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December 20, 2021

President Joseph R. Biden

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear President Biden,

We write to you regarding a matter of public health policy and to raise concerns about the
current vaccine mandate. Your Administration seeks to implement broad sweeping vaccine
mandates while providing little relief for people who may be adversely affected.
You have taken unprecedented actions in mandating the COVID-19 vaccine for private
companies and their employees, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services healthcare workers,
federal workers and contractors, and members of our Armed Forces. Fortunately, these
Constitutionally dubious mandates are being met with court injunctions. However, such a
mandate still raises many concerns as to the ethics of the federal government requiring a vaccine
which receives special liability protections normally afforded to developing drugs, financially
benefiting the vaccine manufacturers.
In March 2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services invoked the PREP Act in
issuing the Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for
Medical Countermeasures Against COVID-19.1 This declaration extended legal liability
immunity to covered persons and otherwise risky or experimental countermeasures to combat
pandemics and diseases. Covered persons include vaccine manufacturers and grants them almost
total legal liability immunity allowing Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson to shirk almost
all legal responsibility from any damages related to the vaccine. The only exception is in
extremely rare cases of “willful misconduct" by a covered person.2 Should someone have a
severe adverse reaction to a COVID-19 vaccine, their only recourse would be through the
Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).

It is utterly unjust to the American people to not only use the coercive arm of the government to
force vaccines upon them, but to then provide little legal recourse for damages should they be
adversely affected. It is our belief that in the face of such mandates, the American people should
be entitled to greater legal recourse to recoup damages brought on by the federal government.
We urge you to rescind your current vaccine mandates and request you address the following
questions to provide clarity as to the liability status of such vaccines.
1. Now that a major COVID-19 vaccine has received FDA approval, are there any plans to
rescind the current PREP Act declaration?

2. What criteria must be satisfied to rescind the current PREP Act declaration before its
October 2024 expiration date? How are these criteria decided upon?

3. Are you aware of any plans to move COVID-19 vaccine liability protections to the
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and away from the Countermeasure Injury
Compensation Program?
Our constituents oppose this vaccine mandate and are asking why the manufacturers of FDA-
approved vaccines still benefit from special liability protections intended for experimental
countermeasures. Your answers to the questions above will bring clarity to this issue. Thank you
in advance for your kind attention to this request.

God Bless,

Michael Cloud Jeff Duncan

Member of Congress Member of Congress

Bill Posey Dan Bishop

Member of Congress Member of Congress

Lauren Boebert Doug Lamborn

Member of Congress Member of Congress
Ronny L. Jackson Scott Perry
Member of Congress Member of Congress

Marjorie Taylor Greene Andy Biggs

Member of Congress Member of Congress

Debbie Lesko Doug LaMalfa

Member of Congress Member of Congress

Louie Gohmert Chip Roy

Member of Congress Member of Congress

Vicky Hartzler Matthew Rosendale Sr.

Member of Congress Member of Congress

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