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Royal University of Phnom Penh

IFL, DoE, 2021-2022 SSP, LS301

Letters from Thailand 1- 15

(Letter 1-3) Group 1

1 Bin Vissotsak, Sak
2 Chan Soklay
3 Chhour Pichmonyroth
4 Chraing Mek
5 Em Chandara
6 Heng Boy
7 Heng Chivorn
8 Heng Sopagnaroth
9 Iem Sara

1. Briefly explain Tan Suang U’s family and educational background.

Ans: He had had a father who had been a farmer before he passed away. His mother used to be a
companion of a daughter of a noble family. Suang U did not go to school, but luckily, his mother
taught him how to write and read.
2. Why and how did Suang U migrate to Thailand?
Ans: He migrated to Thailand in pursuit of a better life and in hope of sending some money back
home to support his poor family in China. Based on Marxist, the reason Suang U left his
homeland to Thailand because back in China, there were difficulties regarding with living
condition. Due to his lack of background education, he could not find job that suffice his basic
need. He was living in poverty, so he wants to migrate to another country, Thailand for a better
life.(This is psychoanalysis; how about Marxist?)
Ans: In Marxist perspective:
 The society in China (higher class or any other working departments) valued a
certified educational background more than the ability of oneself to do tasks, and a
poor family like Suang U’s couldn’t afford to pay for certified education. That’s the
reason that Suang U emigrated to Thailand. It can be seen that he couldn’t find a
job if he could only read and write.

3. How did relationship between Suang U and the freight manager, Lo Yong Chua begin?
Ans: They met for the first time on a boat trip to Thailand. Yong Chua was very polite and kind
to them as he provided the boys a medication when they were seasick; plus, they kept chit
chatting until they reached their destination. Moreover, the old man, Yong Chua, offered Suang
U a job as well as his friend and treated him as if he were his own son; they were very close to

Adapted from BCS&BSN 1

Royal University of Phnom Penh
IFL, DoE, 2021-2022 SSP, LS301

one another. Soon after, the old man chose to adopt Suang U. (Can you list down possible
reasons that Yong Chua adopted Suang U?)
- Yong Chua does not have any kids
- Suan U is a smart boy, he can read and write without attending school
- They are both get along well when they have a talk
- Yong Chua is polite and kindq
- Yong Chua enjoyed Suan U company
- Yong Chua wanted to assist Suang U life in Bangkok
- He (Yong Chua) felt lonely
- More? Chinese culture: to have someone carry his plate after he dies?
- Suang U is a honest man with gratitude:
4. What happened to Yong Chua’s family?
Ans: his wife and his kid had died in Thailand due to great flood three years prior to the time he
was having a conversation with Suang U.
5. Describe the relationship between Suang U and the other two friends, Kim and Seng.
Ans: Suang U and the other two come from the same village, and their goal was to go to Thailand to
find a good job together. However, Suang U seems closer to Kim because Seng had always laughed at
the others' suffering. For instance, due to the situation on the boat to Thailand, it was revealed that
Seng had immoral behaviors and was jealous or judged others in the wrong ways, including his two best
friends. (Why did Seng become jealous of Suang U? What did he do to Suang U then?)

- Because Suang U is smart. Yong Chua

- He had a fight with Suang U and told his uncle not to employ Suang U and Kim.
6. Raise three interesting points that can be inferred from the conversation between Suang U
and Kim (page 12-13)
Ans: 1/. Value of friendship (elaboration)
1. Both of them came from the same place. Suang U asked his father (Lo Yong Chua) to
recommend Kim a job at his cousin'.

2/. Only those who suffer can understand the suffering (elaboration)
- Seng was also the one in three people from Chinese so he thought that there was only him that
got suffer when they were in Thai. He was being separated when Suang U was adopted.
3/. People may change once they get to safe place 1(who? elaboration)
- Seng will be the one who changes since he got jealous when friends are in the better
condition than him. He even started a fight with Suang U and Kim once Yong Chua
adopted Suang U.

