Sun Autoclave Class B

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■ Before operation,kind丨 y study a"the safety and operation

instruCtions Ⅱsted herein;This:η anuah″ Ⅱl proVide kinds of

functionsoftheautOcIaVeforyourfu"experience and best

■ Kindly be strict to fo"oW upthe proCess sρ eCi硒 ed∶ n this

manual whⅡ e operating as we"as the rnaintenance and


■ Keep this1η anua丨 properIy in case ofthe futuΓ e reference


■ PIease contactthe丨 ocaldistributorsorourcompanyinⅡ ηe

-diate|yifthere are questions raised duHng the oρ eration.
We VVi"proVide you the exce"ent service and help。
sUN ser∶ es AutocIave(cIass B)
operation ManuaI

蓖留 絷蛰宙咬饣廴

Th∶ smanuaIappⅡ es to suN12~I、 suN12~Ⅱ 、suN12ˉ m、 suN16冖 I、

su"16~Ⅱ 、 sVN16ˉ m、 suN17~I、 suN17ˉ Ⅱ、 suN17ˉ m、 suN18~I、
sUN18ˉ Ⅱ、suN18。 m、 suⅡ 22。 I、 suN22ˉ Ⅱ、suN22ˉ m
No。 ⒈The硒 9洫g status dsplγ tab⒗
No.⒉ B&D te呲 method

No∶ ⒊stel:11m loop

No。 ⒋ Circuit-agram ofstenl弦 er

SL「 N series Autoc1ave(c1ass ED
△. Gen0ral Introducdon
This Autochve is a precison instmment speciaⅡ zhg in the operadon occasion in
need of shnple,fast and ef1cient sterihza“ 0n by tl△ e doctor or"s/her。 ss心 tants,
and the doctor sha11take the responsibn⒒ yf。 r such w° rk.
This Autoohve is special1y dρ signed for the oc。 asons h us。 of 丘equent
steri1izations. It is equVped`vith the Ⅱ蛀croproccssor for mte11瑭 ent c° ntro1and
lnah-Inachine interface for convenient operatlon. ⅣV⒒ h the disthcJons in
dop1ay血 g paramet。 r∷ and condⅡ ion act~ely,eval△Iatmg ma⒗ 川do狃 autρ matica11玩
shuttmg of for scIf-protecton autonk说 ica11y m cas。 °f eXCessivc tcmpcrat【 Irc and
pressure,this typc autochve灬 rchab1e pr° duct in sterⅡ izhg.

1.Power sotlrce sooket 2.Fuse
3.Water ex⒒ ofwatcr tahk 4.Waste wat0r ex⒒

2. AppⅡ ca伍 on scope

This pr0duct can be apphed in stcrⅡ 1zing for thc tooth dev忆 e,operation device,
san⒒ ary Matcria1and other heat-resisthg articIes existmg h tbe1Dcpt.of st° lnato1ogy,
ophthalmology and lab. ∷

3. Tech。 Param1eter
Inner ohamber ofthe autoc1ave(Dia/l△ eter X Depth)12L.¨ .¨ 200耐 36:1・ 1m
Inner chamber ofthe autoc1ave(E)iameter X Depth)16L.¨ .¨ 240-s60I-
I1【 ner chamber° fthc autoc1ave(Diameter X Depth,18L.¨ ¨.245-X355nⅡn

瑟〓踹豇:t∶ 罗卩lP唧~I?罗!掠⊥
犭豸瞿 留牺/ :Ⅰ
……… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …△ 10V± 11、 60Hz± 1Hz□
Rated Power.¨ ¨¨¨………………………∴.¨ ¨¨∴¨¨¨△80tlVA□ 2000vA□
sterⅡ izing(PresstIrc/ton△ p.). ¨∷.¨ .¨ .¨ ¨.¨ ・
…・¨0・ 9-I.3bar/120° C

吣恤娩睡 罗 .吁 ∵ .咒 叩 .珲舻 辎
Capachy ofwatcrtank.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…¨¨¨…¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨Ⅱ ¨2L∷
water c° nsu1nption vo1umc pcr rccyc1ing r° und.¨ .¨ .… ・…・…・…・…・¨・¨¨ ・・0・ 3L

operating Tomp..¨ .¨ .¨ ・¨・…・¨・…・…・¨・¨・¨・¨・¨・¨・¨・¨・¨・¨・…・…・¨・・ 0^40° C

4. DiagraⅡ o speci饣 ca伍 ①0


Attenton and∷ warnhg I sort B modeI device

Protec汛龟 Ground吨

5. Insta11aΙ oⅡ

Tbe c1carance beⅡ吖een the exteror sⅡ e s△ Ir负 ce ofthe autocⅡ ave and tho a血 bicnt

ne螅 hbor饨 art忆 les・ shau be10cm a⒍ Fetahed,and thc top surface sha11be20c屮

reta蚰 d.

