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In the thousands of years before the rise

of the Empire, the OLD REPUBLIC
withstood assaults from mighty foes. It
was an era of great light and great dark.
Through the eons, the stories of heroes
and villains alike survive as lessons and
warnings to all. The JEDI ORDER held
as a bulwark of good against the evil
forces of the SITH EMPIRE and the
vicious MANDALORIANS for generations.
Between these great powers, the galaxy
struggled to survive, seeking a living out
amongst the stars...



A Long Time Ago... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Draggulch Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

So What’s in this Book, Anyway? . . . . . 4
II Galactic Factions 15
I Timeline 5 Major Factions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Pre-Republic Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Minor Factions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Expansionist Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Great Manifest Period . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 III Player Options 19
Indecta Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 New Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Kymoodon Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 New Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Pius Dea Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 New Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Ductavis Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 New Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Riantius Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 New Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Subterra Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 New Starships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Manderon Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Post-Manderon Period . . . . . . . . . . . 8 IV Old Republic Campaigns 23
Old Sith Wars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Living in the Old Republic . . . . . . . . . 23
Inter-Sith Wars Period . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Changing the Timeline . . . . . . . . . . . 23

A Long Time Ago... formed in a tomb world, filled with great mausoleums
to fallen Sith Lords, the icy world of Ziost would serve
The era before the rise of the Empire spans tens of as their capital. After the disastrous Great Hyperspace
thousands of years, ending at the Ruusan Reforma- War, exiled Naga Sadow would begin to build his tem-
tions of 1,000 BBY. This period saw the might of the ples in the great jungles of Yavin IV and a new Sith
Republic tried again and again against the forces of Emperor would claim the jungle world of Dromund
many enemies, including several Sith Empires and the Kaas.
might of the Mandalorian Clans. The Mandalorian clans would form on Mandalore,
This period saw many a great hero and villain, first by the remaining Taung, banished from Corus-
including the Qel-Dromas, Cay and Ulic, Exar Kun, cant. These clans would soon accept non-Taung, be-
Revan, and Malgus. It also saw great navies vying for coming the fearsome horde that would plague the Old
power in an unknown galaxy, where the edges of the Republic.
map could hold unlimited riches. To blaze new paths
could be a dangerous job, but could yield magnificent
riches for a faster route. So What’s in this Book, Anyway?
To live and thrive in the Old Republic is to de-
cide your own fate against all odds and to become a Chapter I: Timeline
This section covers the over 24,000 years of Old Re-
public history, including the pre-Republic era, the Pius
Light and Dark Dea era, and the eras of major Sith conflicts. It out-
lines the major galactic powers in each era and a few
Welcome to the Old Republic, a bygone era of shin- campaign ideas for running a game in each period.
ing wealth and dark unknowns. Founded in the wake
of the fall of the Rakatan Infinite Empire and the re-
invention of Hyperdrive, the Republic began small, in Chapter II: Galactic Factions
the Core Worlds only and expanded slowly over thou- The galaxy of the Old Republic is new, but hosts many
sands of years along major trade routes. They were factions and powers. This section details each key
soon joined by the Jedi and formed a symbiotic rela- power described in the Timeline section, key events in
tionship wherein the Jedi would protect the Republic’s that faction’s history, notable worlds and sites, along
far-flung colonies in the vast reaches of the galaxy. with creatures and challenges.
But those unknown regions hid many hidden hor-
rors, notably the Sith Empires, founded by fallen Jedi
who follow the Dark Side of the Force and the Man- Chapter III: Player Options
dalorian Clans, a warrior tribal society founded by Cor- This chapter includes details on new options for play-
uscant’s ancient castoffs, the Taung. The Republic ers to make characters in the Old Republic, including
and the Jedi Order would fight these enemies eter- species such as Cathar and Sith. Additionally, new
nally as they would rise and rise again. equipment, weapons, and ships are detailed, including
Protosabers, Dynamic Class Freighters like the Ebon
Worlds, New and Old Hawk, and the backbone of the Republic Navy, the
Hammerhead-class Cruiser.
The galaxy is new during the Old Republic and many
planets that are now unknown or missing were newly
Chapter IV: Old Republic Campaigns
discovered in this era. This era saw the rise of Corus-
cant, the great city world, capital of the Republic, only Finally, this section includes information about run-
to be countered in over a dozen conflicts by Alsakan, ning a campaign in the Old Republic. This includes
its aristocratic cousin. The other two Core Founders, living in the Old Republic, how to chart new Hyper-
Corellia and Alderaan, began their rise in this era, space routes, and how to capture the feel of the Old
with Corellia becoming the ship-building behemoth for Republic. Additionally, since a game in the Old Re-
which would be famous and peaceful Alderaan would public could have historical consequences, this section
be racked by internal civil wars between royal families. includes tips on changing the existing timeline and
In the dark reaches, the Sith Worlds began to take suggestions on running a campaign in ill-defined eras
shape. As the Sith homeworld of Korriban was trans- to minimize player impact on the timeline.

Chapter I


“The history of the Old Republic would fill a thousand libraries.

But some events, some sacrifices, have become
legend, passed from generation to generation...”
- Jedi Master Odan-Urr

Pre-Republic Era Je’daii Order

Before 25,053 BBY In 36,453 BBY, mysterious vessels called the Tho Yor
gathered Force-sensitive beings from a dozen or more
The era before the founding of the Republic is
species from around the galaxy and deposited them
nearly lost in time, only the names of some civiliza-
on Tython. These mystics formed the Je’daii Order,
tions survive, others leave behind tantalizing clues to
devoted to understanding the mysteries of the Force.
their nature. First amongst these lost civilizations are
the Celestials, who built great wonders including the By 25,793 BBY, the Order had fractured into two
Corellian system, the Maw, and the Hapes Cluster. groups, one that followed the Light Side, known then
Other civilizations that lie in the distant past were the as the Ashla, and those who followed the Dark Side,
Gree, the Columi, and the tyrannical Rakata. called the Bogan. Ten years later, a devastating civil
war broken out called the Force Wars.
With the victory over the forces of the Bogan, the
Rakatan Infinite Empire Je’daii who followed the Ashla reformed their order,
renaming it as the Jedi Order.
The Rakatan Infinite Empire spanned a large region
of space, but very few planets. They were driven
by Force-powered Hyperdrive engines that drew them Xim’s Empire
to planets rife life, which the Rakata soon enslaved.
Many major species fell under the grip of the Rakata, After the fall of the Infinite Empire, one of the first
including Humans, Niktos, Duros, Hutts, Selkath, and civilizations to rise from the ashes was that of the
many more. They are also suspected of devastating Kingdom of Crom in the Tion Cluster under Xer VIII.
Tatooine, turning its lush surface to glass. His successor, Xim, soon turned the Kingdom from a
Weakened by civil war, the Infinite Empire soon regional power to the major power outside of the Core.
fell prey to a plague (which may have been engineered Xim (later known as Xim the Despot) would go
by one of their slave species). Those who didn’t fall and conquer a large swath of territory from 25,130
to the deadly disease found that they were unable to BBY to 25,096 BBY using reverse engineered Rakatan
access the Force, making their terrifying technology technology, advanced battle droids, and his Geno-
worthless in their own hands. Using the opportunity, Haradan secret police. His army was only stopped
around 25,200 BBY, the slave species rose up and by a new rising power, that of the Hutt Empire in
overthrew their masters. The Rakata were driven to the Third Battle of Vontor. With the capture of Xim,
their mysterious homeworld and disappeared from the his empire shattered without his presence, ending the
Galaxy. threat from Tion for centuries.

