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Roberto Vitillo



Understanding Distributed Systems
Version 1.0.4

Roberto Vitillo

February 2021

Copyright 6

About the author 7

Acknowledgements 8

Preface 9
0.1 Who should read this book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1 Introduction 11
1.1 Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.2 Coordination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3 Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.4 Resiliency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.5 Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.6 Anatomy of a distributed system . . . . . . . . . . 17

I Communication 20
2 Reliable links 23
2.1 Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.2 Connection lifecycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.3 Flow control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.4 Congestion control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.5 Custom protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3 Secure links 30
3.1 Encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.2 Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.3 Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.4 Handshake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

4 Discovery 35

5 APIs 39
5.1 HTTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.2 Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.3 Request methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.4 Response status codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.5 OpenAPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.6 Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

II Coordination 51
6 System models 54

7 Failure detection 57

8 Time 59
8.1 Physical clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
8.2 Logical clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
8.3 Vector clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

9 Leader election 65
9.1 Raft leader election . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
9.2 Practical considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

10 Replication 71
10.1 State machine replication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
10.2 Consensus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
10.3 Consistency models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
10.3.1 Strong consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
10.3.2 Sequential consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
10.3.3 Eventual consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
10.3.4 CAP theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
10.4 Practical considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

11 Transactions 83
11.1 ACID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
11.2 Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
11.2.1 Concurrency control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
11.3 Atomicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
11.3.1 Two-phase commit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

11.4 Asynchronous transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

11.4.1 Log-based transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
11.4.2 Sagas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
11.4.3 Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

III Scalability 99
12 Functional decomposition 103
12.1 Microservices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
12.1.1 Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
12.1.2 Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
12.1.3 Practical considerations . . . . . . . . . . . 108
12.2 API gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
12.2.1 Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
12.2.2 Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
12.2.3 Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
12.2.4 Cross-cutting concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
12.2.5 Caveats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
12.3 CQRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
12.4 Messaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
12.4.1 Guarantees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
12.4.2 Exactly-once processing . . . . . . . . . . . 123
12.4.3 Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
12.4.4 Backlogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
12.4.5 Fault isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
12.4.6 Reference plus blob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

13 Partitioning 128
13.1 Sharding strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
13.1.1 Range partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
13.1.2 Hash partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
13.2 Rebalancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
13.2.1 Static partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
13.2.2 Dynamic partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
13.2.3 Practical considerations . . . . . . . . . . . 134

14 Duplication 135
14.1 Network load balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
14.1.1 DNS load balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
14.1.2 Transport layer load balancing . . . . . . . . 138
14.1.3 Application layer load balancing . . . . . . 141
14.1.4 Geo load balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

14.2 Replication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

14.2.1 Single leader replication . . . . . . . . . . . 145
14.2.2 Multi-leader replication . . . . . . . . . . . 148
14.2.3 Leaderless replication . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
14.3 Caching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
14.3.1 Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
14.3.2 In-process cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
14.3.3 Out-of-process cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

IV Resiliency 157
15 Common failure causes 160
15.1 Single point of failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
15.2 Unreliable network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
15.3 Slow processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
15.4 Unexpected load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
15.5 Cascading failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
15.6 Risk management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

16 Downstream resiliency 167

16.1 Timeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
16.2 Retry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
16.2.1 Exponential backoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
16.2.2 Retry amplification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
16.3 Circuit breaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
16.3.1 State machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174

17 Upstream resiliency 176

17.1 Load shedding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
17.2 Load leveling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
17.3 Rate-limiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
17.3.1 Single-process implementation . . . . . . . 180
17.3.2 Distributed implementation . . . . . . . . . 183
17.4 Bulkhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
17.5 Health endpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
17.5.1 Health checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
17.6 Watchdog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

V Testing and operations 190

18 Testing 193

18.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194

18.2 Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
18.3 Practical considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198

19 Continuous delivery and deployment 200

19.1 Review and build . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
19.2 Pre-production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
19.3 Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
19.4 Rollbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204

20 Monitoring 207
20.1 Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
20.2 Service-level indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
20.3 Service-level objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
20.4 Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
20.5 Dashboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
20.5.1 Best practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
20.6 On-call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222

21 Observability 225
21.1 Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
21.2 Traces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
21.3 Putting it all together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

22 Final words 233


Understanding Distributed Systems by Roberto Vitillo

Copyright © Roberto Vitillo. All rights reserved.
The book’s diagrams have been created with Excalidraw.
While the author has used good faith efforts to ensure that the in-
formation and instructions in this work are accurate, the author
disclaims all responsibility for errors or omissions, including with-
out limitation responsibility for damages resulting from the use of
or reliance on this work. The use of the information and instruc-
tions contained in this work is at your own risk. If any code sam-
ples or other technology this work contains or describes is subject
to open source licenses or the intellectual property rights of others,
it is your responsibility to ensure that your use thereof complies
with such licenses and/or rights.
About the author

Authors generally write this page in the third person as if someone

else is writing about them. I like to do things a little bit differently.
I have over 10 years of experience in the tech industry as a software
engineer, technical lead, and manager.
In 2017, I joined Microsoft to work on an internal SaaS data plat-
form. Since then, I have helped launch two public SaaS products,
Product Insights and Playfab. The data pipeline I am responsible
for is one of the largest in the world. It processes millions of events
per second from billions of devices worldwide.
Before that, I worked at Mozilla, where I set the direction of the
data platform from its very early days and built a large part of it,
including the team.
After getting my master’s degree in computer science, I worked
on scientific computing applications at the Berkeley Lab. The soft-
ware I contributed is used to this day by the ATLAS experiment at
the Large Hadron Collider.

Writing a book is an incredibly challenging but rewarding expe-

rience. I wanted to share what I have learned about distributed
systems for a very long time.
I appreciate the colleagues who inspired and believed in me.
Thanks to Chiara Roda, Andrea Dotti, Paolo Calafiura, Vladan
Djeric, Mark Reid, Pawel Chodarcewicz, and Nuno Cerqueira.
Doug Warren, Vamis Xhagjika, Gaurav Narula, Alessio Placitelli,
Kofi Sarfo, Stefania Vitillo and Alberto Sottile were all kind enough
to provide invaluable feedback. Without them, the book wouldn’t
be what it is today.
Finally, and above all, thanks to my family: Rachell and Leonardo.
You always believed in me. That made all the difference.

According to Stack Overflow’s 2020 developer survey1 , the best-

paid engineering roles require distributed systems expertise. That
comes as no surprise as modern applications are distributed sys-
Learning to build distributed systems is hard, especially if they are
large scale. It’s not that there is a lack of information out there. You
can find academic papers, engineering blogs, and even books on
the subject. The problem is that the available information is spread
out all over the place, and if you were to put it on a spectrum from
theory to practice, you would find a lot of material at the two ends,
but not much in the middle.
When I first started learning about distributed systems, I spent
hours connecting the missing dots between theory and practice. I
was looking for an accessible and pragmatic introduction to guide
me through the maze of information and setting me on the path to
becoming a practitioner. But there was nothing like that available.
That is why I decided to write a book to teach the fundamentals
of distributed systems so that you don’t have to spend countless
hours scratching your head to understand how everything fits to-
gether. This is the guide I wished existed when I first started out,
and it’s based on my experience building large distributed systems
that scale to millions of requests per second and billions of devices.

I plan to update the book regularly, which is why it has a version

number. You can subscribe to receive updates from the book’s
landing page2 . As no book is ever perfect, I’m always happy to
receive feedback. So if you find an error, have an idea for improve-
ment, or simply want to comment on something, always feel free
to write me3 .

0.1 Who should read this book

If you develop the back-end of web or mobile applications (or
would like to!), this book is for you. When building distributed
systems, you need to be familiar with the network stack, data
consistency models, scalability and reliability patterns, and much
more. Although you can build applications without knowing
any of that, you will end up spending hours debugging and
re-designing their architecture, learning lessons that you could
have acquired in a much faster and less painful way. Even if you
are an experienced engineer, this book will help you fill gaps
in your knowledge that will make you a better practitioner and
system architect.
The book also makes for a great study companion for a system de-
sign interview if you want to land a job at a company that runs
large-scale distributed systems, like Amazon, Google, Facebook,
or Microsoft. If you are interviewing for a senior role, you are ex-
pected to be able to design complex networked services and dive
deep into any vertical. You can be a world champion at balancing
trees, but if you fail the design round, you are out. And if you
just meet the bar, don’t be surprised when your offer is well below
what you expected, even if you aced everything else.

[email protected]
Chapter 1


A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer

you didn’t even know existed can render your own computer
– Leslie Lamport
Loosely speaking, a distributed system is composed of nodes that
cooperate to achieve some task by exchanging messages over com-
munication links. A node can generically refer to a physical ma-
chine (e.g., a phone) or a software process (e.g., a browser).
Why do we bother building distributed systems in the first place?
Some applications are inherently distributed. For example, the
web is a distributed system you are very familiar with. You access
it with a browser, which runs on your phone, tablet, desktop, or
Xbox. Together with other billions of devices worldwide, it forms
a distributed system.
Another reason for building distributed systems is that some appli-
cations require high availability and need to be resilient to single-
node failures. Dropbox replicates your data across multiple nodes
so that the loss of a single node doesn’t cause all your data to be

Some applications need to tackle workloads that are just too big to
fit on a single node, no matter how powerful. For example, Google
receives hundreds of thousands of search requests per second from
all over the globe. There is no way a single node could handle that.
And finally, some applications have performance requirements
that would be physically impossible to achieve with a single
node. Netflix can seamlessly stream movies to your TV with high
resolutions because it has a datacenter close to you.
This book will guide you through the fundamental challenges that
need to be solved to design, build and operate distributed sys-
tems: communication, coordination, scalability, resiliency, and op-

1.1 Communication
The first challenge comes from the fact that nodes need to commu-
nicate over the network with each other. For example, when your
browser wants to load a website, it resolves the server’s address
from the URL and sends an HTTP request to it. In turn, the server
returns a response with the content of the page to the client.
How are request and response messages represented on the wire?
What happens when there is a temporary network outage, or some
faulty network switch flips a few bits in the messages? How can
you guarantee that no intermediary can snoop into the communi-
Although it would be convenient to assume that some networking
library is going to abstract all communication concerns away, in
practice it’s not that simple because abstractions leak1 , and you
need to understand how the stack works when that happens.

1.2 Coordination
Another hard challenge of building distributed systems is coordi-
nating nodes into a single coherent whole in the presence of fail-
ures. A fault is a component that stopped working, and a system is
fault-tolerant when it can continue to operate despite one or more
faults. The “two generals” problem is a famous thought experi-
ment that showcases why this is a challenging problem.
Suppose there are two generals (nodes), each commanding its own
army, that need to agree on a time to jointly attack a city. There is
some distance between the armies, and the only way to communi-
cate is by sending a messenger (messages). Unfortunately, these
messengers can be captured by the enemy (network failure).
Is there a way for the generals to agree on a time? Well, general 1
could send a message with a proposed time to general 2 and wait
for a response. What if no response arrives, though? Was one
of the messengers captured? Perhaps a messenger was injured,
and it’s taking longer than expected to arrive at the destination?
Should the general send another messenger?
You can see that this problem is much harder than it originally ap-
peared. As it turns out, no matter how many messengers are dis-
patched, neither general can be completely certain that the other
army will attack the city at the same time. Although sending more
messengers increases the general’s confidence, it never reaches ab-
solute certainty.
Because coordination is such a key topic, the second part of this
book is dedicated to distributed algorithms used to implement co-

1.3 Scalability
The performance of a distributed system represents how efficiently
it handles load, and it’s generally measured with throughput and
response time. Throughput is the number of operations processed
per second, and response time is the total time between a client

request and its response.

Load can be measured in different ways since it’s specific to the sys-
tem’s use cases. For example, number of concurrent users, number
of communication links, or ratio of writes to reads are all different
forms of load.
As the load increases, it will eventually reach the system’s capac-
ity — the maximum load the system can withstand. At that point,
the system’s performance either plateaus or worsens, as shown in
Figure 1.1. If the load on the system continues to grow, it will even-
tually hit a point where most operations fail or timeout.

Figure 1.1: The system throughput on the y axis is the subset of

client requests (x axis) that can be handled without errors and with
low response times, also referred to as its goodput.

The capacity of a distributed system depends on its architecture

and an intricate web of physical limitations like the nodes’ memory
size and clock cycle, and the bandwidth and latency of network
A quick and easy way to increase the capacity is buying more ex-
pensive hardware with better performance, which is referred to

as scaling up. But that will hit a brick wall sooner or later. When
that option is no longer available, the alternative is scaling out by
adding more machines to the system.
In the book’s third part, we will explore the main architectural pat-
terns that you can leverage to scale out applications: functional
decomposition, duplication, and partitioning.

1.4 Resiliency
A distributed system is resilient when it can continue to do its job
even when failures happen. And at scale, any failure that can hap-
pen will eventually occur. Every component of a system has a
probability of failing — nodes can crash, network links can be sev-
ered, etc. No matter how small that probability is, the more com-
ponents there are, and the more operations the system performs,
the higher the absolute number of failures becomes. And it gets
worse, since failures typically are not independent, the failure of a
component can increase the probability that another one will fail.
Failures that are left unchecked can impact the system’s availability,
which is defined as the amount of time the application can serve
requests divided by the duration of the period measured. In other
words, it’s the percentage of time the system is capable of servicing
requests and doing useful work.
Availability is often described with nines, a shorthand way of ex-
pressing percentages of availability. Three nines are typically con-
sidered acceptable, and anything above four is considered to be
highly available.

Availability % Downtime per day

90% (“one nine”) 2.40 hours

99% (“two nines”) 14.40 minutes
99.9% (“three nines”) 1.44 minutes
99.99% (“four nines”) 8.64 seconds

Availability % Downtime per day

99.999% (“five nines”) 864 milliseconds

If the system isn’t resilient to failures, which only increase as the

application scales out to handle more load, its availability will in-
evitably drop. Because of that, a distributed system needs to em-
brace failure and work around it using techniques such as redun-
dancy and self-healing mechanisms.
As an engineer, you need to be paranoid and assess the risk that a
component can fail by considering the likelihood of it happening
and its resulting impact when it does. If the risk is high, you will
need to mitigate it. Part 4 of the book is dedicated to fault tolerance
and it introduces various resiliency patterns, such as rate limiting
and circuit breakers.

1.5 Operations
Distributed systems need to be tested, deployed, and maintained.
It used to be that one team developed an application, and another
was responsible for operating it. The rise of microservices and De-
vOps has changed that. The same team that designs a system is
also responsible for its live-site operation. That’s a good thing as
there is no better way to find out where a system falls short than
experiencing it by being on-call for it.
New deployments need to be rolled out continuously in a safe
manner without affecting the system’s availability. The system
needs to be observable so that it’s easy to understand what’s hap-
pening at any time. Alerts need to fire when its service level objec-
tives are at risk of being breached, and a human needs to be looped
in. The book’s final part explores best practices to test and operate
distributed systems.

1.6 Anatomy of a distributed system

Distributed systems come in all shapes and sizes. The book an-
chors the discussion to the backend of systems composed of com-
modity machines that work in unison to implement a business fea-
ture. This comprises the majority of large scale systems being built
Before we can start tackling the fundamentals, we need to discuss
the different ways a distributed system can be decomposed into
parts and relationships, or in other words, its architecture. The
architecture differs depending on the angle you look at it.
Physically, a distributed system is an ensemble of physical ma-
chines that communicate over network links.
At run-time, a distributed system is composed of software pro-
cesses that communicate via inter-process communication (IPC)
mechanisms like HTTP, and are hosted on machines.
From an implementation perspective, a distributed system is a set
of loosely-coupled components that can be deployed and scaled
independently called services.
A service implements one specific part of the overall system’s ca-
pabilities. At the core of its implementation is the business logic,
which exposes interfaces used to communicate with the outside
world. By interface, I mean the kind offered by your language of
choice, like Java or C#. An “inbound” interface defines the opera-
tions that a service offers to its clients. In contrast, an “outbound”
interface defines operations that the service uses to communicate
with external services, like data stores, messaging services, and so
Remote clients can’t just invoke an interface, which is why
adapters2 are required to hook up IPC mechanisms with the
service’s interfaces. An inbound adapter is part of the service’s
Application Programming Interface (API); it handles the requests
received from an IPC mechanism, like HTTP, by invoking oper-

ations defined in the inbound interfaces. In contrast, outbound

adapters implement the service’s outbound interfaces, granting
the business logic access to external services, like data stores. This
is illustrated in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2: The business logic uses the messaging interface imple-
mented by the Kafka producer to send messages and the reposi-
tory interface to access the SQL store. In contrast, the HTTP con-
troller handles incoming requests using the service interface.

A process running a service is referred to as a server, while a process

that sends requests to a server is referred to as a client. Sometimes,
a process is both a client and a server, since the two aren’t mutually
For simplicity, I will assume that an individual instance of a ser-
vice runs entirely within the boundaries of a single server process.
Similarly, I assume that a process has a single thread. This allows
me to neglect some implementation details that only complicate
our discussion without adding much value.
In the rest of the book, I will switch between the different archi-

tectural points of view (see Figure 1.3), depending on which one

is more appropriate to discuss a particular topic. Remember that
they are just different ways to look at the same system.

Figure 1.3: The different architectural points of view used in this

Part I


Communication between processes over the network, or inter-

process communication (IPC), is at the heart of distributed systems.
Network protocols are arranged in a stack3 , where each layer
builds on the abstraction provided by the layer below, and lower
layers are closer to the hardware. When a process sends data to
another through the network, it moves through the stack from the
top layer to the bottom one and vice-versa on the other end, as
shown in Figure 1.4.

Figure 1.4: Internet protocol suite

The link layer consists of network protocols that operate on local

network links, like Ethernet or Wi-Fi, and provides an interface to
the underlying network hardware. Switches operate at this layer
and forward Ethernet packets based on their destination MAC ad-
The internet layer uses addresses to route packets from one machine

to another across the network. The Internet Protocol (IP) is the core
protocol of this layer, which delivers packets on a best-effort basis.
Routers operate at this layer and forward IP packets based on their
destination IP address.
The transport layer transmits data between two processes using
port numbers to address the processes on either end. The most
important protocol in this layer is the Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP).
The application layer defines high-level communication protocols,
like HTTP or DNS. Typically your code will target this level of ab-
Even though each protocol builds up on top of the other, some-
times the abstractions leak. If you don’t know how the bottom lay-
ers work, you will have a hard time troubleshooting networking
issues that will inevitably arise.
Chapter 2 describes how to build a reliable communication chan-
nel (TCP) on top of an unreliable one (IP), which can drop, dupli-
cate and deliver data out of order. Building reliable abstractions on
top of unreliable ones is a common pattern that we will encounter
many times as we explore further how distributed systems work.
Chapter 3 describes how to build a secure channel (TLS) on top of
a reliable one (TCP), which provides encryption, authentication,
and integrity.
Chapter 4 dives into how the phone book of the Internet (DNS)
works, which allows nodes to discover others using names. At its
heart, DNS is a distributed, hierarchical, and eventually consistent
key-value store. By studying it, we will get a first taste of eventu-
ally consistency.
Chapter 5 concludes this part by discussing how services can ex-
pose APIs that other nodes can use to send commands or notifi-
cations to. Specifically, we will dive into the implementation of a
Chapter 2

Reliable links

TCP1 is a transport-layer protocol that exposes a reliable communi-

cation channel between two processes on top of IP. TCP guarantees
that a stream of bytes arrives in order, without any gaps, duplica-
tion or corruption. TCP also implements a set of stability patterns
to avoid overwhelming the network or the receiver.

2.1 Reliability
To create the illusion of a reliable channel, TCP partitions a byte
stream into discrete packets called segments. The segments are
sequentially numbered, which allows the receiver to detect holes
and duplicates. Every segment sent needs to be acknowledged
by the receiver. When that doesn’t happen, a timer fires on the
sending side, and the segment is retransmitted. To ensure that the
data hasn’t been corrupted in transit, the receiver uses a checksum
to verify the integrity of a delivered segment.

2.2 Connection lifecycle

A connection needs to be opened before any data can be transmit-
ted on a TCP channel. The state of the connection is managed by
the operating system on both ends through a socket. The socket
keeps track of the state changes of the connection during its life-
time. At a high level, there are three states the connection can be
• The opening state, in which the connection is being created.
• The established state, in which the connection is open and
data is being transferred.
• The closing state, in which the connection is being closed.
This is a simplification, though, as there are more states2 than the
three above.
A server must be listening for connection requests from clients be-
fore a connection is established. TCP uses a three-way handshake
to create a new connection, as shown in Figure 2.1:
1. The sender picks a random sequence number x and sends a
SYN segment to the receiver.
2. The receiver increments x, chooses a random sequence num-
ber y and sends back a SYN/ACK segment.
3. The sender increments both sequence numbers and replies
with an ACK segment and the first bytes of application data.
The sequence numbers are used by TCP to ensure the data is de-
livered in order and without holes.
The handshake introduces a full round-trip in which no applica-
tion data is sent. Until the connection has been opened, its band-
width is essentially zero. The lower the round trip time is, the
faster the connection can be established. Putting servers closer
to the clients and reusing connections helps reduce this cold-start
After data transmission is complete, the connection needs to be

Figure 2.1: Three-way handshake

closed to release all resources on both ends. This termination

phase involves multiple round-trips.

2.3 Flow control

Flow control is a backoff mechanism implemented to prevent the
sender from overwhelming the receiver. The receiver stores incom-
ing TCP segments waiting to be processed by the process into a
receive buffer, as shown in Figure 2.2.
The receiver also communicates back to the sender the size of the
buffer whenever it acknowledges a segment, as shown in Figure
2.3. The sender, if it’s respecting the protocol, avoids sending more
data that can fit in the receiver’s buffer.
This mechanism is not too dissimilar to rate-limiting3 at the service
level. But, rather than rate-limiting on an API key or IP address,
TCP is rate-limiting on a connection level.

Figure 2.2: The receive buffer stores data that hasn’t been pro-
cessed yet by the application.

Figure 2.3: The size of the receive buffer is communicated in the

headers of acknowledgments segments.

2.4 Congestion control

TCP not only guards against overwhelming the receiver, but also
against flooding the underlying network.
The sender estimates the available bandwidth of the underlying
network empirically through measurements. The sender main-
tains a so-called congestion window, which represents the total num-
ber of outstanding segments that can be sent without an acknowl-
edgment from the other side. The size of the receiver window lim-
its the maximum size of the congestion window. The smaller the
congestion window is, the fewer bytes can be in-flight at any given
time, and the less bandwidth is utilized.
When a new connection is established, the size of the congestion
window is set to a system default. Then, for every segment
acknowledged, the window increases its size exponentially
until reaching an upper limit. This means that we can’t use the
network’s full capacity right after a connection is established. The
lower the round trip time (RTT) is, the quicker the sender can
start utilizing the underlying network’s bandwidth, as shown in
Figure 2.4.
What happens if a segment is lost? When the sender detects a
missed acknowledgment through a timeout, a mechanism called
congestion avoidance kicks in, and the congestion window size is
reduced. From there onwards, the passing of time increases the
window size4 by a certain amount, and timeouts decrease it by an-
As mentioned earlier, the size of the congestion window defines
the maximum number of bytes that can be sent without receiving
an acknowledgment. Because the sender needs to wait for a full
round trip to get an acknowledgment, we can derive the maximum
theoretical bandwidth by dividing the size of the congestion win-
dow by the round trip time:

Figure 2.4: The lower the RTT is, the quicker the sender can start
utilizing the underlying network’s bandwidth.

Bandwidth =

The equation5 shows that bandwidth is a function of latency. TCP

will try very hard to optimize the window size since it can’t do
anything about the round trip time. However, that doesn’t always
yield the optimal configuration. Due to the way congestion control
works, the lower the round trip time is, the better the underlying
network’s bandwidth is utilized. This is more reason to put servers
geographically close to the clients.

2.5 Custom protocols

TCP’s reliability and stability come at the price of lower bandwidth
and higher latencies than the underlying network is actually capa-
ble of delivering. If you drop the stability and reliability mecha-

nisms that TCP provides, what you get is a simple protocol named
User Datagram Protocol6 (UDP) — a connectionless transport layer
protocol that can be used as an alternative to TCP.
Unlike TCP, UDP does not expose the abstraction of a byte
stream to its clients. Clients can only send discrete packets,
called datagrams, with a limited size. UDP doesn’t offer any
reliability as datagrams don’t have sequence numbers and are
not acknowledged. UDP doesn’t implement flow and congestion
control either. Overall, UDP is a lean and barebone protocol. It’s
used to bootstrap custom protocols, which provide some, but not
all, of the stability and reliability guarantees that TCP does7 .
For example, in modern multi-player games, clients sample
gamepad, mouse and keyboard events several times per second
and send them to a server that keeps track of the global game state.
Similarly, the server samples the game state several times per
second and sends these snapshots back to the clients. If a snapshot
is lost in transmission, there is no value in retransmitting it as the
game evolves in real-time; by the time the retransmitted snapshot
would get to the destination, it would be obsolete. This is a use
case where UDP shines, as TCP would attempt to redeliver the
missing data and consequently slow down the client’s experience.

As we will later see, HTTP 3 is based on UDP to avoid some of TCP’s short-
Chapter 3

Secure links

We now know how to reliably send bytes from one process to an-
other over the network. The problem is these bytes are sent in the
clear, and any middle-man can intercept our communication. To
protect against that, we can use the Transport Layer Security1 (TLS)
protocol. TLS runs on top of TCP and encrypts the communica-
tion channel so that application layer protocols, like HTTP, can
leverage it to communicate securely. In a nutshell, TLS provides
encryption, authentication, and integrity.

3.1 Encryption
Encryption guarantees that the data transmitted between a client
and a server is obfuscated and can only be read by the communi-
cating processes.
When the TLS connection is first opened, the client and the server
negotiate a shared encryption secret using asymmetric encryption.
Both parties generate a key-pair consisting of a private and public
part. The processes are then able to create a shared secret by ex-
changing their public keys. This is possible thanks to some math-

ematical properties2 of the key-pairs. The beauty of this approach

is that the shared secret is never communicated over the wire.
Although asymmetric encryption is slow and expensive, it’s only
used to create the shared encryption key. After that, symmetric en-
cryption is used, which is fast and cheap. The shared key is peri-
odically renegotiated to minimize the amount of data that can be
deciphered if the shared key is broken.
Encrypting in-flight data has a CPU penalty, but it’s negligible
since modern processors actually come with cryptographic instruc-
tions. Unless you have a very good reason, you should use TLS
for all communications, even those that are not going through the
public Internet.

3.2 Authentication
Although we have a way to obfuscate data transmitted across the
wire, the client still needs to authenticate the server to verify it’s
who it claims to be. Similarly, the server might want to authenti-
cate the identity of the client.
TLS implements authentication using digital signatures based on
asymmetric cryptography. The server generates a key-pair with a
private and a public key, and shares its public key with the client.
When the server sends a message to the client, it signs it with its
private key. The client uses the public key of the server to verify
that the digital signature was actually signed with the private key.
This is possible thanks to mathematical properties3 of the key-pair.
The problem with this naive approach is that the client has no idea
whether the public key shared by the server is authentic, so we
have certificates to prove the ownership of a public key for a spe-
cific entity. A certificate includes information about the owning
entity, expiration date, public key, and a digital signature of the
third-party entity that issued the certificate. The certificate’s issu-

ing entity is called a certificate authority (CA), which is also repre-

sented with a certificate. This creates a chain of certificates that
ends with a certificate issued by a root CA, as shown in Figure 3.1,
which self-signs its certificate.
For a TLS certificate to be trusted by a device, the certificate, or one
of its ancestors, must be present in the trusted store of the client.
Trusted root CA’s, such as Let’s Encrypt4 , are typically included
in the client’s trusted store by default by the operating system ven-

Figure 3.1: A certificate chain ends with a self-signed certificate

issued by a root CA.

When a TLS connection is opened, the server sends the full cer-
tificate chain to the client, starting with the server’s certificate and
ending with the root CA. The client verifies the server’s certificate

by scanning the certificate chain until a certificate is found that it

trusts. Then the certificates are verified in the reverse order from
that point in the chain. The verification checks several things, like
the certificate’s expiration date and whether the digital signature
was actually signed by the issuing CA. If the verification reaches
the last certificate in the path without errors, the path is verified,
and the server is authenticated.
One of the most common mistakes when using TLS is letting a cer-
tificate expire. When that happens, the client won’t be able to ver-
ify the server’s identity, and opening a connection to the remote
process will fail. This can bring an entire service down as clients
are no longer able to connect with it. Automation to monitor and
auto-renew certificates close to expiration is well worth the invest-

3.3 Integrity
Even if the data is obfuscated, a middle man could still tamper
with it; for example, random bits within the messages could be
swapped. To protect against tampering, TLS verifies the integrity
of the data by calculating a message digest. A secure hash function
is used to create a message authentication code5 (HMAC). When a
process receives a message, it recomputes the digest of the message
and checks whether it matches the digest included in the message.
If not, then the message has either been corrupted during trans-
mission or has been tampered with. In this case, the message is
The TLS HMAC protects against data corruption as well, not just
tampering. You might be wondering how data can be corrupted if
TCP is supposed to guarantee its integrity. While TCP does use a
checksum to protect against data corruption, it’s not 100% reliable6
because it fails to detect errors for roughly 1 in 16 million to 10
billion packets. With packets of 1KB, this can happen every 16 GB
to 10 TB transmitted.

