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Homework 6

Part I
1. Assume that you have a sample of n1= 8, with the sample mean X́ 1 =42 and a sample
standard deviation S1=4, and you have an independent sample of n2= 15 from another
population with a sample mean of X́ 2 =34 and a sample standard deviation S2=5 .
a. What is the value of the pooled-variance tSTAT test statistic for testing H 0 :μ 1=μ2?
b. In finding the critical value, how many degrees of freedom are there?
c. Using the level of significance α =0.01, what is the critical value for a one-tail test of the
hypothesis H 0 :μ 1 ≤ μ2 against the alternative, H 1 : μ 1> μ 2?
d. What is your statistical decision?

2. A bank with a branch located in a commercial district of a city has the business objective
of developing an improved process for serving customers during the noon-to-1 p.m lunch
period. Management decides to first study the waiting time is defined as the number of
minutes that elapses from when the customer enters the line until he or she reaches the
teller window. Data are collected from a random sample of 15 customers and stored in
Suppose that another branch, located in residential area is also concerned with improving
the process of serving customers in the noon-to-1 p.m. lunch period. Data are collected
from a random sample of 15 customers and stored in Bank2.xls.
a. Assuming that the population variances from both banks are equal, is there evidence of a
difference in the mean waiting time between the two branches? (Use α =0.05).
b. Determine the p-value in (a) and interpret its meaning.
c. In addition to equal variances, what other assumption is necessary in (a)?
d. Construct and interpret a 95% confidence interval estimate of the difference between the
population means in the two branches.

3. Nine experts rated two brands of Colombian coffee in a taste-testing experiment. A rating
on a 7-point scale (1 = extremely unpleasing, 7 = extremely pleasing) is given for each of four
characteristics: taste, aroma, richness, and acidity. The following data stored in Coffee.xls.
a. At the 0.05 level of significance, is there evidence of a difference in the mean ratings
between the two brands?
b. What assumption is necessary about the population distribution in order to perform this
c. Determine the p-value in (a) and interpret its meaning.
d. Construct and interpret a 95% confidence interval estimate of the difference in the mean
ratings between the two brands.

4. (considered related populations)

What motivates employees? The Great Place to Work Institute evaluated nonfinancial
factors both globally and in the United States. The results, which indicate the importance
rating of each factor, are stored in Motivation.xls.
a. At the 0.05 level of significance, is there evidence of a difference in the mean rating
between global and U.S. employees?
b. What assumptions is necessary about the population distribution in order to perform this
c. Use a graphical method to evaluate the validity of the assumption in (b). (using box plot to
determine normality)

5. Do males and females differ in the amount of time they talk on the phone and the
number of text messages they send? A study reported that women spent a mean of 818
minutes per month talking as compared to 716 minutes per month for men. Suppose that
the sample size were 100 each for women and men and that the standard deviation for
women was 125 minutes per month as compared to 100 minutes per month for men.
a. Using a 0.01 level of significance, is there evidence of a difference in the variance of the
amount of time spent talking between women and men?
b. To test for a difference in the mean talking time of women and men, is it most
appropriate to use the pooled-variance t test or the separate-variance t test? Use the most
appropriate test to determine if there is a difference in the amount of time spent talking
between women and men.
The article also reported that women sent a mean of 716 text messages per month
compared to 555 per month for men. Suppose that the standard deviation for women was
150 text messages per month compared to 125 text messages per month for men.
c. Using a 0.01 level of significance, is there evidence of a difference in the variance of the
number of text messages spent per month by women and men?
d. Based on the results of (c), use the most appropriate test to determine, at the 0.01 level
of significance, whether there is evidence of a difference in the mean number of text
messages sent per month by women and men.

Part II
1. Let n1 = 100, X1 = 45, n2 = 50, and X2 = 25.
a. At the 0.01 level of significance, is there evidence of a significant difference between the
two population proportions?
b. Construct a 99% confidence interval estimate for the difference between the two
population proportions.

2. Do social recommendations increase ad effectiveness? A study of online video viewers

compared viewers who arrived at an advertising video for a particular brand by following a
social media recommendation link to viewers who arrived at the same video by web
browsing. Data were collected on whether the viewer could correctly recall the brand being
advertised after seeing the video. The results were:
Correctly Recalled the Brand
Arrival Method Yes No
Recommendation 407 150
Browsing 193 91
a. Set up the null and alternative hypotheses to try to determine whether brand recall is
higher following a social media recommendation than with only web browsing.
b. Conduct the hypothesis test defined in (a), using the 0.05 level of significance.
c. Does the result of your test in (b) make it appropriate to claim that brand recall is higher
following a social media recommendation than by web browsing?

3. Determine the upper-tail critical value of F in each of the following one-tail tests.
a. α =0.05, n1=16, n2 = 21
b. α =0.01, n1=16, n2 = 21

4. A bank with a branch located in a commercial district of a city has the business objective
of developing an improved process for serving customers during the noon-to-1 p.m lunch
period. Management decides to first study the waiting time is defined as the number of
minutes that elapses from when the customer enters the line until he or she reaches the
teller window. Data are collected from a random sample of 15 customers and stored in
Suppose that another branch, located in residential area is also concerned with improving
the process of serving customers in the noon-to-1 p.m. lunch period. Data are collected
from a random sample of 15 customers and stored in Bank2.xls.
a. Is there evidence of a difference in the variability of the waiting time between the two
branches? (Use α =0.05).
b. Determine the p-value in (a) and interpret its meaning.
c. What assumption about the population distribution of each bank is necessary in (a)? Is the
assumption valid for these data?
d. Based on the results of (a), is it appropriate to use the pooled-variance t test to compare
the means of the two branches?

5. Do men and women differ in the number of online friends that they have? A study of
3,011 people reported that men had a mean of 180 friends and women had a mean of 140
friends. Suppose that the study consisted of 1,511 men and 1,500 women and that the
standard deviation of the number of friends was 130 for men and 120 for women. Assume a
level of significance of 0.05.
a. Is there evidence of a difference in the variances of the number of online friends between
men and women?
b. Is there evidence of a difference in the mean number of online friends between men and
c. Construct and interpret a 95% confidence interval estimate for the difference in the mean
number of online friends between men and women.

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