Coruscant into the Slice (a region bounded by the Perlemian
Trade Route and the Corellian Run).
Originally named Notron, Coruscant was originally
The expansion saw two major changes in the Re-
split between two species, the Zhell (ancestors of mod-
public. The first is the creation of the Rule of Fifty to
ern Humans) and the Tuang. The two species fought
limit the size of sectors in the Senate to fifty planets
bitter wars, with the Battalions of Zhell victorious
each and the founding of the Bureau of Ships and Ser-
over the Tuang’s Dha Werda Verda (the Warriors of
vices, which assigned transponder codes and managed
Shadow). The Tuang were driven from the planet,
astrogation charts for the galaxy.
eventually relocating to the planet Roon, at the edge
of the Galaxy.
Major Powers
Galactic Republic (with Alsakan power growing to
Expansionist Period compete with Coruscant), Bureau of Ships and Ser-
vices, Jedi Order
25,053 BBY - ca. 20,000 BBY
In the wake of the collapse of the Infinite Empire,
the former Rakatan slave species (notably Corellia and Campaign Ideas
Duro) began reverse engineering the amazing technol-
Similar to the Expansionist Era, this time period leans
ogy that run the Empire. Key amongst these was a
to more exploration-based campaigns, mostly based
functioning Hyperdrive, one that didn’t require a con-
on the Slice region.
nection to Dark Side.
This new technology triggered a period of expan-
sion and increased communication between planets. Indecta Era
Several Core Worlds, including Coruscant, Alderaan,
Alsakan, Corellia, and Duro, banded together to cre- 17,018 BBY - ca. 15,000 BBY
ate a new interplanetary government, the Galactic Re- The start of the Indecta Era was onset of the First
public. Alsakan Conflict, a war that pitted Coruscant versus
Intrepid astrogators used the Hyperdrive discover Alsakan for rights to colonize in the Expansion Re-
new worlds and to blaze two major hyperlanes: the gion of the Slice. This civil war lasted from 17,018
Perlemian Trade Route and the Corellian Run. With BBY to 16,700 BBY, only ending when the Bureau of
these new routes, the Republic expanded into new re- Ships and Services threatened to withhold access to
gions, the Colonies and the Inner Rim, bringing it into hyperspace beacons.
contact (and conflict) with several groups, including The brokered compromise between the two par-
the Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion, the Hutt ties saw changes to the Republic’s structure wherein
Empire, and the Jedi Order on Ossus. the unwieldy size of the Senate was reduced, making
two classes of members: Seated and Unseated (which
needed petitioning for rights to address the Senate).
Major Powers
This era came to a close with the end of the Hutt
Galactic Republic, Honorable Union of Desevro & Cataclysms, a civil war that saw the devastation of
Tion, Hutt Empire, and the Jedi Order their homeworld of Varl and their relocation to Evo-
car (renamed Nal Hutta).
Campaign Ideas
Major Powers
Games run in this period of time would allow for play-
ers to be the first to discover worlds, especially major Galactic Republic (Alsakan, Coruscant, Corellia,
worlds near to the core. Duros), Hutt Empire, Jedi Order

Campaign Ideas
Great Manifest Period
A period of war, this era yields campaigns that could
ca. 20,000 BBY - 17,018 BBY take place within the first two Alsakan conflicts or the
Bridging the time between the creating of the Hutt Cataclysms.
Metellos Trade Route and the First Alsakan Conflict, Another type of campaign could be the mapping
the Great Manifest period saw continued expansion of new hyperlanes under the auspices of the BoSS.

Kymoodon Era waged 34 Crusades against non-humans, only to be
brought down by the largest war the galaxy had seen
ca. 15,000 BBY - 11,987 BBY since the defeat of the Infinite Empire.
Spanning the period between the end of the Hutt
Cataclysms and the rise of the Pius Dea, the Ky-
moodon period was a similar period of expansion to Ductavis Era
the earlier Great Manifest Period. This expansion into
Wild Space drew conflict with the Hutts, who pro- 10,966 BBY - ca. 9,000 BBY
ceeded to raid these colonies for slaves. An era named for the first post-Pius Dea Supreme
Chancellor, Grand Master Biel Ductavis of the Jedi
Order, the Ductavis era was a time of rebuilding of
Major Powers both the Republic and the galaxy as a whole.
Galactic Republic (Alsakan, Coruscant, Corellia), Hutt Several new planets joined the Republic in this era,
Space, Jedi Order including Ryloth (home of the Twi’lek) and Kinyen
(home of the Gran).
Campaign Ideas
Major Powers
Campaigns in this time period lean towards expansion
or defense of Wild Space. Commonly, Jedi would de- Republic, Jedi Order
fend new colonists from Hutt slave raids.
Campaign Ideas
Pius Dea Era Campaigns in this era can play to the rebuilding of
the galaxy, with many species still wary of the human-
11,987 BBY - 10,966 BBY dominated Republic that waged so many wars in the
The Pius Dea Era is a period in galactic history like prior era.
none other. It started with the impeachment of Chan-
cellor Pers’lya and the election of the anti-corruption
Contispex to the seat. A devotee to the Pius Dea re- Riantius Era
ligion, Contispex gave the religion’s adherence broad
9,000 BBY - ca. 8,000 BBY
power and it soon controlled the entire Republic.
The Rianitus Period is most remembered for the
Ruled by a line of Chancellors who took the name
275 year reign of Blotus the Hutt and was generally
Contispex, the now humanocentric and religious fa-
seen as an era of prosperity for the Republic.
natic Republic started a series of crusades upon the
non-humans in the galaxy, starting with the Hutts,
and later Zabraks, Ithorians, and Herglics. Major Powers
Only an alliance of Pius Dea Renunciates, Alsakan, Republic, Jedi Order
the Caamasi, the Jedi and the apolitical Bureau of
Ships and Services brought down the Pius Dea Re-
public. Known as the Seventh Alsakan Conflict, a Campaign Ideas
year-long struggle that ended with the Jedi capture of A calm era, campaigns in this period lean towards
Contispex XIX and the scrambling of the great Cathe- peacekeeping for the Jedi and general commerce for
dral Ships’ navicomputer by BoSS. non-Force users with the addition of several new min-
ing colonies into the Republic.
Major Powers
Galactic Republic (Pius Dea), Renunciates, Jedi Or- Subterra Period
der, Bureau of Ships and Systems, Hutt Space
ca. 8,000 BBY - 7,000 BBY
The Subterra period was an era of expansion,
Campaign Ideas
mostly to the southern region of the galaxy. This ex-
An era of religious and interspecies warfare, this era pansion strained the ability of Coruscant to maintain
gives campaigns new options for warfare without re- order in the Outer Rim, and the ability of the Jedi
gard to the Force. The fanatic Pius Dea Republic Order to contain the power of the Dark Side.