3.4 Handshake
When a new TLS connection is established, a handshake between
the client and server occurs during which:
1. The parties agree on the cipher suite to use. A cipher suite
specifies the different algorithms that the client and the
server intend to use to create a secure channel, like the:
• key exchange algorithm used to generate shared
• signature algorithm used to sign certificates;
• symmetric encryption algorithm used to encrypt the ap-
plication data;
• HMAC algorithm used to guarantee the integrity and
authenticity of the application data.
2. The parties use the negotiated key exchange algorithm to cre-
ate a shared secret. The shared secret is used by the chosen
symmetric encryption algorithm to encrypt the communica-
tion of the secure channel going forwards.
3. The client verifies the certificate provided by the server. The
verification process confirms that the server is who it says it
is. If the verification is successful, the client can start send-
ing encrypted application data to the server. The server can
optionally also verify the client certificate if one is available.
These operations don’t necessarily happen in this order as modern
implementations use several optimizations to reduce round trips.
The handshake typically requires 2 round trips with TLS 1.2 and
just one with TLS 1.37 . The bottom line is creating a new connec-
tion is expensive; yet another reason to put your servers geograph-
ically closer to the clients and reuse connections when possible.

Chapter 4


So far, we explored how to create a reliable and secure channel

between two processes located on different machines. However,
to create a new connection with a remote process, we still need to
discover its IP address. To resolve hostnames into IP addresses, we
can use the phone book of the Internet: the Domain Name System1
(DNS) — a distributed, hierarchical, and eventually consistent key-
value store.
In this chapter, we will look at how DNS resolution works in a
browser, but the process is the same for any other client. When
you enter a URL in your browser, the first step is to resolve the
hostname’s IP address, which is then used to open a new TLS con-
Concretely, let’s take a look at how the DNS resolution works when
you type in your browser (see Figure 4.1).
1. The browser checks whether it has resolved the hostname
before in its local cache. If so, it returns the cached IP address;
otherwise it routes the request to a DNS resolver. The DNS
resolver is typically a DNS server hosted by your Internet
Service Provider.

2. The resolver is responsible for iteratively translating the host-

name for the client. The reason why it’s iterative will become
evident in a moment. The resolver first checks its local cache
for a cached entry, and if one is found, it’s returned to the
client. If not, the query is sent to a root name server (root
3. The root name server maps the top-level domain (TLD) of an
incoming request, like .com, to the name server’s address re-
sponsible for it.
4. The resolver, armed with the address of the TLD, sends the
resolution request to the TLD name server for the domain, in
our case .com.
5. The TLD name server maps the domain name of a request
to the address of the authoritative name server responsible for
it. An authoritative name server is responsible for a specific
domain and holds all records that map the hostnames to IP
addresses within that domain.
6. The resolver finally queries the authoritative name server for, which checks its entries for the www
hostname and returns the IP address associated with it back
to the resolver.
If the query included a subdomain of, like, e.g.,, the authoritative name server would have
returned the address of the name server responsible for the
The resolution process involves several round trips in the worst
case, but its beauty is that the address of a root name server is all
that’s needed to resolve any hostname. Given the costs involved
resolving a hostname, it comes as no surprise that the designers of
DNS thought of ways to reduce them.
DNS uses UDP to serve DNS queries as it’s lean and has a low
overhead. UDP at the time was a great choice as there is no price
to be paid to open a new connection. That said, it’s not secure,
as requests are sent in the clear over the Internet, allowing third

Figure 4.1: DNS resolution process

parties to snoop in. Hence, the industry is pushing slowly towards

running DNS on top of TLS2 .
The resolution would be slow if every request had to go through
several name server lookups. Not only that, but think of the scale
requirements on the name servers to handle the global resolution
load. Caching is used to speed up the resolution process, as the
mapping of domain names to IP addresses doesn’t change often
— the browser, operating system, and DNS resolver all use caches
How do these caches know when to expire a record? Every DNS
record has a time to live (TTL) that informs the cache how long the
entry is valid. But, there is no guarantee that the client plays nicely
and enforces the TTL. Don’t be surprised when you change a DNS
entry and find out that a small fraction of clients are still trying to
connect to the old address days after the change.
Setting a TTL requires making a tradeoff. If you use a long TTL,

many clients won’t see a change for a long time. But if you set it too
short, you increase the load on the name servers and the average
response time of requests because the clients will have to resolve
the entry more often.
If your name server becomes unavailable for any reason, the
smaller the record’s TTL is and the higher the number of clients
impacted will be. DNS can easily become a single point of failure
— if your DNS name server is down and the clients can’t find the
IP address of your service, they won’t have a way to connect it.
This can lead to massive outages3 .

Chapter 5


A service exposes operations to its consumers via a set of interfaces

implemented by its business logic. As remote clients can’t access
these directly, adapters — which make up the service’s application
programming interface (API) — translate messages received from
IPC mechanisms to interface calls, as shown in Figure 5.1.
The communication style between a client and a service can be
direct or indirect, depending on whether the client communicates
directly with the service or indirectly with it through a broker. Di-
rect communication requires that both processes are up and run-
ning for the communication to succeed. However, sometimes this
guarantee is either not needed or very hard to achieve, in which
case indirect communication can be used.
In this chapter, we will focus our attention on a direct communi-
cation style called request-response, in which a client sends a request
message to the service, and the service replies back with a response
message. This is similar to a function call, but across process bound-
aries and over the network.
The request and response messages contain data that is serialized
in a language-agnostic format. The format impacts a message’s
serialization and deserialization speed, whether it’s human-
readable, and how hard it is to evolve it over time. A textual

Figure 5.1: Adapters translate messages received from IPC mech-

anisms to interface calls.

format like JSON1 is self-describing and human-readable, at the

expense of increased verbosity and parsing overhead. On the
other hand, a binary format like Protocol Buffers2 is leaner and
more performant than a textual one at the expense of human
When a client sends a request to a service, it can block and wait
for the response to arrive, making the communication synchronous.
Alternatively, it can ask the outbound adapter to invoke a callback
when it receives the response, making the communication asyn-
Synchronous communication is inefficient, as it blocks threads
that could be used to do something else. Some languages, like

JavaScript and C#, can completely hide callbacks3 through

language primitives such as async/await. These primitives
make writing asynchronous code as straightforward as writing a
synchronous one.
The most commonly used IPC technologies for request-response
interactions are gRPC4 , REST5 , and GraphQL6 . Typically, internal
APIs used for service-to-service communications within an organi-
zation are implemented with a high-performance RPC framework
like gRPC. In contrast, external APIs available to the public tend to
be based on REST. In the rest of the chapter, we will walk through
the process of creating a RESTful HTTP API.

5.1 HTTP
HTTP7 is a request-response protocol used to encode and transport
information between a client and a server. In an HTTP transaction,
the client sends a request message to the server’s API endpoint, and
the server replies back with a response message, as shown in Figure
In HTTP 1.1, a message is a textual block of data that contains a
start line, a set of headers, and an optional body:
• In a request message, the start line indicates what the request
is for, and in a response message, it indicates what the re-
sponse’s result is.
• The headers are key-value pairs with meta-information that
describe the message.
• The message’s body is a container for data.
HTTP is a stateless protocol, which means that everything needed
by a server to process a request needs to be specified within the
request itself, without context from previous requests. HTTP uses

Figure 5.2: An example HTTP transaction between a browser and

a web server.

TCP for the reliability guarantees discussed in chapter 2. When it

rides on top of TLS, it’s also referred to as HTTPS. Needless to say,
you should use HTTPS by default.
HTTP 1.1 keeps a connection to a server open by default to avoid
creating a new one when the next transaction occurs. Unfortu-
nately, a new request can’t be issued until the response of the pre-
vious one has been received; in other words, the transactions have
to be serialized. For example, a browser that needs to fetch several
images to render an HTML page has to download them one at the
time, which can be very inefficient.
Although HTTP 1.1 technically allows some type of requests to be
pipelined8 , it has never been widely adopted due to its limitations.
With HTTP 1.1, the typical way to improve the throughput of out-

going requests is by creating multiple connections. Although it

comes with a price because connections consume resources like
memory and sockets.
HTTP 29 was designed from the ground up to address the main
limitations of HTTP 1.1. It uses a binary protocol rather than a tex-
tual one, which allows HTTP 2 to multiplex multiple concurrent
request-response transactions on the same connection. In early
2020 about half of the most-visited websites on the Internet were
using the new HTTP 2 standard. HTTP 310 is the latest iteration of
the HTTP standard, which is slowly being rolled out to browsers
as I write this — it’s based on UDP and implements its own trans-
port protocol to address some of TCP’s shortcomings.
Given that neither HTTP 2 nor HTTP 3 are ubiquitous yet, you still
need to be familiar with HTTP 1.1, which is the standard the book
uses going forward as its plain text format is easier to depict.

5.2 Resources
Suppose we are responsible for implementing a service to man-
age the product catalog of an e-commerce application. The service
must allow users to browse the catalog and admins to create, up-
date, or delete products. Sounds simple enough; the interface of
the service could be defined like this:
interface CatalogService
List<Product> GetProducts(...);
Product GetProduct(...);
void AddProduct(...);
void DeleteProduct(...);
void UpdateProduct(...)

External clients can’t invoke interface methods directly, which is

where the HTTP adapter comes in. It handles an HTTP request

by invoking the methods defined in the service interface and con-

verts their return values into HTTP responses. But to perform this
mapping, we first need to understand how to model the API with
HTTP in the first place.
An HTTP server hosts resources. A resource is an abstraction of
information, like a document, an image, or a collection of other
resources. It’s identified by a URL, which describes the location of
the resource on the server.
In our catalog service, the collection of products is a type of re-
source, which could be accessed with a URL like, where:
• https is the protocol;
• is the hostname;
• products is the name of the resource;
• ?sort=price is the query string, which contains additional pa-
rameters that affect the way the request is handled by the
service; in this case, the sort order of the list of products re-
turned in the response.
The URL without the query string is also referred to as the API’s
/products endpoint.
HTTP gives us a lot of flexibility on how to design our API. Noth-
ing forbids us from creating a resource name that looks like a re-
mote procedure, like /getProducts, which expects the additional pa-
rameters to be specified in the request’s body, rather than in the
query string. But if we were to do this, we could no longer cache
the list of products by its URL. This is where REST comes in —
it’s a set of conventions and constraints for designing elegant and
scalable HTTP APIs. In the rest of this chapter, we will use REST
principles where it makes sense.
How should we model relationships? For example, a specific
product is a resource that belongs to the collection of products,
and that should ideally be reflected in its URL. Hence, the product
with the unique identifier 42 could be identified with the relative
URL /products/42. The product could also have a list of reviews

associated with it, which we can model by appending the nested

resource name, reviews, after the parent one, /products/42, e.g.,
/products/42/reviews. If we were to continue to add more nested
resources, the API would become complex. As a rule of thumb,
URLs should be kept simple, even if it means that the client might
have to perform multiple requests to get the information it needs.
Now that we know how to refer to resources, let’s see how to rep-
resent them on the wire when they are transmitted in the body of
request and response messages. A resource can be represented in
different ways; for example, a product can be represented either
with an XML or a JSON document. JSON is typically used to rep-
resent non-binary resources in REST APIs:
"id": 42,
"category": "Laptop",
"price": 999,

When a client sends a request to a server to get a resource, it adds

several headers to the message to describe its preferred represen-
tation. The server uses these headers to pick the most appropriate
representation11 for the resource and decorates the response mes-
sage with headers that describe it.

5.3 Request methods

HTTP requests can create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) re-
sources by using request methods. When a client makes a request
to a server for a particular resource, it specifies which method to
use. You can think of a request method as the verb or action to use
on a resource.
The most commonly used methods are POST, GET, PUT, and
DELETE. For example, the API of our catalog service could be
defined as follows:

• POST /products — Create a new product and return the URI

of the new resource.
• GET /products — Retrieve a list of products. The query string
can be used to filter, paginate, and sort the collection. Pagina-
tion should be used to return a limited number of resources
per call to prevent denial of service attacks.
• GET /products/42 — Retrieve product 42.
• PUT /products/42 — Update product 42.
• DELETE /products/42 — Delete product 42.
Request methods can be classified depending on whether they are
safe and idempotent. A safe method should not have any visible
side effects and can be safely cached. An idempotent method can
be executed multiple times, and the end result should be the same
as if it was executed just a single time.

Method Safe Idempotent

GET Yes Yes

PUT No Yes

The concept of idempotency is crucial and will come up repeatedly

in the rest of the book, not just in the context of HTTP requests. An
idempotent request makes it possible to safely retry requests that
have succeeded, but for which the client never received a response;
for example, because it crashed and restarted before receiving it.

5.4 Response status codes

After the service has received a request, it needs to send a response
back to the client. The HTTP response contains a status code12 to

communicate to the client whether the request succeeded or not.

Different status code ranges have different meanings.
Status codes between 200 and 299 are used to communicate suc-
cess. For example, 200 (OK) means that the request succeeded, and
the body of the response contains the requested resource.
Status codes between 300 and 399 are used for redirection. For ex-
ample, 301 (Moved Permanently) means that the requested resource
has been moved to a different URL, specified in the response mes-
sage Location header.
Status codes between 400 and 499 are reserved for client errors. A
request that fails with a client error will usually continue to return
the same error if it’s retried, as the error is caused by an issue with
the client, not the server. Because of that, it shouldn’t be retried.
These client errors are common:
• 400 (Bad Request) — Validating the client-side input has
• 401 (Unauthorized) — The client isn’t authorized to access a
• 403 (Forbidden) — The user is authenticated, but it’s not al-
lowed to access a resource.
• 404 (Not Found) — The server couldn’t find the requested re-
Status codes between 500 and 599 are reserved for server errors. A
request that fails with a server error can be retried as the issue that
caused it to fail might be fixed by the time the retry is processed
by the server. These are some typical server status codes:
• 500 (Internal Server Error) — A generic server error.
• 502 (Bad Gateway) — Indicates an invalid response from an
upstream server.
• 503 (Service Unavailable) — Indicates that the server can’t cur-
rently serve the request, but might be able to in the future.

5.5 OpenAPI
Now that we have learned how to map the operations defined by
our service’s interface onto RESTful HTTP endpoints, we can for-
mally define the API with an interface definition language (IDL), a
language independent description of it. The IDL definition can be
used to generate boilerplate code for the IPC adapter and client
SDKs in your languages of choice.
The OpenAPI13 specification, which evolved from the Swagger
project, is one of the most popular IDL for RESTful APIs based
on HTTP. With it, we can formally describe our API in a YAML
document, including the available endpoints, supported request
methods and response status codes for each endpoint, and the
schema of the resources’ JSON representation.
For example, this is how part of the /products endpoint of the cata-
log service’s API could be defined:
openapi: 3.0.0
version: "1.0.0"
title: Catalog Service API

summary: List products
- in: query
name: sort
required: false
type: string
description: list of products in catalog

type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductItem'
description: bad input

type: object
- id
- name
- category
type: number
type: string
type: string

Although this is a very simple example and we won’t spend time

describing OpenAPI further as it’s mostly an implementation de-
tail, it should give you an idea of its expressiveness. With this defi-
nition, we can then run a tool to generate the API’s documentation,
boilerplate adapters, and client SDKs for our languages of choice.

5.6 Evolution
APIs start out as beautifully-designed interfaces. Slowly, but
surely, they will need to change over time to adapt to new use
cases. The last thing you want to do when evolving your API is
to introduce a breaking change that requires modifying all the
clients in unison, some of which you might have no control over

in the first place.

There are two types of changes that can break compatibility, one at
the endpoint level and another at the message level. For example,
if you were to change the /products endpoint to /fancy-products, it
would obviously break clients that haven’t been updated to sup-
port the new endpoint. The same goes when making a previously
optional query parameter mandatory.
Changing the schema of request and response messages in a back-
ward incompatible way can also wreak havoc. For example, chang-
ing the type of the category property in the Product schema from
string to number is a breaking change as the old deserialization
logic would blow up in clients. Similar arguments14 can be made
for messages represented with other serialization formats, like Pro-
tocol Buffers.
To support breaking changes, REST APIs should be versioned by
either prefixing a version number in the URLs (e.g., /v1/products/),
using a custom header (e.g., Accept-Version: v1) or the Ac-
cept header with content negotiation (e.g., Accept: applica-
As a general rule of thumb, you should try to evolve your API
in a backwards-compatible way unless you have a very good rea-
son, in which case you need to be prepared to deal with the conse-
quences. Backwards-compatible APIs tend to be not particularly
elegant, but they are a necessary evil. There are tools15 that can
compare the IDL specifications of your API and check for break-
ing changes; use them in your continuous integration pipelines.

Part II


So far, we have learned how we can get two processes to commu-

nicate reliably and securely with each other. We didn’t go into all
this trouble just for the sake of it, though. The end goal has always
been to use multiple processes, and services, to build a distributed
application that gives its clients the illusion they interact with a
single node.
Although achieving a perfect illusion is not always possible or de-
sirable, it’s clear that some degree of coordination is needed to
build a distributed application. In this part, we will explore the
core distributed algorithms at the heart of large scale services.
Chapter 6 introduces formal models that encode our assumptions
about the behavior of nodes, communication links, and timing;
think of them as abstractions that allow us to reason about dis-
tributed systems by ignoring the complexity of the actual technolo-
gies used to implement them.
Chapter 7 describes how to detect that a remote process is unreach-
able. Since the network is unreliable and processes can crash at any
time, a process trying to communicate with another could hang
forever without failure detection.
Chapter 8 dives into the concept of time and order. In this chapter,
we will first learn why agreeing on the time an event happened in a
distributed system is much harder than it looks, and then propose
a solution based on clocks that don’t measure the passing of time.
Chapter 9 describes how a group of processes can elect a leader

who can perform operations that others can’t, like accessing a

shared resource or coordinating other processes’ actions.
Chapter 10 introduces one of the fundamental challenges in dis-
tributed systems, namely keeping replicated data in sync across
multiple nodes. This chapter explores why there is a tradeoff
between consistency and availability and describes how the Raft
replication algorithm works.
Chapter 11 dives into how to implement transactions that span
data partitioned among multiple nodes or services. Transactions
relieve you from a whole range of possible failure scenarios so that
you can focus on the actual application logic rather than all possi-
ble things that can go wrong.
Chapter 6

System models

To reason about distributed systems, we need to define precisely

what can and can’t happen. A system model encodes assumptions
about the behavior of nodes, communication links, and timing;
think of it as a set of assumptions that allow us to reason about
distributed systems by ignoring the complexity of the actual tech-
nologies used to implement them.
Let’s start by introducing some models for communication links:
• The fair-loss link model assumes that messages may be lost
and duplicated. If the sender keeps retransmitting a mes-
sage, eventually it will be delivered to the destination.
• The reliable link model assumes that a message is delivered
exactly once, without loss or duplication. A reliable link can
be implemented on top of a fair-loss one by de-duplicating
messages at the receiving side.
• The authenticated reliable link model makes the same assump-
tions as the reliable link, but additionally assumes that the
receiver can authenticate the message’s sender.
Even though these models are just abstractions of real communi-
cation links, they are useful to verify the correctness of algorithms.
As we have seen in the previous chapters, it’s possible to build a
reliable and authenticated communication link on top of a fair-loss

one. For example, TCP does precisely that (and more), while TLS
implements authentication (and more).
We can also model the different types of node failures we expect
to happen:
• The arbitrary-fault model assumes that a node can deviate
from its algorithm in arbitrary ways, leading to crashes or
unexpected behavior due to bugs or malicious activity. The
arbitrary fault model is also referred to as the “Byzantine”
model for historical reasons. Interestingly, it can be theoreti-
cally proven that a system with Byzantine nodes can tolerate
up to 13 of faulty nodes1 and still operate correctly.
• The crash-recovery model assumes that a node doesn’t devi-
ate from its algorithm, but can crash and restart at any time,
losing its in-memory state.
• The crash-stop model assumes that a node doesn’t deviate
from its algorithm, but if it crashes it never comes back on-
While it’s possible to take an unreliable communication link and
convert it into a more reliable one using a protocol (e.g., keep re-
transmitting lost messages), the equivalent isn’t possible for nodes.
Because of that, algorithms for different node models look very dif-
ferent from each other.
Byzantine node models are typically used to model safety-critical
systems like airplane engine systems, nuclear power plants, finan-
cial systems, and other systems where a single entity doesn’t fully
control all the nodes2 . These use cases are outside of the book’s
scope, and the algorithms presented will generally assume a crash-
recovery model.
Finally, we can also model the timing assumptions:
• The synchronous model assumes that sending a message or
executing an operation never takes over a certain amount of
time. This is very unrealistic in the real world, where we
For example, digital cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin implement algorithms
that assume Byzantine nodes.

know sending messages over the network can potentially

take a very long time, and nodes can be stopped by, e.g.,
garbage collection cycles or page faults.
• The asynchronous model assumes that sending a message or
executing an operation on a node can take an unbounded
amount of time. Unfortunately, many problems can’t be
solved under this assumption; if sending messages can take
an infinite amount of time, algorithms can get stuck and not
make any progress at all.
• The partially synchronous model assumes that the system be-
haves synchronously most of the time, but occasionally it can
regress to an asynchronous mode. This model is typically
representative enough of practical systems.
In the rest of the book, we will generally assume a system model
with fair-loss links, nodes with crash-recovery behavior, and par-
tial synchrony. For the interested reader, “Introduction to Reliable
and Secure Distributed Programming”3 is an excellent theoretical
book that explores distributed algorithms for a variety of other sys-
tem models not considered in this text.
But remember, models are just an abstraction of reality4 , and some-
times abstractions leak. As you read along, question the models’
assumptions and try to imagine how algorithms that rely on them
could break.

Chapter 7

Failure detection

Several things can go wrong when a client sends a request to a

server. In the happy path, the client sends a request and receives
a response back. But, what if no response comes back after some
time? In that case, it’s impossible to tell whether the server is just
very slow, it crashed, or a message couldn’t be delivered because
of a network issue (see Figure 7.1).

Figure 7.1: P1 can’t tell whether P2 is slow, crashed or a message

was delayed/dropped because of a network issue.

In the worst case, the client will wait forever for a response that
will never arrive. The best it can do is make an educated guess on
whether the server is likely to be down or unreachable after some
time has passed. To do that, the client can configure a timeout
to trigger if it hasn’t received a response from the server after a
certain amount of time. If and when the timeout triggers, the client
considers the server unavailable and throws an error.
The tricky part is defining how long the amount of time that trig-
gers this timeout should be. If it’s too short and the server is reach-
able, the client will wrongly consider the server dead; if it’s too
long and the server is not reachable, the client will block waiting
for a response. The bottom line is that it’s not possible to build a
perfect failure detector.
A process doesn’t necessarily need to wait to send a message to
find out that the destination is not reachable. It can also actively
try to maintain a list of processes that are available using pings or
A ping is a periodic request that a process sends to another to check
whether it’s still available. The process expects a response to the
ping within a specific time frame. If that doesn’t happen, a time-
out is triggered that marks the destination as dead. However, the
process will keep regularly sending pings to it so that if and when
it comes back online, it will reply to a ping and be marked as avail-
able again.
A heartbeat is a message that a process periodically sends to another
to inform it that it’s still up and running. If the destination doesn’t
receive a heartbeat within a specific time frame, it triggers a time-
out and marks the process that missed the heartbeat as dead. If
that process comes later back to life and starts sending out heart-
beats, it will eventually be marked as available again.
Pings and heartbeats are typically used when specific processes
frequently interact with each other, and an action needs to be taken
as soon as one of them is no longer reachable. If that’s not the case,
detecting failures just at communication time is good enough.
Chapter 8


Time is an essential concept in any application, even more so in dis-

tributed ones. We have already encountered some use for it when
discussing the network stack (e.g., DNS record TTL) and failure
detection. Time also plays an important role in reconstructing the
order of operations by logging their timestamps.
The flow of execution of a single-threaded application is easy to
grasp since every operation executes sequentially in time, one af-
ter the other. But in a distributed system, there is no shared global
clock that all processes agree on and can be used to order their
operations. And to make matters worse, processes can run con-
It’s challenging to build distributed applications that work as in-
tended without knowing whether one operation happened before
another. Can you imagine designing a TCP-like protocol without
using sequence numbers to order the packets? In this chapter, we
will learn about a family of clocks that can be used to work out the
order of operations across processes in a distributed system.

8.1 Physical clocks

A process has access to a physical wall-time clock. The most com-
mon type is based on a vibrating quartz crystal, which is cheap
but not very accurate. The device you are using to read this book
is likely using such a clock. It can run slightly faster or slower than
others, depending on manufacturing differences and the external
temperature. The rate at which a clock runs is also called clock
drift. In contrast, the difference between two clocks at a specific
point in time is referred to as clock skew.
Because quartz clocks drift, they need to be synced periodically
with machines that have access to higher accuracy clocks, like
atomic ones. Atomic clocks1 measure time based on quantum-
mechanical properties of atoms and are significantly more
expensive than quartz clocks and are accurate to 1 second in 3
million years.
The Network Time Protocol (NTP2 ) is used to synchronize clocks.
The challenge is to do so despite the unpredictable latencies intro-
duced by the network. A NTP client estimates the clock skew by
correcting the timestamp received by a NTP server with the esti-
mated network latency. Armed with an estimate of the clock skew,
the client can adjust its clock, causing it to jump forward or back-
ward in time.
This creates a problem as measuring the elapsed time between two
points in time becomes error-prone. For example, an operation
that is executed after another could appear to have been executed
Luckily, most operating systems offer a different type of clock that
is not affected by time jumps: the monotonic clock. A monotonic
clock measures the number of seconds elapsed since an arbitrary
point, like when the node started up, and can only move forward
in time. A monotonic clock is useful to measure how much time
elapsed between two timestamps on the same node, but times-

tamps of different nodes can’t be compared with each other.

Since we don’t have a way to synchronize wall-time clocks across
processes perfectly, we can’t depend on them for ordering opera-
tions. To solve this problem, we need to look at it from another
angle. We know that two operations can’t run concurrently in a
single-threaded process as one must happen before the other. This
happened-before3 relationship creates a causal bond between the
two operations, as the one that happens first can change the state of
the process and affect the operation that comes after it. We can use
this intuition to build a different type of clock, one that isn’t tied to
the physical concept of time, but captures the causal relationship
between operations: a logical clock.

8.2 Logical clocks

A logical clock4 measures the passing of time in terms of logical op-
erations, not wall-clock time. The simplest possible logical clock
is a counter, which is incremented before an operation is executed.
Doing so ensures that each operation has a distinct logical times-
tamp. If two operations execute on the same process, then neces-
sarily one must come before the other, and their logical timestamps
will reflect that. But what about operations executed on different
Imagine sending an email to a friend. Any actions you did before
sending that email, like drinking coffee, must have happened be-
fore the actions your friend took after receiving the email. Simi-
larly, when one process sends a message to another, a so-called
synchronization point is created. The operations executed by the
sender before the message was sent must have happened before
the operations that the receiver executed after receiving it.
A Lamport clock5 is a logical clock based on this idea. Every process
in the system has its own local logical clock implemented with a

numerical counter that follows specific rules:

• The counter is initialized with 0.
• The process increments its counter before executing an oper-
• When the process sends a message, it increments its counter
and sends a copy of it in the message.
• When the process receives a message, its counter is updated
to 1 plus the maximum of its current logical timestamp and
the message’s timestamp.

Figure 8.1: Three processes using Lamport clocks. For example,

because D happened before F, D’s logical timestamp is less than

The Lamport clock assumes a crash-stop model, but a crash-

recovery one can be supported by persisting the clock’s state on
disk, for example.
The rules guarantee that if operation 𝑂1 happened-before opera-
tion 𝑂2 , the logical timestamp of 𝑂1 is less than the one of 𝑂2 . In
the example shown in Figure 8.1, operation D happened-before F
and their logical timestamps, 4 and 5, reflect that.
You would think that the converse also applies — if the logical
timestamp of operation 𝑂3 is less than 𝑂4 , then 𝑂3 happened-
before 𝑂4 . But, that can’t be guaranteed with Lamport times-
tamps. Going back to the example in Figure 8.1, operation E

didn’t happen-before C, even if their timestamps seem to imply

it. To guarantee the converse relationship, we will have to use a
different type of logical clock: the vector clock.

8.3 Vector clocks

A vector clock6 is a logical clock that guarantees that if two opera-
tions can be ordered by their logical timestamps, then one must
have happened-before the other. A vector clock is implemented
with an array of counters, one for each process in the system. And
similarly to how Lamport clocks are used, each process has its own
local copy of the clock.
For example, if the system is composed of 3 processes 𝑃 1, 𝑃 2, and
𝑃 3, each process has a local vector clock implemented with an ar-
ray7 of 3 counters [𝐶𝑃 1 , 𝐶𝑃 2 , 𝐶𝑃 3 ]. The first counter in the array
is associated with 𝑃 1, the second with 𝑃 2, and the third with 𝑃 3.
A process updates its local vector clock based on the following
• Initially, the counters in the array are set to 0.
• When an operation occurs, the process increments its own
counter in the array by one.
• When the process sends a message, it increments its own
counter in the array by one and sends a copy of the array
with the message.
• When the process receives a message, it merges the array it re-
ceived with the local one by taking the maximum of the two
arrays element-wise. Finally, it increments its own counter
in the array by one.
The beauty of vector clock timestamps is that they can be partially
ordered; given two operations 𝑂1 and 𝑂2 with timestamps 𝑇1 and
𝑇2 , if:
• every counter in 𝑇1 is less than or equal the corresponding
In actual implementations a dictionary is used rather than an array.