The a1∷ coo1hg window attached to the exteror surface ofthe autoc1ave shaⅡ be
non-obg∷ by dust or art忆 1es,峦 nd the autρ chve sha1l be bcated Ⅱ△the proper a1r
n。 w虹 珏犭envromcnt by reco【 llmenda“on ofthe suppⅡ e⒈ ∵

Autoclavc sha1Ibe h△ 吏alled on the hα ⒓ontal workmg base.2pcs△ ou feet can be

aΦIsted∷ the hcight to ensurc the fr。 nt。 fmach血 ρ∶
slightIy higher than the back。


Before operaton,please connect we11to巾 ep°wer source Connect the p° wer
so刂 ∞ holc under thc bac冬 len⒍ de。 fthe autoch、 ℃and the powcr∞ cket by thc
attached power cable hside thc pr° duct、 package so asto sw1tch on thc aut° chve
Push down the△ llam powcr button at the rnght bott° comer of the Jiont sne,

whcn山eh西 cator1ight沁 on,⒒ means that the autoclave get through w⒒ h the
eIecio power, and thc pr° cess thcn is i狃 h⒒ iaⅡ zaton status w⒒ h‘ ‘ ’
ILD’ behg
shown on the screen.Thc autocIavc is not I△ cated whⅡ c under such hii1tiahzaton
s倪 hIs.

6. ControI Panel

1. Z1ir pressure disp1ay
D蚰 hy ont血 ∞ the ar prcsswe hside
the cavii1ty.Unji1t:Bar
2. Temperature disp1ay
Dop1ay on tⅡ ne the temperatwe insidc
the cav⒒ y Un⒒ :° C 3
3. statuζ 1maⅡ umctioⅡ code number
AppⅡ ed for displaying k血 s° f status

of the autochvc during ⒒s working
tⅡ ne. sce Inore detaⅡ s i11 ‘

wor蚰吧 哎atus dsp1ay for彐 r’ `ppendix

γVhen alarm occurs to the autoc1ave,

the d瑭 讧a1 pIpc °f the disp1ay 、vⅡ 1
show tbc a1arln codc nu血 ber,the user
ca1【 fmd out the malfuncton 6
哪 ~(once the nla1alnct0n occlIrr魄
to the autochve, p1case contact the
sen△ ce ccnter or distr止 巩1t° r
血m⒑ dately,~
4、 11-APmD buttom 10
It、 used to thc steH1讫 aton 11
cho△ e espα ”
a1Iy1or the unwrapped
dev1ccs.The wα u珥刍teInperatlIrc 9
、 I21° C or134° C.
Aaer腕 吨 bρ cn chosen,⒒ s虹 xⅡ cat° r
hghtis on.

WRAPPED bu钆 on


It’ s uscd to be the steⅡ lizati° n choice especia11y for the ηt。 pped deViGes.Thc

wα硒虫:teInp⒐ ¢u∞ 心l?1° C or13俨 C,

A贪 er haviI吧 bcen chosen,诋 hdicator light恕



CoTTON button


L、 usc¢ to bc tllc sterilizaton汛 ice esp沅 ially for the co锐 0n yam de呐ces.Thc

wOrkmg temperature is121° C.

After having been choscn,ij1s indicator Ⅱght is on∶

PLAsTIC buttom


It’ s used to be the sterⅡ ization cho忆 e especially br the plasdc and the mbber

devices。 The working te△ 1perattlre跽 121° C。

Aiter having been choscn,⒒ s indi。 ator Ⅱght is on.

