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TCS India Policy – Leave Without Pay

 2008

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are prohibited.

This document must not be copied in whole or in parts by any means,

without the written authorisation of the Head – Global HR, TCS or Deputy
Head – Global HR, TCS.

Document Release Notice

This TCS India policy on Leave Without Pay (LWP), Version 10.0, is published for use in TATA
Consultancy Services (TCS) with effect from 01 Oct 2018.

This document is subject to TCS Document Control Procedure.

Soft copy of the latest version of this document is available in MyHR in Knowmax.

This document was last reviewed on 27 Sept 2018.

Approved By: Dr.Ritu Anand (Deputy Head – Global HR)

Authorised By: Ajoy Mukherjee (Head – Global HR)

TCS Confidential 2

Applicability ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Provisions .............................................................................................................................................. 4
 LWP Reasons and Approval ..................................................................................................... 4
 Duration of LWP ....................................................................................................................... 5
 Exhaustion of Other Leave Types ............................................................................................. 7
 Clearances ............................................................................................................................... 7
 LWP Undertaking ..................................................................................................................... 8
 Compensation and Benefits during LWP................................................................................... 8
 Academic internships while on LWP for Educational Purposes ................................................. 9
 Return at the end of LWP ......................................................................................................... 9
Special Scenarios ................................................................................................................................ 11
Terms and Conditions ......................................................................................................................... 12
Procedure ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Appendix A .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Appendix B .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Revision List ........................................................................................................................................ 22

TCS Confidential 3

This policy is applicable to all Full Time Employees of TCS India who are working in India and who have
completed at least two years of continuous service in TCS.

This policy is not applicable to:

- Business Associates, ACE Interns, Academic Interns and Contract Consultants.

- Employees recruited outside India, who are governed by the local policies of their respective


TCS employees are eligible for paid leave for a fixed number of days as defined by TCS’ internal policy
and statutory requirements. However, there may be personal reasons, for example, prolonged illness of
the employee, child care, higher education and so on, wherein an employee may need additional time
away from work. TCS provides Leave Without Pay (LWP) for specific reasons and subject to approvals as
defined in this policy.


The purpose of the LWP policy is as follows:

1. To extend support to employees during various life stages or during personal emergencies.

2. To encourage employees to focus on continuous learning throughout their tenure in TCS by providing
time away from work for further education.


1. LWP Reasons and Approval

i. LWP is event driven and an employee may avail LWP for the following reasons:

a. Educational purposes - To pursue courses relevant to further career options in TCS

b. Medical reasons (Own illness)

c. Joining spouse (who is also a TCS employee) on an International Assignment.

d. Child Care reasons.

Note: LWP for Child Care may be availed for up to two children including legally adopted
children, and provided the child is less than six years of age as on LWP start date.

e. Child’s board exams

Note: LWP for child’s board exams may be availed in the year of the child’s board exams.

TCS Confidential 4
f. Caring for Major Illness of an Immediate Family Member - Immediate family includes
children, spouse, parents, and parents-in-law.

ii. Employees may apply for LWP multiple times during his or her tenure in TCS, unless
specifically limited in this policy based on the reasons for LWP.

iii. All LWP requests are subject to due approvals from the immediate Supervisor and Regional
HR Head.

iv. The Regional HR head, after receiving inputs from the supervisor, will evaluate the LWP
request taking into consideration various parameters, including but not limited to: Reason for
the LWP request, relevance of the course for which the request is being made (in case of
LWP for Educational Purposes), current and past performance, employee’s overall record,
existing commitments to the role, any existing agreements, past utilisation records, allocation
prospects at the time of returning from LWP, and so on.

v. Regional HR head may reject a LWP request if they find that it is not in line with the policy
provisions or not meeting the objectives under which this benefit is applicable.

2. Duration of LWP

Based on the reason for LWP, there is a maximum limit on the number of days that an employee may
avail as LWP during his or her tenure in TCS. The details of the limit are given in the following table.

Reason Up to a Maximum Period of

Educational purpose 730 calendar days during an employee’s tenure in TCS or the number of days
mentioned in the admission letter, whichever is less

Medical Reasons (Own 365 calendar days during an employee’s tenure in TCS

Joining spouse (who is 365 calendar days during an employee’s tenure in TCS
also a TCS employee)
on an International

Child Care / Post - If employee, who is availing under this category, has one child
maternity Reasons below 6 years of age: 365 calendar days during an employee’s tenure in

- If employee, who is availing under this category, has two children

and both the children are below 6 years of age: 545 calendar days
(365 + 180) during an employee’s tenure in TCS.

