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Business Management

Study Manuals

Certificate in
Business Management


The Association of Business Executives

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The Association of Business Executives (ABE) and RRC Business Training

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Certificate in Business Management



Unit Title Page

1 Nature and Purpose of Business Activities 1

Introduction 2
The Economic Context of Business 2
The UK Economy 9
Population and the Labour Force 12
The Public and Private Sectors of the Economy 14

2 Structures of Business 19
Introduction 20
Basic Forms of Business Organisations 20
The Sole Trader 21
Partnerships 23
Companies 25
Public Sector Organisations 30
Not-For-Profit Organisations 33
Objectives of Organisations 34

3 Structures of Organisations 37
Introduction 38
Formal and Informal Structures 39
Infrastructure 39
The Functional Departments of a Business 43

4 Organisations in their Environment 47

Introduction 48
Analysing the Environment 48
Stakeholders 52
Responding to Change in the Environment 56
Services to Business 59
Location of Industry 62

5 Growth and Scale of Business Organisations 69

Introduction 70
Growth Strategies 71
How Do Organisations Grow? 73
Economies of Scale 77
Diseconomies of Scale 79
Globalisation 81
Unit Title Page

6 The Production Function 87

Introduction 88
Production Systems and Techniques 89
Control 92
Stocks 97
Quality 101

7 The Marketing Function 109

Introduction 111
The Nature of Marketing 112
Market Analysis and Research 116
Marketing Plans 122
Customers and Markets 123
The Product 127
Pricing 132
Promotion 134
Distribution 137
The Marketing Mix and the Product Life Cycle 138

8 The Finance and Accounting Function 141

Introduction 143
The Basics of Business Finance 144
Sources of Finance 146
The Finance Providers 151
The Structure of an Organisation's Finance 152
The Accounting Function 159
Financial Accounts 162

9 The Human Resources Function 171

Introduction 173
Concept and Scope of Human Resource Management 174
Human Resource Planning 176
Recruitment and Selection 182
Training and Development 189
Motivation 194
Remuneration 199

Study Unit 1
Nature and Purpose of Business Activities

Contents Page

Introduction 2

A. The Economic Context of Business 2

What Is Economics? 2
What Are Resources? 3
The Scarcity of Resources 4
Types of Economy 5
Some Features of Markets 8

B. The UK Economy 9
Classifying Productive Enterprise 9
UK Industry 10
Resources 11
Foreign Investment 11

C. Population and the Labour Force 12

The Ageing Population of the UK 12
Optimum Population 12
The UK Labour Force 13
Productivity 13

D. The Public and Private Sectors of the Economy 14

The Public Sector 14
The Private Sector 15
Ownership and Control 16
Accountability 17
Stakeholders 17

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2 Nature and Purpose of Business Activities

Business takes place within an economic structure. How the economy operates dictates how
business in general functions and how individual business organisations work. The legal,
political and social systems within which such organisations exist are geared to the
requirements of a particular type of economy and the economic structure reflects the
expectations of the political and social spheres. They are all inter-related and influence each
Modern economies have the same basic industrial divisions. How much of the economy is
devoted to agriculture, industry and services depends on the stage of economic
development, political decisions and pressures, and the relative success of enterprises in the
The population structure is important to organisations. For businesses it provides the labour
force and the market for consumer goods and services. Other organisations are also vitally
concerned with the make-up of the population. Local government has to provide the services
appropriate to the local populace. The age structure of the population determines the
present and future labour force. The size of the working population depends on social
factors, like married women working, and on government decisions on the school leaving age
and the payment of pensions.
One of the key divisions within the economy is that between the private and public sectors.
We consider the issues involved in government intervention in economic activities, ownership
and control and the accountability to the various stakeholders.
When you have completed this study unit you will be able to:
 Describe the inputs required by business and how markets operate.
 Describe the industrial sectors in a modern economy and outline recent changes in the
British economy.
 Show the relationship between total population and the labour force and explain the
effects of changes in the population on the labour force.
 Distinguish between the private and public sectors of the economy.
 Explain how different organisations are owned and controlled with reference to their


What Is Economics?
We shall start by carrying out a little experiment. Make a list of all the things you need or
would like to have. Don't hold back on this – put everything down. It doesn't matter at this
stage whether you can afford them or not.
Your list might start like this – food, shelter, clothing, transport, leisure, and so on. However,
you can extend and refine this by going into detail, such as a BMW car (or even his and hers
BMWs). It should quickly become clear that your list (in common with that of most people) is
very extensive.
Now think about the total weekly or monthly income that you have in the way of wages,
salary or other income to buy items from your wanted list. It doesn't take long to realise that
your income is nowhere near large enough to enable you to buy all, or even most, of the

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Nature and Purpose of Business Activities 3

items on your list. This would still be true if you looked at your income over a year or even a
lifetime. What is true for you is also true for virtually everyone else.
The fact that we do not have enough income to buy ourselves a villa in the south of France, a
yacht in the Bahamas or even one BMW will scarcely come as a surprise. The question is
The most obvious answer is that we don't earn enough, so one solution might be to simply
double everyone's income. However, if we think that through, we can see that it is not really
the answer at all. With twice the money, you might actually be able to afford a BMW, but so
will a lot of other people. The problem then is that there are not enough BMWs for everyone
to buy. Without going into a lot of theory, the likely result of this flood of increased purchasing
power into the economic system would be to push up the prices of all the things we want,
meaning that our increased incomes would not buy us anything more than the lower level of
income that we had before.
So, the underlying problem of being not able to have everything we want is not lack of
income itself. This merely seems to reflect something more fundamental – it would appear
that it is the scarcity of the goods and services themselves which is the problem. But is it?
If we look at our economic system, we can see that what we want from it is a stream of
outputs of goods and services in order to satisfy our wants. However, we don't get these
outputs from nowhere. In order to have outputs, we have to have some inputs which can be
transformed into those outputs. In economics, the inputs required to produce outputs in the
form of goods and services are called economic resources (or sometimes factors of
production). The ability to supply the goods and services that we want is dependent,
therefore, upon the supply of the resources required to produce them. (In advanced
economies, the transformation of the inputs of resources into outputs of goods and services
is usually done by business organisations.)
Perhaps we can now see the real reason why we cannot have all the items on our list – the
economy simply does not have enough resources to make all the outputs of goods and
services we want from it.
This gives us a definition of economics. It is concerned with how limited resources are used
to produce outputs of goods and services. However, "use" can be an ambiguous term –
economists are not concerned with the way in which metal and rubber are transformed in a
factory to make a BMW. They are, rather, concerned with the availability of metal and rubber,
and why those scarce resources are used to produce a BMW as opposed to, say, a bus. In
other words, economics is concerned with the way those resources are allocated between
alternative uses – how limited resources are allocated in the production of goods and
This is not our concern here – economics will be studied elsewhere in your course. We are
interested in the way in which businesses transform resources into goods and services – the
principles behind the way in which, for example, metal and rubber are transformed in a
factory to make a BMW. However, these basic economic principles provide the framework
within which businesses operate and we need to understand them in a little more detail
before we can come to a view as to what constitutes business.

What Are Resources?

Resources can be divided into three categories:
 labour;
 capital; and
 natural resources.

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4 Nature and Purpose of Business Activities

(a) Labour
Every economy has a workforce – i.e. the total number of people who are available to
work, for gain, to produce goods and services. In the UK at present, this is
approaching 28 million people.
Another aspect of the supply of labour is the hours which workers are available to work.
Some workers would be available full–time, while others would only be available on a
part–time or temporary basis. (And, similarly, the jobs which workers do may be full–
time, part–time or temporary, although not necessarily in accordance with the desired
availability of the workers themselves.) We could arrive at a more precise figure of the
available labour force by looking at person hours – i.e. the number in the workforce
multiplied by hours available.
A further aspect of the supply of labour is the skills of the workforce. In order to
produce particular goods and services, we invariably need resources with particular
characteristics – not just any old resource. Labour is just the same. The skills
available within the workforce can be a significant factor in the goods and services the
economy can produce.
(b) Capital
Capital refers to all those manufactured assets which exist to help in the production of
goods and services. Capital assets include:
 buildings – factories, offices, etc.;
 plant, machinery and tools;
 office equipment;
 roads, railways and airports;
 docks and harbours.
All economies have a stock of capital assets which have been accumulated over
(c) Natural resources
This includes anything which comes from planet Earth and can be used as a resource.
It includes unimproved land, minerals (oil, coal, etc.), water and so on.
We can say that, in theory, natural resources cost us nothing to make (unlike capital).
However, there will usually be some cost incurred in exploiting them – land may have
to be drained or irrigated, minerals have to be mined or water put into reservoirs, etc.

The Scarcity of Resources

At any point in time, the economy will have a limited number of resources available to
produce outputs:
 a given workforce with a given skill level;
 a certain stock of capital assets;
 given natural resources.
It follows that, even if the economy was able to use all of its available resources, it would be
capable of producing only a limited amount of output.
In this sense, then, resources are scarce. Scarce simply means limited in relation to our
wants. It is the fundamental reason why we cannot have all we want. However, can
anything be done to increase resources? The answer is "yes", up to a point.
Let us examine this in detail for each type of resource.

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Nature and Purpose of Business Activities 5

(a) Increasing the supply of labour

The options for achieving this include:
 to increase the population which, over time, should produce a larger workforce;
 to persuade more people to join the workforce, for example by raising the
retirement age or reducing the school leaving age (to, say 11!) or by other
 to improve the skill level of the workforce (which will not increase the size of the
workforce, but should improve its performance).
(b) Increasing the supply of capital
As we use capital assets in the production of goods and services, they are bound to
wear out. For example, a lorry is going to wear out as it is used to transport goods to
shops. This wearing out process is known as depreciation.
If nothing was done about depreciation, the capital stock would get smaller and that, in
turn, would reduce the amount of output that could be produced. It is clear, therefore,
that the economy must take action to ensure that its capital stock does not shrink, and
also, wherever possible, to try to make it larger.
The activity of creating new capital stock is called investment. Investment is defined
as spending on capital assets. What we are saying, then, is that in order to maintain
capital and, thereby, maintain output, there has to be enough investment and for that to
happen we have to postpone some present consumption to release resources for
(c) Increasing the supply of natural resources
You will have noticed that with capital and labour, a quality dimension can exist: with
labour, it could be the skill level; with capital, the better performance of newer units of
equipment. The same can apply to natural resources.
Natural resources essentially cost us nothing to produce – land, minerals, water, etc.
are just there. There is, though, a cost involved in extracting/collecting and storing
them before they can be used. However, even then they may not be usable in their
natural state. For example, oil needs to be refined – into, say, petrol – before it can be
used. It is possible, therefore, to change the characteristics of natural resources, or
improve their quality, to make them more useful in production.
But can natural resources be increased?
The answer must be "no". However, it is worse that that. The available amounts of
land or water in the world stay much the same although, in the case of land,
degradation (i.e. a loss of quality) may well occur. Mineral resources, however, are
depleted over time.
We assume that the world has a given amount of minerals and fossil fuels and, as they
are exploited, the remaining stocks will fall. This situation generates considerable
debate about our use of these "non–renewable" resources – an issue which will crop
up again later in the course.
Overall then, we can see that, as far as resources are concerned, it should be possible to
increase the available amounts of labour and capital, but there are problems with natural
resources, especially the non–renewable variety.

Types of Economy
We have seen that all economies are faced with the central problem that although wants are
virtually unlimited, the means of satisfying them are not. As a result, choices have to be

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6 Nature and Purpose of Business Activities

made – essentially about how scarce resources are allocated in the production of goods and
There are three main questions to consider in respect of this:
 who chooses?
 how do they choose?
 how are the goods and services which are produced, shared out?
In most modern economies these decisions are made by a combination of state provision
and free market provision.
(a) Market economies
An economy without government intervention is known as a market economy. This is a
market based on individuals making their own choices about resource allocation. So
how does it work?
The following diagram outlines the basics of the market system.



End product Resource

markets markets



There are two main types of market:

 end product markets; and
 resource markets.
Households contain consumers. Consumers are free to express their wants by
demanding (i.e. being prepared to buy) goods and services in end product markets.
They will want to buy those goods and services which they think will best satisfy their
wants. This demand is represented by the arrow A in the diagram.
Firms (producers) respond by producing and supplying to the markets those goods and
services which consumers want to buy. This is represented by B in the diagram. The
motive of the firms is gain – they expect to make profits from selling goods and
In order to produce those goods, firms have to buy or hire the resources to make them.
These resources will be in the form of labour, capital and natural resources. Since
these resources are scarce, firms compete with each other to get the resources they
need. As a result, the owners of those resources will be able to command payments.
We are now in a different set of markets – resource or factor markets. These are
represented on the right of the diagram.
In a market economy, the ownership of resources is vested in households. This may
seem strange at first. We can appreciate that households will own labour, but surely
capital, as we have defined it, and natural resources are owned by organisations, not
individual households?

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Nature and Purpose of Business Activities 7

If we think about this further, though, we realise that organisations themselves are
owned. For example, if we take a limited company which operates plant and
machinery, or a mining company which exploits mineral reserves – who owns these
firms? Firms are, naturally enough, owned by their owners. Their owners may be
individuals or partners, or in the case of public and private limited companies,
shareholders. These are all individuals – i.e. members of households. It is, therefore,
not the company which owns the plant, machinery or minerals, it is the members of
households who own the company. (You can see this by looking at any set of company
So, households own the economy's resources. They are prepared to offer them to
firms in return for incomes in the form of wages/salaries, dividends, interest payments,
rents, etc. There are a range of resource markets in which firms are demanding
resources and households are supplying them. For example, if you are employed, you
are involved in one of these resource markets – the labour market – where you are
selling your time and skills to an employer (a firm) in return for an income.
The demand for resources from the firms sector is shown by the arrow C and the
supply of resources from the households sector is shown by the arrow D.
If you are employed, you will be well aware that you are a resource owner, selling that
resource (labour) for what you can get, and then using the resulting income to finance
your demand for goods and services. However, you will also be aware that the
ownership of resources is by no means even and that not all resources command the
same prices. The result of this is that incomes are very uneven and it is income which
gives us command over the goods and services we need. In a market economy,
distribution is determined by income.
This brief outline of the market economy shows clearly that decisions about resource
allocation lie with individuals, not the state. Ultimately, consumers have the final say in
what will and will not be produced. Firms only produce those goods and services that
consumers will buy. And firms will then only buy/hire resources to produce those goods
and services that consumers want to buy.
This is what is referred to as consumer sovereignty.
(b) Mixed economies
No country has a pure market economy. To varying degrees all economies are
"mixed", i.e. they are a combination of state provision and free markets.
The UK is a mixed economy, as is the case with most other economies. This means
that certain goods and services are provided by the state and, in order to do this, the
state must take control over certain aspects of resource allocation and distribution in
the same way as in a command economy. The state can be central and/or local
government, and the aspects of the economy in which it is involved are known as the
public sector. By contrast, the market aspects of the economy are known as the
private sector. The actual mix varies between different economies from large public
sector/small private sector to small public sector/large private sector.
In many economies the boundary between the two sectors is shifting. It may happen
that services provided by the state sector are "privatised" and put into the market
sector, or the move may be in the opposite direction, for example by "nationalisation"
where the state takes over from the market. In the UK, as in many countries in recent
years, there has been a trend toward reducing the state's role and expanding the
market's role.
We shall consider the issue of public and private sector activity in a mixed economy
later in this unit.

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8 Nature and Purpose of Business Activities

Some Features of Markets

The word "market" has already cropped up and we have identified a few basic features. We
now need to define the term properly and examine in some detail how a market operates.
So, what is a market?
A market is an organised situation which enables buyers and sellers to be in
contact for the purpose of exchange.
There are a number of key features of markets which are implied by this definition.
 A market does not have to be an actual place. Sometimes it is – for example, a street
market or a car boot sale – but it will often be a communications system. Examples
include the stock market (the market for securities) or the foreign exchange market
(where currencies are bought and sold). We often speak of the "labour market",
although there is no such place (nowadays) as a market place for labour. The only
thing that matters is that buyers and sellers can do business.
 There will be two sides to any market – buyers and sellers. These roles are usually
held by different people, but sometimes people switch roles. For example, in the stock
market, someone may be a buyer today, but a seller tomorrow (but in most markets,
such role changes are unusual).
 Something of value is being exchanged. This might be a service or a good. In most
markets, goods and services are exchanged for money. In markets where goods are
exchanged for other goods directly the system of exchange is called barter. In most of
the developed world, barter is rare, but it does still happen – tankers of oil have been
exchanged for cargoes of wood on a barter basis, and you only have to go into any
school playground at break time to appreciate that barter is alive and well.
 If goods/services are being exchanged for money then a rate of exchange has to be
worked out – how much money should be exchanged for a unit of the good? This rate
of exchange is called price. A central function of a market is to determine the price.
To be effective, markets must allow all these things to happen.
In most developed economies, the market system is predominant. The "market economy"
describes an economic system where goods and services are exchanged for money through
markets, although a "pure" market economy in which all goods and services are exchanged
in markets does not exist.
You can imagine that the market economy will consist of a network of many thousands of
individual markets which will all be inter-related in different ways. We can try to make some
sense of this mass of markets by classifying them into a system. We have already made a
start on this in the diagram in the previous section. We shall now develop this.
We can identify four main groups of market:
 end product;
 resource;
 intermediate; and
 financial.
These may be defined as follows:

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Nature and Purpose of Business Activities 9

(a) End product markets

As the name implies, these are markets in which finished goods and services are
traded. "Finished" means that the buyers do not intend to process them further or sell
them on. Most of these markets will be for consumer goods and services and will
include all those retail markets with which we are familiar.
(b) Resource markets
Resource markets are where the basic economic resources of labour, natural
resources and capital goods are traded.
(c) Intermediate markets
Intermediate markets are those for part-finished or semi-finished goods. These include
components or parts made by one firm for another. Because of the nature of the goods
changing hands, you will appreciate that these markets are dominated by firms – they
are inter-firm markets. So, for example, if a motor manufacturer buys glass parts for
car windows from an outside supplier, then the manufacturer and the supplier are
involved in an intermediate market.
(d) Financial markets
Money is needed by firms and households to fund various types of economic activities.
If they do not have access to the necessary funds at the time they need them, they
may be able to get them through the financial markets. Financial markets are those in
which funds are traded. There are a wide range of these markets in which various
types of funds are traded – for example, there are markets for very short-term funds
(where money is needed for short periods, such as overnight or for a few days or
weeks), long-term markets where firms can obtain funds to finance capital expenditure,
and the foreign exchange market where the £ is traded against other currencies.
In a market economy, because of consumer sovereignty, we could argue that what is
happening in the resource, intermediate and financial markets reflects what is happening in
the end product markets.
If, say, consumer demand for cars rises, car firms will want to increase output. To do this,
they will need to employ more resources (for example, workers are asked to work longer
hours), seek larger volumes of parts from their suppliers in the intermediate markets (for
example, more window glass will be needed), and may need to seek additional funding to
finance the increased production in one of the financial markets.
To put this another way, the demand level in the resource market, for example, will be
derived from the demand in the end product market – the demand for car workers depends
upon the demand for cars. When we examine resource, intermediate or financial markets,
we have to bear this in mind. We cannot look at these markets in isolation, but must always
refer back to the related end product market.

Classifying Productive Enterprise
There are a number of ways in which business enterprises can be classified.
(a) Types of industry
There are three basic types of industry in which organisations are to be found:
 Primary industries – these are the suppliers of raw materials, such as mining,
oil extraction, forestry and farming.

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10 Nature and Purpose of Business Activities

 Secondary industries – these are businesses which convert raw materials into
goods and services.
 Tertiary industries – businesses in this sector are concerned with the
distribution of goods to customers, such as transport providers, wholesalers,
retail firms, etc. In addition, this sector contains businesses which provide
services, such as banks, travel agents and advertising. We now have to
recognise that sport has become a major business activity and this should be
included within the tertiary sector, although some economists regard sport and
leisure as forming a new fourth sector.
The growth of tertiary organisations is an important feature of modern society.
(b) Labour- and capital-intensive enterprises
Some organisations depend heavily on labour to achieve their objectives, while others
depend heavily on capital items like machinery or computers. Hence, we can classify
organisations as being labour intensive (such as retail shop organisations or the
Health Service) or as being capital intensive (such as manufacturing firms which use
robots, or enterprises which depend on expensive computers or machines).
(c) Product or service enterprises
A simple classification is to divide organisations into those which sell a product – such
as some tangible object like a car or a TV set – and those which provide a service,
such as a bank that allows us a loan. Some organisations combine the two as, for
example, the firm which sells us a product and then provides an after-sales service to
keep it working properly.
(d) Private and public sector organisations
Private sector organisations are those which are owned and controlled by individuals or
groups of individuals to achieve objectives which they themselves establish. Public
sector organisations are those which are owned and controlled by institutions
representing the State and responsible to the political machinery of the State, and
which are required to pursue objectives established by the political institutions of the
We shall examine the differences between these organisations later in the unit.

UK Industry
As countries develop, the structure of their industries tends to change. The importance of
agriculture and then manufacturing falls and services provide a growing proportion of Gross
Domestic Product (GDP – the sum of all production in the economy). Thus, there is a
movement through the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors in terms of their overall
importance to the economy. The share attributable to each sector depends on things like the
availability and abundance of resources, history, government policy, and ability to compete in
the world market.
Britain had the world's first industrial revolution. It would not have been possible without a
preceding agricultural revolution which provided the labour force for the new factories and
the means to feed them. Long before these events, Britain was a major trading and
commercial nation.
Over the years there have been changes between the sectors and within them. Employment
in agriculture has steadily declined as farming methods have changed. Coal mining is no
longer an important industry as its output has been replaced by oil, gas and imports.
Technological change played its part with North Sea gas replacing town gas made from coal.
The percentage of the labour force employed in service industries has increased at the
expense of the primary and secondary sectors.

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Nature and Purpose of Business Activities 11

In 2006 the output of the primary sector accounted for a little over 3% of GDP, the secondary
sector for 2% and tertiary industry for 73%.

As we have seen, production requires the transformation of inputs into outputs – the
acquisition of economic resources (or factors of production) and their combination and
application, through the activities of business enterprises, to produce outputs of goods and
Britain is well endowed with economic resources, having almost enough oil and gas to cover
its needs, although there is considerable trade in oil to get the right mix of grades. The UK is
virtually self-sufficient in energy production. Land is not abundant compared to other
countries and the UK has about twice the population density per square kilometre compared
to the European Union (EU) average. But 77% of the land is used for agriculture and Britain
is self-sufficient, or nearly so, in a wide range of foods including wheat, barley, milk, meat,
beef, mutton, poultry, eggs and potatoes. The country is well endowed with industrial and
social capital such as roads, hospitals and schools. There is a long history of enterprise from
before the industrial revolution and many financial institutions and markets have developed
to serve it. The London foreign exchange market is the largest in the world and the Stock
Exchange the biggest outside the USA.
Britain has a growing and educated labour force. The structure of the population and the
employment of labour are very important for the performance of the economy, as considered
in the next section. The efficiency of labour depends on how well all the factors are
combined and utilised in production.

Foreign Investment
The structure of industry in Britain has been greatly affected by foreign investment attracted
into the country. Many famous names among the merchant banks, like Rothschild, came to
London because it was the leading financial centre in the world. Singer, the sewing machine
manufacturer, was the first American multinational to set up in the UK, a hundred years ago.
Since then there has been a steady stream of firms setting up UK operations or buying into
British companies.
In more recent times two events have increased overseas investment in the British economy.
 North Sea oil and gas attracted many multinationals. Earlier investments were aimed
primarily at getting access to the prosperous British market with the opportunity to sell
or to set up in neighbouring countries.
 When the UK joined the EU it became the favoured location for firms wishing to
operate within the Common Market.
There are many examples. In the 1960s Britain had several television manufacturers, but
foreign competition put them out of business; in the 1990s the UK became an exporter of
TVs manufactured in the country but the firms were Japanese owned. Japanese car firms
also used England as their entry to the EU. Toyota made the UK its base for European
manufacture. This was a Japanese version of the seventy year-old establishment of
American car firms – Ford and Vauxhall (General Motors) – in England. Apart from a few
small specialists, all of the British car industry is foreign owned. This inward investment
creates jobs in the investing firms and in their suppliers; the additional employment means
that there is more spending throughout the economy and helps to create, or maintain, jobs in
other areas. Dividends and profits are remitted to headquarters abroad, thus affecting the
balance of payments. However, exports from foreign-owned firms benefit the trade balance.
Investment in assets is known as foreign direct investment; buying stocks and shares is
called portfolio investment and does not involve ownership of the company. In the 1980s,

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12 Nature and Purpose of Business Activities

direct investment in the UK from abroad was about half of the amount invested abroad by
British firms. The UK continues to be a net exporter of capital.


The population of the world is over 5 billion people. Between 1950 and 1985 the number of
people on the globe doubled. This growth has mainly occurred in the less developed
countries (LDCs) as population growth in the industrialised nations has fallen to around or
below replacement levels.
The main reason for population growth is a decline in death rates; fertility and birth rates
remain the same. Growth of the population will continue as so many countries have a
majority of their inhabitants in the child-bearing age range. In 1992 half the population of
Kenya was below the age of 15. In India it was 37%. As these people start to have families
there will be a rapid increase in the population even if every woman has fewer children than
was the case during the last twenty years. By the year 2150, Kenya is expected to have a
population of 150 million, compared to 18 million in 1982. It is estimated that world
population will double by the year 2050. Such rapid change in the population has
tremendous implications for the use of resources, availability of workers, the cost of labour
and the size and pattern of demand.
An expanding young population means more demand for baby products, cots, toys and baby
foods, then for education as they grow up and, later, for jobs as they enter the labour market.
The economy has to expand very fast to keep up with the demands on it for output and
employment. Added pressures come from rising expectations and demands for social
welfare and health improvements.

The Ageing Population of the UK

Britain has the world's sixteenth largest population at 60.7 million. The age distribution is
very different from Kenya, with 17% under age 15 and 16% aged 65 or over. There is 67% in
the working age-group of 16 to 65. There are slightly more women (51%) than men (49%).
The proportion of elderly people is predicted to rise especially in the over 80s range. This
change in the age structure will mean more demand for retirement homes, health care for the
aged and leisure pursuits for the elderly.
It also poses problems for specific areas of the country. Many of the elderly in the south-east
of the UK move to more attractive coastal areas. This shifts the burden of labour-intensive
care for the elderly to counties like East Sussex. Demand for public transport and other
amenities rises in these retirement areas, yet they are costly to provide to the standards
people would like. Change in employment patterns in service industries is imposed. Local
market demands alter; the construction industry has to build suitable housing, stores have to
offer suitable goods and leisure activities have to cater for golf and bowls instead of soccer
and athletics.
Pensions and health-care will become a bigger burden on government finances raised
through taxes on the smaller employed sector. This is why the government is keen that
people should make their own retirement provision and that the age of retirement should be
increased, especially for women. As you can see, changes in the age structure of the
population have great long-term influences on demand.

Optimum Population
The sheer size of the population is not as important as the optimum population. This is the
size of working population which gives the greatest output per head with the existing
resources. It is a theoretical concept and constantly changes with changes in the other
factors and in technology. Its size determines whether or not land and capital will be used

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Nature and Purpose of Business Activities 13

efficiently. Too large a population can mean too many small, inefficient agricultural holdings
and capital going to housing instead of productive investment; too small a population means
land remaining unused and resources unexploited. The concept does concentrate attention
on the importance of the labour supply.

The UK Labour Force

The labour supply depends on the size and age distribution of the population. The school
leaving age and the statutory retirement age determine how many are in the working
population. Not all of those people may work, however: they may continue to study, retire
early or stay at home. The labour force consists of those who are eligible and who offer
themselves for work. The supply of labour also depends on the length of the working week
and the number of holidays.
In 2005 the UK labour force numbered 31,042,000. The distribution of this workforce
between the main productive sectors is shown in Table 1.1.

Industrial Sector Employees (Thousands)

Agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining 1.4% 450

Manufacturing and Construction 17.7% 5486
Services and Public Administration 80.9% 25106

Table 1.1: UK Employment by Industry

As well as an increase in employment over the period to 2005, there have been a number of
changes in the pattern of employment. A major change is the growth in part-time
employment. Almost half of employed women are in part-time jobs; but men, too, are taking
more part-time jobs. There is evidence that this is partly a matter of choice and not wholly
due to the availability of job offers, as people choose to work part-time rather than full-time.
The number of women of working age in jobs has grown. This is due both to more women
demanding jobs and the increased availability of suitable employment, especially part-time.
The proportion of the self-employed has also grown from 11% to approximately 15% of the
labour force.
There has also been a change in the type of jobs. The proportion of manual workers has
fallen while the number of workers in the service sector has risen. This change is due to
changes in technology and the organisation of work. It is also a result of the fact that
employment in manufacturing has more than halved since 1979, such a decline being
common to all the industrialised economies.

Even if the size of the population stays the same, output can increase. Social changes
bringing more women into jobs, alterations to the rules on retirement and pension rights,
different hours of work and more flexibility can all change the labour supply.
Even more important effects can result from changes in productivity. Better health and
improved education and training bring improvements in output per hour. Changes in the
organisation of work, like introducing quality circles and employee empowerment, increase
productivity from a more efficient labour force. More investment in capital and the
introduction of new technology lead to increased output. Changes in output per head can
have dramatic effects on the rate of growth of industries and the economy.

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14 Nature and Purpose of Business Activities


Organisations are either owned by private sector individuals and groups or they are in the
public sector, owned by the nation. There may be little difference in the form of ownership.
For example, a public corporation and a private company are in different sectors but have
much the same legal structure. The capital of the former, however, is held by the Treasury
on behalf of the citizens while that of the latter is held by individuals on their own behalf.
There are, though, great differences in objectives and responsibilities. Public sector
organisations carry out the tasks assigned to them by Parliament and are responsible to it as
represented by the relevant minister of the government. Private companies, on the other
hand, exist to make profits by carrying on the activities permitted by their Memoranda, and
their managers are responsible to their shareholders. There are also tremendous differences
in the size of firms.
We shall examine the various types of organisation and their structures in detail in the next
study unit. For the moment, we are concerned with the reasons for the existence of the two
sectors and with their extent. Over the last fifteen years there has been a revolution in
attitudes to public ownership and control. Many public sector organisations have been
privatised to gain the benefits of greater efficiency and competition.

The Public Sector

Before 1980 a large part of British industry was in the public sector. Around 13% of GDP was
produced by nationalised industries responsible for 10% of employment. Some
organisations, like the BBC and Bank of England, were taken into public ownership because
it was felt that they had a special place in the nation's affairs. Most were nationalised by the
post-war Labour government in accordance with the Labour Party's constitution, which called
for the public ownership of the more important parts of industrial activity. The nationalised
industries were taken into public ownership by setting up public corporations to operate
them. Since the Conservative government came to power in 1979, most of these public
corporations have been privatised. In addition many economic activities have been
deregulated. Banks, building societies and road transport are examples of industries which
have had government regulations and controls removed. The role of the public sector as a
provider of commercial activities has been greatly reduced.
The scope of the public sector has been greatly reduced by privatisation, but it continues to
account for over 40% of national expenditure. Much of this is due to government spending
on public goods and merit goods such as education, health care, defence, social services
and law and order.
 Public goods are those which cannot be provided to one individual who pays without
non-payers sharing them, like street lighting, or those which have to be provided
collectively, like the Navy.
 Merit goods are those which society thinks that everyone should have, like basic
education and health care.
A significant amount of spending of these kinds is controlled by public sector organisations of
different types. We will examine the structure and objectives of these organisations in the
next study unit.
Local government supplies many services to the community including rented housing,
leisure facilities, education and road sweeping. Local government operates at a number of
levels. In many areas parish councils provide amenity services within their areas. District
councils are larger and provide a range of services, including housing and leisure services.
County Councils cover a number of District Councils and provide highways, education and

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Nature and Purpose of Business Activities 15

social services, among others. In some areas, the duties of District and County Councils
have been streamlined with new "unitary" authorities. Since 1999, the UK has additionally
had a regional level of government, with the election of Scottish and Welsh assemblies. The
local council may rent out market stalls, run a theatre and provide conference facilities.
Since 1980 local government activities have been increasingly deregulated and contracted
out to private firms.
However far the privatisation goes, there will always be a role for the public sector. There
are activities like the Army, Courts of Justice and the police which have to be provided by the
state. Again, some part of these activities may be hived off to private sector organisations,
for example the 1994 proposals that the army could lease trucks and the air force could have
its planes serviced by private contractors.
Even without these activities, the public sector is a major purchaser of goods and services
from private firms. Government rules enforcing competitive tendering for public service
operations mean that public organisations which want to win the contracts must be as
efficient as their competitors in the private sector.
Government bodies are required to oversee the activities of private sector organisations.
For example the privatised water companies are regulated by Ofwat and the gas industry by
Ofgem. There will be a continuing role for central and local government activities which are
concerned with the operations of commercial enterprises including the Inspectorates of
Health and Safety, Pollution, and Weights and Measures.

The Private Sector

The private sector consists of a huge variety of organisations of different kinds. The majority
exist to make profits, though there are many which have other aims. Most private sector
organisations are small. In manufacturing 94% of enterprises employ fewer than 100 people;
two-thirds of firms have fewer than ten employees. Companies employing over 1,000
represented only 0.3% of organisations but accounted for 17% of people in manufacturing
enterprises. The picture for charities is similar, with 90% of them sharing only 7.3% of total
charity income.
In services the vast majority of organisations are sole traders or partnerships. There are
many reasons for this, ranging from the ease of setting up a one-person firm to the ability of
small enterprises to specialise in providing products and services to localised or "niche"
Some industries are dominated by one or a few firms. There are activities like electricity
distribution and sewage disposal where a natural monopoly exists. In these cases it does
not make sense to most of us that there should be more than one supplier. There would be
no advantage from competition.
In some activities the technical advantages of large-scale production are so important in
reducing costs that only a few firms can serve the market. Similarly there are areas where
mass marketing or bulk buying give huge economies and a few large firms dominate the
industry. Car production and supermarket retailing are examples. As well as the dominant
firms there may be a large number of specialist producers or local suppliers filling the niches
which the large companies do not want to serve.
In these industries there is a danger that firms will exploit their position to the detriment of
consumers and society. The government has to provide a specific regulator, like Ofgem, or
approve arrangements for self-regulation, as in the financial services covered by the
Personal Investment Authority (PIA) and its specialist industry subsidiaries.
A general overview is provided by the Competition Commission, which deals with restrictive
trade practices, monopolies and mergers. The general rule is that activities may be
investigated if certain conditions apply. A firm which has more than 25% of the market may
be examined to see if its activities are contrary to the public interest. If they are, the

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16 Nature and Purpose of Business Activities

Secretary of State for Trade can order it to stop and impose conditions like a maximum price.
Mergers can be stopped if the result would be a firm in a dominant position. There are
similar EU rules which apply to cases affecting more than one country. These are some of
the ways in which public sector organisations may have a direct impact on commercial
enterprises in the private sector.
The diversity of private organisations and activities reflects the demands of consumers.
People get started in business in different ways. A hairdresser may spot an opportunity to
provide a home service to the housebound or mothers with young children who do not want
to drag them to a salon. In such a field, a minimum of equipment and therefore little capital is
required to get started as a sole trader.
Others may get the backing of a large organisation by taking a franchise. The franchisee
gets the benefit of a business plan, expertise, marketing and technical support and help with
finance, in return for a share of the turnover. McDonald's and Kall-Kwik print shops are
examples to be found in almost every town.
Some businesses can only start large. A steelworks or the Channel Tunnel require very large
amounts of capital so they must start as public companies in order to raise money from the
widest possible range of sources. Small firms can grow into giants – Marks and Spencer
started with a market stall and Trust House Forte with an ice cream parlour. In Study Unit 5
we shall consider how and why firms grow.

Ownership and Control

(a) Private sector
Legal ownership lies in the hands of the providers of the financial risk capital, also
known as the equity. In the private sector there is a fundamental distinction between
corporate and non-corporate organisations. A corporate organisation has a separate
legal entity and identity of its own that is quite distinct from the identity of the owners,
the providers of equity. The most common corporate commercial organisation is the
company limited by shares established under the provisions of the Companies Acts
and subject to their provisions. Most non-corporate organisations, with the exception of
some very large professional service firms in the fields of the law and accountancy, are
very small and are completely owned and controlled by one person, the sole proprietor,
or by just a few people forming a business partnership.
Although there is a duty on the part of all business organisations to keep separate
financial accounts for their business activities, there is no legal distinction between the
responsibilities and liabilities of the business and the individual proprietors or partners.
In the case of the limited company enjoying full corporate status there is a clear division
between the responsibilities and liabilities of the company and those of the providers of
equity, the ordinary shareholders. One implication of this separation, however, is that
the shareholders are not permitted to intervene in the management of the enterprise,
the control of which is, therefore, delegated to directors who act on behalf of the
shareholders. Directors may appoint a managing director and professional managers
to take day-to-day decisions but again have the duty of acting in the interests of
shareholders. A shareholder may also be a director and indeed a full- or part-time
manager of the enterprise and, of course, many employees are also shareholders
under profit-sharing schemes, but the functions of these are separate.
(b) Public sector
The one feature that is common to all government owned and controlled organisations
is that all activities have to be within the powers specifically granted to the organisation
by Parliament or under the authority of Parliamentary legislation. As a result the way in
which activities are carried out and authorised becomes as important as the activity
itself and its results. There can be no possibility of a desirable end justifying means

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Nature and Purpose of Business Activities 17

that might be judged to be beyond the organisation's legal powers. Furthermore, all
managers have to be ready to justify their actions in case these are subjected to
detailed scrutiny from outside the organisation. This makes administration time-
consuming and burdensome and can make managers extremely cautious. In addition,
managers are rarely given the freedom of decision-making that is considered normal in
an ordinary business company.
Some efforts have been made since the mid-1980s to try to improve managerial
practices in the public sector, but this has been linked to giving greater financial
freedom to institutions such as schools, hospitals and the Post Office. However, for
those organisations such as schools and hospitals which rely for their funds on the
public purse and whose activities are closely ordered and regulated by State
authorities, regulators and inspectors, any attempt to increase managerial
independence usually results in increased administration and bureaucracy simply
because of the duty imposed on managers to account for the way public money is used
and to be able to prove that its use is strictly in accordance with their legal powers.
Not only do the above constraints divert scarce resources from productive activities
such as classroom teaching and nursing the sick, but they can also create an
environment that is hostile to enterprising management and individual initiative.

(a) Private sector
In the main, the private sector firm is accountable to its shareholders. It discharges this
responsibility by means of its Annual Report and the Annual General Meeting.
Increasingly, the concept of stakeholding, which we discuss below, has meant that
firms are now taking account of moral and social responsibilities to their employees and
society at large. As part of this, some public companies now publish a social or
environmental report in addition to the normal financial reports.
(b) Public sector
As already explained, public sector organisations are accountable ultimately to
Parliament. In principle, government ministers are responsible for general direction
and the full-time managers are responsible entirely for day-to-day management. In
practice, political decisions may mean that "general direction" dictates many
managerial practices and reduces the role of management.
One problem for the public sector is that there is little direct accountability between
management and Parliament. Government ministers are not generally interested in the
detailed operation of the enterprise (nor do they have the time). However, when things
go wrong, the implications can be far reaching, not least in political terms.

Many people, apart from the owners and employees, have a stake in organisations, whether
private or public sector. Perhaps the most obvious definition of a stakeholder is: anyone with
an interest in the business. The importance of the stake depends on the relation to the
Stakeholders can be individuals, groups of people or organisations. The only thing they may
have in common is their interest in the business. The interests themselves are not
necessarily financial but can encompass social, ethical and moral issues as well.
The first task is to identify who the main stakeholders are likely to be. Throughout this
analysis we shall be thinking in terms of larger-scale business since these will tend to have
the most far-ranging stakeholder interests.

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18 Nature and Purpose of Business Activities

The key stakeholders can be seen as:

 Owners, whether sole traders, partners or shareholders, are interested in the financial
results of the firm because they have invested their capital and, possibly, their time and
effort, and they want to get the maximum return. They must consider their alternatives
– whether to stay with the firm or seek better opportunities elsewhere.
 Managers and workers want job security, prospects, good working conditions, and pay
that recognises their contribution to the success of the business. They look for other
features that improve their lives like pension schemes, insurance cover and, in some
cases, social and sports facilities provided by the organisation. People expect to
receive training. They seek recognition for effort and ideas. Job satisfaction is an
important element in peoples' lives.
 Customers expect quality products at fair prices, and a high standard of service. Do
not forget that commercial customers may depend on suppliers' product quality for the
excellence of their own goods and services.
 Suppliers look for lasting business relationships and fair treatment. They have an
interest in the continuing existence of the organisation as a customer. They may
depend on prompt payment to maintain their own cash flow.
 The community has a stake in the organisation as an employer. This generates
business for other local firms as wages are spent. The organisation may play an
important part in local social and community life by providing amenities or through
 Government has a direct stake in the public sector organisations which enable it to
provide the services promised to the population. National and local government as
owners are interested in the financial performance of public enterprises. All sorts of
organisations pay taxes which provide national and local government with income to
spend on social services, defence, justice and other areas. Thus, governments are
very interested in the success or failure of business organisations.
 Members of societies, clubs, associations and professions want to receive a
satisfactory standard of service. They expect value for their subscriptions and wish to
be sure that the organisation is carrying out its objectives.

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Study Unit 2
Structures of Business

Contents Page

Introduction 20

A. Basic Forms of Business Organisations 20

Corporate/Non-Corporate Organisations 20
Limited and Unlimited Liability 21

B. The Sole Trader 21

Advantages and Disadvantages 22
Small Limited Companies 22

C. Partnerships 23
Advantages and Disadvantages 24
Large Professional Partnerships 25

D. Companies 25
Private and Public Limited Companies 25
Formation of a Company 26
Finance 26
Structure 27
Advantages and Disadvantages 29

E. Public Sector Organisations 30

Public Corporations 30
Municipal Enterprises 31
Quangos 31
The Public Enterprise and State Ownership Debate 31

F. Not-For-Profit Organisations 33

G. Objectives of Organisations 34

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20 Structures of Business

Much of our lives is spent in organisations – at school or college, at work in a firm, and during
our leisure time in social or sports clubs or doing religious and voluntary activities. All of it is
affected and influenced by the organisations which decide what goods and services are
available to us, how much we pay in national and local taxes, what hospital facilities are
provided locally, the quality of the water we drink and the television programmes we can
There are many types of business organisation to provide for different purposes, scales of
operation, needs for finance and the structure preferred by the owners.
The main reason for the existence of private sector business organisations is to make a
profit, and indeed most private sector businesses aim to maximise profit. Public sector
organisations may be expected to make a profit or at least to break even, but their primary
objective is usually to provide a service to the public. As we will see later, businesses have a
number of objectives which they pursue at the same time but, if they lose sight of the need to
make a profit, they risk going out of business or being taken over by more successful
The general organisational, management and leadership principles hold within all
commercial organisations, from the small corner shop to the huge multinational. The way in
which these principles are applied, however, will vary, given the nature of the organisation's
role and/or task.
When you have completed this study unit you will be able to:
 Describe the various types of organisation which are found in the private and public
 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of sole traders, partnerships and
 Evaluate the case for the public sector.
 Explain how different organisations are owned and controlled with reference to their
 Discuss the various objectives of business organisations.


There are two basic distinctions which underlie the organisation of business enterprise in the
private sector.

Corporate/Non-Corporate Organisations
Non-corporate organisations are those which do not have a separate legal identity from their
owners. This means that the owners are fully liable for the actions of the organisation,
including any debts.
The main forms of such organisation are:
 sole proprietors, still often known as sole traders though they are found in activities
other than trade; and
 partnerships.

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Structures of Business 21

Corporate organisations are those which have a separate legal identity of their own. The
most common corporate business organisations are:
 public limited companies which can usually be recognised as their official title
normally ends with the common abbreviation "plc"; and
 private limited companies which can usually be recognised as their official title
normally ends with the word "limited" or with the common abbreviation "Ltd". This can
sometimes be confusing, however, since many private limited companies are, in fact,
subsidiaries of large public limited companies or of foreign companies. Consequently,
you may think you are dealing with a small private company, when in reality you are
dealing with a minor offshoot of a giant multinational organisation. The legal
independence of the limited company, however, can enable the giant to disown its
offshoot if it becomes a financial liability.

Limited and Unlimited Liability

The term "limited" in public or private limited companies means that the organisation enjoys
"limited liability". This exists where the owners of a business have their individual
responsibility for its debts limited in some way should it fail.
In practical terms this means that the shareholders who are its legal owners are not liable for
any debts of the organisation beyond the amount they have paid or agreed to pay for their
shares. They may lose all the money they have invested in the company but cannot be
called upon to pay any more.
The importance of limited liability is that it allows enterprises to raise very large amounts of
capital from a great number of investors who need take no part in the running of the
In contrast to this protection for limited company shareholders, partners and sole traders
have unlimited liability for their business debts and may lose everything they own if their
business fails.
There are a few unlimited companies and a very few limited partnerships but for various
reasons these are usually impractical for normal business purposes.


Also known as the sole proprietor, this is the oldest and simplest form of business
enterprise. The proprietor is the sole person who provides the financial resources and who
makes the decisions – i.e. he/she both owns and runs the business. There may be
employees in the firm, and decision-making may be delegated to some of them, but the final
success or failure of the business rests with the proprietor, who provides the funds and takes
the profits or the responsibility for any losses. The business is not a legal entity separate
from the owner, so the proprietor has unlimited liability and all contracts with the business are
made with the individual proprietor, not with the firm. The business is a separate accounting
entity which has accounts prepared for it, but these do not need to be a full set of accounts
and need only be sufficient to satisfy tax liabilities.
In the UK anyone can set up as a sole trader without any formal procedures except where a
licence is required to operate, for example to retail wines and spirits or to run a taxicab
service. Sole traders exist mainly in small-scale retailing, personal and business services,
craft industries, some specialist manufacturing like instrument making and the building of
industrial models, and the professions. In some industries, especially building and
construction, the sole proprietor business provides services to large firms which may sub-
contract most of the work on a project to specialists. About 80 per cent of all businesses in
Britain are sole traders, but they provide only a very small percentage of total output. They

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22 Structures of Business

are important to their local communities. They provide an informal and easy way for anyone
to start up their own business with a minimum of capital and exploit their specialist skills and
knowledge. Being one's own boss is often the main attraction.
One feature of the differences between sole traders and companies lies in the ways in which
they raise business capital. The sources of finance for the sole trader include the following:
the proprietor's own resources; loans from relatives and friends, High Street banks,
commercial banks or finance houses; credit from suppliers; government grants (where
applicable); and the ploughing back of profits.
Note also that the sole proprietor will make use of a wide range of outside services –
including solicitors, insurance advisers, bank managers, advertising experts, consultants,
employment experts, government agencies, etc.

Advantages and Disadvantages

There are a number of benefits from being a sole trader as opposed to any other form of
business organisation.
 A sole trader business can be established with the minimum of formalities, there are
few legal procedures and book-keeping and accounts are straightforward.
 The owner has independence and control; there is no need to consult with others about
 The business can respond flexibly to market changes and to customers' demands as
decisions can be taken quickly.
 Any profit goes to the proprietor.
 Personal supervision by the owner should mean that good customer relations can be
established and that employees are well motivated.
On the other hand, there are disadvantages.
 Finance is usually limited to any money the proprietor can provide or borrow from the
bank, building society or family and friends; this limits the scale of the business.
 Unlimited liability means that, if the business gets into trouble, the owner stands to lose
everything, including the family house if it has been put up as security for loans.
 Expansion is limited to ploughing back the profits, and lack of finance may prevent the
business from reaching a viable size.
 The firm depends on the sole proprietor, so there may be problems in taking holidays
or if the owner is ill; and the business is likely to cease with the death of the owner.
 Any one person's range of expertise is limited; a sole trader may, for instance, be good
at repairing the bodywork of damaged cars but completely lacking in financial and
marketing skills.
Despite the risks many people start up in business every year as sole traders. They are
most likely to succeed where there is a specialist niche which they can exploit and where
success depends on the personal ability, initiative, motivation and determination of the

Small Limited Companies

There is very little practical day-to-day difference if a very small family business is operated
as a sole proprietorship or as a limited company with perhaps just two shareholders (often a
wife and husband or two other closely related people) who are both directors, one the
company secretary, and both sharing the functions of day-to-day management. Strictly the
similarity is closer to a partnership but often there is one person who is the driving force in

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Structures of Business 23

the enterprise with the other helping. The only real advantage of forming a company or
sometimes buying a dormant company and getting it going again is to gain the protection of
limited liability. This is a valuable protection if the enterprise runs the risk of failing with
substantial debts, but for many service organisations such a risk is very small and there is no
need to incur the formality and expense of a limited company.

Some of the disadvantages of the sole trader can be overcome by forming a partnership.
This increases the financial resources and widens the range of expertise available to the
The legal definition of a partnership was put forward in the Partnership Act 1890 and is as
"The relation which subsists between persons carrying on a business in common
with a view of profit".
So a partnership refers to people coming together to pursue common business goals. Two
or more persons carrying on a business together constitute a partnership. It does not require
any formal, written agreement; a verbal arrangement is sufficient.
In the UK the Partnership Act 1890 limits the number of partners in a business to twenty,
with some minor exceptions (including qualified and practising accountants and solicitors and
the business members of a recognised stock exchange).
Partnerships flourish in the same areas as sole traders. They appeal especially to
professional people, who can retain a lot of individual freedom of action and maintain their
personal relationship with clients while gaining the advantages of larger amounts of capital
and of expertise.
Partnerships are usually regulated by an agreement which covers the terms for subscribing
capital, the division of profits and losses, duties, salaries and the procedures for dissolving
the partnership. It is very unwise to carry on business without such an agreement.
There is, then, likely to be a formal, written partnership agreement or deed of partnership.
Remember, though, that a partnership may be deemed to exist by implication from the
behaviour of the parties concerned, e.g. if a person shares in the profits (and losses) of a
business, that person may be deemed to be a partner. The existence of a formal deed does
avoid disputes on how work and profits are to be divided. Such an agreement will also make
clear the date of the commencement of the partnership and, if it is to exist for a fixed period,
the date on which it is to end. If it is not for a fixed period, there should be agreement on
what will happen on the retirement or death of a partner. Further, unless there are
procedures set down for operating and dissolving the partnership, the individual members
can suddenly be faced by all the financial difficulties caused by unlimited liability for all the
debts of the partnership.
The key features of a partnership are as follows.
 All partners have unlimited liability for the debts of the firm, just as sole traders do, so
a partner could lose his/her personal wealth if the business folded up. This very heavy
liability for the whole of a firm's debts applies to each partner no matter what
agreement the partners may have made between themselves for sharing losses. Thus
one partner could be in a position of losing everything if the other partners do not have
sufficient assets, even though the losses may have been caused entirely by one of
those unable to pay. It is not difficult to see why a limited company structure is likely to
be preferable if there is any risk of substantial financial losses.
 Any partner can bind the partnership to a contract with third parties.

