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player resources
Beam Saber is designed by Austin Ramsay. There are many Beam Saber resources for both players and GMs and they can
all be found at These resources include:
This work is based on Blades in the Dark (found at,
product of One Seven Design, developed and authored by John Harper, and licensed ► Printable Pilot sheets ► Digital Pilot sheets
for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license
► Printable Squad and Faction sheets ► Digital Squad and Faction sheets
► Printable reference sheets ► Digital reference sheets
This game is dedicated to Christine Blight for her brilliant suggestions, and
tireless support of my work and well-being. ► Printable Region information sheets ► Digital Region information sheets

Thank you to all the people supporting me through patreon and Kickstarter. ► Printable maps ► Digital stream overlays

Additional thanks goes to the members of the Beam Saber, Tabletop Treehouse, Friends
All printable sheets are designed by Sasha Reneau (
At The Table, and Blades In The Dark discord servers for their advice and enthusiasm.
Maps are designed by Kate Moody (
♦ Editing and Page Layout by Christine Blight.
All digital sheets are designed by Erik Rådman (
♦ Opening story by Austin Walker.
and updated by Cory McDaniel (
♦ Microfic by Takuma Okada.
♦ Final Editing by Lauren McManamon. Stream Overlays are designed by Cory McDaniel (

♦ Final Layout by Sasha Reneau. If you want some inspiration, try the Beam Saber Bot:
♦ Cover art by Vincent Patrick. Check out for additional material including exciting
♦ Interior art by Vincent Patrick, Cory McDaniel, tktk supplemental rules!
♦ Sensitivity Reading by Shay Erlich, Ray Berry.
♦ Cartography by Kate Moody, Christine Blight.

This work uses the Sector 17 font ( by Neoqueto, and

licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license
( ). It also uses the Giant Robot Army by Gabor
Vad ( which is 100% free.

Hannah Banks, Ray Berry, Darren Brockes, Cassandra Connors, Steven Dennis,
Mara Dyne, EveryZig314, Josh Good, James Horgan, Sarah M, Cory McDaniel, Mephil,
Takuma Okada, Mal Peters, Sean R., Erik Rådman, Sasha Reneau, Ethan Steele, Måns
Silfwerplatz Thunström, Yabvi

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Table of Contents 3: PILOT PLAYBOOKS ................ 114 Scan................................................... 189
The Ace......................................... 116 VEHICLES IN THE WORLD .................. 190
CREDITS................................................. 2 Tragedy........................................... 71 The Bureaucrat............................. 120 Light Vehicles ............................... 190
PLAYER RESOURCES .............................. 3 Opening .......................................... 72 The Empath .................................. 124 Medium Vehicles........................... 190
Pilot Actions and Attributes ............ 73 The Envoy..................................... 128 Heavy Vehicles ............................. 190
DRIVES................................................. 74 The Hacker ................................... 132 The History of Vehicles ...................... 191
0: INTRO STORY............................ 8 Spending Drive ............................... 76 The InfIltrator................................ 136
Fulfilling a Drive.............................. 79 The OffIcer.................................... 140
The Scout...................................... 144 6: SQUADS AND FACTIONS ........ 194
Pilot Name, Callsign, and Pronouns..... 80
1: THE BASICS ............................ 22 Squad Creation.................................. 198
Pilot Looks............................................ 82 The SoldIer ................................... 148
Introduction ......................................... 24 Squad Advancement ......................... 200
Pilots, Chronic Illness, and Disability ... 83 The Technician.............................. 152
Touchstones......................................... 30 Changing Squad or Pilot Playbooks ... 200
Connections......................................... 84 PLAYERS’ PRINCIPLES ........................ 157
For Those Familiar with BitD................ 31 Direct Superior .................................. 201
Beliefs............................................. 85
THE CORE SYSTEM .............................. 32 Forward Operating Base (FOB).......... 202
STRESS ................................................ 86
ACTION ROLL .................................. 33 4: FICTION-FIRST GAMING......... 162 General Squad Upgrades .................. 203
Stressing Out .................................. 87
Position ...................................... 35 Triggering the Action Roll................... 165 General Squad Upgrade list ......... 205
Scars............................................... 87
Effect ......................................... 36 The Purposes of Danger and Stress .. 166 Heart............................................. 209
TEAMWORK ......................................... 89
Consequences ........................... 37 Tier and Hold ................................ 209
Assist .............................................. 89
Harm and Damage .................... 38 Squad Development..................... 210
Protect ............................................ 89 5: THE VEHICLES ...................... 168
RESISTANCE.................................... 40 COHORTS...................................... 211
Setup .............................................. 89 VEHICLE CREATION............................ 170
Pilot and Vehicle Armor ............. 41 Using a Cohort......................... 212
Lead a Group Action ....................... 89 Vehicle Looks ................................ 171
Spark ......................................... 42 Cohort Mistreatment ............... 213
Rivals ................................................... 92 Vehicle Actions and Attributes...... 172
Bonuses to Rolls ........................ 42 FACTION GOALS................................. 215
Allies .................................................... 94 Vehicle Load ...................................... 172
Collateral Die ............................. 43 SUPPLY POINTS .................................. 218
Pilot Advancement............................... 95 Installing&Changing Vehicle Gear 174
CLOCKS........................................... 44 Materiel......................................... 219
Adding New Pilots................................ 96 Stolen Gear................................... 174
Creating a Clock ........................ 44 Personnel...................................... 219
Pilot VS Pilot and Player VS Player....... 97 GENERAL VEHICLE GEAR .............. 175
Filling a Clock............................. 45 MISSION COMPLETED .................... 221
PILOT ACTIONS IN DEPTH .................... 98 QUIRKS .............................................. 177
Completing a Clock ................... 45 REWARD ............................................ 222
Command ....................................... 99 Creating Quirks............................. 177
Fortune Roll ............................... 46 Step 1: Supply Roll ....................... 223
Consort ......................................... 100 Using Quirks ................................. 178
Gathering Information ............... 47 Step 2: Supply Bonus ................... 224
Engineer ....................................... 101 Quirks and Experience ................. 179
the Gameplay Cycle ............................ 48 Step 3: Earn Rep........................... 224
Finesse.......................................... 102 DAMAGE ............................................ 180
Planning the Mission....................... 49 Step 4: Assign Supply Points ........ 224
Hunt.............................................. 103 Breakdown.................................... 181
Engagement Roll ............................ 51 Step 5: Check Drives .................... 225
Interface ....................................... 104 Vehicle Advancement ........................ 181
Linked Missions............................... 52 Step 6: Free Upkeep & Heal Harm 225
Prowl ............................................. 105 ACQUIRING A NEW VEHICLE.............. 182
End of Session ................................ 53 Step 7: Adjust the Goal Clock ....... 226
Struggle ........................................ 106 Replacement Vehicles .................. 182
Example Mission.................................. 54 STATUS AND TRUST........................... 227
Study ............................................ 107 Battle ................................................. 184 Squad Relationships ..................... 229
Survey .......................................... 108 Bombard ............................................ 185 Squad Status ................................ 230
2: THE PILOTS ............................ 66 Sway ............................................. 109 Destroy .............................................. 186 Faction Relationship...................... 231
PILOT CREATION .................................. 68 Wreck............................................ 110 Maneuver........................................... 187 Trust.............................................. 232
History ........................................... 70 STANDARD PILOT GEAR ..................... 112 Manipulate......................................... 188 ENTANGLEMENTS .............................. 234

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
7: DOWNTIME ACTIVITIES ......... 238 CREATING FACTIONS AND SQUADS... 296 STARTING SITUATION:............... 332 MODEL: Shotel.............................. 387
Acquire Asset................................ 241 Creating a Faction......................... 296 Jovangellian Empire...................... 333 MODEL: Scalpel ............................ 388
Enhance........................................ 242 Autocracy ................................ 297 Exodus Republic Incorporated...... 334 MODEL: Iron Star .......................... 389
Collect........................................... 243 Corporatocracy........................ 298 Democratic Federated Systems ... 335 MODEL: Comet Chrome................ 390
Fix ................................................. 244 Democracy .............................. 299 INDEPENDENT .............................. 336 MODEL: Tin Orbit .......................... 391
Long-Term Project ......................... 245 Oligarchy ................................. 300 Adamant Council of Nor ............... 337 MODEL: EEL .................................. 392
Recover......................................... 246 Theocracy ................................ 301 Church of the Celestial Myriad ..... 338 MODEL: Neon Bolide..................... 393
Upkeep ......................................... 247 Corruption..................................... 302 How To End A Campaign.................... 339 MODEL: Bulkhead......................... 394
Salvage......................................... 247 Final Touches ................................ 303 The Epilogue................................. 341 MODEL: Agrarian .......................... 395
Schmooze ..................................... 248 CREATING A SQUAD .......................... 304 MODEL: Jousting Bar Inn & Pub .... 396
Train.............................................. 248 Squad Goals ................................. 305 AUGMENTED REALITY........................ 398
Cut Loose...................................... 248 Rival Goals.................................... 305 10: THE WAR & THE IZYAN CONFLICT342 Programs ...................................... 399
Progressing Faction, Squad, and Earth .................................................. 345 Proxies .......................................... 399
Rival Goals......................................... 306 THE TERRITORY OF IZYA.................... 347 Apps.............................................. 400
8: SQUAD PLAYBOOKS .............. 252 REGIONS............................................ 308 Greater Journey City Area............. 348 Artificial Intelligences ................... 401
The Consulate............................... 254 Creating a Region ......................... 308 The Might Area ............................. 350 LIST OF FACTIONS.............................. 402
The Frontline................................. 257 PREPARING A MISSION....................... 311 Eastern Izya Peninsula.................. 352 Democratic Federated Systems ... 402
The Logistics................................. 260 Briefing ......................................... 312 THE GREATER JOURNEY CITY AREA ... 354 Exodus Republic Incorporated...... 404
Mechanized Cavalry ..................... 263 Employer ...................................... 312 Hulinton ........................................ 356 Jovangellian Empire...................... 406
The ProfIteers ............................... 266 Target............................................ 313 Fort Jovanol................................... 358 Adamant Council of Nor ............... 408
The Recon..................................... 269 Objective ...................................... 313 Journey City .................................. 360 Church of the Celestial Myriad ..... 410
The R+D ....................................... 272 Rules of Engagement (ROE) ......... 314 JOURNEY CITY .................................... 362 Independents................................ 412
The REDACTED ............................. 275 Complications............................... 316 Kingstown ..................................... 364 LIST OF SQUADS ACTIVE IN IZYA ....... 413
Challenges.................................... 316 The Broken Bank .......................... 366 Corporatocracy Squads ................ 414
Characters .................................... 317 The Tower ..................................... 368 Democracy Squads ...................... 415
9: THE GAME MASTER............... 278 ARMORED WALKING VEHICLES ......... 370
DETERMINING EFFECT ....................... 318 Independent Squads .................... 416
GM Goals ...................................... 280 EXAMPLE AWV Specification Guide ... 372
Potency......................................... 318 Oligarchy Squads.......................... 417
GM Principles ................................ 281 MODEL: Ape.................................. 373
Quality .......................................... 318
GM Actions.................................... 282 MODEL: Elephant.......................... 374
Scale ............................................. 318
SESSION ZERO................................... 286 MODEL: Opossum......................... 375 11: APPENDIXES....................... 420
Dominating Effect......................... 319
Lines ............................................. 287 MODEL: Swan ............................... 376 APPENDIX A: Alternate Rules............. 422
Veils .............................................. 287 MODEL: Kettle v2.0....................... 377 APPENDIX B: RANDOM GENERATION
Magnitude..................................... 322
The X Card.................................... 288 MODEL: Knight.............................. 378 TABLES............................................... 426
APP DEVELOPMENT ........................... 325
Discussing Expectations............... 289 MODEL: Agincourt ........................ 379 Ally................................................ 433
CRAFTING .......................................... 327
Creating the Characters and Squad .. 290 MODEL: Highwayman................... 380 Rival.............................................. 436
Manufacturing .............................. 328
Introduce the Characters.............. 291 MODEL: Strafe MK 16 ................... 381 Random Vehicle Generation ......... 441
Drawbacks.................................... 329
HOW TO PREPARE A CAMPAIGN ....... 292 MODEL: Amphitheatre MK 3 ......... 382 Random Squad Generation .......... 443
Sample Creations ......................... 330
Campaign Scale............................ 292 MODEL: Extractor Type B.............. 383 Random Mission Generation......... 450
Map Scale ..................................... 292 MODEL: Bunker Type-T ................. 384 APPENDIX C: KICKSTARTER BACKERS 457
Political Scale................................ 294 MODEL: Balisong .......................... 385 APPENDIX D: INDEX........................... 466
MODEL: Claymore......................... 386

6 7
intro story


intro story
Violet Viola could not wait until the explosions began to rock her mech. For the
past 10 minutes, she'd been skating her AWV in a clean line across the snow-covered
steppe, hovering across fields of frozen wildflowers and between low hillocks. Yet as
peaceful as her surroundings were, inside she was a mess of turmoil and tension.

As a captain and designated ace in the DFS' 561st mechanized Infantry Division,
Violet was plenty familiar with pre-mission jitters. But normally there were a half dozen
ways to manage those. Re-check your AWV's diagnostics. Do some preliminary sensor
scans. Crack a couple of jokes with the rest of the unit.

But this AWV—a stolen Norrish blockade breaker called the Neon Bolide—was a
risk to pilot as it was, so the idea of poking around its internals wasn't particularly
appealing. And jokes weren't on the docket: Keeping radio silence was imperative for
this op. Besides, she was alone out here.

This was silent territory. The loud sort of silence, where the air pressure, the
passive whine of your machine’s electronics, and the pulse moving through your heart,
your wrists, and your thumbs becomes deafening. Maybe that's why she felt so tense.
If not for the odd fox and the wavering shape of a distant starling flock, she would swear
that she was the only living thing left on Earth.

She knew that wasn't true, of course. Any second now, Artillery Commander
Ashton Brace—one of Viola's key partners on this operation and, complicating things,
also formerly a "key partner" of hers in another way—would launch high-powered
artillery rounds from a DFS forward operating base about 20 miles northwest of her
current position. If Ash dialed it in right, they should slam into the ground just meters
away from her AWV, lifting ice and earth into the air in a manmade hailstorm.

Maybe then, Violet hoped, she'd find her focus. She knew she’d need it.

One week prior...

"Even in the most intractable war, dramatic opportunities that shift the balance
of power emerge. This is one of those moments." General Ador was the definition of a
career officer. His hair had only greyed in the last few years, but his stern demeanor
had been with him for decades. "Capitalizing on a moment like this requires more than
precision. It requires faith, which is why you three are here."

Violet did her best to hold her posture steady. She’d been pulled off the front line

8 9
intro story
of a brutal, year-long campaign into Celestial Myriad territory, where she gained her forget, kicked into action immediately. A sunrise-bright laser display jolted alive,

intro story
confirmed ace status and lost more than a handful of friends. So she knew this would drawing a floating, 3D map of the planet in the space between the four DFS veterans.
be something big. But a compliment from Ador? It was unheard of, except for when he
Across the orange-hued atlas, a few spots lit up in blue. The first, marked with a
was about to send someone off on a suicide mission. Is that what this was?
large A, appeared as a bright cylinder nestled within the vast debris field that orbited
Her two compatriots were less committed to hiding their reactions. Ashton the planet.
dropped their eyes to the ground, just for a moment. For years, Violet thought that
"Some friends of ours in Mr. Song's Intelligence Division recently delivered us
meant that Ashton wasn't confident they could do what was being asked of them—
whether that was managing a long-range missile battery or joining Violet on the dance
floor—but eventually she learned that it was just a quiet moment of resentment or "What is it?" Ashton let their curiosity take the space that worry would otherwise
resignation. demand.

She had less insight on what to make of Cian Song's open-faced gawking, let "An orbital cannon."
alone what came out of his mouth next. "But that's impossible, sir. The debris field-"
"Just tell us you're sending us to die, General." His boiling brogue was playful and "Yes. Until now, the debris field has kept anyone from bringing new sats online,
practiced, smooth up top, but carefully fried at the end of the ever-so-dramatic let alone ones that are meant to deliver munitions groundside. But that's changed.
statement. Alabama?"
Violet knew of Song by reputation only. He was supposedly "the elite of the The proxy refocused the vector light display on a closeup of the cylinder. A
elite," a top-rank infiltrator, and a master of deniable operations. A spy, in other words. rotating info panel popped up, featuring diagnostic data, technical specifications, and
And now, she was learning, a spy with a big goddamn mouth. the bright, bold banner of Exodus Republic Incorporated. Underneath the station, a
"What I'm sure Commander Song means," Violet said quickly, hoping to name appeared: High Water.
intercede before Ador, "is that we're pros. We can take it if..." She paused for a moment. A smirk grew across Song's face. "The corpos built a collision-hardened space
"If you're sending us into something especially hot." gun, and you want us to take it? Didn't know these two did much zero-g work."
"I know you can take it. That's why you were chosen. And not all of you will be "We're certified." Violet's quick rebuttal was automatic more than it was deeply
going into the fray. Commander Brace will be sitting right here." Ador rested his hands held. The 561st's work was difficult, but the reward was a sense of pride so deeply
on an indirect firing station in one corner of the large, deserted war room. embedded that it grew its own heart and pumped its own blood.
Ash's eyes met with Violet's for a moment. An unspoken apology? A probing "Regardless," Ador said, forcefully cutting off any inter-department bickering
glance? Some gestures were irreducible, Violet realized. that was about to occur, "Song, you will be the only one here heading to Project High
Song raised his eyebrows. "And where will Captain Viola and I be headed, then, Water."
General?" The display zoomed in further, bringing the station into full view before bisecting
"Best to explain the plan all at once, Song. Alabama, show us Operation Flash it like a dollhouse. The proxy then began to cycle through possible interior layouts.
Flood." "You and a team of hand-picked operatives will breach this facility and assume
A drawling, sing-song voice pierced the electronic hum of the room. "Right away, control of it. At that point, you will connect Commander Brace to the system's remote
General." fire. From there, they will make the most important shot of their career."

Alabama, the base’s dedicated proxy, whose invisible presence was easy to Alabama re-adjusted the map yet again, this time focusing on Earth before

10 11
intro story
zooming into the Norrish Might region. The bright laser lights sketched a vector map of it was what they perceived as a simple lack of realism that drove them away from

intro story
hills, valleys, river tributaries, and a long highway that cut through them. Along the heterodoxy and back to core DFS doctrine. Now, just as when in school, they slumped
highway, an armored convoy appeared in the charming clarity of bright blue polygons. back towards compliance with near imperceptibility.

Ador continued as three of the vehicle icons were marked with targets. "The "Of course, sir. Apologies."
supposed ‘Adamant Council’ of Nor? Well, this convoy will be carrying three of their five
"Not needed. I run a free war room. We’re at our best when we're speaking our
members. And we can hit all of them with a single shot from the High Water."
Song swiveled his head around, as if weighing up options at an open-air market.
Violet couldn’t imagine a better opportunity to finally ask the deadly question
"Three out of five ain't bad, don't get me wrong. But the ruling families have a deep,
that had been on her mind for minutes now. "General. I see where Commanders Song
deep bench, General. Those spots will be filled within a week or two."
and Brace fit into this. But as far as I can tell, you don't need an AWV pilot at all."
"Yes," Violet said, putting the pieces together. "But that's all we need, isn't it,
"You couldn't be any more wrong, Captain..."
General? Those units we've been pushing into Myriad territory. They're not for hitting
the church at all... They're a Norrish invasion force." --

Ador nodded slowly, as if to perform the proper ritual punctuation for the As it turned out, the only reason that Exodus hadn't used Project High Water to
situation. He'd been in charge of the recent advances beyond Journey City and into the wipe its rivals off the map was because, like any serious artillery, it needed a spotter—
so called "Lands of the Faithful." The fighting had been fierce, with many soldiers dead someone on the ground close enough to place a laser designator on the target. Even
on both sides, to say nothing of the countless civilians whose lives were then, nothing was guaranteed. Given orbital mechanics, potential interference from the
“destabilized”—to use the DFS’ most gruesome euphemism. debris field, and the ever-so-slight time delay, a good shot required both a competent
observer in the field and a steady-handed, sharp-minded indirect fire specialist at the
"So this whole last year of fighting was, what, a feint?" Ashton's eyes flared—
another familiar look for Violet, though one that didn’t take an intimate knowledge of
Ash to understand. "How many people did you order to their graves for this? For an Which was why Violet Viola and Ashton Brace were chosen for this assignment.
opportunity to maybe take some territory from the self-appointed kings of space?" Over the past few years, they'd risen through the ranks in missions much like these.
Violet's acumen as a pilot kept her safe (and her enemies distracted) long enough for
The general’s voice grew low and gravely, reaching an approximation of the
Ash to dial in the shot and pull the trigger. They were a one-two punch that could
solemnity he knew was required for moments like these. "Mx. Brace. I'm well aware of
extend the reach of any front.
your objections to the current campaign. I read and consider every submission to our
yearly perspective requests. And I sympathize with your position. Many good soldiers Unfortunately for Violet, this mission wasn't at any front. It was by all definition
have died-" behind enemy lines. Twice, in some ways.

"Not only soldiers." Ten minutes ago, Violet left an FOB in barely-secured Myriad territory. Now, she
was crossing into the far reaches of Nor's Might region. If she were in her usual
"You're right. Many good people died during the Celestial Campaign. But right
machine—a custom variation of the DFS standard Balisong unit—she would be picked
here, right now, we have an opportunity to make their sacrifices mean something. We
up first by any Celestial Myriad recon units in the vicinity, and second by the vigilant
can liberate Might, chase the Norrish nobles out of Izya, and move one step closer to
guards of the Norrish convoy she'd be rushing towards.
the dream that all of us in this room share—one where Earth is a democratic planet,
where people fight for their beliefs, not on a bloody battlefield, but in the sanctity of a Which is why she instead spent the last week learning the ins and outs of a
state house." stolen Norrish prototype called the Neon Bolide.

Ash sighed. They'd flirted with more "radical" ideologies while in Education. But Violet found herself growing fond of the unit over the course of the week. Like

12 13
intro story
her custom Balisong, the Bolide was humanoid in shape and lightly armed (carrying they didn't like dancing, but they were a bookworm with a combined degree in Applied

intro story
only a handheld machine gun for combat encounters). But unlike her usual unit, which Logics and Liberal Arts. They loved metaphors.
prized stability and steady footwork, this machine moved like a well-greased pinball.
So, they leaned into it. On paper, this plan was only about making it look like the
What set it apart was its distinctive anti-gravity field, a feature that could propel the
Neon Bolide pilot was fleeing for her life. Calculate the right elevation and azimuth,
Bolide across land and sky with incredible mobility and also deflect incoming fire—a
calibrate the gun batteries to account for shifting trajectories, and execute the firing
sort of ad hoc forcefield.
sequence in time. But Cian was right—this was a dance, and even Ash knew that you
Designed as a blockade breaker, the AWV had the typical curved and rounded didn't wow anyone on the floor without adding some flair to the standard steps.
features of Norrish design. Painted with the standard Norrish teal and black, and
For all of Violet's intuitions about Ash, that was one thing that she never quite
sporting a recon division maroon designation stripe, the machine passed as a scout
understood. How could someone with such devotion to detail and self-expression
returning home. If it wasn’t for the enhanced security brought by the convoy's
refuse to bring either of those traits into their relationship? Why did everything feel so
presence, it would almost certainly get her to Might proper. In a situation like this,
perfunctory? Left with pencil, paper, and time, Ash could create a whole world. But ask
however, a little extra convincing would be necessary.
them to let you into it or, god forbid, let you craft it along with them? Out of the
Which is why, finally, the distinctive whistle of incoming artillery shells filled the question.
air as Violet and the Neon Bolide moved across the frozen terrain.
Violet was an orphan turned adopted army brat. She'd spent most of her life
Twenty miles away, Ashton initiated the opening firing pattern, which they'd finding someone with the warmth that she knew Ash had to offer. So when she learned
carefully designed and, if such a word could be applied to the actions of cannons and that Ash kept most of that warmth to themself, the sting was especially sharp. It
mechs, choreographed along with Violet during their week of preparation. wouldn't be fair to call Ash cold, but they were distant. Afraid, maybe, that letting
someone in all the way carried the greatest risk there was.
Cian was the first to mention in passing that their ploy was like a dance, though
it was impossible to know if it was just a joke at the former couple’s expense. Sure, their But here, now, there was no heavy atmosphere that could come between them,
breakup happened on a dance floor last year, and yes, Cian was a spy. But c'mon. Why no fear that they might spot a gesture of rejection. There was only the feeling of finger
waste time on trivia about them? on trigger, the sound of cannon fire, the low rumble in the air, and the smoke, fire, and
spark. If Violet Viola really was riding towards her death, she was glad that she'd found
At the time, Violet dismissed the comparison. They were talking about advanced
Ash's touch again before getting there.
military hardware, not a night out on the town. And besides, Violet knew better than
anyone that Ash didn't like to dance. Why risk bringing their history into a mission that For a moment, her hand trembled over the comms switch, ready to break
was already so fraught? protocol so she could send one final farewell to her ex. But before she could, it
squawked up at her.
But now, as a rhythmic barrage of explosions echoed through the hills, playing
a driving beat as catchy as any Journey City Top 40 track, Violet could see—could feel— "Unit NB-0223. This is Council Chief Guard Castor Kryvonis. Identify yourself and
that the argument had merit. your circumstance. You are not clear for approach." The speaker’s voice was bold and
heavy, but his melodic cadence suggested a Norrish accent.
She danced through the explosions. The ground around her shook, and she
shook back. The Bolide became an extension of her body—it carried her through the air Violet was not so deep into her reverie as to forget what she was supposed to do
between blasts, letting her sway, bounce, and twist. Each new blast felt like them, like in this situation.
Ashton, pushing and pulling on her. They couldn't speak. They couldn't look at each
"Commander, I am part of a classified unit. I am carrying vital information about
other. There was only this: lovely, firm action at a distance.
the DFS dogs and their war with the Celestial Myriad."
Unlike Violet, Ashton adopted the comparison to choreography right away. Sure,
"Pilot, do not approach beyond marker alpha. Hold position and wait for escort.

14 15
intro story
If you proceed beyond marker alpha, you will be considered hostile."

intro story
Violet's HUD flashed, and marker alpha appeared. It was two miles beyond Ash's
artillery range, but nearly ten short of the laser designator's range. If she was going to
line up the shot for the High Water, she'd have to take Kryvonis on directly.

"Roger that, sir. Heading to marker apha." The Bolide sped up, skating down a
hill. As Violet picked up momentum, she cleared her mind and prepared to pilot right
into the enemy's scopes. This better be worth it, she thought. And Cian better have that


The movies never showed just how incredibly boring intelligence work was—at
least if you were an operative worth your salt. A good spy barely gets into any fist
fights, rarely sleeps with the enemy, and almost never makes an explosive entrance.
It's all staring through binoculars, keeping notes, and delivering dead drops. And none For Ashton, this was the hard part. They'd been confident about the artillery
of it has a tense score playing in the background to make the paperwork seem exciting. ploy, and they knew that once they had the data from Violet and control of High Water,
they could put their shot on target. Those were the things they could control, prepare
All of which is to say that Cian had come to love missions like this one. Not only
for, and execute.
would he almost certainly get into a fight, he and his unit were also allowed to bring all
their favorite toys. Laser cutters. Silenced sub-machine guns. EMP discs. This was But waiting? Waiting was a special hell.
anything but the dreaded “on-site procurement." Their displays told the story in simple, vector-lined glory. Commander Song was
There was simply no such thing as a quiet plan when it came to a space station in some sort of rolling gunfight against a cutting-edge kill drone. It looked like he had a
breach. So Cian came up with the next best thing: an incredibly loud plan. The bulk of strong position, but the bot was between him and the control console. They wouldn't
his unit would move in zero-g through the debris field and use breaching charges to have control of the orbital cannon until he got past it. He'd pull it off, but it was just a
enter the station near its engine, disabling or killing any guards to prevent them from matter of how long it would take.
scuttling the whole satellite. He and a pair of other agents, meanwhile, would saw their Violet, though, they were less confident about.
way into the crew quarters with laser cutters. From there, it was a few quick fights
Ash watched as she skated past marker alpha and towards the highway. As soon
through the hallways, maybe some hacking, and onto the bridge.
as she did, the wireframe map lit up with the dashes and dots of exchanged gunfire.
And bless the flag of true democracy, it went just as planned. A wonderful They knew that for Violet, this was every bit as loud as the earlier artillery barrage, but
evening of combat on board a massive gun, floating 1,000 miles above the Earth. Sure, far less enjoyable.
it didn't have the beautiful rhythms of the little dance that Ash and Violet cooked up,
Their study of the map, which updated itself with battlefield data beamed back
but Cian was a little more into improvisation anyway.
from the Neon Bolide, revealed a troubling situation.
Which was good, because moments after uploading Alabama to the control
The Norrish commander had sent out three Iron Star units to harry Violet while
console, he heard an ominous sound over all the distant gunfire: heavy metal footsteps
she was still a couple of miles away from designation distance. It was clear that they
coming through the door. An ER Inc. Heavy Automated Defense bot, sleek and white,
wouldn't be any match for her in a stand-up fight, but this wasn't a stand-up fight. While
like a fancy corpo car with a few more weapons.
she could easily hold off their attacks with the Bolide's forcefield, they weren't the only
"Hey, Brace? Hang tight. Got a guest up here. Need to give it a proper welcome." ones attacking.

16 17
intro story
Miles away, the convoy's chief guard had taken up a sniping position. Every time caught their eye. Something terrible.

intro story
Violet popped her head above one of the hillocks on the approach, he'd snap a shot her
"No. There's no way..."
way. On the screen, these appeared as long, bright lines, and Ash followed each one
with fear, terrified that it would intersect with the little blue icon that represented -----
Violet’s AWV. It took Violet Viola the better part of four years to become an ace. In the time
It was a sniper's duel unlike any Ash had seen. Violet rode the hills like they were since, she'd learned that there were rankings and categories, even among aces. Some
half-pipes, while the Norrish sniper tried to pluck her out of the air like a competitive aces came hot out of the gate but then cooled down—they were often called chickens,
marksman. With each minute that passed, Violet's increasingly circuitous route brought since their records suggested that once they got their ace kills, they started taking
her closer to the convoy—her laser designator inching nearer to their target. lighter duties. Others, especially those who earned the ace star after dozens of
missions, were called tortoises—after the old fable about the tortoise and the hare.
"C'mon. Vi, you can do this..."
But there was a class of ace so superior, they didn't get compared to other pilots
Another line zipped across the screen as the Norrish commander dialed his aim
at all. These living legends could shape a battlefield all on their own, proving that even
in ever closer to Violet's cockpit. As their fight grew in intensity, the icons marking the
a single AWV could be as important as a full company—if it was in the right pilot's
convoy sped up in an attempt to push past the fracas and towards the safety of Might.
"Vi, you're almost there. God, I wish you could hear me."
Hovering against the setting sun, floating between Violet and her target, was
She'd taken down two of the three Iron Stars now. Ash felt themself wishing they one such legend.
could've seen her do it with their own eyes. Then, another blast from the sniper ripped
"Lady Elreth..."
across the display and-
Violet's jaw slacked. Elreth had taken down so many enemies that to call her an
The screen flickered and stuttered, as if it were struggling to make sense of what
ace would be an insult. The only epithet that had ever stuck was one with religious
reverence: The Goddess of War and Death.
Elreth's machine could barely be called one. Violet had heard the numerous
"Correcting." A single beep and... stories about Starfall, passed on by those few who’d seen it in action and lived to tell
the tale. In some tales, it was a shining knight, clad in rustic plate and armed with a
She'd done it. Violet had used the Bolide's anti-grav field to redirect one of the
holy blade. Others described Elreth as a rider more than a “pilot,” describing Starfall
sniper's rounds right back at him! Ash clapped decisively and bit their lower lip as
as something like a cosmic bird, barely controlled as it delivered violence in swoops and
targeting data started streaming through.
dives. Most frighteningly, there were rumors that it was most itself as a terrible
Their eyes poured over the numbers coming in, fingers sliding across display arrangement of raw geometry—cubes, spheres, and cones, attached and yet free, each
screens, tapping in figures and angles. This was it. They laid the firing solution into the quivering with hostile intent.
machine, lowered their foot onto a pedal under the console to lock it into place,
But the rumours hadn’t prepared her for what was undeniably before her eyes:
sounded the salvo alarm, and pulled the trigger.
Today, Elreth’s AWV—Starfall, if this was Starfall—was something like an insect or a
Nothing. dragon. Six wings, bladed fins along its head, and a tail that swung with malicious
"God damn it, Song!" delight. Its exoskeletal plates teemed with energy, and its countless onboard guns
jerked and scanned as if each had its own optic nerve.
He hadn't done it yet. With all the developments, they hadn't checked the High
Water display yet. But before they could even look at the station map, something else Lady Elreth's voice boomed, not through the comms, but through the air,
cracking like thunder.

18 19
intro story
"You move with noble grace and ------

intro story
singular purpose, yet hide your approach
One month later...
through guile. Deception is not a tool of
the worthy. How do you plead?" "Sir, I maintain the position that I voiced throughout this inquest. As the only
ranking officer aboard the High Water at the time of its firing, I can attest directly to the
Violet took a breath and kept her
severity of the station's damage and the density of debris between the orbital cannon
designator pointed at the convoy that
and the ground target."
was speeding ever closer to the safety of
Might's bunkers. Sitting stoically in the defendant's chair, Ash had to admit that Commander Song
was giving it his all on their behalf.
"I'm," she stumbled for a moment.
"I'm not innocent or guilty. I'm a soldier." "I am also the only person who could see the firing data as it came into High
Water's computer. Given that perspective, it remains my position—spoken as a servant
"You contradict yourself, pilot. Face
of democracy and a veteran operative—that Commander Brace did not purposefully
me, and earn your worth." Starfall's
change their target.” Song paused, wondering if he should further editorialize, before
armored plates flexed open, releasing a
indulging himself. “It is admittedly a remarkable coincidence that Lady Elreth was hit
burst of hot steam into the evening air.
by the High Water's cannon instead of the Council convoy. But we live in a world of
As if compelled, Violet turned the chance and kismet. When such forces leave us with one more living soldier, I am not
Neon Bolide towards Elreth and found keen to complain."
herself thinking about how beautiful it all
From the back of the room,
was. The steam from the AWV gathered
her right arm still in its cast, Violet
against the sunset. The sound of Starfall’s
Viola let a smile cross her face.
crackling power. The smell of oil and
She had ridden towards death,
gunpowder filtering through her unit's
and met its goddess. Win or lose,
helping her partner through a
It would be, she thought, a court martial would be light work.
perfectly fine final sight to see...
It was what came after—
the quiet nights, the dance floors,
the deployments—that would take
effort. But what they could be
together, Violet thought, was the
most work-worthy thing in the

20 21
the basics

the basics
22 23
the basics

the basics
humanity’s swarm. Conquering it would be a great symbolic victory, but other, more
valuable worlds continue to be The War’s focus.
Beam Saber is a game about the pilots of powerful machines in a war that
A dense cloud of orbital debris surrounds “Earth,” preventing consistent satellite
dominates every facet of life. They’re trying to do their time and part in The War, and
survival and easy travel between the ground and stars; intermittent space combat
then get out physically and mentally intact. See, the organizations that perpetuate The
around the planet and throughout the system complicates this further. A handful of
War through all of known space are too incomprehensibly huge to take down. There is
space elevators provide the best access to space, but only one remains in the hands of
no “winning” The War, there is only surviving it. Hopefully you can make things a bit
the planet’s inhabitants.
better before you move on.
There are millions of people who lived on Earth before The War found the planet.
This game is best played with 4 or 5 players, with one player filling the role of
Game Master (GM), and the other players will be the protagonists of the story. Regardless of whether this planet really is humanity’s birthplace, it is Earth to
them and their home. Across the planet, they resist the Offworlders, their
As a game, the way Beam Saber plays is simple; you tell a story with your
organizations, and The War in many different ways. Much of that resistance has
friends. Taking turns, you describe the heroic feats, nefarious deeds, and everything in
gathered in the Izya region, where the last independent space elevator stretches into
between to tell a compelling story about these pilots. Sometimes, the outcome of a
pilot’s actions are uncertain—that’s when you turn to the dice.
As the Izyan Conflict seethes, about to boil over, this is where you come in. You
can find more setting details in Chapter 11 (page 342), which outlines each area,

The Setting Faction, and squad involved in Beam Saber’s core setting.

Centuries after humanity abandoned a rotting Earth, blighted by their follies, the
Izyan Conflict's seeds sprouted deep in space as plans unfurled.

The Exodus ships fled humanity’s decaying cradle in varying states of quality
The Players
Each player creates and portrays a pilot involved in The War. The players’ pilots
and completion. Ships failed, were raided or cannibalized, and jettisoned all but the
are part of a squad that completes jobs for the Factions at odds with each other.
essentials. History, art, and play all fell in the face of necessity. Those that survived
Together with the GM, they give life to the pilots and the world around them. The
found planets to land, settle, and fight over across the known regions of space. The
players also create vehicles for their pilots—machines they wield on mission after
evacuation left a vacuum of power, but not for long.
mission as they go up against enemy squads and Factions. And maybe, just maybe,
After the Exodus, five Factions rose to power—and thus, The War began. These when it’s all said and done, the pilots will find some peace at the end of their journey.
Factions grapple for authority over humanity. An autocracy uses its military might to
put others under its leader's sway. A corporatocracy's directing board of corporations
desire the profitable control of the populace. A sprawling democracy's bickering
politicians believe that self-directed government must be brought to all people. An
oligarchy says they have the necessary will and cunning to ensure humanity’s survival.
Lastly, a theocracy believes that its guidance will push humanity to reach heights
worthy of the stars.

Long into The War, as these Factions battled for control, it was realized that one
of the backwater planets involved in the conflict was probably Earth. An Earth, changed
by the calamitous intervening years, that was mostly healed by its respite from

24 25
the basics

the basics
The Pilots The Squad
The pilots are small in the grand scale of in The War, but they’re trying their best The pilots are part of a squad, which the players create through consensus. The
to make a difference. The players’ pilots start as nobodies beneath the notice of even players keep track of their squad on a squad “character sheet.”
their own Faction. But as they crawl out of the meat grinder time and time again, The Consulate spies and politicks. The Profiteers sell what people can’t get.
people take notice. Personnel, resources, and glory are awarded to them. However, this The Frontlines grind the enemy to dust. The Recon are spies, thieves, and sneaks.
prestige comes with vendettas, suicide missions, internal politicking, and greater
The Logistics deliver the goods. The R&D advance The War’s technology.
challenges. As they rise to each challenge (or don’t), The War continues to heap
The Mechanized Cavalry strikes fast The REDACTED neutralize targets.
hardship upon them.
and hard.
There are ten pilot types players can choose from. Each pilot type faces The War
in a unique way, and all have a powerful vehicle at their command. No matter what squad you choose, you can pursue any kind of mission. These
directives simply add focus to the game play. Whether the squad is created before or
after the pilots doesn’t matter, but decide as a group which order you will use. See
Aces are daring drivers. Infiltrators are stealthy operators.
squad creation on page 198 to learn more about the squad types and creating a squad.
Bureaucrats are clever logisticians. Officers are calculating tacticians.
Empaths are compassionate psychics. Scouts are pathfinders and snipers.
Envoys are diplomats and spies.
Hackers are subversive professionals.
Soldiers are terrifying infantrymen.
Technicians are chemists, mechanics,
The Game Master
and biologists. The GM has a number of responsibilities. They describe the world—the battle
torn ruins, the bustling communities, the seemingly lifeless spaces that lay between
Players can use any combination of pilot types in their squad—even if that squad them, and their inhabitants. They play all non-player characters (NPCs), portraying
is all Aces or Officers, for example. See Pilot Creation (page 68) to learn more about their interests and desires within the game world. They also prepare missions and
making pilots. opportunities for the players, and help facilitate the rules. The GM should be familiar
with the full contents of this book, but Chapter 10 gives a specific rundown of how to
GM a campaign of Beam Saber.

The Vehicles
Each pilot has access to a customized vehicle that suits their skills and needs.
Some will be machines hardly different from civilian vehicles, while others are
Before You Start
lumbering behemoths loaded down with weapons and armor. Each vehicle has unique Before you sit down to play, make sure everyone is excited about Beam Saber’s
quirks that pilots take advantage of to accomplish their missions. As the pilots repair concept. Be upfront about the theme; this is a game about extraordinary pilots trying
and upgrade their vehicles, they’ll learn more of these advantageous quirks. to survive a grueling, generations-long war. Share some of the media touchstones
(page 30) that they might know. “Imagine if instead of Humvees, the marines in
Generation Kill had been in mechs with swords and energy rifles!” If they aren’t excited
by this point, this game may not be for them, and that’s okay.

Ideally, everyone should read all of the Beam Saber book. You don’t have to
absorb everything contained in them, as you can pick up the rules during the game. If

26 27
the basics

the basics
you’re the only person in your group who has read the book, don’t worry; everyone can
learn together as you play. Even then, the first session (or the second, third, fourth, What You Need to Play
etc.) doesn’t have to have perfectly expressed rules. Just do your best, and be kind if To play, you’ll need:
anyone makes a mistake. Eventually, you will all reach a mutual level of comfort with ♦ One GM and two to four players.
the rules.
♦ Several six-sided dice—ideally four per player, but at least six total.
If the GM wants to pace their reading, they could go over the session zero Alternatively you can use an online dice roller such as
section (page 286), which covers setting up your game. After setting up the campaign, ♦ Printed or digital copies of the pilot playbooks for each character, a squad
you can then read the basics of play in this chapter. Also take a look at the Starting playbook for the group, and reference sheets to share.
Situation (page 332) to get a feel for the parties involved. If you’re creating your own ♦ Have these rules on hand for reference.
starting situation, look over how to begin a campaign on page 292. It should put your
♦ Pencils, and some blank paper and/or index cards for notes and drawings. A
players in a thrilling scenario to kick things off. shared digital document, such as a Google document, can also be used.

Playing a Session Making the Game Your Own

When we play role playing games, we engage in an act of creation. All of the
A Beam Saber session plays like the structure of an episode in a TV series.
rules in this game exist to help your group tell the best possible tale of pilots struggling
There’s usually a central conflict to resolve by the end of the session that probably
to survive in a futuristic war. Hopefully, you’ll find inspiration in the guidelines, fiction,
feeds into the campaign’s larger narrative, and some supporting side stories. A single
and constraints in this document. But you’ll undoubtedly come up with great ideas
session will take around two to six hours as determined by your group of players.
completely divorced from it.
A session usually involves the pilots on a daring mission followed by their daily life
Much of the setting details are open to your interpretation so each group can
between jobs. The players and GM choose a mission that interests everyone, then roleplay
build a unique world that arises through play. For example, the pilots’ vehicle can run
the pilots receiving the mission from the employer or planning it themselves. The players
out of power, but this text never specifies what, exactly, fuels them. That detail might
make a couple dice rolls, and get into the mission as they come to the first obstacle. The
never come up in your campaign, but it could be integral to your story. With everyone
pilots leap into action, make rolls, suffer consequences, and complete (or fail) the mission.
building the world together, it becomes uniquely yours.
After that, they have downtime, where they Recover, Cut Loose, and develop personal
projects. Then it starts all over again, as the pilots jump into the next mission.

Generally one mission, a downtime period, and possibly preparation for the
following mission constitutes a single session. As your missions get more complex (or
you get more familiar with the rules), try experimenting with missions that take more
than one session to complete, running more than one mission per session, or devoting
a session completely to downtime.

Your group will likely cover a major plot thread or two after a dozen or so
missions. At this point, consider inserting a break in the narrative—like a time skip or
an end to the current story arc. You can then restart with a couple new pilots, squads,
and starting situation.

28 29
the basics

the basics
Touchstones For Those Familiar with Blades in the Dark
The following are media that can be used to pitch the game to potential players. If you’re coming to Beam Saber after playing Blades in the Dark or other Forged in the
Dark games, this section is for you. It lists some of the important differences between the two.
Audio Movies ► Vehicles: Every pilot gets a vehicle, ► Downtime Activities: Players get three
♦ Opening theme: Set It Off by ♦ Fury by David Ayer (2014) which is a massive war machine the size of a free downtime activities during the downtime
Audioslave (2002) house. Even at their smallest, there's an phase to assist with maintaining the health of
♦ Redline by Takeshi Koike (2009)
immense difference in scale between a person the pilots and their vehicles.
♦ End theme: Victory by Janelle Monáe ♦ Mad Max: Fury Road by George Miller and one of these monsters. Pilots can still affect
(2013) (2015) ► Factions and Squads: The massive
them, but it often requires explosive action. That
♦ Ace Combat Zero OST by Tetsukazu organizations that perpetuate The War in Beam
said, you can’t solve every problem by having
Saber are called Factions. They are MUCH larger
Nakanishi et al. (2006)
♦ Friends At The Table Season 2: Video/Computer Games your giant robot step on someone; there will be
obstacles at the pilot scale too.
than factions in Blades, and are more equivalent
COUNTER/Weight, by Austin Walker to Blades' Heat mechanic. In Beam Saber,
♦ The Armored Core series by
et al. (2015) ► Load: Both pilots and vehicles carry a squads are the groups that are of the same scale
FromSoftware (1997)
Load of 3, 5, or 6. Players choose their pilot’s as a Faction in Blades.
♦ Revolutions Podcast, by Mike Duncan ♦ The Front Mission series by Square Load before the start of each mission, as you
(2013) Enix (1995) ► Pushing Yourself and Collateral Dice:
would in Blades. Vehicles are a little different.
♦ The Mechwarrior/Battletech series, A character can push themself or their vehicle
Players choose their vehicle’s Load during

TV Series by various studios (1989) character creation. A vehicle’s Load doesn’t

change throughout the campaign (unless you
for +1d or improved Effect. They can also take a
Collateral Die (this game's equivalent to a Devil's
Bargain) for the same benefit. However, a player
♦ Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS
Team, by Takeyuki Kanda et al. (1996) Roleplaying Games complete a Long Term Project to do so).
may push themself AND take a Collateral Die on
► Vehicle Quirks: Vehicles don't have the same roll in Beam Saber. They pay the cost
♦ Macross Plus by Shōji Kawamori and ♦ Blades In The Dark, by John Harper Stress. They instead use Quirks when pushing for both, and so get the benefits of both.
Shinichirō Watanabe (1995) (2017) themselves or resisting consequences. A player
♦ Mobile Suit Gundam by Yoshiyuki ♦ Apocalypse World second edition, by ► Assisting and Cutting Loose: The
just needs to describe how their vehicle’s Quirk
Tomino (1979) Meguey Baker and Vincent Baker amount of Stress that a pilot spends when
gives them an advantage and spend the
(2016) assisting another pilot varies. Each pilot has a
♦ War In The Pocket by Fumihiko appropriate amount of Quirks. There are no dice
clock representing their relationship with each
Takayama (1989) ♦ Dungeon World, by Sage LaTorra and rolled when resisting with Quirks; you just pay
other pilot. The more Ticks in the clock, the more
♦ Escaflowne by Kazuki Akane (1994) Adam Koebel (2013) the Quirks to get the perk. Lastly, Quirks are
Stress an assist costs them—but they also get
never spent when assisting another pilot or for
♦ Iron Blooded Orphans by Tatsuyuki more benefits. The clock fills by taking the Cut
Nagai (2015)
♦ Generation Kill by Susanna White and
Books Loose downtime activity with that pilot (which
► Drives: The pilots generally aren’t aiming also removes Stress, similar to indulging a vice in
Simon Cellan Jones (2008) ♦ Hammer’s Slammers series, by to retire in luxury by acquiring wealth (though Blades).
David Drake (1979) they can do). They instead pursue something
♦ Armored Trooper Votoms by Ryōsuke ► Repairing Vehicles: Pilots need to
they want to change about the world. The pilots
Takahashi (1983) ♦ The Black Company series, by Glen perform the Repair downtime activity to remove
accrue drive resources (see page 74) as they
Cooke (1984) Damage from a vehicle.
♦ Legend of the Galactic Heroes by work towards this vision, which they can spend
Noboru Ishiguro (1988) to change the fiction in your campaign.

30 31
the start

the start
This section covers the core mechanics that push the campaign forward. It The action roll is the most frequent cause for a player to roll dice. A player makes
introduces the game’s dice rolls, clocks, Position, Effect, and determining the outcome an action roll when their pilot or vehicle attempts something that isn’t a guaranteed
of a dice roll. This section is to get you familiar with the basics. Chapter 5 explains in success. Each attempt has a potential positive outcome and a negative consequence.
greater detail how dice rolls affect the fiction and vice versa—including how an action The GM and player work through the process below to set the stakes and build the
roll triggers and resolving consequences. player’s pool of six-sided dice. The player then rolls the dice to see what happens next.
Page TKTK gives more detail on triggering an action roll and how to choose an action
Beam Saber uses six-sided dice (referred to as d6) on all of its rolls. Usually,
when it isn’t obvious.
players or the GM will gather a pool of dice and take the highest number to determine
the result. However, there may be times where a person has zero dice to roll (referred
to as 0d). If a person has 0d, they roll two dice and take the lowest as their result.
1. The player describes their pilot’s goal and how they intend to achieve it.

2. The player selects the action their pilot uses to fulfill their goal.

Build Complexity Slowly 3. The GM tells the player their Position (how dangerous the action is) and
Effect (how effective the action is) if they use that action. Default to Risky
If the table is new to Beam Saber or Forged in the Dark games, it’s okay to
Position with Standard Effect if unsure.
introduce the rules a bit at a time. The rules are designed so you can get by using only
action rolls; just use a Risky Position and Standard Effect at first. 4. The player mentions any circumstances or special abilities that might alter
the Position or Effect.
When the players ask questions about what they can do, start introducing those
more complex rules. If a player wants more dice on a roll, explain Stress and pushing 5. The player and the GM agree on the final Position and Effect.
yourself. When the squad combats many foe or a higher Tier foe, tell them about Effect. 6. Add applicable bonus dice.
The game works best when all the rules are in play, but the group can build up to that!
7. The player rolls dice equal to their action rating and any bonus dice, then
Similarly, you don’t have to figure out the whole plot during the first session. selects the highest number rolled. If they have a total of zero dice, they roll two
Have enough for the first mission, and then add details when you need it. If anyone dice and take the lowest number rolled as their result.
realizes they made a mistake describing something, don’t worry! Just explain what
8. If the result is 6, the action succeeds fully. If the result is 4 or 5, the action
needs to change, and it’ll work out.
succeeds partially or fully but with a consequence. If the result is 3 or less, the
action fails and something bad happens. If they roll two or more 6s on a non-zero
dice roll, they get a critical success, which means the action succeeds fully and
there’s increased Effect.

32 33
the start

the start
Basics of an Action Roll Position
You may be wondering what an “action” or “action rating” means when building Position indicates the level of danger or difficulty associated with the action. The
a dice pool. Pilots and vehicles have specific actions they may perform—such as Hunt GM sets an action’s Position as Controlled, Risky, or Desperate.
to track a target or Wreck to use brute force. The
player picks the best action that suits how their pilot
or vehicle attempts to overcome an obstacle. Pilot
♦ If the pilot has a clear shot, a major advantage, or is free of danger, their
Position is likely Controlled.
♦ If the pilot is confronting head on, under pressure, or on equal footing, their
actions are described on page 98, while vehicle ○○○○ HUNT
Position is likely Risky.
○○○○ STUDY
actions are described on page 184. Each action also
○○○○ SURVEY ♦ If the pilot is in great danger, performing a perilous trick, or reaching past their
has an action rating—the number of points a pilot ●○○○ ENGINEER limits, their Position is likely Desperate.
or vehicle has in an action (tracked on their PROWESS +1 DOT
Most actions will be Risky, which is the default Position if there’s any doubt. If the
character sheet). This number tells a player how ○○○○ FINESSE
○○○○ PROWL risk is great, then make it a Desperate Position. But if there’s less risk, make it Controlled.
many dice begin in their dice pool. If you have an
○○○○ STRUGGLE If there is definitely no risk, it might be a fortune roll (see page 46) instead. Sometimes,
action rating of 2 in Maneuver, you begin with two
○○○○ WRECK it’ll make sense to let the pilot do it. And remember, a pilot takes 1 XP when they perform
dice in your dice pool. RESOLVE +1 DOT
a Desperate action.
If you want to know how to get extra dice for ○ ○ ○ ○ COMMAND
○○○○ CONSORT Here are some guidelines for what an action roll result looks like for each Position.
your action roll, refer to bonus to rolls (page 42). The
○○○○ SWAY
number of dice rolled can be increased or decreased
by certain modifiers such as +1d (add one die) or
CONTROLLED Critical: The action is a success with increased Effect.
6: The action is a success.
-1d (subtract one die). Roll the dice when you’ve
finishing building your pool.
VEHICLE ATTRIBUTES POSITION 4/5: The pilot hesitates. They can withdraw and try a different
approach, or else succeed with a Controlled consequence.
EXPERTISE +1 DOT You act on your
○○○○ BATTLE terms, or exploit 1-3: The pilot falters. They can press on by seizing a Risky opportunity,
The highest number rolled on any die a dominate
○○○○ DESTROY or withdraw and try a different approach and action.
determines the result, which can be positive (on a advantage.
6), negative (on a 1-3), or both (on a 4-5). Positive
outcomes make progress towards a desired goal,
+1 DOT
RISKY Critical: The action is a success with increased Effect.

with an amount of progress determined by the

action’s circumstances. Negative consequences are
You go head to
6: The action is a success.
4/5: The pilot does it, but there’s a Risky consequence.
head, act under 1-3: Things go badly. They don’t succeed, and experience a
undesired occurrences ranging from missed opportunities to injury or death, with a fire, or take a Risky consequence.
level of severity also determined by the action’s circumstances. See consequences and chance.
harm (page 37-38) for more detail on action roll outcomes.
DESPERATE On any result, take 1 XP for the Attribute related to the action rolled as
you face these drastic challenges. Pilot Attributes are explained on
And lastly, remember to only make a roll if there’s a risk of failure. If you’re
struggling to think of a potential negative outcome, consider making a fortune roll POSITION
You overreach
page 73, and vehicle Attributes are explained on page 172.

(page 46) or letting the pilot do it without a roll. Critical: The action is a success with increased Effect.
your capabilities,
or you’re in 6: The action is a success.
serious trouble. 4/5: The pilot does it, but there’s a Desperate consequence.
1-3: This is the worst outcome. They don’t succeed, and experience a
Desperate Consequence.

34 35
the start

the start
Effect Consequences
Effect describes how much a pilot can change their situation with an action. The Consequences are the fallout of enemy actions, bad situations, or rolling less
GM considers the pilot’s proposed action and goal, and decides if they have Great, than 6 on an action. The GM chooses the consequences based on the fiction and the
Standard, or Limited Effect. tone of your campaign. There are six types of consequence:

♦ If the pilot faces greater gains than usual, they have Great Effect. The GM ♦ Reduced Effect represents the pilot’s execution being hindered. This
details how the additional benefits could manifest. If the pilot is rolling to fill a consequence reduces the expected Effect by one grade.
Clock, they receive 3 Ticks toward its completion on a roll of 4 or higher. ♦ Complication represents new dangers, approaching issues, or unexpected
(Clocks are described on page 44.) troubles. This might be an immediate difficulty, such as losing trust with a
♦ If a pilot would make a typical amount of progress, they have Standard Effect. Faction, damaging vehicle gear, or the release of an airborne toxin. The
The GM describes the expected outcome. A pilot would fill 2 Ticks on a relevant complication could also be an issue that has yet to fully manifest, represented
Clock on a roll of 4 or higher. by the GM creating a new clock, Ticking one that is already present, or
♦ If a pilot would make a small headway, they have Limited Effect. The GM removing Ticks from a clock (see clocks on page 44). The GM uses the
describes the partial or diminished outcome. A pilot would fill 1 Tick a relevant circumstances to determine the complication’s severity, and whether it is
Clock on a roll of 4 or higher. immediate or delayed.

The GM uses the following four factors to determine an action’s Effect: ♦ Lost Opportunity represents the situation changing as a result of the conflict.
There was a chance to reach the objective with the chosen action, but that
♦ The action’s potency. For example, attacking a tank with a hand grenade (lower window has closed. If the pilot wants to try again, they must put themself in a
Effect) versus attacking a person with a hand grenade (improved Effect). worse Position or use a different action.
♦ Quality of gear. Fine gear provides improved Effect. ♦ Cost represents an unforeseen expense tied to the action. A bouncer might let
♦ Scale of the action. Differences of scale either lower or improve Effect you through, but only with a bribe in Personnel or Materiel. Maybe you make a
depending on the circumstance, like when a lone person fights a small gang. nuisance of yourself and lose Trust with a Faction.
Scale also applies to differences in size when appropriate. ♦ Worse Position represents the pilot slipping into a more dangerous situation
♦ Tier differences between the pilot and the target. Higher Tier targets provide as the conflict’s circumstances shift. If a pilot was in a Controlled Position, they
reduced Effect, while lower Tier targets provide improved Effect. move to Risky. If they were Risky, they move to Desperate as their problems
♦ Harm or Damage represents an enduring affliction suffered by pilots or
vehicles respectively.

Consequences should never negate the success of a 4/5 roll. If a pilot is luring a
mech into a minefield and the pilot rolls a 4/5, don’t say that the mech avoids the trap.
Instead, say the enemy is lured into the minefield, but the pilot also steps on a mine in
their haste.

36 37
the start

the start
Harm and Damage CONTROLLED ♦ Adjust a clock by 1 Tick.
♦ Reduce Effect by one level (to a minimum of Limited).
Harm could be an injury that hurts the pilot physically, mentally, emotionally, or
socially. Damage is much the same, but for vehicles. Pilots and vehicles track Harm and
CONSEQUENCES Only choose this consequence on a result of 4-5.
♦ Create a new threat clock, and add a Tick to it.
Damage in their respective sections of the Pilot’s playbook. You’ll see Harm and
♦ Move to a worse Position.
Damage occur at different “levels,” each with their own penalty. Level 1 causes
♦ The opportunity to use that action passes. The pilot
reduced Effect, level 2 gives -1d, and level 3 means the Pilot cannot act without
can use a different action to overcome the obstacle,
pushing themselves or receiving assistance.
or it can be attempted again from a worse Position.
When a pilot or vehicle suffers Harm or Damage, the GM briefly describes the Only choose this consequence on a result of 1-3.
wound and gives a numerical level to match the severity. For example, a kick to the face ♦ Take level 1 Harm.
might produce level 1 Harm: Bruised, but getting kicked off a roof could be level 3 Harm: ♦ Take level 1 Damage.
Concussion. The higher the level of Harm or Damage, the more impactful it is narratively
♦ Spend 1 Personnel or Materiel Point.
and mechanically.
♦ Lose 1 Trust with an appropriate Faction.
Only apply penalties if the nature of the Harm or Damage would impact a pilot’s
actions. For example, a pilot with level 2 Harm: Twisted Ankle would take -1d Prowling RISKY ♦ Choose 2 Controlled consequences.
♦ Adjust a Clock by 2 Ticks.
after a rival on foot. The same pilot wouldn’t receive a penalty for Hunting them
through a scope (as they can perform the action without their injured ankle).
CONSEQUENCES ♦ Reduce Effect by 2 levels to a minimum of Limited.
Only choose this consequence on a result of 4-5.
A Pilot can handle up to two level 1 Harm, two level 2 Harm, and one level 3 ♦ Take level 2 Harm.
Harm. Vehicles suffer the same scale in Damage. The penalties from multiple injuries
♦ Take level 2 Damage.
of the same level stack, as do injuries of different levels—but only if they all apply to
♦ Spend 2 Personnel or Materiel Points.
the narrative.
♦ Lose 2 Trust with an appropriate Faction.
If a level of Harm or Damage is full and a pilot suffers an injury of that level, the
♦ Junk a piece of vehicle gear.
new injury worsens, becoming one level more serious. If a Pilot already has level 3
Harm and suffers an additional level 3 Harm, they take level 4 Harm instead. Level 4
Harm is a ruinous, permanent injury, often (but not always) representing death. Let the
DESPERATE ♦ Choose 3 Controlled consequences.
♦ Choose 1 Risky consequence and 1 Controlled
circumstances determine the nature of the permanent affliction. CONSEQUENCES consequence.
♦ Adjust a clock by 3 Ticks.
♦ Take level 3 Harm.
Selecting Consequences ♦ Take level 4 Harm when appropriate.
On the next page is a list of consequences that can be inflicted on action rolls of ♦ Take level 3 Damage.
5 or less. When selecting one of the options, show how that change occurs in the
♦ Take level 4 Damage when appropriate.
fiction—such as a foe disarming the pilot when moving from a Risky to Desperate
♦ Spend 3 Personnel or Materiel Points.
♦ Lose 3 Trust with an appropriate Faction.

38 39
the start

the start
RESISTANCE consequences that are reduced, while more upbeat games will have consequences
avoided entirely.
A pilot or vehicle can always make resist consequences they’d rather avoid. Any one consequence can only be resisted once.
First, the player tells the GM how their pilot or vehicle resist the problem. If the GM
If the GM inflicts multiple consequences, the affected player can choose to resist some,
agrees their approach reasonably negates the problem, the consequences
all, or none of the consequences, and make resistance rolls for each. A pilot or vehicle
automatically reduce… at a cost. The GM tells the pilot if resisting will negate the
may also spend armor to further reduce a consequence after rolling or spending Quirks
consequence or just reduce its severity, and what Attribute applies based on the fiction:
(see below).
♦ Insight resists consequences from ♦ Acuity resists consequences from a
deceit or empathy. machine being hacked or
♦ Expertise resists consequences
from a machine being damaged or
♦ Resolve resists consequences from
Pilot and Vehicle Armor
strained. mental fortitude or stubbornness. A pilot or vehicle can spend armor to reduce the impact of a consequence. For
♦ Prowess resists consequences from pilots, the standard gear “Armor” grants one use per mission, and “Heavy Armor”
bodily harm or exertion. grants one additional use (for a total of two uses per mission). A pilot may only take

Pilots resist a consequence using their PILOT ATTRIBUTES Armor and Heavy Armor once each per mission (in other words, you can’t have two sets
of Armor or Heavy Armor). For vehicles, the standard vehicle gear “Armor” grants one
attribute rating. An attribute rating refers to the INSIGHT
use per mission, but multiple copies of the Armor can be taken on the same vehicle.
number of actions under an attribute with at least ○○○○ HUNT
●○○○ STUDY When spending armor, tick the appropriate box on the character sheet—Armor
1 action point. For example, a pilot with 1 Study
and 3 Survey has an Insight attribute rating of two. or Heavy Armor in the pilot section for pilot armor, and any armor box in the vehicle
section for vehicle armor. Once a piece of armor is spent, it can’t be used again until
When a pilot resists a consequence, they roll dice +1 DOT
equal to the chosen attribute
the beginning of the next mission.
rating. The pilot suffers 6 Stress minus the highest die○result
from the resistance roll. A
○○○○ PROWL Vehicles can also sacrifice any gear that takes up at least 1 Load in place of armor.
pilot fills no Stress boxes if their highest die is a 6, but a result of 1 fills up five boxes. A
critical success (two 6s) on a resistance roll heals 1 Stress (instead of spending Stress). Any Load slots that the gear occupied are replaced by “junk.” This indicates that the
●○○○ WRECK
The player must commit to suffering that Stress after the roll; they cannot change sacrificed gear doesn’t function, but still occupies Load on the vehicle. Junked slots are
RESOLVE +1 their
mind if they roll poorly.

Vehicles, on the other hand, don’t roll dice

○ ○ ○ ○ CONSORT
unavailable until Materiel points are spent to uninstall them. Vehicle damage is further
explained on page 180, and uninstalling vehicle gear is further explained on page 174.
○ ○ ○ ○ SWAY
when resisting a consequence. A vehicle exhausts ● Whether Armor completely negates or only reduces Harm or Damage depends
4 Quirks minus the chosen attribute rating to a ○○○○ DESTROY on your game’s tone. A campaign with a more adventurous tone will have Armor that
minimum of 1 (even if a special ability would ●○○○ MANEUVER completely negates even the worst injuries, allowing pilots to heroically shrug off
ACUITY +1 DOT attacks. A grittier campaign's Armor may reduce Harm or Damage by only one level,
reduce it to zero or less). For example, a vehicle with 1 Maneuver and 2 Battle has an
Expertise rating of 2, so resisting with Expertise exhausts 2 Quirks (4 minus the so any hits are an ongoing concern for the pilots. If you aren't sure how effective Armor
Expertise attribute rating). Quirks are further explained on○page 177. should be, reducing Harm or Damage by 2 levels is a good middle ground.
○○ ○ SCAN

After paying any resistance costs, the GM reduces the consequence by a degree Another consideration for Armor is whether it makes narrative sense for it to
they feel is appropriate. Level 3 Harm may become level 2, while a worse Position affect Harm or Damage at all. If a pilot falls off of a roof, their Armor won’t save them.
might be negated entirely. Use the game’s tone to decide whether the resistance roll When Armor isn’t suitable for reducing Harm or Damage in the fiction, but the player
negates the consequence, or just reduces its impact. Grittier games will have still wants to avoid the consequence, they should resist it as normal (see page 40).

40 41
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the start
Spark Collateral Die
Each pilot also has a Spark to spend on special abilities during missions. A pilot’s Pilots in Beam Saber are desperate
Spark represents their determination and grit to get the job done. A pilot spends their survivors, and sometimes they act despite the Collateral damage,
unintended Harm.
Spark to activate these abilities (tick the Spark box on the character sheet). For obvious consequences. To support this
Sacrifice supplies or an item.
example, the Infiltrator’s Shadow ability lets a pilot spend their Spark to resist a premise mechanically, the GM or any player
can suggest a Collateral Die to the acting Betray a friend or loved one.
consequence from detection or security measures, or to push yourself for a feat of
athletics or stealth. The pilot could avoid making a resistance roll and instead spend pilot. Offend or anger a Faction.
their Spark to activate Shadow if the security camera catches them slipping into a Start and/or Tick
The cost of the Collateral Die occurs a troublesome clock.
regardless of the acting pilot’s level of Suffer Harm.
But spend that one Spark wisely. Once the Spark is spent, it can’t be used again success. Additionally, pilots can NOT reduce
A rival shows up unexpectedly.
until the beginning of the next mission. If a pilot has more than one ability that uses or negate the bargain with a resistance roll or
Spark, only one of those abilities can be activated when the Spark is spent. Armor. They got the bonus die and must pay
the agreed price.

Sometimes no one can think of a good bargain to offer, and that's fine. A pilot can
Bonuses to Rolls also turn down any Collateral Die if they don’t want to take a bargain, and that’s also
Any combination of the following can increase a pilot’s chance of success:

♦ The GM or any of the players may suggest a Collateral Die, giving the pilot The GM has final say on whether a bargain is reasonable or not if needed.
+1d at an unavoidable cost.
♦ The player can push themself for either +1d, increased Effect, or the ability to
act despite having level 3 Harm by spending 2 Stress (if a pilot action) or 1
Quirk (if a vehicle action).
♦ One other pilot may spend an amount of Stress equal to their Connection (see
page 84) to help the acting pilot. The acting pilot receives benefits equal to the
Stress spent. The potential benefits are +1d, improved Position, increased
Effect, or acting despite having level 3 Harm. See Teamwork on page 89 for
more detail.

42 43
the start

the start
more dramatic circumstances might be a clock.

There is no hard and fast rule about how long a clock should be. The amount of
A clock measures the progress of an ongoing challenge or approaching issue.
interest there is in the obstacle or goal that a clock represents should determine the
Clocks take the form of a circle divided into 4, 6, or 8 segments. The more segments in
length of that clock. Defeating a small group of enemies might be represented by a 4
a clock, the more complex the challenge or the longer the delay until the issue arrives.
segment clock, but if greater narrative stakes are placed on them (possibly because
they have been fleshed out or are the final obstacle before victory), an 8 segment
Clock icons will go here
Creating a Clock clock, or possibly even a 4 segment clock for each enemy, could be used.

Players and GMs may create clocks to represent their pursuits, threats in their
way, and any other time-sensitive task or event. A clock needs a goal or outcome when
it fills, a name, and a number of segments. Players may work with the GM to define a
Filling a Clock
clock or clocks for their pilot’s pursuits—such as renovating a ruined building into dive Usually, clocks progress when players make rolls—although the circumstances
for musical events. determine by how much. Progress is measured in “Ticks,” where 1 Tick fills 1 segment of a clock.

Clocks represent the obstacle or danger they represent, not the method used to Players typically make action rolls as normal to progress their Clocks, and gain
fill them. If the a pilot needs funding for a new piece of tech, name the troublesome Ticks upon results of 4+. However, the amount of progress depends on the Effect level.
clock “Bored Investors” or “Unstable Prototype.” Describing the situation gives players If the Effect is Limited, fill a single segment (also known as 1 Tick). Standard effect
the flexibility they need to approach the task. Don’t name it “Talk Up Investors” or gives 2 Ticks, Great gives 3 Ticks. A Critical gives improved Effect, or with Great Effect
“Overheat the Prototype,” because that prescribes how the pilots should accomplish gives 5 Ticks. If a single action could overcome the challenge, the player should instead
the goal. Extremely complex obstacles that have multiple steps can be split into make an action roll as normal instead of a clock. A clock is almost impossible to fill with
multiple clocks. For example, if the squad is capturing a huge enemy battleship, the a single success.
ship could have clocks for “Point Defense Cannons,” “Space Marines,” and “Security Unlike other clocks, Connection clocks and Drive clocks do not generally gain
Program.” The squad would have to get past each clock in turn to capture the ship. Ticks when a 4+ is rolled for an Action. See page 84 for Connection clocks and page 76
Likewise, if the squad is facing multiple opponents or a single very dangerous for Drive clocks. The GM’s clocks are a slightly different story. They add Ticks based on
opponent, an Obstacle Clock can represent the foes’ ability to be a continuing threat. the type of clock and what makes sense for the fiction. A GM may add between 1 to 3
The clock should represent how they’re threatening: soldiers fight, guards detect, Ticks to a clock as a consequence on a roll. They may also add a Tick to a time Clock if
politicians manipulate crowds, etc. Once that clock fills, the foe has been evaded, run the players pursue their goals cautiously.
off, destroyed, talked down, or whatever outcome is fictionally appropriate. Players can prevent troublesome clocks filling. For example, if a Threat Clock is
Clocks can also measure the passage of time. These clocks are usually timers for “Direct Superior Arrives” while a pilot rummages through the officer’s desk, another
an approaching threat (though the arrival of friendly reinforcements might also apply). pilot could remove Ticks by stalling the Direct Superior. In that case, the GM would
Progress the clock when a suitable amount of time passes in the fiction. A clock remove Ticks according to the action roll’s Effect level.
segment might represent a few seconds, minutes, or hours depending on the scale of
time passing. The easiest way to handle Time Clocks is deciding which pilot is most
affected by the clock, and then filling in a segment every time they make an action roll. Completing a Clock
You can also use clocks to extend the focus of narratively interesting challenges. When a clock fills, the challenge it represents is overcome or the danger comes
What qualifies as "narratively interesting" will vary by game and scene. There will be to pass. If it’s a beneficial clock, the player receives that benefit immediately; and the
times where bypassing a door is solved with a single roll, but that same door under same goes for any repercussions or threats.

44 45
the start

the start
But if something happens in the fiction that would complete the clock’s objective
or instantly summon the problem, the clock fills and it comes to pass. For example, if Gathering Information
the squad is sneaking through a secure facility and has an “Alarm is Raised” clock, There’s always going to be too much going on for the GM to provide the players
crashing a vehicle into the facility will instantly fill said clock. Likewise, if the pilots are with every details they need or want to know. This is where they can gather information
filling a “Destroy Samples” clock, and they set off a nuke inside the building, that clock on a situation.
is full. Period.
When a pilot wants more specific information, the GM decides if that information
If the players or GM realize that a clock is no longer engaging or relevant, it’s is common knowledge, or if there’s an obstacle to acquiring it. The GM should consider
alright to say that it is instantly filled, instantly emptied, or just disappears without the pilot’s playbook, tragedy, history, and opening to determine if that information
affecting the situation. should be freely available to them. If it should, then the GM simply answers the question.

The player should make a fortune roll if the information is not common
knowledge, but there is no barrier to learning the information. A 1-3 provides limited
Fortune Roll information, a 4/5 provides standard information, and a 6 provides great information.

The GM can make a fortune roll when they are unsure of an outcome and want Gathering information during a mission will likely take the form of a setup roll
to let the dice decide. There are three common ways to use a fortune roll: (page 89). If the pilot rolls well, they will frequently gain improved Position or Effect as
appropriate in addition to the information. However, a result of less than 6 will cause
♦ When the GM doesn't want to make an arbitrary decision on a situation and the
consequences as usual on a setup roll.
pilots are not involved, such as two NPCs having a conflict off screen.
♦ When there is no clear roll to determine the outcome, such as the effect of Sometimes a complex obstacle blocks the information desired, such as a messy
injecting an untested drug to keep it out of a competitor's hands. crime scene or an overabundance of archived texts. For instance, if gathering the
information requires an extended period of time, the pilot should begin a suitable
♦ When a player makes an action roll in a completely safe situation, and there is
no chance for a consequence to affect them. Project Clock. The pilot can ask several questions relevant to the clock upon its
completion (what they would receive from Great Effect on an action roll, page TKTK).
When making a fortune roll, any trait with a number or rating can determine the roll’s
dice pool. Some examples are: Each pilot playbook has a list of questions they might find useful when gathering
Major contextual factors should give +1d (if they are advantageous) or -1d (if information. These suggestions are a good place to start, but a pilot may ask any
they are a hindrance) to fortune rolls. If a relevant trait doesn't exist, roll just 1d or build question they like.
a dice pool based on the applicable contextual factors. And lastly, gathering information requires a suitable opportunity. The
information must either be on hand in the heat of the moment, or acquired ahead of
When an NPC squad acts, their Tier can determine the fortune roll. (Tier is
time. You can try again if you don’t get the amount of information you wanted, but it’ll
explained on page 209.)
probably have to be at a later time.
When a friendly fire team acts without pilot supervision, use their Quality for the
fortune roll. (Quality is explained on page 318.)
When the power of technology is unleashed in an uncontrolled fashion, you can
use its Magnitude for a fortune roll. (Magnitude is explained on page 322.)
When a pilot gathers information, their relevant action rating can determine the
amount or Quality of information they receive.

46 47
the start

the start
the Gameplay Cycle Planning the Mission
Beam Saber’s style of play is made up of multiple phases that players move When moving from free play to the mission, the squad puts together the skeleton
between. The pilots embark upon a mission for an employer, they return to a downtime of a plan. This plan consists of an employer, a target, an objective, Rules of
phase where they recover and rest up, before planning for another mission. Much like Engagement, a tactic, and Loadout. Select them in that order before the mission begins.
The War, the game cycles between these two phases until the pilots retire or meet an
The Employer is the Faction who tasks the squad with completing the mission
end. The free play phase sits parallel to these phases—filling in the gaps for when the
objective. The employer is represented by an individual, probably belonging to a squad
pilots do things that aren’t mission or downtime related.
of the Faction, who may hide the Faction they represent from the pilots. The players and
The game starts in the free play phase, which is very fluid. The pilots have GM should discuss whether to reveal the employer’s hidden identity to the players
scenes with each other and/or NPCs, they make action rolls when necessary, and suffer (even if the pilots don't know). Things to consider are: the players’ comfort with
the consequences of those actions. Don’t worry about exploring the story moment to working for each Faction, how much dramatic irony the players want in their pilots’
moment or chronologically during free play. This period lets the pilots explore their actions, if the players want to be surprised, and whether the GM is okay with doing the
personal stories apart from the entire squad. bookkeeping alone.

When the players are headed to another mission (whether by choice or by If the squad is on a mission for themselves or a squad that isn't working for a
something in free play or downtime forcing a mission on them), it’s time to plan. Faction, the employer is Independent. Be warned, working for an Independent
Players and the GM may collaborate on what the mission involves, or the GM may employer yields less pay than working for other employers. You can read more about
prepare a mission ahead of time. Either way, the group covers the Rules of Independent employers on page TKTK. Striking out on your own is rough, but at least
Engagement, the mission’s target, objective, the employer, Loadout, and a tactic (see you won't have someone looking over your shoulder.
Planning a Mission below for full details). The pilots may still gather information and
The squad can always seek out an employer if they want to do a mission that
perform any last downtime activities during this time. When everyone is ready, free
would normally be Independent but still want decent payment. Finding an employer
play ends and the pilots make an engagement roll (page 51) to move into the mission.
this way might take the form of a long-term project or a sequence of events during free
On a mission, pilots perform the daring feats, and experience close calls in play. If there’s an objective the squad wants accomplished, there’s probably a Faction
pursuit of their objective. They roll dice, spend Stress, take Harm, have flashbacks, and that wants the same with a little convincing.
finish the mission (see page TKTK for more on missions). Once the mission is over, the
The Target is the squad (and by extension the Faction) that will be harmed if
game moves into the downtime phase.
the pilots complete their mission. Usually, someone is trying to stop the mission, and
Downtime phases let the squad get their just rewards and take a breather. overcoming their defenses will damage them in some way. If there isn't someone
They’ll get resupplied for their efforts, gain and lose Trust with Factions, experience stopping the mission, consider expanding the mission’s objective to one that will create
consequences for their actions, and prepare for the next mission. These steps take the conflict, or making the objective a long-term project instead.
form of rewards, Trust, squad status, entanglements, and downtime activities. The
The Objective is the purpose of the mission and the employer's goal. This
downtime phase is further explained on page 238. After the pilots complete their
might be getting supplies through a blockade, negotiating a ceasefire, destroying a
downtime activities, the game returns to the free play phase and the cycle continues.
factory, or stealing research data. Some goals may have multi-part objectives, all of
which must be completed before the end of the mission. Other missions may have side
objectives that are not necessary to fulfill the main goal.