- If employee, who is availing under this category, has two children

wherein one of the children is below 6 years of age and the other is
above 6 years of age: 365 calendar days during an employee’s tenure in

TCS Confidential 5


1. The duration mentioned above is inclusive of any LWP that may have
already been availed earlier in TCS as Post Maternity LWP.

2. The age of the child should be below 6 years of age as on LWP start

- LWP for Child Care may be availed in continuation with maternity leave.

- Total number of requests under LWP for Child Care (including

extensions) should not exceed four times in the entire tenure with TCS.
This rule is applicable irrespective of whether LWP is availed for one or
two children.

Child’s Board Exams Three months per child and up to two children. The leave should be approved
at least 6 months in advance. The leave should be availed in one continuous

Note: This leave will count towards the maximum duration of LWP one may
avail for non-education purposes and also towards the permitted total of four
requests for Child Care leave during an employee’s tenure in TCS.

Caring for Major Illness Three months; and the leave should be availed in one continuous block:
of an Immediate Family
Member Note: This leave will count towards the maximum duration of LWP one may
avail for non-education purposes and may not exceed three times in the
entire tenure with TCS.

Irrespective of the number of times an employee avails LWP for the same or varying reasons, the total
number of LWP days may not exceed 730 calendar days during his or her tenure in TCS. Moreover if the
reason for which LWP is applied is other than educational purpose, the total number of LWP days may
not exceed 365 calendar days during his or her tenure in TCS, the only exception being LWP for Child
Care in case of two children in which case the limit is 545 calendar days.

The maximum limit on the number of days that an employee may avail LWP for various reasons are
explained through the examples below:

- Example 1: An employee avails LWP twice during his or her tenure, once for medical
reasons and the second time to join TCSer spouse on an International Assignment. In this
case, the total duration of LWP including both requests cannot exceed 365 calendar days.

- Example 2: An employee avails LWP twice during his or her tenure, once for educational
purpose and the second time to join TCSer spouse on an International Assignment. In this
case, the total duration of LWP including both requests cannot exceed 730 calendar days
with the second request to join TCSer spouse not exceeding 365 calendar days. In this case,
if the LWP duration for the first instance is 300 calendar days, the second request to join
TCSer spouse may be up to a maximum of 365 calendar days only.

TCS Confidential 6
- Example 3: An employee avails LWP twice during her tenure, first time for Child Care and
the second time for educational purpose. In this case, the total duration of LWP including
both requests may not exceed 730 calendar days, that is, if the LWP duration for the first
instance is 300 calendar days, the second request for educational purpose may be up to a
maximum of 430 calendar days only.

3. Exhaustion of Other Leave Types

An employee is required to exhaust the following leave types before availing LWP:

Reason Type of Leave Balance to be exhausted prior to

applying for LWP

Educational Purpose Earned Vacation

Medical Reasons (Own Illness) Sick Leave and then Earned Vacation

Child Care Earned Vacation

Joining spouse (who is a TCS employee) Earned Vacation

on International Assignment

Child’s Board Exam Earned Vacation

Major Illness of Immediate Family Earned Vacation

4. Clearances

In case the duration of the LWP is more than 90 days, it is mandatory for an employee to get a
clearance from various teams before he or she proceeds on LWP. This is to ensure that no
outstanding assets or dues are recoverable from the employee.

Clearances are required from:

- Location Admin Team, Location IS/ISM, Location Finance Team and the Location Library.

- Client clearance: For some projects, the client may mandate specific clearances for client
supplied assets before the employee proceeds on a long leave. It is the responsibility of the
Supervisor of that project to ensure that the client supplied assets are returned before the
employee proceeds on LWP.

Note: Approval of the LWP request is subject to completion of the clearance process. In case
the employee proceeds on LWP without completing the clearance, the LWP is considered as
unauthorised absence, on account of which the employee is liable to face disciplinary action.

TCS Confidential 7
5. LWP Undertaking

Prior to proceeding on LWP, the employee is required to accept the terms and conditions of the LWP
policy by signing the LWP Undertaking.

Note: LWP Undertaking is required to be signed in case LWP duration is more than 30 days. The
LWP undertaking is available on GESS Leave application page. The employee is required to take a
print and submit it to their Regional HR.