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24 Structures of Business

 All partners are jointly liable for meeting the obligations of contracts on behalf of the
partnership. The partners usually have joint and several liability, which means
someone could take legal action against the partners jointly or against each partner
individually, e.g. to claim damages.
 A partnership, like a sole proprietorship, is not a separate legal entity like a limited
company; it is the partners who are personally liable.
 All partners share profits according to agreed arrangements.
 The name of each partner and the business address(es) must be shown clearly on all
business documents and full names of partners must be displayed at the place of
There are two types of partnership, known as ordinary partnerships and limited
partnerships. The former are by far the more popular form. Limited partnerships are those
where a partner only wishes to be liable for a given amount of money which he/she invests in
the partnership and not be involved in the running of the business. The Limited Partnership
Act 1907 provides for a business to have general partners, who have unlimited liability but
carry on all the running of the firm, and limited (or "sleeping") partners, who contribute capital
but can take no part in managing the enterprise. There must be at least one general
partner. Limited partners receive a fixed rate of interest on their capital. They have the
protection that their liability is limited to the amount of their capital subscription. Limited
partnerships are very rare, as the same purposes can be achieved by setting up a private
limited company with better protection for all involved.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The advantages of partnerships stem from the fact that their organisational structure lies
between that of a sole proprietor and a company, so that in a sense they can obtain the best
of both worlds.
 Like the sole proprietor and the very small limited company, they are small enough to
be flexible and the partners are close enough to the "grass roots" of the business to
know what is going on. The principle of professional accountability to clients and
customers is retained.
 The legal and financial procedures are relatively simple – for example, the accounts of
the business need only be prepared for the information of the partners and for the
calculation of tax liabilities. There is no obligation to publish accounts
 There can be division of labour between the partners so that each can specialise and
benefit from each other's expertise in running of the business. Such working
arrangements are based on trust and mutual confidence between partners.
 Partnerships need not be too bureaucratic – systems and controls in the enterprise
need not be too complex.
 Partners may cultivate a degree of interchangeability so that if one is ill or away from
the business, other partners can take over the work.
 While operating as individuals, the partners can share the cost of common premises,
staff and services – as in the cases of doctors, dentists and solicitors.
 It is easier for partnerships to raise extra resources in order to expand or develop;
unlike the sole proprietor, the partnership is likely to have more assets to use as
security for loans. A partnership can also raise more capital by adding new partners.
The main disadvantages of partnerships derive from shared ownership and control of the

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 General partners have unlimited liability – financial failure of the partnership can spell
personal financial ruin for the partners.
 The withdrawal or death of a partner may dissolve the firm.
 Any partner can enter into an agreement which binds the others.
 Decision-making may be difficult and slow as all the partners have to agree – one
difficult partner could create problems.
 For a variety of reasons partnerships are not as stable as sole trader firms. Shared
control means the possibilities of disagreements and delays. Partners are human
beings with human feelings; some partners may be dishonest, some may be lazy or
there may be clashes of personality.

Large Professional Partnerships

It is still customary and required by some professional bodies for a number of professional
and semi-professional occupations – particularly legal and accountancy – to be structured as
partnerships and not limited companies. It is felt that the fact that the partners have unlimited
liability gives clients confidence that their affairs will be handled competently and honestly.
Today, however, many such firms are very large organisations operating in many countries
and providing very complex and highly skilled services to the giant multinational industrial
and commercial companies. The legal responsibilities resting on the auditors and financial
advisers of giant companies are very great and these companies will not hesitate to sue their
professional advisers for immense financial damages if they feel that their interests have
been severely damaged by an adviser's neglect, error or misjudgement. An award for
damages made to a giant company could financially destroy even the largest accountancy
partnership and cause heavy losses to that partnership's other clients. Accordingly the major
accountancy-based firms, which are now becoming composite financial services
organisations, are tending to form limited companies to carry out most of the potentially risky
services for large public companies. The traditional partnership structure remains for most of
the remainder of the firms' activities.

For centuries the joint stock company has been the organisation used to bring together many
investors with small amounts of capital into one large enterprise. Without limited liability they
were no more than large partnerships, with all the risks that entailed.

Private and Public Limited Companies

Until the passing of the Joint Stock Companies Act 1884, limited companies could only be
formed by obtaining a charter from the Crown or Parliament. One early example was the
East India Company, chartered by Queen Elizabeth I in 1600. Parliamentary charters are still
used in special cases today, but almost all companies are formed under the various
Companies Acts passed since 1884. The Companies Act 1985 differentiated between
private limited companies, which must have "Limited" or "Ltd" in their names and public
limited companies required to include the letters plc.
Both types of company are owned by their ordinary shareholders, who hold the "equity" in
the company. This is why ordinary shares are also called "equities". The liability of the
shareholders is limited to their shareholding. Thus the maximum amount that they can lose
is what they paid for the shares.

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26 Structures of Business

The main differences between private limited companies and plcs are these.
 Shares in private companies can only be traded with the agreement of the
shareholders; they cannot be offered to the general public.
 Shares in public companies can be offered to the general public and are often, though
not always, traded on stock exchanges.
 A private company must have at least two shareholders while a public company must
have at least seven.
 A private company must have at least one director (two if the Company Secretary is a
director) and a public company must have at least two directors.
In general private companies are smaller businesses with much less capital than public
companies. However there are some small plcs. The advantage of forming a private
company is that one can raise more capital with limited liability while still retaining control.
Many are family businesses and most professional clubs are private companies. Public
companies are formed to tap the much wider sources of capital by selling shares direct to the
public, through the Stock Exchange, or by placing them with investing institutions like
insurance companies, pension funds and investment trusts, which are themselves public
companies formed specifically to invest in the shares of other companies.

Formation of a Company
When any limited company is formed, the promoters have to file certain documents with the
Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and obtain a Certificate of Incorporation. The main
documents are the Memorandum of Association which sets out the objectives of the
company, its capital, borrowing powers and name; and the Articles of Association which
cover points like the powers of directors, rules for issuing and transferring shares,
arrangements for company meetings and other internal affairs. A public company also
produces a prospectus setting out the terms on which it offers its shares and the history of
the firm and its prospects.

Companies issue different classes of share in order to appeal to different types of investor.
Shareholders receive dividends, which represent a percentage of the profits. Companies
also borrow by issuing debentures, which represent a loan to the business and which
receive interest at a fixed rate. A public company can offer its securities direct to the public or
place them with investing institutions. The institutions also buy shares on the Stock
Exchange (which deals in second-hand shares and debentures). Investors in public
companies have the added security of knowing that they can sell their shares freely at any
time through the Stock Exchange. Shareholders in private companies do not have this
The types of security are as follows.
 Ordinary shares, which receive a dividend determined by the Board of Directors
according to the size of the profits. Ordinary shareholders are the owners of the
company and each share entitles them to one vote at company meetings.
 Preference shares, which receive a fixed rate of dividend before any other class of
shareholder is paid anything. Some preference shares have the benefit of being
cumulative, which means that any unpaid dividends are carried forward until there is
enough profit to cover them.
 Debentures are stocks, not shares, and represent a loan to the company. They are
not part of the share capital. Debenture holders are creditors of the business and
receive a fixed rate of interest; they take no part in running the company.

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Companies are controlled by their owners, the ordinary shareholders, who can vote at the
Annual General Meeting to appoint or remove the directors who manage the business.
Directors may be executive, responsible for specific functions, or non-executive, representing
the general interest of the shareholders. The voluntary code of corporate governance set out
by the Cadbury Committee advises all plcs to have non-executive directors who can take an
independent view of the management.
The structure, functions and interrelationships of a joint stock company are shown in a basic
form in Figure 2.1.
You should note the following aspects of this structure.
 The shareholders (who may hold ordinary, preference or both types of shares) are the
owners of the firm.
 The Board of Directors is responsible for:
(a) Formulating policies.
(b) Ensuring that these policies are implemented.
(c) Ensuring that the enterprise has an appropriate structure and sufficient resources
to achieve its objectives.
(d) Ensuring that the company operates within the law of the country.
(e) Looking after the interests of the shareholders.
The Board of Directors may be made up of both full- and part-time directors. Normally
full-time directors will be responsible for the running of certain important areas of the
firm, e.g. accounts/finance, production, marketing, etc.
Part-time directors (non-executive) have sometimes been criticised as expensive
passengers, being paid their fees just to add a reputable name to the list of directors.
However, experts now argue that non-executive directors perform a valuable role.
Firstly, because of their part-time status they can take a more impartial view of the firm
and can act as referees when there are disputes between various parts of the
organisation. In addition, many non-executive directors are experts in their own right,
e.g. lawyers, accountants, property specialists. Non-executive directors may have
valuable business contacts that can be used to assist the firm.
However, there are disadvantages associated with part-time, non-executive directors.
It can be argued that their time is limited and that their outside interests distract from
their commitment to the firm.
Supporters of full-time directors point to the way that their total commitment to the one
firm ensures loyalty. Full-time directors can see their ideas followed through from
planning to execution; they can take on the running of important sections of the firm.
These directors can appoint managers to assist with the running of the firm.
 The Chairperson is the head of the Board of Directors. He or she chairs the board
meetings and delivers the annual company report. Although a chairperson is
sometimes part-time, he or she is normally a very experienced business person who
can guide the board and obtain the best contribution from the other directors.
 Next we come to the Managing Director. This is a position of considerable power and
responsibility; the Managing Director sees to it that the policies and decisions of the
board are translated into actual performance. The Managing Director runs the
company through his or her department managers (some of whom may be directors).
Each of the department managers has charge of an important area of the organisation.

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28 Structures of Business

 Finally we have the department managers. Some important departments may be

managed by full-time directors with non-director managers to assist them. The crucial
point is that all key departments must have a person in charge and responsible to the
Board of Directors.

Own the assets of the firm.
Have limited liability.

Preference Shares Ordinary Shares

Fixed dividend paid before Voting rights to elect
ordinary share dividends. directors.

Run the business, formulate
policy, look after
shareholders' interests.

Chairs board meetings and
delivers Annual Report.

Responsible for the running
of the firm.

Managers in charge of the various
departments of the firm, e.g. production,
marketing, personnel, accounts,
administration, research.

Figure 2.1: General Structure of a Limited Company

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Note, too, the way in which the elements are interrelated.

 Shareholders and directors
There is a two-way link between these two groups: ordinary shareholders have voting
rights to elect directors, while directors have the responsibility of looking after the
interests of all shareholders.
 Chairperson and Managing Director
In many companies the Chairperson may be selected from the non-executive directors;
in other companies the roles of Chairperson and Managing Director are combined in a
single person, sometimes known as an "Executive Chairperson". Even when the roles
are separate there has to be a good working relationship between the Chairperson and
Managing Director.
 Directors and departmental managers
Again these are roles which can sometimes be combined: functional directors can
manage a given department while successful managers may be appointed to the board
and become directors.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The advantages of the public limited company (plc), the dominant form of company in the
commercial sector, are as follows:
 The company enjoys the legal status of incorporation, which means that it has an
existence and identity apart from the people who set it up and those who work in it.
Shareholders, directors and employees may retire or die, but the company lives on.
 There is continuity of succession, because the continuation and legal standing of a
company are not affected by the death of a member or withdrawal of a director.
 Companies have a separate legal entity from the shareholders who, therefore, cannot
be sued for the actions of the company.
 Those who invest in limited companies have limited liability so may be more ready to
take a limited risk.
 Ownership is largely separate from control, so the company may be run by professional
managers who, if they fail to perform well, can be replaced. Investors can put money
into shares without taking any responsibility for running the company.
 Large amounts of capital can be raised from large numbers of investors, especially for
new and more risky ventures. (But private companies can approach only a limited
number of members.)
 Stocks and shares can easily be transferred so that investors can recover their capital.
 The larger scale of operations of public companies and larger private companies
makes it possible to employ specialist managers.
 Control of a company is obtained by owning 51% of its ordinary shares, so that it is
possible to build up large groups of companies through a holding company which
holds shares in the subsidiaries.
Whilst these advantages are strong, you should recognise that there are disbenefits from this
form of business organisation.
 The procedures for setting up a company are costly and complicated compared to
starting other forms of enterprise.
 Detailed annual accounts have to be prepared, audited and submitted to the Registrar,
an Annual Report made to shareholders, and a register of shareholdings has to be

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30 Structures of Business

maintained. (Smaller companies, in terms of turnover, have a lesser burden in this

respect.) The publication of balance sheets, share prices and reports may assist
 Shareholders have little control in practice, as individual shareholdings tend to be small
and most shares are held by the investing institutions and unit trusts, which have rarely
taken an interest in the management of the firms in which they hold shares.
 Small and new companies may find it difficult to borrow or get credit because lenders
know that limited liability may make it impossible to get their money back.
 Managers are unlikely to put in as much effort as the sole trader or partners. Incentive
schemes for directors and senior managers have been severely criticised as too
generous, and the Cadbury Committee recommended that non-executive directors
should decide pay and incentives for these senior people.
 Professional managers may put their interests and careers before the interests of the
shareholders, indulging in "empire building" and drawing high salaries and expenses
not fully justified by their performance.
 Companies may become large and bureaucratic, which can lead to a slow response to
change or new opportunities.
 Public companies are vulnerable to take-over bids from rivals who make an offer to buy
their shares.


The public sector includes nationalised industries (public corporations), local government
bodies, government agencies, and quangos – quasi-autonomous non-government
organisations responsible to a government minister. They have a wide range of objectives
which we will look at shortly. Public enterprise does not include the social services which are
not run on business lines.

Public Corporations
These are effectively public companies set up by Act of Parliament. A nationalised industry is
one where the firms have been taken into public ownership in a public corporation. The BBC
was established as a public corporation before the Second World War. After the War, several
industries were nationalised and the firms reorganised into corporations like British Steel,
British Overseas and British European Airways, and British Rail. Most have been privatised
during the post-1979 period, as we have seen, and shares in them sold to the general public
as they turned into public limited companies.
The Act which establishes a public corporation plays the part that the Memorandum and
Articles do for a company. Any capital is held by the Treasury. There are no shareholders.
The relevant minister appoints the board which manages the corporation. The minister and
the Treasury agree on borrowing limits. A corporation is a legal entity, but the minister is
responsible to Parliament for the running of the industry.
Privatised industries where there is little competition are overseen by a regulator, like Ofgas
for the gas industry and Oftel for telecommunications. The regulator has to agree pricing in
accordance with a formula laid down by Parliament. For example, the water companies'
price rises are limited to a percentage below the rate of inflation. As the government sells off
any remaining stakes in these industries and permits more competitors to enter, the role of
the regulator is likely to change towards ensuring effective competition rather than fixing

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Municipal Enterprises
Local authorities engage in a range of commercial activities. These range from renting
market stalls to operating public transport. Trading activities exist to earn a profit, but most
are also operated to provide a service. For example, the local sports centre may be
expected to make a profit on its restaurant and bar, but to provide keep-fit classes for
pensioners and children's holiday activities at less than cost. The aim is to make the service
available to the residents more efficiently or cheaply than would a private enterprise.
Since 1980, in order to ensure efficiency and value for money, the government has required
a number of local government activities to be put out to competitive tender and local authority
departments have to compete for work with private firms. The Direct Labour Organisations
which maintain houses, roads and refuse collection are examples of services which have to
be competitive. In all cases the service will be overseen by an officer of the council who is
responsible to a committee of the council.
Local authorities are subject to government spending and borrowing limits and the amount
they can raise in council tax on property values is controlled. Most of the income of the
authorities comes from government grants based on a formula related to the population and
needs of the area. Most of this money is earmarked for specific services like education, so
local authorities are keen to earn as much as possible from trading which they can spend on
local amenities as they please.

Depending on which definition you accept, there are about 1,300 or 5,500 bodies which carry
out some function on behalf of the government. The lower figure is the government's own
estimate, the higher includes all the National Health Units, opted-out schools, agencies and
other bodies funded by the government.
All quangos have powers delegated to them by a minister who appoints the members of the
board and provides for finance. Some quangos are self-financing from fees and licences,
others get their income from the government. Many are not strictly business organisations
but their activities have an important impact on business.
Examples include the Competition Commission, which monitors restrictions on trade and
makes recommendations to the minister on proposed mergers. The Equality and Human
Rights Commission, British Tourist Authority and the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration
Service, which tries to resolve disputes between employers and workers, are other examples
of quangos.
The wider definition of quangos would include National Health Hospital Trusts, and agencies
that have taken over functions formerly performed by government departments like
Paymaster Services, which pays out all the pensions of ex-public employees. Many of these
are trading organisations – for example, hospital trusts sell their services to fund-holding
general practices and regional Health Authorities. Certain other government agencies can
compete with private firms to attract business from other sources. The aim of setting up such
organisations is to get the advantages of market efficiency while retaining a measure of
government control.

The Public Enterprise and State Ownership Debate

There are strong arguments for the involvement of government or governmental bodies in
business enterprise. These include.
 Some goods and services are natural monopolies – that is, they can have only one
supplier. Water and sewage supplied to households and business premises are good
examples. There is no point in having half a dozen water taps so that the drinker has a

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32 Structures of Business

choice of Chiltern, Thames, Welsh or other water. Public ownership is supposed to

prevent exploitation of the consumer by the monopoly.
 Some activities are not profit-making but are essential for the community, so they tend
to be performed by central or local government. Local social services for the elderly
and disabled and street lighting are examples. The Post Office delivers to all
addresses for a uniform fee regardless of how remote they are.
 The scale of an enterprise may require very large amounts of capital on which there is
no prospect of any return for several years, as in building nuclear power stations. Only
the State can provide the resources.
 It is generally felt that some activities should be free from the political bias or control
which could result from their being in private hands. This was the argument for public
ownership of the BBC, and for making it a public corporation with a charter giving
independence from government interference.
 Some activities, like military aircraft, are of vital strategic importance and should not be
at risk of falling into foreign hands.
 Most nationalisation in the UK and other countries has come about because of the
political belief that the State should control the major means of production, distribution
and exchange in the economy.
 Some industries and firms have been brought into public ownership because they were
bankrupt and a private buyer with the means to reorganise the industry could not be
found. The immediate aim has been to protect jobs. This was the case with British
Leyland, the motor vehicles group, which became Rover Group and was privatised
when it was subsequently sold by the government to British Aerospace.
On the other hand, strong arguments may be advanced against public enterprise and state
 Losses are carried by taxpayers, which may encourage inefficiency and waste.
 Political pressures and decisions may cause losses, unsound investments and
uneconomic activities. For example, at one time the electricity industry was forced to
operate at a loss covered by government borrowing.
 Public accountability means that managers are excessively cautious and innovation is
stifled or delayed.
 Nationalised industries' capital is provided by the government. When there are
restrictions on government spending, the industries are unable to invest in profitable
ventures. Private firms, on the other hand, can always go to the market for finance.
 The scope of the business may be restricted by the terms of the relevant Act or charter.
For example, British Telecom and some water companies have won a lot of overseas
business since they were privatised, something they could not do when in public
 Even though an industry may be a natural monopoly, the initial supply of the product
need not be a monopoly or in public ownership. For example, electricity can be
supplied to the grid by independent generators who compete for the work. Control over
the local retail suppliers who connect the households can be through the appointment
of a regulator. The industry can secure the advantages of competition and government
supervision without the need for public ownership.
 Where essential services are uneconomic for private firms, they can be subsidised by
the government. Firms can compete for the business, ensuring that the desired level of
service is provided at the lowest cost.

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 "Blanket" subsidy can lead to wasteful over-production. The public wants the highest
level of service, but is unwilling to bear the direct costs; so political pressures lead to
subsidies and thence to inefficient use of resources.

There are a number of non-commercial organisations which offer services and do not
generate profits for shareholders. Such organisations may be profitable but these returns are
passed on to selected recipients or members of the organisations.
Such organisations include clubs, societies and charities which are formed with many
different objectives. For example:
 a club may exist to provide golfing facilities for its members like the Royal and Ancient
at St. Andrews;
 a learned society to further studies and education in its specialist field like the Royal
Horticultural Society;
 charities cover just about every aspect of life from the National Trust, which owns and
preserves properties and open spaces, to the Friends of a local Hospice for the very ill;
 professional bodies provide qualifications and education, information services,
recruitment and employment bureaux and meeting places for their members;
 trade associations exist to provide services to their member firms – usually
undertaking public relations and advertising for the trade as a whole, publishing trade
magazines, providing an information service and arranging trade fairs and exhibitions.
They may also offer an arbitration service, run an insurance scheme to protect
customers against faulty work or bankruptcy of members, and have joint research
Although they do not exist to make a profit, many of these organisations end the year with a
surplus of income over expenditure from their trading activities. They will also have income
from membership fees, donations and bequests. What makes them different from
commercial organisations is that they apply their income and surpluses to furthering the
purposes of the club, society or charity and not to paying dividends to shareholders.
The types of organisation are as varied as the reasons for their existence.
 Charities and professional bodies are often companies limited by guarantee, run by a
board – elected on the basis of one member, one vote – and managed by a
professional staff. Charities are organisations which raise funds for specific causes
and people deemed to be in need. Charities must register themselves in much the
same way as companies, but with the Charity Commission. They establish the limits
within which they will operate, and are required to file Annual Reports. Given that
they have very different objectives from a commercial concern, they are to all intents
and purposes much like a limited company.
 Clubs and societies may seem far removed from the world of large-scale operations,
but they, too, have the basic organisational characteristics of specific goals, the need
for resources to meet the needs of their members, a recognisable structure
(chairpersons, committees, treasurers, secretaries, etc.), and information systems.
Thus, they are likely to have a constitution and be run by an elected committee,
although this is not always the case. Some rely entirely on volunteers from the
members – members of the local football club, for example, may cut the grass, wash
the kit and run the bar in the clubroom – whilst others may employ professional staff to
carry out all the business for the committee.

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34 Structures of Business

There are many different objectives which different types of organisation may pursue, and
indeed an organisation may try to achieve different aims at various times. For example, a
business may try to maximise its share of the market in order to go for profit maximisation
later. One objective will not be pursued to the exclusion of all others, though. Remember
that organisations are set up for a purpose and their objectives will relate to that purpose. If
an organisation loses sight of its main objective or puts too much effort into trying to achieve
other aims, the owners, members or other stakeholders may leave or close it down.
Let's consider the major objectives which organisations have.
 Survival is the first objective of a business that is to reach a sustainable sales level
that allows the firm to break-even. Unless a business can achieve this objective it will
close as soon as initial capital is exhausted. Once a firm has reached a sustainable
level of sales it might change its objective to one of profit maximisation.
 Profitability is essential if enterprises are to continue in business in the longer term.
The level of profit is important to those stakeholders who depend on the organisation
for an income; it must be sufficient to make it worthwhile to retain the assets in that line
of business. Economic theory says that businesses should have the over-riding goal of
profit maximisation. This is because it is a measurable objective which can be applied
to all types of business. In practice firms are unlikely to try for it all the time; they will
seek to achieve some accounting measure like a level of return on capital employed
(ROCE) or income per share.
 Market penetration is an important short-term objective when a firm enters a new
market and wants to achieve a viable level of sales. For example, a firm may set a
target of 15% of the market in order to be able to earn enough profit to cover the cost of
 Market share is often a longer-term objective. It is linked to competitive advantage
whereby a firm attempts to achieve and maintain its position in the market.
 Sales maximisation is an objective which appeals to managers who are paid bonuses
linked to increases in revenue. Managers can often pursue their own objectives so
long as they make enough profit to keep the shareholders happy.
 Revenue maximisation can be the prime objective of organisations like bus
companies which are paid a subsidy by a local authority to run rural services. The
subsidy covers the cost of providing the service after allowing for a certain number of
ticket sales, and any additional revenue is a bonus for the firm; there may be all sorts of
special offers to get more people to travel. It is also the objective of charities subject to
minimum costs.
 Satisficing is likely to be the realistic objective of large organisations with several
divisions or subsidiaries. It is impossible for the enterprise to pursue one single
objective. Because all the parts of the firm may have different goals, a minimum level
of achievement is set for the organisation as a whole. It is said to "satisfice" instead of
maximise. Setting an overall minimum avoids conflict between the parts of the
 Level of service is the objective of organisations in the public sector and in not-for-
profit areas. They may aim at the highest possible level of service or at the best
attainable service for a given cost. The Health Service is an example. Business firms
also have a high standard of service to customers as an objective. It is an increasingly
important method of competing.
 Technical excellence is an objective of research organisations and engineering firms.
Innovation and technological advances may be seen as more important than sales or

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profit maximisation. The pursuit of excellence may bring the kind of reputation which
builds sales and profit in the longer term, Rolls Royce cars are a good example.
Organisations may have other objectives like environmental protection and staff
development. Whatever objectives they try to achieve, singly or together, the ultimate aim is

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36 Structures of Business

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Study Unit 3
Structures of Organisations

Contents Page

Introduction 38

A. Formal and Informal Structures 39

B. Infrastructure 39
Line Organisation 39
Staff Organisation 42

C. The Functional Departments of a Business 43

Marketing 44
Production 44
Finance and Accounting 45
Personnel Error! Bookmark not defined.
Research and Development 46
Data Processing 46
Contracting-Out of Functions 46

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38 Structures of Organisations

The ownership of an organisation, and what that organisation is set up to do, determine how
it is structured. A business which produces and markets many products has a choice of
whether it structures itself along product or market lines. It also has to decide on the "shape"
of the organisation, including whether the firm's management is centralised or decentralised,
whether all operations come under one line of control or whether support functions are
separate – these are decisions which can mean success or failure in today's rapidly changing
market place. Structures must allow for change and development in order to enable the
organisation to respond to technical innovations, social and environmental developments
and, above all, competition.
Small organisations cannot afford too much specialisation. The accountant in a small firm
has to be credit manager, cost clerk, wages clerk, purchasing controller and data processing
manager as well. In large businesses there has to be much greater specialisation in order to
cope with the work. Unless the enterprise is structured for efficiency and effective
management, there can easily be a loss of co-operation and control; departments can go
their own way and communication can be poor. Any structure must reflect the priorities of the
business and be capable of development to adapt to changes in the organisation's
environment and objectives.
Every organisation must have some system for working so that it achieves its objectives,
otherwise it will muddle along and be constantly "fire fighting" problems without making
progress. The larger the organisation, the more complex its structure is likely to become. All
organisations require a system for:
 Planning and decision-making
 Implementing decisions through a structure of authority and delegation
 Organising work into functions so that people can specialise and decisions are carried
out efficiently.
Different structures are used to provide these systems. They all require good communication
in order to ensure that plans and decisions are made on the basis of informed knowledge
and that decisions are understood and carried out effectively.
When you have completed this study unit you will be able to:
 Distinguish between the formal and informal organisation.
 Distinguish between line and staff relationships.
 Describe the ways in which the infrastructure of an organisation may be arranged.
 Outline the functions and operations of the different divisions and departments of a

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In studying the structure of organisations we need to distinguish between informal
structures, such as friendship groups at work, and formal organisational structure.
In large companies the two are quite distinct and, indeed, in some companies any tendency
for overlapping is discouraged. In small, especially small family-controlled, organisations the
two can be intertwined. This has its advantages but also its dangers. Information can often
flow freely without time-consuming and frustrating formal communication networks, but
personalities can damage business effectiveness and a family row or division can literally
wreck the business. More seriously, a strong and effective informal structure can make it
extremely difficult for the successful, family-managed or individual-entrepreneur-dominated
company to transform itself into the kind of professionally managed corporate organisation
that the financial institutions of the capital market expect in a large public company. The
professional managers, introduced perhaps at the insistence of the institutions, can find
themselves in conflict with the informal structure and the whole organisation fractures or
implodes into a decision-making "black hole". This study unit is based on what could be
expected in an established public company.
The formal structure of an organisation may be defined as the way in which areas of
responsibility are allocated and organised. It is the formal structure that gives an
organisation its shape, like the skeleton of the human body.
Formal organisational structure is made up of two basic parts:
 The infrastructure is the way in which authority is allocated in an organisation.
 The superstructure is the way in which employees are grouped into various
departments or sections.
Both infrastructure and superstructure can take a variety of forms which we shall examine in
the following sections.

There is a basic distinction between two different types of authority in organisation – line and
staff. Line relationships have traditionally been the most important in shaping the structure
of the organisation.

Line Organisation
This is a form of organisation where the lines of authority are direct, i.e. they link superior and
subordinate directly. There is unity of command, which means that each subordinate knows
from whom he/she is to take orders. At its simplest, line organisation is a direct flow from the
top of an organisation to the bottom.
All line organisation is hierarchical, i.e. it flows down through various levels of authority.
This is sometimes termed a scalar chain, referring to the chain of command from relatively
few superiors to growing numbers of subordinates.
This results in pyramid structure in which authority and responsibility extend downwards in
a hierarchy as illustrated in Figure 3.1. Information about plans and decisions is
communicated downwards through the levels of the hierarchy. Control information is
communicated upwards so that more senior levels of management know how well targets are
being met: this will include information on sales, output, stocks, orders and finance.

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40 Structures of Organisations

Figure 3.1: The Hierarchical Line Organisation

The crucial features of hierarchical line organisation were identified by the early 20th century
writer Henri Fayol. He set these down as "principles" of management which have been
highly influential in shaping organisational structures. These principles are:
 Objectives: every organisation must have clear objectives.
 Authority: there must be a clear line of authority.
 Responsibility: where a person is given responsibility, he/she must also be given the
authority necessary to carry out the task. A superior can be held responsible for the
actions of his/her subordinates.
 Specialisation: as far as possible people should specialise in order to be proficient.
 Definition of tasks: employees should know exactly what is expected of them.
 Unity of effort: everyone in the organisation should be working towards achieving the
goals of the organisation.
 Unity of command: each member of the organisation should have one clear superior
to whom he/she is responsible. The span of control should not be too wide; ideally no
person should supervise more than five or six subordinates.
We shall return to these later in the unit to consider their usefulness.
We can classify line organisations by reference to the two aspects of the structure.
(a) Tall or flat structures
Tall structures have many levels, as illustrated by Figure 3.2.

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Managing Director

Directors/Divisional Managers

Department Managers

Section Heads

Team Leaders



Figure 3.2: Tall Organisational Structure

The advantage of tall structures is that there is a clear division of work between the
various levels; this fits well with clear line authority.
The disadvantages include:
 Possible confusion of objectives between the numerous levels.
 A long ladder of promotion, which may discourage those at the bottom.
 Tall structures tend to be bureaucratic, spawning an increasing number of levels.
A flat structure has relatively few organisational levels, as shown by Figure 3.3.

Managing Director

Department Managers

Team Leaders


Figure 3.3: Flat Organisational Structure

The advantages of flat structures are the short ladder of promotion and smaller risk of
divergence between the objectives of one level and another. Flat structures tend to be
more flexible and less bureaucratic.
The disadvantage of a flat structure is that it requires greater flexibility at all levels,
with people being prepared to undertake a wider range of activities. This calls for
dedicated and well-trained employees.

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42 Structures of Organisations

(b) Wide or narrow spans of control

The span of a manager's or supervisor's control refers to the number of subordinates
which he/she controls. When many subordinates are controlled and report to a given
supervisor, the span is said to be wide; when few subordinates are controlled by a
superior the span is said to be narrow.
It is important that the span of control is appropriate for the type of duties being
supervised. Complex work normally requires a narrow span of control; likewise,
inexperienced staff need close supervision so a narrow span of control is appropriate.
In contrast, workers doing relatively simple tasks can be controlled in larger numbers (a
wide span) and well-trained, experienced workers can operate with a wide span of
Another factor affecting the span of control is the experience and quality of the
manager or supervisor; the more able the manager, the wider the span of control
he/she can operate. So the key variables in deciding on the width of the span of
control are:
 The nature of the work;
 The quality of the operatives;
 The quality of the manager or supervisor.
There is often a relationship between the height of the structure and the span of control.
Narrow spans of control may be associated with tall structures (the many levels may have
fewer people to control); wide spans of control may be associated with flat structures (the
fewer levels may have more people to control).
In recent years, there has been a reaction against the hierarchical type of organisation
shown in Figure 3.1. Instead of the "tall" structure shown there, with several layers of
management and supervision, firms have been changing to "flat" organisation structures.
Layers of middle management have been cut out as responsibility for decisions and functions
has been pushed down to the lowest practicable level in the business. British Telecom, for
instance, shed many personnel as it removed layers of middle managers and supervisors,
and by 1994 it was reducing the number of senior managers as well. A better educated and
trained workforce means that employees can be given the opportunity to manage their own
work. New technology, especially in computers and information technology, has made it
possible for shop floor workers to schedule, control and maintain their machinery and
organise their workload. Employee empowerment is the key to better motivated staff as
people take responsibility for their own jobs.

Staff Organisation
In contrast to line organisation, staff structures exist to provide specialist information, service
functions, and expert advice and guidance to other departments in the organisation. A typical
example is the financial information and guidance provided by the accounting department to
other parts of the organisation. Other staff departments are administration, personnel,
research and development, etc.
Problems may arise when staff department experts try to control the conduct of line
managers in other departments. Line managers may reject the guidance being offered to
them, because they feel that it is they who will carry the ultimate responsibility for their
department's performance. Many line managers resent the interference of staff "experts"
whom they consider to be too "theoretical". Some experts argue that the presence of both
line and staff managers complicates the structure of authority because it breaches the
principle of "unity of command".
The situation is further complicated by the fact that staff managers are themselves line
managers in their own departments. For example, the manager of an accounting department

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exercises line authority over his/her own subordinates and may resent the intrusion of
"advice" from a staff manager from, perhaps, the personnel department.
The concept of functional authority has been developed to help resolve the problems
described above. Experts argue that the core of the problem is that the staff manager lacks
clear authority to instruct line managers in other departments; advice or persuasion are not
strong enough techniques to ensure compliance. Functional authority gives the staff
manager the clear right to instruct line managers in other departments on certain specified
activities or procedures wherever, in the organisation, these are being undertaken, e.g. the
personnel manager may be given functional authority over redundancies in all departments
of the organisation, or the accounting/finance manager may be given authority over
budgetary planning and control of other departments. Within these specified areas the staff
expert's authority takes precedence over that of the line manager, but in all other areas the
line manager's authority is unquestioned.
So, in many modern organisations the manager of a service department, like accounting, will
be a line manager within his/her own department and a staff manager with specified
functional authority in other departments of the organisation.
Although functional authority works well at the higher levels, problems may arise when
accounts or personnel assistants are sent in to work in other departments, e.g. production or
marketing. These assistants may be called upon to report both to their staff managers and to
the line manager of the department in which they are located. Very clear guidelines are


All organisations engage in a similar range of basic functions regardless of the size or
purpose of the organisation. Obviously, the importance of each function varies according to
the size and objectives of the organisation, but whether we consider a church, a sole trader
or a large multinational enterprise, we will find a similar range of commercial, technical,
financial, accounting, personnel, security and managerial functions.
Thus, a church has commercial activities when it buys and sells books of prayer and
instruction, makes charitable donations and charges fees for weddings. Its technical
functions are to produce services and social events like a youth club. Finance covers
decisions on the use of funds and bequests. Accounting is necessary for the control of
stocks and for budgets for maintenance. Personnel covers the work of clergy and
volunteers. Security is necessary to safeguard premises and possessions. Management
plans, organises and co-ordinates all the other activities.
A sole trader has the same requirements, but has to manage and carry them out alone.
Bearing in mind that the relative importance of each function depends on the size and
activities of the enterprise, we can look at each of them briefly and then, in more detail, at
how they are carried out by the various departments.
 Commercial activities include selling products and services and buying in materials
and components.
 Technical functions cover the production of goods and services and involve the
necessary support functions like quality control.
 Financial activities are concerned with the utilisation of funds to carry out budgeted
 Accounting services include the preparation of estimates, collecting statistics,
analysing costs, managing credit and preparing accounts.

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44 Structures of Organisations

 Personnel covers all aspects of managing people – job design, recruitment, training,
appraisal and record keeping.
 Security is essential to safeguard people, premises and materials.
 Management plans, organises, co-ordinates and controls all the activities of the
The nature of the departments set up to carry out these functions may differ from one
organisation to another (for example, in a college, the production departments are the
teaching units providing business studies, science and so on) but the purpose is the same.
In smaller organisations, some of the functions may be merged.
A general classification of the main functional areas of business would include the following.

Marketing is concerned with the whole activity of the business. It covers the whole process
from research into new products through to sale. Selling is only one aspect of marketing –
the department is also concerned with market research, advertising, sales promotion, public
relations, selling and distribution, servicing and payment, and credit. All of these activities we
will examine in detail later in the course.
A large company will have a Marketing Director with managers for each of the functions. The
sales and service managers will have product and area organisations with local managers of
branches. For example, the company may sell and service washing machines and
refrigerators through local branches with a product manager who sells to large trade
customers. The marketing manager is concerned with advertising – most often actually
carried out by an advertising agency – sales promotions like competitions and free gifts, and
public relations (PR) including press releases about new products. PR may be a separate
function and include corporate activities like community events and sponsorship. Market
research is concerned with identifying customer requirements and attitudes, collecting
information about products and markets, and identifying market opportunities and strategies.

The objective of the production department is to provide to the marketing organisation an
agreed quantity of products according to the delivery plan. Products have to be of the right
quality and made at the right cost.
The main types of production organisation are:
 Jobbing, where each job is distinct from every other and usually has to be completed
in one stage of production. Printing posters and sales leaflets is an example where
each job stands alone.
 Batch production, where similar parts are produced in batches and then assembled
together, as in making toys like dolls where arms, legs, bodies and heads are made
 Flow production, where the product is built up in stages as it moves along the
production process, like cars moving through body assembly and paint shop, with
engine and transmission, seats and carpets, wheels and tyres being added as the
vehicle moves along the production line.
 Process production, where a continuous process is used to make chemicals and
some foods. Oil refining is a good example – raw materials are fed in at one end of the
process and final products – aviation spirit, paraffin, lubricants, petrol, diesel, heating
oils – are drawn off as refining proceeds.
Quality control is an essential part of production and involves setting standards, checking
materials and components, monitoring production and following up sales. Quality control is

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equally vital in services and many stores, banks, hotels and transport firms employ specialist
agencies which send inspectors posing as customers to check on the way real customers
are treated.
Purchasing may be part of the production department or may stand alone – it is involved
with all of the other departments. The first stages of purchasing are concerned with
specifying and sourcing materials and components. Then come enquiries, negotiation and
ordering followed by processing despatch, receipt and inspection and, finally, invoice
acceptance. With the spread of just-in-time manufacturing, where parts are delivered to the
factory continuously as they are required in the production process, purchasing and stock
control are increasingly important functions. Purchasing is becoming much more of a
process of sourcing materials, parts and equipment worldwide, as industrial activity is
dispersed over the globe and firms buy in components rather than make the parts
Stock control and stores management are also part of production.

Finance and Accounting

The Finance Director has responsibility for all the finance and accounting functions. These
include obtaining the funds required to run the business – either capital raised through share
issues, or borrowing long term by debentures or short term for working capital. These funds
have to be managed, and that is the job of the Treasury Department. In very large
organisations this may include foreign exchange dealing. BP, for example, has its own
foreign exchange dealing room to do business with the banks.
The finance department is also responsible for the provision of information to the board,
shareholders and tax authorities, so it has to produce all the financial accounts required by
law and the information for investors and analysts. There has to be an organisation to deal
with pay and pensions.
Internal budgets and financial information have to be produced for every department and
section. This may be carried out by the costing and management accounting sections which
also produce control information.
Credit management and control are important functions and can form a large department in
firms which do a lot of credit business with large numbers of customers. Ensuring payment
on time is essential for managing the cash flow.

Human Resources
Other than their own staff, HR Managers do not manage people. They are responsible for
human resources across the whole organisation – planning for requirements at all levels, job
descriptions, recruitment, training and education programmes, evaluation and appraisal
programmes, pay, rewards and incentives, pensions and employee schemes. Much of this
work may actually be carried out by line managers – for example, annual appraisal interviews
– but it is co-ordinated by the HR department.
The HR Manager has to be aware of competitive conditions in other companies and
industries which can attract the same types of skilled workers. There may be negotiations
with trade unions at national officer level on pay and conditions, or at factory and office level
with local shop stewards and representatives. The HR department has to ensure that
statutory requirements are met, including those concerning health and safety at work.
Record keeping is an important part of the work, both for the company's internal purposes
and to comply with the regulations.

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46 Structures of Organisations

Research and Development

Research is carried out into new products and ways of improving existing ones.
Development is the process of planning, making prototypes, setting up feasible
manufacturing processes and generally bringing ideas to production and sale. It is important
that a firm should have a constant flow of new or updated products to replace those which
have reached the end of their commercial life. R&D has to liase closely with marketing,
production and purchasing.

Data Processing
Personal computers (PCs) are now on virtually every desk and can be networked into
systems linking everyone in an organisation. They have transformed methods of working in
the last ten years. Although the PC supplies all the processing power needed by many firms,
many others require huge amounts of processing power. Thus banks and building societies
have to have huge capacity to cope with real-time processing of withdrawals from cash
dispensers and all the other entries on customers' accounts. Supermarkets use direct
computer links between tills and warehouses for overnight stock control and supply. Banks
and other firms with large systems necessary to cope with peak loads often carry out work for
others at off-peak times. This is advantageous to the business, which does not then have to
invest in a lot of processing capacity and specialist staff for its payroll function, for example.

Contracting-Out of Functions
As you can see from the descriptions of departmental functions, the larger the organisation
the more interdependent are its parts and the greater the problems of communication, co-
ordination and control.
Organisations can attempt to overcome some of the problems by contracting out functions to
specialists, for example advertising to advertising agencies and facilities management to
specialists in property management, office cleaning and data processing. This also makes it
feasible for small firms to enjoy some of the advantages of large ones.

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Study Unit 4
Organisations in their Environment

Contents Page

Introduction 48

A. Analysing the Environment 48

Political Environment 49
Economic Environment 49
Social Environment 50
Technological Environment 50
Ecological Environment 51
Legal Environment 51

B. Stakeholders 52
The Interests of Stakeholders 52
Conflicts of Interest 54
Stakeholder Influence 55

C. Responding to Change in the Environment 57

Political Change and its Impact on Business 57
Economic Change 57
Social Change 58
Technological Change 58

D. Services to Business 59
Banking Services 59
Other Financial Service Providers 60
Consultancies 61
Government Services to Business 62

E. Location of Industry 63
Factors Determining Location 63
Government Influence on Location 65
Environmental Change and Location 66

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48 Organisations in their Environment

All organisations exist within interrelated environments. They face threats and can find
opportunities within the national and international economic and political environments. The
social environment influences the behaviour of organisations and determines how they are
viewed by stakeholders, politicians and the wider public. Technology brings threats and
opportunities, and affects the structure and working methods of the organisation. The legal
environment provides a framework within which organisations must work and it reflects the
concerns and interests of society and politicians. All organisations have to be concerned
with their ecological environment, both because of the effects of their own activities on it and
because of the view taken of their activities by stakeholders and society.
Changes in the environment affect organisations. How well the undertaking plans and
organises to meet change, determines whether it will survive and prosper or fail and
disappear. Over time many organisations have transformed themselves to deal with change;
some have sought new activities and abandoned the old. Change affects the stakeholders in
an organisation, not least the workers. The attitudes of stakeholders are shaped by their
environment. This determines their view of how the organisation should operate and how it
should respond to change.
When you have completed this study unit you will be able to:
 Describe the various environments within which the organisation exists.
 Explain how each of these environments affects the organisation in terms of its policies,
structure and operations.
 Discuss how organisations respond to changes in their environment.
 Describe the range of services available to business organisations in their environment.
 Explain the factors influencing the location of businesses.


All organisations exist within their environment. The normal way of looking at that
environment is to conduct what is called a PEST analysis. The initials stand for:
 Political
 Economic
 Social
 Technological
More recently, this analysis has been extended to take into account two further features of
the environment:
 Ecological
 Legal
Thus, it may help to remember the whole range of factors as PESTEL.
Each of these environments affects the organisation, and each has impacts on all of the
others. For example, social concern about pollution influences political thinking, which leads
to legislation. Existing technology may then be affected by the banning or restriction of
activities and new solutions have to be found which satisfy ecological criteria. The impacts
may be much wider than the purely local circumstances of an individual business

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organisation. For example, concern about the effects of CFC gas used in refrigeration on the
ozone layer led governments internationally to adopt targets for replacing the harmful
substance and individual nations passed laws banning the use of CFCs by a certain date.
New materials had to be developed and tested to ensure that they did not cause ecological
damage. Technological change was necessary to change manufacturing processes.
Many individual organisations have been affected by these changes in the environment. All
refrigeration plants had to ensure that they complied with the new regulations; manufacturers
had to develop new materials; public sector laboratories and pollution inspectorates had to
develop systems for testing and measuring; banks which had lent money to polluting firms
had to ensure compliance with the new rules, in case they became owners of defaulting
debtor companies and thus responsible for illegal equipment. As you can see from this
example, some organisations are directly affected and some indirectly. It is, then, vital for all
organisations to know what is going on in their environment.
How do each of the environments affect the organisation? We can look at them in turn and
see their importance.

Political Environment
The political system affects all organisations and determines the context within which
business operates. A property owning, free market, democratic system will create an
environment within which private business can flourish, while a command economy will
prefer State ownership of enterprises and controls on their activities. In the UK it is more
likely that a Labour government would favour intervention in industry than a Conservative
one. Deregulation and privatisation have created more competition, but privatisation in turn
has created a need for regulation and the establishment of bodies like Ofgas and Oftel.
Because the government wishes to restrict state intervention in industry, the financial sector
regulates itself, whereas in other countries this is done by statutory bodies.
Central government and local authorities are major employers – indeed in many towns they
are the biggest employers. A change in policy can have major effects on the local economy
and on the firms that serve the community. Government is also a major customer of the
private sector; changes in defence spending, for example, can have major effects on firms.
There are many reasons for government intervention in the economy including the provision
of public and merit goods, protecting consumers and employees, holding a balance between
employers and unions, and carrying out its economic policies.
The national political environment must be seen more and more as part of a wider
international system. The European Community often has a political bias which is different
from that in the member countries. Britain opted out of the single European currency
because the UK government decided it was contrary to British interests, but the debate is on-
going and community politics continue to affect the UK.
Pressure groups exist to influence government and politicians, and their activities can also
have a major impact on industries and individual firms. Government departments frequently
consult pressure groups about new regulations and legislation. Collectively and individually,
businesses have to be prepared to deal with the effects of pressure group campaigns.
European pressure groups campaign just as much as British ones, which themselves are
often involved in European and international activities.

Economic Environment
There are two aspects to the economic environment; government economic policy and the
market. The government intervenes in the economy in order to carry out a range of policies
 Control of inflation

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50 Organisations in their Environment

 Stimulating growth and employment

 Redistribution of income
 Regional development
 Support for declining industries
 Support for research and development
There can be major changes in the economic environment as the government pursues its
aims. Taxes and interest rates may be raised to try to reduce inflation. This reduces demand
by consumers and makes it more expensive for firms to borrow and investment in new
equipment is reduced as demand falls. For example, in the late eighties the Chancellor gave
notice in the Budget that the rules on mortgage interest tax relief would be changed to restrict
the total amount of the mortgage on which it was granted. The result was a house-buying
spree as people rushed to take advantage of the old rules; that led in turn to increased
demand for carpets and furnishings. In the nineties, the combined effect of higher interest
rates and lower tax reliefs was lower demand for houses, and carpet sales in Britain fell by
22% between 1988 and 1992.
The market can change because of events abroad. Lower interest rates in the USA to
encourage expansion out of a recession, which cause a fall in the value of the dollar relative
to the pound, can make it worthwhile for American firms to export to the UK as dollar goods
become relatively cheaper. A Danish furniture manufacturer facing a saturated home market
may decide to diversify into Britain. So what at first sight may appear to be a very broad and
remote economic measure may nevertheless have impacts on individual firms.

Social Environment
Changes in social attitudes can affect the market and the firm. Many more women are at
work in the year 2000 than in the mid-1970s. This has increased the demand for part-time
jobs and has made it easier for firms to cope with fluctuation in work loads. It has increased
the demand for one-stop shopping and benefited supermarkets. There is more demand for
convenience and take-away foods. Women spend more on work clothes.
Social changes affect political and business attitudes to the environment. There is a growing
belief that business should be concerned with ethical principles outside such purely business
concepts as honesty and fair dealing. The Cadbury Report on corporate governance
recommended that all boards should have non-executive directors who would be responsible
for setting the pay of senior management. Professional bodies have codes of conduct for
their members. Managements are expected to respect the ecological environment.
Businesses are expected to play a part in local affairs and this includes contracts with local
schools which guarantee jobs to successful students. Companies take part in many school
activities and provide work experience placements for thousands of students from schools
and colleges.

Technological Environment
Technological change has gone on ever since the age of the caveman. It affects products,
production facilities and the organisation of work. To take an obvious example, the personal
computer has become a commonplace tool in every office and has completely changed
methods of recording, storing and retrieving information. It has changed production
methods, as designs can be computer-created and tested and scheduling components can
be controlled in real time. It has changed leisure as well as work. There is a whole new
industry creating computer games, while anyone with a modem has access to a worldwide
network of information and people. In the very near future, true three-dimensional computer
images will make "virtual reality" into a major leisure and training industry. You will be able to

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Organisations in their Environment 51

play football in the World Cup final, and surgeons will be able to practice complicated
operations without real patients.
Technological advances bring improved quality. For example, disease-resistant plants can
be produced using genetics. Cell technology makes it possible to replicate a plant thousands
of times from a piece of material, so making it possible to introduce improved varieties very
quickly. Better plants give heavier yields from the same area and help to protect forests that
would otherwise be cut down as population increases.

Ecological Environment
Concern about the environment has led to measures to reduce global warming. As well as
helping to cut the government's deficit, the imposition of VAT on fuel was required as part of
Britain's international obligation to reduce power station emissions. Differential taxation of
leaded and unleaded petrol, and of diesel, goes along with the compulsory fitting of catalysts
to reduce the harmful effects of car exhausts. This has affected the mix of fuel used in power
stations, to the detriment of coal, and created a new market for titanium.
Recycling is a major business. Local authorities provide for glass, metal and paper
collections. Firms collect large amounts which were simply scrapped at one time. European
car manufacturers have agreed standards for car construction which make them virtually
100% recyclable, including difficult materials like plastics.
A business can be directly affected by ecological concerns. Thus McDonald's was severely
criticised for using polystyrene packaging for its fast food – it was packaging burgers for
instant eating in a material with a life of a thousand years. So McDonald's joined with an
environmental pressure group to find ways of reducing the ecological impact of its business.
As well as trying systems to recycle used polystyrene, which is possible, the company used a
different packaging material which could not be recycled but which took up much less space
in dumps. It has gone on to examine all aspects of its operation to reduce the effects on the
environment. The company has benefited from cost reductions and pleased its customers.
Concern for the environment has brought new methods of disposing of waste. What is
effectively a big microwave oven can recover rubber, carbon, steel and oil from old tyres,
where previously they had to be burned, with bad effects on the atmosphere. Protection of
the local ecology has provided nature refuges at oil refineries and airports. Firms recognise
that failure to consider the ecological effects of their activities can lead to consumer boycotts
of their products.

