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TEST “Past Tenses”

I. Choose the correct form of the following verbs:

1. How old ______ you last year?

2. She worked in the USA in 1998, _____not she?
3. Chuck _____ having a shower at ten o’clock last a) had
4. He _____ finished his work by the end of last Monday. b) were
5. The work was much difficult than he ____ expected. c) did
6. The phone always rang when I _____cooking dinner. d) was
7. -When and where _____ you buy this book? – Oh! It was e)had been
long ago, I don’t remember.
8. In my childhood I ______always afraid of flying by
9. Who ______ the perfect translation of this article?
10. It was December. Christmas ______ coming.

II. Choose the correct forms of the predicates in the past tenses:

11. They left after we ______ the program.

a) had discussed b) was discussing c) had been discussing d) discussed

12. We were tired as we ________ for more than four hours

a) was walking b) walked c) had been walking d) had walked

13. My brother ______ very shy in his childhood.

a) did b) had been c) were d) was

14. What ________ last Monday?

a) happened b) was happening c) had happened d) happens

15. It ______ all day yesterday.

a) rained b) was raining c) had rained d) had been rained

16. We ______ great fun at the Halloween party last year.

a) was having b) had c) has had d) are having

17. At last he got the opportunity he _______ for so long.

a) had been waiting b) waited c) were waiting d) is waiting

18. When I came home my father ______ dinner and was looking through the newspaper.
a) is having b) were having c) had had d) had

19. I thought she was the most intellectual woman I __ ever _____.
a) has met b) was meeting c) met d) had met

20. The room looked beautiful, as she _______ the furniture and the curtains.
a) had changed b) changed c) was changing d) is changing
III. Choose the right form of the predicate in italics as if you were to translate the following
sentences into English:

21.Он болел уже неделю, когда родственники послали за врачом.

a) had been ill b) was ill c) were ill d) has been ll

22. Хотя Том клеил обои весь день, он согласился пойти на концерт.
a) agreed b) had agreed c) was agreed d) has agreed

23. На прошлой неделе Алиса ходила в бассейн.

a) went b) goes c) was going d) had gone

24. Вчера он два часа готовился к контрольной работе.

a) was preparing b) had been preparing c) prepared d) had prepared

25. Секретарь сообщил, что уже отправил факс в Лондон.

a) has sent b) had sent c) was sending d) sent

26. Она закончила доклад, над которым так долго работала.

a) worked b) had been working c) was working d) were working

27. Это произошло в Лондоне в 1995 году.

a) had happened b) was happening c) happened d) happens

28. Люди прождали целый час, прежде чем пришел автобус.

a) were waiting b) was waiting c) had been waiting d) waited

29. Они обсуждали новости, которые только что получили.

a) received b) have received c) has received d) was receiving

30. Когда выключили свет, он принимал душ.

a) took b) were taking c) had taken d) was taking

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into one of the past tenses:

31. Ann _______ (not/ pick up) the phone because she _______ (deal with) another customer
when it rang.
32. While he ______ (travel) in South Africa, he ______ (get) the idea for his new movie.
33. It ______ (rain) yesterday.
34. It ______ (rain) all day yesterday.
35. When we returned from London it ______ (rain) for 3 hours.
36. When we returned from London it ______ (not/rain) any more.
37. He ______ (graduate from) the University before he ______ (move) to Moscow.
38. He ______ (graduate from) the University last year.
39. When he came home his family ______ (wait for) him.
40. They ______ (drive) all night when finally they saw the lights of a big city.

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