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Wolkite University

College of Computing and Informatics

ICT Incubation Center Project Proposal
Project Title: -
Dormitory Management Systems for Wolkite University
Project Team Members
No Participant Student Sex Department Year(Batch)
. Name
1 Balemlay Beyene Female Information Systems 4th year in 2012 E.C
2 Asmelash Shekle Male Computer Science 4th year in 2012 E.C
3 Jemal Hussien Male Information Systems 4th year in 2012 E.C
4 Haney Asrat Male Software Engineering 3rd year in 2012 E.C
5 Abenezer Fikadu Male Computer Science 3rd year in 2012 E.C

Submitted to:-
Computing and Informatics College Research, Community
Service and University Industry Linkage coordinator office

Advisor: - Hailemichael Kefe

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Technology is spreading its wing in almost every walks of human life activities. Now a day it is
better if every activity is done using new technology in order to fulfill the need of human being,
Organization, Enterprise etc. As today’s world there are many organizations and each
organizations needs to be preferable, computable and work on fastest way in order to satisfy
users interest etc. i.e. they should have facilitate their activities in computerized way. Many
developing countries are in a good position to exploit the opportunity of technology revolution
and advance human development. The information and communication technology provide new
resource materials for expanding communication.
Developing the system using technology has a tremendous effect for organizations and offices'
which is in our case Wolkite university web based dormitory management system, currently, the
system is manual based' due to this the students, proctors and other concerned higher offices face
some problems because of this, we are initiating to develop our project on dormitory system in
order to minimize the problem by using computerized system.

a.1. Background of the Organization

Wolkite University is one of the third generation universities in the country. As higher education
institution besides of teaching learning participating on research, projects and community
services on the major identified prioritize problem areas are the concern of universities. The
University gives educational services for regular students as well as extension programs for the
people who live in Wolkite town, neighboring cities and other parts of the country. The
University is also works to become research institute for different areas of field of studies. In the
University there are different management activities that are performed. Among those
management activities Wolkite University Students’ Dormitory Management is one of the
major management activities which are performed to arrange and allocate dorms for students. In
this process there is a potential problem associated with the Dormitory Management. So the team
initiated this project to identify and analyze those problems and to put possible remedies

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a.2. Statement of the problem
During the arrangement of students for the allocation, list of students is received from student
dean and students are classified based on their sex, level of education, department and health
status .During this process some male students are assigned dorm with female students and some
female students also assigned with male students. This is a great problem facing each year, and
leads to unnecessary rework. The other problem is all the records associated with the overall
management process are stored manually on papers and stored in a file cabinet. This makes,
managing and manipulation of this data time consuming and has a significant impact on the
Dormitory Management System. The other problem associated with the current manual
dormitory system is listed as follows:
 Manual processing of management activities like: -arranging buildings information for
the allocation, assigning proctors for buildings and rearranging students and dorms. Since
the total number of students and dormitories available in the campus is very large,
managing this huge number manually is very tedious and is disposed to many problems.
 All the necessary records of the above management activities are kept manually on
papers and stored in file cabinet.
 Due to manual processing, error occur which lead to unnecessary rework.
 Since all the dormitory management activities like assigning proctors, managing dorms
and assign students for each dorm performs manually, it takes much time.
 Duplication of data occurs when data is processed manually.
 There is the loss of data when storage place gets natural as well as manmade problems
(like firing).
 Since everything is done manually by individual worker, the number of employees is
high, this in turn makes the university to allocate high budget for employee’s salary.
 High budget for different resources (like copy machine ink, paper, pen etc...).

a.3. Objectives

a.3.1. General objectives

The main objective of this project is to develop a new Web Based Dormitory Management
System for WKU which solves the above mentioned problems.

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a.3.2. Specific objectives
 Identifying all problems of the current existing system system
 Collecting different recourses to identify all functionalities of the proposed system
 Analyzing the collected data through different techniques
 Designing of the proposed system based on the development requirement of the
university infrastructure.
 Implementation of the proposed system.
 Testing of the developed system through different techniques before delivery.

a.4. Functional and Non-functional requirement

a.4.1. Functional Requirements

The major functionalities of the proposed system are:
 Registration of valid students
 Registration of buildings and dorms
 Registration of proctors
 Assigning students on proper buildings and dorms based on sex, educational level,
department and health status.
 Properties management (properties registration, properties assignment for proctors and
students )
 Generating Statistical reports of student’s information
 Generating Statistical reports of building’s information
 Generating Statistical reports of proctor’s information
 Generating Statistical reports of properties’ information

a.4.2. Non _Functional Requirements

 Data integrity
 Extensive data validation and review will be performed both before data
are upload to the system and as part of upload process in back and front
 Documentation

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 In the process of interacting with this system the users and the users of
DMS can be easily access the software using the following
documentation types like help desk, users guide and other
documentations( SRS, system design and architecture )

 System security
 The system follow a role based security which means the access level
and privilege for each users are set by the system administrator.
 The system has authentication mechanism (username and password in
encrypted way).
 Physical security
 The server and the other devices in which DMS deployed should kept in a
secured and air conditioned rooms.
 Error handling
 When the users interact with the system errors may appear. In addition to
the operating system error handling mechanism we use exception handler
during implementation. To control these inaccuracies the system will
generate different messages.

