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Escape the Haunted House Escape the Haunted House

Answers for Digit 1 Answers for Digit 2

Look at these spooky nouns. Decide if the determiner One word in each of these sentences is missing a prefix.
‘a’ or ‘an’ should be used when writing a noun phrase Add the missing prefixes and count how many times the
about them. How many need the determiner ‘a’? prefix anti- is used.

The ghoul was a supernatural phenomenon.

ghoul apparition vampire Would there be an antidote to the zombie’s bite?

potion pumpkin zombie I automatically jumped away from the vampire.

We didn’t want to interact with the witches.

evil spirit skeleton witch
The bobbing apples were submerged in the water.

werewolf cauldron ogre Just when we thought it was gone, the ghost

After the scares of Halloween, I was left feeling

Nine of these nouns would need the determiner ‘a’ when antisocial.
used in a noun phrase: a ghoul, a vampire, a potion, a
pumpkin, a zombie, a skeleton, a witch, a werewolf and Only two words are used which have the prefix anti-,
a cauldron. meaning against. These are antidote and antisocial.

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Escape the Haunted House Escape the Haunted House
Answers for Digit 3 Answers for Digit 4
How many of these words belong in the solve word Add the missing subordinating conjunctions to these
family? They will all relate to the meaning ‘to loosen’. sentences. Choose from: if, when, until and although.
How many letters are in the most commonly used

sold solar solid We were so shocked when we saw the ghost appear.

I ran home quickly when I saw a scary werewolf.

solution soldier solvent
I still like Halloween although it always scares me.
solidify dissolve solicitor
We were scared when there were zombies everywhere!

insoluble parasol salvage I’ll be really scared if we bump into a vampire.

It was a relief when my mum finally arrived to help.

I kept running and running until I was safely back home.

Four of these words belong in the solve word family. The most commonly used subordinating conjunction is
They are solution, solvent, dissolve and insoluble. when. This conjunction contains four letters.

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Escape the Haunted House Escape the Haunted House
Answers for Digit 5 Answers for Digit 6
Read the sentences below. How many of them contain Read the sentences below. How many of these sentences
verbs which are in the present perfect form? contain correctly punctuated direct speech? Correct
any errors you find.
The zombie has gone into the cemetery.
“Aaaaargh!” screamed the terrifying zombie.

Dad warned us to be careful. “Can we go home now please?” asked my little sister.
“Thank you,” I said to my neighbour as she gave me
The witch has flown in front of the moon. some sweets.
“Find me some blood!” the vampire bellowed.
A pack of werewolves have howled from the woods. “It’s behind you!” my friend screamed.
“We’re locked in!” said Neil when he realised his mistake.
My granny closes the curtains early on Halloween.
“There’s nothing to be scared of,” reassured Uncle Cliff.
One vampire has shown his sharp fangs.

My neighbours have filled my bucket with tasty sweets.

There are five sentences which contain verbs in the Only two of these sentences contains correctly
present perfect form. These all have ‘has’ or ‘have’ in punctuated direct speech. The rest are missing inverted
front of the verb. commas or punctuation within the inverted commas.

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Escape the Haunted House Escape the Haunted House
Answers for Digit 7 Answers for Digit 8
One word in each of these sentences is missing a prefix. Match each of these words to its homophone. It may
Add the missing prefixes and count how many times the have more than one. There will be one word left over.
prefix dis- is used. How many letters are in the leftover word?

The unhappy spirits wandered the Earth.

Dare I disobey the vampire’s orders? medal mane their
The ghouls can misbehave on Halloween.
I don’t want to be misled by an evil ghost.
whose meddle whether
It is incorrect to put yourself into a dangerous situation.
there break they’re
Some goblins can be quite unpleasant.
It is often unnerving to be around zombies on main who’s brake

Only one word is used which has the prefix dis-, Whether is the only word which does not have a
meaning not. The word is disobey. homophone. There are seven letters in the word whether.

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Escape the Haunted House Escape the Haunted House
Answers for Digit 9 Answers for Digit 10
All of these words end with the letters ly but how many Read the clue and write the answer with one letter
of them are adverbs? in each box. Spell the answers correctly to reveal the
hidden number in the yellow squares.

smelly ugly scarily Happening before the expected time.

e a
r l y
sly wrinkly bully
To think that something is true.
terrifyingly chilly deadly b e l
i e v e

ghastly spookily rally To watch over and protect something.

g u
a r d

To take air in and out of your lungs.

Only three of these words are adverbs: scarily, terrifyingly

b r e a t h e
and spookily. The rest are adjectives or nouns.
The name of the planet we live on.

E a r t h

The answers are early, believe, guard, breathe and

Earth. The hidden number spelled out in the yellow
squares is eight.

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