Figure 8.2: Each process has a vector clock represented with an

array of three counters.

counter in 𝑇2 ,
• and there is at least one counter in 𝑇1 that is strictly less than
the corresponding counter in 𝑇2 ,
then 𝑂1 happened-before 𝑂2 . For example, in Figure 8.2, B
happened-before C.
If 𝑂1 didn’t happen before 𝑂2 and 𝑂2 didn’t happen before 𝑂1 ,
then the timestamps can’t be ordered, and the operations are con-
sidered to be concurrent. For example, operation E and C in Figure
8.2 can’t be ordered, and therefore they are considered to be con-
This discussion about logical clocks might feel quite abstract. Later
in the book, we will encounter some practical applications of logi-
cal clocks. Once you learn to spot them, you will realize they are ev-
erywhere, as they can be disguised under different names. What’s
important to internalize at this point is that generally, you can’t
use physical clocks to derive accurately the order of events that
happened on different processes8 .
That said, sometimes physical clocks are good enough. For example, using
physical clocks to timestamp logs is fine as they are mostly used for debugging
Chapter 9

Leader election

Sometimes a single process in the system needs to have special

powers, like being the only one that can access a shared resource
or assign work to others. To grant a process these powers, the sys-
tem needs to elect a leader among a set of candidate processes, which
remains in charge until it crashes or becomes otherwise unavail-
able. When that happens, the remaining processes detect that the
leader is no longer available and elect a new one.
A leader election algorithm needs to guarantee that there is at most
one leader at any given time and that an election eventually com-
pletes. These two properties are also referred to as safety and live-
ness, respectively. This chapter explores how a specific algorithm,
the Raft leader election algorithm, guarantees these properties.

9.1 Raft leader election

Raft1 ’s leader election algorithm is implemented with a state ma-
chine in which a process is in one of three states (see Figure 9.1):
• the follower state, in which the process recognizes another one
as the leader;

• the candidate state, in which the process starts a new election

proposing itself as a leader;
• or the leader state, in which the process is the leader.
In Raft, time is divided into election terms of arbitrary length. An
election term is represented with a logical clock, a numerical
counter that can only increase over time. A term begins with a
new election, during which one or more candidates attempt to
become the leader. The algorithm guarantees that for any term
there is at most one leader. But what triggers an election in the
first place?
When the system starts up, all processes begin their journey as fol-
lowers. A follower expects to receive a periodic heartbeat from the
leader containing the election term the leader was elected in. If the
follower doesn’t receive any heartbeat within a certain time period,
a timeout fires and the leader is presumed dead. At that point, the
follower starts a new election by incrementing the current election
term and transitioning to the candidate state. It then votes for it-
self and sends a request to all the processes in the system to vote
for it, stamping the request with the current election term.
The process remains in the candidate state until one of three things
happens: it wins the election, another process wins the election, or
some time goes by with no winner:
• The candidate wins the election — The candidate wins the
election if the majority of the processes in the system vote for
it. Each process can vote for at most one candidate in a term
on a first-come-first-served basis. This majority rule enforces
that at most one candidate can win a term. If the candidate
wins the election, it transitions to the leader state and starts
sending out heartbeats to the other processes.
• Another process wins the election — If the candidate re-
ceives a heartbeat from a process that claims to be the leader
with a term greater than, or equal the candidate’s term, it ac-
cepts the new leader and returns to the follower state. If not,
it continues in the candidate state. You might be wondering
how that could happen; for example, if the candidate process

was to stop for any reason, like for a long GC pause, by the
time it resumes another process could have won the election.
• A period of time goes by with no winner — It’s unlikely but
possible that multiple followers become candidates simulta-
neously, and none manages to receive a majority of votes;
this is referred to as a split vote. When that happens, the
candidate will eventually time out and start a new election.
The election timeout is picked randomly from a fixed inter-
val to reduce the likelihood of another split vote in the next

Figure 9.1: Raft’s leader election algorithm represented as a state


9.2 Practical considerations

There are many more leader election algorithms out there than
the one presented here, but Raft’s implementation is a modern
take on the problem optimized for simplicity and understandabil-

ity, which is why I chose it. That said, you will rarely need to
implement leader election from scratch, as you can leverage lin-
earizable key-value stores, like etcd2 or ZooKeeper3 , which offer
abstractions that make it easy to implement leader election. The
abstractions range from basic primitives like compare-and-swap
to full-fledged distributed mutexes.
Ideally, the external store should at the very least offer an atomic
compare-and-swap operation with an expiration time (TTL). The
compare-and-swap operation updates the value of a key if and
only if the value matches the expected one; the expiration time
defines the time to live for a key, after which the key expires and is
removed from the store if the lease hasn’t been extended. The idea
is that each competing process tries to acquire a lease by creating
a new key with compare-and-swap using a specific TTL. The first
process to succeed becomes the leader and remains such until it
stops renewing the lease, after which another process can become
the leader.
The TTL expiry logic can also be implemented on the client-side,
like this locking library4 for DynamoDB does, but the implemen-
tation is more complex, and it still requires the data store to offer
a compare-and-swap operation.
You might think that’s enough to guarantee there can’t be more
than one leader in your application. Unfortunately, that’s not the
To see why, suppose there are multiple processes that need to up-
date a file on a shared blob store, and you want to guarantee that
only a single process at a time can do so to avoid race conditions.
To achieve that, you decide to use a distributed mutex, a form of
leader election. Each process tries to acquire the lock, and the one
that does so successfully reads the file, updates it in memory, and
writes it back to the store:

if lock.acquire():
content =
new_content = update(content)
store.write(blob_name, new_content)

The problem here is that by the time the process writes the content
to the store, it might no longer be the leader and a lot might have
happened since it was elected. For example, the operating system
might have preempted and stopped the process, and several sec-
onds will have passed by the time it’s running again. So how can
the process ensure that it’s still the leader then? It could check one
more time before writing to the store, but that doesn’t eliminate
the race condition, it just makes it less likely.
To avoid this issue, the data store downstream needs to verify that
the request has been sent by the current leader. One way to do
that is by using a fencing token. A fencing token5 is a number that
increases every time that a distributed lock is acquired — in other
words, it’s a logical clock. When the leader writes to the store, it
passes down the fencing token to it. The store remembers the value
of the last token and accepts only writes with a greater value:
success, token = lock.acquire()
if success:
content =
new_content = update(content)
store.write(blob_name, new_content, token)

This approach adds complexity as the downstream consumer, the

blob store, needs to support fencing tokens. If it doesn’t, you are
out of luck, and you will have to design your system around the
5 to- do- distributed-

fact that occasionally there will be more than one leader. For ex-
ample, if there are momentarily two leaders and they both perform
the same idempotent operation, no harm is done.
Although having a leader can simplify the design of a system as it
eliminates concurrency, it can become a scaling bottleneck if the
number of operations performed by the leader increases to the
point where it can no longer keep up. When that happens, you
might be forced to re-design the whole system.
Also, having a leader introduces a single point of failure with a
large blast radius; if the election process stops working or the
leader isn’t working as expected, it can bring down the entire
system with it.
You can mitigate some of these downsides by introducing parti-
tions and assigning a different leader per partition, but that comes
with additional complexity. This is the solution many distributed
data stores use.
Before considering the use of a leader, check whether there are
other ways of achieving the desired functionality without it. For
example, optimistic locking is one way to guarantee mutual ex-
clusion at the cost of wasting some computing power. Or per-
haps high availability is not a requirement for your application, in
which case having just a single process that occasionally crashes
and restarts is not a big deal.
As a rule of thumb, if you must use leader election, you have to
minimize the work it performs and be prepared to occasionally
have more than one leader if you can’t support fencing tokens end-
Chapter 10


Data replication is a fundamental building block of distributed sys-

tems. One reason to replicate data is to increase availability. If
some data is stored exclusively on a single node, and that node
goes down, the data won’t be accessible anymore. But if the data
is replicated instead, clients can seamlessly switch to a replica. An-
other reason for replication is to increase scalability and perfor-
mance; the more replicas there are, the more clients can access the
data concurrently without hitting performance degradations.
Unfortunately replicating data is not simple, as it’s challenging
to keep replicas consistent with one another. In this chapter, we
will explore Raft’s replication algorithm1 , which is one of the algo-
rithms that provide the strongest consistency guarantee possible
— the guarantee that to the clients, the data appears to be located
on a single node, even if it’s actually replicated.
Raft is based on a technique known as state machine replication. The
main idea behind it is that a single process, the leader, broadcasts
the operations that change its state to other processes, the follow-
ers. If the followers execute the same sequence of operations as
the leader, then the state of each follower will match the leader’s.
Unfortunately, the leader can’t simply broadcast operations to the

followers and call it a day, as any process can fail at any time, and
the network can lose messages. This is why a large part of the al-
gorithm is dedicated to fault-tolerance.

10.1 State machine replication

When the system starts up, a leader is elected using Raft’s leader
election algorithm, which we discussed in chapter 9. The leader is
the only process that can make changes to the replicated state. It
does so by storing the sequence of operations that alter the state
into a local ordered log, which it then replicates to the followers;
it’s the replication of the log that allows the state to be replicated
across processes.
As shown in Figure 10.1, a log is an ordered list of entries where
each entry includes:
• the operation to be applied to the state, like the assignment
of 3 to x;
• the index of the entry’s position in the log;
• and the term number (the number in each box).
When the leader wants to apply an operation to its local state, it
first appends a new log entry for the operation into its log. At this
point, the operation hasn’t been applied to the local state just yet;
it has only been logged.
The leader then sends a so-called AppendEntries request to each
follower with the new entry to be added. This message is also sent
out periodically, even in the absence of new entries, as it acts as a
heartbeat for the leader.
When a follower receives an AppendEntries request, it appends the
entry it received to its log and sends back a response to the leader
to acknowledge that the request was successful. When the leader
hears back successfully from a majority of followers, it considers
the entry to be committed and executes the operation on its local
The committed log entry is considered to be durable and will even-

Figure 10.1: The leader’s log is replicated to its followers. This

figure appears in Raft’s paper.

tually be executed by all available followers. The leader keeps

track of the highest committed index in the log, which is sent in
all future AppendEntries requests. A follower only applies a log en-
try to its local state when it finds out that the leader has committed
the entry.
Because the leader needs to wait only for a majority of followers, it
can make progress even if some processes are down, i.e., if there
are 2𝑓 + 1 followers, the system can tolerate up to 𝑓 failures. The
algorithm guarantees that an entry that is committed is durable
and will eventually be executed by all the processes in the system,
not just those that were part of the original majority.
So far, we have assumed there are no failures, and the network
is reliable. Let’s relax these assumptions. If the leader fails, a fol-
lower is elected as the new leader. But, there is a caveat: because
the replication algorithm only needs a majority of the processes
to make progress, it’s possible that when a leader fails, some pro-

cesses are not up-to-date.

To avoid that an out-of-date process becomes the leader, a process
can’t vote for one with a less up-to-date log. In other words, a
process can’t win an election if it doesn’t contain all committed
entries. To determine which of two processes’ logs is more up-to-
date, the index and term of their last entries are compared. If the
logs end with different terms, the log with the later term is more up-
to-date. If the logs end with the same term, whichever log is longer
is more up-to-date. Since the election requires a majority vote, and
a candidate’s log must be at least as up-to-date as any other process
in that majority to win the election, the elected process will contain
all committed entries.
What if a follower fails? If an AppendEntries request can’t be deliv-
ered to one or more followers, the leader will retry sending it indef-
initely until a majority of the followers successfully appended it to
their logs. Retries are harmless as AppendEntries requests are idem-
potent, and followers ignore log entries that have already been ap-
pended to their logs.
So what happens when a follower that was temporarily unavail-
able comes back online? The resurrected follower will eventually
receive an AppendEntries message with a log entry from the leader.
The AppendEntries message includes the index and term number
of the entry in the log that immediately precedes the one to be ap-
pended. If the follower can’t find a log entry with the same index
and term number, it rejects the message, ensuring that an append
to its log can’t create a hole. It’s as if the leader is sending a puzzle
piece that the follower can’t fit in its version of the puzzle.
When the AppendEntries request is rejected, the leader retries send-
ing the message, this time including the last two log entries — this
is why we referred to the request as AppendEntries, and not as Ap-
pendEntry. This dance continues until the follower finally accepts
a list of log entries that can be appended to its log without creating
a hole. Although the number of messages exchanged can be opti-
mized, the idea behind it is the same: the follower waits for a list
of puzzle pieces that perfectly fit its version of the puzzle.

10.2 Consensus
State machine replication can be used for much more than just
replicating data since it’s a solution to the consensus problem. Con-
sensus2 is a fundamental problem studied in distributed systems
research, which requires a set of processes to agree on a value in a
fault-tolerant way so that:
• every non-faulty process eventually agrees on a value;
• the final decision of every non-faulty process is the same ev-
• and the value that has been agreed on has been proposed by
a process.
Consensus has a large number of practical applications. For ex-
ample, a set of processes agreeing which one should hold a lock
or commit a transaction are consensus problems in disguise. As
it turns out, deciding on a value can be solved with state machine
replication. Hence, any problem that requires consensus can be
solved with state machine replication too.
Typically, when you have a problem that requires consensus, the
last thing you want to do is to solve it from scratch by implement-
ing an algorithm like Raft. While it’s important to understand
what consensus is and how it can be solved, many good open-
source projects implement state machine replication and expose
simple APIs on top of it, like etcd and ZooKeeper.

10.3 Consistency models

Let’s take a closer look at what happens when a client sends a re-
quest to a replicated store. In an ideal world, the request executes
instantaneously, as shown in Figure 10.2.
But in reality, things are quite different — the request needs to
reach the leader, which then needs to process it and finally send
back a response to the client. As shown in Figure 10.3, all these
actions take time and are not instantaneous.

Figure 10.2: A write request executing instantaneously.

Figure 10.3: A write request can’t execute instantaneously because

it takes time to reach the leader and be executed.

The best guarantee the system can provide is that the request
executes somewhere between its invocation and completion time.
You might think that this doesn’t look like a big deal; after all, it’s
what you are used to when writing single-threaded applications.
If you assign 1 to x and read its value right after, you expect to find
1 in there, assuming there is no other thread writing to the same
variable. But, once you start dealing with systems that replicate
their state on multiple nodes for high availability and scalability,
all bets are off. To understand why that’s the case, we will explore
different ways to implement reads in our replicated store.

In section 10.1, we looked at how Raft replicates the leader’s state

to its followers. Since only the leader can make changes to the state,
any operation that modifies it needs to necessarily go through the
leader. But what about reads? They don’t necessarily have to go
through the leader as they don’t affect the system’s state. Reads
can be served by the leader, a follower, or a combination of leader
and followers. If all reads were to go through the leader, the read
throughput would be limited by that of a single process. But, if
reads can be served by any follower instead, then two clients, or
observers, can have a different view of the system’s state, since
followers can lag behind the leader.
Intuitively, there is a trade-off between how consistent the ob-
servers’ views of the system are, and the system’s performance
and availability. To understand this relationship, we need to
define precisely what we mean by consistency. We will do so with
the help of consistency models3 , which formally define the possible
views of the system’s state observers can experience.

10.3.1 Strong consistency

If clients send writes and reads exclusively to the leader, then every
request appears to take place atomically at a very specific point in
time as if there was a single copy of the data. No matter how many
replicas there are or how far behind they are lagging, as long as the
clients always query the leader directly, from their point of view
there is a single copy of the data.
Because a request is not served instantaneously, and there is a sin-
gle process serving it, the request executes somewhere between its
invocation and completion time. Another way to think about it
is that once a request completes, it’s side-effects are visible to all
observers as shown in Figure 10.4.
Since a request becomes visible to all other participants between
its invocation and completion time, there is a real-time guarantee
that must be enforced; this guarantee is formalized by a consis-

Figure 10.4: The side-effects of a strongly consistent operation are

visible to all observers once it completes.

tency model called linearizability4 , or strong consistency. Lineariz-

ability is the strongest consistency guarantee a system can provide
for single-object requests.
What if the client sends a read request to the leader and by the
time the request gets there, the server assumes it’s the leader, but
it actually was just deposed? If the ex-leader was to process the
request, the system would no longer be strongly consistent. To
guard against this case, the presumed leader first needs to contact
a majority of the replicas to confirm whether it still is the leader.
Only then it’s allowed to execute the request and send back the re-
sponse to the client. This considerably increases the time required
to serve a read.

10.3.2 Sequential consistency

So far, we have discussed serializing all reads through the leader.
But doing so creates a single choke point, which limits the system’s
throughput. On top of that, the leader needs to contact a majority

of followers to handle a read, which increases the time it takes to

process a request. To increase the read performance, we could al-
low the followers to handle requests as well.
Even though a follower can lag behind the leader, it will always
receive new updates in the same order as the leader. Suppose a
client only ever queries follower 1, and another only ever queries
follower 2. In that case, the two clients will see the state evolving
at different times, as followers are not entirely in sync (see Figure

Figure 10.5: Although followers have a different view of the sys-

tems’ state, they process updates in the same order.

The consistency model in which operations occur in the same or-

der for all observers, but doesn’t provide any real-time guarantee
about when an operation’s side-effect becomes visible to them, is
called sequential consistency5 . The lack of real-time guarantees is
what differentiates sequential consistency from linearizability.

A producer/consumer system synchronized with a queue is an ex-

ample of this model you might be familiar with; a producer pro-
cess writes items to the queue, which a consumer reads. The pro-
ducer and the consumer see the items in the same order, but the
consumer lags behind the producer.

10.3.3 Eventual consistency

Although we managed to increase the read throughput, we had
to pin clients to followers — what if a follower goes down? We
could increase the availability of the store by allowing a client to
query any follower. But, this comes at a steep price in terms of
consistency. Say there are two followers, 1 and 2, where follower
2 lags behind follower 1. If a client queries follower 1 and right
after follower 2, it will see a state from the past, which can be very
confusing. The only guarantee the client has is that eventually, all
followers will converge to the final state if the writes to the system
stop. This consistency model is called eventual consistency.
It’s challenging to build applications on top of an eventually con-
sistent data store because the behavior is different from the one
you are used to when writing single-threaded applications. Sub-
tle bugs can creep up that are hard to debug and reproduce. Yet,
in eventual consistency’s defense, not all applications require lin-
earizability. You need to make the conscious choice whether the
guarantees offered by your data store, or lack thereof, satisfy your
application’s requirements.
An eventually consistent store is perfectly fine if you want to keep
track of the number of users visiting your website, as it doesn’t re-
ally matter if a read returns a number that is slightly out of date.
But for a payment processor, you definitely want strong consis-

10.3.4 CAP theorem

When a network partition happens, parts of the system become
disconnected from each other. For example, some clients might

no longer be able to reach the leader. The system has two choices
when this happens, it can either:
• remain available by allowing followers to serve reads, sacri-
ficing strong consistency;
• or guarantee strong consistency by failing reads that can’t
reach the leader.
This concept is expressed by the CAP theorem6 , which can be sum-
marized as: “strong consistency, availability and partition toler-
ance: pick two out of three.” In reality, the choice really is only
between strong consistency and availability, as network faults are
a given and can’t be avoided.
Even though network partitions can happen, they are usually rare.
But, there is a trade-off between consistency and latency in the ab-
sence of a network partition. The stronger the consistency guar-
antee is, the higher the latency of individual operations must be.
This relationship is expressed by the PACELC theorem7 . It states
that in case of network partitioning (P) in a distributed computer
system, one has to choose between availability (A) and consistency
(C), but else (E), even when the system is running normally in the
absence of partitions, one has to choose between latency (L) and
consistency (C).

10.4 Practical considerations

To provide high availability and performance, off-the-shelf dis-
tributed data stores — sometimes referred to as NoSQL stores
— come with counter-intuitive consistency guarantees. Others
have knobs that allow you to choose whether you want better
performance or stronger consistency guarantees, like Azure’s
Cosmos DB8 and Cassandra9 . Because of that, you need to know
what the trade-offs are. With what you have learned here, you

will be in a much better place to understand why the trade-offs are

there in the first place and what they mean for your application.
Chapter 11


Transactions provide the illusion that a group of operations that

modify some data has exclusive access to it and that either all op-
erations complete successfully, or none does. You can typically
leverage transactions to modify data owned by a single service,
as it’s likely to reside in a single data store that supports transac-
tions. On the other hand, transactions that update data owned by
different services, each with its own data store, are challenging to
implement. This chapter will explore how to add transactions to
your application when your data model is partitioned.

11.1 ACID
Consider a money transfer from one bank account to another. If
the withdrawal succeeds, but the deposit doesn’t, the funds need
to be deposited back into the source account — money can’t just
disappear into thin air. In other words, the transfer needs to ex-
ecute atomically; either both the withdrawal and the deposit suc-
ceed, or neither do. To achieve that, the withdrawal and deposit
need to be wrapped in an inseparable unit: a transaction.
In a traditional relational database, a transaction is a group of
operations for which the database guarantees a set of properties,

known as ACID:
• Atomicity guarantees that partial failures aren’t possible; ei-
ther all the operations in the transactions complete success-
fully, or they are rolled back as if they never happened.
• Consistency guarantees that the application-level invariants,
like a column that can’t be null, must always be true. Con-
fusingly, the “C” in ACID has nothing to do with the con-
sistency models we talked about so far, and according to
Joe Hellerstein, the “C” was tossed in to make the acronym
work1 . Therefore, we will safely ignore this property in the
rest of this chapter.
• Isolation guarantees that the concurrent execution of trans-
actions doesn’t cause any race conditions.
• Durability guarantees that once the data store commits the
transaction, the changes are persisted on durable storage.
The use of a write-ahead log2 (WAL) is the standard method
used to ensure durability. When using a WAL, the data
store can update its state only after log entries describing
the changes have been flushed to permanent storage. Most
of the time, the database doesn’t read from this log at all.
But if the database crashes, the log can be used to recover its
prior state.
Transactions relieve you from a whole range of possible failure sce-
narios so that you can focus on the actual application logic rather
than all possible things that can go wrong. This chapter explores
how distributed transactions differ from ACID transactions and
how you can implement them in your systems. We will focus our
attention mainly on atomicity and isolation.

11.2 Isolation
A set of concurrently running transactions that access the same
data can run into all sorts of race conditions, like dirty writes, dirty
reads, fuzzy reads, and phantom reads:

• A dirty write happens when a transaction overwrites the

value written by another transaction that hasn’t been
committed yet.
• A dirty read happens when a transaction observes a write
from a transaction that hasn’t completed yet.
• A fuzzy read happens when a transaction reads an object’s
value twice, but sees a different value in each read because
a committed transaction updated the value between the two
• A phantom read happens when a transaction reads a set of ob-
jects matching a specific condition, while another transaction
adds, updates, or deletes an object matching the same condi-
tion. For example, if one transaction is summing all employ-
ees’ salaries while another deletes some employee records
simultaneously, the sum of the salaries will be wrong at com-
mit time.
To protect against these race conditions, a transaction needs to be
isolated from others. An isolation level protects against one or more
types of race conditions and provides an abstraction that we can
use to reason about concurrency. The stronger the isolation level
is, the more protection it offers against race conditions, but the less
performant it is.
Transactions can have different types of isolation levels that are
defined based on the type of race conditions they forbid, as shown
in Figure 11.1.
Serializability is the only isolation level that guards against all pos-
sible race conditions. It guarantees that the side effects of executing
a set of transactions appear to be the same as if they had executed
sequentially, one after the other. But, we still have a problem —
there are many possible orders that the transactions can appear to
be executed in, as serializability doesn’t say anything about which
one to pick.
Suppose we have two transactions A and B, and transaction B com-
pletes 5 minutes after transaction A. A system that guarantees seri-
alizability can reorder them so that B’s changes are applied before

Figure 11.1: Isolation levels define which race conditions they for-

A’s. To add a real-time requirement on the order of transactions,

we need a stronger isolation level: strict serializability. This level
combines serializability with the real-time guarantees that lineariz-
ability provides so that when a transaction completes, its side ef-
fects become immediately visible to all future transactions.
(Strict) serializability is slow as it requires coordination, which cre-
ates contention in the system. As a result, there are many different
isolation levels that are simpler to implement and also perform bet-
ter. Your application might not need serializability, but you need
to consciously decide which isolation level to use and understand
its implications, or your data store will silently make the decision
for you; for example, PostgreSQL’s default isolation3 is read com-

mitted. When in doubt, choose strict serializability.

There are more isolation levels and race conditions than the ones
we discussed here. Jepsen4 provides a good formal reference of the
existing isolation levels, how they relate to one another, and which
guarantees they offer. Although vendors typically document the
isolation levels their products offer, these specifications don’t al-
ways match5 the formal definitions.
Now that we know what serializability is, let’s look at how it can be
implemented and why it’s so expensive in terms of performance.
Serializability can be achieved either with a pessimistic or an opti-
mistic concurrency control mechanism.

11.2.1 Concurrency control

Pessimistic concurrency control uses locks to block other transac-
tions from accessing a data item. The most popular pessimistic
protocol is two-phase locking6 (2PL). 2PL has two types of locks, one
for reads and one for writes. A read lock can be shared by multi-
ple transactions that access the data item in read-only mode, but
it blocks transactions trying to acquire a write lock. The latter can
be held only by a single transaction and blocks anyone else trying
to acquire either a read or write lock on the data item.
There are two phases in 2PL, an expanding and a shrinking one.
In the expanding phase, the transaction is allowed only to acquire
locks, but not to release them. In the shrinking phase, the transac-
tion is permitted only to release locks, but not to acquire them. If
these rules are obeyed, it can be formally proven that the protocol
guarantees serializability.
The optimistic approach to concurrency control doesn’t block, as
it checks for conflicts only at the very end of a transaction. If a
conflict is detected, the transaction is aborted or restarted from
the beginning. Generally, optimistic concurrency control is im-

plemented with multi-version concurrency control7 (MVCC). With

MVCC, the data store keeps multiple versions of a data item. Read-
only transactions aren’t blocked by other transactions, as they can
keep reading the version of the data that was committed at the time
the transaction started. But, a transaction that writes to the store is
aborted or restarted when a conflict is detected. While MVCC per
se doesn’t guarantee serializability, there are variations of it that
do, like Serializable Snapshot Isolation8 (SSI).
Optimistic concurrency makes sense when you have read-heavy
workloads that only occasionally perform writes, as reads don’t
need to take any locks. For write-heavy loads, a pessimistic pro-
tocol is more efficient as it avoids retrying the same transactions
I have deliberately not spent much time describing 2PL and
MVCC, as it’s unlikely you will have to implement them in your
systems. But, the commercial data stores your systems depend on
use one or the other technique to isolate transactions, so you must
have a basic grasp of the tradeoffs.

11.3 Atomicity
Going back to our original example of sending money from one
bank account to another, suppose the two accounts belong to two
different banks that use separate data stores. How should we go
about guaranteeing atomicity across the two accounts? We can’t
just run two separate transactions to respectively withdraw and
deposit the funds — if the second transaction fails, then the sys-
tem is left in an inconsistent state. We need atomicity: the guar-
antee that either both transactions succeed and their changes are
committed, or that they fail without any side effects.

11.3.1 Two-phase commit

Two-phase commit9 (2PC) is a protocol used to implement atomic
transaction commits across multiple processes. The protocol is
split into two phases, prepare and commit. It assumes a process acts
as coordinator and orchestrates the actions of the other processes,
called participants. Generally, the client application that initiates
the transaction acts as the coordinator for the protocol.
When a coordinator wants to commit a transaction to the partici-
pants, it sends a prepare request asking the participants whether
they are prepared to commit the transaction (see Figure 11.2). If all
participants reply that they are ready to commit, the coordinator
sends out a commit message to all participants ordering them to
do so. In contrast, if any process replies that it’s unable to com-
mit, or doesn’t respond promptly, the coordinator sends an abort
request to all participants.

Figure 11.2: The two-phase commit protocol consists of a prepare

and a commit phase.