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Royal University of Phnom Penh
IFL, DoE, 2021-2022 SSP, LS301

7. What did Seng decide to do with Suang U and Kim when the ship reached Bangkok? Do
you think Seng’s decision was fair? Why or why not?
Ans: When the ship finally reached Bangkok. Seng scoled and cursed Suang U and Kim. I do
not think Seng's decision was fair because he was jealous of Suang U getting adopted by Lo
Yong Chua, and he lost the fight to Suang U. Also, Seng was the one who started the fight and
argument with Suang U. He came with a group of young adults, and it looked like he was ready
for it. I think Seng should not have done such a thing when the ship reach Bangkok since they
might have lost the face in front of the crowed. Instead, he should remain silent for the sake of
his uncle. (His arrogance + disloyal friendship. Can you elaborate on these two points) Seng
wanted to show superiority over his friends, for example, on the ship, he laughed at Suang U and
others for having a seasick. he used force and inappropriate words to break down his friends self-
esteems, but it does not turn out to be what he wanted. Seng is a treachery character that has no
fidelity over his friends
8. Describe Lo Nguan Thong’s living and business environment. (Roth will answer this)
Ans: Lo Nguan Thong's living and business environment:
 He lived with his wife, and his two daughters in a store
 The kitchen and bedrooms were upstairs
 Most parts of his family's living space were used for his business (devoted for the storage
of incoming merchandise).
 The store located in the center of a row of wooden houses.
 A family shared space with a business of one kind or another.
 The front of each store was opened to the street absorbing the income from customers
during the daytime.
 When the business ended in the evening, the great wooden doors are pulled shut all along
the row and across the street.
 Open to the street... busy street... Most of the families in Sampheng Lane are Thai or
- Chinese

9. Point out five interesting things you have learned from page 17-19.
Ans: five interesting things that I have learned:
- Nguan Thong family- living environment
- Sampheng Lane, Klong Ong Ang canal: selling sweets, fruit, clothing, pots, pans...
- Eating rule- men, employee, boss eating together, but women eat whatever is left (used
chopstick after them...)
- Chines are not allowed own land, instead Thai are allowed
- Kim insists to get more money because he thought he work harder...

Adapted from BCS&BSN 3

Royal University of Phnom Penh
IFL, DoE, 2021-2022 SSP, LS301

(Letter 4-6) Group 2

10 Kouch Kimchov
11 Koun Kimheng
12 Kun Vathrotnak
13 Kun Visal
14 Lim Yousung
15 Long Povnita
16 Lun Sreyvin
17 Mut Sreylen
18 Oun Manit

10. What did Suang U refer to as the “face of the moon”? Why?
Answer: The "face of the moon" referred to a situation when Suang U met Mr. Nguan Thong's
older daughter from the first time. He described her characteristics as beauty and regarded her
face as the moon, because he thought that her face is as beautiful as the moon shine.

11. .What was Suang U’s guilt and what was Kim’s worry? How do these have impact on
their behavior? Raise concrete examples.
Answer: Suang U felt a guilty that he left his mother in China and went to a trip to find new job.
Kim worries that Seng will use his influence to get Suang U and Kim fired.
For Suang U, the feeling of guilt will remind him every day that he has to work hard to earn
fortune, live a better live in a new land, have a family and be more responsible for his new
decision. For example, Suang U's has chosen to live a better live in Thailand. He has to wake up
early in the morning working for Ngoun Thong then also he has to teach Ngoun Thong's
daughters Chinese. (good answer but doesn’t respond to the letter) He feels guilty because he has
to lie about his education. How does it have impact on his behavior?
Suang U felt guilt after lying about his education to Ngoun Thong.
- He tried to work harder to display his ability by following Ngoun Thong order and his
father instruction.
Suang U felt guilty to lie about his education to Mr Nguon Thong, because all his knowledge
came from his mother, included literature and abacus skills.
For Kim, this feeling of worry will remind him that no matter what he has to earn Ngoun Thong's
trust, so that Seng could not get him fired in the future. For example, both Suang U and Kim
doing their best to be one of the e noticeable employees. Suang U, yes, but Kim: does Kim a
hard-working employee?