Legal Environment
There are legal constraints on many aspects of an organisation's activities. Examples
 Employment and redundancy law
 Laws against discrimination
 Health and safety at work
 Laws concerning marketing and sales, including trade descriptions and cooling-off
periods for credit agreements
 Laws governing labour relations, including strikes and pickets
 Regulation of monopolies and restrictive practices.
As well as United Kingdom statute and common law, the laws and regulations of the
European Community have to be observed. These cover many of the same areas, and
British statutes have been amended to align them with the European requirements. A
change in European law can open up new markets. For example, in 1999 the EU Working

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Time Directive was implemented in the UK, limiting the maximum working hours of
employees in accordance with the directive.

Stakeholder analysis presents a different perspective on the environment of business. Here
we are concerned with the immediate relationship between the business and those who have
an interest in it.
What is crucial to this is what this interest is and what influence the holder of that interest
may be able to exert on the organisation.
Remember, from Unit 1, that a stakeholder is anyone with an interest in the business.
Stakeholders can be individuals, groups of people or organisations. The only thing they may
have in common is their interest in the business. The interests themselves are not
necessarily financial, but can encompass social, ethical and moral issues as well.

The Interests of Stakeholders

The key stakeholders and their interests can be seen as follows.
 Owners
The owners of a large business will be the shareholders and some of these are likely to
be institutional investors from major investment organisations such as pension and
insurance funds, investment and unit trusts. These institutional shareholders may well
have large blocks of shares and may well take a more active and informed interest in
the business than a typical private shareholder might.
The key interest for the owners of any business is going to be profit. For
shareholders, that is likely to be just as clearly focussed on dividend payments, but
they will also have an interest in overall business performance especially as it could
affect share prices.
 Workforce
The workforce encompasses both managers and workers and it has to be recognised
that they often have different interests, although usually centred around jobs and pay.
At one extreme, there are the directors – a group of individuals, elected by the
shareholders, and responsible for formulating overall company objectives and
strategies for the business. This is with the interests of the shareholders in mind, so
the success or failure of those objectives and strategies will be judged by such indices
as share price of the company, profitability, dividend, market share, etc. Their own
remuneration will very often be linked to this, reinforcing the requirement to act in the
sole pursuit of those objectives and strategies. The directors are accountable to
shareholders for the performance of the business and will not wish to provoke any
adverse stakeholder reaction which may jeopardise their positions.
The directors are supported by a team of managers who are, in general, salaried
employees. They are likely to working to specific targets and will have an obvious
interest in how successfully these have been achieved. The outcomes will have effects
on management job security and promotion prospects as well as employment
packages. In general, then, they will have an interest in the success of the business
overall, but will be more particularly concerned with objectives closer to their division or
section and level of authority and responsibility.
Members of the general workforce (and, possibly, their representatives in the form of
trade unions) are likely to be primarily interested in jobs and pay – for example,
protecting jobs, job security, job satisfaction, improving current pay levels, pensions,

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etc. To some extent their ability to do this (and also the ability of their unions) will be
linked to the overall success of the business.
 Customers
Customers are external to the business and their interests reflect this. We would
expect them to be concerned with issues such as price, product, quality and
customer service levels. Customers may well have an ambivalent attitude to profit,
recognising that firms need to make profit but also realising that large profits can result
from customer exploitation.
There may also be an interest in the continued existence of the business. After all,
customers might want to buy again.
 Suppliers
Suppliers look for lasting business relationships and fair treatment.
The continued survival of the business is important in relation to future orders.
However, suppliers also have a clear interest in the ability of the business to meet its
obligations. Most large businesses have a range of suppliers who have supplied
products and services on credit terms. Such creditors need to be assured that
payments will be made. This extends to lenders as well who will want guarantees in
respect of interest payments and the eventual repayment of the loan.
 Competitors
In recent years in many industries there has been a growing interest in what the
competition is doing. Overall business performance as evidenced by sales, profitability,
growth and innovation are important to competitors. It is increasingly common practice
for businesses to establish benchmarks based on various performance indicators of
other companies, especially companies in the same industry. These are used to help
shape strategies and policies.
 The community
The term "community" can be taken to encompass all those with whom an organisation
has a relationship which is not a direct business relationship. This will include local
communities in which businesses operate, as well as a range of pressure and interest
groups of various kinds which are concerned with the particular type of business or the
impact of its activities on the environment in general.
In respect of the local community, there will be interest in the overall business
performance of organisations as it affects local employment and prosperity. The
success of many small local businesses is likely to be linked to the continued presence
and success of big local businesses. However, there may be other issues related to
the quality of life – such as land use, pollution, traffic flows, etc. – which affect the local
 The State
The State should be taken to include local government as well as central government.
The State's immediate interest is in the ability of the business to meet its tax and social
security obligations. In the short term, this is a question of cash flows of individual
businesses. However, there is also a longer-term interest in relation to the employment
levels and the contribution to general prosperity which the businesses in general, and
occasionally particular business organisations, could deliver.

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Conflicts of Interest
There are, then, a range of stakeholders with a range of interests and it takes only a cursory
examination to see that, while all have an interest in the success of the organisation, there is
plenty of scope for conflicts between the stakeholders.
To examine some of these issues we can considers a scenario which is not all that
uncommon. A company decides to outsource the supply of a major component – for
example, a car producer in the UK may decide to have its car seats manufactured in Eastern
Europe instead of at its UK plant.
The underlying reasons for the action are likely to be to reduce costs and boost profits – a
decision taken by the directors in the interests of the shareholders.
But the impact on other stakeholders could be identified:
 The workforce are going to see job losses. They may also see that this move could
mean further outsourcing in the future, which threatens job security. Middle and junior
management staffs may well also face redundancy.
 UK suppliers will be possible losers as they see supply contracts ended.
 The State will lose out in terms of lost tax and social security contributions and will also
face increased spending on unemployment benefits and other social support. There
will also be the impact on the country's balance of payments position as imports rise.
 The local community will also experience losses as local incomes and spending fall, as
well as possible falls in local land values. This will obviously affect retail and leisure
operations and there may be further secondary local job losses resulting.
It is possible to see that there might be scope for some compromise in this situation. For
example, the workforce or the trade unions might offer to accept pay cuts and/or changes to
working practices in order to deliver cost savings to the company. Company management
might be prepared to postpone the implementation of the policy in an effort to show a
willingness to compromise. The state might offer the business some level of subsidy in
return for an undertaking not to move the business overseas.
The key point here is that in any situation where stakeholder interests conflict, there can be
scope for resolving the problem or for some form of compromise.
Another dimension to conflicts of interest is that their intensity can change over time and in
response to changing circumstances.
A significant factor is the impact of the economic business cycle. This cycle affects market
economies over time and results in a cycle of recession, recovery, boom and then downturn
to the next recession. The general level of activity in the economy is affected – in particular,
spending levels, output volumes, employment and profits.
As an economy slides into recession after a boom, competition becomes more intense as the
same number of businesses compete for a shrinking level of spending. In this environment,
conflicts between stakeholder interests will be sharpened as businesses take action to
protect sales and profits by a range of policies involving cost cuts and laying off workers.
Consumers may appear to benefit from lower prices, but then some consumers may also find
their purchasing power reduced by unemployment. Business failure rate will accelerate
leaving problems for trade and financial creditors.
As recovery leads to boom, conflicts of interest tend to be lessened. In an environment
where most firms are experiencing rising sales and improved profit margins, output level are
also likely to be rising as well as employment rewards. It is going to much simpler to meet
the interests of the various stakeholders. If the cake is getting bigger, it is possible for
everyone to have a larger slice.

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Stakeholder Influence
Up to now, we have considered stakeholders as reactive – they respond to events which
affect their interests. In practice, some stakeholder groups tend to take a more proactive
approach by trying to influence and shape policies and events in ways which further their
We can see this by examining the ways in which stakeholders act in their interests.
 Amongst owners, perhaps the key shareholders are large institutional investors, such
as investment and unit trusts, pension funds and insurance company life funds. These
investors will have very substantial funds to invest and professional fund managers
seeking the best possible returns. These fund managers will try to exercise very
powerful influence on boards of directors to produce profits and dividends in line with
the funds' expectations. These influences can be very strong in shaping business
objectives and strategy towards the interests of shareholders. The impact of these
policies may be less beneficial to other stakeholders such as workers and consumers.
 Financial creditors, particularly the banks, may also seek to influence the ways in which
businesses are run. The chief interests of these stakeholders are likely to be interest
payments and the eventual repayment of loans. Even if loans are secured on company
assets, these creditors would rather see loans repaid by a viable business than secure
the money by having to sell off the business's assets. Theses creditors may seek to
influence business policy to protect their interests.
 The workforce may decide to make their interests more prominent, usually in an
organised way operating through trade unions. Trade unions can take a range of
actions to promote the interests of their members for improved pay and conditions, for
job security. These can include strike action or working to rule, overtime bans and the
like. Establishing the interests of the workforce as dominant at a particular time is likely
to have an effect on other stakeholders – for example, a business may concede a pay
claim if it feels it can pass on the higher costs to customers.
 Customers themselves can also exert influence. In general, consumers are much less
organised than workers or management and consequently their pressure tends to be
less focused. However, customers can exert their interest through what they choose to
buy, or not to buy. Where there is a general consumer movement – as in concerns
about food quality and growth in demand for organic foods – changes in consumer
spending can impact significantly on company profits and force businesses to change
policy. This can be seen in the increasing demand for particular levels of quality in the
delivery of services or the standards of products. Similar effects can result from
straightforward changes in consumer tastes and preferences, and in concerns for the
environment (which could affect business in issues as diverse as packaging policy,
labelling and control of emissions).
 Companies, acting as customers themselves, expect their suppliers to meet stringent
quality standards, and this is especially important when just-in-time production methods
are used. Firms are aware that their customers judge them on the quality of their
products. If a component, supplied by another company, fails, the customer blames the
maker, not the supplier of the faulty component. This is why Jaguar instituted a quality
programme for its suppliers and worked with them to improve standards. The aim was
100% reliability. Jaguar insisted that if any part failed, no matter how small, the
supplier of it would pay all the costs of repair and of providing the customer with a
replacement vehicle. Companies like Marks and Spencer have their own quality
control inspectors working in their suppliers' factories.
 In the public sector, quality standards have often been incorporated in customer
charters, and performance is examined to see if standards have been met. For
example, the Inland Revenue has guidelines for the maximum times to respond to

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taxpayers' queries on different matters and for making refunds of overpaid tax.
Railways have standards for punctuality and regularity – if trains do not meet published
targets in these areas, customers should be compensated. Not all of these schemes
are yet working well, but there is a continuing effort to respond to the interests of
customers and raise standards of performance.
 Consumers can also exert influence by bringing pressure to bear on the State to enact
legislation which furthers their interests such as the Trade Descriptions Act or the Sale
of Goods Act. In this way, one group of stakeholders may seek to gain influence
through other stakeholders. This can also be seen in the practices of some pressure
groups acting on behalf of the environment in seeking to influence both government
policy and shareholders.
 The State can exercise obvious influence through the tax and spend system or through
interest rate or exchange rate policy. These polices have general effects – for
example, an increase in interest rates will raise the costs of business in general with an
on-going impact on a range of stakeholder interests. In some cases, the effects are
more specific in that they affect individual firms and industries – for example, in respect
of tax policies on tobacco or oil products.
 The influence of government can also be seen in relation to its spending priorities. If
the government decides to switch spending from defence to health services, this will
have effects on a range of businesses in both industries. We have already seen that
the government may also offer subsidies to get a favourable outcome in some cases.
Overall, the various stakeholders will seek to use whatever influence they may have to
strengthen their interests. It should also be clear that some stakeholders are in a better
position to do this than others.
There is concern about the primacy of shareholder and director interests, and increasingly,
enterprises are judged by their customers and others on their behaviour as much as on price
and product. One impact of this is that organisations have developed policies which deal
with business ethics.
An ethical code of conduct that seeks to prevent directors and other senior managers
exploiting their position would cover the following areas.
 The duty of managers to take account of the interests of all stakeholders in the
organisation, including the general public, as well as to make a profit.
 The need to have regard to the safety of workers and users of products.
 Avoidance of bribery and corruption and of giving excessively large gifts or generous
contract terms, even in countries where these practices are accepted.
 The principle that managers should not misuse their authority for personal gain.
Directors no longer get long-term service contracts which entitle them to a very large
payoff if their contract is terminated before the end of the period; most are moving onto
two-year contracts.
 The need to respect confidentiality of customer and supplier information.
 Making every effort to comply with good business practices such as paying on time
according to terms.
 Many businesses now adopt policies that attempt to recognise and take account of a
much wider range of stakeholder interests. This is often referred to as satisficing (a
combination of the words 'satisfy' and 'suffice') and reflects a strategy based on
compromise between objectives rather than maximisation of just a narrow range.

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When there is a change in the PESTEL environment matrix, an organisation has to respond.
It may do nothing, in which case it might lose market share or even go out of business.
Alternatively, it can change its product or production methods – and this applies just as much
to services as to goods – or it can change its structure or revise its policies.
Many of the effects of changes in the business environment can be foreseen and allowed for
if the firm has systems in place to watch for changes. The enterprise can monitor its own
market, keep in close touch with suppliers, and use its trade association to ensure that it is
informed about less immediate threats and opportunities.
Here we review some of the ways in which business organisations have responded to
changes in the political, economic, social and technological environment.

Political Change and its Impact on Business

The government has a great influence on business activity. In the first place it dictates the
legal framework within which the business must operate and imposes regulations that must
be adhered to. These can cover health and safety issues, consumer protection, advertising
standards, employment conditions and environmental factors. This can have an impact on
the business; for example new laws regarding the labelling and packaging of goods for the
added protection of the consumer will usually result in increased costs.
However, some changes in regulations might provide new market opportunities. For
example a law tightening fire regulations might lead to an increased demand for fire
appliances, protective clothing and appliance testing. A new tax on using land-fill sites for
disposing of rubbish has resulted in a growth in the recycling business.
Governments also influence business through the tax system. Indirect taxes make goods
more expensive for the consumer while subsidies reduce the market price and increase
demand. Other influences include items such as planning permission, financial incentives
regarding location or the promotion of exports. This may influence where a firm locates or
who it targets its products at.
The government is the largest spender in the economy. In the UK it accounts for over 40% of
all spending. Obviously the government can influence business by its decisions on what to
spend, where to spend and with which firms.

Economic Change
The state of the economy is one of the most important influences. Most economies exhibit a
trade cycle of growth and perhaps boom followed by a slow down and possibly recession.
This will affect the level of demand for a firm's products. In a recession the general level of
demand falls which will limit the ability of the firm to sell its goods at their full price. In the UK
the recession of the early 1990s resulted in around 62,000 firms closing in a single year. In a
period of recovery or boom the general level of demand rises, which will increase the ability
of the firm to sell its goods at profitable prices. It will also provide the opportunity for new
firms to emerge.
Firms will also be affected by changes in unemployment levels or interest rates. Growing
unemployment will reduce demand while rising interest rates will increase business costs.
The reverse is true for falling unemployment and cuts in interest rates. In a similar way,
changes in the exchange rate will affect the ability of firms to compete against foreign
companies in their own markets and to be competitive abroad.
Another economic factor is the amount of competition and the behaviour adopted by
competitors. For example, a firm may adopt a price cutting policy. This will demand a
response from all similar firms in the industry, otherwise they may lose market share.

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Social Change
A business must be aware of changes in society. Demographic changes will affect demand
in different sectors. The ageing population in Europe has led to greater demands for health
care and nursing homes. Similarly an economy with an expanding, younger population will
experience rising demand for children's clothes, childcare facilities and schools.
As societies grow wealthier, the population spends a greater proportion of its money on
leisure pursuits such as foreign holidays, sports and pastimes. Changes in public attitudes
can also affect a business. The public are more environmentally aware and are not prepared
to buy products and services that are considered antisocial, such as aerosols that contain
CFCs. Consumer opinion has forced firms to abandon trade involving endangered species
and the production of goods that leads to the destruction of the rain forests. Failure to
recognise change and to adapt can lead to the decline and eventual closure of a business.
Early recognition of these changes can provide opportunities. The Body Shop has expanded
globally by marketing its environmentally safe cosmetics.

Technological Change
Technological changes can be the most significant external factor. New products, new
methods of manufacture and new materials have been developed that have changed the
market completely. Word processors have all but eliminated the demand for typewriters.
Many products are now made from hardened plastic rather than wood or steel. The use of
the microchip has revolutionised the watch industry. The car industry makes full use of
robotics in order to eliminate the need for labour and to ensure a higher quality product.
Changes like these affect a firm's market and each business must adapt to the opportunities
or be left behind by more progressive competitors.
Technological changes affect not only the production process but also the range of products
that is possible. The microchip has led to the miniaturisation of many products while the
development of plastics has revolutionised the style of products and their cost. The media
and leisure industries have witnessed vast changes with the advent of miniaturised music
systems, flat screen televisions, High Definition broadcasting and advanced computer
games. The quality of items has also been affected. In agriculture, science has developed
disease-resistant plants, improved crop yields and created new hybrid specimens.
A change in technology can have serious positive or negative effects on a business. On the
positive side technological change has led to the development of new raw materials that can
result in easier manufacturing processes and lower costs. The rapid development of
moulded plastics has allowed electrical and automotive products to be made not only
cheaper but also in more stylish designs. Technology can also lead to changes in processes.
The advent of computers has led to high-speed, fully automated flow production systems
being developed. This in turn has led to lower unit costs and lower consumer prices. New
technologies have created entirely new markets such as the mobile phone industry and
digital broadcasting.
On the negative side technology has replaced the need for a lot of unskilled and semi-skilled
labour. Those affected have suffered long-term unemployment unless they were fortunate
enough to retrain. Advances in science have made some products redundant. Even skill
requirements have changed, causing workers to retrain several times in a career.
Technological change will also have an extensive impact on employment; this can be
summarised as follows:
 Very few people can expect to remain in the same job, or even the same industry, for
all their working lives. Most people will have to change jobs or change the way they do
their jobs several times during a normal working life.

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 People must be prepared to retrain and acquire new skills at any time during their
working lives. They are likely to find this easier if they have a relatively high level of
basic education, particularly in the skills of numeracy and communication. If they do
not achieve this before commencing work they may need to do so during their working
lives. This has important implications for the education services, which are likely to be
asked to provide more and more courses that can be combined with work – courses
likely to be making more use of modern information technology.
 An increasing amount of work will be performed individually or by people working in
small teams (not necessarily in the same location). Older forms of management and
supervision will give way to self-management and co-ordination in many cases.
 More work will become more challenging and interesting, but less secure. This has
many important social implications

We have seen that all businesses exist in an environment which, as it changes, exerts
pressure on businesses to change in response. However, businesses also exist in an
environment which supports and assists them in the pursuit of their objectives.
All businesses need a range of services from outside. A typical business manufacturing a
product or providing a service will have the knowledge and expertise at a technical level to
carry this out, but may need a range of outside services to supplement this in-house ability in
order to fulfil other obligations or develop and enhance its manufacturing/service provision.

Banking Services
Virtually every business will have a bank account and will look to its bank to provide a range
of financial services. Many of the major banks have specialist branches which cater for
corporate as opposed to personal customers, and by concentrating their business expertise
in these branches, they aim to provide a more targeted service. One of the main exceptions
to this is HSBC ( the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) which caters for most
of its business customers through its normal branch network.
The typical range of services that the commercial banks provide are:
 Bank accounts
Businesses may want a range of accounts including the standard cheque accounts
plus reserve accounts and possible currency accounts where the business has an
export or import trade.
 Funds transfers
Businesses need to be able to move funds around and the banks provide a range of
facilities including the traditional cheque processing as well as direct debit and standing
order facilities. For larger "one off "transactions, there are bankers' drafts or the facility
to transfer larger single sums at very short notice. At the international level, the banks
provide the SWIFT service to make payments. Increasingly, automated transfers are
becoming the norm for all forms of payment, including point-of-sales transactions in
shops and the payment of salaries and wages.
We should not lose sight of the banks' facilities for accepting payments, including
deposits outside normal banking hours.
 Financial administration
Banks also offer payroll, sales ledger and purchases ledger facilities to business
customers to save on administration costs.

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 Factoring
Most major banks offer invoice factoring services to improve company cash flow. Many
businesses sell to other businesses and have to offer trade credit terms. This means
that the selling company may have to wait for some months before being paid. In the
meantime, the business has to meet its own bills. One solution to this cash flow
situation is to enter into a factoring arrangement with a bank. Under this arrangement,
the selling company invoices the buying company in the usual way, but also sends a
copy to the factor (the bank). On receiving the invoice, the factor pays, typically, 80%
of the invoice value by return. In due course, the buying company will pay the invoice
(to the factor). At this point, the factor pays the 20% balance to the selling company.
The factor charges the selling company client a percentage for the service.
 Provision of funds
A mainstay of banking is their lending business. The chief lending instruments are
overdrafts and loans, and the bank will charge a rate of interest on the amount lent.
Overdrafts are simply arrangements which allow account holders to overdraw on their
bank balance by up to an agreed limit for an agreed period. The business will usually
only pay interest on the amount actually overdrawn, rather than on the full overdraft
Banks also offer a wide range of loans for various business purposes such as
expansion or new investment. Bank loans involve the bank crediting the customer's
account with the full amount of the loan at the beginning. There will be some
agreement between the bank and the business on repayment terms.
As far as the borrower is concerned, the main issues are likely to be the interest
charges and other fees, plus the possible question of security required by the bank.
Bank loans are available for periods of between 6 months and 25 years. The interest
rate is usually agreed at the start and does not vary throughout the period of the loan.

Other Financial Service Providers

Although for many businesses the banks are going to be the chief on-going providers of
financial services, there are other institutions which also have significant roles. At this stage,
we shall look at the main ones in outline only – a more detailed description can be found later
in the course.
 Venture capital companies
Some businesses find finance a problem because they have innovative products or
services – a recent example is the spate of Internet businesses which have
developed. There are also situations where large businesses want to sell of parts of
their operations to an existing management team – a management buy-out. These
kinds of venture tend to be high risk and, therefore, not very attractive to most main
stream investors. In recent years, a number of venture capital companies have
appeared who are prepared to invest in high-risk enterprises either via loans or equity
stakes. Venture capitalists will tend to want high potential profits in return for their risk
 Merchant banks and investment banks
These are essentially wholesale banks who offer a range of services to business
(a) advice on take over or merger options
(b) capital restructuring of businesses
(c) underwriting new issues of shares and loan stock

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Investment banks may also take over businesses in their own names as investments.
 Leasing companies
Many businesses may want to lease equipment rather than purchase it outright.
Virtually any business asset can be leased, but the most popular are those which
require on-going support, such as vehicle fleets and computer systems. There are a
large number of leasing companies who will arrange leasing deals for business clients.
Some leasing deals have built -options for the lessee to purchase the asset at the end
of the lease, a situation known as lease/purchase. Most leasing companies are owned
by the banks.
 Contract hire
Some businesses may decide to hire assets on a fixed-term basis. The main
difference from leasing is that the contracting company and not the hirer will be
responsible for repairs and maintenance. Contract hire is most frequently seen in
relation to company vehicles.
Under the contract terms the business agrees to pay monthly/quarterly sums for the
use of the asset. This will appear as an overhead in the profit and loss account.
One point to bear in mind about both leasing and contract hire is that the assets
themselves do not belong to the business using them and will not therefore appear in
their balance sheet.

A wide range of consultancies have grown up in the last two decades. They offer specialist
services – usually of a professional nature – to businesses of all sizes in return for agreed
fees. Businesses make extensive use of outside specialists to advise on courses of action
where they do not have the necessary skills or expertise themselves.
Apart from offering specialist expertise that the organisation does not have in-house, external
consultants have a number of advantages. They are likely to take an objective view of the
business. They will not be involved in any company in-fighting and have no vested interest in
the business. As outsiders, they can bring fresh perspectives and insights which
organisation insiders cannot see, and as specialists, they are also likely to be up to date with
current theories and ideas. Consultants will also bring valuable experience of other business
organisations, which could be very useful. Finally, consultants will also feel themselves to be
under pressure to produce high quality outcomes in return for the fees they are collecting.
The range of services available is extensive. The main ones, though, are as follows.
 Management consultants
These are probably the best known of all consultancies. They developed in the US
first, but have spread to all major business economies.
There are a number of scenarios where management consultants may be used – for
example, where the business faces some unusual situation or development, or if
conflicts arise within the business which cannot be resolved. These situations range
from relatively minor to major issues such as the overall direction of the business, its
organisation; its future growth direction, possible joint ventures with other
organisations. The list is endless. It is not unknown for management to call in
consultants to confirm a decision which has already been taken, but which the
company's management prefers to appear to come from an independent outside
source – decisions like this will often be bad news for some sections of the business.

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 Advertising agencies
Businesses often feel the need for expert guidance in relation to advertising, and in
particular how to use their advertising budgets to best effect. Advertising agencies offer
a range of services to business including planning an advertising campaign, producing
the advertisements themselves and booking advertising slots on TV, radio or in other
 Marketing agencies
These organisations carry out a rather broader role for business clients. In essence,
this involves producing an entire marketing strategy for a business involving the four Ps
– price, product, place and promotion.
 Public relations consultants
These organisations are concerned primarily with company image and can advise
business clients on a range of strategies to develop and enhance that image. They
can be of particular help when a business has suffered some sort of crisis and has
attracted adverse publicity. The use of a PR consultancy with their expertise in
handling the media can make a contribution to overall crisis management.

Government Services to Business

Governments in different countries have varying policies. The outline which follows is based
on current UK policies and practice.
The term "government" can be taken to mean both national government and local authorities.
Both types of government offer services to business.
At the national level, the main government department responsible for co-ordinating and
delivering services to businesses is the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). The DTI's
range of services is primarily provided through the Small Business Service. This is targeted
at new and small enterprises and offers a network of advice on issues including:
 Business start ups
 Finance
 Staffing and training
 Suppliers and supply chains
 Marketing
 Computers
 Productivity
 The EU
 Environment
The delivery of this service at local level is the responsibility of Learning and Skills Councils
(replacing Training and Enterprise Councils) and Business Links. The Leaning and Skills
Councils have a particular role in training schemes for business. The Business Links
network is intended to provide a "one stop shop" for local business, offering advice and
support on any of the issues listed above.
The UK is also a major trading nation, and many firms look to the government for advice and
support in the area of overseas trade. Trade UK is a DTI organisation set up to provide this
service. For exporters it can supply much practical advice by using the expertise of UK
government embassies and High Commissions around the world. These diplomatic sources
have a vast array of information on local conditions, regulations and so on which can be
passed on to UK exporters. In particular, the names of contacts in overseas countries can be

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Organisations in their Environment 63

provided and the availability of exhibitions and trade fairs made known. Trade UK can also
supply potential leads for UK exporters.
Local authorities also provide support for business, mainly in the form of creating industrial
estates and business parks which provide ready-made units for business with all the major
services on site. In many cases, very favourable rents are available to new businesses
taking up units. The main incentive for this is that new businesses provide local employment
and increase the income of the local authorities themselves.

The final aspect of this review of the environment of business organisations is their location.

Factors Determining Location

When a firm decides on a location for its activities it makes the decision on the basis of costs
and benefits. Each possibility is weighed up according to the costs which include land and
buildings, power supply, labour and training, transport and communication with suppliers and
customers, and compliance with environmental protection. The benefits of each alternative
include the availability of a trained labour force, a support system of specialist firms providing
industry-specific training, information services and design facilities, green field sites where
the company can set up exactly as it wishes and the availability of government grants.

The market

Land Ancillary industry

Raw Power supplies


Government Communications

Figure 4.1: The Influences on Location of Industry

The relative pull of each component of the decision depends on its importance to the firm.
 Sometimes the availability of power supplies is of over-riding importance. Aluminium
is rarely made where bauxite, its raw material, is mined. Cheap power is of so great
importance that the bauxite is transported half way across the world to countries like
Norway and Sweden, which have huge amounts of cheap hydro-electric power.
 In another industry it is proximity to the market which matters most of all. Furniture is
bulky, fragile, and difficult to transport without damage. The manufacturers therefore
set up as close as possible to the major cities while still being reasonably close to their
raw material. The forests around High Wycombe made it an ideal location close to
London. Warehousing and distribution firms tend to set up where motorways meet or
where there are good transhipment points between road and rail.

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64 Organisations in their Environment

 Access to a skilled labour force may be the most important factor. This is what brings
firms to the so-called Silicon Valley between Slough and Reading in England, Silicon
Glen in Central Scotland and the original Silicon Valley in California. Each of these
areas has a concentration of universities and colleges turning out technologically
trained graduates. Over the years this has built up a pool of labour with the right
training and skills for computer firms. Co-operation with the research facilities of the
universities is an added advantage.
 Lack of specific skills may be the most important criterion. When an industry has a
history of poor labour relations and bad working practices, firms seek out a
completely new location to get away from the problems of the past. This is why
Japanese car component and assembly plants are found in Wales and North East
England well away from the established centres of the industry. Improved transport
facilities mean that it is no longer essential to be near suppliers or customers. The
availability of green field sites was an added advantage as the firms could design and
build exactly what they wanted and have room for future expansion.
 The availability of raw materials often determines a firm's location. Coal mines can
only be sited where there is coal, mineral water companies where there is a suitable
spring, brick manufacturers where there is the right sort of clay. The extraction
industries have limited location options. However, these are not all renewable
resources and eventually they become exhausted. This is what happened to the iron
mines in Britain. Local ore was replaced with imports. Steel works gradually moved to
the coast because of the cost of transport over land of heavy, low-value material.
Technology also played its part as new methods of steel-making meant that the cost of
production could be significantly reduced by keeping the product hot all the way
through the process. Integrated steel mills replaced a system where iron ore was
turned into blocks, moved elsewhere to be turned into steel, then on to another plant to
be rolled into sheet.
 Land costs and availability are important to some industries. There are fewer than
thirty possible locations for a new airport in Britain, and very few more potential sites for
a new oil refinery. Land is an important part of building costs; in many cases industrial
development is competing with agriculture. Large flat areas attract developers. Where
land area is restricted, the answer is to build upwards as in New York. But this is
expensive and can only be justified for high value-added activities; which is why the
financial district has skyscrapers.
 History also plays its part. Once an industry is established in a certain location it
attracts all kinds of support from specialist information services to communication
systems. Collectively these are known as external economies of scale. As an
industry grows bigger all firms, regardless of their individual size, benefit from the
reduction in their unit costs which results from this accumulation of ancillary industry to
serve the needs of companies in the main industry.
Thus banking and financial organisations cluster together in the City of London.
Access to their markets brought them together – banks set up in Lombard Street in the
seventeenth century to be near their merchant customers. More firms were attracted
as the financial markets developed; specialists set up to serve their needs; accepting
and discount houses to deal in bills of exchange soon appeared. Nearness to the Bank
of England and the other banks was important for getting information quickly and
staying in touch with customers. Information services grew to meet demands for up-to-
date market prices, foreign affairs and shipping news. Dealing facilities were set up,
like the Stock Exchange for stocks and shares, Lloyds for insurance, and the
commodities exchanges. The foreign exchange market has its own dedicated
telephone system linking banks worldwide at the touch of a computer screen. This
intense concentration of financial activity has brought the development of a huge

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Organisations in their Environment 65

diversity of ancillary firms – specialist solicitors, printers, security transport, recruitment,

training, computers, building, catering, investigation and many other businesses exist
to serve the financial community in the City.
 The City is also a good example of how changing technology has affected location.
Twenty years ago firms had to have a large headquarters staff to process, manage and
retrieve documents. This could mean heavy head-office costs to house a lot of
comparatively junior and low-paid workers; they, further, incurred high added costs of
travel, which were paid for in the form of London allowances and interest-free loans.
Electronic data processing with document storage and retrieval means that nowadays
all of these routine tasks can be done at another location.
This is why so many insurance companies have relocated part of their head office work
to places like Bournemouth. Office costs per square foot there are a tenth of those in
the City, staff costs are lower and efficiency does not suffer, as information can be
accessed on-line from London. A small office is maintained in the City to provide
contacts with other financial institutions and markets and commercial clients. The cost
of housing the necessary senior management in a City of London office can be
 In making a relocation decision the organisation has to consider the staff cost very
carefully. Key members have to be persuaded to move. The costs of recruitment and
training for new workers have to be set against the costs of relocating existing
personnel. The help of specialist firms is usually enlisted to find a suitable range of
housing, show groups of staff around the new area, organise removals and help people
settle in.
Over the years firms have become much less dependent on raw materials and energy
sources. Electricity had replaced coal as the source of industrial power by the late 1960s.
New products and new manufacturing methods have meant that many industrial companies
have become footloose – they are not tied to any specific location. The low weight and bulk
of their components make them cheap to transport. The final product, like computers and
video cameras, has very high added-value and low bulk, which makes it worthwhile to
transport it long distances.
Commercial firms can set up certain activities anywhere there are suitable communications
facilities. Some part of the business still has to be near the market, though, as in the case of
insurance firms. And not all commercial enterprises can be footloose: for example, national
advertising agencies locate in London to be near their corporate customers.

Government Influence on Location

The location of the firm may be significantly influenced by government policy. The UK
government provides various forms of assistance to firms setting up in the Development
Areas. Since August 1993 the eligible areas have been restricted mainly to the older
industrial areas of Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, South Wales, North-East and South-
West England, and the North and West of Scotland; Northern Ireland receives special
assistance. Firms in these areas can receive grants for capital investment and small firms
can get a wide range of help with investment, training and consultancy advice.
The European Community provides additional funding for projects in the assisted areas, and
has a number of schemes which provide assistance to firms in areas affected by the decline
of traditional industries like shipbuilding and coal. Under the EC rules there are limits to the
sums a government can spend on attracting foreign investment but there can still be very
valuable grants and concessions; the British government has used these to bring in firms like
Honda and Toyota. All of these measures can exert a powerful pull on a firm wishing to
locate in a new area.

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66 Organisations in their Environment

Environmental Change and Location

Two trends have emerged over the last twenty years concerning the location of business
activity and both have important implications for the organisational structure of the firm.
(a) Location by function
Large firms have been accustomed to operating from many different sites for a long
period. The basis for these different establishments tended to be partly historical –
merged or taken-over firms remained in their current sites unless and until there was
good reason to relocate – and partly to take advantage of locational advantages for
production where these existed. The general pattern has been for each distinct
subsidiary or division to retain its administrative functions at its main production site,
with central administrative work carried out at a separate head office, usually located in
London or another major commercial city.
The significant change that has been taking place has been to locate as much as
possible of the administrative work, with or without central managerial staff, at a single
site, in an area with good communications to London and the major cities but
sufficiently distant from these for the company to gain reduced land and labour costs.
With computer-based administration, linked by computer and modern
telecommunications such as e-mail, the administrative centre of the organisation can
be located anywhere that costs are relatively low and where there is access to the main
national transport networks of rail, motorway and, increasingly, air.
Once the significance of this kind of development becomes more widely recognised we
can expect to see further relocation of other functions such as production and
marketing, influenced more by contemporary locational advantages and less by
accidents of historical development.
(b) Home-based work
If groups of workers can be linked by telecommunications so, too, can individuals and
their place of work or, more accurately, their work centre or centres. A growing number
of people are now working from home doing work arranged and paid for by one or
more firms. This process is now often termed telecommuting. It is at its most
advanced in computer software production, where software houses can operate an
international marketing service, arranging what to produce and then organising the
production of the software by commissioning individuals or teams of software writers.
The writers organise the actual production themselves, within the time constraints
established by their commissioning organisation.
This kind of organisation, made possible by modern information technology, is
remarkably similar to the organisational structure on which the first emerging modern
industry – the woollen industry – was based. The software house is the equivalent of
the 18th century merchant who linked the producers to the market and organised the
production chain. The software writers are the equivalent of the spinners and weavers
who actually made the woollen cloth. Notice that the actual maker of the product under
this latest version of the outwork system has regained control over the production
process. The writer can choose when and how much to work provided, of course,
there is sufficient demand for the writer's work. As in the 18th century, those reputed to
produce the best work and able to meet contract times are generally offered more work
than they can cope with, while those with less favourable reputations tend to struggle to
earn a steady living.
No other industry appears to have gone as far along this organisational cycle as
software production but others are making some moves in this direction. Book
production relies heavily on editors and designers and fewer of these now go to work in
the publisher's offices. More work at home, often for several publishers. It is difficult to

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Organisations in their Environment 67

think of any industry where at least some of its production could not be performed by
people working at home.
Notice that the latest technological revolution is having a twofold effect on the
production process. On the one hand it makes it possible for many specialised, non-
routine activities to be carried out by individuals in their own homes. At the same time,
it also makes it possible for much large-scale, repetitive work to be carried out by
automated machinery, cared for by very few workers. Most of these will effectively be
dial watchers, trained to spot anything not operating correctly and to take action to limit
the damage caused by malfunction and breakdown. They will also contact those able
to repair and replace failed equipment. These emergency service engineers are most
likely to be operating from home but with communication equipment enabling them to
keep in constant touch with a base which has the task of co-ordinating their work and
ensuring that firms with service contracts are provided for efficiently.
The employing organisation in this kind of production system becomes essentially a co-
ordinating body. Management in such a body is still concerned with taking decisions
under conditions of uncertainty but the nature of the decisions is changing. In the
factory-based system production is largely concerned with control and discipline.
There is a stock of equipment and labour which has to be adapted to the production
requirements that senior management has opted for in co-operation with the marketing
and purchasing functions. Adaptation, modification and, from time to time, changes in
both equipment and labour are often difficult, time-consuming and costly processes.
Labour is frequently more troublesome and costly to change than capital (equipment).
The new style organisation is likely to have fewer constraints imposed by a fixed stock
of equipment and labour.
Managerial success is more likely to depend on knowledge, e.g. knowing what and where
equipment and labour are available, what their capabilities are and what the cost of various
operations is likely to be. The knowledge must, of course, be applied and this involves co-
ordination and, in many cases, persuasion. Many different operations, taking place in many
different locations, will have to be brought together to satisfy the requirements of the ultimate
consumer. Computer packages will help in storing, sifting and co-ordinating the information
needed by managers, but a great deal of human judgment will also be required, not least
because decisions will still have to be made now to meet conditions which the manager
believes will be applying in the future. One of the constant features of management
throughout the ages remains the element of uncertainty about the future.

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68 Organisations in their Environment

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Study Unit 5
Growth and Scale of Business Organisations

Contents Page

Introduction 70

A. Growth Strategies 71
Integration and Diversification 71
Ansoff's Product/Market Growth Strategies 72

B. How Do Organisations Grow? 73

Organic Growth 73
Growth by Acquisition 75
Demergers 76

C. Economies of Scale 77
Internal Economies of Large-Scale Production 78

D. Diseconomies of Scale 79
Internal Diseconomies 79
Survival of Small Firms 80

E. Globalisation 81
Globalisation and Locational Factors 81
Globalisation and the Product Life Cycle 83
The Growth of Multinational Companies 84
Foreign Investment and Internalisation 86

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70 Growth and Scale of Business Organisations

Firms wish to grow for many reasons, not the least of them being the driving ambition of an
entrepreneur. Organisations often grow as they develop new products and markets.
Sometimes this growth is defensive, i.e. necessary because saturation has been reached in
one market or because a product has reached the end of its profitable life. Success in the
original activity or in innovation is often the means to growth for an organisation of whatever
Organisations may grow organically through the development of their existing business or
activity, or growth may be external through mergers and takeovers. Both methods have their
advantages and disadvantages. Whichever way an enterprise expands, it will enjoy
advantages and face problems.
The major benefits of growth come from the economies of large-scale production, which
reduce cost per unit, and the advantages of large organisations which give power in the
market; on the other hand too much expansion can lead to diseconomies of scale. Just as
the individual firm can experience economies and diseconomies of scale as it grows, so too a
whole industry can benefit or suffer as it develops.
One of the major developments in organisational growth and the scale of operations has
been globalisation. Markets and the location of business operations are being seen less and
less as local or even national. Increasingly, the whole world is available to even medium-
sized companies and, with the advent of e-commerce and global communications, to small
businesses, including sole traders.
When you have completed this study unit you will be able to:
 Outline the reasons for the growth of organisations.
 Describe the types of internal (organic) and external growth, including mergers and
 Explain the reasons for integration and diversification.
 Describe the internal economies of scale and explain their effects on the costs of the
 Describe the diseconomies of scale and explain their effects on the enterprise.
 Explain the reasons for demergers.
 Discuss the reasons for the survival of small firms.
 Explain the move towards the globalisation of business.

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Growth and Scale of Business Organisations 71

Most private sector service organisations pursue growth in one form or another, whether as
an explicit aim of the organisation or an implicit aim of its managers. You should be able to
recognise different types of growth patterns and their implications for a business.

Integration and Diversification

An organisation can grow by extending its operations to other stages of the chain of
production or by expanding its operations at a similar point in the chain:
 Horizontal integration is where a firm expands its interests at the same stage in the
production chain.
 Vertical integration may involve moves backwards towards the raw materials or
forwards to the consumer.
When a firm moves into new markets or products, the process is called diversification.
The processes involved are shown diagrammatically in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1: Integration and Diversification

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72 Growth and Scale of Business Organisations

Horizontal integration may be brought about where two firms producing much the same
product come together. The takeover of Volvo Cars by Ford is an example. The advantages
expected are immediate increases in market share and production capacity. It may also give
defensive benefits by keeping out a rival firm or closing excess production capacity which
affects all companies' profitability.
Lateral integration is similar but the firms involved are in different sectors of the same market
– for example, a chocolate manufacturer joining with a maker of boiled sweets or a car
assembler merging with a truck producer. The expected advantages are the same and one
sector of the overall market may be growing faster than another.
Backward vertical integration may be undertaken to safeguard supplies; so Ford owns firms
making spark plugs and car seats. It gives the producer greater control over deliveries. The
immediate reason may be a fear that a rival company will get priority at a time of shortages.
Forward vertical integration moves the firm towards its customers. Clothes manufacturers,
for instance, may take over chains of shops. It gives the company control of its market
outlets. Integration can bring economies by cutting out excess stock holdings and through a
better flow of information about market changes.
Diversification, as we have said, is when a firm moves into new markets or products. It may
be a deliberate move to counter the problems of a declining market or to take advantage of
opportunities for expansion, for example the banks taking over estate agents. It may result
from an integration merger with a firm which has a range of products. Or the production
process itself may give the opportunity; for example washing-up liquid started as a by-
product of oil refining for which the company tried to find a use.
Sometimes a new market is opened up because the firm has excess capacity. For example,
banks require massive computing power for daytime on-line work, but at night it can be set to
run payroll calculations for customers. Local authorities have set up similar operations.
Finally a new market could be found for an existing product – cable television has added
telephone communications and started moving into retailing by offering a TV shopping
catalogue with telephone links to suppliers.

Ansoff's Product/Market Growth Strategies

A further insight into organisations' growth strategies is provided by Ansoff's Product/Market
expansion grid. It is a simple framework which holds that an organisation's growth can be
analysed in terms of two key development dimensions – markets and products. For each
dimension, growth may be based on the existing situation or a new product/market. Figure
5.2 illustrates the possibilities.

Existing New



Figure 5.2: Ansoff Matrix

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Growth and Scale of Business Organisations 73

The grid consequently identifies four development options, each associated with differing
sets of problems and opportunities for organisations. These relate to the level of resources
required to implement a particular strategy, and the level of risk associated with each. It
follows, therefore, that what might be a feasible growth strategy for one organisation may not
be for another.
These are the four generic growth options:
 Market penetration strategy
This focuses growth on the existing product range by encouraging higher levels of
take-up of a service among the existing target markets (e.g. a supplier of fresh orange
juice encouraging its customers to drink orange juice on occasions when they might
otherwise consume another type of drink).
 Market development strategy
This strategy builds upon the existing product range which an organisation has
established, but seeks to find new groups of customers for it. In this way mobile
telephone companies in the UK have extended their basic product offering to additional
groups, including students and lower income groups who previously would not have
considered buying a mobile phone.
 Product development strategy
As an alternative to selling existing products into new markets, an organisation may
choose to develop new products for its existing markets. Again referring to mobile
phones, many companies have developed innovative products to offer as additional
accessories to existing customers, including "hands-free" car kits, traffic information
services and on-line information services.
 Diversification strategy
Here, an organisation expands by developing new products for new markets.
Diversification can take a number of forms. The company could stay within the same
general product/market area, but diversify into a new point of the distribution chain – for
example, a mobile phone network operator may move into operating its own retail
shops. Alternatively, it could branch out into completely new areas, such as radio and
television broadcasting.
In practice, most growth that occurs is a combination of product development and market
development. You should be able to evaluate any proposed growth strategy in terms of the
resources that it will consume, the strengths and weaknesses of the company relative to the
proposed strategy and the level of risk that it entails.


There are basically two options for growth – internal or organic growth and growth by
acquisition – although many organisations grow by a combination of the two processes. The
manner of growth has important marketing implications, for instance in the speed with which
an organisation can expand into new market opportunities.

Organic Growth
This is considered to be the more "natural" pattern of growth for an organisation. The initial
investment by the organisation results in profits, an established customer base and well
established technical, personnel and financial resources. This provides a foundation for
future growth. In this sense, success breeds success, for the rate of the organisation's
growth is influenced by the extent to which it has succeeded in building up internally the
means for future expansion.

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74 Growth and Scale of Business Organisations

Many retail chains have grown organically by developing one region before moving on to
another. In the UK, Sainsbury's grew organically from its southern base towards the northern
regions, while Asda grew organically during the 1970s and early 1980s from its northern
base towards the south.
Organic growth alone sets limits on the speed at which an organisation can grow. The firm
may be in a very slow growing market, making organic growth difficult. Companies with
relatively high capital requirements will find organic growth relatively slow.
Many firms start small but continue to grow because they gain a growing share of an
expanding market. A sole trader, for instance, can develop a new product and keep on
growing as the product is developed to meet the demands of the market. As the firm
expands, new capital is required. The bank will fund expansion through loans and give an
overdraft for working capital. Security is required, and this is likely to be limited by the
amount of land and property owned by the proprietor.
Further expansion may require a partner, who may bring capital and a different kind of
expertise into the firm. For example, many personal computer firms started off as one-man
businesses run by a technical innovator: a partner with marketing expertise would be a
valuable addition. Further partners could be brought in to add to capital and specialise in
different areas. There are often advertisements in the financial press for partners who can
bring customers with them to financial services firms.
The alternative to a partnership is to form a private limited company. As we have seen, there
are additional advantages to a company over a partnership, especially limited liability. A
private company can raise finance from a number of investors either by issuing shares or
through debentures. An entrepreneur who wants to keep control can retain 51% of the equity
and raise capital by issuing the rest.
Venture capitalists provide finance to firms with potential. They are looking for a stake in
firms with growth prospects. When the business has reached a sufficient stage of
development and profitability, the venture capitalist recoups the investment and makes a
profit by bringing the company to the capital market through a quote as a public company on
the Stock Exchange.
Most of the banks and some of the insurance companies have a venture capital arm. There
are also private individuals who will invest in firms with good prospects.
A public limited company can raise finance from many more sources than any other type of
organisation. It can be flexible in its financing to meet the requirements of different types of
Suppose that a firm wants to develop a new gold mine; this is a high-risk venture which will
not show any returns for a long time, until the mine is sunk and gold is processed and sold.
A lot of capital is required for the hole in the ground, which may prove worthless, and for
machinery to crush the rock and extract gold at the rate of two ounces per ton of ore. This
could be financed by issuing a convertible debenture, which pays a guaranteed return
throughout the development phase and can be converted to equities when gold is being
processed. The investors then share in any extra profits, for example if there is more gold
per ton than forecast.
An established company seeking finance for growth can make a rights issue at a discount to
existing shareholders. This preserves their control of the business and gives them the
opportunity to benefit from the expansion. A shareholder offered the right to buy two new
shares for every five held may not, of course, wish to take up the offer, in which case he or
she can sell the right to someone else.
Large firms can raise money on the Euromarkets. A Eurobond is a loan certificate
denominated in the currency of a country different from that of the issuing firm. Thus it may
be particularly advantageous for a British company wanting to expand in America to raise

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Growth and Scale of Business Organisations 75

money through a dollar Eurobond. A consortium of international banks will organise the
issue and sell the bonds to investors in several countries except that of the currency.
Shorter-term finance, but which can be "rolled over" – renewed for additional periods – can
be raised in the Eurocurrency market in several leading currencies including dollars, sterling,
French francs, deutschmarks and Japanese yen. A Eurocurrency is any currency held in
bank accounts outside its country of origin. Eurodollars are exactly the same as dollars in a
bank in the USA, but they are in accounts in other countries all over the world.

Growth by Acquisition
External growth is quicker than internal or organic growth. It involves acquisitions through
mergers and takeovers.
 A merger is where two firms amalgamate their capital and their operations. They form
a new company, often through a holding company.
 A takeover is where one firm buys a controlling share in another. It may offer its own
shares or a mixture of shares and cash. Stock Exchange rules require that
shareholders are always offered a cash alternative.
Mergers and takeovers have the advantages of speed and, possibly, being cheaper than
building production capacity from scratch. The value of the acquired firm may raise the price
of the new entity's shares on the market, giving an immediate benefit to shareholders. A
contested takeover may bid up the price of the target firm beyond this point, as rival
companies improve their offers to tempt shareholders to sell.
A particular reason for an acquisition is that it gives quick entry into a new market. The firm
has the benefits of existing suppliers, customers and management. Alternatively the
company may seek to gain control of its supplies or its outlets.
This method may often appear more attractive. In some cases it may be almost essential in
order to achieve economies of scale to operate profitably and efficiently – for example, many
UK DIY retail chains have grown by acquisition in order to achieve a critical mass, so that
they can pass on lower prices resulting from economies in buying, distribution and
promotion. Many small chains have not been able to grow organically at a sufficient rate to
achieve this size, resulting in their takeover or merger to form larger chains.
Growth by acquisition may occur where an organisation sees its existing market sector
contracting and it seeks to diversify into other areas. The time and risk associated with
starting a new venture in a strange market sector may be considered too great. Acquiring an
established business could be less risky, allowing access to an established client base and
technical skills.
Synergy effects are expected to result in lower costs. These come from the idea that the
result of the merger will be a firm which is more efficient than the previous two were
separately. There can be more specialisation and operations can be rationalised – for
example, the salesforce can sell more of the same kind of products to the same range of
customers, credit controllers probably deal with the same customers, the accounts
department can simply add any new business to the computer, staff savings can be made
through redundancies, and production and property can be rationalised and the surplus sold
Conglomerates are holding companies which have subsidiaries in a wide range of unrelated
industries. This philosophy is that successful management of any firm requires the same
skills. Their objective is to seek out underperforming enterprises and, by applying superior
management, turn them into profitable companies. This may involve selling off unwanted
parts, rationalisation and reorganisation into divisions of the conglomerate. The size of the
undertaking and the value of its assets make it possible for a conglomerate to raise finance
for acquisitions. There is always the benefit that when firms in one industry are doing badly,
those in another may be doing well.

