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Creative Toys Company

...Start of the Creative Toys Company ...

Identification of the Problem . The Creative Toys Company, a small firm that specializes
in producing small wooden toys, was started by John Wilson. The company is proud of
its history, stability and growth in the industry. Low turnover rates are result of good
wages and fringe benefits. One department in particular the transportation department
had been highly productive.

...Middle of the Creative Toys Company ...

Interventions could include training and development, team interventions such as team
building for management or employees or the establishment of change teams, structural
interventions, or individual interventions Once the intervention is planned, it is
implemented. During and after the implementation of the intervention, relevant data is
gathered. The data gathered would be determined by the change goals. For example, if
the intervention were training and development for individual employees or for work
groups, data to be gathered would measure changes in knowledge and competencies.
This data is used to determine the effectiveness of the intervention.

...End of the Creative Toys Company ...

Then the manager must identify within the transportation department the informal
leader-the member with a high status in the group and convince him/her the benefits of
the intended change because he may influence other members to support the change.
Another way to build employee support is ensure sufficient rewards. In the
conversations with the owner. He is much willing to raise the wages of the
transportation department if they will met the prior production performance. This would
give the employees a sense that the progress accompanies change.


Creative Toys Company

Topics: Motivation, Organization, Employment, Humans, Human, The
Work / Pages: 4 (787 words) / Published: Jul 21st, 2013

Case 3: Creative Toys Company

The role of social system in the case was highly important because in
the organization, The Creative Toys Company, all the people in it and
their relationships to one another are mutually interdependent. This
was evident in the case wherein in the transportation department, the
eight members divided their work among themselves in order produce
more toys. Thus, at the beginning, their department surpassed all
other departments in production for 12 months.

The impact on productivity is that the employees had a dysfunctional

effect on the organization because they were unwilling to use their
talents and were resistant to to organizational changes. This was
based on the case wherein the physical layout of the department did
not facilitate efficient traffic flow to and from the other departments
hence the plant manager decided to call in consultants to determine a
way production could be increased without physical expansion and the
suggestion was for the rearrangement of the work areas in the
transportation department. Two months after the change was
implemented, the department’s productivity was declining hence it
seemed they didn’t want to do good with their job because they were
unsatisfied with the organizational change.

In terms of the organization’s communication, it seems that the

organization was not able to convey the key elements of the firm’s
culture and vividly reinforce the values of the organization. This was
based on the case wherein the plant manager tried to convey to Mr.
Wilson the problem of the department but instead of keeping an open
mind and listening to the needs of his employees, he just disregarded
it. By not listening to his employees, Mr. Wilson did not give them the
chance to have individualization which led the employees to rebel
since they didn’t have a strong impact or influence on the

An informal organization is defined as a network of personal and

social relationships (alliances, cliques, friendships) that arise as
people associate with other people in a work environment. In the case,
this informal organization caused the issue that Mr. Wilson was trying
to figure out. A system could be considered as the heart of an
organization that makes its different departments function well just like
organs, but it should never be forgotten that it is still the humans that
run the system. Without humans, the system of a company or an
organization, no matter how technologically advanced it is, will be
useless. As shown in the case, Mr. Wilson even hired special
consultants to analyse and change the business process but in the
end, they found out that the problem they were looking for was not in
the system but actually in the people running the system, which were
the employees. This is because the employees had an informal
organization brought about by a single reason which is salary related.
The informal organization is their way of voicing out their concern to
the management and making their presence felt. Their somehow
rebellious act caused a dysfunctional effect to the company that forced
the management to look for the current issue affecting the company’s

There are a lot of factors that motivate people. Some motivations are
just because of a deadline, some because of the rewards they get for
doing a great job, or just the self fulfilment involved in the whole
process of doing the job. Motivation also contributes a lot in the quality
of output or work and plays a good role in maximizing a person’s
potential. Making a person feel important, and giving him the proper
respect and value as a person will make him feel motivated to do
better and maintain this image that you have of him especially if you
are the boss. Although, giving a person a reason not to get motivated
can have its toll on you as a leader and as part of an organization that
is output oriented. Lack of motivation will transform a person’s point of
view towards work, lack of motivation will turn every task into a burden
instead of an opportunity to strive and do better. In the case, Mr.
Wilson probably was a nice boss due to the fact that his workers has
stayed with him for at least 2 years. The problem comes in when there
is an issue involving all workers that affect their motivation to work,
which is their low salary. No matter how much changes to the system
Mr. Wilson does, the results stayed the same because this one issue
has caused the workers to not strive to do better anymore. They
lacked the motivation to prove their worth to Mr. Wilson by actually
trying to do more than what is expected of them.
Solution 3

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