Al-Ikhlas (112)
o Surah Az–Zilzal (99) Ch 7: The Rightly Guided Caliphs
➢ Caliph Abu Bakr (RA)
Ch 3: Life and Importance of Prophet
o Election and Administration of Abu Bakr
Muhammed (SAW)
➢ The life of Prophet (SAW) (622-632AD) (RA)
(Makki Period) o False Prophets
o Birth and Early Life of the Prophet
(SAW) Ch 8: Articles of Faith & Pillars of Islam
o First Revelation (Call to Prophethood) ➢ Articles of Faith
o Early Preaching of Islam o Belief in Tawheed
o Causes of Opposition of Quraysh o Belief in Angels

o Persecution Towards the Holy Prophet o Belief in Books

(SAW) and his Followers o Belief in Prophets
o Migration to Abyssinia o Belief in Day of Judgement
o Journey to Taif
o Belief in Divine decree
o Isra and Miraj
o Pledges of Aqaba
o Migration to Madinah Subject Resources:
▪ Textbook: Cambridge O Level Islamiyat by Dr.Saqib
Ch 4: The First Muslim Community Muhammad Khan and Dr. Saqib-ur-Rehman
➢ Prominent Companions during the Lifetime ▪ Reference Notes
of the Holy Prophet (SAW)
o Abu Bakr (RA) during the Life of
Prophet (SAW)
o Umar (RA) during the Life of Prophet

➢ Ten Blessed Companions

o Talha bin Ubaidallah (RA)
o Zubair bin Awwam (RA)
o Abdur Rehman bin Auf (RA)

Tel: +966 1 26738670 |Fax: +966 1 26745654 | Website:| Social Media: /pisjesofficial1
Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section
Academic Session 2021-2022
Middle School

-The Geographical Location of Saudi Arabia

-History of Saudi Arabia
Saudi Studies

*Given notes related to the above-mentioned topics.

[This document is electronically generated and does not require any signature or stamp]

Tel: +966 1 26738670 |Fax: +966 1 26745654 | Website:| Social Media: /pisjesofficial1

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