Adapted from BCS&BSN 4

Royal University of Phnom Penh
IFL, DoE, 2021-2022 SSP, LS301

12. Suang U got his monthly salary in advance, but Kim did not. Why was it so? Do you
think it’s fair?
Answer: Because Suang U was favored by Ngoun Thong as he thought that Suang U had got a
good education background and Kim hadn't got one.
It is not a good thing to have favoritism in the working place as it leads to employees being
jealous over each other, thus creating unnecessary issues in the workplace and it also is likely to
affect the work progression. (So you believe that it is okay to have favoritism in the working
So, why didn’t Mr Nguon Thong taught Kim his skills and knowledge as Kim also needs money
for living?
+ First Suang U has a basic knowledge for example, he could write and read. In addition, his
characteristic also good as a good learner and fast learner which he is in to business.
13. What was Nguon Thong’s view on education and women? How much has this view
changed and how much it remains the same in our society?
Answer: Nguon Thong thought that women are not made for education. He said that "women
and rice belong in the kitchen"; it indicates that Chinese people's perspectives toward women are
really bad. From feminist criticism, Nguon Thong had the patriarchal ideology that boys are born
to carry on business, but not girls; thus, girls would rather 'act like a girl', such as working in the
kitchen, than having education, by stating that teaching literature to girls is a waste of time. The
girls felt like it was not fair for females to live under this kind of perspective; therefore, Ang
Buai, the second girl of Nguon Thong, tried to oppress and argued with her father that girls are
also possible for carrying on the business and insisted to have Suang U to be their teacher. The
view that women are not suitable for schools has changed a lot in our society nowadays, shown
by the equality of men and women being able to attend school without any denial from anyone.
Moreover, the number of women graduated from schools and universities have levelled to the
number of men. However, what remained the same in our society is the perspective that women
would rather spend more time at home in the kitchen and household work rather than pursuing
higher education.

14. What did Suang U do with Ngoun Thong’s two daughters?

Answer: He was teaching Chinese to Ngoun Thong's daughters. He tried to fit himself into
Ngoun Thong's family. He also had a crush on one of Ngoun Thong's daughters, Ang Bui.
15. What were the different views of Ang Bui and Ngoun Thong concerning learning Thai
language and reading? What is your own view concerning these matters?
Answer: Ang Buai and Ngoun Thong had different views of learning Thai language and reading.
Ang Buai thought that learning Thai language and reading was beneficial to her family's business
because they were all doing business in Thai. On the other hands, Nhoun Thong disagreed with

