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ଜିଲ୍ଲା ଖଣିଜ ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ାଠ ନ,ସୁନ୍ଦରଗଡ.


RFP NO: -DMF/SNG/10-2019-20.


Annual Rate Contract for Supply, Installation and

Commissioning of High mast illumination system with
5-year warranty for Sundargarh District.

Availability of Tender documents : 27-12-2019 at 11.00 A.M.

Last date for submission of Sealed Tender: 13-01-2020 up to 5.00 P.M.

Opening of Technical Bid & Financial bid: 14-01-2020 at 11.00 AM

Issued by:
Collector & Chairperson
DMF, Sundargarh .

Page 1
ଜିଲ୍ଲା ଖଣିଜ ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ାଠ ନ, ସୁନ୍ଦରଗଡ.
(1st floor, DMF Office)
District Rural Development Agency
Email– [email protected]
Sundargarh -770001
Tel / Fax No. 06622-273846

Letter No.1075 /(DMF) Dated the 27 /12 / 2019

RFP NO: -DMF/SNG/10-2019-20
The Collector-cum-Chairperson, District Mineral Foundation (DMF) Sundargarh, Government
of Odisha invites technical and financial proposals from reputed implementing Agency/ Firms
of National and International repute for “Annual Rate Contract for Supply, Installation and
1. Commissioning of High Mast Illumination System with 5-year warranty for Sundargarh
District”as detailed in the Scope of Work in this DTCN. The interested and eligible Firms with
valid Registration Certificate as a Company, as detailed in DTCN, may apply for the same in
OFF-LINE mode. (For details visit
Annual Rate Contract for Supply, Installation and
2. Nature of Works :- Commissioning of High mast Illumination System with
5 year warranty for Sundargarh District .
3. Tender(Bid) Cost :- Rs.10,000/-
4 EMD :- Rs.50,000/-
Availability of bid document in From 11.00 A.M. of 27.12.2019 to 13.01.2020 up to
4. :-
the website 5:00 P.M.
5. Last date of receipt of Bid :- 13.01.2020 up to 5:00 P.M.
Through Speed Post/ Registered Post (India Post) by no
6. Mode of Receipt of Bids :-
other means.
Date of opening of Technical Bid Date: 14.01.2020 at 11:00 A.M.
7. :-
and Commercial Bid
Chief Executive Officer,
Address for Business query and District Mineral Foundation, Sundargarh
8. correspondence :- Sundargarh -770001, Tel- 06622-273846
E-mail Id- [email protected]
The bidders have to participate in OFF-LINE bidding only. Further details can be seen from the
Sundargarh District website ( Any addendum /corrigendum / cancellation of
tender can also be seen in the said websites. If any query then contact E-mail ID -
[email protected].

Sd/- (27-12-2019)
Collector & Chairperson,
DMF, Sundargarh
Memo No.1076 /DMF Dt. 27 /12 / 2019
Copy to DIO, NIC, Sundargarh with a request to upload this Bid Identification Notice in the
Sundargarh District Web-Site by 27.12.2019 for wide publication and timely
response by the intending Contractors.

Sd/- (27-12-2019)
Collector & Chairperson,
DMF, Sundargarh
Memo No.1077 /DMF Dt. 27 /12 / 2019
Copy to the A.D.M., Sundargarh/ Rourkela/ Sub-Collector, Sadar/Panposh/Bonai/ All Block
Development Officers of the District/Executive Engineer, R&B Division, Sundargarh/Rourkela/
Executive Engineer, RW Division, Sundargarh/Rourkela/ Executive Engineer Minor Irrigation Division
,Sundargarh/ Executive Engineer, Irrigation Division ,Sundargarh/ Executive Engineer, Rukura
Irrigation Division, Panposh/ Executive Engineer, RWSS Division, Sundargarh/Rourkela/ Executive
Engineer, OLIC, Sundargarh/ Rourkela/ Executive Engineer, PHED, Rourkela/Executive Officers of
Urban Local Bodies of the district/ DI & PRO, Sundargarh/ Rourkela for information and with a request
to display this Tender Notice in their respective office Notice Board for wide publication.
Copy to Addl. P.D.(Tech.), DRDA, Sundargarh/ Asst. Director, OREDA, DRDA, Sundargarh/ Asst.
P.D.(Finance), DRDA, Sundargarh/ Asst. P.D.(RH), DRDA, Sundargarh/ Junior Engineer(Estimator),
DRDA, Sundargarh/Cashier, DRDA, Sundargarh/ DMF Cell, Sundargarh/ Notice Board of DRDA,
Sundargarh for information & necessary action.

Sd/- (27-12-2019)
Collector & Chairperson,
DMF, Sundargarh

Page 3
Sl. Page
No. No.


1 Notice Inviting Tender 6-9

2 Form of Tender 10-11
3 Pre-qualification criteria 12-13
4 Scope of Work 13-14
Instructions to the contractors for furnishing Individual 15
5 details in prescribed proforma
6 General Instructions to the Contractors 15-21
7 Terms and Conditions 22-26
Specifications for high mast Illumination System installation works 27-28

9 Make of materials 28-50

10 Safety Code 51-52
11 Annexure A – Completion Certificate 53
112 Annexure B – Articles of Agreement 54-56
13 Annexure C – Indemnity Bond 57
14 Annexure D - OEM Authorisation Letter 58
15 Proforma – 1 : General Details about the Contractor 59-60
16 Proforma – 2 : Electrical works and Previous Experience
(a) List of Projects Executed 61
(b) List of Projects on Hand 62
17 Bank account details 63
18 Makes offered by the tenderer 64
19 Check List for submission of bid 65-67


Financial bid 68-76

Page 5
RFP NO: -DMF/SNG/10-2019-20.


Interested parties are requested to submit the Bids in sealed envelope for the aforesaid work as per
detailed specifications and other requirements as mentioned more specifically elsewhere in this
tender document.
Sealed Bids in TWO separate sealed Envelopes indicating clearly ‘'Envelop - No.1 - Technical bid'
and 'Envelope No.2 –Price bid', shall be addressed to Chief Executive Officer, DMF, Sundargarh and
Envelops should also be super scribed Annual Rate Contract for Supply, Installation and
Commissioning of high mast illumination System with 5-year warranty for Sundargarh District.
Last date for the submission of tender is 13.01.2020 up to 5.00 pm.

1. This tender document can be downloaded from the website of .The
tender document will be available on the website, till the last date of submission.

2. The two envelopes must carry the following:

Envelope no. 1:
a) “Technical bid” of tender with every page signed and stamped.
b) An initial part amount of Rs 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand Only) towards Earnest Money
Deposit (EMD) by way of Demand Draft (DD) from Nationalised/Scheduled Bank, to be submitted
along with “Technical Bid” in a separate envelop. EMD envelop shall be super scribed as EMD
towards “Annual Rate Contract for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of high mast
Illumination System with 5-year warranty for Sundargarh District”. The Tender without EMD shall
be rejected out rightly. No interest shall be paid on the EMD thus collected. EMD of the successful
bidder shall be refunded after the successful completion of the work, whereas EMD of the
unsuccessful bidders will be refunded upon the issuance of work order to and acceptance of the
same by the successful bidder. Power of attorney authorizing the person to sign the tender.

Envelope No.2:

a) Price Bid shall be addressed to Chief Executive Officer, DMF, Sundargarh.

b) Envelope No.2 shall not contain any condition whatsoever and any conditional price
bid shall be rejected.
c) Price Bid envelopes shall be opened only in respect of those tenderers who are
found to be eligible as per the prequalification criteria specified by DMF and have
complied with all the requirements in tender document.

3. If the last date of receipt or opening of the tenders happens to be a holiday, then the receipt
and opening of the tenders shall be shifted to next working day without change of time and

4. Before filling up the tenders, the bidders may note the following:
a. The bids shall remain valid and open for acceptance for 03 months from the date of
opening of Envelope No.1. If the tenderer withdraws his tender before the expiry of the
said period or makes any modifications in terms and conditions of the tender which are
not acceptable to the DMF, then the DMF without prejudice to any other right or remedy
will be at liberty to forfeit the earnest money.

b. Time of Completion: Time is the essence of the contract. The Contractor shall be allowed
to execute the work after working hours, in nights & on holidays, with the prior
permission from DMF. No extra payments will be made for the work being done during
the odd hours. Date of commencement shall be either one-week, from the date of issue
work order or the day on which the contractor will take possession of site, whichever
is earlier. The work shall be completed within 01 months from the date of

c. The quantum of liquidated damages for delay in completion of the works per week shall
be calculated at 0.50% of the estimated cost subject to maximum of 5% of the accepted
tender amount.

d. The tenderer should quote the rates in figures as well as in the words. The rate for each
item should be worked out and the requisite total amount shall be calculated accordingly.
Rates quoted by the contractor in item rate tender in figures and words shall be
accurately filled in so that there is no discrepancy in the rates, figures and words.
However, if a discrepancy is found in the rates in words and figures, then the rates quoted
in words shall be taken as correct.

e. The tenderers must include in their tender prices quoted for all duties royalties, GST, cess
and sales tax, works contract tax or any other taxes or local charges, transportation
charges, installation charges, labour charges etc. if applicable. No extra claim on this
account will in any case be entertained.

f. The tender document must be filled in English. If any of the documents are missing or un-
signed in price bid, the tender shall be considered invalid. In case of technical bid, the
details of incomplete or missing documents will be intimated to the tenderer and the
tenderer has to submit all those documents within after communicating the same,
otherwise the tender will be rejected.
g. DMF reserves the right to accept or reject any /all tender/s in part or whole of any firm /
firms without assigning any reasons for doing so.

h. Canvassing in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by
the tenderer who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection.

i. All taxes including GST or any other payable/ prevailing tax on material or on finished
works etc, in respect of this contract shall be payable by tenderer and the DMF will not
entertain any claim whatsoever in this respect over the quoted price.

j. The tenderer, apart from being a competent contractor must co-ordinate himself with all
the agencies as and when required.

k. Before quoting, the tenderer shall inspect the site, to fully acquaint himself about the
condition in regard to accessibility of the site, working condition of site, locality including
installations of tools and plants (T&P) and local authority regulations / restrictions if any,
conditions affecting accommodations and movement of personnel
etc. required for the satisfactory execution of the work contract. No claim whatsoever
on such account shall be entertained by the DMF in any circumstances.

l. The quantities of various items given in the schedule of quantities are approximate. The
quantities of work may vary at time of allotment / execution of work. DMF reserves the
right to omit / delete any item(s) of work from the schedule at the time of allotment
/execution of work. Contractor will be paid for the actual work done at the site duly
verified by the concerned official of the DMF.

m. If the rate quoted by the contractor for any item / items are not workable or abnormally
lower than the market rate, the full and final payment of the contractor will be settled
after the satisfactory execution of these item.

n. DMF does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender at all. DMF also reserves the
right to negotiate or partly accept any tender or all tenders received without assigning
any reasons thereof.

o. Any discrepancies, omissions, ambiguities in the tender documents, if any, or any doubt
as to their meaning should be reported in writing to CEO, DMF, Sundargarh who will
review the questions and if information sought is not clearly indicated or specified, DMF
will issue clarifications to all the tenderers which will become part of the Tender
p. DMF will not be responsible if the discrepancies, omissions, ambiguities in the tender
documents or any doubts as to their meaning are not brought to the notice of DMF before
three working days prior to the last date of submission of the tender.

q. DMF also reserves the right to divide and distribute the work to more than one tenderer
at its sole discretion.

r. The successful bidder shall execute an agreement on non-judicial stamp paper with DMF
in accordance with the standard format enclosed (Articles of Agreement) within 07 days
from date of issue of work order failing which the bidder’s EMD may stand forfeited.

s. Defect Liability Period: The Defects Liability Period shall be for a period of five years and
shall commence from the date of completion. Any defect that may appear within the
Defects Liability Period, shall be rectified by the Contractors without any extra cost to the
Employer. In case of failure to do so within 10 days from such notice from the DMF, the
Employer may get such rectification works carried out through any other firm and
expenditure incurred by the DMF shall be recovered from any money due to the
Contractor at the cost and risk of the contractor. Only, after all the defects pointed out
during the Defects Liability Period have been rectified by the Contractor to the
satisfaction of the DMF, thereafter, the Security Deposit/ RMD will be refunded to the

t. All the necessary works related to the Job component like preparation of preliminary
and as built drawings, liasoning with the local authorities, govt. bodies for any type of
NOC, clearance etc.; shall be under the scope of the party.
The Collector & Chairperson,
DMF, Sundargarh.

Dear Sir/Madam

Annual Rate Contract for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of high mast Illumination
System Sets with 5-year warranty for Sundargarh District

I / We have examined the Scope of Works, Specifications and Schedule of Quantities and Terms
and Conditions relating to the tender for the said works after having obtained the Tender
document invited by you.

1. I / We have visited the site, examined the site of works specified in the Tender Document
and acquired the requisite information relating thereto as affecting the Tender.

2. I / We hereby offer to execute and complete the works in strict accordance with the
Tender Document at the item rates quoted by me / us in the attached Schedule of
Quantities in all respects as per the specifications and Scope of Works described in the
Tender Document and the Annexures containing Terms and Conditions.

3. I / We enclose herewith interest-free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for Rs.50,000/-

(Rupees Thirty Thousand Only) by Demand Draft payable at Sundargarh in favour of
forfeited in the event of our withdrawal of Tender before expiry of the validity period of
offer and/or in the event of our failure to execute the Contract when called upon to do so
by accepting our Quotation.

4. In the event of this tender being accepted, I/We agree to enter into and execute the
prescribed Agreement with DMF as per the format given at Annexure B.

5. I/ We agree to pay all Government (Central and State) Taxes such as IT, GST etc. and other
taxes prevailing from time to time and the rates quoted by me/us are inclusive of the

6. The rate quoted by me / us is exclusive of GST .

7. The rates quoted by me / us are firm and shall not be subjected to variations on account
of fluctuation in the market rates, taxes or any other reasons whatsoever, during the
currency of the contract.
10 | P a g e
8. I / we hereby agree to abide by and fulfil all the Terms and Conditions and Provisions of
the said Contract Document annexed hereto.

Name of the person authorized to sign and submit the Tender



Yours faithfully

Place Signature



Minimum Eligibility Criteria for pre-qualification of tenderers is as follows:

The Bidding Firm/Company: -

1. Bidder must be a manufacturer / their Authorisation against tender for participation.

Manufacture can Authorised only one bidder. Manufacture must be manufacturing Octagonal GI
poles, high mast / led fixtures.
2. Bidder must be submit Details of Similar works completed with Certificates in support of 3
years’ experience.
3. Documents (Audited Balance Sheets of last 3financial year, Profit & Loss Statements and
Auditor’s Reports of last 3years, IT return documents of last 3 years, GST registration certificate,
PF, ESIC registration certificate).
4. Bidder /manufacture must be submit warranty certificate of 5years for both led light fixture
& high mast on their letter head.
5. Bidder/Manufacture must be submit high mast system Foundation GAD with details.
Earthing Gad Details. JB arrangement details, feeder pillar GAD, technical data sheet of led
fixtures, LM-79 & 80 report, Photo biological test Report. Structural data sheet of high mast pole
along with light fixtures, lantern carriage/bracket GAD, technical data sheet of 3cx1.5sqmm2
copper PVC cable & 2AYFY 4cx25sqmm2 Aluminium armoured cable Data
sheet,5Cx4sqmm2,5Cx2sqmm2 EPR trailing cable data sheet, high mast inner PVC board Gad,
technical data sheet of aviation light, Gad of lighting arrester, earthing Gad of high mast & feeder
pillar, foundation bolt technical data sheet, high mast Motor technical data sheet with GAD,
winch technical data sheet with Gad. illumination design of different height mast with light
fixtures by considering below data’s. (FOR 10mtr height consider 20mtr radius, for 12mtr height
consider 30mtr radius, for 16mtr height consider 35mtr radius, For 20mtr height consider 40mtr
radius, For 25mtr height consider 50mtr radius) type test report of winch, wind tunnel test report
of high mast, motor test report, wire rope breaking load test report.