In 7,003 BBY, the Second Great Schism tore the route took the intrepid explorers to Korriban, home
Jedi Order asunder creating Dark Jedi and three years of the Sith Empire, now governed by the descendants
later ushering in a period known as the Hundred-Year of the Dark Jedi exiles from the Second Great Schism
Darkness. two thousand years before.
The arrival of the surveyors came at a time when
Major Powers the Sith Empire was choosing its newest leader. Ludo
Kressh led the conservative faction, while Naga Sadow
Galactic Republic, Jedi Order, Dark Jedi pushed a more aggressive and expansionist agenda.
He used the Daragons to outmaneuver his competi-
Campaign Ideas tors by claiming they were the vanguard of a Republic
invasion and was chosen to be the next Dark Lord of
With the Republic stretched so thin, this era leads the Sith after the death of Marka Ragnos. He then
towards a more lawless, Outer Rim based game. forged the Empire into an expansionist war machine
and blazed a path down the Daragon Trail, assaulting
Koros and Coruscant in a surprise attack.
Manderon Period Empress Teta gathered the power of the Koros Sys-
7,000 BBY - 5,000 BBY tem along with the Galactic Republic to defend against
Bookended by the eternal conflict between the Jedi the army of monsters Sadow dropped on their planet,
and the Dark Side, the Manderon Period beings with driving the Sith Empire back into their own space.
the onset of the Hundred-Year Darkness. This galaxy- Naga Sadow secretly escaped the final battle and
wide conflict pitted the Jedi versus dissidents, com- fled to Yavin IV, burying his massive flagship under
monly named Dark Jedi. the stone temples raised by his loyal Massassi.
The Hundred-Year Darkness ended with the defeat After the defeat of the Sith Empire, the Galac-
of the Dark Jedi, led by Ajunta Pall, at the Battle of tic Republic waged a campaign of destruction on the
Corbos. Instead of executing the remaining Dark Jedi, remaining outposts of the Sith Empire, in a bloody
the Order decided to exile the dissidents, bereft of ar- genocide more characteristic of the vanquished Em-
mor and weapons, to the edge of the known galaxy. pire.
The Dark Jedi discovered the planet of Korriban, con-
quering it and the local species, called the Sith.
It would be nearly two thousand years later when Major Powers
the exiles would return, spearheading the Sith Empire,
in a conflict known as the Great Hyperspace War. Galactic Republic (Coruscant, Koros System), Jedi Or-
der, Sith Empire
Major Powers
Galactic Republic, Jedi Order, Dark Jedi Campaign Ideas
Campaigns in the Post-Manderon Period lend to the
Campaign Ideas two types: the short Great Hyperspace War, or the
The Manderon Period is best known for the battles be- general expansion and admission of new planets into
tween the Jedi Order and the Dark Jedi, so campaigns the Galactic Republic. Jedi would travel to newly dis-
in this period learn towards Force- and combat-heavy. covered worlds to assist these governments with prob-
lems, garnering good faith for the eventual entry into
the Republic.
Post-Manderon Period
5,000 BBY - 4,000 BBY
The start of one of the largest wars to affect the Old Sith Wars
Galactic Republic since the fall of Pius Dea started in
an unlikely place. In the recently united Koros System, 4,000 BBY - 3,950 BBY
brother and sister hyperspace explorers Gav and Jori The fifty year period between the end of the On-
Daragon blazed a new route, the longest hyperlane yet deron Beast Wars and First Jedi Purge is a complex
discovered, later known as the Daragon Trail. This time for the Republic and the Galaxy as a whole.

Beast Wars of Onderon covered a book of Sith magic in a library on Coruscant.
They stole the book and fled to Onderon to seek out
While the Best Wars of Onderon itself was no great Ommin for his help in translating the ancient book.
event on a galactic scale, it set the seeds for later con- The two returned home and orchestrated a coup
flicts that would nearly shatter the galaxy and end the against their parents using their new Sith sorcery.
Jedi Order. Onderon was a planet split between the They formed a secret society to learn more about the
massive walled city of Iziz and the great expanse of Dark Side, called the Krath.
primordial jungle inhabited by great beasts and exiles
who trained and rode them. Iziz was led by a monar-
chy that, unbeknownst to the Jedi who came to broker Rise of the Mandalorians
a deal between the parties, was founded by the fallen
In the years since they were expelled from their home
Jedi, Freedon Nadd.
planet of Coruscant, the Tuang banded together in
Freedon Nadd left the order 400 years earlier a clan-based nomadic group they called Mando’ade,
sought the hidden knowledge of the Sith. He soon re- but were known to the galaxy as The Mandalorians.
discovered Yavin IV and sprit Naga Sadow. With this They were to be known as some of the most formidable
learning, Nadd destroyed the spirit of Naga Sadow, de- fighters in the galaxy with a strict code of honor. Orig-
clared himself Dark Lord of the Sith, and established inally content with controlling their own sector, they
himself as the king of Iziz. started to spread out slowly in the Post-Manderon pe-
He continued to train his decedents in the way of riod, fighting skirmishes with several planets including
the Dark Side, even after death. On the arrival of the Ordo and Basilisk. The latter providing the Mandalo-
Jedi, the true king, Ommin, was gravely ill and hidden rians with their famous Basilisk War Droids. Hearing
from public view, so his wife, Queen Amanoa ruled in of the destabilization of the Empress Teta System, the
his stead. Mandalorians captured nearby Kuar in preparation of
The Jedi, Tott Doneeta and brothers Ulic and Cay attacking at the heart of the Republic.
Qel-Droma came to the planet at the bequest of the
Republic and their master, Arca Jeth. After a confus-
ing fight, the Jedi ended the war with a marriage of Krath Holy Crusade
the Princess of Iziz and the son of the Beast Lords. Though the Krath took the capital of the Empress
However, Queen Amanoa rejected this peace deal Teta system, Koros, easily, it proved harder to capture
and attempted to destroy the Beast Riders once and the rest of the system. The last holdout, Koros Major,
for all. Seeing the power of the Dark Side in her, Arca sought help from the Republic and the Jedi Order to
Jeth defeated her and her army with the use of Bat- fight these Dark Side forces. A fleet was sent, headed
tle Meditation and Freedon Nadd withdrew the power by Nomi Sunrider and Ulic Qel-Droma to strike at the
that kept her alive, killing her instantly. Krath war fleet.
The Republic fleet was defeated at the disas-
Freedon Nadd Uprising trous Battle of Koros Major when Aleema summoned
hideous Force illusions, shattering the Republic’s navy.
While Queen Amanoa and the Dark Side monarchy A counter attack by the Republic was again halted by
of Iziz was defeated, the Nadd cultists still remained, the Krath, then using suicide runs at the bridges of
hidden. Orchestrated by king Ommin, the cultists at- capital ships. Humiliated, the Republic retreated from
tacked the funeral of Queen Amanoa and stole her the system.
sarcophagus along with Freedon Nadd’s. To plan their next action, the Jedi held a conclave
Unlike the Beast Wars, the Jedi now had the at Deneba, headed by Odan-Urr. At the summit, Ulic
backup of Republic armed forces and quickly defeated submitted a plan to infiltrate and destroy the Krath
the cultists. In the final battle, Arca Jeth defeated from within instead of attacking the Krath fleet again.
King Ommin, who, like his wife, was abandoned by While his master, Arca Jeth, warned him of the dan-
the spirit of Freedon Nadd, killing him. gers of even falsely joining the Dark Side, a Krath
capital ship slipped by the Republic fleet and dropped
The Krath thousands of war droids on them.
The Battle of Deneba was a victory for the Jedi,
Before the fall of King Ommin, Aleema and Satal but at the cost of Arca Jeth’s life. Without the re-
Keto, two nobles from the Empress Teta System (re- straint of his master, Ulic’s plan was approved and he
named in honor of the woman who united them) dis- left to infiltrate the Krath.