6. Compensation and Benefits during LWP

i. Compensation

The employee is not eligible for any component of Compensation and Benefits for the duration
of LWP.

ii. Health Insurance Scheme

a. Health Insurance Scheme (HIS) benefits for self and beneficiaries who are covered (as of
LWP start date) will continue to be covered for the entire duration of the LWP. The applicable
premium for LWP period will be deducted after the employee reports back to work and the
payroll processing starts. In case the employee fails to report back to work, the applicable
premium will be recovered through their full and final settlement.

b. In case the employee resigns during LWP or on completion of LWP, prior to reporting back,
HIS coverage will continue till the date of resignation. Outstanding premium if any, will be
recovered during their full and final settlement

c. In case any modification required under the dependants category, the employee needs to
update the same during the HIS Permitted window period.

Refer to TCS India Policy - Health Insurance on MyHR for more details on HIS Scheme and
the applicable premium

iii. Retirals

a. All contributions towards retirals such as Provident Fund and Superannuation are suspended
for the duration of the LWP.

b. Continuity of Service for Gratuity calculation:

- The LWP period will be counted as continuous service for the purpose of Gratuity calculation.

- However if an employee does not return from LWP or resigns while on LWP then the LWP
period will not be counted as continuous service for the purpose of Gratuity calculation. In such
cases, the last date of work, that is, prior to proceeding on LWP, shall be treated as the cut of
date for the purpose of counting continuous service.

- In case of Leave Without Pay for medical reason; the period of LWP will be counted as period
of continuous service for the purpose of Gratuity, even if employee does not return from LWP or

TCS Confidential 8
resigns while on LWP. In such cases, the LWP end date or date of resignation, whichever is
earlier, will be treated as the cut-off date for the purpose of calculating continuous service.

7. Academic internships while on LWP for Educational Purposes

a. The employee may connect with Regional HR and request for project internship roles in TCS.

b. Regional HR may in turn connect with the Branch Academic Relationship Manager (ARM) /
RMG to determine possible assignments in the base branch or in other locations within TCS.

c. In case an employee who is studying abroad intends to complete academic internship in

TCS, Regional HR may connect with the Geography HR to facilitate accommodation of the

d. All such requests (India or Onsite) will be evaluated by the Regional HR / Geography HR
Heads based on available requirements for project interns.

e. In case there is no project requirement within TCS, an employee may take up internship
outside TCS.

8. Return at the end of LWP

a. An employee should report back at the Home Location (Base Location), irrespective of where
he or she is during the LWP period.

b. On reporting back from LWP, the employee is required to complete the Leave End Reporting
Form (LERF) and the same should be approved. LERF is a formal notification from the
employee to TCS about his or her reporting back after LWP; it captures the date of reporting.
An approved LERF is the only trigger for starting the employee’s payroll and benefits which
are stopped during the LWP period.

c. On reporting back, the treatment with respect to re-fitment, calculation of relevant experience,
continuity of service, compensation, and so on varies depending on the reason for LWP as
provided in the following table:

On reporting Educational Purpose For reasons other than Educational

back Purpose

Reintegration These are a generic set of guidelines, in the form of a ready reckoner, which
Guidelines facilitates a seamless integration to the organisation on return from LWP. Refer
Appendix B within this document to find the Reintegration Guidelines

Re-fitment of A re-fitment may be done to make No re-fitment is done

Grade adjustments (wherever appropriate) to
the grade, compensation and benefits
based on the enhanced educational
qualifications, as per the policy
applicable at that point of time.

TCS Confidential 9
Any re-fitment is subject to:

1. Type of course and relevance of

the course to TCS’ business
requirements at that point of time

2. Successful completion of the

course with the required grades
and qualification updated on

3. Allocation to a role which in line

with the enhanced qualification

4. Compensation re-fitment, if
applicable, will be initiated, after
the steps 2 & 3, above are
completed and will be effective
after the date of above mentioned
role allocation

Compensation May change based on the re-fitment As per TCS Compensation Policy
and Benefits and the TCS Compensation Policy applicable for the financial year.
applicable at the time of reporting

Performance When the employee reports back If the employee has completed the LWP
Pay after LWP, the performance pay period in the same financial year and has a
component of the compensation is Rank for this period, then the performance
based on the Rank in SPEED for the pay would be based on this Rank. . If the
period prior to going on LWP. Hence Rank is not available; the employee is
it is important that the employee expected to connect with his or her Unit
completes the appraisal before going HR, who in turn facilitates the employees
on LWP. Rank release in SPEED.