a.5. Scope and limitation

a.5.1. Scope of the project

The office of dormitory has many duties. Hence dealing with automation of service it provides
doesn’t go with the short time that we have. So we limit ourselves to the following areas like
Student registration, proctors registration, dormitory registration, student placement (based on
sex, level of education, department and health status) and proctors placement.
Since WKU dormitory management performs its basic tasks manually the scope of this project
is to develop and implement a new web based dormitory management system which will avoid
the problems associated with the manual processing. The proposed system includes:
 Assign the dorm accordingly

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 Manage students and related information’s
 Enable students view their dormitory information easily and quickly
 Generate different report.
 Manage dormitory and related information.
 Manage properties information’s (table, chair, pillow and etc.).

a.5.2. Limitation of the project

 The proposed system does not include the following tasks like dormitory payment
management system (rent).
 It’s difficult to know students information and give clearance while they are
living the campus

a.6. Feasibility study

Feasibility study is essential to evaluate the cost and benefits of the new system. On the basis of
the feasibility study decision is taken on whether to proceed or to cancel the proposed project
Need for feasibility study:
 Determines the potential of the existing system.
 It used to determine finds out the problem of the existing system.
 To determine all goals of the new system.
 It finds all possible solutions of the problems of the existing system.

a.6.1. Operational Feasibility

The system to be developed will provide accurate, active, secured service and decreases labor of
workers .since DMS is web based application, it is plat form independent i.e. it runs in all
operating system and supports all browser.

a.6.2. Technical feasibility

The system will develop by using technologically system development tools (languages, frame
works) like php, java script, MySQL, c# and others. The group members or project holders are
enough capability to develop the the project is technically feasible.

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a.6.3. Economic feasibility
DMS is a computerize system which will reduce paper costs, proctors payment cost and time
consuming during students allocation for each dorm. Generally the system that we will develop,
DMS can bring a number of tangible and intangible benefits.
 Tangible benefits
I. Cost reduction
II. Error reduction
III. Increase speed of activities and minimize workload

Cost reduction
To calculate the following things should be consider:
Number of total proctors in Wku=60
Average payment per month =1250
Total number of money require for payment per year =75,000
Number of proctors require after the DMS deploy=45*1250=56250
Average salary of each of them per month =75000-56250=18750
Total number of money require for payment per year =18750*12=225000
Then calculate the difference between before and after deployment
Error reduction
Since DMS is computerize system every data which we will use as input must pass through a
certain criteria mean we will use different validation technique during system development.

 Intangible benefit
I. Reduce resource consumptions
II. increase security
III. increase management flexibility

a.6.4. Political feasibility

The system we will develop is not conflict with any government directives, because it gives
services for the WKU students, proctors and higher officials effectively and efficiently, all the
stakeholders also will agree before the system developed. So the government is profitable and
the system will be politically feasible.

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a.7. Significance of the project
The proposed system has the following significances
 Increased accessibility to resources without geographic location or organizational
 People can gain access to the information at any time as far as network is
 Information resources can be searched easily (like student placement).
 Improve the data sharing (uploading and downloading) from one sub-system to
another sub-system.
 The authorized access to information resources files of the system is more
advanced. This means secured login to the system will be developed.
 Resources and time saving in system operation and service provision is one of the
major benefits.
 To manage the students, building and properties information in organized way.

 Providing a well-organized and guaranteed record keeping system with minimum

space and effort need.

 To enable the university to get acceptance in the outside community.

 Developing students effective communication with the university
a.8. Beneficiary of the project

a.8.1. Wolkite University’s Dormitory Office

Our system has a great deal on the issues concerned with dormitory management by providing
necessary information, easing the work and the working environment. The dormitory office gets
different functionality from the system like:
 Manages student’s data easily and efficiently.
 Gives student placement activity on time.
 Controls the students, proctors and dormitory information’s easily.
 Minimize the work load of proctors during student placement
 Proctors and other administrative officials can access dormitory and related
information easily.

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 The university gets better audience
 Avoids paper related tasks on dormitory office.
 Reduce complexity

a.8.2. Wolkite university students

 It minimizes the work load for students and their family because the student can
observe at which block and dorm number is assigned before he/she comes in to
the campus.
 This project used as reference or guideline for students when they develop
 It encourages other computing students to develop another system for the
university and country

a.8.3. Group beneficiaries

 The project has initiated our team to get knowledge of how to develop the
required software system application.
 While struggling with some difficulties, the team got a lot of experiences of
solving problems through the principles of software development.

a.9. Methodology
The data collection instruments will use to gather accurate information about the existing system
and the requirements for the new system. Interviews and questionnaires will administer to
stakeholders like students, proctors and dormitory management officer to collect user
requirements. Observation of the current existing system will take at the dormitory management
office in order to find out how the existing system functions, the problems encounter and how
they will solve by the new computerize system.
To get a precise data, the team member will use the following data collection techniques:
I. Interview: To get the basic information and background information about the
existing management system, the team members will interview the proctors and
some students about the services that have given to them, and the problems
associated with that environment.

