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SAQ 3.


1. Which of the following elements proves that it is actually the sender who has sent the
A. Integrity
B. Privacy
C. Non-repudiation
D. Authentication

2. A CA e-mails Audit Reports to clients and wants reasonable assurance that no one has
altered the Report. This objective can be achieved by:
A. Signing the document using the CA's Symmetric Key.
B. Encrypting the hash of the Report using the CA's private key.
C. Encrypting the hash of the Report using the CA's public key.
D. Encrypting the report using the CA's symmetric key

3. The security of a Symmetric Key depends on the number of:

A. Encryption key bits.
B. Messages sent.
C. Keys.
D. Algorithms used

4. The use of digital signatures:

A. Ensures privacy of message
B. Provides encryption to a message.
C. Provides authentication of message.
D. Ensures message confidentiality

5. A digital signature contains a Hash to:

A. Authentication of source.
B. Ensure privacy of message.
C. Efficient message transmission.
D. Ensure Integrity of message maintained during transmission.

6. The sender of a public key would be authenticated by a:

A. Certificate authority.
B. Certificate Revocations List
C. Digital certificate.
D. Registration authority

7. Symmetric encryption:
A. Can cause key management to be difficult
B. Provides authentication
C. Is slower than asymmetric encryption
D. Ensures integrity

8. To ensure authentication and integrity of a message, the sender should encrypt the hash of
the message with:
A. Sender’s Public key
B. Sender’s Private Key
C. Receiver’s Public Key
D. Receiver’s Private Key

9. To ensure authentication, confidentiality and integrity of a message, the sender should

encrypt the hash of the message with:
A. Sender’s public key and then encrypt the message with the receiver's private key.
B. Sender’s private key and then encrypt the message with the receiver's public key.
C. Sender’s Public key and then encrypt the message with the receiver's public key.
D. Sender’s Private key and then encrypt the message with the receiver's private key.

10. Which of the following ensures integrity.

A. Hash Code
B. Encrypting with Symmetric Key
C. Encrypting message with Sender’s public Key
D. Encrypting message with receiver’s private key

1 C 6 C

2 B 7 A

3 A 8 B

4 C 9 B

5 D 10 A

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