8` t∶ 莒J
:∶ butt。 n

It、 used to be the cho忆 e espeoally f。 r the workng temperature,There are tuzo
working telmperature for cho忆 e∶ 121。 c or134° C,wllo⒃ light will on aIter behg

9、 sTART/sTOP button
Press down thρ ⒏ad吨 butt。 n br start饨 the stcril坛 魄 prOces邑
Aaer havhg-een pre“ ed dowIl for5seGOnds,the bu筑 oh Wm end the sterilizhg

10`∷ Green Ⅱght imdicatOr

It’ s tlle hght hdiqator for alarIlli驾 the sho⒒ agc of Wat∝ h tho访 缸er tank and
ro狃 Ⅱnding1or f111ing lnorc.

∷ ∷

-?i屮 湘 占
11.GIray Ⅱght indicator

⒌ 「

扩骢 f|:” a晚 e丫
严屮|屮 d吨

.Ⅱ |∶ ?Ⅱ


7. operaσ on
Beforc opcration, p1ease connect wc11 to the powcr
sowce∶ Push down the main power button atthe ight
bottom corncr of thc Iront sⅡ e, when thc 血 忆ator
1ight o on,妣 lneans that thc autochve gct through
W⒒ h thC ClCctⅡ o power,and thc process then is h
h艹 业吐弦舛o卩 status w⒒ h‘ △D” behg shown oh the
screen.The autoc1avc is not heated whⅡ e undcr such
ini】 tiahzatiJc)n status。 othe6vise, press down the

start/stop’ △川吼on for heatk喀 process・

7.1Water ⅡⅡ Ing
Aaer tLImmg on the powerto the autoclavc,1f thc“ qreer△ ight血 dcator谂 on for
warnhg thc low water1evc1to the w时 er tank,the uscr shaⅡ fI11rnorc water mtn
山c“ Grecr’ ght hmcat。 r of concOImItantly w⒒ ha叼 W” sound∶ FiI1abo“

150Clnn water each tme。

Aacr tumhg。 n thc autoc1ave,if the‘ ℃kccn” Ⅱ毖ht
血dicator is on,the uscr sha11fo1low thc below steps for
water fII1血 g∶

1. open the door of tbc autooIave, put onc t碰 a1

wit№ ut comecton Ⅱ血 °f the attached dr洫 gc
pIpc into thc d心tⅡ 1ed water, and put the other onc

hside thc mIct watcr诚 lvo。

2.Prcss dbwll thc‘ πJnwrapped” button for哎 artmg the
water伍 1⒒呜 prρ ccss and thc盘 Ih呜 process wm bc
automat抬 aⅡ y ended unti1the “du” sound心 heard.
Then thc next wo虫 山 唱 process WiⅡ oont血 uc aaer
re111oving the drainage pΦ 0。

△ 1dα Thc d蚯 11ed wate蕊 t抚 厶 占dht“ tank啷 ω h茁 凼 ⒄ 癸 Ⅱ戈 °f伍 e

1∶ Tbc autoc1ave must宫 et through with the power and ho1d the i岫 cator hght to be in
pen(】 ing status beforc watcr Ⅱ11ing。
2. The n,aximuin vo1ume for one Jme water fI1ning sha11be noted by1c洫 g the“ dC’ somd
fmre血 血h唱 watcr nll。 It wi11吣
`m in the afterward watcr filli鸭
uas?丘 u蛳 卩aˇ 切 aner∞ 。ng the water ⅡⅡng硎屺ator∷ on and屺 t呼 the屮 吗

becaus0there灬 enoum Water。 apab1e for one morc ψ⒍晌吨 recyc1e血 order to ins"e the
nornla1and safe operation ofthe autoclave.
We can start thc stcrⅡ 弦ing wOrk ifthe1ight iI1(】 icators of watcr shortagc and士 、

7.2(护 0Ch° osC thC needed procedwc1or sterⅡ izhg and working tcmpcraturc.

△ N漉 A阢 H幽 缸 im。 f pr。 c耐 ⒃ s for ste赢 ,诜 ℃吣 生 a血 eh虬 咖 咖

settled down as thc defaLIlt value. P1ease don’ t amend the defatut value as伍 c suppⅡ cr’ s
recon△ xncnda讧on udcss the occasion for special apphcation~

7.2(B)set steriⅡ zaton timc∶ choosc a progranl,pre$thc wrapped button(abρ 刂

5sCcρ nds),the th订 dd怎 p1ay、 v豆 ndow mto ti1ne setting status,prcss thc"cottoh"

kcy to imcreasc thc stcrⅡ izatlon t讧 ne,press the"p1astic"kcy rcducc st∝ ihzation
timc.It can bc sct for4-60洫 utes

Notc: Undcr norm砭 11circulnstanccs,ifno specia1requlrements need to setthe

stcri11zation ulne.134℃ stcn【 弦ation system default time of4ni11utcs,121℃ stcri刂 zation

伍me of20nunutes.