There are two points of non-return in the protocol. If a participant

replies to a prepare message that it’s ready to commit, it will have
to do so later, no matter what. The participant can’t make progress
from that point onward until it receives a message from the coor-
dinator to either commit or abort the transaction. This means that
if the coordinator crashes, the participant is completely blocked.
The other point of non-return is when the leader decides to com-
mit or abort the transaction after receiving a response to its prepare
message from all participants. Once the coordinator makes the de-
cision, it can’t change its mind later and has to see through that the
transaction is committed or aborted, no matter what. If a partici-
pant is temporarily down, the coordinator will keep retrying until
the request eventually succeeds.
Two-phase commit has a mixed reputation10 . It’s slow, as it re-
quires multiple round trips to complete a transaction and blocks
when there is a failure. If either the coordinator or a participant
fails, then all processes part of the transactions are blocked until
the failing process comes back online. On top of that, the partic-
ipants need to implement the protocol; you can’t just take Post-
greSQL and Cassandra and expect them to play ball with each
If we are willing to increase complexity, there is a way to make
the protocol more resilient to failures. Atomically committing a
transaction is a form of consensus, called “uniform consensus,”
where all the processes have to agree on a value, even the faulty
ones. In contrast, the general form of consensus introduced in sec-
tion 10.2 only guarantees that all non-faulty processes agree on the
proposed value. Therefore, uniform consensus is actually harder11
than consensus.
Yet, an off-the-shelf consensus implementation can still be used to
make 2PC more robust to failures. For example, replicating the co-
ordinator with a consensus algorithm like Raft makes 2PC resilient

to coordinator failures. Similarly, the participants could also be

As a historical side-note, the first versions of modern large-scale
data stores that came out in the late 2000s used to be referred to as
NoSQL stores as their core features were focused entirely on scala-
bility and lacked the guarantees of traditional relational databases,
such as ACID transactions. But in recent years, that has mostly
changed as distributed data stores have continued to add features
that only traditional databases offered, and ACID transactions
have become the norm rather than the exception. For example,
Google’s Spanner12 implements transactions across partitions
using a combination of 2PC and state machine replication.

11.4 Asynchronous transactions

2PC is a synchronous blocking protocol; if any of the participants
isn’t available, the transaction can’t make any progress, and the
application blocks completely. The assumption is that the coordi-
nator and the participants are available and that the duration of
the transaction is short-lived. Because of its blocking nature, 2PC
is generally combined with a blocking concurrency control mech-
anism, like 2PL, to provide isolation.
But, some types of transactions can take hours to execute, in which
case blocking just isn’t an option. And some transactions don’t
need isolation in the first place. Suppose we were to drop the iso-
lation requirement and the assumption that the transactions are
short-lived. Can we come up with an asynchronous non-blocking
solution that still provides atomicity?

11.4.1 Log-based transactions

A typical pattern13 in modern applications is replicating the same
data in different data stores tailored to different use cases, like

search or analytics. Suppose we own a product catalog service

backed by a relational database, and we decided to offer an ad-
vanced full-text search capability in its API. Although some rela-
tional databases offer basic full-text search functionality, a dedi-
cated database such as Elasticsearch is required for more advanced
use cases.
To integrate with the search index, the catalog service needs to up-
date both the relational database and the search index when a new
product is added or an existing product is modified or deleted. The
service could just update the relational database first, and then the
search index; but if the service crashes before updating the search
index, the system would be left in an inconsistent state. As you can
guess by now, we need to wrap the two updates into a transaction
We could consider using 2PC, but while the relational database
supports the X/Open XA14 2PC standard, the search index
doesn’t, which means we would have to implement that func-
tionality from scratch. We also don’t want the catalog service to
block if the search index is temporarily unavailable. Although
we want the two data stores to be in sync, we can accept some
temporary inconsistencies. In other words, eventual consistency
is acceptable for our use case.
To solve this problem, let’s introduce an message log in our appli-
cation. A log15 is an append-only, totally ordered sequence of mes-
sages, in which each message is assigned a unique sequential in-
dex. Messages are appended at the end of the log, and consumers
read from it in order. Kafka16 and Azure Event Hubs17 are two
popular implementations of logs.
Now, when the catalog service receives a request from a client
to create a new product, rather than writing to the relational
database, or the search index, it appends a product creation

message to the message log. The append acts as the atomic

commit step for the transaction. The relational database and the
search index are asynchronous consumers of the message log,
reading entries in the same order as they were appended and
updating their state at their own pace (see Figure 11.3). Because
the message log is ordered, it guarantees that the consumers see
the entries in the same order.

Figure 11.3: The producer appends entries at the end of the log,
while the consumers read the entries at their own pace.

The consumers periodically checkpoint the index of the last mes-

sage they processed. If a consumer crashes and comes back online
after some time, it reads the last checkpoint and resumes reading
messages from where it left off. Doing so ensures there is no data
loss even if the consumer was offline for some time.
But, there is a problem as the consumer can potentially read the
same message multiple times. For example, the consumer could
process a message and crash before checkpointing its state. When
it comes back online, it will eventually re-read the same message.
Therefore, messages need to be idempotent so that no matter how
many times they are read, the effect should be the same as if they
had been processed only once. One way to do that is to decorate
each message with a unique ID and ignore messages with dupli-
cate IDs at read time.

We have already encountered the log abstraction in chapter 10

when discussing state machine replication. If you squint a little,
you will see that what we have just implemented here is a form
of state machine replication, where the state is represented by all
products in the catalog, and the replication happens across the
relational database and the search index.
Message logs are part of a more general communication interac-
tion style referred to as messaging. In this model, the sender and
the receiver don’t communicate directly with each other; they ex-
change messages through a channel that acts as a broker. The
sender sends messages to the channel, and on the other side, the
receiver reads messages from it.
A message channel acts as a temporary buffer for the receiver. Un-
like the direct request-response communication style we have been
using so far, messaging is inherently asynchronous as sending a
message doesn’t require the receiving service to be online.
A message has a well-defined format, consisting of a header and
a body. The message header contains metadata, such as a unique
message ID, while its body contains the actual content. Typically, a
message can either be a command, which specifies an operation to
be invoked by the receiver, or an event, which signals the receiver
that something of interest happened in the sender.
Services use inbound adapters to receive messages from messag-
ing channels, which are part of their API surface, and outbound
adapters to send messages, as shown in Figure 11.4. The log ab-
straction we have used earlier is just one form of messaging chan-
nel. Later in the book, we will encounter other types of channels,
like queues, that don’t guarantee any ordering of the messages.

11.4.2 Sagas
Suppose we own a travel booking service. To book a trip, the
travel service has to atomically book a flight through a dedicated
service and a hotel through another. However, either of these ser-
vices can fail their respective requests. If one booking succeeds,

Figure 11.4: Inbound messaging adapters are part of a service’s

API surface.

but the other fails, then the former needs to be canceled to guar-
antee atomicity. Hence, booking a trip requires multiple steps to
complete, some of which are only required in case of failure. Since
appending a single message to a log is no longer sufficient to com-
mit the transaction, we can’t use the simple log-oriented solution
presented earlier.
The Saga18 pattern provides a solution to this problem. A saga is
a distributed transaction composed of a set of local transactions
𝑇1 , 𝑇2 , ..., 𝑇𝑛 , where 𝑇𝑖 has a corresponding compensating local
transaction 𝐶𝑖 used to undo its changes. The Saga guarantees that
either all local transactions succeed, or in case of failure, that the
compensating local transactions undo the partial execution of the
transaction altogether. This guarantees the atomicity of the pro-
tocol; either all local transactions succeed, or none of them do. A
Saga can be implemented with an orchestrator, the transaction’s
coordinator, that manages the execution of the local transactions
across the processes involved, the transaction’s participants.

In our example, the travel booking service is the transaction’s co-

ordinator, while the flight and hotel booking services are the trans-
action’s participants. The Saga is composed of three local transac-
tions: 𝑇1 books a flight, 𝑇2 books a hotel, and 𝐶1 cancels the flight
booked with 𝑇1 .
At a high level, the Saga can be implemented with the workflow19
depicted in Figure 11.5:
1. The coordinator initiates the transaction by sending a book-
ing request to the flight service (𝑇1 ). If the booking fails, no
harm is done, and the coordinator marks the transaction as
2. If the flight booking succeeds, the coordinator sends a book-
ing request to the hotel service (𝑇2 ). If the request succeeds,
the transaction is marked as successful, and we are all done.
3. If the hotel booking fails, the transaction needs to be aborted.
The coordinator sends a cancellation request to the flight ser-
vice to cancel the flight it previously booked (𝐶1 ). Without
the cancellation, the transaction would be left in an inconsis-
tent state, which would break its atomicity guarantee.
The coordinator can communicate asynchronously with the par-
ticipants via message channels to tolerate temporarily unavailable
ones. As the transaction requires multiple steps to succeed, and
the coordinator can fail at any time, it needs to persist the state
of the transaction as it advances. By modeling the transaction as
a state machine, the coordinator can durably checkpoint its state
to a database as it transitions from one state to the next. This en-
sures that if the coordinator crashes and restarts, or another pro-
cess is elected as the coordinator, it can resume the transaction
from where it left off by reading the last checkpoint.
There is a caveat, though; if the coordinator crashes after sending
a request but before backing up its state, it will have to re-send
the request when it comes back online. Similarly, if sending a re-
quest times-out, the coordinator will have to retry it, causing the

Figure 11.5: A workflow implementing an asynchronous transac-


message to appear twice at the receiving end. Hence, the partici-

pants have to de-duplicate the messages they receive to make them
In practice, you don’t need to build orchestration engines from
scratch to implement such workflows. Serverless cloud compute
services such as AWS Step Functions20 or Azure Durable Func-
tions21 make it easy to create fully-managed workflows.

11.4.3 Isolation
We started our journey into asynchronous transactions as a way to
design around the blocking nature of 2PC. To get here, we had to
sacrifice the isolation guarantee that traditional ACID transactions
provide. As it turns out, we can work around the lack of isolation

as well. For example, one way to do that is with the use of semantic
locks22 . The idea is that any data the Saga modifies is marked with
a dirty flag. This flag is only cleared at the end of the transaction
when it completes. Another transaction trying to access a dirty
record can either fail and roll back its changes, or block until the
dirty flag is cleared. The latter approach can introduce deadlocks,
though, which requires a strategy to mitigate them.

Part III


Now that we understand how to coordinate processes, we

are ready to dive into one of the main use cases for building
distributed systems: scalability.
A scalable application can increase its capacity as its load increases.
The simplest way to do that is by scaling up and running the appli-
cation on more expensive hardware, but that only brings you so far
since the application will eventually reach a performance ceiling.
The alternative to scaling up is scaling out by distributing the load
over multiple nodes. This part explores 3 categories — or dimen-
sions — of scalability patterns: functional decomposition, partition-
ing, and duplication. The beauty of these dimensions is that they are
independent of each other and can be combined within the same
Functional decomposition
Functional decomposition is the process of taking an application
and breaking it down into individual parts. Think of the last time
you wrote some code; you most likely decomposed it into func-
tions, classes, and modules. The same idea can be taken further by
decomposing an application into separate services, each with its
own well-defined responsibility.
Section 12.1 discusses the advantages and pitfalls of splitting an
application into a set of independently deployable services.
Section 12.2 describes how external clients can communicate with

an application after it has been decomposed into services using an

API gateway. The gateway acts as the proxy for the application by
routing, composing, and translating requests.
Section 12.3 discusses how to decouple an API’s read path from its
write path so that their respective implementations can use differ-
ent technologies that fit their specific use cases.
Section 12.4 dives into asynchronous messaging channels that de-
couple producers on one end of a channel from consumers on the
other end. Thanks to channels, communication between two par-
ties is possible even if the destination is temporarily not available.
Messaging provides several other benefits, which we will explore
in this section, along with best practices and pitfalls you can run
When a dataset no longer fits on a single node, it needs to be par-
titioned across multiple nodes. Partitioning is a general technique
that can be used in a variety of circumstances, like sharding TCP
connections across backends in a load balancer.
We will explore different sharding strategies in section 13.1, such as
range and hash partitioning. Then, in section 13.2, we will discuss
how to rebalance partitions either statically or dynamically.
The easiest way to add more capacity to a service is to create more
instances of it and have some way of routing, or balancing, re-
quests to them. This can be a fast and cheap way to scale out a
stateless service, as long as you have considered the impact on
the service’s dependencies. Scaling out a stateful service is signifi-
cantly more challenging as some form of coordination is required.
Section 14.1 introduces the concept of load balancing requests
across nodes and its implementation using commodity machines.
We will start with DNS load balancing and then dive into the
implementation of load balancers that operate at the transport and
application layer of the network stack. Finally, we will discuss

geo load balancing that allows clients to communicate with the

geographically closest datacenter.
Section 14.2 describes how to replicate data across nodes and keep
it in sync. Although we have already discussed one way of doing
that with Raft in chapter 10, in this section, we will take a broader
look at the topic and explore different approaches with varying
trade-offs (single-leader, multi-leader, and leaderless).
Section 14.3 discusses the benefits and pitfalls of caching. We will
start by discussing in-process caches first, which are easy to imple-
ment but have several pitfalls. Finally, we will look at the pros and
cons of external caches.
Chapter 12


12.1 Microservices
An application typically starts its life as a monolith. Take a modern
backend of a single-page JavaScript application (SPA), for exam-
ple. It might start out as a single stateless web service that exposes
a RESTful HTTP API and uses a relational database as a backing
store. The service is likely to be composed of a number of compo-
nents or libraries that implement different business capabilities, as
shown in Figure 12.1.
As the number of feature teams contributing to the same codebase
increases, the components become increasingly coupled over time.
This leads the teams to step on each other’s toes more and more
frequently, decreasing their productivity.
The codebase becomes complex enough that nobody fully under-
stands every part of it, and implementing new features or fixing
bugs becomes time-consuming. Even if the backend is componen-
tized into different libraries owned by different teams, a change
to a library requires the service to be redeployed. And if a change

Figure 12.1: A monolithic backend composed of multiple compo-


introduces a bug like a memory leak, the entire service can poten-
tially be affected by it. Additionally, rolling back a faulty build
affects the velocity of all teams, not just the one that introduced
the bug.
One way to mitigate the growing pains of a monolithic backend is to
split it into a set of independently deployable services that commu-
nicate via APIs, as shown in Figure 12.2. The APIs decouple the
services from each other by creating boundaries that are hard to
violate, unlike the ones between components running in the same
This architectural style is also referred to as the microservice archi-
tecture. The term micro can be misleading, though — there doesn’t
have to be anything micro about the services. In fact, I would argue
that if a service doesn’t do much, it just creates more operational
overhead than benefits. A more appropriate name for this architec-
ture is service-oriented architecture1 , but unfortunately, that name
comes with some old baggage as well. Perhaps in 10 years, we will
call the same concept with yet another name, but for now we will

Figure 12.2: A backend split into independently deployable ser-

vices that communicate via APIs.

have to stick to microservices.

12.1.1 Benefits
Breaking down the backend by business capabilities into a set of
services with well-defined boundaries allows each service to be
developed and operated by a single small team. Smaller teams
can increase the application’s development speed for a variety of
• They are more effective as the communication overhead
grows quadratically2 with the team’s size.
• Since each team dictates its own release schedule and has
complete control over its codebase, less cross-team commu-

nication is required, and therefore decisions can be taken in

less time.
• The codebase of a service is smaller and easier to digest by its
developers, reducing the time it takes to ramp up new hires.
Also, a smaller codebase doesn’t slow down IDEs as much,
which makes developers more productive.
• The boundaries between services are much stronger than the
boundaries between components in the same process. Be-
cause of that, when a developer needs to change a part of
the backend, they only need to understand a small part of
the whole.
• Each service can be scaled independently and adopt a differ-
ent technology stack based on its own needs. The consumers
of the APIs don’t care how the functionality is implemented
after all. This makes it easy to experiment and evaluate new
technologies without affecting other parts of the system.
• Each microservice can have its own independent data model
and data store(s) that best fit its use-cases, allowing develop-
ers to change its schema without affecting other services.

12.1.2 Costs
The microservice architecture adds more moving parts to the over-
all system, and this doesn’t come for free. The cost of fully em-
bracing microservices is only worth paying if it can be amortized
across dozens of development teams.
Development experience
Nothing forbids the use of different languages, libraries, and data-
stores in each microservice, but doing so transforms the applica-
tion into an unmaintainable mess. For example, it becomes more
challenging for a developer to move from one team to another if
the software stack is completely different. And think of the sheer
number of libraries, one for each language adopted, that need to be
supported to provide common functionality that all services need,
like logging.
It’s only reasonable then that a certain degree of standardization

is needed. One way to do that, while still allowing some degree of

freedom, is to loosely encourage specific technologies by provid-
ing a great development experience for the teams that stick with
the recommended portfolio of languages and technologies.
Resource provisioning
To support a large number of independent services, it should be
simple to spin up new machines, data stores, and other commodity
resources — you don’t want every team to come up with their own
way of doing it. And once these resources have been provisioned,
they have to be configured. To be able to pull this off, you will
need a fair amount of automation.
Remote calls are expensive and come with all the caveats we dis-
cussed earlier in the book. You will need defense mechanisms
to protect against failures and leverage asynchrony and batching
to mitigate the performance hit of communicating across the net-
work. All of this increases the system’s complexity.
Much of what is described in this book is about dealing with this
complexity, and as it should be clear by now, it doesn’t come cheap.
That being said, even a monolith doesn’t live in isolation since it’s
being accessed by remote clients, and it’s likely to use third-party
APIs as well. So eventually, these issues need to be solved there as
well, albeit on a smaller scale.
Continuous integration, delivery, and deployment
Continuous integration ensures that code changes are merged into
the main branch after an automated build and test suites have run.
Once a code change has been merged, it should be automatically
published and deployed to a production-like environment, where
a battery of integration and end-to-end tests run to ensure that the
service doesn’t break any dependencies or use cases.
While testing individual microservices is not more challenging
than testing a monolith, testing the integration of all the microser-
vices is an order of magnitude harder. Very subtle and unexpected

behavior can emerge when individual services interact with each

Unlike with a monolith, it’s much more expensive to staff each
team responsible for a service with its own operations team. As
a result, the team that develops a service is typically also on-call
for it. This creates friction between adding new features and op-
erating the service as the team needs to decide what to prioritize
during each sprint.
Debugging systems failures becomes more challenging as well, as
you can’t just load the whole application on your local machine
and step through it with a debugger. The system has more ways to
fail, since there are more moving parts. This is why good logging
and monitoring becomes crucial.
Eventual consistency
A side effect of splitting an application into separate services is that
the data model no longer resides in a single data store. As we have
learned in previous chapters, atomically updating records stored
in different data stores, and guaranteeing strong consistency, is
slow, expensive, and hard to get right. Hence, this type of archi-
tecture usually requires embracing eventual consistency.

12.1.3 Practical considerations

Splitting an application into services adds a lot of complexity to
the overall system. Because of that, it’s generally best to start with
a monolith and split it up only when there is a good reason to do
so3 .
Getting the boundaries right between the services is challenging —
it’s much easier to move them around within a monolith until you
find a sweet spot. Once the monolith is well matured and growing
pains start to rise, then you can start to peel off one microservice
at a time from it.

You should only start with a microservice-first approach if you al-

ready have experience with it, and you either have built out a plat-
form for it or have accounted for the time it will take you to build

12.2 API gateway

After you have split an application into a set of services, each with
its own API, you need to rethink how clients communicate with
the application. A client might need to perform multiple requests
to different services to fetch all the information it needs to complete
a specific operation. This can be very expensive on mobile devices
where every network request consumes precious battery life.
Moreover, clients need to be aware of implementation details, like
the DNS names of all the internal services. This makes it challeng-
ing to change the application’s architecture as it could require all
clients to be upgraded. To make matters worse, if clients are dis-
tributed to individual consumers (e.g., an app on the App Store),
there might not be an easy way to force them all to upgrade to a
new version. The bottom line is that once a public API is out there,
you better be prepared to maintain it for a very long time.
As is typical in computer science, we can solve this problem by
adding a layer of indirection. The internal APIs can be hidden by
a public one that acts as a facade, or proxy, for the internal services
(see Figure 12.3). The service that exposes the public API is called
the API gateway, which is transparent to its clients since they have
no idea they are communicating through an intermediary.
The API gateway provides multiple features, like routing, compo-
sition, and translation.

12.2.1 Routing
The API gateway can route the requests it receives to the appro-
priate backend service. It does so with the help of a routing map,
which maps the external APIs to the internal ones. For example,
the map might have a 1:1 mapping between an external path and
internal one. If in the future the internal path changes, the public
API can continue to expose the old path to guarantee backward

Figure 12.3: The API gateway hides the internal APIs from its

12.2.2 Composition
While data of a monolithic application typically resides in a sin-
gle data store, in a distributed system, it’s spread across multiple
services. As such, some use cases might require stitching data
back together from multiple sources. The API gateway can offer a
higher-level API that queries multiple services and composes their
responses within a single one that is then returned to the client.
This relieves the client from knowing which services to query and
reduces the number of requests it needs to perform to get the data
it needs.
Composition can be hard to get right. The availability of the com-
posed API decreases as the number of internal calls increases since
each has a non-zero probability of failure. Additionally, the data
across the services might be inconsistent as some updates might

not have propagated to all services yet; in that case, the gateway
will have to somehow resolve this discrepancy.

12.2.3 Translation
The API gateway can translate from one IPC mechanism to an-
other. For example, it can translate a RESTful HTTP request into
an internal gRPC call.
The gateway can also expose different APIs to different types of
clients. For example, a web API for a desktop application can po-
tentially return more data than the one for a mobile application, as
the screen estate is larger and more information can be presented
at once. Also, network calls are expensive for mobile clients, and
requests generally need to be batched to reduce battery usage.
To meet these different and competing requirements, the gateway
can provide different APIs tailored to different use cases and trans-
late these APIs to the internal ones. An increasingly popular ap-
proach to tailor APIs to individual use cases is to use graph-based
APIs. A graph-based API exposes a schema composed of types,
fields, and relationships across types. The API allows a client to
declare what data it needs and let the gateway figure out how to
translate the request into a series of internal API calls.
This approach reduces the development time as there is no need
to introduce different APIs for different use cases, and the clients
are free to specify what they need. There is still an API, though; it
just happens that it’s described with a graph schema. In a way, it’s
as if the gateway grants the clients the ability to perform restricted
queries on its backend APIs. GraphQL4 is the most popular tech-
nology in the space at the time of writing.

12.2.4 Cross-cutting concerns

As the API gateway is a proxy, or middleman, for the services be-
hind it, it can also implement cross-cutting functionality that oth-
erwise would have to be re-implemented in each service. For ex-

ample, the API gateway could cache frequently accessed resources

to improve the API’s performance while reducing the bandwidth
requirements on the services or rate-limit requests to protect the
services from being overwhelmed.
Among the most critical cross-cutting aspects of securing a service,
authentication and authorization are top-of-mind. Authentication
is the process of validating that a so-called principal — a human
or an application — issuing a request from a client is who it says
it is. Authorization instead is the process of granting the authen-
ticated principal permissions to perform specific operations, like
creating, reading, updating, or deleting a particular resource. Typ-
ically this is implemented by assigning a principal one or more
roles that grant specific permissions. Alternatively, an access con-
trol list can be used to grant specific principals access to specific
A monolithic application can implement authentication and autho-
rization with session tokens. A client sends its credentials to the ap-
plication API’s login endpoint, which validates the credentials. If
that’s successful, the endpoint returns a session token5 to the client,
typically through an HTTP cookie. The client then includes the
token in all future requests.
The application uses the session token to retrieve a session object
from an in-memory cache or an external data store. The object con-
tains the principal’s ID and the roles granted to it, which are used
by the application’s API handlers to decide whether to allow the
principal to perform an operation or not.
Translating this approach to a microservice architecture is not
that straightforward. For example, it’s not obvious which service
should be responsible for authenticating and authorizing requests,
as the handling of requests can span multiple services.
One approach is to have the API gateway be responsible for au-
thenticating external requests, since that’s their point of entry. This
allows centralizing the logic to support different authentication
e.g., a cryptographically-strong random number

mechanisms into a single component, hiding the complexity from

internal services. In contrast, authorizing requests is best left to
individual services to avoid coupling the API gateway with their
domain logic.
When the API gateway has authenticated a request, it creates a
security token. The gateway passes this token to the internal ser-
vices responsible for handling the request, which in turn will pass
it downstream to their dependencies (see Figure 12.4).

Figure 12.4:
1. API client sends a request with credentials to API gateway
2. API gateway tries to authenticate credentials with auth service
3. Auth service validates credentials and replies with a security
4. API gateway sends a request to service A including the security
5. API gateway sends a request to service B including the security
6. API gateway composes the responses from A and B and replies
to the client

When an internal service receives a request with a security token

attached to it, it needs to have a way to validate it and obtain the
principal’s identity and its roles. The validation differs depending
on the type of token used, which can be either opaque and not con-
tain any information (e.g., an UUID), or be transparent and embed
the principal’s information within the token itself.
The downside of opaque tokens is that they require services to call
an external auth service to validate a token and retrieve the princi-
pal’s information. Transparent tokens eliminate that call at the ex-
pense of making it harder to revoke issued tokens that have fallen
into the wrong hands.
The most popular standard for transparent tokens is the JSON Web
Token6 (JWT). A JWT is a JSON payload that contains an expiration
date, the principal’s identity, roles, and other metadata. The pay-
load is signed with a certificate trusted by internal services. Hence,
no external calls are needed to validate the token.
OpenID Connect7 and OAuth 28 are security protocols that you can
use to implement token-based authentication and authorization.
We have barely scratched the surface on the topic, and there are
entire books9 written on the subject you can read to learn more
about it.
Another widespread mechanism to authenticate applications is the
use API keys. An API key is a custom key that allows the API gate-
way to identify which application is making a request and limit
what they can do. This approach is popular for public APIs, like
the one offered by Github or Twitter.

12.2.5 Caveats
One of the drawbacks of using an API gateway is that it can be-
come a development bottleneck. As it’s coupled with the services
it’s hiding, every new service that is created needs to be wired up

to it. Additionally, whenever the API of service changes, the gate-

way needs to be modified as well.
The other downside is that the API gateway is one more service
that needs to be developed, maintained, and operated. Also, it
needs to be able to scale to whatever the request rate is for all the
services behind it. That said, if an application has dozens of ser-
vices and APIs, the upside is greater than the downside and it’s
generally a worthwhile investment.
So how do you go about implementing a gateway? You can roll
your own API gateway, using a proxy framework as a starting
point, like NGINX10 . Or better yet, you can use an off-the-shelf
solution, like Azure API Management11 .


12.3 CQRS
The API’s gateway ability to compose internal APIs is quite lim-
ited, and querying data distributed across services can be very in-
efficient if the composition requires large in-memory joins.
Accessing data can also be inefficient for reasons that have nothing
to do with using a microservice architecture:
• The data store used might not be well suited for specific
types of queries. For example, a vanilla relational data store
isn’t optimized for geospatial queries.
• The data store might not scale to handle the number of reads,
which could be several orders of magnitude higher than the
number of writes.
In these cases, decoupling the read path from the write path can
yield substantial benefits. This approach is also referred to as the
Command Query Responsibility Segregation12 (CQRS) pattern.
The two paths can use different data models and data stores that fit
their specific use cases (see Figure 12.5). For example, the read path
could use a specialized data store tailored to a particular query pat-
tern required by the application, like geospatial or graph-based.
To keep the read and write data models synchronized, the write
path pushes updates to the read path whenever the data changes.
External clients could still use the write path for simple queries,
but complex queries are routed to the read path.
This separation adds more complexity to the system. For exam-
ple, when the data model changes, both paths might need to be
updated. Similarly, operational costs increase as there are more
moving parts to maintain and operate. Also, there is an inherent
replication lag between the time a change has been applied on the
write path and the read path has received and applied it, which
makes the system sequentially consistent.


Figure 12.5: In this example, the read and write paths are separated
out into different services.

12.4 Messaging
When an application is decomposed into services, the number of
network calls increases, and with it, the probability that a request’s
destination is momentarily unavailable. So far, we have mostly as-
sumed services communicate using a direct request-response com-
munication style, which requires the destination to be available
and respond promptly. Messaging — a form of indirect communi-
cation — doesn’t have this requirement, though.
Messaging was first introduced when we discussed the implemen-
tation of asynchronous transactions in section 11.4.1. It is a form
of indirect communication in which a producer writes a message
to a channel — or message broker — that delivers the message to
a consumer on the other end.
By decoupling the producer from the consumer, the former gains

the ability to communicate with the latter even if it’s temporarily

unavailable. Messaging provides several other benefits:
• It allows a client to execute an operation on a service asyn-
chronously. This is particularly convenient for operations
that can take a long time to execute. For example, suppose
a video needs to be converted to multiple formats optimized
for different devices. In that case, the client could write a
message to a channel to trigger the conversion and be done
with it.
• It can load balance messages across a pool of consumers,
which can dynamically be added or removed to match the
current load.
• It helps to smooth out load spikes allowing consumers to
read messages at their own pace without getting overloaded.
Because there is an additional hop between the producer and
consumer, the communication latency is necessarily going to be
higher, more so if the channel has a large backlog of messages
waiting to be processed. Additionally, the system’s complexity
increases as there is one more service, the message broker, that
needs to be maintained and operated — as always, it’s all about
Any number of producers can write messages to a channel, and
similarly, multiple consumers can read from it. Depending on how
the channel delivers messages to consumers, it can be classified as
either point-to-point or publish-subscribe. In a point-to-point chan-
nel, a specific message is delivered to exactly one consumer. In-
stead, in a publish-subscribe channel, a copy of the same message is
delivered to all consumers.
A message channel can be used for a variety of different commu-
nication styles.
One-way messaging
In this messaging style, the producer writes a message to a point-
to-point channel with the expectation that a consumer will eventu-
ally read and process it (see Figure 12.6).

Figure 12.6: One-way messaging style

Request-response messaging
This messaging style is similar to the direct request-response style
we are familiar with, albeit with the difference that the request
and response messages flow through channels. The consumer has
a point-to-point request channel from which it reads messages,
while every producer has its own dedicated response channel (see
Figure 12.7).
When a producer writes a message to the request channel, it dec-
orates it with a request id and a reference to its response channel.
After a consumer has read and processed the message, it writes
a reply to the producer’s response channel, tagging it with the re-
quest’s id, which allows the producer to identify the request it be-
longs to.