6. Declaration of manufacture from their letter head (must having register office at Odisha
with their service team details).
7. Joint venture against tender for participation is not acceptable. Only direct manufacture/
their authorized agency can be participating by fulfilling of eligibility criteria. L1 bidder cannot
sublet the contract.
8. Bidder must be having valid HT license from ELBO with minimum 3years of experience
/Licence shall be in the company name /in the name of company director/proprietor/partner.
Bidder should have workman compensation insurance from any nationalized insurance
9. Bidder should have their own/ leased vehicle mounted hydraulic ladder for maintenance of
mini mast / high mast.
10. Bidder should furnish copies of their Income Tax Permanent Account Number (PAN),
GSTIN registration, ESI registration, EPF registration, Certificate of Incorporation,

12 | P a g e
Memorandum of Association and Article of Association and Power of Attorney in the name of
person submitting the offer along with board resolution etc. along with the bid. In addition,
Bank details like name of bank, branch, branch code, Bank Account Number to be submitted.
11. The average annual turnover of the agency in the last three years commencing from 2018-
19 shall not be less than Rs.2.00 Cr. (Rupees Two Crore ).The turnover details shall be
supported by copy of audited Balance Sheets and Profit & Loss Statements or certificate of
Turnover (if accounts not finalized) issued by a Chartered Accountant
12. Work/Purchase orders and Completion certificates issued by the client should be enclosed
and need to be produced before DMF, whenever called for verification purposes.
13. Manufacturer / bidder Should have service centre in Sundargarh district. Detail address to
be attached.

With seal &



“Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of high mast Illumination System throughout
the Sundargarh district out of DMF Fund”
The scope of above work shall include the following:
1. Designing of details of illumination foundation and its construction, placement of
Mast with bracket arm/carriage, feeder panel etc. along with all accessories/
2. Supply and Delivery of illumination system with Acoustic enclosure and Auto
Start/stop timer panel and associated cabling, earthing, safety items including
packing, handling, transporting, clearing, loading/unloading etc. at Sundargarh
3. Erection, testing & commissioning of illumination as per technical specifications,
obtaining operating approval from Electrical inspectorate and handing over the
illumination system to DMF for use.
4. Providing all-inclusive service including all spares, etc. during warranty period of new
illumination system.
5. All engineering, equipment, labour, and permits required for satisfactorily
completion of illumination System installation work as per Specification.
6. Any other ancillary work, related to but not mentioned above, required for
satisfactorily completion of the job.
7. Obtaining all statutory permissions/license from appropriate authorities.
8. Unless otherwise in the tender documents, the following work shall be done by the
contractor and therefore, their cost shall be deemed to be included in their tendered
cost, whether specifically indicated in the schedule of work or not:

a. Foundations for High Mast Light.

b. Making good all damages caused to the structure during installation and restoring
the same to their original finish.
c. Minor building work necessary for installation of equipment, foundation trench
for fuel line and cable, making of opening in walls or in the floors and restoring
them to their original condition/ finish and necessary grouting etc. as required.
Debris if any, shall be disposed off outside the premises.
d. All electricity work and body earthing, required for high mast, main board/control
panels and control wiring including loop earthing, if specified in schedule of work.
The work shall be done confirming to relevant BIS.

General Conditions
1. Though mentioned above, the scope of the work is not limited strictly to the
areas/units mentioned, but is required to be carried out at any other locations other
than those mentioned above as directed by the DMF.

2. Supply of manpower with tools and tackles etc., along with supervision to carry out
the miscellaneous jobs as directed by the DMF.

3. All the jobs given to the agency shall be taken up on priority basis without any delay
by mobilizing all the resources immediately at site.

4. If the job is delayed beyond the given schedule, DMF shall be at its discretion to
execute job through any other suitable agency at the risk and cost of the original

5. The equipment’s will carry five years on site comprehensive warranty. Warranty
period Will start from the date of successful installation of all the items at site.

6. All Sundry equipment’s/fittings, assemblies, accessories, hardware items, foundation

bolts, supports, termination lugs for electrical connections, cable glands, cable trays,
junction boxes and all other sundry items for proper assembly and installation of the
Various equipment’s and components of the work shall be deemed to have been
included in the tender, irrespective of the fact that whether such items are specifically
mentioned in tender document or not.
5. Instructions to the Contractors for furnishing Individual details in prescribed Performa

14 | P a g e
1. The contractors are required to submit their full bio-data giving details about their
organization, experience, technical personnel in their organization, space capacity,
competence and adequate evidence of their financial standing, etc. in the enclosed form
(Proforma-1, 2, 3& 4) which will be kept confidential.

Proforma-1 General Details about the contractor

Proforma-2 Construction capability and previous experience Proforma-3
Technical personnel and special experience.
Proforma-4 Details of GSTIN of the contractor.

2. If the space in the Performa is insufficient for furnishing full details, such information
may be supplemented on separate sheets of paper stating therein the part of the Performa
and serial number. Separate sheets shall be used for each part.
3. Any letter or document accompanying the Performa shall be submitted in duplicate.
4. Tenders containing false and/or inadequate information are liable for rejection.
5. While filling up the Performa with regard to the list of important projects completed
or on hand, the applicants shall only include those works as mentioned in pre-qualification
6. Clarifications if any required may be obtained from the Competent Authority.
7. While deciding upon the selection of contractors for participating in the Price bid,
emphasis will be given on the ability and competence of applicants to do good quality works
within the specified time schedule and in close co-ordination with other agencies, besides the
rate structure of the items. Also, emphasis will be given to the applicants who have executed
majority of the similar works.
8. Decision of the DMF in regard to selection of contractors for selecting them for price
bidding will be final. The DMF is not bound to assign any reason therefor.

9. Each page of the tender document shall be signed. The application shall be signed by
person/persons on behalf of the organization having necessary authorization/Power of
Attorney to do so.


1. Quantities indicated in the BOQ are only tentative and shall be executed only at the sole
discretion of DMF.

2. Quoted rates should be workable and reasonable and should include incidental and all
overheads and profits. The contractor should furnish Rate Analysis for scrutiny of the
rates by DMF, if required.

3. Rates should include all Taxes, Duties, Octroi, Levies, Transportation charges, installation
charges, Wages as per Act, GST and all other charges etc. and should be firm for the entire
Contract period. No escalation of rates will be allowed for the entire contract period on
any account. Rates for all items of work are deemed to include costs for all operations
involved in adhering to the specifications (including the IEE Rules/Regulations of the local
licensing Authority CEA of the Fire Insurance/Explosives Authorities, the I.S.S.) Unless
there is a provision to the contrary in the schedule of quantities.

4. Materials used should conform to relevant BIS Codes. BIS and OPWD Specifications and
Method of Measurements shall be followed as applicable. However, in the absence of the
same and / or in case of any discrepancy, the decision of DMF shall be final.

5. Income Tax (TDS) and other applicable taxes as per statutory provisions will be deducted
from total payment due to the Contractors.

6. Insurance: The Consultant, is required to keep the works duly insured in the joint names
of DMF and the Consultant (DMF’s name being first) until the completion of defect liability
period of the works. From commencement to completion of the works, the Consultant
shall take full responsibility for the care of the work and for taking precautions to prevent
loss or damage to the works and to minimize the loss or damage to the greatest extent
possible and shall be liable for any damage or loss that may happen to the works or any
part thereof from any cause whatsoever, inherent defects and failures due to poor
workmanship and causes such as fire, lightening, explosion, earthquake, storm, hurricane,
short circuits , floods, inundation, subsidence, landslides, rock slides, riots (excluding civil
war, rebellion, revolution and insurrection) and shall at his own cost repair and make good
the same so that at all times the work shall be in good order and condition and in
conformity in every respect with the requirements of the Contract. Explanation: For the
purpose of this condition, the expression "from the commencement to completion of
defect liability period of the works " shall mean the time commencing from the issue of
the work order to the consultant and ending with successful completion of work. The
following insurance policies are required to be taken by the consultant;
7. Contactor all risk policy: Without limiting the obligations and responsibilities under this
condition, the Consultant shall insure and keep insured the works from commencement
to completion, as aforesaid, for their full value provided under this Contract, increased by
25% against the risk of loss or damage from any cause whatsoever including the causes
enumerated in the Clause (a) above. In the event of there being a variation in the nature
and extent of the work, the Consultant shall from time to time increase or decrease the
value of the insurance correspondingly. The entire premium shall be borne and paid by
the Consultant. The said insurance shall also provide for the removal of debris of the lost
or damaged works.
8. Workmen Compensation Policy : The Consultant shall at all times indemnify the DMF
against all losses, claims or damages or compensation under the provisions of the
payment of Wages Act 1936, Minimum Wages Act 1948, Employees Liability Act 1938,
Workmen's Compensation Act 1923, The Maternity Benefit Act 1961, Industrial Disputes
Act 1947 and Contract Labour and Regulation and Abolition Act 1970, DMF State
16 | P a g e
Insurance Act 1948 or any modification thereof or any other law relating thereto and rules
made there under from time to time or as a consequence of any accident or injury to any
workman or other persons in or around the work whether in the Employment of the DMF,
or Consultant or not and also against all costs, charges and expenses of any suit, action or
proceedings whatsoever out of such accident or injury or combination of any such claims.
9. All the Standard Conditions of the Contract shall be binding on the parties as per Indian
Contract Act and prevailing Rules.
10. The Contractor shall comply with all the applicable Acts, Rules, Regulations and Law (s) for
entering into Construction / Maintenance Contract and DMF will not in any way be liable
or responsible for any default / irregularities / penalties on the Contractor's part.
11. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Contract, Labour (Regulation &
Abolition) Act, 1970, Minimum Wages Act, EPF and NP Act,1952 and all other Labour Laws
and other Statutory Regulations (both Central and State) that may be enforced from time
to time by the appropriate authorities. DMF shall not be held responsible for any penalty
or failure of any Labour Regulations. DMF shall have the power to inspect the Wage
Register, PF Register and for physical verification of salary paid to the staff and PF deduction
with reference to any records of the Contractor and to insist the Contractor to comply with
12. In case of any discrepancy in deduction of PF by the contractor, DMF is compelled to deduct
the amount and pay to PF authorities towards contract employees’ a/c on behalf of the
13. The Contractor should be responsible to fulfil all the obligations in connection with the
workers employed by the Contractor for the purpose of the Contract and all the Statutory
and other liabilities, if any, including minimum wages, leave salary, uniform, ex-gratia,
gratuity, ESI, Provident Fund, Workmen Compensation, if any, etc. in connection therewith
shall be on the Contractor's account and payable by the Contractor.
14. The Contractor should obtain necessary permission that may be required for the purpose
of this Contract from such authorities as may be prescribed by Law from time to time.

15. The Contractor or his authorized representative should visit the site frequently as required
by DMF and meet them with prior appointment for any clarifications and to receive
instructions, take measurements, etc. at the site.

16. The Contractor shall be fully responsible and shall compensate DMF with suitable Insurance
cover in the event of any damage to men or material, injury / damage or death as the case
may be, caused directly or indirectly due to the negligence of the Contractor or his agents
and / or his employees or workmen. The decision of DMF in this regard shall be final and
17. The Contractor shall indemnify the DMF against any losses as per format given at Annexure

18. Any act of indiscipline / misconduct / theft / pilferage on the part of any employee engaged
by the Contractor resulting in any loss to DMF in kind or cash will be viewed seriously and
DMF will have the right to claim damages or levy fine and / or terminate the Contract
forthwith, if necessary.

19. In case of any default or failure on Contractor's part to comply with all/any one of the Terms
/ Conditions, DMF reserves to itself the right to take necessary steps to remedy the situation
including, inter-alia, the deduction of appropriate amount/s from dues otherwise payable
to Contractor and / or by taking recourse to appropriate recovery proceedings.

20. If any dispute arises on any matter concerning this Contract, the decision of DMF shall be
final and binding.

21. The Contractor should not at any time do, cause or permit any nuisance on the site / do
anything which shall cause unnecessary disturbances or inconvenience to the
occupants/visitors at site or near the site of work.

22. The work should be carried out with least inconvenience to the residents. The workmen
employed by the Contractor should abide by the Rules and Regulations maintained by DMF
in the premises, especially in respect of working hours, entry of the workers to the
premises, interpersonal relation with the occupants etc.

23. The Contractor should obtain approvals, if any, necessary for the work from the statutory
bodies on behalf of DMF. The Contractor shall assist DMF fully in respect of any liaison with
WESCO/ Municipal or any other authority for necessary approval/permission with regard
to the construction / maintenance works. The fees and other statutory charges, if any, will
be reimbursed to the Contractor based on the original receipts produced to DMF.

24. The Contract can be terminated by DMF on 15 days' notice if services are found to be
unsatisfactory and if there is no improvement even after issue of three notices to the

25. On site storage space will be provided to the Contractor subject to availability. However,
the Contractor may erect temporary sheds for storage purposes at his cost with the
permission of DMF. DMF will not be responsible for Contractor's materials. The Contractor
may be required to vacate the storage space and sheds as per exigency without any extra
cost to DMF. If any statutory charges are required to be paid for erection of sheds, the same
should be borne by the Contractor.

18 | P a g e
26. The Contractor shall provide everything necessary for the proper execution of the works.
DMF will not supply any T & P materials or any other equipment, materials, labour, etc. and
no payment in this respect will be made by DMF. The Contractor shall supply, fix and
maintain all the scaffoldings, T&P etc. at his cost during the execution of any work and
remove them as soon as the work is completed.

27. The Contractor shall not directly or indirectly transfer, assign or sublet the Contract or any
part of it, without written permission of DMF.

28. The tenderer shall Warranty for the illumination system, shall be for 5 years from the date
of completion of work. Any defect which may appear within Period of five years after the
completion of work should be rectified by the Contractor at his cost and only thereafter the
Security Deposit/ EMD will be refunded to the Contractor.

gross value of the work done and claimed in the Bills shall be deducted towards Retention
Money Deposit. This amount shall not bear any interest. The EMD already with DMF shall
be refunded within 3 months after settling the Final Bill. The Security Deposit will not bear
any interest and will be refunded as provided for under Clause-33 (iii) in equally five
instalments in every year from the date of Completion of works, provided the Contractor
has satisfactorily carried out all the rectification works and attended to all defects to the
satisfaction of DMF. It will be released annually in 5 equal instalments.

30. Any defects or shortcomings found during execution of work and during the five-year
period from the completion of the entire work shall be attended/rectified by the tenderer
immediately without any extra cost to the DMF. In case of failure to do so within 10 days
from such notice from the Bank, the DMF may get such rectification works carried out
through any other firm and expenditure incurred by the Bank shall be recovered from any
money due to the Contractor at the cost and risk of the contractor.

31. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF WORKS: The Contractor shall report in writing to the DMF
in the form of a Certificate as per the format given at Annexure A, as and when the works
are completed in all respects. The DMF shall, after due verification of the works, issue to
the Contractor a certificate to be called " Completion Certificate". The defects liability
period shall commence only from the date of completion of the work i.e. actual possession
of the work.
i. The Contractor shall be entitled under the Interim Certificates, payment against the
checked bills for the work done not prior to 20 days from the date of issue of the work
order subject to the actual work being executed in accordance with the contract, and
reasonable scrutiny by DMF.
ii. Interim Bills submitted by the Contractor will be paid by DMF after all the statutory
deductions viz. RMD @ 5 %, TDS and other statutory deductions etc., as applicable.
iii. Retention Money Deposit at the rate of 5 % (Five percent) of the value of the work
executed shall be deducted from running interim bills shall constitute the Security
Deposit. The Security Deposit shall be released annually i.e. 1 % value of the work in every
year from the date of Completion certificate, provided the defects are made good
according to the true intent and meaning thereof after due completion of work.
33. COMPLETION PERIOD: The work should be completed within 04 months starting from
01 week from the date of issue of work order or the date on which contractor takes the
possession of site, whichever is earlier.
34. DELAY AND EXTENSION OF TIME: If, in the opinion of the DMF the works be delayed (a)
by force majeure or (b) by reason of any exceptionally inclement weather or (c) by
reason of proceedings taken or threatened by the dispute with adjoining or
neighbouring owners or public authorities arising otherwise than through the
Contractor's own default or (d) by the works or delays of other Contractors or tradesmen
engaged or nominated by the DMF and not referred to in the Schedule of Quantities
and/or Specifications or (e) by reason of DMF 's instructions, or (f) by reason of civil
commotion, local commotion of workmen or strike or lockout affecting any of the
building trades or (g) in consequence of the Contractor not having in due time necessary
instructions from the DMF for which he shall have specifically applied in writing, ahead
of time, giving the DMF reasonable time to prepare such instructions, the DMF shall
make a fair and reasonable extension of time for completion of the Contracted works.
In case of such strike or lockout, the Contractor shall, as soon as may be, given written
notice thereof to the
DMF, but the Contractor shall nevertheless constantly use his endeavours to prevent
delay and shall do all that may reasonably be required to the satisfaction of the DMF to
proceed with the work. The Contractor shall take all practicable steps to avoid or reduce
any delay in the execution and completion of
the works arising out of
c. Force Majeure
d. Exceptionally inclement weather
e. Loss or damage by fire and earthquake
f. Civil commotion, lockout, strike etc.
g. DMF's Instructions, as the case may be
h. Delay on the part of the nominated Sub-Contractor or nominated supplier
i. Delay on the part of the other Contractor employed by the DMF
35. Power should be used only for welding, cutting, drilling purposes and no major
fabrication work shall be done at site.