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As firms become larger they begin to suffer inefficiencies; we shall look at this shortly in the
section on diseconomies of scale. Stock exchange investors lose faith in the ability of
directors to manage a wide range of activities. The firm may be unable to pursue profitable
opportunities because of lack of finance and management having to spend too much time on
underperforming subsidiaries. The firm may have grown by acquisitions which have taken it
into activities and markets of only marginal benefit.
The answer is to demerge these unwanted operations and concentrate on the core
businesses which generate profits. Demerged operations can be sold to another company
which is in that line of business. They can alternatively be sold to their managers who, free
of the constraints of belonging to a large, diversified group, may well be able to achieve
greater success.
A management buy-out occurs when the managers and workers buy their own firm, as
occurred with numerous subsidiaries of the National Bus Company, which were bought by
consortia that included employees. The volume and value of management buy-outs and
buy-ins is closely related to the business cycle. Many firms have sold unwanted subsidiaries
to their management. (A management buy-in occurs when managers buy control of a
company they have not previously worked for.)
There are many reasons that lead to management buy-outs. Sometimes a company has
gone into receivership and a buy-out is seen as one way of protecting jobs. Moreover,
employees have an inside understanding of how a business works and may be more willing
to buy into it than an outside investor. On other occasions, a business unit may no longer fit
with a company's strategy and sale to a management team may offer the quickest and best
value option to the company for selling the unit.
Companies frequently keep a stake in businesses which they sell. They can benefit from any
growth and the new enterprise is not overburdened with debt. Thorn-EMI decided to
concentrate on music, audiovisual equipment and TV rental: it therefore sold a number of
non-core businesses in which it kept a stake including Thorn Lighting, Thorn-EMI Software
and Kenwood, the maker of small electric kitchen appliances, while in the meantime it was
acquiring Chrysalis and Virgin Music.
In other cases, the selling firm parts with the whole stake in order to raise as much as
possible to invest in the core business or to add acquisitions to it. Volvo, after its failed
merger attempt with Renault, decided to concentrate on its vehicles, engine and construction
equipment businesses. It sold its stake in an investment company to another Swedish
investment specialist which, in turn, sold some of its holdings including control of a health-
care firm.
The experience of diversified groups has been that success comes from concentrating their
scarce management resources on those areas where they can do well and which fit their
aims. Remember that takeovers and mergers can bring in all sorts of activities to a large
group. For example, when Boots bought Ward White, another chemist retail chain, it also got
Fads, the paint and wallpaper chain. It makes management and economic sense to sell off
these activities to strengthen the core.

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Economies of scale refer to the savings made in terms of the cost of producing each unit of
production as a result of increasing size. In order to understand this completely, we need to
consider how the costs of an organisation are made up.
Firms produce by combining the factors of production – land, capital and labour. There is a
cost involved in using these factors. The average cost per unit of production is made up of
two types of cost:
 fixed costs, which do not vary with output, like rent and property insurance;
 variable costs, which do vary with changes in production, like wages and raw material.
In the short run, the firm has to work with at least one factor being fixed in quantity. For
example, a factory has only so much building space or machinery – if demand increases,
although labour can be increased through overtime or increasing the workforce, the number
of machines remains the same and it is not possible to build more warehousing. Therefore,
in the short run, firms must operate at a given scale of production.
Within this, as production increases, the total average cost per unit will at first fall as the fixed
costs are spread over more production. After a certain point, though, the rise in variable
costs caused by paying more wages and repairing overworked machinery will outweigh the
effect of the falling fixed cost, and average total cost per unit will rise. This is shown in Figure

Cost per 700



400 Average Total


200 Average Variable

Average Fixed Cost
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Units produced
Figure 5.3: Short-Run Costs

If demand continues to increase and the price covers cost, the firm will go on producing
more. Eventually it will pay the firm to move to a new scale of production by adding more of
all the factors of production, including any previously in fixed supply. At this new scale of
operating, there will once more be a fixed factor which limits the expansion of output. The
firm will go through the same process of falling and then rising average total cost. The move
to a new scale of production gives the firm the opportunity to gain the economies of large
scale, so average total cost will be lower than before. So long as the market continues to
expand, the firm can increase its scale of operation. After it reaches the point of lowest

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78 Growth and Scale of Business Organisations

average cost at the most efficient scale of production, costs will start to rise again as
diseconomies of scale appear.

Internal Economies of Large-Scale Production

Firms in most industries will have the u-shaped curve shown in Figure 5.2. Increasing the
scale of plant gives rise to economies because of the fact that all costs do not increase in
proportion to output. Large plants enjoy technical economies which small production plants
(a) Technical economies
A large plant can carry specialisation of labour and machinery further than a small one.
Labour can then be more efficient and less time is wasted in changing tools. It
becomes worthwhile to invest in job-specific equipment; every worker on a car
assembly line, say, can have power spanners set to the right torque for each nut
instead of having to change the setting for every one.
Capital investment in larger machinery does not mean a doubling of cost. A pipeline
which has twice the volume of a smaller one does not require twice as much steel.
When the Suez Canal was closed, supertankers of 200,000 tons were built to carry oil
from the Gulf right round Africa to Europe. They were able to do this at half the cost
per barrel of oil compared to a 75,000-ton tanker which could go through the canal.
The amount of steel is not proportionally greater to enclose the greater volume;
engines do not have to be more powerful to move the ship at a given speed; it
becomes worthwhile to automate more of the work so that a smaller crew is required,
and the bigger ship can be equipped with oil pumping facilities so that it can load and
unload independently of the dockside equipment.
There are, however, limits to increasing unit size. Eventually it becomes too costly to
pump a bigger volume of oil. Very large tankers can only use a few ports, so that
transhipment costs rise. Electricity generation comes up against the problem of
increasing transmission costs as power stations increase output beyond a certain point.
The optimum size varies for different pieces of capital equipment at various stages of
production. Keeping them fully occupied means having a balance between processes;
increases in output makes this easier. If, for example, production at stage one requires
three machines to each make 12 components per hour to feed one machine at stage
two which is capable of processing 30 units, six units of capacity are not utilised.
Increased output could mean five machines at stage one producing 60, which would
balance with two machines at stage two. This is a problem wherever there is a
minimum size for an essential piece of equipment, and why firms try to sell excess
capacity to outside users.
As output expands other costs do not increase proportionately; for example the stock of
machine spares does not increase, nor does the store of spare parts for repairs. A
large output makes the firm a valuable-enough customer for suppliers to dedicate
production lines to their specification, which improves quality. Increasingly there are
direct on-line computer links between suppliers and producers, so that delays in supply
are eliminated and production is not interrupted.
Technical economies are very important, but there are firms which gain very large economies
of scale without having a large plant. Detergent manufacturers are an example: the optimum
size of production plant is quite small, so a firm like Unilever can operate a large number of
small production units and get enormous economies of scale in other ways. We can, then,
point to several other advantages of size.

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(b) Managerial economies

Managerial economies result from being able to employ more specialists and support
them with advanced computer systems and better training. The large firm can attract
better qualified staff.

(c) Financial economies

Financial economies make it cheaper to raise money. Finance raised by selling shares
to the public is likely to cost half as much as a private placing of shares with investing
institutions, but is only feasible for large issues. Large firms can go direct to the money
markets and get lower interest rates by borrowing large sums.
(d) Marketing economies
Marketing economies reduce the unit cost of sales. It does not cost much more to sell
a large amount than a smaller one. More potential customers can be reached by using
television advertising at a lower cost per head, even though the total cost may be much
higher than spending on other media by smaller firms.
(e) Buying economies
Buying economies arise from the quantity discounts offered to large customers. These
usually reflect the savings from not having to split up bulk production and repackage it,
or the benefits from a long production run without the cost of resetting machinery.
Quality control can be tighter, with less waste through having to return faulty parts.
(f) Risk-bearing economies
Risk-bearing economies result from diversification. Production spread over several
plants is less likely to suffer disruption from strikes, accidents or disasters. The bigger
the share of the market which is held, the sooner new trends in demand should be
identified. A firm making many products sold in different markets is less likely to suffer
from changes in demand: it will have time to overcome difficulties which might harm a
single-plant or single-product firm.

Internal Diseconomies
The growing firm is unlikely to suffer from technical diseconomies of scale. There are
physical limits to the extent of these economies, as we have seen. The costs of the firm will
increase after it has grown beyond the optimum size because of the disadvantages of large
organisations; the firm's average cost will then start to rise. Note that the firm can go on
producing well beyond its optimal scale so long as price covers cost. Even if the price
remains fixed it pays the firm to go on adding capacity; all that happens is that profit per unit
The major reason for the increase in costs is management diseconomies. These include:
 Communication difficulties caused by longer chains of command
 Delays in responding to market changes because of the need to consult and slow
decision-making processes
 Bureaucracy, which results in excessive administration costs
 Poor morale and motivation as people feel that they do not have a stake in the firm
 Information overload for managers, who cannot absorb enough detail to make informed

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80 Growth and Scale of Business Organisations

Large firms can become such important users of labour and facilities that they create
shortages and drive up wages and prices against themselves. With a large workforce, trade
unions may be able to exert strong influence to achieve wage increases. Managers in
market-dominating firms grant higher wages easily, and accept overmanning, because the
costs can be passed on to consumers. Specialisation means that a small number of workers
become key personnel who are able to disrupt production – as, for example, with the banks'
mainframe computer operators.

Survival of Small Firms

Most firms in industrialised economies are small, employing fewer than a hundred people,
and the great majority fewer than ten. Large enterprises exist in those industries where there
is a significant economy of scale to be had. This may be technical, as in electricity
generation which requires large plants; or it may be that there are significant marketing or
buying economies, as in the case of supermarket chains, where the individual plant (the shop
itself) is relatively small. The risk-bearing economies may be vital, as in banking, where a
network of small branches operates to gather up a large-quantity of money in small amounts
to put it to use in diversified loans.
But even where there are significant technical economies and advantages of size, there are
invariably small firms in the same industry.
There are various possible reasons why small firms can and do survive.
 Many industries do not require the use of much equipment, so the technical
economies are limited and large firms do not have any significant advantage. There
are few economies of scale in window cleaning or hairdressing, for example, so the
average size of firms in these sectors is low.
 The size of the market is limited. It may be localised, for example house repairs and
alterations, so jobbing builders are small firms.
 Personal service is important, and this limits the extent of the market. There are no
significant advantages of size so large chains do not appear. Hairdressers and
solicitors are examples.
 There are frequent changes in the market, for example due to fashion; so the
flexibility and speed of response of small firms makes them more successful than large
ones. This applies in the boutique clothing industry.
 Small firms often fill niches left by large ones which do not want to take on small-scale
specialist work. Car makers like Morgan and Reliant serve markets of no interest to
companies like Ford and Fiat.
 Individual skills may be of prime importance, for example in the craft industries. The
sole proprietor in this kind of industry often benefits from collective marketing at craft
fairs and through craft associations.
 People want to be their own bosses and set up enterprises where this is possible.
Often little capital is required, as in writing software for computer games, yet very large
incomes can sometimes be earned.
There are many instances where small firms can flourish because they get access to facilities
and services which give them the advantages of economies of scale. Small printing firms
can send completed books to specialist binders which have large-capacity machinery.
Industry associations, universities and government laboratories offer research and
development opportunities to small firms. Collective marketing and buying provide
advantages, for example in farmers' co-operatives.
The individual who wants to set up in business with as many advantages of size as possible
can turn to a franchise operator. The franchiser will provide a business plan, specialist

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equipment and marketing support; financial help and assistance in finding premises are
usually available. The franchisee is guaranteed a local market. There are many franchises
on every high street including McDonalds, The Body Shop, photo processing and dry
cleaning firms. There are also industrial franchises.
As production technology changes towards more and more assembly of components, and as
people want more individual products, small firms are likely to flourish just as much in
manufacturing as they do in services and retailing.

Since the Second World War the world of economically independent nations has become
increasingly a global economy of interconnected and interdependent communities. What
happens to the economy of Manchester depends more and more on what is going on in
other continents rather than on the pattern of change in the British economy. One result of
this globalisation of the economy is that production is becoming internationalised. Fewer and
fewer industries are oriented towards purely local or national markets. Those firms which
produce for their region are not immune from the effects of global change. They do not have
export markets to be affected by a shift in exchange rates, but the movement in the rate may
make it worthwhile for a foreign competitor to enter their home market.
Few firms or industries have any protection from international trade. Government
monopolies still enjoy protection in some areas like telephone communications; but their
defences are constantly being eroded by technological advances and international
agreements. The EC has proposals for opening up all national telecommunication systems
in the common market to competition. Satellite communications systems make it impossible
for governments to control broadcasts. Developments in portable telephones will soon make
terrestrial cable connections unnecessary. Only non-tradable goods, like haircuts, will be
immune from foreign competition.

Globalisation and Locational Factors

Advances in transport and communications have made it possible for firms to set up
anywhere. This has meant that international industrial location is affected by the same
factors as determine the location of firms nationally – for example:
 Availability of power supplies
 Availability of labour
 Access to markets
 Access to raw materials and land
 Existence of ancillary industry giving external economies of scale
 Government policy.
A specific reason which does not apply at home for a business to invest in a foreign
subsidiary is to gain access to the market where there are barriers to imports.
(a) Factor availability and cost
In the case of the extractive industries, the dominating feature is the presence of the
desired natural resource. There is no point drilling an oil well where there is no oil.
The more valuable the resource, the greater the willingness to take risks and incur
expense to obtain it. Oil companies have overcome some of the most inhospitable
environments to win oil.
Industries such as oil, where capital (equipment) costs are heavy compared with
labour, and where raw material availability dominates location, may have to import

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82 Growth and Scale of Business Organisations

most or even all their labour needs at a cost per worker that would be prohibitive for a
manufacturing company. However, labour availability and cost are significant for most
forms of production and the greater the ratio of labour to total cost, the greater will be
the attraction of areas which can offer low labour costs and freedom from costly
restrictive and productivity damaging labour practices.
Manufacturing companies, therefore, find Third World countries attractive for their low
wage rates. However, there are costs counterbalancing this. Labour costs depend on
the productivity obtained from workers as well as the wages paid to them. Productivity
depends on an effectively trained, supervised and motivated workforce. This can
involve heavy costs in importing expatriate managerial and technical workers (at least
in the first instance) and in training and supervising unskilled workers to ensure that low
wages are not counterbalanced by high material wastage and supervision costs. There
can be high hidden costs in maintaining an expatriate workforce, including the loss of
good workers through family inability to cope with a strange culture or climate and the
consequences of expatriates offending local customs and cultures. (Local hostility to
what is regarded as the offensive behaviour and lifestyles of expatriates is a major
problem in certain areas of the world, particularly in Islamic countries.)
(b) Trading blocs
In spite of the high ideals and the institutions set up over the years to promote free
trade and the removal of tariffs and other trade barriers (such as the World Trade
Organization), the world has retained a significant level of trade protection. Indeed, the
origin of the European Union as the "Common Market" can be seen as a very powerful
trade protection bloc. Other important groupings include the North American Free
Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of Canada, USA and Mexico and the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
One way in which a large company from outside can "climb over the protective wall" of
the bloc is to become established in one of the member countries and often the
simplest way to do this is to take over a company within that country. If takeover is not
possible, or not desirable, another possibility is to form a joint venture with a domestic
organisation. The multinational contributes technical skill, managerial know-how and
access to world markets and sources of supply and sometimes capital; the home
company contributes local knowledge, access to the home market and can frequently
provide low cost production factors of high potential quality.
The desire to penetrate the EU market and to overcome import prejudice has been a
major factor in persuading the Japanese to drop their preference for the home
production and exporting option. To preserve stronger managerial control they have
sometimes preferred to establish new production units instead of taking over existing
(c) Government policies
Most governments have, at various times, sought to develop new industries by offering
financial incentives to attract business investment. They have also pursued strong
regional policies designed to persuade companies to locate in areas of relatively high
unemployment and to dissuade them from exercising their preference to expand in
existing growth regions. In the UK, for example, incentives were offered for investment
in areas other than London, the South-East and Midlands. It is also the case that
different governments pursue different social and labour policies, some of which are
perceived to be unfriendly to business interests.
Faced with a range of different incentives and disincentives, not unnaturally, companies
will prefer to concentrate new investment in countries where production promises to be
more profitable. Thus, foreign companies seeking to secure a base within the EU have
taken advantage of financial concessions available for locating in certain regions in the

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United Kingdom. Others have invested in countries where there are few restrictions on
labour practices or on production – so developing countries have benefited from inward
investment (although not, perhaps, from safe operating practices and high wages).
Europe and North America are seen as areas of high taxation, and companies have
found they could reduce their total tax liabilities by switching production to countries
with more accommodating tax policies.
Changes in production technology have meant that more and more products are
assembled rather than being made in one place from the raw material onwards. The various
parts are made in several different countries according to where the location factors are most
favourable. Computers are a good example: silicon chips for the operating system are made
in the USA, keyboards assembled in Taiwan, memory chips made in Japan, power supply
units assembled in China, disk drives in Singapore or Scotland, monitors in Thailand and the
whole lot brought together and assembled in the country where they are to be sold.
Deskilling of jobs has made it easier to move production to where labour costs are lowest.
For example, the keyboards for IBM computers are assembled by robots which pick and
place the letters and numbers. The operator simply has to put the right ones in the correct

Globalisation and the Product Life Cycle

This recognises that the influence of locational factors changes as the product passes
through its own life cycle. The product life cycle is assumed to start with a period of
introduction and slow growth for the product. If successful, sales grow more rapidly until the
market becomes saturated and growth slows and sales levels stabilise to form a plateau and
then at some point they decline as the product is replaced by others. The stages in the cycle
are widely accepted but, of course, the time periods involved for the stages can vary
enormously for different products.
The product life cycle, in its application internationally, distinguishes between the domestic
and foreign markets and helps to account for the locational decisions made by the major
multinational companies. This aspect of the concept was originally developed in relation to
American companies which transferred production from America to Europe. It assumes that
a product is developed within an advanced country. At the initial stage, it is suggested, with
no success guaranteed for the product, it is likely to be produced in the home country for the
home market. It is desirable for producers to be in close contact with the market so that any
necessary modifications can be made. At this stage the product is unlikely to be price
sensitive as the suppliers will enjoy the benefits of innovative monopoly.
Success in the domestic market brings three developments:
 opportunities appear in those foreign markets which are closest to the domestic one;
 large-scale production enables the producers to standardise the product as the
potential gains from further modification diminish; and
 imitators appear, to expose the product to more severe price competition.
As production facilities come to require renewal, the prospect of relocating within the newer,
still-growing markets becomes more attractive and the company is likely to invest in the
newer markets, reduce production costs and supply its home markets from its newer
production plants abroad. Over the course of the cycle exports turn into imports and the
company extends its production activities to foreign markets.
This view of the product life cycle is illustrated diagrammatically in Figure 5.4.

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84 Growth and Scale of Business Organisations

Figure 5.4: The Product Cycle

The new product is developed in an advanced country and consumed in that country. It is
also exported to markets in less advanced countries. As the market declines in the
advanced country but expands in less advanced countries, production is switched to the less
advanced areas which then export to meet market demand in the advanced country.
Since the major companies are multi-product producers, this process is likely to be taking
place over several product areas at the same time with products at different stages of their
life cycles.

The Growth of Multinational Companies

Multinational companies have played a very large part in the spread of industry around the
globe, and a high proportion of international trade is dominated by the production and
location decisions of the major multinational companies. These reflect the companies'
perception of their own best profit interests as they seek out the lowest production cost
location for each stage of the production process.
Manufacturing is regionalised, with various parts being made in several countries. The
European car industry is an example with Ford, General Motors, Renault and others making
components in different countries and bringing them together for final assembly – Figure 5.5
illustrates a typical arrangement. For the multinational this has the advantage of flexibility.
Output is not interrupted by a strike or a fire as the parts are brought from elsewhere.
Changes in demand can be met with relative ease. Just-in-time methods of manufacture,
where components are delivered direct to the production line from the supplier instead of
being held in stock, have made this sort of flexibility essential.
A significant proportion of trade is, in fact, the transfer of manufacturing components and
services within the multinational companies themselves, i.e. intra-company transfer. In 1980
semi-manufactured goods represented 28% of British exports and 26% of British imports.
Much of this trade in semi-manufactures related to the intra-firm transfers within multinational

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Figure 5.5: The European Construction of a "British" Toyota Carina

assembled at Burnaston, England

The trend to globalisation of manufacturing is likely to accelerate. Commerce and services

will follow. In some cases the trend is well established. Banking makes use of off-shore
centres where tax concessions and disclosure requirements make international operations
attractive. The Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and the Cayman Islands are very small
countries with important banking and financial centres.
The globalisation of world markets has important implications for both the host and the home
countries. For developed host countries the effects are frequently beneficial in revitalising
industries whose relative stagnation may have offered rich opportunities for the global
enterprise willing to enter the market. For developing countries the consequences are less
certain and depend on the extent to which genuine technology transfer takes place.
Multinational development in some countries can distort social and economic progress and
give rise to severe social and political problems.
In the home country the global enterprise is sometimes accused of exporting jobs to low
factor cost countries and there is some truth in this. On the other hand, as we have noted
earlier, the pattern of world production is shifting and the ability of Western multinational
companies to move into newly industrialising countries helps to keep them in business and
their profits provide incomes for Western shareholders who might otherwise see the value of
their capital disappear as domestic companies fail to survive in the new, competitive world
The conclusion seems to be that multinational enterprises do have a huge potential for
bringing benefits to nations. By transferring technology and spreading management and
technical skills they can speed up world development and raise living standards. They can
actually change the value of resources within nations and, consequently, the pattern of
advantage between nations. They can thus influence the direction of trade flows. This

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86 Growth and Scale of Business Organisations

power, like all other forms of power, has dangers. There is always the temptation for
dominant producers to hold back national development in order to preserve low-cost
resources. There is the temptation to interfere in national politics in order to gain or preserve
special privileges or keep competitors out of particular markets. The problem, then, is how to
maximise the benefits and minimise the dangers while recognising that the primary duty of
any commercial enterprise in a market economy is to foster the interests of its shareholders
subject to the social obligations it owes to its employees and the human and physical
environment within which it operates.

Foreign Investment and Internalisation

If a foreign producer decides to concentrate production at home and export to its foreign
markets, it will be obliged to market through agents and import houses and license any
necessary service and maintenance work to firms in the local markets. Inevitably the
producer will have to pass on much of its knowledge and expertise to local firms and in doing
so sacrifice the knowledge advantage which is the source of its profit and justification for its
extension of the market. To avoid this sacrifice the foreign producer is likely to keep direct
control over production and marketing in the local market thus keeping its knowledge
advantage as a major asset. This suggests that a significant reason for direct foreign
investment is the desire to internalise, i.e. retain within the organisation its profit-generating
superior knowledge and general know-how.
The belief that internalisation is a powerful motive for multinational business enterprise
conflicts with the benefits to host countries often claimed by leaders of the large
multinationals for their worldwide activities. One of the most important benefits claimed is the
transfer of technology and the sharing of knowledge. This claim has been eloquently
expressed by the Chairman of Shell who pointed out that Shell had made deliberate efforts to
train managers from all the host countries up to very high levels so that skills and knowledge
would be shared by all participating countries. At the same time it is only fair to point out that
technology in the oil industry is highly specialised and dependent on the massive capital
investment that is very much controlled from the centre of the oil multinationals.
Consequently the host countries obtain only limited benefits from this specialised form of
technology transfer outside the tightly controlled international oil industry.
Technology transfer and the extent of internalised control over knowledge are difficult to
measure so while it is impossible to say that there is indisputable support for the concept of
internalisation, it is also likely that there is some truth in it for some aspects of multinational
development, such as the expansion of American manufacturing in Europe. It is a much less
likely explanation of the more recent expansion of Japanese investment in Europe and
America. In this case you could argue that a powerful motive for Japanese direct investment
and the export of Japanese management associated with it, once the decision to produce
outside Japan had been taken, was conviction in the superiority of Japanese production
methods and management and a determination not to allow these to be diluted by the
transfer of production location.
It has also been argued, in a slight extension of the internalisation concept, that
multinationals maintain control over production in order to ensure that they reap the full
rewards of their superior technology.

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Study Unit 6
The Production Function

Contents Page

Introduction 88

A. Production Systems and Techniques 89

Types of Production System 89
Techniques of Production 89
Innovation, Research and Development 92

B. Control 92
Policies and Procedures 92
Monitoring and Control 93
Setting Standards 94
Measuring Performance 96
Simple (Closed Loop) and Complex (Open Loop) Control Systems 97

C. Stocks 97
Traditional Approach to Stock 97
The Cost of Stock 98
Just-in-Time (JIT) Systems 99

D. Quality 101
Basic Principles of Quality 101
Managing Quality 103
Total Quality Management 104
Quality Circles (QCs) 106
Quality Back-Up 107

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88 The Production Function

The functional role of the production department is to ensure the effective and efficient
creation of goods and services.
Some management experts (notably Peters and Drucker) stress the primacy of marketing
over all other management functions. However, others see production as the cornerstone of
the organisation. This has given rise to two points of view on the orientation of organisations
which we can summarise as follows. Note that both have important implications for the
production function.
 Production orientation
This is where organisations give top priority to production and its role in designing,
developing and producing a given product. Having set up the means of producing
goods, the firm sets out to sell them. The rationale behind this approach is that if a firm
is expert at producing something, it is confident that customers will be impressed by its
quality, design, and value for money.
This approach emphasises the processes of production and we start our examination
of the production function by looking at the systems used in such processes.
 Customer orientation
Firms which stress the importance of the market and what the customers say they want
are customer-orientated. They stress the marketing process. They set out to discover
what customers want, using market research and product research. When they have
found out what types of goods or services customers want, what sort of price
customers are prepared to pay, how customers would like the goods packaged, where
customers would like to go to buy, etc. they then set about producing them.
In customer-orientated firms, the customer comes first and production is tailored to
meet their wants. This is called "listening to what the market is telling the firm". Writers
like Tom Peters argue that modern organisations should keep the focus on the
customer and should aim to get the best and swiftest information on what the market
is saying. Customer attention is not something that arises of itself, it must be fostered
by management – every customer requirement should be seen as of vital importance.
We shall examine the details of marketing in the next unit, but here we can see the
implications of this approach in the attention to quality within the production function.
When you have completed this study unit you will be able to:
 Distinguish between different types of production system.
 Describe the main approaches underlying techniques of production.
 Describe the process of innovation, research and development.
 Define the objectives of control and assess the role of policies and procedures in its
 Explain the processes involved in control systems.
 Discuss approaches to the holding of stock, including just-in-time production systems.
 Identify the principles underlying quality systems.
 Explain the process involved in quality systems.

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Types of Production System
The normal way of classifying production systems is under four broad headings as follows.
 Job production
This type of production system is concerned with making a (usually) high-priced
product to an order which is not likely to be repeated, i.e. a one-off job. This calls for
skilled workers, who can be flexible in adapting their skills to producing just what the
customer requires. A crucial consideration in job production is the fact that nearly all
the production costs fall to the one job. Since they cannot be spread over a long run of
production, the fixing of a correct selling price is very important.
 Batch production
This is the production of a given quantity of goods – a number of units of a similar
specification. There may be repeat orders for these goods but there is no continuous
flow of production. Batch production resembles job production in that these are
specialist goods made to fit customers' requirements, but differs in that the costs of
production can be spread over a number of units, so allowing firms more scope to
invest in new machinery. An example of batch production might be aircraft engines for
a given type of aeroplane.
 Mass production
This is the continuous output of uniform, standardised products for a mass market
which offers a regular, continuous demand. The goods are relatively low-priced and
are produced by the use of machines and semi-skilled and unskilled labour.
A sub-type of mass production is flow production. This makes use of its machines
and labour in a sequence called a production line. Cars for the mass market are
produced by materials and parts moving along an assembly line until eventually a
finished car rolls off at the end. Flow production can take many of the features of mass
production and apply them to the manufacture of relatively high-cost goods like cars,
washing machines and TV sets.
 Process production
This refers to the process used to extract products such as oil and gas. It makes
possible a continuous flow of production, using expensive machinery, highly automated
methods and a mass marketing technique.
In mass production, flow production and process production, a small range of products is
produced in very large quantities; large capital investment is involved and a mass market is
needed to absorb the goods produced.
The type of production system will have implications for the way in which a production
department is structured. Contingency theorists like Woodward see the type of production
system as an important influence on the way in which the whole organisation is structured.

Techniques of Production
There are a number of established techniques of production. We consider here some
general themes and trends.
 Automation and cybernetics
Automation offers firms numerous advantages. Production lines can be run
continuously, there is less need for inspection, manpower can be reduced and hence
productivity is increased. However, automation is costly to introduce and there are

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costs in training workers for the new system. As automation has progressed there has
been some conflict with workers, who see their existing skills being made redundant.
Cybernetics is sometimes described as the basis of automation in that it is concerned
with the ways in which computers can replace the functions of the human brain (just as
mechanisation is concerned with the way machines replace the functions of the human
body). Thus, mechanisation plus cybernetics equals automation, which has advanced
into robotics.
 Ergonomics
This approach sets out to achieve the best possible relationship between workers and
their environment. As automation develops, this relationship changes with
mechanisation taking over the physical energy input and cybernetic systems taking
over the control functions. Ergonomics is important so that the right conditions of
heating, light and work layout are available for the performance of the workers'
 Computer Aided Design and Manufacture
Production departments are making ever-growing use of Computer Aided Design and
Computer Assisted Manufacture (CAD/CAM) to develop flexible manufacturing
systems. As the name implies, this technique embraces the design, inspection and
quality control of goods being produced. It goes beyond automation by bringing into
use cost-effective computers to link together design, production and quality control
functions. CAD/CAM can be extended to include the final packaging and sending out
of goods to customers.
CAD/CAM offers a number of benefits:
(a) The linking of the various production functions and steps allows for immediate
access to evaluate the state of production at a given time, thus assisting effective
(b) There is less likelihood of breakdown or errors of communication between the
various stages of design, production, inspection and despatch of goods.
(c) In major projects, integrated sophisticated computer systems have been
developed with CAD/CAM as a subsystem of the network. Clients and major
suppliers are linked with compatible systems which supply up-to-date information
on supplies, stores, design, design changes, progress and costs. The data is
monitored to identify changes to the critical path analysis or a budget overrun.
 Smoothing the flow of production
A number of techniques can be used to keep the flow of production running smoothly –
they set out to avoid hold-ups due to shortages of components.
(a) Production engineering – This term refers to the design and selection of
machines and the layout of production in the best way so that it progresses
(b) Just-in-time techniques – In order to achieve continuous production there has
to be synchronisation between the supply of components and their use or
assembly. Holding large stocks of components ties up capital and is costly. Just-
in-time techniques set out to integrate the use of components by a manufacturer
with the production of these items by suppliers, so that neither carries surplus
stocks. (We consider this in more detail later.)
(c) Mathematical and statistical techniques which aim to achieve a balance between
supply and usage – including exponential smoothing which identifies long-term
demand trends by stripping out short-term fluctuations and economic order

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quantity (EOQ) which sets the reorder level for stock items so that replacements
are ordered at the appropriate time.
(d) Lean production – A series of management techniques intended to make more
efficient use of limited resources, thereby limiting waste. Techniques might
include kaizen, just-in-time and benchmarking in order to maximise productivity
while at the same time minimising the resources used. Lean production requires
multi-skilled workers who are committed to producing high quality at all times.
Lean production produces to order rather than for stock. Demand "pulls"
products through the system with the minimum of storage or waiting. This has
been used very effectively by car manufacturers and companies such as Dell
(e) Cell production – The production system is divided into independent teams or
"cells", each of which is responsible for a group of goods or a major part of the
manufacturing process. Teams are given devolved responsibility and control over
their area. This helps to improve motivation and productivity.
 Integrating production systems with customer needs
Advances in information technology have enabled many producers to adopt a more
proactive approach to production. Examples can be found in the production of both
physical goods and provision of services:
(a) Car production
Historically, cars are produced on assembly lines with a range of versions for
each model. So, the BMW 5 Series can be bought with a 1.8 litre engine or a 2.5
litre engine or with added extras, the costs of which are added to the price.
Some manufacturers price the product on an "all-in" basis, using the "free extras"
incentive. Either way, the customer has a limited degree of flexibility in
composition of the car of his or her choice.
Manufacturers are now linking the ordering system to the production system. A
customer adviser can meet the prospective customer and agree on all the
features required – colour, number of doors, size of engine, electronic windows
and so on. The specification can be fed into a personal computer on the spot
which is linked to the production function, enabling the factory to produce a
bespoke vehicle, rather than accepting one from the existing range or having
extras added by the dealership.
This process is not quite "just-in-time" manufacture – the customer still cannot
obtain what he or she wants on the spot. There is, however, a much greater
freedom of choice in the purchase.
(b) Financial products
The traditional approach to marketing financial products was to develop a range
of investment and lending services and offer these to customers at a set price.
Financial institutions can now approach this the other way around. Take, for
example, the personal mortgage product. Ten years ago the customer could
choose from repayment method or endowment method. Now the product can be
tailored to suit personal financial needs. If the customer wishes to link his or her
repayment in with a unit-linked policy or a pension, it can be done. If he or she
wants a fixed rate for an initial period, the institution can provide a cost (rate of
interest) for the appropriate period.
Again, technology is the driver here. Whilst financial institutions historically
costed their products on a margin between funding and lending rates, on-line
treasury systems can now assist the lender to price funds according to customer

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requirements. Similarly, peripheral products such as insurances can be priced on

an on-line basis.

Innovation, Research and Development

All business organisations need, at some time, to invest in product development – whether it
is in improving the existing product or producing new products.
 Innovation
Innovation provides a bridge between the two key functions of marketing and
production. Innovation is an umbrella term which covers both research and
development. The key features of innovation are:
(a) Generating new ideas and concepts of design, technology or production practices
(b) Applying new ideas to creating new products
(c) Applying new ideas to improving existing products
(d) Initiating quality improvements to products
(e) The improvement and development of existing technology and processes of
(f) The introduction of new technology and processes of production.
 Research
This refers to fundamental work, not necessarily associated with any particular product
but dealing with pure scientific principles. Research is often involved in the search for
new materials. In highly technical industries, such as aircraft and atomic energy, and in
chemicals or medical supplies, research is a very important function. In many
industries, outside sources are used for research – e.g. consultants, independent
research associations, trade research associations, universities.
 Development
Development is the application of research to specific products. For example, when
fundamental research had discovered new metals capable of withstanding high
temperatures, development techniques applied this knowledge to the creation of jet
engines. But development techniques are also used extensively throughout industry to
improve and modify existing products, and this is their major function.

Production management includes responsibility for the control of the production process.
Progress management ensures the smooth running of production in the organisation.
Materials control ensures that materials of the right specifications are available in the right
quantities to facilitate production. Computers are widely used in production planning and
control. Cost control is another crucial function of production management.
The control functions of an organisation take as their starting point the plans made for that
organisation. The framework of control is made up of policies, procedures and rules.

Policies and Procedures

Policies are general guides for conduct and decision-making. The essence of policies is that
they allow some discretion – they reflect the spirit rather than the letter of ideas on how the
organisation may be run. For example, the policy of an organisation may be to ensure
customer satisfaction, but the statement of policy does not specify exactly how this is to be

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Procedures are sets of rules as to how activities should be carried out. A procedure is a
logical sequence of actions – things which people must do. The relationship between
policies and procedures can be seen if we consider an organisation which has a policy of
customer satisfaction – it will, therefore, have set procedures to cope with issues like
customer complaints.
 Advantages of procedures
When procedures are established, managerial discretion is severely reduced. Specific
steps are clearly set out and these have to be followed to the letter. The main
advantages of establishing strict procedures are:
(a) Consistency of actions from different people regardless of variations in individual
(b) Ensuring conformity with laws, for example on health and safety or labour issues
such as discrimination and redundancy/dismissal.
(c) Ensuring that people pursue the same objectives.
(d) Simplification of managerial functions – many people find it easier and safer to
follow set procedures and the possibility of inconsistent decisions is much
(e) Decisions can be made without having to refer to senior managerial levels, thus
speeding up the decision-making process and preserving the authority of the
lower-level manager.
 Disadvantages of procedures
The disadvantages include:
(a) Possible reduction in managerial morale: the more enterprising managers prefer
to be allowed to exercise discretion and show their initiative and dislike being
governed by detailed rules.
(b) Management is in danger of becoming administration. People with enterprise
and initiative will not work for an organisation with a reputation of stifling initiative.
Managerial standards fall and the organisation becomes ossified and resistant to
(c) Procedures initially established over a limited area to ensure compliance with the
law may start to spread throughout the organisation and to the detriment of
effective management.
(d) There is a danger that procedures may not be changed when the conditions that
led to their introduction change. Some may become irrelevant and be ignored,
causing confusion among managers.
(e) Both the direct costs of operating procedures and the indirect costs of damage to
managerial competence may be higher than any benefits they bring.
Like all other managerial techniques, procedures have to be carefully controlled and
monitored. Any technique, taken to extremes, can be damaging to the organisation.

Monitoring and Control

We have seen how it is necessary for organisations to produce detailed plans expressed in
objective terms so that all managers have clear statements of what they are expected to
achieve. We have also seen that planning, however detailed, is useless unless it is
implemented. Plans also need constantly to be reviewed, and the active review process is
termed control. Implicit in the overall concept of control is the requirement to monitor.

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The term "monitor" means to maintain regular surveillance over something or someone.
Control refers to the checking and identification of performance. In management terms we
are concerned that control systems do more than simply check and identify – they should
also alert the appropriate manager in time for remedial action.
Control may be defined generally as the process by which the organisation ensures that the
plans which have been made for its operations are being effectively carried out. More
detailed definitions are:
"Control consists of verifying whether everything occurs in conformity with the
plan adopted, the instructions issued and principles established" (Henri Fayol).
"... the function whereby every manager, from President to foreman, makes sure
that what is done is what is intended" (Koontz and O'Donnell).
In The Practice of Management, Peter Drucker stresses the role of measurement in the
control process:
"The manager establishes measuring yardsticks – and there are few factors as
important to the performance of the organisation and of every man in it. He sees
to it that each man in the organisation has measurements available to him which
are focused on the performance of the whole organisation, and which at the
same time focus on the work of the individual and help him to do it. He analyses
performance, appraises it and interprets it. And again, as in every other area of
his work, he communicates both the meaning of the measurements and their
findings to his subordinates as well as to his superiors."
 The control process
The basic steps of the control process are:
(a) Planning – management have to establish the standards of performance which
must be met if the organisation is to achieve its objectives. They must plan for
the ways in which progress is to be measured and monitored, the degrees of
deviation from standards which will be tolerated and what actions will be taken to
correct failures to achieve required performance.
(b) Measurement – actual performance must be measured in precise terms.
(c) Comparison – actual performance measurements must be compared against
(d) Tackling deviations – when deviations from the standards expected by
management are detected, appropriate corrective action must be taken.
 The role of monitoring
As applied to organisations regular surveillance aims to ensure that goods and services
are delivered on time to customers and clients.
Monitoring is conducted on the exception principle; that is, only items running
outside pre-established standards are investigated. The intention is to instigate
action that will both deal with the current situation and avoid similar situations arising in
the future. In order for the exception principle to work effectively there has to be a flow
of up-to-date information, addressed to the appropriate managers.

Setting Standards
When managements come to set standards, they first have to decide which are the areas
and activities of an organisation that need to be controlled.

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 Key results areas

Drucker pinpointed the activities which are crucial to the success of a firm and called
these "key results areas":
(a) Productivity – the number of goods or services produced from a given input of
resources. This is a crucial area for the success of an organisation so must be
carefully monitored and controlled.
(b) Innovation – the source of new ideas. This should be monitored for progress if
the organisation is to avoid stagnation.
(c) Resources – the financial, physical and human resources of an organisation
must be planned and controlled.
(d) Management performance – the performance of managers must be monitored
to see that it meets the requirements of the organisation.
(e) Worker performance – the control system must ensure that workers are
performing to the standards set.
(f) Market performance – management must ensure that the organisation is
meeting the standards required of it by its customers.
(g) Public responsibility – the organisation must ensure certain standards of
conduct so that it can meet its responsibilities to the community; these must be
put in precise terms.
(h) Profitability – profits are the lifeblood of businesses so must be monitored
 Types of standard
Next, managements must decide what type of standard they will put into place.
Whenever possible these will be measurable. Standards may be of the following
(a) Physical – for example, number of items produced or sold, ton-miles of freight
carried, durability of a fabric, absentee rate (of labour).
(b) Cost – for example, monetary, machine/hour cost, direct and indirect cost per
unit produced.
(c) Capital standards – for example, ratio of net profits to investment or return on
(d) Revenue standards – for example, revenue per bus passenger/mile, average
sale per customer.
(e) Intangible standards – it is sometimes argued that qualitative standards, for
example the goodwill of a business or the morale of a workforce, are difficult to
measure, but modern techniques set out to bring these into measurable terms.
 Methods of selecting standards
There are three main methods for selecting standards:
(a) Statistical data – standards are calculated from information of what was
achieved in the past. However, allowance has to be made for improved
technology or training, which will allow new, higher standards to be set.
(b) Appraisal – standards are set by what managers (drawing on experience and
judgment) decide is appropriate.

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(c) Engineered standards – these are based on objective analysis of the

performance which should be achieved in a given situation, e.g. what a worker
with given equipment should produce in a set time.
Management will select the method of fixing standards which is most appropriate for
the type of performance being measured.

Measuring Performance
In organisation theory, the elements which record and measure performance are known as
sensors. Sensors may be machines which check production or people employed as
controllers of quality or output. Accurate recording and measurement are crucial for the
operation of the control system. Sensors need to be able to spot deviations from standards
or to feed back information to the control unit so that it may compare the data with the
Difficulties in measuring performance can be considerable:
(a) Closeness and frequency of control need careful consideration. With the current
emphasis on individual freedom and dignity, people resent close supervision, so
ultimately motivation is liable to suffer.
(b) Further, much control information can be misinterpreted or misleading. Of course it
should not be, if it is well designed, but human frailty has to be taken into account.
(c) A third factor is the danger of an "information overload". Management can be deluged
by a mass of facts and figures. One way of coping with this is by employing the
technique of management by exception (MBE). This is a filter mechanism which
ensures that only those facts and figures which differ from the set standards are
referred to the top. While everything goes along normally, there is no need for
management action. Where matters are not going according to plan, managers will be
alerted so that corrective action can be taken.
 Tolerance limits
When we compare actual performance with planned standard performance, a relatively
small deviation may not be crucially important. The standard itself may allow for minor
deviations: if this is the case we talk of tolerance limits. Tolerance limits usually have
an upper and a lower level, within which performance is allowed to fluctuate; only when
performance breaches the limits is control activated to change performance.
The advantage of using tolerance limits is that it reduces the intervention of the control
unit; so long as the deviations do not have serious consequences for the organisation it
is as well for control not to intervene. The width of the tolerance band will depend on
the circumstances, e.g. in precision engineering the allowable deviation from standard
will be very small indeed, whereas in other tasks in an organisation there may be
considerable leeway allowed for deviation from standard performance.
It is also possible to set different tolerance limits depending on the situation. An
experienced manager may be allowed greater tolerance, for example, than one new in
post who is likely to need the support and guidance of a superior more frequently.
 Taking corrective action
If performance is as expected, the only action called for is supportive – a good
performance deserves praise. Managers must be very careful not to use MBE as a
trigger only for criticism. Where performance differs from standard then either steps
must be taken to correct performance, or the standards must be examined; if found to
be unattainable, they may have to be revised. This step in the process will depend on
correct decisions being made by the control unit. This in turn will depend on accurate
and relevant information and a high quality of interpretation and analysis.

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The new, revised performance then feeds back information to the control unit. If
performance now reaches the required standard, no further action is needed. If
performance and standards still diverge, further action must be taken.

Simple (Closed Loop) and Complex (Open Loop) Control Systems

 Simple (closed loop) systems
This type of control simply measures the change in performance from the required
standard and acts to correct it. For example, the thermostat in a heating system
senses if the temperature has gone above the required setting and, if it has, it cuts off
the power and so maintains the required temperature. However, it does not identify the
cause of the deviation from standard – it merely corrects no matter what the cause.
 Complex (open loop)
This type of control goes beyond measurement and correction and analyses the
causes of the deviation. In complex organisations there are many combinations of
factors which may be affecting performance and making it deviate from standard.
Open loop control systems are designed to analyse and discover just what elements
are causing the deviation. They operate by changing some elements and then
receiving feedback to inform them whether performance has now improved. The
technique here is one of experiment until the cause is found, and then action is taken to
correct the elements found to be causing the deviation.

Most organisations carry stock of some sort even if it only consists of toner for the computer
printer and some printer paper. For a manufacturing business or a retail or wholesale
organisation, stockholding is a much more significant matter.
In a typical manufacturing business, stock will consist of:
 Raw materials, fuels and components
 Work in progress
 Finished stocks
The business buys in raw materials, fuels and components from outside suppliers. Once
processing has started, they will be converted into work in progress – i.e. products in the
course of being manufactured but not yet completed. Finally, when the product has been
fully processed, it will be put into finished goods stocks.

Traditional Approach to Stock

With traditional production systems, goods are produced for stock and customer orders are
met, immediately, from that stock. Stock acts as a cushion between production and sales.
This approach means that production can be held at a constant rate with stocks taking the
strain if sales vary – for example, for seasonal reasons.
An example might help to clarify the situation. A garden furniture producer has a seasonal
pattern to its sales, but holds production at a constant level throughout the year, as follows.

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Time period Production Stocks Sales

units units units

(at start of the year)

Quarter 1: Winter 120 55 105

Quarter 2: Spring 120 35 140

Quarter 3: Summer 120 20 135

Quarter 4: Autumn 120 40 100

In this example, production is held at a constant rate of 120 units per quarter. Sales vary
seasonally and the stock level acts as cushion. So, in winter, output is 120 units while sales
are only 105 units, leading to stock level rising by 15 to 55 units. In spring, however,
production is still 120 but sales have risen to 140 units. The business can manage the sales
surge by drawing on its stocks to supplement current production (and stocks fall to 35 units).
The 40 units of stock at the end of the year will be the opening stock for the next cycle.
The advantages of the system are not difficult to see:
 Production is constant and, therefore, predictable leading to much easier planning of
materials sourcing, and operating schedules and maintenance schedules.
 The workforce can be constant, making for easier manpower planning and regular
employment, and work shifts are regular – for example, a constant 40-hour week is
possible with no need for overtime rates.
 It may also mean carrying less production capacity and a more efficient utilisation
of capacity. In the example above, if the firm wanted to synchronise production and
sales, it would need to be able to produce 140 units in certain quarters, rather than the
current 120 units. However, with a capacity of 140 units, the plant would be under-
utilised for the rest of the year.
 Stocks are useful for meeting unexpected surges in demand. Firms may carry a buffer
stock to meet this eventuality.
 In some situations stocks are essential. It would make no sense for a retailer not to
carry a full range of stocks which customers could purchase at once and take away.

The Cost of Stock

If holding stock carries so many obvious advantages, one might wonder why it should be
questioned. If we look at stocks more closely, we can identify a number of problems.
 Interest charges
All stocks represent funds tied up – the business has incurred cost in building them up
and they are not bringing in any revenue from sales. The funds involve an interest cost
even if they were not borrowed. If these funds were not tied up in stock, they could be
earning interest which the business is now foregoing. In the example above, in
Quarter 1 stocks at 55 units represent nearly 46% of the current rate of production of
120 units. This could represent comparatively large funds being tied up.

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 Rent
Stocks occupy floor area which has a rent value. If stocks were not held, the floor area
could be given over to some other use in the business, rented out to another user or
even sold.
 Handling costs
All stocks need looking after. Some warehouse staff and equipment such as forklift
trucks and shelving will be needed. Some stock management systems are
 Security
Stocks need to be held securely, possibly at some cost to the business depending on
the nature and location of the stock. There will also be the extra costs of insurance.
 Shrinkage, damage and deterioration
Even where security is tight, stock losses occur due to pilferage or mishandling. Stocks
can also suffer from deterioration due to poor storage conditions.
 Obsolescence
There is always the danger that stock will become unsaleable if it becomes out of date
because of changes in fashion or other unpredictable events.
It is clear, then, that stocks can represent a major cost to a business. Indeed, there is a
strong view that stock equals waste: stock earns nothing and involves a range of costs as
well as risks. This view implies we should look for ways to reduce stockholding as far as
possible. One approach to this is the move to "just-in-time" (JIT) systems.

Just-in-Time (JIT) Systems

The essence of JIT involves a complete reversal of the traditional production and stock
systems. JIT means producing for sale and not for stock. The aim is to operate with,
ideally, zero stock. In practice, this is not usually possible, but something approaching it can
be achieved.
A business will wait to receive a customer order and then react quickly to meet it by
producing to that order. Of course, this also means that the firm's own suppliers will need to
be very flexible. In principle, the system sounds simple enough but it does involve what
amounts to a revolution in business operations.
 Production
With traditional methods, a flow line production system at a planned rate makes
sense. With JIT, this is not possible because the business now produces to customer
order. This implies batch production.
If this is applied to our garden furniture producer, we might have a dealer ordering 80
sets. The company, under the JIT system, would have none in stock, but would
attempt to manufacture a batch of 80 units as quickly as possible to meet the agreed
delivery date.
If production is to be this flexible, there are implications for both machinery and
(a) Machinery
The last thing the business needs when a big order comes in is for a vital piece of
equipment to fail. To try to reduce the chances of this happening, major changes
are needed to maintenance and repair systems. One solution is to introduce a
system of preventative maintenance. Instead of waiting for machinery to break

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down and then repairing it, the company's engineering fitters look for potential
faults and try to prevent breakdown by corrective action. This should ensure that
when a rush order comes in, the machinery and equipment will function properly.
(b) Workforce
With JIT, it no longer makes sense to have full-time employees working standard
40-hour weeks. Staff are now only needed when orders come in. What the
business will now want is a much more flexible workforce. Flexible, that is, in
two ways:
(i) Time flexible – This may be achieved by using more part-time or
temporary staff. Other options include putting staff onto annual hours
contracts instead of weekly hours. For example, a worker may be
contracted to work 2,200 hours per year, but when those hours are required
by the firm depends on when customer orders come in and when
production staff are needed.
(ii) Flexible skills. – It can be very important for workers to be able to move
from one job to another. For example, if a worker is absent, it is important
that another worker can carry out that person's tasks so that production is
not delayed. This flexibility implies training costs for the business.
The workforce would be expected to work long hours at some times and very few
or none at others. They will be expected to move from job to job within the
factory. There is no room for demarcation issues.
 Suppliers
If the business is aiming to produce to customer order rather than for stock it will be
looking to reduce its holdings of raw materials and parts stocks as well as its finished
goods stocks. It will want to order these from suppliers only when they are needed.
If this is to happen, then changes in the relationship with suppliers will have to take
(a) The business may want to reduce the number of suppliers to facilitate the
ordering process. Some businesses go as far as single sourcing – i.e. having
only one supplier for a particular part.
(b) Another option is to agree long-term contracts with suppliers to give them some
guarantee of continued orders even if the timing of them is to change.
(c) The business will want to speed up the process by which it orders its supplies, for
example by using communication and information technology.
 Quality
One of the more important implications of JIT is that product quality needs to be
maintained or improved. There can be no question of either work in progress or
finished goods being rejected when production is focussed on specific delivery targets.
Most businesses use quality control methods to deliver product quality. In essence,
this relies on inspection taking place at various points in the production process. With
changes to batch production a move to quality assurance may be more effective.
Quality assurance means trying to achieve built-in quality. An important aspect of this
is to make everyone in the organisation responsible for the quality of their work and not
rely on inspection teams. This implies policies of empowerment for the workforce and,
perhaps, also encouraging work teams to develop.