Note: If the employee has been on If there was no appraisal done during the
LWP for other reasons just prior to entire FY on account of employee being on
LWP for Education and no leave, no Rank is released. In such cases,
performance rank was released, the TCS Compensation Policy at the time of
performance pay will be as per the reporting back will be applicable.
grade minimum performance pay

Relevant LWP period may be counted as LWP period greater than 90 days is not
Experience relevant experience during re-fitment counted as relevant experience during
and during subsequent promotions. subsequent promotions

Continuity of LWP period is excluded from LWP period is excluded from continuous
Service for continuous service for the purpose of service for the purpose of ‘Service and

TCS Confidential 10
‘Service and ‘Service and Commitment Awards’. Commitment Awards’.


i. On reporting back to the Home Location, the re-fitment process (if applicable) and other HR related
processes will be facilitated by the IOU/Regional HR and the employee can get in touch with them.

ii. Another important aspect of reporting back is that the employee should immediately connect with the
IOU RMG/ Location RMG to find suitable assignments/roles which commensurate with the
qualification attained (if any).

Special Scenarios

a. LWP for employees with less than two years of continuous service in TCS

Employees with less than two years of service may be granted LWP for a maximum period of one
month for the reasons cited below, based on the approval from the immediate Supervisor and the
Regional HR Head. Earned leave must be exhausted before availing LWP. In case the employee
suffers from any illness, sick leave and earned leave must be exhausted before availing LWP.

Reasons for Leave Without Pay:

i. Medical Reasons (own illness)

ii. Marriage of self

iii. Hospitalisation of self or dependants

iv. Maternity purpose

v. Preparation for an examination

In case of Trainees, the LWP period is not considered as valid service towards the Service
Agreement Commitment.

Any LWP availed prior to two years of service in TCS also counts towards the maximum LWP
one may avail during his or her tenure in TCS.

Refer TCS India Training Period Policy or TCS India Probation Policy for more details on
the action in case the employee avails LWP during the Training or Probation period

b. Employee wants to reduce or extend the LWP period

The employee may reduce or extend the LWP duration, subject to necessary approvals. (Refer
Procedure section within this document).

TCS Confidential 11
c. Employee is on a Long Term International Assignment and wants to avail LWP

An employee is not entitled to LWP when he or she is on an International Assignment. However,

on completion of the assignment, the employee may avail of LWP subject to approval from Host
Country HR and Regional HR Head. Host country policy and procedures regarding visa/work
permit, insurance, final settlement and other aspects impacting the international assignment may
also be applicable.

d. Employee is serving the International Assignment Agreement and wants to avail LWP

An employee is not entitled to LWP when he or she is serving the International Assignment
Agreement. In case of an emergency and based on approval from Regional HR Head, the
employee may avail of LWP; however the LWP period is not considered as valid service towards
the International Assignment Agreement.

e. Employee directly reporting at the Host country at the end of LWP

An employee, who is at a location other than India when on LWP, may be permitted to report
directly at the Host country where the spouse is deputed only if the Home Location/IOU RMG has
already identified a project for the employee and the Home Location/IOU RMG Head has
approved direct reporting at the Host Country without reporting to the Home Location. In this case
the employee may join a project at the Host Country; however, it is mandatory for him or her to fill
the LERF immediately on reporting back. Host country policy and procedures regarding visa/work
permit, insurance and other aspects impacting the international assignment will be applicable and
the employee must ensure that he or she completes all the overseas deputation formalities that
are applicable.

f. Employee is serving the Notice Period and wants to avail LWP

An employee who is serving notice period is not entitled to LWP.

Terms and Conditions

1. It is mandatory for an employee to apply for LWP in the system and the same should be approved at
all levels before he or she proceeds on LWP. An employee must not proceed on LWP unless the
request has been approved by the Regional HR head.

2. During the LWP period, the employee should not take up any part time or full time employment for
remuneration or otherwise, for any reason whatsoever.

3. An employee whose spouse is also a TCSer should ensure that there are no duplicate leave
applications of LWP for “Child Care”, “Child’s Board Exam” or “Major illness of Immediate Family” for
the same individual (that is, child/spouse/parent/parent in law).

4. TCS reserves the right to initiate exit procedures in case of the following:

a. The employee does not report back by the approved LWP end date.

b. The employee does not have an approved LERF record within five working days of LWP end

Refer TCS India Policy -Separation (Section: Stopped Attending Without Authorisation)

TCS Confidential 12
5. If an employee resigns while on LWP or does not report for duty after exhausting the LWP, then the
last working day prior to proceeding on LWP would be treated as date of separation for all purposes.