Adapted from BCS&BSN 5

Royal University of Phnom Penh
IFL, DoE, 2021-2022 SSP, LS301

Ang Buai because he thought that learning other languages might affect to the owner's thinking
and mind. He thought that if one studied Thai and even reading Thai, they would think like Thai
and acted as like Thai. Based my point of view about these matters, I support Ang Buai ideas.
Learning different language are not disadvantages. It can give us ways to do better, and guide us
to the successful road. The world has becoming smaller and smaller; hence, learning difference
languages could help us to interact with world not left behind. Most importantly, you are living
in their country! How do you live in a country where you don’t its language? Moreover, I also
agree with Ngoun Thong idea on the culture of those languages influence to the learners. It is
true that the reading passage itself contains with the culture and concept of the language.
However, if we had the strong belief and concept of our own culture, nothing can influence us
unless we are unclear about our culture that is why we still get effect.
16. What is Ang Bui’s opinion regarding beauty? Do you agree with her?
Answer: Ang Bui thinks that being a Chinese girl with dark skin is not beautiful as white skin.
She is quite jealous with her sister Mui Eng because of her skin. (Where does the idea come
from? Why does this happen?) The idea is on everyone’s lips. It happens because people start
comparing herself and her sister and have an idea that no dark Chinese it thought to be pretty.I
totally disagree with Ang Bui's opinion regarding beauty. It does not matter if your appearance is
not pretty as long as you have courage and self-esteem. Beauty does not always come from what
you look but it also come from what you show.
17. What were different views of Suang U and Kim about learning? To what extent do you
agree with any one of them?
Answer: The difference between Suang U and Kim when it comes to learning is that Suang U
makes a concerted effort to learn. He keeps an eye on things, observes what's going on, and takes
actions to better himself. Suang U even offered to use his reading and writing skills to teach both
Ang Buai and Mui Eng, as stated in the letter. Kim, on the other hand, only learns about the tasks
that he is assigned. Even if he does his work well, it may not be the best he can accomplish. (I
feel like you haven’t read the letter) Read page 30 again
- Kim was the person who always thought about something easy for him, and he
compared that education was not essential due to seeing the ironworkers; they were
uneducated. Yet, they could find an excellent job for their life.
- Besides this, Sung U was an optimistic person, and he thought that although they could
do it, people who were educated had more opportunities than those. 

The difference in views between Suang U and Kim about learning is that Suang U thinks that to
be able to study, you don’t have to be in school. Everyone can study anywhere, depending on
their wits and learning from others. Kim, however, thinks that studying outside school is not
valid nor acceptable.
To what extent, I find both views partly agreeable. Suang U does make a point about being able
to study anywhere because knowledge doesn’t evolve only within school. However, school is the

Adapted from BCS&BSN 6

Royal University of Phnom Penh
IFL, DoE, 2021-2022 SSP, LS301

basic foundation of knowledge being imparted to a child. It gives a chance to people to acquire
knowledge on various fields of education that outsiders couldn’t provide.
(Letter 7-9) (Group 3)
19 Pen Chanvitou
20 Phouk Sovannphal
21 Prom Menglong
22 Rath Monyrith
23 Sarik Seangheng
24 Seang Linda
25 Seng Chetra
26 SNGUON Sothearith

18. What was Suang U’s views concerning the practice of traditional customs? (Moon
Festival, burial, and cremation?) What is your view?
Answer: Suang U’s views concerning the practice of traditional customs:
- Moon Festival: he thinks that the Moon Festival is a lovely and important tradition for a nation
as people can celebrate, offer something to their god, and pray to the moon. People celebrated in
their own different way.
- Burial and cremation: Suang U was told by Ang Buai that Thais cremate their dead instead of
burying them because they believe that a man’s spirit cannot be released and reborn unless the
body is cremated. So, he thinks that it is more reasonable to respect other people’s beliefs than to
argue on behalf of one’s own.
- For my point of view, yes, I agree with Suang U’s views because a country has its own culture
and tradition and that people can do base on their beliefs.
19. How did Suang U react to Mui Eng’s behaviour? To what extent do you agree or disagree
with his statement “It is unsuitable for a girl to show her feeling.”?
Answer: Suang U’s reaction was that he began to feel angry with Mui Eng’s behaviour about
first throwing love stories and tossing bracelet to him because he thinks that it’s not suitable for
the girl to show her feeling.
For me, I disagree with the statement because I believe that human can show their feeling toward
someone whom they feel good at or love. There is no any regulation and norm that prohibit
people to show their feeling. Mui Eng’s behaviour doesn’t show that she is an easy-going girl, in
contrast love is about to show good feeling or love by behaving to each other.
20. Suang U said, “I am willing to respect the Thai, but so far I haven’t seen much to
respect.” (page 36) What does he refer to? What do you learn from this thought?
Answer: Suang U was willing to respect the Thai, but it turns out with disrespect to him because
those Thai people were always getting drunk that made them argue, curse, and scream at each

