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  Module 2 Assignment

3FM4 class of Prof. JR Esmade

 In not less than 100 words answer the given question below:

Recent trends in the banking sector around the world indicate mergers and acquisition among banks are 
becoming increasingly common.   Do you think  this is also  good for our local banking industry? Explain
your answer.  


Do recent trends in banking sector that indicates mergers and acquisition among banks also good
for our local banking industry?

After a year of unprecedented upheaval, economic

disruption, and political uncertainty, we’re beginning
to see the light at the end of the tunnel. With 2021’s
global rollout of multiple COVID-19 vaccines,
consumer confidence should increase, companies
should be more bullish, and economic activity should
start to resemble what it was prepandemic. This is an
encouraging mix and will bring good news for 2021
banking and capital markets (B&CM) mergers and
acquisitions (M&A) activity. In fact, a flurry of
dealmaking toward the end of 2020 helped to offset a
moribund second quarter and signaled companies’
intent to move ahead despite challenges.
As banks, investment management and wealth
management (IM/WM) firms, and financial technology
(fintech) companies recover from COVID-19’s
financial and operational impacts, some will need time
to reset and reimagine their inorganic growth
strategies for the next normal. This, and the potential
for tax and regulatory changes under the Biden
presidency, may hinder banking M&A activity in the
early months of 2021, although the potential exists
for 2021 to be a record year for M&A activity.
Pent-up demand is very high, and the primary drivers
for dealmaking remain intact: the pursuit of scale
efficiencies, desire to enhance product portfolios, and
the need to bolster digital capabilities. Industry
players with a strong reputation and balance sheet
and increased asset accumulation in fee-based
businesses should be well-prepared to reengage in
strategic buying, investing, or partnering
In addition to piloting their company through the pandemic and various
economic and market conditions in 2021, banking executives should consider
how to address the following trends and drivers. 

Banking and capital markets organizations that have

been deferring M&A moves may be willing to
reengage in dealmaking as they look for new
pathways to profitable growth in a reshaped,
increasingly competitive financial services industry.
Factors that had been driving M&A prior to and during
the pandemic—the availability of significant dry
powder, attractive valuations, a favorable low-
interest-rate environment, and access to financing—
will likely continue in 2021.
Uncertainty about the lingering effects of the
pandemic likely will remain for the foreseeable future.
But this shouldn’t deter B&CM leaders from
capitalizing on 2021 M&A opportunities to build
economies of scale, add innovative products and
services, remove duplicate and unwieldy operations,
expand digital proficiency, reduce costs, grow
revenue, and increase shareholder value.

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