Refer TCS India Policy-Separation for more details on separation when on leave.

6. LWP availed for more than ninety days by an employee during his or her tenure in TCS is mentioned
on the Service Certificate.

7. TCS reserves the right to initiate disciplinary action (including termination of employment) against the
employee, wherever it is found that any duration of the LWP was utilised for a reason other than the
approved reason OR in case of any violation of terms and conditions of the LWP Policy.

8. TCS reserves the right to change or discontinue any/all provision(s) of this policy including but not
limited to the entitlement and procedure, at any point of time.


A. Apply for LWP

1. Any LWP should be planned well in advance (except in situations of a personal emergency wherein
prior planning may not be possible). In case the duration of LWP is more than two weeks, the same
should be applied at least four weeks before availing.

2. The employee can apply for LWP through Ultimatix as follows:

Login to Ultimatix  Employee Services  Employee Self Service  Global ESS  Leave 
Apply Leave

The employee completes the leave application form and submits the same for approval along with the
supporting documents as proof to support the reason for LWP.

Note: In case of LWP for educational purposes the details of degree/diploma, course name and
university / institute name that are entered in the GESS form should be same as mentioned in the
admission letter.

3. The following supporting documents are required to be submitted:

- Educational Purpose: Admission letter, fee receipt or acceptance letter.

- Medical Reasons (Own Illness): Certificate from an authorised medical practitioner and medical

- Child Care Reasons: Birth Certificate of the child; In case of adopted children, Adoption
Certificate should be submitted.

- Joining Spouse (who is a TCS employee) on an International Assignment: Letter for the
spouse and an email confirmation from the Location/IOU RMG Head stating that there are
currently no projects available for the employee in the same location as that of the spouse.

- Board Exam of the Child: Admit card of the child or any other proof intimating the academic
year and date of the exam.

TCS Confidential 13
- Major Illness of Immediate Family: Certificate from an authorised medical practitioner and
medical reports.

B. LWP Undertaking

1. While raising the LWP request, the employee accepts the LWP Undertaking in GESS. The employee
then takes a print which he or she signs accepting terms and conditions of the LWP policy and
submits the same to Regional HR before proceeding on LWP.

2. The Regional HR updates and maintains the LWP Undertaking duly signed by the employee in the
employee’s Personal file

C. Approval of the Request

An LWP request requires approval as follows:

1. The first level of approval goes to the immediate Supervisor to evaluate the employee’s current work

2. After the Supervisor’s approval the request is forwarded to the Regional HR Head for a due diligence
on the appropriateness of the reason for LWP, eligibility of the employee requesting LWP and so on.
In case of LWP for educational purpose, Regional HR should ensure that details of degree/diploma,
course name and university/ institute name is the same as mentioned in the admission letter, before
approving any request.

3. Finally the employee is notified of the approval or rejection of the request.

D. Clearances


i. This step is applicable only in case of LWP of more than 90 days.

ii. It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that all clearances are completed before he or she
proceeds on LWP.

1. The employee approaches the Regional HR to initiate clearance.

2. The Regional HR hands over a Clearance Form to the employee which has a checklist of
outstanding dues / assets which need to be cleared / returned to the various teams, as applicable.

Refer Appendix A for the list of Assets pertaining to each team for which clearances should be

3. In case there are pending assets, the employee contacts the different teams to return the pending
assets, after which the respective team provides the clearance. If there are no pending assets, the
respective team provides the clearance.

4. In case the employee is unable to return the assets:

i. The respective team notifies the Location Finance Team through the Regional HR of the
assets which have not been returned and the monetary damages applicable.

TCS Confidential 14
ii. The Regional HR informs the employee about the damages in lieu of the asset(s) which he or
she is required to pay back to TCS.

5. The employee may settle this amount directly with the Location Finance Team by Demand Draft or
Online Funds transfer.

6. After the dues are settled, the respective team provides the clearance based on a confirmation from
the Location Finance Team.

E. Reporting after LWP

Employee reports back on time

1. Employee must formally communicate, 1 month in advance (in person, email or over the phone) to
the Location / IOU RMG and Regional HR about his or her expected reporting date.

2. The employee reports to the base Location to which he or she was tagged at the time of proceeding
on LWP and submits the Leave End Reporting Form (LERF) on the day of reporting.

i. For LWP up to 30 days: The first level of approval goes to the immediate Supervisor to
validate the date of reporting. The request is then sent for approval to the Regional HR.

ii. For LWP of more than 30 days: The first level of approval goes to the Regional HR to validate
the date of reporting. The request is then sent for approval to the Location / IOU RMG to
intimate them about the employee’s availability and plan for further allocation.