Figure 12.7: Request-response messaging style


Broadcast messaging
In this messaging style, a producer writes a message to a publish-
subscribe channel to broadcast it to all consumers (see Figure 12.8).
This mechanism is generally used to notify a group of processes
that a specific event has occurred. We have already encountered
this pattern when discussing log-based transactions in section

Figure 12.8: Broadcast messaging style

12.4.1 Guarantees
A message channel is implemented by a messaging service, like
AWS SQS13 or Kafka14 . The messaging service, or broker, acts as
a buffer for messages. It decouples producers from consumers so
that they don’t need to know the consumers’ addresses, how many
of them there are, or whether they are available.
Different message brokers implement the channel abstraction dif-
ferently depending on the tradeoffs and the guarantees they offer.
For example, you would think that a channel should respect the
insertion order of its messages, but you will find that some im-
plementations, like SQS standard queues15 , don’t offer any strong
ordering guarantees. Why is that?
Because a message broker needs to scale out just like the applica-
tions that use it, its implementation is necessarily distributed. And
when multiple nodes are involved, guaranteeing order becomes

challenging as some form of coordination is required. Some bro-

kers, like Kafka, partition a channel into multiple sub-channels,
each small enough to be handled entirely by a single process. The
idea is that if there is a single broker process responsible for the
messages of a sub-channel, then it should be trivial to guarantee
their order.
In this case, when messages are sent to the channel, they are par-
titioned into sub-channels based on a partition key. To guarantee
that the message order is preserved end-to-end, only a single con-
sumer process can be allowed to read from a sub-channel16 .
Because the channel is partitioned, it suffers from several draw-
backs. For example, a specific partition can become much hotter
than the others, and the single consumer reading from it might not
be able to keep up with the load. In that case, the channel needs to
be repartitioned, which can temporarily degrade the broker since
messages need to be reshuffled across all partitions. Later in the
chapter, we will learn more about the pros and cons of partition-
Now you see why not having to guarantee the order of messages
makes the implementation of a broker much simpler. Ordering is
just one of the many tradeoffs a broker needs to make, such as:
• delivery guarantees, like at-most-once or at-least-once;
• message durability guarantees;
• latency;
• messaging standards supported, like AMQP17 ;
• support for competing consumers;
• broker limits, such as the maximum supported size of mes-
Because there are so many different ways to implement channels,
in the rest of this section we will make some assumptions for the
sake of simplicity:
This is also referred to as the competing consumer pattern, which is implemented
using leader election

• Channels are point-to-point and support an arbitrary num-

ber of producers and consumers.
• Messages are delivered to consumers at-least-once.
• While a consumer is processing a message, the message re-
mains persisted in the channel, but other consumers can’t
read it for the duration of a visibility timeout. The visibility
timeout guarantees that if the consumer crashes while pro-
cessing the message, the message will become visible to other
consumers again when the timeout triggers. When the con-
sumer is done processing the message, it deletes it from the
channel preventing it from being received by any other con-
sumer in the future.
The above guarantees are very similar to what cloud services such
as Amazon’s SQS18 and Azure Storage Queues19 offer.

12.4.2 Exactly-once processing

As mentioned, a consumer has to delete a message from the chan-
nel once it’s done processing it so that it won’t be read by another
If the consumer deletes the message before processing it, there is a
risk it could crash after deleting the message and before processing
it, causing the message to be lost for good. On the other hand, if
the consumer deletes the message only after processing it, there is
a risk that the consumer might crash after processing the message
but before deleting it, causing the same message to be read again
later on.
Because of that, there is no such thing20 as exactly-once message deliv-
ery. The best a consumer can do is to simulate exactly-once message
processing by requiring messages to be idempotent.

12.4.3 Failures
When a consumer fails to process a message, the visibility timeout
triggers, and the message is eventually delivered to another con-
sumer. What happens if processing a specific message consistently
fails with an error, though? To guard against the message being
picked up repeatedly in perpetuity, we need to limit the maximum
number of times the same message can be read from the channel.
To enforce a maximum number of retries, the broker can stamp
messages with a counter that keeps track of the number of
times the message has been delivered to a consumer. If the
broker doesn’t support this functionality out of the box, it can be
implemented by the consumers.
Once you have a way to count the number of times a message has
been retried, you still have to decide what to do when the maxi-
mum is reached. A consumer shouldn’t delete a message without
processing it, as that would cause data loss. But what it can do is
remove the message from the channel after writing it to a dead let-
ter channel — a channel that acts as a buffer for messages that have
been retried too many times.
This way, messages that consistently fail are not lost forever but
merely put on the side so that they don’t pollute the main channel,
wasting consumers’ processing resources. A human can then in-
spect these messages to debug the failure, and once the root cause
has been identified and fixed, move them back to the main channel
to be reprocessed.

12.4.4 Backlogs
One of the main advantages of using a messaging broker is that it
makes the system more robust to outages. Producers can continue
to write messages to a channel even if one or more consumers are
not available or are degraded. As long as the rate of arrival of
messages is lower or equal to the rate they are being deleted from
the channel, everything is great. When that is no longer true, and
consumers can’t keep up with producers, a backlog starts to build

A messaging channel introduces a bi-modal behavior in the sys-
tem. In one mode, there is no backlog, and everything works as
expected. In the other, a backlog builds up, and the system en-
ters a degraded state. The issue with a backlog is that the longer it
builds up, the more resources and/or time it will take to drain it.
There are several reasons for backlogs, for example:
• more producers came online, and/or their throughput in-
creased, and the consumers can’t match their rate;
• the consumers have become slower to process individual
messages, which in turn decreased their deletion rate;
• the consumers fail to process a fraction of the messages,
which are picked up again by other consumers until they
eventually end up in the dead letter channel. This can cause
a negative feedback loop that delays healthy messages and
wastes the consumers’ processing time.
To detect backlogs, you should measure the average time a mes-
sage waits in the channel to be read for the first time. Typically,
brokers attach a timestamp of when the message was first written
to it. The consumer can use that timestamp to compute how long
the message has been waiting in the channel by comparing it to the
timestamp taken when the message was read. Although the two
timestamps have been generated by two physical clocks that aren’t
perfectly synchronized (see section 8.1), the measure still provides
a good indication of the backlog.

12.4.5 Fault isolation

A specific producer that emits “poisonous” messages that repeat-
edly fail to be processed can degrade the whole system and poten-
tially cause backlogs, since messages are processed multiple times
before they end up in the dead-letter channel. Therefore, it’s im-
portant to find ways to deal with problematic producers before
they start to affect the rest of the system21 .
These producers are also referred to as noisy neighbors

If messages belong to different users22 and are decorated with

some kind of identifier, consumers can decide to treat “noisy”
users differently. For example, suppose messages from a specific
user fail consistently. In that case, the consumers could decide
to write these messages to an alternate low-priority channel and
remove them from the main channel without processing them.
The consumers can continue to read from the slow channel, but
do so less frequently. This ensures that one single bad user can’t
affect others.

12.4.6 Reference plus blob

Transmitting a large binary object (blob) like images, audio files,
or video can be challenging or simply impossible, depending on
the medium. For example, message brokers limit the maximum
size of messages that can be written to a channel; Azure Storage
queues limit messages to 64 KB, AWS Kinesis to 1 MB, etc. So how
do you transfer large blobs of hundreds of MBs with these strict
You can upload a blob to an object storage service, like AWS S3 or
Azure Blob Storage, and then send the URL of the blob via mes-
sage (this pattern is sometimes referred to as queue plus blob23 ).
The downside is that now you have to deal with two services, the
message broker and the object store, rather than just the message
broker, which increases the system’s complexity.
A similar approach can be used to store large blobs in databases
— rather than storing a blob in a database directly, you only store
some metadata containing an external reference to the actual blob.
The advantage of this solution is that it minimizes data being trans-
ferred back and forth to and from the data store, improving its per-
formance while reducing the required bandwidth. Also, the cost
per byte of an object store designed to persist large objects that in-
frequently change, if at all, is lower than the one of a generic data
A user can be a human or an application.

Of course, the downside is that you lose the ability to transac-

tionally update the blob with its metadata and potentially other
records in the data store. For example, suppose a transaction
inserts a new record in the data store containing an image. In this
case, the image won’t be visible until the transaction completes;
that won’t be the case if the image is stored in an external store,
though. Similarly, if the record is later deleted, the image is
automatically deleted as well; but if the image lives outside the
store, it’s your responsibility to delete it.
Whether storing blobs outside of your data store is acceptable or
not depends on your specific use cases.
Chapter 13


Now it’s time to change gears and dive into another tool you have
at your disposal to scale out application — partitioning or shard-
When a dataset no longer fits on a single node, it needs to be par-
titioned across multiple nodes. Partitioning is a general technique
that can be used in a variety of circumstances, like sharding TCP
connections across backends in a load balancer. To ground the dis-
cussion in this chapter, we will anchor it to the implementation of
a sharded key-value store.

13.1 Sharding strategies

When a client sends a request to a partitioned data store to read or
write a key, the request needs to be routed to the node responsible
for the partition the key belongs to. One way to do that is to use a
gateway service that can route the request to the right place know-
ing how keys are mapped to partitions and partitions to nodes.
The mapping between keys and partitions, and other metadata, is
typically maintained in a strongly-consistent configuration store,
like etcd or Zookeeper. But how are keys mapped to partitions in

the first place? At a high level, there are two ways to implement
the mapping using either range partitioning or hash partitioning.

13.1.1 Range partitioning

With range partitioning, the data is split into partitions by key
range in lexicographical order, and each partition holds a continu-
ous range of keys, as shown in Figure 13.1. The data can be stored
in sorted order on disk within each partition, making range scans

Figure 13.1: A range partitioned dataset

Splitting the key-range evenly doesn’t make much sense though if

the distribution of keys is not uniform, like in the English dictio-
nary. Doing so creates unbalanced partitions that contain signifi-
cantly more entries than others.
Another issue with range partitioning is that some access patterns
can lead to hotspots. For example, if a dataset is range partitioned
by date, all writes for the current day end up in the same partition,
which degrades the data store’s performance.

13.1.2 Hash partitioning

The idea behind hash partitioning is to use a hash function to as-
sign keys to partitions, which shuffles — or uniformly distributes

— keys across partitions, as shown in Figure 13.2. Another way

to think about it is that the hash function maps a potentially non-
uniformly distributed key space to a uniformly distributed hash
For example, a simple version of hash partitioning can be imple-
mented with modular hashing, i.e., hash(key) mod N.

Figure 13.2: A hash partitioned dataset

Although this approach ensures that the partitions contain more

or less the same number of entries, it doesn’t eliminate hotspots
if the access pattern is not uniform. If there is a single key that is
accessed significantly more often than others, then all bets are off.
In this case, the partition that contains the hot key needs to be split
further down. Alternatively, the key needs to be split into multiple
sub-keys, for example, by adding an offset at the end of it.
Using modular hashing can become problematic when a new par-
tition is added, as all keys have to be reshuffled across partitions.
Shuffling data is extremely expensive as it consumes network
bandwidth and other resources from nodes hosting partitions.
Ideally, if a partition is added, only 𝐾𝑁 keys should be shuffled
around, where 𝐾 is the number of keys and 𝑁 the number of
partitions. A hashing strategy that guarantees this property is
called stable hashing.

Ring hashing is an example of stable hashing. With ring hashing,

a function maps a key to a point on a circle. The circle is then split
into partitions that can be evenly or pseudo-randomly spaced, de-
pending on the specific algorithm. When a new partition is added,
it can be shown that most keys don’t need to be shuffled around.
For example, with consistent hashing1 , both the partition identifiers
and keys are randomly distributed on a circle, and each key is as-
signed to the next partition that appears on the circle in clockwise
order (see Figure 13.3).

Figure 13.3: With consistent hashing, partition identifiers and keys

are randomly distributed on a circle, and each key is assigned to
the next partition that appears on the circle in clockwise order.

Now, when a new partition is added, only the keys mapped to it

need to be reassigned, as shown in Figure 13.4.

Figure 13.4: After partition P4 is added, key ’for’ is reassigned to

P4, but the other keys are not reassigned.

The main drawback of hash partitioning compared to range parti-

tioning is that the sort order over the partitions is lost. However,
the data within an individual partition can still be sorted based on
a secondary key.

13.2 Rebalancing
When the number of requests to the data store becomes too large,
or the dataset’s size becomes too large, the number of nodes serv-
ing partitions needs to be increased. Similarly, if the dataset’s size
keeps shrinking, the number of nodes can be decreased to reduce
costs. The process of adding and removing nodes to balance the
system’s load is called rebalancing.
Rebalancing needs to be implemented in such a way to minimize
disruption to the data store, which needs to continue to serve re-
quests. Hence, the amount of data transferred during the rebalanc-
ing act needs to be minimized.

13.2.1 Static partitioning

Here, the idea is to create way more partitions than necessary
when the data store is first initialized and assign multiple parti-
tions per node. When a new node joins, some partitions move
from the existing nodes to the new one so that the store is always
in a balanced state.
The drawback of this approach is that the number of partitions
is set when the data store is first initialized and can’t be easily
changed after that. Getting the number of partitions wrong can be
problematic — too many partitions add overhead and decrease the
data store’s performance, while too few partitions limit the data
store’s scalability.

13.2.2 Dynamic partitioning

An alternative to creating partitions upfront is to create them on-
demand. One way to implement dynamic partitioning is to start
with a single partition. When it grows above a certain size or be-
comes too hot, it’s split into two sub-partitions, each containing
approximately half of the data. Then, one sub-partition is trans-
ferred to a new node. Similarly, if two adjacent partitions become
small enough, they can be merged into a single one.

13.2.3 Practical considerations

Introducing partitions in the system adds a fair amount of com-
plexity, even if it appears deceptively simple. Partition imbalance
can easily become a headache as a single hot partition can bottle-
neck the system and limit its ability to scale. And as each partition
is independent of the others, transactions are required to update
multiple partitions atomically.
We have merely scratched the surface on the topic; if you are in-
terested to learn more about it, I recommend reading Designing
Data-Intensive Applications2 by Martin Kleppmann.

2 Data- Intensive- Applications-
Chapter 14


Now it’s time to change gears and dive into another tool you have
at your disposal to design horizontally scalable applications — du-

14.1 Network load balancing

Arguably the easiest way to add more capacity to a service is to
create more instances of it and have some way of routing, or bal-
ancing, requests to them. The thinking is that if one instance has
a certain capacity, then 2 instances should have a capacity that is
twice that.
Creating more service instances can be a fast and cheap way to
scale out a stateless service, as long as you have taken into account
the impact on its dependencies. For example, if every service in-
stance needs to access a shared data store, eventually, the data
store will become a bottleneck, and adding more service instances
to the system will only strain it further.
The routing, or balancing, of requests across a pool of servers is
implemented by a network load balancer. A load balancer (LB) has
one or more physical network interface cards (NIC) mapped to one or
more virtual IP (VIP) addresses. A VIP, in turn, is associated with a

pool of servers. The LB acts as a middle-man between clients and

servers — the clients only see the VIP exposed by the LB and have
no visibility of the individual servers associated with it.
Distributing requests across servers has many benefits. Because
clients are decoupled from servers and don’t need to know their
individual addresses, the number of servers behind the LB can be
increased or reduced transparently. And since multiple redundant
servers can interchangeably be used to handle requests, a LB can
detect faulty ones and take them out of the pool, increasing the
service’s availability.
At a high level, a LB supports several core features beyond load
balancing, like service discovery and health-checks.
Load Balancing
The algorithms used for routing requests can vary from simple
round-robin to more complex ones that take into account the
servers’ load and health. There are several ways for a LB to infer
the load of the servers. For example, the LB could periodically
hit a dedicated load endpoint of each server that returns a measure
of how busy the server is (e.g., CPU usage). Hitting the servers
constantly can be very costly though, so typically a LB caches
these measures for some time.
Using cached, and hence delayed, metrics to distribute requests to
servers can create a herding effect. Suppose the load metrics are re-
freshed periodically, and a server that just joined the pool reported
a load of 0 — guess what happens next? The LB is going to hammer
that server until the next time its load is sampled. When that hap-
pens, the server is marked as busy, and the LB stops sending more
requests to it, assuming it hasn’t become unavailable first due to
the volume of requests sent its way. This creates a ping-pong ef-
fect where the server alternates between being very busy and not
busy at all.
Because of this herding effect, it turns out that randomly distribut-
ing requests to servers without accounting for their load actually
achieves a better load distribution. Does that mean that load bal-

ancing using delayed load metrics is not possible?

Actually, there is a way, but it requires combining load metrics
with the power of randomness. The idea is to randomly pick two
servers from the pool and route the request to the least-loaded one
of the two. This approach1 works remarkably well as it combines
delayed load information with the protection against herding that
randomness provides.
Service Discovery
Service discovery is the mechanism used by the LB to discover the
available servers in the pool it can route requests to. There are
various ways to implement it. For example, a simple approach is
to use a static configuration file that lists the IP addresses of all the
servers. However, this is quite painful to manage and keep up-
to-date. A more flexible solution can be implemented with DNS.
Finally, using a data store provides the maximum flexibility at the
cost of increasing the system’s complexity.
One of the benefits of using a dynamic service discovery mecha-
nism is that servers can be added and removed from the LB’s pool
at any time. This is a crucial functionality that cloud providers
leverage to implement autoscaling2 , i.e., the ability to automati-
cally spin up and tear down servers based on their load.
Health checks
Health checks are used by the LB to detect when a server can no
longer serve requests and needs to be temporarily removed from
the pool. There are fundamentally two categories of health checks:
passive and active.
A passive health check is performed by the LB as it routes incoming
requests to the servers downstream. If a server isn’t reachable, the
request times out, or the server returns a non-retriable status code
(e.g., 503), the LB can decide to take that server out from the pool.

Instead, an active health check requires support from the down-

stream servers, which need to expose a health endpoint signaling
the server’s health state. Later in the book, we will describe in
greater detail how to implement such a health endpoint.

14.1.1 DNS load balancing

Now that we know what a load balancer’s job is, let’s take a closer
look at how it can be implemented. While you probably won’t
have to build your own LB given the plethora of off-the-shelf solu-
tions available, a basic knowledge of how load balancing works is
crucial. LB failures are very visible to your services’ clients since
they tend to manifest themselves as timeouts and connection re-
sets. Because the LB sits between your service and its clients, it also
contributes to the end-to-end latency of request-response transac-
The most basic form of load balancing can be implemented with
DNS. Suppose you have a couple of servers that you would like
to load balance requests over. If these servers have publicly-
reachable IP addresses, you can add those to the service’s DNS
record and have the clients pick one3 when resolving the DNS
address, as shown in Figure 14.1.
Although this works, it doesn’t deal well with failures. If one of
the two servers goes down, the DNS server will happily continue
serving its IP address unaware of the failure. You can manually
reconfigure the DNS record to take out the problematic IP, but as
we have learned in chapter 4, changes are not applied immediately
due to the nature of DNS caching.

14.1.2 Transport layer load balancing

A more flexible load balancing solution can be implemented with
a load balancer that operates at the TCP level of the network stack4 ,
This is also referred to as layer 4 (L4) load balancing since layer 4 is the transport
layer in the OSI model.

Figure 14.1: DNS load balancing

through which all traffic between clients and servers needs to go

When a client creates a new TCP connection with a LB’s VIP,
the LB picks a server from the pool and henceforth shuffles the
packets back and forth for that connection between the client and
the server. How does the LB assign connections to the servers,
A connection is identified by a tuple (source IP/port, destination
IP/port). Typically, some form of hashing is used to assign a con-
nection tuple to a server. To minimize the disruption caused by a
server being added or removed from the pool, consistent hashing5
is preferred over modular hashing.
To forward packets downstream, the LB translates6 each packet’s

source address to the LB address and its destination address to the

server’s address. Similarly, when the LB receives a packet from
the server, it translates its source address to the LB address and its
destination address to the client’s address (see Figure 14.2).

Figure 14.2: Transport layer load balancing

As the data going out of the servers usually has a greater volume
than the data coming in, there is a way for servers to bypass the
LB and respond directly to the clients using a mechanism called
direct server return7 , but this is beyond the scope of this section.
Because the LB is communicating directly with the servers, it can
detect unavailable ones (e.g., with a passive health check) and au-

tomatically take them out of the pool improving the reliability of

the backend service.
Although load balancing connections at the TCP level is very fast,
the drawback is that the LB is just shuffling bytes around with-
out knowing what they actually mean. Therefore, L4 LBs gener-
ally don’t support features that require higher-level network proto-
cols, like terminating TLS connections or balancing HTTP sessions
based on cookies. A load balancer that operates at a higher level of
the network stack is required to support these advanced use cases.

14.1.3 Application layer load balancing

An application layer load balancer8 is an HTTP reverse proxy that
farms out requests over a pool of servers. The LB receives an HTTP
request from a client, inspects it, and sends it to a backend server.
There are two different TCP connections at play here, one between
the client and the L7 LB and another between the L7 LB and the
server. Because a L7 LB operates at the HTTP level, it can de-
multiplex individual HTTP requests sharing the same TCP connec-
tion. This is even more important with HTTP 2, where multiple
concurrent streams are multiplexed on the same TCP connection,
and some connections can be several orders of magnitude more
expensive to handle than others.
The LB can do smart things with application traffic, like rate-
limiting requests based on HTTP headers, terminate TLS
connections, or force HTTP requests belonging to the same logical
session to be routed to the same backend server.
For example, the LB could use a specific cookie to identify which
logical session a specific request belongs to. Just like with a L4 LB,
the session identifier can be mapped to a server using consistent
hashing. The caveat is that sticky sessions can create hotspots as
some sessions are more expensive to handle than others.
If it sounds like a L7 LB has some overlapping functionality with
Also referred to as a layer 7 (L7) load balancer since layer 7 is the application
layer in the OSI model

an API gateway, it’s because they both are HTTP proxies, and
therefore their responsibilities can be blurred.
A L7 LB is typically used as the backend of a L4 LB to load bal-
ance requests sent by external clients from the internet (see Figure
14.3). Although L7 LBs offer more functionality than L4 LBs, they
have a lower throughput in comparison, which makes L4 LBs bet-
ter suited to protect against certain DDoS attacks, like SYN floods.

Figure 14.3: A L7 LB is typically used as the backend of a L4 one

to load balance requests sent by external clients from the internet.

A drawback of using a dedicated load-balancing service is that all

the traffic needs to go through it and if the LB goes down, the ser-

vice behind it is no longer reachable. Additionally, it’s one more

service that needs to be operated and scaled out.
When the clients are internal to an organization, the L7 LB function-
ality can alternatively be bolted onto the clients directly using the
sidecar pattern. In this pattern, all network traffic from a client goes
through a process co-located on the same machine. This process
implements load balancing, rate-limiting, authentication, monitor-
ing, and other goodies.
The sidecar processes form the data plane of a service mesh9 , which
is configured by a corresponding control plane. This approach has
been gaining popularity with the rise of microservices in organi-
zations that have hundreds of services communicating with each
other. Popular sidecar proxy load balancers as of this writing are
NGINX, HAProxy, and Envoy. The advantage of using this ap-
proach is that it distributes the load-balancing functionality to the
clients, removing the need for a dedicated service that needs to be
scaled out and maintained. The con is a significant increase in the
system’s complexity.

14.1.4 Geo load balancing

When we first discussed TCP in chapter 2, we talked about the
importance of minimizing the latency between a client and a server.
No matter how fast the server is, if the client is located on the other
side of the world from it, the response time is going to be over 100
ms just because of the network latency, which is physically limited
by the speed of light. Not to mention the increased error rate when
sending data across the public internet over long distances.
To mitigate these performance issues, you can distribute the traffic
to different data centers located in different regions. But how do
you ensure that the clients communicate with the geographically
closest L4 load balancer?
This is where DNS geo load balancing10 comes in — it’s an exten-
9 mesh- data- plane- vs- control- plane-
10 book/chapters/load- balancing-

sion to DNS that considers the location of the client inferred from
its IP, and returns a list of the geographically closest L4 LB VIPs
(see Figure 14.4). The LB also needs to take into account the capac-
ity of each data center and its health status.

Figure 14.4: Geo load balancing infers the location of the client
from its IP


14.2 Replication
If the servers behind a load balancer are stateless, scaling out is as
simple as adding more servers. But when there is state involved,
some form of coordination is required.
Replication is the process of storing a copy of the same data in
multiple nodes. If the data is static, replication is easy: just copy
the data to multiple nodes, add a load balancer in front of it, and
you are done. The challenge is dealing with dynamically changing
data, which requires coordination to keep it in sync.
Replication and sharding are techniques that are often combined,
but are orthogonal to each other. For example, a distributed data
store can divide its data into N partitions and distribute them over
K nodes. Then, a state-machine replication algorithm like Raft can
be used to replicate each partition R times (see Figure 14.5).
We have already discussed one way of replicating data in chap-
ter 10. This section will take a broader, but less detailed, look at
replication and explore different approaches with varying trade-
offs. To keep things simple, we will assume that the dataset is
small enough to fit on a single node, and therefore no partitioning
is needed.

14.2.1 Single leader replication

The most common approach to replicate data is the single leader,
multiple followers/replicas approach (see Figure 14.6). In this ap-
proach, the clients send writes exclusively to the leader, which up-
dates its local state and replicates the change to the followers. We
have seen an implementation of this when we discussed the Raft
replication algorithm.
At a high level, the replication can happen either fully syn-
chronously, fully asynchronously, or as a combination of the
Asynchronous replication
In this mode, when the leader receives a write request from a client,

Figure 14.5: A replicated and partitioned data store. A node can

be the replication leader for a partition while being a follower for
another one.

Figure 14.6: Single leader replication

it asynchronously sends out requests to the followers to replicate it

and replies to the client before the replication has been completed.
Although this approach is fast, it’s not fault-tolerant. What hap-
pens if the leader crashes right after accepting a write, but before
replicating it to the followers? In this case, a new leader could be
elected that doesn’t have the latest updates, leading to data loss,
which is one of the worst possible trade-offs you can make.
The other issue is consistency. A successful write might not be vis-
ible by some or all replicas because the replication happens asyn-
chronously. The client could send a write to the leader and later
fail to read the data from a replica because it doesn’t exist there yet.
The only guarantee is that if the writes stop, eventually, all replicas
will catch up and be identical (eventual consistency).
Synchronous replication
Synchronous replication waits for a write to be replicated to all fol-

lowers before returning a response to the client, which comes with

a performance penalty. If a replica is extremely slow, every request
will be affected by it. To the extreme, if any replica is down or not
reachable, the store becomes unavailable and it can no longer write
any data. The more nodes the data store has, the more likely a fault
As you can see, fully synchronous or asynchronous replication are
extremes that provide some advantages at the expense of others.
Most data stores have replication strategies that use a combination
of the two. For example, in Raft, the leader replicates its writes to
a majority before returning a response to the client. And in Post-
greSQL, you can configure a subset of replicas to receive updates
synchronously11 rather than asynchronously.

14.2.2 Multi-leader replication

In multi-leader replication, there is more than one node that can
accept writes. This approach is used when the write throughput
is too high for a single node to handle, or when a leader needs to
be available in multiple data centers to be geographically closer to
its clients.
The replication happens asynchronously since the alternative
would defeat the purpose of using multiple leaders in the first
place. This form of replication is generally best avoided when
possible as it introduces a lot of complexity. The main issue with
multiple leaders are conflicting writes; if the same data item is
updated concurrently by two leaders, which one should win?
To resolve conflicts, the data store needs to implement a conflict
resolution strategy.
The simplest strategy is to design the system so that conflicts are
not possible; this can be achieved under some circumstances if
the data has a homing region. For example, if all the European
customer requests are always routed to the European data center,
which has a single leader, there won’t be any conflicting writes.
There is still the possibility of a data center going down, but that

Figure 14.7: Multi-leader replication

can be mitigated with a backup data center in the same region,

replicated with single-leader replication.
If assigning requests to specific leaders is not possible, and every
client needs to be able to write to every leader, conflicting writes
will inevitably happen.
One way to deal with a conflict updating a record is to store the
concurrent writes and return them to the next client that reads
the record. The client will try to resolve the conflict and update
the data store with the resolution. In other words, the data store
“pushes the can down the road” to the clients.
Alternatively, an automatic conflict resolution method needs to be
implemented, for example:
• The data store could use the timestamps of the writes and
let the most recent one win. This is generally not reliable
because the nodes’ physical clocks aren’t perfectly synchro-
nized. Logical clocks are better suited for the job in this case.
• The data store could allow the client to upload a custom con-

flict resolution procedure, which can be executed by the data

store whenever a conflict is detected.
• Finally, the data store could leverage data structures that pro-
vide automatic conflict resolution, like a conflict-free replicated
data type (CRDT). CRDTs12 are data structures that can be
replicated across multiple nodes, allowing each replica to up-
date its local version independently from others while resolv-
ing inconsistencies in a mathematically sound way.

