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Pakistan International School Jeddah - English Section

Y8-Computing Session 2021-22

Unit 9.6 Choosing and using: Databases and Spreadsheets
Student-id: Date: PC # Grade: Y8 .

Candidate Name: ____________________ Practical 6 Marks: 10

1. Open MS Access source file XYZ Company from your Z drive.

2. Open Employee table in datasheet view, three records are given to you already in datasheet

3. Now go to create tab and select form Wizard, select all the fields of Employee table, select
columnar, select modify the form’s design and click finish.

4. Form will open in design view, here we will apply some formatting.

5. In form header change the title to ‘Your Name Company’, drag the title to center of the page,
change the font color to Red and bold the text. Change the theme to Organic.

6. Insert the logo provided to you in Z drive by the name Company logo on the left side of the
title, adjust the logo to make sure its visible.

7. Now click on the detail part of the form in design view, select all fields by pressing CTRL+A
keys from keyboard, don’t select the header part, change the font color to black.

8. Now go to shape fill and select Red, Accent 4 color from theme colors in format tab in design
view of forms.

9. Make sure all the fields are left aligned.

10. Now add a new record in forms about yourself in Form view. Go to top left corner of the ruler
and right click your mouse button, select properties.

11. A new window of properties will open on right side, select pop up from list and select Yes.

12. Go to Form view and see the result.

13. Take the following screenshot of your work in MS Word.

Evidence 1:
Screenshot of form in Form view (Make sure Record tab and form name are visible
with all the 14 fields of form)

14. Insert your screenshot carefully under the appropriate heading then print your evidence
document. Make sure your evidence document must contain your name, pc no, class, and
student id on every page.

Y8-Computing 2021-22 Practical Task 6

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