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I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
1. a. subject b. sure c. surround d. see
2. a. excited b. nice c. library d. living
3. a. school b. teacher c. cheap d. watching
4. a. teach b. speak c. break d. read

II. Look at the picture and fill in the gap with a suitable word.

1. You can use a _______________ to look up a new word.

2. You can use a _______________ to do calculations.

3. You can use a _______________ to write notes.

4. You can use a _______________ to carry books, pens, etc. to school.

5. You can use a _______________ to remove pencil marks from paper.

6. You can use a _______________ to carry pencils, pens, rulers, rubbers, etc.

7. You can use a _______________ to draw circles.

8. You can use a _______________ to draw straight lines.

III. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence.

1. How is your first week _________ school?
a. on b. at c. for d. to
2. My brother often helps me_________ my homework.
a. at b. about c. for d. with
3. Megan is_________ badminton with her friends in the schoolyard.
a. having b. studying c. playing d. doing
4. The villa is________by pine trees.
a. surrounded b. built c. covered d. grounded
5. We do_________ in the gym every afternoon.
a. table tennis b. football c. judo d. homework
6. _________ does Jane have science?~ On Monday and Friday.
a. Where b. What c. When d. What time
7. Nowadays, students often use_________ in mathematics lessons.
a. rubbers b. calculators c. pencils d. dictionaries
8. My cousin goes to a_________ school, so she only comes home at weekends.
a. boarding b. private c. public d. international
9. You look really_________ in your new uniform!
a. excited b. smart c. healthy d. interesting
10. _________ your parents give you pocket money?
a. Is b. Are c. Do d. Does
IV.Choose the word which best fits each gap.

My dream school is a quiet school (1) ___________ we have just two or

three hours a day, in the morning. Then, in the afternoon, we can do many (2)
___________ like singing, dancing, playing soccer, basketball, rugby. We won’t
have tests and mark either. The teachers will not (3) ___________ homework, so
we can do whatever we want after school. In my dream school, we can also choose the
(4) ___________ we want: for example, you’re not going to learn mathematics or physics
if you hate (5)___________. So it’s a free school where you can learn with calm and
serenity and you can make lots of friends during afternoon activities!

1. a. what b. where c. when d. how

2. a. subjects b. actions c. activities d. acts
3. a. give b. take c. do d. get
4. a. class b. classrooms c. classmates d. classes
5. a. it b. them c. her d. him

V. Read and answer questions.

Hi, I’m Linda. I’m in the sixth grade. Today is my first day at secondary
school. In the morning I put on my new uniform and get my new bag.
My best friend and I walk to school together. We are both very nervous and
excited. When we get school, we are shown into our classroom with our new
teacher. It is quite scary because I don’t know most of the children. Then we go
to our first lesson. We have lots of different subjects and the lessons are really
fun. My favorite subjects are art and English. I really like my new school, all my teachers
are lovely, the lessons are really interesting and I enjoy my first day. I can’t wait to go
back tomorrow!

1. What grade is Linda in?

2. Who does she go to school with?
3. How does they go to school?
4. Why does Linda feel scary?
5. What are her favorite subjects?
6. Does she enjoy her first day at school?

VI. Make sentences, using the words and phrases given.

1. This/the first week/my new school
2. My new school/ big/ and it/ a large library

3. I/ usually/ my homework/ the school library

VII. Find and correct the mistakes.
1. My father reads at the moment. > is reading
2. I am often playing football on Saturdays. __________________
3. She is wanting to buy a new computer. __________________
4. My children doesn’t like reading. __________________

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