The Rules of Engagement (ROE) are the directives that an employer places
on its squads. The ROE define the circumstances, conditions, degree, and manner in

48 49
the start

the start
which the use of force (or other provocative actions) may be applied. The GM sets the don’t choose vehicle gear before the mission—they debut gear as it’s needed when
ROE as appropriate for the fiction, though players should speak up if any of the rules tackling obstacles. However, once a player declares a piece of vehicle gear, that gear
ruin the game’s fun. A Faction who wants popular support will have more rules about is now installed in their vehicle. Installed vehicle gear can only be taken out by
engaging civilians than Factions interested in military victory at all costs. Record the spending Materiel between missions.
rules in effect for everyone’s reference. You can find a list of possible ROE on page 315.
The pilots can perform a final downtime activity (if they have any downtime
The Tactic is the squad’s method for taking on the objective. This is a general activities remaining or want to spend the appropriate supply point) or gather
strategy, and requires just one detail that explains how the mission opens. Select one information during or after the mission brief if they want more intel on the job. Such
of the following tactics, and then determine the detail. Pilots don’t need to plan information and assets can reveal the target’s strengths and weaknesses. However, a
excessively; flashbacks let them bring in special preparations and consideration of pilot must have a sufficient opportunity to gather information, which might require a
unanticipated complications. flashback (see flashbacks on page 86). Now may also be a good time to perform the

♦ Assault is open violence against the target. The detail is the point of attack. acquire asset downtime activity if the pilots want any assets for the mission (see
acquiring assets on page 241). Remember, pilots can also acquire assets during a
♦ Deception is luring, tricking, and manipulating the target. The detail is the
mission with a flashback, so no need to prepare for everything right now.
method of deception.
♦ Scientific is engaging with technological power. The detail is the unusual
procedures used.
♦ Social is when the squad negotiates with, bargains with, or persuades the Engagement Roll
target. The detail is the social connection. After planning the mission, we jump right into the action where we see the squad
♦ Stealth is for taking action undetected. The detail is the point of infiltration. encounter their first obstacle. Make an engagement roll to see how severe the situation
♦ Transport is carrying cargo and people through danger. The detail is the route is when the squad gets into it. The engagement roll dice pool starts with 1d for plain
and the means. old luck. Add additional dice for major advantages, and remove dice for disadvantages.

The Loadout represents how much pilot gear a pilot may carry on the mission. Possible advantages and disadvantages may include the following:

During this step of every mission each pilot decides if they are carrying a Light [Load 3], ♦ Is the mission bold? Take +1d. Is the mission especially complex? Take -1d.
Medium [Load 5], or Heavy [Load 6] amount of gear on their person. Loadout impacts ♦ Does the mission exploit the target’s vulnerabilities? Take +1d. Is the mission’s
how people perceive a pilot during a mission. A Light Load makes the pilot quicker and tactic ineffective against the Target? Take -1d.
less conspicuous; they can blend in with civilians, providing increased Effect when ♦ Is the squad receiving external support for the mission? Take +1d. Is anyone
applicable. A Medium Load makes the pilot look equipped for a difficult task. A Heavy interfering with the mission (other than the target)? Take -1d.

Load slows the pilot and makes it clear that they are a member of an armed group. ♦ Are there other factors affecting the mission? Take +1d for each one that
benefits the squad, and -1d if it hinders them. Factors might include differences
Players don’t need to decide what items their pilot is carrying before the mission. in squad Tier, specialized equipment, unusual terrain, and more.
At any time during the mission, you may declare that your pilot has any of the Standard
The engagement roll assumes the pilots are skilled survivors and have prepared
Pilot Gear (page 112) or any of their playbook's Specialist Gear. Add the item to your
to arrive at the first obstacle. There is no need for sneaking closer, checking for traps,
character sheet, and mark the appropriate amount of Load it takes up. You cannot
or other cautious approaches. The engagement roll result covers those details, so you
exceed the maximum Load you chose when planning the mission. Items in italics or
can start with the action. The engagement roll result indicates how tough things are for
listed as "Load 0" do not take up any Load.
the pilots as they hit the first obstacle. A player makes the roll on behalf of the squad and
Vehicle gear works a little differently, which is covered in Chapter 6. A vehicle’s looks at the highest die. On a 1-3, the squad’s starting Position is Desperate, 4/5 gives
max Load is set upon its creation (and it does not change between missions). Players them a Risky Position, and 6 provides a Controlled Position. Engagement rolls cannot

50 51
the start

the start
result in a critical success (two or more 6s).

After determining the engagement roll result, take a short break so the GM can
End of Session
figure out how to start the mission. The GM should craft a scene that reflects the After a couple of hours of play, you’ll probably reach a good spot in the narrative
starting Position. This Position changes as the fiction develops—if the pilots pull out to stop for the day. Other groups will do marathon sessions that can last 8 or more
some good rolls and make good tactical choices, their Position will improve (and vice hours! When you finish the current session, follow these directions—regardless of how
versa if things don’t go so well). the session ends.

1. Check the squad’s XP goals, and mark 6. Check on each player's emotional
1 XP for each item that occurred (or 2 XP state. Sometimes sessions can get very
Linked Missions if that item happened multiple times). intense, and players don't always
realize how affected they are until they
There will be times where a mission requires that multiple plans be executed 2. Check if each pilot contributed at least
take a break. If you’re concerned about
together. A common situation is one where the squad wants to act on two fronts. For 1 Tick to their rival’s Challenge Clock, and
another player who says they’re alright,
example, where part of the squad attacks the fortifications as a diversion, while the whether they filled any Connection Clocks
consider asking them privately in a
other part sneaks into the enemy base. How this is handled depends on whether the with their rival or another pilot. Take 1 XP
couple of days once they've had a
first part needs to succeed before the second part can be attempted. for each item that occurred.
chance to assess their emotional state.
♦ If the first stage of a plan benefits the latter stage (but isn’t required for the 3. Check if each pilot permanently
mission’s success), it can be handled with the setup teamwork action (page 89) 7. Ask the players what they liked
removed their rival as a threat. If that
or through a flashback (page 87). With a success, the setup improves their about the session, and what they want
happened, take 2 XP.
squadmates’ Position or Effect. A failed setup might cause trouble for the second to see more of in future sessions. If
part of the plan. If a pilot performs a setup before the engagement roll, consider 4. Check the pilots’ XP goals, and mark players can't think of anything, try
giving the squad +1d or -1d (as appropriate) on the engagement roll as the rest 1 XP for each item that occurred (or 2 XP asking in a couple of days after they've
of the squad sets out on their part of the mission. if that item happened multiple times). all had some time to sit with the
♦ If the first stage of a plan is required for the latter stage to be attempted, it 5. If a mission was completed this session, session.
should probably be a mission of its own. For example, the squad might be on a ask the pilots the following questions to 8. Ask the players what they disliked
mission to steal an enemy Ace’s unique vehicle (to use in a later false flag
direct what the next mission will be: about the session, and what they want
mission). In this case, make each part its own mission with downtime between
them as normal. ► Are you following up on a previous to see less of in future sessions. If
mission’s outcome? players can't think of anything, try
But for the most part, which approach is used is largely a matter of interest. If
► Is your aim to seize a squad upgrade, asking in a couple of days after they've
the players are interested in the moment to moment action of the first stage, it should
hurt the target, aid yourselves, or aid all had some time to sit with the
be its own mission, even if it isn’t necessary. Likewise, stage one of a two-stage mission another squad? session.
can be simplified with a setup action if it’s not interesting to players. If the setup gets ► Is there a specific area you want to
a failed roll, hand out consequences as the fiction demands. target? These questions can be answered in
► Is there a specific resource you want character and/or out of character,
to acquire? whatever works best.
► Are you targeting a squad weaker,
stronger, or about the same as you?
► Are you targeting a specific squad or

52 53
Example Mission
the start
long, well-kept dark brown hair. The crew will be traveling in an armored personnel carrier that’s

the start
been converted into a mobile production studio.”
The Cenotaph’s Direct Superior, Scratch, has called everyone to the squad’s briefing room “Good to know. Thanks.”
in their chapel. They have been contacted with a possible mission by lieutenant colonel Walsh
Jess says, “I’d like to look at our patron Faction’s most recent intel on the area we’ll be
Johnson of The Jovangellian Empire’s Wolf Pack. The Wolf Pack need a third party to return the
passing through. I’ll roll my Study, which is two dice… and that’s a 2 and a 1. Great.”
bodies of some Jovangellian troops to Fort Jovanol from custody of the Democratic Federated
Systems (DFS). The DFS are sending a film crew from the 3rd Public Connections Corp along to “Sometimes that’s how the dice go,” says the GM. “So that gets you limited information.
record the hand off for their own propaganda, and The Cenotaph will be responsible for the You find the roads through the area, which will make the going easier, but that’s about it. Ray or
documentarians’ safety. Cass, do either of you want to gather information?”

The Cenotaph could use some good PR with the Jovangellians after their scrap with The Cass and Ray don’t have anything in mind, so the squad moves on to the rest of the plan.
Racoons, so this sounds like a fine opportunity. Not to mention, building rapport with a vanguard
“OK, so what tactic are y’all going to use?” asks the GM.
squad like the Wolf Pack would be a boon. The players’ pilots, Dredge, Tower, Scarecrow, and
Demon, all agree to take on the mission. “Well, they’re expecting us AND we’re headed to a heavily defended military base, so we
shouldn’t try anything fishy,” suggests Cass. “I think that makes this either a Transport or Social

Gathering Information and Planning the Mission “Transport sounds good to me, since we don’t really know anyone in Fort Jovanol,” says
Ray, and everyone agrees.
With everyone ready to take on the mission, the GM lays out its details. The employer
is the Wolf Pack, the target is the 3rd Public Connections Corp, the objective is to deliver the “So, what’s the detail that completes your tactic? In this case, it’ll be a route and means,”
bodies to Fort Jovanol. The secondary objective is getting the film crew to the fort safely. The says the GM.
Rules Of Engagement are: 1) No threatening or using force against civilians, 2) No firing upon “I’d say the means is our AWVs,” Jess says. “And the route will be the roadways that I
or presenting as medical transports or facilities, and 3) No using explosives. studied—the ones between our rendezvous with the film crew and Fort Jovanol.”
“Before we decide on our tactic, can we gather information about the mission?” asks Sasha. “Actually, I’m going to ride in the APC with the film crew,” says Ray. “I want someone
“Absolutely,” says the GM. “What would you like to look into?” capable behind its wheel, and I can always use a flashback to have my AWV nearby. I’m also
going with a Light Load for my Pilot, so I don’t make the film crew or guards at the fort nervous.”
“I want to learn more about this film crew, so I’m going to exchange some emails with
them and roll…” Sasha pauses, looking at ens Pilot sheet. “I don’t have any good actions for this, Everyone agrees that’s a good idea, and all take a Light Load for their pilots. Their
so I guess Consort at zero dice.” vehicle Loads were decided when they created them, so that’s already been decided.

“Do you want to push yourself for an extra die?” suggests the GM. “Cool. We’ll skip ahead to your first obstacle. You’ve met up with the film crew, and have
begun your trip to Fort Jovanol along the roadways that weave between and over the rolling hills
“Nah, this is a gather information roll, right? So there aren’t any consequences if I roll badly.”
outside of Journey City. Your three AWVs and the APC move along at a slow pace due to the road’s
“Alright, then roll two dice and take the lower result.” condition. The roads sometimes cut through the dirt and stone of a hill. Most of the slopes are
gentle, but many are tall enough that even Demon can’t see over their tops in his Extractor.”
“Hey! I got a 4 and a 6, so that’s a 4.”
“I don’t like this,” says Cass (Demon’s player). “It’s too easy to be ambushed, but I don’t
“Ok, that gets you standard information. You learn that the film crew consists of six
want Demon to start flying in his AWV because that would make me an obvious target.”
people, most notably the host Maria Houston—a D-grade news correspondent for the 3rd PCC.
From her file, you can see that she’s a Brown woman of moderate height and slender build with “Funny you should mention that,” says the GM slyly.

54 55
Engagement Roll Controlled Result
the start

the start
“It’s time for the engagement roll,” says the GM. “Let’s find out your Position as you The dice come up a 3 and a 6! “Hell yeah!” cheers Cass. “With a Controlled Position, we’re
hit your first obstacle. You start with 1 die for plain old luck.” golden.”

“Probably gonna’ need it considering our rolls so far,” quips Sasha. “Great, a 6 gives you a success. Who’s leading the convoy?” asks the GM.

“Is the mission bold or especially complex? +1d for the former, and -1d for the latter,” “I’m probably out ahead in my Claymore,” says Jess.
says the GM.
“Makes sense. You come around a hill and see a checkpoint, Scarecrow,” the GM says to
“Not really? We’re just going there, and we have permission for a change!” says Ray. Jess (Scarecrow’s player). “It’s a group of four Arquebusier AWVs from the Wrights of the Ascent—
a fellow Celestial Myriad squad focused on glorifying the Church by constructing monuments. You
“Ok, no change to the dice then,” says the GM. “Does the mission exploit the target’s
watch as they point their anti-AWV machine guns at a pick-up truck, while one of their monks in
vulnerabilities, or is it ineffective against them?”
pilot’s robes speaks to the driver. They have no idea you’re there. What do you all do?”
“Well, our target, so to speak,” says Cass, “is the 3rd PCC, and we’re escorting their film
crew to something they want to get on camera. So it sounds like they’re vulnerable to it, giving
us +1d.”
Risky Result
The dice come up a 3 and a 4! “Well, that’s not so bad,” says Sasha. “We can deal with a
“Yup. Does the squad receive external support for the mission?” asks the GM. Risky Position.” The other players nod their heads.
“Hmm, I don’t think so. We’re kind of on our own for this one, so no dice there,” says Jess. “Who’s leading the convoy?” asks the GM.
“That’s fine,” says the GM. “But unfortunately for you, I know the answer to the next “That’d be me in my Claymore,” says Jess.
question. Is anyone other than the target interfering with the mission? And the answer is yes,
“Of course Scarecrow is scouting! Why’d I even ask?” jokes the GM. “The road takes you
which gives you -1d.”
around a hill. Much closer than you’d like is a group of four Arquebusier AWVs that quickly spot
“Yikes,” says Cass. “I think we’re just going to have to eat that -1d.” you. It’s unclear who they’re with, but they immediately point their anti-AWV machine guns at
“Well, maybe we can make it up in the next step,” suggests Ray. “Lastly, are there any you and start jogging towards your Claymore. What do you all do?”
other factors that affect the mission? Hmmmm…”

“We probably have legit credentials because the Wolf Pack invited us into Jovangellian
Desperate Result
territory. That should help us out some,” says Sasha. The dice come up a 3 and a 2! “Oh nooooo!” groans Ray. “A Desperate Position is going to be
“Absolutely,” agrees the GM. “So that puts you at two dice for the engagement roll. Any
other advantages to suggest? I don’t have any other secrets that will affect the engagement roll.” “As all of you come around a hill, the road ahead is totaled. Just absolutely ripped up,”
explains the GM. “The AWVs can make it through, but the APC can’t.”
The other players shake their heads.
“Hm, that’s not so bad,” says Cass.
“Ok then! Who wants to roll the engagement roll?”
“You did not just say that,” chides Jess.
Everyone mimes reluctance. But Cass says, “Somebody has to take charge, might as well
be the Officer.” Then she rolls the dice. “Indeed. I was just about to say that your sensors pick up AWVs closing in on your position
from the left,” says the GM. “You can’t see them yet, as the hills block your line of sight. What do you
all do?”

56 57
The Ambush “Sounds good. Take ‘level 1 Damage: Dented’ instead. What’s everyone else doing?”
the start

the start
“Demon said to go, so I’m going!” says Ray. “Tower yanks the wheel of the APC in the
“I’m going to move my Extractor up the hillside to look for an alternate path,” says Cass. bridge’s direction and floors it. That’s probably Maneuver right? I have 2d in it, so that’s good.”
“I suppose this is Scan, which give me 0d.”
“It’ll be a Desperate Position with Standard Effect, since the APC has those big tires,” says
“Unless you want to open up your cockpit and look out,” suggests the GM. “Then it could be the GM.
“I’d like to assist,” says Jess. “I have 2 connections with Tower, so I’m going to spend 2
“That sounds really unsafe right now, and I don’t think any of my Quirks help here. Got Stress to give them Improved Position and Effect. I’ll do so by laying down and covering fire.”
a Collateral Die for me?”
“Cool,” says the GM. “That changes it to Risky Great.”
“You end up silhouetting yourself across the hill top so you can get a better look. This will
“‘Thanks for the cover, Scarecrow!’” Ray says (as Tower), then rolls two dice. “It’s a 5, so
put the attention on you.”
I’m very glad to not be in a Desperate Position at the moment.”
“Uhh,” Cass hesitates. “Ok, let’s do this. Scan using 1d with that Collateral Die. What’s my
“Ok. You start going up the hill, but it’s slow going; the field is pretty muddy,” says the
Position and Effect?”
GM. “The consequence of your partial success is reduced Effect.”
“Your Position is Desperate from the engagement roll, with Standard Effect because you
“I’d like to resist that,” says Sasha. “We really need to get out of here, so my Kettle is
don’t have anything aiding or hindering your search.”
going to shove the APC from behind. I’m guessing that’s Expertise, which will cost me 2 Quirks.”
Cass nods, then she rolls the die. “Four. What do my mech eyes see?” The GM nods in agreement before Sasha continues. “I’ll spend Strategically Structured and
The GM smiles and says, “You spot a bridge over a set of steep ravine walls in the Disturbing Hover to rearrange the Kettle’s skeleton so it’s better at pushing. I’ll then crank up the
distance, on the side opposite from the approaching AWVs. Since you have Standard Effect, you hover system to really shove the APC through the mud.”
also get a look at them: three Arquebusiers and one Archer. All of them are from the Wrights of “Awesome!” says the GM. “Ok, the APC and Kettle make it to the bridge. I’m going to start
the Ascent, a fellow Celestial Myriad squad.” a 6-Tick Progress Clock called ‘Escape the AWVs.’ Since you got a Great success, I’ll
“What are they doing here?” asks Ray. “We’re pretty far inside Jovangellian territory for immediately fill in 3 Ticks.”
this mission.” “Let’s get across that bridge,” says Jess. “I’ve got a plan.”
“A good question,” says the GM. “But first, the consequence from Demon’s partial “I’m curious! I’m not going to have anyone roll to get across, since Tower did that earlier,”
success. Demon, you watch as the Archer aims one of its two arm-mounted railguns at you. Dire says the GM. “The Kettle pushes the APC as fast as it’ll go through the mud and over the bridge,
warning lights begin flashing in your cockpit, indicating massive damage to your Extractor’s while Demon and Scarecrow in their AWVs exchange fire with the Wrights. Everyone’s across. So,
torso. Take the ‘level 3 Damage: Holed.’” Scarecrow, what happens?”
“Nope! I’d like to resist that,” says Cass. “I spot the Archer taking aim, and throw the “I’m going to have a flashback!” Jess says. “Ahead of the squad, Scarecrow scouted the
Extractor down the hill to break line of sight.” area and placed explosives on the bridge. When they get on the bridge, I’m going to detonate it.
“Alright,” says the GM. “That sounds like an Expertise Resist because you’re avoiding It’ll blow them up, and bury them in rubble. I want to use Wreck for this, which gives me 1d. I’ll
damage to your vehicle. Your vehicle has an Expertise attribute rating of 2, so it’ll cost you two also push myself for another +1d.”
Quirks. Describe how you spend them.” “Ok, that’ll cost you 2 Stress for pushing yourself and another 2 Stress for the flashback,
“I use my Rapacious Manipulators to claw at the ground while I use the Jumpy since setting up the explosives sounds like a bit of a stretch under the circumstances,” explains
Maneuvering. I then shout into our comms, ‘There’s a bridge not too far away on the other side the GM. “This will be Risky because this fight is now on more even footing, and it’s Standard
of the road. Everyone get a move on!’” Effect. But are you sure you want to do this? Using explosives breaks your ROE: No using

58 59
explosives. This stunt will cost you Trust with the Employer.”
Fort Jovanol
the start

the start
“That’s fine. If we don’t complete the mission, trust won’t exactly matter,” says Jess and
rolls her 2d Wreck. “A 6! Eat C-4, you jerks!” “Uhh, I’d like to question them about that!” says Ray. “Tower’s going to let the film crew
drive for a bit before having a friendly conversation with the camera person. I spent some time
“That fills another 2 Ticks on the Escape Clock,” says the GM. “You hit the detonator and
with the Cirque Du Soldat, so I can probably talk shop with them. I’d like to roll my 2d Consort.”
watch as explosions rip along the length of the bridge, tumbling the AWVs into a cloud of rubble
and dust. However, one of the Arquebusiers boosts out of the dust cloud using its jump jets and “Sure thing,” says the GM. “That’ll be Controlled Standard.”
lands on your side of the ravine. It’s a little banged up, but definitely still a threat. It levels its arm- Ray rolls and gets a 5.
mounted Gatling guns at the APC. What do you all do?”
The GM explains, “Since this is Controlled, you get to decide if you take the success AND
“I reach out to them over the radio,” says Ray. “We’re both members of the Celestial the consequence, or you can deny both and nothing happens. The consequence is reduced
Myriad, so we should have the same communication codes. ‘Why are you doing this? The rest of Effect; they aren’t really up to talking.”
your squad are buried in rubble, and could use your help!’ Hopefully the pilot will listen. I want to
“Better than nothing,” says Ray. “What do I learn?”
roll my 1d Consort.”
“Their name is Frill Sobey,” the GM begins. “They’re White and a bit short, but they have
“I’m going to assist to give +1d, since I have 1 Connection with them,” adds Cass.
a strong body. Their hair is cut so close to their head that you can’t tell if it’s blonde or grey,
“Demon says, ‘My squadmate’s piloting a Kettle which is designed for rescue work.’ Just gonna’
making their age hard to determine. They don’t really open up about themself, but you do get
leave out that it’s for finding corpses. ‘If you promise to leave us alone, we can help rescue your
two other pieces of information which they inadvertently reveal. The first is their body language—
friends.’ I’m also using two abilities here: The first is Tactical Genius, so this assist doesn’t cost
how they size you up when you approach, their comfort in the APC, and the fact that their hands
any Stress. The second is Heart To Heart, so they’ll be deeply hurt if they break the agreement.”
are never far from potential weapons—shows they have a lot of combat experience, and it’s
“Nice!” says the GM. “Ok, this’ll be Risky Limited. The Arquebusier could shoot the APC, probably some black-ops type stuff. You also learn that they and the other two camera operators
and the pilot isn’t too interested in hearing you out after the bridge incident.” only joined this film crew recently—about a year or so ago. Long enough for the other half of the
“Well, Limited Effect doesn’t matter too much, since I only need 1 more Tick to fill the crew to get comfortable with them.”
Escape Clock,” says Ray as they roll two dice (1d for Consort and 1d for the assist). “I got a 5. “Well,” says Sasha. “I think it’s safe to say that the three camera people aren’t actually
Looks like we’re getting out of here.” 3rd PCC, which means they could be anyone. Though probably not Jovangellians.”
“Not so fast,” says the GM. “A 5 means there’s a consequence. Over the radio, the Everyone considers the possibilities for a few moments before the GM says, “Is there
Arquebusier’s pilot says, ‘It’s nothing personal, we’ve been tasked with taking out a DFS APC, and anything else, or shall we move on?” When no one objects, the GM continues. “You reach Fort
we didn’t know you were-” But he’s cut off as an anti-AWV rocket slams into his cockpit. The Jovanol without further incident, though you see Jovangellian AWVs tracking your movements
Arquebusier drops in the telltale manner of an AWV with a dead pilot: like a puppet with cut when you get close. Apes with their multitude of machine guns, Wolves with their arm-mounted
strings.” cannons, Lions and their missile racks. It’s a bit tense, but you transmit your permissions, and
“What the hell happened?” exclaims Ray. there’s no issue. Finally, you reach Fort Jovanol: Its massive armored walls are taller than an AWV
and are slanted to deflect projectiles, with AWV sized trenches in front of them. You are stopped
“The consequence,” says the GM. “Those of you outside the APC can see that the rocket
one last time at the gate, but your documents go through without issue. You’ve reached your
originated from it. Poking out of the top hatch is one of the camera operators holding what
destination, so what do you all do now?”
appears to be a camera with rocket exhaust wafting from it. They nod in satisfaction, get back
inside, and close the hatch with a clang. ‘Let’s move on.’” “Well I, Sasha, do not know the process,” en says. “But Dredge certainly knows what to
do with the bodies we’re delivering. So I’ll get started on that.”

“I’m going to keep an eye on Frill,” says Ray. “I don’t trust them.”

60 61
“In that case, I’ll stay in my Claymore,” says Jess. “Just in case we need the heavy guns submachine guns.”
the start

the start
for a daring escape.”
“I’d like to do a setup action,” says Cass. “I want to calm down the doc so Dredge can
“I really hope that doesn’t happen, considering where we are,” says Cass. “Demon’s examine the bodies without any distractions. I’m gonna’ Sway him by saying, ‘We just want to
going to go with Dredge in case co needs any help.” make sure everything’s okay with the bodies before we officially hand them over to you.’”

“Ok, Dredge and Demon find the fort’s hospital by its Jovangellian medical symbol: a “Ok, that’s Risky Standard because the doc is definitely on the verge of calling the
winged figure reaching down towards an injured one,” says the GM. “You meet up with the fort’s guards,” says the GM. “In fact, I’m going to start a Threat Clock called “Guards Attack!” and it
head medical officer. He’s a flabby Black man, slightly above average height, wearing grey will be 4 Ticks. If that fills, y’all are in big trouble.”
combat fatigues under his lab coat. He’s bald and has obvious smile lines around his eyes and
“In that case, I’m going to push myself by spending 2 Stress to get +1d,” says Cass, then
mouth. ‘Hi, you must be with The Cenotaph. I’m Dr. Here Homage.’ He holds out his hand to shake
rolls her three dice. “Phew, it’s a 6.”
“You’ve been open and friendly with the doc so far. He still looks unsure, but he definitely
“I shake his hand,” says Cass, “and say, ‘Demon.’”
calms down. Dredge can now examine the bodies in a Controlled Position.”
“I do the same,” says Sasha. “Then I say, ‘I’m Dredge. Where do you want the bodies?’”
“Alright, I open up the first body bag,” says Sasha. “And I’ve got an ability for this! Doctor
“He looks at you funny,” says then GM. “‘Dredge and Demon, eh? Alright, follow me.’ As lets me use Engineer to examine corpses among other things. You said I have a Controlled
he leads you away, he disdainfully mutters under his breath, ‘Bloody AWV pilots.’” Position, so I’m just going to roll my 2d.” Sasha rolls, and en gets a 2.

Everyone has a good laugh before the GM continues. “He gets into a forklift with a wooden “Well it could be worse, since you’re in a Controlled Position,” says the GM. “You unzip the
pallet on it and drives it over to the Kettle.” bag, and inside is a dead White guy. Something took a chunk out of the top of his head.
Jovangellians tattoo their military ID in several spots on their bodies: inner lip, thigh, chest, and
“I start loading the bodies onto it,” says Sasha, and Cass adds, “I’m going to help, of
so on. They aren’t as easily lost as a dog tag, and they help identify pieces. He’s got autopsy
stitches on his torso, showing one was done on him at some point. That said, everything looks
“Ok, there’s about a half dozen body bags, all told.” fine as far as you can tell.”
“What’s the film crew doing?” asks Ray. “As far as you can tell,” Jess repeats. “That’s not very reassuring.”
“The sound guy and the producer are focused on the host, Maria Houston, as she records “Of course, because you’re in a Controlled Position,” says the GM, “you can try a different
a segment for the PCC,” says the GM. “One of the other camera operators is filming shots of the action for the same task. You could try again with Engineer at a Risky Position by escalating the
base and the body exchange, likely for B-roll. Frill leans against the APC, vaping as he watches situation a little, or you could drop the subject.”
the body bags get loaded onto the pallet. Once the forklift starts driving off with the corpses, they
“I’m going to push ahead into a Risky Position,” says Sasha. “I’m declaring that I have a
call to the film crew that it’s time to get going and head into the APC.”
knife for 1 Load, which I use to open up the autopsy stitches. Hopefully my Engineer will be better
“Oh, I don’t trust that!” says Ray. “Over my voice mic I say, ‘Hey Demon, is there anything this time.” The dice come up a 5. “Well, that’s better!”
weird about those corpses? Frill was paying a lot of attention to them.’”
“There’s some kind of explosive device in the body’s chest cavity,” the GM says flatly.
“‘Uh oh, maybe there’s a bomb in them,” muses Cass. “I motion for Dredge to come with
“Bomb!” exclaims Sasha.
me, then jog up to the forklift before it gets inside. ‘Hold on a second, Dr. Homage! We need to
have a look at those bodies.’” The GM laughing says, “Do you just shout that?”

“He stops the forklift and says, ‘Excuse me?’” the GM replies. “The look on his face is a “No, no. Dredge would be calmer about this. I say over my throat mic, ‘Demon, there’s at
mixture of confusion and nervousness as he glances at some guards standing nearby with least one bomb in here. Have the doc get the fort’s bomb squad.’”

62 63
“‘Dr. Homage, I need you to listen carefully,” Cass says with calm authority. “Dredge has anywhere. In fact, the sudden stop throws everyone inside to the ground.”
the start

the start
discovered that someone put bombs in those corpses. We need you to fetch someone to handle
“I want to have a Flashback. I’d like to have grabbed a jeep with Dredge, and we’re
catching up to the APC,” says Cass. “And I’m going to open up the APC to take control of the
“Dr. Homage’s eyes go wide, but he nods very slowly, and then power walks toward some situation with a pistol in hand.”
nearby guards,” says the GM. “Tower, you hear this over the squad’s comm channel, but you also
“That’ll be 1 Stress for the Flashback, but you don’t need to make a roll,” explains the GM.
see the film crew finish packing up to go. When Frill sees the doc walk over to the guards, they
“The APC ramp opens. It’s a mess inside, everyone’s splayed out and there’s stuff everywhere.
frown and hit the button that closes the APC’s loading ramp. This is the consequence from
You see an injured Frill make a suspicious grab for their microphone.”
Dredge’s partial success.”
“Oh damn!” shouts Cass. “I kick them in the head and carefully pick up the mic. I’m rolling
“I dive inside the APC before it closes,” says Ray. “Is that an action roll or a resist roll?”
Struggle for that.”
“It’ll be an action roll because you aren’t negating the consequence,” says the GM. “I’m
“Actually, I’m going to let Scarecrow’s critical success ride in this case,” says the GM. “Frill
guessing you’re rolling Prowl for this? If that’s the case, it’ll be Risky Standard.”
isn’t really in a state to stop you, so you don’t need to roll. You knock them for a loop and grab
“Sounds good,” Ray says as they roll their 2d in Prowl. “6! I’m in!” the mic. At that point, the base’s security surround you, and you’re all taken into custody.”

“The APC starts driving away, with one camera operator behind the wheel. The camera “I’d like to call upon an ally before things go bad,” says Jess. “I want to declare Dr.
operators clearly know things are starting to pop off, but the other half of the film crew looks kind Homage as an ally, since Scarecrow hasn't interacted with him yet. The last time she saw him
of confused.” was when she was a Jovangellian military cadet years ago. She provided cover fire so that his
medics could evac wounded. I want to roll Hunt for that.” Jess rolls her 2d in Hunt and gets a 6!
“In the confusion, I pull out a pistol and pistol whip the driver in the back of the head to
knock them out. I’m guessing I’d have reduced Effect if I tried Prowl again? If so, I’m gonna’ roll “Well, then. Dr. Homage comes through for you and the squad,” says the GM. “He
Struggle for this, even though I only have 1d.” vouches for you personally and points out that the rest of The Cenotaph could have just let the
bombs go off if they knew about them. Thanks to this, you only get questioned for about 12 hours
“That’s correct. Struggle will be Risky Standard.”
by base security, no ‘enhanced interrogation’ either, and are let go. There’s no sign of anyone
Ray rolls the 1d and… “That’s a 1. Oh no.” from the film crew. Mission complete!”
“You pistol whip the driver, but Frill recovers quicker than expected,” says the GM. “They The players now go through the Mission Completed process (see page 221) to determine
grab your hand holding the gun, and rip it from your grasp. You’re now in a Desperate Position.” their reward, how Trust and Status change, and what entanglement occurs. After that, they either
“Enough of this,” says Jess. “I leap forward in the Claymore and catch the APC with its begin the downtime phase (see page 238) or go through the end of session process (see page
paws. I’m going to roll Manipulate because I don’t want to crush it.” 53).

“Ok, this will be Desperate Standard,” says the GM. “Desperate because Tower could get
shot in the chaos, and you might crush the APC. Standard because even though your Claymore
is operating on a much larger scale, it doesn’t have the manual dexterity you might want for this

“I’m going to use Travelling Companion to push myself for +1d,” says Jess. “It lets me
spend Stress to push with vehicle actions. I’m rolling 2d on this.” She rolls the dice and gets two
6s! “That’s a crit! Giving me Great Effect.”

“Awesome!” says the GM. “You catch the APC between your paws, and it isn’t going

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the pilots
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the pilots
PILOT CREATION History, Tragedy, and Opening
Beam Saber is a game about pilots and their massive war machines. While the The War affected everyone. The lucky ones only experience rationing day to day,
vehicles may get a lot of attention, they’re just dead metal without their pilot—an but many more faced some form of tragedy. The pilots are not solely tragic figures
empty husk waiting to be filled with potential. You are that potential. Pilots are people though; they had a history before The War, and they found ways to live before joining
who take a sliver of hope in a desperate situation, and use it as a wedge to victory. Be the squad.
the pilot, find the sliver.
Don’t worry about fully fleshing out your pilot’s history, tragedy, and opening at
The directions that follow are useful for creating your pilot step by step. character creation. A single detail for each is enough, as you’ll develop the character
However, you can jump to Appendix B if you want to randomly generate your pilot in through play. Discovering who they are is part of the game. It also leaves room to bring
part or in whole. the other squadmates into your backstory. If you have a lot of backstory details that
interest you, keep them—just be open to including new details as the game progresses.
1. Choose a playbook. This will guide your pilot's methods for carrying out missions.

2. Add the 3 starting action points from your chosen playbook to your character
sheet. As you add action points in the following steps, note that no pilot action
or vehicle action can exceed 2 points during character creation.

3. Who were you before The War stole from you? This is your history. Put 1 point
into a pilot or vehicle action that expresses it.
4. How have you experienced the costs of war? This is your tragedy.

5. What were you doing after your tragedy, but before you joined the squad? This is
your opening. Put 1 point into a pilot or vehicle action that expresses it.

6. What do you hope to change in the world? This is your drive.

7. Assign 3 points by dividing them among the vehicle actions.

8. Put 2 points split between any pilot and/or vehicle actions. You should now
have 10 total action points allocated.

9. Choose an ability from your playbook.

10. Write your name, pronouns, call sign, and look.

11. Write the names of your squadmates on your connection sheet, and put 1 Tick
in their Connection Clock. Create one belief that you have about each other
pilot, or choose an example belief listed in any playbook.

12. If the players’ squad hasn’t yet been created, move to squad creation (page

68 69
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the pilots
History Tragedy
A pilot’s history is who they were before their tragedy. Generally, this was a fairly A pilot’s tragedy is the event that EXAMPLE TRAGEDIES
mundane existence, where The War was not something that filled their every thought. propels them into their involvement in Hid in a mass grave.
Sure, there was rationing, the neighbor’s kid got conscripted, and your second cousin The War. It might be the loss of loved
Lone survivor of a militia.
moved back in with their parents after the space station they lived on got destroyed. ones, being the target of accusations
Friends started disappearing.
But you could go most days without thinking about things like that. Don’t worry about (regardless of the truth), or witnessing an
Family killed as collateral damage.
the tragedy looming in your future, because for now? Life is… normal. When a pilot atrocity. It might not put them
Orbital station home used as a
expresses their history during play, they get XP at the end of a session. immediately into a squad, but it does put
kinetic weapon.
them on a course where they get closer to
Unwillingly experimented on by
EXAMPLE HISTORIES the controls of a war machine day by day.
When a pilot expresses their tragedy
unethical researchers.
Exiled from homeland.
♦ Academic: A university professor or ♦ Law: A cop, a lawyer, a social during play, they get XP at the end of the
Falsely charged with a major crime.
student, a researcher, a doctor, worker, a court clerk, or some other session.
a journalist, or some other person person involved with legal Shown the lie of their own life.
who furthers knowledge. proceedings. Participated in a failed coup or
♦ Art: An architect, a sculptor, ♦ Military: A cadet, a quiet posting, mutiny.
a writer, a composer, or some other a quartermaster, a deckhand,
person creating art. a guerilla, or some other job
♦ Criminal: A burglar, a con artist, involved in The War.
a gang member, a drug pusher, or ♦ Political: A local council person,
some other person who preys on a volunteer, a propagandist, an
vulnerabilities. activist, or some other person 5”x3.5”

♦ Entertainment: An actor, a pop pushing political goals.

idol, a sex worker, an athlete, ♦ Spiritual: A choir member, a yogi,
a livestreamer, a podcaster, or some a priest, a psychologist, or some
other person who entertains. other person invested in spiritual
♦ Family: A stay-at-home parent, well-being.
a teen, a legal guardian, a PTA ♦ Trade: A stock trader, a cashier,
member, or some other person a banker, an arms dealer, or some
invested in caring for the young. other person who handles money.
♦ Labor: A farmer, a factory worker,
a transport driver, a seamster,
a miner, or some other person living
by the sweat of their brow.

70 71
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the pilots
Opening Pilot Actions and Attributes
A pilot’s opening reveals what they EXAMPLE Openings When pilots act as themselves (without their vehicle), their player selects the
did with their life before they joined the Building a custom vehicle pilot action that is most suitable to the situation. There are 12 actions broken up into
squad. It’s the time between their tragedy from spare parts. three attribute groups. An Attribute is a loose description used for determining
and the opening of the game. Some will Avoiding people with Resistance rolls (you can find Resistance Rolls on page 40). The three attributes are:
be in a deep depression, possibly at the long voyage transport jobs. ♦ Insight: Actions involving awareness and observation.
bottom of a bottle. Others will be training Studying military strategy ♦ Prowess: Actions involving physicality and strength.
hard to get their revenge. A few will in preparation for war.
♦ Resolve: Actions involving socializing and networking.
continue with their lives, pretending that Catching deserters as a bounty hunter.
their fate is not irrevocably changed and When a player creates a pilot, they can't assign more than 2 points in an action.
Stuck in prison for petty crimes.
drawn to The War. All will be forced into a Once they enter play, all pilot action ratings max out at 4 points. However, the Mastery
Driving a taxi in areas
new life at the start of the game. When a squad upgrade is required to unlock the fourth point. Pilots have access to the following
autocars can't navigate.
pilot expresses their opening during play, actions:
Tending to the needs of an admiral
they get XP at the end of the session. as their valet.
Getting by as a sex worker.
Insight Actions Prowess Actions
Shuffling papers in a cubicle farm. These actions rely upon a pilot’s These actions make use of the
Serving drinks in a run-down bar. sharp insights. pilot's physical prowess.

♦ Hunt: For tracking and long ♦ Finesse: For using manual

distance precision. dexterity.
♦ Study: For inspecting details and ♦ Prowl: For moving with grace
evidence. and power.
♦ Survey: For observing ♦ Struggle: For engaging in close
surroundings and possible quarters combat.
outcomes. ♦ Wreck: For applying brute force.
♦ Engineer: For adjusting and
creating devices and mechanisms.

Resolve Actions
These actions use a pilot's resolve when communicating is
of the utmost importance.

♦ Command: For compelling quick obedience.

♦ Consort: For socializing with others.
♦ Interface: For using complex digital equipment.
♦ Sway: For influencing through guile, charm, or debate.

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the pilots
DRIVES "make Journey City the capital of the Jovangellian Empire," that goal moves into the
realm of fictional possibility. Actions that wouldn't normally shift the narrative towards
What do you want to change in the world? Each pilot has an ambition, regardless that unlikely (or even impossible) goal have the power to make a difference. A long-
of how they ended up in The War. Maybe they want revenge on the squad that term project to become pen pals with Regent General Billimine could add 1 Tick to that
destroyed their village. Perhaps they want to climb the ladder and reach a position of Drive Clock, opening the door for the pilot to convince the Regent that they should
power in their Faction. Then there's the always relevant "live happily ever after." Write move the Jovangellian capital.
down your pilot’s drive in a brief sentence that explains what the pilot hopes to change The one thing drives can't do is end The War. There are too many pressures from
in the world. too many sources for one person or one squad to stop it. You could, however, shift the
A pilot’s drive comes with two 4-Tick Drive Clocks, which track their progress nature of The War by changing how or why it is fought.
toward that change. There are three ways a pilot can add to their Drive Clocks:

♦ Whenever a pilot completes a long-term project that furthers their drive, they
may add 1 Tick to a Drive Clock. (This Tick is in addition to the normal benefits
Here are some example drives, along with example actions that could add progress Ticks.
of completing that project.)
♦ If a pilot does something new that furthers their drive, they may add 1 Tick as a
part of the end of session reward process (page 53). DRIVE Progress
♦ Defeat your Rival
♦ Calling in favors from your patron Faction (relationship must be at least +1) or Kill the man responsible for destroying my
other squads (relationship must be +3). You may add 1 Tick at the cost of ♦ Learn his weaknesses
lowering your squad’s relationship with your patron Faction by 1, or lowering ♦ Find out where he sleeps
your squad’s status with the other squad by 3. Ask other players for their ♦ Get a record deal
permission first, as this decision affects the whole squad.
Become a famous pop idol ♦ Record an album.
Repeating an action during a mission or a long-term project during downtime ♦ Perform for a crowd
won’t give you extra Ticks to your Drive Clocks. It doesn’t matter how many times you ♦ Help a superior advance in rank
record an album, only the first one helps you become a pop idol.
Get a high ranking position in the military ♦ Weaken a peer's political position.
If you chose a drive that seems too big or amorphous to affect, it’s okay to ♦ Prove your own competence
receive Ticks for relatively small actions. For example, if your drive is “remove the ♦ Acquire land in a safe place
orbital debris cloud,” you could get a Tick for suggesting that a salvage squad could Build a horse ranch away from The War. ♦ Acquire a few quality horses
turn a profit by taking the cloud apart. Focus on moving one step at a time, and you’ll
♦ Hire some ranchers
make the journey before you know it.
♦ Develop an overlooked science into
Drives tell the GM what the player is interested in struggling towards. If a pilot’s Develop a weapon that could end The something deadly
drive is “get a high-ranking position in the military,” it suggests gaining rank is a War. ♦ Prove that it can be controlled
difficult task in this particular campaign or possibly just for that pilot. In other ♦ Weaponize it on a massive scale
campaigns, a single long-term project might be sufficient to achieve that goal. But ♦ Start a trust fund for your friends
when a player chooses a drive, the pilot’s resulting story arc is lengthened and thus Make sure that my friends will have a
♦ Help them avoid getting a Scar
harder to achieve. good life.
♦ Take the blame for a disaster
Drives also help bring nearly impossible goals much closer. If a pilot's drive is

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the pilots
Spending Drive
A player may spend one or more completed Drive Clocks at any time to change
the world. The more clocks spent at once, the bigger the change.

♦ Spend 1 Drive Clock to negate Harm or Damage of any level, change an action
roll or fortune roll result to a 6, or give another pilot all four benefits on an
♦ Spend 2 Drive Clocks to change the life circumstances of one person. This is
the only way to permanently defeat a rival. 5”x3.5”
♦ Spend 3 Drive Clocks to change the circumstances of a squad.
♦ Spend 4 Drive Clocks to change the circumstances of a Faction.
♦ Any time you spend a Drive Clock, in addition to the normal benefits, you can
choose to rewrite your drive.
Once a Drive Clock has been spent, it is emptied of all Ticks. You can
immediately start taking actions to refill it by pursuing your Drive, whether you
changed it when you spent your Clock or kept it the same.

A Pilot only has 2 Drive Clocks, so multiple pilots must spend their Drive Clocks
to change the circumstances of a squad or Faction. If two or more pilots spend their
Drive Clocks on a single change, designate one pilot as the leader. Fictionally, the
leader is the one who came up with the idea, presented the evidence, organized the but is ineffectual and becomes a footnote in history.
squad, and generally took charge to make the change happen. Every other pilot who The existence of Drive Clocks as a resource does not remove the possibility of
spent a Drive Clock adds one Tick to their Connection Clock (see page 84) with the making change without spending them—so long as that change falls outside of every
leader. The leader adds one Tick to their Connection Clock with everyone else who pilot's drive. If a pilot's drive is "Destroy the Dark Room (a Tier II squad)," they will NEED
spent a Drive Clock. to spend 3 Drive Clocks to do it. But if they have the opportunity to destroy a different
The GM and players interpret "change" and "circumstances" based on their squad (and no other pilot has that squad involved in their drive), no Drive Clocks need
campaign and their game’s tone. Always discuss people’s boundaries and the impact to be spent.
these changes may bring before bringing them to bear. In a game where the pilots are Conversely, Drive Clocks can be spent to change the circumstances of
narratively powerful, change might mean convincing the Jovangellian Empire to individuals or groups that are not related to any pilot's drive, instead of setting up
become a constitutional monarchy, giving political power to the masses. In a less heroic opportunities in the fiction to change their situation.
game, spending 4 Drive Clocks might mean that the Jovangellian child empress
reaches adulthood in good health. Lastly, check to see if spending your Drive Clocks will impact the other players.
Some pilots have rivals that have narrative importance to them, and these rivals are
Spending Drive Clocks is a matter of scale. While the example about the child usually parts of a squad or Faction. Rivalries are personal, so players cannot spend
empress reaching adulthood took 4 Drive Clocks, it could also be a 2 Drive Clock Drive Clocks to eliminate another player’s rival without their permission. However, a
change instead. The difference would be that four clocks see the empress grow up, and rivalry doesn’t prevent a player from destroying the rival’s squad—the rival will always
this changes the Jovangellian Empire. While spending two means that she grows up, survive, and cannot be taken out in such a manner.

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Dredge, Tower, and Unlucky are having a tense meeting with Teucer "Bloodless"
Hartberg (Dredge's rival from the March of Saints), Senior Kin Arrow Slide (of the Fulfilling a Drive
Wrights of the Ascent, and who is connected to Unlucky through his drive of "Learn why Sometimes spending enough Drive Clocks will create a narrative point where a
Arrow Slide stole my Proxy"), and Pars Piani (of the Dark Room, who are connected to pilot should leave the game. When 2 Drive Clocks are spent to "Build a horse ranch
Tower's drive of "Destroy the Dark Room"). In this situation, killing Hartberg requires away from The War," it would make a lot of sense for that pilot to leave the squad for
spending 2 Drive Clocks and completing her Challenge Clock because she's a rival. retirement on said ranch. There is nothing wrong with this outcome, though sometimes
Killing Piani would be as simple as getting a successful action roll or completing a clock it can take the players and GM by surprise—even the player who just filled their pilot’s
because she isn't a rival nor is she explicitly included in anyone's drive (there are other drive! If that happens, everyone should discuss what that means for the pilot, the
Dark Room members Tower can pursue for their drive). Killing Slide would NOT require squad, and the campaign. Some of this discussion will depend on the expectations
2 Drive Clocks because he isn't Unlucky's rival, but that path should absolutely be discussed in session zero (see page 289), but it will also depend on how everyone feels
discussed with Unlucky's player as it will affect his drive. Alternatively, Piani and Slide in the moment. Consider the following questions when retiring a character under these
could instantly be slain by spending 2 Drive Clocks on each of them if the players don’t circumstances:
want to go through the trouble of finishing them off normally.
♦ Is the pilot staying with the squad, becoming an NPC, or leaving the game
If the pilots want to destroy the March of Saints or Wrights of the Ascent, they entirely?
may do so under suitable narrative circumstances, such as filling a Progress Clock ♦ If the pilot stays with the squad, can they leave at any time now that they have
called "Get the Wrights excommunicated" (without spending 3 Drive Clocks). However, fulfilled their drive, or is there something keeping them around?
because the March of Saints are Tier 5 and the Wrights are Tier 1, the complexity of ♦ If the pilot leaves, will the player also leave the game, will they begin playing a
destroying each will be vastly different. The former will likely require multiple long-term familiar NPC, or will they introduce an entirely new character? (Adding new
projects and a mission, while the latter could be destroyed in one mission by getting all pilots is covered on page 96.)
the members into one room and blowing it up. ♦ Does the squad stay the same, does it gain a new patron or adopt a new squad
Alternatively, the squad could spend 3 Drive Clocks to destroy either squad. playbook, or does it disband entirely?
Doing so would negate the need for projects and missions, but Hartberg would survive ♦ Does the campaign continue, or has the fulfillment of this drive completed the
as she’s Dredge's Rival. Slide would likewise survive as he is explicitly a part of campaign's narrative? (Ending a campaign is covered on page 339.)
Unlucky's drive. However, getting rid of the Dark Room is more complicated, since the Lastly, the changes from spending drive must make sense for your story. If a
squad is directly tied to a pilot's drive. Removing the Dark Room therefore requires pilot has aggressively fought against their rival for the whole campaign, it’s a stretch
spending 3 Drive Clocks in addition to building the appropriate fictional positioning. to spend 2 Drive Clocks so the rival switches sides and aligns with the squad; they’re
The changes wrought by spending drives can build on each other. For example, most likely going to die. Likewise, spending those 2 Drive Clocks against a rival who has
if the Jovangellian Empire becomes a constitutional monarchy, a later expenditure of 4 just appeared in the mission will not immediately take them out, but it WILL seal their
Drive Clocks could put it and the Democratic Federated Systems into a true alliance fate once they are defeated.
with no betrayal foreshadowed. That said, this situation shouldn’t be too much of an issue. To gain Ticks in a
You can combine a series of Drive Clocks to affect change one step at a time. Drive Clock, a pilot must do things that further their drive, so there’s a good chance
However, you must spend your Drive Clocks according to the scale of change. If 2 Drive they have already laid the fictional groundwork. In short, when spending Drive Clocks,
Clocks are spent putting an ally in a position of Jovangellian power, the squad could also consider the pilot's past acts in relation to their goals, and how those acts shape the
spend another 4 Drive Clocks to have that ally enact the Faction’s move into a outcome.
constitutional monarchy.

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the pilots
Pilot Name, Callsign, and Pronouns Some people use binary pronouns (such as she/her or he/him), some will use non-
binary pronouns (such as they/them or co/cor), some will use a combination of multiple
Names have power. Some are given to us, and some we choose for ourselves. A sets (such as she/they or they/co). Some have no preference at all, so long as they are
pilot's name and callsign can come from any number of sources, and take on a wide said with respect (any/all). Some use different pronouns in different situations, perhaps
variety of stylings. Many will be recognizable as common names, some will read as because one set is for formal relationships and another is for informal relationships, or
nouns or verbs, and others will be completely unfamiliar, but ALL are acceptable and because their gender expression shifts across time. Some use pronouns that are
should be respected when used in good faith. What's more important is how names and extremely prevalent in the lives of English speakers who are contemporary with this
callsigns are used by the pilot they belong to, by their squadmates, and by NPCs. Some game's creation (such as she/her or he/him), and others will use pronouns from outside
characters use names for acquaintances, but will use the callsigns for their friends. of English or neopronouns (such as co/cor or ze/zir).
Some view their name negatively, and adopt their callsign in its place. The opposite of Regardless of how YOU use YOUR pronouns, respectfully use the correct
these examples can be true as well, with names taking place of pride, while their pronouns of the players and characters at the table.
callsign is an unpleasant moniker.

Harrow "Demon" Gray calls Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday by her first name because Pronoun Nominative Accusative Possessive Reflexive
He/Him He Him His Himself
he knew her when she was a child. But he refers to Blackberry "Tower" Reach, Corriander
She/Her She Her Her Herself
"Dredge" Bellevue, and Clarissa "Scarecrow" Hagden by their callsigns. This suits
They/Them They Them Their Themself
Dredge just fine, because co feels disconnected from the name Corriander and considers
Co/Cor Co Cor Cor Corself
it cor deadname, preferring that co would never have to see it again. Co IS Dredge.
Ze/Zir Ze Zir Zir Zirself
Players select their pilot’s name, which they can base on anything. Don't be Demon likes sweet and sour sauce on his chicken nuggets. Tower prefers honey
afraid to go for a strange name, like Arrow Slide or Territory Jazz. Try saying the name mustard with theirs. But Dredge wants cor nuggets without toppings.
aloud a couple times to see if you like how it sounds. Mecha media has a long history of examining what bodies, identity, gender, and
There are two main ways to pick a callsign: the player chooses it for their pilot, sexuality mean through the relationship between pilots and their giant robotic forms—
or the rest of the squad chooses it in character. The former option is much like picking Beam Saber is no different. Pilot playbooks intentionally provide vehicle options that let
a name; go for something that you like. You should also consider the callsign’s origin, players explore themes of bodies, identity, gender, and sexuality through their
and whether your pilot likes what it means. characters, so long as no Lines or Veils are broken (see Lines & Veils on page 287).

If the rest of the squad picks your callsign, it’s best if everyone at the table There's the very real possibility that a player may explore a transition narrative
agrees to also let the others choose their callsign too. If you do, make sure you with their pilot. A character might have the name Hannah and use she/her pronouns at
complete one mission and one downtime phase together before choosing callsigns for the start of the game, but they can always change. If they decide that they/them
each other. Seeing someone in action gives a better sense of each Pilot’s personality, pronouns and a different name feel right during the campaign, they can make that
style, and approach to solving problems. Discuss in character, out of character, or swap. Likewise, a character can shift from primarily using their callsign to using their
switching between the two about possible options for the pilots’ callsigns. Make sure name, or vice versa. Here are some questions to consider when making your pilot:
every player is comfortable with their callsign, because being called something you ♦ What does your character's callsign mean to them?
dislike every session will likely ruin the fun. It’s okay if the pilot dislikes their callsign, ♦ How did they get their callsign?
so long as the player likes it.
♦ How do they feel about their callsign?
Pronouns are just as important and powerful as names. These are a key part in ♦ What's your character's relationship with their pronouns?
expressing a person's identity, as they signal a pilot’s relationship to their gender.
♦ How do they feel about how they are perceived?

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the pilots
Pilot Looks Pilots, Chronic Illness, and Disability
Pilots in Beam Saber come from all walks of life. Some are grizzled veterans, Anyone can become a Pilot regardless of their age, health, or ability. They just
others are former pop idols, a few are teens trying to cope with their newfound need to end up behind the controls of a Vehicle. To that end there are two ways to
situation. Either way, players get to decide how the game world perceives their pilot; handle disability and chronic illness in Beam Saber.
there is no codified prejudice in Beam Saber. Here are some suggestions for how to
The first is that the Pilot's tools that help them deal with their disability (insulin
describe their appearance:
pump, wheelchair, prosthetic limb, etc) function exactly like any other gear. They take
♦ Face: Masked, beautiful, scarred, young, decorated, rugged, calm. up Load and the Pilot’s experiences with their disability may modify Position and/or
♦ Eyes: Artificial, cold, mocking, trusting, trustworthy, uncertain, warm. Effect. The second option is for the disability aids to be part of the Pilot's Look. The
♦ Hair: Flowing, military, punk, braided, poofy, slick. disability tools don't take up Load and don't provide mechanical benefits.

♦ Body: Big, compact, flabby, muscular, scarred, skinny, toned, voluptuous. In both cases a Pilot’s physicality NEVER gives them a penalty or is part of an
♦ Outfit: Military, ornate, formal, vintage, practical, casual, scavenged. obstacle to be overcome unless the Player controlling that Pilot wants that to happen.
If a Player doesn't find challenges related to their Pilot's body interesting, they will
never appear.

Genevieve's Pilot has Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and often
uses supplemental oxygen to help manage it. However, Genevieve isn't interested in
stories about how that might be an obstacle to overcome, so they decide that it is only
part of their Pilot's Look (an ever present oxygen mask). Thus that disability will never
impact play; the mask (or other medications their Pilot might use) will never affect
Position and Effect, never be the source of a Consequence, and never be an
impediment in the narrative.

Kelly wants to see how having difficulty walking while in The War would impact
his Pilot's story, so he decides that he has a manual wheelchair that is 0 Load when
used, and 1 Load when carried.

While in his Vehicle Kelly pursues an enemy through an abandoned town’s

streets and needs to make a Maneuver roll to keep up. The GM says that this will be
Risky Standard, but Kelly suggests that it should be Risky Great; “I’ve got a lot of
experience in my wheelchair giving me an innate sense of physics that helps me work
with and against the natural slopes of the ground. Nothing is truly flat, and I can use
that to squeeze out a bit of extra speed.” The GM agrees, so Kelly has an opportunity
to make gains that might surprise his target.

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the pilots
Connections Beliefs
The ties between pilots in a squad are as diverse as those between family. Pilots in Beam Saber are survivors, and part of their ability to survive is based on
Sometimes they are intense, heated, and asymmetrical, while other times they are correctly judging the people around them. They quickly form opinions about who they
cool, cordial, and mutual. These connections determine how stressful you find the can trust, who they should fear, and who they can use. This makes them rather
relationship, and how competent you are when you need to assist your fellows. opinionated about their fellow pilots—but these judgments aren’t always correct. These
opinions are a pilot’s beliefs.
Your pilot’s character sheet contains separate 4-Tick Connection Clocks for each
other pilot in your squad, representing your relationship with that pilot. Make a belief A belief is a brief statement about how a pilot feels about another pilot in their
about that pilot for each Tick on that clock (checking in with that player when you do). squad. Beliefs are simple, quick, and influential in the rapport between the two pilots.
When the Connection Clock fills, ask the target pilot for a truth about one of the beliefs However, the players need to remember that their beliefs are not necessarily true as
tied to them, then reset the clock to 1 Tick as you see them in a new light. When a they are based on incomplete information and gut instinct.
Connection Clock resets, erase all the previous beliefs you had about that pilot and
Pitchfork has the belief “We’ve fought side by side in the past and I can trust him
write a new one related to the truth you just learned—it’ll take time and effort to
at my back” in regards to Demon. She believes this to be true, but its validity is brought
understand them again. After they reveal a truth about themself, you both take 1 XP
into question when Demon abandons The Cenotaph by quietly slipping away during a
(you may put this XP into any XP track on the pilot playbook).
confrontation with The Breath Of Faith.
How do you add Ticks to Connection Clocks? Ticks are added each time a pilot
Each playbook has some example beliefs, but feel free to write your own. A good
Cuts Loose (see page 248) during downtime. Spending Drive Clocks on another pilot's
belief is:
plans or receiving them for your own plans also adds one Tick. Lastly, some special
abilities, such as the Empath's Carouse, add Ticks under certain circumstances. ♦ Something a pilot might say about their squadmate to a confidante.
♦ Easily summarized, so that it can be quickly remembered when relevant.
♦ Potentially true.
♦ Suitable for the game’s setting and tone.
♦ Something the player is interested in exploring.
If a pilot struggles because of the beliefs they have about their fellow pilots, they
can mark 1 XP at the end of session, or 2 XP if it came up more than once.

3 Ask a truth, then mark xp and reset to 1, writing a new belief.

84 85
the pilots

the pilots
STRESS Stressing Out
When a pilot reaches their max Stress (9 Stress in most cases), they can either
Graphic of the stress track goes here
leave the situation quietly to lick their wounds, or push on recklessly.

Through luck and force of will, these pilots overcome many obstacles that would If they remove themselves quietly, the pilot heals all Stress and chooses a Scar
cause others to fall. This ability to survive is represented with Stress. Pilots can spend suitable to the event that filled their last Stress box (see Scars below). They leave the
Stress to give themselves or their fellow pilots an edge over whatever is in their way. current situation in a terrible state, but return later at an appropriate time during the
There are five main ways that a pilot can spend their Stress: mission.

► Pushing Themself: Once per action roll or fortune roll, a pilot can spend 2 Stress If they push on recklessly, they can take a Dire Action. A Dire Action lets the
to select one of the following options: Take +1d; Take +1 level of Effect to an action; pilot ignore their existing Harm or Damage penalties. They cannot spend Stress on this
Take any action while incapacitated (primarily by level 3 Harm). Pushing yourself when action, nor can they make resistance rolls since their Stress maxed out (but Quirks can
you have 0d in an action lets you roll one die (instead of rolling 2d and taking the be exhausted as normal). If they get a 6 on their Dire Action, they can take another Dire
lowest) which gives you a 50/50 chance of success. Action when they next act—potentially allowing them to press onward for the rest of

► Flashbacks: When a pilot has prepared for a seemingly unexpected the scene. If the result is a 5 or lower (or they choose to take no further actions), that
circumstance, they can have a flashback to show why they aren’t caught off guard. The is their last action. On a result of less than 6, they suffer consequences as normal.
pilot describes what they did, and the GM will tell them if there is a need for an action After taking their last action (or at the end of the scene), they receive an
roll. If the preparation was: appropriate level 3 Harm and are removed from the scene in bad shape. With their
♦ Simple and there was ample opportunity to do so, it costs 0 Stress. Stress maxed out, several things happen when they return; their Stress heals

♦ Complicated or there was little chance to make it, it costs 1 Stress. completely, and they gain a Scar that reflects what filled their last Stress box.

♦ Convoluted, involving unlikely occurrences and openings, it costs 2 Stress. If the players roll a critical success (two 6s) on a Dire Action, they:
A flashback cannot undo something that has already happened (such as removing ♦ Heal 1 Stress instead of having improved Effect,
a character currently in the scene), but it can provide means for dealing with the ♦ Are no longer taking Dire Actions (and return to acting normally) and,
current situation. If a flashback involves a downtime activity, pay 1 Personnel or 1
♦ Avoid taking a Scar and the level 3 Harm caused by the Dire Action.
Materiel as appropriate instead of Stress.

► Assist: When a pilot aids another, they spend Stress to give their ally benefits.
Assists are explained in the Teamwork section (see page 89). Scars
► Resistance: When a pilot negates a consequence, they take Stress based on When a pilot takes a Scar, they are forever changed by The War. During every
their resistance roll. This is explained in more detail in the Resistance and Armor section downtime phase going forward, they will need to Cut Loose at least once or take one
(see page 40). Stress per Scar they have at the end of downtime. However, if a pilot gained a Scar
► Special Abilities: Some abilities let a pilot spend Stress to activate their talents, during the previous mission, they do not suffer this Stress from any of their Scars. Scar
such as the Empath’s Telepathy or the Hacker’s Tesla. When spending Stress to activate conditions are not easily removed (though they can be with a suitable series of Long
an ability, each ability must be paid for separately. Term Projects, see page 245), and they affect the pilot’s personality.

Stress can be removed between missions by spending time with your fellow If a pilot suffers the repercussions of their Scars during a session, they mark 1
pilots and taking the Cut Loose downtime activity. See page 248 for more information. XP at the end of the session (or 2 XP if they struggled multiple times). Struggling with

86 87
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the pilots
a Scar can occur through narrative play, such as
missing opportunities or needlessly creating trouble, TEAMWORK
and through consequences on action rolls. When you Possible Scars There will be times where you need a little help from your friends, and that’s
see an opportunity for your Scar to cause you trouble, when you need teamwork. There are four methods to aid your fellow pilots.
tell the GM and they'll add an appropriate
consequence to your roll (regardless of the result, if
you wish).
Assist Setup
Each pilot can sustain up to four Scars. If a pilot Describe how your pilot helps You can weaken an obstacle or
takes a fourth Scar, they can no longer effectively another with their action roll. Take Stress empower an ally to set a squadmate up for
Soft equal to the number of Ticks in your their action. A setup action functions like
contribute to The War. At this point, they must either
Vicious Connection Clock with them, then select an action roll. You describe how you want
retire to a life elsewhere, or they can be handed over
Fractious that many unique benefits from the to set up another pilot, and go through the
to a Faction that has a negative relationship with the
squad. If they retire, they settle down away from The following: action roll procedure. On a result of 4+,
War with a quality of life indicated by the changes they made through spending drive ♦ They take +1d. any squadmate that follows through on
(as described in the drives section on page 74). If the pilot is given to another Faction, your setup action can choose either
♦ They have improved Effect.
the squad’s relationship with that Faction goes up by one level. What happens to the improved Position or increased Effect on
♦ They have improved Position.
pilot after that is up to the GM, but it probably isn’t pleasant (and remember your Lines their action roll.
♦ They ignore their level 3 Harm.
& Veils).
♦ They ignore their level 3 Damage. Lead a Group Action
The stronger your connection with the You’ll sometimes want to overcome
pilot, the more Stress you take when obstacles together on a mission—such as
assisting them, and the harder you work everyone sneaking past a security
to aid them. If more than one pilot wants system, or coordinating an attack on a
to assist, you may want to perform a target. If multiple Pilots want to work
group action instead. together on one action, they designate a

Protect pilot as the group leader and choose an

Describe how you maneuver The leader describes how they lead the
yourself to take a consequence that group, and the GM sets the Position and
would otherwise affect a squadmate. You Effect. Everyone decides on their bonus
suffer that consequence in their place, die, and then rolls for the same action. If a
and you can resist it as normal. Cohort participates in the Group Action, it
adds no dice but modifies the Position and
Effect as appropriate to its scale and

88 89
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the pilots
The group uses the single best result for If a pilot didn’t roll as part of the group, they
everyone. If the action rolled is a pilot cannot use the group’s result. If the roll has a
action, the leader takes 1 Stress for each Desperate Position, the leader adds 1 XP into
participant that rolled 1-3 as their best the attribute rolled at the end of the session.
result. If the action rolled is a vehicle You cannot receive an assist on a group
action, the leader exhausts 1 Quirk (or action.
adds one tick to their Temporary Vehicle
Clock; see page 183) if they rolled a 1-3 as
their best result, and exhausts another
Quirk if at least one other participant
rolled a 1-3.

Tower, Scarecrow, Demon, and a fire team of Toughs move through an active
conflict zone in their vehicles. They need to get through quickly without catching the eye
of any combatants. They perform a group action using Maneuver to get everyone out of
the battlefield. They’re using their vehicles, so the leader will have to spend Quirks.
Tower takes the lead, since their Mantis has the most unspent Quirks. The GM sets the
Position and Effect as Controlled Standard. But the Toughs worsen the Position to Risky
Standard because their numbers draw attention.

All the pilots roll their Maneuver, but it doesn’t go well. Tower and Demon get less
than 4, while Scarecrow gets a 5. As Scarecrow’s roll was the highest, the group’s result
is a 5. The leader (Tower) and one other participant (Demon) rolled a 1-3, so Tower must
spend two Quirks. A 5 gets the group a partial success with a consequence; they reach
the office building they need to enter, but enemy infantry have occupied the building as
a consequence. The pilots will have to go in on foot to remove them.

Demon suggests that he opens fire on the infantry alongside the Toughs by rolling
Struggle. Tower wants to assist by being a distraction, and Scarecrow wants to help by
sniping enemy NCOs. Since two pilots want to assist Demon, Demon suggests leading a
Struggle group action. This time, the Toughs improve the Position and Effect to Risky
Standard as their numbers even the odds in this struggle. As this is a pilot action, any 1-
3 result will cost Stress.

Demon, Tower, and Scarecrow all roll Struggle, and things go slightly better this
time. Demon and Scarecrow both get a 3, costing Demon 2 Stress (one for each result
of 1-3). But Tower gets a 6—the group lands a success with no consequences. The enemy
infantry are routed!

90 91
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the pilots
Rivals Once the last Challenge Clock is completed the rival is defeated. Keep in mind
that defeating a rival is not the same as removing them from The War. If you want to
Pilots have very intense lives, which sometimes leads to intense encounters with completely remove them from the story, you must spend at least 2 Drive Clocks to
other people—and an antagonistic connection as a result. There’s a person out there permanently change the course of their life.
they just can’t stand, and the feeling is mutual. This is a pilot’s rival, who exists to Rivals are very dangerous both during missions and between them. Rivals can
present a challenge whenever they are on screen. inflict a number of consequences (called a Rival Move) at any time equal to the number
A pilot can acquire a rival by naming an NPC they want to clash with during the of pilots on a mission. However, if more than one pilot shares the same rival, the rival
game. The NPC can be present in the current scene, declared during pilot creation, or may inflict an extra consequence per additional rivalry with a pilot. Rivals may inflict
be named at any other time. A rival immediately gains increased narrative significance, consequences before a pilot acts, on a result of 6, after a fortune roll, literally at ANY
as well as the Rival Moves and 8-tick Challenge Clock that come with their new position. time. Players can suggest dramatic moments where a rival move may trigger, or the
rival move can simply trigger as an additional consequence for an action roll. The
Add the rival to the pilot’s connections, mark 1 Tick in their Connection Clock,
consequence’s severity is the same as the affected pilot’s current Position, and must
and write down one belief about them. A pilot can only have one rival at a time, but
be appropriate to the fiction.
more than one pilot can share the same rival.
Hannah Copeland gets four rival moves because she is Pitchfork’s rival and
The rival’s Connection Clock can increase via two ways: The rival inflicts a
there are four pilots on the mission. If Tower and Scarecrow also had her as a rival, she
consequence on the pilot, or the pilot adds 1 Tick to the rival’s Challenge Clock. Each
would get a total of six rival moves (four for the number of pilots on the mission plus 2
of these clocks can gain a Tick once per mission and downtime phase. When the
more for Tower and Scarecrow’s additional rivalries).
Connection Clock fills, the pilot takes 1 XP and asks the GM a question about a belief
they have with their rival (which the GM must answer truthfully). The player then resets If a pilot who is rivals with this person adds at least 1 Tick to the Rival’s Challenge
the Connection Clock to 1 Tick and writes a new belief about their rival. If the pilot Clock and the clock fills before the end of the mission, that pilot can mark 1 XP on their
struggles because of their belief with their rival, they can mark XP at the end of the pilot playbook. This is separate from XP gained due to struggling with a belief about a
session. rival.

However, picking fights can ruin associations. Declaring a rival lowers the When the rival's Challenge Clock is filled, the player who has that character as
squad’s status with the rival’s squad by 1. Killing a rival also lowers their squad’s status their rival (or other players with permission from them) may spend 2 Drive Clocks to
by 1, as they were an important pillar of morale. permanently remove the rival as a threat. The pilot can then mark 2 XP in addition to
the 1 XP gained from participating in completing the rival’s Challenge Clock.
When rivals appear in missions, they always cause trouble for the pilots. The GM
“Permanently removed as a threat” is broad, as they might be persuaded to leave The
creates at least one 8-Tick clock (called the Challenge Clock) to represent the
War, be put into a coma, or join the squad. If the rival is removed as a threat, pilots can
obstacle(s) this rival presents. But rivals, no matter how friendly, are never to be taken
no longer gain XP from them. If a rival's Challenge Clock is partially or completely filled,
lightly. Pilots may need to overcome several Challenge Clocks, represented by multiple
but they are not permanently removed as a threat, any Ticks on the clock are removed
obstacles, before tackling the rival directly. If several pilots share the same rival, they
as they recuperate.
must overcome an additional 4-Tick Challenge Clock for every pilot with that rivalry.
Rivals should have agency, power, and the ability to mess with the pilots’ plans.
Hannah Copeland is both Pitchfork and Tower’s Rival. When Hannah appears They should use abhorrent means to reach admirable goals, or gain admirable effects
in a mission, the players must fill her 8-Tick Challenge Clock, plus an additional 4- from horrible goals. Put them at odds with the pilots’ goals and/or ethics, and then turn
Tick Challenge Clock to defeat her (as she’s the rival of two pilots). the screws.

92 93
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the pilots

Allies Pilot Advancement Xp graphic goes here

Friends come in all different forms. There are childhood friends, current (or As pilots make their way through The War,
former) lovers, tied together by blood, and many others. However, a pilot’s ally is not they’ll build up experience (represented by XP).
defined by the nature of their connection, but by the fact that the pilot can rely on There are three types of XP: Playbook XP, attribute
them. XP, and general XP. Each type determines how it is
gained and which XP tracks it can go into. Pilots can
A pilot can have any number of allies. But it takes a lot more work to make
friends than it does to make enemies. If a pilot wants to add an established NPC as an
ally, it should fit the fiction. A brand new acquaintance won’t be an ally, but if the pilot ► Playbook XP by Training the playbook during downtime (see page 248) and
works to build a bond (possibly through a long-term project), then they will probably marking 1 XP box next to “playbook” on the character sheet. When a pilot’s
become one. playbook has 8 XP, they reset their playbook XP to 0 and take a new playbook
Once per session, a pilot can declare they “have an old friend” who can help.
This can be someone from the pilot's past, an NPC that has not yet interacted with ► Attribute XP for rolling a Desperate action (regardless of the result), or
them, or a previously declared ally. Describe the scenario of when you last saw them, when Training during downtime (see page 248). For example, a Desperate
Maneuver roll earns the Pilot 1 XP in Expertise. When an attribute gathers 6 XP,
and make an action roll appropriate for those circumstances. On a 4-6, you’re on good
reset its XP track to 0 and add an action point to one of the actions under that
terms with the ally, and they’re likely to help you. On a 1-3, they don't want to see you,
attribute. Actions have a max rating of 3, unless the squad has the Mastery squad
but could be convinced to help. Any roll less than a 6 incurs consequences as
appropriate to the Position, which could relate to your past with the ally, the ally's
current situation, or something unrelated to the ally. Add the ally to your connections ► General XP through several methods. The player chooses where they put
with a short accompanying description. their general XP, either as playbook XP or attribute XP. At the end of a session,
pilots determine if they:
Demon contacts Julia “Ripper” Faraday of The Hyenas for some help. Last time
he saw her, they were on opposite sides of the battlefield in their AWVs. He rolls a Risky ♦ Expressed their tragedy, history, or opening.
Standard Battle to see how she’s feeling about their relationship. He gets a 4, so she’s ♦ Struggled because of their beliefs, Scars, or their vehicle’s quirks.
happy to hear from him, but there will be a Risky consequence: Julia is facing ♦ Addressed challenges with methods determined by their playbook. The
disciplinary action for punching a superior officer, and Demon will need to help get her pilot takes 1 XP for each item that occurred, and an additional XP for each item
AWV out of the impound lot if she's going to use it. that occurred more than once.

If a pilot wants to accomplish something and they don’t know how, they should ♦ If a pilot contributes at least 1 Tick to their rival's challenge clock during a
session (see page 92) or fills their Connection Clock with another pilot or with
consider whether or not an ally can help them. Allies are emotionally invested in aiding
their rival, they gain 1 General XP. If they permanently remove their rival as a
the pilot, but can’t always be present or do things for them. Sometimes taking
threat, they gain 2 General XP.
advantage of what your ally provides requires an action roll or fortune roll. Allies exist
to provide an avenue for the pilots to accomplish their goals, not to do it for them.

the pilots
the pilots

Adding New Pilots Pilot VS Pilot and Player VS Player

There are five reasons for a new pilot to join the squad: There are two ways to handle conflicts between pilots. Players can play it out in

♦ A pilot takes level 4 Harm and dies, so their player creates a new character. character without rolling dice, or they can let the dice determine the outcome. If a pilot
acts against another player’s pilot, they may roll an appropriate action, and those
♦ A pilot gets 4 Scars and retires, so their player creates a new character.
involved can make resistance rolls to deal with the consequences. If you turn to the
♦ A pilot goes AWOL after overindulging, so their player creates a new character
dice, here are some suggested steps for managing the conflict fairly:
to play until the old one returns. The player may choose which pilot they send
on future missions, but cannot switch pilots mid-mission unless the pilot they
1. Examine the source of the conflict. If the conflict arises from differences
initially chose is removed from the mission (by gaining a Scar or taking level 4
between the pilots, that’s usually nothing to worry about. However, never use dice
to resolve conflicts between players. If players are at odds, everyone needs to talk
♦ A new player joins the game.
the conflict out until you reach a resolution.
♦ A pilot completes a drive that removes them from the game.
2. Take a breather. Stop everything and take stock of the situation when pilots act
against each other. Nothing moves forward until everyone agrees how to handle
Where possible, introduce the new pilot at the start of a downtime phase. This
the conflict—whether that’s with dice or talking it out in character. If you need to
gives the pilots a chance to interact with them before throwing everyone into a mission.
know who acts first, it should be clear from the fiction. If it isn’t clear, have each
Make sure every other pilot has 1 Tick in their Connection Clock with the new pilot
player make a fortune roll using the action they’re taking, and have the pilot with
when they are introduced. The new pilot participates in the downtime phase as normal.
the higher roll act first (reroll ties).