20 | P a g e
36. Electric power and water supply shall be provided to the contractor by DMF at single
point in at both the sites, free of charge. Contractor shall not use power/water for other
purpose than that it is intended for.

37. Additional Terms and Conditions as per enclosure.

I/we accept all the above Terms and Conditions in all respects without any reservation.

1. The Tender is strictly on Item Rate basis.

2. Bidders are advised to visit the District at their cost, conduct survey of existing conditions
so as to familiarize themselves with the site conditions, nature of works etc. and get all
clarifications as may be necessary from DMF before quoting the rates.

3. Rates should include for removal of debris out of premises to the safe Municipal limits,
removing stains, cleaning the site thoroughly and unless the same is done to the
satisfaction of the DMF, the bill will not be accepted.

4. Quantities mentioned in the schedule of quantities may vary to any extent or may be
deleted without assigning any reasons and as such, the rates quoted should be firm,
workable, reasonable and should include all kinds of Taxes, Duties, Work Contract Tax,
Octroi, GST etc. as applicable, overheads and profit etc. No separate charges for carriage
or labour would be made. There is no question of extra payment above the quoted rate
under any circumstance. In case of any variation in quantity or value, the same will not
be made as a subject matter for dispute by the bidder.

5. The Firm should undertake to arrange genuine spares of mini high mast illumination
system, panel as and when require within one working days

6. No escalation shall be allowed on the rates of this contract.

7. The BIS / CPWD specifications shall be followed as applicable and in the absence of the
same the decision of DMF shall be final. The work has to be carried out only by Electrical
contractors who are authorized by the Odisha Electrical Inspectorate, and possessing
valid license.

8. The contractor shall at the instructions of the DMF within such time as notified, open up
for inspection any work and should the contractor refuse or neglect to comply with such
instructions, the DMF may employ other workman to open of the same. Such work if it is
found not in accordance with approved specifications, or the instructions, expenses of
opening up and redoing if required shall be borne by and recoverable from the
Contractor from any money due or which may become due to the contractor.

9. The successful tenderer is bound to carry out any or all items of work necessary for the
completion of the job even though such items are not included in the quantities and rates

10. The Contractor shall make necessary arrangement for watch and ward.

22 | P a g e
11. The bidders should quote their rates strictly adhering to Terms and Conditions stipulated
in the Tender Document. Unsolicited correspondence after opening of the Tender shall
not be entertained.

12. No bidder will be allowed to withdraw his Tender during the validity period.

13. Rates should be filled in the Bidders Schedule of Quantity in the Price –Bid neatly and no
correction shall be made. Corrections, if any should be duly authenticated by the signing
authority. The rates quoted should be written legibly in words.
14. No advance shall be paid towards mobilization and cost of materials.

15. No compensation shall be admissible for any loss suffered by the Contractor during the
execution of the work. It shall be the Contractor's sole responsibility to protect DMF's
staff, his employees and property against accidents from any cause and he shall
indemnify DMF against any claims for damage for injury to person or property, resulting
from any such accidents with necessary Insurance cover.

16. Any damages caused to the building / premises during the execution of the work shall be
made good by the Contractor at his risk and cost and if necessary, through suitable
Insurance cover.

17. The work is to be undertaken only during working days and during the office timings. The
work cannot be undertaken on Saturday, Sunday and any declared holidays except with
the written approval of the DMF.

18. The contractor has to make his own arrangement of stay for his employees.

19. The Contractor shall use necessary safety equipment and maintain all safety measures
during the execution of works and ensure compliance of Safety Code as per Rules and
Regulations in force.

20. The Contractor shall engage necessary qualified and experienced supervisory staff at his
cost during the execution of the work for attending to day to day affairs.

21. The Contractor should have necessary Contract License and comply with the Labour Laws
as applicable.

22. Notwithstanding anything stated above, DMF reserves the right to assess the bidder's
capability and capacity to perform the contract, should the circumstances warrant such
assessment in the overall interest of DMF.
23. The decision of DMF in awarding the work shall be final and cannot be subjected to

24. DMF reserves the right to accept / negotiate / reject any Quotation either in whole or in
part without assigning any reasons therefore whatsoever and without entering into any
further correspondence and hence, DMF shall be under no obligation to accept the
lowest or any other Quotations received in response to this Quotation. The decision of
DMF in this regard shall be final and indisputable.

25. DMF also reserves the right of supersession of any of the conditions stipulated in the
Quotation Document.

26. The contractor shall require shifting some of the furniture, electrical items, etc., to some
other places within the office premises during the time of work and may also be required
to place them in the appropriate place after completing the work. No extra payment will
be made for those works.

27. There will be other works being carried out by various contractors in the said office
premises. Hence Care should be taken not to damage any other works and also to
coordinate with the other work contractors.

28. Testing of Materials: The contractors are required to submit samples of various materials,
items, fittings, etc for the approval of the DMF. The materials of brand names, if any,
given in the contract shall only be selected.

29. Bill: The bill has to be submitted by the contractors as early as possible after the
completion of the work along with completion of recording.

30. Co-ordination and Monitoring: The contractor’s site supervisor/ engineer will be
coordinating and monitoring the project and report the progress to DMF on weekly basis.

31. Idle Labour Clause:

I. In case the proposed work is held up for any site conditions not attributable to
the contractor or for any decisions/ instructions/ want of details from DMF or for
24 | P a g e
any of the untoward situation, the contractor shall be allowed reasonable
extension of time by the DMF but any additional/ extra claim for payment to idle
labour/ tools/ establishment/ plant etc, during this period shall not be the liability
of the DMF. The quoted rates should include for all such contingencies.

II. Whatever the reasons be, no claim for idle labour, additional establishment, cost
of labour charges of tools and plants would be entertained under any

32. Settlement of Disputes and Arbitration: All disputes or differences of any kind
whatsoever which shall at any time arise between the parties hereto touching or
concerning the works or the execution or maintenance thereof this contract or effect
thereof or to the rights or liabilities of the parties or arising out of or in relation thereto
whether during or after determination foreclosure or breach of the contract (other than
those in respect of which the decision of any person is by the contract expressed to be
final and binding) shall after written notice by either party to the contract to the other of
them and to the Employer hereinafter mentioned be referred for adjudication to a sole
Arbitrator to be appointed as hereinafter provided.

For the purpose of appointing the sole Arbitrator referred to above, the Employer will send
within thirty days of receipt of the notice, to the consultant a panel of three names of
persons who shall be presently unconnected with the organization for which the work is
executed from the following categories of Arbitrators”: -
a. Retired High Court/Supreme Court judge who have experienced in handling
Arbitration Cases.
b. Member of Council of Arbitrators
c. Fellow of the Institution of Engineers
d. Eminent Retired Chief Engineer from State/Central PWD/Public sector undertaking
of good reputation and integrity
e. Fellow of Indian Institute of Consultants.

The consultant shall on receipt of the names as aforesaid, select any one of the person’s
name to be appointed as a sole Arbitrator and communicate his name to the Employer
within thirty days of receipt of the names. The Employer shall thereupon without any
delay appoint the said person as the Sole Arbitrator. If the consultant fails to
communicate such selection as provided above within the period specified, the Employs
should make the selection and appoint the selected person as the Sole Arbitrator.
If the Employer fails to send to the consultant the panel of three names as aforesaid
within the period specified, the consultant shall send to the Employer a panel of three
names of persons who shall all be unconnected with either party. The Employer shall on
receipt appoint him as the Sole Arbitrator. If the
Employer fails to select the person and appoint him as the Sole Arbitrator within 30 days
of receipt of the panel and inform the consultant accordingly, the consultant shall be
entitled to appoint one of the persons from panel as the Sole Arbitrator and
communicate his name to the Employer.

If the Arbitrator so appointed is unable or unwilling to act or resigns his appointment or

vacates his office due to any reason whatsoever another Sole Arbitrator shall be
appointed as aforesaid.

The work under the Contract shall, however, continue during the arbitration proceedings
and no payment due or payable to the consultant shall be withheld on account of such

The Arbitrator shall be deemed to have entered on the reference on the date he issued
notice to both the parties fixing date of the first hearing.

The Arbitrator may from time to time, with the consent of the parties, enlarge the time
for making and publishing the award.

The arbitrator shall give a separate award in respect of each dispute or difference
referred to him. The Arbitrator shall decide each dispute in accordance with the terms of
the contract and give a reasoned award. The venue of arbitration shall be such place as
may be fixed by the Arbitrator in his Sole discretion.

The award of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the both the parties. Subject
to aforesaid the provisions to the Arbitration Act. 1992 or any statutory modification or
re-enactment thereof and the rules made there under, and for the time being in force,
shall apply to the arbitration proceeding under this clause.
The Employer and the contractor hereby also agree that arbitration under clause shall be
condition precedent to any right to action under the contract with regard to the matters
hereby expressly agreed to be so referred to arbitration.


26 | P a g e
Note 1. These specifications are not meant to be exhaustive and prescribe the minimum
acceptable standards. Where these do not cover certain items and aspects, the best engineering
practice/Bank engineer’s instructions shall be followed.

Note 2. All codes and standards means the latest. Necessary I.S. Codes are mentioned along with
these specifications and all relevant codes with divisions published on date shall be applicable.


1.1 The entire electrical installation work shall be carried out in accordance with
approved Drawings and in general conformity with the requirements of the Indian
Electricity rules, 2003, the relevant I.S. codes of practice, as amended to date,
wherever applicable and the regulations of the local licensing bodies, CEA, CPB,
Electrical safety inspector etc., and where such installations are subject to inspection
and approval of fire insurance, the installation shall be planned and executed also
confirming to their regulations/rules.

1.2 The specifications herein and the IEE Rules/Regulations of the local licensing
Authority CEA and of the Fire Insurance/Explosives Authorities, the latter shall


From the contractor's side supervision shall be carried out by person/persons holding
certificates of competency of appropriate class issued by the respective State Government
bodies authorized to issue such certificates under statutory rules and regulations in force.


On completion of the work and/or at the appropriate stages of the works as necessary, the
contractor shall arrange for all necessary tests for proper operation, continuity, etc. of the
necessary installation /equipment/plant etc., in accordance with the provisions in the IE
rules, relevant IS codes of practice and commission the completed installation. Contractor
shall furnish a certificate and guarantee in the prescribed form (attached to the tender
document), countersigned by the licensed and qualified supervisor under whose direct
supervision the installation will be taken over by the DMF, only on its being so commissioned,
the test results being thoroughly satisfactory.

Provided that the work shall not be deemed to be complete and the installation will not be
taken over, if the test results are not within satisfactory limits. In case the results are
unsatisfactory the contractor is required to carry out all necessary
rectifications/modifications at his level on his own cost to bring the installation/equipment
to the level of acceptability within a period of 4(four) weeks from the date of test and the
defects liability period of 12 months will stand extended by period of delay in such
rectification/modification that is in excess of said period of 4 weeks.


First class workmanship and neat appearance are essential requisites for compliance with
these specifications.


The electrical fixtures shall be of the best quality obtainable in the makes/manufacture
specified full filling the eligibility criteria norms, samples being approved by DMF.

6. Technical specifications for Electrical Illumination System.

1.00 SCOPE:
The scope of this specification covers the design engineering, manufacture, transport, installation,
testing and commissioning of the complete lighting system, using Raising and Lowering type of High
mast Towers, including the Civil Foundation Works. The purchaser will only provide the feeder cable
of required size up to the base compartment of the high mast.

The bidder should be ISO 18001 certified having their own marketing division and service cell with
adequate qualified and experienced Engineers to carry out the job and must have experience of
handling similar turnkey jobs in past and the proof of the same is to be furnished for issue of tender

The bidder has to conduct wind tunnel test on a specimen to establish the force coefficients of the 20
side polygon and the value received from the wind tunnel test is to be taken in design. Further type
test is to be done on a full size mast at SERC or other reputed institutions to validate the structural
program. The winches are to be type tested through reputed institutions like IIT as consultants.

The high mast manufacturer should have in-house civil, structural and product design facilities & own
in-house testing facilities for testing of photometry for Luminaries. Also the shaft is to be manufactured
from ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 certified factory taking care of all aspects of design, quality,
environment and safety.


Code No.

28 | P a g e
1. TR. No. – 7 High Masts for Lighting and CCTV (2000 edition) of ILE, U.K,
2. SABS 0225:1991 High Mast natural frequency calculation
3. IS 875 Part – 3 Wind Loading
4. BS EN 10025:1993 High Tensile Steel Sheets
5. IS 2062 Mild Steel
6. BS EN ISO 1461 Galvanization
7. IS 3459 / 2266 Stainless steel Wire rope
8. IS 9968 Part – 1 Trailing Cable
9. IS 325 Motor


The scope of this specification includes design, engineering, manufacture, transport, Supply,
commissioning & testing of complete high-mast lighting system, with raising & Lowering mechanism,
power tool, Feeder-pillar, Push-button station, luminaries & lamps with all accessories. Civil foundation
work, supply of all other accessories required for safe Operation & maintenance of the lighting system,
whether explicitly stated or not shall be Within the scope of work.

1. 10 Meter Mini High-mast:

The mast shaft shall be of one number single section manufactured from high tensile steel plates
confirming to BS EN 10025 having minimum yield strength of 355N/SqM and silicon content in steel
shall be less than 0.06% (Make of steel must be SAIL/JSW/TATA/ESSAR) 10 Mtr. mini octagonal High-
mast shall consist of special type of pentagonal bracket suitable for holding 5nos of 200W Led flood
lights. Foundation accessories, lightning arrestor, Terminal connectors & all other accessories required
for completion of job in all respect. The shaft section shall be of continuously tapered, Octagonal cross
section & made of special steel plate, confirming to BS-EN10-025 / 100027 / BS 4360. The shaft section
shall be of Minimum one parts. There shall be only one longitudinal seam weld per section, bottom &
top section thickness should be minimum of 3mm respectively, bottom & top dia of Structure should
be minimum of 175mm & 90 mm, base plate 275x275x16mm. Thickness of base plate Should not be
less than 16 mm. Welding shall confirm to BS:5135/ IS:9595. , hot dip Galvanizing internally & externally
shall be done in accordance with IS: 2629 or equivalent in single dipping method only, for better
adhesion, uniformity & life. The life of structure should be minimum of 25 years. For longer life and
safety requirement all the other Hardware like nuts, bolts, washers, spring washers, flats, split pins etc.
should be hot dipped Galvanized.
Mast foundation:
The design of mast foundation shall be as per IS: 456. It shall be suitable for soil bearing capacity of 8
to 10 ton/ at a depth of 1.5 to 2 mtrs. Each tower shall have a raised platform of Cement
Concrete of minimum size 1. Mx1Mx0.5M to restrict vegetation growth around the tower & for easy
accessibility to feeder pillar. Preferably the feeder pillar shall be mounted on the raised platform.