Note: In case of LWP for Educational Purposes, the proof of completing the course should also be
furnished along with the LERF.

3. The employee is notified of the approval or rejection of the LERF.

4. After the approval of the request, the compensation and benefits of the employee are restarted from
the date of reporting as per the approved LERF. This is a digitised process and it is the onus of the
employee to verify that this has been completed.


i. In case any salary or pending dues have been paid which are pertaining to the LWP period (due
to payroll processing before the LWP request has been approved), the surplus amount is
recovered in the very first payroll as soon as the employee reports back.

ii. In case the employee reports back but does not submit the LERF or the LERF is not approved
within five working days of end date of LWP, the employee is no longer considered to be on LWP
and the Regional HR initiates the necessary action including change of employment status and
exit procedures.

iii. The employee’s next assignment after reporting back from LWP is decided by the Home Location

iv. In case of LWP for Educational Purposes, RMG will allocate the employee to a role which is in
line with his/her education qualification (if available) against open requirements across TCS.

TCS Confidential 15
Reduction in LWP Period

1. If the employee wishes to report back earlier than the approved end date of LWP, then the employee
is advised to intimate IOU RMG or the immediate supervisor at least one month before the proposed
date of reporting to ensure that a suitable role and work allocation can be planned. It is mandatory for
him or her to fill the LERF immediately on reporting back.

2. The approval process and initiation of payroll is the same as in case of reporting at the end of the
LWP period. The only difference is that once the LERF has been approved, the remaining days of
LWP are automatically cancelled.

Extension in LWP Period

1. In case the employee who is currently on LWP wants to extend the LWP for the same reason, then it
may be considered on request, subject to that provided it does not exceed the maximum limit
permitted during the tenure, based on reason for LWP. (Refer procedure to ‘Apply for LWP’ and
‘Approve the request’ above).

2. In case the employee wants to avail LWP for a different reason than what he or she had already
taken, then the employee should report back to work and submit the LERF for approval. Once the
LERF is approved, the employee needs to fill a new request for LWP, provided the total number of
LWP days does not exceed the maximum limit permitted during the tenure, based on reason for LWP.

Employee does not report back

In case the employee does not report to work within five working days of end date of LWP, the Regional
HR initiates exit procedures.

TCS Confidential 16
Appendix A
Clearance Checklist
Name: Supervisor:

Employee Number: LWP Start Date:

IOU HR / Regional HR Officer:

Current Project: Branch Finance Officer:

Branch Clearance Clearance Authority

Department Amount Sign

Remarks Name Date
(in Rs.) ature


Mobile with SIM Card / Calling Card /

Home Phone

Company Car

ID card* / Pass / Car Sticker / Bus


(*ID card is to be submitted only if the

LWP duration is more than 365 days)

Drawer / Cupboard Keys


Laptop / BlackBerry

CD / Floppy / Software / Other Media

Air Card / Internet ID Deactivation

TCS Confidential 17
Finance (Home Branch)


Advances (Sundry, Travel, and so on)

Finance (Host Branch) – pertaining to previous International Assignments (if applicable)

Forex / Onsite settlement dues

Outstanding Advances


Books / Journals / CDs or DVDs

Client Clearance

Client Assets / Clearance

Client Email Deactivation

Client Network access Deactivation

Client ID / Access Card

Employee Signature: HR Approval:

Date: Date :

Communication Address / Email (for contacting

the employee during LWP):

TCS Confidential 18
Appendix B
Re-Integration Guidelines
A. Things to do once you return from Long Leave:

(Leave Without Pay, Maternity Leave or any other type of leave longer than 3 months)

1. Get in touch with the Regional HR at your branch and complete your online reporting process
(LERF in case of LWP) and ensure it is fully approved within 15 days of you reporting back so
your status changes to 'Active’.

2. It is advised that you contact the Regional HR two to three weeks prior to your reporting date. It
would help in initiating assignment identification through RMG in advance.

3. It is essential to connect with RMG once the assignment is finalised to get complete details before
you proceed to meet the manager.

4. Discuss your role, expectations and so on with your new manager. Get a clear idea on what is
expected of you. Also set your expectations and mention any challenges upfront. It would be
good to arrive at a plan at the outset.

5. Connect with the Regional HR at your branch to find out when the next Re-Integration Session
will take place. This would help you get updated on the latest in the policy and process areas and
become aware of the happenings in TCS while you have been away.