Rise of Exar Kun After the assassination attempt, Exar Kun arrived
on Koros, seeking out the other students of Freedon
While the Krath and the Mandalorians rose in one part Nadd. He dueled a wounded Ulic Qel-Droma, only
of the galaxy, a young Jedi named Exar Kun slowly to be stopped by the spirit of Marka Ragnos, the
slipped towards the Dark Side. Kun rebelled against Dark Lord of the Sith whose death precipitated Naga
his teacher and learned from the old Sith Empire and Sadow’s power grab and the Great Hyperspace War a
began to crave for more knowledge. thousand years before.
Hearing of the Freedon Nadd Uprising, Kun left The ancient Sith Lord then declared Exar Kun as
his master and went to Onderon, looking for Nadd’s the new Dark Lord of the Sith and Ulic as his appren-
tomb. Finding it and smashing open the Mandalo- tice. The two were given great power by the spirit
rian Iron sarcophagus, he found several scrolls and and vowed they would conquer the galaxy for their
unleashed the lingering spirit of Freedon Nadd. Nadd new Sith Empire.
advised him to head to the ancient tomb world of the The Mandalorians attempted to take advantage of
Sith, Korriban. the chaos in the Empress Teta system and launched
While on Korriban, Nadd orchestrated a collapse of an invasion. Instead of wholesale war, the great Man-
one of the tombs, grievously injuring the young Jedi. dalore challenged Ulic Qel-Droma to single combat
Nadd offered Kun a choice: die or accept the Dark on Kuar. In a vicious duel, Ulic destroyed the great
Side. Kun accepted and was healed, but at a great warrior’s Basilisk War Droid and defeated him. Ulic
cost to him. Kun kept exploring the ruins and was spared his life on the condition that the Mandalorians
tested again and again, slipping further and further join the Sith Empire’s war on the Republic. Mandalore
into the darkness. Kun was left unsatisfied on Ko- agreed and the Great Sith War began.
rriban and follow the trail of Naga Sadow to Yavin
IV. There, he was captured by the descendants of
Sadow’s loyal Massassi and taken to one of the tem- Assault on Coruscant
ples. Chained to a pillar, Kun was forced to fight one Using these new forces, Ulic revealed his treachery to
of the great Sith beasts created by Naga Sadow. the Republic swiftly took their major shipyard at Fo-
Kun defeated this monster with the help of an erost. From, their, the Sith Lords spearheaded a two
ancient Sith Amulet, fully embracing the Dark Side. prong assault on the Republic: Kun would create his
Pleased with his pupil’s destruction, Nadd ordered Brotherhood of the Sith from former Jedi apprentices
Kun to create him a new body so he could live again. and have them assassinate their old masters while Ulic
Annoyed at the spirit’s heavy hand, Kun used his new- struck at the capital, Coruscant.
found power and destroyed Freedon Nadd once and for As is common in the Sith Empires, Aleema then
all. betrayed Ulic, retreating and leaving him behind to
Exar Kun spent the next few months rebuilding be captured. In a trial before the Senate, Ulic was
the overgrown temples and learning more about Naga sentenced to death by the Supreme Chancellor.
Sadow and the Sith. He began to thirst for more and Kun, hearing of Ulic’s capture from Mandalore
discovered Naga Sadow’s cruiser, the ancient ship that himself, headed to Coruscant to save his apprentice
took the Dark Lord of the Sith to Yavin IV a thou- from execution. Kun proceeded to kill the Supreme
sand years before. Having sensed the rising power of Chancellor in the Senate Chamber and was challenged
the Krath, Exar Kun readied his new ship and headed by his old master. Kun struck him down with a new
towards the Empress Teta System. deadly weapon - a double bladed lightsaber. The Sith
then departed the Chamber, leaving the Republic to
Foundation of a New Sith Empire mourn their dead.

On arriving in the Empress Teta system, Ulic Qel- The Sith Onslaught
Droma was taken captive by Krath forces. The Jedi
professed that he had fallen out of the Order, but Emboldened, the Sith Empire expanded down the Per-
was tortured using Sith poisons by Satal Keto. Slowly lemian Trade Route and spun south, splitting the Re-
but surely, the seductive Aleema drew him closer and public from much of the Outer Rim. At the same
closer to the Dark Side and it was in the defense of time, Kun’s plan came to fruition and many Jedi Mas-
her against Satal’s jealous assassination attempt he ters were struck down by their trusted apprentices.
truly fell, killing the young lord and taking his place However, this only emboldened the Jedi Order, who
by Aleema’s side. redoubled their efforts to defeat the Sith Empire.

Devestation of Ossus Over the two years, the Mandalorians defeated Re-
public navy after Republic navy. The Jedi Order pro-
It was at the Battle of Kemplex IX where Ulic and fessed neutrality, declaring that they needed time to
Kun got their revenge for Aleema’s betrayal on Cor- rebuild the Order after the Great Sith War 30 years
uscant and struck at the core of the Jedi Order. Kun earlier which saw the destruction of their ancient cap-
gave Aleema the powerful battle ship of Naga Sadow, ital planet of Ossus.
which had the ability to rip the cores from stars, caus-
ing them to go supernova. She triggered this within
the Cron Cluster, a tight chain of stars. When trig- The Revanchists
gered, the suns exploded in a cascade, killing Aleema
Rejecting the Order’s declaration of neutrality, a Jedi
and the Republic fleet that were chasing them.
Master named Revan gathered like-minded Jedi to
The Cron Supernova had a second target: the li- form the Revanchists. His forces soon joined the Re-
brary planet of the Jedi, Ossus. The Jedi attempted public’s and won victory after victory for the belea-
to gather as much of their knowledge as they could guered Republic. In 3,962 Revan was named Supreme
before the wave of destruction would raze the planet’s Commander and with his apprentice Malak drove the
surface. It was here where Ulic would face his brother Mandalorians back. During one battle on Dantooine,
Cay once more. Cay attempted to reason with his the pair discovered ancient Rakata relics, leading to an
brother, to turn him back to the light, but it was for ancient cache of weapons on a space station known
naught, Ulic struck him down with his lightsaber. Ulic as the Star Forge.
collapsed at the sight of his dead brother, feeling the Revan’s campaigns took him to other planets that
depth of how far he had fallen. gave more clues to the enigmatic station in the form
Seeing what he had done, Nomi Sunrider reached of Star Maps. His curiosity took him to Malachor V
out into the Force and stripped the Sith Lord of his and a temple of Sith learning, leading him down the
ability to use the Force. In his grief, Ulic recanted path to the Dark Side.
his allegiances and offered to help the Jedi defeat the It was on Malachor V where the war finally ended.
Sith, once and for all. Like his processor, Mandalore challenged his opponent
to a final duel. Revan accepted and struck down the
The End of the Great Sith War mighty warrior, taking his mask. Without this symbol,
the clans would not unite and cause another war that
With the Republic advancing on all sides and the col- would devastate the Republic.
lapse of the Krath without Aleema, Exar Kun sought While greeted in the Republic as heroes, Revan
for a way to escape defeat. In a large gathering, Kun and his followers were rebuffed by the Jedi Order, who
sacrificed his Massassi slaves in a ritual intended to saw them as defying the will of the Jedi Council. They
free his soul and allow him to run free through the demanded the Revanchist face judgement for joining
cosmos. the war against the Mandalorians. Revan and Malak
The Jedi Order arrived in orbit around Yavin IV refused and left the order for parts unknown.
during this ritual and attempted to unite their power
and use the Light Side to cleanse the Sith temples.
However, when this wave hit Kun’s ritual, a confla- Jedi Civil War
gration began on the surface, destroying much of it. A complex war in a complex era, the Jedi Civil War
The Order believed that Kun was wiped out in this can also be called the Second Sith War as it marked
devastation and left the ruins, returning to the Re- the second time a Sith Empire invaded the Republic
public to rebuild. in a generation.
In the period of time after being expelled from the
Mandalorian Wars Jedi Order, Revan and his apprentice Malak journeyed
the galaxy, finding more Star Maps which lead them
It was not long before the new Mandalore regathered to the dread Rakata station, the Star Forge. Post
the clans to assault the Republic. In 3,976 BBY, the power by and a nexus of the Dark Side, the two used
Mandalorians began raiding one more, gathering arms the station to create a massive navy and loyal battle
and materiel along with valuable experience in the droids to found a new Sith Empire. The new Empire
Outer rim. By 3,964 BBY, Mandalore declared his drew from loyal followers in both the Revanchist Jedi
army was ready and struck at the Republic at Van- knights and the Republic Navy, who thought of Revan
quo, seizing it easily. as some sort of savior from the Mandalorian Wars.