Door opening:
An adequate door opening shall be provided at the base of the mast & the opening shall be such that
it permits clear access to equipment’s, sockets /MCBs etc. & also facilitate easy removal of switch gear
items. The door opening shall be complete with a close fitting, weather proof door, provided with a
heavy duty double internal lock with a special paddle key & also padlock with
Master key for all high-mast towers.
Size of opening and door at 500mm x 100
base mm/ as per
: design

Dynamic loading:
The mast structure shall be capable of withstanding basis wind speed as per wind zone with gust
confirming to IS:875 (Part-III), & shall be measured at a height of 10 mtrs /above ground level.
Bracket carriage:
A fabricated 5Arm pentagonal GI carriage with Pu painted shall be provided for fixing & holding 5nos
of 200w LED flood light fixtures Luminaires. Weather proof in built junction box with locking
arrangement required.

Cable & connections at High-mast:

Individual luminaries shall be made by using 3x1.5²mm copper flexible PVC insulated cables. The
junction box should be of thermoplastic polycarbonate of Hensel/CAPE/SYNTEX make with 4nos
copper bus-bar arrangement of suitable size & rating. All the termination should be done using copper
lug of suitable size with copper nuts-bolts arrangement. Suitable size cable glands to be provided for
all the cable entry points to junction box. Cable make: BMI/KEI/HAVELLS/POLYCAB only.

4. Luminaries & Lamps:

Make off LED Philips luminoid /Cree/Bajaj / Nichia/ Osram. LED chip manufacturer should provide the
lumen maintenance data of LED & its life as per LM80. Luminaire should conform to IEC60598. Driver
should comply with IEC 61347-2-13 for safety, IEC 61547, CISPR-15,610-3-2
for EMC. Test reports required: Heat resistance test, thermal test, Ingress protection test, drop test,
vibration test, electrical insulation resistance test, endurance test, humidity test,
Electronics test. LM79 report for the luminaire.
200W LED flood light fixture having extruded aluminium housing, lumen output of 20000 Lm by using
high power discrete LED's, driver efficiency >=90%, power factor>=.95, surge protection >10KV,
THD<10%, IP rating IP66, IK ating: IK08, heat resistance toughened glass with IK08 impact resistance,
graduation disc for precise aiming of flood lights. LED luminaire efficacy >=100 lumen/Watt, correlated
color temperature 5700K+-500K, color rendering index>=70, lumen maintenance L70 at 50000hrs,

Guarantee for both pole & led fixtures must be 5 years from date of erection

5. Earthing of the Mast & Feeder Pillar:

30 | P a g e
The mast should be earthed at bottom at one places with independent 50mm×6mm GI earth strip
running from one independent earth pits. The earth pits should be located at least 1 meter apart from
the pole & there should be inter link between each earth pit using 50mm×6mm GI strip. Detail
specification of the earth pits as follows: Earth pit should be as per IS: 3043-1987 using
600mm×600mm×6mm GI plate. The earth pit shall have standard depth of 3.0 meter. Homogeneous
mixture of BENTONITE powder & soil in the ratio of 1:6 is to be used for filling up of the earth pit.
Minimum 100 kg of BENTONITE powder/charcoal & salt is to be used. It has 2.5 meter, 40mm Dia heavy
gauge (min. 4.1kg per meter) GI pipe (perforated) as electrode connected & welded to GI plate at
bottom. Top of the electrode should have GI flange & GI funnel (having GI wire mesh) welded to the
electrode. GI strip of 50mm×6mm of length 2.8meter to be provided, one end of the GI strip shall be
welded with GI plate & other end shall be connected to GI flange. GI flange should have 4 no of holes
of Dia 19 mm for connection of GI strip. Each earth pit should be provided with pre-cast RCC chamber
with inspection cover of Suitable size.

Height of Mini mast : 10 Meter,

No. of sections : One
Material construction : S 355 grade as per BS-EN10 025
Base dia. and top diameter (A/F) : Top:90mm,
Bottom : 175 mm
Plate thickness : 3mm

Cross section of Mast : Octagonal

Standard for of galvanization : As per BS EN ISO 1461
Size of opening and door at base : 100 x 500 mm
Diameter of base plate : 275x275x16mm
Thickness of base plate : 16 mm
Lightning protection finial : G.I Pipe earthing
Max.wind speed : 50m/s as per IS : 875 (Part - III)
Number of foundation bolts : 4 nos.
PCD of foundation bolts : 300 mm
Type / diameter / length of foundation bolts : 24 mm dia / 750 mm long

Material of construction : 40 NB ERW Class B - M. S. Pipe
Diameter of carriage ring (mm) 500/500 mm or as per
: design
Construction : 5arm
Load carrying capacity : 5 Luminaire (200w led flood light)


The scope of this specification includes design engineering, manufacture, transport, Supply,
commissioning & testing of complete high-mast lighting system, with raising & Lowering mechanism,
power tool, Feeder-pillar, Push-button station, luminaries & lamps with all accessories. Civil foundation
work, supply of all other accessories required for safe Operation & maintenance of the lighting system,
whether explicitly stated or not shall be Within the scope of work.

1. 12-Meter-High-mast:

The mast shaft shall be of one section manufactured from high tensile steel plates confirming to BS EN
10025 having minimum yield strength of 355N/SqM and silicon content in steel shall be less than
0.06% (Make of steel must be SAIL/JSW/TATA)

12 Mtr. High-mast shall consist of shaft section, head frame, pulley assembly, and lantern Carriages,
SS wire rope, cables, double drum winch, power tool, foundation accessories, lightning arrestor, high
mast must be suitable for wind speed 55M/sec.
Terminal connectors & all other accessories required for completion of job in all respect. The shaft
section shall be of continuously tapered, polygonal cross section & made of special steel plate,
confirming to BS-EN10-025 / 100027 / BS 4360. The shaft section shall be of one parts. There shall be
only one longitudinal seam weld per section, section thickness should be minimum of 3 mm
respectively, bottom & top dia of Structure should be minimum of 360mm & 150 mm respectively.
Thickness of base plate Should not be less than 25 mm. Welding shall confirm to BS:5135/ IS:9595., hot
dip Galvanizing internally & externally shall be done in accordance with IS: 2629 or equivalent in single
dipping method only, for better adhesion, uniformity & life. The life of structure should be minimum
of 25 years. For longer life and safety requirement all the other
Hardware like nuts, bolts, washers, spring washers, flats, split pins etc. should be hot dipped
Galvanized. Make of high mast (manufacture): Valmont/Lysaght/Bajaj

Mast foundation:
The design of mast foundation shall be as per IS: 456. It shall be suitable for soil bearing capacity of 10
ton/ at a depth of 2.0 to 2.5 mtrs / or more as per manufacture of high mast design type. Each
tower shall have a raised platform of Cement Concrete of minimum size 2. Mx2Mx0.75M to restrict
vegetation growth around the tower & for easy accessibility to feeder pillar. Preferably the feeder pillar
shall be mounted on the raised platform.

Door opening:
An adequate door opening shall be provided at the base of the mast & the opening shall be such that
it permits clear access to equipment’s like winches, cables, sockets etc. & also facilitate easy removal
of winch. The door opening shall be complete with a close fitting, weather proof door, provided with
a heavy duty double internal lock with a special paddle key & also padlock with
Master key for all high-mast towers.
Size of opening and door at base : 1050 x 225 mm
Dynamic loading:
The mast structure shall be capable of withstanding basis wind speed of 55m/sec / 200 km/hr with
gust confirming to IS:875 (Part-III) ,& shall be measured at a height of 10 mtrs above ground level.
Lantern carriage:

32 | P a g e
A fabricated lantern carriage shall be provided for fixing & holding 6nos of 200W led Luminaires. Special
lantern carriage design must be as per illumination design of apron area i.e 2set of lantern carriage
design for holding 6nos of non-integral 200W LED flood light fixture. The inner lining of the carriage
shall be provided with protective PVC arrangement, so that no damage is caused to the surface of the
mast during the raising & lowering operation of the carriage. Weather proof junction box, made of cast
aluminium shall be provided on the Carriage assembly as required, from which the inter-connection to
the designated number of luminaries & associated control gears shall be made.

Raising & lowering mechanism with winch arrangement

A suitable winch arrangement shall be provided with the winch fixed at the base of the mast & head
frame assembly at the top. The winch shall be of completely self-sustaining type, without the need for
brake shoe, springs or clutches. Each driving spindles of the winch shall be positively locked when not
in use, by gravity – activated pawls. The capacity, operating speed, safe working load, recommended
lubrication & Sl. No of the winch shall be clearly marked on each winch. It shall be self-lubricating type
by means of an oil bath & the oil shall be readily available grades of reputed manufacturers. It shall
have gear assembly made of phosphor bronze. The winch drum shall be grooved to ensure proper seat
for stable & tidy rope lay, with no chances of rope slippage. A test certificate shall be furnished by the
manufacturer, for each winch in support of the maximum load operated by the winch. Winch must be
single drum & double gear type SGDD.

Power tool:

A high –powered, electrically driven, internally mounted power tool with 3 phase motor .75HP of
suitable rating (as per IS: 325) shall be provided for lowering & raising the lantern carriage for
maintenance purpose. The winch motor system should have inbuilt torque limiter present for the safe
working load of the winch. The power tool mounting shall be self-supporting type & shall align the
power tool perfectly with respect to the winch spindle during the operation. A handle for manual
operation of the winches shall be provided in case of the problem with the electrically operated power
tools. For operation of the motor, a suitable Push Button station is to be
Provided with Plug Socket arrangements at both ends (motor & feeder pillar) by means of 1/3phase
32A industrial plug & sockets. 15 meters of copper multi core cable to be used for control of power to
the motor through Push Button Station. The Push Button station should be portable & it should contain
one no TP protective MCB, two nos. AB contactors & two nos. push buttons. AB contactor, MCB should
be of Siemens/L&T/BCH make. Motor make: HEM/CGL/BHARAT BIJLI/KILOSKAR
Head frame:
Head frame is suitable for 2 wire rope system & the top pulley shall be suitable to accommodate the
stainless steel wire rope & multi-core electric cable. The pulley block shall be made of non-corrosive
material & shall be of die-cast aluminium alloy. Self-lubricating bearings & stainless steel shaft shall be
provided to facilitate smooth operation for a long period. The pulley assembly shall be fully protected
by a canopy galvanized internally & externally & canopy should protect the rain water into the mast.
Suspension & wire rope:
The suspension system shall consist of only non-corrosive stainless steel of AISI 316 grade. The
suspension wire rope shall confirm to IS: 2365/1977. The suspension system should be of 2 wire rope
arrangement for better balancing of the lantern carriage.
SS Wire Rope:
Grade: AISI 316
Diameter of SS Rope: minimum 6 mm dia.
Construction of SS Rope: 7 / 19.
Breaking Load Capacity: minimum 2350 Kgs per SS wire rope

Approved LED type Single dome Aviation obstruction Lights of reliable design and reputed
manufacturer shall be provided on top of each mast. led based obstruction lights utilize 90% less power
than an equivalent incandescent, power consumption 230ac-10w no of led used-300nos,12-
24vdc,120vac and 230vac,ip-65

Cable & connections at High-mast:

Metal clad, 63A, plug-sockets units shall be provided at the bottom compartments of the mast to
facilitate termination of incoming cables. Electrical connections from the bottom to the top of the mast
shall be made by 1100 V, EPR insulated & PCP sheathed reeling duty cable to get flexibility &
endurance. Size of cables shall be 5Cx2.5sqmm² copper, with flexibility class-5 &
overall as per IS: 9968 (Part-I), connections from the top junction box to the
Individual luminaries shall be made by using 3x1.5²mm copper flexible PVC insulated cables. EPR cable
make: BMI/SUN/MENS FIELD/UNIVERSAL/UNIFLEX. & PVC cable make: KEI/thermo/havells /polycab.

2. Lightning Finial:

Heavy duty hot dip galvanized lightning finial shall be provided at the centre of the head frame to get
a direct conducting path to the earth through the mast. The lightning finial shall not be provided on
the lantern carriage under any Circumstances in view of the safety of the system.

3. Feeder Pillar:

Outdoor stand mounted feeder pillar with 32A TPN MCB incomer, single dial time switch, 25A TP
contactor for the automatic switching of luminaries, power tool control with 2 no 9A contactors and
raise lower push button, Incoming 35 sq. mm and outgoing 16 & 2.5 sq. mm terminals. Technical Gad

4. Luminaries & Lamps:

Make off LED Philips luminoid /Cree/Bajaj / Nichia/ Osram. LED chip manufacturer should provide the
lumen maintenance data of LED & its life as per LM80. Luminaire should conform to IEC60598. Driver
should comply with IEC 61347-2-13 for safety, IEC 61547, CISPR-15,610-3-2
34 | P a g e
for EMC. Test reports required: Heat resistance test, thermal test, Ingress protection test, drop
test, vibration test, electrical insulation resistance test, endurance test, humidity test,
Electronics test. LM79 report for the luminaire.
200W LED flood light fixture having extruded aluminium housing, lumen output of 20000 Lm by using
high power discrete LED's, driver efficiency >=90%, power factor>=.95, surge protection >10KV
,THD<10%, IP rating IP66,IK ating:IK08, heat resistance toughened glass with IK08 impact resistance,
graduation disc for precise aiming of flood lights. LED luminaire efficacy >=100 lumen/Watt, correlated
color temperature 5700K+-500K, color rendering index>=70, lumen maintenance L70 at 50000hrs,

Guarantee for both pole & led fixtures must be 5 years from date of erection

5. Earthing of the Mast & Feeder Pillar:

The mast should be earthed at bottom at one places with independent 50mm×6mm GI earth strip
running from one independent earth pits. The earth pits should be located at least 1 meter apart from
the pole & there should be inter link between each earth pit using 50mm×6mm GI strip. Detail
specification of the earth pits as follows: Earth pit should be as per IS: 3043-1987 using
600mm×600mm×6mm GI plate. The earth pit shall have standard depth of 3.0 meter. Homogeneous
mixture of BENTONITE powder & soil in the ratio of 1:6 is to be used for filling up of the earth pit.
Minimum 100 kg of BENTONITE powder/charcoal & salt is to be used. It has 2.5 meter, 40mm Dia heavy
gauge (min. 4.1kg per meter) GI pipe (perforated) as electrode connected & welded to GI plate at
bottom. Top of the electrode should have GI flange & GI funnel (having GI wire mesh) welded to the
electrode. GI strip of 50mm×6mm of length 2.8meter to be provided, one end of the GI strip shall be
welded with GI plate & other end shall be connected to GI flange. GI flange should have 4 no of holes
of Dia 19 mm for connection of GI strip. Each earth pit should be provided with pre-cast RCC chamber
with inspection cover of Suitable size.


Code No.
10. TR. No. – 7 High Masts for Lighting and CCTV (2000 edition) of ILE, U.K,
11. SABS 0225:1991 High Mast natural frequency calculation
12. IS 875 Part – 3 Wind Loading
13. BS EN 10025:1993 High Tensile Steel Sheets
14. IS 2062 Mild Steel
15. BS EN ISO 1461 Galvanization
16. IS 3459 / 2266 Stainless steel Wire rope
17. IS 9968 Part – 1 Trailing Cable
18. IS 325 Motor


The scope of this specification includes design, engineering, manufacture, transport, Supply,
commissioning & testing of complete high-mast lighting system, with raising & Lowering mechanism,
power tool, Feeder-pillar, Push-button station, luminaries & lamps with all accessories. Civil foundation
work, supply of all other accessories required for safe Operation & maintenance of the lighting system,
whether explicitly stated or not shall be Within the scope of work.