14.2.3 Leaderless replication

What if any replica could accept writes from clients? In that case,
there wouldn’t be any leader(s), and the responsibility of repli-
cating and resolving conflicts would be offloaded entirely to the
For this to work, a basic invariant needs to be satisfied. Suppose
the data store has N replicas. When a client sends a write request to
the replicas, it waits for at least W replicas to acknowledge it before
moving on. And when it reads an entry, it does so by querying R
replicas and taking the most recent one from the response set. Now,
as long as 𝑊 + 𝑅 > 𝑁 , the write and replica set intersect, which
guarantees that at least one record in the read set will reflect the
latest write.
The writes are always sent to all N replicas in parallel; the W pa-
rameter determines just the number of responses the client has to
receive to complete the request. The data store’s read and write
throughput depend on how large or small R and W are. For exam-
ple, a workload with many reads benefits from a smaller R, but in
turn, that makes writes slower and less available.
Like in multi-leader replication, a conflict resolution strategy
needs to be used when two or more writes to the same record
happen concurrently.
Leaderless replication is even more complex than multi-leader
replication, as it’s offloading the leader responsibilities to the

clients, and there are edge cases that affect consistency even when
𝑊 + 𝑊 > 𝑁 is satisfied. For example, if a write succeeded on
less than W replicas and failed on the others, the replicas are left
in an inconsistent state.

14.3 Caching
Let’s take a look now at a very specific type of replication that only
offers best effort guarantees: caching.
Suppose a service requires retrieving data from a remote depen-
dency, like a data store, to handle its requests. As the service scales
out, the dependency needs to do the same to keep up with the
ever-increasing load. A cache can be introduced to reduce the load
on the dependency and improve the performance of accessing the
A cache is a high-speed storage layer that temporarily buffers re-
sponses from downstream dependencies so that future requests
can be served directly from it — it’s a form of best effort replication.
For a cache to be cost-effective, there should be a high probability
that requested data can be found in it. This requires the data access
pattern to have a high locality of reference, like a high likelihood
of accessing the same data again and again over time.

14.3.1 Policies
When a cache miss occurs13 , the missing data item has to be re-
quested from the remote dependency, and the cache has to be up-
dated with it. This can happen in two ways:
• The client, after getting an “item-not-found” error from the
cache, requests the data item from the dependency and up-
dates the cache. In this case, the cache is said to be a side
• Alternatively, if the cache is inline, the cache communicates
directly with the dependency and requests the missing data
item. In this case, the client only ever accesses the cache.
Because a cache has a maximum capacity for holding entries, an
entry needs to be evicted to make room for a new one when its ca-
pacity is reached. Which entry to remove depends on the eviction
A cache hit occurs when the requested data can be found in the cache, while a
cache miss occurs when it cannot.

policy used by the cache and the client’s access pattern. One com-
monly used policy is to evict the least recently used (LRU) entry.
A cache also has an expiration policy that dictates for how long
to store an entry. For example, a simple expiration policy defines
the maximum time to live (TTL) in seconds. When a data item has
been in the cache for longer than its TTL, it expires and can safely
be evicted.
The expiration doesn’t need to occur immediately, though, and it
can be deferred to the next time the entry is requested. In fact, that
might be preferable — if the dependency is temporarily unavail-
able, and the cache is inline, it can opt to return an entry with an
expired TTL to the client rather than an error.

14.3.2 In-process cache

The simplest possible cache you can build is an in-memory dictio-
nary located within the clients, such as a hash-table with a limited
size and bounded to the available memory that the node offers.

Figure 14.8: In-process cache

Because each cache is completely independent of the others, con-

sistency issues are inevitable since each client potentially sees a

different version of the same entry. Additionally, an entry needs

to be fetched once per cache, creating downstream pressure pro-
portional to the number of clients.
This issue is exacerbated when a service with an in-process cache is
restarted or scales out, and every newly started instance requires to
fetch entries directly from the dependency. This can cause a “thun-
dering herd” effect where the downstream dependency is hit with
a spike of requests. The same can happen at run-time if a specific
data item that wasn’t accessed before becomes all of a sudden very
Request coalescing can be used to reduce the impact of a thunder-
ing herd. The idea is that there should be at most one outstanding
request at the time to fetch a specific data item per in-process cache.
For example, if a service instance is serving 10 concurrent requests
requiring a specific record that is not yet in the cache, the instance
will send only a single request out to the remote dependency to
fetch the missing entry.

14.3.3 Out-of-process cache

An external cache, shared across all service instances, addresses
some of the drawbacks of using an in-process cache at the expense
of greater complexity and cost.
Because the external cache is shared among the service instances,
there can be only a single version of each data item at any given
time. And although the cached item can be out-of-date, every
client accessing the cache will see the same version, which reduces
consistency issues. The load on the dependency is also reduced
since the number of times an entry is accessed no longer grows as
the number of clients increases.
Although we have managed to decouple the clients from the de-
pendency, we have merely shifted the load to the external cache.
If the load increases, the cache will eventually need to be scaled
out. As little data as possible should be moved around when
that happens to guarantee that the cache’s availability doesn’t

Figure 14.9: Out-of-process cache

drop and that the number of cache misses doesn’t significantly

increase. Consistent hashing, or a similar partitioning technique,
can be used to reduce the amount of data that needs to be moved
Maintaining an external cache comes with a price as it’s yet another
service that needs to be maintained and operated. Additionally,
the latency to access it is higher than accessing an in-process cache
because a network call is required.
If the external cache is down, how should the service react? You
would think it might be okay to temporarily bypass the cache
and directly hit the dependency. But in that case, the dependency
might not be prepared to withstand a surge of traffic since it’s
usually shielded by the cache. Consequently, the external cache
becoming unavailable could easily cause a cascading failure
resulting in the dependency to become unavailable as well.

The clients can leverage an in-process cache as a defense against

the external cache becoming unavailable. Similarly, the depen-
dency also needs to be prepared to handle these sudden “attacks.”
Load shedding is a technique that can be used here, which we will
discuss later in the book.
What’s important to understand is that a cache introduces a bi-
modal behavior in the system14 . Most of the time, the cache is
working as expected, and everything is fine; when it’s not for what-
ever reason, the system needs to survive without it. It’s a design
smell if your system can’t cope at all without a cache.

Remember when we talked about the bi-modal behavior of message channels
in section 12.4? As we will learn later, you always want to minimize the number of
modes in your applications to make them simple to understand and operate.
Part IV


As you scale out your applications, any failure that can happen will
eventually happen. Hardware failures, software crashes, memory
leaks — you name it. The more components you have, the more
failures you will experience.
Suppose you have a buggy service that leaks 1 MB of memory on
average every hundred requests. If the service does a thousand
requests per day, chances are you will restart the service to deploy
a new build before the leak reaches any significant size. But if your
service is doing 10 million requests per day, then by the end of the
day you lose 100 GB of memory! Eventually, the servers won’t
have enough memory available and they will start to trash due to
the constant swapping of pages in and out from disk.
This nasty behavior is caused by cruel math; given an operation that
has a certain probability of failing, the total number of failures in-
creases with the total number of operations performed. In other
words, the more you scale out your system to handle more load,
and the more operations and moving parts there are, the more fail-
ures your systems will experience.
Remember when we talked about availability and “nines” in chap-
ter 1? Well, to guarantee just two nines, your system can be un-
available for up to 15 min a day. That’s very little time to take any
manual action. If you strive for 3 nines, then you only have 43 min-
utes per month available. Although you can’t escape cruel math,
you can mitigate it by implementing self-healing mechanisms to
reduce the impact of failures.

Chapter 15 describes the causes of the most common failures in

distributed systems: single points of failure, unreliable networks,
slow processes, and unexpected load.
Chapter 16 dives into resiliency patterns that help shield a ser-
vice against failures in downstream dependencies, like timeouts,
retries, and circuit breakers.
Chapter 17 discusses resiliency patterns that help protect a service
against upstream pressure, like load shedding, load leveling, and
Chapter 15

Common failure causes

In order to protect your systems against failures, you first need to

have an idea of what can go wrong. The most common failures you
will encounter are caused by single points of failure, the network
being unreliable, slow processes, and unexpected load. Let’s take
a closer look at these.

15.1 Single point of failure

A single point of failure is the most glaring cause of failure in a
distributed system; if it were to fail, that one component would
bring down the entire system with it. In practice, systems can have
multiple single points of failure.
A service that starts up by needing to read a configuration from a
non-replicated database is an example of a single point of failure;
if the database isn’t reachable, the service won’t be able to (re)start.
A more subtle example is a service that exposes an HTTP API on
top of TLS using a certificate that needs to be manually renewed.
If the certificate isn’t renewed by the time it expires, then all clients
trying to connect to it wouldn’t be able to open a connection with
the service.
Single points of failure should be identified when the system is

architected before they can cause any harm. The best way to detect
them is to examine every component of the system and ask what
would happen if that component were to fail. Some single points
of failure can be architected away, e.g., by introducing redundancy,
while others can’t. In that case, the only option left is to minimize
the blast radius.

15.2 Unreliable network

When a client makes a remote network call, it sends a request to
a server and expects to receive a response from it a while later. In
the best case, the client receives a response shortly after sending
the request. But what if the client waits and waits and still doesn’t
get a response? In that case, the client doesn’t know whether a
response will eventually arrive or not. At that point it has only
two options: it can either continue to wait, or fail the request with
an exception or error.
As discussed when the concept of failure detection was introduced
in chapter 7, there are several reasons why the client hasn’t re-
ceived a response so far:
• the server is slow;
• the client’s request has been dropped by a network switch,
router or proxy;
• the server has crashed while processing the request;
• or the server’s response has been dropped by a network
switch, router or proxy.
Slow network calls are the silent killers1 of distributed systems. Be-
cause the client doesn’t know whether the response is on its way or
not, it can spend a long time waiting before giving up, if it gives up
at all. The wait can in turn cause degradations that are extremely
hard to debug. In chapter 16 we will explore ways to protect clients
from the unreliability of the network.

15.3 Slow processes

From an observer’s point of view, a very slow process is not very
different from one that isn’t running at all — neither can perform
useful work. Resource leaks are one of the most common causes
of slow processes. Whenever you use resources, especially when
they have been leased from a pool, there is a potential for leaks.
Memory is the most well-known source of leaks. A memory leak
causes a steady increase in memory consumption over time. Run-
times with garbage collection don’t help much either; if a reference
to an object that is no longer needed is kept somewhere, the object
won’t be deleted by the garbage collector.
A memory leak keeps consuming memory until there is no more
of it, at which point the operating system starts swapping memory
pages to disk constantly, while the garbage collector kicks in more
frequently trying its best to release any shred of memory. The con-
stant paging and the garbage collector eating up CPU cycles make
the process slower. Eventually, when there is no more physical
memory, and there is no more space in the swap file, the process
won’t be able to allocate more memory, and most operations will
Memory is just one of the many resources that can leak. For exam-
ple, if you are using a thread pool, you can lose a thread when it
blocks on a synchronous call that never returns. If a thread makes
a synchronous blocking HTTP call without setting a timeout, and
the call never returns, the thread won’t be returned to the pool.
Since the pool has a fixed size and keeps losing threads, it will
eventually run out of threads.
You might think that making asynchronous calls, rather than syn-
chronous ones, would help in the previous case. However, mod-
ern HTTP clients use socket pools to avoid recreating TCP connec-
tions and pay a hefty performance fee as discussed in chapter 2.
If a request is made without a timeout, the connection is never re-
turned to the pool. As the pool has a limited size, eventually there
won’t be any connections left.

On top of that, the code you write isn’t the only one accessing mem-
ory, threads, and sockets. The libraries your application depends
on access the same resources, and they can do all kinds of shady
things. Without digging into their implementation, assuming it’s
open in the first place, you can’t be sure whether they can wreak
havoc or not.

15.4 Unexpected load

Every system has a limit to how much load it can withstand with-
out scaling. Depending on how the load increases, you are bound
to hit that brick wall sooner or later. One thing is an organic in-
crease in load that gives you the time to scale out your service ac-
cordingly, but another is a sudden and unexpected spike.
For example, consider the number of requests received by a service
in a period of time. The rate and the type of incoming requests
can change over time, and sometimes suddenly, for a variety of
• The requests might have a seasonality — depending on the
hour of the day, the service is going to get hit by users in
different countries.
• Some requests are much more expensive than others and
abuse the system in ways you might have not anticipated,
like scrapers slurping in data from your site at super-human
• Some requests are malicious, like DDoS attacks that try to
saturate your service’s bandwidth, denying access to the ser-
vice for legitimate users.
To withstand unexpected load, you need to prepare beforehand.
The patterns in chapter 17 will teach you some techniques on how
to do just that2 .
These techniques might look simple but are very effective. During the COVID-
19 outbreak, I have witnessed many of the systems I was responsible for at the time
doubling traffic nearly overnight without causing any incidents.

15.5 Cascading failures

You would think that if your system has hundreds of processes, it
shouldn’t make much difference if a small percentage are slow or
unreachable. The thing about failures is that they tend to spread
like cancer, propagating from one process to the other until the
whole system crumbles to its knees. This effect is also referred to
as a cascading failure, which occurs when a portion of an overall
system fails, increasing the probability that other portions fail.
For example, suppose there are multiple clients querying two
database replicas A and B, which are behind a load balancer. Each
replica is handling about 50 transactions per second (see Figure

Figure 15.1: Two replicas behind an LB; each is handling half the

Suddenly, replica B becomes unavailable because of a network

fault. The load balancer detects that B is unavailable and removes
it from its pool. Because of that, replica A has to pick up the
slack for replica B, doubling the load it was previously under (see
Figure 15.2).
As replica A starts to struggle to keep up with the incoming re-
quests, the clients experience more failures and timeouts. In turn,
they retry the same failing requests several times, adding insult to

Figure 15.2: When replica B becomes unavailable, A will be hit

with more load, which can strain it beyond its capacity.

Eventually, replica A is under so much load that it can no longer

serve requests promptly and becomes unavailable, causing replica
A to be removed from the load balancer’s pool. In the meantime,
replica B becomes available again and the load balancer puts it
back in the pool, at which point it’s flooded with requests that kill
the replica instantaneously. This feedback loop of doom can repeat
several times.
Cascading failures are very hard to get under control once they
have started. The best way to mitigate one is to not have it in the
first place. The patterns introduced in the next chapters will help
you stop the cracks in the system from spreading.

15.6 Risk management

As we have just seen, a distributed system needs to embrace that
failures will happen and needs to be prepared for it. Just because a
failure has a chance of happening doesn’t always mean you have
necessarily to do something about it. The day has only so many
hours, and you will need to make tough decisions about where to
spend your engineering time.
Given a specific failure, you have to consider its probability of

happening and the impact it causes to your system if it does hap-

pen. By multiplying the two factors together, you get a risk score3 ,
which you can then use to decide which failures to prioritize and
act upon (see Figure 15.3). A failure that is very likely to happen,
and has an extensive impact, should be dealt with swiftly; on the
other hand, a failure with a low likelihood and low impact can

Figure 15.3: Risk matrix

To address a failure, you can either find a way to reduce the prob-
ability of it happening, or reduce its impact.

Chapter 16

Downstream resiliency

In this chapter, we will explore patterns that shield a service

against failures in its downstream dependencies.

16.1 Timeout
When you make a network call, you can configure a timeout to fail
the request if there is no response within a certain amount of time.
If you make the call without setting a timeout, you tell your code
that you are 100% confident that the call will succeed. Would you
really take that bet?
Unfortunately, some network APIs don’t have a way to set a time-
out in the first place. When the default timeout is infinity, it’s all
too easy for a client to shoot itself in the foot. As mentioned ear-
lier, network calls that don’t return lead to resource leaks at best.
Timeouts limit and isolate failures, stopping them from cascading
to the rest of the system. And they are useful not just for network
calls, but also for requesting a resource from a pool and for syn-
chronization primitives like mutexes.
To drive the point home on the importance of setting timeouts, let’s
take a look at some concrete examples. JavaScript’s XMLHttpRe-
quest is the web API to retrieve data from a server asynchronously.

Its default timeout is zero1 , which means there is no timeout:

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '/api', true);
// No timeout by default!
xhr.timeout = 10000;
xhr.onload = function () {
// Request finished
xhr.ontimeout = function (e) {
// Request timed out

Client-side timeouts are as crucial as server-side ones. There is a

maximum number of sockets your browser2 can open for a partic-
ular host. If you make network requests that never return, you are
going to exhaust the socket pool. When the pool is exhausted, you
are no longer able to connect to the host.
The fetch web API is a modern replacement for XMLHttpRequest
that uses Promises. When the fetch API was initially introduced,
there was no way to set a timeout at all3 . Browsers have recently
added experimental support for the Abort API4 to support time-
const controller = new AbortController();
const signal = controller.signal;
const fetchPromise = fetch(url, {signal});
// No timeout by default!
setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), 10000);
fetchPromise.then(response => {
// Request finished

Things aren’t much rosier for Python. The popular requests library
uses a default timeout of infinity5 :
# No timeout by default!
response = requests.get('', timeout=10)

Go’s HTTP package doesn’t use timeouts6 by default, either:

var client = &http.Client{
// No timeout by default!
Timeout: time.Second * 10,
response, _ := client .Get(url)

Modern HTTP clients for Java and .NET do a much better job and
usually come with default timeouts. For example, .NET Core Http-
Client has a default timeout of 100 seconds7 . It’s lax but better than
not setting a timeout at all.
As a rule of thumb, always set timeouts when making network
calls, and be wary of third-party libraries that do network calls or
use internal resource pools but don’t expose settings for timeouts.
And if you build libraries, always set reasonable default timeouts
and make them configurable for your clients.
Ideally, you should set your timeouts based on the desired false
timeout rate8 . Say you want to have about 0.1% false timeouts; to
achieve that, you should set the timeout to the 99.9th percentile
of the remote call’s response time, which you can measure empiri-
You also want to have good monitoring in place to measure the en-
tire lifecycle of your network calls, like the duration of the call, the
status code received, and if a timeout was triggered. We will talk
about monitoring later in the book, but the point I want to make
here is that you have to measure what happens at the integration

points of your systems, or you won’t be able to debug production

issues when they show up.
Ideally, you want to encapsulate a remote call within a library that
sets timeouts and monitors it for you so that you don’t have to re-
member to do this every time you make a network call. No matter
which language you use, there is likely a library out there that im-
plements some of the resiliency and transient fault-handling pat-
terns introduced in this chapter, which you can use to encapsulate
your system’s network calls.
Using a language-specific library is not the only way to wrap your
network calls; you can also leverage a reverse proxy co-located on
the same machine which intercepts all the remote calls that your
process makes9 . The proxy enforces timeouts and also monitors
the calls, relinquishing your process from the responsibility to do

16.2 Retry
You know by now that a client should configure a timeout when
making a network request. But, what should it do when the re-
quest fails, or the timeout fires? The client has two options at that
point: it can either fail fast or retry the request at a later time.
If the failure or timeout was caused by a short-lived connectivity
issue, then retrying after some backoff time has a high probability of
succeeding. However, if the downstream service is overwhelmed,
retrying immediately will only make matters worse. This is why
retrying needs to be slowed down with increasingly longer delays
between the individual retries until either a maximum number of
retries is reached or a certain amount of time has passed since the
initial request.
We talked about this in section 14.1.3 when discussing the sidecar pattern and
the service mesh.

16.2.1 Exponential backoff

To set the delay between retries, you can use a capped exponential
function, where the delay is derived by multiplying the initial back-
off duration by a constant after each attempt, up to some maxi-
mum value (the cap):

delay = 𝑚𝑖𝑛(cap, initial-backoff ⋅ 2attempt )

For example, if the cap is set to 8 seconds, and the initial backoff
duration is 2 seconds, then the first retry delay is 2 seconds, the
second is 4 seconds, the third is 8 seconds, and any further delay
will be capped to 8 seconds.
Although exponential backoff does reduce the pressure on the
downstream dependency, there is still a problem. When the
downstream service is temporarily degraded, it’s likely that mul-
tiple clients see their requests failing around the same time. This
causes the clients to retry simultaneously, hitting the downstream
service with load spikes that can further degrade it, as shown in
Figure 16.1.

Figure 16.1: Retry storm


To avoid this herding behavior, you can introduce random jitter10

in the delay calculation. With it, the retries spread out over time,
smoothing out the load to the downstream service:

delay = 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑚(0, 𝑚𝑖𝑛(cap, initial-backoff ⋅ 2attempt ))

Actively waiting and retrying failed network requests isn’t the

only way to implement retries. In batch applications that don’t
have strict real-time requirements, a process can park failed
requests into a retry queue. The same process, or possibly another,
reads from the same queue later and retries the requests.
Just because a network call can be retried doesn’t mean it should
be. If the error is not short-lived, for example, because the process
is not authorized to access the remote endpoint, then it makes no
sense to retry the request since it will fail again. In this case, the
process should fail fast and cancel the call right away.
You should also not retry a network call that isn’t idempotent, and
whose side effects can affect your application’s correctness. Sup-
pose a process is making a call to a payment provider service, and
the call times out; should it retry or not? The operation might have
succeeded and retrying would charge the account twice, unless the
request is idempotent.

16.2.2 Retry amplification

Suppose that handling a request from a client requires it to go
through a chain of dependencies. The client makes a call to ser-
vice A, which to handle the request talks to service B, which in
turn talks to service C.
If the intermediate request from service B to service C fails, should
B retry the request or not? Well, if B does retry it, A will perceive a
longer execution time for its request, which in turn makes it more
likely to hit A’s timeout. If that happens, A retries its request again,
making it more likely for the client to hit its timeout and retry.
10 backoff- and-

Having retries at multiple levels of the dependency chain can am-

plify the number of retries; the deeper a service is in the chain, the
higher the load it will be exposed to due to the amplification (see
Figure 16.2).

Figure 16.2: Retry amplification in action

And if the pressure gets bad enough, this behavior can easily bring
down the whole system. That’s why when you have long depen-
dency chains, you should only retry at a single level of the chain,
and fail fast in all the other ones.

16.3 Circuit breaker

Suppose your service uses timeouts to detect communication fail-
ures with a downstream dependency, and retries to mitigate tran-
sient failures. If the failures aren’t transient and the downstream
dependency keeps being unresponsive, what should it do then?
If the service keeps retrying failed requests, it will necessarily be-
come slower for its clients. In turn, this slowness can propagate to
the rest of the system and cause cascading failures.
To deal with non-transient failures, we need a mechanism that
detects long-term degradations of downstream dependencies and
stops new requests from being sent downstream in the first place.
After all, the fastest network call is the one you don’t have to
make. This mechanism is also called a circuit breaker, inspired by
the same functionality implemented in electrical circuits.
A circuit breaker’s goal is to allow a sub-system to fail without
bringing down the whole system with it. To protect the system,
calls to the failing sub-system are temporarily blocked. Later,
when the sub-system recovers and failures stop, the circuit breaker

allows calls to go through again.

Unlike retries, circuit breakers prevent network calls entirely,
which makes the pattern particularly useful for long-term degra-
dations. In other words, retries are helpful when the expectation
is that the next call will succeed, while circuit breakers are helpful
when the expectation is that the next call will fail.

16.3.1 State machine

The circuit breaker is implemented as a state machine that can be
in one of three states: open, closed and half-open (see Figure 16.3).

Figure 16.3: Circuit breaker state machine

In the closed state, the circuit breaker is merely acting as a pass-

through for network calls. In this state, the circuit breaker tracks
the number of failures, like errors and timeouts. If the number
goes over a certain threshold within a predefined time-interval, the
circuit breaker trips and opens the circuit.
When the circuit is open, network calls aren’t attempted and fail
immediately. As an open circuit breaker can have business im-
plications, you need to think carefully what should happen when
a downstream dependency is down. If the down-stream depen-
dency is non-critical, you want your service to degrade gracefully,

rather than to stop entirely.

Think of an airplane that loses one of its non-critical sub-systems
in flight; it shouldn’t crash, but rather gracefully degrade to a state
where the plane can still fly and land. Another example is Ama-
zon’s front page; if the recommendation service is not available,
the page should render without recommendations. It’s a better
outcome than to fail the rendering of the whole page entirely.
After some time has passed, the circuit breaker decides to give the
downstream dependency another chance, and transitions to the
half-open state. In the half-open state, the next call is allowed to
pass-through to the downstream service. If the call succeeds, the
circuit breaker transitions to the closed state; if the call fails instead,
it transitions back to the open state.
That’s really all there is to understand how a circuit breaker works,
but the devil is in the details. How many failures are enough to
consider a downstream dependency down? How long should the
circuit breaker wait to transition from the open to the half-open
state? It really depends on your specific case; only by using data
about past failures can you make an informed decision.
Chapter 17

Upstream resiliency

So far, we have discussed patterns that protect against down-

stream failures, like failures to reach an external dependency.
In this chapter, we will shift gears and discuss mechanisms to
protect against upstream pressure.

17.1 Load shedding

A server has very little control over how many requests it receives
at any given time, which can deeply impact its performance.
The operating system has a connection queue per port with a lim-
ited capacity that, when reached, causes new connection attempts
to be rejected immediately. But typically, under extreme load, the
server crawls to a halt before that limit is reached as it starves out
of resources like memory, threads, sockets, or files. This causes the
response time to increase to the point the server becomes unavail-
able to the outside world.
When a server operates at capacity, there is no good reason for it to
keep accepting new requests since that will only end up degrading
it. In that case, the process should start rejecting excess requests1

so that it can focus on the ones it is already processing.

The definition of overload depends on your system, but the gen-
eral idea is that it should be measurable and actionable. For exam-
ple, the number of concurrent requests being processed is a good
candidate to measure a server’s load; all you have to do is to incre-
ment a counter when a new request comes in and decrease it when
the server has processed it and sent back a response to the client.
When the server detects that it’s overloaded, it can reject incoming
requests by failing fast and returning a 503 (Service Unavailable) sta-
tus code in the response. This technique is also referred to as load
shedding. The server doesn’t necessarily have to reject arbitrary
requests though; for example, if different requests have different
priorities, the server could reject only the lower-priority ones.
Unfortunately, rejecting a request doesn’t completely offload from
the server the cost of handling it. Depending on how the rejec-
tion is implemented, the server might still have to pay the price of
opening a TLS connection and read the request just to finally reject
it. Hence, load shedding can only help so much, and if the load
keeps increasing, eventually, the cost of rejecting requests takes
over, and the service starts to degrade.

17.2 Load leveling

Load leveling is an alternative to load shedding, which can be used
when clients don’t expect a response within a short time frame.
The idea is to introduce a messaging channel between the clients
and the service. The channel decouples the load directed to the
service from its capacity, allowing the service to process requests
at its own pace — rather than requests being pushed to the service
by the clients, they are pulled by the service from the channel. This
pattern is referred to as load leveling and it’s well suited to fend
off short-lived spikes, which the channel smoothes out (see Figure

Figure 17.1: The channel smooths out the load for the consuming

Load-shedding and load leveling don’t address an increase in load

directly, but rather protect a service from getting overloaded. To
handle more load, the service needs to be scaled out. This is why
these protection mechanisms are typically combined with auto-
scaling2 , which detects that the service is running hot and auto-
matically increases its scale to handle the additional load.

17.3 Rate-limiting
Rate-limiting, or throttling, is a mechanism that rejects a request
when a specific quota is exceeded. A service can have multiple
quotas, like for the number of requests seen, or the number of bytes
received within a time interval. Quotas are typically applied to
specific users, API keys, or IP addresses.
For example, if a service with a quota of 10 requests per second,
per API key, receives on average 12 requests per second from a
specific API key, it will on average, reject 2 requests per second
tagged with that API key.
When a service rate-limits a request, it needs to return a response
with a particular error code so that the sender knows that it failed
because a quota has been breached. For services with HTTP APIs,

the most common way to do that is by returning a response with

status code 429 (Too Many Requests). The response should include
additional details about which quota has been breached and by
how much; it can also include a Retry-After header indicating how
long to wait before making a new request:
HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
Retry-After: 60

If the client application plays by the rules, it stops hammering the

service for some time, protecting it from non-malicious users mo-
nopolizing it by mistake. This protects against bugs in the clients
that, for one reason or another, cause a client to repeatedly hit a
downstream service for no good reason.
Rate-limiting is also used to enforce pricing tiers; if a user wants
to use more resources, they also need to be prepared to pay more.
This is how you can offload your service’s cost to your users: have
them pay proportionally to their usage and enforce pricing tiers
with quotas.
You would think that rate-limiting also offers strong protection
against a denial-of-service3 (DDoS) attack, but it only partially
protects a service from it. Nothing forbids throttled clients from
continuing to hammer a service after getting 429s. And no, rate-
limited requests aren’t free either — for example, to rate-limit a
request by API key, the service has to pay the price to open a TLS
connection, and to the very least download part of the request to
read the key. Although rate-limiting doesn’t fully protect against
DDoS attacks, it does help reduce their impact.
Economies of scale are the only true protection against DDoS at-
tacks. If you run multiple services behind one large frontend ser-
vice, no matter which of the services behind it are attacked, the
frontend service will be able to withstand the attack by rejecting
the traffic upstream. The beauty of this approach is that the cost
of running the frontend service is amortized across all the services
that are using it.