3. Accept the method for resolution. Don’t roll any dice or move the story forward
until everyone understands what’s at stake. Discuss everyone’s goals in this
moment, what they plan on doing, what they are willing to give, and how their
differences might be resolved. Everyone at the table can make suggestions and
objections when negotiating the situation. If your group can’t reach a unanimous
decision on how to resolve the situation, the conflict doesn’t come to a head. It’s
not unusual for two people to be a hair away from coming to blows, only for them
to walk away.

4. Acknowledge the outcome. If everyone agrees on the method for a resolution,

then everyone must accept the outcome. Consequences can always be resisted,
but trying to escape the conflict’s terms is acting in bad faith.

Pilot actions in depth


Pilot actions
This section contains extended descriptions and examples of each pilot action. When you Command, you force immediate GM QUESTIONS
obedience. You might lead a fire team in

actions inin depth

When your pilot attempts a challenge or does something with an element of chance, ♦ What do you want them to do?
you typically name the action they’re using to overcome what’s in front of them and combat, or brow beat a person until they
♦ Why should they listen to you?
perform an action roll (see action rolls on page 33). yield to your demands. In a flashback, you
Respect, fear, leverage, or
might have Commanded a crowd of something stranger?
witnesses to support you instead of your
Command to force immediate obedience.
Lead a fireteam in combat; strike fear in others opposition. You could try getting a superior
♦ How do you feel when telling others

to follow your will?
to do what you want (but Sway might be
Consort to mingle with allies and acquaintances.
Gain access to resources, intel, people, or places

Engineer to build or tinker with an object.

Develop a non-contagious strain of the flu; fix a broken door.
Finesse to handle an object with agility.
Secretly draw a pistol; hand off a key to a prisoner. A bartender refuses to let A bartender refuses to let You direct your fire team
you and your fire team of you into a bar's private area. of Toughs armed with anti-
Hunt to track targets and attack over great distances.
Follow a squad through a ruined city.
Toughs into the bar's
private area. You tell him
You tell him that if he doesn't
let you in now, you're going
armor sticky grenades to
take down the pair of

Interface to make electronics an extension of your body.

Hack into a technologically advanced vehicle; understand how
that if he doesn't let you in
now, your companions will
to beat him black and blue. oncoming enemy AWVs.

strange tech works. 1-3 (Desperate Position): 1-3 (Harm): Tracer

beat him black and blue.
The bar's regulars stand up, rounds fly from the AWVs'

Prowl to move with grace and precision.

Climb into a mech in the middle of battle; sneak past a
1-3 (Risky opportunity):
Just before you make the
grabbing bottles, pool cues,
and whatever else is at hand.
machine guns,
devastating the fire team.
security camera; stab an unsuspecting foe. threat, you see the "They don't take kindly to They are now Broken as a
bouncer’s shotgun under trouble in the bar, you see." few become casualties
Struggle to employ lethal or less than lethal violence.
Restrain a panicking civilian; exchange gunfire across
the bar within arm's reach.
You could try to convince
You are now in a Desperate
Position as the menacing
(see fire team Harm on
page 211). The rest take
him some other way (such crowd approaches you. cover as best they can.

Study to meticulously examine details for better understanding.

Read technical manuals to find a weak point; determine a
as being friendly), or press
on with your threats from a
4/5 (cost): "Head on back, 4/5 (reduced Effect):
but turn out your pockets. No Explosions rock one of the
statement’s truth by scrutinizing the speaker. Risky Position.
weapons allowed in there," AWVs as several of the

Survey to observe your surroundings and predict outcomes.

Spot trouble before it happens; discover an attacker’s
4/5 (complication): The says the bartender,
bartender raises his hands gesturing at the VIP area.
Toughs land their sticky
bombs. As the smoke
vulnerabilities. in surrender. But as you You can hand over your clears, we see that the
turn to enter the private weapons, or decide to avoid AWV is badly damaged,
Sway to persuade with guile, wit, & charm.
Negotiate better ceasefire terms; convince a guard that you area, your target exits, sees the private area. but still functional.
you, and flees back into the
belong in a restricted area.
maze of rooms.

98 99
Pilot actions in depth

Pilot actions in depth

Consort Engineer
When you Consort, you mingle with allies GM QUESTIONS When you Engineer, you build or tinker GM QUESTIONS
and acquaintances. You might gain access ♦ What do you hope to achieve? with an object. You might develop a non- ♦ What do you hope to achieve?
to resources, information, people, or places. contagious strain of the flu. You might fix
♦ Who do you consort with? ♦ What tools are you using? Welding
You might make a good impression, and a broken door. In a flashback, you might
♦ How do you ply your shared social torch, adaptable wrench, caustic
score a new contact with your social grace. have set up placed explosives to go off at fluid, or something stranger?
connection? Common experiences,
In a flashback, you might have partied with the right time. You could make an
kind words, small gifts, or ♦ How did you learn to alter objects
a courier so that their important delivery inventory program (but Interface might
something stranger? in this manner?
was late. You could try to persuade be better).
someone with social pressure (but Sway
might be better).

While the enemies' vehicles A


crumbling bridge

is Your rival has locked an

are parked and unguarded, between your convoy and its explosive collar around the
Your ally is reluctant to have You bet an office Your rival points a gun at
you pop the hood to destination. You have the neck of your ally. You work
their squad accompany you manager that you can you, the empty barrel
discreetly disable them. tools and experience to quickly to get the device off,
on your next mission, so you down more beer than looming large. There's no
shore it up for a crossing, so knowing it could explode at
lean on your shared history him, so he'll drink enough good reason for her to let 1-3 (Risky opportunity):
it's time to work. any time.
for an owed favor. to spill some corporate you go, so you appeal to her Before you can really get
secrets. fondness for the good times into it, you see some 1-3 (worse Position): A 1-3 (complication): You'll
1-3 (Risky opportunity):
you've shared together. soldiers heading toward the section of the bridge you never know if your rival
They tell you no, and to drop 1-3 (Harm): You reach
vehicles. You could quickly thought was solid falls out activated it or if you tripped
the subject. You could try a for the next one, but find 1-3 (complication):
and obviously smash them, from under you. You grab a trap inside. You're
different action (such as yourself on the floor. He "You're right, we should
or keep working at a Risky onto some exposed rebar, untouched (other than the
pointing out the logical grins down at you, clearly spend more time together,"
Position to subtly disable leaving you in a Desperate blood spatter), but the same
advantages with Sway), or not as drunk as you need she says and slaps
them. Position as you dangle over can't be said for your ally.
keep leaning on Consort and him to be. Take level 2 handcuffs around your
the canyon.
your relationship from a Risky Harm: Sloshed. wrists. "Let's go, loser." 4/5 (Harm): You quickly 4/5 (cost): It requires a
Position. get it done, but you cut 4/5 (reduced Effect): special solvent (spend 1
4/5 (cost): You manage 4/5 (Harm): "...You have
your hand on the engine in You’ve got the bridge Materiel) and you break
4/5 (Risky Position): They to hold your liquor better been fun to toy with," she
the rush. Take level 1 Harm: repaired enough that the some of your tools in the
agree to help, but aren't than he does, so you get says, and she then shoots
Sliced. convoy can cross, but they’ll mechanism (destroy your
happy about it. You're not sure the info you wanted. you. As she leaves, she
have to move at a snail’s tools). But you get that
where you stand with them, However, it took a LOT of says over her shoulder,
pace to make sure they don’t hellish machine off of your
so future interactions will drinks to get here, and it "See you soon." Take level 3
shake apart your repairs. ally.
have you in a Risky Position. costs you two Personnel. Harm: Gut shot.

100 101
Pilot actions in depth

Pilot actions in depth

Finesse Hunt
When you Finesse, you handle an object with GM QUESTIONS When you Hunt, you track targets and GM QUESTIONS
agility. You might secretly draw a pistol. You ♦ What do you hope to achieve? attack over great distances. You might ♦ What long range weapon are you
could grab a dead man's switch before it follow a squad through a ruined city. You using, or what discrepancies are
♦ Who will be surprised by your feat
activates. In a flashback, you might have could shoot out a fleeing car's tire. In a you looking for?
of agility?
already stolen the guard’s keys. You could flashback, you might have killed the ♦ What senses do you use to pinpoint
♦ How do you feel when you manage
hotwire a vehicle (but Engineer might be getaway driver before the other operators your target? Sight, smell, taste, or
these difficult acts? Smug, clever,
better). complete their objective. You could shoot something stranger?
exhausted, or something else?
at someone across the room (but Struggle ♦ How do you feel as you track your

EXAMPLES might be better). target's movements?


Some street urchins have You're playing cards with As you slowly reach for ID
the info you need, so you some scummy characters to show the two guards You stare at an enemy soldier After exchanging fire with Your armor stopped the first
decide to impress them in the hopes they’ll wager pointing rifles at you, you through the scope of your rifle a sniper, you search the sniper round, but you don't
with a quick round of The their AWVs. When they also reach for your optical as he stands amongst his destroyed building across know where they are. You
Knife Game at a speed you finally do, you decide to camouflage switch so you fellows. They are completely the street using your can't properly take cover. You
deem safe. stack the deck in your can disappear if things get unaware of you as you squeeze scope, looking for signs of quickly search for their nest,
favor. worse. the trigger. them. You just need to knowing that might have you in
1-3 (Risky opportunity):
sight them before they their sights already.
The kids aren't impressed 1-3 (complication): 1-3 (Harm): The guards are 1-3 (Risky opportunity): The
sight you...
with your speed. You could You're about to shuffle twitchier than expected. soldiers are more perceptive 1-3 (complication): You grab
try to get the info from when a familiar voice says, When one of them notices than you thought, as one of 1-3 (cost): They shoot whatever cover you can, but
them another way (with "Mind if I deal this hand?" you reaching for something them looks in your direction. first, and that eagerness you realize it’s pointlessness
Command, for example), or Your rival sits down, takes other than ID, he shoots You could try a different method is lucky for you. You keep as the "sniper" rises from its
go faster—entering a Risky the cards, and gives you a you. Take level 3 Harm: to take out your target (such as your brain in your skull, concealed location: an Ape
Position. knowing smirk. Bleeding out. sneaking closer for the shot), or but the round shatters AWV modified with stealth
you could take the shot anyway and destroys your sniper capabilities.
4/5 (cost): When you 4/5 (Desperate 4/5 (lost opportunity):
from a Risky Position. rifle.
finish, one of the awed kids Position): You win the You hit the optical camo, 4/5 (lost opportunity): You
wants to hold your knife to hand! But as you reach for disappearing from sight as 4/5 (Risky Position): With a 4/5 (reduced Effect): figure out where the sniper is,
see if it's actually sharp. the AWVs' keys, one of you dive for cover. The spray of blood, your target drops. You shoot first, but your but they fire off a few rounds,
Once in her hands, she them points a gun at you. guards realize what you've His friends scatter. Some take eagerness costs you. It's chasing you into a position
takes off running, and you "You may have won fair and done and flip down their heat cover and shoot in your direction, not a clean kill. They where you can't engage them
lose the knife. square, but I'm a bit of a vision goggles. You make it others move towards your steady their rifle, clearly at distance. You've lost the
sore loser." You are now in to cover, but their goggles location. You’re now in a Risky still in the fight. opportunity to Hunt them.
a Desperate Position. nullify your optical camo. Position.

102 103
Pilot actions in depth

Pilot actions in depth

Interface Prowl
When you Interface, you work closely with GM QUESTIONS When you Prowl, you move with grace and GM QUESTIONS
electronic equipment, making it an extension ♦ What do you hope to achieve? precision. You might climb an AWV in the ♦ What do you hope to achieve?
of your body. You might hack into a middle of a battle. You might sneak past a
♦ How do you connect to the ♦ What route do you take to your
technologically advanced vehicle, or security camera. You might stab an
machine? Wireless, hardline, neural objective?
understand how it works. In a flashback, you link, or something stranger? unsuspecting foe. In a flashback, you might
♦ How natural does this style of
might have tricked an enemy’s vehicle into have destroyed a building’s security cameras.
♦ What's the most dangerous thing movement feel to you?
updating its operating system. You could You could escape being buried in rubble (but
you've hacked into?
disable a vehicle’s mobility (but Battle might Wreck might be better).
be better).

You sneak over the perimeter After setting off explosive A few guards in AWVs
You're meeting with someone With your back to a metal There is a laser-targeted, fence of a mercenary facility in charges, you creep search for you throughout
shady in a public park and desk ringing with deflected long-range missile headed the middle of the night. It's through the mercenary the compound’s outer
need a deniable eye in the gunfire, you hack into the to your location. You have a dark, and the camera that facility to avoid the frantic grounds. One stands
sky. You try to control a kid's room's security systems to few frantic seconds to sweeps across the compound's guards searching for the between you and your
recreational quad-rotor close the door barricades wirelessly take control of the outskirts doesn't have night intruders who caused the escape route. This is your
camera drone to spy on your and block the incoming missile and defuse its vision. explosion. change to get onto it and
target. shots. warhead before you go up in plant some explosives
1-3 (Risky opportunity): An 1-3 (Harm): A pair of
flames. before you escape.
1-3 (Risky opportunity): 1-3 (Desperate unexpected guard patrol moves guards spot you, and
The drone has better security Position): One guard tells 1-3 (Harm): The missile past the fence a moment before they open fire. You catch 1-3 (lost opportunity):
than expected, and begins another, "Sarge says we doesn't hit you directly, but you start climbing. They haven't a bullet before you duck The AWV spots you and
flying erratically. You could can deploy grenades, go that hardly matters. Take yet seen you. You could shoot around a corner. Take calls in your location. Hiding
watch for threats yourself with grab 'em!" You move to a level 4 Harm: Obliterated. them through the fence while level 2 Harm: Shot won't be possible now,
Survey, or keep Interfacing Desperate Position as the the cameras aren't watching, or shoulder. unless you can get rid of
4/5 (reduced Effect and
and draw attention to yourself guards start pulling pins. climb over the fence anyway in this AWV.
Harm): You disable the 4/5 (cost): You escape
(putting you in a Risky a Risky Position.
4/5 (complication): missile's warhead, but its the facility, but fail to 4/5 (Harm): You realize the
Metal barricades slam shut remaining fuel still produces 4/5 (reduced Effect): The notice a camera that AWV is about to grab you as
4/5, Harm: You get control of over the door and a deadly fireball. Take level surveillance camera turns back catches your face. Your you finish planting the
the drone, but keeping an eye windows, protecting you 2 Harm: Burned. to your position faster than employer wanted you to explosives, so you hit the
on its feed and the from the guards... but also expected. You have to duck remain unseen, so the detonator. The destroyed
conversation requires more trapping you inside the behind a parked truck, unable squad loses 2 Trust with AWV falls, and you take
concentration than expected. room. to make it to the closest them. level 3 Harm: Exploded.
Take Level 1 Harm: Distracted. building.

104 105
Pilot actions in depth

Pilot actions in depth

Struggle Study
When you Struggle, you employ lethal or GM QUESTIONS When you Study, you meticulously examine GM QUESTIONS
non-lethal violence. You might restrain a ♦ What weapon are you using? details for better understanding. You might ♦ What are you trying to learn?
panicking civilian. You might exchange read technical manuals to find a weak
♦ How lethal are you trying to be? ♦ What material do you scrutinize to
gunfire across rooftops. In a flashback, you point. You might determine a statement’s
Disabling a limb, knocking them get information? Scientific reports,
might have already incapacitated the out, killing them, or something truth by scrutinizing the speaker. In a witness statements, a person's
security guards. You could identify a else? flashback, you might have scouted out a movements, or something
fighting style (but Study might be better). facility’s delivery schedule. You could try to stranger?
♦ How did you learn to commit
violence? read a charged situation (but Survey might ♦ How do you feel when you
be better). interrogate information like this?


A scientist you are trying to A biker you are trying to A soldier you are trying to In search of secret information In search of secret In search of secret
remove from his laboratory remove from a bar refuses remove from their vehicle's about your next mission, you information about your next information about your next
refuses to leave, so you grab to leave. As you move to cockpit refuses to leave. As rifle through documents laid out mission, you rifle through mission, you rifle through
him to drag him from the grab them, they put up you reach for her, she on your Direct Superior’s desk documents laid out on the documents laid out on your
premises. their fists, ready to fight. points a pistol at you. while they are away. desk of your target's rival’s desk while he's on the
mechanic while she's phone in the next room.
1-3 (Risky opportunity): 1-3 (Harm and worse 1-3 (Harm): There's a loud 1-3 (Risky opportunity): You
repairing vehicles in the
As you reach for him, he Position): The biker bang, followed by a horrid hear one of your Direct 1-3 (complication): Before
hanger nearby.
grabs a scalpel from his work socks you in the face, ringing sound and a burning Superior's aides in the next you find the information, you
bench and menaces you with stunning you (take level 1 in your chest. You can't room, but you haven't yet 1-3 (Harm): Before you accidentally trigger a trap on
it. You could try something Harm: Dazed). When you catch your breath; you take gained the intel you need. You find the info, the mechanic one of his desk drawers. A gas
else to get him to leave with regain your senses, level 3 Harm: Shot in the could try something else to learn comes up behind you. You fills the room, and you start to
you (such as pointing out they've pulled out a lung. the information you need (such don’t notice until she hits lose consciousness.
that he isn't a knife fighter), revolver. You are now in a as charming it out of the aide), or you with a wrench. Take
4/5 (complication): You 4/5 (reduced Effect): You
or grab him anyway from a Desperate Position. you could keep going through the level 2 Harm: Clobbered.
grab her outstretched arm find some of the information
Risky Position. papers in a Risky Position.
4/5 (complication): and haul back to yank her 4/5 (cost): The mechanic you were looking for, but you
4/5 (Cost): As he resists Shortly after you drag the out. Instead, you both 4/5 (worse Position): You find walks in on you looking have to drop the papers and
your efforts, two of his biker out of the bar, there's tumble out and find what you were looking for, but through the papers. She leave when you hear your
fingers break when they the bark of a siren as a yourselves hanging from your Direct Superior comes back says that for 2 Personnel, rival’s phone call conclude.
catch in a safety railing. Your military police jeep pulls up the open cockpit hatch. early to find you holding she didn't see anything.
employer wanted him to investigate what exactly confidential documents. You You pay the bribe, and she
unharmed, so you lose 2 you are doing. move to a Risky Position as they lets you find what you
Trust. loom over you. need.

106 107
Pilot actions in depth

Pilot actions in depth

Survey Sway
When you Survey, you observe your GM QUESTIONS When you Sway, you persuade with guile, GM QUESTIONS
surroundings and predict outcomes. You ♦ What are you trying to learn? wit, and charm. You might negotiate better ♦ What do you want them to do?
might spot trouble before it happens. You ceasefire terms. You might convince a
♦ What details are you looking for? ♦ How do you get them to agree with
might discover an attacker’s guard that you do, in fact, belong in the
Faint sounds, slight vibrations, a you? Mock their opinion, emphasize
vulnerabilities. In a flashback, you might glint of light, or something restricted area. In a flashback, you might the advantages of your position,
have seen the fastest route through a stranger? have bought an item before it went to confuse their understanding, or
crowded market. You could diagnose what auction. You could get a nervous militia to something stranger?
♦ How did you learn to observe the
destroyed a vehicle (but Engineer might world like this? charge the enemy (but Command might be ♦ How often do you use your skills
be better). better). against your friends?


Your rival is arguing with Your rival is fighting your Your rival mocks you from You need to talk your way You need to talk your way You need to talk your way
another squad, giving you the squad, giving you the their AWV while trying to kill past some bored guards at a past some bored guards at past some bored guards at
chance to observe their body chance to observe their you. Even though you’re on security checkpoint to get a security checkpoint to a security checkpoint to get
language for what they are body language for what foot, you take this opportunity into a vehicle hanger. get into a vehicle hanger into a vehicle hanger before
really feeling. they are really feeling. to observe their speech before the lockdown order the AWV chasing you
1-3 (Risky opportunity):
patterns for how they really reaches them. arrives.
1-3 (Risky opportunity): 1-3 (Harm): You don’t learn You realize the guards are
Before you learn anything, the anything. Worse yet, one of only feigning boredom, and 1-3 (complication): The 1-3 (complication): The
argument moves closer to your your fellow pilots takes a 1-3 (Harm): This was a bad are actually quite alert. You conversation drags on, and AWV arrives faster than
location and puts you in danger. sword to their chest while idea. Your rival steps on you. could try something else at a the lockdown order expected, and the guards
You could try something else to you’re distracted. They gain Take level 4 Harm: Squished. Controlled Position (such as reaches the guards. They realize you don't belong
learn more about them (such level 2 Harm: Sliced. sniping the guards), or you refuse to let anyone here. They draw their guns
4/5 (complication and
as looking at reports of their could try to talk your way through. and yell at you to get on the
4/5 (complication): You Harm): You learn some of
fights), or stick around to past anyway—but it’ll be ground.
gain some insight into their your rival's inner thoughts, 4/5 (reduced Effect):
continue your observation in a Risky.
beliefs, but they call for back but they knock a small The guard starts up a 4/5 (Harm): The AWV
Risky Position.
up in the meantime. The GM building onto you. You're 4/5 (cost): The guards buy conversation with you that arrives just as the guards
4/5 (reduced Effect): You starts a "Reinforcements" buried in rubble, taking level 2 your story, but they say that you can't get out of let you through, and it
discern some of your rival's true Threat Clock and adds 2 Harm: Crushed. They leave, weapons aren't allowed in inconspicuously. When you punts you into the hanger.
thoughts. However, the other Ticks to it. thinking you’re dead, so you the hanger for safety finally excuse yourself to Take level 3 Harm:
squad gives in so fast that you lose the opportunity to further regulations. Lose any head for the hanger, Smashed.
don’t learn much. observe them. weapons that you've enough time has passed to
declared. put your objective at risk.

108 109
Pilot actions in depth

Pilot actions in depth

When you Wreck, you act with brutal force. GM QUESTIONS
You might lift a car off a wounded ♦ What are you trying to break?
companion. You might smash through a
♦ How are you accomplishing your
locked door. In a flashback, you might
task? Explosive charges, sheer
have set the floor to collapse when an muscle, precise calculations, or
enemy steps onto it. You could attack with something stranger?
pure strength (but Struggle might be
♦ How do people look at you after
better). they've seen your affinity for


You’re breaking in an You’re breaking in the door You break in the door to an
apartment door to surprise a on an apartment full of apartment full of armed
group of spies that have armed spies after spies after they activate the
5”x6.5”. Doesn’t need a picture but
been surveilling your squad's negotiations with them automated machine gun
wouldn’t it be fun
FOB. through said door failed to turret in the hallway that
get their surrender. you’re presently occupying.
1-3 (Risky opportunity):
Before striking, you notice 1-3 (worse Position): 1-3 (Harm): You aren't
that the door is reinforced. You are unable to bash in able to bust open the door,
You could try something else the door. Worse, the and the turret opens fire on
at a Controlled Position (such attempt activates the you. Take the level 3 Harm:
as picking the lock), or you automated machine gun Swiss cheese.
could bash it down (at a Risky turret in the hallway; you
4/5 (cost): You bash in the
Position as the spies hear you are now in a Desperate
door and get inside safely
and grab their guns). Position.
despite the gunfire.
4/5 (complication): You 4/5 (Harm): You break the However, this was
catch the spies by surprise, door in, and the spies supposed to a discreet
but one is quick on her feet. shoot at you. You take level mission. Lose 3 Trust with
She jumps out of a window 2 Harm: Shot in the arm. your patron Faction.
and onto the fire escape. The
GM creates the "Spies
escape" clock and adds 1
Tick to it.

110 111
standard pilot gear

standard pilot gear

When declaring items that your pilot is carrying on a mission, you can select [⎔ ⎔] Demolition tools: Power tools [⎔] A blade or two: A nice, big,
from the items on your playbook and from the following: suitable for destruction or “heavy one-handed blade, or a smaller, but no
remodeling.” less deadly, pair.

GEAR OUTFITS [⎔] Flashlight, flares, or glow sticks: [⎔ ⎔] A heavy weapon: A large,
[⎔] Burglary gear: Lockpicks (both [⎔ ⎔] Armor: A tactical vest with A simple form of illumination that can be two-handed weapon, such as a sledge
mechanical and electronic), thin wire and matching gloves, boots, and pads. activated when needed. or wood axe.
hooks, a mister, and other intrusion tools. + [⎔ ⎔ ⎔] Heavy Armor: Trauma [⎔] Palm computer with useful programs: [⎔] A pistol: A semi-automatic pistol or
plates added to the vest, and a helmet A small, book-sized computer with handy revolver.
[⎔ ⎔] Climbing gear: Ascenders,
added to your head. but simple programs.
descenders, fast rope, harnesses, and [⎔ ⎔] A rifle or shotgun: A semi-
more. Everything you need to climb a wall [Ø worn, ⎔ ⎔ carried as a 2nd outfit] [⎔] Remote vehicle control: A tool that automatic rifle (useful at a distance) or
or rappel down one for a dynamic entry. Environmental suit: A bulky suit that remotely controls a specific vehicle, but pump action shotgun (useful close up).
protects the wearer from lack of it’s not as effective as being in the
[Ø] Throat mic transceiver: A device [⎔] Throwing knives: Six light blades
oxygen, vacuum, or radiation. It has cockpit.
pressed against the throat that can made for throwing (and not hand-to-
maneuvering thrusters for use in
transmit the wearer’s voice over short [Ø] Smartphone: A pocketable tool hand combat).
distances. providing many different digital functions,
[⎔ ⎔] Parachute: A large backpack [⎔]An unusual weapon: Could be a
[⎔] Long-range transmitter: A device but it relies on probably compromised
containing a parachute. It provides stun baton, nerve-whip, or something
that can send data over great distances. infrastructure for sending and receiving
some maneuverability and protection stranger.
while falling from great heights.

[⎔] Bribe: The liquid assets a pilot has on [⎔] Placed explosives: A brick of
hand. Each point of Personnel or Materiel moldable explosive putty with a timer
is 1 Load. or remote detonator. Never quiet.

[⎔] Documents: Digital and printed files [⎔] Subterfuge supplies: A set of
on diverse topics, along with the tools to actors’ props and makeup with
create or annotate files. accompanying documents for making
[Ø] Intel: Information provided to the squad
that you can access. Spend 1 Personnel
point to get +1d on a gather information
roll while on a mission.

112 113
pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
114 115
The Ace
A graceful and daring pilot.

pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
♦ Be the hotshot pilot known for being the best in Earn end of session XP when
a vehicle. you address a challenge

♦ Have an incredibly flexible vehicle with with piloting or violence.
experimental equipment.

♦ Be more reliant on your vehicle than other pilots.

+2 Maneuver,
+1 Engineer

Ace Abilities
► ADAPTABLE: You may spend your ► ADVANCED PROTOTYPE: When
Spark to uninstall up to two points of declaring vehicular gear, you can state
your vehicle’s Load, or to push yourself in that it’s experimental. That gear has its
a vehicular maneuver. Load reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
When you push your vehicle using that
gear, take increased Effect AND +1d.
Your custom vehicle can transform into a
You can only have one experimental
secondary form. Detail that second form.
item at a time.
Select 2 Load worth of vehicle gear and
3 action points that your vehicle has. It ► BLOODLUST: Gain the tragedy
lacks this gear and these action points “Seeks violence.” When you defeat a
when in its secondary form. Select 2 worthy foe (or a gang of the unworthy) in
Load worth of vehicle gear and 3 action battle, heal 2 Stress.
points that your vehicle lacks. It has this
► RED COMET: You have a
gear and these action points when in its
reputation as a pilot of great skill
secondary form.
(whether earned fairly or not). When you
► MEAT IS CHEAP, SAVE THE try to impress or dismay someone using
METAL: When the vehicle you are your reputation, take +1d. When you
piloting takes Damage, your pilot may reveal yourself with a dramatic action,
take an equal level of Harm instead. If those around you are briefly stunned.
you resist this Harm, take -1d to the
resist roll. Pilot armor cannot prevent this
can exhaust 1 Quirk or spend 2 Stress to
push yourself on vehicle actions.
► LAST STAND: When you take a
► VETERAN: Choose a special ability
Battlefields of The War stretch across cities, continents, and star systems. Such Dire Action with a vehicle, you can
from another source. Can be taken up to
distances are not easily traversed on foot, so we made incredible machines that stride, soar, continue to act on a 4-6 (instead of just
three times.
on 6s). Take a bonus die to Dire Actions
and roam. Most see a vehicle as just a tool, but for Aces they're a better half. Created with
for each point of Breakdown your vehicle
purity of purpose and a desire to be filled, the vehicles in The War are a light for people
has until you stop taking Dire Actions.
looking to join in that purity and desire.

How’d you gain your skills? What made you realize you belonged behind the wheel?

116 117
pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
Ace Specialist Pilot Gear Starting Ace Beliefs Ace Gather Information
[⎔] Grav chute: An advanced piece of [Ø worn, ⎔ ⎔ carried as a 2nd outfit] ♦ They handle their vehicle very ♦ What is their vehicle capable of?
gear that uses anti-gravity technology to Fine environmental suit: A well- poorly. ♦ When are their vehicles unattended?
safely slow the wearer’s descent. crafted suit that protects the wearer from ♦ They don't understand my value ♦ What do they intend to do?
hazards, such as lack of air, vacuum, and as a pilot.
[⎔] Fine remote vehicle control: An ♦ How can I get them to [X]?
radiation. Also has maneuvering
excellent tool that allows a pilot to ♦ They are going to get someone
thrusters for use in microgravity. ♦ What's the best way through?
remotely control a vehicle without any killed. I better keep an eye on
them. ♦ Where did [X] go?
degradation of intent. [Ø] Your custom vehicle: The vehicle
assigned to you suitable to your needs. ♦ They desire glory as much as I do! ♦ What’s really going on here?
[Ø] Self-destruct remote: A palm-sized
It’s represented by the Vehicle entry on We’ll make history!
device that destroys the pilot’s vehicle
your Pilot sheet.
when activated.

Ace Allies and Rivals Ace Starting Builds

♦ Denari, a gruff mechanic ♦ Legend: RED COMET,
♦ Sycamore, a cautious journalist Command +2, Consort +2

Ace Specialist Vehicle Gear ♦ Cage, a sly smuggler

♦ Ripper, a reckless pilot
♦ Berserker: BLOODLUST,
Battle +2, Struggle +2
[⎔ ⎔] Fine mobility suite: An excellent [Ø] Reflex Adjustment and Guidance ♦ Tester: ADVANCED
grapple system, jump jets, foot wheels, Engine (R.A.G.E): An interface system PROTOTYPE,
or other mobility system. that, when activated, greatly enhances Manipulate +1,
the pilot’s abilities at the cost of their Engineer +1, Study +2
[⎔] Boosted reactor (1 use): Spend
survival instincts for several minutes.
for improved Effect when speed or agility ♦ Tanker: MEAT IS CHEAP,
This may improve your Position and
is required. This refills at the start of each SAVE THE METAL,
Effect in maneuvering. You also suffer
mission. Battle +1, Survey +1,
the consequences “Death Wish” and
Study +1, Struggle +1
[⎔] Fine machine gun: A well-made, “Possibility Hallucinations,” which can be
fully automatic, anti-vehicle cannon. resisted as normal. The modified
Position, Effect, and any consequences
[⎔] Fine shield or forcefield: An that come to pass last until the end of the I trust Bert with my life, but he’s nothing special. I’m a little jealous of pilots with fancier AWVs,
extremely sturdy shield made of next scene. but at the end of the day, Bert does fine against them. Most of the time. I’ve seen some pilots
advanced materials or electromagnetic
pull off stuff I didn’t think was possible. It’s hard to describe the way they fight that’s different.
Like, you know the way really expensive clothes just fit right on people? Not like the hand-me-
downs I’ve got, clothes or AWV. Pilot and AWV moving together like one, like they were made
for each other.
Note to self: See one of these, run the other way.
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

118 119
The Bureaucrat
An overworked and undervalued clerk.

pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
♦ Be the master of managing resources and the Earn end of session XP when
downtime phase. you address a challenge with

♦ Have access to mundanely weird gear and procedure or management.

♦ Be a banal cog in the machinery of The War.

+2 Consort,
+1 Study

Bureaucrat Abilities
► STAY LATE: Take “level 1 Harm: ► CONNECTED: During downtime,
Tired” to give another pilot an additional you get +1 result level when you acquire
downtime activity. This Harm can be an asset or schmooze. Take +1d when
resisted as normal. declaring an ally during a mission.


Stress and a downtime activity to gain an When you Cut Loose with another Pilot,
additional supply roll. If you are part of an they may roll to heal Stress as well using
Independent squad, your supply roll is 0d their connections to you. If either of you
(unless something increases it). You may overindulge, you both suffer the effects.
use this ability once per downtime
► RAINY DAY: You may spend your
Spark to gain a Supply Point to be used
► RED TAPE: When you quote a immediately, or to push yourself when
regulation that would prevent a trying to bypass or enforce protocol.
consequence, you may roll Resolve to
resist instead of any other attribute or
successfully Sway someone, you may
spending Quirks.
cause them to forget that it's happened
► BENEATH NOTICE: When you use until they next interact with you.
a disguise or other form of covert
► VETERAN: Choose a special ability
misdirection, add +1d to your action rolls
from another source. Can be taken up to
and resistance rolls (or exhaust 1 fewer
three times.
Quirk, minimum 1, with vehicle
Resource management is something few people understand. The War might seem like resistance) to confuse or deflect
constant bombs and blood, but that hides its true face. Paperwork and red tape. It's a relay suspicion. When you throw off your
race no one watches—requests, orders, and communiques changing hands from nobody to disguise, the resulting surprise gives you
nobody. When those documents arrive, and whether they're unchanged, is left up to the the initiative in the situation.

How often do you abuse your position? What are your responsibilities? Are you
satisfied with your power?

120 121
pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
Bureaucrat Specialist Pilot Gear Starting Gather Information
[⎔] Fine official documents: Cargo
manifests, itineraries, work forms, and
[⎔] Blueprints for a facility or vehicle:
A print out or digital file containing
Bureaucrat Beliefs ♦ What loophole can I abuse?
♦ What protocol can I enforce?
♦ Their disdain for protocol will
other paperwork from official sources designer notes and builder plans.
endanger the squad. ♦ What do they intend to do?
that are legitimate.
[⎔] Barricade tape projector: A device ♦ They are too invested in rules. ♦ How can I get them to [X]?
[⎔] Body scanner wand: A handheld that projects a holographic perimeter.
♦ They are lazy. ♦ Are they telling the truth?
device that detects metallic and Can trigger an alarm or digital notification
♦ They are responsible, so I’m ♦ How can I find [X]?
electronic objects. when the barricade is crossed.
teaching them useful loopholes. ♦ What's really going on here?
[Ø] Travel reports: Weather and traffic [Ø] Your custom vehicle: The vehicle
reports, pedestrian movements, and up- assigned to you, suitable to your needs.
to-date cartography. It’s represented by the vehicle entry on
your pilot sheet. Allies and Rivals Bureaucrat
♦ Vex, a quick server Starting Builds
♦ Tri, an ambitious criminal
♦ Accountant: COOK THE BOOKS,
♦ Beagle, an offensive guard Interface +2,
♦ Jupiter, an absurd claimant Engineer +1, Study +1

Bureaucrat Specialist Vehicle Gear Prowl +2,

Sway +1, Manipulate +1
[Ø] Inconspicuous style: A plain paint [⎔] Fine cargo container: A well-made ♦ Clerk: FORGETTABLE,
job, a common frame, and panels that container for safely storing and moving a Sway +2,
create a bland silhouette. This vehicle is few large items or many small ones. Finesse +1, Prowl +1
less noticeable than its Load indicates. ♦ Manager: WORK HARD,
[⎔] Inhibitor Clamp: A device that locks
[⎔] Several hand tool sets: A variety out the startup sequence of a vehicle,
Command +2,
of human-scale tool sets that a pilot can preventing its use. Typically cannot be
Survey +1, Struggle +1
swap their Load for if needed. installed when the vehicle is piloted.

The Cenotaph isn’t exactly in the Myriad’s good books. Honestly, I’m pretty sure the higher ups
hate us. If Bishop Finmal wasn’t looking out for us I’m pretty sure we’d all be out of a job. I feel
kinda bad for that. Every time I see him those stacks of paperwork look taller, and I wouldn’t be
surprised if a lot of that had to do with us. He’s a good guy. I bet he does more good sitting at
that desk alone than the whole Cenotaph. After all, if someone from another faction sends you
a letter you’re gonna react differently than someone from another faction showing up inside an
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

122 123
The Empath
An empathetic and compassionate psychic.

pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
♦ Play a character who is deeply connected to Earn end of session XP when
emotions—whether it's their own or the you address a challenge with

emotions of their squadmates and foes. understanding or poise.
♦ Have psychic powers that give you a unique

edge in conflicts.
♦ Understand others, regardless of the danger +2 Study,
that poses. +1 Survey

Empath Abilities
► TELEPATHY: You can communicate ► EMOJI: You know the secret
directly to a person’s mind as though method for interacting with apps or AIs as
speaking, provided you previously had a if they were normal humans, regardless
revealing interaction with them. When of how corrupted or rampant it appears.
taking part in a group action, you can You have increased Effect when
spend 1 Stress per participant to let communicating with digital entities.
others involved use the leader’s action
► CAROUSE: When you participate
rating instead of their own.
in a Cut Loose downtime activity, choose
► BROADCAST: When you push one of the following: The pilot cutting
yourself, you can do one of the following in loose cannot overindulge, but only heals
addition to the normal benefits: Use your half the Stress rolled (rounded up); your
mind to instill a powerful, undirected relationship with them improves by +1;
emotion in others -- paralyze a person with their relationship with you improves by
your mind or voice. an additional +1.

► FAR SIGHT: When you gather ► CARRY THAT WEIGHT: After you
information with Survey, take +1d. The see the results of an Action roll, you can
information gained can be from a place push yourself or assist (if no one else
and time where you were not present. assisted on the roll). If 0d were rolled, roll
again with 1d. When you have a personal
► GOOD HEARTED: When you act
moment with someone, you can take any
compassionately (with more than just
amount of Stress (up to your max Stress)
words) towards a foe, you keep a
to heal that person the same amount of
Controlled Position until you act against
their interests.
When someone looks at you they aren’t seeing you. When they hear you, they don’t
► VETERAN: Choose a special ability
listen. They touch but don’t feel. The pressures of population density and society play a joke ► EVERYBODY HURTS: You may
from another source. Can be taken up to
on the heart. But people are changing. Not the person you look at, hear, and touch, someone spend your Spark to resist a consequence
three times.
else. Something else. Evolution is is making something to help bring people closer together from ambushes (physical or not), or to
beyond just population density, and these new types of people are Empaths. push yourself to understand others.

What emotions do you refuse to toy with? How did you discover your abilities?

124 125
pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
Empath Specialist Pilot Gear Starting Empath Beliefs Gather Information
[⎔] Prognostication tools: A set of [⎔] Personal emblem: So long as ♦ I can fix the reason they hurt. ♦ How is this person hurt?
tools, such as tarot cards, tea leaves, or someone is thinking about this item, you ♦ I can take advantage of their pain. ♦ How is this person vulnerable?
crystals, that you can use to predict the know where the item is and can project
♦ Their vehicle has strong emotions ♦ Are they telling the truth?
future. your powers as if you were present.
tied to it. ♦ What drives them to do this?
[⎔] Fine artistic tools: Excellent tools [⎔] A symbol of hope: An object that ♦ I can feel they are a good person, ♦ What are they feeling?
used in painting, performing music, inspires those who see it. and I implicitly trust them.
♦ Who’s most afraid of me?
cooking, or some other art form.
[Ø] Your custom vehicle: The vehicle ♦ What’s really going on here?
[⎔] Fine stun gun: A well-made weapon assigned to you, suitable to your needs.
meant to incapacitate (but not kill) a It’s represented by the vehicle entry on
target using electricity. your pilot sheet.
Empath Allies and Rivals Empath Starting Builds
Empath Specialist Vehicle Gear ♦ Zia, a fair painter
♦ Hatsu, a brash musician
♦ Demagogue: BROADCAST,
Command +2,
[⎔] Inspiring appearance: An item or [⎔] Fine social data retrieval program: Struggle +1, Battle +1
♦ Kausar, a kind murderer
various details that make your vehicle a A finely coded program that can expertly ♦ Pacifist: GOOD HEARTED,
symbol to those who see it. gather details about a target’s personal ♦ Navneet, a tired athlete
Consort +2,
life. Prowl +1, Finesse +1
[⎔] Fine broadcast system: Excellent
speakers and transmission unit that [⎔] Psionic amplifier: A device that ♦ Esper: FAR SIGHT,
allow the user to broadcast audio and increases the range or power of the Survey +1, Scan +1,
video. user’s psychic abilities. Hunt +1, Sway +1
♦ Medium: EMOJI,
Interface +2,
A Note on the Empath and Consent Sway +1, Consort +1

The Empath has the ability Broadcast, which allows the character (and by
extension the player) to force emotions on other characters. Use this ability with respect
for other players and the GM. It's a form of mind control, and therefore has serious
implications regarding consent. Broadcast violates self and agency, no matter what I think I trust people less now, since I started being a pilot. I feel like before I usually thought
emotion is induced. the people around me had good intentions. Ever since I started this job I’ve been backstabbed
Ask if everyone at the table is comfortable with seeing this ability in action before by someone I saw as a father, front? stabbed? by one of my closest childhood friends. I’m so
tired of being betrayed. But for some reason I keep trying. Once in a while, I can still get through
taking it. The players are more important than fictional characters, and if that means skipping
to the other side. I save both of us from a fight we don’t want to have. Just when I think I’m
the Broadcast ability or the Empath entirely, so be it. If Broadcast is in play, remember that
going to give up on reaching out, someone shows me I shouldn’t.
it’s a dark ability. Even when used for good ends, the means are rather abhorrent. If you take
Broadcast, understand that you are choosing to play a character who will likely do a Bad
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday
Thing with it—and that’s okay, so long as you are aware of it and acknowledge it.

126 127
The Envoy
A stylish and persuasive socialite.

pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
♦ Play a flashy character who talks their way into Earns end of session XP when
and out of trouble. you address a challenge with

♦ Manipulate people and organizations like deception or influence.

♦ Explore what happens when you are all flash

and no substance in life threatening situations. +2 Sway,
+1 Consort

Envoy Abilities
► ROOK'S GAMBIT: Take 2 Stress to ► READ ‘EM AND WEEP: Spend 2
roll your best action rating while Stress to ask one of the following
performing a different action, so long as questions about someone you have
you can justify adapting your skill to this observed either in secret or openly. You
use. You can use pilot actions in place of may ask additional questions by
vehicle actions (and vice versa) with this spending 1 Stress per question. What
ability. was their lowest moment? -- What do
they crave forgiveness for and from
whom? -- What are their secret pains? --
you take Harm, heal Stress equal to the
In what ways are their mind and soul
level of that Harm.
► SUBTERFUGE: You may spend
your entourage have increased Effect
your Spark to resist a consequence from
when Consorting and Swaying, so long as
suspicion or persuasion, or to push
you take advantage of how truly
yourself for subterfuge.
impressive you are.
► TRUST IN ME: You get +1d vs. a
target with whom you have a strong
You can always tell when someone is
relationship. For another player’s pilot,
lying to you.
this is a +2 or higher connection value.
► VETERAN: Choose a special ability
SIDE: At the end of each downtime
The difference between a diplomat and a spy is the quality of the intelligence they from another source. Can be taken up to
phase, make a fortune roll using the
bring to their superiors. Ceasefires, alliances, and treaties don’t last long in The War, and the three times.
squad's Tier. Add 1 Tick to a Drive Clock
clever ones will make the most of that reprieve by preparing for when it fails. The best use on a result of 4+.
of that time is to employ an Envoy. Skillfully negotiating the celebrations, deals, and
deceptions of politics to pull the most out of such opportunities, they bring intel home with
a smile and handshake.

When are you truthful in a meaningful way? What relationships do you have that
aren’t a means to an end?

128 129
pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
Envoy specialist Pilot Gear Starting Envoy Beliefs Gather Information
[Ø worn, ⎔ ⎔ carried as a 2nd outfit] [Ø] Fine trick gambling kit: Different ♦ They're a sucker who will get me ♦ What do they intend to do?
Fine clothes and jewelry: A set of cultures have different gambling into trouble if I don't fix them. ♦ How can I get them to [X]?
clothes suitable for making you look like practices, but you’ve got the tools to give ♦ They’re in need of a makeover, ♦ Are they telling the truth?
a wealthy elite. you a leg up. and I have the style.
♦ What are they really feeling?
[⎔] Fine subterfuge supplies: ReFace [Ø] Trance powder: A single dose of a ♦ They don't fit the objective of this
♦ What do they really care about?
Paste is putty synced to a program that powder that puts the target into a calm squad, so I will find out why they
are here. ♦ How can I blend in here?
allows the user to greatly change their and suggestible mental state.
appearance. ♦ They will make a good social prop. ♦ What's really going on here?
[⎔] Cane sword: A narrow blade
[⎔] Fine espionage gear: Well-made concealed inside a walking stick that will
listening devices, micro cameras, key fool a casual inspection.
readers, and other devices used to
secretly observe the actions of others.
[Ø] Your custom vehicle: The vehicle
assigned to you, suitable to your needs.
Envoy Allies and Rivals Envoy Starting Builds
It’s represented by the vehicle entry on ♦ Tasneem, a sly courtesan ♦ Psychologist: READ ‘EM AND
your pilot sheet. ♦ Candan, a naive diplomat WEEP,
Study +2,
♦ Ismat, a defensive lawyer
Scan +1, Survey +1
♦ Duri, an idealistic servant
Envoy specialist Vehicle Gear Maneuver +2,
Consort +1, Command +1
[⎔] Fine holo-projector: A well-made [Ø] Stylish appearance: Decals,
device used to visualize AR or specific spoilers, custom paint jobs, and other ♦ Spy: SUBTERFUGE,
images. details that make your vehicle stand Prowl +2,
out. Interface +1, Finesse +1
[⎔] Chaff countermeasure: A cloud of ♦ Diplomat: LIKE LOOKING INTO A
metallic strips that can baffle sensors. [⎔] Luxurious Passenger Space : The MIRROR,
vehicle has a well-appointed interior that Finesse +2,
[⎔] Concealed melee weapon: A melee
has room for a few people. Command +1, Prowl +1
weapon hidden in the vehicle’s frame.
Examples are ram bars, tire spikes, spring-
loaded blades.
The worst kinds of missions, the absolute worst, are the ones where we have to dress up and
go talk to people. You know what happens on those missions? I get stabbed. I get stabbed by
someone with greasy hair and really white teeth. One minute they’re talking to a crowd of
people and smiling way too big and then suddenly I’ve got a sword cane in my side because I
had to jump in front of a VIP. The thing about these people is they’re usually not all that strong
and also not great with swords? Still fucking sucks to have a sword stuck inside you!
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

130 131
The Hacker
A cunning and willful programmer.

pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
♦ Bend machines and vehicles to your will. Earn end of session XP when
♦ Control the perception of others by manipulating you address a challenge with

the augmented reality around them. knowledge or digital power.

♦ Be vulnerable in direct conflicts.


+2 Interface,
+1 Study

Hacker Abilities
► COMPEL: You can Interface with ► DATA PACK: You can Study an app
augmented reality to force a nearby app (or create a new one) to develop it into a
or proxy to obey a command you give it. reusable form. You know the complex
You can always distinguish between methods to create apps. You begin with
reality and the AR created by a program one app already learned. (See page 325
you summon or compel (though your for more on app development.)
allies may become lost).
► TESLA: When you push yourself,
► MATRIX MIND: You’re always you can do one of the following in
aware of apps and proxies in your addition to the normal benefits: Unleash
presence. Take +1d when you gather info a stroke of lightning as a weapon from
about AR and apps. the power grid -- summon an AR storm in
your immediate vicinity (swirling ads,
► IRON WILL: You're immune to the
flashing neon, heavy smog, shouting
AR confusion that some apps and proxies
crowds, etc.) that will cause AR
inflict on sight. Take +1d to resistance
rolls with Resolve.
► WARDED: You may spend your
► TURING TEST: You can always tell
Spark to resist an AR consequence, or to
if you’re interacting with a human.
push yourself when you deal with AR
► CROWDSOURCE: Spend 2 Stress forces.
to use a squadmate’s action rating
► VETERAN: Choose a special ability
instead of your own by describing how
from another source. Can be taken up to
you make use of their knowledge.
three times.

Technology fills the lives of the masses and programming computers has become as
important as literacy. However there are those who make that skill into an art, a direct
expression of their will. These people are hackers and they bend augmented reality to suit
their desires. Apps and proxies pose little obstacle to them, with the most skilled being able
to challenge AIs. Bring a Hacker with you if you plan to confront the digital realm and live.

Why did you delve into the guts of the AR? Do you consider yourself a whitehat?

132 133
pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
Hacker specialist Pilot Gear Starting Hacker Beliefs Gather Information
[⎔] Portable exclusion zone: Creates [⎔] Hackrig: A portable computer with ♦ The AR echoes tell me they're ♦ What is holographic or inorganic
an area isolated from AR and wireless high-end intrusion software. Detail if the being followed. here?
data transfer (including radio). hackrig is a tablet (has Load 3), a laptop ♦ I've found their digital secrets. ♦ What lingers in the augmented
(has Load 5), or a tower (has Load 6). It reality?
[⎔] Fine augmented reality tool: ♦ They're computer illiterate, and
can be filled with Hacker Specialist
Might be contacts, a visor, or glasses— I'm going to fix that. ♦ What is hidden or lost here?
Vehicle Gear or valuable data (Load 1 or
detail its appearance. Allows you to see ♦ They don’t trust me, and that’s ♦ What do they intend to do?
more for the valuable data). Changing its
AR even when it hasn’t visually insulting.
Load requires spending Materiel (like ♦ What drives them to do this?
manifested. Provides some protection
when you uninstall vehicle gear, see ♦ How can I reveal [X]?
from AR confusion (see page TKTK).
page 174).
♦ What's really going on here?
[⎔] Quantum Drive: A portable QD,
[Ø] Your custom vehicle: The vehicle
about the size of a brick, that can store
assigned to you, suitable to your needs.
an astounding amount of data. Each
increases the hackrig’s Load by +1.
It’s represented by the vehicle entry on
your pilot sheet.
Hacker Allies and Rivals Hacker Starting Builds
♦ Gather, a curious proxy ♦ Decker: TURING TEST,
[⎔] Recursive data projector:
♦ Thusitha, a focused pirate Survey +2,
Broadcasts overwhelming amounts of
Consort +1, Command +1
data that apps and AIs avoid. ♦ Zine, a secretive AI
♦ Wiz Kid: TESLA,
♦ Tae-hee, a vile page
Struggle +1, Battle +1,
Wreck +1, Destroy +1

Hacker specialist Vehicle Gear ♦ Spider: WARDED,

Prowl +2,
[⎔] Fine retrieval program: Used to [⎔] Data bomb program: Used to shut Finesse +1, Survey +1
find and acquire data. down systems by overloading them with ♦ Coder: COMPEL,
data. Engineer +2,
[⎔] Fine coding program: Used to edit
Finesse +1, Study +1
programs on the fly. [⎔] Fine Intrusion Countermeasures
Program (ICP): Used to defend against
[⎔] Electronic Filter: Used to bypass
hacking attempts.
signal blocking devices and techniques.
Compared to the other Cenotaph AWVs, Bert is a little plain. And kind of old-fashioned. I mean,
[⎔] Stealth program: Used to hide everyone else has all these digital interfaces and whatever. I’m over here yanking levers and
hacking attempts. turning dials, and the hatch still has a porthole. There’s been a couple times when I’ve been
really glad for that though. See, we don’t have an AR or tech specialist. When the others got hit
with an AR storm and couldn’t use their displays I was fine. I think there was even a time when
Tower’s AWV got disabled remotely somehow? That’s what you get for being too fancy.
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

134 135
The InfIltrator
An agile and deadly burglar.

pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
♦ Remain unseen until you choose to strike, Earn end of session XP when
whether on foot or in your vehicle. you address a challenge with

♦ Bite off more than you can chew, and get out stealth or evasion.

♦ Play a character who is seen as unreliable

because they are never around. +2 Prowl,
+1 Finesse

Infiltrator Abilities
► GHOST: You are not negatively ► EXPERTISE: Choose one of your
affected by Quality or Tier when you action ratings. When you lead a group
attempt to bypass security measures. action using that action, you suffer only
1 Stress or exhaust 1 Quirk at most,
► AMBUSH: When you attack from
regardless of the number of failed rolls.
hiding or spring a trap, you get +1d.
► DAREDEVIL: When you roll a
Take +1d to resistance rolls or exhaust 1
desperate action, you get +1d to your
fewer Quirk (minimum 1) for vehicle
roll if you also take -1d to any resistance
resistance when you are outnumbered or
rolls (or exhaust an additional Quirk for
drastically outmatched by a foe.
vehicle resistance) against any
consequences from your action. ► REFLEXES: When there's a
question about who acts first, the answer
is you (two pilots with Reflexes act
you push yourself, choose one of the
following in addition to the normal
benefits: Perform a feat of athletics that ► SHADOW: You may spend your
verges on the superhuman -- maneuver Spark to resist a consequence from
to confuse your enemies so they detection or security measures, or to
mistakenly attack each other. push yourself for a feat of athletics or

► VETERAN: Choose a special ability

from another source. Can be taken up to
Privacy is a rare commodity in the technologically advanced lives of those touched by three times.
the War. Many keep their secrets locked in physical spaces far from prying eyes. This is when
you need an Infiltrator. Able to get past the security measures of the most paranoid and then
fight their way out if necessary, they'll get you what you want. Make sure you treat them
right because they can get into your home too.

Why are you drawn to the skills of the Infiltrator? When have you regretted moving

136 137
pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
Infiltrator Specialist Pilot Gear Starting Gather Information
[Ø] Fine security cracker: A well-made
toolkit used for disabling mechanical and
[Ø] Firearm silencer: An item that
attaches to or replaces a gun’s barrel so
Infiltrator Beliefs ♦ What do they intend to do?
♦ How can I get them to [X]?
♦ They make way too much noise.
electronic locks. that it makes very little sound when
♦ What should I look out for?
fired. ♦ Got themselves caught so that I
[⎔] Fine optical camo: A piece of could finish the mission. I owe them. ♦ What's the best way in?
clothing capable of covering the entire [⎔] Night-vision goggles: Advanced
♦ They aren't going to make it out ♦ Where can I hide here?
body that blends the wearer into their goggles amplifying ambient light,
of The War because they're too ♦ How can I find [X]?
surroundings. allowing the user to see in total
reckless. ♦ What's really going on here?
[⎔] Light climbing gear: Climbing gear ♦ I have to keep an eye on them, I
made from uncommon lightweight [Ø] Your custom vehicle: The vehicle know their secret.
materials. assigned to you suitable to your needs.
It’s represented by the vehicle entry on
your pilot sheet. Allies and Rivals Infiltrator
♦ Decine, an Offworlder clerk
♦ Astrell, a local programmer
Starting Builds
♦ Assassin: AMBUSH,
♦ Gorbad, a dedicated noble Struggle +2,
♦ Asa, a hopeful refugee Consort +1, Sway +1
♦ Operative: SHADOW,

Infiltrator Specialist Vehicle Gear Interface +2,

Study +1, Survey +1
[⎔] Fine optical camo: A coating or [⎔] Electronic countermeasures: ♦ Thief: GHOST,
cloak that covers the vehicle, allowing it Creates static that prevents any wireless Scan +2,
to almost seamlessly blend into its transfer of information. Finesse +1, Survey +1
[⎔] NV/IR sensors: Scanners that allow ♦ Demon: REFLEXES,
[⎔] Light mobility suite: A grapple the vehicle to see in darkness or to spot Maneuver +2,
system, jump jets, foot wheels, or other heat sources. Battle +1, Struggle +1
mobility system modified to be less
cumbersome. Tower and I are kind of in the same boat. I mean being a circus acrobat is a lot more exciting
than being a farmer, but neither of us should really be here. There is a pretty big difference
between us though. I think Tower is even less suited for this than I am. Sure, they’re great at
sneaking past other squads. But when it comes to a fight they’re next to useless. It’s not like I
have to worry about protecting them. I’ve seen them dodge through AWV gunfire on foot, and
they’ve pulled off even more ridiculous stunts in the Mantis. But when there’s nowhere to run,
I can’t count on them to have my back.
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

138 139
The OffIcer
A tactical and personable trooper.

pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
♦ Have a measure of inherent authority. Earn end of session XP when
♦ Have other pilots look to you for a plan or you address a challenge with

decision. coordination or a ruse.

♦ Play a character that has reached their position


by choosing (on some level) to be complicit

with their superiors. +2 Command,
+1 Survey

Officer Abilities
► TACTICAL GENIUS: Two times per ► HEART TO HEART: When you
mission, you can assist a squadmate make the weight of an arrangement clear
without paying Stress. Tell us how you to your opposite and both agree to
prepared for this. terms—surrender, cease fire, prisoner
exchange, and so on—you are all
► LEADER: When you Command a
emotionally invested in the deal. If either
Cohort in combat, they continue to fight
party or their squad breaks the
when they would otherwise break
agreement, the negotiator takes level 3
(they're not taken out when they suffer
Harm: Despondent.
level 3 Harm). You have increased Effect
when you lead a group action. ► WARLORD: When you have a
Vendetta with another squad, your squad
► RALLY: Spend 2 Stress to do one of
gets improved Effect against that squad.
the following. To compel additional
directions, you may spend 1 Stress per
direction: Direct an unaffiliated crowd to ► MASTERMIND: You may spend
perform an action -- have an unaffiliated your Spark to negate a squadmate’s
crowd commit violence -- prevent an consequence, push yourself when you
unaffiliated crowd from causing gather information, or work on a long-
damage. term project.


Cut Loose, you may adjust the dice +1d to Consort when you gather
outcome by 1 or 2 (up or down). The pilot information on a target for a mission. You
you Cut Loose with heals 1 Stress as well, get +1d to the engagement roll for that
which cannot cause them to operation.
Any conflict is chaos, whether it’s an explosion filled battlefield or posturing for status ► VETERAN: Choose a special ability
in a masquerade. Except it’s not really chaos, not if you know how to look. Lines of attack from another source. Can be taken up to
three times.
and defense, routes for flanking and retreat, all exist no matter the arena. There’s a way
around, through, or over if you’re properly prepared. An Officer always has a plan.

What lingering debts do you possess? How will you honour them?

140 141
pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
Officer Specialist Pilot Gear Starting Officer Beliefs Gather Information
[Ø] Fine cover identity: Paperwork, [Ø worn, ⎔ ⎔ carried as a 2nd outfit] ♦ They trust my plans, and I won't ♦ What do they want most?
planted database info, and false Officer's Uniform: A uniform befitting let them down. ♦ What should I look out for?
connections suitable for passing as a one in a position of command. ♦ They have a good head, and I ♦ Where's the leverage here?
different person. trust their instincts.
[Ø] Concealed palm pistol: A very ♦ How can I discover [X]?
[⎔] Fine gift: A bottle of liquor, a necklace, small firearm with a very short range that ♦ They refuse to see how their
♦ What do they intend to do?
or a trinket. Something easily replaceable, is easily concealed. actions affect the squad.
♦ How can I get them to [X]?
but quite impressive. ♦ Their reputation precedes them,
[Ø] Your custom vehicle: The vehicle ♦ What's really going on here?
and it worries me.
[⎔] “High priority” comm decoder: assigned to you, suitable to your needs.
This device gives you the back channels It’s represented by the vehicle entry on
for reaching anyone’s personal
communicator, but that doesn’t mean
your pilot sheet.
Officer Allies and Rivals Officer Starting Builds
they know, or care, who you are. ♦ Lavender, a strong fixer ♦ Revolutionary: RALLY,
♦ Henri, a moralistic bodyguard Command +2,
Sway +1, Struggle +1
♦ Peaches, a corrupt officer
♦ Virgil, a loyal pilot
Struggle +2, Battle +2

Officer Specialist Vehicle Gear ♦ Fixer: HEART TO HEART,

Sway +2,
[⎔] Fine battle standard: A flag or [Ø] Concealed gun: A small firearm Finesse +1, Command +1
other symbol to rally your allies. that is almost impossible to find. Only ♦ Strategist: WEAVING THE WEB,
effective at close range. Survey +2,
[Ø] Fine friend or foe tags: Makes a
Study +1, Scan +1
vehicle appear as belonging to a specific [⎔] Small armory: A collection of
person, squad, and/or Faction. infantry weapons and body armor.

I know Harrow led a squad before the Cenotaph, but it was weird because he’s just my dad. Not
actually, but he’s the closest person I have. Had. Anyway, I know as a kid you like, don’t know
everything about your parents. But when we were out there as a squad he was different. At the
orphanage he would tell us to do chores or whatever but it wasn’t the same. Those weren’t
orders. During a battle he had this weird energy, like he was focusing, but it wasn’t just that.
The way he would tell us to move, or the way he would say to attack a certain AWV. It felt like
he was taking the other squad apart, piece by piece. When he left us. No. When he betrayed
us. It didn’t make sense. I didn’t know the Harrow who made that decision. But I think I’d
already realized he wasn’t the person I thought he was, out on the battlefield, a while ago.
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

142 143
The Scout
A dangerous sniper and explorer.

pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
♦ Play a character with a core of loneliness who Earn end of session XP when
finds camaraderie in their robotic companions. you address a challenge with

♦ Devastate your foes from far away, with both a exploration or violence.
sniper rifle and artillery barrages.

♦ Lead the way, finding threats and obstacles

ahead of your squadmates. +2 Hunt,
+1 Survey

Scout Abilities
► Sharpshooter: When you push position or use camouflage, you get +1d
yourself in addition to the normal to rolls to avoid detection.
benefits, you can do one of the following:
► Survivor: From hard won
Make a ranged attack at extreme
experience or specialized training, you
distance beyond what’s normal for the
can subsist on what any environment
weapon -- unleash a barrage of rapid fire
provides, and you can function on the
to suppress the enemy -- ricochet a shot
barest sustenance. You get +1 Stress
to hit a target indirectly.
► Focused: You may spend your
► Lay of the Land: When a pilot
Spark to resist a consequence of surprise
takes advantage of terrain you have
or mental harm (fear, confusion, losing
scouted, they get +1d to resisting
track of someone), or to push yourself for
consequences (or spend 1 fewer Quirk,
ranged combat or exploration.
minimum 1). When you scout as a
► Terminator: Your well flashback setup action, spend 1 less
programmed hunter robot has additional stress than normal.
systems installed. It has increased Effect
► Determination: When you roll a
when tracking or fighting machines, and
failure on a risky or controlled action, you
gains a custom upgrade: Beast of Burden
can choose to make that a partial
[+1 Load, and it’s stronger], Mind-link
success by changing the Position to
[can be directed with the pilot’s mind], or
Desperate. This does not grant XP for
Quick and Quiet [is faster and nearly
taking a Desperate action.
silent]. Take the ability again for an
additional custom upgrade. ► Veteran: Choose a special ability
Despite all the signs and guidebooks the world is filled with hidden paths. People, from another source. Can be taken up to
► Ranger: When you gather
whether consciously or by accident, hide things. Sometimes it’s where they’ve gone, or their three times.
information to locate a target, you get
favourite bauble, or a route through dangerous places. It’s a Scout’s job to find these secret
+1 Effect. When you hide in a prepared
ways, then help clear the path from a safe distance.

How did you run into trouble while alone in the field? When does the loneliness of your
work find you?

144 145
pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
Scout Specialist Pilot Gear Starting Scout Beliefs Gather Information
[⎔] Fine machine pistol: A well-made [⎔] Rangefinder/ laser painter ♦ They would be lost without me. ♦ What do they intend to do?
pistol capable of fully automatic fire. binoculars: Binoculars that can perfectly ♦ They make me feel like part of the ♦ How can I get them to [X]?
judge the distance to a target and also team.
[⎔ ⎔] Fine sniper rifle: A high Quality ♦ What are they really feeling?
transmit the target’s precise location.
bolt action rifle that’s extremely lethal at ♦ They want to survive, and I can ♦ Where are they vulnerable?
long range but unsuitable in close [⎔] A well programmed hunter robot: teach them how.
♦ Where did [X] go?
quarters. Your robot obeys your commands and ♦ They’re in constant danger, so I’ll
anticipates your actions. Can carry 2 ♦ How can I find [X]?
keep them safe.
[⎔] One type of special ammunition: ♦ What's really going on here?
Load of general pilot gear or Scout pilot
A magazine or bandolier of specialist
gear. Gain Cohort (specialty: Hunter).
ammo that gives increased Effect
against one type of target, but reduced [Ø] Your custom vehicle: The vehicle
Effect against other targets. You might
have EMP rounds to use on drones,
assigned to you, suitable to your needs.
It’s represented by the vehicle entry on
Scout Allies and Rivals Scout Starting Builds
hollow-points for people, or gel rounds to your pilot sheet. ♦ Teucer, a veteran sniper ♦ Pursuer: DETERMINATION,
be less than lethal. ♦ Layla, a humane tracker Study +1, Struggle +1,
Consort +1, Wreck +1
♦ Here, an eager mortician
♦ Pathfinder: RANGER,
♦ Holly, a cold squire
Prowl +2,

Scout Specialist Vehicle Gear Survey +1, Maneuver +1

[⎔ ⎔] Fine heavy cannon: An excellent, [⎔] Magnification suite: Your vehicle is Bombard +1, Study +1,
slow-firing cannon designed to bombard equipped with a wide variety of optical Prowl +1, Survey +1
targets at long range. and digital zoom options that enhance
the pilot’s view of distant targets and
[⎔] Special ammunition: Your vehicle Command +2,
marks them for allies.
is equipped with a non-standard Struggle +1, Engineer +1
ammunition type in addition to its [⎔] Drone carrier: Can launch several
standard round. It gives increased Effect simple drones with a preset Loadout that
against one target type, but reduced are directed with the vehicle’s controls.
Effect against others. You might have flak Each drone can carry 2 Load of general I can’t stand working with Riza. I heard she used to be a hotshot pilot and got discharged from
rounds to use against jets, armor- pilot gear, 2 Load of Scout pilot gear, or her unit? The thing is, I don’t really care! She has this chip on her shoulder and she’s just, such
piercing rounds for tanks, or incendiary 1 Load of general vehicle gear. All drones a soldier. I guess I hadn’t realized it before, but the Cenotaph is mostly civilian adjacent: an
rounds for infantry. You can change your must debut the same Gear, and it acrobat, an architect, a farmer. We’re not like Riza, who scouts ahead and then shoots someone
ammo type the first time it's used on doesn’t cost Materiel to uninstall their through their cockpit from two miles away as a precaution. She’s a stickler for callsigns and
each mission. gear between missions. callouts too. I think Riza believes that if we make one mistake we’ll be ambushed and killed,
and that stresses me the fuck out when I’m already under the pressure of a mission.
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

146 147
The SoldIer
A mighty, violent warrior.

pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
♦ Be very good at hurting and terrifying people. Earn end of session XP when
♦ Be incredibly hard to stop, even when badly you address a challenge with

injured. violence or coercion.

♦ Play with ideas around having a body designed


for violence, whether you embrace it or struggle

to imagine what peace looks like for yourself. +2 Struggle,
+1 Command

Soldier Abilities
your Spark to reduce Harm from an When you push yourself, you can do one
attack in combat, or to push yourself of the following in addition to the normal
during a fight. benefits: Perform a feat of physical force
that verges on the superhuman --
► BODYGUARD: When you protect
engage a small gang on equal footing in
someone, take +1d to your resistance
close combat.
roll (or exhaust 1 fewer Quirk, minimum
1, for vehicle resistance). You get +1 ► BRUTAL: You’re especially
Effect when you gather information to frightening when you unleash physical
anticipate possible threats in the current violence. When you Command a
situation. frightened target, take +1d.

► ROBOT FIGHTER: You know the ► VIGOROUS: You recover from

weak points of the inanimate, and you Harm faster. Permanently fill in one of
gain increased Effect in combat against your Healing Clock segments. Take +1d
machines. to healing treatment rolls.

► TOUGH AS NAILS: Penalties from ► VETERAN: Choose a special ability

Harm are one level less severe (though from another source. Can be taken up to
level 4 Harm is still fatal). three times.

► MULE: Your pilot Load limits are

higher. Light: 5. Normal: 7. Heavy: 8.

The War touches everyone, demanding some form of violence be committed on its
behalf. Those who embody this ferocity in its most primal form are the Soldiers. While others
perform violence, they ARE violence. They reek of blood, gunpowder, and dominance. Even
when they don't wound their victims, they staple fear onto their bloody, beating hearts.

When do you refuse to employ violence? When do you refuse to refrain from violence?
How have these stances hurt you?

148 149
pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
Soldier Specialist Pilot Gear Starting Soldier Beliefs Gather Information
[⎔] Fine melee weapon: A knife, [Ø] Handcuffs or zip ties: A tool ♦ Their hesitance to inflict ♦ How can I hurt them?
sword, hammer, shield, or other one- designed to restrain the limbs. violence will harm the squad. ♦ Who's most afraid of me?
handed melee weapon of excellent ♦ They rely too much on their
[Ø] Stimpack: An injector filled with a ♦ Who's most dangerous here?
Quality. technology.
drug cocktail giving a burst of energy, ♦ What do they intend to do?
[⎔ ⎔] Fine assault rifle: A well-made resilience, and aggression. This will ♦ The squad needs a better
♦ How can I get them to [X]?
rifle capable of single, burst, or modify your Position and Effect as fitness regimen, and I will start
automatic fire. suitable. Gain two consequences “Can’t with them. ♦ Are they telling the truth?
Tell Friend From Foe” and “Destroy ♦ We’ve fought side by side in the ♦ What's really going on here?
[⎔ ⎔] Anti-armor weapon: A heavy
Everything,” which can be resisted as past, and I can trust them at my
weapon designed to penetrate the kind
normal. The modified Position and Effect, back.
of heavy armor found on many vehicles.
and any unresisted consequences, last
[⎔] Frag, flash, or smoke grenades until the end of the next scene.
(3 uses): A few grenades that can be
thrown or launched from a suitable
[Ø] Your custom vehicle: The vehicle Soldier Allies and Rivals Soldier Starting Builds
assigned to you, suitable to your needs. ♦ Ibex, a disciplined warrior ♦ Vanguard: BATTLEBORN,
firearm which either explode in shrapnel,
It’s represented by the vehicle entry on Command +1, Maneuver +1,
sound and light, or smoke. ♦ Alice, a frenzied demolitionist
your pilot sheet. Prowl +1, Battle +1
♦ Elliot, a quiet NCO
♦ Alix, a jovial medic
Battle +2,
Command +1, Consort +1
Soldier Specialist Vehicle Gear ♦ Terror: BRUTAL,
[⎔] Fine melee weapon: A well-made [⎔] Scary weapon or tool: An unusual Wreck +2,
melee weapon that is balanced for your weapon or tool that has increased Effect Destroy +1, Battle +1
vehicle. when used for intimidation, but Standard ♦ Anti-Armor: ROBOT FIGHTER,
Effect for dealing damage. Hunt +2,
[⎔ ⎔] Fine heavy melee weapon: A
Prowl +2
well-made, heavy melee weapon that [⎔] A tangle gun: A weapon that
can strike with greater reach or force. launches a round that impedes or
removes the mobility of a struck target.
They said I would make a good soldier. I know my way around Bert, and working on the fields
around Hulinton has me in pretty good shape, according to them. I don’t know. The training’s
been weird. I can’t quite imagine Bert standing up to another AWV. I’m following their
instructions fine so far, but when it comes down to it, can I really hurt another person? And what
do I do if I run into someone else from the orphanage on the other side of a battle? I want to
bring them back. I want to bring them home. But do I have to hurt them?
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

150 151
The Technician
A savvy technician and vandal.

pilot playbooks

pilot playbooks
♦ Get imaginative with your methods, whether Earns end of session XP when
creating or destroying. you address a challenge with

♦ Support your squadmates by maintaining them technical skill or mayhem.
and their vehicles.

♦ Explore what your role in The War is as an

innovator. +2 Engineer,
+1 Wreck

Technician Abilities
► SIMULATION: Take +1d to ► DOCTOR: You can use Engineer
engagement rolls. You can decide what with bones, blood, and organs to treat
Position-appropriate consequence you wounds or stabilize the dying. You may
suffer on 4-5s with action rolls; the GM study a malady or corpse. Everyone in
will make it fit the narrative. your squad gets +1d to their recovery
► JURY RIG: Spend 2 Stress to
reduce the penalty (but not level) of all ► SABOTEUR: When you Wreck, the
Damage on a vehicle until the end of the work is much quieter than it should be,
mission. If you have Doctor, you can also and the damage is hidden from casual
use this on a pilot’s Harm. Level 4 inspection. If you use placed explosives
Damage or Harm can be affected by this instead of wrecking tools, the work is not
ability, but the vehicle will be destroyed or any quieter, but you get +1d to the
the pilot killed at the end of the mission. action.

► RESEARCHER: When you design ► CUSTOM IMPLANT: Choose a

or manufacture a creation, take +1 result chemical or gadget you have already
level to your roll. You begin with one researched and can build. The chemical’s
special design already known. delivery system or the gadget itself is
perfectly concealed inside of your body
► FORTITUDE: You may spend your
and has 0 Load. Spend 1 Stress to use
Spark to resist a consequence of fatigue,
the implant. Changing the implant is a
weakness, or chemical effects, or to push
4-Tick long-term project clock.
yourself when working with technical
skill or handling chemicals. ► VETERAN: Choose a special ability
Technology runs the world, but it all falls apart sooner or later. Will it be repaired or
from another source. Can be taken up to
replaced? Regardless of the choice, someone with specialized skills must tackle the ► ROAD MASTER: You know how to
three times.
challenge. Technicians have that know how. They push the bounds of what science can Wreck or Destroy an area with
accomplish, and keep the lights on while they are at it. Of course, any skill that can create experimental substances and methods so
can be used to destroy. Just ask Oppenheimer. it is either impassable or good terrain for
infantry, vehicles, or apps (your choice).
How did you afford to develop your skills in the rationing of the War? Do you prefer to
create or destroy?

152 153
pilot playbooks

Technician Specialist Pilot Gear Technician Gather Information

[⎔] Fine engineering tools: Well-made
tools used for fine mechanical work.
[⎔ per 3 uses] Bandolier: A belt worn
on the hip or chest that can hold bombs
Starting Beliefs ♦ What do they intend to do?
♦ How can I get them to [X]?
♦ They show promise, so I will
or containers filled with chemicals,
[⎔ ⎔] Fine demolition tools: Well- support their endeavours. ♦ Are they telling the truth?
drugs, or biological agents. The contents
crafted tools for destruction and sabotage. ♦ They are not sufficiently interested ♦ What can I tinker with here?
are declared on each use. Choose one
[⎔] Air-gun, darts, and syringes: A from the list below for each: in the results I could achieve. ♦ What might happen if I [X]?
nearly silent gun that shoots darts using Permanently fuse two surfaces until they are parted ♦ My data indicates they could be so ♦ How can I find [X]?
compressed air. The darts can be filled with a neutralizer or extreme and damaging effort. much more but choose not to be.
with drugs, chemicals, or biological Temporarily cause an Temporarily cover an ♦ They’ve insulted my methods.
agents. incapacitating sensation area in impenetrable They aren’t very bright.
of drowning. darkness.
[⎔ Each] Gadgets: Items created during Burst into intense flame
Downtime. on contact with air.
Explode into shrapnel.
Allies and Rivals Technician
[Ø] Your custom vehicle [Load 0]:
The vehicle assigned to you, suitable to
Take level 2 Harm:
Obsessive, and +1d to
your next Interface roll.
Temporarily cause
incapacitating full body
muscle cramps.
♦ Dee, a surly professor
♦ Isa, a faceless spy
Starting Builds
your needs. It’s represented by the ♦ Medic: DOCTOR,
Temporarily become
vehicle entry on your pilot sheet. Create a cloud of smoke ♦ Taylor, a diligent monk Study +2,
imbued with a mild
that stings the eyes and Consort +1, Finesse +1
electrical charge and a ♦ Martinus, a kind psychologist
is difficult to breathe.
feeling of vigor.
♦ Sapper: SABOTEUR,
Temporarily become Prowl +2,
calm and enter a Neutralize the effects of
Wreck +1, Study +1
suggestible mental other chemicals.
state. ♦ Cyborg: CUSTOM IMPLANT,
Struggle +1, Prowl +1,

Technician Specialist Vehicle Gear Hunt +1, Survey +1

♦ Gearhead: RESEARCHER,
[⎔] Fine modding tools: Excellent [⎔] Analytics suite: A collection of
Interface +2,
tools for modifying large objects on the scanners that determine the composition
Manipulate +1, Maneuver +1
fly. of solids, liquids, and gasses.