1. 16-Meter-High-mast:
The mast designed as per technical report No.7 of ILE UK, SABS0225, wind velocity as per IS 875 part-
3 in India. High mast shaft shall be of 2 section manufactured from high tensile steel plates confirming
to BS EN 10025 having minimum yield strength of 355N/Sqm and silicon content in steel shall be less
than 0.06% (Make of steel must be SAIL/JSW/TATA only) bidder must submit make of steel used by
high mast manufacture along with steel strength report along with test report of high mast.
16 Mtr. High-mast shall consist of shaft section, head frame, pulley assembly, and lantern
Carriages, SS wire rope, cables, double drum winch, power tool, foundation accessories, lightning
arrestor, Terminal connectors & all other accessories required for completion of job in all respect. The
shaft section shall be of continuously tapered, polygonal cross section & made of special steel plate,
confirming to BS-EN10-025 / 100027 / BS 4360. The shaft section shall be of
Maximum two parts. There shall be only one longitudinal seam weld per section, bottom &
Top section thickness should be minimum of 3mm & 3 mm respectively, bottom & top dia of Structure
should be minimum of 360mm & 150 mm respectively. Thickness of base plate
Should not be less than 30 mm. welding shall confirm to AWS section D 11. , hot dip
Galvanizing internally & externally shall be done in accordance with BSEN 1461/IS 2629 ONLY.
Single dipping method only, for better adhesion, uniformity & life. The life of structure
Should be minimum of 25 years. For longer life and safety requirement all the other
Hardware like nuts, bolts, washers, spring washers, flats, split pins etc. should be hot dipped
Galvanized. Make of high mast Valmont/lysaght/Bajaj
Mast foundation:
The design of mast foundation shall be as per IS: 456. It shall be suitable for soil bearing capacity of 10
ton/ at a depth of 2 to 2.8 mtrs / or more as per manufacture of high mast design pile type. Each
tower shall have a raised platform of Cement Concrete of minimum size 2. Mx2Mx0.75M to restrict

36 | P a g e
vegetation growth around the tower & for easy accessibility to feeder pillar. Preferably the feeder pillar
shall be mounted on the raised platform.


An adequate door opening shall be provided at the base of the mast and the opening shall be such
that it permits clear access to equipment like winches, cables, plug and socket etc. and also facilitate
easy removal of the winch. The door opening shall be complete with a close fitting, vandal resistant,
weatherproof door provided with a heavy duty internal lock with special paddle key. The door
opening shall be carefully designed and reinforced with welded steel section, so that the mast section
at the base shall be unaffected and undue buckling of the cut portion is prevented. Size of door
opening shall be around 1050 x 200 mm and shall be strengthened, if required to avoid buckling of
the mast section under heavy wind conditions.


The mast structure shall be suitable to sustain an assumed maximum reaction arising from a wind
speed as per IS 875 (Part –III) and shall be measured at a height of 10 metres above ground level.
The design life of the mast shall of 25 years.


a) Fabrication
A fabricated Lantern Carriage shall be provided for fixing and holding the L E D 3 5 0 W flood light fittings
and required counter weight for balancing the carriage position. The Lantern Carriage shall be of special
design and shall be of steel tube construction made from 50NB ERW class B –MS/pipe, 500mm ID with
proper galvanization. The tubes acting as conduits for wires, with holes fully protected by grommets.
The Lantern Carriage shall be so designed for asymmetric arrangement and fabricated to hold the
required 8 number of l e d flood light fittings and the counter weight as required and also have a perfect
self- balance. The Lantern Carriage can be fabricated in two sections and joined by bolted flanges with
stainless steel bolts and nylon type stainless steel nuts to enable easy installation or removal from the
erected mast. The inner lining of the carriage shall be provided with suitable protective arrangement,
so that no damage is caused to the surface of the mast during the raising and lowering operation of the
carriage. The entire Lantern carriage shall be hot dip galvanized after fabrication. The design shall
provide a perfect balance for the lantern carriage during raising and to lowering also.

b) Junction Box
Weather proof junction box, made of Cast Aluminium shall be provided on the Carriage Assembly as
required from which the inter-connections to the designed number of the flood light luminaries and
associated control gears fixed on the carriage shall be made.
c) Raising and lowering mechanism
For installation and maintenance of luminaries and lamps, it will be n e c e s s a r y to lower and raise
the Lantern Carriage Assembly. To enable this, a
Suitable Winch Arrangement shall be provided, with the winch fixed at the base of the mast and the
specially designed head frame assembly at the top. Suitable end limit switches shall be provided to
trip the winch motor at both top & bottom ends of the designed travel.
d) Winch
The winch shall be of completely self-sustaining type, without the need for brake shoe, springs or
clutches. Individual drum also should be operated for fine adjustment of lantern carriage. The
capacity, operating speed, safe working load, recommended lubrication and serial number of the
winch shall be clearly marked on each winch. The winch shall be self-lubricating type by means of an
oil bath and the oil shall be readily available grades of reputed producers. The winch drums shall be
grooved to ensure perfect seat for stable and tidy rope lay, with no chances of rope slippage. The
rope termination in the winch shall be such that distortion or twisting is eliminated and at least 5
to 6 turns of rope remains on the drum even then the lantern carriage is fully lowered. It should be
possible to operate the winch manually by a suitable handle and by an integral/external power tool.
It shall be possible to remove the double drum after dismantling through the door opening provided
a t the base of the mast. Also, a winch gearbox for simultaneous and reversible operation of the
double drum winch shall be provided as part of the contract. Winch must be single gear & double
The type test certificate of winch to be obtained from reputed Institution like IIT/CPRI/BITS and
should be submitted along with the tender. A test certificate shall be furnished by the successful
tenderer form the original equipment manufacturer, for each winch in support of the maximum load
operated by the winch.

Head Frame:
The head frame, which is to be designed as a capping unit of the mast, shall be of welded steel
construction, galvanized both internally and externally. The top pulley shall be of appropriate
diameter, large enough to accommodate the stainless steel wire ropes and the multi-core electric
cable. The pulley block shall be made of non-corrodible material, like die cast Aluminium Alloy (LM-
6). Self-lubricating bearings and stainless steel shaft shall be provided to facilitate smooth and
maintenance free operation for a long period. The pulley assembly shall be fully protected by a
canopy galvanized internally and externally. Close fitting guides and sleeves shall be provided to
ensure that the ropes and cables do not dislodged from their respective positions in the grooves.
The head frame shall be provided with guides and stops with PVC buffer for locking the lantern
Stainless Steel Wire Ropes:
The suspension system shall essentially be without any intermediate joint and shall consist of only
non-corrodible stainless steel of AISI 316 or better grade. The stainless steel wire ropes shall be of
multi strand construction, the central core being of the same material. The overall diameter of the
38 | P a g e
rope shall not be less than 6 mm. The breaking load of each rope shall have factor of safety of over 5
for the system at full load. The end constructions of rope to the winch drum shall be fitted with
telluric. The thimbles shall be secured on ropes by compression splices. Two continuous lengths of
stainless steel wire ropes shall be used in the system and no intermediate joints are acceptable in
view of the required safety. No intermediate joints / terminations, either bolted or else, shall be
provided on the wire ropes between winch and lantern carriage. Test certificate of wire rope to be
submitted along with the tender. Grade: AISI 316
Diameter of SS Rope: minimum 6 mm dia.
Construction of SS Rope: 7 / 19.
Breaking Load Capacity: minimum 2350 Kgs per SS wire rope


A suitable terminal box shall be provided as part of the contract at the base compartment of the high
mast for terminating the incoming cable. Supply 5CX4Sqmm2 Copper EPR insulated PCP sheathing anf
cotton braiding to get require high strength & flexibility. Connections from the top junction box to the
individual luminaries shall be made by using 3x1.5sqmm2 core flexible copper cables of adequate size.
The system shall have in-built facilities for testing the luminaries while in lowered position. Also,
suitable provision shall be made at the base compartment of the mast to facilitate the operation of
externally mounted, electrically operated power tool for raising and lowering of the lantern carriage
assembly. The trailing cables of the lantern carriage rings shall be terminated by means of specially
designed, metal clad. Multi-pin plug and socket provided in the base compartment to enable easy
disconnection when required. EPR cable make: BMI/SUN/MENS FIELD/UNIVERSAL/UNIFLEX. & PVC
cable make: KEI/thermo/havells/polycab


A suitable, high-powered, electrically driven internally mounted power tool 3phase 1 HP, with manual
over ride shall be supplied for the raising and lowering of the lantern carriage for maintenance
purposes. The speed of the power tool shall suit the system. The power tool shall be single speed
provided with a motor of the required rating. The power tool shall be supplied complete with push
button type together with 8/10 metres of power cable, so that the operations can be carried out from
a safe distance of 5 (five) metres. The capacity and speed of the electric motor used in the power tool
shall be suitable for the lifting of the design load installed on the lantern carriage. The power tool
mounting shall be so designed that it will be not only self-supporting but also aligns the power tool
perfectly with respect to the winch spindle during the operations. Also, a handle for the manual
operation of the winches in case of problems with the electricity operated tool, shall be provided and
shall incorporate a torque- limiting device. There shall be a separate torque-limiting device to protect
the wire ropes from over stretching. It shall be mechanism with suitable load adjusting device. The
torque limiter shall trip the load when it exceeds the adjusted limits. The torque limiter is a
requirement as per the relevant standards in view of the overall safety of the system. High mast shall
have its own power tool motor.

One number heavy duty hot dip galvanized lightning finial shall be provided for the mast. The
lightning finial shall be minimum 1.2 M in length or as required so that the lantern carriage also
comes within the safety zone and shall be provided at the centre of the head frame. It shall be bolted
solidly to the head frame to get a direct conducting path to the earth through the mast. The lightning
finial shall not be provided on the lantern carriage under any circumstances in view of safety of the


Approved LED type Single dome Aviation obstruction Lights of reliable design and reputed
manufacturer shall be provided on top of each mast. Led based obstruction lights utilize 90% less power
than an equivalent incandescent,power consumption 230ac-10w
no of led used-300nos,12-24vdc,120vac and 230vac,ip-65


Suitable earth terminal using 12 mm diameter stainless steel bolts shall be provided at a convenient
location on the base of the Mast, for lightning and electrical earthing of the mast. The mast shall be
provided with duplicate earthing including necessary earth pits as per IS.


The design of mast foundation shall be as per IS: 456. It shall be suitable for soil bearing capacity of 10
ton/ at a depth of 2.2 to 2.8 mtrs / or more as per manufacture of high mast design type. Each
tower shall have a raised platform of Cement Concrete of minimum size 2. Mx2Mx0.75M to restrict
vegetation growth around the tower & for easy accessibility to feeder pillar. Preferably the feeder pillar
shall be mounted on the raised platform.
The detailed drawing for the foundation should be submitted along with the tender and got approved
by SAIL before starting of the work.

Supply, delivery, installation, testing & commissioning of outdoor type feeder pillar distribution
boards made out of 1.6 mm thick CR sheet metal having suitable canopy for rain water protection
duly acid treated for derusting, primered and powder coated of approved shade; dust, damp &
vermin proof ; having hinged door and compartmental arrangement for each equipment , earthing
studs as per specification mentioned below duly factory wired conforming to the relevant ISS and
as per special conditions of contract making good the damages caused complete as per the direction
of Engineer-in- charge. The feeder pillar shall be approved by DMF. The feeder pillar shall be
mounted on a raised concrete platform above ground level at min height of 1 meter. Three phase
supply to be equally distributed to the 9 light fittings alternatively (e.g. light Fittings 3, 6,9 to R-phase;
1,4,7 to Y-Phase; 2,5,8 to B-Phase) to ensure equal light coverage in all directions even if one phase
supply is available.
Incoming: - 32 Amp. 4P MCB – 01 No
25 Amp. Contractor – 01 No
9 Amp. Contractor – 02 Nos Push button – 02 Nos
40 | P a g e
Indicator – 03 Nos.
Fuse link – 03 Nos Timer – 01 No
Outgoing: - 6 Amp. DPMCB – 06 No.
Glass fuse – 01 No. Toggle switch – 01 No
3 Phase, (90 – 240) volt. -1set
Make off LED Philips luminoid /Cree/ Bajaj / Nichia LED/OSRAM chip manufacturer should provide the
lumen maintenance data of LED & its life as per LM80. Luminaire should conform to IEC60598. Driver
should comply with IEC 61347-2-13 for safety, IEC 61547, CISPR-15,610-3-2
for EMC. Test reports required: Heat resistance test, thermal test, Ingress protection test, drop
test, vibration test, electrical insulation resistance test, endurance test, humidity test,
Electronics test. LM79 report for the luminaire.
350W LED flood light fixture having Extruded aluminium housing, lumen output of 35000 Lm/ more by
using high power discrete LED's, driver efficiency >=90%, power factor>=.95,surge protection >10KV
,THD<10%, IP rating IP66,IK ating:IK08, heat resistance toughened glass with IK08 impact resistance,
graduation disc for precise aiming of flood lights. LED luminaire efficacy >=100 lumen/Watt, correlated
color temperature 5500K+-300K, color rendering index>=70, lumen maintenance L70 at 50000hrs,

The mast should be earthed at bottom at one places with independent 50mm×6mm GI earth strip
running from one independent earth pits. The earth pits should be located at least 1 meter apart from
the pole & there should be inter link between each earth pit using 50mm×6mm GI strip. Detail
specification of the earth pits as follows: Earth pit should be as per IS: 3043-1987 using
600mm×600mm×6mm GI plate. The earth pit shall have standard depth of 3.0 meter. Homogeneous
mixture of BENTONITE powder & soil in the ratio of 1:6 is to be used for filling up of the earth pit.
Minimum 100 kg of BENTONITE powder/charcoal & salt is to be used. It has 2.5 meter, 40mm Dia heavy
gauge (min. 4.1kg per meter) GI pipe (perforated) as electrode connected & welded to GI plate at
bottom. Top of the electrode should have GI flange & GI funnel (having GI wire mesh) welded to the
electrode. GI strip of 50mm×6mm of length 2.8meter to be provided, one end of the GI strip shall be
welded with GI plate & other end shall be connected to GI flange. GI flange should have 4 no of holes
of Dia 19 mm for connection of GI strip. Each earth pit should be provided with pre-cast RCC chamber
with inspection cover of Suitable size.


The scope of this specification includes design engineering, manufacture, transport, Supply,
commissioning & testing of complete high-mast lighting system, with raising & Lowering mechanism,
power tool, Feeder-pillar, Push-button station, luminaries & lamps with all accessories. Civil foundation
work, supply of all other accessories required for safe Operation & maintenance of the lighting system,
whether explicitly stated or not shall be Within the scope of work.
1. 20-Meter-High-mast: Structure:
The mast shaft shall be of 2 section manufactured from high tensile steel plates confirming to BS EN
10025 having minimum yield strength of 355N/SqM and silicon content in steel shall be less than
0.06% (Make of steel sheet must be SAIL/JSW/TATA/ESSAR only) 20 Mtr. High-mast shall consist of
shaft section, head frame, pulley assembly, and lantern Carriages, SS wire rope, cables, double drum
winch, power tool, foundation accessories, lightning arrestor, high mast must be suitable for wind
speed 50M/sec. Terminal connectors & all other accessories required for completion of job in all
respect. The shaft section shall be of continuously tapered, polygonal cross section & made of special
steel plate, confirming to BS-EN10-025 / 100027 / BS 4360. The shaft section shall be of two parts.
There shall be only one longitudinal seam weld per section, bottom & top section thickness should be
minimum of 4mm & 3 mm respectively, bottom & top dia of Structure should be minimum of 410mm
& 150 mm respectively. Thickness of base plate Should not be less than 30 mm. Welding shall confirm
to BS:5135/ IS:9595. , hot dip Galvanizing internally & externally shall be done in accordance with IS:
2629 or equivalent in single dipping method only, for better adhesion, uniformity & life. The life of
structure should be minimum of 25 years. For longer life and safety requirement all the other Hardware
like nuts, bolts, washers, spring washers, flats, split pins etc. should be hot dipped
Galvanized. Make: Valmont/lysaght/Bajaj

Mast foundation:
The design of mast foundation shall be as per IS: 456. It shall be suitable for soil bearing capacity of 5
ton/ at a depth of 2.2 to 2.8 mtrs / or more as per manufacture of high mast design type. Each
tower shall have a raised platform of Cement Concrete of minimum size 2. Mx2Mx0.75M to restrict
vegetation growth around the tower & for easy accessibility to feeder pillar. Preferably the feeder pillar
shall be mounted on the raised platform.

