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Final -Term Exams 2020-2021

CANDIDATE NAME Souban Aurangzaib Grade: Y 7 __4__

Pakistan Studies Session: I 27th May,2021.
1 hour 30 minutes

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. Answer all questions. 1 50

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SECTION 1 (Geography) Total marks obtained [ /50]
Q1a. Following diagrams shows the movement of tectonic plates, Identify them. [2]

_____Convergent_________ ____Transform_____

b. Choose the correct answer. [5]

a. The term ____Natural Drainge_____ means the natural run-off of water from an area in rivers
and streams.
1. Natural Rainfall
2. Natural Drainage

b. Kurram pass in the Western Mountains provides a route to_______________________.

1. Iran
2. Afghanistan

c. The Balochistan plateau is located in the __South-West____ of Pakistan.

1. South-West
2. South-East

d. The Potwar Plateau & the Salt Range are located to the south of ______________ between the

River Jhelum & River Indus.

1. Islamabad
2. Faisalabad

1. e. The northern part of Indus Plain is known as the _ Upper Indus Plain_.

2. Lower Indus Plain

3. Upper Indus Plain

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Q2(a). Complete the following table. [5]

a b

c d

a. ____North-Western Mountains_____ b. ______Kharan Desert_____ C. _____The Karakoram___

d. ________The Potwar Plateau______ e. ______Upper Indus Plain___

b. Fill in the blanks. [5]

1. The hard rocks left behind after erosion are called____gorges_______.

2. A loop-like bend in the course of a river developed in the process of erosion and deposition

called __meanders______.

3. K2 is the second highest peak in the world with the height of ___8611______meters .

4. The narrow strip of land on both sides of the rivers is called the ____Active River Plain____ area.

5. The Indus Delta is located to the south of _Sindh____.

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Q3 (a). Identify the following topographical features. [4]

_____Desert_______ _____meander_______

______Oxbow_________ _____Valley______

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Q3 (b). Define the following terms. [3]

Mountain Pass. ___________A mountain pass is a route through the mountain range._________ ____

Rugged landscape. _________Surfaces of the Earth which is uneven.______________

Waterfall. ___________A steep fall of water from a resistant rock._______________________

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Q4 (a). Write down the names of 2 important glaciers of Northern mountains. [2]

_____________Baltoro and Batura__________________________________________

(b) List down the names of 3 important fishing ports of Balochistan. [3]

1. ______Gwadar________

2. ___Pasni____________

3. ____Ormara_________________

Q5a. Label the major natural topographical regions of Pakistan . [3]

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a.__Western Mountains___ b.__Northern Mountains_____ C.__Potwar Plateau___

b. Write down the names of any two famous valleys found in Northern Mountains. [2]

______________Swat and Chitral

Q6. Explain how the desert topographical features influence the lifestyle of the people. [4]

______Shortage of water and constant erosion of land by strong winds are effecting productive

human activities. Lack of farming due to sandy soil and lack of water. Dependent on Livestock

andcattle breeding. And lack of job opportunities.____________

Q6. Label the main deserts of Pakistan in the given map below. [2]

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a. ____Kharan Desert______ b. ____Thar Desert______

Q7. Compare the Northern Mountains with the western Mountains. [4]

_______________Northern Mountains have steep slopes and western mountains have gentle slopes.

Northern Mountains have rugged landforms and western mountains also have them. Northern

Mountains have open drainage system and western have Inland drainage system. Northern have

dense layer of vegetation and western have scarce.____________

Q8. Complete the following table. [6]

Mountain Range Highest Peak Altitude

Karakoram K2 8611

Himalaya Nanga Parbat 8126

Hindu Kush Tirich Mir 7690

SECTION 2 (History) Total marks obtained [ /50]

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Q1a. Fill in the blanks. [8]

1. Syed Ahmad Barelvi was born near __Lucknow____ in a small town of Rai Bareli.
2. Battle of Balakot was fought in ____1831_____.

3. Titu Mir went to pilgrimage to Mecca in___1822______.

4. One of the Shah Waliullah’s most important contributions to the Muslim community was his

organization of opposition to the ____Maratha____.