The former Jedi revealed themselves to the galaxy, star. The Republic navy engaged the Sith with Re-
now calling themselves Darth Revan and Darth Malak van and his team infiltrated the Star Forge. There,
and declared a war of conquest. The Republic, al- Bastila Shan revealed herself as Darth Malak’s new
ready weak form the Mandalorian Wars two years ear- apprentice, being tortured by the Dark Lord into turn-
lier was nearly defenseless against the massive Sith ing against her friends.
fleet headed by the genius of Darth Revan. In a fitting Revan dueled his friend, and growing love, defeat-
echo of the conflict forty years earlier, the first battle ing her and pulling her back to the Light. In the Star
of the Jedi Civil War was fought on Foerost, where Forge’s main command center, Revan faced his old
Ulic Qel-Droma had started the Great Sith War. apprentice for the last time. The redeemed Jedi de-
Within two years, the Sith Empire controlled over a feated Malak and deactivated the station, letting the
third of the Galaxy and was fighting its way down the navy pummel it to destruction.
major hyperlanes. To hopefully stop this onslaught, The Jedi Civil War was a victory for the Republic,
the Jedi took it upon themselves on a secret mission: but a costly one. With many key figures leaving to
capture Revan. The Jedi, led by Bastila Shan, a mas- join the Sith, both naval and Jedi, both the Republic
ter of Battle Meditation and a key figure in the Re- Fleet and the Jedi Order were nearly decimated. It is
public’s defense against the Sith Empire, set a trap estimated that the Order had no more than a hundred
for Revan and boarded his flagship. Sensing the at- Jedi left at war’s end.
tack, Malak fired upon Revan’s ship, eager to usurp As both the villain and the hero of the Jedi Civil
his master and become the Dark Lord of the Sith. War, Revan retreated from the Jedi Order and galaxy
Unbeknownst to Malak, Revan and the Jedi survived as a whole, taking his wife, Bastila Shan with him for
the assault and secreted the unconscious Dark Lord to parts unknown. Without Revan as a rally point, the
the Jedi Council. There they attempted to wipe the Jedi Order slowly splintered and many lost their faith
memories of Revan, to turn him back to the Light so in the way of the Jedi Order itself.
he could use his tactical prowess for the Republic once
First Jedi Purge
Now the leader of the Sith Empire, Malak desired
the power of Bastila Shan whose mastery of Battle In the vacuum of leadership in the remnants of the Sith
Meditation threated his Empire. He attempted to cap- Empire, three lower Sith lords took command forming
ture the Jedi in a trap around Taris, but during the a Triumvirate. Darth Traya, Darth Nihilus, and Darth
battle she managed to escape to the planet surface Sion reformed the Sith Empire and waged a secret war
along with the amnesiac Revan. The enraged Sith with the Republic, assassinating key targets, weaken-
Lord had his forces scour the ecumenopolis of Taris, ing planets, and most importantly eliminating Jedi.
but to no avail. He then ordered the complete raz- Over a three year period, nearly all of the Jedi were
ing of the planet, using his might fleet to rain fire and killed. A lone exiled Jedi, Meetra Surik, who had spent
death upon it. But luck was not with Malak and Shan most of her time in the Outer Rim after leaving the
escaped with Revan. Jedi Order, gathered the remaining Jedi, known as the
Heading to Dantooine, the Jedi Council retrained Lost Jedi to strike back at the Sith Empire, defeating
Revan in the way of the Force, declaring him a Jedi each Dark Lord one-by-one, culminating in the final
Knight once more. Revan began having visions - mem- battle of Malachor V, which saw the unleashing of a
ories - about the Star Maps and he gathered a force terrifying new weapon, the Mass Shadow Generator
to follow the trail and get to the Star Forge to stop and the destruction of the planet.
the terrifying station once and for all.
Revan, and his party, including Shan who was ac- Major Powers
tually there to make sure he didn’t fall back into the
Dark, ventured from planet to planet, gathering pieces Galactic Republic (Revanchists), Jedi Order, Sith Em-
of the map that would take them to the Star Forge. pire (Krath, Exar Kun’s, Darth Revan’s, Sith Triumvi-
After gathering the second to last piece, they were rate’s), Mandalorians, Exchange
captured by Malak, who revealed Revan’s true iden-
tity. The party managed to escape the Dark Lord’s
Campaign Ideas
dungeon, but Shan was unable to flee, staying behind
to distract Malak. Possibly the most complex period of time of the Old
The party continued on and finally found the Star Republic, the period between the Old Sith Wars and
Forge in orbit around the ancient Rakata homeworld’s the First Jedi Purge can lead to all sorts of campaigns.

A Jedi-focused campaign would best be suited up Great Galactic War
to and including the Jedi Civil War and a war-based
campaign would work in nearly any era. There is lit- The Sacking of Coruscant
tle exploration in this time of war due to the nearly
permanent state of conflict. For those not involved
Peace & the Cold War
in the wars, there is profit to be made everywhere, as Renewed Hostilities
every army or navy needs supplies and wares and the
battle lines shifting constantly. To a non-soldier or Death of the Emperor
a Jedi, the Sith or the Mandalorian Empires are just
governments like all of the others. Rise of the New Empire
Major Powers
Inter-Sith Wars Period During the Great Galactic War
Republican Alliance (Galactic Republic, Jedi Order),
3,950 BBY - 2,000 BBY Imperial Alliance (Sith Empire, Chiss Ascendancy,
The years between the Old Sith Wars of Exar Kun Mandalorians)
and Darth Revan and the New Sith Wars of Darth
Ruin and Darth Bane started as an era of rebuilding, During the Cold War
but with the surprising return of a resurgent Sith Em-
pire, soon devolved into a bloody war like so many Galactic Republic, Jedi Order, Imperial Alliance (Sith
eras before it. Empire, Chiss Ascendancy), Mandalorians

During the Galactic War

Reforging the Empire
Republican Alliance (Galactic Republic, Jedi Order,
After their defeat in the Great Hyperspace War in Rift Alliance), Imperial Alliance (Sith Empire, Chiss
5,000 BBY, fractured elements of the Sith Empire Ascendancy, Mandalorians), New Empire
gathered around the enigmatic Lord Vitiate, Sith Lord
of Nathema. More than 8,000 Sith Lords escaped the Post-Galactic War
Republic’s purge of the Sith space and rallied around
the reclusive scholar, only to be betrayed and sub- Galactic Republic, Jedi Order, Mandalorians
jected to a profane Sith ritual, sacrificing not only
their life force, but that of all life on Nathema to make Campaign Ideas
Vitiate immortal.
The undying Sith Emperor then retreated far into Draggulch Period
the Unknown Regions to rebuild his Sith Empire on
his new capital, the jungle world of Dromund Kaas. 2000 BBY - 1,000 BBY
This Empire would be unlike the others, with the Em- Is has been said that the Republic ceased to exist
peror in permanent seclusion and the day-to-day oper- during this time period and while not accurate, it is
ations handled by a 12-member Dark Council. Instead close to the truth. A Jedi Master named Phiantus dis-
of having an approachable, single leader, having the covered a Sith holocron and learned the ways of the
Council command the Empire allowed for an unprece- Dark Side. He renamed himself Darth Ruin and cre-
dented level of stability within the Empire. ated the New Sith Empire. The Republic, accustomed
The Empire never forgot nor forgave the Repub- to a millennia of peace collapsed under the pressure,
lic for the Great Hyperspace War and began a pol- shrinking to only the Core Worlds, abandoning nearly
icy of gearing towards an inevitable war. This prepa- all of the galaxy.
ration massively accelerated following the Jedi Civil As is wont to happen in a Sith Empire, Darth Ruin
War, with spies and infiltrators taking key positions in was assassinated throughout the thousand year war
the Republic. This isolation came to an end in 3,681 fragmented into scattered Sith hegemonies. Simul-
BBY with a massive assault on the far-flung Tingle taneously, the Jedi, though fragmented, managed to
Arm, the edge of Republican space. The Great Galac- overthrow some of these tyrants and established them-
tic War had begun. selves as rulers in these far-flung regions. These new