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II. Direct observation: Even though interview is very important to gather information,
direct observation is simple and we will physically observe information that cannot
maintain from the interview or others and also it is important if they are unable to
communicate with others because of the difficulties they have to the professional
terms (language).
III. Questionnaire: Since proctors as well as higher officials of proctors have work
load they cannot able to answer or give information what we ask. So we will
prepare some sample questions to get precise information.

IV. Existing document: To get more information about the project we will use earlier
documents that help us to develop the project. During the analysis of documents,
we will give a special consideration to those documents which can bring more
features to the project.

a.9.1. System analysis and design

In the system analysis and design phase of a project we will use the object oriented approach that
examines requirements from the perspective of the class and objects found in the problem
domain. The reasons that we will use the object oriented approaches are:
 To simplify the design and implementation of complex program
 We can inherit properties of the class that are defined in the super class.
 We can reuse methods for avoiding redundancy.
 To make it easier for teams of designers and programmers to work in a single software
 The data and functions are encapsulated in the objects that help us for easily
debugging purpose.
 It will increase consistency among analysis, design and programming activities.
 It will improve communication among users, analysis, design and programming
 It enables us to comprehensively model a system before we develop it.
 Modification of the object implementation is easy because objects are loosely coupled.
 Understanding of the structure is easy because object oriented modeling represents real
world entities.

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 Direct manipulation of architectural components is possible because several object
oriented programming languages exist.

a.9.2. Development tools

 Modeling
 Enterprise Architect
 Draw max
 UML modeling tools

 Programing language
 Php
 Python
 C#

 Database Design
 Wamp server
 Xamp server
 Mysql

 Additional Tools
 Adobe Photoshop CS6
 Frameworks both back end and front end
 Testing tools
 Microsoft project management
 Other editing and designing tools

a.10. Testing procedure

Developing software is a complex process. No matter how hard we try to eliminate all faults
simply by going through the phases of requirements, analysis, design, specification, and
implementation, however through good practice we can make sure that the most series fault does

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not occur in the first place. In addition we need a separate testing phase, with the goal of
elimination all remaining faults before release. To simplify the testing process the project team
followed the different types of tests that break the testing process up into the distinct levels.
These types testing are unit testing integration testing and system testing.

a.10.1. Unit Testing

In this level of testing process, the DMS system developers test the different sub procedures,
functions and tested by applying the black and white box testing.
Sample Tests
 Check whether the return type of the functions is correct.
 Check how the sub procedures or functions are called correctly.
 Check if the correct output is produced for different inputs.
 Check the efficiency of the code with respect to the memory and CPU time.

a.10.2. Integration Testing

In this level of testing we have examined how the different procedures work together to achieve
the goal of the sub system.

a.10.3. System Testing

In this level of testing process we have examined how nicely the subsystems of the whole DMS
system work together to achieve the desired goal.

a.11. Assumptions
 We assume that Wolkite University has sufficient internet access.
 There is a practice and method of taking backup.
 Assume that the users know the basic computer skills and English language
 Assume that the hardware used to interact with the DMS will be a standard
keyboard, mouse, monitor, and a standard printer for tacking hard copy of the
reports generated as and when required.
 Assume that the users know how to start a program from the GUI, and can
interact with a user interface using standard keyboard, mouse, and monitor.

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a.12. Operating environment
 Hardware environment
Processing power
 64 bit operating system
 Intel(R) core™i3 CPU [email protected]
Memory & Secondary storage
 RAM: 4GB MB and above
 500GB Hard-disk: and swap space (if RAM is insufficient).
 CD-ROM drives,
 Network devices, etc.
 Software environment
Platform: since DMS is a web based system its platform independent(it
supports all platforms ) .

Web browser :It supports all browsers

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a.13. Project plan and budget

a.13.1. Project Plan

No Tasks Duration Start date End date

1 22 days 01/12/2011 22/12/2011
Requirement Elicitation

2 22 days 23/12/2011 15/01/2012

Requirement analysis

3 20 days 16/01/2012 05/02/2012

Proposed system design

4 60 days 06/02/2012 30/06/2012

Implementation of proposed system

5 15 days 01/07/2012 15/07/2012


4 15 days 16/07/2012 30/07/2012

User manual preparation

5 15 days 01/08/2012 15/08/2012

System technical training for users

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a.13.2. Project Budget

No Materials Unit Price per unit Total birr

1 Flash disk 5 (16 GB) 250*6 1250

Project developers and Advisor

No Number of participants Day Day per price Total birr

1 5 developers 169 5*169*50 42,250

2 1 advisor 60 1*60*171 10,260

Total =53,760 Birr

1. WANG X, XU W. Design and Implementation of Construction Material Rental Leasing
Information Management System Based on Web Service [J]. Computer and Information
Technology,2012, 3: 018.

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2. Manman PENG1, a, Xinni XIE2 , The Design of Dormitory Management System for
College Students Based on Android Platform
3. Adithya Mothe, Koushik Kumar Suragoni, Ramya Vakity,:Online Dormitory Reservation

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