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 Management
There will be very clear implications for the management of the business.
Management systems have to become more flexible and responsive, and time
management will have a higher priority. These factors may mean the business having
to abandon its traditional management methods.
If management is to be more flexible and responsive, then there is less room for
extended hierarchies or bureaucracy. Business will look to reduce hierarchical
structure by taking out layers of management, a process known as "delaying". The
most likely casualties will be found amongst middle management rather than with
senior or junior management. This will mean a more direct link between strategic
management and operational management levels. There will also be a need to attack
bureaucratic systems where these hinder quick response times and organisational
Overall, it is clear that a move to JIT involves more than just changes to stockholding
policies. The implications for the business as a whole are far reaching if JIT is to be

In recent years there has been a developing recognition in industry, commerce and public
services of the need to promote quality if organisations are to prosper.

Basic Principles of Quality

Management have at their disposal a set of techniques which assist the smooth running of
the production process and help to ensure reliability in terms of quality and meeting delivery
dates. This set of techniques is known as the "3 Ss" – standardisation, simplification and
 Standardisation
Standardisation is the process of determining the best sizes, types, qualities, etc. of
materials, components and products, and consistently using these once they have
been established.
Some of the advantages of standardisation are similar to those stated below for
simplification. The two terms have similar meanings, hence the possession of similar
advantages. Other advantages are:
(a) Parts are made interchangeable and common to many products, thus allowing
long production runs with lower costs.
(b) The planning and execution of production are simplified, again with lower costs.
(c) Lower tooling and set-up costs are obtained with longer production runs.
(d) The same quality can be obtained consistently, and purchasing is simplified;
possible misunderstandings are eliminated.
The main disadvantage of standardisation is that it may retard new inventions and
developments. The consumer should, through standardisation, be able to purchase at
a lower price, but if the product is inferior, because a change in design that would
improve that product is being held back, then the consumer is paying a great deal
indirectly by not being able to obtain maximum satisfaction. In other words, the price is
being kept low by not giving the consumer what he or she should have.
Every industrialised nation has a National Standards Organisation (NSO or ONS). In
Britain much progress in standardisation has been made through the efforts of the

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British Standards Institution which was the first national standards body in the world.
The Institution's yearbook describes it as:
"The approved body for the preparation and promulgation of national standards
covering, inter alia, methods of test, terms, definitions and symbols, standards of
quality of performance or of dimensions, preferred ranges, and codes of
BSI establishes written standards for a wide variety of products and services of
commercial significance, including standards for quality management systems (BS
5750) and total quality management (BS 5850). These have now been superseded by
a series of standards from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 9000
series), providing wider recognition of quality.
 Simplification
Closely linked with standardisation is the process of simplification, which involves a
reduction in the number of types manufactured or used, in the case of internal supplies,
tools, consumables, etc. In fact standardisation and simplification are, for most
purposes, one and the same and, when an organisation has a standardisation
programme, it usually includes simplification techniques.
The motor car industry has, for many years, been at the forefront in standardisation
and simplification procedure. When separate companies were involved, progress was
slow, but since the organisation of the industry worldwide into comparatively few
groups, progress has been rapid. This has meant much less choice for the consumer,
and it is a major reason for the increasing number of imported cars in the UK.
The advantages may be summarised as follows:
(a) The reduction in variety gives the benefits associated with large-scale
manufacture resulting from the better absorption of tooling and setting-up costs,
the reduction in unit labour costs, the use of special-purpose machines and lower
material costs arising from bulk-buying.
(b) Stock inventories are lower.
(c) Quality is more consistent.
(d) Marketing tends to be simpler and cheaper.
(e) Parts for repair and service tend to be more easily available, at lower cost.
The disadvantages are:
(a) Customers have less choice.
(b) The implementation of improvements in design or quality, which could be made
as a result of new discoveries or natural progression, tends to be delayed
because of the cost involved.
(c) Where changes are made, stocks become redundant and often the cost is very
high, offsetting some of the accrued benefit.
(d) There is a tendency to constrain innovative designs.
On balance, though, the widespread benefits of a properly considered standardisation
and simplification policy are obvious.
 Specialisation
There are a number of applications of the term "specialisation".
(a) It may relate to a company carrying out only part of the total production process
for a product. This was a widespread feature of the cotton industry, where

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separate firms were engaged in the separate processes of carding, spinning,

weaving, dyeing and finishing. Much of this specialisation has now disappeared
as a result of rationalisation of the industry, and this also applies to other
(b) In a more modern context, companies specialise in a relatively narrow range of
products – for example a manufacturer of hi-fi speakers, or a car producer who
specialises in only one or two models of a hand-built car. Similarly, multinational
motor manufacturers not only have separate plants for different models but also
have plants specialising in, say, engines, which are used by their factories
(c) Probably the greatest application of specialisation techniques, however, is within
the company organisation, where separate divisions or factories may specialise
in components or processes, or within a factory, where individual departments
may specialise. The ultimate is worker specialisation, where tasks performed by
operatives are broken down into small, repetitive functions.
The advantages of specialisation arise from the greater skills that can be applied in the
restricted unit, the lower costs arising from repetition, the reduction in variety, and the
greater control possible over capital resources, stock levels and overhead costs
Specialisation also has its disadvantages. The cost of meeting change necessitated by
market or technology factors may be high, and may result in change being delayed.
Product specialisation often leaves a unit defenceless against market changes, and
operator specialisation is considered a major factor in industrial unrest.
The degree of specialisation and the areas involved are a matter of management
policy, but the application affects the work of the designer and the nature of the design
and development philosophy.

Managing Quality
The starting point is to ensure reliability and uniformity of quality. Reliability begins with the
design and specification for the product. Designs will have been tested for reliability by test
production runs.
In the production process itself, inspection was initially the main element of a quality policy.
Quality systems have since been developed to incorporate a variety of other concepts such
as zero defect, right first time, statistical process control and total quality management.
It is convenient to think of four levels of quality activities:
 Inspection is concerned with identifying failures and perhaps rectification, but is
seldom involved in prevention activities.
 Quality control consists of all the planned activities within the factory fence to promote
 The perspective of quality assurance has a wider boundary and considers suppliers,
clients, trained personnel, systems audits etc.
 The new concept of total quality management could be considered as quality
assurance with the addition of a "human factors" perspective.
Quality systems encompassing these elements come at a cost. However, in considering
costs, two sets of figures must be taken into account:
 Non-conformance – The costs of detecting faulty goods, e.g. the costs of the
inspection process. Also there are the costs of preventing faults occurring – that is, the
costs of raising quality awareness and creating a culture of quality.

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 Conformance – The savings that arise from effective quality control: there will be fewer
faulty goods scrapped and fewer returned as rejects. So a considerable saving may be
made. The economics of quality control become even more favourable if the economic
consequences of the benefits listed below are taken into consideration.
The benefits of quality control can go far beyond the savings in scrap costs. These benefits
 Improved customer satisfaction and confidence, which can result in increased sales
and profits.
 Improved design of products and gains through simplification.
 Workers will have increased pride in their products.
 A favourable corporate reputation for quality.
Dynamic quality control and assurance concentrates on proactive systems.
 Identifying where problems may arise. There are three main areas where quality
deficiencies may be located:
(a) Workers' problems – poor quality may arise from careless or disinterested
workers. In addition poorly trained workers may lack the ability to produce good
quality even when trying hard. In order to provide good quality, workers must
know what to do and how to do it well. Low morale and lack of motivation can
lower quality.
(b) Management problems – poor quality may arise from inadequate leadership or
planning, poor training and a lack of interest in quality.
(c) Working conditions – good working conditions are a prerequisite for high
quality; good heating, lighting and layout provide an environment conducive to
quality production.
 Taking actions to ensure quality. Modern management experts put forward positive
ideas to make quality systems more dynamic such as:
(a) Self-checking – the task of checking work is devolved to the individual worker.
This raises the profile of the importance of quality while at the same time
enhancing the worker's role.
(b) Kaizen – a Japanese term meaning "continuous improvement". This process
encourages all employees to suggest improvements and to eliminate "muda" (the
Japanese term for "waste"). Quality is seen as an everyday function of work.
(c) Benchmarking – this is the setting of competitive performance standards against
which progress can be measured. These standards are based on what the
market leaders are achieving. This ensures that managers focus on the
competitive environment and take account of what their nearest rivals are

Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a philosophy of company-wide quality management and
improvement. It is defined by the DTI as:
"A way of managing to improve the effectiveness, flexibility and competitiveness
of a business as a whole. It applies just as much to service industries as it does
to manufacturing. TQM involves whole companies getting organised, in every
department, every activity, and every single person, at every level. For an
organisation to be truly effective, every single part of it must work properly

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together, because every person and every activity affects and in turn is affected
by others."
The thirteen elements which make up TQM are generally presented as a series of steps. An
organisation needs to build quality through the steps one by one, putting in place systems to
establish each as a fundamental principle of the organisation.

Figure 6.1: The Steps to TQM

The essence of TQM is that the emphasis on quality should permeate the whole
organisation. Drucker identifies eight performance areas which are critical to the long-term
success of an enterprise. It is useful to adapt Drucker's key areas to the assessment of TQM
and Figure 6.2 sets out the contribution of TQM.

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Performance area TQM concerns

Market standing How high is the reputation for quality of the firm in the
eyes of its customers, its competitors, its own
employees and the public?

Innovation Are innovations and research and development

activities geared towards the continual improvement of

Productivity Is any increased productivity compatible with

maintaining and increasing quality?

Resources Are the resources of the firm being directed to the

pursuit of quality?

Profitability Are adequate profit levels being combined with quality

goods and services?

Manager performance Are managers giving quality the priority it deserves?

Worker performance and Are workers imbued with the idea of quality and are
attitude they putting this into practice in their work?

Public responsibility Do ideas of quality apply to the public good, e.g. high
quality of environmental concern, product safety, etc?

Figure 6.2: Contribution of TQM to Organisational Performance

Quality Circles (QCs)

In order to bring about employee involvement, managements have made use of the
technique known as quality circles.
A quality circle may be defined as a voluntary group of employees who meet regularly with
the objective of improving the way in which their organisation provides quality of goods and
services for its customers.
The roots of the quality circle concept are in suggestion schemes, where employees put
forward their ideas on how to improve the performance of the organisation. The basic idea of
quality circles is that people of all levels of an organisation are capable of making useful
contributions to its success. This contribution can be accomplished by putting forward ideas
and taking on planning and decision-making actions.
Supporters of the quality circle concept argue that circle members have first-hand experience
of the problems at grass-roots level in their own organisation. These employees may have
many useful ideas for increasing efficiency, innovation, safety, etc.
Quality circle members receive training in the analysis of problems and decision-making
techniques. Quality circles are a group activity and can act as a strong motivator for
employees to improve the quality of goods and services.
The introduction of quality circles can change the whole atmosphere of an organisation; it
breaks down the "them and us" barriers as employees come to feel that they are important
and valued members of the organisation. This changed attitude can provide a framework

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within which quality can be improved. QC membership also improves the problem-solving
skills of all those involved.
The basic requirements to ensure best results from QCs are as follows.
 Management must be enthusiastic about the idea of quality circles and make it crystal
clear that they value the views of their employees and respect the expertise that comes
from practical experience in the work situation.
 Management has to give full information about the quality circle concept to all staff.
The role and function of the circles should be explained and workers should be
encouraged to join.
 It is advisable for membership of quality circles to be voluntary, because compulsion is
not a good way to bring out the best in circle members.
 Management should provide good meeting rooms and conditions for regular circle
 Quality circles should not be so large that they become unwieldy nor so small that there
is too restricted a pool of talent. Between 8 and 10 members are generally suitable.
 Management should ensure that, when quality circles make sound decisions, they are
implemented. If circle members see management only paying lip service to their ideas
they will soon lose interest in the quality circle concept.
 Management should provide appropriate training opportunities for circle leaders and
members to acquire the necessary skills of debate, analysis and decision-making.
 Trade unions with members working in the organisation should be assured that QCs
are not a threat to their functions. QCs should not tackle problems which are the
rightful preserve of trade unions.
 Management should provide a facilitator to assist the setting up and early running of
QCs, e.g. a middle manager who volunteers for the task. However, as soon as it is up
and running the QC should be independent and solve its own problems.
 The role of the QC leader is crucial; this may be taken by a supervisor or a senior
employee. The leader should have problem-solving skills and encourage the

Quality Back-Up
Despite every effort, there will invariably be dissatisfied customers. Whether the business
offers a formal warranty or guarantee or not, these problems must be addressed as part of a
quality system. Reasons for customer complaints will include:
 Faulty goods or inadequate service
 Customers may have bought the wrong goods for the purpose they had in mind
 There may have been errors in delivery
Procedures for dealing with complaints include:
 The appointment of a senior manager responsible for controlling the whole complaints
 Speedy acknowledgment when complaints are received.
 Swift classification of complaint – justified/unjustified.
 Speedy steps to satisfy customers with justified complaints – replacement, refund,
allowance as appropriate.

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 Explanations of why a complaint is deemed unjustified sent to customers, with the offer
of impartial arbitration if they still feel aggrieved.
 Search for the cause of justified complaints within the organisation.
 Steps to rectify the situation and so avoid further customer complaints.
 Providing such high quality of service when dealing with the complaining customer as
to turn the customer into a sales promotion for further purchases of the firm's goods.

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Study Unit 7
The Marketing Function

Contents Page

Introduction 111

A. The Nature of Marketing 112

Marketing as a Philosophy and a Set of Tactics 112
The Marketing Management Process 113
The Marketing Mix 114
Not-For-Profit Marketing 116
Social Responsibility and Marketing 116

B. Market Analysis and Research 116

The Marketing Environment 117
Identifying and Responding to Changing Needs 120
Researching Customers' Changing Needs 121

C. Marketing Plans 122

Elements of the Marketing Plan 122
Relationship to the Corporate Plan 123

D. Customers and Markets 123

Market Segmentation 124
The Bases for Segmentation 125
Target Marketing 127

E. The Product 127

The Composition of the Product Offer 128
The Product Life Cycle 128
Positioning Strategy 129
Product Differentiation and Brands 131

F. Pricing 132
Cost-Based Pricing 133
Competition-Based Pricing 133
Demand-Based Pricing 133
(Continued over)

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G. Promotion 134
Advertising 134
Sales Promotion 135
Public Relations 135
Direct Marketing 136
The Message 136
Campaign Planning 137

H. Distribution 137

I The Marketing Mix and the Product Life Cycle 138

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The Marketing Function 111

Marketing puts customers at the centre of a firm's activities. Rather than producing goods
and services and then seeing if people buy them, companies should focus on understanding
customers' needs and meeting these needs better than the competition. This marketing
orientation underpins the concept of marketing and it is this with which we start the unit.
These fundamentals of marketing include the marketing management process and the
"marketing mix" which defines what is offered to customers and how.
Our second area of study is the marketing environment and the methods used by marketing
managers to keep in touch with changes in it. Organisations exist in a complex environment.
That environment comprises customers who bring revenue into the organisation, and
suppliers who provide it with raw materials. There are also many other elements of the
environment, such as legislation and social trends, which can have a major impact on a
company. Marketing is essentially about satisfying the needs of customers efficiently and
effectively, so marketing managers must continually look for evidence of changing needs. It
must also look for factors that might affect its ability to turn inputs into outputs efficiently and
Customers and products form the heart of a company's marketing strategy. A thorough
understanding of customers' needs leads to the development of products that will satisfy
those needs better than the competition. Companies cannot hope to understand each
customer individually, so instead we must talk about segments of buyers who share broadly
similar characteristics. We go on, therefore, to discuss the bases for market segmentation.
Finally we consider the elements of the marketing mix – the set of decisions which marketing
managers make in order to configure their total product offer so that it meets the needs of
buyers. It is usual to examine these as the four Ps of marketing. The first of these is the
product itself and we look at how products are developed and positioned to give a company a
competitive advantage in the eyes of the market segments. The three further elements are
price, promotion and place, and these are used to bring about a consumer response.
It is important to recognise that the marketing mix will change during the product life cycle.
The accent on each of the four Ps will change as competition increases and the product
eventually reaches its decline stage.
When you have completed this study unit you will be able to:
 Describe the essential features of a firm's marketing orientation.
 Identify the elements of the marketing mix and their role in marketing management.
 Describe the nature of the marketing environment and its impact on marketing activities
of organisations.
 Explain the ways in which marketing managers gather information about their
environment and respond to changes in it.
 Discuss the nature of customers and their needs.
 Describe the basis for identifying segments of customers.
 Identify the elements that make up the product offer.
 Assess the interaction between market segmentation, product development and
product positioning.
 Recognise the advantages and disadvantages of different pricing methods.
 Explain the role of promotion and the elements of the promotional mix.

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112 The Marketing Function

 Recognise the need for effective and efficient distribution methods.

 Understand the relationship between the marketing mix and the product life cycle.


Marketing is essentially about marshalling the resources of an organisation so they meet the
changing needs of the customers on whom the organisation depends. As a verb, marketing
is all about how an organisation addresses its markets.
There are many definitions of marketing which generally revolve around the primacy of
customers as part of an exchange process. Customers' needs are the starting point for all
marketing activity. Marketing managers try to identify these needs and develop products
which will satisfy a customer's needs through an exchange process. The Chartered Institute
of Marketing provides a typical definition of marketing:
"The management process which identifies, anticipates and supplies customer
requirements efficiently and profitably".
While customers may drive the activities of a marketing-oriented organisation, the
organisation will only be able to continue serving its customers if it meets its own objectives.
Most private sector organisations operate with some kind of profit-related objectives, and if
an adequate level of profits cannot be earned from a particular group of customers, a firm will
not normally wish to meet the needs of that group.
Where an organisation is able to meet its customers' needs effectively and efficiently, its
ability to gain an advantage over its competitors will be increased (for example, by allowing it
to sell a higher volume and/or at a higher price than its competitors). It is consequently also
more likely to be able to meet its profit objectives.

Marketing as a Philosophy and a Set of Tactics

We need to distinguish between marketing as a fundamental philosophy and marketing as a
set of tactics. The tactics are unlikely to be effective in a company that hasn't taken on board
the full philosophy of marketing.
As a business philosophy, marketing puts customers at the centre of all the organisation's
considerations. This is reflected in basic values such as the requirement to understand and
respond to customer needs and the necessity to constantly search for new market
opportunities. In a truly marketing-oriented organisation, these values are instilled in all
employees and should influence their behaviour without any need for prompting. For a fast
food restaurant, for example, the training of serving staff would emphasise those items (such
as the speed of service and friendliness of staff) which research had found to be most valued
by existing and potential customers.
The personnel manager would have a selection policy which recruited staff who could fulfil
the needs of customers rather than simply minimising the wage bill. The accountant would
investigate the effects on customers before deciding to save money by cutting stock holding
levels. It is not sufficient for an organisation to simply appoint a marketing manager or set up
a marketing department – viewed as a philosophy, marketing is an attitude which pervades
everybody who works for the organisation. It is often said that if a company has done its
marketing effectively, its products should be so well designed for customers that they "sell
themselves". Marketing is therefore much more than just selling.
To many people, marketing is simply associated with a set of techniques. As an example,
market research is a technique for finding out about customers' needs and advertising is a
technique to communicate the benefits of a product offer to potential customers. However,
these techniques can be of little value if they are undertaken by an organisation which has
not fully taken on board the philosophy of marketing.

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The Marketing Function 113

The techniques of marketing also include, among other things, pricing, the design of
channels of distribution and new product development. Although many of the chapters of this
book are arranged around specific techniques, it must never be forgotten that all of these
techniques are interrelated and can only be effective if they are unified by a shared focus on
Many companies claim to be "marketing oriented" but their words are greater than their
actions. Here are some tell-tale signs of companies who are probably not truly marketing
 In the car park, the prime parking spots are reserved for directors and senior staff
rather than customers.
 Opening hours are geared towards meeting the needs of staff rather than the
purchasing preferences of customers.
 Management's attitude towards lax staff is conditioned more by the need to keep
internal peace than the need to provide a high standard of service to customers.
 When confronted with a problem from a customer, an employee will refer the customer
on to another employee without trying to resolve the matter themselves ("it's not my
 The company listens to customers' comments and complaints, but has poorly defined
procedures for acting on them.
 Advertising is based on what senior staff want to say, rather than a sound analysis of
what prospective customers want to hear.
 Goods and services are distributed through channels which are easy for the company
to set up, rather than what customers prefer.

The Marketing Management Process

Marketing is an ongoing process which has no beginning or end. It is usual to identify four
principal stages of the marketing management process which involve asking the following

Where are we now?

Where do we want to be?

How will we get there?

Did we manage to get there?

Figure 7.1: The Marketing Management Process

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114 The Marketing Function

 Analysis
Where are we now? How does the company's market share compare to its
competitors? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the company and its
products? What opportunities and threats does it face in its marketing environment?
 Planning
Where do we want to be? What is the mission of the business? What objective should
be set for the next year? What strategy will be adopted in order to achieve those
objectives (e.g. should the company go for a high price/low volume strategy, or a low
price/high volume one)?
 Implementation
How are we going to put into effect the strategy which leads us to our objectives?
 Control
Did we achieve our objectives? If not, why not? How can deficiencies be rectified? In
other words, go back to the beginning of the process and conduct further analysis.

The Marketing Mix

The concept of the marketing mix was first given prominence by Borden in 1965. He
described the marketing manager as:
"a mixer of ingredients, one who is constantly engaged in fashioning creatively a
mix of marketing procedures and policies in his efforts to produce a profitable
A marketing manager can be seen as somebody who mixes a set of ingredients to achieve a
desired outcome in much the same way as a cook mixes ingredients for a cake. At the end
of the day, two cooks can meet a common objective of baking an edible cake, but use very
different sets of ingredients to achieve their objective. Marketing managers are essentially
mixers of ingredients, and as with the cook, two marketers may each use broadly similar
ingredients, but fashion them in different ways to end up with quite distinctive product offers.
The nation's changing tastes result in bakers producing new types of cake, and so too the
changing marketing environment results in marketing managers producing new goods and
services to offer to their markets. The mixing of ingredients in both cases is a combination of
a science (learning by a logical process from what has proved effective in the past) and an
art form, in that both the cook and marketing manager frequently come across new situations
where there is no direct experience to draw upon. Here, a creative decision must be made.
The marketing mix is not a theory of management which has been derived from scientific
analysis, but a conceptual framework which highlights the principal decisions marketing
managers make in configuring their offerings to suit customers' needs. The tools can be
used both to develop long-term strategies and short-term tactical programmes.
There has been debate about which tools should be included in the marketing mix. The
traditional marketing mix has comprised the four elements of product, price, promotion and
place. A number of authors have additionally suggested adding people, process and
physical evidence decisions. There is overlap between each of these headings and their
precise definition is not particularly important. What matters is that marketing managers can
identify the actions they can take which will produce a favourable response from customers.
The marketing mix has merely become a convenient framework for analysing these
A brief synopsis of each of the mix elements is given below.

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 Products
These are the means by which organisations satisfy consumers' needs. A product in
this sense is anything which an organisation offers to potential customers which might
satisfy a need, whether it is tangible or intangible. After initial hesitation, most
marketing managers are now happy to talk about an intangible service as a product.
 Pricing
This is a critical element of most companies' marketing mix, as it determines the
revenue which it will generate. If the selling price of a product is set too high, a
company may not achieve its sales volume targets. If it is set too low, volume targets
may be achieved, but no profit earned.
 Promotion
This is used by companies to communicate the benefits of their products to their target
markets. Promotional tools include advertising, personal selling, public relations, sales
promotion, sponsorship, and, increasingly, direct marketing methods.
 Place
These decisions involve determining how easy a company wishes to make it for
customers to gain access to its goods and services. This involves deciding which
intermediaries to use in the process of transferring the product from the manufacturer
to the final consumer (usually referred to as designing a channel of distribution) and
deciding how physically to move and handle the product as it moves from manufacturer
to final consumer.
 People
These decisions are particularly important to the marketing of services. In the services
sector, people planning can assume great importance where staff have a high level of
contact with customers.
 Process
These decisions are again of most importance to marketers in the services sector.
Whereas the process of production is usually of little concern to the consumer of
manufactured goods, it is often of critical concern to the consumer of "high contact"
 Physical evidence
This is important to guide buyers of intangible services through the choices available to
them. This evidence can take a number of forms, e.g. a brochure can describe and
give pictures of important elements of the service product and the appearance of staff
can give evidence about the nature of a service.
The definition of the elements of the marketing mix is largely intuitive and semantic.
However, dividing management responses into apparently discrete areas may lead to the
interaction between elements being overlooked. Promotion mix decisions, for example,
cannot be considered in isolation from decisions about product characteristics or pricing.
Within conventional definitions of the marketing mix, important customer-focused issues,
such as quality of service, can become lost.
A growing body of opinion is therefore suggesting that a more holistic approach should be
taken by marketing managers in responding to their customers' needs. This view sees the
marketing mix as a production-led approach to marketing in which the agenda for action is
set by the seller and not by the customer. An alternative relationship marketing approach
starts by asking what customers need from a company and then proceeds to develop a
response which integrates all the functions of a business in a manner which evolves in
response to customers' changing needs.

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Not-For-Profit Marketing
More recently, marketing has been adopted by various public sector and not-for-profit
organisations, reflecting the increasingly competitive environments in which they now
operate. Within the public and not-for-profit sectors, financial objectives are often qualified
by non-financial social objectives. An organisation's desire to meet individual customers'
needs must be further constrained by its requirement to meet these wider social objectives.
In this way, a local college may set an objective of providing a range of programmes for
disadvantaged members of the local community, knowing that it could have earned more
money by using its facilities to cater for full fee-paying users. Nevertheless, marketing can
be employed to achieve a high take-up rate among this group, persuading them to spend
their time and money at the college rather than on other activities.
If an organisation has a market which it needs to win over, then marketing has a role. But
without markets, can marketing ever be a reality? Many organisations claim to have
introduced marketing when in fact their customers are captive, with no marketplace within
which they can choose competing goods or services. What passes for marketing may
therefore be little more than a laudable attempt to bring best practice to their operations in
selected areas, for example in providing customer care programmes for front-line staff. But if
customers have to come to the company anyway (as they do in the case of many local
authority services), is this really marketing?

Social Responsibility and Marketing

Traditional definitions of marketing have stressed the supremacy of customers, but this is
increasingly being challenged by the requirement to satisfy the needs of wider stakeholders
in society. There have been many recent cases where companies have neglected the
interests of this wider group with disastrous consequences. The image of the Shell oil
company suffered badly after it had tried to dump a disused oil platform in the North Sea,
creating a perception of the company as an uncaring guardian of the natural environment.
The opposite can also be true, however, where companies go out of their way to be good
citizens. The Body Shop is a classic example of a business whose stance on the
environment and not being involved in testing products on animals has contributed to much
of its success. However, it is often difficult to quantify the actual impact on sales of taking a
socially responsible stance.
There are segments within most markets which place a high priority on ensuring that the
companies which they buy from are "good citizens". Examples can be found among
consumers who prefer to pay a few pennies extra for "dolphin friendly" tuna, or avoid buying
from companies who test their products on animals.
Wider issues are raised about the effects of marketing practices on the values of a society. It
has been argued that by promoting greater consumption, marketing is responsible for
creating a greater feeling of isolation among those members of society who cannot afford to
join the consumer society where an individual's status is judged by what they own, rather
than their contribution to family and community life. Much advertising has been criticised as
being unethical, as in the case of advertising for tobacco and alcohol which may appeal
against an individual's better judgment and bring bad health to millions, as well as the social
costs of health care for sufferers.


We have defined marketing orientation in terms of a firm's need to begin its business
planning by looking outwardly at what its customers require, rather than inwardly at what it
would prefer to produce. The firm must be aware of what is going on in its marketing

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environment and appreciate how change in its environment can lead to changing patterns of
demand for its products.
An environment in general terms can be defined as everything which surrounds and
impinges on a system. Systems of many kinds have environments with which they interact –
for example, a central heating system operates in an environment where key factors include
the outside temperature and level of humidity. A good system will react to environmental
change, for example by using a thermostat to increase the output of the system in response
to a fall in the temperature of the external environment. The human body comprises
numerous systems which constantly react to changes in the body's environment.

The Marketing Environment

Marketing is a system which must respond to environmental change. Just as the human
body may die if it fails to adjust to environmental change, businesses may fail if they do not
adapt to external changes such as new sources of competition or changes in consumers'
preferences. According to Kotler (1997), we can define an organisation's marketing
environment as:
"the actors and forces external to the marketing management function of the firm
that impinge on the marketing management's ability to develop and maintain
successful transactions with its customers".
Naturally, some elements in a firm's marketing environment are more direct and immediate in
their effects than others. Sometimes, parts of the marketing environment may seem quite far
removed and difficult to assess in terms of their likely impact on a company. It is therefore
usual to talk about a number of different levels of the marketing environment.
 The micro-environment
The micro-environment is that part of the environment which impacts directly on a
company, such as suppliers and distributors. A company may deal directly with some
of these (e.g. its current customers and suppliers), while others exist with whom there
is currently no direct contact, but could nevertheless influence its policies (e.g. potential
customers, government regulators and potential competitors). Similarly, an
organisation's competitors could have a direct effect on its market position and form
part of its micro-environment.
 The macro-environment
The macro-environment exists beyond the immediate micro-environment but can
nevertheless affect an organisation. The macro-environmental factors cover a wide
range of phenomena and represent general forces and pressures rather than the
institutions which the organisation relates to directly. They can be characterised by the
PEST analysis which we considered earlier in relation to organisations as a whole.
 The internal marketing environment
As well as looking to the outside world, marketing managers must also take account of
factors within other functions of their own firm. This is often referred to as an
organisation's internal marketing environment.
The elements within each of these parts of an organisation's environment are illustrated
schematically in Figure 7.2.

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The Macro-

Political Economic
The Micro-
Customers Suppliers
Distributors Employees


Social Technological

Figure 7.2: The Organisation's Marketing Environment

We consider three aspects of the macro-environment in a little more detail.

(a) The economic environment
Few business people can afford to ignore the state of the economy because it affects
the willingness and ability of customers to buy their products. Marketers therefore keep
their eyes on numerous aggregate indicators of the economy, such as gross domestic
product, inflation rates and savings ratios. However, while aggregate changes in
spending money may indicate a likely increase for goods and services in general, the
actual distribution of spending power among the population will influence the pattern of
demand for specific products. In addition to measurable economic prosperity, the level
of perceived wealth and confidence in the future can be an important determinant of
demand for some high-value services.
(b) The social and demographic environment
It is crucial for marketers to fully appreciate the cultural values of a society, especially
where an organisation is seeking to do business in a country which is quite different to
its own. Attitudes to specific products change through time and at any one time
between different groups. Even in home markets, business organisations should
understand the processes of gradual cultural change and be prepared to satisfy the
changing needs of consumers.
Consider the following examples of contemporary cultural change in western Europe
and the possible responses of marketers:
 Leisure is becoming a bigger part of many people's lives and marketers have
responded with a wide range of leisure-related goods and services.
 The role of women in society is changing as men and women increasingly share
expectations in terms of employment and household responsibilities. As an
example of this, women made up 47% of the UK paid workforce in 1997,

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compared with 37% in 1971. Examples of marketing responses include cars

designed to meet the aspirational needs of career women and ready-prepared
meals which relieve working women of their traditional role in preparing
household meals.
 Greater life expectancy is leading to an ageing of the population and a shift to an
increasingly "elderly" culture. This is reflected in product design which emphases
durability rather than fashionableness.
 The growing concern among many groups in society with the environment is
reflected in a variety of "green" consumer products.
There has been much recent discussion about the idea of "cultural convergence".
Many companies have developed one product which is suitable for a global market,
and there is some evidence of firms achieving this (for example Coca-Cola and
McDonalds). The desire of a subculture in one country to imitate the values of those in
another culture has also contributed to cultural convergence. This process is at work
today in many developing countries where some groups seek to identify with western
cultural values through the purchases they make.
New challenges for marketing are posed by the diverse cultural traditions of ethnic
minorities, as seen by the growth of chemists and grocers catering for specific ethnic
Demography is the study of populations in terms of their size and characteristics.
Among the topics of interest to demographers are the age structure of a country, the
geographic distribution of its population, the balance between males and females, and
the likely future size of the population and its characteristics. Changes in the size and
age structure of the population are critical to many firms' marketing.
Although the total population of most western countries is stable, their composition is
changing. Most countries are experiencing an increase in the proportion of elderly
people and companies who have monitored this trend responded with the development
of residential homes, cruise holidays and financial portfolio management services
aimed at meeting this group's needs. At the other end of the age spectrum, the birth
rate of most countries is cyclical resulting in a cyclical pattern of demand for age-
related products such as baby products, fashion clothing and family cars.
There has been a trend for women to have fewer children and to have them later in life.
There has also been an increase in the number of women having no children. Having
fewer children has resulted in parents spending more per child (including more
designer clothes for children rather than budget clothes) and has allowed women to
stay at work longer (increasing household incomes and encouraging the purchase of
labour-saving products).
Alongside a declining number of children has been a decline in the average household
size (from an average of 3.1 people in 1961 to 2.3 in 1997), with a particular fall in the
number of very large households with five or more people and a significant increase in
the number of one-person households. This has numerous marketing implications,
such as increased demand for smaller units of housing and the types and size of
groceries purchased.
Marketers also need to monitor the changing geographical distribution of the
population, between different regions of the country and between urban and rural
(c) The impact of technological change on marketing
The pace of technological change is becoming increasingly rapid and marketers need
to understand how technological developments might affect them in four related
business areas:

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 New technologies can allow new goods and services to be offered to consumers,
such as telephone banking, mobile telecommunications and new drugs.
 New technology can allow existing products to be made more cheaply, thereby
widening their market through being able to charge lower prices (e.g. more
efficient aircraft have allowed mass-market long-haul holiday markets to
 Technological developments have allowed new methods of distributing goods and
services (for example, the Internet has allowed many banking services to be
made available at times and places which were previously not economically
 New opportunities for companies to communicate with their target customers
have emerged. The Internet is opening up new one-to-one communication
channels, especially for service-based companies.

Identifying and Responding to Changing Needs

You will recall that the relationship between a firm and its business environment is crucial to
marketing success. There are many examples of firms who have neglected this relationship
and eventually withered and died. To avoid this fate, a firm must understand what is going on
its business environment and respond and adapt to environmental change.
As organisations become larger and national economies more complex, the task of
understanding the marketing environment becomes more formidable. Information about a
firm's environment becomes crucial to environmental analysis and response.
Information collection, processing, transmission and storage technologies are continually
improving, as witnessed by the development of Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) systems.
These have enabled organisations to greatly enhance the quality of the information they
have about their operating environment. It is becoming increasingly important for companies
to manage this information as effectively as possible.
Organisations learn about their environment using a number of sources of information.
Marketing intelligence comprises unstructured sources of information used by marketers to
paint a general picture of their changing environment. Intelligence can be gathered from a
number of sources, such as newspapers, specialised cutting services, employees who are in
regular contact with market developments, intermediaries and suppliers to the company, as
well as specialised consultants.
Marketing research complements marketing intelligence. Whereas the latter concentrates
on picking up relatively intangible ideas and trends, marketing research focuses on
structured and largely quantifiable data collection procedures. This can provide both routine
information about marketing effectiveness (such as brand awareness levels or distribution
effectiveness) and one-off studies (such as a survey of changing attitudes towards diet).
In addition to collecting these external sources of data, companies can learn a lot about their
environment by carefully examining data which they routinely collect. An analysis of sales
patterns may reveal changes in the types of product bought by particular market segments,
which in turn may be indicative of a change of attitudes in some groups of society.
Collecting information about the environment is one thing, but analysing it and using it can be
quite another. Large organisations operating in complex and turbulent environments
therefore often build models of their environment, or at least sub-components of it. Some of
these can be quite general, as in the case of the models of the national economy which
many large companies have developed. From a general model of the economy, a firm can
predict how a specific item of government policy (for example, increasing the basic rate of
income tax) will impact directly and indirectly on sales of its own products. The management

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of change is becoming increasingly important to organisations, driven by the increasing

speed with which the external environment is changing.
Organisations differ in the speed with which they are able to exploit new opportunities as
they appear in their environment. Being the fastest company in a market to adapt can pay
good dividends, so recent years have seen major attempts by firms to increase their
flexibility, for example by moving human resources from areas in decline to those where
there is a prospect of future growth.

Researching Customers' Changing Needs

Definitions of marketing focus on a firm satisfying its customers' needs. But how does a firm
know just what those needs are and how can it try to predict what those needs will be in a
year's time, or five years' time? A small business owner in a stable business environment
may be able to manage by just listening to his or her customers and forming an intuitive
opinion about customers' needs and how they are likely to slowly change in the future. But
such an informal approach is less likely to work in today's turbulent business environment,
where the owners of very large businesses probably have very little contact with their
Marketing research is essentially about the managers of a business keeping in touch with
their markets. The small business owner may have been able to do marketing research quite
intuitively and adapt their product offer accordingly. Larger organisations operating in
competitive and changing environments need more formal methods of collecting, analysing
and disseminating information about their markets. It is frequently said that information is a
source of a firm's competitive advantage and there are many examples of firms who have
used a detailed knowledge of their customers' needs to develop better product offers which
give them a competitive advantage.
The range of techniques used by firms to collect information is increasing constantly. Indeed,
companies often find themselves with more information than they can sensibly use. The
great advances in EPOS technology has, for example, given retailers a huge amount of new
data which not all firms have managed to make full use of. As new techniques for data
collection appear, it is important to maintain a balance between techniques so that a good
overall picture is obtained. Reliance on just one technique may save costs in the short term,
but only at the long-term cost of not having a good holistic view of market characteristics.
A good starting point for "secondary research" (or "desk research") is to examine what a
company already has available in-house. Typically, a lot of information is generated
internally within organisations, for example sales invoices may form the basis of a market
segmentation exercise. To make the task of desk research as easy as possible, routinely
collected information should be analysed and stored in a way that facilitates future use. Of
course, a balance needs to be struck between having data readily available and the cost of
collecting and storing data which may be subsequently used.
The range of external sources of secondary data is constantly increasing, both in document
and, increasingly, electronic format. These sources include government statistics, trade
associations and specialist research reports. A good starting point for a review of these is
still the business section of a good library.
Where secondary research fails to provide a sufficiently clear picture of the marketing
environment, a firm may resort to primary research (sometimes referred to as "field
research"). Whereas secondary research involves collecting data which is old and in some
sense "second-hand", primary research is collected to meet the specific needs of the
company. It typically involves using quantitative and/or qualitative techniques to understand
the nature of markets facing a company. Although the results are generally much more up to
date and relevant to a company, this method of learning about the marketing environment is
relatively expensive.

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Market research has so far been described in terms of establishing customers'

characteristics and preferences in a structured manner. Another approach is to gather
relatively unstructured information about their environment in a format that is often referred to
as "marketing intelligence". Business owners have for a long time developed the art of
"keeping their ear close to the ground" through informal networks of contacts. With the
growing sophistication of the business environment, these informal methods of gathering
intelligence need to be supplemented.
In contrast to market research, intelligence gathering concentrates on picking up relatively
intangible ideas and trends, especially about competitors' developments. Marketing
managers can gather this intelligence from a number of sources, including press cuttings
services, listening to sales personnel and intermediaries and attending trade exhibitions and

Let us first make a point about definitions and be sure to distinguish marketing plans from
marketing planning. The latter refers to the whole process of marketing activities,
encompassing environmental analysis, setting of goals, development and selection of
strategies, implementation of the plan, monitoring and control.
Strategic marketing planning is the process of ensuring a long-term good fit between the
requirements of an organisation's environment and the capabilities which it possesses. The
process has been defined by Kotler as:
"the managerial process of developing and maintaining a viable fit between an
organisation's objectives, skills and resources, and its changing market
opportunities. The aim of strategic planning is to shape and re-shape the
company's business and products so that they yield target profits and growth".
The importance of strategic planning varies between firms. In general, as organisations
grow, their exposure to risk grows, and planning can be seen as a means of limiting that risk.
As a process, marketing planning has no beginning or end, because the review following
implementation feeds directly into an environmental analysis on which goals and strategies
for the next period are based.
While marketing planning is about a process, a marketing plan is a snapshot of this process
at one point in time. A marketing plan usually describes the implementation task for the next
12 months ahead and becomes a "bible" which guides the work of all people in an

Elements of the Marketing Plan

The strategic element of a marketing plan focuses on the overriding direction which an
organisation's efforts will take in order to meet its objectives. The tactical element is more
concerned with plans for implementing the detail of the strategic plan. The division between
the strategic and tactical elements of a marketing plan can sometimes be difficult to define.
Typically, a strategic marketing plan is concerned with mapping out direction over a five-year
planning period, whereas a tactical marketing plan is concerned with implementation during
the next 12 months. Naturally, many industries view their strategic planning periods
somewhat differently. The marketing of capital-intensive projects, such as the Channel
Tunnel, requires a much longer strategic planning period to allow for the time delays in
developing new capacity and the fact that when capacity does become available, it will have
a very long life with few alternative uses. On the other hand, some industries operate to
much shorter strategic planning periods, where new productive capacity can be produced
quickly and where the environment is too turbulent to allow serious long-term planning (for

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example, an office cleaning contractor will probably not be able to develop a very detailed
long-term strategic marketing plan).
The "marketing mix" is often used to provide a series of headings for the marketing plan.
There is nothing scientific about the 4 "Ps" of product, price, promotion and place. Some are
more relevant than others to particular companies. For services companies, it is common to
use a number of additional "Ps" of people, physical evidence and process. If you are asked
to develop a marketing plan, the marketing mix will provide a useful structure for your
answer, whether you are dealing with strategic or tactical elements of the plan.
A third element of the marketing plan involves the development of contingency plans. These
seek to identify circumstances where the assumptions of the original environmental analysis
on which strategic decisions were based turn out to be false. For example, the planning of a
new airport might have assumed that fuel prices would rise by no more than 10% during the
plan period. A contingency plan would be useful to provide an alternative strategic route if,
halfway through the plan period, fuel prices suddenly doubled and looked like remaining at
the higher level for the foreseeable future, causing a fall in the total market for air travel (for
example, the airport might have a contingency plan to increase its promotional expenditure
or to identify alternative sources of revenue).

Relationship to the Corporate Plan

A marketing plan cannot be seen in isolation within any organisation and you must be aware
of how a marketing plan relates to an organisation's corporate plan. The basic idea of
corporate strategic planning is to provide a framework within which a whole range of more
detailed strategic plans can be developed (e.g. financial, operational, personnel). Corporate
planning embraces other elements of the planning process in a horizontal and vertical
 In the horizontal dimension, a corporate strategic plan brings together the plans of
the specialised functions which are necessary to make the organisation work. The
components of these functional plans must recognise interdependencies if they are to
be effective. For example, a bank's marketing strategic plan which anticipates a 50%
growth in sales of personal loans over a five-year planning period should be reflected in
a strategic production plan which allows for the necessary processing capacity to be
developed and a financial plan which identifies strategies for raising the required level
of finance over the same time period.
 In the vertical dimension, the corporate planning process provides the framework for
strategic decisions to be made at different levels of the corporate hierarchy. Objectives
can be specified in progressively more detail from the global objectives of the corporate
plan, to the greater detail required to operationalise them at the level of individual
operational units (or Strategic Business Units) and – in turn – for individual products.


Customers provide payment to an organisation in return for the delivery of goods and
services and therefore form a focal point for the organisation's marketing activity. The
customer is generally understood to be the person who makes the decision to purchase a
product, and/or pays for it. In fact, products are often bought by one person for consumption
by another, therefore the customer and consumer need not be the same person. For
example, colleges must not only market themselves to prospective students, but also to their
parents, careers counsellors and local employers.
In these circumstances it can be difficult to identify who an organisation's marketing effort
should be focused upon. For many public services, society as a whole benefits from an
individual's consumption, and not just the immediate customer. In the case of health

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services, society can benefit from having a fit and healthy population in which the risk of
contracting a contagious disease is minimised.
Different customers within a market have different needs which they seek to satisfy. To be
fully marketing oriented, a company would have to adapt its offering to meet the needs of
each individual. In fact, very few firms can justify aiming to meet the needs of each specific
individual – instead, they target their product at a clearly defined group in society and
position their product so that it meets the needs of that group. These sub-groups are often
referred to as segments.

Market Segmentation
You will recall that a focus on meeting customers' needs is a defining characteristic of
marketing. Organisations which make presumptions about customers' needs, or produce
goods and services which are chosen for their convenience in production, are probably not
practising the marketing concept. A true marketing orientation requires companies to focus
on meeting the needs of individual customers. In a simple world where consumers all have
broadly similar needs and expectations, a company could probably justify developing a
marketing programme which meets the needs of the "average" customer.
In the early days of motoring, Henry Ford successfully sold as many standard, black Model T
Fords as he was able to produce. In the modern world of marketing, few companies can
have the luxury of producing just one product to satisfy a very large market. Some still can,
for example water, gas and electricity utility companies generally produce a single standard
of product for all of their customers. But this is the exception rather than the rule.
Most companies face markets which are becoming increasingly fragmented in terms of the
needs which customers seek to satisfy. So, while the customers of Henry Ford may have
been quite happy to have a plain black car, today's car buyers seek to satisfy a much wider
range of needs.
Segmentation is essentially about identifying groups of buyers within a market who have
needs which are distinctive in the way that they deviate from the "average" consumer. Some
consumers may treat satisfaction of one particular need as a high priority, whereas to others
this need may be regarded as being quite trivial. Consider the case of the new car market.
Buyers no longer select a car solely on the basis of a car's ability to satisfy a need to get
them from A to B. Additionally, a buyer may seek to satisfy any of the following needs:
 To provide safety and security for themselves and their family.
 To provide a cost-effective means of transport.
 To give them status in the eyes of their peer group.
 To project a particular image of themselves.
 To be seen making a gesture towards the environment by buying a "green" car.
There are many more possible factors which might influence an individual's choice of car.
The important point is that the market is composed of buyers who have quite different priority
needs and who approach the decision to buy a car in very different ways. Therefore the
features which they each look for in a product offer may differ quite markedly from the
"average" consumer. It follows therefore that a marketing plan which is based on satisfying
the needs of the average buyer will be unlikely to succeed in a competitive marketplace. If
another company can satisfy the needs of small specialist groups better, then the company
which seeks to serve them with just an "average" product offer will lose business from this
The process of identifying groups of buyers who differ in the needs which they seek to satisfy
from a purchase is often referred to as market segmentation. We will define the process of
market segmentation as:

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"The identification of sub-sets of buyers within a market who share similar needs
and who have similar buying processes".
Market segmentation, then, is at the opposite end of a spectrum of marketing strategy from
mass marketing. Some of the important distinctions between these two extremes are
summarised below:

Mass Marketing Market Segmentation

Diversity of customers' needs Low High

Variation in products offered by firms Low High
"The customer" The average buyer Unique individuals

In an ideal world, each individual buyer would be considered as having a unique set of needs
which they seek to satisfy, and firms would tailor their product offering to each of their
customers. In the case of some expensive items of capital equipment bought by firms, this
indeed does happen (for example, there are very few buyers of hospital body scanners in the
UK, so firms can justifiably treat each customer as a segment of one). In the case of
products which are relatively low in value and high in sales volumes, however, it would be
impossible for firms to cater to each individual's unique needs.

The Bases for Segmentation

People or firms within a market can be segmented according to a number of criteria. For
sales of goods and services to private buyers, the following are typical segmentation criteria:
 gender
 socio-economic status
 age
 lifestyle
 frequency of purchase
 purpose of purchase
 attitudes towards the product
 geographical location.
A number of specific methods of segmenting markets are considered in more detail below.
These are not watertight definitions and you will recognise that they show considerable areas
of overlap.
(a) Demographic bases for segmentation
Demography can be defined as the study of population characteristics and
demographers have used a number of key indicators in their studies of populations.
Typical bases for demographic segmentation include:
 age – for example, many products such as chart music and cruise holidays are
quite age specific;
 the stage that they have reached in their family life cycle – for example, single
adults often have very different needs to adults with dependent children;
 gender – for example, consider how males and females typically have different
criteria when choosing a new car;

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 household composition – for example, single person households are less likely to
buy large "economy" packs of products.
(b) Socio-economic bases for segmentation
It has been traditional to talk about class differences in the way that goods and services
are purchased. A person's occupation is often a good indicator of the products they are
likely to purchase. You may have come across a number of measures of socio-
economic groups, for example the frequently quoted terms A, B, C1, C2, D and E which
describe groups with different socio-economic circumstances. Marketers find the
concept of social class too value laden and imprecise to be of much practical use.
Instead, more objective indicators of social class are used, in particular occupation and
(c) Psychographic bases for segmentation
So far, most of the bases for segmentation have been reasonably measurable.
However, they are often criticised for missing the unique personality factors that
distinguish one person from another. Under the heading of psychographic factors, we
can identify a number of factors:
 lifestyle – for example, compare the differing lifestyles of your colleagues,
expressed in such ways as their need for excitement, status, etc.;
 attitudes – for example, compare people's attitudes towards organic food;
 benefits sought – for example, some people may buy a watch for telling the time
accurately, whereas others may buy it as a fashion accessory;
 loyalty – for example, some buyers may feel more comfortable sticking with
suppliers who they are familiar with, while others may be more adventurous.
(d) Geodemographic bases for segmentation
Marketers have traditionally used geographical areas as a basis for a market
segmentation. Very often, there have been very good geographical reasons why
product preferences should vary between regions (e.g. preferences in beer have
traditionally varied between the north and south of England). Many companies have
managed to adapt their product offer to meet the needs of different regional segments.
National newspapers, for example, produce regional editions to satisfy readers' needs
for local news coverage and advertisers' needs for a regional advertising facility.
More recently, geographical segmentation has been undertaken at a much more
localised level, and linked to other differences in social, economic and demographic
characteristics. The resulting basis for segmentation is often referred to as
geodemographic, the underlying idea being that where a person lives is closely
associated with a number of indicators of their socio-economic status and lifestyle.
This association has been derived from detailed investigations of multiple sources of
information about people living in a particular neighbourhood.
(e) Situational bases for segmentation
A further group of segmentational variables can be described as situational because an
individual may find him-/herself grouped differently from one occasion to the next – for
example, an individual may seek a relaxing social meal at a restaurant on one
occasion, but a faster business lunch on another occasion.
In practice, companies would use a number of key variables which are most relevant to their
product or market. Geodemographic segmentation has become particularly popular because
of the close correlation between where an individual lives and other indicators of income,
occupation and lifestyle. Companies are also likely to combine subjective approaches to
segmentation with more traditional quantifiable techniques.