Although rate-limiting has some similarities to load shedding,

they are different concepts. Load shedding rejects traffic based
on the local state of a process, like the number of requests concur-
rently processed by it; rate-limiting instead sheds traffic based on
the global state of the system, like the total number of requests
concurrently processed for a specific API key across all service

17.3.1 Single-process implementation

The implementation of rate-limiting is interesting in its own right,
and it’s well worth spending some time studying it, as a similar ap-
proach can be applied to other use cases. We will start with single-
process implementation first and then proceed with a distributed
Suppose we want to enforce a quota of 2 requests per minute, per
API key. A naive approach would be to use a doubly-linked list
per API key, where each list stores the timestamps of the last N
requests received. Every time a new request comes in, an entry
is appended to the list with its corresponding timestamp. Then
periodically, entries older than a minute are purged from the list.
By keeping track of the list’s length, the process can rate-limits
incoming requests by comparing it with the quota. The problem
with this approach is that it requires a list per API key, which be-
comes quickly expensive in terms of memory as it grows with the
number of requests received.
To reduce memory consumption, we need to come up with a way
to compress the storage required. One way to do this is to divide
time into buckets of fixed time duration, for example of 1 minute,
and keep track of how many requests have been seen within each
bucket (see Figure 17.2).
A bucket contains a numerical counter. When a new request comes
in, its timestamp is used to determine the bucket it belongs to. For
example, if a request arrives at 12.00.18, the counter of the bucket
for minute “12.00” is incremented by 1 (see Figure 17.3).

Figure 17.2: Buckets divide time into 1-minute intervals, which

keep track of the number of requests seen.

Figure 17.3: When a new request comes in, its timestamp is used
to determine the bucket it belongs to.

With bucketing, we can compress the information about the num-

ber of requests seen in a way that doesn’t grow as the number of
requests does. Now that we have a memory-friendly representa-
tion, how can we use it to implement rate-limiting? The idea is to
use a sliding window that moves in real-time across the buckets,
keeping track of the number of requests within it.
The sliding window represents the interval of time used to decide
whether to rate-limit or not. The window’s length depends on the
time unit used to define the quota, which in our case is 1 minute.
But, there is a caveat: a sliding window can overlap with multiple
buckets. To derive the number of requests under the sliding win-
dow, we have to compute a weighted sum of the bucket’s counters,
where each bucket’s weight is proportional to its overlap with the
sliding window (see Figure 17.4).

Figure 17.4: A bucket’s weight is proportional to its overlap with

the sliding window.

Although this is an approximation, it’s a reasonably good one for

our purposes. And, it can be made more accurate by increasing
the granularity of the buckets. For example, you can reduce the
approximation error using 30-second buckets rather than 1-minute
We only have to store as many buckets as the sliding window can
overlap with at any given time. For example, with a 1-minute win-
dow and a 1-minute bucket length, the sliding window can touch

at most 2 buckets. And if it can touch at most two buckets, there

is no point to store the third oldest bucket, the fourth oldest one,
and so on.
To summarize, this approach requires two counters per API key,
which is much more efficient in terms of memory than the naive
implementation storing a list of requests per API key.

17.3.2 Distributed implementation

When more than one process accepts requests, the local state no
longer cuts it, as the quota needs to be enforced on the total number
of requests per API key across all service instances. This requires
a shared data store to keep track of the number of requests seen.
As discussed earlier, we need to store two integers per API key,
one for each bucket. When a new request comes in, the process
receiving it could fetch the bucket, update it and write it back to the
data store. But, that wouldn’t work because two processes could
update the same bucket concurrently, which would result in a lost
update. To avoid any race conditions, the fetch, update, and write
operations need to be packaged into a single transaction.
Although this approach is functionally correct, it’s costly. There
are two issues here: transactions are slow, and executing one per
request would be crazy expensive as the database would have to
scale linearly with the number of requests. On top of that, for each
request a process receives, it needs to do an outgoing call to a re-
mote data store. What should it do if it fails?
Let’s address these issues. Rather than using transactions, we
can use a single atomic get-and-increment operation that most
data stores provide. Alternatively, the same can be emulated
with a compare-and-swap4 . Atomic operations have much better
performance than transactions.
Now, rather than updating the database on each request, the pro-
cess can batch bucket updates in memory for some time, and flush
them asynchronously to the database at the end of it (see Figure

17.5). This reduces the shared state’s accuracy, but it’s a good
trade-off as it reduces the load on the database and the number
of requests sent to it.

Figure 17.5: Servers batch bucket updates in memory for some

time, and flush them asynchronously to the database at the end
of it.

What happens if the database is down? Remember the CAP theo-

rem’s essence: when there is a network fault, we can either sacri-
fice consistency and keep our system up, or maintain consistency
and stop serving requests. In our case, temporarily rejecting all
incoming requests just because the database used for rate-limiting
is not reachable could be very damaging to the business. Instead,
it’s safer to keep serving requests based on the last state read from
the store.

17.4 Bulkhead
The goal of the bulkhead pattern is to isolate a fault in one part of a
service from taking the entire service down with it. The pattern is
named after the partitions of a ship’s hull. If one partition is dam-
aged and fills up with water, the leak is isolated to that partition
and doesn’t spread to the rest of the ship.
Some clients can create much more load on a service than others.
Without any protections, a single greedy client can hammer the sys-

tem and degrade every other client. We have seen some patterns,
like rate-limiting, that help prevent a single client from using more
resources than it should. But rate-limiting is not bulletproof. You
can rate-limit clients based on the number of requests per second;
but what if a client sends very heavy or poisonous requests that
cause the servers to degrade? In that case, rate-limiting wouldn’t
help much as the issue is intrinsic with the requests sent by that
client, which could eventually lead to degrading the service for
every other client.
When everything else fails, the bulkhead pattern provides guar-
anteed fault isolation by design. The idea is to partition a shared
resource, like a pool of service instances behind a load balancer,
and assign each user of the service to a specific partition so that its
requests can only utilize resources belonging to the partition it’s
assigned to.
Consequently, a heavy or poisonous user can only degrade the re-
quests of users within the same partition. For example, suppose
there are 10 instances of a service behind a load balancer, which are
divided into 5 partitions (see Figure 17.6). In that case, a problem-
atic user can only ever impact 20 percent of the service’s instances.
The problem is that the unlucky users who happen to be on the
same partition as the problematic one are fully impacted. Can we
do better?

Figure 17.6: Service instances partitioned into 5 partitions

We can introduce virtual partitions that are composed of a random


subset of instances. This can make it much more unlikely for an-
other user to be allocated to the exact same virtual partition.
In our example, we can extract 45 combinations of 2 instances (vir-
tual partitions) from a pool of 10 instances. When a virtual par-
tition is degraded, other virtual partitions are only partially im-
pacted as they don’t fully overlap (see Figure 17.7). If you combine
this with a health check on the load balancer, and a retry mecha-
nism on the client side, what you get is much better fault isolation.

Figure 17.7: Virtual partitions are far less likely to fully overlap
with each other.

You need to be careful when applying the bulkhead pattern; if

you take it too far and create too many partitions, you lose all the
economy-of-scale benefits of sharing costly resources across a set
of users that are active at different times.
You also introduce a scaling problem. Scaling is simple when there
are no partitions and every user can be served by any instance, as
you can just add more instances. It’s not that easy with a parti-
tioned pool of instances as some partitions are much hotter than

17.5 Health endpoint

So far, we have explored patterns that allow a process to shed or
reject incoming requests. Those are mitigations a server can apply
only after it has received a request. Wouldn’t it be nice to have
a way to control the incoming traffic so that it doesn’t reach a de-
graded server in the first place?
If the server is behind a load balancer and can communicate that
it’s overloaded, the balancer can stop sending requests to it. The
process can expose a health endpoint that when queried performs
a health check that either returns 200 (OK) if the process can serve
requests, or an error code if it’s overloaded and doesn’t have more
capacity to serve requests.
The health endpoint is periodically queried by the load balancer.
If the endpoint returns an error, the load balancer considers the
process unhealthy and takes it out of the pool. Similarly, if the
request to the health endpoint times out, the process is also taken
out of the pool.
Health checks are critical to achieving high availability; if you have
a service with 10 servers and one is unresponsive for some reason,
then 10% of the requests will fail, which will cause the service’s
availability to drop to 90%.
Let’s have a look at the different types of health checks that you
can leverage in your service.

17.5.1 Health checks

A liveness health test is the most basic form of checking the health
of a process. The load balancer simply performs a basic HTTP
request to see whether the process replies with a 200 (OK) status
A local health test checks whether the process is degraded or in some
faulty state. The process’s performance typically degrades when
a local resource, like memory, CPU, or disk, is either close enough
to be fully saturated, or is completely saturated. To detect a degra-

dation, the process compares one or more local metrics, like mem-
ory available or remaining disk space, with some fixed upper and
lower-bound thresholds. When a metric is above an upper-bound
threshold, or below a lower-bound one, the process reports itself
as unhealthy.
A more advanced, and also harder check to get right, is the depen-
dency health check. This type of health check detects a degradation
caused by a remote dependency, like a database, that needs to be
accessed to handle incoming requests. The process measures the
response time, timeouts, and errors of the remote calls directed to
the dependency. If any measure breaks a predefined threshold,
the process reports itself as unhealthy to reduce the load on the
downstream dependency.
But here be dragons5 : if the downstream dependency is temporar-
ily unreachable, or the health-check has a bug, then it’s possible
that all the processes behind the load balancer fail the health check.
In that case, a naive load balancer would just take all service in-
stances out of rotation, bringing the entire service down!
A smart load balancer instead detects that a large fraction of the
service instances is being reported as unhealthy and considers the
health check to no longer be reliable. Rather than continuing to re-
move processes from the pool, it starts to ignore the health-checks
altogether so that new requests can be sent to any process in the

17.6 Watchdog
One of the main reasons to build distributed services is to be able
to withstand single-process failures. Since you are designing your
system under the assumption that any process can crash at any
time, your service needs to be able to deal with that eventuality.
For a process’s crash to not affect your service’s health, you should
ensure ideally that:

• there are other processes that are identical to the one that
crashed that can handle incoming requests;
• requests are stateless and can be served by any process;
• any non-volatile state is stored on a separate and dedicated
data store so that when the process crashes its state isn’t lost;
• all shared resources are leased so that when the process
crashes, the leases expire and the resources can be accessed
by other processes;
• the service is always running slightly over-scaled to with-
stand the occasional individual process failures.
Because crashes are inevitable and your service is prepared for
them, you don’t have to come up with complex recovery logic
when a process gets into some weird degraded state — you can just
let it crash. A transient but rare failure can be hard to diagnose and
fix. Crashing and restarting the affected process gives operators
maintaining the service some breathing room until the root-cause
can be identified, giving the system a kind of self-healing property.
Imagine that a latent memory leak causes the available memory to
decrease over time. When a process doesn’t have more physical
memory available, it starts to swap back and forth to the page file
on disk. This swapping is extremely expensive and degrades the
process’s performance dramatically. If left unchecked, the memory
leak would eventually bring all processes running the service on
their knees. Would you rather have the processes detect they are
degraded and restart themselves, or try to debug the root cause for
the degradation at 3 AM?
To implement this pattern, a process should have a separate back-
ground thread that wakes up periodically — a watchdog — that
monitors its health. For example, the watchdog could monitor
the available physical memory left. When any monitored metric
breaches a configured threshold, the watchdog considers the pro-
cess degraded and deliberately restarts it.
The watchdog’s implementation needs to be well-tested and moni-
tored since a bug could cause the processes to restart continuously.
Part V

Testing and operations


When all resiliency mechanisms fail, humans operators are the last
line of defense. Historically, developers, testers, and operators
were part of different teams. The developers handed over their
software to a team of QA engineers responsible for testing it. When
the software passed that stage, it moved to an operations team
responsible for deploying it to production, monitoring it, and re-
sponding to alerts.
This model is being phased out in the industry as it has become
commonplace for the development team to also be responsible for
testing and operating the software they write. This forces the de-
velopers to embrace an end-to-end view of their applications, ac-
knowledging that faults are inevitable and need to be accounted
Chapter 18 describes the different types of tests — unit, integration,
and end-to-end tests — you can leverage to increase the confidence
that your distributed applications work as expected.
Chapter 19 dives into continuous delivery and deployment
pipelines used to release changes safely and efficiently to produc-
Chapter 20 discusses how to use metrics and service-level indica-
tors to monitor the health of distributed systems. It then describes
how to define objectives that trigger alerts when breached. Finally,
the chapter lists best practices for dashboard design.
Chapter 21 introduces the concept of observability and how it re-

lates to monitoring. Then it describes how traces and logs can help
developers debug their systems.
Chapter 18


The longer it takes to detect a bug, the more expensive it becomes

to fix it. Testing is all about catching bugs as early as possible, al-
lowing developers to change the implementation with confidence
that existing functionality won’t break, increasing the speed of
refactorings, shipping new features, and other changes. As a
welcome side effect, testing also improves the system’s design
since developers have to put themselves in the users’ shoes to test
it effectively. Tests also provide up-to-date documentation.
Unfortunately, because it’s impossible to predict all the ways a
complex distributed application can fail, testing only provides
best-effort guarantees that the code being tested is correct and
fault-tolerant. No matter how exhaustive the test coverage is,
tests can only cover failures developers can imagine, not the
kind of complex emergent behavior that manifests itself only in
production1 .
Although tests can’t give you complete confidence that your code
is bug-free, they certainly do a good job at detecting failure scenar-
ios you are aware of and validating expected behaviors. As a rule
of thumb, if you want to be confident that your implementation
Cindy Sridharan wrote a great blog post series on the topic at

behaves in a certain way, you have to add a test for it.

18.1 Scope
Tests come in different shapes and sizes. To begin with, we need
to distinguish between code paths a test is actually testing (aka
system under test or SUT) from the ones that are being run. The
SUT represents the scope of the test, and depending on it, the test
can be categorized as either a unit test, an integration test, or an
end-to-end test.
A unit test validates the behavior of a small part of the codebase,
like an individual class. A good unit test should be relatively static
in time and change only when the behavior of the SUT changes —
refactoring, fixing a bug, or adding a new feature shouldn’t require
a unit test to change. To achieve that, a unit test should:
• use only the public interfaces of the SUT;
• test for state changes in the SUT (not predetermined
sequence of actions);
• test for behaviors, i.e., how the SUT handles a given input
when it’s in a specific state.
An integration test has a larger scope than a unit test, since it ver-
ifies that a service can interact with its external dependencies as
expected. This definition is not universal, though, because inte-
gration testing has different meanings for different people.
Martin Fowler2 makes the distinction between narrow and broad
integration tests. A narrow integration test exercises only the code
paths of a service that communicate with an external dependency,
like the adapters and their supporting classes. In contrast, a broad
integration test exercises code paths across multiple live services.
In the rest of the chapter, we will refer to these broader integration
tests as end-to-end tests. An end-to-end test validates behavior that
spans multiple services in the system, like a user-facing scenario.

These tests usually run in shared environments, like staging or pro-

duction. Because of their scope, they are slow and more prone to
intermittent failures.
End-to-end tests should not have any impact on other tests or
users sharing the same environment. Among other things, that
requires services to have good fault isolation mechanisms, like
rate-limiting, to prevent buggy tests from affecting the rest of the
End-to-end tests can be painful and expensive to maintain. For
example, when an end-to-end test fails, it’s not always obvious
which service is responsible and deeper investigation is required.
But they are a necessary evil to ensure that user-facing scenarios
work as expected across the entire application. They can uncover
issues that tests with smaller scope can’t, like unanticipated side
effects and emergent behaviors.
One way to minimize the number of end-to-end tests is to frame
them as user journey tests. A user journey test simulates a multi-
step interaction of a user with the system (e.g. for e-commerce ser-
vice: create an order, modify it, and finally cancel it). Such a test
usually requires less time to run than splitting the test into N sep-
arate end-to-end tests.
As the scope of a test increases, it becomes more brittle, slow, and
costly. Intermittently-failing tests are nearly as bad as no tests at
all, as developers stop having any confidence in them and eventu-
ally ignore their failures. When possible, prefer tests with smaller
scope as they tend to be more reliable, faster, and cheaper. A good
trade-off is to have a large number of unit tests, a smaller fraction
of integration tests, and even fewer end-to-end tests (see Figure

Figure 18.1: Test pyramid

18.2 Size
The size of a test3 reflects how much computing resources it needs
to run, like the number of nodes. Generally, that depends on
how realistic the environment is where the test runs. Although
the scope and size of a test tend to be correlated, they are distinct
concepts, and it helps to separate them.
A small test runs in a single process and doesn’t perform any block-
ing calls or I/O. It’s very fast, deterministic, and has a very small
probability of failing intermittently.
An intermediate test runs on a single node and performs local I/O,
like reads from disk or network calls to localhost. This introduces
more room for delays and non-determinism, increasing the likeli-
hood of intermittent failures.
A large test requires multiple nodes to run, introducing even more
non-determinism and longer delays.
Unsurprisingly, the larger a test is, the longer it takes to run and
the flakier it becomes. This is why you should write the smallest
possible test for a given behavior. But how do you reduce the size

of a test, while not reducing its scope?

You can use a test double in place of a real dependency to reduce the
test’s size, making it faster and less prone to intermittent failures.
There are different types of test doubles:
• A fake is a lightweight implementation of an interface that
behaves similarly to a real one. For example, an in-memory
version of a database is a fake.
• A stub is a function that always returns the same value no
matter which arguments are passed to it.
• Finally, a mock has expectations on how it should be called,
and it’s used to test the interactions between objects.
The problem with test doubles is that they don’t resemble how
the real implementation behaves with all its nuances. The less the
resemblance is, the less confidence you should have that the test
using the double is actually useful. Therefore, when the real im-
plementation is fast, deterministic, and has few dependencies, use
that rather than a double. If that’s not the case, you have to decide
how realistic you want the test double to be, as there is a tradeoff
between its fidelity and the test’s size.
When using the real implementation is not an option, use a fake
maintained by the same developers of the dependency, if one is
available. Stubbing, or mocking, are last-resort options as they
offer the least resemblance to the actual implementation, which
makes tests that use them brittle.
For integration tests, a good compromise is to use mocking with
contract tests4 . A contract test defines the request it intends to send
to an external dependency and the response it expects to receive
from it. This contract is then used by the test to mock the external
dependency. For example, a contract for a REST API consists of
an HTTP request and response pair. To ensure that the contract
doesn’t break, the test suite of the external dependency uses the
same contract to simulate a client and ensure that the expected re-
sponse is returned.

18.3 Practical considerations

As with everything else, testing requires making tradeoffs.
Suppose we want to test the behavior of a specific user-facing API
endpoint offered by a service. The service talks to a data store,
an internal service owned by another team, and a third-party API
used for billing (see Figure 18.2). As mentioned earlier, the gen-
eral guideline is to write the smallest test possible with the desired

Figure 18.2: How would you test the service?

As it turns out, the endpoint doesn’t need to communicate with

the internal service, so we can safely use a mock in its place. The
data store comes with an in-memory implementation (a fake) that
we can leverage to avoid issuing network calls to a remote data
Finally, we can’t use the third-party billing API, as that would re-

quire the test to issue real transactions. Fortunately, the API has
a different endpoint that offers a playground environment, which
the test can use without creating real transactions. If there was no
playground environment available and no fake either, we would
have to resort to stubbing or mocking.
In this case, we have cut the test’s size considerably, while keeping
its scope mostly intact.
Here is a more nuanced example. Suppose we need to test whether
purging the data belonging to a specific user across the entire ap-
plication stack works as expected. In Europe, this functionality is
mandated by law (GDPR), and failing to comply with it can result
in fines up to 20 million euros or 4% annual turnover, whichever is
greater. In this case, because the risk for the functionality silently
breaking is too high, we want to be as confident as possible that
the functionality is working as expected. This warrants the use of
an end-to-end test that runs in production and uses live services
rather than test doubles.
Chapter 19

Continuous delivery and


Once a change and its newly introduced tests have been merged
to a repository, it needs to be released to production.
When releasing a change requires a manual process, it won’t hap-
pen frequently. Meaning that several changes, possibly over days
or even weeks, end up being batched and released together. This
makes it harder to pinpoint the breaking change1 when a deploy-
ment fails, creating interruptions for the whole team. The devel-
oper who initiated the release also needs to keep an eye on it by
monitoring dashboards and alerts to ensure that it’s working as
expected or roll it back.
Manual deployments are a terrible use of engineering time. The
problem gets further exacerbated when there are many services.
Eventually, the only way to release changes safely and efficiently
is to automate the entire process. Once a change has been merged
to a repository, it should automatically be rolled out to production
safely. The developer is then free to context-switch to their next
task, rather than shepherding the deployment. The whole release
There could be multiple breaking changes actually.

process, including rollbacks, can be automated with a continuous

delivery and deployment (CD) pipeline.
CD requires a significant amount of investment in terms of safe-
guards, monitoring, and automation. If a regression is detected,
the artifact being released — i.e., the deployable component that
includes the change — is either rolled back to the previous version,
or forward to the next one, assuming it contains a hotfix.
There is a balance between the safety of a rollout and the time
it takes to release a change to production. A good CD pipeline
should strive to make a good trade-off between the two. In this
chapter, we will explore how.

19.1 Review and build

At a high level, a code change needs to go through a pipeline
of four stages to be released to production: review, build,
pre-production rollout, and production rollout.

Figure 19.1: Continuous delivery and deployment pipeline stages

It all starts with a pull request (PR) submitted for review by a devel-
oper to a repository. When the PR is submitted for review, it needs

to be compiled, statically analyzed, and validated with a battery of

tests, all of which shouldn’t take longer than a few minutes. To in-
crease the tests’ speed and minimize intermittent failures, the tests
that run at this stage should be small enough to run on a single pro-
cess or node, like e.g., unit tests, with larger tests only run later in
the pipeline.
The PR needs to be reviewed and approved by a team member
before it can be merged into the repository. The reviewer has to
validate whether the change is correct and safe to be released to
production automatically by the CD pipeline. A checklist can help
the reviewer not to forget anything important:
• Does the change include unit, integration, and end-to-end
tests as needed?
• Does the change include metrics, logs, and traces?
• Can this change break production by introducing a
backward-incompatible change, or hitting some service
• Can the change be rolled back safely, if needed?
Code changes shouldn’t be the only ones going through this
review process. For example, cloud resource templates, static
assets, end-to-end tests, and configuration files should all be
version-controlled in a repository (not necessarily the same) and
be treated just like code. The same service can then have multiple
CD pipelines, one for each repository, that can potentially run in
I can’t stress enough the importance of reviewing and releasing
configuration changes with a CD pipeline. One of the most com-
mon causes of production failures are configuration changes2 ap-
plied globally without any prior review or testing.
Once the change has been merged into the repository’s main
branch, the CD pipeline moves to the build stage, in which the
repository’s content is built and packaged into a deployable
release artifact.

19.2 Pre-production
During this stage, the artifact is deployed and released to a syn-
thetic pre-production environment. Although this environment
lacks the realism of production, it’s useful to verify that no hard
failures are triggered (e.g., a null pointer exception at startup due
to a missing configuration setting) and that end-to-end tests suc-
ceed. Because releasing a new version to pre-production requires
significantly less time than releasing it to production, bugs can be
detected earlier.
You can even have multiple pre-production environments, start-
ing with one created from scratch for each artifact and used to run
simple smoke tests, to a persistent one similar to production that
receives a small fraction of mirrored requests from it. AWS, for ex-
ample, uses multiple pre-production environments3 (Alpha, Beta,
and Gamma).
A service released to a pre-production environment should call the
production endpoints of its external dependencies to make the en-
vironment as stable as possible; it could call the pre-production
endpoints of other services owned by the same team, though.
Ideally, the CD pipeline should assess the artifact’s health in
pre-production using the same health signals used in production.
Metrics, alerts, and tests used in pre-production should be equiv-
alent to those used in production to avoid the former to become a
second-class citizen with sub-par health coverage.

19.3 Production
Once an artifact has been rolled out to pre-production successfully,
the CD pipeline can proceed to the final stage and release the arti-
fact to production. It should start by releasing it to a small number
of production instances at first4 . The goal is to surface problems
3 library/automating- safe- hands- off-
This is also referred to as canary testing.

that haven’t been detected so far as quickly as possible before they

have the chance to cause widespread damage in production.
If that goes well and all the health checks pass, the artifact is in-
crementally released to the rest of the fleet. While the rollout is in
progress, a fraction of the fleet can’t serve any traffic due to the
ongoing deployment, and the remaining instances need to pick
up the slack. To avoid this causing any performance degradation,
there needs to be enough capacity left to sustain the incremental
If the service is available in multiple regions, the CD pipeline
should start with a low-traffic region first to reduce the impact
of a faulty release. Releasing the remaining regions should be
divided into sequential stages to minimize risks further. Natu-
rally, the more stages there are, the longer the CD pipeline will
take to release the artifact to production. One way to mitigate this
problem is by increasing the release speed once the early stages
complete successfully and enough confidence has been built up.
For example, the first stage could release the artifact to a single
region, the second to a larger region, and the third to N regions

19.4 Rollbacks
After each step, the CD pipeline needs to assess whether the arti-
fact deployed is healthy, or else stop the release and roll it back. A
variety of health signals can be used to make that decision, such
• the result of end-to-end tests;
• health metrics like latencies and errors;
• alerts;
• and health endpoints.
Monitoring just the health signals of the service being rolled out
is not enough. The CD pipeline should also monitor the health of
upstream and downstream services to detect any indirect impact
of the rollout. The pipeline should allow enough time to pass be-

tween one step and the next (bake time) to ensure that it was suc-
cessful, as some issues can appear only after some time has passed.
For example, a performance degradation could be visible only at
peak time.
The CD pipeline can further gate the bake time on the number of
requests seen for specific API endpoints to guarantee that the API
surface has been properly exercised. To speed up the release, the
bake time can be reduced after each step succeeds and confidence
is built up.
When a health signal reports a degradation, the CD pipeline stops.
At that point, it can either roll back the artifact automatically, or
trigger an alert to engage the engineer on-call, who needs to de-
cide whether a rollback is warranted or not5 . Based on their input,
the CD pipeline retries the stage that failed (e.g., perhaps because
something else was going into production at the time), or rolls back
the release entirely. The operator can also stop the pipeline and
wait for a new artifact with a hotfix to be rolled forward. This
might be necessary if the release can’t be rolled back because a
backward-incompatible change has been introduced.
Since rolling forward is much riskier than rolling back, any change
introduced should always be backward compatible as a rule of
thumb. The most common cause for backward-incompatibility is
changing the serialization format used either for persistence or IPC
To safely introduce a backward-incompatible change, it needs to
be broken down into multiple backward-compatible changes6 . For
example, suppose the messaging schema between a producer and
a consumer service needs to change in a backward incompatible
way. In this case, the change is broken down into three smaller
changes that can individually be rolled back safely:
• In the prepare change, the consumer is modified to support
CD pipelines can be configured to run only during business hours to minimize
the disruption to on-call engineers.

both the new and old messaging format.

• In the activate change, the producer is modified to write the
messages in the new format.
• Finally, in the cleanup change, the consumer stops support-
ing the old messaging format altogether. This change should
only be released once there is enough confidence that the ac-
tivated change won’t need to be rolled back.
An automated upgrade-downgrade test part of the CD pipeline in
pre-production can be used to validate whether a change is actu-
ally safe to roll back or not.
Chapter 20


Monitoring is primarily used to detect failures that impact users

in production and trigger notifications (alerts) sent to human op-
erators responsible for mitigating them. The other critical use case
for monitoring is to provide a high-level overview of the system’s
health through dashboards.
In the early days, monitoring was used mostly as a black-box
approach to report whether a service was up or down, without
much visibility of what was going on inside. Over the years, it
has evolved into a white-box approach as developers started to
instrument their code to emit application-level measurements
to answer whether specific features worked as expected. This
was popularized with the introduction of statsd1 by Etsy, which
normalized collecting application-level measurements.
Blackbox monitoring is still in use today to monitor external de-
pendencies, such as third-party APIs, and validate how the users
perceive the performance and health of a service from the outside.
A common approach is to periodically run scripts2 that send test
requests to external API endpoints and monitor how long they

took and whether they were successful. These scripts are deployed
in the same regions the application’s users are and hit the same
endpoints they do. Because they exercise the system’s public sur-
face from the outside, they can catch issues that aren’t visible from
within the application, like connectivity problems. These scripts
are also useful to detect issues with APIs that aren’t exercised of-
ten by users.
Blackbox monitoring is good at detecting the symptoms when
something is broken; in contrast, white-box monitoring can help
identify the root cause of known hard-failure modes before users
are impacted. As a rule of thumb, if you can’t design away a
hard-failure mode, you should add monitoring for it. The longer
a system has been around, the better you will understand how it
can fail and what needs to be monitored.

20.1 Metrics
A metric is a numeric representation of information measured over
a time interval and represented as a time-series, like the number
of requests handled by a service. Conceptually, a metric is a list
of samples, where each sample is represented by a floating-point
number and a timestamp.
Modern monitoring systems allow a metric to be tagged with a set
of key-value pairs called labels, which increases the dimensionality
of the metric. Essentially, every distinct combination of labels is a
different metric. This has become a necessity as modern services
can have a large amount of metadata associated with each metric,
like datacenter, cluster, node, pod, service, etc. High-cardinality
metrics make it easy to slice and dice the data, and eliminate the
instrumentation cost of manually creating a metric for each label
A service should emit metrics about its load, internal state, and
availability and performance of downstream service dependen-
cies. Combined with the metrics emitted by downstream services,
this allows operators to identify problems quickly. This requires

explicit code changes and a deliberate effort by developers to

instrument their code.
For example, take a fictitious HTTP handler that returns a resource.
There is a whole range of questions you will want to be able to
answer once it’s running in production3 :
def get_resource(id):
resource = self._cache.get(id) # in-process cache
# Is the id valid?
# Was there a cache hit?
# How long has the resource been in the cache?

if resource is not None:

return resource

resource = self._repository.get(id)
# Did the remote call fail, and if so, why?
# Did the remote call timeout?
# How long did the call take?

self._cache[id] = resource
# What's the size of the cache?

return resource
# How long did it take for the handler to run?