5. In 1810, Syed Ahmad joined forces of ______Amir Khan_____, a Pathan military leader.

6. Territory of Sindh was ruled by a collection of __Amirs__ who had signed a treaty of
friendship with Britain in 1809.

7. Robert Clive took his own life and died in the year____1774________

8. Mohsin-ud-Din, divided East Bengal into areas called ___circle______.

b. Guess the personality from the given hints. [3]

i. Jihad Movement, 1826, Battle of Balakot ____Syed Ahmed Barelvi___________.

ii. East Bengal, Hindu landlords, Faraizi Movement ____Haji Shariatullah________.

iii. Madrassa Rahimya, 1761, Izalat-Akhfa ____Shah Waliullah___________.

Q2. Answer the following short questions. [4]

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i. What was the real name of Shah Waliullah?

______The real name of Shah Waliullah was Qutubuddin._________________

ii. In which year the Portuguese established their base in Goa?

______In 1510___________________________________________________

iii. Write down name of any one famous book written by Shah Waliullah.


iv. In which year Suttee was banned by British?


Q3. Mark the following statements as true or false. [5]

1. Warren Hastings was the first Governor-General of India. [True ]

2. Marathas were defeated at the Battle of Balakot. [ False]

3. Syed Ahmed launched the Faraizi Movement. [ False]

4. Shah Waliullah wrote books in Arabic and Persian language. [ True ]

5. In 1784, the British government passed ‘The Pitts India Act’. [ True]

Q4. Complete the given timeline by reading the events carefully & writing the correct year. [5]

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Shah Waliullah was born in Delhi.


1827 Syed Ahmed Barelvi established his headquarters near Peshawar.

1608 British first landed in Surat.

Doctrine of Lapse was Introduced.


1764 Battle of Buxar took place.

Q5. Read the paragraph carefully and fill in the blanks with appropriate words given in the box. [6]

Sikhs East Bengal Kashmir Peasants Mohsin-ud-Din

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Taxes Jihad deserted Landlords Khalifas
Shariatullah’s work, however, was carried on by his son ____Mohsin-ud-Din_________, who continued

to work to improve the position of Muslims in ______East Bengal______ and introduced important

economic measures. He helped the ___Khalifas___ to oppose the excessive ___Taxes_____ imposed

by Hindu and British __Landlords____. This led to unrest in East Bengal, but he went even further and

threatened to declare ____Jihad____ against British government.

Q6(a). Identify the following terms with the help of descriptions given below. [2]

a) Observation of Islamic duties. ____________________________

b) An area where non-Muslim ruled. _____Dar-ul-Harb________

c) A person who does Jihad. _____Mujahedeen___________

d) Cruel or unjust treatment. __________________________

b. Identify the given personality. [1]

___________Sir Robert Clive________

Q7 (a). What happened in battle of Plassey? [4]

______ In 1756, French encouraged the Nawab of Bengal Siraj-ud-Daula to attack the EIC base at
Calcutta. He captured the city, but was unable to keep control of it. In 1757 Robert Clive arrived with

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a force of EIC soldiers and defeated Siraj-ud-Duala troops in the battle of Plassey. The Nawab’s body
was found in a river after the battle.______
b. Write down the names of two main areas where Syed Ahmad Shaheed Barelvi toured to raise
the Mujahedeen force. [2]

_________He toured Punjab and North frontier._____________

Q8 (a). Why Was Shah Waliullah so influential for the revival of Islam in the 18 th ,19th century? [5]

____ He completed the translation of the Quran in Persian, in order to make the Quran more
accessible and easily understandable for the community. He wrote 51 Islamic books, 28 in Persian
and 23 in Arabic. Shah Waliullah’s most recognized and famous book is Hujjatullah al- Baligha. In this
book, he described the versatility and complete knowledge present in Islam and how it can guide
people from all cultures and races. He studied writings available in various school of thoughts and
then comprehensively explained in his writing what is really in Islam._________

(b) What was the Jihad Movement? [2]

_______Jihad Movement was founded by Syed Ahmed Barelvi. He founded the Jihad movement to
rebel and crush the Sikhs of Punjab who were disregarding the Muslim places, culture, and

Q9. Why was the EIC interested in India? [3]

______ The British wanted to trade with Indians, wanted raw materials to make products in
their factories, gain resources & to spread their own culture and religion.__________

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