7.2(C)Ancr sclccton of thc procedure for stcrihzhg p1ea∞ plIt the oue锐
apparatus to bc stcri1izcd into thc autochvc。

Note:thc o刂 C¢ appar狂 灬 to bc steri1讫 ed sha11be placcd on thc dc呐 cc p1atc with

enough clearallce retalned in favor ofthe air circu1ation inside the sterihzing room.Pleasc put
the deMce p1ate in the autoc1ave by tbc attachcd handˉ suppoi p1ate in case of$o卩 1⒍

7.2(D)CbsC tho door aftcr put血 呜 血 the apparams t° bc“ eⅡ 1立 cd,and revolve

△ N。 te:D诜 ω 伍eh∶ 荻 :.and麻 赢 the aut。 ch∞

roon△ it’ s norlna1if fee1a strong resistance foroe】 on△ the door
when you close lt. Please heau1y close thc door and revolvc伍 c
handte to the other end side or cIosc thc door aner岬 ng thC
intcrlor watcr stcam so as to0lose tbc door oonfortabIy,or push thc
door l⒒ ue b"t° ward t° the room ⅥdⅡ 1e revo1Mng the handle as we11

7.2(E)Prcss down thc sTART/sT0P button to start wOrk。 Ⅵ‰ n伍 ρ“HE” 1螅 ht

on,⒒ InOans山 c autoc1aVc start⒒ s automatic虻 ern弦血g proccss.D【 I山 鸭 thc
proccss,you can c硇 oy thC1eiswc momρ nt brought bˇ 妣s automatiC ancti° n,or
you can pay γ
our attcntio】 l to other wOrk bccausc autoc1avc runs automat⒗ a11y
durhg the process of h£ ating, stcFⅡ izi搴 g and d1・ ying, 、
vhich 、
vill spcnd about
2θ -35狃 inutes for the RzhoIc proccss

Th9 thnc lcngth of tlle u/l1o1c proccss is dctc犭 Frn妞 1cd by the tota1 quanrity of
apparatus insidc thc stcrⅡ iz血 g rooyll9the in⒒ ia1te1npcratuFc of autoclaVc and thc
sterilizing pro。 ess the user chooses

躐 哎羽 汛 曲 乩r始 耐 ∞蝴 抵 帅 灿 凡 yd蜘

哂叱cn萨 css down“ sTART/sT0P’ btltton P1casc扌 cc1osc thc door
otltc1hisc tlac autocIavc can 11ot sta吼 Ⅵ is opcning
`ork Ifthc doo扌
durttlg workin宫 procCso,tlac w∝ kng s钮 钮s dlsplay wm nash

-EfD” as alarn1and thc autoc1avc wi∴ ll stop worklng tInt⒒ rcstal+

ag缸n by swi∞ lll鸭 ofmepow∝ and dsmissi吧 Jlc alatill

7,2(F)Ⅵ 吼Cn a’ ∶
ED’ 且

ash on thc status display with
w贸 nin莒 to⒑ e aItσ 吼e斑 弦ing卩ocess,you泷 n opell thc
door an硪 tfⅡ ke tbe steri1ized之tpparat11s out

蟊 N汪 ⒍ %咖 砥 c血 zIam咖 岫 lllltg l岫 抬喇 蜘 tllC attⅡ №d

hand~support p1ate in qase ofsca1d -
Aftcr opcni殂 g thc door of at【 toc1av⒍ thc「 ocCss is rCsct~△ t“ LD” statc,Which1ncans thc

vai位 ng for ano仕 xr st甜 1izi殂 g

autoC1aVo is undcr hcat prcβ ⒅ aion sfattls and 、 proCcdwc
Beforc s铉 r伍 ng thc ncw s仗 ri1izh、 芗p吐 occdLrc,the autoclavc、 、
△ll alMrays kccp in thc statLks of
hcat prcscrVation