Now, suppose we want to record the number of requests our ser-

vice failed to handle. One way to do that is with an event-based
approach — whenever a service instance fails to handle a request,
it reports a failure count of 1 in an event4 to a local telemetry agent,
"failureCount": 1,
"serviceRegion": "EastUs2",
I have omitted error handling for simplicity
We will talk more about event logs in section 21.1, for now assume an event is
just a dictionary.

"timestamp": 1614438079

The agent batches these events and emits them periodically to a

remote telemetry service, which persists them in a dedicated data
store for event logs. For example, this is the approach taken by
Azure Monitor’s log-based metrics5 .
As you can imagine, this is quite expensive since the load on the
backend increases with the number of events ingested. Events are
also costly to aggregate at query time — suppose you want to re-
trieve the number of failures in North Europe over the past month;
you would have to issue a query that requires fetching, filtering,
and aggregating potentially trillions of events within that time pe-
Is there a way to reduce costs at query time? Because metrics are
time-series, they can be modeled and manipulated with mathemat-
ical tools. The samples of a time-series can be pre-aggregated over
pre-specified time periods (e.g., 1 second, 5 minutes, 1 hour, etc.)
and represented with summary statistics such as the sum, average,
or percentiles.
For example, the telemetry backend can pre-aggregate metrics
over one or more time periods at ingestion time. Conceptually,
if the aggregation (i.e., the sum in our example) were to happen
with a period of one hour, we would have one failureCount metric
per serviceRegion, each containing one sample per hour, e.g.:
"00:00", 561,
"01:00", 42,
"02:00", 61,

The backend can create multiple pre-aggregates with different

periods. Then at query time, the pre-aggregated metric with the
best period that satisfies the query is chosen. For example, Cloud-

Watch6 (the telemetry backend used by AWS) pre-aggregates data

as it’s ingested.
We can take this idea one step further and also reduce ingestion
costs by having the local telemetry agents pre-aggregate metrics
on the client side.
Client and server-side pre-aggregation drastically reduces band-
width, compute, and storage requirements for metrics. However,
it comes at a cost; operators lose the flexibility to re-aggregate met-
rics after they have been ingested, as they no longer have access to
the original events that generated them. For example, if a metric
is pre-aggregated over a period of time of 1 hour, it can’t later be
re-aggregated over a period of 5 min without the original events.
Because metrics are mainly used for alerting and visualization pur-
poses, they are usually persisted in pre-aggregated form in a time-
series data store since querying pre-aggregated data can be several
order of magnitudes more efficient than the alternative.

20.2 Service-level indicators

As mentioned earlier, one of the main use cases for metrics is alert-
ing. That doesn’t mean we should create alerts for every possible
metric out there — for example, it’s useless to be alerted in the
middle of the night because a service had a big spike in memory
consumption a few minutes earlier. In this section, we will discuss
one specific metric category that lends itself well for alerting.
A service-level indicator (SLI) is a metric that measures one aspect
of the level of service provided by a service to its users, like the re-
sponse time, error rate, or throughput. SLIs are typically aggre-
gated over a rolling time window and represented with a summary
statistic, like average or percentile.
SLIs are best defined with a ratio of two metrics, good events over
total number of events, since they are easy to interpret: 0 means

the service is broken and 1 that everything is working as expected

(see Figure 20.1). As we will see later in the chapter, ratios also
simplify the configuration of alerts.
These are some commonly used SLIs for services:
• Response time — The fraction of requests that are completed
faster than a given threshold.
• Availability — The proportion of time the service was usable,
defined as the number of successful requests over the total
number of requests.
• Quality — The proportion of requests served in an un-
degraded state (assuming the system degrades gracefully).
• Data completeness (for storage systems) — The proportion of
records persisted to a data store that can be successfully ac-
cessed later.

Figure 20.1: An SLI defined as the ratio of good events over the
total number of events.

Once you have decided what to measure, you need to decide

where to measure it. Take the response time, for example. Should
you use the metric reported by the service, load balancer, or
clients? In general, you want to use the one that best represents
the experience of the users. And if that’s too costly to collect, pick
the next best candidate. In the previous example, the client metric
is the more meaningful one, as that accounts for delays in the

entire path of the request.

Now, how should you measure response times? Measurements
can be affected by various factors that increase their variance,
such as network timeouts, page faults, or heavy context switching.
Since every request does not take the same amount of time,
response times are best represented with a distribution, which
tend to be right-skewed and long-tailed7 .
A distribution can be summarized with a statistic. Take the aver-
age, for example. While it has its uses, it doesn’t tell you much
about the proportion of requests experiencing a specific response
time. All it takes is one extreme outlier to skew the average. For
example, if 100 requests are hitting your service, 99 of which have
a response time of 1 second and one of 10 min, the average is nearly
7 seconds. Even though 99% of the requests experience a response
time of 1 second, the average is 7 times higher than that.
A better way to represent the distribution of response times is with
percentiles. A percentile is the value below which a percentage of
the response times fall. For example, if the 99th percentile is 1 sec-
ond, then 99 % of requests have a response time below or equal to 1
second. The upper percentiles of a response time distribution, like
the 99th and 99.9th percentiles, are also called long-tail latencies.
In general, the higher the variance of a distribution is, the more
likely the average user will be affected by long-tail behavior8 .
Even though only a small fraction of requests experience these ex-
treme latencies, it impacts your most profitable users. They are the
ones that make the highest number of requests and thus have a
higher chance of experiencing tail latencies. Several studies9 have
shown that high latencies can negatively affect revenues. A mere
100-millisecond delay in load time can hurt conversion rates by 7
Also, long-tail behaviors left unchecked can quickly bring a ser-
This tends to be primarily caused by various queues in the request-response

vice to its knees. Suppose a service is using 2K threads to serve

10K requests per second. By Little’s Law10 , the average response
time of a thread is 200 ms. Suddenly, a network switch becomes
congested, and as it happens, 1% of requests are being served from
a node behind that switch. That 1% of requests, or 100 requests per
second out of the 10K, starts taking 20 seconds to complete.
How many more threads does the service need to deal with the
small fraction of requests having a high response time? If 100 re-
quests per second take 20 seconds to process, then 2K additional
threads are needed to deal just with the slow requests. So the num-
ber of threads used by the service needs to double to keep up with
the load!
Measuring long-tail behavior and keeping it under check doesn’t
just make your users happy, but also drastically improves the re-
siliency of your service and reduces operational costs. When you
are forced to guard against the worst-case long-tail behavior, you
happen to improve the average case as well.

20.3 Service-level objectives

A service-level objective (SLO) defines a range of acceptable values
for an SLI within which the service is considered to be in a healthy
state (see Figure 20.2). An SLO sets the expectation to its users
of how the service should behave when it’s functioning correctly.
Service owners can also use SLOs to define a service-level agree-
ment (SLA) with their users — a contractual agreement that dic-
tates what happens when an SLO isn’t met, typically resulting in
financial consequences.
For example, an SLO could define that 99% of API calls to endpoint
X should complete below 200 ms, as measured over a rolling win-
dow of 1 week. Another way to look at it, is that it’s acceptable
for up to 1% of requests within a rolling week to have a latency
higher than 200 ms. That 1% is also called the error budget, which
represents the number of failures that can be tolerated.

Figure 20.2: An SLO defines the range of acceptable values for an


SLOs are helpful for alerting purposes and help the team prioritize
repair tasks with feature work. For example, the team can agree
that when an error budget has been exhausted, repair items will
take precedence over new features until the SLO is restored. Also,
an incident’s importance can be measured by how much of the
error budget has been burned. An incident that burned 20% of the
error budget needs more afterthought than one that burned only
Smaller time windows force the team to act quicker and priori-
tize bug fixes and repair items, while longer windows are better
suited to make long-term decisions about which projects to invest
in. Therefore it makes sense to have multiple SLOs with different
window sizes.
How strict should SLOs be? Choosing the right target range
is harder than it looks. If it’s too loose, you won’t detect user-
facing issues; if it’s too strict, you will waste engineering time
micro-optimizing and get diminishing returns. Even if you
could guarantee 100% reliability for your system, you can’t make
guarantees for anything that your users depend on to access
your service that is outside your control, like their last-mile
connection. Thus, 100% reliability doesn’t translate into a 100%
reliable experience for users.

When setting the target range for your SLOs, start with comfort-
able ranges and tighten them as you build up confidence. Don’t
just pick targets that your service meets today that might become
unattainable in a year after the load increases; work backward
from what users care about. In general, anything above 3 nines
of availability is very costly to achieve and provides diminishing
How many SLOs should you have? You should strive to keep
things simple and have as few as possible that provide a good
enough indication of the desired service level. SLOs should also
be documented and reviewed periodically. For example, suppose
you discover that a specific user-facing issue generated lots of sup-
port tickets, but none of your SLOs showed any degradations. In
that case, they are either too relaxed, or you are not measuring
something that you should.
SLOs need to be agreed on with multiple stakeholders. Engineers
need to agree that the targets are achievable without excessive toil.
If the error budget is burning too rapidly or has been exhausted,
repair items will take priority over features. Product managers
have to agree that the targets guarantee a good user experience.
As Google’s SRE book11 mentions: “if you can’t ever win a conver-
sation about priorities by quoting a particular SLO, it’s probably
not worth having that SLO”.
Users can become over-reliant on the actual behavior of your ser-
vice rather than the published SLO. To mitigate that, you can con-
sider injecting controlled failures12 in production — also known as
chaos testing — to “shake the tree” and ensure the dependencies
can cope with the targeted service level and are not making un-
realistic assumptions. As an added benefit, injecting faults helps
validate that resiliency mechanisms work as expected.

20.4 Alerts
Alerting is the part of a monitoring system that triggers an action
when a specific condition happens, like a metric crossing a thresh-
old. Depending on the severity and the type of the alert, the action
triggered can range from running some automation, like restarting
a service instance, to ringing the phone of a human operator who
is on-call. In the rest of this section, we will be mostly focusing on
the latter case.
For an alert to be useful, it has to be actionable. The operator
shouldn’t spend time digging into dashboards to assess the alert’s
impact and urgency. For example, an alert signaling a spike in
CPU usage is not useful as it’s not clear whether it has any impact
on the system without further investigation. On the other hand,
an SLO is a good candidate for an alert because it quantifies its
impact on the users. The SLO’s error budget can be monitored to
trigger an alert whenever a large fraction of it has been consumed.
Before we can discuss how to define an alert, it’s important to un-
derstand that there is a trade-off between its precision and recall.
Formally, precision is the fraction of significant events over the to-
tal number of alerts, while recall is the ratio of significant events
that triggered an alert. Alerts with low precision are noisy and of-
ten not actionable, while alerts with low recall don’t always trigger
during an outage. Although it would be nice to have 100% preci-
sion and recall, you have to make a trade-off since improving one
typically lowers the other.
Suppose you have an availability SLO of 99% over 30 days, and
you would like to configure an alert for it. A naive way would
be to trigger an alert whenever the availability goes below 99%
within a relatively short time window, like an hour. But how much
of the error budget has actually been burned by the time the alert
Because the time window of the alert is one hour, and the SLO error
budget is defined over 30 days, the percentage of error budget that
1 hour
has been spent when the alert triggers is 30 days
= 0.14. Is it really

critical to be notified that 0.14% of the SLO’s error budget has been
burned? Probably not. In this case, you have high recall, but low
You can improve the alert’s precision by increasing the amount of
time its condition needs to be true. The problem with it is that
now the alert will take longer to trigger, which will be an issue
when there is an actual outage. The alternative is to alert based on
how fast the error budget is burning, also known as the burn rate,
which lowers the detection time.
The burn rate is defined as the percentage of the error budget
consumed over the percentage of the SLO time window that has
elapsed — it’s the rate of increase of the error budget. Concretely,
for our SLO example, a burn rate of 1 means the error budget will
be exhausted precisely in 30 days; if the rate is 2, then it will be 15
days; if the rate is 3, it will be 10 days, and so on.
By rearranging the burn rate’s equation, you can derive the alert
threshold that triggers when a specific percentage of the error bud-
get has been burned. For example, to have an alert trigger when
an error budget of 2% has been burned in a one-hour window, the
threshold for the burn rate should be set to 14.4:

error budget consumed = 0.02

alert window 1ℎ
time period elapsed = =
SLO period 720ℎ
error budget consumed
burn rate = = 14.4
time period elapsed

To improve recall, you can have multiple alerts with different

thresholds. For example, a burn rate below 2 could be a low-
severity alert that sends an e-mail and is investigated during
working hours. The SRE workbook has some great examples13 of
how to configure alerts based on burn rates.

While you should define most of your alerts based on SLOs, some
should trigger for known hard-failure modes that you haven’t had
the time to design or debug away. For example, suppose you know
your service suffers from a memory leak that has led to an incident
in the past, but you haven’t managed yet to track down the root-
cause or build a resiliency mechanism to mitigate it. In this case, it
could be useful to define an alert that triggers an automated restart
when a service instance is running out of memory.

20.5 Dashboards
After alerting, the other main use case for metrics is to power real-
time dashboards that display the overall health of a system.
Unfortunately, dashboards can easily become a dumping ground
for charts that end up being forgotten, have questionable useful-
ness, or are just plain confusing. Good dashboards don’t happen
by coincidence. In this section, I will present some best practices
on how to create useful dashboards.
The first decision you have to make when creating a dashboard
is to decide who the audience is14 and what they are looking for.
Given the audience, you can work backward to decide which
charts, and therefore metrics, to include.
The categories of dashboards presented here (see Figure 20.3) are
by no means standard but should give you an idea of how to orga-
nize dashboards.
SLO dashboard
The SLO summary dashboard is designed to be used by various
stakeholders from across the organization to gain visibility into the
system’s health as represented by its SLOs. During an incident,
this dashboard quantifies the impact it’s having on users.
Public API dashboard
14 library/building- dashboards- for-

Figure 20.3: Dashboards should be tailored to their audience.

This dashboard displays metrics about the system’s public API

endpoints, which helps operators identifying problematic paths
during an incident. For each endpoint, the dashboard exposes sev-
eral metrics related to request messages, request handling and re-
sponse messages, like:
• Number of requests received or messaged pulled from a mes-
saging broker, size of requests, authentication issues, etc.
• Request handling duration, availability and response time of
external dependencies, etc.
• Counts per response type, size of responses, etc.
Service dashboard

A service dashboard displays service-specific implementation de-

tails, which require a deep understanding of its inner workings.
Unlike the previous dashboards, this one is primarily used by the
team that owns the service.
Beyond service-specific metrics, a service dashboard should also
contain metrics for upstream dependencies like load balancers
and messaging queues, and downstream dependencies like data
This dashboard offers a first entry point into the behavior of a ser-
vice when debugging. As we will later learn when discussing ob-
servability, this high-level view is just the starting point. The op-
erator typically drills down into the metrics by segmenting them
further, and eventually reaches for raw logs and traces to get more

20.5.1 Best practices

As new metrics are added and old ones removed, charts and dash-
boards need to be modified and be kept in-sync across multiple en-
vironments like staging and production. The most effective way to
achieve that is by defining dashboards and charts with a domain-
specific language and version-control them just like code. This al-
lows updating dashboards from the same pull request that con-
tains related code changes without needing to update dashboards
manually, which is error-prone.
As dashboards render top to bottom, the most important charts
should always be located at the very top.
Charts should be rendered with a default timezone, like UTC, to
ease the communication between people located in different parts
of the world when looking at the same data.
Similarly, all charts in the same dashboard should use the same
time resolution (e.g., 1 min, 5 min, 1 hour, etc.) and range (24 hours,
7 days, etc.). This makes it easy to correlate anomalies across charts
in the same dashboard visually. You should pick the default time
range and resolution based on the most common use case for a

dashboard. For example, a 1-hour range with a 1-min resolution

is best to monitor an ongoing incident, while a 1-year range with
a 1-day resolution is best for capacity planning.
You should keep the number of data points and metrics on the
same chart to a minimum. Rendering too many points doesn’t just
slow downloading charts, but also makes them hard to interpret
and spot anomalies.
A chart should contain only metrics with similar ranges (min and
max values); otherwise, the metric with the largest range can com-
pletely hide the others with smaller ranges. For that reason, it
makes sense to split related statistics for the same metric into mul-
tiple charts. For example, the 10th percentile, average and 90th
percentile of a metric can be displayed in one chart, while the 0.1th
percentile, 99.9th percentile, minimum and maximum in another.
A chart should also contain useful annotations, like:
• a description of the chart with links to runbooks, related
dashboards, and escalation contacts;
• a horizontal line for each configured alert threshold, if any;
• a vertical line for each relevant deployment.
Metrics that are only emitted when an error condition occurs can
be hard to interpret as charts will show wide gaps between the
data points, leaving the operator wondering whether the service
stopped emitting that metric due to a bug. To avoid this, emit a
metric using a value of zero in the absence of an error and a value
of 1 in the presence of it.

20.6 On-call
A healthy on-call rotation is only possible when services are built
from the ground up with reliability and operability in mind. By
making the developers responsible for operating what they build,
they are incentivized to reduce the operational toll to a minimum.
They are also in the best position to be on-call since they are in-
timately familiar with the system’s architecture, brick walls, and

Being on-call can be very stressful. Even when there are no call-
outs, just the thought of not having the same freedom usually en-
joyed outside of regular working hours can cause anxiety. This is
why being on-call should be compensated, and there shouldn’t be
any expectations for the on-call engineer to make any progress on
feature work. Since they will be interrupted by alerts, they should
make the most out of it and be given free rein to improve the on-
call experience, for example, by revising dashboards or improving
resiliency mechanisms.
Achieving a healthy on-call is only possible when alerts are action-
able. When an alert triggers, to the very least, it should link to rele-
vant dashboards and a run-book that lists the actions the engineer
should take, as it’s all too easy to miss a step when you get a call
in the middle of the night15 . Unless the alert was a false positive,
all actions taken by the operator should be communicated into a
shared channel like a global chat, that’s accessible by other teams.
This allows others to chime in, track the incident’s progress, and
make it easier to hand over an ongoing incident to someone else.
The first step to address an alert is to mitigate it, not fix the under-
lying root cause that created it. A new artifact has been rolled out
that degrades the service? Roll it back. The service can’t cope with
the load even though it hasn’t increased? Scale it out.
Once the incident has been mitigated, the next step is to brainstorm
ways to prevent it from happening again. The more widespread
the impact was, the more time you should spend on this. Incidents
that burned a significant fraction of an SLO’s error budget require
a postmortem.
A postmortem’s goal is to understand an incident’s root cause and
come up with a set of repair items that will prevent it from hap-
pening again. There should also be an agreement in the team that
if an SLO’s error budget is burned or the number of alerts spirals
For the same reason, you should automate what you can to minimize manual
actions that operators need to perform. Machines are good at following instruc-
tions; use that to your advantage.

out of control, the whole team stops working on new features to

focus exclusively on reliability until a healthy on-call rotation has
been restored.
The SRE books16 provide a wealth of information and best prac-
tices regarding setting up a healthy on-call rotation.

Chapter 21


A distributed system is never 100% healthy at any given time

as there can always be something failing. A whole range of
failure modes can be tolerated, thanks to relaxed consistency
models and resiliency mechanisms like rate limiting, retries, and
circuit breakers. Unfortunately, they also increase the system’s
complexity. And with more complexity, it becomes increasingly
harder to reason about the multitude of emergent behaviours the
system might experience.
As we have discussed, human operators are still a fundamental
part of operating a service as there are things that can’t be auto-
mated, like mitigating an incident. Debugging is another example
of such a task. When a system is designed to tolerate some level of
degradation and self-heal, it’s not necessary or possible to monitor
every way it can get into an unhealthy state. You still need tooling
and instrumentation to debug complex emergent failures because
they are impossible to predict up-front.
When debugging, the operator makes an hypothesis and tries to
validate it. For example, the operator might get suspicious after
noticing that the variance of her service’s response time has in-
creased slowly but steadily over the past weeks, indicating that
some requests take much longer than others. After correlating the

increase in variance with an increase in traffic, the operator hypoth-

esizes that the service is getting closer to hitting a constraint, like a
limit or a resource contention. Metrics and charts alone won’t help
to validate this hypothesis.
Observability is a set of tools that provide granular insights into
a system in production, allowing us to understand its emergent
behaviours. A good observability platform strives to minimize the
time it takes to validate hypotheses. This requires granular events
with rich contexts, since it’s not possible to know up-front what’s
going to be useful in the future.
At the core of observability, we find telemetry sources like metrics,
event logs, and traces. Metrics are stored in time-series data stores
that have high throughput, but struggle to deal with metrics that
have many dimensions. Conversely, event logs and traces end up
in transactional stores that can handle high-dimensional data well,
but struggle with high throughput. Metrics are mainly used for
monitoring, while event logs and traces mainly for debugging.
Observability is a superset of monitoring. While monitoring is fo-
cused exclusively on tracking the health of a system, observability
also provides tools to understand and debug it. Monitoring on its
own is good at detecting failure symptoms, but less so to explain
their root cause (see Figure 21.1).

21.1 Logs
A log is an immutable list of time-stamped events that happened
over time. An event can have different formats. In its simplest
form, it’s just free-form text. It can also be structured and repre-
sented with a textual format like JSON, or a binary one like Proto-
buf. When structured, an event is typically represented with a bag
of key-value pairs:
"failureCount": 1,
"serviceRegion": "EastUs2",
"timestamp": 1614438079

Figure 21.1: Observability is a superset of monitoring.

Logs can originate from your services and external dependencies,

like message brokers, proxies, databases, etc. Most languages offer
libraries that make it easy to emit structured logs. Logs are typi-
cally dumped to disk files, which are rotated every so often, and
forwarded by an agent to an external log collector asynchronously,
like an ELK stack1 or AWS CloudWatch logs.
Logs provide a wealth of information about everything that’s hap-
pening in a service. They are particularly helpful for debugging
purposes, as they allow us to trace back the root cause from a symp-
tom, like a service instance crash. They also help to investigate
long-tail behaviors that are missed by metrics represented with
averages and percentiles, which can’t help explain why a specific
user request is failing.
Logs are very simple to emit, particularly free-form textual ones.
But that’s pretty much the only advantage they have compared

to metrics and other instrumentation tools. Logging libraries can

add overhead to your services if misused, especially when they
are not asynchronous and logging blocks while writing to stdout
or disk. Also, if the disk fills up due to excessive logging, the ser-
vice instance might get itself into a degraded state. At best, you
lose logging, and at worst, the service instance stops working if it
requires disk access to handle requests.
Ingesting, processing, and storing a massive trove of data is not
cheap either, no matter whether you plan to do this in-house or use
a third-party service. Although structured binary logs are more
efficient than textual ones, they are still expensive due to their high
Finally, but not less important, logs have a high noise to signal ratio
because they are fine-grained and service-specific, which makes it
challenging to extract useful information from them.
Best Practices
To make the job of the engineer drilling into the logs less painful,
all the data about a specific work unit should be stored in a single
event. A work unit typically corresponds to a request or a message
pulled from a queue. To effectively implement this pattern, code
paths handling work units need to pass around a context object
containing the event being built.
An event should contain useful information about the work unit,
like who created it, what it was for, and whether it succeeded or
failed. It should include measurements as well, like how long spe-
cific operations took. Every network call performed within the
work unit needs to be instrumented to log its response status code
and response time. Finally, data logged to the event should be
sanitized and stripped of potentially sensitive properties that de-
velopers shouldn’t have access to, like user content.
Collating all data within a single event for a work unit minimizes
the need for joins but doesn’t completely eliminate it. For example,
if a service calls another downstream, you will have to perform a
join to correlate the caller’s event log with the callee’s one to un-

derstand why the remote call failed. To make that possible, every
event should include the id of the request or message for the work
There are various ways to keep the costs of logging under con-
trol. A simple approach is to have different logging levels (e.g.:
debug, info, warning, error) controlled by a dynamic knob that de-
termines which ones are emitted. This allows operators to increase
the logging verbosity for investigation purposes and reduce costs
when granular logs aren’t needed.
Sampling2 is another option to reduce verbosity. For example, a
service could log only one every n-th event. Additionally, events
can also be prioritized based on their expected signal to noise ra-
tio; for example, logging failed requests should have a higher sam-
pling frequency than logging successful ones.
The options discussed so far only reduce the logging verbosity on
a single node. As you scale out and add more nodes, logging vol-
ume will necessarily increase. Even with the best intentions, some-
one could check-in a bug that leads to excessive logging. To avoid
costs soaring through the roof or killing your logging pipeline en-
tirely, log collectors need to be able to rate-limit requests. If you
use a third-party service to ingest, store, and query your logs, there
probably is a quota in place already.
Of course, you can always opt to create in-memory aggregates
from the measurements collected in events (e.g., metrics) and emit
just those rather than raw logs. By doing so, you trade-off the abil-
ity to drill down into the aggregates if needed.

21.2 Traces
Tracing captures the entire lifespan of a request as it propagates
throughout the services of a distributed system. A trace is a list

of causally-related spans that represent the execution flow of a re-

quest in a system. A span represent an interval of time that maps to
a logical operation or work unit, and contains a bag of key-value
pairs (see Figure 21.2).

Figure 21.2: An execution flow can be represented with spans.

Traces allow developers to:

• debug issues affecting very specific requests, which can be
used to investigate support requests;
• debug rare issues that affect only an extremely small fraction
of requests;
• debug issues that affect a large fraction of requests, like high
response times for requests that hit a specific subset of ser-
vice instances;
• Identify bottlenecks in the end-to-end request path;
• Identify which clients hit which downstream services and
in what proportion (also referred to as resource attribution),
which can be used for rate-limiting or billing purposes.
When a request begins, it’s assigned a unique trace id. The trace id
is propagated from one stage to another at every fork in the local
execution flow from one thread to another and from caller to callee

in a network call (through HTTP headers, for example). Each stage

is represented with a span — an event containing the trace id.
When a span ends, it’s emitted to a collector service, which assem-
bles it into a trace by stitching it together with the other spans be-
longing to the same trace. Popular distributed tracing collectors
include Open Zipkin3 and AWS X-ray4 .
Tracing is challenging to retrofit into an existing system as it re-
quires every component in the request path to be modified and
propagate the trace context from one stage to the other. And it’s
not just the components that are under your control that need to
support tracing; the frameworks and open source libraries you use
need to support it as well, just like third-party services5 .

21.3 Putting it all together

The main drawback of event logs is that they are fine-grained and
When a single user request flows through a system, it can pass
through several services. A specific event only contains informa-
tion for the work unit of one specific service, so it can’t be of much
use to debug the entire request flow. Similarly, a single event
doesn’t tell much about the health or state of a specific service.
This is where metrics and traces come in. You can think of them
as abstractions, or derived views, built from event logs and tuned
to specific use cases. A metric is a time-series of summary statis-
tics derived by aggregating counters or observations over multiple
work units or events. You could emit counters in events and have
the backend roll them up into metrics as they are ingested. In fact,
this is how some metrics collection systems work.
Similarly, a trace can be derived by aggregating all events belong-
ing to the lifecycle of a specific user request into an ordered list.
The service mesh pattern can help retrofit tracing.

Just like in the previous case, you can emit individual span events
and have the backend aggregate them together into traces.
Chapter 22

Final words

Congratulations, you reached the end of the book! I hope you

learned something you didn’t know before and perhaps even had
a few “aha” moments. Although this is the end of the book, it’s
just the beginning of your journey. One of the best ways to learn
how to design large scale systems is by standing on the shoulders
of the giants.
Industry papers provide a wealth of knowledge about distributed
systems that have stood the test of time. My recommendation
is to start with “Windows Azure Storage: A Highly Available
Cloud Storage Service with Strong Consistency1 ,” which de-
scribes Azure’s cloud storage system2 . Azure’s cloud storage is
the core building block on top of which Microsoft built many
other successful products. You will see many of the concepts
introduced in the book there. One of the key design decisions
was to guarantee strong consistency, unlike AWS S33 , making the
application developers’ job much easier.
Once you have digested that, I suggest reading “Azure Data Ex-
Think of it as Azure’s equivalent of AWS S3, which unfortunately doesn’t have
a public paper
S3 supports strong consistency since December 2020, though

plorer: a big data analytics cloud platform optimized for interac-

tive, adhoc queries over structured, semi-structured and unstruc-
tured data4 .” The paper discusses the implementation of a cloud-
native event store built on top of Azure’s cloud storage — a great
example of how these large scale systems compose on top of each
other5 .
Finally, if you are preparing for the system design interview, check
out Alex Xu’s book “System Design Interview6 ”. The book intro-
duces a framework to tackle design interviews and includes more
than 10 case studies.

I worked on a time-series data store that builds on top of Azure Data Explorer
and Azure Storage, unfortunately, no public paper is available for it just yet

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