6. After the re-integration session, the Regional HR may arrange for you to connect with a Senior
Advisor, on request. Make efforts to connect with the advisor frequently to understand learning
areas, tips on work-life balance, and so on.

7. Get updated with the latest in technology and business areas relevant to your role. Ensure you
connect on iEVOLVE and also enrol for a few classroom training sessions to take a refresher

8. If you are returning from Maternity / Child Care leave, you may like to get acquainted with the
Workplace Parents group at your location through the D&I SPOC at your location. It would help
to meet like-minded individuals who have been through similar life-cycle stages like you have.

9. Ensure that all aspects are taken care from the systems perspective in the week of your return.
This includes the following:

a. Submit the Leave End Reporting Form (LERF) to get your status back to ‘Active’

b. Update your e-profile (resume) on Ultimatix

c. New allocation to WON / SWON

d. Timesheet entries on IPMS

e. Role and Competency tagging in iEVOLVE

TCS Confidential 19
f. SPEED (Appraisal details, as applicable)

g. Update HIS details for child (applicable if you are returning from ML / LWP for child care) in
accordance with the HIS policy

h. Update your BOB (Food Card and so on)

B. Roles and Responsibilities of Key Stakeholders

Stakeholder Key Responsibilities

Regional HR  Ensure that employees complete reporting formalities and fill the LERF in
case of LWP

 Ensure there is an awareness amongst employees on the availability of

guidelines and checklists, tasks to be completed

 Assist in identifying suitable roles for employees who are returning from
Long Leave.

 Arrange for a “Re-Integration” Workshop. This can be conducted once a

month in each location depending on the numbers. The Regional HR
Team must ensure that the attendance is recorded by the Talent
Development Team after each session.

 Create a senior advisor pool for employees who have returned from Long
Leave. The advisor pool comprises of senior men and women employees
(preferably in grade C5 and above), who can counsel the employee on
professional matters

 Connect senior advisors to employees post the re-integration process on

request basis.

 Review the progress made between the employee and advisor at regular
intervals (3-6 month period)

 Ensure that the employee is invited to be a part of the Workplace Parents

Group if the employee is returning from ML / Child Care leave.

RMG  Identify suitable roles for employees who are returning from Long Leave.

Senior Advisor  Energise the employee and help channelise efforts in a positive and
constructive direction.

 Respond to specific queries and concerns which the employee may raise.

 Guide or advise the person on the professional front and help iron out any
project/allocation related issues.

TCS Confidential 20
 Guide the employees on how to put their career back in action after the
time break.

 Engage in meaningful dialogue and sessions which are beneficial from the
employee’s perspective.

 Suggest refresher courses or trainings that can be undertaken to get the

employee back on track faster

 Facilitate and influence connect with the Supervisors / HR for any

assistance required

Supervisors  Be sensitised to the employees needs

 Ensure that a discussion takes place with the employee to agree on role,
work arrangements and expectations.

 Provide performance feedback at regular intervals.

 Facilitate smooth integration back into a project/work environment.

Employee  The roles played by the Supervisors, Senior Advisor, HR and RMG are
facilitative in nature and the employee is responsible to ensure that he or
she utilises the opportunities provided optimally for smooth re-orientation
into the organisation.

TCS Confidential 21
Revision List
Policy Policy
Revision Release / Revision Rationale Change
Effective Section No. revision/Docu
No. Revision Description for change type
date ment revision

Applicability for
Child Care LWP
updated to include
all employees. Provisions 
Duplicate LWP Reasons
01 Oct 27 Sept applications for the and Approval Policy Policy
10.0 Add
2018 2018 same child will not Review Revision
be permitted in Terms &
case both Conditions
employee and
spouse are

The restriction on
Provisions 
01 Oct 27 Sept minimum duration Policy Policy
10.0 Duration of Delete
2018 2018 for Child Care LWP Review Revision
has been removed.