Door opening:
An adequate door opening shall be provided at the base of the mast & the opening shall be such that
it permits clear access to equipment’s like winches, cables, sockets etc. & also facilitate easy removal
of winch. The door opening shall be complete with a close fitting, weather proof door, provided with
a heavy duty double internal lock with a special paddle key & also padlock with
Master key for all high-mast towers.
Size of opening and door at 1200 x 250 mm
base :

Dynamic loading:
The mast structure shall be capable of withstanding basis wind speed of 50m/sec / 180 km/hr with
gust confirming to IS:875 (Part-III) ,& shall be measured at a height of 10 mtrs above ground level.
Lantern carriage:
A fabricated lantern carriage shall be provided for fixing & holding 9nos of 350W led Luminaires. Special
lantern carriage design must be as per illumination design of yard area i.e 2set of lartern carriage design
for holding 9nos of 350w led flood light fixture in 9 arm bracket in symmetric arrangement. The inner
lining of the carriage shall be provided with protective PVC arrangement, so that no damage is caused
to the surface of the mast during the raising & lowering operation of the carriage. Weather proof
junction box, made of cast aluminium shall be provided on the Carriage assembly as required, from

42 | P a g e
which the inter-connection to the designated number of luminaries & associated control gears shall be
Diameter of carriage ring -535mm ID, Material construction must be 50NB ERW class B MS pipe with
hot dip galvanized. Section of lantern carriage -6arm suitable for 9nos of fixture with 2section only &
2 wire system only.
Raising & lowering mechanism with winch arrangement

A suitable winch arrangement shall be provided with the winch fixed at the base of the mast & head
frame assembly at the top. The winch shall be of completely self-sustaining type, without the need for
brake shoe, springs or clutches. Each driving spindles of the winch shall be positively locked when not
in use, by gravity – activated pawls. The capacity, operating speed, safe working load, recommended
lubrication & Sl. No of the winch shall be clearly marked on each winch. It shall be self-lubricating type
by means of an oil bath & the oil shall be readily available grades of reputed manufacturers. It shall
have gear assembly made of phosphor bronze. The winch drum shall be grooved to ensure proper seat
for stable & tidy rope lay, with no chances of rope slippage. A test certificate shall be furnished by the
manufacturer, for
each winch in support of the maximum load operated by the winch. Winch must be double drum &
double gear type DDMFO 20/6.
Power tool:
A high –powered, electrically driven, internally mounted power tool with 3 phase motor 1HP of suitable
rating (as per IS: 325) shall be provided for lowering & raising the lantern carriage for maintenance
purpose. The winch motor system should have inbuilt torque limiter present for the safe working load
of the winch. The power tool mounting shall be self-supporting type & shall align the power tool
perfectly with respect to the winch spindle during the operation. A handle for manual operation of the
winches shall be provided in case of the problem with the electrically operated power tools. For
operation of the motor, a suitable Push Button station is to be
Provided with Plug Socket arrangements at both ends (motor & feeder pillar) by means of 1/3phase
32A industrial plug & sockets. 15 meters of copper multi core cable to be used for control of power to
the motor through Push Button Station. The Push Button station should be portable & it should contain
one no TP protective MCB, two nos. AB contactors & two nos. push buttons. AB contactor, MCB should
be of Siemens/L&T/BCH make. Motor make: HEM/CGL/BHARAT BIJLI /Kiloskar only
Head frame:
The head frame, which is to be designed as a capping unit of the mast, shall be of welded steel
construction, galvanized both internally and externally. The top pulley shall be of appropriate
diameter, large enough to accommodate the stainless steel wire ropes and the multi-core electric
cable. The pulley block shall be made of non-corrodible material, like die cast Aluminum Alloy (LM-
6). Self-lubricating bearings and stainless steel shaft shall be provided to facilitate smooth and
maintenance free operation for a long period. The pulley assembly shall be fully protected by canopy
galvanized internally and externally. Close fitting guides and sleeves shall be provided to ensure that
the ropes and cables do not dislodged from their respective positions in the grooves. The head frame
shall be provided with guides and stops with PVC buffer for locking the lantern carriage. Head frame
must be 2 rope type only.
Suspension & wire rope:
The suspension system shall consist of only non-corrosive stainless steel of AISI 316 grade. The
suspension wire rope shall confirm to IS: 2365/1977. The suspension system should be of 2 wire rope
arrangement for better balancing of the lantern carriage.
SS Wire Rope:
Grade: AISI 316
Diameter of SS Rope: minimum 6 mm dia.
Construction of SS Rope: 7 / 19.
Breaking Load Capacity: minimum 2350 Kgs per SS wire rope

Led based obstruction lights utilize 90% less power than an equivalent incandescent,power
consumption 230ac-10w
no of led used-300nos,12-24vdc,120vac and 230vac,ip-65

Cable & connections at High-mast:

Metal clad, 63A, plug-sockets units shall be provided at the bottom compartments of the mast to
facilitate termination of incoming cables. Electrical connections from the bottom to the top of the mast
shall be made by 1100 V, PVC cable to get flexibility & endurance. Size of cables shall be 5Cx4sqmm²
copper, with flexibility class-5 &
overall as per IS: 9968 (Part-I), connections from the top junction box to the
Individual luminaries shall be made by using 3Cx1.5mm2 copper flexible PVC insulated cables. EPR

2. Lightning Finial:

One number heavy duty hot dip galvanized lightning finial shall be provided for the mast. The
lightning finial shall be minimum 1.2 M in length or as required so that the lantern carriage also
comes within the safety zone and shall be provided at the center of the head frame. It shall be
bolted solidly to the h e a d frame to get a direct conducting path to the earth through the mast.
The lightning finial shall not be provided on the lantern carriage under any circumstances in view
of safety of the system.

3. Feeder Pillar:
Outdoor stand mounted feeder pillar with 32A TPN MCB incomer, single dial time switch, 25A TP
contactor for the automatic switching of luminaries, power tool control with 2 no 9A contactors and
raise lower push button, Incoming 35 sq. mm and outgoing 16 & 2.5 sq. mm terminals.

44 | P a g e

4. Luminaries & Lamps:

Make off LED Philips luminoid /Cree/Bajaj / Nichia/ Osram. LED chip manufacturer should provide the
lumen maintenance data of LED & its life as per LM80. Luminaire should conform to IEC60598. Driver
should comply with IEC 61347-2-13 for safety, IEC 61547, CISPR-15,610-3-2
for EMC. Test reports required: Heat resistance test, thermal test, Ingress protection test, drop
test, vibration test, electrical insulation resistance test, endurance test, humidity test,
Electronics test. LM79 report for the luminaire.
350W LED flood light fixture having extruded aluminum housing, lumen output of 35000Lm by using
high power discrete LED's, driver efficiency >=90%, power factor>=.95, surge protection >10KV
,THD<10%, IP rating IP66,IK ating:IK08, heat resistance toughened glass with IK08 impact resistance,
graduation disc for precise aiming of flood lights. LED luminaire efficacy >=100 lumen/Watt, correlated
color temperature 5700K+-500K, color rendering index>=70, lumen maintenance L70 at
Guarantee for led fixtures must be 5 years from date of erection

5. Earthing of the Mast & Feeder Pillar:

The mast should be earthed at bottom at two places with independent 50mm×6mm GI earth strip
running from two independent earth pits. The two earth pits should be located at least 3 meter apart
from each other & there should be inter link between each earth pit using 50mm×6mm GI strip. Detail
specification of the earth pits as follows:
Earth pit should be as per IS: 3043-1987. The earth pit shall have standard depth of 3.0 meter.charchol
& salt filled stare by stare as per design enclosed. It has 3 meter, 40mm Dia heavy gauge GI pipe
connected & welded to GI plate at bottom. Top of the electrode should have GI flange & GI funnel
(having GI wire mesh) welded to the pipe. GI strip of 50mm×6mm of length 2.8meter to be provided,
one end of the GI strip shall be welded with GI plate & other end shall be connected to GI flange. GI
flange should have 4 no of holes of Dia 6 to 8 mm for connection of GI strip. Each earth pit should be
provided with pre-cast RCC chamber with inspection cover of Suitable size.

The scope of this specification includes design engineering, manufacture, transport, Supply,
commissioning & testing of complete high-mast lighting system, with raising & Lowering mechanism,
power tool, Feeder-pillar, Push-button station, luminaries & lamps with all accessories. Civil foundation
work, supply of all other accessories required for safe Operation & maintenance of the lighting system,
whether explicitly stated or not shall be
Within the scope of work.

1. 25 Meter High-mast:
The mast shaft shall be of 3 section manufactured from high tensile steel plates confirming to BS EN
10025 having minimum yield strength of 355N/SqM and silicon content in steel shall be less than
0.06% (Make of steel must be SAIL/JSW/TATA/ESSAR) 25 Mtr. High-mast shall consist of shaft section,
head frame, pulley assembly, and lantern Carriages, SS wire rope, cables, double drum winch, power
tool, foundation accessories, lightning arrestor, high mast must be suitable for wind speed 180km/hr.
Terminal connectors & all other accessories required for completion of job in all respect. The shaft
section shall be of continuously tapered, polygonal cross section & made of special steel
plate, confirming to BS-EN10-025 / 100027 / BS 4360. The shaft section shall be of Maximum three
parts. There shall be only one longitudinal seam weld per section, bottom,mid & top section thickness
should be minimum of 5mm ,4mm& 3 mm respectively, bottom & top dia of Structure should be
minimum of 460mm & 150 mm respectively. Thickness of base plate Should not be less than 25 mm.
Welding shall confirm to BS:5135/ IS:9595. , hot dip Galvanizing internally & externally shall be done
in accordance with IS: 2629 or equivalent in single dipping method only, for better adhesion, uniformity
& life. The life of structure should be minimum of 25 years. For longer life and safety requirement all
the other Hardware like nuts, bolts, washers, spring washers, flats, split pins etc. should be hot dipped
Galvanized. Make of high mast (manufacture): VALMONT/LYSAGHT/BAJAJ
Mast foundation:
The design of mast foundation shall be as per IS: 456. It shall be suitable for soil bearing capacity of 5
ton/ at a depth of 2.4 to 3 mtrs / or more as per manufacture of high mast design Each tower
shall have a raised platform of Cement Concrete of minimum size 2.Mx2Mx0.75M to restrict vegetation
growth around the tower & for easy accessibility to feeder pillar. Preferably the feeder pillar shall be
mounted on the raised platform.

Door opening:
An adequate door opening shall be provided at the base of the mast & the opening shall be such that
it permits clear access to equipment’s like winches, cables, sockets etc. & also facilitate easy removal
of winch. The door opening shall be complete with a close fitting, weather proof door, provided with
a heavy duty double internal lock with a special paddle key & also padlock with
Master key for all high-mast towers.
Size of opening and door at 1200 x 250 mm
base :

Dynamic loading:
The mast structure shall be capable of withstanding basis wind speed of 50m/sec / 180 km/hr with
gust confirming to IS:875 (Part-III) ,& shall be measured at a height of 10 mtrs above ground level.
Lantern carriage:
A fabricated lantern carriage shall be provided for fixing & holding 12nos of 350w led
Luminaires.Special lantern carriage design must be as per illumination design of apron area i.e 2set of
lartern carriage design for holding 12nos of 350w led flood light fixture .The inner lining of the carriage
shall be provided with protective PVC arrangement, so that no damage is caused to the surface of the
46 | P a g e
mast during the raising & lowering operation of the carriage. Weather proof junction box, made of cast
aluminum shall be provided on the
Carriage assembly as required, from which the inter-connection to the designated number of
luminaries & associated control gears shall be made.
Raising & lowering mechanism with winch arrangement
A suitable winch arrangement shall be provided with the winch fixed at the base of the mast & head
frame assembly at the top. The winch shall be of completely self-sustaining type, without the need for
brake shoe, springs or clutches. Each driving spindles of the winch shall be positively locked when not
in use, by gravity – activated pawls. The capacity, operating speed, safe working load, recommended
lubrication & Sl. No of the winch shall be clearly marked on each winch. It shall be self-lubricating type
by means of an oil bath & the oil shall be readily available grades of reputed manufacturers. It shall
have gear assembly made of phosphor bronze. The winch drum shall be grooved to ensure proper seat
for stable & tidy rope lay, with no chances of rope slippage. A test certificate shall be furnished by the
manufacturer, for
each winch in support of the maximum load operated by the winch. Winch is must be double drum
double gear type & DDMFO 25/6 type.
Power tool:
A high –powered, electrically driven, internally mounted power tool with 3 phase motor 1.5HP of
suitable rating (as per IS: 325) shall be provided for lowering & raising the lantern carriage for
maintenance purpose. The winch motor system should have inbuilt torque limiter preset for the safe
working load of the winch. The power tool mounting shall be self-supporting type & shall align the
power tool perfectly with respect to the winch spindle during the operation. A handle for manual
operation of the winches shall be provided in case of the problem with the electrically operated power
tools. For operation of the motor, a suitable Push Button station is to be
Provided with Plug Socket arrangements at both ends (motor & feeder pillar) by means of 3phase 32A
industrial plug & sockets. 15 meters of copper multi core cable to be used for control of power to the
motor through Push Button Station. The Push Button station should be portable & it should contain
one no TP protective MCB, two nos. AB contactors & two nos. push buttons. AB contactor, MCB should
be of Siemens/L&T/BCH make. Motor make: HEM/CGL/BHARAT BIJLI
Head frame:
Head frame is suitable for 2 wire rope system & The top pulley shall be suitable to accommodate the
stainless steel wire rope & multi-core electric cable. The pulley block shall be made of non-corrosive
material & shall be of die-cast aluminum alloy. Self-lubricating bearings & stainless steel shaft shall be
provided to facilitate smooth operation for a long period. The pulley assembly shall be fully protected
by a canopy galvanized internally & externally & canopy should protect the rain water into the mast.
Suspension & wire rope:
The suspension system shall consist of only non-corrosive stainless steel of AISI 316 grade. The
suspension wire rope shall confirm to IS: 2365/1977. The suspension system should be of 2 wire rope
arrangement for better balancing of the lantern carriage.
SS Wire Rope:
Grade: AISI 316
Diameter of SS Rope: minimum 6 mm dia.
Construction of SS Rope: 7 / 19.
Breaking Load Capacity: minimum 2350 Kgs per SS wire rope
Led based obstruction lights utilize 90% less power than an equivalent incandescent,power
consumption 230ac-10w no of led used-300nos,12-24vdc,120vac and 230vac,ip-65
Cable & connections at High-mast:
Metal clad, 63A, plug-sockets units shall be provided at the bottom compartments of the mast to
facilitate termination of incoming cables. Electrical connections from the bottom to the top of the mast
shall be made by 1100 V, EPR insulated & PCP sheathed reeling duty cable to get flexibility &
endurance. Size of cables shall be 5Cx4sqmm² copper, with flexibility class-5 &
overall as per IS: 9968 (Part-I), connections from the top junction box to the
Individual luminaries shall be made by using 3x1.5²mm copper flexible PVC insulated cables. EPR cable
2. Lightning Finial:
Heavy duty hot dip galvanized lightning finial shall be provided at the center of the head frame to get
a direct conducting path to the earth through the mast. The lightning finial shall not be provided on
the lantern carriage under any Circumstances in view of the safety of the system.
3. Feeder Pillar:
Outdoor stand mounted feeder pillar with 63A TPN MCB incomer, single dial time switch, 40A TP
contactor for the automatic switching of luminaries, power tool control with 2 no 9A contactors and
raise lower push button, Incoming 35 sq. mm and out going 16 & 2.5 sq. mm terminals.
cable entry point. Feeder pillar shall be connected with minimum 2 nos. independent earthings.
Drawings (dimensional & control/ power circuit) are to be approved before manufacture of feeder
4. Luminaries & Lamps:

Make off LED Philips luminous /Cree /Bajaj/ Nichia/ Osram. LED chip manufacturer should provide the
lumen maintenance data of LED & its life as per LM80. Luminaire should conform to IEC60598. Driver
should comply with IEC 61347-2-13 for safety, IEC 61547, CISPR-15,610-3-2 for EMC. Test reports
required: Heat resistance test, thermal test, Ingress protection test, drop test, vibration test, electrical
insulation resistance test, endurance test, humidity test, Electronics test. LM79 report for the
350W LED flood light fixture having Extruded aluminium housing, lumen output of 35000 Lm by using
high power discrete LED's, driver efficiency >=90%, power factor>=.95, surge protection >10KV

48 | P a g e
,THD<10%, IP rating IP65/66,IK ating:IK08, heat resistance toughened glass with IK08 impact resistance,
graduation disc for precise aiming of flood lights. LED luminaire efficacy >=100 lumen/Watt, correlated
color temperature 5700K+-500K, color rendering index>=70, lumen maintenance L70 at

5. Earthing of the Mast & Feeder Pillar:

The mast should be earthed at bottom at two places with independent 25mm×3mm GI earth strip
running from two independent chemical earth pits. The two chemical earth pits should be located at
least 3 meter apart from each other & there should be inter link between each earth pit using
25mm×3mm GI strip. Detail specification of the earth pits as follows:
Earth pit should be as per IS: 3043-1987. The earth pit shall have standard depth of 3.0 meter.
Homogeneous mixture of chemical powder & water in the ratio of 1:2 is to be used for filling up of
chemical powder is to be used. It has 2.5 to 3 meter, 40mm Dia heavy gauge GI pipe (perforated) as
electrode connected & welded to GI plate at bottom. Top of the electrode should have GI flange & GI
funnel (having GI wire mesh) welded to the electrode. GI strip of 25mm×3mm of length 2.8meter to
be provided, one end of the GI strip shall be welded with GI plate & other end shall be connected to GI
flange. GI flange should have 4 no of holes of Dia 6 to 8 mm for connection of GI strip. Each earth pit
should be provided with pre-cast RCC chamber with inspection cover of Suitable size.