7.2(q)P⒗ asC shut o犭 tbc n⒙ ”powσ 叩p萨 y whC11you dort usc me a吼 。

(Ⅱ 1。 li宫 llt forp。 w。 r灬 dCdd)

蟊 ↓ i庞 :蕊 d耐 硫 t抚 d∞ rw毓 № u鸲 lI1・ C tn扯 mσ 洫 浙 血∞严俨

Dur"g cach饫 mc’ s stcri1izing process,llle supp1icr∞ commcn招 tk,put ule叩 cci时 敏Crt1iz【 ng

pⅡ Cr or b鸭 s血 kcd by tllc§ teri1izlng d跖 砹 hstluCtion into thc⒑ om tog刨 晚⒈哂负h

a1・ tlle

ol,ject apparatus for insuring Cllc1iabi1itt/of tllc stcri1ization cffc悦

■Ι △ △ Ⅱ Ι Ⅱ Ⅰ ■ ■ Ι Ⅱ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ⒒ Ⅰ Ⅰ 匚

8. Emergency CoⅡ diJoⅡ

” 吨
the跏吨 伽 e,the autoclave wm aut。 mat允 ally m心 e the alam releasc
pressure,“ op hea讪 鸡 and display the w狂 山吧 coderThe deEn⒒ on ofthe wam血 g
de悠 as the bebw tab⒗ ∶nla1nnct。 n∞ de and Fsob恤 g method)for ensur吨

the safety ofthe oper砒 0r|fthe emergencies oc毗
Any e叩 rgρ nci叩 扛
appe△ p⒗ ase check the访 arning∞ de tabb for resolvhg the
ac∞ m吨 mahnct0ns.rnot p。 ssb⒗ to resol△ re,p⒗ ase∞ 碰aCt the dea⒗ rs,We
诫11try ow bestto pro、 t血 e。
`i(1e heV to you h sho⒒
MaIfuⅡ cJoⅡ code and reso1△ ing Ⅱ
Ⅱeasures '

Number Codc Alarm Tone Ma1助 臼c住 on contcnt Rcsolung Measurcs


Eo long"du"

Autoclave is not rccti丘 ed RCch灯 thC AutocIave by

dLe tccb【 ician
l EI long"du" Tempcranrc sellsor tcst in 脉 pec位 ng tempcranre
Wrong scnsor by伍 c tcclm⒗ ian
E2 1ong"du" ExcessⅣ c Pre锵 Ⅲe 血 pecdng prcsscr scllsor
by0he tcc砸 cian
3 E3 bng"du" Exccssive Tcmpcraure 血 pecdng inner and outer
℃mpcranre sensor by the


4 Ⅲ long"du" FaⅡ oftempcranrc。 “ng Check ifsteam lc创 旺ng

5 E5 bng"dlI" Prcssure can’ t bc rc1cascd hspcc】 曲e cxhaust

e1cctronlagnct忆 Ⅵ1lve by
thc tcdm“ 1an

6 E6 Iong"du" The s讷 i∞ h of door is open Check山 e door ha ldIe for


duⅡng rulmng伍 lne ells1mng ⒒ rea北 the

terl11ina1, press dowIl

staWstop∵ button for
cnsunng reso⒒ ed
E7 1ong"du" 巳℃esslve EIOr over Chcck伍 c contro1 board
tempσ amre rect】 坝 ng or dcbug thc systcJn
E8 long"tⅡ/∴ FaⅡ ofprcssure Hsing Chcck thc idet pΦ e and
stcam l魄kng
E9 Iollg"du" F卩 Ⅱoftempcrakc keeping CheckifsteamIe狄 h喀
9.MainteⅡ ance aⅡ d seⅡ 汀ce
9.1st曲 弦 e啤 e pure water硒 酞 by med幽 l dis血 fectant on t血 e week廴
9.2 E)isLⅡ oct and c1ean the interior sLlrface of thc autochve room on t血
9.3Rephce the core ofthe mclte⒒
(1)shut ofthe power
(2) RCvolve thc 血se base by counte⒈ clod6砬 sc by
screwdrher to brijr11ε :outthe me⒒ h呜 助se to bC replaccd;