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Target Marketing
Identifying segments of a market is one thing. It is another to decide which of the many
available market segments a company should aim at. These chosen segments are
commonly referred to as target markets. The development of segmentation and target
marketing reflects the movement of organisations away from production orientation towards
marketing orientation. When the supply of goods is scarce relative to demand (or customers
have very little choice of supplier), organisations may seek to minimise production costs by
producing one homogeneous product which satisfies the needs of the whole population
(think of the early days of Ford when customers could have "any colour Model T, as long as it
is black"). Over time, increasing affluence has increased customers' expectations. Affluent
customers are no longer satisfied with a basic car, but instead are able to demand one which
satisfies an increasingly wide range of needs. To some, a car is not just for transport, but a
symbol of status or an object of excitement. Furthermore, society has become much more
fragmented – the "average" consumer has become much more of a myth, as incomes,
attitudes and lifestyles have diverged.
Alongside the greater fragmentation of society, technology is today allowing highly
specialised goods and services to be tailored to ever smaller market segments. Using
computer-controlled manufacturing techniques, cars can be tailored to each individual
customer's needs as they come down the production line.

Products are the focal point by which companies seek to satisfy customers' needs. The term
"product" can mean many things to many people. Most people, when they consider
marketing and the marketing of products, tend to think of fast-moving consumer goods
(FMCGs) such as soap powder or chocolate bars. In fact, the term "product" can mean any
tangible or intangible item that satisfies a need; it includes:
 Material goods
 Intangible services
 Locations – for example, tourist destinations
 People – for example, pop stars
 Ideas – for example, ecological awareness
 Combinations of the above
It must be remembered that people only buy products for the benefits which they provide. In
other words, a product is only of value to someone as long as it is perceived as satisfying
some need, so we return to the important point we mentioned earlier of identifying the
distinctive needs of specific groups of consumers.
Although a truly marketing-oriented company will focus on customers, it is important to
understand how product characteristics affect marketing. We can identify two major
considerations which influence the type of marketing which is likely to be appropriate for a
particular product or group of products.
 Some products can be described as "high involvement", requiring extensive search and
evaluation activity by the buyer – for example, the purchase of sugar calls for only very
low levels of emotional involvement by the buyer, whereas this may be very high in the
case of fashion clothing.
 For some products, easy availability is crucial, whereas for other products buyers may
be more willing to travel greater distances – for example, a buyer will expect a can of

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soft drink to be available immediately and without having to travel to it, whereas the
buyer would be prepared to travel further, and possibly wait, to buy garden furniture.
These are just two factors that contribute towards the design of an appropriate marketing
mix. Others could include buyers' price sensitivity, brand loyalty, frequency of purchase, etc.
It is useful to categorise products in this way because marketers of one product can learn
from the marketing of another product which may at first appear to be quite different, but is
really in the same category.

The Composition of the Product Offer

The product is essentially everything that is offered to the consumer. We can identify two
important components of this "total product offer" – the core product and the secondary or
"augmented product offer".
 The core level
Every product exists to satisfy a need and therefore an individual is searching for a
product that at the very least will have satisfaction of this basic need as its core benefit.
The best way to think of this is to consider an item and identify the key benefit from its
ownership. For example, the core benefit of owning a car to most people is transport
and the core benefit of undertaking a marketing course is personal development.
 The secondary level
The secondary level is used to describe a distinctive identity for a product. Such
secondary elements may include:
(a) Design – for example, all cars perform a basically similar function, but within its
class the Volkswagen Beetle has distinctive styling which differentiates it from its
new competitors.
(b) Shape – many companies have used distinctive shapes (e.g. Toblerone) as a
point of differentiation.
(c) Packaging – this is needed to ensure that a product is delivered to customers in
perfect condition. The packaging should enable both distributors and the end
user to handle and transport the product from one place to another. In addition,
packaging should also allow the product to be stored and the shape should
therefore be conducive to stocking on shelves and, where appropriate, in the
home, office or business. In addition to these functions, packaging should allow
for the protection of the product from deterioration (in the case of perishable
goods) and from breakage.
(d) Intangibles – the secondary level of a product also includes intangible features
such as pre-sales and after-sales service, guarantees, credit facilities, brand
name, etc.; again, all providing a point of differentiation.

The Product Life Cycle

Consumers need change over time, so it is important that products change over time to
reflect this. The perfect example of this is that we no longer want to buy typewriters, but our
appetite for mobile phones has increased. This leads us to the idea of a product life cycle.
There is a general acceptance that most products go through a number of stages in their
existence, just as humans and most living organisms go through a number of life cycle
 Introduction stage
When a new product comes onto the market, there is likely to be a good deal of
promotional effort on the part of the firm making the product to secure sales. It is likely
that the firm has incurred high costs in the development of such a product which in the

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early stages may not be covered by revenue. Potential customers for a new product
may very well be few and far between and therefore sales in the early stages may be
quite slow.
 Growth stage
If the new product becomes a success, more people may start to show an interest and
start purchasing it. As more people buy, the firm will discover a number of cost savings
in producing larger quantities. Raw materials can be purchased in bulk and therefore
at a cheaper cost per unit. Machinery can start to be used to a greater capacity and
individual employees will become far more efficient at producing larger quantities. Any
initial teething problems with the product start to be ironed out and more people will
purchase the product on the basis of word of mouth rather than merely the firm's formal
promotional campaign. Falling costs and rising revenues improve profitability, and the
firm can start to reap the benefits of economies of scale.
 Maturity stage
As sales of the product increase, other competitors are likely to be attracted to the
market and as a result may start to compete on price. Promotion on the part of all
competitors tends to increase and yet the number of customers for the product has
ceased to grow. Over a period of time, the increase in sales starts to slow down.
 Decline stage
Eventually, sales of the product start to fall.
A classical product life cycle is shown in Figure 7.3.



Figure 7.3: The Product Life Cycle

It is actually quite difficult to measure a life cycle while it is happening, but much easier after
a product has passed through it. Life cycle analysis may be difficult to apply for short-term
forecasting purposes or developing short-term marketing operational decisions and it is
therefore more useful in strategic planning and control decisions. Even so, there are many
permutations to the basic product life cycle. For example, if sales are stabilising, it may be
difficult to tell whether the product has reached its peak in terms of growth and is about to
decline or whether there is just a temporary stabilisation due to external influences and that,
if left alone, sales may very well start to increase once again in the near future.

Positioning Strategy
Positioning strategy is used by a company to distinguish its products from those of its
competitors in order to give it a competitive advantage within a market. Positioning puts a
firm in a sub-segment of its chosen market; thus a firm which adopts a product positioning

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based on "high reliability/high cost" will appeal to a sub-segment which has a desire for
reliability and a willingness to pay for it. Positioning is about more than merely advertising
and promotion but involves the management of the whole marketing mix.
Essentially, the mix must be managed in a way that is internally coherent and sustainable
over the long term. A marketing mix positioning of high quality and low prices may attract
business from competitors in the short term, but the low prices may be insufficient to cover
the costs of delivering high quality, and therefore profits may be unsustainable over the long
A company must examine its opportunities and take a position within the market. A position
can be defined by reference to a number of scales – level of comfort and price, for example,
are two dimensions of positioning which are relevant to cars. It is possible to draw a position
map in which the positions of key players in a market are plotted in relation to these criteria.
A position map plotting the positions of selected cars in respect of their price and level of
comfort ("quality") is shown in Figure 7.4. Both scales run from high to low, with price being
a general indication of price levels charged relative to competitors and level of comfort a
subjective evaluation of features provided with the car. The position map shows that most
cars lie on a diagonal line between the high comfort/high price position adopted by Mercedes
Benz and Lexus and the low price/low comfort position adopted by Proton and Lada. Points
along this diagonal represent feasible positioning strategies for car manufacturers.
A strategy in the upper left quadrant (high price/low quality) can be described as a "cowboy"
strategy and generally is not sustainable. A position in the lower right area of the map (high
quality/low price) may indicate that an organisation is failing to achieve a fair exchange of
value. Of course, this two-dimensional analysis of the car market is very simplistic and
buyers make judgments based on a variety of criteria. Low levels of comfort may be
tolerated at a high price, for example, if a car carries a strong brand name.

High Mercedes Benz





Low Lada

Low High

Figure 7.4: A Product Positioning Map for Selected Cars

The example of cars used two very simplistic positioning criteria. In practice, a product can
be positioned using many criteria, including:
 Benefits or needs satisfied
 Specific product features
 Usage occasions
 User categories

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 Positioning in comparison with another product

Selecting a product position involves three basic steps:
(a) Analyse the market to identify the most profitable opportunities which have not yet
been filled (and are unlikely to be filled) by competing products.
(b) Evaluate alternative possible product positions.
(c) Use the marketing mix to configure the total product offer so that it meets the needs of
targeted segments better than any other product available.

Product Differentiation and Brands

Branding lies at the heart of marketing strategy and seeks to remove a company from the
harsh competition of commodity-type markets. By differentiating its product and giving it
unique values, a company simplifies consumers' choices in markets which are crowded with
otherwise similar products. Branding requires considerable investment by a company in
product quality and promotion if a brand is to be trusted by customers. Out of such
investment have emerged powerful global brands which are very valuable assets to their
Brand building has been described as the only way to build a stable, long-term demand at
profitable margins. Through adding values that will attract customers, firms are able to
provide a solid base for expansion and product development and protect themselves against
the strength of intermediaries and competitors. There has been much evidence linking high
levels of advertising expenditure to support strong brands with high returns on capital and
high market share.
Traditional economic theory is based on assumptions of perfectly competitive markets in
which a large number of sellers offer for sale an identical product. All suppliers' products are
assumed to be perfectly substitutable with each other and therefore, through a process of
competition, prices are minimised to the level which is just sufficient to make it worthwhile for
suppliers to continue operating in the market.
To try to avoid head-on competition with large numbers of other suppliers in a market,
companies seek to differentiate their product in some way. By doing so, they create an
element of monopoly power for themselves, in that no other company in the market is selling
an identical product to theirs. To some people, the point of difference may be of great
importance in influencing their purchase decision and they would be prepared to pay a price
premium for the differentiated product.
Nevertheless, such buyers remain aware of close substitutes which are available and may be
prepared to switch to these substitutes if the price premium is considered to be too high in
relation to the additional benefits received. The co-existence of a limited monopoly power
with the presence of many near substitutes is often referred to as imperfect competition.
For a marketing manager, product differentiation becomes a key to gaining a degree of
monopoly power in a market. It must be remembered, however, that product differentiation
alone will not prove to be commercially successful unless the differentiation is based on
satisfying clearly identified consumer needs. A differentiated product may have significant
monopoly power in that it is unique, but if it fails to satisfy consumers' needs its uniqueness
has no commercial value.
Out of the need for product differentiation comes the concept of branding. A company must
ensure that customers can immediately recognise its distinctive products in the marketplace.
Instead of asking for a generic version of the product, customers should be able to ask for
the distinctive product which they have come to prefer. A brand is essentially a way of giving
a product a unique identity which differentiates it from its near competitors.

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Getting the pricing element of the marketing mix can be crucial to firms. If prices are set too
low, a company may achieve good sales volumes, but end up making no profit from them. If
on the other hand, prices are set too high, a company may sell very little of its product,
resulting in surpluses and under-utilised production facilities. Getting pricing just right is a
combination of an art and a science.
We are assuming here that a firm has some degree of price leadership in its market – in
other words, it is not operating in a perfectly competitive market in which prices are taken
from the market. So, it is assumed that strategies to create differentiated products (for
example by including additional features, or making the product more easily available to
customers) are possible.
Marketers must consider pricing not just at one point in time, but over the life of a product. A
price based on differential advantage over competitors may need to change over time as
competitors gradually erode a company's differential advantage. Strategic decisions about
pricing cannot be made in isolation from other strategic marketing decisions, so, for example,
a strategy that seeks a premium price position must be matched by a product development
strategy that creates a superior product and a promotional strategy that establishes in
buyers' minds the value that the product offers.
There are three crucial questions that need to be asked when setting the price for any
 How much does it cost us to make the product?
 How much are competitors charging for a similar product?
 What price are customers prepared to pay?
We can also identify an additional factor that affects marketing managers in many public
utility sectors:
 How much will a government regulator allow us to charge customers?
The relationship between these bases for pricing is shown in the diagram below.

High Maximum price Determined by what

customers are
prepared to pay.

PRICE Area of price Determined by
direction competitive pressure/
consumer preferences.

Determined by what it
costs the company to
Low Minimum price produce.

Figure 7.5: The Relationship Between Price Bases

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Cost-Based Pricing
The cost of producing a product sets the minimum price that a company will be prepared to
charge its customers. If a commercial company is not covering its costs with its prices, it
cannot continue in business indefinitely (although many businesses appear to defy logic by
continuing to make losses, perhaps for political or personal reasons). The principle of a
direct link between costs and prices may be central to basic price theory, but marketing
managers rarely find conditions to be so simple.
It can be difficult to calculate the full costs of producing a product, especially where there are
high levels of fixed costs. Sometimes, firms decide to base their pricing not on total costs,
but only on marginal costs (that is, the extra costs incurred directly as a result of producing
one additional unit of output). Marginal cost pricing is widely used in the travel industry to
sell last minute spare capacity.

Competition-Based Pricing
Very often, a marketing manager may go about setting prices by examining what competitors
are charging. But who is the competition against which prices are to be compared?
Competitors can be defined at different levels – those who are similar in terms of product
characteristics or, more broadly, those who are only similar in terms of the needs which a
product satisfies.
As an example, a video rental shop can see its competition purely in terms of other video
shops, or it could widen it to include cinemas and satellite television services, or wider still to
include any form of entertainment.
Companies often charge very competitive prices on products where knowledge of the going
rate for that product among consumers is high. So, car repair garages may promote prices
for a number of routine items such as a 12,000 mile service, but charge much more varying
rates for specialised jobs. Supermarkets often promote a number of "loss leaders" (i.e.
products which are sold at or below cost) where they know that these prices will create an
impression among customers that the supermarket offers good value overall.

Demand-Based Pricing
What customers are prepared to pay represents the upper limit to a company's pricing
possibilities. In fact, different customers often put differing ceilings on the price that they are
prepared to pay for a product. Successful demand-oriented pricing is therefore based on
effective segmentation of markets and price discrimination which achieves the maximum
price from each segment.
Demand-based pricing can discriminate between customers on the basis of:
 Demographic or socio-economic characteristics – for example, railcards for students or
special lunch menus for senior citizens.
 The time of purchase – this is especially important for services, where, for example, the
cost of a telephone call varies according to the time of day.
 The place of purchase – for example, many hotels charge different amounts at different
Many of the pricing principles discussed above, such as price discrimination and competitor-
based pricing, may be quite alien to some public services. It may be difficult or undesirable
to implement a straightforward price/value relationship with individual users of public services
for a number of reasons.
Firstly, external benefits may be generated by a public service for which it is difficult or
impossible for the service provider to charge individual users. For example, road users
within the UK are not generally charged directly for the benefits which they receive from the

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road system, largely because of the impracticality of road pricing. Instead, road services are
provided by direct and indirect taxation.
Secondly, pricing can be actively used as a means of social policy. Subsidised prices are
often used to favour particular groups, for example prescription charges favour the very ill
and unemployed, among others. Sometimes, the interests of marketing orientation and
social policy can overlap. Charging lower prices for unemployed people to enrol on learning
courses at local colleges may provide social benefits for this group, while gaining additional
revenue from a segment that might not otherwise have been able to afford such courses.

The promotional mix includes all activities related to advertising, sales promotion, selling,
public relations and direct marketing. Within each of these five categories a further range of
options can be identified that can be used within the promotional plan. Figure 7.6 outlines
some of the key elements of the promotional mix.


Sales Promotion
Promotional Integrated in
Mix a campaign
Public Relations

Direct Marketing

Figure 7.6: Key Elements of the Promotional Mix

We will explore briefly what each of these key elements of the promotional mix involves.

This is defined as:
"any paid form of non-personal communication of ideas, goods or services
delivered through selected media channels".
Advertising encompasses a wide range of activities, from running adverts on prime time
television through to placing a postcard in a newsagent's window. The term "media" is used
to describe where the advert is placed. In addition to television and newspapers, magazines,
outdoor posters and radio are commonly used media. There are also many less obvious and
sometimes innovative media, such as adverts found on milk bottles and parking meters.
The selection of media is critical. In an ideal world a specific advertisement would be seen
and read by all of its intended target audience. In reality, however, such coverage is difficult
to achieve. Different media are therefore selected to increase the probability of a member of
the target audience seeing the advert at least once. The combination of types of media used
for this purpose is often referred to as the "media mix".
Advertising is defined as non-personal. Advertisements are targeted at a mass audience and
not to a named individual. One of the benefits of advertising is therefore its ability to reach a
large number of people at relatively low cost, although the total cost of a nationwide
campaign may nevertheless be very high. If an advertiser wishes to reach a prime time

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television audience or place a full page advert in a high quality magazine or newspaper, the
costs will range from tens of thousands of pounds to hundreds of thousands of pounds just
for one spot or insertion. However, this may still be much better value than a relatively low
cost advertisement in a local newspaper in terms of the cost per 1,000 people in the target
market who see it. With large audiences or readerships the cost of an advertisement per
1,000 viewers or readers can often fall to less than 10 pence.

Sales Promotion
The Institute of Sales Promotion defines sales promotions as:
"a range of tactical marketing techniques designed within a strategic marketing
framework, to add value to a product or service in order to achieve a specific
sales and marketing objective".
Sales promotions can be targeted at consumers (with the aim of pulling sales through a
channel of distribution), or at the distributor (with the aim of pushing products through the
channel). The majority of people are familiar with, and have no doubt responded to, a sales
promotion. The most common consumer sales promotion techniques include special offers,
for instance price reductions or "two for the price of one" offers, competitions or gifts,
coupons, or incentive schemes such as the promotion Coca-Cola ran in 2000 in which
tokens from Coke cans could be redeemed against the cost of a Coca-Cola branded mobile
phone. Sales promotions can also be targeted at retailers and wholesalers. Typical
incentives include seasonal incentives to buy additional stock and bulk purchase offers.
Traditionally, sales promotions have been used tactically to encourage brand switching, as a
response to competitors' activity, or to create a short-term increase in the level and frequency
of sales. Increasingly, sales promotions are now being used more strategically and
integrated into an overall communications strategy. While price discounting, coupons and
special offers still play an important part in the sales promotion mix, more attention is now
being focused on how sales promotions can add value to a brand, rather than detracting from

Public Relations
According to the Institute of Public Relations, PR is:
"the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual
understanding between an organisation and its publics".
In recent years there has been a significant increase in both interest and expenditure on
public relations activity. Despite this interest and the work of the Institute of Public Relations
to improve understanding, it still remains a misunderstood subject and fails to achieve the
recognition and importance that it deserves.
The key feature of public relations is its focus upon the "publics", or stakeholder groups that
have an interest in, or can influence, an organisation's activities and positioning in its
marketplace. These groups, such as trade unions, environmental pressure groups and
merchant bankers are often united by a common interest or cause. Each group will have its
own set of needs and agendas and will require careful monitoring and communication.
As suggested in the definition, a key role of PR is to establish and maintain mutual
understanding between the organisation and its key stakeholder groups. If the interests and
issues raised by these groups are ignored or mishandled then the resulting publicity can do
harm to the organisation's public image.
Organisations such as the Body Shop and Virgin have in the past made extensive use of
public relations activity to establish and reinforce their brands' credentials. Political parties
are some of the more recent organisations to recognise the benefits of effective PR.
Public relations typically encompasses the following types of activity:

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 Media relations/press releases

 Editorial and broadcast material
 Publicity stunts
 Sponsorship
 Crisis management
 Corporate image/corporate identity
 Employee relations
 Lobbying
 Events management
 Financial and corporate affairs

Direct Marketing
Direct marketing can be defined as a "method of distributing products directly to customers ,
without the use of intermediaries such as wholesalers and retailers". It is one of the fastest
growing means of distribution and can be achieved through a variety of methods such as:
 Direct mail – This involves posting promotional materials to homes and businesses.
Consumers often refer to these as "junk mail", but they can have distinct advantages –
the communication can be personalised, market segments can be targeted and
detailed information can be provided. Charities such as Oxfam, Save the Children and
Greenpeace raise large funds by such methods.
 Personal selling – This can be by means of door-to-door selling or, more commonly
now, manned displays in retail outlets. Sales representatives can impart more detailed
explanations of products and also answer consumer queries. It is common with firms
supplying industrial markets.
 Telephone selling – This is done by ringing people at home or at work and trying to sell
a good or service. Although the seller can deal personally with the consumer, it is often
felt to be an intrusive method by many customers.

The Message
For the medium to work effectively, it must be used to convey an appropriate message. An
advertising message must be able to move an individual along a path from being initially
unaware of a product, through to becoming aware of it, and on to liking it and eventually
purchasing it. In order for a message to be received and understood, it must gain attention,
use a common language, arouse needs and suggest how these needs may be met. All of
this should take place within the acceptable standards of the target audience. However, the
product itself, the channel and the source of the communication also convey a message and
therefore it is important that these do not conflict.
Three aspects of a communication message can be identified as content, structure and
format. It is the content which is likely to arouse and change attention, attitude and intention
and therefore the theme of the message is important. The formulation of the message must
include some kind of benefit, motivator, identification or reason why the audience should
think or do something. Appeals can be rational, emotional or moral.
Recipients of a message must see it as applying specifically to themselves and they must
see some reason for being interested in it. The message must be structured according to the
job it has to do and the points to be included in the message must be ordered (e.g. should
the message start on an abstract note and then build up to the key point, or should it be hard
hitting from the start?). Consideration should be given to whether one-sided or two-sided

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messages should be used, and whether comparisons with competitors should be made (this
can be quite dangerous, as there is evidence that merely mentioning the competitor can help
raise their awareness, thereby helping individuals to move from being unaware to aware and
eventually probably to liking and purchase). The actual format of the message will be
influenced by the medium used, e.g. the type of print if published material, type of voice if
broadcast media is used, etc.

Campaign Planning
A promotional campaign brings together a wide range of media-related activities so that
instead of being an isolated series of activities, they can act in a planned and co-ordinated
way to achieve promotional objectives. The first stage of campaign planning is to have a
clear understanding of promotional objectives (e.g. to gain awareness of a new product, to
increase sales, to improve the public image of a product, etc.).
Once these have been clarified, a message can be developed that is most likely to achieve
these objectives. The next step is the production of the media plan. Having defined the
target audience in terms of its size, location and media characteristics, media must be
selected which achieve desired levels of exposure or repetition with the target audience. A
media plan must be formulated which specifies:
 The allocation of expenditure between the different media.
 The selection of specific media components; for example, in the case of newspaper
media, decisions need to be made regarding the type (tabloid versus broadsheet), the
size of advertisement, which specific titles to use and whether there is to be national or
local coverage.
 The frequency and timing of insertions.
 The cost of reaching a particular target group for each of the media vehicles specified
in the plan.
Many companies hand over much of the task of planning and managing their promotional
campaigns to a specialist advertising agency. There are many benefits in giving the task to
an outside agency. Many companies are too small to allow them to employ a specialist who
is both creative in designing adverts and cost-effective in running an advertising campaign.
The culture of an organisation, especially large ones operating in stable or regulated
environments, may not be conducive to the creativity which advertising demands and
therefore the latter may be better left to an outside organisation.
It may also be easier for an outsider to be more customer-focused and see opportunities for
promotion which are not immediately apparent to insiders who are too close to the product.
A further major benefit of using an advertising agency is the ability to use their expertise in
developing and executing advertising campaigns. They can usually purchase media on more
favourable terms than a single company on its own.
However, advertising agencies are sometimes accused of losing sight of the true nature of a
product and its target customers. Agencies have frequently innovated in ways that have
alienated their client which has subsequently had to disown a campaign.

Distribution (or "placing") of products involves the processes of getting goods or services
from producers to consumers. Products must be made available in the right quantity, in the
right location, and at the times when customers wish to purchase them, all at an acceptable
price (and cost to the producer and/or intermediary). Achieving these aims is not easy but is
often essential for an organisation wishing to gain a sustainable competitive advantage.
Think of the times that you have tried to buy a product, such as a loaf of bread or an item of

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clothing that is currently fashionable. Because the product was not immediately available,
the chances are that you bought a competing product instead.
Sometimes, a manufacturer will decide to dispense with intermediaries altogether. You may
have noticed manufacturers of furniture, electrical goods and clothing advertising direct mail
services "direct from the manufacturer". Many service organisations now have the capability
to deal directly with their customers rather than acting through intermediaries. It makes
sense for a company to distribute its own products directly where it can do a better job than
outside intermediaries.
In reality, companies use intermediaries because they are often a more cost-effective method
of reaching target customers. Could you imagine the task facing Cadburys if it decided to
deal directly with each of its millions of customers? Most purchasers of chocolate bars place
a high value on ready accessibility and a manufacturer that did not make its chocolate
available through tens of thousands of local shops would probably not achieve very many
Distribution is essentially about managing the channels through which products pass from
the manufacturer to the final customer. A marketing channel can be defined as "a system of
relationships existing among businesses that participate in the process of buying and selling
products and services". Channel intermediaries are those organisations which facilitate the
distribution of goods to the ultimate customer. The complex roles of intermediaries may
include taking physical ownership of products, collecting payment and offering after-sales
service. Since these activities can involve considerable risk and responsibility, it is clear that,
in attempting to ensure the availability of their goods, producers must consider the needs of
channel intermediaries as well as those of the end consumers.
Distribution management refers to the choice and control of intermediaries, although, in
reality, the ability of manufacturers to exert influence over intermediaries such as retailers
varies considerably, especially in channels for FMCGs. Where retailers are powerful (as they
are in the UK grocery sector), it is more often a case of intermediaries controlling the
manufacturer rather than the other way round. The growth in supermarkets' market share
remains unrelenting – by the mid-1990s, the top five UK multiples (e.g. supermarket chains,
such as Tesco and Sainsbury's) accounted for over 60% of the total grocery market between
them. In 1997, the proportion had reached over 80%. These changes have meant that it is
vital for brand manufacturers to maintain good relations with their retail intermediaries in
order to gain access to consumers.
Various types of intermediary can participate in a supply chain. For most FMCGs, the two
most commonly used intermediaries are wholesalers and retailers. These organisations are
normally described as distributors (or "merchants") since they take title to products, typically
building up stocks and thereby assuming risk, and reselling them (in other words, acting as
wholesalers to other wholesalers and retailers, and retailers to the ultimate consumers).
Other intermediaries, such as agents and brokers, do not take title to goods. Instead they
arrange exchanges between buyers and sellers and in return receive commissions or fees.
The use of agents often involves less of a financial and contractual commitment by the
manufacturer and is therefore less of a risk, yet the lack of commitment to the manufacturer's
goods from the agent may prove problematic.


The marketing mix is the combination of factors through which a firm carries out its marketing
strategy in order to encourage sales at each stage of the product's life. There are four
aspects to the marketing mix: product, price, promotion and place. A different combination or
emphasis is needed for each of these four factors at different stages of its life cycle.

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The Marketing Function 139

For example, at the birth stage of a product the accent will be on product development as
market research identifies any changes needed. Promotion will concentrate on developing
product awareness among the identified target market. Pricing strategy will be either "skim"
pricing if the product is seen as innovative or luxurious or "penetration" pricing in order to
gain rapid market share. Initially the product will be "placed" in a limited geographical area or
among a limited number of retail outlets in order to gain essential market feedback.
Once the product reaches the growth stage the marketing mix will change. It will concentrate
on developing widespread coverage with an expanded promotional campaign concentrating
on the brand image and the use of a wider distribution network. Price may have to fall in the
face of emerging competition as rival firms develop similar "me too" products or react by
cutting the price of their existing products.
Similarly at the mature stage the mix will change again as it seeks to encourage repeat sales
from its loyal customers. Price discounts and special promotions may be used to hold on to
market share and existing distributors.
In the decline stage the firm can attempt to prolong the product's life through a series of
"extension strategies". These may include developing a wider product range, entering new
markets or changing the packaging. Once it is no longer profitable to continue production,
advertising will cease and prices will be reduced to clear remaining stocks.
The marketing mix is important, therefore, as it helps to support the product and to extend its
sales at each stage of its life.

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140 The Marketing Function

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Study Unit 8
The Finance and Accounting Function

Contents Page

Introduction 143

A. The Basics of Business Finance 144

Finance and Types of Business Organisation 144
The Time Factor 144
The Cost of Finance 145

B. Sources of Finance 146

Retained Profits 146
Medium- and Long-Term Finance 146
Short-Term Finance 149

C. The Finance Providers 151

Clearing Banks 151
Merchant Banks 152
Venture Capital 152
Trade Suppliers 152

D. The Structure of an Organisation's Finance 152

Capital of a Company 152
Debentures 153
Gearing 155
Working Capital 156
Finance and Security 158

E. The Accounting Function 159

Accounting Requirements of the Companies Act 159
Users of Financial Statements 160
Financial and Management Accounting 161

F. Financial Accounts 162

The Profit and Loss Statement 163

(Continued over)

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142 The Finance and Accounting Function

The Balance Sheet 165

Connections Between the Accounts 167
Stakeholder Perspectives 167

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The Finance and Accounting Function 143

Capital and finance are the lifeblood of any organisation so the finance function is of crucial
Finance permeates all the areas of an organisation. The finance function thus encompasses
a range of important functions:
 monitoring and controlling the state of all aspects of the financial situation;
 advising the board of directors on financial matters;
 raising capital as necessary;
 preparing the accounts of the organisation, principally the balance sheet and profit and
loss account;
 controlling the inward and outward flow of cash;
 providing detailed information for, and monitoring, all the budgets, ranging from master
budgets for the whole organisation to departmental budgets;
 liasing with the marketing department on such topics as pricing policies;
 forward planning for the organisation, in respect of the financial implications of policies
and strategies;
 estimating future costs and profits;
 dealing with all aspects of taxation and the auditing of company accounts.
In this unit, we consider two particular aspects of this range of functions – the financing of the
organisation through raising finance, and the reporting on the use of financial resources
through the financial accounts.
When you have completed this study unit you will be able to:
 Identify the sources of finance available to different types of business enterprise and
assess their suitability in respect of short-, medium- and long-term funding.
 Be able to select the appropriate source of finance to match a business need and
identify benefits and drawbacks of each type of finance.
 Describe the main features of shares and debentures.
 Define the concepts of gearing and working capital, and assess their implications for a
 Identify the principal reasons for maintaining financial records and accounts, and
describe the records that businesses must keep to fulfil legal requirements.
 Identify the users of financial and accounting information, describe their requirements
and explain their use of the data.
 Describe the main elements of a business's profit and loss statement and balance
 Describe and define the basic accounting terms.
 Understand and calculate ratios to analyse business performance in relation to risk,
liquidity and profitability.

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144 The Finance and Accounting Function


Finance is a major issue for any business. There are very few business organisations which
can get by purely on the revenue they receive from sales of goods and services – not least
because of the time lag between paying for the factors of production (raw materials, labour,
capital) and the receipt of funds for the final product. When organisations wish to expand
their operations, the need for additional finance is obvious. The key question, then, is: what
are the options available for raising funds?
There are, basically two methods:
 borrowing – taking out a loan of some sort from, usually, a financial institution such as
a bank; or
 extending the ownership of the business by getting new owners (or getting the existing
owners to put in more money).
Before we go on to look at the major finance packages available under these two general
headings, there are a few basic points to be clear about which affect the options open to a

Finance and Types of Business Organisation

First we need to recall the importance of the types of business organisation as they relate to
the raising of finance. You will remember that business organisations come in all shapes and
sizes, but there is a key distinction between:
 unincorporated businesses – principally sole traders and partnerships where there is
no legal distinction between the owners and their business, and the personal assets of
the business owners and the assets of the business are treated as one.
 incorporated businesses – where the business owners and the business itself are
legally separate, with the personal assets of the owners being treated as distinct from
the business assets they own. This is the case with private limited companies and
public limited companies.
The owners of incorporated businesses are shareholders in that business. Ownership is
spread among, possibly, a very large number of individuals, each of which owns only a
proportion of the business, as defined by the number of shares held. Shareholders enjoy
limited liability – limited to their shareholding. This means that should an incorporated
business run into financial difficulties and not be able to pay its debts, the creditors (those
owed money by the business) cannot ask the owners of that business for anything over and
above their shareholding. The company is liable to the extent of its business assets, but the
owners are only liable for their stake in the company. They stand to lose their investment in
the shares, but nothing further.
This means that raising finance from shareholders is easier, since those investing in the
business have less to lose – there is less risk.

The Time Factor

Businesses need funds for different time periods. These time periods are generally classified
 short term – usually taken to mean under one year, tying in with the accounting year;
 medium term – usually taken to mean between one and five years;
 long term – usually referring to finance for over five years.
It is generally accepted that the term of the finance should be linked to the purpose for which
the finance is required. For example, if a business wanted to buy a consignment of stock for

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resale within six months, then short-term finance would be appropriate. It would not make
sense to take out a 25-year loan to finance a transaction which only needs cover for six
months. However, other purposes, such as buying new machinery, will call for long-term
finance. If the machinery is expected to be operational for eight years, it would be wise to
arrange finance for a similar period so that the earnings from the machine match the finance
for it.
Business requires a mix of finance to meet its various requirements and larger firms will have
a range of financial arrangements over the short, medium and long term.

The Cost of Finance

If a business wants to raise funds, for whatever reason, it is asking someone – the existing
owner, new owners or an outside body – to put their own money into it. Anyone investing will
want a return of some sort on the money provided for the business, so raising finance
necessarily involves a cost to that business.
In the case of borrowed funds, this will be in the form of the rate of interest payable on the
loan. As long as the loan remains unpaid, interest charges are due and will have to be paid
out of the business's income. This can be a serious matter if a business has substantial loan
debts. Interest rates are always expressed as a particular % rate per year, regardless of how
long the loan is for. Thus, a loan of £1,000 for one year at an interest rate of 12% would
mean that the business must repay £1,120 at the end of the year – the sum borrowed plus
interest. The borrower has full use of the £1,000 for the whole year and does not need to
repay any of it until the year has elapsed.
If a business wants to borrow funds, it may have to offer some form of security to the lender.
The point of security is that, if the business fails to repay the loan, the lender is entitled to
take ownership of the security and sell it to recover the money owed. The security offered by
the business will take the form of a business asset, such as stock or buildings owned by the
organisation. However, it is clear that not all assets are going to be suitable as security and if
the business does not have sufficient suitable assets to offer as security, the lender may ask
the owners of the business to give their personal guarantees for the loan. Thus, the owners
may have to, for example, put up personal property as security against the loan not being
The owners of a business will expect a return on their personal investment in the business in
the form of a share of the profits. Thus, extending ownership of the business by inviting new
investors to put money into it, or getting the existing owners to invest more of their personal
money, means that a larger share of the profits will need to be paid out to the owners.
However, with equity finance, importantly, there is no commitment by the business to pay any
return at all. If the business makes no profit, it is not obliged to pay anything to the
shareholders. Nor can the shareholders require the business to buy back their shares – the
only way a shareholder can liquidate shares (turn them into cash) is to sell them to someone
else. Shares are, therefore, permanent funds for a business.
(Note that there is an important difference between a private limited company and a PLC in
that the shares of PLCs can be freely sold. The markets where sellers and buyers can trade
shares are the stock markets. The shares of limited companies, however, cannot be freely
sold. One consequence of this is that PLCs can offer shares to the general public
whereas limited companies cannot.)

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In this section we shall survey the major finance packages available to a business. These
vary with the length of time over which the finance is required and we shall examine them in
relation to the medium- to long-term options and then the short-term possibilities.
First, however, we need to consider one option which does not involve actually raising
finance from outside the existing business.

Retained Profits
When a business makes a profit, a proportion will generally be paid out to the owners – in the
form of drawings in the case of sole traders and partnerships or dividends on shares in the
case of limited companies and PLCs. The rest of the profit will be retained in the business
and can be used to finance its growth in the form of new investment in plant and machinery.
As we have seen, there is no obligation on a company to pay out a particular amount as a
dividend or even to make such payments to shareholders at all. For sole traders and
partnerships, the owners may be willing to forego any drawings in the interest of ploughing
back the profits into the business in the expectation that further profits will be forthcoming in
the future. Thus, retaining profits represents an important option for a business seeking
additional funds.
In practice, for unincorporated businesses and limited companies, retained profits are the
main source of finance over both the short and long term. If these businesses are to grow,
then they must earn profit and retain much of it in the business.

Medium- and Long-Term Finance

In the medium and long term, businesses are concerned with growth and/or consolidation.
They will want finance to fund expansion by acquiring more assets or increasing the factors
of production that they can bring to bear as inputs into the business. Consolidation will
invariably involve replacing assets as they reach the end of their useful life as well as
developing the use to which existing factors of production may be put – for example, through
investment in training the workforce.
The options for financing this are as follows.
 Share issues
This option is only available to PLCs. They can offer new shares to the investing
public. Investors are invited to put money into the company in return for (possible)
future dividends and the possession of a stake in the company which can be sold if
required. The return on the investment may be seen as both the dividend and any
increase in the share price.
In some cases businesses will offer the new shares only to existing shareholders. This
is known as a rights issue. Shareholders are not obliged to buy the new shares, but
there can be strong reasons for doing so.
The success of a share issue depends on the growth and profit track record of the
issuing company as well as the market conditions prevailing at the time. Timing can be
very important. As such, share issues are normally carried out through a merchant
bank intermediary who will have the expertise to handle them (which a PLC will not
generally have).
(We shall consider shares in more detail later in the unit.)

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 Loan stock
As an alternative to making a share issue, a PLC can issue loan stock. The
purchasers of this stock will not become shareholders, but will be creditors. They
have lent their money to the business and expect to receive regular interest payments
and eventually their money back when the loan stock matures.
The very best companies will not usually have to offer any security against their loan
stock issue – their track record of success is all the security that is necessary.
However, others may have to put up assets as security and run the risk of not getting
any takers at all, depending on the attractiveness of the security.
 Debentures
Debentures are another form of loan. They are, in effect, a loan contract taken out with
a lender (for example, a bank). Again, the lender is not an owner, but a creditor with
the business borrowing the money undertaking to pay interest on a regular basis and to
repay the loan at the agreed time.
Debentures are generally secured on the assets of the business, which means that
debenture holders have first call on those assets should the company not be able to
meet its obligations to pay interest or repay the loan.
This option is available to both limited companies and PLCs.
(We shall consider debentures in more detail later in the unit.)
 Leasing
If a business needs assets – such as a new computer system or fleet of vehicles – it
has the choice of buying them outright or leasing them.
In practice, leasing is a form of hire under which the business has the use of the
computers or vehicles for an agreed period. The business leasing the assets is obliged
to look after maintenance.
Leasing is particularly advantageous in situations of uncertainty or where the business
is not willing to commit large capital sums to buy assets. It can also make sense where
technology changes rapidly and a business needs to update its equipment regularly.
Further, leasing can have tax advantages for both the business leasing the assets and
the lessor.
Leasing is available to all types of business.
In some cases, there may be an option to buy the assets at the end of the lease. This
arrangement is called lease/purchase.
 Commercial mortgages
Some companies may own the freehold of real estate premises in the form of factories,
office accommodation or warehouses. As we shall see later, these assets will have a
value in the company's accounts. If the business wants to raise a capital sum for
investment in new assets, it could take out a commercial mortgage with a property
company. Normally the maximum mortgage will be between 60% and 70% of the
property value. The premises themselves are used as security, and the mortgage loan
will usually be for the long term.
The advantage of this arrangement is that the business can continue to use the
premises as before, but must service the commercial mortgage in terms of interest
payments and eventually repay the capital sum. Another plus is that any increase in
property values over time still belongs to the business and not the property company to
which it has been mortgaged.

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148 The Finance and Accounting Function

 Asset sales
All businesses own certain assets – computers, vehicles, machinery, etc. Their value is
also recorded in the accounts – under the general heading of fixed assets. Where
such capital assets are surplus to the business's requirements, one option is to sell
them and convert them into cash which can be used to purchase new assets or to
repay debts, etc.
 Sale and leaseback
This option relates to real estate assets. Where a business owns premises and needs
to raise finance, it may sell the freehold and simultaneously arrange to lease it back.
The business converts the real estate fixed asset into cash, but will continue to be able
to use the property as before. Such arrangements are generally very long term to
guarantee the continued availability of the asset to the organisation.
The advantage of this method, compared to the commercial mortgage option, is that
100% of the freehold value is realised, which is higher than is possible with a
mortgage. However, on the other hand, the business will not enjoy any future increase
in the property's market value.
Sale and leaseback may also be possible for certain types of capital equipment, such
as large machinery.
 Bank loans
All the major banks offer a range of business loans. They range from a few months to
up to 25 years.
Some loans are at a fixed rate of interest which is agreed at the start of the loan period
and applied throughout the period of the loan. Other types of loan may have a
variable rate of interest. Here, the interest rate will fluctuate over the period of the loan
in line with interest rates in the economy.
Banks will usually tailor a loan package to suit the requirements of individual
businesses and will also carry out a risk assessment on the business before going
ahead with the loan. Depending upon the outcome of the risk assessment, the lender
will normally require some form of security (either business or personal assets) to
guarantee the loan and may require the business to issue a debenture to the bank.
From the point of view of the business, there will be the need to meet interest
payments and make provision to repay the loan itself.
 Grants
Governments will provide financial support to business in certain circumstances. The
circumstances vary and, in any case, an individual government's policies may be
constrained by wider considerations – for example, the UK government's policies must
not contravene European Union rules.
The major grants are related to regional policy. There will always be some regions of
a country which lag behind others in terms of employment and living standards, for
example due to the predominant industry in the region being in decline. Businesses
which locate in these regions may get grants, especially related to investment, and
even existing businesses that threaten to move out may get grants. There are usually
conditions attached to grants, including guarantees of continued business and the
creation of jobs.
The main attraction of grants is that they constitute free finance – there are no interest
charges or repayments of capital.

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Short-Term Finance
Short term refers to finance for twelve months or less. It is normally required to tide a
business over periods when income will not be sufficient to cover outgoings and the business
needs funds which can be repaid as soon as the position reverses. Short-term finance would
not normally be used to fund expansion or consolidation.
The main options for short-term financing are as follows.
 Bank loans
These have already been mentioned in the previous section. It is important to
remember that bank loans can also be short term. Similar conditions apply.
 Bank overdraft
All businesses have bank accounts. If a business is experiencing cash flow problems,
an overdraft could be an answer.
Cash flow problems are common in business and arise because production invariably
occurs before sales. Therefore, a business finds itself paying out production costs
before any revenues come in from sales.
A simple example will illustrate the problem. Consider the situation of a business
producing and selling at a constant rate, but not receiving any revenue from sales for
the first two months of the year. Production costs are £4,000 per month and the goods
produced each month are sold for £6,000.
The cash flow position is set out in the following table.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul

Revenues (sales) (£) 0 0 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000

Payments (costs) (£) 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000
Monthly net cash (£) 4,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
(sales less costs)
Cumulative (£) 4,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2,000

This is a very simple example, but it does bring out the key issues.
The business pays out £4,000 a month in costs to make its product. Sales are made in
January, but the business does not actually get paid for these until March.
At the end of January, there is a cash deficit of £4,000 which is carried over into
February when another £4,000 deficit occurs. This carries the overall cumulative
balance to a deficit of £8,000. In the next month, £6,000 cash comes in, but there is
still £4,000's worth of payments to make. While there is now a surplus of £2,000 this
only helps to bring the cumulative balance deficit down to £6,000 from the £8,000 at
the end of February. The rest of the figures should be easy to follow. The business
only appears to get into a balanced situation in June when the cumulative deficit gets
wiped out.
A business making its forecasts and coming up with these figures would conclude that
it is not viable in the short term, even though it moves into profit by the end of the year.
In order to reap the profits forecast for the end of the year, it needs some short-term
finance to tide it over while the cash flows are negative. How else can it pay £4,000 in
January if there is no cash coming in?

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In such situations, an overdraft facility provides the best option. The business
effectively needs a flexible short-term loan which will enable it access to the necessary
funds as it needs them, but does not involve raising all the finance necessary at one
time and then paying interest on the whole amount over the period. In this case, the
business needs access to sums up to £8,000, but by the end of June it should be able
to pay it all back altogether.
Under the terms of an overdraft, a bank will usually only charge interest on the amount
by which the account is actually overdrawn. So in March, the business will be charged
one month's interest on £6,000 and not on the full £8,000 overdraft facility.
The interest charged is always the current rate. If, say, interest rates in the economy
rise at the end of February, the business will be charged the higher rate on its March
overdraft of £6,000 (although, if the rate falls, the lower rate will be applied).
One problem with an overdraft is that the bank can ask for it to be cleared in full at any
time. In practice, this will not often happen. However, if the bank's risk assessment of
the business deteriorates, then the business might be asked to clear its overdraft.
 Invoice factoring
Invoice factoring is an alternative to an overdraft in situations where there is always a
time lag between the issuing of invoices and the receipt of payments, resulting in a
cash flow problem for the business.
In the simple cash flow example above, the business is making sales in January but is
getting no cash payment for them until March. In effect, the business is allowing
customers 60 days' credit. It may well be that this is necessary in order to get the sales
in the first place.
The way in which factoring works is illustrated in Figure 8.1.

Selling Company 1 Buying Company

2 Factoring Company 3

Figure 8.1: Invoice Factoring

The selling company sells to the buying company and invoices in the normal way (1)
and for the normal credit terms of 60 days. A copy invoice is sent to the factoring
company. When it receives the invoice, the factoring company will pay 80% of the
invoice value to the selling company (2). In the example above, the selling company
would send out £6,000 of invoices in January and will get 80% of this (i.e. £4,800)
In 60 days' time, the buying company makes its payment, but sends it to the factoring
company (3) and not to the selling company. When the factor receives payment, it
sends the 20% balance to its client, the selling company.
The factoring company makes its money by charging its client a percentage of the
value of the invoices it has factored. This is usually done on a monthly basis. To the
selling company, this represents the cost of balancing cash flow to the issuing of
invoices on a credit basis.
If a particular customer fails to pay – perhaps because it has gone into liquidation – the
factoring company cannot reclaim the 80% it has already paid to its client. This is

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known as non recourse factoring. Because of this, factoring companies always

examine the credit track record of "customer" companies. If a particular company's
credit rating gives cause for concern, the factor will simply inform its client business
that it will not factor invoices to that particular company.
Invoice factoring can be seen as an alternative to an overdraft for a business.
Businesses will look at the comparative costs of both before deciding which facility to
 Trade credit
Another possible solution to the short run cash flow problem is to try to find ways of
delaying payments to suppliers. To achieve this, a business will try to negotiate trade
credit terms with its suppliers. Before being allowed such credit, a new business is
likely to have to establish a credit track record by paying cash with orders for some
When trade credit terms can be arranged, the business can order materials from
suppliers and perhaps process them into finished goods for sale before it has to pay for
Obviously, if trade credit can be arranged, then some payments can be delayed. It is
possible to see that if, say, 50% of payments in the cash flow statement above could be
deferred, it would reduce the overdraft requirement very substantially.
The major advantage of trade credit is that it is interest free. Some suppliers who give
trade credit will also offer cash discounts to buyers who pay early.
 Customer prepayments
Generally, customers will not be prepared to pay until they have received the goods or
services they are buying. However, there are some situations where customers can be
persuaded to pay at least something in advance. Examples include health clubs and
tour operators


Having looked at the main finance packages, we will now look briefly at the main providers of

Clearing Banks
All businesses will have a bank account – possibly a considerable number of different
accounts, depending on the nature of the business. As the main financial institution with
which a business is connected, the bank is invariably the first stop in the search for finance.
All banks provide overdraft and loan facilities.
The clearing banks are the large high street banks. In practice, it is more useful to think of
them as financial service providers. They are very large public limited companies in their
own right and have shareholders to satisfy and are in the business of selling financial
services to generate maximum profits for their owners. As such, most of the invoice factoring
companies and leasing companies are owned by the main banks.
Thus, the banks are in competition with each other to sell those services to businesses and
companies seeking to raise finance have the opportunity to compare costs before deciding
which particular financing option to take up with which bank.

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Merchant Banks
Merchant banks are very different from high street banks – they are essentially wholesalers
(dealing direct with businesses) as opposed to being retailers, although most of the clearing
banks have merchant banking divisions. PLCs who want to raise funds by making share
issues or issues of loan stock will usually hire the services of a merchant bank.
PLCs only rarely make an issue and, therefore, are unlikely to have the expertise in-house to
do the job themselves. Merchant banks offer both that expertise, and contacts among the
large investors in the City.
Most of the large investment funds available to invest in business enterprises are held by
institutional investors – including insurance companies, pension funds, investment trusts
and unit trusts – rather than private individuals. These institutions employ professional fund
managers who look for suitable investment opportunities, including shares and loan stock
issues. They work closely with the merchant banks.
Merchant banks can advise PLCs on such matters as timing and placing of the issue as well
as the best price to sell at. They will also usually undertake (for a fee) to handle the entire
issues process and will underwrite the issue. What this means is that, if the issue is not fully
sold to investors, the merchant bank itself will buy the unsold balance. The PLC is, therefore,
guaranteed a minimum sum of money to be raised from the issue. The bank will try to
dispose of the rest on the market at a later time.
In addition to this service, merchant banks are also prepared to advise companies about
potential takeover targets or to offer help if a business itself becomes a target for takeover.

Venture Capital
Some businesses will find it difficult to raise money through the conventional channels. In
particular, high-tech businesses, companies (especially in the light of the collapses
of many such companies in the early 2000s) or firms with highly innovative products may fall
into this category.
In the last 20 or so years a group of venture capital companies have emerged. They attract
funds from high income tax investors (who can claim tax relief) and are prepared to
undertake high risk investment in return for high potential returns. They are prepared to
take a stake in high risk companies in the form of either loan capital or equity. They may
want representation on the boards of the companies in which they are investing in order to
influence policy.

Trade Suppliers
The other main suppliers of business finance are trade suppliers. It should be borne in mind
that suppliers are businesses and may be looking for finance themselves so that they can
offer trade credit to their customers.