All equipment shall be warranty against unsatisfactory performance and/ or break down
due to defective design, workmanship or material for a period of five year from the date of
taking over the installation by DMF. The equipment or components or any part thereof, so
found defective during the guarantee period shall be forthwith repaired or replaced free of
cost to the entire satisfaction of the client. In case it is felt that undue delay is being caused
by the contractor in attending the defect/fault removed, the same will be got done by DMF
at the risk and cost of the contractor. The decision of DMF in this respect will be final. The
complete High Mast light & overall workmanship against any manufacturing /design
/supply / installation defects for a minimum period of 5 yrs from the date of

No Description Make-1 Make-2 Make-3 Make-4

1 MCB Legrand L&T Schneider/c&s ABB

3 MCB DB Legrand L&T Schneider ABB
4 LED fixture Philips Zumtobel / Disano Bajaj
5 MCCB L&T C&S Siemens/c&s Legrand
6 WIRES Polycab KEI BMI Havells
7 High Mast Valmont Lysaght Bajaj
PVC Insulated copper
8 wire Finolex Grandlay Polycab KEI
9 Motor Crompton HEM Bharat bijli Kiloskar

10 Earthing Remedies Multi shrink Star X

11 Cable Glands & lUG Comet Braco Multishrink DOWELL


NOTE: Makes mentioned above are only tentative and prior approval of all equipment/items
shall be taken from DMF before supply at site. Contractor may supply equipment of any other
make not mentioned above with the prior approval of DMF.

1. The contractor shall follow the safety codes as per IS-5216-1982 while carrying out the electrical

2. First-aid appliances, including adequate supply of sterilized dressings and cotton wool, shall be
maintained in a readily accessible place.

3. The injured person shall be taken to a public hospital without loss of time, in cases where the
injury necessitates hospitalisation.

4. Suitable and strong scaffolds should be provided for workmen for all works that cannot safely be
done from ground.

5. No portable single ladder shall be over 8 meters in length, the width between the side rails not
less than 30 cm (clear) and the distance between two adjacent rungs shall not be more than 30
cm. When a ladder is used, an extra labour shall be engaged for holding the ladder.

6. The excavated material shall not be placed within 1.5 meters of the edge of the trench or half of
the depth of the trench, whichever is more. All trenches and excavations shall be provided with
necessary protection of minimum height of one meter.

7. Every opening in the floor of a building or a working platform shall be provided with suitable
means to prevent the fall of persons or materials by providing suitable fencing or railing whose
minimum height shall be one metre.

8. No floor, roof or other part of the structure shall be so over-loaded with debris or materials as to
render it unsafe.

9. Workers employed on mixing and handling material such as asphalt, cement, mortar or concrete
and lime mortar shall be provided with protective footwear and rubber hand gloves.

10. Those engaged in welding works shall be provided with welder’s protective eye shields and

11. No paint containing lead or lead products shall be used except in the form of paste or readymade

12. Suitable face masks should be supplied for use by the workers when the paint is applied in the
form of spray or surface having lead paint dry rubbed and scrapped.
13. Hoisting machines and tackles used in the work, including their attachments, anchorage and
supports shall be in perfect condition.

14. The ropes used in hoisting or lowering material or as a means of suspension shall be of durable
quality and adequate strength and free from defects.


i. Cutting / drilling machine and other electrically operated equipment used at site shall be
plugged into correctly rated electrical outlets.

ii. Only ISI marked 3 pin plug and other appliances and equipment shall be

iii. Electrical power cables/wires used shall not have any joints and shall be properly rated.

iv. All electrical appliances i.e. welding, drilling, cutting machine etc. shall be safely and securely
earthed to prevent leakage current while in operation.

v. Before commencing the welding work required precautions should be taken.

vi. Two buckets of water/ sand and a fire cloth of suitable size shall be kept in an easily accessible
area on the site.

vii. Fire extinguishers recommended by fire officers shall be kept on the site.

viii. Used paint drums shall be stored in specified store only after closing them properly.
ix. Personal protective equipment such as safety shoes, hand gloves, welder’s mask, ear plug etc.
depending upon the requirement of the work shall be provided by the contractor to the
workmen to prevent occupational health hazards.
x. The safety belt shall be provided by the contractor and used by the workmen while working
from height for more than 10’ from Ground level.

xi. None of the passages near lift lobby and staircases shall be used for stacking / dumping any
kind of materials/waste.
xii. Any debris/ waste generated from the work shall be collected on daily basis, removed from site
and stored at the designated place in proper manner.

xiii. Battery operated emergency light/torches shall be provided by the contractor to the workmen
while working beyond office hours

Having executed the work in terms of the contract, we hereby certify and affirm that we have
virtually completed the contracted works.

We hereby certify that the work has been executed wholly to our satisfaction and with
materials and workmanship in accordance with the contract. Thus we ensure that there
will not be any defect in the functioning of illumination system.

We do certify further that we have executed the work in accordance with the applicable laws
and without any transgression of such laws.

Signature of the Contractor

Place: Name :

Date: Address :

Seal :

Signature of the Client

Seal :


(On Rs. 200/- Stamp Paper)

ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT made on the ....................of......................2019 between the DMF which

expression shall, unless repugnant to the context mean and include its successors and assigns of the one
part and M/s ...................... (Herein after called "the Contractor") which expression shall unless repugnant
to the context mean and include its successors and assigns of the other part.

The Contractor has agreed to execute the said works i.e. “Annual Rate Contract for Supply,
Installation and Commissioning of high mast illumination system along with led flood lights Sets
with 5 year warranty for Sundargarh District out of D.M.F Fund ”subject to the provisions
hereinafter contained and subject also to the instructions to the Bidders, General Conditions of
Contract, Special Conditions, Technical Specifications, the said drawings, the Schedule of Quantities
and Bidders Schedule of Quantities, all of which are hereinafter collectively referred to as 'the said
conditions', strictly in accordance with the said drawings annexed hereto and the Specification and
Schedule of Quantities referred to above at or for the respective rates set out in the Bidders Schedule
of Quantities annexed hereto, amounting to the sum as hereunder arrived at or such other sum as
may become payable hereunder (herein under referred to as the said contract amount).


1. In consideration of the said Contract Amount to be paid by the DMF to the contractor at the
time and in the manner set forth in the said conditions and in accordance with the schedule of
payments, the Contractor shall upon completion subject to the said conditions execute and
complete the work shown in the said Drawings and described in the said Specifications and
Schedule of Quantities.

2. The said Conditions and the Annexure thereto shall be read and construed as forming part
of this agreement and the parties hereto respectfully abide by, submit themselves to the said
condition and perform the agreements on their part respectively contained in said conditions.

3. Tender documents containing notice to the Contractors, Conditions of Contract, Appendix

thereto, Special Conditions of Contract, Technical Specifications and Schedule of Quantities with
the rates entered therein, shall be read and stamped forming part of this agreement and the parties
hereto shall positively abide by and submit themselves to the conditions and specifications and
perform the agreements on their part respectively in conditions contained.
4. The DMF reserves to itself the right of altering the drawing, nature of the work by adding to,
reducing or omitting any items of work or having portions of the same carried out without prejudice
to this Contract.

5. The Contractor should have experienced and competent staff which will enable them to
ensure proper quality check on the materials, and who will ensure to carry out proper tests as
required by the specifications and will supervise the day-to-day working and execution of contract

6. If the Contractor has any doubt about the quality of any materials or any difficulty in
supervision of the day to day work, it shall be the duty of the Contractor to report the matter in
writing forthwith to the DMF and for the time being, to suspend that portion of the work about
which difficulty is experienced and the Contractor will abide by the direction of the DMF.

7. The Contractor covenants and warrants that completed items of work as well as the entire
work on completion will be in conformity with the Specifications and the terms and conditions of
Contract and will be of proper quality and description.

8. Time shall be considered as the essence of this Agreement and Contractor hereby agrees to
complete the work within 01 months starting after one week from date of issue of work order or
the date on which contractor takes the possession of site, whichever is earlier, nevertheless to
the provisions of extension of time as contained in the said conditions.

9. All payments by the DMF under this contract will be made by e-payment only.

10. All disputes arising out of or in any way connected with this agreement shall be deemed to
have arisen at Sundargarh and only court at Sundargarh shall have jurisdiction to determine the

11. This agreement shall be signed in duplicate; the original document shall be kept in the
custody of the DMF and the duplicate with Contractor. Stamp duty shall be borne by the Contractor.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the DMF has set its hand hereunto through its duly authorized official and
the contractor has caused these presents under its common seal/by its duly authorized
representative at the place and on the date and year first hereinabove

As witness our hands are affixed this day of

Signed and sealed by the said DMF in the presence of



Witness No. 1 ......

Witness No. 2 ......

Signed and Sealed by the said



Contractor in the presence of

Witness No. l ......

Witness No. 2 .....



(On Rs. 100/- Stamp Paper)

KNOW all men by these presents that I, Shri.............................................................. of
M/s hereby execute Indemnity Bond in
favour of District Mineral Foundation ( DMF),Sundargarh and M/s ……………………………………………. on this
…………day of ………………….2018. Whereas DMF have appointed M/s………………… the Contractor for their
work relating to “Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Illumination System for DMF,
Sundargarh one each at following two premises:
1. Collector Office & ADM office, New Conference Hall, Sundargarh.
2. Collector Res Office Chamber & Res Collector, Sundargarh.


I/We M/s ....................................................hereby do Indemnify, and same harmless DMF
against and from
1. any third party claims, civil or criminal complaints liabilities, site mishaps and other
accidents or disputes and/or damages occurring or arising out of any mishaps at the site
due to faulty work, negligence, faulty construction and/or for violating any law, rules
and regulations in force, for the time being while
executing/executed works by me/us,
2. any damages, loss or expenses due to or resulting from negligence or breach of duty on
the part of me/us or any sub-contractor/s if any, servants or agents.
3. any claim by an employee of mine/ours or of sub-contractor/s, if any, under the
Workmen Compensation Act or any other law, rules and regulations in force for the time
being and any Acts replacing and/or amend the same or any of the same as may be in
force at the time and under any law in respect of injuries to persons or property arising
out of and in the course of the execution of the contract work and/or arising out of and
in the course of employment of any workmen/employee.
4. Any act or omission of mine/ours of sub-contractor/s if any, our/their servants or agents
which may involve any loss, damage liability, civil or criminal action.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE M/s ...............................................has set his/their hands on this of ............. 2018.



(1) ………………………………..

(2) ………………………………..


Original Equipment Manufacturer’s authorisation letter (in Original Letter Head of OEM)


DMF, Sundargarh

Dear Sir,

Subject : Direct Manufacturers Authorization

Ref : Tender No: ______ dated------

Name of Work: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of illumination System at sundargarh

We ………………………., an established and reputable manufacturer of Illumination System

having Corporate / Registered office at ………………………………………. (address of OEM) do hereby
authorize ……………………………… (name of contractor) and having their office at …………………….
(contractor’s address) as our representative to submit a above
bid______________dt_______ and subsequently negotiate and sign the contract with you for
the supply of goods manufactured by us and authorize the said firm to act on our behalf in
fulfilling any or all installation, technical support and maintenance obligation as required by
the contract

We hereby confirm and extend our full guarantee / warranty of three years for the
products supplied by the above contractor for the said work.

Yours faithfully,

for ………………………………

Signature of Officer Authorized to sign this Document on behalf of the OEM.


a) General details about the Contractor

S. Description Information to be filled up

No. by the Contractors
1 Name of the Contractor
/Organisation and address of the
Registered Office

2 Year of establishment

3 Type of the Organisation (whether

Sole Proprietorship, Partnership,
Private Limited or Co-operative
body, etc.)
4 Name of the
Proprietor/Partner/Directors of the




5 Details of Registration - Whether

Partnership firm, Company, etc. Name
of Registering Authority, Date and
Registration Number

6 Whether registered with

Government/Municipal Authorities or
any other Public Organisation and if so,
in which class and since when?

7 Experience in the Relevant field

Areas of business activities other

8 than this work
9 Address of business activities other
than this work, if any and place of

10 Address of office through which the

proposed work of the Bank will be
handled and the name and
designation of the Officer-in-charge

11 Adequate and satisfactory evidence

to indicate financial capacity of the
Organisation to undertake the said
construction work with names of
Bankers and their full addresses
(Income-tax clearance certificate and
Audited Balance Sheet and Profit and
Loss Account for past three years
should be attached)

12 Yearly turn-over of the Organisation

during last three years (Rs.)

13 Whether any Civil Suit/litigation

arisen in the contracts executed
during the last ten years/being
executed now. If yes, please furnish
the details. in the table given below:

Note: Income -tax clearance certificate and Audited Balance Sheet and Profit and
Loss Account for past three years should be attached separately.


Electrical works and previous experiences

a) List of important Projects executed by the contractor (only those projects that meets the
requirements of Pre-Qualification criteria mentioned in Chapter 3 of this tender) and above
(Electrical works of office complex/ residential complex/industrial)

Sr.No. Name Cost Name Full Name of Contact no. Email id of Completion Whether Any other
of of address the of the the contact period the work relevant
Location work owner contact contact person
Stipulated Actual
was left information
of work person person of (Mandatory) incomplete
from the owner (reasons if
owner’s any for
side for delay in
who me completion
work of work) or
was contract
executed was
from either
side (give
full details)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

NOTE: Contractor shall submit the completion certificates of all the above mentioned work issued by the
respective clients and shall produce before DMF whenever called for.


b) List of important projects ON HAND costing Rs. 7.50 lakh and above.
(Electrical works to office complex/ residential complex/ industrial)
Sr.No. Location Name Full Name of Phone no. Email id of Completion Whether Any
Name of work of address the of the the contact period the other
of owner contact contact person work was relevant
Stipulated Actual
work person person left
from (Mandatory) incomplete inform
owner’s (reasons if ation
side for any for
who me delay in
work completion
was of work) or
executed contract
either side
(give full
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
18. Bank Account Details for ECS Payments Details to be furnished by the
Tenderers/contractors/Service Provider/Firm

1. Name of Contractor/Firm/Co./ :
Service Provider with Address

2. Name of the Bank of the Contractor/ :

Service Provider

3. Bank Branch and Address :

4. Title of Account where payment is : Required, Exact wording of the account

5. Account No. : Savings/Current/Overdraft/Cash

6. Type of Account : Credit/Advances/NRE Savings etc.

7. MICR No. of the Bank branch :

(along with a cancelled copy of the

8. IFSC / RTGS / NEFT No. :

Note: Enclose a copy of PAN & Cancelled Cheque

Place: Yours faithfully


Name and Address of the

/Service Provider (Signature of the
Co. /Service Provider) Address and
19. Makes offered by the tenderer

No Description Make offered

4 LED fixture
7 High Mast
8 PVC Insulated copper
9 Motor

10 Earthing
11 Cable Glands & lUG
A.Bidder is requested to submit the documents against check list and ensure that
all details/documents have been furnished as called for in the Bidding Document
along with duly filled in, signed .