o)Replacc the ncw fLlse and reset thc nIsc base。 n thc
oⅡ gha1pos⒒ oh,thcn use thc screwⅡ ⒈ 沱rto fastcn the base by c⒗ ckw|so.
(4)Che。k the coⅡ ectness oftⅡ e paramctcr ofthc new hsc rep1aced.
9.4Clcan the seaⅡ ng rhg periodicaⅡ y
The user sha11c1can t1F seaI血 g rhg pcrod忆 a11y for avoⅡ 血g thc hⅡuencc to the
sca1caused by thc dust/dit lcft due to the Iong pcrod use.Usc the smooth c1oth
w妣 h山 stmed water to wlpe thc sIlrface ofthe se时 hg nng or sealhg cap gcnt驭
The uscr sha1l disGhargc the seahng ring for fu吨
her c1。 aning or replaGernent ifthe
air:leakhg prρ blem can not be resolved aftcr the above proCess(The uscr sha1l
山scharge thc sealhg 由呜 perod忆 aIly for clean血 g and hspect⒗ h as
recommcndaton by the supp1icr)。

9.5The rephcc1nent work for sea1血 g ri1呜

Too⒈ Qne nat∞ rcw山 巾er(No sharp Cdge atthc heaΦ
A.o叩 hand catρ hcs the1” of the seal血 g ring,thc Other hand血 sert thc
screwdri、℃r mto the clearance betwcen the scal白 ng ri鸲 and the door for raise
up thc se斑 血g山 呜 .

B. Aiter raismg up part。 fthe rnlg,you can usc ha【ld to draw the whoIe Fmg out。
Wash⒒ s groove aIter&awi1鸡 out thc rmg and pay attm伍 on to ζ
ce whethe1・
妣、spoileo or n。 t h co“ merat。 n ofthe necess⒒ y ofrephcement.
i C。 iI1a1door groove aftcr cleanhg。 Most Import巳 nt∶
Put back the riΙ 1g to the ori遁 当
thc i11set work must be done cquab1y to the groove D山 鸭 thc i1ista1hti(冫 n,the
1id fotlr equ缸 po血 s ofthc ri11廷 当lnust be lllscrted to the groove frst蜕
1讫 1ater
for the same work for the rclma血 血g seg1nents of the rmg.Aner fmisⅡ ng,
press thc sea1hgr吨 equally by the force ofhand.
D.Not⒍ The洫 c△ dc ofthe山呜 jmy be raiscd up when血 sert the r吨 hω
the groove,PIcase pre朋 汛 to the groovc by us山 名 the screWdri、
`er carefI1以
shut ofFthe powcr and oooIhg the卩 “ocIave su狃 c始 ntIy before insertmg the r扭 呜
for avoii(【 ll魄 scald.

0shut。 fthe power before servi∞ or compo【 lents’ replace1nent,and the servi∞
or replacement work sha11be done by the suppIier or h芯 △
oes廴 夕沈ed technician.
10.TransportadoⅡ aⅡ d storage

10.1Thc prcparatory work before

transportaton and storage
shut ofF thc powcr, draW out the
p1ug and coo1the autoc1avc down. ~~¨ ¨∷ ¨ ~A「 ˉ
Empty thc watcr stormg tank and the0Qo1ing watcr co11cctmg tank;Tl△ e terlmna1
sdc ofthc attached pΦ c w血 n。 ∞mcctmg jo血 sha11be hsertcd血 o thc W缸 er
cx⒒ hg jρ 姒⒒ pVc.Ast0e above p忆 turc show血 g,B心 thρ watcr ex⒒ ix呜 ImoⅡ h fof
coo1hg water co11e∝ 否tank,A怂 thc watcr ex⒒ 1g mρ uth of thc water stori11廷 当
i】1珏 i上

tank,Rcvolvhg thc watcr cx⒒ button by ant⒗ lockw心 c dLccton so as to rclease

the wate⒈
10.3The autocIavc sha11bO transfcrrcd and storcd w⒒ h the below cond⒒ ions:
Ambiancc tcmpcrature∶ ~4oρ c冖 +55° C
Re1atiˇ c humid⒒ y兰 85%∷
Atmosphcr⒗ pre螂 500HPA1060HPA

Note∶ p。 dt dr犭 g or drρ p dIlring tralIsporta伍 on

1. The autoc1aVc Inust be placed on the hor讫 ontal workmg base.
2. bΙ ust use the d心 ti1I0d、 ˇatcr forthe purpose of hstmg thc work血 g1ife.
3.There sba11be no cbgto thc aL coo1血 gw血 ow onthc O△ Iter sLlrfacc.
4.Thc o叻 ect apparatus to bc哎 eriⅡ ze-sha11bc placcd on tl△ c device p1atc w⒒ h
enough cIcarance reta血 ed h favor ofthc a△ ckcuhtom h△ dC tl・ c stcⅡ Ⅱ Ξhg