Specified that
LERF process
01 Feb 31 Jan needs to be Reintegration Document Document
9.0 Added
2018 2018 completed within 15 Guidelines Revision Revision
days of return from

Replaced OU HR
Head with Regional
HR Head, since
01 Feb 31 Jan these requests are Special Policy Policy
9.0 Modify
2018 2018 reviewed and Scenarios Revision Revision
approved by
Regional HR

TCS Confidential 22
Employees on LWP
for Educational
purpose, may Provisions 
pursue internship Academic
01 Feb 31 Jan internships Policy Policy
9.0 outside TCS if no Modify
2018 2018 while on LWP Revision Revision
for Educational
requirements are
available within

Criteria for age of

the child to
determine eligibility
Provisions 
01 Feb 31 Jan will be calculated Policy Policy
9.0 Duration of Modify
2018 2018 from LWP start Revision Revision
date as against the
earlier LWP request

Document level
changes made to
01 Feb 31 Jan Throughout Document Document
9.0 ensure policy Modify
2018 2018 the Policy Revision Revision
relevancy and

ID card needs to be
submitted to Admin Appendix A –
1 Apr 31 Jan on of a Document
8.0 only if the LWP Clearance Modify
2009 2014 process Revision
duration is more Checklist
than 365 days.

7.0 01-Apr 21-Dec Additional details Procedure: Documentati Modify Document

2009 2012 provided on the Applying for on of existing Revision
process of leave leave. practice
application and
reporting back. Procedure:
. back after
7.0 01-Apr 21-Dec Clarity provided on Provision: Documentati Modify Document
2009 2012 re-fitment for Treatment with on of existing Revision
employees respect to re- practice
proceeding for fitment
/returning from
LWP for education

TCS Confidential 23
6.0 15-Aug- Feb-2012 Clarification of Impact on To provide Added Document
2010 continuous service Compensation clarity Revision
in case of LWP for and Benefits
medical reason for during LWP(iv)
purpose of Gratuity

5.0 01 Jan 15 Oct Modified guideline Terms and Additional Modify Document
2008 2011 on initiating exit Conditions clarity revision
procedures if the
employee does not
report back by the
approved LWP end
date or does have
an approved LERF

4.0 15 Aug 15 Aug LWP can now be Section: To facilitate Added Policy
2010 2010 availed for the Provisions – the parent to Revision
following reasons Entitlement be with the
child at the
- Child Care time of need.

- Child’s Board Children may

Exams need
guidance and
- Major illness of support of
child/spouse/pa parents,
rents/parents-in especially
laws around

4.0 15 Aug 15 Aug Continuity of Terms and Employees Added Document

2010 2010 Service for Gratuity Conditions may also Revision
calculation need
Based to
compliance in
and checks

TCS Confidential 24
4.0 15 Aug 15 Aug Guidelines defined Terms and To provide Added Document
2010 2010 for managing Conditions clarity on the Revision
project internship process for
requests with TCS managing
which are initiated internship
by employees on requests with
defining the
4.0 01 Apr 15 Aug Introduced Section: To provide Added Document
2009 2010 examples on Provisions – more clarity revision
maximum LWP Entitlement on the policy
entitlement based (point number
on various reasons iv – Notes)
for availing LWP.

4.0 01 Apr 15 Aug Introduced Appendix B To provide Added Document

2009 2010 Reorientation information revision
Guidelines for Re-orientation on the
employees joining Guidelines processes to
back from long be followed
leave and the
(more than 3 various touch
months) points post
return from

4.0 01 Apr 15 Aug Introduced a table Section: To provide Added Document

2009 2010 to clarify re-fitment, Provisions - more clarity revision
calculation of Reporting on the policy
relevant back from
experience, LWP
continuity of service
and compensation
when an employee
reports back. This
is a documentation
of existing
related to LWP.

TCS Confidential 25
4.0 01 Apr 15 Aug Introduced section Section: To provide Added Document
2009 2010 on Special Provisions - more clarity revision
Scenarios for LWP Special on the policy
to clarify treatment Scenarios
under various
scenarios. This is a
documentation of
related to LWP.

4.0 01 Apr 15 Aug Re-structured few All sections To provide Modified Document
2009 2010 sections and points throughout the more clarity revision
within the document on the policy
document to bring
about more clarity

3.0 01 Apr 01 Dec Included clause on Provisions (2 – To ensure Added Document

2009 2009 premium payment Benefits employee is revision
for LWP period applicable covered
during LWP) under HIS
during LWP

2.0 20 Jan 20 Jan LWP availed for Terms and Total TCS Added Policy
2009 2009 more than 3 Conditions experience Revision
months will be should
mentioned on indicate the
Service Certificate. LWP period.

2.0 20 Jan 20 Jan Revised Gratuity General Process Added Policy

2009 2009 calculation for LWP Provisions – Requirement Revision
cases that do not Continuity of
complete one year service for
of service post gratuity
LWP. calculation

1.0 01 01 January First Release NA NA NA NA

January 2008

TCS Confidential 26

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