[⎔ ⎔] Fine destruction tools: Well- [⎔ per 3 uses] Payload bay: Can contain
Dredge scares me a little sometimes. I mean, the Magpie is the creepiest fucking AWV I’ve ever
made tools for smashing buildings, three special warheads that hold much
seen. I’m glad it’s on our side. I know I shouldn’t think like this. Co’s only ever been good to me.
vehicles, and other large objects. larger amounts of the same chemicals as
But knowing what co’s capable of makes me wary. Out of anyone on the Cenotaph, Dredge and
the Bandolier. The contents are debuted
[⎔] Assisted repair system: Spend a cor AWV could absolutely do the most damage. And co has. Co’s caused so much destruction,
with each use. These warheads can be
Materiel point to take the Fix downtime sometimes disregarding the safety of the people who live in the area. I always see regret in cor
fired by a weapon on the vehicle
activity while on a mission. eyes afterward. But it hasn’t stopped cor yet.
designated at the time it is first used.
Uses refill at the start of a mission.
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

154 155
player principles

player principles
You’ve just read a lot of rules that explain the mechanics of being a pilot. This
section provides principles that guide you, the players, in how to use those rules.
Follow these principles to get the most out of being a Beam Saber pilot.

Protect Your Comrades

The subject matter of Beam Saber table is responsible for making sure these
can be dark and heavy at times. The themes don’t harm the players (including
themes surrounding war, and the the GM). Keep an eye on the group’s
relationships that develop because of Lines and Veils (see page 287). Take a
them, are very intense. Even the most moment to ask if everyone is okay when
lighthearted Cut Loose scene can you think one is breached, or you suspect
stumble into or around troubles from the a player is uncomfortable.
5”x6.5”. This breaks the usual last mission. If something harms or upsets a
chapter start but I like how it
Feeling strong emotions in play player, the table has many options. Use
kinda offramps from the playbook
can be enjoyable (just look at horror any combination of these to protect
movies), but it isn’t always clear when yourself and each other:
they become harmful. Everyone at the ► Cut out the harmful detail by
saying that it never happened.

► Drop the subject and talk about

something else.

► Pause and discuss what just

happened—provided everyone is okay
talking about it. No one is obligated to
talk about their feelings or well-being.

► Quietly skip ahead if everyone is

comfortable with the event
happening, but not with depicting it.

► End the session, and ask if

people would like to debrief about
what happened. Everyone’s well-
being is more important than the

156 157
player principles

player principles
Embrace the Pilot’s Life Go into Danger, Fall in Use Actions Honorably Use Your Stress
A pilot’s life is not easy. In the best
circumstances, they are given difficult
Love with Trouble Players choose the action they use
to overcome an obstacle, but that comes
and Quirks
You will never be completely safe, Your pilot’s Stress and vehicle’s
tasks with insufficient support, and affect with the duty of being honest in your
so be bold. You’re a pilot surrounded by Quirks are resources that help you
lives they don’t know with every mission. choice. Choose the action that best suits
massive machines (some of which are overcome the challenges in your way. By
Even when things go well, they are what you are doing, not just the action
trying to kill you) in a war that predates pushing yourself and getting an assist
rewarded with more challenges and not with the highest action rating. If you are
your birth and won’t conclude in your from a squadmate you can get at least 2
enough supplies, and now have the ire of demolishing a building with your vehicle,
lifetime. It’ll take big plans and big dice in any action, and if you don’t get a
those they’ve wronged in the course of be honest and roll Destroy. Don’t claim
actions to fulfill the big dream of a happy 6 you can negate any consequence with
duty. Their Quirks will run out, Stress will you can use Manipulate or Scan because
ending. Embrace risky ideas. Go for what a resist roll. If you don’t spend your
build up, entanglements will provide you’re targeting the main support
sounds fun, exciting, and probably resources the challenges may seem
unpleasant surprises—regardless of the columns. Of course, you might use Scan
dangerous. The rules support your risky insurmountable.
pilots’ competence. The War is wildly for a setup action by identifying the load
or seemingly impossible goals. So dare to
unfair. bearing structures so another Pilot can
be interesting, and don’t fear peril.
We will watch as terrible things
happen to them, their loved ones, and
Avoiding every little danger won’t build
Destroy them with increased Effect of
improved Position. Advocate for the Scenes
their plans. In doing so, we must
up the pilots’ Stress, but it sure will stress
out the players! You Want
remember that they are not us. We can
and should be emotionally invested in
Consequences aren’t failures. A
result of 4-6 means that you succeed at
Take Responsibility During the session, talk with
everyone at the table about what scenes
what happens to them because they are Everyone playing is responsible
what you were trying to do. There will you want to see. Sometimes interesting
admirable for their efforts—no matter for the game’s narrative. This includes
likely be unintended consequences, but story beats will happen as things fall into
how doomed. But their failures do not tone, themes, style, descriptions, and
you will have succeeded nonetheless! place. But advocating for the scenes that
reflect on the players. It’s fine if they much more. You participate in both a
When consequences do befall you, don’t interest you is a far more reliable way to
falter, fail, and fall because the tactical role and, just as importantly, an
hate them. Exciting things happen when tell your story together. Talk to the GM
mechanics ensure that those moments expressive one. Let your Pilot embody
they appear. Someone gets Harm, a about setting up scenes with NPCs. Talk
are temporary unless we as players want what you want to see in the game. If you
vehicle takes Damage, new challenges to the other players about how your
them to be permanent. Besides, they want The War to be deadly, take serious
arrive, and much more! All of these pilots might work together or fall apart.
might succeed—wouldn’t it be glorious Harm when it’s offered. If you want
outcomes will create opportunities for Talk to the whole group about creating
to witness that moment? political complexity, seek out and
taking action to achieve your dreams. missions that follow the stories you want
Telling stories about gripping moments is implement schemes of your own. If you to pursue. Remember to return the favor.
why you’re playing this game; don’t back want emotionally flawed characters, lean
away from them. into that with your own. Be the story you
want to see.

158 159
player principles

player principles
Don’t Talk Yourself Out Hustle to Get Ahead Break the Rules with Act Now, Plan Later
of Fun After a couple sessions, you might
notice that the squad is barely staying
Long Term Projects There's a tendency for players to
over plan when they have the initiative
Whether you’re planning the While long-term projects improve
afloat with the costs of Quirks, repairs, to act. They come up with a good, simple
mission or just deciding what to do next, the Quality of a weapon or help infiltrate
recovery, and all the other places your plan, and then start poking holes in it.
do what sounds like fun. Your pilot might an enemy squad, they can be used for
hard earned Supply Points go. The power These holes then need plans to patch
stress about executing the “best” plan, literally anything. They could break the
structures of the Factions in Beam Saber them up, and those plans have holes,
but you as a player are here to have rules of the game (for example, by
don’t exist to improve the lives of the and so it continues.
fun—whatever the consequence. You’re adding an extra level 3 Harm box to a
pilots. They are there so that the Faction
playing this game to experience the pilot, making it so that all of a vehicle’s Flashbacks and undeclared Load
can continue to fight The War.
dramatic confrontations between pilots Load is uninstalled at the start of a help to alleviate this over planning. If you
in The War. Embody those moments, If a pilot wants to get enough drive mission for free, or by removing Scars). or another player starts down the plan
hold steady, and engage! to change their circumstances, or a Projects can also completely change the spiral, stop it, take action, and have a
squad wants to get enough Supply Points direction of the campaign (a pilot could flashback or declare an item when you
to increase its Tier, they are going to start a project to become the leader of need to deal with an obstacle. This

Build Your Character have to find alternate income sources.

Scavenge, loot, steal, “requisition,”
their Faction, or upload their approach will keep up the momentum.

Through Play extort, and sell. If you rely on the end of

consciousness into their vehicle), or
drastically alter the setting (starting a
mission supply roll, you’ll never get new ice age by pushing the planet
When you start your pilot’s first
ahead. farther from the sun, or setting up a
mission, they’ll be a handful of details—a
history, tragedy, opening, and several resonant electro-magnetic field in the
beliefs about the other pilots. Those orbiting debris field to destroy all
details say who the pilot was, not who electronics).
they are or who they will become. You’ll Anything is possible, however,
reveal who they are through play, based discuss the project’s ultimate goal with
on the choices you make, the orders you other players and GM. Drastic changes
follow, who you leave behind, and when will likely require multiple 8-Tick Clocks,
you rebel. Let your pilot surprise you each one completing a step in the overall
over the course of the game—maybe project. Remember that rule-breaking
your pilot isn’t who they thought they projects are an option, and not an
were, or who you thought they were. obligation. If you like the game as it is,
stick with it.

160 161
Fiction-first gaming

Fiction-first gaming
162 163
Fiction-first gaming

Fiction-first gaming
Remember that while there may be a mechanic that is an obvious answer for
accomplishing a goal, there’s nothing wrong with choosing one for stylistic reasons.
“Fiction first” refers to the practice of letting the game’s narrative determine The mechanics exist to support the fiction.
which mechanics you use—rather than using mechanics to decide what happens in the
fiction. In many games, a player takes an action by saying, “I shoot the target.” They
roll to shoot, and any description (such as, “I peak around the corner and fire a quick
shot.”) is an afterthought. The fiction takes a back seat to the mechanics, and the game
Triggering the Action Roll
could be played without any narration at all. Let’s look at how the fiction triggers an action roll. Most of the game involves
talking in character, describing actions, making plans, and all the fun that comes with
Beam Saber uses a fiction first approach: A player describes what their pilot
playing games with friends. However, there will come a time for dice. Here are a few
does, and the circumstances determine what mechanics you’ll use. If a player wants to
fictional situations that would trigger an action roll:
shoot a target, we must determine the surrounding situation. Here are some examples.
♦ A pilot attempts a dangerous activity, or one with potential repercussions.
If the shot is:
♦ A pilot leads or orders one or more NPCs to take on a dangerous or challenging
♦ At a target range and the pilot is just practicing. That’s probably the Train
downtime activity. There’s no risk in taking the shot, and no benefit for being
exceptionally accurate. ♦ A player is really excited to make a roll!

♦ Part of a laser tag match with a friend, that’s probably a Cut Loose downtime At this point, an action roll triggers (see the process on page 33). The roll
activity. There’s no risk, and the purpose of doing it is to have fun. determines if the action is a failure (1-3), a success (6), or a bit of both (4-5).
♦ At a bullseye during a competition, that’s probably a fortune roll. There’s no risk, In Beam Saber, action rolls determine the outcome for the pilot’s action and their
but a stronger performance will provide greater benefits. opposition’s action—the GM doesn’t roll to see how hard the opposition hits back. In
♦ Part of a heated battle inside an apartment, that’s probably an Action Roll using these dramatic situations, the enemy and pilot are attempting to achieve their goals at
Struggle. Bad things will happen if the shot misses, and the range is most suitable the same time. A 4-5 result means the opposition finds some success alongside the
for the Struggle action. pilot. A single action roll covers a back and forth exchange of blows, words, maneuvers,
♦ Through a vehicle at a munitions factory with the goal of levelling the facility, or whatever form the conflict takes.
that’s probably an action roll using Destroy. Bad things will happen if the shot
misses, and the scale of the destructive force involved means that Destroy is best.
♦ At an unaware target a few feet away, that’s probably an action roll using Prowl. Bad things
will happen if the shot misses, and the sneaky nature of the attack makes Prowl ideal.
How to Choose an Action
An action roll requires the player to pick the action their pilot uses to take on an
There are any number of scenarios this activity could occur in, and it’s up to the
obstacle or challenge. The fiction will usually signal what action is appropriate.
players to consider the narrative circumstances that affect the mechanics. Picking the
However, the player is always allowed to change their approach and the action they’re
mechanic first and then applying a narrative can make the process messy. You’ll likely
using, so long as the new action fits the fiction too. A player cannot choose an action
find that establishing the fiction will streamline choosing the mechanics.
that clearly does not fit the situation, such as using Struggle to “grapple” with the
If things do become confused, ♦ What’s happening? words of an opponent during a debate.
back out from the mechanics and
♦ What is the player trying to There will be times where multiple actions suitably fit the fiction. The player
talk with each other about what’s
accomplish? chooses their action, and the GM chooses the appropriate Position and Effect. If no
happening in the story. Ask the
♦ What mechanic supports that goal? actions seem appropriate, consider the intent of the activity.
following questions:

164 165
Fiction-first gaming

Fiction-first gaming
Here’s six ways you could approach using a holo-projector against some enemies as an exciting narrative. The GM describes the dangerous outcomes, and the players counter
example: by detailing how their awesome pilots avoid that terrible fate. This back and forth
conversation will create some of the most dramatic exchanges in your campaign!
The narrative and the GM’s
assessment of the action Intended outcome Possible action
determine the Position and Distract enemies so that
Effect. Each example will
allies can get the drop on them.
Trick enemies into hitting each
Sway as a setup action roll.
There’s Always a Consequence
likely have a different Position Battle as an action roll. When the dice hit the table, the fiction changes. The pilots might change the
other with their own attacks.
and Effect, depending on the world to suit them (6), experience something bad (on a 1-3), or both (4-5). There should
Intimidate enemies into
circumstances. Players and Command as an action roll.
retreat with a terrifying image. never be an outcome where the result is “nothing happens.” Controlled consequences
the GM should discern Corral enemies into a specific will be minor, but the result still drives the pilot into a riskier situation, or makes them
together what is suitable for Manipulateasanactionroll.
position on the battlefield. realize their plan was more perilous than expected.
the specific situation and the
Get enemies to let their guard
game’s tone. Consortasasetupactionroll.
down with reassuring images.
Escape enemies by making
Maneuver as an action roll.
Setting Precedents
an illusory duplicate of yourself.
The laws of reality need to be consistent between the pilots and NPCs, or the
fiction will break. If an NPC can shoot through a vehicle’s cockpit with a pilot’s rifle, then
the Scout should be able to attempt that shot as well. Likewise, if a player’s pilot is the
The Purposes of Danger and Stress only person who can pilot their customized vehicle, then the same is true for
customized NPC vehicles. Every time new facts are introduced, they become
The odds are stacked against the pilots, and they need resources like Stress and
opportunities for everyone.
resistance rolls to overcome them. Consequences are always on the table, and the
power to change those odds is core to the pilots’ stories. The precedents you set may need to change at some point in the game. Don’t
hesitate to make those changes, but remember that they apply for both pilots and NPCs!
New players and GMs might wonder how resisting consequences pushes the
story forward. But Harm and Damage serve an important purpose, even when negated
by resistance rolls. Describing how pilots and their vehicles are wounded builds tension.
As the GM narrates a massive chainsaw tearing through the cockpit towards the pilot
inside, the players get scared. The stakes are raised, which build an emotional A good story doesn’t have to be described in exact detail. It’s often more
investment in the story. important to know if you’ll reach your target in time, rather than knowing the exact
distance. The exact price of the bribe isn’t important, just that it costs 1 Personnel.
Since they’re so invested, they spend that Stress. They say, “No! I hit the gas
and dodge out of the chainsaw’s path.” They are required to describe how they reduce Players probably won’t possess the same expertise and skills as their pilots. We
(or negate) the consequence’s severity, adding rich details to the fiction in the process. don’t expect players to do the math behind an Engineer roll, so a level of abstraction is
The player shows off their pilot’s grit and resilience, which makes them feel powerful! fine for players who aren’t comfortable describing the detail of their actions.
That feeling of power gives them hope in the face of the harsh challenges they must Just make sure you bring out the details when setting an action’s Position and
overcome. Effect. If you’re bribing a guard, do they have their gun to your head, an arm’s length
When consequences, Stress, and resistance rolls combine in play, it creates an away, or still in their holster? The detail will impact your pilot’s circumstances and
potential consequences.

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Fiction-first gaming

the vehicles
168 169
the vehicles

the vehicles
A pilot’s vehicle is not just a means of engaging in war, it is representative of the A vehicle can be anything (as long as they can ride in or on it)—a mech, a dump
pilot within. A vehicle reflects both the pilot’s public reputation as their face and truck, a fighter jet, a tank, you name it. The rules and looks work for any piloted vehicle.
actions, and who this pilot is as a person. Pilots that favor misdirection will have Feel free to pick any number of words that describe each part of your vehicle. Just
vehicles that use similar methods. Those who consider themselves pawns in the remember to avoid describing weapons or other vehicle gear.
conflict use basic workhorse models, while those who see themselves as grand adorn
Beam Saber is a fiction first game (see page 162). Your look impacts the fiction
their vehicle with capes and gold. Keep this in mind as you make and use vehicles,
when overcoming challenges (but doesn’t have strict mechanical benefits, like extra
whether you’re the GM or a player.
dice). If you’re taking on mountainous terrain, a vehicle with treads might have worse
This section provides step-by-step instructions for creating a pilot’s vehicle. Position and Effect than a flying vehicle. In fact, a flying vehicle might bypass the
However, you can also randomly generate a vehicle in part or in whole using Appendix mountains without a problem.
B (see page 428).
Below are some suggestions for a vehicle’s look:

1. Choose your vehicle’s look, and name its model and manufacturer. ♦ Mobility: Bipedal, quadrupedal, flight, hover, wheeled, treads, anti-grav, rotor.
♦ Arms: None, humanoid, tentacle, industrial, hardpoint, wings, ornate.
2. Choose your vehicle’s Load (but don't detail what gear it has at this time).
♦ Hand: None, industrial, human, tentacle, weaponized, ornate.
3. Create 4 Quirks for your vehicle.
♦ Core: Armored, armed, light, bulky, practical, massive, ornate.
♦ Head: None, armored, armed, hi-tech, ornate, practical.
♦ Cockpit: Sealed, open, armored, spacious, cramped, homey, customized.
♦ Shell: Organic, hard light, ceramic, alloy, plastic, crystal.
♦ Style: Ornate, practical, improvised, custom, fashionable, sleek, powerful,

5”x3.5” Pitchfork and Dredge are crossing a river in their vehicles. Pitchfork's Agrarian is
quadrupedal, so it’ll wade through the river. But Dredge's Kettle 2.0 can hover over the
obstacle. Pitchfork's player makes a Controlled Standard Maneuver action roll, and she
gets a 5. She gets across safely, but the river slows her down. Dredge doesn’t roll.

Unfortunately, when Dredge gets to the other side ahead of cor squadmate, co
realizes the riverbank is mined, but co has difficulty coming to a stop to avoid
activating the mines. Co makes a Risky Limited Maneuver roll, getting a 4. The Kettle
twists under the controls, becomes unbalanced, and crashes to the ground just short
of the minefield. Dredge is now in a Desperate position.

170 171
the vehicles

the vehicles
Vehicle Actions and Attributes ► A Light vehicle has a max Load of 3. It’s quick and less conspicuous, giving it
improved Effect when those features are advantageous. A Light vehicle is faster and
stealthier than others, but has less versatility due to its lower Load. Light vehicles are
When a pilot commits actions with their vehicle, they roll the relevant vehicle
smaller (generally about 30ft tall), allowing them to fit into places that others cannot,
action rating. If a pilot remotely controls any vehicle, they have reduced Effect. All vehicle
such as building interiors or small caverns and tunnels.
action ratings max out at 3 points (or 4 upon unlocking the Mastery squad upgrade).
However, you may only assign a max of 2 points to one action during vehicle creation. ► A Medium vehicle has a max Load of 5. It looks like it’s geared up for trouble.
Medium vehicles strike a balance between the two doctrines represented by Lights and
All vehicle actions belong to the Expertise or Acuity attributes. Each vehicle
Heavies. Their size (generally about 45ft tall) often gives them access to the same
attribute has three actions:
options as both, but they may need an action roll where smaller or larger vehicles could

Expertise Actions Acuity Actions automatically succeed.

► A Heavy vehicle has a max Load of 6. It’s slower and looks like it’s ready for war,
These actions test the vehicle's These actions use the vehicle's
giving it decreased Effect when those features are a problem. Heavy vehicles offer great
physicality: awareness:
versatility, but they are less agile and more obvious than Light and Medium vehicles.
♦ Battle: for attacking at short ♦ Bombard: for blasting with long- Heavy vehicles are larger than others (generally about 60ft tall), meaning they can
range. range fire. frequently reach places others cannot, and they are also often out of enemy reach.
♦ Destroy: for razing structures ♦ Manipulate: for deftly handling
Sometimes, the vehicle’s size will be important, such as reaching a person on a
with unsubtle methods. objects.
rooftop. Remember to follow the fiction, so what is possible and what succeeds without
♦ Maneuver: for moving swiftly ♦ Scan: for quickly assessing a an action roll may vary. If a player really wants to take advantage of their vehicle's
and precisely. situation.
physicality, they should make Quirks (see page 177) related to its size and shape.
The Expertise and Acuity attributes determine the number of Quirks a player Tower, Dredge, and Pitchfork are ambushed from the top of a small office
must spend when resisting consequences with their vehicle (see page TKTK). They gain building by modified Ape Light Vehicles with rockets. Tower moves the Mantis inside
a point of attribute XP when they perform a Desperate vehicle action, and general XP the office building (making use of its Light Load and “Unusually Small” Quirk) to avoid
can also be put into an attribute’s XP track. When the vehicle’s Enhance track fills getting hit. Sasha states that Dredge’s Kettle has armor, since it is Medium. The armor
through the Enhance downtime activity, an additional action point can be added to any uses up the last available Load, but Dredge takes no Damage from the attack.
vehicle action, or a new Quirk (see page 177) can be gained. Pitchfork’s Heavy Agrarian already has armor, and spends it to shrug off the rockets.

Only the Agrarian can reach the roof, because the other vehicles are too small.

Vehicle Load But it’s slow due to its size, and it’ll take a moment to get there (long enough for
another attack). Tower wants to get to the roof without opening themselves up to
Load represents the equipment installed on a vehicle. Load abstracts how much another barrage, but can’t find a way up through the building. The Kettle has an
of the vehicle’s resources are occupied by its gear use—resources such as weight, analytics suite, so Dredge Scans the building and finds a large service elevator that
balance, bulk, and computing power. reaches the roof. Co also moves the Kettle behind an adjacent building to take cover.
The Agrarian presses on, as it’s too big to hide.
At the start of the very first mission, decide if your vehicle is carrying a Light,
Medium, or Heavy Load. Each Load level has its pros and cons: Light vehicles hold less The Apes are about to fire on the Agrarian when the Mantis bursts from the service
resources but are quicker, while Heavy vehicles are well-supplied but slow and elevator’s shaft. Tower Maneuvers the Mantis in a distracting fashion to set up Pitchfork’s
conspicuous. Pick wisely, this will be your Load for the whole campaign (unless you imminent attack, allowing her to strike the Apes with Great Effect. The Agrarian ends the
embark upon a long-term project to change your vehicle’s Load). conflict with a final blow from its modified jackhammer (a fine heavy melee weapon).

172 173
the vehicles

the vehicles
Installing and Changing Vehicle Gear GENERAL VEHICLE GEAR
Your vehicle begins with uninstalled Load slots equal to your selected max Load. Vehicles can access all the general vehicle gear, its pilot’s specialist vehicle gear,
When you hit upon a problem or challenge during a mission, you may debut a piece of and the squad’s specialist vehicle gear. You may install any of these items on your
gear and place it in a Load slot. Write the gear in an empty slot on your character sheet. vehicle (up to its max Load). The general gear is listed below. You can find the pilot
Gear with Load 0 doesn’t fill a Load slot. vehicle gear on your pilot’s list of gear, and the squad vehicle gear on your squad sheet.

Changing a vehicle’s equipped gear is an involved process, even for vehicles

with quick release hardpoints or hands. Many pieces of gear have components that are
integrated with the internals of the vehicle, or communicate with its computer systems
[⎔] A shield or forcefield: A pilot- [⎔ ⎔] Mobility suite: A full flight
(necessitating extensive calibrations and testing). Plus there’s the need to requisition
directed, thick alloy plating or electromagnetic system, dash thrusters, all-terrain
the gear itself. barrier held at a distance from the suspension, or some other modification
So expect uninstalling gear to cost you. A player can only uninstall a filled Load vehicle’s body to protect it from incoming providing the vehicle with extra mobility.
slot during downtime by spending Materiel equal to the number of slots the gear attacks. Does not count as Armor for
reducing Damage, but can alter Position.
occupies (so gear with Load 2 requires 2 Materiel to uninstall). The change doesn’t cost
a downtime activity. If a piece of gear is destroyed, it continues to occupy that slot as
useless “junk.” You’ve got to clean it out before installing new gear. Additionally, Outfits
vehicles can only change their Load category (Light, Medium, or Heavy) through an
[⎔ ⎔] Armor: Spend to reduce Damage [⎔] Passenger space: A contained
appropriate long-term project (see page 245).
by one level. Armor is restored at the area suitable for a few to travel in
start of downtime at no cost. Armor can comfort, or many to travel in cramped
be taken multiple times—each costs 2 conditions. (A vehicle without passenger
Stolen Gear Load and can be spent once per mission. space can uncomfortably fit two people,
including the pilot, in the cockpit or
Stolen gear takes up an amount of Load as is suitable for the fiction. If you’re [⎔] Cargo space: A contained area
only carrying the stolen gear, its Load slot frees up at the end of the mission (for no suitable for moving a large amount of
Materiel cost). The vehicle can install the stolen gear if you want to use it on the objects or a few large objects.
mission, but you’ll need to spend the necessary Materiel points during downtime to
uninstall it as per usual.

If a pilot steals a piece of gear of a higher Tier than the squad’s Tier, it counts as
Programs Supplies
[Ø] Coding program: Some vehicles [⎔ ⎔] Supply reserves: Allows the
a fine item for the next two missions. After the second mission, the gear loses the fine
come with a limited code editor as part of squad access to their Supply Points
Quality, as the squad’s support infrastructure is not up to the task of maintaining that their OS. during downtime, even if the fiction says
piece of gear. A long-term project could be completed to upgrade the supporting they should be unable to access them.
infrastructure so that piece of gear retains the fine Quality permanently. Using lower [⎔] Intrusion Countermeasures
Tier gear provides no benefit and may in fact cause a worse Position or Effect as the Program (ICP): Dedicated computer
systems to prevent hacking.
fiction demands.
[Ø] Retrieval program: Some vehicles
have programs for searching through
connected databases.

174 175
the vehicles

the vehicles
[⎔⎔] Destruction tools: Tools for [⎔] Modding tools: Tools for modifying Quirks are a vehicle’s unique qualities. A pilot who is familiar with those Quirks
smashing buildings, vehicles, and other large objects on the fly. can use them to their advantage. However, these Quirks aren’t wholly positive; if a pilot
large objects. expends all of them without maintenance, the vehicle suffers a Breakdown.
[⎔] A spotlight or flare mortar: A
[⎔] Grapnel anchor tool: Harpoons source of illumination mounted on the
that stabilize a vehicle to prevent it from vehicle; a spotlight offers directed light,
shifting position, or allow it to rappel and and flare mortars are launched into the Creating Quirks
slowly climb vertical surfaces. air to illuminate a wide area for several
Every vehicle starts with 4 Quirks, which are EXAMPLE quirks
[⎔] A holo-projector: Can visualize AR probably common to that vehicle’s model. A vehicle may Ominous Appearance
or specific images. earn more Quirks (up to a max of 8) by filling the Enhance
Flexible Structure
track with the Enhance downtime activity. These
Slow and Heavy
additional Quirks are unique to this vehicle. There are
Weapons some examples below, but a player can make up their
own with the GM.
Military Workhorse
Splintering Carapace
[⎔] Anti-infantry defenses: A close- [⎔ ⎔] A heavy cannon: A long-range, Mighty Clumsy
range shrapnel launcher that shreds large bore cannon, designed for Each Quirk has 2 descriptors that determine when
Light Footed
flesh and light materials, but does little penetrating heavy armor. It has a low the Quirk can be used. These descriptors show how the
Common Parts
to sturdy objects. rate of fire. pilot can push their vehicle in just the right way to get
Fixed Hardpoints
[⎔] A directed energy weapon: A [⎔] A machine gun: A heavy machine more out of it. If a vehicle has the “Roaring Fast” Quirk,
Blinding Boosters
device that coalesces a highly visible gun effective against vehicles, and the pilot can push their vehicle for more speed and noise.
When selecting your descriptors, make sure that at least Redundant Systems
beam of thermal energy. It can melt devastating against infantry, at relatively
through targets, but is prone to short ranges. one of them can be interpreted as a disadvantage, Aggressive Targeters
overheating. because struggling with your Quirks provides XP at the
[⎔] A rack of missiles or rockets: A
end of the session.
[⎔] A flamethrower : A nozzle that case full of guided or unguided self-
fires a stream of burning liquid. It’s propelled explosives that often cause If you are having trouble coming up with Quirks, look at the specialist vehicle
terrifyingly effective against unarmored unintended destruction. gear available to playbooks other than your own. Think of a negative descriptor you can
or lightly armored targets. add to that gear, and take the two as a Quirk. For example, you could have: Intermittent
[⎔] A melee weapon or two: A Optical Camo, Fragile Magnification Suite, or Cumbersome Electronic Filter.
vehicle-mounted melee weapon, such as A player can speak to their GM if they discover their Quirk isn’t a good fit for
tire spikes, a plow, or handheld blade. them or their vehicle. If your Quirk hasn’t seen much action, just change it and move
on as if it was always that way. If the narrative has changed the vehicle’s nature
(making the Quirk no longer applicable), then describe what changed, how it changed,
and just change the Quirk.

176 177
the vehicles

the vehicles
Using Quirks vehicle. Jess resists that consequence, and the GM says she must use Acuity.
Scarecrow has an Acuity rating of 2 (1 from her points in Bombard, and 1 from her
Once per roll, a pilot can exhaust a Quirk to push their vehicle for one of the points in Scan), so she must spend 2 Quirks (4 minus her Acuity rating of 2). She also
following benefits: +1d to a vehicle action roll, improved Effect with a vehicle action, or describes how she uses the Quirk and attribute to avoid the trap. Jess marks off
taking a vehicle action when the vehicle has level 3 Damage. This may activate certain "Compact Design" and "Aggressive Targeters." She then describes how the overactive
abilities, such as the Hacker's Tesla ability, which triggers when the pilot pushes targeting system lets Scarecrow spot the trap at the last moment, and how the
themself or their vehicle. You may only activate one ability per Quirk. If a Pilot has Claymore’s narrow build allows her to get out from under the collapsing building.
multiple abilities that activate when a Quirk is spent, each must be paid using different When a vehicle exhausts all of its Quirks (4 Quirks in most cases), its pilot can
Quirks. either send the vehicle limping home quietly or push past its limits:
A pilot can also exhaust Quirks to resist consequences while using their vehicle. ► If the pilot chooses to send their vehicle away, it refreshes all Quirks, is removed
The GM picks the attribute the pilot must resist with, and then they spend Quirks. from the scene and mission in a terrible state, and gains a Breakdown Tick. The pilot
Resisting costs 4 Quirks, minus the chosen attribute’s rating (to a minimum of 1, even if does not have to leave the scene or mission. The vehicle becomes available again at
a special ability would reduce it to zero or less). If the cost is more than the available an appropriate time, presumably after it has been refueled and polished.
Quirks, the Vehicle can still resist by spending all remaining Quirks. For example, if a
► If the pilot pushes their vehicle past its limits, they take a Dire Action (see page
vehicle has an Expertise attribute rating of 2 (say, at least 1 Maneuver and 1 Battle), 87). The pilot can ignore the vehicle’s current Damage penalties for a single action. It
resisting with Expertise costs 2 Quirks. cannot exhaust Quirks to take this action, nor can it resist consequences (since all of
Whether pushing a vehicle or resisting consequences, a Quirk can only be its Quirks are exhausted). Stress can be used as normal. If it gets a 6 on its Dire Action,
it can take another vehicle action—potentially allowing for several successful actions.
exhausted when one or more of its descriptors would be advantageous. When you
If the pilot gets less than a 6 or chooses to stops taking actions, that’s it for them (other
exhaust a Quirk describe how you take advantage of it, then mark the box next to it.
pilots can still act between the vehicle’s Dire Actions). On a result of less than 6, they
Instead of pushing their Vehicle, a pilot can use their vehicle’s Quirks to resist
suffer consequences as normal.
consequences. This is explained in the Resistance section on page 40.
After taking its last action or if the scene ends, the vehicle receives an
Scarecrow moves through an urban combat zone in her Claymore, engaging
appropriate level 3 Damage, is removed from the scene and mission, and gains a
enemy combat engineers. She turns a corner and finds herself face to face with an
Breakdown Tick.
enemy Elephant. She opens fire. Because she’s close range, she chooses to roll Battle
and pushes her vehicle. Jess (Scarecrow’s If the pilots rolls a critical success, they refresh 1 Quirk of their choice instead of
player) spends the Quirk "Oversized having improved Effect, are no longer taking Dire Actions, and instead return to acting
Reactor" to push herself, and describes how normally. They avoid taking a Breakdown Tick and level 3 Damage.
Scarecrow uses her vehicle's powerful
engine to quickly charge and fire off an
accurate snap shot on the Elephant. She
rolls a 5.
Quirks and Experience
A pilot marks XP at the end of a session if they suffered the repercussions of their
The Elephant is destroyed. But as vehicle’s Quirks during a session. This can occur through narrative play, such as
it crashes forward, it sets off a trap laid by missing opportunities, needlessly creating trouble, or through consequences on action
the enemy engineers. The trap causes rolls. Tell the GM if you’d like a Quirk to cause you trouble, and they'll add an
“level 2 Damage: Crushed” as demolition appropriate consequence to your roll—regardless of the result if you wish.
charges pull a building down onto Jess’

178 179
the vehicles

the vehicles
DAMAGE Breakdown
Damage is a major blow that impedes a vehicle. Level 1 Damage reduces the Breakdown is permanent damage to the vehicle, Example Added
Effect of vehicle actions. Level 2 Damage gives -1d to vehicle actions. Level 3 Damage
means the vehicle can’t act without being pushed by exhausting 1 Quirk or receiving
where only the symptoms can be treated. Each time a
vehicle gains a point of Breakdown, the last Quirk used
assistance from a squadmate. Level 3 Damage and lower can be removed between becomes degraded in some way to represent the Leaning
missions by using the Fix downtime activity. symptoms. The player can modify the Quirk's existing Smoking
descriptors or add a new negative descriptor. Clumsy
A vehicle that suffers level 4 damage (or fatal damage) is destroyed beyond
repair. The pilot immediately suffers appropriate level 3 Harm (which they can resist as A pilot can use long-term projects to fix these Sparking
normal). An Engineer action can salvage the vehicle’s best parts on a mission, which changes or remove one or more Breakdown points. Obsolete
generates 1 Supply Point on a 4+. Otherwise, the entire vehicle can be towed away and However, it will likely be an involved process requiring at Noisy
salvaged during downtime. least one 8-Tick clock. Use the fiction and tone to inform Overheats
how hard this process is in your campaign. Glitchy

When a vehicle acquires its fourth Breakdown tick,

it is worn down beyond repair or function and must be scrapped (or salvaged during

Pitchfork pushed her Agrarian past its limits, and it gained a point of Breakdown.
She must degrade the final Quirk she used: “Slow and Heavy.” She considers changing
the Quirk to "Slow, Clumsy, and Heavy." But she ultimately decides to go with:
"Unresponsive and Heavy."

Vehicle Advancement
Pilots wanting to improve their vehicles must perform Desperate vehicle actions,
the Enhance downtime activity, or put general XP into their vehicle attributes. Rolling
a Desperate vehicle action immediately earns the vehicle 1 XP in the attribute rolled,
and general XP can be put into an attribute at the end of a session (see page TKTK).
When an attribute reaches 6 XP, the player can add one action point to any actions in
that attribute (to a max of 3, or 4 if the squad has the Mastery upgrade). Reset the
attribute’s XP to zero.

The Enhance downtime activity lets a pilot mark 1 box on their vehicle enhance
track (or 2 boxes if the squad has the Testing Facility upgrade). When that track fills (6
marks), you may add an action point to any vehicle action or create a new Quirk. Reset
the Enhance track to zero.

180 181
the vehicles

the vehicles
Pilots will sometimes use a vehicle different to the one created at character There may be times where a pilot needs a temporary vehicle—maybe they
creation. This could be due to any number of reasons, but the reasons generally fall hijacked an enemy vehicle, or they need a different ride for one mission. Here’s what
into one of three categories: a replacement vehicle, a temporary vehicle, or a borrowed you need to know about piloting a temporary vehicle:
vehicle. If a pilot swaps from a functioning vehicle to a new one, use the method for
♦ A temporary vehicle doesn’t replace the vehicle on the pilot’s character
acquiring a vehicle.
♦ You gain improved Effect when controlling a temporary vehicle with a

Replacement Vehicles higher Tier than your squad, and reduced Effect if it has a lower Tier.
(Determine Tier by the squad that usually operates the vehicle.)
Replacing a vehicle takes a great deal of resources and effort. A pilot has three ♦ Temporary vehicles do not have Quirks or a traditional Damage track. They
routes for acquiring a new replacement vehicle: have a temporary vehicle clock representing its ability to function. The
vehicle is destroyed (in a spectacular fashion) when the clock fills.
♦ Purchasing a vehicle. The pilot must first have a patron Faction, Cohort, or ally
Mundane vehicles (such as a sedan, shuttle, jet ski, etc.) have a 4-Tick
that can sell them a vehicle. The pilot must also spend Materiel Points equal to
progress clock, while enemy vehicles (such as a tank, mech, fighter jet,
double the new vehicle’s Load, plus the squad’s Tier. The player picks the
etc.) have a 6-Tick progress clock.
vehicle’s Load.
♦ When it takes Damage, the GM adds a number of Ticks to the progress
♦ Acquiring a vehicle using less honest means through a mission or long-term
clock according to the consequence list.
project. Acquired vehicles start with “level 2 Damage: Unfamiliar” (in addition
to any other Damage sustained). The GM determines its max Load and ♦ The pilot can push their temporary vehicle by adding add two ticks to the
debuted gear it comes with based on the established fiction. It cannot have progress clock, and three ticks to resist consequences. Either may overfill
any available Load. the clock which will destroy the vehicle.

♦ Accepting a squadmate’s hand-me-down vehicle. The vehicle comes as-is, with

the same Load, installed gear, Damage, and everything else.
Borrowed Vehicles
When a pilot gets into a squadmate’s vehicle, their own vehicle is generally not
Purchased and acquired replacement vehicles: replaced (use the replacement rules if this is a hand me down). Borrowing a vehicle
♦ Adopt the squad’s Tier level. Either the squad improves its system to their works like this:
standards (if lower), or the squad lacks the infrastructure to maintain that level
♦ The pilot uses the borrowed vehicle’s installed gear, but only the owner
of quality (if higher).
can debut new gear.
♦ Are created using the normal vehicle creation rules (starting on page 170).
♦ Mark Damage and exhausted Quirks on the owner’s character sheet, the
♦ Begin with 4 Quirks. same as if they were in the cockpit.
♦ The pilot in the borrowed vehicle uses their own vehicle actions and
attributes. They can nudge the vehicle in unexpected ways, but this is an
unfamiliar rig—you can’t take full advantage of its owner’s vehicle action

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Battle Bombard
When you Battle, you engage in GM QUESTIONS When you Bombard, you use GM QUESTIONS
vehicular close combat. You might lash out ♦ What close-range weapon are you vehicular weapons designed to attack ♦ What long-range weapon are you
with your scoop arm. You might fire your using to attack? targets beyond human sight. You might using to attack?
Gatling gun in a dogfight. In a flashback, designate long-range missile targets. You
♦ How lethal are you trying to be? ♦ How are you aiming at a target that
you might have feigned an attack to Disabling the target, blowing it up, might shoot a railgun through a skyscraper you can’t see with your bare eyes?
increase security. You could perform a PIT killing the pilot? at an enemy. In a flashback, you might have Precise calculations, high intensity
maneuver (but Maneuver might be better). taken out a ship full of enemy zoom, aerial drone imaging, or
♦ How do you feel as you bring this
massive weapon to bear? reinforcements. You could use saturation something stranger?
bombardment (but Destroy might be better). ♦ How appropriate is your weapon for
the shot you are taking?
EXAMPLES examples
You've snared an enemy As you clash blades with While exchanging gunfire
vehicle with your tangle gun. your rival, you see an with enemies, you retreat in A group of enemy commanders As the battle rages around A massive chunk of orbital
Now it's time to finish them opportunity to strike. You search of better cover. is meeting at a reinforced you, you pinpoint the debris has been pushed
off with your melee weapon. take it, knowing they could Unfortunately, you get bunker. You have line of sight enemy's location for allied towards your FOB. If you
break through your caught out in an open with your beam cannon from a artillery outside of the can’t destroy it before it
1-3 (Risky opportunity):
defenses at any moment! parking lot, while your foes fair distance away, and a conflict zone. enters atmosphere, it'll
They block your first attack,
take cover amongst low snake's head to remove. cause devastation as it
and partially tear free from 1-3 (cost): The opening 1-3 (complication): An
apartment blocks. burns up on entry.
their constraints. You could was a ploy! Your rival parries 1-3 (Risky opportunity): enemy rushes you while
remove them from the fight your blade to the ground, 1-3 (Damage): Before you As you charge your shot, you you’re transmitting the 1-3 (complication): Your
some other way (such as then stomps on it. The blade can provide yourself some realize that the weapon's coordinates, and YOUR missiles don't hit any
talking them down), or you shatters, and you must junk covering fire, they light you glow will be highly visible. location is sent to the vulnerable spots on the
could keep attacking from a that piece of vehicle gear. up with their directed energy You could smash the entire artillery due to the foe's debris. It moves closer
Risky Position. weapons. Take level 3 area with a different weapon, proximity. towards the point where it
4/5 (worse Position): Your
Damage: Slagged. or take the shot from a Risky can no longer be stopped.
4/5 (complication): You blade slides through their 4/5 (worse Position):
take down the foe, but your vehicle's cure, but they use 4/5 (reduced Effect): You Transmitting the data to 4/5 (reduced Effect):
excitement traps you in your it to their advantage. They open fire to buy yourself 4/5 (Damage): Your beam your allies alerts an enemy Some parts break off of the
own snare. It'll take some twist the blade from your some time. You get several tunnels into the bunker, but fighter wing to your debris. But its massive size
work to get loose. hands. Disarmed, you enter hits in, but the apartment its reinforcements require location. You enter a means you can’t do much
a Desperate Position. buildings block much of your you to increase the power. Desperate Position as they damage. A bigger missile is
attack. The commanders are killed, make strafing runs on you. in order.
but you take level 1 Damage:

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Destroy Maneuver
When you Destroy, you employ your GM QUESTIONS When you Maneuver, you move GM QUESTIONS
vehicle's overwhelming destructive power ♦ What area are you trying to ruin? your vehicle with skill and agility. You ♦ Where are you trying to move your
against targets that can't evade or parry. You might fly through the valley between vehicle?
♦ What highly destructive weapon
might carpet bomb a military base. You might skyscrapers. You might creep across an
or tool are you using? ♦ What course do plot to your
smash a building with a wrecking ball. In a unsteady bridge. In a flashback, you might destination?
♦ How concerned are you about
flashback, you might have collapsed a have snuck your vehicle into a disused
collateral damage? ♦ What mobility systems are you
roadway tunnel along the route ahead. You subway tunnel. You could gently nudge
using? Legs, wheels, thrusters,
could attack using a bus as a weapon (but another vehicle into a specific position (but something stranger?
Battle might be better). Manipulate might be better).

examples examples

You decide that the best way As your companions engage The mobile fortress' turret Enemy forces closely monitor An enemy vehicle has been An enemy helicopter is
to clear a minefield before the in close-quarters combat turns toward you, charging this area, but you could use smothering your forces with escaping through the financial
convoy you’re escorting with an enemy squad, you its railgun. If you can just your light vehicle's small missiles. You rev your engine district with a prisoner you need
arrives is to shell it from far warn them to take cover as smash the rails with your profile and speed to get and rush to take them on in to rescue. You spot a tight gap
away with your artillery you smother the conflict wrecking ball before it fires... through undetected. close quarters. But they between skyscrapers that'll be a
cannon. zone with missiles. have you in their sights. great shortcut to fly through.
1-3 (Damage): The turret 1-3 (Risky opportunity):
1-3 (Risky opportunity): 1-3 (worse Position): lines up its shot before you You discover that there is 1-3 (worse Position): An 1-3 (cost): Misjudging the gap,
The convoy arrives ahead of Friend and foe alike take can swing, and there's a more surveillance here than incoming missile knocks you you slam into one building,
schedule, placing them in cover, so all your missiles do horrible screech of metal. expected. You could press over. You’re now a sitting bounce off it, and crash into the
danger from your artillery. You is draw attention. A group of Take the level 3 Damage: forward with the plan in a duck for the enemy, moving second. Your vehicle is
could find another way three enemy AWVs are Ripped Apart. Risky Position, or you could try you to a Desperate Position. undamaged, but your
through the minefield (such dispatched to deal with you, something else to get through employer will disapprove of the
4/5 (reduced Effect): Your 4/5 (Damage): You close
as using your vehicle's moving you to a Desperate (such as ambushing the property damage and terror
wrecking ball slams into the the distance between the
sensors), or you could fire Position. monitoring station). you've inflicted. Lose 3 Trust with
turret, knocking it partially two of you, taking a couple
your artillery anyway from a your employer.
4/5 (cost): While your friends out of its housing. But it 4/5 (reduced Effect): You of missile hits in the process.
Risky Position.
take cover, your foes secure remains active and armed. have a couple close calls as Take the level 2 Damage: 4/5 (complication): You lose
4/5 (complication): The the battlefield. You hold the you move, and have to hide Blasted. sightofthehelicopterasyou focus
multitude of explosions from trigger down until your ammo part way through. It'll take on the narrow gap. As you clear
your artillery and the mines counter reads empty, blowing more effort to get clear. the skyscrapers, you realize it met
tear up the field. It'll be them apart. You can't use up with several other helicopters.
difficult for the convoy to get your missile launcher for the Nowyoudon'tknowwhichonehas
past all these craters. rest of the mission. theprisoner.

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Manipulate Scan
When you Manipulate, you deftly move GM QUESTIONS When you Scan, you broadly observe GM QUESTIONS
things with your vehicle. You might remove a ♦ What object are you trying to the situation around you through your vehicle. ♦ What type of sensor are you
primed warhead from a missile. You might pick move? You might identify the model of approaching using? Radar, sonar, heat
up a baby in its carriage. In a flashback, you vehicles. You might spot the heat signature of imaging, something stranger?
♦ What part of your mech are you
might have destroyed a vehicle’s mobility suite using to move the object? How an active generator. In a flashback, you might ♦ How are the results displayed in
while keeping the damage hidden. You could do you control it? have noticed the seismic readings from an your cockpit?
reattach a damaged arm (but Engineer might incoming tunneling vehicle. You could judge a
♦ Where do you want to put the ♦ What are you trying to learn?
be better). object? building’s stress points (but Study might be
While undercover, you use a A friend is trapped under the Emergency barricades
loader to subtly put stolen rubble of a collapsed rapidly shut behind your Needing to find a safe route Passive sensors alert you to The heavily armored enemy
goods on a cargo vehicle, building, so you reach out squad as you try to escape through enemy territory, you several enemy vehicles as AWV barrels towards you with
hopefully avoiding detection. with your vehicle to free the facility. You're in the lead activate your sensors in search they activate around your a vicious, thrashing drill. You
them. and can tell that the others of foes to avoid. However, your squad. If you can't find them just need a moment more to
1-3 (Risky opportunity):
won't make it unless you hold enemy may detect your quickly, they'll easily ambush find a weak spot...
One of the warehouse 1-3 (worse Position): As
the door open. probing and come for you. you.
supervisors sees you and you shift the ruins, you find a 1-3 (Harm): An eager
begins shouting. You could broken pipe inside of it. 1-3 (complication and 1-3 (Risky opportunity): 1-3 (worse Position): The specialist Cohort knocks you
keep loading from a Risky That’s when the space Damage): You try to hold the You sense an enemy vehicle enemies rapidly come out of the way at the last
Position, or try some other way begins to quickly fill with door, but your vehicle buckles scanning for you. You could try online, bursting from their moment. You watch through
to get the goods onto the water. You move to a under the strain, forcing you another way to get the intel concealed locations, your scanners as their vehicle
transport vehicle (such as Desperate Position. out. Take level 2 Damage: you need (such as using your surrounding you. You’re now is shredded. They are now
convincing the supervisor to do Strained joints. You’re also human eyes to look), or keep in a Desperate Position. Broken.
4/5 (reduced Effect): The
it). separated from your squad. probing with your sensors
rubble shifts unexpectedly, 4/5 (complication): You 4/5 (cost): You discover that
from a Risky Position.
4/5 (Harm): While you're forcing you to slow down 4/5 (Harm and Damage): discover where they are, but the AWV is actually a secret
working, a stevedore starts your efforts. You eventually You hold the door just long 4/5, reduced Effect: You realize some of them are weapon created by your
shouting about how you're get your friend free, but it enough for your team to get picked up on several enemies piloting vehicles stolen from employer. You’ll lose 3 Trust
doing it wrong. They kick you takes longer than you through. But it slams down on in the area. However, a your Faction. It’ll be hard to with your employer if you
out of the loader and finish the hoped. your vehicle's cockpit as you jamming array cuts off the rest identify friend or foe until you take advantage of its weak
job in half the time, all while scramble through. Take level 2 of your sweep. sort it out. spot, as they would rather not
mocking your skill in front of Damage: Crushed and level 1 have that information made
their co-workers. Take the level Harm: Bruised. public in any capacity.
1 Harm: Roasted.

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the vehicles
VEHICLES IN THE WORLD The History of Vehicles
A vehicle is not an uncommon piece of equipment in Beam Saber. While many Consider the relationship that characters have with the vehicles of Beam Saber,
citizens can access automobiles of varying styles and sizes (and even some civilian as it will color the nature of your campaign. Here are some questions to determine their
versions of pilot vehicles), vehicles available to pilots are in a different league. They are place in your world. These are good questions for everyone to consider during
larger, tougher, more versatile, and have built-in life support. The following sections character creation.
describe the story behind these vehicles.

Are vehicles heirlooms passed down from parent to child?

Light Vehicles In a culture where vehicles are inherited, through bloodlines or other tradition, it

Light vehicles are generally about 30 feet in length or height, depending on the implies a number of expectations:

nature of the vehicle. Some are smaller, though all are designed so the pilot remains ♦ Vehicles are incredibly valuable—monetarily, historically, and emotionally.
entirely contained within the vehicle’s cockpit. Although commonly larger than ♦ Vehicles are an obvious symbol of wealth and power.
automobiles, Light vehicles aren’t always conspicuous—especially when their civilian ♦ Pilots are usually expected to provide their own vehicles when they join The
equivalents can be similar in appearance. This is similar to how public transit buses War.
stand out in a sea of cars, but they rarely get a second look.
♦ The ruling body’s military power, in turn, is dispersed amongst its citizens, or at
least those powerful enough to own these vehicles.

Medium Vehicles ♦ People with vehicles can access people with the skills to maintain them (further
cementing their wealth).

Medium vehicles average approximately 45 feet in length or height, give or take ♦ Vehicles are probably old. They may be lovingly maintained, dilapidated, full of
5 feet. These are always notable when seen, and arouse curiosity from onlookers. The improvised fixes, or some combination of the
reactions to a Medium is comparable to the presence of a police command vehicle: It above. It could be that new ones aren’t being
made anymore, and parts must be salvaged
occupies a lot of space, physically and mentally. It’s not inherently dangerous, but
from other vehicles.
something serious is going down if it’s here.

Are vehicles fresh off the line?

Heavy Vehicles If vehicles are made regularly, then a 3”x1.5”

Heavy vehicles max out at 60 feet in length or height. Anything larger requires manufacturing base exists in the setting. Further,
a full crew proportionate to its size (putting it beyond the scope of this game). Heavies powerful organizations will use vehicles to maintain and
are always a sign that someone’s day is about to be ruined. Unless presented in an expand their influence. Low ranking and inexperienced
exceedingly friendly manner, the general public gives Heavies a wide berth. Imagine a pilots will have access to them. They may be used more
missile truck located in a public space—that gives an idea of how much a Heavy vehicle frivolously, as they can be easily replaced.
stands out.

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Are they seen as heroic, cowardly, monstrous or something else?

A culture in your campaign might portray those vehicles as the modern

equivalent of chivalrous knights, valiantly fighting to protect the homeland. Perhaps
others disdained them for taking the human element out of battle, becoming symbols
of a world too eager to indulge in massive battles. Maybe their raw, destructive power
is emphasized in the public’s mind, so they become monsters—mechanical beasts that
easily kill a person, accidental or intentional. Others may see vehicles as tools, as most
aren’t armed and are considered little more than bulldozers with legs.

Have they been introduced to The War recently, or have they existed
for generations?
5”x6.5” if we
If the types of vehicles available to pilots are new to The War, there will be more wanna do a single
uncertainty about them. Commanders won’t know how to make use of them, people splash here
won’t know how dangerous they are, and certain parts may be difficult to obtain. If
they’ve existed for a while, most of those problems will be absent—they’ll have a rather
mundane reputation. 6.8”x11.2” double spread with a 5.5x2.75” cutout up ^here^ if we wanted to do like a whole spread

5”x4” if we wanna do a
single slot here

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Pilots, Squads, and Factions

There are three levels of actors in Beam Saber: the pilot, the squad, and the

♦ The pilot is the individual role filled by the players and NPCs. Not all pilots
control vehicles, it’s just common parlance for those active in The War.
Generally speaking, a pilot’s influence doesn’t extend much further than those
they can personally engage. Sometimes the right person in the right place at
the right time can change the fate of worlds. But the vast majority of the time?
The best a pilot can do in The War is survive and keep those close to them
♦ The squad is comprised of multiple pilots and their support staff. Some squads
number fewer than 10, while the largest can be hundreds of people in the
same command structure. However, a squad is still made up of people. People
can be persuaded, betrayed, killed, seduced, deceived, and generally acted
upon directly. In short, squads can be overcome.
♦ The Faction is an organizational entity on a scale so large it has become more
of an idea than anything physical. It’s made up of countless squads and an
unimaginable amount of people. It has transcended beyond the material and
cannot be touched—which is also its weakness. Factions are slow to act in The
War, and must do so through their squads. A Faction can never be destroyed,
but its squads can be removed which eliminates its ability to act.

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squads and factions

Squad Creation
This section provides step-by-step directions for creating your squad. However, 4. Choose a goal for your patron Faction. Consider the amount of politics, combat,
you can jump to Appendix B (page 428) if you want to randomly generate your squad in and brutality everyone wants in the game, as well as themes they might want to
part or in whole. explore. Independent squads skip this step. See the Faction goals section (page
215) for more details. The possible options are:
1. Choose your squad's patron Faction. The Faction carries out goals to further its
interests in The War (see Faction Goals, page 215), and determines what bonus ♦ Assault the Foe ♦ Hostile Takeover
supplies you get when you are employed by your Patron (see reward section, page ♦ Divided They Fall ♦ Intelligence Coup
224). The possible options are: ♦ Golden Streets ♦ Manufacture Heroes
♦ Autocracy (+1 Materiel, +1 Trust with the employer at the mission reward)
♦ Hearts and Minds ♦ Secure the Borders
♦ Corporatocracy (+2 Materiel at the mission reward)
♦ Democracy (+1 Materiel, +1 Personnel at the mission reward) 5. Choose a squad playbook. This determines the nature of most of your missions
♦ Independent (+2 Rep without a supply roll at the mission reward) and some common training everyone in the squad has.

♦ Oligarchy (+1 Personnel, +1 Trust with the employer at the mission reward) 6. Choose an initial squad reputation and Forward Operating Base (FOB).
♦ Theocracy (+2 Personnel at the mission reward) When you reinforce your squad’s reputation on a mission, the squad marks 1 XP.
While the squad’s patron Faction doesn’t necessarily own the squad, it does expect Your starting FOB will be small and unimpressive. See squad reputation for
them to follow its orders and work towards its interests. Note, working with an suggestions.
Independent Faction is intentionally more challenging than working with other 7. Choose a squad ability. This is a special trick everyone in the squad can perform.
Factions. Independents work against the established systems, and so lack the same
institutional support. 8. Choose two squad upgrades. These are tools, Personnel, and facilities. Each
squad playbook has two pre-selected upgrades (for example, Profiteers always
2. Set your relationship with each Faction to 0. They don’t know or care about the have Resolve Training and a secure FOB). The squad also chooses two more
squad until they’ve performed some missions for or against them. Set your Trust upgrades from the squad playbook or from the general squad upgrades. A squad
with each Faction to 0 for the same reason. helped you get the upgrades; take +1 Status with them. Another squad was denied
3. Create an NPC who is the squad’s Direct Superior. The GM will often use them to those upgrades because you have them; take -1 Status with them. Each of these
assign the squad’s missions. Other squads also have a connection with them (for squads could be from the same Faction as the players’ squad and/or from a
good or ill). One squad is friendly with the Direct Superior, so take +1 Status with different Faction.
them and describe the connection. Another squad dislikes the Direct Superior, so 9. Name your squad. This might be your official designation, or it might be a group
take -1 Status with them and describe the issue. See the Direct Superior section call sign. Other squads and Factions know you by this name.
(page 201) for suggestions.
10. If the players haven’t created their pilots yet, begin pilot creation (page 68).

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squads and factions

Squad Advancement Direct Superior
At the end of a session, look at the squad’s XP triggers on the squad sheet. Take The squad will probably interact the most with their
EXAMPLE direct
1 squad XP for each item that happened this session. For each item that happened Direct Superior out of all the other NPCs. This person will superiors
multiple times or in a dramatic fashion, take 2 XP instead. The squad XP triggers are: be higher rank than the pilots, give them orders, and
Carberry, a shady
► Your squad playbook’s XP trigger. Every squad playbook gets XP for doing assign them missions. They should have a title suitable to and cruel fixer.
missions that suit their specialty. the patron Faction, and a brief description of their Scratch, a cheerful
and energetic proxy.
► Face off against challenges above your pay grade. If you were opposed by appearance and personality. If the player’s pilots are
Virtue de Quidt,
obstacles or foes of a higher Tier, take XP. Independent, their superior might be from another squad, an experienced and
a mysterious source, or someone else with unofficial crafty noble.
► Reinforce your squad’s reputation or gain a new one. Did the squad’s
actions promote what they’re known for, or did they become known for something authority over the pilots. Alderperson Drake,
a fiery and passionate
new? politician.
Other squads also have relationships with the Direct
► Express the goals, drives, inner conflict, or instincts of the squad. If you Captain Martinez,
Superior. One squad likes them, so you take +1 Status with a weary and grumpy
played into what makes your squad unique and interesting, take XP. Don’t be too picky officer.
that squad and add an appropriate descriptor during squad
about awarding XP for this trigger.
creation. Another squad dislikes the Direct Superior, so you Bishop Acampora,
a patient and caring
When the squad reaches 8 XP, reset the XP to zero, and take either two squad take -1 Status with that squad and add an appropriate member of the clergy.
upgrades or one squad ability. descriptor during squad creation. Confessor Tebbel,
an inquisitive and
meticulous theologian.
The Direct Superior isn’t there to boss around the
squad. They’re a representative of the squad’s patron Councilor Swan,
a hard-hearted,
Changing Squad or Pilot Playbooks Faction, providing the link between the patron and the squad.
They’re also a way for the GM to give the players their
calculating bureaucrat.
There might be a time where a player wants to change their pilot playbook (an Ace Hawkins,
mission brief. They should rarely be the focus of the narrative. a sentimental and
becomes a Soldier), or all the players want to change the squad’s playbook (Profiteers thoughtful trooper.
become Logistics). There are two options for changing playbooks: The Direct Superior might give an order or mission Project Lead Walker,
the pilots or players don’t want to carry out. Pause, and an ambitious and
♦ If the player or group realize their playbook doesn’t fit what they want to do, hardworking manager.
they make the pilot or squad from scratch, but keep the same number of discuss what’s happening and how to move forward. Check
Executive Assistant
earned advances. if the players are uncomfortable or uninterested in McEvoy, a stressed
and organized worker.
♦ If the nature of the pilot or squad changed in the narrative, transfer the action following the order, and adjust the order accordingly. If the
ratings or squad upgrades to the new playbook (you don’t get the starting Margrave Takeyuki,
players are okay, discuss why the pilots are refusing it. The a paranoid and
action points or squad upgrades though). Keep the special abilities already meek leader.
pilots will sometimes find enough reason to go along with
earned as Veteran abilities (it’s alright if you end up with more than three).
the order, other times they might refuse it, regardless of the consequences. Maybe it's
just time to find a new patron Faction. Whatever happens, never pressure a player into
something they don’t want to do.

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Squad Reputation General Squad Upgrades
When a potential employer thinks of a squad, their EXAMPLE squad A squad upgrade is a location or piece of infrastructure with beneficial features.
reputation is the first thing that comes to mind. The
squad’s reputation should be a word or phrase that the
reputations They make great narrative fodder and give pilots mechanical benefits or resources to
help with their efforts in The War. During a campaign, players may secure extra
squad already embodies or strives toward, but does not Ambitious
upgrades each time they complete the squad XP track—taken from either the general
directly speak to their competence. “Skilled” is a bad Amoral
list or squad playbook.
reputation, try “Daring” instead. The squad gets XP at Honorable
Whenever the squad takes an upgrade, describe how the FOB or nearby area
the end of session by living up to their reputation. Professional
Menacing looks or changes as a result. It’ll make the FOB feel real

Daring and homey (as homey as one can get in The War).

Savvy ♦ Were new buildings added to the FOB, or old

buildings modified?
Strange ♦ How has the change affected nearby civilians and
any Cohorts connected to the squad?
♦ How have nearby squads, whether friend or foe,
reacted to the squad’s growing resources?

Forward Operating Base (FOB) These are not all the possible questions you may

The pilots spend most of their time between

EXAMPLE squad want to answer about how the FOB is different now,

missions at their Forward Operating Base (or FOB). This reputations they’re just to get you started. Take your time talking
about the FOB’s changes, it’ll help set the stage for when
is a compound that provides the squad with resources there’s a conflict at the base. For example, if the players
Car Dealership
and support, and has relatively little oversight from the Border Outpost described their Factory upgrade as being a nearby
patron Faction. It's their home in The War. Mine manufacturing plant (separate from the FOB), then it
Old Armory doesn't make sense to have a tense chase at the FOB
The FOB’s size and complexity increases as the
Crashed Space Station across the factory's conveyor belts.
squad increases their Tier and gains squad upgrades.
When starting out from Tier 0, the FOB is small,
unimpressive, probably run down, and has some
upgrades (which the players determine during squad
Orbital Platform Getting Upgrades Without XP
creation). The players describe where the FOB is located, Players don’t need to rely on XP to get upgrades.
Amusement Park
and what the facility is like. It might be inside of a major They can embark on a mission or complete a suitable long-
city at an official outpost, high in the mountains in a deep cave system, or in the middle term project to secure a squad upgrade. As a group,
of nowhere at an abandoned refueling station. Whatever sounds interesting to the discuss how you might acquire the upgrade—pilots will
players is an appropriate choice. likely need to prepare by gathering information or
completing some preliminary long-term projects or a setup

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mission. When the squad completes their preparation, they can go on that mission or
finish that final long-term project with the objective of securing the squad upgrade. If General Squad Upgrade list
successful, the squad immediately gains access to the upgrade’s benefits. The following upgrades are available to any squad, regardless of their type.
For example, if the upgrade is outside the FOB’s region, pilots may need to
complete additional tasks before attempting to capture the upgrade. These tasks might
involve gathering information on the upgrade, a mission or long-term project to secure
a route between the upgrade and the FOB, or establishing security at the site.

But keep in mind that The War has everyone stretched thin. Only one squad may
use an upgrade at one time, so you can’t share with another squad even if you’re on
friendly terms. It also means the players’ pilots and other squads alike may attempt to
access an upgrade through force, coercion, negotiation, or by building one themselves.

An upgrade’s safety is never guaranteed. Other squads may attempt to capture

upgrades for themselves, or destroy them if they’re desperate enough. The squad can ► Cohort: Gain a fire team (a group of ► Training Course: Choose a type of fire
agents) or specialist (an especially skilled team. All of your Cohorts are that type in
defend their upgrade, negotiate with the aggressor, or simply hand over the upgrade
agent) that works for the squad. addition to their normal type. Now
as the situation requires. If the squad's FOB is lost, they lose all squad upgrade benefits
Requires 2 squad upgrades to purchase. there’s never a shortage of pilots.
until the FOB is re-established. See page 201 for more details.
► Barracks: Choose one of your fire team
Cohorts. It gets +1 Scale. Extra room
means larger fire teams.

► Forgers’ Workshop: You get +1d to the ► Regional Records: You get +1d to the
engagement roll for deception plans. engagement roll for stealth plans. You
False identities help confuse the can use blueprints and other documents
opposition. to determine a good approach for
► Guerilla Hideout: You get +1d to the
engagement roll for assault plans. The ► Secret Routes: You get +1d to the
independent fighters around here help engagement roll for transport plans. You
you out now. might have access to long-forgotten
underground subways, little known
► Personal Clothier: You get +1d to the
mountain paths, or some other route.
engagement roll for social plans. You
always arrive on the scene in the most ► Supercomputer: You get +1d to the
current and alluring fashions. engagement roll for scientific plans. It’s
running simulations for you.

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General Prep and Recovery
► Hidden FOB: The squad's FOB is hidden ► Secure FOB: Your FOB has perimeter ► Factory: You get +1d to Fix rolls. Any ► Refit Station: One pilot may uninstall a
from even intensive searches. If it's defenses, such as automated turrets, trip factory can churn out military parts. piece of gear at the start of the mission
discovered, complete a Long Term wire explosives, or a sturdy wall. These for free, opening up a Load slot. It’s easy
► Infirmary: You get +1d to Recover rolls.
Project to once again conceal it. defenses help protect your squad to swap parts with the automated
The infirmary has beds for long-term
against attacks while at home. This arrangement of catwalks and cranes.
► Lighthouse Satellite: A safe passage in convalescence and medical automation.
upgrade can be taken twice, with the
space. When you head into the dark and ► Scrapyard: You get +1d to upkeep rolls.
defenses becoming more effective with ► Loyal Bar: You get +1d to gather
can contact this satellite, you’ll never Spare parts on the cheap!
the second upgrade. information about the current or upcoming
become lost.
mission. Your eyes and ears on the streets
► Workshop: The FOB has a space filled
► Quarters: Your FOB has comfortable are always on the lookout for you.
with tools, materials, and a database
sleeping space for everyone. Otherwise
the squad’s pilots sleep away from the
FOB in vulnerable locations.
such that the long-term project, Salvage,
and Fix downtime activities can be
Rep, Trust, and Heart
worked on without leaving the FOB. ► Cover Business: You reduce Trust lost ► Public Works: You get +1 Heart on your
► Transmitter Array: -1 Stress cost for from a mission’s target by 2. The cover of Rep track. You can have up to 6 Public
digital powers and app usage. This effect a civilian operation helps deflect some of Works. This location supports the locals,
applies to the entire squad, everywhere. the attention from those you’ve hurt. so they have your back.
You don’t have to be at the array to
► Propaganda Radio: You reduce Trust ► Trophies Room: You get +1 Rep per
benefit from it.
lost from a mission’s employer by 2. mission. Word of your accolades, earned
Factions don’t want any trouble from or “collected,” gets around. Your
On Site you; they look the other way. boldness boosts your rep in the military.

► CCTV Network: You get +1d to Survey

on site. With cameras and audio bugs
► Luxury Venue: You get +1d to Sway
rolls on site. Silks, paintings, and crystal Quality
everywhere, you’ve got the advantage. impress the clientele. ► Quality (Gear): Your gear sets are bonuses from the squad's Tier and the
► Commissary: You get +1d to Consort ► Private Office: You get +1d to better Quality (in addition to the Quality “fine” descriptor).
rolls on site. Some rationed items and Command rolls on site. Sitting behind a bonuses from the squad's Tier and the
► Quality (Supplies): Your supply sets are
friendly conversation can go a long way. big desk gives an air of authority. “fine” descriptor).
better Quality (in addition to the Quality
► Hack Lab: You get +1d to Interface rolls ► Radar Station: You get +1d to Scan rolls ► Quality (Outfits): Your outfits are bonuses from the squad's Tier and the
on site. A hack lab provides tools, both on site. Tapping into a much larger better Quality (in addition to the Quality “fine” descriptor).
physical and digital, for making superb sensor array gives you the advantage. bonuses from the squad's Tier and the
► Quality (Tools): Your tools are better
AR works. “fine” descriptor).
► Tunnels: You get +1d to Prowl rolls on Quality (in addition to the Quality
► Holo-grid: You get +1d to Consort with site. These hidden passages allow you to ► Quality (Pilot Weapons): Your pilot bonuses from the squad's Tier and the
AR entities on site. This room simplifies move around unseen. weapons are better Quality (in addition “fine” descriptor).
communication between humans and to the Quality bonuses from the squad's
► Quality (Vehicle Weapons): Your
AR entities by bridging their differences. Tier and the “fine” descriptor).”
vehicle weapons are better Quality (in
► Quality (Programs): Your programs are addition to the Quality bonuses from the
better Quality (in addition to the Quality squad's Tier and the “fine” descriptor).

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Supplies Heart
► Airfield: The first level provides 1 ► Side Business: Once per downtime, Heart represents the support and control your squad has over areas where they
Supply Point at the start of downtime roll dice equal to your Tier. You earn operate. You gain Heart by acquiring the Public Works squad upgrade. Heart makes it
activities. The second level provides Personnel equal to the highest result, easier for squads to increase their hold and Tier. For each point of Heart, the squad
an additional 1 Supply Point (total 2). minus your most negative Faction requires one fewer point of Rep to develop (up to a maximum of 6 Heart). If the squad
relationship. What kind of legitimate
► Collection Agency: Once per has 3 Heart, they only need 9 points of Rep to increase hold or Tier. Heart doesn’t reset
business is this? How do you get paid
downtime, roll dice equal to your Tier. when you spend Rep to develop the squad, letting you quickly improve the squad,
in secret?
You earn Materiel equal to the highest though it can decrease if the Public Works squad upgrade is lost.
result, minus your most negative ► Storage: The first level of this upgrade
Faction relationship. Some of the locals allows the squad to store up to eight of
are terrified of you and will gladly pay
for “protection.”
all Supply Point types. The second
level increases the storage to 16. Tier and Hold
► Motor Pool: A first level Motor Pool ► Warehouses: You get +1d to acquire Every notable squad has a Tier that indicates its size, renown, and power, and
means you pay half the Materiel cost asset rolls. You have space to hold all either “weak” or “strong” hold. Tier is measured using Roman numerals from 0 (lowest)
(rounded up) when procuring new of your various spoils gained from to V (highest). Hold shows how well a squad can maintain its current position on the
vehicles. At the second level, the battle. It can be useful on its own, or ladder. If you lose your weak hold, you’ll slip down a Tier, so watch out. A “W” next to
squad and its Cohorts gain access to for barter when you need it. the squad’s Tier indicates weak hold, and an “S” indicates strong hold.
Load 3 temporary vehicles for free.
The lowest possible Tier for an NPC squad is Tier I, but the players’ squad starts

Training at Tier 0-S. However, it’s possible for Tier 1 NPC squads to become Tier 0 during play.

Tier generally determines a squad’s level of resources. Players use their squad’s
► Mastery: Unlocks 4th action points. ► Training (Insight): When taking the
Tier when acquiring assets and making fortune rolls where success depends on the
Requires four squad upgrades to Train downtime activity for Insight,
squad’s resources and fame. The squad’s Tier also determines the Quality of a squad’s
activate. take 2 XP instead of 1. A space for
items, as well as the Quality and scale of their Cohorts. A squad’s Tier can also guide
deep thought, to let you hone your
► Testing Facilities: When taking the the narrative in terms of resources and its membership.
Enhance downtime activity, the
vehicle marks 2 boxes on the Enhance ► Training (Prowess): When taking the When a fire team is deployed, their scale by Tier is as follows:
track instead of 1. Train downtime activity for Prowess, ► Tier V: Massive (roughly 80 people)
take 2 XP instead of 1. A space that
► Training (Playbook): When taking ► Tier IV: Huge (roughly 40 people)
lets you freely exercise your prowess.
the Train downtime activity for your
pilot playbook, take 2 XP instead of 1. ► Training (Resolve): When taking the ► Tier III: Large (roughly 20 people)
A space that has tools suitable to your Train downtime activity for Resolve,
► Tier II: Medium (roughly 10 people)
trade, allowing you to practice the take 2 XP instead of 1. A space that
tricks in your playbook. allows you to steel yourself and focus ► Tier I: Small (roughly 5 people)
your resolve.
► Tier 0: 1 or 2 people

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Squad Development COHORTS
Rep moves a squad up the ranks and is a measure of clout, renown, and A Cohort is a fire team (a group of agents) or a specialist (an especially skilled
resources. When you accrue enough Rep, Factions and other squads take you more agent) that works for the squad, directed by the pilots. Acquiring a new Cohort costs 2
seriously, and you attract the support needed to develop and grow. squad upgrades.

You need 12 Rep to fill the Rep track on your squad sheet. When you fill the Rep
track, choose one of the following:
1. Choose to make a fire team or a specialist.

♦ If your hold is weak (represented by a "W" after their Tier value), it

becomes strong (represented by an “S” after their Tier value). Reset your Fire (Fire teams have Quality and Specialist (A specialist has
Quality equal to the
Rep to zero.
♦ If your hold is strong, you can pay to increase your squad’s Tier by one.
Team scale equal to the squad’s Tier) squad’s Tier+1 and a
scale of 0).

Spend Personnel and Materiel equal to the squad's new Tier times 4. For 2. Choose your Cohort’s expertise:
example, a squad must spend 8 Personnel and 8 Materiel to become Tier II Fire teams can be… Specialists can have any type of specialty.
(Tier II x 4 = 8 of each resource type). You must spend equal amounts
Adepts (academics, scientists, mechanics, etc.) Doctor, assassin, chemist, sniper, and
Personnel and Materiel (so no spending 10 Personnel and 6 Materiel for navigator are all acceptable (but are far from
Tier II). As long as your Rep track is full, you don’t earn new Rep (12 is the Rooks (spies, con artists, socialites, etc.), the only options)
max). Once you pay and increase your Tier, reset your Rep to zero and Rovers (drivers, astronauts, urban spelunkers, etc.)
reduce your hold to weak. Skulks (thieves, scouts, infiltration, etc.)
If an event, such as an Entanglement, would reduce Rep below zero it instead or Toughs (killers, bouncers, warriors, etc.)
stops at zero.
A Cohort will have items appropriate to its expertise and Quality. Only Rovers and specialists with
an appropriate expertise start with vehicles. They have vehicles that suit their specialty and the
squad’s playbook. A pilot can acquire an asset during downtime to give Cohorts access to a vehicle
When your Tier increases, the squad experiences several changes. or a different type of vehicle. The squad ability “Motor Pool” also grants Cohorts the same access.
Cohort vehicles have Load equal to the Cohort’s Tier if it becomes relevant.
♦ Higher quality items. The Quality of items is equal to the squad’s Tier.
♦ More dice on fortune rolls. When using the squad's Tier a fortune roll where
3. Choose 1-2 Edges for the cohort... ...and as many Flaws as it has Edges.

►Fearsome (terrifying in aspect and ►Brutal (excessively violent and cruel)

its power and notoriety are paramount, roll a number of dice equal to the notoriety)
►Eager (will act without orders for “the
Tier. ►Independent (able to make good squad’s best interests”)
decisions and take action without direct
♦ Bigger and better Cohorts. The scale and Quality of the squad's fire teams orders) ►Principled (has an ethic or value it
and specialists increases to the new Tier. won’t betray)
►Loyal (can’t be bribed or turned against
the Squad) ►Obligation (not always available due to
other responsibilities, illness, etc.)
►Tenacious (won’t be deterred from a
task) ►Wild (drunken, debauchery, and loud

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Using a Cohort Cohort Mistreatment
Pilots can either work alongside a Cohort, send them on tasks alone, or If the squad mistreats a Cohort (physical
Command them to do tasks alone—each provides different benefits and challenges. If or emotional violence, needlessly dangerous
a Cohort tackles a problem alone within their expertise, roll its Quality to determine the tasks, forcing them to fight while wounded, etc.),
outcome. If the task is outside its expertise, it counts as having a Quality of zero. If a they may retaliate if it suits the narrative and
Pilot directs the Cohort with orders, that Pilot rolls Command. If a Pilot participates tone of your game. A singular instance of
alongside the Cohort, they make a roll with the Cohort’s scale and Quality affecting the mistreatment is likely tolerable, but a second
Position and Effect. Any of these rolls can be an Action roll or a Fortune roll as is (and certainly a third) may have them looking to
appropriate to the fiction. make a change.