1. Tender paper cost Rs…………. & EMD cost 1% of bidding value Rs………………….
2. 1. Bidder must be a manufacturer / their Authorization against tender for participation. Manufacture
can Authorized only one bidder. Manufacture must be manufacturing Octagonal GI poles, high mast / led
3. 5 years warranty certificate from manufacturer on their letter head.
4. Bidder must be submit Details of Similar works completed with Certificates in support of 3 years’
5. Documents (Audited Balance Sheets of last 3financial year, Profit & Loss Statements and Auditor’s
Reports of last 3years,IT return documents of last 3 years, GST registration certificate, PF,ESIC registration
6. Bidder /manufacture must be submit warranty certificate of 5years for both led light fixture & high mast
on their letter head.

7. Declaration of manufacture from their letter head (must having register office at Odisha with their
service team details).
8. Bidder must having valid HT license from ELBO with minimum 3years of experience /License shall be in
the company name / in the name of company director/proprietor/partner.
9. Bidder/Manufacture must be submit different sizes of high masts system Foundation GAD & high mast
data sheet with details. Earthing Gads Details. JB arrangement details, feeder pillar GAD, technical data
sheet of led fixtures, LM-79 & 80 report, Photo biological test Report. Structural data sheet of different
height of high mast pole along with light fixtures, lantern carriage/bracket GADs, technical data sheet of
3cx1.5sqmm2 copper PVC cable & 2AYFY 4cx25sqmm2 Aluminum armored cable Data
sheet,5Cx4sqmm2,5Cx2sqmm2 EPR trailing cable data sheet, high mast inner PVC board Gad, technical
data sheet of aviation light, Gad of lighting arrester, earthing Gad of high mast & feeder pillar, foundation
bolt technical data sheet, high mast Motor technical data sheet with GAD, winch technical data sheet with
Gad. illumination design of different height mast with light fixtures by considering below datas.(FOR 10mtr
height consider 20mtr radius, for 12mtr height consider 30mtr radius, for 16mtr height consider 35mtr
radius, For 20mtr height consider 40mtr radius, For 25mtr height consider 50mtr radius),winch test report,
high mast wind tunnel test report, wire rope breaking load test report. motor test certificate.

10. Bidder should have workman compensation insurance from any nationalized insurance company.

11. Bidder should have their own/ leased vehicle mounted hydraulic ladder for maintenance of mini mast
/ high mast.
12.10. Bidder should submit copies of their Income Tax Permanent Account Number (PAN), GSTIN
registration, ESI registration, EPF registration, Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum of Association
and Article of Association and Power of Attorney in the name of person submitting the offer along with
board resolution etc. along with the bid. In addition Bank details like name of bank, branch, branch code,
Bank Account Number to be submitted.

13. Manufacturer / bidder Should have service center in Sundargarh district. Detail address to be attached.

14. Work/Purchase orders and Completion certificates issued by the client should be enclosed and need to
be produced before DMF, whenever called for verification purposes.

15. Filled Annexure A,B,C,D, Proforma 1,2 & 3 ,List of Projects Executed ,List of Projects on Hand ,List of
available Tools, Plants, Machineries, Equipment etc.,

B.Please tick ( √ ) the box and ensure compliance:

1. EMD of requisite amount is submitted in the form of DD as mentioned in NIT

in separately sealed envelope marked ‘’Earnest money deposit’’

EMD value: Rs. _______________ is submitted in the form of DD

DDNo.____________Dated________Drawn on__________(Name of Bank)

2. Validity of offer is up to 90 days from the date of opening of Price Bid.


3. Power of Attorney in favour of person who has signed the offer, in stamp
paper of appropriate value. For Proprietary Organisation, declaration for proprietorship

Submitted Proprietorship

4. Partnership Deed is case of Partnership firm and Articles of Association in case

of limited company.
Submitted Not applicable

5. Original Bidding Document along with blank (un-priced) copy of price Bid/
Schedule of Rates and addendum, if any. Price is not filled up in this document.


6. All pages/documents are stamped and signed by the authorised signatory of

the bidder.

7. Price Part in original, duly filled in, signed and sealed in each page, submitted
in separately sealed envelope.



NOTE: Documents, which are required to be submitted for the subject

job,which are specifically mentioned in the Bidding Document.

SIGNATURE OF BIDDER: ______________________________

NAME OF BIDDER : _______________________________

COMPANY SEAL :________________________________


The Average Annual Turnover statement of...................................... <name of the organization>,

at …………………<address of the organization >, for the last three financial year are given below
and certified that the statement is true and correct.

Sl. No. Financial Year Turnover in lakhs (₹)

1 2016-17
2 2017-18
3 2018-19
Average annual turnover

Date: Signature of Chartered Accountants



Membership No:
Annual Rate Contract for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of illumination systems with 5-year
warranty for Sundargarh District.

A – 10 Meter High Mast Light


1 Supply of 10 mt. high mini mast having single section Octagonal in nos 1
shape shall be designed to withstand the maximum wind speed as per
IS 875. The top loading i.e. area and the weight of fixtures are to be
considered to calculate maximum deflection of the pole and the same
shall meet the requirement of BSEN 40-3-3:2003. Octagonal Poles
made from HT Steel Conforming to grade S355 & having thicknessof
3mm.Top dia 90mm & Bottom dia 175mm single sharp welding with
base plate dimension 275x275x16 mm & Base Plate must be Fe 410
conforming to IS 2062,.The door opening of the pole should be
reinforced, water proofed & with locking arrangement & arrangement
of in build junction box with 3nos 10Amp DP MCB (mcbs make should
be L&T/SIEMENS/LEGRAND/ABB) & terminal box with provision for
connection of earth & nutral on 5mm thick fiber plate which will be
kept in side the pole for termination of cable & wire,The pole shaft
shall have octagonal cross section and shall be continuously tapered
with single longitudinal welding. There shall not be any circumferential
welding. The welding of pole shaft shall be done by Submerged Arc
Welding (SAW) process. The poles shall be hot dip galvanized in single
dipping as per BS
EN ISO 1461 standards with average coating thickness of 70 micron.
2 Supply of Special designed GI blue/violet color Pu painted 4arm Set 1
bracket for suitable to installed 5nos of 200w led flood light fixtures.
3 Supply of foundation bolts manufactured from special steel along with Set 1
nuts, washers, anchor plate and common template foundation bolts
must EN 8 grade & bolts size must be 4X24mm dia,PCD 300mm,Bolt
length 750mm long
4 Supply of same make integral LED flood light fixture 200w Nos 5
5 Supply of 3C X 1.5sqmm2 PVC insulated &FR PVC round sheathed Mtr 50
fexible Cu Conductor Cable,1.1KV, conforming to IS:694 required for
junction box to light fitting make should be
Havells/KEI/Finolexs/polycab. complete work in all aspects.
6 supply of 4x10sqmm Al XLPE cable Mtr 50
7 Supply of outdoor stand mounted feeder pillar with 32A TPN MCB nos 1
incomer, single dial time switch, 25A TP contactor for the automatic
switching of luminaries, power tool control with 2 no 9A contactors
and raise lower push button, Incoming 35 sq. mm and outgoing 16 &
2.5 sq. mm terminals.



8 Construction of shallow foundation with M20 grade concrete for the Job 1
mini high mast considering the safe soil bearing capacity at site as 10
T/sqmtr at 2-meter depth with all materials and labour.
9 Erection of the mini high mast with the help of suitable tools and Job 1
plants, wiring of luminaires with all wiring materials like PVC insulated
PVC sheathed flexible cable of suitable copper conductor cores of 1.5
sq. mm, lugs, MCB and all labour.
10 Provision of GI pipe earthing for High mast with 2.5 M long 40 mm dia nos 1
GI Pipe including connection to High mast earth terminal with 25 x 3
mm GI flats with all materials and labour. (2nos per mast required)

11 transporting of materials to the respective site. nos 1

maintenance of 10mtr high mast with led fixture. Scope of work set 1
12 like replacement of led light in case of failure, short circuit of feeder
repairing / earthing maintenance.(5 year maintenance)
B – 12-Meter High Mast Light


1 Supply of 12M high mast shaft in one section suitable for 55m/sec nos 1
wind speed along with head frame, luminaires carriage suitable for
06 luminaires in symmetrical arrangement and other accessories
manufactured in factory.

2 Supply of raising lowering system comprising double drum winch, Set 1

6mm diameter SS wire rope, trailing cable, connector, integral
power tool motor, manual handle, junction box, lightning finial.
(cable from high mast feeder to high mast scope is included)

3 Supply of foundation bolts manufactured from special steel along Set 1

with nuts, washers, anchor plate and common template.
4 Supply of LED floodlight type 200W LED. nos 6

5 Supply of LED type single dome aviation obstruction light. nos 1

6 Supply of outdoor stand mounted feeder pillar with 32A TPN MCB nos 1
incomer, single dial time switch, 25A TP contactor for the
automatic switching of luminaries, power tool control with 2 no 9A
contactors and raise lower push button, Incoming 35 sq. mm and
outgoing 16 & 2.5 sq. mm terminals.





7 Construction of shallow foundation with M20 grade concrete for the Job 1
high mast considering the safe soil bearing capacity at site as 10
T/sqmtr at 2-meter depth with all materials and labour.

8 Erection of the high mast with the help of suitable tools and plants, Job 1
wiring of luminaires with all wiring materials like PVC insulated PVC
sheathed flexible cable of suitable copper conductor cores of 1.5 sq.
mm, lugs, MCB and all labour.
9 Provision of GI pipe earthing for High mast with 2.5 M long 40 mm nos 2
dia GI Pipe including connection to High mast earth terminal with 25
x 3 mm GI flats with all materials and labour. (2nos per mast
10 Installation of the mast feeder pillar by grouting the stand in nos 1


maintenance of 12mtr high mast with led fixture. Scope of work set 1
12 like replacement of led light in case of failure, short circuit of feeder
repairing / earthing maintenance.(5 year maintenance)

C– 16 Meter High Mast Light


1 Supply of 16M high mast shaft in two section suitable for 55m/sec nos 1
wind speed along with head frame, luminaires carriage suitable for
08 luminaires in symmetrical arrangement and other accessories
manufactured in factory.

2 Supply of raising lowering system comprising double drum winch, Set 1

6mm diameter SS wire rope, trailing cable, connector, integral
power tool motor, manual handle, junction box, lightning finial.
((cable from high mast feeder to high mast scope is included)).

3 Supply of foundation bolts manufactured from special steel along Set 1

with nuts, washers, anchor plate and common template.
4 Supply of LED floodlight type 350W LED. nos 8

5 Supply of LED type single dome aviation obstruction light. nos 1

6 Supply of outdoor stand mounted feeder pillar with 63A TPN MCB nos 1
incomer, single dial time switch, 25A TP contactor for the
automatic switching of luminaries, power tool control with 2 no 9A
contactors and raise lower push button, Incoming 35 sq. mm and
outgoing 16 & 2.5 sq. mm terminals.



7 Construction of shallow foundation with M20 grade concrete for the Job 1
high mast considering the safe soil bearing capacity at site as 10
T/sqmtr at 2 metre depth with all materials and labour.

8 Erection of the high mast with the help of suitable tools and plants, Job 1
wiring of luminaires with all wiring materials like PVC insulated PVC
sheathed flexible cable of suitable copper conductor cores of 1.5 sq.
mm, lugs, MCB and all labour.
9 Provision of GI pipe earthing for High mast with 2.5 M long 40 mm nos 2
dia GI Pipe including connection to High mast earth terminal with 25
x 3 mm GI flats with all materials and labour. (2nos per mast
10 Installation of the mast feeder pillar by grouting the stand in nos 1


maintenance of 16mtr high mast with led fixture. Scope of work set 1
12 like replacement of led light in case of failure, short circuit of feeder
repairing / earthing maintenance.(5 year maintenance)

D – 20 Meter High Mast Light


1 Supply of 20M high mast shaft in two section suitable for 50m/sec nos 1
wind speed along with head frame, luminaires carriage suitable for
09 luminaires in symmetrical arrangement and other accessories
manufactured in factory.
2 Supply of raising lowering system comprising double drum winch, Set 1
6mm diameter SS wire rope, trailing cable, connector, integral
power tool motor, manual handle, junction box, lightning finial.
((cable from high mast feeder to high mast scope is included)).

3 Supply of foundation bolts manufactured from special steel along Set 1

with nuts, washers, anchor plate and common template.
4 Supply of LED floodlight type 350W LED. nos 9

5 Supply of LED type single dome aviation obstruction light. nos 1

6 Supply of outdoor stand mounted feeder pillar with 63A TPN MCB nos 1
incomer, single dial time switch, 25A TP contactor for the automatic
switching of luminaries, power tool control with 2 no 9A contactors
and raise lower push button, Incoming 35 sq. mm and
Outgoing 16 & terminals.





7 Construction of shallow foundation with M20 grade concrete for the Job 1
highmast considering the safe soil bearing capacity at site as 10
T/sqmtr at 2 metre depth with all materials and labour.

8 Erection of the high mast with the help of suitable tools and plants, Job 1
wiring of luminaires with all wiring materials like PVC insulated PVC
sheathed flexible cable of suitable copper conductor cores of 1.5 sq.
mm, lugs, MCB and all labour.
9 Provision of GI pipe earthing for High mast with 2.5 M long 40 mm nos 2
dia GI Pipe including connection to High mast earth terminal with 25
x 3 mm GI flats with all materials and labour. (2nos per mast
10 Installation of the mast feeder pillar by grouting the stand in nos 1

maintenance of 20mtr high mast with led fixture. Scope of work set 1
12 like replacement of led light in case of failure, short circuit of
feeder repairing / earthing maintenance.(5 year Warranty)

E – 25-Meter-High Mast Light

1 Supply of 25M high mast shaft in two section suitable for 50m/sec nos 1
wind speed along with head frame, luminaires carriage suitable for
12 luminaires in symmetrical arrangement and other accessories
manufactured in factory.
2 Supply of raising lowering system comprising double drum winch, Set 1
6mm diameter SS wire rope, trailing cable, connector, integral
power tool motor, manual handle, junction box, lightning finial.
((cable from high mast feeder to high mast scope is included)).

3 Supply of foundation bolts manufactured from special steel along Set 1

with nuts, washers, anchor plate and common template.
4 Supply of LED floodlight type 350W LED. nos 12

5 Supply of LED type single dome aviation obstruction light. nos 1

6 Supply of outdoor stand mounted feeder pillar with 63A TPN MCB nos 1
incomer, single dial time switch, 40A TP contactor for the automatic
switching of luminaries, power tool control with 2 no 9A contactors
and raise lower push button, Incoming 35 sq. mm and
outgoing 16 & terminals.



7 Construction of shallow foundation with M20 grade concrete for the Job 1
high mast considering the safe soil bearing capacity at site as 10
T/sqmtr at 2-meter depth with all materials and labour.

8 Erection of the high mast with the help of suitable tools and plants, Job 1
wiring of luminaires with all wiring materials like PVC insulated PVC
sheathed flexible cable of suitable copper conductor cores of 1.5 sq.
mm, lugs, MCB and all labour.
9 Provision of GI pipe earthing for High mast with 2.5 M long 40 mm nos 2
dia GI Pipe including connection to High mast earth terminal with 25
x 3 mm GI flats with all materials and labour. (2nos per mast
10 Installation of the mast feeder pillar by grouting the stand in nos 1


maintenance of 25mtr high mast with led fixture. Scope of work set 1
12 like replacement of led light in case of failure, short circuit of feeder
repairing / earthing maintenance.(5 year maintenance)
Sr. No. High Mast Amount (Inclusive GST Total Amount
(1) (2) of Five Years (4) (5=3+4)
1 10Mtr
2 12Mtr
3 16Mtr
4 20Mtr
5 25Mtr
Grand Total


1-Above rates shall exclusive of GST, all applicable taxes, fees, duties, levies, transportation charges,
insurance charges, installation charges, material charges, labour charges and all other charges
required for the successful completion of work.

2- Price Bid shall not contain any condition whatsoever and any conditional bids shall be rejected.

3- Unit cost of the High Mast Light shall be valid for one year from the date of agreement.

4- Selection on the basis of lowest Quoted Rate (L 1)


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