Capital of a Company
Virtually every business must have capital subscribed by its proprietors to enable it to
operate. In the case of a partnership, the partners contribute capital up to agreed amounts
which are credited to their accounts and are treated as liabilities of the business.
A limited company obtains its capital, up to the amount it is authorised to issue, from its
members. A public company, on coming into existence, issues a prospectus inviting the
public to subscribe for shares. The prospectus advertises the objects and prospects of the
company in the most tempting manner possible and it is then up to the public to decide

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whether they wish to apply for shares. As we have seen, the process of issuing shares will
be undertaken by a merchant bank which will arrange for the issue to be underwritten and
may also be instrumental in bringing in institutional investors.
A private company is not allowed to issue a prospectus and obtains its capital by means of
personal introductions made by the promoters.
Once the capital has been obtained, it is lumped together in one sum and credited to a share
capital account. This account does not show how many shares were subscribed by A or B
– such information is given in the register of members, which is a statutory book that all
companies must keep. From the point of view of the company the capital as a whole is its
source of funds.
This capital has certain distinctive features:
 Once it has been introduced into the company, it generally cannot be repaid to the
shareholders (although the shares may change hands). An exception to this is
redeemable shares.
 Each share has a stated nominal (sometimes called par) value. This can be regarded
as the lowest price at which the share can be issued.
 Share capital of a company may be divided into various classes, and the Articles of
Association define the respective rights of the various shares as regards, for example,
entitlement to dividends or voting at company meetings.
Types of share
(a) Ordinary shares
The holder of ordinary shares in a limited company possesses no special right other
than the ordinary right of every shareholder to participate in any available profits. If no
dividend is declared for a particular year, the holder of ordinary shares receives no
return on his shares for that year. On the other hand, in a year of high profits he or she
may receive a much higher rate of dividend than other classes of shareholders.
Ordinary shares are often called equity share capital or just equities.
(b) Preference shares
Holders of preference shares are entitled to a prior claim, usually at a fixed rate, on any
profits available for dividend. Thus, when profits are small, preference shareholders
must first receive their dividend at the fixed rate per cent, and any surplus may then be
available for a dividend on the ordinary shares – the rate per cent depending, of
course, on the amount of profit available. So, as long as the business is making a
reasonable profit, a preference shareholder is sure of a fixed return each year on his or
her investment. The holder of ordinary shares may receive a very low dividend in one
year and a much higher one in another.
Rights issues
As we have seen, a useful method of raising fresh capital is first to offer new shares to
existing shareholders, at something less than the current market price of the share
(provided that this is higher than the nominal value). This is a rights issue, and it is normally
based on number of shares held, as with a bonus issue – for example, one for ten. In this
case, however, there is no obligation on the part of the existing shareholder to take
advantage of the rights offer, but if he/she does, the shares have to be paid for.

A debenture is written acknowledgment of a loan to a company, given under the company's
seal, which carries a fixed rate of interest.

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Debentures are not part of the capital of a company. Interest payable to debenture holders
must be paid as a matter of right and is, therefore, classified as loan interest – a financial
expense – in the profit and loss account. A shareholder, on the other hand, is only paid a
dividend on his investment if the company makes a profit, and such a dividend, if paid, is an
appropriation of profit.
There are three types of debenture:
 Simple or naked debentures – These are debentures for which no security has been
arranged as regards payment of interest or repayment of principal.
 Mortgage or fully secured debentures – Debentures of this type are secured by a
specific mortgage of certain fixed assets of the company.
 Floating debentures – Debentures of this type are secured by a floating charge on the
property of the company. This charge permits the company to deal with any of its
assets in the ordinary course of its business, unless and until the charge becomes fixed
or crystallised.
An example should make clear the difference between a mortgage, which is a fixed charge
over some specified asset, and a debenture, which is secured by a floating charge. Suppose
that a company has factories in London, Manchester and Glasgow. The company may
borrow money by issuing debentures with a fixed charge over the Glasgow factory. As long
as the loan remains unpaid, the company's use of the Glasgow factory is restricted by the
mortgage. The company might wish to sell some of the buildings, but the charge on the
property as a whole would be a hindrance.
On the other hand, if it issued floating debentures then there is no charge on any specific
part of the assets of the company and, unless and until the company becomes insolvent,
there is no restriction on the company acting freely in connection with any of its property.
The rights of debenture holders are:
 They are entitled to payment of interest at the agreed rate.
 They are entitled to be repaid on expiry of the terms of the debenture as fixed by deed.
 In the event of the company failing to pay the interest due to them or should they have
reason to suppose that the assets upon which their loan is secured are in jeopardy,
they may cause a receiver to be appointed. The receiver has power to sell a
company's assets in order to satisfy all claims of the debenture holders.
The differences between shareholders and debenture holders are summarised in the
following table:

Shareholder Debenture Holder

In effect, one of the proprietors A loan creditor and therefore an

– i.e. an inside person. outside person.
Participates in the profits of the Secures interest at a fixed rate
company, receiving a dividend on his or her loan to the
on his or her investment. company, notwithstanding that
the company makes no profit.
Not entitled to receive Entitled to be repaid on expiry
repayment of money invested of term of debentures as fixed
(with certain exceptions) unless by deed, unless they are
the company is wound up. irredeemable debentures.

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The gearing of a company refers to the balance between owners' funds and borrowed
More strictly, it is the proportion of loan finance to total capital employed, or the ratio of fixed-
interest and fixed-dividend capital (i.e. debentures plus preference shares) to ordinary
(equity) share capital plus reserves.
The issue of a company's gearing can have important repercussions, as debenture interest
must be paid regardless of profitability. The sources of finance used by companies to raise
funds will, therefore, be affected by its current gearing.
An example should help to clarify this. Suppose we take two companies, A and B:


Share capital 100,000 180,000

Loan capital 120,000 40,000

Total capital 220,000 220,000

Both businesses have the same capital employed of £220,000 but the make up of that capital
is very different:
Company A has £120,000 in loan capital out of a total of £220,000 – i.e. 54%.
Company B has only £40,000 in loan capital out of a total capital of £220,000 – i.e. 18%.
These percentage figures are known as gearing ratios. Company A would be described as
a relatively highly geared compared with Company B. Company B is relatively low geared.
High gearing can make a business more vulnerable to changes in its income. Remember
that interest must be paid on loans whatever situation the business is in. Thus, even if sales
collapse and profits vanish, interest payments still have to be met. We can illustrate this
through looking at the effects of different levels of profit on the two companies above.
If we assume that the interest rate applicable is 12%, then Company A will have to pay
£14,400 interest each year on its loan capital, whereas Company B only has to pay £4,800
each year. The effect of this is as follows:


Net profit 20,000 20,000

less Interest 14,400 4,800

Available for shareholders 5,600 15,200

Net profit is what is left of the business's sales revenue after all costs have been deducted.
In the case of A, £14,400 of this is needed to meet interest payments leaving £5,600 for
equity holders (shareholders). B's situation, with the same profit, is that £4,800 is required
for interest and £15,200 is left for shareholders.
Suppose that, next year, profits fall to £14,000 for both companies. The situation will be as

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Net profit 14,000 14,000

less Interest 14,400 4,800

Available for shareholders 400 9,200

Company A is now unable to pay its interest charges from current profits and must use £400
of its reserves meaning that shareholders lose £400 of their equity. B is still able to meet its
interest charges from profit and leave something to increase shareholder equity.
Sales and profits do vary for a number of reasons and certain types of business are
especially vulnerable to this and in potential danger if they are highly geared. This
particularly applies to those firms whose sales and profits are cyclical, such as construction
firms. Other businesses, such as food retailers, are far less affected and can afford to be
more highly geared.
The most obvious implication from this is that it is not sufficient just to estimate how much
capital a business might need; you also need to consider the nature of the business and the
mix of loan and equity which might be best in the circumstances.

Working Capital
At the shorter end of the time scale, there is another concept which is important to the
financial structure of the firm. Working capital is defined as current assets less current
liabilities, and represents a measure of the ability of the company to pay its way.
It is usual to consider working capital in the context of a cycle of business activities.
When a business begins to operate, cash will initially be provided by the proprietor or
shareholders. This cash is then used to purchase fixed assets (machinery, etc.), with part
being held to buy stocks of materials and to pay employees' wages. This finances the
setting-up of the business to produce goods/services to sell to customers for cash, which
sooner or later is received back by the business and used to purchase further materials, pay
wages, etc.; and so the process is repeated.
The cycle is illustrated in Figure 8.2.

Cash Expenses incurred with


Cash from debtors

Cash to creditors


Figure 8.2: The Working Capital Cycle

Problems arise when, at any given time in the cycle, there is insufficient cash to pay
creditors, who could have the business placed in liquidation if payment of debts is not
received. One solution would be for the business to borrow to overcome the cash shortage,

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but this can be costly in terms of interest payments, even if a bank is prepared to grant a
loan. A more appropriate response would be to strike a balance between assets and
liabilities such that there is sufficient working capital and liabilities are always covered.
Working capital requirements can fluctuate because of seasonal business variations,
interruption to normal trading conditions, or external influences, such as changes in interest
or tax rates. Unless the business has sufficient working capital available to cope with these
fluctuations, expensive loans become necessary; otherwise insolvency may result. On the
other hand, the situation may arise where a business has too much working capital tied up in
idle stocks or with large debtors which could lose interest and therefore reduce profits.
Irrespective of the method used for financing fixed and current assets, it is extremely
important to ensure that there is sufficient working capital at all times and that this is not
excessive. If working capital is in short supply, the fixed assets cannot be employed as
effectively as is required to earn maximum profits. Conversely, if the working capital is too
high, too much money is being locked up in stocks and other current assets. Possibly, the
excessive working capital will have been built up at the sacrifice of fixed assets. If this is so,
there will be a tendency for low efficiency to persist, with the inevitable running down of
The management of working capital is an extremely important function in a business. It is
mainly a balancing process between the cost of holding current assets and the risks
associated with holding very small or zero amounts of them. The issues involved in respect
of the different current assets are as follows.
(a) Management of stocks which may include raw materials, work-in-progress (both in a
manufacturing business) and finished goods. We have considered the costs of holding
and of not holding stocks in a previous unit, but we repeat them briefly here.
 The cost of holding stocks:
(i) Financing costs – the cost of producing funds to acquire the stock held
(ii) Storage costs
(iii) Insurance costs
(iv) Cost of losses as a result of theft, damage, etc.
(v) Obsolescence cost and deterioration costs
These costs can be considerable, and estimates suggest they can be between
20% and 100% per annum of the value of the stock held.
 The cost of holding very low (or zero) stocks:
(i) Cost of loss of customer goodwill if stocks not available
(ii) Ordering costs – low stock levels are usually associated with higher
ordering costs than bulk purchases
(iii) Cost of production hold-ups owing to insufficient stocks
The organisation will set the balance which achieves the minimum total cost, and arrive
at optimal stock levels.
(b) Management of debtors requires identification and balancing of the following costs:
 Costs of allowing credit:
(i) Financing costs
(ii) Cost of maintaining debtors' accounting records
(iii) Cost of collecting the debts

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(iv) Cost of bad debts written off

(v) Cost of obtaining a credit reference
(vi) Inflation cost – outstanding debts in periods of high inflation will lose value
in terms of purchasing power
 Cost of refusing credit:
(i) Loss of customer goodwill
(ii) Security costs owing to increased cash collection
Again, the organisation will attempt to balance the two categories of costs – although
this is not an easy task, as costs are often difficult to quantify. It is normal practice to
establish credit limits for individual debtors.
(c) Management of cash. Again, two categories of cost need to be balanced:
 Costs of holding cash:
(i) Loss of interest if cash were invested
(ii) Loss of purchasing power during times of high inflation
(iii) Security and insurance costs
 Costs of not holding cash:
(i) Cost of inability to meet bills as they fall due
(ii) Cost of lost opportunities for special-offer purchases
(iii) Cost of borrowing to obtain cash to meet unexpected demands
Once again, the organisation must balance these costs to arrive at an optimal level of
cash to hold. The technique of cash budgeting is of great help in cash management.
It is quite possible for a firm to go out of business because of working capital problems. The
business may have a good product, effective production systems and so on, but be unable to
manage its short-term working capital cycle.

Finance and Security

One final issue needs to be examined briefly and that is the question of security.
In most cases, lenders will want some sort of security from a borrower. All lending involves
risk, and security is designed to reduce the lender's risk. If the business cannot repay the
loan or keep up interest payments, the lender can seize the security and sell it to recover the
In one sense, if this happens, it means that the lender may have made a mistake in lending
to the business in the first place. Something has gone wrong with the risk assessment
process. The whole purpose of risk assessment is that the lender wants to know if the
borrower is likely to repay any loan. Security, then, is simply a form of insurance should the
assessment go wrong.
What makes effective security? Not all assets are good security. For an asset to be good
security it must have a number of features:
 there should be an organised market for the type of asset involved in case it needs to
be sold;
 the value of the asset should be something which can be calculated;
 the asset's value should not be subject to big changes over the loan period.

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Business assets which meet these criteria include buildings and stock. However, if the
business itself does not have sufficient value of security to back the loan, the personal assets
of the business owners might fill the gap.


Accounting is the presentation of information concerning the financial activities of the
In the modern business, though, the accounting function is not solely concerned with
recording that information and setting it out in particular accounts. It is concerned with
providing information, expressed in monetary terms, which will assist the whole of the
enterprise in achieving its chosen objectives, in the following ways:
 By looking at past actions and building on past experience.
 By projecting into the future to see the likely effect of following a certain course of
There are various groups of people (including the management or owners) who want or need
information about a business. We will look at these different groups shortly, but in order to be
able to meet the information needs of these groups, an accounting system has to be in
operation to produce information which is both reliable and accurate. The most basic
information required will cover:
 Whether the business is making a profit.
 What assets the business owns.
 What the business owes, and what is owed to the business.
The accounting system will usually provide much more information than this, and when you
study accounting elsewhere in your course, you should begin to appreciate that the
accounting system is a principal tool of management in planning and controlling future
business activities.
As well as recording and analysing the transactions of a business in order to provide
information to the various user groups, there are also some legal requirements to prepare
financial statements; for example, requirements in the Companies Act 2006. In addition,
Statements of Standard Accounting Practice (SSAPs) and Financial Reporting Standards
(FRSs) exist, requiring companies to prepare accounts conforming to particular requirements.

Accounting Requirements of the Companies Act

There is great formality about the records which companies must maintain as compared with,
say, the self-employed plumber or a partnership of two or three builders. Nevertheless, all
businesses must keep records for tax purposes in accordance with statutes.
A company must keep accounting records which are sufficient to give a clear indication of its
financial position at any time. The accounting records must be kept for three years in the
case of a private company, or six years otherwise, and they must show:
 Daily records of receipts and payments of moneys
 Details of assets and liabilities
 Stocktaking records at the end of the financial year
 With the exception of retail sales, clear indications of identities of the purchasers and
sellers of goods, as well as of the actual goods themselves.
From the above records, the following must be prepared at specific intervals:

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 A profit and loss account (or an income and expenditure account, if appropriate)
 A balance sheet (as at the date of the end of the period covered by the profit and loss
 An auditors' report (although there are exemptions for small companies where
accounts need not be audited)
 A directors' report
 Group accounts (if applicable).
Income and expenditure accounts are usually prepared by clubs, societies, etc., the main
object of which is not the earning of profits.

Users of Financial Statements

There are numerous groups who may be interested in the financial statements of a company.
 The owners (proprietor, partners or shareholders) will wish to know how well the
business is doing in order to ascertain how much money they can withdraw for their
own purposes. Shareholders are interested in their investment in the company and
therefore they require information on the company's profitability and the amount of
dividend to be distributed. Additionally they need to know about the company's
stability, liquidity and growth.
 The management of a business need up-to-date information about the financial
situation to enable them to assess how efficiently the business is being run, whether
objectives are being met, and also to aid them in their planning and control decisions.
(Note that in a small company the owners and management may be the same people.)
 Employees also need information about the business as the security of their
employment depends upon the financial state of the business. They require an
evaluation of the company's performance in order to assess the profitability and
liquidity, and thus the company's ability to meet wage increases. They are also
interested in the future prospects for growth, new products etc., to establish the
company's intentions on employment levels.
 Trade creditors require information on the company's ability to pay its bills and thus
need details on its liquidity.
 Suppliers will want to assess whether the enterprise can be given credit and to
forecast whether its expected growth pattern should warrant extra or less attention by
the sales staff.
 Providers of finance such as banks and debenture-holders need information on the
company's ability to pay interest and to repay any loans at their due date. As well as
the liquidity position, providers of finance may also require evidence of fixed assets as
 Customers need reassurance that the company is a secure source of supply and in no
danger of closing down. The company balance sheet will aid them in obtaining this
 The Inland Revenue will need information about the profits of the business to enable
any corporation tax or income tax due to be assessed. Customs and Excise will also
require information on VAT paid and received.
 Financial analysts and advisers require information for potential or existing investors.
Similarly, credit agencies need information to be able to advise potential suppliers on
the reliability of the business. Journalists also fall into this group in supplying
information to the public via their publications.

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 Investors will want to use current figures, combined with the results from past years, to
project what the future earnings will be. They will then decide whether to invest further,
to stay with an investment or to sell out.
 Finally, information is required by other companies to assess the strength of
competition or even to value a company for takeover on the grounds of estimated
future prospects.

Financial and Management Accounting

Although it is possible to use much of the same accounting information in all parts of the
business, the accounting function, and the systems which it provides, falls into two main
 Financial accounting – this is generally concerned with providing the information
necessary for decisions to be made external to the enterprise, e.g. by owners,
bankers, tax authorities and suppliers.
 Management accounting – this covers the supply of information that is internal to the
business and is used by the managers to check progress towards a given objective.
(a) Financial accounting
The financial accounts are meant to give a view of the business's overall financial
situation and are intended for the whole range of stakeholders, but most importantly,
the shareholders.
As financial accounting is involved with the external appraisal of the business, it does
not need to go into such fine detail as is often needed for internal management
information. This is not to say that it should be any less accurate; merely that a
broader outlook is taken. Additionally, certain requirements are specified in legislation
for financial accounts, such as the Companies Act 2006.
There are essentially three functions encompassed under the general heading of
financial accounting.
 Book-keeping – This is the recording of all the day-to-day transactions of the
 Accounting – This is the preparation of statements from the book-keeping
records to summarise the performance of the business, usually over the period of
one year.
The statement showing the progress through the year is known as the profit and
loss account; other names for this account are the revenue statement or
income statement, depending on the type of organisation or its location in the
world. An assessment of the current financial position is also needed, and this
will be shown through the balance sheet or financial statement.
The amount of detail and information which will be put into the accounts will
depend on the needs of the user, but the clarity will depend on the skill of the
 Interpretation – The accounts still need to be interpreted, even if only by
comparison with the results of the previous period, for a set of figures produced in
isolation as final accounts is meaningless. Is the profit showing an improvement?
Did the results come up to expectation? Is the profit showing an improvement?
Did the results come up to expectation? There must be comparison to find out,
and this forms a part of the interpretation process.

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(b) Management accounting

Management accounting is the preparation and presentation of accounting information
in such a way as to assist management in formulating policies and in planning and
controlling the business. Management accounting seeks to provide information which
will be used for decision-making purposes.
It is essentially concerned with the costs of business. Costing is a far more detailed
analysis of the business than financial accounting and involves isolating the separate
elements in the cost of manufacturing, trading or providing a service, in order to show
the cost of producing one item, one batch of a given number or some other convenient
and appropriate unit.
The major role of management accounting is not in the past but in the future through
the preparation of:
 Budgets – These are the financial plans for the next period.
 Forecasts – These are plans for further ahead.
 Future strategy – The strategy of the enterprise can be planned and the validity
of various alternative projects found and appraised through information derived
from the system.

In this final section, we shall consider the structure, role and relationship between the two
main statements contained in the financial accounts – the profit and loss statement and
balance sheet.
We shall use an extended example to examine the issues involved. This will be through the
accounts of a private limited company – a joinery firm which manufactures a range of
products such as bookcases and hi-fi stands for sale to retailers. The business was set up in
1998 and the accounts below are for the most recent twelve-month period. All businesses
must produce accounts once a year, although some larger companies also produce interim
figures more frequently. This particular business uses an accounting year which runs from 1
July in one year to 30 June in the next.

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The Profit and Loss Statement

The profit and loss statement for Petal Joinery is set out below.
Petal Joinery Ltd
Profit and Loss Account for Year Ended 30 June 200X

£ £
Sales 564,901
Opening stock 74,220
Purchases 255,632
less Closing stock 76,175
Cost Of Sales 253,677
Direct labour 120,000
Total Direct Cost 373,677
Gross Profit 191,224
Indirect Costs (overheads)
Salaries 80,000
Distribution 17,261
Administration 16,647
Other indirect costs 4,008
Depreciation 15,000
Total Indirect Costs 132,916
Net Profit (before Interest and Tax) 58,308
Interest 3,800
Net profit (after interest but before tax) 54,508
Tax 11,446
Net Profit after Interest and Tax 43,062

Proposed dividend 12,000

Retained profit 31,062

The first thing to notice is that this account covers the whole year and shows a summary of
all the flows of sales and costs over that time.
The account itself is not difficult to follow. It is in sections – starting with sales and then
showing the costs to be deducted, firstly direct costs then indirect costs. What is left of the
sales revenue after these deductions is net profit from which interest payments and tax
are deducted to find what is left for the company's shareholders.
We can now look at the main sections in turn.
 Sales
These refer to invoiced sales. The business has actually sold the goods and has
invoiced the buyer, but has not necessarily been paid yet
 Direct costs
These are costs which, as the name implies, are specifically linked to the making of the
product. There are usually two main direct costs – materials and labour.

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(a) Starting with materials, we can see that there was an opening stock of £74,220.
This was the stock which was left over at the end of the previous accounting year
and is, therefore, the stock the business started with this year. During the year,
the business will buy in new stock (called purchases) – for Petal, this comprises
wood, fasteners and packaging materials and amounts to £255,632. At the end
of the year, i.e. on 30 June, there will be some stock left over for the start of next
year (£76,175).
To find out how much stock was actually used this year to produce goods which
were sold to bring in the sales revenue of £564,901, we can do a simple
Opening stock
plus Purchases
less Closing stock
This gives us the figure of £ 253,677 which is called cost of sales. It represents
the value of materials used up in the year to get the sales.
(b) The other direct cost is labour. This will be the cost of hiring workers who are
directly concerned with making the product – essentially, shop floor workers. In
this example, the cost of employing them was £120,000.
If we add the cost of sales to the direct labour costs (£253,677 plus £120,000), we get total
direct cost. If this is deducted from sales revenues, we get £191,224 which is referred to as
gross profit.
We can define gross profit as sales revenue less direct costs.
 Indirect costs
Indirect costs, also known as overheads, are general business expenses. They apply
to virtually any business, whereas the direct costs apply only to this particular business.
The list of overheads varies from firm to firm, but there are some common features
such as salaries and distribution costs (the costs of getting the product to the
customers). There could well be others including rent, energy costs,
telecommunications bills and so on.
One item is of considerable importance and that is depreciation. Unlike most of the
other costs, depreciation does not involve any payment by the business.
Depreciation is the cost to the business of the wearing out or other reduction in the life
of an asset over time. An asset which may be subject to a depreciation charge is any
capital asset, such as a machine tool, a computer or a vehicle. For example, a new car
might be bought for £12,000, but in four years its value (what it could be sold for) might
have fallen to £5,000. Over three years, therefore, it has depreciated by £7,000, an
average of £1,750 per year. If the car was owned by a business for business use, the
cost of buying it (£12,000) would be spread over the expected life of the asset. In this
case, then, the company might depreciate the car at £1,750 per year. This
depreciation is treated as a cost. It represents how much of the value of the asset has
been used up in the year.
Businesses depreciate all fixed assets and charge the depreciation to that year's profit
and loss account as an indirect cost.
In the case of Petal Joinery, there is a depreciation charge of £15,000 on its fixed
The total indirect costs are deducted from the gross profit to arrive at net profit before
interest and tax. The figure here is £58,308.

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Interest in this case is £3,800 which leaves £54,508 as the profit on which the business pays
tax (in the UK, this is corporation tax). Tax has been deducted here at a notional rate of 21%
leaving a net profit after interest and tax of £43,062.
This profit belongs to the company's shareholders. However, they will not receive all of it as
dividend. Some will retained in the business. It will be the Board of Directors who will
make this decision. In this instance, the decision has been made to pay £12,000 in dividend
and retain the rest (£31,062) for investment in the company.

The Balance Sheet

A balance sheet is a statement of the assets and liabilities of the business at a given
moment in time. Petal Joinery's balance sheet at the end of their accounting year is as
Balance Sheet for Petal Joinery Ltd as at 30 June 200X

£ £ £
Fixed Assets 45,000
(original value less accumulated depreciation)
Current Assets
Stock 76,175
Debtor 88,537
Cash 18,608
Total Current Assets 183,320
Current Liabilities
Trade creditors 80,842
Tax 11,446
Proposed dividend 12,000
Total Current Liabilities 104,288
Net Current Assets 79,032
Total Net Assets 124,032

Financed by
Loan 12,000
Issued share capital 60,000
Profit and loss account 52,032
Total Capital Employed 124,032

The first thing to note is that the balance differs from the profit and loss statement in that the
P&L account covers the whole year, whereas the balance sheet is for one day only. It is, in
effect, a snapshot of the firm's assets and liabilities on this day (30 June). Tomorrow's
balance sheet will be different.
Initially, we need to be clear about what is meant by assets and liabilities:
 An asset is some thing of value owned by the business. It could be cash or machinery
or a claim on another business.

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 A liability is something which the business owes. This could be debts to suppliers or
the bank, or tax payments due to the Inland Revenue. These are all people or
organisations outside the business and include the firm's own shareholders. If you
recall the earlier discussion on incorporated businesses, companies have a legal
identity that is separate from the owners, and any funds invested in the business by the
shareholders are treated as a liability.
Balance sheets are so called because they always show the balance between assets and
liabilities, as well as the equality of the way in which they are financed.
Now we can go through the balance sheet section by section.
 Fixed assets
These assets include plant and machinery. The value shown in the balance sheet will
be the original value when new, less the accumulated depreciation since then. In
this case, the fixed assets are valued at £45,000 and this represents, essentially, what
they could be sold for. This figure will fall again in next year's balance sheet unless
some new assets are purchased.
The next part deals with current assets and current liabilities. The word current means
within twelve months. Thus, a current asset is one which will be converted into cash within
twelve months and, similarly, a current liability is a liability which must be paid within the year.
 Current assets
The current assets in this case are the normal ones to be found.
(a) Stock is the value of stock held at date of the balance sheet. It is the closing
stock figure from the profit and loss account.
(b) Debtors represent all the money owed to the company by customers who have
bought goods, but who have not yet paid for them. The balance sheet shows that
Petal is owed over £88,537 by its customers on 30 June. This is a current asset
because all of it should be paid within twelve months.
(c) Cash represents all the cash and cheque account balances held by the business
at the date of the balance sheet.
If the current assets are added up, they come to £183,320. The business should be
able to convert all these assets into cash within the year. (Note that £18,608 is already
 Current liabilities
Any business will have a number of current liabilities. For Petal, these consist of
£80,842 owing to trade creditors, plus £11,446 of tax owed to the government (for
Corporation Tax) and a further £12,000 to be paid out as dividends to the shareholders.
All of this will have to be paid out within the next twelve months. It totals £104,288.
 Net current assets
Net current assets are the surplus of current assets over current liabilities. If we
compare current assets and current liabilities we can see that
Current assets £183,320
Current liabilities £104,288

Surplus £79,032

This surplus shows that the business should have enough cash coming in the next year
to be able to pay all of its liabilities and leave something over. It could be said that it
seems to have a strong liquidity position.

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The Finance and Accounting Function 167

 Total net assets

If we add together the company's net current assets to its fixed assets, we get the
value of the total net assets belonging to the business.
 Financed by
If a business is holding net assets, they must be being financed in some way. The final
section of the balance sheet shows where this funding comes from.
Here we can see that £12,000 is financed by a loan, and the balance comes from the
amount shareholders contributed by buying shares (the issued share capital) plus the
accumulated retained profits which the business has made over the years (including
that shown in the current profit and loss account).
We can say that the shareholders have a total equity in the business of their
shareholding plus the retained profits figure. Bear in mind that all profits belong to the
shareholders, whether or not they have actually been paid to them as dividends. In this
case the shareholders have an equity stake of £60,000 plus £52,032 – a total of

Connections Between the Accounts

Although the profit and loss account and the balance sheet are different in that the former is
a statement of flows over time and the latter is a statement of the values of assets and
liabilities at a given moment in time, the two are connected.
Certain items from the profit and loss account also show up in the balance sheet:
 The closing stock figure in the profit and loss account becomes the current asset
stock figure.
 The dividend which has been decided on, but not actually paid, appears as a current
liability. It is money owed to shareholders.
 The same thing occurs with tax which appears as a current liability, indicating that the
tax will have to be paid within the next year.
 Less obvious is the treatment of the retained profit figure in the profit and loss
account. This will have been included in the profit and loss account item in the
"financed by" section of the balance sheet. If we had seen the previous year's balance
sheet, that figure would only have been £20,970, with the retained profit from this year
bringing it up to its present figure of £52,032.
Any day-to-day transaction will affect the balance sheet. For example, suppose a debtor
sends in a cheque for £5,000. In the balance sheet, the debtors figure will fall by £5,000, but
the cash figure will rise by £5,000. The balance sheet has changed, but it still balances.

Stakeholder Perspectives
We can now take a more detailed look at the way in which the various stakeholder interests,
which we reviewed earlier, may be satisfied from the final accounts. In each case, we shall
see that the accounts need to be interpreted to provide the information that they need.
 Shareholders
The interests of shareholders are profits, the size of the dividend and the share price.
The business is making a net profit of £58,308 before interest and tax. If interest is
deducted, we are left with a pre-tax profit of £54,508 which can be said to be
attributable to the shareholders.
The question is: is this satisfactory or not?

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168 The Finance and Accounting Function

One way of looking at the situation is to calculate the Return on Capital Employed
(ROCE). This is the profit as a percentage of the total capital invested in the business
by both shareholders and creditors. The total capital employed is £124,032 (see
"financed by" in the balance sheet). Thus, pre-tax profit as a proportion of total capital
employed is:
 100  43.94%
If we take the profit after tax (£43,062), the figure is 34.72%. This shows that, for every
£1 invested, the business is making 43.94 pence profit (pre-tax) or 34.72 pence (after
tax). Shareholders can compare this return with other possible investments to see if
this is satisfactory.
The dividend payable amounts to £12,000. If it is assumed that the issued share
capital of £60,000 is made up of 60,000 individual shares with a nominal value of £1,
then it can be said that the business is paying 20 pence per share in dividend.
As this is a limited company, there is no marketplace for the shares so the share price
cannot be calculated.
Overall, it might be thought that shareholders are doing well. Dividends are high as a
return on the nominal value of the shares and there will not be many investments doing
better that the 48.5% return on capital earned here. Having said that, it needs to be
borne in mind that this is a business and carries a degree of risk – a good performance
this year does not mean that the same will happen in the future.
 Directors and managers
There is no information in the accounts to indicate what the objectives and targets of
the business were for the year, and directors and managers are specifically concerned
with comparing outcomes with targets. However, there is still plenty of information for
the management of the organisation in these statements.
The profit figure seems satisfactory, but there are other ways of looking at this figure
which provide more pertinent information to the directors and management. In
particular, the ratio of profit to sales is important:
(a) Gross profit margin is the ratio of gross profit to sales. Gross profit is £191,224
and the business is making sales of £564,901. Gross profit therefore represents
33.8% of sales which means that for every £1 of sales the business is making
33.8 pence gross profit.
(b) Net profit margin is the ratio of net profit to sales. Net profit is £58,308, which
represents 10.3% of sales and so the business is making 10.3 pence profit on
every £1 of sales.
The difference between the two figures is the company's overheads. The directors and
management might possibly want to ask why there is such a gap between the gross
and net margins. If overheads could be cut then the net margin would increase.
Whether this is a problem in this case would depend on a range of factors, and it would
be useful to compare the figures with similar businesses elsewhere.
 Workforce
The wages of the shopfloor direct labour force amount to £120,000. Total direct and
indirect costs come to £506,593, so wages represent just over 23.5% of total costs.
Even if the wage bill was to rise by 10% to £132,000, wage costs as a proportion of the
total would only rise to 25.5%. The workforce and their trade unions might feel that a
pay rise could easily be afforded. Given the apparent strong financial position of the
business, this could be conceded without much risk of job losses.

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The Finance and Accounting Function 169

As far a salaried staff is concerned, they might take a similar position. However, their
salaries are part of overheads, and as we have seen, directors and management might
be looking to trim overheads.
 Suppliers (trade creditors)
Suppliers are predominately concerned with being paid and with ensuring continued
As far as being paid is concerned, the business seems to be in a strong liquidity
position. It has £18,608 in cash against trade debts of £80,842 but should receive over
£88,000 from debtors in the next twelve months. Furthermore there is current surplus
of current assets over current liabilities of £79,032.
Suppliers and creditors should feel secure.
 Banks and other finance providers
Institutions that lend money to businesses want to keep a regular check on the "risk"
associated with the loan and the ability of the firm to repay the debt and interest. They
can do this by analysing the short- and long-term "liquidity" of the business using ratios.
Short-term solvency can be assessed using:
(a) Current ratio
This measures how well a company's short-term assets cover its liabilities. The
ratio must be at least 1, but preferably between 1.5 and 2.
Current assets
Current ratio =
Current liabilities

Current ratio = = 1.76
(b) Acid test ratio
A better test of liquidity is the acid test ratio. This only uses current assets that
are easily converted into liquid funds such as cash and debtors. It ignores stock
which may prove difficult to convert to cash without offering a significant discount,
thus damaging profit margins. In general, the ratio must be at least 1, indicating
that the business can easily settle its short-term debts.
Current assets - Stock
Acid test ratio =
Current liabilities

£183,320 - £76,175
Acid test ratio = = 1.03
Long-term solvency can be assessed using gearing ratio. Long-term solvency
measures the ability to pay all of a firm's debts. Gearing measures the capital structure
of a business, i.e. the relationship between long-term liabilities and total capital
employed. High capital gearing would leave a firm prone to dangerously high interest
Long term liabilities
Gearing ratio = x 100%
Total capital employed

Gearing ratio = x 100% = 9.67%

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170 The Finance and Accounting Function

The business is financially sound as both of the short-term ratios meet the criteria and
the business is low geared.
 Competitors
All that can be said here is that competitors are likely to compare their own
performance with that of Petal Joinery. One method of doing so is benchmarking –
selecting certain performance indicators from other businesses against which to
judge your own performance. The gross and net profit margins are easy to work out
and would be one such indicator.
 The State
The main interest of the State in the final accounts, apart from a general interest in the
future well-being of the company, will be the position as regards tax liability. In
particular, there will a concern to ensure that the taxable profits of the company (net
profit after interest) are correctly reported and that the level of costs seems appropriate
to sales. One way in which this may be checked is to compare the accounts with those
of the previous year.

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Study Unit 9
The Human Resources Function

Contents Page

Introduction 173

A. Concept and Scope of Human Resource Management 174

From Personnel Management to HRM 174
HRM and Stakeholders 175
The Corporate Role of HRM 176
The Importance of HRM 176

B. Human Resource Planning 176

The Planning Process 177
HRP Strategies 179

C. Recruitment and Selection 182

The Vacancy 182
Recruitment Sources 183
The Application Process 186
The Selection Process 186
Employee Induction 188

D. Training and Development 189

The Organisational Context 189
What Is Training and Development? 190
Training Methods 192
Competency-Based Training 193
Professional Education 193

E. Motivation 194
Theories of Motivation 194
Motivational Factors at Work 197
Job Satisfaction 198

(Continued over)

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172 The Human Resources Function

F. Remuneration 199
Influences on Payment Policy 199
The Total Remuneration Package 201
Payment Structures 201
Performance-Related Pay 202

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The Human Resources Function 173

Human resource management (HRM) is the management of the various activities designed
to enhance the effectiveness of an organisation's workforce in achieving the organisation's
An organisation's workforce is its most valuable asset and, in many cases the most
expensive – particularly so in service organisations where there is less application of
machinery. It is vital, then, to both the performance of the organisation and the value for
money obtained from employing staff, that the organisation gets the best staff available,
deploys them suitably in appropriate jobs, ensures they have (and continue to have) the
knowledge and skills required, provides a working environment – including appropriate pay
and conditions of employment – which will encourage them to continue to work for the
organisation, and deals quickly and efficiently with any problems which occur in the
relationship between employers and employees.
In tackling these issues, the subject of HRM is generally divided into three distinct branches:
 employee resourcing, which is concerned with obtaining and retaining staff and their
deployment in jobs through the activities of planning, recruitment and selection, pay
and other rewards, and ensuring general working conditions which motivate and satisfy
 employee development, which is concerned with ensuring that employees' skills
remain relevant to the changing demands of work and that motivation is maintained;
 employee relations, which is concerned with reconciling conflict between the rights
and interests of employers and employees through the adoption of appropriate
strategies and procedures.
The key elements with which we shall be concerned in this unit are those covered by
employee resourcing and employee development.
Note that, whilst there is invariably a separate department in most organisations dealing with
HRM, the management of human resources is not something which is the property of such a
department. Rather, the principles and practices of HRM are an integral part of management
across the whole organisation.
When you have completed this study unit you will be able to:
 Distinguish between personnel management and HRM, and describe the range of
activities encompassed by HRM and its importance to the business and to the
stakeholders of the business.
 Describe the objectives of human resources planning and explain the processes
 Explain the processes whereby new staff are recruited into an organisation and identify
the objectives of each stage.
 Explain the role of training and development in assisting an organisation to meet its
objectives and describe the ways in which training and development can be carried out.
 Outline the main approaches to understanding motivation and identify the factors which
may be said to motivate staff at work.
 Discuss the assertion that pay is a great motivator with reference to principal theorists.
 Describe the range of payment systems.
 Define and calculate labour turnover.

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174 The Human Resources Function


Every organisation, whether large or small, has employees who work hard to secure and
maintain its position in the marketplace. Each employee has his/her own wants and needs:
the need to be paid for work completed; the need to be looked after while at work; the need
to be motivated, etc.
Traditionally these needs and wants have been met by a "personnel" department, but there
has been a gradual change. The late 1980s and early 1990s saw the advent of the concept
of HRM. This has similarities with traditional personnel management, insofar as it is
concerned with employees' needs at work – but it has a much harder, business-like facet to
it. HRM recognises employees as resources who should be treated like any other resource
within the company. This includes having the capacity to respond to the mission, goals,
objectives and strategy of the company, to cope with peaks and troughs in demand and
production, and to adapt quickly and effectively to change.

From Personnel Management to HRM

The re-orientation of the function may be seen in the following two definitions, both by
Torrington and Hall (1998):
 Personnel management is "workforce-centred, directed mainly at an organisation's
employees, finding and training them, arranging for them to be paid ... satisfying
employees' work-related needs, dealing with their problems and seeking to modify
management action that could produce an unwelcome employee response."
 HRM is "resource-centred, directed mainly at management needs for human resources
(not necessarily employees) to be provided and deployed. Demand rather than supply
is the focus of the activity. There is greater emphasis on planning, monitoring and
control rather than mediation."
Traditionally, personnel management was seen as having an essentially "nurturing" role,
which included, as the above definition suggests, looking after the needs of the employee. It
was also seen as a "mediator" between management and employees, bridging the gap
between both parties. Because of this some managers tended not to view personnel as a
legitimate management function and, as a consequence, did not give it the respect it
HRM is more concerned with the corporate needs of the company, as opposed to employees'
needs. It is seen as the strategic arm of the overall personnel management function and is
very much geared to viewing employees as resources to be deployed and utilised just like
any other resource. HRM is resource-centred and ensures that each department within the
company is provided with human resources that have the right skills, qualifications and
experience. However, these human resources do not necessarily have to be core
employees (directly employed by the company), but may be peripheral workers (contract and
agency staff, part-time staff, etc.).
The importance of HRM as a corporate function which is central to the success and longevity
of the company is shown by the organisation chart of senior management in a typical
company in Figure 9.1. Here, the function is an equal member of the management team.
Indeed, it will invariably be represented at board level.
As with other corporate functions, HRM has its own role to play in overall strategy
formulation. It also works to ensure that all the corporate functions are resourced with
skilled, qualified and experienced human resources.

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The Human Resources Function 175

Chief Executive

Manufacturing HRM Sales Research &


Marketing Finance Administration

Figure 9.1: HRM in the Corporate Structure

HRM and Stakeholders

HRM exists within an organisation to serve the interests of both internal and external
stakeholders. Increasingly, these stakeholders are being viewed as customers and they all
have their own expectations of the "service" they expect HRM to provide.
 Senior management
At the corporate level, management will expect the HRM function to contribute to the
achievement of corporate strategy by deploying the appropriate resources to facilitate
the implementation of its strategic choices, devising and implementing policies and
procedures, and leading the implementation of change.
 Line management
At the operational level, managers expect HRM to provide them with accurate advice,
guidance and "service", such as resourcing their departments with appropriately
qualified and experienced employees.
 Employees and trade unions
The workforce in general expect the HRM function to facilitate the provision of good
working conditions and terms and conditions of employment, including equality of
treatment and opportunity and rewarding jobs.
The trade unions, as representatives of the workforce, will expect HRM to encourage
management to adopt employee participation (involving employees in decision-making
and problem-solving by means of quality circles and joint consultative committees).
We could also include here the interests of potential employees who may expect HRM
to provide them with appropriate information about the job for which they are applying
(within a reasonable time limit) and to practise good and fair recruitment and selection
 Suppliers and customers
External organisations and individuals doing business with the organisation will expect
HRM to provide customer service training for front line staff; to recruit "good"
employees in order to produce high quality products and provide good quality of
service; and to maintain employee harmony that ensures a strike-free environment.
 Government bodies/agencies
The State will expect HRM to help the organisation comply with legislation and meet its
legal and moral obligations (such as liaison with the Inland Revenue, Employment
Service, registration for VAT, compliance with health and safety legislation, etc.).

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176 The Human Resources Function

The Corporate Role of HRM

All these stakeholders expect a high level of service, and considering the range of
expectations that the HRM function must meet provides an extended statement of the role of
HRM. As can be seen, it overarches every corporate function in the company.
In particular, human resource specialists carry out the following roles:
 Planning – formulating human resource plans to facilitate the acquisition, utilisation,
development and retention of human resources and contributing to corporate strategy
formulation at board level.
 Corporate management– participating in negotiations with trade unions, formulating
procedural agreements (policies for negotiation rights, procedures for discipline and
grievance handling, etc.) and substantive agreements (policies for terms and conditions
of employment, sickness pay, etc.).
 Advisory service – advising line managers on the implementation of HRM policies
and procedures.
 Service provider – providing recruitment services to line managers, arranging training
and development, counselling employees and dealing with problem people, etc.

The Importance of HRM

HRM is important because its actions directly affect the labour force. Satisfied workers will
be loyal and are less likely to seek employment elsewhere. Dissatisfied workers will actively
seek new employment, leading to a higher labour turnover.
An increase in labour turnover indicates that employees are dissatisfied with management,
dissatisfied with working conditions or are unhappy about the rate of pay. Whatever the
reason, a firm should be concerned because replacing employees on a regular basis is
costly in terms of time and money. Every replacement results in recruitment costs such as
advertising, interviewing and induction training. Departing employees represent lost skill and
lost investment in training and expertise. These can only be replaced once the new recruits
have gained sufficient experience.
Labour turnover is the rate at which employees leave a business. In its simplest form, labour
turnover can be calculated using the equation:
Number of employees leaving
x 100%
Total workforce
To keep labour costs down, the turnover in staff must be minimised. This can be achieved
with effective human resource planning (HRP).


HRP is the process which sets out to ensure that an organisation has the right quantity and
quality of employees doing the right things in the right place at the right time and at the right
cost to the organisation.
HRP has been defined as a technique to facilitate the acquisition, utilisation, development
and retention of a company's human resources. These resources are considered by some to
be the organisation's most valuable asset and, therefore, need to be utilised in the right way,
for the right remuneration, in the right job, at the right time. The "hard" side of HRM dictates
that human resources should be treated like any other resource in the company. As such,
mechanisms need to be in place to ensure that the appropriate supply of staff is available
when required.

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The Human Resources Function 177

Failing to establish a correct balance between the supply of, and demand for, labour in an
organisation can lead to either:
 shortage of staff – if a business employs fewer staff than it requires, it is unlikely to be
able to meet its production and sales targets, machinery and stock will be unused, and
its trading profit is likely to be reduced; or
 surplus of staff – a business which finds itself employing more staff than it needs will
incur wage and salary costs which cannot be funded by using such staff in productive
forms of activity.
These and other problems occur regularly in business, as employers have to adjust their
trading plans in accordance with continual changes in marketplace conditions. HRP cannot
protect an organisation from the need to adjust its personnel policies in response to changes
in the marketplace. It can, however, provide for a more orderly adjustment, by attempting to
identify in advance the trends in demand and supply of staff which indicate whether future
needs should be met by recruitment and training of new staff – or, alternatively, by reducing
the size of the workforce. The importance of HRP is that it provides the means of ensuring
that personnel policies and their objectives are properly integrated into the business policies,
goals and objectives.

The Planning Process

The process of HR planning is complex, but in its simplest form it centres around three main
(a) forecasting the demand for staff within the various corporate functions. It entails
analysing the information and determining the number and types of staff that will be
needed at any given time.
(b) identifying the supply of labour available in terms of the demand for particular
numbers of staff with specified skills and other attributes (for example, location).
(c) bringing together the demand and supply in a planned, proactive manner to ensure
that corporate functions are staffed with the right people at the right time, basically on
demand from department/line managers, in order to meet the peaks and troughs in the
company's day-to-day operations.
The process can be seen as comprising four stages, as discussed below. Each of these is
carried out on an ongoing basis. HRP can never be the kind of exercise which is carried out,
put into effect, and left for five years. In order to be of value it must be maintained and
adjusted to take account of new trends as they emerge. The forecasts which are made at
any given time can never be a precise prediction of what will happen to either the demand or
supply of labour. Policies based on such forecasts cannot therefore be maintained
indefinitely; they must be adjusted as new information becomes available.
 Analysis of existing resources
This will create a profile of the workforce, based on certain characteristics which are
relevant for planning purposes.
An accurate picture of the composition of the workforce and analyses of important
features of its deployment, such as absence and overtime, are essential in HR
planning. The information which is required falls into the following main categories:
(a) Inventories of existing workforce – a statistical analysis of the number of
employees, divided into different categories.
(b) Staff turnover – an analysis of the rates at which staff are leaving employment
and of trends in the characteristics of staff turnover.

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178 The Human Resources Function

(c) Costs – personnel policies should, where possible, be based on information

which identifies the cost implications of alternative courses of action. It is, for
instance, useful to know at which point recruitment becomes more cost-effective
than increased overtime working.
(d) Use of staff – in many cases a raw headcount of numbers employed is
inadequate as a basis for planning future personnel policies as this must take
account of the objective of improving efficiency in the use of staff. For this
purpose, information relating to the way in which staff work is needed, including
overtime working, absenteeism, ineffective or wasted time and efficiency in the
use of labour.
 HR demand forecasting
The HR demand forecast is an estimate of the numbers of staff required in order to
carry out the level of business or service which is anticipated. The basis of this
forecast should be an analysis of the staffing requirements necessary for the
organisation to succeed in achieving its business objectives, taking into account the
requirements of the corporate plan.
This will be done using the workforce profile and adjusting it to define overall numbers,
skills and attributes of the human resources needed in the future.
 HR supply forecasting
The supply of labour will depend on the availability of suitable staff who can be
recruited from outside the organisation and the potential for developing existing
employees to meet new requirements. This means assessing the internal and external
labour market.
The composition of the existing internal labour market is given by the workforce profile.
From the point of view of the future supply of labour, that profile needs to identify:
(a) The age breakdown of employees and the relevant concentration in each of the
departments. The company will also need to determine whether there are any
imbalances in age (such as a large number of older workers against young
workers and school leavers).
(b) The gender breakdown of employees and the relevant concentration in each
department. This will identify any gender imbalance (more men in relation to
women). The same applies to ethnic groups.
(c) The breakdown of skills, giving an indication of the existing skills within the
organisation and highlighting any areas of skills shortage (training and
development or external recruitment may be necessary to meet these shortages).
(d) Succession planning, which will determine the type and calibre of managers
available to succeed senior or middle managers who retire or leave.
If the company does not have the internal human resources that it needs to continue its
operations, it must look to the external labour market. The external labour market is
basically a "pool" of potential employees into which an organisation can tap. The
external labour market can be local, national or international and take into account
factors such as:
(a) The breakdown of the population in an area – covering issues such as class, age
and gender, social mobility, etc.
(b) The breakdown of skills, qualifications, etc.
(c) The number of school leavers available and eligible to apply for jobs.

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The Human Resources Function 179

(d) How other companies compete for available labour and the type of package (pay,
benefits and incentives) they are prepared to offer individuals in order to attract
(e) Unemployment in a particular area (areas of high unemployment may not be a
good thing – the available labour may not have the skills employers want).
 HR plan
By bringing together information obtained from the first three stages, an analysis of the
action required to bridge the gap between the demand forecast and the supply forecast
is made.
The options for this are considered in the next section.

HRP Strategies
Once the company has analysed its position in terms of the current level of staff and the
likely number it will need to secure the continuation of its operations, it will determine whether
it has a surplus or deficiency of staff. If demand for the company's goods/products or
services falls and leads to a drop in output, a surplus of staff may be identified. Companies
can make contingencies for both a shortage and a surplus of staff.
 A shortage of staff
There are a number of options for dealing with this situation:
(a) Promote, transfer or second internally
(b) Recruit externally
(c) Redeploy or retrain staff
(d) Increase the number of part-time staff
(e) Use agency staff
(f) Extend temporary or fixed-term contracts
(g) Offer employees the opportunity to work overtime
(h) Re-design jobs – for example, if you normally have five staff in a category where
there is a scarcity of skilled employees, it may be possible to remove routine,
undemanding tasks from the jobs and reduce the complement of skilled staff to
four; you can then create one new job for an assistant with a less demanding
specification which will not present recruitment difficulties.
These strategies will be reflected in a number of plans and policies:
(i) Recruitment plans for each part of the organisation for planning the hiring of staff
from internal and external sources, specifying numbers required in each category,
and provision of the necessary resources.
(ii) Training and development plans specifying numbers of staff in various categories
who will require training, what kinds of courses are required, and resources
(iii) Developing a policy of exit interviews with a view to finding out why employees
leave the company; this may, in the long term, lead to a reduction in labour
 A surplus of staff
The options where this situation applies are as follows.