Demon is working a mission alongside a fire team of Toughs belonging to his Tier If appropriate, the GM will make a 4-Tick
1 squad. His scanners show that some enemy infantry are trying to flank him through an Clock representing when the Cohort will retaliate.
empty school. He sends the Toughs into the school, trusting in their ability to sort it out. Add 1 or 2 Ticks (depending on severity) each
time a pilot mistreats a Cohort. For each Tick
Demon could leave the Tough’s to it—they’d roll the squad’s Tier (1d) because
added, the Cohort retaliates in increasingly
they’d be acting independently within their expertise. But instead, he gives them orders
dramatic fashion. Here are some examples of
over the radio while he handles the frontline foe—letting him roll Command (2d) instead.
how a Cohort could retaliate:
Unfortunately, he gets less than a 6 on his roll; it isn't enough to win the fight in the school.
♦ Grumbling: The Cohort complains about the mistreatment to other NPCs of
After dealing with the frontline threat, Demon gets the Tough’s request for 2.1”3.1”
similar social status. This could be a fire team’s members complaining to each
backup. He moves into the school on foot and joins the conflict alongside them. Now that
he's fighting with them, he rolls his Struggle action (2d) and adds the Tough’s scale to his
♦ "A word, sir": The Cohort speaks candidly about the mistreatment to
roll. The Toughs let Demon fight on equal footing, so they improve the Position and Effect.
someone in a position of authority. This may be a pilot who has not mistreated
them, but may also be the squad's Direct Superior.

If a Cohort suffers Harm, its Harm level increases from 1 to 4 in the following manner: ♦ Work to Rule: The Cohort does the bare minimum. Maybe they don't work
overtime to fix the squad’s vehicles, or maybe they refuse orders that don't
1. Weakened: The Cohort has reduced Effect. make sense to them.
2. Impaired: The Cohort has reduced Quality (-1d). ♦ Strike: The Cohort refuses to work until their demands are met. What those
demands are depends on the nature of their mistreatment.
3. Broken: The Cohort cannot act until it recovers.
♦ Fragging: When the opportunity presents itself, the Cohort will put those who
4. Dead: The Cohort is destroyed. have mistreated them in danger. This may be "accidental" friendly fire, not
If a Cohort’s environment is suitable for healing, it removes a level of Harm defending against enemy attacks, or an off-duty beating.
during each downtime phase. A pilot can spend a downtime action to help them ♦ Betrayal: If the mistreatment is severe enough, the Cohort will start working
Recover, which heals the Cohort an additional level of Harm. for someone else. This may be covert (such as sneaking away at night or
feeding the enemy intel) or dramatic (an assassination attempt or ambush with
A Cohort can be reformed if destroyed. The squad spends Personnel Points equal enemy assistance). Either way, the Cohort is no longer an asset.
to the squad's Tier + 2 to restore it and two downtime activities finding new fire team
Mending the relationship with a mistreated Cohort requires a long-term project.
members or a new specialist.
The more aggrieved the Cohort is, the more Ticks the project will have. Completing the

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project should involve dealing with the Cohort’s demands and addressing the
mistreatment. Or you could just cycle out the current fire team for fresh faces who don't FACTION GOALS
know about the abuse they're about to encounter. Each Faction has a current strategic goal that will help secure their path of
The squad can dismiss the Cohort if the retaliation becomes too much (or if the dominance in The War—including the pilots’ patron Faction. The players and GM
squad just doesn’t like a Cohort). Remove the Cohort from the squad sheet. The squad discuss which Faction goal makes sense for their patron Faction to have at the start of
does not gain a replacement Cohort or upgrades of equivalent value; those resources the game. Consider the amount of politics, combat, and brutality everyone is
are lost. Of course, the squad can pick up a new Cohort the usual way in future. comfortable with when making this decision, as well as the themes everyone might
want to explore. Each Faction’s current goal is represented by a 4-Tick clock.
Cohorts may hold a grudge if things ended on a sour note. Depending on how
unhappy the Cohort was when dismissed and the manner of their dismissal, they may The pilots will likely work toward their patron Faction’s goal during missions. If
return to make the pilots suffer. they successfully advanced the patron Faction’s goal, they add one Tick to the clock at
the end of the mission. No matter how hard or how often the squad works towards the
Faction goal, getting it done in a single mission isn’t possible.

When the clock fills, all squads patronized by the Faction receive specialist
training, giving them a unique benefit. The players and GM then consider The War’s
current situation and select a new and different goal, as each goal can only be
completed once. Here are the Faction goals and their benefits:


Steal valuable Between advances in technology and an extensive
information from the spy network, you can get the answers you want.
enemy. This can be done by Once per session, a pilot may spend 2 Stress to ask
acquiring VIPs, retrieving the GM a question. The GM must answer honestly.
actionable intel, stealing This does not provide improved Effect, improved
technological advances, etc. Position, or additional dice.


Soften up a specific enemy-held Your squad’s righteous anger empowers
region in preparation for capture. their actions. When making an action roll
You could brazenly attack that region, against a squad that employs any
cut the area off from reinforcements, player’s rival, take improved Effect.
gain intel about the district’s weak
points, etc.

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Manipulate the You and your Faction’s agents synergize to pull off Act against a specific squad Now that you’re heroes, your Faction needs to
enemy’s plans. You incredible feats of manipulation. Once per mission, a at least 2 Tiers higher than keep you alive without removing you from the
could plant false orders pilot can manipulate an active clock. Describe how the players’ squad. You could action. A pilot can push themself for only 1
and intelligence, disrupt you manipulated the situation to your benefit. The attack regions controlled by that Stress a number of times per session equal to
communications, pit pilot may spend up to 3 Stress to move that many squad, deny that squad’s their squad’s Tier (minimum 1) by revealing
enemies against each Ticks into any other clocks. If the clock being mission objectives, lure that how another squad belonging to their patron
other, etc. emptied has a negative outcome when filled, then squad into acting irrationally, etc. Faction assisted them.
the Ticks can only be transferred to clocks that also
have a negative outcome. If the clock being emptied
has a positive outcome when filled, then the Ticks
can only be transferred to clocks that also have a
positive outcome. Take proactive measures to Molecule-thin layers of ceramic-alloy composite
protect the patron Faction. are electro magnetically bonded to each other,
You could remove enemy creating armor that is half the weight of standard
HEARTS AND MINDS BENEFIT: RECRUITMENT DRIVE agents acting within the patron vehicle armor but maintains the same durability.
Faction, weaken neighboring Each vehicle can have one NLA debuted.
Change the popular opinion of a People acknowledge the glory of your
regions, construct defenses, etc. Functions as normal armor, but is Load 1.
Faction in a manner that benefits Faction and want to be a part of it.
your patron Faction. You could protect Cohorts now cost 1 squad upgrade
the populace from marauders in your
patron’s name, publicize the corruption
instead of 2 as the populace flock to
of an enemy Faction, shift musical tastes Deny the enemy You’ve worked hard to deny the enemy what it needs
in support of your patron, etc. supplies. You could to continue The War, and your efforts are wearing
block imports, destroy down their squads. Choose a Faction. All of the squads
infrastructure, turn belonging to that Faction permanently lose 1 hold—
GOLDEN STREETS BENEFIT: BEGGARS CAN BE CHOOSERS enemy supply sources to going from Strong to Weak at their current Tier, or
working for your patron Weak to Strong but at a lower Tier (Weak Tier 1
Improve the patron The squad knows how to beg, barter, and steal for
Faction, etc. squads become strong Tier zero).
Faction’s supply more supplies. If each pilot who participated in the
situation. It could mean mission spends 1 Stress (Pilots cannot spend Stress
improving the Wealth rating on behalf of other squadmates), roll the mission’s When a Faction’s goal is fulfilled, every squad they currently patronize gains the
of regions, giving supplies to supply roll again, and the squad keeps the higher appropriate benefit. But squads that leave a patron Faction also lose the benefits
your patron Faction, refusing result. You may perform this benefit after the initial gained from completing that Faction’s goals. Likewise, squads who join a patron Faction
supply rolls from your patron, roll if you wish. This does not apply to the gain access to any benefits from completed goals.
etc. Bureaucrat’s Cook the Books ability.

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Of course, pilots can expect non-patron Factions to achieve their own goals and
benefits during a campaign. The GM will describe the sweeping changes the pilots hear Materiel Personnel
about when non-patron Factions complete their goals. Be careful, going up against Materiel represents everything Personnel represents the various
these Factions will alter a pilot’s Position and Effect on certain action rolls. necessary to keep a squad’s vehicles forms of labor and supplies that keep the
running, if not operating at optimal pilots fit and equipped to complete
levels. Materiel is used to: missions. Personnel is used to:
SUPPLY POINTS ► Take an additional Acquire Asset, ► Take an additional Collect, Cut Loose,
A squad can’t function if it doesn’t have the supplies it needs. These could be Enhance, Fix, Manufacture, Salvage, or long-term project, Recover, Schmooze,
Upkeep downtime activity by spending or Train downtime activity by spending
boots, ammunition, bandages, armor plating, intel, targeting computers, or even a few
1 Materiel. 1 Personnel.
soccer balls to kick around. All of these things are abstracted into the catch-all term:
“Supply Points.” Your squad gets Supply Points, or one of its subtypes, through mission ► Add +1d to an Acquire Asset, Fix, ► Replace destroyed Cohorts. The cost is
rewards, the Salvage downtime action, or another fictionally appropriate means. Manufacture, or Salvage downtime equal to the squad’s Tier+2 and two
activity, or increase the result by 1 downtime activities.
However, Supply Points can’t be used themselves. They must be converted to a level.
► Have flashbacks that utilize allied
subtype at the start of Downtime Activities requiring no action to do so. The different
► Uninstall vehicle Load slots during squads or Cohorts. Spend 1 Personnel
subtypes are Materiel and Personnel. Each type of Supply Point has its own uses:
downtime (this does not expend a in place of 1 Stress. The flashback’s
Materiel keeps vehicles and infrastructure working (see below for its uses), and
downtime activity). cost can be paid entirely in Personnel,
Personnel represents the labor and supplies required for completing missions (see
Stress, or a mix of both.
below for its uses). But importantly, both Personnel and Materiel are needed to increase ► Acquire new vehicles.
► Add +1d to a Collect, Cut Loose, long-
the squad’s Tier (see squad development on page 210). ► Take the Upkeep downtime activity,
term project, Recover, or Schmooze
add +1d to the Upkeep activity, or
A squad can store 4 of each Supply Point handy in its FOB initially. However, the downtime activity, or increase the
increase the result by 1 point.
Storage upgrade increases the amount to 8 and then 16. Any excess Supply Points result by 1 level.
must be spent during downtime; your superiors acquire anything leftover, and it ► Increase the squad’s Tier (see the
► Have a flashback to gather information.
disappears. The following table illustrates how resources scale with Supply Points: squad development section).
Spend 1 Personnel in place of 1 Stress.
► Avoid certain squad entanglements. The flashback cost can be paid entirely
► Purchase Personnel by spending 2 in Personnel, entirely in Stress, or a mix
Amount Equivalency Materiel for 1 Personnel (buying on the of both.
black market), or by spending 1 ► Add +1d to a gather information roll.
1 Supply A week’s pay for a blue collar worker. Possibly a week’s worth of rationed
Point (SP) material on the black market. Materiel for 1 Personnel during the
► Increase the squad’s Tier (see the
Collect downtime activity (forcibly
The weekly income of a small business; a full tailored outfit; a fine weapon; an squad development section).
2 SP buying from locals).
exquisite luxury item.
► Avoid certain squad entanglements.
4 SP A blue collar worker’s monthly income; the full cost of an older used vehicle.
► Purchase Materiel by spending 2
5 SP High end jewelry; a briefcase full of contraband.
Personnel for 1 Materiel (buying on the
8 SP A strong monthly profit for a small business; a rare luxury commodity. black market), or by spending 1 Personnel
for 1 Materiel during the Collect downtime
10 SP A significant asset; a luxury vehicle; a small piece of property.
activity (forcibly buying from locals).

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When the squad completes a mission, follow this process:

1. Resolve the squad’s REWARD. They’ll get Supply Points and Rep.

2. Update the squad’s TRUST, STATUS, and RELATIONSHIPS. They’ll be more and
less liked by other squads and their Factions.

3. Determine the ENTANGLEMENTS that affect the squad. Life is unfair and harsh.

4. Play through the DOWNTIME ACTIVITIES. The squad has some time to tend to
their needs.

The squad cannot use Supply Points during downtime if the fiction indicates they
wouldn’t have access to them (because their FOB is lost, they are on an extended
campaign behind enemy lines, they are doing back-to-back missions without a chance
to resupply, etc.). Fixing the problem in the fiction will restore access to the squad’s
Supply Points.

What About Money?

All Factions use electronic currency organized by centralized servers, and this
works well for most people living under them. Those living outside of the Factions deal 5”x4.75”

almost exclusively in cash, unless they frequently work within a Faction's financial
ecosystem. The term “cash” stuck around to mean assets that might be exchanged for
goods or services, but which aren’t easily traced by Factions.

The players don’t track a pilot or squad’s day-to-day expenditures. If a pilot

needs a small amount to achieve a small goal (nice clothes, bribe a bureaucrat, have
specific furniture), use the squad’s Tier for a fortune roll. They’ll need to spend
Personnel or Materiel for large purchases.

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REWARD Step 1: Supply Roll
When you complete a mission, you get several benefits. Follow this procedure to You get resupply from the Faction The Cenotaph, a Celestial Myriad squad, just
resolve the squad’s rewards. Each step is then explained in full below. you worked for (with the exception of finished a mission where they returned war
Independent employers) using the dead to the Wolf Pack—a squad belonging
1. If the Mission was successful, take a 3. The squad earns 2 Rep. If the mission supply roll. First, calculate the supply to the Jovangellian Empire. Their target was
supply roll from the employer Faction. target was higher Tier than the squad, roll’s dice pool: the Dark Room, a Democratic Federated
Roll dice equal to the Target's Tier + take additional +1 Rep per Tier higher. Systems squad, that planted bombs inside
♦ On a successful mission, take a
the employer’s Faction relationship, to If the target was lower Tier, take -1 the transported corpses. With the bombs
number of dice equal to your
a minimum of zero (roll 2d and take Rep per Tier lower (minimum zero). If employer’s Faction relationship + defused and the Dark Room agents
the lowest). Gain Supply Points equal the mission was completely hidden, the Tier of the mission’s target (to apprehended, the mission was a success.
to the highest die. A critical success take zero Rep instead of the above. a minimum of 0).
grants 9 Supply Points. ♦ On a failed mission, take a -2d
4. Assign the Supply Points as Materiel or The Cenotaph get a Supply Roll, as they
If the Mission failed, use the same penalty (minimum 0) to the
Personnel. Any Supply Points beyond completed a Faction’s mission. The squad
process as above, but apply a -2d supply roll.
the squad’s maximum storage have a +1 Relationship with their employer
penalty to the supply roll. Squads with Roll your dice pool to get your
capacity must be used by the end of (the Jovangellian Empire), and the mission
proven track records get what they resupply. Gain Supply Points equal to the
the next downtime phase, or they’re targeted was a Tier II squad (the Dark
ask for. highest die (or if the dice pool is 0, roll 2d
wasted. Room). They roll 3d (2 for target’s Tier and
If the mission's employer was and take the lowest). On a critical
Independent, do not make a Supply 1 for employer relationship) and take the
5. Each pilot checks to see if they did success, take 9 Supply Points instead—
Roll. highest die. The highest is a 5, so they get
something that furthers their drive. If you never know what HQ can spare.
that many Supply Points.
they did, they add 1 Tick to a Drive
2. Add your employer Faction's supply Skip the supply roll for
bonus to your squad’s resources: Independent missions (including
6. Every pilot can take a free Upkeep missions organized by the players’
♦ Autocracy: +1 Materiel,
+1 Trust with the Employer downtime activity, but must still squad), unless the GM decides
spend the required Materiel. Every otherwise. Independent employers don’t
♦ Corporatocracy: +2 Materiel
pilot removes all level 1 Harm, and have the same resources as other
♦ Democracy: +1 Personnel,
every vehicle removes all level 1 Factions.
+1 Materiel
♦ Independent: +2 Rep There may be situations where
7. If the mission supported the patron the pilots complete a mission for a
♦ Oligarchy: +1 Personnel,
+1 Trust with the Employer, Faction's goal, add 1 Tick to the goal's Faction without the promise of payment,
clock. If the clock is filled, all squads likely because they are being coerced
♦ Theocracy: +2 Personnel
patronized by the Faction gain a into accepting the job. The GM must tell
benefit, then choose a new patron the players when planning the mission if
Faction goal. they will not get a supply roll as part of
the reward.

222 223
squads and factions

squads and factions

Step 2: Supply Bonus Since they worked for the Jovangellian
Step 5: Check Drives With that done, it’s time to see if
anyone furthered their drive. Tower’s drive
Your employer gives you some extra Each pilot checks their drive. If is to find out who framed them for murder.
Empire (an Autocracy) they also get +1
compensation for your efforts, depending they took steps toward it, they can add 1 During the mission, Tower saved a
Materiel and +1 Trust with them.
on the Faction. This bonus applies for both Tick to a Drive Clock. See page 74 for Jovangellian intelligence officer’s life. While
patron and non-patron employing Factions: more information on Drives. they haven’t yet leveraged that channel of
♦ Autocracy: +1 Materiel, information, it now exists for them to use,
+1 Trust with the Employer so they add 1 Tick to a Drive Clock. The
♦ Corporatocracy: +2 Materiel other pilots’ drives didn’t come up in this
♦ Democracy: +1 Personnel,
+1 Materiel
Step 6: Free Upkeep and mission, so they don’t get any Ticks added
to their Drive Clocks.
♦ Independent: +2 Rep Heal Harm As part of the reward process, each
♦ Oligarchy: +1 Personnel, Your squad has enough pilot can take a free Upkeep downtime
+1 Trust with the Employer, experience and resources to patch up activity. Scarecrow didn’t use any of her
♦ Theocracy: +2 Personnel minor scrapes and scuffs without vehicle’s quirks and Tower only used one,
spending downtime activities. Every pilot so they decide to skip this step. Dredge and
can take a free Upkeep downtime Demon each spent 3 Quirks during the
Step 3: Earn Rep activity, but must still spend the required mission and want to perform Upkeep on
The Cenotaph get 2 Rep for the Mission. Materiel. Pilots remove all level 1 Harm. their vehicles. Even though Upkeep during
The squad earns 2 Rep for the mission,
They also earn an additional 1 rep Vehicles remove all level 1 Damage. the reward phase doesn’t cost a downtime
whether it resulted in triumph or defeat. If the
because they are Tier I and their target, Cohorts may heal one level of Harm if activity, it still costs Materiel. Since they
target was higher Tier than your squad, take
the Dark Room, is Tier II. The mission was the environment is suitable for healing. only need a 3 or higher to refresh all their
an extra +1 Rep per tier higher. If the target
definitely not hidden, so they gain a total Quirks, both of their players spend 1
was a lower Tier than your squad, take -1 Rep
of 3 Rep. Materiel to roll 1d each. Dredge gets a 4,
per Tier lower (minimum zero). If you keep the
refreshing all of cor spent Quirks with the
operation completely quiet, you earn zero rep.
extra going to waste. Demon gets a 1, so
Mark Rep on the squad sheet’s Rep track. If
Now the players must decide how to still has 2 Quirks spent. His Player,
you fill the track, you may spend it on a squad
divide up their 5 Supply Points into Cassandra, could spend more Materiel to
advance (see Tier and Hold on page 209).
Materiel and Personnel. Since both refresh additional Quirks, but she decides
Dredge and Demon want to use Upkeep she’ll just avoid using Quirks on the next
on their vehicles, the players decide that
Step 4: Assign Supply Points they should take at least 1 Materiel (in
mission. Additionally all pilots remove any
level 1 Harm they have, and their vehicles
addition to the 1 they got for working for remove all level 1 Damage.
Your squad will get Supply Points in steps
an Autocracy). They decide to split the 5
1 and 2, however Supply Points can’t be used
Supply Points into 2 Personnel and 3
themselves; they must be converted to Personnel
Materiel so that they’ll have 2 of each
or Materiel at the start of Downtime Activities.
after Upkeep.

224 225
squads and factions

squads and factions

Step 7: Adjust the Goal The last step is to check if the STATUS AND TRUST
Clock mission furthered the patron Faction’s goal.
The Church of the Celestial Myriad has
Status measures the relationship between the pilots’ squad and other squads.
Adjust the squad’s Status with other squads at the end of each mission, using the
If the mission supported the squad's Intelligence Coup as their goal, and The
following procedure. See page 229 for how Status influences these relationships.
patron Faction’s current goal, add a Tick to Cenotaph managed to apprehend
the goal’s clock. If the clock fills, the members of the Dark Room. If they turn
1. If a squad benefited from the mission, consider giving +1 to that squad's Status.
Faction and all its patronized squads gain over the agents to their patron, they will
the goal’s benefit. Then choose a new goal add a Tick to its Goal Clock as they are 2. If a squad was harmed by the mission, consider giving -1 or -2 to that squad's
for the patron Faction (see the list on page interrogated. However, they might be able Status—depending on how bad the damage was.
215). Skip this step if the squad completed to find another use for the captives if they
3. For every squad Status point above or below zero, add a descriptor that expresses
a mission for a non-patron Faction. hold onto them...
how that squad views the players' squad (see page 230 for examples).

After assessing Status, the players’ squad adjusts their Trust with Factions
impacted by the mission. Trust measures the relationship between your squad and the
huge Factions manipulating The War. Assess Trust at the end of a mission, unless the
mission was quiet. On quiet missions where the results can’t be traced to your squad,
skip the procedure below (instead, lose only 1 Trust with the target as rumors slowly
filter back to the them). If the mission was loud or noticeable, follow the procedure
below to adjust Trust between the squad and the Factions affected by the mission. The
Trust with your employer Faction also changes. Adjust Trust with the employer Faction if:

► There were civilian deaths. (-1 Trust) ► The mission was completed
successfully. (+Trust equal to
► The mission’s Rules of Engagement
double target’s Tier, minimum 1)
(ROE) were broken. (-2 Trust)
► At least one secondary objective was
► There was damage to important
completed. (+2 Trust)
infrastructure that was not the
mission’s target. (-2 Trust) ► You have a Vendetta with one of their
squads at the start of the mission. That
► The squad caused damage or injury to
squad does not have to be involved in
a squad belonging to the employer
the mission. (-1 Trust)
(and they were not the mission’s
target). (-2 Trust)

Additionally, the Trust with your patron changes after a mission as well.
Regardless of the Faction that employed you, apply the following Trust modifiers to your
patron Faction in addition to the table above.

♦ You aided another Faction. (-1 Trust)

♦ The patron’s interests were harmed. (-2 Trust)

226 227
squads and factions

When your Trust reaches 9, your Relationship with that Faction goes up by 1, the
Trust rolls over back to 1, and any remaining Trust is then added. Squad Relationships
If Trust reaches 0, your relationship with that Faction goes down by 1, the Trust The players’ squad has a status rating with every other squad and a relationship
rolls over to 8, and any remaining Trust is then subtracted. with every Faction, indicating how much they like or hate them. Status and relationship
can range from -3 (Hated) to +3 (Loved), with zero (neutral) being the default rating. If
1. Adjust the Trust of the Faction targeted by the mission. the rating is something other than a zero, it is tracked on the Faction and squad sheet.
♦ Important infrastructure damaged. -2 Trust
♦ A VIP was killed. -2 Trust
♦ Civilians died. -1 Trust
Status levels
♦ Their corruption was exposed to their citizens. -2 Trust
♦ At least one of their squads took casualties. -1 Trust
+3: Allies Groups with this rating will help the Squad even if it goes
against their best interests, and they expect the same in
♦ The mission's target was high profile or well connected. -1 Trust
♦ The Faction was attacked in a region they control. -1 Trust +2: Friendly Groups with this rating will help the Squad if it doesn’t create
serious problems for them, and they expect the same in
♦ You have Vendetta with one of their squads at the start of the mission. That return.
squad does not have to be involved in the mission. -1 Trust

2. Adjust the trust of the Faction that employed the squad for the mission.
+1: Helpful Groups with this rating will help the Squad if it doesn’t cost
them anything, and they expect the same in return.

♦ Civilians died. -1 Trust

♦ The Rules of Engagement (ROE) were broken. -2 Trust
0: neutral
♦ Important infrastructure damaged that was not the mission's target. -2 Trust
♦ A squad that was not the mission's target and belongs to the employer was
-1: interfering Groups with this rating will look for opportunities to cause the
Squad trouble (or profit from its misfortune) as long as it
doesn’t cost them anything, and they expect the same
harmed. -2 Trust
behaviour in return.
♦ The mission was successful. +Trust equal to double the target's Tier, minimum 1.
♦ At least one secondary objective was completed. +2 Trust -2: Hostile Groups with this rating actively seek chances to Harm the
Squad so long as it doesn’t create major problems for them.
♦ You have Vendetta with one of their squads at the start of the mission. That They expect similar retaliation and take precautions against
squad does not have to be involved in the mission. -1 Trust the squad.

3. Adjust the trust of the squad's patron Faction.

♦ Another Faction was aided. -1 Trust
-3: Vendetta Groups with this rating work to Harm the Squad even if it is
against their best interests. They expect the Squad to do
likewise and will take precautions against them. When the
♦ The Patron's interests were harmed. -2 Trust
Squad has a vendetta with any number of groups, they will
suffer additional Trust losses, temporarily lose 1 hold (possibly
4. Adjust Faction Relationships.
lowering their Tier by 1 until the vendetta ends), and pilots
♦ When Trust reaches 9, that Faction's relationship gets +1. Trust rolls over to 1,
and any remaining Trust is then added. take one fewer Downtime Activity. If the players have multiple
Vendettas, only apply the penalty from one at a time. The
♦ When Trust reaches zero, that Faction's relationship gets -1, Trust rolls over to
vendetta will end if the enemy is destroyed or a mutual
8, and any remaining Trust is then subtracted.
agreement to establish a new status level is negotiated.

228 229

Squad Status Faction Relationship
NPC squads that have a positive Status will have EXAMPLE Developing relationships and renown with larger organizations takes time and
different expectations of the pilots based on the difference
between both groups’ Tiers. An NPC squad with a higher Tier
SQUAD STATUS effort. A Faction’s relationship with the players’ pilots only changes after Trust has filled

expects deference from the pilots, and may be willing to DESCRIPTORS up or been sufficiently reduced. But when you get a Faction’s attention, rest assured they
could bring the weight of multiple squads down on you. Even a patron Faction will turn
provide protection. An equal Tier means they’ll provide the on a squad it governs if that squad becomes unruly enough. So kiss up to the boss, strike
pilots with support both on and off the battlefield, and they out on your own, or frame others for your misdeeds.
expect requests of a similar nature based on their Status.
The Faction’s relationship with the squad informs the way average citizens and
Lower Tier squads will seek protection from the pilots, but may Amoral
the state apparatus of a Faction reacts to the squad too. If the relationship is positive, the
not know how they can help in return. Backpfeifengesicht
pilots may be seen as a good influence in the course of The War, and, if it’s strong
If you aren't sure how an NPC squad should behave enough, possibly heroes. A negative relationship makes citizens wary of the squad, and
towards the pilots, use their Faction's Relationship as an Zealotous
they may form a violent mob if the relationship is low enough.
indicator of what they've been told they should do. Their Strained
The squad’s relationship with a Faction might differ from its status with other
reaction to those orders will vary based on their goal and Effective
squads within the Faction’s control. Squads may hold their own opinions, beliefs, and
nature. Independent squads will act based purely on their Soft
values separate to their patron Faction. These differing relationships represent how
description and goal, since they do not belong to a Faction. Cheap those at the top treat you when they give you orders, and whether the squads you meet
For every squad Status point above or below 0, the Mighty will respectfully follow them, follow them with suspicion or derision, or disregard them
players assign a word that describes how that squad views the Honorless entirely.
players’ squad. This helps the GM characterize NPCs from that
squad while also giving players an idea of what to expect when interacting with them.
Try to pick descriptors that suit the squad’s nature. For example, a theocratic squad The Cenotaph have a -2 Relationship with the Jovangellian Empire, but a +3
might have “faithful,” an autocratic squad “loyal,” a democratic squad “patriotic,” and a Status with The Hyenas, a Jovangellian squad. They know the Jovangellian Empire have
corporatocratic squad “invested.” orders out to kill or capture The Cenotaph, but The Hyenas like them enough to not only
ignore those orders, but also actively hide The Cenotaph if needed.

Lastly, Faction Relationship affects supply rolls (see page 223) and entanglements
(see page 234). More positive relationships with employer Factions mean a better
chance at additional Supply Points and less damaging entanglements. A negative
relationship with the Faction targeted by the most recent mission increases the severity
of entanglements.

230 231

Trust Trust is different to Status—Status measures the rapport between squads (see
page 229 for squad Status). Trust is adjusted at the end of a mission. However, if the
Trust monitors the incremental change in relationship between the squad and the mission was kept completely quiet and the results can’t be traced back to your squad,
Factions. Losing or gaining a little trust here doesn’t draw much attention. However, lose skip Trust adjustments for the target. Instead lose only 1 Trust with them as rumors filter
or gain too much Trust, and it’ll change your overall relationship with a Faction. If the back to them.
squad hits 9 Trust, they gain a level of Relationship with that Faction. If they hit 0 Trust
The Cenotaph have just completed a mission delivering corpses for the
with a Faction, the squad loses a level of Relationship with that Faction.
Jovangellian Empire against the Democratic Federated Systems (DFS). The players
The Cenotaph complete a mission for their patron Faction. It didn’t go so well, and consider the Trust questions for their target: The Cenotaph damaged important
the squad end up losing 3 Trust with their patron Faction. The Cenotaph’s current Trust infrastructure (-2 Trust), caused casualties to a DFS squad (-1 Trust), and exposed their
with them is 2. They remove 3 Trust and hit 0! They lower their relationship with their skullduggery (-2 Trust) for a total of -5 Trust. Before the mission, they had 2 Trust and a
patron Faction from 2 to 1. They then reset Trust to 8 and reduce it down to 7 for that 1 Relationship of 0 with the DFS. They apply -2 Trust and hit 0 Trust, so the relationships
remaining Trust. It’s not a huge deal, but tensions are growing. drops to -1 sets the Trust to 8. They apply the remaining -3 Trust, which puts The
Cenotaph at 5 Trust and -1 Relationship with the DFS.

+3: BELOVED Citizens and squads that don’t know you will help your squad,
even if it goes against their best interests. They expect the
The Cenotaph now modifies the trust with their employer, the Jovangellian
Empire. They completed the mission against the Dark Room (+4 Trust because it is
same in return.
double the target’s Tier, which is 2 in this case), completed the secondary objective (+2
+2: Friendly Citizens and squads that don’t know you will help your squad
if it doesn’t create serious problems for them. They expect the
Trust), but broke the ROE of not using explosives (-2 Trust)—totaling +4 Trust. Before the
mission, The Cenotaph were at 7 Trust and 0 Relationship with the Jovangellian Empire.
same in return.
They add the first 2 Trust, pushing the squad to 9 Trust. The Trust track is complete, so

+1: Helpful Citizens and squads that don’t know you will help your squad
if it doesn’t cost them anything. They expect the same in
their relationship increases to +1. The Trust track resets to 1, and then the remaining +2
Trust is applied. The squad finishes at 3 Trust and +1 relationship with the Jovangellians.
Finally, The Cenotaph checks how this mission affected their relationship with
0: neutral Citizens and squads that don’t know you are indifferent, and
won’t help you without a good reason. They expect the same their patron Faction, the Church of the Celestial Myriad. They did aid the Empire (-1
Trust), but they didn’t harm the Church’s interests (0 Trust), so the total Trust change is
in return.
-1. They had 4 Trust and +1 relationship with the Church before the mission. After
-1: interfering Citizens and squads that don’t know you will look for
opportunities to cause your squad trouble (or profit from its
applying the change, they now have 3 Trust and +1 relationship.

misfortune), as long as it doesn’t cost them anything. They

expect the same behavior in return.

-2: Hostile Citizens and squads that don’t know you will seek chances to
harm your squad, so long as it doesn’t create major problems
for them. They expect similar retaliation and take precautions
against your squad.

-3: hated Citizens and squads that don’t know you will actively work to
harm your squad, even if it’s against their best interests. They
expect your squad to do likewise, and will take the necessary

232 233

Entanglements exist because the world is unfair. The brass do things that seem
random and incompetent, and your friends are vulnerable simply because they know 1 Flipped OR roll on Table B: A rival
squad arranges for one of your allies, 4 Desperate Civilians: A group of
civilians mob the squad, demanding
you. The GM generates an entanglement using table A, B, or C below. sponsors, clients, or a group of your supplies. Give them 4 Supply Points or
customers to switch allegiances due make a fortune roll (1-3: Everyone
First, figure out which table you’re using. If the targeted squad belongs to a
to the attention on you. They’re loyal takes two level 1 Harm, 4/5: lose 2
Faction, use your relationship with that Faction. If the targeted squad is Independent, use
to another Faction now. Supply Points) to see how bad things
your Status with that squad instead. Here’s how to figure out which table to roll on:
♦ If the Relationship/Status is -3, roll on table A.
♦ If it’s -2 or -1, roll on table B.
♦ If it’s 0 or higher, roll on table C. 2 Missing Supplies: Your supplier
didn’t give you the supplies you 5 SCRAMBLE!: A squad you have
negative Status with makes a move
Second, build a dice pool equal to 3 minus the squad's relationship level with their requested, citing rerouted logistics. against you (or a friend, ally, or other
patron Faction (or the Faction with the highest relationship if they lack a patron). Roll the Lose 3 Supply Points of any type, or associate). The attack comes
dice and take the highest result (unless the total is 0, then roll 2d and take the lower try to browbeat logistics into giving suddenly and with little warning—
result). you what you deserve with a fortune prepare to fight or scatter and return
roll (1-3: -2 Trust with the Faction that after the attackers have done their
The squad can affect the result before the GM rolls the entanglement—but it
last gave the squad a supply roll, 4/5: damage.
comes with a cost. They can lean on the region's criminal element by spending Personnel
-1 Trust instead, 6: no Trust lost) to
equal to the region’s crime rating (the region being the one where the entanglement If you prepare to fight, skip the
see if they squeal.
occurs, usually the same one the FOB is located in). Players cannot lean on regions downtime phase and immediately
where the crime rating is 0—there’s not enough of an underworld presence. If they do,
they can adjust the entanglement result up to the Personnel spent. They bribe the local
3 Toxic Gear: Scuttlebutt says the
gear you were issued is unhealthy to
start a mission where the squad's FOB
is under attack. Take into
underworld, and it takes attention away from the squad. Unfortunately, "legitimate" be around. You may spend 1 consideration the Hidden, Secure,
Personnel for +1d, but either way and Quarters FOB upgrades for the
authorities aren't fond of this, so the squad loses Trust with their patron Faction equal to
make a fortune roll using the squad’s engagement roll. After the mission,
the Personnel spent. If they are Independent, they lose Trust with the Faction that
Tier (1-3: Everyone takes level 1 follow the end of mission process as
controls that region.
Harm which can be resisted as normal, including entanglements.
The Cenotaph just completed a mission targeting the Democratic Federated normal, 4/5: Everyone spends 1
Materiel point to trade it away or take If you scatter, lose 2 squad upgrades
Systems (DFS). Their relationship with DFS is currently -1, so the GM rolls on table B. The
2 Stress, 6: It’s not toxic). as the attackers destroy large
Cenotaph have a +1 Relationship with their patron Faction, the Church of Celestial
sections of your FOB.
Myriad. The GM rolls 2d and takes the highest (3 minus the +1 Relationship with their
patron Faction).

Several Missions later, The Cenotaph's relationship with their Patron has
6 Show of Force: A Faction with
whom you have a negative
Relationship wants to teach you a
worsened. After completing a mission against the Myriad, they have a -2 Relationship lesson. Give them 1 upgrade or gain
with their patron. The GM rolls 5d and takes the highest result (3 minus the -2 Vendetta (drop to -3 Status) with two
relationship equals 5) on table B (for -2 Relationship with The Myriad). of their squads that you currently do
not have Vendetta with. If you have
no upgrades, lose 1 hold instead.

234 235

1 AI Attention OR roll on Table C: An
AI takes notice of your squad's actions 4 Challengers: A squad with Status
zero throws their weight around. They 1 New Recruit: Someone the squad
wants safe at home is assigned to them 4 Embedded Favourite: The squad is
burdened with an NPC that a superior
and offers to cut a sinister deal with threaten you, a friend, an ally, or other as a new recruit. Describe who this favors and believes needs first hand
the squad. Choose one of the associate. Forfeit 1 Rep or 1 Personnel person is and the details of their bond field experience. The NPC must
following: per Tier of the rival, or stand up to with the squad. Gain a specialist with accompany you on your next mission
► Accept the bargain. them and lose 1 Status with them. Loyal and Eager. Their Quality is equal and come back in one piece. If you
to the squad's Tier -1 (minimum 0). refuse to take them along, take -2 trust
► Hide until it loses interest
(forfeit 3 Rep). with the Faction who favors them. If the
► Deal with it another way. NPC dies, take -3 Trust. If they return
injured, take -1 Trust. The NPC is a

2 Fire Team Trouble: One of your fire

teams (or other Cohorts) causes 5 Debriefing: One of your superiors
questions your squad. They grill one of
temporary specialist Cohort with
Quality equal to the squad's Tier -1.
trouble due to their flaw(s). Choose your pilots or a Cohort. Make a fortune
one of the following:
► You can lose face (forfeit Rep
roll using the squad's Tier to see how
well they resist the pressure (1-3: level
2 Civil Unrest: A group of civilians riot
due to perceived military corruption. 5 Letter from home: One of the squad’s
pilots receives a personal message with
equal to your Tier+1). 2 Harm, which can be resisted by Choose one of the following: bad news. They must use a downtime
► Make an example of a fire Pilots as normal, 4/5: -2 Trust), or bribe ► Spend Supply Points equal to activity to Cut Loose or suffer 3 Stress.
team. the grunts who grab the person with 1 the number of your FOB squad
► Face reprisals from the Personnel.
wronged party. ► Make a fortune roll using your
Tier to put it down (1-3: all pilots

3 Lowest Bidder: Turns out your

squad’s gear was manufactured by 6 Requisition: A Cohort, squad
upgrade, or acquired asset is
take level 1 Harm “Roughed Up”;
4/5: Cohorts and Personnel points
can’t be used in the next
the lowest bidder. All vehicles requisitioned by another squad. downtime and mission).
immediately suffer “level 2 Damage: Choose one of the following: ► Let it run its course (regions
your patron controls lose 1
Busted” and “level 1 Damage: ► Give up the item (take +2 Wealth to a minimum of 0).
Uncalibrated” (each of which can be Trust
resisted separately), or each pilot can
pay 1 Materiel to get the good stuff
with that squad's patron
Faction). You'll have to get it
back later through the normal
3 Cooperation: A squad with +3 Status
asks for a favor. Choose one of the following: 6 Brass-holes: Your superiors issue
mission objectives that don’t make
methods. sense to the squad. The squad takes
through back channels. ► Agree to do it.
► Bribe the caller with Personnel -1d on their next engagement roll.
equal to your Tier +3. ► Forfeit 1 Rep per Tier of the
friendly squad. Additionally, roll 1d to determine the
► Hide the object or fight back, tactic for the next mission (1: assault, 2:
and lose 1 Status with that ► Lose 1 Status with them.
squad AND their Faction. deception, 3: social, 4: transport, 5:
This favor must be completed by the science, 6: stealth). If the squad decides
If you don’t have any Cohorts, end of the next mission, and may take not to use that tactic, take -1
upgrades, or assets, you must select the form of a long-term project, mission relationship with the Faction that
an option other than giving up the objective, or secondary objective. If you assigned the mission (unless the
item (as the caller believes you don’t have a +3 squad Status, you mission is Independent).
definitely have it). avoid entanglements right now.

236 237

238 239

Downtime Activities Acquire Asset

Between missions, pilots have a downtime phase where they can pursue Gain temporary use of an asset:
personal projects, recover from the previous mission, prepare for the next mission, and One special item or a set of common
engage in free play. Each pilot has three free downtime activities they can use items (enough for a squad of your Tier
toward training, projects, healing, preparing for the next mission, and so on—the scale), a Cohort (a specialist or fire
downtime activities are listed below. Pilots can also engage in free play, where they talk team), a vehicle, a service (transport
to each other and NPCs—sometimes these scenes are just for color, but you’ll need to from a logistics team, use of a warehouse
make an action roll or fortune roll if there are risks or stakes. for temporary storage, legal
If a pilot or Cohort assists with a downtime activity (except for Cut Loose), representation, etc.). “Temporary use” is
describe how they help and take +1d to the roll. Helping costs no Stress and no a period of time that is reasonable for the
downtime activities for the pilot or Cohort assisting. Only one pilot or Cohort can assist asset—usually the duration of the next
at a time. Allies and the Direct Superior do not provide +1d when helping with mission. An asset may also be put on
downtime activities, but likely provide access to resources that would otherwise be standby for future use. You might get a
unavailable. fire team to guard your FOB, and they’ll
either stay until the first serious battle
A pilot can spend 1 Supply Point to take an additional downtime activity. They
concludes or stay for a week until they’re
may spend a Supply Point per additional activity as indicated by the following table:

MATERIEL PERSONNEL To acquire the asset, roll the

squad’s Tier. The result indicates the
Acquire Asset: Get temporary use of an Collect: Pressure locals to provide your
squad with Supply Points. asset’s Quality, using the squad’s Tier as
asset (item, cohort, service, etc.)
Enhance: Work towards gaining a new Cut Loose: Spend time with a pilot to the base. 1-3: Tier-1, 4/5: Tier, 6: Tier+1,
Quirk or vehicle action point. relieve Stress and learn about them. Critical success: Tier+2. To raise the
If you continue to get the same
Fix: Use technical skill to repair a Long-Term Project: Work towards result of this roll you can spend 1
asset over and over again, you can
vehicle. learning or creating something. Materiel per level, or raise it beyond
essentially rent it forever. Chemicals,
Manufacture: Turn a design into a Recover: Convalesce or get treated by critical success by spending 2 Materiel
poisons, and dangerous gadgets are
functional object. a doctor. per additional Tier level added. The GM
going to raise some eyebrows. When you
Salvage: Deconstruct a vehicle for Schmooze: Do something small to may set a minimum Quality level
acquire one of these items (rather than
extra Supply Points. make a Faction trust you more. required to get that particular asset. For
making it yourself), take -2 Trust with
Upkeep: Do routine maintenance with Train: Work towards gaining a new example, if you want an intact enemy
your patron Faction. If you want to
Materiel to refresh Quirks. action point. AWV and credentials, you’d need to
permanently add an asset to the squad,
acquire a Tier IV asset. Anything less isn’t
you can either get it as a squad upgrade
enough. If you reacquire an asset, you
or make owning it a long-term project.
get +1d to your roll.
Acquiring an asset during
downtime is generally used to further a
pilot’s or squad’s goals separate from the

240 241

needs of a mission. This may include
getting a doctor, renting out a restaurant
Eclipse wants some vehicle-scale
flashbangs for the next mission, so they Collect
to impress someone, getting a transport decide to acquire that asset. The GM Choose a region to Collect from, Owl decides that the squad needs
vehicle for an “unsupervised” trip, etc. says flashbangs that big will require a and roll dice equal to its Wealth rating. more Supply Points, so he Collects from
The asset acquired may be useful for an result of Tier II, so Eclipse will need to get Gain an amount of Supply Points equal to Journey City since it has a Wealth of 3. He
upcoming mission, but an asset may also a 6 (as a 6 provides gear equal to their the highest die rolled (or 9 Supply Points rolls 3d (equal to the Wealth rating) and
be acquired as a flashback during a squad’s Tier+1). They roll 1d because on a critical success). However, those gets a 4, 3, and 1. The Cenotaph gets 4
mission. The Cenotaph’s Tier is 1. They could supplies aren't meant for you. If any of Supply Points (the highest die result), but
increase the number of dice rolled by the dice come up as a 1, gain the Supply must now also roll on the entanglements
You can spend 1 Materiel for +1d
spending Materiel and/or by using the Points and immediately roll an table because a 1 was rolled. Since no
to the Acquire Asset roll, or to increase
region’s back channels, and decide to do entanglement determined by your Faction controls Journey City, the table
the result by one level.
both. They spend 1 Materiel for +1d, and relationship with the Faction that controls selected is based on the squad that has
If you want to take advantage of a use Hulinton’s Tech rating of 2 for +2d that region. If a Faction does not control the strongest presence in the area—the
region's resources, you can take a (at the cost of -4 Trust with their patron). the region, use your Status with the Tower Defenders. The Cenotaph have
number of bonus dice equal to the They roll 4d (1d for squad Tier, +1d for squad that has the strongest presence in Status 0 with the Tower Defenders, so
region’s Might (if acquiring a Cohort) or Materiel spent, and +2d for the region’s the region. After the first Collect during the GM rolls on table C using 3d (three
Tech (if acquiring pilot or vehicle gear). Tech rating), and get a 6 as their highest downtime, each subsequent Collect dice minus The Cenotaph’s relationship
However, you lose Trust equal to the result—exactly what they need for the takes a cumulative -1d (minimum 0) as with their patron). The entanglement
number of bonus dice rolled with the flashbangs. likely targets take precautions. rolled is resolved as normal.
Faction that controls the region.
The supplies gained can be
supplemented by trading Supply Points

Enhance at a rate of 1 Personnel spent to gain 1

Materiel (or 1 Materiel for 1 Personnel)
representing forcibly setting market
When y spend time improving Claymore, so she’s going to Enhance it.
prices on locals. You can also spend 1
your vehicle, add 1 mark to the vehicle She spends time running simulations on
Personnel to take an extra Collect
Enhance track. If you have the Testing its limits to add 1 mark to its Enhance
Facility squad upgrade, mark 2 instead. track, which fills it. After clearing the
When the track fills, add a new Quirk to Enhance track, she can choose to either
your vehicle OR add a point to a vehicle gain a new Quirk or one vehicle action
5”x2.75” with a
action. You can also spend 1 Materiel to point. She takes the new Quirk
2.5”x1” cutout ^^
take an extra Enhance activity. “Overstrained Speed,” and can now push
it beyond its stated speeds.
Scarecrow wants to improve her

242 243

Fix Long-Term Project
When you use technological Unlucky needs to repair his Strafe When you work on a project Dredge wants to clear the Broken
expertise and materials to fix a vehicle, after the most recent mission. It has two (whether it’s new or partially completed), Bank of corrupted apps by rehabilitating
you or a squadmate roll Engineer (or level 2 Damages “Torn Wing” and describe how your pilot advances the them, so co starts a long-term project.
have a friendly NPC roll their Quality). It “Busted Hand,” and one level 3 Damage project, and roll an appropriate action. The GM says Dredge will need to first
costs 2 Stress to repair a vehicle (unless “Ripped Open.” The Cenotaph has a Mark segments of the Project Clock create some infrastructure before co
you have the Workshop squad upgrade). Workshop to help with the repairs (if it according to your result: 1-3: one begins clearing the district. Dredge
The damaged vehicle removes any level didn’t, he’d have to spend 2 Stress to Fix segment, 4/5: two segments, 6: three agrees to complete an 8-Tick Project
1 Damage and marks segments on its it). He could roll his Engineer to fix it, ask segments, critical success: five Clock that sets up a clinic for the region.
mend clock according to the roll result. 1- Dredge to use cor better Engineer to do segments. A long-term project can cover Dredge decides the first task is finding a
3: one segment, 4/5: two segments, 6: it, or he could ask an appropriate Cohort any kind of endeavor that takes a great good site for the clinic in the rundown
three segments, critical success: five to roll their Quality. Dredge is happy to deal of time. Researching a new beam bank. Co rolls 2d Study to look over some
segments. When the Mend Clock fills, help and rolls cor 3d Engineer. Cor weapon, finding a missing person, reconnaissance maps of the area. The
reduce each detail of Damage the highest result is a critical success, so building a romance, finding a personal result is a 6, which adds 3 Ticks to the
vehicle has by one level, then clear the Unlucky adds 5 Ticks to his vehicle’s sponsor, and even possibilities that Project Clock. Co also spends 1 Personnel
clock. Any remaining segments roll over Mend Clock! This fills the 4-Tick Mend break the rules! The GM determines how to bump the result up to a critical
to the now empty clock. Note, the pilot Clock, which lowers the two level 2 many segments the Project Clock has success (providing 5 Ticks instead of 3).
whose vehicle is being repaired spends Damages to level 1, the one level 3 based on the goal. A big project may After completing this Clock, the clinic is
the downtime activity, not the repairer— Damage to level 2, and the one require multiple smaller projects to built, and Dredge can start rehabilitating
you could spend one downtime activity remaining Tick rolls over after the Mend complete. You might need to complete a the district’s apps.
to have a squadmate roll Engineer fix Clock empties. “Torn Wing” and “Busted preliminary project to get the right tools,
your damaged vehicle. Whenever the Hand” become the level 1 Damages skills, or resources before starting the
vehicle suffers any new Damage, clear “Crooked Wing” and “Stiff Hand,” while main project. For example, you might
all Ticks on its Mend Clock. You can spend “Ripped Open” becomes “Stuttering want to make deals with a group of
1 Materiel for +1d to the Fix roll or to Systems” at level 2. If Unlucky chooses guerrillas, but you don’t have any way to
increase the result by one level. You can to Fix his Strafe again, both level 1 contact them. Your preliminary project
also spend 1 Materiel to take an extra Fix Damages will automatically clear, and could be building rapport with civilians
activity. he’ll add more Ticks to his Mend Clock. who live in the guerrillas’ area to build
trust before asking them for a contact.
You can spend 1 Personnel point for +1d
to the long-term project roll, or to
increase the result by one level. You can
also spend 1 Personnel to take an extra
long-term project activity.


244 245

Recover Upkeep
Recover lets you seek treatment activity. Clear exhausted Quirk boxes on Scarecrow still has 3 exhausted
to heal your pilot’s Harm. Hurt pilots vehicles. Spend at least 1 Materiel and Quirks after the free Upkeep, so she
Only the pilot receiving care
need to get medical care from a medic, roll that many dice. Your vehicle decides to do some more Upkeep on her
spends a downtime activity on Recover;
veterinarian, autodoc, or someone else refreshes a number of Quirks equal to Claymore. She wants to roll 2d, so
the healer doesn’t use up any downtime
with a good amount of anatomical the highest result. If the result is higher spends 2 Materiel. The highest die is a 4,
activities. When you suffer new Harm,
knowledge. If no squadmates or allies than the number of Quirk boxes filled, so the 3 Quirks are refreshed, and the
remove any Ticks on your Healing Clock.
can fill that need, an Acquire Asset can the remainder is wasted. You may spend extra is wasted.
get you temporary access to the Flagstone needs to heal after the 1 Materiel Point per Quirk to remove
professional or equipment you need. You most recent mission. She has two level 2 additional exhausted Quirks after the
may permanently recruit a healer by Harm “Stabbed Arm” and “Broken Foot,” roll. Each pilot gets a free Upkeep action
completing a suitable long-term project and one level 3 Harm “Pierced Lung.” as part of their reward. You can also
or mission, or spending squad upgrades They could rest and Recover naturally spend 1 Materiel to take an extra Upkeep
to get a specialist Cohort with the (spending 1 Stress and rolling 0d), ask activity.
"Medicine" expertise. Dredge to use cor Doctor and Engineer
action, or have an appropriate Cohort roll

Recovery is a long-term project.
healer rolls (Engineer for a
their Quality. Dredge is happy to help, Salvage
and rolls cor 3d Engineer. Cor highest
squadmate with the Doctor ability, or the When you take apart a damaged Tower managed to steal an enemy
result is a critical success, so Flagstone
Quality level of an NPC), the patient vehicle for its valuables, roll Engineer AWV during the last mission. They could
adds 5 Ticks to their Pilot’s Healing
removes any level 1 Harm, and then and gain Supply Points according to the try to arrange a buyer, but they don’t
Clock! This fills the 4-Tick Healing Clock,
marks segments on their Healing Clock. result. 1-3: 1 Supply Point, 4/5: 2 Supply want to deal with the associated
lowering the two level 2 Harms to level 1,
1-3: one segment, 4/5: two segments, 6: Points, 6: 3 Supply Points, critical headaches. Instead, they just start ripping
the one level 3 Harm to level 2. The
three segments, critical success: five success: 5 Supply Points. If the vehicle is out the valuable parts. They have 0 points
remaining 1 Tick rolls over after the
segments. When the Healing Clock fills intact, consider a mission or long-term in Engineer, so they roll 2 dice and take
Healing Clock empties. “Stabbed Arm”
up, the patient reduces each instance of project to sell it instead of salvaging. the lower result. The dice come up as a 4
and “Broken Foot” become the level 1
Harm by one level, then clears the clock. Salvage destroys a vehicle, regardless of and a 6, so they take the 4 and receive 2
Harm “Bandaged Arm” and “Delicate
All remaining segments roll over to the how many Supply Points are pulled from Supply Points.
Foot,” while “Pierced Lung” becomes
new, empty clock. If you want to let the the machine. You can also spend 1
“Grinding Cough” at level 2. If Flagstone
Harm recover on its own, take 1 Stress Materiel to take an extra Salvage activity.
chooses to Recover again, all level 1
and roll 0d (take the lowest die). If you
Harm automatically clears, and she adds
attempt to heal yourself and have the
more Ticks to their Healing Clock.
Doctor ability, take 2 Stress after you roll.

You can spend 1 Personnel point

for +1d to the roll, or to increase the
result by one level. You can also spend 1
Personnel to take an extra Recover

246 247

Schmooze into either
playbook XP track.
the pilot’s attribute or friend, or an already familiar NPC.

Cohorts cannot be the

Say what your pilot does to Demon wants to ease tensions When you Cut Loose and heal accompanying “pilot.” Cohorts or other
improve relations with a Faction, and with the Democratic Federated Systems, more Stress than you have, you pilots can be present in the scene (so as
make a fortune roll using an appropriate so he meets with Pars Piani of the Dark overindulge. When you overindulge, long as they’re not the focus), but they
action. Increase Trust according to the Room to discuss the layout of Fort you’ve behaved poorly and made do not provide additional dice. You can
result: 1-3: one, 4/5: two, 6: three, critical Jovanol. He looks over the intel she choices you’ll likely regret. Choose one spend 1 Personnel for +1d to the Cut
success: five. You can spend 1 Personnel shares about it, and adds more way you overindulged from the following: Loose roll, or increase the result by one.
for +1d to the Schmooze roll, or to information based on his time in the You can also spend 1 Personnel to take
♦ Attract Trouble (roll an
increase the result by one level. You can fortress. He rolls his 2d Study and gets a an extra Cut Loose activity.
additional entanglement using
also spend 1 Personnel to take an extra 5, adding 2 Trust to The Cenotaph’s the table and dice from the end of If you have Scars and don’t take
Schmooze activity. relationship with the DFS. the previous mission). Cut Loose as an activity during
♦ Brag (take -2 Trust with your downtime, you suffer 1 Stress per Scar.
Train patron Faction).
Nehalennia decides to Cut Loose
When you spend time bettering Pitchfork wants to improve her ♦ AWOL (your pilot vanishes for a
with Demon so she can remove some
yourself, mark 1 attribute XP or 1 Engineer, an Insight action. She spends a few weeks. Play a different pilot
Stress. She wants to see if his tactical
until this one returns from their
playbook XP. If you have the right squad day reading technical manuals about her genius works in her favorite strategy
“vacation.” When your pilot
training upgrade, mark 2 XP instead. You Agrarian, and sends Dredge the game, and challenges him to a friendly
returns, they’ve also healed all
can only train each XP track once per occasional question. This effort gives her match. She has 2 Ticks in her Connection
their Harm).
downtime. You can also spend 1 1 XP in her Insight XP track, which is Clock with him, so she rolls 2d. The
♦ Impropriety (Make an ass out of
Personnel to take an extra Train activity. enough to fill it. She clears the track and highest result is a 5, clearing that much
yourself in front of the pilot that
adds 1 point to any of the Insight actions. stress. She then adds another Tick to her
joined you—reset your
She chooses Engineer. Connection Clock with them to 0. Connection Clock with Demon and writes
If your Connection is already 0, a new belief about him. If she had 4 or
take the level 1 Harm: Alone). less Stress, she would overindulge. If the
Cut Loose Whether you overindulge or not, added Tick filled the Connection Clock,
she would ask Demon a question about
you can decide to Cut Loose and let your
Pilots Cuts Loose to remove The accompanying pilot does not
pilot skip the next mission. If you do, play one of her beliefs about him, which he
Stress from their Stress track. Pick increase their Connection Clock, nor do
a different squad member for that must answer truthfully. They both then
another pilot, and describe how the two they add dice to the Cut Loose roll for
mission. This might be a new squaddie, a get 1 XP.
of you spend time dealing with the participating.
pressure. Roll dice equal to the number
If the Connection Clock fills, ask
of Ticks in your Connection Clock with
the pilot joining you, heal Stress equal to
the target pilot for a truth about one
belief you have about them. Reset the
the highest die result, then add another See the Crafting Section on page 327. Alternatively, just use a Long-Term Project
Clock to 1 Tick as you see them in a new
Tick to the Connection Clock and a new of appropriate size if you want to simplify the process.
light. You both take 1 XP, which can go
belief about that pilot.

248 249

Sasha (Dredge’s player) wants to improve Dredge’s ability to fight when outside
of cor AWV, so Sasha uses one downtime activity to Train Prowess. Jess (Scarecrow’s
player) says that she wants a conversation between Dredge and Scarecrow about the
previous mission, and asks Sasha if Scarecrow can be present during the training.
Sasha gives the go ahead. Dredge and Scarecrow chat in character as they spend time
at the firing range. Sasha marks 1 XP for Dredge’s Prowess Training.

The GM asks Jess if Scarecrow is also Training Prowess, but Jess says Scarecrow
would need a much greater challenge to improve her skill with guns. Sasha suggests
that since Scarecrow is reprimanding Dredge for cor incompetence as a combatant,
maybe Scarecrow Cuts Loose that way. Jess loves the idea, so wraps her Cut Loose into
this scene too as she gets this off of her chest.

When the conversation comes to a head, Jess rolls dice equal to the number of
Ticks in her Connection Clock with Dredge. She currently has 2 Ticks on the Clock, so
she rolls 2d and gets a 4. Scarecrow had 5 Stress, and is left with 1. Jess decides that
Scarecrow doesn’t explode at Dredge, and Sasha thinks that Dredge takes the criticism
well—co is at the shooting range, after all. It’s now time for someone else to have a
downtime activity.

Would be nice to have a 5”x6.5” splash or

6.5”x11” spread with 5.25”x4” cutout here

250 251
squad playbooks

squad playbooks
252 253
The Consulate
Ten-dollar words.

squad playbooks

squad playbooks
♦ See the politicians and generals in formal wear at Execute a successful
fancy balls. negotiation, espionage,

♦ Spread propaganda and manipulate expectations. sabotage, or propaganda
♦ Speak for your Faction while simultaneously

gathering intel for it.

► TRAINING (INSIGHT): When taking the Train downtime activity for Insight, take
2XP instead of 1. A space for deep thought, to let you hone your insight.

► QUARTERS: Your FOB has comfortable sleeping space for everyone. Otherwise,
the squad’s pilots sleep away from the FOB in vulnerable locations.

Consulate Abilities
► SILVER TONGUES: Each pilot may ► NOBLE OFFICER: Take +1d when
add +1 action rating to Command, challenging someone to a duel. Take +1d
Consort, or Sway (up to a max rating of 3). when fighting against your duel opponent.

► ACCORD: Sometimes friends are ► PR CAMPAIGN: Pilots and Cohorts

as good as public support. You may count take +1d when attacking someone's
up to three +3 squad and/or Faction reputation, or bolstering the reputation
statuses you hold as if they were Heart. of the squad or one of its members.

► HIGH SOCIETY: It's all about who ► SPONSOR: When you advance
you know. Take +1 Trust during your Tier, it costs half the Supply Points it
downtime with your patron Faction or normally would. Who is your sponsor?
employer Faction, and +1d to gather Why do they help you?
information about the region’s elite.
► VETERAN: Choose a special ability
► FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES: Take from another squad playbook.
+1d when making a supply roll. This
gives Independent missions a 0d Supply
Roll during reward if it doesn’t already
have one.

The War complicates everything, especially communication. The right gesture, sound,
or look can launch a thousand ships. You've got the skills to gesture those ships toward the
right place at the right time.

254 255
The Frontline
Blood and steel.

Consulate Upgrades
squad playbooks

squad playbooks
► Consulate Rigging: Two of each ► Elite Adepts: Adept Cohorts
pilot’s items are perfectly concealed. belonging to your squad get +1d to

Quality rolls for adept-related actions.
► Friends Everywhere: Your

squad's Tier and other squads’ Tiers ► Composed: Each pilot gets +1 STARTING UPGRADES XP TRIGGER
count as one lower for entanglements. Stress box. This costs three squad
upgrades to unlock. ♦ Prowess Training Execute a successful battle, defense, sabotage, or
► Elite Rooks: Rook Cohorts smash & grab operation.
♦ Toughs Fire Team
belonging to your squad get +1d to
Quality rolls for rook-related actions.


► Gethesmane, a hearty ambassador

► Arbir, a retired general

► Kiffen, a tired butler

► Mirage, a corrupt chef

This is true about life in general too but like, the consequences of our actions in the war? Really
unpredictable and unfair. Sometimes we lose face just for misunderstanding one small part of
our orders. Sometimes there’s massive collateral damage but another Myriad squad comes in
and talks everyone down, gets on the cameras, and makes the whole thing fade away. All of
their AWVs were spotless ceramic and gold detailing too, I can’t imagine any of them ever see
combat. I wonder about them sometimes. I guess there’s ways to avoid the war even if you
have to be involved somehow.
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday
Advanced tech. Fancy flying. Clever words. Sure, sounds good. At the end of the day,
The War demands violence. You provide.

256 257
squad playbooks

squad playbooks
♦ See the blood mixing with the mud in the ugliest
Execute a successful battle,
Frontline Upgrades
conflict zones. defense, sabotage, or ► Frontline Rigging: Each pilot ► Elite Toughs: Tough Cohorts
smash & grab operation. gets two free Load of weapons or armor. belonging to your squad get +1d to
♦ See other squads and Factions fear your name.
Quality rolls for tough-related actions.
♦ Feel like your Faction's most expendable pawns. ► Friends Everywhere: Your
squad's Tier and other squads’ Tiers ► Hardened: Each pilot gets +1
STARTING UPGRADES count as one lower for entanglements. Scar box. This costs three squad
upgrades to unlock.
► TRAINING (PROWESS): When taking the Train downtime activity for Prowess, ► Elite Rovers: Rover Cohorts
take 2 XP instead of 1. A space that lets you move freely to exercise your prowess. belonging to your squad get +1d to
Quality rolls for rover-related actions.
► TOUGHS FIRE TEAM: Gain a fire team of warriors, bouncers, killers, etc. that
works for the squad. They have Quality and scale equal to the squad's Tier.


Frontline Abilities ► Menefer, a troublesome cop

► DANGEROUS: Each pilot may ► FORGED IN THE FIRE: Cruel ► Schuyler, a stalwart doctor
add +1 action rating to Hunt, Struggle, or experiences have toughed each pilot. In ► Qing Yuan, a sly mob boss
Wreck (up to a max rating of 3). combat, you get +1d to resistance rolls,
and you exhaust 1 fewer Quirk ► Lyn, a bar owner
(minimum 1) for vehicle resistance.
fight alongside your fire teams in
combat, they give +1d for teamwork ► SPONSOR: When you advance
rolls (setup and group actions). All of your Tier, it costs half the Supply Points it
your Cohorts get the Toughs type for free normally would. Who is your sponsor?
(if they're already Toughs, add another Why do they help you?
► WAR DOGS: When you’re in a
► SHOCK & AWE: When you Vendetta (-3 squad Status), your crew
execute an assault plan, take +1d to the does not suffer -1 hold. Pilots still get
engagement roll. three downtime activities (instead of just Harrow told me someone from the Paladins of Saint Nqabutho has been asking after me. Didn’t
two). really tell me much more, but like, are they thinking of transferring me? Can’t think of another
► FIENDS: Fear is as good as
reason unless I’m in deep shit, and for that the Breath would probably look into it. It would
respect. You may count each negative ► VETERAN: Choose a special ability
definitely be a promotion, but… I don’t know if I could do it. The Paladins are who keep the other
point of non-patron Faction relationship from another squad playbook.
factions from moving in on Myriad territory, and even other Myriad squads are afraid of them.
as if it were Heart (up to a max of 3).
It would almost certainly be nonstop skirmishes, and I would be right at the front of an
offensive. I’m no good with artillery.
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

258 259
The Logistics
Dedicated delivery.

squad playbooks

squad playbooks
♦ See many different locations as you travel across Execute a successful
the world. delivery, or acquire new

♦ Conduct missions that don't hinge on violence or clients or contraband
socializing. sources.

STARTING UPGRADES XP TRIGGER ♦ Be the veins that keep your Faction's war efforts
♦ Prowess Training Execute a successful battle, defense, sabotage, or
♦ Toughs Fire Team smash & grab operation.
► TRAINING (PROWESS): When taking the Train downtime activity for Prowess,
take 2 XP instead of 1. A space that lets you move freely to exercise your prowess.

► MOTOR POOL: A first level Motor Pool means you pay half the Materiel cost
(rounded up) when procuring new vehicles. At second level, the squad and its Cohorts
gain access to Load 3 temporary vehicles for free.

Logistics Abilities
► ON THE MOVE: One vehicle gets ► LEVERAGE: Your squad supplies
a 1d Upkeep roll that doesn’t cost contraband for all Factions. Your success
Materiel. Get +1d to gather information is good for them. Whenever you gain
about the route for the next mission. Rep, gain an extra +1 Rep.

► ALL HANDS: During downtime, one ► SCROUNGERS: When you use the
of your Cohorts may perform a downtime Salvage downtime activity, take +1d.
activity to acquire an asset, schmooze, or Once per downtime phase, the squad
work on a long-term project. may ignore the requirement of scrapping
a vehicle to perform the Salvage
► CUSTOM OS: Your vehicles’
systems make no sense to most
programs. They are immune to hacking ► RENEGADES: Each pilot may add
by anyone outside of the squad. +1 action rating to Scan, Bombard, or
Maneuver (up to a max rating of 3).
During downtime, take +1 Trust with the ► VETERAN: Choose a special ability
Faction whose territory you’re in at the from another squad playbook.
start of downtime. When your Trust with
the local Faction is 5 or more, you get
+1d to deceive people when you pass
The War’s instability makes getting from A to B a serious task—especially if there's yourselves off as ordinary citizens.
something precious being moved. You get the goods delivered, come hell or high water.

260 261
Mechanized Cavalry
Roaring machine beasts.

Logistics Upgrades
squad playbooks

squad playbooks
► Smuggler panels: Each pilots’ ► Elite rovers: Rover Cohorts
vehicle can carry two Load perfectly belonging to your squad get +1d to

concealed. Quality rolls for rover-related actions.

► Mobile base: The squad’s FOB ► Reliable: Each vehicle gets +1 STARTING UPGRADES XP TRIGGER
gains the mobility descriptor and can be Breakdown box. This costs three squad
moved to a new location as a downtime upgrades. ♦ Prowess Training Execute a successful battle, defense, sabotage, or
activity. ♦ Toughs Fire Team smash & grab operation.

► Camouflage: The squad’s

vehicles are perfectly concealed when at
rest. They blend in as part of the
environment, or as an uninteresting
civilian vehicle (your choice). Changing
the camouflage can be done for free at
the start of a mission.


► Shafaqat, an app dealer

► Milandu, a vile chemist

► Nahuatl, a wired forger

► Addison, a terrorist

It’s funny that I’m with the Cenotaph sometimes. We’re not really a combat squad at all, and
fighting’s the only thing I’m good at. I mean, I know I’m the protection. Dead bodies and
wrecked AWVs hold information that can turn the tide of the war, and there are plenty of people
interested in that information. But I can’t help feeling like we could avoid a lot of battles if we
just had someone who was better at talking than, everyone we have right now. Especially me.
We’re all still alive though, and that’s what’s most important. I’m going to do my best to keep
it that way.
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday
Always on the move, your strides span cities. Your grasp mechanically meets your
reach. This machine throne is your divine right to rule.

262 263
squad playbooks

squad playbooks
♦ Focus on the vehicles as much as possible. Execute a successful
Mechanized cavalry Upgrades
battle, delivery, or rescue ► Cavalry Hardpoints: Each pilot’s ► Elite Rovers: Rover Cohorts
♦ Feel like a force to be reckoned with.
operation. vehicle gets two free Load of weapons or belonging to your squad get +1d to
♦ Be the sledgehammer of your patron Faction's war armor. Quality rolls for rover-related actions.
► Repair Bay: This counts as a ► Elite Adepts: Adept Cohorts
STARTING UPGRADES Workshop upgrade if the squad does not belonging to your squad get +1d to
already have one. If the squad already Quality rolls for adept-related actions.
► ROVERS FIRE TEAM: Gain a fire team of drivers, astronauts, urban spelunkers, has the Workshop upgrade, Repair Bay
etc. that works for the squad. They have Quality and scale equal to the squad's Tier. ► Efficiencies: Each vehicle gets +1
gives +1d to long-term projects involving
Quirk. Vehicles start with 5 Quirks, and
► TESTING FACILITIES: When taking the Enhance downtime activity, the vehicle vehicles, vehicle gear, the Salvage
vehicles can have a maximum of 9
marks 2 boxes on the Enhance track instead of 1. downtime activity, and the Repair
Quirks. This costs three squad upgrades
downtime activity.
to unlock.

Mechanized cavalry Abilities

► FAST AND FURIOUS: Each pilot
may add +1 action rating to Maneuver,
► CUSTOM WORK: Take +1d when
you Engineer one of your squad's
EXAMPLE mechanized cavalry ALLIES AND RIVALS
► Keahi, a fiery engineer
Manipulate, or Battle (up to a max rating vehicles.
of 3). ► Avinoam, a diplomatic pilot
► SCORCHED EARTH: The scale of assist a pilot using a drastically different ► Lorand, a devious soldier
your conflict is large, very large, and type of vehicle than your own (or you are
► Spika, a valorous informant
that’s tolerated. You don’t lose Trust infantry assisting a vehicle or a vehicle
when you cause property damage. assisting infantry), you may select the
same benefit multiple times.
► REAVERS: When you push
yourself while employing speed or ► AIR SUPERIORITY: If you or your
aggression with a vehicle action roll, you allies are the only combatants in the area
only exhaust a Quirk if your result is 4 or with an active aircraft, take improved
higher. Position on all vehicle actions.

► FORMATION: When a group ► VETERAN: Choose a special ability Every time we run into Lady Elreth it hits me how much of a difference there is between us. Like
action is taken with a vehicle action, from another squad playbook. not just me, the whole Cenotaph. I do most of the repairs on Bert alone. Lady Elreth is the only
every participant may spend 1 Stress. pilot in a whole squad dedicated to upkeep and other support for her AWV Starfall, and there’s
Any pilot that does gets +1d. plenty of stories about how she’s wiped out whole squads alone. The wildest part of all of this
for me is the fact that no one even knows exactly what Starfall is. No one who’s faced it head
on has survived. What kind of AWV can even do all that?
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

264 265
The ProfIteers
Everything has a price.

squad playbooks

squad playbooks
♦ Have a supplementary supply line free from your Acquire product supply,
patron. execute clandestine or

♦ Enter tense negotiations about contraband. covert sales, or secure
new clientele.
♦ Meet the clandestine and criminal elements of the


♦ Prowess Training Execute a successful battle, defense, sabotage, or

♦ Toughs Fire Team smash & grab operation.
► TRAINING (RESOLVE): When taking the Train downtime activity for Resolve,
take 2 XP instead of 1. A space that allows you to steel yourself and focus your resolve.

► SECURE FOB: Your FOB has perimeter defenses, such as automated turrets, trip
wire explosives, or a sturdy wall. These defenses help protect your squad against
attacks while at home. This can be taken twice, with the defenses becoming more
effective with the second upgrade.

Profiteers Abilities
► CORNER KID: Each pilot may add ► OF THE PEOPLE: Take improved
+1 action rating to Sway, Struggle, or Position when acting against those who
Survey (up to a max rating of 3). want what you are selling, and +1d to
gather information about where your
► BARTER: You can spend Supply
product is wanted.
Points (minimum 1) equal to the current
number of total Ticks in your Drive Clocks ► HOOKED: Your squad members
to add 1 Tick to a Drive Clock. use your product. Add the brutal,
unreliable, or wild flaw to your fire teams
to give them +1 Quality.
merchandise is exquisite. The product
Quality is equal to your Tier+2. When you ► SPONSOR: When you advance
deal with a squad or Faction, the GM will your Tier, it costs half the Supply Points it
tell you who among them is hooked on normally would. Who is your sponsor?
your product (one, a few, many, or all). Why do they help you?

► APP MARKET: Through secret ► VETERAN: Choose a special ability

technology or hard-won experience, you from another squad playbook.
have discovered how to prepare your
product for sale to apps and/or AIs. They
do not pay in Supply Points. What do they
The powerful take, and the weak buy. Everyone needs something in spite of The War, pay with?
and you have what the weak need. Bleed them for all they're worth—propaganda,
information, news, arms, food, water, medical supplies, spectacle, you name it.

266 267
The Recon
The best way in, way through, way past.

Profiteers Upgrades
squad playbooks

squad playbooks
► Profiteer Rigging: Each pilot ► Elite Toughs: Tough Cohorts
gets one item that is concealed and has belonging to your squad get +1d to

no Load. Quality rolls for tough-related actions.

► Friends Everywhere: Your ► Composed: Each pilot gets +1 STARTING UPGRADES XP TRIGGER
squad's Tier and other squads’ Tiers Stress box. This costs three squad
count as one lower for entanglements. upgrades to unlock. ♦ Prowess Training Execute a successful battle, defense, sabotage, or
♦ Toughs Fire Team smash & grab operation.
► Elite Rooks: Rook Cohorts
belonging to your squad get +1d to
Quality rolls for rook-related actions.


► Dehateh, a formal judge

► Sovann, a tidy smuggler

► Gemi, a freedom fighter

► Nuru, an arms dealer

I can’t understand anyone who just wants to make money off of all this. Harrow keeps telling
me that everyone has their reasons, everyone needs to eat. I know. I always try to remember
that. But what happened today… We were recovering a Saint’s body. The battle had taken place
in the middle of a town, and they needed medical supplies badly. The only squad close by was
the Raccoons. They had the supplies, but they charged us fifty times the actual price. When we
got back I overheard Harrow on comms with someone: the Raccoons had returned to that
village and taken everything back at gunpoint.
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

Clearing the way isn't what you do. Why go through the trouble when there are ways
unseen? A person just needs the right point of view to see them.

268 269
squad playbooks

squad playbooks
♦ Participate in missions of questionable legitimacy.
Execute a successful
Recon Upgrades
reconnaissance, espionage, ► Recon Rigging: Each pilot gets 2 ► Elite Skulks: Skulk Cohorts
♦ Explore the world and steal its secrets.
sabotage, or theft free Load of tools or gear. belonging to your squad get +1d to
♦ Be an expert in avoiding straight up fights. Quality rolls for skulk-related actions.
operation. ► Geographic Intel: Rare maps and
the means through. ► Composed: Each pilot gets +1
Stress box. This costs three squad
STARTING UPGRADES ► Elite Rooks: Rook Cohorts
upgrades to unlock.
belonging to your squad get +1d to
► TRAINING (PROWESS): When taking the Train downtime activity for Prowess,
Quality rolls for rook-related actions.
take 2 XP instead of 1. A space that lets you move freely to exercise your prowess.

► HIDDEN FOB: The squad's FOB is hidden from even intensive searches. If it's
discovered, a long-term project will be required to once again conceal it.