Jedi Lords would stand as beacons of light in an era would remain until the onset of the Clone Wars and
of darkness. the rise of Palpatine a thousand years later.
The war came to an end on Ruusan, where the
unified Brotherhood of Darkness, led by Skere Kaan Major Powers
faced Lord Hoth’s Army of the Light. In the Seventh
New Sith Empire, Sith successor states, Jedi Order,
Battle, a Sith Lord known as Darth Bane triggered a
Jedi Lords
Sith superweapon, called the Thought Bomb, which
eradicated the Sith and many Jedi. Bane then fled
the planet to restart the Order of the Sith Lords in his Campaign Ideas
own vision, following the Rule of Two.
A millennium of war, a campaign during the New
The era drew to a close with the Ruusan Reforma- Sith Wars obviously leans towards combat- and war-
tion, a series of reforms by Tarsus Valorum which de- focused. However, this period allows for interesting
volved powers from the Grand Chancellor back to the differences to other wars. The Republic is nearly non-
Senate. Included in these reforms was the demilitariza- existent and there is little unity on either side of the
tion of the Jedi (renouncing titles such as Lord) and war. Your players could be Jedi Lords or Sith dictators
the dissolution of the Republic military. This structure who rule a planet, seeking to liberate or expand.

Chapter II

Galactic Factions

“For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were

the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic.
Before the dark times, before the Empire.”
- Obi-wan Kenobi

Major Factions Notable Members

Coruscant Originally home to two species, the

The Galactic Republic Taung and the Zhell (ancestors to modern humans),
Coruscant is the glittering gem at the center of the Re-
After the fall of the Infinite Empire and the subse- public. In ancient times, the two species would clash
quent invention of the Hyperdrive, the closely linked and the Taung would be driven off planet, later settling
Core Worlds banded together to form a new type of on Roon and later Mandalore, recasting themselves as
government, The Galactic Republic, with its capital at Mandalorians. The Zhell would expand across Corus-
Coruscant. During the early years of expansion, the cant, enclosing its surface in a single, great city by
general structure of government was more of a loose 90,000 BBY.
alliance of planets, with factions rising and falling, all
Coruscant would be conquered by the Rakatans
vying for power in the nebulous government.
and incorporated as a slave species, spreading human-
About 50 years after forming, The Republic came ity across the stars. This, combined with sleeper ships,
into contact with the Jedi, lending much needed sta- formed the basis of the human Core Worlds, such as
bility to the government and defense to the far flung Alsakan, Alderaan, Kuat, and Corellia. This drive to
colonies being established over the millennia. The Jedi expand and explore would carry them past the fall
pledged themselves to the defense of the Republic, of the Infinite Empire and into the formation of the
from without and within. Galactic Republic in 25,053 BBY.
An early source of conflict within the Republic was As the capital of the Republic, Coruscant repre-
that of Alsakan, a planet on the Perlemian Trade sented a key faction in almost all early conflicts, most
Route. Alsakan vied for position and influence with notably the Alsakan conflicts and became the center
Coruscant, which caused a series of civil wars known of the Pius Dea movement. Within the halls of the
as the Alsakan Conflicts. A total of seventeen wars Republic, politicking and backstabbing would last for
were fought over 14,000 years, each with causes vary- thousands of years, creating bitter feuds between fac-
ing from Alsakan wanting to control more of the Re- tions and often all-out war.
public expansion to the overthrow of Pius Dea.
The planet itself is covered entirely by skyscrapers
The Republic came under serious threat of down- and with each passing year, new buildings are built
fall many times over its existence, notably against on top of once mighty buildings. While the scintillat-
the Mandalorians in the eponymous Mandalorian Wars ing upper city expands, the lower city expands accord-
and during the New Sith Wars, where they retreated ingly, creating a new society wholly separate from that
to solely the Core Worlds. above.

Alsakan The strongest voice on the Perlemian Trade Seventh Alsakan Conflict After the defeat in
Route, Coruscant’s neighbor and Core Founder Al- the Sixth Alsakan Conflict, the Pius Dea fanatics at
sakan formed an early faction within the Republic, the helm of the Republic continued their crusades
pushing for decentralization. Culturally distinct from against non-humans. The Jedi remained neutral in
Coruscant, aristocratic Alsakan used High Galactic for these conflicts, but after long negotiations with the
much of its early life, creating the High Galactic alpha- Camaasi, the Order joined a loose coalition headed by
bet from the older Tionese alphabet after being used Alsakan and began to subvert the Pius Dea faith. The
as a forward base against Coruscant in the Tionese followers of this splinter faction became known as the
War. Renunciates.
Alsakan was founded by human explorers from This schism in their faith began a civil war within
Coruscant aboard the colony ship Kuat Explorer and Pius Dea, with the Renunciates gaining support and
comprised of many kingdoms until unified before the forming an alliance with the Jedi Order, elements of
formation of the Republic. While a ecumenopolis like the Republic not aligned with Pius Dea, and non-
Coruscant, Alsakan retained close ties to their history, human powers including the Duros, Camaasi, and the
featuring some of the best artifacts in the Core, such Hutts. The short and vicious war came to an end
as the Alsakan Mosaics, one of the ancient Wonders of a year later when the Bureau of Ships and services,
the Galaxy (destroyed in the Third Alsakan Conflict). usually apolitical, joined on the Renunciates side and
Alsakan’s faction within the Republic pushed for programmed the great Pius Dea cathedral ships with
a less centralized government, focused mostly on eco- bad navicomputer codes. At a set moment, the fleet
nomic matters, would later be known as “the Axis”. would blindly jump to Hyperspace, either being de-
This faction would be opposed to the centralizing stroyed in the process or being stranded in deep space
faction of Coruscant (known as “the Spin”), leading at sub-light speeds.
to the Alsakan Conflicts. While some conflicts were With the capture of Contispex XIX by the Jedi
greater in scope than others, here area few key con- Order, the rule of Pius Dea ended in the Republic.
flicts: The remaining faithful were purged from the govern-
ment and Jedi Grand Master Biel Ductavis became
Supreme Chancellor, one of the earliest Jedi to hold
First Alsakan Conflict The first war fought over the position.
resources in Slice, a region of space between Per-
lemian Trade Route and the Corellian Run. Alsakan
sought to contain the expansion of the Grand Com- Seventeenth Alsakan Conflict The Seven-
panies, great trade conglomerates centered on Corus- teenth Alsakan Conflict in 3,017 BBY began like most
cant. The three century long war ended only when the over resources in the Slice between Alsakan’s Axis
Bureau of Ships and Services threatened to withhold faction and Coruscant’s Spin faction and saw great
access to their Hyperspace beacons, forcing both sides strides in military technology. Each side built signifi-
to settle the conflict, albeit temporarily. cant industrial bases with the sole purpose of creating
The First Conflict set the stage for most future advanced warships and began saber-rattling, creating
conflicts (with the notable exceptiosn of the Sixth and new weapons to one-up each other.
Seventh Conflicts), with Alsakan aristocratic interests The conflict ended when Corellia, protecting its
conflicting with Coruscant’s corporate interests in the own interests in the region, sent a fleet of long range
Expansion Region and Corellia remaining neutral. frigates which out classes both quarrelling forces’
navies. The Republic then declared war on this new
regional threat, but was handily defeated. This final
Sixth Alsakan Conflict Following the rise of the conflict was formally ended by sword point by Prince-
fanatical Pius Dea and subsequent takeover of the Admiral Jonash e Solo on the floor of the Senate.
Republic, the Sixth Alsakan Conflict arose not from From this point on, Alsakan interests align with that
a struggle for resources, but a request for assistance of the larger Republic, centralizing the state further.
from non-human races being assaulted in the Pius Dea
Crusades. While not a victory for Alsakan, the lines of
communications between Alsakan and the Duros, Her- Corellia
glics, and Hutts established during the conflict would
serve as the basis for the Alsakan alliance in the next
conflict. Alderaan

