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SECTION-A ( Reading )

1. Read the passage carefully:

The river flows down the mountains, across the plains then joins into the sea.
The river begins high in the mountains. The water in the river flows quickly
downhill. When there is heavy rain, the river flows even faster. The river drops
down over high rocks before flowing on. The water in the river carries stones and
gravel. When the river leaves the mountain, it widens across the flat land called
plains. The river is now wider and carries more mud and sand. The river flows
into the sea. At the edge of the sea the river drops all the mud and sand that it
has carried along with it. It is a long journey right from the mountain to the sea.

Answer the following questions: 4x1=4M

a. Where does the river join at the end?

Ans. _____________________________________________________________

b. What does the river drop at the edge of the sea?

Ans. _____________________________________________________________

c. Write the opposite of:

slowly x ___________

d. Give a suitable title for the given passage.

Ans. _____________________________________________________________
SECTION-B (Grammar)

2. Rewrite the following words to make meaningful sentences: 2x1=2M

a. Delhi / went / yesterday /to /Raju

Ans. _______________________________________________________________

b. peacock / a /saw /he / the /in /park

Ans. _______________________________________________________________

3. Choose the correct possessive pronoun given in the brackets: 2x1=2M

a. You have a new toy. It is _____________. (theirs / yours)

b. This house belongs to us. This house is ____________. (ours / his)

4. Fill in the blanks with a / an / the : 2x1=2M

a. The flight landed _____ hour ago.

b. _____ earth revolves around the sun.

5. Turn the following statement into negative sentence : 2x1=2M

a. Manish is from England.

b. Shriya has a pen.

6. Change the following statements into questions: 2x1=2M

a. It is cold outside.

b. He plays with his sister.

SECTION-C ( Literature )

7. Choose the correct meaning for the given word: 2x1=2M

a. experiment - _______________________

(i) knowledge (ii) discover (iii) an activity done to test an idea

b. linen - ___________________________

(i) sheet (ii) a type of cloth (iii) bamboo

8.Make a meaningful sentence for the given word: 1x1=1M

a. encourage - ___________________________________________________.

9. Answer the following questions : 2x1=2M

a. Who made the hot air balloon?

b. Name the animals in the first flight of man?

10. Value based questions: 1x1=1M

a. What did you learn from the lesson, ‘Man learns to fly’.

********THE END********

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