Adapted from BCS&BSN 7

Royal University of Phnom Penh
IFL, DoE, 2021-2022 SSP, LS301

other every night. In this case, I have learnt that most of the Thai people are uneducated because
they got drunk, addicted gambling, and fight each other all nights without thinking about others.
What do you learn about the attitudes of immigrants and local people? What is the immigrant’s
thought towards the local people?
It depends on kind of people but in this story, we learn that attitudes of immigrants seem better
than some local people in a way of working, saving money, and using money in a prioritized
way. Immigrants don't like to gamble and drink alcohol, and they seem living in a solidary
society and help each other.

(Letter 10-12)
21. Raise five different reasons to explain how Suang U could marry a beautiful daughter of
his boss?
Answer: He is an adopted son o
- He is an adopted son of his boss’s cousin
- He can read and write (educated person) as Mui Eng said that she can only married a man
who has education
- He is qualified for his job at his boss’s store and he is a hard worker.
- Mui Eng doesn’t love his friend, Seng, but she loves Suang U.
- He teaches Chinese to Mui Eng and her sister, so he could have more time to stay, see
and show their feeling toward each other (Ant is close to sugar)

22. What can you reflect from second paragraph from the bottom on page 48: “The last
thing…I shall not forget it.”
Answer: Through this statement, I think that it can reflect into two ways:
- First, opportunity to get money from Thai who love to gamble. This can be a kind of
business that as being a Chinese, Suang U can think about that and get close to Yi Go
Hong to study more on how that business works. So, this is an opportunity to earn much
money as he needs money for his family.
- Second, it is good for him that he is neither Thai nor Chinese who love to gamble, or in
other words, he is not a person who like to earn money from uncertain job (Depending on
fortune or chance). So, he is happy to hear what Nguon Thong said that” We look for our
fortunate that surest way. Buying and selling, and hard work, not so quick a way, but
certain and honorable, and it has not failed us.”
(What can you reflect on Thai and Chinese about making money? How do the Chinese become
rich? How do the Thai become poor?)
- Reflecting on Thai and Chinese about making money: (From the given pages only!)

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Royal University of Phnom Penh
IFL, DoE, 2021-2022 SSP, LS301

+ Chinese become rich by working hard, they do a certain job and honorable. Chinese people
don’t like believing in fortune or chance. Basically, Chinese people are smart in doing business,
like buying and selling their products to local people (Thais).
+ Chinese would earn less money with a proper career or business. Thai people want to be rich
in a short time.
+ Thai people become poor because they don’t do a regular job which give them a steady
income. They love gamble because they think they can make more money in this way. As you
know gambling is depending on your fortune or your chance, if today you are unlucky, you will
be lost all your money.

(Letter 13-15) (Group 4)

27 Sok Oudom Puthirac

28 Sour Bandith
29 Srun Kim Hong
30 Tan Sokputhrea
31 Tang Guech Khim
32 Thypheap Sachakpitou
33 Yim Sreysrors
34 Yin Vannsay

1. Summarize main events in assigned letters (Letter 13-14)

Letter #13: Suang U became engaged to Mui Eng. Both fathers visited astrologer for their
child's wedding date. Good day for wedding would be held in next 2 weeks or waited until end
of next year, so they decided to choose the first option. For the wedding gift (betrothal), Suang
U gave 2,440 baht to Mui Eng's parents for raising their children. For traditional practice,
number must be included 4 like 2,440 baht or 6,440 baht; it is a symbolic of longevity. Suang
U promised to give back the money which his father helped him for wedding gift. Then, there is
another 12 baht for Mui Eng jewelry such as necklace, bracelet and earing; all of these are
gold as they believed that it a fortune by wearing it. Moreover, Sung U plan to return the
necklace that Mui Eng gave his to her back. In that society, when you have gold, you would feel
respectful in your neighborhood. Beside that gift, they prepared hundred boxes of almond candy
to be sent to Mui Eng's relative. He planned to keep working with his father in-law by selling
food and necessary stuff, and waited for its result so they can expand their business. They were
on the track to reach their dream.
Letter #14:
A: Suang U’s wedding day with Mui Eng: in the letter, Suang U expresses his feeling of
how he wishes his mother would also be present and would lead in such a ceremony and receive
the respect from her new daughter-in law.