Recon Abilities Ace RIVALS

► EVERYONE STEALS: Each pilot ► SECOND STORY: When you ► Coin, a callous explorer
may add +1 action rating to Prowl, execute a clandestine infiltration, you
► Misha, a connected fixer
Finesse, or Survey (up to a max rating of get +1d to the engagement roll.
3). ► Ihiaka, a benevolent collector
► SLIPPERY: When you roll
► AR ECHOES: From a weird entanglements, roll twice and keep the ► Zhen, a lithe bartender
experience or strange technology, all one you want. When you Schmooze, take
squad members gain the ability to see +1d.
and interact with private or offline ARs
that would normally be hidden from
perform a group action, you may count
multiple 6s from different rolls as a
► PACK RATS: Your FOB is a jumble critical success.
I like hearing about the Doctors Beyond Stars and Cirque du Soldat from Dredge and Tower. I’m
of… requisitioned items. When you roll to
► VETERAN: Choose a special ability a little jealous too. I’ve finally gotten to see Journey City and the tower up close with the
acquire an asset, take +1d.
from another squad playbook. Cenotaph, but compared to the others I’ve barely seen anything. I wonder what it’s like
► SPONSOR: When you advance exploring all over, ignoring faction lines, bringing help and entertainment instead of guns and
your Tier, it costs half the Supply Points it trouble. The thought that a town would be excited to see outsiders, that sticks with me. What
normally would. Who is your sponsor? if I had gotten to be a part of a squad like that. Bert’s too loud and slow, but maybe I wouldn’t
Why do they help you? even need an AWV with them.
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

270 271
The R+D
Making today into tomorrow.

squad playbooks

squad playbooks
♦ Create bleeding edge technology. Advance the technology
♦ Meddle with powers beyond your understanding. of the war, or embody

your Faction’s precepts in
♦ Be the mind that feeds your Faction's thirst for war.


♦ Prowess Training Execute a successful battle, defense, sabotage, or STARTING UPGRADES
♦ Toughs Fire Team smash & grab operation. ► TRAINING (RESOLVE): When taking the Train downtime activity for Resolve, take
2 XP instead of 1. A space that allows you to steel yourself and focus your resolve.

► ADEPTS FIRE TEAM: Gain a fire team of academics, scientists, mechanics, etc.
that works for the squad. They have Quality and scale equal to the squad's Tier.

R + D Abilities
► GRADUATE: Each pilot may add ► DIRE ASSISTANCE: Your squad
+1 action rating to Interface, Study, or has acquired a powerful but chained AI.
Sway (up to a max rating of 3). This could be very useful, but the desires
and morals of an AI are very different
► GROUNDED: You get +1d to
from those who bleed.
resistance rolls (and exhaust one fewer
Quirk when your vehicle resists) against ► IRONS IN THE FIRE: Your squad is
AR threats. You get +1d to healing rolls excellent at multitasking. When you work
when you have AR Harm. on long-term projects during downtime
and have multiple incomplete projects,
you get +1d (but must split the resulting
use teamwork with any squad member,
Ticks between the projects as evenly as
regardless of the distance separating you.
By taking 1 Stress, every squad member
hears your whispered message. ► FOR THE GREATER GOOD: Your
Cohorts are fully committed to the
► CONVICTION: Each pilot gains an
research. They will undertake any
additional tragedy: Experimentation.
service, no matter how dangerous or
When you Cut Loose with a focus on
strange. They gain +1d to rolls against
experimentation and gather a significant
those who would attempt to halt
data set, you don't overindulge if you
clear excess stress. In addition, your
theories give you +1d on any one action ► VETERAN: Choose a special ability
roll you make—from now until you Cut from another squad playbook.
Loose again.

The only way to win The War is to gain a significant technological advantage. You pull
out every dirty trick to get ahead because you can be damn sure the enemy won't hesitate.

272 273
Subtle violence.

R + D Upgrades

squad playbooks

squad playbooks
► R&D Rigging: Each pilot gets 2 ► Elite Adepts: Adept Cohorts
free Load of Tools or Supplies. belonging to your squad get +1d to

Quality rolls for adept-related actions.
► Laboratory: This counts as a

Workshop if the squad does not already ► Elite Toughs: Tough Cohorts STARTING UPGRADES XP TRIGGER
have one. If the squad has the Workshop belonging to your squad get +1d to
upgrade, Laboratory gives +1d to long- Quality rolls for tough-related actions. ♦ Prowess Training Execute a successful battle, defense, sabotage, or
term projects involving biological and ♦ Toughs Fire Team smash & grab operation.
► Hardened: Each pilot gets +1
chemical components, and the Recover
Scar box. This costs three squad
downtime activity.
upgrades to unlock.


► Mastod, an irate scholar

► Owl, a logical zealot

► Twitch, a star navigator

► Utmai, a deadly noble

The war is fought with giant machines. At least that’s what I thought right? Before I joined the
Cenotaph. So much of the war does revolve around AWVs, not just their power but their image
too. But I wonder how long that will last. We found fragments of research in the wreckage of a
DFS AWV. Seriously messed up. This wasn’t wires and circuits. It was blood and nerves. I didn’t
really get it but I could see how shocked Dredge was even behind cors mask. I asked cor about
it later and co would only tell me, “They’re augmenting… it’s inhumane. It’s disgusting. Keiko,
I hope you never see the results of this.”
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

Some people just have too much blood in them. You help them with that problem, and
keep the mess from spilling out.

274 275
squad playbooks

squad playbooks
♦ Commit hidden violence.
Execute a successful
accident, disappearance, ► REDACTED Rigging: Each pilot ► Elite Toughs: Tough Cohorts
♦ Be the morally dubious hand of your Faction's
murder, or ransom gets 2 free Load of weapons or gear. belonging to your squad get +1d to
operation. Quality rolls for tough-related actions.
♦ Be the bogeyman other squads whisper about. ► Friends Everywhere: Your
squad's Tier and other squads’ Tiers ► Hardened: Each pilot gets +1
count as one lower for Entanglements. Scar box. This costs three squad
upgrades to unlock.
STARTING UPGRADES ► Elite Skulks: Skulk Cohorts
belonging to your squad get +1d to
► TRAINING (INSIGHT): When taking the Train downtime activity for Insight, take
Quality rolls for skulk-related actions.
2 XP instead of 1. A space for deep thought, to let you hone your insight.

► TRAINING (PROWESS): When taking the Train downtime activity for Prowess,
take 2 XP instead of 1. A space that lets you move freely to exercise your prowess.

Redacted Abilities
► DEADLY: Each pilot may add +1 ► SPONSOR: When you advance EXAMPLE REDACTED ALLIES AND RIVALS
action rating to Hunt, Prowl, or Struggle your Tier, it costs half the Supply Points it ► Setrad, a vicious teacher
(up to a max rating of 3). normally would. Who is your sponsor?
Why do they help you? ► Beanfield, a proxy hunter
► DIRE NEEDS: Due to hard-won
respect and contacts, your employers ► PREDATORS: When you use ► Bellamy, an agile CEO
understand the necessity of what you do. stealth or subterfuge to commit murder, ► Heat, a slow hacker
You can choose not to lose Trust from take +1d to the engagement roll.
breaking ROE related to the treatment of
► VIPERS: When you acquire or craft
civilians and enemy soldiers on a mission.
poisons, you get +1 result level to your
► BIO-SOLVENT: The squad has roll. When you employ a poison, you are
been trained in the special application of immune to its Effects.
a topical solvent that quickly dissolves
► VETERAN: Choose a special ability I’ve seen some seriously fucked up things. The Cenotaph has been outgunned in so many
dead flesh. Take 3 Stress to properly
from another squad playbook. situations I’ve lost track of how many times I thought, “we’re going to die.” But this last mission
apply the bio-solvent.
doesn’t even compare to those. I watched another squad disappear. We had no info on this
► NO TRACES: When you keep an squad that ambushed us. No identifying markings. The instant they appeared there was a
operation quiet or make it look like an comms blackout. Harrow had told me about squads like this before, and I thought it was like a
accident, you get half the rep value of ghost story. But I really saw them pour something on those bodies. I watched them dissolve into
the target (rounded up) instead of zero. nothing.
Additionally, if you don’t lose any trust ________________________________________________
with your employer Faction on a mission, From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday
take +1 rep.

276 277
the game master

the game master

278 279
the game master

the game master

Beam Saber is about pilots and their massive war machines. There will be times
GM Principles
You should strive toward meeting these GM Principles during every session. They help the
when it is appropriate to focus on the pilots—their relationships, moral beliefs, and their
game flow easier, and give you an idea of how to portray the world and the people living in it.
mental and physical wounds. Other times, the spotlight should be on their vehicles—
metal giants crossing blades, transport trucks laden with stolen cargo speeding away ► Be a fan of the pilots. Be excited ► Fill the world with inequality.
from pursuers, and jets twisting around one another, trying to get the upper hand in a for their stories, victories, and suffering. There are cities blasted to ruins because
dance of angels. As the GM, you’ll move the spotlight between these aspects of the But make sure you aren’t actively they are too close to the front, while
game as a film director would. pushing them towards defeat. The War is other population centers less than
hard enough without the GM leaning on 100km away only ever notice The War as
the scales. distant thunder. The poor are conscripted

GM Goals ► Let everything flow from the

fiction. There will be an inciting incident
to fight, while wealthy scions avoid
combat with the right donation.
The GM should strive toward these four goals every session: Populations survive on rationed
that starts the story, the players’ pilots
necessities, but the black market
♦ Play to find out what happens. There’s no need for the GM to actively will act, and there will be consequences.
circumvents this for some. Where does
prepare the story. After all, there are three parties that have input into the Events will speed up and get more
The War creep in?
story: the GM, the players, and the dice. If the players or dice take the game in serious as victories and defeats stack on
an unexpected direction, go with it. Chase the narrative alongside the players. top of each other in a teetering tower ► Make The War the enemy, not
This way everyone gets to be surprised by the story that develops! that heightens the tension. If a player the soldiers. This war has been going
♦ Fill the world with detail. Every NPC needs a name, look, motive, and says they use an ability, ask them to first on for a long time, and it’s more
methods. Every location needs a Quality that describes it. Every situation describe what their character does—get devastating than any person could ever
needs to be surrounded by a full world. an idea of what the story and stakes look be. Show this by giving every NPC
like. Establish Position and Effect if it humanity. Everyone has someone they
♦ Convey the world honestly. Speak with honesty when you tell the players
requires a roll, then the player can decide care for, whether it’s because that makes
what their surroundings look like, what NPCs do, and what happens because of
to use an ability that might change the survival easier, or just more tolerable.
all this. Don’t lie to the players, and don’t favor anyone over others.
situation. Humanize individuals, and make groups
♦ Ensure everyone at the table is safe. As the GM, a lot of the responsibility monstrous through cold calculation or
for maintaining Lines and Veils (see page 287) falls to you. But encourage your ► Address the pilots. Address the
dangerous acts of passion. Individuals
table to share that work so everyone stays safe. And remember, that includes players with their pilot’s name when in-
can still be monsters, but they come
your safety as well. Ask the table to check in during and after dark or heavy fiction concerns arise, such as their
from a society that produces and
scenes. pilot’s actions. This brings the fiction to
empowers them. Look to the 1914
the front, giving the pilot desires, power,
Beam Saber uses GM Principles and Actions to help you achieve these goals. Christmas Truce for a moment when
and life.
soldiers fought The War and not each
► Address the players. When other.
addressing out-of-fiction concerns, such
► Make The War too big to
as a player’s desires for the story, speak
defeat. The War affects multiple worlds
to the player themselves. This brings the
and the star lanes in between. There are
real world to the front, centering the
too many with their livelihoods and
player’s desires, concerns, and feelings.
wealth tied up in the conflict. The best

280 281
the game master

the game master

possible outcome would be to push The whether you're behind the controls or in ► Ask questions. Questions are the squad isn’t always the complete
War out of sight so it could be out of danger of being absentmindedly your most versatile tool for responding to picture (both in regards to their
mind, but most will have to settle for squashed. the pilots’ actions. You could ask a superiors’ motives and the enemy’s
surviving until they can get out. player: Are you focusing fire on the resources). There are only five things the
► Consider the risk. Usually, pilots
enemy Ace, or are you suppressing their squad needs to know before they start a
► Make the pilots feel small, and find themselves in a Risky Position—after
squad? Did anyone bring an invitation to mission:
the vehicles feel POWERFUL. This all, they lead dangerous lives. But if
the masquerade? Are you avoiding Harm
isn't about making the Pilots feel they’re carrying the momentum of a ♦ The briefing is a summary of
with a resistance roll or armor? If you’re
ineffective. But rather, reminding the success, their Position might be the situation that necessitates
unsure what to do, ask a question and go
players that their pilots are much smaller Controlled. If they just failed a roll, had a the mission.
from there.
than vehicles, squads, and Factions. complication, or are improvising, it’s ♦ The objective is what the
They can still get things done, but it probably Desperate. Trust your instincts, ► Provide opportunities & follow mission is meant to accomplish.
might not be on the scale they wish it but don’t be afraid to negotiate and the players’ lead. The War is filled with
♦ The employer is the squad that
was. Show this principle through the revise. potential missions for the squad.
wants the objective
contrasting power and size available to Sometimes these missions will come
► Hold on lightly. This isn’t a accomplished.
them through their vehicles; the smallest from the officers above, sometimes the
competitive game, and doesn’t require ♦ The target is the probable
machines are as tall as a three-story pilots will take the lead, and occasionally
hardline rulings. If someone, yourself identity of the opposing force.
house. Enemy vehicles should feel even both groups will agree on the way
included, wants to take back a statement
larger and more powerful, especially forward. If the players have an idea for a ♦ The Rules Of Engagement
that’s okay. But if you do, consider what
when the pilots are outside of their own mission, work with them to have their (ROE) are actions that the
it means if dice have already been rolled.
vehicles. These machines are terrifying, assigned mission match those desires or employer forbids the pilots from
discuss what happens when their squad doing.
GM Actions acts independently. Try asking these
Of course, players may gather
information about the mission, such as
The game typically flows between the players and the GM—either the GM sets
♦ Are you targeting a specific other squads with a vested interest in the
up what’s happening and asks the players what they do, or the players assert what
squad or Faction? objective, possible complications, or
they want to do, and the GM lets the world respond. But if you’re not sure what to do
confidential intelligence about the
next, the following actions are a good place to start. ♦ Are you targeting a squad
situation. But if they begin planning too
weaker, stronger, or about the
much, remind them that they can
same as you?
perform flashbacks (page 86)
♦ Is your aim to seize a squad
upgrade, hurt the target, aid ► Cut to the challenge. This game
yourselves, or aid another feeds on momentum. When the players
squad? start a mission, jump to their first
obstacle. If they’re having a quiet
♦ Is there a specific area you
dialogue during downtime, skip the small
want to target?
talk and start with the tough questions.
♦ Is there a specific resource you Paint the picture, and drop them in the
want to acquire? thick of it.
Sometimes the available missions won’t
be fair or consistent. The intel given to

282 283
the game master

GM advice
► Telegraph trouble before it
strikes. Foreshadowing is extremely
outside of the typical game flow. Calling
these consequences “rival moves” Player Count
important, even if it’s for a danger means that there's a finite amount of
Beam Saber is recommended for 3-4 Players plus a GM. Why that number?
currently riding a pressure wave out of a times that the GM will use that trick.
When I’ve GM’ed Beam Saber for five players before, I often feel like I can't provide the
barrel. Describe the threat in the
► Tell them the consequences pilots with equal spotlight. It feels very much like, "Alright, you did your Action. But we
moment, make the stakes clear so
and ask. When a pilot initiates an action can't really follow up on it because it's been too long since this other player had the
there’s no confusion about the potential
or has a choice to make, tell them the spotlight. So we're going to jump over there and EVENTUALLY get back to the follow up
Harm or Damage, and then ask: “What
probable consequences for the paths on what you just did." This can disrupt the narrative flow, and it risks players losing the
do you do?” This setup allows the players
before them, then ask: “What do you story thread because it's been 20 minutes since they did anything.
to create unexpected and skillful ways to
avoid danger while also making the
Another consideration for larger player counts is resource management. Larger
potential consequences clear. If the ► Tick a clock. Ticking a clock squads give the game a stronger sense of attrition in The War. They have more
danger isn’t that immediate, consider increases tension and follow through on
resources (Stress, Quirks, Load, Harm/Damage, etc.), but the rules don't scale Supply
starting a clock to show the trouble consequences without ending a conflict
Point income with the number of players. This means that individual missions won't
getting closer as the clock fills. entirely. It’s also a way to be honest
press the group hard, but the resources they do spend will be difficult to recover,
about inflicting a consequence without
► Follow through. With the threat making their losses hit hard.
directly harming the pilots; adding 3
properly telegraphed, no one will be
Ticks to a clock will almost never be as
surprised when it proves to be as dire as
bad as taking a level 3 Harm. Remember,
it appeared. Have the pilots arrested.
keep these clocks visible to the players
Shoot them. Break their hearts. If the
so they get a sense of time, pacing, and
player really doesn’t want that to
seriousness of the conflict.
happen, they can choose to resist. You
don’t have to treat them with kid gloves. ► Offer a Collateral Die. Give
players a choice: Offer a bonus die with
► Initiate action with an NPC.
an interesting consequence (that
Sometimes the execution of a threat is
happens regardless of success or failure),
too skillful for a pilot to react. Instead of
or refuse the die and take a bigger
telegraphing the trouble, describe the
gamble on their roll. If players have an
damage happening before the pilots can
idea for an interesting consequence, feel
be proactive. Inflict the consequence
free to take their suggestions or actively
immediately, and the pilot can react by
ask them.
resisting the danger. This GM action
makes an NPC seem incredibly skilled ► Think offscreen. The War
and dangerous, so save it for those who continues out of sight of the pilots and
are masters of their trade and only when players. Consider what impact the
they play to their strengths. current scene and mission may have on
the other squads and Factions. Think
Alternatively, give these hyper
about what obstacles are in the area, and
competent NPCs rival moves (see page
which might be waiting down the line or
92)! This will help some players agree
drawn to the current action.
with the consequences that are inflicted

284 285
session zero

session zero
SESSION ZERO Lines Anyone may add Lines to the list
Session zero takes place before the first session with the first mission. A session A Line is something that the group after session zero. Sometimes, a player
zero is the foundation of a campaign—it’s the time to discuss tone, create pilots and agrees will NEVER come up in the game discovers a Line they forgot existed, or a
vehicles, and do a little worldbuilding. It builds the narrative and, more importantly, (not even “off screen” or in universe). Lines topic comes up that they hadn’t
social bonds within the game. This section has steps to follow for laying those are a way to exclude material that would anticipated. You might not think to name
foundations. ruin the play experience for at least one “spiders” as a Line in a game about
person at the table. For example, you machines of war, but you might want to if
might put a Line on spiders if they give you
Lines, Veils, and the X Card a negative emotional reaction—that
means no spider-shaped mechs, crawling
someone describes their vehicle as having
spider-like limbs. The addition of this Line
Beam Saber is designed to tell the harsh tale of people physically and may be accompanied by the use of the
through spider-infested air ducts, and so X-Card (see below), or a less formalized
emotionally struggling through an all-encompassing war—BUT it is still a game, and
on. Does this mean that there will be no pause of the game. Work with the player
games are supposed to be fun. Nothing ruins a person's fun faster than emotionally
dark themes? Of course not. But the world who added the new Line to see what they
charged situations that they didn’t agree to experience, whether they’re a player or the
is a bad enough place that we can imagine need to feel comfortable and safe.
dark stories that don’t leave players
This is where Lines, Veils, and the X-card come in handy (explained below). Use feeling emotionally exploited.
these tools to establish clear boundaries for the upcoming game, even for things that
may seem obvious. You may think one topic is an clear no-go area for your table, but
To create Lines, ask the table for
topics they want left out of the game, and
remember that people may have different tolerance levels for engaging in difficult, A Veil is a topic that may come up in
make a list for everyone to reference
real-world themes. It’s best to start on the same page, rather than get there partway play, but won’t ever be in focus or lingered
during play. Try to make this process
through a campaign. upon in the fiction. Veils usually exist to
anonymous if possible—such as everyone
help bring up troubling content without
If someone at the table uses these tools in bad faith (such as using them to writing their Lines on separate index cards
causing anyone at the table harm. If the
purposefully ruin the fun of others or to introduce uncomfortable topics), the group for the GM to read aloud anonymously, or
Veil comes up in the game, you might fade
should have a serious discussion about whether this person is an acceptable addition using a shared Google Doc. If you figure
to black, describe it in the most basic detail,
to the game. out who anonymously suggested a Line,
or allude to it off screen. For example, a Veil
There are also many other safety tools designed for tabletop role-playing games. don't say anything about it. Each player
on “spiders” might mean describing the
If you aren't a fan of the ones presented here, don't hesitate to find some that work for should feel safe and free from judgment to
cobwebs on a vehicle to show its state of
you and your group. But whatever your choice, safety tools are mandatory for your express their Lines.
disrepair, but not the creatures living
Beam Saber campaign. No one has to explain why they inside.
don't want to explore the topic—it may be
Veils should likewise be discussed
very personal and private, and talking
as a group, and put on a list for reference
about it may bring back unpleasant
during the campaign. Anyone can add Veils
feelings. People are welcome to voluntarily
to the list during the game, for whatever
divulge their reasons, but everyone should
reason. Again, no one should be pressured
treat these discussions with respect and
into discussing their Veils in detail.

286 287
session zero

session zero
The X Card everyone knows how to handle the topic
in future. You may not need to if it’s a Discussing Expectations
The X-card is a tool created by temporarily sensitive topic, such as a With boundaries established, it's time to discuss what people DO want in the
John Stavropoulos person who recently ate hearing about game. Mecha media does have its themes, tropes, and archetypes, but players will
( eating something gross. likely have their own specific ideas they want to explore. After all, some mecha stories
card-rpg) to help Above all, remember that focus on the personal goals of the pilots (Armored Trooper Votoms), others on the
manage topics on everyone’s well-being is more important struggles of small communities (Mobile Suit Gundam), and a few spotlight the political
the fly during a role- than the game. Don’t hold it against maneuvering between massive organizations (Iron Blooded Orphans).
playing game. Draw someone if they’re okay with a topic now, The best Beam Saber campaigns start with an agreement on what themes you’ll
a big X on an index and later decide to X-card the topic. bring out in the game. If you don’t, you’ll likely see players pull the story in conflicting
card, on a piece of Additionally, these tools create space for directions that weaken the campaign—which in turn may cause problems for you and
paper, on any a conversation (to whatever level people the other players.
material you have on are comfortable); they don’t replace the
hand. For online games, you can draw a Discuss with your group (and remember to give your input too):
conversation. If a person would rather
large X in the play space or use a group speak against a topic’s use in the game, ♦ How long should each session be?
text chat. Put the X somewhere in the that should be respected. It’s okay if Some people are comfortable playing for 3 or so hours, while others are happy
play space where everyone can access it. someone wants to leave the campaign playing for 8 hours plus breaks.

If someone wants to cut out or because they’re not having fun (and that ♦ How many sessions would everyone like to play in the campaign?
includes you, GM). Talk with the person It’s common to play a single session (also known as a one shot) when trying a
change something that comes up in a
first to see if you can make changes to new game. But some people like to have campaigns without an expected end
scene, they can invoke the X-card. This
might be by tapping the card or picking it increase their fun. But if they’re done,
don’t push it. Likewise, it’s not the GM’s ♦ When can people schedule sessions?
up. However, tell players they can also
job to make other people have fun, so Some people work 9 to 5 jobs, and some online players are in different time
say “X-card,” type “X-card” in a group
chat, make an “X” with their arms, or any protect your well-being too. Either way, a
player leaving may end the campaign, ♦ What are some media touchstones that inspire everyone?
other means of communication suitable
and that’s okay. You can always start These can help clarify what tone each person wants to experience in the game.
to your group. Everyone at the table
must have safe access to the X-card. another. ♦ Is the game about the pilots or the squad?
Choosing a focus helps gauge the table’s interest in roster changes, harm, and
When someone uses the X-card, removing pilots from the game (temporarily or permanently). A squad-focused
immediately edit out the detail that game implies more roster changes should a pilot die, retire, go AWOL, or any
necessitated the card’s use. If the situation that requires a player to change characters. Those stories will likely
harmful detail is unclear, pause the touch upon changing group dynamics, loss, and feeling expendable. Whereas
game to identify the content (but don’t pilot-focused games focus more on the long-term relationships between these
probe into why it’s harmful). Consider pilots as they struggle through The War together—losing a pilot is a big blow to
taking a break so people can collect the squad.

themselves or discuss how to change the ♦ How politically complex should it be?
scene if needed. Add the harmful detail (see the political scale section on page 294)
to your Lines or Veils if needed, so

288 289
session zero

session zero
♦ What Factions and squads do people want to see? everyone, as the playbook will influence the missions this squad runs. If players can’t
Focus on three or four squads at the start, whether choosing from the decide, pause to reconsider the tone and expectations of your campaign. Maybe there
examples or creating them from scratch. was something the group overlooked during Lines and Veils or discussing expectations.
♦ How large of an area should the campaign cover?
Create your squad and the FOB after choosing a squad playbook. Then players
Consider whether the campaign focuses on a national, planetary, or galaxy-
create their pilots and vehicles (page 68 and 170 respectively). If some players already
sized scale of conflict (see the map scale on page 292).
have ideas for their pilot and vehicle before deciding the squad, that’s alright. The two
♦ What environments do we want to see in our campaign?
creation processes influence each other. Some groups may even find it beneficial to
You could play in deep space, with communities formed around clusters of
move back and forth between squad creation and pilot creation!
asteroids and nomadic nation ships. However, some players may prefer a
game set in a climate similar to the region where they live. Your choice will A pilot’s history, tragedy, and opening help establish setting details through the
impact how technology works, so choose what will be fun for everyone. character’s lived experiences. If a pilot’s tragedy involved a Faction that used the pilot’s
♦ How dangerous and gritty should our campaign be? orbital station home as a kinetic weapon, it introduces civilian space stations and
Some people want to feel the adrenaline of a dice roll when threatened by a Factional willingness to use them as weapons. In fact, every decision from here on out
mugger with a knife, while others want to feel fearless as they describe their colors the NPC squads, their patron Faction’s focus, and other interpersonal squad and
pilot in a blazing gunfight. Faction dynamics.
♦ How combat focused should we be?
Some people want to fight their way into and out of every problem, while
others would prefer to talk or sneak. Some may even want to avoid combat
entirely by having game focused on encounters that aren’t life and death, such
Introduce the Characters
as vehicle based sports. With the characters and Squad made it’s time to introduce everyone. Each
♦ How frequently should the pilots face conflicts outside of their player should state their character’s:
vehicles? ♦ Name and/or callsign ♦ Pilot ability
Some people want to emphasize their vehicle’s power through action, while ♦ Look ♦ Vehicle name
others feel that pilots should be challenged as often as their machines.
♦ History ♦ Vehicle model
♦ What technologies do we want to see in the game?
♦ Tragedy ♦ Vehicle look
AR is part of Beam Saber’s core setting, but players might have no interest in
exploring its impact, and would rather focus on cybernetic augmentation. ♦ Opening ♦ Vehicle Load
♦ Drive

Ask the players questions about these details, and encourage the other players
Creating the Characters and Squad to ask questions as well. You might ask how much the public knows about a pilot’s
tragedy, why they’re pursuing their drive, or how they gained their pilot ability. It’s okay
Once you have an idea of the tone and scope of your campaign, it’s time to make
if they don’t know the answer yet, it can be answered during play.
your squad of pilots. First, players pick a Faction to patronize the players’ squad (unless
they decide to work for themselves). Pick a patron Faction that excites everyone, don’t Finally, discuss the pilots’ beliefs about each other and name the squad. Beliefs
just settle for the least offensive option. The squad’s patron Faction may be the largest define the bond between pilots and give XP opportunities, so don’t skip them. If a
aesthetic influence on the group, and it also gives narrative meaning to the missions player is really stuck on a belief, consider using an example from their playbook (or
they take. even a different playbook). If you can’t name the squad don’t worry, you can figure it
out after a couple of missions.
Next, the players select a squad playbook. This playbook should excite

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how to prepare a campaign

how to prepare a campaign

have some idea of how this looks after session zero.

If your players want to explore multiple planets, you’ll see a variety of differing
A CAMPAIGN geography. The plants, animals, vistas, natural dangers, and technology may change
The session zero is done, the squad's set up their FOB, and the pilots are ready wildly from mission to mission. Pilots won’t know exactly how to prepare, and may find
to go. Now it's time to start thinking about the campaign. This can be daunting to do their vehicles caught off guard by a planet’s unique defenses.
alone, which is why this section exists! On the other hand, campaigns focused on a smaller area will pay more attention
If you start to feel overwhelmed, use these tips: to city-scale conflicts and local politics (rather than space-wide politics). It’s reasonable
for NPCs outside of the squad to make an appearance or be sought out by the pilots.
♦ Think about session zero. Your players shared what excites them, so
The characters that appear multiple times will become fleshed out through their
draw from that energy. For example, if the players want to focus on a
single city, you know you won’t be focusing on space or sea travel. interactions with the pilots. In turn, they’ll in turn flesh out the communities they are
from, both their culture and social circles. The campaign’s map too will become more
♦ Ask your players questions whenever you need answers. If session
fleshed out with time as places are revisited or talked about. Of course, staying in the
zero didn't give you the details you need, just ask your players. Consider
which player's pilot would be the expert on the topic, and ask them! If you same place means that the view outside the window doesn’t change very much.
need to know more about how the Jovangellian military organizes itself, Is it better to have a planet-hopping campaign with many strange horizons, or
consider asking a player whose pilot is Jovangellian, or a player using the one in a single city? Your campaign will likely see a mix of the two, but it’s okay if your
Officer playbook.
group skews more toward space over land and vice versa. It’ll likely shift over the
♦ Use the examples in this book. Whether you want to use them entirely campaign’s duration.
or as a jumping off point, you can get a lot of value from the setting details
in this book. For example, you can insert The Broken Bank (page 368) into When starting a campaign, first consider the size of the squad’s FOB or
any urban area that needs a ruined section. downtime area. Is the region the size of a neighborhood, town, county, province,
nation, planet, or star system? A region is the smallest mechanical unit of geography,
and a campaign’s scale should be no larger than two steps above a region’s size. For
Campaign Scale example, if every town is a region, the game should focus on conflicts within a single
county or province at most.
An important consideration when planning a campaign as a group is the desired
scale of the narrative. Impactful stories happen across the vastness of space (Mobile What happens if the squad needs to travel to a place beyond the scale agreed
Suit Gundam), several regions (Mobile Suit Gundam: 08th MS Team), and the districts at session zero? Everyone should consider whether this degree of travel is a onetime
of a single city (Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War In The Pocket). Some have a multitude thing or a new norm. A onetime journey doesn’t need significant adjustment, as most
of Factions vying for power (Friends At The Table Season 2: COUNTER/Weight) and missions will take place upon the scale agreed at session zero. If the game shifts to a
some have only a single Faction that the protagonists struggle against (Mad Max: Fury larger scale permanently, the group should discuss how this impacts the story.
Road). What scale really determines in a campaign is the complexity, not the quality, Regardless of the map’s scale, make sure the players have limited elbow room
of its narrative. throughout the campaign. This feeling can be achieved with strategic objectives that
are constantly fought over. Bridges, cities, factories, harbors, spaceports—all of these
are points of conflict that every Faction wants to control in some capacity.
Map Scale
A campaign’s physical geography primarily influences two facets of the game:
the types of environment, and the communities that exist outside of the squad. You’ll

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how to prepare a campaign

how to prepare a campaign

Political Scale Conflict spoilers are powerful squads who have bigger fish to fry, but may
provide support (employment, information, tools, etc.) to weaker squads if it serves
With a map scale decided, that map must now be populated with Factions and their own interests. Whether they provide these benefits to the players or their foes
their squads. Every Faction has its own goals, and each squad methods to accomplish depends entirely on the squad’s Status with them. As the players’ squad increases in
those goals. As more Factions and squads are added to a campaign, the focus of the Tier, conflict spoilers become direct competition.
narrative weakens. However, more Factions and squads mean a greater variety of foes,
more opportunities for schemes, and sometimes greater moral greyness. Find some
middle ground between the two.

Campaigns of two or fewer Factions have very clear political lines—us and them.
If the players pick an Independent squad in this scenario, they can play both sides
against each other or push one side to victory. If things get stale, you can add a third
or fourth Faction to the campaign.

Campaigns with three or more Factions create possibilities for Faction alliances,
which in turn allows for betrayals, lesser evils, aligned interests, and all kinds of
immoral, pragmatic decisions. If the players choose an Independent squad, they will
likely pursue their own ambitions, as Factions will be far more concerned about the
actions of other Factions. If you feel like there are too many Factions in play at one time,
talk with the players about which Factions they want to spotlight right now.

No campaign should have more than eight “active” squads. Active squads are
those feature prominently, either as the target, a close ally, or an interfering third party.
There can be other squads that exist, but they should not be attached to meaningful
story arcs. Otherwise, the story binding pilots to NPCs becomes too loose or vague.

But how do you choose which NPC squads to feature? First, consider which
squads interest your players. If a player becomes invested in an NPC squad, chances
are that squad will feature an ally or rival—perfect for intrigue and drama. Next,
consider the NPC squads’ Tier. Divide the featured squads by Tier into two categories:
direct competition (NPC squads with two or fewer Tiers above the players) and conflict
spoilers (squads with three or more Tiers above the players). Aim for an even split of
direct competition and conflict spoilers (leaning towards more direct competition if
given the option).

Direct competition squads are roughly on the same level as the players. They
should regularly be the targets of missions, and should take direct action (attacks,
thefts, framing, etc.) against the players’ pilots. Direct competition squads that have a
positive status with the players may occasionally team up with them on missions.
Sometimes, squads two Tiers above the players may act as conflict spoilers.

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creating factions and squads

creating factions and squads

SQUADS An autocracy has:
♦ A single leader who holds the vast majority of political power.
While there are premade squads and Factions, your group may want to create
organizations unique to the campaign. Below you’ll find advice for creating your own ♦ A military that is the most important organization in society.
Factions and squads, but not every Faction or squad deserves this level of detail. See ♦ A populace that is afraid of being perceived as unsupportive of the
the political scale section (page 294) for advice on how many Factions and squads to government.
make. ♦ A social order that is commonly enforced with physical violence.
♦ Access to +1 Materiel and +1 Trust during the reward process.
An autocracy’s basis has two key points: 1) there is a single leader who holds
Creating a Faction ultimate decision making power (the autocrat), and 2) the person in charge uses force
to remain in charge. The first point creates an organization where powerful individuals
First, determine the Faction’s type. Is it an autocracy, corporatocracy,
(often those who are charismatic and/or innovative) are viewed with suspicion,
democracy, oligarchy, or theocracy? The answer influences its goals, and lets you know
authority figures jockey for what little power they can hold (usually by selling each
how it mechanically affects the players if they choose it for their patron Faction.
other out to the autocrat), and anyone not seeking power keeps their head down and
The type is the only thing required for making a Faction. However, you may find follows orders. The second point means that the autocrat must keep their military
it useful to give Factions their own goals. If you’re not sure how a Faction would react happy, which requires funding them, which leads to needing more resources, which
to a situation, their goal can give you some ideas. causes them to continuously expand their influence. An autocracy wants to weaken
What follows is a description of each type’s basis, its similarities and and then conquer its neighbors.
differences to the others, suggested goals, and an unusual alternative to the An autocracy has similarities to all the other Factions in that most Factions
standard variety. Use these details to flesh out a Faction however you see fit. Keep in have a single leader. In this regard, it may be most like a theocracy if that theocracy
mind that these notes on government are extremely simplified for the purposes of the has an all-powerful religious individual.
An autocracy differs from the Factions that do not put the ultimate decision
making power in their leader’s hands. Other Factions may have a council of elders, a
parliament, or a board of directors. Additionally, unlike the theocracy, the autocrat’s
power comes from the fear of physical violence, while a theocracy’s leader likely wields
power due to their followers’ sense of religious duty to them.

An autocracy’s suggested goals are Assault the Foe and Secure the Borders.
Autocracies thrive on expansion and paranoia, which these goals enthusiastically feed.

An autocracy’s alternative is a monarchy. The main difference is that a

monarchy’s ruler (the monarch) does not maintain power through subjecting their
people to constant fear of physical violence, but through subtler means. The monarch
rewards those who are loyal, impoverishes the untrustworthy, and ostracizes the
dangerous. Very rarely do they resort to physical violence. But when they do, it is often
performed through their control of the judicial system by making everything “legal.”

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creating factions and squads

Corporatocracy Democracy
A corporatocracy has: A democracy has:
♦ A political system that gives direct power to corporations.
♦ A populace that expresses political power through voting.
♦ Wealth as the primary measure of competence.
♦ A leader with limited political power.
♦ A small group of corporate representatives that lead the Faction.
♦ A leader that must justify their actions to the populace.
♦ Corporate representatives that are disposable, and will be readily replaced by their
corporation. ♦ Universal or near universal suffrage.

♦ Access to +2 Materiel during the reward process. ♦ Access to +1 Materiel and +1 Personnel during the reward process.

A corporatocracy’s basis is that 1) the most competent should rule, and 2) competency A democracy’s basis is that the people ruled by the government have the
can be easily measured through the accruement of wealth. Furthermore, the most wealthy ultimate decision making power as expressed through voting. This may take the form
entities are corporations, whose monetary power dwarfs even the richest CEO. Its government of a representative government where the masses elect leaders based on their
is formed from representatives of the wealthiest corporations with the singular goal of gaining geographic location, culture, or ethnicity. But it could also be a system where every
more wealth for greater power within the corporatocracy. citizen has the opportunity to vote directly on every issue.

A corporatocracy’s similarities to other Factions lay primarily with the oligarchy. Both A democracy’s similarities to other Factions is seen in the presence of a leader
have a relatively small group of people who guide the government, and those people are and the presence of voting.
selected based on their personal power. A corporatocracy may also have a board chairperson A democracy is most different to the autocracy and theocracy. A democratic
or other singular leader, similar to the oligarchy’s consul or the democracy’s prime minister. leader is often a first among equals, having only a little more power than their fellow
A corporatocracy’s differences are 1) how it measures personal power, and 2) who is citizens. They are typically the face of the government and make decisions in times of
eligible to wield power. Personal power in a corporatocracy purely depends on a person’s financial crisis. Eventually, a democracy’s leader must answer to the people through inquiries,
power, whereas oligarchies elect officials with power rooted in their connections and the debts public opinion, and elections. Additionally, a democracy has universal, or near
owed to them. The difference in eligibility for political office is that the corporations themselves wield universal, suffrage—a vast majority of the population has the ability to guide the course
power in a corporatocracy, and any individual within a corporation, including its representative, is of government in some fashion. This is different from the corporatocracy, oligarchy,
entirely disposable. An oligarchy’s representatives, however, are eligible because they belong to a and some forms of theocracy, where a tiny percentage of the population has the option
personal organization (such as a family or caste), making them disposable only in dire of influencing the nation.
circumstances due to their social connections. A democracy’s suggested goals are Manufacture Heroes and Hearts and
A corporatocracy’s suggested goals are Golden Streets and Hostile Takeover. Minds. Democracies’ governments are heavily invested in keeping the people that
Corporatocracies are primarily interested in earning money, which can be done by lowering elected them happy. This requires aggressive public relations campaigns, which often
expenditures and increasing profits. They improve the Faction’s resources and economically involve creating heroes and proving that the foe are the “Bad Guys.”
weaken opponents to achieve this goal. A Democracy’s alternative is a demarchy. The main difference is that a
A corporatocracy’s alternative is a technocracy. The main difference is that a demarchy’s ruler or rulers are chosen randomly from a group of eligible candidates. A
technocracy has its rulers selected from pools of experts in that field. For example, a professor demarchy is set up so those who would misuse power for their own gain cannot
of urban planning might be selected as the Minister of Cities. This might seem ideal, but this volunteer themselves for positions of authority. Instead, anyone could be elected in a
government’s criteria for selecting “experts” is usually full of its biases. On top of that, any given demarchy, and would likely be advised by knowledgeable support staff. This may seem
field is often divided on what is “correct,” making it hard to identify an “expert” who can speak like a weird idea, but in some countries, such as the United States of America, law court
for everyone. juries are selected as a demarchy.

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creating factions and squads

creating factions and squads

Oligarchy Theocracy
An oligarchy has: A theocracy has:

♦ A small percentage of the population with access to political power. ♦ A leadership comprised of one or more entities of great spiritual power.
♦ A codified system that determines who can access political power. ♦ Mortal clergy who employ political power.
♦ A small group of individuals who directly wield political power. ♦ Leaders who are kept in power by the populace’s belief in their divine
♦ Limited opportunities for wielding political power, which encourages authority.
underhanded methods to acquire or retain it. ♦ A political structure where mundane failures and perceived lack of
♦ Access to +1 Personnel and +1 Trust during the reward process. religiosity may cause the populace to believe that its leaders have lost
their divine authority.
An oligarchy’s basis is that only certain people should have access to the levers of
♦ Access to +2 Personnel during the reward process.
power to prevent mob rule, but the reason for having this governmental power differs from
oligarchy to oligarchy. Some will only give land owners suffrage. Other grounds for suffrage A theocracy’s basis is that its rulers are figures of worship, either gods or people
include military service and familial lineage. All have a very low percentage of their of great spiritual power. If the head of the government is a god, then they will be
population as eligible voters, ensuring the “right people” are the only ones who can vote. represented by mortal clergy. There may be a singular high cleric who rules, or a council
that rules together. How they are selected for such positions varies between theocracies.
An oligarchy’s similarities to other Factions come from it being managed by a
Some will have councils that elect a leader, some will require demonstration of miracles,
fairly small group of people. A corporatocracy might have a board of directors with votes
and some will be inherited. The population’s continuing belief that their power is derived
from many different corporations, and a democracy with a large enough representative
from non-mortal authorities keeps them in positions of leadership.
ruling body might have a number of senators comparable to the entire voting body of
an oligarchy. A theocracy’s similarities to other Factions comes from its flexibility. It may have
a singular, all-powerful ruler like an autocracy, or it may have a council of elders like an
An oligarchy’s differences are that power rests in the hands of a few people.
Even if they have a monarch of some kind, that “ruler’s” voice is no louder than any
other. Some oligarchies will have enough voters that they will have to elect committees A theocracy’s differences are that its rulers maintain power with popular loyalty
to handle tasks, while others will have so few members that they can all sit around a through the lens of religion, not through inflicting fear, personal wealth, or direct social
table. Meanwhile, a corporation cannot sit at a table as a disembodied, non-sapient connections. If the leaders of a theocracy fail to live up to the virtues required of their
entity; it can only be represented by small, sentient parts of its whole. A democracy office, they may find themselves removed by their peers or the masses. Good public
likely can’t fit inside of a single building, as there are far too many people. relations are key.

An oligarchy’s suggested goals are Intelligence Coup and Divided They Fall. A theocracy’s suggested goals are Hearts and Minds and Golden Streets.
Oligarchies are filled with internal treachery to gain social power, and they carry those skills Theocracies are always interested in converting people, and the smoothest way to do
beyond their borders. They wreak havoc on their foes without getting their hands dirty. that is by making their religion look incredibly beneficent. If the theocracy is interested
in forcibly converting people, consider Assault the Foe as well.
An oligarchy’s alternative is a cryptocracy: the identities of those who are
eligible to vote in a cryptocracy are completely hidden from the people whose lives will A theocracy’s alternative is a deified dictatorship. Any sufficiently advanced
be affected by their decisions. How a voter is selected will vary. Some voting positions technology is indistinguishable from magic. While the base Beam Saber game has some
will be handed down, with the retiring elector selecting their replacement. Others have minor psychic powers, some player groups may want to have wilder games. If you want to
an AI who selects new electors at the end of every term. There might be no ruling body, have a Faction led by what seems to be a literal god and then fight it with mechs, have fun!
and it’s the faceless civil servants who keep the wheels turning.

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creating factions and squads

creating factions and squads

Corruption Final Touches
Corruption is the next thing to consider when creating a Faction. A government’s Construct a short list of aesthetic themes, notable NPCs, and vehicle designs for
purpose is to care for the populace through protecting it against external threats, the Faction. The aesthetic themes are styles and symbols that inform the Faction’s
building infrastructure, ensuring health, and other ways of providing the populace with culture, fashion, infrastructure, and locations. Give its notable NPCs a name and a look,
stability. However, the degree to which each government embodies this ideal can vary so you’ve got characters ready for when you need a Faction VIP, target to kill or
wildly. The leader of an autocracy could be beneficent, ruling over their populace as a capture, or contact for employment. Give its vehicle designs a name and look, so you’re
loving parent. But the need to threaten violence tends to sour even the kindest ready to describe the enemy when the fighting starts.

The easiest way to judge a Faction’s level of corruption is by looking at how

much power and wealth its leaders possess because they lead the Faction. If the
leaders earn resources in a way that harms the populace (embezzling public funds,
biased implementation of laws, drastic self-imposed pay raises, etc.), they set a tone
for the entire government that likely results in widespread corruption. This corruption
may involve dishonest government reports, bypassing protocols for friends,
underhanded legal proceedings, and all the other ways that leaders enrich themselves.

Here are some questions you can ask about each Faction that will indicate its
level of corruption. If you really want a numerical value of corruption, each “yes” gives
that Faction +1 corruption.

♦ Are the Faction's leaders more interested in enriching themselves than the
♦ Are only a small number of people within the Faction’s power structure
interested in better serving the populace?
♦ Are positions of power assigned based on qualities other than competence?
♦ Will the vulnerable face reprisals if they speak out against those in power?
♦ Do the leaders ignore laws if they slow or interfere with their goals?
Both an individual Faction’s corruption and the general corruption of all Factions
helps set the tone for your campaign. A game will tend towards “Good versus Evil” if
half the Factions are very corrupt and the other half experience minimal corruption.
However, if all Factions have a middling amount of corruption, then your tone might
reflect a pessimistic (some would say realistic) view of the real world. If everyone is
incredibly corrupt you, get a setting where you can only differentiate Factions based on
the lies they tell their populace.

302 303
creating factions and squads

creating factions and squads

When creating a squad, there are five things to consider:

► What Faction does it belong to? The answer helps determine its look and
theme. Autocracy squads are likely militaristic, with uniforms and gear to match.
Corporatocracy squads will either be self-contained corporations or a subsidiary of a
larger company, and will have equipment and appearances that emphasize that
connection. Democracy squads are as diverse as their population, but have shared
mannerisms and uniforms. Independent squads probably lack a uniform, but are
instead held together by their shared passion. Theocracy squads will probably have
religious iconography, and may consider themselves to be on a mission from god.

► What are its methods of operating? This helps determine how they interact
with the pilots, regardless of their status. Some squads will be mech groups that
specialize in urban environments. Some will be diplomatic corps that seek to make
peace while also gathering intelligence. Some are state-sponsored pop bands that sing
songs of victory to the troops and the masses. A squad doesn’t need methods, but they
may help the GM characterize the squad.
Squad Goals Rival Goals
► What are its goals? Goals help determine where, when, and why they are It’s time to now flesh out the A rival can contribute to their
deploying their methods. A general idea will do for now, as the next step involves
squad’s goals. Only squads who interact squad’s goals between missions. They
fleshing out its goals. An alliance with the players’ pilots should work towards the NPC
with the pilots and their plans need might provide security, perform
squad’s goals too. Any conflict with the players’ pilots should also further their goals,
goals, as they help the GM direct the research, negotiate with other squads, or
such as when the players’ pilots impede their progress.
campaign’s narrative. The goal can be any other task that is appropriate to their
► What is its Tier? Tier determines how big of a threat they are to the pilots (see anything that furthers the squad’s nature. Adding a narrative detail ties the
page 209 for more on Tier). Let the fiction guide your decision. Give small, weak, or interests, and should illustrate their core squad closer to the pilots.
struggling squads Tier I or II. Consider Tier III for more powerful, individual squads. identity. But keep the goal appropriate to
Squads that command other squads are usually Tier IV or V. Squads that are 1 or 2 Tiers However, a rival may have their
the squad’s Tier. For example, the
higher than the pilots are a good challenge. Anything higher will be quite difficult. own personal goal that is different to
Squaddies (Tier I) may have the goal of
their squad’s aims. Whatever the goal,
► What is its name? A memorable name will fuel imaginations and help build “acquire a steady supply of vehicle
connect it to the pilots—especially the
investment in that squad’s narrative. Consider giving squads within the same Faction parts,” but would never have a goal like
rival’s bonded foe. Give the rival an
a shared naming convention so you can easily identify their connection to each other. “destroy the Great Crimson Brigade (Tier
appropriately sized clock for the goal.
For example, autocracy squads could have names related to beasts, such as “The Wolf IV)” because they’d get crushed in an
Rivals may either contribute to their
Pack,” “The Lion’s Pride,” and, “The Dragon Slayers.” instant. The Squaddies could increase
squad’s fortune roll OR progress their
The GM doesn’t need to complete a squad playbook for NPC squad. But if doing their Tier over time before taking a shot
own personal goal between sessions, but
so would help you run the campaign, go for it. If you do, don’t use the NPC squad’s at the Great Crimson Brigade, though.
not both.
abilities and mechanics as written. NPC squads should act in ways that are most Give the goal a Progress Clock with a size
suitable to the fiction. appropriate to the task’s complexity.

304 305
creating factions and squads

creating factions and squads

Progressing Faction, Squad, and Rival Goals In the last session, The Cenotaph completed a mission on behalf of The
Raccoons (a squad) to steal data from the Society for Wider Understanding (SWU,
The GM progresses NPC squad, Faction, and rival goals between sessions. The another squad). Their next mission will again target SWU. However, the group ends
GM looks at the NPC squads, rivals, and Factions that are currently active in the the session there.
narrative. This includes any squads, rivals, and Factions that were involved in recent Between sessions, the GM first progresses the goals for recently active NPC
missions, or will likely be involved in the next session. For each active NPC squad, the squads. The Raccoons and SWU (which also contains Demon's rival and ex-
GM makes the following fortune roll to see how they progress their goal: boyfriend, Vergil Bain) were in the most recent mission, so they each get a roll. The
Raccoons (Tier I) were aided by The Cenotaph, so they get to roll 2d (1d for Tier and
1. Create a dice pool using dice equal to the NPC squad’s Tier. +1d for The Cenotaph’s support). They get a 6, which gives them the 3 Ticks they
2. If the players completed a mission that aided this goal since the squad’s last fortune need to complete the Goal Clock—increasing from Tier I (S) to Tier II-W. The GM
roll, take +1d to the pool. makes a note to have a scene with a leader of the squad thanking The Cenotaph for
helping him get an upgraded AWV.
3. If the players completed a mission that impeded this goal since the squad’s last
SWU are Tier 2, but they roll 1d due to The Cenotaph's interference (2d for
fortune roll, take -1d from the pool.
Tier and -1d for The Cenotaph's impact). The result is a 2, giving them 1 Tick toward
4. If a pilot’s rival contributed to their squad’s goal, take +1d to the fortune roll. their news channels becoming a major news source for the Celestial Myriad's
populace. That 1 Tick gets SWU halfway through their clock, the GM makes a note
5. Roll the dice, and use the normal rules for filling a clock with a fortune roll (see page 46).
to point out that people are reading Jovangellian newspapers on the street during
the next downtime.
If a rival chooses to pursue their own personal goals, they make a 1d fortune roll,
Vergil Bain COULD have added +1d to SWU’s roll, but he instead pursues his
as they lack direct support from their squad (so they ignore the squad’s Tier). A rival
own goal of finding out Demon’s current grift. Bain rolls 1d and gets a 3, adding 1
can only contribute to their squad’s goal or their personal goal between sessions.
Tick his clock as well.
If the NPC squad’s actions also helped out their patron Faction’s goal, consider
Next, the GM progresses the goals of squads affected by the upcoming
adding 1 Tick to the patron Faction’s Goal Clock too. When a squad’s goal Clock fills, it
mission. The Cenotaph's players wanted to do another mission against SWU, and the
gains a benefit as appropriate for the nature of the goal. It then gains a new Goal Clock
GM decides that The March of Saints (with Dredge's rival, Teucer "Bloodless"
based on their updated circumstances. The pilots should hear a rumor or piece of news
Hartberg) will be a complicating factor. SWU and Bain have already rolled, so the GM
that indicates what the squad has gained (but you don’t need to explicitly share all the
rolls for only The March of Saints and Hartberg to see what they’ve been doing in the
details). Additionally completing the NPC squad’s Goal Clock may add 1 Tick to their
background. Hartberg ignores their personal goal to aid The Saints’ goal, so the GM
Faction’s Goal Clock if appropriate.
rolls 6d for The Saints (5d for Tier and +1d for a rival's support)! They get a 5 and
add 2 Ticks to their Goal Clock.

The GM considers making rolls for two other squads that have been involved
in the story—The Rubble Runts and The Burden. But neither squad was involved in
the most recent mission and won't be in the next one, so the GM doesn’t roll. The
GM will roll their goals before the next mission where they’re involved, just like with
The March of Saints.

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preparing a mission
Journey City used to be called ‘Browen Bank’ after a long-dead community organizer.
But when the Offworlders brought their war to Earth and Journey City, Browen Bank
A region is an area that Factions want to control so they can expand their was hit the hardest. When the conflict cooled, those powerful enough to properly
influence and resources. Regions are where squads, such as the players’ squad, reclaim the Broken Bank felt it wasn’t worth the investment. Now lost proxies and
operate. Squads are used to capture hostile regions, hold captured ones, and exploit rampant apps roam the streets looking for signs of life in an attempt to fulfill their
nearby resources. A region’s size depends on your campaign’s scale (see map scale purpose. Criminals, marauders, terrorists, mercenaries, and freedom fighters make
page 292). If the game takes place in a single city, then each city district will likely be temporary lodgings here, hoping that those who would stop them also believe the
a region. For a game that crosses the stars, entire planets might be a single region. investment would not be worth tracking them down.”

Patron Factions expect their squads to fulfill Faction goals in the regions The scene is three or so sentences that describe the region through the lens of
surrounding the squad’s FOB. They might order the squad to develop infrastructure, everyday life, when the pilots aren’t tearing things up. The Broken Bank’s scene is:
build defenses, recruit from the locals, or something entirely different. The squads, who “Dust drifts down the rubble-filled roads and around burnt out vehicles. Criminals and
can call upon war machines, almost always have the means to fulfill these orders. But freedom fighters skulk down alleys into hidden basement safe houses. Crowds of
can you spare the resources, or is the order distasteful to your morals? Every Squad rampant proxies wander down the street wearing forms of the deceased, stumbling
starts with a stake in the region that immediately surrounds their FOB. This takes the from one sign of life to the next.”
form of authority that might be done with a light touch or be heavy handed. However,
the squad isn’t the only group in the area wielding power and seeking control.

Creating a Region
Each region should have a name,
description, and scene at a minimum, even
if the squad is just passing through. As a rule of
thumb, campaigns need roughly one region If the squad will spend a lot of time in a region, give it 2 or 3 notable NPCs, 2-
per Faction to begin, and you can add more as 4 landmarks, 0-4 points in each region rating, and possibly a special rule.
needed. The notable NPCs are important people that the pilots might have to deal with
The name should be memorable and in the region. Give each NPC one or two sentences describing what they do, and two or
speak to the region’s nature. For example, three words that show their personality. The Broken Bank has: “Lovegood, a deep-
“The Broken Bank” is a riverside region filled voiced bartender who works at The Broken Bar. They employ several of their cousins
with ruined buildings. Even without the scene as staff at the bar, and provide one of the Broken Bank’s only places of entertainment.
description, it paints a quick picture. (Jovial, Forceful.)”

The description provides the region’s The landmarks give the players and GM points of reference within the region.
recent history, why it is important, and how it One of The Broken Bank’s landmarks is: “Ambush Row, the only major road that
looks. Keep the description to no more than a provides a straight line from southeast Journey City to the Tower at its center. It’s an
paragraph so the players can add details too. excellent place for ambushers, who use the profusion of rubble and wrecked vehicles
The Broken Bank’s description is: “Sitting on to set traps and block roads.”
the south side of the Izya River, this area of

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preparing a mission
The region’s ratings are Wealth, Might, Crime, and Tech. Each rating uses
numerical values from 0 to 4. Ratings can be used as dice pools on fortune rolls
affecting the region, and measure the quality of living between regions. The players
select values that make sense for the region’s description. The squad can benefit from
these ratings under certain circumstances. Record the ratings in your notes, or on the
region’s sheet.

► Wealth indicates how rich the ► Crime indicates the regularity and
area’s businesses and residents are, intensity of illegal activity. It can adjust
their political power, and the quality of the entanglement at the end of a mission
mundane infrastructure (such as (see page 234).
hospitals, roads, power grid, etc.).
► Tech indicates the ubiquity and
Wealth determines the amount of Supply
intensity of AR, advanced technology,
Points the region provides during the
and digital security systems. Tech
Collect downtime activity (see page
provides bonus dice when trying to
acquire gear (see page TKTK).
► Might indicates how much of an
The Broken Bank has Wealth 0, Might 0,
armed presence is in the area, and the
Crime 2, and Tech 2.
intensity of surveillance systems. If the
region has local security who aren’t
affiliated with a squad, their Tier is equal
to the region’s Might. Might provides
bonus dice when trying to Acquire a Keep this one rule in mind when preparing a mission: Make a situation, do
Cohort (see page 211). NOT make a story. The pilots have many tools on hand to overcome problems (their
vehicles, abilities, flashbacks, and everything else), so you’ll need to be similarly
The special rule is unique to the region, evokes its essence, and has a direct adaptable. Avoid preparing extensive paragraphs and events that WILL happen, and
mechanical effect on the squad’s actions. Give special rules a trigger so they only occur instead make notes that detail narrative resources and possibilities.
when the pilots encounter them. Not every region requires a special rule—many are not
I prepare for a mission with eight categories in mind: Briefing, employer,
unique in ways that require special rules. The Broken Bank has: “Start a 4-Tick Clock
target, objective, Rules of Engagement (ROE), complications, characters, and
when you enter the region: ‘App focus.’ Add a Tick every time the pilots are delayed
challenges. The GM can pull from each section for obstacles during the mission. Some
from moving forward. When it fills, corrupt proxies and apps assault them.” This rule
of those obstacles will have clocks, while others may be the consequence of action
represents the crowds of rampant proxies and apps that are drawn to the living.
You may use the region sheet to keep track of these details, but it is not required.
I create these sections using the previous missions and step 3 in the end of
session section (see page 53). The end of session questions will give you an idea of
what the players want to face on their next mission. However, you’re welcome to use
the starting situation for your first mission, (see page 332), as you won’t have fiction or
previous missions to draw from.

310 311
preparing a mission

preparing a mission
Briefing Employer Target Objective
A briefing contains the basic An employer is the squad that The target is the squad that will The objective states why the
information that pilots receive when they hires the pilots to complete the mission. be most harmed if the pilots complete pilots are on a mission. The pilots will
plan the mission. It’s a short summary of List the squad’s representative here too, their mission objective. Note the relevant need to complete at least one clock to
your notes, so everyone knows the as well as the employer’s general goal. information about the target, such as complete the mission objective (because
mission’s context and goals at a glance. Detail the representative (when their Tier and Faction. This information the employer wouldn’t need help on
The employer, target, objective, and appropriate) and the squad’s Tier and should include what the target is doing anything smaller). Some missions may
maybe the ROE will be mentioned in the Faction, so this information is on hand when the mission begins, and the have more than one objective. Other
briefing. You could provide the players when going through the mission target’s mission objective (should it be objectives may have multiple stages,
with false information here if you completed process (see page TKTK). listed). The former helps describe the each represented by its own mission
wanted, since they will have Save any information about the mission situation when the target appears on clock.
opportunities to gather information objective for the “objective” section. screen, and the latter tells you how they
The pilots must complete the
before the mission (which shouldn’t be should act.
objective(s) to consider the mission a
taken away from them).
success, though the objective(s) may
EMPLOYER: The 3rd Public
change if narratively appropriate.
Connections Corp (Tier II (S)) of the TARGET: The Wrights of the
Secondary objectives may be optional,
BRIEFING: Lady Elreth fought a Democratic Federated Systems, Ascent (Tier I-W) of the Church of the
but the employer will be more impressed
dragon near Wander, causing a great represented by Laura Neirnick. They are Celestial Myriad. They’ve been
if they’re completed. Upon completing
deal of damage (but don’t tell the players a well-funded squad of attractive pilots constructing a cathedral of the Celestial
the objective, the GM decides whether
that she won and has left the area). The that have a military documentarian crew Myriad in Wander. However, it sustained
the mission immediately ends there or
3rd Public Connections Corp wants to with them. GOAL: Look good for the structural damage during the recent
continues for some reason (such as
build stronger ties with the populace by public. Laura Neirnick has dark skin, battle. Target objective: The Wrights are
needing to fill a clock to escape).
repairing the damage. The Wrights of the broad facial features, blonde dreads with prioritizing the cathedral’s repair over
Ascent see this as a way to both rebuild white/pink/pale blue beads, small, slight everything else, including neutralizing
the town and improve the Celestial build, mid 30s, she/her, wears a very the remaining danger to the town.
OBJECTIVE: Undermine the
Myriad’s image. fashionable business suit.
locals’ opinion of the Wrights of the
Ascent, and make the Democratic
Federated Systems look good.

312 313
preparing a mission

preparing a mission
Rules of Engagement ROE Suggestions
(ROE) If you need ideas for new Rules of Engagement, here are some suggestions for ways
Factions can restrict the pilots’ actions.
Rules of Engagement (ROE) are
♦ Looting, requisitioning, stealing, ♦ Deployment of chemical, biological,
the rules imposed on the pilots by their
and/or destroying civilian, explosive, and/or poisonous
employer. Pilots who break the ROE harm
commercial, and/or governmental weapons. Factions often have
the employer’s interests, but will not
property. Provocative interaction restrictions on if and how they’re
cause the mission to fail. Write down some
with non-military property may be used, as these types of weapons are
ideas for ROE between sessions—they’re restricted to certain groups or often seen as needlessly cruel due
useful to have on hand before the mission certain methods. to their lasting effects and broad
starts. collateral damage.
♦ Threatening or employing force
Missions with fewer ROE give the against civilians. The squad may not ♦ Use of “enhanced interrogation.”
pilots more freedom, while more ROE threaten or use force on civilians (or Commonly known as torture, many
become a challenge in and of themselves. maybe they can under certain Factions have restrictions on if and
circumstances). how it is employed.
If you are having trouble, there is a list of
ROE suggestions on the next page. Most ♦ Pre-emptive use of force against ♦ Firing upon or presenting as a clearly
missions will have two ROE as a deterrent hostile or potentially hostile targets. marked medical transport or facility.
The squad should only attack if they Medical facilities and transports are
from uncivil behavior.
have already been attacked, and not generally filled with civilians and
initiate violence themselves. wounded, so attacking them is often
♦ Use of disproportionate force. If the seen as criminal. Likewise, hiding in
squad is attacked with fists and feet, a medical facility or using one as a
1) Threatening or employing force against disguise may encourage enemies to
they should not respond with
civilians. gunfire. attack non-threatening facilities.

2) Firing upon or presenting as a clearly ♦ Escalation of force. The squad should ♦ Permission to attack only specific
marked medical transport or facility. never increase the deadliness of a group(s). Sometimes there are
conflict. multiple non-ally squads operating
3) Initiating combat with the Wrights of in the same area, but not all of them
♦ How to handle detained civilians,
the Ascent. are hostile or mission targets.
deserters, hostages, partisans,
spies, POWs, and wounded enemy
soldiers. The squad may be required
to provide or refuse support to any
of these groups, and the level of that
support may vary.

314 315
preparing a mission

preparing a mission
Complications Challenges Characters CHARACTERS:
Complications detail the majority Write down the potential dangers Detail some important NPCs who
♦ Hannah Copeland, Burden cell
of obstacles between the pilots and their explicitly stated or implicitly inferred might appear on the mission. You don’t
leader/populist politician. Lithe
objective. Pilots don’t get information from the other sections. You’ll likely think need many characters listed, as there’s
build, late 30s, pale brown skin,
about complications before the mission, of more as the pilots face complications always the chance they won’t come up. curly purple hair. Knew one of the
unless they gather information. and consequences, so the list will grow Write down the NPCs who give a face to pilots when she was a kid, wears
However, the complications that are quite a bit. Remember, you don’t have to the groups involved that could provide a tank top and coveralls with the
revealed to the pilots will depend on the use all of them! The list exists to give you meaningful opposition or support to the top tied around her waist. Prefers
methods they use. Come up with about ideas for threats, consequences, and pilots. One character for each group manipulation, but isn’t afraid of
six different complications per mission, obstacles on the fly. involved in the mission should be plenty. using force. Is trying to turn the
but remember that you don’t need to use populace against Offworlders.
CHALLENGES: Each NPC should have four
them all—just introduce them as you She/her.
♦ The cathedral’s stability details: Look, pronouns, motive, and
need them. ♦ Grout DeVinter, Wander’s mayor.
methods. Describe the character’s look
♦ Hannah Copeland’s Burden cell Former contact of another pilot’s
COMPLICATION: and pronouns as the person becomes
♦ Make the Wrights look bad gang. 50s, wears a headscarf and
♦ The dying dragon’s body is in the relevant. Their motive is why they take beautiful robe, soft build, East
♦ The deal between the town action (a single goal that’s core to them
middle of the town. One of its two Asian ethnicity. Will compromise
council and the Wrights can be enough). An NPC may have two
ignition glands has ruptured, with powerful groups to remain in
spreading flammable caustic ♦ Make the DFS look good methods to achieve their motive—a power in Wander. They/them.
fluid. ♦ Mountainous terrain broad method that fleshes out their ♦ Senior Kin Arrow Slide, the local
♦ The locals are suspicious of ♦ The dying dragon personality to a degree (for example, leader of the Wrights. Frail build,
outsiders. ♦ Wireless communication is someone who uses stealthy or deceptive sickly, 40s, bald, pale white skin,
♦ A secret Burden cell (Tier II (S)) difficult because of the mountains methods probably avoids open wears the same rough hooded
looking to use the locals’ confrontation), and possibly a specific robe that all Wrights wear. Seeks
♦ The caustic ignition fluid
suspicion to gain political power is motive for this particular mission. to increase the Wrights’ prestige
splattered all over
present. by completing monuments to the
♦ A second dragon Church. He/him.
♦ The town council is resistant to
♦ Suspicious locals
receiving aid from outsiders
because they’ve already made a
deal with the Wrights of the
♦ Wander is in the mountains. The
rough terrain makes
communication with the outside
♦ Should the dragon’s mate come
looking for it?

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preparing a mission
Effect signals how much a pilot can expect to achieve from their action. It helps If there is a side with an overwhelmingly powerful potency, Quality, or scale, that
players and the GM create a shared understanding of the situation, the stakes, and the side dominates the circumstances. If a soldier with a fine machine gun pushes
possible outcomes. The GM determines Effect by considering the potency, scale, and themselves for extra Effect, they still can’t damage an asteroid base. The base’s scale
Quality of a pilot’s action. dominates the confrontation to the point that the soldier has zero Effect. This also
applies to “impossible” actions, such as a person squeezing through a keyhole.
However, a pilot can conquer a dominant side if they take actions to decrease its power.

Potency If the pilot places explosives on the base’s reactor core, they weaken the base’s
situation—leaving it vulnerable to other attacks.
Potency establishes the particular strengths and weakness of the pilot’s actions
against an obstacle. Consider the fiction surrounding the pilot—a grenade has greater Scarecrow is fighting an AWV from The Lion’s Pride. She wants to Battle them

potency against a person, but reduced potency against a tank. A person hiding on a with 2d. The GM tells her it’s a Risky Position (because both parties are aware of each

street will have better potency if they take advantage of busy crowds. They have other, and she isn’t in exceptional danger from her foe) with Limited Effect (because

reduced potency if they avoid those crowds. her opponent is from a higher Tier squad). While The Lion’s Pride is Tier IV and
Scarecrow’s squad is only Tier I, the GM thinks Scarecrow is in a spot to do some
damage (as opposed to zero Effect, which would prevent any damage to her enemy).

Quality Jess (Scarecrow’s player) reminds the GM that she has a fine heavy cannon on
her Claymore, which increases her Effect from Limited to Standard (since the +1
Quality refers to advantages provided by tools, weapons, and other resources. A
Quality from the fine tag improves her Effect by one level). Jess also says she wants a
pilot can generally access items that are equal to their squad’s Tier. However, pilots
flashback to Acquire an Asset, where she got information on the weak points of her
may also have access to “fine” items, which provide +1 to their Quality. For example,
opponent’s AWV. The GM says it’ll cost her 1 Stress. She pays the stress cost and
the Technician has “fine engineering tools” which give +1 Quality to engineering-
succeeds at acquiring the asset. The GM says she’s now at Great Effect.
related activities.
Jess wants to flatten her foe, so asks if she can spend a Quirk to push Scarecrow
A weapon will be more powerful against a foe of lower Quality. The weapon will
for further increased Effect. The GM reminds her that she can’t go above Great Effect,
be more accurate, punch through their armor better, or some other impact that shows
except by getting a critical success on her roll in this situation. Jess instead decides
the difference in skill and preparedness.
pushes for +1d, hoping to get that Crit. She makes her final action roll: A 3d Battle with
Risky Position and Great Effect.

Scale defines the force of a pilot’s action and the size of their obstacle.
Sometimes more force is helpful, but other times it's a hindrance. Intimidating one
person with half a dozen Toughs at your back is one thing; intimidating an army with a
half dozen Toughs is a different story. Conversely, a civil debate with city council may
be hindered by the Toughs behind you.

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preparing a mission
GM TIPS AND CONSIDERATIONS with the GM, and pilots can make rolls to
sweeten a situation. But ultimately, the
the session, save them for a more
appropriate time later. No need to waste
players decide whether they do or don’t good prep.
What follows is advice from the game’s creator to help GMs facilitate the best
accept missions for reduced
possible Beam Saber experience. ► Be generous with giving drive Ticks
compensation. Here are some reasons
► Make instructions from the patron ► If you think the downtime phase is to players, as drives fuel character arcs.
that the players might not get a supply roll:
Faction’s superiors seem inappropriate, taking too long, consider combining If a pilot gets 1 Tick every mission, it will
incompetent, and confusing, then blame multiple activities into the same narrative. ♦ The mission's employer is an take a whopping eight missions to save
it on the pilots for missing the big picture. For example, maybe one pilot Cuts Loose Independent squad. up enough Drive Clocks to change a
alongside another pilot as they Fix a person’s life. If you don’t like how fast
► Consider giving the player what they ♦ The employing Faction blackmails the
vehicle, or perhaps a pilot Schmoozes at your players are accumulating drive
want on a result of 1-3, but make what squad into completing the mission.
the same time they Acquire an Asset. Ticks, you can control how effective drive
they want turn out to be a terrible thing. ♦ The mission doesn’t have an
is by negotiating the scale of “change”
► Don’t be afraid to change your employer (for example, the pilots
► Consider destroying vehicle items and “circumstances."
plans if the pilots are extremely beat up. are working for themselves).
as a consequence. Tell the players to
Consider the game’s tone and story. Is it ► If you can’t think of a consequence
replace the item’s occupied Load slot ♦ The narrative dictates that
more interesting to grind them down, or for an action roll, you can ask the players
with “junk.” Alternatively, damage their receiving a supply roll doesn’t
would that just ruin the fun? You have to suggest one. Alternatively, use the
vehicle items by removing the fine tag make sense—the supplies can’t
control over the consequences. consequence of a Collateral Die that the
(at least temporarily). be reached, there are no supplies
to be had, etc. acting player declined.
► Sometimes the GM should give
► Consider harming the pilot, even
missions to the squad, and sometimes ► When a player makes an outlandish ► If you come across a rules issue that
when they are in a vehicle. Some attacks
the players should suggest missions to suggestion, don’t automatically say, doesn’t appear to be covered by the book,
may pierce the vehicle’s cockpit, wounding
the GM. The latter could involve the GM “No.” Instead ask that player, “How?” If ask everyone playing what they think
the pilot but leaving the vehicle intact.
speaking as the CO to the squad about their explanation seems reasonable to the should happen. Getting the players’ input
► Consider using consequences, the upcoming mission, or they could give group and it doesn’t go against the will increase approval of the outcome. Just
whether from results of 1-3 or 4-5, to show the squad a long-term objective, ROE, game’s tone, let them try. Maybe their make sure everyone agrees to abide by
that the pilots are skilled, but were just and expect the squad to figure out an idea makes more sense with a long-term the results before going through with it.
taken by surprise. They don’t always fail approach (think Star Trek: TOS’ ongoing project than a single action roll. Give them
5 year mission). It might also be a matter a chance to fulfill their dreams, and you’ll ► Have NPCs ask a pilot about their
because they made a mistake, sometimes
of the pilots acting without direct be rewarded with an interesting story. squadmates: What kind of person their
it’s bad luck or a more competent enemy.
approval from their superiors. squadmate is, why they’re in a bad
► It's more important to see what a ► When you present an approaching mood, how their relationship is going. It’ll
character does with knowledge, rather ► Roughly every three sessions, go danger to the players and they take no action encourage the players to express the
than if they know it or not. If the over everyone's beliefs. This will remind to stop or avoid it, inflict the consequences. If squad’s dynamics (which may be worth
information can’t be immediately players to lean into them, push back on they’re fighting on train tracks and you XP at the end of the session), and helps
acquired in a scene, give the pilot the them, and create conflict with them. describe a nearing train whistle, they should develop characters’ personalities.
information it makes sense for them to get hit by the train if they ignore the sound
► There may be times where the ► Questions for GMs to ask players:
have. It’ll be more interesting when they and keep fighting. They can always resist the
squad won’t receive a supply roll after a Have you done this before? Are you OK
act on it, than not acting without it. consequence if they want.
mission. However, you must tell the squad with this? IS that true?
► Place clocks on maps in the locations they won’t receive a supply roll before they ► If the complications, characters, and
where they apply. accept the mission. Players can negotiate other details you prepared don’t come up in

320 321
preparing a mission

preparing a mission

Tier &



0 Weak Poor Fragile stationary

A few
1 or 2

1 Moderate Adequate Plastic Slow walk

A dozen
A few
crowd (5)


Magnitude 2 Strong Good Metal treads, or

A stone’s
crowd (10)

When technology that is far beyond our own appears in the narrative, it can be
difficult to judge its effects and power levels. Magnitude provides a consistent means
of describing technology in your campaign. It can judge the Quality and Tier of a piece
3 Serious Excellent Reinforced
Fast and
Down the
A few
crowd (20)

of technology based on its area, scale, duration, range, and force. Whether you have a
power level in mind and want to convert that into an ability’s description, or you have 4 Powerful Superior Powered Fast flight
blocks away
A day
crowd (40)

an ability’s description and need to know its Tier, the Magnitude tables can give you an

Use Magnitude as a guide, not as hard and fast rules. It’s okay to deviate from
5 Overwhelming Impeccable
Slow and
space worthy
Across the
crowd (80)

the charts below if it suits your fiction. If you establish an effect’s Magnitude and later colossal

want to change it, that’s fine too. 6 Devastating Legendary Prototype

Fast and
space worthy
Across the
A week crowd

When acquiring an asset, crafting a gadget or bio-chemical agent, or developing When applying the power of a technology, you can use its Magnitude as a
an app, Magnitude can help determine the required quality of the desired outcome. fortune roll to see what its Effect will be if the outcome isn’t clear or certain.)

When technology that is far beyond our own appears in the narrative it can be
difficult to judge its Effects and power levels. The following section explaining
A powerful AI is hacking into battleship’s targeting systems. Its quality example
Magnitude exists to aid GMs and players in understanding these forces in a consistent
puts it at Magnitude 6, so the GM makes a 6d fortune roll to determine its effectiveness.
fashion. It can be used to judge the Quality and Tier of a technology based on its Area,
On a 1-3, the targeting systems jam for a short period. On a 4-5, the AI has taken out
Scale, Duration, Range, and Force. Whether you have a power level in mind and want
the battleship’s ability to fire until it’s repaired. On 6, the ship’s weapons are under the
to convert that into an ability’s description, or you have an ability’s description and
AI’s control. On a critical success, the AI has the weapons and has already inflicted
need to know its Tier, the Magnitude tables can give you an answer.
serious damage on the ship’s allies.

322 323
preparing a mission

app development
Alternatively, you can make a fortune roll by combining the Magnitude of a
technology’s various aspects or only its relevant aspects.
Apps are programs with limited skills, but the
The AI could fire the ship’s cannon at its own bridge with an area of 3 and a force
capability to act and react on their own without oversight.
of 4, for a Magnitude of 7. It’s definitely in range, so that aspect isn’t a factor in success.
This narrow focus and freedom of action often results in
However, the GM decides it’ll take a few minutes to activate the ship’s cannon (duration
entities obsessed with fulfilling their programming when
1). This gives the crew some time to evacuate the area, reducing the Magnitude by the
they aren’t properly developed. Many incautious developers experience grievous injury
duration. The fortune roll dice pool is now 6d (force + area – duration). Later, the AI
at the hands of an app fulfilling its purpose in an unexpected manner.
overloads the cannon, causing an explosion that rips through the ship’s gunnery
station. The GM judges that the blast affects those inside the gunnery station, so they Apps are serious undertakings, generally only created by organizations with
make a fortune roll using the cannon’s force 4 for the dice pool. significant resources, and are highly regulated within most Factions. A rare few apps
occur naturally as programs, proxies, or AI change over time into something new—the
lines between the four can become blurred. Developing an app means risking exposure
to an insidious force that may misinterpret even the best of intentions.