Taris An important trade hub on the Hydian Way, Coruscant
Taris was colonized by an unknown group of humans
after the founding of the Republic. The planet soon Dantooine
joined the Republic and its population grew to cover
the entire land mass in a three-tiered city. After a
Notable Factions
civil war in 4,056 BBY, non-humans were forced into
the Lower City, wedged between the horrors of the Revanchists “Revanchist” was the appellation given
Rakghouls of the Under City and the humanocentric to those who disagree with the Jedi Order’s stance of
nobility of the Upper and middle Cities. This pres- neutrality during the Mandalorian Wars. Seeing the
sure caused many gangs, notably swoop bike gangs, suffering the war had upon the people of the Republic,
to fourish on the great city-planet. dissenters gathered around the enigmatic man known
During the Mandalorian Wars, Taris became a key as Revan.
base with its position on the Mandalorian Road and After two years of Mandalorian devastation, Revan
was used by Revan and his Revanchists to launch at- had enough and joined the Republic forces, driving
tacks on the Neo-Crusaders. back and ultimately winning this war. However, the
The beginning of the end for Taris came when Revanchists and the Republic officers who held Revan
Bastila Shan crashed on the planet in an attempt to in high regard soon formed the core of Revan’s Sith
escape Darth Malak. Shan managed to avoid the Sith Empire.
patrols with the assistance of Malak’s former master,
the now amnesiac Revan. Frustrated, Malak ordered
The Sith Empire
a complete bombardment of Taris, turning it into a
toxic ruins of destroyed buildings, collapsing it into The name “Sith Empire” is something of a misnomer
the dark Undercity, freeing the Rakghoul plague. as there have been several Sith Empires over the mil-
With the entire populous killed in the assault, Taris lennia. These range from the first Sith Empire, that
came under control of the Republic, which attempted of Adas before the arrival of the Dark Jedi, to that of
to rehabilitate the Rakghoul-ridden swamps. This was Darth Ruin during the New Sith Wars. Listed below
often stymied by the forces of the resurgent Sith Em- are the major empires throughout the ages.
pire and would only recover after it’s fall. By the
time it had recovered somewhat, Hyperdrive technol- Adas’s Sith Empire
ogy had improved enough that Taris wasn’t as impor-
tant in the galactic stage as it had once been and First Sith Empire
faded from significance. Exar Kun’s Sith Empire
Darth Revan’s Sith Empire
Notable Factions
Reformed Sith Empire
Pius Dea
New Sith Empire
Creatures and Challenges Notable Worlds
Juggernaut War Droid Korriban

Rocket Trooper Ziost

Rakghoul Yavin IV

Dromund Kaas
Jedi Order
Notable Temples Creatures and Challenges
Tython Tarentatek

Ossus Sentinel Droid

Mandalorians Krath Warrior
Notable Strongholds
Krath Commander
Killik Hives
Notable Orders
Notable Hives
Creatures and Challenges
Basilisk War Droid
Creatures and Challenges
Hutt Empire/Hutt Cartel
Killik Guard
Notable Holdings
Varl Killik Scout

Nal Hutta Joiner

Nar Shaddaa Manaan

In the time before bacta, Manaan was the sole pro-
Rakatan Infinite Empire ducer of the important medicinal substance kolto. An
ocean planet, Manaan plotted a narrow line between
Notable Locations
major combatants in the many wars that would rage
Lehon (Rakata Prime) throughout the galaxy. Any attempt to conquer Man-
aan would result in the cessation of kolto, which was so
important to a war effort, even the Sith Empires would
Minor Factions declare the planet neutral in their conflicts. Popu-
lated by the native race the Selkath, Manaan features
Tion Hegemony no land, but instead had great floating cities. These
cities were connected to Kolto harvesting bases on the
After the fall of Xim the Despot to the Hutt Empire,
ocean floor, protecting them from any harm and keep-
The Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion comprised
ing them close to the source of Kolto, deep in the
of several small kingdoms that were formed a loose
ocean depths.
confederacy when first contacted by the Galactic Re-
Using stolen Republic technology, in 24,000 BBY, Argazdan Redoubt
Tion birthed a wave of destruction down the Perlemian
Trade Route. Only an alliance between the Republic,
Chiss Ascendancy
the Jedi Order, and the Hutts were able to stop the Czerka Corporation
onslaught, ending the Union forever.
Tion later joined the Republic as a new sector. Creatures and Challenges
HK-Series Assassin Droid
Empress Teta System
Creatures and Challenges The Exchange
Krath War Droid Black Sun

Chapter III

Player Options

New Species Language

Cathar Cathar speak their own language called Catharese,

which sounds like growls to the average humanoid ear.
Cathar are a proud warrior race, known for their com- In addition, Cathar commonly speak Basic, but with
bat prowess and their loyalty to their companions. an accent that rolls the letter “r” and swaps “w” for
Cathar can make eternal friends or blood enemies for “v”.

Life in the Old Republic

Cathar are a bipedal feline race with a quick temper, Proficient warriors and loyal companions, Cathar are
but very loyal. Cathar tend to also be very moral, a common sight in the galaxy, the strong man on a
which is reinforced by the clan structure of their soci-ship’s crew, or the top sergeant in a platoon. Having
ety. They are also formidable warriors, using physical a Cathar by your side is seen as a comfort to many in
prowess and retractable claws to defeat their enemies. the galaxy.
Many Cathar became famous Jedi, especially dur-
ing the Old Sith Wars, Mandalorian Wars, and the Jedi
Civil War. However, the Cathar race was nearly driven
Clan based, Cathar are ruled by Elders who have their to extinction during the Mandalorian Wars, either in
tree-homes carved with the tales and exploits of their fierce combat against the invaders or being enslaved
heroes. They celebrated these heroes with large festiv- by them, especially the women.
ities and held hunts in a ritual called the Blood Hunt
wherein Cathar warriors would fight to expel their in-
ner darkness. Species Abilities
Individually, Cathar mated for life. If one mate Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
died, the other would not take another mate for the 3 2 1 2 2 2
rest of their life.
Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn
Homeworld Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower
The Cathar homeworld is also called Cathar and is Starting XP: 95 XP
covered by broad savannahs split with rough uplands. Special Abilities: Cathar begin the game with
Cathar live in large city-trees as a defense against kiltik one rank in Athletics or Coordination. She may not
beetles that leave wide areas of the planet barren. train any of these skills above rank 2 during character
Cathar was conquered by the Mandalorians in creation.
3,673 BBY during the Mandalorian Wars. Many Retractable Claws: When a Cathar makes Brawl
Cathar were enslaved or killed in the aftermath, al- checks to deal damage to an opponent, she deals +1
most driving the species to extinction. damage and has a Critical Rating of 3.