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IFL, DoE, 2021-2022 SSP, LS301

B: The rumors of Seng wanting his revenge: there was a rumor circulating that Seng is
plotting a revenge against Suang U for stealing his fiancée. However, when the gossip reaches
Suang U’s ears, he responded of what his mother had taught him that ‘No hand can rise up to
strike a hand that will not rise up to meet it.’ and shook the rumor off as he and his friend, Kim
C: Suang U’s perspective towards the ceremony: Although Suang U believe that marriage
itself is a huge and vital step in a man’s life, he thinks that it is still unnecessary for them to
spend a fortune on the ceremony. Suang U believe that the whole reason of having to spend so
much on the ceremony is due to the desire of only wanting to display their wealth or a gesture of
good will for their friends and nothing more.
2. Highlight and note down 5-6 interesting quotes or statements from assigned letters. What
is it about? Explain why it catches your attention. What does it reflect? (Just 3 quotes,

a. Suang U: It is too heavy to be pretty… (p.49): women’s jewelry (necklace, bracelet,
earing, ring…) Suang U claims that the gold jewelry is not even attractive, yet it is
pricey; Thais like it, and so does his wife. I chose this quote because I agree that it is not
beautiful at all, but it is simply valuable. Reflect: materialistic, self-worth=> to get self-
respect from society.
b. Suang U: ‘No hand can rise up strike a hand that will not rise up to meet it’ (p.52): A
person who is not prosperous could not touch someone who has a better life. Suang U
believes Seng will be unable to get revenge on him. The quote is new to me and it has an
interesting meaning. Reflect: inequality Check this one again
Seng has declared that he will seek revenge on Suang U for stealing his fiancee. Therefore, the
remark implies that Seng's vengeance will not be carried out if Suang U does not begin or care.
It reflects peace, or silent treatment?
c. Suang U: Ceremonies are only a show of wealth… (p.53): Suang U believes that
spending so much money in celebrating ceremony is because they want to show off their
fortune or status in the society. I either agree or disagree with this quote because we have
different perspective. TO WHAT extent you agree or disagree? Reflect: social status,
wedding traditions and customs
I disagree, I think ceremonies hold an extremely important place in lives. They reflect hopes,
traditions, spirituality, belief, and culture. Plus, ceremonies are held to celebrate special events in
lives, or to honor a life well lived.
Specifically in this part of the story, ceremonies, marriage, is quite important, as it shows
commitment and an official union.
d. “Yong chua nodded…..We Chinese close our shop twice a year, once at half-year and again
at the new year, and we go visiting on New Year’s Day.”(pg55) Yong Chua believed that Thai

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Royal University of Phnom Penh
IFL, DoE, 2021-2022 SSP, LS301

people will snatch at any chance to escape work and have a holiday. Opposite from Chinese, they
just don’t want to waste their time and try their best on their business rather than their holiday.
For example, Some Thai people take off Saturday and Sunday. I think this statement showed the
strong ambition/business practices of the Chinese on their business. Moreover, they aren’t
influenced easily by a foreign culture. Reflect: The author wants to imply that people of different
cultures have a different perspective. (Cultural differences)
e. Suang U: They look at me and see a man like themselves (p.50). This quote may imply
that Suang U’s fortune of getting married to a rich family make those people (the guys in
the shop and on the boat) wants to be like him. I found this quote pretty interesting
because the meaning of the quote lies within the quote itself already when we see it.
Reflect: Jealousy

Adapted from BCS&BSN 11

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