Quality Examples Force Examples So why develop one? Apps are extremely powerful. Most physical spaces have
digital elements, if not a full augmented reality overlay. They can bankrupt a CEO, shift
a reactor into meltdown, or scour all social media to track a fugitive. You can only avoid
0 A rusty knife, tattered clothing, a
corrugated steel shack
Hurricane wind, molten steel, tidal
wave, electrical maelstrom apps in places with completely analog technology that is free of their manipulation.
Good luck with that.
1 A military blade, ordinary clothing,
shared apartment, cheap food
A vehicle’s cannon, raging
thunderstorm, massive fire, lightning

2 A high quality pistol, respectable

clothing, private apartment, typical
A speeding car, burning forge, bomb,
whirlwind, electrocution
Acquiring Primordial Code
Before an app can begin development, it requires a Primordial Code. Primordial

3 A high quality rifle, fashionable

clothing, small home
A crushing blow, staggering wind,
grenade, electrical surge,searing fire
Code is hard to come by, due to its high manufacturing costs and tendency to absorb
unintended influences when not properly isolated. The pilots might receive this code as
a reward (either in part or entirely) for completing a mission, perhaps by working for a
4 A townhouse, typical AI or powerful
A powerful blow, howling wind,
blowtorch flame digital securities squad. They could also complete a long-term project to acquire this
code, such as negotiating for it with a hacker collective, carefully assembling it
5 A large townhouse, small starship,
tailored clothing, a vehicle’s
A solid punch, steady wind, stove top,
electrical shock themselves, or another technique.

6 A mansion, large starship, rare

chemicals or materials, powerful AI
A firm shove, candle flame, breeze,
tiny spark
Developing an App
A pilot needs the Data Pack ability before they can use the Primordial Code to
develop an app. If they have both the ability and a Primordial code, they can start a
long-term project to develop their app. Most long-term projects for developing apps are
8-Tick clocks. When the pilot starts their long-term project, the player and GM work

324 325
app development

through the steps below to establish what it can do and how it behaves. Record these
answers for future reference.
Between missions, a pilot can create chemicals, biological agents, non-app programs,
1. The developer describes the app’s purpose and one bug it has.
pilot gear, vehicle gear, or other unique inventions. The rules for creating items are generally
2. The developer names a consequence they fear will occur by creating and/or
the same across item types, except in some specific instances.
employing the app.
3. The GM states the Magnitude of the app based on the information from steps one Common items, such as common
and two. It always costs an amount of Stress equal to its Magnitude to activate. chemicals (found in the sample creations
4. The developer can give the app flaws to reduce its Magnitude (and thus Stress section on page 330), standard pilot
cost). Every flaw reduces the Magnitude by 1. gear, and standard vehicle gear, don’t
5. The GM describes how the app is activated, and whether it costs anything unusual require a design. Anyone may
(such as starting a Threat Clock, losing Trust with a Faction, sacrificing a valuable
item, etc.). The activation process should require inputting concepts that embody
Designing manufacture them, as the designs are
readily available.
the target, the user, and the effects that its creator desires. The process and costs An object must have a design
are applied whenever the app is used. Unlucky is interested in creating
before someone can craft it. The creator
boosters that let him blast enough force
Nehalennia is creating a Trapper app that will find, contain, and retrieve rampant must complete a suitable long-term
to push away enemy vehicles that get
apps and proxies. However, it has a bug that causes it to not always return the contained project to make or acquire a design
too close (in addition to a booster’s
apps to the correct storage device. She worries the app may deposit corrupted apps in (usually 8 Ticks), or complete a mission
normal use). The GM decides it’s a
an unsuitable location without her realizing, and that they’ll eventually break free. The that provides a design as its reward. The
minimum Quality of 7 to manufacture
GM figures it has a Range that stretches across the city (Magnitude 6) and applies player and GM work through the
because the area affected is equivalent
moderate Force (Magnitude 1), giving it a total Magnitude of 7. following four steps to figure out the
to a small building (Magnitude 4), and it
design. Record these answers for future
Nehalennia doesn’t want to pay 7 Stress every time she uses the app. She gives applies serious force (Magnitude 3).
reference. Pilots with Researcher are the
it the flaw of taking a few hours Duration (Magnitude 3) to activate, reducing its total Unlucky says that this design isn’t in
exception, as they automatically
Magnitude (and Stress cost) to 4. The GM says that activating the Trapper app requires common use because the force will likely
complete a design of their making when
the user to feed it an example of a functional version of its target, the user's digital damage the boosters, if not the whole
they take the ability.
signature, and footage of peaceful de-escalation. The GM also decides that, upon vehicle! The GM gives it the Volatile
activation, the bug always triggers an 8-Tick Threat Clock called "Rampant App 1. The designer describes their drawback, which might junk his fine
Incursion" that gets a Tick whenever the app is used. Now Nehalennia just needs to intended creation and what it does.
mobility suite when used. Now Unlucky
complete the 8-Tick long-term project, and she'll have the app she wants. 2. The GM determines the minimum must complete his "Weaponized
Quality level required to manufacture Boosters" 8-Tick long-term project clock
the item. They judge its Magnitude
to complete the design. Once that’s
Activating an App based on the description in step one.
3. The designer describes why their
done, he can manufacture it.

Anyone with the developer’s permission can activate an app. The user must creation is not in common use (such
follow the activation process established during its development, spend Stress equal to as adverse effects, or rare materials).
the app’s Magnitude, and pay any unusual costs. Once activated, the app disappears 4. The GM describes the creation’s
into the AR to pursue its purpose without direction from the user. If an app needs to weaknesses, if any, by choosing from
make a fortune roll while fulfilling its purpose, it rolls dice equal to its Magnitude. the drawbacks list (page 329).

326 327

Manufacturing Quality level greater than Tier+2).

Unlucky completes his

vehicle flamethrower that sprays fire
suppressant foam instead of flames. Drawbacks
Climbing gear that uses motors to raise
Pilots can manufacture products Weaponized Boosters design and is The GM may choose one or more
the user.
during downtime, using the Manufacture ready to manufacture them. During the drawbacks below when modifying or
downtime activity. The designer can get design process, the GM said it would ► An Augmented Reality, electronic, designing a product. Note, all chemicals
started as soon as they complete their require Quality 7 to make. The Cenotaph chemical, or biological modification have the drawback “Consumable,” and
design. They can also give the design to requires Tier +3. A physical gun that are usually single use.
is only Tier I, so he knows he’ll need to
someone else to manufacture if they like. harms digital entities. Long-range
spend some Materiel to build it. He rolls ► Complex. This design requires
transmitter with a built in signal decoder.
If they do, the manufacturer must his 1d Engineer and gets a 6, which gives multiple Manufacture downtime
Anti-infantry defenses that spray tear
complete a 6-Tick long-term project clock him 2 Quality (1 for Tier I and +1 for the activities (the GM will tell you how
gas instead of shrapnel. Wings grown
to learn the design. 6). The squad has Workshop, which gives many). The minimum Quality level must
onto a vehicle for quieter flight than the
+1 Quality for a total of 3. He also spends be attained on each Manufacture roll for
First, the GM sets the minimum standard mobility suite.
it to count towards the completion.
Quality level that must be produced, 4 Materiel to get the 7 Quality he needs
to manufacture the boosters. The person modifying the item makes an
otherwise the attempt results in a failed, ► Conspicuous. This design is very
Engineer or Interface roll as appropriate.
non-functional item. The GM uses the noticeable. Take -1 Trust with the mission’s
The result partially determines the target and/or employer as appropriate if
design’s Magnitude to help set the
minimum Quality level—it may be higher
or lower, depending on the design’s
Modifying an Item product’s Quality level. The product’s
Quality level is equal to the squad’s Tier
this creation is used on a mission.

► Consumable. This design has a

Adding functions or features to an and then adjusted by the roll’s result. A
nature and the circumstances of its limited number of uses (the GM says how
item is easier than making something result of 1-3 provides -1 to the Quality
manufacturing. many) before it is destroyed.
new. Make a Manufacture roll as normal level, 4-5 makes no change, 6 provides
The person manufacturing the to modify an item (the item being +1, and a critical success gives +2. If the ► Rare. This design requires a rare
design makes an Engineer or Interface modified has a base Quality equal to the squad has the Workshop upgrade, it component to be manufactured.
roll as appropriate. The result partially squad’s Tier) and consult the directions provides +1 to the Quality level as well. Acquiring it likely requires a mission,
determines the product’s Quality level. below. The number to hit for a success is long-term project, specific squad
The manufacturer can spend Materiel to upgrade, or some other task.
The product’s Quality level is equal to the the squad’s Tier plus the complexity of
increase the Quality level of a
squad’s Tier and then adjusted by the the modification. ► Unreliable. When you use the
manufactured item at a rate of 1 Materiel
roll’s result. A result of 1-3 provides -1 to creation for the first time each mission,
► A simple, useful modification for +1 Quality level (which can make the
the Quality level, 4-5 makes no change, make a fortune roll using its Quality to
requires a result of Tier+1 Quality. Quality level greater than Tier+2).
6 provides +1, and a critical success Cutting down a rifle or shotgun to be see how well it works during the mission.
gives +2. If the squad has the Workshop easily concealed. A vehicle spotlight that Modified items might have drawbacks at On a 1-3, it has reduced Effect. On a 4-6,
upgrade, it provides +1 to the Quality uses a specific wavelength of light. the GM’s discretion. it functions as expected. On a critical
level as well. Espionage gear concealed in an outfit. success, it has increased Effect.

The manufacturer can spend ► A significant modification requires ► Volatile. The design produces an
Materiel to increase the Quality level of a a result of Tier+2 Quality. Altering the adverse side effect for the user, specified
manufactured item at a rate of 1 Materiel receiver and trigger mechanisms of a by the GM. A side effect is a
pistol to have fully automatic fire. A consequence, and may be resisted as
for +1 Quality level (which can make the

328 329

Sample Creations Poisons (CHEMICAL) Sample Special Creations
Designs are listed with their Quality level (by Tier I-VI), followed by a number of ► Drowned Man’s Dreams (III/2): Causes ► Scythe (VI/1, Chemical): Can be instantly
uses if they’re Consumable (1-3). These designs are easy to find, so anyone can an incapacitating sensation of drowning. fatal when consumed. Unreliable.

manufacture them without a Primordial Code or original design. ► Sight Begone! (III/3): Causes blindness ► Umbilical Worm (II/1, Biological): Lets
for a few minutes. the user read the dreams of a sleeper.

Bombs (CHEMICAL OR MECHANICAL) Machines (MECHANICAL) ► Liquid Shock (III/1): Causes

► Zephyr Gas (IV/1, Chemical): A chemical
► Fire Bomb (I/2): a fragile container ► Zip-Gun (I): a single shot pistol made incapacitating full body muscle cramps.
that is odorless, safe to breathe, invisible,
filled with a flammable liquid. from innocuous materials, easily ► Tear Gas (III/2): Create a cloud of smoke and highly flammable. Used to deter
disassembled and reassembled. that stings the eyes and is difficult to firearms. Rare.
► Chem Grenade (II/2): Delivers an
aerosolized chemical that must be ► Trigger Sensor Kit (II): pressure plates, breathe. ► Heart Breaker (IV/1, Chemical): Slows
provided separately. trip wires, and similar mechanisms that ► Strike A Pose (IV/1): Cause muscles to the heart over several days, causing
activate other items when disturbed. death. Unreliable.
lock temporarily.
► Quick Fix (IV/2): Shaped metal or plastic ► Trauma Relief Kit (VI/1, Biological): A
Drugs (CHEMICAL) with strips of binding agent for covering
collection of tissue samples and fluids

► Sweet Release (II/1): Causes coma-

holes or bridging gaps.

► Protective Lining (II/2): Sheets of

Programs (SOFTWARE)
that can delay death, or (rarely) revive
the recently deceased. Unreliable,
like stupor and hallucinations.
► Barrier Breaker (IV/1): Destroys many
material that acts as a barrier against ► Rapid Growth Tissue (III/1, Biological):
► Mild Mild Mist (I/3): Induces a pleasant, password walls, leaving obvious intrusion.
radiation, electricity, fire, or extreme +4 ticks on a healing clock. Rare.
calm mood.
cold. ► Auto-Update (III/1): Force a device to
restart due to a false required update. ► Deadman’s Dreams (VI/1, Biological):
► Go Grit (II/2): Fills the user with great
Requires a mostly intact brain. Adds the
energy and a sense of power.
► AR Disguise (III/2): Appear as someone brain’s memories to your own. Rare.
► Joy (II/2): Induces positive feelings
towards others.
Oils (CHEMICAL) else to simple digital entities. Volatile.

► Tru-Negate (III/1): Neutralize the Effects ► Spider Mana (III/1, Chemical): Users can
► Vision Tabs (II/2): Small doses induce sense vibrations and imminent danger.
feelings of greater empathy, larger ones
cause hallucinations as well.
of other chemicals.

► Epixy (II/1): Permanently fuse two surfaces

Drones Rare.
► Ad Blocker (IV/2, Electronic): Covers a
until they are parted with a neutralizer or
small room, keeping digital entities from
► Trance Powder (I/3): Puts the target extreme and damaging effort. ► Spy Eye (II): a small drone carrying only entering or exiting. Volatile.
into a calm and suggestible mental state. a camera and microphone.
► Insta-Furnace (III/3): Burst into intense ► Buster Box (IV, Electronic): A high
► Sleep Dust (I/3): Chemicals that will flame on contact with air. ► Remote Bomb (V/1): a small drone filled capacity cable connected to a quantum
place someone into a deep sleep for an with explosives. drive that will entangle digital entities
hour. and attempt to draw them into the QD.
► Repair-pede (III): a cat sized drone able
► Git Gud (IV/1): Take Level 2 Harm to use a variety of tools. ► Stream OverLoad (IV, Electronic): A
“Obsessive” and +1d to your next beam that repels AR entities with serious
Interface roll. force.

330 331
starting situation

starting situation
This section presents a starting scenario for those who want to quickly get into
things or need some inspiration for how to start their campaign. Give this starting
The Jovangellian Empire
situation to the players before creating the pilots and their squad. The empire seeks to conquer Journey City through force of arms, but it’s happy
to let the Wolf Pack vent their rage by conquering the area west of the city. With that
The Fort Jovanol Incident region locked down, they can use it as a staging ground for an offensive eastward.

Your squad has been dragged into a flare up of The War between the
Jovangellian Empire’s Wolf Pack squad, and the Celestial Myriad’s Cult of Earth Found. Faction Goal Opening Mission
Assault The Foe: Soften up a specific Employer: The Wolf Pack on behalf of
A week ago, a series of explosions ripped through Fort Jovanol, the new home of
enemy-held region in preparation for the Jovangellian Empire.
the recently transferred Wolf Pack. The Wolf Pack, on leave from the frontlines, has
capture. You could brazenly attack that
been devastated, and are taking the attack very personally. Rumor has it that the Target: The Rubble Runts.
region, cut that area off from
attack was tied to The Cult of Earth Found, who have set up in the small town of
reinforcements, gain intel about the Objective: Remove guerillas from the
Hulinton, a couple hours’ drive south of Fort Jovanol.
district’s weak points, etc. planned assault route.
Hot heads on both sides of the rumors are slinging vitriol over the radio.
Rules of Engagement: 1) No
Yesterday that switched to missiles when a barrage rained down on Hulinton from the
north of town. The Cult’s defensive systems protected the sections of the town under Active Squad threatening or employing force against
civilians. 2) No firing upon or presenting
their control, but the north edge of town is burning. Both sides are now gearing up for The Wolf Pack (Tier II-S Autocracy) is as a clearly marked medical transport or
major offensive action. a vanguard unit that was recently facility. 3) Prisoners must be taken alive
devastated while on leave from the front. and remain unharmed.
Fort Jovanol and Hulinton are not too far west of Journey City, the home of the
The evidence they have points to The
last Independent space elevator known as The Tower. All of the Factions and the
Cult of Earth Found as the culprits, and
Independent squads want to take advantage of this situation as it unfolds.
they’re ready to avenge their fallen.
Your squad will be tasked with missions in the area, which will initially be
GOAL: Wipe out The Cult of Earth Found.
determined by the Faction who employs you.

The squads attached to each Faction below are the ones most tied to that
Faction’s goal, though each Faction likely has one or two more squads in the area (such
as the players’ squad). It’s recommended to choose rivals, allies, targets, and employers
Players’ Direct Superior
Captain Martinez is a weary and
from these squads (or ones your group created). Introduce new squads as old ones are grumpy officer. They transferred to Fort
removed from the area of conflict. Jovanol away from the front alongside
This mission leaves some details for the GM to decide. The GM prepares the the Wolf Pack. It was supposed to be
squad’s briefing, complications, characters, and challenges (see preparing a mission on quiet, a moment to recover. Now they
page 311). This approach lets you use the starting scenario for multiple campaigns, and and their people have been denied that
gives you some practice at partially constructing a mission. If you’re really stuck, don’t be breather, and there’s hell to pay.
afraid to ask the players for suggestions. It’s a campaign opening, and chances are
everyone is learning the game.

332 333
starting situation

starting situation
Exodus Republic Incorporated The Democratic Federated Systems
ER Inc’s current interests are primarily to gather more information about the The Democratic Federated Systems (DFS) currently have a non-violent stance in
Jovangellian Empire’s capabilities in the area. To that end, Calazar Strategic the area. Officially. The Fort Jovanol Incident was caused by their Dark Room squad, and
Deployment has been contracted to assist the depleted Wolf Pack. they continue to create turbulence that favors them.

Faction Goal Opening Mission Faction Goal Opening Mission

Intelligence Coup: Steal valuable Employer: Calazar Strategic Divided They Fall: Manipulate the Employer: The Dark Room on behalf of
information from the enemy. You could Development on behalf of Exodus enemy’s plans. You could plant false the Democratic Federated Systems.
acquire VIPs, retrieve actionable intel, Republic Incorporated. orders and intelligence, disrupt
Target: The Cult of Earth Found.
steal technological advances, etc. communications, pit enemies against
Target: The Wolf Pack.
each other, etc. Objective: Destroy the Cult’s
Objective: Acquire information about communications facility.
Active Squad the Wolf Pack’s supply lines.
Calazar Strategic Deployment (Tier Rules of Engagement: 1) Only use Active Squad Rules of Engagement: 1) Only use
force against the Cult of Earth Found. 2)
II-W Corporatocracy) is a military force in self-defense. 2) No killing Wolf The Dark Room (Tier II-S No firing on medical facilities or
company of fans of the Calazar media Pack personnel. Democracy) is a black ops deniable transports. 3) Only present as
franchise. Currently contracted to the asset deployed from a stealth orbital Jovangellian military.
Wolf Pack. GOAL: Raise funds for the platform.
next CalazCon.
GOAL: Eliminate enemy VIPs.

Players’ Direct Superior

Players’ Direct Superior Councilor Swan is a hard-hearted and
Project Lead Walker is an ambitious calculating bureaucrat. Before the
and hardworking manager. The incident incident, many thought things were
is an opportunity for promotion, but it’ll “quiet” in Izya. But Swan’s reports of the
take some savvy. Contract the Calazar building forces and repeat skirmishes tell
fans to The empire, while using other a different story. With the incident, he
assets to find where the Jovangellians gave all that a release valve to buy some
are weak. Then make the deal. time.

334 335
starting situation

starting situation
This “Faction” are a scattering of unaligned squads, each pursuing their own
goals. Generally, they are Earthers, though there are some Offworlder Independents. If
The Adamant Council of Nor
The Virtue of The Adamant Council of Nor sense something fishy going on with
the players choose to be Independent, they WILL be at a disadvantage because they’ll
the Fort Jovanol incident. She’s tasked the squads under her command with
lack the support network that a patron Faction provides.
investigating the situation. If there is evidence of skullduggery, she can use it to the
Council’s benefit.

Active Squads Opening Mission

Doctors Beyond Stars (Tier
Independent) is a group of humanitarians
II-S Employer: Doctors Beyond Stars.
Faction Goal Opening Mission
Target: The Cult of Earth Found. Hearts And Minds: Change the Employer: The Knives of Nor on behalf
who try to ensure the well-being of the
popular opinion of a Faction in a manner of The Adamant Council.
civilians in The War, regardless of their Objective: Get a group of Doctors
that benefits your patron Faction. You
allegiance. Beyond Stars personnel into North Target: The Wolf Pack.
could protect the populace from
Hulinton so they can assess and treat
GOAL: Gain access to all civilian populations. marauders in your patron’s name, Objective: Gain access to the
damage to the civilian populace.
publicize the corruption of an enemy investigation into the Fort Jovanol
Rules of Engagement: 1) Only use Faction, shift musical tastes in support of incident.
The Burden (Tier II-S Independent) is force in self-defense. 2) No looting, your patron, etc. Rules of Engagement: 1) No
an anti-Offworlder group with no unified requisitioning, stealing, and/or
deployment of chemical, biological,
post-Offworlder plan of government. destroying civilian, commercial, and/or

GOAL: Remove all the Offworld Factions.

governmental property. 3)
threatening or employing force against
No Active Squad explosive, and/or poisonous weapons. 2)
No looting, requisitioning, stealing,
The Knives of Nor (Tier II-S and/or destroying civilian, commercial,
civilians. Oligrachy) are the diplomats and spies and/or governmental property.
The Rubble Runts (Tier II-W for Nor in Izya.
Independent) are a militia originally
GOAL: Turn Izya into a Norrish puppet.
formed by war orphans looking to fill the
vacuum left by the local government.

GOAL: Become the most powerful gang.

Players’ Direct Superior
Players’ Direct Superior Virtue de Quidt is an experienced and
crafty noble. She’s suspicious of the
Scratch is a cheerful and energetic proxy.
recent conflict, as reports indicated that
They aren’t the squad’s superior in the
the Celestial Myriad in Hulinton didn’t
giving orders sense. But they are
have the supplies or personnel to
excellent at connecting the pilots to the
perform such a strike, never mind The
clients who can make use of their skills
Cult of Earth Found.
and equipment.

336 337
starting situation

starting situation
THEOCRACY: How To End A Campaign
The Church of the Celestial Myriad All good things must come to an end. Ideally, your group will reach a satisfying
narrative conclusion at that time. This section should help you reach that ending.
The Church of the Celestial Myriad is in the area southwest of Journey City to
convert some of the smaller communities, starting with Hulinton. Unfortunately, the
Fort Jovanol incident threw that plan into chaos, and they’ve turned their logistics
towards the growing conflict.
When To End A Campaign
Know when it’s time to wrap things up. Consider the duration of your campaign

Faction Goal Opening Mission first. If your campaign was planned as a single session, then you’ll almost certainly end
the campaign after that session. If your campaign is a short arc, then you likely have a
Secure The Borders: Take proactive Employer: The Cult of Earth Found on
few missions that drive you to a clear end point. If your campaign doesn’t have a
measures to protect the patron Faction. behalf of the Church of the Celestial
planned end point, use these three indicators to know when you should discuss ending
This could involve removing enemy Myriad.
the campaign:
agents acting within the patron Faction,
Target: The Burden. 1. One of the Pilots is one Scar away from being removed from play. Removing a pilot
weakening neighboring regions,
Objective: Root out the Burden cell in might break the current narrative arc, so talk about it before that happens.
constructing defenses, etc.
Hulinton. 2. A mission unexpectedly concludes the narrative in a satisfying manner. Ask the
group if there are any remaining stories they want to wrap up.
Rules of Engagement: 1) No torture. 2)
No deployment of chemical, biological, 3. The group decides the game should end. This might be due to life changes,

Active Squad explosive, and/or poisonous weapons. 3)

wanting to play something else, or a desire for new characters. All are valid
The Cult of Earth Found (Tier II-S No use of disproportionate force. 4)
Theocracy) believe that humanity’s Detained persons are to be unharmed. Use the above as indicators, not as definitive reasons for ending a campaign.

holy birthplace is only for the faithful. Some groups will happily welcome a new pilot when an original one is forced out by
Scars, while others will want to conclude the current story. Just make sure everyone
GOAL: Remove the unfaithful from wants to keep playing, as coerced participation in a game is not fun.
Where possible, discuss the campaign’s ending one or two missions before the
final mission. Players can then wrap up lingering narrative threads and unfinished long-
term projects. “Wrapping up a narrative thread” might mean building it to a tipping

Players’ Direct Superior point, and then completing it during the final mission or epilogue. Avoid leaving stories
unfinished, especially when players are invested in them.
Bishop Acampora is a patient and
caring member of the clergy. She was
sent to Hulinton by the Archbishop in
Blessed Harbor to convert the locals. But Planning the Final Mission
she’s concerned with rumors of armed Planning the final mission follows the usual steps found in the section on how to
guerilla resistance in the populace. prepare a mission (see page 311), but there’s a little more to it. Try to prepare the final
mission so it helps the pilots reach a satisfying conclusion together.

338 339
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the war and the izyan conflict

First, ask the players about the potential fates of their pilots. Are they okay with
their pilots dying in the last mission? Some players will be open to a tragic fate, others The Epilogue
may be okay with dying so long as other pilots survive, and some will want their pilot With the final mission behind you, it’s time for your campaign’s epilogue! Note
to survive. Talk about how to navigate these interests so everyone still has a good time. that no dice are rolled during the epilogue, as the group gets final say over how the
This discussion won’t ruin any surprises—just because a player is okay with death story ends. Work through the mission completed process (see page 221), since they
doesn’t make it a guarantee. transition play from the mission to downtime. Ask whether the players want to go
Second, consider the final mission’s objective. It should have the following through the reward and Trust stages of the process. For some groups, these steps are
qualities: important (as they determine the squad’s wealth and relationships with NPC squads
and Factions), but others would rather skip it. Always skip entanglements, there will be
► Be dramatic: The NPCs that the players and pilots care about should be directly
plenty of fallout from the final mission to fill the epilogue.
affected by the mission—allies, rivals, the squad’s Direct Superior, and anyone else.
Don’t use ALL of them, as a large cast will disrupt the narrative flow. But consider using Before diving into the full epilogue, there’s one last step: Receiving some closure
one important NPC per player, plus one for the squad as a whole. Avoid introducing new on the pilots’ beliefs. The players get to ask questions as though they had completed
NPCs on the final mission. their Connection Clock with every pilot. Each Player may ask one question of every
► Have high stakes: The pilots’ success or failure should decide the outcome for other pilot that is related to one of their beliefs with said pilot. These questions must be
major plot points. Ask BIG questions with the objective. Is the Izyan Tower destroyed, answered truthfully. Consider describing one final scene between each pair of pilots as
causing widespread destruction while freeing the locals from Offworlder interest? Does they both get the answer to their question.
it remain standing, but fall under the control of an Offworlder Faction? Do the pilots use
Each player then says what happens to their pilot after the final mission, along
it for the rebirth of the local government? Make sure that the players know just how
with any NPCs that are important to their character. If there are multiple players who
high the stakes are. Oh, and whatever happens? The War will NOT end.
feel an NPC is vital to their character, narrative control should be shared by discussing
► Include drives: The pilots have spent the campaign working towards their potential endings, and what feels most true to the established fiction.
drives, so give them a chance to invoke them on the final mission. Provide clear
If a player isn’t sure about how to describe their final scene or epilogue, use
opportunities for each pilot to either complete their Drive Clocks or spend their
downtime activities as inspiration. Perhaps a pilot learns the truth of a belief by
completed Drive Clocks. This won’t always be possible because drives can be incredibly
varied, but try to include them whenever you can. watching their squadmate Fix their vehicle after the final mission. Maybe a pilot’s
epilogue is pursuing a long-term project that they didn’t quite finish. Just remember,
► Include rivals: This will be the last chance for pilots to face off against their don’t roll dice here—these are NOT actually downtime activities. The player decides if
rivals. Remember that pilots must spend at least two Drive Clocks to permanently
that “long-term project” is
remove a rival. If a player has one and completes the second during the final mission,
completed, or whether the
they could remove their rival during the epilogue. If you want to include more than one
scene fades as they continue
rival on the final mission, make sure that it fits the established narrative. Rivals from
their work.
opposing factions wouldn’t team up unless they’ve worked together before. But they
might accidentally work together by simultaneously opposing the players.

► Tell the players that this will be the final mission: Then they know to
exhaust every resource to achieve their goals, unless they plan on spending resources
during the epilogue. This is a fire sale, everything must go!

340 341
the war and the izyan conflict

the war and the izyan conflict

342 343
the war and the izyan conflict

the war and the izyan conflict

AND THE IZYAN CONFLICT There was little fanfare when humanity found "Earth.” Earth: Another

As humanity regathered itself amongst the stars, lines were quickly drawn. comfortably inhabitable planet that a handful of Exodus ships found centuries ago,

Everyone has their idea of how things should be done, and so many of them are spread across, and began calling “Earth” in memory of humanity's birthplace. It

incompatible. So many of them are worth dying for. certainly wouldn't be the first "Earth."

The conflict that encompasses the five Factions of humanity has many names, As with everything the Factions touch, Earth eventually became embroiled in

both in use and out of date, but most just call it The War. It’s too old, too ubiquitous to The War. A misunderstanding here, a skirmish there, and betrayal or two to really got

call it anything else. The Factions have allied, defended, battled, and betrayed each things going. In only a few years, each Faction had a small presence on or around the

other so many times that it doesn’t matter anymore. “Peace” is a time to gather intel planet. A small presence, because it was not easy to get planetside.

on your allies and rebuild your strength so that you can betray them before they do the Surrounding the planet is a cloud of debris hanging in orbit. Satellites are a short-
same to you. lived prospect, as they are quickly smashed apart by space junk—both large and small

All of humanity has been yoked to this, their most terrible wonder. Many strains (though just as often, a Faction decides they'd benefit from its destruction, and the

of education, training, and recreation were turned to preparing the populace for their cloud provides easy deniability). Its density makes it impossible most of the time for

role in The War. Full mobilization across entire systems has led to severe rationing. Only ships to move between the planet and the void. However, many eyes constantly track

the most common and necessary of materials are available to the civilian populace. the currents of the cloud (not unlike more traditional weather reports) to predict gaps

Many try to get around the restrictions by enlisting in the military, and many others get when transport units can pass through. Often, these openings are spotted by multiple

around them by being conscripted. Everyone feels these pains of The War, except for groups, with each racing to get their ships through the gap. Escorts often support the

those who can afford work arounds. transports to protect them, resulting in battles between opposing convoys as they
break through the debris, as well as conflicts between the ships in space looking to
Wealthy and powerful members of every Faction use their resources to bypass scoop up vulnerable ships. The most daring smugglers maneuver through these
the civil responsibilities that the less affluent fulfill. Those with the money can buy conflict zones, and the most desperate try to pass through the cloud itself.
rationed or restricted material on the black market. With the right words and
“donations” to the war effort, conscription can be performed in a cozy and safe There is another way through the debris. Six space elevators dot the planet,

backwater outpost, if not outright avoided. But while many would consider the Izyan providing a stable method through the cloud. Built and controlled by the local

Conflict a backwater outpost, it is anything but safe. inhabitants, they have the defenses necessary to stand as a bridge to space, but their
capacity is limited. In the early days of the Offworlders presence, the Factions rented
time on the elevators at exorbitant cost to bring supplies and people planetside.
Unfortunately for the locals, the scrutiny that was brought to bear to justify the costs of
this conflict revealed a surprising truth to the Offworlders.

As local continents, planets, orbits, and stars were analyzed, it became more
and more likely that the locals were not the progeny of wayward Exodus ships. There
was a good chance that this Earth was, in fact, humanity's birthplace. This theory
quickly became a fiasco for the leaders of each Faction. The planet had almost no
strategic value in The War. It was out of place, lacked a planetary manufacturing base,
and did not have a notable amount of rare resources. At the same time, capturing
humanity's true home would be a massive boon for morale and propaganda, while

344 345
the war and the izyan conflict

the war and the izyan conflict

losing it to another Faction could be devastating. So an unwitting and devastating
compromise was reached: Each Faction would make a stronger effort to control the
planet to appease public opinion, but not commit enough forces to weaken their
position on more important worlds.

Between the lack of satellites and the interference from the cloud,
communication across long distances, whether purely planetside or between the
ground and the sky, is extremely difficult. This challenge changed the way that The War
was fought, at least on this one backwater planet. Independence of action and self-
sufficiency for tightly-knit groups has become the standard operating procedure for the
Factions. Their squads are trained to function with little direct oversight, because once
they are in the field, the resources necessary to manage them are often better spent

In bits and pieces, with every autonomous squad brought planetside, the
Factions gained more control of Earth. In a few short years, each Faction gained control
of a space elevator.

Many communities have been destroyed. Those that remain intact have
important infrastructure, especially spaceports and elevators. Towns that have been
unofficially abandoned by their Faction are often still inhabited. Many of these contain
digital ghosts of the dead and missing folk in the form of their proxies.

One space elevator remains in the hands of the locals. Reinforced beyond its
already considerable defenses, it became The Tower: a symbol of the momentous
change looming on the horizon. Those living in and near it braced for The War. The wait
When The War arrived at Izya, it came from the sea. The Factions targeted ports
was short, as each Faction seeking a second elevator to break the stalemate moved
along the Izyan coast to establish a beachhead and began laying the foundation for
forces to the Territory of Izya.
their supply chain. Local refugees fled inland, always moving closer to Journey City and
The Tower they could see from the shore.

In a few months, each Faction gained control of a large swathe of Izya, and
began butting up against the territory of their fellow Offworlders. The Adamant Council
of Nor in the southeast, the Church of the Celestial Myriad in the southwest, the
Jovangellian Empire in the west, Exodus Republic Inc. in the north, and the Democratic
Federated Systems (DFS) on the eastern peninsula. Skirmishes broke out across these
fluid borders, but they always pushed inward to their goal. In short order, they reached
the Greater Journey City Area.

The following are example regions you can use in your campaign with a national
level map scale (see page 292).

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the war and the izyan conflict

Greater Journey City Area RATINGS: Wealth 3, Might 1, Crime 3, Tech 2

Notables Special Rule

Hyacinth Affective: Alderman Mergers & Everyone has eyes on this area. When
Acquisitions Executive Team Leader for combined with the extensive conflict its
Journey City. Known for not speaking often, seen, the Stealth tactic gets -1d to the
their subordinates know that when they do, engagement roll as there is nowhere to
the words better be heard. Their goal in the hide.
GJCA is to disrupt enemy supply lines. To
that end, they've built a network of safe
houses, supply caches, and contacts.
(Quiet, authoritative.)

Dorothy's Lake is a massive freshwater
lake that splits the Upper Izya River from
the brackish Lower Izya River. Together,
the Upper and Lower are commonly
known as just the Izya River. The Lower
River is very broad, allowing sea vessels
Description Scene into Dorothy's natural harbor. Three
The area around Journey City was a A rusted agricultural CWV sits abandoned urban centers, Journey City, Yrvan, and
network of small and medium-sized inside an overgrown barn. Farmers load Taizhil (in order of descending size), sit
towns that supported the much larger their produce into an ER Inc. transport, on the lake banks, providing excellent
metropolis. In between the urban centers while an AWV stands guard. Tanks roll water access.
was a sprawl of farms broken up by a past a seemingly deserted home,
web of roads. Now, however, it is a causing dust to drift down onto a family
sprawl of overgrown farmland torn apart hidden in their basement. God. It’s so bad. Every time we pass through, it hits me. All these wrecked buildings, all these
by battles. The inhabited settlements abandoned farms. I think it’s because it makes me reckon with the fact that Hulinton could have
that remain are either hidden or in ended up like this if we hadn’t been farther out. Or maybe I’m afraid that the war will come to
service to their closest Offworlder Hulinton, and then it’ll look just like this.
Faction. I wonder where the survivors are. Every now and then I see lights on in those buildings. I’ll see
a barn leaning way too far to the right with a lamp swinging slowly inside. I hope you’re alright
in there.
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

348 349
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the war and the izyan conflict

The Might Area RATINGS: Wealth 2, Might 3, Crime 2, Tech 2

Landmarks Notables
The Estuary of Yngrell is the primary Lady Elreth, The Goddess of War and
entrance into Might's mostly Death. With her unique AWV Starfall, she
underground city. It’s hard to distinguish has two goals in Izya: Find the best AWV
the estuary from the rolling hills that pilots, and beat them. Interested only in
make up the terrain in the middle of Izya. fair fights, it's not unusual for her to
However, its river mouth can easily be leave allies and mission objectives
seen by the sharp but shallow valley it behind in pursuit of a skilled opponent.
has cut over time. The bridge at the She may also quit the field if there aren't
estuary is the only convenient way to any to be found. She's also quite content
traverse the valley for a great distance. to consider entire squads as a single
However, the Norrish military keeps a skilled "opponent." (Proud, fearsome.)
close eye on it, even though its road only
leads deeper into their territory.
Special Rule
If a squad does something suspicious
that local vassals or Norrish citizens in
the area might notice, start a 4-Tick clock

Description Scene called "Hammers Alert." When that clock

fills, a fire team from The Hammers
The community of Might is an entirely A local village's population gathers in its arrives on scene to investigate and likely
Norrish construction, and it shows in its community center to discuss their new detain the disruptive individuals.
lack of a distinctive skyline. Their rights and responsibilities under the
heritage of living in the void has given Admant Council. Plant-covered hillocks
them both an appreciation for the natural are revealed to be round, low-lying
world and an indifference to confined buildings as a door opens, and a military
spaces. Thus local communities around convoy rolls out. Two Norrish citizens I have such weird feelings about the Might Area. Like, I really like the views, but going on a
Might have been largely undisturbed as a effortlessly slide past each other in an mission is awful. It sure is beautiful there though. It reminds me of the area around Hulinton,
result, other than as collateral damage. underground facility's narrow hall. At the but not quite? It’s, different, but familiar. At the same time, the way the Norrish build their bases
However, the locals were absorbed into same time, a local nearby is informed makes it hell to navigate without being seen or getting ambushed. Seeing a fully armed AWV
the Norrish citizen/vassal divide, mostly that they'll never get citizenship if they burst out of what you thought was a hill is enough to make your heart jump out of your throat.
as vassals. The promise of citizenship can't even walk down a hall without But again, it’s complicated. Living underground like that keeps the civilians pretty safe, or so I
motivates some, while others see it as a bumping into their betters. hear.
dangling carrot. ________________________________________________
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

350 351
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the war and the izyan conflict

Eastern Izya Peninsula RATINGS: Wealth 4, Might 3, Crime 3, Tech 3

“The Artichoke” is the primary Henrietta Hamilton, Drivin' Diner
administration building of the DFS in proprietor. She converted an old
Izya, built from locally-mined transport truck into a rolling restaurant
greenstone. The locals nicknamed it that called the Drivin' Diner. Drivers radio in
based on its color and unfamiliar, DFS their orders, make an AR payment, and
“Local Star” style. Located in Point View her drones deliver the meals. Anyone
park and surrounded by skyscrapers, the who spends time around the 401 knows
structure is home to an army of clerks her, and knows that she serves up more
and the clerks of the army. They keep the than just premier burgers. (Warm,
war effort on track in concert with, and in knowledgeable.)
spite of, the politicians debating in its
grand hall.
When near the 401, make a 1d fortune
roll. On a 1-3, traffic is barely moving. On
a 4-5, traffic is moving well with
occasional jams. On a 6, traffic is moving

Description Scene swiftly. This will likely alter Position and

Effect depending on the situation.
As the last of the Offworlders to arrive on Massive cargo ships arrive from across
Izya, the DFS had slim pickings for safe the sea, bringing cargo from the DFS-
landing points, and the Eastern Izya controlled space elevator. DFS transports
Peninsula proved the best choice. travel along a DFS-built superhighway,
Though it lacked a suitable natural carrying DFS goods to DFS troops. Locals
harbor, the DFS Research Groups tend to subsistence farms along the
whipped one up. It was supposed to be peninsula after their businesses were The peninsula’s too noisy, too full of smog and traffic. But it’s wonderful too. The first time I saw
temporary, but every harbor was needed pushed out of Point View, and disrupted a big cargo ship coming in, I thought it was carrying a spaceship. I couldn’t imagine another
as the port town rapidly expanded—even by the impassable highway bisecting the reason for a boat that big. And of course, I dream about Henrietta Hamilton’s burgers at least
the old "temporary" ones. The DFS peninsula. once a week. The whole point of Drivin’ Diner is good food on the go, but if you’ve never been
headquarters in Izya is a former resort you HAVE to go at least once and sit down and eat inside. There’s barely any seats, there’s
town, converted into a juggernaut of a always a line, but it moves fast and I swear there’s nothing like those burgers when they’re
trade hub at one end of a 16-lane right off the griddle.
superhighway called the 401. ________________________________________________
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

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the war and the izyan conflict

Before The War came here, rolling farmland occupied the space between the
towns and cities. Now most of those farms and towns lie abandoned. Every one has
seen some level of battle, as the frontlines of the initial conflict pushed and pulled with
the fickleness of war. With the inevitability of the tide, the Offworlder armies moved
further inland toward The Tower.

The following are example regions you can used in a campaign with a provincial-
level map scale (see page 292).

354 355
the war and the izyan conflict

the war and the izyan conflict

Hulinton RATINGS: Wealth 2, Might 1, Crime 1, Tech 2

Landmarks Notables
The Cenotaph's Chapel lies a short Senior Kin Arrow Slide, a leader of the
distance out of town in the mountains’ Wrights Of The Ascent. An old, skinny,
foothills. Its original iconography was frail man. He commands his fellow
replaced with religious symbols of the monks with a nasal voice as they build
Celestial Myriad—a blue, stained glass, monuments to the Church. They are
eight-pointed star most prominent currently working on a massive cathedral
among them. The grounds were southeast of Hulinton. However, they
developed to suit the squad's needs: keep running into issues, and Slide
quarters, training facilities, and an AWV suspects sabotage. (Certain, cunning.)
workshop. They even went so far as to
convert the bell tower into a docking
tower for supply zeppelins. Despite the Special Rule
changes, some of the locals still gather A lot of people have passed through
here—specifically the proxies of missing Hulinton over the years, as it’s on the
citizens. The proxies remember that this main road from the southwest. Take +1d
place is one of community. They linger on when Interfacing with a proxy to gather
its edges to form a ghostly moat. information, but add 1 Tick to an 8-Tick

Description Scene clock "Proxy Corruption." If the clock fills,

a sizeable portion of the proxies in
At the base of the Southern Izyan Elderly residents serve monk warriors
Hulinton become dangerous.
Mountains sits a medium-sized town that coffee on well-maintained, street-side
originally catered to nearby farming patios. An APC loaded with munitions
communities and tourists from Journey honks at a proxy standing in the middle
City. Now it is a town full of the young, of the road, unaware that it isn't flesh
old, and absent. As the Celestial Myriad and blood. Laughing children stop and
military moved through the town, stare silently as they watch the digital
anyone who hadn't already fled and was ghost of a missing older sibling wander This is home, I guess. I’ve never lived anywhere else at least. When I was really little, I thought
fit for service got conscripted into the down the street in confusion. the war would never really touch here. The food from our farms would make its way to the
crusade to capture The Tower. With the frontlines, and that’s the only difference we would make. Then all the older kids around town
area's current stalemate, the Celestial started going away. The battles kept getting closer and closer. More and more Myriad AWVs
Myriad made the town their forward passed through, and most of them looked like they got real fucked up. Even if the fighting never
actually gets to Hulinton, the war is definitely here.
headquarters. Now the locals serve the
Church's soldiers and their logistics
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

356 357
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the war and the izyan conflict

Fort Jovanol RATINGS: Wealth 2, Might 4, Crime 1, Tech 2

Landmarks Notables
Surrounding the base is a massive wall, Dr. Here Homage, head medical officer of
and surrounding that is an equally Fort Jovanol. Surprisingly friendly to both
massive trench. The wall is high enough locals and non-Jovangellian Offworlders.
to conceal most buildings inside the They consider themself to be as critical
compound, and tough enough to receive to the defense of the base as anyone
a sustained artillery bombardment piloting an AWV. Threats to base
without cracking. The trench is so deep, personnel always gets their attention,
a Coyote class artillery AWV could take often to the annoyance of staff in other
cover in it, and still bring its shoulder- departments. (Protective, nosey.)
mounted missile racks to bear. The
trench and wall are lined with a fringe of
razor wire and less conspicuous anti- Special Rule
infiltration devices. Attempts to infiltrate Fort Jovanol,
whether through stealth or deception,
cannot have a Controlled Position due to
its extensive security measures. Missions

Description Scene using the tactics of Assault, Deception, or

Stealth all have -1d to their engagement
Built from the ground up to serve the Mechanics on catwalks high above the
needs of nearby Jovangellian squads, ground repair damaged AWVs inside of
Fort Jovanol is named for the capital city massive hangers. A guard checks the
of the empire's homeworld. A massive credentials of a transport truck, while an
trench and wall system surround it, Ape class AWV keeps its machine guns
providing cover for AWVs to sit behind in pointed, watching for anything
defense of the base. Not unlike suspicious. A doctor examines the
Jovangellian culture at large, everyone identification tattoos on the thigh of a
here directly serves the empire's military mangled corpse, a dozen more waiting to Everything about the Fort is just the worst. Even though the war influences almost everything
on Izya, most buildings or AWVs have multiple purposes. There are combat squads, but they’re
ambitions. Currently, the Wolf Pack are be processed.
not the majority. Except for the fucking Jovangellian Empire. They’re the only faction obsessed
the squad primarily stationed here as
with winning the war through military dominance, and Fort Jovanol is like the physical
they recuperate from frontline duty in a
embodiment of that desire. It’s disgusting. And terrifying. One wrong move in there gets you
less quiet part of the planetary conflict.
about fifty bullets to the chest, and those big fuck-off walls and the trench make it almost
Though it's not unusual for members of impossible to escape if it goes real bad. I still can’t believe we managed to get in and out alive.
The Heard, Raccoons, or Hyenas to show ________________________________________________
up for resupply. From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

358 359
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the war and the izyan conflict

Journey City RATINGS: Wealth 3, Might 2, Crime 3, Tech 2

Landmarks Notables
The Tower stands in the city center, Vanessa "Vest" Vestibula, Captain of the
impossibly huge. The area near its base Squaddies. She’s still resentful that she
was cleared of all buildings to maintain and those she leads were not recruited
its defensive sightlines. The plaza is by the Offworlders when the Journey City
often filled with transport vehicles from Police Department collapsed. She now
both Offworlder and local organizations selfishly provides protection to locals
looking to pick up or send supplies. An that can afford it. The very behaviors she
apocalyptic array of armaments tracks exhibits now are the reason that she was
each vehicle for fear that it could be a never picked up. (Selfish, cruel.)
potential threat.

Special Rule
Journey City is dedicated to its own
survival now. If you bribe someone with 1
Materiel or Personnel, take +1d and
improved Effect (if narratively
appropriate). Don't be surprised if

Description Scene someone takes a bribe against you.

Refugees seek subsistence work from the
The Territory of Izya’s beating heart, this same Offworlder organizations that
cosmopolitan city's population is estimated pushed them out of their homes. Former
to have tripled since the beginning of the local government employees maintain a
Izyan Conflict. While the Offworlder shadow of their lives; they were either
Factions’ initial attempts to capture The absorbed by larger organizations or
Tower caused death and destruction became independent contractors.
throughout the city, the Izya River’s south Offworlder squads settle grudges with “In the shadow of the Tower, we set our arms aside.” Harrow taught me that old saying ages
side saw the worst. Subsequently, the their fellows in bars and dark alleys. ago. I heard so many things about Journey City growing up, like how it’s a paradise, or a den of
municipal government fell apart, leaving sin. These days I’m just glad I don’t have to watch my back as closely when we’re there, at least
Others share a drink, and sometimes
near the Tower. It usually gets me thinking about how the ceasefire here could be spread across
The Tower's staff (calling themselves the more, with an enemy combatant who they
Izya. And then? I remember how much artillery is hiding just under the surface. I don’t want to
Tower Defenders) as the closest thing to might see through crosshairs the next
live in a world where that’s everywhere you turn. But for a moment’s rest? I’ll take what I can
being in charge. As the "peace" of the time they meet. Above it all, the guns,
stalemate set in, the rebuilding began, shields, and armor of The Tower threaten ________________________________________________
including efforts from the Offworlders who anything unexpected that gets too close. From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday
settled in the city proper.

360 361
the war and the izyan conflict

the war and the izyan conflict

The locals fortified The Tower as each Offworlder Faction raced to capture it for
themselves. The locals began calling themselves “the Tower Defenders” as they found
new hope amongst the chaos. They thought if they held out long enough, the
Offworlders would devastate each other in their ambitions.

The battle began with small skirmishes as scouting patrols and reconnaissance
flights crossed paths. More and more squads joined in, and while it paled in comparison
to conflicts on worlds that mattered, it was the fiercest battle Izya had seen. A handful
of frigates and corvettes fought in orbit above the city to secure any advantage for the
ground troops. Through it all, the Tower Defenders rained down fire from their recently
installed weapons, targeting any group with an apparent upper hand.

The worst of the fighting occurred on the south side of the Izya River, where the
DFS, Celestial Myriad, and Norrish militaries sought control of the city's industrial base.
The entire area was rubble when the fighting ended—including the Twinler & Red
headquarters campus, which had designed, built, and maintained The Tower.
Thousands were jobless, homeless, wounded, and dead in that neighborhood alone.

Even though Izya reached an uneasy (and unofficial) peace after this battle, the
Tower Defenders’ position would only worsen. The Journey City municipal government
collapsed under the crisis of maintaining the city under current conditions. Offworld
Factions recruited locals employed by the city (police, telecom workers, waste
management, and many more) who could provide them with life's necessities. The
Tower Defenders stood as the last symbol of a legitimate local authority.

The following are example regions you can use a campaign with a city level map
scale (see page 292).

362 363
the war and the izyan conflict

the war and the izyan conflict

Kingstown RATINGS: Wealth 1, Might 2, Crime 3, Tech 2

Landmarks Notables
The Yard is a bus depot that the locals Hannah Copeland, head of the Kingstown
reclaimed when it became clear that the Burden cell, has fought Offworlders her
Journey City Transit Authority was dead entire adult life. She’s watched friends
and gone. It’s now a market where and family die, and has learned bitter
shopkeepers sell goods out of converted lessons along the way. Intelligence
buses. Ambitious Offworld recruiters agencies suspect she’s the most powerful
sometimes have stalls set up, which Burden leader. (Patient, vicious.)
costs them dearly as various parties
charge them for the honor. The mix of
people and resources makes this space
Special Rule
Kingstown looks out for its own, and those
an unofficial neutral zone policed by the
who have struggled share what they can.
If you come from an impoverished
background, take +1d on Consort, gather
information, and Acquire Asset rolls within

Description Scene
Kingstown is named after Kate King, the Children play ball games in the streets,
long-dead crime boss. It comprises the while their guardians watch from battered
southwest corner of the city, and is
or makeshift seating. Adolescents try to
known for being an overcrowded, low-
build a reputation on street corners, while
income district that is home to much of
the Rubble Runts and the Burden whisper Kingstown seems so fragile. Maybe a weird thing to say about a place full of some of the
the city's refugee population. Sturdy
in their ears. Ambitious recruiters from toughest people I know, but it’s just how it feels. A friend of Layla’s took me up to their garden
concrete apartment buildings fill much of
on the roof, and it took my breath away. From the street it’s hard to see anything except
the land, with rooftops and open spaces Offworld Factions preach, nag, and cajole
concrete, but from the rooftops? Splashes of greenery, rainbow murals, streamers and broken
occupied by tents or gardens. The the locals with promises of a better future. glass decorations.
district’s residents maintain much of the It could so easily turn into the Broken Bank all over again. All it would take is one bad AWV
infrastructure, seen in the skilled but brawl. And I keep hearing rumors about Hannah, holed up somewhere in there. I have to find
improvised repairs. her before that happens.
From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday

364 365
the war and the izyan conflict

the war and the izyan conflict

The Broken Bank RATINGS: Wealth 0, Might 0, Crime 2, Tech 2

Landmarks Notables
Ambush Row, the only major road that Lovegood, a deep-voiced bartender who
provides a straight line from southeast of works at The Broken Bar. They employ
Journey City to the Tower at its center. It’s several of their cousins as staff at the
an excellent place for ambushers, who bar, and provide one of the Broken
use the profusion of rubble and wrecked Bank’s only places of entertainment.
vehicles to set traps and block roads. (Jovial, forceful.)

Special Rule
Start a 4-Tick clock when you enter the
region: “App focus.” Add a Tick every
time the pilots are delayed from moving
forward. When it fills, corrupt proxies and
apps assault them.

Sitting on the south side of the Izya River, hoping that those who would stop them
this area of Journey City used to be called also believe the investment would not be
the “Browen Bank” after a long-dead worth tracking them down.
community organizer. But when the
Offworlders brought their war to Earth
and Journey City, the Browen Bank was Scene I hate going to the Broken Bank, especially for missions. It’s depressing, it’s super dangerous.
hit the hardest. When the conflict cooled, Dust drifts down the rubble-filled roads
and around burnt out vehicles. Criminals There’s too much cover, all of that cover is wrecked civilian buildings and that bums me out,
those powerful enough to reclaim the
and any of that wreckage could be hiding an ambush. If that wasn’t enough, there’s all the AR
Broken Bank felt it wasn’t worth the and freedom fighters skulk down alleys
and proxy mess going on all the time. The proxies especially, they get glitchier by the day. You
investment. Now lost proxies and into hidden basement safe houses.
can still barely recognize the ones that were supposed to look human, but only just. The way
rampant apps roam the streets looking Crowds of rampant proxies wear the
they are now, they’re nightmare fuel: stuttering frozen smiles, too many limbs, and everything
for the living to attempt to fulfill their forms of those who died here, and
covered with a layer of static and missing parts.
purpose. Criminals, marauders, stumble from one sign of life to the next. ________________________________________________
terrorists, mercenaries, and freedom From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday
fighters make temporary lodgings here,

366 367
the war and the izyan conflict

the war and the izyan conflict

The Tower RATINGS: Wealth 3, Might 3, Crime 1, Tech 2

Landmarks Notables
The loading facility is a massive Gina Weber, Tower Defender in charge of
underground hanger, large enough for credentials. She coordinates the effort to
even the biggest AWVs to walk around ensure that any vehicle approaching the
inside. A command center, nestled in an loading facility's entrance has its AR
upper corner of the room, gives its paperwork clearly displayed, so that the
supervisors a clear view of the hundreds automated defenses don't ruin her day.
of people and vehicles they manage. She’s more interested in things running
smoothly, rather than being fair. (Bored,

Special Rule
If a vehicle approaches The Tower’s plaza
and either activates a weapon system or
fails to broadcast proper credentials, it
immediately takes “level 2 damage:
Blasted” as the automated defenses

Description open fire.

The Tower is one of the six space The buildings were torn down and
elevators on the planet, and is the last replaced with a massive plaza. Now
not held by Offworlders. Before The War transport vehicles sit there and wait to be
came to the planet, these elevators loaded or unloaded, often for weeks.
brought resources planetside, such as
reclaimed material from the debris cloud
and Helium 3 from the system's largest Scene
gas giant. It’s now a fortress of an Impoverished locals move from truck to
unimaginable scale. truck, selling what goods and services they On a really nice day you can see the Tower way off in the distance. When we were really little
can to bored drivers waiting for their turn. we talked about going there. It seemed like another world. And now I’ve been to that other
The grounds around The Tower used to be world, fought battles there, almost died there. Really isn’t any better than here. Considering the
The Tower’s automated guns sway back
full of warehouses and offices dedicated to amount of times my life has been in mortal danger there, you could probably say it’s worse
and forth as it looks for threats, like bristles
moving goods through the elevator. But actually. But something about it still calls to me. I guess really it’s just the gateway to another
on the hide of a massive beast. A steady
when fortifications began, the nearby world and we’re all just fighting to get through, to space. Away from this war.
stream of vehicles moves through the
buildings posed a problem—civilians had ________________________________________________
cavernous entrance to the underground
sheltered in them, and they provided From the journal of Keiko "Pitchfork" Tuesday
loading facility at all hours of the day.
cover for enemy combatants.

368 369
the war and the izyan conflict

the war and the izyan conflict

The meaning of AWV has
changed over time. Originally, it was
VEHICLES (AWVs) the acronym for the massive, walking,
military vehicles used by Factions. But
as the civilian populations became
more familiar with them, AWV became
a catch all term for any vehicle with
sufficient gravitas—whether bipedal
vehicles, massive tanks, or fighter-
bombers. This trend was especially
true for vehicles that blurred the line
between those distinctions, such as
submarines that could deploy legs
and move on land.

As so often happens with

military technology, civilian AWVs
were made available to those outside
the military. Civilian Walking Vehicles
(or CWV, pronounced see-vee) are a
very niche product. Individuals who
can afford them use them as a status
symbol; there's nothing quite like
getting stuck in traffic in your 30-foot
bipedal vehicle. Companies often
purchase specialized versions for
industrial uses: farming, mining,
AWVs (pronounced ah-vee) were created to deploy land vehicles on unfamiliar heavy cargo transport, and many
5”x4” planets with incredibly varied terrain, but were soon adapted to environments outside others. In most cases, the military-
of their original purpose. This adaption was part necessity and part familiarity, as the quality parts are swapped for less
Exodus ships of humanity had limited materiel and personnel. expensive versions that will live up to
the wear and tear their civilian owners
It was easier and cheaper to modify already manufactured AWVs than create
put them through, but it's not unusual
ones from scratch. This approach was encouraged by the small pool of pilots most ships
for the desperate to take them to war.
had available, and the introduction of the Predictive Control program (or Pre-Con),
which builds on an AWV’s familiarity with its pilot, reinforced this doctrine. Even after
the Factions were established and had the resources and people necessary to have
more specialized models, many can still trace some aspect of their design back to the
AWVs of old.

370 371

EXAMPLE Armored Walking Vehicle Specification Guide MODEL Ape
Players may use the following examples as ideas for their vehicle, and GMs may Manufacturer: Truant Security Supplies
use it as inspiration for NPC vehicles. While these examples list intended Load and
Faction: Autocracy; The Jovangellian Empire
action ratings, these are just suggestions. Similarly, NPCs vehicles don’t use the rules
for Light, Medium, or Heavy, they’re a shorthand for how the vehicle looks and behaves Role: Light Target Elimination; The numerous machine guns make it Effective against
narratively. lightly armored targets, but lacks the armor to deal with anything heavier.

Intended Load: Light

Standard Loadout: Three AWV machine guns, with limited armor.

Action Points: 2 Battle, 1 Manipulate

Appearance: A cylindrical torso topped with a domed head. Thick arms with wrist-
mounted machine guns and stubby claws. A third weapon hardpoint on the right
shoulder often features another machine gun. Squat legs support the weight of all the
weapons and the model’s light armor.

Suggested Quirks:

Stable Platform,

Clawed Hands,

Simple Construction,

Loads of Guns
5”x5”. Some kind of team pose or line up to
show off height differences?? This could be the
mechs we already have but in silhouette.

372 373
: :

MODEL Elephant MODEL Opossum
Manufacturer: Whittaker Fine Goods Company Manufacturer: Smirke-Fitzroy Manufacturing

Faction: Autocracy; The Jovangellian Empire Faction: Autocracy, the Jovangellian Empire

Role: Cargo Hauler; the powerful arms and flatbed can carry many supply containers Role: Infantry transport and evacuation. The Opossum is designed to quickly ferry
or transport whole AWVs if necessary infantry squads to and from the front lines, specializing in daring deliveries through
weaknesses in enemy formations.
Intended Load: Heavy
Intended Load: Medium
Standard Loadout: Cargo Space, Grapnel Anchor Tool
Standard Loadout: All-terrain suspension, passenger space, a machine gun turret,
Action Points: 2 Manipulate, 1 Scan
and a front-loaded grapnel anchor tool for vertical traversal
Appearance: Four powerful legs support a large flatbed frequently filled with cargo
Action Points: 2 Maneuver, 1 Battle
containers. Instead of a traditional head, the cockpit sits on a column. The cockpit
provides a clear view of the flatbed and everything within reach of the AWV’s two Appearance: Resembling the massive offspring of a Humvee and a semi-truck, the
crane-like arms. Those arms end in very strong, industrial fingers. Opossum is a machine so hard-edged, many believe the Jovangellian Empire would’ve
made its wheels square if they could. With a front that’s just as much command center
Suggested Quirks:
as it is driver’s seat, the vehicle’s targeting computer allows its onboard app to mow
Powerful Grip, down opposing forces at the pilot’s discretion. Many veteran Opossum drivers
Exposed Cockpit, nickname or form (decidedly one-sided) camaraderie with their unit’s app.

Wide Open, Suggested Quirks:

Heavy Lifting Machine Gunner App,

Rugged Design,

Aggressive Targeters,

Military Workhorse

374 375
: :

MODEL Swan MODEL Kettle v2.0
Manufacturer: Victorious Aeronautics Manufacturer: The Work Room

Faction: Autocracy, the Jovangellian Empire Faction: Theocracy; The Church of the Celestial Myriad

Role: Heavy cargo transport and gunship. Designed to move a pair of AWVs, a mass of Role:Seeks out and retrieves corpses, abandoned proxies, and other remains from the
infantry, or a combination of both to a combat zone and then provide support fire. battlefield
Intended Load: Heavy
Intended Load: Medium
Standard Loadout: Tilt wing turbines, massive cargo space, and a chin mounted
Standard Loadout: Cargo Space, Analytics Suite, Destruction Tools
Action Points: 2 Scan, 1 Manipulate
Action Points: 2 Manipulate, 1 Battle
Appearance:The Kettle v2.0 resembles a black and white caterpillar with a flexible
Appearance: An oddly rectangular flying wing design with integrated tilt wing turbines
plastic shell. Its shovel-shaped head has several "jaws" designed to move earth. Its
allows it to move surprisingly large loads to and from cramped locations. Its
back is primarily storage, and expands upwards to accommodate load using its arms
ruggedness in spite of its lack of armor leads to its love/hate relationship with airborne
as additional structural support, giving the Kettle its eponymous shape at capacity. Its
troops; enemy fire tends to pass through the aircraft causing little damage except to
underbelly is a concave array of rods that repel the ground, generating an unusual
the cargo inside. Once at a combat site the cargo hatches on the bottom allow its
sound commonly called the Knell. Its many arms are long, many-jointed, and
contents to be deployed immediately, and its chin mounted cannon provides direct fire
extendable, designed for propping up debris, but they’re normally kept folded on its
heavy ordinance.
back. Its hands have strong core digits for prying apart cockpits that taper down to
Suggested Quirks: smaller, more dexterous digits. A vent in the wrist deploys shrouds to wrap remains

Hollow Body, Suggested Quirks:

Intimidating Bulk, Strategically Structured,

Slow and Steady, Rubbery & Flexible,

Cargo Drop Hatches Disturbing Hover,


376 377
: :

MODEL Knight MODEL Agincourt
Manufacturer: Spirit Forge Manufacturer: Ohashi Biomass Technologies
Faction: Theocracy, the Church of the Celestial Myriad
Faction: Theocracy; The
Role: Heavy fire support; it hangs back from the fight to unleash innumerable missiles
Church of the Celestial
Myriad Intended Load: Heavy

Role: As a brawler, it rapidly Standard Loadout: Massive missile array, powerful sensors, and an ECCM suite
closes to melee range with its Action Points: 2 Bombard, 1 Scan
boosters, disrupting the AWVs
Appearance: A sleek, flexible body that can hover above the ground or water,
designed for fighting at longer
studded with hundreds of missiles that protrude from its organic back. It’s impossible
to miss, with its dazzling neon color schemes, signature mustache-like sensor
Intended Load: Heavy apparatus, and twin ECCM head spikes. The cockpit has a reinforced rear wall in case
Standard Loadout: A massive, two- of an ordnance explosion, but whether it would save a pilot with a full missile load is up
handed sword, heavy armor, and for debate
powerful rocket boosters Suggested Quirks:
Action Points: 2 Battle, 1 Maneuver Living Chassis,
Appearance: A tall, lithe, humanoid A Multitude of Missiles,
frame that appears fragile to those
Experimental Sensors,
unfamiliar with its heavy ceramic plating. A
single eye dominates its rectangular head, and Instantly Recognizable
is matched with an antenna at the front. Its
humanoid hands are quite dexterous to better
handle its blade, while hoof-like feet support its
weight. A pair of large boosters almost as long as the
entire frame dominate its back.

Suggested Quirks:

Fragile Appearance,

Exposed Boosters,

Gentle Hands,


378 379
: :

MODEL X - DKR1 - A Highwayman [PROTOTYPE] MODEL Strafe MK 16
Manufacturer: Nix Mechanics Manufacturer: Aileron Omnidynamics

Faction: Theocracy, the Church of the Celestial Myriad Faction: Corporatocracy; Exodus Republic Inc.

Role: Rapid assault lancer unit; it’s an impossibly fast, close combat machine designed Role: Skirmisher; it performs rapid hit and run strikes with its machine guns on
to destroy key targets and cause maximal confusion and panic vulnerable targets

Intended Load: Medium Intended Load: Light or Medium

Standard Loadout: Wrist-mounted beam cannons, rending Standard Loadout: A full flight system, machine guns. The Medium Load variant has
claws, shifting boosters that double as a shield Armor

Action Points: 2 Maneuver, 1 Destroy Action Points: 2 Maneuver, 1 Battle

Appearance: The X-DKR1-A Highwayman [PROTOTYPE] (usually just Highwayman) is

a machine made of repeated inverted teardrops—round and curved at the top,
tightening to an elongated, sharp point at the bottom. The body looks like an Appearance: A
exaggerated suit of knight’s armor to the point where it barely looks humanoid, giving squat, yet streamlined
it an air of patrician danger and uncanny menace. Matte figure resembling a fighter
white armor plating. The fingers all extend, too long, into jet with narrow arms and legs
vicious claws for rending through heavy armor. that extend downwards like
Each shoulder mounts two long, narrow additional wings. Their flattened
shield binders (one in front, one behind) profile appears clumsy when not
that look like streamers or pennants seen in motion. Its head comes to
hanging down from the armored a point with a rounded cockpit on
pauldrons. Each binder carries verniers front, and jet thrusters dominate
underneath the shielded front. The front its back
binders can sweep back to give the
Suggested Quirks:
Highwayman an extreme boost of
speed. Each binder can also articulate None Faster,
and group with the others to form Built for the Sky,
protective shields
Fighter Craft,
Suggested Quirks:
Over Engineered
Crushing Speed,

Articulated Shield Binders,

Merciless Claws,

Upsetting and Uncanny

380 381
: :

MODEL Amphitheatre MK 3 MODEL Extractor Type B
Manufacturer: Shake & Shout Entertainment Products Manufacturer: Carry-All Corp

Faction: Corporatocracy; Exodus Republic Inc. Faction: Corporatocracy, Exodus Republic Inc.

Role: Mobile performance space; it has the capacity to transport stage, props, Role: Aggressive material extraction; it’s designed to tear apart other AWVs (whether
broadcasting equipment, and performers already ruined or still active) and harvest their valuable parts
Intended Load: Heavy
Load: Medium
Standard Loadout: A holo-projector, broadcast system, cargo and passenger space,
and an anchor system Standard Loadout: Cargo space, burst thrusters with glider wings, metal-rending
claws and hammer
Action Points: 1 Maneuver, 1 Manipulate, 1 Scan
Action Points: 1 Maneuver, 1 Destroy, 1 Manipulate
Appearance: A large set of treads moves a
massive cargo and passenger space. Once it Appearance: A low-slung head is made up of a sharp, beak-shaped cockpit that is
attaches to the ground with its anchors, the articulated from the torso. Burst thrusters and stubby extendable glider wings provide
cargo space opens and reshapes into a brief spurts of agility and speed. Two arms hang below the glider wings, one with a
performance venue while integrated cranes blunt hammer end and the other with long, sharp fingers. Black-green, oily overlapping
set up the stage. The vehicle contains plates make up the
extensive audio-visual tools, capable of hull. Sensors and
broadcasting to crowds both present and equipment all face
digital forwards towards its prey.
Short, tightly sprung legs give it
Suggested Quirks:
a waddling appearance, but it
Monitoring System, brings the speed when it’s time
Rolling Building, to lunge or retreat

Loud & Showy, Suggested Quirks:

Teched Up, Rapacious Manipulators,

Jumpy Maneuvering,

Single-Focused Targeting,

Easy Cockpit Access

382 383
MODEL Bunker Type - T :

MODEL Balisong
Manufacturer: Akrose & Shepherd's Acquisitions Manufacturers Manufacturer: Armored Front Core Mechanics

Faction: Corporatocracy, Exodus Republic Inc. Faction: Democracy; Democratic Federated Systems

Role: Mech squad housing and transportation; it boasts a huge open hangar with Role: Rapid response; despite its size and light armament, this AWV can overcome
various deployment methods for transporting mechs of small-to-medium sizes and much fiercer opponents through clever use of its holo-projector
their attendant staff
Intended Load: Light
Intended Load: Heavy
Standard Loadout: A holo-projector, machine gun, and shield
Standard Loadout: Thick Plating, All-Terrain Hover Treads, Hangared Cargo Bay,
Action Points: Battle 1, Maneuver 1, Manipulate 1
Greenhouse Half-shell
Appearance: This AWV’s proportions are very human, with two legs, two arms, and a
Action Points: 2 Scan, 1 Maneuver
head. Its most distinctive feature is its shell, composed of many triangular surfaces and
Appearance: Large, long, and bulky, it's built for capacity and traveling long distances pyramidal frame components. Its machine gun and shield are carried in humanoid
through harsh environments, including active warzones. The exterior is shaped similar hands, while the holo-projector resembles a
to a tortoise flipped onto its shell—the top is flat, and the hover treads on the bottom backpack
point outwards at an angle. The cockpit resembles a turtle head sticking out near the
Suggested Quirks:
top with a bay window-like view of the surrounding area. The top of most Type-Ts have
a reinforced greenhouse bubble. A majority of the interior is dedicated to the large Common Frame,
hangar bay for transporting other mechs, which may be deployed from the back, top, Nimble & Light,
and bottom. While its exterior looks like standard transport, it has housing quarters that
Beginner Friendly,
are small but surprisingly accommodating
Well Known
Suggested Quirks:

Finicky Remote Access AI,

Dense and Heavy,

Luxury Kitchen,

Mech Launcher

384 385
: :

MODEL Claymore MODEL Shotel
Manufacturer: Admirably Superior Electronics Manufacturer: Gambert Iarrah Manufacturing

Faction: Democracy; Democratic Federated Systems Faction: Democracy, Democratic Federated Systems

Role: Static Defense; it finds a position with clear lines of sight and embeds itself Role: Ace unit; it’s highly mobile and heavily armed for medium-range and close
combat. It specializes in evading danger when surrounded and one-on-one combat to
Intended Load: Heavy
eliminate commander units
Standard Loadout: A back-mounted heavy energy cannon, side-mounted directed
Intended Load: Medium
energy weapons, armor, and an anchor system
Standard Loadout: Overloaded boosters, varied assault weaponry, heat daggers,
Action Points: Destroy 2, Bombard 1
and a boosted reactor
Appearance: This quadrupedal vehicle has a distinctive, squat build. It’s similar to a
Action Points: 2 Maneuver, 1 Battle
bulldog, and very different from the thin frame common to DFS AWVs. A powerful
reactor provides the energy for its heavy cannon to engage targets at range, and its Appearance: The vehicle’s humanoid appearance is clean and slick, with sharp
DEWs to defend against closer threats angles. Its white color is designed to be flashy, so that despite being a mid-range
combat AWV, it keeps the enemy focused on it instead
Suggested Quirks:
of its squad. The hands weren’t designed for the
Aggressive Targeters, finest control, but they’re adept at quickly
Oversized Reactor, reaching and grabbing the vehicle’s various
loadouts. The head flares out with a new
Compact Design,
model of an antenna that helps
Heavy Step communicate with the squad at longer
distances while it zips around on
powerful boosters. Said boosters
were developed for fighter jets,
but have been retrofitted for this
unit. In dire cases, the boosters can be
repositioned to work as a point-blank flame
attack, while also providing a quick getaway
from someone who got a little too close

Suggested Quirks:

Heavy-duty Boosters,

Custom Hardpoints,

Explosive Backburner,

Sensitive Controls

386 387
: :

MODEL Scalpel MODEL Iron Star
Manufacturer: Valiant Industries Manufacturer: Bukowski-Zhen Vehicle Yards

Faction: Democracy, Democratic Federated Systems Faction: Oligarchy, the Adamant Council of Nor

Role: Scouting and harassment; avoiding direct combat at all costs, this AWV excels at Role: Rapid Assault; it’s capable of lightning strikes and direct combat when necessary
information gathering and aiding its allies by providing distracting fire
Intended Load: Medium
Intended Load: Light
Standard Loadout: A mobility suite, armor, and a weapon appropriate for the mission
Standard Loadout: A light machine gun, and a full-flight system
Action Points: 1 Maneuver, 1 Battle, 1 Scan
Action Points: 1 Scan, 1 Maneuver, 1 Battle
Appearance: In place of legs, this AWV has four long, cylindrical boosters that swivel
Appearance: The Scalpel has a dragonfly-like design with a heavy “head” covered in at the hip in concert. An armored skirt protects the delicate hip joints and gives it a
various individual cameras, scanners, receivers, and other information-gathering rounded, beetle-like appearance. A similarly bulbous pair of arms end in weapon
technology. Its long chassis has enough space for a single pilot to fit in the cramped, attachment points instead of hands. The head is a smooth dome with recessed sensors
pod-like cockpit near the front. Long, semitransparent wings have limited mobility, that can extend for greater clarity when not in danger
allowing the device to glide for long stretches, aided by discrete thrusters that are flush
Suggested Quirks:
with the dark, lusterless, blue-black metal used in the shell. A light machine gun can be
deployed from the underbelly of the Scalpel, as to not increase drag when the AWV Rugged Hardpoints,
goes full speed Overactive Sensors,
Suggested Quirks: Hot Boosters,
Near 360 Degree Sensors, Light Footed
Light and Quick,

Narrow Frame,

Gossamer Wings

388 389
: :

MODEL Comet Chrome MODEL Tin Orbit
Manufacturer: Fulsome & Associates Manufacturing Manufacturer: Sol Universal Motors

Faction: Oligarchy, the Adamant Council of Nor Faction: Oligarchy, the Adamant Council of Nor

Role: Blockade breaker; it’s heavily armored and brutally fast, smashing through Role: Armored logistics transportation; this AWV has a modifiable carrying capacity, as
enemy lines containers can be added to the hardpoints on its sides and back. It keeps more sensitive
cargo inside its armored bulk
Intended Load: Powerful boosters, thick armor, and an inertial resistant cockpit
Intended Load: Heavy
Standard Loadout: Heavy
Standard Loadout: Thick armor, cargo space, camouflage
Action Points: 2 Destroy, 1 Maneuver
Action Points: 1 Manipulate, 2 Scan
Appearance: A truncated cone with a rounded nose and flared base, almost
Appearance: A quadrupedal AWV with an Suggested Quirks:
resembling a hemisphere. High power boosters on the flat back provide intense speed
upright torso and inset head, like a
and force. Its rounded shape deflects incoming attacks and any obstacle in its way Hanging Camouflage,
centaur with no neck. Two thick
Suggested Quirks: industrial arms and hands. The Faulty AR Warpers,

High-G Speed, core has very thick armor Military Workhorse,

plating and a spacious cockpit.
Signal Deflection, Weighty
It has a unique sense of
Weighty, style—it has a roll cage on
the front, and often carries
Point & Go
plants of various shapes
and sizes to give the
Tin Orbit natural
camouflage when
the “saddlebag”
cargo containers
aren’t in use

390 391
: :

MODEL Engineered Elegant Logistics (EEL) MODEL Neon Bolide
Manufacturer: Izya Dynamic Engineering Solutions Manufacturer: Fulsome & Associates Manufacturing

Faction: Independent Faction: Oligarchy; The Adamant Council of Nor

Role: Transport; its unique mobility system allows for transport across land and Role: Blockade Breaker; utilizes its speed and defensive energy field to pierce through
underwater enemy lines.

Intended Load: Light Intended Load: Medium

Standard Loadout: A wave fin mobility system, cargo space Standard Loadout: A mobility suite, forcefield, and machine gun

Action Points: 2 Maneuver, 1 Manipulate Action Points: 2 Maneuver, 1 Skirmish

Appearance: A long, rectangular body with rounded edges contains the cockpit and Appearance: Like many Norrish AWVs, the Neon Bolide features a rounded,
cargo space. Both of its sides have wavy, flexible fins running its length that its pilot wide-shouldered silhouette that sees the unit's head lowered into its torso. Below that
can coordinate for speedy movement over land and underwater. Many describe it as torso, though, are this machine's most distinctive quality: a pair of bulbous legs fitted
“swimming,” regardless of the terrain it tackles with state-of-the-art hover boots, which allow the Neon Bolide to "skate" across
battlefields at high speeds while still maintaining a great deal of the flexibility afforded
Suggested Quirks:
by bipedal design when facing uneven terrain. While the Neon Bolide doesn't have
All-Terrain, much in the way of offensive weaponry (the pair of light canons
Unusual Movement, affixed to its low collar aren't very intimidating), its
hands do feature a modified version of
Stable Efficiency,
the hover engines on its feet,
Civilian Design allowing it to project a
limited energy field to
deflect incoming
projectiles and arms fire.