Miraluka Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Miraluka are a near-human species that have no eyes,
Starting XP: 90 XP
but have an uncanny ability to perceive with the Force.
Special Abilities: Miraluka begin the game with
one rank in Discipline or Vigilance. She may not train
Physiology any of these skills above rank 2 during character cre-
Physically, Miraluka are very similar to humans, ex-
Force Sight: Though blind, Miraluka use the
cept they retain skin-covered vestigial eye sockets. Mi-
Force to perceive the world. This allows a Miraluka
raluka commonly hide their appearance and pass for
to remove up to imposed due to darkness. This
humans in the galaxy, making it difficult to identify in
added insight also adds an automatic on Perception
a crowd.

Miraluka society is general oligarchic, ruled by a coun-
cil of representative from each province. Individually, The red-skinned Sith are a humanoid race from the
Miraluka have a tendency to have a contemplative planet Korriban. Strong in the Dark Side of the Force,
and cautious nature, having little to no concern with they commonly breed with the Dark Jedi that arrived
personal glory. Being that the entire race is at least on their world after the Second Great Schism.
somewhat Force Sensitive, it is extremely common for
Miraluka to join the Jedi Order, filling out positions Physiology
from as high as the Council down to small support
roles. Sith skin varies from a bright red as a youth, grad-
ually darkening to a crimson as they age. Their face
frequently have bone spurs jutting out, creating an an-
Homeworld gular appearance. Sith also have cheek tendrils, which
The original homeworld of the Miraluka is shrouded move with their emotions.
in mystery. It was uninhabitable at some time in the Their eye color ranges between red and yellow and
distant past, its atmosphere stripped clean. Miraluka their hair is dark, ranging from black to red or brown.
found a new home in Alpheridies in the Expansion Re- Sith usually have three clawed digits on each hand
gion. and foot (thought with cross-species breeding can
The star of their new home produced most of its have five digits) and are most commonly left-handed.
light in the invisible spectrum, which meant the new-
comers had no need for eyesight. Overtime, Miraluka Society
lost their ability to see, but gained the ability to per-
ceive using the Force. A caste based society, Sith are ruled by the Dark Lord
of the Sith, who rules a council of other Lords. Below
them are the Kissai Caste, the priests who study the
Dark Side along with Sith alchemy. Below them are
On their homeworld, Miraluka speak Miralukese, but the Zuguruk Caste who are the great engineers of the
more commonly speak Basic. Empire. They build the tombs that cover Korriban and
the ships that rain fire from the skies. Below them are
the Massassi Caste, the warriors of the Empire. They
Life in the Old Republic
are far taller and stronger than the average Sith, with
Being that the entire race is at least somewhat Force heightened aggression at the expense of intelligence.
Sensitive, it is extremely common for Miraluka to join The lowest caste is that of slaves, which can come
the Jedi Order, filling out positions from as high as from any species the Empire has captured. When a
the Council down to small support roles. Sith Lord died, his slaved would be buried with him.

Species Abilities Homeworld

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence The original homeworld of the Sith was Korriban, a
2 2 2 1 3 2 rocky desert planet. Over the millennia, the Sith cov-

ered the surface with great tombs, causing a need to New Weapons
relocate the living to another planet, icy Ziost.

New Armor

The Sith language is notoriously complex language,

New Gear
comprising of combining thousands of distinct mean-
ingful units. For example, the title Sith’ari is com-
prised of two roots, Sith meaning “supreme”, “pre- New Vehicles
mier” or “perfect” and ‘ari meaning lord. The resul-
tant word can either mean Dark Lord of the Sith, The
The great history of galaxy includes a countless num-
Perfect Being, or even God. When interacting with
ber of vehicles, fielded from nations that have risen
species on an equal level, Sith will speak Basic, but
and fallen leaving behind great fleets of starships that
prefer their own language.
span the cosmos. It is not uncommon to see tried
and true ship designs to be reproduced for centuries,
making them widely available even though the beings
who created it may be long gone.
Life in the Old Republic

After the fall of the Rakata, the Sith species first came
into contact with the galaxy as a whole again with the
arrival of the Dark Jedi after the Hundred-Year Dark- Airspeeders
ness. The human and other species that dominated
the exiled Jedi intermingled with the species, making
it hard to establish a Sith “pureblood” by the time of In the early days of the Republic, having a ship was re-
the Great Hyperspace War. served for governments and the super wealthy. Those
with the means could purchase an airspeeder, putting
Losing the war was devastating to the Sith species.
those leagues above their less wealthy citizens.
Not only were they shattered, but the vengeful Repub-
lic began a campaign of genocide against the Sith,
nearly exterminating them.
While not common, the Sith are still present,
mostly in the outer rim of the galaxy. Landspeeders and Speeder Bikes

For those who could not afford an airspeeder, land ve-

Species Abilities hicles provided quick travel between the cities in new
founded colonies or transportation on a newly discov-
ered planet.
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
2 2 2 2 1 3

Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn AeroChaser Speeder Bike

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting XP: 95 XP Walkers
Special Abilities: Sith begin the game with one
rank in Cool or Leadership. He may not train any of Walkers saw use mostly by military forces. These
these skills above rank 2 during character creation. great legged vehicles allow armies to ignore terrain
Legacy of War: Sith add automatic to all War- that would halt land based vehicles or leave repulsor-
fare checks they make. driven vehicles exposed to enemy fire.

Manka-class Armored Transport

New Starships
Starfighters and Patrol Boats
Aurek-class Tactical Strikefighter
Liberator-class Starfighter
Sith Fighter
Mark VI Supremecy Fighter

Freighters and Transports

Dynamic-class Freighter
BT-7 Thunderclap
Defender-class Light Corvette
X-70B Phantom
Fury-class Interceptor
XS Stock Light Freighter
D5-Mantis Patrol Craft
Crescent-X9 Transport

Capital Ships
Thranta-class Corvette
Pius Dea Cathedral Ship
Hammerhead-class Cruiser
Valor-class Cruiser
Interdictor-class Cruiser

Chapter IV

Old Republic Campaigns

Living in the Old Republic

The Larger Unknown

Changing the Timeline


[1] Kevin J. Anderson, Daniel Wallace, Bill Hughes. The Essential Chronology. Del Rey, 2000.
[2] Kevin J. Anderson,Dario Carrasco, and Mark G Heike. Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire.
Dark Horse Comics, 1998.
[3] Kevin J. Anderson, Dario Carrasco, and Mark G Heike. Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith.
Dark Horse Comics, 1997.
[4] Kevin J. Anderson, Dario Carrasco, Jordi Ensign, and Mark G Heike. Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War.
Dark Horse Comics, 1996.
[5] Rob Chestney. The Journal of Master Gnost-Dural. Chronicle Books, 2011.

[6] Jason Fry, Daniel Wallace. The Essential Atlas. Del Rey, 2009.
[7] Jason Fry, Paul R. Urquhart. The Essential Guide to Warfare. Del Rey, 2012.
[8] John Jackson Miller. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Dark Horse Comics, 2006-2010.
[9] George R. Strayton, Eric S. Trautmann. Tales of the Jedi Companion. West End Games, 1996.

[10] Rodney Thompson,Sterling Hershey, John Jackson Miller, and Abel G PeÃśa. Knights of the Old Republic
Campaign Guide. Wizards of the Coast, 2008.
[11] Tom Veitch, Chris Gossett, and Mike Barreiro. Tales of the Jedi: Knights of the Old Republic. Dark
Horse Comics, 1994.

[12] Tom Veitch ,Kevin J Anderson, Chris Gossett, Art Wetherell, Mike Barreiro, and Jordy Ensign. Tales of
the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith. Dark Horse Comics, 1996.
[13] Tom Veitch, Tony Akins, and Denis Rodier. Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising. Dark Horse
Comics, 1997.

[14] Daniel Wallace, Kevin J. Anderson. The New Essential Chronolgy. Del Rey, 2005.
[15] Ryder Windham. Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force. Del Rey, 2007.
[16] Wookieepedia,


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