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(a) Stopping recruitment – putting a freeze on any further recruitment externally,

either in specified types of staff or across the board.
(b) Using natural wastage – as workers leave they are not replaced.
(c) Seeking redeployment/transfers – employers have a statutory obligation to seek
alternative employment for employees whose jobs are threatened by redundancy.
Restrictions on the mobility of staff, both geographically and occupationally, inhibit
the scope for redeploying staff, but the prospects should be investigated.
(d) Encouraging early retirements – staff inventories can indicate the numbers of
staff members due to retire at normal dates and the potential number who might
consider retiring earlier. This can be an expensive way of reducing staff
numbers, if compensation for reduced pension entitlement is provided.
(e) Reducing overtime – a substantial amount of overtime may be worked on a
regular basis. It makes good sense to reduce, or even eliminate, this work, if
there are risks that some employees will be made redundant. Trade unions may
react to a threat of redundancies by banning overtime work anyway.
(f) Implementing short-time working – this option is often used in manufacturing
companies. It involves putting the workforce on a reduced working week for a
limited period, in the hope that business will improve and redundancies can be
avoided. It is unlikely that short-time working can be sustained for longer than a
few months but, in some instances, this may be all that is required to survive a
lean period. Declaring redundancies and then needing to recruit staff in a few
months' time is embarrassing and costly.
(g) Reducing subcontracted work – some companies do not rely entirely on their own
workforces but subcontract a proportion of work which they are capable of
undertaking. When the jobs of their own employees are threatened, they can
reduce the amount of subcontracted work.
(h) Redundancy: involving permanently reducing staffing levels (known as
downsizing) and laying off members of the existing workforce. The process may
be voluntary or compulsory. Whilst this course of action is often a last resort and
is certainly drastic for the staff concerned, companies may be able to take the
opportunity to restructure the remaining staff and make operations more efficient
and productive.
In order to cope with peaks and troughs in demand many organisations are now adopting
flexible working methods. Such methods enable organisations to make more efficient use
of their human resources, and give employees a certain degree of flexibility in their jobs. The
organisation of job flexibility is the responsibility of the HR department, in negotiation with the
union (to ensure good employee relations are maintained). It is a major change that may
have far-reaching implications for the organisation, not just its employees.
The main methods of flexible working include the following.
(a) Overtime
This allows companies to cover peaks in production by offering premium payments
(such as time and a half or double time) to employees, for work over and above their
normal working hours. However, overtime working can be open to abuse, with some
employees working more slowly during the day to ensure that there is the need to work
(b) Flexi-time
Flexi-time gives employees the opportunity to determine when they come in to work
and when they go home (within certain parameters). "Core time" is the time when
employees are required to be at work (usually between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm). For

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example, if their normal working week is 37 hours, individuals can determine the hours
they work during each working day, around the core time, as long as the hours at the
end of the week add up to 37. Companies usually have a recording mechanism to
ensure that employees do not abuse the flexi-system.
Developments from flexi-time systems include monthly or annualised hours systems,
where workers are required to work particular numbers of hours or days over the
period, but exactly when may be determined by either the staff themselves or the
(c) Shift working
Shift working allows the production process to be ongoing so that the factory
environment never really shuts down (apart from during holiday periods). It effectively
optimises the utilisation of employees and machinery.
Different types of shift working systems include:
(i) The Continental System
Organisations are increasingly moving over to a continental pattern of shift-
working. It involves employees working a rota such as two mornings followed by
two nights followed by two or three rest days. In some companies it means 12-
hour shifts on each occasion worked, but it means that employees have "rest
days" to catch up on lost sleep, etc. It is a popular option with some companies
as it gives employees variety, and also means that staff have more time to spend
with their families and on leisure activities.
(ii) Three Shift System
Here employees work a pattern of three shifts: mornings (7 am to 2 pm),
afternoons (2 pm to 10 pm) and nights (10 pm to 7 am). When employees work
the night shift they usually work four nights (Monday to Thursday inclusive) and
go home on Friday morning. Friday nights are left free. As you can imagine the
night shift (as well as shift working per se) puts enormous psychological and
physical stress on individuals.
(d) Teleworking
Teleworking involves working from home, with employees being linked to their
employers by computer, telephone and sometimes fax. The benefits of teleworking
(i) Allowing single parents to work from home, thus fitting their work around looking
after their children.
(ii) Enabling disabled people to work from home, thus reducing the discrimination
they may face in the workplace.
(iii) Savings in accommodation costs for the employer.
(iv) A possible reduction in stress, as teleworkers do not have to commute to work
and therefore do not run the risk of getting stuck in traffic jams etc.
(e) Home working
Home working affords individuals the same benefits as teleworking and may include
freelance or self-employed workers such as market researchers, graphic artists and
editors. Homeworkers can also include mobile hairdressers, financial consultants, etc.
(f) Job share
Jobshare allows individuals to, quite literally, share jobs. This is ideal for people who
want responsibility but only want to work half the hours. Tasks are shared equally

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between job-holders, which increases personal flexibility for workers, but there may be
practical difficulties of liaison between the two part-time staff members in some cases.
The earnings are also shared. This is, clearly, a limiting factor to many staff who are
dependent on income from full-time employment. Job-sharing is most likely to appeal
to staff who have domestic commitments and thus prefer part-time work to full-time
work, or to older employees who may regard part-time work as a compromise between
full-time work and retirement.


People are the most important aspect in any business and management should make every
effort to get the right people in the right jobs at the right time. For a company to stay
competitive it must recruit and retain an efficient and effective team of employees.
The selection of staff may be carried out by many people in an organisation. Large
organisations have HR departments to handle part of the process, whilst smaller ones rely on
individual managers or supervisors to select their own staff. Whatever the size of the
organisation, a manager will have a contribution to make in the area of recruitment. In a
large enterprise, the HR department will place advertisements and carry out the preliminary
selection procedures, but they will still need input from individual managers in order to
produce accurate job descriptions and to make final choices of suitable candidates. In a
smaller enterprise a manager may have to complete the whole process him- or herself.
Whatever the input required of a manager in choosing staff, it is an important skill and it can
be costly for the organisation if the wrong staff are selected.

The Vacancy
Recruitment is necessary when either an existing employee leaves or a new position is
created. Whatever the reason, organisation analysis should be completed to assess whether
there really is a vacancy or whether the work could be done somewhere else.
Reorganisation of work or training could solve the problem. Alternatively, we can see if there
are any existing staff who could fill the position as it is probably better for organisations to try
to recruit internally. This approach has two benefits:
 It is cheaper, and
 It allows the organisation to train and develop staff into the existing culture.
Alternatively, new positions may be part of a strategic manpower plan; if so, this should be
checked to make sure it is still current.
The context of the job should be clarified. Where does it fit into the existing structure relative
to grades, pay and reporting lines? Is it clear what the recruitment procedure will be? Note
that many organisations in the UK promise staff that all vacancies will be notified internally
first (usually with a proviso saying "where appropriate").
Apart from this organisational context, the job itself must be considered:
 Job analysis is the process of collecting and analysing information about the tasks,
responsibilities and the context of jobs. The objective of this exercise is to report this
information in the form of a written job description. Job analysis and job descriptions
are used in both HRP (defining the requirements of the organisation) and training
needs analysis (to determine the training gap between the requirements of the job and
the skills of the individual).
Job analysis information is also used in the recruitment and selection process, since
the applicant needs to know details about the job, and the organisation uses the
relevant information to define the individual characteristics which are required to do the

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job satisfactorily. Job analysis can therefore considerably assist the effectiveness of
the process of matching individuals to jobs.
 Job descriptions are used in the recruitment process to set the parameters of the job.
A good job description covers the total requirements of the job: the who, what, where,
when and why. The key elements are as follows:
(a) The job title
(b) To whom the job-holder reports (possibly including an organisation chart to show
where the job fits in)
(c) Primary objective or overview – the job's main purpose
(d) Key tasks
(e) How the responsibilities are to be carried out
(f) Extent of responsibility
A job description may also include key contacts and basic conditions of work.
 The person specification identifies the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to
perform the tasks and duties identified in the job description. Careful analysis of the
job requirements enables the parameters to be set of the person required so that the
essential and desirable requirements can be identified.

Recruitment Sources
When authorisation to recruit has been granted, and job and person specifications have been
prepared, there is, first of all, a basic choice to be made as to whether applicants for
employment should be sought from within the organisation or whether it will be necessary to
recruit from any one or more of a number of external sources.
 Internal sources
The mechanics of contacting internal candidates are quite straightforward – details can
be put on a notice board, or published by means of a circular – in any organisation
which employs staff in a number of different offices. There are several advantages in
recruiting staff internally, as well as several disadvantages.
The advantages are:
(a) It is cheap. Few direct costs are incurred.
(b) The advice of managers who know the applicants can be obtained. Written
comments may be available if a performance appraisal system is in operation.
(c) Offering promotion to staff is a good policy. It helps to satisfy their ambitions,
encourages them to seek promotion and may help to motivate the workforce to
greater effort.
The disadvantages are:
(a) For many jobs, particularly those that are highly specialised, the number of
applicants from internal sources is likely to be limited. If recruitment is only
internal, the manager may then be required to accept an applicant who is less
(b) Delays sometimes result from the fact that a whole series of replacements have
to be recruited, starting from a vacancy at the lowest level.
(c) Although there may be a motivational effect from offering promotion to some staff,
there may also be a sense of grievance in those who are unsuccessful.

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 External sources
There are several external recruitment sources which may be used, either on their own
or in combination. No single source is better or worse than the others. Managers must
evaluate each source in relation to its merits for particular vacancies.
(a) Advertising
Many jobs are filled in response to advertisements. To be successful, the
advertisement should be well-worded and placed in an appropriate medium. The
choice of medium depends on the nature of the job, i.e. low-grade clerical jobs in
local weekly newspapers, more specialised jobs in regional or national papers
and sometimes in trade and professional journals. The cost and delay will be
greater for these higher-grade positions.
(b) Job Centres
These are located in High Street shopping centres and they act as an
intermediary, introducing prospective applicants to employers who have notified
vacancies to the Job Centre. The service is provided free of charge.
Administrative, professional and technical posts are dealt with by a separate wing
of the public employment service, known as PER.
(c) Agencies
Private employment agencies may operate on a nationwide or on a local basis
and usually work on a "no placement, no fee" basis. Introductions are made to
employers and, if and when applicants are employed on a permanent basis, a fee
is charged which is usually a proportion of the starting salary. The service can be
quick but is expensive. Most agencies specialise in a particular type of vacancy.
Agencies have grown in importance in recent years and have the advantage of
reducing costs in the recruitment process and providing specialist recruitment
staff. However, the disadvantage is a loss of control over who is shortlisted and
(d) Consultants (headhunters)
This type of agency is more expensive and is used for more demanding and high-
ranking positions. The service provided usually includes advertising and
preparing a profile. Preliminary interviews are carried out and a small number of
applicants, well matched to the profile, are presented to the client.
(e) Universities and colleges
When the recruitment is for recently qualified graduates, it makes sense to
contact the educational establishments directly. Most universities and colleges
operate careers services, providing introductions to employers free of charge.
(f) Careers offices
These are a good source of school-leaver applicants for appropriate vacancies.
(g) Casual enquiries
These occur where applicants write or call. It is a free source and applicants can
be provided quickly.
(h) Recommendations
These may be made by existing employers and other contacts and are often a
cheap and quick source of new staff.
There is, however, a potential problem in that the people recommended are likely
to be of the same social and ethnic groups as existing staff. Therefore you may

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be preventing the same diversity from appearing as you would expect to find in
the local environment. An individual who could do the job but who is from a
different social/ethnic group could claim that he or she has suffered racial
discrimination if recruitment is mainly by way of recommendation.
 Which source?
The choice of recruitment sources for particular vacancies should take account of
factors such as:
(a) The speed with which it is necessary to fill the vacancies.
Time is a difficult element to manage in the recruitment process. How long does
it take to fill a vacancy? This will depend on various factors such as:
(i) The method chosen for attracting candidates:
If advertising a vacancy, the time which can elapse between booking
advertising space in the next edition of a publication and the advert
appearing can vary significantly depending on the publication chosen, e.g.
daily, weekly, monthly.
If internal recruitment or word of mouth is used the replacement can be
found almost instantly.
(ii) The interview procedure used – for example, a single interview, or a series
of different interviews or tests.
(iii) The period of notice that the successful candidate is required to work at
their previous place of employment.
(iv) It is possible that no suitable candidates apply at the first attempt and you
have to wait until you can find a suitable person for the job. In some
industries there are only certain times of the year when people change
jobs, e.g. in education, where term-time is static, and in travel where jobs
are seasonal, etc.
(b) The costs involved.
Cost is an important element in effective recruitment. At one end of the scale,
word-of-mouth methods of attracting candidates cost nothing, whilst using
headhunters or recruitment consultants costs a percentage of salary (and as this
method is only likely to be used for top positions this means a considerable
amount of money). Once candidates have been attracted, time must be spent
screening, selecting for interview, interviewing and testing them. There is a
significant time cost tied up in these procedures.
There is also the cost of work which is lost or productivity which falls due to staff
being involved in the selection process and not having as much time to spend on
their usual tasks. The position which is being filled may be empty for a time
during the recruitment process and this may cause loss of production or a drop in
(c) Making sure you have selected the right person for the job.
Quality should not be compromised without careful consideration. It is not always
possible to employ the perfect person for the job but it is definitely a mistake to
take on a person who is clearly unsuitable just because the constraints of time or
money have put the pressure on. It would be better to leave the position unfilled
and use a contingency plan until a suitable candidate turns up. It may also be
worth thinking again about the vacancy and the duties involved; it may be better
to reallocate duties and move people around internally to create an alternative
vacancy which should be easier to fill with a good candidate.

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The Application Process

Once potential candidates have become aware that a position that interests them is available
with a company the process of application begins. The form of application is important as it
should enable the candidate to present him/herself in the best possible light in relation to the
job description and person specification. It should also enable the recruiting organisation to
screen applicants in respect of the same criteria and make an initial selection of possible
candidates from all those who apply. This process is called shortlisting and those selected
at this stage will go on to the final selection procedure.
There are number of types of application – the one chosen will depend on the type of job on
offer and the expected number of applicants.
 By application form: A standard or specifically designed application form is completed
by candidates. The application form is obtained by written or email request, telephone
request, collection from the premises, etc.
 By curriculum vitae with covering letter: A candidate may be asked to send a CV
with a letter outlining what makes him or her interested in, and suitable for, the position.
 In person: Some unskilled jobs are filled on a first-come first-served basis, with
candidates presenting themselves at the premises and being employed on the spot,
subject to basic suitability and eligibility checks.
 By telephone: It is common for candidates' initial contact to be by telephone. The
candidate gets the opportunity to find out more about the position and the company has
an opportunity to make initial selections.
 By open forum: This is when all interested candidates are invited to attend a forum
where further details of the position will be given. Candidates will then often complete
application forms or be involved in other selection procedures at the same meeting.
Whichever of these methods is chosen, it is usually only a first step and a basis for
separating those candidates with potential from those who would seem to be unsuitable.
The first step in screening the applications is to reject applicants who do not meet the
minimum requirements. These applicants should be contacted as early as possible and
informed that you do not intend to pursue their application. This communication should be
professional and polite, as should all dealings with the applicants. Although they may not be
suitable on this occasion, they or their friends may be just what you are looking for next time,
and, of course, they may be customers or other people with an interest in the organisation,
like local residents or even shareholders.
How you decide to proceed next will depend on the number of suitable applicants, the
timescale involved, and the resources available to spend on the selection process. If there
are a few applicants who meet or exceed the minimum requirements, then it would probably
be appropriate to pursue all of their applications, but if the organisation is swamped with
apparently suitable applications then further sifting out is necessary before any candidates
can be given individual personal attention.

The Selection Process

The decision on who will be selected for any particular job will rest on a variety of contributory
factors. The candidates' experience and qualifications must be assessed in a relatively
objective way, based on factual information. The skill in selection comes with making correct
decisions in the less factual areas where objectivity can be difficult. Is the person reliable
and adaptable? Will they get along with their colleagues? Is their motivation for applying the
right motivation? You cannot avoid your personal tastes and opinions contributing to the way
you react to individual candidates, but you should try to remain as objective as possible.
There are a number of established techniques for selecting candidates.

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 Selection tests
Practical tests are common when recruiting for a position where an easily tested skill
is required, such as certain secretarial skills or the ability to speak a foreign language.
If a test is to be used as part of the selection process it is usual to advise candidates of
this in advance.
Psychological tests are used to assess aspects of a candidate such as motivation,
personality type and attitudes. Such tests have been prepared by psychologists and
are available commercially for use by companies in their selection process. The results
of such tests must be treated with caution and those involved in the application of the
tests and in the interpretation of the results should be fully trained.
 References
It is usual to take up a person's references once primary selection has been made as a
way of confirming choice or doing a final check on a candidate. References can be
helpful but again they must be treated with caution. There is usually an unknown factor
with references because you do not know the precise relationship between referee and
candidate. A reference may be:
(a) Biased in favour of the candidate due to a personal friendship
(b) Biased against the candidate due to a personal dislike
(c) Biased in favour of the candidate because the referee wants to get rid of them!
(d) Biased against the candidate because the referee wants to keep them!
(e) Impartial and accurate
You may get a more informative reference if you telephone the referee; in this way you
may be able to form a better impression of the referee's true opinion of the candidate.
It is important not to take up a reference without the applicant's consent.
 Interviews
Interviews are still the principal method of selection. The most widely quoted definition
of interviewing is a very simple one which states that "an interview is a conversation
with a purpose". The purpose is normally to exchange information and the term
"exchange" implies that the flow of information is a two-way one – it provides an
opportunity to collect information from the candidate as to his/her suitability for the job
as well as to give information to him/her about it.
There are basically two forms of interview:
(a) Panel interviews – This involves a team of interviewers meeting the candidate
together. It is less time-consuming and more administratively convenient than the
alternative explained below. The experience is intimidating for candidates,
however, and it is difficult to pursue in-depth questioning.
(b) One-to-one interviews – Candidates are interviewed by a single interviewer, or
undergo a series of different one-to-one interviews with each member of the
interviewing team (sequential interviewing). This approach is more likely to allow
thorough and rigorous questioning, and should encourage candidates to relax
and talk freely. It can, however, prove awkward to timetable such arrangements if
several interviewers are involved.
Interview time should be spent discussing those matters which are relevant to the
application. This will normally mean concentrating on the following points:
(a) Evidence of the applicant's ability to do the job as defined by the job description
and the person specification, usually building on information supplied during the
application process.

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(b) Evidence of the applicant's motivation in applying for the job, which is one issue
that can only be assessed by interview questioning.
(c) Provision of information about the organisation, the job and the terms and
conditions of employment on which the applicant might be engaged.
It is very important to avoid personal bias and assumptions about the candidates during
interviews. In particular, in discussing personal details, care should be taken to avoid
infringing the provisions of the Sex Discrimination Act.
Once the selection procedure has been completed, it is time to make a choice between the
candidates who have shown that they are suitable for the vacant job. This should be
immediately after the selection procedure, but in some circumstances, there may be a delay
whilst all candidates are considered.
The successful candidate will be made an offer of the job, usually based on the information
set out in the job description, although for some jobs there may be some negotiation about
terms and conditions. The offer may also include qualifying conditions such as subject to
references, health check, etc.
It is good practice to notify those who have been unsuccessful as soon as you can, but it
may be wise to wait until the selected candidate has accepted the position before notifying
everyone. If there are two or three candidates whom you would be happy to employ in the
position offer the job to your first choice candidate, but don't reject the others until the first
choice has officially accepted. This way, if the first choice does not accept the position for
whatever reason, you have another candidate lined up. It is important to tell these
candidates that you were impressed by them and that the decision was close, but you
considered them less suitable for that particular job, and not in wider terms; you may find that
you need them in the future (or if the chosen candidate lets you down at the last minute).
If internal applicants have been interviewed, but rejected, it is good practice to discuss with
them why they did not get the job. It may be possible to advise them about any areas where
they could develop their skills in order to build up their experience and increase their chances
of success when any future vacancies arise.

Employee Induction
Selecting the right candidate for the job is just the beginning; now it is time to convert the
successful applicant into a reliable and productive member of staff. We have already noted
the high cost in terms of both money and time that recruitment incurs. It is therefore obvious
that it is better to retain good employees than to be called upon to replace them regularly.
The induction of a new employee into the organisation is the beginning of the process that
may turn him or her into a long-term, loyal member of staff. Poor induction demotivates
people and demotivated staff will lead to high staff turnover.
It may be said that the induction process begins even before the candidate is offered the job.
The impressions formed at interview or on other visits to the organisation's premises will
remain with the successful candidate once they begin work. The attitude of company staff
that the candidate has met and the style of correspondence or telephone communications
involved in the process of inviting the candidate to interview and making the job offer will
have given the new employee expectations of how he/she will be treated. Written
documentation will demonstrate the standards that the organisation finds acceptable so, for
example, a spelling mistake in a letter inviting a candidate to attend an interview will have
created a poor impression even before they have come to the premises.
It is therefore important that everyone involved in the recruitment and selection process, even
if only indirectly, is aware that they are out to impress.
The purpose of induction is to enable the new employee to understand and work effectively
in both the organisation and the job itself.

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A lot of information about both can be provided in written form along with the formal offer of
employment, in documents such as:
 Statement of particulars of employment which must be provided to new employees –
this is a statutory requirement
 Employee handbooks, which some companies provide
 Safety policy statements (another statutory requirement)
 Pension scheme booklets
 Job description
Once a new employee starts, there is likely to be a period of induction training during which
time he/she would not be expected to be fully effective in the job. The length of this period
will depend on the requirements of the job itself, the employee's existing knowledge, skills
and experience, and the complexity of the organisation.
Apart from the details of the job, other general points covered in an induction programme will
 Introduction to other employees.
 Physical layout of the workplace.
 Essential procedures, such as for claiming expenses, payment of wages, etc.
 Important safety provisions, such as fire evacuation procedures.
 General information about the organisation – history and development, trading policies,
company projects, responsibilities of each department, HR policies and procedures,


Although training and development are primarily the concern of the HR department, all
managers should be concerned with drawing out the full potentialities of their subordinates
and staff.

The Organisational Context

We have already noted the role of training and development in respect of HR planning. It
stems from a number of influencing factors, including:
 The need to respond to changes in the external business environment of the
company, including changes in legislation, both UK and EU; changes in economic
policy, such as interest rates; new advances in technology and technological
processes, etc.
 The need to respond to changes in the internal environment of the company, such as
suppliers, customers, new systems, etc.
 The need to respond to changes in the internal labour market: availability of
employees with the necessary qualifications, skills and experience to cope with
Some organisations recognise the value of, and are proactive about, training and
development activities. Others continue to operate in a state of complacency by failing to
recognise the importance of, or invest appropriately in, training and development.
We can consider the benefits of training and development by looking at some of the
commonly held assumptions about it.

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 Only well-off organisations can afford training

Any organisation, large or small, has a wealth of learning and training opportunities at
its fingertips. Employers do not have to spend thousands of pounds on a training
programme. Valuable learning and training experiences can be gained from observing
others (job shadowing or sitting by Nellie – watching what a trained person does on a
day-to-day basis) and mentoring or coaching, etc.
 Education, training and development are the responsibility of the human
resources department
It is true that training and development have to be someone's responsibility – and it
appears natural and logical that it should be the responsibility of the human resource
department, as training and development forms part of human resource strategy and
the human resource plan. However, laying the responsibility for training and
development at human resources' door should not be an excuse to ignore the whole
organisation's responsibility to ensure that training and development is carried out.
(a) Top management has a responsibility to ensure that it allocates sufficient money
to support and finance development activity and that it forms part of the overall
corporate strategy.
(b) Line managers have a responsibility to ensure that they encourage their staff to
develop themselves and that time is allocated for training and development
(c) Employees have a responsibility to ensure that they develop their knowledge,
skills and experience and that training and development activities are mentioned
in their formal appraisals.
(d) Finally, the human resources department is responsible for ensuring that all
training and development activities in the organisation are identified, planned for,
implemented and evaluated in a cost effective way, with the organisation's needs
in mind and in line with the organisation's objectives and strategy.
 Any training is relevant
In some ways any training is good – but it must be appropriate for the individual, the
organisation and for the strategic direction of the company. Much money has been
wasted over the years by companies who feel that they must train staff – but do so
without any specific planning or focus. As such, training becomes just another chore
and line managers and employees do not take it seriously. It is therefore vital that all
training carried out is relevant and necessary and not merely training for training's

What Is Training and Development?

The essential difference is that:
 Training is work-oriented – organisations train their employees so that they can
perform their work tasks effectively.
 Development is individual-oriented – it is more than just training. A person may be
developed in the course of training. The main purpose of development, however, is to
lead the individual to realise and use more of his/her potential capacity – and to
increase that potential to open new horizons. It is related in each case to a particular
individual. It depends on his/her particular needs and what they might become. It can
never be mass-produced as training may be, but must always be tailor-made. It may
be a prerequisite of promotion to (or selection for) higher-grade work, but it is not
primarily and solely work-oriented.

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When managers undertake staff development, they are really helping people to help
themselves. Individuals will have different needs at various times in their work lives, so these
will require different treatments.
There are a number of different types of development processes at work within an
 Organisational development (OD)
Organisational development is the name of a particular approach to management
which is based on continuously asking the question:
"What changes do we need in our organisation and the way it is being run
in order to help it achieve its objectives?"
OD is based on the concept that an organisation develops and changes – in its
structures, jobs and the deployment of staff – through the development of its staff, both
in terms of their work abilities and as whole people. Only in that way will the
organisation be able to implement change and improve efficiency and effectiveness.
 Staff development
This refers to the way in which opportunities are offered to employees to follow a range
of programmes aimed at developing their knowledge, skills and experience in the job
and in the wider context of the organisation. It has considerable benefits to both the
organisation and individual employees in preparing candidates for promotion, and may
be part of a planned programme related to succession planning.
A number of techniques can assist staff development – for example, job rotation allows
staff wider experience and the ability to see their work in the context of the whole
 Career development
Career development is an important aspect of personal development in organisations.
It is individual-led as opposed to organisation-led and involves employees formulating
their own personal development plans (PDPs) which outline objectives and timescales
for career development activities.
It includes developing elements of employability – knowledge, competencies and skills
that enhance an employee's employment portfolio. It also encompasses desirable
experience that can be transferred to another job. This very much places the emphasis
on the individual organising his/her own development activities. It is also a way of
improving employee motivation and morale.
Many professional institutes, such as the Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development or the accountancy bodies, require their members to undertake
continuous professional development (CPD) in order to keep their knowledge, skills
and experience up to date. Action plans/development plans should be reviewed on a
regular basis to see if objectives have been achieved.
 Management development (MD)
MD aims to help individual managers achieve their full potential – to "grow with the
job", both in work abilities and as people – in order to strengthen the organisation's
overall management. Part of the MD approach is to encourage managers to go on
various training schemes or short courses, and then to put the skills they acquire to
good use in their jobs.
Like OD, MD is based on continuously asking a question; this time the question is:
"How can we improve the management of our organisation?"

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Modern organisations do not see MD as a passive situation where organisations

develop their managers. Rather, managers themselves identify their development
needs and spot the new skills they need to develop and further their careers. The
organisation needs to facilitate this by making the appropriate resources available and
encouraging the process. Some may create trainee management positions or
assistant manager roles to encourage MD.

Training Methods
Training methods encompass the ways in which information, knowledge, skills, etc. can be
passed on to a target audience. The methods used will take into account the time and
budget available and the complexity of the information that must be passed on to
Whilst the subject of individual training activities will invariably be job related, the methods
also form the building blocks of development programmes.
There is a basic distinction between on-the-job and off-the-job training.
 On-the-job training
On-the-job training can be one of the cheapest yet most effective methods of training.
It enables knowledge and skills to be passed on in a realistic working environment and
provides the opportunity for trainees to learn from established experts who are familiar
with work processes and the intricacies of using a piece of machinery, its component
parts, etc.
On-the-job methods include:
(a) Job rotation – trainees gain experience by doing a range of different jobs.
(b) Attachments or secondments – trainees spend periods of time in various
departments, often as an assistant to a more senior member of staff, in order to
gain knowledge and experience of the organisation and its activities from a
different perspective.
(c) Action learning – trainees learn a new job by doing it under the supervision of
an experienced person.
(d) Job shadowing (often called sitting by Nellie) – trainees learn the job by
watching or working with an experienced post-holder. There is a possible
difficulty here, though, in that bad habits can easily be passed on to an
"impressionable" trainee.
Also included under on-the-job methods are coaching and mentoring. These are
becoming increasingly popular. The trainee is placed under the guidance of an
experienced manager who provides instruction, advice and counselling on how work
processes and tasks should be carried out. Coaching and mentoring help trainees to
set and achieve targets, identify learning opportunities and build on experience, identify
strengths and weaknesses and, finally, exchange feedback on performance.
 Off-the-job training
This encompasses both of the following:
(a) Formal external education and training courses run at universities and colleges
on a day release, evening or full-time basis, as well as distance, open and flexible
learning courses; these usually lead to some form of qualification or certified
recognition of achievement;
(b) Specific skills training or development activities which take place away from the
normal workplace and are often provided by specialist training agencies. These

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may be tailored to the particular needs of the organisation or be of general


Competency-Based Training
The main role of training is to fill the gap between existing knowledge and skill and the
desired level of knowledge and skill. This can be approached in many ways, with the usual
starting point a training needs analysis.
One initiative which has been developed to tackle training gaps is competency training. The
organisation identifies key competencies for each level of the organisation and develops
training programmes to meet these requirements. The process works as follows:
 Identify core competencies at each level of the organisation in terms of knowledge and
skill requirements. There can be core elements applicable to all staff at a single level,
or particular requirements for specific jobs.
 Develop a training programme to develop and assess those competencies. The
development process can involve block-release courses, manuals, distance-learning
workbooks and technology-based solutions. In some cases the process also involves
interaction with colleagues and customers.
 At each stage of the training process, the trainee is assessed by internal or external
verifiers or both. The assessment process can be diverse, using examinations and
tests to assess underpinning knowledge and performance assessment in customer
interviews or simulated role-plays.
 The competency programme may include an element of formal recognition by the
award of internal or external certificates to confirm competency.
Some considerable work has been done on the National Vocational Qualification (Scottish
Vocational Qualification in Scotland) programme, a government-led initiative to promote
competencies. These are industry- or sector-specific attempts to increase the general level
of competency training, and NVQs are awarded at various levels – for example, in the area
of management, level 2 refers to supervisors, level 3 to junior management, level 4 to middle
management and level 5 to professional senior managers.
Many large institutions build NVQ programmes to meet their own specific needs rather than
applying industry standards.

Professional Education
Education facilities for those in employment are extremely diverse in the UK. The worker is
sometimes spoilt for choice, with qualifications ranging from GCSEs through to higher
The purpose of education should not be confused with that of training. Education does not
necessarily make the person better at the job, though it should (theoretically) enable them to
become more adaptable and ready to learn. The purpose of education is to broaden the
person and provide a wider perspective on business issues.
The professional bodies are worthy of note here in that they offer broad-based programmes
designed to develop students' knowledge and skills in particular occupational areas, such as
accountancy or HRM. There are usually a series of levels of qualification through which the
student may progress, culminating in the achievement of the professional standards of the
body. In many occupational areas, possession of the appropriate professional qualification is
almost essential to developing a career in that area.

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Motivation is an important facet of the management of human resources in the workplace. It
is linked with individual satisfaction, performance and commitment to organisational goals. It
can often mean the difference between good performance and poor performance.
Various definitions of motivation have been proposed, but one of the simplest, and possibly
the best, is given by the International Dictionary of Management (1990):
"Motivation is … process or factors that cause people to act or behave in a
certain way."
These factors can have a profound effect on an individual's behaviour at work and can mean
the difference between poor job satisfaction, low morale and demotivation.

Theories of Motivation
There have been and are many schools of thought surrounding motivation at work. Some of
the main ones are:
(a) Frederick Taylor
In his book The Principles of Scientific Management (1911), Frederick Taylor stated that
it was money that motivated individuals to work harder. He studied how employees
worked in a steel works moving pig iron. By analysing and recording each action,
Taylor was able to devise more efficient ways of working and increased the amount
moved from 12,5 tons per day to 47 tons.
He viewed workers as mere economic agents, to be directed and supervised by
managers. Workers would respond to a wage system that would reward effort such as
"piece rates". Taylor's critics said that he took no account of the human side of work –
the need for interesting and challenging work as well as the need for responsibility and
(b) Elton Mayo
Mayo believed workers were motivated by non-financial factors. During experiments at
Western Electric's Hawthorne plant in Chicago in the 1920s, he realised that
productivity increased when the workers were consulted and respected. The regular
contact and discussions raised the workers' self-esteem, and labour turnover fell
dramatically while productivity rose. Following this study, the issue of involving workers
in discussing tasks was known as the Hawthorne Effect.
(c) Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Maslow's research, conducted in 1954, found that individuals have five levels of need,
as shown in Figure 9.2. The needs are arranged in a hierarchy, and an individual will
continually seek to satisfy a higher level of need once a particular level has been

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Esteem needs

Social & belonging needs

Safety & security needs

Physiological needs

Figure 9.2: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Self-actualisation is the pinnacle of the pyramid, and it is a state that only a few
individuals achieve. It has been described as "a state of mental, physical and
emotional happiness" that is attained when individuals achieve a particular goal or
target and are "at peace" with themselves. However, if a state of self-actualisation is
achieved, it tends not to be permanent.
Note that demotivating factors that occur, in either the individual's personal or working
life, often have the effect of forcing the individual back down the hierarchy.
Maslow's model provides an indication of how individuals can climb the hierarchy if
their levels of motivation are satisfied by a variety of organisational factors. This is
shown in Figure 9.3.

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General rewards Factors offered by

sought organisation

Physiological Food Good working conditions

Water Good pay
Air Canteen facilities/cafeteria

Safety & Security Safety Safe working environment

Security Job security
Protection Incentives and benefits

Social & Sense of Good leadership

Belonging belonging
Love Cohesive and co-operative work

Esteem Self-respect Job title

Self-esteem Authority and power
Recognition High status

Self-Actualisation Achievement Advancement in company

Advancement Challenging and rewarding job
Growth and Job achievement

Figure 9.3: Hierarchy of Needs – How Needs Are Sought and Satisfied

(d) Herzberg's two-factor theory

The two-factor theory divides the factors at work into:
(i) satisfiers or motivating factors – those factors which, when present to a marked
degree, increase satisfaction from work and provide motivation towards superior
effort and performance; and
(ii) dissatisfiers or hygiene factors – those factors which, to the degree that they are
absent, increase worker dissatisfaction with jobs. When present, they serve to
prevent job dissatisfaction, but do not result in positive satisfaction and
Satisfiers are related to the job and dissatisfiers are related to the working environment
and conditions, as shown in Figure 9.4.

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Satisfiers Dissatisfiers
(motivating factors) (hygiene factors)

Recognition Working conditions and environment

The job itself and responsibilities Salary/wages
Satisfaction, advancement and a Working relationships
sense of achievement
Benefits and incentives
Prospects for promotion
Leadership displayed by managers

Figure 9.4: Herzberg's Motivating and Hygiene Factors

There is a strong similarity between Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Herzberg's two-
factor theory. Maslow's first three needs (physiological, safety and security, and social
and belonging) resemble Herzberg's hygiene factors, and Maslow's final two needs
(esteem and self-actualisation) resemble the motivating factors.

Motivational Factors at Work

In the light of the above discussion of the theories of motivation, we can identify a number of
factors that affect motivation at work. These include the following.
 Intrinsic goals and motivation
These can be described as internal goals (within us) that drive us on to achieve
personal goals and targets. They are often psychological and emotional goals (such as
the goal to achieve praise for a job well done).
 Extrinsic goals and motivation
These can be described as goals and targets that are outside the control of the
individual. Extrinsic motivation includes rewards that are offered for tasks that are
implemented well or to target, or the rewards that will be offered (such as promotion) if
the individual completes a particular training or educational course.
 Remuneration and rewards
These include the payments that individuals receive either on a weekly or monthly
basis, incentives that can be offered (monetary and non-monetary), and career and
promotion prospects (a job with little or no promotion prospects may not stimulate as
much motivation as a job that has excellent prospects).
 The working environment
This includes the actual job – its design and how interesting it is; the need to belong to
a group, and the special contact individuals have with group members. It also
encompasses the organisational culture, its beliefs, norms and values, etc.
 The individual's needs and drives
These include physical power (the drive to satisfy physical appetites, e.g. food),
psychological needs (the need for praise and achievement) and economic needs (the
need to work to be able to maintain one's standard of living).
 Personality traits/characteristics
These include whether an individual is personality type A (highly strung, emotional,
prone to stress, competitive) or personality type B (laid-back, "happy-go-lucky", finds it
easy to relax and unwind, etc.) and whether the individual is an introvert (rather shy
and withdrawn) or an extrovert (having an outgoing personality).

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 An individual's intelligence and abilities

These include innate abilities (within the individual), skills that have been acquired
through experience and training, and the ability of the individual to think critically.
 An individual's personal wants and values
These include peer group influences, physiological and psychological needs, pleasure,
socialisation, etc.
All these factors illustrate that motivation at work is more complex than simply providing
satisfaction of an individual's wants and needs. Managers are expected to enhance the
working experience for their employees. Managers also have to be prepared to recognise
employees within their teams as individuals – each with their own personality, personal goals,
abilities, skills and expectations.

Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction refers to the satisfaction derived by an employee through the performance of
his/her job. It is a key element in any list of motivational factors and seeking to improve job
satisfaction is an important challenge for any organisation.
The actual design and content of jobs can mean the difference between motivated, satisfied
and challenged employees, and dissatisfied, bored and unchallenged ones. The factors
which are thought to cause dissatisfaction include monotony, repetition, lack of control and
stress. Thus, an attempt should be made to design these factors out of jobs wherever
There are several methods that managers can use to achieve this – job enrichment, job
enlargement, job rotation, empowerment and team working.
 Job enrichment
Job enrichment seeks to develop the job by offering more responsibility, diversity and
breadth to the post-holder. It is also referred to as vertical extension, indicating that it
involves assuming tasks and duties which are above those of the current job, thus
offering the employee a greater challenge and the opportunity to develop his/her
Job enrichment activities may include giving the opportunity:
(a) To work in teams (projects and assignments)
(b) For employees to become accountable for the roles they perform
(c) To remove some of the constraints and controls that can restrict employees from
developing in, and enjoying, their jobs
 Job enlargement
Job enlargement is a method by which the range of tasks contained within the job are
enlarged or increased. It is also known as horizontal extension. Job enlargement
gives employees greater variety and presents them with a job that becomes bigger in
its content and structure. In jobs that are perceived as routine and monotonous, it can
be a way of providing an increase in the tasks that the individual performs, as a means
of reducing the monotony.
However, some employees may see job enlargement not as a means of improving their
motivation or job satisfaction, but as a method of increasing the number of monotonous
and boring tasks they undertake. Certain employees may feel happier in a role where
they do not have to concentrate too hard and think about the job in too much detail.
The job may be routine and monotonous, but they can interact with workmates or listen
to music while they work without it affecting their level of output and performance.

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 Job rotation
Job rotation basically speaks for itself – it involves the employee being moved within
the organisation to undertake a variety of different tasks. It enables the individual to
appreciate how his/her job fits in with other corporate functions within the organisation
and how other jobs interrelate to help the organisation remain successful. The job can
be rotated for any given period of time, be it months or years. It offers learning and
development opportunities to individuals insofar as new skills are developed as well as
existing skills being passed on to others.
Again, job rotation is not a panacea for all ills, but it does provide a means of relieving
some of the monotony and boredom that inevitably manifest themselves in employees
in many organisations.
 Empowerment and team working
The work of Rosabeth Moss Kanter stressed the need to delegate authority to
individual workers rather than the senior managers holding on to the decision-making
process. By cascading authority down the line, more of the workforce is actively
involved in decision-making, thus creating a sense of ownership.
In the same way, responsibility can be devolved to teams as well as to individuals. In
team working, production is broken down into large units with teams given the
responsibility not only to complete the task, but also to decide how the task is done and
by whom. This method has been successfully applied in Honda's factory in Swindon
and in the John Lewis retail chain.

All organisations need some form of payment policy or strategy which will enable it to recruit,
motivate and retain the staff it needs.
A payment policy or strategy will set out the way in which employees' pay is determined.
There are, essentially, two aspects to this:
 basic pay, which is invariably based on some form of pay structure within which each
job is allocated to a certain pay level; and
 performance-related pay, whereby individuals may increase their basic pay by receiving
additional payments for particular levels of performance in the job.
The first aspect relates, therefore, to the value given to the job, and the second relates to the
value given to performance.
The balance between the two aspects and the values attached are determined by a number
of factors as we shall consider below.

Influences on Payment Policy

There are many different factors that influence the structure of the payment system and the
level of pay or remuneration in organisations. These include:
 Market rates
Most organisations operate in several different labour markets. These include the local
labour market for more junior employees, the national market for managerial,
professional and highly technical staff and, possibly, the international market for some
jobs. An organisation needs to be clear about where its pay rates and fringe benefit
packages are located in comparison with those of other organisations.

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Some organisations base their complete pay structure on the market position, i.e. "the
going rate". Others may just apply market rate salaries to particular jobs with
recruitment or retention problems.
 Equity
Equity may be defined as the way in which payment policy is seen to be just and fair
because pay matches individual contribution, ability and the level of work carried out;
pay differentials are related to clear differences in the degree of responsibility; and
equal pay is received for equal work.
Whilst complete equity is impossible, a payment policy should strive to achieve a
reasonable level of equity by adopting a systematic approach to establishing the value
of jobs. Some organisations use a formal system of job evaluation to determine grades
and wage/salary ranges, and the allocation of jobs to grades. Whatever process is
used, though, it should be well defined and consistent, particularly with regard to
performance-related systems, as they can demotivate if they are perceived to be unfair.
It is also essential that attention is given to paying the same for work of equal value, to
ensure equal opportunities legislation is taken into account.
However, practice is usually a compromise between internal equity and external market
pressures. Hence, some occupational groups may be given special treatment where
market rates are high and the job is critical to the performance of the organisation.
 Employee satisfaction
For a payment system to be an effective motivator (or at least for it to minimise
dissatisfaction), it must command the support of the workforce. The level of
satisfaction is likely to be related to the following aspects of its equity:
 fairness – the extent to which the system is considered fair, in that rewards reflect
ability, contribution and effort;
 expectations and value – the extent to which rewards meet employee
expectations, and the value of the reward is commensurate with the effort and
skill needed to obtain it;
 internal comparisons – the extent to which pay is comparable between
employees doing similar jobs at a similar level of competence;
 external comparisons – the extent to which pay is comparable to, or better within
the organisation than, elsewhere;
 self-evaluation – the extent to which rewards are in line with what employees feel
they are worth;
 total remuneration package – the effect of the total package rather than any
single element.
 Organisational culture
Payment policies should reflect corporate culture, although they can also be used to
stimulate changes in that culture. Policies must also be relevant to the situation in
which the organisation currently operates and its future direction. This means that
payment policies should be integrated with the strategic aims of the organisation.
Payment policies will vary according to the type of organisation. For example, a large
bureaucratic organisation may prefer a graded salary structure and highly formalised
salary administration. A smaller and more informal organisation, particularly one which
is growing and changing rapidly, may prefer to keep its policies and procedures flexible
in order to respond quickly to change.

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 National minimum wage

The introduction of a minimum wage fixes the lowest rates which can be paid to
employees. It may also affect other rates as well through the need to retain pay
differentials between different types of job.

The Total Remuneration Package

As noted above, quite often it is the effect of the total remuneration package, rather than any
single element, which secures employee satisfaction. The total package will comprise a
balance between financial and non-financial rewards, with the non-pay elements often being
consistent across the whole of the organisation, rather than being associated with particular
payment levels.
Figure 9.5 summarises the non-pay elements of the total remuneration package.

Financial benefits Non-financial benefits

Sickness pay Leave entitlement

Superannuation scheme Compassionate leave
Season ticket loan Flexible working hours
Removal expenses Additional maternity/paternity
Travel expenses and/or car
allowances Career breaks
Provision, or assistance with Creche
purchase, of a car
Education facilities and study
Subsidised meals leave
Clothing allowances Sports and social club facilities
Private medical insurance
Loans for other purposes

Figure 9.5: Non-Pay Elements of the Total Remuneration Package

Payment Structures
Pay structures are an organisation's salary and wages levels or scales applied to single jobs
or groups of jobs. They determine the basic pay of employees in particular jobs, although
they may have elements of performance-related pay built into them.
There is no clear differentiation between the terms "salary" and "wages". However, it is
invariably the case that salaries are expressed as an annual rate for the job and are usually
paid monthly, whereas wages often expressed as a weekly or even an hourly rate for the job
and are generally paid weekly. Where an hourly rate is used, there will be some form of
timing system used to keep track of the hours worked.
There are four main types of pay structure:

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 Graded salary structures

This system comprises a pre-determined series of grades, each covering a given
salary range from a minimum to a maximum pay level. Jobs are then evaluated and
allocated to a particular grade within the structure.
The salary range encompassed by the grade is divided into a series of increments,
progression through which is determined by performance and/or time. Performance-
related progression may be by several increments at a time, whereas time progression
is invariably by one increment annually.
 Pay spines
These systems are used mainly in the public sector and are similar in principle to
graded salary structures. The pay spine system is based on a continuous incremental
scale extending from the lowest to the highest paid jobs covered by the system. This
incremental scale is the "spinal column" and each point on the scale represents a
"spinal point". The pay levels attached to the spinal column are usually determined
annually by national negotiation and agreement between unions and employer
Jobs are graded by reference to a range of spinal points. This allows some flexibility
between different employers using the same spine in defining the salary range for
particular classes of jobs.
As with graded salary structures, workers may progress through the salary range on
the basis of time and/or performance. Increments may be withheld, or accelerated
increments awarded on the basis of performance, and some organisations add points
on the top of the normal scale to enable staff at the maximum of their grade to continue
to gain merit rewards.
 Individual job range/pay point
In situations where jobs differ widely, or where flexibility and quick response to
organisational change or market rate pressures are essential, individual job range
systems may be desirable. Such systems define a salary bracket for each individual
job, with the mid-point of the range being related to market prices.
In certain situations, particularly where there is a significant element of performance-
related pay available on top of basic pay, or in fixed-term contract jobs of up to three
years' duration, it is quite common for the individual rate of pay to be fixed at one point,
rather than covering a range. This is the case with many manual jobs where
employees are paid by "piecework" (see later).
 Rate for age scales
These are basically incremental scales in which a specific rate of pay or a defined pay
bracket is linked to age. Such scales were used for young employees under training or
other junior staff carrying out routine work, but they are now found far less frequently
and tend to be limited mainly to school leavers and trainees, up to the age of 18 years.

Performance-Related Pay
Performance-related pay (PRP) has always been a feature of pay for many manual workers,
but in recent years it has become a major element of the remuneration package across all
types of employee. The essence of PRP is to relate financial rewards to individual, group or
corporate performance in respect of specified targets.
The overall aims are to improve the performance of the organisation, groups of employees
and individual employees, by:

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 motivating all employees, not just the high fliers (who may not need motivating through
this method anyway, although it is necessary to avoid demotivating them by under-
rewarding achievements);
 increasing the commitment of employees to the organisation by encouraging them to
identify with its mission, values, strategies and objectives;
 reinforcing existing culture and values where these foster high levels of performance,
innovation and team work;
 helping to change the culture where it needs to become more results and performance
orientated, or where the adoption of new values should be rewarded;
 discriminating consistently and fairly on the distribution of rewards to employees
according to their contribution;
 reinforcing a clear message about the performance expectations of the organisation,
for example by focusing on key performance issues;
 directing attention and effort where the organisation wants them by specifying
performance goals and standards;
 emphasising individual performance or team work as appropriate;
 adjusting pay costs to take account of the organisation's performance.
There are two main types of performance-related pay:
(a) merit pay, based on the employer's assessment of an individual's performance during
the previous period; and
(b) incentives and bonuses, where the employee (or group of employees) is told in
advance the relationship between measurable levels of performance and pay levels.
 Individual merit pay
Merit pay is becoming increasingly common in the previously rigid pay structures where
progression through the incremental steps of salary ranges has traditionally been
based on length of service in the particular grade. It is linked closely with the concept
of appraisal.
Basically, individual merit pay comprises the award of incremental pay increases within
the salary range for the grade based on an assessment of the employee's
performance. Many organisations now allow a considerable degree of discretion to
departmental managers to determine the extent of such merit increases which, in turn,
allows management flexibility to devise differential schemes linked to levels of
Such schemes provide for individual salary progression rates, based directly on
performance, and emphasise increasing competence gained through experience rather
than simply time served. However, there are a number of problems and disadvantages
associated with merit pay schemes.
(a) They are dependent on the quality of appraisal which can be arbitrary, subjective
or inconsistent, especially when the appraisers have not been adequately trained.
(b) Unless they are carefully designed and managed they can demotivate some
employees who may be providing a reasonable if not exceptional contribution.
(c) Merit payments, as distinct from bonuses, create extra payroll costs when
benefits such as pensions are related to base pay.
(d) Merit payments are effectively permanent increases in salary, yet the quality of
performance in future years may not justify this payment.

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(e) They are only effective as a motivator if rewards are clearly related to
performance and are of a significant value.
(f) They may not deal with the problem of highly rated staff who have reached the
top of their scale and for whom there are no immediate prospects of promotion
(consideration may need to be given to bonus payments in these circumstances).
 Incentive and bonus schemes
These schemes seek to provide a basis for rewarding performance outside of the basic
pay structure for performance related to the achievement of defined objectives, targets
and standards.
Incentives and bonuses are similar in that they are both lump sum payments related in
some defined way to performance, but we can distinguish between them as follows.
(a) Incentives are payments linked to the achievement of previously set and agreed
targets. They aim to encourage better performance and then reward it, usually in
fixed proportion to the extent to which the target has been reached. Incentive
schemes are found from shop floor to boardroom and can be applied to
individuals or groups. They vary principally in the type and range of targets
(b) Bonuses are essentially rewards for success and are paid either at the time the
individual or group achieves something outstanding, or at a given point in the
year. By their very nature, bonuses tend to be discretionary. The amount paid
out depends upon the recommendations or decisions of the employee's boss, the
Chief Executive or the board, and is constrained only by budgetary limits. Bonus
schemes are therefore often less structured than incentive schemes.
There are a number of established incentive schemes.
(i) Profit sharing
Profit sharing has been used successfully by companies for many years. It
basically speaks for itself insofar as employers share a proportion of the profits
with employees. The level of reward that is allocated to employees usually
depends on their length of service and where they are on the salary
band/incremental scale. Most schemes apply only to senior management –
those whose decisions are related directly to the overall performance of the
Not all the profits shared are monetary. Companies may decide to allocate
shares to employees, these shares then yielding a dividend and also hopefully
increasing employee commitment to the achievement of organisational goals
because they have a stake in the business. When making profit-share payments
by way of shares, employers should remember that the value of shares can go up
and down. If they go down, employee commitment may wane, so it is sensible
that other types of bonuses are used as a supplement (not necessarily
(ii) Payment by results – groups
The group can work towards an agreed target and then distribute it equally
between them. This saves the employer monitoring the performance of individual
workers. The main drawback of occurs when some group members complain
that their peers are not putting in the same performance and commitment but are
receiving the same rewards.

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(iii) Payment by results – individuals

Here, the most common schemes are those applied to manual workers where
individual payments on top of basic pay (which may be quite low) are dictated by
"piecework" – payment according to the number of units produced. This has long
been regarded as the prime motivational tool because the more the employee
produces, the higher his/her earning capacity. However, it may also be a
demotivator insofar as morale can drop if for any reason the standards of
production necessary for what is seen as an appropriate level of reward cannot
be achieved.
Another, very different, example of this type of system can be seen in respect of
salespeople who earn commission related to the volume or value of their sales.
Finally, there are a number of advantages in using incentive or bonus schemes as
opposed to merit pay:
 rewards are sometimes immediately payable for work done well;
 bonuses can be linked to specific achievements of future targets and this
constitutes both a reward and an incentive;
 payment is not continued as part of base salary irrespective of future
 lump sum payments are very appealing, as opposed to receiving a small amount
each month as part of salary;
 additional rewards can be given to people at the top of their salary scale without
damaging the integrity of the salary structure.

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