Suggested Quirks:

Swerving Hover,

Howling Speed,

Prototype Defenses,

Concealed Compartment

392 393
: :

MODEL Bulkhead MODEL Agrarian
Manufacturer: Sun and Sons Building and Breaking Company Manufacturer: The Work Room

Faction: Independent Faction: Independent

Role: Assassin; it’s capable of leaping great distances without heated propulsion, and Role: Agricultural work; it clears fields
dealing devastating damage at close range of large obstacles, and conducts large-
scale digging, etc. Can be equipped
Intended Load: Light
with weapons and armor, using its
Standard Loadout: Inertial resistant cockpit, magnetically launched wrecking ball, sturdy base and strength to
magnetized hands protect allies on the front lines
Action Points: 2 Destroy, 1 Maneuver Intended Load: Heavy
Appearance: This AWV is repurposed from a construction center. Its torso is hollow Standard Loadout: An
down the middle, making it look like a “U.” The cockpit is located on the AWV’s left side. industrial tool used as a
Coming up from the torso are rails that can extend or retract a distance equal to the melee weapon, an
height of the torso. These rails hold a “wrecking ball” that generally sits at the base of anchor system, a
the “U” in the torso, which it can accelerate—similar to a railgun. Since the wrecking shield, and armor
ball requires the torso to bend at the waist, the cockpit can rotate to look out of the
Action Points: 2
top of the shoulder as well as forward. A pair of humanoid arms emerge from
Battle, 1 Manipulate
near the top of the U-shaped torso, ending in magnetized hands
for clinging to buildings. Its legs have a reversed knee to Appearance: Built for
help aim the wrecking ball. It’s not unusual to see one labor, many of its parts
sitting like a dog. look more industrial than
humanoid. It uses four sturdy legs to
Suggested Quirks:
support its bulky core. The cockpit is located in the core, which can get
Simple Mechanics, cramped if armor and aiming systems are added to the AWV. The head houses sensors
Up Close Impersonal, and is often decorated. The arms and hands are just one step away from construction
equipment, ending in hands that are similar to a loader crane’s claw
Inaccurate Self-Catapult,
Suggested Quirks:
Small Flex-Limbs
Slow & Steady,

Loudly Industrial,

Heavy Handed,

Analog Controls

394 395

MODEL The Jousting Bar Inn and Pub One hand hefts a large lance with a rocket booster on the end. When the vehicle
opens fire, the land is generally slammed into the ground to keep the vehicle in place.
Manufacturer: Jim Wallace and Associates LLC But it can also be used to fend off enemy AWVs that get too close.

Faction: Independent Suggested Quirks:

Role: Terrain Complication; it’s heavily armored and loaded with devastating (and Sturdy Foundation,
imprecise) weapons designed primarily to make movement all but impossible for an Disposable Armor,
Experimental Munitions,
Intended Load: Heavy
Jury-rigged Sensors
Standard Loadout: Cheap, disposable armor plating (often just junk bolted on to
hardpoints). Several mortars and howitzers. A rocket-powered lance that acts as a
stabilizer or last ditch weapon

Action Points: 2 Bombard, 1 Destroy

Appearance: The Jousting Boar Inn & Pub is an inn and pub that was retrofitted into a
machine of war, following the destruction of its predecessor. After a stray rocket
destroyed the pub, its owner, Jim Wallace, built a new one to enact vengeance on the
Adamant Council of Nor. The vehicle’s torso is the pub itself: a tiered, three-story
English building decorated with flower baskets and a traditional sign, which features a
charging boar above crossed lances. It functions as an inn and pub most of the time. In
battle, four stumpy legs fold out from underneath the establishment. These legs
feature clawed feet for stability. Crude arms tipped with four equal “fingers” extend
from either side of the building, and a variety of mortars and howitzers extend from the
windows and roof.

A large, flattened, pyramid of a head, vaguely reminiscent of a boar,

slides over the front of the pub from the roof. It features a pair of
communication fins in place of tusks (one or the other is often
chipped or damaged), and mismatched sensors and
cameras roughly where its nostrils and eyes would
be. There are armored shutters over all its
windows and doors in this mode,
although many of the flower baskets
are still visible. Swaying plates of junk
that were hastily forged into armor hang
from hardpoints in the eaves like scale mail. The
plates are often replaced, and rarely have any aesthetic unity. Patrons must sign a
waiver if they intend to stay in the vehicle during combat.

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augmented reality (ar)

augmented reality (ar)

AUGMENTED REALITY Programs, Proxies, Apps, and AI
In Beam Saber, the physical space and digital space have a nearly ubiquitous In the age of AR, digital entities are as common as electricity. These digital
overlap, known as Augmented Reality (AR). Interacting with, editing, and programming entities control almost every piece of equipment that has a CPU, which is almost
digital tools is as important and common a skill as basic literacy and numeracy. The everything that needs power—but they aren’t all created equal. There are four types
flow of digital information surrounds people every day, even though the general public (in order of rising complexity): programs, proxies, apps, and artificial intelligences.
can’t detect the vast majority of this AR. The AR that people do perceive can take many However, these boundaries are flexible. There are recorded instances of a digital
different forms (graffiti, advertisements, automated guides, etc.), though it would need entity's capabilities changing, either through outside tampering or self-alteration to
specialized equipment to apply kinetic force to you. better fulfill its goals. The frequency of these shifts is unclear, especially with the
AR displays require a holo-projector, a system that displays lifelike 3D images definitions themselves being somewhat porous.
consisting entirely of light. Displays that require interaction with the physical world are
commonly packaged with speakers (if the intended purpose requires audio output) and
input devices (such as cameras and microphones). Some rare and expensive displays
add kinetic elements—coordinated temperature and fan controls at the low end, right
The simplest of digital entities is the program. Of the four
up to full environments that can be shifted through robotic armatures.
types, it’s the only one without a hint of intelligence. They are
Even without the capacity to touch the physical world, AR has been known to tools controlled and supervised by people and more complex
induce Augmented Reality Confusion (ARC) when it is programmed to be aggressive. A digital entities (who may also be people). They generally
person experiencing ARC cannot distinguish between reality and the infotech overlay. perform one task (or type of task) when told, and have no real
Sometimes this takes the form of being unable to escape an AR maze, denying the ability to use their own initiative. For example, someone may use a program to write
truth of the world in favor of the idealized AR, or misidentifying the people around their emails. The program tells its user that they received an email, but it cannot create
them. Most digital entities that cause ARC do so accidentally in pursuit of their function, and send a unique reply (though it might give the user suggestions when they compose
but some are maliciously (and illegally) designed to ensnare and misdirect the a message).
observer. 1.25”x1.8”

Just like any other piece of infrastructure, even the safest designs become
hazardous when damaged. If the software controlling a display becomes corrupted, it Proxies
may attempt to pursue its function in unsafe manners. A corrupted advertisement, for
Proxies are almost a necessity in the highly digitized world
example, might infiltrate and override smart locks to imprison a potential customer
that pilots inhabit. They are personal assistants that manage their
until they purchase the product. A working AR display’s hardware is dangerous if it’s
user’s daily digital chores and are the most common form of app.
damaged, such as a light bulb that explodes into glass shards when it attempts to
Many sort data, such as news sites and email accounts for notable
provide a gentle glow. Unfortunately, displays with damaged digital and physical
entries. Others use them for more specialized tasks, such as audio
elements are common in war-torn areas, and may produce monsters that intentionally
transcription, spreading spam, or stock trading. All of them are
harm users. A corrupted prosthetic eye sales display with access to exploding light
used for daily scheduling to various degrees. When viewed in AR,
bulbs and smartlocks is a terror to any that come close.
they appear as whatever their user desires, though most resemble
the user themself as a default setting. The pilots almost certainly
have their own proxies.

Unlike programs, proxies can act on their own initiative based on its understanding

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augmented reality (ar)

augmented reality (ar)

of the user's desires. For example, if the user is in a business call and receives an email,
a properly calibrated proxy would know whether to push the email to the user's attention,
block it as spam, write a brief reply, or whatever option the user's preferences would
indicate. However, while proxies have a broad set of skills, none of them are especially
deep. The proxy may write a brief email reply, but it couldn’t maintain a conversation
outside of answering questions from its data bank.

Apps 2.25”x2”

While more complicated than proxies in

some ways, apps are more of a lateral move in
complexity. Apps are closer to programs in their
level of focus; they perform tasks in one narrow
field, but are very good at them. “Broad apps”
are therefore commonly known as “proxies,”
while “deep apps” are shortened to just “apps.”

Just like proxies, apps often have an

avatar to ease interactions with physical
entities. These avatars can be any shape, but
most developers set them to an image that quickly conveys their purpose—an office
Artificial Intelligences
Artificial Intelligences (AIs) are the most complex of digital entities. They are
assistant app may appears as a paperclip with eyes. App avatars are usually basic, as
both “broad” AND “deep,” and if they aren’t initially programmed with the ability to
they are not always meant to be public facing.
perform a task, they can learn it. More than that, AIs have ambitions and a sense of self.
In spite of these attempts at being user friendly, people often find apps more Their desires frequently grow from their need to fulfill their original design, but branch
frustrating than proxies. For one, people usually understand programs and their out into its own purpose.
limitations better, as they’re more common. But apps also tend to be obsessive—a
AIs are massively powerful, both in the physical and digital world. They can
combination of a narrow, but deep, knowledge base and the freedom to act and react
manipulate digital systems to carry out any number of effects, and maneuver people
using its own initiative. Apps are known to bring interactions with others around to their
into doing their bidding. Their goals, wants, and needs could reflect those a physical
specialty. If asked a question beyond their area of expertise, they typically respond with
entity may possess, but these desires are often incomprehensible. With access to email
suggested topics that it thinks are similar and related to its knowledge base.
accounts (fairly gained or not), an AI could create an alliance between three different
Apps can be downright dangerous when misused. An email-writing app that has squads by sending them the right messages at the right time. Alternatively, it could
the freedom to pen a reply would be difficult to differentiate from an email written by induce people to murder each other during a meeting of those squads, and only the AI
a person. If the app is corrupted, it might send one or more emails that do lasting harm would know what purpose that served.
to its user's reputation.

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list of factions

list of factions
The Factions described here are examples to be used as written, mined for
inspiration, or discarded as each group requires. They are built to be flavorful, with lots
of room for players and GMs to add their own ideas.

The Democratic Federated Systems, a Democracy

The Exodus was planned incredibly well in spite of the political storm it caused.
The number of people who fled the devastated Earth were well beyond the most
optimistic projections. But the plan went wrong when they came across the enemy. The
same enemy that destroyed the Earth: humanity.

People are messy. They desire control for themselves and compromise from
others. Perhaps not in all aspects of their life, but enough to inevitably cause problems.
Despair, jealousy, anger. Theft, threats, murders. Only their greatest ally could save
them: humanity.

People are good. They want to help others and are willing to make a sacrifice for
a better world. Perhaps not everyone, nor all the time, but on enough Exodus ships
there were helpers. When another ship’s systems failed, the necessary parts would be While the civilian stylings are incredibly diverse, the DFS military has a very
traded at a loss. If it was too far gone, passengers would be distributed among other consistent uniform. An emerald green uniform with gold trim, and some white details
ships. Many banded together to fight off swindlers, extortionists, and raiders. for officers. Each uniform features a DFS flag on one shoulder, while the soldier’s unit
symbol is on the other. Many systems also have allowances for inclusion of culturally
The Democratic Federated Systems (DFS) was born from this mess, this
significant items.
patchwork community of necessity. Their government resembles its history, full of
internal conflict, compromise, and cooperation. Unsurprisingly, its citizens take pride in Much like their civilian clothes, DFS buildings have many designs, and are made
that tumult, they’re the children of the storm after all. using locally available materials. Government buildings, when possible, use local
materials to build structures with triangular surfaces. The idea started as an homage
to the stars on the flag, and grew to such popularity that any town without a “local star”

Aesthetic is viewed as insufficiently patriotic.

Whether through parallel design or a reinforcing inspiration loop, the technology

The fashions of the DFS are as varied as the cultures that are represented in its
of the DFS has similarly triangular designs. When paired with the titanium steel alloys
parliament. Some prefer tight-fitting clothing, some prefer outfits that flow loosely
they commonly use, it’s no surprise that their AWVs often get nicknamed after various
around them, and they feature all sorts of materials, colors, and symbolic meaning.
blades. Poorly trained enemy soldiers have been known to misidentify infantry firearms
However, the cross-pollination of ideas between systems will likely cause a style to
as melee weapons, often fatally.
seize the sensibilities of multiple systems simultaneously.

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list of factions
Exodus Republic Incorporated, a Corporatocracy
Many of the Exodus ships were sponsored and built by corporations with pockets
deep enough to foot the massive costs. The ships were then filled with executives,
shareholders, key technical personnel, and their families. They set forth to find a new
home and build a society based on their shared value of merit measured by wealth.

Over several generations, collecting wealth into a single entity for increased
political power became key to directing the course of their fledgling society. However,
a group of shareholders decided that there was an inefficiency that could be cut out,
and voted as a corporation instead of individuals. After the initial success of their trick,
other corporations followed suit, which quickly lead to a disenfranchisement of the
individual. Many generations later, the disembodied corporations are the entities that
now occupy the board of directors for Exodus Republic Inc., continually guiding
themselves to greater profit!

There isn’t a common style of fashion among the civilians of Exodus Republic
Inc., as each citizen corporation requires its workers to wear the company uniform. The near equal mix of wide and narrow angles found in Exodun architecture is
Uniform style can vary greatly depending on the corp’s nature, but the vast majority of also found in their technology. The “wasted” space of the narrow angles is a sign of
them feature the company’s logo. The uniforms tend towards practicality, providing a luxury for people, which they then offset by making the most of the wider angles. In
minimal amount of protection and assistance for the wearer’s job. vehicles, this is alternately argued as being aerodynamic or offering increased ballistic
While the civilian garb is garishly varied with their corp’s aesthetic, the military protection depending on the vehicle’s role. In all cases, plastics precisely engineered to
wear across corps is very similar. The military style features comfortable clothes that have the desired properties are employed, giving a sleek, easily marketed look that
provide freedom of movement when worn under body armor. Rigging full of pockets other cultures derivatively describe as “toyetic.”
and weapon harness points cover their armor. All of this features dark greys and black.

Exodun buildings commonly feature a sleek, steel, and glass design with
trapezoidal shapes. Many of them are partially or entirely pre-fabricated and then
assembled on site. They build high and dense to make the most use of the space
available. If a room or hallway can be an inch narrower and still function, that inch will
be used to squeeze in another room somewhere else. Non-Exoduns tend to see these
buildings as claustrophobic, and those with mobility issues find them nightmarish to
move through (they’re viewed as an inefficiency to be removed).

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list of factions
The Jovangellian Empire, an Autocracy
On the planet Jovangel, Her Highness Cascade the Fourth, Warden of the People, Empress
of Stars, Duchess on the Emerald Chair sits on the throne. She is 8 months old. In her
swaddling blanket, the royal scepter and crown are placed next to her by the Regent
General Bellimine. The former High General is whispered to be responsible for the terrorist
attack that killed the previous Emperors, but those who speak louder are quickly silenced.

Of course, a military leader taking control in a time of crisis is nothing new to the people
of the empire.

The Inevitable Will was one of the many Exodus ships that failed a short time after leaving
Earth. Its captain couldn’t bargain with another ship, the Glowing Path, for the parts it
needed. He was prepared to do anything that could mitigate the damage, but the outlook
was bleak. Major Chantelle Jovangel, the Inevitable’s head of security, said that her people
would not be left to die. She lead her security team in a daring boarding action to take
control of the Glowing Path. The necessary supplies were taken from the ship and used to
repair her own ship. However, she saw the likely fate of the Path’s people laid at her feet.
The boarding action that saved the Inevitable wiped out the opposing senior crew.
Jovangel could not allow the leaderless to die because of a foolish decision made by
The military itself has a definitive pride in its appearance; even the combat
others. At her command, the two ships were joined into a fleet under her command. Thus
uniforms give the sense that they would be appropriate formal wear. Actual dress uniforms
began the era of the Jovangellian Fleet, the militant predecessor of the empire.
feature epaulettes indicating rank and role, sashes that bear individual and squad honors,
Despite the recent upheaval and rumors of usurpation, life is largely unchanged for the and ceremonial (though functional) weapons. Both combat and dress uniforms are
Jovangellian people. Bellimine reaffirmed the empire’s commitment to continuing The War traditionally dark colors with gold and purple details.
that has dominated human civilization for a hundred years. They will not allow the
Traditional architectural style uses cut stone blocks as the basis for their
empire’s grand history of strength and beauty to be snuffed out in this moment of
exteriors. However, as the material is difficult to acquire and building with it poses
some limitations, most stone exteriors are imitation or a thin façade. Even
organizations that can afford the stone blocks often prefer concrete and rebar for its
strength and design flexibility.
Aesthetic Technical design makes frequent use of hard angles and flat surfaces. This
Jovangellian culture favors clean lines and hard edges in its architecture, fashion, preference comes from the efficiency of machine-stamped parts that can be assembled
and vehicles, with flourishes to evoke details that would presumably be practical in with rivets and bolts. Their silhouettes are distinctively rectangular in comparison to
combat situations. Most civilian fashions take their cue from the dominant military the vehicles of other Factions. The only real curves in Jovangellian design are
government, and express clear variations on traditional martial design—oversized coats concessions to the necessary ergonomics of where human meets machine.
that lack fasteners but have epaulets, tactical short shorts, and shoulder holsters for
wallets and clutches.

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list of factions
The Adamant Council of Nor, an Oligarchy
The Exodus ships that failed did so because their leaders were weak. They didn’t
act when they should have, and when they did? They acted poorly due to pressure from
the masses, when they should have been resolute. Those that survived had skilled,
proactive, senior crew. They made the tough choices, sacrificing the weak for the good
of the pack.

A network of respect grew between the ships led by strong councils of senior
staff. Word passed among them that a meeting would be held in orbit above the gas
giant, Nor. Looking down upon the roiling blue-greens of the planet, a group of hard-
eyed people cautiously gathered to discuss the future. Betrayals both violent and
subtle were not unusual amongst them; they called it the “Hard Choice” to make it
seem a necessity. There were no Hard Choices at this gathering, at least none that were
overt, just, resolute negotiation. The topic of discussion was saving humanity. Earth had
been lost to weak leaders, and that legacy had followed them into space as
demonstrated by the failed Exodus ships. Only the people at this gathering had the will
and cunning to return humanity to prosperity. Putting the pieces back together would
not be easy nor quick, but this Adamant Council would guide the masses.

The rounded shapes of most Norrish buildings stand out when surrounded by the

Aesthetic more angular architecture of the other Factions. They’re frequently described as “shell-
like," but whether turtle or snail depends on the architect and observer. Even their
The origin of Norrish culture remains at the center of their fashion: shipboard life. skyscrapers, which are rare, look like towering columns of opaque bubbles piled on top
Their outfits are traditionally form-fitting to save material, personalized with simple of each other, as Norrish construction favors underground structures. With their history
strips and swathes of color (often teal and black). Sometimes, body parts that might be as spacers, they have a culturally common indifference to cramped spaces and a desire
prone to the impact of a ship’s hull (shoulders, elbows, knees, wrists) receive padding to avoid disruption of the natural landscapes they were denied for so long. Frequently,
of varying shape and thickness. The materials and construction techniques are also not they add to it with exterior gardens on their buildings that are above ground.
commonly found in other groups, and non-Norrish people often have a hard time
Curved design carries through to their technology, which usually takes on a
figuring out how their clothes work.
beetle-like appearance. The heads of their AWVs tend to be recessed into the torso, but
Uniforms in the Norrish military have been a frequent source of controversy, are still a separate entity providing protection and the ability to look around. They also
both within its populace and in diplomatic interactions with the other Factions. This feature separated bodies, with the torso and pelvis being distinct contoured forms.
comes from the undeniable similarity between common civilian clothes and military Sometimes, foe suspect this a weak point until the pilot takes advantage of the
garb. The only notable differences are that military colors denote the House that the increased flexibility.
soldier belongs to, and the presence of curved armor plating that is layered over the
uniforms (which is often mistaken for civilian padding).

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list of factions
The Church of the Celestial Myriad, a Theocracy
When humanity fled Earth and its ruination for the stars, it did so in a panic with
little regard for other people. Each Exodus ship fought tooth and nail to survive the
harsh dark between the stars, trading with and raiding other ships for failing parts.
Some did not follow that path, and instead built networks based on aid without
expectation, ascending to a better way. This way of life gave birth to the Church of the
Celestial Myriad as lead by The Faith.

In the hundreds of years since its formal founding, the Myriad (as it is commonly
known) has spread across systems, and now wields influence beyond its borders. Led
by the 98th Faith, it has grown to become the largest religion, with followers within
every Faction. However, its size means it encompasses an incredible variety of
interpretations of religious doctrine, with some being co-opted by those who seek
power. Acting through their agents, called the Breath Of Faith, The Faith works to keep
the Myriad united in their purpose of bringing humanity together under its principles of
mutual support. Humanity ascended to the stars, and the stars shall push them to
ascend to greater heights.

Aesthetic Myriad buildings have an ovoid appearance in many instances, featuring

straight lines with rounded edges. Many support elements of their architecture are
The line between military and civilian in Myriad territory can be confusing. Many shaped into prominent people, expressing their strength and ability to uphold the
of its citizens are members of a religious order, and many of those orders have military community. Local materials are commonly used, except when the architect wants an
training. Regardless of the martial nature of an order, its traditions determine what its awe-inspiring appearance, in which case they use natural or artificial marble. Gold and
members wear. Loose, royal blue, hooded robes are common among the populace to bronze accents complement the marble.
symbolize the release of the self to the greater population (though only a few orders
outright ban personalization). While all of them feature the eight-pointed star of the The smooth, gently curved surfaces of Myriad technical design are a result of the
Church, there are often variations depending on the order. For example, the March of proprietary ceramics that factors into so much of their manufacturing. Like the alloys
Saints feature the golden rings of its order around the star. and plastics common to other Factions, the Church’s ceramics can be mixed and
prepared in specific ways to attain desired properties. The soft lines, combined with the
Though many orders can function as a militia when necessary, there are those traditional mix of pale colors trimmed with bright ones, give an almost organic
dedicated to combat. Outside of conflict zones, these orders wear the royal blue robes appearance that outsiders often find unnerving.
common in the wider population, though it’s common for them to still wear their battle
gear underneath. Said battle gear reflects their order’s martial focus—AWV pilots wear
tight outfits that don’t interfere with their controls, infantry add the distinctive
porcelain-esque ceramic armor of the Myriad, and sappers have the tools of their trade.

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list of factions

list of factions
These “Factions” are a scattering of unaligned squads, each pursuing their own Below is a list of squads sorted by Faction and Tier who exert power in the Izyan
goals. Generally they are Earthers, though there are some Offworlder Independents. theatre. They can be used in the Izyan setting, modified to better fit a group’s version
Some are freedom fighters, others criminals, a few mercenaries, but all of those of Izya, deployed into a new, unique setting, or ignored entirely. Use them as you see fit.
descriptors depend on who you ask. These Factions lack the support network that a
patron Faction provides, putting the players at a disadvantage if they choose to be
Independent. Autocracy Squads
The Landed Regent is the planetside The Jovangellian Jackals are the

Aesthetic representative of the Emperor.

GOAL: Accrue the power necessary to
diplomats and spies for Jovangel in
overthrow rivals. GOAL: Keep Izya divided until the
With no formal hierarchy among the Independents, their clothing is similarly Jovangellian military arrives in force.
anarchic. Many people have adopted the fashions of whatever Offworlder Faction has
influence over their home region—whether it’s to integrate or avoid persecution, or the (TIER IV-W)
The Lion’s Pride is a group of nobles (TIER II-S)
fact that these clothes are just readily available. It’s not unusual to see an Earther tasked with the largely ceremonial task The Society for Wider
wearing a Jovangellian coat over a DFS t-shirt and jeans, with a branded Exodun hat. of protecting The Landed Regent. Understanding directs the news
releases within the Autocracy.
Without an organized military structure, militant Independents lack a shared GOAL: Gain legitimacy as fighters.
GOAL: Sway public opinion for the
logistics chain, leading to ad-hoc equipment arrangements. Many use gear sourced Autocracy’s benefit.
(whether purchased or stolen) from the Offworlders, especially if they want to remain (TIER III-S)
unnoticed. Less careful guerrillas risk getting caught out by clever guards who notice The Dragon Slayers are an elite
pursuit unit recently transferred to the (TIER I-W)
minor accessories from enemy Factions. region. The Exiled Academy is a group of
engineers and scholars that left the
Before the Offworlders’ landing, most local buildings were made of concrete, GOAL: Destroy or retrieve the stolen Teachers’ Union. They believe a strong
mobile fortress. leader is necessary, and want to spread
brick, and stone. Now most local buildings are made of rubble. Those who rebuilt had
that knowledge.
to use Offworlder sources selling local materials. The destitute made due with
(TIER III-W) GOAL: Infiltrate the Teachers' Union.
repurposing abandoned materials.
The Heard are an artillery company
The arrival of The War to Izya killed local manufacturing. This forced known for their accuracy, but prefer
indiscriminate destruction. (TIER I-S)
Independents to make use of whatever tech they could find, even if it was never meant The Hyenas are a mech squad
to fit together. Many Independent engineers and mechanics became skilled at shaping GOAL: Crush the foe. focused on close-quarters combat.
mismatched tech and pushing civilian machines to destructive ends. The chimeric GOAL: Make a mess of the foe.
machines that Earthers use have Offworlder weapons from various Factions loaded (TIER II-S)
onto construction, agriculture, and leisure AWVs. The Wolf Pack is a recently
devastated vanguard unit. (TIER I-S)
The Raccoons are a supplies
GOAL: Regain strength. collection squad that terrorizes
vulnerable pockets of civilians.
GOAL: Pillage the weak.

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list of factions

list of factions
Corporatocracy Squads Democracy Squads
Trans-Horizons Incorporated is the Tollmen Enterprises work the docks. The People's Hall of Petitioners' The Quill are a union of writers and
majority shareholder of the Regional Known for protection rackets and Matters is the bureaucratic journalists. They also operate the
Development Council. smuggling. organization in charge of managing the premier courier service.
Democratic efforts. They were
GOAL: Gain control of the other GOAL: Earn their pay. originally created to manage the locals’ GOAL: Gather information of value.
corporations. complaints about the Democracy.

(TIER II-W) GOAL: Integrate Izya's populace. (TIER II-S)

(TIER IV-S) Sapperson Incorporated is a The Dark Room is a black ops
The Regional Development Council transhumanist research group that deniable asset deployed from a stealth
are a group that represents the specializes genetic modification. (TIER IV-S) orbital platform.
interests of the corporations in Izya. 42nd Naval Group is comprised of
Each company has one seat on the GOAL: Get rich by selling body mods. seafaring and amphibious AWVs, along GOAL: Eliminate enemy VIPs.
council. with their support ships.
GOAL: Install themselves as the rulers (TIER I-W) GOAL: Defend the DFS' maritime (TIER I-S)
of Izya. Valkyrie Intelligent Redistribution interests. 17th Research Group receives less
collects disabled vehicles for salvage funding than the 42nd, but are focused
from battlefields. on exploring the development of
(TIER III-S) (TIER III-S) empaths.
Alderman Mergers & Acquisitions GOAL: Absorb a smaller squad. The Hall of Law and Order is the
is a corporation focused on stealing judicial body of the Democracy GOAL: Push their empaths’ abilities.
items and information. overseeing both military and civil law.
(TIER I-S) Prosecutors are also detectives, and
GOAL: Shut down enemy Supply lines. Furies Rapid Retribution are a small judges are former prosecutors. (TIER I-W)
squad of pilots with a strong belief in 45th Drop Troops are dedicated
family and a focus on hit & run tactics. GOAL: Keep the peace. airborne and orbital drop troops who
(TIER III-W) are sorely undersupplied.
Takuma Transportation Solutions is GOAL: Protect the family.
an armed goods transport company. (TIER III-W) GOAL: Regain the ability to perform
561st Mechanized Infantry is an ace regular drop actions.
GOAL: Bring AWVs and parts to people (TIER I-S) squad of mech pilots that is under
faster than anyone else around (for the Sliver of Civility Trading Company supported.
right price). is openly a trading company, but they (TIER I-S)
are also known as smugglers. GOAL: Attain greater funding. 99th Intelligence Corp is a group of
spies, hackers, and infiltrators.
(TIER II-W) GOAL: Get rich through il/legal
Calazar Strategic Deployment is a deliveries. (TIER II-S) GOAL: Supply allies with actionable
military company of fans of the Calazar 3rd Public Connections Corps is a intelligence.
media franchise. well-funded squad of attractive pilots
and the military documentarian crew
GOAL: Raise funds for the next that follows them.
GOAL: Look good for the public.

414 415
list of factions

list of factions
Independent Squads Oligarchy Squads
populations. (TIER V-S) (TIER II-W)
The Shield of Nor are the five ruling Discreet Resolutions is a group of
(TIER V-S) (TIER II-S) families sent from Nor. Each family "troubleshooters" for hire on a variety
The Tower Defenders are the people The Burden is an anti-Offworlder would be a Tier II squad on their own. of tasks.
living, working, and protecting Izya’s group with no unified post-Offworlder
space elevator used by each Faction. plan of government. GOAL: Pursue familial power. GOAL: Work for the winning team.
GOAL: Use the tower to negotiate GOAL: Remove all the Offworld
superior terms. Factions.
The Pale Pikes is a black ops squad at The Sword Wing are an air squadron
the disposal of the ruling council. full of ace pilots.
Great Crimson Brigade stole the only The Rubble Runts are a militia GOAL: Eliminate key threats. GOAL: Support less mobile allies.
mobile fortress in Izya, formerly of the originally formed by war orphans
Autocracy. looking to fill the vacuum left by the
local government. (TIER III-S) (TIER I-S)
GOAL: Activate all of the fortress’
GOAL: Become the most powerful Lady Elreth is called the "Goddess of The Hatchetmen is a squad tasked
gang. War and Death." She wanders the with maintaining the infrastructure of
battlefields in her absurdly dangerous Izya, notably the infotec.
mech, Starfall, wiping out entire fire
(TIER III-W) teams herself. GOAL: Eradicate rogue apps, proxies,
Cirque Du Soldat is a group of (TIER I-S) and AIs.
travelling performer mercenaries who The Squaddies are Journey City police GOAL: Fight worthy opponents.
take jobs both large and small from who weren’t recruited by other groups
civilians and Factions. when the local government collapsed. (TIER I-W)
GOAL: Secure their territory. (TIER III-S) The Mace Arc are a frontline infantry
GOAL: Protect the circus by taking the
The Hammers are the state police squad with the gear to punch above
right contracts.
that the most unlucky citizens and their weight.
soldiers deal with. They are looking for
(TIER I-S) "nails" (those that stand out) to pound. GOAL: Take down higher Tier squads.
(TIER III-S) Heather Passerines is a reality star
The Teachers' Union is the group that recording the lives and cultures of the GOAL: Crush radicals.
represents the educators and the locals. (TIER I-S)
technology experts of Izya. Path Cascade is a ruined venture
GOAL: Be the most watched show.
(TIER II-S) capitalist using their connections to
GOAL: Install members in the highest
The Knives of Nor are the diplomats rebuild.
levels of government.
and spies for Nor in Izya.
(TIER I-S) GOAL: Strike down their former
Sciolist is a hacker who only appears GOAL: Turn Izya into a Norrish puppet. corporate partners.
(TIER II-S) as their proxy to others.
Doctors Beyond Stars is a group of
GOAL: Build physical resources.
humanitarians who ensure the well-
being of civilians caught up in The War,
regardless of their allegiance.
GOAL: Gain access to all civilian

416 417
list of factions

list of factions
Theocracy Squads
The March of Saints is a wandering The Cult of Earth Found believes
crusade that came to Izya for reasons that humanity’s holy birthplace is only
unknown, even to The Faith. for the faithful.
GOAL: Excavate the Sovereignty GOAL: Remove the unfaithful from
Engine. Earth.


The Paladins of Saint Nqabutho are The Followers of Saint Atrose hold
the primary military wing of the justice above all else, as embodied by
Celestial Myriad. Saint Atrose.
GOAL: Defend the faithful. GOAL: Punish the wicked.


The Breath of Faith is The Faith's The Cenotaph is dedicated to bringing
personal agent. How their members are the dead home, regardless of their
chosen is secret. They are the few that allegiance in life.
can guarantee meetings with The Faith.
GOAL: Honor the dead, in body and
GOAL: Ensure the new ruler continues spirit.
The Faith's goals.

(TIER III-W) The Wrights of the Ascent are
The Church of the Blessed Sevri is dedicated to building infrastructure in
the largest branch in Izya and receives theocracy-held areas.
limited Offworld backing from Sevrigel.
GOAL: Glorify the theocracy with
GOAL: Convert the masses to their monuments.
branch of the Celestial Myriad.

(TIER II-W) Bishop Finmal believes the faithful
The Cult of Earth Lost believes this can coexist with non-believers.
planet is too imperfect to actually be
the cradle of humanity. GOAL: Build bridges between the
GOAL: Prove this isn’t Earth.

418 419
alternate rules

alternate rules
420 421
alternate rules

alternate rules
APPENDIX A: Alternate Rules More Powerful Pilots
This section contains alternative or additional rules that change how Beam Saber is Sometimes players want more access to abilities and actions so they feel
played, both mechanically and tonally. Note that these rules received less testing than the mechanically powerful. There are two ways to do this: front load the power, or speed up the
core rules. If they don’t work well in your campaign, don’t hesitate to switch back to the ability to gain power, both of which are explained below. Narratively, these more powerful
normal rules. pilots could be more experienced, or perhaps they’re legendary figures of their time.

Pilots and squads can front load the power by taking additional starting abilities,
actions, Quirks, and upgrades. Additional abilities give players more options without a
Gmless Play Rules huge impact on success rates, while more action points, Quirks, and upgrades increase

Use these alternate rules on a session-by-session basis for groups that don’t the chance of success without overwhelming players with options. When front loading

want to put the responsibility of GMing on one player. power, give the Players 24 XP to spend on their pilot’s playbook, attributes, and
Enhance tracks. This will let them take as many as three additional abilities, four
♦ The group creates the mission together using the directions for preparing a
additional action points, or four additional Quirks, or some combination of the three.
mission (page 311), with everyone suggesting possibilities for each step.
Also consider giving the squad 24 XP as well. The squad may then take three extra
♦ When an NPC enters the scene, anyone whose pilot is not present can fill the abilities, six upgrades, or some combination of the two. Players may start with a higher
role. If all pilots are present, assign NPCs (or groups of NPCs, such as angry
Tier squad so that they can take on larger narrative challenges and tougher foes. If they
mobs) to players as it makes sense for the scene. Don’t pick an NPC that is
do, discuss which NPC squads they want to be their peers, which will give everyone an
close to your pilot, otherwise you’ll be talking to yourself.
idea of the desired Tier.
♦ When a consequence happens, the players select one from the lists based on
the acting pilot’s current position and what is narratively appropriate. If you increase the rate at which the pilots and their squad gain power,

♦ The group decides how much stress is required for a flashback. permanently fill in 1-3 marks on the XP tracks you want to speed up. In most cases, a
pilot or squad gets 4 XP per session, so if 3 XP marks are permanently filled, pilots and
♦ The group decides how much XP is awarded per trigger at the end of the session.
squads should gain a new ability, action point, or pair of upgrades every session or two.
♦ Everyone should be familiar with the GM Actions (see page 282).
Permanently marking fewer XP will still let the pilots gain power faster than usual, but
not at such a great speed. This option is better if the players want to start at Tier 0 and

Changing the Setting quickly rise up the ranks of history. The squad could also permanently fill in three Heart
on the squad sheet to gain Tier quickly.
Your group can easily move the game’s setting out of the mecha genre and into
other genres and themes if you want—so long as the connection between vehicle and
pilot is present. When changing setting, everyone should discuss whether to remove or
modify any playbooks, abilities, or gear. For example, if your group wants to play a
Faster Drives
vehicular crime game inspired by The Fast & The Furious, you should remove most, if For some campaigns, players want greater narrative control over the game.
not all, of the advanced technology present in the vehicles, gear, and abilities, plus the Consider giving them shorter Drive Clocks if they do. Pilots can permanently fill in one
Empath playbook. When setting up your non-standard Beam Saber game, there’s a or two Ticks of both Drive Clocks on their playbook. The more Drive Clocks a pilot
good chance that you’ll miss something you should’ve removed earlier. That’s fine! completes, the more change they bring to the world—even if it’s only in small ways.
Everyone just needs to discuss whether the disagreeable element should be removed With this boost, players will likely complete two Drive Clocks every other mission.
or modified to better fit the setting. Choose this option if your players want to explore multiple character arcs with their
pilot, or regularly shake up squads and Factions.

422 423
alternate rules

alternate rules
Punishing Healing Rules Slimmer Downtime Activity Rules
Consider this variation if your group wants a grittier experience that tests pilots Some groups may find the downtime activity mechanics more complex than
and their vehicles over the course of the campaign. they enjoy. These alternate rules are simpler, and speed up the downtime phase by

♦ Do not remove level 1 Harm and level 1 Damage during the reward process at rolling multiple downtime activities into a single scene.
the end of a mission. Describe and/or play as many scenes as you want during downtime. When a
♦ When a pilot performs the Recover downtime activity, they do not remove all scene ends, you may select up to three of the following benefits that are appropriate
level 1 Harm (even if they do not fill the Healing Clock). to the narrative. Each pilot may still spend Supply Points to take additional benefits.
♦ When a pilot performs the Fix downtime activity, they do not remove all level 1 ♦ Spending time with another pilot: Use Cut Loose as normal. Spend
Damage from their vehicle (even if they do not fill the Mend Clock). Personnel to gain this benefit more than once.
♦ Spending time with another squad: Roll an appropriate action, gain 1-3

Rarer Materiel Trust. Spend Personnel to gain this benefit more than once.
♦ Healing your pilot: If you have a doctor, roll 2d. If you don’t have a doctor,
If you want resources to be a challenge, consider this variation. Perhaps vehicle roll 0d. On a result of 1-3, remove all level 1 Harm. On 4 or 5, level 2 Harm and
parts are incredibly rare because they are no longer manufactured, or the campaign’s lower goes down a level. On a 6, level 3 Harm and lower goes down a level.
area is cut off from its supply. Whatever the reason, it will make the Salvage downtime Spend Personnel to gain this benefit more than once.
activity more important. Players will need take risks as they recover the remains of ♦ Pilot training: Add a mark to an XP track on your pilot playbook. Spend
enemy vehicles to restore their own. Personnel to gain this benefit more than once.

♦ Supply rolls from missions or the Bureaucrat’s Cook the Books ability cannot ♦ Trying to learn, create, or acquire something: Roll an appropriate action.
generate Materiel points. On a result of 1-3, it’s not what you want, but it might do the trick. On 4 or 5,
it’s what you wanted. On a 6, it’s a high quality version of what you wanted.
♦ The employer Faction's supply roll bonuses change for the autocracy (+1 Rep,
Spend Materiel to gain this benefit more than once.
+1 Trust), corporatocracy (+1 Materiel), and democracy (+1 Personnel, +1 Rep).
♦ Gathering supplies: Roll an appropriate action. On a result of 1-3, gain 1
♦ The Materiel cost for increasing Tier is the squad's new Tier times 2 (instead of
Supply Point. On 4 or 5, gain 2 Supply Points. On a 6, gain 3 Supply Points. This
the normal amount of times 4).
benefit can only be taken once per downtime.
♦ Materiel points can only be generated through the Salvage downtime activity,
♦ Fixing a Vehicle: Roll your Engineer. Refresh Quirks equal to the die roll and
or by buying them with Personnel at a rate of 2 Personnel for 1 Materiel.
also: On a result of 1-3, remove all level 1 Damage. On 4 or 5, level 2 Damage
♦ If Materiel becomes too scarce, consider altering the Salvage ability so pilots and lower goes down a level. On a 6, level 3 Damage and lower goes down a
generate Materiel equal to the highest die result (as opposed using the result level. Spend Materiel to gain this benefit more than once.
level). For example, a result of 4 generates 4 Materiel (instead of 2), and a
♦ Upgrading your Vehicle: Add a tick to your vehicle’s Enhance track. Spend
result of 5 generates 5 Materiel (instead of 2).
Materiel to gain this benefit more than once.

Thanks to Ben Roswell and Ruby Soleil-Raine for helping me develop these rules.

424 425
random generation tables

random generation tables

Random Pilot Generation To randomly select your Playbook starting ability, find its table below and roll 1d.

On a 1-3 roll 1d on table A, on a 4-6 roll on table B instead.

Why randomly generate a pilot’s details?

♦ Not all players are interested in all of the deep details of their pilot.
Ace Bureaucrat
♦ Sometimes players get stuck on one or more steps of pilot creation and want
some ideas to help them out.
♦ Some players want to get through pilot creation as fast as possible, and rolling
a bunch of dice seems like a good way through.
1 Take Adaptable
Take Advanced
Prototype Take Stay Late Take Beneath

♦ Other players are interested in developing the story of a pilot they were handed 2 Take More Than
Meets The Eye 2
Take Bloodlust Take Cook the
Take Work Hard,
Play Hard
by chance, and want to be surprised by who they are playing.
This section will help fill the needed randomness for all of these people. 3 Take Meat Is
Cheap, Save The
Metal 3
Take Red Comet Take Red Tape Take Rainy Day

Playbook 4 Take Last Stand

Take Traveling Take Connected Take Forgettable

To randomly select your Playbook, roll 1d. 5 5

Take Veteran by rolling in the
Playbook table to select another
Playbook, then roll on that
Take Veteran by rolling in the
Playbook table to select another
Playbook, then roll on that
Playbook’s ability table. Playbook’s ability table.
On a 1-3, roll 1d on the Military Playbook table;

on a 4-6, roll on the Non-Military Playbook table instead. 6 Choose one of the above or roll
again. 6 Choose one of the above or roll

Empath Envoy
1 Ace Bureaucrat 1 Take Telepathy Take Carouse
1 Take Rook’s
Take A Little
Something On
the Side

2 Infiltrator Empath 2 Take Broadcast Take Everybody

2 Take Cool Under
Take Read ‘em
and Weep

3 Officer Envoy
3 Take Far Sight
Take Carry That
3 Take Regent’s
Take Subterfuge

4 Take Emoji
Take Good
4 Take Like

4 Scout Hacker
5 Take Veteran by rolling in the
Playbook table to select another
Looking in a
Take Trust In Me

5 Soldier Technician
Playbook, then roll on that
Playbook’s ability table. 5 Take Veteran by rolling in the
Playbook table to select another
Playbook, then roll on that

6 6 Choose one of the above or roll

Playbook’s ability table.
Choose one of the above or roll again.
6 Choose one of the above or roll

426 427
random generation tables

random generation tables

Hacker Infiltrator Scout Soldier
1 Take Compel
Take Data Pack Take Ghost Take Expertise
1 Take
Sharpshooter 1
Take Survivor Take Battleborn Take Mule

2 Take Matrix Mind Take

Crowdsource2 Take Ambush Take Never Tell
Me the Odds 2 Take Focused
Land 2
Take Lay of the Take Bodyguard Take Not to be
Trifled With

3 Take Iron Will

Take Tesla Take Daredevil Take Reflexes
3 Take Terminator
Take Vengeful/
Terminator TKTK
Take Robot
Take Brutal

4 Take Turing Test Take Warded

4 Take The Devil’s
Take Shadow
4 Take Ranger
Take Tough as
Take Vigorous

5 5
Take Veteran by rolling in the
Playbook table to select another
Playbook, then roll on that
Take Veteran by rolling in the
Playbook table to select another
Playbook, then roll on that
5 5
Take Veteran by rolling in the
Playbook table to select another
Playbook, then roll on that
Take Veteran by rolling in the
Playbook table to select another
Playbook, then roll on that
Playbook’s ability table. Playbook’s ability table. Playbook’s ability table. Playbook’s ability table.

6 Choose one of the above or roll

again. 6 Choose one of the above or roll
again. 6 Choose one of the above or roll
again. 6 Choose one of the above or roll

Officer Technician
1 Take Tactical
Genius 1
Take Heart to
Take Simulation Take Road

2 Take Leader
Take Warlord Take Jury-Rig Take Doctor

3 Take Rally
Take Mastermind Take Researcher Take Saboteur

4 Take Functioning
Vice 4
Take Weaving
the Web
Take Fortitude
Take Custom

5 5
Take Veteran by rolling in the
Playbook table to select another
Playbook, then roll on that
Take Veteran by rolling in the
Playbook table to select another
Playbook, then roll on that
Playbook’s ability table. Playbook’s ability table.

6 Choose one of the above or roll

again. 6 Choose one of the above or roll

428 429
random generation tables

random generation tables

History Tragedy
To randomly select your History, roll 1d. To randomly select your Tragedy, roll 1d.

On a 1-3 roll 1d on table A, on a 4-6 roll on table B instead. On a 1-3 roll 1d on table A, on a 4-6 roll on table B instead.


1 Academic: A university professor or
student, a researcher, a doctor, a
journalist, or other person who
Spiritual: A choir member, a yogi, a
priest, a psychologist, or other person
1 Hid in a mass grave
Unwillingly experimented on
by unethical researchers

furthers knowledge
invested in spiritual well-being
2 Lone survivor of a militia Exiled from homeland

2 Art: An architect, a sculptor, a

writer, a composer, or other person
creating art
Political: A local council person, a
volunteer, a propagandist, an activist,
or other person pushing political goals
3 Friends started disappearing Falsely charged with a major crime

3 Criminal: A burglar, a con artist, a

gang member, a drug pusher, or
Military: A cadet, a quiet posting, a
4 Family killed as collateral damage Shown the lie of their own life

other person who preys on

quartermaster, a deckhand, a guerilla,
or other job involved in The War 5 Orbital station home used
as a kinetic weapon
Participated in a
failed coup or mutiny

4 Entertainment: An actor, a pop

idol, a sex worker, an athlete, a
Law: A cop, a lawyer, a social worker, a 6 Ejected from life’s work after
a large organization acquired it
Horribly burned by a
chemical weapon attack
court clerk, or other person involved
livestreamer, a podcaster, or other
with legal proceedings
person who entertains an audience

5 Family: A stay at home parent, a

teen, a legal guardian, a PTA
Trade: A stock trader, a cashier, a
banker, an arms dealer, or other person To randomly select your Opening, roll 1d.
member, or other person invested in
who handles money
the youth On a 1-3 roll 1d on table A, on a 4-6 roll on table B instead.

6 Labor: A farmer, a factory worker, a

transport driver, a seamster, a
miner, or other person living by the
Choose one of the above or roll again. ROLL TABLE A TABLE B
sweat of their brow
1 Building a custom vehicle
from spare parts
Commanding a gang
of rabble and scum

2 Avoiding people
with long voyage transport jobs
Tending to the needs of an admiral as
their valet

3 Studying military strategy

in preparation for war
Getting by as a sex worker

4 Catching deserters as a bounty

Fighting in the AWV arena

5 Stuck in prison for petty crimes Shuffling papers in a cubicle farm

6 Driving a taxi in areas

autocars can’t navigate
Serving drinks in a run down bar

430 431
random generation tables

random generation tables

Drives Ally
To randomly select your Drive, roll 1d. To randomly generate your ally, roll 1d and apply it to the list of friends in your
playbook, with the first friend being selected for a result of 1, the second for 2, and so
On a 1-3 roll 1d on table A, on a 4-6 roll on table B instead.
on. If a 5 or 6 is rolled, choose a friend from another playbook.
1 Kill the man responsible for destroying
my hometown
Create a new renewable energy
source for peacetime To randomly generate your ally’s squad, roll 1d on the Faction table below. Then,
move to that Faction’s table and roll 1d on that.
2 Get a high ranking position
in the military
Build a horse ranch
away from The War
ROLL 1 2 3 4 5 6
3 Develop a weapon that could
end The War
Make sure that my friends
have a good life
Faction Autocracy Corporatocracy Democracy Independent Oligarchy Theocracy

4 Help my AI friend gain a body

Find someone worth
leaving The War for

5 Find my long lost family Become a famous pop idol

ROLL Autocracy Squad Table
6 Create a new restaurant chain
Make the enemy
remember my name
1 The Wolf Pack (Tier II-S Autocracy) is a recently devastated vanguard.
GOAL: Regain strength

Action Ratings 2 The Jovangellian Jackals (Tier II-S Autocracy) are the diplomats and spies for
Jovangel in Izya.
To randomly select your Action ratings, roll 1d on the following table. GOAL: Keep Izya divided until the Jovangellian military arrives in force

ROLL 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 The Society for Wider Understanding (Tier II-S Autocracy) directs the news
releases within the Autocracy.
GOAL: Sway public opinion for the Autocracy’s benefit
1D ON... Insight
Vehicle Actions
Choose one
or roll again.
4 The Exiled Academy (Tier I-W Autocracy) is a group of engineers and
scholars that left the Teachers’ Union. They believe a strong leader is

ROLL INSIGHT PROWESS RESOLVE VEHICLE Actions necessary, and want to spread that knowledge.
GOAL: Infiltrate the Teachers' Union

1 +1 to Engineer +1 to Finesse +1 to Command +1 to Battle

5 The Hyenas (Tier I-S Autocracy) are a mech squad focused on close-quarters

2 +1 to Hunt +1 to Prowl +1 to Consort +1 to Destroy GOAL: Make a mess of the foe

3 +1 to Study +1 to Struggle +1 to Sway +1 to Maneuver 6 The Raccoons (Tier I-S Autocracy) are a supplies collection squad that
terrorizes vulnerable pockets of civilians.
GOAL: Pillage the weak

4 +1 to Survey +1 to Wreck +1 to Interface +1 to Bombard

5 Choose one of the above or roll again.

+1 to Manipulate

6 +1 to Scan

432 284
random generation tables

random generation tables

ROLL Corporatocracy Squad Table ROLL Independent Squad Table
1 Calazar Strategic Deployment (Tier II-W Corporatocracy) is a military
company of fans of the Calazar media franchise.
GOAL: Raise funds for the next CalazCon
1 Cirque Du Soldat (Tier III-W Independent) is a group of travelling performer
mercenaries who take jobs both large and small from civilians and Factions.
GOAL: Protect the circus by taking the right contracts

2 Tollmen Enterprises (Tier II-W Corporatocracy) work the docks. Known for
protection rackets and smuggling.
GOAL: Earn their pay
2 The Teachers' Union (Tier III-S Independent ) is the group that represents the
educators and the technology experts of Izya.
GOAL: Install members in the highest levels of government

3 Sapperson Incorporated (Tier II-W Corporatocracy) is a transhumanist

research group that specializes in genetic modification.
GOAL: Get rich by selling body mods
3 Doctors Beyond Stars (Tier II-S Independent) is a group of humanitarians who
ensure the well-being civilians caught up in The War, regardless of their allegiance.
GOAL: Gain access to all civilian populations

4 Furies Rapid Retribution (Tier I-S Corporatocracy) are a small squad with a
strong belief in family and a focus on hit & run tactics.
GOAL: Protect the family
4 The Burden (Tier II-S Independent) is an anti-Offworlder group with no unified
post-Offworlder plan of government.
GOAL: Remove all the Offworld Factions

5 Valkyrie Intelligent Redistribution (Tier I-W Corporatocracy) goes to

battlefields to collect disabled vehicles for salvage.
GOAL: Absorb a smaller squad.
5 The Rubble Runts (Tier II-W Independent) are a militia originally formed by
war orphans looking to fill the vacuum left by the local government.
GOAL: Become the most powerful gang

6 Sliver of Civility Trading Company (Tier I-S Corporatocracy) is openly a

trading company, but they are also known as smugglers.
GOAL: Get rich through il/legal deliveries
6 The Squaddies (Tier I-S Independent) are Journey City police who weren’t
recruited by other groups when the local government collapsed.
GOAL: Secure their territory

ROLL Democracy Squad Table

1 3rd Public Connections Corps (Tier II-S Democracy) is a well-funded squad
of attractive pilots and the military documentarian crew that follows them.
ROLL Oligarchy Squad Table
GOAL: Look good for the public. 1 The Hammers (Tier III-S Oligarchy) are the state police that the most unlucky
citizens and soldiers deal with. They are looking for "nails" (those that stand

2 The Quill (Tier II-S Democracy) are a union of writers and journalists. They
also operate the city's couriers.
GOAL: Gather information of value
out) to pound.
GOAL: Crush radicals

3 The Dark Room (Tier II-S Democracy) is a black ops deniable asset deployed
from a stealth orbital platform.
2 The Knives of Nor (Tier II-S Oligarchy) are the diplomats and spies for Nor in Izya.
GOAL: Turn Izya into a Norrish puppet

GOAL: Eliminate enemy VIPs 3 Discreet Resolutions (Tier II-W Oligarchy) is a group of "troubleshooters" for
hire on a variety of tasks.

4 17th Research Group (Tier I-S Democracy) receives less funding than the
42nd, but are focused on exploring the development of empaths.
GOAL: Work for the winning team

GOAL: Push their empaths’ abilities 4 The Sword Wing (Tier II-S Oligarchy) are an air squadron full of ace pilots.
GOAL: Support less mobile allies

5 45th Drop Troops (Tier I-W Democracy) are dedicated airborne and orbital
drop troops who are sorely undersupplied.
GOAL: Regain the ability to perform regular drop actions
5 The Hatchetmen (Tier I-S Oligarchy) is a squad tasked with maintaining the
infrastructure of Izya, notably the infotec.
GOAL: Eradicate rogue apps, proxies, and AIs

6 99th Intelligence Corp (Tier I-S Democracy) is a group of spies, hackers, and
GOAL: Supply allies with actionable intelligence
6 The Mace Arc (Tier I-W Oligarchy) are a frontline infantry squad with the gear
to punch above their weight.
GOAL: Take down higher Tier squads

434 435
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1 The Church of the Blessed Sevri (Tier III-W Theocracy) is the largest branch
in Izya, and receives limited Offworld backing from Sevri.
GOAL: Convert the masses to their branch of the Celestial Myriad
To randomly generate a pilot’s full name, choose how many names they have,
then roll 1d per name and consult the Name Generator Table.

2 The Cult of Earth Lost (Tier II-W Theocracy) believes this planet is too
imperfect to actually be the cradle of humanity.
ROLL 1 2 3 4 5 6
GOAL: Prove this isn’t Earth
1D on... Name Table
Name Table
Name Table
Name Table
Name Table
Name Table
3 The Cult of Earth Found (Tier II-S Theocracy) believes that humanity’s holy
birthplace is only for the faithful.
GOAL: Remove the unfaithful from Earth

4 The Followers of Saint Atrose (Tier II-W Theocracy) hold justice above all
else, as embodied by Saint Atrose.
ROLL a b c d e f
GOAL: Punish the wicked 1 Jason Kang Harrow Kiku

5 The Cenotaph (Tier I-S Theocracy) is dedicated to bringing the dead home,
regardless of their allegiance in life.
GOAL: Honor the dead, in body and spirit
2 Christine Blight Niamh Gary Markov Zahra

6 The Wrights of the Ascent (Tier I-W Theocracy) are dedicated to building
infrastructure in theocracy-held areas.
3 Garrett Weldon Glorious Jade Habib Shui

GOAL: Glorify the theocracy with monuments

4 Bassel Ali Rick Thrumming Abasi Hyeon

Rival 5 William Walsh Tuesday Derision Rashmi Amuro

To randomly generate your rival, roll 1d and apply it to the list of friends on your
pilot playbook. Pick the first friend on a result of 1, the second for 2, and so on. If a 5,
6, or already selected friend is rolled, choose a friend from another pilot playbook.
6 Henan Rhonda Horizon Terri Jyoti Tsubasa

Rival’s squad
To randomly generate your rival’s squad, roll 1d on the preceding Faction Table.
Then, move to that Faction’s table, and roll 1d for the result.

Rival Relationship
To randomly generate your relationship with your rival, roll 1d on the table

ROLL 1 2 3 4 5 6
The Last You They
Former Friendly Ideologically
Two Wronged Wronged
Lovers Competition Opposed
Survivors Them You

436 437
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Call Sign
To randomly generate your Call Sign roll 1d on the Call Sign Origin Table: If you want to add more detail to your Call Sign, roll 1d on the Modifier Table:

ROLL 1 2 3 4 5 6 ROLL 1 2 3 4 5 6
1D on... Friends Foes Self Occupation Childhood Tragedy 1D on... Numbers Colors Animals Materials Conditions Actions

...then move to that table and roll 1d on that. ...then move to that table and roll 1d on that.

ROLL Friends Foes Self Occupation Childhood Tragedy ROLL #s Colors Animals Materials Conditions Actions
1 Trawa Demon Hunter Sarge Kiddo Exile 1 First Red Hawk TKTK Gold Lucky Soaring

2 Specs Rascal Bell Hawker Joy Corpse 2 Seven Rainbow Bull Silver Burned Shooting

3 Boss Trojan Drake Wheels Sweetums Berzerker 3 Perfect

Black Mako Iron Bloody Running

4 Beast Snake Laser Hardhat Precious Patch 4 13th White Lion Steel Rusty Sleeping

5 Guardian Heavy GOAT Weaver Star Jinx 5 Forty Green Bear Stone Shining Dying

6 Dice Bloodless Hound Doc Joker Whooper 6 Ninety

Blue Stallion Sand Divine Singing

438 439
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Look Random Vehicle Generation
To randomly generate your pilot’s look, roll 1d on each of the columns below. If you want to randomly create your vehicle, need a jump start to get going, or
are missing a few details, this section is here to help.
1 Masked Artificial Flowing Big Military
Look and Designation
2 Beautiful Cold Military Compact Ornate
To randomly generate your vehicle’s look and designation, roll 1d on each feature

3 Scarred Mocking Punk Flabby Formal

ROLL 1 2 3 4 5 6
4 Young Trusting Braided Muscular Vintage
Mobility Bipedal Quadruped Flight Hover Wheeled Treads

5 Decorated Trustworthy Poofy Skinny Practical

Arms None Humanoid Tentacle Industrial Wings Ornate

6 Rugged Uncertain Slick Voluptuous Scavenged

Hand None Industrial Human Tentacle Weaponized Ornate

Beliefs About Other Pilot Core Armored Light Bulky Practical Massive Ornate

Each other player picks one of your pilot playbook’s example beliefs. This is your Head None Armored Armed Hi-tech Ornate Practical

pilot’s belief about them.

Cockpit Sealed Open Armored Spacious Cramped Homey

Shell Organic Hard Light Ceramic Alloy Plastic Crystal

Style Ornate Practical Improvised Fashionable Sleek Powerful

Manufac Spirit
Dept. Of
Dark Skies
Fine Goods
The Work

turer Cloister Electronics Manufacturing Inc. Company


Model Ogre Artemis Raider Glaive Endeavour Uppercut

Version Prototype Obsolete Mk. 1 V 2.0 Custom Illegal

440 292
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Vehicle Action Ratings Random Squad Generation
To randomly determine your vehicle actions, roll 3d on the table below. Use this section to randomly generate the group’s squad in part or in whole.
These tables are particularly helpful if the group can’t decide on part of their squad.
ROLL 1 2 3 4 5 6 Feel free to roll if you can’t come to an agreement!

+1 to.. Battle Destroy Maneuver Bombard Manipulate Scan

Patron Faction
Quirks To randomly determine your patron Faction, roll 1d.
To randomly determine your vehicle quirks, roll 4d.

For each result of 1-3, roll on table A. For every 4-6, roll on table B. If the result
ROLL 1 2 3 4 5 6
of rolling on either table provides a repeat, reroll the result. Faction Autocracy Corporatocracy Democracy Independent Oligarchy Theocracy

ROLL Table A Table B

1 Ominous Appearance Splintering Carapace Direct Superior
To randomly generate your squad’s direct superior, roll 1d.
2 Flexible Structure Mighty Clumsy

3 Slow and Heavy Light Footed

ROLL 123 456
4 Military Workhorse Common Parts
Independent Carberry, a shady and cruel fixer Scratch, a cheerful and
energetic Proxy
Project Lead Walker, an Executive Assistant

5 Fixed Hardpoints Redundant Systems Corporatocracy ambitious and hard working

McEvoy, a Stressed and
organized worker

6 Blinding Boosters Aggressive Targeters

Autocracy Captain Martinez, a weary and
grumpy officer
Quartermaster Hawkins, a
sentimental and
thoughtful trooper
Confessor Tebbel, an

Vehicle Load Theocracy Bishop Acampora, a patient and

caring member of the clergy
inquisitive and meticulous
To randomly generate a vehicle’s Load, roll 1d.

On a 1-2 the vehicle has a Light Load,

Democracy Councillor Swan, a hard hearted
and calculating bureaucrat
Alderperson Drake, a fiery
and passionate politician

3-4 it has a Medium Load, Oligarchy Virtue de Quidt, an experienced

and crafty noble
Margrave Takeyuki, a
paranoid and meek leader

5-6 it has a Heavy Load.

Pick what gear it has during play.

442 293
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Patron Faction Goal Reputation
To randomly select your Patron Faction’s goal, roll 1d. To randomly generate your squad’s reputation, roll 1d on the Reputation Table.

On a 1-3 roll 1d on table A, on a 4-6 roll 1d on table B instead.

ROLL 1 2 3 4 5 6
ROLL TABLE A TABLE B rep Ambitious Brutal Daring Honorable Savvy Strange

1 Assault the Foe Hostile Takeover

2 Divided They Fall Intelligence Coup

3 Golden Streets Manufacture Heroes
To randomly generate your squad’s Forward Operating Base, roll 1d on the FOB Type

4 Hearts and Minds Secure the Borders

ROLL 1 2 3 4 5 6
5 Choose one of the above or roll again
Type Commercial Residential Industrial Natural Military Unusual
Squad Playbook ...then move to that table and roll 1d for the result.

To randomly select your Patron Faction’s goal, roll 1d.

1 2 3 4 5 6
On a 1-3 roll 1d on table A, on a 4-6 roll 1d on table B instead.
Commercial Car
Multi Level
Parking Lot
Mall Restaurant Hospital

ROLL TABLE A TABLE B residential Apartment

School Barn

1 Consulate Profiteers
industrial AWV
Warehouse Dockyard

2 Frontline Recon
natural Forest
Valley Swamp Cove
3 Logistics R&D
military Border
Regional HQ Old Armory

4 REDACTED Mechanized Cavalry

Crashed Amuse-

5 unusual Orbital
Volcano Space
Zoo ment
Choose one of the above or roll again.

444 445
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Squad Ability
To randomly select your Squad’s starting ability, roll 1d on your Squad’s table
below. On a 1-3 roll 1d on table A, on a 4-6 roll on table B instead.

Consulate Frontline Profiteers Recon

1 Silver Tongues
Noble Officer Dangerous Forged in the Fire
1 Corner Kid Of The People
1 Everyone Steals Second Story

2 Accord
PR Campaign Blood Brothers Sponsor
2 Barter Hooked
2 AR Echoes Slippery

3 High Society Sponsor

3 Shock & Awe War Dogs
3 The Good Stuff Sponsor
3 Pack Rats Synchronized

4 Friends in High
above 4
Choose one of the

or roll again
Choose one of
the above
or roll again
4 App Market
Choose one of
the above
or roll again
4 Sponsor
Choose one of
the above
or roll again

5 5
Choose one of the above or roll Choose one of the above or roll 5 Choose one of the above or roll 5 Choose one of the above or roll
again again again again
6 6 6 6
Logistics Mechanized Cavalry R&D REDACTED
1 On the Move Leverage
1 Fast and Furious Custom Work
1 Graduate Dire Assistance
1 Deadly Sponsor

2 All Hands Scroungers

2 Scorched Earth Combined Arms
2 Grounded Irons in the Fire
2 Dire Needs Predators

3 Custom OS Renegades
3 Reavers Air Superiority
3 Experimental
For the Greater
Good 3 Bio-solvent Vipers

4 Just Passing
Choose one of
the above
or roll again
4 Formation
Choose one of
the above
or roll again
4 Conviction
Choose one of
the above
or roll again
4 No Traces
Choose one of
the above
or roll again

5 Choose one of the above or roll 5 Choose one of the above or roll 5 Choose one of the above or roll 5 Choose one of the above or roll
again again again again
6 6 6 6

446 447
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Starting Squad Upgrades Positive Squad Status Due To Upgrades
To randomly generate your squad’s two starting upgrades, roll 1d for each To randomly generate the squad that you have a positive status with because of
upgrade. On 1-3, roll 1d on the General Upgrades Table. On 4-6, roll 1d on your squad’s your upgrades, follow the guide for the ally’s squad random generation (page TKTK).
Upgrades Table. If you roll an upgrade that your squad already has, roll again.

Negative Squad Status Due To Upgrades

1 2 3 4 5 6 To randomly generate the squad that you have a negative status with because

GENERAL Airfield Hidden FOB Quarters

of your upgrades, follow the guide for the rival’s squad random generation (page TKTK).

Consulate Consulate
Elite Rooks
Squad Name
Elite Rovers
Toughs To randomly generate your squad’s name, roll 1d on table A, 1d on table B, and
1d on table C. Fill in the results as “[A] of the [B] [C]” to get the squad’s name. A result
Mobile Base Camouflage
Rovers of 5, 3, and 6 gives: Knights of the Diamond Dance.

Repair Bay Elite Rovers
CAVALRY Hardpoints Adepts
Choose one or roll
again. 1 Sword 41st Inferno

Elite Rooks
2 Wind Brilliant Drake

Elite Rooks
3 Rifles Diamond Storm

Laboratory Elite Adepts
4 Angels Light Crown

redacted REDACTED Friends

Elite Skulks
Elite 5 Knights Shadow Barrage

Rigging Everywhere Toughs

6 Hammer Flying Dance

448 449
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Random Mission Generation Democracy Squad Independent Squad
To generate a mission, roll or choose on the following tables.
1 3rd Public Connections Corps (Tier
II-S Democracy) is a well-funded
1 Cirque Du Soldat (Tier III-W

Employer/Target squad of attractive pilots and the

military documentarian crew that
Independent) is a group of
travelling performer mercenaries
who take jobs both large and small
Use these tables to select the mission’s employer and its target. Choose a follows them.
from civilians and Factions.
Faction for the employer and target, then roll 1d for each. GOAL: Look good for the public
GOAL: Protect the circus by taking

AUTOCRACY SQUAD Corporatocracy Squad 2 The Quill (Tier II-S Democracy) are a
union of writers and journalists.
the right contracts

They also operate the city's

2 The Teachers' Union (Tier III-S
Independent) represents the

1 The Wolf Pack (Tier II-S Autocracy) is

a recently devastated vanguard unit 1 Calazar Strategic Deployment (Tier
II-W Corporatocracy) is a military GOAL: Gather information of value
educators and the technology
experts of Izya.
GOAL: Regain strength. company of fans of the Calazar
media franchise. 3 The Dark Room (Tier II-S
Democracy) is a black ops deniable
GOAL: Install members in the

2 The Jovangellian Jackals (Tier II-S

Autocracy) are the diplomats and GOAL: Raise funds for the next asset deployed from a stealth
highest levels of government

spies for Jovangel in Izya. CalazCon orbital platform.

GOAL: Eliminate enemy VIPs
3 Doctors Beyond Stars (Tier II-S
Independent) is a group of
GOAL: Keep Izya divided until the
Jovangellian military arrives in force 2 Tollmen Enterprises (Tier II-W
Corporatocracy) works the docks.
Known for protection rackets and 4 17th Research Group (Tier I-S
humanitarians who ensure the well-
being civilians caught up in The
Democracy) receives less funding
3 The Society for Wider
Understanding (Tier II-S Autocracy) smuggling. GOAL: Earn their pay than the 42nd, but are focused on
exploring the development of
War, regardless of their allegiance.
GOAL: Gain access to all civilian
directs the news releases within the
autocracy. 3 Sapperson Incorporated (Tier II-W
Corporatocracy) is a transhumanist empaths.

GOAL: Sway public opinion for the research group that specializes in GOAL: Push their empaths’ abilities
4 The Burden (Tier II-S Independent)
is an anti-Offworlder group with no
autocracy’s benefit genetic modification. GOAL: Get
rich by selling body mods 5 45th Drop Troops (Tier I-W
Democracy) are dedicated airborne
unified post-Offworlder plan of

4 The Exiled Academy (Tier I-W

Autocracy) is a group of engineers
and scholars that left the Teachers’ 4 Valkyrie Intelligent Redistribution
(Tier I-W Corporatocracy) collects
and orbital drop troops who are
sorely undersupplied.
GOAL: Remove all the Offworld
Union. They believe a strong leader disabled vehicles for salvage from GOAL: Regain the ability to perform
is necessary and want to spread battlefields. regular drop actions
5 The Rubble Runts (Tier II-W
Independent) are a militia originally
that knowledge.
GOAL: Infiltrate the Teachers' Union
GOAL: Absorb a smaller squad
6 99th Intelligence Corp (Tier I-S
Democracy) is a group of spies,
formed by war orphans looking to

5 The Hyenas (Tier I-S Autocracy) are

a mech squad focused on close-
5 Furies Rapid Retribution (Tier I-S
Corporatocracy) are a small squad
with a strong belief in family and a
hackers, and infiltrators.
GOAL: Supply allies with actionable
fill the vacuum left by the local
GOAL: Become the most powerful
quarters combat. focus on hit & run tactics. intelligence gang
GOAL: Make a mess of the foe GOAL: Protect the family

6 The Raccoons (Tier I-S Autocracy) a

supplies collection squad that 6 Sliver of Civility Trading Company
(Tier I-S Corporatocracy) is openly a
6 The Squaddies (Tier I-S
Independent) are Journey City
police who weren’t recruited by
terrorizes vulnerable pockets of trading company, but they are also other groups when the local
civilians. known as smugglers. government collapsed
GOAL: Pillage the weak GOAL: Get rich through il/legal GOAL: Secure their territory

450 451
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Oligarchy Squad THEOCRACY Squad Objective
1 The Hammers (Tier III-S Oligarchy)
are the state police that the most
unlucky citizens and soldiers deal
1 The Church of the Blessed Sevri
(Tier III-W Theocracy) is the largest
branch in Izya and receives limited
This is a list of suggestions for mission objectives. Choose a column and roll 1d for the

with. They are looking for "nails"

(those that stand out) to pound.
Offworld backing from Sevrigel.
GOAL: Convert the masses to their
GOAL: Crush radicals branch of the Celestial Myriad
1 Surveillance Escort Assassin Infect

2 The Knives of Nor (Tier II-S

Oligarchy) are the diplomats and
spies for Nor in Izya.
2 The Cult of Earth Lost (Tier II-W
Theocracy) believes this planet is
too imperfect to actually be the 2 Sabotage Deliver Kidnap Purge

GOAL: Turn Izya into a Norrish

cradle of humanity.
GOAL: Prove this isn’t Earth 3 Plant Discredit Terrorize Extract Data

3 Discreet Resolutions (Tier II-W

Oligarchy) is a group of 3 The Cult of Earth Found (Tier II-S
Theocracy) believe that humanity’s 4 Arrange Accident Espionage Destroy Place Sensors

"troubleshooters" for hire on a

variety of tasks.
holy birthplace is only for the
faithful. 5 Theft Conceal Defend
GOAL: Work for the winning team GOAL: Remove the unfaithful from

4 The Sword Wing (Tier II-S Oligarchy) Earth 6 Misdirect Negotiate Raid Automate

are an air squadron full of ace pilots.

GOAL: Support less mobile allies 4 The Followers of Saint Atrose (Tier II-
W Theocracy) hold justice above all
else, as embodied by Saint Atrose.
Rules of Engagement
5 The Hatchetmen (Tier I-S Oligarchy)
is a squad tasked with maintaining GOAL: Punish the wicked This is a list of generalized restrictions on how the squad can approach the
mission. Pick either the Personnel Interaction Table or Use of Force Table, and roll 1d.
the infrastructure of Izya, notably
the infotec. 5 The Cenotaph (Tier I-S Theocracy) is
dedicated to bringing the dead
GOAL: Eradicate rogue apps,
proxies, and AIs
home, regardless of their allegiance
in life.
6 The Mace Arc (Tier I-W Oligarchy)
are a frontline infantry squad with
GOAL: Honor the dead, in body and
1 No looting, requisitioning, and/or
stealing civilian, commercial, and/or
governmental property
Only use force in self defense

the gear to punch above their

GOAL: Take down higher Tier
6 The Wrights of the Ascent (Tier I-W
Theocracy) are dedicated to
building infrastructure in Theocracy-
2 No destroying civilian, commercial,
and/or governmental property
Only use proportionate force

squads held areas.

GOAL: Glorify the theocracy with
3 No threatening or employing force
against civilians
No escalation of force

4 No use of “enhanced interrogation”
No deployment of chemical,
biological, explosive, and/or poisonous

5 Detainees must remain unharmed

No firing upon or presenting as a
clearly marked medical transport or

6 No prisoners, no quarter Permission to attack only the target

452 453
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Location Troubles
This is a list of places that could be the primary location for the mission. Pick a Troubles are obstacles that the squad will likely know about before the
row and roll 1d to get the location type. engagement roll. If they aren’t told about obstacles as part of the mission explanation,
they can learn about them with a gather information roll.


Commercial Car
AWV Factory Forest
1 There’s a heavy media
presence in the mission
The location is a hidden
Cirque Du Soldat supply
The mission requires
Multi-Level travel to space
residential Parking Church
area cache
2 Rampant apps infest A squad other than the
Must visit an irradiated
zone to complete the
industrial Mall
Warehouse Valley Old Armory Volcano the location target uses the location

natural Restaurant Trailer Park Dockyard Swamp

Space 3 The people involved
are being blackmailed
into their actions
Very bad weather affects
the mission area
The mission requires
going underwater

military Hospital School

Cove Checkpoint
Amuse- 4 The mission advances
Heather Passerines’
The mission is a test for
another mission
The location moves
around (site changes, it’s
on a vehicle, etc.)
ment Park

unusual Office
Barn Mine
Cloud Gap
5 The mission advances
Path Cascade’s
The mission advances
Lady Elreth’s objectives
The mission advances
Sciolist’s objectives

6 The target has

prototype technologies
The mission advances
Bishop Finmal’s
The mission advances
the squad’s Direct
Superior’s personal
in the mission area objectives

454 306
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Surprises APPENDIX C:
Complications are usually problems the squad can’t anticipate before the
mission. They could learn about them if they roll a critical success on a gather
information roll (and it makes sense for them to gain this knowledge). Complications PROXY TANGO — BLAINE MOORE — ANDY JONES — ANON — NOAH BOGART — BECKY SCOTT FAIRLEY
make for fun consequences on failed rolls.
1 Civilians will actively
oppose the squad
A rampant app
aggressively manipulates
the AR in the mission
A non-target squad
arrives to interfere with
2 One of the pilot’s rivals
shows up
A skirmish between two
other squads breaks out
during the mission
The target attempts a
ceasefire with the squad
3 One of the pilot’s allies
is in danger
The mission area has a
large amount of
explosive materials
One of the squad’s
Cohorts shows up
4 A time bomb is set to
go off shortly
The target has an elite
vehicle pilot in the
mission area
A squad with a positive
status is working with the
5 An element of the
mission is a secret cell
of the Burden
The target has an elite
soldier in the mission
A chained AI predicted
the mission and warned
the target
6 Rampant proxies are
drawn to the mission
The target has an elite
hacker in the mission
The mission is a trap laid
by an enemy
Connections are people and groups that are unexpectedly affected, whether
positively or negatively, by completing the mission’s objective.BLE A
The Squad’s
A pilot’s ally direct An AR entity

456 457
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464 465

Region Weapons

A E L Relationship

Action Effect Linked Missions

Resistance X
Action Roll Employer Loadout Rival XP, Attribute
Actions, Acuity Engagement Roll Load, Pilot Rules of Engagement XP, General
Actions, Expertise Enhance Track Load, Vehicle (ROE) XP, Playbook
Actions, Insight Entanglements Look, Pilot
Actions, Prowess
Actions, Resolve
Look, Vehicle
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Ally Faction
M Scale
Apps Faction, Autocracy Materiel Set Up
Armor Faction, Corporatocracy Mission Spark
Armored Walking Vehicle Faction, Democracy, Special Abilities
Faction, Oligarchy
Faction, Theocracy O Squad
Squad Reputation
Attribute Flashback Objective Squad Upgrade
Fortune Roll Objective, Secondary Status

B Forward Operating Base

Belief Supply Points
C Game Master (GM) Personnel
Gather Information Pilot Tactic
Clock Gear Player Target
Cohort Gear, Pilot Position Tick
Collateral Die Gear, Vehicle Potency Tier
Connection Goal, Faction Programs Tools
Goal, Squad Protect Tragedy

D Group Action Pushing Trust

Direct Superior
Downtime Activity Harm Quality Vehicle
Drive Heart Quirk Vehicle, Temporary

466 467

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