5.Empty the w砹 er insⅡ c thc coo1ing water co11cdhg tank icquent廴 Usua11y,
thc coo1iI1g water co11e⒍ i11瑾 占tank sha1I bc cmptod once the watcr时 ormg tank
cmpt始 d.
6. NIust revo1ve the door hand1c to the terl-a1side whne wOrk吨 。

7. DOn’ t opcn thc door of autoc1avc w廴 cn 葛cc血 g the 0” disp1ayed on thc
pressurc h× 】
8. Not bc too closcd to the door ofthc autoc1aVc h casc ofsca1d when opcn thc
9.shut ofthc powcr before dischargmΞ hsta11hg thc sealhg rhg,and thc work
sha11bc carricd out a盘 cr mrth。 r sufIcient cooⅡ ng Ⅱ△casc of sca1d.
1Q・Do矿 !drag or drop曲 ρautothˇ C du山 鸭 rc⒗ caton perod ofthc autoclave.
11.The0rotCm吨 廷 歹l。 und sha11o。 rcⅡ ablc.

12,Equlp【 nent must bc usc-away佥 Qm the magnet℃ 乒Qld.

13.EquΦ mcnt ⅡfC Cnd,dealhg w“ h to ocal cny△ onIncntal protccton hws and

No△ :The wσ kⅡ g statu§ 茳sphy table:

Ⅱ匣切1dsplay 氓汛 ngotaM name 趿酒吨status叩 雨ⅡⅡOn

l 驷 伽 h咖 咄 stams hd脉 staM,the呲 耐肫mon rea汪 加“ WOFk“

mdeMken bythc autOclave,

2 He Hca山 鸭 staM In血s smtus,the autOdave`血 casmg hc时 and


3 ˉ
P Vam血 ng status h血 s staM,ˉ 咖 aut∞ lavc“ s咖 gt加
preˉ vacuunl σ tI刂
i,1e vacuuln,

shOw the ⒏gilizmg stams h山 os status,曲 e wσ kng廿 mc and the GOunt dOwn

w∝k岵 Ⅱme 伍‘
;ulr(:arc dsplayed

PL D颐 吧 status h洫 status,the aut∞ lave drys on thc峋 ect

apparatus恤 旧△he叩 0⒒
Ed № 曲 鸭 over h仗凼 stam,the prOGess沁 ended and the doOr can

bc Opened 、

shOwthe M洲 讪“On status Ⅲ s slatus shOw 蚀cl盹 l钿 Ⅱ妪oncOdc,

mru.cti。 n


No,2"B&D"test methOd心

Tun m thc0oW缶 then put the test mat汕 l“ o the峋 血b叽 so℃ G0必 hst
prOgram"1lNWRAPPE丿 ’key then press叨 Ⅺ洒u"Ev button for10
seGOnds,untⅡ the bw prOgranl Ⅱ
ghts oni t⒗ m the door,pre$the虻 art button,

UntⅡ the血讯 displayψ h山 ws"EDlt,end ofthe te眈

No。 3:steaⅢ LOop

冂ⅢnB V⒋ te卩

u‘ ed Ⅰ众七e卩
£七oP。 θε t亠 nk

Ⅱr△ tn" V2d卩 y∵ 已h吁

VⅡ +rr
Cimu"dhgmm ofstσ Ⅲzer

l:Dry valve indicator

2: Exhaust va1ve indicator
3: In1et valve indicator

4: Vacum va1ve indicator . ∶


I⒈ stean generatOr inlet粕 ter pulp ind屺ator

Ⅲ:Vacuull四 四 置 ∷
Ⅳ∶s摅 洫 genorator heqthg indkat壶
V:heat ring heating indicator

匚≡⒈-ˉ heα t rlng

outs|de tenperα ture s讠 eα ” gOnerα tor

T屮 I

亍 ” ∷ I
tenperα ture

号趾 ∴
占: ∴∶

∷ Key line
□ 日

Door Micro switch

stomge switches
Fed.b1α ck。 Wh|tO

Inlet vatve

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